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UNIT I: Introduction to Chemistry

SCIENCE is a systematized knowledge based on facts and principles taken or derived from hypothesis
and experimentation which help man understand the world around him.

Fields of Science
 Social Science deals with institutions or organizations functioning in a society; and of human
behaviors and relationships
 Politics
 Economics
 History

 Natural Science deals with the study of nature (measurable phenomena)

 Biological sciences – living things
o Zoology
o Botany
o Microbiology
 Physical sciences – nonliving things
o Physics
o Chemistry
o Geology
o Astronomy
o Meteorology

 Applied Science deals with the application of the theoretical sciences (social and natural sciences)
 Medicine
 Engineering
 Architecture

CHEMISTRY describes matter, its properties, the changes it undergoes, and the energy that accompany
those processes.

CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY deals with the application of the principles of chemistry for practical use.

History of Chemistry

 The earliest practical knowledge of chemistry was concerned with metallurgy, pottery and dyes.
These crafts were developed with considerable skill, but with no understanding of the principles
involved, as early as 3500 B.C in Egypt and Mesopotamia.

 Basic ideas of element and compound were first formulated by the Greek philosophers in 500 BC –
300 BC. Generally there were 4 elements (fire, air, water, earth) combined in varying
proportions to form all things.

 Aristotle’s definition of a simple body as ‘one into which other bodies can be decomposed and
which itself is not capable of being divided’ is close to the modern definition of element.

 Ancient Egyptian industrial arts and Greek philosophical speculations were fused into a new
science at the beginning of the Christian era in Alexandria.
This became the beginning of alchemy (medieval form of chemistry) which used occultism and
Interest of the period:
 transmutation of base metals into gold
 imitation of precious gems
 search for the elixir of life ( thought to grant immortality)

 Muslim conquest in 7th century A.D. diffused the remains of Hellenistic civilization to the
Arab world.
 The first chemical treatises to become well-known in Europe were Latin translations of Arabic
works; hence, it is often erroneously supposed that chemistry originated among the Arabs.

 Alchemy developed extensively during the middle Ages, cultivated largely by itinerant scholars
who wandered over Europe looking for patrons.

Evolution of Modern Chemistry

Scientist Contribution
Robert Boyle (1627-1691) He performed experiments under reduced pressure using an air
pump and discovered that volume and pressure are inversely
related in gases.

Robert Hooke (1635-1703) He gave the first rational explanation of combustion as

combination with air.

John Mayow (1641-1679) He postulated that the air needed in lighting a candle is the
same air needed by animals to survive.

Johann Joachim Becher (1635-1682) They introduced the phlogiston theory of combustion which held
George Ernst Stahl (1660-1734) that the substance phlogiston is contained in all combustible
bodies and escapes when the bodies burn.

Jan Baptist van Helmont (1589-1644) He was the first to describe carbon dioxide as “gas sylvestre”
given off by burning charcoal and this gas was the same as that
produced by fermenting grapes which sometimes renders the air
of caves unbreathable.

Joseph Black (1728-1799) He was the first person to isolate carbon dioxide in a perfectly
pure state using carbonates.

Joseph Priestly (1733-1804) He discovered the “dephogisticated air” by heating a

nonmetallic red power (mercuric oxide) in a jar inverted in a
bowl of mercury. Antoine Lavoisier named the dephogisticated
air as oxygen.

Henry Cavendish (1731-1810) He isolated a very light, highly flammable gas by reacting metals
with acids; when this gas is burned, pure water was produced.
Antoine Lavoisier named the gas hydrogen.

Branches of Chemistry

Branch Description
Inorganic Chemistry It is the study of almost all the elements and their compounds except
carbon and its compounds. Some simple carbon compounds are traditionally
classified as inorganic since they are derived from mineral sources.

Organic Chemistry It is the study of carbon and its compounds, considering at least carbon-
carbon or carbon-hydrogen chain except urea.

Analytic Chemistry It is the identification of the composition, both quantitative (how much is
present) and qualitative (what is present) of a substance.

Biochemistry It is the study of the composition and processes that occur in living

Physical Chemistry It is the study of theories, principles and laws that govern the structure
and changes in matter.

Environmental Chemistry It is the study of the composition, nature and concentration of pollutants
and other substances affecting the environment.

Nuclear Chemistry It is the study of atomic nucleus, its reactions and the products of such

Industrial Chemistry It is the study of the physical and chemical processes applied in the
manufacture of substances

The Scientific Method is a systematic approach in problem solving.
 stating the problem
 clear statement
 manageable scope
 gathering information on the problem
 observation or research
 formulation of hypothesis
 proposed solution to a problem
 tentative answer-models
 performing the experiment
 variable – factor that is being tested (experimental set-up)
 recording and analyzing data
 data – recorded observations and measurements
 data table – is a chart that organizes information in rows and columns
 graph – is data shown in the form of a picture
 stating a conclusion
 conclusion – final answer to the problem
 theory – logical explanation of events that occur in nature supported by results obtained from
repeated experiments where further experiments, new phenomena could be discovered
 law – statement that summarizes the results of observations and experiments; a precise
statement which describes a mode of behavior or pattern of action about a large number of
related facts

Scientific Attitudes
1. curiosity
2. determination
3. open-mindedness
4. acceptance of failure
5. objectivity
6. humility
7. skepticism
8. patience

Importance of Chemistry
1. In the field of _____, it enables scientists to investigate and discover the properties of raw
materials in the purpose of processing them into new products as well as improve existing ones.
2. In agriculture, chemistry is used in soil analysis and in the manufacture of fertilizers and
insecticides increasing production.
3. In medicine, chemistry is employed to discover new minerals and vitamins to improve health and to
understand human ailments and to invent drugs to cure diseases.
4. In industry, chemistry makes possible the manufacture of new and better economic goods, the
invention of better appliances and the development of new technologies for processing goods for
our consumption

Concerns of Chemistry
1. worldwide food shortage
2. development of pharmaceutical chemicals
3. dwindling natural resources and pollution


Measurement is a process of comparing a thing with a standard. It is very important in giving more
precise quantitative and qualitative description of an object.

Methods of measurements
 Direct measurement
 Measuring things with the use of an instrument
 Indirect measurement
 Measuring things using mathematical calculation

Kinds of measurable quantities

 Fundamental quantities
 Measured by direct method
 Derived quantities
 Formulated based on the fundamental quantities

Fundamental units of the international system

Measurement Unit Symbol

Length Meter m
Mass Kilogram kg
Time Second s
Thermodynamic Kelvin K
Electric current Ampere A
Amount of substance Mole mol
Luminary intensity Candela cd


AREA Multiply two lengths m x m = m2

VOLUME Multiply 3 lengths together cm x cm x cm = cm3
DENSITY Mass per unit volume (D= M/V) ρ = kg/cm3 = kg/cm3

System of measurement
 Metric system/SI/international system of units
MKS – meter-kilogram-second
CGS – centimeter-gram-second
 English or British system
FPS system - foot-pound-second

The following are prefixes used to express bigger and smaller units:

Prefix Exponential
yotta Y 1024
zetta Z 1021
exa E 1018
peta P 1015
tera T 1012
giga G 109
mega M 106
kilo k 103
hecto h 102
deca da 101

deci d 10¯1
centi c 10¯2
milli m 10¯3
micro  10¯6
nano n 10¯9
pico p 10¯12
femto f 10¯15
atto a 10¯18
zepto z 10¯21
yocto y 10¯24

 They comprise all digits that are known with certainty plus the first digit that is uncertain. The
position of the decimal point is relevant.

Rules in counting significant figures

Rule Measurement Significant

Expression Figures

1. All nonzero digits are significant. 14567.3 6

34.128 5
3.986 4

2. All zeros between two nonzero digits are 34.0045 6

significant. 1.00006017 9
20037089 8

3. Zeros to the right of a nonzero digit, but to the 108,000000 3

left of an understood decimal point, are not 108,0000 _ 4
significant unless specifically indicated as 108,000000 9
significant by a bar placed above the rightmost,
such zero becomes significant.

4. All zeros to the right of a decimal point but to 0.000509 3

the left of a nonzero digit are not significant.* 0.02876 4
0.0000036 2

5. All zeros to the right of a decimal point and to 0.4087 4

the right of a nonzero digit are significant. 0.030670890 8
700.00000000 11

*The single zero conventionally placed to the left of a decimal point in such an expression is never
significant. It is just used to locate the decimal point.


 Addition and Subtraction

The answer must contain the same number of decimal places as the term with the least number of
significant figures.

a. 20.63 + 6.6 cm + 3. 786 cm = 31.016 cm ans. 31.0 cm
b. 387.876 L – 197.23L = 190.646 L ans. 190.65 L

 Multiplication and Division

The answer must contain the same number of significant figures as the term with the least number
of significant figures.

a. 9.25 m x 0.52 m x 11. 35m = 54.5935 m3 ans. 55 m3
b. 69.48 m by 3.62 s = 19.19337017 m/s ans. 19.2 m/s

 Method of writing or expressing very large or very small numbers into its exponential form.

Form: M x 10n
Where: M - number lower than one and not greater than ten
N - number of times the decimal point is moved. It can be
a positive or negative integer.


1. Determine M by moving the decimal point in the original number to the left or right so that
the only one nonzero digit is to the left of it.
2. Determine n by counting the number of places the decimal point has been moved.
If moved to the left, n is positive.
If moved to the right, n is negative.

Positional form Exponential form
Diameter of the earth = 1 300 000 000 ans. 1.3 x 109 cm
Diameter of a hydrogen atom = 0.000 000 01 cm ans. 1 x 10- 8 cm
Speed of light = 30 000 000 000 cm/s ans. 3 x 1010cm/s


1. If the figure to be dropped is five, or greater than five, increase by one the value of the last
figure to be retained.
a) 78.567 rounded off to the nearest hundredths place is 78.57
b) 123.345 rounded off to the nearest hundredths place is 123.35
c) 457.9679 rounded off to the nearest thousandths place is 457.968

2. If the figure to be dropped is less than five, the last figure to be retained should not be changed.
a) 5.052 rounded off to the nearest hundredths place is 5.05.
b) 136.324 rounded off to the nearest ones place is 136
c) 98230.478 rounded off to the nearest tens place is 98230

 A unit conversion factor is used to covert a quantity in one system of units to corresponding
quantity in another system of units.


1cm = 0.3937 in = 0.03281 ft 1 in = 2.54 cm = 0.0254 m

1m = 39.37 in 3.281 ft = 1.094 yd 1ft = 30.5 cm = 0.305 m

1 km = 3281 ft = 0.6214 mi 1 yd = 91.4 cm = 0.914 m

1cm3 = 0.0610 in3 0.0000 353 ft3 1 mi = 1609 m =1.609 km

1L = 1.06 qt = 0.265 gal = 0.0353 ft3 1 qt = 946 ml = 0.946 L

1g = 0.0353 oz = 0.00220 lb 1 oz = 28350 mg = 28.35 g

1kg = 2.20 lb = 0.00110 tn 1lb = 453.6 g = 0.4536 kg

1 metric tn (103kg)= 2200 lb = 1.10 tn 1 tn =907 kg = 0.907 metric tn


The experimental process is an essential part of chemistry, and reliable measurement

information is an essential part of the experimental process. Unfortunately, the measurement of any
physical quantity is subject to some uncertainty. Consequently, the complete expression of a measured
quantity must include the number value, the measurement unit used, and some indications of how reliable
the number is.
Contributions to the uncertainty in measurements of physical quantities accrue from limitations in
accuracy and limitations in precision inherent in all measurement process.


 Dependent on measuring device used and the skill of the person measuring.
PRECISION refers to the degree to which successive measurements agree with each other.
ACCURACY is how close or the nearness of a measurement to its accepted value.


% = Difference between the two values / true value x 100 %

NAME:_________________________________ SCORE:_________
COURSE YEAR & SCHED:________________ DATE:___________


1. Given the following data, solve for the required values.

Length Width Thickness Length Width Thickness
1 13.3 6.2 6.5 5.3 2.3 2.4
2 13.4 6.4 6.3 5.2 2.1 2.3
a) Area of the wooden block a)____________________
b) Experimental value b)____________________
c) Percentage error if the true value is 86.45 cm2 c)____________________
d) Volume of the wooden block d)____________________
e) Experimental value e)____________________
f) Percentage error if the true value is 538.39 cm3 f)____________________

2. Group the class into dyads and present a figure for each group to measure.
What is the distance between points A and B following the arrow?

Any measuring device or material found inside the classroom.

1. Discuss within your group the possible ways of solving the problem.
2. Write down your proposed procedure.
3. Perform the activity and record the data gathered.
4. Show the procedure you followed to your instructor.
5. Fill in the table with appropriate data and do the necessary conversion of units stated below.

Table 1
Name of Student Measurement

Table 2
Distance Mm cm m km
A to B
Note: Score will be based on percentage error.

NAME:__________________________________________ SCORE:_________
COURSE YEAR AND SCHED.______________________ DATE: _________


1. Express each measurement to three significant figures in scientific notation.

a) 8,567, 800,000,000 km
b) 45.4236 g
c) 0.0056231 L/mole
d) 0.00000000000428 m/s
e) 98.6700000 kg
f) 99.98000 g/cm

2. Express each measurement in positional notation or exponential form.

a) 2.35 x 105 g
b) 33 000 000 mg
c) 5.56 x 10 -8 mole
d) 670 000 000 000 cg
e) 100 000 000 cm3

3. Give the correct answer to the following using the rules in the operations with significant figures.

1. 286.05 m + 11.7 m + 3.66 m

2. 35.77 L - 4.6 L
3. 235 cm x 35 cm x 0.7cm
4. 98.568 sec / 35 sec / 13.4 sec
5. 395 km / 0.003 hr

4. A basketball player is undergoing therapy after a mild surgery from his right leg due to bone
translocation. During his exercise and physical examination, the following data were gathered. He stands 6
feet 3 inches tall. He weighs 194 pounds. He plays in a game for 35 minutes. He throws the ball with the
speed of 100 miles per hour during fast breaks and he gains a body temperature of 102 degrees
Fahrenheit during workout.

a) How tall is the patient in (1) meter (2) cm and (3) mm

b) How much does he weigh in (1) kg (2) g and (3) mg

c) How long does he play in seconds?

d) How fast does he throw in (1) km/hr (2) ft/sec (3) m/s

e) How hot is his body in (1) 0C (2) K

NAME:__________________________________________ SCORE:_________
COURSE YEAR AND SCHED.______________________ DATE: _________

Solve the following problems correctly. Show all solutions.

1. A patient has a body temperature of 1040F. What is his temperature in Celsius?

2. Which patient has a higher fever, one with a temperature of 102.2 0F or one with a temperature of

3. Normal urine density is 1.025g/ml. What is the weight of a 100ml sample of urine?

4. An order for a medication reads: Give 0.25ml/kg body weight. How much medication should be
given to a patient weighing 175 lbs?

5. For the following problems, refer to the given food label:

a. In each serving, what is the amount of

total fats in kilograms present?

b. Determine the amount, in grams of cholesterol.

c. How many μg of sodium is present?

6. Consider the following label on a vial of medication:


Pediatric Dosage

a. How much of the antibiotic should be administered per day to an infant who weighs 14.7 lbs?

b. If the medication is to be administered three times a day, how much medication should be
given per dose?

c. Compute for the total dosage in grams if the antibiotic is to be given for 7 days.

7. The doctor orders a 500 μg dose of a drug. Only 1mg tablet is on hand. How many would you give?

8. Consider the following medication order:

Name: Pascual, Piolo Room-Bed: 100-A
Height: 5’8”
Weight: 160lbs
Medication Order:
Meperidine IV q8h
Dosage Instruction: 50mg/m2

a. What is the patient’s height in inches?

b. What is the patient’s weight in kilograms?

c. What is the patient’s body surface area?

d. Compute the amount of the drug to be administered to the patient.

9. A patient has been prescribed 15 mg of Diazepam. The tablet is available only at 0.005g dose. How
many tablets should be given to the patient?

10. 800 ml of sodium chloride 0.9% (normal saline) is dripping into Mrs. Fernandez’ arm at 25
drops/min. The IV set delivers 20 drops/ml. How long will it take her to receive the infusion?

UNIT II: Matter and Energy

Matter is anything that occupies space and has mass.


Pure Substances Mixtures

Element Compound Homogeneous Heterogeneous

metal acid solution colloid

non-metal base suspension

metalloids salt


Pure substances which consist of one particular kind of atom are homogeneous materials with definite
chemical properties.

Element is a type of matter composed of atoms which all have exactly the same positive charge on their
nuclei. All atoms of an element have the same atomic number.

Classifications of elements:
Physical properties: Usually solid at room temperature
Ductile (can be drawn into sheets or wire without breaking)
Malleable (can be hammered, pounded or pressed into different shapes
without breaking)
Good conductor of heat and electricity
Show metallic luster when polish

Chemical properties: Combine with other metals to form an alloy

Ex: bronze (Cu and Sn) and brass (Cu & Zn)
React with non0metal to form ionic compound or salts
Ex: NaCl, CaF2, K2O
Lose electron forming positive ion (for base forming elements)
Ex: Al, Mg, Ca, K

Physical properties: Seldom have metallic luster
Tend to be colorless or brilliantly colored

Often gases at room temperature
Generally have low melting point and densities
Serve as poor conductor of heat and electricity
Are Brittle

Chemical properties: Combine with non-metals to form covalent compounds

Ex: CO2, H2O, CH4
Gain electrons forming a negative ion (for acid forming elements)
Ex: C, H, O, Br, S

Metalloids or Semi-metals
Properties: Have properties that lie between metals and non-metals
Often look like metal but are brittle like non-metal
Are neither conductor nor insulator but make excellent semi-conductor
Ex: B, Si, As, Ge

 Are Pure substances
 Are made up of atoms of two or more elements combined in fixed ratios
 Are chemically combined elements
 May be broken or decomposed into simpler substances

Classification of Compounds
Acid comes from the Latin word acidus which means ‘sharp’
 hydrogen compound whose hydrogen can be replaced by a metal
 the negative portion of the acid is a non-metal or an acid radical
 properties of acids:
o have sour taste
o turn blue litmus paper to red
o react with certain metals to produce hydrogen
o react with bases to produce salts and water
 classification of acids:
o monoprotic acid ex: HNO3, HCl, HBr
o diprotic acid ex: H2SO4, H2C2O4
o triprotic acid ex: H3PO4, H3AsO3

 hydroxides of metals
 alkalis – soluble bases
 compound which forms hydroxyl group (OH) as the only negative group in the solution
 proton acceptor
 OH-1 radical
 properties of bases:
o have bitter taste
o have soapy or slippery feeling

o turn red litmus paper to blue
o react with an acid to produce salt and water
o most metallic hydroxides are insoluble in water

 substance that consisst of a metal or a metallic radical
 combined with a non-metal or an acid radical
 an ionic compound consisting of a positive ion except hydrogen and a negative ion except hydroxide
or oxide ion

types of salts:
o normal salt
 contains only a metal or a metallic radical, combined with a non-metal or an acid radical
 is neutral to litmus paper
 ex: NaCl
o basic salt
 contains one or more OH radical
 reacts to litmus paper changing red to blue
 ex: Bi(OH)2 NO3
o acid salt
 compound in which a part of the hydrogen of the acid has been replaced by a metal
 reacts to litmus paper changing blue to red
 ex: NaHSO3
o double salt
 contains two metals combined with one radical
 ex: (NaAl(SO4))2 · 12 H2O

 compound which contains oxygen and only one other element
 kinds of oxides
 metallic oxide
 is a combination of a metal and oxygen
 considered as a basic anhydride
 base = water + basic anhydride
 ex: Na2O, CaO
Na2O + H2O NaOH
 non-metallic oxide
 the element other than oxygen is a non-metal
 also called acid anhydride
 acid = non-metallic oxide + water
 ex: CO2 + H2O H2CO3

 contains two or more substances that intermingle without being chemically combined
 has components that could be separated by either physical or chemical means

 has variable composition
 has constituents that retain their original identity since simple mixing has not changed their
physical and chemical properties
 types of mixtures:
o homogeneous mixture
 appears to be made up of only one phase to the naked eye
 ex: sugar solution, alloy, starch and flour
o heterogeneous mixture
 components are easily identified or distinguished
 ex: rice and corn, sugar and sand, oil and water
 ways in separating mixtures
o filtration
o evaporation
o decantation
o magnetism
o distillation
o centrifugation
o flotation
o chromatography

Extensive property
 changes when the size of the sample changes
 ex: mass, volume, length, total charge
Intensive property
 doesn’t change when some of the samples are taken away
 serves as clues in identifying unknown substances
 ex: temperature, color, hardness, taste, melting point, boiling point, pressure, molecular weight,
density, malleability, ductility

types of intensive property

Physical property
 physical appearance
o color, taste, odor, volume, mass
 physical changes
o boiling point, melting point, freezing point

Chemical property
 describes how a material reacts or fails to react with other materials
 reactivity
o ability of a substance to combine readily with other substance
 combustibility
o ability of a substance to combine with oxygen

 stability
o ability of a substance to resist change or inability to decompose under ordinary

 deliquescence
o ability of a substance to become wet when exposed to the air because it attracts and
absorbs moisture from air. (ex. NaCl, ZnCl 2)
 efflorescence
o ability of a substance to become very dry, crisp and powdery when exposed to air
because it loses its water of crystallization. (ex: washing soda)
 effervescence
o ability of a substance to form bubbles or foams as it gives off gas. (ex: hydrogen

 solids
 substances having definite volume and definite shape
 generally rigid materials and are in compact form
types of solids
crystalline substances
o have definite arrangement and the atoms have definite relative positions
o assume definite geometric shape or figure
o have definite melting points
o examples: table sugar, salt, diamonds
amorphous substances
o do not assume any definite form
o have no definite melting points
o are sometimes called “super cooled liquids
o examples: wax, paraffin, glass, plastic

 liquids
 are substances having definite volume but no definite shape
 assume the shape of their containers
 are practically incompressible

 gases
 are substances having no definite shape and no definite volume
 are compressible
 have low densities

 plasma
 is an ionized gas which may result from the breaking of an atom or molecule of a gas when
sufficient energy is supplied to it.
 contains free electrons and free positive ions, which are equal in number moving independently

Physical change
 rearranges molecules but doesn’t affect their internal structures

 affects the state and appearance of matter
 no new substance is formed
o boiling water
o dissolving sugar in water
o dicing potatoes
 processes
o evaporation – liquid to gas
o condensation – gas to liquid
o freezing – liquid to solid
o melting – solid to liquid
o sublimation – solid to gas

Chemical change
 results in the formation of a new chemical substance
o iron rusting (iron oxide forms)
o gasoline burning (water vapor and carbon dioxide form)
 processes
o oxidation – process where oxygen is added, producing an oxide
 2Na + O2 Na2O
o Reduction – process where oxygen is removed from the substance
 2HgO 2Hg + O2
o Neutralization – reaction of acid and base producing salt and water
 HCl + NaOH H2O + NaCl
o Hydrolysis – reaction of salt and water producing acid and base
 KCl + H2O HCl + KOH
o Fermentation – reaction caused by microorganisms producing alcohol and CO 2
 Used in beer industries
o Saponification – reaction between an alkali or base and fats and oils producing soap and

 Evidences of chemical change

o Taking and giving off energy
o Color/odor change
o Evolution of gas
o Formation of precipitate

Nuclear change
 is a change in the composition of nuclei of atoms
 is the fusion of hydrogen atoms to produce helium and energy

 every change in matter involves energy
 ability to do work.

Kinetic Energy Potential Energy
Energy possessed by a body in motion by virtue of Energy possessed by a body at rest on the basis of
its motion its position, condition or composition

Forms of Kinetic Energy: Forms of Potential Energy:

Electrical Energy is the movement of electrical Chemical Energy is energy stored in the bonds of
charges. It may operate electrical devices atoms and molecules. It is the energy that holds
these particles together.
Radiant Energy is electromagnetic energy that
travels in transverse waves. Radiant energy includes Nuclear Energy is energy stored in the nucleus of
visible light, x-rays, gamma rays and radio waves. an atom––the energy that holds the nucleus
Thermal Energy, or heat, is the internal energy in
substances––the vibration and movement of the Gravitational Energy is the energy of position or
atoms and molecules within substances. place.

Sound Energy is produced when a force causes an

object or substance to vibrate––the energy is
transferred through the substance in a wave.

1. Exothermic change
 energy is given off
 it involves heat flow from the system to the surroundings
 example: combustion

2. Endothermic change
 energy is absorbed
 it involves heat flow from the surroundings to the system
 example: decomposition of water


Law Proponent Theory
Law of Conservation of Matter Antoine Lavoisier Matter is neither created nor

destroyed in any chemical
Law of Conservation of Energy Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Energy is neither created nor
destroyed but can be
transformed from one form to
Law of Definite Proportion or Joseph Proust A pure compound is always made
Law of Constant Proportion up or consists of the same
element combined in the same
proportions by mass.
Law of Multiple Proportion John Dalton When two elements A and B form
one compound, the amount of A
that is combined in this compound
with a fixed amount of B stand in
small, whole-number ratio.


Some Gases and their Uses


1. carbon dioxide Used as a refrigerant

Insufflation gas for minimal invasive surgery to enlarge and
stabilize body cavities for better visibility of the surgical field
For cryotherapy
2. dry ice Used in preserving, freezing, and transporting food
Used to preserve and ship biological samples.
Used by cosmetic surgeons to freeze warts for easy removal.
3. krypton Used in lasers and photography
Used in coagulation of retina (krypton laser)
4. xenon Used in anesthetics
4. liquid helium Used in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
5. Argon Used as a semi-conductor
Used for treatment of benign eyelid tumor
6. Argon-nitrogen mixture Used in electric light bulbs
7. steam or gaseous water Used to power electric generators
8. ozone Used to protect man from too much exposure to the sun’s
ultraviolet rays
Manifests bactericidal, virucidal and fungicidal actions
Has the capacity to stimulate blood circulation and the immune

The Kinetic Molecular Theory of Gases

1. Particles of gases are constant, random, and straight-line motion.
2. Molecules of a gas are separated by great distances which makes the gas mostly empty space.
3. Molecules collide with one another and with the walls of their container.
4. Each molecule acts independently of all the others.
5. Individual molecules upon collision may or may not gain energy.

Atmospheric Pressure
 it is the force exerted by air upon a given volume of matter
 measured by a barometer (Evangelista Torricelli)
 measured by a manometer
 1 atmosphere (1 atm) = 101.3 kPa

14.7 lb/in2

76 cmHg

760 mmHg

760 torr

1.01325 bar

1013.25 mb

Standard Temperature and Pressure (STP)

 0 °C (273 K)
 1 atm

Physical Properties

 indefinite shape and volume
 gases exert pressure
 low density
 diffusion

Gas Laws
Boyle’s Law
 Relation of volume to pressure at constant temperature
 Robert Boyle
 “At constant temperature, the volume of a confined gas is inversely proportional to pressure”.
 P α 1/V P = k/V PV = k
 P1V1 = P2V2
a. If the volume of a gas is 8.0 L under a pressure of 4.2 atm, what would be its volume if the
pressure were increased to 7.4 atm?
i. Given: Required: V2
1. P1 =4.2 atm
2. V1 = 8.0 L
3. P2 = 7.4 atm
ii. Solution:
1. P1V1 = P2V2
P1V 1
2. V2 =
4.2 x8.0
3. V2 =  4.54 L
7. 4

b. A sample of oxygen occupies 18.5 L under a pressure of 800 torr. At what pressure would it
occupy 23.4 L if the temperature did not change?
c. A gas at 1 atm expands to a final volume of 6.45 L having a final pressure of 600 atm. What is
the initial volume of the gas?

Charles’ Law
 Relation of volume to temperature at constant pressure
 Jacques Alexandre Cesar Charles
 “The volume of a confined gas is directly proportional to temperature when pressure is held
 V α T V = kT V/T = k
V1 V 2
 =
T1 T2
a. A sample of nitrogen occupies 230 mL at 290 K. At what temperature in K would it occupy 340
mL if the pressure is held constant?
i. Given: Required: T2
1. T1 = 290 K
2. V1 = 230 mL
3. V2 = 340 mL
ii. Solution:

V1 V 2
1. =
T1 T2
T 1V 2
2. T2 =
290 x340
3. T2 =  428.70 L

b. A tank contains 600 L of oxygen at 34 °C. What will be the final volume if the temperature is
increased to 40 °C?
c. What is the initial volume of a 45 mL in an inflated balloon at 25 °C if the final temperature is
39.6 °C?

Combined Gas Laws

 Boyle’s Law and Charles’ Law
 “The volume occupied by a given amount of gas is proportional to the absolute temperature divided
by the pressure”.
 V α V =
P1V 1 P 2V 2
 
T1 T2
a. A sample of neon occupies 120 L at 34 °C under a pressure of 900 torr. What is its volume at
standard temperature and pressure (STP)?
iii. Given: Required: V2
1. T1 = 34 °C + 273 = 307 K
2. V1 = 120 L
3. P1 = 900 torr
4. T2 = 273 K
5. P2 = 760 torr

iv. Solution:
P1V 1 P 2V 2
1. 
T1 T2
P1V 1T 2
2. V2 =
P 2T 1
900 x120 x 273
3. V2 =  126.37 L
760 x307

b. What is the volume of methane at 273 K and 760 torr, if its original volume at 300 K and 769
torrs is 40 cc?

Gay Lussac’s Law of Combining Volumes

 Joseph Louis Gay Lussac

 “Gases combine in simple and definite proportions by volumes or gases react with one another in
volume ratios of small whole numbers”
o 2 H2 + O2 2 H2 O
2L 1L 2L

Avogadro’s Law
 Amadeo Avogrado
 “At the same temperature and pressure, equal volumes of all gases contain the same number of
 1 mol gas = 22.4 L at STP
 V α n V = kn V/n = k
V1 V 2
 
n1 n2

Dalton’s Law of Partial Pressures

 John Dalton
 “The total pressure exerted by a mixture of ideal gases is the sum of the partial pressures of
those gases”.
 Ptotal = PA + PB + PC + …..

The Ideal Gas Law

 Boyle’s Law, Charles’ Law and Avogadro’s Law
 PV = nRT
L atm
 R (universal gas constant) = 0.082057
mol K

a. What pressure in atm is exerted by 7.8 mol of Xe in a 1.2 L flask at 287 K?
v. Given: Required: P
1. n = 7.8 mol
2. V = 1.2 L
3. T = 287 K
L atm
4. R = 0.082057
mol K

vi. Solution:
1. PV = nRT
2. P =
7.8 x 0.082057 x 287
3. P =  153.08 atm
1. 2
b. What is the volume of a gas balloon filled with 3 moles of He when the atmospheric pressure
is 790 torr and the temperature is 30 °C?
c. Nitric acid, a very important industrial chemical, is made by dissolving the gas nitrogen dioxide
NO2 in water. Calculate the number of moles needed at 2 atm and 340 K.
Graham’s Law of Diffusion
 The rates of effusion or diffusion of two different gases are inversely proportional to the square
roots of their molar masses

 Diffusion is the movement of a fluid from an area of higher concentration to an area of
lower concentration.
 Effusion is the escape of gas in its container
RgasA MgasB
 =
RgasB MgasA
Where: R is the rate of diffusion of effusion of gas A or B
M is the molar mass of either gas A or gas B

 The rates of diffusion of two gases is inversely proportional to the square roots of their densities
RgasA DgasB
 =
RgasB DgasA
Where: R is the rate of diffusion of effusion of gas A or B
D is the density of either gas A or gas B

Complete the relative rates of H2 and CO2 through a fine pinhole.
Molecular weight of H2 = 2 amu
Molecular weight of CO2 = 44 amu

RgasA MgasB RH 2 MCO 2 RH 2 44

= = =
RgasB MgasA RCO 2 MH 2 RCO 2 22
RH2 = 4.69 times the rate of RCO2

NAME:__________________________________________ SCORE:_________
COURSE YEAR AND SCHED.______________________ DATE: _________


MATCHING TYPE Match Column I with Column II. Shade the circle that best corresponds to your
answer (one per number). Erasures and superimpositions will invalidate correct

A B C D E Column I Column II
O O O O O 1. Ag A. colloid
O O O O O 2. aluminum B. compound
O O O O O 3. baking soda C. element
O O O O O 4. distilled water D. solution
O O O O O 5. ice cream E. suspension
O O O O O 6. jelly
O O O O O 7. mineral water
O O O O O 8. peanut butter
O O O O O 9. styrofoam
O O O O O 10. table sugar

A B C Column I Column II
O O O 11. burning of a candle A. nuclear change
O O O 12. condensation of water vapor B. physical change
O O O 13. radioactive decay of uranium C. chemical change
O O O 14. cutting of diamonds
O O O 15. fireworks (pyrotechnics)

A B C D Column I Column II
O O O O 16. electronegativity A. chemical property
O O O O 17. flammability B. both
O O O O 18. temperature C. physical property
O O O O 19. volume D. neither A nor C
O O O O 20. acidity

A B C D E Column I Column II
O O O O O 21. thermal equilibrium A. Law of Conservation of Mass
O O O O O 22. conservation of energy B. Second Law of Thermodynamics
O O O O O 23. zero heat, maximum entropy (disorder) C. E = mc2
O O O O O 24. matter can’t be created D. Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics
O O O O O 25. mass is converted to an amount of energy E. First Law of Thermodynamics

A B C D E Column I Column II
O O O O O 26. bird sitting on a tree branch A. kinetic to electrical energy
O O O O O 27. battery B. potential energy
O O O O O 28. mp3 file playing C. mechanical to thermal energy
O O O O O 29. nuclear explosion D. electrical to sound energy
O O O O O 30. friction in a roller coaster E. kinetic to radiant energy

PROBLEM SOLVING Show all derivations and solutions in detail for full credit of points.
Enclose/Emphasize all final answers at the end of every solution. Round off
final answers to 2 SD.
___________________1. A sample of a gas occupies 360 ml under a pressure of 0.75 atm. If the
volume is decreased to 56 ml, what is the final pressure, the temperature
remaining constant?

___________________2. A sample of a gas has a volume of 79.5 ml at -45 °C at 1 atm. What
volume will the sample occupy at -25 °C at 1 atm?

___________________3. A 20-liter container is filled with a gas to a pressure of 10 atm at 0°C. At

what temperature (in °C) will the pressure in the container be 2.5 atm?

___________________4. P1 = 3.48 atm, V1 = 1.68 L, T1 = 994.2 K, P2 = 4,142 torr, V2 = 6,060 mL, T2

= ____ in °C

Solve for the unknown values in the table below:

2.00 atm 1.5 mol

456 torr _____mol
3382 mm Hg 50.00 ml 0.0105 mol _____°K
_____Pa 2.6 mol

NAME:__________________________________________ SCORE:_________
COURSE YEAR AND SCHED.______________________ DATE: _________


1. Use the general gas law to find the volume of air exhaled under the following conditions:
P1 = 98 kPa P2 = 105 kPa
T1 = 25 C
T2 = 350C
V1 = 500 ml V2 = ?

Focus Questions:
1. Define ventilation. Explain how air moves in and out of the lungs, using the concept of

2. What is meant by negative pressure in the lungs? How does intrapleural pressure prevent the
lungs from collapsing?

3. What is diffusion? Use your definition to account for the movement of gases to and from the
blood through the walls of the alveoli and capillaries? What factors will affect this process?

4. Why is the presence of a surfactant in the fluids of the alveoli important?

5. Explain the process by which oxygen is transported in the blood and released to the cells in
the body?

UNIT III: Atomic Structure

 comes from the Greek word “atomos” which means “uncut” or “indivisible”

Atomic Theory
Scientists Contribution
Democritus He proposed that ‘matter is made up of tiny, indivisible atoms’.
Aristotle He did not accept the theory of Democritus.
He proposed the 4-element theory making up matter.
Daniel Bernoulli He attempted to explain the behavior of matter quantitatively;
John Dalton Dalton’s Atomic Theory may be summed up as follows:
 An element is composed of extremely small, indivisible particles called atoms.
 All atoms of a given element have identical properties that differ from those
of other elements.
 Atoms cannot be created, destroyed, or transformed into atoms of another
 Compounds are formed when atoms of different elements combine with one
another in small whole-number ratios.
 The relative numbers and kinds of atoms are constant in a given compound.

Atomic Models:

Dalton’s Model Thomson’s Model Lord Kelvin’s Model

1808 1890 1900

Rutherford’s Model Electron Cloud Model Bohr’s Model

1911 1913

Men who contributed in the Development of Modern Atomic Concept

Scientists Contribution
Joseph Jon Thomson He discovered the electron using the cathode ray tube.

He named his atomic model as ‘raisin or plum pudding model’.
Wilhelm Konrad Roentgen He discovered the x-rays (penetrating rays without mass or charge)
using the cathode ray tube.
Robert Millikan He discovered the charge of an electron which is 1.60 x 10 -19 coulomb
using x-rays.
Eugen Goldstein He discovered the protons using the canal ray tube.
Sir James Chadwick He studied the alpha particles in beryllium, which lead to the discovery
of neutron.
Henri Becquerel He pioneered the study on radioactive rays together with Marie
Sklodowska Curie and Pierre Curie.
Ernest Rutherford He perceived the atom as a miniature solar system.
He used the alpha scattering apparatus leading to the discovery of the
 alpha (α)
o +2, stopped by a thin sheet of paper, injure normal cells in
the body
 Beta (β)
o -1, stopped by a 1 cm thick of aluminum foil, harmful to the
 Gamma (γ)
o No charge, stopped by lead, cause mutations

Max Planck He described the radiant energy as consisting of quanta.

Neils Bohr He developed a theory that an electron in the atom gains or loses
energy by absorbing or emitting energy in orbits.
Henry Moseley He noted that the number of positive charges increases from atom to
atom by single electronic unit.
Sommerfield He introduced sub-levels and assuming electrons travel in an elliptical as
well as circular orbits.
Louis de Broglie He extended the particle-wave duality concept that matter must be
both as particle and a wave (matter waves).
Erwin Schrödinger He developed the equation that relates the wavelength of an electron to
its energy, which described the probability that an electron will be at a
certain point in space

Weiner Heisenberg He stated that it is impossible to pinpoint or to determine accurately

both the momentum and the position of the electron simultaneously.
(referred to as the Uncertainty principle)
Plucker He experimented the cathode by a steam of high speed of electron.

Modern Atomic Theory

 The modern atomic theory involves the small nucleus and the three elementary particles called
the protons, electrons, and neutrons.
 The nucleus contains the protons and the neutrons surrounded by an electron cloud.

Atomic particle Electrical charge (C) relative mass (amu) actual mass (g)
Electron -1 1/1837 9.110 x 10-29
(- 1.602 x 10-19)
Proton +1 1 1.673 x 10-24
(+ 1.602 x 10-19)
Neutron 0 1 1.675 x 10-24

A Mass Number (A) - “massenzahl”

X symbol of element (X)
Atomic Number (Z) – “atomzahl”
A = p + n e = p = Z

Element A Z p e n
A 15 8
B 6 18
C 42 24

 Name of the protons and neutrons inside the nucleus


 Electrically charged atoms (positive and negative ions)

 Atoms having different atomic weights or mass but of the same atomic number
 Frederick Soddy

Element Symbol Mass (amu) Percent Average atomic

abundance mass
Hydrogen 1

1 H 1.0078 99.985
2.0141 0.015 1.0079
1 H

1 H
3.0160 negligible

Carbon 12

6 C 12.00 98.89
13 12.011
6 C 13.003 1.11

Oxygen 16

8 O 15.995 99.759
17 15.999
8O 16.995 0.037

Chlorine 35

17 Cl 34.969 75.77
37 35.453
17 Cl 36.966 24.23

Separation of Isotopes
 Centrifuge
 Thermal diffusion
 Electrolysis
 Fractional distillation

 Are artificial radioactive isotopes
 Discovered by Irene and Frederic Joliot Curie
 Are prepared by the bombardment of naturally occurring atoms

Radioisotopes Uses
1. Iodine – 131 Diagnostic testing of thyroid gland functions
Iodine – 123
2. Strontium – 90 Treatment of small lesions
3. Cobalt – 59 Radiation therapy of most tumors/cancerous cells
Cobalt - 60 Studying defects in vitamin B12 absorption
4. Thallium – 201 Myocardial imaging
Detection and prognosis of coronary artery disease
5. Chromium - 151 Determining the flow of blood through the heart
Important in the diagnoses of anemia
6. Boron - 10 Detection of malignant tumor cells in the brain
7. Fluorine – 18 Cardiac and brain imaging
8. Strontium-89 Relief of cancer-induced bone pain
Samarium 153
9. Phosphorus - 32 Controlling the excess Polycythemia vera, an excess of red blood
cells is produced in the bone marrow
10. Technetium - 99 Imaging the skeleton and heart muscle in particular, but also for
brain, thyroid, lungs (perfusion and ventilation), liver, spleen,
kidney (structure and filtration rate), gall bladder, bone marrow,
salivary and lacrimal glands, heart blood pool, infection and
numerous specialized medical studies
11. Bismuth - 213 Targeted alpha therapy (TAT), especially cancers
12. Copper – 64 Studying genetic diseases affecting copper metabolism, such as
Wilson's and Menke's diseases
13. Dysprosium - 165 Aggregated hydroxide for synovectomy treatment of arthritis
14. Holmium - 166 Diagnosis and treatment of liver tumors
15. Iron - 59 Studying of iron metabolism in the spleen
16. Selenium – 75 Inn the form of seleno-methionine for studying the production of
digestive enzymes
17. Sodium – 24 Studying of electrolytes within the body
18. Xenon – 133 Pulmonary (lung) ventilation studies
19. Ytterbium – 169 Cerebrospinal fluid studies in the brain
20. Yttrium – 90 Cancer brachytherapy and as silicate colloid for the relieving the
pain of arthritis in larger synovial joints
Source: James R. Fromm (;;
Radioisotopes in Medicine. World Nuclear Association (

Quantum Theory
 Study of the discrete nature of phenomena at the atomic and subatomic levels
 Quanta – indivisible units of energy

Plank’s Theory
 Max Plank (German)
 Explained why spectra of radiation changes with the temperature
 Photon – a quantum or packet of electromagnetic radiation
o Photoelectric effect – Einstein
o Compton effect – Arthur Compton

Dualistic Nature of Light

 Louis de Broglie (French)
 Light is both a wave and a particle
 Matter waves – matter behaves like a wave and that light waves behave like particles of matter

The Uncertainty Principle

 Werner Heisenberg
 The actual position and velocity of the particle cannot both be determined at the same time

The Present Day Atom

 Erwin Schrödinger
 Mathematic theory of wave mechanics
 Wave function or orbitals
 Electron cloud

Energy level
 Energy shell
 Corresponds to the period of an element in the periodic table
 A group of atomic orbitals that have the same value for (n), the principal quantum number

 A division of an electron shell
 An electron shell may hold two or more orbitals
1. s (sharp)
 spherical shape
 1 orbital (2 electrons)
2. p (principal)
 dumbbell shaped
 px, py, pz (3 orbitals) (6 electrons)
3. d (diffuse)
 four-leaf clover, an hour glass and a ring
 5 orbitals (10 electrons)
4. f (fundamental)
 complex shapes
 7 orbitals (14 electrons)

Valence electron
 Electron found in the outermost shell in the ground state

Valence shell

 The outermost energy level

 A region around the nucleus of an atom where an electron with a given energy is likely to be found

Principal Energy Sublevels Orbitals Max Electrons

n=1 1s 1 2
n=2 2s, 2p 8 8
n=3 3s, 3p, 3d 27 18
n=4 4s, 4p, 4d, 4f 64 32

Quantum Numbers
1. principal quantum number (n)
o refers to the main energy levels
o K, L, M, N, O, P, Q

2. azimuthal quantum number (l)

o describes the way the electron moves around the nucleus
o describes the orbital shape
o s, l = 0; p, l = 1; d, l = 2; f, l = 3

3. magnetic quantum number (m)

o describes the possible orientation in space of the electrons in a magnetic field
o s, m = 0 (no effect on a magnetic field)
o p, m = -1, 0, +1 (for px, py, and pz)
o d, m = -2, -1, 0, +1, +2 (5 d orbitals)
o f, m = -3, -2, -1, 0, +1, +2, +3 (7 f orbitals)

4. spin quantum number (s)

o describes the way the electron spins or rotates on its own axis as it moves about the
o +1/2 spin (clockwise direction)
o -1/2 spin (counterclockwise direction)
 Parallel spins – both are cw or cc
 Opposite spins – one cw and the other cc
 Paramagnetism – property of a substance to be attracted by a magnet (unpaired
 Diamagnetic – repelled by a magnet (paired electrons)

1. 2p4
n = 2; l = 1; m = -1; s = +1/2
2. 3p3

n = 3; l = 1; m = +1; s = -1/2
3. 3d6
n = 3; l = 2; m = -2; s = +1/2

Electron Configuration
 Orderly distribution of electrons among the orbitals of an atom

Mnemonic Device


Ground State
 Lowest, most stable energy state of the atom

Aufbau Principle
 German word “aufbaue” – to build up
 Electrons are added one at a time to the lowest energy orbitals

Pauli Exclusion Principle

 No two electrons can occupy the same quantum state simultaneously in an atom
o An orbital can hold a maximum of 2 electrons
o The electrons can occupy the same orbital if they spin in opposite direction
 clockwise (upward arrow)
 counterclockwise (downward arrow)

Hund’s Rule
 When electrons occupy orbitals of equal energy, one electron enters each orbital until all the
orbitals contain one electron with parallel spins
 Second electrons then add to each orbital pairing the spins of the first electrons

Name: _________________________ Date: __________________

Schedule: ______________________ Rating: _________________
Activity 3.1
Given the atomic number of the following elements:

A. Write the orbital diagram of the outermost configuration.
B. Write the electronic configuration.
C. Determine the family and period where the element is located.

1. A12
Orbital diagram: ____________________________________________________________

Electronic configuration: ______________________________________________________

Family: __________ Period: __________

2. B23
Orbital diagram: ____________________________________________________________

Electronic configuration: ______________________________________________________

Family: __________ Period: __________

3. C30
Orbital diagram: ____________________________________________________________

Electronic configuration: ______________________________________________________

Family: __________ Period: __________

3. C67
Orbital diagram: ____________________________________________________________

Electronic configuration: ______________________________________________________

Family: __________ Period: __________

3. C80
Orbital diagram: ____________________________________________________________

Electronic configuration: ______________________________________________________

Family: __________ Period: __________

Valence Electron
 Electrons in the outermost energy level
 Determines the chemical properties of elements

Lewis Dot Structure
 Gilbert Lewis
 Noble gas configuration
o Rule of Two or Duet Rule
o Octet Rule
 Consists of the element’s symbol surrounding dots to represent the number of valence electrons

Phosphorus Chlorine Arsenic

Chemical Bonds
1. Ionic Bond
 Transferring of electrons
 Metal donates the electron to a non-metal
 Metal + non-metal
 Properties of Ionic Compounds
o Are solid with high melting point ( › 400°C)
o Are soluble in polar solvents
o Conduct electricity when in aqueous solution or in molten state


2. Covalent Bond
 Sharing of electrons
 Non-metal + non-metal
o Single bond (H2O, CH4)
o Double bond (O2, CO2)
o Triple bond (N2)
 Properties of Covalent Compounds
o Are usually gas, liquid or solid with low melting points ( < 300°C)
o Mostly are soluble in non-polar solvents
a. Cl2 and H2

b. O2

c. N2

3. Metallic Bond
 Is the force of attraction that holds metals together
 Consists of the attraction of the free-floating valence electrons for the positively charged
metal ions
 Explains many physical properties of metals
o Metals are good conductors of electricity
o Metals are ductile
o Metals are malleable

4. Intermolecular Forces of Attraction

 Are the forces of attractions that exist between molecules in a compound

 Cause the compound to exist in solid, liquid, or gas; and affect the melting and boiling points of
compounds as well as the solubility of one substance in another
 Also called Van der Waals forces (Johannes van der Waals 1837-1923)

Types of Intermolecular Forces of Attraction

 Dispersion forces
 Weakest of all molecular interactions among non-polar molecules (H 2, Cl2)
 The more electrons that are present in the molecule, the stronger the dispersion
 Dipole to dipole interaction
 Occurs between polar molecules
 The partial positive charge on one molecule is electrostatically attracted to the partial
negative charge on a neighboring molecule
 Hydrogen bonds
 Are the strongest of the intermolecular forces
 Important in determining the properties of water and biological molecules like protein
 Occur between molecules from hydrogen being covalently bonded to either fluorine,
oxygen or nitrogen

Name: _________________________ Date: __________________

Schedule: ______________________ Rating: _________________

Activity 3.2

I. Fill-in the Blanks: Write the word or group of words on the blank to complete each
1. Atom comes from the ________________ word ‘atomos’ which means uncut or
2. Daniel Bernoulli attempted to explain the behavior of matter
3. _______________ is the study of the attraction of materials to charged
4. JJ Thomson discovered the electron using _______________.
5. Goldstein used the _______________ in discovering proton.
6. Cations are ______________ charged ions.
7. The element hydrogen has _____________ isotopes.
8. The Swedish chemist, _______________, used the first one or two letters of
the name of the element for its chemical symbol.
9. _______________ is the Latin word for mercury.
10. _______________ proposed the particle-wave nature of matter.

II. Fill-in the table with the correct information:

Element Mass Number Atomic Number P e n
1. B 12 7
2. L 9 12
3. Es 36 24
4. S 10 9
5. U 45 15

III. Provide the (a) electronic configuration of the following elements. Illustrate the (b) orbital
diagram of the outermost configuration and determine its (c) set of quantum numbers. (30

1. A6 a) ______________________________________________________________________
b) ______________________________________________________________________
c) n = _____ l = _____ m = _____ s = _____

2. B10 a) ______________________________________________________________________
b) ______________________________________________________________________
c) n = _____ l = _____ m = _____ s = _____

3. C17 a) ______________________________________________________________________
b) ______________________________________________________________________
c) n = _____ l = _____ m = _____ s = _____

Name: _________________________ Date: __________________
Schedule: ______________________ Rating: _________________
Activity 3.3

Illustrate the Lewis Dot and Structural Formulas (Cationic kernels are underlined). Then identify the
type (and subtype, if applicable) of the chemical bond. Minimize erasures.
Ca(OH)2 KCN carbon tetrachloride
FormulaLewis Dot

O2 water molecule nitrogen gas

FormulaStructural FormulaLewis Dot

chlorine gas oxygen gas CH4

FormulaLewis Dot

UNIT IV: The Periodic Table

Chemical Symbols
 Swedish chemist J.J. Berzellius (1779 – 1848) used the first one or two letters of the name
of the element
o C, H, O, N, S, I, Al, Br, Ca, Co, Si, Ti

 Derived from the name of the discoverer

o Lawrencium (Lr)
o Einsteinium (Es)
o Fermium (Fm)
o Mendelevium (Md)

 Name of gods
o Thorium (Th)
o Vanadium (V)

 From place of the founder

o Francium (Fr)
o Americium (Am)
o Californium (Cf)
o Europium (Eu)
o Gallium (Ga)
o Germanium (Ge)
o Polonium (Po)

 From Latin words

o Antimony Stibium Sb
o Copper Cuprum Cu
o Gold Aurum Au
o Iron Ferrum Fe
o Lead Plumbum Pb
o Mercury Hydrargyrum Hg
o Potassium Kalium K
o Silver Argentum Ag
o Sodium Natrium Na
o Tin Stannum Sn

Periodic Table
 table of the chemical elements arranged to show patterns of recurring chemical and physical
 one way of arranging known elements and provides a possible way of determining elements yet to
be discovered

Development of the Periodic Table

Scientists Contribution
Johannes Dobereiner He arranged the elements by ‘triad’ according to order of physical
Examples: Ca, Ba, Sr / Cl, I, Br / S, Te, Se / Fe, Co, Ni
John Newlands He arranged the elements by ‘law of octaves’ according to order of
increasing atomic weights.
Examples: H, F, Cl, Co&Ni, Br, Pd, I, Pt&Ir
Li, Na, K, Cu, Rb, Ag, Cs, Tl
Lothar Meyer He arranged the elements according to periodic trends.
 Melting points, boiling points, and chemical activities
Dmitri Mendeleev He arranged the elements in order of increasing atomic mass.

Henry Moseley He arranged the elements in order of atomic number giving rise to the
‘modern periodic table’.

Modern Periodic Table

 Periods – seven horizontal rows
 Groups or Families – eighteen vertical columns
o Representative elements – Group 1A through Group O
o Transition elements – Group B elements
o Lanthanides
o Actinides

Periodic Law
 The physical and chemical properties of the elements are periodic functions of their atomic number

Uses of the Periodic Table

1. The periodic table is a helpful tool used by scientists and students to find the structured sequence in
terms of physical and chemical properties which identify an element.
2. If a person knows the main properties of each of the groups in the periodic table and how chemical
properties vary within a group, he or she can predict the properties of any particular element with a
reasonable degree of confidence.

Name: _________________________ Date: __________________
Schedule: ______________________ Rating: _________________

Activity 4.1

Puzzle: Encircle the names of the element symbols in the puzzle.


1. Fr 6. Co 11. I 16. O
2. Hg 7. Ar 12. Ni 17. Os
3. W 8. Zn 13. B 18. Sn
4. Mg 9. Po 14. Ag 19. Y
5. C 10. K 15. As 20. U

Name: _________________________ Date: __________________

Schedule: ______________________ Rating: _________________

Activity 4.2

Case Study:

Mrs. Anne Curtis is in her late 50’s. On admission she had a weight of 175Kg. She has a

history of adult-onset diabetes mellitus. She is in hospital recovering from a septic ulcer on her

left foot. A glucose tolerance test administered on admission indicated a level of glucose in the

blood of over 150mg/mL indicating loss of insulin control. One reason for this seems to be her

poor attention to diet. On her chart are the following information, placed there for reference

by student nurses:

Clinical note for Anne Curtis: Nursing care for this patient would involve continuous

monitoring of such chemistry-related values of serum osmolality, electrolytes, glucose,

hemoglobin, hematocrit, and urine ketones. Also, there may be a need to administer prescribed

regular insulin when serum glucose falls within the range of 250-800mg/dL.

1. Explain how Anne Curtis’ dietary treatment is helping to deal with her diabetes and her
obesity. Be specific in your discussion, referring to insulin, glucose, and the organic
molecules in her diet.

2. Anne Curtis is ordered 36 units of ‘Actfast’ insulin each morning and 18units each night.
What are the two volumes you would give if the 10mL vial contains 100U/mL.

Periodic Trends

Property Description Trend

Atomic Radius Distance of the electron cloud from the nucleus Family – increases
Period - decreases
Ionization Energy Energy required to remove an electron from an Family – decreases
atom Period – increases

 Nuclear charge – the larger the nuclear charge,
the greater is the ionization energy
 Shielding effect – the greater the shielding
effect, the less is the ionization energy
 Atomic size – the bigger the atom, the lesser is
its ionization energy
 Sub-energy level – an electron from a full or
half full sublevel requires additional energy to
be removed

Electron Affinity Energy required to attract an additional electron Family – decreases

 Metals – low electron affinity Period – increases
 Non-metals – high electron affinity

Electronegativity Ability of an atom to attract a shared pair of Family – decreases

electrons in a chemical bond Period – increases

Ionic radius Distance between the nuclei of two like atoms Family – increases
after gaining or losing electrons Period - decreases

Metallicity Tendency of an element to lose electrons forming Family – increases

positive ion Period – decreases

Non-metallicity Tendency of an element to gain electrons forming Family – increases

negative ion Period - increases

The Beneficial and Harmful Elements to the Environment

Question: What elements are harmful to living organisms and how do they get into our environment?
Trace essential elements such as fluorine, copper, selenium, molybdenum, and others can be hazardous to
living organisms if present at high levels. Nonessential heavy metals such as arsenic, lead, mercury,
cadmium, chromium are usually toxic to organisms as much lower levels than trace essential elements.
Depending on the association that these nonessential elements may form with natural geologic materials
such as organic matter, other elements or minerals, and adsorbers (such as clays), these elements can
range from being safe to being extremely toxic.

What harmful elements are contained in auto exhaust gas?

Auto expel large amount of carbon monoxide, hydrocarbon, nitro-oxide, fine articles and sulfide, etc.
All these primary pollutants will form such secondary pollutants as actinological fume and acid
disposition, etc. Out of the pollutants, carbon monoxide can put people in a state of oxygen
deficiency, and result in chronicle intoxication with long time contact; hydrocarbon is the substance

incurring cancer; and nitro-oxide will do harm to respiratory system and immune system of human
body. Lead pollution will be brought about after petroleum-containing lead is burned and 85% of lead
are let out into air. In the past half century, amount of lead released into air after auto exhaustion
has reached millions of tons, which has become a pollution source globally. Lead will do harm to a lot
of human organs and systems such as deterioration of intelligence, kidney damnification, infertility
and high blood pressure. Lead pollution in air does the most harm to children. If amount of lead
increases in children, it can result in deterioration of intelligence, and impose negative impact on
growth of children, even bring about some diseases. According to some research, amount of lead in
blood increases by 10gramma per deciliter, and average IQ of children will decrease 2.5.
(Copyright 2007 Shanghai Municipal Government All Rights Reserved.)

UNIT V: Chemical Nomenclature of Inorganic Compounds and Chemical Equations

Chemical Nomenclature
Steps in writing formulas:
1. Write the symbol of the positive particle or cation first before the symbol of the negative
particle or anion.

Example: Na+ Al3+ O2- F-
2. Criss-cross the valence numbers, disregarding the sign, so that the charge of the cation becomes
the subscript of the anion and the charge of the anion becomes the subscript of the cation.
Example: Na+ + F- K- + O2-
Na1 F1 K2O1
a. If the subscript is 1, it is no longer written.
Example: NaF K2O
b. If the subscript of both cation and anion are the same, omit writing the subscripts.
Example: Mg2+ + S2-

c. Reduce the subscript to the simplest whole number ratio.

Example: W6+ + O2-
W2O6 ------- WO3
d. When the polyatomic ion needs a subscript, enclose it first with a parenthesis. If the
original polyatomic ion already contains a parenthesis, use a bracket.
Example: Al3+ + Cr2O72- B3+ + Fe(CN)64-
Al2(Cr2O7)3 B4[Fe(CN)6]3

Naming Chemical Formulas

Rules for naming inorganic compounds
1. Binary compounds containing a metal and a non-metal
 Give the name of the cation first followed by the anion
 Transition metals

a. Old/traditional system
i. FeBr2 – ferrous bromide
ii. FeBr3 – ferric bromide

b. Stock system
i. FeBr2 – iron (II) bromide
ii. FeBr3 – iron (III) bromide

Naming Ions Using the Stock System and Old System

Ion Stock System Old System
Fe 2+
Iron (II) Ferrous
Fe3+ Iron (III) Ferric
Cu+ Copper (I) Cuprous
Cu 2+
Copper (II) Cupric
Sn2+ Tin (II) Stannous

Sn4+ Tin (IV) Stannic
Pb2+ Lead (II) Plumbous
Pb4+ Lead (IV) Plumbic
Hg+ Mercury (!) Mercurous
Hg2+ Mercury (II) Mercuric
Au+ Gold (I) Aurous
Au2+ Gold (III) Auric

2. Binary compounds containing two non-metals

 Use prefixes to indicate the numbers of atoms present
 Mono is never used in the first element
o NO2 – nitrogen dioxide
o P2O5 – diphosphorus pentaoxide

3. Binary acids
 Non-oxygen acids
 Use the prefix hydro followed by the anion and the word acid added at the end
o HCl – hydrochloric acid
o H2S – hydrosulfuric acid

4. Ternary compounds
 Compounds containing more than two elements
 Give first the name of the cation followed by the anion
o K2SO4 – potassium sulfate
o NH4NO3 – ammonium nitrate

5. Ternary acids
 Oxyacids
 -ite (ous ending)
 -ate (ic ending)
o HNO2 – nitrous acid (hydrogen + nitrite)
o HNO3 – nitric acid (hydrogen + nitrate)
o HClO2 – chlorous acid (hydrogen + chlorite)
o HClO3 – chloric acid (hydrogen + chlorate)

Name: _________________________ Date: __________________

Schedule: ______________________ Rating: _________________

Activity 5.1

I. Name the following compounds. (10 pts)
Traditional System Stock System
1. CuBr ________________________ _____________________

2. CuCl2 ________________________ _____________________

3. PbSO4 ________________________ _____________________

4. Fe(NO3)3 ________________________ _____________________

5. HgO ________________________ _____________________

II. Write the formula of the following compounds. (10 pts)

1. calcium oxide _______________ 11. diphosphorus trioxide ______________

2. ammonium acetate _______________ 12. aluminum carbonate ______________

3. cesium iodide _______________ 13. lithium sulfide ______________

4. phosphoric acid _______________ 14. stannic nitrate ______________

5. hydrobromic acid _______________ 15. mercurous phosphate ______________

6. magnesium oxide _______________ 16. aurous oxide ______________

7. ammonium cyanide _______________ 17. boron carbonate ______________

8. cesium bromide _______________ 18. potassium sulfide ______________

9. sulfuric acid _______________ 19. stannous nitrate ______________

10. hydroiodic acid _______________ 20. mercuric phosphate ______________

Chemical Reactions
Symbols Meaning

Reversible reaction

Evolution of gas

Formation of precipitate

Δ Heat
(s) Solid state
(l) Liquid state
(aq) Aqueous solution
(+) Added to
(g) Gaseous state

Steps in writing a chemical equation

1. Formulate a word equation.
2. Make the skeleton equation.
3. Balance the equation.

Balancing Chemical Equations

1. Always check the equation by counting atoms on each side of the equation. For each element, the
number of atoms on the left has to be equal to the number of atoms on the right.
2. Start by putting a “1” in front of the most complex compound (the one containing the greatest
number and variety of atoms)
3. Balance elements that appear in multiple reactants or multiple products last. In combustion
equations, this means that the oxygen is always balanced last.
4. Whole number coefficients are preferred. But use fractions during the balancing process. The
equation can be scaled to remove them later.
5. Be certain that the total charge is the same on each side after you have mass-balanced equation.
6. Don’t touch the subscripts. Changing the subscripts in the formula results in an entirely different
chemical compound. Remember that the coefficients show how much compound is involved in the
reaction, while the subscripts show how much element is in the compound.
7. When you notice that the same polyatomic ions appear on both side of the equation, it’s much
easier to balance the equation as though the polyatomic ions were ‘atoms’.
8. A missing coefficient is understood to be a ‘1’
9. Write the equation so that the coefficients are the smallest set of integers possible. For
example, if all of the coefficients are divisible by 2, divide them all by 2.

Example: When silver oxide is heated, silver metal and oxygen gas are produced.
1. word equation: silver oxide  silver metal + oxygen gas
2. skeleton equation: Ag2O  Ag + O2
3. balanced equation: 2Ag2O  4Ag + O2

Types of Chemical Reactions

1. Combination or synthesis
a. Metal + non-metal  ionic compound
Mg + S  MgS
b. Non-metal + non-metal  covalent compound
C + 2H2  CH4
c. Non-metal + oxygen  non-metal oxide
C + O2  CO2

d. Metal oxide + water metal hydroxide (base)
K2O + H2O  2KOH
e. Non-metal oxide + water  oxyacid
SO2 + H2O  H2SO4
f. Metal oxide + non-metal oxide  salt
Na2O + SO3  Na2SO4

2. Decomposition reaction
a. Hydrates yield water and anhydrous salt
i. CuSO4 · 5H2O  CuSO4 + 5H2O
b. Chlorates when heated form metal chloride and oxygen gas
i. 2KClO3  KCl + H2O
c. Metal oxide when heated form the metal and oxygen gas
i. 2HgO  2Hg + O2
d. Carbonates when heated yield metal oxide and carbon dioxide
i. MgCO3  MgO + CO2
e. Bicarbonates when heated form metal oxide, water and carbon dioxide
i. 2NaHCO3  Na2O + 2CO2 + H2O
f. Electricity
i. 2H2O  2H2 + O2

3. Simple/single displacement
a. A + BC  AC + B
b. AB + C  AC + B

i. Mg + Zn (NO3)2 Mg(NO3)2 + Zn
ii. Mg + LiNO3 no reaction

4. Double displacement
a. AB + CD AD + CB
i. AgNO3 + HCl AgCl + HNO3

Activity Series of Elements



 redox reactions
 reactions that are concerned with the transfer of electrons between and among reactants
 oxidation – loss of electrons
 reduction – gain of electrons
 oxidizing agent – substance that is reduced during chemical reaction; it gains electrons
 reducing agent – substance that is oxidized during chemical reaction; it loses electrons

Oxidation Number

 The charge that atom would carry if the compound were composed of ions
1. The oxidation number of a free and uncombined element whether monoatomic or diatomic is zero.
Thus, the atoms O2, N2, Cl2 have an oxidation number of 0.
2. The oxidation number of elements belonging to group IA, IIA, and IIIA is the same as their
valence. Thus, Na in NaCl has an oxidation number of +1, the oxidation number of Ba in BaO is +2
and oxidation number of Al is AlCl 3 is +3.
3. The oxidation of hydrogen is +1 when it is combined with a non-metal. Hydrogen is therefore in
the +1 oxidation state in CH4, NH3, H2O, and HCl.
4. The oxidation number of hydrogen is -1 when it is combined with a metal. Hydrogen is therefore
in the -1 oxidation state in LiH, NaH, CaH2.
5. The oxidation number of oxygen is -2 when it is combined oxygen. Thus the oxidation number of
oxygen in H2O, NaNO3 is -2.
6. The oxidation number of oxygen in peroxide is -1. Peroxides have a general formula R 2O2 (for
group IA) and R1O2 (for group IIA). Thus in H2O2 and CaO2 the oxidation number of oxygen is -1.
7. The sum of the oxidation number in a neutral compound is zero and equals the overall charge for
an ionic species.

Balancing Oxidation-Reduction Equations

1. Oxidation State Method or Valence-Change Method
a. Write the correct formula for all the reactants and products in the equation.
HNO3 + H3AsO3    NO + H3AsO4 + H2O
b. Assign the oxidation numbers to the atoms in the equation.
H+N5+O32-  +  H3+ As3+O32-      N2+O2-  +  H3+As5+O42-  +  H2+O2-
c. Identify which atoms are reduced and oxidized.
As  +3 to +5    
N  +5 to +2     
d. Compute the total change in oxidation number both for the reduced and oxidized atom.
As Net Change = +2
N Net Change = −3
e. Make the number of electrons lost equal to the number of electrons gained by using
appreciation factors.
2HNO3 + 3H3AsO3    NO + H3AsO4 + H2O
f. Balance the rest of the equation by inspection.
2HNO3 + 3H3AsO3    2NO + 3H3AsO4 + H2O

Balance the following reactions:

1. Cu + HNO3    Cu(NO3)2 + NO + H2O
2. NO2 + H2      NH3 + H2O

2. Half-reaction Method or Ion-electron Method

Acidic Solutions:  Cr2O7 (aq)  +  HNO2(aq)      Cr (aq)  +  NO3 (aq)  
2− 3+ −

a. Write the skeleton equation of the oxidation and reduction half-reactions.

Cr2O7 2−        Cr3+
HNO2        NO3 −
b. Balance all elements except hydrogen (H) and oxygen (O).
Cr2O72−       2Cr3+
HNO2    NO3 −
c. Balance the oxygen atoms by adding H2O molecules on either side of the equation where O
atoms are needed.
Cr2O72−        2Cr3+  +  7H2O
HNO2    + H2O        NO3 − 
d. Then, balance the hydrogen atoms by adding H+ ions on either side of the equation where H
atoms are needed.
Cr2O72−  +  14H+     2Cr3+  +  7H2O
HNO2    +  H2O       NO3−  +  3H+
e. Balance the charge by adding electrons.
6e−  +  Cr2O72−  +  14H+   2Cr3+  +  7H2O
HNO2    +  H2O        NO3−  +  3H+  +  2e−
f. Make the number of electrons lost in the oxidation half-reaction equal to the number of
electrons gained in the reduction half-reaction.
6e−  +  Cr2O72−  +  14H+     2Cr3+  +  7H2O
3(HNO2    +  H2O        NO3−  +  3H+  +  2e−)

6e−  +  Cr2O72−  +  14H+     2Cr3+  +  7H2O

3HNO2    +  3H2O        3NO3−  +  9H+  +  6e−
g. Add the 2 half-reactions algebraically.
Cr2O72− + 3HNO2  + 5H+     2Cr3+ + 3NO3− + 4H2O
h. Re-check to make sure that the number of atoms and the charge balance.

Basic Solutions: Cr(OH)3 + ClO3       CrO4  + Cl

− 2− −

a. Write the skeleton equation of the oxidation and reduction half-reactions.

Cr(OH)3    CrO42−

     Cl−
b. Balance all elements except hydrogen (H) and oxygen (O).
Cr(OH)3        CrO42−
ClO3−         Cl−
c. Balance the oxygen atoms by adding H2O molecules on either side of the equation where O
atoms are needed.
Cr(OH)3  +  H2O       CrO42-
ClO3−         Cl−  +  3H2O
d. Then, balance the hydrogen atoms by adding H+ ions on either side of the equation where H
atoms are needed.
Cr(OH)3  +  H2O        CrO42−  +  5H+
ClO3−  +  6H+     Cl−  +  3H2O
e. Balance the charge on each side of the equation by adding electrons.

Cr(OH)3 + H2O        CrO42− + 5H+ + 3e-
ClO3   +  6H   +  6e     
− + −
Cl−  +  3H2O
f. Make the number of electrons lost in the oxidation half-reaction equal to the number of
electrons gained in the reduction half-reaction.
2(Cr(OH)3  +  H2O    CrO42−  +  5H+  +  3e−)
ClO3−  +  6H+  +  6e−         Cl−  +  3H2O
2Cr(OH)3  +  2H2O        2CrO42−  + 10H+ +  6e-
ClO3−  +  6H+  +  6e−         Cl−  +  3H2O
g. Add the 2 half-reactions algebraically.
2Cr(OH)3  +  ClO3-  2CrO42−  + Cl−  + H2O + 4H+
h. Add enough OH ions to each side of the equation to cancel the H+ ions.

2Cr(OH)3  +  ClO3−  +   4OH-  2CrO42−  +  Cl−  +  H2O  +  4H+  +  4OH

i. Combine the H ions and OH ions that are on the same side of the equation to form water
+ −

2Cr(OH)3  +  ClO3−   +   4OH  2CrO42−  +  Cl−  +  H2O  +  4H2O
j. Cancel or combine the H2O molecules.
2Cr(OH)3  +  ClO3−  +  4OH−  2CrO42−  +  Cl−  +  5H2O
k. Re-check to make sure that the number of atoms and the total charge on both side of the
equation are balanced.

Name: _________________________ Date: __________________

Schedule: ______________________ Rating: _________________

Activity 5.2

MATCHING TYPE Match Column I with Column II. Shade the circle that best corresponds to
your answer (one per number). Erasures, superimpositions and alterations
will invalidate correct answers.
A B C D E Column I Column II
O O O 1. PbO + heat → A. O2 + PbO B. O2 + Pb C. Pb + O
O O O 2. HCl +NaOH → A. NaO + H2O B. NaClO + H2 C. NaCl + H2O
O O O 3. Al + O2 → A. Al3O2 B. Al2O C. Al2O3
O O O 4. Zn + HCl → A. H2 + ZnCl2 B. H2 + ZnCl C. H + ZnCl
O O O 5. BaCl2 + AgNO3 A. AgCl + B. AgCl + C. AgCl2 + Ba(NO3)2
→ Ba(NO3)2 Ba2(NO3)
O O O O O 6. Na + H2O → F. metathesis
O O O O O 7. NaNO3 + heat → G.analysis
O O O O O 8. Na2SO4 + BaCl2 → H. single displacement
O O O O O 9. Na2O + H2O → I. synthesis
O O O O O 10. Xhalogen + YZ → Z + YX J. none

Balance by change-in-oxidation-number method.

__ H+1 + __ Cr2O7 + __ H2S → __ Cr+3 + __ S + __ H2O

Balance the following reactions by ion-electron method.

The following reaction occurs in acidic solution:
__ ____ + __ Cr2O7-2 + __ Cl-1 → __ Cr+3 + __ Cl2 + __ ____

The following reaction occurs in alkaline solution:

__ ____ + __ Br2 → __ BrO3-1 + __ Br-1 + __ ____

Name: _________________________ Date: __________________

Schedule: ______________________ Rating: _________________
Activity 5.3
I. Indicate the oxidation number of the underlined elements in the following compounds. (10 pts)

1. Cu2O __________ 6. Hg2O __________

2. KCl __________ 7. NaF __________

3. HClO3 __________ 8. H3BO3 __________

4. (PO4)-3 __________ 9. (SO4)-2 __________

5. HBrO3 __________ 10. HNO3 __________

BALANCING Using trial-and-error method, balance the following equations. Then choose
from the letters provided below and shade the circle that corresponds to your
answer (one per number). Erasures and superimpositions will invalidate correct
A=1 D=4 G=7 J = 10 or more
B=2 E=5 H=8
C=3 F=6 I=9
O O O O O O O O O O 1.
O O O O O O O O O O 2. _1_S8 + _2_F2 → _3_SF6
O O O O O O O O O O3
O O O O O O O O O O4
O O O O O O O O O O5 _4_S8 + _5_O3 → _6_SO2
O O O O O O O O O O 6
O O O O O O O O O O 7
O O O O O O O O O O 8
_7_CaCl2 + _8_AgNO3 → _9_AgCl + _10_Ca(NO3)2
O O O O O O O O O O 9
O O O O O O O O O O 10
O O O O O O O O O O 11
O O O O O O O O O O 12
_11_C2H6 + _12_O2 → _13_CO2 + _14_H2O
O O O O O O O O O O 13
O O O O O O O O O O 14
O O O O O O O O O O 15
O O O O O O O O O O 16
O O O O O O O O O O 17
_15_FeTiO3 + _16_C + _17_Cl2 → _18_FeCl3 + _19_TiCl4 + _20_CO2
O O O O O O O O O O 18
O O O O O O O O O O 19
O O O O O O O O O O 20
UNIT VI: Stoichiometry

Atomic mass
o Mass of an atom

o Total mass of protons, electrons and neutrons in an atom
Atomic weight/relative atomic mass
o The average of the atomic masses of all the chemical element's isotopes
o H = 1 g/mole
o O = 16 g/mole
Molecular weight (MW)
o Also called formula weight
o Sum of all the atomic weight of all the atoms in a molecule
o NaCl: Na: 1 x 23 = 23 g/mole
Cl: 1 x 35 = 35 g/mole
58 g/mole

 Refers to the measure of the amount of particles in matter
 Called the “chemist’s dozen”
 SI unit for the amount of substance
 1 mole of particles = 6.02 x 1023 particles (Avogadro’s number)
o 1 mole of O = 6.02 x 1023 atoms
o 1 mole of NaCl = 6.02 x 1023 molecules

number of atoms
Number of moles =
Avogadro ' s Number
Number Of Molecules
Number of moles =
Avogadro ' s Number
Weight In Grams Of A Subs tan ce
Number of moles =
Molecular Weight Of A Subs tan ce

Sample Problems:
1. How many moles are 3.40 x 1024 atoms of oxygen?
number of atoms
No. of moles =
Avogadro ' s Number
= 3.40 x 1024 atoms
6.02 x 1023 atoms/mole
No. of moles = 5.65 moles of O

2. How many moles are 6.71 x 1026 molecules of salt?

Number Of Molecules
No. of moles =
Avogadro ' s Number
No. of moles = 6.71 x 1026 molecules
6.02 x 1023 molecules/mole
No. of moles = 1.11 x 103 moles NaCl
3. Calculate the number of moles in 65 grams of H2O?
Weight In Grams Of A Subs tan ce
No. of moles =
Molecular Weight Of A Subs tan ce
MWH2O : H 2 x 1 g/mole = 2 g/mole
O 1 x 16 g/mole = 16 g/mole
18 g/mole

No. of moles = 65 grams
18 g/mole
No. of moles = 3.61 moles of H2O

Percentage Composition
 This is the relative measure of the mass of each element found in the compound

Mass In Grams Of Element

% mass of element = x 100
Mass In Grams Of Compound

Sample Problems:
1. Compute for the percentage composition of the compound formed from the reaction of 45 grams of Na
and 34 grams of Cl.
Mass of the Compound = 45 grams Na + 34 grams Cl
Mass of the Compound = 79 grams

45 grams 34 grams
Na = x 100 Cl = x 100
79 grams 79 grams
= 56.96% = 43.04%

2. Calculate the percentage composition of potassium permanganate.

Potassium permanganate = KMnO4
MW of KMNO4 : K 1 x 39 39
Mn 1 x 55 55
O 4 x 16 64
158 g/mole
39 grams / mole 55 grams / mole 64 grams / mole
K= x 100 Mn = x 100 O=
158 grams / mole 158 grams / mole 158 grams / mole
= 24.68% = 34.81% = 40.51%

Empirical Formula
 Gives the lowest whole number ratio of elements in a compound
 Example: benzene (C6H6) has a ratio of 6:6 or 1:1; therefore the empirical formula is CH

Sample Problems:
1. Find the empirical formula of a compound that is 48.38% carbon, 8.12% hydrogen, and 43.5% oxygen
by mass.
a. Get the mass of each element by assuming a certain overall mass for the sample (100 g) .

C = 48.38% = 48.38 g
H = 8.12% = 8.12 g
O = 43.50% = 43.50 g
100.00 g
b. Convert the mass of each element to moles of each element using their atomic masses.
C = (48.38 g) (1 mol/12 g) = 4.03 mol C
H = (8.12 g) (1 mol/1 g) = 8.12 mol H
O = (43.50 g) (1 mol/16 g) = 2.72 mol O

c. Find the ratio of each element by dividing the number of moles of each by the smallest
number of moles.
C = (4.03/2.72) = 1.48 ≈ 1.50
H = (8.12/2.72) = 2.99 ≈ 3
O = (2.72 /2.72) = 1

d. Use the mole ratio to write the empirical formula. (because not all the answers are whole
numbers, multiply the ratios by a number to make them whole).
C = 1.50 mol x 2 = 3
H = 3 mol x 2 = 6
O = 1 mol x 2 = 2
Empirical Formula: C3H6O2

2. Calculate the empirical formula of a compound composed of 4.5 g of carbon and 1.5 g of hydrogen.
a. Compute for the number of moles using the atomic mass of each element.
C = (4.5 g) (1 mol/12g) = .0375 mol C
H = (1.5 g) (1 mol/1g) = 1.5 mol H
b. Find the ratio of each element by dividing the number of moles of each by the smallest
number of moles.
C = (0.375/.0375) = 1
H = (1.5/0.375) = 4
c. Use the mole ratio to write the empirical formula.
Empirical formula = CH4

Molecular Formula
 Gives the actual formula of a compound
 Could either be the same as the empirical formula or be a whole-number multiple of the empirical
 Example: C6H6 is the molecular formula of the empirical formula CH

Sample Problems:

1. The empirical formula for vitamin C is C3H4O3. Based from an experimental data, the molecular mass
of vitamin C is about 180 g/mole. What is the molecular formula of vitamin C?
a. Divide the molecular weight by the empirical formula weight to find a multiple or factor.
Molecular weight = 180 g/mole
EF weight of C3H4O3 = (3 x 12 g/mole) + (4 x 1 g/mole) + (3 x 16 g/mole) = 88 g/mole
Molecular Weight
Factor/Multiple =
Empirical Formula Weight
Factor/Multiple = 180 g/mole
88 g/mole
Factor/Multiple = 2
b. Multiply the subscript of the empirical formula with the factor or multiple.
(C3H4O3)2 = C3x2 H4x2 O3x2
MF: C6H8O6

2. A compound is composed of 40.00% C, 6.72% H, and 53.29% O; and has a molecular weight of 180
g/mol. Compute its molecular formula.
a. Find the empirical formula of the compound.
C = 40.00% = 40.00 g
H = 6.72% = 6.72 g
O = 53.28% = 53.28 g
100.00 g
C = (40.00 g) (1 mol/12 g) = 3.33 mol C
H = (6.72 g) (1 mol/1 g) = 6.72 mol H
O = (53.28 g) (1 mol/16 g) = 3.33 mol O

C = (3.33/3.33) = 1
H = (6.72/3.33) = 2
O = (3.33 /3.33) = 1
b. Divide the molecular weight by the empirical formula weight to find a multiple or factor.
Molecular weight = 180 g/mole
EF weight of CH2O = 12 g/mole + 2 g/mole + 16 g/mole= 30 g/mole
Molecular Weight
Factor/Multiple =
Empirical Formula Weight
Factor/Multiple = 180 g/mole
30 g/mole
Factor/Multiple = 6
c. Multiply the subscript of the empirical formula with the factor or multiple.
(CH2O)6 = C1x6 H2x6 O1x6
MF: C6H12O6
 the quantitative description of the relationships between reactants and between reactants and
products in a chemical reaction

1. Mole to Mole Relationship

How many moles of NH3 could be produced if 4 moles of N2 were reacted with Hydrogen?
a. Write the balanced equation.
N2 + 3 H2 ---> 2 NH3

b. Determine the mole relationship between the given component and the required component.
Relative moles (from the equation): 1 mole N2 = 2 moles NH3
Given moles (from the problem): 4 moles N2 = X moles NH3
c. Form the proportion of the given and required components. Then solve for the unknown.
Given mole N2 = Given mole NH3
Rel. mole N2 Rel. mole NH3

4 moles N2 = X moles NH3

1 mole N2 2 moles NH3
X = 8 moles NH3

2. Mole to Mass Relationship

From the equation: N2 + 3 H2 ---> 2 NH3, determine the mass in grams of H2 that will react with the 4
moles of N2.
a. Write the balanced equation
N2 + 3 H2 ---> 2 NH3
b. Convert the moles of the given component to moles of the requested component.
Relative moles (from the equation): 1 mole N2 = 3 moles H2
Given moles (from the problem): 4 moles N2 = X moles H2
Given mole N2 = Given mole NH3
Rel. mole N2 Rel. mole NH3

4 moles N2 = X moles H2
1 mole N2 3 moles H2
X = 12 moles H2

c. Convert the moles of the requested component to mass in grams.

MW H2: 2 x 1 g/mole = 2 g/mole H2
12 moles H2 x 2 g H2 = 24 grams H2
1 mole H2

3. Mole to Volume Relationship

How many liters of NH3 can be produced at 27 °C and 760 torr if 20 moles of N2 are utilized? (Use
the equation: N2 + 3 H2 ---> 2 NH3)
a. Convert the moles of the given component to the moles of the requested component using the
coefficients of the balanced equation.
1 mole N2 = 2 moles NH3
20 moles N2 x 2 moles NH3 = 40 moles NH3
1 mole N2
b. Convert the moles of the requested component to its volume using the Ideal Gas Law Equation.
PV = nRT
T = 27 + 273 = 300 K
P = 760 torr x 1 atm = 1 atm
760 torr


= (40 moles) (0.0821 L-atm/mol-K) (300 K) = 985.20 L NH3
1 atm

4. Mass to Mass Relationship

From the equation: N2 + 3 H2 ---> 2 NH3, compute the grams of NH3 that will be produced if 10 grams
of H2 reacted with N2.
a. Balance the equation.
N2 + 3 H2 ---> 2 NH3

b. Compute for the moles of the given component using its mass.
MW H2: 2 x 1 g/mole = 2 g/mole H2
10 g H2 x 1 mol H2 = 5 moles H2
2 g H2

c. Convert the moles of the given component to moles of the requested component using the
coefficients of the balanced equation.
3 moles H2 = 2 moles NH3
5 moles H2 x 2 moles NH3 = 3.33 moles NH3
3 moles H2
d. Convert moles of the requested component to its mass.
MW NH3: N = 1 x 14 = 14 g/mole
H=3x1 = 3 g/mole
17 g/mole

3.33 moles NH3 x 17 grams NH3 = 56.61 grams NH3

1 mole NH3

5. Mass to Volume Relationship

How many liters of H2 will be required at 300 K and 3 atm to cosume 56 grams of N 2? (Use the
reaction: N2 + 3 H2 ---> 2 NH3)
a. Balance the equation.
N2 + 3 H2 ---> 2 NH3

b. Compute the moles of the given component using its mass.

MW N2: 2 x 14 g/mole = 28 g/mole N2
56 g N2 x 1 mol N2 = 2 moles N2
28 g N2

c. Convert the moles of the given component to moles of the requested component using the
balanced equation.
1 moles N2 = 3 moles H2
2 moles N2 x 3 moles H2 = 6 moles H2
1 mole N2
d. Convert moles of the requested component to its volume using the Ideal Gas Law Equation.
PV = nRT

= (6 moles H2) (0.0821 L-atm/mol-K) (300 K) = 49.26 L H2
3 atm

6. Volume to Volume Relationship

What is the volume of NH 3 that will be produced if 10 liter of N 2 are used? (Use the reaction: N 2 + 3
H2 ---> 2 NH3)
a. Balance the equation.
N2 + 3 H2 ---> 2 NH3

b. Convert the volume of the given component to liters of the required component using the
coefficients of the balanced equation.
1 liter N2 = 2 liters NH3
10 liters N2 x 2 liters NH3 = 20 liters NH3
1 liter N2

7. Theoretical and Actual Yield

Theoretical yield
 maximum amount of product that could be computed given the amounts of the
Actual yield
 amount of product produced when the reaction is carried out in the laboratory

Acutal Yield
Percent Yield = x 100
Theoretica l Yield
1. What is the percent yield for a reaction if you predict the formation of 21 grams of C 6H12 and actually
recovered only 3.8 grams?

Acutal Yield
Percent Yield = x 100
Theoretica l Yield
= 3.8 grams x 100
21 grams
Percent Yield = 18.10%

2. When 10 grams of methane in an excess of oxygen is burned, 19.8 grams of water is produced. What is
the percent yield of water?
a. Balance the equation.
CH4 + 2O2 -> CO2 + 2H2O

b. Convert the mass of the given component to moles using the balanced equation.
MWCH4: C = 1 x 12 g/mole = 12 g/mole
H = 4 x 1 g/mole = 4 g/mole
16 g/mole

10 grams CH4 x 1 mole CH4 = 0.625 mole CH4

16 g CH4

c. Form the proportion of the given and required components. Then solve for the unknown.
1 mole CH4 = 2 moles H2O

0.625 mole CH4 = X moles H2O

1 mole CH4 2 moles H2O
X = 1.25 moles H2O

d. Convert the computed number of moles to mass of the required component to get the
theoretical yield.
MW H2O: H = 2 x 1 g/mole = 2 g/mole
O = 1 x 16 g/mole = 16 g/mole
18 g/mole
1.25 moles H2O x 18 g H2O = 22.5 grams H2O
1 mole H2O

e. Solve for the percent yield.

Acutal Yield
Percent Yield = x 100
Theoretica l Yield
= 19.8 g x 100
22.5 g
Percent Yield = 88 %

Name: _________________________ Date: __________________

Schedule: ______________________ Rating: _________________
Activity 6.1

Compute for the unknown. Show all solutions.

___________________11. How many moles are there in 50 g CCl4 ?

___________________12. How many molecules are there in 25 g H2SO4?

___________________13. How many moles are there in 1.269 X 1024 molecules of NaNO3?

___________________14. What is the mass, in grams, of 0.75 mol Ca3(PO4)2 ?

___________________15. What is the mass, in grams, of 1.35 X 1023 molecules C6H12O6 ?

___________________16. How many particles are there in 1.38 mol CuSO4 · NH4NO3 · 12 H2O ?

III. Identify / Solve the following items in this hydrate, FeSO4 · 6 H2O. (Show derivation of % composition of each
component at the back of this sheet.)
Components No. of Atoms Atomic Mass Relative Mass % Composition

 % composition of O = ___________ Solution:

Name: _________________________ Date: __________________

Schedule: ______________________ Rating: _________________
Activity 6.2

Compute for the unknown. Show all solutions.

1. The MW of cholesterol is 386.73 g/mol and the compound contains 83.9 % C, 12.0 % H and the
remaining is oxygen.
___________________a. Compute for the mole ratio of C.

___________________b. Compute for the mole ratio of H.

___________________c. Compute for the mole ratio of O.

___________________d. What is the empirical formula of the compound?

___________________e. What is the molecular formula of the compound?

2. When 6.65 g of the hydrate NiSO 4 · XH2O was heated in a vacuum, the water was driven off and
3.67 g of anhydrous NiSO4 remained.
___________________a. Calculate the number of moles of NiSO4.

___________________b. Calculate the number of moles of H2O.

___________________c. What is the empirical formula ( the value of X) ?

3. In a convenient laboratory preparation of pure nitrogen gas, NaN 3 decomposes to Na and N2 upon
___________________a. Write a balanced equation.

___________________b. What number of moles of NaN3 is required to prepare 1.00 mol of N2 ?

___________________c. What mass of N2 is produced by the decomposition of 2.5 g of NaN3 ?

___________________d. What volume of Na is produced when 11.75 li of N2 is prepared ?

Name: _________________________ Date: __________________

Schedule: ______________________ Rating: _________________

Activity 6.3

1. The acid secreted by the cells of the stomach lining is a hydrochloric acid solution that typically
contains 0.282 g of HCl per 50.00mL of solution. What is the concentration of this acid?

2. A sample of tin having a mass of 3.996 grams was oxidized and found to have combined with 1.077
grams of oxygen. Calculate the empirical formula of this oxide of tin.

3. Dibutyl succinate is an insect repellant used against household ants and roaches. Its composition is
62.58% C, 9.63% H and 27.79% O. Its composition experimentally determined molecular mass is
230amu. What are the empirical and molecular formulas of dibutyl succinate?

4. Fructose is a very sweet naturally occurring sugar present in honey, fruits, and fruit juices. It has
a molar mass of 180.1 g/mol and a composition of 40.0% C, 6.7% H, and 53.3% O. Calculate the
molecular formula of fructose.

5. Calculate the number of moles corresponding to:

a. 0.10g of the secondary extracellular cation, Ca++
b. 4.0g of the major intracellular cation, K+

6. Isopropyl alcohol, commonly known as rubbing alcohol, is used as an antiseptic. It is composed of C,

H, and O. Combustion of isopropyl alcohol produces 0.561g CO 2 and 0.306 g H2O. Determine the
empirical formula of isopropyl alcohol.

UNIT VII: Solutions

 A homogenous mixture of two or more substances in which settling does not occur
 A homogenous mixture in which one substance is dissolved in another substance
o Solvent – the substance that does the dissolving
o Solute – the substance that is dissolved

Types of Solutions

Type Solvent Solute Example

Gaseous Gas Gas Air

Gas Liquid Moist air
Gas Solid Soot in air
Liquid Liquid Solid Brine, syrup
Liquid Liquid Alcohol in water, vinegar
Liquid Gas Carbonated beverages
Solid Solid Solid Copper in nickel, brass, steel
Solid Liquid Mercury in water
Solid Gas Hydrogen dissolved in platinum metal
Source: Interactive Chemistry by Aurora Franco, et. al. 2000: 208)

The Solution Process

 The solute particles are separated from the surface of the solid solute. Dissolving is aided by the
attraction between the solute and the solvent molecules. This needs heat or energy (endothermic)
 Solvent particles are moved apart to allow solute molecules to enter the liquid. This needs energy
 The solute molecules are attracted to solvent molecules. This gives up energy (exothermic).

Rate of Solution
 agitating or stirring the solution
 heating the solute
 powdering the solid solute

 measures of how much of that solute can be dissolved in a given amount of solvent under certain

Factors affecting the solubility of substance:

 Nature of solute and solvent
 Non-polar solvents – benzene and CCl4
 Polar solvents - water
 Effect of Temperature
 Effect of Pressure

Concentration of Solution
 Refers to the amount of solute dissolved in a certain amount of solvent
 Concentrated solution – much of solute is dissolved in a solvent

 saturated solution
o solution that has dissolved the maximum amount of solute for a given amount of
solvent at a given temperature
 unsaturated solution
o solution that contains less solute than it can hold at a certain temperature and
 supersaturated solution
o solution that can hold more solute than that which is normal for that temperature

Expressing Concentrations
1. Percent by mass
mass of solute
 % by mass = x 100%
mass of solution

a. A bottle of a certain ceramics tile cleanser which is a solution of hydrogen chloride, contains 130
g HCl and 750 g of H2O. What is the % by mass of HCl in this cleanser?

Given: mass of solute = 130 g HCl

Mass of solvent = 750 g H2O
Required: % by mass of HCl
Answer: 14.77 %

b. A sample of 0.892 g of potassium chloride is dissolved in 54.6 g of water. What is the percent by
mass of KCl in this solution?

2. Percent by volume
volume of solute
 % by volume = x 100%
volume of solution

a. What is the percent by volume of ethanol in the final solution when 75 mL of ethanol is
diluted to a volume of 250 mL of water?

Given: volume of solute = 75 mL ethanol

Mass of solvent = 250 mL H2O
Required: % by volume of ethanol
Answer: 23.08 %

b. What is the percent by volume of acetic acid in a fiscal volume when 75 mL of acetic acid
is diluted to a volume of 250 mL of water?

3. Molarity (M)
moles of solute
 Molarity (M) =
liter of solution
mass of solute
 Molarity (M) =
MWsolute X Vsolution

a. Calculate the molar concentration of a solution that contains 15 g of KOH in 225 mL of

Given: mass of solute = 15 g KOH
Volume of solution = 225 mL (0.225 L)
MW of KOH = 56 g/mole
Number of moles = 0.27 moles KOH
Answer: 1.19 M

b. Calculate the molarity of the solution containing 10 grams of sulfuric acid in 500 mL of
Given: mass of solute = 10 g H2SO4
Volume of solution = 500 mL (0.500 L)
MW of H2SO4 = 98 g/mole
Answer: 0.204 M

4. Molality (m)
moles of solute
 Molality =
ki log ram of solvent
mass of solute
 Molality =
MWsolute X Ksolvent

a. 2.3 grams of ethanol is added to 500 grams of water. Determine the molality of the resulting

Given: mass of solute = 2.3 grams

Mass of solvent = 500 grams (0.5 kg)
MW of solute = 46 g/mole
Required: molality of the solution
Answer: 0.1 molal

b. Determine the mass of water to which 293 grams of NaCl is added to obtain a 0.25 molal solution.

Given: mass of solute = 293 grams

Molality of the solution = 0.25 molal
Required: mass of water
Answer: 20 kg of water

5. Normality (N)
mass of solute
 N=
Eq x Lsolution
MW of solute
 Equivalent weight =
Factor (F )
 N = molarity x

a. F for Acid is the number of replaceable hydrogen ion

 HCl ; F = 1
 H2SO4 ; F = 2

b. F for Base is the number of replaceable hydroxyl ion

 NaOH; F = 1
 Ba (OH)2; F = 2

c. F for Salt is the valence of the positive ion
 NaNO3; F = 1
 K2CO3; F = 2

**Calculate the normality of a solution containing 2.45 grams of H2SO4 in 2 liters of solution?
Given: mass of H2SO4 = 2.45 grams
Volume of solution = 2 liters
MW of the solution = 98 g/mol
Required: Normality of the solution
Solution: Equivalent weight of H2SO4 = (98/2) = 49 g/mol
N = [2.45/(49 x 2)] = 0.025 normal

**How many grams of sulfuric acid are contained in 3 liters of 0.500 N solution?
Given: Volume of solution = 2 liters
MW of the solution = 98 g/mol
N = 0.500 normal
Required: mass of solute
Solution: Equivalent weight of H2SO4 = (98/2) = 49 g/mol
Mass of solute = (0.5 x 49 x 3)] = 73.5 g

Name: _________________________ Date: __________________

Schedule: ______________________ Rating: _________________

Activity 7.1

A Ca(OH)2 solution has a density of 0.55 g/ml and weighs 50 g. It is prepared from 23 grams of
Ca(OH)2. Solve for:
____________________a. molarity

____________________b. normality

____________________c. molality

____________________d. mole fraction of solute

____________________e. mole fraction of solvent

____________________f. % by volume of solvent if the volume and weight of the solvent are equal in

5. If the solute weighs 183.72 g, what volume, in liters, of the following compounds should be used to
____________________a. 12.65 M of NaOH

____________________b. 9.05 N of KMnO40 → KMnO4-2

Name: _________________________ Date: __________________

Schedule: ______________________ Rating: _________________

Activity 7.2

1. Sam is a nursing student. He has been asked to intravenously inject his patient with 10cc
of an isotonic preparation. Mistakenly, he injected his patient with pure water. What is
likely to happen to the red blood cells near the site of injection?

2. Anne is Sam’s patient. She was carefully watching him fill an IV bottle with a mixture
specially ordered by the physician. She noticed that he accidentally filled the bottle with
concentrated (10%) NaCl solution instead of the mixture from the pharmacy. Why should
she refuse to allow Sam to attach the IV bottle to her system?

3. Sam is now assigned to the surgical unit. He is given a piece of a living tissue and asked to
put it in a fluid before taking the sample to the pathology laboratory. What essential
characteristics must such fluid have in order not to damage the tissue?

 The rough measure of the acidity of a solution. The p stands for “potenz” which means the
potential to be and the H stands for Hydrogen.
 Denotes negative logarithm of the hydrogen ion concentration.
 is divided into fourteen units
 7 is neutral
 Basic solution has a ph> 7
 Acidic solution has pH < 7

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

more acidic neutral more basic

 pH = - log [H+]
 pOH = - log [OH-]
 Kw = 1.0 x 10-14 = [H+][OH-]

 If we take the negative logarithm of both sides of the equilibrium expression, it becomes,
 -log Kw = -log ([H+][OH-])
 -log Kw = -log [H+] + –log [OH-]
 -log 1.0 x 10-14 = -log [H+] + – log [OH-]
 14 = pH + pOH

***The autoionization of water

H2O + H2O H3O + OH
*** Kw (equilibrium constant)
 Known as the ion product for water
 Pure water at 25 °C (H3O+ = OH- = 1.0 x 10-7 mol/L)

Calculation of pH
1. Calculate the pH of a solution in which the H+ concentration is 0.070 mol/L.
a. [H+] = 0.070 M = 7.0 x 10-2 M
b. pH = -log [H+] = -log [7.0 x 10-2] = 1.15

2. Compute for the pH of a solution that contains 3.65 g of HCl in 2.00 L of solution.
a. Molarity = number of moles of solute
number of liters of solution
? molHCl 3.65 gHCl 1molHCl
= x = 0.0500 mol HCl/L or 0.0500 M
Lsolution 2.00 Lsolution 36.5 gHCl
b. [H+] = 0.0500 M = 5.0 x 10-2 M
c. pH = -log [H+] = -log [5.0 x 10-2] = 1.30
3. The pH of a solution if 3.301. What is the concentration of H+ in this solution?
a. pH = -log [H+]
b. 3.301 = -log [H+]
c. -3.301 = log [H+]
d. antilog -3.301 = H+
e. H+ = 5.00 x 10-4 M

Calculation of pOH
1. Calculate [H+], pH, [OH-1], and pOH for a 0.015 M HNO3 solution.
a. [H+] = 0.015 M (because it is an acid)
b. pH = - log [H+] = -log [0.015] = 1.82
c. pH + pOH = 14.00
d. pOH = 14.00 – pH = 14.00 – 1.82 = 12.18
e. [H+] [OH-] = 1.0 x 10-14
f. [OH-] = (1.0 x 10-14) ÷ [H+] = (1.0 x 10-14) ÷ 0.015 = 6.7 x 10-13 M

2. Calculate [H+], pH, [OH-1], and pOH for a 0.015 M Ca(OH)2 solution.
a. [OH-] = 2 x 0.015 M = 0.030 M
b. pOH = -log [OH-] = -log (0.030) = 1.52
c. pH + pOH = 14.00
d. pH = 14.00 – pOH = 14.00 – 1.52 = 12.48
e. [H+] [OH-] = 1.0 x 10-14
f. [H+] = (1.0 x 10-14) ÷ [OH-] = (1.0 x 10-14) ÷ 0.030 = 3.3 x 10-13 M

Name: _________________________ Date: __________________
Schedule: ______________________ Rating: _________________

Activity 7.3

A. Solve for the H+, OH-, pH, and pOH values. (20 pts)

Solution H+ OH- pH pOH

a. 0.045 M LiOH
b. 0.185 M HBr
c. 0.230 M Mg(OH)2
d. 0.0099 M HI
e. 2.30 x 10 -4 M HF

B. Calculate the following values for each solution. (24 pts)

H+ pH OH- pOH


C. The normal pH of Human Blood ranges from 7.35 to 7.45. Calculate the concentrations of H3O+
and OH- ions in human blood that has a pH of 7.45.

Colligative Properties of Solutions

 are properties that depend upon the concentration or number of solute molecules or ions, but not upon
the identity of the solute
1. vapor pressure lowering
2. boiling point elevation
3. freezing point depression
4. osmotic pressure

Vapor Pressure
 the pressure of the vapor resulting from evaporation above a sample in a closed container
 the rate of condensation of the gas becomes equal to the rate of evaporation of the liquid or solid
 Raoult’s Law
o The vapor pressure of a volatile or of an ideal solution is dependent on the vapor pressure of
each component and the mole faction of the component present in the solution.
o Vapor Pressure of Solution = (Mole Fraction of solvent) (Vapor Pressure of Pure Solvent)
number of moles of solvent
o Mole Fraction of a solvent =
total number of moles of solution and of solvent
Determine the vapor pressure of a solution at 25 °C that has 45 grams of glucose dissolved in 72 grams of
water. The vapor pressure of pure water at 25 °C is 23.8 torr.
a. Compute the number of moles of the substance/solute by using its mass.
MWglucose: C = 6 x 12 = 72 g/mole
H = 12 x 1 = 12 g/mole
O = 6 x 16 = 96 g/mole
180 g/mole
45 grams x 1mole C6H12O6 = 0.25 mole
180 grams C6H12O6

b. Compute the number of moles of the solvent by using its mass.
MWH2O: 18 g/mole
72 grams x 1 mole H2O = 4 moles
18 grams H2O
c. Determine the mole fraction of the solute
number of moles of solvent
Mole fraction of solvent=
total number of moles of solution and of solvent
= ________4 moles H2O
0.25 moles C6H12O6 + 4 moles H2O
Mole fraction of solvent = 0.94

d. Determine the vapor pressure of the solution

Vapor Pressure of Solution = (Mole Fraction of solvent) (Vapor Pressure of Pure Solvent)
= (0.94) (23.8 torr)
V.P. of Solution= 22.38 torr

Freezing Point Depression

 Change that occurs in the temperature at which a liquid freezes when a solute is dissolved in it
 The solution has a lower freezing point than a pure solvent
 Freezing point depression
o ΔTf = Kfm where ΔTf = freezing point depression
Kf = molal freezing point constant of the solvent
m = molal concentration
o Freezing point of solution = FP solvent - ΔTf

Compute the freezing point of a solution of 90 grams of glucose dissolved in 750 grams of water. The K f
of water is -1.86 °C/m. The freezing point of pure water is 0 °C.
a. Compute the number of moles of the substance/solute by using its mass.
MWglucose: C = 6 x 12 = 72 g/mole
H = 12 x 1 = 12 g/mole
O = 6 x 16 = 96 g/mole
180 g/mole
90 grams x 1mole C6H12O6 = 0.5 mole
180 grams C6H12O6

b. Convert the mass of solvent to kilograms.

750 grams H2O x 1 kg H2O = 0.75 kg H2O
1000 g H2O

c. Calculate the molal concentration.

m = moles of solute
kilogram of solvent
= 0.5 mole C6H12O6
0.75 kg H2O

m = 0.67 m
d. Compute the freezing point of solution.
ΔTf = Kfm
= (-1.86 °C/m) (0.67 m)
ΔTf = -1.25 °C

Freezing point of solution = FPsolvent - ΔTf

= 0 °C – (-1.25 °C)
Freezing point of solution = 1.25 °C

Boiling Point Elevation

 Change that occurs in the temperature at which a liquid boils when a solute is dissolved in it
 The solution has a higher boiling point than a pure solvent
 Boiling Point Elevation
o ΔTb = Kbm where ΔTb = boiling point elevation
Kb = molal boiling point constant of the solvent
m = molal concentration
o Boiling point of solution = BPsolvent + ΔTb

The normal boiling point of benzene is 80.1 oC. It has a boiling point elevation constant of 2.53 oC/m. If we
make up a 0.5 molal solution of Br2 in benzene, what is the boiling point of the mixture?

ΔTb = Kbm
= (2.53 °C/m) (0.5 m)
ΔTb = 1.27 °C

Boiling point of solution = BPsolvent + ΔTb

= 80.1 °C + 1.27 °C
Boiling point of solution = 81.37 °C

Osmotic Pressure
 Osmosis is the diffusion of small particles through a semi-permeable membrane
 Osmotic pressure is a hydrostatic pressure produced by the difference of solute concentration on the
opposite sides of the semi-permeable membrane
 π = MRT where: π = osmotic pressure
M = molarity of the solution
R = gas constant (0.08205 L-atm/mole-K)
T = temperature in Kelvin

What is the osmotic pressure of a sugar solution that contains 100 grams of sucrose C 12H22O11 which is
dissolved in water to make 1 liter of solution at 25 °C?
a. Compute the number of moles of the substance/solute by using its mass.
MWsucrose: C = 12 x 12 = 144 g/mole
H = 22 x 1 = 22 g/mole
O = 11 x 16 = 176 g/mole

342 g/mole

100 grams x 1mole C12H22O11 = 0.29 mole

342 grams C12H22O11

b. Determine the molarity concentration.

Molarity = moles of solute
Liters of solution
= 0.29 mole C12H22O11
1 L solution
Molarity = 0.29 M

c. Calculate the osmotic pressure.

T = 25 + 273 = 298 K
π = MRT
= (0.29) (0.08205 L-atm/mole-K) (298 K)
π = 7.09 atm

Name: _________________________ Date: __________________

Schedule: ______________________ Rating: _________________

Activity 7.4

1. What is the osmotic pressure at 25 °C of an aqueous solution that is 0.0010 M C 12H22O11


2. What mass of urea [CO (NH2)2] would you dissolve in 225 mL of solution to obtain an osmotic
pressure of 0.015 atm at 25 °C?

3. What is the a) Molality, b) Freezing point, and c) Boiling point of a solution containing 2.68 g of
Naphthalene (C10H8) in 18.4 of Benzene (C6H6)?

4. The freezing point of a solution of 8.00 g of an unknown compound dissolved in 60.0 g of acetic
acid if 13.2 0C. Calculate the molar mass of the compound.

5. A solution is prepared by dissolving 6.85 g of ordinary sugar (sucrose, C 12H22O11, 34 g/mol) in 34.0
g of water. Calculate the boiling point of the solution.

6. Sucrose is a non volatile, non-ionizing solute in water. Determine the vapour pressure lowering at
25 °C, of the 1.25 molal sucrose solution. Assume that the solution behaves ideally. The vapour
pressure of pure water at 25 °C is 23.8 torr.

7. Calculate the (a) lowering of the vapour pressure and (b) the vapour pressure of a solution
prepared by dissolving 25.5 g of Naphthalene, C 10H8 ( a non-volatile electrolyte) in 150.0 g of
Benzene C6H6 at 20 °C. Assume that the solution is ideal. The vapour pressure of pure benzene is
74.6 torr at 20 °C.


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