Addendum To TG Unit 4 Module 3

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Addendum to the TG for Module 3

On Activity 2, How do enzymes affect digestion?

 Please note that there are different brands of gelatin. Following the proportions given in
the procedure, some of these brands yield a firmer product while others do not. For
which reason, the procedure in the Learner’s Material may not apply uniformly to all
these brands. In fact, it would be best if you can also do an initial test to determine which
proportion of gelatin relative to the amount of water will yield a firmness that is just right
for the enzymes to act on for a period of two days.
 Other than test tubes, you can also use different clear containers.
 Make sure to allow the gelatin mixture to cool down to about 50°C before transferring it
to the containers. Enzymes are destroyed when subjected to temperatures higher than
 Other than pineapple juice, you can use any bromeliad plant as substitute. Unripe
papaya will also be a good alternative. Should you use pineapple juice, use fresh
pineapple only. Enzymes are easily destroyed by heating. Canned pineapple juices have
been treated with heat during its processing.

On Activity 4

 This is an optional activity. However, should you opt to do it, you are not limited to just
using the video clip. In fact, there are thousands of applications in the internet that you
can use subject to certain copyright agreements or terms of use. Education Services
Australia has produced a number of applications (apps) which you can use for Module 3.
To avail of these apps and to obtain permission please contact Copyright Administration
and Permissions, Education Services Australia at

Other Resources

 For more resources on the K to 12 (Science) or for online support through webinars,
online discussions, and the like, you may also visit

Online References

Similar activities and resources may also be found in the following websites and web


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