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On my next vacation I'm going to Tumbes, I'm going to buy my plane tickets a month in advance to go, so I don't worry. I am sure that I will
get to know "Los Manglares" during that trip, the first thing that will be to leave the "Jorge Chavez" airport and then take the flight that I
bought a month ago, when I arrived in Tumbes, go to a Hotel that I found on the Internet that is close to the sea. The next day I will be
walking through the main square of Tumbes to take souvenir photos, then I will be buying my tickets for the tourist places. Well as we
know that getting to tourist places is by time, I will need a week to finish knowing all of Tumbes, then I would also like to know Ecuador
since it is on the border with Tumbes.
The places I should go on my next vacation are:
 Zorritos Beach
 Puerto Pizarro
 Punt Sal
 Tumbes Mangrove National Sanctuary

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