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YO’S COURSE- 110 (1560)





1. This book has been titled “DUEL FOR THE Golan” and it relates to the
Yom Kippur war of Oct,1973. It took place between Syria and Israel. Israeli
forces fought against the Syrian army to defend against the Golan hts.

2. IDF gave a tough fight and in an inspiring tk battle beat back the Syrian
army. The war was called the 100 hrs battle that saved Israel. The war broke
out when the Syrian AC ventured into the Israeli air space and bombarded
IDF encampments on Oct 6 at 1400 hrs.

3. This book describes the fearsome battle in which the Isareli forces
defeated the Syrian forces. Syrian forces were ordered to retreat into Syria by
whatever routes they could find on 10 Oct 1973 at 1000 hrs.


4. Eric Hammel is a critically acclaimed mil historian and author of more than
30 combat and pictoral histories, incl several on US Marine Ops in WWII and
Vietnam, like, IwoJima, Pacific Warriors, Marines in the Hue city. He lives in
Northern California.



5. The book has been divided into five parts viz Part I:Before, Part II: Aslt,
Part III: Breakthrough, Part IV: Containment, Part V: CA. Each part deals with
the different ph of battle. Each part deals with Israeli as well as the Syrian side
of battle during each ph of battle.

Part I:Before.

6. This part contains the event that took place before the war. In this part, it
is told that IDF chief, Lt Gen Elazar issues Alert Gimmel at his auth, seeing
the incr of tp conc across the purple line. Although there are conflict of
thoughts between IDF chief and Maj Gen Zeira, Dir of Mil Int, in which Zeira
intends to say that Syria wont attack Israel. It also describe state of soldiers
and resvt. It also shows us the Syrian perspective, where they are planning to
wage a war against IDF after forming an alliance with Egypt. It tells us about
the armt procured from Russia by the Syrian president. There are many
conflicts between Egypt and Syria related to op plan which are further sorted
out and finally,Syria had to agree with Egypt.

Part II:Aslt.

7. This part describes the aslt on obj by the Syrian army. It contains all the
detl of the battle of Golan that were taking place. There were many maj
battles that took place in North Golan,South Golan, Kuneitra Gap and the
Hermon Bunker.

8. It tells us about, that Syrian bombardment were done by 153 arty Bty
equipped with 122 mm, 130 mm & 152 mm wpns. Syria had more wpn of 120
mm or above than Israel had men dply in the bunker. It also discusses about
the mistakes made by the Syrian forces. When 121 Mech Bde was on mov
towards kuneitra, the armd units raced ahead of the engrs. The tk arr at the
deep Israeli ditches before the Xg could be setup. It also tells about the HB
ops by 82nd Para Regt of Syrian force that successfully captured Hermon

Part III:Breakthrough.

9. It mainly revolves around the battle of Naffachu. At this battle Capt Hain
Hosef of the 679 Bde tk coy destroyed two Israeli tks. He fought on until he
was hit. Further, Capt Amos Ben David arr at Naffachu. He destroyed the
remaining two tks and cleared Naffachu by 1700.

Part IV:Containment.

10. There were mainly two units rep for containment of the Syrian forces.Lt
Col Vaspe, Cdr of the 71st Armd Inf Bn est a block at waterfall route Lt Ahmed
jojo est a blockade on downslope of IDF bunkers.

Part V:CA.

11. Seeing the opportunity and current sit of Syrians, the Israeli planned a CA
and take back Tel Kudna which had slipped into the Syrian hands in the year
1967. Israeli started bombing rdr facilities in Lebanon. Later eco tgts were
bombarded. Egypt and Iraq declined air sp to Syria. At 0005 hrs on Oct 23,
Syrians accepted the UN resolution 338.Thus, ended the war for Golan.


12. Author wants to portray that how the Israeli used their eqpt to the best of
their potential and chased numerically superior Syrian army. He also
highlighted the bravery of Israeli as well as Syrian offrs to show their
leadership styles. Syrians mistakes have been brought out which cost the loss
of so many lives and eventually the war.

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