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Right to suspend performance or cancel upon prospective inability or breach

Case: Hochster v. De La Tour (1853, Eng) [pp. 863-868]

Facts: Parties enter into agreement, where P would work for D beginning June 1.
On May 11th, D wrote to P that he had changed his mind, and declined P's services.
P commenced the lawsuit on May 22nd. Btwn that time and June 1st P found another

Issue: Is suing for the breach before the date of performance premature?

Holding: Court holds for P.

Reasoning: Court says P can seek other employment before date of rescinded
contract was supposed to start. When a party clearly repudiates a material promise
in advance, the other may treat this as a breach immediately and can seek relief
for breach without delay.

• D says: you cant sue m until June 1. Maybe I'll call you May 31st and say I want
you. A repudiation is not a breach.
• P says: No, as soon as you repudiate, you breached
• Court says, P doesn’t have to sit around until June 1st
• If D is right, then P entering into another agreement, he would be breaching.
○ Court says after the repudiation of the agreement, the P can consider
himself absolved from performance under the K
○ Why rely on something that you've already been told wont happen
○ Mitigation of damages - why should he sit around if he could be mitigation
• How do we know what the damages are?

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