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Middle East Technical University

Department of Mechanical Engineering

ME 301 Theory of Machines I

Part 3 - Dynamic Force Analysis

Dr. Sezer Özerinç

These lecture notes are adapted from the lecture notes of Prof. Sam Tawfick, Prof.
Seok Kim, and Prof. Liz Hsiao-Wecksler (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
• Dynamics Fundamentals
• Newton’s laws
• Mass moment ,Center of gravity
• Mass moment of inertia, Parallel axis theorem
• Radius of gyration
• Force Analysis Procedure
• Free body diagrams and equation development
• Matrix format and solution
• Examples
• Single link in rotation
• Four bar slider crank
• Gear set
Newton’s 2nd Law
• Translation:
 
•  F  mACG ,

• where  F are sum of all forces acting at the
center of gravity
• Rotation:
•  T  I CG ,
• Note: not in vector notation since deal only
with planar rotation
• only Tz and Iz
Dynamics Problems
• Two types of dynamics problems:
• Forward dynamics
• Inverse dynamics
Forward Dynamics
• Know: forces & torques (kinetics)
• Find: accelerations, velocities,
displacements (kinematics)
• Ex.: (typical of Dynamics classes)

• Given: F & m

• Find: A CG
 
 F  mACG
 T  ICG
Inverse Dynamics
• Know: accelerations, velocities,
• Find: magnitudes and directions of forces &
• Why?
• To specify the drive mechanism (motor, linear
• To determine failure
→ Need to know m and I for forward and inverse
dynamics problems
Mass Moment
• Mass of an object causes a moment about a
chosen axis
• Mass Moment = mass x distance from axis
Center of Mass / Center of Gravity
• If mass moment with respect to a particular axis
equals zero, then the axis passes through the
center of mass, which we also refer to as the
center of gravity (CG) for earthbound systems.
• Need to know CG for:
 
•  F  mACG
•  T  I CG CG
• Kinetic Energy:
1 2
• KEtrans  mvCG
• KErot  I CG 2
Global CG of Mechanism
• To find global CG of an entire mechanism, sum
individual parts
•  M   mi ri   mi rCG,
• Therefore:

rCG 
 mri i

• where rCG = distance from axis of interest to global
Mass Moment & Global CG Example (Mallet)

M zz  mh *  md * ld  mh  md * d
mh *  md * l d
Global CG  d  2
mh  md 
Mass Moment of Inertia
• Resistance of an object to angular change in motion
• Depends on distribution of mass relative to axis of rotation
• Moment of Inertia = mass x square of distance from axis
• For continuum body (m)

I x   y 2  z 2 dm 
Iy   x 2
 z dm

Iz   x 2
 y dm

• For discrete bodies

• e.g.
 
I x   yi  zi mi
2 2

i 1
Mass Moment of Inertia
• Common examples (all axes pass through the center of mass):
• Solid plate
ma 2  b 2  ma 2  c 2  mb 2  c 2 
a y Ix  ;Iy  ; Iz 
b c x 12 12 12
• Solid cylinder z
mr 2 m3r 2  l 2 
Ix  ; Iy  Iz 
r 2 12
• Hollow cylinder

ma 2  b 2  m3a 2  3b 2  l 2 
b = ro
a = ri Ix  ; Iy  Iz 
2 12
Parallel Axis Theorem
• Moment of inertia about any axis = (moment of
inertia about parallel axis at CG) + (mass x
square distance btw axes) o z
• Izz = ICG + md2
• where ICG is known
d = distance btw axis ZZ and CG
m = mass of entire body
• For subcomponents:
• Izz = ∑(ICG,i + mi di2)
o z
Radius of Gyration (k)
• Measure of distribution of mass about the given
• Definition: k is the distance at which the entire
mass of body M would be concentrated to give
the same moment of inertia about the given axis
• I= mk2 or k 
• Four balls (2 kg each) on a massless frame.
• Find moments of inertia around x, y, and z axes
(Ix, Iy, Iz).
 
I x   yi  zi mi
y 2 2

2 kg 2 kg i 1

0.8 m
I x  (2)  (0.4) 2  4
I y  (2)  (0.3) 2  4
2 kg 2 kg I z  (2)  (0.4) 2  (0.3) 2  4
0.6 m

Quick Review – “The Cross Product”
 
• If R and F lie in the x-y plane
 
• R  F points in the z-direction
• Has magnitude of :
 
R  F  Rx Fy  Ry Fx

Position vector R  ( Rx , Ry )
Force vector F  ( Fx , Fy )
Dynamic Force Analysis
 Derivation for planar systems
 Ignore gravitational forces, unless very slow motion
or very massive parts
 Three equations of motion per moving link i (based
on Newton’s 2nd Law):

1  Fi x  mi ACGix 
  Fi  mi ACGi
 2   Fi y  mi ACGiy 
 3 Ti z  ICGii
# moving links # eqns Examples
1 3 single rotating link
2 6 3-bar slider crank
3 9 4-bar linkage
 Fij  force of link i acting on link j
 Tij  torque of link i acting on link j
 Rij  position of Fij relative to CG of j

It is important to note that:
F23   F32  3
 F23
R23 and R32 are unrelated F32 
Note: assume that vectors are 
pointing in direction as shown. R32
True directions will be 2
determined when solved.
Force Analysis Procedure:
Solve for forces and torques

1. Draw complete system. Label points, dimensions,

external forces & torques, kinematics.

2. Draw free-body diagram of each segment. Label internal

joint forces & torques, external forces & torques, local
coordinate systems on each link. Note equal and opposite
forces on links at joints. Label forces such that force vector
represents the force of link i on link j and is applied at the
common joint on link j.

3. Symbolically write out equations of motion for each

moving link. 1  F  m A   3 Ti z  ICGii
 F  m A
ix i CGix

 2   F  m A 
iy i CGiy
i i CGi
Force Analysis Procedure (con’t)
4. Convert to matrix format [A] {B} = {C}, where
[A] contains geometric info (e.g., position vector
{B} contains all unknowns, and
{C} contains dynamic info
(e.g., external forces & torques, PVA analysis results,
mass, moments of inertia).

5. Insert known values into [A] & {C}

Force Analysis Procedure (con’t)
6. Solve for unknown forces and torques (typically
internal joint forces and torques) using
{B} = [A]-1 {C}
Solve for {B} using MATLAB.

Note: This procedure only provides solution for unknown

forces and torques at the specified, instantaneous position.
Need to repeat steps 5 & 6 for changing values of
parameters in [A] and {C}.
Single Link in Rotation (Ex. 11-1)
• Given: A single link of mass m and
length l rotates about a fixed point O2. (1) Draw complete
The link has uniform cross-section. system. Label
points, dimensions,
An external force FP is applied at external forces &
point A. Assume that, at this instant in torques, kinematics.
time, the following kinematic data are
known: q 2,  2,  2, ACG 2
• Find: The reaction force F12 at O2 l
and driving torque T12 needed to l/2

maintain motion at this instant of O2 q 2,  2,  2

Single Link in Rotation
(2) Draw free-body diagram of each segment.
– Label internal joint forces & torques, external forces & torques, local
coordinate systems on each link.
– Note equal and opposite forces on links at joints.
– Label forces such that force vector Fij represents the force of link i on link j
and is applied at the common joint on link j.

x ACG 2
T12 FP
F12 l
F21 ACG 2
q 2,  2,  2

Single Link in Rotation
(3) Symbolically write out equations of motion for each
moving link
• Assume all unknown forces or torques are positive. True signs
will be determined later.
Link 2:
   
 F  F12  FP m2ACG2   Rp
x ACG 2
T z  T12  R12  F12  R P  FP   ICG2 2 R12

In Cartesian (x, y) terms these equations become: T12

 Fx F12x  FPx  m2 ACG2 x

 Fy F12y  FPy  m2 ACG2 y

 
Recall : R  F  Rx Fy  R y Fx

T z T12  R12x F12 y  R12 y F12x   RPx FPy  RPy FPx   I CG2 2

Single Link in Rotation
Redistribute terms to put unknown on left
and known on right

 Fx F12x  FPx  m2 ACG2 x
 Fy F12y  FPy  m2 ACG2 y
T z T12  R12x F12 y  R12 y F12x   RPx FPy  RPy FPx   I CG2 2

F12x  m2 ACG 2 x  FPx

F12 y  m2 ACG 2 y  FPy
 R12 y F12x  R12x F12 y  T12  I CG2 2  RPx FPy  RPy FPx
Single Link in Rotation
F12x  m2 ACGx  FPx
 R12 y F12x  R12x F12 y  T12  I CG 2  RPx FPy  RPy FPx
F12 y  m2 ACGy  FPy
(4) Convert to matrix format [A] {B} = {C}, where
[A] contains geometric info (e.g., position vector dimensions),
{B} contains all unknowns,
{C} contains dynamic info (e.g., external forces & torques, PVA analysis
results, mass, moments of inertia)

 1 0 0  F12 x   m2 ACG 2 x  FPx 

    
 0 1 0  F12 y    m2 ACG 2 y  FPy 
  R12 y
 R12 x 1   T  I   R F  R F 
 12   CG 2 2 Px Py Py Px 

(5) Insert known/given values for variables in [A] & {C}.

(6) Solve for unknown forces and torques in {B} (typically internal joint
forces and torques) using {B} = [A]-1 {C}.
Fourbar slider-crank
Given: Applied external force Fp at P. Know kinematics for link 2 ,3 & 4, CGs,
inertial props (mi, ICGi)
Find: Reaction forces at each pin joint and driving torque T12.
(1) Draw complete system
• Label points, dimensions, external forces & torques, kinematics.
q 2 , 2 ,  2 T12
Y FP F12  F12 x , F12 y
q3 , 3 ,  3
   X F32  F32 x , F32 y
ACG 2 ACG3 ACG 4  F43  F43 x , F43 y
mi , ICGi ACG3 F14  F14 x , F14 y
3  3

ACG 2 
2  2
Fourbar slider-crank
(2) Draw free-body diagram of each segment.
Label internal joint forces & torques, external forces & torques, local coordinate
systems on each link. Note equal and opposite forces on links at joints. Label forces
such that force vector Fij represents the force of link i on link j and is applied at the
common joint on link j.

F23 R23
R43 F43
ACG 2 F32 y
R32 F34 x
R12 T12 ACG 4
F14 F41

Fourbar slider-crank
y R14  F14 T  I CG 4 4
F34 x
But α4 = 0, therefore
F14 F41
T  0

 R14  F14 T  R34  F34  R14  F14  0

R34 = 0 by geometry (pin joint is located
at the center of gravity of link 4).
F34 x
R14  F14  0
F14 F41 F14 cannot be zero, it has to balance
F34y. Then R14 = 0 which means that F14
should go through the CG of link 4.
Fourbar slider-crank
(3) Symbolically write out equations of motion for each moving link

    F32
 F  F12  F32  m2 ACG2 ACG 2 y
   
T z  T12  R12  F12  R32  F32   ICG2 2
R12 T12

F12 x  F32 x  m2 ACG 2 x

F12 y  F32 y  m2 ACG 2 y
T12   R12 x F12 y  R12 y F12 x    R32 x F32 y  R32 y F32 x   I CG 22

Fourbar slider-crank
(3) Symbolically write out equations of motion for each moving link


F23 R23
 F32 x  F43 x  FPx  m3 ACG 3 x ACG 3

 F32 y  F43 y  FPy  m3 ACG 3 y

R 23 x F32 y  R23 y F32 x    R43 x F43 y  R43 y F43 x 
  RPx FPy  RPy FPx   I CG 3 3
Fourbar slider-crank
(3) Symbolically write out equations of motion for each moving link

4  0 F34 x
ACG 4 y  0 No torque balance ACG 3
necessary! F14
Rij  0
F14 x    F14 y   sign VCG 4 x   F14 y

F14 x  F43 x  m4 ACG 4 x    F14 y  F43 x  m4 ACG 4 x

F14 y  F43 y  0
(4) Convert to matrix format [A] {B} = {C},
Link 2 :
Link 4 :
F12 x  F32 x  m2 ACG 2 x
F14 x  F43 x  m4 ACG 4 x    F14 y  F43 x  m4 ACG 4 x
F12 y  F32 y  m2 ACG 2 y
F14 y  F43 y  0
T12   R12 x F12 y  R12 y F12 x    R32 x F32 y  R32 y F32 x   I CG 2 2
Recall: F14 x    F14 y   sign V4 x   F14 y
Link 3 :
 F32 x  F43 x  FPx  m3 ACG 3 x
 F32 y  F43 y  FPy  m3 ACG 3 y
 R 23 x F32 y  R23 y F32 x    R43 x F43 y  R43 y F43 x    RPx FPy  RPy FPx   I CG 3 3

F12x F12y F32x F32y F43x F43y F14y T12

 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0  F12 x   m2 ACG 2 x 
 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0  F12 y   m2 ACG 2 y 
    
  R12 y R12 x  R32 y R32 x 0 0 0 1   F32 x   I CG 2 2 
    
 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0  F32 y   m3 ACG 3 x  FPx 
   
 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 F43 x m3 ACG 3 y  FPy
    
 0 0 R23 y  R23 x  R43 y R43 x 0 0  F43 y   I CG 3 3  RPx FPy  RPy FPx 
 0    
0 0 0 1 0   0  F14 y   m4 ACG 4 x 
 
 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0  T12   0 

Fourbar slider-crank

(5) Insert known/given values for variables in [A] & {C}.

(6) Solve for unknown forces and torques in {B} (typically

internal joint forces and torques) using {B} = [A]-1 {C}.

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