Tu Dien Avcn Scan v1

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Hem m¢t th~p ky qua, nganh cong nghi~p xuat ban,

in da c6 nhfrng bu6'c phat trien nhanh, m:µih. StJ giao h.ru
thucmg m;µ qu6c te, Sl;! dc5i m6'i thiet bj ky thu~t nganh
xuat ban, in da t~o nen di¢n m~o m6'i ve chat lm;m.g san
phfun in khac xa v6'i chat luc;mg san phfun in thoi. ky sir
dt;mg cong ngh~ in chu chi va cong ngh¢ in op xet cua
. ~ nhfrng th~p ky 80 ve tru6'c cua the ky xx.
StJ giao luu qu6c te trong Iinh Vl;!c khoa h9c ky
thu~t in hi¢n nay sir d1;mg tieng Anh la ph6 bien, nhu cilu
sir d1:1ng tieng Anh trong nganh in ngay cang mo r9ng ...

De g6p philn thu~n lqi trong vi¢c dQC va djch

thu~t sach bao khoa hQC ky thu~t nganh in CUa b~ dQC,
chung t6i bien so~ cu6n: "Tu dien thu~t ngu khoa hQC
ky thu~t in Anh - Vi¢t".
Trong qua trlnh bien so~, chung toi c6 tham
khao nhieu sach bao, t~p chf khoa hQC ky thu~t in, nhieu
tir dien Phap ngu, Due ngu, Han ngu, Anh ngu. . . cua
nu6'c ngoai va nhfrng kh~u ngu thuang dung trong Iinh
Vl;!C nganh in.
N¢i dung thu~t ngii' chii yeu dung trong linh Y1:fC CA.CH SU' Dl}NG TU DifN THU!T NGU
ky thu~t. cong ngh~ ciia cac phtrong phap in, nhii'ng KHOA HOC KY THU!TIN ANH - VItT
v~t ttr chuyen dung trong nganh in nhtr giay in, mgc
in, phim ky thu~t Che ban in V. V ... ' nhii'ng thu~t ngii' 1- PHAN TIENG ANH
trong c6ng ngh¢ thong tin may tfnh v.v ... duqc su 1- Cac thu~t ngii' Anh s.ip xep theo thu tl;f chii' cai tieng Anh
dt;mg r¢ng rai trong cac Iinh vvc truc5'c in, trong in va
2- Cac thu~t ngii' ghep n6i theo tu dau:
gia c6ng sau in.
2.1. Cac thu~t ngu ghep n6i bang g~ch ngang dtrqc coi nhtr
Khoa h9c ky thu~t in la m¢t b¢ ph~n t6ng hqp cua
thu~t ngii' ghep.
nhi~u nganh khoa h9c ky thu~t khac nhau, phtµn vi ung
d1:mg rat r9ng ... Thi d~: anti - corrosion
S1:f hi~u biet cung nhtr kien thuc t6ng hqp trong anti - curl
nhi~u linh vvc khoa h9c c6 lien quan den linh vgc anti - fog
nganh in ciia chung toi c6 h:µi va dAy la Ian
dau tien
anti - halo
bien so:µi cuon tit di~n thu~t ngii' khoa h9c ky thu~t in
nhat dtnh kh6ng tranh khoi khuyet di~m. thieu s6t va ... ~ 2.2. Cac thu~t ngii' ghep g6m tfnh tit va danh tu duqc xep theo
nhii'ng SCY suat trong vi~c bien SO:µI xuat ban, in. tfnh tit.

Chung toi mong nh~n duqc sv chi giao chAn

Thi d~: automatic caster
thanh cua b~n d9c trong va ngoai nganh d~ Ian xuat automatic feeder
ban sau tot han. automatic phototypesetting
Ha N9i, ngay 1 thang 5 nam 2004 automatic processor
PGS.TS Chu TheTuyen 2.3. Cac thu~t ngii' ghep c6 cac lo~i tu khac xep theo tu dau
Thi d~: absorbing filter
aceeptance of ink
back of the page
back-up register
book-binder's glue
book binding adhesive
AA (author's alteration)


1. Cac thu~t ngu dong nghia each nhau bang dau phay ( , ).
Thi di!,: binding workman: c6ng nhful dong sach, th<.1

dong sach.
blanket creep: tfun cao su bi trung, b<;>c 6ng cao
SU kh6ng cang [Sl! c6J
2. Cac thu~t ngu khong khac nghia nhau nhieu each nhau AA (author's alteration) st;r dinh abbreviative notation ky hi~u tieu
chinh cua tac gia. chuan viet tit.
bang dau chfun pha'.y ( ; ).
ABC book sach nh~p mon, sach d9c
abc bang chu cai c6 26 chil' xep theo
Thi di!,: blocking: ghep de ban in, dong de ban in; mvc thu llJ abc Mn xyz. · vo long.
abecedarian sach nMp mOn.
in ket v6n. abandon huy 00, lam hong.
abecedarium sach nh~p mOn.
body: thful chu; ca chu rcri. abasic pho:i ban duai anh sang m~ troi.
abecedary sach nh~p mOn.
abate giam mong (che'ban phim).
3- Nhung thu~t ngu tieng Vi~t trong dau [ ], ( ) dung chi sv abecegarian sach d9c vo long.
abatement giam gia. aberrant copy ban sach thu phAm
c6 hay ph~m vi sir d1,mg.
abbraviated title dau de viet tit, tit (sach khi d6ng xen b! meo khOng
Thi di!,: blade marks vet XUO'C dao g~t mvc viet thu g9n. vuOng g6c).
abbraviated version ban luqc bat, aberration sai hlnh, sai mau, quang
[sv c6 in lorn] sai, st;r sai l¢ch dong anh sang.
ban rut g9n.
book-binder's brass khuon d6ng ~ chu [dong sach] abbreviated catalog card the m9c abeyant t:µn thcti di:rng may.
l9c viet g9n. abietate abietat, rezinat, C 1J-f2<>COOH,
bodying agent chat tang dq dinh [mvc in] C1J-12<>COOR.
abbreviated charater chu viet g9n,
4- Trong cac cong thuc h<Jp chat hoa h9c VO ccr va huu ccr, cac viet tk abietic acid axit abietic, C1J-f2<>COOH.
cation kim lo~i duqc ky hi~u bang chu M; cac g6c huu ccr abbreviation ti:r viet g9n, st;r viet tk abietic anhydride anhidrit abietic,
(C19H2')C0) 20.
duqc ky hi~u bang chu R. abbreviation convention qui tic viet
ablaze tac d90g phat sang (phat quang).
g9n, viet tit.
Thi di!,: chromate: cromat: M2Cr04 abluent chat tAy rira.
abbreviations dictionary ti:r dien viet
cetone: xeton, R.CO.R g9n, viet tat. ab_lution st;r tAy rita, dung d!ch rira.
abbreviation key d!u ky bi~u viet abnormal khac thubng, bat thubng,
g9n, viet tit. khOng blnh thucmg.
abnormal heating abridged general view

abnormal heating SI! phat toa nhi¢t abrasion resistance tfnh ben mai abridged general view y d6 the hi¢n. absolute unit don vj tuy¢t d6i.
kh6ng bmh thll'bng, Sl:f c6 phat toa nhi¢t. mon, d¢ ch6ng mon. abridged notation tieu chuan ghi absolute vector Iuqng vira co d¢ Ian
abnormal termination Sl;J' ket thuc hay abrasion test each kiem tra d¢ hen tom t!t, luqc trfch. vua c6 huang tuy¢t d6i, vec to tuy¢t d6i.
cham dut d¢t ng¢4 bat thuong [may tinh]. maimon. abridged title dau de gian luqc, ten absolute viscosity d¢ nhot tuy¢t d6i.
abnormalism that thucrng. abrasion tester may thir nghi¢m d¢ sach gian Iuqc.
hen mai mon. absolute zero d9 kh6ng tuy¢t d6i
abnormal overvoltage di¢n ap cao abridged translation trich djch, Iuqc (-273°C).
khac thucrng. abrasive b¢t mai, chat mai mon. djch.
absolutely dry kh6 tuy¢t d6i, kh6 ki¢t
abnormal voltage di¢n ap kh6ng abrasive action tac d1,mg mai mon. abridgement trfch yeu, tom t!t, bien
blnh thucrng. t~p rut g9n. absorb hap th9.
abrasive base paper giay g6c dung
a bookbinder cong nhAn d6ng sach. lam giay rap. abridg(e)ment trfch yeu, bien t~p absorbability kha nang hap th1,1, tfnh
abort ket thuc d¢t ng¢t, bat thucrng thu g9n. nang hap th9.
abrasive coater may trang phu giay rap.
[may tfnh], St! c6. abrogale bai bo, huy bo. absorbed water hut nuoc.
abrasive fiber sqi dung cho san xuat
abort thti tieu, that b:µ, dlnh chi, st! abruption ng!t do~. ng!t giiia chung. absorbency kha nang hap th9, tfnh
giay rap.
c6 [may tfnh].
abscissa t9a d¢ ngang, hoanh d¢. hut m\!C.
abortion giua chung that b~i. abrasive grain d¢ h~t cat mai (d¢
mµi b¢t mai). abscua note xuat ban thieu dieu, m9c. absorbency of paper tfnh nang hap
abortlight tfn hi¢u Sl:f c6 khan cap. tht,J cua giay.
abrasive machine may mai mon. absence of sheet detector thiet bj
aboutface chuyen d¢ng huang phfa sau. kh6ng che ta tr!ng vao may in. absorbent tfnh hap tht,J, chat hap tht,J.
abrasiveness tfnh mai mon.
aboutprice gia di! kien. absolute address dja chi tuy¢t d6i absorbent cotton b6ng tham muoc.
abrasive paper giay rap. [may tfnh].
about the fold gap nira ban trang bao,
absorbent gauze cloth ni tham nuoc.
nira ban to bao. abrasive quality tfnh mai mon. absolute alcohol ruqu tuy¢t d6i, c6n
about the author gi6i thi¢u so luqc abrasive resistance tfnh nang ch6ng mon tuy¢t d6i. absorbent paper giay tham.
ve tac gia. absolute coding ma hoa tuy¢t d6i. absorbent tissue giay mong hut nuoc.
abrasive tester may thir nghi¢m mai mon
about to be published trong ky t6i se. absolute colour mau thuan sic. absorber may hap th1,1.
xuat ban. abrasive wear ry 1¢ hao mon ~t cat mai
abridge rut g9n, bien ~p thu g9n hay
absolute denature! alcohol ruqu bien absorbing agent chat hap th9.
abradant chat mai nghien, b¢t mai. tfnh kh6ng c6 nuoc.
t6m t!t, luqc trfch. absorbing board ban giay tham.
abrader may mai mon. absolute humidity d¢ Am tuy¢t d6i.
abridged and simplified by... tom absorbing capacity kha nang hap
abrading machine may mai mon. t!t va rut g9n theo . .. absolute pressure ap suat tuy¢t d6i.
th9, nang ll!c hap th1,1.
abrasion SI! mai mon. abridged document tai li¢u t6m t!t, absolute size khfch thuoc tay sach
absorbing filter kfnh l9c s!c hap th1,1.
abrasion mark da'.u vtt mai [chtban mai]. tai li¢u Iuqc trfch. chfnh xac tuy¢t d6i.
absorbing' pad d¢m ch6ng rung.
abrasion-proof phong ch6ng ma sat, abridged edition sach trfch yeu, sach absolute temperature nhi¢t d¢ tuy¢t
ch6ng mai mon, hen mai mon. bien t~p thu g9n. d6i, nhi¢t d¢ Kenvin, °K. absorbing paper giay tham nuoc.

8 9
absorbing power accelerant

abstr (abstract) trfch yeu, luqc trfch accelerant chat xuc tien, ch11'.t tang t6c. access right quyen phong van [may tinh).
absorbing power nang h,rc Mp th1:1.
bai van. accelerante xuc tien, tang t6c. access time thm gian lay s6 li¢u.
absorbing quality nang h,rc Mp thl:I,
tfnh nang hap th1:1. abstract trfch yeu, luqc trfch bai. van. access to storage thiet bi Juu trii' s6
acceleranted ageing St! liio boa nhanh.
abstract bulletin luqc trfch thOng li¢u lay ra.
absorbit than hol!-t tfnh. acceleration transducer thiet bi gia
bao, Iuqc thu~t thong bao. accessibility tfnh c6 the tiep ci).n, tfnh
absorpt indicator chat chi t11! hap th1:1. t6ccam ung.
abstract journal luqc trfch tl/-P chf, d~ tiep ci).n.
absorption sl,f Mp thl:I, sl,f hut nuoc. accelerator may xuc tien, may gia
luqc thu~t ll!-P chi. accessible c6 the lay s6 li¢u ra.
t6c, chat xuc tien dung trong qua trinh
absorption ability .nang ll,fc hap 1h1:1, abstract number s6 luqc trfch, s6 hi¢n hinh. accession book s6 dang ky tai san
tfnh nang hap th1:1. luqc thu~t.
accender chu cai dong tren. hi¢u sach.
absorption band dai hap th1:1 abstract of theris luqc trfch lu~ van,
[quang ph6]. accent tr9ng Am, ky hi¢u tr9ng Am. accessioning s6 nghi¢m thu sach va
hrqc thu~t lu~ van, trfch yeu lu~ van.
dang ky ghi chep.
absorption coefficient M s6 hap th1:1. abstract publication luqc thu~t sach
accented chii' c6 dau tr9ng Am.
accession of book s6 nghi¢m thu
absorptioncurve duong cong h11'.p th1:1 xuat ban. accent mark kf hi¢u tr9ng Am.
sach va dang ky ghi chep.
[quang h9c]. abstract symbol ky hi~u trlu tuqng. accentuation tr9ng Am, nhan m~ Am.
accession register s6 dang ky tai san
absorption indicator chat chi t11! hap th1:1.
abstracting journal c6ng tac luqc acceptability ty I~ hqp qui each. hi¢u sach.
absorption measurement do dl/-C hap thu~t tl/-P chf.
acceptance certificate sach chung accessory-accessories ph1:1 ki¢n,
thl:I, tdc dinh Mp th1:1. abstracting periodical sach hrqc chi nghi¢m thu. linh ki¢n.
absorption of light sl,f hap th1:1 anh sang. thu~t d\nh ky.
acceptance of ink tfnh nang hut ml,fc. accident Sl,f c6, tai n~n.
absorption peak dinh hap th1:1. abstracts volume t~p trfch yeu.
acceptance sampling system h~ accidental error sai s6t ngiiu nhien.
absorption rate ty 1¢ hap th1;1 (quang !QC). abundance of colour mau sAc phong phu. th6ng thu mau hqp qui each.
accident prevention phong ngua tai
absorption shock each giam chan d¢ng. AC (author's corrections) tac gia acceptance test thf nghi¢m nghi¢m thu. n~, Sl,f c6, can CO bi¢n phap an toan.
absorption spectrophotometry hi¢u dfnh.
acceptant procedure trlnh ll! nghi¢m thu. accident prevention instruction qui
phucmg phap quang phO hap th1:1. A-C (alternating current) dong di¢n
xoay chieu.
accepted product san pham hqp qui each. trlnh an toan ky thu~t.
absorption spectrum quang ph6 hap th1;1.
accepts san pham hqp qui .each. AC circuit dong di¢n xoay chieu.
absorption tissue giay mong hut nuoc. acacia gum g6m arabic.
access Jay s6 li¢u ra [may tfnh], AC circuit breaker khf c1;1 nglit dong
absorptive capacity kha nang hap academic book store hieu sach xuat
ban pham h9c thu~t c6 gia" ttj ly thuyet. lien tiep. di¢n xoay chieu.
th1:1, nang ll,fc hap th1:1.
academic press nha xuat ban h9c access cycle chu ky lay s6 li~u [may tinh). A-C commutator motor d¢ng ca
absorptivity ty suat hap th1;1, nang ll,fc di¢n xoay chieu d~g chinh luu.
Mpth1:1. thu~rc6 gia tri ly thuyet. access method phucmg phap lay s6
academic publication xuat ban pham li¢u. accompanying diagram bieu d6 kem
absqua nota tinh hu6ng xuat ban
hQC thui).t, xuat ban pham cua hQC vi¢n. access mode each lay s6 li¢u. them, ph1;1 d6.
khOng ro rang.
accompanying material

acetone axeton, CH 3.0.CH3, propanon. acid bleaching tdy tring tfnh axit.
accompanying material tai li¢u kem Accurate Sereen (AS) ky thu~t diem
them. tram tinh xac (Cong ty Adobe). acetone alcohol rtrqu axeton. acid carbonate cacbonat axit, MHC03.

accordion binding d6ng sach kilu to acescency SI! hai chua, vj hai chua. acetone sodium bisulfite axeton acid chloride clorua axit, RCOCI.
gap, dan phong cam. acescent hai chua. sodium bisunfit, (CH 3) 2CO.NaHS03. acid chrome black den cr6m axit.
accord SI! phu h<;1p. acetaldehyde axetandehit, CH 3CHO. acetone sulphite axeton sunphit. acid circulating pump barn tuan
accordion board bla gap dfch dk hoan axit.
acetal resin nhl!a axetal. acetone cellulose axeton xenlulozo.
d~ng dan phong cam. acid content ham ltrqng axit.
acetate axetat: a/ CHPOM; b/ acetylene axetylen, (;H2_
accordion fold to gtfp gai them trong sach. CH3COOR. acid cooking each chtrng cat axit.
acetylene black den axetilen.
accordion pleat to gap gai trong sach. acetate base de phim axetat. acid corrosion SI! an mon axit.
achromat thau kinh tieu sk v~t kfnh
account book s6 chi thu, s6 sach ghi acetate fiber sqi axetat. acid decomposition SI! phAn huy axit.
tieu sic [anh).
chep cac khoan chi thu xuat nh~p acid developer dung djch hi¢n anh
acetate film mang mong axetat, phim achroma~ic tieu sic.
hang hoa.
axetat xenlul6zo. tfnh axit.
account book binding d6ng s6 sach achromatic colour mau vo sic.
acetate foil mang mong axetat. acid development hi¢n anh tfnh axit.
ghi chep cac khoan chi thu xuat nh~p achromatic lens thau kfnh tieu sk.
hang hoa. acetate green xanh l1:1c axetat. acid dip thAm tim axit.
achromatic light anh sang vo sac, acid dye thu6c nhu¢m axit.
account machine paper giAy dung acetate ink ml!C nhl!a axetat.
anh sang tieu sk
cho may tfnh di¢n tit. acetate overlay trang phu lop mang acid dyeing SI! nhu(>m axit.
achromatopsia chung mu mau.
account mark ky hi¢u "@". axetat trong su6t. acid emulsion nhii ttrang axit.
acetate transparency phim axetat acid axit.
account information tfch luy tMng tin. acid fixative bath dung djch ntroc
xenlulozo. acid ammonium fluoride axit amoni djnh anh tfnh axit.
accumulation SI! tfch luy, SI! tfch t9. florua.
acetic (thu¢c) dam, axetic. acid fixer dung djch djnh anh tfnh axil
accumulator Ac qui. acid azo-colour thu6c nhu¢m mau
acetic acid axit axetic, axit etanoic, acid - free khong c6 tfnh axit.
accurary d¢ chfnh xac, tfnh chuAn xac. CH3 COOH dung trong dung djch azo axit.
ngi:rng hi¢n anh. acid - free paper giay kh6ng c6 tfnh axil
accurary class ding cap d¢ chfnh xac. acid - based developer .dung djch
acetic aldehyde andehit axetic. djnh ~ tfnh axit. acid - free tissue gi11y phong ch6ng
accurary of instrument d¢ chfnh xac anmon.
cua d9ng Cl,l do ltrong. acetic anhydride anhidrit axetic. acid bath ntroc axit (dung djch).
acid green (mau) xanh l9c axit.
accurary of measurement d¢ chinh acetic ester ette axetic, CH3 COOR. acid blast etching SI! an mon bang
each phun dung djch axit. acid gro~p nh6m axit .
xac cua S\! do ltrong. acetic ether ete axetic, etyl axetat
CH 3CO.OCzHs. acid blast machine may an mon acid hardening fixer dung djch djnh
ACE (Ancillary composing . anh lam cung mang tfnh axit.
equipment) thiet bj sip chir b6 trq. acetimetry phep do axit axetic. bfuig each phun dung djch axit.
acidic acoustooptic modulation

acid stop bath dung djch ngi:mg hi¢n acoustooptic modulation dieu bien acryl type ink mt_tc in g6c acryl.
acidic (thu¢c) axit; chua.
anh axit. quang Am. actinic quang c6 tfnh chat quang hoa.
acidification tac d1,mg axit hoa.
acid sulfite pulping che b(>t h6 dung acquisition tu li¢u sach bao thu actinic effect hi¢u ung quang hoa.
acidify axit hoa. mu6i sunfit axit. tMp dugc.
acidity d¢ axit, tfnh axit. actinic focus tien diem quang hoa.
acid test tht'r tfnh axit, thf nghi¢m acquisitioning thu t~p tlnh bao.
acid number chi s6 axit. tfnh axit. actinic light anh sang c6 tfnh chat
AC relay thiet bi tiep nh~ tfn hi¢u va quang hoa.
acid of wine axit tactaric, aacid trough mang dt_tng axit, khay
truyen di vai cuimg d¢ Ian hem.
(CHOH)2.(COOH)2• chua axit. actinic photometer quang (d¢) ke
acidulate axit hoa. acridine acridin, ~H4 CH~H4 N. quang hoa.
acidimeter ty tn;mg ke axit.
acidulating agent tac nhan axit hoa. acridine dyestuffs thu6c nhu¢m actinic radiation buc x~ quang hoa.
acidimetry phUCII1g phap chuful d¢ axit.
acridin. actinic rays tia quang hoa.
acidometer ty tr9ng ke axit. acidulation st_t axit hoa.
acridine yellow vang acridin, actinity d¢ quang hoa, quang hoa nang.
acid pickling tham axit, tam axit. acid value chi s6 axit.
dihidroketon acridin, ~H4 CO~NH.
acid - based developer dung d\ch actinism hoa h9c buc x~
acid potassium sulfate kali sunfat axit. acridone acridon.
hi¢n anh tfnh axit. actinium actini, Ac
acid - proof emu axit. acronym ti:r cau ~o bfutg nhung chu
acid - free khong c6 tfnh axit, tfnh chua.
actinology quang hoa h9c.
acid - proof alloy hqp kim chiu axit. dau ctia m¢t nh6m ti:r vf d1,1 UNESCO
acid - free paper giay khOng c6 tfnh
United Nations Educational actinometer quang hoa ke, d1,1ng c1,1
acid - proof ink mt_tc in chju axit. axit, tfnh chua.
Scientific and Cultural do cuim_g d¢ tia quang hoa.
acid - proof paper giay chju axit. acierage m~ thep . Organization: T6 chuc Giao d1,1c actinometry phep do d(> quang hoa.
acid resit nht_ta chju axit. A-C logical circuit dong di¢n giao khoa h9c va Van hoa Lien hi¢p qu6c.
luu logic. action st_t tac d1..mg.
acid resit paper giay chju axit. across grain huang tho giay van ngang.
ACM (area composition machine) activate san phAm ho~t hoa.
acid resit varnish vecni chiu axit, across the grain huang tho giay vAn
may sip chu ch1,1p tung phan dung activated (da) ho~t hoa.
SCII1 chiu axit. ngang khi gap cac tay sach.
slip bieu mau.
acid resistance-emu axit, ben voi axit. activated carbon than ho~t hoa.
AC motor d¢ng co xoay chieu. acrylamide acrylamit.
acid resistant chju axit, ben voi axit. activated state tr~ng thai ho~t hoa.
acorn nut dai 6c, mu 6c vft, ecu. acrylic acid axit acrylic.
acid resisting khang axit, ben voi activation st_t h~t hoa, st_t kfch ho~t hoa.
acoustic (al) board bla giay each am.
axit, chiu axit . acrylic amide amit acrylic.
acoustic input device thiet bi dau vao activation analysis st_t phan tfch ~ hoa.
acid rinse nga.m, tAm, tham axit. Am thanh. acrylic resin nht_ta acrylic. activation energy nang Iugng ho~t hoa.
acid semichemical pulp b(>t h.oa h9c acoustic insulation each am . acrylite acrylit. activat<;>r chat ho~t hoa, chat kich ho~
ban axit.
acoustic paper giay each Am. acrylonitril acrylonitrin. activator development chat ho~t hoa
acid sodium sulfate natri hidro
acoustic properties tfnh chit am h9c. acryl resin nht_ta acryl. hi¢n anh.
sunfat, NaHS04 .

i additional illumination chieu sang

adaptation cai bien, sach cai bien.
active c6 ho~t tfnh, him hi¢u, ho~t actual time then- gian thtJc. b6 sung, chieu sang b6 trq.
d9ng, chu d9ng. actual solution dung djch thtJc. adaptation of a text cai bien ban van,
ban van dfnh sua l~i. additional map trang phll ban ban d6.
active agent chat ho~t tfnh. actual stability d¢ btn thtJc.
~ adapted edition sach cai bien. additional post kiem nhi¢m.
active alkali kiem ho~t tfnh. actual volume dung tfch him hi?u,
adapter thiet bj tiep hqp, 6 c!m di¢n, additional run in s6 luqng b6 sung.
active carbon than ho~t tfnh. dung tfch thtJC te.
nguoi cai bien. additive chat them vao.
active carbon filter dt,mg c1;1 lc;x: than actual weight tr<;mg ltrqng thtJc te,
tr9ng luqng him hi¢u. adaptution cai bien. additives chat them vao, chat phll gia.
ho~t tfnh.
actuate khoi d9ng, chuyfu d¢ng, thuc dAy. ADC (analog . digital convertion) additive colour c9ng mau, gia sac.
active complex phuc chat ho~t d9ng.
chuyen d6i mo phong tuang tt! - s6.
active coupler chat tharlh mau ho~t actuance d¢ s!c ben, d¢ nh~y ben. additive colour blending h6n hqp
ad to quang cao viet tilt cua chfr cc)ng mau.
tfnh. actuance developer dung djch hi¢n advertisement.
active environment group nh6m anh de) nh~y cao. additive colour matching ph6i mau
ad card gioi thi¢u trang sach cua tac cc)ng mau.
moi truong ho~t tfnh. actuating mechanism ca cau thao pham, cua tac gia.
active filler chat dc)n ho~t tfnh. tac, ca cau chuyen d9ng. additive colour mixing hOn hqp cc)ng mau.
AD convertion chuyen d6i mo phong
active hydrogen hidro ho~t tfnh. actuating signal tfn hi?u tac d1;1ng, tfn additive colour process phuang phap
tuang tt! - s6.
hi¢u khoi d9ng. cc)ng mau.
active page trang trucrc m~t. add title page trang ph1;1 de, trang
actuation ho~t d(>ng, khoi dc)ng. additive intensification tra day dong
active paper giay hut am. tieu de ph1;1 ten sach.
deu, tang de) tra day.
actuator may kfch dc)ng, may khoi
active pigment sk t6 ho~t tfnh. addendum ph1;1 l1;1c.
dc)ng, ca cau chap hanh. additive mixture of colours hOn hqp
active material v~t li¢u ho~t tfnh cao. adding machine paper giay dung c9ng mau.
actuator generator may phat di¢n do
cho may tfnh di?n tu. )

active regions mien ho~t d9ng. t6c de). additive primaries phuang phap
actuator motor dc)ng oo di¢n khoi dc)ng. adding unit thiet bj phll them. c9ng mau ba mau ca ban.
active solifent dung moi ho~t tfnh.
addition st! cc)ng them vao, St! them additive primary colour phuang
active surface be m~t him hi¢u. acute accent dau am thanh cao, dau
sac tren m¢t nguyen am ('). vao; chat phll gia. phap c9ng mau ba mau ca ban.
active state tr~ng thai ho~t tfnh cao.
Ac Voltage Stabilizer may 6n ap addition agent chat phll·gia. additive proces.5 phoong phap cc)ng mau.
activity tfnh ph6ng x~. ho~t tfnh.
xoay chieu. addition reaction phan ung c(mg, additive process of colours phuang
activity coeffcient h¢ s6 hoc!-t d¢ng. phan ung k& hqp. phap cc)ng mau.
ad (addenda) ph1;1 l1;1c.
actual thtJc, (thu¢c) thtJc te. additional them, phll. additive three-colour phucmg phap
ad (advertisement) quang cao.
actual acidity d¢ axit thtJc. additional agent chat phll gia. cc)ng ba mau ca ban.
adapt cai bien.
actuale equilibrium contants hang additional exposure chieu sang b6 sung. additive type ngo~i ca.
adapt a text cai bien sach, dfnh sua I~.
s6 can bAng thtJc.
16 2 · TflKHKTIAV
additive adhesive power

adhesive backibng giay dar_i ban, adhesive power 11,TC barn dinh cua keo. adjustable speed motor d(>ng co
additive machining allowance as
di?n dieu chinh t6c d(>, d(>ng co di?n
required 1U'Ql1g gia oong can theo nhu clu. giay c6 keo dan ban. adhesive spreading machine may bien t6c.
additivity c¢ng tinh. adhesive binder may d6ng sach dung b6i phu keo.
adjusting corn-cut e cu dieu chinh.
address dja chi [b(> ph~ luu tru trong keo kMng khau. adhesive strenght 11,Tc barn dfnh,
adjusting colour dieu chinh mau.
may tinh]. adhesive binder for short run may cucrng d¢ dan keo.
d6ng sach dung keo khau v6i s6
adjusting controls thiet bi kiem tra
address label dja chi nhan hang. adhesive substance chat dan h6n hqp.
hi¢u chinh, thiet bj kiem tra djnh vj.
luqng in ft.
address label paper giay dja chi adhesive tape bang keo. adjusti~g device thiet bj dieu chinh.
nhan hang. adhesive binding d6ng sach bclng
adhesive techuique ky thu~t dong adjusting gear thiet bj dieu chinh.
address machine dja chi may in. dan keo khong khau chi, khau thep
dan sach.
keo dan l.µili thubng la polyvinyl adjusting handle dieu chinh bang tay.
addressing machine dja chi may in. axetat va keo dan nhi?t la etylen- adhesive tension cubng d¢ barn dfnh.
adjusting humidity chamber phong
addr~ of publisher dja chi nha xuat ban. vinyl axetat (EVA). adhesiveness tfnh barn dfnh. dieu chinh tl,T d¢ng d¢ Am.
address selection dja chi tuyen ch9n. adhesive binding machine may d6ng adipic acid axit adipic. adjusting mechanism CC1 CllU dieu
addressee nguoi nMn. sach dung keo khOng khau. chinh, co che dieu chinh.
adipo-cellulose xenlulozc:1 chua nhl,Ta.
addresograph dja chi may in. adhesive capacity kha nang barn dinh. adjusting screw 6c hi¢u chinh, 6c
adjacency effect hi¢u ung c~n bien.
adhesive dope dung keo bao dan bla sach. djnh vj.
addressor dja chi may in.
adjective colour thu6c nhu¢m mau adjusting valve van dieu chinh.
adhere dfnh, barn dinh. adhesive foil mang mong keo tl,T dan. gian tiep.
adjustment sl,T hi¢u chinh, sl,T dieu
adherence SI! dfnh, SI! barn. adhesive force 11,Tc dan keo. adjective dyes thu6c nhu¢m mau chinh, Sl,l' dieu tiet.
adherent dfnh, barn dfnh. gian tiep.
adhesive label nhiin bang keo. adjustment divice thiet bj dieu tiet
adhering SI! dfnh, SI! barn. adjunct chat ph1;1 gia. lip rap chi tiet may.
adhesive labels printing may in
adherometer dinh ke. nhiin bang keo. adjust die~ chinh, dieu tiet, hi¢u adjustment of metal dieu chinh
chinh. thanh philn hqp kim chfr chl.
adhesion SI! barn, SI! dfnh. adhesive meter barn dfnh ke.
a4l~table c6 the dieu chinh duqc, c6 adjustment range ph:,lm vi dieu
adhesion strength 11,Tc barn dfnh. adhesive - mounted cut dan keo de the dieu tiet duqc. .. chinh.
adhesive chat dfnh, chat keo dan. ban in ban d6ng, ban kem.
adjuster b¢ ph~n dieu chinh, b¢ ph~ adjustment wedge nem dieu chinh
adhesive action tac d1;1ng barn dfnh. adhesive paper giay trang san mang hi¢u chinh. khi ghep khuon chfr chl.
keo dan. adjustable frequency motor d¢ng co adjuston zero dieu chinh ve s6
adhesive-backed b6i h6.
adhesive parchement paper giAy di¢n bien t6c. khMg.
adhesive and glues chat keo ket dfnh.
dan sach thau minh. adjustable screw (dinh) 6c hi¢u administration sl,T quan ly, SI! kinh
adhesive applicator may b6i keo,
adhesive paste h6 dan. chinh duqc, 6c djnh vj duqc. doanh.
may quet keo.
admiration mark advance order

advance order dcm dt,r d~t hang. aeration sl;I' thoang khf, st,r th6ng gio.
admiration mark dau cham than (!) adsorptivity tinh nang hap phl;I, tfnh
happhl;I. advance print in thu thf nghi¢m, aerial (thu¢c) kh6ng khf,
adiminitrator nhan vien quan ly
[may tinh]. adulterant chat pha tr9n. sach in thf nghi¢m. aerial fog kh6ng khf u am.
admission value gia ttj chap nh~ adulterate pha tr¢n. advance sheet to in thfr s~ch gui di aerial map ban d6 hang khong.
dugc. in trucrc.
adulteration SI! pha tr¢n, chat bi pha tr¢n. aerial photograph nhiep anh hang
admix pha tr¢n, tr¢n l!n. advance sheets to in thu. kMng (phim anh).
adult book sach d9c cho ngueli Ion.
admixing st,r pha tr9n, st,r tr¢n l!n. advancing colour mau s!c n6i b~t. aerograph but phun, chai khf, sua
adurol adurol. ban dung but phun.
admixture st,r tr¢n l!n, st,r h&n hgp. advertisement quang cao.
advance Sl;I' chuyen d9ng ve phfa aerometer khf (ty tr9ng) ke.
ADP (automatic data processing) trucrc, di! bao trucrc. advertisement board ban gia'.y dan
xu ly dii' li¢u tt,r d¢ng. gim thi¢u quang cao. aerometry phep do ty tr9ng khf.
advance abstracts trich yeu lu~n van
trucrc. advertisement make-up s!p chii' aeroset d1:1ng Cl;I phun b¢t d~ng b1:1i.
ADP (advanced data processing) su
ly dii' li¢u cao cap. quang cao. aerosol scm khi (khong khf), blnh
advance advertisement di! cao xua'.t ban
advertisement type area di¢n ban phun.
A-D signal tin hi¢u tucmg tt,r-s6. advance book reporting di! cao sach mm. quang ca.o. aerosol container blnh phun ap sua'.t.
adsorb ha'.p phl;I advance book reporting service di! advertiser's edition sach quang cao. aerosol analyser may phan tich son khf.
adsorbability tinh ha'.p phl;I. bao sach mm.
advertising agency d~i ly quang cao. aerospher atmotphe.
adsorbate chat bi ha'.p ph1:1. advance contact angle tien tm goc
tiep xuc. advertising copy sach miiu quang affect anh huong.
adsorbed (da) hap ph1:1. cao tieu th1:1.
advance copy ban mau sach mm, affinitize an mon sau, chinh sua oo m~t.
adsorbed layer lop hap phl;I. advertising film phim quang cao.
sach dt,r $lg hay bieu. affinitizing chinh sua oo m~t.
adsorbent chat hap phl;I. advance cylinder trl;IC chuyfo giay vao. advertising leaflet to wi quang cao. affinitizing solution dung dich ch6ng
adsorber thiet bi hap phl;I. advanced tien trucrc. advertising matter sip chii' quang cao. an mon, dung djch chinh sua be m~t.
adsorbing material chat hap ph1:1. advanced data processing xu
li¢u cao cap.
1, s6 advertising matter disregarded to
quang cao kh6ng chu giai so trang.
affinity ai }t,rc, ll;l'C boa hgp.
affinity constant hang s6 can bang
adsorbed water nucrc Mp phl;I.
advertising medium bao chf co dang phan ung .
~dsorption st,r Mp phl;I. advance edition sach di! kien dua in.
. quang cao. affinity for ink tinh chat than ml;l'c,
adsorption analysis st,r phan tich_ Mp phl;I. advanced feet tape bang d1:1c 10 trucrc
advertising paper gia'.y quang cao, tfnh chat de nh~n bit ffil;l'C.
dung cho s&p ch1:1p.
adsorption effect hi¢u ung hap ph1:1. gia'.y yet thi, giay ap phfch. A filter kfnh l<;>c sic A (do da cam).
advance in price tang gia, nang gia
adsorptive chat bi hap ph1:1. aeolotropism cac huong quang cao A flute s6 hlnh song gia'.y cac t6ng
advance information on... dt,r cao. tfnh chat khac nhau. song lo~i A (m&i 30 xangtimet c6
adsorptive capacity kha nang hap
phl;I, dung lugng hap P~l:1- advance notice dt,r cao. aerate th6i khi, th6ng khf. 36+3).
after-effect air brast system

air brast system h¢ th6ng qu~t gi6. air conditioning dieu hoa khOng khf.
after-effect hi¢u ung sau, hi¢u ung age liio hoa.
tiep theo. air blower may qu~t gi6. air conditioning device thiet bi dieu
age resister chat ch6ng liio hoa.
after-exposure chieu sang sau, chieu hoa kh6ng khf.
age resistant paper giay ben liio hoa. air blowing roll lrl;lC gi6 nhi¢t.
sang giay trang tiep theo. air conditioning equipment thiet bi
ageing resistance kha nang ch6ng liio hoa. air borne drying d¢m khf kh6. dieu hoa kh6ng khf.
after-fixing djnh anh tiep theo sau.
agglutinant cha'.t keo dfnh, chat dfnh ket air break circuit-breaker may ngat air cooled duqc lam l ~ (bang)
after-image anh hong, anh bong phfa sau. dong kh6ng khf.
agglutinate dfnh ket. khOng khf.
after-ripening luy¢n chm l~i. air breaker may ngat dong khOng khf.
agglutinated (dii) dfnh ket. air cooling (sl!) lam l~h (bang)
after sizing xoa keo sau, xoa keo be m~t air- break swith dong ma qu~t gi6. khOng khf.
agglutinating value d¢ dfnh ket.
after-tack tfnh dfnh phfa sau [ml!c air-brush cai but phun dung cho sua aircurrent luu tMng khong khf.
in], SI! tr6c bong mang ml!c. agglutination SI! dfnh ket. ban den trang phun goat trang ho~ den. air-cushion d¢m khf.
after treatment xu ly sau. aggregate tl:I hqp, t1,1 t~p, the t1,1 hqp. air brush coater d1,1ng c1,1 phun phu
air doctor coater may trang phu
after word lcri b~t, lai cu6i sach. aggregate capacity tong cong suat, sua phim anh.
d~ng dao g~t khf.
tOng dung luqng. air-brush coating phun phu sua ban.
after yellowing ml!C trang 6 Vang (in air doctor coating trang phu d~g
sat tAy say CJ nhi¢t d¢ cao). aggregate unit 16 may lien hqp. air-brushing but phun sua ban. dao g~t khf.
after-yellowing of paper giay 6 vang. aggregation tl:I t~p (hi¢n tuqng). air-brush retouching sua ban dung air doctor dampening system h¢
again liin niia, l~i. aging printing in c6 huang vj, in each phun phu. th6ng lam am d~g dao g~t bang hoi.
thanh th1,1c. air bubbles h9t khf. air-dried hong kho.
against the grain huong ngang tho giay.
agitate khuay. air buffer d¢m khf, d¢m thOi hoi CJ air-dried board bla giify hong kh6.
against the light anh sang chieu
nguqc chieu, anh sang phfa sau. agitated drier may khuay kM. m~t ban may ooo xen giify.
air dry hong khO bang gi6.
aga aga, th~ch trang. agitation SI! khuay. air cap cai chl:IP gi6 n6ng dung trong
air dryer may hong kh6 thOi gi6 n6ng.
h¢ th6ng hong kh6.
agate CC1 chii to nho chii chl anh van agitator may khuify. air drying hong kM thOi gi6 n6ng.
ki~u cu; dan vj ke toan s6 dong chii air-chamber phong tMng gi6.
Al (artificial intelligence) trf tu¢ air edition ban in hang khong.
quang cao giay bao; chii rai anh van air channel duang tMng gi6.
5.1/2 phAn. nhAn ~o.
air-cleaner may l9c b1,1i kh6ng khf. air ejector may phun tia khotlg khf.
air bell b9t khf (tren be m~t giay).
agate ccr chii 5,5 phAn (My)
air-compressor may nen kh6ng khf. air eraser d1,1ng Cl,! but phun sfra ban.
air blade may trang phu dung dao gat
agate line tieu chufo d¢ r¢ng dong air escape valve van thOi khf ra, van
chii CJ c(>t quang cao giay bao. khong khf. air condenser thiet bi ngung l~h
khOng khf. ph6ng khf.
ageing hi¢n tuqng lao hoa, SI! liio hoa. air blake van'khf, ham khf.
air exhauster may th6i khf, may xa khf.
air blanket tam cao su c6 d¢m khf. air conduit 6ng dful kh6ng khf, 6ng gi6.
agent chat, d~i ly thuang m~i, nm
air film table ban d¢m khf.
buon ban tieu thl:I hang. air brast coi hoi, qu~t gi6. air conditioner may dieu hoa khOng khf.
air filter air-proof paper

air-proof paper air-proof paper alabaster paper gi!y danh thiep.

air filter thiet bj l9c khOng khi. air knife coating machine may trang
phu giay kieu dung dao g~t khong khi. giay khong thau khf. alarm SI! bao d<'.)ng, tfn hi?u bao d9ng.
air flotation dryer thie't bj lam kh6
kieu th6i khi. air knife mark vet dao g~t kh6ng khi air-pump born hoi. alarm bell chuOng bao d¢ng, tin hi?u
air flotation (drying) thie't bj say kh6 [loi trong san xuat giay]. air pump motor mo to born hoi. bao d9ng.
d?m khf sir d1,mg trong h¢ th6ng hong air-lay drying duong 6ng dan khong khi. alarm display hi?n thj bao d¢ng.
air regulator may dieu hoa kh6ng khf.
say kh6.
air line duong lam kh6 khong khi n6ng. air release valve van xa khf. alarm relay may lien we cap tin hi?u
air flotation drying thiet bj say kh6 bao d¢ng.
d?m khi. air loaded tension device thiet bj ll;l'c air removing roll tr1:1c chuyen khi.
cling khi d¢ng. alarm signal tin hi?u bao d<'.)ng, tin
air float table ban de giay c6 voi thoi air reservoir blnh chua khi. hi?u canh bao.
kh6ng khi lam toi giay. air mail paper giay thu hang kh6ng.
air resistance ll!c can kh6ng khf, d9 albedo h¢ s6 phan x~ khuech tan, h?
air flow dong kh6ng khi luu thong. air mandrel 6ng dan hoi, 6ng dan
khong khi.
tMu khf. s6 phan x~ ch~m.
air foil mang ngan hoi gi6 n6ng.
air roll tr1:1c ep giay. albertol resin nhl;l'a anbetol.
air foil dryer thiet bj lam kho gi6 air nozzle voi th6i kMng khi, voi th6i hoi.
n6ng d.µig mang ngan.
AIRS (automatic image retrieval albertotype ban colotip, ban in kfnh.
air operated automatic control tl;l'
system) h? th6ng pht;1c h6i anh tl;l' d9ng.
air former d?m khi ban tam giac. khong che khi d¢ng. Albert tone kich ca to giay 37/8x6
air seal bjt kin khi. tac Anh.
air heater b¢ ph~ gia nhi?t kh6ng khi. air operated humidity controller may
air hole 16 thong hoi.
kh6ng che dieu hoa de) am
khi d¢ng. air seasoned hong kh6. albertype ban colotip, ban in kfnh
air operated thermostat thiet bj bao air separator thiet bj thOi kh6ng khf Albion press m¢t lo~i may in d~t tay.
air humidifier may lam am khong
khi, may lam tang de) am khong khf. 6n khi d<'.)ng. lam toi gia'.y.
album an-born, t~p anh cht;1p, t~p stru
air humidifying plant thie't bj lam air oulet flue 6ng bai khf. air spring d?n'l khi. t~p tern tht.r, t~p van tuyen, ~p ca khuc.
am khong khi. ' air paper giay thu tfn hang kh6ng. air suction thiet bj hut hoi, hut khf. album of printings t~p sach anh in
airing c~p treo giay, hong giay. air permeability tester thiet bj kiem air table ban d(!m khi (J may dao xen giay. albumen anbumin, long trilng trung.
air hole Io thong gi6, Io thoat khf. djnh de) tham khf.
air tank blnh chua khong khf. albumen coating solution dung djch
air intake cira dan gi6 vao. air piping duong 6ng th6ng kh6ng cam quang long tring tn'rng -
air-tight khong th!u khf, bjt kfn.
air jet voi phun kh6ng khf. khi, thong hoi. bicromat.
air pollution 6 nhiem kh6ng khi.
air valve van hoi, van khf. albumenized paper gia'.y anbumin
air knife dao g<!-t kh6ng khf.
air preheater may gia nhi?t truoc air velocity pressure v~n t6c ap ll!c albumen mixture dung djch cam
air knife coated paper giay trang luu thong khi.
khong khf. quang anbumin (long triing tn'rng)
phu dung dao g<!-t khong khf.
air pressure ap ll;l'c khong .khf, khf ap. air vent cira chuyen khf. albumen on glass process phuong
air knife coater may trang phu giay
air proof kh6ng thau khi, bjt kin. air wash may l<;>c rira khf. phap che ban anbumin tren kfnh.
dung dao g<!-t khong khi.
albumen paper alignment

albumen paper giay anbumin. alcohol proof tfnh ben v6'i c6n cua alignment si, sip chir thing hang, s6 alkali resistance tfnh khang kiem,
mvc in va pfch mang mau. trang cha.n bat chfr thing hang. tfnh ben kiem.
albumen plate ban in anbumin.
Airline edition sach in chfr rb:i c6 van alignment block thiet bj d¢t 16 cac alkaline thu¢c kiem.
albumen process phuong phap che phieu ho~c phfch tu li¢u.
Andin. alkaline-based developer dung djch
ban anbumin.
Alco process phuong phap che ban alignment diskette dia tu mem dung hi¢n anh tfnh kiem.
albumen sensitizer dung djch cam ch1,1p anh tram mau in lorn, phuong dieu chinh cua may tfnh.
quang anbumin. alkaline-battery pin tfnh kiem.
phap che ban in lorn Anco. alignment target khung kinh thu nh~
albumen transfer paper giay in alkaline developer dung djch hi¢n
Alfagrass co Tay Ban Nha dung 1am giay. anh cua may ch9p anh cOng nghi¢p,
chuyen anbumin. chinh chuan d¢ net may dQC vi phim. anh tfnh kiem.
algebraic sign kf hi¢u d~i s6. alkaline fixer dung djch djnh anh
albumin anbumin, long trfutg trung. alive con chua hong.
algebraic symbol kf hi¢u d~i s6. tfnh kiem.
albumin plate ban in anbumin. alizaric (thu¢c) alizarim.
ALGOL (Algorithmic language) alkaline hydrolysis sv thuy ph!.n kiem.
albumin process phuong phap che alizarin alizarin, 1,2
ngOn ngfr thu~t toan, m¢t ngOn ngfr alkaline permanganate oxidation
ban anbumin. l~p trlnh cap cao [may tfnh]. " dioxiantraquinon C14H80 4 •
si, oxi hoa pemanganat trong mOi
album paper giay anh. alizarin blue xanh alizarin, truong kiem.
ALGOL (Algorithmic orientated
C6HiC0)2.C~3N:(OH)2 •
Alco gravure process phuong phap language) ngOn ngfr ALGOL [may tfuh]. alkaline process phuong phap kiem
che ban ch1,1p anh tram mau in lorn, alizarin colours pham nhu¢m alizarin. dung cheh6.
algorism = algorithm thu~t toan
phuong phap che ban in lorn Anco. [may tfnh]. alizarin dyes pham nhu¢m alizarin. alkaline-proof soap box board h¢p
alcohol ruqu, ruqu etylic, CiH 50H. algraphy phuong phap che ban in alizarine lake son hay vec ni alizarin. cac tong khang kiem dung cho dong
. bang dung ban nhOm. g6i xa phong.
alcohol axit axit hidroxi. alkali kiem.
aliasing d~g b~c thang. alkaline pulp che h6 theo phuong
alcohol aldehyde hidroxiandehit. alkali blue xanb kiem.
alcohol base flexo ink mlJc in flexo aliasing distortion hlnh meo m6 alkali blue lake son hay vec ni xanh kiem.
khOng th~t [hi¢n thj]. alkaline pulping che h6 theo phuong
g6c ruqu.
align sip chfr thing hang.
• alkali earth thu¢c kiem th6. phap kiem.
alcohol containing water nuoc c6 ruc;ru. alkali earth metal kim lo~i kiem tho. alkaline semichemical pulp h6 ban
align hirizontally sip chfr thing hang hoa h9c theo phuong phap kiem.
alcohol dampening lam am ban in alkali blue toner b¢t xanh kiem tho.
ngang (sua ban in).
bang c6n. alkaline solution dung djch kiem.
align text dieu chinh sua ban van. alkali hydroxyde hydroxit kiem.
alcohol-free printing in khong dung .., alkalinity tfnh kiem, d¢ kiem.
c6n 6 dung djch mang nu6'c. align vertically dong dung thing hang. alkali liquor dung djch kiem.
a)kalify kiem hoa. alkalinous c6 tfnh kiem.
alcohol dampening system h¢ th6ng aligning gauge qui djnh duong chuan
lam am ban in bang c6n. chan chfr. alkali-proof tfnh ben kiem. alkalization sv kiem hoa.

alcohol lamp den c6n, aligning paper giay in ban d6. alkali-proof paper giay ben kiem. alkalize kiem hoa.

26 27
ally! bromide

ally! bromide alyl bromua. alphabetical index bang chi dan thu
alkalizing Sl;{ kiem hoa. all woood paper giay toan bQt g6.
ti;c chu cai.
alkuprint ban due di¢n hc;,p kim hai lap. alley 16i di h~p giua cac gia de chu. ally! ether ete alyl, (CH2.CH2.CH2)iO.
alphabetical order thu tl! chii cai.
alkyd oil dau ankyt. alligator imitation paper giay mo allyl thiourea alyl thiure.
phong da da thu¢c.
alphabetical subject index m1.,1c l1.,1c
alkyd resin nhi;ca ankyt. almanac sach nien giam, sach nien ijch. chu de chii' cai.
allotrope d6ng t6 di hlnh, '4ng thu hlnh.
alkyd resin drying oil dau kh6 nhl;!a alpha chu cai Hy l~p ex, s6 chu cai, alphabetically arranged sap xep thu
allowable c6 the duc;,c. bieu chu cai. tl! chu cai.
all along d6ng sach tay sach dan, allowable dong di¢n cho phep. alphachannel kenh them vao phan alphageometric hi¢n d~g d6 ho~
d6ng khau sach thu cong. allowable deviation sai !¢ch cho phep. mem XU ly hlnh anh. hlnh h9c chu cai.
all along sewing d6ng sach khau chi, allowable error sai so cho phep. alphabet kieu chu cai, chu cai. alphageometrics do ho~ hlnh h9c
khau thep. chucai.
allowable load tai tr9ng cho phep. alphabet width de> r¢ng chii cai.
alphameric-graphic display man
all along stitching d6ng sach khAu
chi, khAu thep.
allowable voltage di¢n ap cho phep. ., alphabetic character ky tl! chu cai. hi¢n thi d6 ho~ s6 chu cai.
allowable voltage deviation sai !¢ch alphanumeric s6 tu chii cai.
all along folding machine may gap alphabetic character set b¢ ky tl!
di¢n ap cho phep.
tay sach kieu song song. chu cai. alphanumeric character kf hi¢u s6
allowance dung sai. ti;c chu cai.
all cloth d6ng sach bla toan dung vai. alphabetic character subset t~p ky
alloy hc;,p kim. tl! chu cai. alphanumeric character set b¢ kf
all edges gilt toan mep sach mau vang.
alloy copper hc;,p kim dong. alphabetic code ma chu cai. hi¢u s6 tl! chii' cai.
all published khOng tiep t1.,1c tai xuat
alloy of lead hc;,p kim chl. alphanumeric character subset b¢
ban khi sach chua xuat ban het. alphabetic coded character set b¢ kf
ph1.,1 kf hi¢u s6 tl! chii' cai.
alloy steel hc;,p kim thep. hi¢u ma chu c'ai.
all rag paper giay toan sc;,i bong. alphanumeric code ma thay s6 tl;f
all-buckle folding machine may gap alphabetic command m¢nh 1¢nh chu
all right reserved bao hru toan v~n chud.i.
tay sach kieu song song. cai dung trong may tfnh.
ban quyen. alphanumeric coded character set
all-plate folding machine may gap alphabetic information thong tin - b¢ kf tt! cua ma s6 tt! chii' cai.
all rights reserved so huu ban quyen. tay sach kieu song song. chu cai, tin tuc chu cai,
all size rotary press may in cu6n kh6 all-purpose developer dung dich
alphanumeric du li¢u n;c chu cai.
toan trang. alphabetic shift chuyen dich chu cai
hi¢n anh thong d1.,1ng. alphanumeric disc file b¢ ph~ hru
khi danh may.
all through each sip chu lien t1.,1c chu ally I alcohol nrc;,u alylic, trii' s6 tl! ben ngoai.
cai va tu tnroc luc d~t trang. alphabetic string chu cai dfnh lien
CH2 :CH.CH20H. alphanumeric display device thiet bi
voi nhau, vf d1.,1 "oe".
all through alphabetization sap chu allylamine alylamin. hi¢n thi s6 tl! chit cai.
theo thu tl! chu dan. alphabetic word tu chu cai. alphanumeric keyboard ban phfm
ally! sulfocarbamide alyl
all up sip het chii', sip het ban thao. sunfocacbamit. alphabetic writing viet ghep Am chu cai. s6 tl! chu cai.
alphanumeric keyboard device aluminium paper

alphanumeric keyboard device thiet ALU (arithmetic and logic unit) dcm ~ aluminium paper giay nh6m. ambient light anh sang m6i truong.
bj ban phfm s6 ti! chu cai may tfnh. toan logich thu9c may ke toan. aluminium plate ban nhOm. ambient temperature nhi¢t d9 moi
alphanumeric printer may in s6 chu cai. alum phen chua. aluminium powder b¢t nhil nhOm. trUbng.
alphaphotographic phucmg phap alumina alumin, nhom oxit, Al2 0 3 • aluminium printing in ban nhOm. ambrotype phucmg phap chl;lp anh
chl;lp anh hi¢n thi hlnh chu. kfnh tho.
alumina hydrate nMm hidrOxit. aluminium printing plate ban in
alpha pulp b¢t giay xenlulow anpha. nhom. amend hi?u dfnh, cai chfnh, dfnh chfnh.
alumina white nhOm hidroxit.
alphatype machine may sip chu di?n aluminium rule thu6'c khic chat li?u amended edition ban si'ra chua.
tu phat minh cua c6ng ty Filmotype. aluminium nhom. nh6m.
amendment cai chfnh, hi¢u dfnh.
alteration s]! thay d6i. aluminium base cylinder trl;lc cot nhom. aluminium stearate nhom stearat.
amendment slip dong si'ra chua 16i.
alteration of text thay d6i n¢i dung. aluminium coating chat phu nhom. aluminium sulfate nhom sunfat.
American cloth vai gia da dung cho
altering si'ra d6i, tu chinh. aluminography phucmg phap che ban
aluminium foil la kim lo~i nhom. d6ng sach.
in bang ban nhOm.
alternate m9t lo.µ kifu chu than hyp, ~ -
aluminium foil backing paper giay alumite da phen, alum it, American dragon's blood process
alternate character ki hi¢u thay d6i kim lo~i nMm. phucmg phap phu pha'.n hong b6n m~t.
3Al2 0 3.K2 0.4S03 .6H2 0.
aluminium foil ink ml;l'c nhil nhOm. alundum alundum (b¢t nhom oxit). American leather gia da dung trong
alternate cursor thay d6i con tro chi dong sach,
vj trf tren man hlnh may vi tfnh. aluminium foil paper giay kim lo~i AM sereening tram hoa tang thu khi
nhom. cMbanphim. American point phan in My 1 phan
alternate function kry khoa b6 trc;i in= 0,35140 mm.
chuc nang may vi tfnh. aluminium foil printing in la kim amalgam h6n hong, hqp kim h6n
lot;ti nhom. h6ng. American point system h? thong
alternate key stroke thay d6i khoa
amalgam ink Il;l!C in hon h6ng. phan in chu roi My.
tiep xuc. aluminium ink mt,rc nhil nhom, mt,rc
amalgamation st,r t~o hon h6ng. American Standar Association
alternate months bao ra tung ky nhil b;,tc.
each thang. (ASA) Hi¢p h¢i tieu chuan My.
aluminium isopropoxide nhOm amatory books sach qui, sach hiem.
alternating current (AC) di?n xoay isopropoxit. amateur binding d6ng sach nghi¢p American Standar code for
chieu. du, dong sach chat luc;ing blnh thuong. Information Interchange mii tieu
aluminium isopropylate nhOm chuan chuyen dOi tin tll'C nu6'c My.
alternating current amplifier may isopropylat. amber h6 phach.
khuech d~i dong di¢n xoay chieu. amidol amitol, H2NCJiiOH)NH2.2HO.
amber acid axit xuxinic, axit
aluminium laminated paper giay c6
alternative motor d¢ng co di?n xoay butandioic, COOH.(CH2 )i.COOH. amidol developer dung djch hi¢n anh
lap la kim lo~i nhOm.
chieu. '\ amber filter kfnh l9c sic mau h6 amitol.
alternative formats lua chon kh6 aluminium leaf la kim lo~i nhOm phach. amin~ amin, R.NH2 •
sach xuat ban. . . dung cho in ep nhi¢t bla sach.
ambient conditions dieu kien moi amino (goc) amino, NH2-
alternative tille tieu de phl;I, thay d6i aluminium litho plate ban nhom in trubng ben ngoai t~o duc;ic d¢. am va
tieu de. op-xet. ap lt,rc nhat djnh. amino-acid axit amino, NH2.R.COOH.

30 31
amino alcohol ammonium persulfate

amino alcohol rm;11.1 amino, ammonium bromide amoni bronua, ammonium persulfate amoni amplitude modulation (AM) dieu
NH2.R.CH20H. NH4Br. pesunfat, (Nl-:4)2S20s. bien bien d9.

amino benzen aminobenzen, anilin, ammonium carbonate amoni ammonium primary phosphate amplitude modulation screening
cacbonat, (NH4)2C03. amoni dihidro ph6t phat. tram hoa dieu bien bien d¢.
amino-compound hqp chat amino. ammonium chloride amoni clorua, ammonium rhodanate amoni rodanat. amyl (goc) amyl, C6 H 11 •
NI-:4CI. ammonium sulfate amoni sunfat, amyl acetate amyl axetat,
amino sulfonic axit axit
aminosunfonic. ammonium citrate amoni xitrat (NH4) 2S04. CH 3 .COO.C5Hll.
amino thiourea aminothiure. ammonium dichromate amoni ammonium sulfide amoni sunfua, amyl acetic ester ette amyl axetic.
dicrt>mat (NH4)2Cr20 7• (NH4)2S. amyl alcohol ruc;,u amyl, C 5H 11 0H.
ammeter amper ke'.
ammonium dihydrogen phosphate ammonium sulfocyanate amoni
ammonia amoniac, NH3. amylin tinh b¢t.
amoni dihidro ph6t phat (NH4)H2P04. sunfoxianat.
ammonia alum phen amoni, amylodextrin b9t dextrin c6 the tan
ammonium ferric citrate amoni sat ammonium sulphide amoni sunphid.
(NH4)2S04, Al2 (S04) 3, 24 H20 ho~c trong nu6'c.
NH4.Al(S04)2.12 H2 0. xitrat. ammonium sulphite amoni sunphit,
anachromatic lens thAu kfnh khong
ammonium ferric oxalate amoni sit (NH4)2S03.Hp.
ammonia aqua amon hidroxit, mt6c lo~i bo sac sai.
amonniac. oxalat. ammonium sulphocyanide amoni
anaglyph in l~p the.
ammonium fluoride amoni florua, sunphoxianua.
ammonia chloride amoni clorua, analects ngil' l1;1c.
NH4 Cl. NH4F. ammonium thiocyanate amoni
ammonium hydroxide amoni thioxianat, NH4SCN. analogue tttC111g tl;I' (may tfnh).
ammonia liquor mroc amoniac the>.
hidroxft, NH40H. ammonium thiocyanide amoni analugue conputer (AC) may tinh
ammonia oxidation sv t>xi hoa thioxianua.
ammonium hyposulphite amoni tuC1Ilg tl!.
hyposunphit. ammonium thiosulfate amoni analugue-digital conversion chuyen
ammonia water nuoc amoniac. thiosunfate, (NH4)2Si03.
ammonium iodide amoni iodua, d6i s6 - tuong tv.
ammonium ion amoni NH/. NH4I. ampere A ampe (dC111 vi cucmg d¢ analugue-digital converter may
ammonium alum phen amoni, ammonium nickel sulfate amoni dong di¢n). chuyen d6i s6 - tuong tv.
(NH4)2 S04. Alz(S04h. 24 H 20. niken sunfate. amperemeter ampe ke. analugue-digital signal tin hi~u s6 -
ammonium bichromate amoni ammonium nitrate amoni nitrat, ampersand ky hi¢u "&". tuong tl;I'.
bicronat, {NH4)2Cr20,. NI-:4N03.
ampere-volt von-ampe. analogue image hlnh anh tuC111g tl;I'.
ammonium bifluoride amoni ammonium oxalate amoni oxalat,
amplification sv khuech d~i. ~nalogue output dau ra tuong rv.
bifluorit, (NH4) HF2. (Nl-:4hC204.
ammonium borate amoni bora,t, amplifier may khue'ch d~i. analogy sv tuC111g tv.
ammonium peroxydisulfate amoni
NH4Hz{B0)3; ~)2 HB03; ~)J303. peoxidisunfat. amplitude bien d¢. analyse phAn tfch.

32 33

anhydrite anhidrit, canxi sunfat, aniline printing press may in anilin.

analyser may phan tfch. angle body italic chii' italic than chii' nga.
CaS04. anilox roll tr1,1c thep duqc kh.ic bang
analysis Sl:f phAn tfch. angle brackets c!Au ngo~ c6 c.µm "< >".
anhydrous khan, khOng nMm nuoc. ccr hc;>c hay bang lade va duqc m~
analyst ngucri phan tfch. angle clump Cl,lC kh6i chl thang g6c. crom dung trong may in Flexo. Luqng
anhydrous alcohol ruqu khan, ruqu
ml;lC truyen tren trl,lC 10 nam O cac te'
analyze phan tfch. angle cut gil!y dt vat xien g6c. khOng ng~m nuac. bao va mang te bao khk Trl;lC thep
analytical balance can phan tfch. angle cutter may cat g6c. anhydrous ammoniac amoniac long c6 the duqc phu lap oxft nhOm
angle cutting machine may dt vat khan. (ceramic) hay d6ng va crOme.
analyze drum tt1;1c phan tich, tt1;1c quet.
xien g6c . anhydrous solvent dung mOi khan. anilOX roller trl;lC 10 m!JC ani!OX bang
.anamorphosis bien hlnh, khOng tl$ hlnh. kim !o~i, khi in truyen ml;lC tu cac te
angled mirror kinh gucmg lap xien g6c. anhydrous ethyl alcohol, ruqu etylic
anastatic printing process phucmg bao va mang te bao kh.ic (cell and cell
angle iron bar thep g6c. khan.
phap in ban in cao. wall of the engraving).
angle of contact g6c tiep xuc. anhydrous isopropyl alcohol ruqu
anastatic transfer each in chuyen isopropyl khan. anilox system h¢ th6ng truyen mlJc in
ban in cao. angle of halftone screen lines g6c d¢ dung trong may in Flexo ti:r mang
ducmg ke tram. anhydrous plate wash rira ban in ml;fc in sang oo m~t tr1,1c 10 anilox,
anastigmat chfnh thj, v~t kfnh chfnh khOng dung nuoc. ml;fC chua trong cac te bao Va mang te
thj o may anh. angle of incidence g6c tcri.
anic anic (cOpline butadien va stirol). bao, sau d6 truyen sang tr1,1c ban in
anastigmatic chfnh thj, v~t kinh angle of reflection g6c phan x~. photopo!ime cu6i cung mlJC truyen
anid ni !Ong, anit.
chfnh thj. angle of refraction g6c khuc x~. sang v~t li¢u in qua trl;IC ep in.
anastigmat lens thau kfnh chfnh thj. aniline anilin, C6H 5NH2 •
angle of screen g6c d¢ tram. animal d¢ng v~t, (thu¢c) d¢ng v~t.
aniline black den anilin.
anchor coat dan I6t nhieu lap. angle of view g6c nhln, g6c ch1,1p anh. animal black than xucmg.
aniline blue xanh anilin, ~ 9 H 32N 3Cl.
anchoring dan 16t de ban in. angle roller tt1;1c 10 mlJc I.ip khOng can. animal fat mo d¢ng v~t.
aniline dye thu6c nhu¢m anilin.
anchoring layer lap I6t de. angle steel thep g6c. animal glue keo d¢ng v~t.
aniline green xanh I1,1c anilin.
ancillary composing equipment angle valve van c6 g6c c~. animal parchment giay da de, da dru.
thiet bj s.ip chii' b6 trq. aniline ink ml;fc in anilin.
angling thay d6i g6c d¢ tram. . animal oil dau d¢ng v~t.
ancillary volume cu¢n b6 sung, cu¢n µ11,1. aniline oil anilin C~5NH2•
A ngstrom angtrom, A (don vj do d¢ animal size keo d¢ng v~t.
AND va [logic]. aniline painting ink ml;fc in anilin.
dai 1A = 10·8 cm).
animation ho~t ho~. ho~t hinh.
AND NOT va khOng [logic]. aniline press may in anilin.
angular aperture Io 6ng kfnh c6 c~.
aniline printing in anilin. Ten gc;>i cu anion anion, ion am.
AND/OR va ho~c [logic]. angular quad thoi chl ba c~nh.
cua thu~t in cao dung ban in la ban anion exchange resin anionit, nhlJa
anemometer t6c phong t6c ke. angular spaces and quads kh6i thoi chat deo - photopolime. Hi¢n nay gc;>i tra~ d6i anion.
angle g6c. chl c6c~h. la in Flexo (Flexography). PhAn tu in
cao hem phAn tu khOng in. anion resin anionit nhtJa trao d6i anion.
angle bar cai chfui g6c. anhydride anhidrit, khan.
anopisthographic block book

anionite anionit, nhl;ta trao d6i anion. anode consumption St! tieu hao an6t.
anopisthographic block book sach anti-falsification paper giay san xuat
anisotropic khong dcing h116ng, bat anode corrosion efficiency hi¢u suat ban g6 in m¢t m~t. chong lam gia.
dcing h116ng. an mon an6t.
anopisthographic edition xuat ban anti-flare illumination ch6ng Joe
anisotropic solution dung djch bat anode current dong an6t. phAm mc')t m~t. sang khi chl;lp anh.
dcing thtrc.
anode liquor dung dich an6t. anopisthographic printing in mc')t m?t antifoaming agent chat khu b91.
anistropy St! khOng dcing h116ng,sl;t
anode process qua trinh anot. anopisthograph in mc')t ID?!. anti-fog ch6ng vet mo tren phim am,
bat dcing huong.
anode protection bao he) et,rc duong an6t another edition tai ban. ducmg ban lam hinh anh khOng ro net.
annals ki St!, nien su, su bien nien.
anode ray tai x~ Ct!C ducmg an6t. ANSI Hi¢p hc')i tieu chuAn qu6c gia My. anti-foggant chat ch6ng met, mu, xam.
annealing 11, ram mem kim lo~i
(nung kim lo~i de'n m9t nhi¢t d9 nhat anode reaction phan ung anot. anthology hgp tuyen, tuyen t~p. anti-fogging agent chat ch6ng met,
djnh, giil' nh11 v~y trong m¢t thoi gian mu, xam.
anode rod (with copper anode) ban anthrarcene antraxen, C 14H 10•
r6i cho ngu9i dan di. Ram nh11 v~y
khien kim lo~ giam de) cung giam d9 dt.rong a,rc cdung o5ng 1am a,rc ducmg). anthraquinone antraquinon. anti-forgery ink ml;tc in ch6ng gia.
rem, tang kha nang gia cong kim lo~i). anode slime bun anOt. anti-fungicide paper giay ch6ng m6c.
anthraquinone dye thu6c nhu9m
annealing temperatur nhi¢t d¢ ram, anodic (thu¢c) an6t. antrakinon. anti-graph ban sao.
11 kim lo~i.
anti-acid paper giay khang axit, giay
anodic current efficiency hi¢u suat anti-halation phong ch6ng quang sang.
annnihilator thiet bi chil'a chay, binh dong an6t.
hen voi axit.
cuu hoa. anti-halation agent chat ch6ng
antiager chat phong ch6ng lao hoa.
anodic oxidation St! oxi hoa anot. quang sang.
annex ban phl;l ll;IC. Ban c6 nhii'ng giai anti-aliasing sua net duong vien,
thich can thiet ve nhil'ng thong tin da anodize xu ly oxi hoa Cl;tc ducmg. di.tong cong-tua. anti-halation backing chat chong
dan cr ban ket toan va ban ke toan. quang sang m~t sau.
anodized aluminium oxi hoa nhOm anti-bubbling agent chat ch6ng ~o lx;>t.
annexed matter phl;l ll;lc. Cl;tc ducmg. anti-halation coat ph11 lop ch6ng
anti-chlor chat khu clo. quang sang.
annotate chu thfch. anodized aluminium plate ban oxi
hoa nhom Cl;tC d1.tcmg. anti-corrosion tfnh ch6ng an mon.
annotated edition sach chu giai. anti-halation coating ph11 lop ch6ng
anti-corrosion paint scm ben an quang sang.
annotation chu giai, chu thfch. anodized plate ban in oxi hoa et,rc dll'Ol:lg.
mon, scm ch6ng an mon. ·
anti-halation layer lop ch6ng quang
annual sach ho~c t~p chi xuat ban anodizing xu ly oxi hoa cl;(c ducmg. anti-corrosion paper giay ch6ng an mon. sang.
m6i nam mc')t ky, bao hang nam. amonymous ten khong ai biet, khOng anti-corrosive ch6ng gi. anti-halo ch6ng quang sang.
annual issue bao ra hang nam. Cl;l tM ten.
anti-crawl coating ph11 chat ch6ng trcm. anti-h~lo backing lop ch6ng quang
annual publication m6i niim xuat ban anopisthograph san pham in me)! m?t.
anti-curl phong ch6ng quan. sang m~t sau.
mc')t Ian, xuat ban pham hang nam.
anopisthographic sach viet m¢t m~t.
anode anOt. in mc')t m?t. anti-curl coating phu lop chong quan antimonic chloride antimonic clorua,
(phim anh). SbC13•
antimonous acid anhydride anti-set-off spray

antimonous acid anhydride axit antique book paper giay in sach anti-set-off spray phun b¢t ch6ng aperture Io mo, cua dieu sang,
kieu CO, giay mep XC1Ill. dinh ban. diapham.
antimono ahydrit.
anti-set-off sprayer thiet bj phun b¢t aperture card phieu dl;IC IO, the dl;IC IO.
antimonous chloride antimon (III) antique bristol gia gilfy britol.
clorua, SbCl3• antique finish gia cOng giay gia c6.
ch6ng dfnh ban. aperture colour hi¢n mau qua Io mo
anti-seting agent chat ch6ng d6ng rAn. cua dieu sang.
antimonous oxide antimon (III) oxit,
antique finish paper giay gia cOng aperture control kiem tra diapham,
Sb20 3• anti-skid ch6ng di chuyen, tru(Jt.
giac6. dieu chinh diapham.
antimonous pentachloride antirnon anti-skid coating phu chlft ch6ng di
antique glazed paper giay can nhan aperture disk duang kinh dia r9i
(V) clorua, SbC15• chuyen, tru(Jt.
thap gia c6. sang o may do m~t d¢.
antimony trioxide antimon trioxit. anti-skid treatment xu ly ch6ng di
antique printing paper giay in gia aperture distortion bien d~g duang
antinous release nut bain nhan (may anh).
chuyen tru(Jt.
c6, giay in can nhan thap gia c6. kinh cua dieu sang.
anti-skid varmish phong ch6ng tru(Jt
anti-offset device thiet bj phong antique type chii kieu antic net chii
dau b6ng.
aperture effect hi¢u ung d¢ ma 6ng kfuh.
ch6ng dfnh ban 6p xet. tho d~m. aperture envelope phong bl c6 cua s6.
anti-skinning agent chat ch6ng xe bl
anti-offset spray phun b¢t ch6ng antique wowen giay gia hoa van can aperture radio ty 1¢ d¢ mo.
mt,rc in.
dfnh ban mi).t sau to in. nhiin.
anti-stain phong vet ban Jam bien aperture scale d¢ kMc thang v~ch d¢
anti-oxidant chat ch6ng oxi hoa, chat anti-rust ch6ng gi. mo cua 6ng kinh.
ch6ng lao hoa.
anti-rust paper giay ch6ng m6c gi. antistatic chong finh di¢n. aperture setting dieu tiet d¢ ma ong
anti-oxidation coat lop chong oxi hoa. kinh.
antiseptic ch6ng an mon. antistatic agent chat ch6ng tinh di¢n.
antiplanat aplanat, thau kfnh chfnh aperture slot d¢ mo 6ng kfnh, d¢ mo
thj, v~t kfnh tuCIIlg phing. antiseptic agent chat ch6ng an mon. antistatic device :met bj ch6ng tinh di¢n. diapham.
antiplumining agent chat phong antiseptics chat chong an mon. antistatic treatment xu Iy tinh di¢n. aperture stop d6ng diapham.
ch6ng hi¢n hoa vAn. anti-set-off agent chat ch6ng dfnh antisticking agent chat ch6ng dinh apex dinh diem chii cai, dinh nh9n
antiquarian kich thuoc giay 3lx53 m~t sau. tinh di¢n. chii cai.
tac Anh. anti-set-off apparutus thiet bj phong antiswelling agent chAt ch6ng trtre1ng no. aplanastigmat.lens thau kfnh tuCIIlg
antiquarian book sach c6. chong vay ban. ph!ng.
antitarnish agent chat ch6ng gi.
anti-set-off device thiet bj chong aplanat apianat, v~t kfnh tuCIIlg ph!ng.
antiquated sach cu, lOi thoi. antitarnish board bla, cac tOng
dinh ban m~t sau to in. ch6ng gi. aplanat lens thau kfnh tue1ng ph!ng.
antique kieu chii antic.
anti-set-off dusting phun b¢t chong antitarnish paper gilfy ch6ng gi. aplanatic (thu¢c) ruc,ng phing.
antique binding d6ng sach o bien ep dfnh ban.
in sac t6 vang. antitarnish tissue giay ch6ng gi. apochromat thau kinh tieu sdc phuc.
anti-set-off liquid dung djch ch6ng
antithetical couplet d6i lien. apochromatic apocromatic tieu sdc phuc.
antique board bia sach theo d~g c6. dfnh ban, phun dung djch ch6ng ban.
a pochromatic lens aquarell paper

apochromatic lens thau kinh tieu silc appendage ph9 ki¢n, phan ph9 thu¢c. aquarell paper giay ve tranh mau nu&:. Arabic numeral chu s6 A-r!).p.
phuc. aqua-set ink mt!c in khO hai nuac
appended documemts van ki¢n b6 sung. arc hlnh cung; ho quang.
apochromatic objective v~t kinh tieu cat, ffilJC in khO trong hai am.
appendix ph9 I9c. arc foil tam thoat nu& hlnh cung.
sac phuc. aquatint m¢t trong nhiing phuang
appliance ung d9ng, lang phu. phap an mon ban in lorn, che tac do arc lamp den h6 quang.
apograph sach ph9c cM, sach sao
ch9panh. application ung d9ng, lang phu, trlnh ho~ theo phuang phap che ban an arc lamp carbon den than ho quang.
ti! ung d9ng. mon ban in lorn.
apostilb apostilb dan vj d¢ sang. arc light anh sang h6 quang.
application loat balancing trlnh ti! aquatone mang cam quang gielatin
apostille Im chu hen le m¢t van ki¢n, (ch9p anh in Litho). arc process phuong phap h6 quang.
loi phe chuyen m¢t la don. ung d9ng, can bfulg dong goi.
aquatone process phuong phap che arc spectrum quang ph6 ho quang.
apostrophe dau hrc;,c. application package dong goi phan
ban Litho su d9ng gielatin xenluloza. arc recognition SIJ kiem nh~ hO quang.
mem ung d9ng, bao goi trlnh ti! ung dl;IIlg.
apparatus thiet bj, may m6c, nghi khi. aqueous c6 chua nu6c.
application program trlnh n,r ung d9ng. arch bed brush coater may trang
apparatus alarming thiet bj bao aqueous alcohol dung djch ruc;,u phu hlnh vom kieu chai.
d¢ng, thiet bj canh bao. application software phAn mem ung d9Ilg. (trong nuac).
archives tai li¢u luu trfr.
apparatus automatic regulating application valve van kh6ng che. aqueous ammonia dung djch
may dieu chinh ti! d9ng. amoniac (trong nuac) NH4 0H. arch type hlnh u6n vom tren dan vj
applicator thiet bj phu keo.
may in giay cu¢n.
apparatus brake thiet bi c9 rua xe. aqueous cooling solution dung dich
applicator roll tn;c trang keo.
(nuac) sinh han. arch type roller thi& bi lf9C u6n vom.
apparent density m~t d9 bieu kien.
applying adhesive gluing phu keo nu&:. archive luu trfr van thu.
apparent specific gravity ty tr9ng aqueous dispersion h¢ pha.n tan
applying glue triing phu keo. trong nu6c.
bieu kien. archive attribute luu trfr van thu
apparent specific volume the tfch apricot mau qua ma vang, mau h1;tnh aqueous emulsion nhil tuang nu6c. thu9c nhieu I01;ti.
bieu kien. nha.n.
aqueous emulsion ink mlJc in nhil archive file van ki¢n Juu trfr.
apparent viscosity d9 nhat bieu kien, A printing paper gi~y in I01;ti A. . ttrang nuac.
archived file van ki¢n ton trfr.
d9 d.fnh bieu kifa apron tam chan. aqueous solution dung djch nu6c.
archives van thu luu tril'.
apparent weight tr9ng llrc;,ng bieu kien. apron conveyor may v~ chuyen arabesque hoa van A-r!).p, bla sach
trang tri net hoa van A-r~p. ARC Net m~ng hlnh sao.
appear xuat ban, phat bicfo. kieu bang tai.
arabic acid axit arabic, ardometer cao nhi¢t ke quang h9c.
appear in installments xuat ban apron dryer may hong khO kieu
pha.n ky, phat bieu pha.n ky. bang tai. CH20H.(CH0Hh.COOH. area composition sap chfr tung khu
aqua fortis axit nitric, HN03 • Arabic figure chfr s6 A-r!).p, viet theo Vl!C [may tfnh].
appear in number xuat ban.
ky hi¢u l, 2, 3 de phan bi¢t v6i cac area composition machine may sap
appear shortly sap xuat ban·. aqua regia nu6c cuong toan. chu s6 La ma I. II, ill V.V . ..
chfr tung phan ban thao dung cho sap
appearance xuat ban. aquarell tranh mau nuac. Arabic gum gOm arabic. bieu miu.

40 41
area fill ARS

area fill b6 sung ti'rn.g khu V\!C (thiet arithmetic picture data dii li¢u anh ARS (Asahi Roll-Flex System) h¢ art paper gi!y ph!n, giay cut-xe,
ke d6 hqa may tinh]. thu~t toan. th6ng ban in flexo gi!y cu<)n Asahi gi!y lang phu ph!n cao lanh c6 d¢
arithmetic unit thiet bj v~ toan. (ten thucmg ml.).i). nhAn cao.
area mask sua phim mau c9c 1,¢, ban
che c9c 1,¢, phim mOng ban c1:1c b¢. arsenic acid axit asenic. art preparation chuan bj ban mau.
Arlaser lade agon, Ar, A.
area search kiem tra yeu t6 tung khu art ban mfo dung trU6c khi in. art prints xuat ban pham my thu~t,
arm canh tay, can, chuOi.
V\!C [may tfnh]. art publisher nha xuat ban my thu~t.
arm support canh tay gia do. art and copy preparation chuan bj
area (dried) weight djnh luqng. ban thao, ban mAu trUC1C khi in. art rule duong ep chlm van boa cl.).nh ben.
armature amps di¢n luu roto cu¢n
areometer ty trqng ke do dung djch. quay trong d9ng co di¢n. art board gi!y ph!n djnh luqng day. art vellum giay gia da de.
areometry phep do ty tr9ng ke armature volts di¢n ap roto cu¢n art book sach my thu~t. article bai vier, tac pham van hqc
ch!t long. quay trong d¢ng co di¢n. dang tren bao, t~p san.
art brushes but lOng, but ve tranh scm
argentic chloride bl.).c clorua AgCI. armature winding day cu6n trong dau. articulating paper gi!y sao viet hai m~t.
stato d(>ng co di¢n.
argentic salt mu6i bl.).c. art buckram d6ng bla vai cung. artifact v~t pham do nguoi lam ra c6
Armol dung djch hi¢n anh Amo!. lqi fch ve khao c6 hQC.
argentometer ty trqng ke bl.).c. art cambric lop bla vai c6 mau, them
aromatic azide azit day thorn. artificial aging lao boa nhan tl.).o.
argentotype phucmg phap in anh lop c6 mau bla vai.
mu6i bl.).c, phucmg phap in anh bl.).c aromatic-base ink ml;fc in g6c day thorn. artificial asphalt atphan nhan tl.).O.
art cavas lop bla vai c6 mau, bla vai
bromua. aromatic solvent dung mOi day thorn. c6 mau. artificial colloid colOft nhan tl.).O, the
argentum bl.).c, Ag. keo nhan tl.).o.
arrangement chinh hqp, sap xep 11.).i. Art colour process phucmg phap che
ban mau c6 tram ban in lorn. artificial cooling lam 11.).nh nhan tl.).o.
argon agon, A, Ar. array index mang chu dan nh6m s6
[sap ban nguyen t6]. art cover trang tri m~t ban. artificial cotton bong nhan tl.).O.
argon-ion ion agon.
arrested development hi¢n anh uc che. art cover paper gi!y trang tri my thu~t.
artificial day-light anh sang ban
argon laser lade agon. ngay nhan tl.).o.
arrester U'C cM, ham, nen, ngung. art director nguoi chi dl.).o cOng ngh¢.
argument de cucmg n<)i dung, gioi artificial gold vang nhAn tl.).O, gia vang.
thi¢u t6m tat n¢i dung. arrow d!u dliu nhqn. art leather binding d6ng sach m~t artificial gridstone da mai nhan tl.).o.
Aristotype phucmg phap in anh bl.).c arrowheat character chii van 11! net bla da cao c!p.
artificial- intelligence (Al) tri tu¢
clorua colodion. chii gi6ng hlnh cai chem tre nguoi art of book binding ky thu~t d6ng sach. nhan tl.).o.
Babilon c6 dl.).i va nguoi Ba Tu dung
arithmetic and logic unit may v~n tren 3000 nam truoc. art of book binding and repairing artificial leather da nhan tl.).o.
d1:1ng toan va logich [may tinh]. thu~t dong sach va sua chiia sach.
arrow-mark vet dao gl.).t ml;fc tren artificial leather paper giay da nhan tl.).O.
arithmetic mean blnh quan thu~t toan. tr1:1c in lorn. art of printing cOng ngh¢ in. artificial light chieu sang nhan 11.).o.
arithmetic mean temperature nhi¢t - arrowroot paper gi!y dugc lam tir art of the book cOng ngh¢ d6ng dan artificial light source ngu6n chieu
d¢ blnh quan thu~t toan. b¢t cay hoang tinh, cay dung. sang nhan tl.).o.
sach anh.
42 43
artificial parchment paper asphalt

artificial parchment paper gi!y asbestos wall gi!y dan ttrang amiang. asphalt atphan, bitum dau mo. assay SI! thf nghi¢m, st,r thti, st,r phan tfch.
sunphat, giay gia da de. asphalt base paper giay bitum. assay balance can phan tfch.
asbestos washer cu¢n d¢m amiang.
artificial shagreen da nhAn t~o. asphalt board cac tOng bitum ch6ng assay procedure trlnh tl! phAn tfch.
asbestos waterproof felt phat hay ni
artificial regeneration tai sinh nhan ~o. ch6ng nuac amiang.
Am, cac tong atphan ch6ng am. assemble bAt tay sach, dong bit tay sach.
_artist board giay day dung ve minh ho1,1- ascender net dl!Ilg dung. B¢ ph~ cua
asphalt cement chat g~ atphan. assembled negative phim am ban
artistic character chii my thu~t. m¢t chii thuang c6 net cao hem ca asphalt coated paper giay trang phu hon hqp tram va net.
ph!in in cua chii thtrang nhtr cac chii atphan, gi!y trang phu bitum. assembler trlnh tl! t~p hqp bien so~
artist's illustration board gi!y day b, d, h, VV...
dung trong Mi ho~. asphalt coater may trang phu atphan, sach, may bit tay sach, cOng nha.n Mt
ascender height chieu cao thAn chii cai. may trang phu bitum. tay sach.
artist's proof ban in thti d!iu tien cua
bandieukhk ascender line net dung chii cai. asphalt coating trang phu atphan, assembling bAt tay sach.
ascending letter net than chii cai. trang phu bitum. assembling machine may bat tay sach.
artistic book designing cOng tac
bien t~p my thu~t. asphalt laminated paper gilfy ep assbling table ban de tay sach da bit
ASC II (American standard code
artistic map ban d6 my thu~t. for information interchange) ma
nhieu lap atphan, giay ch6ng am thanh quyen, bla blnh ghep ban.
nhieu lap atphan.
artistic print san pham in my thu~t. tieu chuAn trao d6i thOng tin nuac assembly bit tay sach, lip rap, t6
My. asphalt paper giay atphan, giay
hqp, blnh ban khuOn phim, blnh ghep
artotype ban colotfp. ch6ng am.
ASC II coutrol character Mu chii cac trang phim thanh khuOn phim
arts and crafts my thu~t, my ngh¢. kiem ti;a ASC II. asphalt process phucmg phap che' ban phoi ban.
ASA sensitiving d¢ nh~y sang, d¢ atphan, phucmg phap che' ban bi tum. assembly instruction tai li¢u htrang
ASCII keyboard ban phfm ma ASCII.
cam quang dtrqc quy dinh cua hi¢p asphalt saturated felt phat ch6ng dart lip rap, dan trang khuOn phim.
h¢i tieu chuan My. A series gilfy nh6m A, theo tieu
dau, phat atphan.
chuan qu6c te' ISO. KM tu Ao(840 x assembly language ngOn ngii bien
Asahi photo relief plate ban cam 1189mm), to giay hlnh chii nh~t c6 asphalt varnish 'ml!c phii atphan. so~ may tinh.
quang photo polime Asahi. hai c~ theo ty 1¢ 1: -../2 asphaltic bitum bitum atphan. assembly technique ky thu~t blnh ban,
asbestos board bla amiang. ash tro. dan trang khuOn phim.
asphaltum atphan.
asbestos insulating paper gi!y each ash content ham ltrqng tro cua giay. assesing exposure di! doan thoi gian
di¢n amiang. asphaltum solution dung dich
1¢ sang.
Ash croft tester d1:1ng c1:1 do ctrang d¢ . atphan.
asbestos packing tam d¢m amiang. assignment chuyen nhtrqng [ban quyen].
xe rach giay. asphaltum tincture chat con atphan.
asbestos paper gi!y amiang. assistant machine-minder cOng
Ashcroft thickness gauge d1:1ng c1:1 asphaltum wash-out solution dung
asbestos roll tn,ic amiang. do d¢ day ashcroft. nhan b6 trq, ph\l vi¢c.
dich rua atphan.
asbestos rubber plate ban cao su Ashless filter paper giay l9c khOng association dan, n6i giay khi gi!y
aspiration hut khf.
amiang. c6 tro. cu¢n rach ho?c thay cu¢n gi!y.
aspirator may hut.
asbestos sheet tam, ban mong aspect ratio khuOn kh6 anh, ti s6 association of little presses hi¢p h¢i
amiang. chieu cao/chieu r¢ng buc anh. aspirator bottle blnh hut. cac nha xuat ban nho.

44 45
association publication auramine

association publication xuAt ban atmospheric pollution si,r O nhiem auramine mau vang hoa hoe, vang author's mark kf hi¢u sua them vao
khOng khi. auramin [(H 3) 2NC6 H4)iC:NH. cua tac gia tren to bOng sua bai.
pham hi¢p h¢i.
atmospheric pressure ap sua'.t khi quyen. auric ©thuc)c vang, ®vang thl;l'c hoa author's offprint ban trfch in t~g
assumed name gia danh.
trj ill, @hqp kim vang. tac gia cua nha xuat ban.
asterisk dAu sao (*). atom nguyen tu.
auric bromide vang bronura. author's proof tac gia tl;I' than sua
asterism dAu ba sao <***>· atomic weight nguyen tu luqng, bOng ban thao.
tr9ng luqng nguyen tu. aurin chloride vang clorua.
astigmat thAu kmh tan hlnh. author's proof reading tac gia d9c
atomization hoa b1:1i. aurin red vang anh do. sua bOng ban thao.
astigmatism tac d1,mg tan hlnh.
atomizer blnh phun b1:1i tir m¢t chat long. aurochrome sa.c t6 vang. author's remuneration tien tra cOng
astralon de phim PVC (ten thmmg miµ). ban thao, tien thu lao ban thao.
attachment ph1:1 ki¢n, do ga lip ph1,1 author tac gia.
astromonical sign kf hi¢u thien van. tung, thie't bj ph1.;1 thu¢c. author catalogue m1:1c l1.;1c tac gia.
author's revise tb bOng sua Ian thu
asymmetrical anastigmat thau kfnh hai cua tac gia.
attachment lens 6ng kinh be) trc;,. author index bang cht'.i dan tac gia.
tan hlnh khOng d6i xung.
attendance bao duang, duy tu.
author's royalties tien ban quyen tac gia.
asymmetry SI! khOng d6i xung. authorized edition ban sach tham author's sheet s6 chii trang in miu.
attenuant chat pha loang. djnh, ban duqc duy¢t.
asynchronous motor dc)ng co di¢n author's signature to sach tfnh tien
cam ung, d¢ng co di¢n khOng dong be). attenuation suy giam. author-publisher tac gia tl;I' chi phf tra thu lao ban thao uoc 16 trang in.
xuat ban.
asynchronous operation thao tac attribute thu¢c tinh. author-publisher tac giai tl;I' chi phf
khOng dong b¢. author proor tac gia tt,r sua ban thao, xuat ban, tac gia tl;I' in sach.
attrition mai mon. tac gia sua b6ng Jan dau.
at regular intervals djnh ky. author-publisher agreement hqp
attrition mill may nghien Vl:ln. author's alteration (AA) tac gia dfnh dong xuat ban.
at the author's expense xuat ban tl;I' chfnh, tac gia tl;I' sua, tac gia hi¢u chinh.
attritor may nghien sieu mjn. authorial comment tac gia thuye't
chi phi, tac gia tl;I' chi phf xuat ban.
attritor mill bi mai d~ng h~t. author's bindihg tac gia ll;l'a ch9n minh, gioi thi¢u.
athority quyen h~n [may tmh]. each d6ng sach de bieu, t~ng.
auburn mau nau do. authorized translation tieu chuan
atlas t~p ban do. author's copy ban tac gia ch9n ten ban d\ch duqc tac gia dong y c6 the
atlas folio ban do ~p 16 trang, m9t audio am tan. gui~g. nh~duqc.
lo~i kh6 sach 16 trang l 6x25 tac Anh. audio tape bang ghi am. author's correction tac gia hi¢u authoritative edition ban tac gia
atlas paper giay in ban do. audiovisual nghe nhln. chinh, tac gia tl;I' hi¢u chinh, ban sua chap nh~ duqc.
chiia cua tac gia. auto alarm may tl;I' d¢ng bao d¢ng,
at maximum temperature bao On CJ audiovisual book sach nghe nhln.
nhi¢t d¢ cao. author's fees tien thu lao tac gia. may tl;I' d¢ng canh bao.
audit trail kiem tra theo d!u ve't tren may.
atmospheric condition tr~g thai author's free copies sach bieu t~ng auto band strapper may bao g6i tt,r d¢ng.
khOng khi. augmented and revised edition ban cua nha xuat ban gui tac gia. auto , biography ban tl;I' truy¢n,
b6 sung them va ban sua bOng.
atmospheric contaminations o author's manuscript ban thao tac gia chuy¢n ke ve m¢t dcri ngubi do ngucri
nhiem khOng khi. augmented edition ban b6·xung them. viet tay. d6 vie't.
auto chion printing paper automatic adjustment

auto chion printing paper giay in an autographed copy m¢t ban c6 automatic adjustment llJ d¢ng dieu automatic data processing xii ly s6
mau sic. chii ky cua tac gia. chinh. li¢u tt;r d¢ng.
auto chrome phim Am ban mau. auto graphic register paper giay ghi automatic binding production line automatic deep pile delivery thiet bi
tt;r d¢ng (net ve). dAy chuyen d6ng sach tt;r d¢ng. nh~ giay ti,! d()ng chong giay cao.
auto chrome plate ban kfnh khO mau
thien nhi¢n. auto graphic stencil paper giay sap automatic book block production line automatic delivery thiet bi nh~n giay
auto chrome process phucmg phap
ch1:1p anh che ban mau.
danh may ban in, giay stangxin danh
may ban in.
auto graphic transfer paper giay
l dAy chuyen gia cOng ru¢t sach tt;r d¢ng.
automatic book-sewing machine
may khAu chi (sach) llJ d¢ng.
ti! d()ng.
automatic developing plant may
auto code llJ d¢ng ma hoa, tt;r d¢ng hi¢n anh ti! d()ng.
photocopy. automatic brake phanh llJ d¢ng,
l~p ma. automatic development hi¢n anh II,!
auto-line ending ti! d¢ng phan doan th!ng tt;r d¢ng.
auto cut-out llJ d¢ng ngit quang d()ng.
ket thuc dong. automatic bundling may b6 g6i tt;r
(may). d()ng. automatic drier may hong kho, say
auto-processor may hi¢n ban in llJ khO tt;r d9ng.
auto cylinder may in tr1:1c 6ng ban in automatic carton sealing button
caokh6nho. installation machine may d6ng sach automatic duplicative machine may
auto graphy thu~t ph1:1c cMban in da. nhan ban, ph1:1c cM n,t d()ng.
auto dialler thiet bj phat tin hi¢u llJ d¢ng. ga.i nut dAy tt;r d¢ng.
auto gravure phmmg phap ch1:1p che automatic casemaker may lam automatic electronic photosetting
Auto film phim cam quang ch1:1p anh
ban khic. thung, h¢p tt;r d¢ng. machine may sip chu di¢n tu llJ d(>ng.
ban in lorn, phim gielatin thay the
giay than (ten thucmg m~). auto-kerning st;r chen ti,! d()ng giua automatic caster may due ti! d¢ng. automatic enlarger may (ch1:1p anh)
cac con chu.
auto focal tt;r d¢ng dieu chinh tieu cl,!. automatic casting SI! due tt;r d¢ng. ph6ng d~i ti! d()ng.
autolithography phucmg phap in ban
auto-focus ti,! d¢ng dieu chinh tieu ct;r automatic codi{lg ky thu~t ma hoa II,! automatic exercice book making
in bartg (litho) tfl!C tiep, ky thu~t in
6ng kfnh. d¢ng. machine may cM t~o sach (va) bai
ban da.
automatic composing macltine may t~p llJ d()ng.
auto-focus device thiet bj llJ d¢ng
autoload lip ban in tren may ti! d¢ng,
dieu chinh tieu Cl;f 6ng kinh. sip chu ti,! dQng. automatic exposure apparatus 1hie1
len khuOn ban in tt! d¢ng.
automatic continuous processor for bj ch1:1p (anh) ti! d9ng.
auto-focus enlarger may tt;r d¢ng mo
auto-man llJ d¢ng dung tay thay dOi film and paper may xii ly hi¢n anh llJ
r¢ng tieu cl,! 6og kinh. automatic feed cap gia'y ti,! d¢ng.
d6ng mo. d¢ng lien t1:1c phim va giay.
auto-focusing llJ d¢ng dieu chinh tieu automatic feeder may cap giay ti! dQng.
auto-manual switch ti! d¢ng dung automatic control kh6ng ch€ ti,!
Cl;! 6ng kinh.
tay (ng!t do~n) dong mo. d¢ng, kiem tra ll! dQng. automatic feeding device thiet bi cap
auto-focusing camera may ch1:1p anh giay ti! d¢ng.
automated controls kiem tra llJ automatic crosstying machine may
ti! d¢ng dieu chinh titu Cl;! 6ng kinh.
d()ng, kh6ng che rt;r d¢ng. b6 chii lh~p ti,! d¢ng. automatic film copier may sao ch1:1p
auto former may bien ap ti! ngau. phim ti! d¢ng.
automatic llJ d¢ng, tt;r lam vi¢c khOng automatic cutting and creasing
auto graph but tfch, chu ky ho~c ban c6 Sl;f dieu khien tfl!C tiep cua con press with automatic feeder may automatic film drying apparatus
viet tay cua tac gia. nguoi. cap giay ll! d(>ng cit (be) va ep gan. thiet bj say khO phim tt! dQng.

48 49
automatic film processor automatic paper carriage

automatic film processor may hi¢n automatic image retrieval h~ th6ng automatic paper carriage chuyen automatic printing and binding in-
phim tl;f d¢ng. kiem tra anh tl;f d¢ng. gia de giay ti! d9ng. line system h¢ dAy chuyen ti! d¢ng in
automatic paster thiet bi tiep giay tlJ va d6ng sach.
automatic film processor for automatic jocker machine may v6
scanners films may hi¢n phim tl! giay chinh te tnrac khi intro ho~c tnroc d<)ng. automatic printing frame gia de ban
d¢ng phim quet hlnh (scane). khi xen giay tren may dao xen giay. in dii phcri hoan chinh tlJ d¢ng.
automatic photocomposing
automatic focusing dieu chinh tieu automatic justification tl;f d¢ng dieu machine may sip chu ch1,1p tl! d¢ng. automatic processor may hi¢n (rua)
ClJ tlJ d<)ng. chinh dong. ban tl,l' d¢ng.
automatic phototypesetting ban sip
automatic focusing device thiet bi automatic knife grinder may mai chu ch1,1p tl! d9ng. automatic production san xuat tl!
dieu chinh tieu C\f tlJ d<)ng. dao tJ! d¢ng. d¢ng hoa.
automatic pick-up thiet bi chuyen
automatic line dong (chu) tl! d9ng. giay ttJ d<)ng, thiet bi dan giay tl;l d9ng. automatic proof press may in thu tlJ
automatic folding and threadsealing
machine may khau (d6ng) chi nhi¢t automatic linotype may sip chu automatic picture replacement ky
chat deo to gap tl! d¢ng. dong tlJ d¢ng, may sip due chu thu~t thay d6i anh {J! d¢ng. automatic range finder lay co (do clJ
Linotyp. ly) tl! d¢ng.
automatic fraction collector may automatic pile-height control thiet bi
phAn tuyen ch9n tlJ d¢ng. automatic loader may xep ch6ng kh6ng ch€ chieu cao ch6ng giay tlJ d¢ng. automatic recorder may ghi tlJ d¢ng.
automatic gathering machine may giay tl! d<)ng. automatic pile-raising mechanism automatic register control device
bit tay sach tl,l' d¢ng. automatic logging ghi chep tl! d9ng. CC1 cau nAng gilly tl,l' d¢ng. thiet bi 16ng chuan tl! d9ng, thiet bi
kiem tra dinh vi chuan tl! d¢ng.
automatic gravure etching machine automatic margin adjust dieu chinh automatic plant phan xuong tlJ d¢ng hoa.
may an mon tlJ d¢ng ban ch1,1p in lorn. automatic regulator may lt! dieu
le bien tl;l d9ng. automatic plate casting machine chinh, may tl! dieu tier.
automatic guide roll tr1,1c dAn giay tl! automatic mechanical press for hot may due ban in tlJ d<)ng.
d<)ng. automatic remot control kiem tra tlJ
printing in nhi¢t dung may ep nhi¢t automatic plate finishing machine d¢ng tu xa.
automatic guillotine cutter may xen tl;ld<)ng. may sua ban chl tl;l d9ng.
automatic repagination them s6
giay tl;l d¢ng. automatic on-the-run splicing thay automatic plate processor may che trang llJ d¢ng.
automatic gum water may xoa gOm cu<)n giay tlJ d9ng. ban tl,l' d¢ng.
automatic sampler may thu miiu tl,l'
(keo) tlJ d¢ng. automatic operation thao tac tlJ d9ng. automatic platen ban ep tlJ d¢ng. d<)ng.
automatic header/footer tlJ d9ng them automatic packing machine may automatic press may in (cap giay) tl! automatic set-up box machine may
tieu de va chu dAn cu6i trang sach. d6ng (bao) g6i tl,l' d9ng. d¢ng. · lam h¢p tl! d¢ng.
automatic heading tit chu ch~y tJ! automatic page adjust dieu chinh automatic pressure controller may automatic sheet counter d1,1ng c1,1
d¢ng, tieu de ch~y tlJ d¢ng. trang in tlJ d<)ng. kh6ng che tlJ d¢ng ap lJ!c. Mm giay tlJ d9ng.
automatic hopper loader may automatic page numbering danh s6 automatic pressure vent van xa hcri automatic sheet counting device
chuyen tai sach d6ng dan tlJ d¢ng. trang in tlJ d¢ng. tl;l d¢ng. thiet bi dem giay l\f d¢ng.
automatic hot foil printing machine automatic pagination Sl,l' danh s6 automatic printing and binding automatic sheet feeder may cap giay
may in m~ vang tlJ d¢ng. trang tl,l' d9ng. · may lien hc;,p tl! d¢ng in va d6ng sach. tlJ d¢ng giay ta rm.

50 51
automatic sheet handling machine autoplotter

automatic sheet handling machine automatic timing device thiet bj autoplotter may ve do hoc). tl! d¢ng. auto-valve van llf d¢ng.
may ghi ma giay llf d¢ng. kh6ng che' thoi gian tl;l' d¢ng.
Autopositive film phim llf d¢ng dao autoxidation st,t tl! oxi hoa.
automatic sheet stacker may xep automatic tip time service thl;l'c hi¢n due1ng. M¢t loc).i phim sau khi chyp
vi¢c djnh thai gian tl! d¢ng.
auxiliaries thiet bj b6 trq.
ch6ng giay tl! d¢ng. hi¢n anh chuyen thanh phim du<Jng
automatic sleeve wrapping machine automatic transfer equipment thiet kh6ng cAn dung phim Am ban. auxiliary conveyer wheel banh xe
may bao goi thanh cu¢n tl! d¢ng. bj chuyen d6i tl! d¢ng. cap giay b6 trq.
autopositive material tai li¢u cam
automatic shorter may phan loc).i automatic titration slf chuan d¢ ti! d¢ng. quang anh dU<Jng tfl!C tiep. auxiliary device thiet bj b6 trq, thiet
tuyen ch<;>n tl! d¢ng. bj ph1:1.
automatic trigger may gay n6 tl! d¢ng. auto-preset inking system h¢ th6ng
automatic splicing apparatus thiet ml;l'c in djnh truoc llf d¢ng dua vao auxiliary equipment thiet bj b6 trq,
automatic trimmer may dao ba m~t may tfnh. thiet bi phy.
bj tiep giay tl! d¢ng.
xen sach tl! d¢ng.
automatic stacker may xep chong autopress may in cao kh6 nho (ten auxiliary exposure chie'u sang b6 trq,
automatic type caster may due chfr thue1ng mc).i) thuang dung ban ph~g chieu sang phy them.
giay llf d9ng.
tl! d¢ng. ban in cao chc).y t6c d¢ cao.
automatic stereotype caster may auxiliary exposure device thie't bj
due ban ch1 tl;f d¢ng. automatic valve van ti! d¢ng. auto-processor may che ban tl! d¢ng, chie'u sang b6 trq.
automatic wire guide roll tryc dan may hi¢n anh ban in tl! d¢ng.
automatic stop mechanism co cfo auxiliary magazine kho khuon due
(thiet bi) dong ti! d¢ng. day (ghim) tt,t d¢ng. autoscore may ke dong ti! d<)ng. chfr chua.n bi dung (may due chfr).
automatic strapping process phuong automatic wrapping line day chuyen autoscreen film phim che ban da co auxiliary memory may luu trfr b6 trq.
phap tac nghi¢p bo goi tl! d9ng. san xuat dong goi ti! d¢ng. tram tc).O thanh Olop nhCi tU<Jng.
auxiliary pile ch6ng giAy chua.n bj
automatic tabulating listing and automatic warpping machine may Autoshaver may bao Cc).Ilh tl! d¢ng dung.
sorting system h¢ th6ng l~p bang dong goi tl;l' d¢ng. ban chi cong (ten thue1ng mc).i).
auxiliary sizing agent chat ke't dfnh
bieu va phAn loc).i tl! d¢ng. automatic word wraparound chfr auto-slice dao gc).t chAn khong. b6 trq.
automatic telecontrol kiem tra tu xa chuyen dong tl;l' d¢ng.
autostrobe thiet bj nhay sang di¢n tit auxiliary storage may luu trfr b6 trq.
tl! d¢ng. automation S\f tl! d¢ng hoa, tt,t d¢ng. tl! d¢ng kh6 nho.
automatic temperature controller auxiliary screen tram b6 trq.
automatization tl;l' d¢ng hoa. autotimer may ghi thoi gian tt,t d¢ng.
may kiem tra tl! d¢ng nhi¢t d¢. availability tfnh hfru hi¢u, tfnh co the
autonym ten th~t tac gia. Autotron thiet bj long chua.n nhieu dung duqc.
automatic tension control thiet bi
kiem tra llf d¢ng ll;fc cang. . auto pagination sip trang llf d¢ng. cu¢n giay in mau tl! d¢ng.
available co the dung duqc.
automatic thermo regulator may auto-panel bang chi thj thiet bj kiem autotype m¢t trong nhfrng phue1ng
available heat nhi¢t dung duqc, nhi¢t
dieu chinh nhi¢t d¢ llf d¢ng. tra tl;l' d¢ng. phap che ban gielatin thay the nht,ta
huu hi¢u.
cam quang.
automatic three-knife trimmer may auto paster thiet bj tiep giay tl! d¢ng available light anh sang dung duqc,
dao ba m~t xen sach llf d¢ng. (ten thuong mc).i). Autotype pigment paper giay sic t6
anh sang hfru hi¢u.
. than (ten thuong mc).i), giay pichmang
automatic throw-off llf d¢ng thoat Autoplate may due ban ti! d9ng (chuyen dung cho che ban in lorn (in 6ng available space khong gian dung
tach ra (tfl;IC 6ng). dung cho may in bao giay cu¢n). d6ng). duqc trong may tfnh.

52 53
average fiber length Bfilter

average fiber length d¢ dai trung axis of symmetry trl_lC d6i xung trl_lc.
blnh cua sqi.
axis head dau trl_lc.
average increment htqng tang trung
Axle with gears trl_lc banh rang.
average number s6 trung blnh, (blnh
average pressure ap ll;l'c trung blnh.
Ayr stone da mai dung trong in ban
da (th~ch ban).
azide azit, MN3•
average speed t6c d9 trung blnh. azide photosensitive material v~t
li¢u nh~y sang g6c azit. B filter kfnh i<;>c mau B, kinh l9c sik back coupling noi phan gay sach.
average temperature nhi¢t d¢ trung
blnh. azo nhom azo. mau xanh. back cover b9c gay sach.
average value gia tri trung blnh. azo-compount hqp chat azo. B flute giay cac te>ng song lo~i B. back decorating trang tri gay sach.
average velocity t6c d9 trung blnh. azo-dye pham nhu¢m azo. B printing giay in lo~i B. back delivery ra sach phia sau, nh~
averaging dong deu (Xlt ly anh). B-B type (Blanket-to-Blanket type) giay in ra phfa sau.
azo benzene azobenzen, G,H~:NCJ-f5 •
kieu BB- trl_lC 6ng cao SU trl;l'C d6i trl_lC backed bone hinge gan ranh gay sach.
axial (thu¢c) t11:1c. azosulfonic acid axit azosunfonic, 6ng cao su.
axial angle goc tn,1c. RN:NS0 3H. backed plate ban phu lop.ch6ng quang
B-spline curve duang cong thanh nyp m~t sau kinh kho.
axial substitution Sl;l' thay the trl_lc. azote nito, N. d~ng B.
back edge dong kyp gay sach.
axial symmetry sl;l' d6i xung trl_lc. azotic acid axit nitric, HN03 • baby blue mau ll_lC ~t, mau hoi nga ll_lC.
back etching an mon m~t sau.
axis tr1:1c. azo pigment sik t6 azo, pfch mang azo. baby pin~ mau hong nh~t. mau hoi
nga tfm. . back feed trao l~i. chuyen l~i.
axis of rotation t11:1c quay. azure mau xanh da trai.
back file sach bao qua kl h~n.
back ho dan gay, gay sach, lung chii'.
back finishing machine may gia
back a book dong gay sach.
cong gay sach.
back bar trl_lC CUOO tam cao SU.
back fly-leaf to dan m~t sau.
back board bla gay sach.
back focusing tieu Cl,l' (diem) phia sau.
back bone gay sach, lung sach.
back gauge co chful phfa sau (may
back bone lining up machine may dao xen giay).
dan xe> gay sach. back (A spine) gauge vai xo dan gay sach.
back carbon ml;l'c in sao chep m~t sau. back gluer may beii quet keo gay sach.
back cloth vai b9c gay sach. back gluing and drying machine
back coating lop phu m~t lung. may beii quet keo va say kh6 gay sach.

54 55
back pressure roll
back gluing machine

back label nhan gay sach. back pressure roll tr9c ap ltJc ngl.J'qc back to back in hai m~t.
back gluing machine may boi quet
hl.J'crng phfa sau 11.J'ng. back-to-back register djnh vi an
keo gay sach. back leather da bQc gay sach.
back print in chu gay sach. pham in anh hai m~t.
back grinder may mai nhan gay sach. back light anh sang nghich, anh sang
phfa sau. back printing in m~t sau giay in. back trapping in l6ng ngl.J'qc.
back ground mau nen, canh phfa sau.
back lighting chieu sang m~t 11.J'ng. back projection phU'<Jng phap chieu back-up stJ hO trc;,, stJ di! cru [may
back ground colour mau nen byt. sau tit phfa sau. tfnh], m~t sau, m~t in sau.
back liner may dan b6i gay sach.
back ground image hlnh anh phfa sau. back rounding ve tron gay sach back-up cylinder trl,IC ep di! tril' [in lorn].
back lining dan b6i gay sach. [dong sach].
back ground ink mau ml;tc in canh
back-up plate ban due d¢m m~t sau.
phfa sau. back-lining and head banding back rounding machine may ve tron
machine may dan bang chi dau gay sach. gay sach. back-up register djnh vi chuan khi in
back ground plate ban in nen byt.
back lining cloth vai dan gay sach. d6ng thcri hai m~t.
back scheduling sip chu ngl.J'qc.
back issue sach bao qua kl h~n. back-up roll tang tfl;lc ep [in lorn].
back lining leather da bQc gay sach. back set chmmg ng~i, in ngl.J'qc, che
backing lop ch6ng qufog sang, giay
back-lining machine may dan b6i d¢ng khf. back-up roller tang tn,ic ep [in lorn].
hong, giay lot dan d¢m, gay n6i.
gay sach. back side m~t sau, m~t in dao. back-up run in m~t sau.
backing-and-rounding machine
back lining paper giay dan b6i gay sach. back side printing in m~t sau [tai
may ve tron gay sach. back view nhln anh phfa sau.
back margin le gay sach. li¢u in thau minh, trong, in lorn].
backing away hi¢n nrqn.g bl;l mtJc back water nl.J'oc h6i 11.J'U.
back margin of paper le bien trang sach. back slant lo~i chu nghieng sang trai.
[S\! c6 in], dfnh ban. back water pump b<Jm nl.J'oc h6i 11.J'U.
back mark dau v~ch gap gay sach. back slanted type kieu chu nghieng,
backing file t¢p tu li¢u trong may back water tank mang nl.J'oc, thung
nga sang trai.
tfnh, phiin ltru tru ngoai dia. back matter ffil,IC h,IC sach tham khao nl.J'oc h6i 11.J'U.
sau bai viet. back space chuyen chu lui l~i m¢t
backing machine may dl!fig gay sach. back with raised bands gay sach c6
ho~c nhieu khoang each.
back milling c~o xo gay sach, lam toi
backing metal kim l~ du m~ gay sach. xo gay sach. back space character ky hi¢u chu lui
dl.J'ong go n6i.
backing paper giay dan tl.J'ong. l~i m¢t ho~c nhieu khoang each. back (of camera) horn t6i may anh.
back number (of perio dical) s6 t~p
backing press may d\!fig gay sach, chf xuat ban nay kh6ng bay ban nua, back stand lui gia de giay. backup phan chuan bi san de dung
may ep gay sach. sach, t~p chf cii. [may tinh], st! ho trc;,, s\f di! tril' [may tinh].
back stripping machine may b6c
back of a book gay sach. mang m~t sau. backup diskette cfia mem sao 11.J'U de SU
backing printing in m~t sau cac tai
li¢u trong, thau minh. back of shank chu a gay sach. back stripping machinery may b6c dl,lng trong tnrong hqp ban goc bi mat.

backing-up ban due do chl m~t ltmg back of the page trang hen trai. mang m~t sau. backup file van ki¢n di! tru khi can sir dl;lflg.
(ban due di¢n), in m~t sau. back-page trang hen trai. back tender help c6ng ep can nhan. backup operation thao tac chuan bi
backlash ranh gAn 11.J'ng. back pressure phan ap, d6i ap. back title ten sach ogay sach. khi cfo su dl,lng.
back storage Balanced Screening (BS)

back storage b¢ ph~ hru triI khi can bag maker may lam bao, tui giay. Balanced Screening (BS) ky thu~t banana oil dan chuoi, amyl axetat,
sud,,mg. can bang diem tram (C6ng ty Agfa). CH3COO.C5H,1
bag making lam tui, bao, x&:, tui xach.
bad break chua sip chii dAy dong; balancing duy trl can bang, ky thu~t banana water nucrc dau chuoi.
bag making machine may lam tui, XU ly can bmg.
phan am tiet sai. band bang, dai quang ph6, dai tan,
bao, de, tui xach.
bad colour hlnh aI1h in mau chua bale b6, ki¢n. gay sach n6i c~.
chuAn (ml}'c in chua du no). bag sealing machine may dan kfn
bale breaker may do bao g6i. band conveyer may chuyen tai kieu
bao, tui.
bad copy ban mau kh6ng net, ban baled news b6 giay bao hong bo di. bang tai.
bail gau (tat nucrc), x6 (dl}'ng nucrc).
mau d() tucm.g phan thap.
bale opener may do bao goi. bandi nippers nyp k~ n6i ~ gay sach.
bad Jay in 16ng kh6ng chuAn, giay in baked chii chl von c1:1c (khi tach ban
bale press may dong bao, dong goi. band printer may danh chii qua bang.
dua vao may kh6ng vu6ng goc va chl dfnh ket kh6 tach ra).
phing. bale strapping dong bao, dong goi. band viscosimeter nhcrt ke d~ng
bakelite bakelit (nhl}'a phenol
bang, ctai.
bad letter chii du mon in kh6ng sic net fomandehit). baler may dong bao.
banding bang, b6, bu()c, goi, bQc.
bad register 16ng kh6ng chuAn. bakelite A bakelit A. baling dong goi.
banding machine may d6ng g6i.
bad trapping tfnh nang in ch6ng mau bakelite paper giay bakelit. baling hoop dong goi, dong bao ~ thep.
kMng dyp. banding nippers nyp kyp n6i c~h
baking nucrng ban. baling line day b6, bu()c do.
gay sach.
badly trimmed (thu(>c) xen giay baling paper giay bao goi.
hong, sai. baking soda natri hidro cacbonat, banding saw cua vong
NaHC0 3 baling press may ep ch~t dong bao,
baffle mang ngan, ban ch.in. may dong bao. banding viscosimeter nhcrt ke d~ng
balance cai can; Sl}' can bang; Sl}' bang, dai.
baffle board ban chin (am, anh sang thang bang. ball bl mai ban in 6p xet.
ho~c chat long). bands day thep d6ng sach, day bu()c,
ball bearing ~ong bi mai. trang trf hlnh n6i gay sach.
balance beam don can.
baffle plate ban chlin. ball grained bi mai t~o h~t.
balance bridge cAu can bang; lien ket bang dau cham than"!".
baffler mang can am thanh. cau can bang. ball mill mai bi. bank tft nho, tieu de nho bao chf.
bag tui, bao, bi, x.ic, tui xach. ballistic motion chuyen d()ng J..1c ngang.
balance of heat SI! can bang nhi¢t. bank paper giay viet thu cao cap.
bag binding dong, khau tui xach. ball of thread day xolin hlnh cau
balance weights qua can. bank • note tcr giay b~c.
dung dong sach.
baggage tag nhan hang hanh ly.
balanced (eta) can bang; (da) thang oong. balloon former may gap tay sach ban banknote paper giay b<!-C tien giay.
bagging d6ng bao, viii bao tai.
balanced ink ml}'c in kh6 do vi nhi¢t. tam giac, lllp ban tam giac. banknot printing in giay ~. in tien giay.
bag ink tui, bao dl}'ng ml}'c. ball valve van tam hlnh cau.
balanced lighting hi¢u chinh d() r9i banknot printing machine may in
bag liner giay lot trong bao giay. sang deu tren di¢n duc;,c, chieu sang. bamboo paper giay che tu b()t tre nua. giay b~c. may in tien giay.
bag machine may lam bao, tui giay. balanced state tr~g thai can bmg. bamboo strip 6ng tre. banks giay in tien.

58 59
banner bas-relief

banner tieu de chil' Ian dAu to bao, barium nitrate bari nitrat, Ba(N03) 2 • bas-relief phu dieu ma. base stock ban dung lam ban cam
tieu de ch~y su6t trang bao. quang, giay m9c, giay hong.
barium stearate bari stearat. bas-relief printing in n6i mo.
banner headline tieu de chil' Ion dAu base weight dinh luqng gi!y, tr9ng
barium sulphate bari sunfat, BaS04• basan da de mong.
tabao, tieu de ch~y su6t trang bao. luqng m¢t ram giay chua'.n.
barium yellow (mau) vang bari. base baw; CO sa; nen tang; de ban
banner page trang tieu de [danh may] base white mau trAng m!n.
in; de phim, phan cha.n chii' rai.
barium value chi s6 bari.
bar ba (don vj do ap suat) ; thanh; BASIC (Beginner's Allpurpose
base aligment sip chil' thing hang
don; can. barium white trAng bari, bari sunfate, Symbolic Instruction Code) ng6n ngu,
cha.n chil'.
BaS04 • (m9t trong nhil'ng ngOn ngil' may tinh).
barber dryer may lam kh6 gi6 n6ng. base colour mau nen.
bari sulfate bari sunfat, BaS04 • basic bismuth carbonate bitmut
barber drying Sl;l' lam khO gi6 n6ng. base cylinder trl;IC in 6ng dong [in Jorn]. cacbonat kiem, (BiO)iC0 3.
barometer khf ap ke, phong vii bieu.
bar coater may tning phu can ciao g~ base dye thu6c nhu¢m tinh kiem. basic book sach bao co sa.
barometric condenser may ngung
bar code reader may d9c ma hlnh I~khfap. base fog de phim ma. basic colour mau co ban.
dong [may tfnh]
barometric pressure khi ap (ll;l'c). base fog density de phim m~t d¢ mo. basic copper carbonate dong
bar codes ma v~ch, ma v~ch ke d9c. cacbonate kiem.
barrier hang rao, v~t chuang ng~i, base frame b¢ may.
bar code taper may dan nhan tl;l' d¢ng. phong h¢. basic dye pham baw, thuoc nhu¢m baw.
base ideographic charcter set b9
bar cutter xi-day xen giay, may xen barrier board tam chAn phong h¢. chil' bieu y co ban. basic dye lake!&: mau thu6c nhu¢m baw.
giay dung tay keo can dao cat.
barrier coating lap phu phong h¢. base ink ml;l'C CO ban, ffil;l'C nguyen basic hydrolysis hidroxit baw.
bare back trt;IC de trlln (khOng c6 ni g6c, ml;l'c in nguyen g6c, mt_tc in ma.u.
Io tham mrac ho~c giay). barrier film mang mong each di¢n. basic metal kim lo~i thuang (kh6ng
base language ngOn ngil' ca ban [may tinh]. quf); kim lo~i chfnh (hqp kim).
bare copper wire day d6ng de tran barrier material tai li¢u dong g6i
ch6ng am. base line duang cha.n chil' [kieu chil']. basic oxide oxit baw.
khOng b9c.
bare cylinder diameter duang kfnh barrier sheet phu lap bao v¢. base line space khoang each giil'a cac basic, salt muoi baw.
tr1;1c de tran khOng bQc. dong chil' co ban.
barring n6i ga, n6i h!n vet giAy. basic size kich thuoc CC1 ban cua giay in.
bare machine may de tran khOng che phu. base memory b¢ nha co ban.
baryta barit, bari oxit, BaO. basic units don vj co ban.
baren ban cha.i [cOng Cl;I de in]. base of the machine b¢ may.
baryta coating phu lap bari oxit. basic weight djnh luqng tieu chuan,
barge khay go nho de chil' chl. base of the vacuum printing frame co ban giay.
barytage coating giay bari.
gia khung may phoi ban in.
barium bari, Ba. basil da de mong.
baryta paper giay bari, lo~i giay cao base paper gi!y m¢c, giay chua gia
barium carbonate bari cacbonnat, cap dung cho che ban in thtr anh. basin do dt_tng nhu ch~u, bon, chum v~.
cOng can nhan.
BaC03 • baryte b¢t da barit. basis lead carbonate chi cacbon kiem.
base plate ban de de lip khuOn chil' in
barium chloride bari clorua, BaCI2• bas title tieu de gian luqc. tren may in. basis weight dinh luqng gi!y.

60 61
basis weight scale B-B type (Blanket-to-Blanket)

batch production san xuat hang lo,!.t. B-B type (Blanket-to-Blanket) kieu bearing ring vong d¢m 6 trl,lc.
basis weight scale cAn dµ,h Iuqng giay.
trl,IC cao su d6i trl,lc cao su. bearing support gia do 6 tfl,IC.
Baskerville type kieu chii' Baskevile. batch roll cu¢n giay.
bazan bla sach da de. beat vo ph6ng due chu chl, ban chai
Bassani process phucmg phap cM batch scanning quet thanh tung dgr,
ban Bassani. be (beame degree) de> Borne. ffil!C.
scan tung dgr.
bast lop hen trong da, giay lop trong da bead coater may trang phu gi9t dung djch. beat line nh~ bat ffii!C chUa du no.
batched job tac nghi¢p hang lo,!.t.
bastard body than chii' roi kh'.lng tieu chua'n. beaker c6c thi nghi¢m, blnh thi beaten gold vang dat mong.
bath ch~u dl!Ilg dung djch, dung djch.
bastard fount f.Mng chii' khOng tieu chuan. nghi¢m, c6c d6t. beater may quay ho.
bath paper giay viet thu cao cap.
bastard title tieu de gian luge, e-ti- beam chum tia sang. beater sige keo nhl!a tung hucmg.
bath voltage di¢n the trfun tich.
ket ten sach. beam deflection d¢ !¢ch hu6'ng chum beating khuay tan.
bathing rollerinking unit dcm vj lo tia sang.
bastard title paper trang tieu de gian I~. beating brush ban chai vo ph6ng.
mang ml!c [in lorn].
bastard type kieu chii' kh6ng tieu chuan. beam of light chum tia sang. beating degreed¢ quay h6.
bathroom tissue giay khan !au.
bastarda chii' roi. kieu net hoa ph6ng rung. beam slotter may c6 duong ranh de beating hammer vo bua go.
batter chu chl bj mon. chum tia sang di qua.
bastared kfch thu6'c to giay 16 x 20 beating methode each vo to phong.
tac Anh. battered ban chl hay chu chl bj mon. beam splitter may quang phAn.
beating-off a proof sheet cit bo m9t
bas title tieu de gian luge [ten sach]. battered letter chii' chl mon, hong. beam steering (thiet bD Iai chum tia sang. trang to in thu.
batch phan theo tung dgr, hang lo,!.t. battered type chii' chl hong. beam store thiet bj luu trii' chum di¢n tu. beaver mau nAu.
batch data processing xu ly s6 li¢u battery b¢ pin, k qui. beard d9 d6c chii' chl, d9 vat nghieng beaver board bla cung kien true mau
theo dgt. thanh con chu chl. nau.
battery board vo pin, vo lie qui.
batch development hi¢n hlnh hang bearer d¢m 16t, g6i da (may in), trl,lc Beck effect hi¢u ung Bee (dung cho
lo,!.t, theo dgt. battery electric truck xe ch,!.y di¢n . chat long nh~ hon nu6'e).
g6i do.
lie qui.
batch environment h¢ th6ng xu ly Beckman mixture h8n hgp Beeman,
bearer line duang 16t bao v¢.
hang lO,!.t [may tinh]. baud don vj t6c d9 chuyen d9ng hon hgp cromic (hon hgp oxi hoa,
bearer pressure ap lt!C d¢m bao v¢.
batch file van ki¢n xu ly hang lo,!.t quay baud. g6m 60 phAn tram kali bicr6nat
[may tinh]. baud rate ty 1¢ baud. bearing d¢m 16t, trl,IC d¢m, 6 tfl;IC, K2 Cr20 7 , 80 phan tram axit sunfuric
vong bi. H2S04 d~c vii 270 phan nu6'c).
batch job c6ng vi¢c theo dgt, c6ng Baume d¢ Borne.
vi¢c hang !O,!.t. bed san; 16'p; ting; nen; ban de ban in,
bearing block de 6 tr1.,1c.
Baume degreed¢ Borne. banph~g.
batch process program trlnh ti! xu ly bearing bushing d¢m 6 tr1.,1c, b¢ 6 tr1.,1c.
hang lo<!-t. Baume hydrometer ty tr9ng ke Borne. bed bearer ban de ban, ban phing
bearing housing de 6 trl,lc. giuong may.
batch processing xu ly hang lo,!.t Bausch and Lamb opacimeter thiet
[may tinh]. bj do d¢ mo Bausch vii Lamb. bearing pad mieng d¢m 6 tr1.,1c. bed frame suon giuang may.

belt tension roll
bed guard

Beka gravure process phucmg phap belt tension roll tn:ic keo cang day Bennett size keo tung hucmg sap ong
bed guard thiet bj bao v¢ ban phfulg
giuong may. khac che ban in lorn tJ1!C tiep Beka. cua-roa, bang tai. Bennett [ten thucmg m~i].
Beka process phucmg phap che ban belt tightener may do h,rc cang dil.y Beneventan hand writing lo~i sach
bed hangers gia treo giuong may.
in )om tf1!C tiep Beka. cua-roa, bang tai. viet tay Beneventan.
bed knife dao g~t tren ban de ban.
Bekk smoothness tester dt,mg c9 do belt tightening device thiet bi keo bent blade coater may trang phu dao g~
bed motion mechanism CC1 cau tien d¢ nhAn m~t giay Bekk. cang day cua-roa, bang tai. Benton matrix cutting machine may
lui ban de ban tren may. Belflex coater phucmg phap trang phu
belt type cast coater may due d~g khic khuOn chfr Benton.
bed motion speed t6c d¢ chuyen Belflex.
bang tai. benzachlor hexaclobenzen, C6l4Cl6_
d¢ng ban de ban tren may. bellows b¢ ph~ xep nep h¢p gap cua
bed rack thanh rang ban de ban tren may. may ch9p anh.
bench '_h¢ (lo); ban phong thf nghi¢m. benzal benzal, benziliden, C6H 5Cl=

bed rail duong tnl'Qt ban de ban tren may. bellows camera may ch1.,1p anh c6 b¢ bench inkometer d9ng ct,1 do d9 chay benzal chloride bel1l.an clorua, CJ-l,-CH02
ph~ xep nep h¢p gap. mt,rc in d~t tren ban.
bed roll tn:ic lan ban de ban tren may. benzalcohol benzalcohol, ~ 5 -0iPH
bellows extension keo dai b¢ ph~n bench press may ep sach ban phfulg.
bed slide ban truqt gia dao. benzaldehyde benzaldehit, C6H 5CHO
xep nep h(>p gap.
bend 6ng cong; ch6 khuyu; u6n cong.
bed track duong truqt ban de ban bellows press may in thu cOng. benzene benzen,C6H 5
tren may. Ben Day plate ban in chrong van Ben Day. benze~ azimide benzen azimi.
bellows support gia do b¢ ph~ xep
beef tallow mo bo; mo d¢ng v~t. neph¢pgap. Ben Day process phucmg phap che benzen carbonal benzen cacbonal.
belly phfa truac than· con chfr rcri, ban in duong van Ben Day.
beer-mat board bla cung de tren m~t benzen carbonyl chloride benzen
ban l6t c6c bia. b9ng con chfr rcri. benday tang d~m mau sk cacbonyl clorua.
bees wax sap ong. belly of shank phfa truac thil.n con bending and (orming press may in benzen carboxylic acid benzen
chfr rm. gap thanh hlnh h(>p giay.
before the title tieu M tren, hang tren cacboyxilic axit.
tieu de. belt dil.y dai da, dil.y cua-roa, bang tai.
bending break u6n cong gap gay. benzidine orange benzindin da cam.
began rolling bat dfo in, bat dau cho belt conveyor st,r chuyen dil.y cua-roa,
bending flexure u6n cong gap nep. benzidine yellow benzidin vang.
may in ch~y. bang tai.
belt delivery for parallelfolder bang bending jig plate ban u~n cong. benzil benzil, dibenzoil, (C6H 5C0)2
begin a paragraph bit dfo m9t do~
tai chuyen tcr gap song song. bending machine may u6n cong tr1.,1c. benzine xang
sua b6ng bai.
belt drive st,r chuyen d¢ng dil.y cua-
begin even sap cac dong chfr n6i tiep bending number ttj s6 u6n cong bla gap. benzisotriazole benzitriazol.
roa, bang tai.
nhau, phAn cOng ngucri sip chfr ban benzoic,
belt idler trt,1c cling dil.y cua-roa, bang tai. bending strength cubng d¢ u6n cong. benzoic acid axit
thao n6i tiep nhau [sip chu].
beige mau vang sang anh h6ng. belt side m~ tnroc (chi giay), chfnh di¢n. bending test st,r thu nghi¢m u6n cong.
benzoin benzoin.
Beka cold-enamel process phucmg belt tension lt,rc ca.rig dil.y cua-roa, Bendtsen surface roughness d¢
bang tai. nham be m~t Bendtsen. benzoin ethyl ether benzoin etyl ete.
phap trang men l ~ Beka.
64 5 • TOKH KTIA V
biblio gony
benzoin methyl ether

biblio gony SI! nghi¢p XUat ban. bichromated colloid the keo bicromat.
benzoin methyl ether benzoin metyl ete. bevel cl,lnh xien, m~t nghieng.
bibliograplic data myc lye tu li?u, bichromated gelatime bicromat-
benzolbenzen,C6 H6 bevel edge goc xien, canh xien, m~t
phang nghieng. tham khao tu li?u co gia trj ljch su. gielatin.
benzol chloride benzen clorua. bichromated glue coating solution
bevel gilt edge vien vang ven bien bibliographical footnote chu giai o
benzophenone benzophenon. dung djch cam quang keo ca.
danh thiep. cu6i trang chii'.
bichromated glue sensitizer dung
benzopyrrole benzopyrol. bevel-gear banh rang co rang bibliographical index chu dan tu Mu
djch cam quang keo ca.
benzoyl benzene benzoyl benzen. nghieng. co gia trj ljch SU, van hien.
bichromated gum coating solution
benzoyl chloride benzoyl clorua. bevelled board bla sach cat g6c. bibliographical information tMng
dung djch trang mang bicromat-gom
tin tl! li¢u co gia trj Heh su. arabich.
benzoyl peroxide benzoyl peoxid. bevelled boards cat 1¢<:h cl,lnh bia sach.
bibliography thl! myc, myc lye tai bichromate kalium kali dicromat,
benzoyl phenyl carbinol benzoyl beveller may bao Cl,lnh Vat xien.
li¢u c6 gia trj Jjch su, van hifo. K2Cr20 1 .
phenyl cacbinol. bevelling machine may bao vat
bibliography at the end of book tai biconcave lens thau kinh hai m~t
benzoyl alcohol benzoyl alcohol , nghieng Cl,lnh.
li¢u tham khao co gia trj ljch su, van lorn.
c6n benzyl. bevel planer may bao vat nghieng hien acu6i cu6n sach.
Cl,lnh. biconvex lens thau kfnh hai m~t loi.
bepowder phun b¢t, m¢t trong nhung
bibliography in book tham khao tai
cong dol,ln sau in nhu¢m. beverage can h¢p hay can dt!ng do bidirectional printer danh may in
li¢u van hien. ~
u6ng. theo hai huang.
berimask phuang phap che ban che
bibliography in foot notes chu din b
Beri. beverage package dong g6i d6 u6ng. bidirectional relay d¢ng ca di?n
cu6i trang tai li?u tham khao van hien.
xoay chieu.
Berlin blue xanh Beclin, xanh ph6. Bezier curve duong cong Bezier. bibliology thu tjch h9c. biennial xua't ban phftm hai nam m¢t
best seller ban sach chl,ly nMt. B filter kfnh IQc siic mau lye B. llm.
bibliopegy my,thu~t d6ng sach tranh,
beta gauge thiet bj do tia buc Xl,l Beta 13 B flute s6 song cac tong song lol,li B. ngh¢ thu~t dong dan sach tranh. bifocal (thu¢c) hai tieu diem.
beta meter thiet bj do tia buc Xl,l Beta 13 bi-spectral d~c tfnh hai quang ph6. bibliotheca myc lye sach luu tru, van big envelope !6ng bla.
between bands khoang each giua hai biacetyl biaxetyl. bijou book sach thu nho.
ghim thep tren gay sach. bibulous paper gia'y IQC, gia'y hut nu6'c.
biannual bao nua nam xua't ban m¢t Jan. bilingual dictionary ti:r dien d6i
between-the-Jens shutter la chfo bicarbonate of soda natri bicacbonat, chieu song ngu.
bibelot sach vi hlnh.
sang agiua 6ng kfnh chyp anh. NaHC03. bilingual edition sach, ban hon hqp
bible kinh thanh. bicromate mu6i bicrOmat. song ngu.
between the line ban d6i chieu giua
cac dong chu khong gi6ng nhau; chu bible paper gia'y in kinh thanh, giay bichromated albumin bicromat- bill to rai, to quang cao, to ap phfch,
giai khoang each giua cac dong chu. in ttrdien. long triing trCrng. to yet th\.
between-row space khoang each biblio film vi phim (phim chyp tu bichromated-albumin proc~ phuang bill head bien Jai, chung tu, giay bien
dong chu; cl! ly giua cac dong chu. sach thu nho lai). phap cheban bicrOmat-long tril.ng trCrng. nh~n.
bill of type
binder's stamp

bill of type ghi chep phan lo~i thanh binary notation each ghi s6 M nhj
binder's stamp d6ng sach ep chlm n6i.
tung b¢ chii chl. binding cord day (kim lo~i, chi)
dung d6ng sach.
bill paper giay ghi cac khoan thu, binder's thread dong sach dung chi
binary number system h¢ th6ng s6
chi, xuat nh~p theo s6 sach. khaU. binding costs gia ca d6ng sach, cOng
hai cau tu.
gia d6ng sach.
billboard paper giay quang cao nhan binder's title dong ten sach i':J gay
binary system h¢ th6ng hai c!u tu.
lang bong. sach. binding department phan xuong
bind n6i; lien ket; clan, dinh v6i nhau, dong sach.
billing machine paper giay ghi (tren binder's tools c6ng C"1 dong sach.
d6ng sach. binding dummy d6ng sach mau
may) tl! d<)ng. binder's volume ban sach, t~p siich.
binder c6ng nhan dong sach; may dung giay tning.
bimetal luong kim, kim lo~ hai lap. d6ng sach; chat ket dfnh; bla dong binder's waste trang in du thua. binding edge dong sach kyp gay.
bimetal plate ban hqp kim hai kim sach, ~p chi. . .l~i vai nhau, chat d.m bindery xui':Jng dong sach, co si':J dong
mau. binding force It.re ket dfnh.
lo~i. ban hqp kim hai lap kim lo~. sach.
binder's block dong sach theo ·mau binding from sheets dong sach tung
bimetalic plate ban hqp kim hai lap bindery adhesive keo dung dong to rbi.
kim lo~i. in. sach.
binder's board bla dong sach cao binding machine may dong sach.
bimonthly bao, sach xuat ban hai bindery department phan xui':Jng
thang m<)t Ian. cap, bla da dong sach. dong sach, t6 d6ng sach. binding machinery d6ng sach co
giai dung· may; thiet bj.
binary thu<)c ve mc'.)t c~p ho~c nhieu binder's brass khu6n dong dung ep bindery record book s6, sach ghi
d6i. in bla cung. chep d6ng sach. binding margin dong kyp gay sach.
binary adder may c¢ng h¢ nhj phan. binder's calico dong sach dung vai bindery room p~an xuong d6ng binding material v~t li¢u d6ng sach.
calico gi6ng vai true bau. sach. binding pattern dong sach mau.
binary character set b¢ ky 11! nhj
phAn. binder's cloth vai dung dong bla binding d6ng s.ach, m~t b'ia sach. binding press may ep sach, gia ep
sach. sach.
binary code ma h¢ nhj phAn. binding agent chat keo dan d6ng
binder's date ngay thang dong sach. sach, chat ket dfnh. binding processes trlnh ti! cOng ngh¢
binary coded decimal phAn s6 th~p
phan h¢ nhj phan. binder's departement phan xuong binding and sittching mechanism dong sach.
d6ng sach, t6 dong sach. thiet bj d6ng sach. binding record phieu san xuat dong
binary computer may tinh h¢ nhj phAn.
binder's die dong sach dung khu6n ~p. binding art cOng ngh¢ d6ng sach, sach.
binary digit con s6 0 hay con s6 I
trong h¢ nhj phAn (0 ho~c 1). binder's glue keo dung cho dong ngh¢ thu~t dong sach. binding register s6 dang ky dong
sach. sach.
binary file tai li¢u h¢ nhj phAn. binding book s6 dang ky dong sach.
binding room phan xui':Jng d6ng sach.
binary image date dii li¢u anh h¢ nhj binder's knife dao dung dong sach. binding case h¢p de sach, c~p de
phAn. sach. binding sample sach mau dong sach.
binder's percaline dong sach dung
binary line art image dii li¢u tranh vai cao cap calin. binding cloth vai dung dong sach. binding saw dra (gay) dong sach.
ve net h¢ nhj phAn. binder's slip dong sach dC111. binding copy ban mau d6ng sach. binding sequence th(r tl,l' d6ng sach.

bindin~ sheet bituminized paper

binding sheet ta ghi chep dong sach, bismuthyl carbonate bitmut bituminized paper giay bitum, giay black and white original ban m!u
phieu dong sach. cacbonat. ch6ng am. den tring.
binding side dong sach qnh bien. bisphenol resin nhtJa bitphenol. bituminous board bla day bitum, bla black and white print an pham den
day ch6ng am. triog.
binding slip phieu dong sach. bisulfile pulp b¢t giay bisunfile.
bituminous cement chat ket dinh black and white reproduction ph1,1c
binding specimen sach mau dong sach. bit bit, dcm vi thong tin; con s6 nhi bitum. cM bai mau den triiog.
binding strength cuong d(> dong clan keo. phan.
bituminous vanish scm bitum. black body chfr roi kieu chfr d~m.
bit data flow dong du li¢u bit. than chfr d~.
binding thread chi dung dong sach. biweekly an pham chuyen san hai
bit per inch (bpi) s6 bit tren tac Anh. tuan xuat ban m(>t Ian. blackenning tang d¢ den.
binding wire dAy thep dung d6ng sach.
bit per second (bps) so bit tren m¢t biyearly an pham hay chuyen san blackenning bath dung djch tang d(>
binding with folding flap dong sach
giAy. m(>t nam, hai nam xuat ban m(>t Ian. den.
c6 ta gap ph1,1 kem trong sach.
bit resolution l!Jc phAn giai so oh! black mu(>i than; b6 h6ng; den (sac black leading phu than chl, phu
binding wordman cOng nhAn dong
nguyen. to); chfr ~ . vet den (slJ co), mau den. granit.
sach, thq dong sach.
black album board gilly den mong black leading machine may phu than
Bingham flow tinh deo ltru d¢ng. bite an mon axit (che ban, ban kim
trong anbom anh. chl, may phu granit.
lo~i), b¢ ph~n in bo sot, tinh hap th1,1
biographical dictionary tu dien danh m!JC, nhfp C~p chuyen giao giay. black and white den tring (mau dcm black face kieu chfr d~m.
nhan, ttr dien tom tat truy¢n nhan v~t. sac), ~an den triiog.
biting of the acid SlJ an mon axit. black face type chfr rm kieu chfr
biological sign kf hi¢u sinh v~t h9c. black and white copy ban mau (ph1,1c d~.
bitmap ban d6 s6, anh s6. che) den trfog.
bipack phim cu¢n (dung ch1,1p anh black heading chfr, tieu de d~m (kieu
mau). bitmap APR thay anh llJ d(>ng ban d6 black and white negative phim Am chfr sap hon hgp trong m1,1c l1,1c ti:r dien).
s6APR. ban n'et den trAng, phim Am ban den
bird's eye d6m van hlnh mat chim. blacking hoa den, boi den, tO den.
bitmapped font phong chfr ban do so.
biscuit cap paper giay d6ng g6i banh black lead than chl, graphit.
black and white film phim Am ban
bfch-qui. bitmapped image anh ban do so. black lead strip thoi than chl.
den trang.
biscuit paper giay b9c g6i banh bitone ink mlJc in hr6'ng sac, mlJc in black and white photograph anh black letter chfr d~m, kieu chfr hoa
bfch-qui. ban hai mau. ch1,1p den trfog. d~m.
Bishop premakeready each ke d¢m bitter almond (oil) camphor hucmg black and white halftone ban tram black letter type kieu chfr d~m. kicfo
ban truoc khi due ban. (dau) h~nh dao, benzoin, in cao den trfog. chfr den.
bismuth oxycarbonate bitmut oxi C6H5CHOHCOC6H5. black and white illustration tranh blacklight fluorescent pigment b(>t
cacbonat. bitumen bitum, nh!Ja duoog. minh ho~ den trfog. mau luu huynh d~g d~ quang.
bismuth subcarbonate bitmut bitumen process phucmg phap che black and white image buc anh den blacklight lamp khOng the nh'in thay
cacbonat kiem. ban bitum.
triog. anh sang den, anh sang den.

70 71
blackness blank page

blackness d¢ den. blade holder gia de luai dao. blank page trang de trang. blanket methode phuong phap lam
khO do sqi vai ta'.m cao su.
black out che lap anh sang. blade length chieu dai luai dao. blank paper giay de trang.
blanket micrometer trac vi ke ta'.m
black plate ban mau den. blade marks vet xuoc dao g~t mtJc blank part b¢ ph~n de trang, trong. cao su.
black plate negative ban am mau den. [st! c6 in lorn]. blank sheet to giay de trang. blanket packing b<;>c goi tam cao su.
black plate positive ban duong blade (type) sensor may cam bien blank work ban sap biiu miiu. blanket reel trl;IC cu¢n tam cao su.
mau den. d~gdao.
blankbook sach chua ghi chep, sach blanket reel bar thanh c~p tam cao su.
black plate separation negative ban blade scratch vet me dao g~t [slJ col ghi chep mong.
am tach mau mau den. blanket rejunevating solution chat
blade width chieu r¢ng luai dao. blankbook binding dong s6, sach ghi phl;IC h6i tam Cao SU.
black printer ban den, ban den nen ~t chep.
blanc fixe bari sunfat, BaS04 • lanket sheet to giay bao kh6 Ion.
black type kieu chu d~m. blanked ep in khong mau.
blank trang trang, phan tning ban in, blanket thickness gauge d1:1ng c1:1 do
black-pull ban in thfr, in thfr ban anh ep in bla sach trang. blanked stamping in chim n6i khong d(> day tam Cao SU.
tren giay Jang de kiem tra n¢i dung va mau.
blank binding dong sach it trang, blanket tightening shaft thanh thep
chat luc;mg cM ban. blanket tam cao su (6p xet).
mong. cang kyp tam cao su.
black spots diem den (giay co vet). blanket bar thanh kyp tam cao su.
blank character ky hi¢u chu de trang. blanket wash chat rira s~ch tam cao su.
black-steps mark dau gap tay sach, blanket clamp ban kyp tam Cao SU. blanket washing arrangement thiet
dau gap. blank cover bla sach de tr!ng. ' blanket creep tam cao su b\ chung, b\ nta tam Cao SU.
black-step method phuong phap ghi blank diskette dia de triing chua sfr b<;>c 6ng cao su khOng cang [slJ c6]. blanket washing solution dung d\ch
dau gap tay sach. d1:1ng.
blanket cylinder tfl;IC b9c tam cao su, nta tam Cao SU.
blad mliu gioi thi¢u an pham dung blank filter kinh l9c sic gielatin tfl;IC 6ng (tam) C{lO SU. blanket-to- blanket printing in hai
VaO ffil;IC dfch quang Cao. khOng mau. m~t trl;IC 6ng cao SU cung ep in len
blanket cylinder gap thanh ch~n kyp
blade luai dao, dao g~t. blank form bieu mliu de trfog. giay in.
tren trl;IC 6ng tam Cao SU.
blade clamp thanh keo dao. blank leaf trang de trang, ta in khong blanket cylinder undercut hrc;mg thu blanket-to- blanket system h¢ th6ng
in hai m~t tr1:1c 6ng cao su cung ep in
blade coater may tning phu dung co hinh. nho dtrang kinh tfl;IC ong tam cao SU.
len giay in.
dao g~t. blank line dong de trang. blanket dust lo~i bo lop b¢t barn tren
blanket-to- blanket type kiiu tr1:1c
blade coating stJ trang· phii dung ffi~t tam cao SU.
blank materials v~t li¢u chAn khOng. 6ng cao su tr\JC d6i tr1:1c 6ng cao su.
dao g~t. blanket embossing tam cao su b\
blank news giay bao hong khOng in blanket-to- blanket type news
blade cut vet dao cao (giay hong). phOng r¢p.
de trfog. paper press may in bao kiiu tr1:1c 6ng
blade fold to gap d~ng dao. blanket for printing dow unit tam Cao SU tf1!C d6i tfl;IC ong Cao SU.
blank or space de trang ho~c trong cao su lip trong may phai ban. blanket-to- blanket web offset may
blade folder may gap d~ng dao. trang.
blanket gauge d1:1ng c1:1 do d¢ day in op xet giay CU(>n tfl;IC cao SU tr\JC
blade high chieu cao luai dao. blank-out trang trfog chuong cuoi. ta'.m cao su. d6i tr1:1c cao su.

72 73
blanking blind folio

blanking chii' in chlm n6i kh6ng mau, bleaching reagent cha'.t tAy trang; blind folio kh6ng c6 s6 trang, s6 blinded-in ep r~p hlnh n6i.
in r~p n6i, Anh in r~p n6i. thu6c thu tliy tring. trang de tr6ng. blinding ban in cha am qua nhieu nen
blanks giay phe lolµ. bleaching solution dung djch ray blind image hlnh anh tren ban in bat ffil;fC kh6ng t6t [SI! c6).
trang. kh6ng Mt nh~ ffil!C [SI! c6], ban mu. ·blinding printing in r~p n6i.
blank sheet ch6ng giay chua in.
bled off phai mau (bCrc Anh). blind ink ml;fc in nhoe net.
blast tMng gi6, qu~t gi6. blinking lap Ianh; nhap nhay.
bled-off illustration tranh anh minh blind keyboard ban phim kh6ng gin
blast fan qu~t th6i gi6, qu~t th6ng gi6. blister mang ch6ng an mon sui b<;>t;
h<;>a phai mau. vm man hlnh hien thj.
tam cao su ph6ng b<;>t, gia'.y in c6 b<;>t.
bleach tAy trang, lam mat mau.
bleed xen cat le c~ giay; phai mau blind lettering ep in trang d~g ep in
blistering mang ml;fc n6i b<;>t, ta'.m cao
bleachbility tinh nang tliy tring. (anh); ffil;fC lAn ntrCIC [SI! c6]. r~p n6i.
SU n6i b<;>t, giay in n6i b<;>t.
bleached food board cac t6ng, bla bleed edge si'ra xen le c~nh gia'.y. blind material v~t li~u dien vao chO
dong g6i thl;fC phAm da tAy trang. tr6ng, v~t Mu chen, thoi chen. block de ban kim lo~i. ban de go gan
bleed off (anh) phai mau. ban in d6ng, kem.
bleach-fix dtnh Anh tAy trang. blind page trang tring truoc phan
bleed trim xen mep c~ ban sach. block base de gan ban in (d6ng,
blank-fix bath dung djch djnh anh chinh van.
bleed-back loang mau [SI! c6]. kem).
tay tring. blind print in kh6ng c6 mau ml;fc, in
bleeder 6ng xa khi, van xa khi. kh6ng c6 ep in. block bending apparatus may u6n
bleached kraft pulp b¢t giay co-rap
ban in.
tAy tring. bleeding tranh minh "ho~ phai mau, blind printing in thi'r khong c6 ml;fc;
ffil;fC in Ian nuoc [SI! c6]. in kMng c6 ep in. block board ban d~t gia'.y in.
bleached pulp b¢t giay tAy triing.
bleeding-out cat giay phai mau. blind printing plate ban ep in khOng block book sach in ban khac g6.
bleacher chil'.t tAy triing.
CO ml;fC de trfulg, ban in r~p n6i
bleach-out process phuong phap ray blemder may tr¢n hqp. block copy de ban.
(kh6ng c6 mi\u).
trang. blemish O nhi!m. block cutter may d.t ban.
blind sheet ta trang.
bleaching (SI!) tay trang; (Sl;f) lam mat blend xuc hqp [xii Jy anh]. blind stamping ep in khOng c6 ml;fc block diagram gian d6, bieu do
mau. [may tinh].
blind diem ma, ban ma, khOng bat de tring.
bleaching agent chil'.t tAy trang. nh~ ml!c [SI! c6]. blind tape bang gia'.y dl;lc lo xua'.t ra block drill may khoan lo ban in.
bleaching apparatus thiet bj tAy trang. blind blocked ep r~p n6i, ep in trang kMng c6 in thu. block engraving ban khac.
bleaching bath dung djch tAy trang. khOng mau. blind tape punching d9c 16 bang block etching machine may an mon
bleaching out tAy tring s~ch. blind blocking in r~p n6i kMng mau, giay kh6ng c6 in thu.
ban d6ng, ban kem.
ep in triing kh6ng mau va khOng dung blind tooled in lorn ep in khOng c6
bleaching powder clorua v6i; b¢t nhi~t. block justifying machine may chinh
tay tring. mau.
sua' ban ban dong ban kem.
blind embossing ep in trang kMng blind tooling ep in nhi~t sach bla
b)eachi!}g process qua trlnh ray trang. mau, in ep n6i. block letter chu khac go, chu cai kiiu
cung, ep in kMng c6 mau, bla sach
bleaching pulp b¢t h6 tAy trang. blind film phim mu mau. trang tri khong m~ vang. chuin.

74 75
block making blow vent

blow vent voi th6i; 18 th6i hcti; khf th6i. blue print in hlnh net xanh; thiet ke
block making cM ban dong, che ban blocking oscillator may t~o dao
kem. d9ng. hlnh net xanh; SI! phe1i hinh net xanh.
blower may qu~t gio, may th6i gio.
block mount de go gan ban dong, blocking out phu ml;l'c, cha ml;l'c. blue print drawing hinh net xanh.
blowing machine may qu<1-t gi6.
bankem. blue printer ban mau xanh.
blocking powder b(>t nhu dung in m~ blown oil dau oxi hoa.
block mounting de ban dong, ban kem. vang. blue process phucmg phap che ban
blue xanh.
block planer may bao c;µih ban kem. blocking press may m<1- vang, may ep men l;µih mau xanh.
la kim 10<1-i dat mong. blue-black mau den xanh.
block print Buddhas in ban ve tm;mg blue reflectance factor h¢ so phan Xl/-
ph~t. blockmaker cong nhan che ban kim blue-black developer dung djch hi¢n anh sang xanh (d9 sang).
block printing in ban khac g&. lo~i. anh mau den-xanh.
blue salt niken sunfat tinh the, NiS04 ;
block proof che ban in thfr s~ch dyp. blockmaker's pull ban in thi:r s~ch blue blindness chung mu mau xanh. 7H2 0.
block proofing press may in thi:r ban blue copperas dong sunfat, CuS04 • blue sensitive emulsion layer lap
blockmaking che ban kim lo~i. nhii tucmg cam quang mau xanh.
dong, ban kem. blue filter kfnh l9c sac mau xanh.
block racks gia de ban dong, ban bloodstone da mau l1:1c co van huyet blue sensitive film phim nh<1-Y sang
(cong c1:1 in m~ mep c<1-nh sach). blueing san xuat giay co anh mau
kem. mau xanh.
xanh lam tang d9 trang.
blotches diem 16m d6m [SI! c6).
block resistance S\! can ll;l'C gan dan blue key tren ban phcti ban thiet ke blue shellac method phucmg phap
ban. blotting board bla tham ml;l'c. phe1i ban men l<1-nh sen-lac mau xanh.
hlnh ve chufu tren de gilfy.
block scan quet hlnh d~ng khung blotting capac~ tfnh tham ml;l'c. blue ultramarine xanh bien tham,
blue key process phucmg phap phe1i
hinh vuong. xanh ultramarin.
blotting paper giay tham ml;l'C, giay ban hlnh net xanh nen trang.
block scheme khung hlnh vuong hut nuoc. blue vitriol dong sunfat, CuS04 •
[may tfnh). blue laid paper giay sao truyen mau
blotting test thf nghi¢m tham ml;l'c. xanh. · blur lo mo [SI! co), khong ro sac net.
block stitcher may dong sach long
gay. blow back an pham phong to thu blue line hlnh ve duong net xanh blurb loi gioi thi¢u tom tat n¢i dung
nho, hoi phong. dung trong cac li'nh V\!C.
block stitching dong sach khau dung sach thuong duqc in tren bla hoi/.c bla
sqi (chi, thep). blow mark vet b9t giay in. a) phe1i hi¢n hinh net xanh. b9c ngoai sach.

block up khau bit lip, dong kin l~i. blow out halftone ban tram cao b) tren ban in 6p-xet dung s6 chi blurred image hlnh anh lo mo khong
quang. thj mau ml;l'C che ban in hlnh net. r6 sac net.
block-out mask ban phim che khac
chlm. blow roll tr1:1c dan giay. c) che ban phe1i hlnh net dung blushing trang bqt [ml;l'C in].
blow stack ong xa khf. dung djch cam quang mu6i sat va
blocking to dan, ghep de ban in; m~ board bla day, bla cung, ban m<1- di¢n.
phim am ban, sau khi chieu sang hlnh
vang; dong de ban in; ml;l'C in ket Von. blow-up phong d~i.
net hi¢n mau xanh. board binding dong sach bla cung.
blocking and embossing press may blow-up halftone ch1,1p (.anh) phong
blue plate ban mau xanh. board bound sach dong bla cung.
ep in m~ vang; may r~p chlm n6i. d<1-i tram.

76 77
bogus corrugating medium
board cover

body-em con chu chl vuOng, than bogus corrugating medium che ·bold Roman kieu Ro-manh, kieu chu
board cover bla b<;>c giay day, m~t
vuong [chu in dung sip chu). phong theo cac tOng s6ng. d~m den.
bla cung.
body fount chil' roi chfnh van. bogus duplex cM phong theo giay bold type kieu chu d~m, den.
board cutter may dao xen bla cung,
hai lap, giay dup-lech.
giay day. body matter ban van, m~t ban chu boldface kieu chu d~m den.
k.Mng c6 tieu de, (chu tft); trang n¢i bogus kraft che phong theo giay gia
board cutter shears dao xen bla boldface letter kieu chu d~.
dung chfnh cua sach, phll.n bi~t vai da, giay co-rap.
cung, bla day. boldfaced (thu<)c) kieu chu d~m.
cac trang phl;I nhtr trang ten sach, bogus mill wrap che phong theo giay
board feed hopper pheu bang bla trang loi n6i diiu, trang m9c I9c v.v ... boldface type kieu chu d~m den.
bao g6i gia da.
cung cap v~t li¢u.
body of book chfnh van. bogus paper giay m<)c, giay cap thap. bolognese letters kieu chu BO!onew.
board glazed paper giay can lang
body of ink mt_tc in chu the. bogus screening b¢t giay che thanh bolt bu-long, xbm c~nh.
body of letter than chu [chu roi). bla day.
board liner may b6i bia cung, gia bolt circle vong chia d¢ bu-long.
cOng bla cung. body of the word chfnh van. bogus tag che phong theo giay nhan hang.
bolt edge xbm c~nh.
board of editors b¢ bien t~p. body paper giay thubng, giay cap bogus wrapper che phong theo giay
bolt edges sach xbm c~nh chua xen
thap, giay m¢c. bao g6i.,
board paper to giay dan giua ru¢t chinh te.
sach va bla cung; to gac. body pigment chat li¢u b¢t mau. bous wrapping che phong theo giay
bao g6i. bolts sach xbm c~ chua xen chinh te.
board plate tieu de sach trong bla. body size co chu chi, co chil'.
boil dun n6ng, dun soi, nau, lu¢c. bolts out (thu¢c) xom c~nh; chtra
board printing machine may in bia body stroke net chu thO d~m. xen, chinh te.
day cung. boil off bay hoi.
body type chu chl thubng, ph6 thong; bond lien ket (hoa), noi, chot, gill'y
boards d6ng sach bia cung, dong boil pouch nii nhtia c6 the dun n6ng, lu¢c. vua dung de viet, vua dung de in.
kieu chu chfnh van.
sach bla day. boilable pouch tui nht_ta c6 the dun bond energy nang luc;mg lien ket.
bodying st_t di).c l~i, di).c.
bodkin ca.i dui. n6ng, lu¢c.
bodying agent chat lam di).c (dtiu bOi bond length chieu dai lien ket.
Bodoni kieu chu BOdcmi (hi¢n g9i boiling point diem soi.
tron); chat tang d¢ dfnh (mt_tc in). bond paper giay hgp d6ng, giay
Modern). bold chu net d~m. chung khoan, giay sao viet cao cap,
bodyline kieu chil' net c6 dubng vien.
Bodoni type kieu chu BOdOni (hi¢n bold condensed chu chi than hyp ~- ky phieu.
g9i Modern). bogus giay che t~o theo mau c6 san,
giay phong che. bold condensed type kieu chu chl bond strength d¢ ben lien ket, d¢
body v~t the, chat nen; chu chi; d¢ than hyp d~m. ben dan keo.
~c mt_tc in; than chu [chu rm), co chu. bogus back lining che phong theo bla 16t
bold face kieu chu d~m, den. bonding ket hgp, gfo ket hgp.
body board bla cung than xe hoi. bogus board che gia bla day' bla cung.
bold figure kieu chu so d~m, den. bonding agent chat gfo ket hgp.
body colour mau khOng thau minh, bogus bristol che phqng theo giay
bold letter kieu chu d~m, den. bonding capacity lt_tc gfo ket hgp.
mau khOng trong su6t. lang b6ng britol.
bonding of _c.l~t_s_ book cover

bonding of dots diem tram n6i dfnh book basi5 qui each lieu chuin cu6n sach. book cover bla sach, vo b<;>c sach. book form thanh hlnh khuon kh6 sach.
lien voi nhau. book binder cong nhan dong sach. book covering machine may b<;>c bla book forming and pressing
bonding streugth d¢ hen lien ket, d¢ sach, may b<;>c sach. machine may ep va thanh hlnh khuon
book bindery xuc:mg dong sach.
hen dan keo. book craft nha xu!t ban sach anh. kh6 sach.
book binding ky thu~t dong sach.
bonds gi!y chung khoan, ky phieu. book cut flush sach sen vuc'.>ng viin, book fount sip sach dung cung m¢t
book block ru¢t sach. kieu, phong chfr; chit in sach.
bonds securities printing in tfn chinh te.
phieu, in bien lai. book block feeder thiet bi dp ru¢t book cutting machine may dao xen sach. book gilding me). vang bla sach.
sach lien t1:1c.
bone black than xmmg. book decoration trang trf sach. book gluing machine may dan keo
book block production machine dong sach.
bone dry kho tuy¢t d6i [giay in]. may gia cong ru¢t sach. book design thiet ke trang trf sach.
bone folder to gap dung que g<).t bang book hinge setting machine may me).
book brace ke ch~ sach. book display trung bay sach. ep gan sach.
xucmg [dong sach].
book card the sach. book dummy sach d6ng mfo (dung book holder gia kyp sach [may sao
bone glue keo xucmg. toan giay triing truoc khi in d6ng Chl}p].
book case tu de sach. thung dl;Q'lg sach.
book sach, sach anh. ihanh sach).
book case making machine may lam book illumination trang trf mau sic
book-and-job folder may gap tay book edge go, rla, mep qnh sach. fl!C fO trong CaC Sach c6.
thung h¢p dtµ1g sach.
sach in vi¢c v~t va sach bao. book edge decorating machine may book illustration tranh ve minh ho<!- sach.
book casing-in machine may chuyen
book attaching machine may dong trang trf rla, mep c<).nh sach.
vao thung dtµlg sach. book in braille sach dung cho ngum
b6 sach. book edge gilding xoa nhii mep C<).nh sach. khiem thi, nguai mu.
book clamp dl,IIlg Cl,l kt;p sach [dong sach].
book back gay sach. book emboo.sing p ~ may ep in sach. book in quires sach chua d6ng thanh
book clasp cai kyp sach [dong sach].
book back gluing machine may b6i book end to lot, to gac dan gifra bla quyen hoan chinh.
book clinic oo sb ph1:1c V1:1 sua tu b6 sach.
keo gay sach. va ru¢t sach. book in sheets sach chua d6ng thanh
book cloth vai dung b<;>c bla sach. quyen, con (J d<).ng tay sach rm.
book back preparation line day book exhibition trien lam sach.
truyen chuAn bi gia cong gay sach. book cloth ink ml!c in vai bla sach.
book exposition tnmg bay sach. book index cht1 dan sach.
book back rounding machine may book collection thu gom sach, suu
book fabric d6ng sach dung vai. book industry cong nghi¢!' xuai oon sach.
ve tron gay sach. tam sach, luu tru sach.
book face m~t ban sach, kieu chfr in book ink ml!c in sach.
book back-bone lining up machine book collecter ngum thu gom sach,
sach (rift dugc hoan nghenh). book jacket to b<;>c sach bla cung.
may dan vai gay sach. nguoi suu tam sach.
book finishing dan phu mang bao v¢ book jacketing machine may long
book backing paper gitfy dan l6t book concern nha xua't ban, xua't ban xa.
bla sach. b<;>c bla roi sach bla cung.
gay sach. book copying phl,!C che', sao chl,lp sach.
book for the blind sach dung cho book joint burning-machine may ep
book-band dai bang bla sach. book corner g6c sach. ngum khiem thi, nguoi mu. gom me). vang [dong sach].
80 81
book joint setting machine book title

book joint setting machine may ep book rest sach con I~i. book title ten sach. book-edge trimming xen le sach.
gAn rach bia sach.
book review bai diem sach, bao. book token bieu t~g sach. book-fair h(>i chq trien lam sach.
book label nhan ten sach, nhan sach arm.
book section khu Vl!C chuyen de sach. book trade bu6n ban sach, thuang book-lining paper trang giay 16t sach.
book lining ta 16t trong bla sach. m~i sach.
book sewer may dong sach, may book-maker nguai bien t~p sach.
book list ml;IC ll;IC sach anh. khau chi. book trade center trung tam giao book-making bien tap sach.
book making production lines day book sewing machine may khau chi. djch mua ban sach.
truyen San xuat sach. Book-0-matic may lien hqp in va
book sewn on gauze dan vai XO vao book trimming machine may dao
book manufacturing line day dong sach.
gay ru¢t sach chua dong thanh sach xen sach.
chuyen san xuat sach. book-review digest ban t6m tat diem
bia cung. book vices c6ng C'-:J k~p sach.
book market thi truong sach. sach.
book shavings xen hot c~nh mep book wholesaler noi ban bu6n sach.
book mending sua chfra vi~ d6ng sach. bien sach.
book-sewing machine may d6ng
book with a ready market sach voi sach khau chi.
book number s6 sach. book shop ci.ra hang sach. thi truong d9c sach. book-binder c6ng nhan d6ng sach,
book of reference sach tham khao.
book size khu6n kh6 sach. book with colored plates sach c6 may dong sach.
book order giay d~t mua sach. ph'-:) ban in mau.
book smashing machine may ep book-binder's brass khuon dong m~
book ornamentation trang trf sach. phitng sach [dong sach]. book work c6ng vi¢c in sach. chfr (dong sach).
book output Im;rng sach xuat ban. book smashing-and-compressing book work department phan xuong book-binder's calico vai true bau
book paper giay in sach. may ep phing ru¢t sach. sap chfr sach, bao, t~p chf. dung dong sach.
book plate phan in ghi ten nguoi so book stacker may xep chong sach; book wrapper giay bao g6i sach. book-binder's gauze bang vai x6
hihl sach dan phfa trong bia sach. gia c6 ngan de sach trong thu vi¢n chuyen dung d6ng sach.
book (hinder) board bla b9c sach.
book pocket tui dt,rng sach. hay ci.ra hi¢u sach. book-binder's glue keo dung d6ng
book-and-job folder may gap tay
book press may ep sach. book sticher may d6ng sach. sach.
sach va vi¢c v~t.
book pressing machine may ep sach. book storage kho sach. book-binder's knife dao dtmg d6ng
book-case bending machine may
book printing in sach. book store ci.ra hang sach; kho sach. u6n cong bla cung.
book-binder's paper trang giay bla
book printing craft cong ngh¢ in sach. book supply agency for library noi book-case machine ·may vao bla,
phat hanh sach, trang anh. may vao bla cung.
book printing house nha in sach.
book-binder's stamp khuon r~p
book support gia de sach. book-cover bla sach.
book printing µaper giay in sach. dung dong sach.
book printing press may in sach. book system m¢t trong nhung phuClng book-cover design thiet ke bla sach. book-binder's type kieu chfr m~
phap d6i chieu sap sach chau au.
book production san xuat sach, Sl;f book-cover making machine may vang, chfr dung d6ng sach.
nghi¢p xuat ban. book tag nhan ghi gia ~u6n sach. lam bla cung dong sach. book-binder's wire day thep dung
book publishing xuat ban sach. book talk h9p bao cao ve sach, anh. book-cover paper giay lam bia sach. d6ng sach.

82 83
bookbindery boot

bookbindery xubng dong sach, phan bookblock processing gia cong ru(>t boot n~p vao b¢ nh(1 cua may tfnh. bottle labelling paper giay nhan
xubng dong sach. sach. blnh, 19, chai.
boOt disk n~p vao dia tu cua may tinh.
bookbinding dong sach, khau sach, bookhand cong nhan slip chu kieu bottle packing board blnh, chai, 19
dong dan sach. chfr viet. booting n~p vao dia ti:r cua may tfnh. dung bla ci'.mg d6ng g6i.
bookbinding adhesive keo dan dong bookking paper giay mong dung ghi bootstrap trlnh tl! n~p vao b¢ nha cua bottle packing paper giay bQc chai, 19.
sach. chep s6 chi thu. may tfnh.
bottle washing machine may rua
bookbinding art ngM thu~t dong booklet s6 mong kh6 nho co b1a bang boracic acid axit boric: meta HB02;
chai, 19.
sach. giay. ortho H 3B03; tetra H2B407.
bottle wrapper giay bQc chai, 19.
bookbinding cord chi khau sach. booklet covering machine may vao borax boiac, han the, natri tetraborat,
bla sach kh6 nho. N3iB401. bottle wrapping paper giay bQc
bookbinding covering fabric vai chai, 19.
dung lam bla dong sach. booklet stitching machine may dong border dtrbng vien, hoa van ben le.
sach kh6 nho. bottle wraps giay h9c chai, 19.
bookbinding design thiet ke trang trf border line dtrbng vifo khung ben le.
sach. bookmaking bitn t~p sach. bottle-carrier h¢p giay dl!fig chai, 19.
border rule dtrbng net vien khung
bookbinding glue keo dung dong bookmaker phieu ten sach; the lam ben le, net ranh gim tiep giap. bottom colour mau nen.
sach. dau sach danh dau !rang dang d9c.
bordered edge dubng net ben le. bottom cutter shaft tn,1c phfa duoi
bookbinding leather da dung dong books and magazines in Vietnam dao xen giay.
sach va ti_lp chf tieng Vitt. bordering machine may t~o dubng
sach. net ben le. bottom edge le b cuoi trang.
bookbinding machine may dong books and periodicals sach bao va
t~p san xuat ban djnh ky. bordering ornament dtrbng net ben le. bottom line dong cu6i cua trang
sach. sach, trang chtra day dong.
books by ancient writers sach c6. bore dtrbng kfnh, 16, 16 khoan.
bookbinding machinery dong sach bottom margin b cuoi trang; le trang
ca gioi. bookseller ban sach. boric acid axit boric.
adtrm chan trang chu.
bookbinding machines may dong bookshelf gia sae:h. ' borofluoric acid axit tetrafloboric,
bottom note loi chu thfch b cu6i
bla sach bang da. H(BF4 ).
bookstall quan sach; ki-ot, S<_lp bay trang.
bookbinding materials v~t li~u dong ban sach. borrowed part b¢ ph~ chuan bj sir
d1,mg. bottom of the page phan duai cua
bookstand si_lp bay ban sach. trang sach.
bookbinding paste keo ho dong sach. boss phu dieu, ban ep· n6i dung trang
book woork cong nghi¢p san xuat trf bla sach, vj trf ep n6i. bottom page trang phfa duoi.
bookbinding processes cac cong sach.
bo~ ban ep n6i dung trang trf bla bottom printing in m~t sau mang
doi_ln d6ng bla sach bang da.
book worm con m9t sach. sach. mong thau minh [in lorn].
bookbinding shop phan xtrbng d6ng
Booklean trj so Bolean. bottle board nap blnh bang bla ci'.mg. bot~om roll tr1,1c phfa duoi.
Booklean algebra di_li so Bolean. bottle cap nap blnh bang giay. bottom rule duang net phfa duoi.
bookbinding thread sc;:,i chi, day thep
dong sach. boom crane can du treo. bottle green mau h,1c t6i. bottom tone mau nen.

84 85
bounce box covering machine

bound with d6ng sach dung qui each box covering machine may dan m~t Braille chu dung cho nguoi mu, chu
bounce di chuyen vi trf.
voi ... MP giay. Brai, chu n6i.
bounce flash den chap sang.
bound withs dong sach dung qui box covering paper giay dan m~t Braille paper giay dung de in chu n6i
bouncing tr1,1c 16 bi nhAy (do dieu MP giay. cho nguoi mu, khiem thi.
each voi ...
chinh khong dung vi tri); sap chi!
bound-in d6ng sach dung qui each. box liner paper giay 16t h¢p giay. Braille printing in chii n6i, chu Brai.
chen khe kh6ng ch~t chu bi rut nh6
khoi dong chi!. boundry tension ll!c cang be m~t. box machine may lam h¢p giay. Braille printing machine may in chfr
n6i, chu Brai.
bound dong cac tay sach thanh cuon Bourgeois chu roi ca chfn phan in. box making machine inay lam h(>p
sach dung kfch thuoc. giay. Braille printing paper giay in chfr
bow can hay thanh hlnh cung. n6i cho nguoi mu, khiem thi.
bound book sach d6ng dung qui box rule duang vien khung bieu mau.
each, sach dong tinh xiio. bowdlerize d.t bo, sfra luqc b6 bot. brake thiet bi phanh ham, thang.
box-heading rule duang d6ng khung
bound by ph1;1 trach dong sach do ... bowdlerize edition sach rut g9n, sach tieu de hay chu tit. brake drum phanh trong tron.
luqc b6 bot.
bound document d6ng sach dung qui boxboard kieu chu ca Ion dung in brake hoop phanh vong.
bowed roll tr1;1c hlnh cong, trl,IC hlnh h¢p giay. bla day cCrng.
each cac tai li¢u van hien. brake pedal phanh ban d<;tp gi~m
bound files of magazine d6ng t<;tp chf boxed sap chu c6 duang ke c¢t chir. chan.
bowl tr1;1c can nhfu giay cua may cin
dung qui each. boxhead in them duang ke khung. brake shoe ma phanh.
nhan b6ng giay cao cap.
bound files of newspaper d6ng bao boxhead tieu de c6 them duang ke braking b9 phanh, b¢ ham, ham
bowl paper giay can nhiln cao cap.
chf dung qui each. khung, them khung o tieu M, thuyet phanh.
bowl rail duang ray ban lap biin tren minh bieu d6.
bound in boards d6ng sach bla cCrng. braking mechanism co cau ham,
may. boxheading tieu de c6 them duang ke
bound in cloth dong sach bla vai. phanh, thang.
box h9p dl!Dg con chu, ca chen, khung.
bound in leather dong sach bla da. duang ke. braking roller tr1;1c ham, tr1;1c phanh,
boxing bieu d6 (fl!C tuye'fi. tr1;1c thang.
bound in paper board (thu9c) d6ng box and case making machine may bpi (byte per inch) so co dinh nhil'ng
lam h(>p. branch ong nhanh, duang nhanh.
sach bla cCrng. con so doi thuang the hi¢n m9t chfr
box board dung bla cCrng lam h9p giay. duy nhat (bai/tac Anh) dung trong branch terminal phan nhanh dol:lfl cuoi.
bound in paper covers d6ng sach
gay bang, d6ng k~p m~t giay. may tfnh. brand mark nhan hi¢u, mac hang hoa.
box board container thung giay.
bound in vellum with bands d6ng brace dau m6c Ion ( { } ). brand name ten nhan, mac hang hoa.
box clippings dai thep k~p g6c thung
sach c6 bla da b9c ngoai. cac tong giay. Bracewell coater may trang phu brander may m<;t nhi¢t.
bound manuscripts d6ng biin thiio Bracewell.
box corner staying machine may br~ corners bQc g6c d6ng vang thau.
viet tay thanh t~p. dfnh g6c h9p giay. bracket dau ngo~c vuong [ ], them
dau ngo~c. brass die khuon khic d6ng in m<;t vang.
bound volume d6ng sach thanh box cover paper giay dan m~t MP
quyen, t~p dung qui each. giay. bracket trimmer may dao xen giay. brass leads thanh khiim dong.

brass matrix brick screen

brass matrix khuOn due d6ng, d6ng break up for colours tach ban ducrng brick screen tram hlnh vien g~ch chu bright type process phucmg phap
mo. vien long mau. nh~t. ch1,1p anh che ban tri,rc tiep ban chu
brass relief embossing plate ban break up the form ta.ch ban. bridge cau dao di¢n; du; lien ket
d6ng r~p chlm ndi. brightener cha't lam tang dQ tr!ng.
break voltage s1,1t di¢n ap. cau.
brass rule duong ke hoa van, phile
break-line dong cu6i cung cua m¢t bridge amplifier may ph6ng deµ kieu brightening agent chat lam tang dQ
trang tri hoa van. tr!ng; cha't phat sang.
dolµl van hay m¢t chucmg, tiet. cau (dao) di¢n.
brass space khoang tr6ng cha't d6ng. brightness ve sang, d¢ sang, sang
breakage si,r gay va, si,r tan nho. bridge board ma du (dao) di¢n. bong.
brass type chu in rcri bfuig d6ng thau.
breakdown si,r c6 hong h6c, si,r pha bridge calibration hi¢u chuan cau brightness tester d1,1ng c1,1 do d¢
Braun tube ong Brao, 6ng phat ra tia VCJ, SI,( hU hong. (dao) di¢n. sang, bong.
breakdown maintenance sira chua bridge crane can du hlnh du. Brightype process phucmg phap ch1,1p
brayer tn,tc lay mi,rc, t11;1c nghien mi,rc. c6 hong hoc.
che' ban phim in 6p xet tri,rc tiep tu bat
bridges ducrng bao quanh 16 chua
bread wrapper gia'y bao goi banh ml. breakdown of insulation s1,1t. chu.
mi,rc in tren khuOn in lorn.
break dolµ} de tr6ng tdng chua day breakdown potential s1,1t di¢n the. brillance d¢ sang, sang trung.
dong; ng!t di¢n, dut giay; chuyen bridging b!c cau.
breakdown voltage s1,1t di¢n ap. brillancy d¢ sang, sang tnmg.
trong sip chu. brief Joi chi dan, trich yc!u.
breaker may nghien gia'y. Brillant ca chu rucmg ducmg 4 phan
break a line dt bo m¢t do~n dong. brief abstract Joi trich dan ng!n g9n; in (thucrng dung cho chu ch:i ca nho).
breaker engine may nghien gia'y.
break down phan m1,1c ti mi. luqc trich ngin g9n; van trich ng!n
Brillant carmine 6B mau do tham
breaker stack tr1,1c ep nhan ban kM. g9n.
break edges dao goc. anh xanh 6B, do cacmin 6B.
breaker switch cOng tic ng!t chuyen brief account ban gi6i thi¢u ng!n Brillant colour mau thuAn khiet, mau
break for colour phan ban in mau;
m~ch. g9n; ban mieu ta ng!n g9n. sang.
phan tfch mau.
breaking gay, dut, xe rach. briefing gioi thi¢u ng!n g9n; tin ng!n
break in chen vao. Brinell hardness d9 cCrng Brinen.
breaking length d¢ dai xe rach gia'y. g9n.
break in copy b¢ ph~ ban thao c6 bring in sip chu chen ch~t.
thic!u sot. breaking load tr9ng tai gay. bright colour mau sang, mau tuoi.
bring into register djnh vj, ghep ban
break line dong (chu) c1,1t, dong chu breaking roll ti¢n, dt tfl;IC gia'y. bright enamels gia'y nMn b6ng cao chuAn.
chua day dong. ca'p.
breathe trao d6i khf, si,r xa khi. bring up ke d¢m ban, 16t dQn ban.
break over sip sang trang khac, phan bright light sang Joe, sang ch6i.
breve dau am ng!n (nh~c-not dai bristle mark vc!t ban chai tren m~t
trang bao chuyen trang.
bfuig hai n6t tron). bright development hi~n anh duoi gia'y khi san xua't gia'y.
break resistance tfnh ben dut gay.
Brevier ca chu rcri 8 phAn in. den sang. Bristol gia'y nhan bong Bristol.
break sharp covers dao goc.
brick scan quet hlnh vien g~ch chit bright number d¢ tr!ng ty 1¢ phan Bristol board b:ia Bristol thuong
break up tach ban. nh~t. tram [giayJ. dung de ve, in b:ia sach, danh thie'p.

88 89
Bristol paper bromide collodion emulsion

Bristol paper giay Bristol. brocaded paper giay gam v6c. bromide collodion emulsion nhil bronze metal type chii' in bang dong.
nrcmg colodien bromua.
Bristol Thermal Unit (BTU) dan vj brochure sach bla mem, sach kho bronze powder nhu dong thay vang,
nhi¢t luqng nuac Anh. nho. bromide copy ban mau anh b~c bQt nhu vang, bQt nhu dong thanh.
brittle point diem (hoa) don. brochure paper giay in sach bia bronze printing in nhu vang.
mem, kh6 nho. bromide emulsion nhil tuang b~c
brittleness ti'nh don, tinh de vfJ. bromua. bronze printing ink mile in in mau
broke giay rach c~ giay thai lo.µ. vang.
broad den tan quang, den toa sang. bromide negative phim ilJn ban b~c
broke bundle b6 g6i giay thai lo~i. bromua. bronze printing varnish vec ni in
broad content nQi dung chu yeu.
giay hong. mau vang.
broad faced Jetter m~t chii' situ tieu bromide papet giay anh b~c bromua.
broke disposal xu ly giay thai lo~i. bronze red mau do dong nau nh~t.
chuan dQ rQng. bromide print in giay anh b~c
broke paper giay thu cap, giay kem bromua. bronzer may xoa nhu.
broad fillet duong ke trang trf tho
pham chat.
d~ tren bla sach, phi le d~m. bromide printing phucmg phap in bronzing and dusting machine may
broke reclamation thu hOi giay thai anh b~c bromua.
broad fold gap chieu rQng. xoa b¢t nhu vang.
lo.µ, kem pham chat.
broad folio gap chieu cao. bromine brom Br. bronzing machine may xoa bQt nhu
broken binding d6ng sach hong, roi ~c.
bromochloride emulsion nhil tuang vang.
broad page trang chieu rQng.
broken edge mep giay rach r~n. b~c brom-clorua bronzing medium mllc in 16t truoc
broad size chieu rQng cuon sach.
broken forme m~t ban tuang d6i bromoil anh in bang phucmg phap in khi xoa nhu vang.
broad twelves kfch thuoc to giay nhieu ch6 tr6ng, trfog. men brom. bronzing size mile in chat keo xoa
23 X 41 tac Anh.
broken letter chil' mon, gay hong. bromoil process phuang phap in anh nhu vang.
broad-leaved tree cay la r(>ng. men brom.
broken line phan am tiet chii', chuyen bronzing varnish vec ni in nhu vang.
broadsheet bao in tren giay khd rQng, trang bai sap, tach dong. bromoiodide emulsion nhil tucmg
san pham in m¢t m~t kh6 rQng to Brookfield synchro-electric
broken matter chit sap lQn xQn; m~t b~c brom-iodua.
thong bao ho~c quang cao. viscosimeter nhat ke di¢n dQng
ban tuang d6i nhieu ch6 tr6ng, trfog. bronze dOng thau, mau dong thanh, Brook field.
broadsheet fold to gap tam trang. mau nau do nh~t.
broken numbering s6 trang bi ngat Brookfield type viscosimeter nhat
broadside to in khOng gap, to truyen do~n khong lien t1.;1c. bronze blue mau xanh sat, mau xanh ke quay tron Brookfied.
dan quang cao kh6 rQng. phd.
broken tone trutg thu khOng lien t1.;1c, Brookfield viscosimeter nhat ke
broadsite division each thuc xen mo khong hi~n ro. bronze cylinder tr1.;1c (in) dong.
giay thong thuong.
broken type chii' hong. bronze dust b¢t dong, nhu dong.
brown mau nau.
broadside stick sap chii' kh6 Ian.
bromic acid axit bromic, H3B03• bronze gauze luoi dong.
brown paper giay bao g6i, giay da de.
brocade case hQp dl.ffig sach b9c gam
bromic silver b~c bromua AgBr. bronze gloss dong anh bong.
voe; d6ng sach dung dl.ffig trong hQp brown print paper giay in phcri hinh
hay trap. bromide bromua. bronze ink mile in in nhu vang. ve mau nau.

90 91
brown wood (pulp) board

buckle bj cong, nhau nat. buffered output area khu v~rc xuat
brown wood (pulp) board bla giay brush damper 16 lam am kieu chai am. d¢m [may tfnh].
b(>t go mau nau. buckle folder may gap dang tui. Ta
brush doctor dao g~t chai am.
gap tren may gap duqc truyen vao buffing mai bong, mai bong tr1;1c 6ng
browse xem Ju(n, xem qua.
brush etching each an mon chai am. khung tui la ca ch~n, v~ch gap do hai in [in lorn].
browser trlnh tl;l' xem qua, Ju(n qua.
brush grain t~o h~t bang ban chai. tn,,c ep do~n giua ta giay thanh v~ch
gap r6i truyen ra ngoai. buffing machine may mai bong tr1;1c
Brunak dung djch chong an mon ban
brush mark vet chai gat (vet giay khi in lorn; may mai nhan.
nhom (amon bicromat va axit flo). May gap hi¢n nay thuoog b6 trf gap
san xuat).
Brunak treatment xu ly ch6ng an hon hqp vua gap tui vua gap dao. bug sai sot, St! co [may tfnh].
brush moistening machine may lam
mon ban nhOm. buckle folding gap d~ng tui. build-up d(ln ban, tl,I ffil;l'C [Sl;l' c6].
lim kilu chai am.
Brunaking xu ly ch6ng an mon ban buckle folding machine may gap tui
brush out !au ri:ra ban. building block principle nguyen ly
nhOm. (xem buckle folder) ..
brush polishing machine may mai lap rap.
Bruner strip tfn hi¢u s9c,
chai bong. buckling u6n cong, gap cong, gap bj building board bla kien true, xay
van Bruner.
brush proof m!u chai bong, mau thi:r nhau. dl!Dg.
Brunswich blue mau xanh Brunsvic,
chai bong. buckram vai gai day, vai thO day, vai
hon hqp barit va xanh Beclin. building in thanh hlnh ep ranh gay
brush retouching si:ra ban chai b6ng. bo cung dung cho dong sach.
Brunswik green mau xanh la cay Sa.ch.
(mau luc) Brunsvic (h6n hqp chl brush roll tr1,1c trai bong, 10 mang buckskin board bl cung da thu.
building in machine may ep thanh
cromat va xanh Beclin). nuac chai am. buckskin bl da thu. ranh gay sach.
brush ban chai, but ho~ (phan mem brush type double coater may trang
buddhist Canon kinh dl;li Tl;lng. building paper giay dung cho kien
XU ly anh). phu hai m~t kieu chai bong.
buff mau <la' bo vang nhat. true, xay d9"ng.
brush coated giay Jang bong sap. brush water feed system h¢ thong
cap nuac chai am. buffer clin bao hiem, chat d¢m, dung building paper-board bla cCrng dung
brush coater may trang phu chai
djch d¢m. cho kien true, xay d9"ng.
bong. brush-beating ban chai vo phong due
ban chl. buffer action tac d1,111g d¢m. built-in (thu(>c) ben trong may,
brush coasting trang phu chai bong.
BSL (british Standard institution) (thu9c) lap d~t ben trong.
brush dampener b(> ph~n lam am Hi¢p h(li tieu chufo nuac Anh.
buffer memory b9 pb~n t6n chfr, ghi
chai lim (may in 6p xet giay cu(>n). nhad¢m. built-in and cartridge font kho chir
bubble coated paper giay trang phu buffer solution dung djch d~m. c(mg.
brush dampening roller true IO chai
co bQt.
am (may in 6p xet giay cu9n). buffer storage b9 philn t6n chir d¢m. built-in strain bien ung ben trong.
bubble marks vet bQt khf (vet giay
brush dampening system h¢ th6ng buffered developer dung dich hi¢n built-stress n9i Crng lt!C, ung ll;l'c ben
khi san xuat).
true 10 chai am (may in 6p xet giay anh d¢m. trong.
cu(ln). bubble viscosimeter nhat ke bQt khf.
bulb burning up

bulb b6ng den. bumper may ep k~p [ dong sach]. burning up chi€u sang qua muc. bursting strength tester d1,1ng c1,1 do
bulge tntong no, n6i Ioi Ien, n6i hlln bumper book n¢i dung sach tr6ng burning-in nuong ban. cuong de) r~ gay.
g6 Ien. r6ng.
burning-in oven lo, tu nuong ban. bursting test do de) r~ gii.y.
bulging truong no. buna cao su buna.
burning-in oven for glueenamel bursting tester d9ng c1,1 do d¢ r~
bundle press may b6. plate lo nuong ban ban keo. gay.
bulk dung tfch, the tfch [giay], d9 day
ru(>t sach, de) day xop [giil'.y]. bundled stack newspaper bu¢c goi burnish mai nhan, mai bong. bus t6ng tuyen, tuyen hqp luu [may
(giil'.y) bao thanh b6. tfnh].
bulk density m~t de) xop, (giil'.y). burnish edge mai nhlin c~nh mep
bundler may b6 ruc)t sach. sach.
bulk memory be) ph~ ton tn1 dung bus hub trung tAm t6ng tuyen.
ltrqng Ion bundler may b6 ruc)t sach. burnish paper giil'.y nhan cao cap.
bus network m~g t6ng tuyen.
bulk print danh may in ltrqng Ion. bundling bo sach, d6ng goi sach burnish tin-coated paper may trang
thanh pham. phu bc)t thiec bong cao cap. bush b~c lot; b~c 6 tr1,1c; cut-xi-nhe.
bulk storage be) ph~n t6n tru dung bushing b~c 6 tr1,1c; cut-xi-nhe.
bundling and string tying machine burnished edge mai nhan mep c~nh
Iuqng Ion.
may bo. sach. business card danh thiep.
bulk wrapping dong goi An phAm bundling machine may b6 sach. burnisher may mai nhan, Cong Cl,! business directory danh b~ hang hoa
thanh tung ki~n hay bo sach. mai nhan mep c~ sach.
bundling press may b6 ru(>t sach. mua va ban.
bulking board bla day xop. burnishing mai nhan mep c~nh sach.
Burgundy pitch nht,ra tr!ng. business form chung tu thuong m~i.
bulk book paper giay in sach day burnt amber mau thii.m vang nau.
burin dao dieu khk business form press may in chung tu
burnt umber b(>t mau tham vang bieu mii.u thuong m~i.
burlap finish trang trf m~t vai.
bulking dummy dong sach mii.u giay nau.
tr!ng dung de xac dinh de) day cua burlap lined paper giil'.y co ducrng business form production day
burr kh!c chii chl, kh!c ban lorn.
ru¢t sach giup cho vi¢c quy dinh van vai. chuyen san xuil'.t bieu mii.u thtrong m~.
chuan de) day cua ruc)t sach khi in gay burn nuong ban, phoi ban. burring or breaking sharp edges
butan butan.
b:la sach. stia ba-via.
burn-in qua trlnh chieu sang tai li¢u butanedionic acid axit butandionic.
bulking value tr9ng luqng the tfch burst SI! gay, d9 ben gay.
nh~y sang (sao ch9p).
[b¢t mau]. burst factor h¢ so r~m dut [giay]. butanol butanol; C4 H9 0H; ruqu
burn-out chieu sang qua muc, loe butylic.
bulky (thu9c) sach day. sang (sao ch1,1p). burst strength cucrng d9 r~n gii.y.
butt cu¢n giay dung tu giay du tu cac
bulletin c6ng bao, th6ng bao. burn-out mask mang ch!n anh sang burst tester dt.mg c1,1 do d¢ ben r~n
gii.y. l6i cu¢n giil'.y.
khi chieu sang de xoa vet (phoi ban).
bump exposure ch1,1p kh6ng tram,
burned up chieu sang qua muc. bursting pressure ap ll,l'C ben r~n butted dtrcrng ke chi n6i dliu duoi
ch1,1p them anh sang tr!ng.
gii.y. thanh ducrng ke lien t1,1c.
bump mapping dan blnh ghep Joi burner may nuong ban.
butted corner rule ghep ban ducrng
lorn. bursting strength cucrng d9 r~n gay.
burning out ml,l'c in phai mau. ke goc.
butted rule C filter

butted rule ghep n6i duang ke ch'i. butyl butyl.

butted slugs n6i lien net chii' chl. butyl acetate butyl axetat.
butyl alcohol rugu butylic, C4 H9 0H,
butter of antimony antimon (ill)
clorua, Sb03•
butter paper giAy bao goi bC1 va ma
butyl butanoate butyl butanoat.
butyl ethanoate butyl ethanoat.
butter parchment paper giAy bao butyl phthalate butyl phthalat.
goi bC1 va ma d~c. butyral resin nht,ra butyral. C filter kfnh l9c siic C, kfnh l9c s.ic caching noi trii' d¢m cao toe.
mau xanh tfm.
butterfly binding dong kitu bucnn. buyer's guide s6 tay san pham huang caching disk dia trii'.
C language ngon ngii' C.
butterfly folding gap kieu bucnn. dan mua hang. CAD (computer aided design) may
by-product san pham phl;l. cabinet tu, buong, phong, gia siip tfnh b6 trc;, thiet ke.
butterfly nut e-cu, dai 6c kieu bucnn.
chu, gia ban chu.
byte (may tfnh) st,r c6 dinh nhiing con CAM (computer aided manifacturing)
butterfly valve van h'inh bucnn. cabinet drier ty say, buong say, may tfnh b6 trc;, san xuat.
s6 doi thuang the hi¢n m¢t chii' duy
butting n6i duang ke hay phi-le chii' nhAt. phong say. cadmium cadimi Cd.
chl. Byzanting binding phmmg phap i:?~system h¢ thong thiet bi long cadmium bromide cadimi bromua,
button barn nut dieu khien. d6ng sach Byzantin. chuan dinh vi ba diem. CdBr2 [h6a].
button board c6ng tk di~n dung bla Be' d¢ Borne. cabinet frame h¢p chii' s.ip d;'1.t tren cadmium chlorid cadimi chloride,
gia siip co the keo ra day vao duc;,c. CdCl2 [h6a].
daycCmg. B series giay nhom B co cac kh6 tu
button switch Mm nut dieu khien BO (1000 x 1414 mm) den BIO cabinet size kfch thuoc kfnh anh cadmium iodide cadimi iodua, CdI2
(31 x 44 mm). (kho) tieu chuan 6x4 tac Anh. [h6a].
dong mo.
cable day cap, day chao, day cap cadmium orange mau da cam
di¢n. cadimi.
cable antenna television day cap cadmium oxide cadimi ox.it, CdO [h6a].
truyen hlnh.
cadmium red mau do cadimi (hon
cable paper giay cap. hc;,p CdSe, CdS va BaS04 ).
cabriolet system thiet bi long chulin cadmium sulfide cadimi sunfua CdS
djnh vj ba diem. [h6a).
cache noi trii' d¢m cao toe. cadi;nium yellow mau vang cadimi.
cachet net d~c sac; dau An, dau chung cadomopone mau vang ho hc;,p cua
tht,rc, dau hi¢u hi¢n r6. cadimi va Bari.

cady test calibration

cady test SI! thtr d9 bcn gay. calender effect hi¢u qua can lang. calibration Sl:( chufu hoa, Sl:( hi¢u calligraphy model kieu mau t~p vi€! chfr.
calender finish gia c6ng can lang. chufo, St! djnh ca, Sl:( chia d9. calling card danh thicp.
Cady tester d1;1ng Cl;! thU d¢ hen gay.
calender marking vet can tang [giay calibration chart bieu d6 hi¢u chuan. calliper d¢ day cua giay, b1a.
cake mi(ng, mau, banh, kh6i, kc!t
khoi, dong I~. ngung ke't (ml:(c in). hong]. calibration curve dtrbng chuan. calliper detector d~mg c9 do d¢ day giay.
cake ice nLfOC da Cl;JC. calender marks vet can lang [giay calibration scales hi¢u chuan d¢ callipers thtr6c vi trac, thtroc do d¢
caked-on ink ml:(c in k!t von. hong]. khk thang chufo. day giay.
caking ml:(c in v6n c1,1c [st! co]. calender roller lrl;JC can lang, ep nhan. calibration table bang chuan. callitype each che' ban ch1,1p anh ban
calender-finished can nhan. caliche diem tieu Chile It! nhien, natri thao danh may.
calc spar canxit, CaC03•
nitrat. calomct calomen, thuy ngan (I)
calcium canxi, Ca. calendered (thu¢c) xtr ly may can
1ang, ep nhan. calico vai tr!ng, dong sach dung vai. clorua (Hg2)Cl2.
calcium bicarbonate canxi hidro
calendered paper giay can nhan. calico paper giay van vai. caloric (thu¢c) nhi¢t.
cacbonat, Ca(HCOlh [h6a).
calcium carbonate canxi cabonat, calendering can tang, ep nhan. calico printing in nhu¢m, in hoa. caloric power nling suat toa nhi¢t.
CaC03 • [h6a). caliper compa (do) dtrong kinh; d¢ caloric unit don vj nhi¢t.
calendering unit may can lang, may
calcium chlorid canxi clorua CaC1 2 ep nhan. day, d1,1ng Cl;! de do d¢ day Cua giay, caloric (thu¢c) calo.
[hoa]. M phim thvong dung thtroc pan-me
calf da cuu nho [dong sach), d6ng hay vi ke (micrometer). calorific (thu9c) nhi¢t, sinh nhi¢t,
calcium sulphate canxi sunfat, sach da cuu nho. phat nhi¢t.
easo. [h6a). caliper gage (gauge) compa do ngoai.
calorific capacity niing suat toa nhi¢c.
calf binding d6ng sach da cuu nho.
calculating disc dia tfnh, dia tfnh toan. calk vOi s6ng, vOi chtra toi, CaO;
calf finish trang trf bla sach toan bang ph9c che xoa t6. calorific density m~t d9 nhi9t, suat
calculation sl:( tfnh toan. toa nhi9t.
da cuu nho. call for paper keu g9i gui bai theo
calendar ljch chi ngay, tuAn va thang calorific power niing suat toa nhi¢t.
calf leather da cuu nho [dong sach). chu de cua bao, t~p chf.
cua m9t nlim.
calf paper giay gia da. call in dien vao. calorific radiation St! buc x~ nhi¢t.
calendar block ljch 16c, ljch B16c.
calf skin da cuu nho [dong sach]. call out g9i trong tlnh hu6ng khan cap. calorific value nling suat toa nhi¢t.
calender may can lang, ep nhan,
may ep nhfu. calgon calgon, natri phot phat polyme callier coefficient h¢ s6 calie. calorification phat nhi¢t.
calender boul trl,IC ep nhan, trl,IC can fang. hoa [chat tiiy s~ch]. callier effect hi¢u ang calie. calorimeter nhi¢t ltrc;,ng kc!.
calender colouring mau ep can lang. calibrate hi¢u chuan, chuan hoa, chia calligraphic etching an mon ban calorimetry phep do nhi¢t lvc;,ng.
d¢, djnh ca. dong sach 10 ve.
calender crease ne'p nhan can lang calotype giay in anh b~c iodua.
[giay hong]. calibrated dial dia kMc chia d¢. calligraphic plotter may ve do ho~ chii'. CAM (computer and make-up
calender crushed ep rach can lang calibrated pressure adjustment calligraphy thtr phap, ngM thu~t viet terminal) sap chCi' va b1nh ban diiu
[giay hong). d1,1ng Cl,I dieu tiet ap ll:(C hi¢u chufu. chfr d~p. cu6i [slip ch1;1p].

98 99
CAM can

CAM (computer and assited make- camera extension (ty 1¢) thu ngin can can, bi d6ng, binh, thung, ket. canvas vai tho day dung de d6ng
up) may tfnh va blnh ban. gian dai may chl;lp anh. sach; vai bl!-t.
canada balsan born canada, nhl!a
cam cam, phan nh6 ra cua m¢t banh xe. camera-front support gia da phfa thcnn canada. caolin cao lanh dung san xu!t giay.
trttO'C may Chl;lp anh. caouthouc cao su.
camber ch6 loi; m~t khum, vong !en. canadian balsam b6m canada.
camera lens 6ng kfnh may anh.
canada turpentine b6m canada. cap kfch thu6'c to gi!y 13x17 tAc Anh.
cambric vai lanh h$ vai bOng mong mjn.
camera objective kfnh v~t may chl;lp anh.
cancel huy bo, thu tieu. cap chu cai viet to.
cambric finish trang trf mi1-t vai. camera obscure bu6ng t6i may chl;lp anh.
cancel mode each huy bo, trl!-ng thai cap board bia nap chai, binh.
cambric paper gitty vAn vai. camera platemaker may ch1;1p anh
che ban tfl!C tiep. huybo. cap line net tren dau chu cai.
cam disc dia cam.
camera range phl/-m vi Chl;lp anh. canceled letter huy bo chic. cap paper giay nhan.
cameo binding d6ng sach ep n6i bla sach.
camera ready copy ban chl;lp danh canceling xe bo trang sach in sai ho~c cap up gi!y g6i ch6ng ban khi gia
cameo bookstamp buc trang trf phu slip chir sai roi dan trang sach in c6ng ru¢t sach.
dieu (hinh ve phu dieu tren mi1-t sach). may chu phim.
chuan vao vj tri d6.
camera room phong Chl;lp anh. capacious r¢ng rai, to n)ng; c6 dung
cameo printing in n6i cao. cancelation SI! huy bo hoi1-C bi huy bo. tfch Ion.
camera shake SI! rung may anh.
cameo stamp khu6n in n6i cao, in n6i. cancel(l)ed figure huy ki hi¢u hoi1-c capacitance di¢n dung.
camera shutter CU'a dieu sang Chl;lp
cameo-coated paper gi!y in ban in n6i. s6 hi¢u hoi1-c chu s6 (vf dl;l 1# @, 2#, 3#
anh, diapham chl;lp anh. capacitor may di¢n dung.
camera may ch1,1p anh, may quay phim. camera stand gia may chl;lp anh. capacity dung luc;mg, dung tfch, nang
candela don vj do cubng d¢ anh sang
camera angle g6c d¢ ch1,1p anh. cameragraph may Chl;lp anh phl;IC Che, l\!C.
camera back bu6ng t6i may anh, b¢ may Chl;lp anh, may in anh tn,rc tiep. capacity for heat nhi¢t dung.
candle nen, cay nen; nen (don vi do
ph~n sau may anh. cameraman ngubi thao tac nghe d¢ sang). · · capacity for the accumulator dung
nhiep anh, ngh¢ si nhiep anh. luc;mg acqui.
camera back masking ban che phfa candle paper gi!y nen.
sau may anh. cameron (cOng ty Midland Ross capcel Jiqui crystal ink ml!c in keo
nu6'c My) ten thucmg ml!-i may in candle power anh sang nen. tinh the long.
camera bed giubng b~ may anh. d6ng lien hqp. candle wax sap nen. capillarity mao quan, mao din.
camera bellows khoang da xep nep may camer<ln belt system h¢ th6ng may
anh [chuyen 6ng kfnh ra xa, keo gan]. candlebery oil dau triu. capillarity constant hang s6 mao dan.
in d6ng lien hqp cameron.
camera body than may quay phim. camphor long nii.o. candlenut oil dau tdu. capillarity tube viscometer nh6't ke
camera composition sap chu ch1,1p. candy wrapper gi!y g6i k~o. 6ng maod!n.
camphor oil dau long niio.
canon ten g9i ca chu 48 phAn in. caP,illarity viscometer nh6't ke 6ng
camera copy ban mfo ch1;1p anh. camphorated oil dau long niio.
mao dfo.
camera copyboard gia lap bai m!u camshaft trl;IC cam, t11:1c (kh6ng chi~) cantilever type xa hoi1-c ram nh6 ra
ngoai tttbng de da. capillary action tac dl;lng mao d!n.
may ch1;1p anh. phan ph6i.
capillary activity carbon pigment printing

carbon pigment printing in giay than. carbonic anhydrie anhidrit cacbonic,

capillary activity hol;\t tfnh mao dan. carbinol cacbinol, CH 30H.
khf cacbonic, CO2 •
capillary constant hang so mao dan. carboard folding machine may gap carbon printing each in giay than.
carbonic oxide cacbon oxit, CO.
bla day. carbon process phucmg phap in mlfc
capillary force life mao diin. carbonize than hoa.
carbograph each in anh nhU<)m mau gjay than.
capillary tube mao quan. carbonized form bieu miiu mau in
bl;\c bromua. carbon resist lop keo anh giay than.
capital kilu chfr hoa. sao m~t sau.
carbohydrate hidrat cacbon. carbon ribbon rubang sac t6 than.
capital cast t6ng muc dau tu. carbonizing in mlfc cacbon; (dii) than
carbolic acid axit cacbolic, phenol, carbon rod thanh than ho quang.
capita) investment dau tU CCf ban. C6H50H. carbon structural steel ket cau thep
carbonless copying paper giay sao
capital letter chit hoa. carbolic paper giay cacbolic. cacbon.
khong cacbon.
capital letter matrix khuon due chfr hoa. carbon cacbon, C; than. carbon tetrachloride tetrachlorua
carborundum cacborundum, silic
capital line net chii hoa d~m. carbon arc lamp den than h6 quang. cacbua, SiC, cat kim cucmg.
carbon tissue giay than, giay cacbon.
capital repair dl;\i tu. carbon bisulfide cacbon bisunfua, CSi. carborundum paper giay cat mai
carbon tissue transfer chuyen ban kim cuong,
caping machine may d6ng nap. carbon black mu(>i m6 hong. giay than [in lorn].
carbowax cacbovac, polietylen glicol
capstain imagesetter may ghi hlnh carbon copy ban sao nhlln ban viet carbon tissue transfer machine may
anh kieu rong rQC. ran.
tren giay than. chuyen ban giay than.
capstain (character and pattern carboxyl methyl cellulose cacboxyl
carbon copying ink mlJc sao nhlln carbon tool steel thep cong c1;1
telephone access information metyl xenlulow, CMC.
ban viet tren giay than. cacbon.
network system) h~ thong ml;\ng carboxylic acid axit cacboxylic,
carbon compound hqp chat cacbon. carbon-backed forms bien lai hay
th6ng tin quoc gia chfr viet. RCOOH.
carbon dichloride tetra clo etylen, chung tu b,ien nh~n viet qua giay than.
caption tieu de, dau de chuong tiet, carbro anh mau (in theo phuong phap
CCL2 : CCL2 carbon-gelatine tissue giay anh
dong chfr thuyet minh buc anh hay Joi phim phan mau ba mau CCf ban).
chu thfch anh. carbon dioxide cacbon dioxit, · khf gielatin-cacbon.
cacbonic, CO2 carbro process phucmg phap in giay
caption title dau de ho~c tieu de ngfo carbonate cacbonat, M 2C03;
chuong, tiet. carbon disulfide cacbon disunfua, CSi. CO(OR)2•
carbros phucmg phap in giay than.
capture gianh duqc, thu duqc. carbon holder cai c~p than den ho carbonated liquor dung djch kiem
quang. cacbonat. carburizing tham than.
car sign kfch thuoc to giay 22,5 x 42
tac Anh. carbon ink mlfc cacbon. carbonate of potash kali cacbonat card thiep, danh thiep, the, gi(y day.
K2C0 3• giay boi mong.
carbamide u -:: re. so
carbon index chi cacbon (chi the tfch
CO2 tl;\o thanh khi chay hoan toan). carbonic (thu(>c) cacbon; cacbonic. ~ard chase khung ban lol;\i nho.
carbide cac bua.
carbon paper giay than, giay cac bon. carbonic acid axit cacbonic H2 C03• card duplicator may ph1;1c che danh
carbide black den cac bua ( thuoc
nhu9m). carbon paper ink mlfc dung cho giay than. carbonic acid gas khf cacbonic, CO2 • thiep.

card fount cartoon

carriage return character (CR) kf cartoon ban ve biem ho~ ban ve hai htrac. case storage cabonet tu ltru trCr h(>p chCr.
card fount kiiu chCr co rat nho.
hi~u chCr quay tra l~i (d6i dong). cartridge h¢p bang tu, h¢p dl!ng case maker may lam bla cung.
card paper giay in danh thiep. .
carrier chat mang, gia do, v~t m6i gi6i. cu¢n vi phim, h¢p dl!ng phim.
card printer may in danh thiep. case work cM tac bla cung, cOng vi~c
carrier base ~ de gia do. cartridge disk h¢p dia tu. sap chCr ban in.
card punching machine may d1:1c 16
carrier return quay trb l~i. cartridge paper giay bla sach, giay case rack gia de h¢p chCr.
cac phieu, the.
day, giay h¢i ho~. cac c6ng.
card reader thiet bj d<?C s6 the d1:1c 16. carrier return character (CRE) kf case-stand gia de h¢p chCr roi.
cartridge stone st! dl! trCr bang.
hi~u chCr quay trb l~i. case-straightening machine may ep
card retrieval device thiet bi kiim carved ivory bonding d6ng sach bla
era s6 phieu, the. carrier thread dtrong net duoi cung phang VO hQp.
sach mau nga.
in m~ chat deo. cased book sach bla cung.
card-on-board logic (COB) m~ch carving the block ban khic (in ban
logich gai d.m the. carrying roll tr1:1c dan gilfy.
khac g6). caseic acid axit caseic.
cardboard cac t6ng, bla cCrng, giay in carryover chuyen dong, chuyen trang sau. cascade development hi~n anh phun tia casein casein.
danh thiep. car sign kfch thtroc to gilfy 22,5x42 cascade inking system h~ th6ng thiet casein adhesive chat dan casein.
cardboard cover bla sach cac t6ng cCrng. tac Anh. bj cha ml!C kieu phun tia (in lorn).
casemaking vao bla.
cardboard matrix ta pMng cac t6ng. cartographic camera may ch1:1p anh case vo, bao, hQp, hQp chCr, vo h¢p bla
ch1:1p che ban ban d6. cCrng. casing st! long, st! b9c, vo hQp, bla
cardboard slitting machine may cat sach, long bla, them mau, lap VO h¢p.
cac t6ng. cartographic film phim cheban ban d6. case binding d6ng sach bla cCrng.
cartographic paper giay dung bien casing board horn dl!ng cac t6ng.
cardboard trimmer may xen cac t6ng. case bound book sach bla cCrng, sach
ve ban d6. tinh xao. casing-in machine may dt!ng bla cCrng.
caret kf hi~u b6 s6t "A" khi sua b6ng
bai s!p chCr. cartography phtrcmg phap bien ve case cabinet h¢p khay chCr roi. casing-in (book) dl!ng bla cCrng.
ban d6 dja hlnh.
carfikomputer may tfnh di~n ttr ve case department phlln xuang sap chCr. Caston kieu chCr Caslon.
ban do hay ve hlnh mau. carton cac t6ng, bla day, h¢p cac t6ng.
case gauge d1:1ng c1:1 do d¢ rQng gay chCr. caslon type kieu chCr caslon.
caricature tranh biem ho~. carton board cac tong lam h¢p.
case hardening st! t6i be m~t, st! lam cassette h¢p nho bjt kfn dl!ng m¢t cu¢n
carmine mau do dtrcmg hong, mau do carton ink ml!c in h¢p giay in. cCrng be m~t. phim ho~c bang tu, cat xet, h¢p giay.
cacmin, mau do canh sen. carton liner paper giay 16t hQp gilfy. case hardening steel thep thlfm
cassette magnetic tape h¢p bang tu.
Carnauba wax sap cacnauba. cacbon.
carton making machine may lam
cassette tape hQp bang cu.
h¢p cac tong. case making machine may lam sach
carriage ban de khu6n in may in
bla cCrng, may lam bla cCrng. cassie giay bao g6i tr9n mQt ram giay.
phAng in typ6, ~ trtrQt. carton printing machine may in hQp
cac t6ng. case man cong nhan sap chCr. cast due, d6 khu6n, due r6t (hqp kim
carriage return quay tra l<,1i (d6i
dong). case room phan xtrang sap chCr. chl), ban due hqp kim chi.
carton stock ink ml!c in h¢p giay in.
.. catalytic action
cast coated paper

cast coated paper giay phu ml).t casting mo~ld khu6n due, h¢p chu due. catalytic action tac dl_lng xuc tac. catchword tu quan tr9ng dung trong
khu6n due tinh xao. chu dfo ml_!C ll_!C.
casting off m~t ban hl,lch toan theo catalytic agent chat xuc tac.
cast curved plate for rotary ban mau g6c; djnh s6 trang cua m(>t catechol catechin, C15H 240 6.4H2 0;
catalytic apparatus thiet bj xuc tac.
pirocatechin, C6HiOH)2•
printing due ban chi hlnh cong cho cu6n sach khi dung kieu chCi', ca chu
catalytic curing drying xuc tac lam
may in giay cu¢n. in m(>t an pham. category phan lol,li.
kh6 Cl!ng.
cast object thoi due. casting pot noi r6t due. category inedex chu dan phan lol,li,
catalytic ink chat XUC tac ml;l'C in.
chu ctan ml.le ll_lc.
cast off m~t ban hl,lch toan theo ban casting proof ta in tht'.r ban chl. catalytical tac dyng xuc tac.
mau goc. cathion cation
casting room phong due chii'. catalyzator chat xuc tac.
cast (metallic) stereo ban chl due. cathode cat6t.
casting square ban due dung thuoc catalyze xuc tac.
cast-coated paper giay Jang ho nhan. ke vu6ng. cathode ray tia catot, tia am ct,rc.
catalyzed (da) xuc tac.
castability tfnh co the due duc;,c, tfnh casting up di! toan chi phf ban sap chu. cathode ray printer may in s6 tia am
Iuu d¢ng dung djch chi nong chay. catalyzer chat xuc tac. ct,rc.
castor oil dau thliu dau, dau ve.
caster may due chu, may due ban chi, catch letter chit diin dau chuc:mg, ml_lc. cathode ray tube (CTR) 6ng tia am ct,rc.
chc;,duc. castor wax sap thau dau.
catch light anh sang qrc cao, anh cathode ray tube display man hi¢n
casting due, each due chu. castrate them bot st'.ra sang sach. sang ch6i. thj 6ng tia am ct,rc.
casting box may due ban chl ph!ng. CAT (computer activated catch light spot diem sang Cl;l'C cao, cation ion duang, cation
typesetter) thao tac may tfnh di¢n tt'.r diem sang ch6i.
casting box for curved stereos may cation exchange Sl;I' trao d6i cation.
cua may sap chl_lp. catch phrase m1,1c cau chii' n6i b~t
due ban chl cong.
trong quan.g cao. cation exchange resin cationit, nhl;l'a
casting box for flat stereos may due catalogue sach mliu San phfun, ml_!C ll_!C. trao d6i cation.
ban chl ph!ng. catalysant chat xuc tac. catch stick khau 16ng thep ky ma.
cation resin cationit, nhl;l'a trao d6i
casting frame khung ke may due ban chl. catch-letters lai dan, tu quan tr9ng, cation.
catalysis Sl;f XUC tac, tac dl_lng XUC tac.
tieu de phi,) (tu dien).
casting in rot kim lol,li nfo chay vao catalysis at surface tac dl_lng xuc tac cationite cationit, nht,ra trao d6i
khu6n due. catch-line dol,ln cau van n6i b~t trong cation.
be mi).t. quang cao, tieu de dliu ban, tieu de
casting in machine due may. catalyst chat xuc tac. tl,lm thoi, dong xac djnh co chii'. cattie do tr1,1c lo ml;l'c xe bl ban dAn
den tai li¢u in kh6ng sac net.
casting iron roll tn~c thep due. catalyst activation Sl;f hol,lt hoa xuc tac. catch-up b¢ ph~n trfog kh6ng c6
phfo tt'.r in bat ffil;l'C [Sl;f CO]. caustic sut an da, kiem an da; c6 tfnh
casting ladle mu6i de muc kim lol,li catalyst activity hol,lt tfnh xuc tac. kiem.
nau chay. catch-up stitch d6ng sach mili khau
catalyst support chat mang xuc tac. ket chac. c'austic alkali kiem an da.
casting mechanism may rot due.
catalyst surface be ·m~t xuc tac. catching up b¢ ph~n trang khong co caustic ammonia dung djch amoniac
casting machine may r6t due, may
phan ti'.r in bat mt,rc [st,r c6]. d~c.
due chu. catalytic (thu¢c) xuc tac.
cellulose gum
caustic baryta

cellulose gum keo g6m xenlulow. center spread m;'1.t ban in hai trang,
caustic baryta bari hidroxit, Ba(OH)2 cell walls ffil,lng dtrcmg khoanh lo
hai trang giiia d6i di¢n nhau cua m¢t
nh~n mlfc ban in lorn. cellulose lacquer son xenluloza.
caustic flakes kiem vay. to bao ho;'1.c t~p chf.
celloid priting in xenloit. cellulose nitrat nitrat xenlulow.
caustic lime v6i t6i, canxi hidroxit, center stitching dong sach kj ma,
Ca(OH)i. celloidin paper giay xenloidin. cellulose tape bang keo dan. d6ng sach gay long.

caustic liquor dung djch an da. cellophane xenlophan, giify b6ng kfnh. cellulose triacetate xenlulow triaxetat. centered dot diem trung gian.

caustic potash potat, kali hidroxit,

cellophane cover bla sach giay b6ng kfnh. cellulosin b¢t g6. centered heading tieu de CJ trung tam
KOH. cellophane foil mang mong thau trang sach.
cellupane xenlupan.
minh, trong suot. centered line dong tieu de, duang
caustic resistance tfnh khang kiem. celowax phim th!fo minh.
cellophance gravure ink mlfc in lorn trung tam.
caustic soda xut, natri hidroxit, celsius thermometer nhi¢t ke
in giay b6ng kfnh. centerfold gap 6 trung tam (hoan
NaOH. Xenxiut, nhi¢t ke bach phan.
cellophane ink mifc in giay b6ng kfnh. thanh to gap CJ ban tam giac ).
causticity tfnh kiem, d¢ kiem; tfnh an da. celsius scale thang nhi¢t d9 Xenxiut,
cellophane paper giify b6ng kfnh. centering djnh giiia tAm, djnh trung
caustion th~n tr9ng, canh cao. thang nhi¢t d¢ bach phan. tam, 6 giiia.
cellophane printing in giay b6ng kfnh. celtium (nguyen t6) Hafini, Hf.
CCI (computer control inker) may centering device thiet bj djnh trung tam.
tfnh di¢n tu kiem tra cifp mifC in.
cellosolve dung m6i. cement chat gan, chift hqp dan; centerstamp hlnh ve trang trf CJ trung
cellular rubber cao su xop. ximang. !Am bla sach do hol,l.
CCS (computer control strip) thang
kiem tra mau sac. cellular board bla cactong s6ng. cementation Slf gan; chat tham centigrade thang nhi¢t d¢ bach phan.
celluoid xenluloit. cacbon, St! t6i.
CE (customer engineer) cong trlnh centigrade degree nhi¢t d¢ bach phan.
str khach hang. cellulose xenlulow. cemented gan; thifm cacbon; toi.
centigrade heat unit (C.H.U) don vj
ceased publication dlnh ban, dlnh bao. cellulose acetate xenlulow axetat. cemented carbide hqp kim cung. nhi¢t d¢ bach phan.
cecograph may danh chii dung cho cellulose acetate base de phirri cemented stell thep tham cacbon. centigrade scale !hang nhi¢t d¢ bach phan.
ngtroi mu, ngtroi khiem thj. xenlulow axetat. censor ngtroi kiem tra, nhan vien centigrade thermal unit don vj nhi¢t
cadilla Mu bien am, dau m6c dtroi cellulose acetate film phim xenlulozo kiem tra. bach phan.
chii c "~", difu xe-di. axetat. centenary edition sach ki ni¢m m¢t
centigrade thermometer nhi¢t ke
ceiling rail con dong d9c. cellulose adhesive chat keo dan tram nam.
bach phan.
xenlulow. center alignment tab dai vai lien ket
cell khoang 16 nhl).n mifc 6 ban in lorn. celsius thermometer nhi¢t kebach phan.
cellulose ester ette xenlulow. CJ giiia.
cell COVer nap Chl:lp OClfC dtrcmg CUa centigram (me) centigam.
cellulose film phim xenlulozcr. center margin trong le trang sach,
Cl:IC pin.
d6ng k~p Cl,lOh trang sach. centimeter centime!.
cell filter kfnh l9c sac (mau) the dung cellulose glycolic eth~r xenlulow ete
glycolic. center note chu thfch giiia c¢t. centipoise centipoa.
central cotrol centrifugation

central cotrol kh6ng che trung tam. centre fold v~ch gap gifra (v~ch gap centrifugation St! Iy tam. cetone xeton, R.CO.R
cu6i cung khi gap ba v~ch chfr th;p). centrifuge may Iy tam. cetone alcohol rll'qu xeton,
central cylinder type kieu trl}C v¢
tinh [may in]. centre head tieu di!, dau de b gifra ROH.CO.R'
centrifuge tube 6ng nghi¢m ly tam.
trang sach. cetone aldehyde andehit xeton,
central cylinder type press may in centring xac djnh trung tam, xac djnh
kieu v¢ tinh. centre hole 16 b trung tam , IO b gifra. R.CO.CHO
tam tron.
central definition d¢ sang rob trung tfun. centre line ducmg trung tam. cevitamic acid (=vitamin C) vitamin C.
centring device thiet bj xac djnh
central impression cylinder trl}C 6ng centre separate feeder thiet bj cap trung tam. CG (computer graphics) may tfnh
ep in dung chung, trl}c ep in trung tam. giay kieu tach giay (j giua (trung tam). d6 ho~.
century the ky.
central procession unit [CPU] thiet centre spread trang quang cao b gifra chain m~ch, dAy chuyen; noi; ghep;
ceramic (thu(>c) g6m, do g6m. lien ket; xfch, day xfch.
bj xu ly trung tAm. m~t ban.
ceramic ink mlfc ve tren g6m. chain delivery thiet bj tiep nh;n giay
central processing unit of a photo centre stitch d6ng gay 16ng may ky ma.
ceramics d6 g6m, ky thu~t do g6m. d~ng xfch.
system for news paper typeseting centre-stitched (thu(>c) d6ng gay
thiet bj Xl! ly trung U'Ong CUa h¢ th6ng long may ky ma. ceramic colour (b¢t) mau dung cho chain-dot diem tram d~ng xfch.
sap chfr chl}p bao chi. do g6m.
centrifugal may ly tam; ly tam. chain dot screen kfnh tram d~ng xfch.
central processing unit of a photo- ceramic industry cOng nghi¢p g6m.
cantrifugal apparatus may ly tam. chain drive chuyen d9ng xfch.
setting system for news paper
typesetting thiet bj xu ly trung uong ceramic pigment b¢t mau dung cho chain gripper nhfp c~p giay d~g xfch.
centrifugal atomization St! phun bl;li
cua h¢ th6ng sap chfr chl}p bao chi. do g6m.
ly tam. chain gripper dilivery nhfp c~p tiep
ceramic printing in tren g6m su. nh;n giay d~ng xfch.
central processor thiet bj xu ly trung centrifugal blower may qu~t ly tam.
tAm [may tfnh]. ceramic transfer picture anh tren chain growth St! phat trien m~nh.
centrifugal bolting mill may sang ly tam.
g6m su.
centralized data processing xu ly s6 centrifugal compressor may nen Iy tam.
chain guides qui d~o day xfch.
li¢u t;p trung. cerif net d¢m chu Ia tinh.
chain length d¢ dai m~ch.
centralized inspection kitm nghi¢m centrifugal casting machine may ceriph net d¢m chir la tinh.
due ly tam. chain mark van giay.
t~p trung.
cerium xeri, Ce.
centrifugal drier may lam khO Iy tam. chain molecules phan tu m~ch.
centralized instrument panel bang
cerography ban m~ di¢n khic tren sap.
d~t thiet bj do d~c trung tam. centrifugal exhauter may qu~t ly tam. chain pile delivery ch6ng giay nh~n
certificate of issue thuyet minh xuat giay d~ng xfch.
centralized processing system h¢ centrifugal fan qu~t ly tam.
ban tren sach anh in s6 Iuc;:,ng ban c6 h~. chain pile delivery unit thiet bj
th6ng xu ly trung tam.
centrifugal filter may l9c ly tam. chong giay nh~n giay d~ng xfch.
centre bearing cai d¢m, cuxine trung certified colours pham nhu¢m tht!c
centrifugal force lt!c ly tam. pham.
tam. chain printer may danh may d~g xfch.
centrifugal machine may Iy tam. cerulean blue mau xanh da troi. chain-propagation reaction phan
centre feed tape bang giay dl}c 18
dan (j gifra. centrifugal pump born ly tam. cesium xesi, Cs. ung phat trien m~nh.

I IO 111
chain pump

chain pump b<1m xfch. chalk etch overlay ban d¢m an mon
hoa h9c.
change of state

change of state SIJ bien d6i tr<;lng thai. chapter chuong, tiet.
chain radical polymerization SI! change gear b¢ s6 bien t6c.
trung hqp g6c. chalk offsets in 6p xet tren da phan. chapter and section number s6
change gearbox h¢p s6 bien t6c, h¢p chuong (tiet) va m1,1c (tai li?u, sach).
chain reaction phan lII1g day chuyen. chalk overlay ban d¢m hoa h9c. s6 chuyen t6c. chapter head tieu de chuong tiet, dau
chain rupture SI! dCrt m<;1ch. chalk overlay paper giay ban d¢m change gear case h¢p bien t6c. de chuang tiet.
chain scission SI! dCrt m<;1ch. hoa h9c, giay da phan. chapter heading tieu de chuong tiet,
change line thay dong, d6i dong.
chain starting SI! khoi mao m<;1ch. chalk relief makeready ban d¢m n6i dau de chuong tiet.
change of plate thay ban.
hoa h9c. chapter-title tieu de chuong tiet, dau
chain sticth dong sach khau chi xiet ch?t.
chalk-etch makeready ban d¢m an
change of price dieu chinh gia ca. de chuang tiet, dau de cua m¢t h6i
chain stopping SI! ng.it m<;1ch. change of title note ph1,1 chu d6i Wn sach. (trong tieu thuyet chuong Mi).
mon hoa h9c.
chain tightener tn,1c cang giay. char than (d¢ng v~t ho~c th~rc v~lt);
chalk-etch overlay thao tac d¢m d¢m change of title proper st'ta d6i dung
chain tightening device thiet bj cling ten sach. than g6.
ban hoa h9c.
tiep nh~n giay. character chii' roi; tinh nang; chfr, ky
chalking {SIJ) phan hoa; pha'.n hoa change-over gear chuyen d6i thiet bj.
chain termination SI! ng.it m<;tch. hi¢u chfr; d?c tfnh.
m1Jc in [slJ c6], b¢t mau m1Jc kMng changed-title serial thay d6i ten bao
chain termination reaction phan barn dfnh VllO be m~t V~t Ji¢u in. djnhky. character alignment djnh vj ky II!,
(mg ngat m<;1ch. chalking on paper phan hoa mlJc in changement ca cau d6i huong,
chain terminator chat ngat m<;1ch. tren giay. chuyen huang. character assembly I.ip ghep cac ky
ti!, chit (may tfnh).
chain wheel vong xfch. chalky (thu¢c) phan; SIJ tuong phlm changeover switch chuyen d6i d6ng ma. character attribute thu¢c tfnh ky !IJ,
cao; tang thu ctrng.
chain-dot diem tram d<;lng xfch. changing valve chuyen d6i van. bieu trung ky hi¢u chfr.
chalcograph khac ban d6ng, tranh chameleon print in tinh the long. 0

channel ranh, lu6ng, kenh, 6ng da.n, character average information

ban d6ng. champleve tranh trang trf Phap (bla mang da.n. content luqng thong tin blnh quan ky IIJ.
chalcographer may khk ban in lorn, sach).
channel black mang da.n than den. character boundary ranh gi6i ky ti!
kh.ic chlm ban d6ng. chance SIJ tlnh co, SIJ nga.u nhien. [nh~n bier ky tl!J.
channel entrance 16i vao 6ng da.n.
chalcography thu~t khac ban d6ng in chance phenomenon hi?n tuqng character box h¢p dl!flg chfr.
!om, thu~t khac ban d6ng. channel-type developing frame gia
nga.u nhien. hi¢n anh kieu mang. character buffer v~t d¢m, chen ky
chalcone derivative dan xuat chalcon. chance rate xac suat. II!, chfr.
chapbook sach gia re, sach tranh ph6
chalk da phan, CaC03 ; phan; hoa chancery paper giay dung van phong. thong, sach kh6 nho. character casting due chfr.
phan, phan trfog.
change SI! bien dOi, bien d6i. chapel cOng doan cua cong nhan nha character cell don chuyen ky II! [may tfuh].
chalk drawing tranh ve but phan trang. may in.
change colour mau ~hay dOi. character code ma ky !IJ.
chalk engraving ban khac da phan, chapmn smoothness tester d1,mg c1,1 character data du Ii¢u ky llJ [may
khac da phan. change of colour SI! d6i mau. do d¢ nMn chapman. tfnh].
I 13
character delimiter character spacing

character delimiter ky hi¢u djnh gi6'i character key khoa ky tlJ. character spacing dieu chinh khoang characterization factor thtra s6 d~c
hl!-n ky ti! [nh~n biet quang h9c]. character matrix ban khuon chu [sap each chli'. tnrng.
character density m~t d¢ ky ti!, chii. chyp]. character spacing display hi¢n thi charaction 6ng ph6ng tia am clJc lap
character disc dia chu trcm. character matrix plate ban khu6n dieu chinh khoang each chii. trong khuon mii.u chfr.
chii [sap chyp]. character spacing reference net !ham charactron 6ng hi¢n chii.
character display man hi¢n thj ky llJ.
character mean entropy entropi khao dieu chinh khoa.ng each chfr. charcoal than (d¢ng v~t ho~c th1Jc
character display device thiet bj blnh quAn ky llJ.
hi¢n thj ky tlJ. character string chuoi ky tlJ. v~t), than g8 dung mai ban kem, ban
character mean information content d6ng; than h9i hol!-.
character display unit don vj hi¢n character stooke net ve ky tlJ.
luqng thong tin blnh quAn ky tlJ. charcoal crayon but than.
thj ky (IJ. character style kieu ky ti!, kieu chfr.
character mode phuong thuc ky llJ. charcoal drawing tranh ve than go.
character font b¢ chii cung ca. character subset t~p ky tlJ.
character outline dubng net ky 11!,
charcoal drawing paper gilfy dung
character format ca chu. hlnh dang ky tlJ. character table bang ky llJ. cho ve than g8.
character generation SIJ san xul!t character per inch s6 chii tren m¢t character-at-a-time printer may charcoal grey mau xam xam.
chii, SI! hlnh thanh chii. inxo [tl!c Anh]. danh chu d,,mg ky tlJ.
character generator may san xuat character per secoud (c.p.s.) s6 chii charcoaling mai than.
character-deletion character ky
chu, may phat sinh chu. trong m¢t giay. hi¢u chii, dOl!-n chu dii bi xoa bo. charge tr9ng tai; li~u; me lieu; di~n
character graphic d6 hol/- chu. character printer may danh chii, tfch; l1Jc; ung l1Jc; sue cang; nl!-P di¢n.
character-transfer rate t6c d¢
may danh ky tlJ. truyen ky tlJ. chargeable time s6 gic) c6ng tac dn
character grid m~g 6 vu6ng chu, ky llJ.
character properties d~c tfnh ky ti!, che ban in tai li~u in.
character grid unit don vj ml!-ng 6 characteristic d~c tnrng, d~c tfnh.
d~c diem kieu chu. charger unit thiet bj nl/-p di¢n.
vu6ng chli', ky t~r. characteristic curve dubng cong d~c
character raster pattern mau hlnh tfnh (phim anh). charges coupled device (CCD) thiet
character group b¢ chu cung ca. chfr di~n Xl/-. · bi trung kh6'p di¢n tfch.
character 1/0 (input/out put) nh~p characteristic test su trac dinh dac
character reader may d9c ky tt,r. charging nl/-p di¢n.
Ji¢u ky tlJ/XUat ra ky tlJ. tfnh, SIJ thf nghi~m d~~ tfnh. · ·
character recognition nh~n d9c ky tlJ. chart bieu do, bieu mli:u, hai do, Juqc do.
character ID keyed font phong chii characteristic radiation hue x~ ~c trung.
gom hai chfr. character reference point diem chart format the thrrc bieu do.
tham khao ky llJ. characteristic temperature nhi~t de>
character indentifier nh~ d~g ky tlJ. d~c trung. chart paper giay in ban do, giay in
character row hang ky tlJ. bieu do.
character increment luqng tang ky characteristic value gia tri d~c trung.
11! (danh may). character sensing nh~n d9c ky II!. charta chung thu.
characteristics d~c tfnh, dubng cong
character information rate ty 1¢ character set m¢t b¢ kieu chu, t@ ky (I!. d~c tfnh. chartreuse mau lye vang nhl/-t.
tMng tin ky tlJ. character skew chii nga.
characterization su mieu ta dac chase vanh khu6n (thcp) ban chl, chfr
character insert gai ky ti!, 16ng ky tlJ. character space d¢ r¢ng ky tlJ. trung [quan ly mau sAc]. · chl tren may in typo.
114 115
chase for silk-screen printing chemical cell

chase for silk-screen printing vanh check valve van m¢t chi~u. chemical cell pin hoa hQC. chemical graining ban mai hoa h9c,
khuOn dung cho in Iuoi. ban t~o h~t hoa h<;>c.
checking soat l~i. kiem tra. chemical changes bie'n dOi hoa h9c;
chased (thu¢c) kMc hQa, dieu khk phan ung hoa h9c. chemical industry cOng nghi¢p hoa h<;>c.
checking of printed stock kiim tra
chasoo edge trang tri mep c.µili vanh sach. san pham in. chemical characteristic d~c tnmg chemical kinetics d¢ng hoa hQc.
hoa h9c. chemical lamp den huynh quang, den
chaser may nghien tfl;IC ham ech. cheese roll tfl;IC hlnh cung, trl;lc quful day.
chemical combination si, hoa hqp. hoa h9c.
chasing dieu khic, thu~t dieu khk chemac in do an khuOn in dong.
chemical composition thanh phAn chemical literature tai li¢u hoa h9c.
chassis b¢ may, khung suan may. chemco carbon tissue giay than
hoa h9c. chemical nomenclature danh phap
chattering of rolls trl;IC Ian l~p b~p. chemical compound hqp chat hoa hQC. hoa h9c.
chemical absorbent cha't hap th1,1 hoa hQC.
chauces type chu chl chaucer. chemical constant hAng s6 hoa h9c. chemical paper giay che (lf ho b¢t
chemical absorption si, hap thl;I hoa hQC.
chemical constitution ca'u ~ hoa hQC. giay hoa h9c.
cheap book series lo~t sach gia re.
chemical actinometer quang hoa ke chemical phenomenon hi¢n tuqng
cheap edition sach gia re, sach ph6 c~p. hoa h9c. chemical control si, dieu tiet qua
trlnh hoa h9c. hoa h9c.
cheap popular print in phien ban gia re. chemical action tac d1,1ng hoa hQC. chemical physics ly hoa h<;>c.
chemical consumption luqng tieu
check kiem tra; kh6ng che; can; kiem chemical activity ho~t d¢ hoa h9c. hao duqc pham hoa h9c. chemical plant nha may hoa chat.
soat; kf hi¢u kiim tra, soat l~i (ban
chemical addition agent chat ph1,1 gia chemical development hi¢n anh hoa chemical printing thu~t in ban b!ng
chep, ban in thu).
hoa h9c. bqc; si, phat triin hoa h9c. (lit0-6pxet), thu~t in ban da.
check analysis sl:f phan tfch kiem tra.
chemical additive chat ph1,1 gia hoa hQC. chemical efficiency hi?u suat phan chemical process qua trlnh hoa h9c.
check bar thanh can. chemical adsorption si, hap pl11,1 hoa hQC. ung hoa hQC.
chemical process principle nguyen
check bit kiem tra, soat xet s6 nhi chemical affinity ai li,c hoa hQc. chemical element nguyen t6 hoa h9c. ly qua trlnh hoa h9c.
phan (bit-don vi may tfnh).
chemical agent hoa chat, thu6c thu chemical energy nang luqng hoa hQC. chemical property tfnh chat hoa h9c.
check character kiim tra ky tl;f, chu. hoa h9c. chemical engineer ky su hoa h9c. chemical pulp xenlulozo, b¢t giay
check copy ban in thi.r da duqc soat I~. chemical analys~ si, phan tfch hoa hQC. h6a h9c.
chemical engineering oong n~ hoa hQC.
check folio s6 trang sach da duqc chemical apparatus thiet bi hoa h9c. chemical equation phuong trlnh hoa hqc. chemical pulping che b¢t gi!y hoa h<;>c.
soat l-1-i.
chemical balance can b!ng hoa hQC. chemical equilibrium si, can bAng chemical purification si, tinh che
check ink ml:fc in tern phieu. hoa hqc. (bAng) hoa h9c.
chemical binding effect hi¢u ung
check mark kiim tra ky hi¢u hay dau. lien ket hoa hQC. chemical equivalent ducmg luqng chemical rays tia tu ngo-1-i.
check paper gi!y dung in tern phieu. chemical bond lien ket hoa h9c. hoa h<;>c. chemical reaction phan ung hoa hQC.
check royal kfch thu6'c to giay chemical brightener chat lam b6ng chemical fibre paper giay sqi chemical reactivity kha nang phan
17 ,5x24 ~c Anh. hoa h9c. xenlulozo hoa h9c. 11ng hoa h9c.

116 117
chemical reactor children's literatur

chemical reactor bmh phan ung hoa h<;>c. chemicals and solvents for children's literatur sach d9c nhi Chinese character chii' Han, chu 6
rep()Oduction and printing hoa chat va d6ng. van h9c nhi dong. vuOng.
chemical recovery thu h6i dugc
ph!m hoa h9c, thu h6i hoa chat. dung mOi dung cho (ph1:1c) cheban vain. chile saltpetre diem tieu, natri nitrat~ Chinese character library thu vi~n
chemigraphy ten gQi chung ctia NaN03. chii' Han, kho chu Han.
chemical reducing agent chat khfr
hoa hQC, chat giam mong hoa h9c. phuong phap che ban an mon hoa chill roll tr1;1c lam l!µlh, tr1:1c lam C hinese character-generator may
h9c, vf d1;1 an mon ban dong, ban kem. ngu¢i. phat sinh chfr Han.
chemical refrigeration Sl_! lam l~nh
hoa hQC, S\l' Jam J~nh bAng hoa chat. chemise bla b<;>c chG', bla ho so. chill rollers tr1;1c lam l~nh. tr1;1c lam Chinese classics kinh thu. van hoc c6
ngu¢i. dien Trung Qu6c. .
chemical retouching sfra ban hoa hQC. chemitype ban kem tram va net che
ban bllng phuang phap an mon hoa hQC. chimney 6ng kh6i; 6ng hut. Chinese data processing system h¢
chemical ripening luy¢n chin hoa hQC. thong xu 19 dii li¢u Trung van.
cheque tern, phieu, sec. china sCr; d6 sCr.
chemical sensitizer chat tang d¢ Chinese display may hi¢n thi chii' Han.
nh~y sang hoa h9c. cheque ink mt.tc in tern, phieu, sec. china clay dat set sCr, cao lanh (san
xuat giay). Chinese idiography chii Han.
chemical sign ky hi~u hoa h9c. cheque paper giay in tern, phieu, sec.
china grass lo~i co Trung Qu6c. Chinese ink mt.tc viet, ml;Cc.
chemical stability tinh ben hoa h9c, cheque-book making machine che
tac co khf ban in tern, phieu, sec. china green xanh canh c6ng. Chinese ink printing in ml;Cc nuoc
d¢ bfo hoa h9c.
Trung Qu6c.
chequer board screen tram hlnh china ink mt.tc tau, ml!c den.
chemical stabilization sl_! lam ben Chinese keyboard ban phfm (may
bang hoa h9c. vu6ng, tram hlnh ban co. china paper mQt lo~i giliy Trung tfnh) chii' Han.
chequering trang trf bla sach. Qu6c dung de viet but !Ong va ve
chemical strategy chien luge hoa h9c. Chinese OCR nMn biet di¢n quang
qu6c ho~ chat giliy dai ben kh6 rach,
chemical symbol ky hi¢u hoa h9c. chessboard screen tram vu6ng hlnh hut ml;Cc deu di dugc IAu, thuong g9i chfr Han.
ban co. giay tuyen chi. Chinese oil dau trau.
chemical synthesis SI! t6ng hgp hoa hQC.
chest hQp; phong; buong, ngan; ranh; china transfer paper lo~i giay sao Chinese paper gi!y tre true san xuat
chemical technology cong ngh¢ hoa hQC.
mang. truyen phong theo giay tuyen chi. thti c6ng.
chemical test thf nghi¢m hoa h9c.
chestbrown mau nau do. china ware do SI!. Chinese phonetic alphabet ghep am
chemical treatment xu ly hoa h9c, SI! chfr cai chii' Han.
chiaroscuro phuong phap doi chieu china wood oil d!iu trau.
che h"o a hoa h9c.
hay so sanh sang t6i (hQi ho~). Chinese phonetic alphabetical trlnh
china net luoi Trung Qu6c.
chemical-free thermal imagesetter phuong phap so sanh sang t6i ban tt.t ghep am chfr cai chii' Han. ·
may ghi hlnh anh nh~y nhi¢t kh6ng khac go in 16ng mau. Chinese bean oil dau d~u nanh.
hi¢n anh. Chinese printer may in chii' Han.
chief editor t6ng bien t~p. chu bien. Chinese binding khAu chi.
chemical - inertness tfnh tw hoa h9c. Chinese red do cromat, chi cromat,
chief value hoa tri chfnh. Chinese block-printed edition ban PbCr04 ,Pb(OH)2 •
chemically clean s~ch hoa h9c. khac.
children's book sach thieu nhi. nhi Chinese style kiiu ban truy~n th6ng
chemically stable ben hoa h9c. dong. Chinese blue xanh Trung Qu6c. Trung Qu6c, sach khau chi phong
chemicals hoa chat. Chinese book sach tranh trung van. each Trung Qu6c.
children's edition xuat ban cho nhi dong.
118 119
Chinese traditional thread sewing Christmas gift book

Chinese traditional thread sewing chlorobromide paper gilly anh clo- Christmas gift book sach dung a le chromatic paper giay mau.
khau chi truyen th6ng Trung Qu6c. bromua b~c. Ne>-en. chromatic press may in mau.
Chinese wax b~ch l~p. sap. chloroform clorofom. chroma sac d¢, pham mau m6 ta de) chromatic printing in mau, in chong
Chinese white trang kem, kem oxit, sang hay de) tinh khiet cua mau.
chloropren cloropren, clorobutadien mau.
ZnO. CH2:CHCI.CH:CH2 . chromate cromat, M2Cr04.
chromatic rendition tai hi~n mau.
Chinese wood oil dau tdu. chloropren rubber cao su cloropren. chromate brillant red do sang
chromatic sensation cam thl;l mau.
chinoform d~ng quinon. cromat.
chlorosulfonic acid axit closunfonic,
chromatic sensitivity tfnh nh?Y cam
chinol hidoquinol. HS0 3Cl. chromate intensifier chat tang day
chip VO bao; manh vo; tam lat mong. mu6i bicromat.
chlorous (thu(>c) clo.
chromatic stimulus kfch thfch mau.
chipboard cac tong bla sach; cac chromate process phuong phap che
chlorous acid axit cloro, HC10 2•
ban muoi bicromat. chromatic threshold nguong nh~
t6ng bla sach tM.
choice of type ll!a ch9n kieu chit. biet mau, khu vi,rc nh~n biet sac
chromatic (thuc)c) mau sac.
chipper may d.t lat mong. tuong.
choke cho that l~i, co l~i. van dieu tiet
chromatic aberration quang sai mau.
chisel cai dl;lc, cai chang. kMng khf vao m¢t d¢ng co xang. chromatic triangle tam giac mau.
chromatic adaptation si,r thfch ung mau.
chloric axit axit cloric, HC10 3• cholesteric cholesteric. chromaticity sac d¢.
chromatic addition si,r c¢ng hqp mau.
chloric ether ankyl clorua; aryl chopper c6ng Cl;l ch~t d~c bi~t la rlu, chromaticity coordinates toe_\ d¢ mau.
clorua; etyl clorua C3 H 5Cl. dao pha, dao bau. chromatic characteristic d~c tfnh
chromaticity diagram bieu do mau.
mau sac.
chloride clorua, MCI. chopper fold to gap 16 trang (gap ba
Vl;\Ch). chromatic coefficient h¢ s6 mau. chromatics mon h9c mau sac.
chloride emulsion nhii tuong b~c
chopper folder may gap 16 trang. chromatic colour mau sac. chromatism hi~n tuqng sai mau, sac
chloride paper giil'.y anh b~c clorua. chopping d.t bo, cit dCrt. chromatic coordinate toe_\ d¢ mau.
chromatogenis sinh mau.
chlorinated paraffin parafin clo hoa. choreography ky hi¢u bien d~o mua chromatic correction si,r sua mau, si,r
ngh¢ thu~t dan di,rng vii ba le tren san hi~u chinh mau. chromatogram ph6 mau, ph6 sac ky.
chlorinated rubber cao su clo hoa.
khau. chromatograph may sac ky; ph6 sac
chromatic defect sac sai, khuyet
chloro-benzen clo benzen. ky; ban 16ng mau.
chorocchoromatic map so d6 phan diem mau.
chloroacetic acid axit cloroaxetic. b6 khu vi,rc 16ng mau. chromatic diagram bieu d9 sac de) chromatographic analysis phan tfch
chlorobenzol clobenzen. Christmas book sach dung ale N6-en. (mau). 16'p mau; phan tfch sac ky.

chlorobromide emulsion nhii tuong Christmas card thiep chuc mung chromatic dispersion tan sac (hi~n chromatographic method phuong
clo-bromua b~c. No-en. tuc;,ng). phap sac ky.

chromic chloride
chromatographic technique

chromic chloride crom clorua, chromium trioxide cr6m (III) trioxit,

chromatographic technique ky thu~t chrome nikle steel thep crom-niken.
CrCl3. axit cromic, Cr03.
phan tfch sac ky. chrome plated (da) ml;\ crom.
chromic colour pham crOm. chromium-faced cylinder tr1;1c in ,,
chromatography phep sac ky. chrome-plating S\f ml;\ crom. 6ng dong m~ crom.
chromic dermatitis crom d<)c gll.y
chromatology mOn h9c mau sac. chrome printing bordeaux m1;tc in chromium-plated roller tn;ic ml;\
viem da.
chromatometer may so mau. booc do crom. chromic dye pham nhu<)m crOm. crom.
chromatophore chat mang mau, chrome red do crom. chromic dyeing S\f nhu<)m crOm. chromium-plating and polisling ml;\
nh6m mang mau. crom va mai b6ng.
chrome t:'1nnage SI! thu<)c crom. chromic hydroxide crom (III)
chromatoscope sac nghi¢m. hydroxit, Cr(OHh chromo ban in bang mau sac, tai li¢u
chrome-tanned (dttqc) thu<)c crom.
acid axit (in) mau sac.
chromatosulfuric chromic potassium alum phen crom-
chrome tanning S\f thu<)c crOm.
cromsunfuric, H 2CrS0 7• kali, K 2S04.Cri(S04h24H20. chromo board giay phfo nhan b6ng.
chrome crom, Cr, vang crom.
chrome steel thep crom.
chromic sodium alum phen crom- chromo lithography thul).t in mau
chrome alum phen crom, chrome yellow vang crOm. natri, Na2S04.Cri(S04h24H 20. ban in bii.ng.
K 2S04.Cri(S04h24H20. chrome-albumen process phttcmg chromic tanning s\f thu9c crom. chromo paper giay mau.
chrome bleaching S\f tay trang (bang phap che ban long trang trung - mu6i chroming (s\f) ml;\ crom. chromo [tien t6] mau sk
mu6i) crom. bicromat.
chroming machine may m~ crom.
chromo-chalcography ban in lorn
chrome blue black xanh den crom chrome-albumen solution dung djch
chroming plant phll.n xttong m~ mau (sac).
(phAm nhu<)m). long trang tnmg - mu6i bicromat.
chrome-oxyhydrated green mau h;ic chromo-collotype ban colotfp mau
chrome colours phAm mau crom. chroming plants for gravure forme
crom d~c tnrng, mau l1;1c oxit crom (sac).
chrome dyeing S\f nhu(>m crom. making thiet bj ml;\ crom tr1;1c 6ng ban
ket hqp nttac. chromo-paper giay mau (sac).
in tom.
chrome facing ml;\ crOm. chromic (thu<)c) crom (III).
chromium crom, Cr. chromo-wodengraving khac go mau
chrome film phim dao ngttqc mau (sac).
chromic acid axit cromic, H2Cr04 • chromium alloy hqp kim crom.
sac, phim dao ngttqc trang den.
chromic acid mixture h6n hqp chromogen nh6m sinh mau.
chrome green mau I1;1c crom. chromium facing ml;\ crom.
sunfocromic. chromogen colours pham nhu(>m
chrome leather da crom. chromium-plated da ffil;\ crom.
chromic anhydride crom trioxit, crom.
chrome lemon vang chanh. chromium plating S\f ml;\ crom.
Cr03• chromogen indigo cham crom.
chrome liquor nttac crom (thu<)c da). chromium trichloride crom (III)
chromic bleaching S\f tAy trang (bang chromogenic sinh mau.
triclorua, CrCl3.
chrome mordant chat can mau crom. mu6i) crom.
cigarette paper
chromogenic developer

cigarette paper giay cu6n thuoc la. circuit 1lement nguyen ki¢n ffil/-Ch
chromogenic developer dung dich chrysoidine crisoidin (phlim nhu¢m).
hi¢n anh phim mau. chrysophenine crisophenin (pham CIM (computer input
circuit printing in ffil/-Ch di¢n. ..-
nhu¢m). microfilming) nhiep anh thu nho dan
chromograph san pham pht_1c che in
6p xet.
vao may tfnh di¢n tu. circuit switch c6ng tac d6ng ma
chrysotype kieu in anh sat axalat.
cinamic acid axit xinamic, ml/-Ch di¢n.
chromo-Iithograph in mau ban in chrytograph in mau tren gi!y trong,
CJi5CH:CH.CH 20H. circuit symbol ky hi¢u ml!-ch di¢n.
bang, in mau lit6 (in ban da). thau minh (in nhan hang).
cinamic alcohol ruqu xinamic circuiting so d6 ml!-ch di¢n.
chromo-lithography thu~t in mau church text kieu chi! d~m. C6H 5.CH:CH.CH20H. circular hlnh trcm, vong, truyen don,
lit6 (in ban da).
chuck loi can; loi trt,1c cao su; chu6i, cinamic anhydride anhydrit xinamic, quang cao, th6ng tin.
chromolithograph in mau ban in can; de khu6n.
bang, in mau lito (in ban da). C18H1403. circular cutter thiet bi dao xen trcm.
CI (contrast in dex) chi s6 tuong cinamic ester ette xinamic oxit.
chromolithography thu~t in mau lit6 phan. circular dot diem tram trcm.
(in ban da). circle hoa van bao quanh hlnh trcm circular knife dao cat tron, dao cat
CIC (central impression cylinder)
[sap chi!]. quay tron cit giay cu¢n.
chromometer may so mau. trt_1c ep in trung tam.
circle of confusion vong tron mo, circular saw cua d'ia tron.
chromophotograph cht_1p anh mau. CIC (common impression cylinder)
quang ma hlnh tron.
chromophotolithography in anh d<;tng trt_1c ep in dung chung. circular screen kfnh tram tron.
mau, cht,1p anh mau in lit6 (in ban da).
circle of least confusion quang ma
Cicero xixero, don vi phan in chi! chl. circular screen holder gia gac, do
hlnh trcm t6i thieu.
chromophotometer may so mau. CIE Hi¢p h¢i chieu sang qu6c te. tram tron.
circuit dong di¢n; chu trlnh, duang
chromotographic paper giay phan CIE Lab h¢ bieu mau Lab CIE; chi khau, ml!-ch.
circular shear may xen dt hlnh d'ia
tfch lop mau, giay phan tfch sac ky. kh6ng gian mau Lab Hi¢p h¢i chieu tron.
circuit binding d6ng sach bao v¢
chromotype anh in lito mau, ban in sang qu6c te. circular trimmer dao xen tron.
Cl/-nh, tranh da mem, g6c trcm.
m1m, tai li¢u in mau, cht_1p anh mau, CIE system bieu ph6i mau CIE. circular wedge nem (anh) sang dl!-ng
circuit break ngat ml!-Ch (di¢n).
tai li¢u in cao nhieu mau.
ciba black den xiba. tron.
circuit-breaker cai ngat ml!-ch (di¢n).
chromotypography thul!-t in cao mau circulating (st,r) tufo hoan.
ciba colours phlim xiba.
sac. circuit breaker d6ng ma di¢n, ngitt
cibacet colours phlim xibaxet. ml/-Ch (di¢n). .
circulating air kh6ng khf tuin hoan,
chromoxylograph tranh mau ban in g6. gi6 nhi¢t tuan hoan.
cibanone blue xanh xibanon. circuit diagram so d6 dong di¢n, so
chromoxylography thu~t in mau ban circulating mixer may tr¢n tuan hoan.
cibanone bordeaux bo6c d6 xibanon. dO ml/-Ch di¢n.
in go.
circuit edges bao v¢ go bien bla sach. circulating pump born tufo hoan.
chronicle bien nien bi~u, dl!-i su ky. cibanone colours pham xibanon.
cigarette paper clarendon

circulating stock chamber phong citochrome process phmmg phap in clarendon m¢t loi).i kiiu chir (kieu Claybourn process phuong phap che
nguyen Ii¢u tuan hoan, tu nguyen Ii¢u ban ba mau nhanh. chir net dai va tho). ban in cao clayban.
tuan hoan. clean Si).Ch, ban in thtr Sl:lCh Joi.
citrate xitrat, C6 H5 0 7M3• claret red mau do tfm.
circulating system h¢ th6ng tuan hoan.
citrate printing process phucmg clasp cai m6c dl,lng dai kyp ch~t sach clean etching an mon sua ban in cao . /
circulating water nuac tuan hoan. phap in anh mu6i axit xitric. bla cung. net.
circulation SI! tulin hoan; luqng phat citrazinic acid axit xnnc, clasp envelope phong bl c6 kem nut clean machine proof may in thu sl_lch
hanh bao chf, luqng tieu th1,1 sach anh. COOH.CH 2 .C(OH).CH2 COOH. bu¢c. khOng c6 Joi.
circulation aera phi).m vi luu thong. citric acid axit xitnc, class of insulations lap each ly. clean proof ban in thu sap chil' rat ft
COOH.CH2.C(OH).COOH.CH2.COOH. Joi, ban in thtr Sl_\Ch Joi.
circulation lubrication system h¢ classical painting buc hol,l c6 diin.
th6ng boi tran tulin hoan. citrine vang kem. clean sheet to, trang in tht'.r.
classification SI! philn lol_li.
circulation supply system h¢ th6ng citron oil dau chanh. clean tape bang giay d1,1c 16 sau khi
cung cap tuan l10an. classified (dii) philn lol_li. dli sua Joi.
citron yellow vang chanh.
circumferential movement v~ d¢ng classified advertisement phlln lol,li clean up m~t ban rtra Si).Ch.
quanh duong tron. clamp cai kyp; kyp, cai kyp ban. quang cao.
cleaner sheets !au Si).ch ml,l'c to bla.
circumferential register djnh vj clamp allowance khoang each mep classified catalogue m1,1c l1,1c phlln loi).i.
kyp ban. cleaning (sl!) lam sl_lch, (sl!) lam
quanh duong tron.
classified grindring SI! nghien philn trong.
circumferential speed t6c d¢ quanh clamp bar kyp ban, ban kyp tam cao SU. lol_li. cleaning agent ch!t lam si).ch, chat
duong tron. clamp frame cai c~p; cai kyp. classifier thiet bj philn loi).i, may philn lam trong.
circumflex ky hi¢u tnrong ilm; ky clamp mark vet kyp ban. lol_li. cleaning bath dung djch rua sl_lch.
hi¢u tnrong di¢n.
clamp with foot pedal co cau ep giay classifying (sl!) phAn lol,li). cleaning machine for printing
circumflex accent dau mu, dau
dl,lng ban dw claw clutch khop ly hqp di).ng kyp. formes may rt'.ra ban in.
twang am; dau twang di¢u.
clamping kyp ch~t. c~p ch~t. claw couping tr1:1c ly hqp dl,lng kyp. cleaning mixture hon hqp lam sl_lch,
cistern be chua, ch~u. mang.
clamping bar ban ep giay [may dao hon hqp sunfocromic.
cistern barometer khf ap ke ch~u. clay dat set, dat cao lanh [san xuat
xen giay]. gi!y]. cleaning solution dung djch lam
citation SI! trfch d.in, Joi trfch dAn. s1:1ch, dung djch sunfocromic.
clandestine literature tai li¢u xu!t ban
clay board bla day ben Xlt<JC.
citation index bang chu dan din bf m~t. tai li¢u in duai ham, in Jen Jut. cleaning tank mang, be tiy rtra Sl_\Ch.
chung. clay matrix khuOn, ban d!t xet.
clandestine press co so in duoi ham, cleaning web tr1,1c luai rua sl_lch [may
citochrome in ban ba mau nhanh. in Jen Jut. clay type kieu chir dat xet. sao ch1,1p].

126 127
close chain

clip cai kyp. close chain m~ch kfn, vong kfn. cloth bound sach dong bla dung toan vai.
cleanliness d¢ Sl/-Ch, tfnh Sl/-Ch se, tlnh
clip ring for hole 18 kyp dung d¢m lo xo. close-chain compound hqp chat cloth case bla cung b(?c vai.
trl/-ng s~ch se.
m~ch kfn.
clear trong, s~ch; lam trong, lam cloth cover dong bla vai.
clip ring for shaft ln:Jc dung d¢m lo xo. closed circuit m~h kin, m~h di¢n kfn.
s~ch. cloth cutting machine may catbla
., vai.
clip sheet giay in bao chi in m¢t m~t. closed cycle khep kfn toan b¢.
clear aera vung hay khu trong sang, cloth edition sach dong bla vai.
clipboard bla kyp h6 scr. closed edge dong cua ben, cua nach.
ro rang [nh~n biet ky hi¢u chu]. cloth feeder may cAp v~t li¢u vai lam
clipping path cat bo nhiing duang closed file dong ruin kfn ho so, van ki¢n. bla sach.
clear aera of screen h.r6'i tram trong
nho [xu ly anh]. closed joint ranh nho bla gay sach.
sang. cloth filter cai !9c vai.
clock pulse generator may phat sinh closed loop khep vong, phong be
clear back ortho lith film phim in cloth gilt in m~ vang tren bla vai.
xung theo kim d6ng h6. tuyen dtrang.
chfnh sic (ortho) de phim trong. cloth guard vai b(?c dau sach, vien
clock wise direction theo chieu kim closed loop control h¢ th6ng kh6ng g6c bla sach.
clear base de phim trong, thau minh. cM phong be tuyen duang.
dong ho.
clear foil mang mong trong, thfo cloth bing bang vai dan giua bla sach
clock wise rotation quay theo chieu closed shop chi thue nguoi doan vien va rU<)t sach de tang d¢ ben.
minh. c6ng doan nha may in.
kim d6ng h6. cloth joint ranh gay sach, vai dan
clear polyester de' phim poliette closed up blnh ghep ban, ch6t khoa ban. ranh bla sach.
clog tac nghen.
trong, thau minh. closed system h¢ kfn, h¢ dong.
clogging bjt milt 10 lu6'i [sl! c6 in lu6i]. cloth end paper trang giay 16t duoi va.i.
clear spot focusing nut dieu chinh closely set slip chu sft nhau.
cloth lined vai l6t trong.
tieu diem nhln ro rang. close khep kfn.
closely space line siip cac dong sft
close for press ban thao chfnh thuc nhau, giua cac dong kh6ng co chen cloth lining 16t trong m~t vai.
clearance Sl! d9n dyp s~ch quang.
dua den nha in. dong. cloth printing each in tren vai.
clerical error viet sai, viet nham, sai
close matter sap kfn chu. closing date h~n cu6i cung nh~n ban cloth sides sach c6 gay va g6c sach
s6t khi bien chep.
thao, h~n nMn ban thao (cu6i cung). dung da.
clerical writing 1¢ thu, the chu 1¢ close register in long chinh xac, tinh ~.
closing machine may dong bao, may
(lo~i chu th6ng d1,mg thai Han). cloth stiffened cover bla sach b<?c vai cung.
close shot c~n canh. d~y niip.
Cliche ciise, ban in due, ban chl, ban cloth turned overlining m~t vai bla
close up sap kfn chu [slip chu], buc closing space sap chu sft nhau.
sach gap nep.
kem net in cao; lai sao. anh d~c ta, d6n cac con chu khft l~i. cloth vai, d~. m~t vai (dong sach).
cloth-backed paper giay 16t vai.
cliche type ban in due. close-grained h~t nho. cloth back vai gay sach.
cloth-binding d6ng sach m~t vai dyp.
click tieng go !l.m thanh nhy. close-grained leather lo~i da h~g nhat. cloth binding dong sach bla vai, sach
dong bla dung toan vai. cloth-centered vai dan d¢m ban.
clicker d6c c6ng sap chu. close-spaced khoimg each chu hyp
cloth board bla vai. cloth-faced paper giay m~t vai.
client khach hang. [sap chu].
128 9-T£>KHKTIAV
cloth-lined board coarse grain

co-author dong tac gia. coarse grain hi:it tho, hc.1t mai tho [ti:io coated intaglio printing paper giay
cloth-lined board bla 16t vai.
hl).t ban in]. in Jorn (6ng dc5ng) c6 lop tning phu.
cloth-lined paper giay 16t vai. co-edition ban sach hc;1P tac xuat ban,
ban sach xuat ban song ngu. coarse paper giay m¢c chua gia c6ng coated lithograph paper gia'y in Ii-t6
cloud d1,1c, ma, nhoa. can nhan mii-t. (thi:ich ban) c6 lop trang phu...--
co-editor ngubi h9P tac bien t~p.
cloud formation SI! hlnh thanh van d1,1c. coarse screen hi:it tram th6 (s6 ducmg coated ofset plate ban in 6p xet dii
co-publishing project ke hoi:ich h@ .trang phu mang keo.
cloud number chi s6 d1,1c. ke/inxa).
tac xuat ban.
cloud pattern hoa van, mau ve. coarse screen etching an mon tram tho. coated ofset printing paper giay in
coagulant chat ngung ket, chat l16ng tl,I. 6p xet dii trang phu be m~t.
cloud point diem d1,1c. coarse screen halftone ban in cao
coagulate ngung ket, chat ngung ket. coated on both sides hai tnii-t c6 lap
tram thO.
clouded glass thuy tinh d1,1c, ma. coagulating sl_! d6ng t1,1, sl_! ngung ket. trang phu.
coarse-grained hc_lt tren be m~ ban in tho.
cloudiness d¢ d1,1c, lb ma [sl,I' c6 in], coagulatin agent tac nhan d6ng t1,1, coat lop phu, lop trang.
coated one side trang phu m¢t ffil!-t.
vet van mo [giay in]. tac nhan ngung ket. coated paper giay trang phu be m~t.
clouding ma d1,1c, anh mo, khOng coat with metal m~ kim lol,li.
coagulation sl_! d6ng t1,1, sl_! ngung ket. coated paste board bla day, cac tong
trong sang. coat with paint san.
coagulation point diem ngung ket, c6 lap trang phu.
cloudy (thu¢c) ma d1,1c. diem d6ng t1,1. coat with rubber trang cao su.
coated printing paper giay in c6 lop
club line dong c1,1t a hang cu6i cung, coagulator chat dong t1,1; thiet bi coatability tfnh nang trang phu. trang phu.
ngit dong [sip trang chu]. dOng t1,1. coated (dii) phu; (dii) b9c; (da) ml,l; coated side be mii-t nhan, be m~t c6
clump thanh chen each dong, cai coagulometer d6ng t1,1 ke. (dii) trang; (dii) san. lop trang phu.
chen, vft dieu chinh mang ml_!C, chum, coated abrasive giay nham, vai nham.
coal than, than da. coated stock giay c6 lop trang phu.
khoi, Cl,IC.
coal ash tro than. coated art paper giay phan, giay cut- coated two side paper giay trang phu
cluster chum, b6 [may tfnh].
xe. giay can lang nhfo cao cap. hai mii-t.
clutch khop ly h9P. coal dust b1,1i than.
coated blank giay in danh thiep trang coater may trang phu.
CMC (sodium carboxy methyl coal gas khf thip, khf than. phu be mii-t.
coating Jang bong, lop phu vua c6 tac
cellulose), CMC, Natricarboxymetyl coal naphtha benzen, C6H6• coated board bla day tning phii be mii-L d1,1ng bao v~ vua c6 tac d1,1ng tang ve
xenlul6. coal oil dau chung than, dau hoa. coated bond paper giay chung nh~n. dyp.
CMT (cassette magnetic tape) h¢p trai phieu, ky phieu c6 trang phu.
coal tar nhl_!a than da. coating calender may can trang, may
nho dl_!ng bang tu, cat xet bang tu.
coarse th6; hi:it to; chua tinh che; chua coated book paper giay in sach c6 can thanh tam mong cao SU.
CNC (computerized numerical top trang phu.
gia cOng. coating machine may lang bong,
control) kh6ng che s6 hoa may tfnh
coarse detail chi tiet Hing thu thO. coated both sides trang phu hai mi"!-t. may tning phu.
di~n tu.
coating material
coco(a)nut oil

coating material nguyen Ii¢u dung cobalt ultramarine xanh coban. coeffcient of corrosion h¢ so an mon.
coco(a)nut oil dau dua.
lam mang phu.
cobalt yellow vang coban, kali coban code ma hi¢u, ky hi¢u, ma hoa, bf s6 coefficient of diffusion h? s6 khuech tan.
coating of rolls vo can tn;c. nitrit, K 3Co(N02) 6•
(con s6 thay ten ngubi hay dcm vi). coeffcient of dilution h~ so pha
coating resin nh!Ja vec ni, nh!Ja IAc cobalt zincate ll;IC coban. loang. .,,
code efficiency hi¢u suat ma hoa.
!rang phu.
cobaltic (thu¢c) coban (III). coeffcient of efficiency hi¢u suat.
code key khoa ma.
coating solution dung djch trang phu.
cobaltic compound h<;ip chllt coban coeffcient of elasticity h? s6 dan Mi,
code level dp ma hoa.
coating speed toe de) tning phu. (III). h¢ so co dan.
code number (CODEN) s6 ma hoa coeffcient of expansion h¢ so dan no.
coating thickness d¢ day I6p trang phu.
cobaltic salt muoi coban (III). kyh~.
coating time thbi gian trang phu. coeffcient of extension h¢ so du6i, h¢
cobaltous (thu¢c) coban (II). code page trang ma hoa. so dan. ·
coating trough dao g~t mang keo code-converter may djch ma.
!rang phu.
cobaltous compound h<;ip cha't coban coeffcient of hardness M s6 cung.
(II). coded character ky hi¢u chu ma hoa.
coating type d~g hay kieu phu mang. coeffcient of heat conductivity h~ s6
cochineal canh kien do. coded character set t~p ky hi¢u ma din nhi¢t.
coating with aluminium S!J phu nhom.
cock van xoay tron. hoa. coeffcient of heat transfer h¢ so
coaxial cable day cap di¢n d6ng tn;1c. coded command chi 1¢nh ma hoa. truyfo nhi¢t.
cock-up initial chu cai khai dau co
cobalt coban, Co. coded font kho chu ma hoa. coeffcient of hydration h¢ s6 hidnit hoa.
cobalt black den coban, coban oxit CoO. coded image h1nh anh ma hoa. coeffcient of linear expasion h¢ so
cock-up letter chii' tieu de Ion (sip
dan dai.
cobalt bloom coban asenat, chu), trong chucmg, tiet sAp chu ca Ion. coded set t~p ma hoa.
CoiAs04)i. 8Hp. coeffcient of loses h? so t6n that
cocking punch stta ban in lorn dung coden ma hoa ky hi:_ln.
cobalt blue xanh coban. coeffcient of magnification h¢ so
dl;lng Cl;I d¢t. coder may ma hoa. ph6ng d~i.
cobalt chloride coban clorua.
cockle vet nhan, vet nhau [gia'y in]. codetramslator may djch ma. coeffcient of oxidation he so oxi hoa.
cobalt crust coban arsenat,
Co3 (As04)i. 8Hp. cockling vet nhan (giay in), sv nhan codex ban thao viet tay kinh ditfo c6 di:_\i. coeffcient of polymerization h¢ so
giay (nguyen nhan gay nen hi¢n trung h<;ip.
cobalt drier cha't lam khO coban, vi coding ma hoa.
mc;mg nhan gilfy Ia do nhi¢t d¢ va ct¢
dl;I coban naphtenat. coeffcient of pressure h? soap l!Jc.
am khOng khi trong mOi tntbng bao coding sheet giay trmh llJ [may tfnh].
cobalt glass thuy tinh coban. quan va SU dl;lng gia'y). coeffcient of reduction h¢ s6 rut g<;>n,
cods vien bi mai ban in.
thu nho.
cobalt green ll;IC coban. cockroach sAp chii' ban in toan b¢ co coeffcient h¢ s6.
coeffcient of refraction h¢ so khuc x~.
cobalt naphthenate coban naphtenat. ·uh6.
coetTcient of absorption h¢ s6 hap thl;J.
coeffcient of roughness h? s6 g6 ghe,
cobalt powder b¢t coban. coco (a)nut charcoal than s9 du-a.
coetTcient of compressibility h¢ s6 nen. h? so rap, h¢ s6 nham.
coeffcient of resistance cold pressed finish

coeffcient of resistance h¢ s6 tro cold bleaching tdy tdng ngu(>i (san cold pressed finish trang trf hoa van cold-colour printing in tren m~t kfnh
khang. xuat giay). ep ngu¢i. ho~c m~t su.
coeffcient of safety h¢ so an toan. cold blocking ep in ngu(>i kh6ng cold pressing sl! ep ngu¢i. cold-set ink ml!c in kM lil.nh.
coeffcient of thermal expansion h¢ dung nhi¢t. cold storage s\! bao quan lil.nh.
cold process phl!cmg phap lil.nh,
s6 na nhi¢t. cold colour mau lil.nh. phucmg phap nhi¢t d¢ thap. cold storage room bu6ng lil.nh.
coeffcient of viscosity h¢ s6 nhot. cold composition sap chu cht,1p, sil.p cold rolled steel thep u6n tron ngu¢i. cold test phep thli d6ng.
cohere ket hqp. chu lil.nh.
cold rolling u6n tron ngu¢i. cold test oil dau chju lil.nh.
coherence Sl! ket hqp. cold curing sl! hoa ril.n ngu¢i.
cold seal gan kfn ep ngu¢i. collaborator ngl!oi c¢ng tac bien t~p.
coherent ket hqp. cold drawn round steel thep u6n
cold-set ink ml!c in kh6 lil.nh, m\!c in collage ghep dan hlnh anh.
tron ngu¢i.
coherent light anh sang tl!cmg hqp. kM anhi¢t d¢ phong.
cold drying sl! lam kh6 lil.nh (sl! lam collagen colagen.
cohesidle c6 ke't dl!qc, c6 kha nang c6 cold setting sap chu lil.nh, sil.p chu cht,1p.
kh6 bang chat hut nl!oc); Sl! lam kh6 collapsible 6ng mem.
ket, ket dfnh dl!qc.
thang hoa. cold soldering han ngu¢i.
cohesion sl! c6 ket, sl! ket dfnh. collapsible shaft trt,1c bien tam, trt,1c
cold embossing ep in ngu(>i kh6ng cold stamping in dau ngu9i. 1¢ch tam.
cohesive force ll!c ket dfnh, ll!c c6 ket. dung nhi¢t. cold top men lil.nh [dung cho phoi collapsible tube printing in 6ng
cohesive pressure ap suat ket dfnh, cold enamel men lil.nh [phl!cmg phap ban anh d6ng, kem]. mem.
kha nang c6 kct. phoi ban kem ban d6ng dung dung cold top process phl!cmg phap men lil.nh. collar vong chan, vong.
cohesiveness kha nang ket dfnh, kha djch cam quang canh kien do-amon
bicromat]. cold type s.ip chu lil.nh, sap chu cht,1p. collar with tape pin hole vong cMn
nang co ket.
cold enamel process phucmg phap cold type composition (CTS) sil.p chu c6 ch6t hlnh n6n.
coil 6ng xoan, ong ru¢t ga.
men lil.nh. · lil.nh, sap chu chl_lp. collate bat tay sach, kiim tra ban m!u.
coil binding d6ng sach xoan ru(>t ga.
cold flame ng<;>n Ifra liJ.nh. cold type system h¢ thong sap chu collating belt tay sach, kiem tra mfo.
coiled pipe 6ng xoan, ong ru¢t ga. lil.nh, h¢ th6ng sap chu cht,1p.
cold flow tfnh chat ngu¢i; sl! bien dil.llg collating machine may bat tay sach.
coiler 6ng xoan, 6ng ru¢t ga. deo ngu(>i; giay in bj fil.ll do lil.nh. cold typesetting sil.p chu lil.nh, sap
collating machine for printed forms
coiling (slJ) cuon xofo. chucht,1p.
cold glue keo lil.nh. may bat J6ng to in bieu mau.
coke (than) c6c. cold-cathode gas diode den diot khf
cold light sl! phat sang huynh quang. collating mark dau gap.
am c\!c ngu¢i.
coke black den than. cold mixing slJ tr(>n lil.nh. collating table ban bat tay sach.
cold-cathode lamp den am cl!c
COL (composition languge) ng6n cold moulding sl! due ngu¢i. ngu9i. collation kiem tra, soat liJ.i, kiem tra
ngu sap chu. dong sach.
cold polymerisation sl! trung hqp cold-cathode light source ngu6n
cold air blast th6i gi6 mat lil.nh. ngu(>i, sl! polime hoa ngu9i. sang den am c\!c ngu¢i. collator may bat tay sach.

134 135
collect collodial state

collect t6ng hgp. collodion stripping b6c mang collodial state tr~ng thai keo. color adaptation slJ thfch ung mau.
collect run thao tac bat tay sach bang coiodion (ch1.,1p anh Che ban kfnh Uat).
collodial system h¢ keo. color advertisement quang cao mau sac.
chuyen. collodion-bromide of silver
collosol dung djch keo. color analysis phan tfch mau sic.
collected edition thong nMt ban sach. emulsion nhu tuong bl1,c-bromua
colodion. collotype ban colotip, ban in kfnh, an color balance can bing mau sac. .
collected works van tuyen, van t~p. phAm ban colotip. color bar thang mau, dai mau siic
collodionize xu ly keo colodion.
collecting bat tay sach. collotype gelatine gielatin colotip. tieu chuan dung trong ghi hlnh quet
collecting cylinder tn;1c bat tay sach, collodiotype each thac che ban kfnh mau va in ch6ng mau.
collotype printing in ban colotip, in
tr1.,1c nh~n gap tay sach. uat colodion.
tren kfnh. color batch bang phan do~ mau
collecting drum 1n;1c n.h~ to gap tay sach. collography phuong phap che ban trong che ban va in mau.
collotype printing frame may
kfnh uat colodion. color bath dung djch n.hu¢m mau
collecting of lint b¢t giay tfch 11.,1. (khu6n) in colotip, may in tren kfnh.
collogen colagen. hi¢n anh.
collecting type kiem ch(i'. collotype printing ink m1Jc in ban
colloid chat keo, coloft. colotip, ml;l'c in tren kfn.h. color black mau den, ten g9i chung
collective work sang tac t~p the. nhiing chat c6 mau den cua than.
collet 6ng n6i ghep. colloid bearer chat mang keo. collotype printing machine may in
color blending hon hgp mau.
ban colotip, may in tren kfnh.
collimated light anh sang song song, colloid chemistry hoa h9c chat keo.
color blind film phim mu mau sic,
b1nh hanh. collotype process phuong phap che
colloid coagulation SI! keo t1.,1. phim cam quang mau xanh.
ban ban in colotip.
collimator 6ng chulin tn,rc.
colloid mill c6i xay keo. color blindness mu mau sic.
colon dau hai cham": ".
collodion colodion.
colloid particle hl1,t keo. color boost SIJ tang cao mau.
colon alignment tab ky hi¢u xep chi!
collodion dry plate ban col6dion k.ho. color break-up phan giai mau, phan
colloid transfer. in truyen coloit. thing hang.
collodion emulsion nhu tuang colophon ky hi¢u ban sach, kf hi¢u tfch mau.
colodion. collodial (thu¢c) the keo.
trang ban quyen, !ht.rang hi¢u nha color calibration hi¢u chinh mau siic.
collodion film phim colodion. collodial carbon m6 hong. xuat ban l6g0.
color camera may ch1.,1p anh tach anh
collodion iodizer dung djch iodua collodial dispersion SI! phAn tan keo. colophonium tung ht.rang, nh1Ja sang mau.
colodion. collodial movement chuyen d¢ng keo. color cast thiet ke mau sic, mau thien
colophony tung ht.rang, nhlJa thong. ve m9t ben.
collodion negative phim am ban collodial precipitation SIJ ket tua keo.
colodion. color mau, s&c t6; thu¢c mau; nhu¢m mau. color characteristic d~c tfn.h mau siic.
collodial silica keo thl1,ch an.h.
collodion paper giay colodion. color aberration slJ sai mau. color characteristic curve duong
collodial silver b<1,c coloit. color absorber kfnh !9c sac, chat hap cong d~c tinh mau sac.
collodion process phuang phap ch1.,1p
anh kfn.h Uat colodion. collodial solution dung djch keo. th1.,1 mau. color chart bieu d6 mau sac.

136 137
color diffusion
color chip

color diffusion st;r khuyech tan mau. color gloss mau anh bong.
color chip the mau sac, sach mau color control patch sac tieu, dai mau
tieu chuan dung de kiem tra mau. color display st;r hi¢n thi mau.
color Graphics Adapter (CGA) may
mau sac. hi¢n thi CGA, may ph6i t<!,O hlnh anh
color circle vong (tron) mau, (Stf hon color control strip thang khong che color dupe san pha'.m ph1,1c che mau. mau.
hqp mau). mau sac.
color duplication st;r ph1,1c che nhlln color gravure ban in lorn ch1,1p mau.
color coder thiet bi so sanh mau. color control unit thiet bi kh6ng che
ban mau. color guide thang kh6ng che mau, sac
mau sac.
color collotype ban colotip mau. color dynamics S\f dieu phoi mau. tieu, thang chi dfin khi che ban in mau.
color conversion filter kfnh l9c sac
color combination st;r ph6i hqp mau, color harmony st;r hai hoa mau slic.
chuyin d6i mau. color effect hi¢u (rng mau.
St! dieu hqp mau, Slf hon hqp mau. color hex hinh mau sau qnh, hinh
color coordinate to<!, d¢ mau. color Electric Prepress system h¢
color comparator thiet bi so sanh mau. mau I1,1c giac.
color copier may sao ch1,1p mau. th6ng truoc in (di¢n tu) mau sac.
color compensating filter kfnh color illustration tranh anh ph1,1 ban mau.
(phim) l9c sac bu mau, kfnh (phim) color copy ban mau mau phan Xi!,. color electrography thu~t ch1,1p anh
color image capture (CIC) st;r thu
l9c sac b6 chinh mau. color correcting mask ban che sira mau. tinh di¢n mau sac. th~p tranh anh mau.
color compensation st;r bu mau, st;r b6 color error (st;r) sai mau.
color correction st;r sira mau, st;r hi¢u color ink mt;rc in mau.
chfnh mau.
chinh mau. color fastness tmh ben mau, d¢ ben mau. color intensity d¢ sang mau slic.
color complementary mau b6 sung,
color correction apparatus thiet bi color fidelity d¢ trung tht;rc mau. color laser printer may in lade mau.
mau bu.
hi¢u chinh mau.
color component sac t6 trong dung color film phim mau. color leaf to rai (in) mau.
dich hi¢n anh phim mau, thanh phfu color correction mask ban che sira mau.
color filter kfnh l9c mau. color light anh sang mau.
chat mau. color corrector thiet bi hi¢u chinh mau.
color lighting st;r chieu sang mau.
color computer may tfnh hi¢u chinh mau. color coupler chit ghep hqp thanh mau. color fog mau sac mo xam (lam hinh
anh kh6ng ro slic net). color lithograph in Ii-t6 mau.
color computer graphic system he color coupling development hi¢n
th6ng d6 ho<!, may tinh mau. color foil printing in mang mong mau. color lithography san pha'.m in Ii-t6
anh (ghep hgp) mau.
mau, thu~t in li-t6 mau.
color conditioning st;r dieu ph6i mau color desitometer m~t d¢ ke mau. color forme ban in mau, khu6n in mau.
sac, Slf dieu hoa mau sac. color lock-up table bieu (bang) d6i
color density m~t d¢ mau. color former ch!lt ghep hgp thanh mau. chieu mau.
color cosistency tmh nhllt trf ph1,1c
color developer dung dich hi¢n anh color gamut ph<!-m vi hi¢n ro mau, color management quan ly mau slic.
che mau sac.
phim mau. day hi¢n mau. color management system (CMS)
color constancy tfnh 6n djnh mau,
hi¢n tuc;mg khong d6i mau. color development hi~n anh mau. h¢ th6ng quan ly mau slic.
color gamut calibration tieu chuan
color constant hfulg s6 sac d¢, khong color difference SI! sai khac mau. ph<!,m vi hi¢n mau. color mask ban che mau sac.
d6i sac d¢. color difference meter may do st;r sai color glass filter kfnh l9c mau. color masking ban che mau slic.
color contrast st;r tmmg phan mau. khac mau.
color masking computer color process

color masking computer may tfnh color paper composition blnh ghep color process in cM ban mau; I6ng mau. color reversal film phim dao nguqc
hi¢u chinh mau sk trang (in) mau. color process work c6ng vi¢c ph1,1c mau, phim chuyen nghich mau.
color match pha mau, ph6i mau. color palette bang mau, ban de pha che ban ch1,1p anh mau. color saturation S1.J no mau-;--SlJ bao
tr<)n mau. color progressive proof in tht'.r phan mau. hoa mau. '
color matching pha che mau, ph6i mau.
color patch dii mau tieu chuan, sik tieu. color proof in thtr mau, to in thtr mau. color scale thang mau.
color matching system h¢ th6ng ph6i mau.
color perception (slJ) man cam mau. color proof press may in tht'.r mau. color scanner may phAn mau di¢n tu,
color materials tai li¢u cam quang
mau. color photography thu~t ch1,1p anh may quet mau di¢n tu.
color proofer may in thu mau.
mau, thu~t nhiep anh mau. color science khoa h9c (ve) mau sac.
color measuring and testing color pulls in tht'.r phAn mau.
equipment thiet bi thu nghi¢m va do color photogravure ban ch1,1p anh color screen process phuang phap in
mau. mau in lorn. color purity d¢ s~ch mau, de) tinh
luai mau.
khiet mau, d¢ thuan khiet mau.
color measuring system h¢ thong do color photometex quang ke mau, color sensation SlJ nh~y (cam) mau.
mau. may trik quang. color quality pham chat mau, sac ti.tang.
color sensibility tfnh nh~y (cam) mau.
color microfiche vi phim mau. color photomicrograph ch1,1p anh color reaction phan ung hi¢n mau.
mau vi phim, nhiep anh mau vi phim. color sensitive curve duong cong
color mixing SlJ h6n hgp mau. color reagent chat tht'.r hi¢n mau.
color picture image anh mau ky . nh~y (cam) mau.
color mixture h6n hgp mau. color record negative phim Am ban
thu~t s6. tach mau. color sensitive emulsion nhu tuang
color monitor thiet bi kh6ng che mau. color plate ban in mau. nh~y (cam) mau.
color register 16ng mau, thiet bi (in)
color montage blnh ghep ban mau mau. color plate cylinder tr1,1c ban in mau. 16ng mau, thiet bi ghi mau. color sensitiveness tfnh nh~y (cam)
color motif ho~ tiet hay hoa vAn trang mau.
color positive duang ban mau. color registration SlJ Jong mau, SlJ
trf mau. ghi mau. color sensitivity tfnh nh~y (cam) mau.
color positive film phim duang ban mau.
color negative ban mfo Am ban mau, color relief phu dieu mau. color sensitization SlJ tang nh~y
phim Am ban mau. color potential tiem an mau. (cam) mau.
color removing mask ban che giam mau.
color negative film phim am ban mau. color prepress work c6ng vi¢c truac cqlor sensitizer chat tang nh~y (cam) mau.
inmau. color rendering hoan nguyen mau
color negative separation phuang sac, tai hi¢n mau sk color separation S1.J phan mau, tach
phap tach mau tr1.Jc tiep phim Am ban color print phim in mau, in mau, san
mau. pham in mau. color rendition hoan nguyen mau
sac, tai hi¢n mau sik, tinh hi¢n mau sac. color separation enlarger may
color notation ky hi¢u mau. color printer ban mau sac, may in mau.
color reproduction ph1,1c che mau. ph6ng d~i phan mau, may ph6ng d~i
color original ban mau mau, ban mau color printing in mau. tach mau.
mau thien nhien. color printing machine may in mau. color retoucher c6ng nhan sua ban mau.
color separation equipment thiet bj
color overlay mang phu trong su6t mau. color probe Jay mfo mau. color retouching sua ph1,1c che mau. phAn mau, thiet bj tach mau.

140 141
color separation film color vision

color separation film phim phan color standard tieu chuAn mau, ph6 color vision thi giac mau. colored book cover paper giay Jam
mau/tach mau. mau. bla sach c6 nhu<)m mau.
color wedge thang mau.
color separation filter kinh (phim) color stations day mau, lo~t mau. color work tai li¢u in mau. in mau. colored carbon ink mlfc sao ch1;1p c6
l9c siic phan mau/tach mau. mau.
color stimulus Slf kfch thfch mau. color-blind emulsion chat nhil ttr<1ng
color separation negative phim am mu mau (phim). chat nhu tu<1ng nh~y colored coupler chat ghep hqp thanh
color strenght cubng de) mau.
ban phan mau/tach mau. cam mau xanh. mau.
color strip dai mau, sac tieu.
color separation photography ch1;1p color-Calibration Slf chulln hoa mau. colored edge mep c~nh sach nhu<)m
anh phlln mau/tach mau. color subject ban miu mau. mau, mep c~nh sach phet mau.
color-compensation filter kinh
color separation plate ban phan color supplement ph1;1 tnt<1ng mau. (phim) b6 chfnh mau. colored foil mang mong c6 mau, giay
mau/tach mau. kim lo~i mong c6 mau.
color swatch to in thu mau, ~P in thti color-correction Slf hi¢u chinh mau.
color separation positive phim mau. colored paper giay mau.
color-correction Slf hi¢u chinh mau.
d11<1ng ban phan mau/tach mau.
color system h¢ mau, bang ph6i mau, color-correction software pMn mem colored plate ban (in) mau.
color separation process phtr<1ng h¢ th6ng pha mau. hi¢u chinh mau. colored print tai li¢u in stia mau
phap phan mau/tach mau. color table bang mau. color-etcher cOng nhan stia ban mau bang tay.
color sequence thu tl! (in) long mau. color temperature nhi¢t de) mau. (giam mong, tra day mau). colored printing paper giay in c6
color shade de) d~m nh~t mau sac, color temperature meter may do color-forming coupler chat ghep hqp mau.
sic di¢u. nhi¢t de) mau. thanh mau.
colored wood black printing in mau
color shift (Slf} chuyen di mau. color testing machine may trac color-microfilm vi phim mau. ntroc ban khac go.
color similarity d¢ tuang llf mau sk nghi¢m mau. color-rendering dictionary (CRD) colorimeter sac ke, sac de) ke.
color simulation device thiet bj hi¢n color theory Jy thuyet mau. tu dien li¢t ke tai hi¢n mau. colorimetric density m~t de) mau, so
thj tltO"ng tlf mau sac. color-sensitive (thu¢c) nh~y (cam) mau. sanh m~t de) mau.
color thermal transfer printer may
color slide phim ao dang mau, phim danh chu truyln nhi¢t mau. color-separated copy ban miu phan colorimetric purity d¢ thuan khiet
den chieu mau. mau/tach mau. mau, so sanh d¢ thurui khiet mau.
color tone sac di¢u, tong mau.
color solid h1nh miiu l~p the mau, color-wash mau b~c. quet mau, rtia colorimetric scale thang de) mau.
color transparency ban miiu mau mau.
mau nen ~t. trong suot. colorimety phep so mau, trac nghi¢m
color space khOng gian mau. colorant thu6c nhu<)m, chat mau, b¢t
color triade ba mau, t6 hqp ba mau. mau.
de) mau.
color specimen ban miiu mau mlfc. color triangle tam giac ba mau co ban. coloring nhu¢m mau, nh~n mau, to
coloration nhu<)m mau, tO mau, phet
color spectrum ph6 mau. mau. mau.
color under gilt mau vang thiep c:;mh
color stability tfnh 6n djnh mau, d¢ bien. colored board bla day c6 mau, cac- coloring matter chat mau.
ben mau. color value chi s6 mau. tOng mau. coloring power Ive tO mau.

142 143
colorless coupler combined board

colorless coupler chat v6 sic hgp coma hlnh tugng sai khac, hlnh tugng ' combined board cac tong nhieu lap. commence quote lai diin ma dau.
thanh mau. bien d~ng.
combined bukJe and knife folder may commencing issue s6 bao ~p chi ban ra.
Color Sync ky thu~t quan ly mau comb edges luge chai c~nh. gap hon hgp dao va rao chan song. ,/
comment lai blnh chu, chu giai.
dong b¢ mau sic (c6ng ty Sync). comb out gi!y bj quan g~n phkg. combined exposure chieu sang h8n hqp.
comment on a text chu thich ban van.
columbian chfr rai 16 phan in.
comb pattern luge chai hoa van. combined plate ban in h8n hgp (c6
comment statement chu thich cau chfr.
columbier kfch thuoc ta giay 23 x 24 anh., nen va chfr).
comber trt,tc phlln tach gilly, may tach
tac Anh. commentary blnh lui_l.n, chu thfch,
giay. combined positive print cu<)n phim
ban giai thich.
column c¢t (bao), m9c (bao). in vua c6 hlnh anh vua c6 Am thanh.
comber separator may pha.n tach
commercial A ky hi¢u "@".
column die-cutting machine may dt gilly trt,tc 6ng. combined printing in h6n hgp (chi
khu6n r~p hang c¢t. dung cho m¢t vai phucmg phap in). commercial artist ngtrai thiet ke
combination ban hOn hgp tram va net.
quang cao.
column galley khay dai thg in dung combing separator tn,1c tach, phlln gi11y.
combination board cac tong nhieu lop.
de sip chfr truoc khi thanh trang in. commercial designer nguai thiet ke
combing wheel trt,tc Ian tach, phlln giay.
combination boarder hon hgp hoa quang cao.
column inch kfch thuoc c(>t bao khi come out xuat ban.
van ngoai bien. commercial directory danh ml.Jc
dang quang cao tren sach bao.
combination copy ban mau h6n hgp. come out of its binding sach d6ng bi hang cong thucmg.
column number s6 trang. bong [dong sach].
combination cut tranh anh hon hqp commercial form bieu mau thuong m~.
column picture hlnh ve trong c¢t.
(tram va net anh pht,t trucmg). come out on time xuat ban djnh ky.
commercial letter kfch thuoc ta gi!y
column rule duang ke c¢t phan each comet vet x9c d~ng anh sao (st_! co in 11 x 17 tac Anh.
combination engraving che ban hon
gifra hai c¢t bao, mt,tc bao. lorn).
hgp tram va net. commercial post kfch thuac ta giay
column slab duang ke th6 va ngfo. comic inks mt_!c in mau gilly bao. 11 x 17 t!c Anh.
combination halftone ban in cao hOn
column strength cuang d¢ ngit hgp tram va net. comic paper ho~ bao hai huoc. Commercial Press hi¢u sach thuang
do~n. m;,ti, An thu quan thuang vy.
combination of lens thau kinh h¢ hOn comics tranh lien hoan hai huoc.
column type enlarge may ph6ng d~i hgp (thau kfnh h<)i tt,t va phAn ky). commercial printer c6ng nhan sip
kieu dung. comma dau phay (,).
combination plate ban in hOn hqp chfr san pham in nho.
columnar (thu()c) sip chfr thanh c¢t, tram va net. comma alignment d!u phay thkg hang.
commercial printing in thuang m~i.
in thanh c()t. command m¢nh 1¢nh, chi 1¢nh.
combination printing in hon hgp (chi commercial publisher nha xuat ban
columns pha.n c<)t sil:p chfr in sach. .dung cho m¢t vai phuung phap in). command key khoa m¢nh 1¢nh. thucmg m<;1-i.
COM (computer output microfilm) combination stripping blnh ghep command line dong m¢nh 1¢nh [may commercial sign ky hi¢u dung trong
may tinh xullt ra cu<)n vi phim. h8n hgp. tfnh). thucmg m~i.

144 145
commercial tissue

commercial tissue giay bao g6i comp cong nh!n sap chiI. compensator thiet bj b6 chfnh. complicated or irregular pagination
thucmg pham.
compact disk (CD dia quang, dia compilation bien t!).p bien so,!.n.
danh so trang kMng theo tieu chuan
commercial book sach tac gia tl,l' bo compac. trang, each do1,1n s6 trang.
tifo chi phf xuat ban. compilation of reference materials
Compact Disk Read Only Memory complicated setting sap chfr phuc t1,1p._. :"
common foolscap paper giay viet so1,1n thao tu Ji¢u tham khao.
dia quang chi dung de d9c. complimentary copy sach t~ng bieu.
cap thap. compilation of terms SO,!.n thao thu!).t
compact edition sach in kh6 nho. ngu hay tu vlJilg. COmpo Cong nht!.n sap chfr.
common impression cylinder lo,!.i
trl_lc 6ng in chung. companionship tfnh d6ng d¢i trong compilator nguoi bien t!).p. component thanh phan, hqp phan,
common impression cylinder press
c6ng vi¢c cua c6ng nhan. cau tu.
compile bien djch, bien so,!.n.
may in d,!.ng v¢ tinh c6 chung m¢t comparing d9c sua I6i. compose sap ban in, siip chfr, tac
trl_lc 6ng ep in. compile and print bien SO,!.ll va in.
compatibility tlnh tr<!-ng tuong thich, khuc (am nh,!.c).
common maks and symbol ky hi¢u compiler bien djch, trlnh tl,l' bien
tuong hqp. compose page on page sap ban trang
thttong dung. so,!.n, nguoi bien t!).p.
compatible tuong hqp. sach theo nguyen mii.u.
common picture sach d9c so cap. compiler language ng6n ngu bien SO,!.ll.
compendium ban trfch yeu, ban tom tfil. composed matter bat chfr sap t6t.
common software phan mem tMng complementary colour mau bu, mau
dl_lng. compensate s1.,1 bu, s1.,1 b6 chinh. ctia anh sang khi ket hqp v6'i m¢t anh composed page m~t trang phuc hqp.

common title ten sach chung. sang nao d6 l,!-0 thanh anh sang trang composer may phoi ban Jien tl_lC,
compensating developer dung djch
(vf dl_l: anh sang xanh Jam v6'i anh nguoi sang tac ca khuc.
common-use sizes kfch thtt6'c th6ng hi¢n b6 chfnh.
sang vang).
dl_lng (giay in). composing sap chfr, sap ban in.
compensating filter kfnh (phim) I9c
complete case h¢p chu day du chfr
communication control unit thiet bi sac b6 chfnh. composing department phan xucrng
hoa va chfr thuang.
khong che thong tin. sap chfr.
compensating mask ban che b6 complete collection toan t!).p, thu th!).p
communication protocol nghj djnh chfnh. composing frame khung gia sap chfr.
toan b¢ van ki¢n.
thu th6ng tan [may tfnh], hi¢p nghj
th6ng tan. compensating stacker may xep complete work toan t!).p. composing machine may sap chfr,
ch6ng giay d,!.llg b6 chfnh. may sap due chfr.
communique cong bao. Complex Instruction Set Computer
compensation s1.,1 bu, s1.,1 b6 chfnh. (CISC) h¢ th6ng may tfnh chi 1¢nh
composing machine matrix khuon
community paper giay bao tfnh dja chfr may due chfr, dong m6 may due
phuong. compensation guards thanh d¢m. phuc t,!.p.
commutator d6ng ma giao hoan, compensation of parallax Sl,l' b6 complex of binding machine may
composing materials tai li¢u sap ban in.
thiet bj giao hoan. chfnh thj sai. dong sach lien hqp.
c~mplex pagination danh s6 trang
composing rack gia sap chfr.
commutator motor d¢ng co di¢n compensation roller tfl_lc dieu tiet
chinh luu. J6ng chuAn. hon hqp. composing room phan xuang sap chfr.
composing rule compound indicator

composing rule quy djnh hrqng xep composition house C6ng ty sap chil. compound indicator chi thi mau Mn compression deformation SI! bien
chii', duong ke chl. dii.ng nen.
composition language ng6n ngii sap h<JP·
composing stand gia xep chii'. chii ban in. compound lens thau kfnh phuc hqp. compression method phll'ang phap nen.

composing stick xep chii bang tay. composition of type metal thanh compound substance chat hon hqp. compression moulding khuon nea,
phan hqp kim chii roi. thanh hlnh nen.
composing type-writter danh chii' compress nen, ep.
tren may sap chii. composition roller trl,lc 16 keo, tn;1c compression nipple num hut va nha
16 mvc gielatin. compressed air kh6ng khf nen. giay.
composite chat phi.IC hqp, hon hqp,
composition room phan xubng sap compressed disk file dia tu nen ep compression pump barn nen.
yeu to hlnh thanh anh (xtr ly anh).
chii. cac t¢p [dii li¢u hay tu li¢u trong may
composite authors t~p the tac gia. compression ratio d(> nen.
composition varnish chat lien ket, compression resistance tfnh nang
composite authorship t~p the tac gia. hon hqp vec ni. compressed encoding ma hoa nen ep.
chong ep nen.
composite block ban in cao hon hqp compositor cong nhan sap chii, may compressed gas khf nen. compression rigidity d(> cung nen ep.
net va tram. sap chii. compressed pattern storage hru trfr compression set dieu chinh luqng
composite font khu6n chii phuc hqp. compositor's desk ban xep chii. nen ep khuOn chfr. nen ep.
composite picture buc anh ghep hqp compositor's stick sap chii bang tay. compressed-air hose 6ng nen ep compression space khOng gian nen.
thanh. khong khf.
compound dau pha mvc; chat tang d¢ compression strength d(> ben nen, d(>
composite volume d6ng sach gom dfnh va giam d9 dfnh mlJC in; S\! hoa compressibility tfnh nen duqc, d(> chju nen.
nhieu tAp. hqp; Sl,I' tr¢n Ian; Sl,I' hon hqp; h6n hqp; nen duqc.
thanh phan.
compression test phep thu (d(> ben) nen.
composite works t6ng t~p tu li¢u ciia compressibility pactor h¢ so nen.
nhieu tac gia.
compression testing machine may
compound colour mau h6n hqp. compressible nen duqc, kha nang thtr (d¢ ben) nen.
composition sap chii, sap ban in, sang compound compression SI! nen chju nen. compression wood g6 nen, g6 ep.
tac ca khuc. nhieu nae. compressible blanket tam cao su compressive nen dugc.
composition and make-up termial compound compressor may nen chju nen.
(CAM) xep chii, blnh ban tu dau den compressive strength cucmg d9 ben ep.
nhieu nic. compressible press packing d¢m I6t
CUOi [sap Chl,lp]. compressive stress ung ll,l'c ho~c
compound department phan xuang chju nen.
composition and make-up (CAM) cuong ll,l'c nen ep.
pha tr(>n. compressing machine may nen.
thiet bj bm.h ban tren may tfnh di¢n tl!. compressor may nen kh6ng khf, may
compound ether ete hon ~p.
compression nen, Iuc chiu nen nen epkhf.
composition font m9t b(> chii roi dii li¢u. · · '
. compound gauge ap ke chan kh6ng.
n~ng 14 bang Anh, My (1 bang = compressor lubricant dau boi tran
453,59g). compound glass thuy tinh nhieu lop. compression coefficient 11¢ so nen. may nen.
compressor oil computer system

compressor oil dau may nen. computer interface unit thiet bj giao computer system h¢ thong may tfnh. computerized phototypesetting may
di¢n may tfnh. tinh khong che sap chfr Chl;Jp.
comprint ban in rieng. computer typesetting sap chfr may tfuh.
computer language ngOn ngu may tfnh. computerized process camera may
compulsory copy sach mau. computer-aided may tfnh b6 trc;,.
tfnh kh6ng che cheban may chl_lp. .
computer language symbol ky hi¢u computer-aided composition may
compute tfnh toan. computerized typesetting may tfnh
ngOn ngfr may tfnh. tfnh b6 tr<;1 sap chu.
computer may tfnh, may Mm. sap chu.
computer line printer may in chu computer-aided papge make-up computerized typesetting machine
computer activated typeset sap ch9p xuat dong cua may tfnh. may tfnh b6 trc;, thiet ke trang in. thiet bj sap chfr may tfnh.
chfr may tfnh di¢n tu. computer machine paper giay dung computer-aided phototypestting computerized typesetting system
computer aided design (CAD) may cho may tfnh. may tfnh b6 trc;, sap chfr ch9p. (CTS) h¢ thong sap chfr may tfnh.
tfnh di¢n tu b6 trc;, thiet ke. computer microfilm vi phim may computer-aided typesetting may computerized word processing may
computer aided manufacturing tfnh. tfnh sap chfr. tfnh xu Iy chu.
(CAM) may tfnh b6 trc;, san xuat. computer micrographics d6 ho~ vi computer-controlled concave lorn.
computer analog may tfnh mo phim may tfnh. photocomposition may tfnh kh6ng
che sap chu ch9p. concave lens thau kinh lorn.
phong, tlWng ll/. computer network m~g h.r6i may tfnh.
computer-set page may tfnh sap xe'p concavity tfnh lorn; d9 !om.
computer assisted instruction (CAI) computer network service djch Vl;J trang in. concavity factor h¢ s6 lorn.
may tfnh b6 trg dl;ly h9c. ml;lng Iuoi may tfnh.
computer-to-film may tfnh xuat tn,rc concavo-concave hai m~t !om.
computer assisted make-up may computer output printing may tfnh tiep ra phim.
tfnh b6 trc;, blnh ghep ban. xuat chfr in. concavo-convex lom-16i.
computer-to-paper may tfnh xuat
computer card the may tfnh. computer peripheral thiet bj ngo~i concentrate phlin co d~c; d~m d~c.
lfl!C tiep ra giay in.
computer composition sap chfr may vi may tfnh. concentrated co d~c; d~m d~c.
computer-to-plate may tfnh che ban
tfnh. computer platform may tfuh ban phfulg. tfl!c tiep ban in. concentrated alum nhOm sunfat
computer control inker may tfnh computer printout may tfnh xuat computerized composition may tfnh Ali(S04)3.
khong che b9 ph~n cap ffil/C in. chfr in. sap chfr in. concentrated developer dung djch
computer digital may tfnh ky thu~t s6. computer printout paper giay dung computerized CRT phototypesetting hi¢n anh d~m d~c.
cho may tfnh xuat chfr in. may tfnh sap chii in d~g 6ng tia am concentrated drier chl:l'.t lam kM
computer form press may tfnh dung
CI/C. chua mangan-chl.
cho may in biiu mau, bao bieu. computer program chucmg trlnh
may tfnh. computerized laser phototypesetting concentrated (gas) liquor dung djch
computer graphics may tfnh d6 h9a.
may tfnh sap chfr d~.ng tia Ia-de. amoniac d~m d~c (16-28%).
computer Input Microfilming may computer science khoa h9c may tfnh.
computerized numerical control concentrated solution dung djch
tfnh nh~p li~u nhiep anh vi phim. computer security tfuh an toan may tinh. kh6ng che ky thu~t s6 may tfnh hoa. d~m d~c.
150 151
concentrated sulfuric acid condensed phase

concentrated sulfuric acid axit condensation coefficient h¢ s6 condensed phase pha ngttng t9, condensite nh(!a phenolfomandehit.
sunfuric d~m dac. ngttng ty. tudng ngttng w. condition dieu ki¢n; ~g thai; dieu hoa.
concentration n6ng d<); SI! cO d~c; SI! condensation compound san pham coudensed polymer polyme ngung 19.
conditioner may dieu tie't kh6ng khf;
1uycfo ch9n. ngttng ty.
condensed steam hai ngttng 19. may hong gia'y.
concentrator may co; 1hi!t bj co; condensation heat nhi¢t ngttng t9. condensed system h¢ (th6ng) ngung ti,). conditioning (Stf) dieu hoa; dieu tiel
may ly tam.
condensation method phttang phap condensed text ban van thu hyp. khOng khf; hong giay.
concentric d6ng Ulm.
ngttng t9.
condensed type thlln chii' hyp. conditioning chamber phong dieu hoa.
concentric screen tram lrcm d6ng tam.
condensation point diem suang,
condenser b¢ ngttng 19; cai 19 di¢n; conditioning equipment may hong
concertina folding tay sach gap kieu diem ngttng t9.
cai 19 quang. gia'y.
s6 hay t~p lhtrong dung de ghi chep condensation polymer polyrne
cac khoan lhu chi. condenser lamp den t9 quang. conduct dttong truyen da.n; ong da.n;
ngttng 19.
concise dictionary ttr dien sue 1fch, condenser water nttoc ngung t9. 6ng n6i 16ng.
r5 rang, ngdn g911. condensation polymerization s(!
condenser-diffuser type enlarger may conduction Slf dan.
trung hqp ngttng t9.
conclusion k!1 Juiµ]. ph6ng d~ kieu ti,! quang khu!ch tan. conducting roller tr1:1c dAn gilfy.
condensation product san phAm
concurrent operation 1hao tac d6ng ngttng 19. condenser-type enlarger may ph6ng conduction of heat SI! dlin nhi¢t.
1Mi song song [may 1fnh]. d~i kieu 19 quang.
condensation pump barn chan khOng conductive ink m(!c dan di¢n.
concurrent processing xu ly d6ng condensing SI! ngung 19.
ngung 19.
thoi song song [may 1fnh). conductivity 1fnh dan di~n rieng; d¢
condensation reaction phan ung condensing agent chat lam ngung 19. diln di¢n rieng; M so truyen dii.n.
concurent reaction phan ung song
ngung 19. condensing apparatus thiet bj ngung ti,).
song, phan ung c~h lranh; phan ung conductivity tester dyng c9 do va
phy. condensation resin nhtfa ngttng 19. xac djnh h¢ s6 lruyen dan.
condensing equipment thiet bi
condensability lfnh ngung ty dttqc; condensation water nttoc ngttng 11,1 ngttng ty. conductometer dAn di¢n k!.
d¢ ngung 19. condensed (da) ngttng t9, than chii' condensing lens thau kfnh 19 quang. conductometric method phttang
condensable ngm1g ty dttqc. hyp, rut g9n, thu gQn.
condensing plant thiet bj ngttng t9. phap do d¢ diin di~n.
condensable gas khf ngttng t9 dttqc. condensed edition sach rut g911, ban
condensing rate t6c d<) ngung t9. conductometry phep do d¢ dan di¢n.
tom IA!, ban lttqc trfch.
condensate phan ngttng; phan h6i conductor bar thanh d!n.
lttu; ngttng l~l. condensed film mang ngttng 19. condensing surface be m~t ngttng 19.
condensing system h¢ th6ng ngung ti,). cone h1nh n6n.
condensate water ntt6c ngung ty. condensed grey scale thang xam 1hu
ngiin. condensing temperatur nhi¢1 d<) cone gear banh rAng h1nh n6n.
condensation SI! ngttng 1y, tac d9ng
ngung 19; tac dyng 19 hqp. condensed letter chu 1ha.n hyp. ngung ty. cone valve van h1nh n6n.

152 153
configuration contact frame

configuration cfo hlnh; hlnh dang; constant drying condition dieu kien contact frame khung phoi ban tiep container board h(>p d1J11g dung cac tong.
hlnh the; ket cau. lam khO khOng d6i. · xuc (ep hay c6ng-tac).
containers for ink thung dlJDg mi,rc in.
conformability tfnh nang thfch ung. constant load tai tr9ng kh6ng d6i. contact mask ban che tiep xuc (ep
contaminants chat nhiem ban. chilt 6
congelation SIJ d6ng, SIJ d6ng bang. constant pressure ap suilt khOng d6i. hay cong-tac).
contact negative ep hay c6ng-tac
congo red do c6ng go. constant proportion ty 1¢ kh6ng d6i. contaminate lam nhiem ban.
phim am ban.
conic section cac tiet di¢n hlnh n6n. constant shaft toed¢ tn:1c khOng d6i. contamination SJ! nhiem biln.
contact paper giay in anh tiep xuc
coniferous tree cay la kim. constant speed t6c de) khOng d6i. (ep hay cong tac). contamination precipitation si,r ket
conjugate focus tieu diem lien hc;,p. constant weight tr9ng h.rc;mg kh6ng d6i. contact positive ep hay cong-tac tua nhiem ban.
conjugate leaves trang (giify) hoa hc;,p. constituent cilu tu, thanh phAn. phim dttong ban. contamination tests phep thu d¢
contact print phoi in tiep xuc, ep hay nhiem bAn.
conjugated double bond n6i d6i lien constitution SIJ cau ti,to.
hqp (-c=c-c=c-). c6ng-tac phim tiep_xuc, ban ph9c che contemporary hi¢n d~i (the lo~i
constitutional formula c6ng thac in tiep xuc. sach).
connected dots diem tram n6i lien, cau ti,to.
diem tram d,,mg day xfch. contact printer may chl_lp in tiep xuc, contemporary type the lo~i sach
constitutional properties tfnh chilt may ep hay c6ng-tac phim.
connecting cable day cap n6i. hi¢n d~i.
cau t./,0.
contact printing in ep phim tiep xuc. content n(>i dung; ml_lc !9c; luc;mg
connection SIJ n6i. construction cau t~o.
contact sceen tram tiep xuc, tram chua, ham luc;mg.
connector cai noi. construction of inks cilu ~o cua mlJc in.
cOng-tac. content of text file n¢i dung the lo~i
conscious error sai !Am c6 y thuc. construction of paper cilu ~o cua giay. van ki¢n.
contact screen halftone process
consistence tfnh d~c; de) d~c; tfnh consumables hao phf v~t li¢u. phuong phap ch9p tram cong-tac. contents page m9c !9c cac trang sach.
d6ng; d(> d6ng; SI! vung chic; kien c6.
consumption SIJ tieu th9. contact size ca anh in to nho. context van canh.
consistency d(> quanh; tfnh quanh;
contact SIJ tiep XUC.
tfnh d~c; d(> d~c. contact substance chat tiep xuc; cMt continuous lien t9c.
contact amgle g6c tiep xuc. xuc tac.
consistency d(> quanh; tfnh quanh; continuous layer lop n6i tiep; lop ke
tfnh d~c; d(> d~c. contact colour separation SIJ phan contact surface be m~t tiep xuc. sat nhau.
mau tiep xuc (cong-tac).
consistency indicator quanh ke, may contact thermometer nhi¢t ke tiep xuc. continuous centrifuge may ly tam
do d(> quanh. contact copying slJ ph9c che tiep xuc lien tl_lc.
(c6ng-tac). contact time thoi gian tiep xuc.
consistometer quanh ke. continuous current dong lien t9c.
contact diapositive ep hay c6ng tac contacts sao, ep phim am ban ho~c
constancy tfnh khOng d6i; SIJ hen vung. phim duong ban. continuous diffusion si,r khuyech tan
phim dttcmg ban thau minh.
constant khOng d6i; bl:lt bien; hang s6. container blnh chua, h¢p hay thung lien tl_lc.
contact exposure chieu sang tiep xuc
constant difference hi¢u so khong d6i. (ep hay c6ng-tac). chua dlJDg V~t dii dong g6iSan. continuous driver may say lien t9c.

154 155
continuous energy spectrum continuous tone negative

continuous energy spectrum ph6 continuous form collator may bat continuous tone negative phim am contrast colour mau tttong phan,
nang hrqng lien tyc. tay sach bieu mAu da lien. ban rang thu lien tyc. mau phy.
continuous light absorption SI! hap continuous form gumming thiet bj bOi continuous tone original ban mau contrast control SI! khong che d(> tttang
thy anh sang lien tyc. keo bien lai, giay bien nh~ da lien. rang thu lien tyc. phan, SI! dieu chinh d(> tttong phan. , :'
continuous lubricating film mang continuous form paper giay dung in continuous tone photography cht.1p contrast developer dung djch hi¢n
b6i tron lien tyc. bieu mau thtrang nghi¢p da lien. anh d¢ tttong phan cao, dung djch
anh tang thu lien tyc.
continuous lubrication SI! boi tron continuous form press may in bieu hi¢n anh tang thu cung.
continuous tone positive phim
lien rye. mau lien tyc. dtrong ban tfog thU lien tl;)C. contrast expansion su tang truang
continuous machine may lien tyc. continuous form printing press may ttrong phan, SI! ma r(>ng tttong phan.
continuous tone step scale thang b~c
continuation tai li~u xuar ban c6 tfnh in bieu mau lien tyc. tang thu lien tyc. contrast factor h¢ s6 tttong phan.
lien rye. continuous form attachment vi¢c continuous-tone stepwedge thang contrast filter kfnh (phim) !9c sik
continuation work tai lieu xuat ban gan cap giay bieu mfo lien tyc. b~c tang tM lien tyc. tttong phan.
phll.n ra tung ky, tai li¢u xuat ban c6 continuous paper tryc giay cu¢n.
tfnh lien rue. contone tfog thu lien tyc. contrast function ham so tttong phan.
continuous printing cylinder tryc in contrast gloss d¢ bong tttang phan,
continued paper tac pha'.m dang tai contour chu vi, dtrong vien quanh.
anh kh6ng tiep ghep. so sanh d(> bong.
lien 1~1c. contour analysis phll.n tfch dtrcmg
continuous reaction phan Crng lien tyc. contrast index chi so tuang phan.
continued publication tai li¢u xuat vien quanh [nhtl.n biet ky 11!], phan
ban lien tyc. continuous scanner may quet philn tfch hinh net chu. contrast mask ban che llJ'ong phan.
mau lien tyc.
continuing series tai li¢u xuat ban contour film phim an hlnh, phim contrast paper giay anh d(> ttrang
lien tyc. continuous spectrum ph6 lien tyc. dtrcmg net vien quanh. phan cao, giay anh tang thCr cCrng.
continuous copier may sao chyp lien rye. continuous stationery convertor contour plate ban an hlnh. contrast ratio ty so tttang phan.
may gia cong chung tu lien tyc.
continuous current mator d¢ng ca contract co l<;ti, nen !<;ti, thu nh6. contrast reducing giam thifo tttang phan.
dien trl;l'c hru. continuous stationery. printing
contracttibility tfnh co !<;ti, tfnh nen contrast ruducing mars ban che
press may in chung tLJ' lien tyc.
continuous feed cap giay lien tyc. dm;ic, d(> nen dtrqc. giam thieu ttrang phan.
continuous tone (CT) tang thu lien
continuous feeder rhiet bj cap giay contractible nen dttqc. contrast scale thang tang thtr.
tyc, sic thai mau hay t6ng mau h1nh
lien tyc. thanh tu d~m den nh<;lt. contractibleness tfnh nen duqc. contrasty (thu(>c) tttang phan cao,
continuous feeding SI! cap giay lien rye. continuous tone copy ban mAu tang contractive colour mau thu co !<;ti. ttrong phan m~nh, tfog thu cung.
continuous form bien lai hay chung thu lien tyc. contre-die ep khu6n chu; khuon in.
contrast SI! tuong phan; SI! d6i l~p; su
tu bien nhan da lien, bieu mau lien continuous tone image anh rang thl! doi chieu, d¢ tttong phan den trling o
rye, an phiim lien tyc. control SI! kiem tra; SI! kh6ng che; SI!
lien rue. phim anh. dieu chinh.
control accuracy controller strip

control accuracy khong cM d¢ chfnh xac. control implements cong c9 hay controller strip bang kiem tra chat luqng. conventional gravure ch9p anh ban
d9ng Cl;l dieu khien, dieu chinh. inlom.
control and regulation equipment controller system h¢ ca cfo khong
thiet bj dieu tiet va kh6ng che. control instruments d9ng Cl;l kiem tra che, ca cau dieu khien. conventional machinery may m6c
thucmg dung.
control application kh6ng che ung dl;IIlg. control key khoa khong che[may tfnh). controller table ban khong che, ban
dieu khien. conventional memory b¢ nho quy'uac.
control ball khong che qua cau [thiet control knobs nut dieu chinh.
bj da.n vao ). controUer unit thiet bi khong che. conventional method phuang phap
control lever can dieu chinh. qui uoc.
control bench ban khong che, ban controller valve van kh6ng che.
kh6ng che. control panel bang dieu chinh. conventional screen gravure ch9p
controller program tr1nh tl! kh6ng
control pen but anh sang. anh ban in )om.
control box ban dieu chlnh, v~ hanh. che, chtrong trlnh kiem tra.
converge h¢i t9.
control character St! dieu chinh chii, control ribbon bang giay d1.;1c 16 controlling apparatus thiet bi kh6ng che.
St! kiem tra chii. [may slip due chii). convergence St! h¢i t1.;1; d9 h¢i t9.
controlling factor h¢ thong khong che.
control character printout danh control strip dai bang kiem tra chat luqng. convergency St! h(>i t9, d(> h¢i t9.
may in kiem tra chii. convection St! doi Juu.
control systrem h¢ thong kiem tra, h¢ converging lens thau kfnh h¢i t9.
control circuit dieu chinh dong di¢n. convection cooling lam J~nh doi luu.
th6ng dieu khien, h¢ thong kh6ng che.
converging light anh sang h¢i t1.;1.
control code ma kiem tra. convection current dong doi luu.
control unit thiet bi khong che, thiet
converging stream dong h(>i t9.
control code display hi¢n thj ma bi kiem tra. convection heat gia nhi¢t d6i Juu.
kiem tra. converse dao, nghich.
control unit terminal don nguyen convection process qua trlnh doi Juu.
control computer kiem tra may tfnh. dieu khien dau cuoi [tecminan). conversion St! chuyen d6i; St! hoan vi;
convection temperature nhi¢t d¢ doi luu.
Sl;J' thay dOi; St! bien dOi.
control console ban dieu khien. controlled humidity drying st! say convectional quy u6'c thong thucmg,
dieu chinh d(> am. conversion data chuyen d6i dii li¢u.
control curve kiem tra dtrcmg cong. qui u6'c ph6 thong.
controller may khong che, thiet bi conversion device chuyen d6i thiet bi.
control desk ban dieu khien. convectional drying lam kho doi luu.
khong che. conversion factor h¢ so chuyen d6i.
control device thiet bj kiem tra; thiet convenience St! ti¢n nghi; thoi gian
bi dieu chinh. controller lever can khong che. thfch hqp. conversion filter thay d6i kinh l<;>c sac.
control equipment thiet bi kiem tra; controller mechanism ca ca'.u kh6ng che. convenience copy an pham sao ch9p conversion process phuang phap
thiet bi khong che; thiet bi dieu chinh. gian ti¢n. hi¢n anh dao nguqc hlnh.
controller panel bang khong che.
control gamma khong che h¢ so conventional qui u6'c. conversion program trinh ll! chuyen d6i.
controller program trinh ll! kh6ng che.
ttrcmg phan; dieu chinh g6c d(> gama.
conventional equipment thiet bj quy u6'c. conversion table ban, bieu chuyen d6i.
control gate khong che van; dieu controller ribbon bang giay d9c 16
[may sap due 16). conventional formula cong thuc quy u6'c. conversion unit don vi chuyen d6i.
chinh van.
convert cooling system

convert chuyln hoa, cai bien, chuyen d6i. cooled (da) lam 11,tnh. cooling system h¢ th6ng Jam l?nh. copper deposition lop dong m? di¢n
converted paper giay gia cOng, gia'.y cooler thiet bj lam l?nh; may lam [ban in, tr9c in lorn].
cooling water ntt6c lam l?nh.
trang phu. 11,tnh; chat Jam l?nh.
coordinate t9a dQ, phoi trf. copper dichloride d6ng (II) clorua,
converter thiet bj chuyen hoa, XltO'Jlg CuC1 2 •
cooler drum phong lam l?nh.
gia c6ng lam h¢p bao g6i. coordinate axis tr9c to? dQ.
cooling (sl_t) lam l?nh. copper engraving (st!) khac dong; an
convertible lens thau kfnh c6 the coordinate data du li¢u to? dQ. mon ban dong; thu~t che ban dong.
chuyen h6a dttqc. cooling agent chat lam l?nh. coordinate geometry (COGO) ngOn copper etching an mon ban dong,
convertible press may in c6 the di cooling apparatus thiet bj lam l?nh; ngfr h'inh h9c to? d(). ban d6ng.
bien dttqc, chuyln d6i dttqc. may lam l?nh. coordinate graphics ky thu~t do ho? copper facing m? d6ng.
converting gia cong che pham giay, 10? dQ.
cooling a rea be m~t lam l?nh.
(sl_t) chuyen hoa. copper hydroxycacbonate d6ng
cooling blast sl_t qu?t gi6 l?nh. coordinate paper giay ke o Ii, o vuong.
convex 16i. cacbonat.
cooling capacity cong xuru may lam l.ym. copal copan.
convex-concave thau kfnh Joi-lorn. copper intensifier cha'.t tra day mu6i
copal resin nhl_ta copan. dong.
conveyer may chuyen cha, bang cooling chamber phong lam l?nh.
chuyen. copal varnish son copan. copper line block ban dong net.
cooling curve dttbng 1~, dttbng ngu9i.
conveyer belt bang chuyen tai. copier duplicator may ph9c che copper naphthenate dong naptenat.
cooling cylinder tr9c lam l?nh.
conveyer roller tryc chuyen giay. nhiln ban.
copper phthalocyanine blue xanh
cooling device thiet bj lam l?nh.
conveyer tape bang chuyen tai. copigment dong siic t6, cung sac t6. phtaloxyamin dong.
cooling effect hi¢u Crng l?Oh, hi¢u Crng copolymer copolime, chM d6ng trung hqp.
conveyer-belt bang chuyen tai. copper plate ban dong.
sinh han.
conveyer-belt may lam kh6 kieu copolimerization sl_t dong trung hqp. copper plating (stf) m? dong.
bang tai. cooling frame khu6n lam l?nh.
copper dong, Cu, dong do. copper plating device thiet bj m~ dong.
conveying (s1._t) chuyen chc':1, v~n tai. cooling medium moi truong Jam I?nh.
copper alloy hqp kim d6ng. copper powder b¢t dong.
conveying wheel tr9c chuyen giay. cooling method phttong phap lam
h,mh, phttong phap Jam ngu¢i. copper base alloy hqp kim dong. copper shell vo dong.
conveyor may chuyen, bang chuyen.
cooling power nang suat Jam l?nh. copper bath be! ill? d6ng, be tinh chedong. copper skin vo d6ng.
conveyor bellt bang chuyen.
cooling pump born lam l?nh. copper carbonate dong cacbonat copper smoke mu()i dong.
cooking chttng luy¢n [san xua'.t m1._tc in]. CuC03•
cool l?nh, lam l?nh. cooling roller tr~1c lam l?nh. copper solution dung djch muoi d6ng.
copper casting stJ due dong.
cool colour mau l?nh. cooling space phong Jam l?nh. copper space net kham cha'.t d6ng.
copper chloride process phttong
coolant chftt lam 1~, tac nhan lam I~. cooling surface be m~t lam l?nh. phap dong clorua. copper sulfate dong sunfat, CuS04 •
160 161
coPt holder
copper-faced stereo

copy holder gia de ban m!u. copy writing bien viet ban thao,
copper-faced stereo ban chl due m~ d6ng. copy block t~p giay viet ban thao.
tuyen ch9n ban thao.
copy board gia lap bai mfo cua may copy in sheet sach dong tung to dcm.
copper-faced type chil' (chl) roi m~ d6ng. copy-desk ban de ban thao da bien
Chl.Jp anh. copy mak-up chi dan yeu du sap t~p chuan bi dua di in.
copper-plate engraving ban d6ng chil' ghi ten ban thao. /
copy bound in board sach d6ng bla
khac lorn, ban d6ng in lorn, thu~t che copy-holding d9c hi?u dfnh ban thao.
cung, sach d6ng bla cact6ng. copy of reproduction ban in phl.Jc
ban d6ng. copyable ink mlfc hi?n anh [ban
copy bound in paper boards sach che, ban phien in.
copper-plate ink ml!c in ban in lorn d6ng bla cCrng, sach d6ng bia cactOng. phai].
d6ng. copy on approval ban da duy¢t, chap
copy by scanning ban phl.Jc che' bing
copyboard gia de ban miiu.
coper-plate printing machine may phucmg phap in quet. copybook vo t~p vie't chil'.
in ban in lorn d6ng. copy paper giay sao chl.Jp.
copy camera may chl.Jp phien ban. copyfitting h~ch toan ban in can cu
copper-vitriol d6ng sunfat. copy preparation chuan bi ban dua
copy casting can cu ban niAu h~ch theo ban mau.
di sap chil'.
coppering m~ d6ng. toan di~n in. copygraph each sao vie't ban in 6p xet.
copy preparer nguoi chuan bi in.
coppering plant thiet bi m~ d6ng. copy chief chu nhi¢m bien t~p. copyholder gia de ban mau, ban thao.
copy preparing chinh ly ban thao.
copperization m~ d6ng. copy control kiem tra chllt IU(Jilg ban copying phien ban, phai ban, cOng tac
cOng-tik, ban sao. copy printed on one side ban in m¢t m~t. ban phim.
copperplate engraver may khk ban
d6ng. copy counter dl.Jng Cl.J dein s6 lu(Jilg copy reader nguoi d9c sira loi, si'ra bai. copying apparatus may sao ch1._1p.
in, s6 nhay.
copperplate engraving khac d6ng copy reading slf dfnh chfnh ban thao. copying book sach sao chl.Jp, ph1._1c che.
copy cycle chu ky sao chl.Jp.
ban in lorn. copy revision d<?C soat Jiµ ban sao ch1._1p. copying camera may ch1._1p anh ph1._1c che'.
copy cylinder tfl;IC tron lap ban mAu
copperplate paper giay phan; giay copy screen sao truyen tram ban in lorn.
cua may khac di~n tir hay may khac. copying file tai li~u c6ng-tac.
copy distance khoang each ban mAu, copy screen mode phuang thuc sao copying ink mlfC dung phien che ban,
copperplate press may in ban in lorn. truyen tram.
Cl! Jy ban mAu. mlfc in photocopy.
coper plate printing in ban in 16m. copy dot d~ng diem tram quet tren copy shop cira hang sao chl.Jp. copying machine may sao chl.Jp, may
copperplate printing paper giay may quet. copy size khu6n kh6, kfch thuoc ban thao. cOng-tac.
dung de in ban in Jorn. copy easel gia ban mau. copying paper giay danh may, giay
copy table ban de ban m!u, ban thao.
copperplate printing press may in copy edit bien t~p ban thao, tham sao ch1._1p.
ban in Jorn. copy viewer ban kiem tra ban mfo,
dinh ban thao. copy press may sao chl.Jp, may cOng-tac.
ban thao.
copperplate varnish son dung ban in Jorn. c~py fitting bl) pMn ban thao tieu copying ribbon ru bang danh may chil'.
copy with leaves uncut sach xorn
copy ban mfo, ban phl.JC che, ban Sao chuan.
c~nh, sach chua xen ba m~it. copying speed t6c d¢ cOng-tac.
ch1._1p, tai li~u in. copy group t¢p phim cOng tk
copying studio

copying studio phAn xucrng chyp ch€ copyringt list m1.,1c lye gicri thi¢u sach. corners up trang sach cu¢n g6c, gffp g6c.
corner g6c sach.
ban. copyringt notice th6ng bao ban
corner clump thoi chen vu6ng [hgp corona quang, vong hao quang.
copying time thai gian phai ban. quyen, yet th\ ban quyen.
kim ch'i]. corona discharge quang ph6ng di¢n.
copying tissue giay sao chyp. copyringt page trang ban quyen.
corner cut dt,1ng Cl,I cat g6c. corona unit thie't bi t~o quang ·d i¢n
copying-fee phf sao ch1.,1p. copyringt Payments Center trung [may sao chyp photocopy].
corner cutting machine may cat g6c
tAm tra chi phf ban quyen nucrc My.
copyist nhiln vien sao ch1.,1p. sach. coronastat may sao chyp tinh di¢n
copyringt registration dang ky ban kem oxit d~ng Ucrt, am.
copyright ban quyen. corner gluing machine may dan g6c
copyringt Act lu~t ban quyen. sach. correct dung, hi¢u chlnh; sua l~i; cai
copyringt reserver so hiiu ban chinh.
copyringt ad interim quyen tac gia corner leather da dan b\t g6c sach.
quyen, bao Iuu ban quyen.
t~m thai. correct exposure chie'u sang dung
corner machine may cat g6c sach.
copyringted c6 ban quyen. d¢, chie'u sang chfnh xac.
copyringt Clearance Center trung
copywriter nguai bien so~ quang cao. corner ornament trang trf hoa og6c sach.
tAm phe duy¢t ban quyen nucrc My. correct image h'inh anh chfnh xac.
coranto giay bao (cac nucrc Ha Ian, corner piece hoa o g6c qnh sach.
copyringt date ngay dang ky ban correct paper giay cai chfnh [danh
quyen. Due, Anh tru6c kia thuang g9i). corner pressing machine may ep may].
cord sgi day b6 sach (b6 bu¢c bat chu c~nh g6c sach. correct proofs soat so b9 ban in thu.
copyringt date in imprint ky h~
ban quyen. dung day gai). corner punching machine may d¢t correct type hi¢u chinh chu, sua sai chu.
corded binding day d6ng g6i. g6c sach.
copyringt deposit sach giao n¢p ban corrected hi¢u dfnh.
quyen. cordovan da cao cap, da co6cd6van corner quad cai chen vu6ng g6c.
corrected edition ban dfnh chfnh.
copyringt document tai li¢u c6 ban [Tay ban nha]. corner reinforcing machine may gia
quyen. cordwain da cao cap, da coocd6van c6 g6c sach. corrected line proof chinh dong ban
[Tay ban nha]. in thir chu due.
copyringt holder nguai gifr ban corner rounding machine may dt
quyen. tron g6c. corrected proof Sl!a ban in thU SC1 b9,
core tAm, ru¢t, nhAn, l6i; 1n;1c 16i, 1n;1c tAm.
sua trang soat l~i trang in thtr.
copyringt imprint tieu chf trang ban core memory l6i tu [may tfnh] truoc corner rule duang ke g6c tren bat
chfr rai, slip chu duang ke g6c. correcting stra ban, cai chfnh.
quyen. dAy dung trong b¢ nhcr cua may tfnh
de luu trii' m¢t bit s6 li¢u. correcting cylinder tr1.,1c bit tay sach.
copyringt infringement xAm ph~m corner separator ca cau lam tai giay
ban quyen. core storage kho cat trii l6i tu. cr g6c giay. , correcting drum trl,IC bat tay Sach.
copyringt law lu~t ban quyen. cored carbon than den h6 quang c6 corner stitching duang khAu bao g6c. correcting stone ban sua ban.
copyringt library cua hi¢u sach, Ioi tu. cornering machine may cat g6c siich. correction dieu chinh, cai chfnh, hi¢u
quay ban sach. cork blanket tffm d¢m Ii-e. chinh, sua chua.
cornerpiece trang trf g6c.
164 165
correction and addition corrugated board converting machine

correction and addition siia chfra va corresponding (s11) tucmg ung; (s11) corrugated board converting couch giay sao ep h9p.
b6 sung. phu hc;,p. machine may gia c6ng cac tong song coumaroncindene resin nh11a
nhieu lop. cumaron-inden.
correction by abridgement sira ltrqc corresponding pressure ap suat
bot cau chfr trong bai van. tuong ung. corrugated board ink m11c in cac counter may dem s6. /

tong song nhieu lop.

correction by reading d9C sira bien t~p. corresponding state tr<_lng thai tuong counter and stacker may dem ch6ng
ung. corrugated box h9p giay cac tong s6ng. sach.
correction filter kfnh (phim) !9c sira
mau. corresponding temperature nhi¢t d9 corrugated brown giay lam cac tong song. counter etching chinh siia an mon be
tuong ung. corrugated carton gluer may dan m~t.
correction fluid dung djch siia (dung
khi danh may giay nen). corrigendum ban dfnh chfnh, ban sua
MP cac tong nhieu lop. counter punch klm barn so.
16i in sai. corrugated paper giay cac t6ng counter reaction phan ung nghjch.
correction lens thau kfnh hi¢u chinh.
corrode an mon. counter roll paper giay cu9n dung
correction marks ky hi¢u siia !6i.
corrugator may lam cac tong song. cho may tfnh di?n tu.
corroded layer lop an mon.
correction markings ky hi¢u siia !6i. corrupt text ban van bj sua d6i sai counter stacker dem so, d1;1ng c1,1
corrodent chat an mon. 1¢nh.
correction marks ky hi¢u siia Joi. Mm s6 ch6ng giay.
corrosion an mon. corruption of a text sl! st'.ra d6i sai
correction mask ban che siia mau, counter-die khu6n am (16m), khuon de.
mong ban sira mau. corrosion resistance tfnh ch6ng an !¢ch ban van.
counter-etch an mon sau, chinh st'.ra
mon. cosin sodium salt muoi natri anh do.
correction metal han va chfr chl. be m~t.
corrosion preventive compound cost accounting h<_lch toan gia thanh. counter-etch solution dung djch an
correction of proof sua chfra trang in thu.
chat chong an mon.
cost of printing chi phf in an. mon sau ban in Lit6, 6pxet, ban bang.
correction of typist's error ky thu~t
corrosion resistihg (s11) chong an mon. cost of production chi phf san xuat. counter-etching xt'.r ly be m~t ban in
hi?u dfnh !6i danh may ban thao.
corrosive an mon. lit6, op xet, ban bang.
correction tape st'.ra; soat !6i bang cost performance so sanh th11c hi¢n
giay d1;1c 16 due chfr. gia ca. counter-movement chuyen d¢ng
corrosive bath dung djch an mon.
nguqc huong.
correction on proofsheets soat sua corrosive material tfnh an mon v~t cost price gia thanh.
!6i to in tht'.r.
counter-pressure cylinder tr1,1c ep in
li¢u. costly binding dong sach tfnh xao. [may photocopy).
corrector nguai st'.ra bai, d9c sira Joi. corrosive resistance ch6ng an mon. cottage style mau hoa van gay sach. counter-proof ban in thu nguqc, in
correspondence paper giay viet thl! corrosive sublimate thuy ngan (II) cotton paper giay xenlulow sqi ban mfo nguc;,c.
cao cap. clorua, HgCl2 • b6ng, giay chat luqng t6t. counter-sunk screw dinh oc chlm
correspondence principle nguyen ly corrugated board cac t6ng song cotton thread chi sqi b6ng [dong dau (dau dinh 6c ngang bang ho~c
tuong ung. nhieu lop. sach). thap hon m~t phlng xung quanh).

166 167
cover paper
counter-sunk wood screw

cover paper giay b9c bla sach. crakle book khuon khO sach thoi ban
coupling (s!f) noi; (s!f) ngfo hgp.
counter-sunk wood screw dinh oc sa [chi kh6 sach oChau Au truoc the
g6 chlm dliu. coupling agent chat ghep thanh mau. cover plate ban che, ban dl).y.
ky XVI].
counter bore doa 16. coupling reaction phan (mg ghep cover stock giay b9c bla sach. cramp co djnh, k~p ch~t. cai k~p.
mau thanh mau. cover title ten bla sach.
counterfeit phong t~o khu6n. crane can du, can tr~c. rong n;,c; pa-
counterfeit edition xuat ban gia m~o. coupling shaft tr~c n6i lien ket. cover with rounded back bla sach lling.
counterpressure cylinder tn,1c ep in. coupling sleeve 6ng n6i. gay tron. crank tay quay, maniven, quay bang tay.
coupon paper tin phieu. cover with square back bla sach gay
counterproof ban in thi'.r phan chuyen. crank arm canh tay quay.
vu6ng, gay phing·.
cover bla sach; nlip; vo b9c; man che;
countersink bla sach in chlm ten crank shafk tr~c canh tay quay.
lop phu; coverage life phu m!fc in, vung che phu.
covering phu vai. crank handle canh tay maniven,
cover back bla m~t sau sach.
counting ghi so, dem so. canh tay quay.
cover bending machine may cu6n covering material tai li¢u lam bla sach.
counting and juitifying mechanism crank lever canh tay maniven.
bla sach.
ca cau chinh dong va dem so [may covering power life phu m!fc in.
slip due chu]. cover board cac t6ng bla sach, sach crank shaft tr~c tay quay.
covering station ban de bla sach.
bla cung. crank-motion chuyen d¢ng canh tay quay.
counting instrument may dem s6. covers bound in bla sach cho d6ng,
cover card board bla sach cac t6ng cung. crash vai x6 dung dan gay sach.
counting keyboard ban phfm c6 the bla sach chi.ta d6ng.
dieu chinh d¢ r¢ng dong chu. cover date thoi gian xuat ban ghi tren
covers of carboard bla sach cac t6ng. crash finish vai x6 bla sach.
country edition xuat ban dja phi.tang. bla sach.
CP (chemical pure) hoa chat tinh khiet. crawl di chuyen chl).m.
cover design thiet ke t~o m!u bla sach.
couple computer may tfnh ngfo hqp,
CP (chemical pulp) b¢t giay hoa h9c. crawling vai phu be m~t kh6ng Mu,
h¢ thong luong cong. cover glass phim che, kinh che, kinh ~y.
CPS (characters per second) ky !If mang ffi\!C c6 vet r¢p.
couple issue xuat ban chung. cover illustration tranh hay ban ve
tren giay (slip chu). crayon but sap sua ban.
coupled range finder d~ng c~ do minh ho~ bla sach.
CPU (centre process unit) thiet bj crayon drawing ve phac thao bang
dong lien hqp. cover included in paging s6 trang
xu ly trung uang. but sap.
coupler chat ghep hqp mau, chat bao g6m ca bla sach.
ngiiu hqp. crack (ban in) vet gap gay; (giay in) crayon paper giay dung ve but sap.
cover inserter may bao g6i sach,
r~n. rach.
coupler-in-developer type colour may lam bla mem sach. crayon work ve phac bang but sap.
film phim mau ghep hqp mau trong craking vet r~n giay phu phan, vet
cover material v~t li¢u bla sach. crayoning sua ban bang but sap.
thuoc hi¢n anh. gap cac t6ng.
cover of varnished cloth vai bla sach
coupler-in-emulsion type colour craking resistance tfnh ben r<;ill giiy. cream vang sua; kem; mau kem.
!rang vec-ni.
film phim mau ghep hqp mau trong crakle vet rach gap (giay in). cream base chat nen kem.
nhu t11ang anh. cover page trang m~t bla sach.
cream caustic soda

cream caustic soda xut th6. creeping duong net ban in bj mon,

criteriom tieu chuan, chuan s6. cromalin cromalin, ten g9i cua
cream of latex kem Iatec, vang mu mt_tc ban tach. phuang phap kiem tra mau cac ban
criterium chufo cu. phim che ban tach mau duong ban c6
cao su. creeping blanket tam cao su di d¢ng
critical tai h?n. tram. Phat minh cua cong ty Du Pont,
cream-tinted mau vang nh?t. do b9c 6ng kMng cang.
cac phim duong ban c6 tram,cua cac
cream-yellow mau vang sua. crepe nhieu, lo?i vai mong m~t ggn critical angle g6c tai h?n. mau vang, do canh sen, xanh da troi,
song Ian tan. den, duqc Ian luqt chieu sang trong
crease nep gap, nep cu6n, nep rn.n. critical condition dieu ki¢n tai h~n.
khung may phoi ban. H1nh anh tren
crepe paper giay nhan nhau ggn tr?ng thai tai h?n.
crease resistance tfnh kho nhau, tfnh phim duong ban co tram duqc truyen
song, giay kep.
ben gap nep. critical constent hang so tai h~n. sang m¢t to in thli c6 trang m¢t lap
crease retention tfnh kho nhau.
crepitate nO lach tach, tieng keu rang rac. critical definition do ro rang tai h?n.
mang polyme cam quang. Sau khi
crecipitation Sl_! nO iach tach, tie'ng chieu sang nhCi'ng phan tli polyme
creaseproof kMng nhau. critical focus tieu diem tai h?n. cam quang khong duqc chie'u sang se
keu rang rac.
creaser may ep gap han Ian. nhiem mau bang b¢t mau co mau ctia
cresol cresol, CH 3CJ{40H critical heat nhi¢t tai h~n. phim tach mau. Lan Iuqr chie'u sang
creasing nep gap, nep u6n, nep han. va nhu¢m mau cac phim tach mau
cresting roll tr9c ep hoa van b1a sach, critical humidity d¢ ffm toi h~n.
creasing cover ep han b1a sach day. may ep hoa van bla sach. duong ban c6 tram khac, cuoi cung se
critical moisture content Iuqng am thu duqc m¢t ban in thli b6n mau
creasing machine may ep han (Ian). creve ban kem net bj an men, r?n nm, taih~. dung cho phuang phap in bon mau.
creasing roller tr1:1c ep han. mat net [st_t c6 ky thu~t].
critical phenomenon hi¢n tuqng tai h~. cronak process phuong phap cronac,
creasing rule thanh dao thep ep han. crimp giay nhan nhau. phucmg phap xii ly mau lam tang kha
critical point diem toi h?n.
crimping to phim bj nhan quan. nang tham llot be m~t cua ban in.
creasing test thf nghi¢m d¢ ben gap
critical pressure ap suat tai h~n. cronak treatment xu Iy tham uot be
cua giay. crimp-proof kMng nhau.
critical solubility d¢ hoa tan toi h?n. m~t ban kem.
creasing the joint ep han gay sach. crimp-proof fabric vai kht>ng nhau.
critical solution temperatur nhi¢t d¢ cronaking xii ly thilm uat be m~ ban kem.
creas'ing directory m1:1c I1:1c kien l~p, crimp-proof finish Slf gia c6ng
sang t?O [may tfnh]. tan tai h?n. cronar base de phim CrO-na.
ch6ng nhau.
creasing subsdirectory m1:1c I1:1c ph9 critical state tr?ng thai tai h~n. cronar press may in CrO-na.
crimson do sam, do tham, do tfa.
sang t?O [may tfnh).
crimson lake son do tham. critical temperature nhi¢t d¢ toi h~. crooking ngoan ngoeo, u6n khuc.
credibility tfnh dang tin c~y
crinket paper giay nhan nhau. critical velocity toe d¢ tai h<;1n. crop d.t xen, xen bo, sach xen qnh
Creep Slf rao; bo Jen; truon Jen. qua qui djnh [dong sach].
criptometer d9ng c9 do d¢ che phu. crochet type kieu m6c dau ban [d¢t '
creep limit giai h~n rao. 16 djnh vj ban in]. crop mark dau xen d.t.
creep test phep thli rao.
crip trong lanh (kht>ng khf);don, de
crocking phai mau do ma sat. cropped xen hong c~h mep sach.
vo; quan xoan, quan l~i. lam quan.
170 171
cropped edge

crossline net chu th~p. CTR graphic terminal h1nh t11qng

cropped edge xen hong cl/-flh mep sach. cross hatching d11bng ke dan xen
dliu cu6i den 6ng phat tia am c1;tc.
nhau [ban do]. crossline register mark dau 6c chu th~p.
cropper machine m¢t lo1_ti may in CTR phototypesetter may sap chu
linh ki¢n, vi¢c v~t. cross head tifo de ffil;IC, tieu de nho crossline screew ban in lorn m1_tng Chl;lp den ong phat tia am CU'C.
Chc,ly qua cac C<)t [bao, bieu], de ffil;IC Juoi tram, tram chu th~p. /
cropping xen ngay ngan, vuong van crucible noi nung, chen nung; noi ·
nho trong than bai.
sach, bt'rc anh ho~c ban mau. crossline screew halftone process nau chl may due chu.
cross perforating dl;lc lo h116"ng ngang. phlJ'(mg phap che ban tram chu th~p.
cross chu th~p; 6ng chu th~p; chan crucible cover niip noi nung, nap noi
ngang, ngan can; di ngang qua; d~t cross-point giao diem. crosslinking lien ket ngang [polyme). nau chl.
nam ngang.
cross rail d11bng (ray) ngang. crossmark dau 6c chu th~p. crucible holder cai gia gac noi nau
cross bar nyp ngang. ch1, cai gia chen nung.
cross reference tham khao y kien Ian crotch g6c nh911 gjua cac net ve chu chl.
cross bond lien ket ngang. nhau. crucible steel thep n6i nau chl, thep
crotched dau ngo~c "< >".
cross bram nyp keo dai, tn_!c keo dai. chen nung.
cross rule d11bng ke ngang [slip chu]. crotonic acid axit crotonic.
crumpling machine may do d¢ Mn
cross conjugation SI! lien hqp ngang. cross rule under heading dubng ke crown nhO Jen, n6i Jen, kfch th116"c tb gap cua giay.
cross current dong giao nhau. ngang d116"i tieu de, dau de, chu tit. giay 15x20 tac Anh.
crush VO nhau, lam nhau nat; nghien;
cross-cut nhat d.t, thiet di¢n. cross stitching d6ng sach mfii khau crown glass kfnh mu mi¢n. tan; ep viit.
cross cut m~t cat ngang; cat ngang crown octavo kfch th116"c tb giay crush mark diem d6m vet ep can
cu¢n giay. cross stroke net ngang [kieu chu]. 7 ,5x5 tac Anh. [giay in].
cross cutter thiet bj cat ngang. cross tie bar nyp keo dai, tfl;IC keo. crown quarto kfch th116c tb giay crushed leather da nhan nhau.
cross direction h116"ng tho giay ngang cross weight t6ng tr9ng IU'<;mg. I0x7,5 tac anh. crushed Morocco da Moroco [d6ng sach].
[giay in). cross-bars thanh chen ca ngang. crown-fed p~ may in cao gj11bng phang. crushed quartz cat th~ch anh.
cross dyeing SI! nhu¢m vai hon hqp. cross-grain h116"ng sqi ngang [giay in]. crowned roll trt:1c cao trung blnh. crusher may nghien, may tan, may d~p.
cross feed SI! n1_tp phia hen huong ngang. cross-grain direction h116"ng sqi CRT (Cathode Ray Tube) den 6ng crushing machine may nghien.
cross feeder thiet bj dp giay giao ngang [giay in]. phat tia am c1;tc.
crushing resistance d¢ ben nghien.
nh~n lien tl;IC. cross-machine direction huong may CRT composition sap chu den 6ng
phat tia am c1;tc.
crushing rolls trl;IC nghien; trl;IC Can.
cross flow dong giao nhau. sqi ngang [giay in].
crushing strenght d¢ ben nghien.
cross fold gap ngang, tay gap 16 trang. cross-section paper giay ke 6 vu6ng. CTR display unit thiet bj hi¢n thj
den ong phat tia am c1;tc. crushing test SI! tht'r ben nghien.
cross fold knives dao cat ngang. cross-strapping machine may b6
dang cheo nhau. CRT edit function chCrc nang bien cryddy d¢ thau quang giay khong
cross folding gap ngang, gap vuong t~p den 6ng phat tia am c1;tc. dong deu [Joi san xuat giay].
g6c, gap chu th~p. · cross-stroke net ve giao cheo nhau.
cuprous compound

crystallize out from solution ket tinh cuprous compound hqp chat dong (I). cursor positioning djnh vj con tr6.
cryptometer d1..mg c1.;1 do life che phii.
tu dung d\ch. cuprous oxide dong (I) oxit, Cu 20. curtail word chu rut g<;>n.
crystal tinh the; pha le; d6 pha le.
Crystal raster ky thu~t diem tram cure St! XU ly; St! Che hoa; Sl;I' say; St! curtain covers b1a b9c bao v¢ sach.
crystal alcohol ntQ"U (de) ket tinh. thuy tinh [cong ty Agfa]. hoa riin; sl! 11.tU hoa; 11.tU hoa.
curvature of field di.tang cong be ml!-t.
crystal birth St! tl).O tinh the. CTP (computer to plate) may tfnh curing St! hoa ran; St! thl;IC hoa; St! 11.tU hoa. curvature of the image field duang
crystal carbonate cacbonat tinh the, trl!C tiep Che ban in. curing agent chat 11.tU hoa; chat hoa cong vung anh.
Na2C03.H20. CTS (cold type system) h¢ thong sap riin; chat thu¢c lam cung da.
curve duang cong.
crystal edge mep tinh the. chu ll).nh. curl giay quan mep.
curve fitting di.tang cong phu hqp,
crystal face ml!-t tinh the. CTS (computerized typesetting curly-edged sheet to giay quan mep. duang cong thfch hqp.
system) h¢ thong sap chu may tfnh
crystal form dl).ng tinh the. currency paper giay in tien, giay curve fitting compaction each ep
di¢n tu.
bl).C, giay in tin phieu. nen di.tong cong thfch hqp.
crystal formation St! tl).O thrum tinh the.
cultu~al paper giay dung c6 lien
currency sign kf hi¢u tien t¢.
crystal glace pha le, thuy tinh pha le. quan den van hoa. curve generator may phat sinh
current dong nuoc; dong di¢n; dong di.tong cong.
crystal grain hl).t tinh the. cuneiform characters chu tl.tQ"ng h1nh.
khf; dang dung; hi¢n d.,li.
curve surface printing in ml!-t cong.
crystal glass screew ml).Jlg tinh the k.fnh. cup c6c, 16 cl$1 bill mvc tren ban in lorn.
current breaker ngilt dong di¢n.
curve templet ban ml!-t coRg.
crystal grating ml).ng tinh the. cup-and-cone thiet bi n6n-pheu. current concentration nong d(> dong.
curved bar spreader In.JC trai dan
crystal lattice ml).ng tinh the. cup grease ma dl!-c. current density m~t d¢ dong. h1nh cong.
crystal nucleus, mlim tinh the, tam cupric (thu¢c) d6ng (II). current efficiency h¢ so hay hi¢u curved block ban chl cong.
ket tinh. cupric bromide dong (II) bromua, sulft dong.
curved brackets dau ngol!-c tron.
crystal size kfch th1.toc tinh the. CuBr2 • current rectifier may chinh dong.
curved duplicate plate ban chl cong
crystal structure du true tinh the, cupric chloride dong (II) clorua, current transformer may chuyen ph1.;1c ch€.
ket cfo tinh the. CuC12 . dong may cam bien dong.
curved eletrotype casting machine
crystal system h¢ tinh the. cupric pyrophosphate dong (II) cursive chu thao, chu vie't theo 16i may due di¢n hlnh cung.
pirophotphat. Viet tay.
crystal valve 6ng tinh the. curved form khuon in ml!-t cong.
cupric sulfate d6ng (II) sunfat, cursor (may tfnh) con tr6.
crystallization st! ket tinh, d(> that! minh. curved marks dau ngo~. dau ngol!-c t:ron.
CuS04 • cursor control dieu khien con fro
crystallization interval khoang ket tinh. cuprous (thu(>c) d6ng (I). [may tfnh]. curve plate ban chl cong, ban ml!-! cong.
crystallize ket tinh. cuprous chloride d6ng (I) clorua, cursor control key nut barn dieu curve plate casting machine may
crystallize out ket tinh. Cu2Cl 2 • khien con tr6. due ban chl cong.
curve plate proof press cut-in side note

curve plate proof press may in thu customization khach hang hoa [may cut-in side note ghi chu thfch qnh ben. cutting edges may cat, tiet di¢n cilt.
ban mi,it cong. tfnh]. cut-line chu thuyet minh ban ve minh hOi.l cutting head dau cat.
curve roll trl;IC hinh cung. customize che djnh, n;r do tuyen djnh. cut-off kfch thuoc cat xen [giay cu<)n]. cutting height d¢ cao, (day) thep
cut m?t d.t, lat cat, ban hol!-, ban khac giay dtxen. .
curve stereo ban chi due cong. cut-off controll thiet bi kh6ng chedt xen.
curve stereotype ban chi due cong.
g6; catxen; pha loiing.
cut-off cylinder luqng xen bo thu hyp. cutting knife dao xen giay.
cut and past d.t dan [phan mem). cutting length (chieu) d(> dai xen giay.
curve stereotype casting machine cut-off misregister co cilt xen khOng chuAn.
may due ban chi cong. cut blocks for printing sap in ban khk cutting machine may dao xen giay.
cut-off the spine phay gay sach
curve shaving machine may bao cut dummy ban in thu phl;I tnrang [d6ng sach]. cutting motor d¢ng ca di¢n xen giay.
Ci/-nh ban chi cong. tranh minh hoi/-. cut-out phim phan mau am ban; cat
cutting note phl;I chu cau tir.
cut edge qnh ben nhan. lc;mg anh.
curve surface printing in mi,it cong.
cutting rubber thanh l6t d¢m cao su
cut-size kfch thuoc xen giay.
curve surface printing machine cut film cat nho trang phim. tren may dao xen giay.
may in m?t cong. cut-to-tie ratio ty 1¢ gap lien tl;IC tirng
cut flush ru<)t vao bla sach xen ph!ng. cutting rule thanh thep cat xen.
do~n [giay gap in bieu mii.u d~ng
curve-cast stereotpe plate ban chl cut form cat xen giay lien ll;IC. dfch-dic]. cutting ruler thuoc ep xen c~nh bien.
due cong.
cut in ghep vao, sap xep vao. cutJine thuyet minh tranh Ve minh hOi/-. cutting speed toe d<) dt xen.
curves dau ngO?C tron.
cut in heading dol!-n dau tieu de. cutoff knife dao cat xen. cutting spindle lrl;lc chfnh dao cat gQt.
curvilinear quad v~t li¢u chen ch6 cutscore dao gap.
cut into cilt xen qua kh6 sach. cutting stick thanh 16t d¢m bang g6
tr6ng hlnh cung.
cutter may cat phi-le, duong ke; may tren may dao xen giay.
cushion chi tiet d?m, thiet bj hoan cut leads duong ke chl ngfo.
dt giay.
cutting table ban d.t xen giay.
xung, tfnh dan hoi giay. cut matrix khilc khu6n due chii', khiic cutter-creaser may be ep hlln lam
cutting width chieu (d<)) r<)ng xen giay.
cushion board cac tong s6ng nhieu lop. dong mo. giay cac tong.
cut out d.t b6 ban khac in. cuttings phoi cat, phoi bao.
cushioning hoiin xung, d¢m, dan cutting d.t xen, giam mong.
d¢m, vung d¢m. cut the pages cat bo trang sach. cyan xanh da troi, xanh; goc xyanua
cutting and creasing plate ban cat va
(CN)hoa trj m<)t.
custom tl! djnh ngh"ia. cut-in index chu d!in ng6n tay cai. ep han.
cyan blue mau xanh da troi.
custom-bound d6ng sach d~t tnroc. cut-in letter chu cai a dau chuang, cuting and creasing press may be va
tier co Ion. ep han h<)p giay cac tong. cyan plate ban in (mau) xanh.
customer engineer (CE) cong trlnh
SU khach hang cut-in marginal note chu thich ngoai cutting cylinder trl;IC cat giay. cyan printer ban in xanh.
c<)t silp chii. cutting disk dia d.t tron chia m<)t cyan separation phim phan mau
customer software phan mem khach
hang cut-in note ghep chu thfch. CU<)n giay thanh nhieu cu<)n giay nho. xanh.

cyanide cylinder gap

cyanide xianua, M2CN. cylinder adjustment dieu chinh tr1,1c. cylinder gap tr1,1c dl/,t trong mang cylinder screen printing press may
cyanide bath be m~ xianua. cylinder arm canh tay tfl,lc. mJ!c in lorn. in I11oi d~ng ep in quay.
cylinder arrangement SI! bo tri vj tri trl,lc. cylinder grinding machine may mai cylinder sheet giay 16t b9c tr1,1c.
cyanide blue xanh sat.
tn,1c 6ng in lorn.
cyanide of potassium kali cylinder axis tr1,1c 6ng. cylinder throw-in tr1,1c ep· in.
cylinder gripper nhfp tn,1c c~p giay.
xianuanKCN. cylinder base de tr1,1c 6ng in lorn.
cylinder inking thiet bj cap mlJC. cylinder throw-off tr1,1c tach ep in.
cyanide reducer cMt giam mong cylinder bearer g6i ke tr1,1c.
dung xianua. cylinder jacket lop b9C bao v¢ tr1,1c 6ng. cylinder trip tr1,1c tach ep in.
cylinder bearing cai d¢m tfl,lc.
cyanotype xianotfp, phep in xanh. cylinder life d¢ hen in tr1,1c 6ng ban in. cylinder truck xe diy tay v~ chuyen tr1,1c.
cylinder blanket m¢t kh6i hay lop
cycle tuan hoan, chu ky, chu trlnh; vong. day bao phu tfl,lc. cylinder machine ten g9i chung may
cylinder width rubber blanket tr1,1c
in cao gi11ong phing, may in (ph!ng)
cycle compound hqp cMt vong. cylinder brake cai phanh, ham tr1,1c. 6ng cao su, tr1,1c b9c 6ng !Am cao su.
quay (tron).
cycle compound with side chain hqp cylinder brushes ban chai tr1,1c. cylinder-etching machine may an
cylinder mold paper machine may
chat vong c6 m~ch nhanh. cylinder circumference ratio ty 1¢ xeo giay l11oi tron. mon tr1,1c [ban in lorn].
cycle feeding d11a vao tulin hoan [tfn chu vi tr1,1c.
cylinder packing (bao) b9c tr1,1c 6ng. cylinder-packing-tension clamp cai
hi¢u nh~n biet ky t!J). cylinder clamping device thiet bj
cylinder packing gauge d1,1ng c1,1 do k~p ch~t giay b<;>c 6ng tr1,1c.
k~p chi:1,t lfl,IC.
cycle formula cOng tht'rc vong. lop b9c d~m tr1,1c 6ng.
cylinder covering lop bao phu tr1,1c. cylindrical pin ch6t, ghim tr1,1c tron.
cycle hydrocarbon hidro cacbon vong. cylinder polishing machine may mai
cylinder cut-off lm;mg xen bo thu h~p. nhan tr1,1c 6ng. cylindrical hole IO ghim tr1,1c tron.
cycle ketone keton vong.
cylinder depr~ion tr1,1c di1,t trong mang cylinder press may in tr1,1c, may in cylindrical with internal thread
cycle rubber cao su vong. m1Jc in lorn, tn,1c mang mlJc in lorn. quay. d11ang ren trong tr1,1c tron.
cycle structure cau true vong. cylinder development sap xep tr1,1c 6ng. cylinder pressure lt!c ep thuy l1Jc.
cylindrical pipe thread d11ong ren
cyclocaoutchouc cao su vong. cylinder dressing lop bao phu tfl,lc. cylinder pressure adjuster thiet bj 6ng tr1,1c tron.
cyclohexane xiclohexan, C6H,2. cylinder dressing material v~t li¢u dieu chinh ap )IJC lfl,IC quay.
cylindrical plate ban chl tron cong.
bao phu tr1,1c. cylinder processing machine may
cyclo hexanone xiclohexanon.
cylinder engraving plant thiet bj hi¢n anh tr1,1c. Cyrel ban nh~y sang photopolime
cycloidal engine may khAc van hoa mau. khac tr1,1c 6ng. [ten thmmg phlim cua cOng ty
cylinder proofpress may in thu kieu
cyclopaedia bach khoa toan th11. ep in quay. Dupont].
cylinder flatbed machine may in
cyclorubber cao su vong. ban in cao gim:mg phAng. cylinder racks gia gac tr1,1c. Cyrilic alphabet chit cai Xirilic,
cylinder tr1,1c, phan r6ng hlnh tr1,1, tr1,1c cylinder galley press miy in thu ban cylinder register marks dau 16 dinh d~ng chu cai tieng Nga, tieng
Ian, xy lanh, tr1,1c . . in chii' roi tr1,1c ep ilfquay trcm. vj ban in tren tr1,1c 6ng ban in. . Bungari, tieng Xecbia
178 179
dab dampening arrangement

dampening arrangement mang damping slab ban Jam am [may in thi'.r].

nLIOC, thiet bj lam am ban in. damping solution dung djch lam am,
dampening paper giay dung chuyen nuoc lam am ban in.

D amcua 16 cha am.

dampening roller (tryc) Jo am, tryc
16 Ain lam am ban in.
damping Stretch St! dan phu tnang am.
damping system h¢ th6ng lam am.
damping table ban cap am lam am
dampening sleeve lop VO b<;>c trl,IC 10 am. ban in.
dampening solution dung djch lam damping unit thiet bi lam am.
dab cha ml;l'C Jen be m~t da J6t. damaged letter chu hong, chu chl in
am mang nuoc.
damping vibrator tryc dan am.
dabber cha ml;l'C Jen be m~t da 16t. dampening stretch St! dan phu mang am.
Dammar gOm Dama. damping water nuoc lam am, dung
dabbing xoa lop ml;l'c 16t. dampening vibrator roller tryc 10
damp tham Uot, Am Uot, d¢ am. dich lam am.
dagger dau (+) kiem cua nha in de dim mang am.
damping water circulation system
dan d¢c gia tlm xem chu thfch v.v... damp course phong ch6ng uot. dampening water circulator thiet bj h¢ th6ng born tuan hoan nuoc lam am.
dagger mark dau kiem (+). damp proof phong ch6ng am. born tuan hoan dung dich lam am ban
in. dampness d¢ am, khf am.
daguerreotype phuong phap chyp che damp spotted vet ban nuoc.
damper tryc 10 lan1 am ban in, tryc 10 damp-proof phong ch6ng am.
ban d6ng phu bi,tc; chyp anh ban bi,tc. damp stain vc!t nuoc, vc!t ma. nuoc. dance chu bi nh6 khoi ban in chu rbi
Dahlgreen dampening system h¢ damp-proof ch!u am, khOng thAm am. damper applicator roller tryc 10 lam [St! co].
th6ng lam am Dahlgreen.
dampen am Uot. amban in. dancer roller tryc dieu tiet lt!c keo
daily nhl).t bao, bao ra hang ngay, cac cang cu¢n giay, tryc 10 ch~n giay.
ngay trong tuan. dampener (tfl,IC) JO am, JO lam am be damping lam am ban in.
m~t ban in 6p xet. ~amping arrangement thiet bi lam dancing roll tryc 16 cha am.
daily docket bieu c6ng tac bao ra
dampener feed roller (tryc) to am ban in. dandy mark vet tryc 10 nucrc.
hang ngay.
chuyen am, 16 cap am. damping cloth vai b9c tryc 10 am, tat dandy roll tryc in nucrc.
daily news paper bao ra hang ngay.
dampener form roller (tryc) JO cha lx.>c tryc 16 am.
daily newpaperr printing in bao ra Daniell's hygrometer am ke Daniell.
am be m~t khuOn in, ban in. damping distributor trt,1c 16 chuyen fun.
hang ngay. dark tham, sam, t6i.
dampener foutain pan mang nuoc damping feed roller trl,IC 16 cap am.
daily output san l11<;1t1g hang ngay. dl!Ilg dung djch lam am. dark adaptation St! thfch ung toi.
damping fountain roller true 16
daily paper bao ra hang ngay. dampener pickup roller (trl;IC) 16 mang nuoc lam am. . dark aeras vung toi.
chuyen am. dark blue mau xanh tham.
daily wheel printer may in vi tfnh c6 d~mping mixture each h6n hap dung
ban chu hlnh hoa cue. dampening lam am ban in. d,ch lam am. dark chromium-plating mi,t crom mo.
damage t6n hi,ti, t6n thuong, thi¢t hi,ti. dampening agent chat lam am. damping roller trl,IC 16 Jam am ban in. dark colour mau t6i.
180 un
dark etching

dark etching an mon hay giam rnong data du li¢u, tu li¢u, s6 li¢u, cu li¢u.
data flow

data flow dong s6 li¢u.

data stream dong chuyen s6 li¢u.
data stream format each thuc dong
tang thu t6i cua hlnh anh. data bank kho du li¢u, kho tu li¢u. data flowchart biiu do luu trlnh so li¢u.
chuyen s6 li¢u.
dark green xanh thiim, h;1c thlim, data bits s6 li¢u don vj thong tin, s6 data format each thuc s6 li¢u, the
data structure ket cau s6 lieu,
/'. dutuc
xanh la cay thiim. nhj phan O va 1. thCrc s6 li¢u.
s6 li¢u. ..
dark halo quang xam [sl! c6 ky data block ljch bl6c hang ngay. data group t6 hgp s6 li¢u.
data table bang s6 li¢u, bieu du li¢u.
thu~t]. data block staple may d6ng bl6c lich data handbook s6 tay tu li¢u, s6 li¢u.
dark heat nhi¢t t6i [nhi¢t cua tia hang ngay. · data transfer truyen s6 li¢u.
data handing xu ly s6 li¢u.
h6ng ngo~i]. data buffer vung d¢m s6 li¢u. data transfer mode phuong thuc
data input thu nMp s6 li¢u. truyen s6 li¢u.
dark light anh sang ma t6i khOng the
data bus t6ng tuyen s6 li¢u.
nhln r6 v~t the, hlnh anh. data inserter thiet bj thu nh~p s6 li¢u. data transfer rate toe d¢ truyen s6 li¢u.
data carrier chuyen tai s6 li¢u.
dark reaction phan ung trong b6ng t6i. data interchange SI! trao d6i s6 li¢u, data transmission SI! phat, truyen s6
data character set t~p ky ti! s6 li¢u, sl! giao hoan s6 li¢u. li¢u.
dark slide h¢p xep nep chuycfo d¢ng
du li¢u.
ra vao cua may anh. data intry thu nh~p s6 li¢u. data transfer state tr~ng thai truyen
data code ma hoa s6.li¢u, du li¢u.
dark tone sac di¢u t6i, tong anh t6i. data layout each b6 tri' s6 li¢u, each s6 li¢u.
data collection thu th~p s6 li¢u. trlnh bay so li¢u. data type lo~i hlnh s6 li¢u.
dark room phong t6i, bu6ng t6i.
data communication thong tin s6 li¢u. data line hang s6 li¢u. data-coding system M th6ng ma hoa
dark-room camera may ch1:1p anh
d~t trong buong t6i. data communication equipment data logging m1:1c l1:1c tu li¢u, so li¢u. s6 li¢u.
thiet bj thong tin (thOng tan) s6 li¢u.
dark-room focusing camera may data modem thiet bj difo giai, dieu data-in thu nh~p s6 li¢u.
data communication exchange trao che s6 li¢u; modem so li¢u.
ch1:1p anh lieu diem, kfnh tram trong data-out xuat s6 li¢u.
d6i thong tin (thong tan) s6 li¢u.
buong t6i. data output xuat s6 li¢u.
data ·compression system h¢ th6ng data-processing centre trung tam xu
dark-room lamp den an toan trong ly s6 li¢u.
nen s6 li¢u, du li¢u. data processing (DP) xu ly s6 li¢u.
bu6ng toi.
data conversion chuyen d6i s6 li¢u. data processing system h¢ thong xu data processing unit thiet bj xu ly s6 li¢u.
dark-room process camera may
ly s6 li¢u. database kho s6 li¢u.
ch1:1p anh cM ban trong bu6ng t6i. data density m~t d¢ s6 li¢u.
data record ghi (chep) so li¢u. database management system h¢
darken tang d¢ thiim sac di¢u. data display unit tluet bj hien thj s6 li¢u.
data record format each thuc ghi thong quan ly kho s6 li¢u.
darkroom equipment tluet bj buong t6i. data encryption algorithm (DEA)
(chep) s6 li¢u. date format the thuc ngay, the thuc
thu~t toan tang m~t d¢ s6 li¢u.
dash dau g~ch ngang (-), dau g~ch data retrieval tra cuu tu li¢u. thb'i gian [may ti'nh].
ngang ng!t quang (- - - ). data exchange chuyen d6i s6 li¢u.
data signaling rate t6c d9, chuyen date of an impression nien d~i in.
dash rule dau g~ch ngang, dau g~ch data exchange system h¢ thong
nh~p ti'n hi¢u s6 li¢u. date of imprint ngay hay thb'i gian
ngang ngit quang. chuyen d6i s6 li¢u.
data storage hru tru s6 Ii¢u. in, ngay hay thai gian xuat ban.
dashed line dub'ng cMm g~ch. data file van ki¢n s6 li¢u.
date of printing (late of printing

dead colour mau 16t tranh son diiu. decalcomina st;r in hlnh b6c dan, sv
date of printing ngay hay thbi gian in. daylight fluorescent pigment bc)t mau
huynh quang Jo~i anh sang ban ngay. in de can.
date of publication ngay hay thoi dead copy ban mau da qua si'.r d1,1ng,
daylight loading liip ban trong phong decalcomina paper giay in de-can,
gian xuat ban. ban mau hong.
sang. giay in hlnh b6c dan.
date slip bieu ky hl!-n. dead forme ban in hay khu6n in
daylight operating thao tac phong sang. decalcomina process phuong phap in .
khMg dung duc;,c.
date uncertain khong r6 nam xuat ban. hlnh b6c dan, phucmg phap in de-can.
daylight paper giay in anh. dead matter ban in chu roi su d1,1ng
datum du li¢u, s6 li¢u, Ju~n cu. decalin decalin C,Jl, 8 [hoa].
daylight-save lol!-i hlnh phong sang. da bj mon, cun, ban in hong.
datum level muc chuftn. dead metal mieng 16t d¢m [sap chu], decane decan C10H 22 [hoa).
DBMS (date base management
datum lines duang chuan. system) h¢ th6ng quan ly du li¢u ca ban. phoi chl, m~t chl. decanedioic acid axit decanedoic
dead rack gia de ban in dii SU d1,1ng. CsH,iCOOH)2 [hoa).
day of publication ngay xuat ban. DBP (dibutyl phthalate) dibutyl
phtalat [hoa]. decantation SI.J liing g~n.
day-glo ml.Jc in huynh quang [ten dead rolling slf ep ll!,i, sl.J can l~i.
thuong ml!-i]. d-c (direct current) di~n trl.Jc luu. decanter d1,1ng c1,1 !fog g~n.
dead space khong gian chet, kh6ng
day-glo colour mau anh sang huynh quang. d-c (double column) hai c¢t. gian c6 hai. decanting bottle blnh !ling gan.

day-glo fluorescent ink ml.Jc in d-c (Double Crown) kfch thuac to dead square cut cat vuong g6c chmh xac. decarbonization SI.J tach cac bon.
huynh quang. giay 20x30 tac Anh. decatize hap.
dead stone thao tac ban da.
day-glo ink ml.Jc in huynh quang. d-c logical circuit dong di¢n logich decay SI.J phan huy, SI.J phAn rii.
dead time thoi gian may ngung ho~t
trl.Jc luu.
daylight anh sang ban ngay. d()ng. decay constant S\1 phan rii, hang s6
de luxe binding dong sach tinh xao,
daylight cassette h¢p nho bjt kfn dead weight ph1,1 tai tinh. phan ra.
sang tr9ng.
dl.Jng m()t cu9n phim hoi'!-c bang tu dead white mau trang thuan khiet. decay of luminessence Slf suy giam
de luxe edition sach d6ng di'!-c bi¢t
anh sang ban ngay; cat-xet anh sang phat song.
tinh xao, sang tr9ng. debenture paper giay trai phieu,
ban ngay.
giay chung khoan, c6 phieu. deceleration giam t6c.
De Vinne kieu chu chl Do-Vin.
daylight colour film phim mau lol!-i decentralized inspection kiem
de-inking ml.Jc khong barn chac, debris manh VO, manh Vl,111.
anh sang ban ngay.
nghi¢m phan tan.
bong ml.Jc, tr6c mvc. debug sap chir sai [may tfnh], tlm
daylight development hi¢n anh dcchroming khu crom.
de-luxe volume quyen. tap sach d6ng thay va l~i bo sai s6t trong m¢t
buong sang.
tinh xao, sang tr9ng. chuong trlnh may tfnh. decibel (dB) dexiben (dB).
daylight film lol!-i phim de ngoai anh
de-silverzation plant thiet bj tach b~c. deca muai ( IO). decimal th~p phan, phAn s6 tMlp phan.
sang ban ngay.
deactivation tac d1,1ng giam ho~t tfnh. decahydro naphthalene decalin decimal alignment SL! sap xep thflng
daylight filter kfnh (phim) J9c sac CwH, 8; decahidro naptalen [hoa].
iOl!-i anh sang ban ngay. deactivator chat khi'.r ho~t tfnh. hang phan so th~p phAn.
decal Sl/ in hlnh b6c dan, in de can. decimal classification each phan lol!,i
daylight fluorescent ink muc in de~d center diem tinh xung trlnh.
huynh quang lol!-i anh sang ban ngay. diem linh hanh trlnh. decal printing in de can, in hinh b6c dan. 1h~p phan.
decorative laminate

deep pile delevery nh~n giay ch6ng

decimalize, decimalise d6i sang phan decolouration Slf lam phai mau, su decorative laminate trang trf ban ep
gifty cao.
s6tMpphan. lam mat mau. . nhieu lop.
deep pile feeder thiet bj cap giay
decolourization Slf lam phai mau, su decorative paper giay trang trf.
decimal code ma hoa s6 th~p phan. ch6ng giay cao.
lam mat mau. . decorative printing in sat ray.
decimal digit con s6 th~p phan, chii' deep shadow anh sam t6i, t6ng mau sam. ..
s6 th~p phan tu O Mn 9. decolourize lam phai mau, lam mat mau decorative type kieu chii' trang trf hoa deep shadow mask ban che t6ng
decimal printing in ky hi¢u th~p phan. decompose phan huy, phan giai. van. mau slim.
decimo kfch thuoc to giay 5,375x8 decomposition phan huy, phan giai decrease lam giam; giam. deep ·tank developing each hi¢n anh
tac Anh. [tac d1;1ng].
dccurl khtr quan, khu xoan. trong thung sau.
decimo-actavo khO sach 18 trang. decomposition of ink mvc in bien chat.
decyl dexyl. deep-etch halftone ban in tram an
decimo-sexto ( 16 mo, sextodecimo) decomposition products san pham mon sau.
bien chat. dedicate hien dang, c6ng hien.
khO sach 16 trang. deep-etch lacquer lac 6p xet dung
decompressing file giam sere nen van dedication vi¢c de t~g m¢t cu6n sach,
deck san, m~t bang d~t may. cho ban an mon vua bang vi:ra lorn.
ki¢n tai li¢u. m¢t ban nh~c•... nhung Joi de t~g.
deck type kieu xep chong cac don vj deep-etch litho ban in li-tO vua bang
decompression giam ap llfc, s6 li¢u dedicated computer may tfnh
may in giay cu¢n. vi:ralom.
giam ap. chuyen d1;1ng.
deck type press may in bao giay cu¢n deep-etch offset ban in 6p-xet vua
decontaminate loai O nhiem, loai dedicated device thiet bi duqc su
c6 cac don vj in xep ch6ng Jen nhau. ban, lam sach. . . bang vua !om.
d1:1ng cho m¢t m1;1c dfch d~c bi¢t.
deckle giay ban; san xuat giay dung deep-etch pad tam ni d~m ban in vua
decontamination plant thiet bj khlr O deep day sau; giua; sau; bao hoa; d~c
h6 giay c6 chat g6, VO cay. nhiem, lo~i bAn, lam s~ch. bang vi:ra lorn.
s¢t, d~m d~c; siim, thil.m (mau sac).
deckle edge giay ban. deep-etch plate ban in vua bang vua
decor trang trf, trang hoang. deep colour mau thiim, mau sam.
deckle-deged book sach in bang giay ban. decorated board bla trang trf. deep engraving ngh¢ thu~t ch~m deep-etch process phuong phap che
deckle-edged paper giay ban. decorated spine trang trf gay sach. khac hlnh ve trang trf ban in 16m. ban in vua bang vua lorn.
decode giai ma, d\ch ma. decorated paper giay trang trf. deep etch an mon sau (che ban), ban deep-etch resist mang ben an mon sau.
decoder nguoi giai ma; thiet bi giai decoration trang trf, trang hoang. in VU'a bang VLCa Jorn.
deep-etch stencil an mon sau dung
ma m¢t tfn hi¢u di¢n tu. deep etched process phucmg phap an
decoration and ornament mang ben an mon.
decoding giai ma, djch ma. photography thu~t nhiep anh trang mon sau ban in vua bang vua lorn.
deep-etch halftone ban in tram, ban
decollator may tach roi hoa don hoang va trang trf. deep etching an mon sau. ch1;1p anh tram.
nhieu lien. decorative trang trf. deep folding gap theo chieu doc, dai. deep-etch plate ban in vua bang vua lorn.
decolour lam phai mau, lam mat mau. dec~rative finishing trang trf be m~t. deep inking cha day mlfc. deep-etching an mon sau [che ban],
decolourant chat lam phai mau, chat decorative initial trang trf chii' cai an mon [ban in vua bang vua 16m].
deep page trang sach chieu d9c, dai.
lam mat mau. dau dong.
deep-etching ink degree of curvature

deep-etching ink mvc an mon sau. degree of curvature d(> u6n cong. delamination SI! phan l6'p.
defocculation agent tac nhan giai tu
chat khti keo ty. .' degree of dispersion d¢ philn tan. dele Mu luqc bo, dt bo.
deep-frozen food pack d6ng g6i thuc
phAm dong Jc.1nh. defloam khit b9t. degree of grinding d¢ nghien mjn. deleatur dau dt bo (soat ll;li tren ban
defatitng (SL!) Joc_li mo, tAy mo. defloamer agent chat khu b9t. in thti].
degree of hardness d¢ ct'.rng. /

default gia trj thieu hyt. defloaming (SI!) khti b9t, (sL!) ch6ng degree of humidity d(> am.
delete and closeup dt oo va chen xft
sui b9t. vao (soat ll;li tren ban in thu].
default option gia tri thi€u hyt. degree of hydrolysis d¢ thuy phan.
defloaming agent chat khu b<;>t. deleted file dii cat bo van ki¢n.
default printer danh may s6t, thieu. degree of ionization d¢ ion hoa.
deform bien d,:tng, bien h1nh. deleted file restoration lay ll;li van
default value gia trj thieu hyt. degree of oxydation d(> oxi hoa. ki¢n dii d.t oo.
defecate lam trong, Jam Sl).ch. deformation SIJ bien d~g, SL! bien hmh.
degree of saturation d(> no, d(> biio hoa. deleted matter luqc bo chfr tren m~t ban.
defecation SL! Jam trong, SIJ Jam Sl).Ch. deforming lens thau kfnh bien dl;lng.
degree of sizing hi¢u qua lang h6 keo deleterious c6 hl;li, d(>c.
defect khuyet diem, thieu s6t. defrosting lam tan bang. het Sl!ang tren m~t giay.
gia, het dong l~nh. deleting command m¢nh 1¢nh dt bo
defect of image chO thieu s6t d1a degree of wetness d¢ tham u6't. [may tfnh].
h1nh ve. degauss khti tu. 0
degree sign ky hi¢u s6 d9 ( ).
deleting current directory myc lye
defective sach thieu trang. degausser thiet bi khi'.r tu. dehumidifier thiet bj giam d¢ am, dii d.t bo truoc [may tfnh].
defective copy ban sach rach hong. degenerate suy bien, thoai hoa. thiet bj hut am. deleting directory myc lye d.t bo
degeneration St! suy bien, SL! thoai hoa. dehydrated (dii) lo~i nl!oc. [may tfnh].
defective type chfr cun hong.
degradation sl! giam phAm cha't, sl! dehydrated alcohol ruqu dii lol).i deleting file van ki¢n d.t bo.
define djnh nghia; dinh ro; xac djnh
lao hoa. mroc, ruqu khan.
d~c diem. deletion Iuqc bo, b(> ph~n d.t bo.
degradation products san pham bien dehydrated castor oil dau thiu dau
definition st! djnh nghia; sl! djnh ro, deletion mark dau, ky hi¢u cat bo.
chat, thu' phiim. dii khll' het nl!oc.
SL! xac djnh, SL! r6 net [anh].
dehydration SI! lo~ nl!CIC, SI! tach nl!oc. delicacy nhu hoa, mem m~. mjn mang.
definition in depth anh sam; d¢ sam degraded colour mau toi.
dehydration of alcohol st! loai mroc delicate nhl).y; tinh vi; mong manh.
ro net cua vi,l.t anh. degrease tay mo, tay nhon.
khoi rl!qll, SIJ tach nUC1C kh6i fUqll. delineation y do bieu thi tren h1nh ve,
definition of contours d¢ ro net degreaser chat tay mo, tay nhon.
duong vien hay duong cOng-tua. dehydration of salt su loai nuoc khoi khai do.
degreasing (sL!) tiiy mo, (SL!) ttly nhon. mu6i, su tach nuoc kh6i ~u6i. deliquate pha loiing.
deflect cong, vong, !¢ch.
degreasing agent chat tay mo, chat deink SL! bong tr6c mvc [sl! c6]. deliquation SI! pha loiing.
deflection sl! cong, SL! vong; d(> cong, tay nhon.
d¢ vong; d¢ lech:s~r !¢ch. de-inking bong tr6c ml!c [giay hong].
deliquescence chay rua.
degreed(> (nhi¢t d(>); b?c; mt'.rc d9.
deflocculate giai ty, chat khti keo ty. deionized water khu ion hoa nuoc.
delivery phan phat hang; nh~n giay,
degree of clarity d¢ trong su6t, d(> delaminate giay bj bong l6'p, phan 16'p.
deflocculation su giai ty, s~t khit keo tu. thiet bj nh~n giay, xuat giay.
thau minh.
delivery apparatus l)ennison wax

delivery apparatus thiet bj nh~ giify. delivery table ban nMn giay, ban de l)ennison wax sap Denison (dung de densograph d6 thj toi,t d¢ ml).t d¢, d6
ru9t sach. trAc djnh giify). thj dubng cong ml).t d9.
delivery blower dt,mg c1:1 th6i tcri giay.
delivery tape bang truyen dan. Dennison test phuc:mg phap trac djnh densometer d1:1ng c1:1 do d9 thifu khf giay.
delivery board ban thu nMn giay.
giify Denison. deodorant chat kht't mui mlfc i~.
delivery chain xfch thu nhl).n giay. delivery unit dc:m vj nh~ giay, thiet
bj nhl).n giify. dense ml).t d¢, n6ng d¢, d~c, chk deodorant liquid chift long khOng mui.
delivery cylinder tr1:1c nMn giify.
delivery wheel vong banh xe nh~n densification Slf d~c li,ti, SI! chic li,ti. deodorizer cMt kht't mui; d1:1ng c1:1
delivery cylinder with grippers tr1:1c giay. kht'tmui.
nhl).n giify c6 nhfp c~p giay. densify Jam d~c, lam quanh.
delta connection each n6i hlnh tam giac. deoxidant kht't oxi.
delivery device thiet bj thu nh~ giay. densifier chat lam tang d¢ dl).c, d¢
delta winding giay cu9n tam giac. quanh. deoxidize kht't oxy.
delivery drum tr1:1c nMn giify.
delta-connected circuit mi,tch di¢n densimeter ml).t d¢ ke, may do ml).t deoxidizer chat khir oxy.
delivery end stop thanh chl).n nhl).n va n6i h1nh tam giac. d9 quang.
nhii giify. dephlegmation SI! chung dt phAn
delta-star transformation chuyen densitometer ml).t d¢ ke, may do ml).t doi,tn; Slf ngttng hoi Juu.
delivery gripper nhfp cl).p nhl).n giay, doi mi,tch h1nh tam giac. d¢ quang.
nhii giay. depleted water nuoc thiii.
dehistering Slf lam mo, Slf Jam mat densitometer aperture d9 ma anh deposit cMt !Ang, vl).t ling.
delivery mechanism thiet bj nhl).n anh b6ng. sang cua ml).t d¢ ke.
giify, co cifu nh~ sach. demineralization Slf lo~i khoang, s(! depositing dynamo mi,t <fi¢n dung
densitometric curve dubng cong ml).t
delivery paper deflector thiet bj tach cMt VO co. d¢ quang. may phat di¢n.
huang diln nhl).n giay. demineralization of water Slf lam depositing tank be mi,t di¢n, thung
denstometry phep do ml).t d¢ quang.
delivery pile ch6ng nhl).n giify in ra. mem nuac. mi,t di¢n.
density ml).t d¢ quang; ty tr9ng, ty kh6i.
delivery pile board ban nh~ giay in ra. demodulate bien di¢u (am di¢u). deposition Slf Jing, Slf ket tua.
density curve dubng cong ml).t d9 quang.
delivery pile · for printed paper demodulation Slf dieu bien (bien dOi deposition potential the ta.ch, the ket
bien d9, pha hol).c tAn s6). density maximum ml).t d9 ClfC di,ti.
ch6ng nhl).n giify da in ra. tua.
demodulator thiet bj dieu bien. density measurement do lubng m~ d¢.
delivery platform ban ph!ng nhl).n deposition pressure ap suift !Ang.
giify, k¢ ph!ng nhl).n giay. demy kfch thuoc to giay 22,5xl7,5 density meter ml).t d¢ ke.
depot kho; ch6 chua.
delivery roller tr1:1c nMn giify. tac Anh. density minimum ml).t d¢ clfc tieu.
depressed area b¢ phl).n nguong che,
delivery side guide qui tic nhl).n giay denature bien tfnh. density of colour ml).t d¢ mau. U'C Che.
ci,tnh ben. denatured bien tfnh, bien chat. density of screen (DS) ml).t d(> tram. depressed panel vet 16m tren m~t ban
delivery stacker b¢ phl).n nMn giay denatured alcohol con bien tfnh, density range (DR) phi,tm vi ml).t d¢. inl6m.
xep thanh ch6ng. nrqu bien tfnh. depression tam cao SU, ban in hol).c
density recorder ty tr9ng ke tlf ghi.
delivery system chain h¢ th6ng xfch denier denie (dc:m vj do d¢ thO tC1 trl;IC JO mlfC c6 vet Jorn; SI! giam; St!
truyen nhl).n giay. nhan ti,to). density value gia trj ml).t d¢. giam ap.

190 191
depth desensitizing agent

depth ~ sau, d¢ sau, than chu to, desalting st,r lo?i mu6i. desensitizing agent chat giam cam desk-top publishing dung may tfnh
nho; d¢ sau ban in. desaturate d¢ biio hoa giam. quang. de ban va m¢t may in lade d6 lam cac
depth calibrator dt.mg Cl;! do d¢ sau, desensitizing development each hi¢n tai li¢u in chat luqng cao.
desaturated colour mau sac kh6ng
d¢ sau ke. biio hoa, mau chua no. anh giam cam quang. desktop color separation each thCrc
depth gauge d~mg Cl;) do d¢ sau, d¢ desensitizing solution dung djch phan mau may tfnh de ban.
desaturation st,r pha bao hoa.
sau ke. giam cam quang. desktop computer may vi tfnh de ban.
descender b¢ ph~n d6c xu6ng cua
depth of definition d¢ net sau cua dl!ong net chu. desiccant chat lam kh6. desktop document copying machine
anh cht;1p. desiccate lam khO, hut Am. may plwc che tu li¢u kicfo de ban.
descender line b¢ ph~n d6c xu6ng
depth of face d9 cao m~t chu. cua duong net chu. desiccating agent chat lam khO. desktop publishing system h¢ th6ng
depth of field d¢ net sau cua anh xuat ban may tfnh de ban.
descending chromatography phucmg desiccator blnh hut dm.
cht;1p. phap sac ky xu6ng. desktop software ph!in men xuat ban
design thiet ke do an, trang trf sach may tfnh de ban.
depth focus tieu ct,r sau. descending figures chu s6 d6c xu6ng anh, thiet ke kieu ban in.
depth of page d¢ cao trang chu in. nhl! 4,7,9. desorb giam lt;tc hut, xa hut.
design chart thiet ke bieu d6.
depth of plated¢ sau an mon ban in. descending letter chu cai d6c xu6ng. despeckle khti tieng 6n, khti t?P am.
design data tu li¢u thfet ke, s6 li¢u
depth of stroke d¢ sau net chu chl. descending order h? 1¢nh, ra 1¢nh 1hietke. desplay hien thj, man hi¢n thj.
[may tfnh], giang 1¢nh.
depth of type kieu chu to nho. design firm cOng ty thiet ke, hiing destaticizing of paper khti t1nh di¢n
descendig sequence h? 1¢nh chu6i st,r 1hie1 ke. cua giay.
depthometer d¢ sau ke. ki¢n [may tfnh].
design paper giay che ban bieu d6. detacher may xti ly hoa dan nhieu lien.
depurate lam l?nh, tinh che. descreening xoa bo tram, an mon tram.
design speed t6c d¢ thiet ke. detail chi tiet, tang th(r tranh tl!qng
depuration st,r lam l~h. st,r tinh che. description manual s6 tay thuyet tinh vi; linh ki¢n.
minh, sach thuyet minh san philm. designation marks ky hi¢u gap danh
Derby red do chl cromat baw. detail drawing bCrc ve chi tiet, ti mi.
derisined (da) lo~ nht,ra, (dii) tach nht,ra descriptive literature sach thuyet detail exposure chieu sang chfnh.
minh san ph!lm, ph6 bien san phtim. designer nguoi lam nghe thiet ke.
derisination st;t lo?i nht,ra, st;t tach nht,ra. detail of construction b(rc ve thi
descriptor Joi chu de. desilvering bath dung djch tach b?c.
derivate dAn xuat. cOng, b(rc ve linh ki¢n.
desensitization st,r giam d¢ nh?Y, st! desk calender ljch de ban.
derivative diin xuat, d!n chat. detail requirment yeu cau ky thu~t
giam cam quang. desk edition sach cOng c1:1 h? gia, gia chi tiet.
dermatin da nhan t?o. desensitize giam d¢ nh?Y, giam cam re; sach tham khao d6ng dan gian.
detail stop diapham chieu sang
dermatic (thu9c) da. quarig. desk-top m~t ban giay. chfnh, ctia dieu sang chfnh.
derrick cai toi, trt;1c quay. desensitizer chat giam d¢ nh?Y, chat desk-top computer may tfnh de ban. detectable element yeu to c6 the do
giam cam quang. di:tc, kiem tra.
Derome style phong each Derom ~eskt~p application ung d1:1ng may
(trang trf bla siich). desensitizing giam cam quang. ltnh de ban xuat ban in. detecting device thiet bj kiem tra.
192 193
detector development restrainer

detector may kiem nghi¢m, may developer replensher solution dung development restrainer chat uc che devulcanization Sl,J' khu lUU hoa, tac
tham trac. djch b6 xung hi¢n anh. dyng phan luu hoa.
hi¢n anh.
detergent chat tay rua; tay rira. developing hi¢n anh. development retarder chat UC Che dewater lam kho, lam mat nuoc.
detergent power kha nang tay rua. developing agent chat hi¢n anh. hi¢n anh. dewatering (StJ) Jam kho, (Sl,I') lam
deterioration St! bien chat, St! thoai development time thbi gian thu hi¢n mat nu6'c.
developing bath dung djch hi¢n anh.
hoa, Sl,J' giam gia trj. anh. dewet khong tham thiec.
developing dish khay hi¢n anh.
determinate chat djnh phan; xac device thiet bi, d6 an, trang bj, thucrng Dexter feeder thiet bi cap giay
djnh; djnh phan. developing factor h¢ s6 hi¢n anh. hieu xuat ban. Dexter.
determinated da xac djnh, da djnh developing ink ml,l'c hi¢n anh. device coordinate to<!, d9 thiet bj. dextrinate dextrin hoa, chuyen thanh
s6, da quyet djnh. developing machine may hi¢n anh. device coordinate system h¢ th6ng dextrin.
determination xac djnh, St! djnh phan. developing pad chat d¢m trong dung to<!, d¢ 1hie1 bi. dextrine dextrin, b9t h6 nung.
djch hi¢n anh. device dependenc thiet bj phy thu()c.
Deutsche Industrie Norm tieu chuiin di hai.
c6ng nghi¢p Due (DIN). developing paper giay hi¢n anh. device driver trlnh tl,I' v~ hanh thiet bj. diacid salt mu6i diaxit (trong philn tu
Deutsche lndustrie Normen Tieu developing solution dung djch hi¢n anh. device emulation thiet bj phong theo c6 hai hidro chua thay the).
chuan cong nghi¢p Due (DIN). nhu th~t.
developing table ban hi¢n anh. diacid base dibazCI [hoa].
develop hi¢n anh, hi¢n hlnh. device Exchange Format (DEF)
developing tank thung hi¢n anh, be di-litho in bang lfl!C tiep.
develop temperrature nhi¢t d9 dung hi¢n anh. each thuc trao d6i thiet bj.
djch hi¢n anh. di-litho process phuC1ng phap in bang
developing tray khay hi¢n anh. device independent color mau sk va
trl,l'C tiep.
developed cylinder tryc hi¢n anh. thiet bi tach rbi.
developing trough ch~u hi¢n anh. dia (diapositive) phim chyp anh
developed density m~t d9 hi¢n anh. device link profile thiet bi mo ta sCI
developing-out paper (DOP) hi¢n duong thau minh.
luqc lien ket hi¢n mau. ·
developed image hlnh anh hi¢n anh. anh giay in anh. diacetyl diaxetyl [hoa].
device name bf s6 thiet bj (con s6
developed image stabilizer chat 611 development hi¢n anh, dung djch thay cho ten th~t cua nguoi hay ca diacritic mark dau bien am.
djnh hlnh anh hi¢n anh. hi¢n anh. quan dan vj ... ).
diacritic sign dau bien am.
developed length d9 dai trien khai. development accelerator chat xuc device profile thiet bi mo ta SCI lucre
tien hi¢n anh. hi¢n mau. · · diacritical mark dau phat am.
developer dung djch hi¢n anh, chat
hi¢n anh. development agent chat hi¢n anh device space kh6ng gian thiet bi. diacritics ky hi¢u bien Am.
chfnh. ~evice-independent thiet bi tach rbi diaeresis dau tach phan am (bieu thj
developer cell b9 ph~n dl,l'ng thu6c
hi¢n anh cua may hi¢n anh. n eng re. . , hai nguyen Am gfo nhau phat am
development factor h¢ s6 hi¢n anh.
phan bi¢t).
developer proper chat hi¢n anh development latitude d9 khoan dung d_evil vet d6m an men mat ban [in
chfnh, chu yeu. hi¢n anh. lorn]. · diafilm phim b6c mang.

194 195
diagnosis diapositive film

diagnosis chan doan, lu~n doan [may diallyl phthalate dianlyl phtalat diapositive ~Im . phim den chieu, diazo presensitive material v~t li¢u
tfnh]. [hoa]. phim nhl!a tha:u mmh. trang phu san diazo.
diagnostic diskette chan doan dung dialog d6i tho~i [may tfnh]. diapositive ~Im transp~ren_cy phim diazo presensitized paper giay trang
dia mem. den chieu, ph1m nhl,l'a tha:u mmh. phu san diazo.
diaminoethane diaminoetan [hoa].
diagnostic function chl'rc niing chan diathermal thau nhi¢t. diazo presensitized plate ban trang
Diamond chu rbi co chu 4,5 phan in.
doan, cong nang chan doan. phu san diazo.
diathermancy tfnh thau nhi¢l.
Diamond edition sach khc5 nho, cl) diazo print san pham in diazo.
diagnostic program tr1nh ll,I' chan
nho, sach bo tui. diathermanous thau nhi¢t.
doan. diazo printing process phttong phap
Diamond green lake b(>t mau xanh lye. diatomic acid diaxit [hoa].
diagonal fold gap cheo g6c. in anh diazo.
diamond knurled van lttoi. diatomic alcohol ruqu hai Ian ruqu [hoa]. diazo sensitized paper giay cam
diagonal fraction net nghieng cheo (j).
diamond Screening ky thu~t diem diatomic base diabaw [hoa]. quang diazo.
diagonal indention s.ip tieu de bao
dao h1nh tam giac. tram tren da. diazamine blue xanh diazamin. diazo sensitizer chat nh~y sang
diamond Sutra kinh kim cuong. diazo.
diagonal slash net nghieng cheo (/). diazine blue xanh diazin.
diapason ph¥fl vi, !Am; da.i, bang, mien. diazo transparency phim duong thlfu
diagonal transparent cross ducmg diazo diazo.
minh diazo, phim den chieu diazo.
dan cheo chil' th~p thau minh. diaper vai lanh ho~c vai bong c6 hoa diazo compound hqp chat diazo
diazo-lithography in litO diazo, in
diagram gian do, biiu do, giai d6. h1nh thoi nho. [hoa].
ban b!:ing diazo.
diagram paper giay biiu d6. diaphaneity tinh rrong su6t; d¢ rrong suot diazo copy sao chl;lp diazo, phoi ban
diazonium halide mu6i diazoni
diagrammatic drawing hlnh ve neu diaphanic paper giay rrang trf thau minh halogenua, R.N2 .X [hoa].
so luqc y do. diazo document coppying machine
diaphanometer dyng cy do d¢ thau minh diazonium salt mu6i diazoni [hoa].
may sao ch1,1p ttt li¢u diazo.
diagrammatic representation d~i diaphanous trong su6t. diazotization sl,I' diazo hoa [hoa].
di¢n neu so luqc y do. diazo dye thu6c nhu¢m, pham nhu¢m
diaphanous ink ml,l'c in thau minh. diazo. diazotype lo~i diazo.
dial thang tron; m~t chia d9; dia s6
tron tren may di~n tho~i; dia kh.ic d9. diaphragm cua dieu sang [may anh], diazo film phim nhl,l'a diazo. diazotype paper giay sao ch1,1p diazo,
quang quyen, diapham. gilfy phoi ban.
dial indicator chi thj ke m~t khiic diazo material v~t li¢u cam quang
chia d9. diaphragm control thiet bj dieu tiet mu6i diazo. diazotype printing in sao ch1,1p diazo.
dial micrometer thiet bi do trAc vi mat diapham, cua dieu sang. diazo paper giay anh diazo. diazotype process phuong phap ph1,1c
khiic chia d¢, vi ke m~t khiic chia d¢. · diaphragm leap la chin cua dieu diazo paper photocoppying process
che diazo.
dial thermometer nhi¢t ke c6 thang rron. sang, diapham. Phttong phap sao ch1,1p giay diazo. dibasic (thu¢c) diaxit; c6 hai chl'rc.
dialectal novel tieu thuyet phuong diaphragm scale thang khiic d9 m& ~iazo photosensitive material v/lt dibasic acid diaxit [hoa].
ngu, tieng dja phttong. ong kfnh may anh. h¢u cam quang diazo. .
dibasic alcohol ruqu hai Ian, diol
diallyl maleat dianlyl maleat [hoa]. diapositive phim duong ban thau minh. diazo plate ban diazo. [hoa].

196 197
die stamping press
dibasic sodium ortho-phosphate ~

diethylen glycol dietylen glycol

dictation hanh d¢ng d9c cho vifr die stamping press may in ~p chlm n6i.
dibasic sodium ortho-phosphate [hoa).
doan van de viet chfnh ta. ' die sunk in Jorn.
dinatri hidrophotphat Na2HP04 (hoa). diethylen triamine dietylen triamin
dibenzoyl (g6c) dibenzoin (C6H 5C0h dictionary tu dien. die-case r6t d6 khuon chu. [hoa).
[hoa]. dictionary code ma hoa tu dien. die-case furniture khu6n due lanh- difference of temperature hi¢u s6
dibenzoyl peroxide dibenzoyl peoxit dicyanine dixyanin (chat tang d6 g6, dyng cy due khuon. nhi¢t d¢.
[hoa]. nhl!-Y chyp anh tia h6ng ngo~i). · die-cut carton khu6n cat cac-tong, differential adsorption si,r hap phy
dibutyl phthalate dibutyl phtalat didactic works sach dung d~y h9c. khuon be cac-tong. rieng phan.
(hoa). Didone Didon (ten g<;>i kieu chu in ch1). die-cutter may cat khuon mau. differential condensation SI! ngtrng
dibutyl tin dilaurate dibutyl thiec die-sinking cat dung khuon. ty tung phan.
Didot Dido (ten g<;>i kieu chfr DidO).
dilaurat [hoa). differential gear banh rang vi sai.
Didot normal tieu chuan chu Dido. die-stamping in ep n6i.
dicarbonate cacbonat axit MHC0 3 differential mask ban che vi sai.
Didot poiut phAn in Dido. die-stamping bronze in ml!- vang.
difficult matter ban in kh6 sap chu.
dicarbonyl compound hqp chat Didot poiut system h¢ th6ng phan in die-stamping ink mi,rc in ep n6i.
diffracted light anh sang nhieu x~.
dicacbonyl. Did6. die-stamping press may in ep n6i.
dicarboxylic acid axit dicacboxylic, die khuon due, khuon in, khu6n r~p. diffract lam nhieu x~.
die-wiping paper giay Jau mi,rc.
COOH.R.COOH (hoa]. die cast furniture khuon due Janh- diffraction SI! nhieu x~.
dielectric chat di¢n m6i; di¢n moi;
dichloroethane dicloetan [hoa]. go, dyng cy due khuon. each di¢n. diffraction spectrum quang ph6
dichloromethane diclometan [hoa). die casting khuon due. dielectric constant hang s6 di¢n moi. nhieu x~.
diffraction theory Jy thuyet nhieu x~ .
dichroic fog mang mo tren phim Am ban. die cut khuon cat, dye Jo. dielectric heating gia nhi¢t chat di¢n m6i.
diffuse khuech tan.
dichroic mirror kfnh gtrang phAn die cutting khuon cat, khuon be hQp. dielectric loss str that thoat dien m6i,
mau sic. S1:f tOn that di¢n ~Oi. . diffuse filter kfnh (phim) l9c sac
die cutting machine may cat khuon
dichroism tfnh the hi¢n hai mau. dielectric paper giay each di¢n. dl!-ng khuyech tan.
r~p. may be khuon r~p.
die embossing in ch1m n6i (khu6n r~p). diffuse light anh sang khuyech tan.
dichromate mu6i dicromat [hoa). diesis dau kep kiem.
dichromate process phtrang phap in diesters diette (ette cua diaxit). [axit). diffuse ray density m~t d¢ tia
die plate khuon ban in ltroi.
anh dicromat. khuyech tan.
die printing in ep khuon thep. diethanolamine dietanolamin [hoa].
dicl,romate tanning d6ng rfo mang diffuse reflection SI! phan x~
die roll tryc thep Ian qua khuon in. diethyl ether dietyl ete [hoa)/ khuyech tan.
bang mu6i dicromat.
die stamp in khuon, in d6ng dau, kY diethyl phthalate dietyl phtalat diffuse source ngu6n khuyech tan.
dichromate albumen Jong tring [hoa].
hi¢u chlm n6i, dau hi?u chlm n6i.
trung dicrOmat. diffuse light anh sang khuyech tan.
die stamping in chlm n6i, in thep. diethylen dioxide dietylen dioxit
dichromate colloid the keo dicromat. [hoa). diffuse mask ban che khuyech tan.
die stamping ink mi,rc in chlm n6i.
dichromatic (thu¢c) tfnh ltrcmg sk
diffusiometer digital facsimile

diffusiometer khuyech tan ke. digallic acid axit digalic, digital facsimile ban sao chL.Jp ky digital page data exchange trao d6i
C6Hi(OHhCO.C6Hi(OH).COOH 1hu~t s6. Ban tai tc_lo chfnh xac ky du li¢u trang in ky thu~t so.
diffusion si;r khuyech tan.
[hoa]. thu~t so toan b(> hay m(>t phan van
diffusion analysis St! phAn tfch digital photography thu~t chL.Jp anh
digest trfch yeu, luge thu~t. ban theo ky thu~t di¢n bao thi;rc hi¢n ky thu~t s6.
khuyech tan.
vira sao chL.Jp vua truyen phat van ban.
diffusion coefficient h¢ so khuyech tan. digest fold ta gap dup hai ray sach 32 digital font kho chu ky thu~t so.
digital press may inky thu~t s6. ·
diffusion coppying sao chL.Jp khuy&h tan. digital printer may in ky thu~t s6.
digestion sau luy¢n chfn, lao hoa. digital imaging tc_lo anh ky thu~t so.
diffusion current dong khuyech tan. digital printing in ky thu~t so.
digital imaging offoset presses tl_lo
Digiset Digiset ten thLrong ml_li may
diffusion effect hi¢u Cmg khuyech tan. anh ky thuat s6 tren may in 6p xet. digital printing technique ky thu~t
sip chL.Jp cua hang Hell DCrc.
diffusion halo quang sang khuy&h tan. in so hoa.
digestion period chu ky lao hoa. digital information th6ng tin ky
diffusion heat nhi¢t khuyech tan. thu~t so. digital proofing in thu ky thu?t s6.
digestion time thbi gian lao hoa.
diffusion of book phat hanh sach. digital industrial inkjet in phun mi;rc digital proofing technique ky thu~t
digit chu so. cong nghi¢p ky thu~t so. in thu s6 hoa.
diffusion of focus tieu diem khuy&h tan.
digit punch dl_lc 16 chfr s6. digital inkjet printing in phun mi;rc digital publishing technology cong
diffusion sheet tam v~t li¢u mong
khuyech tan. digit transfer bus t6ng tuyen thu ky thu~t s6. ngh¢ xuat ban ky thu~t s6.

diffusion transfer in truyen khuy&h tan. truyen so Ii¢u. digital large format printing in kh6 digital recording ghi am ky thu?t s6.
digital-analog converter may r¢ng ky thu~t so. digital signal tfn hi¢u ky thu?t s6.
diffusion transfer plate ban in
truyen khuyech tan. chuyen d6i s6-tuong llf. digital laser color printing in mau
digital still camera may chL.Jp anh ky
digital camera may chL.Jp anh ky lade ky thu~t so.
diffusion transfer process phuong thu?t so.
phap in truyen khuyech tan. thu~t so. digital laser monochrome printing
digital studio camera may chL.Jp anh
digital circuit dong di¢n ky thu~t s6. in don s~c Jade ky thu~t so.
diffusion transfer processor may ky thu~t so.
hi¢n anh giay in truyen khuyech tan.
digital color printing in mau ky digitalization/ digitalisation su s6
digital thermal plate ban nhc_ly nhi¢t
diffusion transfer reversal process hoa ban van va du li¢u anh.
thu~t so. ky thU?t SO.
phuong phap chuyfo in truyen digital offset color press (DOCP)
digital computer may tfnh ky thu~t digital transmission si;r phat truyen
khuyech tan. may in mau op-xet ky thu~t s6.
s6, may tfnh voi cac du ki¢n duqc the (hlnh) ky thU?t SO.
diffusion water mroc khuyech tan. hi¢n bang con so. digital on-deman printing in theo
digital transmission densitometer
diffusion-transfer development hi~n digital data exchange standards yeu cfo ky thu~t so.
m~t d9 ke thliu Xc_l ky thu~t s6.
anh in truyen khuyech tan. (DDES) tieu chuan chuyen d6i du li¢u digital page data so li¢u trang in ky
diffusion-type enlarger may ph6ng ky thu~t s6. thuat s6. digital type kieu ky thu~t s6.
dc_li anh sang khuyech tan. digital descreening giam mong tram digital-anolog decoder may djch ma
digital plate making che ban in ky
diformyl difomyl [hoa]. ky thu~t s6. thu~t s6. ky thu~lt so.
digital-to-analog converter DIN size

digital-to-analog converter (DAC) dilution tolerance d¢ pha loang cho DIN size kh6 giay tieu chuan cOng dirrect color separation chyp ta.ch
may chuyen d6i ky thu~t s6 - nrong n,r. phep, lieu luqng pha loang cho phep. nghi¢p nuac Dae. mau tri,rc tiep c6 tram.

digitize (ky thu~t) s6 hoa. dim mo toi. ding-dat head kiiu than chu tieu de dirrect color separation method
dimension kfch thuoc; tha nguyen; chieu. ding-da. phuong phap chyp tacn,mau rrvc tiep
digitizer may chuyen d6i ky thu~t s6,
d ioctyl phthalate dioctyl phtalat, c6 tram.
thiet bi (ky thu~t) s6 hoa. dimension marks c!Au duang bien Cl).nh.
[hoaJ. dirrect contact copying sao in tfl!c
diglot sach xuat ban song ngu (hai dimension of composition kfch tiep, pht,1C che tiep XUC tfl!C tiep.
loc/-i ngOn ngu). thuac sip chu, khuon kh6 s!p chu. diode den hai ci,rc, diot.
diopter d¢ chiet quang, diop. dirrect control kh6ng che tn!C tiep,
dihydric alcohol nrqu dihidric [h6a]. dimension of image khu6n kho anh,
kiem tra trl,(c tiep.
kfch ca a.oh. dioxane dioxan, (CH2)402 [hoa].
dihydrodiketo-anthracene dihictrodiketo dirrect copy ban ep phim tfl!C tiep.
- antracen [h6a]. dimensional stability tfnh 6n djnh dioxazine violet dioxazin tfm [hoa].
kfch thuac. dirrect current (d-c) dong di¢n luu
dihydroketo-acridine dihidroketo- diphenyl ketone diphenyl keton
dimensional stable (thu¢c) 6n djnh (d-c).
acridin [hoa]/ [hoa].
kfch thtrac. dirrect digital color proofing (DDCP)
dihidroxybutanedioic acid axit dephenyldiketon diphenyl diketon
dimethyl phthalate dimetyl phtalat in thll' mau tfl!C tiep ky thu~t SO.
dihidr6 xybutan dioic [hoa]. [hoa].
dirrect digital control kh6ng che ky
Dijit printer may in phun mvc Dijit diphenylglyoxal diphenyl glyoxal
dimethyl sulfoxide dimetyl sunfoxit thu~t S6 lfl!C tiep.
[ten thuong ml).i]. [hoaJ.
dirrect electrophotographic printing
dilatancy tfnh gian na. dimethyl terephthalate dimetyl
diphthong hai nguyen am.
in sao chyp anh quang di¢n tfl!c tiep.
dilatation SI! na, SI! gian na ho~C bj terephtalat [hoa]. diplomatic copy ban sao giay nhu th~t.
dirrect electrostatic copier may sao
gian na. dimethyl benzene dimetyl benzen dipper ch~u hay khay dl!ng dung cht,1p tinh di¢n lfl!C tiep.
dilatometer na ke, cai do d¢ na. [ho.a]. djch hi¢n anh.
dirrect engraving ban kh!c tfl!c tiep.
dimethyl formamide dimetylfomamit dipping acid axit sunfuric [hoa].
dilatometric phuong phap no ke.
[hoaJ. diptych buc tranh tren hai tam c6 ban
dirrect entry typesetting s!p chu
diluent chat pha loang. dimethyl ketone dimetyl keton [hoa]. dtra VaO lfl!C tiep.
le c6 the g~p ll).i nhtr quyen sach;
dilute loiing, pha loang. DIN tieu chuan cOng nghi¢p nuac tranh b¢ d¢i. dirrect halftone ban tram trl,(C tiep,
Due DIN [d¢ nhc/-Y sang phim nhi,ra]. diptycha ban sap (nen). ban chyp anh tram trvc tiep.
dilute developer dung djch hi¢n a.oh
pha loiing. DIN format khuOn kh6 giay tieu dirrect halftone process phuong
dirrect access phuong thac lay thong
dilution SI! pha loiing. chuan cOng nghi¢p nuac Dae. tin trvc tiep. phap che ban tram trl!C tiep.
DIN sensitometer cam quang ke tieu dirrect acting continuous recorder dirrect image (DI) phuong phap tc/-O
dilution method phuong phap pha
loang. · chuan cOng nghi¢p nuoc Due, may do d¢ thiet bj ghi llm lien tl,IC lf\!C tiep. anh trl!C tiep.
nhl).y sang tieu chufo cOng nghi¢p
dilution ratio ty 1¢ pha loang. dirrect color print in nh~ mau tfl!C tiep. dirrect image film phim tc/-O anh tfl!c tiep.
nuac Due.

202 203
dirrect lettering direct screening process

direct screening process phttong directory structure ket cau mt,1c lt,1e
dirrect lettering chfr viet true tiep, direct plate ban in true tiep.
phap phan mau t<;tO tram tr~rc tiep. [may tfnh], cau true may tfnh.
chfr in tnJC tiep.
direct plate exposure (DPA) chieu dirt bt,1i giay.
dirrect light anh sang tn_rc tiep. sang ban goc true tiep. direct screening separation film
phim tach mau l<;lO tram trl_J'C tiep. dirty c6 sai s6t, ban sap chfr c6 nhieu
dirrect litho in lit6 (true tiep). Khi in v~t direct plate making each che biin 16i, ban in thtr con de loi chlt1;YS~h loi.
direct separation each tach mau true tiep.
li¢u in tiep xuc true tiep voi khuon in. trl_J'e tiep.
dirty case hc)p chfr roi ban, kh6ng
direct three color process phttong
dirrect Jitho duplicating phuong phap direct plate making system h¢ th6ng s~ch; bo chfr sai 6 chfr.
phap che ban ba mau trl_J'C tiep.
ph~IC ehe in lit6 (in bang) lrl_J'C tiep. chup iinh che biin trl_J'e tiep.
direct to gravure s6 hoa true tiep in lorn. dirty colour mau xin khong sang.
dirrect litho duplicator may in pht,1c direct positive phim anh dttong trl_J'c dirty copy ban r~p in thtr sua nhieu
Che in !it6 (in bang) trl_J'C tiep. tiep. direct toning each t~o mau sic true tiep.
Ian, ban thao sira chfra nhieu Ian.
dirrect lithographic printing in lit6 direct positive film phim iinh dttong direct-entry photocomposition sap dirty proof ban in thu sai nhieu ch6,
lfl.J'C tiep, in bang trl_J'C tiep. trl_J'c tiep. chfr cht,1p nh~p vao true tiep. biin r~p in thtr sua nhieu Ian.
dirrect lithographic totary machine direct-entry phototypesetter sap chfr disable vo dt,1ng, v6 hi¢u [may tinh].
direct positive process phttong phap
may in quay lit6 (in bang) true tiep. cht,1p nh~p vao trl_J'c tiep.
gia c6ng duong true tiep. disaggreate tan rii.
dirrect lithography in lit6 trl_J'c tiep, direct-entry phototypesetting machine
direct pressure press may ep ph6ng may sap cht,1p nh~p vao trl_J'C tiep. disaggea!ion Sl.J' tan ra.
in bang tnJC tiep. lrl_J'c tiep.
direct-image plate trt_Ic tiep t~o anh diazo yellow vang diazo.
dirrect mail h¢ th6ng thu nhap, v~n direct pressure process phtrong phap ban in. disc dia tu, dia tron.
chuyen phan phat thtt tl! va bl!U di¢n ep phong trl_J'C tiep.
trl_J'C tiep. direct-to-plate ehe biin true tiep. disc black mu9i than dia, mo h6ng
direct printing in trt_Ic tiep. dia (dieu che bang phttong phap dia).
dirrect mail printing in bttu ki¢n direct-vision view finder kfnh ngam
phan phat thtt tu va buu di¢n tn_rc tiep. direct process phttong phap che ban nhln trl_J'e tiep. disc black process phttong phap dia
trl_J'e tiep. direct oxidation Sl.J' OXi hoa tn_J'C tiep. dieu che m6 h6ng.
dirrect memory access (DMA)
ehieu sang ban g6c trl_J'C tiep. direct reading d<.>C duy¢t chfnh trl_J'e tiep. direction line v~ch gap tay sach, disc development hi¢n anh dia.
direct of turn chuyfo httong. direct scanner may quet tach mau e6 dttong tieu chuan gap tay saeh. disc drive thiet bj de truyen lt_Ie cfia tlf.
tram true tiep. direction of travel phttong httong disc filter dia l9c.
direct output xuat ra trl_J'C tiep.
direct screen camera may cht,1p anh truyen giay.
disc inker ban ml_J'e.
direct photographic conversion tach mau c6 tram trl_J'c "tiep. direction of turn chuyen httong.
each cht,1p iinh diio ngttqc trl_J'e tiep bat disc inking arrangement sl.J' sap d~t
chfr. direct screen halftone phim am biin directory mt,1c lt,1c nganh nghe, danh vi¢e cha ml.J'C kieu dia tron.
nua tong. b<;t, danh b~ di¢n tho~i. disc inking attachment Sl.J' sap d~t
direct photographic screen plate
each cht,1p iinh trt_Ic tiep ban in ILroi. direct screening Sl_J' tram hoa true tiep. directory file mt,1c lt,1c van ki¢n. vi¢e cha ml.J'e kieu cfia tron.
direct screening method phuong directory paper giay in danh muc disc of confusion khoanh tron khOng
direct photography phttong phap
cht,1p iinh trl_J'C tiep. phap pha.n mau t<;tO tram true tiep. nganh nghe, giay in danh b~ di¢n tho<;ti. r6, moho.
disc ruling disk operating system

disk operating system (DOS) h? dioxidate khu oxi, lo~i oxi.

disc ruling d11ong phlln v<).Ch d~g dia tu. d_iscontinuous wave (song) dao d¢ng
tat dfu. th6ng thao tac dia tu. dispatch dieu d¢; gi'.ri di; phat di; Jam
disc ruling machine may phll.n v<_tch
disk pack d6ng h¢p dia tu. gap; thanh toan.
dia Ill'. discrete gian do~n, khong lien tl,lc,
rai f1!,C. disk sector khu V\JC hlnh qu~t dia tu. dispersancy d¢ phlln tan.
discards ta in ban 101!,i bo. ~

discrete cosine transform (DCT) disk server b¢ ph~ phyc vy dia tu. dispersant tac nhan phlln tan, chat
discharge ph6ng di¢n. chuyen d6i cosin kh6ng lien tyc. phan tan.
disk storage b¢ ph~n hru trfr dia tu.
discharge coefficient h¢ s6 ph6ng di¢n. disengage tach ra. thoat ra. disperse phan b6, phlln chia, phlln
disk storage device thiet bi l11u trfr
discharge current dong ph6ng di¢n tan; tan X1!,; tan sic; khuyech tan.
disengaging SI! tach cac san phlim cfia tu.
(ac qui). phan ung. disperse system h? phan tan.
disk storage drive thiet bj 11.!U tru cfia tu.
discharge gate van thoat, ci'.ra thoat. disgregration S\J phan tan, S\J tan m~. disperser thiet bi phll.n tan; thiet bi
disk unit don vj dia tu. dan nhan hang; tac nhan phll.n tan.
discharge head c¢t ap, d¢ cao tang dish chen, c6c, dia.
ap (cua barn). disk-resident system h? th6ng 11.!U tn.1
dispersimeter phan tan ke.
dish developer dung dich hi¢n anh dia tu.
discharge header 6ng g6p cua may kieu dia. dispersing agent chat phll.n tan; tac
tang ap. 6ng g6p may nen. diskette dia tu. nhlln phll.n tan. .
dish development hi?n anh kieu cfia. diskette drawer ngan keo dedia Ill' mem.
discharge lamp den ph6ng di?n. dispersing lens thau kfnh phll.n ky,
d ished spring lo xo h1nh b11om b116m. diskette drive b¢ ph~n truyen !~re cho thau kfnh tan x~.
discharge tension the ph6ng di?n.
dishes dia hi¢n anh. cfia tu mem.
discharge velocity t6c d¢ thoat. dispersion slJ phlln tan, slf khuyech
disk dia tu. diskette file van ki?n dia tu mem. tan, S\J tan SAc, S\J tan X1!,.
discharge voltage the ph6ng di¢n.
disk allocation table (DAT) bang diskette formating S\J sap Xep chung dispersion degree d¢ phll.n tan.
dischargeable color (mau) thu6c phll.n ph6i dia tu. ke h01!,Ch, thiet ke dia tll' mem.
dispersion effect hi¢u ung phll.n tan.
nhu¢m phai d11qc. diskette slot ranh dia tu mem.
disk cache nai 11.!U trfr dia tu. dispersion forces llfc phan tan.
dischargeable dye thucx: nhu¢m phai di.n;x:. diskette storage device thiet bi 11.!U
disk device thiet bi dia tu. dispersion medium moi tr11ong phan tan.
discharging colour (mau) thu6c trlr cfia Ill' mem.
nhu¢m phai d11qc. disk drive thiet bi truyen llfc cho dia Ill'. dispersive capacity khii nang phan
dislimn phai mau.
disk duplexing dia tu hai cong nang. tan, kha nang tan Xl;\ anh sang.
discolour lam bitfo mau, lam mat mau. dismantle thao do, thao rai.
dispersive power khii nang phll.n tan,
discolouration S\J bien mau, S\J mat mau. disk file dia tu van ki?n. dismantling thao do, thao rai. kha nang khuyech tan.
discolouring (slJ) bien mau, (slJ) mat mau. disk knife dao tron xen chia bang dismount thao rai. displacement d6i vj trf, di chuyen vj trf.
giay cu('>n.
discontinuous gian d~ c6 tfnh gian d~ disodium hydrogen phosphate dinatri displacement byte di chuyen vj trf
disk management quiin ly cfia tu. hidro ph6t phat, NaJ{P()4 [hoa].
discontinuous band absorption giiii "bai" (may tfnh - s6 c6 djnh nhirng
hap thy gian d01!,n. disk memory b(> nh6' dia tu. disodium phosphate dinatri con s6 nhi phan -01- th11ang the hi?n
disk mirroring anh g11ang dia tu. photphat, Na2 HP04 [hoa]. m¢t chG' duy nhat bai).
discontinuous spectrum ph6 gian do1!-fl.
displacement reaction dissociating force

displacement reaction phan lfilg the. display frame khung hi¢n thj. dissociating force li,c phan ly. distance masking ban che khung.
display chfi', h1nh anh hi¢n Jen tren display image h1nh anh hi¢n thj. dissociating medium m6i trucmg distance of object khoang each v6'i
m~t hi¢n h1nh (may tfnh), hi¢n thj, phll.n ly. vi).t the.
display lettertype kieu chfi' tieu M
may hi¢n thj. hi¢n thj, kieu chfr ca 16n h!¢n thj. dissociation constant hang s6 phan ly. distillation chl.l'I1g ca't. _,,-
display postscript hi¢n thj dung ng6n dissociation degree d¢ phan ly; d¢ distilled spirit con tinh cat.
display line dong, hang hi¢n thj.
ngfi' Postscript. philn giai.
display matter sap chu n6i b~t M th3:y. distilled wate nu6c chl!ng cat.
display area khu vi,c hi¢n thj.
dissolubility tfnh tan; d¢ tan.
display mode phmmg thuc hi¢n thj. distortion bien h1nh, bien d<;ing.
display attribute thu¢c tfnh hi¢n thj.
dissoluble tan duqc.
display monitor may hay thiet bi distortion copy ban thao bien hlnh
display background canh phfa sau kiem tra hi¢n thj. . dissolution SI! hoa tan, SI! n6ng chay meo m6.
hi¢n thj.
display photocomposition machine kimlo<;ii. distortion lens thau kfnh bie'n hlnh.
display buffer storage khu d¢m hru
may sap ch11p chu tieu de. dissolution heat nhi¢t hoa tan.
trU' hi¢n thj de thay. distortion plate ban in bien d<;ing.
display photosetter may sap ch11p dissovability tfnh tan; dQ tan.
display card biiu hi¢n quang cao distortion point diem bien d<;ing,
chfr c6 bang hi¢n thj.
tren man hi¢n h1nh. dissolvable tan duqc. diem bien h1nh.
display screen man h1nh hi¢n thj.
display character generator may dissolvant dung moi. distribute bo chfi' vao cac 6 chfr cua
phat ky ti, hi¢n thj. display setting sap bang chfi' tieu de. hQp chu, thao day bu¢c bat chu.
dissolve hoa tan; n6ng chay kim lol,li.
display column hang c¢t hi¢n thj. display space kh6ng gian hi¢n thj. distribute types thao day bu¢c bat chu,
dissolved bi hoa tan, bj n6ng chay.
display component b¢ ph~n cau display terminal thiet bj dau cu6i bo chu vao cac 6 chu cua h¢p chu.
hi¢n thj. dissolved substance chat hoa tan.
thanh man hi¢n hlnh. distributing board bang phan phoi di¢n.
display composition slip chu to n6i display type kieu chu ca Ian tit 14 phan dissolvent dung m6i.
distributing mechanism co cau phan
b~t de thay. intro !en, kieu chit n6i b~t de thay. dissolver dung moi. phoi va truyen mi,c trb l<;ii.
display console ban khong che hi¢n thj. display typenriter may danh chfi' tieu de. dissolving hoa tan. distributing rider tr11c Io dan mi,c;
display data analysis phan tfch so display unit b¢ ph~ hi¢n thj. tr11c Io ch~n, de.
dissolving pulp hoa tan b¢t giay xenlulow
li¢u hi¢n thj. display work sap chfi' n6i b~t de thay, trong cong nghi¢p san xuat giay. distributing roller tr11c 16 dan mi,c,
display device thiet bj hi¢n thj. sap chfi' tai li¢u in quang cao. tn,1c 16 truyen mi,c.
dist (distribution) phat hanh, tieu th11.
display element yeu t6 anh hi¢n thj. displayed ban slip chu n6i b~t de distributing table ban dan deu mi,c.
distance between the lettters khoang
nh~n thay. each giua cac chfr. distribution thao day bu¢c bat chli,
display file van ki¢n hi¢n thj.
dissected map ban do sap ghep nhieu si, phan phat, si, phan ph6i.
display foreground c~n canh hi¢n distance between the line khoang
chi tiet. each giua cac dong chir. distribution box tu phan phoi di¢n.
thj, phiin tnt6'c tam nh1n hi¢n thj.
dissociate phan ra, tach ra, phan Iy. d!stance gauge d11ng c11 do khoang distribution of type bo chfi' vao cac 6
display format slip xep ke hol,lch hi¢n
thj, the thuc hi¢n thj. dissociating (si,) phan ly. each, ci, ly. chfi' cua h(>p chfi'.

208 209
distributor doctoring

doctoring g::_it mt_tc [in lorn]. document retrieval tra cuu tu li¢u
divinity circuit bao v¢ qnh bla sach;
distributor tr1:1c phAn phoi mt_tc, [may tfnh], tra cuu tai li¢u [may tfnh].
nguoi phat hanh sach bao. m~t da mem; g6c tron. document t11 li¢u, van ki¢n.
divinity edges bao v¢ cl_lnh bla sach document sorter may phAn lo.µ van ki¢n.
distributor roller tn,1c 10 phAn phoi document assembly t~p hqp bien
mt_tc, tr1:1c lo truyen mt_tc. [d6ng sach]. so::_in nhieu tu Ji¢u. document spelling check fun¢on ghep
divinyl di vinyl, butadien, van ki¢n va kiem nghi¢m cOng nang.
disulfur dichlorid disunfua diclorit, document board bla day b9t go, bla
CH2 :CH.CH:CH2 (hoa]. day, cac tong day. document Type Definition (DDI)
5ic12 [hoa).
ditherin ky thu~t phAn tach yeu to anh. divinyl benzen divinyl benzen [hoa]. document card the tu li¢u, van ki¢n. djnh nghia 10<1-i hlnh van ki¢n.
ditto mark dau (") (nhu tren = ditto) divinyl rubber cao su butadien, cao document copying ph1:1c che tu Ji¢u, documentation chung minh bfulg tai li¢u,
thay cho chu ditto dung trong cac su divinyl [hoa]. van ki¢n. van ki¢n dvqc dua ra lam bang chung.
bang danh m1.:1c, bang hoa dcmv.v ... division of word tach chu theo van document copying camera may dodeca muoi hai "12".
dittograph xep chu trung lc!-P tu va ghep Am. ch1:1P anh ph1:1c che tu li¢u c6 gia trj dodecan dodecan, C 12H26 [hoa].
chu cai. divisional tittle dau de !rang dau ljch SL!.
sach, trang bla trong cua cuon sach. dodger trang quang cao, truyen don
dittography xep chu trung lc!-P tu va document copying film phim phuc
che tu li¢u c6 gia tri ljch su. kh6 nho, to wi.
chu cai. DMF dimetyl fomanit [hoa).
divalent hoa trj hai (hoa]. DMT dimetyl terepthalat [hoa). document copying machine may dodging chieu sang Che Chan Cl:IC b9
ph1:1c che tl! li¢u. tranh ve.
divalent alcohol ri.rqu hai tan ruqu DNA (Deutscher Normen-ausschuss)
[hoa). uy ban tieu chuiin nuoc Due. document copying paper giay ph~1c dog's ear trang sach quan g6c, trang
che tU lieu c6 gia trj ljch SL!. sach gap g6c.
divergence d9 phat tan. doctor dao g<),t nuoc.
document cover bla sach tu li¢u c6 dog's eared book sach quan g6c.
divergency st_t tan ra, st_t phan ky; st_t dobbly board cac t6ng bla sach cao cap.
gia tri lich su.
sai !¢ch. dog-cared trang sach quan g6c.
doctor blade dao g::_it mang mt_tc, dao document format khO sach tl! lieu c6
divergent tan ra, phAn ky; sai !¢ch. g::_it b9t. gia tri lich su. · Dollar-sign ky hi¢u Dola My,$.
divergent structure ca'.u true tan m~. doctor blade angle g6c d9 dao g<).t document imprinter may in van ki¢n. dominant wavelength d(', dai s6ng
diverging lens tha'.u kfnh tan quang, mang mi,rc. n6i tr(',i nhat, d9 dai s6ng chu ch6t.
document management quan ly tu
tha'.u kfnh phat tan. doctor blade streaks vet x9c xuoc li¢u c6 gia tri I/ch su. dommy ban di,r tru.
divide chia, phan chia. dao g<),t mang mi,rc [si,r co in lorn].
document Manila kfch thuoc to gia'.y dope dung djch nuoc Jam Am ban in;
divide a word tach theo van ghep Am; doctor copy ban sua chua, ban sua dan. Manila 24x36 ta'.c Anh. chat dau pha mt_tc; chat ph1:1 gia; dau
khi xep chu phai xu6ng dong tach tu doctor holder cai k~p dao g<).t rni,tc. document paper gia'.y cong van. nhm tra may.
dung da'.u gl_lch (-). doctor streak vet x9c xuoc dao g<).t DOP (dioctyl phthalate) dioctyl
document printer may in tu lieu c6
dividing arm can phAn chia d(',. mt_tc [si,r co]. gia tri lich su, may danh chu van ·kien. phthalat [hoa).
divinity calf mau nAu xam (bla sach doctor-blade printing in dao g<).t rni,tc. d~cu~ent processing gia c6ng, xu ly Doric kieu chu Doric, chu kieu d~m.
than h9c dung), mau da trAu bo nho van kt?n. chii' khk g6.
doctored copy ban sua chii'a, ban sua dan-
khOng ml). vang.

dorse ml1.t hmg cua giay da de, m~t dot map ban d6 diem tram.
dot-on-dot colour reproduction

dot-on-dot colo_ur r~producti,on ~I! double cap kfch tht.roc to giay 17x28
tac Anh.
sau trang sach, m~t phfa sau. phl,IC che mau sac chmh xac cac goc
dot matrix ma tr~ diem.
d(l tram. double case h(?p dt,tng chu rbi kep.
dos-a-dos sach dong g¢p hai ru¢t cuon dot matrix character ky tt,t (chu) ma
sach v6i nhau chung m¢t b1a sach. dot-on-dot register bao dam chong double click an nh~ hai lan. /
tr~n diem. chuan g6c d¢ tram, mau sac chfnh xac.
dos-a-dos binding dong sach g<)p hai double coated paper giay phu· phan
dot matrix character generator may dotted line dt..rong cham cham ( ...... ).
ru(lt cu6n sach voi nhau chung m(lt san sinh ky tt,t (chu) ma tr~n diem. hai m~t.
bla sach.
dot matrix printer may danh chu ma
dotted manner each ve tranh diem double column kfch thuoc ta giay
dot diem, diem tram, diem tron, dien cha'.m. nho, each khk diem nho. 20x30 tac Anh.
tr~n diem.
dotted plate ban in tranh cac diem double column pape trang siich chia
dot area di¢n tich diem tram. dot meter thiet bi do hrong diem khac nho, cac diem net gl;lch. hai c(lt.
dot area coverage muc d¢ bao phu tram, dt.,mg Cl,I do hrcmg diem tram.
dotted print ban in tranh cac diem double column (d-c) mi_it ban chia
di¢n diem tram. dot per inch (dpi) s6 diem tram tren khac nho, cac diem net gl;\Ch. hai c¢t.
dot cover area di¢n bao phu diem tram. m(lt in-xa (dpi).
dotted rule dt..rong cham cham double copy kfch thuoc to giay
dot density m~t d(l diem tram. dot percentage ty 1¢ phan tram diem ( ...... ). 20x33 tac Anh.
tram. dotting wheel tryc dao duang luoi
dot enlargement mo r¢ng diem tram, double crown kfch thuoc to giay
tang them diem tram. dot pitch ct,t Jy cac diem, khoang tram dung sua ban in 16m. 20x30 tac Anh.
each cac diem.
dot etch an mon diem tram. double cau chu sap trung I~p. in de double Crown (d.c) kfch thuoc ta
dot printer may danh chu ma~ diem. ch6ng Jen nhau [st,t c6]. giay 20x30 tac Anh.
dot etching an mon diem tram.
dot reduction thu nho diem tram. double anastigmat lens thfo kfnh double cylinder press may in hai
dot etching department phll.n xubng chfnh thi kep [may anh].
dot screen tram hlnh dl;lng diem. tn;1c 6ng in.
sua ban an mon diem tram.
double atlas kfch thuoc ta giay double dagger dau hai kiem (++).
dot for dot diem tram phien diem dot size diem tram to nho, kich ca 31,5x5.5 tac Anh.
tram, diem tram sao in diem tram. diem tram. . double deck conveyer bang chuyen
double bag cap kfch thuoc to giay tai hai lop.
dot formation h1nh thanh diem tram. dot slurring diem tram nhoe (hi¢n 24x40 tac Anh.
tuqng). double deliveries thiet bi nh~n giay
dot forming computer may tfnh tl;\O do_uble ~lack duotone hai sac d(l hay (in ra) hai tang.
anh diem tram. dot spread diem tram nhoe kh6ng It.rang sac. Ban in mot mau den va
sac net [st,t CO], diem tram tham ml!C m(lt mau den xam tu hai ban tram c6 double demy kfch tilt.roe ta giay
dot gain diem tram nhoe r(lng (st,t co). [st,t col g6c d¢ tram khac nhau 30". 2lx32 tac Anh.
dot gain compensation adjustment dot-character printing in ky ti! d1µ1g double blanket tam cao SU kep. double demy oblong kfch thuoc to
dieu chinh bu du diem tram nhoe r¢ng. diem [may tinh] in ky ti! dl;\ng cha'm nho. giay 16x42 tac Anh.
do_uble brackets dau moc kep, dau
dot generation st,t san sinh diem tram. dot-etching sua ban an mon diem tram, moc vuong. double dot hai cham.
dot image diem anh. dot-etching department phan xubng d~uble burn 1¢ sang hai Ian 10 sang double dot halftone in tram hai mau
Ian thu hai. ' · ch6ng len nhau c6 g6c d¢ tram khac nhau.
dot leader ducmg chi dan, tuyen diem. sua ban.
double ear stop washer double page
double rule duong ke dOi, dve1ng ke
double car stop washer vong d¢m double imperial kich thuoc to gill:y double page in m~t ban hai trang.
dOi net thanh net d~m.
hay gioang dung l~i c6 hai tai. 30x44 tac Anh. double pagination s6 trang kep.
double salt mu6i kep.
double eleph ant kfch thuac to giay double issue xuAt ban g¢p hai ky lam m¢!. double paginstion s6 trang kep.
27x40 u\'c Anh. double large royal kfch thuoc to gia:y
double setting hai Ian sap chu.
double paragon 40 chil' roi co 40
double end spanner w-le hai dau. 27x40 tac Anh. double sheet tel hai trang, to dup.-
phan in.
double sheet control kh6ng che to
double ender thiet bi in m~t truoc va double leaded tai li¢u in khoang each double pica 24 ten g<;>i cu chu co 24
dong gap dOi. hai trang, kh6ng che to dup.
m~t sau cung in m¢t Jan. phan in.
double leaves to giay gap doi. double sheet detector thiet bi khong
double ender web press may in giay double platen press may in ep phAng
che tel dup.
cu9n hai m~t cung in. double length word d¢ dai tu gap dOi. hai ban in.
d ouble ending p r ocess phuong phap double post kich thuoc to giay 32x20
double sheet ejector thiet bi day tel
double lens kinh dau kep, hai thau kinh. dup ra ngoai.
in hai m~t tren cung m9t tr1;1c ban in. tac Anh.
double lettter kfch thuoc to gia:y double sided (thu¢c) hai m~t.
double english 28 ten g9i cu co chu double Pott kfch thuoc to giay 15x25
l 6x20 tac Anh, chu viet lien.
28 phlln in. tac Anh. double size lang keo hai Jan, kfch
double Jetter matrix khuOn chu due thuoc gap dOi.
double exposure chieu sang hai Ian. double print in ch6ng !en nhau. hgp
hai chu (vf d1;1 ff). double size transfer cylinder type kieu
thanh in phai, in ket hgp.
double faced paper hai m~t to giay double lump kfch thuoc to giay tr1;1c truyen giay ducmg kfnh gap dOi.
khong cung m¢t mau. double printing in hOn hgp (chi dung
32x42 tac Anh. (J vai lo~i phuong phap in), phai ban double small cap kfch thuoc to giay
double fine rule duong ke net thrum kep. double maga;,jne linotype may sap due 25x34 tac Anh.
hai Ian.
double flat foolscap kfch thuoc to chu linotyp voi hai h¢p khuOn chu. double punch d1;1c 16 kcp. double small hand kfch thuoc to giay
giay 16x28 tac Anh. double medium kfch thuoc to gia:y 20x29 tac Anh.
double quotes dau ngo~c kep (" ")
double fluid ink mlfc in hai dung djch. 25x36 tac Anh. double space chep l~i nguyen ban
double register the lam dau sach kep
double folio kfch thuac to giay 22z34 double medium oblong kfch thuac to each dong, danh may each dong.
(trong mot cu6n sach c6 hai dai )ua
tac Anh. giay l 8x46 tile Anh. danh dilu ·trang dang d9c ). · double spread ph1;1 trUang, ph1;1 banga.i
double number xuat ban hai s6 g¢p vao trong sach hay ~p chf de each trang.
double foolscap kfch thuoc to giay double replacement giao hoan tuang hO.
16,5x26,5 tac Anh. thanh m9t ky. double super royal kfch thuoc tel
do~~Je r ow radial ball bearing hai
double numeration Slf danh s6 kep, giily 28x42 t!c Anh.
double four pound kic!1 thuoc to loa1 0 tr1;1c bi huang tam.
giay 22x3 l tac Anh. so
slf ghi kep. double title page trang t~n sach o hai
do~ble row thrust ball bearing hai
double G lobe kfch thuac to giay double obelish dau kiem kep. lo~, life keo 6 tfl;IC bi. tay sach.
28x38 tac Anh. double tone ink mt,rc in hai sic mau
double overs thu ph6ng gap dOi, in double royal kich thuoc to giay
24x28 tac Anh. hay hai tong mau.
double Hambro kfch thuac to giay nhieu gap dOi.
27x30 tac Anh. double two pound kfch thuoc to giay
double packet kfch thvac to giA'y double royal long kfch thuac to giay
l 9x48 tile Anh. J8x26 tac Anh.
double image anh kep, anh dOi. l 9x24 tac Anh.
double weight paper

draughtsmanship nguoi ve so d6
double weight paper giay tr9ng double-roller mill may nghien hai tr1;1c. downer thoi gian dung may do dCrt giay.
thiet ke.
lugng gilp d6i. double-sided copying sao ch1,1p hai m~t. download chuyin s6 li¢u tu m9t h¢
draw chfr bj s6t, chfr bj nhO [st! co).
double width giay cu9n kho f(?ng gap d6i. may tfnh Ion sang m9t h? may tfnh
double-sided printed circuit board nho hon, tai xu6ng. draw and folding cong vi?c gap va dan..,....-
double width press may in cu6n giay bang duang di¢n in hai mi/.t.
bao kh6 r9ng gap doi. downstroke net chfr cai thing dung drawn-on cover sach bla mem d~ng
double-sixteen folder may gap hai nhLI m, n, p, q V.V •.. ; net chfr tho. dong sach long gay.
double-body matrix khu6n chfr hai tay sach 16 trang.
than chfr due lien nhau. downward project chieu hlnh cua draw roller tr1:1c keo giay.
double-spread ban ghep trang. m¢t v~t x,uong mQt m~t ph!ng.
double-burn phoi long hlnh. draw tool dao khac ban dong, ban kem.
double-spread title page trang ten draft ban thao.
double-density diskette dia mem sach de each trang. drawer nguoi ve tranh, nguoi ve so do.
m~t d9 gap d6i. draft copy in sao ban thao.
double-surface tape bang keo hai m~t. drawing ngh¢ thu~t the hi?n cac v~t
double-dot image anh cham kep. drafting cM ban do, ve ban d6, ve ky bang ducmg net cua but chl, phan;
double-tone ink m~rc in hai sac mau. thu~t, ve do ho~.
double- double cap kfch thuoc ta tranh d6 ho~.
giay 28x34 tac Anh. double-tone printing in ban in hai drafting paper giay ve do hol:l cao cap.
drawing block t~p tranh do ho~ tb rai.
sac mau.
double- double crown kfch thuoc ta drag v~t keo di chuyen ch~m ch~p.
drawing board bla day dung ve d6 ho~.
giay 30x40 tac Anh. doublehead wire stitching machine
drag & drop tac d1,mg keo va tha.
may d6ng sach hai dau dong bang drawing in Indian ink tranh ve mt.tc nuoc.
double- double folio kfch thuoc ta day thep. drag roller trl,IC keo giay.
giay 24x24 tac Anh. drawing paper giay ve do ho~.
doublet sap cau chfr trung l~p. dragon blood powder b9t huyet ky
double- double small-hand kfch drawing roller tr1:1c keo giay cu9n.
Ian, bQt phan hong bao v¢ hlnh net
thuoc ta giay 30x40 tac Anh. doubling diem Cham in re nhoe [Sl;f
ban kem khi an mon bang axit. drawing silk tranh ve tren I1:1a.
double-leaded khoang each gifra cac c6), hai bong.
dragon's blood nht.ta long huyet, drawings attached c6 ban ve kem theo.
dong gap doi. doublure boi dan vai trong bla sach,
nhl;(a ky Ian.
double-leaved book dong sach Iong b6i dan trong bla sach. drawn-on covers bla sach dan keo.
dragon's blood process phuong phap
gay [dong thepJ. doubtful length dau am thanh ngin dai. drawsheet giay bao tx:x: ngoai cuQn giay.
phu b9t phan hong bao v? hlnh net
double-line fillet dai bang trang tri Douthitt diaphragm control thiet bj ban dong va kem ch6ng axil an mon dress an illustration them phl,I
duang doi. dieu tiet diapham Douthitt. ban in cao.
truong, ph1:1 ban.
double-line spacing danh may Dow-etch process phuong phap che drain 6ng hut nuoc; dong thao.
dressed forme lap ghep ban in, m9t
khoang each hai dong [danh chfr). ban an mon Dow, phuong phap che drain pipe 6ng thoat m.roc. bQ ban in.
double-page spread ten sach de each ban iin mon kh6ng phi'.1 phan h6ng.
drainage SI.J tieu nUoC, SI.J thoat nlIOC, dressing 1ap ban in, bao b9c, lot d¢m
trang. dow rule in heading duang ke duoi thiet bi thoat nuoc. . ban, ghep ban.
double-page title trang ten sach de tieu de.
drainage piping 6ng thoat nuoc. dressing paper giay bao b9c ngoai
each trang. dow-time thai gian dung may, thbi
draught ban phac thiio, ban ve phac thao. cu9n giay.
double-roll stand gia li'tp hai cu9n giay. gian true tr~c St! co.
drier drier

drier thiet bj hong kho, chat lam kho. drop guide nhfp c~p dan giay. drum cylinder press may in gitrbng dry hard hong kho thuy phan (giay).
phing tryc quay chuyen d¢ng tifo Jui. dry lithography in lit6 kh6, in lito
drilling khoan 16, giay day [d6ng sach]. drop head dong de tr6ng tren dau
chtrang sach. drum drier thiet bj hong kho d<;\ng khong ntrcrc.
driographic plate ban in 6p-xet kho,
ban in 6p-xet kMng mr6'c. drop initials chu hoa to dau bai van. tryc - trong. dry mat tct ph6ng kh6.
driography thu~t in 6p-xet khong rn.rcrc. drop Jetter chfr trang trf o dliu drum impression cylinder press dry mounting lap ban d<;\ng kho.
chtrang, chii cai to o dau bai van. may in kieu v¢ tinh, may in c6 chung
drip tray dia tiep mvc. 1n1c 6ng ep in. dry offset in 6p-xet kh6, in 6p-xet
drop line phy de sach bao. khong dung mrcrc lam am ban in.
drive d(>ng CC1 truyen J(!C. drum plotter may ve do hol:l dl:lng tryc.
drop-on-deman method phucrng dry offset press may in 6p-xet kh6.
drive mapping d¢ng cc, truyen Ive phap in mvc in can nho gi9t tren vat drum printer may danh chii' d:,mg tryc.
dry offset process phtrcrng phap in
anh Xl:l, li¢u in chi o nhiing diem can in. . drum type press may in kieu v¢ tinh. 6p-xet kho.
drive out chuyen dong (s.ip chii'). drop out halftone vung in tr.ing ban DRUPA (Internationale Messe Druck dry output xuat ra d~g kho [sap chyp].
drive side chuyen d¢ng keo sang ben in cao khong c6 tram. und Papier) h¢i chg trien lam qu6c te
C<;\nh (cua may in). dry photography thu~t in chyp khO.
drop roller tryc truyen m(!c, tryc c!p gia'y vain [O)ng hoa lien bang Due].
giay t(! d¢ng. dry plate ban (kfnh) kh6.
drive side gauge tay ke ch~n ben C<;\nh. dry ammonia process plmcrng phap
drop-down title tieu de chtrang tiet, phyc che am6niac kho. dry plate negative ban (kinh) kh6 am ban.
drive side Jay d~t tay ke ch~n ben c~.
ten sach viet g9n vein t.it.
dry brush graining 11:lO h<;\t dung ban dry point khac ban dong.
driven soller tryc truyen d¢ng.
drop-out mask ban che anh sang chai kho. dry point etching khac net ban dong,
driver tdnh ti)' truyen d¢ng. vung sang nhat.
dry collodion process phtrang phap thu~t khac ban dong khOng dung axit.
driving mechanism thiet bj truyen drop-out negative phim am ban vung che ban c616dion kh6. dry powder spraying device thiet bj
d(>ng, CC1 Cau truyfo d(>ng. sang nhat.
dry collodion emulsion cha't nhu phun b¢t.
driving side chuyen d¢ng keo sang dropfolio s6 trang dtrcri chan trang chu. tucrng c616dion kh6. dry pressing each ep dan kho, ep dan
ben C<;\nh. droppe head tieu de chtrang tiet, dry color chat mau kho. mang b6ng.
driving spindle tryc chuyen d¢ng chtrang myc.
dry copying str sao chyp kho. dry p r ~ phtrcrng phap in khO [sao chyp].
chu, tryc truy6n d¢ng. droppe initials chii' dau chtrang myc
dry development St! hi¢n anh kho. dry process development phtrcrng
driving system h¢ th6ng truyen d¢ng. thtrctng to han cac chii' khac.
phap hien anh kho (sao chup).
dropped letter chii bi bo s6t. dry diazo processing SlJ phyc che
drop h1:1 ban, xu6ng ban, thao ban. diazo kh6. dry relief offset in 6p-xet kho, in 6p-
drop black den than xtrang.
drop(ped) initial letter chii hoa ca xet ban in cao.
Jon dau chtrang myc. dry filter kfnh (phim) !9c sic kh6.
dry silver film phim mu6i b1:1c khOng
drop caps chu cai viet hoa tyt thap. dross c~n ba chl due. dry finish Jang b6ng kho. gielatin, phim mu6i b<;\C d,,mg kh6.
drop fingers chyp giay trfog. drum tr6ng tu, tryc 6ng. dry flong thiet bj hong kh6 giay, ta dry silver process phucrng phap hi¢n
drop folio s6 trang (in phfa dtrcri ban Phong kh6. anh mu6i b<;lC khO, phyc che muoi b<;\C
drum cutter thiet bj dt gia'y d<;\ng
chfnh van), s6 trang dtr6i chan trang chii. tryc quay. dry hanging thiet bj hong kh6 gia'y. d<;lng kho.

218 219
dry spray dual system

dry spray phun b<)t khO ch6ng ban. drying ink ml;fc in co tfnh kh6. dual system h¢ thong hai may. dull finished art paper giay (phu)
phan mo khong bong, giay cut-xe mat.
dry spray anti-set-off equipment drying oil diiu kM, dau trong phAn tu dual-reel-stand gia lip hai cu¢n giay.
thiet bj phun b<)t chong dfnh ban. co n6i doi de kh6. dual-sided diskette dia tu mem hai m~t. dull ink ml;fc in khOng bong.
dry spraying sv phun b<)t khO. drying oil b_ased ink ml;!c in co goc ducali bindings each d6ng sach dull seal giay co phu keo.
dau kh6. ducali (ky tlm~t ket hqp dong tay). dull surfaced paper be m~t giay mo
dry stripping boc mang dl;lng khO.
drying oil ink ml;!c in dau co tfnh kho. duck vai lanh, vai bong day [d6ng sach]. khong bong.
dry transfer in xuyen tha'.m dl;lilg kh6.
drying oven lo say kho. duck rolier trl;lc mang nuac, trl;lc dull-finished coated paper giay phu
dry transfer lettering in chii xuyen phan ma khOng bong.
mang ffil;fC.
tham kho, in giay nen, lol;li giay co drying rack gia hong giay (dung dieu
trang sap/nen khi danh may hlnh net hoa d¢ am dong deu cua giay tnr6'c duck-foot quotes dau dan, dau dan Dultgen gravure ban kMc ch1m
con chu tren giay bong ra con ll;li lap khi in). ki€u chan vjt. Dultgen.
nen giay. Khi in mvc xuyen qua lap drying rate toe d¢ kho. duct mang ml;fc; ong; mang; riinh; Dultgen process phuang phap
nen truyen trvc tiep sang giay in. muang. Dultgen, m¢t trong nhung phuong
drying room phong say khO. phap ch1,1p che ban tram ban in lorn. .
dry-point engraving khik kim ban in lorn. duct adjusting screw vft dieu chinh
drying section b¢ phan lam kho. mang ml;fC. dumb terminal dau cu6i khong d6i
dry-silver paper giay iinh mu6i bl;lC
dl;lng kho. drying time recorder may ghi thbi duct blade dao gl;\t mang ml;fc. thOl;li [may tfnh].
gian lam kho. duct knife dao gl;\t mang ml;fc. dummy kfnh l9c sic khOng mau;
drydown bCrc anh sau khi kho m~t d¢
giam thap. drying time tester thiet bj do thoi duct roJleW tl1,IC mang nl!C1C, lrl,IC dong sach mau giay tring.
gian lam kho. mang ml;fC. dummy bands dai trang trf gay sach.
dryer dl;lng Cl;I lam kho, lam chat khO,
chat xuc tac khO. drying units for printed products ductility tfnh dfnh, tfnh de u6n dai. dummy copy sach mau c6 t6m tit
thiet bj lam kho san pham in. n¢i dung.
drying St! kho. ductor mang ml;fc.
DS (densi_ty of screen) m~t d9 tram. ductor blade dao gl;\t mang ml;fc. dummy filter phim l9c sic gielatin
drying agent chat lam khO.
DTP (desktop publishing) dung may khong mau.
drying appartus thiet bj lam khO. ductor key num vft mang ml;fC.
vi tfnh de ban va may in lade di lam dummy make-up b1nh ghep phim
drying arrangement thiet bj lam kho. cac tai li~u in chat Iuqng cao. ductor knife dao gl;\t mang mvc.
tuong ti! mifo.
drying box tu say kho. DTR (diffusion tranfer reversal ductor roller trl;lc 10 mang nuac, tr1,1c
lo mang ml;fc. dummy volume sach mau do hol;l.
process) phuong phap in chuyl!n dao
drying cabinet tu lam kho, tu say. dun mau hl;lt de, mau nAu xam.
khuyech tan. ductor-knife screw m1m vft dao
drying chamber phong say khO. mang ffi\!C. dunmage paper giay bao g6i c6ng
dual dot diem tram kep.
drying cupboard tu lam kh6. dull black inks ffi\!C in khong bong. nghi~p.
dual dot screen in Iuai diem tram kep.
drying cylinder tn.1c can kh6. dull coated giay phu keo ma khOng b6ng. duodecimo (12mo) sach 12 trang.
dual-reel-stand gia do hl;li cu6n giay.
drying frame khung gia hong giay. dull colour mau t6i. duograph in ban tram hai mau.
dual spectrum process phuang phap
drying inhibitor chat Crc che kho. xii ly hai quang ph6. dull finish giify phu keo mo khong b6ng. duograph process in ban hai mau.

220 221
duopage durability

duopage ban ph9c che in hai m~t, duplicate plate ban ph9c che hoan durability thai gian su dl;lng !Au dai, duster may hut b9i.
trang ph9c che hai m~t. toan gi6ng nhau. tfnh Ja.u ben. dustless carbon black mu9i than den
duotone ban hai mau, an pham in duplicating machine may phuc che durability of printing forme khuon kh6ng bl;li.
!6ng hai mau. may sao ch9p, may nhan ban. · ' in c6 d¢ ben in cao. Dutch door quang cao ta rai (kyp
duotone ink mLJC in ban hai mau. duplicate stereotype ban chl due y durable issue sach giay day, sach trong t~p chf c6 the lay ra). .
duotone offset printing in 6p-xet ban nguyen mAu. dung btn. Dutch gold giay nhu mong Ha Lan,
hai mau. durable paper giay trung hoa d¢ axit giay nhu nha.n t~o.
duplicated negative phien ban phim
duotype ban in tram hai mau. am. vakiem. Dutch leaf giay nhu mong Ha Lan,
dupe san pham phyc che. duplicated plate ban in giong mli.u. duranol colour thu6c nhu¢m giay nhu nhAn t~o.
dupe negative phim ph9c che am ban. duranon. Dutch metal hqp kim Ha Lan.
duplicated positive phien ban phim
dupe positive phim phyc che dttcmg ban. dttcmg. durometer d¢ cung ke, may do d¢ cung. Dutch mordant dung djch an mon
duplex giay in c6 hai lap, giay, dau dust b9i, b9i giay, gio giay. ban d6ng Ha Lan.
duplicating book sach phyc che.
chong am. dust cover giay b9c ngoai bla sach. Dutch white (b9t mau) trfog Ha Lan.
duplicating film phim phien ban,
duplex asphalt paper giay trang
phim c6ng-tac. dust cover flap trang b9c bla sach. duty rating che d¢ cong tac.
nhtJa atphan ch6ng am.
duplicating ink m[!c in sao chyp, dust extractor may khu byi. DVB (divinyl benzen) divinyl
duplex board bla day trfog hai m~t.
m[!c sao ch9p. benzen [hoa].
duplex cutter may xen giay hai dao. dust jacket giay bQc bla c6 the thao
duplicating master ban mau sao chyp, ra dung de bao v¢ bla sach. dwarf book sach bo tui rat nho.
duplex finish giay nhan bong hai m~t.
ban goc in op-xet may in kh6 nh6. dust wrapper ta bQc quy€n sach. dwell thai gian ngfmg trl,lc chuyen m(!c.
duplex halftone ban in tram hai mau.
duplicating paper giay sao chl;lp, dust filter cai l9c b1;1i. dwindle thoai h6a.
duplex ink m[!c in ban hai mau. giay sao chep.
duplex paper giay hai m~H c6 ket cau dust-free kMng c6 bl;li. dyadic alphabet hai chu cai, chG' cai ghep.
duplicating unit thiet bi sao ch1;1p,
mau gi6ng nhau ho~c khac nhau. dust-proof (thu¢c) phong !9c byi. Dybabic Data Exchange (DDE)
thiet bj ph9c che.
duplex set hai mo-to chuyen d¢ng. d9ng thai trao dOi du li¢u, s6 li¢u.
duplication ph9c che, danh may. dust-proof machine may phong IQC b9i.
duplexed matrix khuon chG' c6 hai Dycril plate ban in Dycril, ban in
duplication board bla day ph9c che, dust-tight (thu¢c) phong !9c b9i.
chu kieu chG' khac nhau. photopolyme Dycril.
cac-tong ph9c che. dusting rac b9t, xoa nhu, xoa phan.
duplexity theory ly thuyet song trung. dye thu6c nhu(>m, nhu9m.
duplication method phuang phap sao dusting box horn phu phfo [in cao].
duplicate ban sao, ban phy, phyc che, dye contact screen nhu9m mau tram
san pham ph9c che. chep. dusting bronze xoa nhu vang. c6ng tac.
duplicate film phim nhAn ban hoan duplicator may sao chep, may nha.n
dusting ink mLJc in xoa nhu vang. dye fastness d¢ hen mau cua thu6c nhu9m.
toan gi6ng nhau. ban.
dusting machine may xoa nhu vang. dye fixing s(! d.n mau thuoc nhu¢m.
duplicate key khoa hay bf quyet phyc duplicator with hand feed may sao
che hoan toan giong nhau. ch9p dung tay dtta giay vao. dust separation sLJ Jfulg b9i, s(! loi,ti b9i. dye house xttang nhu¢m.

dyestuff E-Mail

dyestuff thu6c nhu¢m. dynamic control kh6ng che trang

thai d¢ng h9c, kiem tra lr<!-Dg thai
dye retouching thu6c nhu¢m sua phim.
d¢ng h9c.
dye sublimation in nhu¢m nhi¢t

dynamic equilibrium cAn b!ng d¢ng.
thang hoa.
dynamic image hlnh anh d(>ng thai
dye transfer in nhu¢m. d¢ng.
dye transfer process phucmg phap in dynamic masking ban che tr,!.ng thai
nhu(>m. d¢ng h9c.
dye-line copy sao chl;)p diazo. dynamic mechanical properties d~c
tfnh co h9c trl,lng thai d¢ng. E-Mail thtt di¢n tt'.t. earth fault St! c6 day tiep dA"t bi dut
dye-line process phucmg phap sao
ear c¢t quang cao nho ag6c tren dau do,!.n.
ch9p diazo. dynamic range phl:lffi vi trl,lDg thai d(>ng.
tabao. earth flax amiang.
dye-stuff thu6c nhu(>m mau. dynamics d¢ng ll;tc h9c.
dye-sub-printer may in chfr d,!.ng eared stop cua dieu sang hay earth metals kim lo1_ti th6.
dynamometcr It.re ke.
nhi¢t thang hoa. diapham nho cao bon g6c.
dynamic test thf nghi¢m tr,!.ng thai earth pitch hac in, nhl;fa than da.
dyeability tfnh kha nhu¢m, tfnh earlier title ten ban sach cu, dung
d(>ng. earth wax sap dat.
nhu¢m mau. nguyen ten sach.
dysprosia diposi oxit, Dyp3• earthing tiep dia, tiep dat.
dyeing mau nhu¢m. early copies sach mau.
dysprosium dyposi, Dy. ease of solubility tfnh chat de hoa
dynamic (al) d¢ng ll;fc h9c; thuyet
dysprosium lamp den diposi.
early impression in Ian dau, in Ian tan.
d(>ng ll;fC. thu nhat.
dyssphotic thu¢c anh sang yeu. easel gia lap ban mau.
dynamic buffering vung d¢m tr,!.ng early map ban d6 thoi ky dau.
thai d(>ng h9c [may tfnh]. dyslectic mixture h6n hqp kh6 n6ng chay. easibinder bao dan ta roi, cai kyp t1.lp
early printed book sach xuA"t ban chf.
dynamic characteristics d~c tfnh dystectic h6n hqp kh6 n6ng chay. thoi ky SC1 khai (chi sach in trttoc the
tr<!-Ilg thai d¢ng h9c. DY (demy) kfch thu6c ta giAy dung ky XVI a chAu Au), ban sach cc:5 in easy book sach tranh nhi d6ng, sach
viet sach khO 15,5x20 tac Anh, kfch tru6c the ky XVI. mfo giao tru6c tu6i den truong.
Dynamic Color Rendition (DCR)
phan mem hi¢u chinh mau tr,!.ng thai thu6c ta giay in kh6 17 ,5x22,5 tac early sheet sach dt! kien ~g hay bieu. easy-drying ink mt.re in kho nhanh.
d¢ng h9c. Anh.
early sheet detector b¢ ph~n khong EBG (electronic beam gravure) ban
che giay dua vao qua som. in khac lorn di¢n tll'.
earmark mep sach quan g6c, gap ebonite ebonit.
g6c. ebonite roller tr1:1c ebonit.
ears g6c bao (noi dang quang cao a EB (Ency Brit; Encyclopaedia Br)
tren dau !rang bao). bach khoa toan thtr tieng Anh.
earth colour mau dAt; mau khoang. ebonite dust b1:1i ebonit.
224 225
____ ~

edition in numbers so sach mOi Ian

edge-round g6c tron.
ebullience st.r s6i; St! kfch thfch. edge decoration trang trf c~nh mep xuat ban.
sach. edge of a book xen hot mep sach.
edition numbers so Ian xuat ban.
ebulliency St! s6i; St! kfch thfch.
.edge detection tang cubng dubng vien. edges of contents mep c~~h ~ay sach, edition published in parts sach xuat
ebulliometer s6i ke. thlln sach dt.ra vao c~nh gay sach.
edge effect hi¢u crng duong vien. ban phan thanh nhieu t~p. ./
ebulliometry phep nghi?m s6i.
edge enhancement nAng cao duong edit bien t~p. edition published in volumes' sach
ebullioscopic constant hang so vien. edit function chcrc nang bien t~p. xuat ban phan thanh nhieu t~p. sach
nghi?m s6i. nhiem vy bien t~p. xuat ban g6m nhieu tap.
edge fog mo xam mep sach.
ebullioscopic method phucmg phap edition statement thuyet minh tung
edge gilder c6ng nhan xoa nhu mep sach. edit mode tr~ng thai bi¢n t~p.
nghi?m s6i. lAn xuat ban.
edge gilding xoa nhii mep sach. edit symbol bieu tuqng bien t~p. ky
eccentric l?ch tam. edition with parallel text ban sach
hi¢u bien t~p.
eccentric bushing ghep n6i 1¢ch tam. edge gradient gradien h1nh c~nh. doi chieu.
editing area khu vt.rc bien t~p.
eccentric drive tn_1c quay 1¢ch tam. edge index chu dan phfa ben sach. editionnalize ban sach in thanh m¢t
editing device b¢ ph~n bien t~p. trang
edge light chieu sang phfa ben. s6 chung lo~i.
eccentric metal ket clfu 6 tJ\IC l?ch tam. bi bien t!).p.
edge planning machine may bao c~. editions file thU ml_lC ban sach.
eccentric sleeve long noi !¢ch tam. editing functions chac nang bien t~p,
edge roll tryc ep bien c~nh. nhi¢m vl_l bien t~p. editions numbering s6 (hi¢u) xuat ban.
eccentric spindle trl_lc 1¢ch Ulm.
edge shaving machine may bao c~h editing terminal bien t~p dau cu6i. editor bien t~p, trlnh tt.r bien t~p [may
eclectic lt.ra ch9n, su dl_lng ban in.
ban in. tfnh], ngubi bien t~p.
ecnomic feasibility tfnh hqp ly kinh editing princeps ban dliu tien, d¢c
edge trearing resistance It.re ben xe ban, nguyen ban quf hiem xuat ban editor program trlnh tt.r bien t~p
te, tfnh kha thi kinh te.
c~nh to giay. dau tien. [may tfnh].
ectype ban phl_l, ban sao chl_lp.
edge tearing strength cuong d9 ben edition sach xuat ban, !An xuat ban. editor's note !bi chu giai bien t~p.
edd volume so quyen sach. xe c~nh t& giay. edition appearing in parts xuat ban editor's proof d9c soat ban in thtt
eddy st.rchuyin d9ng xoay; svcu6n xoay. edge trimmer may xen c~nh le giay. pham t6ng hqp. xuat ban.
eddy current dong xoay. edge trimming machine may bao edition area h~ng ml_lC xuat ban. editor's-in-charge trach nhi¢m bien ~p.
eddy diffusion st.r khuyech tan xoay. nhan c~nh, may bao c~nh. editor's-in-chief chu bien, t6ng bien ~p.
edition bindery xuong d6ng sach.
Eder-Hecht sensitometer cam quang edge wave mep qnh gqn quan.
edition binding d6ng sach ph6 th6ng. editorial xa lu~n.
ke Eder-Hecht. edge-notched card phfch dt h1nh
e~ition of bibrary sach dung a thu EDP (electronic data processing) xu
edge bo, qnh, mep, go; le c~nh sach, chu V ben r1a c~h.
v1¢n. ly dii' li?u di¢n tu.
le xen sach. edge-punched card phfch d¢t 16 bM
edition in many volumes xuat ban EDPS (electronic data processing
edge acuity de> sic xen mep sach. r1a c~nh.
pham in thanh nhieu quyin, t~p. system) M thong xu ly dii' li¢u di¢n tu.
edge cutting xen mep le sach. edge-rolled ep van sach bao tranh anh.
educe eigenstate

elastic band day chun.

efficient c6 hi¢u qua; c6 hi¢u suat; c6 eigenstate tr~ng thai dl!-c trung, trang
educe tach ra, rut ra, lay ra.
nang suat cao. thai co ban, tr~ng thai rieng. elastic calender bowl trl,IC ep nhan
eduction St! tach ra, Sl,I' Jay ra, St! rut ra. dan h6i.
efflorescence St! phan hoa, Slf phong eigenvalue gia tri d~c trung, gia tri co
eduction pipe 6ng thoat, ong xa. hoa, s(! Jen hoa. ban, gia tri rieng. elastic cylinderal pin chot hlnh tr1,1
dan hoi. ,/
eduction value van thoat. effluence Sl,I' phat ra, Sl,I' tuOn ra (anh eight mo octave kh6 tam trang.
sang, di¢n, Ol.l'OC ... ); S(! chay di (chat elastic deformation St! bifo d~ng dan
eductor may phun. eight-chanel tape bla cung d1,1c 16
long, chat khf). hoi.
tam don v\.
Edwards of Haliax hlnh in b bien le elastic deformation limit gioi h~n
efflux S(! Chay thoat. eight-page folder may gap tam trang.
sach. bien d~ng dan h6i.
effect tac dl,tng, tac d¢ng, anh hl!bng; efflux viscometer nhot ke chay. eight-ply cardboard bla cung dan
elastic elongation sl,I' gian dai.
hi¢u Crng; hieu Ii..rc, hi¢u qua. effluxion St! chay thoat.
tam lop.
elastic extension St! gian nb dan hoi.
eight-to-pica leads cai chen chl mong.
effect of color hi¢u ung mau sic. effulgence nhan b6ng.
eighteenmo (18 mo) sach kh6 ml!bi elastic filer sl;( dan hoi.
effective huu hi?u, hi?u Ii..rc, hi¢u qua. egg trung; may nang axit. tam trang. elastic force l(!c dan hoi.
effective aperture d¢ mb 6ng kinh egg albumen long triing trung. eighteens sach kh6 ml!bi tam trang. elastic hysteresis s(! dan tr!, hi¢n
ch1,1p huu hi¢u. tuqng dan tr!.
egg albumin long trfog trung einstein ensten (don vi quang hoa].
effective edition xuat ban huu hi¢u. nguyen. elastic limit gioi h~n dan h6i.
Einstein's equation phl!ong trlnh
effective length d¢ dai huu hi¢u. egg white long trfog trung. Ensten. elastic modulus modun dan h6i.
effective reduction tri s6 thu nho huu eggen offset-deep plate ban in bang eject dua ra ngoai, day ra ngoai, phun elastic paper giay da de, da bo dan h6i.
hi¢u. 16m Eggen. ra ngoai. elasticity tfnh dan hoi; d¢ dan hoi, d¢
effective size of grain kich thl!oc h~t egghead paperback sach giay da ejecting press may ep phun. co dan.
huu hi¢u. (d6i tl!<;mg dung la cac phan tl! tri ejection Sl;f day ra, S(! phun ra. elasticity gauge dan h6i ke; cai do d9
effective surface di¢n tich huu hi¢u, thuc). dan hoi.
ejector may ep phun chl due sau khi
be m~t huu hi¢u. Egmont m¢t lo~i chu net thanh (phia due xong chuyen ra ngoai (may due elastomer the dan h6i; dan hoi ke.
effective value gia tri c6 ich. tren than dai, phfa dl!oi than ngfo). chu).
elastoplastic chat dan h6i; the dan h6i.
effectiveness hi¢u qua, hi¢u l(!c, huu Egyptian kieu chu ~ net thO [Ai ejector air pump born phun.
Elbo process phuong phap sfra ban
hi¢u. qp]. ejector jet pump born phun. c1,1c b9 ban in lorn, phuong phap Elbo.
efficacy tfnh hi¢u lt.tc, tfnh huu hi¢u. Eichner dry copy d~ng in khO ejector pump born phun. elcography phuong phap t~o anh di¢n
efficiency hi¢u qua, hi¢u l(!c; hi¢u eka-element nguyen t6 eka. ngung ket.
suat; h¢ s6 c6 ich. eidograph thiet bl thu ph6ng tranh electric absorption St! hap th1,1 di¢n.
Ektalith plate ban hqp chat Ekalit.
efficiency curve dl!bng cong hi¢u
ve. electric accumulator Ac qui (di¢n).
elastic dan h6i, co giiin.
suat. eigen d~c trl!ng, co ban, rieng.
electric arc electric welding rod

electric welding rod que han di¢n. electrochemical analysis Slf phan
electric arc ho quang (di¢n). electric fuse du chl di¢n.
tfch di¢n hoa.
electric capacity di?n dung. electric heater lo di¢n, bep di¢n. electric work c6ng di¢n.
electrochemical equilibrum SlJ can
electric charge Slf n~p di¢n; Slf tfch electric heating unit b¢ ph~ nhi?t di¢1t electric-eye register control may ghi bclng di¢n hoa.
di¢n; di?n tfch. kh6ng che quang di¢n.
electric impedance tro khang. electrochemical equivalent duong
electric circuit dong di¢n. electrical accounting machine may h.rqng di?n hoa.
electric impulse emitter phat xa ke tfnh ch~y di¢n.
electric conductance d¢ dfo di¢n. xung di¢n. · electrochemical graining t~o h~t
electrical dipol moment momen di¢n hoa.
electric conductivity d¢ din di¢n rieng. electric insulating Slf each di¢n.
1uong clfc. electrochemical industry c6ng
electric conductor chllt din di¢n. electric insulation Slf each di¢n.
electrical engieering c6ng trlnh di¢n nghi¢p di¢n hoa.
electric connector cai noi di¢n. electric light supply nguon quang di¢n. khf. electrochemical · process qua tr1nh
electric controller may kh6ng che, electric motor d¢ng co di¢n. mo to di¢n. electrical etching machine may an di¢n hoa.
kiim tra di¢n. electric oven lo di¢n. mon di¢n giai, may an mon di¢n hoa. electrochemical reaction phan ung
electric converter b¢ nfo dong may electrical resistivity di¢n tro suat. di?n hoa.
electric power cong sullt di¢n, di¢n h_rc.
bien ap, thiet bj chuyen dong di¢n
electric porcelain su di¢n. electrical sign ky hi¢u di¢n khf. electrochemical reduction SlJ khu
xoay chi~u sang dong di¢n m¢t chieu
hay nguqc l~i. di¢n hoa.
electric potential di?n the, the. electrical wire may dong sach ch~y
electric current di¢n luu. di¢n. electrochemical series day di¢n hoa.
electric precipitation SlJ ket tua di¢n.
electric discharge printer may in electrically conductive ink mlfc in electrochemistry di¢n hoa h9c.
electric pressure di¢n ap, di¢n the.
d~g phong di¢n. din di¢n. electrochromatography di¢n s!c ky.
electric printing ink mlfc in di¢n tu.
electric discharge recording Slf ghi electricity consumption Slf tieu dung electroconductive ink mlfc in din di¢n.
chep phong di¢n. electric relay tiep di¢n ke. luqng di¢n.
electrocongulation di¢n ngung ket.
electric displacement Slf di¢n di, Slf electric resistance di?n tro. electro ban due di?n, san pham in ban
phan ClfC. electrocorrosion slf an mon di?n hoa.
electric resistance thermometer due di¢n.
electric drive chuyen d¢ng di?n ltJc. nhi¢t ke di¢n tro. electrode di¢n ctfc.
electro-etching an mon di?n giai, Slf
electric element pin di¢n. electric tension di¢n ap, hi¢u the. an mon di¢n hoa. electrode carbon than di¢n clfc.

electric energy di¢n nang. electric typewriter may danh chit electro-facing m~ di¢n. electrode consumption slJ mon di¢n
ch~y di¢n. clJc, slf hoa tan di¢n ClJC.
electric equivalent dmmg luqng di¢n. electro-stencil master paper giay
electric valve cua van di¢n. nen in mtfc di¢n tU. electrode potential the di¢n clfc.
electric etching an mon di?n giai, an
mon di¢n phan. electric vibrator may rung di¢n. electro bath be m~ di¢n. electrode process qua trlnh di¢n clJc.

electric eye mat di¢n, pin anh sang. electric wave song di¢n. electrochemical action tac d1.,mg di¢n electrode reaction phan ung di¢n
hoa. ClfC.
electric field dien tnrang. electric welding Slf han di¢n.
electrode separation

electrolytic plate

electrode separation khoang each

di¢n qrc. electroluminescence screen ml_lng
di¢n phat quang. electrolytic plate ban an mon di¢n
electrodeposit ch!t lfog di¢n phan; hoa, di¢n phan. electrometer tinh di¢n ke.
lop Jang di¢n phan; ket tua di¢n phan. electroluminescent screen ml_lng htoi
di¢n phat quang. electrolytic printing in di¢n hoa, electrometric analysis sv phan tfch
eJectrodeposition S(! ket tua di¢n C(!C, di¢n.
di¢n phan.
S(! di¢n ket tua. electrolyser may di¢n phan; blnh
di¢n phan. electrolytic process qua trlnh di¢n eJectrometric titration S(! chufo d9
electroengraving sv kMc ban di¢n phan; s(! di¢n phan.
di¢n the.
ru. electrolysis phtrong phap di¢n phan,
electrolytic rectifier may chinh ltru electrometry phep do di¢n ltrqng.
di~n giai, di¢n hoa.
electrofax giA'y cam quang kem oxft, di¢n phan. electrometive force sue di¢n d9ng.
each sao ch1,1p tinh di¢n kem oxit. electrolysis bath be di¢n phan.
electrolytic refining SI! tinh che di¢n electrometive series day di¢n the.
electroforming phtrong phap che ban electrolyte dung djch di¢n phan, phan.
due di¢n. dung d/ch di¢n giai, di¢n hoa. electromotor d9ng co di¢n.
electrolytic solution dung djch di¢n
electroforming tank be che ban due electrolytic bath be di¢n phan. electron di¢n tu.
phan; dung djch chat di¢n ly (trong
di¢n. dung djch).
electrolytic bleaching sv tay mau electron affinity ap ll,l'c di¢n tu.
eJcctrograph [l_lO anh di¢n tU, may di¢n phan. electrolytic tension the di¢n phan. electron beam chum di¢n tti.
khac di¢n tti.
electrolytic deaning sv tinh che di¢n electromagnet nam cham di¢n. electron beam curring chum di¢n tti
electrographic copier may sao ch1,1p phan. kho.
due di¢n, may sao ch1,1p tinh di¢n. electromagnetic (thu9c) di¢n tu.

electrographic printing in di¢n ky.

electrolytic clearing tay rua Sl_lch electromagnetic field di¢ntu twang. electron beam drying chum di¢n tu
bang di¢n phan. kh6.
electrographic process phtrong phap electromagnetic printing in di¢n tu.
electrolytic copper dong di¢n phan. electron-beam imaging t~o anh bang
tl_lO anh cht,1p di¢n. electromagnetic switch d6ng, ma chum tia di¢n tu.
electrography plmong phap di¢n ky,
electrolytic development hi¢n anh di¢n tu, cong tac di¢n tir.
di¢n phan. electron density m~t d9 di¢n tu.
ban in lorn due di¢n, phtrong phap electromechanical device thiet bi
hi¢n anh t~o h1nh di¢n 1ti. electrolytic dissociation SI! di¢n ly. di¢n CO'. . electron beam printer may in chum
di¢n tti.
electroinduction sv cam ung dien. electrolytic dissociation constant electromechanical engraving
hang s6 di¢n ly. machine may khac ban di¢n CO'. electron em1sswn SI! phat Xl_l
electrokinetic phenomenon hi¢n electron, SI! phat x~ di¢n tu.
tuqng di¢n d9ng. electrolytic engraving each che ban electromechanical plate making che
in 16111 di¢n phan. ban bang phuong phap di¢n CO'. electron micrograph ch1,1p anh vi
electrokinetic potential the di¢n d9ng. di¢n tu.
electrokinetics di¢n d9ng h9c. electrolytic etcl1ing SI! an mon di¢n phan. el~ctromechanicaJ plotter thiet bj ve
do ho~ di¢n co. electron micrography thu~it ch1,1p
electroless plating ket tua hoa h9c. electrolytic graining SI! tl_lo h~t di¢n anh vi di¢n tti.
hoa, di¢n phan. electromechanical printer may danh
232 Chfr di¢n CO'.. electron microscope kfnh hien vi
di¢n tti.

electron photomicrograph

electronic data process system he

electro printer

electro printer may in di¢n tu.

electrophotographic colour priting
electron photomicrograph ban ch1,1p st;r in mau ch1,1p anh di¢n.
th6ng thiet bi XU ly dCr li¢u di¢n tu. . electronic printing in di¢n ti'.r.
anh vi di¢n tu. electrophotographic copier may sao
electron plate ban hqp kim nh6m- electronic data processing xu ly di:t electronic probe sensor d1,1ng e1,1 cam ch1,1p di¢n.
kem-magie. li¢u di¢n ti'.r. bien tham do di¢n tu. electrophotographic copy paper
electron theory thuyet di¢n tu. electronic engraved gravure ban in electronic reading machine may d9c giay sao ch1,1p cam quang di¢n.£u.
khilc lorn di¢n tu. duy¢t di¢n ti'.r. electrophotographic microfilm vi
electron-ray curing ink mt;rc in kh6
duoi tac d1,1ng cua tia di¢n tu. electronic engraved plate ban in electronic scanner may quet phan phim ch1,1p anh di¢n.
khac lorn di¢n tu. mau dien ti'.r. electrophotographic paper giay cam
electronic (thuQc) di¢n tu.
electronic engraving each che ban electronic scanning st;r quet phan quang eh1,1p anh di¢n.
electronic beam gravure ban in lorn mau di¢n tu.
khac bing chum di¢n tu. khac di¢n tu. electrophotographic photoreceptor
electronic scanning equipment thiet v~t li¢u cam quang chyp anh di¢n.
electronic engraving machine may
electronic cabinet phong thiet bi di¢n tu. bi quet phan mau di¢n tu.
khac di¢n tu ban in lom. electrophotographic printer may in
electronic calculating punch may electronic screening st;r t~o tram di¢n chyp anh di¢n tu.
dQt lo ke toan di¢n tu (may tfnh]. electronic flash den chop sang di¢n tu.
tlf, Sl;f tram hoa di¢n tU.
electrophotographic printing st;r in
electronic camera may ch1,1p anh di¢n electronic image processing system electronic stencil ban in xuyen tham chyp di¢n ti'.r.
h¢ th6ng XU ly anh di¢n tu. di¢n tu, ban xtang-xin di¢n tu.
ru. electrophotographic printing paper
electronic collate bat tay sach di¢n electronic instrument thiet bj do di¢" electronic stylus but di¢n tu. giay in di¢n ti'.r.
tu. tu. electronic switch d6ng mo di¢n tu. electrophotographic process phucmg
electronic colour analyser may phan electronic mail thu di¢n tu. electronic video recording st;r ghi thu phap chyp anh di¢n tu, phucmg phap
tfch mau di¢n tu. electronic microscope kfnh hifo vi hlnh di¢n tu, st;r ghi vidM di¢n tu. sao chyp tfnh di¢n.
electronic colour correction unit di¢n ti'.r. electronograph may in tinh di¢n, electro photographic projector
thiet bi hi¢u chinh mau di¢n tu. electronic page make-up ban crunh may in tinh di¢n in tranh ve. printer may in sao chieu ch1,1p di¢n.
electronic colour scanner may quet trang di¢n tu, lam ma-ket trang di¢n tu. electronography thu~t in ban tinh di¢n. electrophotographic recording giify
philn mau di¢n tu. electronic photocomposition sap chil' ghi di¢n ti'.r.
electrooptic effect hi¢u ung quang
electronic colour scanning st;r quet ch1,1p di¢n tu. di¢n. electrophotography thu~t chyp anh
phan mau di¢n tu. quang di¢n. ehyp anh tinh di¢n.
electronic photoengraver may khac electrophoresis su dien di su dien
electronic composition slip chCr di¢n tu. chuyen. . . ' . . electroplate ban due di¢n.
ban (anh) di¢n tu.
electronic computer may tfnh di¢n tu. electronic photoengraving machine ~lectr_ophoretic development hi¢n electroplated block ban due di¢n.
may khac ban (anh) di¢n tu. anh d1¢n di. electroplated stereotype ban chl due di¢n.
electronic control kh6ng che di¢n tu.
electronic photosetter may sap chil' electrophotocopy san pham phuc che
electronic counting device thiet bj' tinh di¢n. · electroplating m~ di¢n.
dem so di¢n tu. eh1,1p di¢n tu.
electrostatic shield
electroplating bath

electrostatic shield tam chan tinh elemendorf tearing tester d1,1ng c1,1
electroplating bath dung djeh m~ electrostatic latent image anh lin do d¢ r~n rach giay.
tinh di¢n. di¢n.
di¢n. element thanh phfo, nguyen t6,
electrostatic stencil printing SI! in
electroplating tank be m~ di?n. electrostatic map printing sl_t in ban nguyen li¢u, phfo tu.
giay nen tinh di?n, in luoi tinh di¢n.
do tinh di¢n. /
electroplating vat thung m~ di¢n. electrostatic storage b¢ ph~n t6n giii' elemi nhtJa thien nhien.
electrostatic method phuong phap
electropolishing danh b6ng di?n hoa. tinh di¢n. eleminate lo~i tru, lo~i ra; tach ra;
sao ch1,1p tinh di¢n.
electrostatic toner chat dieu mau sao thai ra.
electroradiography thu~t ch1,1p anh electrostatic output printer may in
ch1,1p tinh di¢n. elemination SL! lqi tru, SL! lo~i ra, SL!
di?n tia X. xuat ra tinh di¢n.
electrostatic transfer in truyen tinh taeh ra; SL! thai ra.
electrosensitive processor may xu ly electrostatic photography phuong
di¢n. elemination of heat SL! thai nhi¢t.
nh~y cam di?n. phap ch1,1p anh tinh di?n.
electrostatic writing head dau viet elemination of .water SL! lo~i nuoc.
electrosilvering m~ b~c. electrostatic plate ban in tinh di?n. ghi tinh di¢n.
elephant kfch thuoc tu giay 23x28 tac
electrostatic (thu¢c) tinh di¢n electrostatic plotter thiet bi ve do electrostatography phuong phap Anh.
electrostatic assist thiet bj ehuyen ho~ tinh di¢n. ch1,1p anh tinh di¢n.
elephant folio kh6 saeh 14x23 tac Anh.
ml_tc b6 trq tinh di?n [in lorn]. electrostatic printer may in tinh electrothermal printing SI! in truyen
di¢n. elevation ban ve l~p the, ban ve chfnh
electrostatic copy ban sao ch1,1p t'inh di¢n. nhi¢t.
electrostatic copy paper giay sao electrostatic printing sl_t in tinh di¢n. electrothermographic copying each
elision mark nguyen am, dau luqe
eh1,1p tinh di¢n. electrostatic printing head dau in sao chl;lp nh~y cam nhi¢t di¢n.
am tiet.
electrostatic copying sao ch1,1p t'inh di¢n. tinh di¢n. electrotype ban due di?n. elision marks dau Iuqc bo, dau bo tit
electrostatic copying machine may electrostatic printing press may in electrotype galvanoplate ban due
elite than con chu cai may danh chii'
sao ch1,1p tinh di¢n. tinh di¢n. di¢n. (12 ky tl;f/tae Anh).
electrostatic eleminator may khu electrostatic recording paper giay electrotype setter may sap chii' due elite type kieu ehii' elit.
finh di¢n giay in. ghi tinh di¢n. di¢n.
ellipe elfp.
electrostatic flock coating lop phu electrostatic removal lo~i bo tinh electrotype shell ban due di¢n.
nhu nhung tinh di¢n. di¢n. ellipsis dau Iuqc bo.
electrotyped letter chu due di¢n.
electrostatic flocking lop phu nhu electrostatic reproduction sl;! ph1,1c elliptic orbit quy d~o elfp.
electrotyping bath thung due di¢n.
nhung tinh di¢n. che tinh di¢n. ellipsography compa elfp.
electrotyping process phuong phap
electrostatic flocky lop phu nhu electrostatic screen printing SI! in elliptical dot diem tram hlnh elfp.
due di?n, thu~t due di¢n.
nhung t1nh di¢n. tram tinh di¢n.
e~ectrotypograph may sap ehu due elliptical dot screen tram luoi ~g
electrostatic gravure printing in ban electrostatic screen printing dt?n. xfch.
in lorn anh t1nh di¢n. machine may in tram tinh di¢n.
elliptical title embossing press

elliptical title ten sach rut g9n. embedding font cay, kham ca than embossing press may in ep n6i. emission spectrum quang ph6 phat
chii. X?.
elongate keo dai, giiin. embossing printing SL! in ep n6i.
embolde~ing tang d¢ sang [hien th!], emissive phat X?.
elongated letter chii than dai. embossing stamp in dong dau n6i.
tang d9 slim [danh may).
emissivity tfnh phat X?; d¢ phat Xf
elongated type kieu chii than dai. emboss ep in hoa van, ep gan n6i embosso process phuong phap in n6i.
emit phat X?.
elongation SI.J keo dai, sl.J giiin; sl.J [dong sach], hi¢u qua ~o n6i [xt'r ly embossograph in t?O n6i.
giiin giay. anh]. emitting sparks tia loe.
embroidered binding d6ng sach dan
elpverless photosensitive material embosse ink ml.Jc in n6i ten. m~t theu gam. emitting surface be m~t phat X?.
vl).t li¢u cam quang khong co b?c. emboss printing in r~p ch1m n6i. emendation hi¢u dfnh, st'ra Joi tru6c emolJescence SI.J lam mem.
em thoi chen vu6ng-[thoi chen vuong embossed milu hoa van n6i. khi in. emolliate lam mem.
co chieu ngang va chieu d9c bang 10 ementator nguoi hi¢u dfnh.
phan in. Thoi chen vuong thuong embossed blanket tam cao su bi emollient chat lam mem.
dung de sap b dau dong chii khi dn ph6ng [st! c6]. · emerald da quf mau ll,IC ttroi; ca chii Emperor kfch thu6c ta giay 40x60
sap chii th9t b dliu dong] don vj do d¢ rai 6,5 phan in. tac Anh.
embossed book sach chii n6i dung
dai dong chii theo than chii. cho nguoi mu. emerald green ll,IC Pari, mu6i kep empirical curve duang cong !hi.Jc
em leader v?ch khac than chii. dong axetat dong asenit nghi¢m.
embossed finish ep n6i van giay.
em rule dau khac than chii. embossed paper van giay ep n6i. empirical data s6 li¢u thl.Jc nghi¢m.
emergency bottom an nut b~t di¢n
em-dash dau khac than chii. embossed label nhiin hang ep n6i. khan cap. empty ding, tr6ng khong.
em-number b9i s6 ca than chii. embossed printing in n6i chii cho emergency pump born sap san de empurple mau do tfa.
em-quad ca than chii. nguoi mu. dung. tu
emulator trlnh phong ch! nhu thl).t,
embossed seal in d6ng dau gan xi. emergency valve van an toan. may phong che nhu th~t.
em-quadrat ca than chit chen hlnh
vu6ng. embossed stanp in d6ng dau tren emery Cat kim CtrOng, b¢t nham da emulgator chat nhu hoa.
emage don vj tfnh di¢n tfch ch! ban phong bi thu. mai. emulsification SI.J nhu hoa.
emage, di¢n ban in tfnh theo ca chii to embossing in ep n6i. emery paper giay nham. emulsifier chat nhu hoa; may nhu hoa.
embossing caledering equipment emery powder b¢t cat mai kim emulsify nhu hoa.
email men. thiet bi ep van. CUOng.
emulsifying nhu hoa.
embed cay, kham vao (tranh ve). embossing forme in ep n6i. emery sand cat kim cuong, cat mai
kim cuong. emulsifying agent chat nhu hoa.
embedded blank cay kham vao ch6 embossing machine may ep van m?
tr6ng. .vang. emission sl.J phat X?. emulsifying colloid keo nhu hoa.
embedded hyphen cay, kham dau embossing plate ban in ep n6i, ban emission line V<;lch (quang ph6) phat emulsifying efficiency kha nang nhu
noi hai tu v6i nhau. ep ch1m n6i. x~. hoa.

238 239
emulsifying power

END of block (EOB) (dau) ket thuc

enchiridion sach bo tui.
emulsifying power khii nang nhil en-quad cai chen rnia vu6ng than som.
chu. enclosed are lamp den than ho quang
hoa. END of file (EOF) (dau) ket thuc van
en-quadrat cai chen nua vuOng than d~ng kin.
emulsion nhil tue1ng; chat nhil tue1ng ki¢n.
nh~y sang, chat nhil hoa, keo nhil hoa. chu. enclosed fountain mang ml!c in d~ng
END of file mark dau ket thuc. van
en-rule duong ke chl nua thll.n chi.I kin.
emulsion ink ml!c in nhil hoa. ki¢n.
ho~c duang ke bing dong. enclosed printing unit de1n vj in d~ng
emulsion layer lap nhil tucmg nh~y END of line cu6i dong.
enamel men trang, men su. kfn.
sang. END of message het bai van [sap
enamel binding gfo tranh men su. encode ma hoa.
emulsion polymer polyme nhil ch1,1p].
tucmg. enamel blue thuy tinh xanh c6ban. encoded image iinh ma hoa.
END page trang cu6i.
emulsion polymerizate chat trung enamel colowr chat nhu¢m men. encoder ma hoa ke.
hqp nhil tuang.
END papers trang sach de trang
enamel dye chat nhu¢m men. encyclopaedia bach khoa toan thu. truac va sau phan chfnh bai van.
emulsion polymerization SI! trung
enamel lined (da) trang men. encyclopedic items tll' lo~i bach END position vj trf cu6i cung.
hqp nhil tuang.
enamel lining SI! trang men. khoa.
emulsion side m~t nhil tuang [phim END printing danh may phan cu6i.
enamel(!) (da) tning men. encyclopedic work cac lo~i sach.
iinh]. END product siin pham cu6i cung.
enamel paper giay phan, giay cut-xe, END (equivalent neutral density)
emulsion speed t6c d¢ cam quang
m~t d¢ trung tfnh (xam) duang luqng. END sheets trang 16t, trang cu6i.
chat nhil tuang. giay can nhan m9t m~t.
enamel print trang men SU' de ch6ng END a break ngat dong cu6i, dong END surface hardness d¢ cung be
emulsion stabilizer chat On djnh nhil
an men hlnh iinh tranh ve. cu6i de tr6ng. m~t o hai dfo hlnh tfl,l.
emulsion with embedded developer enamel process phue1ng phap t~o END equipment thiet bj dfo cuoi END threaded taper pin dau nh9n
nhil tue1ng voi chat hi¢n ghep n6i ben mang ben vfrng. [may tfnh]. 6c vft.
trong. enamel top boi, quet mang keo be END ever dong cuoi sap chu ngay END user h¢ su d1,1ng cu6i cung, M
emulsionize nhil hoa. m~t ch6ng an men. ngfo, dong cu6i sap day dong. tieu dung cu6i cung.

emulsive (thu¢c) nhil tue1ng. enamel white trang bary-kem. END leaf trang cuoi, trang 16t (trang END view hlnh chieu nghieng.
giay trfog bla ba cu6n sach).
emulsoid the nhil tuang (dung djch). enamelled foid trang mang men END wall tuang ben c~nh.
mong phong ch6ng tham. END leaves trang cu6i, trang 16t.
en nua thAn chu chl. and-of-line code tfn hi¢u cu6i dong
enamelled paper giay phan, giay cut-xe. END line dong cu6i, dong ket thuc.
en point chu chl diem tron (o phan [sap ch1,1p].
trong chu due). enamelling lang b6ng, trang men. END mark dau ket thuc. end-of-line decision phan doan ket
en-dash net g~ch ngfo, dau g~ch n6i enamelling process phuang phap END matter ph1,1 l1,1c. thuc dong sap chu.
chu. trang men.
end-of-line information English type 14

end-of-line information tfn hi¢u endurance test phep thu tfnh ben· English type 14 co chfr chl 14 phan, engraving ban tranh (khac), ban
xuong dong [sap ch~1p]. tfn hi¢u thing phep thti d¢ moi. , than chu chl kiiu Anh. khac, khac ho~c ten g9i chung cua
hang [sap ch1,1p]. energising developer dung djch hien phuong phap chi! ban an mon.
English· Vietnamese bilingual text
end-piece trang trf cuoi chuc:mg. anh tai sinh. . sach d9c doi chieu song ngir Anh engraving cylinder tr1,1c khac. _,,,
end-use property tfnh nang sl! d1,1ng. energy nang luqng. Vi¢t. engraving etching machine may che
energy conservation SI! bao toan engrave dieu khAc, ch<im. ban an mon.
endleaf paper gi!y trang 16t.
nang luqng.
engraved (thu¢c) dieu khk engraving head dau khac.
endless (thu¢c) lien t1,1c, (thu¢c)
energy consumption SI! tieu h,to
khong noi tiep, lien 11,lC. engraved blanket t!m cao su bi ve't engraving machine may khac.
nang luqng.
lorn [SI/ CO).
endless driving belt bang chuycfo energy content n¢i nang. engraving needle kim khac.
d¢ng tuan hoan. engraved block ban in khac g6.
energy level muc nang ltt<;mg. engraving stylus dao khiic, kim khac.
endless forme ban in d<ing cu¢n. engraved copper-plate ban in dong
energy of activation nang luqng ho<it khac lorn (chlm).
Enhanced Graphic Adapter (EGA)
endless offset in op xet lien t1,1c. hoa. may hi¢n thi EGA, may phoi hgp !<iO
engraved copper-plate printing in hlnh tang cuong do ho<i.
endless paper gi!y in cu¢n. energy unit don vj nang lugng. ban in dong khac lorn (chlm).
engage lien tiep. Enhanced Small Device Interface
endnotes Chu thfch phan cuoi. engraved document tai li¢u in khac (ESDI) thiet bj giao di¢n tang Cl.tong
endothermal (thuc)c) thu nhi¢t, hap engine d¢ng co, mo to. lorn (chlm). hlnh ve lo<!-i nho.
th1,1 nhi¢t. engine size boi keo trong may. engraved intaglio plate ban in khac enlarge ph6ng d<!-i.
endothermal reaction phan ung thu nhi¢t. engine-sizing SI! dan bang may. lorn (chlm).
enlarged and revised edition ban
endothermic h!p th1,1 nhi¢t. engineering documents tai Ii¢u cong engraved roller 1r1,1c ep hoa van (chlm). sua chira vii b6 sung them.
tr1nh. engraved screen tram in lorn (ban in
endothermic reaction phan ung thu enlarged edition ban b6 sung them,
engineering drawing do ho<i cong lorn-chlm). ban sua b6 sung.
endpaper to "gac", to giify c6 d¢ ben engraved title page ten trang sach in enlarged halftone ch1,1p ph6ng anh
engineering plan ban do m~t bang lorn (chlm). tram ban in bang.
gap dung di dan giua bla hai va bla
c6ng trlnh.
ba v6'i trang dfo va trang cuoi cua eng~aved's bristol giay Brit-ton dung enlarged hard copy ban ph1,1c che
khoi ruc)t sach. English co chi! chl 14 phan. cho m 16m (chlm). kh6 16'n, ph6ng d<!-i ban in kho.
endpaper map trang 16t ban do [in 6 English finish book paper gi!y dung engraved's needle kim khac. enlarged text ban b6 sung them.
dau cu6n ho~c cuoi cu¢n]. de in sach cao cap.
engraved's proof ban in thl! cua enlargement ph6ng d<ii, ph6ng to.
end papering machine may dan trang 16t English finish paper m¢t lo<ii gi!y nguoi che ban.
.can ep nhfo b6ng. enlargement diagram do thi ty 1¢
endurance tfnh ben. engraved's proofs soat 11!-i ban khac. ph6ng d</-i.
English translation sach dich tieng
endurance limit gi6'i h~ ben. Anh. engraved's tool Cong Cl,! khac. enlarger may ph6ng d<ii.

242 243
enlarger printer equal mark

enlarger printer may sao ch1._1p envelope printing presses may in equal mark dau bang"=". equivalent (thu(>c) ti.tang duang,
phong bl th11. (thu9c) duang l119ng.
ph6ng dl!-i. equal sign dau bang"=".
envelope tissue lining paper giay ke equivalent colour temperatur nhi¢t
enlarging camera may ch1._1p ph6ng d<;li. equal space khoang each bang nhau. d¢ mau duang l119ng.
16t trong phong bl th11.
enlarging of microfilm ph6ng dl!-i vi equal-length code m~t ma d¢ dai equivalent concentrati<~n nong d¢
phim, ph6ng dl!-i phim thu nho. environment hoan canh, canh vat
bang nhau. duang 111911g.
xung quanh m6i truong. ·
enlarging paper giay ph6ng dl!-i. equidistant each deu. equivalent neutral density m~t d¢
environment variable l1.!C,1ng thay d6i trung tfnh bang nhau.
enlarging photometer quang ke m6i truong. equilibrium trl!-ng thai can bang, St!
ph6ng d<;ti, 19 sang ke ph6ng dl/-i. can bang. equivalent point diem ti.tang dl.J'ang.
environmental balance can bang
equilibrium concentration n6ng d(>
enlarging photopaper giay anh mOi truong. equivalent value gia tri tuang dl.!ang.
can bang.
ph6ng dl/-i. EOM (end of message) bai van ket equivalent weight duang IU'qng.
equilibrium constant hang s6 can bang.
enqueue sfip thanh dong [danh may]. thuc [silp ch1._1p].
equilibrium diagram bieu do can bang. erasability tfnh tAy xoa [giay].
enter ghi nh~p vao [ban phfm]. eosine eosin, tetrabromfluoretxein
equilibrium equation ph11<mg trlnh erasable read-only memory (EROM)
entitle ten g9i chung thl.J' tjch, sach.
Ci0 Hij05Br4• mau do eosin, [hoa]. can bling. c6 the xoa b¢ nM chi gifr I,µ phan d9C.
eosine lake thu6c nhu¢m mau eosin. equilibrium moisture d(> Am can
entrance I6i vao, cua vao. erasable storage c6 the xoa phan ton
ephemera xuat ban phAm nh!ft thoi. bang. tru.
entrance pressure ap suat 16i vao.
epiclorohydrin equilibrium pressure ap suat can
epichlorohydrin erase tfty xoa.
entropy entropi. bang.
equilibrium time thoi gian can bang. erase character ky hi¢u chu tay xoa.
entry dl.J'a vao, dan vao. epidiascope may den chieu 11.J'ong
equili_brium vaporization St! bay hai erasing file lm;,c bo hay dt bo du li¢u
entry-a-line index chi dii.n gian dol/-n. d1._1ng Vtra phan XI/- vtra thllu XI/-.
can bang. ho~c ti.! li¢u trong may tfnh.
envelope St! b(?c, St! bao g6i, phong bl epigraph bien kh!c; de tu hay loi d!n
equilibrium water d¢ Am can bang. erasing knife dao c<;to.
thl.J'. d119c in tren trang bla dau.
equilibrium water content d6 Am erasure tAy xoa (giay).
envelope cartridge giay phong bl Epikote resin nhl,la Epikot. can bang, ham l119ng n11oc can bAng.
thl.J'. epilogue loi bl!-t, Joi cu6i sach, loi erect xay dt!ng, dl,lng Jen, thiet l~p,
equipment thiet bj; St! trang bj.
cu6i bai, loi ket. lilp d~t.
envelope lining machines may ke 16t
equipment carrier ban d~t thiet bi.
trong phong bl thl.J'. epoxy epoxi [hoa]. erecting diagram bieu d6 xay dt!flg,
equipment compatibility tfnh t11<mg lilp d~t.
envelope machine may lam phong bl epoxidation St! epoxi hoa. h91> thiet bi.
thl.J'. erecting drawing bieu d6 xay dt!flg,
epoxyethane epoxiethan [hoa]. equipment compoment list danh
envelope making machine may lam ffillC ghi TO nguyen ki¢n thiet bj.
lilp d~t.
phong bl th11. epoxyester epoxiette [hoa]. erection St! xay dl,lng, liip d~t, liip
equipment life tuoi tho thiet bi d6
epoxy resin nht!a epoxi. ~n thiet bi. · ·' · ghep.
envelope paper giay phong bl thl.J'.
etching ball

etching solution dung djch an mon.

esparto grass co lau, say lol!-i than etching ball dung bi (thep, su, thuy
ergonomics khoa h9c lao d¢ng
thao dung cho siin xuift gia'y. tinh) trong may an mon. etching step cap an mon.
nghien cCru cong vi¢c va dieu ki¢n
lam vi¢c nham nAng cao hi¢u qua lao esparto paper giay c6 thanh phan lau etching bath dung djch an mon. etching swab b9t biin dung de xoa
d¢ng cua con nguoi. s~y Tay ban nha. etching brush dung ban chai quet c9 be m~t ban khi an mon.
eriochrome black T phfun cr6m den T. ESSP (electrostatic screen stencil chai an mon be m~t. etching tank ch~u an mon, 'thung an
printing) in Iuoi t1nh di?n. etching depth d¢ sAu an mon. mon.
Erlenmayer flash hlnh n6n, blnh
Eclen. ester ette [h6a). etching depth gauge d1mg cu do d¢ etching tray khay an man.
erode x6i mon; phong hoa. ester gum ette nh(!a thong. sAu an mon. etching trough thung an rnon.
etching glue keo ca dung trong che etching tub thung an mon.
erosion Sl;f x6i mon; St! an mon; Sl;f estimated date of publication du
phong hoa. ban an mon kim Io!!-i.
kien ngay thang xuift ban. . etching varnish lac bao v¢ ch6ng an
errata leaf bicfo sua l&i in sai, to dfnh etching ground lop mang nen bao mon.
ET (editing terminal) bien ~P dau cu6i.
chfnh. v¢c ch6ng an mon.
etch an mon. etching-proof wax coating lop sap
erratic pages trang in sai, danh so etching ink m(!c phu khi an mon. phu chong an mon.
trang in sai. etchant additive chat pha them vao etching machine may trang an mon.
dung djch an mon khong dung each ethane etan, CiH6 [h6a].
erratic pagination trang in sai, danh quet phu phfo h6ng. etching machine for blocks may an ethanedial etandial, glyoxal,
so trang in sai. mon ban in cao.
etch brush ban chai dung quet chai CHO.CHO [h6a).
erratum (so nhieu errata) biiu sua loi etching medium chat an mon.
be m~t ban khi an mon. ethanedioic acid axft etandioic
in sai.
etch factor h¢ so an mon. etching mordant dung dich an mon. HOOC.COOH [h6a).
error sai so; sai tarn; nham lfo.
etchant additive chift pha them vao etching needle kim khk ethanoic anhydride anhydrit
error code ma s6 sai hay nham lfo.
dung d\ch. an mon khong dung b¢t phan. ethanoic [h6a].
etching nonprinting b¢ ph~n khong
error control khong ch! nham Ian.
etched copper-plate an mon ban d6ng. in bi an mon. ethanol c6n etylic, ruc;ru etylic
error diffusion Sl;f khuyech tan
etching operation tac nghi¢p an CH3..CH2 0H [h6a].
etched frontispiece ban an mon hlnh
kh6ng dung trong xu ly anh.
minh hOI!- 0 dau trang sach. mon. ether ete ROR [h6a).
erythrosine do erytrosin [hoa).
etched gravure cylinder an mon tn,1c etching powder b¢t (pha'n hong) phtt Ether Net etenet.
ESA (electrostatic assist) thiet bi ong in lorn. phan tu in ch6ng an man.
ethinyl trichloride tricloroetylen [h6a].
phu trq truyen ffi(!C tinh di¢n ban ii~
etched plate ban an mon. etching print ban in thu khi an mon.
lorn. ethocel etoxel [h6a].
escape thay d6i trl!-ng thai [may tfnh); etched zinc plate an mon ban kem. etching process phuong phap che ban
an mon. ethyl (goc) etyl, CH 3CH2 · [h6a].
thoat ra, xiiy ra. etcher chift an mon, may trang an mon.
ethyl acetate etyl axetat
escapement chuyin nae danh may. etc.bing room phong an mon, phAn
etching an mon, phucmg phap khac CH 3.COO.CiH5 [h6a].
Xtrong an mon.
escaping key nut Mm chuyin nae. hlnh di:mg boa chat an mon kim lol!-i·
ethyl cellulose even w<>_rking

ethyl cellulose etyl xenlulozo [h6a]. eutectic state tri,tng thai eutecti. even working ban so chan. exclamation point dau cam than, dau
ethyl ether etyl ete [h6a]. eutectic temperature nhi¢t d9 even-numbered page trang s6 chan.
eutecti. rrang ben trai. executable program chtrong trlnh
ethyl hydrate etyl hydrat [h6a]. kha thi, trlnh t!J c6 thi thuc hi¢n.
evacuate thao, xa ra; lam chan evening newspaper bao bu6i chieu.
ethyl nitrate etyl nitrat [h6a]. execution chap hanh, thi hanh.
khong. evening paper bao bu6i chieu.
ethyl phtalate etyl phtalat [h6a]. exerciser may thao tac, may thf
evacuated space khoang chan khong. evenness tfnh dong deu.
ethyl silicate etyl silicat [h6a]. nghi¢m.
evacuated vessel blnh chan khong. every two months bao ra hai thang exhaust S!J thoat ra, SlJ tach ra. SI;!' hut
ethylene (goc) etylen -CH2.CH2 -;
evacuation SlJ thao, S!J xay ra; SlJ lam m¢tky. ra, S!J ti,to chan khong.
etylen CH2=CH 2 [h6a].
chan khong. everyman paperback sach gay exhaust air purification unit thiet bi
ehtylene chloride etylen clorua
phAng, sach ph6 cll.p. Jam si,tch khf thoat ra.
[h6a]. evaluate danh gia.
EVR (electronic video recording) exhaust fan quat hut gi6. '
ethylene glycol etylen glycol [h6a]. evaluation SI;!' danh gia.
ghi hinh di¢n tu.
exhaust gases khf thai, khf xa.
ethylene glycol monoethyl etylen evaporate lam bay hai, co (da.c). ex-libris nhan sach ltru trfr, in sach
glycol monoctyl [h6a]. exhaust installation thiet bj thai khf.
evaporating (su) lam bay hai, (s!J) co. htu tril'.
ethylene oxide etylen oxit [h6a]. exact size kh6 sac h. co sach, kh6 exhaust pipe 6ng xa khi. 6ng thai
evaporation SI! lam bay hai, s~r co.
sach chinh xac. khf.
ethylene thiourea etylen thioure [h6a].
evaporation drying su lam kh6 bay hoi. exhaust pipe for solvent fumes 6ng
exactmination copy ban d9c duy¢t ty
ethylene trichloride etylen triclorua thiii ra khf dung moi.
evaporation rate toed¢ bay hai. mi.
evaporation surface be ma.t bay hoi. example ban mau, sach mau. exhaust valve van thoat khf, van thai
ethylensuccinicacid etylensuccinicaxit khf.
[h6a]. evaporative bay hai. Excelsior chil' roi c0 3 phan in.
exhausted edition sach da ban het.
ethylmetnylketone etylmetylketon evaporative capacity kha nang bay hoi. excess pressure ap h,rc qua 1&1.
exhausted publication xtlat ban
[h6a]. evaporator thiet bi bay hai, thiet bj co. excessive exposure chieu sang qua
phim da ban het.
nhieu, thai gian chieu sang qua dai.
Etruscan alphabet chfr cai Etruscan. even distribution phAn b6 dong deu. exhauster may thai khf.
exchange trao ct6i.
Etruscan style dong sach kieu even folio trang s6 chan, trang ben trai. exhibition SI;!' trlnh bay. SL! bieu 1¢, SlJ
Etruscan. exchange system h¢ thong trao d6i.
trifo lam.
even page trang s6 chan, trang ben trai. excitation purity ct¢ thuan khiet kfch
eugenol eugenol thfch. exit SlJ thoat ra, loi ra.
even right-hand margin le ben phai
CH2 :CH.CH2.C6H/OCHJOH [h6a].
trang sach. exciter lamp den kfch quang. exitpupil anh toa long lanh.
eutectic e utecti.
even small caps tat ca dung chil' hoa exclamation mark dau cam than, dau exordiu:m lbi t!Ja. Joi n6i dau, phan
eutectic point diem eutecti. nho. than(!) mo dau (cua sach).
248 249
exotic vocabulary exposure

exposure chieu sang, 1¢ sang, r9i exposure interval ct,r ly chieu sang,
exotic vocabulary bang tu vvng nh~p expansion st,r banh tnrong.
sang, chyp anh. ct,r Iy 1¢ sang.
vao tu mroc ngoai.
expansion and contraction of paper
exposure area vung chieu sang, vung exposure lamp den chieu sang, den
exotics tu nh~p ngo~i, tu nhap tu mroc giay in co, gian.
1¢ sang.
ngoai. 19 sang. /
expansion and schrinkage tester exposure latitude khu vt,rc hay vung
expand banh tn.rong, ma r¢ng, no ra, d~mg cy do d¢ co gian. exposure chart bieu tfnh thoi gian
hay mien chieu sang.
ph6ng ra. chieu sang , bieu tfnh thoi gian 1¢ sang.
expansion coupling tryc noi co gian. eexposure level cap s6 1¢ sang, cap
expanded kieu than chfr r¢ng chieu exposure clock d6ng h6 tfnh thoi
ngang. expansion slot duong ranh gian, khe gian. gian chieu sang, dong h6 djnh thoi s6 chieu sang.

expanded edition ban d~t mua t~ng expansion trunnion tai tryc co gian. gian 1¢ sang. exposure meter bieu 1¢ sang, bieu
so Iuqng. exposure computer may tfnh 1¢ chieu sang.
expansive colour mau loang, mau gian.
expanded film mang mong, mang x6p. sang, thiet bj chieu sang tt,r d¢ng. exposure range khu vt,rc chieu sang,
expansiveness tfnh gian nb, d¢ gian no. khu vt,rc 1¢ sang.
expanded letter kieu chfr bien the exposure control khong che thai gian
expansivity tfnh gian nb. 1¢ sang, kh6ng che thoi gian chieu sang. exposure ratio ty 1¢ chieu sang, ty le
d~ng d~t.
1¢ sang.
expanded memory mb r¢ng b¢ nho expediting setting st,r ngung ket exposure control device thiet bj I
cua may tfnh. nhanh, st,r co cung nhanh. kh6ng che thoi gian 1¢ sang. exposure table bang thoi gian chieu
sang, thoi gian 1¢ sang.
expanded memory manager expert system h¢ thong chuyen gia. exposure control system h? thong
(EMM) b¢ phan quan Iy b¢ nho ma expiration date thai h~n su dyng da khong che thai gian 1¢ sang. expurgate stra chfra, tu stra.
,, r¢ng. het. exposure time thoi gian chieu sang,
exposure control unit thiet bj kh6ng
expanded plastics chat deo xop. che thoi gian 1¢ sang. thoi gian 1¢ sang.
,; explanatory words or phrases lai
'l expurgated edition ban sfra chfra,
. expanded rubber cao xu xop. hay cau chu giai, chu thfch.
explicit Ioi ghi cu6i sach.
exposure counter may dem so lfo 1¢
sang. ban dt bo m¢t so chi tiet, ban hi¢u
' expanded type kieu chfr bien the mo
r¢ng chieu ngang.
exploded view hlnh ve mo ta ket cau
exposure density m~t d¢ chicu sang.
extended cover bla b9c sach Ion hon
expander thiet bj khuyech tan. mat ck exposure device thiet bj chieu sang.
expander roll tn;1c cang gian. export edition sach xuat khau, sach exposure drum true hay trong phoi extended delivery thiet bj chuyen
expandible shafts c6 the dieu chinh tieu thy o nuoc ngoai. ban. .
giay keo dai. :I
: '
gian b tam tryc. expose 1¢ sang, chieu sang. exposure failure chieu sang hong, 1¢ Extended Graphic Character Set
expanding st,r gian, st,r banh truong. sang hong, phoi ban hong. (EGCS) b¢ chfr d6 ho~ mo r¢ng i
expose drum tryc 1¢ sang, tryc chieu sang.

I I '!
expanding mandrel tryc Ian c6 djnh
exposure head dau chieu sang, drtu EGCS.
exposing 1¢ sang, chieu sang. 1¢ sang.
[chyp anh ban in lorn]. Extended Graphic Adapter (EGA)
expanding space khoang each co
exposing head dau ghi hlnh. e~posure index h¢ s6 chieu sang, h¢ thiet bj ph6i canh d6 ho~ r¢ng ma
exposing lamp den 1¢ sang, den chieu sang. so 1¢ sang. EGA.
chen [may due chil'J.
I 250

Extended Graphic Array extra illustrated

external device thiet bi ngo~i vi [may extra illustrated ciit dan tranh minh extract type kieu chct trfch lye, kieu
Extended Graphic Array (EGA)
chii trfch dan.
mang d6 ho~ ma
r¢ng EGA. tfnh]. ho~ them vao ben ngoai.

external disk drive thiet bi truy~n extra light-weight paper giay cam extracted article bai bao trfch in Ju~n
extended ideographic character set
van don gian.
b¢ chii bieu thi y ttrangma
r¢ng. dia tu ben ngoai. quang sieu nhy.
extra pocket post kich thu6c to giay extracts tuyen ~p.
extended letter chii bien the ma external memory b¢ nM ben ngoai
ll,5x18,5 tac Anh.
r¢ng. [may tfnh]. extrafocal distance ct,r ly ngoai tieu
external network m~ng lu6i ben extra strong paper giay da bo. Cl,f, khoang each gicta m(>t chiec gtrong
extended memory b¢ nh6 Iuu trii
hay tMu kinh va tieu diem cua no.
thong tin mo
r(>ng trong may tfnh.
ngoai. extra thin paper giay cam quang rat
external publication sach bao phat mong. extraneous light tia sang til' ben
extended memory specification d~c
hanh d6i ngo~i. ngoai.
diem ky thuat SL! d9ng bQ nh6 ma extra-condensed type kieu chct roi
r(>ng (EMS) external tooth washer gioang d¢m than d~c bi¢t hyp. extremely rare book sach ct,rc ky
ngoai, vong d¢m ngoai. quy hiem.
extended type kieu chii bien the, kieu extra-hard gradation duang
chii than r(>ng ngang. external-drum d~ng tr9c ben ngoai. gradaxion d~c bi¢t cung (d~ng thing extrucder may ep dun lien tyc.
extinct book sach da ban het. dung).
extender chat d¢n, chat bd sung, m~t extrusion coating machine may
chii ma
r9ng. extinction-type exposure meter bieu extra-illustrated book sach c6 minh trang phu lien tyc.
do d(> sang d~ng tat sang. ho~ ph9 them. eye screw dinh vit xoan tron.
extensibility tinh keo gian; d¢ keo gian.
extra them ngoai, tang s6 ltr9'Dg sach extra-illustrated edition sach co eye-legible type kieu chii in ho~c viet
extensible CO the keo gian dtr9'C. minh ho~ phy them.
bao d~t mua them. tay de d9c.
extension st,r keo gian; d¢ keo gian. extra binding d6ng sach d~c bi¢t tinh extra-size folio kfch thu6c giay eye-piece myc kinh, thi kinh; thau kinh
extension cover bla b9c sach Ion hon xao. l 9x24 tac Anh. adau m¢t kinh vitn v9ng hay kfnh hien
ru(>t sach. extra bold kieu chii than d~c bi¢t extra-soft gradation duang gradaxion vi ma ngum quan sat nhln qua.
extension crank tay quay co gian. r¢ng, kieu chii than d~m (den). d~c bi¢t mem (d~ng nga phai). eyeletter may dye mat ng6ng, may
extra bold type kieu chii d~c bi¢t extrabold kieu chii hoa net d~m. d9t 16.
extension tube 6ng tuyp co gian.
than d~m (den). eyeletting dye mat ngong.
extract phan chiet ra; trfch Jue, tach
extensometer gian ke.
extra bound dong sach thu cong tinh f~ nha.n t6 anh [XL! Jy anh], do~n trfch eyeletting machine may dye mat
extent kfch thtr6c, muc d(>. xao. dan.
ngong, may d9t 16.
extent of finish phl,\m vi gia c6ng. extra check binding dong sach bla
b9c vai tinh xao.
external circuit m~ch ngoai.
extra cloth dong sach dung vai
external diameter duong kfnh ngoai. nhu¢m mau tinh xao.
external development hi¢n anh ben extra condensed lette chii than d~c
ngoai. bi¢t hyp.
i ~
f-number • --
facsimile laser plate maker - ·- II

facsimile laser plate maker may ch! factual book sach d9c ph6 bien khoa
ban fax la-de. h9c, sach d9c thttang thll'c ph6 th6ng.
'' (/!
I -- - - - - _:a'-· L.C ..... : -
facsimile newspaper giay bao in fax.
&-.., - L - : --~--
L'-..1 -
fade phai ~'-
mau, mat mau,
' lam
" phai --

ii F
11 facsimile paper gi!y cam quang in
facsimile plate ban in fax.
mau, lam b~c mau.
fade-in hi¢n ro drui dan [hi¢n anh],
~m th".Jlnh t,ii,nn m"lnh ,fi..., A.in
am thanh tang m~nh dan dan.
fadeometer phai mau ke'.
facsimile printer may in fax.
facial tissue gii.y
- - xoa pha'.n.
f-number s6 f tren dau ong kfnh chi
d<) mo cua cua ditu sang hay
- facsimile orintml?
printing in
m fax.
fade-out StJ lam mo dlln [hi¢n -•••t
am thanh].
--.- anh,
- - "" •••- --•• L""" . ••

facility cOng c1;1, khf tai, thi6t bi, ti¢n

diapham. facsimile reprint ban in r~p. ban in
nghi. fading stJ phai mau, stJ b~c mau.
fabriano paper giay du t~o di,mg sqi
facing page trang phu ml!-t ngoai. facsimile reproduction in fax, che fading of ink stJ phai, b~c mau mvc in.
facing paper gia'.y dan ml!-t ngoai. ban in r~p. fading of the latent image hi¢n
fabric vai d¢t, cau t~o. cau true.
facsimile system h¢ th6ng ph6i hqp tttqng anh an suy giam dan.
facings trang trf dan ml!-t ngoai.
fabric binding dong sach bla vai. cheban fax. fading test thf nghi¢m tfnh ben anh
facsim ban sao, ban chep, ban mo sang.
fabric label printing machine may facsimile transmission St! phat
in nhan hang bang vai. phong.
truyen fax, SlJ truyen faximin. Fahrenheit scale thang nhi¢t d¢
facsimile ban sao, hol!-c ban chep
~; fabric
·-a..,a ..... aribbon ru-biing
• ..,..,.., •• a.._.

fac chii cai hoa lo~i co chii Ion.

VM,-"•t, danh may.•
~•-•<>•• •••-J
chfnh xac m¢t bai viet, m¢t ban in
hn.11, . - A • I,..,"".,,_ ... ,,. ..... 1,,. , n..
hay m¢t buc tranh vua sao rh11n l'""
ch1;1p ~'t~
IQ.\...3UUUC' transmission

newspaper St! phat truy~n bao, St!

truyen Faximin bao.
Fahrenheit thermometer nhi¢t ke
face ml!-1 ban, m~t chii, kieu chii do truyen phat bang ky thuft! di~n bao.
factorial development nhan to hi¢n fail to come out in time lo (ch~m)
--, ky
l'I ho~ 1,;uu.
11u~ chii.

! I face runout ml!-t ban rung d¢ng.

face size co chii.
facsimile binding gan dan b(rc anh
hay m<)t buc tranh.
facsimile duplicating device thiet bi
) anh.
f!.tirtn ... u_,.,.'1.1:J...--•=--
phfa xf nghi¢p in.
--·- mau
vi¢c sua
- -~ 6 -
h~ bao djnh ky.
I.'. ! I - -- . I>_
failure-free operation v~n hanh blnh
face up trang h'inh ve ml!-t tntoc. sao ch1;1p nhan ban in anh.
factotum chfr cai hoa kieu chii co Ion. faint ruling v~ch, ke dttong mo nh~t
face rule dttong h~n b6 ml!-t ban, net facsimile edition ban sao, ban ph1;1c factotum initial chir cai hoa o dau tren s6 sach.
kham be m~t ban. che, ban in anh, ban truyen fax. m¢t tu kieu chii co ion. fair calf dong sach mau da b6.
facer trang ph6 bie'n sach bao tranh facsimile halftone ban in cao kh6ng facts about gioi thi¢u khai quat, gioi fair copy ban m!u d~p. ban in thii
anh. c6 tram vung sang. thi¢u t6m tilt. sach kh6ng c6 Joi.

.l)4 2))

L L.
fake colour process fascicule

fancy ends giay trang dau sach, gi!y fascicule phan thanh nhieu t~p. sach fast reaction phan ung nhanh.
fake colour process phuang phap
nhan cOng thiet ke mau. trang b'ia trong. tllp chi phan thanh nhieu t~p. fast red do ben, pham do hen vfi'ng
fake-colour separation nhan cOng fancy fillet dai, bang trang trf tren fashioning gia cOng tllo thanh san [thu6c nh(>m azo].
tach mau phim phan mau. dAu bla sach. phim. fast setting slJ dong cung.
fancy leather da thu¢c trang tri d6ng fast access speed toe d¢ lay (thong
falling ball viscosimeter nhot kebi rc:ri. fast sheet detector b¢ ph~n kh6ng
sach. tin) nhanh.
falling sphere viscosimeter nhot ke che giA'y chuyen vao may in qua sorn.
fancy letter chu cai trang tri. fast acid black pham den chju axit
bi roi. fast sky blue rnau xanh da troi hen
(thu(>c nhu(>m azo).
false bands dai bang gay sach, duong fancy paper giay mai trang trf. vii'ng.
fast back gay chic, gay cung
trang trf gay sach. fancy paper for lining giay mau bQc fast to light chju anh sang, ben anh
[d6ng sach].
false date xuat ban la ky h,,m. trong cu6n sach. sang.
fast colour bin mau, mvc in kMng
fa)se proof An pham ngl_ly tllO ban in fancy printing in d~c chung. phai mau. fast yellow vang ben, pham vang ben
[thuoc nhu¢rn azo].
khAc lorn. fancy rule duong ke trang trf. fast developer chat (dung djch) hi¢n
family hQ chfi', lolli chfi'. anh nhanh. fast-drying khO nhanh.
fancy type kieu chu trang trf.
family of type hQ chfi', lolli chfi'. fast developing agent chA't hi¢n anh fast-drying ink mtJc in khO nhanh.
fanfold gap xe'p thanh so hay t~p
nhanh. fast-drying solvent dung rnOi bay hoi
fan qullt, trang trf hlnh qullt. [thuong dung de ghi chep cac khoan
thu chi]. fast development hi¢n anh nhanh. nhanh.
fan blower may th6i gi6, may qullt
gi6, may thong gi6. fanning gilfy phach oo llli, giay quan fast emulsion nhii tuang rat nhlly. fast-selling stock xulft ban pham ban
hlnh qullt. chlly.
fan shaft tr1;1c long giua cu¢n giay. fast film phim rat nhlly.

fan stick thanh gllt lam phAng m~t

fanning out giay phach oo llli, giay fast green l1;1c hen, pham l1;1c hen.
fast-selling ink rntJc barn chic nhanh,
quan hinh qullt. mtJc in ngung ket nhanh.
giay. fast ink mvc khO nhanh.
fanout giay quan hinh qullt. fasten bu¢c ch~t. d6ng ch~t; lam cho
fan style dong sach kieu hlnh qullt, fast lens 6ng kinh ch1;1p nhanh. chk
d6ng sach dllng gap nep hlnh qullt. far infrared tia hong ngolli xa.
fast light yellow pham vang chju anh fastener dan dinh (trang don), cai
fan wheel tr1;1c quay toi giay cu¢n. far ultraviolet tia tu ngolli xa. sang. khoa, cai Mm, cai chot, cai rn6c.
fan-fold paper gi!y ghi chep kieu fast chic ch!n, ben, nhanh. fast oil orange mau da cam chiu dau fastening (stJ) co djnh, (St!) gia co,
gap qullt. [M pha son]. · trang dan dfnh.
Farmer's reducer chat giam mong
fancy calf nhu¢n mau da bo. Fame. fast printing green pham xanh in fastening screw dinh vft c6 djnh,
fancy cord dai sa-tanh trang tri. fascile number s6 giay phep xuat ban. dinh vft gia co.

256 257
fastness fax facsimile

fastness tfnh ben mau; d¢ ben mau, fatigue crack d~ nut do moi. fax facsimile Fax ban sao chfnh xac. feet control SI! dieu chinh tiep li¢u ti!
tfnh khong phai mau, d¢ barn chac. fatigue failure r~n nut do moi. d¢ng.
feasibility tfnh kha thi, tfnh c6 the
fastness of dye tfnh ben mau cua feet conveyer bang chuyen tiep li¢u.
fatigue limit gi6'i h~ moi. thl!c hi¢n duqc.
thu6c nhu¢m.
fatigue machine may kiem tra d¢ feather alum phen sat, feet cylinder tryc cap gi!fy.
fastness to alkali tfnh chju kiem, d¢
moi. AJ2Fe(S04) 2.24H20 [hoa]. feed drum tryc tiep giay lien tyc.
chju kiem.
fatigue-proof rubber cao su chju feather key ch6t din htt6'ng.
fastness to bleaching tfnh kh6 tay. feed edge nhfp c~p mep giay.
moi. feather ore qu~g !Ong vu PbiSb2Ss.
fastness to light tfnh chju anh sang; feed gauge khoang each dtta giay vao
d¢ ben anh sang. fatigue resistance tfnh ch6ng moi. feathering an mon eye b¢ but !Ong, may.
fastness to rubbing tfnh chju ma sat. fatigue test phep thir d9 moi. rla but long toe xa sqi. feed guide khoang each dtta giay vao
fastness to washing tfnh chju gi~t. nra. fatty acid axit beo, cac axit day beo. featherweight paper giay nh~. giay may.
lo~i mong, giay djnh lttqng thllp.
fastness to water tfnh chju mr6'c. fatty compound hqp chat beo. feed holes 18 dii.n bang giA'y.
feature d~c tfnh, linh ki¢n; d~c ta tin
fat ma, dau ma, chat beo; ban thao fatty group nh6m beo, g6c beo. feed hopper pheu gap n6i tiep lien
nhieu ch6 tr6ng, tai li¢u de sap chu, tyc.
fatty series day beo. Fechner's law djnh lu~t Fechne.
m~t ban de sap. feed lay Cl! ly cA'p giay vao may.
fault khuyet ~t. ch8 hong; Sl;l' c6; Sl;l' ro. feculence chat c~n. chat dye.
fat face kieu chu tho d~m. feed pile ch6ng giay cap vao may.
fat letter thAn chfr r¢ng. fault tolarance dung sai [may tfnh]. feculency chat c~n. chA't dye.
feed pitch khoang each cac 18 din.
fat matter ban thao de sap chu. fault-tolerant computer dung sai feculent dye.
may tfnh. feed roller tryc din giay vao may.
fat page m~t ban nhieu khoang triing. feeble yeu.
faulty khuyet tAt; hong, khOng t6t, feed sheet giay dii.n vao may.
fat-face type kieu chu d~m. khong chfnh xac. feet Sl;I' cung cap giay, Sl;l' tiep giay;
feed spool tryc cu6n phim.
fat type kieu chu d~m. cap di¢n; cap giay, tiep giay, sap xep
faulty coal than xau, than kem pham giay. feed stock nguyen li¢u.
fat grease ma Mi tron d¢ng v~t. chat.
feed board sap xep bla, tiep bla day; feed table ban ca'p giay.
fat soluble tan trong dAu. faulty cope ban sach des6t !8i. tie'p cac tOng.
feed table with cut-out section ban
fat solution dung djch thai; dung djch faulty margin fe bien trang sach feet belt bang chuyen tiep li¢u. cA'p giay c6 dao xen bang giay.
bao hoa. khong d6ng deu.
feed bin pheu cap li¢u. feed trouble SI! c6 dtta cap giay vao
fatigue Sl;l' m¢t moi; Sl;l' m¢t; Sl;l' moi . faulty sheet to in hong, trang in hong. may.
(kim lo~i), lam cho kim lo~i bj moi, ~eet channel mang n~p li¢u [cua may
kem sue chju dl;l'ng. fax Fax. ep l<;>c ]. feed valve van n~p li¢u, van tiep li¢u.

258 259
feed water

feed water mroc cap, mroc u6ng. feeding cylinder tr1,1c cap giay.
fender tll'.m bla day phi.I tren may ep ferric nitrate sat nitrat, Fe(N03) 2
feed water tank mang cap mr6'c. feeding roller con Ian dan dua giay. phi ng phong giay bi x6 trugt. [Hoa].
feed-past document copying feeding device thiet bj cap giay. feranti shirley viscometer nh6't ke ferric oxalate sat oxalat [Hoa].
machine may sao ch1,1p tu Ji¢u cap feeding unit be) phlpl ca'p giay. feranti shirley.
ferric oxide sat (Ill) oxic, Fe20 3
giay (j ben ngoai.
feeler dfo do, d1,1ng Cl;I do day mong, Ferguson standard tieu chuan chu [Hoa].
feed-through document copying khe ke, d¢ day ke. rai Feguson.
machine may sao ch1,1p tu li¢u cap ferric potassium alum phen sat-kali,
feeler gauge khe ke, d9 day ke. fermen t men, con men, SI! len men. K2S04. Fei(S0 4h 2H20 ho~c Kfe
giay oben trong.
fermentation SI! Jen men. (S04)2. 12 H20. [Hoa].
feed back control kiim tra thong tin feet chan chu [chu rai]; don vj do dQ
phan h6i. dai Anh, thuoc Anh. ferrate ferat, M 2FeC4 [Hoa]. ferric salt mu6i sat [Hoa].

feeder b9 phlpl truyen cap giay vao feet of press chan b¢ may in, chan ferric (thu¢c) sac (III) [Hoa]. ferric sulfate sat sunfat, FeS04
may; thiet bi cap giay II! d9ng. may in. [Hoa].
ferric acetate siit (III) axetat [Hoa].
feeder clutch kh6'p ly hqp cap giay ti! feet per minute (f.p.m) s6 thu6'c Anh ferric sulphate sat sunphat, FeS04
trong m¢t phut. ferric alum phen sat [Hoa].
d¢ng. [Hoa].
feint ruling dubng ke chl. ferric ammonium citrate sat arnoni
feeder drive motor d¢ng co di¢n cap ferric trioxide sat trioxit, Fe20 3
xitrat [Hoa].
giay vao. felt ph6't, ni; tam ph6't, tam ni. (Hoa].
ferric ammonium sulfate sat amoni
feeder mechanisn co du cap giay. felt blanket tll'.m ni d¢m 16t du6'i tam ferrite ferit; dl,lng meta MFe02 ; dl,lng
sunfat [Hoa].
cao su in 6p xet. ortho M 3Fe03 [Hoa].
feeder pile cap giay tu ch6ng giay.
ferric chloride sat (III) clorua, FeCI3
feeder pile board clip giay tu ban clip fe lt filter cai l9c ph6't. [Hoa]. ferro-alloy hqp kim silt.
giay. felt mark vet Iu6't xeo tren giay. ferro-compound hqp chit sat (II).
ferric cyanid acid axil xianua sac.
feeder side cap giay phfa ben cl,lnh. felt roll true ph6't, tr1,1c dl,l. ferro-manganess hqp kim sat -
ferric ferricyanide siit (III)
feeder stop b¢ phl).n ngung dua giay felt side m~t phai ta giay, m~t chfnh rnangan.
hexaxinoferat (III), Fe[Fe(CN)6]
vao. ta giay. [Hoa]. ferro-oxalate developer dung djch
feeder table ban cap giay vao. felt wrapped tr1,1c danh b6ng ph6't. ferric ferrocyanide siit (III) hi¢n anh sat sunfat - kali oxalat.

feeding cap gill'.y, tiep giay. female die khu6n am. hexaxianoferat (II), xanh Beclin ferro-oxalate development SI! hi¢n
Fe4 (Fe(CN)6h [Hoa]. anh silt sunfat-kali oxalat.
feeding apparatus thiet bj cap giay. fence ky hi¢u phan each.
ferric hydroxide sat hydroxit, ferroelectric storage (thu¢c) di! trU'
feeding board truyen cap bla ct1'ng. fence notation ky hi¢u phan each. Fe(OH).1 [Hoa]. siit di¢n.
ferroelectric (al) printing field of force

ferroelectric (al) printing in sat tu tfnh. fibre sqi, tho. field of force truang It.re. file conversion chuyin d6i tu li¢u, dfr
ferrography thu~t ghi b¢t tu. fibre board cac tong cung lam tu sqi. field of vision ph<im vi tam nhln thi
trucing, tam mat nhln. file copy verification tham djnh phyc
ferromagnetic film printing in mang fibre composition thanh phan sqi.
che tu li?u, dfr li¢u [may tfnh].
mong sat tu tfnh. fibre content ham luqng sqi. field-depth anh slim, anh tham.
file fragmentation phan do<in tu li?u,
ferromagnetic printing in sat tu tfnh. figure hlnh ve, bieu do, chfr s6, hlnh
fibre distributed data interface dfr li?u [may tfnh].
(FDDI) giao di¢n dfr li¢u phan b6 sc;,i thai.
ferromagneto graphy phucmg phap file header label nhan dau ·tu li?u, dfr
ghi sat tu tinh. quang. figure case h9p chfr rai chfr s6.
ferroprussiate paper giay anh mu6i fibre length d¢ dai sqi. figure motation ky hi?u chfr so, ky
file layout each thuc thiet ke du li?u
xianua sat. fibre optical system h? thong sqi dan hi?u ky ttJ.
van ki¢n.
quang. figure number s6 thu tt.r hlnh ve
ferroprussiate process phucmg phap file maimtenance duy trl van ki¢n.
in hlnh ve xanh, phuong phap in anh minh ho<i.
fibre optics sqi dAn quang.
figure space khong gian hlnh chfr. file mangement quan ly van ki¢n.
mu6i axit sat xianua.
fibre optics tube 6ng sqi dan quang.
figure title thuyet minh hlnh ve minh file protect thiet bj biio v? van ki¢n.
ferrotype ch~1p anh biin thep.
fibre paper gilly sao chep sqi dai.
hoe:\. file server thiet bi phyc vy van ki¢n
ferrous (thu¢c) sat (II).
fibre-optics cable cap quang. figured design hlnh ve do an, thiet ke thu~n !qi.
ferrous acid axit fero, HFe02 [Hoa].
fibrillation st.r hoa sqi. doan. file sharing cung chung van ki¢n.
ferrous carbonate sat (II) cacbonat, file van ki¢n, dfr Ii¢u, tu H¢u; cai giua.
fibrous c6 di,mg sqi, c6 th6'. file structure ket ca'u van ki¢n.
FeC01 [Hoa].
fibrous glass bong thuy tinh. file access Illy tu li¢u thong tin. file synchronizing dong b¢ hoa van
ferrous chloride sat (II) clorua, FeCI 2
fiche phim thau minh, phim trong. file access mode phucmg thuc Illy tu ki¢n.
li¢u thong tin.
fiche dupplicator may sao chyp file title ten tu li?u, dfr ki¢n.
ferrous hydroxide sat (II) hidroxit,
file access time thai gian lay tu li?u
Fe(OH) 2 [Hoa]. phim trong. file type lo<ii hlnh van ki¢n.
thong tin.
ferrous oxide sat (II) oxit, FeO fidelity d¢ trung thuc. file updating cong vi¢c c~p nh~t hoa
file allocation table (FAT) bieu phan
[Hoa]. field tnrang, ph~m vi, mien, vung, van ki?n, thong tin m6'i nhat.
ph6i tu lieu,
. dfr lieu
. .
ferrous sulfate sat (II) sunphat, phen linh v~rc. file-format the thuc tu li¢u, van ki¢n.
file attribute thuoc tinh tu lieu dfr
h,1c [Hoa]. field coil cu9n kfch tu. li¢u [may tfnh]. · · ' file-oriented system h? th6ng djnh
ferrous sulphate sat (II) sunphat, field distortion anh truang bien d,,wg, file contra! block khoi kiem tra tu hu6'ng van ki¢n, tu li¢u.
phen lye [Hoa]. iinh tnrang bien hlnh. li¢u, dfr li¢u [may tfnh]. file name ten van ki¢n. ten dfr li¢u.

262 263
file extension filrn durability

file extension ten ma r¢ng van ki¢n, filling up ban bj bft [Slf co]. filrn durability thoi h~n su d1,1ng film processor may hi¢n anh phim.
tl!li¢u. phim, bao quan phim.
fillster head scew dau dinh vft h1nh film recorder may ghi h1nh phim anh.
filigree net nho trang trf dau chfr cai, cau trcm. film flexible package dong g6i bao
film reel phim cu¢n.
net trang trf h1nh ve minh hol,l, ngan film mang, mang mong, phim anh, b1 mem. ,,-
111.toc trong gi!y. phim nhlfa. film roll phim cu¢n.
film former chat t~o mang.
filigree initial chu cai dau trang trf film adhesive chit dan phim. film scanner may quet phim anh.
film holder h9p (gia) phim.
di.tang net mau vang b~c. film screen ct>ng-tac phim tram in
film and photo-plates ban (kfnh)
film integrated circuit m~ch i6 hqp
filigree paper giay in c6 ng!n nuoc. cam quang va phim cam quang. lorn, ep phim tram in lorn.
(IC) mang mong.
fill r6t day, d6 day, d9n, b6 sung. film base de phirn. film set sap chil' chyp phim.
film jacket tui b9c phim dung mang
film blowing equipment thiet bj th6i mong. film setter may sap chil' ch1,1p phim.
fill character ky ti! b6 sung, chu b6
mang mong.
sung. film laminating dan phu mang mong. film setting sap chfr ch1,1p phim.
film box h¢p dlfng cat giu phim.
fill-in light anh sang b6 trq. film magazine hqp kfn IL!U giil' phim. film side m~t de phim anh.
film brushing machine may chai plum.
filled board cac tong hon hqp nhieu film make-up dlfng phim, blnh ghep film slitter mat cat phim cu9n.
lop. film card phim thu nho, vi phim. trang phim.
film speed toe d¢ cam quang phim
film carrier h¢p den dlfllg phim.
filler quang cao moi nh!t khi dua di film mechanical phim ky thu~t, phim anh, toe d¢ nh~y sang phim anh.
in bao, b6 tdng, chat d9n, chat tram, film cartridge h9p den dlfng phim, in lade nen trong dung trong che ban film stencil khung ban mang mong in
chat nhoi. h9p phim kieu gai vao. anh kem anh dong.
filler sheet ta d¢n 16t. film cement ch!t dan gan phim. film mounting lap phim.
film strength d¢ ben mang.
fillet di.tang ke, duong ep in trang trf, film cleaner chat !au s~ch phim, dyng film negative phim am ban.
film strip phim ao dang d~ng bang
cy hut byi phim.
di.tang trang trf gay sach, duang ep film pack dong goi phim vao h9p. dai.
van gay trcm. film clip cai kyp phim.
film plotter may ve d6 hoc;1 phim anh. film support de phim trong b1nh
fillet roll tn,ic ep van hoa [dong sach]. film colorsensitivity tfnh cam quang khut>n phim phcri ban.
mau phim anh, tfnh nh~y sang mau film positive phim duang ban.
fillets on sides duong trang trf ep tren phim anh. film thickness d¢ day mang.
film printing press may in mang
gay sach. mong.
film developing hi¢n anh phim. filminess trl,lng thai t~o mang.
filling agent ch!t b6 sung, chat d9n. film drier tu say kh6 phim. film processing rua phim. filming s~r t~o mang.
filling in dfnh ban [Slf co], ban bj bft film drying carbinet tu say khO film processing equipment thiet bi filmorex system h¢ th6ng tra cuu
[Sil CO]. phim. in rua phim. . tu
di¢n phim thu nho, vi phim.
264 265
film setting machine final tape

film setting machine may siip chG' filter photometer quang ke l9c mau. final tape sua chfra bang giay. fine edition ban in d~p. tinh xao.
filter plate ban l9c, tam may ep Jc;>c. final treatment xu ly sau. fine etching an mon ting thu, an mon
film wrapping machine may bao g6i nhieu giai do~n.
filter pocket tui l9c. final yield san luqng chung.
mang mong. fine filter cai l9c tinh che, thiet bi !9c
filter stand gia !9c, gia pheu l9c. finalize hoan thanh ban thao.
filter cai l9c; may l9c; giay l9c; kfnh tinh che.
l9csk filterability tfnh !9c duqc, kha nang find edge and invent them net vien fine gold vang rong, vang muai.
l9c duqc. va siip xep nguqc l~i [xtr ly hlnh anh).
filter area di¢n tfch l9c.
fine grain vi h~t. h~t mjn.
filter ratio h¢ so kfnh l9c sac. finder kfnh vien v9ng nho giin v6i
filter bag tui l9c.
fine grain film phim (anh) vi h~t,
filteration drying Sl,l' l9c kho. m¢t kfnh Ion de djnh vj hlnh anh, may
filter board tam l9c, ban !9c, giay !9c phim (anh) h~t mjn.
thu canh, trinh tt,r tim dfr li¢u [may
day. filteration stand gia !9c, gia pheu
tfnh). fine grain plate ban in vi h~t. ban in
filter cell ngan !9c. l9c.
h~t min.
fine min, mong.
filter cloth vai l9c. filum sqi, tho.
fine grain zine ban kem vi h<;tt, ban
fine adjustment vi dieu chinh.
filter coke than c6c (dung de) !9c. final cu6i (cung); bao phat hanh bu6i kem h~t min.
t6i (trong cung m¢t ngay). fine aggregate chat d¢n min.
fine grinding SI! nghien min.
filter efficiency hi¢u suat l9c.
final copy ban sao cu6i cung, ban fine arts my thu~t.
fine line block ban in cao net rat
filter element thiet bj 19C, phAn tit !9C. c6ng-tac cuoi cung.
fine break-up st,r phll.n tan min. manh.
filter factor h¢ so kfnh !9c sac. final edition sach bao dinh ban.
fine breaking Sl,l' nghien mjn. fine lines vll.n luoi [giay in].
filter flash blnh l9c hut. final paging tong s6 trang.
fine cardboard cac !Ong min, giay fine paper giay cao cap.
filter for the second aspiration dyng final product san ph.im cuoi. anh chat luqng cao. fine paper copy ban sach in giay kho
c1;1 !9c hut b6 sung thu hai.
final proof to in thu s<;tch, to in thit fine chemicals hoa chat tinh khiet. Ian tinh xao.
filter funnel pheu !9c. cu6i cung.
fine cloth luai mau, luoi min. fine papers and boards bla va giay
filter holder cai kt;!p kfnh l9c sac. final refining SI! tinh che cu6i. san xuat tinh xao.
fine copy ban in s~ch d~p.
filter house ngan l9c. final review ban in thLr S<;lCh, ban in fine purification SI! tinh che.
fine crusher may nghien min.
filter liquor mrac l9c. thtr da sua chG'a Ian thu ba. fine screen tram luoi mjn.
fine crystal vi tinh the. tinh the mjn.
filter medium mOi tnrong !9c. final revise hi¢u cf:iinh Ian cu6i cung.
fine screening SI! rll.y mjn, SI! phll.n
fine detail tang thu tinh te.
filter operation thao tac l9c. · final size gia cOng kfch thuac. Joe.ti tinh vi.
fine dispersion st,r phll.n tan min. fine type kieu chfr net thanh, manh.
filter paper giay l9c. final state tr<;tng thai cu6i.

266 267
fine-face rule fire damp

fire damp khf h6 ao, khf me tan. first thu nhat, dau tien.
fine-face rule duong net thanh, manh. finished steel punch khu6n chu thep
kh&c t6t. fire extinguisher blnh cuu hoa, thiet first aid cap cuu.
fine-grained developer dung djch
bj chil'a chay. first approximation st,r gan dung thu
hi¢n anh vi h~t. finished stock storage kho thanh
pham. fire fightinguishing agent chat d~p nhat.
fine-grained emulsion chat nhil
h'ra. first bite an mon Ian dau.
tuong cam quang vi h~t. finisher's slab keo ban [dung <lieu
chinh ban]. fire fighting equipment thiet bi cuu first correction sira Ian thu nhat.
fine-rule duang ke net thanh manh. hoa, thiet bj chfra chiiy.
finishing (st,r) hoan thi¢n, (st,r) gia first cover trang bla dau sach.
fine-screen halftone ban in tram mjn. fire fighting foam b<;>t d~p h'.ra, b<;>t
cong tinh, d6ng sach bla vai, (su)
chil'a chay. first edition ban dau tien, ban Ian thu
fineness d¢ mjn, d¢ tinh te. quang diiu, (st,r) danh bong, (Sl,l') SC1n
lap cu6i. fire goods v~t li¢u de chay.
fineness gauge d1,1ng c1,1 do d¢ vi h~t.
first etching an mon Ian thu nhat.
finishing and bindery operator fire hazard hoa ho~n.
fineness of grind d¢ mjn ban mai, d¢
nguai thao tac gia cong dong sach. first fold v~ch gap Ian thu nhat.
mjn mai nghien. fire mask m~t n~ phong chay.
finishing etch Sl!a an mon ban net in fire point diem b6c chay, nhi¢t d¢ first forme m¢t m~t in truac, ban m~t
fines v1,1n, manh v1,1n. truac.
cao, an mon Ian cu6i cung. b6c chay.
fining Sl,f tinh che, 61,f Jang trong. first impression in Ian thu nhat.
finishing ink mt,rc bao v¢ khi sira ban fire red chat mau do tia anh vang, do
fining agent chat lam trong, tac nhAn an mon. vinh ciru. first in, first out (FIFO) vao truac,
tinh che. fireproof paper giay khong chay, ra tnrac.
finishing machine may trang tri.
finger ng6n tay. giay ben chju lira. first issue so bao, t~p chi phat hanh
finishing material v~t li¢u cuoi cung,
fireproofing chju lira, phong chay. Ian dau.
finger method each sap xep ng6n tay v~t li¢u hoan cong.
danh may. fire test st,r xac dinh nhiet do boc first line find tlm dong dau [danh
finishing · powder xoa nhil vang
chay, st,r third¢ chj~ lira. · · may chi!].
finger print in dau van tay. [dong sach].
firing st,r d6t nong, st,r gia nhi¢t, nhien first print ban ma.u in thir.
finish st,r hoan thi¢n, st,r gia cong tinh, finishing tool may ep in phu dieu.
li¢u, st,r b6c chay. first printing in Jan thu nhat, in m~t
SI! ho vai, Sl,f quang dilu, Sl,f SO'n lap may ep in hoa van.
cuoi, S\! gia Cong in Sau Cung. firing equipment thiet bi gia nhi¢t. truac.
fire Iua, dot chay.
firm wng chac, khOng bj thay d6i, first printing unit thiet bj in m~t
finish printing in xong thao ban in
fire box phong dot. xac djnh. truac.
kh6i may.
fire brick g~ch chju h'.ra. firm dot diem xac tht,rc. first proof ban in thi'.r Ian dau.
finished product thanh pham.
fire control st,r phong chay. firming agent chat gia co, chat lam first published edition ban sach phat
finished steel die khuon chil' thep · cung. hanh Ian dau.
khac t6t. fire control unit thiet bi phong chiiy.
first vevisal fixed white

first vevisal sua ban in thu Iltn tht'r five (5) em space khoang each m6t fixed white: bari sunfat, BaS04. flame bar rao chan lua.
nhat. phltn nam (l/5) than chfr. ·
fixer chat dinh anh, dung djch dinh anh. flame coal than Ilia dai.
first revise sfra ban in thu lltn tht'r nhat. five-colour electrostatic printer may
fixer tank cMu djnh anh, thung djnh flame cloration St! nhu¢m mau ng9n
in tinh di¢n mau (nam mau).
first ripening luy¢n chfn Ian tht'r nhat. anh. ltra.
Five-line Norpareil con chfr roi 30
first run in m~t tnr6c. phan in. fixing St! dinh anh, St! CO dinh, St! can flame drier thie't bi say kh6 dung lua.
first side m¢t m~t in tnr6c. Five-line Pica con chfr roi 60 phAn in. flame formation St! hlnh thanh ng9n
fixing agent thu6c djnh anh. lua.
first-down colour mau in tht'r nhat. five-pin system h¢ thong dinh vi nam
fixing bath dung djch djnh anh. flame photomater quang ke' ngQn
first-hand information th6ng tin, tu
fixing solution dung djch djnh anh. lua.
li¢u dau tay. five-to-em space khoang each m¢t
phan nam (l/5) than chfr. fixity tfnh kh6ng bay hai. flame-proofing agent chA't chiu lua.
first-line form advance b6 Cl;JC dong
dau !rang [danh may]. fixation djnh anh. flay ky hi¢u dau n6i cu¢n giay, nap flame resistance tfnh chiu Iua, d¢
chiln sang 6ng kfnh. chiu lua.
fiscal stamp tern thue' in hoa dan tren fixative chat djnh anh.
flagged ky hi¢u do?n dt'rt rach cu¢n flame resistant roller trl;Jc chiu Iua.
cht'rng tu khe' uac. fixative bath dung dich djnh anh. giay.
flame spectrum quang ph6 ng9n lua.
fish eyes diem thung trang [16i san fixed disk dia ct'rng, dia tu c6 djnh. flagging ky hi¢u dau n6i cu¢n giay.
xuat giay]. flame temperature nhi¢t d¢ ngQn lua.
fixed disk drive may khO'i d¢ng dia flake viiy, phie'n mong, phan lap, bie'n
fish glue keo ca. tu c6 dinh. thanh viiy. flammable chay duqc.

fish oil dau ca. fixed disk formatting quy each hoa flake caustic kiem viiy. flammable solvent dung m6i de
dia tu c6 dinh. chay.
fish-glue process phuong phap che' flake off bong, tr6c, tach viiy.
fixed focus tieu diem co dinh. flameproof paper giay kh6 chay,
ban keo ca. flake white trang chl viiy, !rang chl giA'y chiu lua.
fixed mould khu6n due c6 dinh. cacbonat.
fisheye lens 6ng kfnh mih ca.
fixed storage nai ltru trfr c6 djnh. flange vanh ben ngoai nht> cao, khay
fissure St! phan rii, St! vo. flaking d?ng bong tr6c lap phan phu Flange.
fixed-disc storage (FDS) nai luu trii' tren m~t giay.
fit khoang each g.ifra cac con chfr de dia tu c6 dinh. flanged joint dau noi c6 go.
flame ng9n Iua, b6c chay, lam dam
chung kMng dfnh lien nhau. mau, lam r6 mau. . flannel disc dia ni danh b6ng.
fixed-focusr enlarge may ph6ng d~i
fitting St! phu hgp, St! thfch hgp, lap tieu diem co dinh. flap nap: vf dl;I nap phong bl.
~ame absorpption St! hap thl;I ng9n
d~t. Iiip ghep. ua.
fixed-storage device thie't bi luu trfr flap gumming machine may b6i keo
fittings linh ki¢n may m6c, do d~c. kieu c6 dinh. flame band dam bt'rc x~ ng9n Iua. nap phong bl va tui dan.
270 271
flap roll nat cap

flap roll trl;JC mang ntt<JC chuyen flash (point) tester cai thii diem Oat cap kfch thtroc to giay l 4x 17 tac flat letter kfch thuoc ta giay !Ox 16
chay. tac Anh.
d<)ng. Anh.
nat cast ban chl ph!ng. flat packet kfch thuoc to giay l 2x 19
faire ng9n lua, chieu sang, lap lanh, flash powder b¢t chop sang (magie).
tac Anh.
16e sang. flash printing system h~ th6ng flat chisel dao khac dfo bang phfulg.
flat paper giay phfulg, giay dung cho in.
faire point diem b6c chay, nhi~t d<) chop sang. flat color printing in mau nen by!.
flat pile chong gifry to rai.
boc chay. flash spectrum quang ph6 tia loe. flat copy ban mau phan Xl_l, ban mau
flat pile feeder b¢ ph~n Cll'.p giay tl_l'
faire spot dom sang. uing thu blnh, anh miu khOng c6 d¢
flash test phep thu diem chay. d<)ng.
cuang phan kh6ng thfch hqp dung cho
flash sv chop sang, Joe sang.
flash tubes 6ng chop sang. cheban. flat plate ban in d9 llrang phan thap,
flash buld bong den chop sang. ban in m~t ph!ng.
flash unit thiet bi chop sang. flat cutter may dao xen giay m<)t
flash camera may chl;Jp anh chop m~t. flat plate caster may due ban ch1 ph.ing.
flashing sl_l' loe sang, sL_t b6c hoi
sang. flat point set screw vft 6c kyp chat
nhanh, chl;Jp chap sang. flat delivery thiet bi nh~n giay to roi
flash drum phong bay hoi, noi cua may in giay cu<)n. ban chl ph.ing.
chtrng. flashing point diem chay, diem Joe
flat etching an mon so b9 Ian th(r flat printer may phoi ban phAng op xet.
sang, nhi?t d¢ chay.
flash drying St! lam kho nhanh. nhat. flat printing in giay to roi.
flashing sheet ch1;1p b6 sung chop
flash duration thoi gian chop sang. flat film phim dt roi. flat proof to in thu sl_lch don sic [in
sang dung giay trfog.
chong mau], ban in thii trtr6'c khi dan
flash exposure chl;Jp b6 sung nhay flat flame ng9n hia kMng sang.
flashless khOng Joe sang, khOng ng9n d¢m.
sang, 1¢ sang den nhl,l.Y sang. flat foolscap kfch thuoc to giay
(ua. flat pull to in thii Ian dau, to in thfr
flash lamp den chop sang. 13 x 16 tac Anh.
truoc khi dan d~m.
flask blnh, chai, b1nh c6 hyp.
flash light source nguon sang chop flat forme ban in m~t ph.ing, khuOn
flat router may khoan ban m~t
flat phang, bang, tang thu blnh, ban in phang.
sang. ph!ng.
phang, tang thu mem, ban de khuOn flat graver dao khac dau bang.
flash mount dan, gfo, ghep hay dong flat screen ILroi ph!ng.
phim phCli ban.
dinh tren de ban in. flat head bolt dinh vft hay 6c vft dau flat screen display m~t hi¢n hlnh
flat and tramsparent film phim bang.
flash photo printer may in nhiep anh ph.ing.
phAng va trong.
chap sang. fla~ image hlnh anh chl;Jp d¢ tuong flat screw dinh vft dau ph!ng
flat back gay sach phAng, dan b1a gay phan thap.
flash picture buc anh chop sang. flat serif duong net nho chin chir
sach ph.ing. flat impression in thu dau chua sua
flash point diem chay, diem loe sang, (printed in a serif typeface in lol_li chu
chua them.
flat-bottom day bang. c6 chan).
nhi¢t d¢ chay.
272 18 · TOKHKTIAV
nat sheet delivery nattening reducer

nattening reduc~r dung djch giam flexible packaging bao goi mem.
flat sheet delivery nh~n giay ta roi. flat-bed offset-machine may in thu
6p-xet, may in 6p xet ban phcing. mong tang thu mem. flexible rubber plate ban in cao su
flat stereo ban chi due phAng.
flax vai lanh. de uon.
flat-bed photogravure machine may
nat stereo caster may due ban chl
in ban lorn Chl;lp anh ban phAng. flax-seed oil dau gai, dau lanh. nexible sewing phuong phap dong
phAng. sach khau chi de u6n.
flat-bed plate ban in ban phAng. flesh thit.
flat stereotype ban chl phling. flexible spine gay mem.
flat-bed plotter may ve hlnh ban flesh colour mau da thjt.
nat stereotype plate ban chl phing. flexible tube printing in cac 6ng
phclng. flesh-seed oil mau gia thjt.
flat stereotype plate casting box d.,ing mem.
may due chu ban chl phang. flat-bed press may in ban phing. flesh tint mau da thjt.
flexicover dong sach bla mem.
nat stitched (thu(>c) mGi khAu bang. flat-bed printing machine may m flesh tone tong mau da thjt.
flexing mem deo, de u6n khuc.
ban phing. flesher dong sach dung da thu(>c.
nat stitching khau chi bang, khau flexing life d¢ ben uon khuc.
bang. flat-bed rotary press may in ban neur chat d(>n (d~ng) b¢t, b(>t d(>n.
flexing machine may thi'.r hen u6n khuc.
phing giay cu(>n.
nat stock ep can nhfu phAng giay viet. flex mem, mem deo.
flexing resistance tfnh bfo u6n, d¢
flat-bed screen printing machine
flat tint plate ban an mon d(> tuong flexiback gay mem [dong sach]. ben u6n khuc.
phan nho, ban tang thu blnh. may in luai ban phing.
flexibility tfnh de u6n, tfnh mem deo, flexometer u6n ke, may do d(> u6n.
flat tone tang thu blnh, mau lot. flat-bed tin printing machine may d¢ & uon, d¢ mem deo, tfnh Iinh ho.,it.
flexo printing press may in ban in
in sat tay ban phing.
nat wire dAy thep dong kyp gay flexible de u6n, mem deo. flexo, may in flexo.
phang. nat-bed web press may in ban flexible back gay mem [dong sach]. nexograph in anilin, in ban in flexo.
phAng, giay cu(>n.
nat-back gay phang [dong sach]. flexible binding dong sach gay mem, flexographic ink ml,!c in flexo.
nat-field l~~i may ban phing. dong sach bla bang v~t Ii¢u chat deo.
nat-bed ban in, giuang phAng [may in]. flexographic plate ban in flexo.
flatbed ban phang. flexible case h¢p dl!llg sach mem.
flat-bed camera may ch~1p anh nam. flexographic press may in flexo.
flatbed - plotter may ve h'lnh ban flexible chain m.,ich mem deo.
flat-bed cylinder press may in tn,1c flexographic printing in ban in
ep in quay tron tren ban phing. phling. flexible doth vai dung dong sach bla flexo.
flat-bed duplicator may phl;IC che flatbed scanner may quet hlnh ban
flexographic proof press may in thi'.r
ban phang, may Sao Chl;lp ban phfog. phing. flexible cover bla mem.
ban in flexo.
nat-bed intaglio press may in lorn natness tfnh blnh di?n. flexible disk dia tu mem. flexography in anilin, in ban in flexo,
giay ta rai. flatten (sl!) nan thing, mai mel, flexible manufacture system h¢ thu~t in cao khuon in lam bang chat
flat-bed machine may in ban phing. chuyen tang thu sang d~ng blnh. thong gia cong linh hoat. deo photopolyme hay ban cao su.

nong dryer

flexoplate ban in flexo. floating (sll) n6i, mau n6i [mile in]. nong dryer may hong say giay. floral ornament trang trf hoa.
flexoprinting machine may in ban in floating accent ky hi¢u dau phat am nong drying apparatus thiet bi say floret vi nhet [sap chu], dtrong vien
flexo. chu roi, cac dau am tiet dung de cay
giay, ta ph6ng. hoa.
dAu. Cac dau am tiet kh6ng gan lien
flimsy ten thong d1,mg g9i giay mong. nong paper giay dung che to phong floriated (thu9c) c6 trang trf hoa.
voi m()t con chu nhat djnh nao d6, do
flint glass thuy tinh cung, thuy tinh d6 c6 the duqc cay tren bat c(r chu due ban chl.
fiourescent brightener chat tang d9
flint (thuy tinh quang h9c). nao. flood ng~p. chim, ban in nh~n qua sang huynh quang.
flint glazed board cac tong Jang floating cut space processing xi.r Iy nhieu mile in [sll c6].
nourishes dtrang ke trang trf hoa van
b6ng. khong gian n6i hlnh ve minh h9a [sap flood lamp den pha, ng9n den Ion c6 [sap chfr].
flint paper giay anh b6ng sap. anh sang m~nh.
flow sll chAy, Sil loang ra, dong chay,
floating dancer roller tr~1c ch~n cu9n
flint-glazed paper giay can nhfo flooding truyen mile qua nhieu, ban mile chay dong.
b6ng. in nh~n mroc lam Am qua nhieu.
floating point phu diem [may tfnh]. flow chart bieu do ltru trlnh.
flooding pipe 6ng tran.
flip-flop counter may dem so ho;,i.t flow diagram do thi ltru trlnh, giai do
floating roller tr1,1c ch~n cu()n giay.
d()ng khi bi tac d()ng ben ngoai. flooding unit den pha, ng9n den Ion qua trlnh san xuat.
floe ket tua keo ti,!. c6 anh sang m;,i.nh.
flip-flop storage ltru tru ke ho;,i.t d9ng flow distributer b9 ph~n chinh ltru,
khi bi tac d9ng ben ngoai. fioculability tfnh keo t1,1; d9 keo tl,(. floor day, san.
may chinh luu.
flip-top printing frame may phcri flocculant chat keo t1,1. floor aera di¢n tfch nen san.
flow evener b9 ph~n chinh luu, may
khung quay phcri lien t1,1c hai m~t. flocculating (sll) keo 11,1. floor load tr9ng tai nen san. chinh ltru.
flitter dung b()t nhu kim lo;,i.i trang trf flocculating agent chat keo t1,1. floor space di¢n tfch nen san. flow process tac nghi¢p dong luu
tai li¢u in. thong ntroc.
flocculation Sil keo t1,1. floor-type camera may ch1,1p anh
flitter work trang trf tai li¢u in dung nam kieu giin nen san nha. flow sheet gian do ltru trlnh.
flocculation accelerator chat tang
b()t nhil kim lo;,i.i.
keo t1,1. floor-type horizontal camera may flowers mau, hoa, b9t min; trang trf
float cai phao, lam n6i.
flocculation value chi so keo t1,1. Chl,lp anh nam ngang gfo san nha. sap ban khuon in.
float gauge phu ke (bo me ke, ty floppy disc dia tu mem dia tu lam fiowline dong ltru thong ntroc.
flock printing finh di¢n nhung th11c
tr9ng ke). bang cha't deo. '
v~t, in dfnh sqi nhung. fluff b1,1i giay.
float valve van n6i. floppy disk dia tu mem.
flock ing tinh di¢n nhung th11c v~t. fluffing m~t giay CO bl,li XO' giay nhtr
float viscosimeter nhat ke phao. flong giay dung che ta phong due ban floppy diskette dia tu mem. long ta [sll c6].
floater cai phao. chl. floptical trang trf hoa.
fluffy giay c6 b1,1i nho long ta.
276 277
fluid flushsed colours

fluorescent lamp den huynh quang. flushsed colours mau 16t, mau nen. fly-title tieu de ph1:1, tft ph1:1, ten sach
fluid the long, chat h.ru.
rut g9n.
fluid duplicating plurang phap in lam fluorescent paper giay huynh quang. flushi ng trang b¢ch, hoa trang [mtrc
in], phl.l'Clng phap nghien mtrc t.,tO Sl! flyer ch1:1p l~t trang giay, thanh gl/,t
am bang con. fluorescent photography ch1:1p anh
lien ket ml!C ntroc. giay, ta quiing cao, truyen don.
fluid pump barn chat long. huynh quang.
flushing process phucmg phap san flyer stick thanh gl/,t giay.
fluidics ky thu~t phun chat long. fluorescent pigment b9t mau huynh
quang. xuat mtrc in tach ntroc. flying (b1:1i) ml!c bay.
fluidity tfAh long, d¢ long, d¢ 1t.ru fluting paper giay cac t6ng song
fluorescent printing in huynh quang. flying ink (b1:1i) ml!c bay.
d9ng. nhieu lop.
fluorescent printing ink ml!c in flying paster thiet bi tiep giay tl!
fluidity meter nhat ke (o cac nhi¢t d9 flux dong; chat pha loang; tll' th6ng;
huynh quang. d9ng tu giay cu¢n.
khac nhau). di¢n th6ng; th6ng luc;mg.
fluorescented synthetic resin nhl!a
fluidness tfnh long, d9 Jong. flux density m~t d¢ dong.
flying printer may danh chu d1;1ng in
t6ng hqp huynh quang.
fluidometer luu d9 ke. fluxibility tfnh long, d9 long.
fluorography ch1:1p anh huynh quang.
flying recovery device thiet bi hut
fluor flo, F [Hoa]. fluxion Sl1' chay; Sl! n6ng chiiy; chat
fluosilicic acid axit flosilisic, thu hoi b1:1i mtrc bay.
fluoration sl! flo hoa [Hoa]. Hi[SiF6] [Hoa]. long chat.
flying splice thiet bi tiep giay tl.l' d9ng
fluorescence str phat huynh quang. flush kh6ng sap thu nho [sap chu]. fly trang 16t, trang d~ trang, ch1:1p giay
khuon kho giay.
fluorescence analysis str phan tfch flush board ru¢t sach va bla c1J11g flying-spot scanning str quet d6m
huynh quang. xen ph!ng cac Cl/,nh. fly board ban nh~n giay.
fluorescence display man hi¢n thi flush cover ru¢t sach va bla sach xen fly page trang bla trong.
FM screening-frequency modulated
huynh quang. ph!ng cac Cl/,nh. fly spot dom bay, [h¢ th6ng may quec]. screening sl! tram h6a tang thu lien t1:1c.
fluorescence method phuang phap flush left xep thing dong ben trai. fly wheel vong quet bay. foam b9t, n6i b9t.
huynh quang. flush paragraph kh6ng sap chia nho
fly-back quet ll/,i [h¢ thong may foam printing in t~o b9t nho d<!,ng in
fluorescence spectrum ph6 huynh cac dol/,n. quet].
chu ml!c n6i.
quang. flush right xep thing dong ben phai.
fly-boy c6ng nhan nh~ giay.
foam printing ink ml!c in tl/,O n6i b9t
fluorescescent (thu<:,c) phat anh sang flush to head xep thang dong cac dau.
fltleaf trang bla trong, trang giay nho.
huynh quang.
flush to left xep thing dong cl/,nh ben trang 6 dau hay cu6i m9t cu6n sach.
foaming n6i b9t, sui b9t.
fluorescent coating phu huynh · trai. fly-spot scan str quet dom bay.
quang. flush to right xep thing dong c1;1nh foaming agent tac nhiln tl/,o b9t, chat
fly-spot scanner may quet d6m bay. ll/,O b9t.
fluorescent ink mtrc in huynh quang. ben phai.

foil paper

foamy c6 bQt, nhieu b9t. focusing magnifier kfnh ph6ng di1i foil paper giay m<1 nhu (mang kim loll.i). folder for rotary printing press b¢
foamy structure cau true b9t. h¢i ty lieu diem. phi,ln gap cua may in gi!y cu(>n.
foil printing in mang nhu (mang kim
focusing negative phim am ban h¢i folder for web fed press b() phi,ln gap
focal axis tryc tieu diem. lo<1i).
ty tieu diem. cua may in in giay cu<)n.
focal depth tieu diem sau. foil printing ink mi,rc in mang mong
focusing panel bang h(>i ty lieu diem. folder gluer machine may dan keo
focal distance khoang each tieu kim lo<1i.
tay sach.
diem, tieu Cl,(. focusing scale thang d9 h()i ty tieu foilprinting machine may in mang
diem. mong kim lo<1i. folder unit may gap tay sach.
focal length khoang each tieu diem,
tieu ci,r. focusing screen kfnh h()i ty tieu foil printing press may in mang folding gap tay sach.
diem. mong kim lo<1i. folding apparatus thiet bj gap tay
focal plance mi,lt phfing tieu diem.
focusing stop diapham dieu chinh d¢ foil raw paper giay m¢c phu lop nhu sach.
focal point tieu diem.
net h()i ty tieu diem. mang kim lo<1i. folding blade dao gap tay sach.
focal setting dieu chinh lieu diem,
fog mo mo (tren phim am ban lam foil stamping machine may di,lp nhu folding box h9p giay gap nep.
diem h¢i ty.
hlnh anh kh6ng r6 net). mang kim lo<1i.
focimeter tieu diem ke. folding box board h<)p giay gap nep
fog density m~t d() mo. foil wrapping machine may d6ng dung bla crrng.
focus lieu diem, ty diem, diem h9i ty, g6i mang mong.
lay co d9 net anh. ma xam nhll.t.
fog silver bc.1c folding box gluing machine may dan
fold gap, nep gap, gap cay sach [dong
focus out lam mo nhoa hlnh anh. fogging bien mo, hoa mo ma. keo h()p giay gap.
foggy c6 mo xam. folding camera may chyp anh kieu
focus screen kfnh mo hc)i ty tieu fold-out to gap. To giay in n9i dung gap nep.
diem. foil mang ·mong, mang kim loc.1i quang cao thuang dttqc gap J,1.i va
mong. folding carton h()p cac t6ng gap nep.
focusing J~y co d9 net anh, diem h9i ty. phan phat kh6ng lay lien cho c6ng
foil backing paper gi!y phu kim !0<1i
chung. folding carton gluer may dan h()p
focusing cloth vai den che anh sang
cac t6ng gap nep.
khi l!y co d9 net anh. mong mi,lt sau, giay fill. nhu. fold number s6 lfo gap, d() ben gap.
foil embossing machine may ep hoa
folding case cai bao thtt, bao sach
focusing device thiet bj hc)i ty tieu fold-roller tryc gap tay sach.
van ml!. nhu. bu¢c day.
diem. folder ban de cay sach dii gap, trang
foil laminating machine may ep nhu
folding cylinder tryc gap tay sach.
focusing glass kfnh mo hc)i ty tieu gap trang minh h9a, trang gap to
diem. (mang kim !01,1i). quang cao may gap tay sach. folding diagram kfch thuoc to gap
focusing lens th!u kfnh h(>i ty tieu foil mounting paper giay ep mc.1 folder delivery b9 ph~n cap giay cho tay sach.
diem. mang kim Jo,1.i (nhu). may gap. folding drum tryc 6ng gap tay sach.
folding endurance
fon t substitution

folding endurance d9 ben gap. foliate to dan, mii.u dan, s6 trang to

gap. font substitution ti! d¢ng thay thung foot-candle anh sang cay nen, thuoc
folding endurance tester dt,mg Cl.J d9 dlfllg khuon chfr. do cua Anh.
ben gap cua giay. foliated gold giay m~ Vang.
food htong thl.J'C, thlfC pham, thuc an. foot-candle meter dl.Jng Cl.J do d9
folding into signatures gap mau foliating ep mang trong su6t.
food board cac tong dung cho bao bl sang cay nen, thuoc do cua Anh.
thanh tay sach. foliation so thll' ti! s6 trang to gap. tht!C pham. foot-note chu thfch a cu6i trang.
folding jaws mep c~p !rt.Jc gap tay sach. folio sach kh6 16 trang, to gap 16 food pack tui bao g6i thtfC pham.
trang, s6 to gap. footage counter b¢ pMn ghj dem s6
folding knife dao gap. food package bao g6i thl.J'c pham. Jfo Chl.Jp anh, dt.Jng Cl.J do d(> dai Clla
folio post kfch thuac to gap 17xl2 tA'c phim nhtfa dung cho di¢n anh hay vo
folding lay qui each to gap tay sach. Anh. foodproof thiet bj an toan.
tuyen truyen hlnh.
folding machine may gap tay sach. folio size kfch thtroc ta giA'y 16 trang. foolscap kfch thuac ta giify l 3,5x 17
footer chan chfr thAng hang.
tac Anh.
folding map ga'p ban do. folioing St! danh s6 trang.
footing chan chi! thing hang.
foolscap and half kfch thuoc ta giify
folding mark duong V<!-ch ga'p tay follow copy phuong phap sap xep ban 13x24 tac Anh. footnote chu thfch cu6i trang.
sach. theo miiu ban thao g6c.
foolscap and third kfch thuoc to giay for position only (FPO) chi dung
folding number d¢ ben gap. follower dau ve di d¢ng theo net hlnh l3x2I tac Anh.
ve [may khil.c chfr]. djnh vj (van ki¢n).
folding plate to gap tranh minh h9a. foot chan chfr, khoang trang chan for press dua ban thao di in (sau khi
follows (ghep ban) n6i tiep, (trang chiJ.
folding pocket th<!-nh ch~n to gap tui sach) tnroc Sau. da xong qua trlnh qua trlnh sap chfr va
tay sach. foot line dong cuoi m~t ban, dong st'.ra chfra bOng in).
folo xem tiep [bao chf].
cuoi trang chfr, net g~ch duoi. force filling oil cup ll.J'c ep c6c dau.
folding quality cha't luqng ga'p, life font b9 chfr chl cung co, kho chfr, in
ben gap. ban .ph!ng. foot margin khoang trAng chan chi!, force of impression ltfc ep in.
chan chfr.
folding register qui djnh khoang font cache kho trfr b9 chfr. force-flow curve duong cong chay
foot pedal ban d<!-p chan.
each to gap tay sach. dong.
font change thay d6i kieu chfr.
foot press may in d<!-p chan, may in
folding roller trl.Jc gap tay sach. font designer thiet ke chfr quang cao. Ford-cup dl.Jng Cl.J do d9 nhat chay
re-dan, may ep phllng.
[ten thuong pham).
folding stick thanh ch~n khi to giay font disk dia mau chfr [dung cho s~p foot rule duong chan chi!.
gap di qua. Chl.Jp chfr). fore-edge m~t cat tnroc, m~t cat.
foot screw dinh vft chlln chfr.
font feature d~c diem kieu chfr. fore-edge margin dau m~t cat le
folding strength d9 ben gap.
f~ot stick vft ch~t ban a phitn duoi trang.
font on-line lap mau chfr Jen may ban in.
folding test do d¢ Mn gap.
[siip Chl.Jp]. fore-edge painting ve trang trf m~t
folding unit thiet bj gap tay sach. font set b9 miiu chfr.
f~ot SWit~h dong ma
dung chan d<!-p dt le trang sach [khi dan !rang sach
can chuyen d¢ng may in. hlnh qu<;tt moi nhln thay].

foreground c~n d.nh, tien canh, ban form cylinder linear speed toe de) format khuOn kh6 sach, kfch thlloc forme size kfch thLtac ban in.
phfa tn.rac. dl!ong ke m~t tr1._1c 6ng ban in. bU'C tranh, the thuc hoa, SlJ J~p trtnh.
forme truck xe v~n chuyen ban in.
foreground color mau c~n canh. form dampening roller tr1._1c 16 cap format character set t~p thiet ke b¢
forme-bed ban de ban in, gil!ong
foreground image hlnh anh c~n Am, tr1._1c JO lam Am. chit. may d~t khu6n in.
canh. form feed each thuc giay cap vao format display each tht'rc hi¢n thj.
forme-damping roller tr1._1c 16 cha Am
foreground job cOng vi¢c 6 ban phfa may. format printing paper kh6 giay in (nl!oc) ban in.
truck form imprinting machines may co djnh. former ban tam giac gap to in tren
foreground processing xu ly ban danh chii nhiing dii li¢u bieu mau. format record each thuc ghi nh~n may in cu'6n, may say to ph6ng due
phfa tn.rac, ti~n d.nh. form inking roller tr1._1c 16 cha ml,(c biet b6 chii. ban chl.

foreign edition ban siich ngo;,ti van. Jen ban in. formation SlJ hlnh thanh; vll.n, van · forme board ban tam giac (gifp tay
[giay in]; SlJ thanh J~p. sach tren may in cu6n).
foreign matter t,!.p chat. form printing in bieu mau.
formation heat nhi¢t hlnh thanh, sinh forme fold to ga'p hlnh thanh khi
forest green mau l1._1c sam. form printing machine may in bieu
nhi~t. ch,!.y qua ban tam giac may in cu6n.
foreword Joi n6i dau. format of deposits stJ hlnh thanh c~n. forme folder thiet bj ga'p ban tam
form-feed printer may danh chfr giac.
forgery san pham ng1._1y t,!.O, San pham formated diskette the thCrc hoa dia tll'
thay trang giify.
gia. mem. forme nose dinh nh9n ban tam giac.
form-fill-seat pouches bao tui d,!.ng
fork gia gac tr1._1c IO hlnh chu U. forme ban in, khuOn in. forme plate ban tam giac gap to in
c6 nap gai, buc)c.
tren may in cu6n.
form bieu mau, giay in bieu mau, ban forme board de ban in chu roi.
form-fill-seat machine may lam bao
in, khu6n in. formic acid axit fomic, HCOOH
tui c6 nap gai, bu¢c. forme cutter d1._1ng CI._J cat ban in.
form advance thay trang, nh~p trang. forme cylinder tr1._1c 6ng ban in.
formal script style kiiu chii khai
formic anhydride anhidrit fomic,
form bed ban d,;tt ban in hay khuon [kieu chii Han]. (HCHO)iO [Hoa].
forme inking roller true 16 mllc true
in. IO cha mlJc. . . , .
formaldehyde fomandehit, HCHO formin hexametylentetramin,
form collating machine may bat [Hoa]. forme proof in thu sau khi ghep urotropin, C6 H12N4 [Hoa].
long bieu mau may tfnh. khuon in xong.
formaldehyde sodium disulfite forming (st!) due, (Sl!) hlnh thanh.
form correctin thay d6i ban in. disunfit natri fomandehit [Hoa]. forme rack gia de ban in.
forming shop xllong che khu6n.
form cylinder diameter dt1ong kfnh formaline fomalin, dung djch mroc forme roller tfl._lc 16 cha mtJc, 10 cha formol fomol, fomandehit, HCHO
tr1._1c ong ban in. fomandehit [Hoa]. ml!c ban in.
fountain base

formula Cong thuc pMn tu, cong thuc founders mark dau kim chfr roi.
hoa h9c, cong thuc pha che. fountain base dTa dan mang mvc,
founder's type kieu ehii due. four-color printing in bon mau.
formulation SlJ cong thuc hoa, cong milm quay dan mang ml_!C.
thue pha che. founding due chfr. four-color process phuong phap che
fountain blade dao g::tt mang ml_!c.
ban bon mau.
fortnightly xuat ban nua thang m¢t foundry xucmg due.
fountain pan khay nuoc, mang nuoc.
ky, xuat ban hai tuan m(>t ky. foundry chase cai ke dung khi due four-color process hafltone ban in
ban chl. fountain roller trl_lc 16 mang mvc, cao bon mau c6 tram.
forty-eightmo (48 mo) bon muoi ram !fl;IC 16 mang nl!OC.
trang. foundry form ban ehl due [khuo11 four-color process ink mvc in ban in
chii la to phong ho~e ban due dien fountain roller driving gear trl_lc bon mau.
forward roller trl_lc lo cap giay vao banh rang truyen d¢ng alo mang m~rc
may, lfl;IC tiep Va lien tl;IC vao may. dung rrong may due chfr]. ·
ho~e mang nuoe. four-color process plates ban in cao
forward-backward counter d1:1ng Cl;I foundry metal alloy hgp kim due b6n mau c6 tram.
dem so hai huong (trai va phai).
chii. fountain screw vft dieu chinh mvc a
mang ffil_!C. four-color proof press may in thu
forwarder roller lfl;IC chuyen giay, foundry proof to in thu sau cung,
ban mo-rat sau cung. fountain solution dung djch hoa chat bon mau.
tr1:1e ehuyen giay.
lam &m ban in. four-color rotary offset press may
forwarder sucker voi hut giay. foundry type due chii roi.
foundryman thq due, Cong nhan due fountain stops cai cMn khong che in op Xe! giay CU(>n bon mau.
forwarding cong do::tn d6ng saeh tinh mang am duqc cap !Lt mang nuoc.
ban chl. four-color sheet-fed offset press
xao (tu bat tay sach den dan keo vao
bla saeh). fount h(>p chfr roi, b¢ chfr roi. four (4) em space gian each 1/4 toan may in Op Xe! to roi bon mau.
than ehfr.
forwarding wheel vong banh xe Jan fount assortment bang sap xep philn four-color filter kfnh l9c sac phan
cap giay vao may. lo::ti chfr roi. four position roll stand gia c6 the (b6n) mau.
lap b6n cu¢n giay.
fossil wax sap khoang th::teh. fount disc dTa mau chfr [sap chl_lp]. Four-line Brevier chii roi co 32 ph/ln
four tones b6n am thanh. in, chfr Brevier.
FOT (fibre optics tube) ong b9c sqi fount film phim mau chfr cua m¢t b¢
cap quang. chfr. four-color halftone ban in tram bon
mau. Four-line Small Pica chfr roi co 44
foul biting S::tn cat tren be m~t ban in fount scheme philn ph6i chii thanh philn in.
[Sl_! co). m(>t b¢ chfr. four-color halftone block ban in cao
c6 tram b6n mau. four-page folder may gap b6n trang.
foul case h¢p chii c6 cac 6 chfr l!n fount-case h(>p chii d!J trii.
1911 vj trf. fount-list phieu due chfr cho m¢t b¢ four-color machine may in b6n mau. four-page circuit dong di~n ba pha
chfr. b6n day [m(>t day ngu¢i].
foul proof to in rhu con nhieu 16i, to four-color offset printing in 6p xet
in thu Ian dau. fountain mang muc, mang nl!OC. b6n mau. four-to-en space gian each m¢t phan
found b(> chii in. B9 cac con chii cung four-color plate ban in bon mau. tl! toan than chii.
fountain adjusting screw vft dieu
m(>t kieu chii cung m¢t co chii. chinh mang mvc. four-way powdering method
four-color press may in b6n mau.
286 phuong phap phu phan bon luqr.

Fourdrinier paper machine
french folio paper

Fourdrinier paper machine may san freak-head kieu chfr tieu de di h1nh.
xuat giay ltroi xeo dai. french folio paper giay vie! ban thao. Freundilch's adsorption equation
Frech-grey mau xam nh1;1t.
fourth cover b1a bon, !rang b1a bon. French joint dong sach tinh xao gay phuong tr1nh hap tlw Fronlich.
French-quotes dau diin ngfr phap.
fox mark giay hut am san sinh mau 6 sach b1a sach ranh n6i tiep nhau. friability tfnh de VO, tfnh de nghien.
nau. free ti! do, kh6ng lien ket, kh6ng chua French process phuong phap an mon friable de VO, de nghien.
ti;lp chat, Sl;lCh, tinh khiet.
foxed giay hut am san sinh mau 6 nau. ban kem in cao.
free copy sach duy¢t tang. friars mau mlJc khong no Cl;JC b<) [slJ
foxed spot 16m d6m vang [chat Iugng fench roll giay cu¢n in m¢t m~t. c6].
giay xau]. free distribution duy¢t t~g (sach). French white b¢t ho1;1t th1;1ch, b¢t
friction si, ma sat, SIJ c9 sat, llJc ma
foxing giay hut fun san sinh mau 6 nau. free press bao chf mien phf. "tan", kem cacbonat baze. sac.
fractal pattern mllu hlnh tranh ve [xii Freon freon [d1;1ng khf freon trong
free radical g6c ti! do, goc ion. friction board cac tong chju ma sat.
ly anh]. thiet bj dieu hoa khong khf].
free radical polymerization SIJ trung friction coefficient h¢ so ma sat.
fraction phAn s6 chfr roi, b<) ph~n. frequency tan so.
manh Vl;Jn, phlin chiet, phan Cat. hqp g6c ti! do.
friction feeder thiet bj cap giay kieu
free sheet giay kh6ng c6 thanh phfo frequency effect hi¢u t'rng tan s6.
fraction mark ky hi¢u phAn s6. chuyen ma sat.
b¢t go. frequency modulated screening SIJ
fraction mark polymerization SIJ friction' glazzed paper giay mai
tram hoa dieu chinh tan s6.
trung hqp ion g6c. free space kh6ng gian llJ do, khoang nhan.
fractional digit chfr s6 (rat) nho. each tr6ng trai. frequency modulation (FM) dieu
chinh tan s6 (FM). friction head d¢ cMnh ma sac.
fracture length d9 dai r1;1n rach giay. free toner b(>t mau trung tfnh.
friction loss t6n that ma sat.
frequency modulation demodulator
fragment manh Vl;Jn, manh VO. free-sheet clukh b<) ph~ Iy hqp
thiet bj dieu chinh dai tan s6. friction pressure control co cau
chuyen d9ng Jui theo m9t huong.
frame khung, cai gia, b¢ may, gia s~p kh6ng cheap IIJC ma sat.
frequency of joining tan suat tiep
chfr. free-standing roll stand gia de cu¢n
hqp, s6 Ian tiep hqp. friction resistance tr& llJc do ma sat.
frame buffer v~t d¢m. giay d<)c J~p VOi Cl;Jm may in.
frequency of type characters tan friction value h¢ so ma sat.
frame grabbing ta (giay) lay m!u. free ware phan m6m mifo phf.
suat sit d1,1ng kieu chfr roi.
freezing point diem dong d~c. nhi¢t friction wheel banh xe ma sat.
frame roller Jo mlJC ban in. Fresnel lens thau kfnh Fresnen.
d¢ dong d~c. frictional characteristic of
frame spacer tr1,1c keo, xa keo.
fresh tuai, tinh khiet, moi, ngot, nhat lubricants d~c tfnh chju ma sat cua
framework gia may. French blue mang mau xanh. (nuoc). ·
chat boi tran.
fraud-proof paper san xuat giay French chalk hoat
. thach,
. bot. "tan" fresh air kh6ng khf trong s1;1ch.
mjn. frictional coeffcient h¢ s6 ma sat.
chong lam gia.
fresh water nuoc ngQt.
frictional force llJc ma sat.

(9 · Tt>KHKTIAV 289
frictional loss ..:.----------
front side

fuel coefficient h¢ s6 tieu hao nhien

frictional loss ton that ma sat. front elements interchangeable lens front side bia sach cung, chfnh di¢n.
thau kfnh c6 the thay doi phfa tnrac. front slanted type chu rbi kieu
frictional resistance trO il!C ma sat. fuel comsumption SI! tieu hao nhien
front elevation nhln thing hlnh ve, nghieng phfa truac.
frictionating SI! ma sat, SI! gay ma li¢u.
nhln m~t phai se1 d6 ho~c hinh ve. front suckers num hut hai phfa truoc.
sat, S\! trang Cao SU. fuel control unit thiet bj kh6ng che
front focus tieu diem phfa tnr6c. front-and-back imposition in m~t nhien li¢u.
frictioning SI! b9c cao su, SI! trang tru~c va m~t sau tren m¢t khu6n in, in
front gauge qui each ch~ giay phfa fuel efficiency hi?u suat nhien li¢u.
cao su. khu6n in va khu6n tro tren m¢t m~t to in.
tnr6c. fuel filter thiet bj l9c dau.
frill mep phim c6 vet xep nep nhau. front-page trang nha'.t bao chf, trang
front guide qui each ch~n gia'.y phfa fuel gas khf d6t.
frilling mep phim c6 nep ga'.p, quan, tieu de sach.
frontispiece tit dau cu9n tranh minh fuel oil dil.u ma dut, nhien li?u long
bong mang.
front idler sprocket m9t trong cac n~ng.
fringe of dot quang ven r1a diem hQa.
rang dia xfch ngung phfa truck
frontispiece title ten sach o trang dau fuel oil residium c~n dau.
tram. front interchangeble lens thau kfnh
sach. fuel oil residue c~n dau.
fringeless dot diem tram khe>ng c6 r1a c6 the thay d6i phfa tnr6c.
frost SI! d6ng bang, suang. fuel oil supply SI! cung cap dil.u.
mo (quang). front lay qui each d~t ch~n giay phfa
frost edge nhu¢m mau m~t qnh fugacity tfnh de bay hC1i, d¢ de bay
frisket khung k~p giay (tren ban ep tnrac.
sach. hai.
may ep ph!ng). front lens tha'.u kfnh phfa truac.
frosted glass kfnh mo, kfnh mai cat. fugitive phai mau, bay mau, kh6ng
frisket finger thanh ep ba'.m giay front light anh sang chfnh di?n, anh ben, de bay hai.
(tren ban ep in may ep phing). froth b9t, sui b9t.
sang phing. fugitive colour mau de phai, bi_i.c
front m~t tnrac, b¢ ph~n tnr6c, mep froth mark vet b9c gia'.y in.
front margin khoang tr!ng mep k~p. mau.
c~p giay, mi,it cat, m~t tnroc cua may, fuchsin pham do tfnh kiem, do
front mark dau qui djnh ch~n giay fugitive ink ml,(c in de bay mau.
m~t khac cha- ch1 roi. fucsin.
phfa tnrac. full day, hoan toan.
front boarding gauge qui each c~p fudge tin gicr ch6t tren mat bao chf
front matter trang truac (trang ben tluet bj ban bc5 sung may in c~6n tin rue. ' full aperture d9 mo ong kfnh toi da,
giay phfa truck
trong chfnh van, m9c l9c v.v... ), m~t ducmg kfnh 16.
front cover bia sach. fuel nhien li¢u.
ban tfl!CJC chfnh van. full automatic line day chuyen san
front delivery nh~n gia'.y phfa tnroc front sheet deliv~ry nh~n g1/(y phfa ~uel calorimeter nhi?t Juc;mg ke nhi?t xuat hoan toan tl,( d9ng.
may. truac. full automatic perfect binding line
f~el capacity dung tfch thung nhien day chuyen lien hqp ti! d¢ng d6ng
front edge feeler kim gam c:µ1h phfa front sheet gripper nhfp c~p giay
h¢u. sach gay bang.
tnt6c. phfa tnrac.
run-length portrait
full automatic processing ~

run-length portrait iinh chan dung functional compound hqp chat (c6)
full automatic processing qua trlnh full out sap ban kh6ng dung co nho. chCrc.
10an thil.n.
san xuat hoan toan ti! d(>ng. full page day trang. full-page plate ban in tranh toan trang. functional group nh6m chCrc.
full biding d6ng sach bla toan bang da. full page illustration tranh minh hoa functional unit dan vj chCrc, dan vj
run-screen editing bien t~p tren toan
full bleaching ta'.y trang hoan toan. toan trang. · c6ng nang. .,,-
man hlnh.
full bodied letter chu cai keo dai ca full page makeup ghep ban toan trang. run-screen mode phtrcmg thCrc toan fundamental chfnh, ca ban, (thu9c)
phfa tren va phfa ctuoi. man hlnh. nguyen ly, Ion.
full pasting phet ho toan be m~t ban.
full bound sach d6ng bla toan bang vai. full-size roll cu(>n giay day du kfch fundamental chain mi,tch ca ban,
full point dau cham cau.
thfch. ffil!-Ch chfnh.
full cap kieu chu hoa. full press may in thu cOng.
full-text searching tra cCru toan b(> fundamental colour mau ca ban,
full case h¢p chu day cac 6 chu. full-scale plant thiet bi toan b¢, thiet mau nguyen sac.
ban van.
full cloth sach d6ng bla toan bang vai. bj c6ng nghi?p.
full face kiiu chu tho d~m. furaldehyde furandehit, C4H30 .CHO
full colour mau sAc, mau thuan sil.c full shade mau biio hoa. [Hoa].
fully automatic (thu¢c) ti! d¢ng hoan
t6i da. full size kfch thuoc nguyen ban. furfural fufural, C4 Hp.CHO [Hoa].
full edges ba m~t ru9t sach deu xoa full size news paper press may in fully corrected sheet to in dii qua st'ra furnace lo.
nhCi vang. bao giay cu(>n toan khd giay. chua toan b¢. furnace black den mu¢i than lo.
full electronic typesetting may sap full size reproduction ph1,1c che fumaric acid axit funmaric, furnish cung cap, trang bj.
chu ch1,1p hoan toan di?n tt'r. nguyen co. [HOOCCH: CHCOOH) [Hoa].
furnisher roller tr1,1c cap mlfc in, tr1,1c
full face rule m~t dtrong ke chl d~m. full stop dau cham (.) dung 6 cu6i fumarol acid axit funmaron, axit
m(>t cau ho~c sau m¢t chu viet tat, chuyen illlJC in.
full forme m~t ban in rat ft diem boric, H3B03 [Hoa].
dau cham het. furnishing SI! cung cap; SI! trang bj.
trang. fume kh6i, mu, boc kh6i.
full title ten sach day du. furniture d1,1ng Cl,I chen khoang
full gilt Cl!-nh bla sach xoa nhCi vang. function ham so; chCrc; c6ng nang; chll'c
full title page ten sach toan trang. trong, lanh go chl.
full gilt edges toan b¢ c<;1nh sach xoa
furniture cabinet tt1 dlfng lanh g6
nhCi vang. full tone sac thai mau biio hoa ho~c rto. function code ma thao tac tren may tinh.
hay thoi chen.
full key kiiu khoa toan b¢. full-color mau sac biio hoa ho~c no. function key kh6a cong nang vi).n hanh. furniture caster may due lanh-g6 chl
full leather binding d6ng sach bla full-colour printing in mau, in mau function of control program trlnh ti! va thoi chen chl.
toan b¢ bang da. dl!-t den d(> no hay blio hoa. kiem tra chuc nang v~n hanh. furniture casting box khu6n due
full measure sil.p ban lien v6i cac cc)t, · full-colour reproduction ph1,1c che functional (thu¢c) ham so; (thu(>c) chCrc. lanh g6 chl va thoi chen chl.
chieu dai dong chfi' day chu. mau di,it den mere biio hoa mau ml;fc.
furniture rack

furniture rack gia de lanh go chi va fusible metal kim lo<;li de chay.
thoi chen chl.
fusibleness tfnh chay; d¢ chay.
fuse n6ng chay, nau chay; cau chl;
ngoi n6; kfp 116. fusing (st,r) n6ng chay.

fuse into n6ng chay.

fuse primer ong din llra.
fuse wire day cau chl.
fusing energy nang luqng n6ng chiiy.
fusing point diem n6ng chay.
fusion SI! n6ng chay, st,r hqp nhat.
fused (da) n6ng chAy; (da) ngung tl_l. fusion heat nhi¢t n6ng chiiy.
gage dl,lng cl_l do, d6ng ho do. galley strip ta in thtr d<,lng chua sap
fused-on toner b¢t mau n6ng chay. fusion point diem n6ng chiiy, nhi¢t
thanh trang in.
fuser CO cau n6ng chay hoa Jii.n vao d¢ n6ng chay. gage cock khoa do nuoc.
galley truck xe v~ chuyen khay chu ch1.
nhau cua hai hay nhieu kim lo~i thanh fuzzing giay in CO XO S9'i mem tren ~ gaged dado.
m¢t kim lo~i h6n hqp. m~t [SI! c6]. galley with types khay c6 bat chu roi.
gaging (SI!) do.
fusibility tmh n6ng chay; d¢ n6ng chay. gaging machine may do. galley-slide ban g6c cac kitu chu
fuzzy (thu¢c) mo h6, mo nh<;lt kMng
chuyin d9ng quay khi sap chfr Chl_lp.
fusible c6 the nfo chiiy. phan bi¢t dugc h1nh ruing h~c duong net galactose galatow, GI20H(GIOH)4.GIO
gallic acid axit galic, HGa02• axit 3,4,5
fusible alloy hqp kim de chay. fuzzy edge xom c~nh, xom mep. gallery phong chl_lp iinh ch€ ban. trihydrobenzoin. (OHhC6H2.COOH
gallery camera may chl,lp anh phong [hoa].
sang. gallon galon, don vj do chat long cua
galley khay de bat chfr roi, khay dung Anh =4,546 lit; ci'.1a My =3,785 lit.
cho thg sap chfr de sap chu. galoshes wrapping giay d¢m phu,
giay dan phu.
galley cabinet gia de khay chfr roi,
bat chu roi. galvanic (thu¢c) m<;t di¢n.
galley lock khoa ch6t khay bat chu. galvanic corrosion SI! an mon di¢n hoa.
galley press may in thu bat chu roi galvanic deposit SI! ket tua di¢n.
chua sap thanh trang in.
galvanic element pin di¢n.
galley proof in thu khay bat chfr roi
chua di1-t trang.
galvanic matrix khu6n m~ di¢n dong.

galley proof press may in thu bat chu

galvanic series day di¢n the.
roi chua sap thanh trang in. galvanic shell lop d6ng m~ di¢n.
galley rack gia de khay chu roi. galvanization SI! m<;t di¢n, st.rm~ trdilg kem.
294 295
galvanize Garner-Holdt bubble viscometer

galvanize mi.1 di¢n; m? trang kem. gamma curve dl!ong cong h¢ so Garner-Holdt bubble viscometer gas tight b9e kfn, dong kfn, niem
galvanized (da) m~ di¢n; (da) trang !L!Ong phan, dl!Ong eong gamma. dyng et,J do d¢ nh6't Garne-Hold- phong kfn.
kem. gamma infinity h¢ so tl!ang phan vo Bubo. gas-fillets lamp den n?p khf.
galvanized iron s!t tay. h?n. Garner process phl!ong phap ehe gaseous development hi¢n anh d~ng
gamma rate curve duong cong h¢ so ban Game. khf, vf dt,J hi¢n anh bing khf amonik
galvanizing (s~r) m? di¢n; (s11) m?
!rang kem. tl!ang phan. garnet mau do trong su6t; ng9e h6ng gasket eai lot, eai d¢m, mie'ng d¢m,
JlJU. vong dem.
galvanizing and anodizing m1). kem gamma ray tia gamma, y.
va anot hoa. garnet sand cat kim el!Clng, cat CO-
gaslight paper giay anh nh?Y sang
gamma value trj so gamma, y ron-dom. eh~m. cam quang eh~m.
galvano b,ln m? di¢n.
gamma-time curve duong eong thoi gas khf; khf than; khf d¢e. gasoline xang.
galvanochemistry dien hoa h9e. gian-h¢ s6 tl!ang phan y. gas analyser may phan tfch khf.
gate eua. khung; chyp l~t giay.
galvanograph may ghi dong di¢n. gamut of colour pham vi hi¢n mau, gas analysis Sil phan tfeh khf. gate fold tranh minh ho? gap kh6 Ion,
galvanography phep ghi dong di¢n. dai hi¢n mau.
gas blue xanh Bee-Jin. to gap pht,J ban.
thu~t due ban di¢n. gang blnh ghep ban in.
gas burner den·phun khf than. gateway e6ng ra vao, eua ng6 [may
galvanolysis s11 di¢n ph/l.n.
gang negative b1nh ghep phim am tfnh].
ban. gas burner drying say kho khf than.
galvanometer di¢n ke. GATF Dot Gain Scale thang ph6ng
gas carbon black mu¢i than den.
galvanometry phep do dong di¢n. gang plate blnh ghep ban in. d~i diem tram GATF.
gang printing in ban hai lien gas checking khf thay d6i d¢ sang. gather b&t tay saeh.
galvanoplastics s11 due di¢n.
gas diode den khf hai qre, den di6t. gather and wire stitcher may bat tay
galvanoplasty s11 due di¢n. gang run in ban hai lien.
gas discharge lamp den phong khf, saeh va dong sach lien hqp.
galvano screen ll!oi due di¢n. gang stitcher may dong saeh kY. mli
den di¢n phong khf. gather stitching machine may bat
nhieu dfo ghim, may dong saeh t6
galvano-voltammeter v6n-ampe ke. tay saeh va d6ng sach lien hqp.
hqp. gas fired drying unit thiet bj say kho
galvanoplasty s11 due di¢n. khf than. gather-stitcher may b&t tay saeh va
ganging-up blnh ghep ban.
galvanoscope di¢n nghi¢m. g.as flame drying s11 say kho ng9n dong sach lien hqp.
gangway 16i di giua eae may in. Itta.
galvanoplate ban due di¢n. gatherer may g6p; may bat tay sach.
GAP (general assembly program)
gas flame drying arrangement thiet gatherer and wire stitcher may bat
galvanotype ban due di¢n. trlnh 111 t~p hqp bien SO?n thong d1,mg. bi sa'y kho ng9 n Jua. tay sach va dong ghim.
gamboge vang tham. gaovanizing m? di¢n m? kem.
gas permeability do tham khf tfnh gatherer stitching machine may bat
gamma gama (dan vj khoi ll!qng =10·6 gap bo s6t ehfr, m!t ehfr. tham khf. · ' tay saeh dong ghim.
gam); d¢ tl!ang phan den trang, phim
Garamond type ki€u ehfr Garamon g~~ s~eet heater thiet bj hong kho gathering (st!) thu g6p; thu th~p; bat
anh; h¢ s6 gama, y (Dlfc). giay dung khf than. ru¢t sach, bat tay saeh.
296 297
gathering and collating machine

gathering and collating machine Gauss type lens thau kinh kieu gelatification slJ t?O gien; SlJ gielatin gelatin dye tramfer process phuang
may biit va slip xep cac tay sach. Gauso.
hoa. phap in chuyen gielatin.
gathering and sewing connection gauze vai xo d~t rieng dung cho dan gelatin gielatin, keo d(>ng v~t. gelatinization SlJ ll:IO gen, SlJ gielatin
may bat vil khau cac tay sach. gay sach, vai g?C gay sach. hoa.
gelatin coating trang phu lop keo
gathering and stitching machine gauze attachment dan vai g?c dong
d('Jng v~t. gelatinize tl:lo gen, gielatin hoa, t?o
may bat vil khllu cac tay sach. sach.
thanh tr?ng thai gielatin.
gelatin dry filter kfnh !9c siic gielatin
gathering and wire stitching gauze roll cu¢n vai gac, vai xei
kho. gelatino - bromide plate ban kfnh
machine may bat va dong ghim lien chuyen dung dong sach.
khO b?C bromua- gielatin.
hqp. gelatin dry plate ban kinh khO
gauze screen )ya, ltr6i sqi t6ng hqp gelatino-chloride paper giay anh bl:lc
gathering cylinder tn.1c biit tay sach. gielatin.
dung lam khuOn in ltr6i.
gelatin emulsion chat nhu ttrong clorua- gielatin.
gathering drum tryc bat tay sach. gauzing machine may cang dan ll;la,
gielatin. gelatinous gielatin, keo d(>ng v~t.
gathering machine may biit tay sach. ltr6i lam khuon in ltr6i.
gelatin film mang gielatin. gelatino si,r t~o gen, SlJ gielatin hoa,
gathering table ban de cac tay sach gazette giay bao (dung v6i ten sach
gelatin filter kinh l9c sac gielatin. tac dyng dong cung keo.
bao); cOng bao.
theo thu ti,r dung khi bat Ifill hrqt cac
tay sach. gelation of ink si,r dong cung keo
gear tryc co banh rang, b¢ s6. gelatin foil mang mong gielatin.
gauffcr tao gc;m; in hoa n6i; (thu9c) gear box h¢p b¢ s6. gelatin gravure ban khac chlm
trang tri ep ml:l vang b1a sach. gielatin. gelative printing in ban c616tip.
gear clutch b¢ ph~n ly hqp b¢ s6.
gauffered (thu¢c) trang tri ep ml:l gelatin plate ban kfnh chyp anh gelling agent chat gien hoa.
gear drive chuy€n d¢ng b¢ s6.
vang bla sach. gielatin. gelling property tfnh chat gien.
gear faces be m;;tt b¢ s6.
gauffered edges trang trf mep dt gelatin plate paper giay in ban gem da quf, ng9c.
C?nh ru9t sach. gear mark v¢t xtr6c b¢ s6 [slJ co]. colotip (in tren kfnh).
general chung; cl?i cuang.
gauffering trang tri mep canh ru¢t gear pump bam b¢ s6. gelatin printing in ban gielatin.
sach. general assembly program (GAP)
gear side m~t C?nh b(> s6. gelatin printing paper giay in ban chuong trlnh t~p hqp bien so~n thong
gauge dyng cy do, thtr6c do tieu cOlotip (in tren kfnh). dl;Jng, trlnh llJ t~p hqp bien so?n thOng
gear streak v¢t xtr6c b¢ s6 [slJ col
chuan; do khoang each; do co phim ... gelatin process phtrong phap che ban dung [may tfnh].
gear train cym b(> s6.
gauge of type dl;lng cy do chieu cao gielatin, phtrang phap che ban cO!Otip. general binding machine may dong
m~t chit. gegenion ion nguqc d!u. sach thong dyng.
gelatin relief milng khac n6i gielatin.
gauge pin do khoang each dinh ghim gel gien; ll:IO gien; (d?ng) keo dang tl;J. general drawing hlnh ve khai quat,
gelatin relief process phtrong phap
k~p. gel formation keo dong hoa, the keo che ban in cao gielatin. toan b(> hlnh ve, t6ng hqp hlnh ve.
gauge ring dyng cy do vong tron. dOng.
gelatin resist nhua gielatin anh. general editor t6ng bien tf1p, chu bien.
Gauss Gauso (don vj do ctrong d9 ·tu gel rubber cao su dOng tl;J.
gelatin - bromide paper giay anh general publication xu!t ban phfrm
trtrong). gelate tl:lo gien; gielatin hoa. bl:lc bromua- gielatin. ph6 thong, xuat ban pham ph6 bien.
general publishing house
gilder's size

general publishing house nha xuat geometrical sign ky hi¢u h1nh hc;,c.
ban tong hqp. gilder's size mc:1 vang dung chat keo gilt stamped cover b1a sach mi,t vang.
Geoport Telecom Adapter (GTA)
general purpose foil mang mong kim thiet bi phoi tiep hqp di¢n tin. ctan. gilt top xoa nhii m~t Cl,lnh tren diiu
lol_li thong dt.mg. gilding mi;t vang. ru¢t sach.
German black den Giec-manh, den /
general purpose language ng6n ngfr nu6c Due. gilding and ambossing press may ep gilt-edged (thu¢c) xoa nhil mep cc_1nh
thong dt.mg. nOi mi;t vang. sach.
German quotes dau dii.n ng6n ngu
general register thiet bi ghi thong Due. gilding in the press mi;t vang dung girdle dil.y chi dau bla sach.
dyng [may tfnh). each in xoa nhii.
German silver dong trang - hqp kim give to the world xuat ban, phat bitiu.
general service words chfr thuong dong-kem-niken; b<;lC nuoc Due. gilding powder b<)t nhu in mil vang.
dung. glacial bang; (thu¢c) nuoc da.
gilding press may in mi;t vang, mi,t
get in thu nho giua cac dong chfr sap
general title tieu de chung, tong tieu de. vang dung chat keo dan. glacial acetic acid axit axetic bang.
c6 du nhieu chfr.
general-purpose application gilding stamp may ep in mi;t vang. glair chat tiep hqp long trang !rung
get out xuat ban, c6ng bo.
program chuang tr1nh (mg dt,mg gilding the spine of the book ml,l dung khi mi,t nhil vil.ng.
thong dt.mg. get position dieu lap cho tr6ng. vi.i.ng gay sach tron . glarimeter d1;1ng c1;1 do d¢ b6ng.
general-purpose computer may tfnh get-up sach mii.u, d6ng sach mii.u. gilding tool thiet bi in ml;\ vang ep cat glaring light anh sang ch6i l9i.
thong dt_mg. get-up of a book d6ng sach anh mii.u. h1nh.
glass thuy tinh, kinh; c6c thuy tinh;
generative graphics phuang phap ghost edition ban sach mc:10 danh. gilding type chfr dung in mi;t vang.
khf ap ke; d6ng h6 cat.
che do hoc:1 tai hi¢n h1nh [may tfnh]. Gillotage rolling-up process phuang
ghost image h1nh anh ma, hlnh anh glass beads hc:1t thuy tinh.
generator may phat; may phat di¢n; ma ma khong r5 net. phap an mon ban kem (in cao).
noi hai. gilsonite hac in cung, nhlJa duong glass black mu¢i den.
ghost picture chu vi anh d<)t xuat mo
generic name ten thuang phtlm tren m~t ban. cung. glass cutter dao dt kfnh.
chung cho so sach. gilsonite varnish son nhlJa duong
ghosting anh t6i [Sl! CO], anh mo mo glass cutting SI! de kfnh.
gentian violet tim ket tinh; thuoc cung.
[Sl! CO). glass electrode di¢n CIJC thuy tinh.
nhu<)m tfm duqc dung nhu chat khu gilt mi;t nhii vang, tai li¢u mil vi.i.ng
trung trong dieu tri cac vet bong. giant poster tranh tuyen truyen kh6 [d6ng sach). glass fibre sqi thuy tinh.
geography paper giay ban d6. gilt edge mep sach ru6t sach xoa nhu glass filter kfnh J9c sac thuy tinh.
giga (G) giga. vang. .
geometric distortion corection hi¢u glass glazed (dii) trang men.
chinh Sl! bien dc:1ng hlnh h9c. gigantography thuiit ch1;1p ph6ng d<;li gilt edging machine may xoa nhu
tram ban in blng. Vang mep Cl,lnh ru<)t Sach. glass glazing s~r trang men.
geometric transformation bien dOi
hlnh h9c. gild ffi<;l Vang. gilt in the round xoa nhii deu quanh glass globe bi thuy tinh dung cho mai
gild by hand ma vang lhu c6ng. mep Cl;lnh ru<)t sach. ban kem vii. ban nh6m.
geometrical lathe may dieu khac van·
mau. gilder c6ng nhan mi\ vang. gil! in the square xoa nhii mat cat glass grinding marble bi thuy tinh
phang. · dung cho mai ban kem va ban nhom.
glass house glossy overprint varnish

glueability tfnh nang keo dan.

glass house nha may thuy tinh. glazed paper giay can nhan cao cap. glossy overprint varnish vec-ni in
phu bong. glued joint ket hqp dan keo.
glass jar blnh thuy tinh. glazed pasteboard bla hay cac t6ng
can nhan. glossy paper giay Jang bong. glued-on cover sach bla cung dan
glass-marking SlJ san xuat thuy tinh.
glossy retouching ink mlJc sua ban keo.
glass maker dao khac thuy tinh. glazed printing paper giay in can
nhan. bong. gluer may trang keo.
glass mark lap tinh the kfnh [in da].
glazed roller trt.lC 16 mlJC chai bl be glove gang tay, bao tay b~ng da ho~c gluing dan keo, phu keo.
glass measure c6c dong. m~t nh~n truyen mlJC kem [SlJ co']. dan b~ng !en. gluing arrangement thiet bi Jang phu
glass negative kfnh anh am ban. glazer may can nhan, may lang bong. glow n6ng sang; sang choi; nung keo.
glass pane kfnh O vuong. glazing can nhan, can bong. n6ng sang. gluing cylinder trt1c lang phu keo.
glass paper giay rap thuy tinh. glow modulator tube den phong di¢n
glazing calender may can ep nhlln gluing machine may lang phu keo.
sang tnrng, rlJC fO.
glass pencil but chl thuy tinh. bong. gluing machine for whole surface
g)OW tube den sang trLtng, flJC rcr
glass pipe 6ng thuy tinh. glazing machine may can nhan, may may lang phu keo be
m~t bla sach.
[phong di¢n].
lang bong. gluing mechanism' co cau lang phu
glass plate ban kfnh. glue keo d¢ng v~l.t; chat ket dfnh.
glitter work xoa b¢t kim lol!-i trang trf keo.
glass pot blnh thuy tinh.
cac tai li¢u in. glue application trang keo, phu mang gluing off phet keo, qu¢t b6i keo 6
glass printing in tren be m~t kfnh. keo.
gloss m~t bong; ve bong; anh sang; gay sach.
glass sand cat thuy tinh dung M mai anh bong; danh bong; SlJ ho vai. glue applicator may trang keo. gluing the spine phet, qu¢t b6i keo
ban kem va ban nMm.
gloss black ink mtJc den bong. glue binding dong dan sach b~ng gay sach.
glass screen tram kfnh. keo.
gloss ink mlJc bong. gluing up phet, quet b6i keo gay
glass-stem thermometer nhi¢t ke glue box h¢p dtJng keo, thung dtJng sach.
thuy tinh. gloss varnish vec-ni bong. keo. gluing-off phet keo, lang phu keo.
glassinc gia'.y b6ng kfnh. · gloss white mlJC trang bong. glue brush xoa chiii keo.
glyxerin glyxerin
glassine ink mtJc in b6ng. glossary bang chu giai thu~t ngi1. glue coating lop keo phu be m~t. CH 20H.CHOH.CH20H [hoii].
glassine paper giay mong ban thau glossiness d¢ bong. glue cylinder tn,1c Jang phu keo. glycerol glyxerin
minh, giay bong kfnh. CH20H.CHOH.CH20H [hoa].
glossing machine may lang bong. glue hot top lap mang keo nhi¢t.
glaze bong nhu guong. Glycin glyxin (chat hi¢n anh).
glossmeter Jang bong ke, dt1ng ct1 do glue roller trt1c 16 lang phu keo.
glazed board bla hay cac t6ng nhan Glycin developer dung d\ch hi¢n anh
d¢ lang b6ng. g~ue-en~mel process phuong phap
Jang phu keo nhi¢t. glyxin.
glossy bong, Jang, co d¢ bong.
glazed finish SlJ t~o nhan bong. glycol glycol, CH20I-I.CH20H [hoa).
glossy ink mtJc in bong. glue-pot n6i nau keo.
glazed offset paper giay in 6p xet
glue-wheel trt1c banh xe Ian phu keo. glycol ether ete glycol [hoa).
nhan bong cao dp. glossy overprint in phu bong.
gold stamping machine
glycol monomethyl ether

gold stamping machine may ml;\ good copy ban thao de dQC.
glycol monomethyl ether glycol gold embossing ml!, vang.
monoetyl ete [hoa].
gold foil la (gilfy) kim lol!,i vang dung
vang. good matter chuiin bj tai su dyng biin
old tooling ml!, vang bla sach thu in.
glyoxal glyoxal, CHO.CHO [hoa]. cho ml!, vang. g ,, khA , '
cOng, ep in chlm 1161 ong co mau.
Gothic kieu chu Gothic.
glyph chii khik, g6c chii, chii tttqng gold foil paper gilfy kim lol!,i vang
gold trichloride vang (III) clorua,
h1nh. -- dung cho ml!, vang. Gothic capital chCi' hoa ki€u chCi'
AuCl, [hoa]. Gothic.
glyphic ki€u chii khk gold glue keo dung cho in ml!, vang.
gold varnish vec-ni vang.
glyphograph ban khac di~n. Gothic letter chu cai kieu chu
gold ink m~rc in mau vang kim lo~i. gold blocking ml!, vang. Gothic, kieu chii hoa.
glyphography thu~t ml!, di¢n ban gold knife dao cat la (giay) kim loai
khac bang sap. gold blocking press may ml!, vang. Gothic minuscule chu thttong kieu
vang dung de ill<!- vang. .
gold blocking type chii ml!, vang. chCi' Gothic.
goat skin cover b1a sach bang da de gold leaf la (gilfy) kim loi,li vang, giay
thu9c. hqp mau vang kim lol!,i. gold-edged mep Cl!,nh sach vang. Gothic pointed letter chu kieu
goatskin da de thu9c (d6ng sach). Gothic dau nh9n.
gold lettering (in) chii ml!- vang [dong gold-powder nhu vang.
Goerz glarimeter dyng cy do d¢ sach]. Gothic round letter chii kieu Gothic
golden bang vang; c6 mau vang,
bong sang Goerz. dfo tron.
gold mailing paper giay kim lol!,i nhieu vang; c6 vang.
goffer machine may ep van. vang dung cho ml!, vang. golden Book sach tranh lien hoan nhi Gothic type ki€u chCi' Gothic c6 hoa.

goffered (thu¢c) trang trf ep ml!, vang gold paper giay kim lol!,i vang dung dong. gouache tranh ve bang thu6c mau
b1a sach. cho ffil!, vang. golden cut cat each ri'Ji mang vang nu6'c d~c, tranh mau ve "Goat".
goffered edge ve trang trf Cl!,nh b1a kimlol;li. Goudy type kieu chCi' Gudy.
gold preparation chuan bj !au s~ch
sach va ru¢t sach. de Inl!, vang, chat keo dfnh phu la kim golden cut proportion cat tach roi gouge index bang chu d.in chCi' cai,
goffered paper gi1fy ne'p nhan. lol!,i cho .ml!, vang. mang vang kim lol!,i. bang chu din hlnh m6ng lLrai liem.
goffering ve trang trf C<!-nh b1a va ru9t gold pressing ml!, vang. golden proportion cat each ri'Ji mang governor may dieu tiet, may dieu toe.
vang kim lo<,li.
sach, hlnh thanh nep nhfo ho~c n6i gold printing ink ml,l'c in mau vang Gradar screen kfnh tram Grada [ten
hoa [dong sach]. kim loi:ti. golden rod paper giay (mang) che
thttong phiim].
going to press dtta ban thao di in. phu dung khi blnh ghep khu6n phim.
gold section cat tach roi mang vang
gradation tang thu, d¢ xam, dttbng
gold vang, Au. kimlo<_li. golden section cat tiich roi mang
vang kim lo~i. bieu dien Sl,I' tang dfo hay Sl,I' giam dan
gold blocking and embossing press gold size phu lap mvc 16t ml;\ vang, d¢ xam hay mau sac.
may ep van hoa ill<!- vang. chat keo dfnh phu la kim lol).i ml!, golden type ki€u chu hoang kim.
gradation etching Slf an mon dan dan
vang. gone to bed da dua di in [in bao chi].
gold bronze powder b¢t nhu vang lap tang thu.
(dong). gold stamped (thu¢c) ml!, vang, co in
Inl!, vang sach.
gone to press da dua di in. gradation of color tang thu mau sac.
gold cushion ban d¢m gi1fy mong ml!, good colour mau Inl,l'C dong deu. gradation scale thang tang thu.
vang. gold stamping ml!, vang.
304 20 • T£1KHKTJAV
grade granunage

grade h<).ng, lo<).i; d¢, trlnh d¢; d!ng grain photogravure ch1,1p anh ban in grammage tr9ng lttqng giay, djnh graphic arts chromatology m6n h9c
cap; phan lo?i. lorn [thoi ky sCI khai). 111ang giay (g/m2). mau sac cOng ngh¢ in.
grader may phAn lo<).i. grain size kfch thttac h?t, ca h?t [hat gram gam. graphic arts establishment xf
phim anh, h?t ban in]. . nghi¢p in.
gradient gradien, thang do d¢. grams per square met~r .<;1~
) s6

grain tin thiec h<).t. gam tren met vu6ng (g/m g1ay m). graphic arts film phirn ky thu'~t dung
gradiented dial bang ho~c dia c6 d¢ trong che ban.
khac chuan. grained board cac tong van, ban ep grangerize tranh cilt dan.
van. graphic arts industry cong ngh¢ in.
gradiented measuring-glass c6c granite paper giay van da hoa Cl!Clng,
dong c6 khk d¢. grained edge tren be m~t c6 tr<).ng giay van da granft. graphic arts light source nguon sang
tl~ai h?t ho~c mep q.nh c6 d?ng van dung trong che ban.
gradiented scale thang c6 khiic d¢. go. granular (thu(>c) tr?ng thai h?t.
graphic arts process pl1Lrang phap
gradienlion d¢ tieu chuan, d¢ khk grained roller tr1,1c 16 da dung cha granularity d¢ h?t, tfnh h?t. che ban sach anh.
gradiention of scale thang c6 khac d¢. mt,rc. granulate tr<).ng thai t?O thanh h?t, st,r graphic arts quality chat lttqng in,
grading (st,r) phAn lo?i. grained screen kfnh tram d?ng h?t. hoa h?t. chat llrqng hlnh chu.
grained stone lithography in ve tren granulated paper giay be m~t tho, graphic arts show trien Him c6ng
graduate 6ng khiic d9; khiic d¢.
ban da, in Ve th?Ch ban. giay m¢c. nghi¢p in.
graduated cylinder 6ng khac d¢.
grainer may l?O h?t, may mai ban in granulated screen tram h<).t cat. graphic arts trade kinh doanh in,
graduated flash blnh dong. 6p xet. hanh nghe in.
granulometry phep do ca h<).t.
graduating (st,r) khac d¢. graininess d¢ h?t. graphic character chir the hi¢n hlnh
graph ban in bing, bieu d6, d6 giai.
graduation st,r khac d¢. graining mai ban, t?o h?t bing ve, do ho? chir.
graph follower thiet bj quet hlnh ve,
graft polymer polime ghep. plmC1ng phap cCI h9c. thiet bj d9c hlnh ve. graphic charts bieu d6.
graft polymerization st,r polime hoa graining ball vien vi mai ban, vien bi graphic data processing gia cOng du
graph paper gill'.y toe). d¢.
ghep. t?O h?t CCI h9c. li¢u hlnh ve, XU ly du li¢u hlnh anh.
graph plotter may ve hlnh, d6 thj.
grafting (st,r) ghep; (st,r) tiep cay. graining machine may mai ban, may graphic design thiet ke chu viet, bieu
t?O h?t CCI h9c. graph theory ly thuyet d6 thj. d6, h1nh ve [do ho?).
grain h<).t; xay thanh h?t, nghien
graining marble vien bi mai ban, graphics do ho?, hlnh chir, tac pham graphic display unit thiet bj hi¢n thj
thanh h?t; t?O h?t, hoa h?t.
vien d<).n t?O h?t. · in khac sach tranh. hlnh anh, bieu do. chu viet.
grain alcohol n.rqu h<).t, n.rqu, ruqu
graining sand cat mai ban, vi dl,I cal g~aphic adapter thiet bj ph6i hqp t?o graphic escape character chu thay
mai corondom. hmh do ho?. nghia hlnh anh, biiu do, chu viet.
grain direction httong tho giay.
graining with marble mai ban bing graphic application phan mem Crng graphic file maintenance duy trl t¢p
grain formation st,r t,.10 h?t. bi, t?O h?t bang d?n mai. d1,1ng do ho?. hlnh anh, bieu do, chir viet.
grain of paper tho giay. grainless plate ban khong c6 h?t. graph_ic arts cong ngh¢ in hay cong graphic input language ngOn ngu
grain of wood tho g6. grainy (thu¢c) c6 d?ng h?t. ngh¢ a:n loat, ten g9i chung cong ngh¢ in. nh~p du li¢u hlnh anh, bieu d6 ...

306 307
graphic insertion gravity test

graphic insertion cai nh~p do hoi,i. graphics solution do giai (phan tfch gravure machine may in ban in lorn.
gravity test St! do ty tr9ng.
dfr Ji¢u d6 ho<,1).
graphic interchange format (GIF) gravity weight day d9i. gravure offset in lorn gian tiep.
each th(rc trao d6i d6 hoc.1. graphics symbol set tap ky hi¢u che
ban do ho<,1. gravure chllp anh ban in lorn. gravure offset printing in op-xet ban
graphic language ng6n ngfr d6 hoi,i. in lorn.
graphics User Interface (GUI) giao gravure carbon tissue giay than ban
graphic materials tai Ji~u che ban. di¢n ngubi SL! dllng do ho<_i. in lorn. gravure offset printing press may in
op-xet ban in lorn.
graphic object doi tu~mg do hoc.1 graphite graphft, than chl. gravure contact screen tram cong-
[may tfnh]. tac ban in lorn. gravure paper giay in dung cho in
graphite carbon than graphft. ban in lorn.
graphic primitive thao tac ca ban do gravure coppering m<,1 dong ban in
graphite coating to phu than chl. gravure press may in ban in lorn.
ho<,1. lorn.
graphite electrode di¢n c(!c graphit. gravure cylinder making che ban gravure press for indirect printing
graphic processing gia c6ng d6 hoi,i,
XL! ly d6 hO<_l. graphite grease graphit b6i tran. tfllC 6ng in lorn. may in lorn in gian ticp.
graphic symbol ky hieu d6 ho<,1. graphite powder b6i than chl. gravure cylinder polishing machine gravure printing in ban in lorn.
may mai bong tfl!C ong in lorn. gravure printing machine may in
graphic transmission St! truyen hlnh graphite retouching sua ban than chl.
anh, bieu do. chfr vier (d6 hoi,!). gravure cylinder trolley xe v~n ban in lorn.
graphiting t6 ve than chl. chuyen tn,1c 6ng in lorn.
graphical design thiet ke hlnh ve, gravure process phuong phap in ban
graphotype each che ban in cao due gravure etchant chat an mon ban in in lorn.
bieu do, chfr viet (do ho<_l). di¢n phan trang, ban in cao da phan. lorn. gravure proof press may in thfr in lorn.
graphics m6n h9c do ho<,1. grasp St! narn chac, cAm chac. gravure film phim in lorn.
gravure rollers tn1c ong ban in lorn.
graphics application phan m6m ung grass character chfr than thao. gravure ink mttc in ban in !om.
dllng do hoc_l. gravure rotary press may in quay
graticule 9 vu6ng (dung de ve l<,li, gravure ink for polyethylene film ban in lorn, may in cuon ban in lorn.
graphics data file t¢p dfr li¢u do h9a. ph6ng to hay thu nho m9t buc ve). ffi(!C in Jorn dung cho in mang mong gravure scope kfnh kiern tra diem
graphics file format each thuc t¢p polyetylen.
grating spectroscope kfnh quang ph6 tram trang in lorn nh~n mi,rc.
van ki¢n do hoi,!. each Ill' anh sang. gravure ink for polyolefine film
gravure screen (kfnh) tram ban in 16m.
graphics language ng6n ngfr che ban ffi(!C in Jorn dung cho in mang mong
gratis copy ban hay sach bieu t~ng. polyolefin. gravure varnish Vec-ni pha che m(!c
do hoc_l.
grave accent dau huyen ('). gravure ink for polypropylene film in lorn.
graphics mode trang thai do ho<,1,
graver dao khac. mi.re in lorn dung cho in rnang rnong gray xam, rnau xam.
phuang thCrc the hi¢n do ho<,1 (may polypropylen.
tfnh). gravity tr9ng l(!c; trc:mg ltt~g; ty gray scale d9 xam, thang d9 xam.
tr9ng. g!avu!e ink for vinyl film m(!c in
graphics printer may in d6 ho<,1. grease ffiO, chat b6i tran; St! tra 010.
lorn dung cho rnang mong vinyl.
gravity bottle blnh do ty tr9ng.
graphics printing danh may in do grav~re ink for wrapping paper
grease filter cai l9c dau.
ho<,1 in 6ng dong, in lorn. gravity meter ty tr9ng ke. mtJc m lorn dung cho in giay bao g6i. grease fitting voi tra dau.
308 309
grease gun grey scale

grey scale thang do mau xam, thuoc gripper clamp cai kyp c~p giay.
grease gun sung tra dau. green etch dung dich an mon ban in
bang g6m arabich-bicr6mat. do mau xam. gripper edge mep c~p giay.
grease hole Jo tra dau b6i tran.
green earth ll_lc th6. grey step wedge thang do mau xam. gripper end c<:1nh mep cap giay.
grease oil dau b6i tran.
green copper ore qu~ng dong ll_lc, grey value gia trj xam, trj so xam. gripper end of plate mep c~p ban in.
grease spot vet dau.
CuSi03.2H20 . grid Juoi; ban mi\u chir [sap chl_lp]; gripper guide co ch~n phia truoc c~p
grease stain vet dau. mang Juoi [may tfnh] tam phim ke 6
green hydroquinone quinkinon giay.
greased (dii) boi tran, (da) tra dau. C4H402.CJ-I4(0H)2. ly ·dung de blnh ban khu6n in.
gripper margin khoang triing mep
grease-proof ink ml!c in chju dau green quality module mo dun chat grid area vung duong ke 6 vu6ng.
c~p giay.
mo. luqng mau ll_lc. grid lines duong ke 6 vu6ng. gripper mechanism ca ca'u c~p giay.
grease-proof paper giay phong green sensitive emulsion layer lap grind nghien mai. gripper pad d¢m rang c~p giay.
chong dau. nhu ttrang nh<:1Y sang mau ll_lc.
grind surface be m~t bj mai. gripper pads bar mieng d¢m rang
grease-receptive (thu¢c) mo than green viscometer nh6t ke Grin
dau. (Green). grindability tfnh nghien mai duqc; d¢ c~p giay.
grease-spotted c6 vet d6m dau. nghien mai. gripper posts d¢m rang c~p giay.
green vitriol sat (II) sunfat,
FeS0 4 .7H2 0 grindable nghien mai duqc. gripper shafts trl_lc rang c~p giay.
greaseproof paper giay phong chong
dau. greeting card thiep chuc mung. grinder may nghien. gripper transfer sytem h¢ th6ng cap
greasing (dii) boi tran; ban bi ma [sl! grey mau xam. grinding (SI!) nghien; ban mai; giay va truyen nha giay.
c6J; tham dau [sl! co]. nghien mai. gripping edge mep c~p giay.
grey axis trl_lc mau xam.
great prinmer ten g9i cu chir chl 18 grinding charge me nghien. Grolier binding d6ng sach kieu
phan in. grey balance can bang xam.
grinding machine may mai ban [ban Grolier.
greater-than symbol ky hi¢u Ion hon grey balance chart bieu do can bang in lom], may nghien mai.
xam. Grolier style kieu d6ng sach Grolier.
(>). grinding marble vien bi mai ban.
grey cast iron thep due mau xam. groove duong riinh hypo gay sach.
Greek alphabet bang chu cai Hy I~p. grinding sand cat mai ban.
grey contact screew phim tram c6ng- grooved mount nen giln hlnh ranh
Greek fashion each trlnh bay (sach, gr_indometer dl_lng kiem tra d¢
tac mau xam, phim tram tiep xuc Cl_! hyp.
tranh) kieu Hy ll:}p. m,n ffil!C in.
rnau xam. grotesque chu kieu gr6-tet dl:}ng chu
Greek letter representation each grey filter kfnh (phim) J9c sac mau gripper nhfp c~p giay. d~m.
hifo thj chu cai Hy I~p.
xam. grip~e! allowance d¢ cho phep mep ground dat, nen, san 16t, in nen; in
Greek type kieu Chu Hy ll:}p. grey level gia trj d¢ xam. c~p g1ay. I6t; nghien;. tan, mai mon.
green mau l~1c. grey level transformation SI! bien gripper bar thanh nyp c~p gilfy. ground block ban in mau nen.
green copper ore qu~ng d6ng ll_lc, d6i 011:l'C d9 xam, chuyen hoa ffill'C d(>
gripper carrier gia nhfp c~p giay. ground caustic b¢t kiem an da.
CuSi03.2H20 xam.
ground colour
guide mark

ground colour I6p son I6t. group nh6m, goc; phan lap, phan guide mark da'u chi dan djnh vi. gum nh!Ja (cay); cao su; nh!Ja hoa
ground glass thuy tinh mai, thuy tinh nh6m. h9c, cao su t6ng hgp; nhlfa th6ng.
guide ~umb~r tr! so th!fc lugng anh
nham; kfnh ma; kfnh mai cat t<_lo group printing nh6m in, t~p doan in. sang cua nguon sang. gum arabic g6m arabic.
thanh kfnh ma.
grouping ghep ban, phoi mau. guide pin kim chi tren d~mg c1,1 do. gum coater may trang phu keo.
ground glass stopper nut nham.
grouping camera may chl;Jp ghep guide plate ban diin hu6ng. gum copal gom copal.
ground glass stopper flash blnh nut ban. guide rail duang ray dan hu6ng. gum damma gom <lama.
grouping of liner bien t~p dong, guide register s6 chi dan lnr6ng. gum dragon phlln hong, nhva mau
ground ink m!JC in nen byt, m!JC in hang.
guide roller tr1,1c diin giay. r6ng.
g.s.m gam/m 2 ; so gam tren m(>t met
guide stop fingers num barn giam toe gum ester ette nhva thong.
ground line duang co ban chan chii'. vu6ng.
d(>. gum gamboge nh!Ja mau vang Sam.
ground mass khoi lugng chfnh. guard nap phong h(>, ban phong h(>,
guide tongue Juoi ch~n giay.
ban bao v¢. gum juniper nh!Ja cay bach xu c6
ground paper giay nen de ve ban
guide word tieu de phi;! thuang xep qua do tham, g6m sanda.
mau hay de in, giay nen. guard for the sheet feeder ban bac
v6i ca chu nho hon [tu dien].
v~ b9 ph~n dp giay ta rai. gum mastic nhlfa mat-tft.
ground plan sc, d6 m~t bfulg lap nen. guide-wheet banh xe dan gia'y, con
guard for the v-belt (vee-belt)-drive Ian dan giay. gum process phuong phap in g6m,
ground pulp b(>t go mai [san xuat
ban bao v~ day dai da chuyen d(>ng nh!Ja th!Jc v~t.
giayJ. h1nh chu V (tam giac). guideline duang chi diin, dong mau
chuAn, trang in mau. gum resin nhlfa thl!c v~t.
ground temperature nhi¢t d(> m~t guard plate ban phong h(>, ban bao
<lat. v~. ban chan. guiding cam cam hu6ng dan chuy€n gum rosin tung huong, nhva th6ng.
ground tint sac thai mau nen, mau d6i len xuong ho~c tien Jui. gum sandarac g6m sandarac.
guard sheet ta giay mong bao v¢
nen nhc;. tranh ve minh hO<!- kem trong sach. Guignet's green mau h.1c Guignet,
gum stencil mang chju axft.
ground varmish vec-ni 16p nen. mau ll;Jc oxit cr6m ng~m nu6c.
guarding bao v¢ gay sach. gum streak vet trang phu keo [Slf co).
g~ilder's size chat ket dfnh long
ground water nu6c ngam, nu6c du6i gudgeon dau true. !rang !rung dung khi ffi<!- vang. gum varnish vec ni nhva.
guide ban dan giay vao may, thanh guilloching machine may khac van gum-bichromate process phucmg
ground-tint van nfo dat. dan giay. mau. phap in g6m - bicromat.
ground-tint plate ban in mau nen. guide book sach hu6ng dan. gu_illotine may xen gia'.y d<,lp chan, gummed label nhan hang da !rang
groundwood fiber sgi b(>t go mai. may xen giay.
guide color bang mau mau tieu phu keo m~t sau, nhan hang !If dan.
groundwood paper giay san xuat tu chuan. guillotine blade luoi dao xen giay. gummed paper giay da trang phu
b(>t g6 mai. . guide cylinder trl;JC truyen dan giay. guillotine knife dao xen giay. keo.
groundwood pulp b(> go mai [san guide line duang chi dan tren to in g~!llotine system h¢ thong may xen gummed paper tape bang gi11y dii
xuat giay]. g1a:y. trang phu keo.
thu (ra soat SL!a bong bai).

312 313
gummed tape bachure

gummed tape bang da phu keo. gutter mang, ranh; khoang trang giua
gumming (st,r) b9c cao su; (st,r) boi hai trang; khoang trang gifra cac
duang ke chl; khoang tr6ng gifra cac
keo; !rang keo, quet keo.

c(>t chfr.
gumming machine may trang phu
gutter margin rla, bien le sach.
gutter space khoang each khau, d6ng
gumming out bong mang, troc mang.
k~p rhep.
gumming paper giay tning phu keo.
gutter stick v~t Ii~u chen khoang
gumming roller trl;IC Ian !rang phu tr6ng gifra cac ban in [ghep khuon
hachure net chai, net anh, net quang. half bleached tay trilng m(>t nira.
keo. ban in].
Hacker plate gauge d1;1ng c1;1 do d9 half bound sach dong mi).t bla dung
gumming up trang phu keo, phet keo. gypsum khuon chfr th<,1ch cao.
cao mi).t ban chfnh xac ban in cao. m(>t m'.ra da, bla sach hon hqp.
guncotton bong colodion. gypsum earth dat th<,1ch cao.
hair toe; long; day t6c. half calf bound sach dong dung m(>t
gusseted bag tui gap goc. gypsum mould khuon chfr the:lch cao. nua da de.
hair hygrometer am ke day toe
Gutenberg, Johan Johan Gutenbec. gyration chuyen d9ng quay. half case m9t nua h¢p chfr, h9p chfr
hair line duong net trong chfr rat nho,
gutta percha nht,ra guta pecxa. gyratory crusher may nghien quay. manh, net ve rat nho. chl thuong.
hair space khoang each gifra cac chfr half cloth binding dong sach ml).t bla
rat nh6. sach dung m(>t ni:ra vai.
hair-space cai chen rat manh. half diamond indention sap chfr thu
nho nhlt hlnh tam giac dao ngUQ"C.
hair-vein trang trf mi1-t dt dung van da.
half frame ban sap chfr c6 hai h<)p chfr.
hairbrush ban chai long.
hairline duong net chfr rat manh. Half Imperial kfch thuoc ta giay
16,5x23,5 tac Anh.
hairline register thiet bj long chuan
tinh xao. high lap anh ghep. Hai hlnh anh ghep
ke nhau tren m(>t lop M.
halation quang sang, anh quang
khOng ro, mo. half Large kfch thuoc danh thiep
half m(>t m'.ra. 2,25x3 tic Anh.

half band net kham rat nho. half leather dong sach dung m¢t nira
da thu(>c.
Half Bilheads kfch thuac to giay
8,5x14 tac Anh. half leather binding dong sach m~t
bla dung m(>t nira da thu(>c.
h~lf binding dong sach ml).t bla sach
dung m(>t nua da. half linen dong sach dung m(>t nira vai.

314 315
halftone etching
half long

halftone etching An mon diem tram, halftone scale thang tang thu diem tram.
half long ky am nua truong d¢. half-plate ban kfnh kh6 ch1;1p anh che ban an mon diem tram. halftone screen kfnh tram.
half measure sap chu chia hai cqt, halftone exposure ch1,1p anh tram,
sap ban thanh hai c¢t. half-sheet imposition to in tr6 toan halftone screen angle g6c d¢ diem tram.
ch1,1p anh qua kfnh tram.
trang, in ban in hai lien. halftone screen determiner d1,1ng Cl;! .
half morocco dong sach dung m¢t halftone forme ban tram, kfnh tram,
nua da moroco. half-sheet work in ban in tro loan xac dinh s6 duong tram.
phim tram.
trang, in ban in hai lien. halftone screen distance Cl! ly kfnh
half page nua !rang. halftone generator may t~o diim tram.
half-size web press may in gia'y cuon tram.
half sheet pha d6i to in toan trang. ha lftone gravure ch1,1p anh tram ban
mia kh6 gi!y. · halftone separation negative phim
half stock ban thanh pham; vfra gia'y. in lorn, che ban tram in lorn.
half-tints sac di¢u nh~t trung gian. am ban tach mau c6 tram.
halftone gravure plate ban in lorn tram.
half stuff ban thanh pham; viia giay. halftone separation positive phim
half-title tieu de ph1,1, ten sach t6m luc:;rc. halftone illustration tranh minh ho~
half title page trang ten sach rut g9n ducmg ban tach mau c6 tram.
half-title page trang sach t6m ltrqc ban d6ng in tram.
6 truoc trang ten sach. halftone stepwedge thang tAng thu
truac trang ten sach. halftone ink ml;fc in ban in cao c6 tram. diem tram.
half Uncial chfr cai nua than k.iiu Unical.
half-width web press may in gia'y halftone negative phirn am ban c6 tram. halftone value tri s6 diem tram, s6
Half-Ililheached kfch thuoc to gilly cu9n nLta kh6 giay ngang.
halftone news gia'y bao ban in tram. phiin tram diem tram.
8,5xl4 tic Anh.
half-deck kieu nua v¢ tinh.
halftone original ban mau c6 tram. halftonometer d1,1ng c1,1 do de) sau An
half-bound sach dong dung m¢t nua
halftone nua !Ong, nua sac di¢u, t~ng mon diem tram.
da thu9c ho~c m9t nua vai. halftone paper gilly phan, gilly cut-
thu tram. halide halogenua.
half-cloth-bound sach dong dung xe; giay dung in ban in tram.
halftone block ban in kem hay d6ng
m¢t mia vai. halftone photographic process halo quling sang; vong sang.
c6 tram. ban in cao c6 tram.
phu011g phap ch1,1p che ban tram. halo effect hi¢u ung quling sang.
half-dark type kieu chii nua d~m.
halftone color separation ph9.n tach
halftone photography thu~t ch1,1p
half-fat kiiu chfr beo, kiiu chfr d~m. mau c6 tram. · halo formation hi¢n tuqng qu~ng
anh tram.
half-fold jaw cylinder tr1,1c gap tay halftone color plate ban d6ng in mau halftone picture buc anh c6 tram.
sach tam trang. c6 tram. halo sap nuoc nhl;fa cay.
halftone plate ban in cao c6 tram.
half-leather-bound dong sach dung halftone copy ban mau ch1,1p anh. hallow back khoang lung [d6ng sach].
m¢t nua da thu¢c. h.'llftone positive phirn duong ban c6 tram.
halftone cut ban in cao c6 tram, ban halogen halogen.
half-monthly bao nua thang m9t ky, kem in co tram. ha_l~tone-pre-exposure t~o tram truoc
ch1Cu sang. halogen compound hqp chat halogen.
bao hai tuan mc)t ky.
halftone dot diem tram. halogen lamp den halogen.
halftone print an pham in tram.
half-morocco-bound d6ng sach dung
halftone dot image anh hay h1nh anh halogen silver b~c halogenua.
mc)t nLra da moroco. halftone printing in ban in cao c6 tram.
co tram.
half-nonpareil chii co ba phil.n in. h~lftone process phucmg phap che halogen silver emulsion nhu tuang
halftone engraving an mon ban in ban ban in cao c6 tram. b~c halogenua.
half-pasting quet h6 tung be) ph~n. cao c6 tram.
haloid band sewing

band sewing khau chi thu cong. hand-saw cua bang tay.
haloid (thuQc) halogen. hand drive truyen d¢ng bang tay.
band spindle press may ep in thu c6ng. hand-set ban in silp chfr bang tay.
haloid acid axit halogen. hand engraved intaglio plate ban in
Jorn khk bang tay. band tooling khac chfr rai thu c6ng. hand-set text ban van sap chfr bang tay.
haloid element nguyen t6 halogen.
hand feeding cap giay bang tay. band truck xe keo, dliy tay. hand-sewed (thuQc) khau chi bang
halometer mu6i ke.
hand folding gifp sach bang tay. tay.
halometry phep do mu6i. band type m<;t bla sach thu cong dung
hand gilding m<;t vang sach bang tay. chfr bang dong. hand-tooled chil' roi khilc bang tay.
halomash ban che quang sang.
hand guard ban bao v¢ tay. hand vice e-tO quay tay. handbill truyen dO'n.
halt ngung may [may tfnh).
hand inking roller cha 10 ffi\!C bang tay. hand wheel vong banh xe quay tay. handbook s6 tay ghi nhfrng dieu co
hand ky hi¢u chi thj. fch, sach huang dan, sach chi nam.
hand labeler d~mg c9 dan nhan bang tay. hand-bound sach dong thu cong.
hand baling press may dong bao thu cong. handcasting machine may due chfr
hand lay-up method phuang phap hand-colouring nhan c6ng thiet ke
(chl) quay tay.
hand binding dong sach thu cong. phu gap thu cong. mau sac.
hand blocking ep in thu cong. handle tay cam, xu ly, can cam tay,
hand letter chfr ep in thu cong. hand-cut giay xen thu cOng.
diiu khien.
hand bookbinding dong sach thu cong. hand lettering kieu chfr viet tay. hand-cut overlay d~m lot ban thu cOng.
handling dieu khien, XU Jy, gia c6ng,
hand bronzer may thiep vang thu c6ng. hand lever dn dieu khien bang tay. hand-engraved plate ban khac thu cOng. thao do hang.
hand cast due chi! thu cong. hand lever press may in thu d~p hand-made paper giay xen thu cong, handling equipment thiet bi thao do hang.
hand caster may due chfr thu cong. bang tay. san xuat giay thu cOng.
handmade paper che giay thu c6ng.
hand colour separation phan tach hand levigator mai ban da dung ban thep. hand-operated (thu¢c) thao tac thu cOng.
handmould khuOn due thu cong.
mau thu cong, nhan c6ng tach mau. hand pack mat giay che to phong thu hand-operated drive truyen dQng quay tay.
cong. handsheet xeo giay bang tay.
hand composing sap chfr thu cong. hand-operated foot press may in
hand press may in tht'.1 cong. d<;lp chan truyen d¢ng quay ray. handviewer d9ng c9 d9c phim cuQn
hand composing department phan
thu nho kiiu viet tay.
xuang sap chil' thu cong. hand pressure ep in thu c6ng. hand-operated guillotine may xen
giay quay tay. handwork thu cOng, cOng ngh¢ tinh
hand composing equipment thiet bj hand proof in thu thu cong.
sap chfr thu cong. hand-operated punching machine xao.
hand proof press may in thu thu cong.
hand composition sap chfr thu cong. may d9c lo quay tay. handwriting sao chep bang tay, ban
hand proofing St! in thu thu c6ng.
hand compositor cong nhan sap chil' hand-operated switch d6ng ma quay tay. thao viet tay, kitu viet tay.
hand pull in thu thu c6ng. handwritten dedication sl;f de t~ng
thu cong. hand-press may in quay tay.
hand retouching sua ban thu c6ng. viet tay.
hand crank tn_1c khuyu quay tay. hand-printed character recognition
hand roller Ian, cha lo ml;fc bAng tay. nh~n biet chfr kifo viet bang tay. handy(thu¢c) phuang ti~n. de sir
hand cutter may dao xen giay thu cong. d9ng ho~c de dieu khiin.
hand set sap chil' thu c6ng. ~an~-printed process phuang phap
hand development hi~n anh thu cong, hang up treo hong phai giay.
hand setting s~r silp chu thu c6ng. m thu cOng.
hi~n anh trong ch~u lac bang tay.

hang-up ngung may ngoai y mu6n hard cover book sach bla cCrng. hard-cover binding d6ng sach bla hardening temperature nhi¢t d9 hoa
[may tfnh].
hard disk drive (thiet bj) truyen hrc cung, dong sach tinh xao. rfo, nhi¢t d¢ hoa cung.
hanger thiet bj hong phai giay. dia cung. · hard-cover binding machine may hardening treatment xu ly mang
hanger marks dau(ky hi¢u), treo, dfo hard dot diem tram tht,rc. diem tram dong sach bla cung. cung, xti ly hoa rfo.
n6i lien quan gifra cac tu. c6 m~t d¢ den cao. hard-cover book production line day hardness d¢ cung; d¢ rfo; d¢ r6 net
hanging giay dan tuong. hard dot halftone diem tram thuc truyen lien hqp dong sach bla cung. [anhJ.
diem tram c6 m~t d¢ den cao. . ' hard-grained (thu¢c) mai ban h<;tt hardness tester d1,mg c1,1 do <!('> cCrng.
hanging figures lo~i chfr s6 kiiu cu.
hard dot process phuang phap tram thO, t<lO h<tt th6. hardware phan cCrng [may tfnh].
hanging indention bat dau tu dong
hoa ban in 16111. hard-working developer dung djch
thCr hai sap chfr nho [sap chfr]. hardware character ky ttf phan cung.
hard drive (thiet bi) truyen lt,rc cfia cCrng. hi¢n anh d¢ tl!C1ng phan cao.
hanging paper giay dan tuong. hardware check kiem che phan
hard etching ink mt,rc bao v¢ chong hardback sach bla cung. cung, tro ng<ti phan cCrng.
hanging paragraph bat dau tU' dong
an mon thanh ben net ban in. hardbound d6ng sach bla cung, sach
thCr hai phan do~n sap chfr nho. hardware interrupt gian do<tn trong
hard facility nhung ti¢n nghi cCrng. blacung. phan cCrng [may tfnh].
hangs together sap chfr deu tn~n m~t
ban [sap chfr]. hard fibre sqi cung; xa, th6' giay. hardcover sach bla cCrng, sach da cung. hardware RIP (Raster Image
hansa yellow mau vang han-sa. harden toi; hoa cung; cung !<ti; d6ng Processor) phan cung thiet bj xu Iy
hard flame ng9n liia toa nhi¢t cao.
d~c, hoa ran. anh tram.
halography s-ap l<ti chfr bj bo s6r. hard gradation duong gradaxion
hardened (thu¢c) t6i; da hoa ran; da hard water nuoc cung.
thing dung.
hard cCrng, ran, ch&c; chat. d6ng d~c. hardlequins chfr h9a tier.
hard image anh hay hlnh anh c6 d¢
hard aluminium nh6m cCrng. hardened resin nht,ra hoa ran; nhva hardmony S\f hai hoa mau sac, S\f
llfang phan cao.
hard back sach bla cCrng. thong cung ron. hoa hqp kieu chfr.
hard metal kim lo<_li cCrng, hqp kim cll'llg.
hard beating pulp b9t giay kh6 quay hardener chat t6i; chat lam cCrng Hardtridge's polychromatic theory
hard negative phim am ban tang thu mang; chat dong ran. ly thuyet da sac Hardtridge.
cCrng (d¢ tuang phan cao).
hard binding d6ng sach bla cCrng. hardening (st,r) t6i; (stf) hoa ran; (SIJ) hash addressing dja chi dfo huong
hard packing bao goi chac cCrng. dong d~c. tlm th6ng tin rai rach 6 dau d6 trong
hard black mu¢i than cCrng, den cung. may tfnh.
hard paper giay each di¢n bakelit. hardening agent cha't hoa nfo, chat
hard bleaching pulp b¢t giay kh6 d6ng ran mang, chat lam cCrng mang. hashing each toa tan [may tfnh].
hard rubber ebonit, cao su cCrng.
tAy trang.
hardening bath dung djch hoa cung, hashing function ham s6 toa tan.
hard tone t6ng mau mt,rc in cCrng, ran.
hard board cac t6ng c(rng, bla cung. dung djch lam cung mang. hat-tip press may in m<t vang thu c6ng.
hard top ink mang mvc in cung, ran.
hard chrome plating m~ cr6m cung. h~rd~ning fixing bath dung djch hatch net anh am ban, tia anh am, net
hard water nu6'c cCrng. d1nh anh lam cung mang. g<lch g<1ch, net chiii.
hard copy danh may in thti, ban in ra
giay tren may in la-de hay may in kim. hard-copy tape bang giay in tht't. hardening pro_cess qua trlnh dong ran. hazard nguy hiem, rui ro, chuong ng<li.
hazardous chemicals

hazardous chemicals duqc pham hoa head margin khoang le trang tren
h9c nguy hiem. head-page trang dau, trang dau heat proof colour chat mau ben nhi¢t.
dau trang.
chl!ang, crang bla trong.
haze ma h6 (phim thu rat nho), st.tang heat rays buc X<;i nhi¢t.
head notes Joi ghi chu tren dau trang. head-prece trang trf trang dau, trang
mu. heat recovery equipment thiet bj thu
head of a book tren dau sach. cri dau chuang. Mi nhi¢t.
haze filter phim l9c mau tia tu ngo<;ii.
head of the page tren dau trang sach. headband vai gap bjt dau bla sach
hazel mau nau do. heat reflector thiet bj phan x<;1 nhi¢t.
[d6ng sach], bang vai dau gay sach.
head ornament trang trf tieu de. heat regulator thiet bj dieu hoa nhi¢t,
HB process pht.tang phap che ban headbanding and lining vai dan gay
nhieu mau HB. head punch dl.Jng Cl.J d(>t JO phan diiu thiet bj dieu tiet nhi¢t.
sach va dan bjt dau sach.
phim. heat resistance tfnh ben nhi¢t.
HBU (highlight boost out) nang cao headbanding machine may dan bang
tang thCr vung sang. head rule dt.tong ke tren dau trang, viii dau sach. heat resistant (thu9c) Mn nhi¢t.
HD sensitometer may do d9 nh<;iy dtrcmg ke mep sach.
header sheet (rang dau. heat roller !Tl.JC gia nhi¢t.
sang HD. head sealing dan bjt kfn tren dau.
heading tieu de, chil' tieu de, chil' tft, heat sensitivety tfnh nh1,ty n6ng; d¢
HDO (highlight drop out) giam m~t head space khoang trang tren dau de ffil,IC nho. nh~y n6ng.
d¢ vung sang. trang.
heading character chi! tieu de, chi! tft. heat sink may gia nhi¢t, riinh gia nhi¢t.
He-Ne laser lade Heli-Neon. head stick Ianh-go, cai chen khoang
heading chase sap linh ki¢n trong heat source ngu6n nhi¢t.
head tieu de, dau tu, mep sach, dau mep trang tren dau trang.
khung ban. heat test thf nghi¢m gia nhi¢t.
mep giay, khoang le trfog tren dau
head title tieu de.
trang sach. heading printing in tieu de. heat stability test Sl.J' thu chju n6ng.
head to come tieu de cht.ta djnh (in
head and tail khoang le trfog tren headless paragraph each phan do<;in heat storage Sl.J' tru nhi¢t.
dau va chan !rang sach. khc,ng c6 tieu de.
heat transfer Sl.J' truyen nhi¢t.
head and tail pieces trang trf dau head to foot mep le sach tren dau den headline tieu de trang dau, tieu de bao.
cht.tang va cuoi cht.tang. chan trang sach. heat transfer machine may in truyen
headnote Joi ghi tren dau trang, Jeri nhi¢t.
head and tail punches ca c!u dl.JC 16 head to heat so sanh, doi chieu mep cht'.i giai.
dau va dtr6i chan. le sach tren dau hai trang sach. heat transfer paper giay in truyen
heat conductor chat d!n nhi¢t. nhi¢t.
head band dai bang dati sach, trang head writer cOng. Cl.J viet sach chi!'
trf hoa dau cht.tang sach. tieu de. heat development hi¢n anh nhi¢t. heat transfer printing in truyen nhi¢t.
heat distribution phan b6 nhi¢t Juqng. heat transfer process phuang phap
head clogging bjt ch~n dau tu. head-cap chi dau gay sach [dong
truyen nhi¢t.
sach tinh xao]. he~t embossing press may ep n6i
head edge khoang le trang tren dau
trang. head-level cac ca tieu de, chu tft.
nh1¢t. heat treatment Sl.J' xu ly nhi¢t.
heat extracter thiet bj tan nhi¢t. heat-absorbing glass kfnh hap thl.l
head furniture cai chen Ion khoang head-liner may sap chi! tft, tieu de.
le triing tren dau trang. . heat fixing djnh anh nhi¢t.
head-on light chieu sang chfnh di¢n, heat-developing film phim hi¢n anh
head line dong tieu de. chieu sang lfl!C tiep. heat fusing nhi¢t n6ng chay. nhi¢t.
heat-reactive ink current

heat-reactive ink ffi\!C in phan ung heat unit dO'tl vi nhi¢t. heavy current dong di¢n m~nh. height gauge d'-:lng c1,1 do chieu cao.
nhi¢t. heat up nung, say. height justification dieu chinh d¢
heavy face kicfo chfr d~m.
heat-resistant print nguyen li¢u phu cao chfr.
heat utilization SI! su d'-:lng nhi¢t. heavy hydrogen hydro nil.ng; doteri.
khang nhi¢t, ID\!C in ben nhi¢t. height of a letter d(> cao tieu chuin
heat value nhi¢t trj. heavy industry cOng nghi¢p nil.ng.
heat-seal gan nhi¢t kfn. chfr ch1 (0,9186 tac Anh).
heatbanding and backlining system heavy ink ml!c dil.c.
heat-seal strength cuang d(> giln height of shank d¢ cao than chfr.
h¢ thong may dan vai bjt dau va gay
nhi¢t kfn. sach. heavy metal kim lo~ nil.ng. height of type d(> cao chfr.
heat-scalable c6 the giln nhi¢t kfn. heater lo nung; lo dun; may gia nhi¢t heavy naphtha ligroin nil.ng. height of type face d(> cao mil.t chfr chl.
heat-sealing adhesive chat keo dan heavy pressing station t6 hqp may
heating SI! nung; SI! d6t; SI! dun; gia nhi¢t height to shoulder d(> cao vai chil' chl.
nhi¢t kin. ep [dong sach].
heating bath n6i dun. height-to-paper d(> cao chil' rbi.
heat-sealing film mang m6ng dan heavy spar barit, BaS04•
nhi¢t kin. heating body thiet bi dun. helical xoiln 6c.
heavy type kieu chfr d!!-m, den.
heat-sealing foil mang mong dan heating box tu gia nhi¢t; tu dun n6ng. helical gear banh rang nghieng, xien.
nhi¢t kfn. heavy-bodied n6ng d9 cao, d(> dinh
heating capacity nhi¢t dung; nhi¢t trj. helio fast red RL mau do ben anh
(dil.c) cao.
heat-sealing mahcine may dan nhi¢t kin.
heating curve duang nhi¢t. sang ban ngay.
Hebrew alphabet chfr cai Hebro;
heat-sealing tape bang keo ruin nhi¢t kin.
heating effect hi¢u ung nhi¢t. ngon ngu cua ngubi Hebro duqc dung Helio-klischograph may khac di¢n tu
heat-sealing varnish vec-ni dan nhi¢t nhat la aIsrael. ban in lorn.
heating gas khf dot.
kfn. hectograph each chep l~i ban in bang heliochrome ch'-:IP anh mau thien
heating medium chat tai nhi¢t.
heat-sensitive copying paper giay [6p xet]. nhien.
sao ch'-:IP nh~y cam nhi¢t. heating plate ban gia nhi¢t; ban
hectograph process phuO'tlg phap helichromy thu~t ch'-:IP anh mau thien
heat-set ink ml!c in kho nhi¢t (den nung; ban dun:
chep l~i ban in bang [op xet]. nhien.
Mng ngo~i). heating temperature nhi¢t d(> nung;
hectographic ink muc in lai ban in heliograph ch'-:IP che ban anh sang
heat-setting dye thu6c nhu(>m kho nhi¢t d(> dun. bang [6p xet]. . . ban ngay.
nhi¢t. heating unit thiet bi gia nhi¢t.
hectographic printing in ban giay heliographic materials v~t li¢u ch'-:IP
heat-setting property tfnh chat dOng heavy nang; tho; sanh, dil.c s¢t; kh6 sap ban in bang [6p xet]. anh che ban in anh sang ban ngay.
cCrng nhi¢t. bay hoi. hectography in ban giay sap; ban in heliographic paper giay ch1,1p anh
heat-transfer rate t6c d(> in truyen heavy addition SI! them Iuqng Ian. bang [6p xet]. cheban anh sang ban ngay.
heavy-bodied sanh, dil.c s¢t. heel nick kMc chfr [chfr ch1]. heliographic printing in ch'-:IP che
heat-transfer surface be mil.t truyen
heavy-bodied ink ml!c in d(> dfnh Heel-Nick khac chu 6 than chu chl. ban anh sang ban ngay.
·cao. heliography phuong phap ch'-:IP anh
heatset web offset ml!c in 6p xet giay height d(> cao cua sach, chieu cao cua
cu(>n kho nhi¢t. heavy chemicals hoa chat co ban. sach. che ban anh sang ban ngay.


heliogravure cht1p anh in 16m. henna mau do tham.

bidden line removal

bidden line removal lo!!-i bo ducmg

high gloss paper giay phfu d¢ nhan
b6ng cao.
haY net khuat.
heliotrope mau do tfm nh<!-t; mau hai tfa. hepta bay. high gl~ varnish vec ni lang b6ng cao.
bidden surface be m~t khuat, di?n
heliotype ban cOIOtyp, ban in tren heptacyclic compound hqp chat bay lchuat (che ban d6 ho!!- tren may tfnh). high in line chu sap cao han dong
Vong; h(Jp chat Vong b!ly C,!.fih. chu blnh thucmg [sap chu].
kfnh. hide glue keo da d9ng v~t.
helium heli, He. He-Ne laser Jade heli-neon. high key tling tht'r ct'rng.
hiding power 11,tc phii ciia b¢t mau.
helix lo XO xoan; dAy xolin; ducmg Hercules Graphic Card giay day high key original ban miiu tang tht'r ct'rng.
ct'rng ve phoi canh d6 ho<!- don sk hierarchical menu th1,tc don sap xep
xolin 6c. high machine finish d¢ lang b6ng
theo h? thong c6 tht'r b~c.
hell n6i hay Jo nau l,!.i chl da SU dt1ng. hermetically sealed (thu¢c) b9c kfn, (may) cao.
d6ng kfn, niem phong kfn. hieroglyh chu tuqng hlnh.
hellbox noi hay Jo nau l<!-i chl da SU high magnification d¢ ph6ng d<!-i cao
Herschel effect hi¢u t'rng Hee-sen hieroglyphic script chu tuqng hlnh. gap nhieu Ian.
hello screen m9t lo<!-i tram phfo high acutance developer dung d\ch high memory b¢ nho dung luqng cao.
hevea nh(!a cao su. hi¢n anh d¢ sic net cao.
mem. high memory Area (HMA) vung b9
help function cht'rc nang ct'ru tr(J, hexa- sau. high contrast d¢ tucmg phan cao, nho dung luqng cao [may tfnh].
cOng nang b6 tr(J. hexafluorosilic acid axit hexaflosilic, tang thu' ct'rng.
high molecular compound hqp chat
help key khoa b6 trq, khoa ct'ru trq. H2SiF6• high contrast positive phim duong hoa h9c cao phAn tu.
help menu h,ra ch9n menu ct'ru trq hexagonal nut 6c v~n bu loong hlnh ban d¢ tuong phan cao.
high molecular substance hqp chat
(may tfnh). Sall C<!-nh. high definition d¢ ro net cao. hoa h9c cao phAn tu.
help screen ho trq hi?n th\. hexyl goc hexyl, CHiCH2 ) 4 CH2.
high definition Screening (HDS) ky high pile delivery ban nh~n giay in ra
hexyl acetate hexyl axetat, thu~t d[nh nghia diem tram cao. ch6ng cao.
helper trq thii, b6 tr(J, nguoi giup da;
trlnh ti! ct'ru tr(J. CH 3COOC6 H 13• high density plastic chat deo ty tr<;>ng h igh pile feeder b¢ ph~n cap giay in
helper motor d¢ng ca di~n phl;I tr(J. Hi-Fi color mau sic c6 d9 trung thl!C cao. ch6ng cao.
cao. high polish m~t b6ng cao d¢.
hemp cay gai dau. High density polyethylene
Hi-Fi color printing in mau c6 d¢ polyetylen ty tr9ng cao.
hemp brown paper giay san xuat tu high polymer polyme phAn tu Ion, d!!-i
trung th(!c cao.
sqi cAy gai dau mau nAu. high etch effect in op-xet khO, in op phan tu.
hiatus s6t chu [ban thao]; s6t cAu. xet ban in cao. high polymer semiconductor cao
hemp paper giay san xuat tu sqi cAy
hickies vet d6m.trang hlnh tron [sl,t cO} high finish paper giay can lang cao cap. phAn tu ban din.
gai dau.
Hempel quoin cai nem chen ch~t ban hidden file che giau kfn du Ji¢u. high gloss lang b6ng cao. high pressure ap suat cao.
Hempel. hidden line duong hay net khuat [ch! high gloss ink m1,tc in c6 d¢ b6ng cao. high pressure compressor may nen
hen do<!-n cong ciia dau ngo~c don. ban do ho<!- tren may tfnh]. cao ap.
high gloss lamination mat mang dan
Henderson process phuong phap che hidden line elemination lo<!-i bo de) b6ng cao. · high quad cai chen vuOng cao.
ban in Jorn Henderson. duong hay net khuat.
high reduction

high reduction thu nho nhieu Jan. high-contrast emulsion nhu ttrong c6
lligh-quality Screening

J{igh-quality Screening (HQS) ky highlight boost up nAng cap tang thu

vung sang.
d¢ tuong phan cao. thu~t tram boa chat luqng cao.
high resolution J~rc phan giai cao, d¢ highlight bump exposure chieu sang
high-contrast pan film phim toan high-satured colour mau in no cao khong c6 tram, Juoi.
pban giai cao.
sac c6 d¢ tuong phan cao. dO mau in biio boa cao d¢.
high resolution inkjet printer may ·' highlight contrast d¢ tuong phan
high-end dinh cao. high-speed buffer b¢ ph~n giam x6c vung sang.
in phun ml!c c6 d¢ pban giai cao.
high-end digital proofing in thu ky 16c d¢ cao. highlight details tang thu vung sang.
high resolution power film phim c6
thu~t s6 dinh cao. high-speed development hi¢n anh
d¢ pban giai cao. highlight dot diem tram sang ro CJ
high-end performance hi¢u suat 16c d¢ cao.
high space cai chen khoang tr6ng cao. vung sang.
dinh cao, tfnh nang dinh cao, thanh high-speed emulsion nhil tuong nh~y
high speed t6c d¢ cao, cao t6c. tfch dinh cao. highlight drop-out giam tang thu
sling toe d¢ cao.
vung sang.
high speed centrifuge may ly tam high-frequency drying say kh6 cao tan. high-speed film phim nh~y sang t6c
t6c d¢ cao. highlight exposure chieu sang vung sang.
high-frequency seal bit kfn uin so d(> cao.
high speed mill may nghien mai toe cao, gin xi tan s6 cao. highlight flash chieu sang vung sang.
high-speed fixing dinh anh t6c d¢ cao.
d¢ cao. high-frequency welding equipment highlight halftone ban in cao kh6ng
high-speed paper cutter may xen
high surface energy nang ltrqng be thiet bi ham tan
s6 cao.
giay t6c d¢ cao.
c6 tram CJ vung sang.
mi/.t cao. high-gloss paper giay Jang b6ng cao. highlight initation gioi h~n cap d¢
high-speed photography ch~p anh tang thu vung sang.
high temperature nhi?t d¢ cao. high-level language (HLL) ngon ngii' t6c d9 cao.
high tension cao the. b~c cao [may tfnh]. highlight lens 6ng kfnh thu nho
high-speed press may in t6c d¢ cao. diapham tuy y.
high to line dong chu sap cao hem high-polish additive chat ph~ gia
blnh thuang [sap chu]. . mai b6ng cao. high-speed printer may danh chu t6c highlight limitation gioi h~n clip d¢
d(> cao. · tang thu vung sang.
high to paper chCi' sip cao hon mi/.t high-polish coppering m~ d6ng d(>
ban [sap chCi']. bong cao [tr~c 6ng in lorn]. high-speed printing press may in highlight mask ban che vung sang,
high-polish coppering bath be m~ t6c d¢ cao. ban che cao quang.
high vacuum chan khong cao.
d6ng d9 bong cao. high-speed rotary press may in cu6n highlight negative phim am ban
high vacuum pump bom chan khong cao.
high-polish coppering process t6c d¢ cao, may in quay t6c d¢ cao. vung sang.
high voltage cao the. phuong phap m~ dong d(> bong cao. high-speed winder may cu¢n l~i giay highlight portion b9 ph~n vung sang.
high coltage current dong (di?n) cao th€. high-productivity nang suat cao, t6c d9 cao. · highlight pre-mask ban che ban dau
high-bulk paper d¢ day cua giay x6p cao. hi¢u suat cao. high-velocity drying .SU kh6 toe do vung sang.
high-quality art printing in an pham n~nh. · · highlight set up djnh cap vung sang.
high-capacity (thu¢c) c6ng suat cao
[ca khf]. my thu~t chat Juqng cao. highlight cao quang, rl!C sang. highlight stop li~n ket diem vung
high-contrast developer dung djch high-quality colour printing system sang cua diapham.
highlight area khu Vl!C fl!C sang.
hi?n anh c6 d¢ pban giai cao. h¢ th6ng in mau chat luqng cao.

highlighting tang ltrqng sang [hi¢n histogram specification d~c diem k9

hOle punching die

hole punching die khuOn d<)t lo. holographic printing in ch1,1p anh
thj]. thu~t bieu d6. khOng gian ba chieu.
hOle punching in rows d¢t Io thanh
highly glazed (thu(>c) d¢ bong vung sang. histogram thresholding nguong bieu holographic system h¢ thong chyp
d6. anh khOng gian ba chieu.
highly ionized ion hoa cao d9. hole punching machine may d¢t lo.
historiated initial dliu chii' cai trang holography thu~t nhiep anh kh6ng
highly sensitive (thu9c) d¢ nh~y sang hollander beater may nghien b<)t giay. gian ba chieu.
trf hlnh tuqng nguoi ho~c d¢ng v~t.
hollow back diem tram lorn nh~n
highly transparent film phim c6 d¢
history of printing ljch su ve in. m\!C [ban in lorn].
hololens thau kfnh ch1,1p anh khOng
gian ba chieu.
thau minh cao, phim c6 d¢ trong su6t hit noise tieng go khi danh may chil
cao. hollow back bingding d6ng sach Holy Scripture kinh thanh [~o Ki-tO].
hit-on-the-fly printer may danh chii' Jong gay.
highly transparent foil mang mong t6c d¢ nhanh. home computer may tfnh dung tiµ nha.
c6 d9 thau minh cao, mang mong c6 hollow cast v~t due rong.
HLM (highlight limitation) gioi h~ home made (thu¢c) ti! san xuat, ti!
d¢ trong su6t cao. hollow cast furniture lanh-gO due rong.
tang thCr vung sang. che; qu6c san, lam t~i nha.
highway duang truyen tin cao t6c. hollow cast mount de kim loai c6
hog tallow mo lgn. home market thi tnrang trong nuoc.
hinge bang vai xO clan gifia ru¢t s~h va khoang rong dung d€ dan, gfo bin lap
hogskin binding d6ng sach da lgn. ban hay d6ng ban in. home page trang luoi [m~ng luoi].
bla sach lam tang d¢ ben su d9ng sach.
hinged to gap tranh minh ho~. hoist can tr1,1c, rong r9c nang keo v~t hollow casting due lanh-gO. homochromatic (thu¢c) cung m¢t
n~g. toi keo. mau, mau dong deu sac thai.
hinged and jointed plates dan tranh hollow cylinder tr1,1c 6ng rong.
minh ho~ da gap vao ru¢t sach. hold bao t6n, nam, giii'. homogenizer may tr¢n deu h¢ keo.
hollow mount de ban c6 khoang rong.
hinges gan dan ngoai a gay bla sach. hold copy hai nguoi d9c sua loi. hone lo~i da dung de sua ban.
hollow mount casting due de ban c6
hiragana chfi cai Nh~t (muqn cac be) hold for orders dgi l¢nh phe chuan honeycomb hi¢n tuqng n6i b9t sinh
khoang rong.
thu chfi han). ban thao gui di sap chii'. ro t6 ong khi due ban chl.
hollow-cast quad lanh-gO to due rong.
histogram bieu do tren d6 c6 cac hold for release dgi 1¢nh phe chuan honeycomb base M ban in kieu t6 ong.
v~ch thang dung c6 be r<)ng b~ng ban thao gui di sap chii'. ~ologram thu~t chyp anh t~o ra hlnh
anh khOng gian ba chieu. honeycomb furniture v~t li¢u due
nhau nhung chieu cao khac nhau. holder cai k~p. v~t de do ho~c giii' cai r6ng kieu t6 ong.
histogram equalization bieu do c6 gl d6. hologram film phim cu¢n anh kh6ng
cac phan deu nhau. gian ba chieu. . honeycomb-mount de ban in ki€u t6
holding power of glue lt!c barn dfnh
histogram flattening bieu do c6 cac cua keo. ~olograph nhiep anh ba chieu; tai
phan deu nhau. h¢u viet tay cua tac gia. hook cai m6c, cai mac (but khlic).
holding press may m~ vang thu cong.
histogram linearization bieu do holograph plate bCrc tranh, anh hook down chuyen xu6ng dong dl!oi
hole b9t khf trong chii' chl, chil chl
tuye'n tfnh, do thj tuyen tfnh. khOng gian ba chieu. sap tiep chii' [sap chii' sach tll' dien].
due bj rong.
histogram normalize tieu chuan hoa holograph signature net but ky ten hook in chuyen dong sap chii' [sap
hole perforation d9c 16, khoan 10,
bieu d6 hay d6 thj. tac gia. chu sach ttr di€n].
d¢t 10.

330 331
hook up
bot metal system

hook up sap chit chuyen Jen dong

horn-book sach d9c cho nhi d6ng hot metal system h¢ th6ng sap chil hot-air sheet drying apparatus thiet
tren [sap chit sach Ill' di€n]. sach d9c so cap, ph6 thOng. ' n6ng (nhi¢t). bj say khO giay khOng khf n6ng.
Hoover-automatic muller may horse ban xep ch6ng giay. hot mettal typesetting sap due chil. hot-calender may can Jang dung nhi¢t.
nghien mlfc llf d9ng Hoover. ,,.
horse-power ma life. hot moulding khuOn ep nhi¢t. hot-label nhiin hang dan bang nhi¢t.·
hopper sach mau de d6ng thanh sach
s6 hrc;mg Ion [dong sach]. horsing ban in thtt dii d9c soar J~i. hot news tin tuc mai nMt, tin tuc hot-melt applicator may b6i dan
ban mo-rat dii d9c stta l~i. n6ng h6i. nhi¢t n6ng chay.
horizontal ngang, nam ngang, d~ng
nam ngang. hose tat b9c Io mroc thiit ch~t hai d~u. hot plastics moulding khuOn ep chat hot-melt coater may trang phu nhi¢t
nhi¢t deo. n6ng chay.
hose clamp kyp tat b9c Jo nw5'c.
horizontal baling press may b6 sach
hot pressed ep nhi¢t. hot-melt film mang keo nhi¢t n6ng chay.
kieu nam ngang. hose pipe tat 6ng b9c 10 mroc.
host may chu [may tfnh). hot pressed paper giay t~o nhan hot-melt glue keo nhi¢t n6ng chay.
horizontal blanking mat dong [hi¢n
thj]. b6ng ep nhi¢t. hot-melt lamination mang ep nhi¢t
host application program chucrng
hot pressing slf ep nhi¢t, Slf ep n6ng. n6ng chay.
horizontal camera may ch1;1p anh che trlnh ung d1;1ng may chu, trlnh llf ung
ban kieu nam ngang. d1;1ng may chu. hot printing in nhi¢t. hot-metal kim lo~i n6ng chay (chl).
horizontal justification dieu chinh host computer may tfnh chu [may tfuh]. hot stamping ep khuOn nhi¢t, in hlnh hot-inetal composition machine
theo huong ngang. hot-air drier thiet bi say kho gi6 n6i ep nhi¢t. may scip due chu kim lo~i n6ng chay.
horizontal line duong nam ngang. n6ng, thiet bj say khOng khf n6ng. hot stamping machine may in m~ nhi¢t. hot-metal typesetting sap due chil
hot-air drying say khO gi6 n6ng. kim lo~i n6ng chay.
horizC!ntal position vj trf nam ngang. hot test Slf thtt n6ng.
hot-plate ban gia nhi¢t.
hot-air sheet drying apparatus thiet hot transfer film mang mong in
horizontal process camera may
bj say khO gi6 n6ng giay in. truyen nhi¢t. hot-rolled paper giay can nhan nhi¢t.
ch1;1p anh che ban kieu nam ngang.
hot blocking in n6i ep nhi¢t. hot transfer process phuong phap in hot-rolled tube 6ng can nhi¢t.
horizontal retrace quet l~i nam
truyen nhi¢t.
ngang [hi¢n thj). hot button cai nut barn nhi¢t. hot-set ink mlJc in khO nhi¢t.
hot type sap chil n6ng.
horizontal return quay tra l~i nam hot composition sap chit n6ng. hot-top process phuong phap keo
ngang [danh may]. hot type composition scip chil due nhi¢t.
hot dipping due di¢n n6ng chay. chii n6ng.
horizontal scrolling cu(>n tron theo hot embossing ep nhi¢t hlnh n6i. house correction d9c stta J6i n(>i b¢
huong ngang. hot water development hien hlnh xf nghi¢p in.
hot foil die-sramping m~ vang nhi¢t mroc am. . .
horizontal setting of type sap ngang. mang mong. house journal bao n(>i b(> cua xf
hot wax ink mlfc in sap cung. nghi¢p.
horizontal spacing co djnh ho~c c6 hot glue keo nhi¢t n6ng chay.
th€ thay d6i co chen giiia cac chil. ho.t zon~ khu VlJc dong chua dieu house magazine t~p chf n(>i b(>i cua
hot melt nhi¢t n6ng chay, nhi¢t dung. chmh thang hang [scip ch1;1p). xf nghi¢p.
horizontal whirler may say ban nam
hot melt adhesive chat keo dan nhi¢t h 0 !·air drier thiet bi say khO khOng house mark dau cua tac gia ho~c nguoi
ngang; may !rang ban nam ngang. n6ng chay. khi n6ng. d9c soat bong chi djnh dfnh chfnh.
house organ bydrocyanic acid

house organ sach bao n9i b(>. humidity de) am. hydrocyanic acid axit xianhidric, hydrosol hidroson, son nuoc.
house proof ta d9c st'ra Joi n(>i b(>. humidity chart bieu d6 d¢ am. HCN [hoa]. hydroxybenzene hidroxybenzen
hydrofluoric acid axit flohidric, HF [hoa].
house stype hlnh thuc kieu chfr sap humidity indicator chat chi thj d(> am.
thuang dung de in. (hoaJ. hydroxy la mine hydrochloride
humidity rated(> am.
hydrogel hidrogen, gen nuoc. hidroxylamin hidroclorit, H20H.HCJ
hubs duong go gay sach.
humidity resistance d(> ben am. hydrogel ion concentration n6ng d9 [hoa].
hue sac thai, sac di~u. sac tl!ang.
hump-back rule blnh ghep ban dung ion hidro. hydroxylamine sulfate hidroxyJamin
hue circle vong tron Sile thai mau. dubng ke chL hydrogen peroxide hidro peoxit, sunfat [hoa].
hue circuit vong tron sac thai mau. hundred and twenty-eight mo H2 0 2 (hoa]. hygro-expansivity tfnh truong hut am.
hue content d(> bao hoa sac thai mau, (sach) m(>t tram hai muai tam trang. hydrolysis sl_l' thuy phan. hygro-instability tfnh khong 6n djnh
d9 tuoi sang mau sk hungry lap giay khong d6ng deu. hydrometer ty tr9ng ke long. hut am.
hue contrast d(> tuong phan mau sac. Hunter reflectometer dt,mg c1,1 do do hydrophile tfnh ua m.roc. hygrometer am ke.
hue error Sl_l' sai sac thai mau. trang cua giay Hunter. . hydrophile colloid keo ua nuoc. hygroscope am nghi¢m, dyng c1,1 do
hydrophile pigment sac t6 ua nuoc, d(>am.
hue limen mau sac phan bi¢t cac nuoc. hyacinth mau xanh tfm.

hue scale thang do sac thai mau. hybrid newspaper press may in gill'.y
b(>t mau ua nuoc. hygroscopic (thu(>c) tfnh hut am.
cu¢n kieu hon hqp. hydrophile vehicle chat lien ket ua hygroscopicity d(> hut am, tfnh hut am.
hue sensitivity d(> nhl!-Y cam sac thai nuoc.
Hyper Text Markup Language
mau. hydrate hidrat, v~t hQ'p nuoc.
hydrophobe tfnh ky nuoc, v~t ky (HTML) ngem ngfr sap chfr ghi chu
hue shiff Slf bien djch sac thai mau. hydraulic (thu(>c) thuy Jl_l'c, (thu(>c) nuoc, keo ky mroc.
VUQ't ngoai ban van (Hyper).
ep thuy Jlfc. hydrophobic ghet nuoc, ky nuoc.
Huebner process phuong phap che Hyper Text Transfer Protocel
ban in Jorn Huebner. hydraulic clamping giay ep thuy J!Jc hydrophobic colloid keo ghet nuoc, (HTTP) hi¢p nghj v~n chuyen van
[may xen giay]. keo ky nuoc. ki¢n VUQ't ngoai ban van (Hyper).
hugroinstability tfnh khong 6n djnh
d(>am. hydraulic control kh6ng cheep thuy h,rc. hydrophobic pigment pfch mang hyperfocal distance khoang each
hydraulic moulding press may ep ghet nuoc, b(>t mau ky nuoc. VUQ't ngoai tieu Clf.
human engineering c6ng trlnh h9c
ca the ngubi. khu6n thuy Jlfc, may ep to ph6ng thuy hydrophobic vehicle chat lien ket hypersensitivity d(> sieu nh~y sang.
JlfC. ghet nuoc hay ky nuoc.
hunidification Sl_l' thllm l!at, Sl_l' tang am. hypersensitization tac d1.,mg sieu
hydrazine hidrazin, NH2 NH2 (hoa]. hydroquinone hidroquinon,
hunidifier thiet bj Jam tang d(> am. ~(OH)2 [hoa]. nhl!-Y sang.
hydro-extractor may tach nuoc (am). hypersensitizer chat sieu nhl!-Y sang.
hunidifier installation may Jam tang h!dr?qui~one developer dung djch
d(> am giay. _h ydrocarbon hidrocacbon (hoa]. ht¢n anh htdroquinon. hypertext VUQ't ngoai ban van.
humidistat thiet bi dieu chinh do am hydrochloric acid axit clohidric, HCI hydrosilicofluoric acid axit hypertext Standards Inline (HTSO)
kh6ng thay d6i. · · [hoa]. hexaflosilicic, H 2SiF6 [hoa]. tieu chuan trl_l'c tuyen Vl!Q't ngoai ban van.

334 335

hyphen gl/,Ch ngAn (-) dung de noi hai hypo bath dung djch djnh anh
tu v6i nhau, dau noi. natrithiosunfat.
hyphen leader duong ao, duang
tuong ttr(Jng, duang ch!m chAm. hypo cleaning agent chat tlf y S<_ich

hyphen perforation khoan hay d1:1c

16 duang cham chlfm.
hyphenate n6i ho~c viet (cac tu) v6i
hypo eleminator chat tliy si.ich hypo.
hypo fixing bath dung djch djnh anh
m(>t dau noi. hypo.
hyphenated word tu c6 dau noi ngiin.
hypotemuse oblong duong cheo ci.inh i.j.p gi!y hoang gia Nh~t dung ch1:1p ideographic character chu bieu
hyphenation phan tu 6 cu6i dong, hlnh chCi' nh~t (ty 1¢ I: 1,414). anh tranh ve in ban d6ng.
dau noi lien tiep; phan tu. tltqng y dn difo ta.
hysteresis hi~n tl!<;mg tr!, SI! tre i.j.h s6 ta in m6i gio. ideographic set t~p chCi' bi€u tltong y
hyphenless justification chinh dong
kh6ng dung dau noi. (giay). ib (ibidem) xuat xu nhu tren. dn difo ta.
hypo hypo, thu6c djnh anh natri · hysteresis of paper hi¢n tm;mg tre IBM information distributor thiet idiot tape bang giay d1:1c 16 tho chua
thiosunfat, Na2Si03.5H2 0 [hoa]. giAy, SI! tre giay. bi phan ph6i thong tin IBM. su d1:1ng, bang giay chua thAng hang.

ICC standard tieu chuan ICC. idle motion chuy€n d¢ng khong tai.

ICC-method phuong phap ICC. idle running Chl/,y khong tai, chuyen
d9ng khong tai.
ICC-profile til.i li¢u tren thiet bi ICC.
idle state tr;,i.ng thai nhan r6i.
ice paper giay trong su6t hay thAu
idle time thai gian nhil.n r6i, thai gian
rninh dung Che ban d6 hOl/,.
ch~y kh6ng tai, thai gian ngung may.
icon trn.nh llt9'11g thanh; lieu do (may tfnh).
idler trt:1C dfo giay, trt_lC chuyen d(>ng
iconography tranh minh ho;,i., do thj khOng tai.
rninh hoa, hlnh ve minh ho;,i.; do giai. idler roller tr1:1c cling giay cu(>n.
iconometer kfnh phan chieu hlnh.
idler sprocket day xfch khOng
identity certificate giay chU'llg nh~n chuy€n d¢ng.
can cuoc, gia'y chU'llg minh.
idling loss ton that khong tai.
ideogram chCi' bi€u thi ghi y; ky hi¢u IDP (integrated data processing) xu
ho~c bi€u tuqng cua cai gl d6. ly du li¢u t~p trung.
ideograph chu bi€u thj ghi y; ky hi¢u ignition device thiet bi dot chay, thiet
ho~c bi€u tl!<;rng cua cai g) d6. bi danh lua.

ignore character
illustrated edition

ignore character chfr kMng dung illuminated planning table ban b)nh
den. illustr ated edition sach tranh minh image amplification ph6ng d?i h)nh
khu6n phim c6 chieu sang.
ho?, hlnh ve minh hol_l. Ve, tranh Ve.
illegal character chfr phi phap, chfr illuminated screen kfnh mo c6 den
khong hqp phap. illustrated end paper in c6 nen bao image AND operation hlnh ve "va =
chieu sang.
quanh tranh minh hol_l. and" v~n loan.
illegal operation thao tac phi phap,
illuminated stripping table ban bi~h illustrated parts catalog ml;Jc ll;lc
thao tac khong hqp phap. image application trlnh ti! ung dl;lng
khuon phim c6 chieu sang.
nhfrng b9 ph~n tranh minh hol_l. h1nh ve, tranh ve.
illegal publication xuat ban phi phap,
illuminating angle g6c chieu sang,
xuat ban khong hqp phap. illustrated primer sach giao khoa c6 image area b¢ ph~ hlnh ve, tranh ve, anh.
g6c chieu Xl_l.
hlnh ve nh~n biet chfr.
illegibility kh6 d9c ho~c khong the image assembly djnh vj hlnh anh
d9c duqc, in ma net chfr kh6 d9c. illuminating effect hi¢u qua chieu Illustrated supplement trang phl;J (tntoc khi che ban).
sang, hi¢u qua chieu Xl_l.
illegible kh6 d9c ho~c khong the d9c them c6 hlnh minh hol_l. image averaging lay gia trj trung
duqc, in khong ro net kh6 d9c. illuminating power cuoog d(> chieu sang. blnh hlnh anh [xu ly anh].
Illustration SI! minh ho~. tranh minh
illuminant v~t phat sang, ngu6n anh illumination dau chfr cai trang tri ho?, vf d1:1 colour illustrations nhfrng image binaryzation nhj phAn hoa
sang, chat chieu sang. mau sac, d9 sang, chieu sang. tranh minh hol_l. h)nh anh (dung h¢ nhj phAn s6 0 va
illustration board bla cung tranh con so 1).
illuminate soi sang, chieu sang, mau illumination book sach in trang tri
s:ic tuoi sang. mau sac tinh xao. mi nh hol_l, bieu do. image book sach ban khac go, sach
anh ban khac g6.
illuminated area khu \fl!c chieu sang, illumination meter d6ng h6 do d(> illustration ink m!Jc in tranh minh ho<;l.
phl_lm vi chieu sang. chieu sang. illustration printing in tranh minh ho<;l. image carrier ten g9i chung cac lo?i
ban in, the IO<;li chuyen tai h)nh anh.
illuminated binding d6ng sach thiep illumination photometer d6ng h6 do illustration printing paper giay
vang. d(> chieu sang. image cell don vj rat nho h)nh anh.
dung de in tranh minh hol_l.
illuminated book sach tranh ve in illuminator thiet bj chieu sang, tac image component s:ic t6 trong dung
illustration software phan mem ve
tinh xao. gia tranh ve mau sac. djch hi¢n anh phim mau.
minh ho?.
illuminated cutting scale thu6'c dt illuminometer dong h6 do d9 chie'u sang. image contract thu nho hlnh anh.
illustration title tieu de tranh minh
xen giay c6 thiet bj chieu sang. image contrast d¢ tuong phan hlnh anh.
illusion of eye thj l!Jc ao giac. ho?, bieu d6.
illuminated desk ban chieu sang, ban
image control payer l6'p cam quang
kiem ta ban in, in. illustrate thuyet minh, d6 giai (phAn illustrative matter tai lieu tranh
minh ho?, bieu d6. . hlnh anh.
tfch qua bieu do).
illuminated initial letter dau chfr cai
illustrator nguai ve tranh minh ho?. image conversion S!Jchuyen d6i hmh anh.
tr1nh bay mau sac tuoi sang. illustrated book sach tranh minh
ho?, h1nh ve minh hol_l. image anh, hlnh anh, h)nh Ve, tranh Ve. image cosmetic processing xir ly
illuminated manuscript ban thao chinh sua hlnh anh.
viet tay mau sac khong danh may illustrated daily bao hang ngay c6 l~age algebraic operation v~n d1:1ng
ho~c in. tranh hay hlnh ve minh ho~. image creator nguai sang tl_lo hlnh
loan d?i s6 hlnh ve, tranh ve.
anh bai mfo.
image degradation 1mag! random distortion

image degradation Jam giam chat image fixing djnh anh. Image random distortion SI! bien image transfer in truyen hlnh anh (in
lt.rqng hlnh anh. dl!-ng ngau nhien hlnh ve, tranh ve. lorn), lap ban (in lorn).
image formation Sl.J' hlnh thanh hlnh anh.
image data du li¢u anh. image recognition nh~ biet hlnh ve, image wall off anh bi bong tr6c.
image forme ban hlnh anh, ban hlnh ve.
tranh ve. image zoom SI! thu ph6ng hi¢n tiµ
image data compression nen du li¢u anh. image geometric distortion SI! bien
image reconstruction SI! xay dl.J'ng hlnh anh.
image data format each thtrc du li¢u anh. d,.rng hlnh h9c btrc anh.
11!-i hlnh ve, tranh ve, anh tuqng. image-forming silver bl!-c ~o thanh anh.
image database kho du li¢u anh. image head ti).o thanh anh phfa trucrc
[may ghi btrc ve]. image registration SI! ghi vao hlnh image-handling system he th6ng xii
image detail tang thll anh, b¢ ph~n ve, tranh ve, anh tuqng. ly anh.
image head adjuster co cau dieu
chi tiet hlnh anh. chinh truoc hlnh ve hay tranh ve. image resolution d¢ phan giai hlnh rum. imager may ghi hlnh anh va chu,
image development hi¢n anh. image restoration SI! phl,IC che nhu
thiet bi ti_lO thanh anh.
image input device thiet bi thu nh~p
hlnh ve hay tranh ve. cu hlnh anh. imagesetter may ghi hlnh anh va chi1.
image digitizer thiet bi s6 hoa anh.
image loss mat mat duong net hlnh image reverting film phim chuyen imagesetting film phim sap chl,lp.
image direction phucmg huong van anh.
ve, mat b¢ ph~n nh~n ml!c hlnh ve. dao hlnh anh. imaginary line duang hay net tubng
image dissector thiet bi phan tfch anh. image scrolling cu¢n tron hlnh ve, tuqng, duang hay net ao.
image mixing h6n hqp hlnh ve, tranh
image distance Cl! ly anh. ve, bt'.rc ho<!,. tranh ve. imaging 11!-0 thanh anh.
image distortion bien di).ng hlnh anh. image mosaic tranh ve ghep kham da image sharpening hlnh anh nh<!,y ben. imaging model mo hlnh 11!-0 thanh anh.
ho~c kinh co nhieu mau sac khac nhau. image sharpness hlnh anh sac net, r6 net.
image editing software phan mem imaging technology cong ngh¢ tl!-O
bien t:).p anh. image name ten hlnh ve, tranh ve, image smoothing buc anh nhlln thanh anh.
hlnh btrc anh. phang. imaging speed t6c d9 ti).o thanh anh.
image editor command m¢nh 1¢nh
bien t~p hlnh anh. image output device thiet bi dau ra Image space khOng gian hlnh ve, imaging width d¢ r¢ng ti).o thanh anh.
hlnh ve, tranh ve; btrc anh. tranh ve, anh.
image element yeu to anh. imbedded (dii) d6ng vao, (da) kham
image plane be mi./.t buc ho<!,. Image storage space kMng gian luu vao, (dii) an vao, (dii) do vao.
image encoding chuyen du li¢u anh thanh trfr hlnh ve, tranh ve, anh.
image point diem anh. imbibition hap thl,I dung dich; tham
di!,ng ma hoa de xii ly bang may tfuh.
image printer may in buc ve, buc image subsection phlln doi).n hlnh ve, nuoc vao.
image enhancement nang cao chat ho<!,d6. tranh ve, anh.
imitation san pham phong che, v~t
luqng btrc anh.
image processing xi.r ly anh. image symbol set (ISS) t~p ky hi~u anh. bat chuoc, SI! mo phong, d6 gia.
image enlargement ph6ng di!,i anh. imitation art board tam bla ctrng my
image processing system h¢ th6ng Image systematic distortion su bien
image field linh Vl!C anh. xii ly anh. d~ng h¢ thong hlnh anh. . thu~t gia hay phong che.
image file day du li¢u anh cai nay sau i~age quality chat luqng buc anh. lm~ge through xuyen qua hlnh anh, imitation art paper giay in cao cap
cai kia. hlnh ve, tranh ve. tha:u qua hlnh anh. gia hay phong che.

340 341
i111perial folio
imitation binding

illlperial folio sach kh6 d6i khai imposition scheme so do dan trang.
imitation binding d6ng sach gia co imitation water mark giay in mo
hay bat chu6'c rnfiu c6. phong vet ntr6'c. tU'C111g ducmg kh6 540x780mm. imposition software phan mem ghep trang.
imitation deckle edged paper giay immediate acidity tfnh a xft tr1,tc tiep.
i111 perial Japanese paper giay hoang imposition tabe ban ghep ban.
bat chtr6'c san xuat thu c6ng. gia NMt ban (dung cho ch1,1p anh in
immediate stop dung may khan cap. impregnated paper giay tham
ban d6ng).
imitation die stamping in ep hlnh (ntr6'c), lam am.
immerse ngam ntr6'c, dam nu6'c. imperial octavo sach kh6 tam trang.
n6i (dong dau). impregnating machine may tham
imitation die stamping ink m1,tc in immersion nh~ chlm ho~ bi nh~ chlm. imperial quarto sach kh6 bon trang. (iim), lam iim.
ep hlnh n6i (dong dau). impact composition sap chu ep chen ch~t. impermeability tfnh khong tham. impress ep in.
imitation embossing in ep hlnh n6i, impact paper giay ep boi. impermeable khOng tham. impressed voltage di¢n ap tang ben·ngoai.
in n6i go.
impact printer may in kieu in r~p. impervious tfnh khong tham. impressed water mark ep in van
imitation gold leaf giay hay la kim
impervious to light khong thau quang. ntroc, in ntroc, nhan hang tren giay.
lol;li vang gia dung m<;t nhu vang. impast tang d~m mau sac.
imporosity tfnh khOng x6p, tfnh impression in, trang in, so ltrqng in.
imitation hand-made paper giay impasto phet day, quet day (phuong
phong che san xuat thu c6ng. phap hol;I), quet day b¢t mau. khOng thiim khf. impression adjuster bar dn dieu
imitation Japanese paper giay imperfect collating bat tay sach nham. impose ghep trang, ghep ban, chinh tiet ap 11,tc.
phong che nhtr giay Nh~t Ban. ban, d6ng ban. impression adjustment mechanism
imperfect copy sach kh6ng du s6 trang.
imitation kraft giay co-rap gia. imposing ghep ban, lap ban. co cau dieu tiet ap 11,tc.
imperfect impression to in nhAm s6 trang, impression check tach khoi tr1,1c ong.
imitation leather gia da, da nhan tl;IO. to in kh6ng dl;lt yeu du chat Juqng. imposing bed ban ghep ban.
imitation leatherbinding d6ng sach impression cylinder tr1,1c 6ng ep in.
imperfect ink coverage m1,tc in phu imposing board khung ghep ban.
bla da nhan tl;IO. impression cylinder brake thiet bi
kh6ng deu di¢n in [SI,! co]. imposing multiple pape blnh ghep
imitation leather roller tr1,1c toan trang, d~t trang. giam t6c d¢ ho~c dung tr1,1c 6ng ep in.
bang da, lfl;IC bang da nhan ll;IO. imperfect paper m¢t ram giay kh6ng
impression cylinder circumference
du s6 to giay. imposing scheme so do dan trang,
imitation leatherette giay gia da. d~t trang. chu vi tr1,1c 6ng ep in.
imperfect sheet giay hong vf dl:1
imitation linen SI! hqp thanh vai lanh. impression cylinder covering b9c
nhau, rach, nat. imposing sheet to giay ~n ban ghep trang.
tr1,1c 6ng ep in.
imitation parchment paper giay gia imperfections to gap khOng dl;lt tieu imposing surface m~t ban ghep
da de, giay sunfat. impression cylinder dressing b9c
chuan, gap hong. !rang, ghep ban.
tr1,1c 6ng ep in.
imitation press board bla cung imposing table ban ghep trang, ban
imperial kfch thtr6'c to giay 20x30 tac
san xuat phong che nhtr san xuat ghep ban. impression cylinder gripper nhfp c~p
tren may. Anh. tr1,1c 6ng ep in.
imperial collection of Four Divisions i~position SI,! ghep ban, lap ghep
imitation shagreen viii hoan toan da impression device thiet bi ep in.
bon b¢ SlfU t~p toan thtr. ban, SI! dan trang khu6n in.
nhan tl;IO (bla sach) . .
impression material
in prospect

impression material v~t li¢u b9c 6ng. imprint date ngay thang narn xulft ban. in prospect gui ngay ban thao cho inaccuracy d9 khong chfnh xac, sg
impression nip v~ch chi ep in (gifra imprint statement h~g myc xuat ban. nha xuat ban. sai s6t, tfnh khong chfnh xac.
tn.,1c 6ng ban in va !rye ep in). in quires tay sach phan tan, tay sach inactive khong h~t d9ng, khong v~ hanh.
improved ban sua don d~t hang.
impression off tach tryc in ra. chU'a d6ng thanh sach. inadequate drying sg kho khong du
improved edition ban sua don d~t hang.
impression on ep tryc in vao. in register xep chufin, long chuan. [sg co].
impule xung di¢n.
impression paper giay dung d€ in, in several volumes t~p c6 nhieu quyen. inaugural issue s6 bao ra dfo tien, s6
impule coding mii xung di¢n. khanh thanh bat dau phat hanh.
giay dung in giay nen. in sheets to in phan tan, to in chtta d6ng
impule heat sealer dyng c1;1 gan xi nhi¢t. incandescent bulb b6ng den cao ap.
impression screw vfr dieu tiet ap !~re in. sach.
impule jet phun m~rc xung di¢n. in slip sap chfr chtta d~t trang, sap chfr incandescent lamp den cao ap.
impression setting dieu chinh ep lgc in.
impule seal bit kfn xung di¢n. pla-ca.
impression sheet to bQc 1n,1c 6ng ep in. in~'lndescent light anh sang den cao ap.
impure colour mau khong thu!l.n thiet in small print sap in chfr chi ca nho.
impression surface dien ep in (thu(>c inch button num vi chinh, barn an tf chut
may ep in). impurity t~p chat. in the basket cong nhan sap chfr
khong thanh th~o. inch movement vi chinh, barn an tf
impression system h¢ th6ng ep in. in and in chong giay gap bi un. chut, barn nhy, an nhy.
in the course of printing dang dtta di in.
impression throw off ta.ch tryc in ra. in board bla sach va ru(>t sach xen inching barn tf chut, vi chinh an nhy.
chinh te, vuong van. in two column sap hai c9t.
impression throw-on ep tr~1c in vao. inching switch d6ng ma vi chinh.
in boards d6ng sach bla cU'llg, da in-cut note ghep them chu thfch.
impression trip tach tryc in ra.
sach b1a cung. inch-safe-run switch an nhy d6ng ma.
in-feed cap vao.
impressional strengh lgc ep in tren
dcm vi di¢n tfch (kg/cm 2).
in folio kho doi khai muoi sau trang. in-line (thu(>c) day n6i tiep, (thu9c)
incident angle g6c chicu vao.

in hubs g6c c~h gay sach. may lien hqp. incident light anh sang chieu vao.
impressions per hour so luqng in
m6i gio. in italics characters kicfo chfr nga, in-line binding installtion thiet bi incident exposure meter thiet bi hay
kiiu chfr italic. d6ng sach lien hqp. d1;1ng cy do d9 sang chieu vao.
impressit in chung chung t6ng hqp.
in large print sap chfr ca to, r(>ng, 16n. in-line open press may in 6p xet giay incident ray tia x~ chieu vao.
imprimatur giay phep xuat ban.
cu(>n ki€u lien hqp.
in one column m9t c9t chfr. inclined letter kieu chfr nga hay
imprimatur date ngay thang in.
in pendentive sap dao hlnh tam giac
in-line shaded type chfr c6 b6ng nghieng.
imprimery nha in, xuang in. c~nh net chfr.
thu nho. inclined quoin thanh chen hlnh nem,
imprint trang ban quyen; trang thttong in in-plant printing in n9i bO xf nghi¢p. thoi chen ch~t hlnh nem.
in preparation chuan bi dtta (ban
ten Va dja chi Cua nha XUat ban.
thao) cho nha xuat ban. in-plant proofing in thu n<)i b<) xf nghi¢p. inclusive type area di¢n tfch trang
imprint area h1.111g myc xuat ban. (to) in.
in process in noi tiep (chi viec xua't i~-plant shop phan xuang in n<)i b9
imprint data tu li¢u in. ban pham phan thanh nhieu tap). XI ngh1~p. incombustible khong the chay dttqc.

344 345
incombustible paper
indicating error

incombustible p·aper giay khong the index chi s6, myc lye, bang chu diin.
indicating error hi¢n thj sai, chi thj sai. indirect three-colour process
chay duc;,c.
index board the chu dan, bang chu dan. phuong phap che ban mau gian tiep.
indicator chat chi thj, vat chi th\, kim
incomplete khong hoan chinh, kMng
index bristol gia'y brit-ton chat luc;,ng 161. chi thj. indium tin oxidized layer l6p oxy
dong b¢.
hoa thiec-indi.
index card the chi dan, phieu thu myc. indicator lamp den chi thj.
incorrect collating bat cac tay sach. individual biography tieu sii ca nhan.
index card box h¢p the chi dan. indicator plate bang chi thj.
increment don V! do khoang each individual image anh phan mau.
gifra hai hang; luong gia; s6 gia. index card punching machine may indicator scale thang chi thj.

incubation St! bao on, St! ap, St! duong

d¢t the chi dan. indicator solution dung djch chi thj. individual printing operation thao
tac don vj in don.
trong may 611 nhi¢t. index cutting dt thyt vao CJ the chi indigo indigo, sac xanh cham,
dan (cac chii cai). C16H 1002N2. individual type machine may slip
incubator tu bao on. chii ti! d¢ng chii roi.
index cutting machine may dt thl_lt indirect colour-separation method
incunabula sach co, sach xua't ban thbi indole indon (pham nhu¢m).
vao (j qnh !rang sach. phuong phap phan tach mau c6 tram
ky dau tnrcic the ky XVI CJ Chau Au. gian riep. induction hi¢n ruc;,ng cam Crng, cam
incuse in due, in due hoa van. index guide each chi dfu1 chii cai chu clan.
indirect gravure in lorn gian tiep. Crng tu, di¢n cam Crng.
index letter chu cai chu diin.
indanthrene violet RN tun indantren RN. indirect press may in lorn gian tiep. induline thu6c nhu(>m indulin.
index mark ky hi¢u tham kien.
indanthrene yellow G vang indirect letter press in cao gian tiep. industrial paper giay dung trong
indantren G. index of rafraction chi s6 khuc x~. c6ng nghiep.
indirect lighting chieu sang gian tiep
indanthrene blue xanh indantren. h¢ s6 khuc Xl;l. (khong hlnh anh). industrial tissue giay mong dung
India ink thoi ffi\!C, ffil!C, Oll!C tau trong c6ng nghi¢p.
indanthrene printing blue m1:fc in Indirect lithography in bang gian
xanh indantren. nucic, mlfc nho. tiep (th~ch ban-ban da). industrial waste water nucic thai
India paper b¢t gia'y tre nCra, giay tit cong nghi¢p.-
indelibre ink m1:fC in khong the lily XOO. indirect lithographic screen each
dien, gia'y c6 thanh phfo sqi Chl_lp anh gian tiep ban in Jucii. industrial-standard format the thuc
indent sap chu thl,11 vao CJ diiu dong xenlulozo. hay cac thuc tieu chuan c6ng nghi¢p.
[sit> chii]. indirect printing in gian tiep.
India proof giay in thii ban khac. industrial-Standard Architecture
indentation slip chii thyt vao 6 dau indirect process phuong phap che
India proof paper gia'y tu dien. ban gian tiep. bus (ISA) 1611g tuyen ISA [may tfnh].
dong [sap chii].
India rubber cai tay, mieng cao SU indirect relief printing in h1nh n6i inedited (thu(>c) chua xuat ban.
indented board giay, bla cac-t6ng song.
dung de Illy vet chl ho~c ffi\!C, cao SU gian tiep. inertia quan tfnh.
indention sap chii thyt vao CJ dau
thien nhien cao su An d¢. indirect screewing method phuong infection development hi¢n anh
dong [sap chii].
Phap phan tach mau c6 tram gian tiep. nhiem mau.
India red do An D¢.
independent control panel bang kiem i~~irect separation s~r phan rach mau infection developer dung djch hien
tra rieng re kl16ng lien quan voi nhau. Indian ink mt!c tau, mt!c but nho. gian tiep.
anh nhiem mau.
infections development Infra-red plate

infra-red plate ban kfnh kh6 hong ng~. injection machine may h1nh thanh
infections development hi?n anh information processing xu ly tin tuc
(thong tin). phun tia, voi phun tia.
nhiem mau. infra-red radiation buc x~ tia h6ng ngo~.
injector molding thanh hlnh phun tia.
infection developer dung djch hi¢n information retrieval St! phl_lc Mi th6ng infra-red radiation equipment thiet
anh nhiem mau. tin, st;r gc;,i 11!-i th6ng tin [may tfnh]. bj bCrc x~ tia h6ng ngo~i. injector may ph9n tia, voi phun tia.,,,.
infections development st;r hi?n anh information revolution each ml!-ng infra-red rays tia hong ngo~i. injet paper gia'y dung cho may danh
nhiem mau. thong tin. infra-red rays curring ink mt;rc in chu in phun.
infeed rollers tn..tc clfp giay tu giay cu('>n. informative ad quang cao tin We kh6 mang bang tia hong ngo~i. ink ml_l'C nt!OC, mt;rc in, cha illlfC, to illlfC.
quang cao tl! li¢u th6ng tin. , infra-red rays curring system h¢
inferior chu sap thllp hem [sap chu]. ink absorbency tfnh ha'p th9 m1,Tc.
infra-air drying st;r kh6 gi6 nhiet th6ng lam kh6 bang tia h6ng ngo~i.
inferior character chu sap thap hem hong ngo~i. · ink acceptability tfnh nh~ mt;rc, bat mt;rc.
infra-red sensitivity d¢ nh~y sang tia
[sap chu]. hong ngo~i. ink adjustment key vft khoa mang m!fc.
infra-red bulb dryer thiet bj sa'y kho
inferior figure chu s6 sap thap hem tia hong ngo/!-i. infra-red spectrum quang ph6 h6ng ink agitator may khulfy dao m1,Tc in.
[sap chu]. infra-red dark radiator thiet bi hue ngo~i.
ink applicator thiet bj cap cha m1,Tc
inferior letter chu sap thap hem [sap chu]. Xe!, t6i tia hong ngol!-i. Ingersol glarimeter dt.mg Cl.I do d¢ [in lorn].
infra-red drier thiet bj say kh6 tia bong Ingeson.
inferior numeral chu s6 sap thap hon. ink bleeding tham mlfc, m!fc in tan
hong ngol!-i. ingot thoi, thoi chl. trong nl!OC [slf co].
infinitely variable gear h¢p s6 bien
dOi toe d¢ VO cap. infra-red drying st;r kh6 tia hong ingrain vet van in tren giay. ink block ban danh ffil/C, ban dieu
ngo/!-i. ingredient thanh phan (cua m¢t hon che ffil/C mau.
infinitely variable speed regulation
dieu chinh bien d6i t6c d('> VO cap. infra-red process xtr ly kh6 tia hong ngQ<!,i. hqp), hqp phan cau tu, chat d('>n. ink box h('>p mt;rc.
infinity adjustment dieu chinh tho. infra-red emulsion nhu tucmg tia inhabited initial trang trf dliu chu cai.
ink brayer may nghien mt;rc.
hong ngo<!,i. inhibitor chat uc cM.
infinity sign ky hi¢u vo t~n (oo) ink cell di¢n lorn chua mt;rc, hoc mt;rc [ban
infra-red film phim nh~y sang tia initial ban dau, chu dau. in lorn], h6c nh~ mt;rc [ban in lorn].
infix chen vao, gai vao. h6ng ngo~i.
initial capital chu cai dau viet hoa. ink circulation system M th6ng thiet
innammability tfnh de boc chay. infra-red filter kfnh (phim) l9c sac
initial letter chu dau cua m('>t tu. bj tulin hoan mt;rc.
inflammable de boc chay. tia hong ngo;,ti.
initial position vj trf khoi dau. ink color switch dong mo chuyen d6i
inflation machine for plastic may infra-red heating gia nhi¢t tia h6ng mau mt;rc in [may in ky thu~t s6].
th6i tui mang mong chat deo. ngo/!-i. Initial programme board bang
chuong trlnh khoi dau [sap ch9p). ink compound dau pha che m!fc in.
information industry c6ng nghi?p infra-red lamp den hong ngol!-i.
Initial speed toe d('> khoi dau. ink consumption luqng tieu hao mt;rc in.
thong tin. infra-red fight anh sang hong ngOl!-i.
Initiator chat khoi dau cha't khoi mao ink container b1nh hay thung chua
information interchange code ma infra-red photography thu~t nhiep [phan ll'ng trung hqp ]. ' mt;rc in.
trao d6i tin tuc (thong tin). anh tia hong ngo~i.
ink controll setting ink fountain

ink controll setting dieu tiet cung ink duct blade dao g,!.t mang ffi\!C. ink fountain mang m1;tc. ink maker nha may san xuat m1;tc in.
cap ITil!C in. ink duct foil Ja thep gan 0 mang ffi\!C. ink fountain agitator dl,lng Cl,l khuay ink manifacturer nha may san xuat
ink controll system h¢ thong thiet bj ink duct regulating screew vft dieu dao mang ffi\!C in. m1;tc in.
dieu tiet ITil!C in. tiet Juqng m~tC XUat ra tlt mang ffil!C, ink fountain blade dao g,!.t mang m1;tc. ink medium dung djch pha che m1;tc in.
ink cooling device thiet bj lam l,!.nh ink duct roller trl,lc mang mt,tc. ink fountain divider v~t ngan mang ml,l'c. ink metring control kh6ng che luqng
mt,tc in [in lom].
ink ductor trl,lc mang mt,tc, due to Ink fountain duct roller ln;lc truyen m1;tc. ffilJC in.
ink coverage il!c che phu ml!C in. mang mt,tc.
ink fountain key vft khoa mang mt,tc. ink mileage l1;tc che phu m1;tc in.
ink creeping duong net dan dlin tho ink emulsification tac dl,lng nhu
xu [st,t co]. tuong hoa mt,tc in. ink fountain reservoir mang m1;tc. ink mill may nghien ffi\!C in.
ink density control kiim tra, kh6ng ink eraser chat tay xoa muc in. ink fountain roller trl,lc mang mt,tc. ink mist bl,li m1;tc in.
che d¢ day (m~t d9) mang mt,tc. ink feed and ink level control co cA'u Ink fountain screw vft mang m1;tc. ink misting bl,li ml;fc in.
ink disk dia dan mt,tc [may in]. dieu tiet luqng cap mt.re.
Ink fountain strip thiet bi nglit ink mixer dl,lng Cl,l khuay dao ffi\!C in.
ink distributing roller tn,1c pha.n bo ink feed back (to the pan) ml!c chuyen ml;!C in, thiet bj tach ffil;!C.
chuyen tro l,!.i mang nuoc. ink mixing dao tr¢n m1;tc in.
mt,tc in. ink grinder may nghien m1;tc.
ink feed control khong Che cap ITil!C, ink mixing machine may dao tr¢n
ink distribution SI! phAn b6 mt,tc in, ink grinding nghien m1;tc.
ink feed roller tfl,IC truyen ITTl!C, tfl,IC ffi\!C in.
SI! truyen ITTl!C in.
cap ITTIJC. Ink grinding mill may nghien m1;tc, ink oscillating roller tfl,lc dil.n truyen
ink distribution key vft khoa mo may can ffilJC.
ink feeding truyen mt,tc in, ca'p ffi\!C in. m1;tc in.
mang ml!C in.
Ink grinding table ban nghien mt,tc,
ink distribution roller tn,1c phan bo ink feeding ratched thiet bi tiet che danh m1;tc. ink pearls ml;fC in XUat hi¢n d,!.ng vay.
truyen mt,tc in. cap truyen m1;tc in.
Ink hold out tfnh nang nMn m1;tc. ink penetration tham ffilJC, hut nl!OC.
ink doctor dao g,!.t mang mt,tc. ink film mang m1;tc in.
ink jet plotter may ve d6 thj kieu ink picks ffi\!C in keo XO [Sl,l' co).
ink film spot phan tach mang m1;tc in. phun m1;tc.
ink dot d6m mt,tc, diem mt,tc [st,t co]. ink piling ll,l m1;tc, bl,l ml,l'c [SI! c6].
ink flow IL!U Juqng mt,tc in. Ink jet printer may in phun ml;fc.
ink droplet gi9t mt,tc [in phun mt,tc]. ink plate ban danh ffi\!C in, ban ffilJC in.
ink flow control khong che ltrU Juqng ink jet printing system he thong in
ink drum tn,1c phAn b6 mt,tc in, dan ink pocket 16 chua ml,l'c [in lorn].
ffi\!C in. phun m1;tc. ·
ml!C in.
ink fly m1;tc bay, bl,li m1;tc in. ink pump born m1;tc in.
ink dryback tmh kho mt,tc in di~n ra dai. ink key vit khoa mang m1;tc.
ink forme roller tn,1c Jo cha mt!c, 16 ink rail ranh mang ml,l'c [may in giay
ink drying test thu, do d,!.c thoi gian Ink knife dao m1;tc.
cha mt,tc. cu¢n t6c d(> cao].
kho ml!c in. Ink layer lap, mang mlJc.
ink formulation cong thuc pha che ink receptive (thu(>c) than m1;tc in,
ink duct mang mt,tc. ffi\!C in. Ink lever can dao ffilJC tren mang mlJC. (thu(>c) hut mlJc in.
350 351
ink receptive area
ink transfer

ink receptive area vung than m1.fc in, ink sieve ilr6i l9c m~rc in (nghien mt,rc).
khu Vl.fC than m1.fc in. ink transfer truyen ml.fC, g?t illl.fC. ink-stick m1,Tc.
ink skin m1.fc xe b1. ink transfer roll tr~1c truyen ml.fc.
ink receptivity tfnh hap thy ml.fc in. ink-water balance Sl.f can bang illl,CC lll!OC.
ink skinning m1.fc ket mang xe b1. ink trapping d¢ ben in g~p ml,l'c in.
ink reclaiming blade Iuoi dao g?t inked art milu ml,CC ban mftu.,,,
m1.fC in. ink slap dao danh, dao m1.fc, dao xuc InlfC. ink trough mang m1,Tc.
inker tryc 16 tra m1,Cc.
ink reducer chat pha Ioang ml.fc in. ink slice dao danh mt,rc. · ink uniformity tfnh d6ng deu mau
siic ml.fc in. inker pyramid sap xep tryc 16 ml}'C
ink reflectance tfnh phan X? mau ink smear test thf nghi¢m vang ban theo kieu hlnh thap.
mlJC in. m1.fC in. ink vehicle chat lien ket m1,Tc in.
inker wash-up machine may rua
ink solvent dung m6i pha m1.fc in. ink Vibrator !rye 16 dan truyen ml.fC. tryc 16 m1.fc.
ink regulating screw vft khoa dieu
chinh mang ml.fc. ink speck vet d6m.muc [sl.f co]. ink vibrator roller lrl;lc 16 diin truyen m~rc. inking liin mt,rc; nh~n, bat m1:fc.
ink regulator b¢ ph~n dieu tier ink spray compressor may nen phun mlJC. ink wash-up blade luoi dao ri:ra S?Ch
ml.fc in. inking arrangement thiet bj cung
truyen Cap ml.fC. Cap ml.fC, thiet bj V~n chuyen mt,rc.
ink spray gun sung phun m1.fc.
ink reservoir mang ml.fc in. ink writer may in chu [may tfnh].
ink sprayer dyng Cl;! phun mt,rc inking ball !au m1,Cc.
ink residue C?n miJc in. ink-ball !au ml.fc.
ink spraying Sl.f phun ml.fc. inking device thiet bj V~ chuyen ml,CC.
ink-box thung ml.fc in.
ink retentivity liJc nh~n miJc. ink stamping d6ng dau mt,rc, ep in inking machanism CO Cau cap ml,CC,
dau ml.fC. ink-dot-Scum diem ban biit ml.fC (ban
ink roller true 16 m1.fc in. in bj 6xi hoa). CC1GaU V?n chuycfo ITil.fC.
ink roller adjusting screw vft khoa ink stirrer thiet bj khuay dao 1111.fC. inking roller tryc 16 cha m1,Cc.
ink-eraser !au c9 ml,l'c tren tam cao
dieu chinh tryc 16 mang ml.fC. ink stone ban da pha ml.fc. SU 6p set. inking system h¢ thong thiet bj v~n
ink roller arrangement Sl.f slip xep ink st~ength d¢ dfnh ml}'c in. ink-film break-down mang m1.fc r?n chuycfo m1.fc.
tr~1c 16 m1.fc in. nl!l [Sl,T co). inking unit thiet bj v~n chuyen m1.fc.
ink supply truyen m1.fc, g?t m1.fc.
ink roller cleaning device thiet bj ink-holding cup Io tram chua lTil.fC in inking up Ian m1:fc, cha m1:fc.
ri:ra s1:tch tryc 16 m1.fc in. ink system h¢ thong thiet bj mang tren ban in lorn.
mLCC, thiet bj V~n chuyen mt,rC. inkjet film de phim trong dung lam
ink roller temperzing unit thiet bj ink-in-water emulsion nhu tuang
ink table ban m~rc. mt,rc trong mroc. khu6n tr6 in phun.
kh6ng che nhi¢t d¢ tryc 16 m~rc in.
ink taking lay m1.fc tryc 16, cha mgc. ink-jet printer may in phun ml,l'c. inkjet paper giay dung in phun.
ink rub test thf nghi¢m ll.fc ben ina
Sat m1.fc in. ink tank mang m1.fc, b1nh chua ml.fc, ink-jet printing in phun m~rc. inkjet plotter may phun ve.
thung Chua ml.fC. inkless drawing m6 ta ve kh6ng
ink screen Iuai l9c ml.fc in. ink-jet process phucmg phap in phun
ink throw-off mechanism ca du mt,rc. dung ml,l'C.
ink setting dieu tiet Cap ml.fC. ngung cap m~rc. ink-knife dao lay ml,l'c, dao xuc ml.fc. inkless printing in khong dung m1:fc.
ink show-through tfnh niing tha'~ ink top lap phu tren ml}'c in ch6ng
thau ml.fC in. ink-making san xuat mltc in, che tao inkometer dyng cy do d¢ dfnh ml,Cc
bao mon. llll.fc in. · ·
23 • lflKHKTIAV
inks for wrapping paper inset inserting machine

inks for wrapping paper mlJc in input keyboard ban phfm nh~p dii inset inserting machine may long, installation diskette dia lap d~t.
dung cho giA'y bao g6i. li¢u vao. gai vao ph1.,1 truong [giA'y bao ho~c bao
instant book sach ghi SIJ vi¢c xay ra
inlaid dt dan hOl!- tiet gan vao An input primitive ng6n ngii ban dau djnh ky].
nh~p dii li?u vao. ngay tuc khac, sach bien t~p tin tuc
phtim [d6ng sach]. inset sheet ta ph1.,1 trucmg. o:i6i nhAt.
inlay va chu, cay chu tren ban chl; ~ tiet input processing equipment thiet bi
insetted book ru¢t sach dong trong instant coupling m6c, n6i ngay tuc khac.
ho~c hoa van dan gan abla sach. xu ly nh~p dfr li¢u vao. ·
sach bla cung.
input range phl).m vi nh~p dii li¢u vao instant lettering chfr Viet chuyen
inlaying d6ng sach h9c da dung cho insetter may long to ph1.,1 trttcmg.
[ph1.,1c che mau sac]. ngay tuc thoi.
sach bla cung.
input signal tfn hi¢u nh~p dii li¢u vao. imetting machine may Jong to plu:1 tnrong. instant print in rA't gap.
inlet-value van diin khf vao, dan mr6c
vao, diin dau vao. input tray khay cA'p giAy vao. inside m~t trong trang in. instant printer xuang in nhanh vi¢c
inline direction hu6ng thing hang. input unit thiet bj nMp dii Ii¢u vao. inside back cover bla ba, bla trong V~t, XltCJng in khoang thCli gian ngan.
mi').t sau. instant printing SIJ khCJi dfo tuc khac.
inner diameter duong kfnh ben trong. INS Th6ng tAn xa qu6c te.
inside cover bla hai, bla trong m~t tnrac. instant stopping dung may tuc khac,
inner and-paper to "gac" dan giin inscribe dieu khk
ru¢t sach va bla trong cu6n sach. inside forme khuOn in trong, ban m~t sau. dll'ng may khan cA'p.
inscription viet khac tren ban in, chii
inner forme khu6n in trong, ban m~t khac tren do v~t. inside margin le trllng dong ghim instant type hlnh thuc in nhanh ngay
sau ta in. Cl!,nh gay sach. tuc khac.
insect wax bl),Ch J<_lp, nen trang.
inner leaf trang ph1.,1 ban. inside sheets ta
ep dan trung gian instantaneous elastic reponse dap
insert ph1.,1 truang, trang gai vao hay
ung tfnh dan hoi ngay tuc khk
inner margin le tdng dong ghim long vao m¢t quyen Sa.ch hay ta bao. giua ru¢t sach v6i bla hai va bla ba.
C<_lnh gay sach. inside title trang ten sach, trang bla instantaneous exposure chieu sang
insert space kh6ng gian them vao [ra
soat ban in]. trong, !rang dau sach. ngay tuc khac.
inner plate ban m~t sau.
iserted mode phucmg thuc gai, long vao. insides (Iuqng tu) m¢t ram giAy. instantaneous shutter Ia chan sang
innovation each tan, SIJ d6i m6i ky thu~. [may anh] ma ra nhanh tuc thoi.
inserter may !Ong ta ph1.,1 trucmg. insolubility tfnh kh6ng hoa tan.
inorganic chemistry developer dung instruction sach thuyet minh, chI diin.
djch hi¢n anh hoa V6 CC,, insertion SIJ gai vao, SIJ !Ong vao. insoluble (thu¢c) khOng hoa tan.
instruction book sach thuyet minh.
inorganic pigment b¢t mau vo cc,, insertion character chfr !Ong vao, gai vao. inspection table ban kiem tra to in.
pfch-mang v6 co. instruction manual sach chi dan lap
insertion device thiet bj !Ong to ph1.,1 inrong. instability tfnh kh6ng 6n djnh. d~t. sach thuyet minh thao tac.
input vi¢c nh~p li¢u dua du li¢u vao insertion leaf ta !Ong vao, gai vao. instable (thu¢c) kh6ng 6n djnh.
may tfnh de XU ly ho~c luu trfr. instructional chart bieu do chi dan,
insertion mark ky hi¢u chfr them vao install lap d~t. bieu do gi6i thi¢u kien thuc co tfnh
input channel kenh nh~p du li?u vao, [ra soat, sua ban in]. chat giao d1.,1c.
duong diin nh~p li¢u. inset ph1.,1 truong khOng dong vao installation lap d~t, nc,i cAt gifr thiet bj.
instrument c6ng c1.,1, d1.,1ng c1.,1; thiet bi
input data du lieu nh~p vao. trong sach, tranh minh h9a. installation diagram sc, do Mp d~t. do d1;1c, nghi khf.
instrument ink coverage
intelligent copier

instrument ink coverage llfc phi'.1 intaglio printing process phuang

ffilJC in chtra du. phap in lorn. intelligent copier may sao ch1._1p interactive environment m6i trucrng
thOng minh. giao luu tuang h6.
insufflator dl_mg cy phun b(>t. intaglio ~ecess 16 nh~n mgc in !om,
intelligent keyboard . system h¢ interactive graphics ky thu~t do ho~
insulating layer 16p each di¢n. nhCrng ch6 sll.u lorn ch(ra mgc in Iom.
thong ban phfm tMng mmh. giao ltru tuang ho.
insulating paper giay each di?n. intaglio-metal printing plate biin in
intelligent printer may in trf nang.
kim Io1,1i ban in lorn. interactive mode phuong thuc giao
insulating tape bang (keo) each di?n. intelligent rasterization ph1._1c che Iuu tlrang h6.
intake roller tryc nh~p giay cap. nguyen miu trf nang.
insulation each di¢n. interactive processing phuang phap
integral cover b1a sach dung giay in intelligent terminal dau cuoi trf nang xu Iy d~ng giao Iuu tuang h6.
insulation paper giay each di¢n. ru(>t sach. (may tfnh]
interchange sg trao d6i, sg giao hoan.
intaglio ban in lorn. integral light counter may tfnh phan intensification tra day.
ltrqng anh sang. interchange code ma giao hoan.
intaglio copperplate printing in ban intensifier dung djch tra day.
in lorn. integral multi-layer colour film interchangeability tfnh c6 the giao hoan,
intensify tang ctrcrng (hi¢n thj].
phim mau nhieu 16p. tfnh c6 the trao ctoi thay the cho nhau.
intaglio halftone tram biin in lorn,
intensifying agent chat tra day.
ch1._1p anh tram ban in lorn. integral tripack 16p nhu ttrang nh~y interchangeable (thu¢c) c6 the trao
sang ba mau ca ban ch6ng len nhau. intensity d9 sang, ctrcrng d(>. dOi thay the cho nhau.
intaglio halftone gravure ch1._1p anh
tram ban in lorn. integrated circuit (IC) vi m1,1ch. intensity of illumination d9 chieu interchangeable lens thau kfnh c6
sang, cucrng d9 chieu sang. the trao ct6i thay the cho nhau.
intaglio halftone positive phim integrated data processing xu Iy du
dtrang ban tram in lorn. Ii¢u t~p trung. intensity of light ctrcrng d¢ sang. intercharacter increment khoiing
intaglio halftone process phtrang integrated halftone density m~t dO intensity scale cam quang ke. each gifra cac chfr.
phap tram hoa ban in 16m. tram tfch phan. inter-column space khoang each interface m~t giai h1,111, m~t tiep xuc,
intaglio image h1nh anh ban in lorn. giiia cac c¢t (bao). giao di¢n.
integrated modem thiet bj n6i h¢
thong may tinh chinh the, modem t6 hgp. interaction tac dyng tuang h6, sg interfacial surface tension !~re cang
intaglio ink mtJc in in ban in lorn.
tuang tac, hanh d¢ng hay tac dyng be mat CJ be m~t Cl_l !he.
integrated software phitn mem t6 hgp. qua l~i.
intaglio offset in op-xet ban in lorn.
integrating light meter thiet bj phll.n interfacial tension ltJC cang be m~t.
intaglio paper giay dung cho ban in lorn. interactive c6 tac d¢ng mang ho,
tfch ltrqng anh sang. ph6i hgp, d~ng giao hfru ttrong hO interference tfn hi¢u nhieu.
intaglio plate ban in lorn d~g khac ban. (phan mem).
integrating photometer quang ke tfch interference colour mau nhieu.
intaglio printing in ban in lorn. phan, di,mg c1._1 do d(> sang rich phan. i?teractive batch processing xu Iy
interference filter kfnh l9c sac nhieu.
intaglio printing cylinder tr1._1c in lorn. integrating timer thiet bj phAn tfch llfng dgt d~ng giao Itru ttrong h6.
thoi gian. interactive computer graphics ky interference photography nhiep anh
intaglio printing paper giay dung h1nh ve nhieu.
cho ban in lorn. intelligence trf th6ng minh, trf nang. thu~t che d6 ho~ may tfnh d~g giao
luu tUO'!lg h6. interior design thiet ke n¢i that.
interior label international candle

interior label nhan hi¢u n9i ~ [dong sach]. interlocking ban c6 gan dan nhieu international candle don vj candela- interpositive ban ducmg trung gian.
hlnh v6i nhau. nen qu6c te.
interlacing (st,r) dan vao, (st,r) b¢n interpositive film phim ducmg ban
vao, (st,r) tet vao, (st,r) ken vao. intermediate colour mau trung gian. 1ntemational candle power don vj do d¢ trung gian.
interlay d¢m 16t ben trong, b9c 16t intermediate cylinder tn;1c 6ng sang qu6c te bieu hi¢n bang nen. interpolation st,r them vao, them ttr,
trung gian. truyen giay, trt,JC 6ng cap giay. them ca do<,1n van (kMng c6 trong
international character set t~p ky tl!_
interlayer lap ben trong, lap trung intermediate etching an man. nguyen ban).
qu6c te.
gian. interpret giai thfch [may tfnh].
intermediate negative phien ban International News Sevice thong tlln
interleaf giay 16t, to pht,J ban trang, phim goc, phim am ban trung gian.
giay td.ng gai vao giii'a cac trang sach.
xa qu6c te. interpreter tr1nh tl,I' giai thfch, nguoi
intermediate positive phim ban phirn phien djch.
International phonetic alphabet tieu
interleaf sheet to 16t b9c ben trong. duong g6c, phim duong ban trung gian. interpretive trlnh tl,C giai thfch, de
chuAn am thanh chii' cai qu6c te.
interleaved copy sach dong toan giay intermediate roller trt,Jc trung gian, bgirra. giai thfch.
International phonetic symbol ky
trang. intermediate tone tong mau trung interrogation mark dau hoi (?).
hi¢u am thanh quoc te.
interleaved edition ban sach c6 gai gian, tang thu trung gian.
International Printer Network interrupt pha vo SI! lien tt,Jc m¢t each
16t trang trilng. intcrmittency effect hi¢u ung chieu t<,1m thai, gian do<,1n [may tfnh].
m<,1ng lu6i in qu6c te.
interleaving giay 16t them vao. sang kh6ng lien tt,Jc.
interruption SI! gian dO!,lll, SI! ngat quang.
intermittent kMng lien tt,Jc, lien tiep Interna tional Standard Book
interleaving device thiet bj gai giay intersection giao dil!m, diem giao
ngtrng roi l<,1i bat dau. Number (ISBN) so hi¢u sach tieu
16t ch6ng ban m~t sau to in. cheo cua hai duong thang.
chuan qu6c te.
interleaving paper giay 16t, giay intermittent jct phun mt,rc khong lien t1;1c.
International Standard Serial interspace khoang tr6ng trang giii'a
tdng gai vao gifra cac trang sach. internal fibrillation st,r hoa sqi ben trong.
Number (ISSN) ma s6 djnh ky tieu cac dol,ln chfnh van.
interline khoang each gifra hai dong; in internal memory b¢ nh6 ben trong. chuan qu6c te. interspacing khoang each giii'a cac chii'.
ho~c viet gifra ha.i dong; thanh co chen gifra
ha.i dong, qr ly gifra ha.i dong. internal network m<,1ng lu6i n9i b9. international unit don vj qu6c te. onterword space khoang each giii'a
interlinear blank khoang trang giii'a internal proof in thu n9i bQ xf cac chii'.
International wattier process
hai dong, dong de tr6ng. nghi¢p, in thu chua chfnh thuc.
phuong phap t<,10 diem tram ban in interworking between networks
interlinear matter sap chfr tung dong internal size xoa, b6i keo m~t trong. lorn qu6c te kh6ng gi6ng nhau. cong tac gifra cac m<,1ng lu6i v6i nhau.
day dong. internal storage kho n¢i b¢. lnternegative ban am trung gian. introduce din nh~p, dua vao, duong
interlinear space khoang trilng giii'a internal tearing resistance d¢ ben diin giay vao.
lnternegative film phim am ban
hai dong, dong de tr6ng. chong xe rach ben trong. introduction gi6'i thi¢u, sach nh~p
trung gian.
interlinked (thu¢c) tfnh ket noi, tfnh internal tearing strength cuang d~ m6n, diin lu~n, lai tt,ra.
gan n6i v6i nhau. xe rach ben trong. Internet intenet, lien m<,1ng qu6c te.
invalid character chii' kh6ng dung
interlock chuyen d9ng lien hqp, thiet internal-drum ki<'!u trt,JC 6ng t,en lnterpe~tration tac dt,Jng tham thau duqc, chii' kh6ng duqc chap nh~n m¢t
bi gan n6i voi nhau. trong. tham
lltong h6, tac dt,Jng thau Ian nhau. each chfnh thuc.

358 359
inventory control
JR ink

inventory control kiem tra bang invitation card thiep moi.

kiem ke (hang hoa, d6 dung). IR ink mt,rc fi6ng ngoi,ti. iron plating mi,t thep.
invoice hoa dan.
inverse chuy1fo nghjch, (thu¢c) dao JR system h¢ th6ng thiet bj say kh6 iron press may ep in.
nguqc, nguqc li,ti. iodic acid axit iodic [hoa]. hong ngoi,li. iron printing process phuang phap
inverse feet back th6ng tin phan h6i iodide iodua, Ml. iridescence hi¢n tuqng mau sac cau vong. in anh muoi sat.
nguqc l?i. iodide chloride paper giay anh bac iridescent phat ra nhieu mau sac 6ng iron salt developer dung djch anh
inversion Sl,J' dao ngl!Q"C, Sl,J' chuyen iodua-clorua. · anh nhl1 mau Call Vong; dOi mau khi mu6i sat.
nghjch. thay d6i vj trf chieu sang. iron slug thanh kham thep; thoi chen
iodide of mercury intensifier chat
inversion bath dung djch hi¢n anh tra day thuy ngan i6dua Hgl. iridescent colour mau cau v6ng. b~ng thep chen cho tr6ng.
d,lo nguqc. iodide paper giay anh bi,tc iodua. iridescent paper giay phat sang giay irradition st,r buc xi,t, st,r chieu Xi,1, st,r
mau do tl1ai. chieu sang, Sl,J' r9i sang.
invert 1911 nguqc [sap chii], vj trf sap iodine i6t, I.
xep nguqc li,ti. iridescent printing in mau cau vong. Irrational Screening (IS) ky thu~t
iodine adsorption value gia trj hap diem tram khong hqp ly.
inverted commas dau ngo~c kep vf phl,1 i6t. iris mau cau vong.
dy" "ho~c ' '. irregular grain gravurc screen tram
iodine lamp den i6t. iris diaphram diapham irft. khac ban in 16m h?t kh6ng dong deu.
inverted halftone gravure chl,lp anh
c6 tram ban in lorn. iodine number chi s6 iot. iris four-colour press may in cao irregular reflection st,r phan Xi,!
iodine tungsten lamp den vonfam i6t.
b6n mau irft. khong deu, kh6ng theo quy tac nao.
inverted image anh dao, anh chuyen
(Lt il.m ban sang dttang ban. iodine value chi s6 iot. iris paper giay cau vong, giay irft. irritant chat kfch thfch, c6 ifnh kfch thfch.
inverted pyramid head tieu de hlnh iodized collodion colodion i6t do. iris stop vong xoay tren ong kfnh de IR (infrared) tia hong ngoi,ti.
ch6p dao nguqc. dieu chinh d¢ mo cho anh sang I9t
iodizer chat iot. ISBN (International Standard Book
vao thau kfnh.
inverted pyramid indention ch6 thl,lt Number) s6 hi¢u sach tieu chuin
vao dau dong hlnh chop dao nguqc. iodo-chlorobromide paper giay anh iron blue (mau) xanh sat. quoc le.
bi,lc iodua-clorua-bromua.
inverter may nguqc pha, may d6i huong. ir~n chase khay di ban chii bang thep isinglass keo rong bien, keo da ca.
iodoform triiodomethane [sap chii].
inverting prism Jang kfnh dao anh. triiodometan, HCI3 • ISO t6 ch(rc tieu chuifo hoa qu6c te.
iron chloride sat clorua, FeC12 , FeCl3 ISO paper size kfch thuac giay theo
invisible kh6ng the nhln thay. ion ion. [hoa].
lieu chuan qu6c te.
invisible ink mt,rc hoa h9c (loi,ti mt,rc ion exchage resin nht,ra trao d6i ion. iron electrotype ban due di¢n thep.
khi dung de viet kh6ng the d9c dttqc ISO tack chi s6 d9 dfnh theo tieu
cho den khi duqc xii Iy d~c bi¢t, vf dl,1 Ionic m¢t loai kiiu chii ma m~t chi/ iron oxide sat oxft, FeO, Fe2 0J [hoa]. chuan qu6c te.
b~ng hai n6ng. th6 d~m.
i~on black mau den sat, b¢t mau den isoamyl acetate isoamyl axetat[hoa].
invisible light anh sang kh6ng the ionotron may khi'r tinh di¢n. sat oxft.
isoamyl alcohol ruqu isoamylic [hoa].
nhln tMy. IPN mi,tng luai in toan cau. iron perchloride sat peoxit [hoa]. isobutyl alcohol ruqu isobutylic [hoa].
isochromatic plate .iack

isochromatic plate ban kfnh kM italic bold type kieu chu nga den (d~).
chfnh sac, phim chfnh sic.
italic captal kieu chu hoa nga
isochromatic governor may dieu tiet (nghieng).
dong b¢.
isochromatic rubber cao su dong
phan hoa.
isopanchromatich tfnh dong toan sk
italic face
kieu (m~t) chu nga

italic letter kieu chi! nga (nghieng).

italic type kieu chi! nga (nghieng).
isophtalic acid axit isophtalic [hoa].
italicize slip chi! kieu chu nga, in jack d1,1ng Cl,I kyp ban, galen gia, ZnS. Japan wax sap Nh~t Ban.
isopropanol alcohol ruqu i.soµupanol, dung kieu chii nga.
nrqu isopropylic [hoa]. jacket lop b<;>c; bla b9c ngoai sach, ao. Japanese binding d6ng sach kieu
item tiet, hl;lng m1,1c; mAu tin rieng re. Nh~t Ban.
isopropyl acetate isopropyl axetat [hoa]. jacket cooling s(! lam h.mh (bang
6ng) b9c. Japanese coloured woodblock print
ivory bla giay !rang cao cap mau nga.
isopropyl alcohol ruqu isopropylic [hoa]. ve tren phien g6 de lam ban khac mau
ivory binding d6ng sach giay bla jacket flap trang gap bla b<;>c ngoai sach. Nh~t Ban.
isotope nguyen to dong vj, chat dong vj.
sach mau nga voi. jacketed (da) b9c. Japanese coloured woodblock
isotropic tfnh dong htrong.
ivory black den nga voi. jacketing (sl!) d6t n6ng b9c; s(! lam printing in ve tren gam I1;1a Nh~t Ban.
isotype method phuong ph;ip bieu ll;lnh b9c; (s(!) b9c. Japanese genre picture buc ho~,
hi¢n van ll! don gian hoa do an. ivory board bla giay trang cao dp
mau nga voi. jacketing machine may bao bla bQc sach. buc ve mo ta sinh ho~t phong 11;1c
ISSN (International Standard Nh~t Ban .
Serial Number) ma so djnh ky tieu ivory bristol bla briton tr!ng mau jacketter may bao bla b<;>c sach.
Japanese Industrial Standard tieu
chu!i'.n qu6c te. nga voi. jam miet; xiet l~i; dan giay, don giay chuan cong nghi¢p Nh~t Ban.
issue Ian xuat ban, ky phat hanh, xuat ivory cardboard. giay day tr.ing mau [st! c6 tren may].
Japanese paper giay Nh~t Ban.
ban; s6 bao, tl;\p chf phat hanh. nga voi. jam-ups giay dung in phieu hay to
phfch tu li¢u, m1,1c I1,1c. Japanese tissue giay mong Nh~t Ban.
Italian hand writing kieu chi! Y hi¢n ivory paper giay phan, giay trang
Japanese tung oil dau trAu Nh~t Ban.
cac ntroc Anh, Phap, Y thtrong dung. mau nga voi. japan son; quet son; danh vec ni.
Japanese vellum giay gia da min de
italics kieu chi! nga (nghieng ben phai). ivory yellow mau vang nh~t. Japan art paper giay Nhi;it Ban.
d6ng sach Nh~t Ban.
Japan camphor long nao Nhi;it,
jatex latex d~m d~c.
Jave(le) water nuoc Javen.
J~pan drier chat lam kho d~ng nuoc,
v1 d1;1 naptenat cOban. jaw brake ma phanh.
Japan tallow ma bo Nhat Ban ma jaw cylinder tr1;1c kyp giay tren may
d¢ng V~t Nh~t Ban. . ' in giay cu¢n.
jaw folder jobbing house

jaw folder thiet bi gap tay sach tn,1c job batch dc;,t c6ng vi¢c, lo~t cong vi¢c. jobbing house nha in vi¢c vij.t. joint pressing machine may ep han,
nhfp c~p. gAn [dong sach].
job binding dong sach vi~ vij.t [in]. jobbing ink mt.tc in vi¢c vij.t.
jell th~ch, gen, keo dong. joint rod c6ng Cl;J ep han, gful gay sach.
job case khay chfr dung cho vi¢c v~t. jobbing press may in vi¢c vij.t.
jellification st.t keo dong, st.t gen hoa. jointing SlJ n6i; v~t li¢u d¢m.
job composition sap chfr vi¢c vij.t. jobbing printer xttbng in vi¢c vij.t,
jelly th~ch, gen, keo d6ng. jointing paste nht.ta gan 6ng n6i.
cOng nhAn in vi¢c v~H.
job entry vi¢c vao s6 cong vi¢c lam.
jointless kh6ng n6i.
jellying power kha nang keo dong, jobbing printing in vi¢c vij.t.
job foun t b¢ chfr in cung m(>t kieu va
kha nang gen hoa. journal bao, t~p san, t~p chf, sach bao
ca chfr dung de sap chfr vi¢c vij.t. jobbing work c6ng vi¢c in vi¢c vij.t.
djnh ky.
Jena glass thuy tinh quang h9c Jena.
job ink mt.tc in vi¢c v~t. jobbing machine may in vi¢c vij.t.
journalism nghe lam bao, mon h9c
jerks chuyen d¢ng keo gi~t rung bang
job office paper giay in sach, giay in jockey roller trl;JC dfu1. giay, trl;JC dieu tiet Jam bao.
giay [giay cu(>n].
tai li¢u van phong. 11,(C keo giay cu¢n, trl;JC cang cu¢n giay. journalist nha bao.
jet dong, luong, tia. job press may in vi¢c vij.t. jog v6 giay. journeyman nguai lam cong nh~t,
jet air pump born phun tia. job printer xttbng in vi¢c vij.t, cong cOng nhAn in thanh th~o.
jogger may v6 giay.
jet black mu¢i den, khoi den. nhan in vi¢c vij.t. journeyman bookbinder c6ng nhan
jogging v6 giay chinh te vuOng van.
jet blower may phun tia. job priting in vi¢c vij.t. d6ng sach thanh th~o.
jogging d evice thiet bj v6 giay, may
jct coal than lua dai. job processing xu ly cOng vi¢c v6 giay. joystick can dieu chinh, can kh6ng che,
chuyen mon. can chinh hu6ng [may bay, may tfnh].
jet drying phun hoi kho. jogging machine may vo giay.
job shop xuong in vi¢c vij.t. jubilee publication le mung xuat ban prulln.
jet ink printing in phun mt.tc. join n6i, chap hay ghep giay tu cu¢n giay.
job type chfr chl dung cho in vi¢c vij.t. jumbled type chfr rai hon t~p.
jet mixer may tr(>n tia. joiner's press may in ep thu c6ng d6
job work c6ng v1¢c vij.t nhtt sap chfr jumbo reel duang kinh 16n cu(>n giay.
m(>c tinh xao.
jet pump born tia. vi¢c v~t, in vi¢c vij.t. jumbo roll duang kfnh 16n cu(>n giay.
joining lap rap.
jet spray damping unit thiet bj lam jobber may in cOng vi¢c vij.t. jump head tieu de each trang, tft
fim d~ng phun mu. joining-up exposure chyp anh cao
jobbing case h¢p chfr chl dung cho in ch~y gifra hai trang.
jetting (st.t) phun tia. vi¢c v~t. jumper duang nhay.
Joint ranh gay sach, noi n6i gifra bla
jewelled binding ten thuang g9i dong jobbing compositor c6ng nhAn sap just issued sach m6i xuat ban.
sach va gay sach
sach tinh xao. chfr vi¢c v~t.
joint author dong tac gia. just published (sach bao) m6i xuat ban.
JIS (Japanese Industrial Standard) jobbing department phAn xubng in
tieu chufo cong nghi¢p Nh~t. justification chinh hang, chinh dong.
vi¢c v~t. Joint Photography Experts Group
job vi¢c vij.t [in], cong vi¢c; linh, phy (J~PG) t6 chuyen gia cht.1p anh, so~n justification device thiet bj chinh
jobbing fount sap chfr in vi¢c vij.t
kien, vi¢c lam. thao each thuc su dt,mg hlnh anh. dong, chinh thfog hang.
dung dong b¢ chfr chl.
364 365
justification perforation K (Kelvin degree)

justification perforation chinh th!ng justifying scale thuoc khong che

hang dl;IC 10 [bang giay). chinh th!ng hang.

justification reglet chinh th!ng hang

dtrong ke ngang.
justification scale crunh th!ng hang
thu6'c do chi6u dai, chi6u cao, chieu sau.
justifying scale pointer dl;lng Cl;! hay
thanh, que chi chinh th!ng hang [may
sap chCr].
jute sgi day.
justification wedge nem chinh th!ng jute board b1a cung sgi day.
dong [may due chu]. K (Kelvin degree) d(> Ken vin. Kation cation.
jute bristol bla cung ch1ft lugng cao
justified margin chinh th!ng hang. che tu sgi day. Kali Kali, K. keep away de tr6ng (sap chCr bo s6t).
justified right-hand margin chinh jute liner bla cung che tu xgi day. Kali oxide Kali oxit, K20. keep down s.ip chu in dung co chu nho.
th!ng hang ben phai. Kali carbonate Kali cacbonat, b6 t~t, keep in sap chu chen khft khe.
jute paper giay bao g6i sgi day.
justified tape bang giay dl;lc 16 da c6 K2 C03. keep out sap chCr chu thfch.
chinh th!ng dong [sap chl;lp]. jute yarn sgi day.
Kalium Kali, K.
keep standing bao quan ban in chu
justifier nem chinh dong [may due juvenile moi sinh. Kalinite Kalinit, mu6i kep Kali - rcri, ban t6n kho.
chu], cai chen chl Ion due r6ng. juvenile book sach d9c cho nhi dong. nhOm sunfat. keep the composition standing bao
justify chinh th!ng hang. juvenile edition sach nhi dong, thieu nien. Kallitype phuang phap in anh b~c-sat. quan ban in chCr ton kho.
justifying chinh th!ng hang. Kalogram nhan hang hoa ve d6 an keep up sap chu dung toan chu hoa.
juxtapose xep song song loi giai
thu nho.
justifying blocks chinh ban. thfch, dung hai chCr qu6c ngii' d6i keeper chat ch6ng oxi hoa [anh].
chieu song song. Kalvar film phim Kalva (san phAm
justifying lines chinh th!ng hang. · cua cOng ty Kalvar nuoc My). keeping properties tfnh nang bao
justaposition st_t xep gan nhau. quan phu hgp.
justifying perforator may dl;lc 16 sap Kalvar photographic process
chCr chinh th!ng hang. justaposition of colour mau xep phuang phap t~o anh kalva. keepsake t~ng sach ky ni¢m.

justifying pin ch6t chinh th!ng hang. gan nhau. kampometer dl;lng c1;1 do nhi¢t hue x~. Kelvin nhi¢t d(> Kelvin voi 0° b nhi¢t
d¢ khOng tuy¢t d6i (-273,lS"C).
Kaolin caolin, Al20 3.2Si02.2H20.
Kelvin degree d(> Kelvin.
KC Film phim khOng c6 b~c K.C (ten
thuang m~i). Kelvin temperature nhi¢t d¢ Kelvin.
~C photo-conductor 16'p quang dan Kelvin scale thang Kelvin.
d1¢n KC.
Kemart process phuang phap che
KC silverless film phim khOng c6 ban Kemart (ban in cao khong c6
b~c KC. tram vung cao quang).

kent cap_
- keyboard inquiry

kent cap kfch thucrc to giay l 8x2 l tac key light anh sang den chfnh yeu, anh keyboard inquiry tham van tlm hieu kiss 11;10 ap l!fc.
Anh. sang den ca ban. ban phfm. kiss inpression ap l!fc in nhy, tl,lo ap life.
kent paper giay ve ban d6, giay do key line d6i chieu hang net chuan hai keyboard layout b6 Cl;IC ban phfm. kiss plate sua chfra ban.
h9a. m~t to in. .,,
keyboard operator nhan vien thao kiss pressure ap life in nhy, t1;10 ap life.
kept book luu giu sach tranh. key map ban d6 chi diin.
tac ban phfm.
kept for reference kiem tra llfc;>'l1g t6n. key number ma so chi dfo. kiss printing tl!-O ap l!fc in.
keyboard overlay ban che phu ban phfm.
key pad ban phfm nho. kiss printing pressure ap life in nhy,
kern ky hi¢u n6i, lien hap; ky tl;l' n6i, keyboard program trlnh tl;l' thao tac
lien hqp. t<;lo ap life.
key plate ban ve phac [in da, in thach ban phfm.
ban]. . klischograph may khilc chebiin di¢n tu.
kern pair sap tung c~p chen ch~t [sap keyboard send - receive teleprinter
chii]. key sheet to d.t dan tren ban. may in vi tfnh chuyen di¢n thu phat kneader may tr911; may khuay keo;
kiiu ban phfm. may tr911 h6 giay.
kerned letter chen ch~t cac con chii.
key stone ban ve phac [in da].
keyboard unit thiet bj ban phfm. kneading (sl;l') khuay tr¢n, (sl!) lam
kerning sap chen ch~t [sap chii]. key stroke go phfm. deo, lam nhuyln.
kerosene dau hoa, diiu lua. keyboarding silp chii ban phfm.
key stroke verification Slf tham tra kneading machine may tr9n; may
kerosine dau hoa, dau lua. go phfm. keyboardless line-casting machine khuay keo; may tr9n ho giay.
may due chii dong kh6ng c6 ban phfm.
ketol nrqu xeton, R.CO.CH 2 [hoa]. key transfer in chuyen ban ve phac. kneading trough thung tr<)n.
keying agent chat tang barn.
ketone xeton, R2 CO [hoa]. key work tu quan tr9ng, tu chfnh g6c. knife adjustment dieu chinh vj trf
keyword tu quan tr9ng, tu chfnh yeu. dao.
ketone decomposition s~r phan giiii keybar chot khoa.
kill b6 di, luqc b6 di, tach cac con knife block h<)p dao.
keton. keyboard ban phfm [may tfnh]. chii in ra khoi bat chii va bo vao tung
kettle noi; thung. o chii cua h9p chii. knife edge luai dao.
keyboard code ma ban phfm.
kettle stitch d6ng sach 16ng day. kilowatt hour kil6oat gio. knife folder may gap sach kieu dao.
keyboard command m¢nh 1¢nh ban
key khoa, ch1a khoa, phfm, nut barn. phfm. kind of binding lo1;1i hlnh d6ng sach. knife folding drum trl;lc gap tay sach
kieu dao.
key block ban ve phac. keyboard console bang dieu khien kind of letter ca, kieu chii chl.
ban phfm. knife folding machine may gap tay
key button nut barn khoa. kind of type ca, kieu chii chl. sach kieu dao.
keyboard direct input nh~p vao tn,c
key colour mau chu the, mau chu sac. kinematic viscosity d9 nhat d<)ng h9c. knife grinding machine may mai dao.
tiep ban phfm.
key drawing net ve phac. kinetic (thu¢c) d¢ng hc;>c. knife holder gia de dao.
keyboard entry nh~p vao ban phfm.
key forme M ban, ban ve phac. kinetics d¢ng hc;>c. knife shaft tn,1c dao.
keyboard features tfnh mi.ng ban phfm.
key in nh(tp vao khoa. kinetic equilibrium can bang d¢ng. knife-grinder may mai dao.
keyboard function key khoa c6ng
key letter chii tieu chuan. nang ban phfm. kiosk ki6t ban sach bao. knit fabric hang d¢t.
368 369

knob num dieu chinh. Kodalith phim Kodak tling thu cung
(ten thuong m1;ti).
knock out vet lorn (va ch6 lorn).
kraft giff"y co-rap, giay da de, giay
knock up VO gi!fy chinh te, vu6ng van.
knock-up machine may vo gi!fy.
knocking out gay sach vu6ng bang phfulg.
bao xi mang.
kraft liner cac tong da de, bla cung
gi!fy co-rap.
kraft mill nha may Jam b(>t giff"y CCI-rap.
knocking out the groove ep ranh, gO.O.
kraft paper giay da de, giAy co-rap,
knocking up vo giay chmh te, vu6ng v~. giAy bao goi. Jabel nhan hang, thuong hi¢u. labile khong 6n djnh.
knockout b¢ ph~n thao khu6n. kraft paper sack tui giay da de, tui label gluing machine may dan nhiin )ability tfnh khOng 6n djnh.
knockout plate ban thao khu6n. gi!fy co-rap. hang. laboratory phong thf nghi~m.
kraft pulp b()t giay da de, b()t giay label ink ml!C in nhan hang.
knockout press may ep thao khuOn. laboratory printing machine may in
knurled nut mu 6c vft, ecu Ian van. label making machine may in nhiin dung trong phong thf nghi¢m.
kraft semi-chemical pulp b()t giay
knurled screw dinh vft Ian van. da de ban hoa h9c, b9t giay cC1-rap laboratory printing press may in
ban hoa h9c. label paper gilfy in nhan hang. dung trong phong thf nghi¢m.
Kodak photo Resist mang cam
quang Kodak ben an mon (ten thuong kraft waterleaf gi!fy da de chua lang label printing in nhiin hang tl;f boc. labour - saving rule dubng ke chl
m<!,i cua C6ng ty Kodak My). phu keo, giay co-rap chua tang phu keo. label printing machine may in nhiin b¢i s6.
Kodak Relief Plate ban polyme cam Kuehnle-Coulter Film phim khOng hang.
co b1;tc KC (ten thuong m1;ti). labyrinth seal gfo xi bjt kfn.
quang Kodak d1;tng ban in cao cua label processing gia cOng nhiin tt;r
C6ng ty Kodak My. Kupper sac t6 h6 phach. b6c. lac nhl;fa canh kien thO, son lac.
label punching machine may d()t cat lac dye pham mau canh kien.
nhiin hang. lac lacke phAm mau ciinh kien.
label varnish dau Jang bong nhan lac musia qu1.
lacca senlac, nht;ra canh kien.
label-cutting press may cat nhiin
hang. lacker SCln; vec ni; danh vec ni.
label-embossing press may in ep n6i lace paper giay co vo.n hoa ngoai bien.
nhan hang.
lace-in the slips dai bang trang trf.
labeller may dan nhiin hang.
lace-work tooling in ep van hoa.
labelling machine may diin nhan
hang, may gan nhiin hang. laced on dong cac to giay 16ng day.
lacework border
laminated board

lacework border trang trf van hoa lactic casseine casein sfra. lamp den.
laminated board bla cung hay cac
ngoai bien.
lactoflavine lactoflavin, vitamin Bi, tong ep nhilu lap. lamp black mu('>i den, mu¢i kh6i.
lacing-in d6ng sach long day. C11H2006H4. laminated cover bla sach ep dan
lamp glass thuy tinh bong den.
laking number ~p san, t~p chf djnh lactometer sfra ke, ty tr9ng ke sfra. mang chat deo, bla sach ep mang kim
ky thieu s6, ngat quiing. Jo~i. lamp oil dau hoa.
lactose lactow, dLiang sfra, C12H220 11H20.
lacquer son g6c; vec ni; lac; dau laminated foil ep dan mang mong lamp tripod gia den, de den.
b6ng; vec ni b6ng. lacuna bo sot cau trong bai van hoac cha't deo.
mat do~n van. . lampwax parafin.
lacquer coat lap son; lap vec ni. laminated glass thuy tinh an toan,
ladies' card phieu hay ta phfch kh6 thuy tinh nhilu lap. lanital sqi nhan t~o casein.
lacquer deposit c~n son; c~n vec ni. 3,5x2,5 tac Anh.
laminated machine may ep dan land cac ruyen dl!ang tram (ban in lorn).
lacquer diluent dung m6i son. lag SlJ ch~m; SlJ trl tr¢; SI! ud9ng. mang mong ch!t deo. landscape sach kh6 ngang, khO sach
lacquer film engraving stencil ban Lagorio colour chart bieu do mau laminated materials nguyen li¢u co kieu y.
in hrai phu mang lk anh sang th(!c nghi(!m Lagorio. tho, lap. landscape binding dong sach d~ng
lacquer screen hrai trang phu lac. laid finish paper giay in c6 van nl!oc a<;>c. kho ngang.
laminated metal foil ep dan mang
lacquer petroleum dfo pha son (scii laid lines dl!crng vet nl!oc. mong kim lo~i. landscape card (bl!U) thiep phong
I65°-200°C; ty tr9ng 0,786). canh.
laminated paper giay ep mang mong.
laid mark vet 16 in nl!oc [khuyet
lacquer solvent dung mcii son. landscape folding tay sach gap kh6
diem cua giay]. laminated plastics ban dan nhi6u lap
lacquer thinner dung m6i pha loiing son. chat deo. ngang.
laid paper giay van d9c chlm.
lacquered screen plate ban in h.rai laminated structure cau true lap. landscape orientation trlnh bay, sap
lake son; vec ni; ch!t co mau do sam. xep hl!ong kh6 ngang.
laminated thermosetting plastics
laid colour mau son. landscape page ta tranh trlnh bay
lacquering SlJ se1n; lap son; Jang b6ng chat deo cung nong d~ng tam.
dau, phu vec ni. laid oil dau ho phach. hLiong kh6 ngang.
laminated wood g6 dan.
lactalbumin anbumin sfra. laid pigment b¢t mau do sam. landscape size m~t giay trlnh bay
laminating ep lap mang mong, ep hLiong kho ngang.
lactate lactat; CH 3.CHOH.COOM; laidtine chat pha loiing m1;tc in. mang chat deo.
CH 3 .CHOH.COOR. language ngcin ngfr, tieng.
lambert lam-be [don vj d¢ sang]. laminating machine may ep mang
lacteal (thu(>c) sfra; co dc!-Ilg sfra. mong chat deo. language interprcte giai thfch ngcin
lambskin da de, giay da de. ngfr, tieng.
lactean (thu¢c) sfra; c6 d~ng sfra. la~ination d¢ phan lop; slJ phan lap;
lactescence d~ng sfra; mau sfra.
lamina ban mong, tam mong.
ca:~ true lap; SlJ can thanh la mong; ep language processor thiet bj xu ly
laminar (thu¢c) ban mong, ram mang mong; phLiong phap ep nhiet ngcin ngfr.
lactescent di,mg sfra; co mau sfra. mong, thanh tang, thanh lap. mang mong; ep mang chat deo tron.g lamoline mo l6ng cw.
lactic acid axit lactic, laminate ghep mang, dan mang su6t; phu mang bao v¢ trong su6t.
lantern plate kfnh phim den chieu,
CH 3.CHOH.COOH. mong chat deo, ep mang mong. lamintor may ep dan mang mong. ao dang khO 8x8cm.
lantern slide laser plate

lantern slide phim den chieu, phim large print edition sach in kilo Ion
sach chfr to. ,
laser plate ban in lade. latent image anh an.
ao dang.
laser platemaker may che ban lade. latent image intensification tra day
lap gap noi, ch6ng len nhau, phan bla large quarto sach tu khai kh6 r¢ng. anh an.
laser platemaking system h¢ th6ng .,--·
sach ga'p l~i bao v¢ bla sach. large royal kfch thuac ta gia.y 25x20 thiet bj cM ban lade. latent picture hlnh an, anh an.
lap signature tay sach gap n6i tiep. ta'c Anh.
laser plotter may ve d6 ho~ lade. lateral dot formation diem tram t~o
lapidary style kieu bai van ch~m large run tai li?u in so luqng Ion, ban thanh hlnh thoi, hlnh qua tram.
in ch~y so Iuqng dai. laser print head dau in lade.
khac tren da d~ng bai van bia. lateral ink distribution SlJ truyen
large scale intergrated circuit mach laser printer may in chu lade. m!Jc theo hu6ng ngang.
lapped cover bao v¢ mep c~nh bla sach.
di?n t6 hqp d~i qui m6. · laser scanning power cong suat quet
lapping ta giay gap mep. lateral movement di d9ng huong
large type edition sach chfr to. lade. ngang, chuyen d9ng htr6ng ngang.
laptop computer may tfnh laptop. laser-die cut xen giay lade.
large size sheet giay khO r¢ng. lateral register hu6ng ngang theo
large body size chu chl than r9ng, laser (light amplification by laser-diode den hai ClJC lade. khoang each qui djnh.
chu than r9ng. stimulation of radiation) lade
lasergravure ban khac lade, thu~t lateral register control kh6ng che
large calorie kilocalo. laser beam chum tia lade khac lade in lorn. khoang each qui djnh hu6ng ngang.
large check kfch thuac ta giay l 9x24 laser beam printing may in vi tinh lade. last-down colour mau ffilJC Ian in sau lateral reversal chuyen d¢ng dao
tac Anh. cung [in mauj. nguqc huang ngang.
laser beam sweep may quet lade.
large contact angle g6c tiep xuc r9ng. laser comp may sap chu chyp lade. last-minute editing stia chua bien t~p lateral reversing chuyen d¢ng dao
sau khi gtii ban thao di in. nguqc hu6ng ngang.
large double post kfch thuac ta giay laser diode den hai ClJC lade, lade
21 x23 tllC Anh. diot. last colour to in mau cu6i cung. laterally reversed hu6ng nguqc trai
late binding ghi hlnh anh va chu sau phai [anh tnrac guong].
large edition ban in s6 luqng Ion. laser diode ablation ky thu~t cheban
den lade di6t. khi ghep vj trf. latest news device thiet bj sap ghep
large face m~t chu chl ca Ion, m~t
them tin gia ch6t to bao.
ban in kh6 Ian. laser electrophotographic printing late edition sach xuat ban ky gan day
in chyp di¢n tti lade. nhat, sach xuat ban m6i nhat. latex latec, mu cao SU.
large folic gia'y in 16 trang kh6 r¢ng.
laser printing in chyp di¢n tti lade. late sheet detector thiet bj kh6ng che latex cement chat ket dfnh latec, h6
large Foolscap kfch thuac ta giay giay ca'p vao mu9n, ch~m ch~p. dan latec.
13,5xl7 ta'c Anh. laser engraving ban khac lade.
latensificating tang cuong anh an. latex composition hon hqp latec
laser engraving gravure ban in 16m
large format kh6 sach r¢ng.
khac lade.
latentan. (latec vii chat phu gia).
large octavo gia'y in sach 8 trang kh6 r¢ng.
laser etching ban khllc lade. latent energy nang luqng an, an nang. latex mix hon hqp latec (latec va chat
large paper edition sach giay kh6 r9ng. latent heat an nhi¢t. d¢n).
laser fibre-optic transmissio~
large post kfch thu6c to giay 20x 16 system h¢ thong phat truyen S<;ll latex mixing hon hqp latec.
latent heat of vaporization an nhiet
tac Anh. quang lade. bay hoi. · latex rubber cao su latec.
374 375
latcxometex lay of the case

latexometex latec ke, ty tr9ng ke lavender mau do nh~t; clly cai huong lay of the case sap xep chii cai cua layout sheet to trinh bay, mfo sap
latec. c6 hoa do nhi;it. MP chii rai. xep trang in.
lathe work van mau. lavender oil dau cai huang. lay on lap ban [in !om]. layout table ban blnh ban trang in.
Latin tieng Latinh. lavishly illustrate) tranh minh hoa lay rest ch?n ban phfa tnr6c. layout-man cong nhan blnh ban,
latin alphabet bang chii' cai la tinh. hlnh ve minh ho~, do thj minh h~~ lay sheet ban d?t giay ghep ban.
nhlln vien thiet ke trang in.
[xuat ban pham]. .
Latin font kifo chii' La tinh, ph6ng lazy flame kha nang b6c chay thap
lay tint diagram bitfo do b6 trf rnau
chii La tinh. Jaw djnh lu~t, qui lu~t, qui tac. [thiet bi say kh6].
phlln 16p.
latitude d¢ vi, d¢ khoan dung, d¢ ma Jaw binding d6ng sach da de c6 mau.
lay-on lap ban in lorn.
lead chl; la chl; bc;>c chl, cai chen chl
r¢ng. giii'a cac dong chii [sap chii].
law blank kfch thuoc ta giay 13xl6
lay-on machine may lap ban in lorn.
latitude of development d¢ khoan tac Anh. lead accumulator ac qui chl.
dung hi¢n anh. laydown lap ban [in 16m].
Jaw calf dong sach bla da c6 mau. lead acetate chl axetat [h6a].
latitude of exposure d¢ khoan dung layer lap, mang, phu lop.
law of inverse square djnh lu~t blnh lead acetate method phuang phap
chieu sang, thai hi;ln chieu sang. phuang dao nghjch. layer-on c6ng nhan d?t giay. chl axetat.
lattice mi;lng Juoi, each tu, luoi mat cao. Jaw of publication lu~t xuat ban. laying 161 ban, d¢m ban. lead acetate test phep thu chl axetat.
lattice constant hang so m~ng luoi. law of reciprocity lu~t chuyen d(>ng laying press may ep ch?t g6. lead acetate test paper giay thu chl
lattice energy ·nang luqng m~ng luoi. qua l~i. laying type bo chii vao h(>p chii. axetat.

lattice model rrio hlnh m<;1ng Juoi mat law sheep dong sach da de c6 mau. laying-on board ban d?t giay thu lead alloy hqp kirn chL
cao. lawn finish gia c6ng hoa vlln tren vai c6ng, ban d?t giay. lead and reglct case h¢p dt_rng chl va
lattice stamp trang trf hoa van hlnh [giay in]. laying-up board ban de ban con l~i. duang ke chl.
vu6ng, hlnh mat cao. Jay d?t, de, trai, phai bay; qui djnh, layout sap xep b6 trf khu6n in, dan lead azzide chl azit, Pb(N3)i.
lattice structure cau tnk mi;ing luoi; khuon phep. khu6n in each trlnh bay thiet ke trang lead bar chl thanh.
trang trf sach hlnh hoa vlln da. Jay angle djnh vj g6c xuat truyen giay ra in, b6 Cl;IC trang in.
lead base de ban chl.
laundry-proof ben CQ rll'a; Sau khi lay boy ban nh~n giay cua may ke. layout character chii danh may b6
gi~t rua kh6ng phai mau. Cl;lc trang in. lead box h¢p dt;rng v~t li¢u chii chl.
Jay edge dau c~p. khoang tning c<;1nh
laundry soap xa phong giat. ben. layout drawing hlnh ve sap xep trang in. lead carbonate basic chl cacbonat
laundry soda s6da gi?t. Jay gauge ca ch~. khoang each qui djnh. layout of printed sheet di¢n to trang in.
lead chloride chl clorua PbCl2•
laurel pink mau do nh~t. lay guide ca ch~, khoang each qui djnh. layout paper tagiay maket blnh
ghep phim trang in. lead chromate chl cromat.
lauryl alcohol ruqu lauryl. lay mark khoang qui djnh Hip ban [i~
lorn], co ch?n phfa truoc, khoang qui 13!o~t scanner may quet phan mau lead cutter may cat phi-le chl, duang
lauryl bromide lauryl bromua [h6a]. b6 tn !rang in. ke chl.
dinh tay sach.

376 377
leader box
lead drier ;;.:..--

lean-faced letter chu roi m~t chu hyp.

lead oxide chl oxit, PbO; Pb02 • leader box h¢p chu de phi-le cham,
lead drier chat lam kho ml;CC in c6 learned society h9c h(li, doan the h9c
duong ke cham.
cht'.ra hon hqp axft hfru ca voi chl. lead pan d'ia chl; n6i chl. thu~t.
leader matter v~t li¢u co chen khi
lead dross ba chl, m~t chl, phoi chl. lead peroxide chl peoxit, Pb0 2• leather da thu¢c.
sap ban.
lead dust gio chl. lead phosphate chl ph6t pMt leader points diem dAn cham cham. leather back da d6ng gay sach.
lead edge mep c~p [giay]. Pb;(P0 4) 2. leather ball chaphu ml;Cc lop da l6t.
leaders net cham cham lien tiep,
lead engraving chfr khk. lead phosphite chl ph6t phft. dtrong chi dii.n. leather bellow h(lp xep nep may anh.
lead foil la chl. lead plate ban chl. leading them ciii chen [sap chfr], cl!
leather binding dong siich bla da,
lead fumes kh6i chl, hai chl b6c. ly gifra cac dong. d6ng sach toan brtng da.
lead plating SI! m~ chl; SI! b9c chl.
leading article bai xii luan. leather cover bla sach bang da.
lead furniture lanh-go chl, thoi chen lead poisoning SI! nhiem d¢c chl, SI!
chl. ng¢ d¢c chl. leading edge mep c~p. mep kyp. leather board cac tong da, bla ct'.rng da.
lead galley khay de chfr, bat chfr. leading-end clamp cai kyp ban phfa
lead rack gia de chfr chl. leather bound siich d6ng bla bang da.
lead glass thuy tinh chl. trtr6'c.
lead rule duong ke chl, phi-le chl. leather card board ciic-tong toan
leads ciii chen.
lead grey mau xam chl. bang da. ciic tong gia da.
lead salt mu6i chl. leads cutter may d.t co chen, thanh
lead hydrate chl (II) hidroxit, leather cloth vai son, da nhan ~o.
lead sheet chl Iii. chen.
lead screw 6ng ru¢t gia chl, 6ng xoan leaf la, Iii kim lo~i dat mong, to giay leather corners gay sach b9c da.
lead intersifier chat tra day mu6i chl
chl. m(lt m~t. leather cover gilt m~ vang bla da.
[Chl;lp anh].
leaf gathering b!t trang sach dan trang. leather gilt siich m~ vang m~t bla da.
lead ladle cai moi muc chl. lead squirt voi phun chl.
leaf gold la vang dat mong.
lead matrix khu6n due chl [dung cho lead stearate chl stearat. leather glue keo da.
m~ di¢n]. leaf green mau ll;IC vang.
lead stereo ban chl due. leather joint end paper to dan n6i
lead mould may due lanh-g6, thoi leaf number s6 trang. voi bla da.
lead sulfate chl sunfat, PbS04.
chen. leaf stamping la kim lo~i ep khuon m~. leather joints khau n6i bla da, duong
lead moulding process phuc:mg phap lead waste m~t chl, phoi chl.
leafing lop ml;Cc kim nhu b6ng, lap gap da thu¢c.
ban chl due m~ di¢n. lead wedge thoi, nem chl. liinh. leather label nhiin siich bla da.
lead mount de ban chl. lead-and-rule cutter may d.t ducmg leaflet truyen don, to quang cao, to
leather paper phong giay gia da.
lead naphthenate chl naptenat, xa ke. phile chl. rot, siich kh6 nho.
leather roller trl;IC lo da.
phong chl. lead-in roll tn_1c dAn huong gilfy. lean letter chu than hyp.
lead nitrate chl nitrat, Pb(N0,) 2• leather velvcr d6ng sach da mem.
lean matter ban sap chu. ban in.
leaded matter v~t li¢u co chen.
lead of the web dii.n giay may in giay lean type chu net manh, chfr than hyp. leather-covered roller 16 ml;Cc b<;x: da.
leader tuyen dii.n, duong din.
cu(ln. 379
leatherette lens Oare

lens flare loe sang 6ng kfnh. lenticular screen phim thau minh 16i,
leatherette giay giii da, da nha.n t<1-o. legal-size paper kfch thuoc gia'.y qui
djnh hqp phap. lorn.
leatheroid da nhan 11,10, da giay. lens bolder gia do 6ng kfnh.
legned thuyet minh tranh minh hoa less-than symbol ky hi¢u nho hem
leave blank ltru to trling. lens hood nAp d~y 6ng kfnh.
loi giiii thfch kem theo ban d6, tranh (<).
leave edge mep duoi giay. anh v.v ... lens mounting gia do 6ng kfnh. let-in side head tieu de m~t ben trang
leaves of plates tranh in ban dong, legibility tfnh de d9c, r6 rang. lens opening d¢ mb 6ng kfnh. sach.
ban in tranh, tranh minh ho<1- toan lens paper giay lau 6ng kfnh. letter chfr, chii cai.
legible de d9c, chfr in ho~c chfr vi!t
tay d9c dU'9'C de dang. lens performance tfnh nang 6ng letter board ban de bat chii roi.
LED (light emitting diodes) den hai kfnh, kha nang thao tac nhanh hi¢u
legman ph6ng vien lam cOng vi¢c 0 letter box h9p thu.
cl;(c phat sang. qua cua 6ng kfnh.
ledger s6 sach thu chi. Letter copying press may in bat chfr roi.
lemon chrome vang chanh, pham lens scale d¢ khAc tren 6ng kfnh.
ledger paper giay dung cho s6 sach letter founding due chii.
mau bari cromat, BaCr04 • lens shutter la chAn sang 6ng kfnh.
thu chi. letter foundry phan xubng due chfr.
lemon-acid axit xitric, axit chanh. lens spead toe d¢ chyp 6ng kfnh.
left arrow mGi ten trai. letter heading tieu de in tren dau
lemon-yellow vang chanh. lens stop diapham cua 6ng kfnh, cua
left handed screw dinh vft v~n trai. trang giay viet thl!.
length d¢ dai, d¢ dai sqi ml,fc. tr~p 6ng kfnh may anh, cua dieu sang
left justify xep chG' in thang deu ben 6ng kfnh may iinh. letter paper giay viet thl!.
trai. length of run d¢ ben in, in s6 luqng
lens strength d¢ m<1-nh tieu Cl! 6ng letter-card thiep in chfr b1 thu niem
left margin le trling ben trai. kfnh. phong.
lens thau kinh, 6ng kfnh.
left-and-right positioning each letter-case h¢p chfr, h¢p chii roi.
lens system h¢ th6ng thau kfnh.
chuyen dich vi trf sang phai va sang lens aberration SI! sai 1<1-c h1nh tha'.u
letter-casting mould khuon due chii,
trai. kfnh. lens tissue giay 6ng kfnh.
dong mo due chii.
left-hand margin indent slip chfr thyt lens adjustment dieu chinh 6ng kfnh, lens turret vanh dai quay cua tr~p
letter-cutter may khAc chfr.
vao xa le ben trai so v6i cac dong khac. dieu tiet 6ng kfnh. Ong kfnh may anh.
letter-form kieu chit
left-hand page trang ben trai, trang lens angle g6c d¢ thau kfnh. lens-o-matic apparatus thiet bi dieu

s6 chan. tiet dra dieu sang 6ng kfnh may anh. letter-head dliu de viet thl!, giay van
lens aperture d¢ mathau kfnh. dra phong c6 in tieu de ten va dia chi cua
leftovers phe li¢u. dieu chinh anh sang 6ng kfnh may anh. lens-o-meter tieu d¢ ke.
m9t nguoi hay m9t t6 chuc.
Legal Blank kfch thll'OC to giay lens axis tryc quang thau kfnh. lens-o-screen distance cu ly giiia letter-press forme khuOn in hay ban
8,5x 14 tac Anh. kfnh tram va tMu kfnh. ·
lens barrel h9p 6ng h1nh tron d.,ng in cao.
Legal Cap kfch thll'oc to giay 13xl6 6ng kfnh. le~ board gia lip 6ng kfnh, ban lip letter-press in color in mau bing ban
tac Anh. tha:u kfnh.
lens cap nlip d~y 6ng kfnh. incao.
Legal Foolscap kfch thu6c to giay
lenticular film phim h1nh thau kfnh. letter-press plate ban in cao.
l 3x 16 tlfc Anh. lens collar vong dai thau kfnh.
letter-quality printer

letterpress offset in op xet ban in cao.

letter space

letter space khoang each giua cac

lever style fountain key khoa dieu
letter-quality printer may in thll' tu chinh mang ml}'C kiiu d.n g~t.
chat lw;mg. con chii'.
letterpress perfecting press may in lexicography ly thuyet va thl}'c hanh
letter-spacing khoang each giua cac hai mi"!-t ban in cao. 1evant morocco da thu¢c moroco
bien so~n tu dien, phtrong phap bien
chu. [d6ng sach].
letterpress plant xuong in cao so~n tu dien.
letteret than chu cai net khong cao XU'Ong in ban in chi. ' level muc; m~t phing ngang bang,
lexicon ttr diin, bieu tu vl!flg (doi l~p
thap r¢ng h~p vf dl;I a, e, o v.v ... d1,mg Cl;l do chuan bQt nll'OC.
letterpress platemaking che ban in cao. voi ngu phap].
letterguide scriber qui tac chu ve level of illumination d¢ chieu sang Liberty press m¢t lo~i may in ep
letterpress printing in ban in cao, in d6ng deu.
khac. phing.
ban in chu roi.
letter head giay van phong c6 in tieu leveling screw vft dieu chinh ngang library thtr vi¢n. kho tll' li¢u.
de ten va dia chi cua m¢t ngll'oi hay letterpress printing machine m,iy in bting.
ban in cao, may in typ6. library binding sach dong cho thll'
m¢t tel chuc. leveling (st}') lam cho bAng; t6 deu,
lettering in m~ (nhu, xoa nhu). letterpress printing plate ban in cao boi deu.
c6 tram. library edition ban, sach thtr vi¢n.
lettering box h¢p chfr (dung cho in leveling agent tac nhAn san bang;
letterpress printing process phtrcmg libretto Joi nh~c kjch (lbi hat va n6i
m<;t thu cong)
leveling bottle blnh djnh muc. trong 6pera ho~c nh~c kjch).
phap in ban in cao.
lettering copy ban mfo chfr viet.
letterpress printing technology cong leveling colour thu6c nhu¢m mau deu. licence giay phep.
lettering panel ban chfr in.
ngh¢ in ban in cao. leveling dyestuff thu6c nhu¢m mau deu. licence leaf giay phep xuat ban.
letterpress in ban in chfr roi, in ban in
letterpress process ink m1;tc in ban in leveling instrument d1;1ng c1;1 thang bang. licensed application program trlnh
cao, ten g9i chung cac may in cao, in
cao, m1;tc in typ6. tl}' Crng d1,mg dtrqc cap giay phep.
typo. leveling machine may hi¢u chinh can
letterpress varnish vec ni pha m1;tc in. bang. licensed program trlnh ti! duqc cap
letterpress blockmaking che ban
ban in cao. . letterpress wedfed press may in giay leveling property tfnh bang phing; giay phep.
cu¢n ban in cao, may in typo giay cu¢n. d¢ bang ph!ng. licensed publication xuat ban phim
letterpress colour printing in mau
dll'qc cap giay phep.
ban in cao. letterset in cao gian tiep, in Op-xet leveling solvent dung mOi lam deu.
ban in cao. lid nap d~y.
letterpress ink ml}'c in ban in cao. lever don bay' can dieu khiin, can
letterset ink ml}'c in 6p-xet ban in cao. g~t. tay g~t. lie flat d~t phing b tll' the nam ngang
letterpress inking unit thiet bi truyen
[giay in].
ml}'c ban in cao. letterset plate ban in 6p-xet d~ng ban lever cutting machine may xen cat
kieu can g~t. life doi s6ng, tu6i th9 su d1;1ng.
letterpress machine may in ban in incao.
chu roi, may in typ6. lever galley press may in thu ban chu life period thbi ky su d1;1ng; thbi ky
letterset printing machine may in
roi ep ph!ng. s6ng; thbi ky ton t~i.
letterpress makeready Jen khuon 6p-xet ban in cao.
(ban) in cao, Jen khuon in typo. le,ver press may in dieu khien can g~t life time ky h~n su d1;1ng, tu6i th9 su
letterset printing press may in 6p-
bang tay. d1;1ng.
letterpress method phll'ang phap in cao. xet ban in cao.
lifeless rubber light fog

lifeless rubber cao su khong dan hoi. light blue xanh nh~t. mau xanh nhat light fog vet mo tr~n ~him ,Am ?an light receiver may thu anh sang.
mau xanh sang. .' hay phim dll'ong ban lam hmh anh
lift slf nang Jen; slf dua Jen; nang ban light resistance tfnh ben anh sang; d¢
light colour mau nh~t. mau sang. kh6ng ro net. ben anh sang.
de giay cap vao may in; thang may.
light glue keo xuong. light-resistant ben anh sang.
lift technique ky thu~t nang; thiet bj light counter may do luqng anh sang.
nang. light halo quang sang. light scattering slJ phan tan anh sang.
light densitometer may do d¢ sang.
lift truck xe keo nang giay bang tay; light integrator thiet bj tfch phAn light-sensitive nhl_ly anh sang.
light-diffusing Slf khuech tan anh sang. Juqng anh sang.
lift velocity v~n toe nang Jen, v~n toe light diffusion Slf khuech tan anh light-sensitiveness tfnh nh~y anh
light intensity cucmg d¢ sang. sang.
dll'a Jen. sang.
light intensity equalizer may dieu light sensitivity tfnh nhl_ly anh sang,
lifted matter bo chu roi [h¢p chu]. light dispersion Slf tan x~ anh sang. tiet CU'Ong d9 sang. dQ nh~y anh sang.
lifting giay keo XO [Slf co). light distance Clf ly anh sang, quang elf. light loss t6n that luqng anh sang. light soda ash soda nhy, soda Son
lifting device thiet bj nang. light effect hi¢u (mg anh sang. light magnesia mage oxit nhe, mage vAy (Solvay).
lifting sucker voi hut giay. oxit trAng. light source ngu6n sang.
light emitter may phat quang, may
do anh sang phat x~. light magnesium carbonate mage light source for exposure ngu6n
ligature chu ghep hai hay nhieu chu
cacbonat baza, 4MgC03.Mg(OH}i.5H20. sang dung cho chieu sang.
cai n6i v6i nhau nhll' oe ho~c fl. light emitting diode (LED) den phat
quang hai clJc (di6t). light paste b¢t nhiio. light spectrum quang ph6.
light anh sang; (thu¢c) anh sang; nhy.
light emitting diode display m~t light paste board giay boi mong; cac light split pha.n quang, phan tach anh
light-absorbing hap th1,1 anh sang. tong mong.
hi¢n thj den phat quang hai clfc. sang.
light absorption slJ hap th1,1 anh sang. light pen but anh sang. light spot diem sang, dom sang.
light face letter chu net thanh manh.
light absorption spectrometry phep light proof (thu¢c) tfnh ben anh sang, light stability tfnh 6n djnh anh sang,
light face type chu net thanh manh.
do quang ph6 hap th1,1 anh sang kha (t~u¢c) khong thau quang, (thu¢c) tfnh ben anh sang.
kifa light fast (thu¢c) tfnh ben anh sang. ch,u anh sang.
light streak v¢t sang.
light adaptation slf thfch t'rng anh light fasness tfnh ben anh sang. li~~t proof paper giay ben anh sang,
g1a:y che anh sang. light synthetic printing plate ban in
sang, Slf thfch nghi anh sang. light fastness paper giay ben anh
nhtJa tong hqp nh~y sang.
light ageing slJ liio hoa (do) anh sang. sang, giay chju anh sang. light pulse xung anh sang.
light table ban kiem tra ban, ban soi
light fastness tester d1,1ng c1,1 thf light quantum luqng tu anh sang,
light and shade m~t hay di¢n sang va quang tu. SLJ'a ban phim.
nghi¢m d9 ben anh sang. .
t6i. light tints tr~ng thai ho~c sic thai
light filter kfnh !9c sik light ray tia sang.
light and shade water mark vet khac nhau cua anh sang, tang thu
nll'C1C han trong to giay. light flux hrqng quang th6ng. light-red tia do. vung sang.
light balancing filter kfnh !9c sac light-fugitive kh6ng ben anh sang, I_ight_ rea~tion phan ung quang, hi¢u light tone sac di~u nh~t. tong mau
ung anh sang. nh~t. t6ng mau sang.
can b!ng hay bu du nhi¢t d¢ mau. khong chju anh sang.

384 385
25 · TflKH KTIAV
light transmiters lightening

light transmiters may phat tfn hi¢u light-pen tracking vet sau but anh lightening nang cao d¢ sang tong limit of fatigue gi6i h~n moi.
anh sang. sang, net ghi sau but anh sang. mau, chieu sang. limited (thu<)c) phat hanh hl;IO Che, CO
light trap ctra quay phong ch6ng anh lights cao quang, vung sang tren lightface chu kilu net thanh. giai h~n.
sang cho buong t6i. phim. lighting chieu sang, thiet bi chieu limited circulation phat hanh .gi6i
light trape kieu chu net thanh. light-sensitive (thu¢c) tfnh nh~y sang. h~1 hay h,,m che.
light unit don vi chieu sang. sang, tfnh cam quang. lighting circuit dong di¢n chieu sang. limited distribution phat hanh gi6i
light-sensitive coating lop nhu tuong lighting installation thiet bi chieu h~n hay h~ che.
light value chi s6 anh sang.
cam quang, lop nh~y sang nhu tucrng. sang. limited edition ban sach s6 luqng in
light wave s6ng anh sang, quang ba.
lighting-set ink mvc in kh6 nhanh. c6 h~n dinh, luqng sach in co hl;ln.
light-sensitive coating solution dung
light-absorbing (thu¢c) hap thy anh
dich (keo) cam quang. lightness d¢ sang. limit concentration n6ng d¢ gioi hl;lfl.
light-sensitive emulsion chat nhil lightweight buckram vai lanh cung limit conductivity d¢ dan di¢n gioi hl;lfl.
light-affected area khu Vllc thu anh
tUO'ng cam quang, chat nhu tl!O'ng d~c bi¢t dung de b9c sach, vai tranh limit current dong di¢n gi6i hl;ln.
nh~y sang. SO'n dau dong sach.
light-box may cong-ta.c phim, may ep limit density m~t d¢ gi6i hl;ln, ty
light-sensitive material v~t li¢u cam lightweight furniture d~mg cy chen
phim. tr9ng giai hl;ln.
quang, v~u li¢u nh~y sang. khoang tr6ng tr9ng ltrqng nhy nhu
light-duty press may in di¢n in kh6 duy-ra. limp sach bla mem.
nho. light-sensitive plate ban cam quang,
lightweight newsprint giay bao d/nh limp binding d6ng sach m~t da mem,
ban nh~y sang.
light-integrating exposure meter Iuqng nhy. dong sach ban cung.
dyng c~1 tfch phan hrqng anh sang. light-sensitive polymer polyme cam lightweight onionskin giay co mau limp cloth vai dung dong sach gay
light-integrating meter dyng cy tfch quang, polyme nh~y sang. vo cu hanh dinh luqng nhy. mem.
phan ltrqng anh sang. light-sensitive resin nhlfa cam quang, lightweight paper giay mong c6 d/nh limp cloth binding dong sach m~t vai
light integrator thiet bi phan tfch nhlfa nh~y sang. luqng du6i 50g/m2. mem.
luqng anh sang. light-sensitive surface m~t mang lilac mau tfm nh~t. limp cover sach dong bla mung
light intensity cucmg d¢ sang. cam quang, m~t mang nh~y sang. liliput edition ban sach kh6 oho xfu. mem, dong sach m~t bla mem.
light intensity equalizer thiet bi dieu light-sensitivity speck nhan cam limed resin canxi resinat. limp leather sach dong toan bing da
tiet cuang d¢ sang. quang, nhan nh~y sang. thu¢c.
limed rosin nhlfa thong xu ly bang vOi.
light-lock phong t6i (cua) ch6ng anh light-sensitizing agent chat cam limp suede d6ng sach da de nhu¢m
limit giai h~n.
sang. quang, chat nh~y sang. mau.
light loss that thoat luqng anh sang. limit switch h~n che dong mo.
light-tight (thu¢c) kh6ng thau quang, linage s6 dong cua moi trang in, s6
lightness d¢ sang. .(thu¢c) ch6ng anh sang. li~i~tion notice thOng bao hay yet dong cua m¢t tai li¢u in.
thi so Iuqng in h~n che.
light-pen detection Slf kiem dinh but light - weight paper giay trqng line dong chu, dong, duang net,
luqng nhy. limit of elasticity gi6i h~ dan hoi. tuyen, hang.
anh sang.

386 387
line advance
line production

line advance tien hanh. line film phim c6 d~c tinh cung [dung
line production san xuat day chuyen. linear magnification ph6ng di_ii
chyp net].
line and tone etching an mon diem ducmg ke.
line saw cua dong.
tram Va net. line finished paper giay van vai.
line scanning quet dong. linear paper giay viet sach c6 dong ke.
line area khu V\!C ducmg net. line for line phyc che dong theo
nguyen mau. line set d¢ r¢ng dong chu [sap chu]. linear speed toe d¢ ke dong.
line block ban net in cao.
line gauge thuac do bQi s6, thuac tinh line sharpness d¢ sac ro ducmg net. lineature so duang net ban in Iu6i.
line caster may due chu dong. doi s6 diem, thuoc do d9 dai dong ch(i.
line shot ch1,1p anh ducmg net. lined them vao, bu vao, giay bu them vao.
line casting machine may due chu line illustration tranh minh hoa
line space khoang each dong, Cl! ly lined board bla cang nhieu lap, cac
dong, may due duang ke, phi-le. ducmg net, bieu do hay hlnh ve net. .
giua cac dong. tong nhieu lap.
line composing and casting sap due line image hlnh anh ve net.
line spacing gian each giua cac dong. lined brief ban ghi chep dung giay ke
line justification chinh dong chu. o vuong.
line composing and casting line style lo~i hlnh duang net, kieu
line negative phim am ban net. duang net. linen vai lanh.
machine may sap due chu dong.
line number s6 dong. line work ban ducmg net. linen faced giay boi vai lanh.
line copper plate ban d6ng net.
line number editing bien ~P s6 dong. line-at-a-time printer may in kieu dong. linen finish trang tri van vai.
line counter may de'm dong.
line of impression net ep in [giua line-end adjustment dieu chinh cu6i linen paper dong sach giay gia vai
line cut ban in cao ducmg net. tryc 6ng ban va tryc ep in]. dong. lanh.
line delete symbol ky hi¢u xoa bo line original ban g6c mau ducmg net. line-end code ma hoa cu6i dong. linen screen ban in luoi van vai.
line ornament trang tri ducmg net. line-end control key khoa khong cM linen thread sqi lanh.
line device thiet bt xuat ra thanh cu6i dong.
line per inch (!pi) s6 ducmg ke tren linen-grainer phong theo vai lanh
m¢t tac Anh. line-end symbol ky hi¢u ket thuc dong. [dong sach].
line drawing tranh ve duang net.
line photo chyp anh (duang) net. line-end zone khu V(!c cu6i dong linen-rag paper giay van vai.
line escapement nhay dong, bo s6t [dung chinh dong].
line photoengraving chyp anh ban in liner d¢m 16t, giay d¢m I6t, ban d¢m
dong chu.
cao (duang) net. ' line-halftone combination ban Mn h<)p chu may due chu.
line editing bien t~p dong. hgp tram va net.
line photograph ch1,1p anh ban m!u net. liners lop I6t.
line engraving khac net [tranh khfo line-screen duang net ban in Iuoi.
line plate ban net. lines of the staff khuong nh~c, ph6
ban dong], ban duang net. line-up xep hang noi duoi nhau; ban
line positive phim ducmg ban net. nam dong ke vier nhi_ic.
line etching an mon duang net. d6i chieu kiem tra; ban ke giay.
line print tai li¢u in net. lines per page so dong tren m¢t trang
line feed thay dong, chuyen dong. line-up machine may ke ban giay.
line printer may ke dong, may in dong. Une-up table ban d6i chieu kiem tra ban.
line feed character chu chuyen dong, lines to the inch so duang net tren
thay dong chu. line printing danh may in dong. linear grating can ke ducmg song song. m¢t tac Anh.
lining lint

lining giay l6t, giay l6t bat chu [bat lino cut ban phu dieu phot (dl,l) scri lint XC1 giay (Sl_l C6J. liquid spray phun suang the long.
chu]. lanh. · linting of paper giay c6 XC1 be m~t. liquid spray diffuser may phun
linoleat linoleat, C17H31 COOM, suang the long.
lining board paper giay l6t to phong. Lippmann emulsion nhu tuang
C11H 3 1COOR. Lipman. liquid tank thung chCra chat long.
lining figure kieu chu so hi¢n d~i
[dong di_tng d9 cao va to nho]. linoleat drier chat lam kh6 linoleat liquid chat long, the long. liquid toner chat hi¢n mau the long.
C17H31 COOM. '
lining gauge dyng cy do duong ca liquid chromatography phep sac ky liquid-toner process phuang phap
ban chan chu roi. linoleat acid series day axit linolic the long. plwc che mvc in loang [sao ciwp].
C.,H2n·402. ' liquor dung djch, dung djch kiem.
lining of back giay dan d¢m lung. liquid chlorine clo long.
linseed h~t lanh, hl,lt cay lanh. list bieu m!u, ban le khai.
liquid container blnh chCra dung djch
lining of cover giay l6t b1a cung.
linseed oil dau lanh, dau ep tu hl,lt cay long. list of contents myc lye.
lining papers giay van da c6 mau Janh dung che ml_lC in, SC10 Va vec oi.
liquid corrosion Sl;f an mon the long. list of illustrations myc lye tranh
sac, giay l6t trang giay. linseed oil ink mvc in dau Janh.
liquid cr ystal tinh the. long. minh ho~, hlnh ve.
lining paper containing illustration linseed oil varnish vec ni dau lanh.
trang 16t tranh minh h9a. liquid crystal display man hi¢n thi literal error l6i in, l6i chu sap sai.
linoleum vai SCIO, tam phu san Jam tinh the long. literals chu sap sai.
lining tool dao khac siia net tram. bang viii bl,11 c6 trang m(>t lop li-be vai liquid crystal ink ml;fc in tinh the long. literary editor bien t~p van h9c.
lining type chu sap thing hang duong dau Janh.
liquid crystal printing in tinh the long. literary supplement phy ban bao van
chan chir. linoleum cut ban phu dieu phot (d~)
sqi lanh. liquid drier chat lam kh6 the long vf ngh¢.
lining up table ban ke tren ban d~t d1:1 coban maptenat.
giay. linoleum printing in vai san. literature tac phllm van hQC, tai li¢u
liquid filter kfnh lQC sac the long. Viet ho~c nghien Cl.Ill VC van hQC, van
lining-paper trang giay trang 16t sau Linoscan may pha~ mau di¢n tu cua hien.
b1a sach, trang dan 16t gay sach. c6ng ty Lino. liquid ink ml;Cc in d~ng loang, long.
lith developer dung djch hi¢n anh
lining-up vai x6 dan gay sach. Linotron may sap chu linotron, nhan liquid overlay lop phu be m~t d~g long.
cCrng c6 d(> tuang phan cao.
hi¢u may sap chu dong. liquid paraffin parafin tr~g thai long.
lining-up table ban b1nh ban, ban d~t lith film phim d~c bi¢! cCrng c6 d9
khu6n in, ban ghep ban in. linotype may sap due chii' dong. liquid photopolymer ban tuang phan cao, phim lith.
linotype composition may sap chit photopolyme the long.
linkage Sl_l lien hqp, lien ket, Sl_l ket hqp, lith-type film phim d~c bi¢t cCrng c6
net g?ch bieu thi hoa cua nguyen to. may linotyp. li~uid product fil ling machine may d9 tuang phan cao, phim Lith.
linotype slug dong chii' sap due may dong g6i san pham the long.
Lino may sap due chu dong, may due lithium bromide lithi bromua, LiBr
linotyp. liquid rosin nhl;Ca th6ng the long. [hoa].
Linotype - metal hqp kim chl l~quid siccative chat lam kh6 the lithium carbonate lithi cacbonat,
Lino-runner c6ng nhan sap chu may long.
may sap due linotyp. Li2C03 [hoa].
due lino.
lithium chloride
lithographic offset duplicator

lithium chloride lithi clorua, LiCI litho varnish dau pha mt,rc dung cho lithographic offset duplicator may lithol red do lithol.
[hoa]. in litho, vee ni in lithe.
sao ch1;1p 6p xet. lithophotography ch1;1p anh ban in da.
lithium hydroxide lithi hydrOxit, litho-offset san ph.im in ban bru1g lithographic oil dau dung eho in
LiOH [hoa). thu~t in ban da. • litho print san pham in litho, san
bang. phAm in ban in bang.
lithium iodide lithi iodua, Lil [hoa). litho chromography in mau ban da lithographic paper giay in ban in
in lithe mau. ' lithotint mau sil.e in ban da.
litho in bang, in ban da, in Op xet, in bang.
Litho. lithochromy in mau ban da, in Jitho lithotype phuong phap in bang mang
lithographic plate ban in in bang. gielatin.
litho coated book paper giay trang mau.
lithographic platemaking ehe ban in
phu hai m~t dung eho in litho. lithograph in bAng, in ban da, hlnh litmus paper giay qul.
ban bang.
litho crayon but sua ban in litho. ve duqe in bang thu~t in ban da. live chuAn bj Sfill sang ban in tot de in.
lithographic press may in ban bang.
lit.ho film phim dung eho blnh ban. lithographer e6ng nhan in ban bang, live copy ban mau dang sil.p.
cOng nhan in op xet. lithographic printer may in thu ban
litho flatbed machine may in bang in bang. live forme ban in hay khuOn in dang
litho. lithographic (thu¢c) ban bang. dung.
lithographic printing in ban bang.
litho ink mlfe in litho, mve in 6p-xet. lithographic blanket tam cao su live matter ban chfr roi dang dung,
dung cho in ban bang. lithographic proofer may in thu ban ban ehua dung den.
litho master nguyen ban in litho, bang.
nguyen ban in ban da. lithographic chalk but sua ban ban live rack de tn~n gia gac ban.
in bang. lithographic retouching sua ban ban
litho offset plate ban in litho-6p-xec. lYang. livering mlfe in kee hoa.
lithographic conversion in bang ban
litho paper giay in litho, giay in ban in cao. lithographic roller tnJe 10 in bang. international Messe Druck und
bang. Pa pier H¢i ehq quoe te gi!y vain.
lithographic drawing ink mlfc in 6p lithographk stone ban da dung in
litho plate graining machine may Xet, l11lfe in ban bang, mlfe in ban da. litho. load tr9ng tai, sue n~ng; Slf n~p li¢u,
t~o h!_it ban in litho. Slf lap ghep vao.
lithographic film phim in ban bang. lithographic transfer paper giay in
litho press may in ban bang, may in chuyen ban da. load balancing lap vao can bang.
lithe. lithographic hand-press may in ban
da thao tac bang tay. lithographic varnish dau pha mtrc in loadable character set b(> chfr c6 the
litho press operator eong nhan in ban bang, vee ni in ban bang. . lap vao.
litho, e6ng nhAn in 6p-xet. lithographic ink mlfe in 6p-xet, mlfc
in ban bang, mife in ban da. lithographic writing ink mue ve loader may ehuyen eho.
litho printing ink mlfe in lithe. dung che in ban da. . loading lap phim, liip ban in, lap giay,
lithographic leather roller tn;1c 10 da
litho process phuang phap in litho, dung eho in ban da. lithography thu~H in ban da. ph1;1 li¢u (giay).
phuang phap in op-xet. loading area kheang xep hang,
lithographic machine may in ban li~hograp~y drawn on plate thu~t in
litho stone ban da in litho. bar)g. ban !IJ khac. kheang n<:\p lieu.
lilho T. photographic paper gi!y lithographic method phtrong phap in li!hogravure thuat in lorn ban in loading board ban de giay.
cam quang T d¢ tl!Ong ph,\n cao. ban bang. bang. ·
loading density m~t d¢ chat day.
loading material
logical drive

loading material phl;I li¢u d¢n them locator thiet bj djnh vj [thu nh~p hlnh logical drive thiet bj truyen life hqp long grain paper gia'y d9c tho.
vao [giay, mvc in]. ve]. ly (10 gic) (may tfnh]. long ink mvc in sqi dai.
loading pigment sic t6 d¢n, sac t6 locator device thiet bj djnh vj [thu
nc!-p day, nc!-p day pichmang. nh~p h1nh ve].
login script to so d6 ml!-ch di¢n. long letter chfr cai than r¢ng ca phfa
logo bieu tl!qng cua m9t doanh tren va phfa duai.
loading the camera lap phim vao lock-nut v~n ch~t djnh vft, 6c vft, ~ nghi¢p. m¢t cOng ty; lien 111, tu ghep. long line dong r¢ng [sap chil'].
may ch1;1p anh. Jeong.
logo screen di¢n mo r9ng qu6c te long oil dau polime hoa ml!-ch dai.
loading-pigment pfch mang b6 sung, locked-up forme sap xep c6t chat [phan mem].
b¢t mau pha them vao. hay bu¢c ch~t bat chil' roi. · · long oil alkyd dau ankyt ml!-ch dai.
logoff roi khoi mc!-Dg di¢n.
loan paper gia'.y cho vay muqn, trai locking v~n ch~t khuOn in, ban in. long oil varnish son hay vec ni dau
phieu. giay ch(mg khoan, giay co phieu. logogram ky hi¢u dc!-i di¢n tu don. m~ch dai.
locking clasp khoa kep sach.
loans giay cho vay muqn, trai phieu, logograph t6 111 chfr roi, ky hi¢u lien long page trang sach dai.
giay chung khoan, gia'.y co phieu. Jocking device thiet bj v~ ch~ bin hqp. lien 111.
in, khuOn in. long primer 10 chil' roi co IO phl\n in.
local dja phuong, b¢ ph~n. c1;1c b¢. logography phuong phap dung ky long ream ram dai (m9t ram giay c6
locking pin 6 khoa. hi¢u va chCr cai dc!-i di¢n chii don,
local area network (LAN) mc!-ng 516 to).
locking-up ghep ban, ghep khu6n c~ phuong phap lien hqp chii roi.
vung o dja phuong, c1:1c b¢. long run tai li¢u in s6 luqng dai, llJ!l;
locking-up device thiet bj ghep khuon. logotype chii chl lien hqp, dong chii ban in c6 d¢ ben in cao.
local colour mau sfo dja phuong,
chi due lien vai chii cai.
mau c6 hfru. locking-up frame vanh khu6n ghep ban. long shot vien canh.
local device thiet bi ban dja [ml!-ng
logotype matrix khu6n chii due Mn.
lockup ghep ban, ghep khu6n. long-bodied type chil' in phi tieu
luai]. long ky hi¢u truong am. chuan, than chii r¢ng.
lockup and register control kiem tra
local edition xua'.t ban o dja phuong. djnh vj va ghep ban. long-chain ml!-ch dai. Jong-focus Jens thau kfnh tieu elf dai.
local etching an mon c1:1c b¢. lockup table ban ghep ban, ghep long chain polimer polime mc!-ch dai. long-run plate ban in c6 d¢ hen in cao.
local newspaper bao dja phuong. khuOn. long cross thanh ngan cac 6 chil' trong Jong-run test thf nghi¢m d¢ b~n in.
local operation v~n (d1;1ng) toan c1;1c lockup-man cong nh!n ghep ban, h¢p chii rai.
longitudinal elasticity tfnh dan hoi;
b¢ (xu ly anh). ghep khuon. long direction hu6ng sqi dai [giay in]. d¢ dan h6i.
local packing ban dan d¢m c1;1c b¢. loft-drie thiet bj hong khO. long direction of sheet chieu dai cua longitudinal fold to gap hu6ng d9c.
localize lam cho thanh c1;1c b¢ hay dja loft-dried paper gia'.y hong kh6. trang hay ta giay. longitudinal folding to gap hu6ng d<;>c.
phuong hoa [phan mem]. loft drying Slf hong khO, SI! lam khO long distance xerography thul\t in longitudinal section m~t dt d9c.
localized watermark in nuoc c1:1c b¢. trong kh6ng khf. tinh di¢n Clf ly xa. ·
longitudinal slitter may cat giay 111
locating djnh vj, phuong phap djnh vj. log ghi chep v~n hanh [may tfnh]. long folio hu6ng d<;>c to gap hay trang gap. giay cu¢n ra to rai.
location tolorance dung sai djnh vj. log-in nh~p vao [ml!-Dg luoi]. long gram huong d9c tho. longitudinal strain SI! bien d~ng dai.

394 395
longitudinal stress loW distillation

longitudinal stress sere cang dai, Crng loose punctuation ilfqc bo d!u cM,n cau. tow distillation slf chtmg cat nhi¢t d(> low-melting ink vehicle cMt lien ket
h,rc dai. thaP· mlJC in CO d(> Chay thap, de! nong Chay.
loose sheet to roi.
longleaf pine oil dau thong la dai. tow energy developer dung djch hi¢n low-voltage lamp den di¢n ap thap.
loose structure cau true khong ~n
look through kiem Ira ll!ot qua. anh yeu. low case chfr in thlfang b phfa dl!oi
cau true x6p. '
tow finish paper giay khong nhan. h(>p chfr [h(>p chfr roi].
look-down kiem tra ll!ot qua. loose-leaf binding dong sach to rai.
tow in line chfr silp th1,1t xu6ng thap low case letters chfr in thl!ong.
loop folder may gap tranh minh ho~ loose-leaf book sach ta roi. h<1n dong chfr [silp chfr).
ho~c gap cu6n hai v~ch song song. lower cover trang bla b6n.
loose-leaf catalogue m1,1c I1,1c to roi. low key tang thu t6i, xam.
looping roller tn_1c dieu tiet life keo lower edge c~nh chan [trang chfr).
giay tu cu¢n giay. loose-leaf ledger so ghi chep cOng tow key original ban m!u tang thu
vi¢c chi thu to roi. lower feed board ban cap giay vao
loose x6p; khong chiic; khong ben. phfa dl!oi.
loosely wound roll cu(>n giay cu(>n low maintenance cost phf stra chfra
loose back long gay [dong sach), long khong ch~t. lower letters chfr djch xu6ng cho
thap, nho.
dong sach gay tron. thang hang [stra bong).
loosen noi long. low-melting diem n6ng chay thap, de
loose back binding dong sach long nong chay. lower magazine thung dlf"g khuOn
JOSS Slf hao hl,11, Slf mat mat.
gay, gay tron. due chfr phfa dl!oi.
loss of detail slf mat mat chi tier. low polymer polime phan tu thap.
loose composition siip chfr chen lower margin le trilng dl!oi chAn
khong khft va ch~t. loss of pressure Slf Sl,lt giam ap SUat. low pressure ap suat thap. trang sach.
loose cover bao kin, b9c kfn. loss of voltage Slf s1,1t giam di¢n the. low quad chi ro rong nho.
lower-case letter chfr in thl!ang.
loose hinges to le, to roi, bong bla loss of weight Slf hao h1,1t tr9ng llfqng. low space khoang tr6ng, each nho.
lower surface energy nang lLiqng be
[dong sach). low-ash ft tro. low speed emulsion nhu tl!ang c6 t6c m~t thap.
loose index bang chi dfo phan thanh de) nh~y sang ch~m.
low-baking slJ say b nhi¢t d(> tMp. lowering the typing line dong danh
quyen hay cuon. low tin hqp kim chi ban ham llfqng may djch xu6ng phfa dttoi.
low-boiler hqp chat soi tMp.
thiec la 5%.
loose joints to le, bong bla [dong lozenge trang trf hoa hlnh thoi; trang
low-boiling de soi.
sach]. low temperature nhi¢t de) thap. trf hoa hlnh da kim cl!ang.
low contrast developer dung djch
loose justification chinh hang khe>ng low to line chfr sap th1,1t xu6ng thap lozenge pattern trang trf hoa hlnh thoi.
hi¢n anh d¢ tl!Cmg phan thap.
chuan xac. hon dong chfr [sap chfr).
low contrast negative phim Am ban lube dau bOi tron.
loose leaf to roi, to le, to bj bong low to paper m~t ban chfr roi thap.
d¢ tl!<Jng phan thap. luboil dau b6i tron.
[dong sach). low toner indicator may chi thi bOt
low contrast positive phim dl!<1ng mau khe>ng du. . . lubricant chat b6i tran, dau nhon.
loose membrane mang x6p, mang ban d(> tl.!<Jng phan thap.
l9c x6p. low-grammage newsprint giay bao lubricate bOi tran.
low density polyethylene polyetylen lrQng lLiqng nhe.
loose micell mixen xop, mixen khOng hen. ty tr9ng thap. lubricating Slf b6i tran.

396 397
lye tank
lubricating cream :::---
lyophillic nature tfnh ua dung m6i.
luminous absorption SIJ hap thu anh 1ye tank thung mroc kiem.
lubricating cream kem b6i da, kem lyophillic property tfnh ua dung m6i.
sang, SI,! hap thl,I quang. 1yeproof Mn kiem, chiu kiem.
boi trcm, mo b6i tron.
lumino~s ~~ra di~n tfch chieu sang, lyophobe keo ky dung moi.
lying press may ep sach.
lubricating fluid chat long b6i trcm.
ph~m VI ch1eU sang. lyophobic colloid keo ky dung mOi.
lyophile apparatus thiet bi lam kM
lubricating graphite than ch1 boi trcm. luminous colour mau phat sang, mau ll!,Jlh ch!n kh6ng. Jyse tan.
lubricating grease mo boi trcm. phat quang.
lyophile keo ua dung mOi. Jysimeter dQ tan ke, may do d(> tan.
lubricating oil dau b6i tron. luminous effect hi~u qua chieu sang.
lyophillic colloid keo ua dung m6i.
lubricating point diem boi tron, tra luminous flame ng9n lua phat sang.
dau; m~t dau. luminous flux quang thong, ltrqng
lubrication SI! b6i trcm. quang th6ng.
lubricator blnh dau boi trcm, vit dau. luminous intensity cuong d¢ phat
lubro-pump born dau. sang.
luminous map ban d6 phat sang.
lug tay n&m (cua, ngan keo), quai
sach, chu6i, dn. luminous paint scm phat quang, son
Juke warm hoi am am, vi nhi?t. phat sang.
luminous paper giay sang lap lanh.
lumen lumen [don vi quang thong).
luminous pigment b(>t mau phat
lumeter chieu sang ke. sang, sic t6 phan quang.
luminaire thiet bi chieu sang.
luminous point diem sang.
luminance d9 chieU sang. I
luminous reflectance ty I? phan
luminescence si, phat quang, si, phat chieu c6 the nhln thay.
anh sang I~nh. luminous ray tia sang.
luminescent lamp den phat anh sang
lump c1,1c, vien.
lumpy (thu¢c) c1,1c, vien.
luminosity d9 phat sang. d(> kha kien,
lustre anh sang huy hoang ll!C ro tren
d9 sang.
be m~t nhan bong.
luminosity contrast si, ttrcmg phan
d(> sang. tux luxo [don vi do d(> r9i].
luminosity function d(> phat sang, d(> Juxmeter luXO ke.
kha kien, d¢ sang. lye nuoc kiem, ntrOC tro.
luminous phat quang, toa sang, d~ lye brush chai rua ban s~ch dau.
quang. 399

M-paper machine-coated board

machine-coated board cac tong hay macro-and-micro-level tieu chuan vi
b1a ct'.ing trang phu phan bang may. mo va vi mo.
machine-coated paper giay trang macromol phan tti Ian, cao pMn tu.

M phu phan bang may.

machine-cut matrix d6ng m6 khilc
may, khu6n due chil' !<bile may.
machine-dried lam kho ca khf.
macromolecular compound hqp chat
phan tti Ian, hqp chat cao phan tti.
macromolecule phan tu Ian, cao phan tu.
macron ky hi¢u am dai.
machine-finished paper che giay gia
M-paper giay tht'.i pham. machine finishing can nhan bang cong bang may. macula mo khong ro [SI! c6], in anh
may, gia cong ca khf [stia chil'a]. trung net [SI! co).
M.G machine glazed Jang bong co khf. machine-glazed paper che giay nhan
machine knife dao may. b6ng bang may. mculature to in giay ban, to giay ke
machinability tfnh nang gia cong co 16t, giay hong bo di.
machine minder ca trucm.g, trucm.g may. machine-glazed sulfite paper che
giay sunfit bao g6i nhan m¢t m~t madder lake chat thu6c nhu¢m c6
machine may, ee1 khf. machine oil dau may tinh che. bang may. mau do sii.m.
machine binding dong sach b.\ng may. machine paper san xuat giay bclng may. machine-made paper che giay phu made ends gia c6 ta 16t.
nguyen li¢u bang may.
machine board cac-t6ng bla sach. machine part b¢ ph~n may. made-up copy sach d6ng g(>p.
machine-set sap chil' may.
machine calender may can nhlin giay. machine plate ban in tren may. mafunction alert cimh bao st,r c6.
machine-sewing dong sach khau chi
machine coated paper giay trang machine proof in thti tren may. bang may. magazine t~p chf, xuat ban pham
phu phan bang may. machine proofing SI! in thti tren may. djnh ky, h(>p dt,rng cu(>n phim may
machinery may m6c, ca khf, ca giai, anh hay may quay phim; h¢p dt,rng
machine coalating bat tay sach bang b¢ may.
machine revise ban in thu s~ch. khuon mii.u due chil' [may due chil'].
machine room phan xuong in. machinery equipment thiet bj ca khf. magazine fold to gap dup 32 trang.
machine code ma may [may tfnh].
machine ruler may ke dong. machining lam nghe in, ho~t d¢ng in, magazine paper giay dung in t~p chf.
machine composition sap chil' may, tac nghiep in.
sap chil' co giai. machine setting sap chil' may, sap magazine press may in t~p chf.
chil' 11:f d(>ng. mackle in bj nhan gifp nep [SI! co], in
machine compositor cong nMn slip trung anh [SI! c6]. magazine printing house nha may in
chir may. machine sewing day b6 may, khau may. t~p chf, xubng in t~p chf.
mackling rails vet X9C [sl! c6], net
machine correction in thti bclng may, machine shop phan xuong gia c6ng trung anh, nep dup [SI! c6). magazine reel stand gia gac, do
in thti ca giai. ca khf. cu¢n giay.
macro r¢ng Ion, vi mo, c6 qui mo
machine derection huong d9c sqi machine way sqi d9c [giay in]. r(>ng Ian, chi 1¢nh vi m6 [may tfnh]. magenta fucsin, do canh sen, do
giay [giay in]. magenta.
machine way of paper sqi giay macro photography thu~t ch1,1p anh
machine etching an mon bang may. huang d9c [giay in]. ph6ng d~i. magenta acid fucsin axit.

400 401
magn:tic disc memory
magenta contact screen

magnetic disc memory be) ph;n hru magnetic recording si,r ghi, si,r thu tu
magnesium methylate mage metylat
magenta contact screen tram cong- tfnh.
Mg(OCH 3) 2 [Hoa]. trudia tu.
tiic magenta (do canh sen).
magnesium nitrate mage nitrat magnetic disc storage be) ph;n luu magnetic recording head dau tu ghi,
magenta developer dung djch hi¢n thu tu.
Mg(N0 3)z [Hoa]. tril' dia tu.
anh magenta (do canh sen).
magnesium oxide mage oxit, MgO magnetic disc unit thiet bj dia tu. magnetic recording medium mOi
magenta mask ban che magenta (do trubng ghi, thu tu [am thanh ho~c
[Hoa]. magnetic document sorter reader
canh sen). h1nh anh].
magnesium plate ban mage. may d9c phan lo~i tu li?u hay du li¢u
magenta negative phim am ban dia tu. magnetic resonance si,r c<)ng hucmg
magenta (do canh sen). magnesium sulphate mage sunphatc,
magnetic drum tr6ng tu. tu tfnh.
magenta plate ban (in) do canh sen. MgS0 4 [Hoa].
magnetic drum storage be) ph~n luu magnetic storage b¢ phi).n luu tru tu tfnh.
magnet coupling dt,mg Cl,l ly hqp di¢n tir.
magenta printer ban (in) do canh sen. tru tr6ng tu. magnetic surface memory be) ph;n
magnetic c6 tu tfnh.
magenta screen tram magenta (do magnetic field tu truong. luu tru be m~t tu tfnh.
canh sen). magnetic base de ban c6 tu tfnh.
magnetic flux thong luqng tu. magnetic surface recording ky thu;t
magenta separation phim phan mau magnetic brush development
magnetic head dau tu. ghi, thu be m~t tu tfnh.
magenta (do canh sen). phi.rang phap hi¢n anh trai tu, phucmg
phap ch1,1p anh hi?n anh di¢n tlf. magnetic induction S\! cam 1.111g tu. magnetic tape bang tu.
Magnascan may phan mau di¢n tu
san phlim ciia Cong ty Crosfield. magnetic cassette cit xen bang tu, magnetic ink mi,rc in c6 tu tfnh. magnetic tape cartridge h<)p bit kfn
di,rng bang tu tfnh.
magnesia mage oxit, MgO. h¢p bang tu. magnetic ink character recognition
magnetic character chu mt,rc in tu tfnh. nhi).n d9c chu mi,rc in c6 tu tfnh. magnetic tape drive be) ph~n quay
magnesia alum phen mage. bang tu tfnh.
magnetic character reading d9c chu magnetic ink printing in mt,rc in c6
magnesium mage. tu tfnh. magnetic tape file du li¢u hay tu li¢u
mi,rc in tu tfnh.
magnesium alloy hqp kim mage. bang tu tfnh.
magnetic core 15i tu. ~agnetic pigment b¢t mau tu tfnh,
magnesium alloy plate ban hqp kim sac to tu tfnh. magnetic tape format each thuc thiet
magnetic core memory b¢ nho 15i tu.
mage. magnetic playback head dau tu doc ke bang tu tfnh.
magnetic core storage b¢ pMn llru ra duqc. ·
magnesium bicarbonate mage magnetic tape input dau vao bang tu
hydrOcacbonat, Mg(HC03) 2 [Hoa]. tru dia tu. tfnh.
magnetic pole ci,rc tu.
magnetic cylinder tr1,1c tu tfnh, trl,IC
magnesium bisulfate mage magnetic powder brake thiet bi ham magnetic tape leader bang hay dai
6ng ban in c6 tu tfnh.
hydrosunfat, Mg(HS04) 2 [Hoa]. chuyen d¢ng b¢t tu tfnh. . diin bang tu.
magnetic dipol moment momen
magnesium block ban mage. magnetic printing in tu tfnh. magnetic tape strorage b¢ ph~ luu
luang ci,rc tu.
trfr bang tu tfnh.
magnesium carbonate mage
magnetic disc dia tu. magnetic printing ink mi,rc in mtfnh.
cacbonate, MgC03 [Hoa]. magnetic tape unit thiet bi bang tu tfnh.
magnetic disk file du li¢u ho~c tl.t magnetic read head dau tu doc ra
magnesium hydroxide mage duqc. · magnetic track duong tu tfnh.
hydroxit, Mg(OH)2 [Hoa]. li¢u dia tu.
magnetization make even

magnetization SI! tu h6a. main exposure chieu sang chfnh rnake even phan cOng sap chii n6i tiep. makeready paper giay l6t d¢m ban.
chieu sang ca ban. '
magnetography phuang phap t~o make paragraph tach ra m9t do<:1n makeready sheet ta giay 16t d¢m ban.
thanh anh b9t tu; thu~t ghi anh tll' tfnh. main heading tieu de chfnh, tft chfnh. [dQC sfra bOng].
Tren tr9c in duqc phu m¢t lop tu tfnh makeready table ban thao tac 16r
main lens 6ng kfnh chu. make perfect in hoan chinh hai m~t. d¢m ban.
cung dung lam bang tu.
main light ang sang den chfnh. make register )6ng chuan xac. makeready time thoi gian chuan bj
magnetron manhetron, macnetron,
6ng kh6ng che CU'. main machine may chu. make size kfch thu6'c ph9c che to cOng vi¢c in, thoi gian d¢m ban.
magification h¢ s6 ph6ng d~i. ty 1¢ main pile ch6ng giay chfnh. nho. making margin khoang de le tr~g.
ph6ng d<;li. make up into pages ghep thanh trang making up frame h()p chii' de
main product san pham chfnh, sim
magification ratio ty 1¢ ph6ng d~i. pham chu yeu. in. nghieng tren ban sap chii'.
magnifier may ph6ng d~i. main program chuang trlnh chfnh, make-up cOng nhan ghep ban, blnh making-up into pages ghep thanh
tr1nh ti! chfnh. ban, dan trang ban in. trang in.
magnify ph6ng d~i.
main shaft tn;1c chfnh. make-up department phan xuong malachite green xanh malachit, xanh
magnifying glass kfnh ph6ng d~i. blnh ban.
main stroke net chii tM d~m. canh cOng, C;i 3H2~ 2 (pham mau
magnify lens kfnh ph6ng d~i. make-up galley khay de nguoi thq in triphenylmetal kiem).
main swith cOng-tac tong. blnh ban.
magnitude of current cuong d¢ dong malamide melamit,
di¢n. main system h¢ th6ng chinh. make-up rule duang ke chl dung khi CONH2 • CHOH.CH2.CONH2.[H6a].
· mahogany stick thanh go g9. main title tieu de chfnh, cft chfnh. blnh ghep ban.
male die khuOn duang.
mail-order advertising quang cao main type kieu chii' chfnh van [sap make-up table ban blnh ghep ban
trang in. maleic acid axit maleic,
mua qua b11U di¢n. chii'].
HC02 CH: CHC02H [Hoa].
mail-order catalogue m9c l9c d~t mains di¢n ngu6n. make over lam l~i do chat luqng
mua qua b11U di¢n. khOng d~t yeu du. maleic resin nhl!a maleic.
mains supply di¢n ngu6n.
mailing board cac-tOng nhieu lop. make overs che ban c6 tram gian tiep. mallet bua go d~p v6 nhy be m~t ban
mains voltage di¢n ap ngu6n. in [sap chii].
mailroom system h¢ th6ng phat hanh °!ake-up cOng nhan blnh ban, ghep
maintenance bao duong, bao tr1, duy cu. ban, dan trang ban in. maltose duang mantow, duang m~ch
sau in.
maintenance of machenery duy trl nha.
main cam cam chfnh, b¢ ph~n nhO ra ~akeready d¢m ban, chuan bj cOng
may m6c, bao duang may m6c. v1¢c in. man-machine dialogue d6i tho~i voi
cua banh xe dung de d6i chuyen d¢ng
tron sang chuyen d¢ng Jen xu6ng hay major diameter duang kfnh ngoai. nguoi dung may.
m~keready foil 16t d¢m ban bang de
tien lui. ph1m mong.
major overhaul d~i tu, tong kilm tu. management quan ly kinh doanh.
main data du li¢u chu yeu.
majuscule chii cai viet to, chil' cai makeready material vat lieu Jot dem managing editior chu bien, tong bien
ban. . . .
main drive chuyen d¢ng chu yeu. viet hoa. t~p.

mandatory colour manual plate making

mandatory colour mau mt;rc in do manifold binding dong s6 chung tu manual plate making che ban thu marble board bla cung hay cac tong
khach hang chi djnh. nhieu lien. van da cam th1_tch.
mandrel tr1,1c, 16i tr1,1c. manifold form chung tu nhieu lien. manual setting sap chu bang tay. marble paper giay van da.
mandrel cylinder l6i trl;IC cua trl;IC manifold paper giay sao (qua giay manufacturer nguai san xuat, hang marbled edge mep c<;tnh sach trang
6ng ban in [in lorn]. than) nhan ban, giay danh may. trf van da dm th1_tch.
san xua'.t.
manganese mangan, Mn. manifold tissue giay nhan ban sao manufacturers san phAm, san phAm marbled paper giay van da cam
qua gia'.y than. th~ch.
manganese acetate mangan axetat, che~o.
Mn (~H 302h [H6a]. Manila board cac-tOng Manila, bla manucript ban thao viet tay, ban marbling va.n da cam th~ch.
cung Manila. thao, ban g6c.
manganese bioxide mangan dioxit, margin le trfog, khoang tr!ng, le
Mn02 [H6a]. Manila cardboard cac-tong Manila. manucript Buddhist Scripture kinh trfog c<;tnh ben trang sach.
manganese black den mangan, Manila hemp sqi cay gai dau Manila. ph~t sao chep bang tay. margin text phan viet chfr ben le.
pyroluzit, Mn0 2 [H6a]. Manila paper giay Manila. manucript copy ban thao, ban g6c.
margin width de) r<)ng tr!ng qnh ben
manganese dioxide mangan dioxit, manipulation thao tac, xu ly, di,tu manucript cover giay dung lam bla trang sach.
mangan oxit, Mn02 [H6a]. khien ho~c bi dieu khiin. van ki?n. margin of energy dt;r trfr nabg luqng.
manganese driver chat lam khO manipulator may thao tac. manucript-holder gia de ban thao,
mangan [mt;rc in]. margin of safety gi6i h1_tn an toan.
ban g6c.
manograph ap lt;rc ky, may ghi ap lt;rc. marginal decoration trang trf ben le
manganese glass thuy tinh mangan. map ban d6, anh tuqng [may tfnh].
manometer ap ke. sach.
manganese oxide mangan oxit, map paper gia'y ban d6.
MnO; Mnp 3; Mn 30 4 ; Mn02; Mn0 3; manostat may dieu ap. marginal definition d¢ r6 net ben le
Mn20 7 [H6a]. map printing in ban d6. sach.
manual lam bang tay ho~c dieu khiin
manganese peroxide mangan bang tay, s6 tay. maple block g8 d?m 16t o may dao marginal fog mau tro ben le sach.
peroxit, mangan dioxit, Mn02 [H6a]. xen sach.
manual feed d~t giay (vao may in) marginal head chu giai ngoai c<)t.
manganese salt mu6i mangan. bang tay. maple stick g8 d?m 16t o ·may dao
marginal note chu giii.i ngoai c¢t, chu
xen sach.
manganic (thu<)c) mangan (III). manual focus dieu chinh tieu ct;r thau giii.i ngoai bien trang sach.
kfnh bang tay. mapping xu ly van tren be m~t.
manganic acid axit manganic marginal punch d¢t 16 ngoai bien
H2Mn04• [H6a]. manual imput dua vao bang tay. mapping curve duang cong mo ta trang sach.
quan h? nh~p vao xuat ra [ph1,1c che mau].
mangling phtrcmg phap ep trcm giay manual operation thao tac bang tay, marginal sharpness d¢ r6 net ben le
b6i to phOng due chfr. thu c6ng. marble van da cam thach vien bi mai sach.
ban kem. · '
mangling machine may ep tron giay · manual photo typesetting machine marginal zone khoii.ng trfog ngoai
boi ta ph6ng due chfr. may sap chfr ch1,1p anh thao tac bang ray. marble ball vien bi mai ban. c<)t, m1,1c.

406 407
marginalia mass data processing

marginalia chu giai ben le. masking bang keo sua mii.u khong mass data processing xu ly du Ji¢u master negative phim am ban g6c.
trong suot; ban che [thao tac]. khoi luqng. master paper gi!y ban in g6c.
margins mep k~p ban.
masking asphalt mtJc bOi che, phu. mass number s6 kh6i (luqng). master plate ban kfnh mo lay.co anh;
marine blue mau xanh biin.
masking board bla cung hay cac mass of molecule kh6i hrqng phAn tu, phim duang ph1;1c che ban g6~.
mark tieu trf, ky hi¢u, dau hi¢u.
t6ng che phu. phAn tu ltrqng. master printer chu xf nghi¢p.
mark of reference ky hi¢u tham
masking drum tr6ng ban che [may mass percent phan tram kh6i luqng. master rout card phieu luu trlnh
khao va d6i chieu.
phan mau di¢n tu]. mass polymerisation SlJ trung hqp chung trong San XUat.
mark-up tren ban thao ghi chu yeu
cau sip chii'. masking film phim dung lam ban che. khoi. master screen dung tram net Am ban
mass production san xuat khoi luqng ph1;1c che tram ban in 16m.
marker dau ky hi¢u [may tfnh]. masking ink ml!c dau, ml!c d6ng
dau, m[JC che phu. 1&1, san xuat hang lo?!. master stereotype ph1;1c che dung
market share phan ty 1¢ chiem !Tnh ban chl due.
masking lecquer lie che phu. mass spectrum quang ph6 kh6i.
thi tnrong.
master tape bang chu, bang giay sau
marketability t?O stJ thfch ung thj masking medium nguyen li¢u che phu. mass storage b¢ ph~n ltru tru kh6i
khi hi¢u chinh.
tnrong. ltrqng.
masking paint Sein che phu. master-head dau de bai xii lu~ bao
marketing SlJ tiep thj, b¢ ph~ cua cOng mass storage device thiet bi luu tru
masking paper giay che d~y. chf.
ty chuyen lo quang cao ban san pham. kh6iluqng,dungltrqng.
masking process phuang phap ban mastic gum g6m mat-tft, nhtJa mat-tft.
marking label nhan hang h6a. mass tone mtJc mau bj v6n c1;1c.
che. mat khOng nhan b6ng, to ph6ng due,
marking-up danh dau vj trf d6ng sach. masscult van hoa d?i chung. khu6n due, khuOn chu.
masking tape bang keo khOng trong
maroon mau h?t de, mau nau sii.m. su6t; dung bang keo che phu. master phim song [chua ch1;1p]; phim, mat art paper giay trang phu khOng
bang goc, van ki¢n chfnh, tai li¢u goc. nhan.
marquee tuyen khu vtJc [xu ly hlnh masking technique c6ng ngh¢ ban
anhJ. che, ky thu~t ban che. master alignment control kiem tra mat drying lam khO to phOng due
SI! djnh Vj taj li¢u goc. chu.
marring giay ban [SlJ CO]. masking-out dung ban che phu kfn.
master attachment control kiim tra mat film phim mat, phim nham be
mask ban che. mass kh6i lw;rng. c6 djnh tai li¢u goc. m~t.
mask drum trong ban che [may phan mass concentration n6ng d¢ kh6i master clip ban ep tai li¢u goc. mat ink mtJc in khOng b6ng.
mau di¢n tu]. luqng.
master console bang dieu khiln mat paper giay in kh6ng b6ng nhan.
mask percentage ty 1¢ phan tram ban mass conversion factor he so bien chfnh.
che. d6i kh6i luqng [ty so kh6i Juqng hoa mat storge box tu xu ly cac lo?i giay
masked mask ban che hai cap. h9c v6i khoi luqng v~t 19]. master copy nguyen mau, ban mii.u g6c. che ta phOng due chu.

masked mask method phuong phap mass data du li¢u kh6i Iuqng ~aster die dung tr1;1c thep Ian ep ban mat varnish dau vec-ni dung sua
inlom. phim g6c.
ban che hai cap. [may tfnh].

mat-backed film matrixes for hand-setting

mat-backed film phim m~t sau co matrix dryer may say kh6 to phong matrixes for hand-setting khuOn chir maximum image area khu Vl!C hlnh
nham ma. due chu. dung cho slip chiJ' thu cong. ve t6i da.

match pha mau, pha ml;l'c. matrix drying drum trong dung say matt kh6ng bong, mo. maximum line length d9 dai dong
kho ta ph6ng due chii'. t6i da.
match colour mau pha che, ph6i matt art paper giay my thu~t khOng
mau. nhan bong, giay Cut-Xe mat. maximum power cOng suat t6i da.
matrix drying press may lam kho tcr
matched die molding hlnh thanh phOng due chir. matt coating 16p phu khOng nhfo maximum printing area di?n tfch in
khu6n tucmg d6i. bong. t6i da.
matrix magazine kho khuon chu
matching ph6i hqp. [may slip due]. matt film phim mat, phim be mi_it co maximum printing thickness d9 day
matrix mangling machine may ep nham ma. ban in t6i da.
matching of inks pha che ml;l'c in.
tron to phOng due chit. matt glass kfnh mo, kfnh co mau maximum slotting length chieu dai
matellic pigment b9t mau kim lol;li. xe riinh toi da.
tning sua.
matrix moulding v6 ph6ng khuon
material store kho tai Ii¢u. maximum rated speed t6c d¢ djnh
chu, ep phOng khu6n chti'. matt ink mt,rc in kMng bong.
mathematical composition slip chu muc cao nhat.
matrix moulding press may ep matt paper giay anh kh6ng bong.
toan h9c. maximum rating so djnh muc cao
ph6ng khuOn chu. matter chat, v~t chat; slip ban; b9
mathematical setting slip chu toan nhat.
matrix of dots ma tr~n diem [may in ph~n van II! trong ban thao.
h9c. maximum resolution materials v~t
kim]. matter paper ban in co g6c la de
mathematical sign ky hi?u toan h9c. li?u nh~y sang (cam quang) co d9
giay [may in 6p xet nho].
matrix paper giay dung Jam t.o phAn giai cao.
mathematical symbol ky hi¢u toan
phOng due chu. matting wheel ban in 16m dung banh
h9c. maximum running speed toe d9
xe quay g~t.
matrix plate ban khuOn chii'. chl;ly (may in) cao nhat.
matrix khu6n; ma tr~n; to phOng due
maturity d9 chfn ml;l'c in.
chu; khuOn chu due. matrix powder b9t phan to phOng maximum sensitivity d¢ nhl;ly sang
due chii'. mauve-mauvein(e) phenyl amine (cam quang) cao nMt.
matrix assembler kho khu6n chu.
(tfnh k.iem) mau tfm [mau do tfm].
matrix printer may in kim, may in maximum sheet size kfch thu6c to
matrix carbinet tu dl;l'ng khuon chu.
maximal t6i da, Cl;l'c d~i. giay 16n nhat.
ma tr~n diem.
matrix case h9p chu.
maximum trj s6 cl;l'c d~i. Maxwell Mac-xoen [dan vj tu thong].
matrix procduction v6 ph6ng, san
matrix cutting machine may khac
xuat to phuc due chu. maximum ascender do cao than chu MC board (machine coated board)
khuOn chu b!ng d6ng. cai t6i da. ·
matrix rolling machine may ep trbn may trang phu bla cung hay cac-tOng.
matrix disk dia khuOn chu cht.1p anh
ta ph6ng due chu. maximum density m~t d9 cl;l'c dl;li. Mc Corquodale-Gresham Process
[slip chyp].
maximum descender d6 sau than m¢t trong nhung phuang phap chyp
matrix distributor unit thiet bj phAn matrix stock kho khu6n chii'.
chu cai toi da. · anh che ban tram ban in lorn; phuang
phoi khuon due [may sap due]. matrix tissue paper dung giay mbng phap che ban Marc Corquodale-
lam am che ta phOng due chi:i'. maximum format kfch tlur6c t6i da. gresham.
matrix drum trong khu6n due.

410 411
mealy Medium

mechanical graining mai ban co hoc Medium kfch thuoc to giay 18x23 tac Medium tone tang tht'.i' trung gian,
mealy vet lorn d6m tren m~t giay.
~o h<1-t ca h9c. · ' Anh, phuang ti¢n, m6i truang, trung t6ng mau trung gian.
mean line d¢ cao net chu, net chu binh, agiua, ben trong.
mechanical makeready d?m 16t ban Medium type chU' rai tieu chuAn, chu
thuong than ngfo. Medium and half kfch thu6'c ta giay
bang may. chl ph6 tMng.
mean speed t6c d¢ trung blnh. 24x30 tac Anh.
mechanical overlay d?m 16t ban medium-face type chu roi nua dam.
mean time to failure thoi gian trung Medium contrast d¢ tuang phiin
bang may. medium-lengh run s6 IU<?'Ilg in trung
blnh kh6ng c6 si,r c6. trung blnh.
mechanical paper giay san xua'.t Hng blnh.
measure do luong, d¢ r¢ng dong chu. Medium contrast pan film phim
may. meeting material tu li¢u h¢i nghj.
measure scale kfch thuoc dong chir. toan sac d¢ tuang phan trung blnh.
mechanical pile hoist ban nAng h<1- mega mega, (106).
measure stick qui d\nh d¢ da.i dong chu. Medium pace kieu chu d~m trung
ch6ng giay.
blnh. megabyte (Mb) mega bai (2 20).
measuring cup c6c dong. mechanical pulp b¢t g6 san xuat
Medium fast sweep quet anh toed¢ megahertz (MHz) mega hec = m¢t
measuring tape thuoc cu¢n. bang may [giay in). trung blnh. tri¢u hec (106 Hee) [don vj tan s6).
measuring technique ky thu~t do mechanical quoin nem chen ch~t ban Medium focal length lens tieu Cl!
in chu roi. megascope den chieu hien vi, thu~t
luang. 6ng kfnh trung blnh.
ch1;1p anh ph6ng d<;!i.
measuring up lu9'Ilg sap chu tfnh mechanical sanning quet ca h9c. Medium furnace lo nau luy¢n trung
theo toan than ho~c nua than chU' chi. melamine resin nhl!a melamin.
mechanical stipple diem khic cham blnh.
measuring vessel blnh dong, blnh nho CC1 h9c. melting furnace lo nau chay.
Medium octavo sach kh6 tam trang
djnh mCrc. trung blnh 9 x 5,75 tac Anh. melting heat nhi?t n6ng chay.
mechanical transfer chuyfo hlnh
mechanical (thuc)c) ca h9c. anh tren giay pfch mang sang tr1;1c in Medium packing b9c d?m d¢ cCrng melting point diem n6ng chay, nhi¢t
mechanical agitator thiet bj khuay lorn [in lorn). mem trung blnh d¢ n6ng chay.
CC1 h9c. mechanical trouble si,r c6 may m6c. Medium point diem sang chiiy. melting-point determination SI! xac
mechanical analysis si,r phan tfch ca mechanical wood pulp b¢t g6 san Medium quarto sach kh6 tt'.i' khai dinh diein n6ng chay. \
h9c. xuat bang may. trung blnh l l,5x9 tac Anh. melting pot c6c nung chay, chen
mechanical binding d6ng sach bang mechanism CC1 CaU, CC1 che, CCI ly, tien Medium rule net kham SAU trung nung chay.
may, d6ng sach CC1 gioi. blnh.
trlnh. melting temperature nhi¢t d¢ n6ng
mechanical chalk overlay ban d?m mechanism of reaction cache plran Crng. Medium run s6 lu9'Ilg in chu roi chay, diem n6ng chay.
16t h6a h9c. trung blnh.
media-stored format each tht1'c htu memory thiet bj ghi nh6', b¢ nho
mechanical composition sap chu Medium size grit de) h<1-t trung binh.
tru phuang ti?n truyen thong d~i [may tfnh), luu tru ben trong.
bang may, sap ChU CC1 gioi. .
cht'.ing nhu TV, dai, bao chf. ~ediu!11 tints sac di?u nh<1-t trung memory allocation SI! phAn ph6i luu
mechanical engraving khac ca h9c, gian, !Ang tha mau trung gian nh<1-t.
median trj s6 trung gian. tru.
khic bang may.
memory capacity metal decorating

memory capacity dung Jugng luu tril'. mercury halide lamp den halogen meta! decorating in
. ban sat ta.y, in metal lithography thu~t in lit6 bang
thuy ngil.n. thep, in ban kim ]O<;ll. ban kim fo<;ti.
memory device thiet bj luu tril'.
mercury lamp den thuy ngil.n. metal decorating ink mt,rc in ban sat metal mould khu6n kim lo<;ti.
memory equipment thiet bi luu tril'.
tay. metal mount de ban kim lo<;ti.
memory management quan ly luu tril'. mercury lighting chieu sang den
thuy ngil.n. metal decorating machine may in
ban sat tay, may in thep. metal ornaments san pham trang trf
memory manager trlnh tt,r quan ly
mercury silver cyanide bi:ic-thuy kim lo<;ti.
luu tril' ben trong. metal decorating press may in ban
ngan xianua. metal paper giay mang m6ng kim
mendy ban b6 sung, sua chil'a sach sat ta.y. may in thep.
hong. mercury subchloride thuy ngAn (I) lo<;li.
metal fabric luoi kim lo<_li [in luoi].
clorua, calomen, Hg 2Cl 2 [H6a]. metal plate collotype ban c616typ
meniscus tMu kfnh !6i 16m. metal feeder thiet bj cung dp chl.
mercury vacumm gauge chan khOng bang kim lo<;li.
meniscus Jens thau kfnh hlnh cong b
ke thuy ngAn. metal foil mang m6ng kim lo<;ti, la
tren. metal plating m? di~n. lop mi:i kim
kimlo<;ti. lo<;li.
menu tht,rc don [may tfnh], menu - mercury vacumm pump barn chan
kh6ng thuy ngAn. metal foil body paper giay g6c mang
danh m1:1c tht,rc don tuyen ch9n tren metal printing machine may in
m6ng kim loi:ii, giay nhu m<;l.
man hlnh [may tfnh]. mercury vapour lamp den hai thuy mang m6ng kim Ioi:ii.
metal foil gravure ink mt,rc in lorn
menu area vung tuyen ch9n [phan nga.n, den thuy ngan. metal purifying medium chat rua
dung in mang m6ng kim lo<_li.
mem]. mercury-diazoium process phuang S<;lCh kim Joi:ii.
metal foil paper giay mang m6ng
menu bar dong tuyen ch9n, dong phap in anh mu6i diazo thuy nga.n. metal quoin nem ghep khuon bang
kim IO<;li, giay nhi1 m<;t.
menu. kimlo<;li.
merge hqp vao, g9p vao, bang giay metal foil printing in mang m6ng
menuprompt gqi y tht,rc don, khai hqp vao. metal rider tr1:1c 16 qli~n dan deu mt,rc
kim lo<;ti, in mi:i nhu.
gqi tht,rc don, nhiic tht,rc don. bang kim lo<;li.
Meridian chii rbi 44 phil.n in. metal foil printing machine may in
mercuric chloride thuy nga.n (II)
mesh 16 ray; ra.y, mat h.t6'i. mang m6ng kim ]o<_li, may in m<_l nhu. metal size Jang phu keo m<;t vang.
clorua, HgC1 2 [Hoa].
mercuric iodide thuy nga.n (II) iodua, mesh count s6 mat luoi, s6 16 luoi. metal furnace lo nau ch1. metal staple may dong sach bang
ghim kim lo<;li.
Hgl2 [H6a). mesh size ca Iuoi to nh6, mat Juoi to metal furniture lanh-g6 to bang kim
mercurography phuang phap blnh loi:ii, do dung bang kim lo<;ti dung metal stencil ban khfo tr6 bang kim
nh6. trong phAn xubng chil'.
ban thuy ngan. lo<_li dung lam khu6n phun hay t6 ve.
message blank giay dung cho th6ng
mercurous chloride thuy nga.n (I) ~eta! gauge ct1:1ng c1:1 do d¢ day ban metal stereo ban ch1 due.
tin. k1mlo?i.
clorua, HgCI [H6a]. metal strip thanh hay thoi chl chen
metal kim loi:ti, (thu¢c) kim lo<;ti. llletal label nhan kim lo<;li.
mercury arc lamp den thuy ngil.n. . khoang each de tr6ng.
metal alloy hqp kim, hqp kim chil' roi. tnetal litho plate ban in lit6 bang kim
mercury bichloride thuy ngan (II) metal tube printing in 6ng tuyp kim
clorua, HgC12 [H6a]. metal corners bao g6c kim lo<;ti. lo<;ti m6ng.

414 415
methyl cellosolve solvent
metal type composition

metallography thu;t in ban in bang methyl cellosolve solvent dung moi micclle mixen.
metal type composition slip chil chl
kim lo<!-i, kim tucmg h9c. hoa tan metyl xenluloza. miconometer kfnh hi¢n ro hlnh.
nhi¢t n6ng chay, sip chil' due.
matallurgical microscope kinh hien methyl cellulose metyl xenluloza.
metal wire day thep d6ng sach. MICR (magnetic ink character
vi kim tucmg.
methyl ethyl ketone metyl ethyl recognition) nh;n d9c chil' mi,rc in tu
metal wire binding d6ng sach day metamerism hi¢n tuqng dong phan di tfnh.
thep k~p gay bang. vj, dieu ki¢n ph6i hqp mau. .
methyl methacrylate metyl micro lens thau kfnh c6 d¢ phan giai
metal-diazonium process phtrong metasilicate mu6i silicat, metasilicat cao dung cho chl)p anh thu rat nho.
phap in anh mu6i diazoni kim lo~i. M 2Si03 [H6a]. '
methyl violet metyl tfm, pham tfm micro-adjusting mechanism co cau
metal-halide lamp den halozen kim I~. metasilicate acid axit metasilicat vi chinh.
(pham nhu¢m).
metallic (thu¢c) kim lo~i. (H2Si03)n [H6a]. '
methylted spirit con metyl bien tinh. micro-printing in rat nho, vi in.
metasilicic acid axit metasilixic,
metallic arc hO quang kim lo~i. methyllene chloride methylen clorua micro book sach thu rat nho, vi sach.
(H 2Si03)n [H6a].
metallic bond lien ket kim lo<!-i. [H6a]. micro camera may Cht]p anh thu rat
meteorological sign ky hi¢u khf nrqng.
metallic composition sip chil' kim methylene blue xanh methylen. nho.
meter candle candela met [don vi
IO<!-i. chieu sang]. . metol metol (h6a chat hi¢n anh) micro card the thu rat nho.
metallic gloss b6ng loang kim lo<!-i. [H6a]. micro card reader may d9c the thu
metering roller tn:1c do luqng nucrc;
metallic ink mi,rc in b¢t nhii vang, b¢t tn,tc ding giay ttr cu¢n giay. metol hydroquinone developer dung rat nho.
nhu b~c. djch hi¢n anh metol-hydrokinon. micro chanJf'el architecture ket cau
metering unit thiet bj do luu luqng,
dong ho do hru luqng. metric measure do luong h¢ met. kenh rat nht.
metallic oxide oxit kim lo~i.
methacry resin nhi,ra metacrylic. metropolitan daily bao hang ngay micro computer may vi tfnh.
metallic paper giay mong kim lo<!-i.
phat hanh so luqng 1cm b cac thanh micro computer phototypesetting sap
metallic plate ban in kim lo~i. methcrylic acid axit metacrylic
ph6 lcrn. chil' may vi tfnh.
metallic powder nhu b¢t kim lo~i. Mettenheimer Process phucmg phap
methane metan, CH4 [H6a]. micro copy siich thu rat nho.
metallic printing in b¢t nhu kim lo~i che trl)C in lorn Mettenheimer.
methanol metanol, ruqu metylic, micro copy printer may in thu rat
la b<!-C hO~C vang. mezzograph h<!-t ban in cao. nho.
CHPH [H6a].
metallic salt mu6i kim lo<!-i. mezzograph screen tram d<!-Og h~t. micro crystalline vi tinh the.
methyl metyl.
metallic screen hrcri kim lo~ [in lum]. mezzotint ban kim lo<!-i (dong, thep)
methyl acrylate metyl acrylat [B6a]. micro crystalline structure cau true
metallic silver b<!-c kim lo~i. theo phuang phap kh!c d<!-ng luoi. vi tinh the.
methyl alcohol ruqu metylic, CHPH
metallic state tr~ng thai kim lo~i. m~~z~tint engraving khic net d~ng micro crystallite vi tinh the.
[H6a]. lua1 ban in lorn.
benzen. micro densitometer m;t d¢ ke quang
metallic sulphide kim lo~i sun phua. methyl benzene metyl
Michlers ketone keton Michler. hien vi.
metallized paper giay m~ kim lo~i. toluen, CH 3C6H 5 [H6a).
micro determination Middle tone dot

microporosity tfnh nang tham khf rat Middle tone dot diem tram tang thu mill-finished litho paper giay in lit6
micro determination St! xac djnh vi
nho. trung gian. can nhan.
microprint san pham in thu rat nho. Miehle press may in Miehle. mill-tinted paper giay san xuat tg..M
microfiche tam vi phim, micro-phfch.
giay da c6 pha mau.
microprocessor may vi xu Iy. Miehle vertical may Miehle kieu
microfilm vi phim, microphim.
dung. milling (St!) nghien ml;tC in.
microfilm camera may ch'-:)p anh vi micropublishing xuat ban sach ph'-:)c
che thu rat nho. Mignonette chu 6,5 phan in; mau ll;IC millboard cac-tong bla sach, cac tong
xam. day.
microfilm reader may d9c vi phim. microscope kfnh hien vi.
migrate di d()ng, di chuyen, chuyen vj. millilambert mili lam-be [dcm vj d()
microform san phAm in d!,lng thu rat microsecond m()t phlin tri¢u giay
migration St! di chuyen mau mt.re, St! sang].
nho. [dcm vj thoi gian].
di d()ng, St! chuyen vi. millimeter paper giay ke ly.
microform read-copier may sao microswitch cCmg tic dong mo tieng
ch'-:)p-d9c d!,lng thu rat nh6. d()ng rat nho. mil mai!CI Anh, [1/1000 tac Anh]. millisecond mili giay (1/1000 giay).
micro read-printer may sao ch'-:)p- microwave vi ba, song ct.re ng!n. mild mercurous chloride thuy ngan
Milori blue mau xanh Milori.
d9c d!,lng thu rat nh6. (I) clorua, calomen, Hg2Cl 2 [Hoa].
micro wase drying each say kho vi Milori green mau l1,1c Milori.
microgel microgen. mild oxidation si..r oxi hoa nh~.
mimeograph thiet bj de sao in cac
microgram microgam (10'6 gam = microzinc (ban) kem tinh the vi h~t. mileage It.re phti ml!C in.
ban danh may hay viet tay bang giay
m()t phlin tri¢u gam). (h~t rat mjn). mileage test thf nghi¢m lt!c phii Jvc nen, in roneo.
micro graph anh hien vi. microzinc plate ban kem tinh the h~t in.
mimeograph ink ml!c in roneo.
micrographics m6n h9c d6 h9a thu rat mjn. milk glass thuy tinh ma d1,1c. mimeograph paper giay in roneo,
rat nh6. Middle kfch thuoc to giay 18,5x22,5 mill may nghien, may can, tr1,1c can, giay nen.
micrometer d'-:)ng C'-:) de do cac V~t tac Anh. XUO'ng Sall XUat giay, may nghien
the rat nh6, thuoc pan-me. ffil;tC. mimeograph stencil giay nen, ban
Middle chorome mau vang trung
mAu in r6neo.
micromethod phucmg phap vi luqng. crom. m!ll blank cac-tong hay bla cung
4 trang hai m~t. mimeographing machine may in
micron micron (10' cm : Middle expossure chieu sang chfnh.
1/lOOOmm), m()t phlin tri¢u met. Middle key tang tM trung gian. mill finish trang trf ep can nhfo.
minder trubng may.
microphotocopy ch'-:)p anh ph1,1c che Middle space khoang tr!ng m()t phan mill ream ram giay thieu (1 ram =
thu rat nho. 472 to). mineral khoang v~t; qu~ng; vo cCI.
tu than chit
microphotography thu~t ch1,1p anh ~i!I wrapper nha in ho~c nha may mineral acid axit vo CCI.
Middle tone tang tha trung gian.
thu rat nh6. giay ti! dung giay bao g6i.
Middle tone contrast d() tucmg phiin mineral additive chat ph'-:)c gia vo CCI,
micropipet (te) pipet vi Iuqng, micro
tang tha trung gian.
milligram miligam oo· 3 gam). chat d()n VO CCI.
pi pet.

mineral carbon missing word

minus colour plate ban phim duong missing word (sap chii) b6 s6t cau mobile galley rack gia de bat chu roi
mineral carbon graphit, than chl.
tach mau. chfi". luu d9ng.
mineral colour mau khoang v~t.
minus-etching an mon diem tram. mist mu, suong. mobility tfnh linh d9ng; d¢ linh d9ng.
mineral fat vazolin.
minuscule sach viet tay kh6 nho thcri misting mtJc bay, ml;l'c bfo. mobilometer quanh ke.
mineral fillers chat d¢n v6 co.
c6 d~i b Chau Au, chli' viet thuong. MIT folding endurance tist dl;lng Cl;l mock-up sach mau dong toan giay
mineral oil dau khoang. mirror guang, kfnh phan X<,l. kiem dinh d(> ben gap MIT trftng.
mineral pigment b(>t mau v6 ca, pfch [ten thuang m~i).
mirror file tu li¢u anh Xi,\ [may tfnh]. mode of printing phuong thuc in.
mang vo co. mitred cut m~t dt cheo, dt vat
mirror image anh guong, anh phan nghieng. model miiu, hlnh mau, kieu mfo.
mini-computer may tfnh di¢n tit kh6
nho. mitring machine may de goc, may modeling ngh¢ thu~t lam m6 hlnh,
miniature book sach kh6 nho, sach
mirror plane m~t phing guang. cat cheo. v~t mau.
ca nho bo tui. mirroring phan Xi,\ m~t guang (kfnh) mix h6n hqp, pha tr(>n, tr(>n lil.n. modem thiet bj noi h¢ th6ng may
miniature camera may chl;lp anh lo<,li [xu ly tranh ve, hlnh ve]. tfnh, modem may tfnh.
mix printing ink pha ml;l'c in.
rat nho. mis-sheet detector thiet bj phat hi¢n
mixed colour mau h6n hqp. modem sharing phan tham gia dong
miniature edition ban sach kh6 rat to in sai. g6p may noi h¢ thong may tfnh.
nho. mis-strip off sach xen sai kh6. mixed media phuong ti¢n truyfo
thong d~i chung h6n hqp (vf d1:1 TV, modern face kieu chfi" hi¢n d~i. chii
miniature film phim kh6 nho. misbound d6ng sach sai, vf dl;I bat tay dai, bao . . .). kicfo R6-manh hi¢n d~i.
miniature projector may chieu phim sach thieu, thtra v.v ...
mixed media system h¢ th6ng modern figure kieu chit s6 hi¢n d~i
kh6 nho. miscellany bai lap ch6 tr6ng. phuong ti¢n truyen thong d<,li chung (cung chieu cao va ca to nho ).
minikin chii roi ca 3 phAn in. h6n hqp.
misfed nh~m trang. modern Roman chii R6-manh hi¢n
minimum density m~t d¢ t6i thieu. mixed setting sap chii h6n hqp anh va d~i.
misprint sap chii sai, in sai.
minimum slotting interval khoang misregister chinh ban khong chuan. modern type chii kieu hi¢n d~i.
each dt xe
ranh t6i thieu. mixing h6n hqp, sap chii h6n hqp
miss gathering thieu trang. nhieu ca chii; pha che mau. modified gelatin gielatin bien tfnh.
minimum useful density m~t d¢ hiiu
hi¢u t6i thieu. missing issue bao, t~p san xuat ban mixing machine may tr¢n ml;l'c in. modified phenol resin nhtJa phenol
kh6ng dung ky h<_ln. bien tfnh.
minimum t6i thieu, gia trj nho nhat. mixing-coloured ink h6n hop muc
missing leaf thieu trang. mau. . .
modified resin nhtJa bien tfnh.
Minion chit roi ca 7 phan in.
missing number bao, ~p san thieu s6. mixture sap chii h6n hqp nhieu ca modified resin alkyd nhtJa ankyt
miniprint an pham nho, an pham Chii Va anh. . bien tfnh.
mini. missing page thieu trang.
missing sheet control kiem tra tC1 bo
MM System h¢ th6ng MM (m¢t lo~i modifier chat pha che ml;l'C in, tac
minium minium, chl (II) orthoplum
Phuong thuc tfnh trc?ng luqng giay). nhan cai bien.
bat, Pbz(Pb04 ); chl do. sot, kh6ng che tc:1 bo sot.
modular binding system rnoJybdate orange

rnolybdate orange vang da cam monobloc ket cau dan nguyen.

modular binding system h¢ th6ng moistu~e proof carton cac tOng
dong sach t6 hgp. ch6ng am. molipdat. monochromatic dan sac.
modular construction du true d~ng moisture proof cellophane giay rnolybdate pigment b()t mau monochromatic colourimeter sac d()
t6 hgp, ket cau d~ng t6 hgp. b6ng kfnh chong am. molipdat, sac t6 molypdat. ke dan sac, thiet bj do d() mau dcm
~oisture proof paper gilly chong sac.
modular unit t6 may d1,mg t6 hgp. molybdenum disulfide molypden
am. monochromatic filter kfnh !9c mau
modulate dieu che, dieu hoa, dieu bi€n. diunfua.
moisture resistance tfnh chiu ilm anh sang dan sac.
modulation St! dieu che. tfnh ben am. . ' monastral blue xanh anh sao.
monochromatic radiation St! bCrc x~
modulator may dieu cM, may dieu moisture sensitivity tfnh nh~y am. Monel plate ban hgp kim Mone!. dan sac; St! phat Xi,l dan sac.
moisture vapour tramsmission rate monetary sign ky hi¢u tien t¢, vf d1;1 monochromatic sensitivity tfnh nh;,ty
modulator crystal tinh the dieu che. t6c d() thilm khf am. sang dan sac, tfnh cam quang dan
$, ¥, £.
modulator-demodulator unit may moisture-proof chong am, ben am. sk
money paper tien giay.
dieu giai-dieu che. monochromator kfnh anh sang dcm
moisture-sensitive nh~y thllm am.
module mo dun. mongrel kfch thuoc giay lo~i phi tieu
moisture-set ink ml;!c in khO khi c6 chuan.
Mohs hardness d() cCrng Moh. am, ml;!C in kh6 do bay hai. monochrome mc'.)t rnau, dan sac.
monitor man hlnh dung de kiem tra
moire van hoa, van mo [st! c6]. mold khuon, khuOn due, h()p chir. monochrome display chu, hlnh anh
tie'n tr1nh va ho;,tt d()ng cua m()t h¢
moist collodion process phucmg phap hi¢n Jen tren m~t hi¢n hlnh dan sac
mole phan tu gam. th6ng may tfnh. "--
che ban kfnh Uat colodion. [may tfnh].

moisten tham uat.

molecular weight tr9ng Jugng phan tu. monk b() ph~n in qua nhieu rnl;!c. monochrome film phim dan sac,
molecuie phan tu. monkey roller tryc cang giay, tryc phim den trang.
moistener may lam am ta phe>ng due
moleskin viii d¢t cheo day. dieu tiet ll;l'C keo giay cu()n. monochrome illustration tranh rninh
molleton vai bong b9c tr1;1c 16 mrcrc, monks-and-friars trang in hong, ta h9a den trang.
moistening tham uat.
ni b9c 16 nuoc. in mau ffil;!C khong deu. monochrome laser printer may in
moistening apparatus thiet bi lam
lade dan sac.
am ta phong due ch[r. molleton-covered roller tr1;1c 16 b<?C mono dan nhat, m()t (-).
ni 16 nuoc. monochrome original ban m!u dan
moisture content d() am. monobasic acid monoaxft.
molten metal kim lo~i n6ng chay, sk
moisture expansibility tfnh gian giay
hgp kim ch1 otr;,tng thai long. monobath development hi¢n anh monochrome printing machine may
do am [giay in]. m()t dung djch.
molton vai bong b9c lo nuoc. in dan sac, may in m()t mau.
moisture measuring device d() am
molton covered dampening roller monobath processon may hi¢n anh monochrome scanner may quet don
ke, thiet bi do d() am.
moisture pickup lugng hut am. am
tr1;1c 16 b9c ni 16 nuoc.
m¢t dung djch. sac, may quet den trang.

monochrome work

monochrome work tai li¢u in dan sac. montan wax sap than nau. mottling diem lam tam, bl;li m(!C. movable types kieu chfr rai.
monogram kiiu chfr l6ng, hai hay monthly bao, t<,lp chf ra hang thang. mould ta phOng due chfr, khu6n due, move to left di chuyen sang trai.
nhieu chii h<;ip voi nhau thanh m(>t h9a
monthly calendar I/ch hang thang. h¢P chfr.
1ie1. move to right di chuyfo sang phai.
mordant dung djch an mon [in lorn]. mould paper giay vo phong.
monograph chuyen lui,ln, cOng tr1nh MQ developer dung djch hi¢n anh
nghien cuu chi tiet ve m¢t van de. moroco da thu(>c moroco. mould press may ep ta phong. metol - hydrokinon, dung djch hi¢n
monolayer lap dan phan tu. moroco binding d6ng sach da thu(>e mould-made paper giay xeo thu
moroco. eong. M-paper giay lo<_li hai, giay thu cap.
monoline kiiu chii net ve ttrong d6ng.
moroco-binding d6ng sach m~t da moulding matrix ep thanh ta ph6ng Mu type face kiiu chii Mi,iu [chii
monomatic may sap due kh6ng phfm. Han].
de. due chu.
monomer monome, h<;ip chat don, moroco-lined v~t li¢u 16t da moroco. moulding khuon m<;t di¢n, che ta mulberry paper giay vo cay dau
don hqp. ph6ng due chii, mau due. tam.
mortise khoan hay d1;1c lo ban in CJ
monomolecular layer lap don phan ru. moulding cushion tam ni v6 ep ta mull vai x6, viii g~c dung dan gay
nhiing vj trf dn sua tren ban in.
monopack film phim mau nhieu lap. phong due chii. sach.
mortising khoan chfr tren ban in cao
monospaced characters chii r(>ng di cay ghep chfr, net hlnh. moulding press may ep ta ph6ng due mull drawing device thiet bj keo dan
ehu, may ep ta ph6ng che l<;ti ban due vai g~c dan gay sach.
ngang bang nhau. mosaic hi¢u qua mosaic [xir ly hlnh
di¢n. mull station noi dan vai g<;tc dan gay
monospaced font phong chfr r(>ng ttrqng], tac phdm tranh hip ghep. '-
mount de ban in, tai li¢u dong ban Sa.ch.
ngang bang nhau. motherboard ban chu [may tfnh].
bang dinh hay dan biin. Mullen paper tester thiet bj do d¢
monotone sac di¢u don, dan di¢u. mothproof paper giay ch6ng con
mount block ban in dong tren de ban. ben xe giay in Mullen.
Monotype casting machine may due !rung.
muller may mai nghien.
chfr Monotyp, may due chii rai. mounting lap biin [in lorn], ghep de
motif h9a tiet hay hoa van trang trf d6
ban. multi story press may in kieu nhieu
Monotype composing machine may an.
sap due Monotyp. motion blur chuyen d(>ng mo ho mouting foil de lot ban in dung phim
mong. multi-colour nhieu mau, da sac.
Monotype composition sap due khong ro net [xu ly hlnh anh].
Monotyp. motor d9ng co di¢n. mounting instruction thuyet minh multi-colour albumen plate biin
lap d~t, chi dii.n lap d~t. long !rang trung nhieu mau.
Monotype display caster may due motor drive chuyen d(>ng d(>ng c<J
chii tft Monotyp. mounting of forme lap ban. multi-colour assenbly blnh ghep
khu6n phim nhieu mau.
Monotype keyboard ban phfm may mottle diem lam tam [s(! c6], bl;li mourning border khung net den
due chii Monotyp. [dung CJ ban cao pho]. multi-colour gravure printing in
lorn nhieu mau.
montage blnh ban, blnh ghep khuon mouse ehu9t [may tfnh].
mottled paper giay van da hoa
multi-colour magazine press may in
phim che ban in. cucmg. mouse grey mau xam vang.
giay cu(>n ban in cao nhieu mau.
multi-colour newspaper press multi-user

multi-colour newspaper press may multi-duplicating machine may phoi multi-user nhieu h¢ su d~mg [mctng multinational character set t~p chii'
in bao giay cu¢n nhieu mau. ban lien tl;IC [Jo~i may phoi ban Xong mctch di¢n]. da qu6c gia.
multi-colour offset press may in 6p- ml!-t tnr6c, quay ml!-t sau phoi tiep ban
multicolor sheetfed offet press may multiple (thu¢c) da lien; gom nhieu
xet nhieu mau. lien t1.;1c].
in 6p-xet nhieu mau to roi. ca the; b¢i s6.
multi-colour offset printing in 6p multi-flash system h¢ th6ng thiet bi
multicolored plate ban in long mau. multiple Document Interface (MDI)
xet nhieu mau. chop sang nhieu liin. .
m~t giao di¢n nhieu tai li¢u, van ki¢n.
multi-layer bussiness form bieu mAu multifunction board bang da chuc
multi-colour photo-lithography multiple duplicating machine may
ch1.;1p anh in lit6 nhieu mau. thuong nghiep da lien. nang [may tfnh].
phai ban, nh1l.n ban lien tl;JC.
multi-colour photogravure in lorn multi-mask phim ban che mau nhieu 16p. mul!igraph may in sap chfr dl_lng multiple exposure chieu sang phan ra
nhieu mau. xoay tron, may in dau [ten thuqng m~]. nhieu Ian, chieu sang phan nhieu lop.
multi-metal offset plate ban in 6p
multi-colour press may in nhieu mau. xet kim lo~i nhieu lop. multilayer film phim nhieu lop. multiple form bieu mau da lien.
multi-colour printing in nhieu mau. multi-metal plate ban kim lo~ nhieu 16p. multilayer soft packing dong g6i multiple gouge dao kMc net kep; net doi.
bao b1 mem nhieu lop.
multi-colour printing machine may multi-negative machine may ch1.;1p multiple logical terminal thiet bi dau
in nhieu mau. anh lien t1.;1c. multilayered emulsion nhil tuong cu6i da logich.
multi-colour printing plate ban in multi-phase circuit dong di¢n nhieu pha nhieu lap. multiple up danh may nhieu trang.
nhieu mau. multilingual n6i ho~c sti dt.mg nhieu multiple-burn phoi ban nhieu Hin.
multi-ply board cac t6ng hay bla
multi-colour process qui trlnh m c(rng nhieu lop. thu tieng, viet hOi!-C in b!ng nhieu thu
multiple-head wire stitcher may
nhieu mau. tieng.
multi-sheet poster dan ghep tranh ve d6ng sach nhieu dfo ghim thep.
multi-colour rotary letterpress kh6 !6n. multilingual dictionnary 111 diin multiplexing nhieu b¢ ph~n, thanh
machine may in giay cu¢n ban in cao nhieu thu tieng. phan, nhieu 1¢ trlnh.
nhieu mau. multi-transferring machine may in
truyen lien t~IC. multilingual edition sach hon hqp multiplier photocell 6ng nhan te bao
multi-colour rotary offset press nhieu thu tieng, nhieu ng6n ngfr viet. quang di¢n.
may in 6p-xet giay cu¢n nhieu mau. multi-unit nhieu don vj in, nhieu c1:1m in.
rnultilith san pham in ban in b!ng multiplier pre-amplifier may ph6ng
multi-colour rotogravure press may multi-unit newspaper rotary press
don gian. dai d~t tnr6c 6ng nhan te bao quang
in giay cu¢n ban in lorn nhieu mau. may in bao giay cu¢n nhieu don vj in. di¢n.
multi-unit rotary printing machine multimedia da phuong ti¢n truyen
multi-colour sheet-fed offset press
thong dai chung (TV, dai, bao ... ].
multitasking xti Iy nhieu nhi¢m vt.1
may in 6p-xet ta roi nhieu mau. may in cu6n nhieu don vi in. [may tfnh].
multi-colour sheet-fed press may in multi-unit web rotary press may in multimedia service trung tam dich vu
Munsell colour systein h¢ th6ng mau
to roi nhieu mau. giay cu¢n nhieu don vj in. da Phucmg ti¢n truyen thong dcti chung. · Munsen.
426 427
muriatic acid

muriatic acid axit clo. music-printing paper giay in am

music book sach am nh<!-c. nh<!-C.
music composition sap chu ban nh<!-c. muslin vai XO mong dung dan gay
music demy kfch thuoc ta giay
14,375x20,75 tac Anh.
music note n6t nh<!-C.
sach b1a cCrng.
mute cover b1a sach c6 mau dju,
khong ch6i.
music paper giay in ban nh<!-c. mutton quad toan than chu ch1 hlnh
music printing in am nh<!-C. vuong.
N-paper giay lo<!-i ba. nap long, tuyet; lam cho Jen tuyet, sqi
music score am nh1).c. Mylar phim Myla [ten thtrong m,!.i]. N-B chu giai. long nho ngan tren m~t vai.
music type ky hi~u am nh<!-c, ky 11:f Mylar film de phim Myla. nailing d6ng dinh ban in. nap roller tn,1c ml;l'c in lam bang 16 da.
am nh<!-c. napalm napan; xang d~c.
nailing machine may dong dinh.
naked fire ng<;m h'.ra Iran. naphtha Iigroin, dau mo; dau hoa.
naiked forme ban in th!u quang. naphthenate cobalt chat lam kho
ml;fc in coban naptenat.
naked light anh sang trlin.
naphthenate drier chat lam kM
name ten. naptenat.
name card danh thiep. napkin paper giay khan dung trong
name index bang chu dan ten nguoi. bua an !au moi va ng6n cay.
name of printer ten nha in. NAPP (Cong ty son dau NMt Ban)
ban nhl;fa cam quang NAPP (ten
name of publisher ten nha xuat ban.
thuong m<!-i).
name plate tam nhan may ghi ten
nappling giay c6 long xo do ma sat.
may, kich ca, cac chi tieu ky thu~t.
qui each ngay thang san xuat. narrow hyp, co hyp, thu hyp.
name-plate rating muc qui djnh ghi narrow face ki~u chu than hyp.
tren tam nhan may.
narrow furniture cai chen mong
NAND va khong [Iogich]. than hyp.
nanometer nanomet, (1 na•110 bAng 1 narrow width press may in bao giay
PMn ty cua met). cu¢n kh6 hyp chieu ngang.
nanosecond nano giAy. nascent hydrogen hidro moi sinh.

nascent oxygen nebulizer

nebulizer may phun mu. negative charge di~n tfch am.

nascent oxygen oxi mai sinh. natural light anh sang thien nhien.
neck c6; mi).t nghieng giua ml).t chu va negative copy ban ma.u am ban, phim
nascent red mau do nh~t. natural organic colloid keo huu ca
vai chil' [chil' chl]. am ban goc.
thien nhien.
national bibliography t6ng thu m1:1c negative cutting tu chinh phim am ban.
natural polymer polime tl;f nhien, necked-in uon cong vao trong.
toan quoc.
cao philn tu tl;f nhien. necked-out u6n cong ra ngoai. negative development hi?n anh phim
na!ional characters chil' quoc ngu.
natural printing phuong phap in tu am ban,
needle kim; kim nam chAm; tinh the
national use praphic character chil' nhien. · hlnh kim; ket tinh d~ng kim. negative drying hanger k~p treo
chuyen dung che ban d6 do nha nuac
natural resin nhl;fa tl;f nhien (nhtta hong kh6 phim am ban.
qui dinh. needle antimony antimon thO;
cay, nhl;fa than da). · antimon sunfua. negative film phim Am ban.
native bitumen bitum thien nhien.
natural resin adhesive chat keo dan needle bearing vong bi dua nho. negative group machine may t6 hqp
native code mii nguyen sinh nhl;fa thien nhien. phim am ban.
[phfo mem]. needle perforation kim d1:1c 16.
natural rubber cao su tl;f nhien. negative grouping nh6m am tfnh.
natural browns giay bao g6i mau needle printer may in kim.
nau tl! nhien. natural rubber roller tr1:1c 10 ml!c negative holder gia de phim am ban.
cao su thien nhien. needle pulp b¢t giay cay la kim.
natural circulation sl:f tuan hoan tl! negative image anh phim am ban.
navy hai quan. needle roller tr1:1c kim.
n~edle-pointed stylus kim khAc~t negative ion ion am.
natural clay dat set triing ti! nhien. navy blue mau xanh nuac biin.
sat (dung chep l~i). negative lens thau kfnh ph1:1.
natural colour mau thien nhien. NB (nota bene) chu y.
needlework binding dong sach theu negative list m1:1c I1:1c san pham cam
natural cooling Sl! lam l~nh ti! nhien. N.C (numeral control) kh6ng ch~ thua tren bla. khOng duqc dung.
chil' so.
natural drying SI! khO tl! nhien. needle valve van kim. negative number so am.
ND Filter (neutral density filter)
natural dyestuff pham nhu9m tl! nhien. kfnh l9c s!c mau xam trung tfnh. negate phu d\nh; sai; trai; khong negative plate ban anh am ban.
natural evaporation Sl! bay hoi tl;f NCR (no carbon required paper) negative pole c(!c am.
nhien, Sl! bay hoi b~ng nhi?t ml).t troi. giay viet khong SU d1:1ng giay than negative phim am ban, phim g6c
am ban. negative potentiale di¢n the am.
natural fiber sqi thien nhien. (giay cac bon).
negative acting plate ban in hlnh negative pressure ap suat am.
natural gas khf tl;f nhien. near infra - red vung gan tia h6ng
phim am ban. negative print ban miiu am ban, ban
natural gum gom tl;f nhien. negative afterimage du anh am ban g6cam ban.
near ,side thao tac ben c~nh may m6c,
natural illuminating Sl! chieu sang (ca~ giac do m9 t giac quan giu l~i, negative proof in thu phim am ban.
near ultra-violet vung gan tia tu ngo~ nha:t la m!t sau khi slJ kfch thfch gay
tl! nhien.
nebulization SI! phun sa mu. ra n6 dii dll'Ilg l~i). negative radical goc am.
natural latex mu cao su thien nhien.
neutral balance
negative ray

neutral balance can b!ng trung tfnh; neutralize trung hoa.

negative ray tia am. network hrai; ml!-ng luai; ml!-fig di¢n.
can bang xam. neutralizer chat lam trung hoa.
negative retouching sua phim am ban. network architecture ket C!\U ffi/!-ng
neutral blue mau lam xanh trung tfnh. neutralizing (sl!) trung hoa.
negative transparency phim anh neutral colour mau xam; mau v6 siic.
thau minh am ban. network board bang gan vao m~ng neutrals dau trung tfnh.
ltr6i. neutral density m~t d¢ xam. new edition sach moi.
negative type hlnh anh am.
network computor interface giao neutral density filter kfnh, phim !9c
negative varnish lac, scm phu tren new edition in preparation se xuat
di¢n ml!-ng ltr0i may tfnh. siic xam trung tfnh.
phim am ban. ban sach moi, dang chuan bj tai ban.
network drive thiet bj truyen ll!c neutral density wedge thang do m~t
negative working che ban (phoi ban) new matter ban g6c moi.
ffi/!-ng ltr0i. d¢ xam.
am ban. new paragraph them m¢t dol!-11 (soat
network node ffi/!-ng ltr6'i diem tram. neutral ester ette trung tfnh.
negative-positive process phuong ll!-i ban in thti).
phap phoi duong ban-am ban. network operating system h¢ th6ng neutral fat ma trung tfnh. New Year picture bCrc h9a, nien hol).,
thao tac ffil!-llg ltr6'i.
negative-to-negative system h¢ neutral flame lua trung tfnh. buc ve hlnh anh hang nam.
th6ng che ban am ban sang am ban. network operator controle ban kh6ng
neutral grey (mau) xam trung tfnh. news agency th6ng tan xa.
che cua ngtrcri thao tac ml!-fig ltr6'i.
negative-type presensitized plate
neutral molecule phan tir trung tfnh. news agent dl).i ly ban sach bao.
ban da trang phu mang cam quang network port cang dau ngu6n m~ng
kieu am ban. llr6'i. neutral oils dau trung tfnh. news compositor c6ng nhll.n siip chu bao.
neighborhood areraging phuong network software phan mem m~ng neutral points diem trung hoa. news film dol).n phim tin tuc.
phap mCrc trung blnh vung Ian c~n 1u0i. neutral red (mau) do trung tfnh, news flash m1:1c ngan cac tin quan
[xu ly anh]. network structure cau true ml!-fig hr6'i. C,sH 1r,N4 HCl. tn;mg phat am radio ho~c Tivi, tin d~c
neighborhood effect hi~u Crng vung bi¢t quan tr9ng.
network supervisor phuong phap neutral resins nhl;l'a trung tfnh.
Ian c~n. quan ly ml).ng ltr6'i. news headline tieu de tin, hang tft tin.
neutral soda s6 da trung tfnh.
Neo-Grotesgue kieu chu Grotesgue
network terninating unit (NTU) news ink ml;l'c in bao.
mai. neutral tone t6ng mau trung tfnh.
thiet bi tiep dau ml!-fig 1uoi.
neon lighting chieu sang den neon. neutral-water glass thuy tinh long news magazine tl!,p chf tin tuc, tl).p chi
networking lien ml).ng. thcti Sl;l'.
trung tfnh.
nested inposition ban sap ghep nhieu
neutral kh6ng sac thai; thu(>c mau news section c¢t tin tuc.
anh vao nhau. neutral wedge thang xam, thang do
xam; thu¢c trung tfnh. gam mau xam.
net luai; ml!,ng ltr6i; tjnh (kh6ng qao news setting sap chu tin tuc.
neutral addition compound chat
gom tr9ng luqng bao bl ben ngoai). neutrality tfnh trung tfnh; d¢ trung tfnh. news sheet to bao tin tuc.
ph1:1 gia trung tfnh.
net weight tr9ng luqng tjnh, kh6i neutralization SI! trung hoa. news stall quay ban bao.
neutral axis tr1:1c giua.
luqng rieng.
news stock -
newspaper supplement

newspaper supplement ban ph1:1 nickel electrotype ban m~ di~n niken.

newspaper illustration tranh minh
news stock giay dung in bao. 1n.rcmg
bao. nickel etching SI! an mon niken.
ho~ bao.
news-magazine printing in t~p chf. newspaper type kieu chii' roi dung in nickel facing m~ niken.
newspaper make-up blnh ghep
bao. nickel plated (duqc) m~ niken.
news-reel do~n phim tin tCrc. khu6n phim in bao.
newspaper wrapping automat may
newsboard bien thong cao, bla cCrng. newspaper office tr1,1 so so~ bao. nickel plating SI! me!, niken.
d6ng g6i ti! d()ng bao.
News group t6 thao lu~n tin tCrc newspaper packaging press may newspaper wrapping machine may nickel plating bath be m~ niken.
(m~ng www). dong g6i bao. d6ng g6i bao. nickel stereo ban chl due m~ niken.
newsletter thong bao, thOng tan. newspaper press may in bao, may in news poster giAy quang cao lo~i blnh nickel sulfate niken sunfate, NiS0 4
newspaper bao, giay bao, an phiim cu6n bao. thuong. [h6a].
phat hanh hang ngay, hang tuan. newspaper pressman cong nhan in bao. newsprint giay dung de in bao, gia'.y nickel-faced stereo ban chl due me!,
newspaper advertisement quang cao newspaper printing in bao. bao trfog. niken.
giay bao. newspaper printing house nha in bao. newsprint in reel giAy bao cu()n. nickel-facing stereotype ban chl due
newspaper baling press may d6ng newsprint mill nha may san xuAt m~ niken.
newspaper printing industry cong
g6i giay ba?. giay in bao. nickel-plating (sl!) m~ niken.
nghi~p in bao.
newspaper clipping d.t bao. newsprint paper giay bao tr!ng, giay nickel-plating bath be m~ niken.
newspaper printing ink ml!c in bao.
newspaper column c¢t bao, c¢t tin tCrc. dung in bao.
newspaper printing press may in bao. nickelic (thu()c) niken (Ill).
newspaper composition sip chu bao. newsprinting in bao. ·
newspaper publisher nguoi phat nickelic oxide niken (ill) exit, Ni20 3
newspaper conveyor thiet bi chuyen newsprinting ink ml!c in bao. [h6a].
hanh bao, cong ty phat hanh bao chi.
cha bao. newstone in bao dung ban in tram tho. nickelous (thu()c) niken (II).
newspaper rotary letterpress press
newspaper editor bien t~p bao. may in bao giay cu()n ban in cao. Newton's ring quang Niuton. nickelous oxide niken (II) exit.
newspaper facsimile truyen fax bao. newspaper rotary press may in cu6n nick khlfc chii chl. nickeling (sl!) m~ niken.
newspaper holding machine may gia'.y bao. nickel niken, Ni. nickeltype ban due m~ niken.
gap bao. newspaper short do~ tin ngful tren t,ao. nickel black den niken niken dioxit Niger Morocco da thu()c Nige
newspaper halftone in bao dung newspaper size .kh6 bao to nho. Ni02 [hoa]. ' '
tram tho. nickel chloride niken clorua [h6a].
newspaper stereo ban chl due dung nigger head dliu gap, ma s6 thiep.
newspaper heading dau bao, tieu de
in bao. nickel-chrome steel thep niken-crom. night-green mau I1,1c t6i, mau I1,1c
·bao, tit bao.
newspaper stereotyping ban chl due nickel cooting m~ niken. xam den.
newspaper heading face chu tft bao,
in bao. 435
chu tieu de bao.


nitrifotriacetic acid axit trinifotriaxetic.

no-load test

non-blinding lacquer lie ch6ng an

no-load test thf nghi?m khong tai.
nigrometer d¢ den ke; di,mg c1;1 do d¢ mon [che ban].
den. nitro-group nh6m nitro. no-screen exposure ch1;1p anh khOng
non-cohesive khOng ket dfnh.
nigrosin nigrosin; den anilin (thu6c nitro-halogen compound hqp cha'.t c6 tram. chieu sang khOng c6 tram.
non-combistible khOng chay duqc.
nhu9m). nitro halogen. no-sheet detector may phat hi¢n bo
nip ep gay sach. ducmg ep in (giua nitro-lacquer nitrolic, son nitro. tr6ng gia'.y. non-condensable gas khf khOng
trl;IC 6ng ban in Va trl;IC ep in). no-sheet trip may in ch~y khOng c6 ngung t1;1.
nitro propame nitro propan.
nip pressure ap life duc:mg ep in. giay. non-conducting khong c6 tfnh dan
nitrobenzene nitro benzen. (di?n, nhi?t).
nip roller tr1;1c kyp ch~t. nodal point diem hqp nhanh, diem
nitrocellulose nitroxenlulow. nut, giao diem. non-conducting material v~t li¢u
nip width d¢ r¢ng ducmg ep in tr1;1c khong dan (di?n, nhi?t).
nitrocellulose lacquer san node diem nut m~ng luai.
nitroxenlulow, vec-ni nitroxenluloza. non-conductor chat kh6ng dan (di?n,
nipper rang kyp giay. may ep sach. noise tifog 6n.
nitrodope vecni nitroxenlulozr1, nhi¢t).
nipping ep phing [dong sach]. noise prevention phong ch6ng tieng 6n.
nitro lie. non-contact printing in khOng tiep xuc.
nipping machine may ep phing noiseless paper giay khu tieng 6n.
nitrogen chain m~ch nito. non-corrodible khong gi.
[d6ng sach]. nomenclature tu Vlfng, danh- phap,
nitrogen compound hqp chat nito. non-corroding khong bj an mon.
nipping press may ep ch~t tay sach. thu~t ngu.
nitrogen fertilizer phAn d~m. non-corrosive paper giay chong oxi h6a.
nipping roller rn:1c ep tay sach. non-absorbing substrate lap nen
nitrogen oxide oxit nitC1. khOng tham hut. non-counting keyboard khong the
nitrate nitrat (g6c NO;).
dieu chinh hang ngang ban phfm [s!p
nitrate of baryte bari nitrat, BaN03 nitrogen peroxide peoxit nito. non-actinic (tfnh chat) phu quang hoa.
[h6a]. nitrogenated (duqc) nitro hoa; c6 non-actinic light (tfnh chat) anh sang non-drying ink tfnh chat mlfc kh6ng
nitrate redical goc nitrat. chua nitC1. phi quang h6a. khO [in tinh di¢n].
nitratine natri nitrat, xanpet chi le, no carbon required paper giay sao non-adhesion tfnh khOng dfnh, khOng non-drying oil tfnh chat dau khong
NaN0 3 [h6a].
khOng cacbon, giay sao khOng dung ham.
gia'.y than. non-adhesive chat · kh6ng dfnh, chat
nitrazine yellow vang nitrazin. non-ferrous alloy hqp kim mau, hqp
no paragraph khOng trfch do~- khong barn dfnh.
nitre diem tieu, xanpet. kim phi sit.
no paragraph indention do~ khOng non-ageing khang lao hoa. non-flamble khong chay duqc.
nitric acid axft nitric, HN0 3 [h6a].
th1;1t vao a dill dong. non-alphan umeric sign ky hi?u chu non-flaming paper giay khOng chay.
nitric acid etching an mon bing axit no precess plate ban in khOng hi¢n anh, s6 khOng c6 chu cai.
nitric. non-gloss ink mlfc in khong b6ng.
no-carbon paper giay sao khOng n~n-bibulous paper tfnh giay khong
nitric acid etching solution dung hut nuoc. non-ideal solution dung djch thlfc.
dung giay than.
djch an mon axit nitric.
non-ignitable -

nonflammable khong de chay. normal objective 6ng kfnh tieu chuan.

non-printing area b(> phl).n khong in
non-ignitable khong b6c chay duqc. normal paper giay in anh tfog thu
b¢ phl).n de trang. , nonflammable film phim khong
non-image area b¢ phl).n khOng h1nh chay, phim ch6ng chay. trung blnh.
non-relief type chu khong n6i net,
anh, b¢ phl).n de trfog. nonimpact printing in khong va d/).p, normal process phucmg phap che ban
chu net nho dju.
non-impact printing in khOng ep in. in khong ep in. ph6 thOng.
non-reversible reaction phan ung
non-iflammable khOng chay duqc. noninteractive dl!,ng khong c6 tac normal solution dung djch chuan
khong thul).n ngh\ch.
d(>ng tucmg ho, ph6i hqp. ml;{c, dung dich qui djnh.
non-justifying perforator may d1:1c non-scratch ink ml;{c in ben ma sat,
16 kh6ng thing hang. nonius du tieu, thuoc du tieu. normal space khoang each tieu chuan.
ben mai mon.
non-liner proportional ty 1¢ kh6ng non-scratch varnish vec-ni ben ma nonloadable character set b¢ chu normal stop cua dieu sang chu ye'u,
thing hang, khOng thing dong. kh6ng the chen hay ghep vao duqc. diapham chu yeu.
sat, ben mai mon.
non-lining figures chu s6 khong nonpareil khoang each 6 phan in, ten normal temperature nhi?t d(>
non-silver photography chl;IP ii.oh
thing dong. khong mu6i bl).c. g9i cu chu in 6 phan in. thuong, nhi¢t d¢ phong.
non-lossy compressed ep nen kh6ng nonprint code bf s6 khOng--m(con s6 normal word spacing khoang each
non-stop kh6ng dang may.
ton that. thay cho ten th/).t cua nguoi hay CC1 giua cac chu binh thuong.
non-stop feeder cap giay lien t1:1c.
non-luminous flame ng9n lua t6i. quan).
normalizer coordinate system h?
non-stop rewinder may cu(>n ll!,i lien
non-metal type chu in phi kim lol).i. nonprintable dot diem tram in khong th6ng tol). d¢ blnh 'thuang hoa.
tl;IC giay cu9n. hi¢n ro.
non-metallic composition sap chu normalized device coordinates (NDC)
non-toxic kh6ng d¢. nonremovable disk dia ttr c6 dinh.
ch1:1p anh. thiet bj tOl). d9 qui djnh tieu chuan.
non-volatic solvent dung moi khong nonroman character set b(> chu
non-offset spray thie't bi phun sucmg NOT khong (16 gfch].
ch6ng dfnh ban. bay hoi. kh6ng phai kieu chu Ro-manh.
NOT for sale san phAm khong ban.
non-oxidizing foil mang mong ch6ng non-wire side chfnh di?n (gill'.y) m~t NOR ho~c khOng [logich].
phii.i [giayJ. NOT out chua xuat ban.
oxi hoa. normal contrast d¢ tucmg phan blnh
non-pack matrix to phong due chu non-woven fabric viii khong d¢t. thuong. NOT sensitized chua tang d9 nhl!,y
kh6ng c6 dan d?m. non-woven material vl).t li¢u khOng sang, chua tang d(> cam quang.
normal distribution sl:( phan bO blnh
non-polar khong cl;{c, khong phan cl;{c. d?t viii. thuang. NOT transparent kh6ng trong su6t,
nonbreak oil dau khong tang c~ kh6ng thau minh.
non-polar bound lien ket khOng cl;{c. normal exposure chieu sang chu yeu.
xu6ng day, dau khOng ket tua. NOT-AND va-kh6ng (16 gfch].
non-polar link lien ket khong cl;{c. normal key original ting thu anh
noncoded graphics ky thul).t do hQa the,ng thuang chu yeu do ban mau. not-reversible kh6ng thul).n nghjch.
non-polar linkage lien ket kh6ng
kh6ng ma h6a.
Cl;{C. 439

nut d~i 6c, 6c v~n bu loong. nylon printing plate ban in nilon.
not-saturated khong biio hoa, khong no. null name khong ten (nguoi).
nylon wrap-around letterpress
number of revolutions chuyen s6. nut quad cai chen nua than chu.
not specified khong d~c hi~u, kMng printing plate ban in cao cu¢n 6ng
number of runs so luqng in. nylon nilon. mang mong nilon.
ghi r6, kMng d\nh r6.
nylon block ban in nilon. Nyloprint ban in flexo nhi:1,y sang
nota bene chu y. number of sheets printed t6ng s6 [ten thucmg m~i cua c6ng ty BASF
trang in cua m9t ban in. nylon paper giay nilon. lien bang Due].
notching kham chu cay vao ban hlnh
in cao. number of the page s6 ta, s6 trang.

note chu thfch. number sign ky hi~u s6 chir.

note paper giay but ky, giay ghi chep. number to be printed so luqng in.

note printing in ban nh~c. in trai numbered copy ban dinh muc, ban
phieu, in chung khoan, in sec, in tern h~n d\nh.
phieu. numbering s6 thCr tl;f, so in.
note-book sach ghi chep, sach nh~t ky. numbering box so may. /

note-type ky tt;r ban nh~c. numbering dl'!vice danh so thiet b\.

notes chu giai, chu thfch. numbering machine s6 may.
notice of copyright c6ng bao ban numbering of the front and back in
quyen. s6 nhiiy mi).t tnroc va m~t sau.
novel tieu thuyet, truy~n dai. numbering of sections so tay sach.
novel news giay bao trang hoi day. numbering unit don vi in s6 nhii.y.
novel paper giay in tiiu thuyet. numerals chu s6, chi s6; (thu9c) s6.
novelty sii.n pham moi, chung lo~i san numerator may Mm so.
pham moi, tfnh moi I~. numeric character ky hi~u chu so.
noxious c6 d9c, c6 h~i. numeric coded character set t~P ky
nozzle mi~ng voi phun. tt;r so thCr tt;r chu so.
Nrunaking xu ly ch6ng x6i mon- ban numeric coded set ~p so thCr lt! chil' s6.
nh6m. numerical control kh6ng che chil' s6,
nudge trang quang cao, ta quang cao. kiim tra chil' s6.

obelisk occlusion

occlusion Sl,f bft, Sl,f bao phu; Sl,f hap thl;l. oddments imposition sap chu b¢
ph~n ngoai chfnh van.
occult an. odourless ink mt;rc in khong c6 mui.

occupational dermatitis b¢nh viem
da ngh6 nghi¢p c6ng nhan vien chuc. ODR (original density range) ph~m
vi m~t d9 ban mau.
occupational disease b¢nh nghe
of approval chucmg kiem nghi¢m.
nghi~p c6ng nhan vien chuc.
off ngung in, cat roi, ngat di~n.
ocean green mau xanh ll;IC bifo.
oblique m¢t lo~i chi! kieu nga ho~c off caliper d¢ day khong phu hgp quy
obelisk dau kiem (Joi chu thfch OCR reader (optical character djnh.
cuoi trang). nghieng, cheo, xien. reade, optical character
recognition) thiet bj nh~n d9c chfr off colour mau bien chat, mau sac
obelus dau kiem (loi chu thfch cu6i trang). oblique serif net xicn chii' cai viet hoa.
khong hoa hgp.
quang h9c.
object v~t the nhiep anh, d6i tttc;mg oblique stroke net g~ch cheo (/) dung
off endpaper b9c l~i bia sach.
[may tfnh]. trong toan h9c ho~c danh dau de tach ochre dat son, hoang tho; m~ nau
cac tu... vang nh~t. off folio trang ben phai.
object colour mau v~t the.
oblong kh6 sach ngang, chieu ngang octa tam (8) off register 16ng khong chuan.
object distance khoang each v~t the.
dai hem chi6u cao. octadecanoic acid axit octadecanoic, off sheet giay 16t.
object glass v(l.t kfnh. CHiCH2 ) 16 COOH [H6a].
oblong binding d6ng sach khO ngang. off the press hoan tat in.
object lens 6ng kfnh, v~U kfnh. octavo edition sach kh6 tam (8).
oblong fold to gap sach kh6 ngang. off white mau trang nga.
object Linking and Embedding (OLE) octavo (8mo) sach kh6 tam (8), giay
oblong folio sach d6i khai (16 trang) off-camera flash chap sang khoang
ky thu~t giin ket hgp cac d6i tttqng. kh6 tam.
kh6 ngang. · each xa.
object micrometer trac vi ke thj kfnh.
oblong page trang sach khO ngang. octodecimo (18mo) sach kh6 muoi off-centre djch !¢ch trung tam.
object original ban mfo v~t tlu,c. tam (18), giay kh6 mttai tam.
oblong size co sach kh6 ngang. off-contact hi?u qua tach ban due lo.
object specific color adjustment octyl (g6c) octyl. khe ho giua ban da tach ra.
obscure rays tia khong nhin thay.
dieu chinh mau d~c trung cua v~t the.
odd copy sach le doi ra, sach con off-cut manh giay khi cat thlta ra.
objective v~t kfnh, ml;lc tieu, 6ng kfnh observation si,r quan s~t. thi'ra de lai. off gas khf thai.
(may chl;lp anh). obverse cover bia sach. odd folio s6 trang ben phai, trang ben phai. off-grade cap thap, h~ng xau.
objective adjustment dieu chinh tieu ci,r. observation error sai s6 quan sat. odd page s6 trang ben phai, trang ben phai. off-load period thoi ky (in) khong tai.
objective changer dia d6i v~t kfnh. observed temperature nhi¢t d¢ d9C d~- Odd sort b9 chfr rcri khong dily du. off-load point diem khong tai.
objective holder gia do ong kfnh. occasional lubrication st;r b6i trcm Oddments b¢ ph~n ngoai chfnh van vf off-line ngoai may, ngo~i tuyen (sfr
objective lens v~t kfnh. tung thoi ky. dl;l bia trong, lcri n6i dau, ml;IC h,1c ... d1,mg thiet bi).

442 443
off-line equipment -
offset flatbed press

offset flatbed press may in 6p xet offset printing machine may in 6p-xet.
off-line equipment thiet bj ngoai offli~e e~uiment thiet bj ho~t d¢ng ban (giuong) ph!ng. offset printing paper giay in 6p-xet.
may, SU d1,10g thiet bj khong dU'<;IC ngo~1 tuyen, ho~t d¢ng hen ngoai may.
offset gravure in lorn gian tiep, ch1;1p offset printing press may in 6p xet.
dieu khitn bai m¢t may XU ly trung offline mode phucmg thuc ho~t d¢ng anh ban in lorn 6p xet.
tam [may tfnh]. ben ngoai may. offset printing trouble SI! c6 in op-xet.
offset gravure printing in !om gian tiep.
off-line keyboard input nh~p vao offline operation thao tac hen ngoai may. offset prints san phAm in 6p-xet.
offset ink ffi\!C in op Xe!.
ban phfm ngoai may. offline output dliu ra ben ngoai may. offset process phl!cmg phap in 6p-xet.
offset ink pigment pfch mang hay
off-position vj trf d6ng, vj trf dung. offiine processing xu ly hen ngoai may. offset proofing press may in thu 6p-xet
b¢t mau ffi\J'C in op Xe!.
off-premises equipment thiet bi dl;r offprint ban in d1I<;1c in them rieng. offset letterpress in op xet ban in offset reproduction ph1;1c che in 6p-xet
tru, thiet bj de danh. cao, in cao gian tiep. offset rotary press may in quay 6p-xet
offset op xet, phU'cmg phap in trong
off-premises standby ph1;1 ki?n may d6 ffi\!C in tren ban in dU'<;IC chuyen offset litho printing in lito-6p xet, in offset stock giay in 6p-xet.
di! tru, chU'a dung den. sang tam cao SU Sau d6 chuyen in len 6p xet ban ba.ng. __.,
v~t li?u in. offset zinc ban kem in 6p-xet.
off-press proof in thu san. offset lithography thu~t in lito-6p xet.
offset blanket tam cao SU in 6p xet. offset zinc plate ban kem in 6p-xet.
off-time thbi gian dll'Ilg may. offset machine may in 6p-xet.
offset book paper giay in sach bang offset-lithographic ink ml:fc in lit6-
offcuts giay le. offset master ban in 6p-xet kh6 nho.
may in op xet. 6p xet.
office automation (OA) ti! d¢ng hoa offset oil dau pha ml:fc in 6p-xet.
offset collotype in 6p xet colotyp, in offset-photo-lithography ch',lp anh
van phong. 6p xet ban in kfnh. offset paper giay in 6p-xet. in lito-6p xet; cht,lp anh ban in op-xet.
office correction tac gia hay nguoi offset cylinder tr1;1c 6ng in.6p xet. offset perfector may in 6p-xet hai m~.t. offsetting dfnh ba'.n, dfnh ba'.n m~t sau
sua bong bai chi djnh dfnh chfnh. offset plate ban in 6p-xet. to in.
offset dampening roller washing
office duplicating machine may in machine may rua tr1;1c 16 n\J'OC (am) offset post card giay in bU'U thiep 6p offsetting of ink dfnh ban ml:fc.
6p xet nho in sao ch1;1p van phong. 6p xet. xet cao cap, giay (bU'U thiep) day cao cap. offsheet to 161.
office offset printing in 6p xet van offset deep plate ban in c6 be m~t offset press may in 6p-xet, may in offside banh rang xien nghieng.
phong. wa bang wa lorn. ban bang.
ohmic layer lop di¢n tra.
office pringting machine may in 6p offset deep printing in ban in vtra offset press for office may in 6p-xet
xet van phong. ba.ng vua lorn, in ban in bang-lorn. van phong. oil dau.
office-composition copy ban mau offset deep process phU'cmg phap ch! offset printer cong nhan in 6p xet oil-absorption power kha nang hap
s!p chu nhAn cong van phong. ban in vua bang vi:la lorn. the;, in op-xet. ' thl;I dau, d9 hlip thl;I dau, ll:fC hut dau.

omine ben ngoai may, ngo~i tuyen. offset duplication in 6p xet khO in offset printing in op-xet. oil absorption value lU'qng hut dau.
nh6. offset printing ink m1:fc in 6p-xet. offset absorptiveness IU'qng hut dau.
offline batch processing system h? 0
th6ng xu Iy tung d<;lt ngoai may. offset duplictor may in 6p xet khOnh ·
oiled leather
oil absorptivity

oiled leather da dau. omnibus book tuyen t~p. tong t~p.

oil resistance tfnh khang dau, tfnh
oil absorptivity tfnh hap th1:1 dau, d(>
ch\u dau. oiled paper gi11'.y dau. OMR (Optical Mark Reader) may
hap thl:l dau (gi11'.y in).
oil rubber cao su dau (dau lanh). nh~n biet d9c ky hi~u quang h9c.
oil-based ink ml;lc in g6c dau. old gia, cu.
oil tank mang dau, thung dau. on mO ta SlJ chuyin d(>ng ve phfa
old black kiiu chu den, d~m. tru6c ho~c slJ tien !en trong khong
oil bath blnh chua dau.
oil tight khong th11'.m dau, ben chju dau. old face kilu chfr co. gian ho~c thoi gian.
oil can can dl;lng dau.
oil tracing paper giay can ve tfnh dau. old Gothic kiiu chu den Gothic. on-demand printing theo nhu du in.
oil drip pan dia giQt dau.
oil-based ink ml!C in g6c dau. old iron sat cu. on-screen editing bien ~P tren man hlnh.
oil hydraulic pump born dau.
oil-painting tranh ve dau. old paper stock b(>t giay cu. on-screen proof d9c sua I6i tren man
oif ejector cai phun dau. oil-proof khong th11'.m dau, ben chju dau. hlnh.
old style figures chu s6 kieu cu.
oil eliminator thiet b\ khu dau. oil proofness tfnh khong tham dau, on-the-fly-printer may in vi tfnh t6c
Old-type thread stitched book sach
tfnh kin dau. d¢ nhanh.
oil level muc dau. d6ng kieu c6 bu(>c da~,.
oil-repellent tfnh khang dau, tfnh on-the-fly printing danh may in t6c
oil emulsion nhu tucmg dau. oleat oleat
khong thllm dau. CH 3[CH2] 7CH:CH[CHi]7COOH [Hoa]. d(> nhanh.
oil filling SI! nl;J.p dau. on a large scale d,!.i quy mo, quy mo
oil-soluble phenolic resin nhl!a oleic acid axit oleic
oil film mang dau. phenolic tan trong dau. CHiCHiJ,GI:CH[CHz].COOH [Hoa] cong nghi~p.
oil filter cai !Qc dau. oil-varnish vec-ni dau, son dau. oleiferous gravure ink ml.Jc in lorn on an average blnh quan.
oil-water emulsion ink ml;lc in nhu c6 tfnh dau. on-and-off controller thiet b\ kh6ng
oil filtration SI! !Qc dau.
tucmg nuac-dau. oleograph tranh dau in tren ban da. che !I! d¢ng.
oil hole 16 (tra) dau.
oil stone da dau. oleometer ty trQng dau ke. on site t,!.i ch6.
oil injection SI! phun dau.
oil storage tank bi dau di! tru. oleophobic ky dau. onamastican bieu danh tll' chuyen dung.
oil-insoluble khong tan trong dau.
oil store kho dau di! tru. eleophylic/oleophilic ua dau. one m(>t, don.
oil lamp den dau.
oil storing SI! di! tru dau. eleoresin nhua c6 dau. one bath etching process phucmg
' .
oil layer mang dau, tang dau. OK (okay) c6 the gui di in, SI! d6ng phap an mon m¢t Ian.
oleotype ky thu~t in ml.Jc nhon (dau).
oil loss SI! hao h1:1t dau. y, S\! tan thanh. oleum axit sunfuric b6c kh6i; dau.
one-bath process phucmg phiip tAm
OK'd proof to in tht'.r da st'.ra xong !Oi. m¢t Ian.
oil pressure ap xuat dau. olive oil dau oliu.
OK with change triich nhi~m sua one revolution press may in chuyen
oil pressure pump born ap suat dau. omission sap chu bo s6t, con s6t ll;li. d¢ng quay l,!.i hay vong I,!.i.
bong bai hoan tat.
oil process phucmg phap in . anh Omission Word sap chfr 00 s6t cll.u chfr. one side print 11'.n pham in m¢t m~t.
OK'd proof to in tht'.r da sua xong t6i.
gielatin-bicromat trong dau.
omitted letter chfr bo s6t. one way st'.r dt,mg m¢t Ian.
oiled cloth vai dau.
oil pump born dau.
one-bite etch opacimeter

one-bite etch an mon m(>t Ian. onion skin giay nMn bong chat lttQng ~. opacimeter mo d9 ke, cai do d9 mo. opaqueness tfnh mo dl;lc; d9 mi':f dl;IC.
one-bite etching an mon m(>t Ian. onion skin paper giay da (mau) xanh. opacity tfnh mo, d9, mo, d9 kh6ng opaquer cOng nhan sua ban.
one-exposure three-color camera may online lien hqp, cac may n6i vai nhau thau minh, lgc che phu.
opaquing mt,rc tO, mlfc phu.
Chl;lp anh ba mau chieu sang m(>t Ian. lien tiep. opacity of paper giay ma.
opaquing brush but stra, tO.
one-pass quet m(>t tan. online batch processing lien hqp xu opal da tr!ng sua; trang sua.
19 tung dqt. opaquing solution dung djch sua.
one-pass operation Sl;C chuyen hoa opal diffuser phim khuech tan mau
m(>t Ian. oneline batch processing system he trwg sua.
open ma, ha.
thong lien hqp XU ly tang dqt. . open air shot chl;lp anh ngoai phong sang.
one-point lead cai chen chl m(>t phan in. opal glass kfnh mi':f, thuy tinh mo
one-point space khoang chen m(>t
oneline debugging thf nghi¢m dieu chinh. trAng sua. open arc den ho quang ma.
phan in. oneline device thiet bj lien hqp. opal lamp den mo trang sua. open arc lamp den h6 quang ma.
one-shot camera may chl;lp anh che oneline equipment thiet bj lien hqp. opalescence tfnh trAng sua, mau !fang siia. open area b(> ph~n de trang.
ban phan mau hoan thanh s6 mau m(>t oneline film processor may hi¢n anh opalescent trang sua. open back gay 16ng [dong sach).
Ian. phim lien hqp (hi¢n rua, say khO).
one-shot developer dung djch hi¢n Opaline kfnh trang SU'a. open back binding d6ng sach gay long.
oneline font tuyen kho chu [m;,µig ltto:i].
anh m(>t hqp chat hi¢n. opaque khong thau minh, chat li¢u open bracket dau ngo~c don ma
oneline help trq giup tren tuyen [may tinh] sua phim kh6ng thau minh [stra ban]. r6ng giua.
one-side coated paper giay trang phu sach thuyet minh tuc thcri [phan mem].
m(>t m~t. opaque alcohol-based ink mt;rc in open face kieu chu r6ng giua.
oneline mode phucmg thuc may lien hqp. g6c ruqu kh6ng thau minh.
one-side finish nhfo bong m(>t m~t. open gas flame dryer thiet bj say
one-side glazed paper giay Jang
oneline operation thao tac may lien hqp. opaque area b¢ ph~ khOng thau minh. khO khf than d~ng ma.
nhfo m(>t mi).t. oneline processing xu ly may lien hqp. opaque blue mau xanh s!m, mau open joint duong ranh lorn n6i giua
one-side print in m(>t mi).t. oneline real-time processing xu ly xanh t6i. gay sach Va b1a sach.
thoi gian tht,rc te may lien hqp. opaque ink ffil!C che phu. open joint machine may ep duong
one solution developer dung djch
oneline real-time system h~ th6ng riinh.
hi~n anh m9t dung djch. opaque paint son mo, mlfc in khOng
thoi gian thgc te may lien hCJP. thau minh, mo. open letter chu r6ng ngh'ia.
one-stage proc~ qua mnh m(>t giai d~.
ooze djch thu(>c da, bun d9ng. opaque paper gia'y mo, gia'y khOng open matter tai li¢u in chu giai.
one-time carbon paper giay than
ooze calf djch thu(>c da de nho, da de thau minh.
dung m(>t Ian. open Prepress Interface (OPI) giao
nho dii qua che nhu(>m. opaque plastic chat deo (nhlfa) di¢n tnroc in d~ng ma.
one-time carbon tissue giay than
dung m9t Jan. ·ooze leather djch thu(>c da, da dii qua khOng thau minh, khOng trong. open rosette ket c!u diem tram hlnh
chenhu9m. opaque ~ater-bas ink mlfc g6c ntt6c hoa hong no.
one-way cock van m9t httong, khoa
opacifier chat lam mo. khOng tha:u minh.
m(>t duong. open series chu6i sach ra lien tl;lc.

448 29 • Tf>KHKTIAV
open sheet delivery operation

operating aside ducmg di qua l~i giua operation tha? tac, SI! xu ly, SI! che optical copy sao ch1,1p quang h9c, in
open sheet delivery ban nh~n giay in
cac may. hoa, v~n chuyen. · phim quang h9c.
ra chua gap.
operating characteristic dl).c tfnh operation instruction sach htr6ng optical copying ky thu~t ph9c che
open shop xf nghi?p lam thue ti! do.
thao tac may in. din su di,mg. quang h9c.
open space khoang triing trong chii.
operating corridor ducmg di qua lai operation hours thbi gian thao tac. optical coupler thiet bi ngau hc:;rp
open spacing sap chii dong chu thfch. giiia cac may. · quang hay trung khap quang (trong v~t
operation in tandem thao tac d6ng thm.
ly chi hi?n tw;mg hai hi?n tm;mg ho~c
open system h? th6ng ma. operating device thiet bi v~n toan. operational environment moi trubng hai h? th6ng, hai hlnh thuc v~n d¢ng
open system architecture ket cau h? operating fault thao tac sai s6t. v~n hanh. do tac d9ng qua I~ ma anh huang Ian
th6ng ma. operating handle thao tac cam tay. operational squence trlnh ti! v~ ha.oh.
nhau dan de'n lien hc:;rp v6i nhau).
open system interconnection h? opticaldensity m~t d¢ quang.
operating instruction thuyet minh operator ngubi thao tac.
th6ng lien ket mb. optical distortion SI! bien d~ng
thao tac. operator's side thao tac hen c~ may.
open work tai li?u in chu giai. quang.
operating key thao tac chu ch6t. opisthographic ban thao chep tay c6 ./ optical fibre sqi dAn quang.
open-architecture ket cau ma. operating lever can dieu khien d~i. sach chep hai m~t.
open-faced type chii rm kieu r6ng gii:ta. optical filter kfnh I9c sac quang h9c.
thao tac. opposite page trang sach d6i di?n,
open-flat sach trai ph&ng. ml).t sau trang sach. optical font khu<'.>n mau chfr quang hQC.
operating life tu6i th9 thao tac.
opened sach chua xen c~nh hay le optical (thu¢c) quang h9c. optical glass thuy tinh quang h9c.
operating manual s6 tay thao tac,
bien. sach thuyet minh thao tac. optical aberration quang sai (v~t ly). optical index chi s6 quang h9c.
opened edges xen le bien sach. operating plateform ban thao tac. optical axis trl;lc quang h9c. optical image anh, hlnh anh quang hQC.
opening SI! ma, 16 ma, ctra ma; operating pressure ap suat cong tac. optical bench ban de diµ1g Cl;! quang hQC. optical imaging hlnh thanh anh
ducmg kfnh Io, ducmg khai th6ng. quang h9c.
operating procedure trlnh tl;f thao optical cable cap quang.
opening file van ki?n ma. tac, qua trlnh thao tac. optical centre tam quang. optical instrument d9ng c9 quang hQC.
opening line dau dong. operating process phucmg phap thao optical Mark Reader thiet bi nh~n
optical character reader thiet bi doc
d9c ky hi?u quang h9c.
opening page ma trang dau. tac, qua trlnh thao tac. chfr quang h9c. · ·
operating side thao tac hen c.µili may. optical character recognition optical mark recognition ink ml;fc in
operate thao tac, khai d¢ng may.
dung nh~n d9c ky hi?u quang h9c.
operate side gauge ca chl).n hen phai operating skill ky nang thao tac, k9 (OCR) nh~ biet chu quang hQc.
xao thao tac. optical path quang 1¢, ducmg di anh sang.
may in. optic_al character recognition ink
operate side lay co cMn hen phai operating specification d~c diem k9 mgc m dung nh~ d9c chii quang h9c. optical photocopying device thiet bi
thu~t thao tac, sl;f chi r6 thao tac. optical characteristics dac tfnh ch9p anh che ban quang h9c.
may in.
quang h<;>c. · optical plastic chat deo quang h9c.
operating system h? thong thao tac,
operating thao tac, xu ly.
optical print ordinance surve_r map

optical print in phim quang h9c, optional equiment thiet bi phl;J them ordinance survey map ban d6 td.c organic terminology thu~t ngir huu
cong-tlk phim quang h9c. vao, thiet bi tuy y tuyen ch9n. h.rqng dja hlnh. danh phap hiru CCI.

optical printer may phl;Jc che in opto mechanical phototypesetter organic huu cCI. organometal hqp chat cC1-kim.
quang h9c, may in phim quang h9c. may sap chl;Jp quang CCI.
organic acid axit huu CCI. organometallic compound hqp chat
optical printing phucmg phap in OR ho~c (logich). CCl-kim.
organic analysis phep phlln tfch huu CCI.
quang h9c. orange mau da cam. organosilicon chat cCl-silic.
organic base baw huu cCI.
optical reader may d<?C ky tl! quang hQC. orange contact screen tram cong-tac organosilicon compound hqp chat
mau dacam. organic chemistry hoa h9c huu CCI. cCl-silic.
optical resolution d¢ pha.n giai quang
h9c [may quet-Scanner]. orbit qui di.!-O. organic compound hqp chat huu CCI. organosilicon polymer chat polime
optical scanning system M th6ng orbital theory thuyet qui ham s6, organic developer (chat) dung djch cCl-silic.
may quet quang h9c. thuyet obitan. hi¢n anh huu CCI. organotin tissue giay gia kim lol.!-i
optical scattering St! tan Xi.!- quang. order don d~t hang; St! d~t hang; thu organic electrochemistry di~n hoa ./ (lien vang ma, lien am phu).
tl;I', cap, llin. h9c huu CCI. orientation St! djnh hucrng, phuong
optical sealing ky thu~t thu ph6ng thi
order-form don d~t hang. organic group nh6m huu CCI. phap sap xep giay in.
giac [sip chu].
optical sensitization tang de) nhl.!-Y order number s6 thu tl;I'; nguyen tit s6. organic inhibitor chat uc che hiru cCI. orientation effect hi~u ung djnh
sang quang h9c. order of reaction b~c phan ung. organic liquid cha'.t long huu cCI.
original nguyen ban; ban mau g6c;
optical sensitizer chat tang d¢ nhl.!-Y order of spectrum b~c quang ph6. organic matter chat huu CCI. (thu(>c) nguyen ban, ban thao g6c.
sang quang h9c.
ordinal (thuc)c) thu tl;I'. organic silicon compound hqp chat original author tac gia nguyen ban,
optical spectrum quang ph6. CCl-silic.
ordinal number s6 thu tl;I'. ban g6c.
optical waveguide fibre sqi dfo organic photo conductor chat quang
ordinary thltbng, tMng thlJ'6ng. original binding dong sach nhu
quang. dii.n hiru CCI. nguyen ban.
optical wedge hlnh nem quang. ordinary edition ban, sach ph6 thong.
organic pigment b¢t mau hiru CCI, original block ban mau, ban g6c.
optically read characters ky ti!, chu ordinary pressure ap suit thlJ'bng. pfch mang hiru cCI.
original boards bla sach nhu nguyen
d9c quang h9c. ordinary valence hoa tri chfnh, hoa organic reducing agent chat khu hiru ban.
optics quang h9c. tri thubng. CCI, Chat hoan nguyen huu CCI.
original cloth vai b1a sach nhu
optmal setting dieu tiet t6i uu. ordinary version sach nguyen ban. organic simiconductor chat ban dii.n nguyen ban.
hfru CCI.
optimum t6i uu, rat thfch nghi. ordinate tung d(>. original copy nguyen ban.
organic solvent dung moi hiru CCI.
option duqc tuyen ch9n ho~c c6 the ordination number s6 th\! ti!· original covers bla sach nhu nguyen ban.
duqc tuyen ch9n. ordinary dry plate ban (kfnh) khO organic substance chat huu cCI.
original cut ban mau (che ban),
optional phl;I them vao, tuy y tuyen ch9n. ph6 thong. organic synthesis St! t6ng hqp hiru cCI. nguyen ban.

452 453
original density ortho-compound

original density m~t d9 nhu nguyen ban. ornament trang trf, trang sue. ortho-compound hqp chlit ortho. oscillator dao d¢ng ke.
original density range ph11m vi m~t ornament rule duong net trang trf. ortho-position vj trf ortho. oscillograph dao d¢ng ky.
d9 nhu nguyen ban.
ornamental band dai, bang trang trf. ortho film phim chinh sac, phim oscillography dao d¢ng ky.
original edition ban dau tien, nguyen ban. ortho.
orinamental border duong bien oscilloscope dao d¢ng ky.
original engraving nguai ve ban g6c trang tri. orthochromatic (thu(>c) chinh sac.
t!f kMc ban. osmometer thlim thliu ke.
ornamental dash duang ke chl trang orthochromatic enmulsion nhil
original equipment manufacture trf hoa. osmometry phep tham thliu ke.
u.rang chfnh sac.
(OEM) nha may san xuat thiet bj osmose Slf thAm th!u.
ornamental fillet duong net trang trf orthochromatic film phim chfnh sac.
nguyen ban.
tren bla sach. osmosize tham th!u.
original etching nguoi ve ban g6c tlf orthochromatic plate kfnh (kho)
ornamental initial chii cai dau trang osmotic thlim thliu.
an mon ban. chfnh sac; kfnh phim c ~ sk
trf hoa.
original forme khuon hay ban in chil' rm. orthochrome chinh sac. osmotic cell te bao tham thau.
ornamental inside lining 16'p vai i6t
original half-calf binding d6ng sach trong bla sach trang trf hoa. orthogonal tr!fc giao. osmotic coefficient h¢ so tham thau.
da de. osmotic pressure ap xuat tham thau.
ornamental rule duang ke chl trang orthogonality tfnh trlfc giao.
original issue tl:\p san, tl:\p chi nguyen trf hoa. ' ossein osein (m¢t protein xuong).
orthopan film phim toan chfnh sac,
ornamented back gay sach c6 dai phim orthopan. osseous gelatin keo xuang.
original manuscrip ban thao g6c. trang trf hoa van.
orthopanchromatic toan chfnh sac. other face set off in l(>n ong.
original negative phim Am ban dau ornamented initial chil' cai dliu trang
tien, phim am ban g6c. trf hoa. orthopanchromatic film phim toan out ngoai, a ngoai, slip chii bo s6t cAu
chfnh sac. chil' [soat 11:li ban in thti].
original plate ban mau g6c [phoi ornamented letter chil' cai trang tri hoa.
ban], nguyen ban g6c [ban in cao]. oscillate dao d¢ng. out of centre balance kMng o trong
ornamented rule duang ke trang tri hoa dong chil'.
original screen ban tram Am dung ph1,1c oscillating (slf) dao d(>ng.
ornamented type kieu chil' rai trang out of focus tieu diem kMng chuan.
che tram ban in lorn, tram ban ctau. oscillating drum tr6ng giao d¢ng.
tri hoa.
original size nguyen co, nguyen kho. out of print ban sach huy.
orphan dong don nhat [sap chil']. oscillating roller he true 16 muc he
original stone ban in da nguyen ban. tr1,1c lo nuoc clip am.· . . • . out of register kh6'p ban kh6ng
orpigment sac t6 vang; hung hoang
chuan, djnh vj ban khong chuan, in
original tape bang giay nguyen mau, As 2S3 • o~ciilating steel roller h~ tr1,1c lo thep
16ng nhau khong chulln, in 16ng mau
bang giay nguyen thuy. dan truyen ffil,l'C.
ortho-antimonate orthoantimonat, M:i9-04 kh6ng chuan.
original text nguyen van. oscillation (s!f) dao d9ng. out of sorts thieu, s6t m¢t so chfr chl.
original work nguyen tac. oscillation frequency !An so dao d(>ng. out of stock (0.S) thieu hang.
ortho-borate orthoantimonat, M,BO,
orihon sach dong kieu gap nep. [Hoa]. oscillation theory thuyet dao d¢ng . . out of truth xen sach kh6ng vu6ng g6c.
454 455
out of space
output si~nal

out of space khong c6 khoang tr6ng outlet velocity t6c d¢ thoat. output signal tfn hi¢u phat ra. over intensification phfa tren tra day
theo tieu chu.in [sira bong bai]. qua nhieu.
outlet water ntt6c thai. output unit thiet bj phat ra.
out-board tam bla cung sach to hon over matter dqi tai Ii¢u in.
ru¢t sach. outline dttong vien ngoai, ki€u chfr net outsert ta gap them vao ben ngoai.
thanh r6ng tam, hlnh dang net chir. over sheet tay sach ho~c ta in du thua
out-of-board tam bla cung sach to outset slip chil' them vao ngoai c¢t,
outline finish halftone ban khcic trang chil', ta gap them vao ben ngoai. sau khi d6ng sach xong.
hem ru¢t sach.
ch~m ngoai bien. over tone in mau phu lop tren cung.
out-of-stock sach anh thieu ban. outside ben ngoai, xung quanh ben ngoai.
outline font khung kho chil'. over-absorption of ink Mp th1;1 ml,l'c
out-of-tolerance vuqt qua lieu ltrqng outside circulation SIJ chay chung
outline forme khung ban in. quanh. in qua nhieu, bl;! ml,J'C.
cho phep, vttqt qua dung h~n.
outline halftone khung ban in. outside diameter ban kfnh ngoai. over-etch an mon qua d¢.
out door exposure chieu sang ngoai
phong sang. outline letter chil' cai r6ng tam. outside margin khoang trang ngoai over-etched (thu(>c) an mon quad¢.
outer and paper trang giay bo di, c¢t trang sach, khoang trling ngoai over-impression ltJc ep in n~g. in bj
outline light dttang vien anh sang.
giay phe Ii¢u. trang chil'. ../ han sang m~t sau.
outline type chil' rai kieu r6ng tam.
outside storage tank thung ch(ra over-inking mtJC in qua nhieu [SIJ co}
outer form m~t th(r nhat, rnia ban
outline type face kieu chii r6ng tam. xung quanh.
trtt6c, ban m~t phai. over-size kfch thtt6c sach anh d~c
outlook envelope phong bl c6 cira so. outside sorts chil' rai dlf tril' chua bi¢! 16'n.
outer margin khoang trang ngoai c¢t,
dung den.
khoang trang ngoai bien !rang sach. outpage trang thu nhat, trang diu tay sach. overall t6ng, t6ng quat.
outsides hai ta giay phu tren va 161
outer page trang dau tay sach. output 16 thoat; san lttqng xuat ra. dvoi m¢t ram giay. overall absorption coefficient t6ng
outer plate ban m~t phai, ban m~t output density m~t d¢ dau ra. oval hlnh biiu d1;1c. h¢ s6 hap th1;1.
chfnh, ban m~t trn6c. overall absorption of heat transfer
output device thiet bj xuat ra, diiu ra. over b tren, Jen tren, s6 luqng in
outer tympan each thuc ep ben ngoai nhieu, xem m~t sau. t6ng h¢ s6 truyen nhi¢t.
output file van ki¢n phat ra, dtta ra.
giay [may in d~t tay]. overall density t6ng m~ d(> (phl!Jll vi).
output message tin rue phat ra, dua ra. over and back ta gap kieu s6 hay ~p
outfit thiet bj ph1;1 thu¢c, thiet bj (thvong dung cho s6 ghi chep thu chi). overall dimension t6ng kfch thtt6c,
thanh b¢. output mode phuang thuc dua ra.
o;er bands bang da dan ngoai gay kfch thtt6c ngo~i hlnh.
outlet stJ ra, stJ xa, 16 thoat. output priority quyen ttu tien phat sach tang d¢ ben bla sach. overall size t6ng kfch thtt6c, kfch
ra, dtta ra.
outlet pipe 6ng thoat. over casting may kh/J.u chi ta don thttoc ngo~i hlnh.
output process qua trlnh phat ra. [d6ng sach). overbate lam mem qua (da).
outlet pressure ap xuat 16 thoat, ap
suat thoat. output program trlnh ti! phat ra. over colour mau si1c in ij lop tren cung. overbleaching St! tAy trang qua.
outlet temperature nhi¢t d¢ 16 thoat. output queue xep hang xuat ra. over copy sach in vttqt qua s6 lttqng. overburn ntt6ng ban qua.
outlet valve van thoat. output range ph~m vi dua ra. over hue in mau phu lop tren cung. overburning (stJ) mrong qua, nung qua.
overcurrent relay overlay map

overcurrent relay thiet bj tiep dong overhauling (st;r) dl;li tu. overlay map ban do thfo minh. overrun in vugt s6 ltrgng, giay Vll'gt
di¢n qua tai. overhaul life chu ky dl;li tu. qua ltrgng [san xuat giay] sap tiep
overlay pre-proofing each ghep h9'P
chuyfo dong.
overdried qua kM. overhauling (st;r) dl;li tu. mau sac tnroc in thll'.
overrun a line chuyen dong.
overdrying (st;r) qua kM. overhead . phf quan ly; khai nhanh· overlay sheet giay lot d¢m.
overdevelop hi?n iinh qua mCrc. tren cao; treo tren cao, tree la lung. ' overrun detector may phat hi¢n giay
overlay type each danh may ghep
vugt qua gioi h,,m.
overdevelopment hi¢n anh qua mCrc. overhead camera may Chl;lp anh treo hqpmau sac.
tren cao. overrunning clutch khop li !fun sieu vi¢t.
overexposure tolerance dung sai overlay type prepress proofing
chieu sang qua mere. overhead copying camera may chl;lp phtrOng phap in thtr trtr<JC khi in mau overs tang them s6 [giay].
anh che ban treo tren cao. tren mang thau minh.
overflow line day tran dong chii overscore duong Vl;ICh tren cAu van.
[danh may vain].
overhead cost quan ly phi. overleaf xin d9c m~t sau; b m~t sau.
overseas edition sach hai ngo~i, sach
overglaze qua nhan bong.
overhead process camera may chl;lp overline tu giai thf:_!y hlnh ve, tranh ngol;li van.
anh che ban tree tren cao. minh ho~. ·
overglaze colour mau qua bong. overset dong chit sap VU'gt qua quy
overhead suspension camera may overpacked goi b9c qua nhieu. djnh, sap qua nhieu chii Vl!gt qua s6
overgrind nghifo qua mjn. Chl;lp anh tree tren cao. .
overplus in qua so ltrgng, so ltrgng in chfr trong m¢t trang chfr.
overground qua mjn. overheat st;r qua nhi¢t; dun qua nhi¢t. qua dtr. oversewing may khau chi tay sach
overfeet sheet detector bQ ph~n overheating st;r gia nhi¢t qua muc; overplus copies ban dtr thtra. don, d6ng sach bfo chk
kh6ng che giay vao qua som. (st;r) dun qua nhi?t.
overplus paper giay tang them. oversize book kh6 sach qua to.
overflow chay tran, day tran dong overheater thiet bj dun qua nhi¢t.
overplus sheet giay tang them. overstrike go in n~ng tay [danh may].
[may tfnh]. overinking in mo khong sac net.
overprint in phll Jen, in chong Jen, in overtime thoi gian ngoai hl;ln djnh,
overflow handling xu ly day tran overladen qua tai.
dong [danh may vain]. de Jen, in r9i sang qua muc. thoi gian lam them ngoai gio.
overlap St;! bao phu, Sl;f xen phu, in J6ng
overflow page trang sach thua dong over print varnish in them dau bong, overwrapping machine may dong
mau, phu lap Jen nhau [may tfnh].
[danh may Va in]. Jang bong vec-ni. goi ca the hay rieng le.
overlap coefficient h¢ so xen phu.
overhang cover to hon b1a ru¢t sach. overpressure qua ap lt;tc. overwrite vet chong Jen [may tfnh].
overlapping st;r xen phu.
overhanging indention sip chii tu overproof vugt tieu chuii'.n. own ends tren trang bla kh6 Ian sap
overlapping cover b1a b9c bao phii them chfnh van.
dong thCr hai sap thl;lt vao. overprint of water-based pearl-
overhanging paragraph dol;ln sip gloss ink in phu mt;rc in bong ng9c ox-gall m~t bo.
overlay ban d¢m, mang mong trong trai goc ntroc.
thl;lt vao tll' dong thCr hai. oxalate oxalat, muoi cua axit oxalic,
dan phu ngoai ban miiu.
overhaul kiem tra tri¢t de, dl;li tu. overvoltage qua the. M 2 Ci04 [Hoa].
overlay film mang mong trong dan
overhaul life chu ky dl;li tu. phu ngoai ban miiu g6c. overquire vugt qua 5%. oxalic acid axit oxalic, H2Ci0 4 [Hoa].

458 459
Oxford Bible oaoer
P e_aper

Oxford Bible paper giay mong dung oxide catalyst chat xuc tac oxit.
cho in ttr dien.
oxide purification SI! tinh che oxit.
oxid oxit.
oxide salt mu6i oxit.
oxidability tfnh oxy hoa duqc, tfnh gi
oxidable oxy hoa duqc, gi duqc.
oxidant chat oxy hoa.
oxidization SI! oxy hoa.
oxidize oxy hoa.
oxidized (duqc) oxy hoa.
oxidate san pham oxy hoa. oxidized deverloper dung djch hien
anh da oxy hoa. ·
oxidated (duqc) oxy hoa.
oxidizer chat oxy hoa. P paper giay pham cap lo~i m¢t. packaging machine may bao g6i.
oxidating (SI!) oxy hoa.
oxidizing (SI!) oxy hoa. pachometer dyng cy do d¢ day. packaging material v~t li¢u bao g6i.
oxidation SI! oxy hoa.
oxidizing agent chat oxy hoa. pack cai bao; d6ng bao; dong g6i. packaging printing in bao bl.
oxidation accelerator chat XI.JC tien
oxy hoa. oxido-reduction SI! oxy hoa-khi'r. pack collator may bat cac to gap bieu packaging system of beverage d6ng
mau thuong nghi¢p. g6i h¢ th6ng do u6ng.
oxidation inhibitor chat uc che oxy hoa. oxydry anti-spraying equipment
thiet bj lam kM oxy hoa. pack-to-pack press may in va gap packaging tape bang keo dan dung
oxidation preventive chat chong oxy hoa. bieu mau thuong nghi¢p.
oxygen oxy, 0 2 • de bao g6i.
oxidation products sari pham oxy hoa. package d6ng g6i; bao g6i.
oxygen absorbent v~t hap thy oxy. packed (duqc) d6ng g6i.
oxidation of developer SI! oxy hoa
oxygen absorption SI! hap thy oxy. package design thiet ke bao b'i. packer may d6ng g6i, nguai d6ng g6i.
dung djch hi¢n iinh.
ozalid print chyp in hinh tren giay package label nhan bao bl, nhan b6c dan. packet kfch thuoc to giay g6i 12xl9
oxidation polymerization SI! trung
hqp oxy hoa. ozalit (chua mu6i diazoni). package of software bao g6i hang tac Anh.
oxidation retarder chat U'C Che oxy hoa. Ozatherm phuong phap in hi¢n anh packet Folio kfch thuoc to giay g6i
nhi¢t mu6i diazoni. package paper giay bao g6i. 19x24 tac Anh.
oxidation stability tfnh chju oxy hoa;
d¢ chju oxy hoa. ozobrome process phuong phap in package printing in bao bl. packet Post kfch thuoc ta giay g6i
oxidation·state tr~ng thai oxy hoa. s!c 16 cacbon. I 1,5xl8 tac Anh.
package typing machine may d6ng
oxidation susceptibility xu hu6ng ozocerite (khoang chat) dja l~p. g6i bao bl. packing (SI!) d6ng g6i; v~t li¢u d¢m
oxy hoa. ozoxerit. khf, v~t li¢u d¢m I6t, tr9c bao g6i, ph9
packaging d6ng g6i, bao g6i. li¢u [giay).
oxidation value s6 oxy hoa. ozokerite (khoang chat) dja l~p.
ozokerit. packaging cup sealing machine may
packing and strapping machine
oxidative catalyst chat xuc tac oxi hoa. bao g6i d~ng c6c.
ozotype process phuong phap in anh may bao va b6 g6i.
oxide oxit. s,ic t6 brom. packaging ink ml!c in bao bl.
packing board cac-t6ng I6t bao g6i.
packing case page layout

packing case horn ho~c thung de c!t page trang (mc'.)t m~t), m~t ban. page layout thiet ke sap xep toan Page missing thieu trang, bong mlft
tril' ho~c v~n chuyen hang. trang. trang [dong sach].
page assembly ghep trang, bmh ban
packing desity m~t d¢ !en ch~t. trang in. page layout software phiin mem blnh Paget screen plate ban kinh kh6 mau
packing effect hi¢u ung xep ch~t. page body than trang. ghep ban toan trang. thien nhien Paget
page make-up blnh ghep ban toan paginate danh so thu tt_t trang sach.
packing factor h¢ so n~p. page boundary ranh gioi trang.
packing gauge d1;1ng c1;1 do d¢ day page buffer khu d¢m trang. pagination SI! danh s6 trang.
page make-up system h¢ th6ng thiet
ban d¢m, qui dinh d¢ day lot b9c. pagination system h¢ thong xep anh
page composition sap ghep trang. bi ghep ban loan trang.
packing grease m6' Mi kfn. chii' toan ban.
page content heading tieu de goc page mode phucmg thuc trang sach.
packing machine may dong goi. trang. paging danh s6 thu ti! trang sach.
page number s6 trang;ach.
packing material v~t li¢u dong goi. paging disorder danh so trang 1¢n xc'.)n.
page control kiem tra trang, kh6ng page opposite m~t sau trang sach.
che trang. paging machine may in s6 trang.
packing paper gi!y bao goi, gi!y b9c page printer may danh chil' in theo
tr1;1c ong [tr1;1c ong cao su]. page cord day bu¢c ban in, day "c()t" trang. paint son; to mau.
packing paper ink mt_tc in gia'y bao goi. ban in.
page proof trang in thu s~ch, trang paint brush ch6i quet son; ch6i quet
page cut-off khong che ngiit ml;lc sua bong, ghep thanh trang in thti. mau.
packing press may bao goi.
trang in. paint film lap son.
packing sheet gia'y d¢m 16t, gi!y bao g6i. page pull test thf nghi¢m h!c hen keo
page data du li¢u, so li¢u trang. trang sach. paint grinder mill may xay b¢t scm.
packing size kfch thtr&: (v~t) d6ng g6i.
page depth de'.) dai m~t ban. page reference slf tham khao s6 trang. paint oil diiu pha son.
packing up Slf d6ng g6i.
page description language (PDL) page set up thiet ke ch9n mau chir in
paint roller mill may xay b(>t mau.
packless chtra dong g6i, chtra khft kfn. ng6n ngil' mieu ta m~t trang. Cl;I the tren m~t trang in.
paint thinner dung mOi scm.
packless matrix kh6ng d¢m lot lung page devider cai ngan mang ml;lc. page size kich thtroc trang in, ban in.
bla cung [gay sach]. painted (da) quet scm, (da) t6 mau.
page editor trlnh 11! bien ~p m~t trang. page spread kho anh Vtrqt qua toan
pad d¢m lot, d¢n, t~p gi!y mong kh6 trang. painted edge nhu(>m hay tO mau mep
page end character chil' acuoi trang. c<;1nh cu6n sach.
dong dan (J gay hay qnh gay de ti¢n page tie-up device thiet bi buoc chat
xe tung tC1. page facsimile ban sao ho~c chep chfnh trang chii' .rai. · · · painted on fore-edge to mau mep
pad printing thay (d6i) ban in lorn. xac loan trang, ban fax toan trang. c~nh trtroc sach.
page View Terminal (PVT) ph~m vi
page gauge d1,mg c1;1 do m~t ban. nhln tha'y dau cu6i toan trang PVT. painting SI! scm, s1,1 t6 mau.
pad printing machine may thay
(deli) ban in lorn. page headline mep trang sach. page-at-a-time printer may danh painting nozzle diiu phun son.
chii' in ca trang.
pading ch1;1p gi!y trfog, chap anh page imposition blnh ghep ban toan painting out Mi lap scm !en ban [in
sang trang; gi!y d¢m 16t. trang. page-on-galley proof to in thu s~ch. lorn] khong che SI! an mon [in lorn).
462 463

pair ci/.p, d6i. palm Oil dau CQ. panels c1:f ly gian each gifra hai mili paper back sach dong gay blng, sach
pair of pages hai trang. pamphlet sach mong b1a mem. khAU CJ gay sach. ph6 c~p.
palatine red do hoa ca. pamphlet binder kyp bao v¢ d6ng pannotype chyp anh ban thep. paper bag tui xach bang giay.
pale-green xanh h!c nh~t. sach mong bla mem. panoramic camera may cht_Jp anh paper binding d6ng sach gay bang,
pamphlet binding d6ng sach mong roan canh. d6ng kyp (sach).
pale colour mau nh~t.
bla mem. panoramic photography thu~t chl;Jp paper binding machine may d6ng
pale red do nhi,lt. anh toan canh. sach gay bAng, may d6ng kyp (sach).
pamphlet box h¢p dl!flg sach mong.
palette bang pha mau. pantachromatic da sac, nhieu mau. paper birch go bulo (m(>t lo~i cAy
pamphlet case h¢p d1:fng sach mong.
palette knife dao danh pha mau m1:fc. trong rung phuong bac VO nhan va
pantachromatism hi¢n nrcmg' da sac.
pamphlet file h¢p tu li¢u. canh manh).
palimpset ban viet tay tren d6 chfr pantograph may thu ph6ng.
viet g6c duqc c~o di de t~o ra cho cho pamphlet sequence chuOi cac sach paper board bla cac tong, bla giay day.
chfr viet m6'i. mong. pantograph carriage cai de' truqt
paper board box converting
may thu ph6ng.
palladium paladi, Pd. pamphlet volume sach dong gc>p machine may san xuat h¢p giay,
pantograph engraving machine thung cac t6ng.
palladium asbestos amian pha paladi.
nhieu sach mong thanh ~p day.
may khiic thu ph6ng. paper bound book sach d6ng gay
palladium blak den paladi, mu(>i pan dia, chao. blng.
pantology bach khoa toan thu.
paladi. pan roll trt,IC 16 mang nlIOC. paper bound volume t~p. quyen
Pantone Matching Systhem (PMS)
palladium chloride paladi clorua, panchromatic (thu¢c) toan sk kh6ng gian mau Panton [ten thuong d6ng gay bang.
PdCI2 va PdC14 • m~i]. paper box gluing and folding
pallet ban kim lo~i dung de m~ trang
b1a gay sach.
panchromatic emulsion nhil tucmg
toan siic. • pantone printing each in ban in blng
d~g thuy ngAn kh6.
machine may ti! d(>ng gap dan h(>p
panchromatic film phim toan siic.
pallet knife dao danh pha mau m1:fc. pantone process phuong phap in ban paper break dut rach giay.
panchromatic matrix film de phim in blng d~ng thuy ngan kh6. paper carrier thiet bj da.n giay.
palletised handling xep chong giay toan sk
len palet thu c6ng. paper giay, giay bao, giay anh. paper casette h(>p giay.
pancratic lens thau kfnh c6 the dieu
palletising equipment thiet bj xep paper advance mechanism ca cau paper chromatography phuong
chinh tieu Cl! sang.
chong giay. hu6ng chuyen ci¢ng giay [san xuat phap sac ky giay.
panel ban thao tac, tam van ghep, giayJ. paper clamp cai kyp giay.
palletizer xe xep chong giay.
panen, duong khung [siip chu].
paper and board converting gia paper clay <lat set pha giay.
palm cAy c9.
panel stamp ban khu6n ep in. c6ng giay va bla cung, cac t6ng.
paper cloth vai chat giay.
palm butter dau c9.
panelled binding d6ng dan do an m~ Paper and board cutter may xen
paper conditioning hong giay, dieu
palm grease dliu CQ. vang. giay va bla cung, cac t6ng.
tiet d¢ am giay.
464 465
paper conditioning machine paper guide roll

paper conditioning machine may paper durability d¢ hen su d1µ1g giay. paper guide roll trl;IC dan giay. paper negative giay in anh am ban.
hong giay. paper napkin giay dung Jam khan an.
paper dust bl;li giay. paper hygrom.etfr. d¢. ~m ke giay,
paper conditioning plant pha.n dl;Jng Cl;! do d¢ am cua g1a:y.
paper. edge mep giay, r'la giay, ga paper origin ngu6n g6c giay danh may.
xubng hong giay.
c~nh giay. paper hygroscope am nghi¢m giay,
paper packing giay 16t d¢m.
paper consumption SI! tieu dung giay. dl;Jng Cl;! do d¢ am cua giay.
paper edge stop cai ch~ c~nh giay.
paper partition chromatography
paper container h¢p giay, c6ngteno paper jam-up don nghen giay vao
paper fastener dm ghim giay (may phuong phap s!c ky phan b6 tren
giay. may [st! c6].
in giay cu¢n]. giay.
paper converting gia c6ng giay. paper jogging unit thiet bj v6 giay
paper feed cap giay. paper path huong (tM) giay.
paper converting production line vu<'.'>ng vil.n. ./
paper feed mechanism oo cau cap giay. paper pile chong giay, dong giay.
day chuy~n san xuat gia c6ng giay. paper knife dao xen giay.
paper feed roller ~c Ian ep cap giay. paper plate ban in de bang giay [in
paper copy ban d6ng gay bang, ban in paper laminate ban mong tren giay
giay, ban in tu li¢u c6 gia ttj lich SU. paper feed tray khay keo cap giay. (chat deo). 6p-xet kh6 nho].

paper core Joi cu¢n giay. paper feeder thiet bj cap giay. paper line duang chuyen v~ giay. paper platform tr1:1c de giay, k¢ de
giay, b¢ de giay.
paper counter may dem giay. paper fibre sqi giay. paper lint cleaner thiet bj hut b1:1i giay.
paper pore 16 sqi giay.
paper cover bla giay, ban sach gay paper flock giay v1,m, phoi giay. paper lithographic plate de ban in
bang. 6p-xet bang giay. paper position giay in anh duong ban.
paper flong giay Jam ta pMng due chii'.
paper covered · edition ban dong paper machine may xeo giay. paper print buc anh [giay anh].
paper foil la kim Jo~i de giay.
bang gay sach. paper pulp b¢t giay.
paper folder may gap giay, dao gap paper machine glazer may can nhan giay.
paper curl giay bj quan.
giay. paper makeready 16t ta ph6ng due paper punch d9ng Cl;! d¢t 16.
paper cutter may xen giay. paper folding gap giay. chi:t, ban ta ph6ng due chi:t. paper rack gia hong giay.
paper cutting knife dao xen giay. paper folding machine may gap giay. paper masking industry c<'.'>ng paper rags gilfy san xuat ttr gie vai
paper cutting machine may xen giay. nghi¢p san xuat giay.
paper for covering books giay tx;,c ~ch. Yl;ID, giay Yl;Jn.
paper deflector ban dan giay ch¢ch paper manufacture san xuat giay.
paper gauge dt,mg c9 do d¢ day giay, paper reel giay cu¢n, tr1:1c gilfy cu¢n.
hu6ng. do <f1nh ltrqng giay. paper master de ban in g6c giay [in
paper reel cutter may xen dt giay
6p-xet kh6 nho].
paper delivery thiet bj thu nh~n giay. paper grade ding cap giay, phdm cap cu¢n.
paper dressing giay d¢m 16t, giay 16t tx?c. giay. paper matrix ta phong due chCi'.
paper reel spindle Joi tr9c cu¢n giay.
paper grain van, th6' giay. paper mill nha may giay.
paper drilling machine may d¢t 16 giay. paper reel stock room kho giay
paper guide ca ch~n c~h giay. paper mould ta phong due chi:t. cu¢n.
pa:per dryer thiet bj Jam kh6 giay.

466 467
paper reeling device
paper trimmer

paper reeling device thiet bi cu¢n paper stack g~p giay.

giay. paper trimmer may xen giay ban paper-hanging device thiet bi hong
paper staining in giay dan tuang. phing. giay.
paper registration dinh vi giay.
paper stereotyping v6 to phc'>ng, ep paper trouble shoot b6 cuu slJ c6 giay. paper-inverting machine may
paper resistance tester may thtr to phong. paper type chfr in chat giay. chuyen huong giay.
nghi¢m d¢ ben giay.
paper stop diapham dung dieu chinh paper varnish machine may Jang paper-wrapped book sach co bla b<;>c.
paper robbon bang giay. sang t6i khi chieu sang. vec-ni giay. paperback sach dong gay bmg, sach
paper roll cu¢n giay. paper storage room kho giay. da giay bla mem.
paper web giay cu¢n.
paper rubbing ban in r~p. paper store kho giay. paperback reprints sach in l~i dong
paper wetter may dieu tiet d¢ Am
paper sack tui giay. giily. _/ gay bang gi!y b1a mem.
paper strength tester may thti
paper-scale thermometer nhi¢t ke nghi¢m cuong d¢ hay d¢ ben giay. paper width chieu r¢ng giay. paperbacked sach dong gay bmg bla
thang giay. paper strectch h¢ s6 gian dai giay. paper winding device thiet bi cu¢n
giay. paperboard bla day, cac-tong phing.
paper sculpture tr6 giay.
paper strip method phuong phap sac
paper with letterhead giay in co tieu paperbound sach da giay bla mem.
paper seasoning machine may dieu ky phat quang tren giay.
tiet d¢ Am giay. de ten va dia chi. paperbound edition ban sach gay
paper support ban do giay.
paper-and-ink-compatibility test thi bmg blamem.
paper shavings gilfy v1;1n, gie rach
paper surface be m~t giay. nghi¢m tfnh tuong hqp giay va mlJc in.
dung de san xuat giay. papering ch1;1p chop sang, ch1;1p anh
paper surface efficiency hi¢u suat be paper-back-binding dong sach gay sang trang, dan them trang lot.
paper shred xe Vl;ln giay, ciit Vl;ln giay. bang.
m~t giay [mlJC in). papering up giay bao v¢ ch6ng qu¢t ban.
paper shreder may xe v1;1n giay, ciit
paper tape.bang giay. paper-backed sach dong gay bang. papermac dan boi be m~t.
v1;1n giay.
paper tape punch d1;1c 16 bang giay. paper-base de giay. papermac edition ban m~t gi!y dan boi.
paper schrinkage d¢ co ngot giay.
paper tape reader (PTR) may dc.>C paper-based plate ban in debfulg giay. papeterie paper m¢t lo~i gi!y viet.
paper side guides qui tac ch~n c~h
(16) bang giay. paper-bound dong sach gay bang, papier-mache to phong dung bla
d6ng bang gay. day, b¢t giay dung san xuat to pMng
paper testing kiem nghi¢m giay.
paper size kfch thttoc ta giay. due chii'.
P~per-bound book sach d6ng gay
paper testing device thiet bi kiem
paper sizing Jang keo be m~t giay. bang, sach dong don gian gay bang. papyrography phttong phap sac ky
nghi¢m giay.
paper speed t6c d¢ ch~y giay. paper-bound volume sach dong don giay.
paper thickness gauge d1;1ng c1;1 do gian gay bfulg. papyrotype ph1;1c che ban kem.
paper spoilage ty 1¢ hao phi giay. d¢ day giay.
P~per-cover binding dong sach gay papyrus lo~i giay c6i.
paper spool 15i tr1;1c cu¢n giay. paper tower gia do bang giay. bang.
paquew water nuoc stra ban.
para compound parchment

para compound hqp chat para. parallel folding gap song song. parchment gilfy da de, giliy ban Paris green xanh ll;lc Pari (muoi kep
thAm, giay cao cap. d6ng axetat va dong asenit),
para red do para, b9t mau do anh parallel input/output dliu vao song
Cu(CiH3 0 2.3Cu(As02)i.
vang. song/dau ra. parchment board bla da de, cac-tOng
da de. Paris white trAng Pari (canxi
parabolic lamp den c6 d~g parabon. parallel interface giao di¢n song song.
parchment bond giay viet thtt cao
paraffin nen, sap, parafin [day parallel plate viscometer nh6t ke Pari plaster
cap, giay ky phieu, giay trai phieu, thi!-Ch cao Pari,
hydrocacbon ml!-ch thing]. ban song song.
giay chung khoan. CaS041/2H20).
paraffin paper giay nen. parallel port m~t phing hai dau hlnh parity tr~g thai ngang bAng nhau.
parchment deed giliy ky phieu, giay
tn:1 song song.
paraffin wax sap, parafin. trai phieu, giay chung khoan. parity check kiem tra dii li¢u ng!u
parallel printing in song song.
paraffining machine may trang parchment imitatio-6gi!y gia da de. nhien ky Ii!- [may tfnh].
parafin. parallel processing xu ly song song part phan, b9 ph~n, (sach) philn tung
parchment ink mt_tc in gi!y sunfat.
[may tfnh]. quyen.
paraformaldehyde parafomandehit.
parallel rule dttbng ke thing song parchment paper giay sunfat, giay
paraformaldehyde developer dung toan da de. parti-binding d6ng sach ghep bla cung.
dich hi¢n anh parafomandehit. partial combustion st_t chay khOng
parallel rule dttang ke thing song song. parchment roll giay da de, sach
paragon ten g9i cu ca chii 20 phan in. cu¢n, tranh cu¢n.
hoan toan, Sl_t chay Cl;JC be).
parallel transmission st_t truyen song partial condensation st_t ngttng tl;)
paragraph doi!-n, chl!O'ng tiet. parchment writtings . giay chung
song. khOng hoan toan, st_t ngl!ng tl;l Cl;JC b¢.
paragraph gaps giiia hai doi!-n de khoan day, giay trai phieu day.
parallel-fold jaw cylinder trl;)c kyp partial ester ette khOng hoan toan.
each trfog dong. parchmentising st_t t<!-o thanh giay
ban gap song song.
paragraph mark ky hi¢u chttong ban tham. partial exposure chieu sang Cl;JC b¢;
parallel-to-serial converter thiet bi chieu sang tung phan.
tiet, dau do<!-n, parchmoid giay gia da de.
chuyen d6i song song.
partial pressure ap suat rieng phan.
paragraph numbering each danh s6 parchnyn giay gia da de.
paraloid apparatus thiet bi phong
thu tt.t phAn do<!-n. partial title tieu de phl;I, tieu de gian
ch6ng bin. pare red do para.
paragraph-break ngAt doi!-n.
parameter thong s6, tham s6, tham bie'n. pare the leather ni!-o, bao da, thu9c. partial reaction phan ung rieng phan.
parallax thi sai.
paramido phenol paramidophenol. parenthesis dau ngol!.c don; in partial reduction st_t khu khOng hoan
parallel dttcmg song song, m¢t lo<!-i parenthesis trong ngol!.c don.
paraph net ngoay (a chii ky); chfr ky toan.
ky hi¢u so sanh, tham chieu.
danh dau, chii ky tk parial page b9 ph~n trang giay. particle h<!-t, h<!-t nho, vi h<!-t, tieu phAn.
parallel data transmission Sl_t truyen
parastate tr~ng thai para. paring bao mong da thu¢c. particle sorting st_t phan lo<!-i h<!-t.
dii li¢u song song.
paravar cao su clo. paring machine may bao mong da
parallel fold ta gap song song, ta gap partition Sl_t phAn bo; vach ngan;
thu¢c. phAn khu V\!C [may tfnh].
d~ng blnh hanh. parcel tape giay bao g6i niem phong.
partition coefficient
paster tab

partition coefficient h¢ s6 phAn b6. paste mill may nhao b¢t.

paster tab bang keo tiep giay noi v6'i path dtrbng nho hyp (may tfnh), tuyen
partition method phtrong phap phful b6. paste mixer may nhao b(>t, may tron cu(>n gia'.y. di chuyen nho hyp.
partly soluble tan m¢t phan, tan it. b(>t. .
pasteup blnh ghep ban, dan 16t d¢m. path line dtrong do manh keo ra
pass sheet ta giay in thli, ta in thli ~h. paste pigment bc)t mau d~ng h6. pasteup copy ban mfo ghep anh, ngoai phan slip chfr khi slia bong bai.
pass the proofs duy¢t thong qua to paste up dan d¢m 16t; slip ban in thli. hlnh ve. pathfinder qui djnh thie't ke dtrong
bong in thli c6 the glii di in. paste wash tru6'c khi m~ vang dung pasting phet M, dan tay sach. nho hyp [may tfnh].
pass the proof for press d6ng y dem h6 Ioang quet tren m~t da. pasting end leaves dan 16t m~t trong pathname ten dtrong nho hyp [may
ta bong in thti glii di. paste-colored edge m~t cat c6 mau, bla sach. tinh].
passage 16i di, 16i qua; dtrong di qua, m~t cat to mau. pasting in dan ph9 ban, dan ph9 patron paper gia'.y nhan m(>t m~t
St! tMng·qua. paste-down dan 16t obla trong, trang lot trtrcmg tranh, hlnh ve. mau h~t de, mau nau s6ng.
passages in the publication chi tiet paste-down endpaper trang 16t. pasting unit thiet bj dan tay sach. pattern miu, do an, ban ve, ban miiu
xua'.t ban.
patch slia chfra sach chtra d~t yeu cau chfr [sap ch1;1p].
paste-in dan ph1;1 ban vao phan chfnh
passage type bieu chuyen tiep. van. phat hanh. pattern book sach m!u.
passed for press dtra di in (ta bong paste-up dan 16t d¢m, blnh ghep ban, patch Up dan d¢m Cl}C b9 ban. pattern plate ban g6c ph1;1c · che
da si'.ra het 16i va d6ng y in). sap ban in thli. patching ban cat dan giay. nguyen ban, nguyen co.
passing for press dtra di in (ta bOng
pasteboard bla cCrng, cac-tong. patent bang phat minh, sang che; d~c pattern style kieu chfr khai [kieu chfr
da slia het 16i va d6ng y in).
quytfo phat minh sang che. han ti}'], kieu chfr in.
pasteboard binding dong sach bia
passivating St! v6 ho~t hoa.
cac-tOng. patent base ban kim lo~i ghep khuon pattern table bang miiu chfr.
passivating agent tac nhAn tht;1 dong ban in.
pasteboard converting gia cong bia pattern tissue giay mong chat ltrqng
cCrng, cac-tOng. patent block ban kim lo~i ghep ben, 101.
passivation sl}' th9 d6ng hoa. khuon ban in.
pasted board bla b6i; bla cCrng boi ho Paynetype process phtrong phap
passive state tr~ng thai tht;1 d6ng. [dong sach]. patent coated board cac-tOng tr.ing Chl)p trl}'C tiep ban kim lo~i, phtrong
cao ca'.p m(>t m~t. phap Paynetyp.
password khau 1¢nh. pasted inset pht;1 tnrong, ph1;1 ban.
patent description thuye't minh, mo peacock blue mau xanh canh cOng.
paste b¢t nhao; kem; ho dan; phet ho, pasted stock cac-tong nhieu 16p, bla ta bang ph~t minh sang che.
dan. cung nhieu 16p. peacock green mau lt;1c canh cong.
patent leather 16p son ngoai.
paste colours mau b¢t nhao, mau pastel tranh ve bang phan mau, tranh peak dinh nh9n.
tr~ng thai ho. ve .but sap mau. patent space cai chen 2 phan 5 than
chii'. peaking ban che r5 net.
paste drier cha'.t lam kho h6 dan. pastel colour mau nh~t nhy.
Patent specification sach thuyet Pearl mau ng9c trai.
paste mass kh6i nhao. paster thiet bj noi tiep gia'.y. minh, m6 ta bang phat minh sang che. Pearl essence sac li~u mau ng9c trai.
Pearl-gloss ink percent dot area

Pearl-gloss ink ml,Cc bong ng9c trai. pencil work tranh ve but chi. percent dot area ty 1¢ phlin tram di¢n perfecting in hai m~t. in m~t thu hai,
tfch diem tram. in m~t sau.
Pearl grey mau xam sang. pene scop thAm thau ke.
percent of ink transfer h¢ s6 phan perfecting machine may in hai m~t.
Pearl ink ml,Cc in b6ng mau ng9c trai. penetrability tfnh tham dttqc; do
tham. . tram truyen ml,CC. perfecting press may in hai m~t.
Pearl white trang ng9c trai, trang
percentage humidity phan tram d¢ Am. perfecting web-offset press may in
bary. penetrable tham vao dttqc, l9t vao
dttqc. pereenrage of screen porosity h¢ s6 6p-xet giay cu¢n hai m~t d6ng thai.
pebble finish ep hoa van tren gill'.y.
penetrant chat tMm; chat boi tran.
phan tram xuyen thong 16 luoi. perfecting-web rotary may in giay
pebble mill mai bi. cu¢n hai m~t d6ng thai.
perfect in hai mat d6ng thai.
pebble stock gill'.y hoa van; giay van penetration SI! thlim thau (ml,Cc in). /
perfect adhesive binding machine perfector may in hai m~t.
da cu¢i. penetration control kh6ng che d¢
may dong dan keo khong khau. perforate d1.,1c 16, khoan 16, dt,1c m¢t
pebbling ep hoa van tren giay, in van thAm thau.
perfect binder may dong dan keo 16 nho dl;lng d1.,1c rang cua.
da cu¢i tren giay ho~c da thu¢c. penetration drying type ink dl;lllg
khOng khAu. perforate punch d1.,1c 16, khoan 16.
peculiars chii' rai d~c thu. ml,Cc in kho thlim thau.
perfect binding dong dan keo kh6ng perforated film phim nhl,Ca d1.,1c 16.
peel boc mang, bong mang, tr6c penetration test phep xac d\nh d¢
kMu. perforated tape bang giay d1.,1c 16.
mang. thAm thll'.u (m~rc in).
perfect binding machine may dong perforated plate dia c6 16.
peeling giay in keo xa [SI! c6]. penetrometer tham ke; xuyen d¢ ke.
dan keo khong khAu.
penscript ki,fo chii' viet sach. perforating d1.,1c 16, khoan 16.
peer-to-peer ngang hang ve cap b~c. perfect copy sach hoan chinh.
d\a vi, tu6i tac, cong lao. perforating device thiet bi khoan 16,
penta nam (5).
perfect impression ban mau Sl;lCh, thiet b\ dt,1c 16.
pelt ball xoa ml,Cc h'inh trcm. pentagonal prism lang kfnh ngu giac. hoan chinh.
perforating machine may khoan 16;
pen-and-ink ve bang but m1,Cc. pentane pentan CHiCH2h.CHJ [hoa). perfect matter hoan toan kh6ng lang may d1.,1c 16.
pen drawing tranh ve but thep. b6ng.
pentyl (g6c) pentyl. perforating rule d1.,1c 16 tung g1;tch,
pen ruling machine may ke bllng but perfect printing in hai m~t d6ng thai. v1;tch nhu d1;tng rang cua.
penumbra anh che khuat b6ng (hi¢n
thep. ll!Q'ng nMt thl,CC ), ban anh. perfect ream hoan toan du ram gill'.y. perforation d1.,1c 16, khoan 16, d1.,1c 16
pen touch dl;lng ch1;tm but, dl,Cng but. rang cua.
penumbra shadow theory ly thuyet perfect type caster may due chii' ti!
pen-and-ink drawing .tranh ve but anh che khuat bong; ly thuyet ban anh. d¢ng. perforator may d1.,1c 16, may khoan 16.
sat Va ml,CC. per copy m6i bai, m6i ban, m6i perfect up in m~t sau. performance tfnh nang.
pen-name but danh. quyen, m6i cu6n. perfect-bound book sach dong dan performance/cost ratio tfnh nang ty gia.
pencil drawing tranh ve chl. per issue m6i ky. keo kh6ng khau. perfume ch!t tham, httang li¢u; mroc hoa.

474 475
perfumed ink
permanganic anhydride

perfumed ink mtJc in huong li¢u. peripheral equipment thiet bj ngo~ vi. permanganic anhydride anhidrit pharmaceutical packaging machine
perfumed printing in huong li¢u. peripheral unit thiet bj ngo~ vi. pemanganic Mn20 1 [h6a]. may d6ng g6i san pham duqc.
perfumery nganh huong li¢u. peritectic crystal bao tinh. permanganic potassium Kali pharmacy duqc h9c.
perfumery compound che pha'.m peritectic point diem peritecti.
phase tu6ng, pha.
huong Ii¢u. permeability tfnh tham, tfnh tha'.m
permanency tfnh vinh Cll'U, tfnh c6 phase change chuyen tu6ng, chuyen pha
pergameneous (thu9c) giay da de. djnh. thau.
phase change ink jet may in kieu
pergament giay da de, giay c6i, giay da. permanent vinh cuu. permeable tham dugc, tham thau dugc. phun ffilJC chuyen pha.
pergamyn giay sunfat gia. permanent deformation bien d~g permeation SI! tham qui. phase transitions chuyin tuong,
vinh cuu. perssion to print duqc phep xuat chuyen pha.
perilla oil dau tfa to.
permanent elongation SIJ gian vinh ban, duqc phep in. phat ban van c6 nhieu dong de tr6ng.
perimeter chu vi, chieu dai cua vanh
cfru; d¢ gian vinh cfru. perpetual calendar ljch v~n nien.
ngoai cua m9t h)nh d;µig h)nh h9c phenic acid axit phenic, C6H50H;
khep kfn. permanent expanssion SI! no vinh persalt mu6i peaxit. phenol [hoa].
ci'.ru; d¢ no vinh ci'.ru.
period dau cAu, cham cAu, thoi ky. Persian red do Ba tu (sic to do lay ttt
phenol phenol, axit phenic, C6H50H
permanent ink mtJc in khOng phai [hoa].
periodic (thu9c) chu ky. lo~i dat c6 slit).
phenol resin nhtJa phenol.
periodic chart bang tuan hoan, h¢ personal computer (PC) may tinh ca
permanent orange mau da cam vinh cuu. phenolic resin nhtJa phenol.
thong tuan hoan cac nguyen t6. nhAn.
permanent packing bao g6i. phenolics chat deo phenol.
periodic law djnh lu~t tuan hoan. perpective vien canh, ban ve ph6i
permanent precipitation SI! ke't tua canh trong xAy d1J11g. phenosafranine phenosaframin.
periodic system h¢ thong tuan hoan lien t9c.
cac nguyen t6. perverted image anh lam sai hong. phenyl amine anilin, C6H5NH2 [hoa].
permanent red do vinh ci'.ru.
perio~ic table bang tuan hoan, h¢ pervious to light thau quang; anh phenyl carbinol ruqu benzylic,
permanent shaft gravure cylindex sang truyen qua. C6H5CH20H [hoa].
thong tuan hoan cac nguyen to.
tr1,1c 6ng in lorn tfl;IC co djnh.
periodical t~p chf ho~c an pha'.m duqc petroleum dau mo. phenyl chloride phenyl clorua (hoa).
permanganate pemanganat, K Mn0 4.
xuat ban djnh ky hang tuan, hang petroleum. benzine dau khf, benzen phenyl disulfide phenyl disumfua
thang, hang quf. permanganate bleach(ing) SI! cay dau mo. [hoa].
tr!ng bang pemanganat.
periodical index bang chu d!n an petroleum ether ete dau mo. phenylenediamine phenylen diamin
pham djnh ky. permanganate oxidation SI! oxi hoa [hoa].
bang pemanganat. petroleum resin nhtJa dau mo.
peripheral thiet bj ngoai vi. phenylic acid axit phenylic, phenol,
permanganic acid axit pemanganic, Pharmaceutical and medical sign CJI 50H [hoa].
peripheral device thie't bj ngo~i vi. H Mn04 [h6a]. ky hi¢u y duqc.
phloro glucine phloro glyxin [hoa].
photo-crosslinkable polymer

phonetic ngu am, phmmg phap viet p~ot~ conductive layer lop quang photo-crosslinkable polymer polyme photo-lettering machine may sip
am thanh tieng n6i, dung m¢t ky hi¢u dan d1¢n. quang trung hqp, cac don phan tu ch1;1p chu tieu de.
cho moi am thanh ho~c don vj am.
photo conductor chat quang da.n di¢n. (monome) lien ket v6i nhau duoi tac photo-line-engraving ch1;1p anh che
phonetic input ghep am chu cai. d1;1ng cua anh sang buoc s6ng ngin ll/-0
photo image hlnh anh quang. ban anh net.
phonetic setting {4p hqp ghi am chu cai. thanh polyme.
photo lithographic camera may photo-litho in anh ban bang, ban lit6.
phonogram tieu chuan am chu cai. photo-crosslinking SI! quang trung
ch1;1p anh che ban. photo-mounting blnh ghep anh.
phonogram input ghep am vao chu cai. hqp.
photo montage blnh ghep anh, dl!J1g photo-offset in anh ch1;1p, thu~t in anh
anh. photo-diode den qua~gAi¢n hai Cl!C,
phonotype tieu chuan am chu roi, 6p-xet, anh 6p-xet.
each in bieu am (t6c ky). den diot.
photo mount dan anh, mp anh, ghep photo-offset copy sach in anh.
phosphate ph6t phat. anh. photo-direct system h¢ th6ng che
. ban ch1;1p anh tn,rc tiep ban in bang. photo-offset printing each ph1,1c che
phosphate treatment xu ly mu6i photo multiplier den tang luc;mg anh in kM, thu~t in anh 6p-xet.
ph6t phat. sang di¢n !en nhieu Ian. photo-dissociation quang phAn ly.
photo-offset process phuong phap
phosphor bronze dong thanh ph6t pho. photo multiplier tube (PMI) den tang photo-electronic (thu(>c) quang di¢n tu.
ch1;1p anh che ban 6p-xet, thu~t ph1;1c
phosphor dot diem sang huynh quang. !1.tc;mg anh sang di¢n Jen nhieu Ian. photo-electrostatic reproduction ky che in anh 6p-xet.
phosphorescence anh sang ph6t pho. photo mural trang trf buc anh ph6ng thu~t ph1;1c che in tinh di¢n. photo-offset-printing copy sach ph1;1c
dl!-i tranh tren ti.tong. photo-emulsion chat nhil ti.tong anh. che in kM, sach ch1;1p anh in 6p-xet.
phosphoric acid axit photphoric,
H3P04 [hoa]. photo output unit thiet bj xuat anh photo-engraver's metal ban kim lol!-i photo-optics ch1;1p anh quang h9c.
may sip chfr. anh in cao, ban kim lol!-i anh d6ng photo-proof in thu anh.
phosphorography phucmg phap ch1;1p
anh anh sang. photo paper giay anh. kem in cao.
photo-relief plate ban in cao nhl!a
phosphorus ph6t pho. photo resist chat can mau anh sang, photo-engraving ban anh in cao. cam quang.
phosphorus oxychloride triclo oxy mang can duqc anh sang. photo-gelatine ink ml;l'c in colotyp, photo-reproduction ky thu~t ph1;1c
photpho. photo quang, ch1;1p anh (tu dliu chu), ml;l'c in tren ban in kfnh. che anh.
phot (ly) fot (don vj chieu sang). di¢n quang. photo-gelatine printing in colotyp, photo-resin plate ban nhl!a cam quang.
photo-catalysis St! quang xuc tac, tac in tren ban in kinh. photo-technical film phim che ban
photo thu(>c ve anh sang: quang, di¢n
quang, buc anh. d~mg xuc tac quang. photo-gelatine process phuong phap ky thu~t anh.
photo CD dia quang CD (c6ng ty photo-collotype ch1;1p anh ban colotyp, phuong phap ban in kfnh. photo-technical reproduction che
Kodak). colotyp. photo-integrated circuit dong quang ban ky thu~t anh.
photo colour separation ch1;1p anh photo-copper plate printing in ~an di¢n vi ml/-ch. photo-telegraphy truyen fax anh.
phAn mau. anh dong. Photo-lettering sip ch1;1p chfr tieu de. photo-transister den tinh the quang di¢n.
photo-trichromatic printing photocoupler

photo-trichromatic printing in ban photochromotype ban ba mau hoac photocoupler thiet bj trung khap hay photoetch khac quang, khiic anh sang.
ba mau. ban b6n mau. . trung hqp di¢n quang. ·
photoflash chl_Jp anh den chop sang.
photo-tube den quang di¢n. photochromatic (thu¢c) chl_Jp anh mau. photodecomposition (tac dl_lng)
photoflood lamp den sieu cao ap
quang giai. manh li¢t.
photo-typography ban chl_lp in cao, photochromatism tfnh h6 bien mau
in ban slip chu chl_lp. anh sang, anh sang dan den bien mau. photodiode den hai ctJc di¢n quang.
photofluorography nhiep anh huynh
photochrome buc anh mau. photodisintegration anh sang dii.n quang.
photo-zincography thu~t chl.lP anh
che ban ban kem. den thoat bien hay bien chat.
photochromic film phim anh mau. photogalvanography ban chl.lP anh
photoelectric celft€ bao quang di¢n, due di¢n.
photoactive nh~y sang, quang ho~t. photochromic ink anh sang dan den
den quang di¢n.
photoalgraphy chl_lp anh ban nMm bien mau ITTlJC in. photogel keo phim anh.
photoelectric colorimeter may so
in bAng. photochromism iinh sang dan den photogelatine process ban c616typ.
mau quang di¢n.
bien mau ITTlJC in.
photobromide b~c bromua, AgBr. photoglyphy each che ban ch1,1p anh
photoelectric colorimetry phep so
photochromolithography thu~t cht;:p ban in lorn.
photocell te bao quang, den di¢n anh mau in lit6 (ban bang). mau quang di¢n.
quang, nguyen ki¢n di¢n quang, thiet photoglyptography cheban ban in lorn.
photochromy chl_lp anh mau. photoelectric densitometer m~t d¢
bj di¢n tt'.r dung hi¢u (mg cua anh sang ke quang di¢n. photogrammetry trac luqng h9c
de t~o ra dong di¢n. photocomposer may slip chl_lp chu', nhiep anh, phtrong phap nhiep anh
photoelectric effect hi¢u tfug quang
photocatalyst chat quang xuc tac.
photochemical (thu¢c) quang hoa.
may phoi ban lien tl_)C.
photocomposing sap chl.lP chu, phcri
• di¢n.
cheban do.
photograph nhiep anh, buc anh, chl_lp
ban lien tl_lC. photoelectric engraver may khac
photochemical activity tfnh cam ban di¢n tt'.r.
photocomposing input system h¢
quang, tfnh nh~y sang. photograph album an-born anh, ~p anh.
thong thiet bj dfo vao sap chl_lp chu. photoelectric exposure meter dong
photochemical plate making che ho ch1,1p anh quang di¢n. photographic characteristic curve
photocomposing machine may sap
ban quang hoa h9c. photoelectric scanning quet hlnh dtrang cong d~c tfnh cam quang,
chl_lp chu, may phoi ban lien tl_lc.
quang di¢n. duong d~c tfnh nh~y sang.
photochemical process phtrang phap photocomposing output system h¢
photographic chemicals hoa ch!t ve
quang hoa h9c. thong thiet bj dliu ra sap chl_lp chi1. photoelectric tube den quang di¢n.
photochemical reaction phan ung photocomposition slip chl_lp chi1. photoelectron multiplier den tang
photographic colour separation
quang hoa h9c. ltrqng quang di¢n len nhieu Jan.
photoconductor drum trong quang d!n. chl_Jp anh phan mau.
photochemigraphy che ban quang photoengraving Chl_Jp anh che ban
photocopier may ep phim, may photographic composition slip chl_Jp
hoa h9c. (kMc anh), thu~t chl_lp anh khiic ban.
cong-tiic phim. chu.
photochemistry quang hoa h9c. photocopy sach in anh, sach phl.lc ch! ~hotoengraving machine may chl_lp photographic densitometer m~H d<)
photochloride b~c clorua, AgO [hoa]. anh, sao chl_lp. anh che ban (khilc anh). ke quang.

480 481
photographic density photography

photographic density m~t d9 anh. photographic plate ban kfnh kho photography thu~t chl;lp anh, thu~t photolithography phuong phap in anh
ban chl;lp kfnh kh6. • nhiep anh. lit6, phuong phap in anh ban in bang.
photographic developer dung djch
photographic print in anh, ch1;1p anh photogravure :hy~ a~h ~an in lorn, photolysis SIJ quang phan giai.
hi~n anh.
phl;IC che. chl:IP anh che ban ban m !om. photomacrograph ban anh ph6ng dl!,i.
photographic disk khay hi~n anh.
photographic printing paper gill'.y photogravure colour p~ting in photomatrix ban khuOn mfo chil'
photographic document copying mau ban in lorn. ·
ch1;1p anh nhl!,y sang, giay ch1;1p anh Chl;lp anh [sap Chl.1p].
machine may chl;lp anh phl;lc che ru li~u. cam quang. photogravure ink mlJc in ban in 16m. photomechanical (thu<)c) quang ca,
photographic emulsion nhil tuong anh. photographic printing process che ban quang ca.
photogravure paper giay in ban in lorn.
photographic facsimile chl;lp phl;IC phuang phap in phai anh (mau) xanh, photomechanical copying chl;lp anh
phuang phap chl;lp in anh. photogravure pigment gia'y pfch-
che anh. che ban quang ca.
mang ban in lorn.
photographic film phim chl;lp anh. photographic process phuong phap photomechanical method phtrang
ch1;1p anh, phuang phap in anh. photogravure plate ban in !om.
photographic base de phim chl;lp anh. phap ch1;1p anh che ban quang ca.
photographic properties tfnh chat photogravure press may in ban in !om.
photomechanical paper giay ch1;1p
photographic filter kfnh l9c sac chl;lp
Chl;lp anh. photogravure printing in ban in 16m. anh che ban quang ca.
photographic reducer chlit giam photogravure proofing machine photomechanical plate ban in ch1;1p
photographic fog anh ma xam. mong anh. may in tht'.r ban in lorn. anh che ban quang ca.
photographic image nhiep anh tranh photographic rendering chuyen d6i photogravure screen tram ban in lorn. photomechanical plate making che
ve, h1nh ve. khong gian anh mau (quan ly mau). ban in quang ca.
photohyalography phuang phap
photographic intensifier chat tra day photographic reprint in ll!,i anh. khac an mon anh. photomechanical print san philm in
anh. ch1;1p anh che ban qunag ca.
photographic reprint edition sach in photoinitiator chat khai mao quang.
photographic iron process phucmg anh. photomechanical printing in anh.
photointaglio anh ban in lorn.
phap in anh mu6i s&t.
photographic reproduction ch1;1p photomechanical process cOng ngh~
photolettering sap ch1;1p chil'.
photographic layer lop cam quang, phl;IC che anh. ch1;1p anh chebiin quang ca.
lap nhil tucmg. photolitho anh in lit6, anh in ban bang.
photographic reproduction process photomechanical reproduction che
photographic masking phuang phap phucmg phap phl;IC che anh. photolitho ink muc in anh in lit6 ban quang ca.
ban che Chl;lp anh. ffilJC in anh ban in bing. ' photometer d1;1ng c1;1 do d9 sang,
photographic screen ban tram ch1;1p
photographic material v~t li~u cam photolitho offset anh in litO 6p-xet. quang d¢ ke.
quang, v~t li~u nh<!-Y sang. photolitho plate ban anh in litO ban photometric brightness d9 sang b6ng.
photographic sensitoineter cam
iinh in ban bang. • photometric unit dcm vj d9 sang.
photographic negative phim Am ban. quang ke.• bieu ch1;1p anh.
photographic paper giay anh, giay photographic typesetting sap chl;IP photolitho plate coating machine photo metry trac quang hoa; phep
chil'. may trang phu ban in bang. trac quang; quang d¢ h9c.
in anh.

photomicrograph cht_Jp anh hien vi. photoreprint edition ban cht_1p anh
photoset sap ch~lp chfr. phototype offset printing sap ch9p
photomultiplier den tang hrqng pht_JC che.
photosetter may sap cht_1p chfr.
chfr in op-xet.
quang di~n Jen nhieu Ian. photoresin plate ban nhl!a nhcJ.y
photosetting sap cht_1p chfr. phototypegraphy in ban in sap ch9p
photon photon, quang tu. sang, ban nhlfa cam quang.
photopic adaptation thfch ung quang. photoresist mang cam quang chiu photosetting machine may sap cht_1p chfi'.
duqc anh sang. · ,/ phototypesetter may sil.p ch9p chfi'.
photopic vision thi giac thfch t'.rng photostability tfnh Mn anh sang; tfnh
photoscanner may quet anh. phototypesetting ban sap cht_Jp chfr.
quang. ~n mau.
photoplatemaking cht_Jp anh che ban. photosensitive nhcJ.y sang, cam quang. photostable ben anh sang; ben mau. phototypesetting film phim dung cho
sap chl_lp chfr.
photopolymer photopolyme, polyme photosensitive area khu Vlfc nhcJ.y photostat may sao cht_1p, cht_1p anh
nhcJ.y sang, polyme cam quang. sang, vung nhcJ.y sang. che ban, may in anh !rife tiep. phototypesetting machine may sap
ch9p chfr.
photopolymer coating trang phu lop photosensitive coating lop phu nhcJ.y photostat copy may in anh lfl!C tiep,
nhlfa cam quang. sang. chl_lp anh che ban. phototypesetting paper gilfy anh
dung cho sap ch9p chfr.
photopolymer plate ban in photosensitive emulssion nhu tuang photostat machine may in anh tfl!C tiep.
photopolyme. nhcJ.y sang. phototypesetting system h¢ thong
photostat paper gilfy in anh lfl!C tiep. sap cht_Jp chfr.
photopolymer relief plate ban in cao photosensitive layer lop nhcJ.y sang.
photopolyme. photostat print tai Ji~u in anh tfl!C tiep. phototypesetting-and-composing
photosenc;itive material v~t li~u nhcl.y sang.
photopolymeric block ban in cao photostated copy ban sach in anh system h? thong may sap chl_lp chfr.
photopolyme. photosensitive media tai li~u nhcJ.y sang. lfl!C tiep.
phototypography thu~t cht_1p anh ban
photopolymerization SL! trung hqp photosenc;itive polymer polyme nhcl.y sang. photostatic copy ban sach in anh trlfc in cao. _
quang (tac dt_1ng). photosensitive resin nhlfa nhcJ.y sang, tiep.
phototypy phuang phap che ban
photoprint tai li~u in anh, in anh, san nhl!a cam quang. phototelegraphy di¢n fax, truyen cOIOtyp.
phim cht_Jp anh che ban. photosensitive resist mang cam thong tin bang di¢n bao.
photovoltaic cell lop ngan can te bao
photoprinted zinc plate cht_1p anh quang chju duqc anh sang. phototransistor den tinh the quang quang.
che ban ban kem. photosensitive transparent paper di¢n ba Cl;!c.
photozincograph ch9p anh ban kem
photoprtnting device thiet bi phoi in giay nhcJ.y sang th!u minh, trong su6t. phototype ten g9i chung cht_1p anh in cao.
anh. photosensitive surface (be) m~t cam cheban.
photozincography phuang phap chl.lP
photoprinting process phuang phap quang, m~t nh1,1y sang. phototype composing sap ch9p chfr. anh ban kem in cao.
in anh, thu~t in anh. photosensitization slf tang d¢ nhcJ.Y Phototype machine may ch9p anh photronic (thu¢c) te bao quang.
photoreduction ban in anh cht_1p thu nho. sang (tac d1,mg). cheban.
phthalic acid axit phtalic,
photorepeater may sao cht_1p anh. photosensitizer chlft tang d¢ nhcJ.y sang. phototype offset sap ch9p chfi' op-xet. C6HlCOOH)2 [hoa].
phthalic anhydride pictograph

phthalic anhydride anhidrit phtalic, pica-em toan than chu 12 phan in. pictograph chii ttrqng hlnh, van tl! picture forme ban d6 hol:l.
C6I-liCO)zO [hoa]. pick 11,ra ch9n, sl! ltra ch9n [may tfnh iuqng hlnh. picture jacket bla bQc tranh ve, hlnh ve.
phthalic resin nh~ra phtalic. nh~p d[r Ji¢u], giay tr6c XO' [Sl! co]. pictoral hol:l bao, ll:IP chf anh.
picture original nguyen mau tranh
phthalocyanine blue xanh pick brush chai ban in ch[r roi. pictora) biwee~ly hOl:l bao XUat ban ve, ban mii.u hlnh ve.
phtaloxyanin. hai tuiln mc)t ky, tl:IP chf anh an hanh
pick device thiet bj tuyen ch9n tranh picture plane be m~t tranh ve, hlnh ve.
pH value trj s6 pH. anh hlnh ve. hai tuan m¢t ky.
picture postcard bttu thiep anh ngh¢
pictoral data representation dl:li
physical absorption sl! hap thll v~t ly. pick tester dllng Cll kitm nghi¢m thu~t.
di¢n bitu thj dii li¢u tranh ve.
giay lfOC XO'.
physical agent tac nhan v~t ly. pictoral display hi¢n thj tranh ve. pictu·re poster tranh ve tuyen truyen
pick-resistant paper giay chong tr6c c6 d6ng.
physical and chemical processes pictoral edition xuat ban pham c6
nhung qua trlnh hoa ly. tranh ve minh hol:l, picture printing forme ban in d6 hol:l.
pick-up sucker b(> ph~n hut giay.
physical chemistry hoa ly h9c. pictoral magazine hol:l bao, ll:IP chf picture processing ky thu~t xu ly
pick-up system phtrcmg phap ch1:1p anh. tranh ve, hlnh ve.
physical constants h~ng s6 v~t ly. anh chieu sang ba Ian.
pictoral matter ttr lieu tranh ve minh hOl:l- picture replacement thay d6i tranh
physical development hi¢n anh v~t ly. pick-up unit thiet bj nhiep hlnh anh. ve, hlnh ve.
pictoral postcard btru thie'p anh ngh¢
physical equation phtrcmg trlnh v~t ly. picker head dau hut giay. thu~t. picture resolution ltrc phan giai tranh
physical make-up ghep tranh trang trf. pickling giay tr6c XO' [Sl! co]. ve, hlnh ve.
picture buc ho<:'l, bCrc anh, bCrc ve,
physical properties tfnh chat v~t ly. picking resistance chong tr6c xe1, tranh ve. picture signal tfn hi¢u tranh ve, hlnh ve.
pi chU' rai hon hgp. tfnh chong dfnh. picture A.B.C h¢i hol:l nh~p m6n, picture supplement tang luqng x_uat
pickling test thf nghi¢m giay tr6c xa. sach do hO<:'t SCJ ca'p. ban tranh anh.
pi character chU' nhieu co, kieu khac
nhau. pickle sulution dung djch axit ray gi. picture album an-born do ho<:'l, picture tracts bCrc thtr hol:l (da dtrqc
picture area khu Vl!C tranh ve. boi n~p), trang tranh ve.
pi font kho ch[r nhieu co, kieu. pickling tay gi bang axit.
picture book sach tranh anh. picture transmission tranh anh tuyen
pica chu roi 12 phan in, pica la don vj pickling bath ch~u c9 rua axit.
co chu. picture breakdown phan tfch tranh ve.
pickup bao quan ban tot hem.
pictural magazine hol:l bao, tl:IP chf anh.
pica rule qui djnh d(> dai dong chU' picture editing bien t~p tranh anh.
picky vet d6m tdng in [s~r co].
[sip chu d~t trang]. picture element yeu t6 hlnh tttqng.
pie chu roi hon hgp, chii chl de Ian 1¢n.
pico second m<)t phan v~n giay (dong
pica system h¢ thong chu 12 phan in, piece accent chu roi c6 ky hi¢u phat fun.
ho). picture file tai li¢u hlnh ve, tranh ve.
che chu 12 phan in. picrin acid axit picric == 2,4,6 piece fraction slip ghep phan s6.
P~cture finishing hoan thanh gia
pica type co chu 12 phan in. trinitrophenol (N0 2) 3C6HPH (hoa). Cong bCrc anh. pieced tren gay sach c6 them tieu de.

486 487
pieced brace
pile shift

pieced brace ghep noi cac loc;ii dau pigment process phuong phap m pile shift thiet bi nang giay. pin-register device thiet bj long
ngo~c [sap trang]. nhu¢m mau. chuan ghim dinh vi.
pile table ban de chong giay.
piecing leads ghep chen ca chl. pigmented bat mau, pha sic t6. pin-register stud dinh ghim dinh vi.
pile turner may chuyen dao ch6ng giay.
pied type chfr roi de Hin 1¢n. pigmentprocess phuong phap m pin-register system h¢ thong dinh vi
nhu¢m mau. pile turning machine may chuyen dinh ghim.
pig lead thoi ch1. dao ch6ng giay../
pigskin bla sach da lgn [dong sach). pin-registration system h¢ th6ng
pigeon hole clf ly chen khong thoa pileadility tfnh l?O Slf chat dong, Slf djnh vj dinh ghim.
pile d6ng, chong giay.
dang, kh6ng thfch hqp [sap chfr]. xep dong, Slf Chong Chat.
pile board ban de ch6ng giay, cai ke pinched post kfch thu6'c to giay
pigment b¢t mau, sac t6, pfch-mang. piling by illlfC [Slf c6], giay don d6ng. 14,5xl9 tac Anh.
de ch6ng giay. .
pigment-based ink mlfc g6c b¢t piling on blanket by mlfc tren tam pinhole lam tam trang nhl! dau kim
pile delivery nh~n giay, tiep giay.
mau, pfch-mang. cao su [slf c6]. tren phim am ban [slf co].
pile delivery table ban nh~n giay.
pigment Bordeaux sac t6 Booe do. piling on plate bt,1 mlfc tren ban in pinhole camera may ch~1p anh thanh
pile feeder thiet bi v~n chuyen giay [Slf CO). hlnh 16 kim.
pigment brown siic t6 nau. llf d¢ng.
piling up bt,1 mlfc tren tr1,1c 16 mtJc. pink mau do nh?t.
pigment chrome yellow sac t6 vang pile file feeding dtta giay vao tu
crOm. ch6ng giay. pilot edition sach phat hanh thf diem. pinmark kim dau nh9n.
pigment dye thu6c nhu¢m. pile front edge guide cai liiy dAn pilot lamp den chi thi, den hoa tieu, pin tar paper giay phong chong m9t.
giay tru6'c chong giay. den dieu khien.
pigment dyestuff thuoc nhu¢m hfru oo. pinxt (painted by) ve do ai, ve bai ai.
pile height d¢ cao ch6ng giay. pilot-plant xuong ban san xuat,
pint pinta (Anh: 0,56825 lit; My:
pigment fast red sac t6 do ben. Xl!ctng thlJC nghi¢m lO?i nho.
pile height adjusting screw dinh vft 0,473121ft).
pigment finish son mau phu. dieu chinh d¢ cao chong giay. pilot scale qui mo ban san xuat. pipe 6ng.
pigment modifier chat dieu mau sac t6. pile height detector may do kiem tra pin dinh ghim.
pipe coil 6ng ru¢t ga.
d¢ cao chong gia'y.
pigment orange sac to da cam. pin bar dinh ghim dinh vj. pipe cooler 6ng sinh han.
pile height govenor thiet bi kh6ng che
pigment paper giay pfch-mang. pin connector dau cam n6i. pipe duct ong din.
d¢ cao khong thay d6i.ch6ng giay.
pigment paper transfer SI! truyen pile height regulator thiet bi dieu tie! pin tube 6ng ghi sap kim tinh di¢n. pipe line duong 6ng.
ban giay pfch-mang len tryc ong in d¢ cao ch6ng giay. pin-mark dau nh9n chfr roi. pipe roller tr1,1c di\n giay, true co day
lorn [in lorn].
pile hoist thiet bi nang h? ch6ng giay. pin-point dot diem cao quang [vung dai truyen giay.
pigment print phoi ban giay pfch- pile holder k¢ hay gia de ch6ng gia'.y. sang]. pipette pipet.
pile jogger thiet bi v6 vuong van pin-point highlight diem tram nho a piracy xam ph1_tm ban quyen, in sao
pigment printing in nhu¢m. chong giay. b9 ph~n cao quang [vung sang]. phi phap.
488 489

pirated in sao chyp phi phap. plain agar aga thuang. planing bao phing qnh ban, ke plastic bag sealing & cutting
pirated book sach in 1"1i phi phap. plain back gay sach de trang. ho?Ch. machine may cat tui gan kfn bang
chat deo.
pirated edition ban in 1"1i, ban an d.p pl_ain blank giay day nhieu lop mau planing knife dao bao ban.
tnroc tac cua ngucri khac. trang. plastic binding d6ng sach vong chat
planing machine may bao ban.
. pirated reprint ban in rieng tu. plain border bao quanh ben ngoai .
plano-concare1 philng lorn.
plain chipboard bla cCrng tho khong plastic binding machine may d6ng
piston pittong. plane-concave lens thau kfnh philng
nhan. sach chat deo.
piston compressor may nen pittong. lorn.
plain collodion bong colodion. plastic coating machine may dan
piston r ing vong d¢m pittong. plane-convex phang 16i. phu mang chat deo.
plain cover bia sach c6 mau, b1a sach
piston-pump barn pittong. de trang. plane-convex lens thau kfnh phang 16i. plastic comb binding may dong sach
piano-offset press may in 6p-xet k~p trang roi chat deo.
pit vet lorn tren be m~t 111"1 dien. plain fixing bath dung djch djnh anh
don. dang ban phAng. plastic container thung dlfl1g chat deo.
pitch hac fn, khoang each giua cac
doan, cac phiin. plain goods hang d?t tran. planograph in Op-Xet, in ban tam Cao SU. plastic cutting stick thanh dao chat deo.
pitch circle diameter duang kfnh plain hypo dung djch djnh anh hypo. p)anographic ink mlfC in ban bang. plastic duplicate block ban phyc che
phitn vong tron. planographic plate ban in ban phang. in cao chat deo.
plain matter sap chu pho thong.
pitch edge mep c~p giay. plain paper giay tril.ng, giay ph6 thong. planographic press may in ban bang. plastic duplicate plate ban phyc che
chat deo, ban chat deo.
pitch line duang qui djnh ghep ban. plain paper copier may sao ch1;1p planographic printing in ban bang.
giay ph6 thong. plastic film ink ml}'C in mang mong
pitch varnish son hac fn . planographic process phucrng phap chat deo vf dy ml}'c in PE, PVC,
pitting h?t r6 tren m~t ban [sl! c6]. plain rule duang ke chl don, phi-le in ban bang. BOPP.
don [sap chu].
pixel to tl!c;mg, diem anh, pixel. planography thu~t in ban bang. plastic flow tfnh chay dong chat deo.
plain sewing khau sach ph6 th6ng.
pixel pattern hlnh d"1ng diem anh. plant cong cuang, phan xuang, nha plastic furniture d1;1ng cy chen chat deo.
plain sheet giay tdng. may; thiet bj; thlfC V~t.
pixel per inch s6 diem anh tren m(>t plastic half-tone ban in chat deo c6 tram.
plane m~t philng, bao phing. plant acid axit thl}'c v~t.
tac Anh.
plastic letter chu in chat deo.
plane print in ban bang. plant rubber cao su ti! nhien.
placard tranh quang cao.
planer may bao ban. plastic matrix khuon chu chat deo.
place of printing dia diem in. plaper giay chat deo.
planetary gathering system h¢ plastic moulding process phLrong
plasometer deo ke. phap due di¢n chat deo.
place of publication dia diem xuat ban. thong may bat tay sach kieu chuyc?n
plast chat deo.
plagiarism hanh d9ng an cap y, van; d9ng ban (hanh tinh). plastic paper giay chat deo.
d?o van. planetary gear banh rang hanh tinh. plastic chat deo; (thu9c) chat deo. plastic plate ban in cao chat deo.
490 491
plastic plate moulding machine plate casting

plate casting due ban in. plate engraving ink mt,rc in ban in
plastic plate moulding machine may plastication st,r deo hoa.
khac lorn.
due ban ph1,1c che ban chat deo. plasticity tfnh deo; d¢ deo. plate casting machine may due ban in.
plate etch an mon m~t ban.
plastic pouch tui chat deo. plasticity agent chat deo hoa. plate clamp kyp ban.
plate etching solution dung djch an
plastic printing in chat deo. plasticity test tht'.r tfnh deo, d¢ deo. plate clamping mechanism thiet bj
mon be m~t ban.
kyp ban. __/
plastic printing ink mt,rc in chat deo. plasticization st,r deo hoa. plate finishing xi'.r ly gia c6ng ban in.
plate coater may trang phu ban in.
plastic printing plate ban in chat dee. plasticize deo hoa. plate folding gap tay sach d~ng "tui".
plate coater machine may trang phu
plastic resin nht,ra deo. plasticized paper giay chat deo. plate folding machine may gap tay
ban in.
plastic resin roller tr1,1c lo nht,ra chat dee. plasticizer chat tang d¢ deo. sach d~ng "tui".
plate coating machine may trang
plastic roller tr~IC 16 ffi\!C chat deo. plasticizing (s~r) deo hoa. phu ban, may say ban. plate gauge d1,1ng c1,1 do d¢ day ban in
cao, dyng c1,1 do d¢ day ban.
plastic state tn_rng thai dee. plasticizing agent chat deo hoa. plate conditioning rack gia hong
kho ban. plate grain d¢ h~t ban in.
plastic spiral binding d6ng sach plastics chat dee.
xoan ru9t ga chat deo. plate control wedge (PCW) nem plate graining machine may ~o h~t
plastifier cha'.t deo hoa. ban in, may mai ban in.
kiem tra che ban in.
plastic stereo ban due ph1,1c che chat dee. plastifying (st,r) deo hoa.
plate coppying apparatus may phoi plate gravure ch1,1p anh ban phing
plastic stereotype ban due ph1,1c che plastisol dung djch keo, chat deo. ban in lorn.
chat deo.
plastisol ink m~rc in nhi~t n6ng chay. plate curving machine may u6n plate grinder may mai ban.
plastic viscosity d9 nh6t chat deo.
plastomer chat deo nhi¢t ran. cong ban. plate grinding mai ban.
plastic wire binding d6ng sach xoan
plastometer deo ke. plate cutter may dt ban. plate holder cai kyp ban.
ru¢t ga chat deo.
plastometry phep do d¢ deo. plate cutting machine may dt ban. plate inking roller tr1,1c 16 nh~n
plastic wrap-around plate ban in
plate cylinder tr1,1c 6ng ban in. truyen mt,rc.
cao chat deo cu¢n tr1,1c mang mong. plate ban in, ban kfnh chyp anh, lap
ban, tranh minh ho~ to don. plate cylinder undercut Iuqng thu plate life tu6i th9 ban in, d9 ben ban in.
plastic-based plate de ban in chat deo.
plate bed ban de ghep ban in. nho duong kfnh tr1,1c 6ng ban in. plate lifting tr1,1c 6ng b9c ban in
plastic-coated paper giay trang phu
plate dampener true Io nuac lam Am kh6ng t6t.
lap chat deo. plate bending machine may u6n
ban in. . plate lock-up kyp ch~t ban in.
plastic-cylinder binding d6ng sach cong ban in.
to roi kt;:p chat deo. plate beweller may bao qnh ban. plate dampening st,r lam am ban in. plate lock-up device thiet bj kyp ch~t
~late dampening roller tr1,1c 16 lam ban in.
plastic yield tfnh chay deo; d¢ chay dee. plate bewelling bao c~nh ban.
am ban in. plate makeready d?m lot ban in.
plastic yield point diem chay deo. plate blinding ban in n6i hoa [st! c6].
plate embossing in ep n6i ban phang. plate making che ban in.
plasticate deo hoa. plate caster may due ban in.
plate mark platesetter

plate mark vet lorn xuat hi¢n xung plate tightening screw vft vi).n ch~t ban. platesetter may ghi ban in. pliant de u6n, mem deo.
quanh ban in lorn.
plate whirler may trang phu ban in platform ban phiing [may tfnh]. plotter may ho<;t do, may ve hlnh
plate materials v~t li¢u lam ban in. may hong say ban. ' miiu, may ve do thj.
platform (weighing) scale can ban.
plate matter tren m~t ban chi dfo gia plate wiping paper gi!fy !au ban in. plotting ve do thj, ve hlnh.
plating (Slf) ml,l kim lo<;ti; (Sl;I') phu
ban ra cua xf nghi¢p. plotting material vat Ii¢u ve do thj.
plate-boring machine may khoan ban. bang kim lol,li. ,/
plate mounting material v~t li¢u lap plotting tablet manh nho gai vao
plate-folding machine may gap tay plating bath be ml,l kim lol,li, thung
di!-t ban in. hlnh ve.
sach d<;tng gap "tui". ml,lkimlo<_ii.
plate oil dau dung cho ban in lorn. plough cong cy sua sach thu c6ng,
plate-glass ban kfnh thuy tinh. plating squence thu ll! lap ban.
plate packing d6ng g6i ban in. may xen sach thu c6ng.
plate-holder cai k~p ban. plating up lap ban.
plucking b¢t giay rai rat.
plate paper giay dung in ban lorn.
plate-supply cassette MP cap ban. platinic (thuc)c) platin (IV).
plug nut; d~y b!ng nut.
plate printing ink ml;l'c in ban lorn. plateless engraving phucmg phap in platinic chloride platin clorua, PCC1 4
plug-in trlnh It! gai n6i vao, diem n6i
plate printing press may in ban lorn b¢t nhl;l'a n6ng chay. [hoa].
dai gai n6i vao.
di!-t tay. plateless engraving ink m!Jc in n6i. platinic compound hqp chat platin
plug-in board tai li¢u gai xen vao.
plate process qua trlnh che ban. (IV).
plateless printing in khong dung ban in.
plug-in card tai li¢u gai xen vao.
plate processing line day chuyen gia platinite platinit.
platemaking che ban.
cong XU' ly ban in. plug-in module trlnh ti! gai xen vao.
platinize platin hoa.
platemaking equipment thiet bj cheban. plus sign dau cc)ng.
plate processor may hi¢n ban in. platinotype phucmg phap in platin.
platemaking for special plate che ply lop m6ng, phien mong.
plate proof in thu ban in. ban ban in di).c chung. platinous (thuc)c) platin (II).
ply adhesion strength cuang de) tach
plate rack gia de ban. platemaking process phucmg phap platinous compound hqp chat platin b6c giay cac-t6ng, bla cung.
cong ngh¢ che ban. (II).
plate roller tryc 16 nh~n mlfc. plywood ban ep nhieu lop.
platen ban ep in tren may in ep phing. platium platin, bl,lch kim.
plate rotogravure chyp anh ban in PMT (Photomechanical Transfer)
lorn m~t phing. platen galley press may in thu tren platium crucible chen nung platin. tai )i¢u in truyen quang CO'.
plate router may khoan ban. bang giay dai ep phing. platium family kim lo<;ti nh6m platin. pneumatic (thu9c) khf d¢ng.
plate stock giay lam bla sach c6 de) platen machine may in ep phing. playertype phucmg phap sao chyp pneumatic delivery thiet bj hut giay
nhan b6ng cao. platen press may in ep phing. phan Xl,l.
khf d¢ng (hut hai).
plate sunk vet lorn tren m~t ban in lorn. platen printing press may in ep playing card stock giay b¢ bai tu-la- pneumatic drier may say bang khf.
plate surface treatment xu ly be mi).t pneumatic expanding shaft Ulm tryc
ban in. plateroom phlln xuang phai ban. pleating nep gap, chiet nep duong lo. gian khf d¢ng.

494 495
· pneumatic printing
polar compound

pneumatic printing in khf d9ng. point-of-purchase (POP) quang cao

polar compound hqp chat phan C\!C. polishing machine may mai bong
pneumatic printing frame may phoi diem mua hang.
polar dier pham mau phfin C\!C. tryc ong in ban lorn.
ban hut chan khong. point-of-sale (POS) quang cao diem
polar grey phim xam phan qrc. polishing stick g~y danh bong.
pneumatic shutter la chan sang ban hang.
(diapham ong kinh cht.lp anh) khf d¢ng. polar molecule phan tu phan C\!C, polishing varnish son bong, dau Jang
point-set type co phan in chfr roi.
phan !tr• C6 C\!C . ../ bong.
pocket book sach kh6 nho bo tui. point-size of body ca phan in chfr rbi
polar solvent dung moi phan C\!C. pollutants chat (gay) 6 nhic!m.
pocket edition ban sach kh6 nho bo tui. to nho.
polarizability kha nang phan C\!C. pollute gay 6 nhic!m.
pocket folder may gap d~ng tui. point-type phan in chu rcri.
pollution SI! 6 nhic!m.
pointer kim chi v<_lch (cua may). polarization SI! phan C\!C hoa.
pocket size sach kh6 nho bo tui. polyactylonitrile polyactylonitril.
pointer gauge may do c6 kim chi. polarization filter kinh J<;>c sac phan C\!C.
pocket-book sach kh6 nho bo tui. polyamide polyamit.
pointing phLrong phap in dung kim polarization photometer quang d¢
point don vj d¢ day bla va cac tong
cham chuan. ke phfin C\!C. polyamide resin nhl!a polyamit.
(1/100 tac anh); dau cau; diem, phan
polarize phan C\!C hoa. polycarbonate polycacbonat.
in (don vj chfr rbi hqp kim chl). pointing apparatus thiet bi in cham
kim chuan. polarized (da) phan Cl!c hoa. polycarbonate film de phim
point gauge kim do than chfr.
pointlight lamp den sang diem.
point image diem anh. polarized light anh sang phan C\!c.
polychromatic (thu¢c) da sdc, mau sk
poise poa (dan vj d¢ dfnh); lam on
point of ignition diem boc chay. polarography phtrcmg phap C\!C ph6.
djnh, lam can bang. polychromy in nhieu mau.
point of impression diem ep in, polaroid tam phan ci.rc.
poiser cha't d~m (cua phan U'llg oxi polyester polyett.e.
dtrbng ep in gifra trl;)C ong ban in Va hoa - khi'.r). pole ci.rc.
polyester base de phim polyette.
tryc 6ng ep in.
poising agent chat d¢m cua phan U'llg pole effect hi¢u ang di~n C\!C. polyester film phim nhi.ra polyette.
point of inflexion diem u6n. oxi hoa - khi'.r.
pole-finding paper giay C\!C ph6. polyester plate ban polyette.
point operation diem v~n toan [xti ly poising solution dung djch d~m oxi
polish m~t b6ng; mai b6ng; danh b6ng. polyester resin nhl!a polyette.
hlnh ve]. hoa-khi'.r.
polishable danh bong duqc. polyester roller tryc Io ml!c polyette.
point size so phan in [don vj chfr in]. poison chat d<)c.
poison resistance chju d¢c, khang d¢c. polisher thu6c danh bong, la ep bong polyether polyete.
point source nguon diem sang.
m~t da [d6ng sach].
poisonous d¢c. polyglycerol polyglyxerol, polyglyxerin.
point source light nguon diem sang.
polishing mai ban.
polygonal (thu¢c) da giac.
point system h¢ thong phan in [sdp polar c6 qrc, phan Ci,J'C.
polishing brush (ban) chai mai ban. polyethylene polyetylen.
chfr]. polar absorption SI! hap thy c6 cl!c.
Polishing iron ban Ia ep bong m~t da polyethylene film mang mong
point-light source ngu6n diem sang. polar colours ph.im mau phan cl!c. [d6ng sach). polyetylen.
polyethylene film printing polyvinyl alcohol film

polyethylene film printing in mang polymetallic plate ban in kim Ioai polyvinyl alcohol film mang PVA, pop test thf nghi¢m d(> ben r~n rach
mong polyetylen. nhieu lap. . mang nrqu polyvinyl. giay.
polyethylene glycol polyetylen glycol. polypropylene polypropylen. polyvinyl alcohol resist mang chju pop-up menu tht,rc don xuat hi¢n
polyethylene terephthalate base de' polypropylene film phim mang an mon ruqu polyvinyl. khong dttqc mong muon.
phim polyetylen terephtalat. mong polypropylen. polyvinyl butyra_J,,polyvinyl butyral. popular edition sach ph6 c~p.
polyethylene terephthalate film polystyrene polystyren. porcelain earth dat cao lanh [san
polyvinyl chloride polyvinyl clorua.
mang mong poletylen terephtalat. polystyrene base de phim polystyren. xuat giay], dat SU'.
polyvinyl chloride-acetate polyvinyl
polyethylene wax sap polyetylen. polystyrene film mang mong pore 16 x6p.
clorua axetat.
polyglot sach doi chieu van tt,r m(>t s6 polystyren. pore size kfch thttcrc 16 xop.
polyvinyl chloride film mang mong
lo~i. polystyrene resin nht_ta polystyren. polivinyl clorua, mang mong PVC. poron polyvinyl clorua vi x6p.
polygraphic enterprise xf nghi¢p in. polythene polyetylen, politen. polyvinyl cinnamate polyvinyl porosimeter x6p ke.
polygraphic equipment thiet bj in. polyethylene glycol polyetylen xinamit.
porosity tfnh xop; d(> x6p.
polygraphic machinery may m6c in. glycol.
polyvinyl plactics chat deo polyvinyl.
porous (thu(>c) x6p.
polyethylene printing in mang mong
polygraphic paper giay (viet ten polyvinyl process phtrong phap phoi
polyetylen. porous paper giay x6p.
giay than) nhan ban. ban mang polyvinyl alcon (PV A).
polytype phuong phap che ban in don porous printing in ban x6p.
polygraphic processes qua trlnh in. polyvinyl pyrrolidone polyvinyl
gian dung ban g6. port 16 thoat.
polygraphic worker c6ng nhan in. pyrolidon.
polyurethane polyurethan. portable xach tay; nh~ mang theo duqc.
polyline da tuyen [may tfnh thiet ke polyvinyl resin nht_ta polyvinyl.
polyurethane roller tr1;1c IO in portable baling machine may d6ng
do ho~]. polyvinylidene chloride
polyurethan. g6i xach tay nh~ mang theo dttqc.
polymer polime. polyvinyliden clorua.
polyvinyl polivinyl.
portable computer may tfnh xach tay.
polymerization st,r trung hqp; hi¢n polyvinylidene chloride film mang
polyvinyl acetate resin nhl_la
ttrqng trung hqp; st,r polyme hoa. mong polyvinyliden clorua. portable digital document (PDD)
polyvinyl axetal. van ki¢n s6 c6 the mang theo duqc
polymerization accelerator chat xuc polyvinyl acetate polyvinyl axetat. pony cylinder press may in cao tr1;1c
[may tfnh].
tien trung hqp hoa. 6ng in lo~ nho.
polyvinyl acetate suspension huyen portable document van ki¢n s6 c6
polymerization catalysst chat xuc poor rub resistance do Mn ma sat the mang theo dttqc.
phu polyvinyl axetat (PV A).
tac trung hqp hoa. kem, lt,rc ma Sat nho [St_! °C6].
polyvinyl alcohol (PV A) ruqu portable microfilm reader may d9c
polymerize trung hqp hoa, polime hoa. polyvinyl, c6n polyvinyl (PV A). P~or trapping in ch6ng mau mt,rc in vi phim xach tay.
barn khOng t6t [st,r col
polymetal plate ban in kim lo~i polyvinyl alcohol enamel men chju portable operation system h¢ thong
nhieu lap. an mon ruqu polyvinyl (PV A). pop strength ctrang d(> ben r~n nut. thao tac c6 the mang theo dttqc.

498 499
portable program positive-appearing image

portable program tr1nh t(! c6 the positive electrode di¢n c(!c dtrong. positive-appearing image hlnh anh post-Nita! treatment xtt ly chong
mang theo dugc. positive film phim dtrong ban. hi?n thi hlnh dtrong. dau ma ban in kem.
portable typewriter may danh chu positive-to-positive system h¢ thong post-phosphate treatment xtt ly (dau
positive film make-up blnh ghep
xach tay mang theo dugc. phim dtrong ban. che ban phoi duong sang dtrong. ma) muoi phot phat.
porthole phong bl co cua s6. positive image hlnh anh dtrong. positive type pre~~sitized plate ban post-treatment XIJ Jy sau ban in bang.
dii trang phu mang cam quang phoi
portion sach in tung phan. positive lens thau kfnh dtrong. post processing gia cong sau in.
duong sang dtrong.
portrait chan dung, trang huong d9c. positive mask ban che dtrong. postage stamp tern buu di¢n.
positive working che ban (phoi ban)
portrait folding tay sach gap huong dQC. positive plate ban anh dtrong. hlnh anh dtrong. postal card btru thiep.
portrait orientation giay bo trf positive pole c(!c dtrong. positype giay in anh 6n djnh.
postbaking nu6ng ban.
huong d9c. post kfch thtroc ta giay 15x 19 tac Anh.
positive process phuong phap che postcard ban kfnh kho ch9p anh
portrait page m~t trang sach b6 trf ban ban dtrong. post binder dong sach kt,!p ta rai v~n 9xl4cm, buu thiep.
huong d9c. vft ch~t.
positive retouch sua ban phim du0'11g ban. poscard paper giay in btru thiep.
Poschel process phuong phap phoi post binding dong sach kyp 6c vft.
ban tr(!c tiep ban duong ban in lorn. positive retouching sua phirn dtr0'11g ban. poster tranh quang cao, tranh ap-
post card btru thiep (thtrang co tranh,
posi-posi system h¢ thong che ban positive reversal phtrong phap phoi phfch c6 dong.
anh a m<)t m~t dung de gui tin tuc).
duong sang duong. ban chuyen ngugc anh duong. poster paper giay in tranh ap-phfch,
post exposure chieu sang sau.
position djnh vj, vj trf. positive reversal process phuong tranh quang cao.
phap che ban chuyen ngtrgc anh post script (P.S) phl,I llJc, tai but.
position marks dau 6c dµ1h vi chu th~p. poster stick sap chic bang tay chic
dtrong, phtrong phap che ban in vua post-Brunak treatment xu ly sau khi quang cao.
positioning dinh vj. biing vua lorn. an mon (Brunak) ban nh6m.
positioning cross duang djnh vj, dau positive screening tl;lO tram phim poster type kieu chu to v~t d1,1ng in
post-condension xtt ly bit kfn 16.
oc chu th~p djnh vj. duong ban. kho 16n tranh quang cao.
post-creation trapping xtt ly sau in
positioning scale thuoc djnh vi, de) positive separation pMn mau phim poster-printing in tranh ap phfch co
ch6ng Jen nhau.
khk djnh vj. duong. dong.
post-condension xtt ly bit kfn lo.
positive phim dtrong, phim anh duong. positive strip dai thang thf nghi?m posterionr matter phL,J lye sau chfnh
phim dtrong ban. po~t-creation trapping xtt ly sau in van sach bao.
positive after image .lnh hong ch1,1p chong Jen nhau.
non thai gian, ch9p kh6ng du thai gian. positive transparency phim thau posterization sac di¢u quang cao, sac
post-Cronak treatment xu ly sau
minh duong ban. di¢u de) tl!Ong phan cao.
positive colour separation phAn mau ch6ng an mon ban kem, ban kem sau
phim dtrong ban. positive type chu h1nh net duong. khi XU' ly tang tfnh tham l!Ot be mat postfix notation each mo ta ghi ky
positive copying process phtrong positive-acting plate ban in hlnh duO'ng bang dung djch axit cromic-phLton.g hi¢u sau t6 hgp [ng6n ngu may tfnh].
phap phoi dtrong ban. ban, ban in phoi duong sang duO'ng, phap Cronak. postil chu giai, chu thfch phan ben cl;lnh.

500 501
postpress potassium sodium tartrade

postpress gia cong sau in. potassium chloroplatinite kali potassium sodium tartrade kali powdering phan hoa, ffi\!C in phan
postpress field linh Vl!C gia cong sau in. cloroplatinit. natri tactrat. hoa [Slf Co]; xoa b¢t.

postscript phl_l llfc [sach bao], bai b<;lt, potassium chromate kali cr6mat. potassium sulphide kali sunphua. powdering box h¢p hay horn quer
Joi b<;lt, Joi viet cuoi sach, postscript. potassium chromium alum phen b9t phan.
potassium sul_p,.hocyanide kali
postscript font - Postscript kho chfr kali cr6m. sunphoxyanua. powdering brush ban chai quet b¢t phan.
postscript. potassium chromium sulfate kali powdering carbinet tu quet phu phan
potassium thiocyanide kali
postscript language Postscript ng6n cr6m sunfat. hong [dung voi ban kem net in cao].
ngfr postscript. potassium dichomate kali dicromat. powdering machine may quet phu phan.
pott kfch thuoc to giay 13xl6 tac Anh.
postscript Level I Postscript ng6n potassium ethylxanthanate kali pouch bao nh6 (bang da) b6 vao tui powdering material nguyen li¢u
ngfr cap I postscript. etylxanthanat.
ho~c bu¢c vao thitt lung. phan phu ban.
postscript Level 2 Postscript ng6n potassium ferricyanide kali ferixyanua.
pounce chat keo dan lo?i dung cho in powderless etcher may an mon khong
ngfr cap 2 postscript.
potassium fcrrocyanide kali feroxyanua m<;l vang, b¢t hut mtfc, b¢t in hoa. phu phan, may an mon m¢t cap.
Postscript-Compatible RIP thiet bj
potassium hydrogen oxalate kali pound paper giay trQng luqng pao (1 powderless etching SI! an mon kh6ng
hlnh tw;mg hoa ng6n ngfr postscript RIP.
hydro oxalat. pao = 0,454kg). phu phan.
pot lo nung, blnh, h¢p.
potassium hydroxide kali hydr6xit. pour ba-via duoi chfr chl, ba-via C<;lnh powderless etching machine may an
pot life ky ho<;lt hoa. mon kh6ng phu phan.
potassium iodide kali iodua. ban chl due.
potash kali cacbonat, K2C0 3. powderless etching process phuang
potassium metabisulfite kali powder b¢t, b9i, trang trf hoa vltn
potash alum phen nhom-kali. diem hlnh sao. phap an mon kh6ng phu phfa
potassium kali. power c6ng suat.
potassium nitrate kali nitrat. powder development hi¢n anh b9t
potassium acetate kali axetat. phan, hi¢n anh kh6. power consumption luqng dung
potassium oxalate kali oxalat.
potassium alum phen kali. powder drier chat lam kh6 b9t phan. di¢n, c6ng suat tieu hao.
potassium permanganate kali
potassium aluminium sulfate kali powder etching an mon ban c6 phu power drive chuyen d9ng di¢n )tfc.
nh6m sunfar. phan hong. power plate press may in nhanh ban
potassium persulphate kali pesunfat.
potassium bichromate kali bicromat. powder press may in ch~y di¢n. inl6m.
potassium phosphate kali phot phat.
potassium bioxalate kali bioxalat. power press may in nhanh ban in lorn.
powder sprayer thiet bj phun b9t.
potassium pyrophosphate kali
potassium bisulfite kali bisunfit. power proof press may in thu di¢n d9ng.
pyrophotphat. powdered asphalt b¢t at-phan tinh
potassium bromide kali bromua. che (phu tren ban chong an mon). power rating c6ng suat d\nh mCrc.
potassium silicate kali silicat.
potassium carbonate kali cacbonat. powdered glue keo d<;lng b¢t. power requirement c6ng suAI can su dl_ll1g.
potassium silver cyanide kali b~c
potassium chloride kali clorua. xyanua. powdered ink mtfc in d<;lng b¢t. power supply di~n nguon.
precision photoplate making camera

power-operated (thu¢c) dieu khien pre-proof in thi:r tru6c in. precision photoplate making camera preliminary page to, trang ten sach,
bang di¢n.
pre-register thao tac lay co truac khi in. may Chl.Jp a.nh cM ban in chfnh xac. trang tieu de.
PQ developer dung djch hi¢n a.nh PQ.
pre-separated colour printing nha.n preconditioner may dieu tiet tnroc. preliminary pages to phll lllC :ruoc
practial screen tram thl_J'c dllng; tram cong phllc che ban in mau tru6c in. chfnh van.
precondition~ bath dung djch xii
cong-tac [in lom].
pre-treatment xii ly tnroc. ly sa b¢ tnr6'c. preliminary proof to in thii sob¢.
pre-amplifier vj trf tnrac may ph6ng d~i.
precipitability tfnh ket tua dugc; kha precursor diem bao tnroc. prelims phll lllc d~t tnt6c chfnh van
pre-Brunak treatment xi'.r ly chong oxi nang ket tua. predict (hanh d¢ng) n6i tn.r6c, dl_J' cua sach bao.
hoa ban nhom ~ phuong pMp Brunak.
precipitant char, lam ket tua, chat tao bao, !bi tien tri. premakeready chuan bj truoc khi in,
pre-coated plate ban da trang phu ket tua. .
mang cam quang. predominance of (colour) mau sac d¢m l6t ban trttoc khi in.
precipitate cha't ket tua; ket tua. n6i tr¢i han. premask ban che truoc khi phan mau.
pre-Cronak treatment xi'.r ly ch6ng oxi
hoa ban kem-phuong phap Cronak. precipitated (da) ket tua. predominant colour mau sac hi¢n premelter noi nau chay tnroc.
ro, mau siic n6i tr¢i hon.
pre-etching an mon sob¢, Hie qua axit. precipitated barium sulfate bar! preparation of copy chuan bj ban
sunfat ket tua. preface !bi n6i ditu, !bi tl_J'a.
pre-etching ink ml_J'c phu be- m~t mii.u, nguyen cao.
chong an mop. precipitated calcium carbonate preference an phftm dn gap.
prepolymer polyme ILrqng phan tii n.ho.
canxi cacbonat ket tua. prefixation physical development
pre-expose chieu sang truoc, so b¢. prepress tru6c in; tien in.
precipitation Sl_J' ket tua. hi¢n anh v~t ly tn.roc djnh anh.
pre-filter kinh l9C sac d~t tru6c ong kinh.
prepress production san xu!l't tnr6c
precipftation drying sl_J' kho ket cua. prehardener dung djch dong riin
pre-gripper nhfp c~p giay phfa tnroc. in, thao tac tm6c in.
mang tn.r6c,
pre-makeready d¢m 16t ban so b¢ precipitating (Sl_t) ket tua.
preheates roll stand gia gac trllc gia prepress proofing system h? thong
chufo bj truoc khi in. precipitating agent tac nhan ket tua. thiet bj in thi'.r tnroc in.
nhi¢t tn.r6c. ·
pre-press colour system - h¢ thong precipitating process qua trlnh ket tua. prepress service bureau phong djch
mau tnr6c in. preheater thiet bj dun n6ng.
precipitator thiet bj ket tua, cMt gay Vll tn.r6c in, trung t,1m djch Vl1 trLCoc in.
pre-press colour proofing in thii preheater unit thiet bj dun n6ng tn.roc.
ket tua. preprint sach ctv dj.nh in, tai lieu dl!
mau trtt6c in. preheating h¢ thong cung cap nhi¢t truac.
precise chfnh xac. djnh in, ban mau chua djnh in.
pre-press proof to in thii truoc in. . preliminary exposure chieu sang tn.r6c.
precision chfnh xac, tfnh chfnh xac, preprint system phuong thu'c dl_J' djnh
pre-press proofing system h¢ thong d¢ chfnh xac. preliminary makeready chuiin bj in bao mau.
in tht'.r trtt6c in. tnroc khi in, d¢m l6t ban tru6c khi in.
precision camera may chllp anh preprinted art type .kieu chfr my
pre-press system h¢ thong truoc in. chfnh xac. preliminary mask ban che cap I. thu~t dl_J' djnh in.
pre-press work cong vi¢c chuiin bj precision instrument thiet bj do pr~liminary matter phl.J lllc d~t tnroc preprinted data dfr li?u tru6c khi
tnroc khi·in. chfnh xac, cong Cll do chfnh xac. chmh van cua sach bao. danh may in.
preprinted newspaper insert
press punch

preprinted newspaper insert phy preservative chat ch6ng an mon, cha't press punch thiet bi dye 16 djnh vj pressings giay dung Jam bla sach.
tnrcmg giay bao dl! dinh in. bao v¢, cMt ch6ng oxi hoa. tien hanh dong thoi giifa ban in va
preprinted web giay cu9n dl,l' djnh in.
pressman tnrong may, cong nh!l.n in.
preserve b,\o quan, bao v¢, phong may in.
ch6ng oxi hoa. pression ap ll,(c.
preprocessed display hi?n thj tnroc press revise to in thLT S<;lCh, to in thll'
XU' ly. preserving (s~r) bao quan. tren may, to:,in tht'.r tren may in. pressure ap ll,(c, ap suat.
preprocessing xu ly tnroc. presetting b6 trf lap d~t truoc. press run d9 ben in, s6 Im;mg in m9t Hin. pressure adjusting device thiet bj
prescan quet. anh b9 tntOC. press section b¢ ph~n ep nen siin xuat dieu chinh ap l~rc .
SCJ press gui di in, may in, vi¢n in, thong
tan xii, nha xuat ban. giay. pressure bar can chan ep giay.
prescreened film tram hoa phim sa
b¢ tnroc. press batter mai mon ban in. press speed t6c d9 in. pressure control kh6ng che ap ll,l'c,
prescreened halftone process press board may che tam giay bla cung. press spoilage in hong phai bu them giay. kiem tra ap ll,(c.
phuang phap che ban nua tong truck press camera may nhiep anh tin tuc. press trouble sl,( c6 may in, may in pressure cylinder tr~1c ep in.
tram hoa phim. ho<;1t d9ng tryc tr~c.
press copy sach in, ban in. pressure diazo tang Ive ep diazo.
preselect tuy€n ch9n SCJ b9 truck. press unit don vi in.
press counter cit.mg cy dem to in tren pressure fixing tang ll,l'c ep dinh anh
preselector counter may dem so may. press vanish vec-ni hay dau bong [sao chyp].
tuyen ch9n tnroc. tning phu tren may in.
press down time thoi gian chuin bi pressure foot ep chan vjt ch~n giay
presensitize tang cam quang truck, truoc khi mo
may in. press washer thiet bi. rt'.ra 16 mtrc
. tren
tren chong giay cap vao may.
tang nh<;1y sang tnroc. may in.
press feeder thier bi cap giay may in. pressure gauge ap ke, dong ho do ap Jl,(C.
presensitizd anodize plate ban oxy press glider may m<;1 nhu vang. press work cong vi¢c in, tac nghi¢p in. pressure indicator dong ho chi thj ap l~rc.
hoa duang Cl,(C da !rang phu mang
cam quang tnroc. press law Ju~t xuat ban. press-knife dao cat xen. pressure nip duong ep in tryc ong.
presensitized plate ban dii trang phu press leveling hi¢u chinh d¢ thang press-mark vet nuoc do may xeo pressure pump boln tang ap, barn ap ll,(C.
mang cam quang tnroc. bang may in. giay gay ra.
pressure roller tryc ap ll,(c.
press life d9 ben in cua ban in. press-room phan xuong in.
presensitized relief plate ban in cao pressure sensitive adhesive tape
dii trang phu mang cam quang truoc. press notice thong cao (in) xuat ban. presser tryc ap ll,l'c.
bang keo dan nhay ep (ap Ive).
presentation copy sach bieu, t~ng. press plate lap ban in Jen may. pressing ep sach [dong sach]. pressure sensitive label printing in
presentation graphics rendering press power drive system h¢ th6ng pressing block mieng go ep sach nhiin boc dan (de-can).
chuyen d6i kh6ng gian mau do ho<;1 chuyen d¢ng may in. [dong sach].
pressure sensitive manifold paper
quang cao [quan ly mau sac]. press product san pha'.m in. pressing board mieng van go ep sach giay sao chyp nh<;1y ep (ap ll,l'c).
preservation Sl,l' bao quan, Sl,( bao v¢, press proof to in thll' tren may; to in [dong sach].
pressure sensitive tape bang keo
Sl,l' Chong an mon, SL! Chong OXi hoa. thLT S<;iCh. pressing machine may ep ru<)t sach. nh~y ep (ap llfc).
pressure technique
primary valence

pressure technique ky thu~t cao ap. previous screen tram c6 tu lru<k primary valence hoa trj chfnh. print density m~t d¢ in, d¢ d~m mau
pressure unit don vj ap ltJc. [hi¢n thi].
primary valency hoa trj chfnh. mtJC trang in.
pressure valve van cao ap, van ap ltJc. price list bang gia bao, bang mt,1c ll,lc gia. print device thiet bj in.
primaton overlay lap d¢m ban 16t o
pressure vacuum gauge ap ke chan price-and-a-half matter ~ chfr phuc ~- trl,IC Ong ban. / print down phCli ban.
prima sap chfr VLT(Jt qua trang. prime quan tr9ng; Chu yeu, CCI ban, print drying time recorder thiet bj
pressure vacuum vent valve van hut nguyen thuy.
primary nguyen sac, mau g6c, mau ghi thai gian kh6 tai li¢u in.
chan khong.
CCI ban. prime ~olor mau nguyen thuy; print file tai Ii¢u danh may.
pressure vessel blnh cao ap. nguyen sac.
primary binding d6ng sach nguyen print film phim (ky thu~t) dung cho in.
pressure-regulating valve van dieu mau [dong sachJ. primer ca chii chl 18 phan in.
chinh ap lJ!c. print finishing gia cong san pham in,
primary butyl alcohol nrgu butylic primer coating phu mau 16! nen. gia c6ng a'n pham.
pressure-sensitive adhesive cha't dan m.i.ch thing, CH 3 -CH2-CH 2-CH2 0H.
keo nhil.y ep (ap itJc). primitive nguyen sinh, nguyen thuy, print form gia'y bieu may danh may.
primary color mau CCI ban, mau nguyen do.
pressure-sensitive paper gia'y nh.i.y ep. nguyen. print format each thuc danh may.
primerose vang nh.i.t.
pressure-set ink m!Jc in kho nhanh primary color sensation cam thy print hand kieu chfr in viet tay.
khi bi ep. principal chfnh, chu yeu.
mau CCI ban. print head dau chfr in, dau danh may.
pressure less printing in khong ep principal focus tieu diem.
primary colous ba mau CCI ban, ba print image danh may in hlnh ve.
in, in khong ap Jue. nguyen sac. principal mask ban che chfnh, ban
che sua mau. print making in anh ngh¢ thu~t, pht,1c
pressure zone vung ap suat, vung ep in.
primary crystal tinh the ban dau. set che in nguyen ban ngh¢ thu~t.
presswork Cong vi~c in; an philm, ky tinh [hqp kim chi chfr in). principal motor d¢ng CCI di¢n chti.
thu~t in. print management facility trlnh t~r
primary filters kfnh l9c sac ba mau print san pham in phai, in, siin pham quiin ly danh may in.
pretreatment xu ly ban dau, xfr ly mau CCI ban. in, kieu chfr in, danh may.
print media tai li¢u nMp in.
tnr6'c, tien xii ly.
primary oil dau tho. print area tAm ban, di¢n tfch in, m~t ban.
prevention st,r phong ngtra. SJ! de phong. print mode trang thai danh may in,
primary product san pham ban dau; print buffer khu d¢m d6ng da'u in. kieu danh may in.
prevention of accident phong ngua san pham chu yeu. print consumables hao tai li¢u in. print of a sheet in to don.
s~r co, tai nil.n.
primary reaction phan ung ban dau; print contrast signal tfn hi¢u tuong
preventive maintenance phong h9 tu siia. print options tuyen ch9n hcl.Dg mt,1C
phan ung chu yeu. phiin in.
danh may in.
preventive measm bi¢n phap phong ngua primary reduction SJ! khtr set b9. ~rint control ratio ty 1¢ tuong phiin print out xua't pht,1c che, in xua't ra
preventel phenol, C6H50H. primary solvent dung m6i chu yeu. m [nh~ biet ky hi¢u chfr). ben ngoai.
preview xem tnr6'c. duy¢t tnr6'c. primary standard tieu chufo ca ban. print cycle chu ky in. print paper gia'y dung cho in.
print position
printed capacity

print position vj trf danh may in. printable c6 the in dttqc, in ra duqc. printed capacity dung lttqng trang in. printer's mask l6-g6 nha may in,
print quality chat h19ng danh may. printable area khu VIJC c6 the in du<;:1c. bi€u tuqng 11ha xuat ban O trang ban
printed-side-down delivery nhan
print quality standard pattern tieu quyen.
printpromotion SIJ xuc tien in, su giay ma.t in httang xu6ng dttcri.
chuan hlnh ve dung de danh gia chat khuyen khfch h8 trq cho st,r tien b¢ in·. printer's measurements s~r do h.rang
lttqng danh may. printed-side-up delivery nh~ giay
trong cac xf nghi¢p in.
printed area di¢n tfch in, b¢ ph~n ma.t in httang lerftren.
print queue danh may n6i tiep lien t1,1c. nha.n mtJc. printer's metal hqp kim chi! in.
printer ban in mau, c6ng nhan in,
print run d¢ ben in, s6 lttqng in, s6 printed book sach in. may in, may phai ban, may danh chfr. printer's monogram bi€u tuqng nha
11.rqng in m¢t Ian.
may in.
printed character phu hi¢u in. printer driver trlnh tt,r may danh chu
print Server may phuc VI,! danh may.
printed circuit chu trlnh in, m:,tch in ra. printer's oblong hlnh chi! nha.t canh
print set qui each sap chu in can cu
di¢n in. dai han c:,tnh r¢ng 1:vi
theo ban in. printer operating speed t6c d¢ may
printed circuit board (PC board) danh chu in ra. printer's ornament trang trf hoa.
print smoothnes d¢ nhfo bong in.
bang m:,tch di¢n in. printer's pica gauge thttcrc tfnh d6i
print speed t6c d¢ danh may in. printer speed t6c d¢ may danh chi!.
printed document tai li¢u in xuat ban. pica [sap chfr].
print spooler h¢ th6ng may danh chi! printer spooler h¢ th6ng may danh
printed foil label nhan hang hoa kim printer's pie chi! chl hon t1;1p.
d1,1c 18 cu¢n bang giay tren may danh chi! d1,1c 18 cu¢n bang giay tren may
chfr Monotyp. lo1;1i mong. danh chi! Montyp. printer's reader nMln vien si'.ra bong
print termination ket thuc danh may. printed form khu6n kho in, an phiim. printer terminal thiet bj dau cu6i
bai trong xf nghi¢p.

print texte file tai li¢u ban van danh may. printed material an phiim, v~t Ii¢u in danh may. printer's ream ram giay dt'.1 [m¢t ram
thanh san phfim. c6 516 ta].
print through in thau sang ma.t sau printer's copy ban thao in, ban mau in.
[SI! c6]. printed matter an pham. printer's device bieu nrc;mg hay hlnh
printer's rule thanh ke chl, phi-le ke.

print trimmer dao xen giay, dao dt printed number s6 sach in. tl!0ng dung lam dau hi¢u cua nha may in. printer's type ki€u chi! in. chi! roi.
giay. printer's error I6i nha in. printer's varnish ten g9i chung chat
printed non both sides in hai ma.t.
print-and-back imposition in ban dau lien ket dung San xuat mt,rc in.
printed on one side only in m¢t ma.t. printer's flower trang trf hoa dung
toan trang ma.t truck va ma.t sau tren printer-computer may tfnh slip chi!.
cho in, trang trf hoa lap ch6 trfog.
cung m¢t ma.t trang in. printed original ban miiu in.
printer's imprint cac khoan h:,lng printery vi¢n in.
print-outs may tfnh in ra san phiim. printed output an phiim.
XUat ban bao g6m ten Va dia chi cua printing in, danh may in.
print-ready file van ki¢n, tai li¢u dl!a in. printed page m¢t ma.t da in, trang nha xuat ban. .
xuat ban. printing alloy hqp kim chu chl.
printability tfnh t:,10 kha nang in. printer's ink mtJc in.
printed serials tai li~u xuat ban lien tl,JC. printing and allied trades research
printability tester thiet bj thf nghi¢m printer's letter kieu chi! in, kieu chi! in va vi¢n nghien cuu nghi¢p VI,! ke't
do d:,tc tfnh t:,10 kha nang in. printed sheet ta in, tang an hanh. tho d~m. hqp vai nhau.
printing and embossing press printing ink reducer

printing and embossing press may printing factory nha may in, xuong in. printing ink reducer chat pha loang printing press operator ngtroi thao
ltrong dt.mg vua in va vua r~p n6i. mt,rc in. tac may in.
printing file van ki?n, tai li¢u danh
printing area be) ph~n in; be) ph~n may [may tfnh]. printing lamp den r9i c6ng tftc phim, printing pressure ap l!Jc in. ,,,.
hlnh Ve, tranh Ve. den phO'i ban.
printing firm vi¢n in, hang in. printing process phtrong phap in.
printing art ngh¢ thu~t in. printing length a¢ dai m~t hlnh anh
printing form production che ban printing proof to in thu.
printing auxiliary equipment thiet in; che khu6n in. tai li?u in.
bj b6 trq in. printing quality chat luqng in.
printing forme ban in. printing letter chu roi, chu chl, kieu
printing blanket tam cao su in. chil' in. printing quota s6 luQng in, djnh muc in.
printing frame gia khung may phoi ban.
printing block ban in cao. printing machine may in. printing roller composition ket cau
printing gloss mi,i.t in Jang bong. hay cau t~o tr1,1c 16 in.
printing capacity nang lt,rc in, hi?u printing machinery may moc in, co
suat in. printing house nha in, xtrong in, nha khf in. printing room phong in.
may in.
printing colour mau thu6c in. printing material v~t li?u in. printing science khoa h9c in.
printing image b9 ph~ anh, hlnh ve.
printing cost gia thanh in. printing metal ban in chil' roi, hqp printing sequence thu t1J in, trlnh t1J in.
printing in battery phan nhieu may ~ kim chil' in.
printing couple be) mau mt,rc in. in m¢t tai li?u in. printing shop xtrong in, vi¢n in.
printing cylinder tn1c 6ng in. printing index so chi din t~o tfnh • printing number so in.
printing of wood-cut ban khac g6 in.
printing solid b¢ ph~n in nen b~t.
printing department phan xtrong in. chat in (thtrong gQi LP). printing sequence thu tt,r in cac mau
printing device thiet bj in, thiet bj printing industry c6ng nghi¢p in. printing office vi¢n nghien cuu in. CO' ban tren may in mau.
danh may in. printing information th6ng bao tlnh printing opacity d9 ma in, d¢ kh6ng printing specimen ban mau in.
printing down phoi ban, in phoi. hlnh in. thau minh in, in kh6ng bong. printing speed toe d9 in.
printing down equipment thiet bj printing ink mt,rc in. printing paper giay in. printing stock giay in, n¢i dung nh~ in.
phoi ban. printing ink autioxidant agent chat printing plant nha may in, xtrong in. printing techniquie ky thu~t in.
printing elements b¢ ph~n nh~n uc che hay klm ham slJ kh6 m!Jc in.
printing plate ban in. printing technology c6ng ngh¢ in.
mlJC, bat mt,rc. printing ink drier chat lam kh6 m!Jc in.
printing plate material v~t Ii¢u ban in. printing term thu~ ngfl' in, tu VIJng in.
printing equipment thiet bj in, thiet printing ink engineering chemistry
bj phoi ban, thiet bj in phoi. printing press may in. printing test thf nghi?m in.
c6ng trlnh h9c mt,rc in.
printing error SIJ sai sot in, 16i in. printing ink industry c6ng nghi¢p printing press auxiliary equipment printing the verso tiep t1,1c in m~t
printing expenses chi phf in, chi phf
thiet bj b6 trq may in. sau, in m~t sau.
San XUat mt,rc in.
ph1,1c che. printing ink maker nha may san Printing press cooling system h? printing the white in trang phai, in
printing facilites thiet bj in. xuat rnt,rc in. thong lam I~nh may in. rn~t trtrck

512 513
33 • TflKH KTIAV
printing through process code block

printing through in tham sang m~t printout ttt li¢u in tu may tfnh hoac process code block ban in ba mau. process gallery phong ch1;1p anh che
sau [si.r c6]. may Fax xuat ra. . ban, ph1l.n XltO'ng Chl;lp anh che ban.
process color chart bieu d6 mau cac
printing too sharp thay d6i ban in. printout device thiet bj danh may in ra. mfo mau. process glue keo dung cho che ban.
printing trade nghe in. printout euqipment thiet bj danh process color ink mlfc in ba~u co ban. process ink mi.re in ban ba mau.
may in ra.
printing trouble si.r c6 in. process color plate ban in ba mau process lens 6ng kfnh ch1;1p anh. cheban.
printout paper giay in anh, giay phai
printing type chu roi, chu chl. ho~c b6n mau.
hlnh ve. process panchromatic plate ban
printing type face kieu chu in. pro~ color printing in ba mau co ban. kfnh phim kho che ban loan sac.
printout queue danh may in ra n6i tiep.
printing unit don vj in. process colors ba mau co ban. process photography thu~t ch1;1p anh
printshop phlln xttong in, xttong in.
printing varnish vec-ni in, !.ic b6ng, process colous chart bieu do mau cheban.
prism Hing kfnh.
dau lang b6ng. cac mau mau. process plate ban in cao ba mau, ban
prism spectroscope may quang ph6
printing velocity t6c d9 tin. process colour flat ban blnh ghep kfnh phim kho dung cho che ban.
Jang kfnh.
printing width chieu r()ng in thl_!C te mau s.ic. process printing in (ban) ba mau, in
private press in ttt nhll.n, doanh
cua may in. process control kh6ng che trlnh tl_! ( cong long mau.
nghi¢p in ttt nhlln.
printing without alcohol in khong ngh¢), kilm tra trlnh tl! (cong ngh¢). process screen ban ch1;1p anh tram.
private publisher ngttoi hay cOng ty
dung con. in xu!t ban ti.r chi phf. process control strip dai kh6ng che process technique cong ngh¢ ch1;1p
printing-and-developing machine privately printer xuat ban tl_! chi phf, hi¢n anh, dai kiem tra hi¢n anh. anh cheban.
may hi¢n anh phCli ban. in tl_! chi phf. process department phan xttong process white goat trang (dung Slla
printing-down apparatus may phoi ban. proceeding colour mau sac n6i tr9i, ch1;1p anh ch€ ban. ban).
printing-down frame may phoi ban. mau thay d6i trttoc.. process embossing in ep n6i, in n6i. process work ten g9i chung cong
process phttClng phap cong tac, qua process emulsion chat nhii tuong che ban. vi¢c ch1;1p anh che ban.
printing-down machine may phCli ban.
trlnh c6ng tac, phmmg phap che ban in, process zinc ban kem (in cao).
printing-down process phttoog phap phttoog phap ch~,p anh che ban, in ba process engraver cOng nhAn che ban.
phoi ban. mau ca ban, chyp anh phim tranh anh. process engraving ban ba mau, che process-block ban in cao (ch6ng
printing-down unit thiet bj phoi ban, ban ban anh n6i. mau) in mau.
process block chyp anh ban in cao,
gia khung phCli ban. ban in anh. process engraving ink mttc in ban processed product or good san
printing-image carrier ten g9i process camera may chyp anh che khac anh in n6i mttc in che' ban ban pham da gia cong.
chung cac lol!,i ban in, kitu cat hlnh ban, may ch~p in anh. in bamau. ' . processing sink ch~u nra anh.
ve, kieu cat anh va chu in. process chemical hoa chat cht! ban. process equipment thiet bi chup anh processing solution dung djch hi¢n anh.
printing-out paper (POP) giay in anh. cheban. . .
process coating mang cam quang ba:" processing temparature nhi¢t d¢
printings giay dung in. phoi, phi'.1 lap mang cam quang ban phe11, process film phim che ban. hi¢n anh.
514 515
processing tray

programming of typography

processing tray khay hi¢n anh. program chuong trlnh [may tfnh],
programming of typography trlnh projection printing in phoi ban chieu
trlnh tl;I'.
processing film phim khong hi¢n anh. tl! thiet ke siip chi! ch1;1p anh. sang ph6ng d~i.
processing method phm:mg phap gia program controlled computer may
progressive proofs in thu--phan mau, projection screen man bl!-c,
cong. tfnh di¢n tu kh6ng che trlnh tl;I'.
in thu Jong mau.
projective method phuong phap
processing workshop of postpress program date trlnh tl}' hang ngay, progs in thlt pha.n mau, in thu Jong chieu sang ph6ng d~i.
phan xuong gia c6ng sau in. chuong trlnh hang ngay.
mau. projector may chieu phim duong
processor may xu ly tin, may hi¢n program debugging tool c6ng c1;1 tlm prohibited book sach cam. ban, may ao
anh, may XL! Jy. thay va lo~i b6 nhfrng sai sot trong
project lam cho hlnh anh cua m¢t prologue loi tl}'a, phan mo dau cua
m¢t trlnh tl}', chuong trlnh may tfnh,
production capacity nang ll;l'c san xuat. bCrc anh chieu !en m¢t m~t phang, m¢t bai tho hay vo kjch.
may m6c.
chieu bong.
production control quan ly san xuat. promoter chiit XUC tien, chat tang XI.IC
program language type Jo~i hlnh
project planning keho~ch h~g m1;1c. tac, chat trq xuc tac.
production cost gia thanh san xuat. ngon ngfr chuong trlnh, trlnh tl}'.
project specification d~c diem ky thu~t promotion tuyen truyen, quang cao.
production line day chuyen san xuat. program maintenance quan Jy
h~g m1;1c, thuyet minh h~g m1;1c.
chuong trlnh, trlnh tl}'. promotion pieces san pham quang
production per hour san luqng trong projected mask ban che ph6ng chieu. cao, tai li¢u in quang cao.
m¢t gia. program package t~p hqp chuong
trlnh, trlnh tl}'. projecting lens 6ng kfnh ph6ng chieu. prompt ky hi¢u chi thj [may tfnh].
production press san luqng chfnh
program test thf nghi¢m chuong projection sl}' chieu hay duqc chieu, proof in thu, to in thtt, trang in thu.
thuc may in.
trlnh, trlnh tl}'. SI/ chieu phong ra m¢t hlnh anh.
proof copy ban mau in rhu.
production print san pham in chfnh thCrc.
programmable calculator may tfnh projection copy ban ph1;1c che phong
proof correction siia b6ng ban in thii.
production run in san luqng chfnh thCrc. chieu, ch1;1p ph1;1c che phong d~i.
c6 the 11,lp trlnh.
proof correction mark dau, ky hi¢u
production technique ky thu~t san xuat programmatic guillotine may xen
projection exposure ch1;1p ph6ng
siia bong ban in rhii.
chieu anh.
production workflow luu trlnh c6ng giay co l~p trlnh. proof impression in thii, in thf
ngh¢ san xuat. projection image hlnh anh chieu
programme paper giay giai thi¢u · nghi¢m.
sang ph6ng d~i.
professional knowledge tri thuc chuong trlnh tier m1;1c, giay in mem va proof in galley khay dai thq in dung
chuyen nghi¢p. mong. projection paper giay phoi ban chieu
sang phong d~i.
de in thu.
professional training hufu luy¢n programmer nguai J~p chuong trlnh cho proof in page trang ban in thu.
chuyen nghi¢p. projection platemaking phucmg
may tfnh, nguai I~p trmh, may I~ trlnh.
phap che ban chieu sang ph6ng d~i. proof in sheet to ban in thi'r.
profile m~t d.t d9c, m~t anh nhln pro~amming l?p trmh, trlnh tl! thiet ke. proof in slips ban in thli bang giay dai.
projection print in phoi ban chieu
programming aid nhung phuong ti¢n sang phong dai. proof mark ky hi¢u siia b6ng in thii.
profile paper giay t9a de), giay cat anh. de l~p tr1nh. projection printer may ph6ng d~i. proof paper giay in thli, ban in thi'r.
proof plate proprietary alcohol

proprietary alcohol ruqu bien tfnh, protective colloid chat keo bao ve.
proof plate ban in thi'.t. proofroom phong sua bai, phong doc
sua ban in thi'.t. . con bien tfnh. protective jacket bla giay rbi de b9c
proof press may in thi'.t. sach bla cung, bla b9c dia ti'r mem.
proprietary name ten thtrc:mg_~u
proof print San pham in thi'.t SCI b¢ proofslip bang giay dai ban in thu.
d¢c quyen. protective paper giay an toan, giay
chat ILrqng tot. propane propan, C3H8• bao v¢.
propyl (g6c) propyl, C3H1··
proof puller may in thi'.t, c6ng nhan propanol propanol. protective power l(!c phong h¢.
propyl-acetic acid axit propylaxetic.
in thi'.t.
propanone propanon. propyl alcohol ruqu propylic. protective support ban phong h¢,
proof pulling danh may in ban in thi'.t. bao v¢.
proportional enlarging and propylene propylen.
proof read d9c si'.ta ban in thi'.t. reduction theo ty 1¢ thu ph6ng. protective valve van an toan.
prospectus tb thuyet minh, tb quang
proof reeder nhAn vien d9c sua ban proportional font b¢ chir in khOng cao, tb btrom rao hang, tb quang cao protein protein, protit.
in thu, nhan vien si'.ta b6ng bai. cung m¢t kiiu va kfch ca. san pham. protocol ban dt,r thao dau tien cac
proof reader's error loi d9c sua ban proportional intensifier chat tang protect ink m~rc bao v¢. dieu khoan thoa thu~n.
in thu.
day ty 1¢, cAn xung. proteching film mang bao v¢. proton proton h~t cCI ban rfch di¢n
proof reading d9c sua lOi ban in tnll'. dtrang trong nha.n cac nguyen tu.
proportional reducer chat giam proteching mask mi,it n~ bao v¢.
proof sheet ban in thi'.t. mong ty 1¢, cAn xung. prototype nguyen mi\u, may mau,
protective bao v¢.
proof slip bang giay dai ban in thlf. proportional scale thtroc ty 1¢. may lam khu6n mfo.
protective action tac d1,mg bao v¢.
proof-correction mark dau, ky hi¢u provincial paper giay bao dja phtrang.
proportional spacing khoang each protecting varnish vec ni bao v?,
sua b6ng bai in thtr. chen r¢ng than chii khong can xung. Prussian blue xanh ph6.
protective coating lop phu bao v?,
proof-reader's mark dau, ky hi?u proportional typewriter may danh Prussian green l1,1c ph6.
lop m~ bao v¢.
d9c si'.ta b6ng bai in thu. chii dieu chinh chen r¢ng than chii
protective glass tam kfnh bao v¢. Prussian red do ph6.
proof-room phong d9c sua bong bai can xung.
protective layer lop bao v¢. PS plate (presensitized Plate), ban
in thu. proportional width d¢ r¢ng than chi'! PS, ban dii trang phu mang cam quang
proof-run ban in thu. khong can xung. protective mask m~t n~ bao v¢. chtra 1¢ sang.
proofer cong nhan in thu. proportional-spaced font b¢ chi'! in protection cover bla b9c bao v¢. pseudonymouns but danh, bi¢t hi¢u.
proofing s(! in thtr, ban in thu. chen r¢ng than chu khong can xung. p~otection guard cai ch1,1p b9c ngoai pseudoplastic flow dong chay rfnh
bao v¢.
proofing ink mt,rc in thtr. proportional-spacing mechanism ca gia djnh.

proofing machine may in thi'.t.

cau chen r¢ng than chii kh6ng can P~otective casing cai chyp b9c ngoai
bao v¢.
psychrometer dyng cy do d¢ am, am
public network m~ng ltroi.
proofing paper giay in thu. proportional spacing khoang each protective coating mang phu ch6ng
an mon, lop phu ngoai bao v¢. publication Sl;f xuat ban, sach xuat ban.
proofing press may in rhu. cAn xung.
publication by instalments
publishing firm

publication by instalments sach xuat publication year nil.m xuat ban. publishing firm nha xuat ban, hang pulping che ho (giay).
ban phan tung ky.
publications bulletin thong bao xuat ban xuat ban. pulse xung di¢n, m~ch xung.
publication date ngay thang xuat ban. publishing house cong t~y uat ban,
publications department phong bien pulsed lamp den xung di¢n.
publication day ngay xuat ban. l~p xuat ban. nha xuat ban.
pulsed-xenon lamp den xenon xung di¢n.
publication delayed xuat ban hoan ky. publications distribution phat hanh publishing of a book xuat ban sach
tranh. · pulp mill nha may b9t giay.
publication details of manuscript xuat ban pham.
xuat ban ve cac khfa qmh d~c diem publishing office CL;JC xuat ban, nha pulp strainer ray b9t giay.
publicity quang cao, tuyen truyen.
cua ban thao. xuat ban. pulp wood go lam b9t giay.
publicity material tl! li¢u tuyen publishing process qua trlnh xuat ban.
publication discontinued dlnh ban. pulper may nghien.
truyen, san pham quang cao r()ng rai.
publication division don vj xuat ban, publishing rights ban quyen.
publish phat hanh, xuat ban. pulpify nghien thanh b()t nhao; che
nO'i xuat ban. publishing trade nganh xuat ban. bien b¢t giay.
publication exchange trao doi xuat publisher nha xuat ban, ngtroi xuat ban.
publishing work cong tac xuat ban. pulpifying nghien thanh b9t nhao.
ban pham. publisher house nha xuat ban, cong
pull SI! keo, keo, tO miiu thtr. pulping (st,r) nghien thanh b¢t giay.
publication gravure ink m~rc in 16m ty xuat ban, xuat ban xii.
dung in sach bao. pull a proof in thtr. pulpy mem.
publisher's binding d6ng sach n6i
publication in arrear xuat ban hoan ky. chung, sach d6ng nhu nguyen ban. pull down menu tht,rc don h~ gia. pulverisation st,r nghien b9t.
publication information thong tin publisher's imprint giai thi¢u, thuyet pull type lay qui d~o bien. pulverize nghien b¢t.
xuat ban, tin ttrc xuat ban. minh ban sach, ten va dja chi nha xuat pull up mt,rc v6n l~i bong ra khi in pulverizer may nghien b(>t.
publication language ngon ngir xuat ban. ban 1hu011g in otrang ten sach. nen b~t.
pumice powder b¢t da b9t.
publication notice thong tin xuat publisher's reader ngtrbi d9c du y¢t pull-out fold tay gap d~ng gap ra
ban, thong bao xuat ban. ban thao o nha xuat ban, ngtrbi d9c thanh t~p hay s6. pumice stone da b9t.
stra bong bai onha xuat ban. pulled-out of its binding bong bla pump barn.
publication pattern hlnh thtrc xuat ban.
publisher's sheet to in xuat ban. cCrng [dong sach]. pump exhausting st,r hut ra.
publication postponed xuat ban
l10an ky. publishing xuat ban, nghi¢p Vl,I xua:t ban. pulley drive chuyen d9ng rong r9c. pump off born xa khi.
publication printing in sach bao. publishing agency CO' cau xuat ban. pulley transfer in chuyen lay miiu. pump out hut ra, barn ra.
publication size kho sach xuat ban. publishing bookshop be) ph~n thi pulp b¢t giay; b¢t go; b¢t nhao. pumping st,r barn,
publication suspended dlnh ban, lrl!Ong nghi¢p Vl;J XUat ban, Ctra hang pulp board bla b¢t giay.
pumping capacity nil.ng suat barn,
kh6ng dl!qc phep xuat ban. sach xuat ban. pulp colour mau b¢t giay. dung luqng barn.
publication title ten g9i xuat ban publishing empire xi nghi¢p xuat punch d1:1c lo, khoan 16, dau d(>t
P~lper may nghien h6 b9t giay
pham. ban l(m. [san XUat giay], may quay ho. khuon n6i Joi.
520 521
punch blank purifying

punch blank phoi khuon r~p n6i, punching machine may d¢t lo. purifying (sl!) tinh che, (sl!) tinh PVT (Page View Terminal) dau cuoi
khuon r~p n6i. Iuy¢n. ../ trang hi¢n anh.
punching press may d¢t lo.
punch card the dl;lc 18. purifying agent chat tinh che. pyramid heading tieu de hlnh thap.
punching system h¢ th6ng thiet bi
punch card paper giay the dl;lc 18. d¢t 10. · purifying material nguyen v~t li?u pyramid roller sap di,i.t trl;Jc 16 ml!c ·
tinh che. theo d;,i.ng hlnh thap.
punch cutter cong dieu khac khuon punching type chii chl ep r~p.
purifying plant nha may tinh che. pyramidal inking arrangement sap
n6i 16i.
punctuation character ky hi¢u cham di).t trl;JC 16 m11c theo d;,i.ng hlnh thap.
punch cutting machine may dieu cau, ky tl! cham cau. purple mau do tfa.
pyramidal structure cau true hlnh thap.
khac khuon duang. purpureal do tfa.
punctuation mark dau cham cau, ky pyramidon pyramidon,
punch press may r~p dt.1c 16. hi¢u cham cau. push button nut barn. CPNlCH3)4C6H5 [hoa].
punch register dinh vj dl;lc 18. punctuation symbol ky hi¢u cham cau. push finger kim barn giay. pyrocatechol pyrocatexol, C6Hi0H)2
punch register system h? thong may push-button nut barn. [hoa].
pure tinh khiet; s;,i.ch; nguyen chat,
dinh vj d¢t 16. thufo khiet. push-type side-guide qui tile chi dan pyrochromate pyrocromat, dicromat,
punch tape bang giay dl;IC 16. pure caustic potash kali cacbonat kieu barn, an. M2Cr201 [hoa].

nguyen chat. pusher may day. pyrogallic axit axit pyrogalic [hoa].
punch-pin registering system h¢ thong
thiet bi ghep ban dint vi dinh ghim. pure colour mau thuan khiet. pusher machine may day. pyrogallol pyrogalol, (OH) 3CJ-I3 [hoa].

punched card the dl;lc 18. pyrometer cao nhi¢t ke, hoa ke.
pure paper giay toii.n b9t go hoa h9c; put a gloss on danh bong.
punched card system he thong dan giay chat luc;mg tot. put down~ thay kieu chu nho [sap chu].
pyrophosphate diphotphat,
pyrophotphat, M4 P201 [hoa].
the vao dl;IC 16. pure-rag paper giay gom toan b(')t put in bo chii vao cac 6 h(')p chii.
gie rach. pyrophosphite diphotphit, ~P20 5 [hoa].
punched matrix khuon chu ep r~p.
put into print dua di in, xuat ban.
pureness d¢ tinh khiet. pyrophosphoric acid axit
punched paper tape bang giay dl;IC lo. put out xuat ban. pyrophotphoric.
punched tape bang giay dl;lc 16. purity d(') tinh khiet, d¢ thuan khiet.
put up sap thay kieu chu to [sap chii]. pyrophosphorous acid axit
punched tape reader may lien t~1c purification sl! tinh che, sl! tinh luy¢n. pyrophotphow.
putty s11 boi, sl! trat.
dua ra bang giay dl;lc 16. purified (duqc) tinh che, (dtrqc) tinh pyrosulphat pyrosunphat, M 2Si0 1 [hoa].
PV A (polyvinyl alcohol) ruqu
puncher may d(')t le), may khoan lo. luy¢n. polyvinyl, con polyvinyl, PV A. pyrosulphite pyrosunphit.
punching block ban ep khuon, khuon purified cotton bong tinh khiet, bong PVC (polyvinyl chloride) polyvinyl pyroxyline pyroxyline, nitrat
thep, khuon d¢t 10. hut nuoc. clorua, PVC. xenlulow.
punching forme khuon d9t lo. purifier thiet bi tinh che. PVP (polivinyl pyrrolidone) pyruvic acid axir pyruvic,
purify tinh che, tinh luyen. polyvinyl pyrolidon, PVP. CH 3.CO.COOH [hoa].
punching head dau may d9t lo.

522 523
-coat quadruple case

quadruple case h¢p dung cac Iinh quantify xac djnh s6 Iuc;mg.
ki¢n dung cho in.
quantitative analysis phan tfch djnh
quadruple fol~~r ma?' .g!p 1 Ian ra luc;mg.

b6n tay sach m61 tay sach 16 trang.
quantity Iuc;mg; so luc;mg; khoi luc;mg.
quadruple press may in bao giay
quarter giay b6i dan gay sach; m(>t
cu¢n ba mucri hai trang.
phan tu; muoi lam phut.
quaker colour mau thllm, mau sam,
quarter binding d6ng sach bla cCrng
mau toi.
dung da ho~c vai.
Q-coat giay Hqp thanh (ten thucmg quad Post kfch thuoc to giay 32x40 qualification chat Iuc;mg; nang !~re;
quarter bound board dung giay b6i
nghi¢p cua Cong ty giay Hqp Thanh tac Anh. trlnh d¢; tieu chuan chuyen mon.
lot tang d¢ cCrng cua bla sach va ru(>t
Nh~t Ban). quad Pott kfch thuoc to giay 25x30 qualification test kiem tra cMt sach.
Q-factor nhan t6 Q. tac Anh. Iuc;mg.
quarter cloth binding dong sach bla
quad cai chen vuong bang chl. quad ream ram giay tu khai (moi qualitative djnh tfnh; chat Iuc;mg. c(rng gay vai.
ram 500 to kh6 giay 8,5xl 1 tac Anh). qualitative ananalysis phan tfch dfnh quarter fold tay sach gap muoi sau
quad box h¢p dt,J'ng cac cai chen:
quad Royal kfch thuoc to giay 40x50 chfnh. trang.
chen chu, chen dong, chen khoang
tr6ng, mieng chen, con chen. tac Anh. quality chat Iuc;mg; pham chat. quarter leather binding dong sach
quadding them con chen vu6ng [sip quality control kiem tra chat Iuc;mg, bla c(mg gay da.
quad Crow kfch thuoc to giay 30x40
tac Anh. chfr], chen chu thing hang. kh6ng che cMt Iuc;mg. quarter page fold tay sach gap mtroi
quad Demy kfch thuoc to giay 35x45 quadrat con chen vu6ng, mieng quality control strip thang kiem tra Sau trang.
tac Anh. chen, thanh chen chl. cMt luc;mg, dai mau mau kiem tra quarter plate ban kfnh kh6 chup anh
chat Iuc;mg. kh6 8xl 1cm.
quad folder may gap tay sach m¢t quadrant cung m9t phan tu, thuoc
quality control system h¢ th6ng quarter tone ban in tram th6 dung
Ian gap b6n tay sach (moi tay sach 16 chia d¢.
kiem tra chat Iuc;mg. cho in bao.
trang). quadratic mean deviation tieu
quality cost gia thanh chat Iuc;mg. quarterly bao hang quf; tap chf xuat
quad Foolscap kfch thuoc to giay chuAn sai tr¢ch, sai s6.
qua!ity of fit chat luc;mg d~t tieu ban bon ky m¢t nam.
27x34 tac Anh. quadri-color process ban b6n mau. chuan duqc chap nh~n. quarterly review t~o chf xuat ban ba
quad guide chi dan qui each sl'.r d1,mg quadrigesimo-octavo sach b6n muoi quality print san phAm in chat Jucmg thang m9t ky (m¢t quf), bon ky m(>t
co chen vuong. tam trang. tot. . · nam.
quad left thing dau ben trai. Quad Royal kfch thuoc to giay quarto sach kh6 b6n, sach tCr khai.
quality trouble shoot each b6 cuu
quad line dong de trang. . 40x50 tac Anh. stia chfra st,t co chat luqng. ' quarto sheet giay kh6 b6n, giay kh6
quad Medium kfch thuoc to giay quadruple gap b6n Ian giay in may ~uantity of light quang Iuqng, Iuc;mg tu khai.
38x48 Uk Anh. toan chucmg (32 ban in). anh sang.
quartz th~ch anh.
524 525
quartz bulb

quartz bulb bong den th~ch anh. quick print in nhanh, in nh~ nhang. q.v (chCi' viet tat quod vide - chCi' la quotation marks Joi trfch din; c~p
quartz iodine lamp den iot-th~ch anh. quick printing in nhanh. tinh) co the xem (tham khao) 6:J!. dt_1 dau dan (' '), c~p dau ngo~c kep (" ").
m¢t dau ch Ci' th~p (+) chi dau do<_ln
quartz lamp den th~ch anh. quick printing chain organization quotation quad Janh go chen r9ng
tham khao.
16 chCrc day chuyen in nhanh. khoang tr6ng 16'n.
quartz sand cat th~ch anh. quoin chen ban dung nem nho.
quick return crank tn.1c quay tro Jai quote marks Joi trfch diin, do~n van
quartz-iodide hqp chat iot-th~ch anh. nhanh. · quoining chen ban ch~t; nem ch~t. trfch dan.
quartz-tube dryer thiet bi s,ry khO quick start khai d¢ng nhanh. quotation Joi trfch dftn; do<_ln trfch
quotes trfch diln.
den th~ch anh. diln; Janh-g6 to chen khoang tr6ng.
quick-drying ink m~rc kh6 nhanh. qwerty keyboard ban phfm tieu
query cau hoi, dau cham hoi (?), dau quotation furniture lanh go chen
nghi van (dung khi sua bong bai). quick-drying lacquer !Ac lang bong chuiin.
khoiing tr6ng.
kh6 nhanh, son bong kh6 nhanh.
query language ngon ngu nghi van,
quick-printer thq in nhanh, nha in
chat van.
nhanh, may in nhanh toed¢ cao
query service dich v1.;1 tu van.
quick-set ink mt,rc in kh6 nhanh.
question cau hoi, van de.
quick-setting ink mt,rc in kho nhanh.
question mark dau hoi (?).
quick test phep thu nhanh.
questionnaire form biiu, bang trung
quicksilver thuy ngan, Hg.
du y kien.
quicksilvering st,r phu thuy ngan, st,r
queue hang xep noi duoi nhau; sap h6n hong hoa.
xep thCr II,! [may tfnh).
quinol hydroquinon, C6HiOH)z;
queue discipline qui tile sap xep tht'.i' quinol; 0: C6 H 1/0H)CH 3•
ti,! n6i duoi nhau.
quinoline blue xanh quinolin.
queue file tai li?u, van ki?n si'tp xep
thCr ti,! n6i duoi nhau. quinoline yellow vang quinolin
(thuoc nhu9m axit).
queue priority cap uu tien sap xep
quinone quinon; benzoquinon,
theo thCr ti,! n6i duoi nhau.
C6H40 2 •
queued printing service trlnh ti,! djch
quire xen thep giay g6m 25 to giay.
Vl;J in xep theo tht'.i' ti,! noi du6i nhau.
quirewise imposition dan trang sach
queueing danh may in xep theo thCr lt!
dong 16ng, dan ban sach d6ng long.
noi duoi nhau.
quod vide (q.v) co the xem (tham
queueing process trlnh ti! cho dqi. khiio) b (thf dt_1 m9t dau chCi' th~p chi
quick nhanh; mau. dan do<_ln tham khao).

526 527
RH (relative humidity)
radio autogram

• radio autogram gui truyen vo tuy..en'di?n. ragged margin sap chit kh6ng thing
radioautogram anh ph6ng Xl/. tl! ch~1p. hang.

R radio-frequency cao tan; can s6 VO

radio-frequency drying St! lam kh6
cao can.
ragged right sap chii ben phai khong
thing hang.
ragged text ban van kh6ng thing

radio-frequency heat SIJ nung cao tan. rail duong ray tren ban ghep khuon
ban in.
RH (relative humidity) d9 am tuong doi. radian radian. radioactive ph6ng xi,i.
railroad dtrong sat, dtrong ray.
r.p.m (roll per minute) so vong quay radiant energy nang ltrqng buc X"1. radioactive ink mtJc in c6 tinh ph6ng x~
railroad furniture Ianh-go d<!-ng
tren m¢t phut. radioactive radiation buc Xl/.; ph6ng
radiant heat nhi¢t buc X"1. dtrong ray, dt.mg Cl;! do nghe ghep
X"1; tia ph6ng xa.
race way dtrong v~n hanh, qu'I di,io khu6n in.
radiant heat drier thiet bj say kh6 radioactive rays tia ph6ng x,J.
may bat tay sach. rainbow printing in mau cllU Vong.
nhiet buc xi,i.
rack thanh rang, gia may, gia hong radiograph anh tia X; anh ch1;1p bang
radiant heat zone mien nhi?t buc xa. raise letter djch chit len thing hang
ph6ng xa.
giay, gia ban in, gia h9p chi!. (sfra bai].
radiate buc Xl/., phat X"1. radiographic (thu¢c) anh tia X.
rack and pinion thanh rang va banh raise grain hl!-t n6i van (d6ng sach].
radiating (stJ) buc xa; (stJ) phat Xl/.. radiography phep ch1;1p tia X.
rang nho. raised band dai go gay sach, trang trf
radius ban kinh. dtrong go gay sach.
radial (thu9c) tia; (thu9c) ban kfnh; radiating capacity kha nang phat X"1.
buc xi,i. rag m"1t chi chfr in, gie rach (san xu!t raised face m~t Ioi.
radiating heat nhi?t buc X"1.
giay), vai lau, gie lau.
radial burner den xoe. raised grain hl!-t van n6i, be m~t xu x1.
radiating surface be m~t phat Xl/.. rag board cac t6ng hay b1a cung che
tlf b9t giay gie rach. raised inpression in ep n6i.
radial drying stJ lam kho buc xi,i. radiation SIJ buc x<;1; sv phat X"1.
rag cutter may cat gie rach. raised initial letter chit sap dau dong
radial grating la chfo ban kfnh (b9 radiation dose lieu Itrqng buc x<;1. co Jan.
ph~n quang h9c). rag paper giay san xuat tlf b<)t gie rach.
radiation pressure ap suat bl.IC X<;i. raised printing in ep n6i.
radial heat nhi?t buc xi,i. rag pulp b¢t ho gie rach.
radiation pyrometer cao nhi¢t ke raised type chfr Joi, chit n6i cao, chfr
rag sorting loft gian xtrong tuyen ch1 net dtrong.
radial heating gia nhi?t buc xi,i. buc xi,i.
ch<?n nguyen li?u.
radial routing cat b6 b¢ ph~ khong in. radiationless khong buc X"1- raised-letter printing thu~t in ep
rog stock bc)t ho gie rach. nhi¢t.
radial velocity v~n toe (theo) tia; v*n ·radiatior vat. buc xa;
. vat
. phat x<;1; cai ra~ged left sap chit ben trai khong raised-type book sach ban chit n6i
toe xuyen tam. toa (tan) nhi?t. thang hang.
(dung cho nguoi mu).
raising the typing line raster count
raising the typing line dong chir rapid nhanh. raster count so diem tram. rate of keying error ty suat ghi va
phat sai.
danh may dich Jen. rapid accelerator chat tang t6c raster data du li¢u tram hoa.
raking phay gay [dong sach vao bla nhanh. rate of oxidation toe d¢ oxi hoa, muc
raster date exchange trao d6i du li¢u
d(> oxi hoa.
keo nhi?t]. rapid analysis method phucrng phap tram hoa.
RAM disk (Rand access memory) cfia phAn tfch nhanh. rate of settling t6c d¢ ket tua.
raster display device thiet bi hien thi
RAM, b¢ nho truy xuat ngiiu nhien. rapid access hlnh hi¢n nhanh, Juu trii' tram hoa. rated duty cOng suat djnh muc.
ramie sqi ca.y gai [dong sach]. nhanh. raster graphics ky thullt d6 ho<;1 tram. rated power cc>ng suat djnh muc.
random ngau nhien, tuy ti¢n, ban phfm rapid clamping bar k~p ban nhanh. raster grid tram hlnh vuc>ng, tram ke rated voltage di?n iip djnh muc.
sap chir nghieng tren ban sap chil'. rapid developer dung djch hi¢n anh <> vuOng. ratio ty 1¢; h¢ thCrc; ty s6; h¢ s6, ty
random access truy xuat ngAu nhien. nhanh. raster Image Processor (R.I.P) thiet suat.
random access memory (RAM) b¢ rapid fixation slf djnh anh nhanh. bj XU ly anh tram.
rationalization hqp ly hoa.
nho cua may tfnh dung t~m thoi de rapid rectilinear lens thau kfnh tieu raster pattern hlnh d<;lllg tram, kieu
ratio of enlargement ty 1¢ ph6ng to.
Juu tru du li?u co the thay d6i ho~c sk song song. tram.
chuyen di. ratio of reduction ty I? thu nho.
rapid selector may tuyen ch9n nhanh raster pattern generator may t~o
random distribution phan b6 ng!u hlnh mau diem tram. ratio of shear ty 1¢ cat, xen.
vi phim.
nhien khOng theo qui tac. ratio of transmission ty 1¢ truyen.
rare hiem, ft co, loang. Raster pattern storage luu tru hlnh
random processing xu ly tuy ccr, miiu tram. ratio print anh in thu phong.
ngau nhien, tuy y. rare book sach hiem, siich quf.
raster scan quet tram. rattle keu Jach tach [giay in].
random-access memory (RAM) b¢ rare gas khf hiem; khf quf; khf Ioang.
raster timing d6ng b¢ tram, djnh thoi raw collodion colodion.
nha truy xuat ngiiu nhien, tuy y. rare metal kim Io~ hiem; kim lo~ quf. gian tram hoa.
random-access storage device thiet raw data du Ii¢u tho, du li¢u chua xu ly.
rarefation SI! pha loang. raster unit don vj tram.
bj luu tru truy xuat ngfo nhien, tuy y. raw emulsion nhii tucrng mai hlnh
rarefied (da) lam loang. rasterize tram hoa.
range ph~m vi, bien d(>, khu vlfc. thanh.
rarely used ft dung. rasterzer trlnh tl! tram hoii.
range of instrument ph~m vi thiet bj raw laser power cong suat nguon la-de.
rasical net chu Han cua b(> chu Han ratchet banh rang.
do, d6ng h6 do. raw material nguyen v~t li¢u th<>.
[dong sach].
ranged left chinh thftng hang ben trai. ratchet wheel vong biinh rang. raw paper giay m¢c, giay chua gia
rasp giiia tho c~nh bla sach [dong
rap sl;I' va d~p, S\f go. ra~e v~n toe; t6c d(>; muc d(>; phf cc>ng be m~t.
sach]. quang cao; chi phf.
rape oil dau h~t cai dau. ray tia x~.
raster diem tram, con each (b¢ pMn
rate constant hang s6 to d¢.
rapic acid axft oJeic quang h9c khi anh sang di qua hlnh ray filter lens kfnh l9c sac (d~ng
CH3.(CH2 h.CH:CH.(CH 2) 7.COOH. thanh quang ph6). rate of drying toe d¢ kho. phim).

ray of light ream paper l.

ray of light quang tuyen, tia sang. reader for the printer nguoi duy¢t ream paper ram giil'.y in. receptacle kho; do chua (h¢p, thung,
d9c b6ng bai cho may in. rui ... ).
R.C paper (resin coated paper) giay ream weight tr9ng Juqng ram giay.
Jang phu nlwa, giay in anh nhl!a. reader printer may in d9c duy¢t.
rear phfa sau, phfa dang sau. recess thu nho duong kfnh true ong.
re-back thay doi gay sach. reader's mark dau, ky hi¢u d9c sua l6i. recess printing in ban in lom.
rear edge phfa dang sau gay sach.
re-etching an mon l<li, an mon tling thu. reader's proof d9c sua n()i dung. recessed slug thoi chfr chi r6ng.
rear focus lieu diem phfa sau.
re-exposure chieu sang l<li, chieu reader's proof' and revise d9c sua recharge n.:.ip !.:_ii; n?p di¢n l<li.
sang m¢t llin nfra. n()i dung. rearrange sdp xep I.:.ii, b6 trf i?i, hqp l~i.
rearrangement SI! sdp xep !.:_ii, sg bo recharging (SI!) n.ip l?i; (st!) n?p di¢n
re-reeling cu()n l~i. reader's revise d9c sLra n()i dung. Iai.
trf lai, SI! hqp lai.
re-reeling machine may cu()n l~i. reader's sorter may phan lo~i d9c recipe dan thuoc; c6ng thuc pha che;
duy¢t. Reaumur scale thang Reomua (nhi¢t
re-set dfi.t l~i nguyen vi trf. dan pha che.
reaction phan (rng. read off tfnh, Mm. reciprocal movement v~n d¢ng qua I<li.
rebind sach dong khau li_ti.
reaction paper giay thir. reading d9c SO, soat so tren cac thang rebinding d6ng moi sach cu, dong I.:.ii reciprocal reaction phan t'rng thu~n
cac may do. nghjch.
reaction trap ngung phan @g, cham sach.
dut phan Crng. reading device thiet bi d9c duy¢t. reciprocal reference tham chieu ho
rebiting an mon SLra ban, an mon l<li.
reading machine may d9c duy¢t. tuang; liin nhau.
read out pulse d9c m~ch xung. reboot lam moi I.ii duong dan [may
reading matter d9c an philm. tfnh]. reciprocating compressor may nen
read-in chi dii.n d9c chfr, van ti!.
read-only attribute thu¢c tfnh chi dQC. reading room phong d9c sua bai. rebound d6ng sach l~i.
reciprocating ink drum tn.ic ml!C in
read-only file van ki¢n chi d9c. readjust di6u chinh !.:_ii. receding colour mau nh.it han. tjnh tien qua lai.
read-only memory (ROM) b¢ nho readout d9c ra. receipt form bien lai nh~n. reciprocating motion chuyen d()ng
chi d9c. ready indicator may chi thi d9c receive site phfa tiep nh~n, ben thu tinh tien qua I.:.ii.
read-only storage b() h.ru trfr chi d9c. [may photocopy]. nh~n. reciprocating movement v~n d()ng
ready proof press may in thii bang receiver may thu; b1nh chua; bQ ph~n qua I~i.
read-write head dau tu viet-d9c.
ban chfr rbi. thu; may thu nh~n. reciprocating pump barn pitt6ng.
reada bility tfnh de d9c.
reagent thu6c thu. receiving box thung chua. reciprocating roller tryc 16 ml!c
readable type chfr roi de d9c.
real image iinh th~rc. receiving flash b1nh thu. chuyln d¢ng tjnh tien qua I.ii.
reader ngtroi d9c, sach d9c, thiet bi
real ime thoi gian thl!c. receiving tank thung ch(ra. reciprocating saddle vj trf yen ngl!a
d9c, bien t~p vien, ngtrbi d9c duy¢t.
chuyin d()ng qua !.:_ii.
reader for the press ngtrbi duy¢t ream ram (don vi chi Juqng gia'y vf receiving tray ban tiep nh~n giay in.
reciprocity effect hi¢u qua trao dOi
b6ng bai cho may in. dy l ram giay = 500 to giil'.y). recension hi¢u dfnh, ban hi¢u dfnh. Ian nhau.
reciprocity failure recovery paper

reciprocity failure SI! that b<!-i chuyen reconstructed binding dong l<!-i sach recovery paper giily thu h6i, giay tai red copper oxide oxit dong do.
dOi Jii.n nhau. khong thay bla moi [dong sach]. sinh. red filter kfnh l9c sac do (phim).
reciprocity law lu~t chuyen doi Ian record ghi chep, ghi am, ghi hlnh. recovery silver SI! thu h6i bl/.C. red iron oxide oxit sat do, Fe20 3•
nhau. record card the chi dan. recovery of solvents SI! thu h6i Jiung red lead (oxide) minium chl, chl
reciprocity law failuer SI! thilt b<!-i record fac ket bla b9c dia hat. mOi. plumbat, Pbi(Pb0 4).
lu~t chuyen doi Ian nhau. rectangular screen tram hinh vuOng. red mercuric sulfide sunfua thuy
recorder may ghi am, ghi hlnh anh
recirculate tuan hoan. ho~c ca hai. rectification SI! chinh hru, SI! tinh cat. ngan do.
recirculation Sl,f tufo hoan kfn. recorder chart paper giay ghi chep rectifier may chinh ll!U; may tinh cat. red plate ·ban (in) do.
reclaim thu hoi; v~t tai sinh. bieu mau. Rectigraph may sao ch1,1p giay anh red printing in l6ng mau do.
reclaimed rubber cao su tai sinh. recording drum true ghi am. cu(>n. red prussiate of potash do kaki
recording drum tape bang ghi am. recto trang ben phai cua m¢t cu6n ferixianua; K 3[Fe(CH)6] [hoa).
reclaimed waste paper thu hoi giay
phe li¢u. recording head dau ghi am.
sach khi ma ra; m~t phai trang giily. red sensitive emulsion layer lop nhu
recto and verso trang ben phai va tucmg nhi,ty sang mau do.
reclaiming (SI!) tai sinh. recording hygrometer am ky' am ke
trang ben trai. red under gold mau do 16t vang, mau
reclaiming of silver thu hoi bl/.c. t~r ghi.
recto page trang ben phai. nen vang.
reclamation thu hoi. recording paper giily ghi dung cho
may ghi, may thu. recto sheet ta in m~t phai. redact bien t~p, bien soi,tn.
reclassification SI! phan lo<;ti l<;ti. redaction SI! bien t~p, tu sfra ban m6i.
recording space khoang each ghi, recuperability kha nang thu hoi.
recognition nh~n biet. khoang each thu. redevelop hi¢n anh li,ti.
recuperable thu h6i duqc.
recognition and control processor recording tape bang ghi, bang thu. recuperate thu h6i. redistillation SI! chung cat l<;ti.
thiet bt XU ly kilfm tra va nh~n biet.
recording thermometer nhi¢t ky, recuperated (da) thu h6i. redox SI! oxi hoa - khtr.
recognition memory b¢ nho nh~n nhi?t ky ti! ghi.
biet [nh~n biet chu]. ···,. recuperation SI! thu hoi; SI! tai sinh. redox chain ml!-ch oxi hoa - khtr.
recording unit thiet bi ghi, thu.
recombination SI! tai hqp. recycled fiber sqi tai sinh, sqi tai che. redox potential the oxi hoa - khtr.
recover quay l~i, tra li,ti, tai sinh, thu
recommended developer dung djch recycled paper giily tai sinh. redox reaction phan Crng oxi hoa -
hi¢n anh. red mau do. khtr.
recovery SI! thu l<;ti, SI! ph1,1c h6i (may
recomposition sap l<!-i ban m6'i. redox system h¢ oxi hoa - khu.
tfnh]. red board bla sach do, bla sach mem
recompression SI! nen l<;ti. vung chic deo dai. reds b¢t mau do, flobafen.
recovery of chemical SI! thu hoi hoa
recondition stra chua; kilfm tra; ph1,1c chat. re_d button nut ba'm dung may khan reduce hoan nguyen; giam mong; thu
cap. nho; khtr; giam; nghien nho.
h6im6i. recovery of silver SI! thu h6i bi,tc.
reduce printing ink reel spindle

reduce printing ink giam d() dfnh reduction gear banh rang giam t6c. reel spindle tr~IC quan CU(?l1 giay. re-exposure chieu sang ll_li.
ml!C in.
reduction of illustration thu nho reel splicer thiet bi dan n6i cu¢n giay. referee ngtrbi tham Ira ban thao.
reduced thu nho, thu g9n, giam bat. tranh anh minh ho<_l.
reel splicing dan n6i cu()n giay. reference qui chieu, Sl,f nhiic den; s~r
reduced image h1nh anh thu nho. reduction potential developer nang tham khao.
reel stand gia gac cu¢n giay.
Reduced Instruction-set Computer lt,rc khfr cua hi¢n anh.
reel star gia gac tryc 16i cu¢n giay. reference book sach tham khao.
(RISC) gian hoa chi dti.n h¢ thong reduction range ph<_lm vi giam mong
may tfnh. phim; ph~m vi thu nho. reel winding machine may quan Il_li reference card the tham khao.

reduced volum the tfch giam, the tfch cu¢n giay. reference lines tuycn tham khao.
reduction ratio muc d() nghien; muc
rut g9n. d9 giam thieu; muc d9 thu nho. reel-changing mechanism thiet bi reference mark dau, ky hi¢u tham
thay cu()n giay. khao.
reducer chat giam mong, chat hoan reductive agent tac nhan khu, chat
nguyen, chat pha loang, chat giam d() khfr. reel-fed gravure rotary may in 16m reference matter trang ph~, chu sau
dfnh m1Jc in. giay cu<)n. chlnh van.
redundancy llnh tn.rng du thua, d<) du
reducing agent chat kht'.r; dung dich thCra. reel-fed machine may in giay cu¢n. reference sheet gi!y b9c d¢m chuan
giam mong. reel-fed rotary press may in giay di:mg de 16t d(:m ban.
reed lau say; ltroi ga trong ken 6boa,
reducing and enlarging machine ken fagot, ken clarinet. cu()n. reference stimulus kfch thfch ban dau.
may thu ph6ng. reel-feed cu()n giay cap giay.
reed cu9n (phim, bang giay), cu¢n reference system h¢ qui chieu.
reducing capacity tfnh nang khfr, giay. reel-rotary press may in giay cu()n.
tfnh nang hoan nguyen. refill dong Iai sach.
reel arm loi 6ng cu¢n giay. reel-splicing mechanism thiet bi tiep
reducing glass kfnh thu nho. refined pulp b¢t gi!y tinh che.
giay tu giay cu9n.
reel brake b9 ph~n ham cu9n giay refine tinh che; che bien h.ti.
reducing machine may nghien, may cap giay vao may. reeled news cu9n giay in bao.
tan. refiner may quay ho; may danh ho;
reel core Joi giay cua cu¢n giay. reeling cu()n; tryc cu<)n (giay).
reducing medium chat giam mong. thiet bi tinh che.

reducing power kha nang kht'.r, kha

reel cutter may dao xen giay cu(m. reeling-off unit thiet bi trai ma cu()n refiner ground pulp bOt gif1y goc
nang hoan nguyen. reel lift xe nang h? cu9n giay. tinh che.
reelstand airshaft thiet bi d¢m khf
reducing solvent dung m6i pha reel of paper giay cu¢n. refining s~ tinh che, s~r tinh luy¢n, st,r
gi,i gac cu()n giay.
loang. can mong, SIJ Che bien il_li.
reel paper giay cu¢n.
reel star gia do cu¢n giay.
reflect phan Xl_l, phan chieu.
reductant chat khfr. reel room phong may ta.ch ma giay
re~! winding machine may thu h~i
reduction SI! kht'.r, giam mong, rut cu()n dia tang dtr6i phan xubng in bao. g,ay cu()n. reflectance h¢ so phan x~. ty 1¢ phan Xl_l.
g9n, giam dfnh, thu nho, pha loang. reel slitter may cat xe chia cu()n giay reflected image h1nh anh phfo x~.
re-etching an man !~Ii, an mon phan
reduction diagram bieu d6 thu nho. thanh hai, ba cu9n nho hem. do<_ln. reflected light anh sang ph,in chieu.

536 537

reflected light exposure meter register control system

reflected light exposure meter d6ng refract khuc x~. register control system h¢ thong register setting dieu tiet (in) ch6ng
h6 do Chl,lp anh di.mg anh sang phiin kiim tra Sl,l' ch6ng chuan mau. chufo.
refracted light anh sang khuc x~.
chieu. register system h¢ thong thiet bj djnh vj.
refraction St! khuc x~. register cross dau chu th~p (chong
reflecting light anh sang phan chieu. chufin mau), dau qui djnh khoang register table ban dieu chinh ban.
reflection St! phan quang, St! phan x~.
refraction coefficient h¢ so khuc X<;l. each.
register trouble djnh vj kh6ng chuan,
refraction of colour mau khuc X<;l. register device thiet bi chong chuan, Sl,I' CO in Chong.
reflection copy ban mau phiin X1!-.
refraction of light anh sang khuc X<;l. thiet bi dinh vj.
reflection densitometer may do m~t registered trade-mark dang ky
register difference in ch6ng chtta thttong hi¢u.
d9 phan x~. refractive index chi s6 khuc X<;l.
chuan, sai s6 djnh vi.
reflection density m~t d¢ phan x~. refractometer khuc x~ ke. registering chinh vj tri, (in) chong
register hole film puncher dl,lng Cl,! chuii'.n xac.
reflection factor h¢ so phan xl,l. refractor kfnh khuc x~. d¢t 16 dinh vj phim.
registering cross dau chu th~p djnh vj.
reflection prism Jang kfnh phiin x~. refresh c9 nia s~ch bong; d6i m6'i, register hole perforation dl._lc 16 djnh vj.
registering mark dau djnh vj.
reflective index chi so phiin x~. lam m6'i. register line dttong djnh vi khoang
each. registering mechanism thiet bi djnh
reflective mirror gttong phan x,.t. refresh rate toe d¢ d6i m6'i, lam m6'i,
vi, thiet bj chinh vj tri ban.
c9 ri'.ra s~ch bong nhtt m6'i. register mark dau quy djnh khoang
reflective scan quet anh phan xa. registerscope (may) thiet bj quan sat
refrigeration St! lam l;_lnh. each, dttong qui djnh chu th~p.
reflectivity tfnh phan chieu; nang life djnh vj in Chong mau.
register observation device thiet bj
phan X~; h¢ SO phan Xi,l. refrigerator may Jam l~nh, tu l~nh. registration dinh vj chong chuan,
quan sat djnh vj.
reflectogrphy each sao chl,lp anh regenerate Jam l;_lnh. chinh vi tri ban in ch6ng mau chuan.
register perforation dl,lc 16 djnh vj.
sang phiin x~. registration accurary d¢ chfnh xac
regenerating agent chat lam J~nh.
register pin chot khoa djnh vj. in chong mau.
reflectometer phan x~ ke.
regeneration St! tai sinh, s~r thu h6i. register printing - down frame may
reflector kinh phan quang, kinh phiin x~. registration mark dau c
regional edition xuat ban dia phcri lien tyc [vua chieu sang vua thao
hong chuan mau.
reflecx copy ban mau phan x~. phttong. tac lap ban].
registration wheel banh xe in ch6ng.
reflecx copying phl._lc che phan x~. register djnh vj, dieu chinh ban, may register punch d¢t 16 djnh vi.
registrum dau gap.
reflecx exposure chieu sang phan x~. ghi so, may ghi chep. register punching d¢t Jo djnh vj.
register and line-up table ban dieu reglet cai chen chi, thanh g6 chen
reflccx paper giay in anh dung each register rack thanh rang djnh vj.
[s!p chu].
Sao Chl,lp anh sang phan X1!-. chinh djnh vj.
register roller true dieu chinh in
regression of latent image hi¢n
reflecx print in anh phiin x~. register board ban chong mau. ch6ng ehuan [may in quang].
tttqng giam bat anh an.
reflecx process phttcmg phap sao register control device thiet bi kiem regi~ter rule qui tac (in) ch6ng
regular dryplate ban (kfnh) kho ph6
Chl,lp anh sang phan X~. tra St! chong chufin mau. chua.n, v~ch (in) ch6ng chuan. thong.

538 539

regular feeder

regular feeder b<) ph~n cap gifty ttI reiteration in m~t sau. relic di tfch, di v~t. relief printing plate ban in n6i, ban
d9ng h<;l giay deu d~n.
rejects thCr pham [in ho~c dong sach relicate sample lay mih1 ph1;1c che. in cao.
regular film phim kh6ng tang d<) kh6ng hqp qui each).
relief ban in cao vf dt;1 ban khilc go, relief printing press may in ban in
nh<;ly sang.
regular size kfch thuoc thuong dung.
relative co lien quan; can d6i voi· ban kem; phu dieu, van n6i. cao.
tLtcing doi. '
relief and polishing method phuong relief process phuong phap in n6i.
regular type tieu chuin chCi' roi. relative aperture lo 6ng kfnh; d¢ ma phap phim chuyin den trang dung (1 relief valve van thoat khf.
regulate dieu chinh, dieu tiet, hi¢u 6ng kfnh tuong d6i [may anhJ. ban in da.
chinh chfnh xac. relative command m~nh l~nh tuong religious sign chu roi ky hi~u t6n
relief block ban in !6i, ban in cao. giao.
regulating device thiet bj dieu chinh,
d6i [may tfnh che ban tranh].
relief developing machine may hi~n
thiet bj dieu tiet. relative coordinate to~ d<) tuong doi. remainders sach u d9ng, sach econ
anh ban in Joi.
l~i kh6ng ban dtrqc.
regulating range ph~m vi ctieu chinh, relative density m~t d<) tuong d6i.
relief embossing ep n6i.
ph~m vi dieu tiet. relative error sai s6 tuong d6i. remark bj chu, thuyet minh.
relief embossing machine may ep
regulating screw vft ctieu chinh, vft relative humidity d<) Am tLTO'ng d6i. van n6i. remarque ban in phac thao duong
ctieu tict. vien hay duang c6ng-tua.
relative luminosity curve ducrng relief engraving machine may khac
regulating valve van ctieu chinh, van Cong bieu thj d9 sang llfO'ng doi. phu dieu n6i. Rembrandt intaglio ban in lorn
dieu tict. Rembrandt [ho<;l si Ha Lan the ky 17).
relative temperature nhi~t d¢ tLTong relief etching an mon phu dieu, ch~m
regulation Sll cfieu chinh, cfieu tiet. d6i. n6i, cao thap. Rembrandt photogravure ban in
regulator thiet bj dieu chinh, thiet bj relative transmittance ty I~ thau x~ lorn Rembrandt.
relief halftone ban in tram n6i, ban in
hi¢u chinh chfnh xac. tuong d6i. tram dung cho in cao. Rembrandt process phuoog phap
regulator tube 6ng dieu chinh 6n ap. relative viscosity d(> nhat tuong doi, che ban in lorn Rembrandt.
relief line 6ng dan thoat khf.
d(> dinh tuong d6i. remoisturizer tlliet bj tai lam ain giay.
reimpose dieu chinh m~t ban in, silp relief lithography in lit6 ban in n6i.
chfr l~i ban moi. relay may chuyln tiep di~n.
relief map ban d6 dja hlnh n6i. remoisturizing spray thiet bi tai
reimposition b1nh ghep ban m6i. relay valve van may chuy1fo tiep di¢n. phun mu lam ifm giay (dung sau khi
relief offset in 6p xet khong dung am, lam l~nh cu9n gifty).
reimpression in them, in tang so release mo ra, phat hanh phan mem,
in op xet ban in cao.
luqng. noi long (m¢t b(> ph~n may).
relief offset printing in 6p xet ban in cao.
remote access data processing xu Iy
reinforced binding gia c6 (dong) sach. release agent chat thoat khu6n. dCi' li~u tu xa.
relief paper giay in ban in cao.
reinforcement st1 tang cuong ho~c released paper giay boc tach ra. remote assistance vi~n trq tu xa.
duqc tang cuong, tai li¢u tang cuong. relief plate ban in cao.
reliability tfnh dang tin c~y. remote compute may tfnh vicfo tr1nh.
reinforcing gia c6 tay sach [dong reliability of service str d1,mg chAc relief print san pham in ep n6i.
remote console ban dieu khi~n.
sach). chftn, co thi tin cay. relief printing in n6i, ban in ep n6i. kh6ng che tu xa [m~ng luoi].

remote control equipment
remote control equipment thiet bj repack dong goi l~i. report bao cao, sach dieu tra, h9i bao. reproduction photography optics
dieu khien tll' xa.
repair sua chfra. report file van ki¢n bao bieu. quang h9c chl,lp anh phl,IC che.
remote data processing ky thu?t xu
ly dfr li¢u tu xa. repair part b¢ ph~ sua chfra. repped finish gia c6ng Ioi !om hlnh
reproduction photostat may in anh
trl}'c tiep.
repair shop phan xuong sira chfra. d~g song.
remote data terminal thiet bj dau reproduction plate ban (kfnh) kh6
cu6i dfr li¢u tu xa. repeat l~p I~. hanh d¢ng I~p I~, nhcic ra. reprint in sao, sao ch1,1p, tai ban, in l~i.
ch9p anh che ban.
remote destination nai den tu xa. repeat mark Mu nhac l~i. l~p l~i. reprint edition tai ban.
reproduction process phuang phap
remote device thiet bj tu xa. repeatability d6 r6 net lap l~i (ghi reprint-copy ban in sao, ban in anh. phl,IC Che.

remote inquiry tham van tu xa. chep net ve]. repro sao ch1,1p. reproduction proof ban in thtr phl,lc
che s~ch.
remote intellgent terminal thiet bj repeatability measure do It.rang d9 repro proof ban m!u s~ch dung de
dau cu6i the hi¢n kha nang hieu biet
r6 net li,ip l~i. cheban. reproduction pull ban in thtr che ban
tu xa. s~ch.
reperforator may d1,1c 18 I~i. reproduce sao ch1,1p, ph1,1c che.
reproduction ratio ty 1¢ ph9c che, ty
remote maintenance duy trl bao h9 repetition border dtrong vien trang reproduceable c6 the ph1,1c che (in)
tu xa. l~ thu phong phl,IC che.
trf net hoa l~p l~i. duc;,c.
reproduction scale ty 1¢ phl,lc che.
remote network control program repetitive setting sap chfr li_ip di li,ip l~i. reproducibility tfnh CO the phl;IC Che
chuang trlnh kiem tra m;,tng tu xa. reproduction typing each danh may
replace d6i ch6, thay ch6 [may tfnh]. duc;,c.
(chfr) phl,IC Che.
remote printer may danh chfr tu xa. reproduction Sao Chl,lp, phl;IC Che, San
replacement part phan thay the hay rcprographic paper giay ph1,1c che'.
remote workstation ~ c6ng tac mxa dtrc;,c thay the. pham ph1,1c che, phien ban.
reprography thu~t sao ch9p.
remote-control kh6ng che' tu xa. replenish b6 sung, Jam day l~i. reproduction camera may ch1,1p anh
cheban. repros ban in thll' che ban s~ch.
removable c6 the tach rm hoi_ic thao replenisher dung djch b6 sung cho diiy.
roi ra; c6 the di d9ng duc;,c. reproduction copy ban mau che ban. republication tai ban.
replenisher tank thung hay be cMa
removable cartridge drive h9p bjt dung djch b6 sung. reproduction film phim che ban. republish tai ban.
kin dt,rng Ong ml}'C CO the di d9ng required hyphen kh6ng the ltrc;,c bo
replenisher solution dung djch b6 reproduction now chart bieu d6
duc;,c. dau n6i chit.
sung. trlnh ti}' che ban.
removable copper shell boc lop m~ required hyphen character kh6ng
replica san pham ph1,1c che, san pham reproduction lens thau kfnh che ban.
d9ng. the Iuc;,c bo dau n6i chfr.
sao l~i dung nhu th~t.
reproduction paper gia.'y sao chl,lp,
remove xoa bo [may tinh]. required space kh6ng the Iuc;,c bo
replica plant nha may ban san xuat. gia.'y in Chl,lp.
gian each.
remove noise khu tieng 6n.
replicating xuat ra ban danh may, reproduction photography thu~t required space character kh6ng the
rename d~t l~i ten van ki¢n. ban sao [sap ch1,1p]. Chl,lp anh phl,IC che.
luqc bo ky hi¢u chfr gian each.
requirement resistance probe

requirement yeu dlu, nhu cau, dieu resin coated paper (RC paper) giay resistance probe dau do may do restore SlJ tai nh~p [may tfnh].
ki?n, qui each. in anh phu nhlJa ciim quang.
nhi¢t d9 di?n tro. restrainer chat uc che'.
rerun v~n hanh l~i, l~p l~i v~n hanh resin copal nhua copan, g6m copan. resistance to ageing tfnh ben lao hoa.
m6i. resume l~i tie'p tyc, gianh chiem ll,li;
resin dammar gom damma. resistance to etching solution dung h6i ph~1c [may tfnh].
research nghien c(ru. resin granule h~t nhlJa. djch ch6ng an mon. retaining screw vft c6 djnh.
research institute vi¢n nghien cuu.
resin powder b9t tung huong, b9t resistance to rupture tmh chong ~ nut. retardation time thai gian keo dai,
research laboratory phong thf nhlJa th6ng. thai gian tr1 tr¢.
resistivity di¢n tr& suat.
nghi?m nghien c(ru. resin varnish vec ni nhlJa.
resole nlwa phenol fomandehft. retarder chat ch6ng oxy hoa, cha't
reserved matter ban di! phong, ban resin-bonded pigment printing in lam ch~m phat trien.
dlf trii. resolution SlJ phan giai, SlJ hoa tan; st.r
nhu9m. retrieval system h¢ tMng thiet bj
tach, il!c tach hlnh.
reserved roller tryc di! phong, tryc resin-insulated (thu9c) nhlJa each kiem tra dii li¢u.
di! trii. resolution power il!c phan giai, llJc
di?n, each nhi¢t. reticulate c6 hlnh m!t lu6i.
tach hlnh.
reservoir be chua, blnh chua. resin-wax vehicle chat t~o mang reticulation giay than c6 nep nhau.
resolution of precipitate SlJ hoa tan
reset siip l~i ban moi. n(1lJa sap ffilJC in.
ket tua. retouch si'.ra ban.
reset edition ban sap l~i mai. resinate resinat, mu6i cua axit nhlJa. retoucher cong nhan si'.ra ban.
resoluving power llJc phan giai, llJc
resident program chuong trlnh resinate drier chat lam kh6. tach hlnh. retoucher painting out si'.ra ban.
thuang tn1, trlnh t~r thucmg tn1. resinated colour gia cong pfch mang resoluving power test chart bieu do retouching st'.ra ban.
residual albumin anbumin du thua. mau. do thf nghi?m llJc phan giai.
retouching and stripping desk ban
residual chenicals hoa chat du con !.,ti. resinated pigment gia cong pfch resonant vibration dao d9ng c(>ng sua ban va b6c mang.
mang mau. huong.
residual coating lop phu du thua tren retouching brush but long sua ban.
ban in [s~r c6]. resinic ester ette nhlJa. resource nguon tai nguyen.
retouching colour mlJc mau si'.ra ban.
residual solvent dung moi du thi:ra. resinic acid axit nhlJa. resource allocation phAn ph6i nguon retouching department phAn xuong
resist mang ch6ng an mon. tai nguyen.
residue tan du, chat i!ng c~n. sua ban.
resilient CO tfnh dan hoi, CO (IJC dan hoi. resist film mang chong an mon. resource-sharing nguon tai nguyen retouching desk ban Sl!a ban.
c9ng huong.
resilient plate ban in dan hoi [ban in resist rapid pan paper giay ciim retouching dye thuoc nhu9m siia ban.
cao SU, ban in photopofyme]. quang toan sil.c ben nu6c toe d9 cao. response phan ung (duang cong)· su
dap trng, d9 nhanh nh~y. ' · retouching frame ban si'.ra ban.
resin nhlJa vf dy nhlJa thong, nhlJa resist stencil mang chong an men
retouching ink mlJC t6 phu Straban.
t6ng hqp, gom. ban in ni'.ra bang ni'.ra chlm. rest position tr.,tng thai tinh.
retouching mirror kfnh ph6ng d~i
resin binder chat lien ket nhlJa. resistance di¢n trO, trO (lJC. restart lam I~i m6i tu dau [may tfnh].
dung Sl!a ban.
retouching paint
reverse plate ~

retouching paint mt,rc st'.ra ban. reversal development hi¢n anh reverse plate ban in m~t sau, ban in reversing St,! d6i chieu, dao ngtrqc trang
retouching stand ban st'.ra ban.
chuyen ngtrqc.
dao nguqc, ban in am. den, dao htr6ng, dao ngtrqc trai phai.
retouching varnish lac bao v¢ st'.ra ban. reversal emulsion nhu ttrang dao
reverse printing in m~t sau tren giify reversing arrangement thiet bj dOi
retractable web mechanism ca cfo thau minh. htrong.
dao ngttqc cu<')n giay. reversal film phim chuyen ngtrqc.
reverse pyramid 18 nh~n mt,rc hlnh reversing device thiet bj d6i htrong.
reversal film processor may hien chop tren ban in lorn.
retransfer ink mt,rc viet nhan ban reversing key khoa quay Jui J~i.
anh phim chuyen nguqc. .
(viet Jen giay than). reverse reading d9c duy¢t ngtrqc
reversal intermediate phim chuyen reversing lever can chuyen d¢ng Jui
retransfer paper giay viet tai nhan huong. ngtrqc htrong.
ngtrqc gian tiep.
ban, giay than, giay nen. reverse side m~t sau.
reversal original ban mau g6c dao reversing mirror gtrang dao htrong.
retransfer process phtrang phap viet
ngtrqc. reverse type chii' am, chii' ngtrqc trang. reversing prism Jang kfnh dao
truyen qua giay than.
reversal print film phim dao ngrrqc reverse video hi¢n thj tfn hi¢u ngtrqc htrong.
retransfering vie! truyen qua giay than.
(dtrang). htrong nhln [hi¢n thj]. reverso trang s6 chan, trang ben trai.
retreat contact angle g6c tiep xuc co le.ti.
reversal prism Hing kfnh dao hrrong. reversed image hlnh anh ngtrqc, hlnh revert chuyen ngtrqc tro l~i.
retree giify thu cap. ngtrqc.
reversal process phtrang phap review blnh Ju~n; t~p chf; ban bao cao.
retrievable capacity nang It,rc tra cuu chuyen ngtrqc. reversed left to right hlnh ngtrqc tlt
(tin tuc ). trai sang phai. revisal dfnh chfnh; st'.ra I~i.
reversal-type emulsion nhu ttrcmg
return St,! quay trO Jai ho~C quay tro v6. Jo~i dao ngtrqc. reversible co the dao ngtrqc, chuyen revisary (thu<')c), d6i chieu, st'.ra I~i.
return character dau chii' quay tro l1_ti. reverse cover bla m~t trai. ngtrqc. revise ban in tht'.r bong Ian thu hai,
reversible counter d1,1ng c1,1 dem so ban hi¢u dfnh.
return instruction chi 1¢nh quay trb ve. reverse drive chuyin d¢ng nguqc
huong. nhay hai htrong tien va Jui. revise the cylinder st'.ra gia lap tr1,1c 6ng.
return stroke trlnh tt,r quay trb ve.
reverse etching ban an mon dao reversible cycle chu ky thu~n nghjch. revised hi¢u dfnh, tu st'.ra I~i.
revenue stamp tern thue in hoa; con
nguqc den trfog. reversible film phim co the dao
dau co khac ho~ tiet. revised and enlarged st'.ra I~i va tang
reverse feedback tMng tin phan hOi ngtrqc anh. them s6 ltrqng.
reversal St,! dao ngtrqc, St,! chuyen
chuyifo ngtrqc.
ngtrqc. reversible printing unit thiet bi in revised and enlarged edition st'.ra l~i
reverse indention sap chii' thu nho hai m~t. · va tang s6 Jtrqng ban.
reversal bath dung djch hi¢n anh
bat dau tu dong thCr hai (sap chii'].
chuyen ngtrqc vf d1,1 tu anh am sang reversible process qua trlnh thuan revised edition ban dfnh chfnh, ban
anh dtrang. reverse left to right in dao trb m~t nghjch. · cai chfnh .
. trai sang mi/.t phai.
reversal colour film phim mau dao reversible reaction phan ung thuan revised pages trang dfnh chfnh.
ngtrqc. reverse method phtrang phap dao trc'1. nghjch. ·
revised proof in tht'.r da qua st'.ra chii'a I~i.
revised standard version ribbing "'--

revised standard version ban tieu rewinder may cu<)n li,\i, may cu6n 11!,i. ribbing vet X9C [St! CO]. rede l6ng mau.
chuan dfnh chfnh. rewinder-slitter machine may chia ribbon dai bang danh dau trang sach rider tn:1c 16 dan m(!c deu, trt,1c 16
revised version ban dfnh chfnh, ban cu(>n va quan lf.\i. dang d<?c; dai ruy-bang danh may. ch~n m(!c.
sua l?i. rewinding cu<)n h.1.i, quan 11!,i. ribbon carriage h<)p d[!ng ruy-bang. rider ball kh6i tron ep giay.
revising punch st'.ra ban in !om dung rewinding machine may cu9n ll!-i, ribbon feed mechanism CC1 cau dan rider roller trt,1c 16 dan mt,rc deu.
dui, d¢t. may quan ll!,i. dai ruy-bang. riding changer trt,1c 16 dan m(!c deu,
revival xuat ban l?i moi. R.G.B display man hi?n hlnh mau ribbon folder may gap biio khong tryc 16 ch~n m(!c.
revivification St! tai sinh; SI! tai ho?t. do, h..ic, xanh lam (Red, Green, Blue). dung bang ban tam giac.
riding roller trt,1c 16 dan m(!c deu.
revolution vong quay (ll!,i); xoay rhea cay gai, sqi gai [d6ng sach]. ribbon guide thiet bj huong dan my-
right arrow dau mui ten ben phai.
chuytfo (ll!,i). bang.
rheograph may ghi dong (dl!,ng s6ng). right hand page trang s6 le, trang
ribbon litf guide thiet bj huong diin
revolution counting device thiet bj rheology tfnh ltru bien; hru bifo h9c. ben phai.
nang dai ruy-bang.
ghi so vong quay.
rheology of paper tfnh bien dan h61 right margin le trang ben phai.
ribbon lift mechanism co cau nang
revolution meter dong h6 do vong
cua giay. dai ruy-bang. right of authorship quyen tac gia.
rheometer di¢n llru ke, huyet toe ke. ribbon marker bang h,ia danh dau right of publication xuat ban quyen.
revolution per minute so vong quay
rheopexy tfnh xuc bien; St! hru ngi:rng. sach.
trong m¢t phut. right reading d9c duy?t huong phai.
ribbon reverse control thiet bj
revolve quay tron. rheodamine rodamin. right side m~t phai giay.
kh6ng che dao nguqc dai ruy-bang.
revolving quay tron, tulin hoan. rhodamine dye thu6c nhu(>m right-adjust chinh le ben phai.
ribbon spool h¢p d[!ng my-bang.
revolving character disc dia chu right-angle cut xen, dt vu6ng g6c,
ribbon zone selector thiet bj tuyen
kiiu quay tron. rhodamine pigment b<)t mau r6damin. thfu1g g6c.
ch9n vung mau my-bang.
revolving diaphram cua dieu sang rhodium red do r6damin. right-angle fold to gap vuong g6c.
ribbon-in them bang sqi.
quay tron, diapham quay tron. rhodium chloride rodi clorua, RhCl2 right-angle folding each gap vuong g6c.
rice paper giay cu<)n thu6c la, giay gi_\O.
revolving door cua quay tron chong [hoa].
rice starch tinh b¢t gl/.O. right-hand indent sip ccr thu nho
anh sang phong toi. rhodium trichloride rodi triclorua, ben le phai.
rice water mroc chao.
revolving table ban bit tay sach quay RhCl 3 [hoa]. right-justify sip chfr thang hang ben
tron. rhomboid screen diem tram hlnh rich binding d6ng sach tinh xao.
rewet lam am 11!,i. thoi, diem tra~ hlnh day xfch. rich black mau den phong phu. right-reading image hlnh anh m~t
rewind cu¢n lf.\i, quan l?i. rhomboidal hlnh thoi. rich colour mau thii.m, mau d~m. phai.
rewind delivery nh~n giay quan li,ti. ribbed kraft paper giay crap van nh1in- ricing gi!fy kh6ng d6ng deu. rights ban quyen.

548 549
rigid coupling Rogers typo graph

rigid coupling b¢ ph~n n6i tn._1c ct'rng, ripper may d.t d9c, may xe d9c. Rogers typo graph may sap due chu roll-fed platen press may ep phing
n6i tryc ct'rng. Roge. giay cu(>n.
ripple nep nhan, nhau [giay in], vet Mn.
rigid disk dia cung. rod que nho, que tron nho. roll-film camera may chyp anh che
ripple finish gia cong vll.n nhau.
ban phim cu()n.
rigid drive b¢ ph~n dia tll' ct'rng. roll tn,1c hoa vll.n [d6ng sach], tryc
riser de ban in, vf dy de ban in kern,
cu()n giay, tryc 16 mt.re, tryc ep hoa roll-film process camera may chyp
rigidity tfnh ct'rng, d¢ ct'rng. dong.
van [d6ng sach]. anh che ban phim cu(>n.
rigidity test phep thu d¢ ct'rng. rising space vet blin tren mat San
pham in. . roll bearer gOi dci tryc. roll-film slitting machine may cat
rim man bien til.p hi¢u dfnh. phim cu(>n.
rising type con chu bj nh6 khoi dong roll coater may trang phu kieu tryc.
rimmed type kicfo chu net manh c6 b6.ng. roll-leaf cu¢n giay ml:l mong [ep n6iJ.
chu. roll doctor dl,lo gl,lt tryc.
ring khoanh tron (sua bai); vong; river sand cat silic. roll-leaf stamping may ep cu¢n gi!y
roll end tryc giay cu()n dung giay b9c
nhll.n (thmn). mong kirh ]ol,li.
rivers duong each trang (tren rn~t ban kfn hai dau.
ring binder d6ng k~p vong to roi. roll-leaf stamping press may ep
sap chfr). roll fed rotary tryc cu()n giay may in
cu¢n giay mong kim lol,li.
ring binder mechanism cc, cau k~p rivet dinh tan, dinh rive. cu()n (quay tron).
to roi vong thep. roll-stand gia de cu¢n gi!y.
riveting tan dinh, tan rive. roll feeding tryc cu¢n giay cap gi!y
ring binding d6ng sach ta roi hlnh vao may. roll-to-roll press may in cuon tu
roan da de mem [d6ng sach]. cu(>n giay vao ra quan ll,li cu()n giay.
vong tron. roll film phim cu()n.
roast san , pham nung; nung; d6t; roll-up process phuC10g phap an mon
ring crush test thf nghi~m tfnh chju roll of board tryc cu()n cac t6ng.
nuang. ban kem (loi, n6i).
nen giay.
roasting St! hong khO; (st!) dot; (st.r) roll of paper tryc cu()n giay. rolled book sach cu6n tron.
ring crusher may nghifo tf~IC.
thieu; (st!) nuang.
roll of unprinted paper tryc cu(>n roller tryc; tryc 16 ml;fc; dau tryc.
ring crushing St! nghien tryc. robot nguoi may, r6 bot. giay chua in.
roller adjisting device thiet bj dieu
ring gaye ap ke lo XO. Roca process phuC10g phap che ban roll screen man hlnh d~ng cu(>n. tiet tryc 16 m~rc.
ring network ml,lng luoi hlnh tron. trl;fc tiep ban in Jorn Roca.
roll set cu()n ll,li [giay in]. roller bearer g6i dci diiu tryc.
Rinmann's green mau lye Rinman. Rochelle Salt muoi Rosen,
roll ticket nhan hi¢u cu¢n giay. roller bearing vong bi dau tryc, cai
KNaC4 H4 0 6 •
rinse c9, rua. roll up nhil.n (bit) ml;fc, nhil.n (bat) nuoc. d?m diiu tryc.
rocker ban ltrqc chai hlnh rang ctra
rinsing st.r c9 rua, sue, tliy trfog. (dung che net tram ban d6ng). roll wrapper may bao g6i giay cu()n, roller casting apparatus may due
rinsing trough mang c9 rua. giay dung bao g6i cu¢n giay. tryc 16 mt.re.
rocker tub ch~u hay khay hi?n anh.
roll-fed offset printing press may in roller cleaner thiet bj rua 16 mt.re.
rip slit vet rach, vet rl,ln. Rockwell hardness d¢ ct'rng Roc-oen
6p-xet giay cu()n. roller cleaning brush ban chai n'.ra 16 ml;fc.
ripening St! chfn, St! gay chfn. (Rockwell).

roller cleaning device
Roman letter (type)

roller cleaning device thiet bj riia 16 roller stripping tr~1c 16 kh6ng bat
mt1c. Roman letter (type) chu kilu Ro rosin nhl!a; nhl!a thong; colophan.
nh~n mt1c.
roller cleaning knife dao g1_1t riia 16 roller swelling tryc lo phong r¢p. rosin oil dau thong.
mt1c. Roman numerals chu so kilu Ro
roller track gia gac tryc 16. manh. rosin oil varnish vec-ni nhl!a thong.
roller coater may trang phti d1_1ng tryc.
roller trough mang riia tn.1c 16 ml;l'c. Roman type chu kieu Ro manh. rosin size keo nhl!a, keo nh1,l'a thong.
roller coating trang phu d1_1ng tryc.
roller washing nia tryc 16 ITI\!C. ROM - read only memory b(> nh6 rosin spirit pinolin, tinh dau thong.
roller composition thanh phan cau
roller washing and treating solution chi d9c [may tfnh]. rosin spot vet d6m nhl;l'a thong [16i
t1_10 tryc lo m~rc.
dung djch xii ly va rira s1_1ch lrl1c 16 mvc. ronde kieu chu viet, kieu chu Iron. san xuat giay].
roller cooling lam l1_1nh tryc 16.
roller washing machine thiet bj rua roofing paper giay phu nhl!a duong. rosin varnish son nhl;l'a thong; son
roller core Joi tryc 16 cao su. 16 ml;l'C. dau nhl!a thong.
room temperatur nhi¢t d¢ phong.
roller covering vo b9c tryc 16. roller washing unit thiet bj riia 16 ml;l'c. rotaprint san pham in cua may in
root directory myc lye goc [may tfnh]. gi!y cu(>n.
roller embossing tryc khac ep in n6i. roller-squeege tryc cao su Ian ep g1_1t
nuac. root sign ky hi¢u goc.
roller fork gia tryc 16. rotary quay tron; may in quay.
roller-top-of former !rye kieu dao ROP (run-of-paper) nh~t bao ph6
roller gauge dyng cy cto lt1c ep tryc lo rotary arc lamp den ho quang quay.
cat giay tu nhieu cu(:m giay ra to rai. thong, vj tri quang cao tren bao.
tiep XI.IC VOi be m~t ban in.
rotary balance can bang d(>ng.
roller-washing medium may riia.tryc ROP colour quang cao mau tren bao.
roller glazing m~rc khong barn tryc 16
16 m~rc. rope paper b¢t giay che tu cay day. rotary binder may d6ng sach kii!u
mt1c [SI! CO m~t 16 bl). quay.
roller leather tr~1c 16 da. rolling ep Ian; (s~r) can; su can nhifn roping vet nhan huang d9c xeo gi!y
bong giay. [SI! co]. rotary board cutter may xen bla
roller marks vet x9c tryc 16 m~rc. quay Iron.
rolling contact tryc Ian tiep xuc. rosaniline base mau lye goc kiem.
roller mill XltOng Che !1_10 tryc 16 ml;l'C. rotary camera may chyp anh kilu
rolling mill may nghien ml;l'c. rose mau h6ng. quay.
roller mould khuon che ti_lO tn.lC 16 ml;l'C.
rolling press may ep tryc; may in. rose copper dong do.
roller printing each in ep Ian tryc. rotary collator may bat tay sach kilu
rolling-up cha ml;l'C tren m~t ban in. rose lake sac to son mau do. ban quay.
roller rack gia tryc 16.
rollshaft tryc cu¢n giay. rose quartz th1_1ch anh hong. rotary collator unit ban bat tay sach
roller re-conditioning tu siia 1n1c lo ml;l'c. chuyen d¢ng quay.
Roman kieu Ro man. rose water nuac hoa hong.
roller runner tryc lo Ian tren m~t ban.
Roman capital kieu chu hoa RO rosein rosein, fucsin. rotary colour scnning machine may
roller setting ctieu chinh tr~1c 16 !TI\!C. manh. quet mau hlnh tr6ng quay tron.
rosette chu trang tri van hlnh hoa
roller socket lap b9c tryc lo hlnh 6ng. Roman figure chu so kii!u RO manh. hong. rotary copy board gia d~t ban mliu
roller streak vet s9c tr~1c 16. kiiu quay.
Roman letter chu kii!u Ro manh. rosette copper dong do.
rotary cut off xen, cat quay tron.
rotary cutter rotary printing paper

rotary cutter may xen giay tn,1c dao rotary mirror stroboscope may hoai rotary printing paper giay in dung rotating diaphram diapham kieu
quay Iron. nghi?m guong quay. · cho in quay, in cu6n. quay.
rotary exposure unit lhiel bj chieu rotary mixer may dao tr(>n tnl_l'C quay rotary printing press may in quay, rotating drum image scanner may
sang kieu quay. tron. in cu6n. quel anh d~ng lryc tr6ng quay.
rotary folder 1hiet bj gap kiiu quay. rotary news ink mt.tc in may in bao rotary proof press may in thtt quay rotating speed toe d9 quay.
giay cu(>n. tron.
rotary folding knife dao gap tay sach rotating stop diapham kieu quay.
kieu quay. rotary nylon brush ductor true J6 rotary reel slitting machine may rotating thermometer nhi~t ke quay.
chai nuoc nilong quay tron. · xen quay xe giay cu(>n.
rotary gatherer may bat lay sach rotation Sl! quay ho~c bj quay, quay tron.
kieu quay. rotary offset machine may in 6p-xe1 rotary ruling machine may ke dong
giay cu(>n. rotation viscosimeter nhot ke quay.
rotary gravure in ban in lorn may in kieu quay.
giay cu(>n. rotary offset press may in op-xel rotational viscosimeter nhot ke quay.
rotary screen llroi tron.
giay cu(>n. roto section tren bao chi b9 ph~n chi!
rotary gravure ink mt.tc in lorn may
rotary screen holder khung luoi tron. va anh dung ban in lorn.
in gi!y cu(>n. rotary perfecting press may in quay
hai m~t. rotary screen press may in luoi quay rotogravure thu~I ch1,1p anh quay ban
rotary ink mt.tc in may in giay cu(>n.
Iron. in lorn.
rotary perforating unit thiel bj dye
rotary intaglio printing machine
lo quay lrc>n. rotary screen printing in luoi quay rotogravure copper cylinder tr1,1c
may in lorn giay cu9n.
Iron. 6ng ban in 16m.
rotary photogravure in ban in lorn
rotary knife dao xen kieu quay.
quay Iron. rotary sheeter may xen quay cu(>n giay. rotogravure ink mt.tc in lorn may in
rotary letterpress may in quay ban quay.
rotary photogravure ink mt.tc in ban rotary silk screen printing in luoi
in cao. rotogravure offset in op xet ban in
in lorn quay tron. quay tron.
rotary letterpress ink mt.tc in may in lorn.
rotary photogravure press may in rotary slitter dao xen Iron.
quay ban in cao. rotogravure paper giify in ban in Jorn.
lorn quay Iron.
rotary letterpress machine may in rotary varnishing machine may
rotary planer may bao quay tron. rotogravure plate ban in in lorn.
quay ban in cao. Jang bong quay tron.
rotary plate ban chl cong (tron). rotogravure press may in !om giay
rotary machine may in quay Iron, rotate quay tron.
may in r6taty. rotary positive holder gia lap ban rotating copyboard ban mau g6c rotogravure printing in ban in lorn
mau kieu quay. kieu quay.
rotary machine ink mt.tc in may in giay cu9n.
quay, mt.tc in ro1a1y. rotary press may in quay, may in cu6n. rotating cylinder printer may danh rotogravure screen tram in lorn.
rotary magazine press may in quay rotary press minder 1rubng may chfr kieu quay, may danh chfr qua cAu.
rotogravure vehicle chat lien ket
in sach bao. mity in quay. rotating cylinder scanner may que1 m~rc in 16m.
rotary minder cong nhan may in quay. rotary printing in quay, in cu6n. tryc lr6ng quay.
rough tho, xu xL

554 555
rough calf round stereo caster

rough calf da de th6, xu xl [dong round ve tron gay sach [d6ng sach]. round stereo caster may due ban chl routine inspection kiem tra thll'ong
sach]. ky, kiem tra djnh ky.
round back gay tron. cong.
rough determination st! xac dµm sa b(>. round stop diapham tron, cua dieu routine maintenance duy trl thOng
round base de (ban) Iron.
rough drawing buc ve phac thao. sang may anh tron. thLrOng.
round bending machine may u6n
rough dusting hut b1;1i sa b9. cong tron. round-corner cutter may cat goc tron. routine method phuang phap thong 1¢.
rough edge mep C<_\nh Sach son. round box h9p tron. rounded back gay sach tron. routing thong thubng, thubng 1¢, blnh
rough edition sach son mep. round brackets dau ngo~c tron. rounded corners goc sach tron. thuong.
rough finish St! ep nhan SO b(> bla dily. round corner goc sach tron. rounded trang trf vong tron [d6 an routing machine may khoan ban.
rough layout d~t trang m~t ban in sa b(>. hai vong tron giln lien v6i nhau row hang, day.
round cornering machine may cat
thuong dung b bla sach].
rough paper giay m9c. g6c tron. royal kfch thuoc to giay 20x25 tll'.c
rounded may ve gay tron.
rough proof ban in thtr sa b9. round diaphram diapham tron, cua Anh.
dieu sang may anh tron. rounding (sir) lam cho tron.
rough pull ban r~p in thti sa b¢. royal blue phAm xanh, mau xanh lam
round dot diem tram hlnh tron. rounding and backing ve gay tron. xfrm.
rough register long chufo sa b¢.
round graver dao khilc dau tron. rounding and backing machine may royal octavo sach kh6 tam (6,5x10
rough sketch ban ve phac thiio, ban ve gay tron. ta'c Anh).
ve the hi¢n y phac ho<_\. round hand kieu chu lrcm.
rounding bending machine may uon royal purple mau tfa.
rough surface paper giay be m~t round head screw dinh vft dau tron.
gay tron, ve gay tron.
khong nhan. round letter chu hlnh tron. royalty tien ban quyen tac gia, tien
rounding machine may ve tron.
roughen lam cho xu xl, trb nen xui nhu~n but.
round number s6 trcm.
xl, nham. rounding roller tr1;1c ve tron.
rub ma sat; mau in.
round nut e-cu hay dai 6c tron.
rougher may phay ban xu xl, g6 ghe. roundlet trang trf hoa Vong tron nho
round pick diem dom tren mi).t ban chl. rub fast ink m~rc in chju ma sat.
mau vang kim.
roughing (st!) gia cong sa b¢. rub out xoa bo, cha sat, lau rua.
round plate ban chl tron, ban chl cong. roundness d¢ tron.
roughing machine may phay ban
round plate finishing machine may route nguoi hay dan vj d~t mua hang, rub resistance l~rc ben ma sat, tfnh
khong phllng.
gia cong ban chl cong. tuy€n duong, 19 trlnh, duong di. · chju ma sat.
roughness d9 tho, d9 xu xl, d¢ nham.
round screen kfnh tram tron. r?~te of the sheets tuy€n duong dfo rub-off xoa, lau S,:lch, c9 si:tch, tli'.y
roughness tester may, d~mg c1;1 do d9 g1ay. s~ch mau mire in.
nham m~t giay. round serif duong chan chu tron.
router may khoan ban. rub-proof (thu9c) chju ma sat.
roulette tr1,1c Ian duong ltr6i [dung . round steel thep tron.
SU'a ban in Jorn], lr~IC ke chi [dong round stereo ban chl due tron, ban router head dau miii khoan ban. rubbed binding d6ng sach mai gay.
sach], duong trang trf 6 gay sach. chl due cong. routine th6i quen; thong 1¢; djnh ky. rubber cao su.

556 557
rubber back binding rubbered roller

rubber back binding dong sach gay rubber plate printing press may in rubbered roller tr1,1c 16 cao su. rule bender d~mg Cl,! uon Cong dUong
boi keo cao su. ban in Cao bang Cao SU. ke, dao thep be h¢p.
rubbing ma sat, ban in r~p.
rubber belt conveyor bang chuyen rubber plate vulcanizing si.r lttu hoa rule bending machine may uon cong
rubbing down solution dung djch
tai bAng cao SU ban in cao SU. duong ke chl.
tiiy vet biln dau.
rubber blade ban hay dao gl).t bang rubber printing in ban in cao su. rule border khung duong ke.
rub bingedition ban in r~p.
cao su. rubber printing plate ban in cao su. rule caster may due dong ke chl.
r ub bing off 16p mlJc qu¢t xoa bj nhoe
rubber blanket tam b9c cao su. rubber printing press may in ban in [SI! co], bong IDIJC [SIJ c6). rule cutter may d.t duong ke chl.
rubber blanket cylinder tr1,1c 6ng cao su. rule frame khung duong ke.
rubbing test thf nghi¢m llJc chju c9
ban Cao SU. rubber ride lump roll tr1,1c ep giay sat cua giay. rule work ban bieu mii.u.
rubber block ban in cao su. bang Cao SU .
rubbing-in ink mlJc dung cho in r~p. ruled glass screen kfnh tram.
rubber cement chat dan cao su. rubber roller trl;Jc lo cao su. mi.re hi¢n anh.
ruled paper giay ke 6li.
rubber CUt ban cao SU, ban in Cao rubber sponge b9t bien cao SU. rubbing-up cha mlJC !en ban in, xoa
gom ban in. ruling dUong ke, dLrong Vl).Ch.
bang Cao SU . rubber squeegee ban gl).t cao su.
rubproofness tester dl;lng c1,1 do d9 ruling ink mlJC nuoc in giay ke.
rubber dressing ban d¢m du6i tam rubber stamp con dau cao su.
cao su. ch ju ma sat tai li¢u in. ruling machine may ke dong.
rubber stereo ban in cao su due.
rubber engraving ban in cao bang rubric de ffil;JC, chuyen ffil,IC, dilu de ruling pen but ke dong.
rubber transport tape bang tai cao su. chw:mg tiet, lieu de mau do.
cao su (flexo). ruling up kiim nghi~m d9 chfnh xac
rubber type chfr roi cao su. rubricated book sach them tieu de ban blnh ghep hlnh ve, tranh ve.
rubber gravure roll ban in !om cao su.
rubber V-belt day dai chfr V cao su. chfr mau do.
run s6 lugng in, v~n chuyen, v~n
rubber hand roller tn}c 16 cao su Ian tay.
rubber-banding each t<:10 thanh kieu ruby da mau h6ng ng9c, mau h6ng hanh (trlnh llJ).
rubber hardness d¢ cung cao su. ng9c.
day dai cao su [may tfnh ve hlnh]. run bearing 6 bi chl).y tron.
rubber hardness tester d1,1ng c1,1 do rubber-based adhesive chat dan g6c ruby character chfr ph1,1 chu, chfr chu run dry lam khO.
d¢ cung cao su. thfch.
cao su.
run in chay vao, r6t vao.
rubber lined v~t li~u d¢m 16t cao su. rubber-coated paper giay lang phu Ruca process phuong phap che ban
tri.rc tiep ban in lorn Ruca. run off in ra, danh may ra; chily ra,
rubber plate ban Cao SU, ban in cao cao su.
r6t ra.
bang Cao SU . ruck giay bj nhan kh6ng phing [slJ co}
rubber-covered cylinder tr1,1c b9c run on khong nglit doi;m, kh6ng thay
rubber plate grinding machine may cao su. r~le duong gl).ch, duong Vl).ch, duong dong, slip chfr dau dong thing c9t
mai ban ban cao SU. rubber-covered distributor roller ke chl, dau Xe rach, thU6c do. kh6ng thl;lt vao.
rubber plate ink muc in ban in cao lfl,IC 16 Cao SU truyen mlJC. rule and lead cutter may dt phi-le, run on sorts khi slip chfr khoi lugng
duong ke chl.
bang Cao SU. rubber-covered roller tr1,1c 10 cao su. Ion su dl;lng chfr d~c thu.

558 559
run out run job

run out chay ra; kh6ng sap thl;lt dau

dong; dong chua chen cac thoi chen.
runners con Ian, chii s6 tren hang s6
chi r5 C<_lnh tr<_lng.
' rush job cong vi¢c in gap. rustless kh6ng gi.
rush work c6ng vi¢c in. rustless steel thep kh6ng gi.
run over tai li~u sap chir VL!qt qua running v~n chuyen, in chfnh thuc Russia leather da Cl'.1a Nga di:mg cho
san luqng, in siin luqng. rust free paper giay ch6ng gi.
kho, phan sap chu chuyen sang trong d6ng sach.
[si\.p bao chf, bai van v.v ... ]. running current di¢n ILru cong tac. rust-preventive paper giay ch6ng gi.
rust gi, ri.
run ragged ben phai c¢t chu khong running food chu giai duoi chan rust-proof (thu¢c) ch6ng gi.
rust grease mo ch6ng gl.
thing. trang Chii XUat hi~n lien tl;JC. rust proof paper giay ch6ng gi.
rustiness SI! gi.
run through ruling duong g!_tch di running head ten sach tren dau
qua cac c¢t chu. trang, dau M ngoai khung, c(>t chfr.
running heading dau de hay tieu de
run up colour in long mau khong
qua in thu.
xuat hi~n lien tl;Jc. •
running headline dau de ngoai
run up the ink dua ml!c in vao mang
khung, c(>t chir.
running light v~n hanh khong tai,
run-in b(> ph~n ghep them vao, sap ch~y kh6ng tiii.
chii tiep.
running number s6 Iien tl;!C, s6 tuan nr
run-of-paper vi trf quang cao thong
running perforator b(> ph~n dl;lc lo
thuong tren bao hang ngay.
huong d9c khi v~n· chuyen.
run-of-paper colour quiing cao mau running speed t6c d¢ v~n chuyen.
tren giay bao.
running tape bang (tu) giay chi l~nh
run-of-paper colour printing in mau kh6ng chinh hang.
tren giay bao.
running time thoi gian v~n hanh; thbi
run-short s6 luqng in kh6ng du. gian thao tac.
runarounds chu thfch do~n hyp ben running title ten sach tn~n dau, ten
q.nh chfnh van. sach de tren dau trang, ten sach ngoai
khung c(>t.
runic kieu chii tho d~m.
running-in ch!_ty thu.
runnability tfnh dan chuyen giay
running-in wheel banh xe Jan nho
ch~n giay.
runner bowl tn.lC Ian tren ban de ban. running-on in chfnh thuc, in san
runner rail thanh ray tren ban de ban. luqng.

560 561
36 · TflKHKTlAV
s.p.h (sheet per hour) safelight lamp

safelight lamp den an toan trong safety valve van an toan.

buong t6i.

safflower oil dau hoa h6ng.
safeness of printing in an toan.
sal muoi.
safety slf chin chil.n, SI! an toan.
sal ammoniac amoni clorua, NH4Cl
safety bar can an toan, v~ch an toan. [hoa].
safety cock khoa an toan. sales book manila so chi thu ke toiin
dung giay manila.
safety device thiet bj an toan.
s.p.h (sheet per hour) s6 to in m&i gio. saddle sewing machine may d6ng sales forecast dlf bao tieu thL.1.
safety device for incorrect feeding
sach ky ma.
Sabattier effect hi¢u (rng Sabatie. thiet bj khong che cap giay an toan. sales kit k~p tu li~u cua nhAn vien
saddle stitching d6ng sach ky ma. tieu th~1 ban hang.
sack tui, bao tai. safety film phim an toan, phim khong
sack making machine may lam tui,
saddle stiching machine may d6ng de chay. sales leaflet to roi quang cao.
sach kY. mii.
may lam bao tai. safety glass kfnh pha le an toan; c6c sales manual chi dfo ban hang.
saddle ,,ire stitching dong thep ky ma. dot an toan.
sack paper giay lam bao tai. sales promotion literature tai li¢u in
saddle-stiched booklet sach kh6 nho safety guard bang bao hiem. quang cao hang hoa, thuang pham.
sack paper machine may lam bao tui
d6ng thep ky mii.
giay. safety ink mlfc in an toan. salicylic acid axit salixilic,
safe concentration n6ng de> an toan. HOC6H4COOH [hoa].
sad colored c6 mau t6i, c6 mau d~m. safety light anh sang an toan.
safe current dong di¢n an toan. saliter diem tieu, natri nitrat, NaN0 3
sadden lam cho mau t6i them, nhu(>m safety lighting chieu sang an toan.
mau d~m. safe heat transfer SI! truyen nhi¢t an [hoa].
toan. safety lock thiet bj an toan.
saddening agent chat Jam cho mau salmiac amoni clorua, NH4 Cl [hoa].
d~m them. safe load phL.1 tai an toan. safety paper giay ch6ng lam gia,
salt muoi, mu6i an.
giay trai phieu, giay co phieu.
saddle gay sach cong h1nh yen nglfa, safe operation thao tac an toan. salt cake sunfat; natri sunfat, Na2S04
gay sach tron. safety paper base stock nguyen lieu [hoa].
safe working pressure ap suat lam
g6c lam giay an toan. .
saddle binder may dong sach kY. ma. vi¢c an toan. salt effect hi¢u ung mu6i.
safety quoin cai nem ban (bat chfi).
saddle binding d6ng sach ky ma. safe working strength cuong d¢ Jam salted paper giay dl!flg muoi an.
vi¢c an toan. safety rules qui tile an toan.
saddle gang stitcher may d6ng sach saltpeter kali nitrat, KN0 3, diem tieu,
kY. ma. • safe-edge mep c~nh an toan (giay safety spectaches kfnh bao hiim. xampet [hoa].
pich mang).
saddle plate ban sach gay tron h1nh safety stop may khong che an toan. same size nguyen ca.
yen nglfa. safeguard phong h¢, bao h(>.
safety switch d6ng mo bao hiim, same-size reproduction ph1,1c che
safelight anh sang an toan. an toan.
saddle sewing khau sach ky ma. nguyen ca.

562 563
satined paper

Sammel druck in van hoa nhieu sanitari wrapping paper giay boc
satined paper giay Jang bong. saving galley khay de ban dg trfr.
mau, in kieu ~p h9'P nhieu mau. goi v¢ sinh. ·
satinizing machine may Jang bong. saw dao Ian hoa; ct.ra.
sammel printing in van hoa nhieu mau. sanitation v¢ sinh.
saturability tfnh bao hoa; d¢ bao hoa. saw cuts riinh khau chi gay sach
Sammeld ruck in 16ng mau. sans serif kieu chfr khong co chan.
saturable bao hoa dt.rqc. saw trimmer may CU'a ban.
sample m!u thii; san pham thii. sanspareil case h(>p chfr roi co nhieu
6 ngan. saturant bao hoa. saw-bind xen phang gay sach
sample book sach mau. [d6ng sach).
saponarin saponarin [hoa]. saturate lam bao hoa.
sample copy sach mau. saw-in ct.ra ranh khau chi.
saponifying (s~r) xa phong hoa. saturated (da) bao hoa, (da) no.
sample sheet ta mau. sawing in wa dfnh khau chi
saponin saponin [hoa]. saturated colour mau bao hoa, mau no. [d6ng sach].
sampling mau true.
sapphire ng9c lam Al2 0 3 • saturated compound h9'P chat no. sawing machine may ct.ra ban.
sand cat.
saturated hydrocarbon hidrocacbon saxe blue xanh xam.
saran saran [chat deo polivinyliden
sand acid axit flosilicic, H2SiF6 [hoa]. clorua]. bao hoa, hidrocacbon no. saxin saxin, sacarin.
sand blowing s{! lam ma bAng phun cat. Saran film phim saran.
saturated humidity d¢ am bao hoa. saxolin vazolin, ma khoang.
sand glass thuy tinh cat. saturated solution dung djch bao hoa. scald nau, dun soi, hft'p.
satellite droplet v¢ tinh gi9t nh6.
saturated vapor hoi bao hoa. scalding sg nau, sg dun soi, sg hap.
sand mill may mai cat. satellite press may in kieu v¢ tinh.
saturated vapor pressure ap suat hoi scalding process qua tdnh nau, qua
sand paper giay rap. satellite system he th6ng may in kieu bao hoa. trlnh hap.
sand sugar dt.rang xat. v¢ tinh.
saturated volume the tfch bao hoa scale ty 1¢, tht.r6c chia d¢, d(> khac,
satellite type web offset press may (hoi nt.r6c). m~t chia d(>.
sand spot d6m cat [tren m~t giay].
in 6p-xet kieu v¢ tinh.
sandarac sandarac [hoa]. Saturation S{! bao hoa; S{! tAm. scale beam don can.
satin cohite nguyen li¢u mau trfog.
saturation bath dung djch bao hoa. scale computer may tfnh ty 1¢.
sandblast grainer may t~o h~t phun satin finish trang trf bong min tron
cat, may mai ban phun cat. saturation capacity d¢ bao hoa; d¢ am. scale division chia khic d¢.
sandblast graining ban mai phun cat. saturation index chi s6 bao hoa. scale effect hi¢u ung d(> chia.
satin-gloss black mu(>i den.
saturation point diem bao hoa; diem no. scale factor h¢ s6 d(> chia.
sanders giay rap. satin ink m{!c in bong.
scale load tai tr9ng tieu chuan.
sanding mai c~nh bien sach. satin white sac to tring, b(>t trftng ~atur~tion pressure ap suat bao hoa,
ap suat hoi bao hoa. scale micrometer td.c vi ke chia d¢.
bong (h&n h9'P nhom hydrazit, da voi
sanitari (thu¢c) v¢ sinh.
va canxi sunfat) (giay). save ton tn1, dg trfr, danh d~1m, tiet ki¢m. scale of enlargement s6 Ian ph6ng
sanitari paper giay v¢ sinh. saving data dfr li¢u dg trfr. di_ii, ty 1¢ phong d<_li, d¢ ph6ng dl,li
satine lam bong.
[kfnh hien vi].
scale of hardness scavenging period

scale of hardness bang chia d9 cung. scanning beam chum tia sang quet hlnh. scavenging period chu ky rua. scoring and creasing machine may
scanning circuit dong di?n quct hlnh. ep gap han.
scale of image ty I~ hlnh anh, tranh ve. scent khf vi mlJc in.
scale of magnification ty l? ph6ng diµ. scanning copy ban miu quet hlnh. scoring apparatus thiet bi ep gip hin.
scented ink huong vj mlJc in.
scanning drum tryc tr6ng quet hlnh, scoring line duang gap han [lam h<)p].
scale of reduction ty l? thu nho. scentless khOng c6 khf vj.
tryc quet hlnh. scoring press may ep gip han.
scale of reproduction ty l? phyc che. scentless colour pham mau khOng c6
scanning engraver may khac Ioai scoring rule thanh dao ep duong Mn.
scale of roughness bang chia d<) quet hlnh. · khf vj.
nham, d9 xu xl. scentless ink mlJc in khOng c6 khf vj. scorper dao khac.
scanning head dau quet (hlnh).
scale paper giay ke O vuOng, giay t9a shedule trlnh ti!, ke hoc,1ch, thoi gian Scotch stone da mai.
d<). scanning lens thau kfnh quet hlnh.
biiu, bilfo trung biiy. Scotch tape bang keo tMu minh.
scale reading SI! d9c vc,1ch chia. scanning point diem sang (quang
diem) quet hlnh. Sheid tester dyng cy do d<) nhan scotopic adaptation thfch ung t6i.
scale value gia tri chia d<), d9 Ion phing Sheid.
khoang chia d9. scanning system h? thong (thiet bi) scotopic vision thj giac thfch ung t6i.
quet hlnh. scheme Iuqc d6, duong di¢n, bieu d6
scaling theo ty I? thu ph6ng. keho~ch. SCOUr gi~t, rlta S<!,Ch, Jam S~Ch, tay S<!,Ch.
scandium scandi, Sc [hoa].
scan quet hlnh. schopper folding endurance tester scourage nuoc n'.ra, nuoc gi~t.
scare head chii tieu de bao d~c
dt,mg Cl,! do d<) ben gap giay. scouring (slJ) gi~t; (sl!) rua; (sl!) lam
scan engraved colour separation bi¢! 10.
ban khac phan mau di?n tlt. scientific composition sap chii tai sc,1ch.
scare point dau cham than (!), dau
scan head diiu quet (h'inh). li¢u khoa h9c ky thu~t. scouring machine may rua; may gi~t.
cam than.
scarlet mau do th!lm. scientific publication xuat ban pham
scan lines duong quct (hlnh). scout nguoi huong di,io, nguoi d~t bai
khoa h9c ky thu~t.
scan plate khac di?n tu ban in cao. scarlet red do Su dang. vi~t. nguoi l~p hqp bai VO.
sleroscope cung ke, dl,lng Cl,! do d<)
scan resolution d<) phan giai quet hlnh. scattered light anh sang tan x~. anh scrap manh Vl,ln, phe' li¢u.
sang phan tan. scrap metal phe li¢u kim lol!,i.
scan ruling s6 duong quet (hlnh). scooper dao khac.
scattering (slJ) phan tan, (sl!) khuech scrape C~lO, bao; trang cho bang.
scan speed toe d9 quet (hlnh). scorcher may hong khO giay.
tan, (slJ) tan X<!,.
scanned point ditim quet (hlnh). scrape off cc,10 di, r6c di.
scattering factor h? s6 pM.n tan, h? scorching hong khO giay.
scanner may quet tach mau di?n (Lt, s6 tan xc,1. scrape dao n~o. ban nao; cai cao; cai
s~ore duong r<;1ch, bang tong pho, vet
may quet phan mau. han do ep gap. trang.
scauper dao khac pht,1 trq.
scanner film phim phan mau. scraper board bla day ben C<!,O Xl!OC.
scavenger roller tn,tc 10 rua si,ich. sc?rer may rc,1ch duong, thiet bi ep
scanning quet h1nh. g:Ip, may gap ep han. scraper knife dao qo.
scavenging effect tac dyng c<;10 sl!,ch,
scanning assembly thiet bj quet hlnh. hi?u qua C<!,O S<!,Ch. scoring vet hlin do ep gap. scraping blade dao g<;1t m1Jc.

566 567
scraping needle screen holder

scraping needle kim khk screen capacity dung lm;mg man screen holder khung gia lip kfnh screen print an pham c6 tram.
scratch c<_io be\ tAy bo. huynh quang.
tram. screen printer cong nhan in ltt6'i,
scratch board bla day ben cao xu6'c. screen carrier khung gia man hlnh. screen housing tu dl_!ng kfnh tram, may in ltr6'i.
screen clash 16ng lap kfnh tram. h¢p dl_!ng kfnh tram. screen printing in ltt6'i.
scratch comma dau g<_ich cheo (/).
screen conpensator bu tru be mat screen image anh (c6) tram. screen printing board cac tong in lu6'i.
scratch diskette ctia c6ng tac.
kfnh tram. · screen lenticular tram net n6i.
scratch figure xoa b6 so (vf d1,11ll@L, screen printing ink m~rc in !116i.
2.!!.@.,J!!@J screen computer may tfnh diem tram. screen line dttong (net) tram. screen printing machine may in ltt6i.
scratch file van ki?n t<_im thoi. screen copy ban mllu tram hoa. screen line distance khoang each cac screen printing process phttong phap
screen counter thu6'c tfnh duong dl.J'ang tram. in !116'i.
scratch hardness d9 cung mon.
tram, phim do so duong tram. screen line number so dttang tram.
scratch pad gap giay mong. screen process phuong phap in !116'i.
screen density m~t d¢ diem tram. screen line plate ban in cao tram.
scratch paper giay nhieu co, kh6. screen process ink mt_1c in lu6'i.
screen determiner thiet bi dinh s6 screen magazine tu dl_!ng kfnh tram. screen process press may in lu6'i.
scratch resistance tfnh ben cao xu6'c. diem tram. . .
screen negative phim am ban tram, screen process printer c6ng nhan in
scratch test thf nghi?m, ben cao xtt6'c. screen diapositive phim duong ban phim am ban net tram. lu6'i, may in ltr6i.
scratch-proof ben cao xu6'c, ben c9 thau minh c6 tram.
screen opening d(> mo mAt tram, screen process printing in lu6'i.
xu6'c. screen direction indicator d1,1ng Cl;l duong kfnh lo tram.
scratch-proofness ben cao xu6'c. do g6c de;, diem tram. screen range ph<_im vi m~t d9 tram
screen pattern diem tram SUI me lLroi.
scratching up phay gay [d6ng sach]. screen distance qr ly kfnh tram. [st_I co].
screen resilience !~re dan hoi.
screamer dau cham than. screen dot diem tram. screen photography phtrong phap
chyp anh tram. screen resolution d(> phan giai tram.
screen kfnh tram, khu6n ban in ltt6i, screen enlargement ph6ng de.ii tram.
lu6'i, man hlnh, man huynh quang, screen photogravure chyp anh tram screen ruling so duong tram lu6'i.
screen etching an man diem tram.
man hi?n thi. ban in lorn. screen ruling finder phim kiem
screen fabric sqi ltt6'i tram. nghi?m so duong tram.
screen angle g6c d9 t<_io tram. screen pitch d(> den 6 trung tam diem
screen factor h? so lu6'i tram. tram. screen scrolling st_I cu(>n man hlnh.
screen angle indicator phim do g6c
d9 tram. screen frame khung tram, khung Jap screen plate ban in tram, ban kfnh screen separation Sl_l' phan mau tram.
kfnh tram. kh6 che t<_io d~c biet mau thien nhien.
screen angle tester phim do g6c d¢ tram. screen size kfch th116c tram.
screen frequency so duong tram, so screen plate process phuong phap
screen aperture dl.l'ong kfnh diem tram. screen slot 16 sang, lo lu6'i, lo ray.
duong Iucri. che ban tram.
screen block t<_iO tram ban hlnh ve. screen stencil khuon ban in luoi.
screen generator may phat sinh ditm screen positive phim duong ban
screen buffer khu d?m man hlnh. tram, may san sinh diem tram. tram, phim duong ban net tram. screen texture vai dung lam ban in lu6'i.

568 569
screen thickness

screen thickness d¢ day kfnh tram, screw driver n6i Jong ch6t vft. scroll gear banh rang h!nh xien. sealing and cutting machine may
m~u d(> net tram.
screw off v~n mo ch6t vft. scroll ribbon cu9n bang cu6n tron. dt dan niem phong.
screen tint mau (kfnh) tram.
screw post binder ct6ng sach vft kyp scroll-work vll.n mau hinh xoay. sealing label niem phong.
screen tone tang thu nua tong, tang to roi [d6ng sach tung trang to roi].
1h(r tram. scrub tinh che, tay rua, Jau chui. sealing machine may dan niem phong.
screw post binding dong sach vft kyp sealing paper giay bao g6i cao cap.
screened colour separtion st,r phan to roi. scrubbing Jau xtr6c (ban in); vet
mau c6 tram. phong (tam cao su). sealing stamp dau niem phong.
screw press may ep vft ch~t.
screened photoprint buc anh c6 tram. scrudding m~I nl_lo (da). sealing wax xi gan niem phong.
screw press wasker may quet h6 vft
Screened print san pham phl.JC che CO ch~t. scudding knife dao xen gifiy. sealskin da hai du [v~t Ii~u d6ng sach].
screw pressure ll}'c ep vft ch~t. scruffing vet ban tren lai Ji¢u in [St! c6} seam khll.u n6i, dtrong n6i.
screened tint guide sach mau nh6
htr6ng din c6 tram phitng. screw tap cai doa. scuff test thf nghi~m 1fnh ben c9 sat. seamless enfraving adjustment thiet
scuff-resistant ink ml}'C in ben CQ sat. bj dieu chinh khac kh6ng vet n6i.
screened tint plate ban in c6 tram screw terminal dau ren, dau vft.
mau nhi,tt. scum n<)i b9!, Vang b9t [St! co]. seamless roller covering lat b9c 1r9c
screw thread dtrong ren xoay 6c cua 16 khong khau.
Screening S[! tram hoa, Sl}' chan, St! m9t dinh vft. scum inhibitor chat ch6ng ban, vang ban.
rfty (san xua't giay). search S[! II!TI kiem, kiem tra, soat xet.
screw driver tu6c-n0-vf1. scumming ban mo [st,r c6], n6i vang
screening effect hi¢u ung chan. ban [str c6], ban c6 mang ban. search drive may do t1m Joi (may tfnh).
screw-gear vong rang tr9c vft.
screenings c~n ray. scummy c6 bQt, c6 bQt phu, khong 51:tch. search for file tun kiem tai li¢u, van ki~n.
screw-type locking up device thiet bi
screenings pulp b9t giay tho. khoa ch~t !fl.JC vft. scutch nghien, d~p. search for text string soat xet tung
dong chfr.
screenings wrapping giay g6i tho, m(>c. screw-wrench ban ren tay 6c vft. scutcher may nghien.
search word soat xet tu, chii.
screenless photolithography thu~t scriber dao qo dung trong si'.ra ban. sea sand cat bien, cat silic.
Chl.Jp anh ban in bang kh6ng CO tram. season mL1a; hong kh6; khf hau hoa.
scribling block VO giay mong. seal dau niem phong, bjt kfn, gan xi,
screenless printing in ban bang dau in. seasoning hong giay; khf hau hoa giay.
scrim vai tho, vai b6, vai gai.
kh6ng c6 tram.
seal label niem phong. seasoning box h(>p ltru lrii cac to
script kieu chfr viet, kieu chfr viet lhU'.
screw dinh vft, ctinh 6c, ecu, xofo 6c. phong due chfr.
seat press may in dau niem phong.
screw chase vft ch~t khuon gia kfnh script intensity d9 d~m nhi,tt net chii'.
seasoning machine may hong giay,
tram. scalability tfnh dan keo.
script type ki€u chfr vier 1hu. may dieu tier d9 iim giay.
screw composition stick vf1 khoa sealant chat dan keo.
script writer lac gia viet kich ban. scbasic axit axit sebasic.
ch~t tay sap chfr. scaled off bong m6i han.
scroll cu(>n c6 h9a, 1r9c cu(>n, sach sec kh6.
screw down v~n ch~! ch6t vft. cu9n 1n.1c. sealing dau niem phong, dan bjt kfn. sec=second trong tieng Anh = hai (2).
second bite section title

second bite an mon Ian thCr hai. second~ry color mau trung gian section title tieu de chuang tiet. · sedimentation equilibrium can b!ng
second cover b1a hai (2). [mau hon hgp gifra hai mau). sa Jang.
sectional (thu(>c) b¢ ph~; phan do<ln.
second edition tai ban. secondary colour mau thu c!p. sedimentation rate t6c d(> sa liing.
sectional base ban kim lo;,ti ghep
second etching an mon Ian thCr hai, secondary exposure chieu sang Ian khu6n. segment phan do.tn, phan tiet, kieu
an mon trung gian. thCr hai. hlnh qu~u, khuc, do<ln, b(> ph~n.
sectional block ban kim lol).i ghep
second forme ban mil.t sau. se,condary light source ngu6n sang khuon. segment gear banh rang hlnh qu.tt.
bo trg.
second impression in mil.t sau. sectional map ban d6 vung, ban do segragate phan ly; phan each; tach
secondary mask ban che c!p hai, ban phan khu. long.
second parallel fold gap song song che hai cap.
Y<\Ch thlf hai. sectional mould khu6n due h(>p. segragation SI! phan ly; SI! phAn each;
secondary phosphate hidro phot phat, Sl,I' tach Jong.
second press proof in thu may Ian sectional paper giay ke 6 vu6ng.
M 2HP04 (ortho).
thCr hai. sectional post binder cai kyp to sach roi. segragation of hydrocarbon SI! tach
secondary processability kha nang cac hidr6cacbon.
second printing in mil.t thu hai, in gia cong Jan th(r hai. sectional ruling giay ke 6 vu6ng.
mil.t tr&. Seidel's five aberations nam h1nh
secondary product thCr pham. sector khu Yl,l'c [may tfnh]. tugng sai Seiden.
second printing unit thiet bj in mil.t
secondary reaction phan Crng phy. security detector may kiem tra d¢ an seignette salt muoi Xenhet, Kali-natri
sau hoil.c mil.t tr&.
loan. tatrat, KNaC4H402.
second proof d9c sua ban in thu liin secondary solvent dung moi phu trg.
thCr hai. security ink ml,l'c in chung khoan, select file tuyen ch9n van ki¢n.
secondary standard tieu chuan ph~1.
ml,l'C in bao dam an toan.
second revisal d9c si'ra ban in thu Ian secondary tint mau dieu siic. selected (dugc) tuyen ch9n.
security paper giay in chCrng khoan,
1h11 hai. selected works tuyen t~p.
seconds giay in khong hgp qui each. giay in bao dam an loan.
second-down colour mau ml,l'c in Ian selective ch9n !9c.
section b(> ph~ri, phan do;,ln, do;,ln; tay security paper printing in chCrng tu
1h11 hai [in mau].
sach; clmang tiet. ch(rng khoan. selective absorption SI! hap thu ch9n l<;>c.
second-generation phototypesetter
section folder may gap tay sach. security printing in chung khoan. selective adsorption SI! hap phy ch9n l<;>c.
may siip chyp chu the h~ thu hai.
section gatherer may biit tay sach. security printing machine may in selector may tuyfo ch9n.
second-hand machinery may m6c chCrng khoan.
dii qua su dt.mg. section gathering machine may biit selector switch d6ng mo ll,l'a ch9n.
tay sach. sediment tram tfch, ket tua, cil.n.
secondary thu hai, thu ca'p, thCr yeu; selenium selen, Se.
b~c hai (nrqu, amin). section mark da'u hay ky hi¢u tay sedimentate sa !Ang, ket tua.
selenium cell pin selen.
secondary amyl alcohol n.rgu anyl sach.
sedimentation SU ket tua SU trAm
selenium chloride selen clorua,
b~c hai. section number ky hi¢u chuang tiet. tfch; Sl,I' Sa Jang; phuang pha~ S; lang.
Se2 c1 2, SeCl4 [hoa].
secondary butyl alcohol nrgu butyl section paper gi!y ke 6 vu6ng, giay sed~mentation analysis SI! phan tfch
sa Jang. selenium oxide selen oxit, Se02 ,
b~c hai. tO<\ d(>, giay tO<\ ticu. Se03 [hoa].
selenium plate semi-rotary press

selenium plate ban in selen. self-reset d~t ll_li vj trf ti! d¢ng. semi-rotary press may ep phAng giay Senefelder Alois Senefendo Alois.
self end-papers giay cung dan voi self-sealing envelope phong b1 thu llJ dart cu<)n. sense kilm djnh, d9c duy~t.
ru¢t sach CJ gay. semi-rotary printing machine may
self-scaling wrapping bao g6i ti! d<)ng. sensibility d¢ cam quang; tfnh nhl_ly
self-adhesive (thu¢c) II! dan. ep phing giay cu<)n, may in quay sang;
self-spacing type tieu chuan khoang (cu<)n) ban in phing.
self-adhesive label nhiin ltJ dan. r¢ng chii. sensibility to light tfnh nhl_ly sang,
semi-satellite kieu ban v¢ tinh. tfnh cam quang.
self-adhesive material 1ai li~u ti! dan. selling agent dl_li Iy tieu chuan thmmg mai.
semi-transparent niia trong su61, ban sensing head dau do tlm, (thie1 bi) phat
self-adjustment dieu chinh II! d¢ng, semee trang trf hoa nho.
dieu 1ie1 IV d¢ng.
thau minh. hi¢n cam nhan, d1,mg cy cambien.
seme-autpmatic (thu¢c) ban !tJ d()ng. semi-transparent ink m1,tc in ban
self-back gay sach c6 1ieu de. sensitive (thu¢c) linh cam, (thu()c)
semi-automatic composing machine thau minh. man cam.
self-binder cai k~p ta rai, may d6ng may sap chii ban !I! d()ng.
semibold type chii chl kieu niia d~m. sensitive cell te bao quang di~n.
sach ti! d¢ng. semi-automatic printing machine
semicellulose ban xenlulow. sensitive emulssion chat nhu tuong
self-clamping guillotine may ep dt may in ban ti,r d<)ng.
gi!y II! d()ng. semichemical pulp b¢t giay ban hoa nhl_ly sang, chat nhu tl!O'ng cam quang.
semi-conductor chat ban dfo.
h9c. sensitive ink mi,rc in sec, ngan phieu.
self-compensation SI! b6 chfnh ti! semi-continuous ban lien tl;lc.
d()ng. semicolon dau cham phay (;). sensitive layer lap mang cam quang.
semi-dry mat Iol_li giay ban kho.
self-contained cover bla b9c giay in semiconductor control rectifier may sensitive material v~t li?u c6 tfnh nhl_ly
ru¢t sach. semi-drying oil dau ban kh6, dau rn'.ra kh6. chinh llru khong che ban dfo. sang, v~t Ii¢u c6 tfnh cam quang.
self-contained unit t6 may d()c l~p. semi-electronic typesetter may sap semiconductor integrated circuit vi sensitive paper giay cam quang.
ch~1p kieu ban di~n tii. ml_lch ban ctan.
self-copy paper giay ti! sao (chep). sensitive to light tfnh nhl_ly sang, 1fnh
semi-gloss niia b6ng, b6ng m¢t m~t. semicylindrical plate ban chl cong cam quang.
self-cover bla b9c giay in ru<)t sach.
semi-hard niia cung, ban c(rng. nua tron.
self-covered book sach c6 b1a d6ng sensitivity d¢ nhl_ly sang, d¢ cam
semi-hard rubber cao su ban cung, semicylindrical press may in tr~1c quang, d¢ nhl_ly (cua may thu).
don gian.
niia cung. ong ban nua trcm.
self-focusing camera may ch1,1p anh sensitivity guide thang do d¢ xam.
semidrying oil dau ban kho.
lay ca ti! d¢ng. semi-kraft paper giay co-rap (nhiin)
sensitivity nucleus nhll.n cam quang.
m<)t m~t. semihard packing bao b1 nua cung,
self-mailer bl.!ll ki~n kh6ng c6 d6ng g6i. sensitivity of instrument d¢ nhl_ly
semi-matte paper giay in anh mia bao bl ban cung.
self-quadder ti! chen dong [may due cua thiet bj do.
b6ng, nhiin.
chu]. semis trang trf hoa van cham sao
[d6ng sach]. sensitization tang nhl_ly [tac d1,1ng].
semi-monthly sach xuat ban nira
self-recorder may ghi ti! d()ng. thang m¢t ky. sensitize nhl_ly cam quang.
semisoft packing bao bl niia mem.
self-regulation SI! dieu 1iet II! d()ng; semi-opaque niia thau minh, ban thaU sensitized carbon tissue giay than da
SlJ dieu chinh ll,t d<)ng. minh. sending site phfa gui di, phfa phat di. cam quang.

574 575
sensitized emulsion
serial construction

sensitized emulsion chit nhu tuang separation Slf phil.n giai, s~r phan Jy,
cam quang, chat nhu tt1ang tang nhi;ty. Slf phan mau. serial construction thiet bj lien d(>ng,
serrated rule dtrang ke chi di;tng c6
thie't bj lien t1;1c, day chuyen. rang cua.
sensitized material v~t li¢u nh1:tY cam separation application phan mem
hoa. phil.n mau. serial input day dau vao [may tfnh]. server thiet bj ph1:1c vy.
sensitized paper gi!y cam quang. separation coefficient h~ s6 phan mau. serial output day dau ra [may tfnh]. service bureau diem ph1:1c v1;1 in,
sensitized plate ban cam quang. serial interface day, chu6i giao di~n trung mm v~n chuyen xu!t ra.
separation filter kfnh l9c siic phan mau.
sensitizer chat tang d(> cam quang.
[may tfnh]. service life tu6i th9 SL! d1;1ng.
separation guide thang thuoc do
sensitizing xu lycam quang, nh1:ty phan mau. serial manufacture san xu!t s6 lt.rqng 16n. service side thao tac m~t ben c;,tnh.
cam hoa, (thu(>c) tang cam quang. separation negative phim phan mau serial number s6 lien t1:1c, s6 xeri. serviette press may in khan an, may
sensitizing agent ch!t cam quang, am ban. in khan Iau tay o ban an.
serial port cua thong n6i tiep lien t1:1c
ch!t tang nh1:ty sang. separation positive phim phan mau [may tfnh]. servo thie't bj trq d(>ng.
sensitizing solution dung djch cam dtrang ban. serial printer may danh chfr lien t1;1c. servo-motor d(>ng ca trq d(>ng.
quang, dung djch nhi;ty sang.
separation process qua tdnh phan ly, serial story tieu thuyet dang tai lien servomechanism ca cau trq d¢ng.
sensitometer cam quang ke. qua tr1nh phan mau. riep. seryph net chan chfr in.
sensitometry d(> cam quang; phep do separation value s6 phan ly, chi s6 series h¢; day; c!p s6; toan b(> ca chfr set b¢ chii, chii sap, Slf dong ke't m!fC in.
d¢ cam quang. phan ly. thu(>c m(>t kieu chfr.
set flush sil.p ban cung ca kh6ng thu
sensor cai cam bien. separator may phan ly, may tach. series circuit m?ch di¢n n6i tiep. nho, sap chinh te C?nh bien.
separability tfnh de phan chia; slf separatrix ky hi¢u phan ly. series of type toan b(> chii chi cung set forth xuii't ban.
phil.n chia nho. h9 chii.
sepia mau nau do tham, tam anh mau set in dan phy ban.
separable phil.n chia duqc. nau do. series compounds day hqp chat.
set in capital letter sap kieu chfr hoa.
separate phan chia, rieng re, rai, sequence tr1nh tl!, thu tl!, tfnh lien serif net chAn chfr in.
kh6ng dfnh voi nhau. t~1c; ket qua; h~ qua. set in italic type sil.p kieu chfr nga,
serigraph in l1;1a, in Juoi. chii nghieng, chfr italic.
separate copy sach in thanh nhieu sequence counter may dem s6 theo
t~p nho. serigraphy thu~t in luoi. set in light face type sap kieu net chii
rhu tlf. thanh.
separate drive dieu khien don d(>c, sequence of colours tht'r llf in 16ng, ~eriographic paper gi!y dung in l1;1a,
m hroi. set in lower case sil.p kieu chfr thtrang
rieng le. ch6ng mau. [clic chii thuang b phfa dtroi h¢p chfr].
separate print in thanh nhieu t~p nho. seriph net chan chfr in.
sequential (thu(>c) tr1nh llf. set of colour plate m(>t b¢ ban in mau.
separating capacity kha nang phan sequential start-up tr1nh tl! khoi s~rrated cutting dt xen d?ng c6
rang cua [gi!y cu(>n]. set of letter chfr c6 cung d¢ r¢ng
Iy, kha nang tach chier. d(>ng may in. ngang.
separating sucker voi hut. serial sach xuift ban lien t1;1c, ti:rng ky. s~rrated knife dao xen giay d?ng c6
rang cua [may in gi!y cu(>n]. set of type toan b(> ca chii cung m(>t
kilu chii.

37 • TtlKHKTIAV 577
set off
sewing_ on double cords

set off dfnh ban mi!-t sau [sl,l' c6]. set-width of letter d¢ r¢ng kieu chit. sewing on double cords d6ng sach shaded face rule dttong ke doi vua
set open sap thtta [chfr in]. setting dieu chinh, Sap chfr, ml,l'c in dong khau hai mui. tho vua thanh manh.
set quoin c.1i chen khoang each gifra cac ket hay ngttng ket, gia trj thiet djnh. sewing press may khAu chi. shaded madium phim co nen van.
chfr, ca chen chfr [may due sap chfr]. setting rule thtt6'c sap chit sewing thread chi hay day thep dong sach. shaded type chfr c6 I6ng b6ng.
set right hi¢u chfnh, sfra dung. setting scale thtt6'c tieu chuan sap chfr. sewn d6ng khau chi. shades d¢ t6i [tong mau].
set screw dinh vft co djnh. setting stick sil.p chii' b!ng tay. sewn book d6ng sach khau chi, ru9t sach.
'--, shading anh mau, tram hoa phim anh
set size d¢ r¢ng than chfr. setting up lap di!-t' !rang chfr, ca cau sewn case-bound binding d6ng sach am [Xtr ly anh).
set solid sap chfr khong chen gifra cac cua m¢t 16 chu'c. khau chi bla cung. shading film phim c6 tram.
chfr. setting-up in type,sap chfr. sewn hard-cover binding d6ng sach
shading medium phim c6 tram.
khau chi bla cung.
set space khoang each gifra cac chii'. setup thiet djnh, quy djnh sap xep shading sheet giay c6 nen van.
[phan mem]. sewn quires khau noi tay sach.
set type nh~t con chfr.
sewn sections khAu noi tay sach. shadow t6ng mau xam, t6ng mau t6i.
set up nhi!-t con chfr. seventy-two mo (72mo) bay muoi
hai trang. sewn signature khau n6i tay sach. shadow contrast d¢ tttong phan t6ng
set up box h9p giay xep gap. mau toi.
serever dao r9c giay. sewn softcover binding dong sach
set width d¢ r¢ng kiiu chfr. khau chi bla mem. shadow detail tang thu tong mau toi.
sew khau sach, khAu chi.
set-asides phe li¢u, giay hong. sexadecimal m¢t phan mttai sau. shadow detail mask ban che tang thu'
sew all along dong sach khAu 16ng. t6ng mau toi.
Set-Off dfnh ban m~t Sau, day ban [Sl,l' c6} sexagesimo-quarto sach sau mttoi ttt
sew one sheet on dong sach khau J6ng. trang. shadow dot diem t6ng mau toi.
set-off on cylinder day ban tryc ong in.
sewed khau sach, khau chi. sexto sach sau trang. shadow exposure chieu sang tong
set-off paper giay lot d~m b9c 6ng..
mau toi.
sewed paper bound dong lu6n day sextodecimo (16mo) sach mttai sau
set-off reel giay lot b9c ong ch6ng trang.
qua 18. shadow limiter thiet bj h~n che tong
dfnh ban.
mau t6i.
sewer may khau chi. sextuple press may in giay cu9n toan
set-off sheet ta giay lot d¢m b9c 6ng. trang. shadow mask ban che tong mau t6i.
sewing khau chi. !'
set-off web giay lot b9c 6ng (phong ~?ML ~gon ngfr thiet l~p thong dyng shadow RAM (random access
chong dfnh ban). sewing and stitching khau dfnh chi. lieu chuan. memory) b¢ nh6' anh ttr [may tfnh].
set-square ban tam giac (dung de gap sewing bench thiet bi khau chi. shade sac di¢u toi, tong mau toi. shadow set up hqp djnh t6ng mau t6i.
tren may in giay cu¢n).
sewing cord chi dung d6ng khAu cac shade or highlight xii.m hay nh,,lt.
set-up sap chfr chl. shadow stop cfra dieu sang tong mau t6i.
tay sach.
shade rule duang net vua tho vua shadow tone tong mau t6i.
set-up type sap chit. sew_ing frame gia khAu sach !hu cong. thanh manh.
set-width of body d9 r9ng thAn chir. shadowgraph nhiep anh ngttqc chieu
sewing machine may khau chi. shaded area vung tong mau toi.
anh sang, chyp anh am.
shaft shear pin

shaft tr1;1c, tr1;1. shared spooling SlJ gia bong tr6c shear pin khoa an toan. sheet conveyor thiet bj truyen d!n ta
c¢ng hubng. giay.
shaft bearing tr1;1 da. shear strength cuong d¢ chong cat.
shared system h~ th6ng c¢ng hubng. sheet counter d1;1ng CL;I dem giay.
shaft head dau tn.1c. shearing machine may xen giay.
shareware phlin mem c¢ng huong. sheet cutter may xen gi!y.
shagreen mi,H da tho xu xl [d6ng sheen sang b6ng, 6ng anh, lap lanh.
sach], vai gia da [d6ng sach]. sharp r6 net, sac net. sheet decurler may trai phang ta gi!y.
sheepskin giay da de.
shagreen paper giay gia da, giay m~t sharp image anh S,!.Ch r6 net. sheet delivery thiet bi nh~ gi!y to rai.
th6. sheet to giay, trang giay.
sharp impression in S<!-Ch r6 net. sheet detector thiet bj kiem nghi¢m
shake ch!n d¢ng, Slf rung, SlJ l&c. sheet aluminium ban nMm, la nhom.
sharpen lam r6 net [phlin mem xir ly giay.
sheet and half cap kich thuac ta giay
shake amplitude bien d¢ chan d¢ng, anh]. sheet edge mep c<!-nh giay.
13,5x24,5 tac Anh.
bien d¢ rung.
sharpening image hlnh anh diem sheet feeder thiet bj c!p giay ta roi.
shake frequency tan s6 ch!n d¢ng, tram mat mat.
sheet and half demy kfch thuac ta
giay 22,5x26,5 tac Anh. sheet feeding cap giay.
tan s6 rung.
sharpness d¢ r6 net, d¢ sac net.
shaken !Cf sach rach nhau, sach xuat
sheet and half foolscap kfch thuac ta sheet fibre sqi giay.
sharpness of dots d¢ sk net diem tram. giay 13,25x24,5 tac Anh.
ban dong sach khong hqp qui each. sheet flatting rod clin g<!-t phclng giay.
shaker may rung, may lac.
sharpness of photographic image sheet and half post kfch thuac ta sheet folding machine may gifp tay
anh ch~1p r6 net. giiy l 9,5x23,5 tic Anh.
shaker up rung, lac.
shave bao, C<!-0, l<!-Ilg mong. sheet and half pott kfch thuac to
sheet former may thanh hlnh ta giay.
shallow relief plate ban khac kh6ng giiy 12,5x22,5 tic Anh.
shaved khi dong sach C<!-nh bien xen
dud¢ sau. sheet forwarding device thiet bj cap
bo qua nhieu, xen ht.It khO sach. sheet and third foolscap kfch thu6'c
giay co roi.
shallow-etched area vung an men to giay 13,25x22 tac Anh.
shaved edge xen C<!-nh bien. sheet gluer may dan ((1 don.
kh6ng du d¢ sau. sheet breaker may ep nhfu giay ban
shaver may bao C<!-nh ban. phllng. sheet guard phong ngua giay va tr1;1c
shank than chii (chii roi).
shaving machine may bao C<!-nh ban. 10 ml!c tiep xuc.
shape hlnh thu, hlnh thai. sheet bridge truyen gi!y qua du.
shaving plane may bao C<!-nh ban. sheet guide roller tn,1c dan giay.
shareable (thu¢c) co the c¢ng huong sheet brush ban chai chai b1;1i giay.
sheet guiding truyen giay, d!n giay.
[may tfnh]. shavings mep C<!-nh giay. sheet buckling ta in nhau cong.
shared device thiet bj c¢ng huong. sheaf binding dong sach to rai. sheet gumming machine may lang
s~eet ~alender may can nhan giay
ban phang. keo m~t g1ay.
shared enviroment m6i truang c¢ng sheaf book sach anh ta rai.
sheet jogger may v6 giay vuong
huong. .shear nghieng, nga, khuynh huong sheet caliper d1;1ng c1;1 do d¢ day giay. phang.
shared file van ki~n d6ng g6p. nghieng, nga. sheet collator may bat tay sach.
sheet laying table ban tiep giay.
shared resource ngu6n c¢ng huong. shear area khu VlJC dt sua. sheet control thiet bj khong che giay. sheet letterpress may in cao giay ta rai.
sheet music sheet-fed rotary press

sheet music to giay ke dong viet nh~c. sheet tin giay thiec. sheet-fed rotary press may in quay shelf life ky h~n bao t6n, d¢ ben vli'ng
giay co roi. bao quan.
sheet passage duong dii.n giay di qua. sheet tipping machine may dan co don.
sheet-fed rotagravure may in lorn shelf-back gay sach c6 tieu de.
sheet piling ch6ng giiy. sheet transfer chuyen giay.
giay co roi. shell lop d6ng m~ cua ban due di?n,
sheet piling device thiet bj chong xep sheet transfer cylinder trl}c chuy€n
giay. sheet-feeding machine may cap giay shell moulding phuong phap che t~o
tl! d<)ng_giay to roi. khu6n due m~ di?n.
sheet proof ban in thu toan trang giay. sheet work in ban toan trang.
sheet-inverting mechanism CC1 ciu shellac sen-Hie, canh kien do.
sheet pusher thiet bj dfiy giay. sheet-by-sheet feeding cap giay 10 chuyen hu6ng giay to roi.
sheet quantity calculation tfnh toan roi, giay dua vao to roi. shellac layer lop nhil sen lac, mang
sheet-metal printing in ban sat tay. keo l~nh [phoi ban anh kem].
Juc;mg giay su dl;lng. sheet-fed dp giay to roi.
sheet-signature line v~ch dau tay shellac varnish vec ni canh kien.
sheet registration djnh vj giiy in. sheet-fed convertible offset sach [dong sach].
sheet registration device thiet bj perfector may in 6p-xet c6 the in dao shield line tuyen che chan.
djnh vj giay in. sheeted (thu<)c) giay lot dan vao.
hai m~t to roi. shielding system h¢ th6ng che chful,
sheet rulin machine may ke dong sheet-fed gravure press may in lorn sheeter may cat giay tlt giay cu¢n. thiet bi che chan.
giiy in. giay to roi. sheeter-feeder thiet bj cap cat giay ttt cu<)n shift bien t6c, chuyin djch vj trf, che
sheet separating tongue Juoi phan sheet-fed letterpress may in cao giiy giay; may dt giay to roi tlt cu¢n giay. d¢ luan ban.
tach giay. to roi. sheeting giay cat tu cu¢n giffy. shift key khoa hoan vi che chan.
sheet separation phan giiy. sheet-fed machine may in giay to roi. sheets per hour s6 luqng to in trong shilling mark dau nghieng, dau g~ch
sheet separator may phan giay. sheet-fed offset perfector may in 6p- m<)t gio. cheo (/).
sheet side guide mechanism co cau xet hai m~t giay to roi. sheetwise ban in toan trang giay. shilling stroke dau nghieng, dau g~ch
tay ke bien ch~n giay. sheet-fed offset press may in 6p-xet cheo (/).
sheetwise forme khu6n hay ban in
sheet size kfch thu6c to giffy. giiy to roi. toan trang giay. shiner vet d6m thung trang [san xuat
sheet steel ban thep mong, ban thep. sheet-fed offset printing in 6p-xet giay co Joi thung trang).
sheetwise imposition ban in toan
sheet stop ban chi,l.n giiy. giay co roi. trang giify. · shingling each bat Jong tay sach tren
sheet-fed offset rotary may in quay may dong sach ky ma.
sheet suction 'feeder thiet bi hut giffy Sheffield smoothness d¢ nhan phAng
cap giay. op-xet giay co roi. Sheffield. . slingling-up table ban bat J6ng tay
sheet-fed photogravure press may sach.
sheet support ban nh~n giay. Sh;ffield tester dl}ng Cl} do d¢ nhan
in !om giay to roi. phang Sheffield. . shipping case h¢p cac tong nhieu 16p,
sheet take-off nh~n giiy.
sheet-fed press may in giay to roi. h¢p cac t6ng song.
sheet the roller dung giay cu6n di She!ner sensitom~ter cam quang ke
Shemer, may do d6 nhay sang shive b¢t von, nghien b¢t.
ml!c in [khi 16 m~rc nh~n muc qua sheet-fed rotary letterpress may in
Sheiner. · · shock load phl;l tai tang d¢t ng¢t.
nhieu]. cao d~ng quay giay to roi.

shock-absorber thiet bi giam ch!n short fold g!p V?ch ngang. shoulder vai chG' roi. schrinkage stress cuang ll,l'c co, ung
d¢ng. ll,l'C CO.
short grain paper gi!y sqi ngan. shoulder bevel m~t nghieng vai chG'.
shock-free (thuc)c) kh6ng c6 cha'n d9ng.
short ink ml,l'c in sqi ngan. schrinking phim co; giay co.
shoulder head tieu de nho kh6ng thu
shock-free motion v~n hanh kh6ng
c6 ch!n d(>ng. short letter chu than ngan vf dl;I a, e nho ca. schrinkproof kh6ng co, ch6ng co.
vlln vAn. shoulder height d9 cao vai chG'. shrivel nep nhan, nep nhau [gia'y in).
shock-streak v¢t X9C [SI! c6].
short mark ky hi¢u 11.m ngan vf dl;I e. shoulder note Joi chu giai tren vai. shunt phAn nhanh, chuyen huang
shoe h¢p dl!11g chu chl hong.
short measure dong ngan. shoulder removing sua chinh an mon sang duong khac.
shoes bao v¢ c?nh bla sach.
short of varnish son dau ngan. ban kem net. shut down dung may, d6ng may.
shoofly kim hay dui tach chc;>n chG'.
short page trang in Cl;Jt, (trang in chG' show hien thj, Sl,1' trung bay, h9i chq shut off dong cua, d6ng may.
shoot bu(>c ch~t [ban chu roi], chl;Jp anh.
va hlnh anh khong day trang). trien lam.
shoot board bao c<_lnh ban. shutdown uh may [may tfnh], ngung
short printing ink ml,l'c in sqi ngan. show bill tranh ap phfch, tranh quang lam vi¢c.
shooter nha nhiep anh, dao khac sua cao, ta thong bao, to yet chj.
duong net, dung dui gai ch~t dAy bu¢c short ream ram gi!y s6 luqng ft, vf shutdown item h?ng ml;Jc ngung lam
dl;I m(>t ram c6 450 ta. show through tham sang m~t sau vi¢c [may tfnh).
bat chii.
[st! c6], in tham sang m~t sau [SI! c6).
shooting stick can khoa xiet ch~t ban, short run ban in s6 lttqng nho, ch?Y shutter la chful sang o kfnh dau may anh.
ngan. show-through resistance d(> khong
dung dui gai ch~t dAy bu(>c bat chG'. shutter aperture cua dieu chinh d9
thau minh.
shop phAn xuong, c6ng xuong. short slip octavo sach kh<5'ngang tam mo anh sang cua may anh; diapham
trang. showcard the trnng bay. may anh.
Shore durometer d1,mg Cl;J do d(>
cung So (Shore). short stop bath dung djch che ban gap. shredder may nghien xay giay.
shutter scale thang d(> khiic ghi tren
Shore hardness d(> cung So (Shore). shredding machine may nghien xay vanh xoay chi d(> mo 6ng kfnh may
short-Jived plate ban in s6 Juqng in
giay. anh.
short and ky hi¢u "&". ngan.
shrink co l?i, thu nho l?i. shutter speed t6c d¢ chyp theo d9
short circuit doan m?ch; b¢ phim short-way to gi!y r9ng bien ngang.
mo 6ng kfnh may anh.
ngan, nhat la b9 phim duqc chieu shrink film packaging equipment
shortcoming khuyet diem, thiet s6t.
truac khi chieu phim chfnh t?i r<_lp thiet bi dong g6i mang co. shutting light method phuong phap
chieu b6ng. shortcut key khoa nhanh. ch~1p phan do?n.
shrink-packaging d6ng g6i mang co.
short cross thanh chen ngan cua shorthand t6c ky. siccation SL! Jam kho.
shrinkable co duqc.
khuon ban in.
shorthand book sach t6c ky. siccative cha't Jam kh6.
shrinkage luqng co; SI! co; qua trlnh
short demy kfch thuac to gi!y
shortness sqi ml,l'C ngan. co l?i, rut l?i. side bla sach; phfa, ben.
14,375x20,75 t!c Anh.
shorts s6 luqng in kh6ng du. schrinkage factor thua s6 co. side-bearing gian each giua cac chu roi.
short focal length lens 6ng kfnh tieu
Cl,1' ngfo. shot nhiep anh, chl;Jp anh. schrinkage strain SI! bien d?ng co. side caption tieu de c<_lnh trang sach.
side chain
side title

side chain m~ch ben. side light den hi?u, den xi-nhan. side title tieu de bla sach. sieve pore 16 ray.
side cut xen bo phan ben le sach. side magazine kho dong mo, khuon side trimming machine may xen sieve ratio ty 1¢ ray.
side delivery nh?n giay m~t ben [may due chfr chuan bi dung [may due sach, may xen c~nh.
chfr]. sieve scale thang ray, CCI ray.
ep phingJ.
side tube 6ng nhanh, 6ng ph1._1.
side margin control thiet bj dieu tiet sieve series b¢ ray.
side destinetly line dtrang xen bo side wall thrum bien, vach bien, khoang
Cl,t ly tnii phai CU9n giay.
c~nh ben. each gifra hai thanh m~t chfr chl. sieve test phep ph1l.n tfch ray; phep
side margin register long chuan le ki€m nghi¢m ray.
side elevation so do ho~c hlnh ve trang trai phai. side wire d6ng thep kyp.
nhln m9t m~t ben. sieve texture cfo true lu6i ray.
side mark dau ca m~t ben. side-bearing khoang each gifra cac
side etching an mon c~nh ben. m~t chfr. sieve tray dia ray.
side note lai chu giai m~t ben.
side face rule dtrang ke chl hai dau side-run paper giay khong hqp qui sieve tube 6ng (tuyp) ray.
deu d~n. side of shank m~t ben than chfr rai.
each. sieving s~r ray.
side frame khung b,tn ttrbng. side pressure ap suat bien.
side-stitched (thu¢c) d6ng gay bang. sieving analysis st,t phan tfch ray.
side gauge cCI ch~n giay mi;H ben. sidepull lay CCI keo giay m~t ben.
side-to-side misregister in long hai sight st,t nhln, st,t quan sat.
sidepunch dyng cy d9t 16 m~t ben. m~t cu(ln giay khong chuan [st,t co].
side gluing phet hay boi keo m~t ben
sight glass kfnh nhln.
gay sach. side reaction phan ung phu. side-wire d6ng thep gay kyp.
sight hole 16 nhln.
side guide CCI ch~n giay m~t ben gay side register mechanism CCI ch~n side-wire stitching d6ng thep gay k<ep.
sach. m~t ben. sign ky ten, ky hi¢u.
sidelay register long chuan theo
side guide pushplate ban v6 ch~n side roll stand gia de cu9n giay ki€u hu6ng ngang. sign pen but ky ten.
m~t ben. xoay (quay) g6c.
siderography ban thep Jorn, thU?t signal lamp den tfn hi¢u.
side guide stop CCI ch~n m~t ben. side run-off dong bien. khiic ban thep [phyc cheJ.
signal level tfn hi¢u ngang bang.
side head tieu de m~t hen sach. side seal bag tui bao g6i don gian. sides cac tong bla sach.
signal output tfn hi¢u xuat ra, tfn
side seal machine may dan phong bl sienna b¢t mau hoang th6, mau do hi?u dau ra.
side leading tieu de m~t ben trang
hai m~t ben. son; mau nau do, mau nau hung do.
signalstrip dai tfn hi?u.
side sewing may khau chi phing. sieve ray, cai ray, cai sang, cai gian.
side index chi dan xen m~t ben sach.
signature tay sach, so tay sach; tieu
side space chl r6ng mat ben.
side jogger ca chan giay m~t ben. sieve analysis st,t ph1l.n tfch ray. chuan gap tay sach.
side stick (cai) chem ch~t ban. sieve elements phan tir ray.
side joint parts bo phan le bla sach. signature check kiem tra tieu chuan gap.
side stitch mui khllu phing, d6ng gay sieve effect hi¢u ung ray.
side lay CCI ch~n m~t ben giay; an bang. signature collator may bat tay sach.
pham de trang m~t ben. sieve mesh mat (lu6i) ray.
side stitching mui khau phing, dong signature copy sach tac gia ky ten.
side laygauge CCI ch~n giay m~t ben. gay bang. sieve plates dia ray.
signature cut xen tay sach.
signature feeder
silk screen printing machine

signature feeder thiet bj cap tay sach. silhouette halftone ban in cao mau silk screen printing machine may in silver film phim mu6i bi_ic.
signature file ten the tai li¢u. c6 tram loc:ti bo chu vi hlnh anh, ban ht6'i (ll.}a).
khac chlm. silver foil la kim lo~i bc:tc dat mong.
signature letter chii s6 tay siich. silk screen process thu~t in l116i
silex glass thuy tinh thc:tch anh. silver grain hc:tt bi_ic.
(11.}a), ph110ng phap in l116i (11.}a).
signature line dong cu6i ban sach silver halide bc:tc halogenua.
silexite da thach anh. silked boi dan l116'i 11.}a.
(sap chii) Vc_lCh s6 tay Sach.
silica silic oxit, Si02. silver halide orthochromatic
signature mark dau tay sach, Mu gap. siloxane siloxan.
emulsion nhG tl!Clng chfnh sac bc:tc
silica sand cat silic oxft. silver bc:tc, Ag; trang bc:tc. halogenua.
signature page trang thu nhat tay
sach. silica gel-silicagel silicagen. silver acetate bc:tc axetat, silver halide paper giay anh bc:tc
AgCH,COO [hoa]. halogenua.
signature press may ep tay sach. silica glass thuy tinh thc:lch anh.
silver albuminate bc_lc anbuminat. silver ink m~c bc_lc.
signature symbol dau ky hi¢u tay silicate silicat, M2Si02 , mu6i cua axit
silic. silver azide bc:tc nitrua, Ag[N3 ]; bc:tc silver intensification tra day mu6i bc:tc.
sach, dau gap.
azit [hoa]. silver iodide b<_lc iodua.
signature tipping machine may dan
silicate salt mu6i siliciit.
silver bath dung djch b~lc Nitrat.
tay sach. silicon silic, Si. silver iodide paper giay anh b~c
silver bromua bc:tc bromua, AgBr iodua.
signature title ten sach thu nho, ten silicon applicator thiet bj gia c6ng [hoa].
tay sach. silicon. silver lacquer son goc mau bc:tc.
silver bromua paper giay anh bc:tc silver leaf la bc:tc, phoi bc:tc.
signed copy sach ghi ten tac gia. silicon carbide silic cacbua, bromua.
cacborun, SiC, cat kim cltCmg. silver mask ban che mau xam, ban
signet dau ricng cua nha xuat ban, silver bronze in mc:t giay nhfi bc:tc, in che hc_lt bc:tc.
dau rieng cua nha in. silicon paper giay rap. xoa nhu bc:tc.
silver masker system h¢ thong che
significant tr9ng yeu, c6 y nghia. silicone silicon. silver carbide b?C cacbua, bc_lc ban tr~c tiep ch~1p anh muoi bac.
axetilua, Ag2Ci [hoa].
significant digit chii s6 c6 y nghia,
silicone oil dau silicon. silver mirror reaction phiin ung
silver carbonate bc_lc cacbonat, trfog guong b~c.
chii s6 hfru hi¢u. silicone resin nh~ra silicon. AgC03 [hoa].
silan silan, SnH2n+2· silicone rubber cao su silicon. silver nitrate bc_lc nitrat, AgN03 •
silver chloride bc_lc clorua, AgCl [hoa].
silastic cao su silic. silk to, l~1a. silver number so b~c (hoa keo).
silver chloride paper giay anh bc:tc
silk screen l116'i h_1a. clorua. silver oxalate bi_ic oxalat.
silencer thiet bj tieu am.
silver chromate b~c cr6mat [hoa]. silver oxid bi_ic oxit, Ag 20.
silent page trang dau sach (trang dau silk screen ink m~rc in l116'i (11.}a).
tnr6'c chinh van, m~1c 11.}c, v.v... ). silver citrate b~c xitrat (hoa]. silver paper giay la thiec mong, giay
silk screen printer c6ng nhan in h.r6'i
(l~ia), may in l116i (11.}a).
cam quang muoi bi_ic.
silhouette anh dt, tranh ve dltang silver complex phuc chat bc:tc.
silver-plated (d11qc) mc:t bl;lc; (d11qc)
Vien, ban khic chlm. silk screen printing in l116'i (11.}a). silver ferrocyamide bc_lc feroxyanua. b9c bi_ic.

silver-plating bath simulation software

silver-plating bath be ID? b<;tC. silver-plating m~ b~c. simulation software phan mem mo single leaded sap thanh chen chl don
silver phosphate b<;tc ph6t phat. silver-print proof in thl'.r giay anh phong. giua cac dong chu.
silver print buc anh mau nau siim mu6i b<;tc. simulator program trinh tt,r mo single lens thau kinh don; 6ng kinh don.
ho~c fo pham in mau nau sii.m (mau silver-salt mu6i b<;tc. phong nhlt th/).!.
single masking ban che m(>t cap.
sepia). simultaneity tfnh dOng thoi.
silver-sensitized (thu6c) tang cam single positive methode phuong phap
silver recovering thu hOi b<;tc. quang mu6i b<;tc. simultaneous (thu(>c) phat sinh dong che ban dtrang [ban chl}p in lorn].
silver salt photosensitive material thoi.
silverfish con m9t sach. single printing in m¢t mi).t.
v~t li¢u cam quang mu6i b<;tc. simultaneous reaction phan ung
silver soap xa phong b<;tc. silvering xii Iy tham b<;tc [kfnh um song song, phan t'rng dong thoi. single rule duong ke chi don [sap chu].
colodion ngam trong ch~u b<;tc nitrat].
silver pray technique ky thui).t phun simultaneous contrast d6i chieu single sheet to gilfy dan.
b<;tc [ban due di¢n]. silverless film phim khong c6 b~c. dong thoi.
single cutter may xen giay tu cu¢n
silver spraying phuong phap phun silverware d1:1ng Cl} (bang) b~c. single don, don thuan; le c~p. giay ra to roi.
b<;tc [ban due di¢n]. silvery (thu(>c) b~c; trang b~c. single arc lamp den h6 quang don. single side machine may in m¢t mi).t.
silver sulfide b<;tc sunfua, Ag 2S [hoa]. simili (printing) paper giay lam single bath etching st,r an mon m(>t Ian. single type caster may due chir roi,
silver sulphate b<;tc sunfat Ag 2S04 khuon in, giay V6 ph6ng. single-batch extraction st,r tach chiet may due chu.
[hoaJ. simple hqp chat don gian; don gian. m(>t Ian. single volume cu6n sach don.
silver sulphide b<;tc sunphua, M2S single board computer may tfnh don
simple black mau den don gian. single width d¢ r9ng lieu chuan
[hoa]. ban.
[may in cu(m giay bao].
simple color dan sac.
silver tartrade b?C tatrat. single coated paper giay Iang phu
lap mong. single width press may in bao kh6
simple stops cam diapham, dm cl'.ra
silver tint ink m~rc in mau 16t b<;tc. toan !rang.
dieu sang may'anh. single coating Jang phu m(>t m~t.
silver tissue giay mong ch6ng oxi single width web chieu r¢ng cu¢n
hoa mau trfog. simplified character kieu chu gian hoa. single column m1:1c don, c(>t don, giay trang don.
simplify gian hoa. trang dan [bao].
silver voltameter di¢n Iuqng ke b~c. single-book trimmer may xen sach
simulate mo phong, biit chu6'c. single crystal dan tinh the. tung cu6n m¢t.
silver work in nhu b~c.
simulated data du Ii¢u mo phong. single folder may gap (tay sach) m(>t single-color offset press may in op
Silverness Ve sang b<;tC. v~ch. xet m¢t mau.
silver-diffusion plate ban in khuech simulated leather binding dong sach
single hand control for the back single-color press may in m¢t mau.
tan mu6i b~c. mi).! bla loan bang da.
gauge kiem tra dan thuan bang tay
silver-free film phim khong c6 b~c. simulated program trlnh tl! m6 sau khi do d<;tc nghiem chinh. single-color printing in m()t mau.
phong, bat chuc5'c. single-color proof in thl'.r m¢t mau.
silver-iodobronie emulsion nhu si~gle head wire stitcher may dong
tuang bromua iodua b<;tc. simulation St! mo phong, bat chLCOC. thep m(>t dau ghim. single-colored (thu¢c) dan siic, m()t mau.
single-column_!lead six (62-level perforated tape

single-column head tieu de hang single-roll stand gia do m(>t cu¢n giay.
don, tieu de Chl;\Y giiia cac c(>t.
six (6)-level perforated tape bang sizer thiet bi phan lol;\i theo ca; cai
single-sheet control thiet bj kh6ng giay dye 16 6 don vj. ray; thiet bi dan.
single-cylinder press may in cu(>n che to giay don. six (6)-level tape bang giay dye 16 6 sizing trang phu keo.
tn1c 6ng don.
single-sheet feeder cap giay tach toi don vj.
sizing agent chat keo phu.
single-dot screen diem tram don le. to giay don.
sizability tfnh nang phet h6, tfnh nang
sizing machine may dan keo, may
single-face printing in m(>t m~t. single-side calendered (thu¢c) can boi keo. trang keo. .
single-folded (thu¢c) gap don. nhan m¢t m~t.
size thu ph6ng (xu ly anh), qui each
single-impression cylinder press
single-side calendered paper giay • kfch thuac, khuon kh6 giay, than chii
sizing material v~t li¢u keo.

may in tn,1c sau khi ep in tn;c in quay

chuyen tr& ll,\i.
can nhfo m¢t m~t.
single-sides copying sao chyp m¢t m~t.
• to nho van ki¢n Ian nho.
size copy sach miu dong theo to.
sizing of paper giay trang phu keo.
sizing of pulp b¢t giay phu keo.
single-knife cutter may cat giay. single-stage positive masking ban size finder may do kfch ca. skeleton b¢ xuong, khung, duong vien.
che dt.rang m¢t ca'p, m6ng ban duong
single-knife cutting machine may size indication kfch thuac hi~n anh to skeleton black ban c6 vien khung den.
xen cat giay. nho.
single-staged masking ban che m(>t skeleton cylinder khung gia tr1:1c
single-layer deep etch process truyen giay.
c!p, mOng ban m¢t cap. size machine may trang keo, may ooi keo.
pht.rong phap an mon sau ban in vtra
lorn vfra bang m(>t lap. single-type composing and casting size meter thuac do kfch ca. skeleton forme khuon hay ban khilc chlm.
slip due chii roi. skeleton letter chii net thanh manh.
single-layer film phim m¢t lap. size of book kfch thuac cu6n sach.
single-user nguoi sir dyng rieng le. skeleton structure cau true khung.
single-letter matrix d6ng mo chii roi, size of type ca chii.
khu6n due chii roi. sink x6p hl;\ thap ban chl; mang nt.roc. skeleton transfer cylinder khung gia
size press may phet h6, phet keo.
single-lined screen tram don tuyen. sinkage diiu cht.rong di trling. tryc truyen giay.
size separation sl_l' tich theo ca.
single-pass color scanner may quet six-line Pica ca chii 72 phan in. skeleton type kieu chii tr6ng giiia, net
mau m(>t Ian. sized (dt.rqc) phan ca, (dt.rqc) dan. manh.
six-page folder mang gap 6 trang.
single-phase current dong di¢n m¢t sized and calender paper giay can sketch btrc phac hOl,\, buc thiet ke.
six-to-em-space khoang trling m(>t nhan va trang phu keo.
pha. sketching pencil but phac hol,l m6 ta
phfo sau than chii.
single-quotation marks dau trfch sized and calendered paper giay can t6ng quat.
six-to-pica chii roi ca hai phan in. nhfu va trang phu keo.
diin don. skew khong thing, xien, nghieng, !¢ch.
sixteen-mo (16 mo) sach 16 trang. si_z~ and super calendered paper
single-quote mark dau trfch diin don. skewings sau khi ml,l nhi~t giay nhii
g1a:y can nhan Sieu cap Va trang phu keo
single-revolution machine may in sau
sixteen-page folder may gap 16 trang. le
phiin ngoai giay nhu la phe li¢u.
khi ep in tn_1c in quay chuyin tr0 11,li. · sixty-four-mo (64 mo) sach 64 trang. sized paper giay trang phu keo.
skid ban de ch6ng gi!y ho~c sach.
single-revolution press may in sau six (6)-channel tape bang giay dye 16 sized press coated paper giay trang
phu keo be m~t. skidding tryc 16 Ian truqt do dieu
khi ep in tryc in quay chuyen trO' ll,\i. 6 don vj. chinh kh6ng dung.
38 • TtlKHKTIAV 593
skim sliding_E_late

skim b9t, xi; phu cao su Jen vai. slant dotted rule net nga ngan. sliding plate ban truqt. slitter dao xen giay d~g dia tron,
skim coat calender tr1,1c can vai cao su. slanted type kieu chu nga. may xen d9c chia cu(>n giay, dao xen
sliding trap thuoc truqt lap ch6 1¢
d9c giay.
skim coppering process phtrong slave mechanism ca cau chuyen trfog, khong che in.
phap m~ d6ng. d¢ng pht_1 thu(>c. slitter marks dau cat xen.
sliminess d¢ d~c dfnh.
skimming calender tr1,1c can vai cao su. sleeve ong b9c J6ng trt_JC. sling psychrometer Am d¢ ke hlnh slitter nose ban tam giac nh9n (c6 the
xen giay).
skin da; vo; mang; boc lop mang; t~o sleeve bearing b9c 16ng trt_1c. chii L.
mang phu. slip case h(>p cac tong dl_l'ng sach. slitter rewinder may cu(>n l~i khi
sleeve-type cylinder tft_JC ong kieu
phan chia cu¢n giay.
skinning (sl!) t~o mang; (sl;!) tach ong b9c Jong trl;IC. slip cover h(>p b9c sach, h(>p cac tOng
mang; (Sl;f) ket mang be m~t mlfC in, dtJng sach. slitter trolley trt_JC dao ep giay dao
slice lat; cat thanh lat.
Sl! xe bl ml;fc in. xen giay.
sliced sheet lat (d.t). slip coefficient h¢ so truqt.
skip leaf trang thieu, trang nhay each slitter-rewinder may cu(>n l~i giay
slicer may ciit phirn. slip plane m~t di d¢ng, ban di d(>ng.
quiing. khi cat phan chia cu¢n giay.
skip print in nhay trang, mat trang. slide phim den chieu, van tnrqr. slip galley khay de duong ke cua h¢p
slitting Sl_J' xen d9c.
skip Slitter tfl;IC dao cat d9c each slide calipex thuoc kyp tnrqt dung de slitting and rewinding machine may
do duong kfnh de 6ng, trt_1c, v~t tron. slip proof to in thi'.r tren manh giay dai.
trang. cu¢n lc_li giay khi d.t phan chia cu¢n giay.
slide case h(>p cac tong dt_J'ng sach. slip sheet to pht_1 tnrang, giay lot
skipping nhay dong, diem tram bj slitting arrangement thiet bj xen
mong, pht_J ban.
mai mon. slide fit ph6i hqp truqt thfch hc;,p. giay cat d9c.
slip-fold to gap dai nho.
skips g,iay bao goi mong, giay dung slide gauge thuoc kyp tnrqt. slitting disc dao dia tron xen giay.
in hoa. slip-in diaphragm diapham kieu gai
slide guide thanh dan tnrqt. dm vao 6ng kfnh. slitting knife dao xen giay d.t d9c.
skiver da de mem (dong sach).
slide oil dau tran. slip-in filter kfnh l9c sic kieu gai slitting machine may xen d9c to giay.
skiving cat bo da ngoai le [dong
slide-rule thtr6c tfnh keo tnrqt, thuac dm vao ong kfnh. slitting roller trt_1c xen d9c.
!Oga. slip-on filter kfnh l9c sac dia quay.
skiving machine may bao mong da. sliver titrn (g6) mong, manh Vt_Jn, reo
slide scanner may quet phim den slip-sheeting them giay 16t dern v~ml; xe d9c.
sky blue mau xanh da troi. chieu. mong. .
slope d¢ nghieng, nghieng.
skylight anh sang ngoai troi. slide valve van di d(>ng. sl_i~ printing press may in thu bang slope curve duong bieu dien nghieng.
slab ban pha ml;fc. slide-projector may ph6ng anh den g1ay.
chieu. sloped Roman kieu chu Ro manh nga.
slab serif kieu chu net co bong tho. slit cat Xen; r~ch ranh; Slf xe d9c, cat
sliding contact con ch~y. ra, phan ra. sloping (stJ) nghieng.
slab rubber cao su tam.
sliding diaphram diapham quay truqt. s!it ~iaphragm diapham ghep nhieu sloping fraction phan s6 net nghieng.
slack sized paper giay trang phu
la mong.
keo nhy. sliding lid niip che tnrqt. slops nuoc thai; dfo thai.

594 595

slot khe ha; ranh; 16 ray; 16 sang; melt slow setting cement xi mang ctmg slusher may nghien h6 b¢t giay [san small thuy tinh coban; mau xanh.
ltr6i. ch~m. xuat giay].
smart thiet bi tri nang.
slot man bien t~p sfra ban thao. slow-setting ink m!Jc in kho ch~m. small nh6 be; chu nh6, chu thuang.
smash tam cao su r<,1n nCrt.
slot perforation d1._1c 16 hlnh chi! nh~t. slow speed mixer may khua'y t6c do small cap chu hoa co nho, chu viet.
~~n. . smasher may ep phing ru¢t sach.
slot mesh 16 ray hlnh chu nh~t. small capital (sc) chi! hoa co nho,
smashing ep ch~t tay sach.
slot mesh plate lu6i 16 chu nh~t. ray sludge cha't ket tua; bun, bun qu~ng; chtr viet.
16 chu nh~t. hac fn axit. small cards thiep, the, danh thiep kh6 smashing machine may ep phAng
ru(>t sach.
slotted c6 khe (ha); (duqc) d1._1c 16 chu sluge acid axit sunfuric hac fn (thu 3,5x2,5 tac Anh.
nh~t. h6i tU' hac fn axit). Small Computer System Interface smear dfnh ban m~t sau, b6i ban.
slotted hole 16 ray, 16 sang. slug (stJ) bit kfn; (St!) nut kfn; thanh (SCSI) giao di~n h~ th6ng may tfnh smear-free khong dfnh ban.
kim lo<,1.i; thoi chfr chl; dong chfr chl co nho.
slotted opening khe ha. smear-free delivery thiet bi nh~n
da sip va due. small face m¢t trong nhung kiiu chu giay khong dfnh ban.
slotted screen lu6i 16 chu nh~t, ray 16 nho phi tieu chufo.
slug carrying unit thiet bi truyen smearing dfnh ban [SI,( co].
chfr nh~t.
dong chfr chl. small freight impact recorder may
slotted stop diapham khe ha. smeary dfnh, nh6t.
ghi tac d(>ng co nho.
slug casting scip due thing hang.
slotting machine may d~p 16 chfr nh~t. small letter chfr cai viet thuang nho. smell mui, mui thorn.
slug cutter may cat dong chfr chl.
slow ch~m; tha'p; yeu. small offset machine may in 6p xet smelling salt amoni cacbonat,
slug ejector unit thiet bi scip due kho nho, may in 6p xet van phong. (NH4)2C0 3 [hoa].
slow acting developing agent chat dong chfr chl.
small offset press may in 6p xet nho. smelt chay, n6ng chay.
hi~n anh t6c d¢ ch~m.
slug-casting machine may due dong. smelter lo due, xuang due.
slow emulsion nhii tuang anh d¢ cam small offset printing in op xet nho.
quang ch~m. slug-composing machine may sap smeltery xuang due.
small pica 11 phan in.
due chu dong.
slow ink m!Jc in kho ch~m. small post kfch thu6c ta giay 13,5 x smelting (s~r) n6ng chay.
' d¢ng t6c d¢ slugging (stJ) bit kfn; slJ nut kfn.
slow speed drive chuyin 16,5 tac Anh. smelting point diem n6ng chay, diem
ch~m. sluggish c6 tfnh y; ch~m. small quantity luqng nho. chay.
slow-burning film phim chiu nhi~t. sluggish flow SI,( chfiy ch~m. small-scale production su san xuat smelting works xuc'mg due.
sluice cfra xuat b¢t. (qui mO) nho. . smog strong kh6i quang hoa h9c.
slow curing resin nh!Ja cung ch~m.
slow-down giii1n t6c. sluicing (sl!) rua, (sl!) s6i mon. s_mall sheet fed offset press may in smoke kh6i; hun kh6i; hut thuoc.
Op Xet ta rbi kho nho.
slow-down mechanism co ca'u giam sfur ma nh<,1.t [sl! c6], anh nhoe [sl! c6J. smoke agent chat t<,10 kh6i.
t6c d¢ ca'p gia'y vao may. smal!s bai lap ch6 tr6ng [bao chf],
slurring ma nh<,1.t [sl! c6], in nhoe, in thuyet minh them, thuyet minh b6 smoke apparatus thiet bi phong kh6i.
slow oxidation SlJ oxi hoa ch~m. dup [sl! c6]. sung.
smoke black b6 h6ng.
smoke filter
soda ash

smoke filter thiet bj l9c kh6i. smyth sewed d6ng thep gay k~p phang. soda ash s6da nung, s6da khan, sodium bicarbonate natri bicacbonat
smoke point di~m kh6i. snail hlnh tr6n 6c, hlnh xofo oc. Na2 C03 khan [hoa]. [hoa].
smoke printing in anh phun mu. snake slip thoi da mai. soda ash glass thuy tinh natri. sodium bichromate natri bicromat
smoke proof (thu9c) phong kh6i. snake stone da ran. soda boil SI! nau v6i sMa.
soda cellulose xenlulozo tfnh kiem. sodium bisulfate natri bisunfat [hoa].
smoke screen man mu kh6i. snapshot bt'.i'c anh ch~1p nhanh
(thuong ch9p nhanh bang may anh soda crystal soda tinh the, sodium bisulphite natri bisunphit
smooth bang phang; Iran; mem; lam [hoa].
cam tay). Na2C03• l OH 20 [hoa].
cho bang; lam cho mem.
snatching gilly xe rach. soda glass thuy tinh natri. sodium borate natri borat, han the
smooth calf da de [d6ng sach]. [hoa].
snow flake dom trang tren m~t to in soda nitrate xampet II! nhien,
smooth finish gia c6ng nhan b6ng, sodium bromide natri bromua [hoa].
[Sl,I' CO]. NaN0 3, Natri nitrat.
SU'a nhan b6ng; trang men.
snow white mau tdng ruyet. soda nitre natri nitrat. sodium carbonate natri cacbonat
smooth running ch~y lien t9c khong [hoa].
bj dung may, v~n chuyen blnh 6n. soak tham l!at, ngam l16t. soda process phuong phap sMa [nau
b¢1 giayJ. sodium carbonate anhydrie natri
smoothed edge m~t mep sach ph.ing soap xa phong. cacbonat khan, kMng ng~m nu6c.
nhiin, mep sach xen chinh te. soda pulp b9t giay sMa.
soap ashes mr6c kiem tro. sodium carboxy methyl cellulose
smoother ban la. soda soap xa phong s6da. (NaCMC); natri cacboxy.metyl.xenlulozo,
soap resistance tfnh chong xa phong,
smoothered watermark in van mr6c, tfnh ben xa phong. soda solution dung djch soda. Na-CMC.
in mr6c c6 van. sodium natri, Na. sodium cellulose glycolate natri
soapless kh6ng c6 xa phong.
smoothness d9 nhan ph.ing [giay in]. xenlulozo glycolat.
soapstone da xtearit [loc!,i da mem so c6 sodium acetate natri axetat,
smoothness tester d9ng c9 do d¢ cam giac nhu xa phong], da xa phong. NaCH 3COO [hoa]. sodium chlorate natri clorat, NaCI03
nhan phang. [hoa].
soapy lye mr6c tro kiem. sodium alcoholate natri ancolat,
RONa [hoa]. sodium chloride natri clorua NaCl
smudge vet ban ho~c nhoe thuong do
sock loc!,i bft tat rr9c 16 nu6c, tat 16 [hoa].
ml,l'C COn t!6t Va CQ xat gay nen. sodium alum phen nh6m · - natri,
Na2S04.AJi(S04)3.24H20 ho~c sodium chlorite natri clorit NaCJ02
smudging qu~t ban, dfnh bAn, day
socket 6 dm; gia gac true 16 ml;Ic, 16 NaAJ(S04)i. l2H2 0 [hoa]. [hoaJ.
ban [Sl,I' co].
mroc. sodium amalgam hon hong natri. sodium citrate natri xirrat [hoa].
smut vet bAn, vet 6.
socket spanner b9 co-le 6ng. sodium amide natri amit, NaNH 2 sodium cyanide natri xyanua [hoa].
smut sheet giay 16t d~m. [hoa).
soda soda, natri cacbonat, NaC03
sodium dihydrogen phosphate natri
smutch vet bAn, vet 6. [t10a]. sodium azide natri nitrua, Na(N3) dihydr6 phot phat [hoa].
smyrna morocco phong gi6ng da soda alum phen soda, phen AJ-Na,
sodium dithionite natri dithionit
Moroco. NaA1(S0 4)2 l2H2 0 [hoa]. sodium benzoate natri benzoat (hoa]. [hoa].
sodium sodium_1>_hosphite

sodium dodecyl benzene sulfonate sodium lamp den natri. sodium phosphite natri photphit sodium sulfocyanide natri
natri d6dexyl benzen sunfonat [hoa]. [hoa]. sunfoxyanua [hoa].
sodium metabisulfite natri
sodium ethoxide natri ethoxit [hoa]. metabisunfit [hoa]. sodium pyrophosphate natri sodium sulphantiminiate natri
sodium ethylate natri ethylat [hoa]. sodium metaborate natri metaborat pyroph6tphat [hoa]. sunphantimoniat [hoa].
[hoa]. sodium polymer polime natri. sodium sulphate natri sunphat [hoa].
sodium ferricyanide natri ferixianua,
Na3Fe{CN)6 [hoa]. sodium metasilicate natri metasilicar sodium polymerization St! trung hqp sodium sulphide natri sunfua, Na2S;
[hoa]. Na2Sz; Na2S3; Na2S4; Na2S5 [hoa].
sodium ferrite natri ferit, NaFe02 bang natri.
[hoa]. sodium methoxide natri methoxit sodium polysulphide natri sodium sulphite natri sunphit [hoa].
sodium ferrocyanide natri polisunfua, Nai(Sx) [hoa]. sodium sulphite anhydride natri
feroxianua, Na4Fe(CN) 6 [hoa]. sodium methylate natri methylat sodium potassium tartrate natri kali sunphit khan, khong ng~m mroc.
sodium fluoride natri florua NaF tatrat, NaKC4H4)6 [hoa]. sodium superoxide natri peoxit,
[hoa]. sodium nitrate natri nitrat NaN0 3 Na20 2 [hoa].
sodium pyroborate natri pyroborat
sodium hexametaphosphate natri [hoa]. sodium tetraborate natri tetraborat
hexameta ph6t phat [hoa]. sodium nitre xampet natri, natri [hoa].
sodium pyrosulfite natri pyrosunfit
nitrat [110a].
sodium hydrate natri hidroxit, NaOH [hoa]. sodium thiocyanate natri thioxyanat
[hoa]. sodium nitride natri nitrua, Na3N [hoaJ.
[hoa]. sodium shodanate natri rhodanat
sodium hydride natri hidrua, NaH [hoa]. sodium thiosulfate natri thiosunfat
[hoa]. sodium nitrite natri nitrit [hoa]. [hoa].
sodium rubber cao su t6ng hqp natri
sodium hydrogen carbonate natri sodium orthophosphate natri [hoa]. sodium thiosulphate natri
hidrocabonat NaHC03 [hoa]. o6ctophotphat [hoa]. thiosunphat [hoa].
sodium salt mu6i natri, natri clorua
sodium hydrogen sulfate natri hydro sodium orthosilicate · natri o6cto [hoa]. sodium triphosphate natri
sunfat [hoa]. silicat [hoa]. triphotphat [hoa].
sodium selenite natri selenit [hoa].
sodium hydrosulfite natri sodium oxalate natri oxalat [hoa]. sodium tripoly phosphate natri
sodium silicate natri silicat [hoa]. tripoly photphat.
hydrosunfit [hoa]. sodium oxide natri oxit, Na2 0 [hoa].
sodium silver thiosulphate natri b~c sodium tungstate natri tungstat,
sodium hydroxide natri hydroxit, sodium pentachlorophenate natri thiosunphat [hoa]. NaW04.
NaOH [hoa]. pentaclorophenat [hoa].
sodium sulfate natri sunfat (hoa]. sodium wood-pulp b¢t go tfnh kiem.
sodium hypochlorite natri hypoclorit sodium peroxide natri peoxit,
[hoa]. Na/0 2) [hoa]. sodium sulfide natri sunfua [hoa]. . soft nhe, mem, (thu¢c) tang thu mem.
sodium hypophosphate natri hypo sodium phenyl sulfate natri phenyl sodium sulfite natri sunfit (hoa]. soft blanket tam cao su (6p xet) mem.
ph6t phar [hoa]. sunfat [hoa]. sodium sulfite acid natri sunfit axit soft copy c6ng-t&c phim mem, in thii
sodium iodide natri iodua [l10a]. [hoaJ.
sodium phosphate natri ph6t phat. khong ro net, ma ma.
600 601
sodium sodiumJ>.hosphite

sodium dodecyl benzene sulfonate sodium lamp den natri. sodium phosphite natri ph6tphit sodium sulfocyanide natri
natri dodexyl benzen sunfonat [hoa]. (hoa]. sunfoxyanua [hoa].
sodium metabisulfite natri
sodium ethoxide natri ethoxit [hoa]. metabisunfit [hoa]. sodium pyrophosphate natri sodium sulphantiminiate natri
sodium ethylate natri ethylat [hoa]. sodium metaborate natri metaborat pyroph6tphat [hoa]. sunphantimoniat [hoa].
[hoa]. sodium polymer polime natri. sodium sulphate natri sunphat [hoa].
sodium ferricyanide natri ferixianua,
Na3Fe(CN)6 [hoa]. sodium metasilicate natri metasilicat sodium polymerization SI! trung h9P sodium sulphide natri sunfua, Na2 S;
[hoa]. Na2Si; N3iS 3; Na 2S4; Na2S5 [hoa].
sodium ferrite natri ferit, NaFe02 bang natri.
[hoa]. sodium methoxide natri methoxit sodium polysulphide natri sodium sulphite natri sunphit [hoa].
sodium ferrocyanide natri polisunfua, Nai(Sx) [hoa]. sodium sulphite anhydride natri
feroxianua, Na4 Fe(CN)6 [hoa]. sodium methylate natri methylat sodium potassium tartrate natri kali sunphit khan, khong ng~m mr6c.
sodium fluoride natri florua NaF tatrat, NaKC4H4)6 [hoa]. sodium superoxide natri peoxit,
[hoa]. sodium nitrate natri nitrat NaN0 3 Na20 2 [hoa].
sodium pyroborate natri pyroborat
sodium hexametaphosphate natri [hoa]. sodium tetraborate natri tetraborat
hexameta ph6t phat [hoa]. sodium nitre xampet natri, natri [hoa].
sodium pyrosulfite natri pyrosunfit
nitrat [l10a].
sodium hydrate natri hidroxit, NaOH [hoa]. sodium thiocyanate natri thioxyanat
[hoa]. sodium nitride natri nitrua, Na3N [hoa].
[hoa]. sodium shodanate natri rhodanat
sodium hydride natri hidrua, NaH [hoa]. sodium thiosulfate natri thiosunfat
[hoa]. sodium nitrite natri nitrit [hoa]. [hoa].
sodium rubber cao SU !Ong h9P natri
sodium hydrogen carbonate natri sodium orthophosphate natri [hoa]. sodium thiosulphate natri
hidrocabonat NaHC0 3 [hoa]. o6ctophotphat [hoa]. thiosunphat [hoa].
sodium salt mu6i natri, natri clorua
sodium hydrogen sulfate natri hydro sodium orthosilicate · natri o6cto [hoa]. sodium triphosphate natri
sunfat [hoa]. silicat [hoa]. triphotphat [hoa].
sodium selenite natri selenit [hoa].
sodium hydrosulfite natri sodium oxalate natri oxalat [hoci]. sodium tripoly phosphate natri
sodium silicate natri silicat [hoa]. tripoly photphat.
hydr6sunfit [hoa]. sodium oxide natri oxit, Na2 0 [hoa].
sodium silver thiosulphate natri b<;tc sodium tungstate natri tungstat,
sodium hydroxide natri hydroxit, sodium pentachlorophenate natri thiosunphat [hoa]. NaW04 •
NaOH [hoa]. pentaclorophenat [hoa].
sodium sulfate natri sunfat [hoa]. sodium wood-pulp b9t g<"> tfnh kiem.
sodium hypochlorite natri hypoclorit sodium peroxide natri peoxit,
[boa]. Na/02 ) [hoa]. sodium sulfide natri sunfua [hoa]. , soft nhe, mem, (thu9c) tang tha mem.
sodium hypophosphate natri hypo sodium phenyl sulfate natri phenyl sodium sulfite natri sunfit (hoa]. SOft blanket lam cao SU (op xet) mem.
ph6t phat [hoa]. sunfat [hoa]. sodium sulfite acid natri sunfit axit soft copy cong-t&c phim mem, in thii
sodium iodide natri iodua [hoa]. [hoa].
sodium phosphate natri ph6t phat. kh6ng ro net, ma mo.
600 601
soft cover
softened water

soft cover bla sach chat li¢u mem. soft radiation buc x~ mem. softened water nl!OC da lam mem. solarization st.r phai nang; tac dl}ng
soft dot diem mo, diem ao. soft roll trl}c 16 (cao su) mem; cu6n phan chuyen, chieu sang qua muc.
softener chat lam mem, chat deo hoa,
soft etching ink dung mtJc in an mon giay long. .
ban chai mem. solate bien thanh son, bien thanh
chat li¢u mem. soft soap xa phong mem. dung djch keo.
softening (stJ) lam mem, (st.r) giam d¢
soft fibre sqi mem. soft tallow sap mem. ran. solation st.r bien thanh son, st.r bie'n
soft focus tieu diem ao. thanh dung djch keo.
soft thermal carbon bo h6ng khf. softening point diem hoa mem.
soft firing SlJ dun nhy. solder chat han, han n6i (han hay va
soft tone tang thu mem, tong anh mem. softground etching each an mon ve !;,ti bang hqp kim han).
soft gradation duong gradaxion soft tube printing in 6ng v~t li¢u mem. but chl thu c6ng ban in lorn.
mem, nga. soldering iron ban la.
soft water nl!OC mem (kh6ng c6 mu6i softness d(> mem u6n (giay).
soft grease ma b6i trcm mem. khoang). soldering lamp den han.
software phan mem.
soft gum nlwa mem. soft-covered inking roller tn_1c 16 soldering medium chat han, hqp kim
software driver trlnh tt.r khoi d(>ng han.
soft India rubber cao su thien nhien mt.re be mi).t mem.
phan mem.
mem. soft-dot halftone diem tram mo ao. solenoid arc lamp den ho quang.
software flexibility tfnh linh ho~t
soft ink mtJc in nong d¢ pich mang soft-focus lens thau kfnh tieu diem phan mem. SOiid V~t riln, the riln, sap Chu chen
thap, mtJc in Ioang. mem. xft, di).c; nen byt.
software maintenance duy trl bao h(>
soft lead chl mem. soft-ground etching ch! ban ban in solid area nen byt.
phan mem.
soft lead matrix khu6n due chl mem Iom thu cong, an mon ban in lorn thu solid binder chat ket dfnh rfo.
Cong. software resource nguon phan mem.
[ban m~ di¢n phl}C cheJ solid bitumen bitum ran.
soft-sized tning keo mlf(Jt dju. software RIP (Raster Image.
soft mud process phttang phap due solid carbon cacbon ran, cacbon
Processor) phan mem gia cong anh
(mem). soft-working developer dung djch kh6ng bay hai.
tram (RIP).
soft negative phim am ban tang thCr hi¢n anh mem.
software too) c6ng Cl} phan mem. solid cement chat ket dfnh riln.
mem. soft back dong sach bla mem.
software-compatible phan mem solid circuit dong di?n 6ng tinh the.
soft packing 16t d?m mem, b9c 6ng soft bound book sach d6ng bla mem.
mem. ttrang hqp. solid color mau nen byt.
softcover binding d6ng sach bla mem.
soft paper giay in anh tang thll mem. SOiJ dom ban, Vet biin. solid diffusion stJ khuyech tan tlfong
soften lam mem. ran.
soft parafin parafin mem. sol son, dung djch keo.
soften printing ink tntJC in mem. solid dispersion stJ phan tan tlfong nin.
soft paste porcelain su mem. solar energy nang Iuqng mi).t troi.
softenabler driver trlnh ttJ khoi d(>ng solid film lubricant chat b6i tran
soft poce)ain SU' mem. kha nang si'r d~mg phan mem. solar salt mu6i phai (mu6i an). mang ran.
soft proof in thi'r mem. softened rubber cao SU dii hoa deo. solar spectrum quang ph6 m~t troi. solid filter kfnh l9c sac the d.n.
solid-friction soluble cotton

solid-friction SI! ma sat kho. solidification point diem hoa ran. soluble cotton bong tan, solvent dewaxing SI! kht'.r sap bing
solid fuel nhien li¢u ran. nitroxenlulozo. dung m6i.
solidifier thiet bj lo<;ti tru b9t khf ban
solid-geometry hlnh h9c l~p the. due di¢n. soluble glass thuy tinh long. solvent ether ete etylic, (C2H5)20
solidify hoa d.n. [hoa].
solid lubricant chat boi tran d.n. soluble oils dliu tan.
soluble starch tinh b¢t tan, thong so solvent evaporating ink dung m6i
solid matter sap chfr d~c kfn. solidifying point diim hoa d.n.
mvc in bay hoi.
tfnh tan.
solid oil dau boi tran riin. solidity tr~ng thai ran.
soluble water glass thuy tinh long. solvent flexographic ink dung m6i
solid phase pha rdn, ttt6'ng ran. solidness d9 ran. mvc in flexo.
solubleness d¢ tan.
solid photo polymer plate · ban solids h~t ran. solvent fractionation SI! tach philn
photopolyme nh<;ty sang d<;tng kho. solute chat tan. do<;tn b!ng dung m6i.
solids classification SI! phfu1 lo;p h~t ran. solutide dung djch thvc.
solid plate ban in nfo b('.:t. solvent polymerization sv trung hqp
solidus net g~ch cheo (/); duong ran;
solid point diem hoa ran. solution dung djch, sv hoa tan. trong dung djch.
c6 tuyen.
solid print trang in nen b('.:t, in nen. solution polymerization sv trung solvent power kha nang tan trong
solozone natri peoxft, Na2 0 2 [hoa].
hqp trong dung djch. dung m6i.
solid residue c~n kho.
solubility d¢ tan; tfnh hoa tan. solution heat nhi¢t hoa tan. solvent reclamation SI! thu h6i dung
solid rubber cao su cCrng, ebonit.
solubility coefficient h¢ s6 tan. solution power kha nang tan. m6i.
solid setting ban sap chfr khong chen
solubility exponen chi s6 d¢ tan. solution pressure Ive tan, ap suat tan. solvent recovery SI! thu h6i dung m6i.
khoang each gifra cac dong.
solid solution dung djch ran. solution parameter thong s6 tfnh tan. solution tension Ive tan. solvent recovery device thiet bj thu
h6i dung m6i.
solid state tr~ng thai ran. solubility product tfch so tan. solvate sonvat.
solvent release ta.ch dung m6i.
solid suspension opals kfnh mo mau sfra. solubility temperature coefficient solvate theory ly thuyet sonvat.
h¢ so nhi¢t d¢ cua tfnh tan. solvation SI! sonvat hoa.
solvent resistance tfnh ben dung m6i.
solid violet phAm nhu¢m mau tfm ben.
solubility temperature curve duong solvent sizing trang phu keo dung m6i.
solid-color rendering chuyen dOi solvency kha nang hoa tan.
khong gian mau nen b('.:t [quan ly mau]. tan - nhi¢t d¢. solvent-base Jaminator may phu
solvent dung m6i.
solubilization sv hoa tan, Jam tan, slf mang kieu trot dung dung m6i.
solid-state printing in tr~g thai riin, ~c.
hoa tan keo. solvent action tac dl;lng tan.
solvent-less laminator may phu
solidifiability kha nang dong rfo.
solubilize tang hoa tan. solvent activity ho<;tt tfnh cua dung mang kieu kho k6ng dung dung m6i.
solidifiable dong ran duqc. m6i.
soluble tan. solvent-recovery plant thiet bj thu
solidification sv d6ng ran, tac d1,mg solvent cut phan cat dung m6i. h6i dung m6i.
dong nin. soluble anode an6t tan.
solvent developer dung djch hi¢n anh solventless ink mvc in khong c6
solidification heat nhi¢t hoa ran. soluble casein casein tan. Io<;ii dung m6i. dung m6i.
604 605
soya-bean oil

sonar n<;1p am. sorting machine may tuyen ch9n vat soya-bean oil dau d~u nanh. space model miiu khong gian.
sonobook sach d9c c6 am thanh. li¢u, may tuyen ch9n giay. .
SP (sulfite pulp) b¢t giay sunfite. space out chen r9ng giiia cac dong,
sonoprint bt'rc anh c6 am thanh. sorts m¢t so chli' cai trong b9 chfr chl. chen r¢ng giiia cac chii.
space cai chen chl, khoang each giiia
sonorama t<;1p chi c6 am thanh. sorts box h¢p chii chl sir dyng kMng cac dong, cac chii. space rule dttong ke chl !rang trf cac
thanh tr9n b9. khoang tr6ng, sap bieu dung cac
sonoshect trang giay c6 am thanh. space and quad case h¢p dl!ng chii
sosoloid dung djch d.n; dung djch chl, cai chen, thoi chen. duong ke chl.
soot bo hong, mu¢i than den. keo ran. space band nem chen thing hang space wedge nem chen khpang tr6ng
soot of mercury b6 h6ng thuy ngan. [may due chii]. [may due chii].
sound am thanh; tot; hoan loan.
sootflake vay bo h6ng. space bar thoi chen khoang tr6ng. space-saving tiet ki¢m vj trf sap chii.
sound camera may chyp ghi am.
soothing cream kem lam mem da.
sound-energy intensity m~t d¢ am
space box h¢p de cac ca chen chl nho space unit te bao; nguyen to [tinh the].
sophiaticated (thu¢c) thanh tht.1c. nang. (sap chii).
spacer nem chen khoang trong [may
sophisticated (thu¢c) thanh thyc; space case h¢p de cac thoi chen. due chii], cai chen dong [may due chii].
sound input ditu vao am thanh.
(thu¢c) tinh xao. space character dau chii chi gian
sound insulation each am. spacing dieu chinh cLJ ly giiia cac chii.
each, khoang trong chii.
sorbate chat bi hap tht,1.
sound wood g6 tot. space chemistry hoa l~p the. spacing material v~t Ii¢u chen.
sorbent v~t hap thy.
soundness tr<;1ng thai tot; tr<;1ng thai space dot dttong chuan chieu cao spacing-in thu hyp khoang each giil'a
sorbing SI! hap thy. viing chac. theo phan in. cac chii.
sorbing agent v~t hap thy. sour hoa chua, lam chua, nra axil, ru-a space evenly dieu chinh khoang each spacing-out chinh qr ly giil'a cac dong.
sorption SI! hap thy. chua. deu giiia cac chii. spangle work cong ngh¢ trang trf do
sorption equilibrium cAn bang hap source diskette ngu6n cfia [may tfnh). space formula c6ng tht'rc J~p the. an dung la kim lo<;ii mong.
thy. space group nh6m kh6ng gian. Spanish calf da de Tay ban nha.
source document nguon tl! li¢u, tai
sorption exhaust SI! t<;10 chan khong li¢u, van ki¢n. space isomerism hi¢n tm;mg dong Spanish grass co Tay ban nha [giay in].
Mp thy. phan l~p the.
source file nguon van ki¢n Spanish grass paper giay san xuat tu
sort m¢t b9 chG' chl; phan lo<;1i; tuyen [may tfnh]. space key khoa khoang tr6ng. co TAy Ban Nha.
source of power nguon di¢n. space lattice lttoi khong gian.
Spanish leather da cao cap san xuat
sorter may phan phat, phan lo?i thiet
source program trlnh ti! nguon. space lead dttong ke cham phi-le tu TAy Ban Nha.
bi, may tuyen ch9n. cham. '
souring SI! lam chua, tttong mLJc nl!OC spanner co-le.
sorter-reader may d9c duy¢t phan space line dttong ke cham, phi-le
lo<;1i. khong t<;10 mau d~p [sLJ co mau dyp]. spare tiet ki¢m.
sorting phan lo<;1i, tuyen v~t li¢u, sourness d¢ chua; d¢ axit. spare parts phy ki¢n di! trii.
space mark ky hieu gian each chen
tuyen ch9n giay. souris chua. r¢ng (#). · '
sparge phun.
sp~g_e water
specific surface area

sparge water nuoc phun n'ra, nu6c tu6i. s~ecial-carte giay each di¢n Jam specific surface area b~ mat bieu thj spectral characteristics dac tfnh
sparger cai phun. bang Cao SU hay nht,ra tOng hqp. quang ph6. ·
dac trung rieng.
sparging Sl,! phun; nUOC phun; Sl,! sui special-purpose hardware phan specific viscosity d9 nh6t tuong d6i, spectral colour mau quang phO
ctrng chuyen dung.
b9t; phun. d(> dfnh tuong d6i.
spectral composition thanh phan
specialized publication xuat ban
sparingly soluble it tan. specific volume dung tfch tuong doi. quang ph6.
phtfm chuyen nganh.
spatial kh6ng gian, )il.p the. specific weight tr9ng luqng rieng, ty spectral distribution st,r phan b6
specialized publishing house nha
tr9ng. quang ph6.
spatial arrangement Sl,! sap xep xuat ban chuyen nganh.
khong gian. specialty ink mt,rc in dac chung. • specification qui each; sach gi6'i
thi¢u, thuyet minh, dac diem ky thuil.t.
spectral energy distribution curve
duong cong phan b6 nang luqng
spatial chemistry hoa h9c lil.p the. specialty printing in dac chung. quang phan.
specimen sach mau, an phim mau;
spatula xeng xuc mt,rc, dao mt,rc. specialty screen printing press may spectral line v~ch quang phO.
mau, tieu ban.
special dac bi¢t. in tram dac chung.
specimen book sach mau, fill phAm mau. spectral reflectance curve duong
special binding sach dong tinh xao, specific rieng; dac bi¢t. cong phan X<;l quang phan.
specimen copy sach mau.
sach d6ng dac bi¢t. specific activity ho~t tinh rieng. spectral response hubng ung quang
specimen page trang mau. ph6, cam ung quang ph6.
special book paper giay in sach dac specific adsorptive capacity dung
bi¢t cho nguoi mu. luqng hap thy rieng. specimen print mau in thtt, mau in. spectral sensitivity d9 nh~y phO, d(>
special character chii dac thu. specific capacity dung luqng rieng. speckle diem triing, d6m tr.ing [st,r co in]. cam quang quang ph6.
special effects screen tram hi¢u qua specific density mil.t d9; ty tr9ng. speckling trang trf mep xen sach. spectral sensitization d¢ cam quang
dac chung. phO, tac dyng tang d¢ nh~y quang ph6.
specific dispersion d9 phan tan rieng. specta colour phuong thuc in ch6ng
special gravity ty tr9ng. mau tt,r d(>ng ki~u in bao h6n h9P mau. spectral transmittance d(> thau x~
specific energy nang luqng rieng. quang ph6.
special ink mt,rc in dac chiing. spectra quang ph6.
specific gravity ty tr9ng. spectrochcmical analysis su phAn
special issue dqt phat hanh dac bi¢t; spectracell Screening ky thuat tram tfch hoa quang pho.
specific heat nhi¢t dung rieng.
s6 bao hay t~p chi chuyen thuong ky. hoa te bao quang pho [c6ng ty
specific mass mil.t d¢, ty kh6i. Hyphen]. spectrochemistry hoa h9c quang ph6.
special paper giay dac chung.
specific pressure ap suat rieng. spectral (thu(>c) quang ph6. spectrogram anh quang phO.
special printing process phuong
phap in dac chung. specific refractivity d¢ khuc xi:i rieng. spectro process printing in mau cau
spectral absorption str hap thu quang
ph6. . · vong.
special purpose computer may tinh specific resistance di¢n trb rieng.
chuyen dung. spectrograph may quang ph6, may
specific sensitivity d¢ cam quang sp~tral analysis st,r phan tfch quang
PM. phan tfch quang ph6.
special supplement phy ban, tang s6 rieng; d¢ nh~y sang dac trung rieng.
spectrographical identification st,r
Juqng bao, t<;tp chi. specific surface be mat rieng. spectral band dai quang ph6.
kifm djnh quang ph6.

39 • Tf>KHKTIAV 609

spectroheliograph may quang ph6 specular (thu¢c) guong; phan chieu

m~t trai. nhu gl!ong.
specdomenter t6c d(> ke. spiral fold ta gap kieu s6 sach thu chi
spectrology phep phan tfch quang spelling dictionary tu dicfo xep cac spiral mixer may h6n hqp kieu dai
specular density m~t d¢ phan xa
ph6. chii cua cac tl! dung theo thCr ti.!: viet xoan
quang dinh hl!crng. ·
dung tl!, viet dung chfnh ta.
spectrometer quang ph6 ke. specular gloss d9 b6ng gl!ong. Spiral roller lrl;IC truyfo ml!C Vil.n XOart.
Spencer's solution dung djch an mon
spectrometric (thu¢c) quang ph6. ban in l6m b~ng thep. spiral screen tram tron dong tam.
specular light anh sang guong, anh
spectrometry phep do quang ph6. Sang phan X.;t. spiral wire day thep xo!n 6c.
Spherekote tam cao su phong ch6ng
specular reflextion SI.! phan x~ gl!ong. dfnh bAn Spherecot [ten thllong m.;ti]. spiral-wire binding dong sach xoil.n 6c.
spectrophotography ch1:1p anh quang
ph6. specular surface be m.i.t guong. spherical aberration anh sai m.i.t spirit wqu; tinh diiu.
hlnh du.
spectrophotometer quang ke ph6. speed t6c d(>. spirit color pham (mau tan trong)
spherical print heat transfer di in rl!Q'U.
spectrophotometry phep quang ke ph6. speed adjustment dieu chinh t6c d(l, m.i.t h1nh cau.
spectroquality d¢ tinh khiet quang dieu tiet t6c d(>. spirit duplicating phllong phap sao
spider gia da cu(>n gia'y. ch1:1p con.
ph6. speed change system h¢ th6ng thiet
bi bien d6i toe d9. spinal lettering chii in a gay sach spirit duplicator may sao chl;Jp giay
spectroradiometer may do ph6 bCrc
spindle tn,1c, tr~1c 6ng chi, 6ng chi, l6i dung dich con.
x.;t quang phan. speed control thiet bi dieu tier t6c d(>.
tr~1c, tr~1c chfnh spirit dye pham mau tan trong rl!<JU.
spectroscope quang phll.n ke, may speed counter bieu t6c d(>, chuyen
quang phll.n. spine gay sach spirit gauge rl!<JU ke, con ke.
t6c ke.
spectroscopic (thu¢c) quang ph6. speed down giam t6c. spine gluing apparatus thiet bj Mi spirit lamp den con.
hay phet keo gay sach
spectroscopic analysis SI.! phan tfch speed indicator thiet bj chi thj t6c d(>. spirit of hartshorn dung djch amoniac.
quang ph6. spine soiling machine may trang trf
speed of an emulsion t6c d¢ cam hoa tr1:1c ep gay sach spirit of turpentine dau thong.
spectroscopic standard tieu chuan quang cua nhu tl!O'ng.
spine title tieu de gay sach, dau de spiritof wine wqu; ruqu etylic.
quang ph6.
speed reduccer may giam t6c. gay sach, tft gay sach spirit varnish vecni wqu.
spectroscopy quang ph6 h9c; phep
speed regulation SI.! dieu tiet t6c d¢. s~ine wire stitching d6ng ghim thep spirituous (thu¢c) ruqu.
ch1:1p quang ph6.
bang gay sach
spectrum quang ph6. speed regulator may dieu chinh t6c d(>. spitting ml;J'c bil.n ra khi ch<!-Y may.
spinning polygon lang kfnh quay
spectrum analysis St! phll.n tfch speed transmission may bien t6c. splash SI.! phun; SI.! vay, phun tia, va'.y tia
spiral binding dong sach ·xoil.n 6c
quang ph6. speed up tang nhanh toed¢. splash head dfo phun tia; thiet bj phl;l
spiral bound sach dong xoan 6c chong tia.
spectrum chart bieu do quang ph6. Speed-set ink ml!C in kho nhanh.
spi_ral composite can h(>p phCrc hqp
spectrum line v~ch quang ph6. speed of reaction toe d¢ phan Crng. xoan 6c · splash headline dau de chii to bao chi,
tft Ian bao chi, tieu de Ian bao chi.
splash lubrication
sp_ooled output file

splash lubrication si..r b6i tron phun tia. split-browse display phan each xem
ltr6t hi¢n thj tren man hi¢n hlnh.
spooled output file van ki¢n xuat ra spotting out va diem ro trang phim
splash work each ve ban phun con may gia thiet. am ban.
[ban in da, thi;lCh ban]. split-edit display phan each bien tap
spooling may gia thiet. spotting up d¢m ban eye b¢.
splashing work each ve ban phun hi¢n thj tren man hi¢n h1nh.
con (ban in da, thc,tch ban]. spoon cai thla; sui n6i b9t; h6t b91. spray phun b¢t, phun suong.
split-screen display phan each hi¢n thj.
splendid edition dong sach tinh xao. splitting (si..r) tach; (s~r) bong tr6c; (si..r)
sporting editor bien t~p the d1,1c. spray atomizer blnh phun chat long.
splice n6i, chO n6i, dan n6i giay cu(>n. keo XCI, giay bj b6c keo XO [SL! co} spot not; cham, d6m sang, diem sang. spray coating s~r son phun.
splicer thiet bj dan n6i cu(>n giay tt.r spoil thCr phAm, phe pham. spot carbon phu than c1,1c b¢ [giay spray cooling si..r lam li;lnh phun.
sao ch~1p].
d(>ng. spoilage ta in hong. spray development hi¢n anh phun
splicing giay cu(>n tiep giay. spot carbonizing in sac t6 than. strong.
spoilage allowance trlnh d(> cho phep
splicing reel stand gia lap cu(>n giay htr hao. · spot check cu(>c kiem tra b!t nga, d(>t
spray drying si..r say phun.
c6 the tien hanh tiep giay ti..r d(>ng. xuat.
spoiled lettex chfr hong bo di. spray etch an mon bang each phun
splined shaft tn,ic phfm hoa. spot color mau rieng bi¢t.
sponge b9t bien. dung djch [in lorn].
split phan tach, phan lop, lop tang. spot edge ve trang trf m~t dt.
Sponge rubber cao SU XOp, b9t bien spray gun sung phun, phun bang sung.
split board cac tong b1a sach nhi6u lop. cao su. spot lamp den 11,1 quang, den chieu
diem, den r9i. spray jet dau phun.
split colour printing in mau phan spongilite da b9t.
ngan tren mang mi..rc. spot light anh sang den t~1 quang, den spray mark phun tia van.
sponginess tr<;tng thai bQt, tr<;t11g thai x6p. chieu diem, den r9i. spray nozzle dau phun.
split diaphram gai hay cam diapham.
sponging agent tac nhan ti;lO b9t. spot sheet giay va d¢m 16t. spray pipe 6ng phun.
split display phan each tren man hlnh.
spongy paper giay tr9ng luqng nh~. spot-color work c6ng vi¢c pha mau
split duct mt.re chuyen mau ph6i h<JP spray unit thiet bj phun suong.
giay b9t bien. rieng bi¢t.
phan doc,tn tren lll!ng mi..rc.
spray water mroc phun.
split film action tac d1,1ng b6c giay. spool phim cu(>n ho~c cu(>n bang keo, spot-up marks ky hi¢u dem ban.
c9c sgi, may gia thiet (may tfnh]. sprayer thiet bj phun (b(>t), b1nh phun.
split filter method phtrong phap phan spot-up sheet giay d¢m ban cue b¢.
mau dung nhieu lo<;ti kfnh J9c sac voi spool holder gia c9c sgi. sprayer jet may phun con, may phun
spot-welding han diem.
nhau. SLWng.
spool job tac nghi¢p may gia thiet.
spot-welding machine may han diem.
split fountain mang m~rc ngan n::iau. sprayer nozzle diiu phun.
spool writer tr1nh tt.r xuat ra may gia spotted c6 vet.
split fractions sap ghep phan s6. 1hie1. spraying phun b(>t, phun suong.
spotters c6ng st'.ra phim am ban, kiem
split leather cat phan lop cua da. spooled file van ki¢n may giii thiet. Ira phim tram am ban. spraying apparatus thiet bj phun (b(>t).
split screen phlln each hi¢n thi tren spooled input file van ki¢n nh~p vao spraying box blnh phun b(>t.
spo~tin~ kiem tra ap ILrc d¢m ban
man hi¢n hlnh. may gia thiet. chuan b! ep in. spraying medium chat phun b(>t.

spread Ian r¢ng, trai r(mg, phan b6. sprocket dia xfch, lo khuyet tren stack lift ban nang h<!, chong giay.
squeeze SI/ ep, SI/ nen.
spread type kieu chii' tft, lieu de. bang giay, tren phim ho~c bang tu.
squeeze roller trl;JC dieu chlnh 11UOC ilm. stack press may ep sach.
sprocket hole 16 khuyet dan truyen.
Spreading bien thCJ, ml/C ban ra. squeeze out vat ra, ep ra. stack room kho sach.
sprocket wheel dia xfch.
spreading of ink m~rc in quang tan. squeezeout ink ep g<!,t mt!C nu6c. stack-type press may in kieu xe'p ch6ng.
spun cotton sgi bong.
spreadometer thiet bj do d¢. stabbed binding sach dong ghim stacked unit don vj in kieu xe'p ch6ng.
spun glass bong thuy tinh, s<;li thuy tinh. thep [dong sach].
spreadsheet bang bieu di¢n tfr. stacker xe xep giay, xe xep sach.
spur gear banh rang. stabbing khoan lo, d1;1c 16, dong ghim
spring lo xo; suoi; mua xuan; co diin; stacking (w) xep thanh dong, thanh
spur wheel banh rang trong h(>p so. thep [dong sach].
hoa tan. ch6ng.
spurt tia; SI/ phun tia. stabbing avol dui 16 dong sach.
spring back sach dong kyp lo xo gay. stacking and piling equipment thiet
squabble chfr chl sap ngugc. stability tfnh 6n djnh (chong keo t1;1), bi xe'p ch6ng giay.
spring bearing 6 tr1;1c lo xo.
d(> 6n djnh.
square blnh vuong; blnh phtrc:mg. stacking machine may xep ch6ng giay.
spring binding dong sach xoan 6c. stability limit gi6i hc:tn 611 djnh.
square back gay sach vuong; gay staggered justification chinh hang
spring clamp c~p lo xo. stability of emulsion tfnh 6n djnh
ph~ng. xen ke.
spring leaf la (kim Io<!,i) dan h6i. cua nhu ttrong.
square bracket dau ngo~c vuong. staggering kieu chfr nghieng nga trai
spring loaded former nose lo so d(>i stabilization St! 611 djnh. phai trong quang cao.
square cutter may d.t xen vuong g6c.
dau mui nhc;m b,\n gap hlnh tam giac. stabilizator chat 6n djnh. staggering binding dong ghim sai vj trf.
square dot diem tram hlnh vuong.
spring loaded idler tr1;1c dieu tiet l~rc stabilize lam 6n djnh. staging phan do<!,n an mon, an mon
keo cu<)n giay. square nut e-cu vuong. nhieu cap.
stabilized paper giay ben iim.
spring washer vong d¢m lo xo. square scorper dao khac vuong dung stagmatype each che ban h~ ban in cao.
stabilizer chat 6n djnh.
khac ban.
spring water mr6c ngam; mr6c su6i. stabilizer bath dung djch 6n djnh. stain ve't ban, ph,im mau.
square serif kieu chii' tho.
springing tfnh dan hoi, tfnh co diin. stabilizing St! 6n djnh. stainable tham mau dtr<;1c, c6 mau.
square stop diapham hlnh vuong.
springiness tfnh dan hoi bla cung, stabilizing agent chat 6n djnh (ch6ng stained tham mau, co mau.
cac tong. squared paper giay h1nh vu6ng. keo t~1).
stained edge nhu¢m mau m~t d.t.
sprinkle phun con, phun; ray; vay. squat type kieu chfr bie'n th( chfr d('.:t. stable 611 djnh, ben.
stained top nhu¢m mau m~t d.t tren
sprinkled edge trang trf m~t ck Squeegee ban g1_\t Cao SU, ban g<!,t ml/C, stable base film de' phim 6n dinh. dau.
sprinkler thiet bi phun, blnh phun. squeegee roller tr1;1c ep g1,1t cao du. stable plastic chat deo 611 dinh kh6ng staining sv nhu(>m mau, nhu(>m mau
sprinkler head dau phun. squeegeeless screen printi~g bien d~tng. . m~t cat ru¢t sach.
machine may in Iu6i khung dung ban st~ck chong giay, ch6ng sach, xe'p staining bath hien anh dung dung
sprinkling machine m,iy phun. g1,1t cao su. thanh ch6ng. dich nhu9m mau.
staining power
standard model

staining power khii nang nhiem mau. standard alkali dung djch kiem tieu standard model san pham mifo tieu stand by computer may tfnh dl! trfr,
stainless kh6ng gi. chuan. ton trfr.
stainless property tfnh ch6ng gi. standard atmosphere pressure ap sua1 standard newspaper page trang bao standing dl! trfr, tfch trfr, du.
khf quyen tieu chuan, ap suat thuong. tieu chua'.n.
stainless steel cloth lu6'i thep khong gi. standing forme ban du trfr.
standard cell pin tieu chuAn. standard screen tram tieu chuan.
stainless steel screen luoi thep khong gi. standing matter ban dl;f trfr, bat chfr
standard conditions dieu ki¢n tieu standard script of handwriting kieu dang dung.
stamp ep khuon (in), khuon in ep m? chuan. chfr khai chfr Han viet tay.
vang, dau tem buu di¢n. standing text ban dl! trfr.
standard developer dung djch hi~n standard sieve (cai) rAy tieu chuan.
stamp in relief ep d~p n6i phu dieu standing press may ep b6 tay sach.
anh tieu chuAn. standard size kfch thuoc tieu chuan.
[dong sach]. standing type chfr tlwong dung.
standard deviation sai Jech tieu chuAn. standard solution dung dich chuan.
stamp paper giay tern thu. standing type rach gia M ban dl_l' trfr.
standard error sai Jech tieu chu.in. standard specification qui each tieu
stamp perforating machine may dye standstill SL! dung Iai; SL! dung I~i;
standard focal length lens tieu ct,r chuiin.
rang cua tem thu. tr?ng thai dung xe.
thau kfnh tieu chuan. standard substance chat chuan.
stamping ep khuon mang nhu kim stannotype ch~1p anh ban thcp.
lo?i, in ep nhi¢t nhu vang. standard format kh6 sach tieu chu.in. standard temperature nhi¢t d(> tieu
chuan. stannic (thu(>c) thicc (IV).
stamping die khu6n in ep d(tp n6i. standard Generalized Markup
Language ngon ngfr tieu trf th6ng standard temperature and pressure stannic acid axit stanic.
stamping ink m1:fc in ep d~p n6i. nhi¢t d(> va ap suat tieu chuii'.n.
dt.mg tieu chuan. stannic chloride thicc (IV) clorua,
stamping machine may ep in. standard three colour ink ba mau SnCl 4 [hoa].
standard height-to-paper d(> cao
stamping press may m? vang, may chfr roi tieu chuiin.. ml;(c in tieu chuiin.
stannic hydroxide thiec (IV)
ep mang nhii. standard wavelength buoc s6ng tieu hidroxit, Sn(OH) 4 [hoa].
standard illuminant anh sang tieu
stand b¢ may, gia do. chu.in. stannic oxide lhiec (IV) oxit, Sn02
standard white trfog tieu chudn [hoa J.
Stand oil pha m1:fC dung dau da trung standard ink m1:fc in tieu chua'.n. [v~t li~u].
hqp, dau da trung hqp. stannous (thu(>c) thiec (II).
standard ink swatch mau mau mvc
standard white light anh sang trAng
stand-alone (1hu(>c) d(>c l~p [may in tieu chuan. tieu chuan. stannous chloride 1hiec (II) clorua,
lfnh]. SnCl 2 [ho,i].
standard international unit don vi standardization tieu chuan hoa.
stand-alone RIPRIP may don RIPRIP. ticu chufo qu6c 1€. stannous hydroxide thiec (II)
standardization of solution str ticu hidroxit, Sn(OH)z [ho,1].
standard tieu chuan. standard letter kieu chfr tieu chu.in. chuiln hoa duno dich. .
• I:> •
staple ng uyen li~u; sqi bong; sqi Jen;
standard accessories phy ki¢n standard light source nguon sang standardized solution duno dich da nguycn lieu dong sach; day thep d6ng
tieu chuan. lieu chu:in. chuan hoa. I:> •
kep gay b,\ng.
staple fibre
starting_ solution

staple fibre sqi nhan t<;10, sqi dai deu. starch tinh b¢t, (C6H1 00 5) 0 , h6 tinh starting solution dung djch dan tham. stationary tinh, co djnh; 6n djnh, bat
b(>t. bien; dung.
staple glass fibre bong t.huy tinh tieu starting torque khoi d¢ng momen
chuiin. starch edge m~t cat nhiem ho. stationary bed press may in ban
staple length d¢ dai sqi. starch gum dectrin, (C6H 10 0 5 ) 11 • startup item h,~ng myc kMi d(>ng (giuang) phrrng co cljnh ban in.
staple shank chAn ghim thcp. starch paper giay tinh b¢t. [may tfnh]. stationary jaw ban k~p c6 djnh tren
tr~IC gap tay Sach.
staple support may dong sach theo starch-based adhesive chat keo dan state tr<;1ng thai.
hlnh con bucrm. goc tinh b¢t. state coordinate to<;1 d(> trc_tng thai. stationary printing press may in
stapler may dong sach day thep. bieu mil.u thuong nghi~p.
starch past h6 tinh b(>t. state of matter trc_tng thai v~t chat.
stapling day thep dong k~p gay bang. stationer nguai di~u hii.nh m¢t ciia
starch test paper giay kiem nghi¢m state property tfnh chat trang thai.
hang ban clo dung van phong.
tinh b(>t.
stapling machine may dong ghim, static tinh.
may dong day thcp. stationery d6 dung van phong phiim.
starchiness tfnh tinh b(>t.
static balance can bang tinh.
stapling nail ghim dong sach. stationery paper giay viet.
starch-patterned edge quet h6, keo
static display image hlnh anh hi¢n
stapling press may dong sach, may dinh hlnh c<;1nh bien sach. statistical (thu9c) thong ke h9c.
tren man hlnh tr<;1ng thai tinh.
dong sach day thep. starred signature biit long tay sach statistical analysis phan tfch thong
static electricity tinh di¢n.
stapling wire day thep dung dong sach. hlnh sao. ke h9c.
start khoi dau, khoi mao, bill dau; static electricification hlnh thanh
star dau sao (*). tinh di¢n. statistical sampling mil.u thong ke.
dong sach bong trang sach [sv c6].
star connection each noi hlnh sao. static eliminator thiet bi khii tTnh di¢n. statistical thermodynamics nhi¢t
start of line khoi dau dong, bill dau d¢ng h9c thong kc.
star network mc_tng tucri hlnh sao. dong. static equilibrium can bang tinh.
statistics thong ke h9c.
star reel-stand gia de cu911 giay d<;1ng start printing khoi d(>ng may bilt dau in. static inhibitor thiet bj uc che tinh di¢n.
canh tay. status line dong trc_lng thai [may tfnh].
start time thoi gian khoi d¢ng, bat static mechanical properties tfnh
star signature tieu chuan gap hlnh sao. dau. nang tinh di¢n co gicri. statutory copy sach trlnh n(>p [ban
sach thtr vien].
star target da'u sao (*). starter cai khoi d¢ng, cai tiic-te, chat static neutralization su khii tinh
star wheel banh xe hlnh sao. dan tlu1m. di¢n; sv trung hoa tinh di~n. stave dong ban nhc_lc, dong nh<;1c ph6.
starter switch dong mo thiet bi khai static neutralizer thiet bi khi'.r tinh stayflat solution dung djch keo trang
star-delta connection day n6i hlnh di¢n. ·
d(>ng. phu tren phim nh<;1y sang.
tam giac - hlnh sao.
starting and stoping level khoi d¢ng static printer may in tinh di¢n. steam hoi, hoi nucrc.
star-shaped stop ct'.ra dieu sang hlnh
sao. . va can khoi d<)ng.
station m(>t 16 hqp ci'.1a may in, tr<Un, dai. steam damping khf am, hoi a'.m.
starting level dn khoi d¢ng.
star-type reel-stand gia di cu9n giay st~tion bookstall quay ban sach, s<;1p steam damping - drum drier thiet
d<;1ng canh tay. starting material tai li¢u g6c. ban siich. bj lam kho bay hoi.
618 619
steam-drum drier stencil paper

steam-drum drier 1hiet bi lam kho Steef tape thLCOC CU(}n bang thep. stencil paper giay nen in 1Lr6i. step-and-repeat printing down
bay hoi. machine may phoi ban lien 11,JC.
steel wire brush ban chai sqi thep. stencil printing in khu6n ban in ILroi.
steam-set ink m~rc in kho bay hoi. step-up phoi ban lien tuc m~t tren
steel-based plate ban in de thep. stencil process printing in lu6i.
steam tension ap sua1 hoi. m~t duoi hoac chyp lien tyc.
steel-blue mau xanh sat. steno type chii toe ky.
steaming machine may hap. stepless enlargement and reduction
steel-die engraving ban in lorn khac stenochromy in m¢t Jan mau sac, ph6ng to thu nho v6 cap.
stearate s1earat, C 17H33 COOM [hoa]. each in m(>t Jan m(>t so mau.
thep, ban in 16111 thep.
stepless etching an mon m¢t cA'p, an
stearic acid axit stearic, stenochromy printing in m(>t Ian
steel-die press may in ban in Jorn 1hep. mon kh6ng dung phan hong.
CH.1(CH2)12COOH [hoa]. mau sac, in dong thai nhieu mau.
stearic oil (dau) glyxerin. steel-plate engraving ban in lorn stepless speed changer thiet bi bien
khac thep, khac ban thep. stenting roll tryc cang giay [san xuat t6c v6 cap.
stearin stearin, axit stearic [hoa]. giayJ.
steeling thep due. stepless wedge nem anh sang v6 cap.
steatite marble bi si'.r d1,mg mai ban. step bi_ic, bu6c.
steep 1am, ngam. Stepover phoi ban lien t~IC htrong
steel alloy hqp kim !hep. step and repeat chyp (anh) lien tyc,
ngang hoac chyp lien tl}c.
Steiner-bubble viscosimeter dyng cy phoi ban lien tyc.
steel bomb blnh ph,in Crng bang thep. do dQ nh6t Steiner-buble. stepped grey scale thang xam nhieu b~c.
step and repeat stripping blnh ghep
steel composing stick sap ch11 dung stem net g6c (kieu ch11); tay quay; ban phoi lien tyc. stepping ch~1p (anh) lien tl}c, phoi
CaC lhoi !hep CO dl!ong Val C;_lnh. m'.im v~n; tr~1c; ong; chi tiet noi ngan. b,in lien tyc.
step by step method phuong phap
steel die khuon thep. tang buoc. stepping up phoi ban lien t1,1c.
stem fibre sqi co ban, sqi g6c.
steel distributor true thep truyen m~c. step reaction buoc phan Crng, phan stereo ban chl due.
stencil khuon 16, khuon ban [in Juoi],
steel electrotye ban due di¢n thep. giay nen. do~n phan Crng.
stereo camera may chl}p anh l~p the.
steel engraver may khac ban !hep. stencil coloured print in khu6n t6 step reaction polymerization phan
ung trung hqp tung bu6c. stereo caster may due ban chl.
steel engraving khac ban in 16m. mau, in mau khuon khac tr6.
step tablet thang xam nhieu b~c. stereo cylinder trL;JC lap ban chl.
steel facing thep due. stencil duplicating nMn ban khu6n
in llr6i. step wedge nem anh sang, thang b~c. stereo metal hqp kim ban chl.
steel pig (thoi) gang.
stencil duplicator may nhiln ban step-and-repeat sap lien tyc anh. stereo mount de ban ch).
steel plate ban thep, ban in Jorn khik khuon in Juoi.
thep. ~tep-and-repeat camera may chyp stereo plate conveyor thiet bi chuyen
stencil glueing machine may trang anh lien tyc. cha ban chl.
steel rider tr~1c !hep, tryc clan m~c.
phu keo khuon in Ju6i. stereo rubber ban in cao cao su.
step-and-repeat machine may phoi
steel roller 1r~1c thep. ban lien tyc.
stencil image hlnh anh in khu6n ban stereo-specific polymer polyme d~c
steel scraper ciao khac, kim lo<_ti. in 1Lr6i. bi¢! l~p the.
st~p-and-repeat negative machine
steel section !hep hlnh. stencil ink mLrc in khuon ban in Ju6i. may ch1,1p anh ch1,1p lien t1,1c. stereometer the tfch ke.
stereomctric formula sticku_e_

stercometric formula c6ng thuc l~p the. stereotype press may ep to ph6ng stickup cat dan san phiim in. stipulated speed toed¢ qui djnh.
stereometry phep do the tfch. due ban chl.
stickup initial d¢ cao chfr cai dau stipulation qui each.
stereophotograph ch~ip anh l~p the. stereotype printing block ban in cao b~ng d¢ cao dong thu nhat. stir khuay.
ch1 due.
stereoscope kfnh nhln n6i. sticky (thu¢c) tfnh dfnh, (thu¢c) keo dan.
stereotype saw ctta ban chl. stir up Ilic, khuay.
stereoscope picture anh n6i, anh l~p the. sticky material v~t li¢u keo dan.
stirrer may khuay.
stereotype wet mat giay dung che to
stereoscopic image anh n6i, anh l~p the. stiff binding dong sach bla cung.
phong trot. stirring (st!) khuay.
stereoscopic microscope kfnh hien vi stiff board binding dong sach m~t
stereotyped edition ban in chl due. stirring device may khuay.
nhln n6i. bla cung.
stereoscopic photo nhiep anh l~p the. stereotyper cong nMn r6t due ban chl. stirring rod que khuay.
stiff card giay danh thiep day.
stereoscopic photograph buc anh l~p stereotyping rot due ban chl. stitch d6ng sach.
stiff cover sach bla cung.
the. stereotyping brush ban chai v6 ph6ng. stitch welding may dong sach.
stiff development hi¢n anh khong lac
stereoscopic photography thu~t stereotyping paper giay v6 phong. ch~u thuoc hi¢n, hi¢n anh tinh. stitcher may d6ng sach.
nhiep anh l~p the.
stereotypography ban chl. stiff ink mtfc cung, quanh, d~c. stitching dong sach.
stereoscopic plate ban (kfnh) kh6
ch1:1p anh ca 8xl7cm. stertyped (thu¢c) in ban ch1 due. stiff paper binding dong sach m~t stitching apparatus thiet bi dong
giay cung. sach, may d6ng sach.
stereoscopic print in l~p the. stet kh6ng xoa ho~c bao hru
[sua bong nha in]. stiff wrappers bla sach giay cung. stitching head dAu dong sach.
stereoscopic printing in l~p the.
stichometry can cCr dong chii' tfnh stiffener chat cung hoa. stitching machine may d6ng sach.
stereoscopical (thu¢c) l~p the.
toan khu6n kh6. stiffness tester dl;lng c1:1 do d¢ cung.
stereotype ban chl due. stitching needle kim dong sach.
stick sap chii' tay: still development hi¢n anh trong
stereotype caster may due ban chl. stitching saddle d6ng sach gay long.
stick proof b1nh ghep ban in tht'.r, ch~u thuoc hi¢n, hi¢n anh tinh.
stereotype casting machine may rot stitching thread chi dong sach.
blnh ghep thu c6ng ban in tht'.r. still life finh v~t.
khu6n due ban chl.
sticked sap chii' trong h¢p chii'. stitching wire day thep d6ng sach.
stereotype felt ni, phot ban chl. stillage truck xe keo, xe day.
sticker giay dan co phu keo. stitching wire feed machanism co
stereotype masking che ban chl. stipple diem khiic [ban in lorn].
cau cap day thep d6ng sach.
stereotype master ta ph6ng due ban ch1. stickfull chfr ch1 da bo day h¢p chit stipple engraving diem khac ban in lorn.
stochastic (thu¢c) tuy co.
stereotype mat ta ph6ng ban chl. stickiness tfnh dfnh, d¢ dfnh. stipple-graver diem khac dao.
stock nguyen Ii¢u; v~t li¢u, v~t nh~n
stereotype metal hqp kim ban chl. sticking (stf) dfnh, dan d~m. sti~pled tooling trang trf diem ep m~ in, chong giay, ta giay.
nh1¢t tren bla sach.
stereotype molding giay dung v6 sticking needle ghep dan ban dung stock cleaning equipment thiet bi
phong due ban chl. kim cham. stippling each khiic diem. lam s~ch b¢t giay.

622 623
stock form

stock form bieu mfru hang t6n kho. stone smoothing machine may mai
stopping t1,1 ml!C, b1,1 ml/C. straight line image reverser thiet bj
nhan ban da.
stock inlet CL!a chlly vao nguyen ii¢u
stopping device thiet bj ham. ctao anh tft!c ciep.
ho b¢t giay. stone-hand cong nhan b1nh ghep ban.
stopping out an mon phan do!_ln, sua straight matter sap ban chii khong
stock pump barn ho b(>t giay. stoneman c6ng nhiln ghep khu6n. ban, to ml!C phim Am ban. c6 tieu de [dau de, chfr tft].
stock sheet giay thanh pham chl!a stop cua dieu sang may anh, stopping-out ink ml!c ch6ng an mon. straight reading d9c duy¢t lft!c tiep.
xenck diapham; St! dung I!_li.
storage St! dli trii; St! lµu trii. straight run ch1_ty khong tai.
stock size kfch thu6'c to giay. stop bath dung djch dung hi¢n anh.
storage battery lie-qui. straightedge rules thl!oc gap, thl!oc
stock solution dung djch g6c. stop button nut barn dung may. do thing.
storage capacity hrqng dli trii.
stock table ban xep giay. stop feed cutter may dao xen giay storage density m~t d¢ dt! trii. straighten rut ra dl!ong thing.
dua vao ngil.t quang.
stoke st6c (don vi do d(> nh6't d¢ng h<;>c). storage medium m6i tnrong dt! trii. straightening chinh ban.
stop finger kim ch~n giay.
Stomers viscometer nh61 ke quay storage self gia de ban dt! trii. straightness d9 thang giay.
stome. stop fixer dung djch djnh anh dung
hi¢n. storage stability tfnh 6n djnh dt! trii. strain ll!c cang; St! bien d~ng.
stone da, da ban in, ban pha ml!c; don store kho; cua hang; tfch luy. dt! trii.
stop for making the buckle fold strain gauge d1,1ng c1,1 do ll!c cang,
vj tr9ng h.rqng bang 14 bang Anh =
dung may voi kicfo may gap tui [c6 stores nguyen v~t li¢u; thl!c pham; bien d~ng.
rao chan ngang]. cua hang bach hoa.
strain theory thuyet lt!C Ciing; thuyet
stone and metal inscription khac da
stop guide may ch~n giay c~p rang. storing (SI/) bao quan; (SI/) nh~p kho. bien d~ng.
vakim lo!_li.
stone engraving khac da, khac ban da.
stop opening de) ma diapham [may anh]. storing plate ban t6n. strained (bj) bien dang.
stop out to gom c1,1c b¢. stout m~nh, viing chac. strained rubber cao su bien d~ng.
stone inscription chli khac bia da.
straight thing.
stop pawl ch6t ham. strainer thiet bj I9c; may ep vft.
stone lithography in ban da, in th!_lch
stop press khi gui bao di in c6 them straight accent dau tnrong am.
ban, in lit6. strainer filter thiet bj I9c.
c9t tin tuc moi nhat. st~aight arm mixer que khuay canh
stone of lithography ban in ban da, thang. straining (st!) bien d!_lng; (Sl!) l9c.
ban in th1;tch ban. stop scale d9 khac tren vanh ong kfnh
straining box h9p !9c.
stone powder b9t da, b(>t tan.
chi d(>ma diapham. straight chain compound hap chat
m~ch thing. · strainless kh6ng bj keo cang; khong
stop-cylinder perfcctor may in dao
stone printing in ban da, in th1;tch tra hai mat tr1,1c 6ng dung gilia chung. straight exposure chieu sang chfnh. bien d,:mg.
ban, in lito. strap day curoa, bang da.
stop-cylinder press may in tr1,1c dung straight gravure in lorn ph6 th6ng.
stone proof in thu ban chii roi. giQ'a chung, may in giLrong ban in cao straight knife dao xen dQc. strapping machine may b6 g6i.
stone reel stand thiet bj cap giay kiiu dung quay.
st~aight line motion chuyen dong strata tang, lop.
cu(>n kiiu tiep giay tl! d¢ng. stopagc St! c6, dl!ng may, ngat quang. thang. ·
stratification Slf t~o I6p; St! phan tang.
40 • Tf>KHKTIAV 625
strike throtJ_gh

staw rom, (thu9c) rom; mau rom. streaming (s~r) chay.

strike through in tham qua m~t sau stroke analysis phll.n tfch net chfr
straw board cac t6ng rom. streamline dong mroc chay. [kieu chii).
(St! co].
straw-coloured mau vang rom. streamlined flow SI/ Chay dong. strike-in tfnh tham hut [giay in]. stroke centerline duong trong net
straw cutter may cat co, rom r~. streamlined process qua tr1nh thing. chfr [nh~n biet ky ti,r].
strike-on composition danh may xep
straw distillate dau m~H troi. strength cuong d¢, ll!c; d¢ ben chic; chii'. stroke character ky tu net chfr.
straw knots ch11ang va tiet cua m9t nong d¢. striking off v6 ph6ng. stroke character generator may
tac pham. strength of current cuong d¢ dong di¢n. phat sinh ky tLr net chfr.
string dfty bu9c ban in.
straw pulp b¢t giay rom. strength of fluid nong d¢ chat long. Stroke edge vien C"1llh net chii.
strip b6c mang.
straw wrapper giay bao g6i tu ho b¢t strength ratio h¢ so c11ong d¢ (giay in]. stroke fibre sqi c6 cuong d¢ cao.
strip caster may due phi-le, d11ong ke.
rom. stroke generator may phat sinh net chfr.
strengthen tang d¢ d~c m~rc in. strip film phim b6c mang.
strawberry roam da de mem mau do. stroke width chieu r¢ng net chfr.
strengthen printing ink tang d¢ d~c strip off sach hong (d6ng sach].
strawing hand net chfr ngu¢ch ngo~c. ml!C in. stroke-edge irreagularity vien c~nh
stripper nhll.n vien b1nh ban.
strawpaper giay mau phan ngl!a stress ung il!c, cuong ll!c, c11ong d¢. net chii khong theo qui lu?t.
(dong sach]. stripping b6c mang, tr\1c 16 khong
stress cracking ung Ive r~n nut. strong manh; vfrng chiic; dam d?c.
stray light anh sang phll.n tan. bih, nh?n mlfc (SI! c6].
strong acid axit m~nh.
stress mark vet tren m~t mang phim stripping collodion b6c mang
stray radiation buc x~ phll.n tan. cam quang. colodion [chlJp anh kfnh uot]. strong aqua ammoniac dung djch
stray streak vet s9c, vet van, dai s9c amoniac d~m d~c.
[SI! c6].
stress relaxation sv
d?t can bang stripping desk ban b1nh ban b6c mang.
cuong d¢; sv
phlJc h6i c11ong l{!c.
stripping film phim b6c mang.
strong base bazo m?nh, kiem.
Streak vll.n, SQC, dai vet (SI! col
stress-strain curve duong cong strong current dong di¢n m~mh.
streaky structure cau true s9c, cau cuong l{!c . d¢ bien d?ng. stripping layer lop mang b6c, lop
tach mang. strong electrolyte chat di¢n giai m<;1nh.
true van, cau true dai.
stretch S{! keo cilng. strong fibre sqi ben.
stream dong, SI! chfiy; chay. stripping solution dung djch b6c
stretch roll trlJc keo cilng. mang. strong liquor mr&c kiem d~m d~c.
stream feeder thiet bi cap giay lien tlJc.
stretch out keo cang ra, duoi ra. stripping table ban b1nh ban. strong pasteboard cac tong cung,
stream feeding cap giay lien tlJc. cac t6ng day.
stretching St! keo cilng; Slf duoi ra. strobe meter bieu chup chap sang.
stream gravity I11u l11qng; ty tr9ng strong solution dung dich d~m d~c.
stretching device thiet bj keo cang. stroboscope may ho?t nghiem; dung
dong chay.
stretching machine may keo cang. Cll quan trilc chop sang. strong solvent dung moi m"inh.
stream time chu ky lam vi¢c.
stretcher may keo cang. stroke hanh tdnh; bien do· net chfr strontium stronti, Sr [hoa].
streamer tieu de chfr to ch1:1y suot cac
Han nhu Cham phay ngan;' so mac·
c¢t bao. strike off in an. s6') net.
,, ' ' o, ' ' strontium iodide stronti iodua, SrI2
strontium chloride

strontium chloride stronti clorua, subacid (thu(>c) axit yeu.

subroutine trlnh ti! ph1;1, chU'cmg tr'inh substituent chilt thay the, nh6m the.
SrCl2 [hoa].
subatmospheric pressure ap suA't tha'p. con. substitute chat !hay the.
strontium oxide stronti exit, SrO
subcarbonate cacbonat bazcr. subscribe d~t mua bao, t~p chf dai
[hoa]. substitute material tai li¢u dung thay
subcooling sv qua ll;lnh. hl;ln. the.
structural (thu¢c) cau true, cau tl;lo.
subscriber ngU'oi mua bao dai hl;ln; substituted (dU'qc) thay the.
sub-surface plate ban in bang - lorn.
structural viscosity d(> nhat ca'.u the. ngU'cri thue bao di¢n tho~i.
subdirectory m1;1c l1;1c nho, tieu muc substituted compound hqp chA't thay
stud-horse sap kilu chfr rat Jon dung l1;1c [may tfnh]. · subscript h~ thap chfr viet. the.
cho quang cao, yet thj ... subscript character chfr viet thap
subdivision of paper chia nho kh6 substituting (s~r) thay the.
studio phong cht.tp anh. giay, pha giA'y kh6 nho. hon dong blnh thuong.
substituting agent chat thay the.
studio camera phong nhiep anh dung subdued light anh sang dju. · subscription SI! d~t mua bao, tl;lp chf
dai h~n. substitution SI! thay the.
may ch1;1p.
subeditor trq ly bien t~p. kiem tra va
stuff chat; v~t phAm; mo. sua bai tnrcrc khi in; ph6 t6ng bien t~p. subscription edition ban di! U'oc su substrate chat nen, chat tac dyng.
dyng. substratum tang dU'oi, co so.
stuff chest thung dvng b(>t ho. subhead tieu de phy, diiu de nho, tft
nho. subscription reminder giay bao d~t subtitle tieu de phy, dau de nho, tft nho.
stuff coloring phAm nhu(>m. mua t~p chf.
subheading tieu de ph1;1, diiu de nho, subtraction sai, kem [16 gfch].
stuffer quang cao kh6 nho gui qua subset (sach) t~p nho.
tft nho. subtractive color mixing hon hqp
btru di¢n.
subject-index chu dfo chu de. subsidence SI! sa Jiing. mau trl!.
stump lau rua but.
sublimate chat thang hoa; thuy ngan subsidiary ph~1, b6 trq. subtractive primaries plnrong phap
style kitu ban. (V) clorua, HgCl2 [hoa]. giam mau ba mau co ban.
subsidiary light anh sang b6 trq.
style manual sach mau sap chir. sublimation sv thang hoa. subtractive primary colors phuong
subsidiary material nguyen li¢u ph1;1.
style book sach mau siip chfr. phap giam mau ba mau co ban.
sublimation drying SI! lam kh6 Subsistance SI! ton t~i.
(bang) thang hoa (dU'6'i 0°C). subtractive process phU'ong phap
stylus kim khac, but sat.
substance v~t chA't, chat. giam mau, phL!ong phap trl! mau.
stylus printer may danh chfr in kim. sublimation heat.nhi¢t thang hoa.
substance material tai li¢u dung !hay the. subtractive sheet feeding cilp giily
styrene stiren, C6 H 5CH:CH2 [hoa]. sublimation ink ml;!c in thang hoa. ta rai.
sub~tance number tr9ng Juqng tieu
styrol stiren, C6H 5CH:CH 2 [hoa]. sublimator thiet bj thang hoa. chua.n m()t ram gi!y. · subtractive synthesis phU'ong phap
sublime thang hoa. hon hqp giam mau, phtrong phap hon
styrolene stiren, C6 HsCH:CH2, substance weight djnh JU'qng giA'y.
hqp mau trl!.
stirolen [hoa]. submission proof ban in thu s~ch !Oi. Substantive trl!C tiep; ton tai.
subtractive type giam co, n¢i hinh.
styrolene alcohol nrqu stirolen subprogram clnrcmg trlnh con, s.u_bstantive color phifm nhuom tnrc
C(,H.sCH:CH.CH20H [hoa]. t1ep. · · successive contrast SI! tuong phan
chU'ong trlnh phy, tr1nh ti! phy.
lien t1,1c.
successive sheet feeding sulfo-carbamide

successive sheet feeding c!p giay suction pick-up thiet bi nh~n giay sulfo-carbamide sunfo-cacbamit. summer may gia phap [d1:1ng c1:1 do,
Jien t~IC giay ta rai. chftn kh6ng. dem).
sulfo-urea sunfo-ure.
successive states of a print qua trlnh suction pile feeder thiet bj cap giay sunk vet chlm tren be mi).t ban in lorn.
sulfonate sunfonat, RS0 3M.
in tai li¢u lien t~1c. hut hoi.
sulfonated detergent chat tay rtta sunk bands dLrbng ke chlm, khau Ian
succinic acid axit suxinic. suction pipe ong hut. chlm.
suck out hut ra. suction press may ep hut hoi. sulfonated oil dau sunfonat hoa, dau sunlight print in phoi duoi anh sang
sucker thiet bi hut giay, voi hut. suction pump born hCit hoi. do Too Nhi Ky. mi).t trai.

sucker bar can hut giay. suction sweeper may hut hoi. sulfonic acid axit sunfunoic, RS0 3H sunspot vet dom di~m den [sl! c6 in
[hoa]. lorn].
sucker feet voi hut. suction transfer thiet bj truyen giay
sulfur sunfua, S, luu huynh. super vai XO dung dan gay sach.
sucker unit ong hut, voi hut. chan kh6ng.
sulfur chloride !LtU huynh clorua, super binding dong sach chat luqng cao.
suction tube ong hut.
suction sl! hut. SCLz, SiCL2 [hoa].
suction valve van hut. super calendered paper giay can
suction bar can hut giay. sulffur monochloride luu huynh m¢t nhan cao ca'p.
suction-cleaner may hut b1:1i. clorua, S2Cl2; sunfua monoclorua
suction bottle blnh lQc hut. [hoa). super caster may due chu da d1:1ng.
suction device thiet bi hut hoi. sudan red BBA do su dang BBA.
sulfuric acid axit sunfuric, H2S04 super conductivity tfnh sieu dan
suction drum tn.1c hut hoi, tr1:1c ham. sugar-aquatint m9t trong nhCi'ng [boa]. (di¢n), d¢ sieu dfo.
phuong phap an mon ban in lorn.
suction fan qwJt hut gio, qu~t hut hoi. sulfurous acid axit sunfura H2S03 super heating qua nhi¢t.
sulfate sunfat; M 2S04• [hoa].
suction feeder dau hut cap giay. super large scale integration sl! hqp
sulfate pulp b9t giay sunfat. sulfurous acid anhydride sunfura khan, nhat qui mo sieu r¢ng, 1cm.
suction filter cai l9c hut. anhydrit sunfura, S0 2 [hoa).
sulfate pulping sl! nau b9t giay sunfat. super-duty (thu(>c) lo~i hlnh sieu trQng.
suction feeding hut hoi cap giay. sulphate muoi sunphat.
suction gauge chan khong ke.
sulfate wrapper giay bao goi da de.
sulphate pulp b9t giay sunphat. supercalender may can nhan sieu cap.
sulfate castor oil dau thau dau sunfat sulphite mu6i sunphit. supercalendered (thu¢c) can nhfo
suction head dau hut hoi. hoa. sieu c£t'p.
suction hose ong hut mem. sulphite pulp b¢t giay sunphit.
sulfite sunfit, M2S03. supercalendered finish hoan thi?n
suction inlet 16 hut vao.
sulphur luu huynh, s.
sulfite board cac t6ng b¢t giay can nhan sieu ca'p.
suction main mang luai 6ng hut. sunfit, bla day b9t giay sunfit. sulphuric acid axft sunphuaric.
Supercell Screening ket cau diem
sulfate bond giay chung nhAn lam sulphuric ether ete sunphuro. tram sieu mjn.
suction method of cleaning phuong
phap tinh che ch[m khong. b9t giay sunfit t[ty !rang. sulphurous acid axit sunphura, H2S03• superfinish can nhan sieu ca'p.
suction nozzle voi hut hoi. sulfite pulp b¢t giay sunfit. summary ban tom tilt, trfch yeu. superglazed nhan bong sieu cap.

630 631
surface active

superheater thiet bj qua nhi¢t, lo qua supplemental equipment thiet bj b<S

nhi¢t. surface active ho1;1t d9ng be tn?t, surface plate ban long !rang trung,
surface active agent chat ho1;1t d9ng ban Vl!a b!ng vua cao; vf d1;1 ban PS
superimposition in chong !en nhau, supplementary b6 sung. duong va ban PS am.
SI! triing in. be mat.
supplementary condition dieu kien surface pressure ap sulft be m~t.
superior tieu de tren, dau de tren surface activity tmh ho1;1t d9ng ve m~t.
b6 sung. ·
surface printing in be tn?t (in cao, in
[sap chfr]. surface chemistry hoa h9c be m~t.
supplementary colour mau b6 sac. b!ng).
superior figure chfr s6 dau de tren surface coated trang phu be tn?!.
supplementary exposure chieu sang surface properties d~c tfnh be m~t.
[sap chfr].
b6 sung. surface colour mau sac be m~t. surface pyrometer cao 6n ke be ffi?t,
superior figure for fractions chfr s6 d1;1ng c1;1 do nhi¢t d¢ cao be tn?t.
supplementary fount chfr in chuan bi surface cracking of roller SI! r1;1n nut
phan so dau de tren.
dung, dt,r trfr, du phong. · be m~t tr1;1c 16 cao su. surface rating dang clip d¢ nhan s1;1ch
superior Jetter chfr tieu de tren be m?t.
supplementary issue bao, t1;1p chf b<S surface development hi¢n anh be tn?t.
[sap chfr].
sung. surface sizing trang phu keo be tn?!.
surface diffusion st,r khuyech tan be
supernews giay in bao d?c hi¢u. m?t.
supplementary Jens th!u kfnh ph1;1, surface strength cuang d9 be tn?t.
superroyal kfch thuoc ta giay 20x28 b6 sung.
surface energy niing luqng be tn?t. Surface structure ket clfu be ITI?t, cau
tac Anh. true be tn?!.
supplementary volume s6 quyen, s6
surface film balance can b!ng be tn?t.
supersensitive (thu9c) sieu nh1;1y t~p, so sach b6 sung. surface tension tnrong lt,rc be m~t.
sang, sieu tang cam quang. surface finish trang trf be tn?t, hoan
supplie v~t pham cung ung, v~t pham thien be m~t. surface tinted siic di¢u be tn?t.
supersensitizer chat sieu nh1;1y sang, cung cap, V~t dt,r trfr, V~t dt,r phong.
surface forces lt,rc be tn?!. surface treatment gia c6ng, xi'.r ly be
cMt sieu tang cam quang. supplier nha may, ci'.ra hang cung ung. tn?t.
superspeed film phim co t6c d9 sieu surface heat transfer coefficient h¢
supply line duang ong cung ung, surface viscosity d¢ nhot be m~t.
nh1;1y sang. S6 truyen nhi¢t be tn?t.
dltang ong tiep li?u.
surface lifting b6c xo be m~t giay in. surfactant chat ho1;1t tfnh be tn?t.
superscript tieu de tren, viet ben tren. supply main ngu6n cung cap chfnh,
surfused liquid chat long qua l1;1nh.
superscript character chfr tieu de tnl!,ng 6ng cung ca'p. surface machine may ep nhan van
n6i be m~t. surfusion st,r qua l1;1nh.
tren, chfr vict ben tren. supply wire day di~n ngu6n.
surface marks vet van be tn?t (st,r col Surplus V~! thl!a, sach in thl!a, tay
supersisor control giam sat tu xa, support gia, gia do, tam M trong sach du thua.
ki<im tra tl! xa. b1nh khu6n phim. surface of contact m~t tiep xuc.
surplus load ph1;1 tai qua muc.
supplement pht.1 l1;1c, ph1;1 tnrong; st,r surcharge st,r qua tai; phf tra them, s6 surface phenomens hi¢n tuqng be m?t
b6 sung. lien phai tfnh them. surprint phoi 16ng hai Ian.
surface picking lo1;1i xo b1;1i be m?t.
surface be ITI?l, lop be m~t. surprinting phoi ch6ng hai Ian.
supplement paper giay dung in tang su~face. planing bao phing be m~it,
ph1;1 tnrong, pht.1 I~1c. surface action su ho1;1t d9ng be m~t. chmh bang be ffi?!. susceptibility ratio ty 1¢ nh1;1y cam
suspend s_rmmetri~

suspend treo [may tfnh]. swinging delivery tray ban nhan symmetric d6i xung. synthetic material type chu rai che
giay di chuyen du dua. . tu chat deo t6ng hqp.
suspended lo lung; treo; tr"1ng thai symmetrical (tfnh tu) d6i xtrng.
huyen phu. swing feeder thiet bj cap giay di synthetic matrix khuon chu t6ng hgp.
symmetrical lens thau kinh d6i xtrng.
chuycfo du dua.
suspended camera may ch1,1p anh treo. synthetic paint son t6ng hqp.
sympathetic ink mt,rc cam ung.
swing gripper nhip c~p giay di
suspended state tr~ng thai Jo li'.rng, synthetic paper giay t6ng hqp.
chuyen qua l~i. symptom of fatigue tri¢u chtrng lao
tr~ng thai huyen phu.
hoa, hi¢n tuqng liio hoa. synthetic polymer polyme tong hqp.
swing gripper pad mieng d¢m c~p
suspension huyen phu. sympton of tiring hi¢n tuqng lao hoa.
giay di chuyen qua l~i. synthetic resin nht,ra t6ng hqp.
suspension of publication dlnh ban. synchro reader may d9c.
swing-down ink fountain mang mt,rc synthetic resin adhesive chat keo
suspension-type camera may ch1,1p di chuyen qua l~i. synchro sheet (ta) giay c6 am thanh. dan tong hqp.
anh kieu treo.
switch dong mo c6ng-tac. synchronization pulse xung di¢n synthetic roller tr1,1c 16 keo tong hqp.
suspension polymerization Slf trung
hqp huyen phu.
switch blade dao dong ma. defog b¢.
synthetic rubber cao su t6ng hqp.
suspensoin the keo huyen phu.
switch board bang dong ma, ban synchronous
d6ng b9.
operation thao tac
synthetic rubber blanket tam cao su
ph6i di¢n. tong hqp.
swabbing lau chui. synchroscope may chi thj d6ng b¢.
switch cabinet tu dong ma. synthetic rubber roller tr1,1c 16 cao
swap trao doi. syndicate matter thong qua ngh.i¢p tong hqp.
switch on dong di¢n n6i thong. SU
doan lxfo ch.f xuat ban ban thao sach bao.
swash initial trang trf ho~ tiet dau
switch out ngat, tilt (di¢n). synthetic varnish vec-ni t6ng hqp,
chu cai. synopsis lrfch yeu, thuyet minh trfch
yeu, thuyet minh tom tat. son tong hqp.
switch over hoan d6i vj trf, ngat d6i
swash letter chu trang tri hoa.
sang. synoptic table bang tom tat m9t cu6n synthetic wax sap tong hqp.
swatch sach miiu mau sac.
switcher cai ngat di¢n, cai dao di¢n, sach, vakjch v.v ... syntonic circuit dong di¢n hqp tan s6.
swatch pad sach mau giay. cai chuyen doi dong ma. syntactical error sai ngii phap. syphon 6ng xi ph6ng; st,r rot b!ng 6ng
sweat roll tr1,1c 16 Jam Am. switchgear dong ma, thiet bj ph6i di¢n. synthetic adhesive chat keo dan xi ph6ng.
t6ng hqp.
sweating-on machine may ghep ban sword hygrometer am ke dung de do system 11¢ th6ng.
tren de ban in cao. d9 ii'm trong ch6ng giay hinh kiem. synthetic drying oil dau kho t6ng hqp.
system busbar h¢ th6ng day cap di¢n,
sweet ng9t; khong c6 Juu huynh. sword hygroscope am ke dung de do synthetic fibre sqi tong hqp. 11¢ th6ng day tai di¢n ch.fnh; h¢ th6ng
d¢ Am ch6ng giay hinh kiem. theo m(>t tuyen duang nhat djnh.
sweet oil dau khong co luu huynh. synthetic fibre paper giay sqi tong hqp.
. sword thermistor on d¢ ke kieu gai vao. system date h¢ th6ng ngay thang.
swelled gelatin process phuong phap synthetic ink ITilfC in t6ng hqp.
che ban ban in cao gielatin truong. swung dash dau thay chu ("") . . system default h¢ th6ng thiet djnh gia.
sY,nthetic material nguyen vat lieu
swelling Slf truang. symbol ky hi¢u, phu hi¢u, bieu tuqng. t6ng hqp. · ·
system device h¢ th6ng thiet bj.
634 635
system engineering

system engineering h¢ th6ng cong trmh. system restart h¢ th6ng lam l~i moi
system file h¢ th6ng tai li¢u. Ill' diiu.

system integration h¢ thong hqp nhat.

system interface h¢ th6ng giao di¢n.
system memory h¢ thong b¢ nho
system root directory h¢ thong muc
lye goc.
system shutdown h¢ th6ng d6ng.
[may tfnh]. system software h¢ thong phan m~m.

system of fit h¢ th6ng Hip rap thfch system space h¢ thong khong gian.
hqp vua khop. T-bone xttong hlnh ehii T. tabular crystal tinh the hlnh tam.
system surport h¢ th6ng hO trq, ung h(>.
system output device h¢ thong thiet T-square thtt6c hlnh ehii T. tabular display hi¢n thj bieu mau.
system surport program product he
bi dau ra. th6ng h6 trq chttong trlnh san phtim. · T-piece ong ehii T.
tabular forme ban bieu mau.
system printer h¢ thong may danh chii. system termination h¢ th6ng ket thuc. T -valve van chfr T.
tabular matter sap ban bieu mau.
system program h¢ thong chttong system unit h¢ thong don vj. tab bieu mAu, bao kh6 nho, che bieu.
trlnh, trlnh llJ h¢ th6ng. tabular matter body thlln bieu mAu.
system user h¢ thong ngttai su dyng.
tab index dan bang ehu dfo.
system reset h¢ thong da.t l~i vj trf. tabular work sap biin bieu miu.
systematic catalogue myc lye phlln
table bieu mau, ban.
system resource h¢ thong nguon tai lo~i. tabular value gia trj bang so.
nguyen. systematics phlln lo"1i h9c. table inking thiet bj danh diio m1.1e
kieu ban. tabulating card stock the bieu mAu
dung giay day.
table of contents bieu myc lye.
tabulating paper giay bieu miu.
table technique bieu do ky thua.t.
table work sap chfr bieu m!u. tabulation SIJ Ja.p bieu, SIJ Ja.p bang.

tablet gia'y Viet thtt mong. tabulator ngttcri la.p bang, bieu.

tablet paper giay dung viet thtt. tabulator key khoa bieu mau.

tablet processing xu ly ban phfm ehii tachogenerator may phat di¢n do t6c d¢.
tachometer toe ke g6e, may do toe
tabloid bao kh6 nho: 18 x 11,375 tac d¢ g6e, ehuyen t6c ke.
tachometer dynamo may phat di¢n
tabloid size publication saeh xuat do toed¢.
ban kh6 nho.
tachometer with sheet counter may
tabular (thu¢e) bang so, phien, tam.
do toe d9 ghi so tren trang giay.
take up

tack d(> dfnh, tfnh dfnh, dinh barn, tagging (sl!) dong nhan, su dan nhan. take up nh~n lam, bat dau vao nghe. tandem roll stand gia de cu¢n giay
troc. bong (son). kieu n6i tiep.
tail le duoi chan trang sach. take-up cassette h(>p dl,!ng phim.
tacketing dong sach gia co gay sach
tail brushes chai du6i. take-up spool tryc de cu(>n phim hay tandem system h¢ thong may in kieu
day. n6i tiep.
tail edge le duoi chan trang sach, le bang ghi Am v.v.. sau khi dung.
tackifiers chat tang d(> dfnh [ml,!c in].
dt duoi chan trang sach. taker-off may tiep giay, may nh~n tandem-type press may in kieu n6i
tack-free khong bong (son). riep.
tail end of sheet cuoi trang in keo dai giay.
tack-free time thoi gian kh6ng bong nhon. taking lens 6ng kfnh cht1p anh. Tangier process phuang phap che
(son). ban trai tram Tangie.
tail margin le chan trang sach. taking out turns thay dao chfr (sap
tackiness tfnh dfnh, d(> dfnh. chfr]. tank thung nuoc, thung dau, be ch(ra.
tail ornament trang trf hoa cu6i
tackle dung cy, thiet bi. chuang sach. taking-off apparatus. thiet bj nh~n tank bottom can thung, c~n be.
tackmeter d~mg cy hay thiet bj do d(> giay. tank capacity dung luqng be.
tail piece trang trf hoa cu6i chtrcmg
dfnh nmc in. sach, bo trf h1nh ve lap cho tr6ng, hQa taking-off board ban tiep giay, ban tank car xe dau.
tackoscope dt1ng cu hay thiet bj do tiet cu6i chuang. nh~n giay.
tank cleaning SI! rlJa be.
d(> dfnh ml,!c in. tail pipe ong thoat, ong hut (barn). Talbotype giay in anh b~c iodua.
tank developing system h¢ th6ng
tacky (thu(>c) tfnh dfnh, (thu¢c) keo tail punch may dt1c 16 du6i phim. talc b¢t tan, b(>t da, b¢t ho~t thach. hi¢n iinh trong be dung djch hien anh.
tail water nuoc thai. talc powder b¢t tan, b(>t ho1:lt th~ch. tank developing hien anh trong be
tacky ink tfnh dfnh rmrc in.
tailband dai bang dfnh [d6ng sach), talcum powder b(>t tan, b(>t ho1:lt dung djch hi¢n anh.
tag nhan hieu. vai dau gay sach [dong sach]. th~ch.
tank filter kfnh Joe sac the long.
tag knotting machine may bo nhan tailings pulp b(>t giay lang SQ'i giay. talk da tan ca hoat thach tankage d¢ chua cua thung.
hieu. (OH) 3MgSi 40w. . .
tailstocks cho phan du6i, ch6n kim. tannage SI! thu¢c (da); vo thu(>c (da).
tag paper giay (in) nhan hi¢u. tall copy ban sach de nhieu mat xen.
take lay, dm, luqng ban thao sap tannase tanaza.
tag stock giay nhan hi¢u. chii. tall oil dau tall.
tannate tanat.
TAGA (Technical Association of take a proof in m(>t to in 1h11. tallow ma bo, ma d¢ng v~t.
Graphic Arts) Hi~p h(>i ky thuat in tannate of line canxi tanat.
take in sap tiep n.1c, kh6ng ngat d01:ll1· tallow candle nen ma bo.
mroc My. tanner thQ' thu(>c da.
take ink cha mLrc. tallow oil dau ma bo.
tagged field Linh vuc tham s6, th6ng tannin tanin, axit tanic, axit digalic,
s6. . take out space kh6ng de each, tampon cai d¢m (xoa muc), tam- (OH) 3C6 H2 CO.C6 Hi(OH)2.COOH
khoang tr6ng [si'ra bai]. p6ng (xoa ml!c).
tagged pointer kim chi tham s6, (H6a].
th6ng so. take over tiep thu, tiep nh~n. tandem press may in kieu n6i tiep. tanyard xuong thu(>c da.
taste e_rintin8

tap cai nut, cai khoa v~n, Io thao. tape-operated composing machine taste printing cam nhil.n vj in. technical term thuil.t ngii ky thuil.t,
tap water mrac may. may sip due bang giay. thuil.t ngii.
tear resistance It,.rc ch6ng xe rach
tape ba.ng tu, bang keo, bang giay. tape-operated line casting s!p due giay. technical terminology thuil.t ngii ky
tape converter may chuyin d6i bang
dt.rang ke bang dl,lC 16. t tearing strength ct.rang d¢ xe rach thuil.t, tu vi,rng chuyen nghi¢p.
giay. tape-out ng6n tay tro Cham ml;fc thtr giay. technical training huan Juy¢n ky
tren giay. thuil.t.
tape delivery truyen dan bang giay tearing strength tester dl,lng Cl,l thir
dt.ra ra. tapepess folding machine may gap d¢ !Jen xe rach giay. technocology cong ngh¢, c6ng ngh¢
tay sach kiiu gap tui. Technical association of Pulp Paper h9c.
tape drive khoi d¢ng bang tu [may
tinh]. tape valve van thon hlnh bup mang. Industry Hi¢p h¢i nghien cuu cong technocological term thuil.t ngii cong
nghi¢p san xuat giay va b¢t giay. ngh¢.
tape editor may bien til.p bang tu. tar h!c fn (nhl;la dt.rang).
technical "know-how" tri thuc tee hinh chii T, sat chii T, 6ng chfr T.
tape erasure xoa bang. larboard cac tong hil.c fn, bla b6i ky thuil.t.
h!c in. tee piece 6ng ch~c ba, 6ng hinh chii T.
tape guides dt.rong dii.n bang giay. technical data tt.r li¢u ky thuil.t.
target diskette ffil,lC tieu dia mem. tee! oil dau vfrng.
tape input bang giay nhil.p vao. technical information thong tin ky
tariff thue quan. thue xuat nhil.p khiu. thuil.t. teeming st,.r due, vil.t due.
tape interpreter may d9c duy¢t bang
giay. tarnish bj gi, bi oxi hoa, Sl! giam d¢ technical institute vi¢n nghien cuu teeth bar thanh rang.
bong, vet nha. ky thuil.t. teeth for distributing mechanism co
tape line tht.rac cu(>n.
tarpaulin paper giay trang hie fn technical instructor s6 tay ky thuil.t, cau thanh rang phan ph6i chfr.
tape measure tht.rac cu¢n. cam nang ky thuil.t.
ch6ng am. teflon tefa-lon, polime tetrafloetylen.
tape merge device thiet bj gin h¢p technical journal t~p chf ky thuil.t.
tarred {dt.rgc) tam hiic in. tele-camera may nhiep anh khoiing
bang giay.
tarred paper giay trang nhi,ra duang, technical knowledge ky thuil.t tri each xa, may nhiep anh thj di¢n.
tape merge operation cong tac gin thuc.
hc;,p bang giay.
Mc fn. tele-camera may sao chuyen di¢n,
technical literature tai Ii¢u in ky may copy chuyen di¢n.
tar chua, chat.
tape merger thiet bi gin ket bang thuil.t, tai li¢u khoa h9c ky thuil.t.
telecommunication thong tan chuyin
giay. tartar yellow vang do nh~t (hlnh
technical regulation qua trlnh ky di¢n, th6ng tan, m~ng It.rai thong tan.
thanh ben trong thung urt.rgu nho). thuil.t, dieu 1¢ ky thuil.t.
tape perforator may due 16 bang
telecommunications line tuyen vien
giay. tartaric axit axit tactaric, HOOC
technical requirements yeu cau ky thong.
tape reader may d9c bang giay. CHOH CHOH COOH [Hoa]. thuil.t.
telefax may truyen fax vien thong.
tape-controlled Iinecasting machine tartrazine tactrazin. technical shedule qui trlnh cong
ngh¢, qui tdnh ky thuil.t. telegram paper giay di¢n bao, buc
may due chinh dong bang giay. tassel dai tua nhan sach. di¢n tfn.

41 • Tf>KHKTIAV 641

telemeter may do tu xa, d1,mg CI.J do temperature nhi¢t d(>. temperature and relative humidity tensile figure chi so cang gian.
tu xa. temperature balance SIJ can bang indicator dt.Jng CI.J do d(> am-nhi¢t d(>.
tensile force ll.Jc cang gian.
telephone directory danh b~ di¢n nhi¢t d(>.
temperature sensitive ink ml.Jc in
tho~i. tensile properties tfnh nang cang
temperature coefficient h¢ s6 nh~y nhi¢t. gian.
telephone fax may fax di¢n tho~i. nhi¢t d(>.
temperature strain SI! bien d~ng
telephotography thu~t ch1,1p anh tu temperature conductivity tfnh nang tensile strain d(> cang gian, d(> (mg
nhi¢t (dQ).
xa, ky thu~t chup xa. truyen nhi¢t, h¢ so dan nhi¢t. bien cang gian.
temperature variation SIJ bien thien
teleprinter may di¢n bao ghi chfr, temperature control kiem tra nhiet tensile strength ctrong d¢ cang gian.
nhi¢t d¢.
may telex. d(>, khong che nhi¢t d(>. . tensile strength tester phep do d9
temperature-controlled sink khay
telescoped roll cu(>n gi!y thu g9n. temperature diffusivity h¢ so cang gian.
hi¢n anh nhi¢t d¢ kh6ng d6i.
khuech tan nhi¢t. tensile stress !~re cang giiin.
telethermoscope may do nhi¢t d(> tempered (duqc) toi.
tu xa. temperature controller may kh6ng tensile tester phep thfr d(> cang gian.
che nhi¢t d(>. tempered steel thep t6i.
teletype may danh chfr di¢n bao. tensility tfnh cang gian; d9 cang gian.
temperature equalization SI! can tempring SIJ toi, SIJ dieu hoa, SU' ram
teletype printer may danh chfr di¢n bang nhi¢t d(>. kim lo~i de tang d(> cung, d(> ben. tensiometer cang ke, cai do sue cang
bao in chfr. be m~t.
temperature gauge nhi¢t ke. template khung ban in hroi, khung
teletypesetter. may sap chfr di¢n bao. ban, khu6n ban in luoi. tension SIJ cang, sue cang.
temperature gradient gradien nhi¢t
teletypesetter perforater may due 16 d(>. temporary data du li¢u ho~c tu li¢u tension control kiem tra, khong che
bang gi!y tren may danh chfr di¢n t~m thoi. ll.Jc cang.
bao. temperature indicator may chi thj
nhi¢t d(>. temporary disk dia ltru trfr kMng tension pulley vong cang ll.Jc.
teletypesetter system h¢ thong sap
temperature of combusion nhi¢t de> thucmg xuyen va lau dai.
chfr di¢n bao. tension roller tr~1c cang ll.Jc.
chay. temporary file van ki¢n hay tai Ii¢u
teletypesetting sap (due) chfr di¢n tension test phep thfr sue cang.
temperature of transformation Iuu tru t~m thoi.
I bao. tension theory IIJC thuyet sue cang.
nhi¢t d(> chuyen hoa. Tenaplate ban due <lien tai lieu
teletypewriter may danh chfr di¢n
I bao.
temperature-pressure curve ducmg khuon di¢n. · · tensometer ll.Jc cang ke.
cong nhi¢t d(> - ap sua't. tending side thao tac m~t ben. term thu~t ngfr, s6 h~ng, thoi h~n.
teletograph may di¢n bao fax.
,j temperature range khoang nhi¢t, tensile cang gian, cang dtrqc. terminal tiep dau, do~n cu6i, dau tiep
television SIJ truyen hlnh, v6 tuyen gioi hl;U1 nhi¢t d(>. day.
truyen hlnh. tensile elongation d¢ dai cang.
temperature regulator may dieu
terminal cluster controller thiet bj
teller dt.Jng cu dem s6 gia'y. nhi¢t. tensile energy nang ltrqng cang gian.
quan ly cym dau cuoi [m~ng ltroi].
terminal equipment

terminal equipment thiet bj dau ternary mixture h6n hqp ba clfu tu.
test-meter d6ng h6 thf nghi¢m. testing laboratory phong thf nghi¢m.
ternary system h¢ ba clfu tu.
test paper gilfy thu, gi!y phan ung. testing of material v~t Ii¢u thf
terminal printer may danh chu dau
ternary eutecti c¢ng tinh ba nguyen nghi¢m.
cu6i. test press may in thu.
testing method phuoog phap thf
terminal processor may xu ly dau test pressure gauge ap ke thf
terpilenol (= terpineol) c6n dfo nghi¢m.
cu6i. nghi¢m.
terminal unit thiet bj dau cu6i. testing strip bang gilfy thf nghi¢m.
terpineol con dau th6ng. test print ph<1i in thu.
terminal user ngtrai su d1,mg dau tetrachloraethane tetracloetan
tertiary (thu¢c) b~c ba. test printing in thu.
cu6i. [Hoa].
tertiary alcohol ruqu b~c ba, R3COH. test pull ban in thu, ban in d¢c nhar.
terminate-and stay resident tetrachloroethylen tetracloetylen
program chucmg trlnh hru tnl dau tertiary amine amin b~c ba, R3N. test report bao cao thf nghi¢m. [H6a].
cu6i. test rig ban thf nghi¢m, thiet bj thf tetraethoxy silicane tetraetoxy
tertiary amyl alcohol ruqu amin b~c
termination Sl! ket thuc, SlJ ngiit ba ~Hs(CH 3) 2C.OH. nghi¢m. silican [H6a).
ml;lCh. test run in thll', may Chl;ly in thll'. tetralin tetralin [H6a].
tertiary carbon cacbon b~c ba.
termination agent tac nhAn ngat test sample mau thir. tetramethylene glycal tetrametylen
tertiary butylalcohol nrqu butylic
m?ch, tac nhan khep m?ch. glycol [H6a).
b~c ba. test sheet gilfy in rhu.
termination Of chain SlJ ngat ffil;lCh. tetramethylol methane tetrametylen
tertiary mixture hon hqp ba cau tu. test solution dung djch thf nghi¢m.
termination product san pham cu6i. glycol [H6a].
tertiary color mau Mn hqp ba cap, test specimen mfo thu.
termination reaction phan ung ngat mau thu cap. text ban van, nguyen van, nguyen
ffil;lCh. test target chi tieu do thf nghi¢m. ban, chfnh van.
tertiary colour mau h6n hqp ba cap.
terminatior tac nhan ngat ffil;lCh, tac tester thiet bj do thf nghi¢m, may text composition sap chfr ban van.
test slJ thli; phep thu; slf chi nghi¢m. kiem nghi¢m.
nhAn khep ml;lch.
text editing bien t~p ban van.
test bed ban rhf nghi¢m. testing (SlJ) Xet nghi¢m, kiem
terms dieu ki¢n, quan M.
nghi¢m. text editor trlnh tv bien t~p ban van.
test certificate giay chung nh~ thf
ternary (thu¢c) ba ca'u tu, ba nguyen
nghi¢m. testing certificate to thf nghi¢m, gilfy text illustration Sl! minh ho? chfnh
t6, b~c ba.
chung nh~n thf nghi¢m. van.
test data s6 Ii¢u thf nghi¢m.
ternary acid axit ba nguyen t6.
testing device thiet bj do thf nghi¢m, text matter slip chfr chinh van.
test gauge ap ke kiem tra.
ternary compound hqp chat ba thiet bj kiem nghiem. text mode trl;lng thai ban van
nguyen to. test glass 6ng thu, 6ng nghi¢m.
testing equipment thiet bi thf [may tfnh).
ternary diagram gian d6 b~c ba. test indicator chat chi° thj mau. nghi¢m. ·
text move SlJ xe djch chfnh van.
text page
thermal content

text page trang chfnh van. theorem kfch thu6'c ta giay 28 x 34 thermal content ham Juqng nhiet. thermalpolymerization st,r trung hqp
text paper giay mau in sach. tac Anh; djnh ly. nhi?t, tac dt1ng trung hqp nhi¢t.
thermal convection Slf doi Juu nhi¢t.
-text part b(> ph~n chfnh van. theoretical (thu¢c) ly thuyet. thermal power cong suat nhi?t.
thermal development hi¢n anh nhi¢t.
text plan thiet ke sip chii chfnh van. theoretical chenistry hoa h9c Jy thermal printing in d6ng dau nhi¢t.
thuyet. thermal diffusion s!J khuyech tan
text processing xt'.r ly ban van. nhi¢t. thermal printing technique ky thu~t
theoretical equation c6ng thuc Jy in d6ng dau nhi¢t.
text proof st'.ra ban in thi'.r chfnh van. thuyet. thermal display light den hi¢n thj
nhi¢t. thermal radiation buc x~ nhi¢t.
text revision st'.ra chiia ban van. theoretically dry kh6 tuy¢t doi.
thermal dilatation st,r gian nhi¢t. thermal regulator thiet bj dieu tiet
text string chu8i ban van. theory (h9c) thuyet, ly thuyet. nhi¢t.
thermal direct and thermal
text suppression hrqc bo chfnh van. theory of colors (h9c) thuyet mau transfer printing in tr!Jc tiep nhi¢t va thermal resistance tfnh ben nhi¢t,
text type chii rbi in chfnh van. s!c, nguyen ly mau sic; ly thuyet mau in chuyen nhi¢t. nhi¢t tro, trb khang nhi¢t.
textbook sach giao khoa. thermal dispersion Slf phan tan thermal sensitivity tfnh nh~y cam
thermal nhi¢t, n6ng. nhi¢t. nhi¢t.
textile vai d¢t.
thermal addition st,r gia nhi¢t. thermal efficiency hi¢u suat nhi¢t. thermal stanbility tfnh ben nhi¢t, d¢
textile binding vai d¢t d6ng b6i, dan.
thermal analysis phil.n tfch nhi¢t [hqp thermal energy nhi¢t nang. ben nhi?t.
textile galss b6ng thuy tinh.
kim chii in]. thermal stencil ban giay nen nh~y
textile printing in nhu9m. thermal equilibrium can bang nhi¢t.
thermal ageing s!J lao hoa nhi¢t. cam nhi?t.
thermal field tn.rang nhi¢t.
textile printing machine may in thermal storage SI! tfch Juy nhi¢t.
thermal agitation chuyen d9ng nhi¢t.
nhu9m. thermal imaging Slf hlnh thanh anh
thermal capacity dung Juqng nhi¢t, nhi¢t. thermal stress Crng llfc nhi¢t.
texture van giay, ket cau, 16 chCrc.
c6ng suat nhi¢t. thermal treatment st,r xt'.r ly nhiet.
texture mapping b6i dan van. thermal ink jet process phucmg phap
thermal coefficient of expansion nhi¢t in phun mt,rc. thermal unit don vj nhi?t.
texture of paper quan sat ve ngoai tfnh nang gian nhi¢t.
giay vf dt1 nhii:n, mjn, b6ng, cCrng, thermal insulation st,r each nhi¢t. thermal value gia trj nhi¢t, nhi¢t trj.
thermal computer-to-plate ban in
mem, day, mong V.V ..• thermal insulation properties tfnh thermal wax transfer may in chii
nhi¢t che ban lrt!C tiep tu' may tfnh.
texture screen tram bien hlnh. nang each nhi¢t. kieu in truyen nhi¢t.
thermal computer-to-print/press
theme de mllc Ju~n van, Chu de. thermal lamination ky thuat dan thermic (thu(>c) nhi¢t.
ban in nhi¢t che ban trt!C tiep in tren rnang nhi¢t. ·
thenard'blue mau xanh Thena, may in. thermite chat nhiet nhom.
Coban alumina!, Co(Al02) 2 hoac thermal losses hao ton nhi?t Juqng.
thermal conductivity tfnh dan truyen thermite method phucmg phap nhiet
Al(Co04 ). nhi¢t. thermal plate ban in nh~y cam nhiet. nhom.
646 647

thermo (thu¢c) nhi¢t. thermojunction c~p nhi¢t di¢n.

thermoregulator thiet bj dieu chlnh thermostatic regulator b¢ ph~n dieu
thermobinder thiet bi dong dan thermometer nhi¢t ke'. nhi¢t d¢. chinh dieu nhi¢t.
thermo pigment b¢t mau nh?y cam thermos bottle blnh giii nhi¢t, cai thermoviscosity tfnh nMt nhi¢t; d¢
thermochromism hi¢n tuqng bien nhi¢t. phfch. nh6t nhi¢t.
phai mau do nhi¢t.
thermoplastic chat nht,ra nhi¢t deo. thermosensitive paint son nh?y cam thermoxerography cht.1p anh tinh
thermocouple cap di¢n nhi¢t. nhi¢t.
thermoplastic adhesive chat keo dan di¢n nhi¢t.
thermo-electric (thu¢c) nhi¢t di¢n. nht,ra nhi¢t deo. thermosensitive resistance di¢n tr& thesis Ju~ van tot nghi¢p.
thermoelectric thermometer nhi¢t nh?Y cam nhi¢t.
thermoplastic binding dong sach thick day; d~c; quanh.
ke nhi¢t di¢n. dung keo dan nht,ra nhi¢t deo. thermoset tfnh rfo nhi¢t.
Thermofax process phuong phap sao thick face kieu chfr d~m den.
thermoplastic fibre sqi nhi¢t deo. thermoset platic chat deo rfo nhi¢t.
cht,1p phan Xe.\ tia Mng ngo<_li. thick juice nht,ra city, nu6'c m~t d~c,
thermoplastic material v~t li¢u nht,ra thermosetting (thu¢c) tfnh rfo nhi¢t.
thermofhid vehicle chat lien ket tfnh nu6'c ep d~c.
nhi¢t deo.
long nhi¢t. thermosetting ink mt,rc in kho ran
thick ink mt,rc in d~m d~c.
thermoplastic plate ban in nht,ra nhi¢t..
thermoforming machine may t?O nhi¢t deo. thick liquid chat long d~c.
hlnh nhi¢t. thermosetting plastic chat deo ran
thermoplastic resin nht,ra nhi¢t deo. nhi¢t. thick oil dau d~c.
thermographic copying paper giay
l sao cht,1p nh<_ly cam nhi¢t. thermoplastic stereotype ban due
nh~ta nhi¢t deo.
thermosetting plate ban in chat deo
ran nhi¢t.
thick paper giay day.

thermographic document copying thick paste b¢t nhao quanh.

11 thermopJasticity tfnh deo nhi¢t; d¢ thermosetting polymer polyme ran
machine may sao ch"l,lp tu li¢u n,r ghi thick printing paper giay in day.
deo nhi¢t. nhi¢t.
thermosetting resin nht,ra ran nhi¢t. thick space thanh chen day.
thermographic ink mt,rc in cao ep thermopolymerization st,r trung hqp
nhi¢t. nhi¢t. thermosetting varnish vec ni ran thick type kieu chii' thO.
thermopositive phat nhi¢t. nhi¢t. thicken tra day.
thermogrphic printing material v~t
li¢u in nhi¢t nong chay. thermopositive reaction phan ung thermostability tfnh ben nhiet· do thicken lam cho d~c quanh, d~c
nhi¢t. ben nhi¢t; tfnh 6n djnh nhi¢t. · ' · quanh l?i, tra day.
thermographic process phtrong phap
nhi¢t tt,r ghi. thermoreduction st,r khtr nhi¢t; phan thermostable ben nhi¢t; chju nhi¢t. thickened lubricant diiu boi tron
thermography thu~t in nhi¢t nong un~ nhi¢t nhom. thermostat may dieu nhi¢t. d~c.
chay, in cao ep nhi¢t, in n.hi¢t nong chay thermoregulation st,t dieu chinh thickened image tra day anh.
thermostat control khong che nhi¢t
(phttCJng phap con b¢t tung htrong). nhi¢t d¢. d¢ kh6ng thay d6i.
thickened oil dau d~c.
thickened pulp

thickened pulp b¢t giay dac. thin out pha loang. third generation photosetter may thread stitch dong khau chi.
thickener chat tang de) day. thin paste b¢t nhao loang. sap chfr chllp the h¢ th(r ba. thread stitched sach kh6 nho khau
thickening agent tac nhan Jam d~c: thin printing paper giay in mong. third-down colour mfo mt;rc in Jan chi.
thl'r ba [in mau]. thread stitched book sach khau chi.
thickening power kha nang Jam d~c. thin space cai chen manh c6 than
chen bang m<)t phan nam phan in. thirty-six mo sach 36 trang. thread stitching dong khau chi.
thickness m~c d¢ d~c, d¢ d~c.
thin stereotype ban chl due mong. thirty-twomo (32 mo) 32 trang. thread-bound Chinese book sach
thickness bearer dieu chinh d¢ day
thinner chat pha loang. thixotropy tfnh xuc bien. Trung qu6c dong khau bu<)c.
dung thoi d¢m.
thinning (st;r) pha loiing. Thompson type-caster may due chfr thread-bound editon sach khau
thickness copy sach mau dung giay
trfog dong thanh sach tnr6c khi in de thinning limits gi6i h~n pha Ioang. Thomson (Thompson).
xac djnh de) day cua sach. threading htr6ng dan gia'.y.
thio-acid thioaxit. thrash d~p, v6.
thickness gauge dllng ell do d¢ day. threading speed t6c de) htr6ng dan
thio-alcohol rugu nhy. thrashing machine may d~p, may vo.
thickness of screen fabric d¢ day thread sqi chi, sqi Jen, sqi ni long
thiocarbamide thiocacbamat. threadless binding dong sach khong
cua lu6i in [in ltr6i].
dung cho dong sach. khau (chi).
thiocyanate thioxianat.
thickness scale thang do de) day
thread binding (thu<)c) chi dong three attribute of colors ba thu¢c
mong. thionyl chloride thionyl clorua.
sach. tfnh cua mau (siic thai, ct¢ sang, d¢ no).
thimble printer may in kieu long thiosemicarbazide thiosomicacbazit.
thread book-sewing machine may

three columns sap ba c¢t [sap chfr].
ong [giong in s6 nhay]. thiosinamine thiosinamin. dong sach khau chi.
thin mong, manh, loang. three contact bar thiet bj tiep xuc ba
thioplast chat deo Juu huynh. thread cop cu<)n chi hlnh 11611 C\Jt. diem.
thin base film tam de phim mong. thiosulphate thiosunphat. thread mark van sqi mau sac (trong three-dimenisional net structure
thin board tam bla mong. thiourea thiure. giay in tien, giay chang chi thay tien). cfo tao ltr6i ba chieu.
thin developer dung djch hi¢n anh thiourea resin nht;ra thiure. thread sealing d6ng gfo chi chat deo. three-dimenisional printing in l~p
loang. the, in ba chieu.
third thtr ba. thread sealing machine may d6ng
thin film lop mong. gan chi chat deo. three-dimensional space khong gian
third Jaw of thermodynamics djnh ba chieu.
thin leads phile, dtrang ke manh dtr6i lu~t thtr ba nhi¢t d¢ng (lt;rc) h9c. thread sewing dong sach khau chi.
2 phan in. three elements of colours ba thu9c
third cover bla ba (3). thread sewing machine may dong tfnh cua mau.
thin line dtrang ke manh. sach khau chi.
third cross fold unit thiet bj gap three primary colours ba mau co
thin oil dau loiing. ngang Ian
vach thl'r ba. thread spool cu<)n chi, tfllc cu¢n chi. ban, ba mau nguyen siic.
650 651
three-phase current three-headspin system

three-phase current dong di¢n ba pha. three-color halftone ban dong c6 three-headspin system h¢ thong djnh three-reel stand gia d~t ba cu¢n gi!y.
three-phase rectifier may chinh hru tram ba mau co ban. vj ba khoa tren diiu.
three-roll grinder may nghien ba
ba pha. three-color letter press print in cao three-knife trimmer may xen sach tr1,1c.
ba mau. dao ba m~t.
three quarter binding d6ng sach CJ three-roll reel stand gia d~t ba cu¢n
gay, d6ng sach dung da CJ gay sach three-color photography thu~t ch1,1p three-knife trimming machine may gi!y.
va g6c sach, sach dong tinh xao ba anh ba mau co ban. xen sach dao ba m~t.
phan ttr. three-side trimmer may xen sach
three-color photogravure ban in three-layer film phim c6 c!u t.i.o ba dao ba m~t.
three sided trimming machine may lorn anh ba mau co ban. lap.
dao xen ba m~t. three-stage exposure chieu sang ba
three-color printing in ba mau, in ba three-line initial chfr cai diiu chiem
three-ring vong ba c.i.nh, vong tam mau ca ban. ba dong.
giac. three-to-em space cai chen khoang
three-color printing ink ffil!C in ba three-magazine composing machine
tr6ng m¢t phan ba than chfr.
three-roll grinder may nghien ba mau CO ban. may sap due (linotyp) c6 ba h¢p dt.J'ng
tr1,1c. khu6n chfr due. threshold ngtrang.
three-color process phtrong phap ba
mau ca ban. three-phase carbon arc lamp den threshold value gia trj ngtrang.
three-roll mill may can ba tr1,1c.
than h6 quang ba pha.
three transfer cylinder type may in three-color reproduction SI! ph1,1c thresholding each chuyen d6i gia trj
che ba mau co ban. three-phase generator may phat nguong.
6p xet kieu truyen ba tr1,1c 6ng. di¢n ba pha.
iI three (3) em quad cai chen vu6ng 3 three-color separation phan tach ba throttle St,r tiet h.ru, ong tiet Jtru.
mau co ban. three-phase motor d¢ng ca di¢n ba
Ian than chii. pha. throttle down d6ng mCJ cira van, tiet
II three (3) em space cai chen bang m¢t three-color theory Iy thuyet ba mau
three-piece binding d6ng sach gay
phan ba than chii. co ban, nguyenly ba mau nguyen sk
da m~t gi!y ct.mg. throttle valve van giam ap, van tiet
three-colored printing in ban in ba ltru.
three-arm reelstand gia Hip ba cu¢n three-pin system h¢ thong djnh vj ba
I gi!y.
mau ca ban.
kh6a. through picture nhln anh nh~n biet
three-colour camera may ch1,1p anh chfr.
three-color block ban dong in ba three-point control phtrong phap
phan ba mau co ban.
mau. kh6ng che ba diem. through-the-lens exposure meter
three-colour film phim phlln mau ba dong ho (bieu) do chieu sang qua dau
three-color etcher may an mon ban t~~ee-point register may djnh vj ba
mau co ban (phim toan sic). 6ng kfnh.
dong ba mau ca ban. diem, thiet bj djnh vj ba diem.
three-colour reproduction sg ph1,1c
three-color filter kfnh J9c sac ba mau three- point register system he through-station tr.i.m trung gian.
che ba mau ca ban.
ca ban. th6ng djnh vj ba diem. .
throw-away truyen don phat tan
three-cylinder offset machine may
three-color gravure in lorn ba mau three-point space cai chen khoang mien phf.
in 6p xet du t.i.o ba tfl,lC 6ng (tr1,1c 6ng
co ban. each ba phan in.
ban, tr1;1c 6ng cao su, tfl,lc 6ng ep in). throw-in n6i th6ng.
652 653
tiltable casting machine

throw-off ngat do~n, cat do~n, tach ticket and security printing in chCrng tiltable casting machine may due time-curve dtrang cong bieu dien d¢
trl;)c 6ng ra. phieu (the chCrng khoan an ninh). chii' ban due nghieng. gama-thoi gian.
throw-off impression tach tr1:1c 6ng ticket paper giay in ve. timber do g6, do m¢c. timer d1:1ng cu djnh thoi gian, d1:1ng c1:1
ra (kMng ep in). ghi thoi gian.
ticket printing machine may in ve, time controler thiet bj djnh thoi gian
throw-off lever cfo tach trl;)C 6ng ra. phieu. ll! d(>ng. time work tfnh thoi gian cong tac.
throwing out gap ph1:1 tnrong, phl;I tie up bu¢c ch~t, b6 ch~t. time copy dqi ban thao de sap chfr timing djnh thoi gian, ghi thoi gian,
ban. (sach, bao). dong b¢.
tie up book with tape bu(>c, b6 sach
throwing power ban linh m~ di¢n, bang bang dfnh. time efficiency hi¢u suat thoi gian. timing clock dong ho djnh thoi gian.
kha nang ma di¢n.
tied letter chfr n6i lien. time format thoi gian I~p trlnh [may timing device thiet bj ghi thm gian.
thrust bearing Ive day trl;)C d¢m. tfnh).
tight sap chfr chen ch~t [sap chfr]. tin thiec, sat tay trang, h¢p sat tay.
thumb book sach thu nho. time of drying thoi gian kho.
tight back gay cung [d6ng sach]. tin alloy hqp kim thiec.
thumb index chu dfo nhfrng tu dau time of exposure thoi gian chieu
tight composition sap chfr chen ch~t sang. tin ash tro thiec, thiec oxit, Sn02
bang m¢t chfr nao d6 trong m9t cu6n [H6a).
tu dien hay trong cu6n s6 tay cong [sap chfr], sap kfn.
time of makeready thoi gian dan
tac. d¢m ban. tin bichloride thiec diclorua, SnCI2
tight edge mep giay bj quan, cong.
thumb test each kiem tra gio l~t cac tight fit ph6i hqp ch~t. time relay thoi gian may tiep di¢n.
trang cua cu6n sach lam cho giay tin bisulfide thiec disunfua, SnSi
tight joint ranh gay sach lien ket ch~t time saving tiet ki¢m thoi gian. [H6aJ.
mon cu di do lat gio nhieu.
ru¢t sach va cac tong b1a sach d~p. time scale thang khac d¢ thoi gian. tin chloride thiec clorua, SnC12 hoac
thumbnail sketch ban phac thao.
I tight knot nut bu9c ch~t. time shutter mo diapham chieu sang. SnCJ4 [H6a).
thyme camphor thimol,
}1 (CH 3) 2CH.C6 H 3 .(CH3)0H [H6a]. tight line dong chen chi).t [sap chu]. time spent tieu phf thoi gian cong tin decoration in sat tay.
tight negative phim am ban chieu tin dichloride thiec clorua, SnCl2
thymol blue thimol xanh, Ci7HJ<i05S [H6a].
[H6a]. sang qua dai. time switch djnh thoi gian dong mo,
Iii tfnh thoi gian tiep di¢n. tin foil phoi thiec, giay thiec.
Ti-plate ban in cao hai lap kem tight register work tai li¢u in tinh te.
time-exposure djnh thoi gian chieu tin free steel la thep khong thiec.
nhom. sang.
tight roll tr1:1c cu¢n giay ch~t.
tick mark dau kiem, dau ghi nho di tin leaf la thiec, giay thiec.
tight setting sap chii' chen ch~t. ti?1e·keeper d1:1ng c1:1 djnh thoi gian,
biet la da duqc kiem tra. dong ho djnh thoi gian. tin plate ban sat tay.
tight-register in long tinh te.
ticket the kiem tra, ve tau xe, the vao ti!'le~temperatur gamma diagram tin printer may in sat tay.
h¢i tnrcmg. tilde dau thay chfr (-). do thj d¢ tltong phan-nhi¢t d¢-thoi gian. tin printing in sat tlly.
tin printing ink
tipping machine

tin printing ink ml;l'C in sat tfiy. tint mau nh11-t, sac di¢u, nhuQm mau. tipping machine may dan ta don. title fount tieu de chu thuang.
tin printing machine may in sat tay. tint block ban mau nh11-t. tipping-in dan trang minh h9a. title leaf trang ticu de.
tin type chu in thiec. tint engraving An men ban net in cao. tissue gi!y mong. title letter chii tieu de.
tin-foil la thiec mong. tint laying lop van mau nhy. tissue machine may siin xuat giay title line dong tieu de.
tin-foil paper giay thiec mong. tint plate ban mau nh11-1. mong.
title page trang ticu de, trang ten
tissue overlay giay c6 phu mQt lop sach.
tin-foil printing ink ml;fc in la thiec tint screen phim luoi phing.
mong trcn be m~t.
mong. title piece dan tieu de.
tintage sl;f nhuQm, Sl;f hi¢n !en mau.
tissue proof ta in thir giay mong.
tin-foil printing machine may in la title sheet trang ten sach, trang b1a
tinted paper giay mau nh11-t.
thiec mong. tissue-paper gi[iy mong mem de b<;>c trong.
tinting vang n6i, ban mo [Sl;f c6). va g6i do v~t.
tin-plate ban in sat tay. title signature ten tay sach.
tinting power ll;fc nhuQm mau, h!c tissue waxing paper giay parafin.
tin-plate converting machine may title vignette h9a tiet tieu de.
cam mau. titanate titanat.
gia cOng ban sat tay. titling in m11- nhu tieu de.
tinting strength ll;!c cam mau. titanium dioxide titan dioxit, Ti02
tin-plate ink ml;l'C in ban sat tfiy. toe of curve phan chlln duang cong.
tintle,s khOng c6 mau. [Hoa].
tin-plate printing in ban sat tay. toggle joint khuyu n6i.
tintmeter sac ke. titanium oxide titan oxit, trfog titan.
tin-plate printing press may in ban toilet issue giay v¢ sinh.
sat tay. tintometer dt,mg c9 do mau, sac di¢u titanium pigment b¢t mau trfog
ke. token nua ram giay.
tinctorial strength ll;l'c ciim mau. titanium white !rang titan.
tints sac di¢u nhl/-t, tOng mau nhl/-t, token ring luoi hlnh tron [may tfnh].
tincture nhuQm mau, 6ng anh sac nen van lucri phing. titannia titan dioxit, Ti02 [H6a). token-bus network bieu tuqng t6ng
mau, cam mau, con thu6c. tuyen m~g lucri.
tintype Chl;Jp anh ban sat tay. titer chuan d().
tincture of iodine c6n i6t. tolerance St! cho phep, lieu luqng cho
tip on bcru thiep buu di¢n gui ve. titer value d(') chuan.
tingle s.ic mau, sac di¢u. phep, dung sai.
tip-on machine may dan ph9 ban, to title tieu de, dau de sach, tft sach, ten
tinned wire day thep ml/- thiec. sach. tolerance range ph11-m vi dung sai.
don le.
title bar dong tieu de [may tfnh]. tolerance test thf nghi¢m lieu luqng
tinning m11- thiec, trang thiec. tipper may dan trang 16t.
cho phep.
tinning of electrotype ban due di¢n tipping dan trang don le. title capital tieu de dung chii hoa.
tolerate cho phep, dung thtr.
ml/- thiec. title catalogue m9c luc ten sach.
tipping and end papering machine
to lite tolit, trinitrotoluen,
tinsel giay kim tuyen. may dan trang don le va trang !6t. title faces chir tieu de. CH 3C6 Hi{N01 ) 1 [H6a).
42 • TElKHKTIAV 657
toning system

toluene (metyl benzene) toluen, tone reproduction SIJ ph1._1c cM t6ng toning sJstem he th6ng hi¢n anh top roller 1r1._1c ep tren [in Jorn).
CH,~H~ [Hoa]. mau, tang thCr.
toluene diisocyanate to Juen top sheet giay bao phu be m~t.
tone reproduction curve duong cong too closed speed line sap chfr day d~c
diizOxianat [Hoa]. ph1._1c che sac di¢u, tang thCr. top side chfnh di¢n trang in. m~t phai
kfn dong.
toluidine red toludin do. tone scale thang tong mau, tang thu. giay.
tool cOng ClJ, dtJng ClJ. dao khac
toluol toluen, CH,C6 H~ [Hoa]. tone value gia trj tOng mau, tang thu. sua b:in. dtJng c1._1 ep hinh hoa van top sizing Jang phu lop keo be m~t.
tonal control dieu chinh tang thCr. toned paper giay mau nh~t. bia sach. top speed toe d<) cao nhat.
tonal copy tling thu ban mau g6c. toned priting san pham in !au nam tool bar v~ch c6ng ClJ [may tfnhr
top tone siic mau tren be mat.
bifo mau. tool steel thcp cOng c1._1.
tonal gradation duong bieu dien SIJ topic tieu de nho.
thay d6i dan dan tang thCr mau sac anh. toner chlit ditu mau, chat cam mau, tooled edge ep in hoa van mep canh.
chat mau, b¢t mau mlJc. topping (sau khi phai xong ban) xoa
tonal key sac di¢u chfnh, tong mau tooled patterned edge ep in hoa van phu lop chong axil. dung mlfc in tang
chfnh. toner carrier cMt mang b¢t mau. d6 an mcp c.,inh. cuong lop chong axit.
tonal paper giay mang loa. toner concentrate chat mau d~m d~c. tooling gia cong trang trf bia sach. topping powder b¢t phan (hong) phu
tonal range ph~m vi tong mau. toner concentration n6ng d¢ b¢t mau. Toolket without an interesting tren m~t ban kem bao v¢ mang ch6ng
tonal scale thang tang thCr, tOng mau. toner container thung chCra b¢t mau. Name til!u chuan ghi m~t quet hlnh anh. axit an mon.
tonal value gia trj tong mau, tang toner migration di chuyen b¢t mau. tooth d<) nham be mat giay in. Torelief nhua cam quang ban in cao
thCr. toner powder b¢t mau. top lop mang Ch!U an mon, tren hang (ten thuang m.,ii sqi 16ng hqp
dau. chfnh di~n. TOKYO).
tonality sac di¢u, tang thCr mau. toner reservoir ~ chCra, binh chua
b¢t mau. top colour mau tren be m~t. torn sheet to, trang giay rach.
tone am di¢u, s!c thai.
tone art ngh¢ thu~t tong mau, sac toner transfer process phucmg phap top drawsheet giay bao phu be m~t. torque Jue xoan gay ra chuyen d<)ng
di¢u. hi¢n anh chuyen mau. quay, mOmen xoiln. mOmen quay.
top edge c.,inh tren dau sach, le tren
tone correcting mask ban che sua toning sac di¢u, SIJ ditu chinh SllC dau sach. torque breakdown test SI! thii ben
tang thCr, tOng mau. thai, SIJ :lh~n bat mlJC. quay.
top gilt m~t d.t le lren le dau sach
tone density m~t d¢ tang thCr, tong toning agent chat sac thai mau. xoa nhii. torsion SIJ xoll.n.
mau. toning control khOng eh! tang thu top margin le lren dau sach. torsion tearing resistance ll;Tc ben xe
tone illustration bieu do sac di¢u, mau. top of the page le tren dau trang [giay in].
tang thCr. toning oil dau XU ly ban bj kh6. sach.
total tOng s6, t6ng, toan b¢.
tone intensity cuong d¢ am; cuong toning solution dung djch sac thai top priting in chfnh di¢n mang mong total absorption capacity dung
d¢ mau. mau. thA"u minh [in lorn].
luqng t6ng hap ph1._1.
total book press system

total book press system h¢ th6ng touch-input system h¢ tMng nha.p track thanh keo tnrqt tren ban b1nh transducer may chuyen d6i, may
may lien hgp in dong sach. vao kieu tiep xuc. . phien djch, may chuyen cam.
ghep khuOn.
total content tong ham hrqng, d9 touch-sensitive (thu¢c) nhl,ly cam track to track seek tdnh tl! thoi gian transfer in chuyt?n, Sl! chuyen hlnh
chua tOng c9ng. tiep xuc. anh in tren gia'y pichmang, sang tryc
1lm dt.rbng [dia tit].
6ng in lorn.
total circulation tong s6 phat hanh. tough dai, deo.
tracking sap chii' thu nho.
transfer cylinder tr9c chuyen giay.
total density t6ng m~t d¢. tough hardness d9 cung deo. tract truyen dC111, cu6n sach nho c6
transfer diffusion in chuyen khuyech
total hardness of water d9 cung t6ng tough rubber cao su cung. 1ieu lu9.n ngAn, lu~n van t6m tat.
c9ng cua mr6c.
toughness tfnh deo, d¢ deo (cao su). tractate sach thu nho c6 tiiu lu~n
transfer drum tn,JC chuyen giao gia'y.
total feed sv tOng cung dp. tfnh nhot, d¢ nhot. ngan.
transfer function cOng nang chuyen
total heat t6ng nhi¢t h.rqng, nhi¢t toan touring map ban do du ljch. tractor b¢ ph~n truyen giay lien 19c. d6i, chuc nang chuyen doi.
tow sqi day, sqi gai. tractor feeder thiet bj truyen cap transfer gripper nhfp c~p chuyen
total heat of solution t6ng nhi¢t hoa giay lien tyc. gia'y.
tow truck xe keo.
trade thtr®g ml,li, buOn ban, m~u transfer ink ffil;J'C in chuyen tll' tr9c
towelings giay lau tay.
total load t6ng tai tr9ng. djch, cOng vi¢c lien quan Mn ngh6 6ng in sang gia'y [in lorn].
total losses tong hao h9t. town khf thap, khf d6t. nghitp, san xua't, che t;,to. transfer lettering chii' chuyen (l( tryc
total make tong san luqng. toxicity tfnh d¢c. d¢ d¢c. trade bindery xuong dong sach, xf 6ng in sang giay [in lorn].
toxicity test si,r thu tfnh d¢c. nghi¢p d6ng sach. transfer machine may chuyen hlnh
total power t6ng cOng suat.
trade journal tl,lp chf thtrC111g nghi¢p. anh tren giay pich mang sang !rye 6ng
total pressure t6ng ap suat. toxin d¢c t6. in [in lorn].
trace can ke buc h9a. trade-mark nhan hi¢u, thtrC111g hi¢u.
total reffection Sl,t phan XI;\ loan phan. transfer mode kieu khuOn chong
trace contour can ve dtrang vien trade-name ten thtrcrng nghi¢p. mau len nhau.
total scanner may phan mau blnh
ban t6ng hgp. (dtrbng cOng tua). trade-union cOng doan, cOng h¢i. transfer molding hlnh thanh di
trace of impression li,rc ep tr9c. each chuyen.
total weight tr9ng luqng toan phan. training dao t~o. hua'n Juy¢n.
xac djnh li,rc ep in 6p xet. transfer of image date into printing
tatalizer phep c¢ng (nho, tfch luy) transaction tracking system h¢ forme truyen dii li¢u anh Mn khuOn
may tfnh. tracing can ke, can ve. tMng ghi chep nhii'ng bai n6i va thiio in hay ban in.
totally open to postscript (TOP) tracing paper giay can, giay h9a d6. lu~n cac cu¢c h9p cua mot hOi nghi
khoa h9c. · · · transfer of image data direct into
ngOn ngii' Postscript ma
hoan toan. tracing the original can ve nguytn the printing press truyen dii' li¢u anh
touch screen man hlnh tiep xuc. ban, can ve ban m!u g6c. transcript ban ghi, ban sao. crvc tiep ban in tren may in.

660 661
transfer paper

transfer paper giay in tro (m~t sau). transistor amplifier may khuech dai transmission SlJ truyen qua, SlJ thau transparent (thu()c) thau minh, trong
ban diin. . .
transfer press may in tro, may in x~. d¢ tha'u xa (anh sang xuyen qua). su6t.
chuyen h1nh anh tren giay pfch mang transistor circuit dong di~n trong transmission densitometer may do transparent alcohol-based ink mlJc
sang trl;IC ong in [in lorn]. bong ban dfo.
m~t d¢ tha'u xi,t (anh sang xuyen qua). in g6c wqu thau minh.
transfer printing in hoa cat dan, in transit time thai gian qua dO.
transmission density m~t d¢ thau xi,t transparent cellulose giay thau
tro (m~t sau).
transition Slf qua d9, SlJ chuyen ho,i, (anh sang xuyen qua). minh, giay trong.
transfer roller lfl;IC chuyen giay. SlJ djch chuyen.
transmission line h¢ thong rruyen d¢ng. transparent colour mau thau minh,
transfer type pre-press proofing transition curve duang cong chuyin mau trong.
each in thU' trlt(JC in kieu in chuyen. tiep. transmission side m~t truyen d¢ng.
transparent copy ban mau thau
transference Sl;I' V~n chuyen. transmission of heat SlJ truyen nhi¢t.
transition form d~g chuyen tiep. minh.
transference number so v~n chuyen, transition interval of indicator
transmission of light slf truyen anh
transparent film phim thau minh.
so v~n tai. khoang chuyen mau cua chat chi thj. sang.
transparent ink mlJc in thau minh.
transferring in truyen, chuyen h1nh transition temperature nhi~t do transmission oil dau b6i trcm.
anh sang ban in, lfl;IC in [in Jorn], in chuyen hoa. transparent manifold giay trong
transmissivity h¢ s6 truyen qua.
chuyen. su6t, giay bong kfnh.
transitional quad(), chuyen tiep. transmit truyen, phat
transform chuyen hoa, bien d6i. transparent original ban mAu thA'u
transitional type kieu chil' qua d9 transmittance ty SUat thau Xl,l anh minh.
transformation Sl;I' chuyi!n h6a, Slt [chit la tinh]. sang.
bien d6i, SI! chuyen d6i mau sac [XU transparent paper giay trong su6t,
translating di chuyen tjnh tien [ve d6 lransmittancy d¢ truyen anh sang.
Jy mau sac]. giay bong kfnh.
h9a may tfnh].
transformation coefficient h¢ so translation Slt di chuyen tinh tien [ve
transmitted light anh sang tMu xi,t transparent plastic chat deo trong
bien d6i. (anh sang xuyen qua). su6t, thau minh.
d6 h9a may tfnh].
transformation temperature nhi¢t transparence stt trong su6t. transparent positive phim ducmg
translite film mang trong su6t.
dO chuyen h6a. ban thau minh.
transparency tfnh trong su6t, d¢
transformer may bicn ap, may bien
translucence SlJ trong ma, d¢ trong
tr~ng su6t, phim dttcmg ban thau transparent tape bang keo thau
the. ma. mmh, ban mAu thau minh. minh.
transforming Slt chuyen bien, Sl;I' bien
translucency tfnh trong ma, trong
transparency degree d¢ thau minh.
ma. transparent water-based ink m!Jc in
d6i. goc nuoc thau minh.
transparency printing in mau tren
translucent trong ma.
transistor tranzito, bong ban dan tinh v~t li¢u tha'u minh [in nhan hieu transparent-copying process
1he. translucity d¢ thau minh, d(> trong. thttong mai). ·
phltcmg phap phai ban thau Xi,t.
662 663
transport triangular coordinate

transport SU van chuyen. treadle ban dap, thiet bi d~p chan. triangular coordinate t9a d(> tam triethanolamine triethanolmin.
transport band bang chuyen. treadle press may in ep ph.ing. giac. triethylene glycol trietylen glycol.
triangular diagram bieu do tam trigger thiet bi khoi d(>ng, may XIJC
transport cylinder tr~c chuyen. treatise lu~n thuyet, lu~n van, tuyen
t~p chuyen de. giac. gian d6 tam giac. phat (phan llllg do tac d(>ng ben
transport tape bang chuyen.
triangular former ban tam giac dung ngoai).
treament si,r xu ly.
transpose hoan vi, chuyen vi trf, dau de gap to in tn~n may in giay cu(>n. trigger circuit dong di¢n xuc phat.
chuyin vi trf [dau sua bai]. treble (thu(>c) ba.
triangular scraper dao c~o tam giac trilead tetroxide chl oxit Pb 30 4 •
transposing chuyen nguqc trang den. treble bond n6i ba. dung de sua ban.
trilingual d6i chieu giii'a ba lo~i vlln
trap cai biiy, cai g6p. treble case h(>p chii' ba ngan. tribimetal plate ban kim lo~i ba lap, ti,r.
trapezoid hlnh thang. treble rule dubng ke chl ba dong. hai lap.
trim xen nhan (mep qnh sach). xen
tree structure ket cau cay, cau true trichlorethylene tricloetylen [Hoa]. nhan phdng.
trapping kh6ng che in 16ng hlnh, in
ch6ng mau mi,rc. in long mau sac, in cay [may tfnh]. trichloro-methane triclometan, trim broke giay hong giiy mep.
ch6ng mau sac. tri-mask ban che mau sac ba lap, clorofom. Cl 1CH [Hoa].
trim marko ky hi¢u cat xen, tieu
trapping percentage phan tram di m6ng ban mau sac ba lap. trichroism hi¢n tuqng ba rnau. chua'.n xen phing ci,mh sach.
djch di¢n mvc in ch6ng mau. tri-pack process phuang pliap chup trichoromatic (thu¢c) ba mau ca trim size kfch thuac th!Jc te (sau khi
trapping value tri s6 lap ch6 trong, anh che ban m(>t Ian
phan thimh ba ban, (thu¢c) ba mau thicn nhien. xen ph.ing sach).
trang. mau.
trichromatic analysis phan tfch ba Trimask ban che ba lap.
travel guide chi diin du ljch. triacetate base de phim triaxetat. mau ca ban.
trimetal plate ban kim lo~i ba lap.
traveling set-off web phong chong trial S\! thU. trichromatic colorimeter may so
trimetal printing plate ban in kim
dfnh ba'.n giay cu(m. mau ba mau ca ban.
trial exposure chieu sang thu. lo~i ba lap.
traverse di chuyen huang ngang. trial impression trang in in thu. trichromatic ink rni,rc in ba mau ca
trimetallic plate ban in kim lo~i ba
traversing guide bar can g~t dan trial method phuang phap thu. lap.
hang ngang. trichromatic printing in ba ~au ca trimethyl carbinol trimetyl cacbinol.
trial print in thu, miiu in thll'. ban.
tray khay hay ch~u di,rng dung dich trimethylol propane trimetylol
trial proof mau in thu ban in. trichromatic system h¢ th6ng ba
hi¢n anh. propan.
trial run si,r in thu, si,r ch~y thll'. mau ca ban.
tray card tam b1a dia quang. trimmed book sach xen vu6ng van.
trial test thf nghi¢m thu. tricolor (thu(>c) ba mau.
tray development khay hay ch~u trimmed edge mep c~nh sach xen
hi¢n anh. triangle h1nh tam giac. tricolour filter kfnh l9c sic ba rnau. vuong vlin.

664 665
trimmed flush book trouble

trimmed flush book bla va ru¢t sach triple bond n6i ba., lien ket ba. trouble stf co. si,r kh6 khan tro ng~i. try square thl!oc do g6c vuOng.
xen vu6ng van. trouble-free an toan, khOng c6 si,r c6. TTS (teletype setter) may danh chfr
triple lining head bounding
trimmed size kfch thl!oc xen gia chuyen di¢n bao.
machine may dan b6i gay sach. trouble-free running si,r v~n hanh an
c6ng giay. tub sizing tang keo kieu mang [giay
triple point diem ba. toan khOng c6 kh6 khan trb ngai.
trimmed splice xen c~nh n6i dau in).
triple-substitution st! the ba Ian. trouble-shooting kiim tra St! co.
giay. tube ong. 6ng mem, den hlnh 6ng.
triplicate gap ba tan. trough mang. khay. ch~u di,rng dung
trimmer may bao qnh, may xen tube-brush ban chai hlnh 6ng.
sach. dich.
tripod gia ba chan (cua may anh, tube gauge ap ke hlnh 6ng.
trough etching an mon trong khay,
trimmer press may xen gia'y ban kfnh thien van).
phling. ch~u dung djch. tube mill may nghien hlnh 6ng.
trisodium phosphate trinatri ph6t
trimming xen nhan phling, xen vu6ng true thtfc, dung. thutin khiet. tube steel thep 6ng, thep hlnh 6ng.
phat, Na,P04 [H6a].
van. true boiling-point diem soi thi,rc. tube support gia do hlnh 6ng.
tristimulus color mau ba tac nhan
trimming knife dao xen giay, dao kfch thfch. true colloid chfit keo thtfc. tubing 6ng, si,r che t~o 6ng.
xen sach.
tristimulus values gia trj ba tac nhan true emulsion nhu tl!ong thtfc. tube photometer quang d¢ ke hlnh
trimming line duong xen nhfo
kfch thfch. true equilibrium can bing thtfc. 6ng.
triturate machine may nghien b¢t. tube printing machine may in 6ng
trimming machine may bao c<;1nh true liquid chat long ly tl!ong.
ban, may xen sach. trivalence hoa trj ba. true purity d¢ tinh khiet thtfc.
tubular (thu¢c) 6ng, c6 hlnh 6ng.
trinitrat trinitrat. trivalent hoa trj ba. true solution dung djch thtfc.
tubular plate ban 6ng tron.
trinitrua trinitrua, RN3. trivalent element nguyen to hoa tri true to original trung thanh voi ban
ba. tubular press may in quay ban 6ng
trinitro-compound hqp chat trinitro. mau hay nguyen cao.
trinol trinol, TNT, 2,4,6 trivalent radical g6c hoa trj ba. true viscosity d¢ nhot th~rc.
tubular stereotype plate ban chl due
trinitrotoluen [Hoa). trivial name ten thong thuang. true yellow mau vang thuan thiet. cong hlnh tron.
trip nha tr\Jc 6ng, tach tr1Jc 6ng trivet gia ba chan. true-rolling cylinder arrangement tucker blade ban g~t gap tay sach,
(kh6ng di ep in).
each b6 trf sap xep duang kfnh true que g~t gap tay sach.
tropical (thu¢c) nhi¢t doi.
trip-off giay xe dich vj trf tay ke 6ng khac nhau. .
tropical developer dung djch hi~n tucker fold each gap tay sach kieu
[St! c6).
trunk day trung ke, t6ng tuycn. dao.
anh nhi¢t d¢ cao.
triphenyl phosphate triphenyl ph6t
try-out Stf thli nghiem. tumble dao tro ta giay.
phat. tropicalization St! nhi¢t doi hoa.
tumble gripper turnpike

turnpike chuyen ban, khay, ch~u rua. twin-head staple may d6ng sach ky
tumble gripper nhfp c~p dao tro Turkey red oil dtiu ve ll!U hoa, dfo
do Tod nhi ky. ma hai dtiu.
giay. turpentine dau thOng.
turn quay theo m¢t htrong khac, sap twin-sheet detector thiet bj kh6ng
tung oil dtiu trau. turpentine wood oil dtiu g6 thC>ng.
ngtrqc chir [sap chir]. ch! to giliy dup (2 to) vao may.
tung aliate drier chat lam kM che' tu turpentinic (thu¢c) dau thOng.
turn around chuyl!n httong; toan bO twin-wire machine may san xuat
dtiu trau.
thoi gian cOng vi¢c. · turps dau thong. giay hai ltr6'i dai kieu cai tien.
tungstate tungstat M 2W04 •
turn bar can chuyen htrong cuQn turret ban quay tha'.u kfnh. twin-wire paper trang giay che thanh
tungstated rhodamine tungstat gia'.y. tu hai luoi dai.
turret type kil!u ban quay.
rOdamin. twist SI! xofo, quan.
turn off khoa, tat.
turtle press may in quay (ban chil'
tungsten vonfram, W. twist sheet detector thiet bj kh6ng
turn on chuyen n6i. roi) gia'.y to roi.
tungsten flood light cttong dQ sang ch! gia'.y dl!a vao may khOng ph!ng.
turn-around document d9c sua tai tusche mlfC tut Stra ban.
den vonfram. twisted-pair cable day cap di¢n b¢n
tungsten lamp den vonfram. tusching mlfc bOi che siia ban. xofo hai sqi.
turnable chuyen ban.
tungsten lighting chieu sang den Twain tieu chuan m~t gioi h~n ghi two (2) em quad cai chen hai than
turnaround time chu ky in.
vonfram. hinh Mh may quet. chir (hai vuOng).
turned edge mep quan. teezers cai nhfp c~p chir [sap chir]. two (2) em space khoang chen giua
tungsten-halogen lamp den halogen-
vonfram. turned letter chir chl sap nguc;,c hai chir b~g l/2 vuC>ng (than chir).
twelve-mo (12 mo) sach khd 12 trang.
[sap ngtrqc].
tunnel dryer may thdi 6ng gi6 khO. two coat trang phu hai m~t.
twelve-page folder may ga'.p tay sach
turned-in edge .b9c c~nh bla sach.
tunncel-type gas dryer thie't bj say 12 trang. two-coloured hai mau.
turner bar can chuytn huong cuQn
khO dung ga kieu dtrong 6ng. twelvens khd 12 trang. two-on in hai lien, hai ban in gi6ng
nhau tren m¢t khuOn in, in xong pha
turbid d1,1c. twenty-fourmo (24 mo) khd 24 trang.
turning (SI!) quay, (SI!) chuytn. dOi duqc hai tay sach hay to in.
turbidimeter d1,1c ke. twice etching process phtrcmg phap
turning device thiet bj chuyen htt6'ng two positives method each che ban
turbidimetric method phtrcmg phap cu¢n giliy. An mon hai Ian. anh dttcmg hai trang [in Jorn].
d1,1c ke'. twin sinh dOi.
turning-in tx?c c~nh bla sach. two quires over in them gap dOi s6
turbidimetry phep do d1,1c ke. turmeter chuyen t6c ke'. twin etching machine may an mon Juqng.
turbidity tfnh d1,1c, dQ d1,1c. hai Jan (anh tram). two sheets on khau chi hai tay sach.
turnover di chuyen dong chir.
turbidometer d1,1c ke. twin-cylinder machine may san xuat two sided offset blanket ta'.m cao su
turnover reel stand thay cu¢n gia'.y
giay hai tn.;1c Juoi tron. 6p xet hai m~t.
turguoise mau xanh luc. tren gia cuQn giliy.
two stage process

two-revolution flat-bed cylinder two-sided single -density diskette

two stage process qua tr'inh hai giai two-head pin system h? th6ng dinh
press may in 1r1:1c ban phing ban in d'ia tu mem m¢t (dcm) m~t d¢ hai m~t.
vj hai khoa chot tren dau. .
cao chuyen xoay tron hai !An. two sideness tfnh hai m~t gia'.y in.
two-bath development hi?n ar1h hai two-layer deep-etch process phuong
ph~p che ban in lorn hai lop mang two-revolution machine may m two-stage mask ban che hai cifp,
dung djch.
phang. chuyen xoay tron hai llln. mOng ban hai clfp.
two-bath fixing each djnh anh hai
two-letter matrix khuOn due hai chrr two-revolution press may in ban two-stop process phuong phap chieu
dung djch. ph.ing chuyen xoay tron hai Ian.
ghep lien nhau. sang hai Ian.
two-bath process phtrcmg phap hi¢n
at1h hai dung djch.
two-line so voi chG' thucmg co chu to two-roll stand gia d~t hai cu¢n gia'.y. two-tone ink mi,rc in hai sac di?u,
ga'.p dOi. two-room camera may ch1:1p anh mi,rc in hai tong mau.
two-colour reproduction ph1:1c che
bar1 hai mau.
two-line Double Pica co chu roi 44 kieu hai bu6ng t6i. two-up (thu¢c) hai ban in cung gi6ng
phlln in. two-sheet caliper thiet bj kh6ng che nhau, (thu¢c) hai lien, song lien.
two-colour halftone ban tram hai
two-line Great Primer co chu ch1 roi hai to in dup. two-up feeding gia'.y cap song lien,
36 phlin in. two-sheet detector thiet bj khong che hai lien.
two-colour machine may in hai mau.
two-line initial dliu chu cai chiem hai hai to in dup. two-up printing in song lien, in hai
two-colour offset press may in 6p dong. lien.
two-sheet folder may gap tay sach
xet hai mau. two-line Pica co chu ch1 roi 24 phlin hai to. tying machine may b6 g6i.
two-colour perfecting press may in in. two-sheet trip thiet bj nha, ngat gia'.y tympan 16t d¢m (thu¢c may in), gia'.y
hai m~t hai mau. two-magazine composing machine hai to.
phu m~t bQc 6ng ep in [in Typo].
two-colour press may in hai mau. may sap due hai thung khuOn chG'.
two-sided (thu¢c) hai m~t.
tympan clamp cOng c1:1 k~p gia'.y lot
two-colour printing in hai mau. two on in tai li?u nho.
two-sided art paper gia'.y pha'.n hai d?m may ep phang.
two-colour wet-on-wet printing m two-on book ban sach in hai lien. m~t. gia'.y cut-xe hai m~t.
tympan paper gia'.y 16t d?m.
hai mau trot . tren . trot. two-pin system h¢ thong djnh vi hai two-sided calendered paper gia'.y
tympan sheet to gia'.y bQc 16t, to gia'.y
two-feeder press may in ep Ian tron khoa ch6t. c4n nh!n hai m~t.
16t d?m.
ca'.p giay hai ben c~nh. two-ply laminating machine may ep two-sided coating trang phu hai m~t.
type chu roi, chu ch1, kieu chu.
two-floor rotary machine may in hai lop dan.
two-sided diskette d'ia tu mem hai
cu6n (quay) hai ta.rig. two-ply overlays each 16t d?m ban type alloy hqp kim chu roi.
two-fold rollers tr1:1c gap d6i nhau. hai lop. type area m~t ban, tam ban.
two-double-density diskette d'ia tu
two-former folder thiet bj ga'.p tay two-reel turning star gia d~t hai m~m hai m~t d¢ hai m~t. type bar m¢t hang chii' roi.
sach hai ban tam giac. cu¢n giAy quay duqc.
type bed
type scale

type bed ban de ban in, ban de bat type gauge dong h6 do chii' chl.
type scale thl.J'ac chii' roi. type-high furniture chfr roi d111g
type holder cai k~p chii' roi (dung cho chieu cao chii chl.
type series b¢ chii' roi (cung m¢t kieu
type belt day bu¢c bat chii. vi¢c m~ chfr chi bla sach).
chD'). type-high gauge d1,111g cy do d¢ cao
type body than chii' [chfr roi]. type image hlnh dl.J'bng net, anh net. chii roi.
type setter may sap chfr.
type cabinet gia de chii' roi. type line dll'bng vien chii' chl. type-high planer bat go dung de
type setting and printing sap chii va
type case r6t due chii' chl. type magazine kho chii' in. in. chinh phing chieu cao chii chl.

type cast due chii'. type magazine with matrices kho type setting machine may sap chfr, type-metal hqp kim chii' roi, chfr chl.
chii' in va khuOn chii' (due). may sap due chii'.
type casting due chii'. type-plate ban in cao chfr roi.
type manual sach mau chfi. type size co chii roi to nho. co chfr.
type casting machine may due chfr. type printer may in chfr.
type material nguyen li¢u bat chfr type size system for
type composing sip bat chfr chi. typed copy ban mfo danh may.
sap. photocomposing h¢ thong co chii'
type composition st,r sip bat chii' chl. dung cho sap chii chup. typeface design thiet ke kieu chii.
type matrix d6ng mo, khuOn chfr.
type design thiet ke chfr roi. type sort b¢ chii' chl. typefitting tfnh toan di¢n ban in.
type matter sap bat chii', tai li~u sap
type disc h¢p (khuOn) chfr. chfr. type specimen sach mAu kieu chii'. typegraphical unit of measurement
type element nguyen li¢u due chii'. type mould khuOn chii' [ban sap]. dan vj tfnh hrqng sap chfr.
type specimen book sach mau kieu
chii. typemaster ban mau chfr [sap chyp].
type face m~t chfr, kieu chfr. type offset sap chfr in 6p xet.
type family h9 chfr. type ornament trang trf chii' in. type stick sip chen chfr bang ray. typescript copy ban mau danh may
type style kieu chfr. chii.
type flower hoa van (chfr) in. type page tam ban trang sach. tam
ban. type transfers ban mau ban chu rai. typeset sap chii.
type font m¢t b¢ chfr chl.
type planer bat g6 dung de vo phAng type wear chii roi bi mai mon, chfr typesetter cOng nhlln sap chii, may
type forme bat chii' roi. khuon chfr in.
bat chfr roi. roi bj cun. sap chii.
type founder cOng nhan due chfr.
type press type machine may dfoh type weight t~n kieu chii [chfr roi]. typesetting sip ban in, sap chii'.
type founder's specimen sach mau chfr slip chfr.
type width d6 r¢ng chfr. typesetting and casting machine
kieu due chii' in. type proof ban in thu chii' (vie't). van may sap due chii'.
type founding due chii'. type.caster may due chfr.
typesetting Controller (TC) thiet bj
type founding xmmg due chfr. type reversal chii' am ban. type.height chieu cao chfr d¢ cao
chti. ' kiem tra siip chyp Jade.
type fount b¢ chfr in cung kieu va co type revolving press may in quay
typesetting equipments thiet bi sip
chii', phOng chii'. ban chii roi giAy to roi. type-high chieu cao chti, d¢ cao chti.
ban in.
43 · TOl(H KTIAV 673
typesetting machine U.C (upper case)

typesetting machine may sap chil', typographic art ngh¢ thu~t che ban

may sap due chii. chu.

typewrite stencil duplicating danh typographic ink mt,tc in ban in cao,

may ban in giay nen. mt,tc in typO.

typewriter may chil', may danh chii'. typographic numbering machine

may in s6 typ6.
typewriter composition scip chu tren
may danh chu.
typographic printing in ban in cao, u.c (upper case) chu hoa phfa tren ultra - clean ct,tc S?ch.
in typO. h¢p chfr sap.
ultra high frequency tan s6 sieu cao.
typewriter copy ban thao danh may.
typographic printing paper giay in UCR (under colour removal) lo~i
oo mau 16t duoi. ultra - microfiche phim thu ct,tc nho.
typewriter face kilu chfr may chii. typo, giay in ban in cao.
typographic quality chat hrc;,ng danh UV (ultra violet) (mau) tit ngoai, cue ultra-microphotography thu~t chup
typewriter ribbon ink mt,tc in ru
tfm. anh thu Cl,!C nho.
bang may chi1'. may, chat luc;,ng in typo.
U-bend 6ng chfr U. ultra-radiation chieu X? tit ngo~i.
typographic design thiet ke in, thiet
typewriting paper giay danh may.
ke bien t~p sap chii. U-form tube 6ng chii U. ultrafine grain h~t ct,tc mjn, h;,it sieu
typewritten copy ban thao goc danh ultimate gioi h~n. mjn.
typographical error l6i slip chii in,
may. ultrafine-grain developer dung djch,
16i typo. ultimate bending strength lt,tc u6n
typewritten manuscript ban thao g\oi h;,in. hi¢n anh h;,it sieu mjn.
typographical measuring unit dan
goc danh may. vj tfnh luc;mg chil' sap. ultimate compression strength lt,tc ultrafine grain emulsion nhu nrong
nen gi6i h;,in. h;,it sieu mjn.
typing error Joi danh may. typographical ornament trang trf
hoa van ban chii in. ultimate elongation st,t keo dai gioi ultrahard tang thu rat cung. tlfong
typing speed toe d9 danh may. h;,in. phan rat cung.
typographical printing in ban in
typo c6ng nhAn sap chu. c6ng nhAn in ultimate load tn;mg tai gi6i h~n.
cao, in typ6, ultra-red (thu9c) h6ng ngo~i tuyen.
typo (in cao).
ultimate strength cucrng d9 gi6i h;,in. ultrared drying say kho bang tia
typography thu~t in ban in cao, in
Typograph machine may sap due ultimate production t6ng san luqng. hong ngo;,ii.
chii tft, chii tieu M.
typolithography in typ6 gian tiep. in ultimate vacum d9 chan khong gioi ultrared ray tia hong ngo;,ii.
typographer c6ng nhAn in cao, in lit6 chuyen che ban in chu. ultrasonic (thu9c) sieu Am.
typO. ultramarine xanh biec.
typotect nhAn vien thiet ke, nhAn vien ultrasonic binding d6ng sach (gan
typographic ban in chfr. b1nh ban. ultramarine blue mau xanh biec. chi nhi¢t) bAng s6ng sieu am.

674 675
ultrasonic testing
ultraviolet rays curing

ultrasonic testing do tlm khuyet t~t ultraviolet inert technology cong

bang s6ng sieu am. ultraviolet rays curing slJ' hoa nin uncorrected copy ban in thti chl!a
ngh¢ tra tia ttr ngoc:ti.
(kh6) bang tia Ill ngoc:ti. sua Joi.
ultrasonic wave s6ng sieu am. ultraviolet ink UV ink mLic in (sii ultraviolet rays curing ink mLic in uncor opped xcrm cc:tnh, sach chua
ultrasonic web-break detector may d1Jng) tia tu ngoc:ti. [mang mlJ'c tren ta kh6 bang tia tu ngoc:ti. xen mep bien.
do tlm ch6 rach dm trong cu¢n gia'y in khi ra khoi don vi ep in du6i tac
ultraviolet rays curing system h¢ uncut XOm Xc:tnh Sach, sach chl!a xen
bang s6ng sieu am. d1Jng cua tia tu ngoc:ti (den tu ngoc:ti).
h1nh thanh phan ung tc:to ILI6i lam cho th6ng thiet bj h6a ran bang tia Ill' chinh te.
ultrasonic welding binding d6ng ngo~u.
mang mlJ'c in kho nhanh. nang cao t6c uncut edges d6ng sach chLia xen bo
sach (giin chi nhi¢t) bang song d¢ in va chat ILI<;mg in). umber mau nau hung hung do. Ji: bien.
sieu am.
ultraviolet irradiation slJ' chieu rc;,i unaccepted product san pha'.m khong undeca ml!ai.
ultra-low viscosity oil dau nh6t clJ'c tia tti ngoc:ti. hqp quy each.
thap. under thap. dLI6i. khong du, chLia dt1.
ultraviolet lamp den tia tu ngoc:ti. unauthorized edition ban in phien
ultra-short wave s6ng clJ'c ngiin. ban. ban in rieng llf. under asphaltum at phan lap dLI6i.
ultraviolet photography chllp anh
ultramicro-analysis slJ' phan tfch unbacked in mot m~t. under band gia c6 da Jam bta sach.
tia tu ngoc:ti.
sieu vi. under blanket dem l6t dLI6'i tam cao
ultraviolet printing in (mlJ'c hay lac unbalance SlJ' mat Can bang, SlJ' khong
ultramicron hat sieu vi. can bang. SU6p xet.
sir dlJng) tia tu ngoc:ti.
ultramicroscope kfnh sieu vi. unbleached chl!a uiy trang. underburnt chl!a du nhi¢t.
ultraviolet printing technology c6ng
ultramicrostructure cau true sieu vi. ngh¢ in (mlJ'c hay Ille str dlJng) tia tt'r unbleached pulp b¢t gia'y chl!a ray under colour removal mask ban che
ngoc:ti. tning. lol!-i bo mau l6t dLI6i.
ultrasound sieu am.
ultraviolet technology c6ng ngh¢ (st'r unbound chl!a d6ng thanh sach, sach under colur removal range phc:tm vi
ultraviolet (thu¢c) tu ngoc:ti, tu ngoc:ti di roi tirng ta. lo<!,i trtr mau 16t.
tuyen. d1Jng) tia tu ngoc:ti (xem UV ink).
unbroken package chLia thanh sach. under colour removal (UCR) loai
ultraviolet absorption spectrum ultraviolet radiation buc Xe:! Ill ngo~i,
bo mau 16t dLI6'i.
SlJ' chieu tia tl! ngoc:ti. Uncaster Xe do hang.
quang pho hap thlJ tia ti! ngoc:ti.
under cutting an moo thanh ben
UV agent chat phan ung hoa rfo ultraviolet range vung tia tu ngo~i. uncoated paper giay m¢c, gitfy
diem tram ho~c net. an mon ham ech.
kMng Jang phu.
(kho) mang mLic ·in bang tia ttr ngoai. ultraviolet ray tia ttr ngoc:ti, under development hien anh khong
uncoloured carbon ink mLic in !Lr du thoi gian, hi¢n anh non.
ultraviolet filter kfnh l9c siic tia tu ultraviolet ray spectogram quang
ngoc:ti. Sao khOng mau, ITil!C in IL! ~ao mau
pho tia tu ngoc:ti. trang. . under hue mau 161 du6i.
ultraviolet generator may phat tia tu ultraviolet rays spectograph may under line net gc:tch dl!6i ch(i.
u.nco!rected proof proof in thti chua
ngoc:ti. quang phO tia tu ngoc:ti. sua Joi.
under rum 10 so hrqng khong du.
unformatted diskette

undercut duang kfnh (tryc ong) thu undersatured chua biio hoa, chua no. unformatted diskette dia mem chua uniterfaced quet khOng each dong.
nho (so voi dubng gb true ong). hgp thuc hoa.
undersaturation Slf chua biio hoa, su uninterruptible power supply
under-cut dubng net ho~c diem tram chua no. unformatting disk dia tu chua hqp (UPS) di¢n ngu6n kh6ng gian <lo<;111.
bj an mon ham ech, thanh net; duang thl!c hoa. union va [logich].
underscore net g11-ch duoi.
kfnh tryc 6ng thu nho. unglazed chua Jang bong.
underscoring net gach du6'i. union catalogue danh myc t6ng hgp.
under-etching duang net ho~c diem unglazed finish giay khOng nhlin
Uniprint process phuong phap in ban
tram bj am mon ham ech thanh net undertone tong mau nh11-t, mau 16t. b6ng. lorn CaO SU.
(ban anh kem ). unglazed knaft paper giay g6i
undeveloped (thu(>c} chua hi~n anh. unique copy ban duy nhat con lai,
underlayer 16'p duoi. khOng Jang. ban d(>c nhat vO nhi.
undevelopment (thu(>c) chua hi¢n
underpressing (slJ) nen chua du. ungraincd plate ban khong c6 h:,tt,
iinh. unit don nguyen. c~1m may, don vj do
ban khOng 111-0 h11-t. r(>ng h~p chfr in.
underpressure ap suat thap. undo h6i phyc [phfo mem xii ly anh). ungrease khOng bOi tran.
unit control panel bang thao tac d9c
under-printing in mau 161 duoi. undulated cardboard bla cac tong unibite an mon m¢t tan. an mon tram <lung 16 may.
undera bsorption of ink hap thy mvc s6ng. ban in lorn. unit indicator thiet bi chi thj.
kh6ng du. uneven development hi¢n anh kh6ng unicolour (thu(>c) m(>t mau.
unit line duong dinh vj [ta gap].
undcrcloth v,\i d(>n 16t. deu [slJ co]. uniform edition cung lo:,ti ban, ban unit-type press may in d:,tng 16 hqp.
sach thong nhat quy each.
undercutting d(> dai chua du. uneven exposure chieu sang khong
United States Standard tieu chudn
deu [Slf CO]. uniform even lighting chieu sang nu6c My.
under development hi¢n anh chua d6ng deu.
du. uneven folios so trang 111-. univerval thong d~mg, chung, v11-n
uniform formation t6 chl!c d6ng nang.
underdry ~ay khO chua 161. uneven page trang so I~. deu, dong b(>.
universal bibliography t6ng thu myc
uneven print kiiu chfr in sap khong uniform product code (UPC) thong sach.
underexposure chicu sang khOng du.
deu. nhat ma (so) thuong pham.
underlay d¢n 16t duoi, net nhan m11-nh universal casting machine may due
uniform quantiration luong hoa chfr v:,tn nang.
[sap chfr]. uneven working cong vi¢c d6ng sach d6ng deu [xii ly anhJ. .
khong chinh te, vuong v.in. universal character set b(> chu thong
under line net gach duoi. uniform sampling lay mfo dong deu, dyng.
unevenness do khong dong deu (ch1;1p thong nhat [xfr ly anh].
underlying packing d(>n 16t du6'i. universal developer dung dich hi¢n
anh, in v.v ... ]. uniformity d9 dong deu.
underpaper giay 16t. iinh th6ng dyng.
unexposed (thu(>c) chua chicu sang, uniformly spaced font kicu chfr do universal feeder thiet bi cap giay
underproof (thu(>c) khong hqp each. chua 1¢ sang. rOng bang nhau. .
th6ng dyng.
universal metal unstained

universal metal hqp kim tMng d1,mg, unreadable kh6ng c6 each nao c6 the unstained khOng mau, khOng nhu(>m upgrade thang cap [may tfnh]. nang
hqp kim chl thong dung. d9c duqc. mau. cap.
unstained kh6ng mau, khOng nhu(>m up make sap ghep c(>t, m1.;1c trang
universal meter thttcrc tMng d1,mg, unroll toi giay tu cu(>n giay.
mau. bao.
bieu dung Vi,tn niing.
unsalurcd chtta bao hoa, chll'a no. upper case chu hoa. chu hoa M phfa
universal moulding machine may unsteady kh6ng 611 djnh.
unsatured compound hqp chat chll'a no. tren h(>p chu.
che khu6n thong dung. unsteady state trang thai khong
unsaturated polyester polette khOng no. dung, tnrng thai khOng 6n djnh. upper-case (UV) phfa tren h(>p chu in
universal product code (UPC) thong [sap chu].
nhat ma thtrcmg pham. unsaturation Slf khOng bao hoa, sit untitled chlta m~nh danh, chtta dat
upper case letter chu hoa o phfa tren
Universal Resource Locator (URL) khOng no. ten.
h¢p chu in [chu roi].
may djnh vj tai nguyen toan du. unscrew noi long, v~n long (dinh oc, untouched xom mep canh.
upper cover trlt6"c bla sach.
universal valve van vi,tn nang. bu l6ng). untrimmed chtta xcn phcing.
upper former ban tam giac t6ng hqp,
unjustified chtta thing hang. unscrew binding dong sach khOng untrimmed book sach chtta xen mep ban tam giac tren.
khau chi, khau thep, dong sach dan canh.
unjustified tape bang giay chll'a upper letter chii' hoa.
keo. untrimmed edge chtta xen mep ci,tnh.
thing hang. upper memor y b() nha tren dau [may
unsharp khOng sac net, dttong vi~n untrimmed size chua xen mcp c~nh
unjustified text ban van chU'a thing tinh].
mo. dung kfch thucrc.
dong. upright bending dong sach kh6
unsharp mask ban che mo kh6ng ro untrimmed width chieu r(>ng dung.
unlegible kMng de d9c, net chu
khOng ro. tang anh. (ngang) chua xen [giay in].
upright book sach kh6 dung.
unsharp mask (USM) ban che mo. unwinding mo ra, tnii ra [cu(>n giay].
unloading xuat phim, thao ban in. upright page trang sach kh6 dung.
quiing. unwinding device thiet bi toi trai ra
unmounted chtra lap rap. upward compatibility tinh tll'cmg
unsharpness d(> khOng sac net, [cu()n gitl'y]. ·
hqp httcrng !en tren, tfnh thfch hqp
unopened sach chU'a xen, sach chU'a
ro net. up and down positioning di chuy~n hucrng ten.
xcn mep. vi tri !en va xuong.
unsharness ct¢ khOng sac net, ro net. uranium urani, U.
unpack mo bao. ccri bao. up and down positioning di chuyen
unsized paper giay chU'a tang keo. vi trf !en va xu6ng. uranium chloride urani clorua
unprinted leaf to !rang, to chu'a in, to [Hoa].
in s6t. unstable kh6ng 6n djnh, khOng bcn. update hanh d¢ng ci;lp nh~t. thong tin
uranium glass thuy tinh urani.
unpublished chtra xuat ban. unstable compound hqp chat khong rncri nhat, d6i mcri [may tinh].
uranium nitrate ura111 nitrat [H6a).
unravelling machine may quay giay
ben. updati~g (thu()c) moi nhat, hqp thoi.
h1cu chmh l~i. uranyl nitrate uranyl nitrat [Hoa].
thai to~i thanh b¢t giay. unstable state tri,tng thai khOng bcn.

urea ure, cacbamit, NH2CONH 2 username ten ngtroi sti dyng.

USM (unsharp mask) ban che mo

urea-formaldehyde-plastic chat deo khOng ro tOng anh.
utilities thiet bi b6 trq.
urea resin nhlfa ure.
urotropine urOtropin, hexametylen utility SL! c6 fch.
tctramine [Hoa). utility program tr)nh tl! thl;!c dyng,
use su dyng, (mg dyng. c6 fch.
vacuity chan khOng. vacuum film holder gia hut hoi giii
use factor thua s6 su dyng. utilization SL! sti dyng. phim.
vacuolation SL! tao chan khong.
use ratio ty 1¢ sLr dyng. utilization of heat SL! si'.r dyng nhi¢t. vacuum Oat scorcher may lam khO
vacuometer chan khong ke.
used machinery may dii qua su dyng. U.S.St (United States Standard) ticu to phOng (ph.ing) chan kh6ng dLmg
vacuum chan khong. due ban ch) phang.
useful area di¢n tfch co fch. chuiin ntr6c My.
vacuum back bang hut chan khong vacuum forming str hlnh thanh chan
useful life thoi ky su dyng co hi¢u UV (ultravilet ray) tia ti'.r ngo<;1i.
mat llfng, gia hut chan khOng phim khOng.
UV curing dong ran tia tu ngo<;1i, co [may ch1,1p anh che ban].
useful load ph1,1 tai hiiu hi¢u. cung tia tti ngo<;1i. vacuum frame may phoi ban hut chan
vacuum back film hoder gia hut
user ngtrbi Slf d9ng. khong, gia phoi ban hut chan khOng.
UV curing ink mvc in dong r.in hay chan khong phim [may chup anh che
user interface giao di¢n ngtrbi su co cung nho tia tti ngo<;1i. banJ. vacuum gauge chan khong ke.
UV drying system he thong lam khO vacuum board bang (gia) hut chan vacuum gauge pressure ap suat chan
user password khiiu 1¢nh ngtrbi su tia tti ngo<;ti. kh6ng [may chup foh che ban]. khong ke.
UV filter kfnh l<;>c sac tia tu ngo<;1i. vacuum booster pump born chan vacuum grease ma boi tron chan
user program trlnh ttr ngtroi su d1,1ng. kh6ng so b(>. khong.
UV ink mvc in co cung bang tia Ill
user terminal diiu cu6i ngtrbi sti
d1,1ng. ngo<_1i. vacuum bronzing machine may xoa vacuum injection moulding str due
nhu Vang chftn khong. hut chan khOng.
user-friendly de sti dyng cho nhli'ng UV light source ngu6n sang tia Ill
ngtroi khong co chuyen men. ngoc_ti. vacuum cleaner may hut b1,1i. vacuum manometer ap ke chan khong.
vacuum copy board bang (gia) hut vacuum moulding SL! due chan khong.
chan kh6ng ban mau g6c. vacuum oil diiu chan khOng.
vacuum evaporation SL! bay hoi chan vacuum packaging dong goi chan
Vacuum feeding hut hoi truyen cap giay.
vacuum plating rnc_l phun chan khOng.
vacuum pressure valves
\'apour-blast graining

vacuum pressure valves van chll.n vade-mecum sach t6m tit, sach tham
kh6ng. vapour-blast graining ban mai phun varnish-coating machine may in phu
khao khc5 nho thl!ang dung. cat, l?O hat bang phl!O'ng phap phun Cal. Jang b6ng.
vacuum printer may phai ban hut valeur chi s6 mau.
vapour-set ink ml!c in kh6 Am. varnished cloth vai san.
chan kh6ng.
valley printing in ep han gan, ranh. vari-bow curved roll c6 the dieu
vacuum printing frame may phai varnishing Jang b6ng, dau Jang b6ng,
valuator thiet bi thu nh~p dii li¢u. chinh tr1;1c hlnh cong. son b6ng.
ban hut chan kh6ng, gia phai ban hut
chan kh6ng. valve cai van. variable contrast film phim c6 the varnishing machine may Jang b6ng.
bie'n dc5i d¢ tl!ang phan.
vacuum production st,t tao chan valve cap nap van. vaseline vadalin.
kh6ng. variable data field c6 the dieu chinh
valve base de van. vaseline oil dAu vadaJin.
du Ji¢u in.
vacuum pump bam chan kh6ng.
valve inside Ulm van. vat thung chua, be chu'a, xitec.
Variable Data System (VDS) c6 the
vacuum pump switch d6ng ma barn valve needle kim van. dieu chinh h~ th6ng dfr li¢u in. vat blue mau xanh indigo.
chan kh6ng.
valve oil dau van. variable focal length lens c6 the dieu vat color phAm nhu¢m indigo.
vacuum roll true chan kh6ng. chinh tieu ct,t 6ng kfnh.
valve plug nut van. vat dark blue mau tfm than indigo.
vacuum seal khoa chan kh6ng. variable focusing device thiet bj dieu
valve spring lo xo van. chinh tieu ct,t. · vat deep printing black mau den in
vacuum space khoang chan kh6ng. indigo.
vanadium vanadi, V [Hoa]. variable Input phototypesetter c6
vacuum s ucker num (voi) hut chan vat dye thu6c nhu¢m indigo.
vanadium chloride vanadi clorua [Hoa]. the thay dc5i dau vao may sap ch1;1p.
kh6ng truyen gia'y dl!a vao may in.
variable load c6 the thay d6i ph1,1 tai. vat dyestuff thu6c nhu¢m indigo.
vacuum tank b1nh chan kh6ng. vanceometer d1,mg c1;1 do d¢ nhan
b6ng. variable speed drive c6 the thay dc5i vat lined khung xeo gia'y [xeo gia'y].
vacuum technology ky thu~t chan t6c d¢ chuyen d¢ng.
kh6ng. Vandyke print in anh mau nau s£t. vat paper gia'y xeo thu c6ng.
Vandyke process phl!ang phap che
variables bien s6, tham s6, th6ng s6. vat powder b(>t hydrosunfit,
vacuum transparency mounting
ban phc:,i dl!Cfng sang dl!ong. variamine blue B salt mu6i NaHS03 , b(>t hyposunfit, Na2Si04
device gia lap ban mau trong su6t [Hoa).
chan kh6ng. Variamin mau xanh B.
vane canh chong ch6ng qu?t gi6.
variorum edition sach chu thfch vat scarlet mau do ll!O'i indigo.
vacuum tray drier thiet bj say chan vane pump barn canh qu?t gi6. t~p the.
kh6ng c6 gia. vat yellow mau vang indigo.
vane rotor r6-to canh qu?t gi6.
Varnish SO'n, Vecni, dau pha ml!c, dfo
vacuum washer may giat chan b6ng, son dau. . V -belt day dai da hinh chii V, day dai
vapour hoi nl!oc.
kh6ng. da tam giac.
vapour-degreasing hai nl!oc khti varnish over printing in phu dau
vacuum welding st,t han chan kh6ng. Jang b6ng. VDT editing terminal man hi~n thj
chat beo. bien t~p dau cu6i.

vector vec to. velocity gauge t6c ke.

verification kiem tra vi(:c bat cac tay sach. vertical cylinder press may in ban
vector data dfr lieu vecto. volocity meter toe ke. phing ban in cao kieu dung.
verify kitm nghi¢m (may tinh].
vector graphic do thj vecta. velox anh tram hoa, buc anh tram. vertical format unit thiet bi kh6ng
vermilion mau do dieu; thuy ngan
vegetable th11c v~t. velton keo nhung nu6'c. sunfua. che co giay vao may thing dung.
vegetable black den than th11c v~t. velvet paper giay sqi mem. vernier calipers thu6'c du tieu, thu6'c vertical job press may in vi¢c v~t
kco. kieu dung.
vegetable carbon than g6. velvet printing sqi th11c v~t tinh di¢n.
vernier scale thuoc du tieu, thuoc keo. vertical misaligment in ky hi¢u chfr
vegetable fiber sqi th11c v~t. veneer paper giay trang trf.
!¢ch vuong g6c.
versatile (thu¢c) nhieu cong dl_lng.
vegetable gum nh11a cay. Venetian red do venetian.
versatility tfnh da nang, tfnh thOng vertical page trang kh6 ngang ban
vegetable parchment mang ban vent 16 thOng khf, 16 thoat khf. anh van.
!ham thl!C V~(, giay sunphat.
vent fan qu<!-t thOng khf.
version m~t sau, trang ben trai, trang vertical plate-drying carbinet tu sa'y
vegetable silk sqi th11c vat. s6 chli:n. khO ban in kieu dung.
vent hole 16 thong hoi, 16 th6ng khf.
vegetable size keo thuc v~t. vertical press may in kieu dung.
vent pipe 6ng thong hoi. verso m~t sau trang ben trai trang s6
vechicle chat lien ket, chat l<!-0 mang. chan.
vent valve van thOng hoi. vertical process camera may chl_Jp
veined paper giay c6 duong van. vertical thing dung. anh che ban kieu dung.
ventilating duct 16 thOng gi6.
vellum giay gia da de. vertical adjustment dieu chinh vertical scrolling man hlnh cu6n Jen
ventilating fan qu~n thong gi6. h116'ng thing dung.
vellum binding d6ng sach giay gia kieu dung.
da de chat fuqng Cao. ventilating hood chao nap thong gi6.
vertical baling press may bao g6i vertical serif chan chfr, net nho o dau
vellum finish d6ng sach m~H vai ventilating machine may thong gi6. kieu dung. net s6 trong m¢t s6 lo<!-i chir.
nhung. ventilating opening lo qu<!-t gi6. vertical blanking khoang tr6ng vertical setting of type kieu chfr sap
vellum paper giay gia da de. vuong g6c. dung.
ventilation s11 qu<!-t, s11 thong gi6.
vellum transfer each chuyen viet vertical camera may chup anh che vertical whirler may say ban chuyen
ventilation valve van thOng gi6. ban kieu dung.
giay gia da. d¢ng quay kieu dung, may trang
ventilator quat, qu<!-t thOng gi6.
velocity t6c d¢, v~n t6c. vertical cartoning machine may mang cam quang chuyen d¢ng quay
Verde enabled imagesetter may ghi d6ng g6i h¢p cac tOng. kieu dung.
velocity constant hang s6 toe d¢. anh chfr phim mau il_lC.
ve~tical conveyor day dai truyen vertoro may chinh luu bien ap.
velocity gradient gradien t6c d¢. Verde film phim kieu chfr so mau il_lC. thang dung.
vervet printing in sqi th11c v~t.
velocity distribution sl! phAn b6 t6c d¢. verdigris mau dong. vertical cut xen d9c, xen thAng dung.
vesicular film phim vi b9ng.
vesicular material
video screen

vesicular material v~t lieu nh~y sang victoria blue lake xanh tinh ki~m
vi bc;mg. video screen man hi¢n thj video. vignetting anh mo.
mau xanh victoria.
video signal tfn hi¢u video. vignetting of lens anh mo 6ng kfnh.
vesicular silver halide emulision Victoria press may in Victoria.
nhu tttong halogemua b~c vi b<;mg. video terminal dau cu6i video. viculum Mu m6c to ( { ) )
video video, (thu(')c) di¢n thj.
vesicular structure cau true nhieu 16. video type recorder may ghi hinh vine black den m~m.
video attribute thu(>c tfnh hi¢n thj. video.
vessel blnh. vlnnol polyvinyl clorua (nhtfa PVC).
video board the xem video. video type writer may danh chu
vest pocket edition sach bo n1i kh6 nho. video. vinol ruqu vinylic CH2:CHOH [H6a].
video camera may nhiep hlnh vidc:o,
vibrated drum true 16 mtfc dao d(')ng, may quay phim video. video web inspection system h¢ vinometer ruqu ke.
true 16 nuoc dao d(')ng. th6ng kiem tra gi!y cu(>n video.
video cassette bang cat-set video. vinyl acetate vinyl axetat [H6a).
vibrating damping roller true IO am video graph h1nh ve video, tranh ve
video controller may kh6ng che dien vinyl acetate resin nhtfa vinylaxetat
dao d(')ng. video.
thj (video), [may in chu la-de]. [H6a].
vibrating paper jogger cai vO gi!y nh~. videoscan optical character reader
video data du Ii¢u video. vinyl alcohol ruqu vinylic
vibrating roller tr1:1c 16 mtfc dao
miiy d9c ky hi¢u chu quang h9c quet
video data terminal (VDT) dii li¢u video. CH 2:CHOH [H6a].
video dau cu6i. vinyl benzen vinyl benzen [H6a).
view-finder may thu canh ch1:1p anh.
vibration Slf dao d(')ng, Slf cMn d(')ng.
video display hi¢n thj video. viewer may quan tnic, may chi thj. vinyl butyral resin nhtfa vinyl
vibration-free On djnh, khOng dao butyral [H6a].
video display terminal hien thj video viewer proof in thli man hlnh hi¢n thj.
d(')ng, kh6ng chan d(')ng.
dau cu6i. vinyl carbinol vinyl cacbinol [H6a).
vibrator tr1:1c 16 mtfc dao d(')ng. viewing area khu VlfC hlnh ve [man
video display unit (VDU) thict bj hi¢n thj], khu VtfC kha kien hi¢n thj. vinyl chloride vinyl clorua [H6a).
vibrator drum tr1:1c IO mlfc dao d(')ng, hi¢n thi video.
vigesimo (20mo) sach 20 trang. vinyl chloride resin nhtfa vinyl
tr1:1c IO nttoc dao d(')ng.
video editing equipment thiet bi bien clorua [H6a].
vigesimo-quarto (24 mo) sach 24
vibrator inking unit b6 tri don vj t~p hi¢n thi video. trang.
mtfc dao d(>ng. vinyl cyanide vinyl xianua [H6a].
video Graphic Array (VGA) may
vignette vi-nhet, ho~ tiet dung khi sap vinyl film mang mong vinyl.
vibrator roller tr1:1c IO mtfc dao d(>ng, hi¢n thj VGA, may ph6i hqp t~o hlnh chfr, !rang trf odau va cu6i chttong.
tr1:1c 16 nttoc dao d¢ng. video. vinyl foil mang mong g6c vinyl.
vignette halftone h9a tiet tram ma.
vice khuyet t~t. khiem khuyet. video input dau vao video. vinyl formic acid axit vinyl fomic
vignette screen tram h9a tiet mo. [H6a].
vicesimo quarte hai mttoi b6n. video RAM thiet bj b¢ nho video.
vignetted dot contact screen tram
Victoria dau Victoria. video seamer may quet video. vinyl lacquer son g6c vinyl, lac g6c
tiep Xue diem tram mo.
44 • Tf>KHKTIAV 689
vinyl phenol
virtual state

vinyl phenol phenon goc vinyl. violet ray tia tim. virtual state tr;_lng thai ao, tr~ng thai visible ray (tia) anh sang nhln thA'y,
vinyl plastic cha't deo g6c vinyl. violet techonology cOng ngh¢ (sir gia d1nh. anh sang kha kien.

vinyl polymerization SI! trung hqp

dyng ban in) anh sang tfm. virtual storage thict bj luu true gia dµlh. visible-red anh sang do kha kien.
vinyl. virgin metal chii due dung hqp kim virtual terminal dau cu6i gia djnh ao. visiting card danh thiep.
vinyl plastic cha't deo goc vinyl.
virus vi-rut [may tfnh]. visual densitometer mat d¢ ke nhln
virgule dau gl),ch cheo (J). cam ro.
vinyl printing in mang mong chat virus scanning program chttcmg
deo vinyl. viridian mau xanh lye. trlnh quct vi-rut. visual display terminal (VDT) hien
vinyl resin nht,ra g6c vinyl. virkotype process phuang phap sao thj dau cu6i.
viscoelasticity tfnh nhot gian; d(> nhot
vinyl thermoplastic plate ban in chyp nhi¢t, thu~t sao chyp nhi¢t. gian; tfnh dfnh dan hoi. visual display unit (VDU) thiet bj
nhl,Ca deo g6c vinyl. virtual console spooling may gia hi¢n thj.
viscometer nho ke, dyng cy do d(>
vinyl-film printing in mang mong djnh ban kh6ng che ao [may tfnh]. dfnh. visual effect hi¢u l'rng thj giac.
vinyl. virtual disk dia gia djnh. viscose vitcO, sqi vitc6, keo dan, c6 visual scanner may quet thj hlnh
vinyliden chloride resin nht,ra virtual disk system h¢ th6ng dia chua keo dan. tirqng.
vinyliden clorua. gia djnh. viscose film mang keo vft co. visual signal tin hi¢u thj tan.
vinylden resin nhl,Ca vinyliden. virtual drive thie't bj truy~n lt,rc viscose sponge b9t biin vft co. vitreous sand cat thuy tinh
vinylon vinylon. gia djnh. [mai ban].
viscosimeter nhot ke.
violet mau tfm. virtual drum tryc 6ng gia djnh vitriol phen, mu6i sun fat.
viscosity d(> dfnh, do nhot.
[may ghi Am tranh anh va chii].
violet Computer to Plate imaging SI! vocabulary tu Vl,Cng.
viscosity coefficient h¢ so nhot.
tl).O hlnh anh trl,CC tiep tll' may tfnh ra virtual focus tieu diem gia djnh.
voice input dau vao am thanh.
ban in Sl! d1,10g anh sang tfm. viscosity fluctuation bien d¢ nhot.
virtual image anh ao [che anh
void diem Iring, tr6c mt,rc, bong ml,CC
violet diode den di6t anh sang tfm. may tfnh]. visous developer dung dich hien
anh nhot. . . [st,r c6].
violet laser diade den diot lade anh virtual memory b¢ nh6 gia djnh
volatile tfnh de bay hoi.
sang tfm. [may tfnh]. viscous ink mt,rc in d~c dfnh.
volatile liquid chat long de bay hoi.
violet laser technology cOng ngh¢ virtual printer may danh chil' visibility tfnh nhln thay , dA
y nh'tn ro,
lade anh sang tfm. gia djnh. d() kha kien. volatile solvent dung moi de bay hoi.
violet plate ban in su dyng anh virtual spooling device thie't bj gia visible light anh sang nhln thA'y, anh volatility tfnh de bay hoi.
sang tfm. djnh ao. sang kha kicn.
volt meter vOn ke.
wafer seal

voltage di¢n ap. vulcanized card board cac tOng 111\1

h6a cung.
voltage generator may phat di¢n do
t6c d¢.
volume dung Iuc;,ng, tM tich, quyen, ~p.
volume binding dong sach thanh t~p.
thanh quyen.
h6a cung.
fibre cac

vulcanized oil dau Iuu hoa.

tOng 111\1

vulcanized roller trt;1c IO mi,c in h.ru

h6a dau.
volume label dau nhlin quyen hay t~p
[may tfnhJ. vulcanized paper giay luu hoa, giay wafer seal dau niem phong, bjt kfn, warm green mau ll;)c c6 vang.
cung. g!n xi bjt kfn.
volume number s6 thl! ti, quyen warm restartnhi¢tkhbi d¢ng [maytinh).
hay t~p. vulcanized machine may keo h6a, wafer-contact printing in tic!p xuc
may luu h6a. kfnh phim khO. warm - ton developer chat hi¢n anh
voracious reader nguoi ham !Ong mau am.
d9c sach. V-way dtrong hay thanh dAn h1nh chu V. waiting state tr~g thai cho dqi.
vulcanite ebonit. warming-up time thoi gian gia nhi~t.
VTR (video tape recording) bang waiting time thoi gian cha dqi ban.
ghi hlnh tu tfnh. vulcanization si, luu hoa. warning agent tac nhAn bao hi¢u,
walk off hlnh anh tren ban in khOng chat bao hi~u.
vulcanization si, luu hoa, si, vulcanization coefficient M s6 hi~n ro do cha mi,c chua du no.
cung h6a. luu h6a. warning bell chuOng bao ma may.
wall duong net tram in lorn, thanh
vulcanize Iuu h6a, cung h6a. vulcanized rubber cao su Juu hoa. net tram. warning circuit dong di~n canh bao.
wall calendar Jjch treo tuong. warning colour mau bao hi¢u.
wall chart treo bieu d6. Warnock base ml).1 ban de ban
wall paper gia'y tuong, gia'y dan
ruong. warpage cong, venh, quan.
wall paper printing in giay dan warping mep c~nh gi!y quan khOng
wall paper printing machine may in Wash SI! nia, SI! tAy nia.
gia"y dan 1uong.
wash etching each an mon dung
Walter press may in quay Waite. dung djch riia.
warehouse kho hang. kho chll'a do v~t. wash off nia, nia sach.
warm n6ng, am.
wash out ta'.y nia s~ch.
warm colour mau am.
wash tank thung tay riia s~ch.

wash-drawing water-base foam

wash-drawing ve mau mr6c mo nh~t. washing trough mang ta'.y rua. water-base foam lx?t nu6c. water ductor roller tryc 10 mang
nuoc truyen cap nuoc.
wash-out developer rua s~ch chat washing up rira s~ch 10 ml;fc. water-base lubricant chat bOi trcm
hien anh. nhii 1ucmg mr6c. water filter cai lc;>c mr6c.
wastage phe li¢u, nu6c o nhiem
wash-out machine may rira s~ch. lugng giay hong, hao phf. , water base aqueous dAu Jang b6ng water film mang nu6c, mang am.
wash-out solution dung djch rira waste phe li¢u, phe v~t, phe pham, g6c nu6c. water-finding paper giay phat hi¢n
sach. bang le giay. water -base ink mi,rc in g6c nu6c. nuoc.
wash-up rua sach (tryc lo v.v...). waste handling xu ly phe v~t. water bath mroc hoa tan. water flexographic ink mlJc in flexo
wash-up device thiet bj rua s~ch (tryc waste leaf to giay b6 di, giay hong. water -bath si,r each thuy, thiet bj g6c mr6c.
10 v.v.. ). waste liquor dung djch b6 di. each thuy. water forme roller tryc 10 am nh~n
wash-up solution dung djch rua s~ch. waste paper giay phe pham. water bleeding mau phai lgt sac. truyen mroc.

washable (thu9c) c6 the rua sach, waste paper dcighking g1ay hong do water bosh kh6a nuoc. water fountain mang mroc, dung
(thu<)c) chju rua. ffi\!C khOng barn chac vao giay. djch lam am ban in.
water color mau thu6c nuoc.
washable binding d6ng siich ch6ng waste paper disposal xu 19 , giay water colour ink ml,!c in mau g6c
water fountain leveler b¢ ph~n dieu
am, d6ng sach chiu mr6c. phe li¢u. tiet mlJc nuoc c6 djnh trong miing
OltOC, ffi\JC in mau CO tfnh nl!OC.
waste paper stock b<)t giay phe lieu. nu6c may in op xet.
washer thiet bj rua vong d¢m.
water connection for the pray dau
waste sheet trang giay hong b6 di. water fountain pan mang nuoc may
washing rua s~ch, tach hay phan ly tiep n6i voi mtoc cua thiet bj phun.
in 6p xet.
ket tua. waste water nu6c thai. water content ham h.rgng mr6c, thuy
washing agent chat rua s~ch, chat ph!n. water fountain roller tryc 10 truyen
waste water treatment plant thiet bi
tay sach. am, tryc 10 mang nu6c.
Xlf fy ntt6C thai. water cooling (thu¢c) nuoc l~nh,
washing drum tr6ng rua [san xuat giay]. water absorbency sl,! hut nuoc, su each lam l~nh mr6c. water gauge ap ke nuoc, thuy bieu.

washing medium chat ta'.y rua. hap thu nuoc. Water demineralizing SIJ fam mem water glass thuy tinh nuoc.
water absorbent (thu<)c) tfnh hut mroc, si,r khu mu6i khoang cua nuoc. water hardness d¢ cung cua nuoc.
washing Off SU tay rtta S~Ch.
nu6c. water development hi¢n anh nttoc.
washing out Sl,l' tay rtta s~ch. water-in-oil emulsion nhii tucmg
water absorption sl,! hut nu6c. sll
water deprivation slJ thoiit nu6c. nuoc lrong di\u.
washing out unit thiet bi n'.ra sach hap thy nu6c.
ban in. Water distributor true 10 ltm dan deu water ink mi,rc g6c nuoc.
water absorption degre d¢ hut ntt6c. mroc. .
washing soda natri cacbonat, so da. water insoluble khOng tan trong
water balance can bing mi,rc ntt6c.
water ·drying slJ say khO nuoc. nuoc.
washing solution dung dich tay rua. water/ink balance can bang muc
water duct mang nuoc. water jet tia nuoc.
washing tank thung tay rua. ntt6c.

694 695
water layer
water-cooled sping roll

water layer lop mroc, tang mroc.

water repellency tfnh khang nuoc
water-cooled sping roll trl;Jc JO lo xo water soluble tan trong nuoc.
water leaf paper giay chua tang h6 tfnh khOng thifm nuoc. '
Jam l~nh nuoc.
keo. water solution dung djch nuoc.
water repellent (thu¢c) tfnh khang water-damaged c6 m.roc trong.
water line ducmg nuoc. nuac, tfnh khOng thA'm nuoc. water spray tia nuoc, st,r phun nu6c.
water-in-ink mulsion nhii tuong
water lines ducmg net in nuoc. water resistance tfnh khang nuac, nll'OC trong mt,rc. nhii tuong mtJc nll'ac. water supply st,r ca'p nll'oc.
tfnh ben nuoc.
water Jute khoa nuoc. water-in-oil type kieu nuoc trong water supply pump born cap nll'oc.
water resistant (thu¢c) tfnh khang d4u.
water mark printing in mroc t~o cho water tight khOng nga"m nll'oc.
nuoc, tfnh ben nuoc. water-level dl,lng c9 chufo mroc.
d¢ am tren giay d6ng Mu.
water-type flexo ink muc in flexo c6
water resisting (thu¢c) khang nuoc. water-less offset printing in 6p xet tfnh tan trong nuoc.
water meter thuy ltrqng ke.
khOng dung am.
water separator cha't lam khO, thiet water value chi s6 nuoc.
water motor d¢ng co mroc.
bj phan ly nuoc. water-mark ink mtfc in mroc.
water number chi s6 nuoc. water-washable ink mt,rc in c6 the
water soluble resin nhtfa tan trong water-mark lines ducmg nu6c trong nia nuoc.
water of constitution nuoc ket ca'u. nuoc. gia'y vier thl!.
water-white c6 mau trfog nu6c.
water of crystallization nuoc ket water spot vet nuoc [phim ky thuatJ. water-marked paper gia'y c6 in nuoc.
tinh. water-white glass thuy tinh trong
water spray cooling phun mroc l~nh. water receptive than nu6c, tfnh than
su6t khOng mau.
water pan mang mroc.
water stops b¢ ph~n kh6ng che nuoc. waterless khOng c6 nuoc.
water pan roller trl;Jc Jo mang mroc. water recovery Slf thu h6i nll'ac.
water troubles Slf c6 do am gAy n!n. waterless offset 6p xet khOng c6 nuac.
water paste ink muc in b¢t h6 mroc. water resistance tfnh chju nuoc, d¢
water trough mang nuoc, b6n nu6c. chju nuoc. waterless offset printing in 6p xet
water permeability tfnh tha'm nu6c.
water vapour transmission rate ty water seal kh6a nucrc. kh<'>ng dung m.roc Jam am ban in.
water power thuy hfc. I~ tham tha'u khf am. water separator thiet bj tach mroc. waterless plate ban in khOng dung
water proof chiu nuoc, phong nuac, nl!oc lam am.
water-based ink mt,rc in g6c mroc. water-set ink mtJc in kho nuoc.
khOng tham mroc. watermark in nuoc.
water-colour hlnh ve mau nl!6c, nhan water-soluble tfnh tan trong nuoc.
water purification unit thiet bi lam li~u mau nll'oc. watermark dandy trl;Jc in nucrc, trl;Jc
s~ch mroc. water-soluble ink mt,rc in tan
trong nuoc. van xoay Iron.
water-colour drawing (h1nh) ve mau
water purifier thiet bi lam s~ch mroc. nll'oc. watermark laid dandy tr9c van xoay
Water softence chat lam mem nl!OC.
water purifying Slf lam S?Ch Ol!OC. tron, lfl:IC in nu6c.
water-colour ink mtfc in mau nl!OC. Water softening Slf lam mem nll'OC.
water removal thoat nuoc. watermark roll trl;JC in nll'crc, trl;Jc van
water-cooled lam J~nh mroc. water solubility tfnh tan trong nuoc. xoay Iron.
watermark wove dandy
wax pencil

watermark wove dandy tn.ic in

wavy edge mep c~nh gi:fy d~ng ggn
mtac, tryc van xoay Iron. song. wax pencil but chl sap.
weak caustic solution dung djch
waterproof phong (ch6ng) mrac, chju wax pick test thf nghi¢m dan sap. kiem yeu.
mtac. wavy edged sheet ta gi:fy mep c~nh
d~ng gqn s6ng. wax proof each in thii sap [in lorn). weak ink mtfc in loang, mtfc in
waterproof adhesive chat keo dan khOng du d¢ d~c.
wavy rule duong ke chl rang cua, wax rule electrotype ban due dicn
phong mroc hay chju nu6c.
ducrng ke chl hlnh gqn s6ng. khac sap. weakening duong net bj thu nho
waterproof ink mtfc in phong nuac. [bang ban).
wavy-line screen ducrng lu6'i tram wax shaving machine may bao, may
waterproof paper giay phong nu6c. luqn hlnh s6ng. cao sap. Wear Slf mai mon, Slf hao mon.
waterproof paste board cac tOng wax sap, parafin. wax spot d6m sap [ Joi san xuat giay). wear resistance Slf chiu mai mon, d¢
phong chong nuoc. wax spraying process phucrng phap chju mai mon.
wax bitumen powder b¢t bitum
watertight khOng tham nu6c. chat sap. phun sap ch6ng quet ban. wearability tinh chiu mon, d(> chiu mon.
watt meter bang di¢n, bang cOng suat wax test thf nghi¢m sap [ do tfnh weather thoi tiet.
wax coating phu sap, phu parafin.
dien. nang cua giay].
wax compound V~t hOn hqp chat sap. weather fastness tfnh ben khf quyen.
wattage output s6 oat xuat ra, s6 oat wax-set ink mvc kM sap.
tieu thy. wax engraving ban due di¢n khac sap. weather information printing in dlf
waxed kraft giay da de phu sap, giay bao thai ti!t.
wattage rating cOng suat djnh muc. wax felt ph6't dau. CC1·rap phll Sap.
weather resistance tinh hen khf quyen.
watts out cOng suat xu:ft ra. wax ink ml_J'c in chat sap. waxed paper giay sap.
weather-proof c6 tinh ben khf quyin,
wave song, c6 d~ng s6ng. wax lamination phuc hqp ch:ft sap. waxed parchment giay da de
phu sap. ben mua gi6, khOng chju anh hu&ng
wave eqution phuong trlnh s6ng. wax line electrotype ban due di~n thai 1i!1.
khac sap. waxing (sl_J') bOi sap, !rang sap.
wave form d~ng s6ng. weather-proofing print tai li¢u in
wax melting kettle dung n6i na'u waxing machine giay trang sap. chju duqc mua gi6.
wave length d¢ dai s6ng.
chay sap. Waxing oil dau nhieu sap, dau nhieu weathering test phep thu tfnh ben khf
wave motion chuyen d¢ng s6ng. parafin. quyen.
wax melting table ban cOng tac lam
wave rule duong ke d~ng s6ng. khuon sap. Weak yeu. web giay cu¢n.
wavetheorylythuyets6ng. wax moulding sl_J' due khuOn sap. Weak acid axit ye'u. web aligner thiet bi hieu chinh bang
wavers tryc )0 ffil_J'C chuyen dich qua weak base bazcr ye'u. giay.
wax moulding process phucmg phap
lai deu dan. due khuon sap. web brake thiet bi phanh ham d¢
Weak bond lien ket yeu.
wavy khOng 6n dinh. chuyen d¢ng cu¢n giay.
wax paper giay sap.
Weak caustic liquor nuoc kiem yeu.
698 web breaking Slf dut rach cu¢n giay.

web breaking contro_l web tension control

web breaking control b¢ ph~n kh6ng web offset ink mlfc in 6p xet gi{y web tension control kh6ng che ll!c web-fed rotary letter press may in
cu¢n. kep cAng cu¢n giay. cu6n in lorn giay cu¢n.
che dut rach cu¢n gia'y.
web tension control mechanism web-fed rotogravure machine may
web calendered ep can nhan uot, ep web offset press may in 6p xet gi{y
trang bj dieu tiet )lfC cang CU<'.;)n giay. in cu6n in lorn gia'y cu¢n.
can nhan kh6 giay. cu¢n.
web tension device thiet bj llfc cang web-fed rotogravure press may in
web cleaner may hut byi lam s~ch web offset printing in 6p xet gi{y
cu¢n giay. cu6n in lorn giay cu¢n.
gia'y cu¢n. cu¢n.
web travel speed t6c d¢ v~n chuyen web-feding speed t6c d¢ cu¢n giay
web cleaning slf lam s~ch byi CJ cu¢n web offset rotary press may in quay cap giay vao may.
giay. 6p xet giay cu¢n. cu¢n giay.
web viewer thiet bj quan sat lien tyc web-sheet feeder thiet bi cap gi!y to
web compensation hand wheel vong web paper giay cu¢n. roi xen tu gilfy cu¢n.
tay quay dieu tiet 16ng chuan cu¢n cu¢n giay.
web preheater thiet bi chuan bi nhift web-splice detector may tham do
giay. web viewing system h¢ thong quan
cu¢n giay. chO n6i cu¢n giay.
sat lien tyc cu¢n giay.
web control kh6ng che dieu chuyin
web press may in giay cu¢n. web-tension system h¢ th6ng dieu
giay ra cua cu¢n giay. web width chieu r¢ng cu¢n giay.
web printing in giay cu¢n. tiet llfC cang CU('.>n giay.
web detection kiem dinh cu¢n giay. web-breaker detector may tham do
web-to-web register 16ng chuan s6
web rotary offset press may in chO ran rach cu¢n gilfy.
web drying lam kh6 cu¢n giay. trang tu cu¢n giay nay sang cu¢n giay
(quay) 6p xet giay cu¢n. web-fed cap gilfy cu¢n.
web embossing cu¢n giay in hoa. khac.
web rotary press may in (quay) giay web-fed gravure press may in lorn webb duong net chii roi, duong vien
web fed cu¢n giay cap giay ra. cu¢n. cap giay cu¢n. chi.
web flutter bang giay cap gi!y luc web scanning device thiet bi kiem thi web-fed gravure rotary press may webbing (up) (kim) barn giay [may
nhanh Jue ch~m [St! co). gi!y cu¢n. in cu6n in lorn giay cu¢n. in giay cu¢n). .
web glazing ep can nhan kh6 giay. web Server dai tr~m truyen th6ng tin web-fed letterpress rotary machine wedding bristol giay bit-ton, giay
web guidance Slf hU(rng dfu1 giay cu9n. toan cau. may in cu6n in cao giay cu¢n. chat luqng cao.
web guide dubng dan giay ra, h¢ web severing device thiet bj dt do~n web-fed offset press may in 6p - xet weddings giay in danh thiep nhan
cu¢n giay. giay cu¢n. bong cao.
th6ng dan dubng cu¢n giay.
web lead duong giay ra, tong luqng web spreader tr1:1c g~t trai khoang web-fed offset rotary press may in wedge v~t hlnh nfm, cai nem chen
r¢ng cu¢n giay. cu6n in 6p xet giay cu¢n. ch~t bat chii roi, thuoc h1nh nem.
bang giay trong may in khi cap giay.
web spreading roller tfl;IC g~t trii web-fed printing in giay cu¢n. wedge spectrograph may ghi ph6
web lead roller tryc cang dan giay
cu¢n. khoang r¢ng cu¢n giay. ~eh-fed rotary gravure press may hlnh nem.

web tension llfc keo cang cu¢n giay. in cu6nin lorn gilfy cu¢n. weekly bao tuan, bao ra hang tuan.
web news cu¢n giay in bao.
weekly magazine
wet collodion process

weekly magazine t~p chf ra hang weight method phuong phap kh6i. wet collodion process phuong phap wet transfer St,r truyen l!at.
weightometer tr9ng luqng ke, kh61 che' ban kfnh u6t colodion.
wet trapping in 16ng (ch6ng) m(!c
weekly newspaper bao tuan. luqng ke, cai can. wet colour mau chua kh6, mau con l!at.
weekly publications xuar ban v~t ra weight per cent phan tram tr9ng l!at.
wet-on-wet printing in l!at tr!n Ltat.
hang tuiin. Juqng. wet flong to pMng u6t.
weights qua can. wettability tfnh rha'm Ltat, d¢ hut
weekly review tuan biio, bao ra hang wet lamination phuc hqp l!at, ep hai nl!OC, tfnh kha l!at.
ruiin. weld m6i han, SI! han. mang mong voi nhau tr~ng thai l!at.
wetting (st,r) tMm u6t.
weight can, tr9ng ltrqng m¢t ram welded joint m6i han ghep n6i, ch6 wet mat to ph6ng u6t.
giay. n6i han. wetting agent char tham u6t.
wet mounting dan gfo ban ten tr1,1c
weigh tank thung can (de dl!J1g chat welder may han, thq han. 6ng ban in d~ng u6t [in Jorn]. wetting apparatus thiet bj tham u6t
long). giay.
welding (st,r) han. wet plate ban u6t, kfnh u6t.
weighable c6 the can duqc. wetting heat nhi¢t tham l!at.
welding machine may han. wet plate photography thu~t cht,ip
weighing burette buret can. anh kfnh l!at. wetting machine may, (thiet bj) tMm
welding mask m~t n~ han di¢n.
weighing controller can kh6ng che' uat giay.
wet press roll tr1,1c ep l!at.
welding rod que him.
ll! d¢ng. wetting mechanism co che' tham Ltat.
wet printing in u6t teen Ltat.
welding together st,r han.
weight tr9ng luqng, tr9ng luqng ram wetting power kha nang tMm u6t,
Wet preparation St,l' dieu che l!at.
giay, kh6i luqng. well 16 chua mt,rc [ban in )om]; gieng. l(!c tham l!at.
be chua; t6t. wet process phuong phap Ltat.
weight burette buret can. wetting property tfnh tham l!at.
Weston d¢ cam quang phim Weston. wet process development phuong
weight coefficient h~ s6 kh6i. phap hi¢n anh l!at. Wharfedale machine may in tCt,Jc
Weston sensitivity d¢ cam quang Wharfedale.
weight concentration n6ng d9 kh6i. wet processing hi¢n anh u6t, st,r XL! ly
phim Weston.
l!ot, wheel banh xe.
weight distribiution curve duong wet and dry bulb hygrometer am k~
cong phan b6 kh6i. khO va l!at hinh ciiu. wet purification st,r tinh che u6t. wheel casing hqp che chAn an toan
weight factor thua s6 kh6i. wet stone da mai. banh xe may.
wet beating quay tr~ng thai u6t dfnh.
weight feeder thiet bj n~p kh6i luqng. wheel mill may nghien.
wet bulb thermometer nhi¢t ke Mu Wet strength Cl!Oog d6 tMm am
l!at. [giay in]. · wheel printer may danh chu kieu
weight fount tr9ng luqng m¢t b¢ chli
cung m¢t kieu chu va ca chu. wet burnishing danh bong uot. Wet strength paper cuong d6 tham vanh banh xe chu in.
Uat gia'y. .
weight of paper tr9ng luqng giay, wet collodion plate ban kfnh I.I'~ whip stitching each barn dfnh to roi.
djnh luqng giay. colodion. wet stripping b6c mang l!at. whipping each barn dfnh to roi.
whirler white spirit

whirler may trang mang, may sAy white iron sat tay. white spirit spirit trAng (phan chie't whole fractions chfr phan s6 due lien
ban. s6i o I 60-200"C dung cho son). chinh the.
white lead trang chl.
whirling trang phu mang cam quang. white substitude factit tning (chat Whole Imperial kfch thuoc to giay
white letter kieu chfr net thanh manh
whiskering giAy b6c xo. chfr Ro-manh. ' thay the cao su). 22,5 x 32 tac Anh.

white light anh sang tr!ng. white sulfate of alumina nh6m whole plate ban kfnh kM.
white trang, sac t6 trang, mau trang.
sunfat tinh the trang (chu'a rat ft sat).
white alum phen trang, phen s~ch. white line dong di trang. wicket gia thanh sat chan song, ci'.ra
white vitriol kem sunfat, ZnS04 • xep.
white antimony antimony trang. white line engraving ban khac net
trang. white wax sap trang. wicket dryer phong sAy kh6 ban in
white arsenic asen trang, asen trioxit. sat tay gia de ban d~ng chan song.
white line screen tram ban in lorn. white zinc trang kem, kem oxit.
As20 3.
white-faced letter chfr net am, chfr wide area network (WAN) m~ng
white board b1a trang, giA'y dau white manifold paper giAy danh
tning net thanh. lu6i vung r(>ng.
trang. may mau trang.
white-on-black block ban in cao chfr wide set ct,r ly chfr r(>ng [sap chfr].
white bole Mt cao lanh trang [san white metal kim lo~i tr!ng.
xuAt giAy]. ngugc trfog tren den. wide setting sap dong chfr chu thfch.
white of egg long trang tnmg.
white cardon ink m(!c in sao mau white-out sap chfr chu thfch. wide-angle lens 6ng kfnh g6c cht;1p
white oil dau nh~. dau trang.
trang [in lorn]. Whitefriar's machine may in cao mo r(>ng.
white out de tr6ng trang.
white cylinder trt;1c in mau 16t mau Whitefriar. wide-angle objective 6ng kfnh g6c
tr!ng. white page trang trang, trang de
whiten lam cho trang, tAy trang. Chl;lpmor¢ng.
white damp cacbon oxit, CO. whiteness mau !rang. wide-margined book sach d6 le bien
white paper giAy trang, giAy chua in.
white dry oil dau khO trang. r(>ng.
white paper exposure chl;IP giay whiteness degree ct¢ trang [giay in].
white edge le trang, mep c~nh sach widely-spaced matter sap khoang
trang, b6 giAy trang sau khi ch1,1p whitening h1¢n trfog, tang ct¢ trang.
khOng trang trf. r¢ng chieu ngang.
whiting-out material dubng ke ch1.
white etching fm mon co d6m van white parafin parafin tr!ng.
widow (!rang mo dau va trang cu6i)
trang [St! c6 in lorn]. Who's Who t~p gioi thi¢u t6m luge dong chfr sap chfr day dong, dong tl!
white phosphorus ph¢t pho trang. danh nhan. don.
white glass thuy tinh trang.
white pigment sac t6 trang. whole bingding dong sach bla vai width ct¢ r¢ng [chfr rbi], d(> dai dong
white gold vang trang. (b1a da). chfr.
white resin nht,ra trang.
white heat nhi¢t ngc;>t llra trang. whole bound sach dong bla vai (b1a width adjustment dieu chinh ct¢ dai
white space b¢ ph~n di tr!ng tren
white hot nhi¢t ngc;>n lua trang. da). dong chii'.
ban in.

704 705
width of column
wire marks

width of column d¢ r¢ng c¢t chii, c¢t window carton h¢p giay ctia s6.
bao. wire marks van Ittoi gia'y, vet lttoi wire-bound book sach dong ghim
window envelope phong bl cfra sd. [giayJ. kieu xofo 6c.
width of letter d¢ r¢ng thAn chii'.
wine mau do tham. wire matrix diem tr~n. wire-brush graining t~o h~t ban in
width of meshopening d¢ r¢ng mat bang ban chai.
hrai. wine red mau do vang, mau do tham. wire mes h screen sqi lttai kim lo~i.
wire-gauge d1,1pg c1,1 do duong kfnh
Winestock machine may tach mt,rc 0 wire photo bll'C anh truyen fax. day kim lo~i.
width of the typed¢ r¢ng kieu ch(i'.
giay phe thai Winestock.
wire printer may danh chCi' ki6u kim, wire gauze sqi luoi kim lo~i [in luoi].
wild copy chia tach ban thao g6c de
wing out dai 6c hay ecu hinh buarn. may inkim.
sap chCi'. wire-gauge hard covering d6ng
wipe cai g~t mt,rc [in lorn], vet d6m wire sewing dong (khllu) ghim gay ghim tinh xao.
widcard character chu la bai ta'.y mt,rc. bAng di.mg d6ng k~p. wiring noi sqi, ph6i s9i, sqi vai.
(trong tro chcri bai).
wip-on coating solution g~t chai wire side m~t sau, m~t sau to giay. wiring layout do hinh sqi vai.
willow green mau l9c tham. dung djch cam quang.
wire side-stitching dong ghim gay with gold tooling (thu¢c) ml,l nhG
wind-up roll tr1,1c cu¢n ch~t [giay]. wipe-on plate g~t chai ban cam bi\ng d~ng dong kt:p. vang.
winder thiet bj cu6n gi!y cu¢n. quang. wire spiral binding d6ng sach xofo witness m~t xen c~nh kh6ng phclng.
wiper dao g~t mt,rc. ru¢t ga, xoan 6c. wobbing in sap chu ngttqc tdng.
winder trim tr1,1c may cu¢n l~i cu¢n
giay sau khi da xen hai mep c~nh. wipping angle goc d¢ dao g~t mt,rc. wire stabbing ghim day thep [dong wood g6.
winding cuon giay l~i. wipping -off paper giay lau ban. wood acid axit axit g6.
wire staple ghim dong sach.
winding of paper cu6n l~i gi!y. wire day kim lo~i. day thep dung wood alcohol rugu go.
d6ng sach. wire s tapling machine may dong
winding roller tr1,1c cu¢n gi!y l~i. wood ash tro g6.
ghim day thep.
wire binding d6ng ghim, dong thep wood base de go, ban de go.
winding stock th6i giay [Jam tcri wire stitch dong ghim gay bang.
gay bang.
giayJ. wood block ban khac g6.
wire binding machine may d6ng wire stitched sach dong ghim.
winding tightener tr9c cu¢n chl!.t l~i wood charcoal than go.
thep khAu sach. wire stitcher may d6ng ghim.
cu¢n gi!y. wood celluose xenlu!Oza go.
wire frame khung day thep. wire stitching dong ghim gay bang.
winding up st,r cu6n vao. wood distillation st,r chttng g6.
wire frame representation wire stitching machine may dong
window cfra s6 quan sat [may tfnh]. wood dye pham nhu¢m tht,rc v~t.
hi~n khung day thep. ghim gay bang.
pham nhu¢m go.
window bill quang cao hay yet thj wire stitching (gang) machine may wood engraving khac go.
cfra s6. ghim nhieu dtiu da lien.
wood fibre soi g6.
word size

wood-free khOng c6 g6.

Woodbury type kieu ch1;1p anh ban in
wood-free paper gia'y khOng c6 b¢t lorn Woodbury. word size co chfr. work-and-tumble in tro m~t truoc
g6. word space khoang each gifra cac chfr. sang m~t sau.
woodcut tranh ban go, kh.ic go ban
wood furniture vat lieu chen cac kMc g6. ' word spacing dieu chinh khoang work-up nhiem mt,rc (1 phan tr.ing
khoang trfog bang g6. . cich chfr. khOng in [st,r c6), vet ba'.n tren san
w_ooden galley khay de chfr rai bAng
wood grain van go. go. pha'.m in.
word-processing system h¢ th6ng xu
wood grain paper giay van g6. wooden hammer bua go. ly chit. worked dii sfr d1;1ng, dii ket thuc.
wood letter chfr in bang g6. wooden hand rest ban go v6 chii' d~u work cOng, cOng vi¢c, Jam vi¢c. worked off hoan thanh vi¢c in.
wood mount de' ban in bang g6. trong bat chfr. work and tumble in tro roan !rang, in worked rubber cao su da sfr d1;1ng.
wooden quoin nem go. m~t tntac va m~t sau tren cung m¢t
wood oil dau chung go. JchuOn in. worker cong nhan. ngtrai Iao d¢ng,
wooden type chit in g6. may danh b(>t gia'y.
wood paper giay san xuat !LI' go. work and turn in tro roan !rang dao
wood print tranh ve ban go. wooden paper giay c6 b¢t go. ray ke bien rrai phai. workflow ltru trlnh cOng tac.

wood pulp b¢t gia'y g6. wooden support gia dci bang go. work and turn imposition each ghep workflow management quan Jy ltru
khuon in dao tro gia'y. trlnh cong tac.
wood pulp paper giay san xuat (LI' wool Jen.
b¢r go. work and twist tren cung m¢t m~t working conditions dieu ki¢n Jam
wool dye thu6c nhu¢m len. vi¢c, dieu ki¢n sfr d1;1ng.
gia"y in hai ray sach tren cung m¢t
wood resin colophan, nht,ra thOng. wool fat ma !Ong CU'U, lanolin. khuon in. working cycle chu trlnh lam vi¢c.
wood rule Janh-go chen bang g6, wool grease mo Jong cU'U, lanolin. work at case sap chit
thanh chen khoang each bang go. working diskette dia cong tac.
wool pitch bitum, lanolin. work bench ban cOng tac.
wood spirit rugu metylic, CHJOH. working instructions thuyet minh
wool violet thu6c nh¢m Jen tfm. work off san xua't, che tl!-o, hoan thao tac.
wood tule thanh chen khoang each thAnh.
bang g6, thoi chen bang go. wool (thu¢c) Jen. working life tu6i th9 sfr di.mg.
wooling of viscose st,r cM ll!-O tll' sc;ri work order phieu cong tac, phieu working pressure ap sua't thao tac,
wood tyle chfr in go. sin xua"t.
vitcO. ap sua't hfru hi¢u.
wood-ash black den than g6, den work reliability tfnh sfr d1;1ng tfn
than. woolliness tfnh ch!t Jen. nhi~m. working proof ban in thu.
wood-block ban g6 (dieu) khk word division phan ti!t tll'. working scale qui mo thao tac.
Work station tr~m cOng tac.
wood-block printing (ban) in kh.ic word output dau ra tu [chfr], sia
work table ban cOng tac. working screen tram cOng tac in
go; in ban go. Im;m g tu. lorn.
word processing xu Iy chfr. WOrk temperature nhi¢t d¢ thao tac.
wood-engraving thu~t kMc go, tranh working stability of grease tfnh 611
kh.ic go. 1'0rk-and-black imposition ghep djnh sfr dyng cua mo boi tran.
word processor phAn m~m xu ly chCJ., ban in toan trang.
708 working substance chat tac dyng.

working temperature
write protection tab

working temperature nhi(!t d9 Jam

vi(!c. wrap-around gravere plate boc true
ban in lorn. . . write protection tab kiem tra ranh wrong letter chfr sai.
Works Cong Xl!011g. bao v~ ghi.
wrap-around plate lx;>c tr9c ban in wrong overturn dao trang sai.
workstation tr~m c6ng tac. cao. write read head dau tu d9c vie't.
writer tac gia, tac gia. wrong reading d9c ngl!gc ht16ng.
World Wide Web (www) m~ng t6ng wrap-around printing press boc
hqp tin tuc loan the gi6i. tr9c 6ng may in cao. · writing input nh~p vie't. wrong side m~t sau giay tren ll!ai xeo
worm condenser 6ng ngl!ng kieu wrapped (dl!gc) b9c t6t. writing paper giay vie't (thl!) sach.
ru9t ga. wrong-reading positive phim dt1ang
wrapped pipe dl!<)ng 6ng dl!ac boc writing quality chat lugng vie't sach.
t6t (de gifr nhi~I). . . ht16ng ngugc.
worm drive chuyen d9ng banh vft.
writing stock giay viet sach.
worm gearing chuyfo d9ng banh vft. wrapper giay bla sach, giay bao g6i. wrought iron sat han.
writing to screen vie'r tn~n man hlnh
worm reducer lhict bi giam 16c vft. wrapping st,r b9c, st,r bao, st,r g6i. gia'y [may tfnh]. wrought iron pipe 6ng sat han.
worm shaf lryc vft. written copy ban sao chep tay, sach wrought steel thep han.
wrapping machine may d6ng g6i. sao chep tay.
worm wheel banh vf1. wurtzite vu6zid, ZnS.
wrapping paper giay bao g6i, giay wrong font chfr chl kh6ng cung kieu
wormed sau m91, m6i. b9c bla sach. chii'.
wye each dau n6i hlnh sao.
worn mai mon, hong vl SU dyng !au Wratten filter kfnh l9c sac Wrauen. wye-delta each dau n6i h1nh
ngay. wrong fount co chfr chl ho~c d~ng
chfr kh6ng gi6ng nhau. tam giac - hlnh sao.
wrench SI! xe sgi.
worn binding dong sach hong.
wring nen, ep, xoan.
worn type chfr hong kh6ng dung
dl!CJC. wringing (s1,t) nen, (s1,t) ep, (sl!) xo!n.
winkle nep gap, ve't nhan.
worn-out binding sach dong hong bo
di. wrinkling van nhan [giay].
worm-out developer dung djch hi(!n winkle proof c6 tfnh ben gap.
het hi(!u lt,rc bo di.
winkle ne'p gap, vet nhan.
wove van llf6'i [giay].
write head dau ghi.
wove finish paper giay co van vai.
write protection bao h¢ vier, sang
wove paper giay c6 vAn vai. tac.
woven fabric hang d¢t (dong sach]. write proctection !able nhlin bao h()
woves giay van vai.
write proctection notch khc ranh
wrap gifiy b9c tryc 16 am cha ban.
bao h9 ghi.

xerox selenium plate

xerox selenium plate ban chyp in xylene xylen [Hoa].

tinh di¢n.

X xerox-copy san ph1im phyc che tinh

xeroxed-book sach sao chyp hlnh
xylene resin nhl;fa xylen.
xylograph ban kh!c go.
xylography thu~t in ban khac go.
tinh di¢n.
xylograph book sach in ban go.
x-height d¢ cao cua chii x.
X-radiation tia X, X quang. xenon lamp housing chao den biio v¢ xylol xylen [H6a].
x-ray film phim chyp tia X.
X-ray diagram bieu do tia X, anh tia X. xenon.
XY plotter may vc t9a d¢ XY. xylotype in khac g6.
X-ray pattern bieu do tia X, anh tia X. xcro-copying (phuong ph,ip), each
sao chyp tinh dien.
X-ray photometer quang ke tia X.
xero-printing in tinh di¢n.
X-ray tube 6ng tia X.
xero duplicating sao chyp tinh di~n.
X-rayogram bieu do tia X.
xcro graphic colour printing m sao
xanthic vang (mau siic).
chyp mau tinh di¢n.
xanthogenatc xantogenat, RO, CS,
xcro graphic copier may sao chyp
tinh di¢n.
xanthogenate sulfur ltru huynh
xero graphic monochrome web pr~
(trong) xantogenat.
may in giay cu¢n don sac tinh di~n.
xanthogenation Sl! xantogenat hoa.
xero graphic printer may sao chyp
xenon xe non. tinh di¢n.
xenon arc light den xe non. xero graphic printing sao chyp tinh
xenon discharge lamp den ph6ng cli¢n.
di¢n xenon. xero graphic printing machine may
xenon flash lamp den chop sang in tinh di¢n.
xenon. xero graphy thu~t in kh6. thu~t pht,1c
xenon high pressure lamp den cao che phoi tmh di¢n; thu~t in sao tinh di¢n.
ap xenon.
xero radiography thu~t chup anh tia
xenon lamp den xenon. xa kieu kh6.

yankee paper machine

y z
yankee paper machine may san xuat yellow lead vang chl. chi oxit, PbO. Zah-cap nhot ke. zigzag folding tay sach gap dfch-dac,
giay m¢t m~t nhin. zap Jau s<;1-ch, xoa s<;1-ch. tay sach gap kieu chfr chi.
yellow wax sap vang, parafin vang.
yapp binding dong sach bao v¢ goc. zapf dingbats kieu chfr trang trf hoa. zigzag line ducrng ke ngo!n ngoeo
yellowing (StJ) hoa Vang, bien (mau) hlnh rang cua.
yapp edges bao v¢ c<;1-nh bla sach. vang. zein protein ngo.
zigzag rule thuoc gap dfch-dac.
Yard thuoc Anh bing 914,4 mm. yellow ochre mau vang da cam, zeolit zeolit (khoang chat).
hoang th6. zinc kem.
year of issue bao phat hanh hang zero s6 kh6ng, diem khOng, vj trf so
yellow printer ban (in) vang. khOng cua thang V<;l-Ch. zinc acetate kem axetat,
zero adjustment dieu chinh ve vj trf Zn (CH 3C00)2 [H6a].
yearbook bao nam, nien giam. yellow prussiate of potash kali
xianua sit s6 khOng, b¢ ph~n dieu chinh ve vi trf zinc blackening solution dung djch
yearly bao nam. s6 khOng. den hoa kem.
yellow separation phim phan mau zero defect khOng co sai sot, khOng
yellow vang, mau vang. vang. zinc block ban kem, ban kem in cao.
c6 khuyet diem.
yellow filler kfnh lc;>c sac Vang. yield l6i ra, san luc;,ng. hi¢u suat. zinc bloom kem oxit, ZnO.
zero instrument thiet bj do s6 khOng.
yellow flame ngc;m li:ta vang. yield of counter hi¢u suat may tinb ! zinc chloride kem clorua, ZnCJ 2•
zero mark vj trf s6 khOng tren thang
s6. V<).Ch. zinc chrome vang crOm.
yellow green filter kfnh lc;>c sac lye
Vang. yield value gia tri gioi h,,m. zero oil d1tu s6 khOng, dau dong d~c 6 zinc cutter may cat ban kem.
0" Farenhcit.
zinc decpetch process phuang phap
zero valence hoa trj khOng. an mon vua lorn vua bang ban kem.
zeroing su chinh ve vj trf khOng. zinc dust b¢t kem.
z~r~ing of instrument SlJ chinh may
ve trf khOng. zinc etchant chat an mon ban kem.
zinc etching ban kem in cao, thu~t in
z~gzag_folder may gap tay sach kieu
d1ch-dac, may ga'p tay sach kieu ban kem.
zinc finish trang trf ban kem.

zinc halftone
PH() L()C
zinc halftone ban kem in tram (ban in). zinc silicate kem silicat, ZnSi0
zinc nitrate kem nitrat, Zn (N0~) 2 Period or full point Dau cMm (.)
[H6a]. zinc sulfate kem sunfat, ZnS04
~ /, Comma Dau pha'.y (,)
zinc overlay trang phu ban in cao. r-./H Hyphen Dau n6i, g~ch ngiin dung de n6i
zinc sulfide kem sunfua ZnS (H6a].
zinc oxide kem oxft, Zn. hai tu vai nhau vf d1,1: label-
zinc vitriol kem sunfat, ZnS0 4 • 7H,O
zinc oxide plate ban kem oxi h6a. [H6a]. • cutting press ( -)
zinc oxide resin coated paper gi9:y ;/ Semicolor Dau cham pha'.y (;)
zinc white trfog kem, kem oxit, ZnO
phu nhi,a cam quang kem oxit. [H6a]. V' Apostrophe Dau luge ( ' ) dung de chi m¢t
zinc oxide zeroplate ban in tinh di¢n zinc yellow vang kem, kem cromat, hay nhi~u chu cai, ho~c con s6
kem oxit. ZnCr04 [H6a]. da bi luge ho, nhu "can't" thay
zinc plate ban kem (in), ban kem. zincate zincat, M2Zn02 [H6a]. cho cannot, "I'm" thay cho I am,
zinc plate etcher may an mon ban kem. zincing (si,) m~ kem. '04 thay cho 2004 v.v ...
zinc plate gauge dt,mg c1,1 do d¢ day zincograph ph1:1c ch! ban kem, ban
ltnf 11-m Exclamation mark Than tir, dau cham than
ban kem. kem in cao. En dash Chuyin Am viet bAng chu cai
zincography ban kem in cao, thu~t in vie't hoa.
zinc plate graning machine may
(mai) t~o h~t ban in kem 6p xet.
ban kem. kin! I ill Chuyin Am viet bAng chu cai
zincogravure ban kem in lorn. viet hoa.
zinc-plate process pht1ong phap m~ (/)
kem. zincotype ban kem in cao, !n pham Parentheses Dau ngo~c don
ban kem. " u
zinc plating lap m~ kem. Quotations mask Dau ngo~c kep (' ') ho~c (" ")
zirconium zirconi, Zr.
zinc plating deep-etch plate ban vua dung 6 dau va cu6i nhung tu
Jorn vua bang m~ kem. zirconium lamp den ziriconi.
vv duqc trfch dAn.
zinc powder b(>t kem. zonal aberration vung sai 1¢ch anh. double Tang gap dOi hai thanh phan.
zone dai, tang, mien, do~. -- Align horizontally D~t ho~c sip xep cho thing hang
zinc pyrophosphate kem di ph6t phat,
ZnP20 7 (H6a]. zoom ph6ng d~i di¢n tit tranh ve.
II ngang.
zinc rhodanate kem thioxianat, zoom lens 6ng kfnh thay d6i titu elf, Align vertically D~t ho~c sip xep cho th!ng
Zn(SCN) 2 [H6a]. 6ng kfnh thay d6i tieu ci, lien t1,1c. dung.
zinc rule d11ong net g~ch, v~ch ban zoom ratio ty I~ thay dOi titu CJ!. Move to the left Chuyen djch sang trai
kem. zooming thu ph6ng tranh ve, hlnh va. Move to the right Chuyen djch sang phai
.r--,_ Move matter down Chuyln djch xu6ng - ,
,___r Move matter up Chuyin djch len
X @ Broken letters Ngiit chu
.M" Set in lowercase S!tp chu thucmg, khOng phiit chu
hoa 1- An Enghlis-Chinese. Chinese-English Dictionary of Printing
IC Lower case (in margin) Chu thucmg (cr ngoai le). technical Tenns. Nha xuat ban cOng nghi¢p an loat Trung Qu6c
Set in boldface type S!tp kilu chu ~ net thang 6-1993.
Bf Boldface type (in margin) Kieu chu diµn net (cr ngoai le). 2- An English-Chinese, Chinese-English Dictionary of Printing
Capitalize material Vilt ho~c in chu hoa. Tenns. Nha xuit ban cOng nghi¢p fut loat Truog Qu6c 1999.
Set in italic type Sip chu m nghieng.
3- Tu di~n h6a h9c va cOng ngh¢ h6a h9c Anh - Vi¢t. Nha xullt
ital Italics (in margin) Chu in nghicng, chu italic.
Caret DAu oosot, ky hi¢u ( ) dung d~
ban khoa h9c ky thu~t Ha N¢i - 1997.
chi ch6 phai dien vao trong mOt 4- An English-French- Vietnamese Dictionary of Marketing and
tai li¢u vict ho~c in. Advertising. Nha xuat ban khoa hoc ky thuflt Ha N¢i - 2002.
# Insert space Chen r9ng ra
Insert hair space Chen r¢ng ra m9t khoang rat
S- Das Newe Deutsche-Chinesische Worterbuch. Nha xua't ban
dich van ban Thuqng Hai Thang 6-1999.
D Indent one space Th\)t dau dong m¢t vuong (dan 6- Handbook of Printing Processes-Graphic Art Technical
vj than chu) Foundation. Copyight 1994.
lo lo IDelete or take out IXoa oo
-:::ZX::. Delete and close space Xoa bo va chen day khoang
_ 1 tr6ng
...__... Close up Chen day
(1) Query to author Dfo chAm hoi tac gia
Let indicates material I lay de nhu tai li¢u chi dfo
remain as it as
ru ,..., Transpose material Dfo daoch6.
~ Transpose (in margin) Dao ch6 (cr ngoai le)
det Let in stand Hay de nhu cii (de nguyen h~C
giu l~i nhu dii vie't tay hay in}

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