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.Tlowest part of a structure which

provides base for the super structure i_
a foundalio
Me first step to be taken
before any design dr construction is
5. The
inspection b. site exploration test pit d. both ánd
c. b
maximum load per unit area which
displacement is called
a or rock can carry without yielding or
a. bearing capacity
b, ultimate bearing capacity
Imaximum bearing
4. The load capacity d. all of
resulting in the rapid sinking of loaded area is
a. U B c / b . SBBC
c. factor of
5. The safety d. none of these
maximum Yoad which a soil can carry without any risk
a. UB T b. MBC of shear
6. The ratio between
SBC d. all of these
ultimate bearing
capacity and safe bearing capacity is called
bearing capacity ratio b. factor
7. Which one of the of safety C. risk factor
a. Ultimate
following is. the least 2
bearing capacity b. safe bearing capacity
Allowakle bearing capacity d. maximum bearing capacity
Bearing capacity of soil can be determined by
a. Plate load test
b. penetration test
d. all of c. SBC values from codes
plalelondted(o The size of bearing plate should not be less than
28mm thick. 300mm size b. 50mm thick 700Omm size
c.25mm thick. 700mm
10. Which one of size thhe
d. 5Omm thick. 500mm size C
following is a
of improving bearing capacity method
increasing depth and width of foundation
b. draining the soil
compacting the soil dsconfining the soil-by sheet

e. all
of these pile
1.The foundetioT in which
the baséof wall is widened through offsets and
spread footing foundation b. inverted arch foundation footings
c. Grillage foundation
12. Which fdn is best
o t h a andK a,b Cai shallow
auited forcqlverts. small bridges etc
Spread footing fdn b. cawerted arch fdn
d. all of these. C.grillage fdn
13. If two columns are balanced by of is called a
cantileyer beam
a. cantilever footing
14. The foundation in footîngs
which the entire area is
both a and b d. none ot these

covered with à concrete slab is

spread footing foundation b. grillage fdn c. rafi fdn-
d. inverted arch
15. The main
of black cotton soil is its

b. high
changes with change of
atmospheric condition
pressure from bottom layers
capiliarity of soil d.
permeability of sol
16. The fdn best suited in
black cotton soil for heavey structures
a raft fdn b. grillage fdn
7. A
pale having one
pilgfdn d. all øt these
a. vibro pile
or more bulbs at the bottom, and sufted for black cotton soil is
b. pedestal pile c. undereamed pile
d. franki pile
18. The fdn
provided on a
considerably sloping ground is
a. steppe fdn b. pile fdn c. ralt fdn d.grillage ldn

-d 12b3 6.

C 8 a

o f

d .a n y

should be at least.
AS a thumb rule, the veight of machine
weight of whole machine. d. 31/2
a. 2 beH2 2 c. causes a failure ih fdn?
20.Which one of the following niplon
a. unequal settlement of subsoil and structure
of soil surrounding
b. Horizontal movement C t o Sei,Ser
the fdn
c. Shfinkage of soil below of soil
. lateral pressure and lateral escape
f. alt of thos
e action of atmosphere
usually n a scale of
21. Setting out plans are prepared,
a. 1.50/b. 1:100
c. 1:400 d. 1:25 setting out ?
can be used
for making right angle during
22, which one of the following b. a theodolite (hosy
a. a triangle of sides 3.4.5
C. a masons square Csal d. all of these
it is advisable to take measurements by using
25. In setting outs d. Inver tape
a. chain b. steel tape c. linen tape
areas is
foundation in water logged
24. The method adopted for
Seft t plan or deep wells
a. constructing drains
consolidation of soil
b. freezing pipes c. chemical
d. well point system e. all of thes
25. Piles which transmit load to a hard C. batter pile d. sheet pile
a. bearing pile b. friction pile

uig 1 -5 M
b2 2 02.0.2i
S- 22 d
23 b 6 M




ptensei Snd The ability of soil to support the load ofthe structure with out any yielding is
a. bearing value of soil
d. any one of these.
b. bearing power of soil C. bearing capacity of soil

2. The minimum load which will cause a failure of foundation is called

a. ultimate tensile strength b. nominal strength c. compressive strength
d. Ultimate bearing power
3.Which one of the following has highest bearing capacity?
a. hard rock b. fine or course sand c. black cotton_soiL d. Clay
4. Ihe bearing eapacity of soil cannot be increased by
a. grouting b. chemical treatment c. draining d. moistening the sort
5. Which one of the following is most economical to transmit heavy structural loads from columns
to a soft soii
a. Shallow fdn b.deep fdn c.raft fdn d. grillage fdn
6. Rankine formula is used for determining
a. width of fdn b. depth of fdp c. depth of concrete block
d. none of these
7. Rankine formula is given by
a. w/p -sin 9 b. p/w +sin 8 c. p/w sin 6-1
LI +sin 0 -sin sin +
d.p/w 1-sin 6
1+sin 6
8.Ples are provided in
a. Soft rock b. water logged area C. Compact soil
d. Multistoreyed buildings only
9. i1 piles transmit load by friction between the soil and surtace of pile and also by rësting the pile
on hard stratum. it is called
a. friction pile b. bearing pile c. friction and beamg pile
d. Sheet pile nclindorce (presswa
10.Pile driven at an inclinaition to resist the indin-is-called
a. anguler friction pile b. batter pie c. friction cum boartin
62 33
d. sheet pile
% of total area
11. Raft fdn is used if the total area of individual footings exceeds.........
a. 40% b. 60% C. 45% d. 50%
12. Weight of furniture comes under
a. dead load b. live loadc. impact load d. shock load
13. The foundation usually used in the construction of culvert
b.grillage fdn C. inverted apeh fdn d. well
a. raft fdn
lateral faces and best suited for black cotton soil
14. A pile with one or more bulbs on the
a. Undeweamepile b. Pedas1al pile c. Vibro pile d. Frann

be easily k:On hy the formula

I5. fhe widun of fdn can
a. 2wtj b. 2(wtj) c . 2wt3pj d. w12
w-width of wall J-offset p-safe bearing capacity
16. A temporary structure constructed in a water bearing surface to exclude water trom the given

Sile is

a. timber pile b.caisson c. colfeyd:un d. sheetng

17. Well fdn is an example ot
caisson C. box type caisSon
a.reclangular open caisson b. Crcuar open
d. pneumatic caisson

d 12.h 13
o. b
.The depth of conerete bed block is given b the formula
d3pi b. d R d. d3p
m m
9.The ldn in which the
entire area is covered by a
ralt b. grillage C. well d. stepped
20. Plaie load lest is done to
a. bearjg capacitY b. settlement of sol
I.Object of soil investigation is to get information regard1ng
resistivity of soil
a. the nature of soil
strata b. Physical
. Scasonal variation in ground
properties of soil stratm
22. In open test walr lable d. all of hese
p¢t method, at least orne pi snouii be excavatei
Isqm area b. Osqm area c. 1Om x 10m area d.
23. Piles are
usually not made o-F 1Smx 15m area
. timber b. steele.
24. For 5táinless
heavy load the mix used in case ofsteel concrete
d. Prestressed concrete
a. I:/:3 b. 1:2:4 precasl
c. 1:3:6 d. 1:4:8
25. In of raft
case foundation on sand. the
a. 65mm b. 90mm
maximum total settlement is generally limited o
26. For c.140mm d.185mm
heavy structurés in sandy
Pier fdn b. raft
sods. the type of fdn used in
27. The fcí C. combined
footing d. strap footing
advantage of using timber piles is
Flexibilityliphtness and cheapness
Free from b. strength and
28. To resist cofrosion and
weathering effect durability
eccentric or lateral loads. d. all of these
Such additional piles are called
additional piles are driven along with the vertical
a. extracting pile
29. Sieel pilcs sunk in soft raking pile c. eccentrie pile
illed e d. uied n caissons b. low bearing eapacity are called d. sinkiny pile
clay of
30.1he depth of foundation is pile c.
raking pile d. disc pile
a. tape generall:
b. ranging rod checkcd wiih
31. A
grillage foundation is C. SCale
d. boning rod
case heavy loads
of generally used
d. b. In
depth of water table
low sandy soil C. in water
logged area

s a 22 d , 23 C

A full
brick stone
which us laict with its leneth
wall is perpendicular to the force ol
a. Header
b. Sueeher C. bat
2The face tte of . closer
brick Header
showiny 10cm s TOcm is
b. stretger .
rom Question Nu. . closer
( Streteher bt|T,ChoSe
orse the correci amsier lionn those
yiven helov
heartng h join) C.flealercour Bed lace . lac
A ul brich lail with its
length parallel to the luce ol wall
The ficeof' brick showing 19cm 9em is.
5 The hori/ontal layer of brck or slone is..... eA Cho&
6. A course of is... CrAvSC
brickiwork composed of headers

7. The lower surface only is haucdes Couse

of brick or stone in each course
8. The surlace
of wall exposed to weather is is..ed
9. The material
used for the construction of çalled....oce
face of wall
10. The portion is...eea ng
of wall between face and back
. The
junction of two or more bricks is is..heastin9
12. Joints
perpendicular to the face called..oid
a. Perpendicular joints of wal are calléd
13. Walljoints refer b.crossjointss Smple joints d. all of
a. perpendicular joints
c. both a and
b. joint parallel to the face ofat cwall
4. The
b d. none of these
portion of a br'ick cui a cross the width (ie à iriCk cut dy some traction oi its
a. bat b. closer
C. perpend d. none a these
I5/Queen eloser may be placed
a. in header course stretcher course
d. in stretcher course next
in beáder course next to first brick
to first brick
16 Do obtain good bonding in brick masonry
a. first class bricks are used b. Vertical
plumb jont n alternate course are kept in
C. bats ae used wherever
necessary d. all of these
17. The piece of brick cul along the centre of width in such a way that its length is equal
to that of full brick is called
a. half brick b
18. The dimension of a
queencloser C. kimg closer d. beveled closer
half queen closer is
a 9cm 9em a 9em b. 9¢m x 9enm 4.5cm 9emA43cnx 9em
19. 1 he vertical sides
of door or w indow openngs are called
a. verticals b. reveals
Cambs d. none ot these
0. Exposed portion of vertical sides right angles
at to the doOr or window frame are
a. verticals b. revea C. Jambs . . sullits
T o slrayyer vertical joints in successIVe courses ol a
all. a picce ol brich I8
used at the end of course. which is called
. bal b. header Cstretcher d. close

S be b C 7 8e

l 9 I).h lad3 C 14-a t5

7b18-C 19:C 90 b d
hammed r


and stretchers is
d. Garden wall
in which each Dutch bond

p e ol bond c. hy
laid iS"
h e
b..Fleniish bond and
stretchers are
a. nglish bond c o u r s e s ofheaders
which alternate
c. dutc1
bond d. a or e
T h e type of bond
b. Flemish hond
nglish bond wall. the bond
uSed is

o construct a IOcm thick partition c. nglish bond d.lemish

- a header bond
bstretcher bond

bond the plubime iS

25.The alignment of eross joints alony d. vertical line
a. led b. perpends c. lintel
generally used olr d. 11/2 brick wall
26. Header bond is
brick wall c. arches
halt brich wall b . sinmple
yenerally used lor
27. Stretcher bond is
d / 2 1brick wal
J fbriuk b . simple brick wall
the esposed top ofesternal waal
28: A coveng of conerete placed oIn
COrbel b. cornice c. fricse .copin
29. An ornannental mouldeed course place on the top of a wall is

icorbel e. friee .copin

0. 1he slepped sructure provided lor the lateral support ol long vwiall is
it. relaining wall b. brest wall c. parapet d. butress
i . A pretecting piece ofwoat. stone conerele cle. provided to Support members ofa
russ is
. corbel b. cornCe C.frice d. blockng course
. i h e entertor angle between outeriaces
uf a wäil s cille
. turn b.junction c. bond d. quoin
33.The prucess of nioving brick iirough a small horizontal distance before
termed as lay ing is

a. grouting b. placeing c. larryig d. trowelling

4 The process of ending an unfinished work is a stepped manner is
luothing b. stepping c. racking back d. coping
35.1Bricks leli protecting in alternate courses tor the
work is purpose of bonding future masonry
atoothing b. stepping c. racking back c. larryng
S6. The beveled surlace of
coping. used to exclude water is
weatherng b. throating . beveling d. toothng
37 A stone etended from face to back is
a binder stone b. through stone c. lace.stoned hearting stoe


I ie pioce>s ot fmnshmg the sulace ol slone is called

DTC>lng mothng . larne

2 Wiich one of the follow ng is the roughest type ol dressog
i anerdiessed b hisel dratied mirgin Dressia
looled surtace dut stone surface
The lasl process ot dres>lng is
3 d
22b a3a 24 b as b 26 C a1a a8 d
2 b 3o d 3.a 39 d 3 C 34C 3S.a
a. hammer dressing
b.cutstone rubhng
4. Through stones are
provided in st0ne miasonry dpolishung
a. for proper
c. or waltr
bond .tor podappearance
tightness d. all ol these
SWteriny of naI ork slhouuld he dlone f about
and lor
Cae ol cement ortar
,a 2 to 3
weehs and one tu 2 veehs
.o weeks ined to 4 weeks
d 2 1o werks and 4 1o 5 veeks
6. The tvpe ol steone
Used is
masonry, n which roughly dresSed or even
undressed sloies are
a. ashlar masonry
b. rubble masonry c. both and b
d. none of these
7. Fhe
roughest type of rubble masonry is Cn - day
a. coursed rubble
d. dry rubble uncoursed rublble c. random rubble
8. Pieces of stones used for
a. bats b. closers
filling interstiecal space in stone
C. Spalls
d. fillers
masonry are called
9. In stone
masonry. through stones may
a. filling stone sometimes be reterred
10. In R.R b.headers C. stretchers d. spalls
masonry stones used be may
a. hammer dressed
b. chisel dressed
d. none of these C. eithera or b
t1. which one
of the following masonry is used for
a. coursed rubble
masonry b. R.R
voundery waii'
d. c. Uncoursed
either b or c rubble
12. Which of the following is the
Uncoursed rubble b. random
a. superior type of rubble masonry?
13. C. Coupsed
Which one of the d. dry
a. Uncoursed
following rubble masonry is suited for
b. random C. coursed
residential building ?
4. The type of rubble
in which no
d. dry
a. uncoursed
masonry mortar is used is
b. random C. coursed
15.The type of stone d.dry
a. rubble masonry
in which
neatly dressed stones
b. ashlar are used is
d. coursed C. random rubble
6. The
type of stone
masonry. masonry
masonry in which stones of same
a. random rubble
masonry b. course
height are laid in layers is called
uncoursed rubble mass rubble masonry
d. Ashilay masona

Gb 76 8C 9 b jo d l2c 13c l4 d
S b 6 d

m mot
lh days
agiry Couig-Reg CoeA x se alt baick or la
provi cld bèluween S/one
Calleol Aiqenla Cou couse
se f Sfone
Coule is
$4 YE
Hng work

in masonry for
ne process of leaving recess

(b) larrying
(c) indenting (d) non
(a) Thus hold
level is
39 ne arrangement of steps from graungto plinth
(c) indenting (d) corbelling
Threshold (b) larrying
bhond is
40 A combination of English bond and Flemish
deue bond (c) Neutral bond (d) inglish
(a) Single Flemish bond (b) daible linish
A type ol Tond in which a hcading course is inserted to cvery lhrce of ive courses five curses of st.

(a) English bond (b) English garden wall bond (c) Flemish garder
bond (d) none of these
42 The type of bond on which bricks are laid at an angle other than 0 or 90 is
(a) Raking bond (b) Garden wall bond (c) dutch bond (d) English bohd
43 The type of bond best suited for
paving is
(a) facing bond (b) diagonaf bond (c) dutch bond (d) Zigzag bone
44 The junction formed when two walls
meet of an angle other than 90 without
(a) Corner joint
forming a quoin is
(b) squint joint (c) cross junction (d) none of these
45 lf wall constructed to resist the pressure of
liquied earth filling etc behind of is
(a) fetaining wall (b) breast wall
Walls (c) buttress wall
(d) all of these
provided to protect the slopes of cutting in
natural ground from
(a) retaining wall
(b) bgéast wali weathering actions is
47 (c) dutterse wall (d) all of these
Weep holes are provided in
retaining walls
(a) io provide stability (b) jo
proyide proper drainage (c) as a
(d) none of these précauting against drainage
48 Brick work
strengthened by miled steel ftad is called
(a) reinfórced brick work (5) corrosive
these RB B i c , protection brick work (c) steel
brick work (d) none of
49 Ten layers of 19 x 9 x9 cm bricks when
laid in mortar will
(a) 200 cm give height of masonry
(b) 90 cm equask
(c) 100 cm (d) 180 cm
50 First class bricks are generally of the size
(a) 20 x 10x 10 cm (b) 19 x9 x 9 cm (d) 19 x 9x 4.5 cm (d) 19 9x 7 cm
A brick alter
being soaked in water for one hour should not absorts
a) morethan three fourth the
water equivalent to
weight (b) more than in the weight 24 hou 20
(c) morethan 1/6 weight (16) (d) more than of the weight
2 A special sized brick with its
one end
having a width equal to half ot a fult brick is
(a) Queen closer (b) King closer
(d) beveled closer
53 A bond built up witlh three quarter and half brick bale along wth
regular header and stretcher 1s
(a) English eross bond (b) silver lock bond
(c) dutch bond (d) facung bond
38 C :0 oa Ab 42a
s CS b s3 43d 44b 45a ab-b 4
1b48a 49C50 b
(d) corbeil n
none ofthe
cefvoer} CeveD la

r:b one llat Cruses clapness


Cnclo.ngboo - s a

s.acuicna pe 'co Lbaser

ep doko qtp toeg d.kita

J o Do sbese,

een . Aone.

5 Cra sC


a shxe

r a n ve )

Veyhcl 2 B

dene 4ateca


pebac) b lo


Sz||actng '
P ve»icd oeobew ciyed

.cdge pellag Ksoandr

. . laclid

ech le
. e pe Safoicterag egece aoe islasel ela, cn

d Sakloldn
. Buct etess Saalldn seoda

tbuler sa||tceng

cured astaccrg Keau hcliotlr

. Sha bElocsoog E

Ruspg Conduehao

Cobcare au *b. Coroplar aal .

Coparela .Cere wa
9.J coropesi sovq iiclo aa
eslar, lk

avi.3q . b. paaliion csall C CorCpasle oal t

P e vealcd obens a rpe oke used
-JoaSaao ta
md b, sud
Of ~ ]n



b. hecsd eiotel

2 aco Casxueled cd s o c l n
Klel c.
OOc a

C ero¢ c c9 ecilh azeb b. Kelcering

3.&ual ex Crarnelio a ordeo

T2 2 pec
b. 3



CLScci OUes- eD SpeP C.s

e auaco

C. VaISS OCA.S b. lotel

Ceseb C ollkd

pCe C a. feche spa

.c?. elsutDert
shsrud be
lshe eudve å
b e d jan (RYect calas ) e ne
eche Ca

oi bxe care
EF2lhe cdeckze sonped sline




Spn e

12. D e Ce2AASTO
bAipg CoAse C

3. he ConUex, Sice saD aA Ch S

. anc:

4. Loses, ba{ f ao

C <Daunch

pe vexhacl c jaoee een

espatot r a d a r
e Piej eslap OA

1. albe
veme dstonrebeldeen exiacl

Ralot dapls e e o
8. D c'aegula 4iangulaY pohss belween l Aco
Spencail Puneb s e c backE
1ebe aeb d Soich exlkedas és
a t eer
2ve . igot x s
- a.aice, . Camber ai cha . seglot ce

cAC cocll Auq ly rero cdae a

Co s t elod tclb paeeast ca r C x e l l schs s

C o A l ë r2onalbis aselo t Corpc zula Blocl a eh c. eclhes a

24, lëopOLaxy iseuclueConstxuclad lo e u o x ao a

Cops clisp cs
e, e c s i g . all bese

Leil Ou

e Sascelas i aogla s

Race e e h b . sHd vci

c t l s ee e .

26. sidlh, speniPy Sbeb ás caUeRa esc cxc

ase e , clcorDe lex

29 ets eqe neoi

C oRee

Canet aroin
Em 9ntexal

co|e b. pleivrg

od lge-i
lbe u e | 0O
piocess - f s a

p b suse




a. damp-li b: Kerdb e , dec

tl FpUiol epcls
o c e l s l ceo s p e per
Connecd lEe Denoberce nallwi

.nails b CeoneclëA clea d.eckces.

o, el o Oooder halir puie.)r te scud

p plel b : s o p t t s c . l a b l lab c. cl ie

Nole asterinqs Nal, crea /3o/t, Dogs. ete

ner .ArcH Shade acrososs dgean openin
curve of ar

Lekha R
.The Process of finishing the edges of wood at qn angle
a. chan fering b plaining C.
rebating d. mglring
. The process ot
tinishing the surtace of wood to get a smooth surface is.{P0 " "7
The process ot
cutting rectangular grove along the edge ofa timber membher is (Re beb
4. The process ot )
joning two wooden members at an angle m
. The process of )
6. A dowel is a
covering exposed surface of wood by using another thin sheet of w00d is
a. fastner b. joint in wooden pieces
wOrk Cluol in wood
d. piece ol metal or wood
7. Screwin wood work is
specitied byy
a. diameter b. leng1h c. weight . all of these
8. Wrought iron
U-shaped pieces with printed ends used to connect the member are called
a. nails b. connectors
9. The type of joint in which the entire end c.dods d. wedges
or thickness of one member Is
made on the other is inserted to the groove
a. notch joint b. cogged Jt c. housed joint
10. Steel or wooden
d.joggle it
plates provided on opposite sides of a joint is
a. tap plate b. fish plate c. table
plate d. all of these

. As a hunds rule. the total area of window openings aboul be åt least.. .. t loor
area of a rcom
a. 10% b. 15% c. 20% d. 25%
2. The total area
of glass panels in window openings should be at least...% oi oor area of
room Ophn No 1o a
3.The vertical member of door frame is
a.Post c. rail d. all of these
4 The bottom horizontal member of a
shutter frame is
a. Sill b.
middle rail c. bottom.rail d. ledge CYal
5. Thin members used for dividing thé space with in the shutter frame in
glazed window) are
to panels (especially in
a. batten1s b. mullions
C. sash bars d. all of these
6. A mixture of
chalk and Iinseed oil. used for
løxing glass panels is
a. bead b. fixing gum
7. Mild steel bars used to fix door
fixing chalk d. putty
frane to wall
a. horn b. hold-fast C. panel d . louver
8 Which one of the lollow
ing door is best suited for 20downs sheds etc ?
a. Ledged and battened b. ledyed baticned and braced
C. ether a or b
d. lush door
9. The
style whose width is decreased from bottom
totep. generally used in
called partly glaged door is

a. gun stock style h. diminished style

d. none of these
ceither a or b

10. The type of door. whose surtaces are covered with playwood or veneers IS
a. lush door b. paneled door c.glacd door d. all of these
hin wood or glass panels which
a. intlned panels
are arranged n al inelined manner styies are called
b. louvers
Follg panel . slidne leaves
b to b Dooy
C 4 ri
frame d. collapsible door
door has a steel
Which one ofthe following
c. louvered door

a. framed door
b. flush door
13 A door which opens
door d. collapsible
b. flush door c. rolling
a. formed door
14. A door prosided with spring hinges c. collapsible door
a. framed door b. lush door
c. Swing door
be opened or closed like door is
15. Window that can d fixed window
a, casement window b. lantern c.skylipht
16. find the odd
b. dormer window C. ntern d. skylight
a. gable window
17. A window which opens vertically c.louvered d.sash
a. casement b. douhle hung
the pivots is
can swing round
8. A window which d. all of these
b. fixed window C. lantryn
a, pivoted &
19. A metal window is fixed to wall using
C. rivets d. horns
ugs b.pivots
20. A window provided at the corner of a room i s . . . .
a. bay b. casement C.corner d. gable
21. A vertical window provided on the stoping side of a roof i_,
b. dormer w C. stylight d. cleane storey w
a. gable
22. A vertical window (usually fixed) provided near the top of a wall
a. gable b. dormer c. lantern d.Stay light
apsible do ROO AND FLOOR
at rool
has a ope
ero b less than Se
Wocden boards lixed on c.less than 109 1.grcater than i
the gable end of rool a I
. 3atten b. barye hofd
diavonai member Cgable ralter eave
provided at the end ol høp ralter Lo support it is
Draon heam. b. dragon ie . ilelic all o1 these
he upper iriangular part athe endo, a
pitched rool ts

rable b. dorher C.hip d.eave

he angle formed by the intersection to t O
sloped rool havne an external
reater han 180 angic
iahie b hip, C. ridgC mitr
( he iatier supportng rool cverings ilre

Commonraliers b. valley rallers hip ralters d. none

mennber placed along the ridge aper line
or of oped rool is
Ride pIece . ridge beam c. ridge board d. all ol these
short raltei provided the hip
at or
valley are
a. onnmon rafter b. hip ralier lle ralter d jack rall

he nelined
member ola truSs
Ommon ralte b. pruncpal ralter
Jack lialter d. purtn
bedding block provided at the ends of turuss is
a. Gable b. piteh C.
template d. none of these
.The edge ol able is
. r g e board b. vergg Wooden member embedded on the top ol wal!s
. Prineipal rallers b. purlins
threceive commoi rafiers
c.wall liles d. hop
A s}opung rool in one direction only piates
l-i0-rnt b. aisle rof C. n i tiot

. n-t0-rool b. aisle root C. couplyd roof . pen roo!

5. A stoped rool in hieh purlins are inurodueed o support common rallers
.Double roo b. purln rool
. .eilher r
AK Ing post truss is UScd lor a span l
..-m b. 5-9mS c. 9-14nm d. I5-2Om
17. The member ola
sloped rool which is in direct contact vith rool cOvering
materials like thach, üles etc is
aBauten/ b. common rafter
18. A queen
C. purln
d.principal ralter
posl truss is Used tor a spun o
. -nm b. 5-9m C. 9-14nm l5-18n
9 A combinaton ofking post and queen post rool uuss
Masard trusS a.
b. 3elfast truSs . IrunCiled truSS
ruse dcomposite
0. 1 the top of truss is finished Nat il is call:d
a. Mansard uruss b. 13ellast truss 'mCile tflUSs . coposite

hc uuss shapel i the Torm ol a bo

Mnsard rUSS b. 13ellast russ
Caled tuUSS coniposile*
2 Th plales Used or ivelding or riVelny niinher 1 rS
sel plal .wall pl:ale Ccl plite One l the
Comhinaiion ol lecl and e d lius Is

C 13
7 a
2 2 b

uICileil trus
n s a i l truss Buiastrusss
umber 1lor y
malls constructed to support
-SYr C. sleepyr wall d.
b. strulng wa
a. 'anel wall caviy wall
h e timber ioist supporting a imber bard
trul b daipr plate hridginyjos none ol these
-6 narch typed-loor constructed upper iloor i s on

a. b. jack arch Hoor

Arch loor
c. either
or b . none ol these
- T h e type of loor in which marble chips arc uscd s iggregates is

. Marble tloor h. terra77.0 loor c. ledItoor d. all

of ihese
28. A unmber loor is generally used in

uditorn b daneng alls cithCrI(rh i1One

iarbie luo terru//u Tloor c.Magncsiie d. all of these

The Ipe ot slab tloor n which mau) r e m i o e e t
pro TCded n one direclion
O n e way slab b. Iw0 way slab C.eilher a or b . nonC
31. Ifa slab is
directly supported over a column. wilh out an beam it is called
Ribbed loor b. at slab lyor C.t o siab d. none of

. h e type of Noor in which hollow
clayHocks are used
a Hollow block loor b. ribbed floor
5 . Reuntorcement is .cither orb d. non
provided in conerete to iakke
ensile Stress
b. commpressive C. hotl7 aa and b
hese d. none ol
34. Concreie is
high m
ension . co11DresIO
.hoh a an i. nonc oi

he width oB sair in
residenuai building is
A b . 8Ocm generally kept ai
in publie
bunling the nminimunm width of
0Oem, b. 125cn star is

. S e vl step 150cm d. 180cm

commOnl hdopted buildingin resicténual is
5 x I6Cm . 27 x 1Scm c 30 i e m
4. he vertical distance
oli tread is called
Ong h riser C. T I s . nding
. he projeelion o! treid
Heyond riser i
Nosny line ol nosIng .Sotli
Aplalloinm provIded between tvo liehts is callet
ier b. lancding C. Scol1a d.otli
aperng steps pros tded on a slir are
a lier b nders C. Osne .trea
8. Inclmed memberssupportng the ends ot seps are
Strmgs b. strngers
.Clier a or hone ol ihese
9 Ve1Ical members Supporting handiail are
Newel posts b 1alusters bulygrade d ihead roo
O.The vcstwial disuce hetwcen tread ol step a d o t l i of llher teht mmmediatel

1Balusrade b bal: t e

26 b
24 3 34b
27-b 3 o
S. C
2 C 32

2 33
Ur front mem

tructe Sists o
Sunshadected to of
2. Inner curv
span small wedg onnectec
Archrch a

acrossedgean oshaped
n as


a asie At
. lhe
potoling ts

uso cl wdl fin cele

tsini b.
suel eer C Oea bar 1udt:

kece p b.
g?sore p c. Rdbbeo P
A e
pstraing Shich a
piójecto oeh rr* T

bieaäc poivln b tyck pocohg d eaheud P

Vee poirin
S.o Qine de sia e
Liioeusealuy ued o
. ewog utet liine e. draulic lme

Phopesl ,
b . e pee Ae sc .all q

7 o wclia a da släa e coopsund u fed ero IoilaY 4

celeto and clac taCa te
7}SCÓ, Pctlvexi see

S2i pealeat seð oluko aod ouddy Aat

C Ce"ne

ishcch ore i{stllacg l. c cd spicc

E l b l o a t

Loce baeealo

lpcao coatroi unir0e

ots CAeeo

. SOall haehes Sdelg cc-ooili lesteaeå

ieot Copmody Called

la slza a seð ls absorb atDò (ct se d ¢o

S re le ae ndervg &eeas

exlra12a oaUs

dpc e coxrhve tlesli

e ronlar b

u e e a plasuor C ineiRS

Stoxe sce oe ef er plestineg


7lasto ats


e i eicdie pl cy pcicr
3. Uebic-l aie

be cSa z.s a

. bizde o Xech anc r c'ao oxeche . Aula

No I vehscle



lt dy ee sl e ue
edient hich heelps lbe paird

rieclio No . driey


c ese cteiaahie
exl roctey

nane pccot
b. e wite S.

9. 7si'ngén trng) ieYs

, i

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