Objective Type Questions: - Hydraulic Lime Flame Kiln

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In Feebly hydraulic lime, maximum clay

LIME content up to -10% (5 to 10%)
18. In Moderately hydraulic lime, maximum clay
Objective Type Questions content up to
20% (11 to 20%)
1. The process of heating the lime stone to
19. In Eminently hydraulic lime, maximum clay
redness in contact with air is termed
content up to
30% (21to 30%)
2. Athin pourable suspension of slaked lime in
20. In burning process, only flame comes in
water is known as
contact with lime stone. Such a kiln is known as
Milk oflime
Flare kiln
3. For construction of structure under water, the
21. In burning process, fuel and flame comes in
type of lime is used
contact with lime stone. Such a kiln is known as
-Hydrauliclime Flame kiln
4. Plaster of paris is obtained by calcining.
22. The imperfectly calcined lime does not slake
- Gypsum
with water and is referred to as the...
5. The calcination of pure lime result in - Dead-burnt lime

-Quicklime 23. Kiln in which mixture of lime stones and fuel is

6. The commonly used lime in white washing is
fed from the top, such a kiln is also known as
-Fatlime - Continues flame kiln
7. Fat lime is otherwise known as
24. The constituent responsible for setting of
High calcium lime or Pure
hydraulic lime under water is
lime or White lime or Rich lime
8. The process of adding of cement to lime
25. Lime suitable for making mortar of good
mortar to improve the quality of lime mortar is
- Gauging strength Hydraulic lime
26. A lime stone containing about 30% of alumina
9. The process of adding water to lime to convert
and silica is called - Kankar
in to hydrated lime is termed as
27. The initial setting time of hydraulic lime
120 minutes
10. The quick lime that comes from kiln is called
- Lump lime
28. The initial setting time of lime pozzolona is
120 minutes
11. The product obtained by slaking of quick lime
29. The normal curing period of lime mortar is
is known as
-7 days
Slaked lime or Hydrated lime
30. For lime concrete, slump is
12. The process of adding water to lime stone to
convert in to hydrated lime is termed as
50 mm to 75 mm
31. Chemical name of Quick lime
13. The percentage of impurities in fat lime is calcium oxide
- Less than 5%
32. Hardening of lime after it is converted into

14. Hydraulic lime is also known as paste setting

- Water lime 33. Hardening of lime in the absence of air in damp
15. Contain more than 30% of clay, the lime is places hydraulicity
known as 34. White chalk is pure limestone
35. is added to fat lime
Poor lime or Impure lime mortar to get good
16. Permissible clay content in hydraulic lime setting and hydraulic properties
between - 5 to 30% surkhi

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17. In Feebly hydraulic lime, maximum clay
LIME content up to
-10% (5 to 10%)
1. The process of heating the lime stone 18. In Moderately hydraulic lime, maximum
to redness in contact with air is termed clay content up to
- Calcinatlon
-20% (11 to 20%)
2. A thin pourable suspension of slaked 19. In Eminently hydraulic lime, maximum
lime in water is known as clay content up to
- Milk of lime
30% (21 to 307%)
3. For construction of structure under 20. In burning process, only flame comes in
water, the type of lime is used contact with lime stone. Sucha kiln is
Hydraulic lime known as
Plaster of paris is obtained by calcining Flare kiln
21. In burning process, fuel and flame
Gypsum comes in contact with lime stone. Such
5. The calcination of pure lime result in a kiln is known as
Qulck lime - Flame kiin
6. The commonly Used lime in white 22. The imperfectly calcined lime does not
washing is slake with water and is refeed to as
- Fat lime
7. Fat lime is otherwise known as - Dead-burnt lime
High calcium lime or Pure lime 22. Kiln in which mixture of lime stones and
or White lime or Rich lime fuel is fed from the top, such a kiln is
8. The process of adding of cement too also known as
lime mortar to improve the quality of Continues flame kiln
lime moriar is 24. The constituent responsiole for seting
- Gauging
of hydraulic lime under wateris
9. The process of adding water to lime to Silica
convert in to hydrated lime is termed as 25. Lime suitable for making mortar of
- Slaking
good strength
10. The quick lime that comes from kiln is - Hydraulic lime

called 26. A lime stone containing about 30% of

Lump lime alumina and silica is called
11. The product obtained by slaking of - Kankar

quick lime is known as 27. The initial setting time of hydraulic lime
Slaked lime
or Hydrated lime - 120 minutes
12. The process of adding water to lime 28. The initial setting time of lime pozzolona
stone to convert in to hydrated lime is is
termed as - 120 minutes
Slaking 29. The normal curing period of lime mortar
13. The percentage of impurities in fat lime is
- Less than 5%
-7 days
30. For lime concrete, slump is
14. Hydraulic lime is also known as
50 mm to 75 mm
Water lime
15. Contain more than 30% of clay, the
lime is known as
- Poor lime or Impure lime

16. Permissible clay content in hydraulic

lime between
- 5 to 30%

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STONE 16. Due to the presence

of.. the freshly
quarried stone can be dressed easily at
1. A rock forming minerals which is silicate the quarry itself
of aluminium with Quarry sap
potassium and
occurs in thin transparent lamina is 17. Example of monomineralic rocks

Quartz and gypsum

2. T e s t is performed to find out the 18. Example of polymineralic rocks
presence of soluble matter in a sample Basalt and granite
19. For good building
of stone stone , its specific
gravity should be greater than 2.7
Smith's test
3. Dory's testing machine is used to 20. Geologically marble is known as
- Metamorphic rock
Hardness of stone
21. Gneiss is obtained from . . rOcks
- Sedimentary rocks
... test to determine toughness of
stone 22. Granite and quartzite are example of
t y p e of rocks based up on their
Impact test
5. The metamorphic lime stone become chemical contents
Marble Silliceous
6. The.. size of cube to determine for 23. Gun powder contains
compressive strength ofstone -Charcoal, saltpetre and sulphur
24. A rock contain only one rock forming
7. in sione arches, the stones are placed minerals, it is known as
with their naBural beds Monominarelic
Radial 25. In calcareoUS rocks the major
8. The stones should be placed in walls predominates is
- Calclun carbonate
with. the direction of their natural beds
26. Jumper is a tool used for
9. . . fest is done to find out the rate Quarrying of stone
of wear of stone which are used in road 27. Kaolin is chemically clasified as
- Argillaceous rocks
- Attrition test 28. Minute cracks in stone containing
10. Basalt is . . . . y p e of rocks calcite which form hard veins are
Volcanic known as
- shakes
11. Chemically marble is known as
29. Sand stone has .. texture
Calcareous rock
12. Crushing strength of basalt is Granular
150 to 185 30. Sedimentary rocks are example of

13. Stratified rocks
Crushing strength of good building
stone should be more than 31. Slate is formed by metamorphic action
on Shale
1000kg/cm2 32. Specific gravity of marble is
14. Dolomite contains
Calclum, magneslum, carbon 2.72
33. Stone having spotted appearance due
and oxygen
to the presence of chalky substance
15. Doleite is an example of
are - Mottle

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The line is known
resistance to go out.
of least
sand is verity of Line
34. The common
Quartz reslstance(LLR)
minerals forming a between the centre
35. The arrangement of 53. The least
surface of
rock is known as its the exposed
of charge and
Texture or structure
the rock is
ornamental works must of least
36. Stone used to Line
be Soft
37. Bearing capacity of granite generally
54. The hardest rock
30 to 35 kg/cm2
38. The blasting powder and dynamite
55. The softest rock
commonly used as
at great
39. The building stone used for bridge, pier 56. The metamorphic changes
by uniform
and columns is depth brought about
- Granite pressure and heat is known ass
- Plutonic metamorphism
40. The compact translucent massof
quartz is called 57. The metamorphism takes place on the
- Horn stone Surface of the earth only by direct
41. The compound of alumina and silica in pressure is called
a colloidal state, which is known as Cataclastic
... the basic constituent of all type metomophism
of clays 58. The ercentcJe of nugnesium
- Kaolin Carbonate and caicium carbonate in

42. Compressive strength of lime stone is dolomite are

- 46 a n d 54
540 kg/cm2
43. Compressive strength of marble is 59. The periodSufficient for proper
- 710 kg/cm2 seasoning for a stone is - 6 to 12
44. Compressive strength of Basalt/trap is month
1500 to 1850 kg/cm2 60. The plane of stratification that occurs in
sedimentary rock is - Natural b e d
45. Compressive strength of sandstone is
-640 kg/cm2 61. The predominant constituent which is
46. Compressive strength of Granite is responsible for strength in granite is

750to 1270 kg/cm2

47. Crystalline form of silica is Quartz
62. The process of change in character of
rocks due to great heat and pressure is
48. The density of gypsum
known as
-2300 kg/m3
49. The density of marble Metamorphism
2650 kg/m3 63. The process of separating ditferent
in sized crushed rock material is known as
50. The foliated structure is vary common
c a s e of Metamorphic
rock Screening
64. The process of taking out stones from
51. The fractured Surface of stone
natural rock bed is known as
generally indicate Texture

52. The gases

formed during the blasting Quarrying9
which offers least
follow the line of path

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is known to be done to cut the
The process - Volcanlc rocks
pieces in to suitable size and with
least stone
Suitable surface after being quaried
is 78. The rocks have a tendency
up in a definite
to be split
direction only is

ntre Dressing of stone

of charcoal, saltpetre
66. The proportion Foliated rocks
and sulphur by weight
alumina or clay as
- 15, 75, 10 79. The rocks having
known as
powder their major constituent are
67. The
quantity of blasting
rocks having LLR equal to
required for Argllaceous
one metre would be
- 150 gm.
80. The rocks which are formed by gradual
68. The quantity
of rock loosening by are Sedimentary rocks

powder is
blasting of 100gm. of blasting 81. The rocks which are formed from
- 0.40 m3 called -

molten magma are
rock loosening by the
69. The quantity of rocks
blasting of 100gm. of dynamite 82. The safe bearing
capacity of hard
-0.6m3 Above 250 tonnes/m2
rocks should be
forming mineral dolomite is constructed building for
70. The rock 83. The specially
bicarbonate of explosive required for
storing the
Magnesium and calcium
quamying of stone is known as
is Store
71. The rock used for roofing
Magazine or

- Slate
their main is
72. The rocks containing clay
specific gravity of
84. The
constituent are grouped 3
Argillaceous rock of trapbis
of 85. The specific gravity
due to alteration
73. The rocks formed and
structure under of granite is
original 86. The specific gravity
excessive pressure - 2.6 to 2.7
Metamorphic rock of marble is
of 87. The specific gravity
formed due to cooling 2.65
74. The rocks
considerable depth from of slate is
magma at a 88, The specific gravity
known as 2.89
earth surface are
- Plutonic rocks of gneiss is
89. The specific gravity
due to cooling of
75. The rocks forming -2.69

magma at a
relatively shallow depth of lime stone is
90. The specific gravity
known as
from earth surface is 2 to 2.75
sand stone is
91. The specific gravity of
2.65 to 2.95
rocks generally prefered for
formed of coarsely grained 92. The
76. The rocks railway ballast
are classified as Basalt
obtained fresh from a quary
93. The stone
- Plutonlc rocks some moisture which is known
rocks formed of extremely fine
77. The as

grained particles
are classified as
Quarry sap

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94. The tool used for removing the dust of 111. A lime stone found in seams of yreat
crushed stone during drilling operation thickness in non-crystalline texture with
is - Scraping spoon
earthy appearance, is called
95. The transparent crystal of quartz is
known as Compact imestone
Rock crystal 112. The silicious sandstone which has been
96. The two types of mica occuring in subjected to metamorphic action, is
igneous rocks are called
- Muscovite &Biotite
97. The type of mica which is otherwise Compact limestone
113. Granite is mainly composed of
known as black mica is
- Biotite Quartz, Felspar, and mica
98. The type of mica which is otherwise 114. Sandstone consist of
known as white mica is -Quartz, ime and sillica
Muscovite 115. Gneiss is chemically classified as
99. The type of rock which calcium
carbonate predominate is known as Silicious rock.
- Calcareous rock
116. Shingle is
100. For construction of Decomposed laterite
. s t o n e must be used
retaining walls, a
117. Stone used ornamental work
must be
Heavy Soft
101. The crushing strength of stone 118. Stone used for rubble
depends masonry must be
upon Hard
Texture and Specific gravity 119. Sione used for
02. is made construction of retaining
by saiurating cottcn wali
with nitiric acia Hear
120. The tendency of a stone is, to split
-Gun cotten
along - Cleavage
103. . is consist of 25% of sandy earth

saturated with 75% of nitro-glycerine 121. The colour of statuary marble used for
Dynamite sCulptor's work - White
104. is Used to drill a hole to
. . .
required 122. Dolomite is a lime stone which contains
depth carbonate of magnesia 16%
Dipper 123. Pegmatite is
105. . . .is Example of artificial stones
- Intrusive igneous rock
Cement concrete, Mosaic tile,
and Terrazo 124. Black marble generally found in the
106. . . .are also known as cast stone or district - Jaipur
reconstructed stone
Artificial stone
107. Good quality stone absorb water
108. A stone is rejected if it absorbs
more than
109. The most powerful
explosive Used in
Gun cotton
110. A limestone
containing about 30% of
alumina and silica is called
- Kankar

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16. The bricks contain cylindrical holes through out

with great
their thickness is called
Perforated brlcks
Obiective TvpeQuestions 17. The bricks prepared by dipping mould in water
every time are known as
to IS 1077-1992, the standard Slope moulded bricks
1, According
of c o m m o n building brick is 18. The bricks which can resist high temperature is
modular size
1.190mm x 90mm x
90mm Refractory bricks
2.190mm x 90mm x 40mm 19. The burning temperature of brick is
1077-1992, the 1100°C
2. According to IS
which prevent cracking,
sizes of the
bricks may also be used 20. The compound
raw brickis
1. 230mm x 110mm x
70Omm shrinking and warping of
230mm x 110mm x 30Omm Silica
edge is of a first class brick
3. The brick moulded with rounded 21. The compressive strength
termed as - Bull nose bricks should be 140kg/cm
of a perforated brick
4. A bricks moulded with doúble bull nose on end "22. Thecofrgpressive strength
is known as Cow nosebrick shouldnot be less than
5. Abull nose brickis not used fot -Arches 70kg/cm?
of a paving brick
6. A pug mill is usedfor Tempering 23. The compressivestrength
7. A whichis used for burning of tiles
typical kiln shouldbe 400kg/cm
plasticity of brick
accommodating about 30000 to 40000 24.The constituent which gives
Sialkotekiln earth is -Alumna
8. Bricics containingirelativeiylarge proportioa o ofa Hoffman's kiln is
25. The daily averdge oütpüt
soluble salts are liableto bécome discoloredby number ofbricks 25000
the formation of whitish deposit, is krown as frog of a brick is normally
made on its
26. The
- Efflorescence fopace - 2m.
9. Bricks with crushingstrength of 150kg/cmare 27. The heightofpue milis
graded as AA grade to form a
28. The indertion in the brick provide

key forholding the mortar are known as

10. During moulding of bricks, the mould 29 Themain ingredient of a good
brick earth
dipped in water every time before filling the Alumina
clay, the bricks so prepared are called
Slope moulded bricks
TN 30. The kiln which may work
the year - Hoffman's kiln
regularly throughout

a first class
11. Over burnt bricks are 31. The maximum water absorption of
soaked in cold water for 24
Fourth class brick brick is.... when

strength for common hours 20 %

12. Minimum compressive a second
32. The maximum water absorption of
brick is 35kg/cm class brick is... when soaked in cold water for
13. Refractory bricks resist 24 hours 22 %
High temperature 33. The process of mixing clay, water and
14. Sand or silica in the earth used for brick ingredient to make brick is known as

moulding helps -Prevent shrinkage Kneading

15. The average weight of standard brick is 34. The minimum compressive strength of first
class bricks should be 100Kg/cm
3 to 3.5 kg8

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kiln is complete with in
57. The burning of bricks
35. The minimum compressive strength of second
class bricks should be -24 hours deformed due to rain
S8. The shape of bricks
75Kg/cm brick. this defect is known
water falling on hot
36. The most commonly used kiln in India
as Chuffs
Bull's trench kiln of bricks is due to:
59. Bloating/ Swelling
37. Specific gravity of good brick is 1. Presence of
excess carbonaceous matter in

1.8 to 2 the clay

about material in the clay
38. The mould for bricks are made longer by 2. Presence of gas forming
compensating for 3. Bad or rapid burning
i n l l directions for
60. Usually depth of frog
- 8 to 12%
shrinking LOmm to 20mm
in good brick earth
39. The percentage of alumina of steel mould for using
61. Minimum thickness
-20 to 30% - 6mm
hand moulded brick is

40. The percentage of silica in good

brick earth is wire cut brick is obtained from
- 50 to 60%
62 The
Plastic clay machine
41. The percentage of silica contentin _ilica brick js Pressed bricks are obtained
about 95 to 97%
63. Dry clay machine
42. The red colour obtainedfor the bricks due to kilns are

the presence of Iron oxide sMN 64. Types of continuous

1 . Bull's trench kiln
43. The silica brick can stand ahigh temperature 2. Hoffrnan's kiin
up to about -2000°C
44. The síze of mould far bricks is generallykept
65 To improve the quality of bricks sometimes
longer by about . percent in all,directionsS
8 to 12
sing is added to the povwdered soit. The
PEOCess is known as
45. The water absorptio.:tof a perforated brk
after immersingfor 24 hours in water - alenuit
to atmcsphere for
66. The process clay is exposed
should notexceed byweight softening is knownas
15% Weathering
46. Fire clay is otherwise knownas hardness to the brick
Which iggredientsgivas
Refractory clay earth silica
47. The bricks aremouldedto the shape of
gutter is known as-Channelbrick
48. Hollow bricks is otherwiseknoyn as
Cellular brick or Cavitybrick
49. Standard size of a brick 19cm
s0. Nominal size of a brick
20cm x 10cm x 10cm
51. Wall thickness of hollow bricks about
20mm to 25mm
52. Which bricks are dried with the help of heat
received from sun after process of moulding is
Unburnt or Sun-dried bricks
53. The process of grinding clay with water and
making it plastic is known as
54. Period for natural drying of moulded brick is
taken about 7 to 10 days
55. While laying bricks in a wall frog of the brick
must be kept Upwards
S6. The natural drying of brick is also called
- Hack drying/Sun drying

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BRICKS A75 kg/cm

8. 90 kg/cm
1. The clay to be used for C. 100 kg/cm

large project, is dugout and

a manufacturing bricks for D. 150 kg/cm?.
allowed to
weather throughout 9 The weight of 1m' of brick
earth, is about
Athe monsoon A. 1200 kg

B. the winter B. 1500 kg

C. the summer 1800 kg
D. none of D. 2000 kg
2 Refractory bricks are used for
10. The size of
modular bricks, is
A. retaining walls A. 10x 10 x 9 cm
columns B19 x9x9 cm
piers C. 22.5 x 10 x 8.5 cm
22.5 x 8.0 x 9 cm.
combustion chamber 11. The kiln which
The pug mill is used for may work throughout the
year, is
A. A. m p
Softening brick earth
B. B. Bull's kiln
Moulding brick earth
Tempering brick earth Hoffman's kiln
D. All the above D. none of these.
4 A
12. The minimum compressive
gOod brick earth should contain: strength of 1st class
bricks should be
about 20% to 30% of alumina
A. 75 kE/cms
B. about 50% to 60% of silica
C. not more than 5% of
90 kg/cm
LE 100 kg/cm
Dall the above
5 The clay and silt content in a good brick earth
120 kg/cm
13. The main
must be atleast ingredient of a good quality brick
earth, is
A. Magnesia
plssdeyPepeuk 22 Dovon.
8. 40%
B. Lime
C. 30%
D. 20% Silica
6. The standard size of Dalumina.
masonry bricks, is 14. For one cubic metre of brick
A. 18 cm x8 cm x 8 cm masonry, number
of bricks required, is
1 9 cm x 9 cm x9 cm A. 400
C. 20 cm x 10 cm x 10 cm
B. 425
D. 21 cm x 11 cm x 11 cm
C. 450
7. A 1st class brick immersed in
water for 24 OS00
hours, should not absorb water (by weight) 15. Jhumb bricks are
more than A. under burnt
A 10%
B. 15% C. kutcha
20% D. none of these.
D. 25%6 16. Refractory bricks resist
8. The minimum compressive strength of lInd class
4high temperature
bricks should be B. chemical action

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C. dampness 22. A bull nose brick is not used for

all the above.

D. A. rounding off sharp corners
17. When a brick is immersed in water for 24 hours 8. pillars
and then dried, if C. decoration purpose
A. no grey or white deposits appear on Darches.
the surface, the brick is free from 23. The term frog means
soluble salts A. an apparatus to lift the stone
8. 10 per cent surface is covered with B a depression on a face of brick
grey or white deposits, the brick has C.vertical joint in a brick work
slight efflorescence D. soaking brick in water.
C. 50 per cent surface is covered with 24. The frog of a brick is normally made on its
erey or white deposits, the brick has A. top face
serious efflorescence
B. bottom face
DAll the above. C. longer face
18. Pick up the constituent of
good brick earth D. shorter side.
whose excess causes the raw
bricks shrink and 25. The harmonious mixing of the
warp during drying and burning, from the
clay ingredients,
is known as
following: A. Weathering
A Alumina
8 Lime . Tempering
C. Ironoxide D. None of these.
D. Magnesia. 26. Which of the following is not a constituent of
19. Pick up the correct statement from the good brick earth
following: Iron pyrites
A. The percentage of absorption for B. Silica
firebricks varies from 5 to 10 C. Lime
B. Roughly 1 to 2 percent of lime in silica D. Alumina
bricks is added to act as binding 27. For making bricks which of the following is good
AWeathered clay
C. The compressive strength of silica B. Unweathered clay
bricks is about 150 kg/cm C. Silted clay
DAll the above. D. Black cotton soil
20. Pick up the correct statement from the 28. Lime is mixed with brick to

following APrevent shrinkage

A. Bull's trench kiln a trench excavated in B. Increase strength
ground C. Impart plasticity
8. Hoffman's kiln is constructed O. Increase durability
Overground 29. Pug mill is used for
C. Tunnel Kiln is constructed as a tunnel A. Brick burning
DAll the above. B. Clay moulding
21. The melting point of silicais CClay preparation
A. 1570C D. Brick drying
B. 1630°C 30. For lining of furnace, the bricks used are
1730°c A. Over burnt bricks
D. 1850C. B. Under burnt bricks

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39. The ingredient of the brick earth which enables

Refractory bricks
D. Any one of these the brick to retain shape is
31. Hollow bricks are preferred for A. Alumina

AThermal insulation Silica

B. Reduction in cost C. Iron oxide

C. Appearance D. Magnesia

D. Durability 40. Excess silica in brick earth causes

32. Fire bricks are used ofr ALoss of cohesion
A. Compound wall B. Impermeabiliy
B. Super structure C. Cracking and warping on drying
Decreasing heat flow D. Brittleness
D. Increasing heat flow 41. The main function of alumina in brick earth is
33. The bricks prepared by dipping mould in water Impart plasiticity
every time are known as B. Increase durability
ASlop moulded bricks C. Prevent shrinkage
B. Sand moulded bricks D. Increase impermeability
C. Moulded bricks 42. The process of mixing clay, water and other
D. Any one of these ingredients to make brick is called
34. The time required by moulded bricks to dry is A. Moulding
A. 1to 3 days C. Pugging
B. 3 to 5 days D. Blending
L 3 to 10 days 43. A relatively high water absorption of a common
D. 5 to 15 days burnt clay brick indicates
35. The over ground continuous kiln is called A. High bond strength with mortar

Hoffman's kiln B. High shrinkage of brick

B. Bull's trench kiln L o w strength of brick
C. Tunnel kiln D. Need for more mortar for bedding
D. None of these 44. The internal size of mould used in brick
36. Approximate weight of a brick is preparation is

3.2 kg A. Smaller than the size of fully burnt

B. 4.0 kg8 brick
C. 5.0 kg8 BLarger than the size of fully burnt brick
D. 5.5 kg C. Equal to the size of fully burnt brick
37. Red color is imparted to bricks due to D. None of the above
AIron oxide 45. If fine sand or ash is sprinkled on the inner
B. Lime surface of mould, the bricks are known as
C. Silica A. Slop moulded
D. Magrnesia BSand moulded
38. The soil good for making bricksis 'C. Table moulded
Black cotton D. Machine moulded
B. Alluvial 46. Advantage of clamp burning as compared to kiln
C. Silty burning is
D. Sand and silt Aless initial cost
8. Takes less time

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When large number of bricks are
D. None of the above
47. The board used for
providing frog in bricks is
known as
A. Pallet board
B. Lamin board

Stock board
48. Swelling of bricks is known as

B. Lamination
C Chuffs
D. Efflorescence
49. Bloating of brick is due to

Presence of excess carbonaceouUs

B. Presence of any gas forming materials
C. Bad burning or rapid firing
A l l the above
50. Dolomite bricks are
A. Ordinary bricks
B. Acid refractory bricks

Basic refractory bricks

D. Neutral refractory bricks

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D. butt joints
BRICK MASONRY the vertical
9. The horizontal distance between
A brick laid with its to the face in successive is?
1 length parallel joints c o u r s e s

of wall is? A. bed

A. header B. lap
B. perpends C. arrises
C. closer D. perpends
the bond at
D. stretcher 10. A piece of brick used to close up
to the face the end of brick courses is?
2. A brick laid with its breadth parallel
of wall is? A. perpends
A. header B. closers
B. stretcher C. arises
C. closer D. quoins
half, lengthwise, then the
D. Arise 11. When a brick is cut
3. A course of stretchers is cut bricks are called?
A. header course A. King closer
B. string course B. Quoin header
C. stretcher course C. Bat
D. block -in-course D. Queen closer
4 A course containing headers is ? 12. For creating good bond. i s provided next

A. stretcher course to quoin header?

B. header course A. bat
C. string course B. queen closer

D. block-in-course C. king closer

5. The edges formed by the intersection of plane D. squint quoin

with half
surfaces of bricks are? 13. A triangular portion of the brick
and half width is cut to obtain?
A. perpends length
B. headers A. bat
C. arrises B. king closer
D. laps C. beveled closer
6. The lower surface of the brick when laid flat is? D. queen closer

A. perpends 14. A triangular portion half width with full length

B. arises is cut to obtain
C. bed A. beveled closer

D. header B. mitred closer

7. The horizontal layer of mortar uponwhich the C quarter closer

bricks are laid is D. queen closer

brick through width

A. bed 15. A triangular portion of the
and making an angle of 45 with length of
8. bed joints
C. lap joints brick is?

D. butt joints A. queen closer

the bricks in B. beveled closer
8. The vertical joints separating
or cross-directions
are? C. mitred closer
A. perpends D. quarter closer
B. lap joints
C. bed joints

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16. The termination of a wall in a stepped fashion D. Dutch bond

known as? 24. Alternate courses consist of headers and

A. toothing stretchers in?
B. racking back
A. Flemish bond
C. bonding B. English bond
D. terminating
C. raking bond
17 Termination of a wall with each alternate
D. stretcher bond
course at the end projects is?
25. The wall in different directions united
A. toothing at places
known as?
B. terminating
A. junction
C. bonding
D. racking back B. connections
C. Corner
18. A brick moulded with a rounded angle at one
D. joints
end is?
26. A connection
A. squint quoin between a main wall arnd a
B. cownose partition wall is?
C. bullnose A. junction
B. partitions
D. beveled closer
19. A brick moulded with rounded C. connections
angle at two
D. joints
ends is?
27. Flemish garden wall bond is also known as?
A. bullnose
A. header bond
B. cownose
B. stretcher bond
C. squint quoin
C. scotch bond
D. beveled closer
D. facing bond
20. The strongest bond in brick work is? 28. Which bond is suitable for
all type of
A.English bond construction works?
B. Flemish bond
A. Flemish bond
C. header bond
B. English bond
D. stretcher bond
C. facing bond
21. Bricks are arranged in header courses in?
D. brick on edge bond
A. stretcher bond 29. Which of the following statement is wrong for
8. header bond 1" class brick work?
C. Flemish bond A. cement or lime mortar is used
D. English bond B. burnt in clamps
22. Bricks are arranged in stretcher courses in? C. table moulded
A. header bond D. standard size
B. English bond 30. is used for checking the alignment of
C. stretcher bond brickwork?
D. Flemish bond A. line and pins
23. Which of the following bond is not used for B. trowel
walls having thickness greater than one brick C.straight edge
wail? D. bevel

A. header bond 31. The portion of a brick cut across the width is?
A quoin
Bstretcher bond
B. closers
C.raking bond

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C. queen closers D. squint

bat 39. Zigzag bond is generally used for the

32. While laying bricks in a wall, frog of the brick construction of
must be kept? A. garden wall

A. upward 8. compound walls

B. downward C.flooring
C. sideward D. load bearing walls

D. A or B
33. Which of the following tool is used for checking 40. The face elevation is Flemish bond, backing
the vertical level of a masonry wall? and hearting are of English bond in

A. plumb bob A. monk bond

straight edge B. facing bond

C. water level C. garden wall bond

D. line and pins D. single Flemish bond

34. In .bond each alternate header is 41. Brick on edge bond is also known as

centrally supported over a structure: A. St. Andrew's cross bond

A. English Bond B. monk bond

B. Flemish Bond C. dutch bond

C. Garden Wall bond D. silver cock's bond

42. Flemish garden wall bond contain one header
D. Herring Bond
to two stretchers in each course is known as
35. In . b o n d each header is centrally
supported over a structure below it?
A. St. Andrew's cross bond
A. queen closer
B. Dutch bond
B. stretcher
C. silver cock's bond
C. quoin header
D. monk bond
D. quarter closer
36. In brick masonry bricks are immersed in water 43. Headers are laid on bed and stretchers are last

hours before actually placed on edge in alternate courses in

for at least
A. English cross bond
in position
A. 2 B. herring bond

B.3 C. brick on edge

D. diagonal bond
C. 6
44. In masonry construction the height of brick
D. 12
work in each day should not exceed
37 Inclined surfaces of brick masonry should be
checked by means of A. 1.20m
B. 1.50m
A. spirit level
C. 2.00m
B. wooden templates
D. 2.50m
C. straight edge
45. A horizontal layer of bricks laid in mortar is
D. gauge rod
38. when two walls meet each other, the angle called
then the junction is A. closer
formed is not a right angle,
B. header
C. course
A. tee
D. stretcher
B. intersection
46. The exterior corner of a wall is known as
C. radial

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D. Two brick wall
courses of
A.Perpend consists of
54. Bond which
B. quoin stretchers is known
headers and
C Jamb
D. Reveal A. English bond
weather is
47. The surface of the wall exposed to Flemish bondd
B. Single
called the
C. Double Flemish bond
A. Perpend
D. Diagonal bond
B. Face of
course consists
55. The bond in which each
C. Back
headers is known as
alternate stretchers and
D. Heating
48. The surface of the wall between the facing and
backing is called_ A. English bond

A. perpend B. Diagonal bond

B. Jamb C. Flemish bond
heating D. Raking bond
D. frog
49. The portion of the brick obtained by cutting
into two equal portions horizontally is called

A. Bat
B. Queen closer

D. inked closer
50. The portion of the brick obtained by cutting int
in traverse direction is called
A. Bat
B. King closer
C. Queen closer
D. inked closer
51. The vertical sides of openings of doors and
windows are called
A. Jambs
B. Reveals
C. Buttreses
D. Corbel
52. The half wall constructed along the edge of the
roof is called. ******************

A. Gable
B. String course
53. Stretcher bond is possible only in .
A. One brick wall
B. Half brick wall
C. One and half brick wall

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BRICK MASONRY D. butt joints
9. The horizontal distance between the vertical
1. A brick laid with its length parallel to the face
joints in successive courses is?
of wall is?
A. bed
A. header
B. perpends lap
C. arrises
C. closer
D. perpends
stretcher 10. A piece of brick used to close up the bond at
2 A brick laid with its breadth parallel to the face
the end of brick courses is?
of wall is?
A. perpends
B. stretcher Bclosers
C. arises
C. closer
D. quoins
D. Arise
11. When a brick is cut half, lengthwise, then the
3. A course ofstretchers is
cut bricks are called?
A. header course
A. King closer
6. string course
stretcher course Quoin header
C. Bat
D. block -in-course
9Queen closer
4. A course containing headers is
12. For creating good bond is provided next
A stretcher course
to quoin header?
header course A. bat
C. string course
D. block-in-course queen closer
C. king cioser
5. The edges formed by the intersection of plane
D. squint quoin
surfaces of bricks are?
13. A triangular portion of the brick with half
A. perpends
length and half width is cut to obtain?
B. headers
A. bat
. laps king closer
beveled closer
6 The lower surface of the brick when laid flat is?
D. queen closer
A. perpends
14. A triangular portion haif width with full length
B. arises
is cut to obtain
D. header beveled closer
B. mitred closer
7. The horizontal layer of mortar uponwhich the
C. quarter closer
bricks are laid is
D. queen closer
15. A triangular portion of the brick through width
bed joints
and making an angle of 45 with length of the
C. lap joints
brick is?
D. butt joints
A. queen closer
8. The vertical joints separating the bricks in
length or cross-directions are?
mitred closer
D. quarter closer
B lap joints
C. bed joints

Civil:anz. Thyvila Road, Near Ayurveda College in.Trivandrum www cvilianz com 949 74 98 415/416/ 417
16. The BUI

termination of
known as? a wall in a
A. toothing
stepped fashion
O. Dutch bond

C. bonding
back 24.
Alternate courses consist of
headers and
stretchers in?
D. terminating
17. A. Flemish bond
Termination of a wall
course at the with each BEnglish bond
projects is?? alternate C. raking bond
D. stretcher bond
C. terminating 25. The
wall in
different directions
racking back known as? united at
18. A A. junction
end is
moulded with a
rounded angle at Connections
A. one C. corner
squint quoin
cownose D. joints
26. A
bullnose connection between a
19. A
D.beveled closeer partition wall is? main wall and a
ends is?
moulded with
rounded angle Ajunction
B. partitions
at two
A. C. connectionss
bullnose D.
cownose 27. joints
C. Flemish garden
squint quoin wall
A. header bondbond is also known
D. beveted closer
20. The B. stretcher bond
strongest bond in brick
English bond work is? scotch
B. Flemish bond
28. facing bond
C. header bond
Which bond is
suitable for all
D stretcher bond
construction works? type of
21. Bricks Flemish bond
stretcher bondheader English bond
courses in? C. facing bond
Bheader bond
C. Flemish bond 29. Which
brick on
edge bond
of the
D. English bond
1 class brick following statement is
22. Bricks
work? wrong for
arranged in
header bond stretcher
cement or lime
courses in? burnt in clamps mortar is used
B English bond C. table moulded
stretcher bond D. standard size
O. Fiemish bond 30 is used for
23 Which of the brickwork? checking the alignment of
walls having following bond is not used for line and pins -)ong mejungy cljauvt
thickness greater than
one brick B
trowel chak
A. header bond
bute bas straight edge
stretcher bond. pAuitnolU, D. bevel
C. raking bond
31 The portion of a brick cut across
A. quoin the width is?
B. closers

Civilianz, Thyvila Road, Near

Ayurveda College Jn
Trivandrum. www.civilianz
com 949 74 98

C. queen closers
bat 39. Zigzag bond is generally used for the
32. While laying bricks in a wal, frog of the brick
construction of
must be kept? A. garden wall
upward B. compound walls
B. downward
C. sideward D. load bearing walls
D. A or B
33. Which of the following tool is used for checking 40. The face elevation is Flemish bond, backing
the vertical level of a masonry wall? and hearting are of English bond in
Xplumb bob A. monk bond
B. straight edge B. facing bond
C. water level C. garden wall bond
D. line and pins single Flemish bond
34. I n . bond each alternate header is 41. Brick on edge bond is also known as
centrally supported over a structure: A. St. Andrew's cross bond
English Bond B. monk bond
B. Flemish Bond C. dutch bond
C. Garden Wall bond silver cock's bond
D. Herring Bond 42. Flemish garden wall bond contain one header
35. In bond each header is centrally to two stretchers in each course is known as
supported over a structure below it?
A. St. Andrew's cross bond
A. queen closer
sflemiyh Bod Dutch bond
B. stretcher
C. quoin header C. silver cock's bond

D. quarter closer Dmonk bond

36. In brick masonry bricks are immersed in water 43. Headers are laid on bed and stretchers are last

forat least hours before actually placed on edge in alternate courses in

in position A. English cross bond

A 2 8. herringbond
B brick on edge
C. 6 D diagonal bond
44. In masonry construction the height of brick
D. 12
work in each day should not exceed
37.Inclined surfaces of brick masonry should be
checked by means of A. 1.20m

A, spirit level .50m

C. 2.00m
wooden templates
D. 2.50m
straght edge
45. A horizontal layer of bricks laid in mortar is
D. gauge rod
38 when two wals meet each other, the angle called
formed is not a right angle, then the junction is A. closer
6. header

D. stretcher
B. intersection
46. The exterior corner of a wall is known as

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Civilianz, Thyv1la Road, Near Ayurveda Colilege
A. Perpend
D. Two brick wall
quoin 54. Bond which consists of alternate courses
Jamb of
headers and stretchers is known as
O. Reveal
47. The surface of the ********** *
wall exposed to weather is
called the AEnglish bond
A. Perpend B. Single Flemish bond
C. Double Flemish bond
C. Back D. Diagonal bond
D. Heating 55. The bond in which
48. The
each course consists of
surface of the wall alternate stretchers and headers
between the facing and is known as
backing is called
A. perpend A. English bond
B. Jamb 8. Diagonal bond
heating koarn
O. frog Flemish bond
D. Raking bond
49. The
portion of the brick obtained
into two by cutting
equal portions
horizontally is called
A. Bat
Queen closer
King closer
D. inked closer
50 The portion of the brick
in traverse direction
obtained by cutting int
is called
King closer
Queen closer
D. inked closer
51. The vertical sides of
windows are called
openings of doors and

8. Reveals

D. Corbel
52. The half wall
constructed along the edge of the
roof is caled.
***** ********.****
A. Gable

String course
D. Plinth
53. Stretcher bond is
possible only in.
A One brick wall
BHalf brick wall
C. One and half brick wall

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OU n

BUILDING MATERAILs 8. House hold glass

GLASS A. High commonly used is
leaded glass
1. Fibre glass Soda lime glass
C. High silica glass
A. retains heat-longer
D. None of these
has a
higher strength to weight ratio 9. The melting temperature of
s shock proof and fire
retardant A. 900'C to
ordinary glass is
all the above B. 1100c to
2. Bullet proof glass is mad 1200°c
of thick glass sheet 1400 c to 1500'c
sandwiched by a layer of D. 2000'c to2400°c
A.Steel 10. The coefficient of
B. stainless steel
expansion of glass is
A. High
high test plastic B. Medium
D. chromium plate.
3 A common
glass is prepared from the mixture of
D. Nil
ASodium silicate, calcium 11. The thermal conductivity of glass
iron silicate
silicate and A. High

B. Sodium silicate, calcium B. Medium

silicate and
lead silicate Low
D. Nil
C. Sodium silicate, calcium silicate and
12. For providing windscreen of cars, buses and
potassium silicate
other automobile vehicles, the glass used is
D. Sodium silicate, calcium silicate and tin
silicate Sheet glass
4. B Plate glass
Ordinary glass is a bad conductor of
C. Laminated glass
A. Sound
D. Flint glass
B. Heat
13. For sky light and north light trusses, the glass
C. Electricity
used is
All of these A. Sheet glass
5. A glass which floats in water be cut like
and can B. Plate glass
wood is
Wired glass
Foam glass D. Laminated glass
Float glass 14. In airconditioned building glass recommended
C. Common glass for use is
D. Safety glass A. Plate glass
6 Which one is used for public toilets, office doors B. Wired glass
and partitions Foam glass
A. Foam glass D. Glass wool

B. Floating glass 15. The glass used for display windows of jewellery

Obscured glass shops is

D. Wired glass A. Sheet glass

7 Density of gBass is Laminated glass

C. Wired glass
25.1 kN/m*
24.3 kN/m D.Leadglass
16. Common silicate glass is opaque to
22.4 kN/m
D. 0.8 kN/m*

In Trivandruin
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949 74 98 415/416/417
Civilianz, Thyvila Road, Near Ayurveda College
Ultra violet rays
B. Infrared rays

Both (a) and (b)

D. None of the
17. Fibre glass
Decays when
in contact
with water
B.Does not resist heat
C. Has
poor strength to
weight ratio
Is shock proof and fire
18. The refractive
index of binding glass
is closer to
C. 2.5
19. Buliet proof glass
A Has iron wires embedded
in its
I s made of thick glass sheets u n ao jin.
sandwitched by a
layer of high tensile
C. Is
covered by steel sheet from
D. None of the above
20. Glass
useg in railway coaches is
Anti-act1nic glass
B. Pyrex glass
C. Glasscrete
D. Wire glass
21. Glass panes can be
cleaned by
A. Methylated spirit
8. Rubbing finely powdered chalk
C. Rubber damp salt
Any of the above

Civilianz, Thyvila Road, Near Ayurveda College In. Trivandrum wwwcivilianz com 949 74 98 415/416/ 417

13. Refractory bricks resist

High temperature
14. Sand or silica in the earth used for brick

Objective Type Questions moulding helps Prevent shrinkage

15. The average weight of standard brick is

1. According to IS 1077-1992, the standard

3 to 3.5 kg
modular size of common building brick is
16. The bricks contain cylindrical holes throughout
1. 190mm x 90mm x 90mm
their thickness is called
2. 190mm x 90mm x 40mm
Perforated bricks
2. According to IS 1077-1992, the non-modular
17. The bricks which can resist high temperature is

sizes of the bricks may also be used Refractory bricks

1. 230mm x 110mmx 70mm
of brick is
18. The burning temperature
2. 230mm x 110mmx 30mm

with rounded edge is

3. The brick moulded which prevent cracking,
19. The compound
termed as Bull nose bricks
raw brick is
shrinking and warping of
bull end
A bricks moulded with double
nose on
4. - Silica

-Cow nose brick

is known as of a first class brick
20. The compressive strength
brick is not used for Arches
5. A bull nose
should be 140kg/cm
6. A pug mill is used for Tempering perforated brick
21. The compressive strength of a

kiln which is used for burning

of tiles
7. A typical should not be less than
30000 to 40000
accommodating about - 70kg/cm
- Sialkote kiln
22. The compressive strength
of a paving brick
8. Bricks containing relatively large proportion should be 400kg/cm
soluble salts are liable to become
discolored by of brick
23. The constituent
which gives plasticity
deposit, is known as
the formation of whitish - Alumina
earth is
- Efflorescence is
output of a Hoffman's kiln
24. The daily average
of are
9. Bricks with crushing strength 150kg/cm n u m b e r of bricks -25000

- AA grade its
brick is normally made
graded as on
25. The frog of a
the mould are
10. During moulding of bricks, Top face
before filling the
water every time mill is 2m.
dipped in 26. The height of pug
lay, the bricks so prepared are
27. The indention in
the brick provide to forma
Slope moulded bricks
mortar are known as
key for holding the
11. Over burnt bricks
Fourth class brick earth
28. The main ingredient of
a good brick
for common

Minimum compressive strength Alumina

12. is

brick is 35kg/cm
www.civilianz.com 949 74 98 415/ 416 /417 1
Civilianz, Near Ayurveda
29. The kiln which 43. The size of mould for bricks is generally kept
may work regularly throughout
the year
Hoffman's kiln longer by about.. percent in all directions
30. The maximum water
absorption of a first class 8 to 12
brick is... when soaked in cold water for 24
44. The water absorption of a perforated brick
hours 20 %
after immersing for 24 hours in water should
31. The maximum water
absorption of a second not exceed . by weight 15%
class brick is... when soaked in cold
water for 45. Fire clay is otherwise known as
24 hours 22 %
32. The process of
mixing clay, water and other
Refractory clay
46. The bricks are moulded to the
ingredient to make brick is known as shape of a

gutter is known as Channel brick

Kneading 47. Hollow bricks
33. The minimum
is otherwise known
compressive strength of first
class bricks should be Cellular brick or Cavity brick
34. The

100Kg/cm 48. Standard size of a brick -19cm

minimum x 9cm x 9cm
compressive strength of second
49. Nominal size of a brick
class bricks should be
20cm x 1Ocm x 10cm
75Kg/cm 50. Wall (Web) thickness
35. The most of hollow bricks about
commonly used kiln in India
20mm to 25mm
Bull's trench kiln 51. Which bricks
36. dried with the help of heat
Specific gravity of good brick is
received from sun after
1.8 to 2 process of moulding is
37. The mould for
bricks Unburnt or Sun-dried bricks
are made longer by about 52. The
i n all process of grinding clay with water and
directions for
compensating for making it plastic is known as
shrinking 8 to 12%
38. The
percentage of alumina -Pugging
in good brick earth 53. Period for
natural drying of moulded brick is
20 to 30%
taken about 7 to 10
39. The
percentage of silica in days
good brick earth is 54. While
laying bricks in a wall frog of the brick
50 to 60%
must be kept
40. The Upwards
percentage of silica content in
silica brick is 55. The natural
about 95 to 97%
drying of brick is also called

41. The red colour Hack drying/Sun drying8

obtained for the brick is due to 56. The burning of bricks in kiln is
the presence of Iron oxide complete with in

42. The silica brick can 24 hours

stand a
high temperature 57. The shape of bricks
up to about 2000C deformed due to rain
water falling on hot brick. this defect is

Civilianz, Near Ayurveda CollegeJn.Trivandrum. www.civilianz.com 949 74 98 415/ 416

/ 417
70. Minimum compressive strength of perforated
kept 58. Bloating/Swelling of bricks is due to: the su
brick should be
s 1. Presence of excess

7 N/mm
matter in the clay
maximum water absorption of a
material in 71. The
2. Presence of gas forming
perforated brick is
the clay
15%by weight
3. Bad or rapid burnin8
maximum perforation is
72. In a perforation brick
59. Usually depth of frog - 30% to 45% of the total surface area
-10mm to 20mm
to brick earth
73. gives yellow colour
of steel mould for using
60. Minimum thickness
hand moulded brick is

74. Blending means intimatemixing

obtained from
61. The wire cut brick is
- Plastic clay machine

obtained from
62. Pressed bricks are

Dry clay machine

kilns are
63. Types of continuous
1. Bull's trench kiln

2. Hoffman's kiln

3. Tunnel kiln

64. To improve the quality

of bricks sometimes
soil. The
sand is added to the powdered

process is known as


65. The process clay is exposed to atmosphere for

softening is known as

66. Which ingredients gives hardness to the brick

earth Silica

strength of standard
67. Minimum compressive

brick is

68. Blending means

Adding ingredients in brick earth

69. Efflorescence formed on the surface of bricks

due to the presence of

Soluble salt

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