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46 CHAPTERONE 90 feet to be determined using the external pressures coefficients (Gp) from Figures 3031 through 30.6 in Patt 1 provided thatthe height-to-width ratio ofthe bulding is less than or equal to one. The ternal pressure conficents from the envelope procedure have been deemed adequate to predic design wind pressures for buildings of these proportions Flowchart 19 (Fig. 1.47) canbe used to determine design wind res- sures on C&C of bulidngs in acordance with Part 3 of Chapter 30, Part 4—Buldings with 60 Fet <= 160 Feet Overview Past provides simplified method of determining wind loads on CSC of enclosed buildings with a mean oof height les than ‘requ t 160 fet. Wind pressures on CXC located on various surfaces ‘an be tead directly from Table 307-2 fora bing site clasfied as Exponure Cand an effective wind ares of 10 square fet. These pressures sre modified by an eflstiveaea reduction factor, exposure adjustment factor andthe topographic fictor wher applicable se Tale 307-2 Equation 307-1) “Table 30.7-1 contains the overall eps that can be used to determine wind pressures on CRC of bulldings designed by this method. Design Wind Pressures Wat ond Rot Sufoces Design wind pressures on designated zones of wall and root surfaces ar determined from Table 307-238 function of the basic wind speed V, mean roof height, and roof ange for buildings FlowcHanr 19) [Chapter 30, Pan 3 ~ Buildings, C&C* Determine velocity pressure q, for windward walls along the height of the building and g, fr leeward walls, side walls, and roof using Flowchart 10 Zz Determine extrmal pressure cosficints, (GG, for zones onthe walls and root from Figs. 30.5-1, 273-3, Note 4 for arched roots, 30.37 for domed rots, oF Note 6 of 30.51 or ather root angles and geometries based on the etfective wind aoa” ZL Determine 4, forthe walls and root using Flowchart 10 L Determine internal pressure coefcients (GC, from “Table 26.13-1 based an enclosure classiigation Determine design wind pressures by Eg, 90.5-1 GG) 94GC” * C8 elements wit ibuar areas greater than 700 square may be designed sing the provisions for MWFRSS (3023). See 262 for deinton of tlectve wind area. Aso soe the ‘rcepion in 30.521. binge wih 60 fel <= 9 eet. 93.0") = 9, depending on endosure classcation( 50.5.2), gay conseratvel be evaluated af neg (=) where eppcabl. * Mics wr peosturos of 9022 must alg be consisere, at of Chapter 3 (Fowcat 1) that are located on primarily ft ground in Exposure C. These tabulated. pressures at valid for an effective wend area of 10 squae feet and have been determined using the applicable external presute coefficients from Part 3 (namely, Figure 3081 for a roofs Fire 304-24, 28, and 2C fr gable and hip rons and Figure 304-54 and SB for monoslope roofs) and an internal presire coefficient of 0118 for enclosed bu Ings, Modifistons are made fo these tabulated pressures based onthe actual exposure and effective wind area, Design send pressures pare ‘determined by Equation 307-1 ” In this equation, (EAF) isthe exposure adjustment factor given in Table 30.72, which moxies the tabulated pressures in cases where the exposure at the site ir diferent than Exposure . "The effective area reduction factor (RF) is ao given in Table 307-2 1nd moses the tabulated pressures for elective wind ares greater than TO square fet Reduction factors, which ate Based on the graphs ofthe exermal pressure oeficients in the figures in Part 3, are provided for ‘lesgnated ones on walls and roofs for five diferent roo! shapes and for roof overage, "Flowchart 20 (Fig. 1.48) can be used to determine desiga wind pres sures on CC of wall and roo surfaces in asordance with Part 4 of Chapter 30 rapes Equation 307-1 in conjunction with the applicable edge and comer press agin Table 30.72 ae used to determine parapet CRC Wind pressures, Pressures are applied tothe parapet in accordabce with Figure 307-1. Two lad cases must be considered, namely, Load Case Ashich is applicable wo windward parapets, and Load Case B, whichis applicable oleward parapets * Toad Case A: Positive wall pressure from Zone 4 oS is applied to the windward (font) surfce ofthe parapet, and negative oot pres sure rom Zone ? or 3 is applied tothe leeward (back) surface ofthe parapet. Load Case B: Positive wall pressure from Zone 4 oS i applied to the windward back surface ofthe parapet, and negative wall pressure from Zone {or 51s applied to the leward (font surlace of the parapet The height tht ist be used in determining Pa rom Table 307-2 ls the height tothe top ofthe parapet The presures obtained by this rethod are slightly conservative compared to those determined by Part "oof Ovrhongr_ Equation 307-1 in conjunction with the applicable presautes Pn in Table 30.72 are wed to determine roof overhang CRC Wind presses. Pressures are applied to the overhang in accordance with Figure 307-2 In Zanes 1 and 2, the presures onthe top surface of the roof over hang af set equal to the tabulated oof pressures in those zones nd in Zone 3, the pressures are set equal 101.15 times the tabulated root Pressures inthis zone. On the underside ofthe overhang, the prestre Is set equal to the adjacent wall pressure. nll eases these pressures are Slightly conservative and ate based onthe esternal pressure coefients in Figures 304-28 to 304-2 of Par 3 ai EABIREYK iS applicable to open buildings with pitched ‘monosope, of roughed roa. Net design wind pressures on C&C are determined by Equation 308-1 using the appropriate net pressure et ents in Figures 308-1, 308-2, and 308-3, Table 308-1 contains the overall steps that can be used to determine wind presures on CRC of ulldings designed by this method. Design Wind Pressures Net design wind pressures on the C&C of open buldings are determined by Equation 3081 P=4GCy In thisequaton,q,is velocity pressure evaluated atthe mean rot height othe balding, and G's the gus-eflect factor determined in accordance with 269, ‘The net pressure coefficients Cy are given in Figure 308-1 for rmonosloped roots, Figure 308-2 for pitched roof, and Figure 308-3,

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