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A Transport Mobility Application

BMM 2208
Midterm Deliverable
Second Semester
AY 2019-2020

Submitted by:

Group 1B

Abear, Myrla
Andrade, Kean
Bantiles, Johanna
Baritugo, Vanneza
Buneconsejo, Nole

Submitted to:

Mr. Gino Jun Bagano

Digital Marketing Professor

MW 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM

Angkas has been one of the prominent companies to trend with their digital
marketing campaigns. This report discusses the digital marketing efforts of Angkas. The data
used in this report are secondary in nature due to the existing pandemic which limited us to
do so. The report consists of the following: the situationer, SWOT analysis, TOWS analysis,
and recommendations for the company.


According to TomTom Traffic Index, an independent location technology specialist,

Manila ranks second with the worst traffic in the world. The Philippines also has an average
increase of 3,000,000 units of motor vehicles yearly. (Land Transportation Office, 2019) With
the increasing trend of purchasing vehicles, traffic has also worsened.

Angkas, a ride-hailing mobile application, offered an alternative mode of

transportation to combat the worsening traffic in the Philippines. They were successful in
their campaign and a lot of customers were satisfied with their service and this is reflected
through their reviews and number of downloads. The way they handled their digital
marketing campaign played a huge role in their success.

The internet has opened a lot of opportunities for businesses. It enabled businesses
to monitor and interact with its prospective customers and actual customers in real time. In
terms of cost, the use of the internet is much cheaper than traditional marketing. Digital
marketing plays a big role in this age. This report aims to identify how they achieved their
success, the strength and weaknesses of their campaign, and also provide future
recommendations for their digital marketing plan.



1. To provide a safe and reliable motorbike ride hailing platform for our customers.
2. To ensure bikers on our platform are professional, certified for safety training and

Core Values

A commitment to help people beat traffic and drive them safely in their booked

Organizational Structure

Angeline Tham
Founder and CEO
George Royeca
Chief Transport Advocate


Motorcycle ride-hailing platform helping tackle transport mobility for Filipinos where
country traffic is some of the highest in the world. Saving precious time instead of stressing
for hours on the road.


Nowadays, we cannot hide the fact that almost everyone is active as social media
users. According to WeAreSocial’s report the Philippines, in particular, has 67 million internet
and active social media users and 62 million of them use social media on their mobile

Angkas is a free mobile software application that uses social media since they are
one of the most powerful mediums to use in business. Angkas has a website, facebook page
and twitter garnering thousands of followers. It is because Angkas go with the trend that
many people can relate to and they get to create content that is very engaging; funny, witty,
and basically they are known to be a walking meme which grabs the attention of their
audience. One of their most popular posts is the 'Game of Thronesportation', it was released
during the hype of Game of Thrones Finale.

Years of Operation

Angeline Tham the founder and CEO of Angkas company is said to be a serial
entrepreneur who launched one of the top online auction outfits in Singapore called
After she sold the company, Angeline later on decided to join in a Softbank-affiliated Fund
that focuses on investments in SEA and the Philippines. She also joined Grab which led her
to create the Grab Bike and Grab Express in the Philippines. Throughout all of her
experiences, she later founded Angkas in the year of 2016, the month of December. It is
also the same year the business started doing digital marketing. Angkas is a local tech brand
that used digital marketing suitably which made them seen as one of ‘trendjacking’ because
they are riding on the digital hype with their social media posts and advertisements.

Target Market

● From tweens (9-15 years old) to Middle Aged (41-50 years old)
● Both genders
● Primarily students and blue-collar workers
● Individuals who prefer to commute in motorcycles
● Individuals who want safe, reliable, convenient, and time saving rides which are
guaranteed to be affordable.
● Belongs to middle class and lower middle class
● Metro Manila and Metro Cebu


The Intended Brand Image of Angkas: A Transport Mobility Application that is Affordable,
Time-Efficient, Convenient, Secure and Reliable.

Tagline: "Beat the Traffic"


Purpose of Digital Marketing Efforts

The purpose of Angkas' Digital Marketing efforts are both for the promotion and distribution
of product/service:

● Promotion - Angkas engages in marketing activities that would promote the

product/service in order to attract and maintain potential and existing users.
● Distribution - Angkas utilizes the application—an online platform—to oversee the
movement of the rider and driver to ensure that the brand promise is delivered.

Marketing Structure
Walter Wong
Head of Marketing and Special Projects / Founding Team Member

Walter Wong leads multiple teams, including marketing (including: brand, media buying,
promos & subsidies, analytics), product development (both tech & the offline service), and
customer support. Under his leadership, his teams have achieved the ff as of late 2019:

1. 3M downloads and hundreds of monthly active users

2. Brought passenger ride subsidies below 3-5% of revenues while sustaining over 10-20%
month-on-month rides/revenue growth
3. Run experiments to optimize advertising spend (saving up to 70% of the budget)
4. Built a strong and well-loved brand online (via social) and offline (biker branding) resulting
in strong organic reach
5. Renegotiated our insurance premiums to be cut by 50%

Outside his regular roles, he also handles various special projects, including:

1. Auditing of various emergency and safety training materials

2. Development of city expansion strategies
3. Writing and development of various regulatory and public affairs presentations
4. Ghost writing and editing of many of our PR pieces
5. Development of various ancillary services: Angkas Buhay (motorcycle ambulance/first
responder), Angkas Tours, etc.
Patrick Santos
Social Media Handler

● For the past years, the local hailing app has been producing hilarious content utilizing
moment marketing in social media that has been garnering thousands of likes and
retweets on the microblogging site Twitter.

● Santos who used to be part of a creative team in an advertising agency shared that
he never expected that he would be the man behind Angkas' social media.

● According to Santos, moment marketing, which he claims to be an effective approach

to the audience, is about staying on the trend, which generally revolves around the
objective of adapting.

● Aside from producing winning content, posting it at the right moment is essential. Of
course, aside from producing winning content, posting it at the right moment is
essential. In his talk during the Blank Canvas Advertising House's Adviate 2018, he
advised those trying to win the internet not to post in the morning and on Fridays, but
at 8pm on Wednesdays.

Platforms Used

➔ Angkas also utilizes traditional
marketing such as billboards and mall posters. However, due to the ongoing
ECQ, I was not able to take some photos as examples.

➔ On the other hand, Angkas has been prominent in the news especially in the
past year due to LTFRB’s continuous efforts to hinder the bike-hailing app’s
operations which resulted in rallies, concerts, and mass gatherings that are
attended by 17,000 bikers, a number of celebrities and performers, and
thousands of other supporters. These efforts served two purposes at one; a
protest against the supposed impending disenfranchisement, and promotion
for the brand.

➔ Angkas’ official website is not just consistent with its brand positioning and promise,
but also with its brand personality— they do not try hard. Their official website is
designed with an uncomplicated interface, utilizing only 3 to 4 colors, making it user-
➔ The website has a direct download feature where you it directs you to App Store, or
Google Play Store where you can install the application.

➔ It has easy navigation features— About, Help, Coverage Areas, Restaurants,

Contact Us, and to Become A Biker.
➔ It consists of a customer inquiry bot, also answering frequently asked questions from
passengers, biker applicants, as well as general inquiries. Their customer service
also operates through email which answers other questions


➔ Angkas has always been known for its humor as their marketing approach. Here is
another promotional post in their official Facebook page which gained 12K reactions,
524 comments, and 4.2K shares from netizens.
➔ In line with the Enhanced Community Quarantine wherein door-to-door delivery is
timely and useful, here is how Angkas promoted its Angkas Padala service which
garnered 14,000 reactions, 722 comments and 2.7K shares.

➔ Angkas is also taking part in conducting donations for the health workers, and for its
own Angkas Bikers whose livelihood are affected by the ECQ.
➔ Also in line with the ECQ, Angkas introduced its new service, Angkas Food. Written
in the post is Angkas admitting that they are not the best in this specific venture, but
their objective is really to continue the livelihood of its bikers. This hilariously
vulnerable post from Angkas, again, garnered 23K reactions, 2.2K comments, and


➔ Twitter is the most prominent platform Angkas is most active in. It is where they
interact, kid around, get inquiries, promote, inform, and even post their apology. Most
of their tweets always hit the correct spot of the reader enough to make everyone
burst into laughter. As shown above, Angkas is not just known for being a pioneer in
the motorcycle-hailing venture, but also because of their unique PR.

Here are some of the few:

➔ Since the past year, Angkas has been facing several regulation issues from LTFRB
causing them to change their app interface that resulted in glitches and errors within
the app. Netizens expressed their frustration through Twitter, to which Angkas
responded in this tweet.

➔ Earlier this
year, Angkas
offered free
rides within Cebu City during the Sinulog Festival. The silly caption once again
gained 462 retweets and 6,768 likes.

➔ What makes Angkas the Filipinos’ favorite, aside from its witty remarks, are their
efforts that show empathy for the people and their awareness of relevant societal
issues. While they are known for their puns containing profanity or sexual innuendos,
they also utilize social media platforms to conduct donations for different
beneficiaries, as well as to use their influence to call out problematic actions of the

Search engines
➔ In Google Chrome, being the most utilized search engine, it shows 165,000,000
results within 0.78 seconds displaying 9 articles/ links per page when you search

➔ Using, it shows 184,000 results displaying 10 links per page. This may be
because this search engine is no longer used by many compared to Google.

Strategic Partners

Partners Nature of Partnership Challenges

Restaurants No data found Delivery and cooking time


Competitor Type Branding Target Social Websites Search

Market Media Engines

JoyRide Direct Safe, Lower - Facebook None Google,

reliable, upper Yahoo,
and quick middle Bing
alternative class,
to and students,
from young
locations profession
at an als

Maxim Direct Cheap Lower - Facebook taximaxim. Bing,

ride-hailing upper com/ph Google,
app middle Yahoo

Habal- Direct Cheap Lower - None None None

habal mode of upper
transportat middle
ion class,

Taxi Indirect Private Upper None None None

and air- middle
conditione class,
d young
transportat profession
ion als,

Grab Indirect A safer Upper Facebook Bing,

and middle Google,
comfortabl class, Yahoo,
e ride- young Yandex,
hailing app profession Baidu
that also als,
provides tourists


SWOT Analysis is utilized to identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and

threats of a product or company. It is essential in identifying the different factors involved in
knowing the current status of the company. It also helps in the decision making process on
what activities should be done to improve the company standing. The internal and external
factors Angkas are the following:

● Supported by Law ● Limited Areas of Coverage
● Affordable ● Delivery Service is Not Well-Known
● User-Friendly ● Lack of Communication System
● Flexible in terms of Time Within the Application
● Trained Partnered Drivers ● Rating System Needs Improvement
● Safety Oriented ● Dissemination of Promo Codes is
● Promo Codes Inefficient

● Traffic & Rush Hour ● Government
● Convenience & Accessibility ● New Entrants
● Unemployment ● Stigma on Habal-Habal
● Trust from Users

TOWS Analysis

TOWS Analysis is an extension of SWOT Analysis wherein the company would

generate ideas and activities to use strength to take advantage of opportunities and
minimize threats, improve weaknesses by taking advantage of opportunities and avoiding
threats. In the table shown below are recommended activities that the Angkas company
should consider doing based on the data gathered from the SWOT Analysis.


OPPORTUNITIES ● Promo codes make rides ● Expand areas of

more affordable, thus coverage.
attracting riders to use the ● Boost marketing
application especially in promotion for Angkas
times of traffic & rush Delivery.
hour. ● Improve rating system
● Flexibility in terms of time (such as making it
encourages employment compulsory as drivers
for riders. are highly dependent on
● User-friendly interface their customer rating).
makes the application
convenient and

THREATS ● Maintain and deepen ● Generate a proper

Jurisdictional support. communication system
● Continue marketing within the application.
efforts in highlighting ● Create an official
safety of riders in the platform for promo
hands of well-trained codes.
drivers to acquire trust
and brand preference.

Closing Statement
In the Philippines, Angkas is one of the top on-demand app-based motorcycle ride-
hailing services. It is a passenger transport and curb-side delivery service, where users can
book a biker to get a safe and efficient service.

Angkas have already become an accepted mode of transportation that gets hundreds
of thousands of people past traffic jams. With the worsening traffic situation here in the
Philippines especially in Metro Manila and Metro Cebu, commuters need more and better
options fast to survive the daily traffic and reach their destinations on time. Throughout the
process of collecting data about Angkas we, the researchers, learned a lot of things about
the importance of digital marketing in this fast-paced world and how it plays a big part in
everything. At present, technology is everywhere and plays a vital role, according to the
Sodexo.Ph blogs many traditional brands today find a huge appetite for technological
adoption and advancement to maximize the power of technology. As consumers increase
their online presence, the shift from traditional to digital marketing practices becomes

Digital technology has been continuously disrupting the practice of marketing. From
predicting consumer behavior to crafting relevant marketing messages, there is always a
digital way of dealing with marketing challenges. The digital world offers extensive
opportunities for business. Therefore, as the world goes forward with digitization, it is
essential to move along and grow with it without abusing its power.

Scope and Limitations

Angkas is a free transport mobility application that uses social media, one of the most
powerful mediums to use in business. The social media that Angkas is currently using are
namely the website, facebook page and twitter with thousands of followers.

The following are the specific terms covered in the report:

● Trend Jacking
Trend jacking is simply the act of capitalizing on an existing trend in order to
bolster one’s brand in the marketplace.

● Digital Hype
The Term digital hype is a business strategy that is usually a lot more
challenging than developing it. Advances in digital technology are frequently
perceived as a “silver bullet”

● Door-to-door
The term door-to-door is a canvassing technique that is generally used for
sales, marketing, advertising, or campaigning, in which the person or persons walk
from the door of one house to the door of another, trying to sell or advertise a product
or service to the general public or gather information.

● Beneficiaries
The term beneficiaries is a person who derives advantage from something,
especially a trust, will, or life insurance policy.

This qualitative study uses primary and secondary sources with the help of
social media. Angkas has their own site and also have social media accounts where
we can gather secondary sources to support this study about angkas.

The challenge in gathering information through social media is that our

gathered information is limited due to this pandemic we have encountered. We’ve
tried contacting Angkas on their social media account on Facebook but they failed to
reply. We could have gathered more information if given the chance to go to Angkas’
main office in Cebu and also do surveys to passengers and Bikeriders.


The proponents sent an email to Angkas asking for their approval to answer our
questionnaire hoping we could get primary data from them through email. Unfortunately,
they were not able to respond, which could be due to the increasing number of inquiries
regarding their new food delivery service venture that is very on-demand during the
quarantine period. Fortunately, the proponents were able to gather sufficient secondary data
through the internet.

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