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Vishal Mishra (IBS, Hyderabad)


• Data and/or Information

• Types of Data
Vishal Mishra (IBS, Hyderabad)

• Types of Data
- Qualitative and Quantitative Data
- Cross-Sectional and Time Series Data
- Primary and Secondary Data
- Sample and Population Data
- Discrete and Continuous

• Sources of Data
Vishal Mishra (IBS, Hyderabad)

• Element, Variables, Observation, Data Set

Vishal Mishra (IBS, Hyderabad)

• Elements, Variables, and Observations

S. No. Name Gender Age Education ….

1 Mahesh M 27 Bcom
2 Sumit M 26 BA
3 Ankita F 25 BSc
4 Sania F 28 BE
… … … … … …
Vishal Mishra (IBS, Hyderabad)

• Scales of Measurement (To determine the amount of information

contained in data)

Vishal Mishra (IBS, Hyderabad)

BASICS - Measurement

• Process of assigning numbers to a characteristic of any stimulus

(subject, object, idea, event etc.)
Vishal Mishra (IBS, Hyderabad)

BASICS - Measurement

• Types of Characteristics: Directly observable/measurable, Directly


• Directly measurable Characteristics: Variables

• Directly unmeasurable Characteristics: Constructs / Concepts

Vishal Mishra (IBS, Hyderabad)

BASICS - Attitude
• Attitude : Stable disposition to respond consistently to any stimulus
(subject, object, idea, event etc.)

• Components of Attitude: Affective, Cognitive, and Behavioural

• Measuring Attitude: Scales (Scales FOR measurement)

Vishal Mishra (IBS, Hyderabad)

BASICS - Attitude Scales

• Estimating the magnitude of a characteristic in a stimulus by giving a
Rating (e.g. assessing satisfaction with your car by giving a rating)

• Ranking various stimuli in an order of increasing/decreasing amount of

some characteristic. (e.g. ranking various passenger cars in terms of

• Sorting or grouping various stimuli into categories/groups (e.g. dividing

different makes of motor bikes into two groups: practical vs aspirational

• Indicating preference or Choice between two or more alternatives (e.g.

preference between two models/brands of bikes)
Vishal Mishra (IBS, Hyderabad)

BASICS - Attitude Rating Scales (Most Widely Used)

• Likert scale (Rensis Likert, 1932) - Respondents are asked to indicate the
amount of agreement or disagreement on a odd (e.g. 5, 7, 9 etc.) points

Example (5 point Likert scale): Indicate your level of

agreement/disagreement with the following statements

Riding a bike gives me a lot of satisfaction

1 2 3 4 5
Vishal Mishra (IBS, Hyderabad)

BASICS - Attitude Rating Scales (Most Widely Used)

• Semantic Differential Scale (Charles Osgood et al, 1957) - Respondents are

asked to indicate the their response on a odd (e.g. 5, 7, 9 etc.) points scale
(semantic space) using bipolar adjectives

Example (7 point scale): Indicate where will you place your favorite bike

Smooth _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Rugged
Vishal Mishra (IBS, Hyderabad)

BASICS - Scale Evaluation


• Validity
• Reliability
• Sensitivity
Vishal Mishra (IBS, Hyderabad)

BASICS - Data Analysis, Analytics and Research

According to Merriam-Webster dictionary, Research is a

• 1: careful or diligent search

• 2: studious inquiry or examination especially : investigation or

experimentation aimed at the discovery and interpretation of facts, revision
of accepted theories or laws in the light of new facts, or practical application
of such new or revised theories or laws

• 3: the collecting of information about a particular subject

Vishal Mishra (IBS, Hyderabad)

BASICS - Types of Research

• Exploratory – Activity/Process to uncover more information and better
understanding about a problem or a research objective (e.g. using
qualitative/quantitative data of a small, non-representative sample)

• Descriptive – Activity/Process to describe the characteristics of a

phenomenon (e.g. asking who, what, when, where questions)

• Causal – Activity/Process to establish a cause and effect relationship

between variables/factors, often with an agenda of prediction.

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