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Development of refined clarifier operating

diagrams using an updated settling

characteristics database
Glen T. Daigger

ABSTRAcr: An analysis of live sludge-settling characteristics data sets Additional. relevant data sets are now available that will allow
is presented, representing data from 51 separate suspended growth bio- refinement of the sludge settling index/characteristic relationships
logical wastewater treatment processes and including 214 separate runs previously presented in the literature. This paper presents a
and over I 500 individual data points. The results indicate that the data comprehensive review of the data currently available. Its primary
can be characterized using a single relationship between the initial sludge purpose is to develop and present the most representative sec-
settling velocity (Vi), the initial sludge concentration (Co), and the sludge
ondary clarifier operating diagram based on the available data.
volume index (SYI). The predictive capability of this relationship is in-
Its second purpose relates to' the fact that a variety of sludge
dependently verilied. These results suggest that this single relationship
can be used to accurately characterize the settling characteristics of an settling indexes have been used to characterize the settling char-
activated sludge based only on the measured SYI. A comparison of al- acteristics of activated sludge. The available data will be used to
ternate sludge-settling indexes indicates that the predictive capability of compare the various sludge settling indexes to determine their
the relationship can be further improved by use of the stirred SYIJ.5 relative ability to characterize activated sludge settling charac-
analysis rather than the SVI. More data are required to refine relationships teristics.
developed based on the SSVIJ., and the diluted SVI. Secondary clarifier-
operating diagrams based on the developed relationships are presented.
Methods and Materials
Waler Emimn. Res.. 67,000 (1995).
Data sets. Table I summarizes the five data sets considered
KEYWORDS: activated sludge. clarilier. settling. sludge volume index. in this research. Four of the data sets have previously been pre-
sented in the literature (Daigger and Roper. 1985; Pitman. 1984;
The application of solids-flux theory represents a major ad- Wahlberg and Keinath. 1988; Tuntoo]avest and Grady. 1982),
vancement in the design and operation of suspended growth whereas the fifth data set (University of Cape Town) has not
biological wastewater treatment processes (Dick. 1970; Tracy been previously published and was provided by George Ekama
and Keinath, 1973; Hibberd and Jones. 1974; Keinath. el al.. of the University of Cape Town. The Daigger and Roper database
1977; Keinath and Laquidara. 1982; Laquidara and Keinath, was collected using samples from seven pilot plants and two full-
1983; Keinath, 1985; Ekama and Marais. 1986). Now developed scale plants using the air-activated sludge. high-purity oxygen.
and well demonstrated. solids-flux theory accurately predicts the and biofilter-activated sludge processes. The wastewaters treated
thickening performance of full-scale suspended growth process included a domestic and a domestic-industrial wastewater mix-
clarifiers that are not limited by their capability to convey settled ture. The Pitman database was collected using samples from
solids to the return activated sludge (RAS) withdrawal point four full-scale biological nutrient removal plants treating a mix-
(Albertson. 1992). One constraint in the application of this theory ture of domestic and industrial wastewater. The Wahlberg and
has been the difficulty in developing the required initial settling Keinath database was collected from 21 wastewater treatment
velocity (Vi) versus initial suspended solids concentration (C) plants using a wide variety of activated sludge modifications and
relationships for operating systems. This constraint was recog- treating domestic, domestic-industrial, and industrial wastewater.
nized by Pitman (1984) and Daigger and Roper (1985) who The Tuntoo]avest and Grady database used two air-activated
concurrently developed empirical correlations between the sludge sludge pilot plants. The University of Capetown database was
volume index (SV]) of an activated sludge and its settling char- collected using 15 full-scale air-activated sludge wastewater
acteristics as represented by the relationship between Vi and C. treatment plants. many of them using biological nutrient and/
Daigger and Roper (1985) and Wahlberg and Keinath (1988) or extended aeration processes. The combined database consists
further developed suspended growth process clarifier design and of sludge settling data from 51 separate suspended growth bio-
operating diagrams based on using such correlations to simplify logical wastewater treatment processes and includes data from
the procedures required to accomplish a solids-flux analysis. 2]4 separate runs and over I 500 individual data points.
These diagrams have made possible the increasing use of solids- All data were collected in a similar fashion. Each data set
flux analysis for suspended growth process analysis (WEF. 1992; consisted ofa series of "runs," each conducted on a single day.
Jenkins. el at.. 1993), An individual test was accomplished by withdrawing mixed liq-
Correlations between sludge-settling indexes, such as the SVI. uor. RAS. and secondary effiuent from the biological process;
and the settling characteristics of a suspended growth process mixing these in the proper proportions to give a specified initial
sludge are empirical in nature. Consequently. the accuracy of suspended solids concentration (ei); transferring the test sludge
such correlations will improve as more data become available. to a settling column equipped with a slow stirrer; and measuring

January/February 1995 95

Table 1-Characteristics of data sets.

biological No. No. data Settleability range, MLSS range,
Data source processes runs points tests mg/g mg/L

Daigger and Roper 9 47 241 SVI 36 to 402 1790 to 7 560

University of Cape Town 15 77 432 SVI, DSVI, SSVh.s 44 to 347 1 140 to 6330
Pitman 4 41 697 SVI, SSVI3S• 45 to 360
Wahlberg and Keinath 21 31 175 SVI, SSVI 48 to 235 1000 to 9 700
Tuntoolavest and Grady 2 15 60 SVI 76 to 142 1130 to 3300

• Measured for only a portion of the runs for this data set.

the initial settling velocity (V;). This procedure was typically where Yo and k are empirical constants. The linearized form of
repeated so that four to six different V; measurements were com- the equation was used because of the nature of the residuals; a
pleted at a variety of C; values, ranging from some dilution of uniform distribution of the residuals was obtained when a log-
the mixed liquor suspended solids (MLSS) concentration up to arithmic transformation was applied to Vi, whereas a nonuniform
the RAS concentration. For the Daigger and Roper. University distribution was observed for data that were not transformed.
of Cape Town, Wahlberg and Keinath, and Tuntoolavest and This is illustrated in Figure 1 for the Daigger and Roper and
Grady data sets, the value of the sludge settling index and the University of Cape Town data sets, which are typical. The Ye-
MLSS concentration for the particular day that the run was silind equation was chosen over the logarithmic equation of
eonducted was used to represent the characteristics of the sludge Dick and Young (1972) because of the better fit of the data to
used for that run. In contrast, for the Pitman data set, values of the semilogarithmic Yesilind equation.
Vi were measured at various Ci values over several days, and the The data were analyzed by multiple linear regression, as sug-
average sludge settling index and MLSS concentration for that gested by Wahlberg and Keinath (1988). Previous analyses
period were used to characterize the sludge used for that run. (White, 1976; Johnstone el al., 1979; Koopman and Cadee, 1983;
The interested reader is referred to the individual papers for a Daigger and Roper. 1985; Ekama and Marais. 1986) have an-
more detailed description of the procedures used to develop each alyzed data sets of this type by pooling the data according to
data set. Because of the differences in data structure described SYI and individually determining the variation in Vo and k with
above, the Daigger and Roper. University of Cape Town, Wahl-
berg and Keinath, and Tuntoolavest and Grady data sets were
used for model identification and calibration, whereas the Pitman
data set was used for model confirmation.
A variety of settling indexes were used for the various data
sets. All used the SYI analysis, as outlined in Standard Methods ~E ""'-
(Standard Methods, 1980). The diluted SYI (DSYI) analysis Raw Data
(Jenkins, el aI., 1993; Koopman and Cadee, 1983) was used for -2 Dalgger and Roper
the University of Cape Town data set. This analysis is conducted
Dalgger and Roper
by first diluting the sludge sample with process effluent until the Logarithmic Transformation
settled volume after 30 minutes (SY30) is 250 mL/L or less. The '>
'C' 0
standard SYI analysis is then conducted on the diluted sample. OJ
The stirred specific volume index at 3.5 giL (SSYI3.5) analysis ~ ~
(Jenkins, el aI., 1993; White, 1975; White, 1976) was used for OJ -2

the University or Cape Town and Pitman data sets. This analysis ;:; 0

is conducted at an MLSS concentration of 3.5 giL, and slow d. 2


stirring is used to minimize wall effects on the settled sludge I


volume. Both the DSYI and SSYI3.5 analyses were developed to 0

eliminate the recognized effect of MLSS concentration on the

co .c -1
measured result as obtained with the standard SYI analysis (Dick -2
iii Raw Data
and Yesilind, 1969). Because of the known artifact with the SYI ::J
'C -3
'iii University of Cape Town
test, it may be hypothesized that the DSYI and SSYI3.5 analyses OJ 0
would provide a more accurate characterization of settling char- University of Cape Town
acteristics. This hypothesis will be examined later in this paper. Logarithmic Transformation

Wahlberg and Keinath (1988) also used an alternate sludge-set- .s::

tling index, the stirred SYI (SSVI) analysis conducted at the :r -1 .•.
aeration basin MLSS. Their paper compares these two sludge -2
settling indexes, and their analysis will not be repeated here. -3
Statistical analysis. The data were analyzed using linear 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
regression by fitting to the linearized form of the semilogarithmic CI(glL)
relationship of Yesilind (1974)
Figure 1-Example residual patterns with and without
In Vi = In Yo - kCi (I) logarithmic transformation.

96 Water Environment Research, Volume 67, Number 1


SVI. However, as discussed by Wahlberg and Keinath (1988) I I

and demonstrated by the analysis of their data set, multiple linear
regression results in a more precise characterization of the vari- .. n

~~~~ ~>,"'~:J' _"'.'<:. ~.,r-.
ation of Vi with Ci and SVI. In this research, two relationships - ....... ,;.I~:::.~~~~-:f\..t1%';~ ..
were considered, as suggested by Wahlberg and Keinath (1988). ·1 .f".... .. R

Dalgger and Roper

~ -2
They are
+ k2SVI)Ci .5
In Vi = In Yo' - (k, (2)
.5 ~~~;,(::,
- .. :.~ ..
where Yo', k" and k2 are empirical constants and
"OJ .:... n, •

•• ~ ;: ••• ,,~~~>">"---..;:

In Vo" + kl,SVI - (k2, + k3,SVI)C; ~ ~1

In Vi = (3)
£ -2 University 01 Cape Town

where YO'"~k , k2" and k3, are also empirical constants. In both I
" :;:
equations, other indexes can be substituted for the SVI. Equa- .5 ..
tions 2 and 3 may be interpreted in comparison to Equation I ":;
•• ~
- -ill"
.- :: L'kl--:-'.--. "':i:I"''::-~~j;.-;- .......
-- ~
in terms of the effects ofSVI on the empirical constants Vo and <Jl
k in Equation I. Equation 2 is identical to that developed by
~ ·1
w 'h ~ .. w n

~ Wahlberg and Keinath

~ -2 n
Daigger and Roper (1985) and represents the case where Vo in ::>

Equation I is independent of SVI, and k in Equation I varies "'iii

linearly with SVI. Equation 2 is identical to that developed by ::'~:~:: ~-~ -'2-.. --
Wahlberg and Keinath (1988) and represents the case in which ·1

both Yo and k in Equation I vary with the SVI. The predictive ·2
Tuntoolavest and Grady
capabilities of both equations are evaluated in this research using o I I I I
o 10 12 14 16 10 20
standard statistical techniques. The F-test was used to determine
whether a statistically significant improvement in predictive ca-
pability resulted from moving from the simpler Equation 2 to Figure 2-Variation in residuals to fit of combined data
the more complex Equation 3. set model (Equation 4) with initial suspended concentra-
tion at which the test was run.
Model selection and validation. Equations 2 and 3 were fit to
Tuntoolavest and Grady data sets. The r2 was approximately
the individual data sets and to a combined data set consisting
75% for the combined data set, indicating that good predictive
of the Daigger and Roper, University of Cape Town, Wahlberg
capability was obtained. No statistically significant improvement
and Keinath, and Tuntoolavest and Grady data sets using SVI
in predictive capability was obtained for the combined data set
as the sludge settling index. Table 2 provides a comparison of
with use of the more complex Equation 3 in comparison to the
the fits of equations 2 and 3 to the data sets. The results generally
simpler Equation 2. Consequently, the simpler Equation 2 was
indicate reasonable fits of the two equations to the individual
selected to characterize the combined data set.
data sets, as indicated by r2 values ranging from 60% to 85%.
The best-fit relationship to Equation 2 for the combined data
All fits are statistically significant. Fits are generally better for
set, as determined by multiple linear regression, is In Vo' of 1.871
the Daigger and Roper and University of Cape Town data sets
(standard deviation of 0.546), kl of 0, 1646 L/g (standard devia-
than for the Wahlberg and Keinath and Tuntoolavest and Grady
tion of 0.0070), and k2 of 0.00 1586 L/mL (standard deviation
data sets, as indicated by higher r2 values. Interestingly, no sta-
of 0.000546). The units for Yo' are m/h. The relationship is:
tistically significant improvement in the fit was obtained by use
of the more complex Equation 3 in comparison to the simpler In Vi = 1.871 - (0.1646 + 0.001586 SVI)Ci (4)
Equation 2 for the Daigger and Roper and University of Cape Figures 2 and 3 show the distribution of the residuals (actual
Town data sets, whereas an improved fit was obtained with the minus predicted values of In Vi) with Ci and SVI for the fit of
more complex Equation 3 for the Wahlberg and Keinath and Equation 4 to the various data sets used to develop Equation 4.
As can be seen, a uniform distribution of residuals is obtained,
and no lack of fit for any of the individual components of the
Table 2-Fit of data sets to equations 2 and 3 using SVI.
combined data set is indicated. Consequently, it can be concluded
that Equation 4 is a reasonable representation of the relationship
between Vi, Ci, and SVI for all elements of the combined data
Data set Equation 2 Equation 3 base.
The Pitman data set was used to provide an independent test
Daigger and Roper 83.11 83.11" of Equation 4. Equation 4 was used to calculate a value of In "j
University of Cape Town 82.32 82.44" for each individual data point in the Pitman database, and the
Wahlberg and Keinath 62.56 63.88b resulting r2 was calculated as the sum of squares of the ditterences
Tuntoolavest and Grady 60.98 65.98b
between the predicted and actual values divided by the total
Combined 75.63 75.93"
sum of squares of the data set. The result was a calculated ,.2 of
" Equation 3 does not provide statistically significant improvement in 73.04%, indicating that Equation 4 is able to account for 73%
predictive capability for this data set. of the variability in the Pitman data set. Figure 4 presents a plot
b Equation 3 provides statistically significant improvement in predictive of the residuals for the application of Equation 4 to the Pitman
capability for this data set. data set. The results confirm the good fit indicated by the ,.2 of

January jFebruary 1995 97



-a". ..
.. ~~ ~8tc
c ~f!I~

lila 08
0 1;1 -8--. ClI

---- .. ----
lJ ~ U CI c
-1 u
-2 g Dalgger and Roper
~ 0 -2
5 2
:> ·3
.5 .E 0 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
"C CI(gll)
Ql 0 ••
:cU -1 ~
~ -2
Q. I
I 0 :>
:;: .E
2 "C
.5 l!!


~ ·2
and Keinath
C6 0 ••
a: ·1
a: 1
-3 !- ,-- ,-- .-- ...J
0 B---
o 100 200 300 400
·1 SVI(mUg)
Tuntoolavest and Grady Figure 4-Variation in residuals to fit of combined data
set model (Equation 4) to Pitman data set.
0 100 200 300 400
SVI (mUg)
The Pitman data set was used to verify Equation 5. For this
Figure 3-Variation in residuals to fit of combined data
data set, the SSVI3.5 was measured for only 538 of the total 697
set model (Equation 4) with SVI at which test was run.
data points included in the data set. For those 538 data points,
the ,2 calculated as described above using Equation 4 was 69.83%,
73.04% and demonstrate a pattern of residuals that indicates no but it improved to 77.97% when Equation 5 was used. This
significant lack of fit or bias when Equation 4 is applied to the result confirms the predictive capability of Equation 5. It also
data set. This comparison indicates the general applicability of provides further evidence that the use of SSVI3.5 as a sludge
Equation 4 and demonstrates its ability to predict the settling settling index can result in more accurate predictions of Vi than
velocity of a wide variety of activated sludges. when the SVI is used.
Settling index comparison. The predictive capability of the
three sludge settling indexes considered in this research (SVI, Engineering Significance
DSVI, and SSVIJ.5) were evaluated using a portion of the Uni- The results of this research are quite significant. First, they
versity of Cape Town data set for which all three indexes were indicate that a single empirical relationship can be used to ac-
measured (350 of the total 432 data points). The resulting data curately predict the settling velocity of a wide variety of activated
set was fitted to Equations 2 and 3, with individual analyses sludges. Slightly different relationships can be developed when
being conducted for each sludge-settling index. Table 3 sum- individual data sets are analyzed; this is an inevitable resull of

marizes the results of the analysis in terms of the calculated ,2

values for each analysis. The results generally indicate similar
Table 3-Fit of university of Cape Town Data set to
fits to this data set for both Equations 2 and 3 and for the use
equations 2 and 3 using three sludge settleability
of either SVI or DSVI. However, an improved fit is observed
with the use ofSSVI3.5 as indicated by an increase in the,2 value
from approximately 80% to nearly 90%. A statistically significant ,2
improvement in the fit of the SSVh5 data is obtained with the
use of Equation 3 in comparison to Equation 2, but the im- Equation 2 Equation 3
provement in ,2 is so slight that it is probably not of practical
importance. SVI 79.07 79.138
Using Equation 2 and SSVI3.5, the values of the empirical DSVI 80.08 80.128
constants in Equation 2 are estimated as in In Yo' of2.076 (stan- SSVI35 89.50 89.99b

dard deviation of 0.288), k) of 0.0583 L/g (standard deviation

• Equation 3 does not provide statistically significant improvement in
of 0.0078), and k2 of 0.00405 L/mL (standard deviation of
predictive capability for this parameter.
0.000 II). The units for Yo' are m/h. The relationship is b Equation 3 provides statistically significant improvement in predictive

In Vi = 2.076 - (0.0583 + 0.00405 SSVI3.5)C; (5) capability for this parameter.

98 Water Enviromnent Research, Volume 67, Number 1


" •• 4. The operating lines were calculated based on solids-flux theory

-lI ••
using the analytical procedures developed and presented by Bas-
kin and Sui dan (1985). The use of the diagram is described in
detail elsewhere (Daigger and Roper, 1985; Keinath, 1990; Jen-
kins, el aI., 1993). Briefly, the current or proposed operating
condition for a secondary clarifier (in terms of solids loading
rate, underflow concentration [XII]' or underflow rate) is plotted
{~ i40 on the diagram. If the plotted point is below the line correspond-
:! ing to the SYI for the sludge in question, then the clarifier is not
II operating in a thickening-limited condition. If the point plots
above the corresponding SYlline, then the clarifier will be over-
loaded from a thickening perspective, and a thickening failure
will occur. It is noted that Figure 5 is similar to the SYI-based
10 diagram previously presented by Daigger and Roper, 1985.
Two additional diagrams are presented to encourage the use
of alternate indexes. Figure 6 presents an operating diagram using
10 20 30
~. X.II.l/r),gJI. SSYI3.S as the sludge settling index, whereas Figure 7 presents a
diagram based on the use of DSYI. Figure 6 is based on Equation
Figure 5-Secondary clarifier-operating diagram.
5, whereas Figure 7 uses the DSYI data contained in the Uni-
versity of Cape Town data set. The best-fit relationship to Equa-
analyzing only a portion of a total database. However, sludge tion 2 for the University of Cape Town DSVI data set, as de-
settling data sets collected by different researchers, in widely termined by multiple linear regression, is In Yo,of2.028 (standard
varying geographic locations, at different times, and using sludges deviation of 0.396), kl of 0.) 030 L/g (standard deviation of
taken from a wide variety of suspended growth biological waste- 0.0101), and k2 of 0.002555 L/mL (standard deviation of
water treatment processes were accurately correlated using a 0.000107). The units for Yo' are m/h. The relationship is
single empirical relationship. Moreover, the predictive capability
of the relationship was confirmed using an independent data
In Vi = 2.028 - (0.1030 + 0.002555 DSVI)C (6)
set. This suggests that the relationship is of general applicability This diagram can be used in the same manner as Figure 5;
and that it may be used with confidence to predict the settling the only difference is that the corresponding index must be used
characteristics of a wide variety of activated sludges. with each diagram.
Second, the results of this research indicate that alternate in- A final reminder concerning the use of the clarifier operating
dexes may provide predictive capability that is superior to that diagrams. Figures 5, 6, and 7 represent the thickening capacity
obtained by the use of the conventional SYI analysis. This is of the clarifier and implicitly assume that the clarifier is equipped
not a surprising result because it is well known that the absolute with an efficient sludge collection device that collects the settled
value measured in the SYI analysis can be affected by the MLSS solids and removes them from the bottom of the clarifier. Not
concentration of the sample that is analyzed (Dick and Yesilind all secondary clarifiers are equipped with such devices. Albertson
1969). In fact, it is this recognized defect of the SYI analysis that (1992) describes considerations related to settled sludge collection
led to the development of the DSYI and SSYI3.s analyses. More- in secondary clarifiers, and the reader is referred there for a more
over, Wahlberg and Keinath (1988) have demonstrated that the complete description. Relative to the use of clarifier operating
use of an alternate sludge-settling index that involves slow speed diagrams such as in Figures 5, 6, and 7, the reader is cautioned
stirring during the SYI test can result in improved predictive to verify that they apply to the clarifier that is being analyzed.
capability. These results all point to the need to eliminate the
use ofSYI in suspended growth biological wastewater treatment
" ••
process design and operation. This research indicates that the
SSYI3.S analysis provides superior predictive capability relative 10

to the two other indexes considered. Because of the limited data- "
base, however, it is recommended that additional research be 12
conducted to compare candidate sludge settling indexes and to
develop refined empirical characteristic correlations for these 10
.. " • J~ ••
While it is hoped that use of the conventional SYI test can
eventually be eliminated from practice, the results of this research
indicate that the SYI can be used with reasonable accuracy to II 30

predict the thickening characteristics of suspended growth bio-

logical wastewater treatment plant sludges. Consequently, it can
be used as the basis for developing secondary clarifier operating
diagrams of the type suggested by Daigger and Roper (1985)
and modified by Keinath (1990). Because SYI represents the
database generally available for most current situations, a sec- 10 '0
ondary clarifier operating diagram based on SYI remains useful. Xu. (1+ '/II. !iI(l

Figure 5 presents such a diagram developed based on Equation Figure 6-Secondary clarifier-operating diagram, SSVI3,S.

January jFebruary 1995 99


,. ID
Discussions should be submitted to the Executive Editor. The
alllhors will be invited to prepare a single Closure/or all discus-
-11 ••••••
' ••U_Iar'h~_Ilhl'1

" sions received before that date.

12 References
Albertson, O. E. (1992) Clarifier Design. In Design and Relrl!(il I!(
10 WaSlell'aler Trealment Plams ./iJr Biological Ntllrienl Removal.
~ C. W. Randall, J. L. Barnard. H. D. Stensel. (Eds.) Technomics
h Publishing Co. Inc. Lancaster, Pa.
J Baskin, D. E., and Suidan. M. T., (1985) Unified Analysis ofThickcning.
J. Environ. Eng .. ]1I, 10.
Daigger. G. T., and Roper, R. E. (1985) The Relationship between SVI
20 and Activated Sludge Settling Characteristics. J. Waler PoI/til. Con-
lrol Fed.. 57, 859.
1D Dick. R. I.. and Vesilind, P. A. (1969) The Sludge Volume Index-What
Is It? J. Water PoI/til. Control Fed., 41, 1285.
Dick, R. I. (1970) Role of Activated Sludge Final Settling Tanks. J.
1D 20 30
Scmil. Eng. Div .. Proc. Am. Soc. Civ. Eng., 96, 423.
Dick, R. I.. and Young, K. W. (1972) AnalysisofThickening Performance
Figure 7-Secondary clarifier-operating diagram, DSVI. of Final Settling Tanks. Proceedings 27,h Ind. Wll.l'le C0/1(, Purdlle
Univ., West Lafayette, Ind., 33.
Ekama, G. A., and Marais, G. v.R. (1986) Sludge Settleability and Sec-
This can be achieved by operating the clarifier in a thickening-
ondary Settling Tank Design Procedures. J.,VlIlerPol/Ill. Conlrot
limited condition and comparing the results with those predicted (G.B.).87, 101.
by the applicable diagram. If good correspondence is obtained, Hibberd, R. L.. and Jones. W. F. (1974) The Design and Operation of
it can be concluded that the subject clarifier is equipped with Activated Sludge Final Settling Tanks. WaleI' Pol/Ill. Control (G.B.).
an efficient sludge collection system. If the actual capacity is less 73,14.
than that predicted by the operating diagram, improvements to Jenkins. D., Richards, M. R., Daigger.G. T. (1993) Manual on the Causes
sludge collection should be investigated as a means to upgrade and Control of Activated Sludge Bulking and Foaming. 2nd Ed.,
clarifier performance. Lewis Publishers, Ann Arbor, Mich.
Johnstone. D. W. M., Rachwal, A. J., Hanbury, M. J. (1979) Settlement
Conclusions Characteristics and Settlement Tank Performance in the Carousel
Activated Sludge System. Water Polfw. Control (G.B.). 78,337.
In summary, an extensive sludge settling database consisting
Keinath, T. M. (1985) Operational Dynamics and Control of Secondary
of data collected by five different sets of researchers was analyzed.
Clarifiers. 1. Water Polfu/. COil/rot Fed., 57, 770.
The results indicated that the data could be accurately described Keinath, T. M. (1990) Diagram for Designing and Operating Secondary
by a single relationship that is presented as Equation 4. This Clarifiers According to the Thickening Criterion. 1. Waler Polfl/l.
relationship accurately predicts the initial settling velocity from Call/rot Fed.. 62, 254.
51 different suspended growth biological wastewater treatment Keinath, T. M., and Laquidara, V. D. (1982) Clarification Failurc Control
systems and was independently verified. A comparison of the Strategies. J. Environ. Eng .. ]08, 1121.
predictive capability of three indexes indicates superior predictive Keinath, T. M., Ryckman. M. D., Dana, C. H., and Hofer, D. A. (1977)
capability for the SSVI3.s analysis in comparison to the conven- Activated Sludge-Unified System Design and Operation. J. Em'iron.
En!: .. ]03,829.
tional SVI analysis. Additional work is required to thoroughly
Koopman. B., and Cadee. K. (1983) Prediction of Thickening Capacity
evaluate the capability of the DSVI analysis. Secondary clarifier
Using the Diluted Sludge Volume Index. Water Res. (G.B.), 17,
operating diagrams, developed based on the relationships de-
veloped in this research, are presented as Figures 5, 6, and 7. Laquidara. V. D.• and Keinath, T. M. (1983) Mechanism ofClarificalion
The SVI-based diagram, Figure 5, should be broadly applicable Failure. 1. Irater Polfl/l. COil/rot. Fed.. 55, 54.
because of the extensive databases used to develop it. Additional Pitman, A. R. (1984) Settling of Nutrient Removal Activated Sludges.
data should be collected to refine the SSVI3.s- and DSVI-based Water Sci. Tee/lI1ol. (G.B.), 17,493.
diagrams. Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater. (1980).
15th Ed., Am. Public Health Assoc., Washington, D.C.
Acknowledgments Tracy. K. D., and Keinath, T. M. (1973) Dynamic Model for Thickening
Credits. The author would like to express his sincere appre- of Activated Sludge. Am. 1/lS1.Chem. Eng. SJ'mp. Sl'I.- Water. 70,
ciation to the many individuals who contributed to the data 291.
Tuntoolavest. M., and Grady. Jr., C. P. L. (1982) ERect of Activated
collection activities necessary to assemble the database used in
Sludge Operational Parameters on Sludge Thickening Character-
this research. George Ekama, University of Cape Town, Republic
istics.1. Water Polfw. Control Fed., 54, I I 12.
of South Africa, provided a sludge-settling characteristic database. Vesilind, P. A. (1974) Treatmelll and Disposal I?f"WaSlell'lller Sludges.
Author. Glen T. Daigger is Professor and Head of the De- Ann Arbor Science Publishers. Inc., Ann Arbor, Mich.
Wahlberg, E. J., and Keinath, T. M. (1988) Development of Settling
partment of Environmental Systems Engineering at Clemson
Flux Curves Using SVI. J. ',Vater Polfl/l. Control Fed.. 60, 2095.
University. Correspondence should be sent to him at Environ-
Water Environment Federation (1992) Design of Municipal Wastewater
mental Systems Engineering, Rich Lab-Research Park, Clem- Treatment Plants. Manual of Practice No.8., Alexandria, Va.
son University, Clemson, SC 29634-0919. White. M. J. D. (1975) Settling of Activated Sludge. Technical Report
Submilledfor publication July 20. 1993; revised manuscript TR II. Water Research Centre, U.K.
submitted January 17. 1994; accepted .for publication January White. M. J. D. (1976) Design and Control of Secondary Settlement
24, 1994. Deadlinefor discussions of this paper is May 15, 1995. Tanks. Waler Polfw. Control. 75, 459.
100 Water Environment Research, Volume 67, Number 1

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