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Let’s Check
F. Solve the following problems.
1. The amount of water discharged by the Davao River has changed over time in
roughly a straight-line pattern. A regression line for predicting water
discharged (in cubic kilometers) during a given year is

predicted discharge = -7792 + (4.226 x year)

How much (on average) does the volume of water increase with each passing

Let x be the year

Year 1 = -7792 + (4.226 x 1) = -7787.774

Year 2 = -7792 + (4.226 x 2) = -7783.548
Year 3 = -7792 + (4.226 x 3) = -7779.322

Year 2 – Year 1 = -7787.774 – (-7783.548)

= -4.226
Year 3 – Year 2 = -7779.322 - (-7787.774)
= -4.226

There is an average of 4.226 km3 water increase in each passing year. (The
value got positive because we are looking for an average.)

2. The number of faculty and the number of students are shown for a random
selection of small colleges in Davao City. Is there a significant relationship
between the two variables? Switch x and y and repeat the process. Which do
you think is really the independent variable?
Faculty 99 110 113 116 138 174 220

Students 1353 1290 1091 1213 1384 1283 2075

Let x be the faculty and y be the students.

Faculty Students
(x) (y) (xy) (x2) (y2)
99 1353 133947 9801 1830609
110 1290 141900 12100 1664100
113 1091 123283 12769 1190281
116 1213 140708 13456 1471369
138 1384 190992 19044 1915456
174 1283 223242 30276 1646089
220 2075 456500 48400 4305625
∑x = 970 ∑y = 9689 ∑xy = 1410572 ∑x2 = 145846 ∑y2 = 14023529
Now, let x be the students and y be the faculty.
Students Faculty
(x) (y) (xy) (x2) (y2)
1353 99 133947 1830609 9801
1290 110 141900 1664100 12100
1091 113 123283 1190281 12769
1213 116 140708 1471369 13456
1384 138 190992 1915456 19044
1283 174 223242 1646089 30276
2075 220 456500 4305625 48400
∑x = 9689 ∑y = 970 ∑xy = 1410572 ∑x2 = 14023529 ∑y2 = 145846

The two variables are both independent variables because they have the same
result even though we switched the x and y.
H0 = p = 0 There is no significant correlation between x and y in the population.

H1 = p = 0 There is a significant correlation between x and y in the population.

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