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Combustion Problems

with Solutions
Khwaja Fareed University of Engineering & Information Technology

December 15, 2020 1

➢ The flue gas from an industrial furnace has the following composition
by volume:

CO2: 11.73%, CO: 0.2 %, SO2: 0.09%, O2: 6.81% and N2: 81.17%
➢ Calculate the percentage excess air employed in the combustion if the
loss of carbon in the clinker ash is 1% of the fuel used and the fuel
has the following composition by weight:

C: 74%, H2: 5 %, O2: 5%, N2: 1%, S: 1%, H2O: 9%, ash: 5%

December 15, 2020 2

Fuel Composition by
P-1 Component Weight
percentage %
Basis: 100 kg of the fuel C 74
C + O2 => CO2 H 5
H2 +1/2 O2 => H2O O 5

S + O2 => SO2 S 1
N 1
Oxygen Balance:
H20 9
Oxygen required for complete combustion
Ash 5
= (74/12) + {(5/2) X (1/2)} + (1/32) = 7.447 kg mole
Oxygen present in fuel = (5/32) = 0.157 kg mole
Net oxygen from air= 7.447 - 0.157 = 7.29 kg mole

December 15, 2020 3

Flue Gas Composition
By Volume
P-1 Component Weight
Carbon balance: percentage %
Carbon lost in clinker and ash = 1 kg
CO2 11.73
Carbon burnt= 74-1= 73 kg = 73 / 12 = 6.08 kg moles
CO 0.2
Assume z kg moles of flue gas are formed
SO2 0.09
By carbon balance: O2 6.81
(0.1173+0.002) * Z = 6.08 = 50.96 kg moles N2 81.17

Z = 50.96 kg moles
N2 in flue gas = 50.96 * 0.8117 = 41.36 kg moles
from fuel= 1 kg / 28 = 0.036 kg moles
from air = 41.36 - 0.036 = 41.324 kg moles
Oxygen from air = 41.324 * (21 / 79) = 10.98 kg mole
Excess oxygen = 10.98 - 7.29 = 3.69 kg mole
December 15, 2020 4

Excess oxygen = 10.98 - 7.29 = 3.69 kg mole

Percentage excess air used = percentage excess oxygen used

= excess O2 / theoretical O2 * 100 = 3.69 / 7.29 * 100

= 50.62 %

December 15, 2020 5

A producer gas with the composition by volume CO: 27.3 %, CO2:5.4%, O2: 0.6 %, N2:
66.7% is burnt with 20 % excess air. If the combustion is 98% complete, calculate the
composition by volume of the flue gases Producer Gas
Composition by Volume
Basis: 100 kg mole of producer gas burnt Component Volume
percentage %
Oxygen balance:
C + ½ O2 ---- CO CO 27.3
O2 required for CO combustion= 27.3 * 0.5 = 13.65 kg mole CO2 5.4
O2 present in fuel = 0.6 kg mole O2 0.6
Net O2 required = 13.65 – 0.6 = 13.05 kg mole N2 66.7
O2 supplied by 20 % excess air = 13.05 * (1.20) = 15.66 kg mole
O2 used for 98% combustion of CO= 27.3*0.5*0.98=13.38 kg mole
O2 mole excess = 15.66 -13.38 =2.28 kg mole
December 15, 2020 6
P-2 O2 15.66
Nitrogen balance: Air = 15.66/0.21= 74.57
N2= 74.57*0.79= 58.91
N2 from air = 15.66 * (79 / 21)= 58.91kg mole
N2 from producer gas = 66.7 kg mole Producer Gas
Total N2 in flue gas = 66.70 + 58.91=125.61 kg mole Composition by Volume
CO2 balance: Component Weight
CO2 from producer gas = 5.4 kg mole percentage %
CO 27.3
CO2 from combustion of CO = 27.3 *0.98 = 26.75 kg mole
CO2 5.4
Total CO2 in flue gas = 5.4 + 26.75 = 32.15 kg mole O2 0.6
CO balance:
N2 66.7
CO burnt = 27.3*0.98 = 26.75 kg mole

CO left = 27.3 – 26.75 = 0.55 kg mole

December 15, 2020 7

Flue gas analysis:
Component Kg mole Mole %
CO2 32.15 =32.15/160.59*
100= 20.02
CO 0.55 0.34
N2 125.61 78.22
O2 2.28 1.42
Total 160.59 100
December 15, 2020 8
A furnace is fired with a natural gas that consists entirely of hydrocarbons(no
inert or Sulphur). The analysis of the dry flue gas is 9.5 % CO2, 2.0% O2 and
1.8% CO and remaining is nitrogen.

▪ What is the molar ratio of net hydrogen to carbon in the fuel?

Flue Gas Analysis
▪ What percentage of excess air is being used?
Component Volume
percentage %
CO2 9.5
O2 2.0
CO 1.8
N2 86.7
December 15, 2020 9
Flue Gas Analysis
P-3 Component Volume
Solution: percentage %
Basis: 100 kg mole of dry flue gas CO2 9.5
Nitrogen Balance: O2 2.0
N2 =100 – (9.5 + 1.8 + 2.0) = 86.7 kg mole
CO 1.8
Oxygen Balance:
O2 supplied by air = 86.7 * (21 / 79) = 23.05 kg mole N2 86.7
N2 = 86.7 kg mole
O2 in dry flue gas= 9.5 + (1.8 / 2) + 2 =12.4 kg mole
Air = 86.7/0.79 = (86.7 / 79 *100 )=109
O2 unaccounted (reacted with H2)= 23.05 - 12.4 moles
= 10.65 kg mole O2 = 109.74 *0.21= (109.74 *21 /100)
Moles of H2 reacted = (10.65 * 2) =21.3 kg moles moles
Amount of carbon = 9.5 + 1.8 = 11.3 kg moles N2 O2 Air
2H2 + O2 ……. 2H2O
Moles of H2 / Moles of C= 21.3 / 11.3 = 1.18 Answer Part1
Moles of O2 required for complete combustion=moles for H2 + moles for C
=10.65 + 11.3 = 21.95
Amount of excess O2 = 23.05 - 21.95 = 1.1 kg mole
% excess air = 1.1 / 21.95 * 100 = 5 %

December 15, 2020 10

A boiler is fired using 200 kg/hr of a pure saturated hydrocarbon gas
CnHm at atmospheric pressure and 20C. The dry analysis of the flue gas
which leaves the boiler at atmospheric pressure and 300 C is CO2: 12%,
O2: 3% and N2: 85%

Estimate the formula of the fuel and total volumetric flow rate of the gas.
Solution: Flue Gas Analysis
Basis: 100 kg mole of dry flue gas Component Volume
percentage %
Oxygen Balance:
CO2 12
N2 in flue gas = 85 kg mole
O2 3
O2 supplied by air = 85 * (21/79) = 22.59 kg mole N2 85

December 15, 2020 11

P-4 Flue Gas Analysis
O2 reported in flue gas = O2 in CO2 + O2 as O2
=12 + 3.0 =15.0 kg mole Component Volume
O2 unaccounted (reacted with H2) = 22.59 – 15.0 percentage %
= 7.59 kg mole CO2 12
H2 reacted = 7.59 * 2 =15.18 kg mole*2
O2 3
= 30.36 kg atoms
Amount of carbon = 12 kg atoms N2 86.7
Amount of hydrogen = 30.36 kg atoms
N2 = 86.7 kg mole
Ratio=Atoms of H/Atoms of C=30.36 / 12 = 2.53
Air = 86.7/0.79 = (86.7 / 79 *100 )=109.74 kg
Paraffin formula=CnH2n+2 = {(2n+2) / n} =2.53 moles
So n =3.77 ~ 4 O2 = 109.74 *0.21= (109.74 *21 /100) = 23.04 kg
Hence the fuel is C4H10 moles
Volumetric flow rate =? N2 O2 Air
Amount of fuel = (200kg /hr) / (58.45 kg /kg mole) = 3.44 kg + O2 …….
/hr 2H2O
4*12 + 10 =58
Assuming Ideal gas law, volume at 20 C and 1 atmosphere pressure
R=PV / nT = atm.m3is/ kgmole.
: K
V=nRT/P=3.44 kg mole / hr * 0.08206 * 293K / 1 = 82.95

December 15, 2020 12

A furnace is fired with a fuel having the volumetric composition H2: 52%,
CH4: 30 %, CO: 8%, C3H6: 3.6%, CO2: 2%, O2: 0.4% and rest is N2.
Using a certain quantity of air in excess over stoichiometric. Complete
combustion of the gas is achieved giving a dry waste gas of 5 m3 per m3 of
fuel burned. Estimate
▪ Composition by volume of dry waste gas formed
▪ Per cent excess air used
▪ Weight of water formed per m3 of gas burned

December 15, 2020 13

Fuel Gas Composition
Solution: P-5 Component Weight
Basis: 100 kg mole of fuel gas percentage %
CH4 + 2 O2 => CO2 + 2H2O H2 52
CO + 1/2O2 => CO2 CH4 30
C3H6 + 4.5 O2 => 3 CO2 + 3H2O CO 8
H2 + ½ O2 => H2O C3H6 3.6
Oxygen balance: CO2 2
O2 required for CO = 8*1/2 = 4 kg mole O2 0.4
O2 required for CH4 = 30 * 2 = 60 kg mole N2 4
O2 required for C3H6 = 3.6*4.5=16.2 kg mole
O2 required for H2 = 52*1/2 = 26 kg mole
Total O2 required =106.2 kg mole
O2 in fuel =0.4 kg mole
Net O2 required from air =106.2 - 0.4 =105.8 kg mole
December 15, 2020 14
P-5 Fuel Gas Composition
Net O2 required from air =106.2 - 0.4 =105.8 kg mole Component Weight
DRY Flue Gas formed with theoretical air: percentage %
CO2 formed = 8.0(from CO) + 30.0 (from CH4) + 10.8 (from C3H6) H2 +2.0(present
in fuel) =50.8 kg mole CH4 30
N2 from air = 105.8 * (79/21) = 398 kg mole CO 8
Total N2 = 398 + 4 (present in fuel) = 402 kg mole C3H6 3.6
Total amount of dry flue gas (with theoretical air) = 402+50.8 = 452.8
CO2 kg mole 2
Flue gas actually produced = 5 m3 / m3 of fuel O2 0.4
Total dry flue gas produced =100*5 = 500 kg mole N2 4
Excess air = 500 – 452.8 = 47.2 kg mole
Theoretical air =105.8 *(100/21) = 503.81 kg mole

December 15, 2020 15

Theoretical air =105.8 *100/21=503.81 kg mole
% excess air = 47.2 / 503.8 *100 =9.39%
Composition of flue gas:
Air used = 503.81 + 47.2 = 551.01 kg mole
N2 from air = 551.01 *79/100 = 435.29 kg mole
Total N2 = 435.29 + 4.0 =439.29 kg mole
Excess O2 = 47.2 *21/100 =9.91 kg mole

Flue gas analysis: Flue Gas Analysis

Component Amount of Kg Vol %
CO2 50.8 10.16
O2 9.91 1.98
N2 439.29 87.86
Total 500 100
December 15, 2020 16
Amount of water formed = 52.0 (from H2) + 60 (from CH4) + 10.8 (from C3H6)
= 122.8 kg mole = 122.8 *18 = 2210.4 kg
Amount of gas burned = 100 kg mole = 22.414 * 100 m3 at NTP
Weight of water formed/m3 gas burned = 2210.4 kg / 2240 m3

= 0.987 kg of water/ m3 of gas

December 15, 2020 17

The dry flue gas from an oil-fired furnace has the composition of 11.2 % CO2,
5.8% O2, 83% N2. Calculate % excess air:
Weight of combustion air per kg of oil fired
Assume fuel has 82% C, 12 % H2, 3 % S and balance is impurities.
Basis: 100 kg of oil fired
Oxygen balance:
O2 required for 82 kg of carbon = 82/12 = 6.833 kg mole
O2 required for 12 kg of H2 =12/2*0.5 = 3 kg mole
O2 required for 3 kg of S = 0.094 kg mole
Total O2 required = 6.833 + 3.0 + 0.094 = 9.927 kg mole

December 15, 2020 18

Let z kg mole of dry flue gas is formed,
Carbon balance: 0.112* z (out) =6.833 (in)
So, z =61.0 kg mole
Amount of N2 in flue gas = 61*0.83 = 50.83 kg mole
O2 from air = 50.83 *21/79 =13.46 kg mole
O2 excess = 13.46 – 9.927 =3.533 kg mole
% excess air =% excess O2 = 3.533 / 9.927*100 = 35.6%
Amount of combustion air = 50.63*100/79 = 64.09 kg mole
Molecular weight of air = 28.84 kg/kg mole of air
Amount of air in kg =64.09*28.84=1848.36 kg
Mass of air in kg/mass of fuel in kg=1848.36/100=18.48

December 15, 2020 19

A fuel gas containing 97% methane and 3% N2 by volume is burned in
boiler furnace with 200% excess air, 85% methane goes to CO2, 10% to
CO and 5% remains of unburnt.
Calculate the composition of stack gas. Fuel Gas Analysis
Component volume
Solution: percentage %
Basis: 100 kg mole of fuel gas CH4 97
CH4 + 2 O2 => CO2 + 2H2O ….. (1) N2 3
2 CH4 + 3 O2 => 2 CO + 4 H2O …..(2)
O2 required for complete combustion= 97 * 2 = 194 kg mole
O2 supplied by 200 % excess air = 194*3 = 582 kg mole
Reaction (1) is 85% complete and (2) is 10% complete

December 15, 2020 20

Methane converted by reaction (1) = 97 *0.85 = 82.45 kg mole
Methane converted by reaction (2) = 97*0.1= 9.7 kg mole
Oxygen used in reaction (1) & 2= 82.5 * 2 + 9.7 * 3/2 = 179.45 kg mole
stack gas:
CO2 formed = 82.45 kg mole CH4 + 2 O2 => CO2 + 2H2O …..(1)
CO formed = 9.7 kg mole 2 CH4 + 3 O2 => 2 CO + 4 H2O …..(2)
CH4 unconverted = 5 kg mole
N2 from air = 582 * (79/21) = 2189.43 kg mole
N2 from fuel = 3.0 kg mole
Total N2 in flue gas =2189.43 + 3.0=2192.43 kg mole
H2O formed = 82.25*2 (by reaction 1) + 9.7*4/2 (by reaction 2)
=184.3 kg mole
Excess oxygen = 582 – 179.45 = 402.55 kg mole

December 15, 2020 21

Stack Gas Analysis:
Stack Gas Analysis
Component Kg mole Vol %

CO2 82.45 2.87

CO 9.70 0.34

CH4 5 0.17

O2 402.55 13.99

N2 2192.43 76.22

H2O 184.30 6.40

Total 2876.43 ≈100

December 15, 2020 22

Practice Problem -1
Octane is burnt with 10% excess air.
▪ Air to Fuel ratio by weight
▪ Air to Fuel ratio by volume
▪ Weight of dry exhaust gas formed per unit weight of fuel
▪ Moles of oxygen in the exhaust gas per unit weight of fuel
▪ Moles of water vapor in exhaust gas per unit weight of fuel
▪ Volume of exhaust gas at 1 atmosphere and 260C per unit weight of fuel
Assumption: The specific gravity of octane may be taken as 0.7

December 15, 2020 23

Practice Problem -2

The exhaust gas from a hydrocarbon fuel oil fired furnace show
10.2% CO2, 7.9% O2 and 81.9% N2.


▪ %excess air used

▪ Kg of dry air supplied per kg of oil burnt

December 15, 2020 24

Practice Problem -3

Determine the flue gas analysis and air/fuel ratio by weight when a fuel
oil with 84.9% carbon, 11.4% hydrogen, 3.2% Sulphur, 0.4% oxygen
and 0.1% ash by weight is burnt with 20 % excess air. Assume complete

December 15, 2020 25

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