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Name : Komang Geby Cantika Putri

Class : XI MIPA 1
Student’s number: 13

Lampiran 1
KD 3.2.1
Please arrange the sentences into good dialog and find expressions of opinion in the dialog.
Put them into category asking and giving opinion.
A : Do you feel that you have lots of friends? (1)
B : I guess so. (2)
A : What do you think makes a good friend? (3)
B : Well, to my mind, a good friend helps you when you have problem. (4)
A : Hm… do you believe that’s the most important thing? (7)
B : Yeah, friends help each other. Frankly, I really think so. (8)
A : Well, what kinds of problems does your best friend help you with? (5)
B : Well, that’s kind of personal. (6)

Answer :

A. : Do you feel that you have lots of friends? (1)

B. : I guess so. (2)
A. : What do you think makes a good friend? (3)
B. : Well, to my mind, a good friend helps you when you have problem. (4)
A. : Well, what kinds of problems does your best friend help you with? (5)
B. : Well, that’s kind of personal. (6)
A. : Hm… do you believe that’s the most important thing? (7)
B. : Yeah, friends help each other. Frankly, I really think so. (8)

Lampiran 2
KD 3.2.2
Please give your opinion to those pictures.
a. I think that makeup is too fancy. That woman, in my opinion, will be more beautiful if
she dresses up naturally and according to her own criteria.
b. That is a nice costume for kids to wear and they are too old to wear it. I think if they are
attending a formal event, it’s better if the clothes they wear are in keeping with the given
theme, such as an elegant party dress
c. A report card, in my perspective, is a card that is used to report an action, identity, or
occurrence. This report card is useful in everyday life. There are many different sorts of
report cards, including ATM cards that are used to withdraw money, goods cards that
serve as proof of purchase, and identification cards that act as proof of identity.
d. Smoking in public areas, in my opinion, is against the law and can disrupt the comfort
and health of others around them. As a result, I believe that smoking should be prohibited
in public places.
e. I believe the person who own this room is very lazy to clean it, because the room looks so
f. As I see it, she looks stunning in that outfit. The gown's hue blends well with her skin
g. He appears to be exhausted. I suppose he has a lot of work in his office. He should have
enlisted the aid of a buddy to assist him with his task.
Lampiran 3
You are going to go camping for 3 days and 3 nights in a forest. You are only able to bring 3
kilograms in total of your items. What will you choose to bring, so you can survive in 3 days
and 3 nights in any situation. State the reason and opinion why do you choose those items
and stand for it.
Here are the list of items you can choose:
- A pair of shoes 1,2 kg - Pan 1 kg
- Tent 2 kg - Knife 1 kg
- Water 0,5 kg - Medicine 0,5 kg
- Matches 0,3 kg - Compass 1 kg
- Flashlight 0,5 kg - Sleeping bag 1 kg
- Instant noodle 1 kg - Plate 0,5 kg
Answer :

The Group Members:

1. Komang Ayu Candra Andini (11)
2. Komang David Dananjaya Suartana (12)
3. Komang Geby Cantika Putri (13)
4. Luh Darmiasih (14)
5. Natika Frida Kerista Anugrah (15_Dispensation)

For the camping trip, we will bring 4 items. Those items are a knife, some medicine, a compass,
and a flashlight. Those items add up to 3 kilograms which is perfect for the camping trip. Each
one of them will be very useful.
A very important tool is the knife. With it, we can scavenge for fruits and other food
sources since we’re in the forest. Thereby, eliminating the need to bring food. The knife is also
useful to scare off any wild animals in the forest. It might not be a powerful weapon, but it’s
better than nothing.
The compass and the flashlight is very useful for navigating. Since we have 3 whole
nights to get through, we need the flashlight in order to survive in the darkness. The compass is
also good for helping us to get back home if we ever get lost. The flashlight is also good for
entertainment purposes.
Of course, we need a backup plan if anything bad happens. We think that some general
medicine will help with that. Overall, we definitely think we’ll survive.

KD 4.2.1
Please choose a topic and perform a dialog based on the topic you chose with your partner.
Minimum 10 turn takings.
1. Smoking in public places.
2. Technology among children.
3. Denpasar is a great place to live.


Geby :"Yesterday I saw a man smoking in the park and a lot of people were disturbed by the

Maria: “Then what do you think about that incident?”

Geby : “ As I see it, Smoking in public areas, such as this man did, can disturb the comfort and
health of others around them, especially those who inhale the smoke"

Maria: "Yeah, I think the same, what about if a person with breath problems passes by? Of
course it may be harmful to them right?"

Geby: "Yeah that’s right. Then in my view, most people smoke because they're bored”

Maria: "Well, I also have read an article that says that some people smoke because they are
anxious and they need something to release all their worries."

Geby :" Based what do you said, I believe he is an addict, because I also saw that he had more
than two cigar boxes. There is no advantage of smoking"

Maria : "Wow that's a lot, this person should be treated by a psychologist because if he still
smokes that much it will affect him in the future"

Geby : "I think the same thing. I feel that smoking should be banned, especially in public spaces.
So with this ban, some people will not be bothered by people like him."

Maria : “ Yeah, I agree whit your opinion Geby”

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