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Ser) Srideat udsaanssyst TAMIL NADU OPEN UNIVERSITY 577, Anna Saisl, Saidapet, Chennel - 600 015 ASSIGNMENT SUBMISSION FORM TO BE COMPLETED IN FULL BEFORE SUBIESSION OF ASSIGHMENTS Premera R TH aS STUD ESCO Enrolment Number Year of 2OI27ZOo00! Admission | 20% © Name: Mr. T Seam te ices om TOM EIM AgMAL ANSART Subject Code [11415 [ty] Subject Title Pi WS sins Study Centre Code 5.9.7 Go4 eee (ENGLISH | ‘Submission Year Wear wyeer” | Wear’ Prease Tick — ‘ No. of Assignments Assignment Assignment 2 Please Tick feehceeseeae e _ “Assignment 3! “Assignment 4) Total No. of Pages [ze ] Submission Date [Jo June 202] Stadent's Signature | FOR OFFICE USE ONLY , 1 camertee[ Average Marks | fA WETICE ee a TAMIL NADU OPEN fot ey ee)! , les | Name - MOHAMMED AJMIAL Ais Programme : M.A. ISLAMIC STUDIE' Enrol. No. : 20122200001 Duration : Jul 2020 - Jun 2022 Medium : ENGLISH Centre ; 022804 ' Address NO.7, HAMEEDIA SHOPING MALL, NO108,109 TRIPLI 3RD, FLOOR, TRIPLICANE HIGH ROAD TRIPLICANE CHENNAI Fog Controller of Examinations i/c a —_—> ; ~ Signature of tne Student TAMIL NADU OPEN UNIVERSITY iggal Chennai ~ 15 WF School of Social Sciences HOME / SPOT ASSIGNMENT - 4 Programme Code No : 222 rene Name : Masters in Islamic Studies Fist Year Course Code & Name: Maisi4 Principles of islamic Morals and the Methodology of Propagating Batch 2AY 2021 No-of Assignment _: One Assignment for Each 2 Credits Maximum CIA Marks £45 (Average of Total No. of, Assignment) = 15 Marks) 1000 eurigenssenig fasminay SCE Ib 96 Carag, Uplovehiasay Ais the Pittars of Darwah and explain each of them in detail, Staueller sreinsenar ut HUDLD s}or01 gciGoureironpust alfeures llores ayid, 2. Explain the various stages of human life and the: Corresponding methods of ‘Tarbiyyah to be adopted during each stage wats aunpsenauler uidGapy a. ssensraj, P6Daurg HLL SPgni Uesrudp Carsimgus gira 3. Describe the meaning of Az-Zuhd ai the pious predecessors, Ympsoeryid Seré ayo. ind list the examples of Az-Zuhd from the lives of AzZuhd esinigsir Qin pener aeullesayio, Geri Qenpusspsrer awersiiasien eumipaieSesgs AZ-Zuhd paren & gsrzeemiseensr Ut 1yu6Si_opb, ennai —15 School of Social Sciences HOME SPOT ASSIGNMENT -2 Programme Code No : 222 Programme Name ‘Masters in Islamic, Studies — First ‘Year Course Code & Name 2MAIS14~ Principles of, 'slamle Morals and the Methodology of Propagating Batch 2AY 2021 No. of Assignment One Assignment for Each 2 credits Maximum CIA Marks : 15 (Average of Total No, of Assignment) ‘LEIS steveuryy UMETUDS BIB) sreirEDy LT cathe mesa the telationship between Akhlaaq and eee wp gdour Qo Guuren pena Frralesleyigy ne cre Sethe en . Deronpu Gye souroheir Quwha oyrisegui Papissnsr sNeréssyio, Tey TAMIL NADU OPEN UNIVERSITY Xe Dp Chennai - 16 — School of Social Sciences HOME/ spoT ASSIGNMENT -3 Programme Code No 5222 Programme Name; Masters in islamic Studies ~ First Year Course Code & Name : MAISi. Propagating Batch No. of Assignment ine Assignment for Each 2 Credits (Maximum GA Marks :1 5 (Average of Total No, of Assignment) 1). Answer any one of ‘the questions not exceeding 1000 words (1x 15 = 15 Marks) 1000 auri:semsaenies Marsd oBpgyin 90 Catradang upaoascii 1. Is Da'wah an act of ibaadah? if yes, BMP Vea arora ou Uafillesr Sart ur@aen explain the principles of Da’wah PUTC Yer OF SELL ap ahd qompiy a aller dsa.cytb. List & explain the roles of Prophet Muhammad Sallallaahualathiwasallam which are mentioned in the beginning of Surah Al-Jumuah AS rey oBurupsles gridu aoriseahed eioN duc Geren put (ove) sjsutacfetr ung Prisoner UC yw @ alericaayis. AF “plain the relationship between Sabr& Da'wah with ‘examples from the lives of ‘the prophets before Muhammad Sallallaahualathiwa sallam, t i) grt seni © ang pUloritschir Ganiowgs (ows) yutsenag weiromred amps a oe aTPUIA GE) TOsgs8r Os eps Ourpenw wpHId sraralped Qeouleoresr opener aerésacyis. Teme | Ans fer Quistion 1 AZUARS oF DAWAH MAIbIY _ Colling of AltoL 1s ths wey of ths Meszagen ond) is fhiewens Aiol ths most A L ©, Se > Mol ommoh G a/o/- g aa 4 (Bala! -ohy oly bs tsasolom ds ina oe SIT DO es I Gres ond fon Homo fron oft thal ths esseciotd Porlrena with bin, and i am Gun eff thers (worahi> on “hing wrtl, bin SURAH Yo- “USLF (12) Jog TrBee? — colling te Nitol, word tree ce of all Propats ond hain Followers ty ondlen te brungn oul Gren danknezs ink Light » Ths cowol — rats up frm Pillons ond id ony Pillans ie onianing He Soeseh tal net be Connect ond will not Prodiucs. tos Desist. reose (12 Mohamme ol fmol Ansar; 25) 22OOOD| Moin Pitter of dowel ia corbpriaed info tloae i= Mod” oo florki (object of, de'wot) Q- Dawe (collar) 3- Med? 00 Cour whe is coled Bows iMod ons Clromly Blow, mn te heal ond the Bo J ond Con be Bummoarntaed 08 fos follows 1. KNOWLEAGE OF THAT WHICH ONE CLAUS 70 Be ths ignonon'! Person shot dure 6 h be 0 colon ee) Noh fs high Bor fe hs Propet sey a Mula mmo! (haw) This fg my wags : colt offah up Centon Hnousleds Roseenah t's horvu led ao tes collonrs Cerlin (ee those whe ors ptholous of Bae , thors whe will affock Lin toi Leuba ond. Mehoimmect Ajmal Ansar; 201272 00001 bn Oude te telat Aloe taut. Aion tes hig rod: and orgs tot Nam In fhe wot Tint in beter 2. ACTING IN ACCORDAME WITH THAT LyHrcl HE CAd To. Tt is jmapnortont oo! occen hance , be eet ea oeull be o good exomplr, Ais achoas otfeating 1 his wonds ond) Gouing no excuse gen tes apdors? of darth. Ato the Ligh boi) about his Proper! &luaib (AS) thot be oid * his People T do nol bsish te forbid You from Senething and) thon de if mya fee lamctie caer) noc Hf You 08 fon Be apn Gest Crane, 1:88) Aivot Hoe high sail) Witto_t« betlen_'n Mohammeat Am nt fins} 20122200 60) Hien one who colin fa People fo ALLAH On) ee ee, Go Coed 41533) Abu Hureineh RA poidt ths ainple tode of kenow lids tithe octing prs re is Like tHe msoauns whicl isnot spend) fer ho Anke of Allah Clolfacen Al- ashen Alm ofthin Pre fot) Moti ibn dinean Asi You moy meet © mon who deer nol make on pomm t= mizlake pot bis deed aur olf mistolse Chih) Furl oid! the know leclobts Hem oalnd qnoven ele eee ee unkll be ocls upon it Gib) 3. PURITY OF INTENTIE Panty of Inkntion (a rust fo tel tha colf 4 mode Poet ond ainceanly eg ce ec CaTOMO se ocattton: mp tes on ploter on bro dlenshi> + Fon osining world pools: Allah rgd that hia ProAtrhe sot Mo hammeol Amal Ansori 201222 ODED| to Holy Peoplot ZT do not on gee fon An Mouwand gon CMHLE Uh tyra eee CANAD 6:90) Oun Preplet (5.01) bon sold) off ta Seopa dejrerndx upeou In kotroua Chukbome Lodi no: Ly mua lim. Cu ie) oO cf obe huwoinol RA the Pwoplat Chow) sorb Very Attel does nol look ine your bed, ond weolth , bs looks in youn Lea ond) Seeds Caah! mud lim. bettoh ol binary was wor Kilol Lodith no. eceu)- 4 BEQNING WITH WHAT TIS OF PRIMARY ZMPORTANCE So fine ty ba should coll t ths lConrcoc Hoa of ogidleh Celery on cneed) by ondbrving Toot olf wonalipis mode Kor altos ond Blink 1's gevbidden: thon ondening feo est Lliskmen! of pm : cf zokeot ond) that ohlig Han are Connie) Mo hommeaf Alpmot Ansari 20) 222 O00) o ou? ond? Hot (on brddlen fhinga ane overdled” ne = cone oes Procedures of off mak Ain garth Allon the high Boys We kent amassongen uz, notion , ondewrg thon Theol tosy Bhou lk twonahip oll ~ alus , ohey Lim ond moko Pasi wowalip beaidler oflol Croh! 10:30) te Leal erompe of givng Beak rs % ko ford in theo 7. of prop Lel Chow). Tr thet Le memormed tn mecéo orn 12 yeana, Colling Ths eo} to Towhoed & (ide ra foot ? Alinl< , begins ede eee Preyer, zolkeo7 , greg ond! hog ond by ls (Bow) Cou bode thom from aun, frmication, thet munden el 5. PATIENT PERSEVERANCE FACING DIFFICULTIES ENco- -UNTERED IN CALLING To An Al EACIA, Mo ham meef Ajonod Ans acry 2012722 0660| THE PEOPLE. fon te dowol ta not stem tort, Hoken No flen Md ia conn cor, hondlabip and. harande . ths box-/ exampe Pome bo ppened) wih Proplets elon toy coll t ollel ox elloh (swt) boa Bi indked tes mersengorna wens moc [rei be Lous ye thors whe flim ors to/en by Punebmend which tley mode ligt of CANAAM & to) Li bee tar'ge ts Ol lower ft Prove Plot ons met with fa Lome Loren andl bowdle hiss PrsPorlien fo thin ef wis tn colling ft oltol ffolfxsin the exam pL of on ele ne (put) 6. ‘THE CAUER Mudr BE A oo OF Good Manne “RE. Moho mmecl Aino Ansar) Ve} WL wo BO) He mual use coraelom " fs ell Binw this will be r20de fo the orcePtones of his coll. Jost aa Alla orlensd his theo noble Dro Dlels, m ond bawoon pfs (eee ies oonnes, fe ele fie Cte Ge tnbelrinsna Uden Phsin Pott: Linon CPlenoot) whe eloimed —Conbalip fou himaeld Alloh te th soid: AND Apes [k To hin ee accept admnon' ties om (eos ond ole alee (Tan Hea Use) Allo, tes bind saya Trdec8 you, © Mubommod (kow), Aus An €xolted blondond Clomocter COjalm:hew Y. THE CAWER MUST REMAIN FIRM IN HIS ExPECTS AND HoPE FoR Good He die Peone eu! tha IN\V2 LOD BO Sepron abai! ths oid onl tolp of lee ete (ey fe oe ae king the cxompo of NOAH CAL phe colted Lin Deopte for obsu'l 980 Yeas Be whe leucn coll te nol ball Dou [nem Gemiatet Ge) ee En ef metianpena ton it coil be Grurtvot ond (ei ond will be Fl cwithoud ow beniged 5 We Claoncat Pros ped fen Ths Tomoots of thdloy eg qomoct Tob light Gg 4d bof. islam: , itetnd, 4 of, To muslimoen ete. bthe has regleckl the im pooriton es of AgiLod ond Cocos co conneecting ta Bide ig8vexr Ths Duo plat Chow) Bold: Teo peoligte, Citlan) ra sincerity [Kincers aduian lle go'd, To hows, O Mastengsn Caaw)p Ae 60'9 to AlteL ond fo bis book ond) fo Lis mentee 3 ond) to ths ae Mohan meat Aime Ansan 90122200 00) ‘0 CAohi mualiom book of Qoith: book I: : haolt th & ne Qe) Mo oltol guide ond! won! the Cee + outng the toatl oud! its Pepe. Ladlecd ™ al loons onl) “HesPondis A BupP lichen , Mohammed tyimad Ansar} 20) 222 odd! Fomee © MAISIU- Any Lv Benson 4 USE OF MEDIA IN Da -H AND TARBIYYAH TT Ls Paden eromines Tha nol c{ medio Ha nol of medio im Tslomic De“woh ya multinacial doce Atrol Almighty hoa dic lonad thet the eecellenta of muklim Ummol lian in Propogating nae message cf Lslom te humanity Tt moy be concluded taf Jo poeta tes FTL of eweallenss, Mus lind have fe cone and de eared Ths mek sage of Talom . Ton tls Porpese Muslims have % a¥lize Posarbee mMeond (ncluding oe een media an Communcahion - Nowadays, media and Communit ation Nusa de fas breve, U ‘ Moho-mmecb ]ynal Ansa a Qe) 2220000) oye media sevelutios in Prepegekng ond mengoger ond mews “Shane ones media Con Ge ths get neceaaity of La lomic Prsechans to do wonls of ole “wes in tle Plana ond mu ftivaciok Leciety . T4 Con Ploy o urfel no th Felivering Ths meadso of Talore. Thi's amnticla lends tf inves tige 7e Oe Wonicust 7 nee mul teal tumoS sociey and mu Mracod CuHrus Duning ths prophets (P-R-U-t) Magione , Talore dlawo4 was Coried, oud usin) verbal and wri tler CommunicoAton ton be uked effectively gen Trlomic dLhwoh ino Planal Borie fy Aocick media ton he uked fon social ralatonahips imeets vintioll, & (omit drencs. on Colleagues, and tr’fenachion ete our ono Tin + Following Mohammed A jmof Ansats 20)222 6600) Se medio Greqeinty used leliven TAlom dowol, i) oy Plena! Commrcins iy ond Socre 4 I= TRADITIZONAL DAWAH AND MEDIA Lalomic (6 © — pesPonaive deen to of — clon ondl cincumstan cs dices hod ‘ono dk do woh, nagfens te Prseching unith fle use of enol media Chol bil Linon) Necessanly oral medio and) Communication one sophistie- -akdI tools for Talomic cultura and Plowal Aociety : from fae Ven fined day proplst - hood, fs rola f PAU) uted the medlim off onal Communitakon te mui te Pepe cf Moklxet and Modine towonds Telom. Ths lot CPRu.M4) is trsaned) 0 conve img Mohammed Amal Ansust Qe} 97 DI > 0 de Ww ths me seo of Ts lon and! s0id: Convey Cony ‘hee hing) fo Tu Peep even if if Wena a Bing sentena” (Ru khan 1994, Y, ig): Fen faarimne na, bs ondaned and soi : aleve id (this in low matin) te those who ee eee ee Ge elem aaa cee Fon Ls imporlone of Talomic ho wal, 0 Mus lin Preachen (A adluiased) fo do datsoh un th wisn, good! ing tec ty and! Leal wo + Tour'te fo te wo o4 pen lore ott, wiedlon ond) good o&luucton , ond angus uth Thang ine eouy tod ss ex! CBun“on, 16: rec) Con ge. ven My » Lalomie Princip Ga Ons vrbslion! fen Telomic do'woh . Muslim Presochera (do'''s)) use ono thonsmikaion don ob Livenns be ‘woh fo Doodk Lown Ocal chit Tan ough Phedenney atin ; l, <6 televibion , mobile Phones ondele Ye homme Whad Ansar Qo} 220 000) TH ois ef fective tool 4 Pengfnm do ‘woh at ws MAb stn, eel fort Centens, colinat cucler, shut Lowel, cotlunal exhibitor , and Eid fertvak. a bden'Hen Do Wok ond Print Medio Fon inviting mules fowands Lalom, Hs Prodbet (PR-LHY Los send Ce Hers ts ruler ond leobenn of Siffen patina, whieh beging ott tha glokment: Peoa ke pe him ashe (cliews hen getdone on felieues /n Attar and Ais Messenger. These lattena were tant bt a” Lersutetion Abyssinrg CEtisp ia), tls Me Viteg eran? of pt CHugowqas) Clhosmoes (Ermpreron ° Perere to Coeon Cheing of Pra) - bi, Sawa owrnon of Salvo, More mm of yma Alnsay; 20192200 op) Haudlia bin Ali Chovernees of Yemome Homth Al- Grhoasoni( king off Demontua) and te [ein of oman, (Je fer ond his Puothen). Ths messa of te Bunn hos been mere rom generiohion te enenokion ude toni tien Hankmisdlen, whiel, effectively Provides grand fer fo ‘woh fowonds Talom - Thane (ors , on ton Her, firme Bn ougl Connas Penden Con be used fon the Dempoas of Tslomic Sawoh - The Cones Dordena /'4 en esrontol peguiranrent fon toe Continual of Ths Quranic communications » Tn pegcand times, Dewspapen i Pomphtts , brec hanes, magzines , and books . Thana omen, te eachens can use wind Gun “ante dnonslatien fo deliuon the mesa ths Our'n e eetive ly and effec hs h d Mehowmeol Aymod €nsayj 20) 222 00 64} 3= Sociol Me Bia gor E-Do Ld, Common Tools of Aoctal mode includes : Pace book , My xpos, You tu be Flicker , Bebo , Wechal, Rodlo ond Goo (ot Dolwah —ochivies tan be Down ef fecienty Gin hoi intennel gounas , include roan baste ny fou book , youtube 1 e-matl and) e- boo/xs 1» inchdag , Toss t Hod t,, Beenott, fl Mictony , Jigal ond otsy books . £-Dewoh js on effective too! (en ths Prva t bona fon whieh tus oudlien tr ton Grae ly access col fh oud ony dims ms time ond Apo: The Precchans Con Com Power Thoin Ts lame do'usoh woe, 4 Intlennet, aa ids Users mnaadeing Soy fy dey - Tt con hel ty Kprsadting Tslame mena fh mong audience geognephitelly then tha Tres Mohammed fre Ay sure} 20122200 OD! image of Talem andl PerGerming do'wet eGpicionty © Geverolly the Prscclana use foabooka gon q Pmotvation Wo lee @ Denfewming PHayen being grovlege! oe pee ia aa Pecting phat on gro book ts Lag In Promoting Teachings of Zelom fi) western society ° Biontlanly , fortfenra P Polen BAL 6tcady , ond inlaanioh Bouns % foucl, te beaut of its (ollowens: 7hn mobile Phone fs used aS a medium ef da ‘woh by 7 digiferond soften of La lom ond! bonding The mesgo Con derning honma fius Trlomic yolues. LUT, ths Ae/p of e-mail tha Prooe hens tan deliven me&Sag eg dine ty efetonly ond ef fieren fly fon thar ae Tslome Lowel, ' el : Ts orn ct L have lon Quing lo ‘wwol, fener ae éocludig Mohammed ‘id uae Ansa! 9 Qo| 222 @000) mpontan? Ho ba io bridge Connection behueen Muslin minomities andl oflens Ansorst Mohommech lym 20) 222 ood! & Frome = mais Ans te Question s Vp RELATION BETWEEN PATIE “NCE & DALJAH AND PROPHE “TS PATIENE IN DAWAH hle now Lius tm 0 globo! Uilloge’ Allsthan en ths imteumel, tn one's cton count, on be Troreoin » Peop ott Uifferen? bac hnd a are Ge "no Veniey von. “this (4 0 eruelal Lhin on Muslims, a if gues os tho oppen ten ond indeed also teats us, 2 res weotont Ta lor ond coll Pepe to cf. Tos moral chouac tern cf the deyee on a Collen to God" paren! Gy mon hed 6 pPotiens TH fokes potine fo word Yon tho night opperkonitien fr Dowel oon On Goltin peep’ fo God) to Ontgo, ond it algo Tokex Patiens gen to wagal fed of Condi'tiens to be cuooted! Wee calls or L welling fe peo! ‘ y Mohommeot Ajmal Anows\ 20)222 08 60} ae of fgrsranee , obdunory ond tinpsloananiloca fon He oH Fogel thee tis cotton of thr Layee ln ee tino’h fy , Lovwal Cnviting Pee Slo te Ae) "es not a& easy ah ow ima Tha Al- Oy im glote thot Wid hoa the big best alotis ; hecauas thal war fhe te noo of oll Proplats Peoowe ond blosainan be upon therm Lle constantly rood) Mm ths Oun'on how the ProPhate coors Patient wl Hein peopl r with Nook, Kon erompoo , Proying ogoinet ee only allen 950 yeand of colting thon, cron hip to One God: NMowodays, Aowertdn , we One guickh * condlemn Pepe ehnnalty dihelic ‘ talon eum yh te Burlan, Almighty Arial Tolle ws thet Oo Denson bos, until qual be ders Lis Seat ae below Le Jo this mistole exten by hort ah A i Mohamynodl Apna Anse’ Coo aor Len ov 20197260 00) 2 li bots what We lous fen ounas (usa whieh — ncludles Coving Tx lam fem Mes diehelivcn ot we Cour ft fen Ounfeluwa owed tum uP Co can of tw orlin to al d a worls of oun coll 0 This 1A wl it ta , tA retnun to tee Puoplel 4 exomper i) CO oe ein hiecco ic not nts Fo wos attacked brutally fon 1 ieee a But tons wens certoin tl glaadlera! Abe Jobol, Aby lobol, Al-wolid rb, Mug heeno , and Aby sudyon ie ofmont Ce" yoons of thes Puoplsts dh’wol,, often gia kg Numenoud wak oO inal Ths in and offer the cong essa of ee » Abu ra accepted Trlom. He n greg 4 ger Lele and evr lost bis a Oe of ts botllony Whe would mah Samad aja! flnsan Jot 222000 | weull trolly cept Télom7 He could hare apestoredd at mony tniher YP 0 fle tus Prophets deot , but bs bib not fet ax nol flougel ths slong eff tee of (ete ee Propel went fieus % colt tte pep b (alors toy Bent 7 Li (Seren ond] Arosa wher ths Con riderod olan eee teres onl Reung, 2 tse Velexsen, | (0s Pre ust 67 Te, kleeding , with no humen Bepport. Al tls fire, bis two closest reletiuer ond) Eupperens his oige © BRS Khodital ond hit uncee Abu Toll Lad g owoy Gokriel come te Low oP ters toonds fo lhin bm thal fans ws snes e° nsody te Seahn thoas Pepe r ls west rd. tes PP leds Cten ode tBKI0% _ This tos qe ogee a he Allok pail Mohammed qo\r2200 64) Ayal eae ou: oh Bs Pony oy ane coon dip Airy o(ome” (Of - Res kebons)- Leu lel we BAM Love hope tn back Peop eo TH (os 7 belousd Proplath Mots neucn fe grus up Almighty Arrol Lod pius Lim a seole "tile ee ce, fo gorgirr rogandlera of tes neralta. Hin Uncle Aba Talih, whe olwogs Protected’ hiro, wos the tonget of hie coli t fs truth until tia” moment on cheots . And) then Aitol, sausoledl: INDEED, LonuHAMmMADdD, YOU DO NOTGUZDE Whon You LIKE, BUT AUIAH GUIDES Whom HE WIlts. AND HE ZS Most kNOW GOF THE CRIGHTLY] « ages (R's, ir) Ajmal Ongar, 181222 06 60! IMS tarsus em oe SY Pores Ren tCne ec rean c oraume — theo! thin Dewkon will neuen, cept — Delo. looke of tye ecomPe of Umon hy At khottes, who rsould boo! femots Blouse wlen Ly food out fey Conus Bid inLleed Atiol ouidl thon He Plone “Cimon Lecome tur of tle Prepeits clonogt Com Penions, oe ob leg ComPaniens geen gad Wings — thesy — Coeatd enh” Ponadiae, ond faa Keconed) eee eae ented Coltpha. d vd This in tm rear ce Penely fo daweh; jt focr nol meen ous de not Blond) “Pp gow tes wig hl Ceca buoteor and acetong wtons ths fu (fering Mohammed. Grrl An saz) 2011120000! One ot proce! of Saivoh. Rut con perectionn shoul’, as cit off Actiakour be “lewspened waite the example of tu Beloued Preptct (Rae ond? blesning be upon him): Because cf Atak’ wilt ond fs Prepets prrateanone 1 OL2 ona mualing today Gt us fe preset fel gow tak “4 oct Pen tiaten In bun en felt peop’ obeut TLolom , y an ee eae ac tie, ~ (tioning in ths footsteps of tes Pry oa7, Mohammed AL mah Aln.g08\ AWD OO|

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