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What is meant by Continuous Integration?

It is a development practice that requires developers to integrate code into a shared repository several times a
day. Each check-in is then verified by an automated build, allowing teams to detect problems early.

Explain how you can move or copy Jenkins from one server to another?

 Move a job from one installation of Jenkins to another by simply copying the corresponding job
 Make a copy of an existing job by making a clone of a job directory by a different name.
 Rename an existing job by renaming a directory. Note that if you change a job name you will need to
change any other job that tries to call the renamed job.

Mention some of the useful plugins in Jenkins.

some important Plugins:

 Maven 2 project
 Amazon EC2
 HTML publisher
 Copy artifact
 Docker and Kubernetes Plugins

What do you understand by “Infrastructure as code”? How does it fit into the DevOps methodology? What
purpose does it achieve?

IAC is a type of IT infrastructure that operations teams can use to automatically manage and provision through
code, rather than using a manual process.
Companies for faster deployments treat infrastructure like software: as code that can be managed with the
DevOps tools and processes. These tools let you make infrastructure changes more easily, rapidly, safely and

What is Terraform init?

Terraform init is a control to initialize an operational index that contains Terraform pattern files. This control
can be looped multiple times. It is the first command that should be run after writing the new Terraform

What do you understand by terraform backend?

A backend in Terraform is used to determine how an operation is executed and how the state is loaded.
Terraform using the ‘local’ backend by default.

Give the terraform configuration for creating a single EC2 instance on AWS.

This is the Terraform configuration for creating a single EC2 instance on AWS:

provider “aws” {
region = “”}

resource “aws_instance”

“example” {

ami = ""

instance_type = ""

tags {

 Name = "example"}

How will you control and handle rollbacks when something goes wrong?

We need to recommit the previous code version to be the new and current version in the VCS. This would
trigger as terraform run, which would be responsible for running the old code. As Terraform is more
declarative, we will make sure all things in the code roll back to the old code. we would use the State Rollback
Feature of Terraform Enterprise to roll back to the latest state if the state file got corrupted.

What process runs on Kubernetes Master Node? 

The Kube-api server process runs on the master node and serves to scale the deployment of more instances.

What are Daemon sets?

A Daemon set is a set of pods that runs only once on a host. They are used for host layer attributes like a
network or for monitoring a network, which you may not need to run on a host more than once.

How does Kubernetes simplify containerized Deployment?

As a typical application would have a cluster of containers running across multiple hosts, all these containers
would need to talk to each other. So, to do this you need something big that would load balance, scale &
monitor the containers. Since Kubernetes is cloud-agnostic and can run on any public/private providers it must
be your choice simplify containerized deployment

What is Kubectl?

Kubectl is the platform using which you can pass commands to the cluster. So, it basically provides the CLI to
run commands against the Kubernetes cluster with various ways to create and manage the Kubernetes

What is Kubelet?
This is an agent service which runs on each node and enables the slave to communicate with the master. So,
Kubelet works on the description of containers provided to it in the PodSpec and makes sure that the
containers described in the PodSpec are healthy and running

What is a Headless Service?

Headless Service is similar to that of a ‘Normal’ services but does not have a Cluster IP. This service enables you
to directly reach the pods without the need of accessing it through a proxy.

What is Linux Kernel? Is it legal to edit Linux Kernel?

Linux kernel refers to the low-level system software. It is used to manage resources and provide an interface
for user interaction.

Yes, it is legal to edit Linux Kernel. Linux is released under the General Public License (General Public License).
Any project released under GPL can be modified and edited by the end users. 

What is Swap Space?

Swap Space is the additional spaced used by Linux that temporarily holds concurrently running programs when
the RAM does not have enough space to hold the programs. When you run a program, it resides on the RAM
so that the processor can fetch data quickly. Suppose you are running more programs than the RAM can hold,
then these running programs are stored in the Swap Space. The processor will now look for data in the RAM
and the Swap Space

What are inode and process id?

inode is the unique name given by the operating system to each file. Similarly, process id is the unique id given
to each process.

Write a bash script to delete all the files in the current directory that contains the word “linux”.

for i in *linux*; do rm $i; done

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