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What is the frecuancy

Which of the follwing should

A fire involving ordinary

Which of the following types of packaging

The last person to evacuate a room

Elevators may be used to evacuate

Class A combustible
Poor housekeeping

Do not use water

A fire extinguisher containing

An extinguisher with a rating of A

Automatic fire detection

What is the best defence

Do not use carbon dioxide

When using a fire extinguisher

It is a good practice to assist

Closing the doors

A representation of the elements

If you are trained to use

If you have not received training in the use

Unusual odour from electrical

An extinguisher with

If you are trained to use

When evacuating a building

What are the three basic ingredients

Elevators may be used to evacuate

Fire will continue to

If you choose to fight

In the evento of a fire which has

What is the best defence against

A fire involving flammable

The last person to evacuate a room

It is a Good practice to assist

Do not use water extinguishers

Fire requires fuel, oxygen and heat

When you hear a fire alarm and

Keeping the work area litter-free

Sprinkler sysyems. Fire doors and fire

Water Will extinguish any type

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