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Alcohol market in India


Table of Contents
Table of Contents

01 Global overview
Consumption of alcoholic beverages worldwide 2017-2021 02
Forecasted global alcohol consumption per capita 2025, by region 03
Alcohol consumption per capita in Asia Pacific 2016, by country 04
Alcoholic beverage consumption: leading countries worldwide 2018 05
Alcohol market: leading companies worldwide 2017 06

02 Alcohol market in India

Consumption of alcoholic beverages India 2016-2020 08
Market share of the alcohol industry in India 2017 by type 09
Consumption of alcohol in India 2016 by beverage 10
Market size of spirits in India in 2016-2020 11
Leading alcohol brands in India 2018 by brand value 12
United Breweries total income FY 2014-2019 13
United Spirits total income FY 2014-2019 14
Table of Contents

03 Export and import

Export value of alcoholic beverages from India FY 2015-2019 16
Export value of wine from India in 2018 by region 17
Import value of alcoholic beverages to India in 2018 by country of origin 18
Value of wine imports to India 2013-2018 19

04 Alcohol consumption
Consumption value of alcoholic beverages in India FY 2012-2016 21
Share of male consumers of alcohol in India 2017-2018 by state 22
Beer and cider consumption share India 2017 by region 23
Preferred craft beer types in India 2019 24
Frequency of drinking craft beer in India 2019 25

05 Health impact
Prevalence of heavy episodic drinking among 15-19 year old in India 2016 by gender 27
Table of Contents

Alcohol related mortality in India 2016 by gender and cause 28

Number of alcohol attributable deaths in India 2016 by cause 29
Prevalence of alcoholism in India 2016 by gender and type 30

Global overview
Consumption of alcoholic beverages worldwide from 2017 to 2021 (in billion liters)
Consumption of alcoholic beverages worldwide 2017-2021

241.48 244.62
235.4 236.78 238.87
Consumption in billion liters

2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

Note: Worldwide; 2017

Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 32.
2 Source(s): Banco do Nordeste; Euromonitor; ID 726990 Global overview
Projected per capita alcohol consumption worldwide from 2016 to 2025, by world region (in liters of
pure alcohol)
Forecasted global alcohol consumption per capita 2025, by region

2016 2020 2025

Alcohol consumption per capita in liters of pure alcohol

9.8 9.8 9.8


8 8.1 8.1
8 7.6
6.4 6.6
6.3 6.3 6.3 6.2
6 5.3

0.6 0.5 0.6

European Region Region of the Americas Western Pacific Region World African Region South-East Asia Region Eastern Mediterranean

Note: Worldwide; 2016; 15 years and older

Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 33.
3 Source(s): WHO; ID 918492 Global overview
Alcohol consumption per capita in the Asia Pacific region in 2016, by country (in liters per annum)*
Alcohol consumption per capita in Asia Pacific 2016, by country

Alcohol consumption in liters per annum

0 2 4 6 8 10 12

New Zealand 10.7

Australia 10.6
Laos 10.4
South Korea 10.2
Thailand 8.3
Vietnam 8.3

Japan 8
Mongolia 7.4
China 7.2
Cambodia 6.7
Philippines 6.6
India 5.7
Myanmar 4.8
Sri Lanka 4.3
Timor-Leste 2.1

Note: APAC; 2016

Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 34.
4 Source(s): UNESCAP; UNSD; ID 690973 Global overview
Leading countries in consumption of alcoholic beverages worldwide in 2018 (in billion liters)*
Alcoholic beverage consumption: leading countries worldwide 2018

Consumption in billion liters

China 54.29

United States 30.5

Brazil 14.04

Germany 11.56

Russia 9.5

Japan 8.89

Mexico 8.61

United Kingdom 7.47

India 6.31

Spain 5.14

Note: Worldwide; 2017

Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 35.
5 Source(s): Banco do Nordeste; Euromonitor; ID 727052 Global overview
Leading alcoholic beverage companies worldwide in 2017, based on sales (in billion U.S. dollars)
Alcohol market: leading companies worldwide 2017

Sales in billion U.S. dollars

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50

Anheuser-Busch InBev 45.6

Heineken Holding 23
Kirin Holdings 19.1
Asahi Group Holdings 15.7
Diageo 15.2
Pernod Ricard 9.7
Carlsberg 9.3
Suntory Holdings 9.1
Constellation Brands 7.3
Thai Beverage 5.3
Kweichow Moutai 5
Molson Coors Brewing 4.9
Wuliangye Yibin 3.4
Brown-Forman 3
Jiangsu Yanghe Brewery 2.6

Note: Worldwide; 2017

Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 36.
6 Source(s): WTEx; ID 690753 Global overview

Alcohol market in India

Forecasted alcoholic beverage consumption in India from 2016 to 2020 (in billion liters)
Consumption of alcoholic beverages India 2016-2020

Consumption in billion liters

2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Note: India; 2016; forecast

Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 37.
8 Source(s): Banco do Nordeste; Euromonitor; ID 727026 Alcohol market in India
Market share of the alcohol industry across India in 2017, by type
Market share of the alcohol industry in India 2017 by type

Market share
0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50% 55%

Country liquor 48%

Indian-made Foreign Liquor (IMFL) 36%

Beer 13%

Imported liquor 3%

Note: India; 2017

Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 38.
9 Source(s): ASSOCHAM; Website (PHFI); ID 823130 Alcohol market in India
Distribution of alcohol consumption in India in 2016, by beverage
Consumption of alcohol in India 2016 by beverage

Share of alcohol consumption

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Spirits 92%

Beer 8%

Wine* 1%

Note: India; 15 years and older

Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 39.
10 Source(s): WHO; ID 946690 Alcohol market in India
Market size of spirits in India in 2016 with a forecast for 2020 (in trillion Indian rupees)
Market size of spirits in India in 2016-2020

2.5 2.36

Market size in trillion Indian rupees




2016 2020

Note: India; 2016

Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 40.
11 Source(s): Livemint; GlobalData; Euromonitor; ID 812584 Alcohol market in India
Leading alcohol brands across India in 2018, by brand value (in million U.S. dollars)
Leading alcohol brands in India 2018 by brand value

Brand value in million U.S. dollars

0 200 400 600 800 1,000 1,200 1,400 1,600 1,800 2,000 2,200

McDowell's No.1 1,931

Kingfisher 1,664

Royal Stag 1,515

Imperial Blue 1,513

Note: India; 2018

Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 41.
12 Source(s): Kantar Millward Brown; ID 913856 Alcohol market in India
Total income of United Breweries Limited from financial year 2014 to 2019 (in billion Indian rupees)
United Breweries total income FY 2014-2019


60 56.04
50 47.45 48.04
Value in billion Indian rupees






FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 FY 2017 FY 2018 FY 2019

Note: India; FY 2014 to FY 2019

Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 42.
13 Source(s): Moneycontrol; ID 946817 Alcohol market in India
Total income of United Spirits Limited from financial year 2014 to 2019 (in billion Indian rupees)
United Spirits total income FY 2014-2019

90 85.05 84.05 83.36 84.11

Value in billion Indian rupees








FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 FY 2017 FY 2018 FY 2019

Note: India; FY 2014 to FY 2019

Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 43.
14 Source(s): Moneycontrol; ID 946860 Alcohol market in India

Export and import

Export value of alcoholic beverages from India from financial year 2015 to 2019 (in million U.S.
Export value of alcoholic beverages from India FY 2015-2019


298.9 300.85
Export value in million U.S. dollars






FY 2015 FY 2016 FY 2017 FY 2018 FY 2019

Note: India; FY 2015 to FY 2019

Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 44.
16 Source(s): DGCI&S; Department of Commerce (India); ID 652407 Export and import
Value of wine exported from India in 2018, by region (in 1,000 U.S. dollars)
Export value of wine from India in 2018 by region

Value in thousand U.S. dollars

0 200 400 600 800 1,000 1,200 1,400 1,600 1,800 2,000 2,200

Netherlands 1,939.52

Hong Kong 1,691.33

Singapore 1,152.32

Australia 986.72

United Arab Emirates 701.29

Others 647.65

Sri Lanka 634.73

France 395.7

Japan 315.96

United Kingdom 260.54

Spain 182.14

Note: India; 2018

Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 45.
17 Source(s): GAIN; Department of Commerce (India) ( Directorate General of Foreign Trade); ID 1070511 Export and import
Import value of alcoholic beverages to India in 2018, by country of origin (in million U.S. dollars)
Import value of alcoholic beverages to India in 2018 by country of origin

Value in million U.S. dollars

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220

United Kingdom 195.71

Singapore* 69.87

France 22.64

Others 19.05

Belgium 10.51

United States 9.34

Netherlands 9.25

Australia 6.66

Mexico 4.89

Sweden 4.03

United Arab Emirates* 3.92

Note: India; 2018

Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 46.
18 Source(s): GAIN; Department of Commerce (India) ( Directorate General of Foreign Trade); ID 1070143 Export and import
Value of wine imports into India from 2013 to 2018 (in million U.S. dollars)
Value of wine imports to India 2013-2018


25 24.07
Value in million U.S. dollars




2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Note: India; 2013 to 2018

Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 47.
19 Source(s): GAIN; Department of Commerce (India) ( Directorate General of Foreign Trade); ID 1067667 Export and import

Alcohol consumption
Consumption value of alcoholic beverages in India from financial year 2012 to 2016 (in billion
Indian rupees)
Consumption value of alcoholic beverages in India FY 2012-2016


500 468.11
Value in billion Indian rupees





FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016

Note: India; FY 2012 to FY 2016; values at current prices

Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 48.
21 Source(s): India Food Forum; MOSPI; ID 912975 Alcohol consumption
Share of male alcohol users across India between December 2017 and October 2018, by state
Share of male consumers of alcohol in India 2017-2018 by state

Share of users
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%

Tripura 62.1%
Chhattisgarh 57.2%
Punjab 51.7%
Andaman and Nicobar islands 47.1%
Goa 46%
Uttar Pradesh 45.2%
Haryana 41.3%
Arunachal Pradesh 40.4%
Manipur 40.2%
Delhi 40.1%
Uttarakhand 38.1%
Chandigarh 32.3%
Odisha 31.8%
Madhya Pradesh 31.7%
Telangana 30.4%

Note: India; December 2017 to October 2018; 10-75 years ; 473,569 individuals*; across 186 districts.*
Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 49.
22 Source(s): Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment (India); AIIMS; ID 1048683 Alcohol consumption
Distribution of beer and cider consumption in India in 2017, by region
Beer and cider consumption share India 2017 by region

East 9%

North 12%

South 49%

West 30%

Note: India; 2017

Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 50.
23 Source(s): Nirmal Bang; Various sources (UK India Business Council); ID 1034779 Alcohol consumption
Most popular types of craft beers in India as of May 2019
Preferred craft beer types in India 2019

Share of respondents
0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45%

Wheat beers 40.5%

India Pale Ale/Double IPA 36.6%

Lager 29.4%

Golden ale 26.2%

Amber ale 16.2%

Pilsner 15.7%

Belgian ales 15.4%

Pale ales 14.6%

Porter 13.7%

Stout/Imperial stout 11.4%

Saison 5%

Note: India; May 10 to 31, 2019; 12,323

Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 51.
24 Source(s): Rakuten Insight; ID 1020552 Alcohol consumption
Frequency of craft beer consumption in India as of May 2019
Frequency of drinking craft beer in India 2019



Share of respondents




10% 8.83%
7.58% 7.93%


Always Rarely Very rarely Very frequently Occasionally Never

Note: India; May 10 to 31, 2019; 12,323

Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 52.
25 Source(s): Rakuten Insight; ID 1020525 Alcohol consumption

Health impact
Prevalence of heavy episodic drinking among 15 to 19 year olds across India in 2016, by gender
Prevalence of heavy episodic drinking among 15-19 year old in India 2016 by gender



Share of population



5% 3.6%

Males Females

Note: India; 2016; 15-19 years

Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 53.
27 Source(s): WHO; ID 946784 Health impact
Alcohol related mortality rate across India in 2016, by gender and cause
Alcohol related mortality in India 2016 by gender and cause

Male Female


90% 33.3%

Share of alcohol related deaths


50% 18.3%


30% 33.7%


Liver cirrhosis Road traffic injuries Cancer

Note: India; 2016; 15 years and older

Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 54.
28 Source(s): WHO; ID 946796 Health impact
Number of alcohol attributable deaths across India in 2016, by cause
Number of alcohol attributable deaths in India 2016 by cause




Number of deaths




40,000 30,958


Cancer Road traffic injuries Liver cirrhosis

Note: India; 2016; 15 years and older

Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 55.
29 Source(s): WHO; ID 946803 Health impact
Prevalence of alcoholism across India in 2016, by gender and type
Prevalence of alcoholism in India 2016 by gender and type

Alcohol use disorders* Alcohol dependence




Share of population






0% 0.5%
Male Female

Note: India; 2016; 15 years and older

Further information regarding this statistic can be found on page 56.
30 Source(s): WHO; ID 946806 Health impact

Consumption of alcoholic beverages worldwide from 2017 to 2021 (in billion liters)
Consumption of alcoholic beverages worldwide 2017-2021

Source and methodology information
The timeline shows the consumption of alcoholic beverages worldwide in 2017 and provides a forecast for 2018
Source(s) Banco do Nordeste; Euromonitor to 2021. The global consumption of alcoholic beverages amounted to approximately 235.4 billion liters in 2017
and was expected to reach 244.62 billion liters by 2021.
Conducted by Euromonitor

Survey period 2017

Region(s) Worldwide

Number of respondents n.a.

Age group n.a.

Special characteristics n.a.

Published by Banco do Nordeste

Publication date May 2018

Original source Caderno Setorial ETENE 2018 - Indústria de Bebidas Alcoólicas, page 11

Website URL visit the website

Notes: Figures have been rounded.

Back to statistic

32 References
Projected per capita alcohol consumption worldwide from 2016 to 2025, by world region (in liters of
pure alcohol)
Forecasted global alcohol consumption per capita 2025, by region

Source and methodology information
This statistic depicts per capita alcohol consumption worldwide in 2016 with projected figures for 2020 and 2025,
Source(s) WHO broken down by world region. In the Western Pacific Region, it is estimated that per capita alcohol consumption
will increase from 7.3 liters of pure alcohol in 2016 to 8.1 liters by 2025.
Conducted by WHO

Survey period 2016

Region(s) Worldwide

Number of respondents n.a.

Age group 15 years and older

Special characteristics n.a.

Published by WHO

Publication date September 2018

Original source Global status report on alcohol and health 2018, page 59

Website URL visit the website

Notes: n.a.

Back to statistic

33 References
Alcohol consumption per capita in the Asia Pacific region in 2016, by country (in liters per annum)*
Alcohol consumption per capita in Asia Pacific 2016, by country

Source and methodology information
This statistic shows the alcohol consumption per capita in the Asia Pacific region in 2016, by country. In that
Source(s) UNESCAP; UNSD year, alcohol consumption per capita in South Korea amounted to approximately 10.2 liters per annum
Conducted by UNESCAP; UNSD

Survey period 2016

Region(s) APAC

Number of respondents n.a.

Age group n.a.

Special characteristics n.a.

Published by UNESCAP

Publication date July 2018

Original source

Website URL visit the website

Notes: * The amount of recorded alcohol consumed per adult (15+ years) during
a calendar year, in litres of pure alcohol. This statistic only takes into
account consumption which is recorded from production, import, export,
and sales data often via taxation.

Back to statistic

34 References
Leading countries in consumption of alcoholic beverages worldwide in 2018 (in billion liters)*
Alcoholic beverage consumption: leading countries worldwide 2018

Source and methodology information
China was the global leader in alcohol consumption by volume in 2018. The nation consumed 54.29 billion liters
Source(s) Banco do Nordeste; Euromonitor of alcohol, nearly double the United States, the second ranked country. This consumption translates to a market
value of 285.9 billion U.S. dollars for China . The landscape changes entirely when sales are looked at on a per
Conducted by Euromonitor
capita basis; China`s ranking plummets to 37 with the average person buying 40.42 liters of alcohol in the year.
Survey period 2017 In comparison, consumers in the Czech Republic, ranked first, bought 164.08 liters during the year. The Chinese
market China`s alcohol market is primarily driven by beer and spirits sales, with spirits sales consisting almost
Region(s) Worldwide entirely of domestic brands. Chinese produced spirits occupied 38 percent of the overall alcohol market
compared to just 4 percent of imported spirits . The overwhelmingly preferred variety of spirits is baijiu, a clear
Number of respondents n.a. liquor, usually distilled from sorghum. In 2016, it accounted for 99 percent of China`s spirits market.
Age group n.a.

Special characteristics n.a.

Published by Banco do Nordeste

Publication date May 2018

Original source Caderno Setorial ETENE 2018 - Indústria de Bebidas Alcoólicas, page 11

Website URL visit the website

Notes: * Forecast. Figures have been rounded.

Back to statistic

35 References
Leading alcoholic beverage companies worldwide in 2017, based on sales (in billion U.S. dollars)
Alcohol market: leading companies worldwide 2017

Source and methodology information
The graph shows the leading alcoholic beverage companies worldwide in 2017, based on generated sales.
Source(s) WTEx Anheuser-Busch InBev was the leading alcohol company worldwide with sales amounting to about 45.6 billion
U.S. dollars in 2017.
Conducted by WTEx

Survey period 2017

Region(s) Worldwide

Number of respondents n.a.

Age group n.a.

Special characteristics n.a.

Published by WTEx

Publication date April 2018

Original source

Website URL visit the website

Notes: n.a.

Back to statistic

36 References
Forecasted alcoholic beverage consumption in India from 2016 to 2020 (in billion liters)
Consumption of alcoholic beverages India 2016-2020

Source and methodology information
Alcohol consumption in India amounted to about 5.4 billion liters in 2016 and was estimated to reach about 6.5
Source(s) Banco do Nordeste; Euromonitor billion liters by 2020. The steady increase in consuming these beverages can be attributed to multiple factors
including the rising levels of disposable income and a growing urban population among others. Alcohol market in
Conducted by Euromonitor
India India`s alcohol market consisted of two main kinds of liquor - Indian made Indian liquor or IMIL, and Indian
Survey period 2016 made foreign liquor or IMFL. This was in addition to beer, wine and other imported alcohol. Country liquor
accounted for the highest market share, while spirits took up the majority of the consumption market . Young
Region(s) India consumers Although the average per adult intake of alcohol was considerably low in India when compared to
other countries such as the United States, heavy drinkers among young Indians were more prevalent. Men were
Number of respondents n.a. more likely to drink than women by a large margin and were also more prone to episodic drinking. According to a
study, over 88 percent of Indians aged under 25 purchase or consume alcoholic beverages even though it is
Age group n.a.
illegal. This was despite bans on alcohol in some states across the country and limitations on sales in some
Special characteristics forecast others.

Published by Banco do Nordeste

Publication date February 2017

Original source Caderno Setorial ETENE 2017 - Indústria de Bebidas Alcoólicas, page 12

Website URL visit the website

Notes: Figures include the consumption of beer, wine, spirits and other alcoholic
beverages. Figures have been rounded.

Back to statistic

37 References
Market share of the alcohol industry across India in 2017, by type
Market share of the alcohol industry in India 2017 by type

Source and methodology information
Country liquor accounted for the highest market share in India with 48 percent while imported liquor had the
Source(s) ASSOCHAM; Website (PHFI) lowest share with about three percent in 2017. Country liquor is affordable by all due to cheap prices.
Conducted by Website (PHFI)

Survey period 2017

Region(s) India

Number of respondents n.a.

Age group n.a.

Special characteristics n.a.

Published by ASSOCHAM

Publication date October 2017

Original source FMCG Sector Growth and Logistic Innovation, page 20 and 21

Website URL visit the website

Notes: n.a.

Back to statistic

38 References
Distribution of alcohol consumption in India in 2016, by beverage
Consumption of alcohol in India 2016 by beverage

Source and methodology information
In 2016, around 92 percent of the recorded alcohol per capita consumed in India were spirits. Beer was the next
Source(s) WHO preferred alcohol for consumption in the country that year with about eight percent of per capita pure alcohol
Conducted by WHO

Survey period 2016

Region(s) India

Number of respondents n.a.

Age group 15 years and older

Special characteristics n.a.

Published by WHO

Publication date September 2018

Original source Global status report on alcohol and health 2018, page 304

Website URL visit the website

Notes: * Less than one percent. Note: Values are as a percent of per capita pure
alcohol consumption. Beer includes malt beers. Wine includes wine made
from grapes. Spirits include all distilled beverages.

Back to statistic

39 References
Market size of spirits in India in 2016 with a forecast for 2020 (in trillion Indian rupees)
Market size of spirits in India in 2016-2020

Source and methodology information
In the year of 2020, the market size of spirits in India was forecast to be around 2.36 trillion Indian rupees, up
Source(s) Livemint; GlobalData; Euromonitor from about 1.84 trillion Indian rupees in 2016. Spirits or distilled alcohol are produced by distillation of fermented
grains, fruits, or vegetables.
Conducted by Livemint; GlobalData; Euromonitor

Survey period 2016

Region(s) India

Number of respondents n.a.

Age group n.a.

Special characteristics n.a.

Published by Livemint

Publication date November 2017

Original source

Website URL visit the website

Notes: One Indian rupee is equal to 0.016 U.S. dollar and 0.013 euro as of March

Back to statistic

40 References
Leading alcohol brands across India in 2018, by brand value (in million U.S. dollars)
Leading alcohol brands in India 2018 by brand value

Source and methodology information
The brand value of McDowell's in India was approximately 1,931 million U.S. dollars, while the brand value of
Source(s) Kantar Millward Brown Imperial Blue was around 1,513 million dollars. McDowell's No.1 has whiskey, brandy, rum, bottled water, and
soda brands that are manufactured by United Spirits Limited.
Conducted by Kantar Millward Brown

Survey period 2018

Region(s) India

Number of respondents n.a.

Age group n.a.

Special characteristics n.a.

Published by Kantar Millward Brown

Publication date September 2018

Original source Top 75 most valuable Indian brands 2018, page 58-61

Website URL visit the website

Notes: n.a.

Back to statistic

41 References
Total income of United Breweries Limited from financial year 2014 to 2019 (in billion Indian rupees)
United Breweries total income FY 2014-2019

Source and methodology information
The total income of United Breweries in India was approximately 66 billion Indian rupees in the financial year
Source(s) Moneycontrol 2019, up from about 56 billion rupees in the previous fiscal year. United Breweries was owned by the UB Group,
and headquartered in Bengaluru, Karnataka. Indian beer - Kingfisher Bengaluru, the capital city of Karnataka, is
Conducted by Moneycontrol
deemed a paradise for beer lovers with a variety of craft beers and microbreweries found in every corner of the
Survey period FY 2014 to FY 2019 city. Kingfisher beer launched in 1978 is brewed by United Breweries in Bengaluru. Ever since, it has been one
of India`s most trusted brands and expanded to over 50 countries globally. As one of the leading alcohol brands
Region(s) India in the country, Kingfisher`s brand value amounted to over 1.6 million U.S. dollars as of 2018. The summer drink
Beer in India is sold at licensed retail liquor outlets, restaurants, bars, and nightclubs. Predictably, the Bengaluru
Number of respondents n.a. division had the highest share of a liquor license in the southern state of Karnataka. Between 35 and 40 percent
of sales for Indian brewers occurred during peak summer months from April to June. By 2020, the south Asian
Age group n.a.
nation's revenue from the beer market had a forecast value of approximately 15.5 billion U.S. dollars.
Special characteristics n.a.

Published by Moneycontrol

Publication date January 2020

Original source

Website URL visit the website

Notes: India's financial year begins in April and ends in March. For example, FY
2016 started in April 2015 and ended in March 2016. One Indian rupee is
equal to 0.014 U.S. dollars and 0.013 euros (as of February 2020). Values
have been rounded.

Back to statistic

42 References
Total income of United Spirits Limited from financial year 2014 to 2019 (in billion Indian rupees)
United Spirits total income FY 2014-2019

Source and methodology information
In the fiscal year 2019, the total income of United Spirits in India was approximately 90 billion Indian rupees, up
Source(s) Moneycontrol from about 84 billion rupees the previous fiscal year. The share of sales volume of premium spirits sold by
Diageo as of March 2016 was 25 percent.
Conducted by Moneycontrol

Survey period FY 2014 to FY 2019

Region(s) India

Number of respondents n.a.

Age group n.a.

Special characteristics n.a.

Published by Moneycontrol

Publication date February 2020

Original source

Website URL visit the website

Notes: India's financial year begins in April and ends in March. For example, FY
2016 started in April 2015 and ended in March 2016. One Indian rupee is
equal to 0.014 U.S. dollars and 0.013 euros (as of February 2020). Values
have been rounded.

Back to statistic

43 References
Export value of alcoholic beverages from India from financial year 2015 to 2019 (in million U.S.
Export value of alcoholic beverages from India FY 2015-2019

Source and methodology information
Approximately 301 million U.S. dollars-worth of alcoholic beverages were exported from India in fiscal year 2019.
Source(s) DGCI&S; Department of Commerce (India) This was a significant decrease compared to fiscal year 2015, after which exports of this variety had experienced
a dip. Products and commodities under agriculture and allied sectors, including alcohol accounted for 8.6
Conducted by DGCI&S
percent of India's exports that year.
Survey period FY 2015 to FY 2019

Region(s) India

Number of respondents n.a.

Age group n.a.

Special characteristics n.a.

Published by Department of Commerce (India)

Publication date July 2019

Original source Department of commerce: annual report 2019, page 35

Website URL visit the website

Notes: India's financial year begins in April and ends in March. For example, FY
2017 started in April 2016 and ended in March 2017. Note: One Indian
rupee is equal to 0.013 U.S. dollars and 0.013 euros (as of October 2019)

Back to statistic

44 References
Value of wine exported from India in 2018, by region (in 1,000 U.S. dollars)
Export value of wine from India in 2018 by region

Source and methodology information
In 2018, India exported wine to the Netherlands which amounted to approximately two million U.S. dollars. This
Source(s) GAIN; Department of Commerce (India) ( Directorate General of Foreign value constituted a share of approximately 22 percent of the total wine exports from the nation. The leading wine
Trade) producing states of India were Karnataka and Maharashtra.
Conducted by Department of Commerce (India) ( Directorate General of Foreign Trade)

Survey period 2018

Region(s) India

Number of respondents n.a.

Age group n.a.

Special characteristics n.a.

Published by GAIN

Publication date July 2019

Original source India: wine production and trade update, table 8

Website URL visit the website

Notes: Values have been rounded.

Back to statistic

45 References
Import value of alcoholic beverages to India in 2018, by country of origin (in million U.S. dollars)
Import value of alcoholic beverages to India in 2018 by country of origin

Source and methodology information
India imported alcoholic beverages from the United Kingdom that amounted to approximately 196 million U.S.
Source(s) GAIN; Department of Commerce (India) ( Directorate General of Foreign dollars in 2018. This value constituted a share of more than 55 percent of the total alcoholic beverages imported
Trade) into the nation. Singapore followed while France ranked third that year. Consumption of liquor According to
research, India`s alcohol consumption has increased by 38 percent between 2010 and 2017. Over 90 percent of
Conducted by Department of Commerce (India) ( Directorate General of Foreign Trade)
Indians preferred spirits among alcoholic beverages followed by beer. The highest share of beer and cider
Survey period 2018 consumption in India was in the southern region of the country as of 2017. The southern state of Karnataka is
famous for its United Breweries Group, the largest producer of beer under the famous Kingfisher brand.
Region(s) India Imported wine Approximately five million liters of wine were imported into the country. The leading country of
import for wine into India was Australia , accounting for more than two million liters of wine in 2018.
Number of respondents n.a.

Age group n.a.

Special characteristics n.a.

Published by GAIN

Publication date July 2019

Original source India: wine production and trade update, table 4

Website URL visit the website

Notes: One Indian rupee is equal to 0.014 U.S. dollars and 0.013 euros (as of
November 2019). Values have been rounded. *These countries are
transshipment hubs, not necessarily the original producers of the products
being imported.

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46 References
Value of wine imports into India from 2013 to 2018 (in million U.S. dollars)
Value of wine imports to India 2013-2018

Source and methodology information
In 2018, India imported wine valued at over 27 million U.S. dollars. This was an increase of approximately 14
Source(s) GAIN; Department of Commerce (India) ( Directorate General of Foreign percent compared to the previous fiscal year. The leading import partners for wine into India were France,
Trade) Australia and Italy.
Conducted by Department of Commerce (India) ( Directorate General of Foreign Trade)

Survey period 2013 to 2018

Region(s) India

Number of respondents n.a.

Age group n.a.

Special characteristics n.a.

Published by GAIN

Publication date July 2019

Original source India: wine production and trade update, table 1

Website URL visit the website

Notes: One Indian rupee is equal to 0.014 U.S. dollars and 0.013 euros (as of
November 2019). Values have been rounded.

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47 References
Consumption value of alcoholic beverages in India from financial year 2012 to 2016 (in billion
Indian rupees)
Consumption value of alcoholic beverages in India FY 2012-2016

Source and methodology information
The consumption value of alcoholic beverages across India amounted to around 503 billion Indian rupees in
Source(s) India Food Forum; MOSPI fiscal year 2016. There has been a decrease in the consumption value of alcoholic beverages in 2016 from
previous fiscal year of 2015.
Conducted by MOSPI

Survey period FY 2012 to FY 2016

Region(s) India

Number of respondents n.a.

Age group n.a.

Special characteristics values at current prices

Published by India Food Forum

Publication date June 2018

Original source The India Food Report 2018, page 47

Website URL visit the website

Notes: India's financial year begins in April and ends in March. For example, FY
2016 started in April 2015 and ended in March 2016. One Indian rupee is
equal to 0.014 U.S. dollars and 0.012 euros (as of September 2018).
Values have been rounded.

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48 References
Share of male alcohol users across India between December 2017 and October 2018, by state
Share of male consumers of alcohol in India 2017-2018 by state

Source and methodology information
According to a survey on substance use in India between December 2017 and October 2018, over half of the
Source(s) Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment (India) ; AIIMS total alcohol users are males. In Tripura, over 62 percent of males consumed alcohol during the surveyed time
period, compared to 34.7 percent of total users in the state. Overall, men had the highest share of alcohol use
Conducted by Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment (India) ; AIIMS
across the country.
Survey period December 2017 to October 2018

Region(s) India

Number of respondents 473,569 individuals*

Age group 10-75 years

Special characteristics across 186 districts.*

Published by Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment (India)

Publication date February 2019

Original source Magnitude of substance use in India 2019, page 13

Website URL visit the website

Notes: *Additionally, a Respondent Driven Sampling survey was conducted

covering 135 districts and 72,642 people who were dependent on illicit

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49 References
Distribution of beer and cider consumption in India in 2017, by region
Beer and cider consumption share India 2017 by region

Source and methodology information
The southern region of India had the highest beer and cider consumption share at about 49 percent, followed by
Source(s) Nirmal Bang; Various sources (UK India Business Council) the western region in 2017. Beer was the second most popular alcoholic beverage after whisky in the country for
the same year.
Conducted by Various sources (UK India Business Council)

Survey period 2017

Region(s) India

Number of respondents n.a.

Age group n.a.

Special characteristics n.a.

Published by Nirmal Bang

Publication date December 2018

Original source Institutional Equities - Good food, great drinks 2018, page 7

Website URL visit the website

Notes: n.a.

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50 References
Most popular types of craft beers in India as of May 2019
Preferred craft beer types in India 2019

Source and methodology information
According to Rakuten Insight , a survey about beer consumption found that a majority of Indian respondents,
Source(s) Rakuten Insight almost 41 percent, named wheat beers as their favorite craft beer type, while only five percent preferred to
consume saison.
Conducted by Rakuten Insight

Survey period May 10 to 31, 2019

Region(s) India

Number of respondents 12,323

Age group n.a.

Special characteristics n.a.

Published by Rakuten Insight

Publication date June 2019

Original source

Website URL visit the website

Notes: Original survey question: "Which of the following types of beers usually
associated with craft beers do you prefer?"

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51 References
Frequency of craft beer consumption in India as of May 2019
Frequency of drinking craft beer in India 2019

Source and methodology information
According to Rakuten Insight , a survey about beer consumption found that over 41 percent of Indian
Source(s) Rakuten Insight respondents said they never consumed craft beer, while 12 percent said that they drank craft beer very
Conducted by Rakuten Insight

Survey period May 10 to 31, 2019

Region(s) India

Number of respondents 12,323

Age group n.a.

Special characteristics n.a.

Published by Rakuten Insight

Publication date June 2019

Original source

Website URL visit the website

Notes: Original survey question: "How often do you consume/drink craft beer?"

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52 References
Prevalence of heavy episodic drinking among 15 to 19 year olds across India in 2016, by gender
Prevalence of heavy episodic drinking among 15-19 year old in India 2016 by gender

Source and methodology information
In 2016, around 21.1 percent of males aged between 15 to 19 years old in India had drunk heavily in the past 30
Source(s) WHO days. Heavy episodic drinking refers to consuming at least 60 grams or more of pure alcohol on at least one
occasion in the past 30 days.
Conducted by WHO

Survey period 2016

Region(s) India

Number of respondents n.a.

Age group 15-19 years

Special characteristics n.a.

Published by WHO

Publication date September 2018

Original source Global status report on alcohol and health 2018, page 304

Website URL visit the website

Notes: n.a.

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53 References
Alcohol related mortality rate across India in 2016, by gender and cause
Alcohol related mortality in India 2016 by gender and cause

Source and methodology information
In 2016, around 60 percent of male deaths was due to liver cirrhosis in India. Alcohol-related mortality rate and
Source(s) WHO prevalence of alcoholism was higher in males than females in the country that year.
Conducted by WHO

Survey period 2016

Region(s) India

Number of respondents n.a.

Age group 15 years and older

Special characteristics n.a.

Published by WHO

Publication date September 2018

Original source Global status report on alcohol and health 2018, page 304

Website URL visit the website

Notes: n.a.

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54 References
Number of alcohol attributable deaths across India in 2016, by cause
Number of alcohol attributable deaths in India 2016 by cause

Source and methodology information
Around 140.6 thousand people died due to liver cirrhosis caused by alcohol consumption across India in 2016.
Source(s) WHO Road traffic injuries and cancer were also prevalent among consumers of the beverage during the measured
time period.
Conducted by WHO

Survey period 2016

Region(s) India

Number of respondents n.a.

Age group 15 years and older

Special characteristics n.a.

Published by WHO

Publication date September 2018

Original source Global status report on alcohol and health 2018, page 304

Website URL visit the website

Notes: n.a.

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55 References
Prevalence of alcoholism across India in 2016, by gender and type
Prevalence of alcoholism in India 2016 by gender and type

Source and methodology information
In 2016, around 9.1 percent of males and 0.5 percent of females in India had alcohol use disorders. Alcohol-
Source(s) WHO related mortality rate was higher in males than females in the country that year.
Conducted by WHO

Survey period 2016

Region(s) India

Number of respondents n.a.

Age group 15 years and older

Special characteristics n.a.

Published by WHO

Publication date September 2018

Original source Global status report on alcohol and health 2018, page 304

Website URL visit the website

Notes: Data was 12-month prevalence estimates. * Including alcohol dependence

and harmful use of alcohol.

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56 References

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