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ee rT) Se hie a ee LLY ares SR OG ete ky ‘one ofthe following een seat Tad ee et en Prey nec brates Crone option from each of the following b plot. Crate thy oes ‘Arc pistol or phosphor bast pistol ur eat yer eet er ae BoC Umer) ett with one of the following SCOT ean erring Sek eee sane trons eae Mastercrafted radium pistol: power weapon ee eens Crone option from each ofthe following Parenti teenree) ‘Arc pistol or phosphor blast pistol ‘Arc maul or taser goad BULL BOO ese ec ee Teeny Sin Cae ee) Pei rd Cee al operatives, in which case it can include up to three Beene un GUNNER operatives. Each GUNNER operative must be ‘equipped with different ranged weapons. SMU LL SUL Ue nut est ACU eas Pea as STU ALC Pe eae Od a nu =e Tae Bn any eu a Pee eeu ye ee nua Be Ta Ca LETTHE MERCILESS LOGIC TU i ST Ta Dea a a Rue ul static chorus Litany of Praise rau OE ua Re roa bara Du ue) sabapt econ OO os dllaas ead Renn eal fo conpoec pet cu oa Pa neem SOL LM Ces an the Suategy phase ofa subsequent Turning Point, when it is your tu to use a Svategic Ploy or pass, you can select one different imperative below to become active for your kill team Re eee nnn ee md uO Each Imperative has an Optimisation and a Deprecation See doe ec Sees fu De Ce Each time a friendly Ta alae en eee A ee Ug le Pena ead ‘combat, you can reroll one of your attack dice vee eR) makes a shooting attack, in the Roll Attack er ea eRe Teroll one of your critical hits (if any). Uae ee Ei ee ae ae Oe aa OE eee Ee a eee es take effect, if you rolled two or more failed karan cee fon: Subtract @ from the Movement ieee operat td or ute eee cts SC ae LLCO m CoCo s Cy Lee peace oor} TE CC an LCL ay effect. Escaneado con CamScanner STRATEGIC PLOYS Neen CLADE® RUSTSTALKER is activated: Fight action duting that activation Fight actions during that activation. aU ee 11 uring Point, while an enemy operative @ of a friendly HUNTER CLADE® INFILTRATOR at enemy operative fights in combat or tack, in the Roll Attack Dice step of that attack, your opponent cannot reroll their ICALCULATED APPROACH (1CP) f the Turning Point, each time a shooting against a friendly HUNTER CLADES operative @ from enemy operatives, in the Roll f that shooting attack, if you retain any select one of your failed saves to be lormal save. more tha —— CCI. CORRE 60) that isnot active forsee on : Turning Point, that operative instead of Sa TOrTNATOR poe a a Conceal order anywhere in the Killzone that is within Mik of Heavy terrain and more than from enemy operatives and the enemy drop zone. That operative cannot have its order changed uring the first Turning Point as a result of the infiltrate option in the Scouting step. You can only use this Tactical Ploy once. MOTIVE FORCE VITALIT Use this Tactical Ploy when a ready friendly HUNTER CLADE operative is activated. That operative regains D3 lost wound Escaneado con CamScanner SHAN Tu Pe a Pe esrmteaeces stitial Clie one cour RUN hee a ba reney ere tana et d Heavy Pr i © Galvanic rifle x Gun Ne “ATES "0 SOO US er era a Cee ey Set ee Caer ee eer ee ae eae © Galvanic rifle % Gun butt eat Data-tether NAP}: Select one friendly neatie a operative Visible to and within @ ofthis action wile wah APL This operative cannot pet tis ‘ahi Engagement Range ofan enemy opt Escaneado con CamScanner nn a | es eet) with o Raptorclass machine spn. This can glean all kinds of data from 0 killone and from a Hunter Clade's enemies ‘Not only sit useful forthe kill team in battle, but such eae de (ate ‘O Galvanic rifle 4 ye wea > | % Gun butt 3 Heavy a) | ' | Omnispex (1AP}; Select, RE a Visible to and within Blo this operative, then sete | * At035 of smoke have no effet Siahtto that enemy operative [Tstenemy operatives not Obscure, * ha enmy operate in " err eae hat nope | "4 weapons have the No Cover specs, ne when determining ine of | This operative cannot portarm this a ton ww nape Range. of an enemy operative. Sona L UNTER CLADE®, IMPERIUM, ADEPTUS SURVEYOR LOOT 4n the hunt for the most dangerous of hereteks or xenos ea ae Loa ea ee performing Hunter Clade Rangers with advanced weaponry Strange, esoteric technologies power such armaments, GT ee ee ee (me 1 St O Arc rifle 4 3B a5 API ‘Stun © Plasma caliver ach tina this weapon is selected to make a shooting ataek With elect one of pies bolow ts use! - Standard 4 56 APL : - Supercharge 4% 56 AP2, Hot : © Transuranic arque reas API, Heavy, Unwieldy ws % Gun butt 20% 2 : : hus Ne 7 UNTER CLADL®, IMPERIUM, ADEPTUS RACCHANICUS, «FORGE WORLD>, SKTFARU, RANGER, GUNNER = Escaneado con CamScanner ATL a ea Pry citi ein es Ee Pose hist ; ' Peet uc duolaha gruelling duties PETE © Arc pista ey © Galvanic rifle Aing @, Balanced 7 y © Master etafted radium pistol fing @ last A, No Cover", © Phosphor bast pistol + . X Are maul : Sy X Gun but Lothal 5+ ‘ X Power weapon Lathal 5+ : 2 Taser goad Shy You cn select another ready indy HUNTER CLADES operative within lot his operative hati gilt be activated. After that operate has ben activated, you can immediately ‘ctvate that ther rend pert au VANGUARD SHOGKTROOPER Se ar eee ope Se renee ae ory oy ee agar \ f 3 © Radium carbin icons a uns : g ad Saturation Whe an en sina hia ee epee nd tin 5 th hi sity that enamy pee sasha aed ya ene ica Vet ut ae ee ied | is bie "eens eens operates th Escaneado con CamScanner A a ANIOd ONVHNOD T _ anlog oNYHHOD F_ ANNH ONY VEL, wasn in sNive ANIOd GNVNNOD F M018 SNITHH wag UN Escaneado con CamScanner ayaa < Ton LIS ins among Stari i t be obeyed . Casey ue to their direct link With the Dee eMeaei Gasca from their Ce these warriors are filled with 2 ioe Peetu Cie one EOL \While an enemy operative is Visible eo ates th hs aby that nam eyes gs being injured (only subtract from that enemy ment characteristic 8a resutoft bein uray Vise t and within of friendly operates A RST TTT) The omnispex's machine spirit can read heat emissions, Pee eee hae ae at extreme range. Should it be kept focused for an extended period, it will reveal the enemy's weaknesses. Ths is perfect for Hunter Clades, whose primary ee ogee 4 2B : = ‘vem operative is Visible to and within Omnispex {IAP}: Select one friendly operative bility, that enemy operative Visible to and within lil ofthis operative, then select one enemy subtract from that enemy ‘operative. Unt the end of the Turning Point, each time that friendly tic aS a result of it being injured operative makes a shooting attack, for that shooting attack: and within of friendly operatives with + Arcas of smoke have no effect when determining Line of Sight to that enemy operative. ‘+ That enemy operative is not Obscured. + Ifthat enemy operative isthe target, that friendly operative’s ranged weapons have the No Cover special rule. This operative cannot perform this action while within Engagement Range of an enemy operative. Escaneado con CamScanner SIGARIAN INFILTRATOR TRACKER Wy a ae ae baa dd 2 , i a Ln m7 baer as W 3 4+ 0 5 | 8 Rng @, Fusillade, Relontlass ay, Sout tome Geass X Power weapon 4 3+ 46 Lethal 5+ . Teser goad 4 3 8d Lethal 5+ Bai —— a ee, Sie. IMPERIUM, ADEPTUS MECHANICUS, , SKITARIL SICARIAN, Wi g Vv Se AREA es MA COTE ty Mm APL OG Dead erates ea eee acres F 2 1 from emotion than even others of their kind, No hunting 30 Of ov W 3 4+ u HME ahd echette blaster 5 & 2B Rng @, Fusillade, Relentless stubcarbine 4m 3h Ceaseless in % Power weapon 43 46 Lothal 5+ : ad 4 3 3/4 Lethal 5+ Stun ing Point, during this operative's ion action for one less AP {to his is not cumulative with the Servo-skull equipment (pg 65) ’, IMPERIUM, ADEPTUS MECHANICUS, ." * © 205 operative fights in combat or m a shooting attack, ifthe target is marked for your kill tear you can reroll one of your attack dice. If an enemy operat ‘marked for your kill team is incapacitated by a friendly HUNTER CLADE® operative, that friendly operative gains and that enemy operative i no longer marked for your kil team. You cannot use this Requisition if you already have ‘operative marked for your kill tam, but you can choose f operative to be no longer marked for your kill team in ord Use this Requisition Purchase this one operative Pathfinder etc note of it in Escaneado con CamScanner tanh Pots LUT Peon er Oar Calor oh aeRO TT nai om CO TreMcLCTren COST raers aaa PRE eg eked petragt CCS LU Lepore a acre eal eh A re Roa -— ’ oer ee pac aananer tam cr treet bake nT — oo pear e ce era The enemy has nowhere let to run, Your ki Se Ue aa pais) Sac eee , ed victory FT el eg ene sae > ued) CETTE 0 UTE nee eae M)nate each as quickly as possible before seeking extraction. ere? rasa, pene ere CTs ge tad LLL he Cle py ‘After the battle, all friendly operatives pass Casualty hed You can add one item of rare equipment to your Dene Une ee eek Poa onus, this Spec ot et) ee) ee as The enemy is reacting to your presence now at an end. With your kill team’s co HQ blocked, they must secure a landing their source of extraction in a more prim Escaneado By Ranger Alphas are the most dedicated of their kind, Ce acu) See raed Coes grace SIRENS Ang @, APY 4 © Are pistol 4 gl © Galvanic rtle 4b wh eae all © Master-cratted radium pistol = 24 2/4 _ ing © Phosphor blast pistol 4 a5 ng @, Blast A, No Cover X Are maul 4 45 Gun butt a m8 a % Power weapon 4 46 Lata D 5 % Tasor goad 4 Lethal Stuy er Turning Poi, whan a roady trendy erative is activated wth Bl of ths operative, You can solactanather ready fiend HUNTER CLAUE® operative ‘thin fil of this operave thats egbe tobe activated. Alto that first (rinnilyoporative has boon aetvated, you can immediatly tvate that other tindly operative. [vinirew cane RANGER, ALPHA, IPERIUM, ADEPTUS MECHANICUS, . LEADER, SKITAMII SLUT PI POM Lad tony CORT a ee their ammunition thot they contaminate the a CR cay eel eee Spliced Lees Ra te eet) Te era res Nae Vda a adae ee taut 5 aT | © Radium carbine 4 a uA Rending % Gun butt 3 cy ey | | ume 1 : ad-Saturation: Wise an en at | of frinly aparatives wth thes ait, evolve | fs troatod as being nur perative's Mo tits activated, Vist this abitty) Ti eM. ADEPT cau one ORL STA nan | Shocctooren Pe Escaneado con CamScanner Lepepererrreran rn ae yer tee) eee ete PERO ADEPTUS MEDIANS Zan Wom Ses ER ASSASSIN GE WORLD, CeO Ty ee ee et Te ee a eed hazardous f environments. XChordclow end trensonicBades 5 2 aise ee Esch me shooting stack rote. he Ft Deere Dee tp "A CLADE®, IMPERIUM, ADEPTUS MECHANICS.

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