Materials For Writing Your First Copywriting Sample, Right Below

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From this point through to the end of the program, you will have the

opportunity to create your own direct-response copywriting sample(s) …

both for print and online. We’ve created three fictitious products for
which you can create a print sample including a sales letter, lift note,
order device, and envelope teaser copy OR a web sample that includes
a website landing page/sales page, order device, and email lift note.

If you haven’t already reviewed the product options, you’ll find the PDF,
Materials for Writing Your First Copywriting Sample, right below
this Exercise (#9) on the Exercises Page. You’ll need to choose your
product and format before proceeding with this exercise. And, once you
choose your product, you may want to do some preliminary research on
similar products…take notes…find statistics…put together the ideas you
may incorporate into your promotion. Your research will be used in the
rest of your exercises to help build your writing sample.

For this exercise, you’ll decide on the primary and secondary emotions
you’re going to use to sell this product to your prospect. Fear? Vanity?
Something else?

You’ll use Worksheet B to begin planning your approach. Print it

out … it’s page 3 of this Exercise #9 PDF.

Keep in mind the target audience for this offer.

Try on all the emotional “suits” you learned about in this section to
see which ones fit best.

Once you’ve picked the appropriate emotions, mark them down on

Worksheet B under the headings “Primary Emotion” and “Secondary
Emotions.” Make other decisions about whether you want to be subtle or

direct? And pick some alternatives. Keep this worksheet with the rest of
your materials and research.

Remember, there’s no right or wrong answer here. Also keep in mind

that you might get halfway through the process and decide, “This isn’t
working. Maybe there’s a better approach.” The point is, nothing’s written
in stone. If you’re going to be a successful copywriter, you’re going to
have to get used to revising, re-revising, and sometimes going back to
the beginning and starting from scratch.

That’s enough for today. You’ve absorbed a lot of information. And

you’ve done some good work.

Exercise 9
Worksheet B

Practice Primary Secondary Subtle or Alternative

Letter Emotion Emotions Direct? Emotions?


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