There Is Some Steps of Necessary To Be A Better Person

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My religion is Roman Catholic According to Catholic tradition, the Catholic

Church was founded by Jesus Christ. The New Testament records Jesus' activities and
teaching, his appointment of the twelve Apostles, and his instructions to them to
continue his work. The Catholic Church teaches that the coming of the Holy Spirit
upon the apostles, in an event known as Pentecost, signaled the beginning of the
public ministry of the Church. Catholics hold that Saint Peter was Rome's first bishop
and the consecration of Linus as its next bishop, thus starting the unbroken line
which includes the current pontiff, Pope Francis. That is, the Catholic Church
maintains the apostolic succession of the Bishop of Rome, the Pope – the successor
to Saint Peter.
The concept of bad in roman catholic is when you disapprove what they
believe and what the commandments says. Bad to them is what is unusual to what
they do, example being gay, it is unusual to them and it is against their beliefs and
their bible that it makes them bad. Bad is when you disobey the name of god or
make your own decision of what and who to believe. Bad is if you don’t believe in
god and if you keep on asking questions of validity of god. Bad to them is what the
bible saying is bad.

There is some steps of necessary to be a better person.

 First step is know and love yourself, it is better to believe in yourself and love
yourself first because you have to know who you are to know the concept of
your own good and bad.
 Second is love others, whoever they might be, those who believes in god and
those who don’t, love anyone as many of them as possible, respect them as they
also starting to love themselves and search for what they believe.
 Third is to do good without the concept of fear of god, do what makes you think
it’s good without fear, do what’s good wholeheartedly, without a doubt, without
anyone telling you do so, without people telling you to do that because god
wants that and god will punish if you don’t, don’t do good if it is from fear, do
good because you know in your heart that it is good, that it is right. And don’t do
bad as well even though you don’t have fear, because not doing the wrong stuff
or the bad stuff mean you understand the rights and wrong and that you learn
 Last be who you are, be what makes you happy, be the person that you want to
be when you wake up in the morning. Be that person, don’t be the person who
is scared to find themselves because their religion and beliefs are holding them
back. Be that free of whoever and whatever you believe. No limits on how you
can think and search for your own faith. No religion to hold back what you can
be, no religion to hold back on what’s good or bad, no religion to hold back your
decisions. Be that kind of person where freedom is not about how strong you
believe in god, freedom is asking the question “WHO I WANT TO BE, WHAT I
WANT TO BE and WHY I WANT TO BE.” Never let any religion hold you back. Be

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