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Physical Chemistry II


Lecture #1a:
Properties of Gases
Textbooks for module

1. Lecture slides
2. Electronic copies available on MS-Teams (General  Class Material 
General Module Information)
3. Elements of Physical Chemistry available at the Library
Characteristics of Gases
- Gases expand indefinitely to fill the space they are placed in
- Gases can be tightly compressed
- No definite shape or volume
- Density is very small
- Two or more gases can diffuse/mix
completely. The volume of each gas is the
same as the entire mixture
Kinetic Molecular Theory of Gases
Theory based on 6 postulates (assumptions) for ideal gas:
1. Gases composed of very small particles (molecules)
2. Size is negligible. Distance between molecules is very large compared to container size
3. No intermolecular interactions (attraction or repulsion) between particles except
during collision
4. Energy can be transferred between molecules during collisions, average kinetic energy
remains constant provided temperature remains constant.
5. Molecules move randomly at various speeds
6. Average kinetic energy increases with temperature
Pressure: Mercury Barometer
• Pressure is defined as force per unit area, the
impact of gas molecules on the walls of a
−𝟐 𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐜𝐞 𝑵
𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐞 (𝐍. 𝐦 ) = =
𝐀𝐫𝐞𝐚 𝒎𝟐
• Barometer is used to measure the pressure that
the atmosphere exerts on the earth
• The height of the Hg is indication of
atmospheric pressure
• mm Hg based on the barometer measurement (760
mmHg at sea level)
• Standard atmosphere (atm): defined as
1 atm = 1 bar = 760 mmHg = 101325 Pa = 101,325 kPa
Gases: Pressure/Temperature
Balloon 1
Pressure exerted on the surface of balloon
𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐜𝐞 𝐍
𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐞 (𝐍. 𝐦𝟐) = =
𝐀𝐫𝐞𝐚 𝒎𝟐

Average energy ≈Temperature ≈
Unit: Degree Celcius, Kelvin (K) Balloon 2
What is pressure dependent on?
• Faster particles means P ↑, slower particles P↓
(Temperature, T)
• More particles P ↑, less particles P↓ (number of
particles, n)
• Small container P ↑, bigger container particles P↓
(Volume, V)
Boyle’s Law: P-V
The volume of an ideal gas is inversely
proportional to the pressure of the gas.
P α 𝟏 (n,T constant)
P = k.
PV = k
P1V1 = P2V2 = P3V3 etc.

P1V1 = P2V2
Volume can be calculated if P changes,
but T is constant
At constant pressure, the volume of a gas
is directly proportional to the absolute
temperature (K)

V = k.T (V/T = k)
V1 / T1 = V2 / T2 = V3 / T3= ………..= k
𝑽𝟏 𝑽𝟐
𝑻𝟏 𝑻𝟐

Volume can be calculated if T changes, but

P is constant
Gay-Lussac’s Law: P-T
The pressure exerted by a gas is directly
proportional to the temperature (K) [V,n
P = k.T (V/T = k)
P1 / T1 = P2 / T2 = P3 / T3= ………..= k

𝑷𝟏 𝑷𝟐
𝑻𝟏 𝑻𝟐

Pressure can be calculated if T changes, but V

is constant
Combined Gas Law
Charles Advagadro Boyle Gay-Lussac
VαT Pαn Pα
𝟏 PαT
𝑽 Combined Gas Law
(n,T constant) Boyle & Charles & Gay-Lussac
when n is constant
𝟏 𝑷𝟏𝑽𝟏 𝑷𝟐𝑽𝟐
V = k.T P = k. n P= k. P = k.T =
𝑽 𝑻𝟏 𝑻𝟐
V/T = k

Finally, P = OR PV = nRT
k is given the letter R, Ideal Gas constant
R= 8,314 J / mol·K
Ideal Gas Equation: SI Units

EXAMPLE: 1 One mole of an ideal gas occupies 12 L at 25 °C. What

is the pressure the gas ?
Using ideal gas law:
T = 273.15 + 25 °C = 298 K and V = 12L x 10-3 m3/L = 0,012 m3 𝟏 𝑳 = 10−3 m3
𝟏𝟐 𝑳 𝒙

nRT (1 mol)(8.314 J K− 1 mol− 1) (298 K)

P= =
𝑉 0,012 m3
= 2.06 x105 J/m3
= 2.06 x 105 Pa = 206 kPa.
If the pressure is needed in atm, then
P = 206 kPa(1 atm/101 kPa) = 2.04 atm.
Physical Chemistry II

Lecture #1b:
Basics of
Thermodynamics: Basics
Thermodynamics: The study of the flow (movement) of heat (thermo)
- Transformation of heat (q) to work (w) and vice versa
- Energy on a system
- Thermodynamic equations to describe relationships
- predict the direction of chemical processes
- predict the state of equilibrium of chemical systems
• Focus on Gases
-respond readily to changes in temperature and occupy a larger
volume when heated and a smaller volume when cooled
-Gases are highly compressible, readily confined to smaller volume.
Thermochemistry: Determine the heat output (amount) of
chemical reactions
Thermodynamic Systems:
System  Quantity of matter or a region chosen for study
Boundary  Real or imaginary surface that separates the
system from its surrounding
Surroundings  Mass or region outside the system

Internal work
Energy (U) work

No mass transfer but Fixed (does not change U).

Matter can enter e.g O2 No mass or heat transfer
and heat energy can flow heat energy can still flow
in and out the system in and out
Thermal Equilibrium/0th Law

Thermal Equilibrium: When there is no net exchange of heat

flows (transfer) between two or more objects.

Zeroth Law: If object 1 is in thermal equilibrium with object 2

and object 2 is in thermal equilibrium with object 3, then
object is in thermal equilibrium with object 3.
1. Explain how the perfect gas equation and combined gas law of state
arises by combination of Boyle’s law, Charles’s law, and Avogadro’s
2. A perfect gas undergoes isothermal compression, which reduces its
volume by 2.20 dm3. The final pressure and volume of the gas are
5.04 bar and 4.65 dm3, respectively. Calculate the original pressure
of the gas in (i) bar, (ii) atm.
3. A sample of 255 mg of neon occupies 3.00 dm3 at 122 K. Use the
perfect gas law to calculate the pressure of the gas
4. A sample of hydrogen gas was found to have a pressure of 125 kPa
when the temperature was 23 °C. What can its pressure be
expected to be when the temperature is 11 °C?

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