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JOURNAL OF VIROLOGY, Aug. 1991, p. 4198-4203 Vol. 65, No.

Copyright © 1991, American Society for Microbiology

Antigenicity of Rabies Virus Glycoprotein

Laboratoire de Genetique des Virus, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique,
91198 Gif-sur- Yvette Cedex, France
Received 25 March 1991/Accepted 30 April 1991

Although the number of antigenic sites on the rabies virus glycoprotein that have been described regularly
increases with time, no attempt has been made to carefully evaluate the relative importance of each of these
sites. Here we provide a more precise description of the antigenicity of the protein in mice of the H-2d
haplotype; we developed this description by using 264 newly isolated monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) and a

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collection of neutralization-resistant (MAR) mutants. Most of the MAbs (97%) recognized antigenic sites
previously described as II and III. One minor antigenic site separated from site III by three amino acids,
including a proline, was identified (minor site a). Despite their proximity, there is no overlap between site III
and minor site a; i.e., site III-specific MAR mutants were neutralized by the six MAbs defining minor site a,
and vice versa. One of our MAbs, lDl, reacted with sodium dodecyl sulfate-treated glycoprotein in Western
blots (immunoblots) under reducing conditions and was therefore probably directed against a linear epitope.
A MAR mutant selected with this MAb was still neutralized by MAbs of other specificities. This linear epitope
was called Gl (G, Gif). As a general rule, we propose to reserve the term "antigenic site" (either major or
minor) for regions of the protein which are defined by several MAbs originating from different fusions and to
describe regions of the protein which are defined by a single MAb as epitopes. It would be interesting to test
whether the same regions of the rabies virus glycoprotein are antigenic in mice of different haplotypes or in
other species.

The glycoprotein of rabies virus is believed to form glycoprotein. For instance, sites I and IV have up to now
polymeric structures that project from the surface of the been defined by a single MAb. More recently, a new epitope
virus particle. These surface spikes are responsible for has been described for ERA and CVS strains. This epitope
induction and binding of virus-neutralizing antibodies (7, 23), has been considered unique in that it was defined by a
determination of virulence (5, 6, 8), and stimulation of neutralizing MAb binding to the denatured glycoprotein (1).
lymphocytes (3, 4). An escape mutant to this MAb was shown to have an amino
Neutralizing monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) raised in acid substitution at position 264 of the glycoprotein (10).
BALB/c mice immunized with rabies virus were shown to Two neutralizing MAbs of human origin have also recently
delineate numerous epitopes on the viral glycoprotein (11, been isolated (9, 16). Both failed to neutralize the same
24). Their pattern of cross-reactivity with MAb-resistant escape mutant (RV 2-22C5) selected with the murine MAb
(MAR) mutants selected with some of these MAbs was used 2.22C5. One bound to the denatured glycoprotein, while the
to define three groups of epitopes on the challenge virus other did not. Whether the two human MAbs would recog-
standard (CVS) glycoprotein and five on the ERA glycopro- nize the same region of the glycoprotein as did MAb 2-22C5
tein (14, 15). Some groups contained a single epitope recog- was not investigated.
nized by a unique MAb, while others contained many Regions of the glycoprotein which are recognized by
epitopes defined by a collection of MAbs isolated from MAbs of new specificity have often been termed antigenic
several laboratories. sites. As a result, as many as six or seven antigenic sites on
Several overlapping epitopes certainly define an antigenic the rabies virus glycoprotein have been described, which
site. This is the case for antigenic sites II and III of the rabies does not reflect the actual antigenic properties of the protein.
virus glycoprotein. Antigenic mutants selected for resistance Using 266 neutralizing MAbs derived from the fusion of
to MAbs delineating site II were found to have one amino spleen cells from BALB/c mice immunized with beta propi-
acid substitution located between positions 34 and 42 or 198 olactone-inactivated CVS virus and our collection of MAR
and 200 of the glycoprotein, with the exception of two mutants, we have made a more accurate evaluation of the
mutants which each had a mutation in an intermediate relative importance of the different regions of the rabies
position (19). If most of those mutations are within the region virus glycoprotein in the stimulation of the B-cell response.
where MAbs bind to the protein, as postulated for the In addition, this large number of neutralizing MAbs allowed
majority of MAR mutants, then site II is a discontinuous, us to delineate and map new regions of the glycoprotein
conformational antigenic site. In contrast, mutants resistant which could also be antigenic.
to MAbs delineating site III were found to have amino acid
substitutions that were clustered in a short linear stretch MATERIALS AND METHODS
between positions 330 and 338, except for one mutant with
an amino acid substitution in position 357 (22, 26). Several Cells and viruses. CER and BSR clones of BHK21 cells
isolated epitopes were also identified on the rabies virus were grown in Eagle minimal essential medium supple-
mented with 8% calf serum. The myeloma cell line Sp2/0 was
grown in Dulbecco modified minimal essential medium sup-
Corresponding author. plemented with 15% foal serum, 2 mM L-glutamine, and 10

mM sodium pyruvate. Hybridomas were grown in the same AGAGACCTA, (iii) GATTACACCATTTGGAT, (iv) AC
medium with 0.1 mM hypoxanthine, 0.4 M aminopterin, and CAAATGGTGCTCTCC, and (v) GTCCCAGGGTTTGGA
16 mM thymidine. AA. They were purchased from Appligene, except primer 5,
The CVS strain of rabies virus and its antigenic mutants which was kindly donated by D. H. L. Bishop.
were grown and purified by previously described procedures Reverse transcription, amplification, and sequencing. RNA
(19). extracted from purified viral particles was engaged in first-
MAb production and characterization. BALB/c mice (pur- strand cDNA synthesis by the general method described by
chased from IFFA-Mdrieux) were immunized at a 6-week Sambrook et al. (21). Briefly, RNA in Tris-HCl, pH 8.3-50
interval with two intraperitoneal injections of 100 ,g of mM KCl-5 mM MgCl2-1 mM each deoxynucleotide triphos-
purified, beta propiolactone-inactivated CVS. An intrave- phate (dNTP)-25 U of RNAsine (Promega)-7.5 U of avian
nous booster injection was given 4 days before fusion. myeloblastosis virus reverse transcriptase (Amersham)-50
Spleen cells from immunized mice were fused with Sp2/0 pmol of messenger sense primer (primer 1), in 20 ,ul (final
myeloma cells, according to standard procedures (12). volume), was incubated for 45 min at 37°C.
Hybridomas secreting anti-rabies virus antibodies were First-strand cDNA-RNA heteroduplexes were denatured
first characterized by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent as- for 5 min at 95°C, and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was
say (ELISA) against the whole virus (20) and then against performed with 5 ,ul of the cDNA synthesis mixture in 100 ,ul

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1% sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)-treated virus. Hybridomas (final volume) of 10 mM Tris-HCI, pH 8.3-50 mM KCl-2.5
secreting antiglycoprotein antibodies were detected with a mM MgCl2-200 ,uM each dNTP-0.1% gelatin-100 pmol of
membrane fluorescence assay performed against nonperme- each primer-2.5 U of Taq DNA polymerase (Cetus Perkin-
abilized CVS-infected cells by using fluorescein-conjugated Elmer or Promega). Amplification was conducted for 30
anti-mouse immunoglobulin (Silenus). Neutralizing MAbs cycles on a Hybaid thermocycler programmed to provide 15
were identified and characterized in a plaque neutralization s at 94°C, 45 s at 55°C, and 1.30 min at 74°C for each cycle.
test (2) performed first with CVS and then with a collection Two pairs of primers were used to amplify the glycoprotein
of representative mutants (19, 22). The following mutants gene in two overlapping fragments: A1-AAAAGACTCAA
were used for the characterization: J17, J12, J21, K2, K5, GGAAAGATG, B1-AGAACTCCACATAACTTGAG; and
K3, K14, K18, A17, P3, and J26 (mutated in site II); AvOl, A2-GATTACACCATCTGGATGCC, B2-CTTGGATCGTT
F67, and B1506 (mutated in site III); and D65 (mutated in site GAAAGGA.
I). Any MAb which failed to neutralize at least one of the PCR products were subjected to electrophoresis on 2%
mutants listed above was considered specific for the corre- Nusieve GTG agarose (FMC Corp.). A band of the expected
sponding site. When ascitic fluid was needed, the hybrid- size of double-stranded DNA was excised from the gel,
omas were cloned once more by limiting dilution and then melted for 15 min at 65°C, and diluted with 5 volumes of
injected into the peritoneal cavity of pristane-treated sterile H20. Five ,u1 of the melted agarose was subjected to
BALB/c mice. PCR amplification as described above, except that the con-
SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) and immu- centration of one primer was reduced to 1 pmol and PCR was
noblot analysis. Purified rabies virus was boiled for 3 min in conducted for 50 cycles. The product of single-strand ampli-
2x Laemmli buffer with or without 2-,B-mercaptoethanol. fication was extracted with chloroform and dialyzed four
Electrophoresis was carried out in a discontinuous SDS- times on a Centricon 30 microconcentrator (Amicon). The
polyacrylamide gel (13). Proteins were either stained with final product (1 pmol) was sequenced with Sequenase V.2
Coomassie blue or electrotransferred to nitrocellulose mem- (USB) according to the manufacturer's directions. The PCR
branes. Membranes were prepared for immunostaining by oligonucleotides were used as sequencing primers.
blocking nonspecific sites with 5% defatted milk in Tris-
buffered saline (TBS)-Tween (0.05 M Tris-HCI, pH 8-0.15 RESULTS
M NaCI-0.05% Tween 80). Blocked membranes were incu-
bated overnight with appropriate dilutions of ascitic fluids. Characterization of neutralizing MAbs. From one fusion,
Membranes were washed twice in TBS-Tween, incubated several hundred hybridomas secreting MAbs against rabies
for 1 h with alkaline phosphatase-conjugated anti-mouse virus were established. Of these, 262 were characterized as
immunoglobulin (Silenus), washed twice in TBS-Tween, neutralizing by a plaque neutralization test (data not shown).
washed twice in TBS, and stained with alkaline phosphatase They also bound to the membrane of nonpermeabilized
substrate solution (1.2 mM fast blue BB salt [Sigma]-1.8 mM infected cells.
,-naphthyl phosphate in borate buffer). The ability of the 262 MAbs to neutralize a panel of 11
Selection of antigenic mutants. Selection of new antigenic antigenic mutants affected in site II and 3 mutants affected in
mutants was performed as previously described (22). Briefly, site III of the glycoprotein was determined according to the
dilutions of either a 5-fluorouracil mutagenized stock or method of Seif et al. (22). A total of 254 MAbs failed to
cloned stocks of CVS were incubated 1 h at room tempera- neutralize at least one mutant affected in site II or in site III.
ture with diluted ascitic fluid and then plated onto monolay- We did not find any MAb which failed to neutralize mutants
ers of CER cells. Well-separated plaques were picked, and of site II and of site III, an observation which confirms the
small stocks of each putative mutant were prepared on BSR independence of the two sites. In view of these results, 190
cells. Only stocks showing 90% resistance to the selecting MAbs were assigned to site II and 64 MAbs were assigned to
MAbs were used in the present study. site III. One mutant (D65), isolated in this laboratory with
Direct RNA sequencing. Direct sequencing by the chain MAb 509.6 (from the Wistar collection), which defines the
termination procedure of Sanger was performed as previ- so-called antigenic site I, was also used in this study. Not
ously described (19). Reverse transcription was performed one MAb failed to neutralize this mutant.
directly on the purified genomic RNA by using synthetic Eight MAbs (40E1, 48C5, 40A1, 49C3, 52C4, 46D2, 49C2,
oligonucleotides to prime the reaction. Five primers span- and 52A4) neutralized all the mutants. These MAbs, as well
ning the extracellular domain of the glycoprotein gene were as four unclassified MAbs (1D1, 7D2, 11C6, and 20A2) from
used: (i) AAAAGACTCAAGGAAAGATG, (ii) AGAGGC previous fusions, were thus considered possibly directed

that is nonoverlapping with those already described for the

Mutant Neutralization with MAbs CVS strain.
The mutant selected with lDl was neutralized by all of the
Cl. Nb. Unclassified Site II Site III MAbs tested so far except the selecting MAb, suggesting
that this MAb is directed toward a new epitope, referred to
14 in
X 510~
U -Wn
.~0 s 2D N4
vW 1 In
%0 a
0 as epitope Gl (G, Gif). Mutants selected with 46D2 or 52A4
o o 0 o
0 0
..a a
0 5
%O atN n r- u 0 CN
o m

IV Nq 14
UZ -w 91 C4
N IV Un In
(class 4, 5, or 6 in Fig. 1) were also resistant to MAbs specific
1 12 0 000 00000 000 000 0 0 to site II, indicating that these mutants were affected within
12 00000 0 000 00 o ( 00 00 antigenic site II. MAbs 46D2 and 52A4 should thus be
7 00 00 0 * 0 C0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 considered site II specific. The mutant selected with 46D2
2 1 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 also failed to be neutralized by 49C2. This indicates that
3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 00 0 0 0 49C2 is also directed against site II. The 40 mutants were
4 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O0 O @ 0 * 00 neutralized by 52C4 and 7D2. The specificities of the two
5 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 0 0 C) O * *0 00 MAbs which neutralized all categories of MAR mutants
6 1 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 @ 0 0 0 0
remain to be determined.
MAb reactivity with SDS-treated glycoprotein. The reactiv-

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FIG. 1. Pattern of neutralization of mutants isolated with unclas- ity of the 262 MAbs was studied in an ELISA with intact or
sified MAbs. Data show resistance to neutralization by the selecting 1% SDS-treated virus as antigen. All the MAbs recognized
MAb (0) and by other MAbs (0) and neutralization (0). Abbrevi- the intact virus, but only lDl was positive when the plates
ations: Cl, class; Nb, number of mutants per class. were coated with SDS-treated virus, indicating that this
MAb is probably directed toward a continuous epitope.
We also studied the binding of 39 representative MAbs in
towards new epitopes and were retained for further investi- Western blots (immunoblots) after separation of the proteins
gation. Nine of them were used to select antigenic mutants of purified virus in SDS-PAGE with and without 2-1-mer-
as described in Material and Methods. We were able to captoethanol (Fig. 2). Only lDl bound to the denatured
select 40 antigenic mutants with seven of the MAbs. We glycoprotein under reducing conditions. However, when the
selected 12 with 40E1, 12 with 48C5, 7 with 40A1, 1 with reducing agent was omitted, all the MAbs specific to minor
11C6, 1 with lDl, 1 with 46D2, and 6 with 52A4. In spite of site a and to epitope Gl, as well as the two unclassified
several attempts, we were not able to isolate any mutant MAbs, bound to the denatured protein. Under the same
with 52C4 or 7D2. conditions, 5 of the 11 site 1I-specific MAbs recognized the
Characterization of new antigenic regions of the glycopro- glycoprotein, while only 1 of 19 site III-specific MAbs did so.
tein. Newly selected mutants were cross-reacted with all the Mapping of mutations in antigenic mutants. To map the
unclassified MAbs as well as with selected MAbs specific for mutations of our antigenic mutants, we partially sequenced
sites II and III. They were divided into six classes, according two class 1 mutants, one class 2 mutant, one class 3 mutant,
to their pattern of neutralization by the MAbs (Fig. 1). The and one class 4 mutant (Table 1). Results supported the
first class contains 31 mutants which were resistant to prediction that mutants of classes 1 and 2 are closely related
neutralization by 40E1, 48C5, 40A1, 49C3, 20A2, and 11C6. and are affected at sites different from those already de-
This result indicates that these six MAbs belong to the same scribed. We found the same substitution at position 343 for
specificity group. They cannot derive from the same clone of two class 1 mutants (Gly to Glu) and a substitution at
B cells since (i) two of them (11C6 and 20A2) were isolated position 342 for the class 2 mutant (Lys to Thr). It should be
in a separate fusion and (ii) 48C5 and 40A1, which still noted that although the two class 1 mutants came from a
neutralized the mutant selected with 11C6, certainly differ mutagenized stock of CVS, they could still derive from a
from the other four. This group of six MAbs thus clearly subclone of mutants which existed in the viral stock prior to
delineates an antigenic region, referred to as minor site a, the mutagenesis. Alteration at position 343 confers resis-

a Number of neutralizing MAbs

reacting to PAGE-separated glycopr*ntei n b
MAb Treatment with Treatment with A B C
specifity SDS SDS + 2BME 1 2 1 2 1 2

Site II 5/11 0/11

Site III 1/19 0/19
Minor Site a 6/6 0/6
Epitope Gl 1/1 1/1
Undetermined 2/2 0/2

FIG. 2. Binding of 39 representative neutralizing MAbs to the viral glycoprotein in Western blots. (a) Summary table; (b) representative
immunoblots showing binding in the presence (lanes 1) or absence (lanes 2) of 2-p-mercaptoethanol: binding in both condtions (A), binding
only in the absence of the reducing agent (B), or no binding (C). The positions of the five viral proteins were identified by staining the blot
with Ponceau red. The dye was washed out before treatment with antibodies.

TABLE 1. Mapping of mutations in new antigenic mutants

Class of MAb used in Name of Sequenced Mutation in:
mutant selection mutant region Codon Amino acid
1 40E1 1-8 320-360 GGG to GAG Gly-343 to Glu
48C5 AJ4 320-360 GGG to GAG Gly-343 to Glu
2 11C6 Ti 180-266 AAA to ACA Lys-342 to Thr
3 lDl Xi 258-380 Not found Not found
4 46D2 AD8 15-80 AAC to GAC Asn-37 to Asp

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tance to all six MAbs, while alteration at position 342 confers place in the parent strain (Fig. 4). A similar conclusion was
resistance to 11C6, 20A2, 49C3, and 40E1 but not to 48C5 reached by Wunner et al. (27) by using chemical analysis of
and 40A1. Although these mutations were in close proximity tryptic glycoprotein fragments. As we did not find any MAbs
to those delineating site III (330 to 338), we could not find in 266 that failed to neutralize our site I mutant, the so-called
any overlap between the two sites: the six MAbs defining antigenic site I remains defined by only one MAb, 509.6,
minor site a neutralized selected site 111-specific mutants, from the Wistar collection. Direct RNA sequencing of the
and the two mutants affected in positions 342 and 343 were glycoprotein gene of this mutant revealed a single nucleotide
neutralized by eight site 111-specific MAbs. change, resulting in an amino acid substitution at position
As the mutant selected with MAb lDl grew poorly in cell 231 of the glycoprotein (Leu to Pro). The same substitution
culture, direct RNA sequencing could not be performed. has been reported for another escape mutant selected with
PCR was used to amplify the glycoprotein gene in two this MAb (25).
overlapping segments of 766 and 1,023 bp, respectively (Fig.
3). Direct sequencing of the amplified products revealed no DISCUSSION
amino acid changes between positions 258 and 380. The
epitope defined by lDl is then probably different from the Although it is generally considered that the rabies virus
epitope described around position 264 by Dietzschold et al. glycoprotein has six or seven antigenic sites, it is clear from
(10). this study of 266 neutralizing MAbs that the vast majority of
Sequencing of mutant AD8, a representative of class 4 these MAbs (97%) belong to sites II and III as initially
mutants, revealed an amino acid change at position 37 of the defined by Lafon et al. (14) (Fig. 5). Clearly some regions of
glycoprotein (Asn to Asp). This finding supported the pre- the glycoprotein are far more antigenic than others. A
diction made from the cross-reactivity pattern that the special effort was made to characterize the eight remaining
alteration in this class of mutants ought to be within anti- MAbs plus four unclassified MAbs isolated in our laboratory
genic site II (34 to 42 and 198 to 200). This mutation from previous fusions. Six of those MAbs were directed
destroyed a potential glycosylation site present in the glyco- toward a new region of the protein, probably covering amino
proteins of all strains of rabies virus sequenced so far. The acids 342 and 343. One MAb, lDl, defined a new epitope,
electrophoretic mobilities of the two forms (G1 and G2) of the which we called Gi. Given these results, which agree with
glycoprotein were identical in the CVS strain and in the those found on a smaller scale in other laboratories, we
mutant, indiKating that glycosylation of site 37 does not take propose to reserve the term "antigenic site'" for sites II and
III. Other groups of overlapping epitopes which can be


1023 bp-
w _ "
766 bp.-

GM 2
FIG. 4. Electrophoretic mobilities of the proteins of CVS (B) and
mutant AD8 (A). The destruction of the first putative glycosylation
FIG. 3. PCR amplification of two segments of the glycoprotein site by the substitution of an asparagine in position 37 does not
gene. Lanes Aand B, amplification products; lane C, markers. change the electrophoretic mobility of the glycoprotein (Gl, G2).

those amino acids are part of a loop at the surface of the

protein. In this case, the critical role of arginine 333 for
neurovirulence is a strong indication that this loop could be
directly implicated in the recognition of neuronal receptors.
Alternatively, site III-specific MAbs could bind to another
region of the protein, which would be dramatically modified
by mutations occurring between amino acids 330 and 338. A
possible mechanism for selection of this type of remote
antigenic variation was recently described for foot-and-
mouth disease virus (18).
Six MAbs were found to delineate a new antigenic site
(minor site a), possibly located around positions 342 and 343
Other Specificities (3)
-0 of the glycoprotein. If this location is relevant, then the fact
Minor Site a (6) that site III-specific mutants were all neutralized by MAbs
specific for minor site a, and vice versa, despite the proxim-
ity of the mutations selected with both groups of MAbs, may
FIG. 5. Relative importance of the antigenic sites of the rabies

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be a consequence of the presence of a proline residue at
virus glycoprotein. The respective number of MAbs isolated in this
position 340. The presence of this amino acid is often
laboratory delineating each antigenic site is indicated in parenthe- associated with a bending of the polypeptide chains. It would
be interesting to see whether the mutant which has a
substitution at amino acid 357 and was initially classified as
site III specific (26) is neutralized by these MAbs.
recognized by several MAbs isolated in separate fusions or Failure to select antigenic mutants with MAbs 52C4 or
in different laboratories should be called minor antigenic 7D2 may indicate an incomplete cloning of the hybridomas,
sites. Our group of six MAbs therefore defines minor anti- leading to mixed populations of neutralizing antibodies.
genic site a. Other regions of the protein are identified by a Alternatively, it is possible that escape mutants are lethal.
single MAb: this is the case for what were previously called Thus, the possibility that these MAbs are directed toward
antigenic sites I, IV, V, and VI. They should be called critical regions of the protein cannot be excluded. Identifi-
epitopes unless an exchange of MAbs and escape mutants cation of such regions will require the development of new
between laboratories demonstrates that two or more of the techniques.
epitopes overlap. If so, they will constitute a new minor
antigenic site. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
The relative importance of each of the antigenic sites does
not seem to depend on the strain of virus or on the particular
The excellent technical assistance of J. Bdn6jean is gratefully
animal examined. For instance, the predominance of sites II This work was supported by the Centre National de la Recherche
and III has been observed in several fusions made with Scientifique (UPR A.2431).
various strains of rabies virus at the Wistar Institute, at the
Pasteur Institute and in our laboratory. It would be interest- REFERENCES
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