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Ch-3 Introduction to HTML

Q1. Multiple choice questions.

(a) HTML tags can be written in-

(i) Capital letters (iii) Both capital and small letters
(ii) Small letters (iv) None of these
(b) What is a tag called as, that comes in the end?
(i) Stop tag (iii) Last tag
(ii) Finish tag (iv) End tag
(c) HTML is a:
(i) Language (iii) Software
(ii) Web Page (iv) Both (i) and (ii)
(d) Empty tags require
(i) Opening tag (iii) Closing tag
(ii) Both opening and closing tags (iv) None of these
(e) Where do you place the <TITLE> tag in HTML?
(i) Paragraph (iii) Body
(ii) Head (iv) None of these
(f) Which one is the correct syntax of the HTML tag?
(i) </P>HTML<P> (iii) <b>HTML<b>
(ii) <P>HTML</P> (iv) None of these
(g) When you want the text to appear as a new, separate line, you need to use the tag-
(i) <BR> (iii) <P>
(ii) <HR> (iv) <BODY>
(h) Which HTML tag is used to insert title in an HTML document?
(i) <HEAD> (iii) <TITLE>
(ii) <BODY> (iv) <HTML>
(i) Which HTML tag is used to centralize the text within the segment?
(i) <CENTER> (iii) <H1>
(ii) <TEXT> (iv) None of these
(j) Which HTML tag is used to insert a horizontal rule?
(i) <P> (iii) <BR>
(ii) <HR> (iv)<EM>

Q2. Fill in the blanks.

(a) HTML is a ____________Markup Language.

(b) __________is the extension of HTML file.
(c) The text that appears in a HTML document lies between the_________ tags.
(d) <P> tag is an empty used to indicate ____________.
Q3. Write ‘T’ for true and ‘F' for false.

a. HTML code is not case sensitive.

b. <B> is an empty tag
c. <UL> is an ordered list.
d. Definition list begins with <DL> tag
e. Title tag does not have an end tag.

Q4. Answer the following questions.

1. What is <BR> tag? How do you use it?

2. Write the full form of the following tags:
i) <LI> ii) <I> iii) <DD>
3. Differentiate between empty and container tag.
4. Differentiate between ordered and unordered list.

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