Ishita Roy 25/06/2021 Alliance School of Business Human Resource Task 3

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ISHITA ROY 25/06/2021



❖ Conduct a comprehensive study and find out employees from which of these organization
has the best work life balance:
• Media
• IT

➢ Work life balance is the state of equilibrium where a person equally prioritizes the
demands of one’s career and the demands of one’s personal life. Some of the common
reasons that lead to poor work-life balance are
• Increase responsibilities at work
• Working longer hours
• Increased responsibilities at home
• Having children

➢ Here I have done a survey on work-life balance of 100 employees from the above-
mentioned industries (20 each)
➢ A basic questionnaire was filled my them which contained questions like
o What is your family structure?
o What is your marital status?
o In which age group do you belong to
o Are you satisfied with the working hours and does it fit with your private life?
o Do you feel you are able to balance your work life?
o Normal working hour per day
o You are currently working as
o How stressful is your work?
o How frequently do you do overtime to finish your work?
o Do you have flexible schedule?
o Are you able to attend social gathering in family?
o Are you able to pay for your house hold bills?
o How frequently do you go for vacation?
o Does long working hour affect your efficiency?
o How frequently do you get time to do your hobbies?
o Are you suffering from any health issues(mental/physical) due to your work?

➢ Below are the results of the survey and the analysis

▪ Most of the employees belong to a nuclear family.

▪ According to the survey majority of the employees are bachelor.

▪ Majority belong in the age group 18-20, then 25-35, in FMCG and FMCD more
employee in the age group 35-45.
▪ In FMCG (55%), BFSI (65%), Media (45%) and IT (40%) majority are satisfied, in FMCD
40% (i.e., 8) employees are neutral.

▪ Majority selected yes. Among them BFSI 90% i.e., 18 employees selected yes.
▪ Average working hour per day for all the industries is 10 to 12 hours

▪ Majority of the employees are full time employees.

▪ Media 45% i.e., 9 employees are very stressful. FMCG, BFSI and IT majority chose
stressful. FMCD 40% i.e., 8 employees chose slightly stressful.

▪ In FMCD and Media industry majority chose most of the time. In FMCG, BFSI and IT
majority chose some time.
▪ FMCD 60% i.e., 12 employees chose no. In other industries majority chose yes.

▪ In BFSI and IT 45% i.e., 9 employees chose most of the time. Rest of the industries
majority chose some time.
▪ Majority employees of all the sectors chose most of the time.

▪ In media 50% i.e., 10 people chose most of the time. FMCG, FMCD, BFSI and IT
majority chose some time.
▪ In FMCG majority 35% i.e., 7 employees disagree. FMCD, BFSI, Media and IT majority
chose agree.




▪ After the survey we can see that work hours affects rarely the work-life balance in
the all the sector
▪ Overtime affects rarely affects
▪ Work from home after office hour always affects the employees
▪ House hold work affects rarely affects

After the survey we can conclude that BFSI has the best work-life balance. Majority of the
employees agree that they can balance their work-life as well as family life and are happy with
their job. Employees have flexible schedule. Very few suffers from work related stress.

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