Turkish English Dictionary

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Turkish – English
Thesaurus Dictionary

Edited by
Professor Philip M. Parker, Ph.D.
Chaired Professor of Management Science
INSEAD (Singapore and Fontainebleau, France)


Thesaurus Dictionary


Webster’s Online Dictionary



Philip M. Parker, Ph.D.

INSEAD (Fontainebleau & Singapore)
Published by ICON Group International, Inc.
7404 Trade St
San Diego, CA 92122 USA
Phone: (858) 635-9410
Fax: (858) 635-9414


This edition published by ICON Classics in 2008

Printed in the United States of America.

Webster’s Turkish – English Thesaurus Dictionary

Copyright ©2008 by ICON Group International, Inc.

Copyright ©2008 by Philip M. Parker, INSEAD.

All rights reserved. This book is protected by copyright. No part of it may be reproduced, stored in a
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Net proceeds are used to improve Webster’s Online Dictionary, and the contents of this dictionary
have been extracted with permission from Websters’s Online Dictionary, www.websters-online-
dictionary.org (Copyright Philip M. Parker, INSEAD).

ISBN 0-497-83744-7

Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)


This is an English thesaurus designed for Turkish speakers who wish to better
understand the ambiguities and richness of the English language. The first
chapter is a full English thesaurus organized by 5050 Turkish subject words. For
each Turkish subject word, one or more corresponding English subject words
(translations) are provided. Synonyms are then given for the English translations
for all relevant parts of speech (even in cases where the Turkish subject word has
a unique part of speech). This process results in over 14665 English synonyms.

The second chapter gives an index of these English synonyms back to the
Turkish subject words (a potentially useful chapter to English speakers interested
in basic Turkish vocabulary). The third chapter has short vocabulary lists
organized by parts-of-speech. English teachers or students can use these
bilingual lists to create flash cards, basic lesson plans, and English as a Second
Language (ESL) study lists.

While creating an English thesaurus for Turkish speakers seems simple enough,
it can be tricky. What’s the problem? Translations do not always follow strict
transitivity. Normally, if a=b and b=c, then c=a. This is not necessarily true in
linguistics when b is an English word that has more than one part of speech. For
example, “test” is a verb, noun and adjective. What is the correct English
synonym for “a” (in Turkish) when “b” (in English) has synonyms (“c”) having
many parts of speech? Furthermore, what if “a” (in Turkish) is ambiguous and
has several translations into English (“b”)? This thesaurus embraces this
ambiguity by giving as much information to the reader as possible. This was
accomplished in two phases. In the first phase, maximum-likelihood English
translations of the Turkish subject words are given. For all the languages covered
in Webster’s Online Dictionary translations are determined using rather massive
content analyses of translations from various sources including translations of
United Nations documents, translations of the Holy Bible (and similar sources),
training manuals, popular works, and academic sources. An English translation
having the highest probability of being used is reported first, then the second
most probable is reported second, and so on.

Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)

In the second phase, English synonyms for all parts of speech, including those
not related to the original Turkish subject, are given for each English translation
generated by the first phase. If an English entry is most used as a certain part of
speech (estimated based on an English language corpus), then English synonyms
for that part of speech are listed first. This indicates to the speaker of Turkish
how the English subject word is most used. Other parts of speech are listed based
on their frequency of usage in English. Within each part of speech, synonyms
most likely to be used in English are listed first. Readers who seek further
information on any of the words in this book, including translations to other
world languages, can freely refer to Webster’s Online Dictionary

The goal of Webster’s Online Dictionary is to give all people of the world free
access to a complete mapping of all known words to and from all written
languages. In fulfillment of this goal, Webster’s Online Dictionary
(www.websters-online-dictionary.org) also offers as much information as
possible for each word, including definitions, translations, images, trade name
usage, quotations, and encyclopedic knowledge. The proceeds generated by the
sale of this Turkish–English thesaurus dictionary as well as other books extracted
from the project will be used to augment the contents of the Webster’s Online

This book may be the first Turkish-English thesaurus ever published. All the
errors and omissions are mine. I will certainly revise and improve this book at
some later date, so if you wish to see better editions published in the future,
please send any suggestions, corrections, or translations to
webstersedits2@hotmail.com. Thank you for purchasing this book and
supporting Webster’s Online Dictionary.

Philip M. Parker, Ph.D., editor

Chair Professor of Management Science
INSEAD (Singapore & Fontainebleau, France)

Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)


TURKISH TO ENGLISH THESAURUS ............................................................ 1
A................................................................................................................................... 1
Â................................................................................................................................. 44
B ................................................................................................................................. 44
C................................................................................................................................. 85
Ç................................................................................................................................. 91
D............................................................................................................................... 107
E ............................................................................................................................... 148
F ............................................................................................................................... 167
G............................................................................................................................... 175
H .............................................................................................................................. 201
I ................................................................................................................................ 222
ı................................................................................................................................. 246
İ ................................................................................................................................ 248
J ................................................................................................................................ 248
K............................................................................................................................... 248
L ............................................................................................................................... 305
M .............................................................................................................................. 308
N .............................................................................................................................. 330
O............................................................................................................................... 339
Ö............................................................................................................................... 348
P ............................................................................................................................... 359
R ............................................................................................................................... 371
S................................................................................................................................ 378
Ş................................................................................................................................ 422
T ............................................................................................................................... 430
U............................................................................................................................... 464
Ü............................................................................................................................... 474
V............................................................................................................................... 478
Y ............................................................................................................................... 485
Ý ............................................................................................................................... 516
Z ............................................................................................................................... 516

INDEX OF ENGLISH SUBJECTS TO TURKISH SUBJECTS ............................ 525

Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)
vi Contents

A............................................................................................................................... 525
B ............................................................................................................................... 530
C............................................................................................................................... 534
D............................................................................................................................... 542
E ............................................................................................................................... 546
F ............................................................................................................................... 550
G............................................................................................................................... 554
H .............................................................................................................................. 556
I ................................................................................................................................ 558
J ................................................................................................................................ 561
K............................................................................................................................... 562
L ............................................................................................................................... 562
M .............................................................................................................................. 565
N .............................................................................................................................. 568
O............................................................................................................................... 569
P ............................................................................................................................... 571
Q............................................................................................................................... 577
R ............................................................................................................................... 577
S................................................................................................................................ 582
T ............................................................................................................................... 592
U............................................................................................................................... 596
V............................................................................................................................... 597
W.............................................................................................................................. 598
Y ............................................................................................................................... 600
Z ............................................................................................................................... 600

VOCABULARY STUDY LISTS .................................................................... 601

Verbs (Turkish - English)...................................................................................... 601
Verbs (English - Turkish)...................................................................................... 603
Nouns (Turkish - English) .................................................................................... 605
Nouns (English - Turkish) .................................................................................... 626
Adverbs (Turkish - English)................................................................................. 637
Adverbs (English - Turkish)................................................................................. 638
Adjectives (Turkish - English).............................................................................. 638
Adjectives (English - Turkish).............................................................................. 646

Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)


antonyms (adj) crowded, meaningful, packed,

brimming, inhabited, occupied, swarming,
Turkish to English cultivated, filled, laden, (v) fill.
acayip 1. peculiar; synonyms (adj) individual, odd,
Thesaurus particular, exceptional, different, anomalous,
characteristic, curious, eccentric, extraordinary,
abnormal, distinctive, bizarre, especial, fantastic;
antonyms (adj) normal, ordinary, typical, 2.
curious; synonyms (adj) funny, interested, peculiar,
A strange, unusual, inquiring, inquisitive, quaint,
queer, quizzical, remarkable, singular, weird,
abes 1. absurd (anlamsız, saçma); synonyms (adj) whimsical, interesting; antonym (adj) incurious, 3.
foolish, preposterous, ridiculous, unreasonable, odd (tek); synonyms (adj) grotesque, droll, chance,
irrational, crazy, derisory, illogical, incredible, novel, irregular, laughable, erratic, unaccountable,
inept, ludicrous, meaningless, nonsensical, casual, crazy, fanciful, atypical, comical, leftover,
outrageous, senseless; antonym (adj) sensible, 2. occasional; antonym (adj) even, 4. weird;
useless; synonyms (adj) futile, pointless, synonyms (adj) supernatural, uncanny, unearthly,
unnecessary, needless, abortive, fruitless, hopeless, eerie, mysterious, ghostly, outlandish, mystic,
worthless, idle, barren, superfluous, bootless, uncommon, creepy, eldritch, macabre, spooky, (n)
incompetent, ineffective, ineffectual; antonyms (adj) destiny; antonym (adj) real, 5. bizarre; synonyms
useful, helpful, competent, effective, convenient, (adj) freakish, outre, striking, exotic, extravagant,
necessary, valuable. freaky, incredible, offbeat, rum, unconventional,
abide 1. monument (anıt); synonyms (n) memorial, unnatural, ludicrous, ridiculous, 6. funny;
headstone, column, record, tombstone, shrine, slab, synonyms (adj) amusing, facetious, fishy, diverting,
tablet, landmark, statue, (adj) obelisk, pillar, 2. comic, entertaining, farcical, humorous, suspicious,
memorial (anıt); synonyms (n) commemoration, absurd, amusive, hilarious, jocose, (adv) funnily, (n)
remembrance, memento, cenotaph, monument, jest; antonyms (adj) serious, grave, 7. fantastic;
epitaph, memory, token, (adj) commemorative. synonyms (adj) antic, marvelous, terrific, wonderful,
abla sister (hemşire); synonyms (n) nun, nurse, capricious, chimerical, fabulous, fantastical, great,
brother, mate, twin, baby, counterpart, double, illusory, imaginary, phenomenal, romantic,
match, member, pair, pendant, sis. spectacular, (v) fancy; antonym (adj) awful, 8.
abluka investment (yatırım); synonyms (n) strange; synonyms (adj) extraneous, foreign, new,
investing, investiture, clothing, siege, finance, rare, alien, unfamiliar, unknown, inexplicable,
venture, backing, obsession, property, installation, astonishing, monstrous, uncouth, obscure,
outlay, capital, covering, accession, assets. preternatural, miraculous, incomprehensible;
abone subscription; synonyms (n) contribution, antonym (adj) familiar.
donation, offering, gift, pledge, enrollment, acele 1. hurried; synonyms (adj) hasty, fast, headlong,
obedience, submission, (v) allowance, subsidy, quick, rapid, speedy, sudden, swift, abrupt,
subvention. cursory, careless, precipitate, prompt, rash,
Abonelik subscription; synonyms (n) contribution, slapdash; antonyms (adj) slow, unhurried, leisurely,
donation, offering, gift, pledge, enrollment, 2. hurry; synonyms (n) speed, haste, dispatch,
obedience, submission, (v) allowance, subsidy, flurry, (v) bustle, hasten, accelerate, dash, expedite,
subvention. scurry, fly, run, rush, zip, hie; antonyms (n)
aç 1. hungry; synonyms (adj) avid, eager, esurient, slowness, (v) dawdle, 3. expedition; synonyms (n)
famished, greedy, ravenous, starving, desirous, excursion, journey, travel, celerity, exploration,
meager, starveling, barren, keen, peckish, (v) outing, quest, readiness, tour, trip, acceleration,
craving, (adv) empty; antonyms (adj) full, sated, alacrity, (v) campaign, crusade, attack, 4. rush;
satiated, 2. open (açık, açmak); synonyms (adj) synonyms (n) hurry, charge, flood, flow, (v) gush,
frank, obvious, artless, exposed, free, honest, bare, race, dart, stream, quicken, jet, flush, hurtle,
forthright, guileless, ingenuous, naked, (v) expand, plunge, (adj) burst, spurt, 5. urgency; synonyms (n)
give, (n) candid, clear; antonyms (adj) devious, pressure, necessity, press, insistence, stress,
secretive, concealed, furtive, hidden, limited, exigency, instancy, compulsion, importance,
repressive, reserved, restricted, secret, blocked, emergency, need, importunity, essentiality, gravity,
cautious, (v) shut, end, (tr v) close, 3. empty (boş, indispensability, 6. pressing (acil); synonyms (v)
exigent, importunate, important, (adj) imperative,
boşaltmak); synonyms (adj) discharge, hollow,
immediate, critical, imperious, instant, insistent,
destitute, blank, abandoned, deserted, vain, airy, (v)
burning, serious, grave, earnest, (n) urgent, dishing.
drain, deplete, desolate, pour, spill, void, devoid;

Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)

2 Turkish - English

acemi 1. inexperienced; synonyms (adj) immature, damage, passion, endurance, penance, privation,
naive, young, callow, raw, ignorant, new, tribulation, (adj) miserable, tormented; antonym (n)
unsophisticated, unexperienced, clumsy, strange, content.
amateurish, awkward, inexpert, (v) green; açı angle; synonyms (n) hook, incline, view, aspect,
antonyms (adj) experienced, trained, skilled, cant, corner, outlook, perspective, pitch, position,
sophisticated, 2. raw (ham); synonyms (adj) crude, viewpoint, (v) slant, lean, tilt, fish.
fresh, bleak, coarse, cutting, piercing, sore, cold, açık 1. open (açmak); synonyms (adj) frank, obvious,
biting, chilly, inclement, inexperienced, naked, artless, exposed, free, honest, bare, forthright,
keen, bitter; antonyms (adj) refined, cooked, 3. guileless, ingenuous, naked, (v) expand, give, (n)
fresh (taze); synonyms (adj) bracing, brisk, clean, candid, clear; antonyms (adj) devious, secretive,
novel, bright, original, recent, airy, bold, alive, cool, concealed, furtive, hidden, limited, repressive,
forward, pure, smart, sweet; antonyms (adj) old, reserved, restricted, secret, blocked, cautious, (v)
stale, decayed, exhausted, hot, humid, muggy, shut, end, (tr v) close, 2. explicit; synonyms (adj)
musty, off, oppressive, rotten, tired, worn, dry, distinct, unmistakable, broad, definite, direct, exact,
sweltering. lucid, manifest, sharp, perspicuous, emphatic,
acenta agent (ajan); synonyms (n) agency, broker, transparent, express, plain, precise; antonyms (adj)
deputy, medium, factor, instrument, mediator, vague, tacit, understood, unspoken, implicit, bland,
ambassador, attorney, channel, delegate, doer, 3. shortage; synonyms (n) dearth, defect,
envoy, intermediary, (v) actor. deficiency, lack, paucity, deficit, famine,
acente 1. agent (acenta, ajan); synonyms (n) agency, insufficiency, need, poverty, scantiness, scarcity,
broker, deputy, medium, factor, instrument, shortfall, want, deprivation; antonyms (n)
mediator, ambassador, attorney, channel, delegate, abundance, excess, overabundance, surplus,
doer, envoy, intermediary, (v) actor, 2. agency; affluence, glut, 4. clear (belirgin, berrak, temiz,
synonyms (n) bureau, office, authority, commission, temizlemek); synonyms (adj) clean, certain, open,
expedient, means, organ, way, efficiency, activity, apparent, empty, light, pure, (v) bright, acquit,
board, department, (v) action, act, deed. absolute, net, absolve, clarify, discharge, exculpate;
acentelik agency; synonyms (n) bureau, office, antonyms (adj) cloudy, opaque, unclear, dark,
authority, commission, expedient, factor, fuzzy, hazy, incomprehensible, obscure, uncertain,
instrument, means, organ, way, efficiency, activity, ambiguous, blurry, confused, confusing, dull, (v)
board, (v) action, act. convict, 5. free (bedava, boş, özgür, serbest,
acı 1. bitter (keskin, şiddetli); synonyms (adj) serbest bırakmak); synonyms (adj) loose, liberal,
acrimonious, biting, acrid, sharp, acerbic, acid, bountiful, autonomous, (v) exempt, liberate, excuse,
caustic, keen, malicious, resentful, sour, virulent, extricate, relieve, disentangle, deliver, disengage,
acerb, cutting, (n) acerbity; antonyms (adj) mild, ease, release, voluntary; antonyms (adj) bound,
sweet, charitable, hot, kind, sugary, 2. distress; compelled, confined, imprisoned, secure, strict,
synonyms (n) agony, anguish, pain, trouble, stuck, tangled, attached, busy, dependent, (v)
anxiety, calamity, difficulty, grief, hurt, torture, (v) confine, block, cage, condemn, 6. light (hafif,
afflict, torment, concern, bother, upset; antonyms ışık); synonyms (adj) fair, facile, easy, faint, flimsy,
(v) comfort, please, 3. grief (keder); synonyms (n) (n) flame, brightness, daylight, (v) fire, kindle,
affliction, dolor, distress, regret, wound, chagrin, inflame, glow, ignite, dismount, illuminate;
pity, bitterness, dejection, desolation, gloom, antonyms (adj) fattening, nauseating, (n) darkness,
heartbreak, melancholy, misery, (adj) sore; gloom, shade, night, (v) extinguish, darken, (alt sp)
antonyms (n) joy, happiness, 4. sorrow; synonyms heavy, 7. plain (düz); synonyms (adj) ordinary,
(n) mourning, sadness, contrition, heartache, comprehensible, intelligible, downright, evident,
penitence, remorse, repentance, hardship, homely, humble, level, simple, overt, outspoken,
compunction, bereavement, evil, depression, (v) even, explicit, natural, (n) flat; antonyms (adj)
mourn, lament, grieve; antonym (n) delight, 5. elaborate, fancy, mottled, multicolored, ornate,
pain (ağrı); synonyms (n) ache, ill, nuisance, attractive, fussy, two-colored, 8. distinct (ayrı);
harass, annoyance, discomfort, plague, bite, cramp, synonyms (adj) articulate, different, discrete,
hurting, (v) agonize, inconvenience, annoy, injure, distinctive, palpable, decided, dissimilar, marked,
ail; antonym (n) pleasure, 6. hot (sıcak); tangible, clear-cut, audible, conspicuous, diverse,
synonyms (adj) warm, ardent, boiling, burning, (prep) separate, (adv) apart; antonyms (adj) indistinct,
feverish, fiery, flaming, fresh, blistering, eager, similar, inaudible, shapeless, 9. express;
enthusiastic, fast, peppery, pungent, spicy; synonyms (v) exhibit, convey, declare, demonstrate,
antonyms (adj) cool, cold, freezing, airy, bland, display, mean, say, state, tell, breathe, (adj) especial,
chilly, 7. suffering; synonyms (n) ordeal, sorrow, speedy, specific, categorical, (n) denote; antonyms
adversity, injury, misfortune, sufferance, trial, (v) suppress, hide, (adj) slow, 10. apparent;

Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)

Turkish - English 3

synonyms (adj) discernible, patent, ostensible, candidly, aboveboard, bluntly, directly, honestly,
perceptible, noticeable, outward, specious, openly, sincerely, plainly, straight,
superficial, external, surface, alleged, appreciable, straightforwardly, truthfully, (adj) freely; antonyms
presumable, presumptive, (adv) visible; antonyms (adv) dishonestly, hesitantly, 3. openly (alenen);
(adj) real, mysterious, 11. blank (boş, boşluk); synonyms (adv) frankly, publicly, clearly,
synonyms (adj) unfilled, vacant, deadpan, ingenuously, obviously, overtly, patently,
expressionless, impassive, inexpressive, negative, publically, artlessly, barefacedly, boldly, (adj)
straight, vacuous, (n) space, form, emptiness, gap, manifestly; antonyms (adv) secretly, clandestinely,
hiatus, lacuna; antonyms (adj) animated, full, furtively, mysteriously, secretively, ambiguously,
expressive, 12. on (üstünde); synonyms (prep) at, covertly, reticently, 4. distinctly; synonyms (adv)
about, concerning, in, by, into, upon, for, above, particularly, expressly, noticeably, 5. evidently;
(adv) forth, ahead, (adj) forward, aboard, (prf) along, synonyms (adv) palpably, markedly, plain, visibly,
against; antonym (adv) off, 13. deficit; synonyms 6. obviously; synonyms (adv) naturally,
(n) failure, shortage, arrears, absence, 14. vacant unambiguously, unmistakably; antonyms (adv)
(boş); synonyms (adj) blank, hollow, devoid, idle, unnoticeably, undetectably, 7. expressly;
unoccupied, void, deserted, inane, available, synonyms (adv) specially, especially, purposely,
listless, desolate, disengaged, unemployed, precisely, namely, 8. plainly; synonyms (adv)
abandoned, (v) destitute; antonym (adj) occupied, merely, outright, flatly, lucidly, severely, coarsely,
15. straightforward; synonyms (adj) square, inelegantly, literally, only; antonym (adv)
sincere, aboveboard, immediate, outright, elaborately.
unsophisticated, upright, unequivocal, bluff,
açıkçası frankly; synonyms (adv) candidly,
round, elementary, truthful, blunt, unaffected,
aboveboard, bluntly, directly, honestly, openly,
uncomplicated; antonyms (adj) complicated,
sincerely, plainly, simply, straight,
difficult, complex, deceitful, tricky, pompous, 16.
straightforwardly, truthfully, (adj) freely; antonyms
frank; synonyms (adj) hearty, straightforward, (adv) dishonestly, hesitantly.
genuine, naive, heartfelt, innocent, plainspoken,
açıkgöz 1. smart; synonyms (adj) bright, crafty,
unfeigned, unreserved, unvarnished, veracious,
dapper, quick, shrewd, sly, prompt, astute, chic,
communicative, unguarded, (n) frankfurter;
clever, intelligent, (v) ache, hurt, (n) pain, sharp;
antonyms (adj) dishonest, guarded, 17. evident
antonyms (adj) scruffy, stupid, dim, shabby,
(besbelli); synonyms (adj) observable, bold, unkempt, slow, 2. alert (uyarmak); synonyms
demonstrable, notable, prominent, pronounced,
(adj) active, agile, aware, lively, vigilant, alive,
glaring, indisputable, indubitable, luminous,
animated, attentive, brisk, careful, cautious, (v)
undeniable, understandable, (adv) apparently;
awake, caution, (n) alarm, alarum; antonyms (adj)
antonyms (adj) unnoticed, inconspicuous, 18. drowsy, inattentive, absentminded, dazed, sleepy,
broad; synonyms (adj) wide, ample, tired, asleep, unalert, unconscious, 3. sharp
comprehensive, extensive, general, large, (keskin, sivri); synonyms (adj) acute, bitter, acid,
sweeping, vast, big, blanket, capacious, deep,
acrid, harsh, incisive, intense, penetrating, piercing,
inclusive, spacious, (n) female; antonyms (adj)
pointed, pungent, severe, alert, (n) keen, (v) biting;
narrow, thin, 19. fair (güzel, sarışın); synonyms antonyms (adj) blunt, dull, mild, gentle, rounded,
(adj) equitable, beautiful, average, dispassionate,
sweet, bland, blurred, naive, round, smooth.
fine, impartial, reasonable, sweet, comely,
Açiklama explanation (açıklama); synonyms (n)
considerable, decent, disinterested, (n) bazaar,
account, annotation, commentary, definition,
blonde, carnival; antonyms (adj) unfair, biased,
description, exposition, excuse, gloss,
exceptional, unjust, partial, foul, imbalanced,
interpretation, justification, solution, key, answer,
mismatched, prejudiced, unwarranted, 20. fine
caption, apology; antonym (n) mystery.
(güzel, ince, iyi); synonyms (adj) delicate, açıklama 1. explanation; synonyms (n) account,
agreeable, dainty, brave, capital, elegant, excellent,
annotation, commentary, definition, description,
nice, delightful, acute, admirable, alright, (n)
exposition, excuse, gloss, interpretation,
penalty, amercement, (v) punish; antonyms (adj) justification, solution, key, answer, caption,
poor, thick, coarse, substantial, unsatisfactory. apology; antonym (n) mystery, 2. account
açıkça 1. clearly; synonyms (adv) apparently, (hesap); synonyms (n) bill, narrative, reckoning,
decidedly, distinctly, evidently, clear, definitely, regard, score, tale, explanation, history, narration,
explicitly, simply, specifically, understandably, reason, recital, story, tab, tally, (v) report, 3.
intelligibly, surely, certainly, easily, absolutely;
comment (Yorum); synonyms (n) critique, note,
antonyms (adv) indistinctly, vaguely, blurrily,
censure, criticism, mention, observation, reflection,
imperceptibly, obscurely, unclearly, doubtfully,
animadversion, feature, gossip, (v) annotate,
imperfectly, softly, 2. frankly; synonyms (adv)
remark, notice, discourse, expound, 4.

Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)

4 Turkish - English

interpretation (yorum); synonyms (n) version, synonyms (adj) calamitous, disastrous, dreadful,
construction, clarification, illustration, interpreting, catastrophic, unlucky, tragical, unfortunate, comic,
translation, analysis, performance, reading, histrionic, scenic; antonyms (adj) amusing,
understanding, explication, evaluation, meaning, humorous.
paraphrase, rendering, 5. commentary; açıklık 1. gap (aralık, boşluk); synonyms (n) break,
synonyms (n) comment, article, footnote, review, 6. cleft, crack, crevice, fissure, aperture, chasm,
remark; synonyms (n) mind, heed, observance, clearance, difference, fracture, opening, vacancy,
word, declaration, statement, quip, (v) observe, blank, chink, (v) breach, 2. evidence (kanıt);
perceive, mark, discern, see, detect, (adj) look, synonyms (n) confirmation, mark, proof, data,
attend, 7. statement; synonyms (n) affirmation, argument, attestation, demonstration, sign,
announcement, communication, instruction, testimony, clue, (v) display, demonstrate, attest,
assertion, command, proposition, enunciation, certify, manifest, 3. clarity; synonyms (n)
profession, argument, avowal, expression, clearness, limpidity, comprehensibility, precision,
pronouncement, bulletin, record; antonym (n) purity, coherence, lucidity, pellucidity, simplicity;
denial. antonyms (n) cloudiness, obscurity, vagueness,
açıklamak 1. explain; synonyms (v) comment, haziness, mistiness, opacity, uncertainty,
elucidate, interpret, account, clarify, decipher, unclearness.
define, describe, enlighten, excuse, explicate, acıkmak hunger; synonyms (n) desire, thirst,
expound, gloss, solve, denote; antonym (v) confuse, appetite, craving, wish, itch, eagerness, famine,
2. clarify; synonyms (v) clear, clean, elaborate, longing, starvation, (v) crave, want, ache, long, lust;
explain, purge, defecate, illuminate, refine, show, antonym (n) moderation.
brighten, cleanse, illustrate, (adj) edulcorate, acil 1. urgent; synonyms (adj) pressing, importunate,
elutriate, expurgate; antonyms (v) obscure, imperative, instant, immediate, quick, earnest,
complicate, blur, obfuscate, 3. evidence (kanıt); critical, serious, vital, hasty, insistent, compelling,
synonyms (n) confirmation, mark, proof, data, (v) important, clamorous; antonym (adj) trivial, 2.
argument, attestation, demonstration, sign, pressing; synonyms (v) exigent, anxious, (adj)
testimony, clue, (v) display, demonstrate, attest, imperious, burning, grave, crucial, (n) urgent,
certify, manifest, 4. state (devlet, durum, dishing, press, pressure, prestretching, 3.
eyalet); synonyms (n) nation, position, say, immediate; synonyms (adj) close, prompt, direct,
country, kingdom, place, (v) declare, express, sudden, near, present, expeditious, fast, proximate,
mention, affirm, allege, announce, articulate, assert, speedy, express, adjacent, firsthand, nearby,
(adj) national; antonyms (v) deny, (adj) private, 5. adjoining; antonyms (adj) slow, gradual,
reveal; synonyms (v) disclose, divulge, expose, consecutive, deliberate.
betray, convey, detect, discover, exhibit, impart, acılık 1. bitterness; synonyms (n) acerbity, acrimony,
present, communicate, indicate, uncover, proclaim, animosity, gall, malice, resentment, acidity,
find; antonyms (v) conceal, hide, cover. asperity, bitter, enmity, hatred, hostility, rancor,
acıklı 1. sad; synonyms (adj) dreary, dismal, sharpness, affliction; antonym (n) sweetness, 2.
distressing, gloomy, miserable, mournful, pitiable, bite (ısırmak); synonyms (n) taste, bit, cheat,
pitiful, bad, bleak, dejected, deplorable, depressed, morsel, (v) sting, nip, chew, cut, pinch, burn, eat,
depressing, disconsolate; antonyms (adj) happy, erode, gnaw, hurt, munch.
cheerful, joyful, brave, cheery, composed, 2. açılış opening; synonyms (n) gap, mouth, aperture,
moving (dokunaklı); synonyms (adj) active, break, beginning, cleft, commencement, crack,
affecting, emotional, exciting, impressive, mobile, door, entrance, hole, occasion, chasm, onset, (adj)
poignant, touching, inspiring, movable, imposing, preliminary; antonyms (n) end, closing, exit, finale,
(n) movement, transport, advance, transfer; (adj) final.
antonyms (adj) motionless, still, stationary, açılmak 1. open (açık, açmak); synonyms (adj)
unemotional, 3. pathetic; synonyms (adj) sad, frank, obvious, artless, exposed, free, honest, bare,
wretched, forlorn, lamentable, tragic, piteous, poor, forthright, guileless, ingenuous, naked, (v) expand,
woeful, grievous, moving, abject, measly, plaintive, give, (n) candid, clear; antonyms (adj) devious,
sorry, contemptible, 4. depressing; synonyms (adj) secretive, concealed, furtive, hidden, limited,
cheerless, dark, oppressive, blue, desolate, grim, repressive, reserved, restricted, secret, blocked,
black, chill, depressive, discouraging, dispiriting, cautious, (v) shut, end, (tr v) close, 2. expand
dour, drab, dull, glum; antonyms (adj) heartening,
(büyütmek, genişlemek, genişletmek);
bright, 5. touching; synonyms (adj) pathetic, synonyms (v) amplify, enlarge, balloon, broaden,
adjacent, adjoining, contiguous, near, expressive, develop, distend, aggrandize, augment, extend,
heartbreaking, next, sentimental, tender, (prep) inflate, swell, explicate, bloat, elaborate, (adj) dilate;
concerning, about, (n) touch, contact, 6. tragic; antonyms (v) contract, shorten, abbreviate,

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Turkish - English 5

decrease, deflate, reduce, shrink, summarize, preliminary; antonyms (n) end, closing, exit, finale,
narrow, 3. spread (yaymak); synonyms (v) (adj) final.
scatter, reach, disperse, broadcast, circulate, acıtmak hurt; synonyms (v) pain, wound, afflict,
diffuse, disseminate, increase, propagate, stretch, injure, ail, cost, (adj) evil, (n) harm, damage,
deploy, distribute, (n) span, dissemination, expanse; detriment, ache, disadvantage, abuse, distress,
antonym (adj) concentrated. lesion; antonyms (v) encourage, (adj) uninjured,
acıma 1. compassion; synonyms (n) pity, clemency, unhurt.
mercy, charity, commiseration, sympathy, acıyan sore; synonyms (adj) painful, sensitive, angry,
forgiveness, remorse, tenderness, benevolence, raw, indignant, aching, (n) injury, boil, cut, lesion,
condolence, consideration, feeling, grace, (adj) canker, abscess, (v) hurt, acute, sharp; antonym (adj)
kindness; antonyms (n) cruelty, indifference, 2.
pity (acımak); synonyms (n) compassion, pathos, aciz 1. helpless; synonyms (adj) forlorn, powerless,
shame, comfort, sorrow, heart, (v) commiserate,
defenseless, weak, disabled, feeble, hopeless,
compassionate, sympathize, condole, misery; impotent, unable, incompetent, vulnerable, (n) frail,
antonym (n) blame, 3. mercy; synonyms (n) favor, (v) destitute, abandoned, 2. unable; synonyms (adj)
humanity, leniency, pardon, forbearance, incapable, ineffective, helpless, ineffectual,
mercifulness, quarter, lenience, indulgence, lenity, inefficient, inadequate, unqualified, unfit,
tolerance, gentleness, 4. sympathy; synonyms (n) disqualified; antonyms (adj) able, capable.
rapport, understanding, agreement, affection, açlık hunger; synonyms (n) desire, thirst, appetite,
compatibility, empathy, warmth, support, affinity,
craving, wish, itch, eagerness, famine, longing,
concern, consolation, goodwill, (adj) cordiality,
starvation, (v) crave, want, ache, long, lust;
benignity, fraternization.
antonym (n) moderation.
acımak 1. pity; synonyms (n) compassion,
açma opening; synonyms (n) gap, mouth, aperture,
commiseration, mercy, condolence, clemency,
break, beginning, cleft, commencement, crack,
pathos, remorse, shame, sympathy, comfort,
door, entrance, hole, occasion, chasm, onset, (adj)
feeling, benevolence, (v) commiserate,
preliminary; antonyms (n) end, closing, exit, finale,
compassionate, sympathize; antonym (n) blame, 2.
(adj) final.
hurt; synonyms (v) pain, wound, afflict, injure, ail,
cost, (adj) evil, (n) harm, damage, detriment, ache, açmak 1. open (açık); synonyms (adj) frank, obvious,
disadvantage, abuse, distress, lesion; antonyms (v) artless, exposed, free, honest, bare, forthright,
guileless, ingenuous, naked, (v) expand, give, (n)
encourage, (adj) uninjured, unhurt, 3. smart
candid, clear; antonyms (adj) devious, secretive,
(açıkgöz); synonyms (adj) bright, crafty, dapper,
concealed, furtive, hidden, limited, repressive,
quick, shrewd, sly, prompt, astute, chic, clever,
reserved, restricted, secret, blocked, cautious, (v)
intelligent, jaunty, lively, (n) sharp, (v) hurt;
shut, end, (tr v) close, 2. clear (açık, belirgin,
antonyms (adj) scruffy, stupid, dim, shabby,
berrak, temiz, temizlemek); synonyms (adj)
unkempt, slow.
clean, certain, open, apparent, distinct, empty, (v)
acımasız 1. cruel (gaddar); synonyms (adj) bright, acquit, absolute, net, absolve, clarify,
barbarous, brutal, hard, harsh, heartless, unkind, definite, discharge, exculpate; antonyms (adj)
bitter, bloody, atrocious, biting, fierce, inhuman,
cloudy, opaque, unclear, dark, fuzzy, hazy,
merciless, ruthless, savage; antonyms (adj) gentle, incomprehensible, obscure, uncertain, vague,
kind, merciful, humane, liberal, sympathetic, 2. ambiguous, blurry, confused, confusing, (v) convict,
brutal; synonyms (adj) beastly, barbaric, bestial, 3. expand (büyütmek, genişlemek,
cruel, truculent, vicious, barbarian, boarish, genişletmek); synonyms (v) amplify, enlarge,
rugged, tough, ferocious, oppressive, pitiless,
balloon, broaden, develop, distend, aggrandize,
rigorous, violent, 3. grim; synonyms (adj) dreadful, augment, extend, inflate, swell, explicate, bloat,
austere, cheerless, dark, dour, dreary, forbidding, elaborate, (adj) dilate; antonyms (v) contract,
ghastly, glum, dire, awful, bleak, depressing,
shorten, abbreviate, decrease, deflate, reduce,
dismal, fearful; antonyms (adj) cheerful, bright, 4.
shrink, summarize, narrow, 4. spread (yaymak);
ruthless; synonyms (adj) remorseless, grim, synonyms (v) scatter, reach, disperse, broadcast,
inexorable, relentless, unsparing, unfeeling, circulate, diffuse, disseminate, increase, propagate,
unmerciful, unpitying, unrelenting, unyielding, stretch, deploy, distribute, (n) span, dissemination,
implacable, unscrupulous, stern, callous, expanse; antonym (adj) concentrated.
hardhearted; antonym (adj) charitable.
açmaz dilemma (ikilem); synonyms (n) quandary,
açış opening; synonyms (n) gap, mouth, aperture, corner, fix, jam, mess, predicament, problem, crisis,
break, beginning, cleft, commencement, crack, difficulty, plight, doubt, scrape, riddle, (adj)
door, entrance, hole, occasion, chasm, onset, (adj) embarrassment, perplexity.

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6 Turkish - English

ad 1. name (isim); synonyms (n) call, title, epithet, adama dedication; synonyms (n) consecration,
address, appellation, (v) appoint, baptize, describe, allegiance, commitment, devotion, inscription,
cite, designate, entitle, enumerate, identify, list, loyalty, fidelity, sanctification, fanaticism, passion,
mention, 2. reputation; synonyms (n) fame, name, (adj) glorification; antonym (n) indifference.
prestige, distinction, honor, face, celebrity, adamakıllı 1. greatly; synonyms (adv) badly,
character, credit, report, notoriety, prominence, considerably, exceedingly, too, awfully,
repute, (v) esteem, (adj) renown, 3. noun (isim); enormously, exceptionally, extremely, very, well,
synonyms (v) expression, term, 4. substantive; dearly, abundantly, (adj) far, deeply, much;
synonyms (adj) real, essential, meaty, significant, antonym (adv) slightly, 2. thoroughly; synonyms
material, actual, strong, crucial, hearty, (adv) completely, entirely, fully, absolutely,
indispensable, satisfying, solid, (n) noun, carefully, exhaustively, soundly, totally, wholly,
substantial, reality. quite, altogether, exactly, perfectly, utterly, (v)
ada 1. island; synonyms (n) reef, aisle, egg, inch, (v) adequately; antonyms (adv) carelessly, superficially.
isle, insulate, isolate, segregate, sequester, separate, adaptasyon adaptation (uyarlama); synonyms (n)
2. isle; synonyms (n) islet, ile. accommodation, adjustment, alteration, version,
adak offering; synonyms (v) gift, grant, favor, reworking, adaption, conversion, fitness,
benefaction, boon, (n) contribution, donation, modification, variation.
oblation, offer, present, presentation, endowment, aday 1. candidate; synonyms (n) applicant, aspirant,
bestowal, gratuity, reward. contestant, contender, hopeful, nominee, prospect,
adale muscle (kas); synonyms (n) brawn, potency, suitor, amateur, campaigner, 2. applicant;
sinew, might, power, strength, force, energy, flesh, synonyms (n) petitioner, candidate, applier,
beef, physique, musculus, tendon, (adj) nerve, solicitor.
stamina. adet 1. item (kalem, madde, parça); synonyms (n)
adaleli muscular; synonyms (adj) athletic, brawny, piece, detail, article, entry, object, point, subject,
strong, burly, hefty, powerful, robust, husky, thing, affair, event, clause, component, entity, fact,
stalwart, stout, sturdy, manly, cogent, hardy, (adv) also, 2. custom (gelenek); synonyms (n)
rugged; antonyms (adj) puny, slight. tradition, habit, convention, practice, usage, use,
adalet 1. equity; synonyms (n) fairness, honesty, fashion, impost, method, observance, order, rite,
candor, reasonableness, uprightness, justness, ritual, (v) accustom, (adj) bespoke, 3. number
probity, right, righteousness, law, (adj) justice, (numara, numaralamak, rakam, sayı,
integrity; antonym (n) unfairness, 2. justice; saymak); synonyms (n) count, amount, score, act,
synonyms (n) equity, impartiality, judge, judicature, issue, volume, character, (v) calculate, aggregate,
jurist, morality, correctness, court, umpire, enumerate, figure, total, come, add, account, 4.
magistrate, propriety, rectitude, faithfulness, (adj) period (devir, dönem, nokta); synonyms (n)
just, principle; antonym (n) injustice. age, dot, epoch, era, duration, generation, day,
adaletsizlik injustice; synonyms (n) inequity, conclusion, cycle, interval, length, menstruation,
iniquity, evil, unfairness, wrong, bigotry, crime, stage, time, mark, 5. use (kullanma,
grievance, inequality, oppression, prejudice, kullanmak); synonyms (n) custom, benefit,
wickedness, (adj) injury, harm, damage; antonyms application, function, (v) exercise, employ,
(n) justice, evenhandedness, fairness. employment, expend, profit, advantage, exploit,
adam 1. man (erkek, insan); synonyms (n) fellow, occupy, operate, spend, exert; antonym (v)
gentleman, guy, person, husband, homo, human, conserve.
humanity, humankind, humans, individual, adeta 1. almost (hemen hemen, neredeyse);
mankind, mortal, (obj) he, male; antonym (n) synonyms (adv) nearly, approximately, just, around,
woman, 2. guy; synonyms (n) boy, lad, cat, man, most, practically, roughly, virtually, some, (prep)
bozo, hombre, rope, tether, band, (v) rib, about, (adj) near, nigh, approaching, approximate,
blackguard, 3. fellow; synonyms (adj) comrade, (n) barely, 2. nearly (hemen hemen); synonyms
companion, associate, equal, brother, chap, (adv) almost, close, closely, intimately, much, dear,
colleague, compeer, peer, buddy, dude, dog, halfway, (adj) thereabouts.
counterpart, escort, (v) concomitant, 4. chap; adi 1. common (ortak); synonyms (adj) ordinary,
synonyms (n) blighter, crack, cranny, crevice, beau, coarse, cheap, mutual, usual, vulgar, accustomed,
scissure, chink, cleft, cuss, fella, feller, fissure, gent, base, ignoble, mean, mediocre, plebeian, public,
wight, blade, 5. bloke; synonym (n) geezer, 6. trivial, (n) habitual; antonyms (adj) individual,
person (kişi, şahıs); synonyms (n) being, body, uncommon, rare, unusual, characteristic, one-off,
character, creature, soul, life, form, organism, specific, unique, aristocratic, exclusive,
personality, somebody, someone, substance, thing, extraordinary, infrequent, 2. ordinary; synonyms
partner, (v) party; antonym (n) automaton. (adj) middling, average, familiar, commonplace,

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Turkish - English 7

everyday, normal, banal, conventional, frequent, proceeding, 2. pace; synonyms (n) rate, rapidity,
indifferent, inferior, (n) common, customary, (v) speed, tempo, tread, celerity, fastness, run, beat,
general, inconspicuous; antonyms (adj) incredible, cadence, carriage, footfall, quickness, swiftness, (v)
outstanding, peculiar, strange, special, step; antonym (n) slowness.
distinguished, famous, 3. mean (demek adımlamak 1. pace (adım); synonyms (n) walk, rate,
istemek, ortalama); synonyms (v) intend, design, footstep, rapidity, speed, tempo, tread, celerity,
imply, denote, involve, (adj) middle, hateful, fastness, run, beat, cadence, (v) step, gait, stride;
medium, miserly, abject, beggarly, close, antonym (n) slowness, 2. step (adım, basamak);
despicable, (n) contemptible, low; antonyms (adj) synonyms (n) degree, measure, stage, gradation,
generous, kind, 4. base (alçak, baz, taban, level, rank, act, footprint, move, advance, phase,
temel, üs); synonyms (n) foundation, basis, leg, procedure, process, (v) pace, proceeding.
stand, support, alkali, (adj) bottom, dishonorable, adlandırmak term (terim); synonyms (n) name,
vile, bad, foul, infamous, ugly, (v) ground, found; expression, period, style, title, boundary, limit,
antonyms (n) summit, top, (adj) noble, 5. coarse spell, stipulation, time, duration, phrase, (v) call,
(kaba); synonyms (adj) barbarous, boorish, brutal, designate, entitle.
crude, gross, rough, bawdy, blunt, broad, earthy, adli 1. judicial; synonyms (adj) forensic, judiciary,
harsh, rude, uncivilized, brutish, awkward; legal, judicatory, dispassionate, lawful, juridic,
antonyms (adj) refined, smooth, sophisticated, 6. juridical, discriminative, judicious, 2. legal
low (alçak); synonyms (adj) humble, blue, deep, (yasal); synonyms (adj) sound, valid,
dejected, depressed, down, downcast, constitutional, judicial, permissible, rightful, true,
downhearted, feeble, degraded, despondent, dirty, correct, sanctioned, official, right, authentic, (v)
dispirited, (adv) gentle, (n) depression; antonyms allowable, legitimate, licit; antonyms (adj) illegal,
(adj) cheerful, happy, high-pitched, loud, important, unlawful, bogus.
piercing, (n) high, 7. everyday; synonyms (adj) adres address (söylev); synonyms (n) accost, lecture,
routine, casual, daily, humdrum, mundane, abode, discourse, residence, skill, speech,
prosaic, regular, informal, hackneyed, colloquial, allocution, greeting, oration, sermon, (v) greet, call,
undistinguished, household, plain, quotidian, (v) harangue, speak; antonym (v) ignore.
wonted; antonym (adj) exquisite, 8. cheap (ucuz); adsız anonymous (anonim); synonyms (adj)
synonyms (adj) inexpensive, stingy, tacky, brassy, nameless, unknown, unnamed, unidentified,
bum, cheesy, economical, flashy, niggardly, authorless, unacknowledged, undisclosed,
reasonable, shabby, sleazy, worthless, miserable, unspecified, incognito, unfamiliar, hidden,
wretched; antonyms (adj) expensive, costly, tasteful, indefinite, mysterious, nondescript, private;
first-rate, luxurious. antonym (adj) known.
adil 1. fair (güzel, sarışın); synonyms (adj) equitable, af 1. pardon (affetmek); synonyms (n) amnesty,
clear, beautiful, average, dispassionate, fine, forgiveness, (v) absolve, condone, excuse, forgive,
impartial, reasonable, sweet, candid, (adv) clean, (n) justify, acquit, exonerate, spare, absolution,
bazaar, blonde, carnival, (v) bright; antonyms (adj) acquittal, discharge, (adj) exculpate, clear; antonym
unfair, biased, dark, exceptional, unjust, partial, (v) blame, 2. amnesty; synonyms (n) pardon,
foul, imbalanced, mismatched, prejudiced, remission, clemency, condonation, grace, mercy,
unwarranted, 2. just; synonyms (adv) exactly, reprieve, 3. mercy; synonyms (n) compassion,
hardly, newly, simply, (adj) fair, right, correct, kindness, favor, pity, charity, humanity, leniency,
accurate, honest, barely, fit, good, righteous, benevolence, forbearance, mercifulness, quarter,
upright, appropriate; antonym (adj) wrong. sympathy, lenience, tenderness, commiseration.
adilane 1. fair (güzel, sarışın); synonyms (adj) afet disaster (yıkım); synonyms (n) calamity,
equitable, clear, beautiful, average, dispassionate, catastrophe, accident, adversity, blow, casualty,
fine, impartial, reasonable, sweet, candid, (adv) cataclysm, debacle, destruction, fiasco,
clean, (n) bazaar, blonde, carnival, (v) bright; misadventure, misfortune, affliction, curse, bane;
antonyms (adj) unfair, biased, dark, exceptional, antonyms (n) success, blessing, joy.
unjust, partial, foul, imbalanced, mismatched,
affedersiniz sorry; synonyms (adj) pathetic, contrite,
prejudiced, unwarranted, 2. fairly (oldukça);
paltry, penitent, piteous, pitiable, pitiful,
synonyms (adv) completely, moderately, somewhat,
remorseful, sorrowful, base, apologetic, bad,
equitably, fair, justly, passably, pretty, quite, rather,
deplorable, mean, miserable; antonym (adj)
reasonably, enough, middling, relatively, slightly;
antonyms (adv) unfairly, extremely, unjustly.
affetmek 1. forgive (bağışlamak); synonyms (v)
adım 1. step (basamak); synonyms (n) degree,
condone, absolve, excuse, acquit, pardon, remit,
measure, stage, walk, gait, gradation, level, rank,
exonerate, justify, clear, overlook, 2. pardon (af);
act, footprint, footstep, move, stride, (v) pace,
synonyms (n) amnesty, forgiveness, grace,

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8 Turkish - English

remission, reprieve, (v) forgive, spare, absolution, inert, drowsy, inactive, shiftless, faineant, remiss,
acquittal, discharge, pity, release, explain, (adj) slothful, slow, sluggish, leisurely, sluggard, tardy,
exculpate; antonym (v) blame, 3. excuse apathetic; antonyms (adj) energetic, diligent, active,
(bağışlamak, bahane, özür); synonyms (n) 6. slow (Yavaş, yavaşlamak); synonyms (adj)
apology, alibi, evasion, palliate, pretext, color, late, dim, gradual, lazy, stupid, belated, boring,
defense, explanation, extenuate, plea, (v) apologise, dilatory, lethargic, obtuse, (v) slack, check, delay,
apologize, dispensation, exempt, (adj) free; antonym (adv) behind, behindhand; antonyms (adj) fast,
(v) punish. intelligent, rapid, bright, alert, brisk, hasty, prompt,
afiş 1. bill (fatura, gaga, hesap); synonyms (n) quick, speedy, hurried, observant, rushed, (v)
account, beak, advertisement, card, invoice, poster, accelerate, 7. deliberate; synonyms (adj) careful,
receipt, act, banknote, check, measure, (v) placard, calculated, circumspect, thoughtful, conscious,
advertise, charge, list, 2. poster; synonyms (n) bill, considered, (v) consider, cogitate, consult, debate,
notice, handbill, broadside, circular, ad, think, confer, contemplate, ponder, reflect;
announcement, flyer, posting, sign, (v) affiche. antonyms (adj) accidental, chance, unintentional,
ağ 1. network; synonyms (n) net, grid, mesh, netting, ingenuous, involuntary, spontaneous, 8. dull;
reticulation, meshwork, web, grating, lattice, synonyms (adj) blunt, dreary, bland, cloudy, cold,
system, complex, (v) link, communicate, contact, dismal, torpid, uninteresting, commonplace, dingy,
exchange, 2. net (net); synonyms (adj) final, last, drab, flat, (v) deaden, dampen, damp; antonyms
nett, (n) network, bag, lace, earnings, cobweb, (v) (adj) lively, sharp, exciting, interesting, lustrous,

clear, gain, make, trap, catch, earn, knit; antonym stimulating, amusing, exhilarating, glittery, glossy,
glowing, high-pitched, intense, luminous, shiny, 9.
(v) gross, 3. web; synonyms (n) tissue, texture,
blade, entanglement, maze, film, complication, strong; synonyms (adj) powerful, able, stable,
grain, labyrinth, snarl, tangle, vane, (v) plexus. steady, cogent, durable, forcible, good, influential,
lusty, potent, rigid, robust, secure, solid; antonyms
ağaç 1. tree; synonyms (n) gallows, gibbet, stem,
(adj) weak, delicate, faint, feeble, frail, pale,
house, tribe, hierarchy, landmark, lentisk, ranking,
unconvincing, cowardly, diluted, exhausted,
trunk, filler, (v) corner, collar, 2. wood (koru,
flimsy, imperceptible, lightweight, tired, watery,
odun, tahta); synonyms (n) forest, timber, woods,
10. severe; synonyms (adj) harsh, biting, inclement,
tree, lumber, coppice, jungle.
rigorous, cutting, grim, strict, atrocious, caustic,
ağaçlandırmak forest (orman); synonyms (n) exacting, extreme, fierce, painful, piercing, (v)
timber, jungle, woodland, timberland, wood, poignant; antonyms (adj) lenient, lax, 11. rich
woods, (v) afforest.
(zengin); synonyms (adj) abundant, copious,
ağarmak grey (gri); synonyms (adj) dim, dull, fertile, productive, fruitful, affluent, ample,
greyish, hoar, hoary, leaden, grayish, (n) grayness, luxurious, opulent, plentiful, prolific, liberal,
greyness, (v) gray. fecund, lush, (v) ornate; antonyms (adj) poor, broke,
ağıl pen (kalem); synonyms (n) corral, cage, destitute, impoverished.
ballpoint, enclosure, fold, jail, coop, playpen, (v) ağırbaşlı 1. sober; synonyms (adj) serious, grave,
enclose, confine, compose, impound, indite, write,
sedate, sane, earnest, moderate, quiet, solemn,
inclose. modest, abstemious, demure, dull, serene, somber,
ağır 1. heavy; synonyms (adj) dull, deep, dark, dense, staid; antonym (adj) intoxicated, 2. serious (ağır,
fat, full, grave, gross, hard, arduous, bulky, ciddi); synonyms (adj) heavy, austere, great, hard,
burdensome, grievous, oppressive, thick; considerable, critical, dangerous, grievous, sad,
antonyms (adj) light, easy, slim, thin, slight, gentle, sober, bad, big, deep, (v) important, momentous;
puny, skinny, 2. serious (ciddi); synonyms (adj) antonyms (adj) frivolous, lighthearted, cheerful,
heavy, sedate, austere, great, considerable, critical, flippant, humorous, mild, minor, playful, slight.
dangerous, earnest, sad, sober, bad, big, major, (v)
ağırlaştırmak weight (ağırlık); synonyms (n) load,
important, momentous; antonyms (adj) frivolous,
burden, charge, consequence, heaviness,
lighthearted, cheerful, flippant, humorous, mild,
importance, pressure, significance, stress, ballast,
minor, playful, 3. grave; synonyms (adj) serious,
bias, import, influence, moment, (v) gravity;
severe, solemn, grand, material, calm, (n) cemetery,
antonym (n) triviality.
death, low, sepulchre, sepulture, (v) acute, engrave,
carve, etch; antonym (adj) funny, 4. hard (sert);
ağırlık 1. weight; synonyms (n) load, burden, charge,
consequence, heaviness, importance, pressure,
synonyms (adj) difficult, strong, callous, cruel,
significance, stress, ballast, bias, import, influence,
grueling, knotty, tough, bitter, alcoholic,
backbreaking, compact, complicated, dour, (adv) moment, (v) gravity; antonym (n) triviality, 2.
firm, (n) rough; antonyms (adj) soft, kind, merciful, gravity; synonyms (n) earnestness, solemnity,
simple, soggy, tender, yielding, (adv) gently, lightly, graveness, gravitation, seriousness, weight,
sedateness, austerity, staidness, gloominess,
5. lazy (tembel); synonyms (adj) indolent, idle,

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Turkish - English 9

sobriety, somberness, (v) poise; antonyms (n) ahbap 1. friend (arkadaş, dost); synonyms (n)
flippancy, insignificance, lightheartedness. fellow, acquaintance, ally, colleague, crony,
ağız 1. mouth; synonyms (n) jaw, lip, aperture, lips, advocate, assistant, booster, buddy, mate,
edge, entrance, brim, (v) grimace, articulate, connection, wellwisher, (adj) associate, companion,
pronounce, speak, utter, vocalize, blab, deliver, 2. comrade; antonyms (n) enemy, foe, stranger, rival,
edge (kenar); synonyms (n) boundary, margin, 2. companion (arkadaş); synonyms (n) peer,
verge, blade, brink, extremity, advantage, bank, chum, partner, brother, attendant, consort, escort,
butt, corner, limit, (v) border, bound, hem, line; familiar, friend, pal, playmate, boyfriend,
chaperon, (v) accompany, (adj) accomplice, 3. chap;
antonyms (n) center, (v) middle, 3. outlet;
synonyms (n) person, blighter, crack, cranny,
synonyms (n) shop, market, egress, exit, opening,
crevice, guy, lad, man, beau, scissure, chink, cleft,
store, drain, emporium, hole, issue, emission,
cuss, fella, feller; antonym (n) woman.
escape, gap, release, vent, 4. trap (tuzak,
yakalamak); synonyms (n) snare, net, ambush, ahenk 1. accord (anlaşma); synonyms (n)
agreement, assent, consensus, harmony,
gin, mesh, noose, entanglement, ambuscade, bait,
consonance, (v) agree, concord, consent, give,
(v) catch, entrap, ensnare, trick, entangle, capture,
bestow, grant, harmonize, suit, adjust, comply;
5. accent (vurgu); synonyms (n) stress, dialect,
antonyms (n) disagreement, discord, strife, (v)
emphasis, idiom, importance, speech, accentuation,
conflict, 2. harmony; synonyms (n) accord,
articulation, intonation, pronunciation, tone, (v)
conformity, correspondence, accordance,
emphasize, emphasise, punctuate, accentuate, 6.
congruity, consistency, amity, concordance, tune,
opening; synonyms (n) mouth, break, beginning, understanding, unity, friendship, coincidence, (v)
cleft, commencement, crack, door, occasion, chasm, concert, peace; antonyms (n) dissonance, argument,
onset, breach, chance, crevice, entry, (adj)
3. agreement (anlaşma); synonyms (n)
preliminary; antonyms (n) end, closing, finale, (adj)
acquiescence, contract, acceptance, appointment,
final. arrangement, compliance, confirmation, covenant,
ağızdan oral; synonyms (adj) spoken, vocal, settlement, unison, deed, bargain, concurrence,
unwritten, verbal, (n) examination; antonym (adj) deal, decision; antonyms (n) rejection, dispute,
written. resistance.
ağlama cry (ağlamak, bağırmak, feryat); ahır 1. barn; synonyms (n) shed, store, stable, bawn,
synonyms (n) shout, bark, scream, yell, clamor, auditorium, bacilli, bacillus, lathe, bel, boron,
roar, bay, crying, (v) call, bellow, shriek, weep, shelter, (adj) foul, unclean, 2. stable; synonyms (adj)
exclaim, howl, moan; antonyms (v) laugh, whisper. firm, permanent, reliable, constant, durable, fast,
ağlamak cry (bağırmak, feryat); synonyms (n) fixed, lasting, secure, stationary, enduring, hard,
shout, bark, scream, yell, clamor, roar, bay, crying, persistent, solid, sound; antonyms (adj) unstable,
(v) call, bellow, shriek, weep, exclaim, howl, moan; shaky, wobbly, dangerous, precarious, rickety,
antonyms (v) laugh, whisper. volatile, 3. stall; synonyms (n) booth, bench, barn,
agoni agony; synonyms (n) anguish, torture, distress, carrel, compartment, delay, stand, cabin, hut, kiosk,
misery, suffering, torment, grief, pain, pang, stalling, cubicle, chair, (v) procrastinate, wait.
passion, sorrow, throe, ache, affliction, martyrdom. ahize receiver (alıcı); synonyms (n) recipient,
ağrı pain; synonyms (n) distress, ache, bother, ill, beneficiary, cashier, earpiece, headset, liquidator,
torment, agony, nuisance, harass, annoyance, (v) collector, phone, telephone, matrass, questor;
hurt, afflict, anguish, grieve, trouble, agonize; antonym (n) donor.
antonym (n) pleasure. ahlaki moral; synonyms (adj) ethical, decent, good,
ağrılı sore; synonyms (adj) painful, sensitive, angry, honest, right, chaste, proper, righteous, upright,
raw, indignant, aching, (n) injury, boil, cut, lesion, virtuous, honorable, noble, pure, (n) lesson,
canker, abscess, (v) hurt, acute, sharp; antonym (adj) meaning; antonyms (adj) immoral, bad,
painless. unwholesome.
ağrımak hurt; synonyms (v) pain, wound, afflict, ahlaksal moral; synonyms (adj) ethical, decent, good,
injure, ail, cost, (adj) evil, (n) harm, damage, honest, right, chaste, proper, righteous, upright,
detriment, ache, disadvantage, abuse, distress, virtuous, honorable, noble, pure, (n) lesson,
lesion; antonyms (v) encourage, (adj) uninjured, meaning; antonyms (adj) immoral, bad,
unhurt. unwholesome.
ahali 1. people (halk); synonyms (n) nation, ahlaksız 1. abandoned; synonyms (adj) forlorn,
community, family, folk, multitude, populace, clan, immoral, deserted, empty, profligate, shameless,
mob, flock, citizenry, crowd, (v) inhabit, occupy, stranded, wicked, lonely, corrupt, debauched,
reside, dwell, 2. folk; synonyms (n) people, kin, depraved, derelict, desolate, discarded; antonyms
kindred, kinsfolk, man, persons, race, tribe, house. (adj) restrained, inhabited, orderly, overcrowded, 2.

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10 Turkish - English

mean (demek istemek, ortalama); synonyms akaçlamak drain; synonyms (n) ditch, culvert, dike,
(v) intend, design, imply, denote, involve, (adj) channel, sewer, (v) deplete, waste, exhaust, bleed,
middle, base, common, hateful, ignoble, medium, leak, consume, finish, sap, (adj) cloaca, dissipate;
miserly, (n) average, contemptible, low; antonyms antonym (v) bolster.
(adj) generous, kind. akademi academy; synonyms (n) academe, school,
ahlaksızlık corruption (bozulma); synonyms (n) college, institution, university, academia, campus,
contamination, depravity, adulteration, pollution, class, alliance, council, federation, foundation,
bribery, filth, infection, taint, vitiation, canker, fraternity, league, preparatory.
blight, foulness, impurity, contagion, (adj) shuffle; akademik academic; synonyms (adj) theoretical,
antonyms (n) purification, decency, honesty, learned, pedantic, scholarly, speculative, studious,
incorruptness. bookish, didactic, educational, erudite, (n)
ahmak 1. stupid; synonyms (adj) foolish, silly, dull, intellectual, academician, scholar, (v) scholastic,
fatuous, idiotic, ridiculous, senseless, crass, insane, hypothetical; antonym (n) realist.
childish, dim, (n) simple, absurd, dullard, idiot; akan running; synonyms (v) active, (adj) flowing,
antonyms (adj) sensible, bright, clever, intelligent, operative, continual, working, functioning,
shrewd, wise, 2. foolish (akılsız); synonyms (adj) moving, consecutive, live, fluid, (n) course, motion,
crazy, fool, daft, dopey, dumb, preposterous, administration, operation, run.
stupid, unwise, anserine, dopy, dotty, imprudent, akar running; synonyms (v) active, (adj) flowing,
irrational, ludicrous, mad; antonyms (adj) prudent, operative, continual, working, functioning,
visionary, 3. idiot; synonyms (n) dolt, dunce, moving, consecutive, live, fluid, (n) course, motion,
dimwit, moron, ass, cretin, imbecile, oaf, administration, operation, run.
changeling, dumbbell, half-wit, innocent, jerk, akarsu stream (akım); synonyms (n) flow, brook,
natural, 4. fool; synonyms (n) blockhead, clown, river, run, spurt, (v) flood, crowd, gush, jet, pour,
buffoon, joke, joker, (v) dupe, deceive, bamboozle, swarm, runnel, creek, (prep) current, course;
befool, cheat, con, defraud, delude, gull, beguile. antonym (v) trickle.
ahşap wood (ağaç, koru, odun, tahta); synonyms akıbet 1. fate (kader); synonyms (n) destiny, chance,
(n) forest, timber, woods, tree, lumber, coppice, luck, fatality, allotment, fortune, kismet, lot,
jungle. portion, accident, end, (v) doom, destine, designate,
aile 1. family; synonyms (n) descent, household, destruction, 2. end (bitirmek, bitmek, erek,
name, breed, brood, clan, class, genus, house, kin, son); synonyms (n) close, aim, closure, destination,
lineage, people, (adj) home, ancestry, domestic, 2. conclusion, death, cause, demise, object, (v) cease,
house (ev, mesken); synonyms (n) family, complete, finish, discontinue, conclude, (prep)
dwelling, firm, abode, domicile, building, edifice, consequence; antonyms (n) beginning,
habitation, housing, establishment, structure, maintenance, opening, middle, (v) start, begin,
company, address, (v) accommodate, lodge. continue.
ajan 1. agent (acenta); synonyms (n) agency, broker, akıcı 1. fluid (akışkan); synonyms (n) juice, liquor,
deputy, medium, factor, instrument, mediator, (adj) liquid, flowing, unsettled, changeable, smooth,
ambassador, attorney, channel, delegate, doer, fluent, mobile, runny, juicy, uncertain, unstable,
envoy, intermediary, (v) actor, 2. spy (casus); variable, watery; antonym (n) solid, 2. liquid;
synonyms (n) scout, detective, mole, notice, patrol, synonyms (adj) fluid, limpid, sappy, succulent,
emissary, (v) see, espy, snoop, discern, discover, liquefied, liquified, (n) drink, liquidness, sap;
observe, perceive, descry, behold. antonyms (adj) firm, (n) gaseous, 3. smooth (düz,
ajans agency; synonyms (n) bureau, office, authority, düzgün); synonyms (adj) easy, calm, level, oily,
commission, expedient, factor, instrument, means, facile, flat, glossy, graceful, greasy, mellow,
organ, way, efficiency, activity, board, (v) action, polished, slick, (v) quiet, facilitate, even; antonyms
act. (adj) rough, uneven, abrasive, coarse, crumpled,
ak white (beyaz); synonyms (adj) fair, ashen, blank, flaking, harsh, jerky, lined, peeling, prickly, ridged,
clean, snowy, wan, achromatic, bloodless, livid, wrinkled, corrugated, (v) wrinkle.
pallid, colorless, bright, good, (n) pale, (v) whiten; akıl 1. intelligence; synonyms (n) information,
antonyms (adj) dark, rosy, (n) black. cleverness, intellect, news, tidings, understanding,
akaç drain; synonyms (n) ditch, culvert, dike, channel, acumen, brain, brains, capacity, comprehension,
sewer, (v) deplete, waste, exhaust, bleed, leak, knowledge, mentality, notice, sharpness; antonyms
consume, finish, sap, (adj) cloaca, dissipate; (n) stupidity, emotion, 2. mind; synonyms (n)
antonym (v) bolster. head, inclination, intelligence, psyche, regard,
akaçlama drainage (drenaj); synonyms (n) drain, conscience, belief, (v) care, look, attend, beware,
drive, emanation, tapping, hydrography, (adj) keep, listen, guard, (adj) heed; antonym (v) forget, 3.
arefaction, dephlegmation. brain (beyin); synonyms (n) mastermind, genius,

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Turkish - English 11

mind, reason, brainpower, encephalon, nous, wit, discernment, insight, learning, depth, judgment,
prodigy, 4. head (baş, kafa); synonyms (n) chief, profundity, reasonableness, scholarship, (v) lore;
captain, front, point, boss, foam, froth, crown, antonym (n) foolishness.
chieftain, executive, chair, (v) capital, direct, lead, akılsız 1. foolish; synonyms (adj) childish, crazy, fool,
command; antonyms (n) end, subordinate, (v) daft, dopey, dull, dumb, fatuous, preposterous,
follow, 5. wit; synonyms (n) humor, wag, silly, stupid, unwise, anserine, dopy, (n) absurd;
humorist, satire, repartee, sense, sagacity, humour, antonyms (adj) wise, sensible, prudent, shrewd,
joker, pleasantry, comedian, mood, wisdom, (adj) visionary, 2. irrational; synonyms (adj) foolish,
irony, sarcasm; antonym (n) tragedy, 6. reason; inconsistent, blind, illogical, senseless,
synonyms (n) account, occasion, argument, object, unreasonable, imprudent, unsound, insane,
purpose, rationality, basis, explanation, (v) cause, thoughtless, nonsensical, ridiculous, surd,
argue, debate, conclude, deduce, discuss, ground, deranged, (adv) beastly; antonyms (adj) rational,
7. advice (öğüt); synonyms (n) admonition, logical, 3. unreasonable; synonyms (adj)
caution, counsel, warning, exhortation, instruction, excessive, extravagant, immoderate, undue,
monition, report, advisement, announcement, exorbitant, inordinate, irrational, unconscionable,
communication, direction, guidance, hint, tip, 8. unfair, impossible, invalid, unwarranted,
wisdom (bilgelik); synonyms (n) discretion, outrageous, unjust, injudicious; antonyms (adj)
judiciousness, prudence, sapience, discernment, reasonable, good-natured, 4. stupid (ahmak);
insight, learning, depth, judgment, profundity, synonyms (adj) idiotic, crass, dim, pointless, slow,
reasonableness, scholarship, erudition, booby, dense, doltish, heavy, insipid, obtuse, (n)
sensibleness, (v) lore; antonym (n) foolishness. simple, dullard, idiot, dolt; antonyms (adj) bright,
akıllı 1. wise (bilge); synonyms (adj) judicious, clever, intelligent.
reasonable, sensible, intelligent, knowing, prudent, akım 1. stream; synonyms (n) flow, brook, river, run,
rational, sagacious, sound, discreet, shrewd, sane, spurt, (v) flood, crowd, gush, jet, pour, swarm,
discerning, thoughtful, (n) method; antonyms (adj) runnel, creek, (prep) current, course; antonym (v)
foolish, unwise, stupid, 2. intelligent; synonyms trickle, 2. current (cari, geçerli); synonyms (adj)
(adj) clever, alert, astute, bright, intellectual, quick- common, contemporary, fashionable, instant,
witted, cunning, brilliant, canny, gifted, actual, fresh, modern, new, popular, present,
knowledgeable, quick, smart, wise, witty; prevalent, rife, (n) stream, afloat, movement;
antonyms (adj) unintelligent, dim, dull-witted, antonyms (adj) obsolete, past, old, old-fashioned,
thick, slow, 3. smart (açıkgöz); synonyms (adj) previous, 3. trend (eğilim); synonyms (n) fashion,
crafty, dapper, sly, prompt, chic, jaunty, lively, tendency, fad, inclination, direction, disposition,
natty, neat, saucy, fine, (v) ache, hurt, (n) pain, drift, vogue, leaning, (v) style, tend, incline, sheer,
sharp; antonyms (adj) scruffy, shabby, unkempt, 4. turn, verge.
clever; synonyms (adj) adroit, capable, acute, able, akın 1. invasion; synonyms (n) attack, assault,
apt, expert, ingenious, skillful, artful, learned, aggression, incursion, inroad, descent, foray, influx,
adept, brainy, cagey, cagy, (v) brisk; antonyms (adj) intrusion, encroachment, infringement, occupation,
clumsy, dull, inept, 5. reasonable (makul); raid, breach, charge; antonyms (n) retreat,
synonyms (adj) just, moderate, fair, legitimate, surrender, 2. raid; synonyms (n) invasion, onset,
admissible, appropriate, cheap, due, equitable, seizure, mugging, (v) bust, maraud, pillage, sortie,
impartial, inexpensive, plausible, temperate, loot, assail, invade, plunder, razzia, hit, rob, 3.
acceptable, (n) clear; antonyms (adj) illogical,
flow (akış, akmak); synonyms (n) flood, current,
unreasonable, expensive, unfair, unsatisfactory,
discharge, abound, (v) stream, course, flux, jet, run,
inadequate, 6. sensible; synonyms (adj) aware,
surge, float, emanate, fall, gush, pour, 4. rush;
perceptible, appreciable, sage, logical, practical,
synonyms (n) hurry, flow, haste, (v) dash, race,
conscious, sapient, advisable, careful, cognizant,
speed, dart, hasten, quicken, accelerate, flush, fly,
palpable, sensitive, realistic, susceptible; antonyms
hurtle, (adj) burst, spurt.
(adj) absurd, crazy, idiotic, imprudent, ludicrous,
akıntı 1. flow (akış, akmak); synonyms (n) flood,
mad, outrageous, reckless, ridiculous, silly,
current, discharge, abound, (v) stream, course, flux,
harebrained, hasty, impractical.
jet, run, surge, float, emanate, fall, gush, pour, 2.
akıllılık 1. intelligence (akıl); synonyms (n)
stream (akım); synonyms (n) flow, brook, river,
information, cleverness, intellect, news, tidings,
spurt, rush, streak, torrent, beam, spout, ray, (v)
understanding, acumen, brain, brains, capacity,
comprehension, knowledge, mentality, notice, crowd, swarm, runnel, creek, deluge; antonym (v)
sharpness; antonyms (n) stupidity, emotion, 2. trickle, 3. current (akım, cari, geçerli);
wisdom (bilgelik); synonyms (n) discretion, synonyms (adj) common, contemporary,
fashionable, instant, actual, fresh, modern, new,
judiciousness, prudence, sagacity, sapience, sense,
popular, present, prevalent, rife, (n) afloat,

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12 Turkish - English

movement, (prep) tide; antonyms (adj) obsolete, past, stream (akım); synonyms (n) flow, brook, river,
old, old-fashioned, previous, 4. drift (sapma, spurt, rush, streak, torrent, beam, spout, ray, (v)
sürüklenme); synonyms (n) tendency, tone, crowd, swarm, runnel, creek, deluge; antonym (v)
bearing, design, gist, intent, leeway, purport, (v) trickle, 4. drain; synonyms (n) ditch, culvert, dike,
aim, blow, ramble, cast, glide, move, roam. channel, sewer, (v) deplete, waste, exhaust, bleed,
akis reflection (yansıma); synonyms (n) leak, consume, finish, sap, (adj) cloaca, dissipate;
consideration, contemplation, observation, antonym (v) bolster.
cogitation, deliberation, meditation, musing, akort tune; synonyms (n) melody, song, strain, air,
reflexion, thought, idea, notion, introspection, concord, harmony, note, consonance, music, sound,
image, repercussion, animadversion. (v) adjust, regulate, chant, attune, string.
akış 1. flow (akmak); synonyms (n) flood, current, akraba 1. kin; synonyms (n) family, kindred, folk,
discharge, abound, (v) stream, course, flux, jet, run, house, clan, gender, stock, folks, tribe, connection,
surge, float, emanate, fall, gush, pour, 2. course kinsmen, affinity, consanguinity, kinfolk, kinsfolk,
(yön); synonyms (n) flow, bearing, career, path, 2. related; synonyms (adj) germane, cognate,
road, route, track, channel, circuit, class, method, relevant, similar, akin, allied, associated, collateral,
race, way, (v) chase, (prep) tide, 3. run connected, consanguineous, pertinent, like, near,
(çalıştırmak, koşmak); synonyms (v) rule, dash, analogous, appropriate; antonym (adj) unrelated, 3.
conduct, direct, function, go, hasten, hurry, relation (ilişki); synonyms (n) account, narration,
operate, progress, rush, (n) pass, campaign, drive, recital, association, description, regard, rehearsal,
range, 4. tide (gelgit); synonyms (n) drift, time, (v) kin, bearing, bond, narrative, reference,
wave, billow, noonday, 5. stream (akım); relationship, relative, (v) report, 4. relative
synonyms (n) brook, river, spurt, streak, torrent, (göreli); synonyms (adj) related, comparative,
beam, spout, ray, rain, (v) crowd, swarm, runnel, proportionate, proportional, dependent, (n)
creek, deluge, squirt; antonym (v) trickle. relation, brother, congenator, congener, (v)
akışkan fluid (akıcı); synonyms (n) juice, liquor, (adj) kinsman; antonym (adj) absolute.
liquid, flowing, unsettled, changeable, smooth, akrabalık 1. affinity; synonyms (n) sympathy,
fluent, mobile, runny, juicy, uncertain, unstable, analogy, alliance, bond, kindred, propinquity,
variable, watery; antonym (n) solid. rapport, relation, relationship, semblance,
akıtmak 1. shed; synonyms (v) cast, discard, drop, penchant, agreement, attachment, conformity,
moult, scatter, exuviate, molt, dismiss, disgorge, connection, 2. alliance (ittifak); synonyms (n)
emit, fling, (n) hut, shack, cabin, booth, 2. drain; league, affinity, association, combination,
synonyms (n) ditch, culvert, dike, channel, sewer, confederacy, union, affiliation, alignment,
(v) deplete, waste, exhaust, bleed, leak, consume, alinement, coalition, merger, organization, society,
finish, sap, (adj) cloaca, dissipate; antonym (v) amalgamation, club; antonym (n) nonalignment, 3.
bolster, 3. stream (akım); synonyms (n) flow, blood (kan); synonyms (n) ancestry, birth, gore,
brook, river, run, spurt, (v) flood, crowd, gush, jet, descent, family, lineage, origin, beau, bloodshed,
pour, swarm, runnel, creek, (prep) current, course; consanguinity, coxcomb, exquisite, extraction, (adj)
antonym (v) trickle, 4. pour; synonyms (v) shed, humor, juice, 4. relationship; synonyms (n) ratio,
decant, pelt, stream, discharge, spill, teem, effuse, correlation, friendship, kinship, link, kin,
deluge, funnel, tip, spout, (n) overflow, rain; proportion, tie, brotherhood, affair, dependency,
reference, relations, account, acquaintance.
antonym (v) drizzle.
akli intellectual; synonyms (adj) cerebral, mental, akran 1. equal (eşit); synonyms (adj) agree,
comparable, adequate, balanced, commensurate,
rational, learned, spiritual, academic, ideal,
equivalent, (v) match, compare, correspond, even,
cultured, brilliant, clever, (n) intellect, brain,
parallel, rival, equalize, (n) compeer, peer;
scholar, thinker, mind.
antonyms (adj) unequal, different, repressive,
akma discharge (boşaltmak); synonyms (n) release,
disproportionate, inconsistent, uneven, unlike, (v)
dismissal, drain, (v) acquit, clear, absolve, complete,
differ, 2. fellow (adam); synonyms (adj) comrade,
deliver, eject, cashier, burst, blast, bounce,
(n) companion, associate, boy, equal, brother, chap,
detonate, disgorge; antonyms (v) capture, hire.
colleague, buddy, dude, dog, counterpart, escort,
akmak 1. flow (akış); synonyms (n) flood, current, beau, (v) concomitant, 3. match (eş, kibrit);
discharge, abound, (v) stream, course, flux, jet, run,
synonyms (n) competition, couple, duplicate, bout,
surge, float, emanate, fall, gush, pour, 2. contest, (v) mate, meet, accord, harmonise,
discharge (boşaltmak); synonyms (n) release, harmonize, balance, fellow, fit, pair, coincide;
dismissal, drain, (v) acquit, clear, absolve, complete, antonyms (v) clash, contradict, 4. contemporary
deliver, eject, cashier, burst, blast, bounce,
(Modern); synonyms (adj) contemporaneous,
detonate, disgorge; antonyms (v) capture, hire, 3.
modern, current, new, present, recent, up-to-date,

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Turkish - English 13

topical, existing, fashionable, fresh, simultaneous, indignation, rage, malice, antipathy, bitterness,
coetaneous, cotemporary, (n) coeval; antonyms (adj) colera, dislike, hatred.
past, old, old-fashioned. aksiyon share (hisse, hisse senedi, pay,
akşam 1. evening; synonyms (n) even, dusk, dark, paylaşmak); synonyms (n) piece, portion, deal,
eve, eventide, nightfall, sunset, twilight, night, dole, lot, allotment, (v) participate, allot, apportion,
sundown; antonyms (n) dawn, daybreak, 2. night distribute, part, partake, dispense, divide, partition;
(gece); synonyms (n) evening, darkness, nighttime, antonym (v) control.
(adj) nocturnal; antonyms (n) day, light. aktarma 1. transfer (aktarmak); synonyms (n)
aksan accent (vurgu); synonyms (n) stress, dialect, conveyance, assignment, (v) convey, carry, change,
emphasis, idiom, importance, speech, accentuation, remove, shift, exchange, send, transmit, transport,
articulation, intonation, pronunciation, (v) commit, consign, deliver, give; antonyms (v) hold,
emphasize, emphasise, punctuate, accentuate, keep, 2. quotation; synonyms (n) citation, extract,
pronounce. mention, excerpt, passage, reference, quote,
aksatmak disturb; synonyms (v) agitate, disconcert, example, price, figure, instance, allusion, credit, 3.
disorder, disquiet, distract, distress, perturb, connection (bağ, bağlantı); synonyms (n) bond,
trouble, annoy, bother, commove, concern, communication, attachment, concatenation, joint,
derange, disarrange, discompose; antonyms (v) bearing, affiliation, alliance, association,
arrange, calm, please, smooth, soothe. conjunction, knot, link, combination, affinity,
aksetme reflection (yansıma); synonyms (n) coherence; antonym (n) disconnection.
consideration, contemplation, observation, aktarmak 1. transfer (aktarma); synonyms (n)
cogitation, deliberation, meditation, musing, conveyance, assignment, (v) convey, carry, change,
reflexion, thought, idea, notion, introspection, remove, shift, exchange, send, transmit, transport,
image, repercussion, animadversion. commit, consign, deliver, give; antonyms (v) hold,
aksetmek echo (yankı); synonyms (n) answer, keep, 2. quote; synonyms (v) cite, mention, name,
repercussion, reaction, reflection, replication, (v) exemplify, retell, present, refer, (n) adduce, excerpt,
repeat, reproduce, resound, reverberate, rebound, extract, quotation, citation, passage, price, (adj)
ape, copy, imitate, reflect, reiterate. illustrate.
aksettirmek mirror (ayna); synonyms (n) echo, aktif 1. active (etkin); synonyms (adj) energetic, alert,
model, exemplar, (v) glass, imitate, copy, reflect, busy, diligent, effective, live, lively, nimble, strong,
represent, reproduce, lens, mimic, (adj) pattern, agile, alive, brisk, dynamic, forcible, healthy;
cynosure. antonyms (adj) dormant, inactive, sluggish, idle,
aksi 1. opposite (karşıt); synonyms (adj) adverse, latent, lethargic, sedentary, slow, extinct, passive,
contradictory, diametric, different, hostile, quiet, 2. assets; synonyms (n) property,
opposing, opposed, antagonistic, (adv) counter, (n) belongings, capital, funds, means, resources,
contrary, opponent, adversary, contradiction, wealth, finances, resource, estate, money,
antonym, (pron) other; antonym (adj) similar, 2. possession, possessions, acquit, income.
cross (haç); synonyms (n) crisscross, affliction, (v) aktör actor; synonyms (n) doer, player, agent,
intersect, baffle, cover, thwart, (adj) crabbed, crabby, comedian, thespian, artist, artiste, entertainer,
angry, cantankerous, grouchy, grumpy, traverse, histrion, impersonator, mimic, participant, (v)
cranky, annoyed; antonyms (v) uncross, (adj) calm, performer.
good-tempered, 3. reverse (ters); synonyms (adj) aktris actress; synonyms (n) actor, player, artist,
opposite, converse, inverse, (v) annul, repeal, entertainer, musician, recitalist.
rescind, countermand, overturn, revoke, rear, akü battery (batarya, pil); synonyms (n) troop,
nullify, cancel, invert, overrule, (n) reversal; army, barrage, company, collection, mugging,
antonym (n) front, 4. evil (fena, kötü, kötülük); onslaught, sequence, squad, violence, group,
synonyms (adj) bad, corrupt, criminal, ill, wicked, regiment, squadron, ark, battalia.
depraved, destructive, harmful, malign, (n) akümülatör battery (akü, batarya, pil); synonyms
damage, adversity, detriment, disaster, depravity, (n) troop, army, barrage, company, collection,
malice; antonyms (adj) kindhearted, (n) good, mugging, onslaught, sequence, squad, violence,
goodness, righteousness, 5. contrary; synonyms group, regiment, squadron, ark, battalia.
(adj) conflicting, reverse, unfavorable, alien, cross, akustik acoustic; synonyms (adj) acoustical, aural,
disobedient, obstinate, perverse, averse, discordant, phonic, hearing, sensory, (v) auditory, auricular.
unfriendly, balky, headstrong, disagreeable, (n)
akut acute; synonyms (adj) sharp, incisive, intense,
keen, penetrating, critical, piercing, severe, shrewd,
aksilik bile (safra); synonyms (n) anger, gall, shrill, smart, strong, acrid, acuate, (v) high;
ebullition, ferment, fume, pucker, fury,
antonyms (adj) dull, obtuse.

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14 Turkish - English

Akvaryum aquarium; synonyms (n) vivarium, (v) compass (pusula); synonyms (n) circle,
fishery. circumference, circuit, gamut, periphery, sweep, (v)
al 1. red (kırmızı, kızıl); synonyms (adj) crimson, round, get, grasp, accomplish, achieve, apprehend,
flushed, carmine, glowing, rosy, ruby, sanguine, seize, surround, (adv) beset, 8. square (kare);
cherry, pink, radical, ruddy, scarlet, cerise, bloody, synonyms (adj) right, even, rectangular, fair,
inflamed, 2. scarlet; synonyms (adj) red, (n) quadrate, straight, equal, equitable, (n) foursquare,
vermilion. rectangle, quadrilateral, (v) settle, agree,
correspond, (adv) just, 9. scope (kapsam);
alacaklı creditor; synonyms (n) debtee, lienor.
synonyms (n) drift, oscilloscope, chance, play,
alaka interest (faiz, ilgi); synonyms (n) concern,
freedom, leeway, opportunity, outlook, scale, aim,
advantage, affair, account, gain, hobby, behalf,
purpose, liberty, (v) view, intention, object, 10.
eagerness, enthusiasm, sake, (v) engage, care,
benefit, appeal, affect; antonyms (n) indifference,
tract; synonyms (n) essay, pamphlet, dissertation,
lot, plot, belt, stretch, track, tractate, treatise,
apathy, (v) bore.
discourse, exposition, parcel, park, patch, 11.
alakadar 1. interested; synonyms (adj) concerned,
sphere; synonyms (n) ball, globe, ring, orb, bowl,
curious, involved, inquiring, inquisitive, keen,
firmament, heavens, jurisdiction, sector, welkin,
attentive; antonyms (adj) apathetic, uninterested, 2.
world, empyrean, function, lookout, responsibility,
concerned; synonyms (adj) anxious, careful,
12. court (avlu); synonyms (n) forum, bar, close,
interested, thoughtful, apprehensive, considerate,
tribunal, judicatory, passage, judge, courtroom,
nervous, solicitous, worried, affected, caring,
courtyard, hall, (v) woo, attract, invite, romance,
fearful, troubled, uneasy, upset; antonyms (adj)
flatter; antonyms (v) avoid, shun, 13. zone
unconcerned, uncaring, unfeeling.
(bölge); synonyms (n) locality, quarter, layer,
alakalı interested; synonyms (adj) concerned, curious,
division, bed, climate, clime, course, cycle, rundle,
involved, inquiring, inquisitive, keen, attentive;
stratum, (v) partition, subdivide, 14. realm;
antonyms (adj) apathetic, uninterested. synonyms (n) nation, commonwealth, monarchy,
alakarga jay; synonyms (n) chough, crow, jackdaw, state, principality, reign, soil, 15. reach (ulaşmak,
raven, rook, (v) magpie, parrot, poll. uzatmak); synonyms (v) overtake, obtain, attain,
alamet 1. sign (im, işaret); synonyms (n) signal, extend, make, pass, touch, form, arrive, contact,
indication, mark, motion, portent, brand, emblem, give, hit, (n) fetch, gain, catch, 16. pitch (atmak);
imprint, manifestation, omen, poster, presage, synonyms (n) dip, slant, slope, angle, (v) fling, cast,
wave, (v) gesture, indicate, 2. mark; synonyms (n) chuck, lurch, tilt, toss, heave, hurl, throw, careen,
evidence, score, character, heed, impression, sign, launch.
feature, badge, check, (v) blemish, characterize, alarm alarm; synonyms (n) dismay, alert,
distinguish, grade, label, (adj) notice, 3. stamp consternation, affright, apprehension, fright, terror,
(damga, posta pulu, pul); synonyms (n) seal, unrest, warning, (v) awe, scare, agitate, horrify,
cachet, die, earmark, form, hallmark, (v) print, cast, panic, startle; antonyms (v) calm, comfort.
impress, trample, punch, shape, note, emboss, alay 1. regiment; synonyms (n) army, battalion,
corps, host, brigade, division, (v) control, 2. irony;
alan 1. field (saha, tarla); synonyms (n) arena, area, synonyms (n) sarcasm, ridicule, banter, humor,
battlefield, domain, ground, place, battleground, raillery, derision, mockery, quiz, (adj) satire,
compass, court, department, discipline, range, burlesque; antonym (n) exaggeration.
realm, section, sphere, 2. area; synonyms (n)
albüm album; synonyms (n) record, portfolio,
region, size, width, expanse, field, neighborhood,
recording, volume, anthology, disc, book,
breadth, district, extent, land, room, scope, space,
collection, compilation, set, vinyl, depository,
zone, dimension, 3. domain; synonyms (n)
index, memento, miscellany.
country, kingdom, province, ambit, demesne,
alçak 1. low; synonyms (adj) contemptible, abject,
empire, county, class, dominion, estate, line,
humble, ignoble, base, blue, common, deep,
manor, orbit, subject, territory, 4. space (aralık,
dejected, depressed, down, downcast,
uzay, yer); synonyms (n) length, gap, opening, downhearted, (adv) gentle, (n) depression; antonyms
period, void, margin, distance, emptiness, interval,
(adj) cheerful, happy, high-pitched, loud, important,
latitude, location, volume, berth, blank, (v) separate,
piercing, (n) high, 2. base (baz, taban, temel,
5. range (erim); synonyms (n) array, reach, (v) üs); synonyms (n) foundation, basis, leg, stand, (adj)
arrange, order, rank, roam, group, ramble, wander,
bottom, mean, dishonorable, low, vile, bad,
align, gad, classify, dispose, go, grade, 6. extent;
despicable, foul, infamous, (v) ground, found;
synonyms (n) degree, extension, amplitude,
antonyms (n) summit, top, (adj) noble, 3. mean
amount, bulk, boundary, gauge, measure, purview,
quantity, spread, capacity, depth, limit, mass, 7.
(demek istemek, ortalama); synonyms (v)
intend, design, imply, denote, involve, indicate,

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Turkish - English 15

(adj) middle, hateful, medium, miserly, beggarly, aldırmamak ignore; synonyms (v) fail, neglect, cut,
close, dirty, (n) average, cheap; antonyms (adj) discount, disregard, forget, omit, snub, overrule,
generous, kind. dismiss, overlook, rebuff, shun, disobey, eliminate;
alçakgönüllü 1. modest; synonyms (adj) humble, antonyms (v) acknowledge, observe, honor, react.
bashful, diffident, lowly, moderate, gentle, chaste, aldırmazlık indifference (ilgisizlik); synonyms (n)
decent, low, meek, small, unassuming, apathy, detachment, disregard, impassiveness,
unobtrusive, distant, coy; antonyms (adj) arrogant, aloofness, disinterest, impassivity, neglect,
conceited, elaborate, pompous, pretentious, proud, neutrality, nonchalance, unconcern, stoicism,
self-important, showy, spectacular, boastful, coolness, (adj) coldness, phlegm; antonyms (n)
conspicuous, grand, immodest, ostentatious, 2. dedication, eagerness, fervor, interest, passion,
humble; synonyms (adj) base, docile, modest, compassion, favorite, sympathy.
baseborn, ignoble, (v) degrade, demean, disgrace, alelacele hastily; synonyms (adv) fast, hurriedly,
abase, debase, humiliate, mortify, conquer, depress, precipitately, promptly, rapidly, helter-skelter,
(n) dishonor; antonyms (adj) haughty, imposing, carelessly, impetuously, imprudently, quickly,
impressive, snooty. rashly, speedily, suddenly, thoughtlessly, (adj)
alçalmak 1. drop; synonyms (v) fall, decrease, headlong; antonyms (adv) slowly, carefully.
deposit, dribble, droop, abandon, cast, dip, discard, alelade 1. ordinary; synonyms (adj) middling,
dismiss, drip, ebb, jump, (n) decline, collapse; average, familiar, mediocre, usual, commonplace,
antonyms (v) rise, increase, lift, (n) growth, 2. sink everyday, habitual, normal, mean, banal, (n)
(lavabo); synonyms (n) sag, basin, (v) set, descend, common, customary, accustomed, (v) general;
drop, fell, bury, decay, flag, founder, lower, settle, antonyms (adj) extraordinary, unusual, incredible,
subside, languish, (adj) immerse; antonym (v) float. outstanding, peculiar, strange, special,
distinguished, famous, 2. common (adi, ortak);
alçı plaster (yakı); synonyms (n) mortar, cement,
synonyms (adj) ordinary, coarse, cheap, mutual,
paste, gum, glue, bandage, cataplasm, (v) coat,
vulgar, base, ignoble, plebeian, public, trivial,
daub, stucco, paint, affix, poultice, face, smear.
prosaic, poor, collective, communal, (n) commons;
aldanma deception; synonyms (n) deceit, illusion,
antonyms (adj) individual, uncommon, rare,
trick, betrayal, delusion, fake, pretense, bluff,
characteristic, one-off, specific, unique, aristocratic,
artifice, cheating, con, duplicity, fallacy, falsehood,
exclusive, infrequent, 3. usual; synonyms (adj)
(v) cheat; antonym (n) honesty.
conventional, routine, prevalent, natural,
aldatma 1. deception (aldanma); synonyms (n) prevailing, stock, typical, traditional, accepted,
deceit, illusion, trick, betrayal, delusion, fake, chronic, expected, set, (n) regular, (v) frequent,
pretense, bluff, artifice, cheating, con, duplicity, wonted; antonyms (adj) unconventional, abnormal.
fallacy, falsehood, (v) cheat; antonym (n) honesty, 2.
alem 1. kingdom; synonyms (n) country, domain,
imposition; synonyms (n) deception, exaction, realm, dominion, empire, state, nation, territory,
imposture, demand, hoax, fraud, infliction, area, department, land, monarchy, reign, 2. world
swindle, tax, wile, enforcement.
(dünya); synonyms (n) cosmos, nature, universe,
aldatmak 1. trick; synonyms (n) deceit, deception, creation, public, sphere, society, globe, humanity,
joke, prank, device, dupe, stratagem, (v) swindle, life, macrocosm, mankind, people, existence, (adj)
cheat, deceive, fraud, sham, con, mislead, beguile, global, 3. universe (evren); synonyms (n) world,
2. fox (tilki); synonyms (n) dodger, slyboots, (v) population, space.
confound, confuse, fob, bewilder, fuddle, bedevil, alenen 1. openly; synonyms (adv) frankly, freely,
befuddle, discombobulate, 3. sell (satmak); candidly, publicly, directly, clearly, evidently,
synonyms (v) peddle, deal, handle, betray, give, honestly, ingenuously, bluntly, obviously, overtly,
promote, exchange, merchandise, realize, trade, patently, plainly, (adj) manifestly; antonyms (adv)
vend, clear, gammon, pass, deliver; antonym (v) secretly, clandestinely, furtively, mysteriously,
buy. secretively, ambiguously, covertly, reticently, 2.
aldırışsız indifferent (ilgisiz, kayıtsız); synonyms publicly; synonyms (adv) openly, publically,
(adj) apathetic, callous, cold, cool, fair, impassive, formally, authoritatively, beforehand, communally,
insensible, unconcerned, careless, dull, average, first, generally, legitimately, paravant, collectively.
aloof, casual, detached, disinterested; antonyms
aleni public (genel, kamu); synonyms (adj) common,
(adj) caring, enthusiastic, fervent, keen, obsessive,
national, overt, civic, general, communal, mutual,
eager, energetic, involved, surprised. popular, ordinary, (n) folk, community, people,
aldırmak mind (akıl); synonyms (n) intellect, brain, populace, audience, (v) open; antonyms (adj)
head, inclination, intelligence, psyche, regard, (v) private, confidential, personal.
care, look, attend, beware, keep, listen, notice, (adj)
alesta ready; synonyms (adj) fit, prompt, quick,
heed; antonym (v) forget.
nimble, apt, deft, disposed, finished, handy, (v)

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16 Turkish - English

prepare, fix, willing, (n) available, dexterous, eager; algılamak sense (anlam, duygu, duyu, his);
antonyms (adj) unprepared, unwilling. synonyms (n) intelligence, perception, meaning,
alet 1. instrument (araç); synonyms (n) channel, sensation, logic, awareness, experience, feeling,
deed, agency, apparatus, appliance, document, idea, impression, notion, (v) feel, intellect, mind,
expedient, pawn, tool, gear, agent, device, engine, perceive; antonyms (n) garbage, ludicrousness,
means, (v) implement, 2. implement (araç); nonsense, stupidity, foolishness, gibberish.
synonyms (v) execute, fulfil, accomplish, apply, algoritma algorithm; synonyms (n) algorism,
enforce, fulfill, complete, perform, discharge, discovery, (v) dactylonomy, rhabdology.
realize, (n) utensil, instrument, gadget, organ, alıcı 1. buyer; synonyms (n) purchaser, client,
contrivance, 3. tool (araç); synonyms (n) machine, customer, consumer, emptor, shopper, user,
puppet, cock, creature, medium, animal, vendee, patron; antonyms (n) seller, vendor, 2.
marionette, pecker, prick, shaft, (v) drive, joyride, 4. customer (müşteri); synonyms (n) buyer, guest,
organ; synonyms (n) member, limb, harmonium, fellow, passenger, person, spender, 3. client
part, journal, 5. means (araç); synonyms (n) (müşteri, müvekkil), 4. receiver; synonyms (n)
assets, capital, funds, income, manner, method, recipient, beneficiary, cashier, earpiece, headset,
process, property, resource, resources, substance, liquidator, collector, phone, telephone, matrass,
way, wealth, wherewithal, road, 6. device questor; antonym (n) donor, 5. purchaser;
(aygıt); synonyms (n) artifice, emblem, synonym (n) punter, 6. set (ayarlamak, grup,
contraption, figure, gimmick, invention, plan, trick, set, takım); synonyms (v) fix, place, lay, put,
design, dodge, machination, mechanism, plot, ruse,
locate, position, regulate, define, adjust, arrange, (n)
scheme, 7. apparatus; synonyms (n) plant, tackle,
class, bent, (adj) fixed, fast, secure; antonyms (v)
equipment, machinery, outfit, rig, rigging, setup,
soften, liquefy, melt, (n) combing, comb-out, (adj)
tools, 8. vessel; synonyms (n) ship, boat, container,
variable, flexible, liquid.
craft, duct, jar, vas, bowl, canal, pan, receptacle,
alıkoyma detention; synonyms (n) delay, arrest,
basin, tube, watercraft, bottle.
custody, confinement, apprehension, captivity,
alev 1. flame; synonyms (n) blaze, fire, ardour, detainment, constraint, capture, detain, hold,
burning, combustion, enthusiasm, fervor, glare, imprisonment, incarceration, internment, (v) keep;
fervour, (v) burn, flash, flare, (adj) flush, glow,
antonyms (n) freedom, release.
sweetheart, 2. blaze; synonyms (n) flame, light,
alıkoymak 1. keep (tutmak); synonyms (v) hold,
hell, scintillation, blazing, brightness, brilliance,
preserve, retain, defend, continue, guard, have,
conflagration, (v) beam, flicker, mark, shimmer,
maintain, celebrate, confine, conserve, observe,
heat, kindle, coruscate, 3. fire (ateş); synonyms (n)
reserve, save, commemorate; antonyms (v) dump,
discharge, ardor, explode, bonfire, (v) excite, eject,
dismiss, ignite, expel, animate, arouse, inflame, lose, 2. stop (durak, durdurmak, durma,
provoke, sack, shoot; antonym (v) hire. durmak); synonyms (v) stand, block, close, delay,
alevlenmek flame (alev); synonyms (n) blaze, fire, interrupt, obstruct, plug, catch, (n) halt, stay, check,
ardour, burning, combustion, enthusiasm, fervor, end, arrest, bar, cease; antonyms (v) start, begin,
glare, fervour, (v) burn, flash, flare, (adj) flush, glow, encourage, permit, prolong, 3. delay (gecikme,
sweetheart. geciktirmek); synonyms (n) pause, deferment,
aleyhinde versus; synonyms (prep) anti, about, wait, deferral, extension, holdup, interruption, (v)
concerning, (adv) against, counter. defer, postpone, adjourn, break, detain, hesitate,
hinder, (adj) linger; antonyms (n) punctuality,
aleyhtar opponent; synonyms (n) enemy, antagonist,
adversary, competitor, foe, contrary, contestant, decisiveness, (v) rush, advance, 4. hold (tutma,
foeman, opposition, match, opposer, opposite, tutmak); synonyms (v) keep, endure, adhere, bear,
rival, challenger, (adj) opposing; antonyms (n) ally, comprise, contain, entertain, carry, support, cling,
supporter, follower. (n) grasp, grip, clasp, clutch, handle; antonym (v)

alfa alpha; synonyms (n) start, origin, beginning, release, 5. stay (kalma, kalmak); synonyms (v)
initial, dawn, genesis. remain, reside, rest, prop, stop, abide, bide, dwell,
lodge, persist, sojourn, (n) postponement, reprieve,
alfabe script (senaryo); synonyms (n) calligraphy,
(adj) inhabit, tarry; antonyms (v) leave, change,
hand, book, handwriting, copy, document,
inscription, lettering, letters, text, treatment, abscond, depart.
writing, playscript, record. alim learned; synonyms (v) knowing, (adj) erudite,
algı perception; synonyms (n) apprehension, educated, enlightened, knowledgeable, wise,
academic, scholarly, bookish, cultured, intellectual,
conception, idea, notion, discernment, feeling,
impression, insight, comprehension, acumen, lettered, literary, studious, informed; antonyms
awareness, image, observation, penetration, (adj) ignorant, innate.

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Turkish - English 17

alım purchase (satın almak); synonyms (n) 2. customary; synonyms (adj) usual,
acquisition, bargain, leverage, acquirement, grip, commonplace, traditional, wonted, current,
hold, (v) buy, get, obtain, contract, acquire, bribe, natural, orthodox, prescriptive, prevailing, stock,
gain, procure, take; antonyms (n) transaction, (v) typical, accepted, set, 3. ordinary; synonyms (adj)
sell. middling, mediocre, mean, banal, indifferent,
alımlı attractive; synonyms (adj) alluring, amiable, inferior, medium, dull, fair, household, humble,
appealing, charming, engaging, good-looking, mundane, pedestrian, prosaic, (v) inconspicuous;
tempting, adorable, delightful, enchanting, antonyms (adj) incredible, outstanding, peculiar,
fascinating, glamorous, gorgeous, handsome, strange, special, distinguished, famous, 4.
interesting; antonyms (adj) unattractive, ugly, familiar; synonyms (adj) close, conversant,
unappealing, disgusting, repellent, revolting, intimate, easy, acquainted, chummy, dear, free,
repulsive, straight, unpleasant. friendly, popular, thick, (n) companion, comrade,
alın 1. brow; synonyms (n) peak, brink, height, associate, (v) confidential; antonyms (adj)
crown, edge, eyebrow, forehead, front, rim, unfamiliar, foreign, new, unaccustomed, formal,
summit, top, verge, landing, 2. forehead; ignorant, unknown.
synonyms (n) brow, foreland, mut, phiz, alışkanlık 1. habit; synonyms (n) custom, clothing,
physiognomy, visage, assurance, hilltop, attire, character, convention, dress, garb, practice,
supercilium, (adv) foremost. ritual, use, addiction, clothes, disposition, apparel,
alındı 1. acknowledgement; synonyms (n) constitution, 2. custom (gelenek); synonyms (n)
acceptance, acknowledgment, recognition, acclaim, tradition, habit, usage, fashion, impost, method,
preferment, realisation, realization, 2. receipt; observance, order, rite, rule, tax, usance, (v)
synonyms (n) reception, acquittance, check, recipe, accustom, trade, (adj) bespoke, 3. practice;
ticket, revenue, certificate, profit, account, invoice, synonyms (n) exercise, discipline, experience, form,
voucher, contrivance, expedient, invention, (v) application, employment, performance, process,
acknowledge; antonym (n) dispatch. work, behavior, (v) drill, act, apply, rehearse, exert.
alındılamak acknowledge; synonyms (v) accept, alışmak adjust (ayarlamak); synonyms (v) temper,
avow, confess, recognize, own, profess, admit, accommodate, adapt, align, acclimatize, balance,
appreciate, concede, declare, notice, affirm, agree, fit, fix, reconcile, regulate, set, alter, arrange, (adj)
answer, confirm; antonyms (v) deny, ignore, dress, (n) square.
overlook, reject. alıştırma 1. exercise; synonyms (n) practice,
alıngan 1. susceptible; synonyms (adj) employment, application, discipline, play,
impressionable, receptive, responsive, sensitive, movement, action, activity, (v) drill, apply, employ,
subject, liable, delicate, pliable, susceptive, use, exert, train, educate, 2. drill (matkap);
vulnerable, irritable, open, amenable, exposed, synonyms (n) exercise, auger, borer, rehearsal,
impressible; antonyms (adj) resistant, unsusceptible, gimlet, preparation, (v) bore, coach, inculcate,
2. sensitive; synonyms (adj) excitable, sensible, instruct, perforate, pierce, tap, habituate, penetrate,
sore, tender, painful, emotional, gentle, perceptive, 3. practice; synonyms (n) fashion, convention,
susceptible, nice, nervous, exquisite, considerate, experience, habit, form, observance, performance,
keen, raw; antonyms (adj) insensitive, numb, process, rule, usage, work, behavior, (v) custom, act,
hardhearted, tactless, thick-skinned. rehearse.
alıntı quotation; synonyms (n) citation, extract, alıştırmak 1. adjust (ayarlamak); synonyms (v)
mention, excerpt, passage, reference, quote, temper, accommodate, adapt, align, acclimatize,
example, price, figure, instance, allusion, credit. balance, fit, fix, reconcile, regulate, set, alter,
arrange, (adj) dress, (n) square, 2. school (okul);
alınyazısı fate (kader); synonyms (n) destiny, chance,
synonyms (n) academy, class, sect, college, herd,
luck, fatality, allotment, fortune, kismet, lot,
shoal, swarm, (v) educate, instruct, train, coach,
portion, accident, end, (v) doom, destine, designate,
cultivate, discipline, edify, teach, 3. season;
synonyms (n) opportunity, space, spell, (prep)
alış receiving; synonyms (adj) accepting, admitting,
period, (v) flavor, mature, inure, salt, mellow,
recipient, acceptant, liberal, suscipient, (n) receipt,
flavour, moderate, pickle, ripen, (adj) harden,
getting, reception, acceptance, taking, recipiency,
habituate, 4. train (tren); synonyms (n) chain,
delivery, receptiveness, unloading; antonym (n)
string, form, caravan, (v) aim, direct, exercise, trail,
dispatch. tail, tame, drill, prepare, school, domesticate,
alışılmış 1. usual; synonyms (adj) common, ordinary, practice.
accustomed, habitual, average, everyday, familiar, alışveriş 1. dealing; synonyms (n) commerce, trade,
general, normal, conventional, routine, public, (n)
transaction, deal, exchange, business, concern,
customary, regular, (v) frequent; antonyms (adj) conduct, dealings, distribution, handling, traffic,
unusual, unconventional, abnormal, extraordinary,

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18 Turkish - English

barter, 2. traffic (trafik); synonyms (n) dealing, accept (kabul etmek, onaylamak); synonyms
interchange, intercourse, travel, industry, (v) recognize, abide, accede, acquiesce, believe,
occupation, patronage, (v) bargain, truck, custom, yield, agree, approve, assent, consent, espouse,
employment, 3. trade; synonyms (n) swap, switch, reconcile, suffer, suppose, tolerate; antonyms (v)
clientele, craft, profession, calling, job, market, reject, deny, snub, oppose, renounce, resist, 5.
handicraft, (v) change, merchandise, sell, swop, have; synonyms (v) contain, possess, eat, allow,
peddle, (adj) commercial; antonyms (n) purchase, conduct, consume, do, find, let, sustain, exert,
(adj) charitable. entertain, contract, use, harbor, 6. buy (satın
alkış hand (el); synonyms (n) deal, aid, applause, almak); synonyms (v) bribe, shop, corrupt,
employee, paw, worker, (v) deliver, give, pass, procure, trade, cheap, requisition, secure, (n)
commit, bestow, afford, communicate, reach, grant. bargain, purchase, acquisition, deal; antonym (v)
alkol alcohol; synonyms (n) drink, juice, intoxicant, sell, 7. draw (çekmek, çizmek); synonyms (v)
drinkable, firewater, potable, essence, gas, gasohol, attract, drag, delineate, pull, depict, derive,
gasoline, inebriant, nitromethane, oil, petrol, (v) describe, design, tie, charm, haul, lure, (n) allure,
alcoholism. attraction, draft; antonyms (v) push, repel, 8.
alkolsüz soft; synonyms (adj) gentle, easy, light, limp, obtain; synonyms (v) accomplish, effect, collect,
balmy, delicate, quiet, slack, loose, clement, faint, extract, prevail, extort, compass, draw, enlist, incur,
flabby, flaccid, (v) feeble, low; antonyms (adj) hard, reap, stand, win, complete, can, 9. derive;
firm, harsh, loud, hoarse, rough, solid, stiff, synonyms (v) deduce, stem, deduct, result,
alcoholic, shrill, strong. conclude, descend, educe, elicit, evolve, infer,
Allah 1. lord (sahip); synonyms (n) chief, master, originate, spring, clear, arise, emanate, 10. extract;
noble, sir, seignior, almighty, creator, gentleman, synonyms (n) excerpt, essence, juice, quotation,
maker, mistress, nobleman, overlord, ruler, captain, quote, citation, passage, (v) abstract, distill, express,
impropriator, 2. father (baba); synonyms (n) cull, distil, mine, remove, squeeze, 11. hold
begetter, dad, sire, abba, beginner, forefather, (tutma, tutmak); synonyms (v) keep, detain,
founder, padre, patriarch, author, (v) beget, endure, adhere, comprise, arrest, confine, delay,
engender, create, generate, begin; antonym (n) maintain, retain, support, (n) grasp, grip, clasp,
mother. handle; antonym (v) release, 12. secure (güvenli);
allahaısmarladık goodbye; synonyms (int) ciao, (n) synonyms (v) close, fix, preserve, fasten, assure,
adieu, bye, farewell, adios, cheerio, valediction, ensure, fast, guarantee, guard, (adj) safe, firm,
departure, exit, (adj) parting. certain, confident, attach, bind; antonyms (v)
alma 1. reception (kabul, resepsiyon); synonyms detach, (adj) insecure, vulnerable, loose, unsafe.
(n) receipt, acceptance, admission, entertainment, alo hello (merhaba); synonyms (n) greeting, hi,
greeting, party, receiving, adoption, getting, howdy, hullo, welcome, (v) hail.
salutation, acceptation, comprehension, alp hero (kahraman); synonyms (n) champion,
admittance, inclusion, (adj) soiree, 2. take (almak); character, leader, protector, worthy, protagonist,
synonyms (v) admit, get, hold, adopt, bear, carry, warrior, bomber, celebrity, combatant, conqueror,
catch, clutch, obtain, return, borrow, pick, (n) seize, defender, fighter.
(phr) accept, receive; antonyms (v) give, refuse, alt 1. bottom (dip, kıç); synonyms (n) base, basis,
abstain, add, lose, 3. taking; synonyms (adj) backside, bed, behind, foot, footing, back, arse, ass,
fetching, infectious, attractive, contagious, winning, bum, butt, buttocks, craft, floor; antonyms (n) top,
catching, (n) capture, acharnement. pinnacle, (adj) highest, 2. lower; synonyms (adj)
almaç receiver (alıcı); synonyms (n) recipient, debase, inferior, (v) degrade, diminish, frown,
beneficiary, cashier, earpiece, headset, liquidator, humble, dip, abase, cut, descend, drop, scowl,
collector, phone, telephone, matrass, questor; disgrace, decrease, (n) depress; antonyms (v)
antonym (n) donor. increase, raise, 3. child (çocuk); synonyms (n)
almak 1. get (elde etmek, olmak, varmak); baby, boy, babe, bairn, brat, girl, infant, juvenile,
synonyms (v) acquire, gain, attain, become, catch, kid, minor, toddler, tot, youngster, innocent, imp;
earn, buy, come, fall, fetch, take, achieve, beget, antonym (n) adult, 4. inferior; synonyms (adj) bad,
bring, capture; antonyms (v) lose, give, leave, 2. secondary, subordinate, poor, cheap, junior, lesser,
receive (kabul etmek); synonyms (v) accept, petty, feeble, coarse, common, vulgar,
admit, get, assume, adopt, bear, have, obtain, contemptible, ignoble, (prep) below; antonyms (adj)
welcome, make, acknowledge, embrace, gather, better, choice, excellent, first-rate, high-class,
greet, hear, 3. take; synonyms (v) hold, carry, premium, (n) superior, superscript, 5.
clutch, return, borrow, pick, appropriate, claim, underneath; synonyms (prep) under, (adv) beneath,
convey, demand, grab, interpret, require, (n) seize, (n) bottom, (adj) down.
(phr) receive; antonyms (v) refuse, abstain, add, 4.

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Turkish - English 19

alternatif alternative (seçenek); synonyms (adj) unbiased, unprejudiced, (n) mark, ambition, target,
alternate, alternating, variant, (n) option, choice, point; antonyms (adj) biased, subjective, 4. aim
preference, selection, substitute, variation. (gaye, hedef); synonyms (n) trend, will, bearing,
altı six; synonyms (n) sise, sixer, hexad, sestet, sextet, cause, direction, (v) direct, address, endeavor,
sextuplet, ace, assize, bigness, bulk, eight, jack, aspire, strive, turn, attempt, drive, lay, (adj) tend, 5.
king, knave, magnitude. object (nesne); synonyms (n) matter, subject,
altın 1. gold; synonyms (n) money, riches, wealth, substance, reason, thing, being, destination, (v)
treasure, yellow, amber, (adj) aureate, gilded, gilt, except, complain, demur, remonstrate, argue,
golden, 2. golden; synonyms (adj) fortunate, protest, carp, disagree; antonym (v) agree, 6.
auspicious, gold, lucky, advantageous, fair, target (hedef); synonyms (n) butt, focus, prey,
favorable, favored. limit, mug, quarry, sucker, (v) level, grade, place, 7.
altına 1. underneath; synonyms (prep) below, under, goal (hedef, kale); synonyms (n) basket,
(adv) beneath, (n) bottom, (adj) down, inferior, 2. aspiration, finish, home, mission, wish, (v) bound,
under; synonyms (adv) underneath, downstairs, 8. intention (kasıt, maksat, niyet); synonyms (n)
infra, (adj) lower, nether, low, subject, subordinate, animus, conception, motivation, contemplation,
lowest; antonym (prep) over. scheme, scope, sense, thought, destiny, 9. cause
altında 1. below (aşağı, aşağıda); synonyms (adv) (neden); synonyms (n) case, action, occasion,
beneath, under, down, infra, downstairs, (prep) account, basis, campaign, (v) make, breed, do,
underneath, (adj) low, after; antonyms (prep) above, induce, allow, arouse, beget, bring, engender;
over, 2. underneath; synonyms (prep) below, (n) antonym (n) consequence, 10. meaning (anlam);
bottom, (adj) inferior, 3. under; synonyms (adj) synonyms (n) gist, implication, essence,
lower, nether, subject, subordinate, lowest, 4. connotation, content, significance, interpretation,
beneath. explanation, importance, moral, overtone, tenor,
understanding, value, construction, 11. end
altından underneath; synonyms (prep) below, under,
(adv) beneath, (n) bottom, (adj) down, inferior.
(bitirmek, bitmek, erek, son); synonyms (n)
close, closure, conclusion, death, demise, tail,
altlık mount; synonyms (v) ascend, rise, climb, board,
period, border, completion, edge, (v) cease,
arise, advance, jump, bestride, grow, increase, ride,
complete, discontinue, conclude, closing; antonyms
scale, (n) hill, frame, mountain; antonyms (v)
(n) beginning, maintenance, opening, middle, (v)
descend, drop, (n) valley.
start, begin, continue, 12. design (proje,
altmış sixty; synonyms (adj) lx, threescore, (n) lux. tasarlamak); synonyms (n) drawing, arrangement,
altta below (aşağı, aşağıda); synonyms (adv) device, contrivance, copy, blueprint, pattern, (v)
beneath, under, down, infra, downstairs, (prep) conceive, contrive, sketch, construct, arrange,
underneath, (adj) low, after; antonyms (prep) above, contemplate, invent, model; antonym (n) chance,
over. 13. use (kullanma, kullanmak); synonyms (n)
altyapı infrastructure; synonyms (n) base, custom, practice, benefit, habit, application, (v)
foundation, basis, groundwork, substructure, exercise, employ, employment, expend, profit,
alkali, bag, cornerstone, fabric, floor, foot, footing, advantage, exploit, occupy, operate, (adj) usage;
fundament, grounds, home. antonym (v) conserve, 14. point (göstermek,
alüminyum aluminium; synonym (n) aluminum. nokta); synonyms (n) peak, nib, article, degree,
ama 1. but (ancak, fakat); synonyms (conj) while, dot, spot, phase, apex, detail, height, hint, moment,
(adv) alone, only, though, barely, however, merely, position, tip, (v) head, 15. view (bakış, bakmak,
simply, yet, exclusively, if, just, (prep) besides, görünüm, manzara); synonyms (n) look, sight,
except, excluding, 2. yet (henüz); synonyms (adv) judgment, opinion, scene, outlook, prospect, aspect,
but, notwithstanding, even, nonetheless, further, notion, show, (v) regard, observe, see, consider, eye,
hitherto, eventually, unless, always, more, finally,
16. scope (kapsam); synonyms (n) range, reach,
(conj) nevertheless, (n) already, (v) still, (adj) erewhile.
domain, purview, room, expanse, area, compass,
amaç 1. intent (niyet); synonyms (adj) attentive, extent, oscilloscope, gamut, amplitude, breadth,
absorbed, engrossed, earnest, bent, (n) aim, idea, dimension, (v) view.
design, intention, goal, import, meaning, purpose,
amaçlamak 1. intend; synonyms (v) aim, design,
spirit, drift, 2. purpose (maksat, niyet);
destine, mean, determine, contemplate, denote,
synonyms (n) plan, mind, effect, end, purport,
plan, purpose, consider, believe, import, calculate,
resolve, motive, determination, function, intent,
conceive, designate, 2. mean (demek istemek,
objective, (v) project, object, intend, propose, 3.
ortalama); synonyms (v) intend, imply, involve,
objective (hedef, nesnel, objektif); synonyms
(adj) middle, base, common, hateful, ignoble,
(adj) dispassionate, fair, impartial, just, concrete,
medium, miserly, abject, beggarly, (n) average,
detached, accusative, impersonal, neutral,

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20 Turkish - English

contemptible, low; antonyms (adj) generous, kind, engagement, fight, movement, performance,
3. will (arzu); synonyms (v) bequeath, devise, behavior, case, lawsuit, measure, plot, (v) combat;
wish, leave, (n) volition, command, desire, antonyms (n) inaction, inactivity, 3. diarrhoea;
inclination, determination, pleasure, resolve, intent, synonyms (n) diarrhea, flux.
mind, courage, liking. amele 1. worker; synonyms (n) employee, hand,
amaçsız pointless; synonyms (adj) meaningless, flat, proletarian, workman, actor, doer, drudge, help,
aimless, blunt, futile, needless, purposeless, operator, practitioner, prole, 2. hand (el);
senseless, worthless, dull, fruitless, inane, synonyms (n) deal, aid, applause, paw, worker, (v)
ineffectual, otiose, silly; antonyms (adj) meaningful, deliver, give, pass, commit, bestow, afford,
worthwhile. communicate, reach, grant, provide.
aman 1. mercy; synonyms (n) clemency, compassion, ameli practical; synonyms (adj) operative, practicable,
kindness, favor, pity, charity, forgiveness, grace, efficient, feasible, functional, pragmatic, realistic,
humanity, leniency, pardon, benevolence, helpful, active, expedient, handy, positive, sensible,
forbearance, mercifulness, quarter; antonym (n) useful, workable; antonyms (adj) impractical,
blame, 2. quarter (çeyrek); synonyms (n) area, theoretical, unrealistic, useless, impossible.
part, district, division, mercy, neighborhood, ameliyat operation (operasyon); synonyms (n)
region, direction, portion, quart, (v) place, lodge, execution, movement, act, agency, effect, business,
line, put, accommodate. management, action, function, functioning,
amansız ruthless; synonyms (adj) merciless, pitiless, performance, running, mission, task, job.
inhuman, remorseless, cruel, heartless, ferocious, amir 1. chief (ana, baş); synonyms (adj) head,
brutal, grim, harsh, inexorable, relentless, principal, cardinal, capital, arch, central, essential,
unsparing, barbarous, bitter; antonyms (adj) first, main, (n) administrator, boss, captain,
merciful, charitable, kind, gentle. executive, leader, paramount; antonyms (adj)
amatör amateur; synonyms (adj) amateurish, minor, associate, secondary, 2. commander;
inexpert, unskilled, inexperienced, untrained, synonyms (n) chief, commandant, governor,
unqualified, (n) novice, beginner, fan, apprentice, chieftain, conductor, master, skipper, 3. boss
aspirant, devotee, lover, greenhorn; antonyms (adj) (patron); synonyms (n) overseer, superior, ruler,
practiced, (n) professional, expert. director, foreman, manager, stud, superintendent,
ambalaj package (paket); synonyms (n) bundle, supervisor, (v) administer, govern, direct, manage,
pack, packaging, packet, parcel, carton, container, run, command.
collection, (v) box, wrap; antonym (v) unwrap. amme public (genel, kamu); synonyms (adj)
ambar 1. warehouse; synonyms (n) store, common, national, overt, civic, general, communal,
storehouse, godown, depository, depot, repository, mutual, popular, ordinary, (n) folk, community,
entrepot, promptuary, (v) magazine, shop, 2. store people, populace, audience, (v) open; antonyms
(depo, depolamak, saklamak, stok); synonyms (adj) private, confidential, personal.
(n) hoard, market, business, emporium, heap, amortisman redemption; synonyms (n) ransom,
reserve, supply, (v) stock, accumulate, garner, atonement, salvation, discharge, expiation,
amass, bank, cache, keep, preserve, 3. hold buyback, performance, repurchase, fulfillment,
(tutma, tutmak); synonyms (v) detain, endure, acquittal, observance, recompense, release,
adhere, bear, comprise, contain, entertain, have, reparation, rescue.
arrest, carry, confine, (n) grasp, grip, clasp, clutch; an 1. moment; synonyms (n) importance,
antonym (v) release, 4. bin (kutu); synonyms (n) consequence, flash, instant, jiffy, minute, import,
bunker, binful, box, case, container, silo, closet, bit, second, time, weight, hour, matter, juncture,
locker, basket, casket, trashcan, carton, cellaret, magnitude, 2. instant; synonyms (adj) immediate,
commode, (v) discard, 5. storage (depolama); present, exigent, prompt, clamant, crying, current,
synonyms (n) conservation, memory, preservation, imperative, insistent, instantaneous, (n) moment,
retention, accumulation, reposition, warehousing. point, tick, (v) pressing, urgent; antonyms (adj)
ambulans ambulance; synonyms (n) brancard, crate, gradual, long-term, 3. minute (dakika);
hurdle, litter, stretcher, rescue, transport. synonyms (n) note, memorandum, (adj) little,
delicate, microscopic, atomic, careful,
amca uncle; synonym (n) pawnbroker.
circumstantial, diminutive, elaborate, fine,
amel 1. act (davranmak, hareket, rol yapmak); infinitesimal, miniature, particular, small;
synonyms (n) accomplishment, action, move, play,
antonyms (adj) enormous, huge, big, gigantic, 4.
statute, decree, do, feat, (v) achievement, behave,
deed, go, perform, acquit, enact; antonym (v)
flash; synonyms (n) sparkle, blaze, shimmer,
glitter, coruscation, (v) flicker, twinkle, blink, flame,
refrain, 2. action (etki, eylem, hareket, iş);
gleam, glimmer, coruscate, dazzle, lighten, dart.
synonyms (n) act, activity, agency, battle, effect,

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Turkish - English 21

ana 1. main; synonyms (adj) chief, grand, great, head, anahtar 1. key (tuş); synonyms (adj) central,
leading, essential, principal, basic, capital, central, fundamental, basic, cardinal, essential, chief,
first, key, major, (n) cardinal, ocean; antonyms (adj) important, principal, (n) guide, handle, clue,
minor, auxiliary, secondary, supplementary, 2. legend, clef, password, (v) identify, 2. switch;
master (baş); synonyms (n) captain, instructor, synonyms (n) cane, replacement, whip, cut,
boss, leader, gentleman, authority, (v) conquer, permutation, (v) exchange, change, shift, substitute,
control, command, defeat, dominate, (adj) original, convert, swap, flip, interchange, move, replace, 3.
ace, expert, proficient, 3. chief (baş); synonyms clue; synonyms (n) clew, cue, hint, sign, signal,
(adj) arch, main, primary, sovereign, dominant, suggestion, token, evidence, indication, inkling,
especial, foremost, (n) administrator, executive, key, pointer, information, (v) tip.
paramount, superior, top, chieftain, commander, anahtarlama switching; synonyms (n) switch, shift,
director; antonym (adj) associate, 4. major shunting, replacement, shifting, break, chemise,
(büyük); synonyms (adj) large, considerable, coupling, displacement, fault, fracture,
master, grave, fundamental, higher, important, permutation, sack, shimmy, slip.
overriding, senior, serious, vital, greater, crucial, anahtarlamak switch (anahtar); synonyms (n) cane,
extensive, hefty; antonyms (adj) unimportant, replacement, whip, cut, permutation, (v) exchange,
lesser, petty, slight, 5. principal; synonyms (adj) change, shift, substitute, convert, swap, flip,
prime, big, predominant, staple, supreme, best, interchange, move, replace.
necessary, premier, prevailing, (n) manager, corpus, anakara continent (kıta); synonyms (n) land, delta,
general, lead, dealer, dean, 6. basic (temel); peninsula, area, boundary, capacity, circle, (adj)
synonyms (adj) initial, primordial, basal, base, chaste, celibate, abstemious, pure, temperate,
bottom, introductory, plain, primitive, simple, abstinent, sober, austere; antonym (adj) incontinent.
beginning, crude, elementary, radical, rudimentary, anal anal; synonyms (adj) delicat, delicate, demanding,
underlying; antonyms (adj) complex, extra, 7. exacting, fastidious, finical, finicky, meticulous,
mother (anne); synonyms (n) mamma, parent, (v) nice, podical, strict, dainty, difficult, fussy,
father, beget, engender, generate, care, sire, fuss, lickerish.
get, 8. primary (birincil); synonyms (adj) analist analyst; synonyms (n) psychoanalyst,
preliminary, primal, aboriginal, primeval, highest, analyzer, expert, psychiatrist, examiner,
early, direct, elemental, firsthand, opening, commentator, accountant, authority, chemist,
ultimate, uppermost, earliest, (n) election, counselor, critic, detective, forecaster, investigator,
powwow, 9. key (anahtar, tuş); synonyms (adj) observer.
significant, (n) guide, handle, clue, legend, clef, analitik analytical; synonyms (adj) analytic, critical,
password, solution, answer, bolt, note, lever, curious, inquisitive, logical, methodical, rational,
opener, clew, (v) identify, 10. fundamental; systematic; antonym (adj) illogical.
synonyms (adj) indispensable, inherent, core, analiz analysis (çözümleme); synonyms (n)
intrinsic, material, native, organic, axiomatic,
anatomy, breakdown, decomposition, inquiry,
effective, (n) basis, root, principle, 11. central inspection, investigation, psychoanalysis,
(merkezi); synonyms (adj) inner, pivotal, centrical, resolution, review, scrutiny, study, exploration,
critical, focal, halfway, intermediate, median, calculation, diagnosis, examination; antonym (n)
middle, inside, (n) umbilical, exchange; antonyms synthesis.
(adj) peripheral, regional, tangential, 12. leading; analoji analogy (benzerlik, örnekseme);
synonyms (adj) outstanding, prominent, star, synonyms (n) semblance, agreement,
forward, advance, eminent, ruling, famous, correspondence, parity, resemblance, similarity,
winning, (n) leadership, guidance, (adv) ahead, 13. affinity, comparison, likeness, parallel; antonym (n)
capital (başkent, büyük harf); synonyms (n) dissimilarity.
city, stock, assets, cash, funds, means, money, anamal capital (başkent, büyük harf); synonyms
resources, wealth, wherewithal, center, chapiter,
(n) principal, city, stock, assets, cash, funds, means,
(adj) dandy, excellent, exquisite, 14. grand money, paramount, prime, resources, (adj) main,
(büyük); synonyms (adj) gorgeous, dignified, primary, chief, great.
elevated, exalted, majestic, superb, beautiful, high, anayasa constitution; synonyms (n) composition,
massive, brilliant, fine, heroic, huge, (n) glorious,
code, makeup, organization, temperament, build,
noble; antonyms (adj) unimpressive, humble, foundation, character, charter, construction,
modest. disposition, formation, law, structure, (adj) nature.
anabilgisayar mainframe; synonyms (n) computer, anayasal constitutional; synonyms (adj) congenital,
processor, management, laptop, notebook, essential, inherent, intrinsic, legal, organic,
supercomputer, workstation. constituent, constitutive, inborn, inbuilt, innate,

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22 Turkish - English

integral, lawful, (n) walk, journey; antonym (adj) intelligent, acid, acrid, harsh, incisive, intense,
unconstitutional. penetrating, piercing, pointed, pungent, quick, (n)
anayol highway; synonyms (n) road, highroad, way, keen, (v) biting; antonyms (adj) blunt, dull, mild,
course, path, route, street, thoroughfare. gentle, rounded, sweet, bland, blurred, naive,
round, smooth.
ancak 1. but (ama, fakat); synonyms (conj) while,
(adv) alone, only, though, barely, however, merely, anımsamak 1. remember (hatırlamak); synonyms
simply, yet, exclusively, if, just, (prep) besides, (v) commemorate, recognize, recall, recollect,

except, excluding, 2. hardly; synonyms (adv) consider, record, remind, retain, think, review,
scarcely, rarely, seldom, hard, little, narrowly, ponder, mark, imagine, refresh, cite; antonym (v)
scarce, severely, slightly; antonym (adv) completely, forget, 2. recall; synonyms (v) retrieve,
3. barely; synonyms (adv) hardly, purely, scantily, countermand, remember, repeal, rescind, retract,
reverse, revoke, cancel, recant, (n) anamnesis,
solely, absolutely; antonym (adv) almost, 4. only;
memory, return, annulment, recollection.
synonyms (adv) but, entirely, exactly, nevertheless,
singly, (adj) exclusive, individual, lone, one, sole, all, anıt 1. monument (abide); synonyms (n) memorial,
solitary, matchless, single, singular, 5. however; headstone, column, record, tombstone, shrine, slab,
synonyms (adv) although, anyway, how, tablet, landmark, statue, (adj) obelisk, pillar, 2.
nonetheless, notwithstanding, anyhow, still, (conj) memorial; synonyms (n) commemoration,
albeit, even, eventually, (adj) howsoever, 6. remembrance, memento, cenotaph, monument,
scarcely; synonyms (adv) scantly, precisely, 7. just; epitaph, memory, token, (adj) commemorative.
synonyms (adv) newly, (adj) fair, right, correct, anket poll; synonyms (n) election, head, ballot, vote,
equitable, accurate, honest, impartial, fit, good, crown, pate, inquiry, (v) canvass, parrot, pollard,
reasonable, righteous, upright, appropriate, canvas, list, muster, research, survey.
definite; antonyms (adj) unfair, biased, wrong, 8. anlak intelligence (akıl); synonyms (n) information,
solely; synonym (adv) wholly, 9. nevertheless; cleverness, intellect, news, tidings, understanding,
synonyms (adv) regardless, withal, (conj) howbeit, acumen, brain, brains, capacity, comprehension,
nathless, 10. merely, 11. simply; synonyms (adv) knowledge, mentality, notice, sharpness; antonyms
directly, easily, plainly, plain, honestly, manifestly, (n) stupidity, emotion.
obviously, openly, clearly, sincerely, anlam 1. meaning; synonyms (n) import, gist,
straightforwardly, ingenuously, innocently, implication, intent, design, essence, aim,
naively, naturally; antonym (adv) elaborately, 12. connotation, consequence, content, intention,
yet (henüz); synonyms (adv) further, hitherto, significance, drift, effect, interpretation, 2.
unless, always, more, finally, heretofore, till, until, significance; synonyms (n) sense, meaning,
(n) already, (adj) erewhile. moment, purport, concern, importance, point,
angajman engagement; synonyms (n) combat, weight, matter, interest, emphasis, gravity,
battle, appointment, commitment, conflict, magnitude, seriousness, signification; antonyms (n)
contract, contest, fight, duty, betrothal, date, insignificance, triviality, 3. sense (duygu, duyu,
employment, encounter, employ, (v) action. his); synonyms (n) intelligence, perception,
ani sudden; synonyms (adj) abrupt, hasty, precipitous, sensation, logic, awareness, experience, feeling,
quick, rash, unexpected, steep, dramatic, headlong, idea, impression, notion, reason, (v) feel, intellect,
immediate, precipitate, sharp, swift, unforeseen, mind, perceive; antonyms (n) garbage,
impulsive; antonyms (adj) gradual, considered. ludicrousness, nonsense, stupidity, foolishness,
anı memory (bellek, hafıza, hatıra); synonyms (n) gibberish, 4. effect (etki, sonuç); synonyms (n)
memento, recall, recollection, remembrance, product, result, sequel, aftermath, conclusion, (v)
reminiscence, commemoration, memorial, accomplish, achieve, create, cause, complete, do,
remembering, retention, retrospect, storage, store, bring, carry, execute, induce, 5. construction;
recognition, retrospection, (v) mind. synonyms (n) building, fabrication, formation,
aniden 1. short (bodur, kısa); synonyms (adj) brief, structure, assembly, fabric, frame, organization,
concise, scarce, brusque, close, curt, sharp, production, arrangement, constitution, creation,
compendious, laconic, abrupt, deficient, edifice, make, making; antonym (n) destruction, 6.
diminutive, inadequate, insufficient, lacking; import (ithal etmek); synonyms (n) value,
antonyms (adj) long, tall, high, lengthy, 2. betoken, substance, core, express, worth,
suddenly; synonyms (adv) abruptly, short, sudden, denotation, export, (v) denote, imply, introduce,
presto, dead, hastily, rapidly, fast, instantly, mean, spell, indicate, intend, 7. sound (ses);
sharply, unawares, precipitously, (adj) quickly, synonyms (n) echo, peal, (v) ring, chime, fast, (adj)
immediately, instanter; antonyms (adv) gradually, reasonable, healthy, fit, good, just, rational, right,
increasingly, predictably, slowly, 3. sharp sane, sensible, robust; antonyms (n) silence, (adj)
(keskin, sivri); synonyms (adj) acute, bitter, illogical, unsound, confused, 8. point

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Turkish - English 23

(göstermek, nokta); synonyms (n) place, grade, probe, drudge, (n) poke, excavation, gibe, punch,
peak, nib, edge, article, degree, dot, mark, spot, stab, taunt, crack; antonym (n) compliment, 13.
phase, apex, (v) head, direct, level. accept (almak, kabul etmek, onaylamak);
anlama 1. comprehension; synonyms (n) synonyms (v) receive, admit, abide, accede,
apprehension, conception, grasp, inclusion, acquiesce, adopt, yield, agree, approve, assent,
intelligence, knowledge, understanding, wit, bear, consent, espouse, have, reconcile; antonyms
capacity, familiarity, acumen, appreciation, (v) refuse, reject, deny, snub, oppose, renounce,
discernment, insight, notion; antonyms (n) resist, 14. read (okumak); synonyms (v) decipher,
misunderstanding, incomprehension, 2. indicate, say, demonstrate, display, examine,
understanding (anlaşma); synonyms (n) explain, peruse, record, register, scan, show, study,
intellect, mind, reason, comprehension, agreement, translate, check, 15. sense (anlam, duygu,
bargain, deal, judgment, sense, sympathy, duyu, his); synonyms (n) intelligence, perception,
arrangement, contract, meaning, (v) recognition, meaning, sensation, logic, awareness, idea, notion,
(adj) tolerant; antonyms (n) ignorance, reason, understanding, purport, (v) intellect, mind,
bewilderment, disbelief. scent, brains; antonyms (n) garbage, ludicrousness,
anlamak 1. understand; synonyms (v) interpret, nonsense, stupidity, foolishness, gibberish.
recognize, catch, hear, learn, realize, see, anlamlı 1. significant (önemli); synonyms (adj)
appreciate, assume, believe, comprehend, construe, important, material, momentous, grave,
deduce, gather, grasp; antonyms (v) misinterpret, meaningful, serious, critical, emphatic, expressive,
misconstrue, misunderstand, 2. see (görmek); indicative, major, pregnant, relevant, (v)
synonyms (v) look, feel, discover, behold, consider, considerable, influential; antonyms (adj)
deem, discern, distinguish, know, notice, insignificant, minor, unimportant, small, trivial, 2.
apprehend, ascertain, envision, (adj) observe, meaning (anlam); synonyms (n) import, gist,
perceive, 3. appreciate; synonyms (v) esteem, implication, intent, design, essence, aim,
prize, treasure, value, appraise, fathom, connotation, consequence, content, intention,
acknowledge, admire, apprize, cherish, enjoy, significance, drift, effect, interpretation, 3.
estimate, like, respect, (adj) understand; antonyms meaningful; synonyms (adj) eloquent, significant,
(v) depreciate, scorn, 4. discover; synonyms (v) weighty, pointed, big, meaty, vital; antonyms (adj)
disclose, find, detect, determine, divulge, expose, empty, worthless, meaningless.
impart, trace, descry, betray, declare, devise, anlamsız 1. absurd (saçma); synonyms (adj) foolish,
identify, invent, locate, 5. get (almak, elde preposterous, ridiculous, unreasonable, irrational,
etmek, olmak, varmak); synonyms (v) acquire, crazy, derisory, illogical, incredible, inept,
gain, attain, become, earn, buy, come, fall, fetch, ludicrous, meaningless, nonsensical, outrageous,
take, achieve, beget, bring, capture, cause; senseless; antonym (adj) sensible, 2. blank (boş,
antonyms (v) lose, give, leave, 6. realize boşluk); synonyms (adj) bare, empty, unfilled,
(gerçekleştirmek); synonyms (v) fulfill, perform, clean, vacant, deadpan, dull, expressionless,
accomplish, complete, execute, make, sense, obtain, impassive, inexpressive, (n) space, form, emptiness,
effect, discharge, clear, do, get, reach, conceive, 7. gap, hiatus; antonyms (adj) animated, full,
feel (hissetmek); synonyms (v) experience, finger, expressive, 3. meaningless; synonyms (adj)
handle, endure, hold, suffer, suppose, think, (n) insignificant, futile, hollow, pointless, stupid,
touch, atmosphere, feeling, sound, texture, air, useless, worthless, absurd, inane, needless,
impression, 8. compass (pusula); synonyms (n) purposeless, vain, silly; antonym (adj) meaningful,
range, scope, area, circle, circumference, extent, 4. pointless; synonyms (adj) flat, aimless, blunt,
room, breadth, ambit, boundary, capacity, circuit, fruitless, ineffectual, otiose, insipid, irrelevant,
expanse, (v) round, (adv) beset, 9. grasp; synonyms gratuitous, obtuse, superfluous, unnecessary,
(n) grip, clasp, clutch, clinch, appreciation, commonplace; antonym (adj) worthwhile.
apprehension, clutches, comprehension, (v) anlaşılan apparently; synonyms (adv) seemingly,
embrace, grapple, cling, grab, clench, compass, dig; clearly, evidently, manifestly, obviously,
antonym (v) release, 10. distinguish; synonyms (v) ostensibly, patently, allegedly, noticeably, plain,
discriminate, describe, characterize, classify, plainly, presumably, probably, supposedly, visibly.
difference, differentiate, separate, tell, contrast, anlaşılır 1. clear (açık, belirgin, berrak, temiz,
honor, mark, secern, signalize, spot, dignify; temizlemek); synonyms (adj) clean, certain, open,
antonym (v) confuse, 11. catch (yakalamak); apparent, distinct, empty, (v) bright, acquit,
synonyms (v) arrest, hook, ensnare, intercept, absolute, free, net, absolve, clarify, definite,
snatch, trap, attract, block, (n) haul, hitch, trick, bolt, discharge; antonyms (adj) cloudy, opaque, unclear,
pawl, snap, collar, 12. dig (kazmak); synonyms dark, fuzzy, hazy, incomprehensible, obscure,
(v) jab, delve, prod, burrow, excavate, investigate, uncertain, vague, ambiguous, blurry, confused,

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24 Turkish - English

confusing, (v) convict, 2. understandable; synonyms (n) alliance, engagement, 11.

synonyms (adj) comprehensible, intelligible, composition; synonyms (n) constitution, texture,
apprehensible, graspable, plain, obvious, clear, alloy, amalgam, article, composing, compost,
evident, lucid, comprehendible, excusable, legible, compound, makeup, piece, production, structure,
perceivable, reasonable, simple; antonyms (adj) architecture, composite, assembly, 12. settlement;
indefensible, inexcusable, unintelligible, illegible, synonyms (n) decision, colony, hamlet, payment,
inexplicable, unpardonable. conclusion, resolution, determination, colonization,
anlaşılmaz 1. deep; synonyms (adj) thick, profound, establishment, liquidation, village, reconciliation,
absorbed, abstruse, broad, dark, rich, sound, regulation, colonisation, compensation.
strong, wide, esoteric, bright, large, abysmal, (v) anlaşmak 1. agree; synonyms (v) accord, admit,
intense; antonyms (adj) shallow, superficial, high, acknowledge, acquiesce, adjust, accede, bargain,
high-pitched, light, soft, weak, 2. vague; concord, correspond, fit, harmonize, suit,
synonyms (adj) indeterminate, indistinct, obscure, compromise, align, (n) coincide; antonyms (v)
ambiguous, faint, indefinite, uncertain, undefined, disagree, oppose, differ, argue, object, refuse,
undetermined, feeble, dim, fuzzy, hazy, (v) loose, refute, 2. cotton (pamuk); synonyms (n) thread,
equivocal; antonyms (adj) clear, definite, distinct, yarn, cord, fiber, string, affinity, bombace,
exact, particular, precise, specific, sure. packthread, rapport, strand, wire, (v) cater, coddle,
anlaşma 1. deal; synonyms (n) bargain, buy, fawn, (adj) exceptional, 3. settle; synonyms (v) fix,
agreement, arrangement, covenant, trade, (v) place, clarify, establish, pay, regulate, resolve, set,
administer, allot, apportion, conduct, contract, adjudicate, agree, conclude, decide, determine,
cope, distribute, truck, assign; antonym (n) drop, (adj) confirm.
purchase, 2. accord (ahenk); synonyms (n) assent, anlaşmazlık 1. conflict; synonyms (n) clash, combat,
consensus, harmony, consonance, (v) agree, fight, battle, contention, contest, dispute,
concord, consent, give, bestow, grant, harmonize, encounter, action, antagonism, collision, difference,
suit, adjust, comply, compromise; antonyms (n) disagreement, engagement, (v) collide; antonyms
disagreement, discord, strife, (v) conflict, 3. (n) agreement, accord, harmony, peace, (v) agree, 2.
agreement; synonyms (n) accord, acquiescence, disagreement; synonyms (n) discrepancy, conflict,
accordance, coincidence, acceptance, appointment, discord, dissidence, argument, dissension, scrap,
compliance, confirmation, conformity, variance, altercation, contradiction, contrariety,
correspondence, settlement, unison, deed, controversy, debate, dissent, divergence, 3.
concordance, concurrence; antonyms (n) argument, difference (fark); synonyms (n) deviation, change,
rejection, dispute, resistance, 4. understanding; distinction, dissimilarity, quarrel, departure,
synonyms (n) intellect, mind, reason, appreciation, balance, breach, margin, contrast, disparity,
comprehension, apprehension, deal, judgment, inequality, alteration, (v) differentiate, discriminate;
sense, sympathy, grasp, insight, knowledge, (v) antonyms (n) correspondence, resemblance,
intelligence, discernment; antonyms (n) ignorance, sameness, similarity, concurrence.
bewilderment, disbelief, 5. covenant; synonyms anlatım expression (deyim, ifade); synonyms (n)
(n) compact, bond, pact, testament, convention, diction, phrase, voice, appearance, aspect,
transaction, stipulation, treaty, concordat, (v) declaration, demonstration, manifestation,
promise, vow, pledge, undertake, engage, articulation, express, countenance, face, idiom,
stipulate, 6. bargain; synonyms (n) chaffer, steal, indication, language; antonym (n) repression.
dealing, discount, negotiation, sale, understanding, anlatmak 1. relate; synonyms (v) connect, narrate,
(v) exchange, traffic, barter, dicker, negotiate, swap, recount, associate, link, tell, appertain, apply,
confer, (adj) cheap; antonym (n) rip-off, 7. alliance describe, detail, pertain, recite, refer, rehearse,
(ittifak); synonyms (n) connection, league, affinity, report, 2. tell (söylemek); synonyms (v) relate,
association, combination, confederacy, union, declare, divulge, express, impart, reveal, explain,
affiliation, alignment, alinement, coalition, merger, announce, command, communicate, distinguish,
organization, society, amalgamation; antonym (n) enumerate, inform, (n) disclose, count; antonym (v)
nonalignment, 8. arrangement; synonyms (n) request, 3. express; synonyms (v) exhibit,
order, adjustment, array, classification, design, articulate, convey, demonstrate, display, mean, say,
distribution, method, plan, sequence, system, (adj) explicit, direct, definite, distinct, especial, clear,
accommodation, composition, construction, exact, (n) denote; antonyms (v) suppress, hide, (adj)
contrivance, disposal, 9. contract; synonyms (n) slow, vague, 4. explain (açıklamak); synonyms
charter, (v) concentrate, condense, narrow, catch, (v) comment, elucidate, interpret, account, clarify,
compress, constrict, shrink, wrinkle, abbreviate, decipher, define, enlighten, excuse, explicate,
diminish, lessen, bind, (adj) abridge, shorten; expound, gloss, solve, annotate, answer; antonym
antonyms (v) expand, widen, stretch, 10. pact; (v) confuse, 5. report (rapor); synonyms (n)

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Turkish - English 25

description, gossip, notice, name, fame, message, anma mention; synonyms (v) cite, name, hint,
narration, narrative, news, notification, recital, observe, commend, adduce, advert, note, notice, (n)
record, story, intelligence, bulletin; antonym (n) comment, allusion, citation, remark, call, reference.
fact. anmak 1. mention; synonyms (v) cite, name, hint,
anlayış 1. apprehension (korku); synonyms (n) observe, commend, adduce, advert, note, notice, (n)
alarm, comprehension, dread, arrest, capture, comment, allusion, citation, remark, call, reference,
foreboding, misgiving, trepidation, understanding, 2. remember (anımsamak, hatırlamak);
appreciation, anticipation, agitation, (adj) anxiety, synonyms (v) commemorate, recognize, recall,
care, (v) doubt; antonyms (n) reassurance, release, recollect, consider, record, remind, retain, think,
confidence, calmness, 2. comprehension; review, ponder, mark, imagine, refresh,
synonyms (n) apprehension, conception, grasp, memorialize; antonym (v) forget.
inclusion, intelligence, knowledge, wit, capacity, anne 1. mother; synonyms (n) mamma, parent, (v)
familiarity, acumen, discernment, insight, notion, father, beget, engender, generate, care, sire, fuss,
reason, sense; antonyms (n) misunderstanding, get, 2. mummy; synonyms (n) mama, mammy,
incomprehension, 3. understanding (anlaşma); mom, momma, mommy, mum, mater, am,
synonyms (n) intellect, mind, agreement, bargain, milliampere, secrecy, skeleton, (v) shrivel, 3. mum;
deal, judgment, sympathy, arrangement, contract, synonyms (n) mother, mummy, (adj) silent, dumb,
meaning, accord, covenant, head, (v) recognition, mute, quiet, taciturn, 4. ma.
(adj) tolerant; antonyms (n) ignorance,
anneanne grandmother (büyükanne, nine);
bewilderment, disbelief, 4. insight; synonyms (n) synonyms (n) gran, grandma, granny, crone,
vision, penetration, perception, brainwave, grandam, grannie, mother, dam, grandmamma,
acquaintance, idea, acuteness, clairvoyance, beldame, mamma, materfamilias, matriarch.
foresight, ken, awareness, brainstorm, experience,
anonim 1. anonymous; synonyms (adj) nameless,
light, 5. conception (fikir); synonyms (n) concept,
unknown, unnamed, unidentified, authorless,
creation, thought, view, belief, design, fancy,
unacknowledged, undisclosed, unspecified,
image, imagination, impression, invention,
incognito, unfamiliar, hidden, indefinite,
initiation, conceit, construct, inkling; antonym (n)
mysterious, nondescript, private; antonym (adj)
misconception, 6. intelligence (akıl); synonyms
known, 2. incorporated; synonyms (adj)
(n) information, cleverness, news, tidings, brain,
corporate, incorporate, united, integrated,
brains, mentality, notice, sharpness, wisdom,
combined, embodied, built-in, merged, unified,
genius, aptitude, communication, quickness,
astuteness; antonyms (n) stupidity, emotion, 7.
anons announcement (duyuru, ilan); synonyms (n)
wit; synonyms (n) humor, wag, humorist, satire,
annunciation, notice, advertisement, declaration,
repartee, sagacity, nous, humour, joker, pleasantry,
communication, proclamation, promulgation,
comedian, mood, salt, (adj) irony, sarcasm; antonym pronouncement, release, report, statement,
(n) tragedy, 8. sense (anlam, duygu, duyu, intimation, bill, ad, assertion.
his); synonyms (n) sensation, logic, feeling, anormal abnormal; synonyms (adj) aberrant,
purport, gist, import, intent, intuition, opinion, anomalous, atypical, irregular, monstrous, odd,
purpose, sensibility, (v) feel, perceive, scent, detect; perverted, strange, uncommon, unnatural,
antonyms (n) garbage, ludicrousness, nonsense, unusual, perverse, improper, preternatural,
foolishness, gibberish. grotesque; antonyms (adj) normal, typical, usual.
anlayışlı 1. understanding (anlaşma); synonyms ansızın suddenly; synonyms (adv) abruptly, short,
(n) intellect, mind, reason, appreciation, sudden, presto, dead, hastily, rapidly, fast,
comprehension, agreement, apprehension, bargain, instantly, sharply, unawares, precipitously, (adj)
deal, judgment, sense, sympathy, arrangement, (v) quickly, immediately, instanter; antonyms (adv)
intelligence, discernment; antonyms (n) ignorance, gradually, increasingly, predictably, slowly.
bewilderment, disbelief, 2. quick (çabuk, hızlı); ant oath (yemin); synonyms (n) curse, expletive,
synonyms (adj) bright, prompt, active, agile, clever, malediction, affidavit, cuss, pledge, promise,
hasty, intelligent, nimble, speedy, alert, alive, swearing, assurance, adjuration, asseveration,
cursory, dexterous, expeditious, (adv) fast; blasphemy, agreement, sacrament, swearword.
antonyms (adj) slow, leisurely, dull. anten aerial; synonyms (adj) airy, aery, ethereal,
anlayışsız blind (kör, kör etmek); synonyms (adj) unreal, insubstantial, aeriform, (n) antenna.
sightless, undiscerning, (v) bedazzle, daze, dazzle, antik antique (antika); synonyms (adj) ancient, old,
obscure, (n) screen, curtain, shutter, awning, drape,
antiquated, obsolete, aged, antiquarian,
trick, veil, camouflage, cheat; antonym (adj) sighted. antediluvian, musty, outmoded, quaint, outdated,
archaic, demode, (n) relic, antiquity; antonyms (n)
new, modern.

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26 Turkish - English

antika 1. antique; synonyms (adj) ancient, old, pointless, unreasonable, booby, (n) simple, absurd,
antiquated, obsolete, aged, antiquarian, dullard, idiot; antonyms (adj) sensible, bright,
antediluvian, musty, outmoded, quaint, outdated, clever, intelligent, shrewd, wise, 3. foolish
archaic, demode, (n) relic, antiquity; antonyms (n) (akılsız); synonyms (adj) crazy, fool, daft, dopey,
new, modern, 2. curiosity (merak); synonyms (n) dumb, preposterous, unwise, anserine, dopy, dotty,
wonder, curio, curiousness, interest, oddity, rarity, imprudent, irrational, ludicrous, mad, nonsensical;
nosiness, prying, prodigy, marvel, novelty, antonyms (adj) prudent, visionary, 4. idiot;
peculiarity. synonyms (n) dolt, dunce, dimwit, moron, ass,
antikor antibody; synonyms (n) antitoxin, germ, ab. cretin, imbecile, oaf, changeling, dumbbell, half-
antre 1. entrance; synonyms (n) admission, access, wit, innocent, jerk, natural.
entry, admittance, arrival, door, doorway, ara 1. intermediate (orta); synonyms (adj) average,
threshold, accession, (v) enchant, captivate, charm, medium, mean, mediate, mid, middle, moderate,
bewitch, enrapture, fascinate; antonyms (n) central, halfway, median, mediocre, (v) intercede,
departure, exit, (v) bore, 2. entry (giriş); interjacent, intercurrent, (n) intermediary, 2.
synonyms (n) entrance, article, entree, hall, record, interval (aralık); synonyms (n) intermission,
enrollment, entering, entranceway, entryway, interruption, break, distance, interlude, hiatus, gap,
gateway, incursion, note, opening, register, gate. interim, pause, period, respite, span, length,
antrenman training (Eğitim); synonyms (n) cessation, rest, 3. space (alan, aralık, uzay, yer);
education, instruction, breeding, practice, synonyms (n) opening, place, scope, void, margin,
preparation, teaching, exercise, discipline, nurture, emptiness, extent, interval, latitude, location, range,
drill, schooling, experience, workout, culture, room, field, volume, berth, 4. interim; synonyms
coaching. (adj) temporary, transitory, acting, impermanent,
antrenör 1. trainer; synonyms (n) coach, teacher, provisional, transient, concomitance, concurrence,
instructor, mentor, professor, tutor, cavalier, don, (n) lag, while, (adv) meantime; antonym (adj)
equestrian, horseman, jockey, rider, roughrider, (v) permanent, 5. search (aramak); synonyms (n)
preparer, 2. coach; synonyms (n) trainer, autobus, hunt, pursuit, examination, exploration, inquire,
bus, carriage, charabanc, stagecoach, cart, director, inquiry, inspection, study, (v) grope, ransack,
lecturer, manager, (v) train, educate, groom, rummage, pry, examine, explore, forage.
instruct, (adj) prime. araba 1. car (otomobil); synonyms (n) automobile,
antropoloji anthropology; synonyms (n) auto, carriage, coach, truck, vehicle, tramcar, coupe,
anthroposophy, entomology, helminthology, jalopy, gondola, machine, motorcar, railcar,
herpetology, ichthyology, malacology, mastology, limousine, 2. carriage; synonyms (n) attitude,
ophiology, ornithology, oryctology, paleontology, transport, behavior, conveyance, air, demeanor,
vermeology, folklore, sociology. deportment, gait, manner, mien, port, position,
apaçık obvious; synonyms (adj) clear, visible, posture, walk, (v) bearing.
apparent, conspicuous, distinct, evident, flagrant, arabellek buffer (tampon); synonyms (n) safeguard,
open, blatant, discernible, glaring, manifest, pad, protection, bumper, fender, shield, block, (v)
marked, noticeable, perceptible; antonyms (adj) cushion.
inconspicuous, obscure, hidden, imperceptible, arabirim interface; synonyms (n) link, port,
unclear, undetectable, concealed, slight, subtle. boundary, junction, border, circumference,
apandis appendix (ek); synonyms (n) addition, communication, display, (v) contact, combine,
adjunct, addendum, annex, appendage, accessory, connect, merge, amalgamate, collaborate,
(v) supplement. communicate.
apre size (boyut, büyüklük); synonyms (n) araç 1. means; synonyms (n) expedient, agency,
measure, bulk, capacity, dimension, dimensions, instrument, assets, capital, channel, funds, income,
extent, largeness, quantity, glue, amount, breadth, manner, agent, contrivance, device, medium,
degree, magnitude, mass, (v) gauge; antonyms (n) method, process, 2. tool (alet); synonyms (n)
length, slenderness. implement, machine, puppet, pawn, gadget,
apse gathering; synonyms (n) assembly, apparatus, appliance, cock, creature, organ, means,
accumulation, collection, concourse, assemblage, animal, marionette, (v) drive, joyride, 3.
congregation, crowd, compilation, convention, implement (alet); synonyms (v) execute, fulfil,
crew, gather, meeting, throng, bunch, bevy. accomplish, apply, enforce, fulfill, complete,
aptal 1. dumb; synonyms (adj) mute, dense, dim, dull, perform, discharge, realize, do, effect, (n) tool,
silent, speechless, inarticulate, obtuse, slow, stupid, utensil, thing, 4. instrument (alet); synonyms (n)
idiotic, quiet, taciturn, thick, voiceless, 2. stupid deed, document, gear, engine, intermediary,
(ahmak); synonyms (adj) foolish, silly, fatuous, mechanism, muniment, way, conduit, factor, 5.
ridiculous, senseless, crass, insane, childish, medium (orta, ortam); synonyms (adj)

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Turkish - English 27

intermediate, fair, mid, middle, middling, inspection, study, (v) grope, ransack, rummage,
moderate, (n) average, mediocre, mean, pry, examine, explore, forage, 2. quest; synonyms
atmosphere, go-between, vehicle, environment, (n) investigation, chase, expedition, inquest,
mediocrity, spiritualist, 6. vehicle; synonyms (n) research, voyage, pursuance, seeking, (v) search,
automobile, transport, carrier, transportation, car, probe, demand, ask, request, seek, bay.
intermedium, intervention, mediation, platform, 7. aramak 1. seek; synonyms (v) search, attempt,
organ; synonyms (n) member, limb, harmonium, endeavor, hunt, look, inquire, aspire, beg, explore,
part, journal. pursue, quest, investigate, research, follow, (n) ask,
aracı 1. intermediate (ara, orta); synonyms (adj) 2. search; synonyms (n) pursuit, examination,
average, medium, mean, mediate, mid, middle, exploration, inquiry, inspection, study, hunting,
moderate, central, halfway, median, mediocre, (v) investigation, (v) grope, ransack, rummage, pry,
intercede, interjacent, intercurrent, (n) examine, forage, inspect, 3. call (bağırmak,
intermediary, 2. agent (acenta, ajan); synonyms çağırmak, çağrı); synonyms (v) cry, bellow, name,
(n) agency, broker, deputy, factor, instrument, shout, bid, summon, howl, address, baptize, cite,
mediator, ambassador, attorney, channel, delegate, (n) appeal, yell, appoint, command, demand;
doer, envoy, means, procurator, (v) actor. antonym (v) dismiss, 4. hunt (av, avlamak);
aracılık 1. intervention (araya girme); synonyms synonyms (v) chase, course, hound, prey, dog,
(n) intercession, interference, intermediation, persecute, seek, stalk, trace, track, trail, comb, dig,
intervene, arbitration, hindrance, intermission, (adj) run, scour, 5. quest; synonyms (n) expedition,
mediation, interposition, 2. agency; synonyms (n) inquest, voyage, pursuance, seeking, journey,
bureau, office, authority, commission, expedient, mission, (v) probe, request, bay, bespeak, invite, 6.
factor, instrument, means, organ, way, efficiency, regret; synonyms (v) bewail, grieve, bemoan,
activity, board, (v) action, act. deplore, lament, mourn, sorrow, repent, (n) grief,
araçlar media; synonyms (n) medium, medial, compunction, contrition, penitence, remorse,
communications, middle. repentance, disappointment.
arada between (arasında); synonyms (prep) amid, aranjman arrangement; synonyms (n) agreement,
among, amidst, amongst, connecting, concerning, order, settlement, adjustment, array, classification,
inserted, interpolated, intervening, involving, contract, design, distribution, method, plan,
linking, (adv) betwixt, atween, (adj) middle, sequence, system, accommodation, appointment.
intermediate. arasında between (arada); synonyms (prep) amid,
aralarında between (arada, arasında); synonyms among, amidst, amongst, connecting, concerning,
(prep) amid, among, amidst, amongst, connecting, inserted, interpolated, intervening, involving,
concerning, inserted, interpolated, intervening, linking, (adv) betwixt, atween, (adj) middle,
involving, linking, (adv) betwixt, atween, (adj) intermediate.
middle, intermediate. arasından through (içinden); synonyms (prep) for,
aralık 1. interval; synonyms (n) intermission, per, along, because, throughout, (adv) by, thorough,
interruption, break, distance, interlude, hiatus, gap, via, (adj) finished, done, direct, straight, completed,
interim, pause, period, respite, span, length, complete, (prf) past.
cessation, rest, 2. gap (boşluk); synonyms (n) araştırıcı searching; synonyms (v) cutting,
cleft, crack, crevice, fissure, aperture, chasm, excruciating, consuming, corroding, (adj) piercing,
clearance, difference, fracture, opening, vacancy, inquisitive, probing, acute, curious, inquiring,
blank, chink, disparity, (v) breach, 3. space (alan, profound, exploratory, penetrating, trenchant,
uzay, yer); synonyms (n) place, scope, void, explorative.
margin, emptiness, extent, interval, latitude, araştırma 1. research (araştırmak); synonyms (n)
location, range, room, field, volume, berth, (v) exploration, inquiry, search, examination,
separate. investigation, hunt, inquisition, probe, quest, (v)
aralıksız 1. on (üstünde); synonyms (prep) at, about, check, explore, examine, investigate, study,
concerning, in, by, into, upon, for, above, (adv) forth, experiment, 2. investigation; synonyms (n)
ahead, (adj) forward, aboard, (prf) along, against; research, analysis, inquest, inspection, scrutiny,
antonym (adv) off, 2. continuous (sürekli); review, investigating, trial, audit, interrogation,
synonyms (adj) constant, continual, ceaseless, inquire, survey, test, indagation, question, 3.
endless, perpetual, running, chronic, consecutive, inquiry (sorgu, soruşturma); synonyms (n)
continued, eternal, everlasting, incessant, enquiry, hearing, query, demand, request,
unbroken, unending, uninterrupted; antonyms (adj) application, doubt, 4. exploration; synonyms (n)
intermittent, temporary, discontinuous, sporadic. discovery, expedition, reconnaissance, journey, 5.
arama 1. search (aramak); synonyms (n) hunt, search (aramak); synonyms (n) pursuit, hunting,
pursuit, examination, exploration, inquire, inquiry, scrutinize, (v) grope, ransack, rummage, pry,

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28 Turkish - English

forage, inspect, look, nose, scan, prospect, rake, county, empire, rule, sovereignty, 6. terrain;
ask, 6. study; synonyms (n) consideration, synonyms (n) topography, scenery.
learning, meditation, sketch, contemplation, ardıl successor (halef); synonyms (n) heir,
deliberation, (v) consider, learn, analyze, substitute, beneficiary, inheritor, offspring,
contemplate, meditate, ponder, practice, observe, replacement, scion, sequel; antonyms (n)
reflect, 7. probe (sonda); synonyms (n) plumb,
forerunner, ancestor, precursor, predecessor.
gauge, (v) fathom, penetrate, sound, pierce,
ardından after (sonra); synonyms (prep) following,
canvass, delve, dig, quiz, seek, (adj) plummet, 8.
since, (adv) later, beyond, next, subsequently, then,
quest; synonyms (n) chase, voyage, pursuance, when, afterward, afterwards, behind, (adj) back,
seeking, mission, (v) bay, bespeak, invite. posterior, rear, subsequent.
araştırmak 1. explore; synonyms (v) delve, examine, ardışık consecutive; synonyms (adj) successive,
search, research, discover, hunt, investigate, plumb, sequential, continuous, serial, straight,
probe, prospect, scrutinize, view, do, detect, spy, 2. uninterrupted, continual, following, sequent;
investigate; synonyms (v) explore, inquire, antonym (adj) concurrent.
inspect, check, ask, analyze, enquire, interrogate, ardiye warehouse (ambar); synonyms (n) store,
study, test, try, audit, quiz, canvass, consider, 3. storehouse, godown, depository, depot, repository,
research (araştırma); synonyms (n) exploration, entrepot, promptuary, (v) magazine, shop.
inquiry, examination, investigation, inquisition, arduvaz slate; synonyms (n) list, plank, platform,
quest, question, enquiry, inspection, pursuit,
ballot, catalogue, (v) condemn, foolscap, paper,
learning, query, (v) experiment, dig, survey, 4. papyrus, parchment, censure, schedule, criticize,
search (aramak); synonyms (n) hunting, analysis, nominate, program.
chase, lookup, scrutiny, (v) grope, ransack, arena arena; synonyms (n) ring, battlefield, field,
rummage, pry, forage, look, nose, scan, rake,
sphere, theater, amphitheater, area, platform,
pursue, 5. probe (sonda); synonyms (n) inquest,
domain, region, scene, stadium, ground.
gauge, (v) fathom, penetrate, sound, pierce, seek,
arı 1. pure (saf); synonyms (adj) just, absolute,
(adj) plummet, 6. seek (aramak); synonyms (v)
genuine, natural, artless, clean, clear, faultless,
attempt, endeavor, aspire, beg, follow, demand,
fresh, good, guileless, immaculate, innocent, mere,
essay, request, strive, struggle, scour, court, aim,
(n) chaste; antonyms (adj) impure, contaminated,
assay, crave, 7. quest; synonyms (n) expedition,
diluted, dishonored, tainted, wicked, 2. bee;
voyage, pursuance, seeking, journey, mission, (v)
synonyms (n) honeybee, ant, termite, caprice, fancy,
bay, bespeak, invite.
freak, humor, mania, mosquito, notion, party,
arayüz interface (arabirim); synonyms (n) link, port, phobia, whim, (adj) barbecue, (v) fly, 3. clean (saf,
boundary, junction, border, circumference,
temiz, temizlemek); synonyms (adj) fair,
communication, display, (v) contact, combine,
antiseptic, blank, pure, adroit, tidy, unblemished,
connect, merge, amalgamate, collaborate,
(v) brush, cleanse, bathe, clarify, disinfect, sweep,
wash, decontaminate; antonyms (adj) filthy,
araz symptom (belirti, semptom); synonyms (n)
unclean, muddy, unhygienic, full, syrupy,
sign, indication, evidence, mark, note,
unwholesome, (v) dirty, soil, contaminate, pollute.
manifestation, token, signal, characteristic, omen,
arife eve; synonyms (n) evening, eventide, apex,
cover, nightfall, sunset, top, lid, point, summit,
arazi 1. land (toprak); synonyms (n) ground,
verge, vertex.
country, soil, field, kingdom, domain, estate,
nation, realm, state, (v) disembark, debark, alight, arılık purity (saflık); synonyms (n) innocence,
get, drop; antonym (adj) aquatic, 2. soil (toprak); holiness, cleanness, clearness, honor, virtue,
perfection, chastity, pureness, sanctity, elegance,
synonyms (n) dirt, grime, land, dust, (v) smudge,
blot, contaminate, dirty, pollute, mire, blemish, integrity, blamelessness, clarity, simplicity;
defile, foul, mould, smear; antonym (v) clean, 3. antonyms (n) coarseness, guilt.
country (ülke); synonyms (n) home, area, aristokrasi aristocracy; synonyms (n) gentility,
commonwealth, place, region, territory, district, gentry, nobility, aristarchy, elite, society,
nationality, province, terrain, (adj) rural, rustic, aristocrats, government, grandeur,
public, provincial, arable; antonyms (n) city, (adj) magnanimousness, oligarchy, patriciate.
urban, 4. premises; synonyms (n) grounds, facts, arıtmak clean (saf, temiz, temizlemek); synonyms
lemma, terms, principle, station, property, (adj) clear, fair, antiseptic, blank, pure, chaste,

proposition, 5. territory; synonyms (n) dominion, adroit, tidy, unblemished, (v) brush, cleanse, bathe,
jurisdiction, expanse, possession, environment, clarify, disinfect, sweep; antonyms (adj) filthy,
habitat, sphere, community, section, space, colony, unclean, muddy, unhygienic, full, syrupy, tainted,
unwholesome, (v) dirty, soil, contaminate, pollute.

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Turkish - English 29

arıza 1. fault (bozukluk, hata, kusur); synonyms arkadaş 1. friend (ahbap, dost); synonyms (n)
(n) defect, blemish, error, failing, blame, blot, crime, fellow, acquaintance, ally, colleague, crony,
delinquency, flaw, blunder, break, demerit, advocate, assistant, booster, buddy, mate,
weakness, (v) deficiency, culpability; antonyms (n) connection, wellwisher, (adj) associate, companion,
merit, strength, 2. breakdown (bozulma, comrade; antonyms (n) enemy, foe, stranger, rival,
çökme); synonyms (n) collapse, fault, analysis, 2. companion; synonyms (n) peer, chum, partner,
failure, ruin, defeat, downfall, fall, resolution, brother, attendant, consort, escort, familiar, friend,
decay, smash, breakup, debacle, decomposition, pal, playmate, boyfriend, chaperon, (v) accompany,
(adj) fiasco, 3. defect (kusur); synonyms (n) (adj) accomplice, 3. chap; synonyms (n) person,
shortcoming, imperfection, scar, dearth, deformity, blighter, crack, cranny, crevice, guy, lad, man,
foible, vice, want, default, inaccuracy, beau, scissure, chink, cleft, cuss, fella, feller;
disadvantage, disease, drawback, (v) desert, (adj) antonym (n) woman, 4. fellow (adam); synonyms
infirmity, 4. failure (bozukluk); synonyms (n) (n) boy, equal, chap, compeer, dude, dog,
bankruptcy, breakdown, decline, disappointment, counterpart, confrere, match, swain, buster, gent,
disaster, loser, loss, abortion, dud, lapse, neglect, male, member, (v) concomitant, 5. ally; synonyms
slip, repulse, crash, inability; antonyms (n) success, (n) confederate, accessory, adherent, auxiliary,
achievement, hit, winner, victory, achiever, supporter, (v) affiliate, align, support, band,
attainment, capability, growth, 5. trouble; connect, league, marry, relate, unite, (adj) coadjutor;
synonyms (n) distress, bother, pain, anxiety, antonyms (n) adversary, opponent, 6. mate;
difficulty, (v) inconvenience, annoy, disorder, synonyms (n) spouse, husband, wife, double, twin,
disquiet, worry, afflict, agitate, burden, distract, lieutenant, pendant, tally, captain, (v) copulate,
disturb; antonyms (v) calm, please. couple, pair, checkmate, correspond, join, 7. pal;
arızalı defective (kusurlu); synonyms (adj) deficient, synonyms (n) sidekick, confidant, intimate.
bad, faulty, imperfect, broken, incomplete, lacking, arkadaşlık 1. friendship; synonyms (n) fellowship,
unsound, vicious, inaccurate, rotten, erroneous, association, affection, familiarity, amity,
flawed, inadequate, incorrect; antonym (adj) companionship, company, friendliness, intimacy,
perfect. attachment, concord, comradeship, love,
ark 1. arc (yay); synonyms (n) arch, bow, bend, relationship, acquaintance; antonyms (n) enmity,
crescent, curvature, spark, sweep, (v) curve, 2. hostility, 2. fellowship; synonyms (n)
ditch; synonyms (n) trench, canal, channel, dike, brotherhood, community, communion,
drain, gutter, (v) abandon, chuck, desert, discard, camaraderie, society, body, club, family, fraternity,
dump, moat, cut, leave, scrap; antonym (v) keep. corporation, confederation, league, partnership,
arka 1. back (geri, sırt); synonyms (adv) before, solidarity, (adj) intercourse, 3. company;
backward, (n) rear, (adj) assist, (v) support, advocate, synonyms (n) band, business, cohort, collection,
endorse, recede, second, stake, vouch, guarantee, brigade, assemblage, bevy, caller, companion,
aid, champion, encourage; antonyms (n) face, (v) corps, crew, firm, troop, army, (v) accompany;
front, oppose, advance, 2. reverse (ters); antonym (n) solitude, 4. association (dernek);
synonyms (adj) opposite, converse, inverse, (v) synonyms (n) affiliation, alliance, connection,
annul, repeal, rescind, countermand, overturn, assembly, affinity, link, syndicate, congress,
revoke, nullify, cancel, invert, overrule, (n) meeting, coalition, combination, communication,
contrary, reversal, 3. supporter; synonyms (n) conference, conjunction, contact, 5. society;
partisan, admirer, ally, backer, follower, friend, synonyms (n) institution, public, circle, people,
patron, sponsor, believer, benefactor, devotee, commonwealth, group, guild, order, folk,
disciple, fan, help, helper; antonyms (n) opponent, friendship, gild, organization, party, union,
skeptic, detractor, critic, 4. rear; synonyms (adj)
back, erect, after, (n) posterior, tail, backside, arkaplan background (arka plan); synonyms (n)
behind, bottom, (v) breed, nurture, raise, educate, backdrop, groundwork, setting, basis, context,
foster, nurse, build; antonym (adj) fore. education, environment, scene, backcloth,
panorama, atmosphere, experience, ground,
arkada behind; synonyms (prep) after, abaft, (adv)
information, preparation.
backward, backwards, late, later, aback, beyond, (n)
backside, bottom, buttocks, can, posterior, (adj) arkasında behind; synonyms (prep) after, abaft, (adv)
back, rear; antonyms (adv) ahead, early, fore. backward, backwards, late, later, aback, beyond, (n)
backside, bottom, buttocks, can, posterior, (adj)
arkadaki back (arka, geri, sırt); synonyms (adv)
back, rear; antonyms (adv) ahead, early, fore.
before, backward, (n) rear, (adj) assist, (v) support,
advocate, endorse, recede, second, stake, vouch, arkasından after (sonra); synonyms (prep) following,
guarantee, aid, champion, encourage; antonyms (n) since, (adv) later, beyond, next, subsequently, then,
face, (v) front, oppose, advance.

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30 Turkish - English

when, afterward, afterwards, behind, (adj) back, panorama, atmosphere, experience, ground,
posterior, rear, subsequent. information, preparation.
arkeoloji archaeology; synonyms (n) archeology, artan remaining; synonyms (adj) left, leftover, odd,
palaetiology, paleology. extra, surplus, other, enduring, lasting, permanent,
arktik arctic; synonyms (adj) freezing, icy, polar, remnant, residual, spare, outstanding, (adv) over;
north, frigid, frosty, frozen, northern, cold, gelid, antonyms (adj) finished, spent.
chilly, piercing, (v) glacial, boreal, wintry; antonym artı 1. plus; synonyms (prep) besides, with, including,
(adj) hot. (n) extra, advantage, addition, asset, gain, increase,
armağan 1. gift (hediye); synonyms (n) donation, quality, surplus, (adv) more, also, and, (adj) positive;
faculty, award, flair, capacity, dower, charity, antonyms (prep) minus, (n) disadvantage, 2.
aptitude, bent, (v) present, boon, bestow, (adj) positive (olumlu, pozitif); synonyms (adj)
endowment, ability, talent; antonym (n) inability, 2. absolute, certain, affirmative, confident, decisive,
present (hediye); synonyms (adj) grant, confer, definite, direct, explicit, favorable, incontrovertible,
current, (n) gift, offering, (v) display, give, peremptory, plus, sure, advantageous, (n) actual;
introduce, prefer, deliver, donate, offer, perform, antonyms (adj) negative, derogatory, uncertain,
gratuity, exhibit; antonyms (adj) missing, (n) past, unsure, pessimistic, sad.
future, history, (v) withdraw, (adv) absent. artık 1. residual; synonyms (adj) remaining, leftover,
armoni harmony (ahenk); synonyms (n) accord, residuary, (n) remnant, residue, balance, remainder,
conformity, consonance, agreement, concord, rest, difference, residuum, 2. remainder (bakiye,
correspondence, accordance, congruity, kalan); synonyms (n) excess, remain, end,
consistency, amity, concordance, tune, overplus, oddment, leftovers, relic, remains,
understanding, (v) concert, peace; antonyms (n) remnants, residual, scrap, surplus, ease, relics, 3.
dissonance, discord, argument, conflict, waste; synonyms (n) desert, refuse, damage, trash,
disagreement. (adj) spoil, desolate, barren, (v) consume, exhaust,
arsa 1. plot; synonyms (n) conspiracy, plan, lot, ruin, squander, ravage, destruction, devastate,
scheme, chart, design, graph, patch, (v) intrigue, dissipate; antonyms (v) conserve, save, 4. scrap;
cabal, plat, conspire, contrive, concoct, engineer, 2. synonyms (n) fight, morsel, brawl, bit, chip, clash,
lot (parti); synonyms (n) batch, destiny, fate, junk, piece, conflict, crumb, fleck, (v) quarrel, row,
doom, fortune, portion, slice, allot, bunch, chance, discard, (adj) fragment; antonym (v) keep, 5. rest
circle, group, set, share, (v) deal, 3. land (toprak); (dinlenme); synonyms (n) repose, pause, recess,
synonyms (n) ground, country, soil, field, kingdom, relaxation, leisure, break, quiet, respite, halt,
domain, estate, nation, realm, state, (v) disembark, intermission, (v) nap, sleep, lie, perch, abide;
debark, alight, get, drop; antonym (adj) aquatic. antonym (v) work, 6. refuse; synonyms (v) deny,
arsız 1. bold; synonyms (adj) adventurous, audacious, reject, decline, disallow, dross, rebuff, disdain,
manly, resolute, arrogant, barefaced, courageous, dismiss, balk, (n) garbage, waste, offal, debris, litter,
daring, fearless, heroic, intrepid, spirited, stalwart, leavings; antonym (v) accept.
bluff, brave; antonyms (adj) cowardly, timid, artıklık redundancy; synonyms (n) excess,
modest, 2. fresh (taze); synonyms (adj) bracing, redundance, diffuseness, verbiage, repetition,
brisk, clean, novel, bright, original, recent, airy, superabundance, superfluity, (v) pleonasm;
bold, alive, chilly, cool, forward, green, (adv) new; antonym (n) employment.
antonyms (adj) old, stale, decayed, exhausted, hot, artırmak 1. increase (artış); synonyms (n) gain,
humid, muggy, musty, off, oppressive, rotten, addition, augmentation, boom, expansion,
tired, worn, dry, sweltering. extension, (v) advance, accrue, extend, grow,
arsızlık 1. cheek (yanak); synonyms (n) audacity, aggrandize, expand, enhance, enlarge, (adj)
boldness, brass, face, impertinence, nerve, gall, augment; antonyms (n) reduction, contraction,
impudence, insolence, lip, mouth, daring, decline, (v) decrease, reduce, diminish, drop,
disrespect, effrontery, jowl; antonym (n) respect, 2. deteriorate, 2. save (kurtarmak, saklamak);
sauce (sos); synonyms (n) condiment, seasoning, synonyms (v) deliver, economize, rescue, conserve,
garnish, billingsgate, salad, cheek, juice, flavoring, free, hoard, keep, maintain, preserve, liberate,
liquor, alcohol, mush, pap, paste, pulp, (v) please. protect, redeem, retain, defend, (prep) except;
art rear; synonyms (adj) back, erect, after, (n) posterior, antonyms (v) spend, squander, waste, 3. raise
tail, backside, behind, bottom, (v) breed, nurture, (toplamak, yükseltmek); synonyms (v) boost,
raise, educate, foster, nurse, build; antonyms (adj) lift, erect, hoist, increase, build, elevate, foster,
fore, (n) front. promote, prefer, cultivate, exalt, excite, heave,
artalan background (arka plan); synonyms (n) heighten; antonym (v) lower.
backdrop, groundwork, setting, basis, context, artış 1. increase (artırmak); synonyms (n) gain,
education, environment, scene, backcloth, addition, augmentation, boom, expansion,

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Turkish - English 31

extension, (v) advance, accrue, extend, grow, aversion, reality, (v) dislike, hate, 3. wish;
aggrandize, expand, enhance, enlarge, (adj) synonyms (v) please, bid, care, prefer, intend, mean,
augment; antonyms (n) reduction, contraction, trust, favor, (n) need, longing, purpose, request,
decline, (v) decrease, reduce, diminish, drop, urge, plan, thirst, 4. appetite; synonyms (n)
deteriorate, 2. gain (kazanç); synonyms (v) appetence, appetency, relish, gusto, passion,
acquire, benefit, derive, attain, catch, earn, get, win, stomach, taste, appetition, fondness, hunger, lust,
achieve, make, reach, (n) profit, earnings, penchant, zest, (v) demand, 5. want (istemek);
acquisition, advantage; antonyms (v) lose, (n) loss, synonyms (v) require, (n) lack, poverty, deficiency,
3. rise (yükselmek); synonyms (n) elevation, lift, deprivation, famine, absence, dearth, destitution,
ascent, progress, raise, swell, raising, advancement, indigence, necessity, penury, privation, shortage,
(v) climb, mount, ascend, increase, heave, arise, pauperism.
jump; antonyms (v) fall, sink, descend, plummet, arzulamak 1. desire (arzu, arzu etmek); synonyms
retire. (n) ambition, hope, aspiration, will, wish, craving,
artistik artistic; synonyms (adj) esthetic, aesthetic, dream, impulse, (v) fancy, aspire, seek, want, aim,
elegant, ingenious, pleasing, attic, creative, choose, crave; antonyms (n) aversion, reality, (v)
imaginative, inventive, tasteful. dislike, hate, 2. will (arzu); synonyms (v)
artma 1. increase (artırmak, artış); synonyms (n) bequeath, devise, leave, (n) volition, command,
gain, addition, augmentation, boom, expansion, desire, inclination, determination, pleasure,
extension, (v) advance, accrue, extend, grow, resolve, intent, mind, courage, liking, purpose, 3.
aggrandize, expand, enhance, enlarge, (adj) wish (arzu); synonyms (v) like, please, bid, care,
augment; antonyms (n) reduction, contraction, prefer, intend, mean, trust, favor, (n) need, longing,
decline, (v) decrease, reduce, diminish, drop, request, urge, plan, thirst.
deteriorate, 2. gain (kazanç); synonyms (v) as ace; synonyms (n) expert, one, virtuoso, wizard,
acquire, benefit, derive, attain, catch, earn, get, win, adept, master, star, (adj) crack, dot, iota, jot,
achieve, make, reach, (n) profit, earnings, outstanding, particle, point, super.
acquisition, advantage; antonyms (v) lose, (n) loss, asa staff; synonyms (n) cane, club, post, employees,
3. accession; synonyms (n) acceptance, increase, faculty, personnel, rod, mace, baton, brace, stave,
access, accretion, agreement, arrival, assent, court, (v) crutch, prop, stick.
coming, entrance, increment. asabi nervous; synonyms (adj) anxious, excitable,
artmak increase (artırmak, artış); synonyms (n) tense, cowardly, afraid, apprehensive, fearful, shy,
gain, addition, augmentation, boom, expansion, uneasy, firm, edgy, fidgety, neurotic, (adv) excited,
extension, (v) advance, accrue, extend, grow, agitated; antonyms (adj) calm, brave, relaxed.
aggrandize, expand, enhance, enlarge, (adj) asabiyet frustration; synonyms (n) failure, defeat,
augment; antonyms (n) reduction, contraction, disappointment, letdown, vexation, setback, check,
decline, (v) decrease, reduce, diminish, drop, disillusionment, anger, irritation, annoyance,
deteriorate. dissatisfaction, foiling.
arz 1. land (toprak); synonyms (n) ground, country, aşağı 1. down; synonyms (adv) below, (adj) cut,
soil, field, kingdom, domain, estate, nation, realm, dejected, depressed, downward, despondent,
state, (v) disembark, debark, alight, get, drop; dispirited, downcast, downhearted, (n) feather, fur,
antonym (adj) aquatic, 2. earth (dünya, toprak, fuzz, (v) consume, devour, drink; antonyms (adv)
yer, yeryüzü); synonyms (n) dirt, world, dust, up, (adj) cheerful, happy, upward, 2. below
land, clay, lair, creation, ball, den, globe, hole, (aşağıda); synonyms (adv) beneath, under, down,
nature, orb, sphere, terra, 3. offer; synonyms (v) infra, downstairs, (prep) underneath, (adj) low, after;
give, bestow, put, advance, extend, impart, antonyms (prep) above, over, 3. inferior; synonyms
introduce, perform, propose, tender, lay, (n) bid, (adj) bad, secondary, subordinate, humble, poor,
proposal, go, proposition; antonyms (v) withdraw, cheap, junior, lesser, petty, base, feeble, coarse,
refuse, 4. supply (tedarik etmek); synonyms (n) common, vulgar, contemptible; antonyms (adj)
provision, hoard, issue, (v) furnish, stock, afford, better, choice, excellent, first-rate, high-class,
fill, store, feed, offer, provide, cater, contribute, premium, (n) superior, superscript.
deliver, equip. aşağıda 1. below (aşağı); synonyms (adv) beneath,
arzu 1. will; synonyms (v) bequeath, devise, wish, under, down, infra, downstairs, (prep) underneath,
leave, (n) volition, command, desire, inclination, (adj) low, after; antonyms (prep) above, over, 2.
determination, pleasure, resolve, intent, mind, downstairs; synonyms (adv) below, downward,
courage, liking, 2. desire (arzu etmek);
downhill, (n) floor, (adj) downstair; antonym (adv)
synonyms (n) ambition, hope, aspiration, will,
upstairs, 3. down (aşağı); synonyms (adj) cut,
craving, dream, impulse, (v) fancy, aspire, seek,
dejected, depressed, despondent, dispirited,
want, aim, choose, crave, like; antonyms (n)
downcast, downhearted, gloomy, (n) feather, fur,

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32 Turkish - English

fuzz, hair, (v) consume, devour, drink; antonyms disposition, edict, (v) direct, commission, arrange,
(adv) up, (adj) cheerful, happy, upward. call; antonyms (n) anarchy, chaos, confusion,
aşağıdaki following; synonyms (adj) consequent, mayhem, mess, (v) disorder, request.
next, ensuing, subsequent, consecutive, later, aşçı cook; synonyms (n) chef, (v) boil, bake, brew,
posterior, succeeding, (v) consequential, (n) make, prepare, concoct, falsify, grill, poach, roast,
entourage, chase, followers, pursuit, (adv) under, simmer, stew, coddle, heat.
after; antonym (adj) preceding. asgari 1. least (en küçük); synonyms (n) minimum,
aşağılık 1. base (alçak, baz, taban, temel, üs); (adj) last, littlest, minimal, smallest, lowest,
synonyms (n) foundation, basis, (adj) bottom, abject, minutest, negligible, bottom, first, lest, vapid,
mean, dishonorable, ignoble, low, vile, bad, atomic, feeblest, finical; antonyms (adv) most, (adj)
contemptible, despicable, foul, (v) ground, found; maximum, 2. minimum (en az); synonyms (adj)
antonyms (n) summit, top, (adj) noble, 2. wicked; least, hint, trace, nominal, tiniest, meager, minim,
synonyms (adj) atrocious, evil, sinful, vicious, modicum, basic, essential, (n) atom, minion, dab,
depraved, immoral, mischievous, unholy, corrupt, depth, dot.
criminal, diabolical, hellish, iniquitous, nasty, asi rebel (ayaklanmak); synonyms (n) insurgent,
naughty; antonyms (adj) good, innocent, kind, nonconformist, anarchist, dissident, insurrectionist,
moral, pious, pure. traitor, (v) mutiny, renegade, arise, disobey, revolt,
aşağısına under; synonyms (adv) below, beneath, rise, oppose, (adj) mutineer, rebellious; antonym (n)
underneath, downstairs, infra, (adj) lower, down, conformist.
nether, bottom, inferior, low, subject, subordinate, aşı shot; synonyms (n) gunshot, injection, go, fling,
lowest; antonym (prep) over. ball, crack, shoot, picture, attempt, bang, bullet,
aşağısında down (aşağı); synonyms (adv) below, (adj) chance, discharge, effort, endeavor.
cut, dejected, depressed, downward, despondent, aşık lover; synonyms (n) dear, darling, beau, devotee,
dispirited, downcast, downhearted, (n) feather, fur, fan, admirer, buff, love, beloved, amorist, man, pet,
fuzz, (v) consume, devour, drink; antonyms (adv) sweetheart, gallant, boyfriend.
up, (adj) cheerful, happy, upward. aşikâr 1. clear (açık, belirgin, berrak, temiz,
aşağıya 1. downstairs; synonyms (adv) down, temizlemek); synonyms (adj) clean, certain, open,
beneath, below, downward, downhill, (n) floor, (adj) apparent, distinct, empty, (v) bright, acquit,
downstair; antonym (adv) upstairs, 2. down absolute, free, net, absolve, clarify, definite,
(aşağı); synonyms (adj) cut, dejected, depressed, discharge; antonyms (adj) cloudy, opaque, unclear,
despondent, dispirited, downcast, downhearted, dark, fuzzy, hazy, incomprehensible, obscure,
gloomy, (n) feather, fur, fuzz, hair, (v) consume, uncertain, vague, ambiguous, blurry, confused,
devour, drink; antonyms (adv) up, (adj) cheerful, confusing, (v) convict, 2. explicit (açık);
happy, upward. synonyms (adj) clear, unmistakable, broad, direct,
aşama 1. rank (sıra); synonyms (n) range, place, file, exact, lucid, manifest, sharp, perspicuous,
gradation, line, degree, quality, (v) arrange, order, emphatic, transparent, express, obvious, plain,
class, classify, grade, position, array, group; precise; antonyms (adj) tacit, understood, unspoken,
antonym (adj) fresh, 2. phase (evre, faz, safha); implicit, bland, 3. evident (besbelli); synonyms
synonyms (n) aspect, stage, facet, chapter, (adj) conspicuous, discernible, patent, noticeable,
circumstance, condition, appearance, form, leg, marked, palpable, perceptible, tangible,
level, period, side, situation, state, angle, 3. stage unequivocal, visible, observable, bold,
(sahne); synonyms (n) phase, floor, point, arena, demonstrable, notable, candid; antonyms (adj)
layer, set, stadium, height, dais, era, platform, (v) concealed, unnoticed, hidden, inconspicuous, 4.
present, mount, play, perform, 4. grade (derece); distinct (ayrı); synonyms (adj) articulate, different,
synonyms (n) rank, brand, category, gradient, score, discrete, distinctive, decided, dissimilar, clear-cut,
slope, division, plane, caliber, extent, inclination, audible, diverse, explicit, individual, intelligible,
incline, (v) evaluate, appraise, even. particular, (prep) separate, (adv) apart; antonyms (adj)
asansör lift (kaldırmak); synonyms (n) elevator, indistinct, similar, inaudible, shapeless.
boost, heave, (v) hoist, raise, rise, elevate, erect, asil noble; synonyms (adj) dignified, imposing,
filch, hike, advance, airlift, pilfer, pinch, rear. magnificent, glorious, distinguished, elevated,
asap nerve (sinir); synonyms (n) audacity, cheek, exalted, generous, high, impressive, majestic,
impertinence, boldness, brass, courage, daring, patrician, (n) grand, excellent, (v) great; antonyms
face, fortitude, heart, impudence, mettle, prowess, (adj) lower-class, selfish, shameful, humble,
assurance, backbone; antonym (n) cowardice. dishonorable, lowly.
asayiş order (düzen, düzenlemek, emretmek, asıl 1. original (orijinal, özgün); synonyms (adj)
sıra); synonyms (n) command, decree, dictate, first, authentic, native, new, primary, primitive,
array, rank, sort, charge, class, condition, indigenous, aboriginal, creative, early, fresh,

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imaginative, inventive, (n) archetype, model; asilzade noble (asil); synonyms (adj) dignified,
antonyms (adj) commonplace, banal, copied, corny, imposing, magnificent, glorious, distinguished,
derivative, hackneyed, well-worn, conventional, elevated, exalted, generous, high, impressive,
resulting, unimaginative, (n) copy, counterfeit, fake, majestic, patrician, (n) grand, excellent, (v) great;
imitation, replica, 2. master (ana, baş); synonyms antonyms (adj) lower-class, selfish, shameful,
(n) captain, instructor, head, boss, leader, humble, dishonorable, lowly.
gentleman, (v) conquer, control, command, defeat, aşina familiar; synonyms (adj) close, common,
dominate, (adj) chief, original, ace, expert, 3. main conversant, customary, everyday, intimate,
(ana); synonyms (adj) grand, great, leading, commonplace, easy, ordinary, usual, (n)
essential, principal, basic, capital, central, key, accustomed, companion, comrade, habitual, (v)
major, paramount, prominent, (n) cardinal, ocean, confidential; antonyms (adj) unfamiliar, foreign,
sea; antonyms (adj) minor, auxiliary, secondary, strange, new, unaccustomed, formal, ignorant,
supplementary, 4. actual (gerçek); synonyms (adj) unknown.
real, absolute, true, factual, genuine, existent, aşinalık familiarity; synonyms (n) acquaintance,
indisputable, literal, positive, precise, tangible, intimacy, casualness, closeness, experience,
veritable, very, concrete, (n) accurate; antonyms conversance, conversancy, knowledge, naturalness,
(adj) false, hypothetical, supposed, 5. origin nearness, fellowship, freedom, friendship, privity,
(başlangıç, kaynak, köken); synonyms (n) cause, understanding; antonyms (n) ignorance,
lineage, base, beginning, birth, descent, ancestry, unfamiliarity.
commencement, derivation, extraction, foundation, aşındırma erosion (erozyon); synonyms (n)
fountain, inception, root, source; antonym (n) end, attrition, abrasion, corrosion, corroding, eroding,
6. essence; synonyms (n) core, entity, aroma, friction, wear.
being, crux, gist, perfume, hypostasis, body, aşındırmak eat (yemek); synonyms (v) devour,
burden, extract, fragrance, heart, kernel, nub, 7. consume, bite, dine, munch, corrode, deplete,
real (gerçek); synonyms (adj) material, physical, drink, feed, finish, gnaw, gobble, gorge, graze, (adj)
natural, pure, right, good, certain, honest, just, digest.
sincere, substantial, hearty, cordial, (adv) actually, aşınma 1. erosion (erozyon); synonyms (n) attrition,
(v) actual; antonyms (adj) unreal, imaginary, abrasion, corrosion, corroding, eroding, friction,
apparent, artificial, bogus, deceptive, fantasy, wear, 2. wear; synonyms (v) dress, endure, bear,
insubstantial, mock, nominal, (v) pretend, 8. true fatigue, tire, waste, fray, frazzle, (n) clothing,
(doğru, gerçek); synonyms (adj) faithful, even, apparel, attire, clothes, garb, erosion, garment;
correct, exact, straight, truthful, direct, loyal, antonym (v) refresh.
proper, reliable, rightful, sound, lawful, legitimate, aşınmış worn; synonyms (v) decayed, (adj) haggard,
(v) square; antonyms (adj) inaccurate, untrue. shabby, tired, ragged, tattered, threadbare, drawn,
asılı suspended; synonyms (adj) hanging, pendent, jaded, exhausted, fatigued, careworn, decrepit,
dormant, pendulous, abeyant, dangling, inactive, faded, frayed; antonyms (adj) fresh, new.
pendant. asır 1. century (yüzyıl); synonyms (n) age,
asılma suspension; synonyms (n) delay, interruption, centenary, hundred, centred, millennium, carbon,
abeyance, break, intermission, pause, recess, hecatomb, life, cocain, cocaine, coke, coulomb,
respite, suspense, adjournment, deferment, lifetime, seniority, snow, 2. age (yaş); synonyms
postponement, reprieve, stay, rest. (n) period, aeon, day, era, time, cycle, years,
asılmak 1. hang (asmak); synonyms (v) dangle, antiquity, epoch, eternity, generation, (v) mature,
depend, drape, float, append, cling, decorate, grow, ripen, develop.
execute, fall, flow, hover, swing, (n) suspend, delay, aşiret tribe (kabile); synonyms (n) family, clan,
knack, 2. swing (salıncak); synonyms (n) sweep, house, folk, kin, kindred, nation, people, race,
range, (v) sway, fluctuate, oscillate, hang, rock, beat, stock, lineage, breed, line, folks, kind.
brandish, change, move, shake, turn, vibrate, aşırı 1. extreme; synonyms (adj) deep, excessive,
dance, 3. pull (çekme, çekmek); synonyms (v) enormous, immoderate, intense, severe, supreme,
drag, draw, draught, pluck, attract, haul, jerk, tug, terrible, ultimate, utmost, uttermost, drastic,
pick, make, force, hale, (n) wrench, attraction, extraordinary, (n) edge, end; antonyms (adj) middle,
effort; antonyms (v) push, repel. reasonable, near, (n) mild, moderate, slight, 2.
asılsız false (taklit, yanlış); synonyms (adj) bastard, steep; synonyms (adj) high, abrupt, exorbitant,
counterfeit, untrue, deceitful, dishonest, erroneous, outrageous, sheer, (v) douse, immerse, soak, dip,
artificial, assumed, deceptive, disloyal, faithless, drench, imbue, infuse, saturate, impregnate, bathe;
fake, fictitious, sham, ersatz; antonyms (adj) true,
antonyms (adj) gentle, gradual, 3. unreasonable;
real, correct, factual, faithful, genuine, natural,
synonyms (adj) foolish, absurd, extravagant, undue,
truthful, honest, valid. preposterous, illogical, inordinate, irrational,

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34 Turkish - English

ridiculous, senseless, silly, unconscionable, unfair, (adj) public, communal, community, nationalized,
impossible, invalid; antonym (adj) good-natured, 4. official, state-owned, civic, shared, state.
over; synonyms (adv) beyond, across, more, by, askeri military; synonyms (adj) martial, militant,
o'er, on, too, (prep) above, during, (n) overs, (adj) warlike, soldierly, militaristic, (n) force; antonym
finished, done, extra, odd, past, 5. excessive; (adj) civilian.
synonyms (adj) exaggerated, extreme, exuberant, askerlik service (hizmet); synonyms (n) help, aid,
profuse, superfluous, unreasonable, huge, lavish, assistance, avail, employment, ministration,
radical, redundant, over, disproportionate, ceremony, business, occupation, office, (v)
monstrous, overly, (v) steep; antonym (adj) overhaul, serve, refit, assist, attendance.
affordable. askı rack (raf); synonyms (n) manger, wrack, bracket,
aşırılık excess; synonyms (adj) extra, additional, (n) cage, stand, boot, ledge, (v) torture, excruciate,
surplus, dissipation, extravagance, plethora, torment, afflict, agonize, pain, bedevil, crucify.
abundance, exaggeration, glut, overabundance, askıda pending; synonyms (prep) during, awaiting,
overindulgence, overplus, remainder, rest,
(adj) forthcoming, undecided, unresolved,
superfluity; antonyms (n) lack, shortage, restraint, unsettled, outstanding, hanging, looming,
moderation, dearth, shortfall. pendulous, suspended, considering, doubtful, (n)
aşırmak 1. steal (çalmak); synonyms (v) abstract, abeyance, (adv) while; antonym (adj) distant.
lift, purloin, creep, filch, misappropriate, pilfer, asla never (hiçbir zaman); synonyms (adv) ne'er,
pinch, plunder, rob, snatch, sneak, plagiarize, slip, nevermore, nor, tomorrow; antonym (adv) always.
(n) bargain, 2. abstract (özet, soyut); synonyms
aslan lion; synonyms (n) celebrity, cat, curiosity,
(adj) theoretical, academic, (v) abridge, extract,
luminary, spectacle, name, notable, leader,
remove, (n) synopsis, abridgement, digest, epitome,
magnate, (adj) hero, worthy, somebody, tiger,
summary, abridgment, brief, outline, precis,
eminent, noted.
resume; antonym (adj) concrete, 3. hook;
asli actual (gerçek); synonyms (adj) real, absolute,
synonyms (n) clasp, crook, claw, crotchet, draw,
true, factual, genuine, authentic, existent,
lure, trap, anchor, (v) catch, bend, fasten, hitch,
indisputable, literal, positive, precise, tangible,
button, ensnare, attach.
veritable, very, (n) accurate; antonyms (adj) false,
asistan assistant (yardımcı); synonyms (adj)
hypothetical, supposed.
ancillary, adjunct, (n) accessory, assist, subordinate,
acolyte, accomplice, assistance, auxiliary, colleague, aslında 1. actually; synonyms (adv) really, truly,
helper, adjutant, aide, associate, (v) aid. quite, absolutely, presently, correctly, literally,
authentically, right, physically, bodily, easily,
asit acid; synonyms (adj) acerbic, acidic, bitter, caustic,
effectually, indisputably, truthfully, 2. originally;
sharp, sour, acerb, acrid, cutting, pointed, sarcastic,
synonyms (adv) primarily, primitively, firstly,
acrimonious, astringent, biting, (v) tart; antonym
initially, earlier, formerly, essentially, before,
(adj) sweet. creatively, naturally, alternatively, autonomously,
aşk 1. love (sevgi, sevgili, sevmek); synonyms (n) connaturally, eccentrically, freely, 3. basically;
desire, affection, dear, fondness, liking, synonyms (adv) fundamentally, principally,
benevolence, charity, attachment, beloved, darling, virtually, inherently, originally, almost, broadly,
devotion, honey, (v) cherish, enjoy, like; antonyms clearly, commonly, generally, just, mainly, merely,
(n) abhorrence, hatred, aversion, (v) hate, dislike, mostly, nearly; antonym (adv) elaborately, 4. really
abhor, 2. passion (tutku); synonyms (n) fury, (gerçekten); synonyms (adv) actually, honestly,
feeling, fervor, fire, love, anger, craving, genuinely, certainly, real, very, simply, practically,
enthusiasm, heat, mania, rage, ire, adoration, extremely, forsooth, highly, positively, exactly, (adj)
appetite, (v) ardor; antonyms (n) apathy, indeed, sincerely, 5. primarily; synonyms (adv)
indifference. chiefly, largely, especially, basically, 6.
asker 1. soldier; synonyms (n) fighter, warrior, substantially; synonyms (adv) considerably, well,
champion, swordsman, adventurer, assassin, materially, firmly, amply, significantly, generously,
bottle, cutthroat, fencer, gangster, murderer, markedly, noticeably; antonym (adv) slightly.
recruit, sworder, warfarer, airman, 2. army
asma 1. suspension; synonyms (n) delay,
(ordu); synonyms (n) legion, troop, host, battery, interruption, abeyance, break, intermission, pause,
battalion, brigade, crowd, flock, force, multitude, recess, respite, suspense, adjournment, deferment,
service, swarm, war, (adj) military, array, 3. postponement, reprieve, stay, rest, 2. hanging;
private (özel); synonyms (adj) clandestine, synonyms (n) dangling, execution, suspension,
confidential, personal, covert, hidden, individual, curtain, (adj) pendant, pendent, suspended,
secret, inner, esoteric, exclusive, intimate, pending, pendulous; antonym (adj) upright, 3.
particular, domestic, interior, (v) close; antonyms suspended; synonyms (adj) hanging, dormant,
abeyant, inactive.

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Turkish - English 35

asmak hang; synonyms (v) dangle, depend, drape, build, compose, do, establish, form, generate,
float, append, cling, decorate, execute, fall, flow, institute, start; antonyms (v) destroy, terminate, 2.
hover, swing, (n) suspend, delay, knack. constitute; synonyms (v) commission, appoint,
aşmak 1. exceed; synonyms (v) beat, pass, surpass, comprise, be, create, found, name, nominate,
outdo, surmount, transcend, cap, outshine, ordain, organize, designate, configure, consist,
outweigh, overrun, top, excel, outgo, outmatch, (adj) enact, frame, 3. commission (kurul); synonyms
better, 2. pass (geçiş, geçmek); synonyms (v) (n) board, mission, delegation, job, mandate,
flow, deliver, give, happen, lead, move, offer, warrant, assignment, charge, committee, duty, (v)
overtake, live, advance, die, elapse, exceed, (adj) go, assign, accredit, authorize, delegate, empower, 4.
run; antonym (v) fail, 3. top (üst); synonyms (adj) institute; synonyms (n) academy, association,
maximum, superlative, (n) crown, peak, acme, establishment, foundation, institution, (v) fix, begin,
apex, crest, cover, height, pinnacle, summit, bring, erect, initiate, base, ground, inaugurate,
surface, brow, (v) best, head; antonyms (adj) worst, introduce, launch, 5. appoint; synonyms (v)
(n) bottom, base, nadir. prescribe, set, choose, depute, destine, elect, hire,
ast junior; synonyms (adj) subordinate, juvenile, allot, attach, allocate, call, command, consign,
minor, young, associate, puisne, lesser, lower, detail, employ.
petty, secondary, younger, (n) inferior, boy, atasözü 1. saying; synonyms (v) proverb, (n) maxim,
assistant; antonyms (adj) senior, chief. axiom, adage, saw, phrase, aphorism, byword,
astarlamak line (çizgi, hat); synonyms (n) cord, file, dictum, expression, idiom, motto, locution,
house, breed, course, family, lineage, field, apothegm, declaration, 2. saw (testere);
ancestry, border, boundary, cable, crease, row, (v) synonyms (v) cut, (n) saying.
order. ateş 1. fire; synonyms (n) discharge, ardor,
astım asthma; synonym (n) anhelation. conflagration, explode, fervor, flame, (v) excite,
asude calm; synonyms (adj) quiet, peaceful, tranquil, eject, blaze, dismiss, ignite, kindle, expel, animate,
(v) assuage, appease, cool, still, allay, pacify, easy, arouse; antonym (v) hire, 2. blaze; synonyms (n)
moderate, mollify, steady, (n) lull, equanimity; glare, burning, fire, light, hell, scintillation,
antonyms (adj) agitated, angry, nervous, stormy, combustion, (v) flash, beam, flicker, mark, shimmer,
wild, annoyed, anxious, enraged, frantic, heat, (adj) burn, glow, 3. fever; synonyms (n)
frightened, intense, irritable, (v) agitate, upset, (n) delirium, feverishness, frenzy, pyrexia, febricity,
agitation. excitement, restlessness, craze, enthusiasm, pain,
at 1. horse (beygir); synonyms (n) cavalry, mount, rage, disease, fury, lather, outburst, 4.
buck, heroin, junk, knight, boar, cock, dog, drake, temperature; synonyms (n) fever, warmth,
gander, hart, 2. knight; synonyms (n) cavalier, breathing, climate, contemperature, heartbeat,
horseman, horse, chevalier, knighthood, pulse, weather, calefaction, (v) calmness,
adventurer, diacetylmorphine, savior, lover, moderation, patience, sedateness, temperament,
partisan, sawbuck, sawhorse, scag, (v) dub, temperance, 5. glow; synonyms (n) color, sparkle,
nickname. brilliance, effulgence, gleaming, luster, (v) blush,
ata 1. predecessor; synonyms (n) precursor, flush, gleam, glimmer, shine, flare, glint, glisten,
forerunner, ancestor, antecedent, antecessor, father, glitter; antonym (n) dullness.
elder, precedent; antonyms (n) successor, ateşleme firing; synonyms (v) burst, (adj) combustible,
(n) discharge, dismissal, fire, combustion,
descendant, 2. elder; synonyms (adj) older, big,
explosion, dismission, fuel, ignition, kindling,
adult, (n) senior, ancient, patriarch, boss, chief,
lighting, release, sack, sacking.
superior, 3. father (baba); synonyms (n) begetter,
dad, sire, creator, abba, beginner, forefather, ateşlemek fire (ateş); synonyms (n) discharge, ardor,
founder, padre, author, (v) beget, engender, create, conflagration, explode, fervor, flame, (v) excite,
generate, begin; antonym (n) mother. eject, blaze, dismiss, ignite, kindle, expel, animate,
arouse; antonym (v) hire.
atama 1. appointment (randevu); synonyms (n)
assignment, date, designation, engagement, fitting, ateşli 1. passionate; synonyms (adj) ardent, hot,
post, rendezvous, berth, conference, election, angry, animated, burning, excited, fervent, fierce,
assignation, commission, encounter, job, meeting, earnest, amorous, eager, enthusiastic, excitable,
(adv) fiery, (v) impetuous; antonyms (adj) apathetic,
2. assignment; synonyms (n) allocation, allotment,
appointment, assigning, mission, apportionment, indifferent, mild, passionless, 2. hot (sıcak);
stint, business, chore, charge, consignment, duty, synonyms (adj) warm, boiling, feverish, flaming,
transfer, conveyance, delivery, 3. nomination; fresh, blistering, fast, peppery, pungent, spicy,
new, acrid, close, furious, gingery; antonyms (adj)
synonyms (n) return, delegation, (v) nuncupation.
cool, cold, freezing, airy, bland, chilly.
atamak 1. create (yaratmak); synonyms (v) cause,
construct, make, constitute, produce, beget, breed,

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36 Turkish - English

atik alert (uyarmak); synonyms (adj) active, agile, atlı rider; synonyms (n) horseman, appendix,
quick, aware, intelligent, lively, vigilant, clever, equestrian, passenger, codicil, supplement, clause,
alive, animated, attentive, bright, (v) awake, (n) provision, addition, condition, horse, proviso.
alarm, alarum; antonyms (adj) drowsy, inattentive, atma 1. elimination (eleme); synonyms (n)
absentminded, dazed, sleepy, tired, asleep, slow, cancellation, discharge, excretion, annihilation,
unalert, unconscious. abolition, deletion, ejection, eradication,
atılgan 1. bold; synonyms (adj) adventurous, evacuation, exclusion, liquidation, omission, purge,
audacious, manly, resolute, arrogant, barefaced, riddance, (v) removal; antonyms (n) addition,
courageous, daring, fearless, heroic, intrepid, establishment, 2. throw (atmak); synonyms (v)
spirited, stalwart, bluff, brave; antonyms (adj) cast, fling, shed, hurl, chuck, flip, heave, pass,
cowardly, timid, modest, 2. aggressive; deliver, drop, give, hurtle, (n) pitch, push, shot, 3.
synonyms (adj) belligerent, active, energetic, cast (atmak, kalıp); synonyms (v) throw, form,
enterprising, hostile, invasive, offensive, pushy, stamp, shape, dump, figure, mould, pelt, assign, (n)
warlike, strong, strenuous, assertive, dynamic, appearance, casting, mold, type, build, air, 4.
militant, pugnacious; antonyms (adj) peaceful, projection (izdüşüm); synonyms (n) bulge,
friendly, peaceable, passive, peace-loving, hump, jut, prominence, protuberance, knob, ledge,
suspicious, 3. hardy; synonyms (adj) sturdy, hard, overhang, plan, protrusion, bump, map, extrusion,
gallant, robust, stout, forcible, doughty, firm, forecast, (adj) salient.
mighty, resilient, tough, vigorous, fresh, (n) bold, atmak 1. throw; synonyms (v) cast, fling, shed, hurl,
rugged; antonym (adj) weak. chuck, flip, heave, pass, deliver, drop, give, hurtle,
atış 1. shot; synonyms (n) gunshot, injection, go, fling, (n) pitch, push, shot, 2. cast (kalıp); synonyms (v)
ball, crack, shoot, picture, attempt, bang, bullet, throw, form, stamp, shape, dump, figure, mould,
chance, discharge, effort, endeavor, 2. shoot; pelt, assign, (n) appearance, casting, mold, type,
synonyms (v) bud, dart, dash, drive, flash, hunt, build, air, 3. pitch; synonyms (n) degree, dip, slant,
send, fire, germinate, grow, inject, (n) scion, branch, slope, measure, angle, delivery, grade, (v) lurch, tilt,
sprout, chute, 3. throw (atmak); synonyms (v) toss, careen, launch, erect, fall, 4. shy (çekingen,
cast, shed, hurl, chuck, flip, heave, pass, deliver, ürkek); synonyms (adj) diffident, fearful, timid,
drop, give, hurtle, jerk, (n) pitch, push, shot, 4. abashed, reserved, ashamed, coy, modest, nervous,
shooting; synonyms (v) hunting, coursing, (n) reticent, self-conscious, backward, careful, bashful,
firing, gunfire, killing, murder, (adj) sharp, acute, (n) flinch; antonyms (adj) brash, bold, confident,
piercing, 5. shy (çekingen, ürkek); synonyms demonstrative, forward, outgoing, 5. shoot;
(adj) diffident, fearful, timid, abashed, reserved, synonyms (v) bud, discharge, dart, dash, drive,
ashamed, coy, modest, nervous, reticent, self- flash, hunt, send, fire, germinate, grow, (n) scion,
conscious, backward, careful, (n) throw, flinch; branch, sprout, chute, 6. blow (üflemek);
antonyms (adj) brash, bold, confident, synonyms (n) bang, beat, blast, knock, shock,
demonstrative, forward, outgoing. wallop, gust, hit, jolt, (v) puff, bloom, blossom,
atlama 1. jump (atlamak); synonyms (v) hop, pant, play, (adj) gasp; antonyms (v) calm, save, 7.
spring, dive, hurdle, rise, skip, startle, clear, dance, discharge (boşaltmak); synonyms (n) release,
(n) leap, bound, bounce, start, caper, curvet; dismissal, drain, (v) acquit, clear, absolve, complete,
antonyms (v) decrease, fall, 2. jumping; synonyms eject, cashier, burst, bounce, detonate, disgorge,
(v) bounding, salient, conspicuous, dancing, saltant, empty, exonerate; antonyms (v) capture, hire, 8.
(n) jump, (adj) moving, active, festive, industrious, deliver; synonyms (v) consign, bear, carry, rescue,
lively, merry, noisy, spirited, sprightly, 3. spring abandon, bring, liberate, pronounce, render, return,
(bahar, ilkbahar); synonyms (n) fountain, source, utter, remit, announce, birth, (adj) bestow, 9. beat;
jet, cause, font, fount, ramp, (v) originate, recoil, synonyms (v) batter, flap, pulsate, throb, tick,
proceed, arise, issue, prance, rebound, (adj) elastic. trounce, whip, bat, baste, break, cheat, (n) pulse,
atlamak jump (atlama); synonyms (v) hop, spring, thump, round, cadence; antonym (v) lose, 10.
dive, hurdle, rise, skip, startle, clear, dance, (n) leap, eliminate; synonyms (v) abolish, delete, rid,
bound, bounce, start, caper, curvet; antonyms (v) annihilate, cancel, dispel, eradicate, extinguish,
decrease, fall. obliterate, take, destroy, discard, dismiss, erase,
atlatmak 1. escape (kaçmak); synonyms (v) elude, except, 11. utter; synonyms (adj) absolute, extreme,
break, dodge, avoid, evade, run, bolt, circumvent, (v) express, say, articulate, breathe, speak, state, tell,
leave, duck, bilk, (n) leak, avoidance, evasion, declare, emit, talk, voice, reveal, disclose;
outlet; antonyms (v) capture, return, 2. shake; antonyms (adj) partial, qualified, 12. project
synonyms (v) beat, agitate, jar, brandish, disturb, (proje); synonyms (n) design, device, scheme, idea,
excite, flutter, totter, wag, (n) tremble, jolt, quiver, enterprise, (v) plan, contrive, jut, overhang,
wave, trembling, (adj) quake. protrude, shoot, bulge, devise, extend, forecast, 13.

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Turkish - English 37

send (göndermek, yollamak); synonyms (v) superiority, edge, (v) difference, dissension,
despatch, convey, dispatch, mail, post, divert, misunderstanding, variance, 4. edge (kenar);
project, beam, channel, commit, direct, place, put, synonyms (n) boundary, margin, verge, blade,
transmit, transport. brink, extremity, bank, brim, butt, corner, limit, (v)
atmosfer atmosphere; synonyms (n) air, ambience, border, bound, hem, line; antonyms (n) center, (v)
ambiance, aura, environment, feel, feeling, mood, middle, 5. start (başlamak, başlangıç,
background, quality, climate, medium, setting, başlatmak); synonyms (v) begin, originate,
situation, surroundings. commence, drive, launch, embark, spring, activate,
atmosferik atmospheric; synonyms (adj) aerial, arise, (n) jump, onset, origin, shock, beginning,
atmospherical, retiring, light. commencement; antonyms (v) end, finish, stop,
atölye 1. workshop; synonyms (n) shop, factory, conclude, halt, (n) conclusion.
studio, workhouse, atelier, works, poorhouse, avare rover; synonyms (n) nomad, wanderer,
store, training, committee, induction, meeting, rambler, ranger, roamer, traveler, vagabond,
practicum, 2. studio (stüdyo); synonyms (n) vagrant, itinerant, peregrinator.
cabinet, accommodation, building, bungalow, avarya average (ortalama); synonyms (adj) mean,
cottage, den, farmhouse, igloo, manor, mansion, median, fair, common, medium, middle, middling,
terrace, villa, loft. normal, ordinary, intermediate, mediocre, mid,
atom atom; synonyms (n) jot, grain, molecule, moderate, tolerable, (n) norm; antonyms (adj)
particle, speck, mite, bit, corpuscle, crumb, mote, exceptional, extraordinary, abnormal, unusual, (v)
ace, iota. maximum, minimum.
atomik atomic; synonyms (adj) minute, infinitesimal, avcı hunter; synonyms (n) chaser, huntsman, seeker,
nuclear, tiny, corpuscular, subatomic, courser, woodman, driver, beast, cattle, charger,
thermonuclear, indivisible, minuscule, atomlike, follower, forester, horse, nag, palfrey, racer.
compact, explosive, least, trivial, fissionable; avcılık shooting; synonyms (v) shoot, hunting,
antonyms (adj) conventional, gigantic. coursing, (n) firing, gunfire, killing, shot, murder,
av 1. hunt (avlamak); synonyms (n) search, pursuit, (adj) sharp, acute, piercing.
quest, (v) chase, course, follow, hound, forage, avlamak hunt (av); synonyms (n) search, pursuit,
rummage, prey, dog, persecute, pursue, seek, stalk, quest, (v) chase, course, follow, hound, forage,
2. game (oyun); synonyms (n) amusement, fun, rummage, prey, dog, persecute, pursue, seek, stalk.
entertainment, competition, contest, diversion, avlanmak hunt (av, avlamak); synonyms (n) search,
match, play, quarry, sport, (adj) fearless, brave, (v) pursuit, quest, (v) chase, course, follow, hound,
bet, gamble, wager, 3. catch (yakalamak); forage, rummage, prey, dog, persecute, pursue,
synonyms (v) arrest, capture, hook, apprehend, get, seek, stalk.
acquire, ensnare, intercept, (n) haul, hitch, trick, avlu 1. courtyard; synonyms (n) court, yard, area,
bolt, clasp, grab, pawl; antonym (v) release, 4. square, backyard, forecourt, 2. yard (yarda);
chase; synonyms (n) game, following, (v) hunt, synonyms (n) courtyard, garden, grounds, close,
expel, track, trail, chamfer, race, evict, drive, quadrangle, enclosure, beehive, bindery, chiliad, g,
furrow, oust, shadow, shoot, (adj) emboss. grand, m, nailery, pace, slip, 3. court; synonyms
avadanlık kit; synonyms (n) gear, outfit, equipment, (n) forum, bar, field, tribunal, judicatory, passage,
stuff, fiddle, case, set, tackle, tools. judge, courtroom, hall, judicature, (v) woo, attract,
avans advance (ilerleme, ilerlemek, ilerletmek); invite, romance, flatter; antonyms (v) avoid, shun.
synonyms (n) progress, improvement, (v) further, avrat wife (eş, karı); synonyms (n) matron, missis,
proceed, promote, approach, encourage, raise, rise, partner, spouse, consort, helpmate, lady, woman,
boost, contribute, cultivate, develop, forward, (phr) mistress, concubine, mother, sweetheart, bride,
accelerate; antonyms (n) deterioration, (v) retreat, companion, helpmeet; antonym (n) husband.
recede, delay, demote, regress. Avuç palm (palmiye); synonyms (n) decoration,
avantaj 1. advantage (üstünlük, yarar); synonyms medal, prize, thenar, victory, medallion, (v) hand,
(n) behalf, privilege, profit, account, expediency, filch, bag, cabbage, crib, handle, nim, pilfer, rob.
good, lead, preponderance, virtue, perk, boot, avukat 1. lawyer; synonyms (n) advocate, attorney,
avail, convenience, gain, (v) benefit; antonyms (n) agent, representative, advisor, leguleian, beagle,
drawback, detriment, difficulty, (v) disadvantage, brief, defender, fixer, mouthpiece, pettifogger,
2. benefit (yarar); synonyms (n) advantage, proctor, shyster, 2. attorney; synonyms (n) lawyer,
assistance, favor, interest, reward, service, use, counsel, counselor, factor, solicitor, auctioneer,
welfare, allowance, asset, (v) aid, assist, help, underwriter, bailiff, clerk, go-between, investigator,
advance, pay; antonyms (n) loss, (v) harm, 3. odds; secretary, beak, front, mugger, 3. solicitor;
synonyms (n) chance, likelihood, possibility, synonym (n) petitioner, 4. counsel (öğüt, öğüt
probability, likeliness, chances, prospect, handicap,

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38 Turkish - English

vermek); synonyms (n) caution, advisement, ascension, ascent, climb, advance, lift, upheaval,
admonition, consultation, exhortation, guidance, heave, raise, (adv) increasing, growing; antonyms
recommendation, (v) advice, advise, consult, (adj) plummeting, decreasing, plunging.
admonish, confer, exhort, urge, warn. ayaklanmak 1. rebel; synonyms (n) insurgent,
avunma consolation; synonyms (n) comfort, solace, nonconformist, anarchist, dissident, insurrectionist,
relief, balm, ease, succor, encouragement, traitor, (v) mutiny, renegade, arise, disobey, revolt,
solacement, alleviation, sympathy. rise, oppose, (adj) mutineer, rebellious; antonym (n)
avuntu 1. consolation; synonyms (n) comfort, solace, conformist, 2. revolt; synonyms (n) insurrection,
relief, balm, ease, succor, encouragement, uprising, revolution, repulsion, (v) disgust,
solacement, alleviation, sympathy, 2. comfort rebellion, nauseate, sicken, rebel, repel, offend,
(avutmak); synonyms (n) consolation, aid, repulse, appall, protest, (adj) shock, 3. riot;
amenity, assistance, support, convenience, luxury, synonyms (n) disturbance, commotion, disorder,
(v) allay, assuage, cheer, alleviate, soothe, console, sedition, tumult, brawl, fight, fray, confusion,
encourage, (adj) calm; antonyms (n) discomfort, debauch, debauchery, orgy, (v) carouse, (adj)
aggravation, (v) alarm, annoy, frighten. hubbub, uproar.
avurt cheek (yanak); synonyms (n) audacity, ayaklar feet; synonyms (n) fete, meter, rescue, arm,
boldness, brass, face, impertinence, nerve, gall, fact, performance, (v) legs, pegs, pins, trotters.
impudence, insolence, lip, mouth, daring, ayaktopu 1. football (futbol); synonyms (n) soccer,
disrespect, effrontery, jowl; antonym (n) respect. hockey, note, baseball, basketball, footie, 2. soccer
avutmak comfort; synonyms (n) solace, ease, (futbol); synonyms (n) football, ball, gridiron.
consolation, relief, aid, amenity, assistance, ayar 1. adjustment; synonyms (n) adaptation,
support, alleviation, (v) allay, assuage, cheer, accommodation, alteration, control, fit, settlement,
alleviate, soothe, (adj) calm; antonyms (n) allowance, arrangement, change, disposition,
discomfort, aggravation, (v) alarm, annoy, frighten. modification, standardization, agreement,
ay 1. moon; synonyms (n) lunation, moonlight, amendment, (adj) adaption, 2. standard
moonshine, satellite, epoch, bootleg, (v) daydream, (standart); synonyms (adj) model, normal, regular,
dream, fantasize, bemuse, gaze, glare, meditate, accepted, classic, common, (n) degree, measure,
(adj) quicksilver, weathercock, 2. month; average, criterion, flag, norm, rate, gauge,
synonyms (n) moon, day, hour, minute, quarter, benchmark; antonyms (adj) unusual,
quinquennium, year, moneth, second, time, week. unconventional, special, 3. accuracy (doğruluk);
aya palm (palmiye); synonyms (n) decoration, synonyms (n) fidelity, precision, truth, exactitude,
medal, prize, thenar, victory, medallion, (v) hand, exactness, reliability, care, closeness, correctness,
filch, bag, cabbage, crib, handle, nim, pilfer, rob. faithfulness, meticulousness, veracity; antonyms (n)
ayak 1. foot; synonyms (n) bottom, base, feet, inaccuracy, vagueness, imprecision, 4. gauge
foundation, basis, footing, measure, paw, pes, bed, (ölçü); synonyms (n) caliber, gage, calibre, (v)
butt, floor, (v) hoof, pay, hand; antonym (n) top, 2. estimate, calculate, assess, compute, fathom, make,
leg (bacak); synonyms (n) stage, blackleg, branch, reckon, forecast, scale, appraise, evaluate, figure, 5.
peg, post, arm, column, limb, member, phase, rook, setting; synonyms (n) frame, scene, adjustment,
shank, support, fork, 3. pace (adım); synonyms scenery, backdrop, background, mount, position,
(n) walk, rate, footstep, rapidity, speed, tempo, environment, environs, location, mounting, place,
tread, celerity, fastness, run, beat, cadence, (v) step, scope, set.
gait, stride; antonym (n) slowness. ayarlama 1. adjustment; synonyms (n) adaptation,
ayakkabı shoe; synonyms (n) boot, horseshoe, skid, accommodation, alteration, control, fit, settlement,
clog, splint, spoke, sprit, base, stilts, stirrup, allowance, arrangement, change, disposition,
galoshes. modification, standardization, agreement,
ayaklanma 1. rebellion; synonyms (n) insurrection, amendment, (adj) adaption, 2. arrangement;
mutiny, revolt, disobedience, uprising, defiance, synonyms (n) order, adjustment, array,
outbreak, revolution, unrest, commotion, disorder, classification, contract, design, distribution,
rebel, disturbance, insurgence, rising, 2. revolt method, plan, sequence, system, appointment,
accord, composition, construction, 3. regulation;
(ayaklanmak); synonyms (n) repulsion, distaste,
synonyms (n) rule, law, government, canon, decree,
(v) disgust, rebellion, nauseate, sicken, repel,
ordinance, management, direction, conduct, act,
offend, repulse, appall, protest, rebellious, riot, rise,
formula, restriction, administration, code, (adj)
(adj) shock, 3. riot; synonyms (n) sedition, tumult,
precept; antonym (n) chaos.
brawl, fight, fray, confusion, debauch, debauchery,
orgy, trouble, mob, (v) carouse, (adj) hubbub, ayarlamak 1. adjust; synonyms (v) temper,
uproar, row, 4. rising; synonyms (adj) climbing, accommodate, adapt, align, acclimatize, balance,
fit, fix, reconcile, regulate, set, alter, arrange, (adj)
uphill, emergent, emerging, (n) ascending,

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Turkish - English 39

dress, (n) square, 2. regulate; synonyms (v) adjust, synonyms (adj) alive, apt, intelligent, vivid,
manage, control, direct, order, determine, govern, beaming, brainy, brilliant, light, luminous, lustrous,
influence, modulate, regularize, check, correct, shining, shiny, smart, sunny, gorgeous; antonyms
decide, guide, (n) form, 3. set (grup, set, takım); (adj) dull, cloudy, dim, dreary, gloomy, stupid,
synonyms (v) place, lay, put, locate, position, unintelligent, overcast, shadowy, leaden, slow,
define, congeal, (n) class, bent, circle, lot, party, (adj) thick, 3. clear (açık, belirgin, berrak, temiz,
fixed, fast, secure; antonyms (v) soften, liquefy, temizlemek); synonyms (adj) clean, certain, open,
melt, (n) combing, comb-out, (adj) variable, flexible, apparent, distinct, empty, (v) bright, acquit,
liquid, 4. tune; synonyms (n) melody, song, strain, absolute, free, net, absolve, clarify, definite,
air, concord, harmony, note, consonance, music, discharge; antonyms (adj) opaque, unclear, fuzzy,
sound, tone, line, (v) chant, attune, string, 5. hazy, incomprehensible, obscure, uncertain, vague,
arrange (düzenlemek); synonyms (v) appoint, ambiguous, blurry, confused, confusing, illegible,
settle, pack, agree, classify, compose, decorate, do, imperceptible, (v) convict, 4. daylight; synonyms
engineer, provide, straighten, display, design, (n) day, dawn, daybreak, morning, sunrise,
dispose, (n) array; antonyms (v) disturb, disarrange, clearance, daytime, sunup; antonym (n) nighttime,
6. scale (ölçek); synonyms (n) flake, gamut, 5. sunny; synonyms (adj) cheerful, gay, merry,
degree, graduation, measure, yardstick, rate, chip, blithe, radiant, happy, jovial, jolly, breezy, cheery,
criterion, (v) ascend, climb, gauge, mount, weigh, fine, joyful, pleasant, sunlit, burnished.
rise; antonym (v) descend. ayet verse; synonyms (n) poem, poetry, rhyme, poesy,
ayartma temptation; synonyms (n) enticement, lure, stanza, strain, measure, song, clause, paragraph,
attraction, bait, allurement, invitation, seduction, canto, chapter, count, distich, meter; antonym (n)
inducement, allure, appeal, pull, decoy, fancy, prose.
fascination, influence; antonym (n) repulsion. aygır horse (at, beygir); synonyms (n) cavalry,
ayaz frost; synonyms (n) cold, freeze, freezing, rime, mount, buck, heroin, junk, knight, boar, cock, dog,
hoar, hoarfrost, icing, (v) chill, ice. drake, gander, hart.
aybaşı period (devir, dönem, nokta); synonyms (n) aygıt 1. device; synonyms (n) contrivance, apparatus,
age, dot, epoch, era, point, duration, generation, appliance, artifice, emblem, contraption, figure,
day, conclusion, cycle, interval, length, gimmick, invention, plan, trick, way, design,
menstruation, stage, time. dodge, expedient, 2. apparatus; synonyms (n)
aydın 1. intellectual; synonyms (adj) cerebral, mental, device, implement, instrument, plant, tackle,
rational, learned, spiritual, academic, ideal, equipment, gadget, gear, machine, machinery,
cultured, brilliant, clever, (n) intellect, brain, mechanism, outfit, rig, rigging, setup, 3.
scholar, thinker, mind, 2. educated; synonyms (v) instrument (alet, araç); synonyms (n) channel,
instructed, (adj) erudite, enlightened, lettered, deed, agency, document, pawn, tool, agent, engine,
trained, informed, refined, taught; antonyms (adj) means, medium, creature, intermediary,
uneducated, ignorant. muniment, organ, puppet.
aydınlanmak dawn; synonyms (n) beginning, ayı bear (taşımak); synonyms (v) carry, accept, abide,
commencement, aurora, cockcrow, morning, onset, acquit, stand, take, afford, allow, apply, assume,
origin, prime, start, sunrise, birth, (v) break, begin, behave, brook, comport, conduct, convey.
appear, (adj) daybreak; antonyms (n) dusk, sunset, ayıbalığı seal (damga); synonyms (n) mark, stamp,
twilight, (v) end, finish. cachet, hallmark, imprint, impression, signet, (v)
aydınlatma lighting; synonyms (n) illumination, plug, bar, close, shut, stop, clinch, lock, (adj)
light, firing, ignition, kindling, inflammation, conclude; antonyms (v) open, unseal.
brightness, discharge, dismissal, dismission, fire, ayıklamak 1. sort (sınıflandırmak); synonyms (n)
igniter, ignitor, installation, liberation. kind, type, assortment, breed, description, form,
aydınlatmak light (açık, hafif, ışık); synonyms (adj) rank, variety, pattern, (v) class, group, arrange,
fair, clear, facile, easy, faint, flimsy, (n) flame, classify, divide, (adj) manner, 2. pick (seçmek,
brightness, daylight, (v) fire, kindle, inflame, glow, toplamak); synonyms (v) clean, gather, harvest,
ignite, dismount; antonyms (adj) fattening, opt, break, (n) alternative, elite, best, choice, option,
nauseating, (n) dark, darkness, gloom, shade, night, selection, (adj) cream, select, mattock, flower.
(v) extinguish, darken, (alt sp) heavy. ayıltmak sober; synonyms (adj) serious, grave, sedate,
aydınlık 1. light (açık, hafif, ışık); synonyms (adj) sane, earnest, moderate, quiet, solemn, modest,
fair, clear, facile, easy, faint, flimsy, (n) flame, abstemious, demure, dull, serene, somber, staid;
brightness, daylight, (v) fire, kindle, inflame, glow, antonym (adj) intoxicated.
ignite, dismount; antonyms (adj) fattening, ayin 1. ceremony (tören); synonyms (n) formality,
nauseating, (n) dark, darkness, gloom, shade, night, courtesy, celebration, ceremonial, parade, pomp,
(v) extinguish, darken, (alt sp) heavy, 2. bright; rite, manners, custom, form, liturgy, magnificence,

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40 Turkish - English

observance, ritual, service, 2. service (hizmet); rift, rive, (n) rip, rupture, tear, cleavage, cleft,
synonyms (n) help, aid, assistance, avail, parting, 5. reserve; synonyms (n) backup,
employment, ministration, ceremony, business, modesty, reservation, substitute, bank, cache,
occupation, office, (v) overhaul, serve, refit, assist, diffidence, hoard, (v) keep, save, book, maintain,
attendance. appropriate, engage, hold; antonyms (n) openness,
ayıp 1. shame; synonyms (n) reproach, disgrace, friendliness, informality, warmth, 6. allow (izin
discredit, humiliation, chagrin, insult, modesty, vermek); synonyms (v) acknowledge, accord,
pity, scandal, contempt, (v) dishonor, degrade, agree, give, grant, permit, accede, acquiesce, accept,
humiliate, abash, debase; antonym (v) honor, 2. afford, authorize, bear, consent, enable, (adj) admit;
contempt; synonyms (n) disdain, scorn, derision, antonyms (v) forbid, prohibit, deny, reject, 7.
disrespect, disregard, mockery, ridicule, shame, distinguish; synonyms (v) discern, describe,
slight, discourtesy, disrepute, arrogance, defiance, know, perceive, discover, descry, behold,
disparagement, insolence; antonyms (n) respect, characterize, detect, difference, differentiate,
approval, 3. spot (benek, leke, nokta); identify, recognize, see, tell; antonym (v) confuse,
synonyms (n) blot, place, speck, stain, dot, dapple, 8. sort (sınıflandırmak); synonyms (n) kind,
dirty, location, mark, (v) blemish, soil, fleck, type, assortment, breed, description, form, rank,
speckle, daub, flaw. variety, pattern, fashion, nature, order, (v) group,
ayıplama reflection (yansıma); synonyms (n) arrange, (adj) manner, 9. choose (seçmek);
consideration, contemplation, observation, synonyms (v) elect, pick, prefer, select, appoint,
cogitation, deliberation, meditation, musing, take, assign, decide, desire, determine, draw,
reflexion, thought, idea, notion, introspection, excerpt, like, vote, wish; antonym (v) refuse, 10.
image, repercussion, animadversion. abstract (özet, soyut); synonyms (adj) theoretical,
ayıran selective (seçici, seçmeli); synonyms (adj) academic, (v) abridge, filch, extract, lift, (n) synopsis,
select, particular, discriminating, elective, abridgement, digest, epitome, summary,
exclusive, choosy, finicky, discerning, judicious, abridgment, brief, outline, precis; antonym (adj)
persnickety, fastidious, picky, eclectic, fussy, concrete, 11. divorce; synonyms (n) separation,
astute. divorcement, (v) disunite, isolate, disassociate,
ayırıcı trap (tuzak, yakalamak); synonyms (n) sever; antonyms (n) marriage, wedding, 12. part
snare, net, ambush, gin, mesh, noose, (bölüm, parça); synonyms (n) constituent, piece,
entanglement, ambuscade, bait, (v) catch, entrap,
article, character, component, portion, section,
ensnare, trick, entangle, capture. allotment, bit, element, factor, fragment, function,
ayırma 1. isolation; synonyms (n) alienation, (v) branch, depart; antonyms (n) whole, entirety,
estrangement, insulation, privacy, dissociation, (adj) complete, 13. spare; synonyms (adj) reserve,
loneliness, seclusion, secrecy, solitude, desolation,
slender, excess, slight, additional, lean, slim, thin,
segregation, separation, disaffection; antonyms (n) bare, (v) free, meager, exempt, economize, excuse,
closeness, companionship, 2. allocation (tahsis (n) extra.
etme); synonyms (n) allotment, portion, allowance, aykırı 1. inconsistent; synonyms (adj) incongruous,
quota, share, grant, apportioning, apportionment, incoherent, incompatible, contrary, absurd,
appropriation, assignment, distribution, measure, conflicting, inconsequent, discordant, discrepant,
part, proportion, ration. erratic, illogical, irreconcilable, abhorrent,
ayırmak 1. separate (ayrı, bölmek); synonyms (adj) changeable, (n) contradictory; antonyms (adj)
detached, (v) detach, divorce, part, insulate, scatter, consistent, constant, reliable, 2. contradictory;
cut, dissociate, disconnect, discrete, discriminate, synonyms (adj) inconsistent, antagonistic, opposite,
disjoin, disperse, distinguish, divide; antonyms ironic, opposed, opposing, repugnant,
(adj) connected, joined, simultaneous, (v) unite, confounding, divergent, unlike, (n) disagreeing,
merge, mix, combine, fuse, join, link, associate, 2. reverse; antonyms (adj) similar, compatible.
appropriate (kendine mal etmek, uygun); aykırılık contradiction; synonyms (n) antithesis,
synonyms (adj) pertinent, proper, true, agreeable, denial, clash, contrast, disagreement, discrepancy,
apposite, apt, congruous, correct, particular, inconsistency, opposite, refutation, reverse;
peculiar, right, (v) annex, allocate, adopt, seize; antonym (n) agreement.
antonyms (adj) inappropriate, unsuitable, unrelated, aylak 1. idle; synonyms (adj) inactive, indolent, lazy,
untimely, wrong, (v) surrender, 3. divide free, baseless, frivolous, fruitless, groundless,
(bölmek); synonyms (v) distribute, apportion, unfounded, empty, disengaged, flimsy, barren,
dismember, dispense, separate, share, split, deal, dead, futile; antonyms (adj) busy, active, employed,
carve, disjoint, allot, class, classify, cleave, (n) break, (v) change, 2. unemployed; synonyms (adj) idle,
4. split (bölmek, bölünme, yarmak); synonyms vacant, unexercised, (v) unoccupied; antonym (adj)
(v) crack, fracture, slit, burst, breach, division, fork,

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Turkish - English 41

aylık 1. monthly; synonyms (adj) menstrual, mensal, ayrı 1. apart; synonyms (adv) aside, asunder, away,
periodic, (n) magazine, periodical, journal, bulletin, independently, individually, (adj) aloof, alone,
paper, publication, review, weekly, quarterly, 2. distant, separate, detached, isolated, only,
salary (maaş); synonyms (n) wage, pay, individual, loose, (v) discrete, 2. distinct;
allowance, earnings, fee, income, remuneration, synonyms (adj) clear, articulate, different, apparent,
payment, emolument, compensation, gain, profit, definite, distinctive, palpable, decided, dissimilar,
revenue, hire, reward. marked, plain, tangible, clear-cut, audible, (adv)
ayna 1. mirror; synonyms (n) echo, model, exemplar, apart; antonyms (adj) indistinct, similar, unclear,
(v) glass, imitate, copy, reflect, represent, vague, inaudible, shapeless, 3. separate
reproduce, lens, mimic, (adj) pattern, cynosure, 2. (ayırmak, bölmek); synonyms (adj) particular, (v)
glass (bardak, cam); synonyms (n) pane, bottle, detach, divorce, part, insulate, scatter, cut,
drink, bowl, cup, goblet, chalice, glassful, spyglass, dissociate, disconnect, discriminate, disjoin,
telescope, tumbler, window, (v) glaze, (adj) ice. disperse, distinguish, divide, isolate; antonyms (adj)
aynasız 1. bull (boğa); synonyms (n) bullshit, bunk, connected, joined, simultaneous, (v) unite, merge,
hogwash, rot, absurdity, bear, buck, buncombe, mix, combine, fuse, join, link, associate, 4. aside;
bunkum, cop, copper, crap, fuzz, guff, (adj) blunder, synonyms (adv) by, beside, alongside, off, abreast,
(n) digression, divagation, parenthesis, statement.
2. pig (domuz); synonyms (n) hog, boar, bull,
glutton, grunter, (v) farrow, devour, gulp, guttle.
ayrıca 1. besides; synonyms (adv) also, furthermore,
moreover, too, again, additionally, anyway, else,
aynen 1. exactly (tam); synonyms (adv) precisely,
therewithal, beyond, (prep) except, on, beside, (adj)
correctly, right, truly, sharp, absolutely, just,
more, likewise, 2. again (bir daha, gene, tekrar,
accurately, certainly, closely, completely, directly,
punctually, rightly, barely; antonyms (adv)
yeniden, yine); synonyms (adv) afresh, anew,
encore, repeatedly, then, further, often, 3.
approximately, inaccurately, (prep) about, 2.
verbal; synonyms (adj) spoken, oral, literal, furthermore; synonyms (adv) besides, (conj) and, 4.
unwritten, vocal, wordy, talkative, exact, nominal, also (da, de); synonyms (adv) withal, equally, item,
verbarian, choral, expressed, rhetorical, said, similarly, so, 5. too (dahi, de); synonyms (adv)
singing; antonym (adj) written. excessively, over, overly, extremely, unduly.
aynı 1. same; synonyms (adj) alike, identical, ayrıcalık 1. privilege; synonyms (n) charter,
corresponding, equal, like, equivalent, similar, immunity, liberty, prerogative, freedom,
uniform, even, consistent, matching, comparable, exemption, franchise, grant, concession, claim, due,
duplicate, monotonous, self; antonym (adj) permit, (v) license, favor, favour, 2. franchise
different, 2. alike; synonyms (adv) equally, (imtiyaz); synonyms (n) privilege, suffrage, vote,
likewise, (adj) analogous, cognate, likely, parallel; absolution, dispensation, patent, release,
antonyms (adv) differently, (adj) dissimilar, 3. dealership, excuse, exoneration, 3. concession
uniform (üniforma); synonyms (adj) regular, (imtiyaz, ödün); synonyms (n) admission,
constant, steady, same, equable, homogenous, compliance, allowance, compromise, discount,
invariable, level, unchanging, fixed, set, stable, flat, agreement, conceding, yielding, acceptance,
(n) livery, dress; antonyms (adj) varied, assorted,
acknowledgment, abatement, assent, confession,
consent, (v) boon.
inconsistent, unequal, 4. very (çok, pek, tam);
synonyms (adv) extremely, greatly, highly, really, ayrılık 1. separation (ayrılma); synonyms (n)
completely, entirely, most, quite, truly, actually, detachment, disjunction, disunion, division,
too, awfully, (adj) much, considerably, exact; partition, disconnection, divorce, isolation, parting,
rift, seclusion, break, breakup, demarcation,
antonyms (adv) abysmally, slightly, somewhat, 5.
departure; antonyms (n) amalgamation, closeness,
equal (eşit); synonyms (adj) agree, adequate,
connection, marriage, unification, union, unity, 2.
balanced, commensurate, coordinate, fair, (v)
match, compare, correspond, rival, equalize, gap (aralık, boşluk); synonyms (n) cleft, crack,
equate, fit, (n) compeer, peer; antonyms (adj) crevice, fissure, aperture, chasm, clearance,
difference, fracture, opening, vacancy, blank, chink,
repressive, disproportionate, uneven, unlike, (v)
disparity, (v) breach, 3. difference (fark);
differ, 6. identical; synonyms (adj) selfsame, very,
synonyms (n) conflict, deviation, change,
synonymous, congruent, tantamount, twin,
contention, controversy, disagreement, distinction,
indistinguishable; antonym (adj) incompatible.
discord, discrepancy, dissimilarity, divergence,
aynılık identity (kimlik, özdeşlik); synonyms (n) quarrel, balance, margin, (v) differentiate;
identicalness, unity, individuality, personality,
antonyms (n) correspondence, resemblance,
sameness, character, equality, person, similarity,
sameness, similarity, agreement, concurrence, 4.
faction; synonyms (n) cabal, crew, sect, band,
dissension, feud, group, junto, party, set, team,

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42 Turkish - English

crowd, part, company, gang, 5. split (ayırmak, ayrım 1. discrimination; synonyms (n) discernment,
bölmek, bölünme, yarmak); synonyms (v) cut, difference, differentiation, distinction, taste,
slit, burst, divide, separate, cleave, fork, rive, sever, discretion, sense, prejudice, favoritism, acumen,
apportion, scatter, (n) rip, rupture, tear, cleavage; wisdom, choice, acuteness, penetration, (v)
antonyms (v) join, unite, merge. judgment; antonym (n) tolerance, 2. difference
ayrılış 1. departure; synonyms (n) death, exit, leave, (fark); synonyms (n) conflict, deviation, change,
depart, deviation, divergence, parting, aberration, contention, controversy, disagreement, discord,
digression, going, leaving, passing, takeoff, (v) discrepancy, dissimilarity, divergence, quarrel,
decease, demise; antonyms (n) arrival, appearance, departure, balance, breach, (v) differentiate;
2. going; synonyms (v) go, course, (n) departure, antonyms (n) correspondence, resemblance,
disappearance, expiration, action, (adj) running, sameness, similarity, agreement, concurrence.
working. ayrıntı 1. detail; synonyms (n) report, point, feature,
ayrılma 1. separation (ayrılık); synonyms (n) item, circumstance, (v) describe, enumerate, relate,
detachment, disjunction, disunion, division, appoint, assign, cast, itemize, recite, specify, define;
partition, disconnection, divorce, isolation, parting, antonym (n) generalization, 2. particular (özel);
rift, seclusion, break, breakup, demarcation, synonyms (adj) special, fastidious, careful, definite,
departure; antonyms (n) amalgamation, closeness, delicate, exact, finicky, fussy, individual, detailed,
connection, marriage, unification, union, unity, 2. certain, choosy, circumstantial, critical, (n) detail;
departure; synonyms (n) death, exit, leave, depart, antonyms (adj) careless, easy, vague, ordinary, (n)
deviation, divergence, aberration, digression, general, 3. circumstance; synonyms (n) affair,
going, leaving, passing, takeoff, variation, (v) state, accident, chance, event, incident, matter,
decease, demise; antonyms (n) arrival, appearance, occasion, opportunity, adventure, casualty, fact,
occurrence, juncture, crisis.
3. leaving; synonyms (n) desertion, farewell,
abandonment, departing.
ayrıntılı 1. detailed; synonyms (adj) circumstantial,
close, careful, accurate, delicate, elaborate,
ayrılmak 1. part (bölüm, parça); synonyms (n)
meticulous, minute, thorough, scrupulous,
constituent, piece, article, character, component,
complete, comprehensive, elaborated, exact,
cut, division, portion, section, share, (v) branch,
exhaustive, 2. particular (özel); synonyms (adj)
break, disjoin, divide, divorce; antonyms (n) whole,
special, fastidious, definite, finicky, fussy,
entirety, (adj) complete, 2. divide (ayırmak, individual, detailed, certain, choosy, critical,
bölmek); synonyms (v) distribute, part, dissociate, distinct, especial, exceptional, (n) detail, item;
apportion, detach, disconnect, dismember, antonyms (adj) careless, easy, vague, ordinary, (n)
dispense, separate, split, deal, distinguish, carve, general, 3. elaborate; synonyms (adj) complex,
disjoint, allot; antonyms (v) unite, join, 3. leave complicated, involved, fancy, intricate, ornate,
(bırakmak); synonyms (v) depart, forsake, go, baroque, (v) develop, specify, amplify, expand,
abandon, desert, quit, escape, flee, lead, lay, (n) expound, dilate, enlarge, complicate; antonyms
furlough, holiday, permission, permit, (adj) empty; (adj) plain, simple, modest, 4. overall; synonyms
antonyms (v) arrive, enter, stay, remain, approach, (adj) entire, total, whole, broad, full, inclusive,
change, come, 4. separate (ayırmak, ayrı, aggregate, global, widespread, (adv) generally,
bölmek); synonyms (adj) detached, individual, everywhere, (n) smock, boilersuit.
particular, single, disjoined, (v) insulate, scatter, az 1. few; synonyms (adj) infrequent, rare, scarce,
discrete, discriminate, disperse, isolate, demarcate, occasional, sporadic, uncommon, erratic,
differentiate, disengage, dissolve; antonyms (adj) imperceptible, inconsequential, intermittent,
connected, joined, simultaneous, (v) merge, mix, middling, negligible, paltry, piddling, scattered;
combine, fuse, link, associate, 5. fork (çatal); antonyms (n) plenty, (adj) many, countless,
synonyms (n) crotch, bifurcation, branching, turn, innumerable, various, 2. little; synonyms (adj)
corner, angle, forking, junction, ramification, small, diminutive, insignificant, brief, minute,
turning, arm, (v) diverge, bend, pitchfork, ramify, petty, short, some, tiny, exiguous, light, baby,
6. split (ayırmak, bölmek, bölünme, yarmak); bantam, (v) dash, bit; antonyms (adj) big, enormous,
synonyms (v) crack, fracture, slit, burst, breach, large, important, 3. short (bodur, kısa);
cleave, fork, rift, rive, (n) rip, rupture, tear, synonyms (adj) concise, brusque, close, curt, sharp,
cleavage, cleft, parting. compendious, laconic, abrupt, deficient,
ayrılmış reserved; synonyms (adj) modest, distant, inadequate, insufficient, lacking, pithy, poor,
coy, diffident, reticent, bashful, aloof, frigid, quiet, scanty; antonyms (adj) long, tall, high, lengthy, 4.
retiring, shy, formal, humble, moderate, (n) cold; spare; synonyms (adj) reserve, slender, excess,
antonyms (adj) outgoing, open, forthcoming, save, slight, additional, lean, slim, thin, bare, (v)
relaxed, uninhibited, warm. free, meager, exempt, (n) extra, backup, 5. poor

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Turkish - English 43

(fakir, fena, kötü); synonyms (adj) bad, low, strengthening, expansion, extension, restoration,
miserable, deplorable, destitute, evil, needy, rise.
pathetic, penniless, piteous, pitiful, meagre, feeble, azaltmak 1. decrease; synonyms (n) decline, cut,
impecunious, (n) mean; antonyms (adj) rich, cutback, diminution, (v) abate, lessen, abridge,
wealthy, excellent, first-rate, privileged, well-off, diminish, fall, curtail, lower, wane, contract, decay,
admirable, good, 6. low (alçak); synonyms (adj) detract; antonyms (n) growth, extension, (v)
contemptible, abject, humble, ignoble, base, blue, increase, rise, grow, intensify, 2. dock; synonyms
common, deep, dejected, depressed, down, (n) bob, berth, bobtail, harbor, pier, quay, sorrel,
downcast, downhearted, (adv) gentle, (n) wharf, marina, dockage, jetty, (v) clip, pare,
depression; antonyms (adj) cheerful, happy, high- deprive, land; antonym (v) undock, 3. reduce;
pitched, loud, piercing, 7. seldom; synonyms (adv) synonyms (v) abbreviate, debase, condense,
rarely, occasionally, infrequently, uncommonly, shorten, concentrate, compress, conquer, decrease,
hardly, scarcely, (adj) few; antonyms (adv) dilute, deflate, enfeeble, abase, overcome, demote,
frequently, often, 8. slender; synonyms (adj) (adj) degrade; antonyms (v) bolster, expand, enlarge,
narrow, little, fine, lithe, delicate, faint, flimsy, exacerbate.
gaunt, lissom, skinny, graceful, lissome, remote, (v) azamet pride (gurur); synonyms (n) arrogance,
lank, scant; antonyms (adj) plump, stocky, fat, wide. boast, conceit, haughtiness, egotism, lordliness,
aza 1. limb; synonyms (n) arm, bough, branch, vanity, assumption, insolence, disdain, hauteur,
member, extremity, offshoot, part, edge, wing, triumph, presumption, glory, (v) plume; antonyms
gavelock, handspike, jemmy, jimmy, 2. member (n) humility, modesty.
(üye); synonyms (n) limb, supporter, phallus, azametli 1. imposing; synonyms (v) impressive, (adj)
portion, appendage, employee, fellow, section, grand, dignified, noble, grandiose, stately,
constituent, division, element, follower, associate, distinguished, baronial, lofty, regal, awesome,
link, organ. exalted, (n) commanding, solemn, grave; antonym
azade free (açık, bedava, boş, özgür, serbest, (adj) humble, 2. proud (gururlu); synonyms (adj)
serbest bırakmak); synonyms (adj) loose, frank, arrogant, disdainful, haughty, conceited,
liberal, (v) clear, exempt, liberate, discharge, excuse, egotistical, gallant, lordly, majestic, overbearing,
extricate, relieve, disentangle, acquit, deliver, pompous, imperious, elated, magnificent,
disengage, ease; antonyms (adj) bound, restricted, presumptuous, sublime; antonyms (adj) modest,
compelled, confined, imprisoned, repressive, ashamed, embarrassed.
secure, strict, stuck, tangled, attached, busy, (v) azami maximum (maksimum); synonyms (adj)
confine, block, cage. extreme, maximal, top, greatest, highest, supreme,
azalma decrease (azaltmak); synonyms (n) decline, ultimate, (n) limit, utmost, height, most,
cut, cutback, diminution, (v) abate, lessen, abridge, culmination, record, climax, peak; antonyms (adj)
diminish, fall, curtail, lower, wane, contract, decay, least, (n) minimum.
detract; antonyms (n) growth, extension, (v) azap pain (ağrı); synonyms (n) distress, ache, bother,
increase, rise, grow, intensify. ill, torment, agony, nuisance, harass, annoyance, (v)
azalmak 1. decrease (azaltmak); synonyms (n) hurt, afflict, anguish, grieve, trouble, agonize;
decline, cut, cutback, diminution, (v) abate, lessen, antonym (n) pleasure.
abridge, diminish, fall, curtail, lower, wane, azarlama lecture; synonyms (n) address, discourse,
contract, decay, detract; antonyms (n) growth, harangue, reprimand, speech, talk, oration,
extension, (v) increase, rise, grow, intensify, 2. censure, declaim, homily, (v) rebuke, sermon, chide,
decline; synonyms (n) declension, decrease, dip, preach, instruct.
declination, descent, deterioration, (v) drop, reject, azarlamak 1. blame (suçlamak); synonyms (v)
ebb, fail, refuse, sink, deny, deteriorate, (adj) fade; accuse, arraign, censure, reprimand, charge,
antonyms (n) improvement, recovery, reproach, chide, fault, rebuke, attribute, (n) attack,
development, rebirth, (v) accept, flourish, improve, rap, onus, accusation, allegation; antonyms (v)
3. sink (lavabo); synonyms (n) sag, basin, (v) pardon, absolve, praise, 2. lecture; synonyms (n)
droop, set, descend, fell, bury, collapse, flag, address, discourse, harangue, speech, talk, oration,
founder, settle, subside, languish, (adj) immerse, declaim, homily, lesson, reproof, delivery, (v)
bog; antonym (v) float. sermon, preach, instruct, scold.
azaltma reduction; synonyms (n) contraction, azat liberation; synonyms (n) release, emancipation,
decrease, decrement, diminution, rebate, cut, freedom, deliverance, dismissal, rescue, delivery,
cutback, decline, depreciation, discount, drop, freeing, relief, salvation, enfranchisement, (v)
lessening, reducing, deduction, degradation; discharge, acquittal, dismission, acquittance.
antonyms (n) increase, growth, intensification, azgın 1. furious; synonyms (adj) angry, fierce, violent,
enraged, ferocious, frantic, vehement, wild,

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44 Turkish - English

boisterous, frenzied, infuriated, raging, rampant, use, addiction, clothes, disposition, apparel,
desperate, angered; antonym (adj) calm, 2. wild; constitution, 2. custom (gelenek); synonyms (n)
synonyms (adj) desert, waste, reckless, desolate, tradition, habit, usage, fashion, impost, method,
furious, rude, stormy, untamed, giddy, barbarous, observance, order, rite, rule, tax, usance, (v)
rough, vicious, wanton, barbarian, barbaric; accustom, trade, (adj) bespoke, 3. way (yol);
antonyms (adj) orderly, domestic, manageable, synonyms (n) course, path, passage, road, route,
sane, cultivated, restrained, tame. track, direction, form, manner, means, style, mode,
azim 1. determination (belirleme, saptama); pathway, approach, bearing.
synonyms (n) decision, conclusion, definition,
resolution, decisiveness, resolve, tenacity, will,
appointment, assessment, constancy, courage, B
firmness, fortitude, (v) award; antonyms (n)
indecision, weakness, compliance, indecisiveness, baba 1. father; synonyms (n) begetter, dad, sire,
2. resolution; synonyms (n) determination, creator, abba, beginner, forefather, founder, padre,
patriarch, author, (v) beget, engender, create,
answer, purpose, solution, decomposition, analysis,
dissolution, perseverance, resoluteness, settlement, generate; antonym (n) mother, 2. dad; synonyms
dissection, ruling, judgment, conversion, (n) father, daddy, papa, pappa, pater, pop,
explanation. paterfamilias, divinity, elder, idol, popping, soda,
tonic, 3. daddy; synonyms (n) boyfriend, fellow,
azimli 1. decisive; synonyms (adj) conclusive, critical,
crucial, decided, definite, final, important, positive, man, 4. governor (patron, vali); synonyms (n)
authoritative, convincing, definitive, determined, director, chief, manager, regulator, administrator,
(v) absolute, categorical, determinate; antonyms
controller, ruler, superintendent, leader, executive,
head, master, official, protector, warden, 5. pop;
(adj) indecisive, uncertain, unsure, weak, 2.
synonyms (n) pa, bang, shot, click, (v) burst, crack,
determined; synonyms (adj) constant, resolute,
shoot, protrude, pawn, appear, place, snap, bulge,
certain, decisive, inflexible, resolved, stubborn,
(adj) popular, (adv) plump.
ambitious, adamant, bold, firm, obstinate, set,
tenacious, unyielding; antonyms (adj) irresolute,
babacığım dad (baba); synonyms (n) father, daddy,
papa, pappa, pater, pop, sire, paterfamilias,
feeble, unmotivated, 3. resolved; synonyms (adj)
divinity, elder, idol, popping, soda, tonic.
fixed, intent, solved, bent, clear.
baca 1. chimney; synonyms (n) stack, flue, shaft,
azınlık minority; synonyms (n) nonage, infancy,
smokestack, vent, gully, main, nostril, nozzle, tap,
adolescence, inferiority, subordinacy, teens,
throat, trachea, weasand, aperture, escape, 2. stack
childhood, faction, youth, (adj) few.
(yığın, yığmak); synonyms (n) pile, accumulation,
azıtmak lose (kaybetmek); synonyms (v) drop,
mound, rick, mass, bunch, bundle, hill, mountain,
forfeit, mislay, sacrifice, fail, clear, hurt, regress,
shock, (v) heap, load, lot, pack, store.
retrogress, destroy, misplace, recede, suffer, waste,
escape; antonyms (v) gain, find, acquire, earn, get,
bacak 1. leg; synonyms (n) stage, blackleg, branch,
peg, post, arm, column, limb, member, phase, rook,
obtain, recover, secure, win, beat, defeat, keep,
shank, support, fork, 2. pin (iğne); synonyms (n)
needle, nail, clip, axle, brooch, broach, nog, bolt,
aziz 1. dear (sevgili); synonyms (adj) beloved, close,
button, leg, (v) tack, clasp, fix, fasten, stick.
costly, expensive, lovely, precious, near, adorable,
affectionate, cherished, familiar, high, (n) darling, baðlamak link (bağ, bağlamak, bağlantı);
love, honey; antonyms (adj) cheap, worthless, 2. synonyms (n) connection, join, joint, bond,
concatenation, (v) combine, tie, connect, couple,
saint; synonyms (n) angel, apostle, apotheosis,
associate, attach, bridge, fasten, relate, yoke;
disciple, evangelist, ideal, nonesuch, nonpareil,
antonym (v) separate.
nonsuch, paragon, (v) canonize, enshrine.
azma heat (ısı); synonyms (n) glow, fervor, summer, baðlantý link (bağ, bağlamak, bağlantı);
synonyms (n) connection, join, joint, bond,
warmth, ardor, caloric, estrus, fire, (v) bake, burn,
concatenation, (v) combine, tie, connect, couple,
anger, chafe, (adj) fever, excitement, passion;
associate, attach, bridge, fasten, relate, yoke;
antonyms (n) cold, chill, (v) cool.
antonym (v) separate.
azot nitrogen; synonyms (n) n, newton, normality,
bağ 1. bond (bono); synonyms (n) association, tie,
alliance, deed, agreement, cement, attachment, bail,
connection, joint, link, adhesion, (v) bind, band,
adhere, 2. link (bağlamak, bağlantı); synonyms
 (n) join, bond, concatenation, contact, (v) combine,
connect, couple, associate, attach, bridge, fasten,
âdet 1. habit; synonyms (n) custom, clothing, attire,
relate, yoke, fix, (adj) correlation; antonym (v)
character, convention, dress, garb, practice, ritual,

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Turkish - English 45

separate, 3. connection (bağlantı); synonyms (n) detached, distinct, individual, (n) freelance,
communication, bearing, affiliation, conjunction, mugwump, (adv) apart; antonyms (adj) dependent,
knot, combination, affinity, coherence, coupling, simultaneous, 2. free (açık, bedava, boş, özgür,
intercourse, acquaintance, concern, connectedness, serbest, serbest bırakmak); synonyms (adj) loose,
connecter, connective; antonym (n) disconnection, frank, liberal, (v) clear, exempt, liberate, discharge,
4. lace; synonyms (n) edging, lacing, net, galloon, excuse, extricate, relieve, disentangle, acquit,
trimming, (v) braid, enlace, entwine, interlace, rope, deliver, disengage, ease; antonyms (adj) bound,
tat, knit, mesh, plait, (adj) string, 5. tie (bağlamak, restricted, compelled, confined, imprisoned,
kravat); synonyms (n) draw, lace, relationship, repressive, secure, strict, stuck, tangled, attached,
sleeper, strap, cord, deadlock, fastening, crosstie, (v) busy, (v) confine, block, cage.
leash, marry, tether, equal, hitch, ligature; bağımsızlık 1. independence; synonyms (n)
antonyms (v) disconnect, untie, undo, 6. string autonomy, freedom, liberty, independency,
(dizi, ip, sicim); synonyms (n) chain, file, row, individuality, latitude, detachment, neutrality,
strand, twine, range, filament, rank, series, thread, sovereignty, inconsequence; antonyms (n)
sequence, fiber, procession, (v) run, (adj) line. dependence, childhood, 2. freedom (özgürlük);
bagaj 1. luggage; synonyms (n) baggage, bag, gear, synonyms (n) exemption, deliverance, discharge,
thing, goods, stuff, pack, suitcase, things, case, 2. emancipation, immunity, release, escape, ease,
relief, right, scope, familiarity, enfranchisement,
boot; synonyms (n) kick, trunk, bang, charge, gain,
(adj) franchise, frankness; antonyms (n)
kicking, shoe, belt, body, thrill.
imprisonment, restriction, captivity, restraint,
bağcık lace; synonyms (n) edging, lacing, net, galloon, suppression, 3. sovereignty; synonyms (n)
(v) braid, enlace, entwine, interlace, bind, rope, tie,
kingdom, reign, empire, dominion, independence,
knot, tat, knit, (adj) string. power, realm, rule, majesty, monarchy, control,
bağdaşmak square (kare); synonyms (adj) right, supremacy, sceptre, ascendancy, command.
even, rectangular, fair, quadrate, straight, equal, (n) bağıntı 1. relation (ilişki); synonyms (n) connection,
area, foursquare, rectangle, quadrilateral, (v) settle,
account, narration, recital, affinity, association,
agree, correspond, (adv) just. description, regard, rehearsal, kin, bearing, bond,
bağdaşmamak conflict; synonyms (n) clash, combat, narrative, reference, (v) report, 2. correlation;
fight, battle, contention, contest, dispute, synonyms (n) relationship, correspondence,
encounter, action, antagonism, collision, difference, correlativity, interrelation, link, comparison,
disagreement, engagement, (v) collide; antonyms equivalence, similarity, (adj) mutuality.
(n) agreement, accord, harmony, peace, (v) agree. bağıntılı relative (göreli); synonyms (adj) related,
bağdaştırmak accommodate; synonyms (v) adapt, comparative, proportionate, proportional,
adjust, fit, oblige, contain, fashion, hold, lodge, dependent, relevant, (n) relation, brother,
provide, quarter, reconcile, supply, harmonise, connection, congenator, congener, (v) kinsman;
admit, (adj) suit; antonym (v) evict. antonym (adj) absolute.
bağıl relative (göreli); synonyms (adj) related, bağıran screaming; synonyms (adj) garish, loud,
comparative, proportionate, proportional, uproarious, showy, gaudy, noisy, amusing, blatant,
dependent, relevant, (n) relation, brother, conspicuous, tawdry, (n) scream, screech,
connection, congenator, congener, (v) kinsman; screeching, shriek, shrieking; antonym (adj) low.
antonym (adj) absolute. bağırış shout (bağırmak); synonyms (v) cry, clamor,
bağımlı dependent; synonyms (adj) subject, scream, bellow, bawl, exclaim, hollo, howl, (n) call,
subordinate, contingent, addicted, tributary, roar, yell, cheer, halloo, outcry, screech; antonym
relative, secondary, (n) dependant, charge, (v) whisper.
adjective, attendant, follower, servant, slave,
bağırma shout (bağırmak); synonyms (v) cry,
vassal; antonyms (adj) independent, self-governing,
clamor, scream, bellow, bawl, exclaim, hollo, howl,
(n) call, roar, yell, cheer, halloo, outcry, screech;
bağımlılık 1. dependence; synonyms (n) belief, antonym (v) whisper.
confidence, reliance, addiction, dependance,
bağırmak 1. shout; synonyms (v) cry, clamor, scream,
dependency, faith, credence, hope, trust, habit, (adj)
bellow, bawl, exclaim, hollo, howl, (n) call, roar,
contingency; antonyms (n) independence, self-
yell, cheer, halloo, outcry, screech; antonym (v)
government, self-sufficiency, 2. dependency;
whisper, 2. cry (ağlamak, feryat); synonyms (n)
synonyms (n) dependence, colony, relationship,
shout, bark, bay, crying, buzz, exclamation, groan,
hearsay, noise, (v) shriek, weep, moan, yelp, yowl,
bağımsız 1. independent; synonyms (adj) free, holler; antonym (v) laugh, 3. call (çağırmak,
autonomous, separate, substantive, impartial,
çağrı); synonyms (v) name, bid, summon, address,
nonpartisan, sovereign, unallied, self-sufficient,
baptize, cite, dub, entitle, invite, style, (n) appeal,

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46 Turkish - English

appoint, command, demand, request; antonym (v) sleeper, (v) link, bond, attach, bind, join, knot,
dismiss. connect, fasten; antonyms (v) disconnect, untie,
bağırsak gut; synonyms (n) belly, abdomen, bowel, undo, 2. link (bağ, bağlantı); synonyms (n) joint,
catgut, (v) eviscerate, pillage, ransack, despoil, concatenation, attachment, contact, liaison, (v)
spoil, loot, sack, plunder, disembowel, ravage, (adj) combine, tie, couple, associate, bridge, relate, yoke,
internal. fix, interconnect, (adj) correlation; antonym (v)
bağış 1. donation; synonyms (n) contribution, gift, separate, 3. join (birleşmek, birleştirmek);
benefaction, present, award, endowment, grant, synonyms (v) unite, graft, assemble, affiliate, meet,
charity, dole, gratuity, presentation, (v) boon, affix, annex, conjoin, converge, enroll, integrate,
bounty, bestowal, bestowment, 2. grant knit, mix, pair, splice; antonyms (v) detach, secede,
(vermek); synonyms (n) concession, donation, split, 4. fix; synonyms (v) establish, assign,
permit, allowance, (v) give, allow, bestow, admit, determine, settle, define, anchor, adjust, arrange,
afford, concede, confer, acknowledge, accord, cede, set, clamp, do, castrate, (n) state, (adj) ascertain,
(adj) deliver; antonyms (v) deny, reject, 3. offering; confirm; antonyms (v) break, unfasten, 5. couple
synonyms (v) favor, (n) oblation, offer, reward, (çift); synonyms (n) brace, duo, dyad, twosome,
tribute, victim, worship, exhibition, 4. gift couplet, deuce, duad, duet, (v) copulate, match,
(armağan, hediye); synonyms (n) faculty, flair, mate, wed, add, hitch, (adj) hook; antonym (v)
capacity, dower, aptitude, bent, dowry, bonus, uncouple.
capability, (v) donate, endow, (adj) ability, talent, bağlantı 1. link (bağ, bağlamak); synonyms (n)
cleverness, generosity; antonym (n) inability, 5. connection, join, joint, bond, concatenation, (v)
contribution; synonyms (n) offering, share, tax, combine, tie, connect, couple, associate, attach,
effort, dues, investment, part, participation, bridge, fasten, relate, yoke; antonym (v) separate, 2.
payment. connection (bağ); synonyms (n) communication,
bağışık immune; synonyms (adj) exempt, free, attachment, bearing, affiliation, alliance,
impervious, resistant, sacred, secure, privileged, association, conjunction, knot, link, combination,
allowed, excused, favored, insubordinate, affinity, coherence, coupling, intercourse,
irresponsible, licensed, repellent, resistive. acquaintance; antonym (n) disconnection, 3.
bağışıklık immunity; synonyms (n) exemption, commitment; synonyms (n) dedication, charge,
freedom, franchise, dispensation, privilege, allegiance, appointment, committal, devotion,
exception, invulnerability, liberty, release, loyalty, promise, commission, confinement,
resistance, safety, security; antonym (n) consignment, contract, debt, duty, engagement, 4.
vulnerability. communication (iletişim); synonyms (n)
bağışlama pardon (af, affetmek); synonyms (n) announcement, commerce, communicating,
amnesty, forgiveness, (v) absolve, condone, excuse, contact, conversation, discourse, epistle, letter,
forgive, justify, acquit, exonerate, spare, absolution, message, news, notice, report, tidings, word,
acquittal, discharge, (adj) exculpate, clear; antonym expression, 5. attachment; synonyms (n) affection,
(v) blame.
appendix, accessory, addition, adherence, regard,
appendage, fitting, fondness, liking, love, annex,
bağışlamak 1. excuse (affetmek, bahane, özür);
addendum, fastener, tenderness; antonym (n)
synonyms (n) apology, alibi, evasion, palliate,
pretext, color, (v) pardon, absolve, acquit, condone, detachment, 6. contact (temas); synonyms (n)
exculpate, forgive, justify, apologise, apologize; touch, collision, impact, tangency, interaction,
juxtaposition, access, connexion, (v) call, meet,
antonym (v) punish, 2. forgive (affetmek);
adjoin, communicate, reach, butt, abut, 7. tie
synonyms (v) excuse, remit, exonerate, clear,
overlook, 3. pardon (af, affetmek); synonyms (n)
(bağlamak, kravat); synonyms (n) band, draw,
lace, relationship, sleeper, strap, string, cord,
amnesty, forgiveness, grace, remission, reprieve, (v)
deadlock, fastening, crosstie, (v) bind, leash, marry,
spare, absolution, acquittal, discharge, pity, release,
tether; antonyms (v) disconnect, untie, undo.
explain; antonym (v) blame, 4. grant (vermek);
synonyms (n) concession, donation, permit, (v) give, bağlaşık allied (müttefik); synonyms (adj) akin,
allow, award, bestow, admit, afford, concede, related, confederate, cognate, connected, united,
confer, gift, acknowledge, accord, boon; antonyms joined, associated, confederative, kindred, linked,
near, relative; antonyms (adj) rival, unrelated.
(v) deny, reject.
bağlam context; synonyms (n) circumstance, bağlayıcı binding; synonyms (adj) necessary,
obligatory, valid, mandatory, compulsory,
environment, setting, surroundings, background,
effectual, requisite, (n) cover, band, dressing, bond,
atmosphere, note, page, backdrop, condition,
covering, wrapping, back, bandaging.
milieu, case, ambiance, meaning, perspective.
bağlamak 1. tie (kravat); synonyms (n) band, bağlı 1. attached; synonyms (adj) connected,
affectionate, affiliated, committed, associated,
connection, draw, lace, association, relationship,

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Turkish - English 47

devoted, fond, loving, loyal, near; antonyms (adj) (v) disclose, 4. shift; synonyms (n) interchange,
detached, separate, unmarried, 2. devoted; turn, move, switch, conversion, (v) change,
synonyms (adj) addicted, ardent, consecrated, exchange, remove, quibble, alter, budge, convert,
constant, faithful, pious, dutiful, eager, displace, transfer, fluctuate, 5. plea; synonyms (n)
enthusiastic, keen, passionate, reliable, religious, defense, justification, answer, appeal, petition,
zealous, (prep) dedicated; antonyms (adj) claim, allegation, call, entreaty, excuse, prayer,
uncommitted, disloyal, indifferent, 3. bound; argument, advocacy, explanation, demand.
synonyms (v) leap, border, bounce, limit, bahar spring (ilkbahar); synonyms (n) jump, leap,
circumscribe, confine, pounce, rebound, (n) spring, bound, fountain, skip, source, dance, rise, (v) hop,
jump, boundary, edge, barrier, compass, hop; caper, bounce, dive, originate, recoil, (adj) elastic.
antonym (adj) free, 4. connected; synonyms (v) bahçe garden; synonyms (n) field, bed, orchard,
related, (adj) allied, attached, linked; antonyms (adj) grounds, park, patch, plaisance, plot, garth, lawn,
unconnected, unrelated, 5. consequent; backyard, court, (v) farm, cultivate, (adj)
synonyms (adj) ensuing, following, resultant, commonplace.
resulting, sequent, attendant, consequential, next, bahçıvan gardener; synonyms (n) horticulturist,
succeeding, successive, (v) subsequent, 6. faithful; nurseryman, farmer, husbandman.
synonyms (adj) authentic, correct, close, exact, bahis bet; synonyms (v) gamble, play, lay, risk,
dependable, sound, true, unfailing, devout, fast, venture, (n) wager, stake, stakes.
honest, literal, responsible, steadfast, (n) accurate; bahsetmek mention; synonyms (v) cite, name, hint,
antonyms (adj) false, inaccurate, unfaithful, observe, commend, adduce, advert, note, notice, (n)
unreliable, 7. dependent (bağımlı); synonyms comment, allusion, citation, remark, call, reference.
(adj) subject, subordinate, contingent, tributary,
bahşetmek grant (vermek); synonyms (n)
relative, secondary, helpless, (n) dependant, charge,
concession, donation, permit, (v) give, allow,
adjective, follower, servant, slave, vassal, client; award, bestow, admit, afford, concede, confer, gift,
antonyms (adj) independent, self-governing, self- acknowledge, accord, boon; antonyms (v) deny,
sufficient, 8. subject (konu, özne); synonyms (n)
matter, citizen, affair, dependent, inferior, issue,
bahşiş tip (tavsiye); synonyms (n) top, hint, peak,
motif, question, point, area, content, discipline,
point, pinnacle, apex, bribe, clue, crown, gratuity,
field, (adj) liable, exposed; antonym (adj) liberated.
(v) incline, tilt, dump, lean, slant.
bağlılık 1. devotion; synonyms (n) adoration,
baht 1. luck; synonyms (n) chance, fortune, accident,
allegiance, attachment, dedication, loyalty, passion,
destiny, fate, hazard, lot, advantage, hap, portion,
worship, affection, consecration, constancy,
devotedness, enthusiasm, fondness, love, (adj) coincidence, circumstances; antonym (n)
veneration; antonyms (n) indifference, disloyalty, misfortune, 2. fortune; synonyms (n) estate, fluke,
2. attachment; synonyms (n) appendix, accessory, luck, means, abundance, assets, doom, riches,
wealth, blessing, substance, affluence, prosperity,
addition, adherence, regard, appendage,
association, bond, connection, devotion, fitting, treasure, capital.
liking, link, tie, annex; antonym (n) detachment, 3. bahtiyar happy (memnun, mutlu); synonyms (adj)
faith (güven); synonyms (n) confidence, belief, fortunate, felicitous, contented, gay, buoyant,
content, gleeful, gratified, blithe, bright, carefree,
conviction, trust, credence, credit, assurance, creed,
cult, dependence, expectation, fidelity, hope, piety, cheerful, cheery, (n) auspicious, blessed; antonyms
(adj) unhappy, sad, dejected, depressed, miserable,
reliance; antonym (n) unbelief, 4. dependence
(bağımlılık); synonyms (n) addiction, dependance,
dependency, faith, habit, (adj) contingency;
bahtsız unfortunate; synonyms (adj) inauspicious,
poor, sad, bad, disastrous, hapless, inopportune,
antonyms (n) independence, self-government, self-
adverse, calamitous, deplorable, infelicitous,
lamentable, unlucky, untoward, ill; antonyms (adj)
bahane 1. excuse (affetmek, bağışlamak, özür);
fortunate, lucky.
synonyms (n) apology, alibi, evasion, palliate,
pretext, color, (v) pardon, absolve, acquit, condone, bakan 1. minister; synonyms (n) pastor, envoy,
exculpate, forgive, justify, apologise, apologize; priest, deputy, divine, ambassador, churchman,
clergyman, cleric, curate, ecclesiastic, agent,
antonym (v) punish, 2. cover (örtmek); synonyms
messenger, (v) supply, administer, 2. secretary
(v) coat, conceal, top, bury, cloak, (n) blind, blanket,
screen, binding, camouflage, cap, covering, lid, (sekreter); synonyms (n) clerk, escritoire, minister,
mask, shield; antonyms (v) reveal, expose, uncover, desk, secretaire, bailiff, factor, repository, (v)
amanuensis, scribe, writer, scrivener.
3. cloak; synonyms (n) veil, cape, masquerade,
pall, curtain, guise, (v) cover, wrap, dissemble, hide, bakanlık 1. office (büro, ofis); synonyms (n) charge,
disguise, drape, envelop, mantle, shroud; antonym agency, duty, function, position, commission,

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48 Turkish - English

appointment, division, authority, berth, bureau, respect, esteem, deference, note, value; antonym (n)
job, part, place, post, 2. department (bölüm); disrespect, 4. eye (göz); synonyms (n) optic,
synonyms (n) compartment, area, class, faculty, peeper, ring, center, centre, oculus, (v) behold, stare,
section, arm, branch, domain, field, line, office, watch, glimpse, examine, eyeball.
realm, subject, service, district, 3. ministry; bakışım symmetry (simetri); synonyms (n) balance,
synonyms (n) cabinet, government, clergy, proportion, order, correspondence, equilibrium,
ministration, administration, clericals, prelacy, regularity, consistency, harmony, coextension,
presbytery, aid, bureaucracy, channel, (v) composition, counterbalance, equality, equipoise,
attendance, attendants, attention, (adj) abandoned, parity, symmetricalness; antonyms (n) asymmetry,
4. portfolio (portföy); synonyms (n) briefcase, disproportion, irregularity.
album, file, bandolier, budget, chair, book, quiver. bakiye 1. remainder (artık, kalan); synonyms (n)
bakıcı keeper; synonyms (n) custodian, curator, excess, leftover, remain, remnant, end, overplus,
guardian, guard, warden, warder, caretaker, residue, balance, oddment, rest, leftovers, relic,
owner, protector, steward, watchman, custos. remains, remnants, residual, 2. balance (denge,
bakım 1. maintenance; synonyms (n) livelihood, dengelemek); synonyms (n) poise, symmetry,
alimony, care, keep, living, sustenance, charge, remainder, account, complement, counterpoise,
conservation, continuation, custody, preservation, credit, equality, (v) counterbalance, adjust, offset,
service, support, sustainment, sustentation; compensate, contrast, settle, audit; antonyms (n)
antonym (n) end, 2. care; synonyms (n) attention, imbalance, (v) unbalance, 3. rest (dinlenme);
bother, caution, concern, aid, apprehension, synonyms (n) repose, pause, recess, relaxation,
maintenance, worry, attendance, affection, leisure, break, quiet, respite, halt, (v) nap, sleep,
attentiveness, burden, fear, (v) anxiety, administer; ease, lie, perch, abide; antonym (v) work.
antonyms (n) carelessness, recklessness, rashness, bakliyat pulse; synonyms (n) beat, impulse,
thoughtlessness, (v) neglect, disregard, 3. pulsation, heartbeat, legume, rhythm, pounding,
attendance; synonyms (n) presence, attending, cadence, measure, pulsing, (v) pulsate, throb,
audience, turnout, hearing, tendance, attendancy, palpitate, pound, vibrate.
bodyguard, crowd, gallery, tendment, assemblage, bakma 1. look (bakış, bakmak); synonyms (v) seem,
assembly, congregation, draw; antonyms (n) appear, expect, figure, attend, (n) face, gaze,
absence, nonattendance, 4. charge; synonyms (n) appearance, aspect, air, countenance, expression,
accusation, command, commission, bill, tax, glance, guise, view, 2. attendance; synonyms (n)
accusal, assail, (v) accuse, blame, attack, bid, load, presence, attending, audience, turnout, hearing,
arraign, assault, cost; antonyms (v) request, tendance, attendancy, bodyguard, crowd, gallery,
absolve, retreat, 5. attention (dikkat); synonyms tendment, assemblage, assembly, congregation,
(n) mind, alertness, consideration, heed, notice, draw; antonyms (n) absence, nonattendance.
concentration, deliberation, diligence, ear, nursing, bakmak 1. look (bakış); synonyms (v) seem, appear,
observation, precision, regard, thought, vigilance; expect, figure, attend, (n) face, gaze, appearance,
antonym (n) inattention. aspect, air, countenance, expression, glance, guise,
bakir virgin (bakire); synonyms (adj) pure, vestal, view, 2. view (bakış, görünüm, manzara);
chaste, innocent, new, fresh, intact, untouched, synonyms (n) look, sight, judgment, opinion, scene,
unmixed, virginal, virtuous, unmarried, (n) maiden, idea, outlook, prospect, thought, notion, (v) regard,
maid, girl. observe, see, consider, eye, 3. maintain
bakır copper; synonyms (n) bronze, bull, cop, fuzz, (korumak); synonyms (v) continue, justify, affirm,
gold, pig, cent, coin, ingot, nugget, cuprum, brown, allege, assert, aver, conserve, declare, defend,
copperplate, auburn, blur. guard, hold, keep, preserve, bear, insist; antonyms
bakire virgin; synonyms (adj) pure, vestal, chaste, (v) deny, change, 4. watch (seyretmek);
innocent, new, fresh, intact, untouched, unmixed, synonyms (v) clock, wake, care, protect, check,
virginal, virtuous, unmarried, (n) maiden, maid, follow, mind, (n) sentinel, sentry, surveillance,
girl. lookout, patrol, timepiece, vigil, (adj) vigilance, 5.
bakış 1. look (bakmak); synonyms (v) seem, appear, regard; synonyms (v) attention, concern, estimate,
expect, figure, attend, (n) face, gaze, appearance, heed, account, believe, count, reckon, appreciate,
aspect, air, countenance, expression, glance, guise, (n) notice, respect, esteem, deference, note, value;
view, 2. view (bakmak, görünüm, manzara); antonym (n) disrespect, 6. refer (başvurmak);
synonyms (n) look, sight, judgment, opinion, scene, synonyms (v) allude, apply, pertain, submit,
idea, outlook, prospect, thought, notion, (v) regard, deliver, commend, advert, impute, name, relate,
observe, see, consider, eye, 3. regard (bakmak); invoke, adduce, ascribe, attribute, consign, 7.
synonyms (v) attention, concern, estimate, heed, attend; synonyms (v) accompany, assist, escort,
account, believe, count, hold, reckon, (n) notice, serve, aid, conduct, hear, help, listen, minister,

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Turkish - English 49

remain, consort, (n) tend, doctor, nurse, 8. face balkon balcony; synonyms (n) loggia, porch,
(çehre, surat, yüz); synonyms (n) side, top, veranda, arch, terrace, eaves, portico, balcon,
exterior, facade, surface, boldness, brass, (v) cupola, deck, dome, portal, stomach, balustrade,
confront, audacity, veneer, visage, affront, breast, catwalk.
defy, (adj) front; antonyms (v) avoid, back, 9. see balo 1. ball (top); synonyms (n) bulb, globe, shot,
(anlamak, görmek); synonyms (v) feel, discover, shell, bead, baseball, bullet, dance, football, lump,
behold, deem, discern, distinguish, know, orb, party, pellet, projectile, sphere, 2. dance
recognize, apprehend, ascertain, catch, envision, (dans, dans etmek); synonyms (n) dancing, (v)
find, inspect, (adj) perceive, 10. nurse (hemşire); bound, caper, hop, bop, cavort, play, jump, shake,
synonyms (n) nurture, amah, nanny, (v) nourish, skip, step, beat, dandle, prance, ramp.
cherish, entertain, foster, harbor, lactate, cradle, balon balloon; synonyms (n) bubble, (v) ball, inflate,
cultivate, raise, breastfeed, feed, harbour, 11. billow, bloat, bulge, distend, soar, swell, fly,
mind (akıl); synonyms (n) intellect, brain, head, expand, increase; antonym (v) deflate.
inclination, intelligence, psyche, mentality, balta axe; synonyms (n) knife, blade, (v) ax, chop,
conscience, belief, brains, heart, judgement, abort, destroy.
memory, (v) beware, mark; antonym (v) forget, 12.
baltalamak undermine; synonyms (v) subvert,
survey; synonyms (n) poll, review, measurement, weaken, mine, cave, damage, sabotage, break,
inspection, digest, examination, inquiry, impair, burrow, counteract, countermine, (n)
observation, (v) study, measure, appraise, canvass, overthrow, (adj) sap, dig, delve; antonyms (v)
assess, evaluate, examine; antonym (v) neglect, 13.
strengthen, bolster.
tend; synonyms (v) incline, lead, lean, contribute, bana me; synonym (n) myself.
run, go, gravitate, carry, conduce, verge, watch,
bando band (bant); synonyms (n) cluster, party, set,
slant, breed, manage, maintain, 14. support
swathe, circle, collar, company, crew, faction, gang,
(dayanak, destek, desteklemek); synonyms (n) knot, lace, strap, (v) ring, combine.
stand, comfort, maintenance, patronage,
bank bench; synonyms (n) settle, chair, court, terrace,
endorsement, pillar, (v) prop, brace, encourage,
workbench, bank, bar, judicatory, board, couch,
boost, confirm, corroborate, favor, lift, promote;
form, judiciary, table, tribunal.
antonyms (n) hindrance, (v) oppose, undermine,
abandon, reject, weaken.
banka bank; synonyms (n) dam, coast, slope, store,
limit, stack, bluff, heap, hill, riverside, (v)
bal honey; synonyms (n) darling, dear, beloved, love,
embankment, gradient, deposit, mound, rely;
sweetheart, dearest, duck, baby, molasses, sugar,
antonym (v) withdraw.
flame, (v) sweeten.
balans balance (denge, dengelemek); synonyms bankacılık banking; synonyms (n) finance, (adj)
(n) poise, symmetry, excess, remainder, account, financial.
complement, counterpoise, credit, (v) banker banker; synonyms (n) cashier, cambist, teller,
counterbalance, adjust, offset, compensate, investor, capitalist, dealer, financier, goldsmith,
contrast, settle, audit; antonyms (n) imbalance, (v) moneyer, usurer, backer, broker, croupier, house,
unbalance. manager.
balçık clay (kil); synonyms (n) soil, remains, pottery, banket shoulder (omuz); synonyms (n) elbow, back,
(v) bear, carry, push, hold, jostle, support, sustain,
dirt, dust, loam, mud, ashes, cadaver, (adj) earthen.
assume, accept, shove, take, thrust, undertake.
baldır calf (dana); synonyms (n) calfskin, sura, colt,
foal, kitten, pup, shorthorn, kid, cow, doodle, banknot note (not, not etmek); synonyms (n)
dullard, foetus, loon, lout, lown. comment, mention, remark, annotation, heed,
indication, mark, attention, bill, distinction, epistle,
bale ballet; synonyms (n) choreography, afterpiece,
(v) notice, mind, look, detect; antonym (v) ignore.
burlesque, burletta, comedietta, comedy,
divertissement, drama, exode, extravaganza, farce, banko bank (banka); synonyms (n) dam, coast, slope,
harlequinade, interlude, opera, pantomime. store, limit, stack, bluff, heap, hill, riverside, (v)
embankment, gradient, deposit, mound, rely;
balık fish; synonyms (n) bird, insect, mollusk,
shellfish, worm, amphibian, beginner, blacktail, (v) antonym (v) withdraw.
angle, seek, hunt, pursue, grope, rummage, beg. bant 1. band; synonyms (n) cluster, party, set, swathe,
balıkçı fisher; synonyms (n) fisherman, pekan. circle, collar, company, crew, faction, gang, knot,
lace, strap, (v) ring, combine, 2. tape; synonyms (n)
balıkçılık fishing; synonyms (n) fishery, expiscation,
band, ribbon, strip, rope, cassette, seal, (v) record,
halieutics, piscation, rodding, sportfishing, (adj)
halieutic, (v) angling, coursing, hawking, hunting, videotape, video, 3. strip; synonyms (n) slip, (v)
shooting. deprive, despoil, divest, peel, plunder, rifle,
denude, ransack, pillage, pluck, pare, sack, bare,
bereave; antonyms (v) dress, decorate.

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50 Turkish - English

banyo 1. bath; synonyms (n) wash, bathroom, tank, barışçı pacific; synonyms (adj) calm, conciliatory,
bathtub, dip, tub, (v) bathe, immersion, affusion, gentle, mild, moderate, peaceable, peaceful, bland,
balneation, clean, 2. bathroom (Tuvalet); meek, easy, quiet, sober, still, tranquil.
synonyms (n) bath, lavatory, can, lav, privy, toilet, barışma reconciliation; synonyms (n)
arse, ass, backside, basin, behind, bottom, bum, accommodation, adjustment, agreement,
buns, butt. rapprochement, appeasement, harmony,
bar 1. bar (çubuk); synonyms (n) barricade, band, pacification, reconcilement, accord, mediation,
stop, line, pub, snag, (v) ban, block, bolt, exclude, atonement, balancing, (v) concord, peace.
obstruct, arrest, balk, dam, foreclose; antonyms (v) barışsever peaceful; synonyms (adj) calm, gentle,
permit, allow, 2. saloon; synonyms (n) bar, peaceable, quiet, even, meek, peace, placid, silent,
barroom, pothouse, inn, sedan, taphouse, taproom, amicable, composed, halcyon, mild, serene,
tavern, ginmill, 3. pub; synonyms (n) saloon, tranquil; antonyms (adj) aggressive, noisy, tense,
lounge, drinkery, gashouse. violent.
bara bus (otobüs); synonyms (n) automobile, bariyer barrier (engel); synonyms (n) barricade, bar,
autobus, car, coach, vehicle, busbar, charabanc, bulwark, dam, handicap, hurdle, obstruction,
motorbus, omnibus. rampart, restraint, block, boundary, fence,
baraka shed; synonyms (v) cast, discard, drop, moult, hindrance, impediment, obstacle.
scatter, exuviate, molt, dismiss, disgorge, emit, baro bar (bar, çubuk); synonyms (n) barricade,
fling, (n) hut, shack, cabin, booth. band, stop, line, pub, snag, (v) ban, block, bolt,
bardak glass (cam); synonyms (n) pane, bottle, exclude, obstruct, arrest, balk, dam, foreclose;
drink, bowl, cup, goblet, chalice, glassful, spyglass, antonyms (v) permit, allow.
telescope, tumbler, window, (v) glaze, (adj) ice. barok baroque; synonyms (n) baroqueness, (adj)
barınak 1. asylum; synonyms (n) refuge, sanctuary, ornate, elaborate, rococo, outlandish, strange,
shelter, haven, home, institution, madhouse, fancy, quaint, barocco, churrigueresco,
retreat, cover, harbor, protection, 2. refuge churrigueresque, flamboyant, florid, flowery,
gaudy; antonym (adj) plain.
(sığınak); synonyms (n) asylum, resort, safety,
hideaway, hideout, covert, fort, resource, security, barut powder (toz); synonyms (n) dust, gunpowder,
guard, (v) recourse, haunt, 3. harbour (liman); explosive, (v) grind, crush, pound, pulverise,
synonyms (n) seaport, (v) entertain, contain, bear, pulverize, sprinkle, bespangle.
hold, nurse, shield, 4. sanctuary; synonyms (n) bas bass; synonyms (adj) deep, low, resonant, rich,
shrine, reservation, chancel, church, port, temple, sonorous, abstruse, booming, rumbling, cryptic, (n)
altar, bema, 5. shelter; synonyms (n) protect, hut, basso, tenor, trout, violoncello, (adv)
shade, lee, lodge, burrow, lodging, shadow, (v) accompaniment, second.
screen, defend, hide, keep, conceal, preserve, (adj) baş 1. head (kafa); synonyms (n) chief, captain, front,
defense; antonym (v) expose. point, boss, foam, froth, crown, chieftain, executive,
barındırmak 1. harbour (liman); synonyms (n) chair, brain, (v) capital, direct, lead; antonyms (n)
haven, seaport, (v) harbor, entertain, contain, bear, end, subordinate, (v) follow, 2. chief (ana);
hold, nurse, shield, 2. house (ev, mesken); synonyms (adj) head, principal, cardinal, arch,
synonyms (n) family, home, dwelling, firm, abode, central, essential, first, main, primary, sovereign, (n)
domicile, building, edifice, habitation, housing, administrator, leader, paramount, superior, top;
establishment, structure, ancestry, (v) antonyms (adj) minor, associate, secondary, 3.
accommodate, lodge, 3. shelter; synonyms (n) master (ana); synonyms (n) instructor, gentleman,
guard, refuge, asylum, protect, protection, authority, employer, headmaster, maestro, (v)
sanctuary, security, hut, covert, shade, (v) cover, conquer, control, command, defeat, dominate, (adj)
screen, defend, hide, (adj) defense; antonym (v) original, ace, expert, proficient, 4. first (birinci,
expose. ilk); synonyms (adv) foremost, before, rather, early,
barış 1. peace (huzur); synonyms (n) calm, harmony, (adj) best, beginning, primitive, former, forward,
serenity, hush, repose, ease, agreement, amity, initial, leading, maiden, opening, preliminary, (n)
accord, composure, concord, coolness, heartsease, commencement; antonyms (adj) last, final, 5.
order, (adj) quiet; antonyms (n) noise, chaos, leader (lider); synonyms (n) guide, director,
conflict, uproar, commotion, 2. reconciliation; commander, conductor, hero, general, chairman,
synonyms (n) accommodation, adjustment, guru, elder, governor, officer, official, skipper,
rapprochement, appeasement, pacification, manager, mastermind; antonyms (n) follower,
reconcilement, mediation, atonement, balancing, (v) straggler, 6. grand (büyük); synonyms (adj)
peace. excellent, gorgeous, dignified, elevated, eminent,
exalted, important, majestic, superb, beautiful,
high, massive, (n) glorious, noble, (v) great;

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antonyms (adj) unimpressive, humble, modest, 7. vurmak); synonyms (v) strike, attain, belt, blow,
bow; synonyms (n) arc, curve, obeisance, turn, bump, collide, encounter, (n) knock, bang, smash,
curvature, (v) bend, stoop, duck, buckle, crouch, touch, chance, bash, beat, collision, 4. win
incline, kowtow, crook, defer, kneel, 8. prime; (kazanmak); synonyms (v) acquire, gain, get,
synonyms (adj) fundamental, exquisite, overriding, obtain, conquer, achieve, earn, prevail, secure, take,
premier, grand, (n) flower, bloom, blossom, cream, succeed, carry, vanquish, procure, reach; antonym
efflorescence, elite, flush, heyday, (v) ground, (v) lose.
coach, 9. capital (başkent, büyük harf); başarılı 1. successful; synonyms (adj) flourishing,
synonyms (n) city, stock, assets, cash, funds, means, fortunate, happy, effective, lucky, auspicious,
money, prime, resources, wealth, wherewithal, effectual, fruitful, efficacious, prevalent, efficient,
center, chapiter, (adj) basic, dandy, 10. beginning thriving, triumphant, profitable, (n) prosperous;
(başlangıç); synonyms (n) cause, begin, birth, antonyms (adj) unsuccessful, thwarted, dependent,
derivation, origin, start, dawn, debut, emergence, failing, ineffective, sorrowful, 2. prosperous;
foundation, genesis, inception, incipiency, synonyms (adj) favorable, opulent, advantageous,
initiation, (adj) incipient; antonyms (n) finish, finale, affluent, comfortable, easy, palmy, rich, successful,
conclusion, demise, ending, 11. top (üst); well-off, propitious, booming, favourable,
synonyms (adj) maximum, superlative, (n) peak, prospering, (n) good; antonym (adj) poor.
acme, apex, crest, cover, height, pinnacle, summit, başarım performance (performans); synonyms (n)
surface, (v) cap, exceed, outdo, surpass; antonyms act, discharge, achievement, execution, fulfillment,
(adj) worst, (n) bottom, base, nadir, 12. primary observance, accomplishment, deed, completion,
(birincil); synonyms (adj) elementary, major, exploit, implementation, operation, recital, (v)
primal, aboriginal, basal, dominant, key, primeval, action, efficiency; antonyms (n) omission, practice.
primordial, highest, vital, elemental, firsthand, başarısız unfortunate; synonyms (adj) inauspicious,
rudimentary, (n) radical, 13. premier (başbakan); poor, sad, bad, disastrous, hapless, inopportune,
synonyms (n) chancellor, minister, (v) premiere, 14. adverse, calamitous, deplorable, infelicitous,
principal (ana); synonyms (adj) master, big, lamentable, unlucky, untoward, ill; antonyms (adj)
predominant, staple, supreme, necessary, fortunate, lucky.
prevailing, core, crucial, pivotal, significant, başarısızlık 1. failure (bozukluk); synonyms (n)
especial, (n) corpus, dealer, dean. bankruptcy, failing, breakdown, decline,
başak ear (kulak); synonyms (n) auricle, handle, deficiency, debacle, defeat, disappointment,
hearing, lug, spike, capitulum, heed, earing, notice, disaster, downfall, error, loser, loss, abortion,
crown, pinna, appreciation, discrimination, favor, default; antonyms (n) success, achievement, hit,
(v) cultivate. winner, victory, achiever, attainment, capability,
basamak 1. step (adım); synonyms (n) degree, growth, 2. frost (ayaz); synonyms (n) cold, freeze,
measure, stage, walk, gait, gradation, level, rank, freezing, rime, hoar, hoarfrost, icing, (v) chill, ice.
act, footprint, footstep, move, stride, (v) pace, başarma achievement (başarı); synonyms (n)
proceeding, 2. grade (derece); synonyms (n) accomplishment, performance, completion, deed,
class, place, order, brand, category, gradient, score, execution, exploit, act, action, attainment,
form, group, quality, slope, division, (v) classify, fulfillment, victory, effort, implementation,
evaluate, range, 3. place (yer); synonyms (n) acquisition, (adj) feat; antonym (n) failure.
position, domicile, office, spot, attitude, base, job, başarmak 1. achieve; synonyms (v) accomplish,
(v) post, arrange, fix, lay, locate, station, deposit, reach, complete, do, effect, execute, gain, perform,
install; antonym (v) remove. acquire, act, attain, fulfill, get, make, manage;
başaramamak fail; synonyms (v) abort, collapse, antonym (v) lose, 2. succeed; synonyms (v) follow,
fade, cease, abandon, break, bust, default, replace, arrive, ensue, prevail, prosper, supersede,
deteriorate, die, disappoint, flag, want, (adj) decline, supplant, achieve, flourish, displace, pursue, thrive,
drop; antonyms (v) succeed, triumph. triumph, come; antonyms (v) fail, precede.
başarı 1. achievement; synonyms (n) başat dominant; synonyms (adj) commanding,
accomplishment, performance, completion, deed, influential, leading, overriding, paramount,
execution, exploit, act, action, attainment, powerful, primary, principal, rampant, main,
fulfillment, victory, effort, implementation, major, authoritative, chief, domineering, (v)
acquisition, (adj) feat; antonym (n) failure, 2. prevalent; antonyms (adj) minor, submissive,
success; synonyms (n) conquest, achievement, hit, subordinate.
prosperity, passing, effectiveness, triumph, başbakan 1. premier; synonyms (adj) chief, first,
achiever, fortune, luck, win, fruition, efficacy, leading, foremost, head, arch, main, principal, (n)
happiness, wealth; antonyms (n) flop, debacle, chancellor, minister, (v) premiere, 2. chancellor;
defeat, disappointment, prevention, 3. hit (isabet, synonyms (n) premier, consul, lieutenant,

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52 Turkish - English

magistrate, proconsul, syndic, judge, justice, inexperience; antonyms (n) difficulty, complexity,
official, prefect. ambiguity.
başıboş loose; synonyms (adj) lax, liberal, dissolute, başka 1. other (diğer); synonyms (adj) additional,
licentious, light, vague, detached, immoral, (v) another, different, extra, further, more, new,
disengage, liberate, relax, release, detach, (n) free, second, distinct, dissimilar, fresh, else, opposite,
limp; antonyms (adj) tight, close, compressed, added; antonym (adj) same, 2. else; synonyms (adv)
dense, taut, strict, compact, wedged. besides, also, moreover, (n) threat, (adj) other, 3.
basımcı printer (yazıcı); synonyms (n) pressman, different; synonyms (adj) assorted, unusual,
typographer, correspondent, newspaperman, various, alien, alternative, discrete, diverse, foreign,
newspaperwoman, newswriter, imprinter. miscellaneous, separate, several, strange, unlike,
basımevi press (basın, basmak); synonyms (n) jam, mixed, discrepant; antonyms (adj) similar,
closet, (v) crush, crowd, force, squeeze, pack, corresponding, equal, identical, like, typical, 4.
coerce, compress, exhort, mash, push, urge, clasp, alternative (alternatif, seçenek); synonyms (adj)
(adj) constrain. alternate, alternating, variant, (n) option, choice,
basın press (basmak); synonyms (n) jam, closet, (v) preference, selection, substitute, variation.
crush, crowd, force, squeeze, pack, coerce, başkalaşmak alter (değiştirmek); synonyms (v)
compress, exhort, mash, push, urge, clasp, (adj) adapt, change, move, adjust, affect, amend,
constrain. castrate, convert, correct, shift, transform, turn,
basınç 1. pressure; synonyms (n) force, compulsion, vary, alternate, distort; antonym (v) maintain.
constraint, duress, exigency, influence, insistence, başkaldırmak revolt (ayaklanmak); synonyms (n)
load, pinch, urge, weight, emergency, (v) drive, insurrection, uprising, revolution, (v) disgust,
press, coerce; antonym (n) persuasion, 2. mutiny, rebellion, nauseate, sicken, rebel, repel,
compression (sıkıştırma); synonyms (n) offend, repulse, appall, protest, (adj) shock.
compaction, condensation, pressure, compressing, başkan 1. chairman; synonyms (n) chair,
concentration, consolidation, contraction, chairperson, chairwoman, director, president,
squeezing, concretion, 3. stress (gerginlik, administrator, administration, gig, introducer,
stres); synonyms (n) accent, emphasis, tension, monitor, prexy, professorship, spokesman, 2.
importance, effort, accentuation, anxiety, brunt, (v) president; synonyms (n) chairman, chief, leader,
strain, emphasize, accentuate, emphasise, boss, head, principal, speaker, emperor, imperator,
punctuate, underline, trouble. king, majesty, 3. head (baş, kafa); synonyms (n)
basit 1. simple; synonyms (adj) plain, homely, pure, captain, front, point, foam, froth, crown, chieftain,
elementary, humble, innocent, mere, natural, rustic, executive, brain, commander, end, (v) capital,
honest, bare, chaste, childish, (v) clear, downright; direct, lead, command; antonyms (n) subordinate,
antonyms (adj) complex, complicated, compound, (v) follow.
elaborate, difficult, multiple, obscure, ornate, başkanlık presidency; synonyms (n) administration,
confused, confusing, cunning, multifaceted,
presidentship, government, brass, disposal,
problematical, sophisticated, 2. elementary establishment, governance, organisation,
(temel); synonyms (adj) basic, fundamental, organization, presidence, executive, management.
primary, primitive, simple, basal, easy, elemental, başkası other (başka, diğer); synonyms (adj)
essential, introductory, original, rudimentary,
additional, another, different, extra, further, more,
preliminary, artless, initial, 3. straightforward; new, second, distinct, dissimilar, fresh, else,
synonyms (adj) straight, direct, open, square, opposite, added; antonym (adj) same.
candid, sincere, forthright, aboveboard, frank,
başkent capital (büyük harf); synonyms (n)
immediate, outspoken, outright, ingenuous,
principal, city, stock, assets, cash, funds, means,
unsophisticated, upright; antonyms (adj) deceitful,
money, paramount, prime, resources, (adj) main,
tricky, devious, mysterious, pompous, 4. plain
primary, chief, great.
(açık, düz); synonyms (adj) ordinary, basket basket (sepet); synonyms (n) basketful,
comprehensible, intelligible, apparent, evident,
bassinet, cradle, gondola, case, coffin, handbasket,
level, manifest, obvious, perspicuous, overt, dull,
hoop, leap, ped, pottle, stomach, whisket, bound,
even, explicit, lucid, (n) flat; antonyms (adj) fancy,
unclear, mottled, multicolored, attractive,
baskı 1. constraint (zorlama); synonyms (n)
concealed, fussy, two-colored.
coercion, compulsion, force, restraint, confinement,
basitlik simplicity (sadelik); synonyms (n) duress, enforcement, limitation, obligation,
innocence, ease, easiness, plainness, simpleness, pressure, restriction, coaction, check, condition, (adj)
clarity, artlessness, austerity, gullibility, severity, reserve; antonym (n) incentive, 2. oppression;
ignorance, frankness, rusticity, informality, (adj)
synonyms (n) injustice, abuse, despotism, tyranny,
weight, dictatorship, stress, wrong, severity,

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Turkish - English 53

violence, compression, (v) hardship, grievance, (adj) embark, spring, activate, arise, enter, flinch, (n)
autocracy, molestation, 3. press (basın, basmak); jump, onset, shock, dawn; antonyms (v) end, finish,
synonyms (n) jam, closet, (v) crush, crowd, squeeze, stop, conclude, halt, (n) conclusion.
pack, coerce, compress, exhort, mash, push, urge, başlamak 1. begin; synonyms (v) commence, start,
clasp, hug, (adj) constrain, 4. pressure (basınç); arise, become, enter, initiate, originate, rise, create,
synonyms (n) constraint, exigency, influence, dawn, embark, found, institute, introduce, open;
insistence, load, pinch, emergency, imperativeness, antonyms (v) finish, end, stop, 2. start (başlangıç,
insistency, necessity, pressing, (v) drive, press,
başlatmak); synonyms (v) begin, drive, launch,
burden, compel; antonym (n) persuasion, 5.
spring, activate, flinch, set, (n) jump, onset, origin,
restraint; synonyms (n) bridle, control, hindrance, shock, beginning, commencement, leap, source;
limit, moderation, modesty, containment, curb,
antonyms (v) conclude, halt, (n) conclusion, 3.
obstacle, deterrent, discipline, inhibition, leash, (v)
impediment, obstruction; antonyms (n) excess,
introduce; synonyms (v) insert, interject, inject,
acquaint, advance, exhibit, implant, inaugurate,
abandon, decadence, 6. force (güç, kuvvet,
infuse, precede, present, instill, interpose, broach,
zorlamak); synonyms (n) energy, strength, agency, induct.
effect, enforce, impetus, impulse, power, vigor,
başlangıç 1. start (başlamak, başlatmak);
effectiveness, (v) thrust, cram, impel, ram,
synonyms (v) begin, originate, commence, drive,
blackmail; antonym (n) weakness, 7. edition;
launch, embark, spring, activate, arise, (n) jump,
synonyms (n) version, print, circulation, copy, issue,
onset, origin, shock, beginning, commencement;
number, adaptation, book, rendering, translation,
antonyms (v) end, finish, stop, conclude, halt, (n)
variation, compilation, run, anthology, collection,
conclusion, 2. origin (kaynak, köken);
8. impression (izlenim); synonyms (n) belief,
synonyms (n) cause, lineage, base, birth, descent,
conception, feeling, idea, imprint, depression,
ancestry, derivation, extraction, foundation,
image, mark, notion, dent, appearance, feel,
fountain, inception, root, source, well, head, 3.
impress, opinion, printing, 9. printing; synonyms
beginning; synonyms (n) opening, start, dawn,
(n) impression, type, duplicating, copying, picture,
debut, emergence, genesis, incipiency, initiation,
embossing, printmaking, 10. print; synonyms (n)
introduction, kickoff, preface, threshold, (adj)
engraving, lettering, facsimile, letterpress,
original, first, incipient; antonyms (n) finale,
reproduction, etching, brand, replica, duplicate,
earmark, clue, photo, (v) photograph, engrave, demise, ending, 4. introduction (giriş);
stamp, 11. stress (gerginlik, stres); synonyms (n) synonyms (n) induction, foreword, insertion,
presentation, entrance, preamble, preliminary,
accent, emphasis, tension, importance, effort,
prelude, admission, entry, intro, proem, prologue,
accentuation, anxiety, brunt, (v) strain, emphasize,
accentuate, emphasise, punctuate, underline, prolusion, innovation; antonyms (n) export,
trouble. postscript, 5. birth (doğum); synonyms (n)
baskın 1. descent (iniş); synonyms (n) ancestry, parturition, blood, labor, nascency, nativity,
parentage, birthing, family, genealogy, nascence,
decline, birth, fall, blood, declension, declination,
declivity, derivation, drop, extraction, family, rank, (v) delivery, bear, deliver, issue; antonym (n)
lineage, origin, pedigree; antonyms (n) ascent, death, 6. initial (ilk); synonyms (adj) elementary,
improvement, 2. raid; synonyms (n) attack, inroad, foremost, primary, rudimentary, commencing,
incursion, invasion, onset, descent, (v) foray, bust, early, introductory, leading, (n) alpha, (v) sign, 7.
maraud, assault, pillage, sortie, loot, assail, invade; outset; synonym (n) offset, 8. elementary
antonym (n) retreat, 3. dominant; synonyms (adj) (temel); synonyms (adj) basic, fundamental,
commanding, influential, leading, overriding, primitive, simple, basal, easy, elemental, essential,
paramount, powerful, primary, principal, rampant, artless, initial, straightforward, underlying, 9.
main, major, authoritative, chief, domineering, (v) starting; synonyms (n) outset, departure,
prevalent; antonyms (adj) minor, submissive, advantage, startle, striking, (adj) preparatory, (prep)
subordinate, 4. surprise (sürpriz); synonyms (n) from, since, 10. threshold (eşik); synonyms (n)
fright, amazement, astonishment, surprisal, brink, limen, doorsill, doorstep, doorway, edge,
wonder, admiration, (v) astound, alarm, amaze, vestibule, border, limit, door, porch, postern, verge.
astonish, shock, startle, jolt, stun, catch. başlangıçta initially; synonyms (adv) first, firstly,
başlama 1. starting; synonyms (n) start, originally, primarily, formerly; antonym (adv)
commencement, first, outset, departure, kickoff, lastly.
origin, source, advantage, (adj) opening, initial, başlatan initiative; synonyms (n) enterprise,
incipient, original, (prep) beginning, from, 2. start gumption, opening, ambition, energy, drive,
(başlamak, başlangıç, başlatmak); synonyms inventiveness, creativity, originality,
(v) begin, originate, commence, drive, launch,

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54 Turkish - English

enterprisingness, (adj) initial, inaugural, initiatory, basma print; synonyms (n) imprint, mark,
incipient, first. impression, engraving, copy, lettering, picture,
başlatmak 1. start (başlamak, başlangıç); facsimile, letterpress, reproduction, (v) impress,
synonyms (v) begin, originate, commence, drive, photograph, issue, engrave, stamp.
launch, embark, spring, activate, arise, (n) jump, basmak 1. press (basın); synonyms (n) jam, closet, (v)
onset, origin, shock, beginning, commencement; crush, crowd, force, squeeze, pack, coerce,
antonyms (v) end, finish, stop, conclude, halt, (n) compress, exhort, mash, push, urge, clasp, (adj)
conclusion, 2. launch; synonyms (n) boat, constrain, 2. print; synonyms (n) imprint, mark,
inauguration, (v) initiate, dart, found, fire, impression, engraving, copy, lettering, picture,
introduce, toss, establish, hurl, inaugurate, facsimile, letterpress, reproduction, (v) impress,
institute, start, cast, fling, 3. begin (başlamak); photograph, issue, engrave, stamp, 3. raid;
synonyms (v) become, enter, rise, create, dawn, synonyms (n) attack, inroad, incursion, invasion,
open, undertake, build, happen, induce, attack, onset, descent, (v) foray, bust, maraud, assault,
attempt, bring, broach, cause. pillage, sortie, loot, assail, invade; antonym (n)
başlıca 1. main (ana); synonyms (adj) chief, grand, retreat, 4. strike (bulmak, grev); synonyms (n)
great, head, leading, essential, principal, basic, knock, clap, (v) bang, beat, hit, slap, move, affect,
capital, central, first, key, major, (n) cardinal, ocean; box, buffet, bump, clout, coin, collide, mint, 5.
antonyms (adj) minor, auxiliary, secondary, attack (hücum, hücum etmek, kriz,
supplementary, 2. prime; synonyms (adj) main, saldırmak); synonyms (n) thrust, aggression, fit,
early, fundamental, paramount, primary, excellent, onslaught, seizure, approach, blast, (v) attempt,
exquisite, overriding, premier, (n) best, flower, aggress, charge, raid, accuse, beset, besiege,
bloom, blossom, (v) ground, coach, 3. major (ana, bombard; antonyms (n) defense, (v) defend, protect,
büyük); synonyms (adj) large, superior, 6. stamp (damga, posta pulu, pul); synonyms
considerable, master, grave, higher, important, (n) seal, brand, cachet, emblem, die, earmark, form,
senior, serious, vital, greater, crucial, extensive, (v) print, cast, trample, punch, characterize, shape,
foremost, hefty; antonyms (adj) unimportant, lesser, note, emboss, 7. step (adım, basamak);
petty, slight, 4. mainly; synonyms (adv) chiefly, synonyms (n) degree, measure, stage, walk, gait,
primarily, principally, largely, mostly, particularly, gradation, level, rank, act, footprint, footstep,
especially, generally, (adj) notably, curiously, 5. stride, (v) pace, proceeding, tread, 8. publish
chiefly; synonyms (adv) mainly, (adj) peculiarly, 6. (yayımlamak); synonyms (v) declare, announce,
principal (ana); synonyms (adj) prime, big, disclose, circulate, divulge, proclaim, communicate,
original, dominant, predominant, staple, supreme, notify, advertise, broadcast, promulgate, spread,
(n) leader, manager, corpus, general, lead, boss, expose, post, herald, 9. utter; synonyms (adj)
director, dealer, 7. ruling; synonyms (adj) regnant, absolute, complete, (v) express, say, articulate,
reigning, prevailing, prevalent, (n) judgment, rule, breathe, speak, state, tell, deliver, emit, pronounce,
decision, decree, edict, act, directive, judgement, talk, voice, reveal; antonyms (adj) partial, qualified.
law, opinion, pronouncement, 8. primarily; basmakalıp 1. pat; synonyms (n) tap, knock, clap,
synonyms (adv) originally, essentially, firstly, touch, beat, rap, slap, smack, stroke, hit, fondle,
basically. apposite, apt, (v) caress, dab, 2. conventional
başlık 1. heading; synonyms (n) caption, bearing, (geleneksel); synonyms (adj) formal, orthodox,
drift, head, title, course, direction, tack, name, chief, accepted, common, customary, everyday,
header, leading, line, way, aim, 2. cap; synonyms conservative, decorous, established, habitual,
(n) cover, bonnet, lid, capital, base, ceiling, crest, normal, ordinary, routine, (v) commonplace,
detonator, tip, closure, (v) top, beat, limit, surpass, familiar; antonyms (adj) unconventional, radical,
better, 3. helmet (kask); synonyms (n) casque, relaxed, unusual, original, rebellious, unorthodox,
helm, hood, cowl, hat, (v) headpiece, pickelhaube, 3. stock (hisse senedi); synonyms (n) breed,
armor, aegis, apron, backplate, brains, breastplate, lineage, store, goods, ancestry, descent, family,
brigandine, buckler, 4. title; synonyms (n) call, hoard, origin, race, backlog, birth, (adj) regular, (v)
designation, claim, designate, appellation, handle, supply.
denomination, epithet, interest, championship, başparmak thumb; synonyms (n) pollex, forefinger,
heading, (v) style, term, entitle, (adj) right, hand, (v) finger, feel, flip, handle, leaf, flick, hitch,
ownership, 5. headline; synonyms (n) headrope, hitchhike, riffle, touch.
(v) emphasize, feature, publicize, stress, 6. hood; başpiskopos archbishop; synonyms (n)
synonyms (n) cap, coif, headdress, hoodlum, thug, metropolitan, bishop, clergyman, elder, eminence,
malefactor, gangster, helmet, hooligan, punk, minister, reverence, archdeacon, beneficiary, canon,
cowling, criminal, crook, dome, goon. chaplain, curate, dean, diocesan, (adj) primate.

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Turkish - English 55

başta ahead; synonyms (adv) before, beforehand, batış set (ayarlamak, grup, set, takım); synonyms
formerly, forward, onward, previously, beyond, (v) fix, place, lay, put, locate, position, regulate,
fore, forth, forwards, on, onwards, winning, (adj) define, adjust, arrange, (n) class, bent, (adj) fixed,
front, (n) lead; antonyms (adv) behind, late. fast, secure; antonyms (v) soften, liquefy, melt, (n)
bastırma compression (sıkıştırma); synonyms (n) combing, comb-out, (adj) variable, flexible, liquid.
compaction, condensation, pressure, compressing, batma set (ayarlamak, grup, set, takım);
concentration, consolidation, contraction, synonyms (v) fix, place, lay, put, locate, position,
squeezing, concretion. regulate, define, adjust, arrange, (n) class, bent, (adj)
baston stick (yapıştırmak); synonyms (n) bar, club, fixed, fast, secure; antonyms (v) soften, liquefy,
(v) adhere, stab, attach, cling, fix, paste, staff, melt, (n) combing, comb-out, (adj) variable, flexible,
cohere, affix, bind, cleave, fasten, hold. liquid.
başvurma reference (ilgi, referans); synonyms (n) batmak 1. founder; synonyms (n) laminitis,
citation, mention, quotation, quote, allusion, patriarch, author, beginner, creator, father,
bearing, connection, recommendation, innuendo, inventor, originator, sink, ancestor, (v) fail, flop,
annotation, character, concern, consultation, (v) cite, collapse, crumple, break, 2. set (ayarlamak,
refer. grup, set, takım); synonyms (v) fix, place, lay,
başvurmak 1. refer (bakmak); synonyms (v) allude, put, locate, position, regulate, define, adjust,
apply, pertain, submit, deliver, commend, advert, arrange, (n) class, bent, (adj) fixed, fast, secure;
impute, name, relate, invoke, adduce, ascribe, antonyms (v) soften, liquefy, melt, (n) combing,
attribute, consign, 2. apply (Uygula, comb-out, (adj) variable, flexible, liquid, 3. sink
uygulamak); synonyms (v) dedicate, devote, (lavabo); synonyms (n) sag, basin, (v) decline, dip,
employ, ask, consume, exercise, resort, use, utilize, droop, fall, set, descend, drop, fell, bury, decay,
lay, appeal, address, administer, consecrate, (n) flag, founder, (adj) immerse; antonyms (v) rise, float.
give, 3. consult; synonyms (v) confer, consider, battaniye blanket; synonyms (n) bedding, sheet,
negotiate, advise, deliberate, refer, discuss, reason, counterpane, covering, coverlet, (v) cloak, cover,
canvass, confab, confabulate, (n) talk. (adj) sweeping, overall, comprehensive, global,
başvuru application (uygulama); synonyms (n) generic, wholesale, broad, general.
plea, appeal, appliance, concentration, demand, bavul 1. trunk; synonyms (n) stem, boot, torso, body,
diligence, effort, exercise, petition, request, use, bole, proboscis, snout, stalk, box, stock, case, house,
attention, administration, call, claim. luggage, nose, stirps, 2. suitcase; synonyms (n)
başyazar editor (düzenleyici); synonyms (n) bag, grip, handbag, bagful, base, clasp, clench,
redactor, writer, editioner, journalist, press. clutch, clutches, dish, grasp, hairgrip, handgrip,
batak marsh (bataklık); synonyms (n) bog, fen, handle, hold.
quagmire, marish, morass, swamp, marshland, bay 1. sir; synonyms (n) esquire, gentleman, master,
mire, swampland, wash. man, don, signior, buck, dominus, effendi,
batakhane joint (birleşik, eklem, mafsal, ortak); magister, signore, 2. gentleman (bey,
synonyms (adj) collective, common, communal, centilmen); synonyms (n) male, patrician, sir,
cooperative, mutual, bilateral, (n) articulation, laureate, squireen, noble, gentle, fellow, guy, valet,
hinge, join, seam, connection, tie, joining, (v) homo, human, humanity, humankind, (adj)
articulate, associate; antonyms (adj) individual, gentilhomme; antonym (n) woman.
unilateral, private, separate. bayağı 1. coarse (kaba); synonyms (adj) barbarous,
bataklık marsh (batak); synonyms (n) bog, fen, boorish, brutal, crude, gross, rough, vulgar, bawdy,
quagmire, marish, morass, swamp, marshland, blunt, broad, common, earthy, harsh, rude,
mire, swampland, wash. uncivilized; antonyms (adj) refined, smooth,
batarya battery (akü, pil); synonyms (n) troop, sophisticated, 2. ordinary; synonyms (adj)
army, barrage, company, collection, mugging, middling, average, familiar, mediocre, usual,
onslaught, sequence, squad, violence, group, commonplace, everyday, habitual, normal, mean,
regiment, squadron, ark, battalia. banal, conventional, (n) customary, accustomed, (v)
batı 1. west; synonyms (n) occident, w, tungsten, general; antonyms (adj) extraordinary, unusual,
watt, wolfram, (v) south, 2. western; synonyms incredible, outstanding, peculiar, strange, special,
(adj) westerly, occidental, descending, falling, distinguished, famous, 3. cheap (ucuz);
occasive, occiduous, ponent, westbound. synonyms (adj) inexpensive, low, stingy, tacky,
batırmak sink (lavabo); synonyms (n) sag, basin, (v) base, brassy, bum, cheesy, economical, flashy,
decline, dip, droop, fall, set, descend, drop, fell, niggardly, reasonable, shabby, sleazy, worthless;
bury, collapse, decay, flag, founder; antonyms (v) antonyms (adj) expensive, costly, generous, tasteful,
first-rate, luxurious, 4. common (adi, ortak);
rise, float.
synonyms (adj) ordinary, coarse, cheap, mutual,

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56 Turkish - English

ignoble, plebeian, public, trivial, prosaic, poor, improvement, (v) mount, ascend, increase, heave,
collective, communal, current, humble, (n) arise, grow, originate, rear; antonyms (n) reduction,
commons; antonyms (adj) individual, uncommon, (v) decrease, drop, sink, descend, plummet, retire.
rare, characteristic, one-off, specific, unique, baykuş owl; synonyms (n) hooter, booby, dolt, looby,
aristocratic, exclusive, infrequent. nizy, noddy, nonny, noodle, howlet, awl, beak,
bayan 1. lady; synonyms (n) dame, gentlewoman, burglar, honker, horn, nozzle.
female, ma'am, matron, wife, woman, noble, (v) bayrak 1. flag; synonyms (n) banner, colors, ensign,
squaw; antonym (n) man, 2. miss; synonyms (v) sign, fall, iris, (v) decline, languish, sag, abate,
lack, lose, fail, jump, omit, overlook, long, drop, signal, (adj) droop, fade, drop, fail, 2. banner;
escape, (n) maid, girl, want, fille, missy, (adj) fault; synonyms (n) flag, title, bunting, emblem, headline,
antonym (v) perceive, 3. madam; synonyms (n) pennant, pennon, streamer, 3. standard
lady, signora, bird, chick, doll, noblewoman, (standart); synonyms (adj) model, normal, regular,
peeress, skirt, wench, 4. mistress; synonyms (n) accepted, classic, common, (n) degree, measure,
concubine, inamorata, madame, lover, missis, average, criterion, norm, rate, gauge, benchmark,
master, owner, schoolmarm, schoolmistress, example; antonyms (adj) unusual, unconventional,
teacher, impropriator. special, 4. colours.
baygın 1. unconscious; synonyms (adj) involuntary, bayram 1. feast; synonyms (n) banquet, dinner,
unaware, ignorant, subconscious, unwitting, entertainment, binge, carousal, celebration, festival,
oblivious, automatic, insensible, instinctive, meal, spread, (v) junket, fete, eat, feed, treat,
senseless, unintentional, spontaneous, innocent, entertain; antonym (v) fast, 2. holiday (tatil);
unknowing, unacquainted; antonyms (adj) synonyms (n) feast, sabbath, break, leisure, recess,
conscious, awake, deliberate, 2. faint (bayılmak); rest, stay, (v) vacation, (adj) festive.
synonyms (adj) collapse, dim, dizzy, feeble, baytar vet (veteriner); synonyms (n) veteran,
indistinct, weak, dull, gentle, soft, vague, delicate,
veterinarian, veterinary, (v) inspect, examine,
distant, (v) languish, swoon, droop; antonyms (adj)
distinct, strong, clear, obvious, considerable, loud,
baz base (alçak, taban, temel, üs); synonyms (n)
foundation, basis, (adj) bottom, abject, mean,
baygınlık faint (bayılmak); synonyms (adj) collapse, dishonorable, ignoble, low, vile, bad, contemptible,
dim, dizzy, feeble, indistinct, weak, dull, gentle, despicable, foul, (v) ground, found; antonyms (n)
soft, vague, delicate, distant, (v) languish, swoon,
summit, top, (adj) noble.
droop; antonyms (adj) distinct, strong, clear,
bazen 1. occasionally; synonyms (adv) sometimes,
obvious, considerable, loud, pungent.
irregularly, periodically, seldom, infrequently,
bayi 1. seller; synonyms (n) dealer, merchant, vendor, uncommonly; antonyms (adv) frequently, regularly,
vender, trader; antonyms (n) buyer, purchaser, 2.
2. sometimes; synonyms (adv) occasionally, once,
subsidiary; synonyms (n) subordinate, (adj) formerly, sometime, off-and-on, otherwhiles,
auxiliary, subservient, ancillary, secondary, usually, consistently, constantly, intermittently,
additional, minor, adjunct, appurtenant, assistant, recurrently, (n) exemplar, meantime, meanwhile,
incidental, inferior, supplemental, (v) accessory, (adj) former.
bazı some (biraz); synonyms (adv) nearly, rather,
bayılma faint (bayılmak); synonyms (adj) collapse, somewhat, about, approximately, around, roughly,
dim, dizzy, feeble, indistinct, weak, dull, gentle, round, almost, near, (adj) few, certain, several, (det)
soft, vague, delicate, distant, (v) languish, swoon, any, (n) one.
droop; antonyms (adj) distinct, strong, clear,
bazısı some (bazı, biraz); synonyms (adv) nearly,
obvious, considerable, loud, pungent. rather, somewhat, about, approximately, around,
bayılmak faint; synonyms (adj) collapse, dim, dizzy, roughly, round, almost, near, (adj) few, certain,
feeble, indistinct, weak, dull, gentle, soft, vague, several, (det) any, (n) one.
delicate, distant, (v) languish, swoon, droop; bebek 1. baby; synonyms (n) babe, child, darling,
antonyms (adj) distinct, strong, clear, obvious, young, (v) coddle, indulge, pamper, cosset,
considerable, loud, pungent. mollycoddle, spoil, (adj) infant, miniature, small,
bayır 1. slope; synonyms (n) incline, declivity, dip, babyish, dear; antonym (adj) giant, 2. infant
decline, descent, fall, grade, gradient, hill, (çocuk); synonyms (n) baby, minor, nursling, kid,
inclination, (v) pitch, slant, cant, lean, bank, 2. toddler, (adj) juvenile, 3. doll; synonyms (n)
ascent; synonyms (n) acclivity, ascension, rise, puppet, chick, figurine, dummy, girl, marionette,
climb, ascending, elevation, advance, jump, hike, toy, bird, dame, 4. dolly; synonyms (n) doll, bob,
raise, rising, slope, upgrade, uprising, takeoff, 3. bobbin, cart, die, punch, jeep, skirt, stirrer, wench.
rise (yükselmek); synonyms (n) lift, ascent,
progress, swell, raising, advancement,

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Turkish - English 57

becerememek fail; synonyms (v) abort, collapse, fade, melancholy, sad, disconsolate, distressed,
cease, abandon, break, bust, default, deteriorate, infelicitous, low, miserable, sorrowful,
die, disappoint, flag, want, (adj) decline, drop; disappointed, downcast, mournful; antonyms (adj)
antonyms (v) succeed, triumph. happy, cheerful, pleased, satisfied.
beceri 1. skill; synonyms (n) artifice, ability, bedel 1. compensation; synonyms (n) amends,
capability, capacity, knack, faculty, finesse, recompense, allowance, indemnification, reward,
accomplishment, address, adroitness, aptitude, price, atonement, emolument, fee, pay, redress,
cleverness, (adj) dexterity, craft, art; antonyms (n) refund, reimbursement, remuneration, (v) wage, 2.
clumsiness, inability, incompetence, 2. faculty; price (eder, fiyat); synonyms (n) cost, worth,
synonyms (n) endowment, bent, facility, power, charge, expense, figure, damage, payment, toll, (v)
staff, flair, efficiency, aptness, competence, appraise, estimate, amount, assess, evaluate, (adj)
expertness, genius, (v) gift, (adj) talent, ingenuity, merit, value, 3. consideration; synonyms (n)
parts. concern, respect, attention, care, reflection, thought,
becerikli 1. clever; synonyms (adj) adroit, capable, account, cogitation, conception, deliberation,
acute, able, apt, intelligent, smart, astute, cunning, notice, tact, thoughtfulness, (v) regard, condition;
expert, ingenious, quick, sharp, skillful, (v) brilliant; antonyms (n) thoughtlessness, impulsiveness,
antonyms (adj) stupid, clumsy, unintelligent, dim, inconsideration, 4. worth; synonyms (n) virtue,
dull, inept, 2. efficient; synonyms (adj) effectual, importance, excellence, dignity, quality, benefit,
competent, effective, valid, efficacious, operative, goodness, import, good, substance, fortune, profit,
practical, adept, neat, regular, energetic, use, wealth, worthiness; antonym (n)
expeditious, forcible, (v) clever, active; antonyms worthlessness, 5. substitute (yedek); synonyms
(adj) incompetent, inefficient, 3. skilled (usta); (adj) replacement, alternative, ersatz, makeshift, (n)
synonyms (adj) experienced, practiced, deputy, backup, delegate, (v) alternate, shift,
accomplished, dexterous, proficient, old, learned, change, replace, surrogate, exchange, sub, cover.
sophisticated, versed, gifted, deft, perfect, efficient, beden 1. body (gövde, vücut); synonyms (n)
masterly, handy; antonym (adj) inexperienced, 4. cadaver, corpse, matter, organization, carcass,
practical; synonyms (adj) practicable, feasible, cluster, consistency, figure, mass, set, aggregate,
functional, pragmatic, realistic, helpful, expedient, association, entity, amount, bulk; antonym (n)
positive, sensible, useful, workable, working, spirit, 2. frame (çerçeve); synonyms (n) design,
constructive, hardheaded, businesslike; antonyms border, build, fashion, anatomy, chassis, (v) form,
(adj) impractical, theoretical, unrealistic, useless, construct, fabricate, draft, erect, make, forge,
impossible. constitute, contrive, 3. size (boyut, büyüklük);
beceriksiz 1. awkward; synonyms (adj) clumsy, synonyms (n) measure, capacity, dimension,
inconvenient, crude, embarrassing, inept, sticky, dimensions, extent, largeness, quantity, glue,
uncomfortable, ungainly, untoward, left-handed, breadth, degree, magnitude, measurement, sizing,
annoying, bungling, cumbersome, difficult, (v) gauge, scale; antonyms (n) length, slenderness,
graceless; antonyms (adj) graceful, easy, adroit, 4. flesh (et); synonyms (n) brawn, mortality, beef,
manageable, straightforward, convenient, frame, humanity, mankind, meat, muscle, pulp,
dexterous, helpful, rotund, simple, 2. helpless shape, tissue, (adj) carnality, concupiscence, lust, 5.
(aciz); synonyms (adj) forlorn, powerless, trunk (bavul); synonyms (n) stem, boot, torso,
defenseless, weak, disabled, feeble, hopeless, body, bole, proboscis, snout, stalk, box, stock, case,
impotent, unable, incompetent, vulnerable, (n) frail, house, luggage, nose, stirps.
(v) destitute, abandoned. bedensel 1. bodily; synonyms (adj) corporeal,
becermek swing (salıncak); synonyms (n) sweep, material, physical, animal, carnal, corporal,
range, (v) sway, fluctuate, oscillate, dangle, hang, personal, real, sensual, somatic, (adv) altogether,
rock, beat, brandish, change, move, shake, turn, fleshly; antonyms (adj) mental, spiritual, 2.
vibrate. physical (fiziksel); synonyms (adj) bodily, actual,
bedava free (açık, boş, özgür, serbest, serbest tangible, concrete, palpable, earthly, manual,
bırakmak); synonyms (adj) loose, frank, liberal, (v) substantial, active, forceful, forcible, solid,
clear, exempt, liberate, discharge, excuse, extricate, touchable; antonym (adj) intangible.
relieve, disentangle, acquit, deliver, disengage, beğeni taste (tatmak); synonyms (n) bit, flavor,
ease; antonyms (adj) bound, restricted, compelled, liking, morsel, penchant, appetite, drink, drop,
confined, imprisoned, repressive, secure, strict, fondness, gusto, (v) relish, savor, sample, smack,
stuck, tangled, attached, busy, (v) confine, block, discernment; antonyms (n) dislike, tastelessness.
cage. beğenme approval (onay, onaylama); synonyms
bedbaht unhappy (mutsuz); synonyms (adj) (n) acceptance, applause, approbation, acclaim,
unfortunate, depressed, dismal, gloomy, agreement, recognition, admiration, acclamation,

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58 Turkish - English

acknowledgment, acquiescence, appreciation, tarry, 2. expect; synonyms (v) assume, believe,

commendation, confirmation, consent, permission; demand, understand, calculate, hope, suppose,
antonyms (n) disapproval, rejection, condemnation, think, conceive, call, mean, ask, bear, carry,
scorn, criticism. conjecture, 3. watch (bakmak, seyretmek);
beğenmek 1. like (benzer, sevmek); synonyms (v) synonyms (v) observe, clock, look, see, regard,
corresponding, enjoy, identical, care, desire, fancy, wake, care, protect, defend, (n) guard, view,
(adj) equal, equivalent, alike, analogous, sentinel, sentry, surveillance, (adj) vigilance, 4.
comparable, same, parallel, (n) love, relish; hope (ummak, umut); synonyms (v) trust,
antonyms (prep) unlike, (v) dislike, (adj) different, 2. confide, wish, (n) aspiration, belief, desire,
enjoy; synonyms (v) appreciate, bask, have, hold, expectation, faith, anticipation, confidence,
possess, delight, experience, like, own, rejoice, expectancy, assurance, ambition, fancy, prospect;
revel, devour, take, suffer, joy, 3. approve antonyms (v) despair, (n) reality, 5. anticipate;
(onaylamak, uygun bulmak); synonyms (v) synonyms (v) antedate, forecast, forestall, foretell,
sanction, adopt, accept, acknowledge, allow, admit, estimate, apprehend, divine, guess, predict,
agree, endorse, let, ratify, support, applaud, presume, prevent, intercept, envision, forebode,
acquiesce, authorize, confirm; antonyms (v) reject, foreknow, 6. stay (kalma, kalmak); synonyms (v)
censure, condemn, disapprove, forbid, veto, 4. reside, rest, prop, continue, endure, arrest, bide,
dwell, support, lodge, persist, (n) halt, check, (adj)
appreciate; synonyms (v) esteem, prize, treasure,
cease, inhabit; antonyms (v) leave, change, abscond,
value, appraise, fathom, admire, apprize, cherish,
comprehend, estimate, grasp, know, (adj) depart.
understand, realize; antonyms (v) depreciate, scorn. beklenen 1. due; synonyms (adj) appropriate,
bek back (arka, geri, sırt); synonyms (adv) before, equitable, just, lawful, owed, payable, unpaid,
unsettled, (adv) right, (v) owing, (n) debt, duty,
backward, (n) rear, (adj) assist, (v) support, advocate,
endorse, recede, second, stake, vouch, guarantee, privilege, tax, desert; antonyms (adj) paid, undue,
aid, champion, encourage; antonyms (n) face, (v) 2. prospective; synonyms (adj) coming, future,
front, oppose, advance. eventual, imminent, impending, likely, possible,
forthcoming, probable, latent, budding,
bekar single (tek); synonyms (adj) only, celibate, one,
imaginable, immediate, near, approaching.
odd, particular, distinct, individual, isolated, lone,
lonely, separate, simple, sole, solitary, exclusive;
beklenmedik unexpected; synonyms (adj) abrupt,
sudden, surprising, casual, unanticipated,
antonyms (adj) married, double, multiple.
unforeseen, unpredicted, accidental, strange,
bekçi 1. guard; synonyms (n) defend, defense, abnormal, astonishing, curious, forced, startling, (n)
bulwark, care, cover, escort, protection, watchman, surprise; antonyms (adj) expected, gradual.
custody, convoy, defence, fender, guardsman, (v)
beklenti expectation; synonyms (n) anticipation,
shield, keep, 2. keeper; synonyms (n) custodian,
expectancy, belief, hope, prospect, confidence,
curator, guardian, guard, warden, warder,
outlook, possibility, trust, faith, forecast,
caretaker, owner, protector, steward, custos.
probability, suspense, thought, optimism; antonym
bekleme 1. wait (beklemek); synonyms (v) expect, (n) despair.
anticipate, stop, ambush, await, lurk, stay, linger,
bekleyiş 1. wait (bekleme, beklemek); synonyms
remain, abide, hesitate, (n) delay, pause, hold, (adj)
(v) expect, anticipate, stop, ambush, await, lurk,
tarry, 2. expectation (beklenti); synonyms (n)
stay, linger, remain, abide, hesitate, (n) delay,
anticipation, expectancy, belief, hope, prospect,
pause, hold, (adj) tarry, 2. waiting; synonyms (adj)
confidence, outlook, possibility, trust, faith,
ready, expectant, hesitant, (n) wait, abeyance,
forecast, probability, suspense, thought, optimism;
suspense, expectancy, postponement.
antonym (n) despair, 3. anticipation; synonyms
bel waist; synonyms (n) waistline, shank, middle,
(n) expectation, foresight, prevention, hopefulness,
belly, blouse, cannon, stem, arch, (adj) neck,
foretaste, forethought, precaution, prediction,
stricture, wasp.
presentiment, prevision, 4. waiting; synonyms
(adj) ready, expectant, hesitant, (n) wait, abeyance, bela 1. evil (fena, kötü, kötülük); synonyms (adj)
postponement. bad, corrupt, criminal, ill, wicked, depraved,
destructive, harmful, malign, (n) damage, adversity,
beklemede pending; synonyms (prep) during,
detriment, disaster, depravity, malice; antonyms
awaiting, (adj) forthcoming, undecided, unresolved,
(adj) kindhearted, (n) good, goodness,
unsettled, outstanding, hanging, looming,
pendulous, suspended, considering, doubtful, (n) righteousness, 2. trouble; synonyms (n) distress,
abeyance, (adv) while; antonym (adj) distant. bother, pain, anxiety, difficulty, (v) inconvenience,
annoy, disorder, disquiet, worry, afflict, agitate,
beklemek 1. wait (bekleme); synonyms (v) expect,
burden, distract, disturb; antonyms (v) calm,
anticipate, stop, ambush, await, lurk, stay, linger,
remain, abide, hesitate, (n) delay, pause, hold, (adj) please.

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Turkish - English 59

belge 1. document (belgelemek); synonyms (n) glaring, indisputable, (adv) apparently; antonyms
charter, deed, credentials, papers, text, writing, (adj) concealed, unnoticed, hidden, inconspicuous.
declaration, enclosure, (v) record, file, list, prove, belirleme determination (saptama); synonyms (n)
report, 2. certificate; synonyms (n) bond, diploma, decision, conclusion, definition, resolution,
certification, credential, document, license, decisiveness, resolve, tenacity, will, appointment,
testimonial, warrant, authentication, docket, bill, assessment, constancy, courage, firmness, fortitude,
award, (v) certify, sanction, authorize, 3. deed (iş); (v) award; antonyms (n) indecision, weakness,
synonyms (n) accomplishment, achievement, act, compliance, indecisiveness.
feat, behavior, action, exploit, covenant, activity, belirlemek 1. determine; synonyms (v) ascertain,
doing, effort, fact, title, agency, certificate, 4. decide, define, resolve, appoint, adjudicate,
paper; synonyms (n) article, newspaper, discourse, conclude, measure, set, specify, designate, assign,
newsprint, essay, journal, magazine, periodical, decree, arrange, assess, 2. set (ayarlamak, grup,
composition, form, ticket, publisher, dissertation, set, takım); synonyms (v) fix, place, lay, put,
exposition, press, 5. instrument (alet, araç); locate, position, regulate, adjust, congeal, (n) class,
synonyms (n) channel, apparatus, appliance, bent, circle, (adj) fixed, fast, secure; antonyms (v)
expedient, pawn, tool, gear, agent, device, engine,
soften, liquefy, melt, (n) combing, comb-out, (adj)
means, medium, creature, contrivance, (v)
variable, flexible, liquid.
implement, 6. record (dosya, kaydetmek,
belirlenmiş set (ayarlamak, grup, set, takım);
kayıt, plak); synonyms (n) register, account, book,
synonyms (v) fix, place, lay, put, locate, position,
disk, history, disc, (v) chronicle, enter, note, score,
regulate, define, adjust, arrange, (n) class, bent, (adj)
inscribe, mark, enrol, enroll, indicate.
fixed, fast, secure; antonyms (v) soften, liquefy,
belgeleme documentation; synonyms (n) proof, melt, (n) combing, comb-out, (adj) variable, flexible,
record, certificate, certification, corroboration, liquid.
credential, credentials, evidence.
belirli 1. specific (özgül); synonyms (adj) individual,
belgelemek 1. document (belge); synonyms (n) special, concrete, exact, peculiar, precise, definite,
charter, deed, credentials, papers, text, writing, especial, positive, accurate, clear, express, single,
declaration, enclosure, (v) record, file, list, prove, certain, (n) particular; antonyms (adj) universal,
report, 2. certificate; synonyms (n) bond, diploma,
vague, (n) general, 2. definite (kesin); synonyms
certification, credential, document, license,
(adj) absolute, categorical, conclusive, decisive,
testimonial, warrant, authentication, docket, bill,
distinct, plain, specific, reliable, actual, sharp,
award, (v) certify, sanction, authorize.
assured, decided, defined, explicit, (v) determinate;
belirgin 1. clear (açık, berrak, temiz, antonyms (adj) imprecise, uncertain, unclear,
temizlemek); synonyms (adj) clean, certain, open, doubtful, undefined, indeterminate, evasive,
apparent, distinct, empty, (v) bright, acquit, indefinite, indescribable, qualified, 3. particular
absolute, free, net, absolve, clarify, definite, (özel); synonyms (adj) fastidious, careful, delicate,
discharge; antonyms (adj) cloudy, opaque, unclear, finicky, fussy, detailed, choosy, circumstantial,
dark, fuzzy, hazy, incomprehensible, obscure, critical, exceptional, extra, extraordinary, finical, (n)
uncertain, vague, ambiguous, blurry, confused, detail, item; antonyms (adj) careless, easy, ordinary,
confusing, (v) convict, 2. explicit (açık);
4. certain; synonyms (adj) sure, dependable,
synonyms (adj) clear, unmistakable, broad, direct,
indisputable, fixed, inevitable, infallible, perfect,
exact, lucid, manifest, sharp, perspicuous,
safe, unavoidable, undeniable, unequivocal,
emphatic, transparent, express, obvious, plain,
unquestionable, satisfied, set, (v) bound; antonyms
precise; antonyms (adj) tacit, understood, unspoken,
(adj) unsure, questionable, 5. given; synonyms (adj)
implicit, bland, 3. distinct (ayrı); synonyms (adj)
apt, disposed, prone, liable, granted, inclined, (n)
articulate, different, discrete, distinctive, palpable,
assumption, presumption, fact.
decided, dissimilar, marked, tangible, clear-cut,
audible, conspicuous, diverse, (prep) separate, (adv) belirme emergence; synonyms (n) appearance,
apart; antonyms (adj) indistinct, similar, inaudible, egress, beginning, development, emersion, birth,
issue, origin, egression, outgrowth.
shapeless, 4. marked; synonyms (adj) noticeable,
pronounced, remarkable, distinguished, notable, belirmek appear (görünmek); synonyms (v) occur,
signal, striking, strong, appreciable, visible, rise, seem, sound, emerge, show, break, arise,
considerable, outstanding, evident, particular, arrive, begin, feel, happen, look, surface, (n) come;
patent; antonym (adj) unblemished, 5. evident antonyms (v) disappear, vanish.
(besbelli); synonyms (adj) discernible, perceptible, belirsiz 1. ambiguous; synonyms (adj) equivocal,
unequivocal, observable, bold, demonstrable, indistinct, indeterminate, uncertain, evasive,
candid, prominent, overt, explicit, exposed, frank, slippery, amphibolous, confused, cryptic, doubtful,
dubious, enigmatic, imprecise, indefinite, (v) vague;
antonyms (adj) clear, definite, unambiguous,

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60 Turkish - English

unequivocal, 2. vague; synonyms (adj) obscure, belirtme specification; synonyms (n) designation,
ambiguous, faint, undefined, undetermined, feeble, provision, stipulation, particular, condition, detail,
dim, fuzzy, hazy, nebulous, shadowy, lax, general, description, spec, indication, particularization, case,
intangible, (v) loose; antonyms (adj) distinct, exact, clause, estimate, prerequisite, proviso.
particular, precise, specific, sure, 3. dubious; Belirtmek 1. specify; synonyms (v) name, designate,
synonyms (adj) debatable, questionable, signify, define, assign, describe, determine, fix,
incredulous, precarious, shady, skeptical, prescribe, set, enumerate, mark, (n) detail,
suspicious, undecided, unlikely, unreliable, unsure, particularize, appoint; antonym (v) simplify, 2.
funny, distrustful, disputable, dubitable; antonyms state (devlet, durum, eyalet); synonyms (n)
(adj) indisputable, trustworthy, certain, 4. nation, position, say, country, kingdom, show,
doubtful; synonyms (adj) queer, tentative, place, (v) declare, expound, express, mention,
diffident, hesitant, unsettled, suspensive, affirm, allege, announce, (adj) national; antonyms
apocryphal, apprehensive, gloomy, iffy, incredible, (v) deny, (adj) private, 3. evidence (kanıt);
indecisive, irresolute, perplexed, problematic; synonyms (n) confirmation, proof, data, argument,
antonyms (adj) trusting, convinced, reliable, attestation, demonstration, sign, testimony, clue, (v)
confident, persuaded, provable, 5. dim; synonyms display, demonstrate, attest, certify, manifest,
(adj) dark, cloudy, dull, bleak, dense, misty, opaque, denote, 4. import (ithal etmek); synonyms (n)
slow, (v) blur, darken, cloud, pale, tarnish, blear, consequence, meaning, sense, effect, connotation,
blind; antonyms (adj) bright, brilliant, intelligent, implication, importance, moment, purport,
clever, strong, (v) brighten, 6. uncertain; significance, value, betoken, intent, (v) matter,
synonyms (adj) changeable, chancy, unsafe, imply; antonym (v) export, 5. indicate
variable, hazardous, risky, fitful, inconstant, (göstermek); synonyms (v) direct, augur, foretell,
insecure, shaky, unpredictable, unstable, irregular, foreshadow, argue, bespeak, bode, evince, exhibit,
perilous, (n) incertain; antonyms (adj) decisive, mean, presage, suggest, finger, hint, evidence.
decided, inevitable, safe, strong-minded, belkemiği spine (omurga); synonyms (n) backbone,
unquestionable. thorn, point, prickle, quill, spike, back, barb, rachis,
belirsizlik 1. ambiguity; synonyms (n) equivocation, pricker, ridge, spur, sticker.
doubt, uncertainty, unclearness, equivocalness, belki 1. maybe; synonyms (adv) perhaps, possibly,
haziness, hesitation, obscurity, vagueness, peradventure, perchance, probably, debatably,
loophole; antonyms (n) clearness, precision, questionably, conceivable, credible, feasible,
unambiguity, 2. uncertainty; synonyms (n) imaginably, obtainable, potentially, (n) uncertainty;
doubtfulness, distrust, indecision, suspicion, antonym (adv) definitely, 2. perhaps; synonyms
suspense, irresolution, dubiety, incertitude, (adv) maybe, mayhap, 3. possibly; synonym (adv)
question, dubiousness, indecisiveness, ambiguity, conceivably; antonyms (adv) impossibly,
hesitancy, qualm, (adj) instability; antonyms (n)
certainty, confidence, decisiveness, clarity.
bellek 1. memory (anı, hafıza, hatıra); synonyms
Belirteç indicator (gösterge); synonyms (n) gauge, (n) memento, recall, recollection, remembrance,
index, indication, arrow, indicant, pointer, reminiscence, commemoration, memorial,
signpost, sign, signal, symbol. remembering, retention, retrospect, storage, store,
belirti 1. symptom (araz, semptom); synonyms (n) recognition, retrospection, (v) mind, 2. mind
sign, indication, evidence, mark, note, (akıl); synonyms (n) intellect, brain, head,
manifestation, token, signal, characteristic, omen, inclination, intelligence, psyche, regard, (v) care,
exponent, 2. mark; synonyms (n) brand, score, look, attend, beware, keep, listen, notice, (adj) heed;
character, heed, impression, imprint, feature, antonym (v) forget, 3. storage (depolama);
badge, check, (v) blemish, characterize, distinguish,
synonyms (n) conservation, depot, memory,
grade, label, (adj) notice, 3. indication; synonyms preservation, stock, accumulation, entrepot,
(n) clue, index, designation, direction, forerunner,
reposition, storehouse, warehousing.
herald, emblem, gesture, harbinger, hint, reference,
belli 1. clear (açık, belirgin, berrak, temiz,
cue, allusion, inkling, intimation, 4. sign (alamet,
temizlemek); synonyms (adj) clean, certain, open,
im, işaret); synonyms (n) motion, portent, poster,
apparent, distinct, empty, (v) bright, acquit,
presage, wave, attribute, augury, banner, ensign,
absolute, free, net, absolve, clarify, definite,
indicator, premonition, prognostic, (v) indicate,
discharge; antonyms (adj) cloudy, opaque, unclear,
autograph, bless.
dark, fuzzy, hazy, incomprehensible, obscure,
belirtim specification; synonyms (n) designation, uncertain, vague, ambiguous, blurry, confused,
provision, stipulation, particular, condition, detail, confusing, (v) convict, 2. obvious; synonyms (adj)
description, spec, indication, particularization, case,
clear, visible, conspicuous, evident, flagrant,
clause, estimate, prerequisite, proviso. blatant, discernible, glaring, manifest, marked,

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Turkish - English 61

noticeable, perceptible, undeniable, unmistakable, location, mark, (v) blemish, soil, fleck, speckle,
explicit; antonyms (adj) inconspicuous, hidden, daub, flaw.
imperceptible, undetectable, concealed, slight, benekli spotted; synonyms (adj) mottled, dappled,
subtle, 3. explicit (açık); synonyms (adj) broad, speckled, blotchy, dotted, flyblown, piebald,
direct, exact, lucid, sharp, perspicuous, emphatic, multicolored, dirty, spotty, stained, tainted,
transparent, express, obvious, plain, precise, besmirched, damaged, freckled; antonym (adj)
specific, clear-cut, flat; antonyms (adj) tacit, plain.
understood, unspoken, implicit, bland, 4. certain; beni me; synonym (n) myself.
synonyms (adj) actual, sure, assured, dependable, benimseme adoption (evlat edinme); synonyms (n)
indisputable, reliable, categorical, decisive, fixed, acceptance, espousal, assumption, borrowing,
inevitable, infallible, particular, perfect, positive, (v) cooptation, enactment, maintenance, affiliation, (adj)
bound; antonyms (adj) doubtful, unsure, conversion, inspiration, justification, regeneration,
questionable, 5. express; synonyms (v) exhibit, salvation, sanctification, (v) passage.
articulate, convey, declare, demonstrate, display, benimsemek adopt; synonyms (v) accept, admit,
mean, say, state, tell, breathe, depict, (adj) especial, affiliate, assume, borrow, espouse, pass, take,
speedy, (n) denote; antonyms (v) suppress, hide, acquire, choose, embrace, follow, imitate,
(adj) slow, 6. broad; synonyms (adj) wide, ample, naturalize, prefer; antonym (v) reject.
comprehensive, extensive, general, large, benlik ego (ben); synonyms (n) self, egotism, pride,
sweeping, vast, big, blanket, capacious, deep, full, arrogance, character, personality, id, psyche,
inclusive, (n) female; antonyms (adj) narrow, thin. temperament, macho, power, qualities, self-
bemol flat (düz); synonyms (adj) dull, bland, even, admiration, self-pride.
plain, insipid, level, plane, tasteless, dreary, boring, bent 1. clause; synonyms (n) article, paragraph,
absolute, dead, downright, (n) apartment, (v) provision, rider, section, chapter, member,
uninteresting; antonyms (adj) exciting, high- condition, prerequisite, proviso, requirement,
pitched, bumpy. stipulation, (v) passage, 2. paragraph (paragraf);
ben 1. ego; synonyms (n) self, egotism, pride, synonyms (n) item, head, division, part, piece,
arrogance, character, personality, id, psyche, sentence, count, (v) clause.
temperament, macho, power, qualities, self- benzemek look (bakış, bakmak); synonyms (v)
admiration, self-pride, 2. mole (köstebek); seem, appear, expect, figure, attend, (n) face, gaze,
synonyms (n) breakwater, jetty, freckle, bulwark, appearance, aspect, air, countenance, expression,
groyne, mol, spy, blemish, counterspy, groin, glance, guise, view.
growth, (adj) mound, barrow, hillock, (v) benzememek differ; synonyms (v) dissent, disagree,
embankment. contradict, clash, deviate, diverge, depart, conflict,
bencil selfish; synonyms (adj) mean, greedy, vary, dispute, diversify, quarrel, ablude; antonyms
mercenary, egocentric, egoistic, egotistic, (v) agree, concur, conform, correspond.
egotistical, self-centered, stingy, covetous,
benzer 1. like (beğenmek, sevmek); synonyms (v)
inconsiderate, sordid, thoughtless, exclusive, (v)
corresponding, enjoy, identical, care, desire, fancy,
contracted; antonyms (adj) unselfish, selfless,
(adj) equal, equivalent, alike, analogous,
altruistic, generous.
comparable, same, parallel, (n) love, relish;
bencillik self (kendi, öz); synonyms (n) ego, person, antonyms (prep) unlike, (v) dislike, (adj) different, 2.
being, individual, someone, character, essence,
analogous; synonyms (adj) similar, akin,
individuality, personality, selfness, soul, spirit, (adj)
analogical, like, cognate, correspondent, related,
matching; antonym (adj) dissimilar, 3. alike;
bende subject (konu, özne); synonyms (n) matter,
synonyms (adv) equally, likewise, (adj) duplicate,
citizen, affair, dependent, inferior, issue, motif,
even, likely; antonym (adv) differently, 4. parallel
question, point, area, content, discipline, field, (adj)
liable, exposed; antonym (adj) liberated.
(koşut, paralel); synonyms (adj) level, (n) analogy,
likeness, analog, analogue, counterpart, latitude,
benek 1. spot (leke, nokta); synonyms (n) blot,
resemblance, similarity, (v) compare, match, agree,
place, speck, stain, dot, dapple, dirty, location,
balance, collimate, fit; antonyms (adj) conflicting, (n)
mark, (v) blemish, soil, fleck, speckle, daub, flaw, 2.
perpendicular, skew, 5. similar; synonyms (adj)
dot (nokta); synonyms (n) point, spot, dash,
conformable, resembling, kindred, such, twin,
splash, atom, bead, drop, mote, (v) sprinkle,
uniform, exchangeable, interchangeable,
disperse, splotch, dotation, scatter, (adj) iota,
synonymous; antonyms (adj) incompatible,
opposing, opposite, 6. match (eş, kibrit);
beneklemek spot (benek, leke, nokta); synonyms
synonyms (n) competition, couple, peer, bout,
(n) blot, place, speck, stain, dot, dapple, dirty,
contest, (v) mate, meet, accord, correspond,

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62 Turkish - English

harmonise, harmonize, fellow, pair, coincide, attach, bind, join, knot, connect, fasten; antonyms
equalize; antonyms (v) clash, contradict. (v) disconnect, untie, undo.
benzerlik 1. similarity; synonyms (n) berbat 1. awful; synonyms (adj) abominable,
correspondence, likeness, parallelism, kinship, appalling, awesome, dreadful, fearful, terrible,
parallel, identity, conformity, parity, sameness, atrocious, bad, horrible, nasty, alarming, amazing,
semblance, affinity, comparison, resemblance, deplorable, detestable, (adv) beastly; antonyms (adj)
similitude, uniformity; antonyms (n) dissimilarity, excellent, great, marvelous, wonderful, lovely, nice,
difference, 2. analogy (örnekseme); synonyms pleasant, 2. horrible (korkunç); synonyms (adj)
(n) agreement, similarity, 3. comparison; awful, frightful, dire, fearsome, formidable,
synonyms (n) analogy, compare, comparing, ghastly, grisly, cruel, dismal, hideous, monstrous,
contrast, connection, relation, ratio, parable, forbidding, fierce, hateful, (v) horrid, 3. miserable
comparability, equivalence, (prep) antithesis, 4. (sefil); synonyms (adj) mean, poor, meager, abject,
resemblance; synonyms (n) appearance, imitation, desolate, downcast, low, measly, unhappy,
representation, 5. affinity; synonyms (n) distressed, lamentable, cheerless, contemptible, (v)
sympathy, alliance, bond, kindred, propinquity, forlorn, wretched; antonyms (adj) happy, cheerful,
rapport, relationship, penchant, attachment, generous, 4. rotten (çürük); synonyms (adj) foul,
consanguinity, inclination, kin, empathy, fetid, lousy, musty, off, putrid, ill, shabby, corrupt,
friendship, 6. identity (kimlik, özdeşlik); crappy, decomposed, sour, stinking, (v) decayed,
synonyms (n) identicalness, unity, individuality, rancid; antonym (adj) fresh, 5. terrible (korkunç);
personality, character, equality, person. synonyms (adj) direful, horrendous, horrific,
benzersiz unique (tek); synonyms (adj) singular, horrifying, severe, shocking, painful, desperate,
only, odd, extraordinary, individual, solitary, heinous, disastrous, extreme, frightening, grim,
alone, peculiar, distinct, distinctive, exceptional, serious, terrific, 6. chronic (kronik); synonyms
incomparable, inimitable, matchless, rare; (adj) confirmed, habitual, inveterate, constant,
antonyms (adj) common, ordinary, recurring. accustomed, continuous, frequent, persistent,
benzeşim analogy (benzerlik, örnekseme); prolonged, regular, repeated, usual, (v) permanent;
synonyms (n) semblance, agreement, antonym (adj) temporary, 7. disgusting;
correspondence, parity, resemblance, similarity, synonyms (adj) disgustful, distasteful, execrable,
affinity, comparison, likeness, parallel; antonym (n) loathsome, odious, offensive, disagreeable,
dissimilarity. abhorrent, dirty, noisome, obscene, rank, repellent,
repugnant, repulsive; antonyms (adj) attractive,
benzetme comparison; synonyms (n) analogy,
compare, likeness, resemblance, comparing, appealing, 8. dreadful; synonyms (adj) dread,
contrast, correspondence, parallel, similarity, grievous, tremendous, unspeakable, woeful,
connection, relation, ratio, parable, comparability, calamitous, arrant, disgusting, gruesome, macabre,
(prep) antithesis; antonym (n) dissimilarity.
outrageous, portentous, scandalous, sickening,
terrifying, 9. wretched; synonyms (adj)
benzin 1. gas (gaz); synonyms (n) gasoline, petrol,
unfortunate, pitiful, sad, pathetic, piteous, pitiable,
air, fumes, accelerator, flatulence, petroleum, oil,
sorry, base, despicable, hapless, paltry, vile,
gasolene, vapor, (v) fuel, brag, vaunt, blague, blow,
woebegone, squalid, (v) miserable, 10. shocking;
2. petrol; synonyms (n) gas, flatulency, gun,
synonyms (adj) disgraceful, shameful, lurid,
nitromethane, alcohol, ethanol, gasohol, methanol,
revolting, ugly, flagrant, scary, astonishing,
naphtha, throttle, vapour, 3. fuel (yakıt); disreputable, evil, indecent, staggering, startling,
synonyms (n) firewood, combustible, firing, (v) fire, surprising, (v) obnoxious; antonym (adj) admirable.
arouse, encourage, excite, kindle, provoke,
bere wound; synonyms (n) bruise, harm, pain, injury,
scratch, (v) hurt, cut, damage, offend, injure, stab,
beraber together (birlikte); synonyms (adv) jointly, sting, insult, maim, bite.
conjointly, simultaneously, collectively, running,
bereket 1. abundance (bolluk); synonyms (n)
(adj) united, composed, stable, whole; antonyms
wealth, amplitude, exuberance, plenitude,
(adv) individually, separately, independently, (adj)
profusion, richness, store, treasure, affluence,
separate. breadth, copiousness, enough, fertility, (adj) plenty,
beraberlik 1. unity (birlik); synonyms (n) union, riches; antonyms (n) dearth, scarcity, aridity,
agreement, concord, harmony, oneness, unison, insufficiency, lack, shortage, 2. plenty (bolluk);
completeness, integrity, consistency, identity, one,
synonyms (n) abundance, many, much,
single, consensus, entirety, communion; antonyms plenteousness, opulence, galore, flood, multitude,
(n) discord, separation, 2. tie (bağlamak, kravat); heap, lot, plentifulness, plentitude, (adj) adequate,
synonyms (n) band, connection, draw, lace, ample, plentiful; antonyms (n) few, (adj)
association, relationship, sleeper, (v) link, bond, insufficient, 3. fertility (verimlilik); synonyms (n)

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fecundity, birthrate, productivity, uberty, natality, greasy, great, (n) avoirdupois, blubber, cream, (v)
prolificacy; antonyms (n) sterility, infertility. fatten; antonyms (adj) thin, slim, skinny, slender.
bereketli 1. fertile (verimli); synonyms (adj) besin food (gıda, yiyecek); synonyms (n) board,
productive, fat, fecund, abundant, affluent, edible, fare, aliment, diet, dish, nourishment,
copious, exuberant, fruitful, creative, bountiful, sustenance, eating, fodder, meat, nurture,
inventive, luxuriant, prolific, rich, ample; nutriment, nutrition, pabulum.
antonyms (adj) infertile, sterile, 2. abundant (bol); besleme 1. feed (beslemek, yemek); synonyms (v)
synonyms (adj) generous, lush, thick, plenty, fertile, eat, dine, nurture, browse, board, diet, encourage,
liberal, plentiful, substantial, teeming, abounding, nourish, fatten, consume, feast, (n) aliment, food,
considerable, enough, full, fulsome, great; provender, fare; antonym (v) starve, 2. feeding;
antonyms (adj) scarce, sparse, meager, 3. rich synonyms (adj) tributary, depascent, (n) feed,
(zengin); synonyms (adj) deep, luxurious, opulent, alimentation, eating, nourishment, farming,
bright, heavy, grand, magnificent, mellow, casting, loading, victuals, 3. supply (tedarik
plenteous, wealthy, well-off, delicate, elegant, (v) etmek); synonyms (n) provision, hoard, issue, (v)
ornate, florid; antonyms (adj) poor, broke, destitute, furnish, stock, afford, fill, store, offer, provide,
impoverished, light, 4. productive (üretken); cater, contribute, deliver, equip, give.
synonyms (adj) generative, helpful, lucrative, beslemek 1. feed (yemek); synonyms (v) eat, dine,
constructive, original, producing, profitable, nurture, browse, board, diet, encourage, nourish,
efficient, gainful, economic, efficacious, fatten, consume, feast, (n) aliment, food, provender,
imaginative, procreative, active, beneficial; fare; antonym (v) starve, 2. foster; synonyms (v)
antonyms (adj) unproductive, barren, unprofitable. cultivate, advance, cherish, breed, boost, foment,
berrak 1. clear (açık, belirgin, temiz, further, rear, support, educate, entertain, tend,
temizlemek); synonyms (adj) clean, certain, open, keep, feed, nurse; antonym (v) neglect, 3. nurse
apparent, distinct, empty, (v) bright, acquit, (hemşire); synonyms (n) doctor, amah, care,
absolute, free, net, absolve, clarify, definite, nanny, (v) attend, foster, harbor, lactate, cradle,
discharge; antonyms (adj) cloudy, opaque, unclear, raise, breastfeed, harbour, hold, suckle, minister.
dark, fuzzy, hazy, incomprehensible, obscure, beslenmek feed (beslemek, yemek); synonyms (v)
uncertain, vague, ambiguous, blurry, confused, eat, dine, nurture, browse, board, diet, encourage,
confusing, (v) convict, 2. liquid; synonyms (adj) nourish, fatten, consume, feast, (n) aliment, food,
flowing, fluent, fluid, juicy, limpid, watery, sappy, provender, fare; antonym (v) starve.
succulent, mobile, smooth, (n) liquor, drink, juice, beste 1. composition; synonyms (n) arrangement,
liquidness, sap; antonyms (adj) firm, (n) solid, constitution, construction, texture, alloy, amalgam,
gaseous. article, combination, composing, compost,
berraklık clarity; synonyms (n) clearness, limpidity, compound, compromise, harmony, makeup,
comprehensibility, precision, purity, coherence, organization, 2. tune; synonyms (n) melody, song,
lucidity, pellucidity, simplicity; antonyms (n) strain, air, concord, note, consonance, music,
cloudiness, obscurity, vagueness, haziness, sound, tone, (v) adjust, regulate, chant, attune,
mistiness, opacity, uncertainty, unclearness. string.
beş five; synonyms (n) cinque, quint, quintuplet, fin, besteci composer; synonyms (n) author, musician,
ace, eight, fins, fivesome, interim, intermission, penman, instrumentalist, artist, artiste,
interval, jack, king, knave, (adj) quinary. calligrapher, conductor, maestro, performer,
player, singer.
besbelli 1. evident; synonyms (adj) apparent, obvious,
distinct, clear, conspicuous, discernible, manifest, betik script (senaryo); synonyms (n) calligraphy,
patent, plain, noticeable, open, certain, bright, hand, book, handwriting, copy, document,
marked, palpable; antonyms (adj) unclear, inscription, lettering, letters, text, treatment,
concealed, obscure, unnoticed, hidden, writing, playscript, record.
inconspicuous, 2. patent; synonyms (n) charter, betimleme description (tanım); synonyms (n)
(adj) overt, evident, explicit, transparent, account, type, brand, delineation, depiction,
unmistakable, visible, blatant, public, tangible, explanation, kind, picture, definition, narration,
unconcealed, observable, unquestionable, 3. portrayal, recital, report, (adj) class, character.
obvious; synonyms (adj) flagrant, glaring, betimlemek 1. describe; synonyms (v) define,
perceptible, undeniable, definite, gross, delineate, depict, outline, report, represent, state,
indisputable, indubitable, lucid, prominent, salient, draw, relate, qualify, characterize, designate,
barefaced, intelligible, luminous, broad; antonyms explain, name, narrate, 2. represent (göstermek,
(adj) imperceptible, undetectable, slight, subtle. temsil etmek); synonyms (v) portray, act, be,
besili fat (yağ); synonyms (adj) stout, corpulent, describe, embody, exemplify, illustrate, play, enact,
dense, thick, bulky, fatty, fertile, fleshy, gainful,

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64 Turkish - English

make, impersonate, comprise, constitute, (adj) encephalon, intelligence, mentality, nous, psyche,
express, denote. wit, prodigy, 2. mind (akıl); synonyms (n)
beton concrete (somut); synonyms (adj) actual, intellect, brain, inclination, regard, conscience,
positive, physical, real, tangible, fixed, palpable, belief, (v) care, look, attend, beware, keep, listen,
definite, firm, material, (n) cement, (v) coagulate, notice, guard, (adj) heed; antonym (v) forget.
congeal, concretion, set; antonyms (adj) theoretical, bez 1. cloth (kumaş); synonyms (n) fabric, material,
intangible, abstract, hypothetical, incidental. cover, rag, stuff, textile, calling, net, (v) napkin, 2.
bey 1. gentleman (centilmen); synonyms (n) man, fabric; synonyms (n) building, cloth, composition,
male, patrician, sir, laureate, squireen, noble, frame, construction, framework, fiber,
gentle, fellow, guy, valet, homo, human, humanity, performance, anatomy, organization, production,
(adj) gentilhomme; antonym (n) woman, 2. ace texture, work, (v) edifice, structure.
(as); synonyms (n) expert, one, virtuoso, wizard, bezdirmek disgust; synonyms (n) antipathy,
adept, master, star, (adj) crack, dot, iota, jot, abhorrence, abomination, aversion, detestation,
outstanding, particle, point, super, 3. lord dislike, repugnance, hate, hatred, horror, (v) sicken,
(sahip); synonyms (n) chief, seignior, almighty, nauseate, shock, distaste, displease; antonyms (n)
creator, gentleman, maker, mistress, nobleman, attraction, love, (v) delight, attract.
overlord, ruler, captain, impropriator. biber pepper; synonyms (n) capsicum, peppercorn, (v)
beyan 1. declaration; synonyms (n) announcement, pelt, bombard, sprinkle, (adj) salt, season, spice.
affirmation, assertion, allegation, avowal, claim, biberiye rosemary; synonyms (n) herb, thyme, basil,
expression, pronouncement, statement, parsley, rosmarine, sage, marjoram.
enunciation, acknowledgment, admission, decree, bıçak knife; synonyms (n) dagger, tongue, whittle,
deposition, dictum; antonym (n) denial, 2. clapper, couteau, cuttle, cuttlefish, (v) stab, wound,
statement; synonyms (n) account, declaration, jab, slit, betray, dig, (adj) blade, cutlery.
communication, instruction, command, bıçaklamak 1. knife (bıçak); synonyms (n) dagger,
description, proposition, profession, argument, bill,
tongue, whittle, clapper, couteau, cuttle, cuttlefish,
remark, word, bulletin, explanation, record, 3. (v) stab, wound, jab, slit, betray, dig, (adj) blade,
profession; synonyms (n) confession, cutlery, 2. stick (yapıştırmak); synonyms (n) bar,
employment, occupation, calling, career, job, club, (v) adhere, attach, cling, fix, paste, staff,
vocation, position, assurance, business, craft, cohere, affix, bind, cleave, fasten, hold, impale.
testimony, trade, work, avocation.
biçare wretched; synonyms (adj) unfortunate,
beyanname declaration; synonyms (n) unhappy, forlorn, pitiful, sad, deplorable,
announcement, affirmation, assertion, allegation, lamentable, low, mean, pathetic, piteous, pitiable,
avowal, claim, expression, pronouncement, sorry, (v) miserable, poor; antonym (adj) happy.
statement, enunciation, acknowledgment,
biçem style (stil); synonyms (n) fashion, name, form,
admission, decree, deposition, dictum; antonym (n)
kind, method, mode, pattern, sort, cast, class, (v)
call, entitle, cut, (adj) manner, character.
beyaz 1. white (ak); synonyms (adj) fair, ashen, blank, biçim 1. form (form); synonyms (n) figure, design,
clean, snowy, wan, achromatic, bloodless, livid,
arrange, ceremony, shape, class, conformation, (v)
pallid, colorless, bright, good, (n) pale, (v) whiten; cast, make, fashion, build, constitute, establish,
antonyms (adj) dark, rosy, (n) black, 2. blank (boş, carve, construct, 2. shape (şekil); synonyms (n)
boşluk); synonyms (adj) bare, empty, unfilled, mold, pattern, condition, configuration, frame,
vacant, deadpan, dull, expressionless, impassive, outline, (v) form, model, mould, determine, adjust,
inexpressive, (n) space, form, emptiness, gap, fit, influence, regulate, knead, 3. format;
hiatus, lacuna; antonyms (adj) animated, full, synonyms (n) size, formatting, organization,
expressive. structure, template, construction, system, (v) set,
beyefendi 1. gentleman (bey, centilmen); coif, coiffe, coiffure, do, dress, initialise, initialize,
synonyms (n) man, male, patrician, sir, laureate, 4. fashion (moda); synonyms (n) cut, mode,
squireen, noble, gentle, fellow, guy, valet, homo, craze, fad, manner, method, way, custom, guise,
human, humanity, (adj) gentilhomme; antonym (n) style, wise, (v) contrive, create, compose, adapt, 5.
woman, 2. sir; synonyms (n) esquire, gentleman, configuration; synonyms (n) arrangement,
master, don, signior, buck, dominus, effendi, composition, constellation, contour, formation, 6.
magister, signore. make (etmek, yapmak); synonyms (v) cause,
beygir horse (at); synonyms (n) cavalry, mount, buck, force, get, give, produce, let, compel, drive, erect,
heroin, junk, knight, boar, cock, dog, drake, gander, execute, fabricate, fetch, gain, generate, prepare;
hart. antonyms (v) destroy, lose, 7. mode (kip);
beyin 1. brain; synonyms (n) mastermind, genius, synonyms (n) means, appearance, approach,
head, mind, reason, brainpower, brains,

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Turkish - English 65

modality, process, rage, type, vogue, kind, habit, bildik 1. acquaintance (tanıdık); synonyms (n)
garb, behavior, brand, mood, nature. connection, familiarity, friend, acquaintanceship,
biçimlemek format (biçim); synonyms (n) form, size, mate, associate, awareness, buddy, companion,
formatting, shape, organization, structure, comrade, contact, conversance, conversancy,
template, mold, construction, system, (v) set, experience, (v) knowledge; antonyms (n) ignorance,
arrange, coif, coiffe, coiffure. stranger, 2. familiar; synonyms (adj) close,
biçimlendirmek 1. shape (biçim, şekil); synonyms common, conversant, customary, everyday,
(n) cast, mold, figure, pattern, build, condition, intimate, commonplace, easy, ordinary, usual,
configuration, (v) form, fashion, model, mould, acquainted, chummy, (n) accustomed, habitual, (v)
determine, make, adjust, carve, 2. form (biçim, confidential; antonyms (adj) unfamiliar, foreign,
form); synonyms (n) design, arrange, ceremony, strange, new, unaccustomed, formal, ignorant,
shape, class, conformation, appearance, (v) unknown.
constitute, establish, construct, create, do, compose, Bildir announce (ilan etmek); synonyms (v)
comprise, contrive, 3. fashion (moda); synonyms advertise, herald, declare, enunciate, proclaim,
(n) cut, mode, craze, fad, manner, method, way, return, affirm, annunciate, broadcast,
custom, guise, style, wise, (v) adapt, fit, forge, (adj) communicate, foretell, intimate, promulgate,
character. publicize, publish.
biçimsel formal (resmi); synonyms (adj) bildiri 1. announcement (duyuru, ilan);
conventional, ceremonious, distant, ceremonial, synonyms (n) annunciation, notice, advertisement,
courtly, elegant, official, prim, solemn, stately, cold, declaration, communication, proclamation,
nominal, pedantic, precise, proper; antonyms (adj) promulgation, pronouncement, release, report,
informal, relaxed, unceremonious. statement, intimation, bill, ad, assertion, 2.
biçimsiz ugly (çirkin); synonyms (adj) nasty, declaration; synonyms (n) announcement,
disagreeable, forbidding, frightful, gruesome, affirmation, allegation, avowal, claim, expression,
hideous, homely, repulsive, surly, evil, offensive, enunciation, acknowledgment, admission, decree,
atrocious, deformed, despicable, grotesque; deposition, dictum, predication, confession, bid;
antonyms (adj) beautiful, attractive, good-looking, antonym (n) denial, 3. bulletin (bülten);
flowing, ornamental. synonyms (n) account, message, dispatch, news,
bıçkı saw (testere); synonyms (v) cut, (n) adage, communiqué, journal, leaflet, brochure, newsletter,
newssheet, tidings, catalogue, list, pamphlet,
byword, proverb, dictum, maxim, saying,
update, 4. notice; synonyms (n) attention,
aphorism, axiom, motto.
information, mind, caution, heed, observation, (v)
biçmek harvest (hasat); synonyms (n) crop, fruit,
note, look, attend, detect, discover, distinguish,
ingathering, produce, profit, yield, (v) gain, gather,
find, mark, regard; antonyms (v) disregard, ignore,
glean, amass, collect, garner, get, pick, reap.
5. manifesto; synonyms (n) pronunciamento,
bıkkın weary (yorgun); synonyms (adj) tired,
edict, policy, proposal, program, 6. report
exhausted, fatigued, aweary, beat, languid,
irksome, (v) fatigue, tire, exhaust, bore, dull, irk, (rapor); synonyms (n) description, gossip, name,
wear, (n) jade; antonyms (adj) energetic, fresh. fame, narration, narrative, notification, recital,
record, story, intelligence, (v) describe,
bıkmak weary (yorgun); synonyms (adj) tired,
communicate, recount, relate; antonym (n) fact, 7.
exhausted, fatigued, aweary, beat, languid,
irksome, (v) fatigue, tire, exhaust, bore, dull, irk, statement; synonyms (n) instruction, command,
wear, (n) jade; antonyms (adj) energetic, fresh. proposition, profession, argument, remark, word,
bulletin, explanation, return, averment, contention,
bıkmış sick (hasta); synonyms (adj) ill, queasy, ailing,
invoice, direction, (v) tale.
indisposed, poorly, weary, invalid, diseased,
morbid, sickly, nauseous, poor, crazy, disgusted, (v) bildirim 1. declaration; synonyms (n)
unwell; antonyms (adj) well, healthy. announcement, affirmation, assertion, allegation,
avowal, claim, expression, pronouncement,
bıktırmak disgust; synonyms (n) antipathy,
statement, enunciation, acknowledgment,
abhorrence, abomination, aversion, detestation,
admission, decree, deposition, dictum; antonym (n)
dislike, repugnance, hate, hatred, horror, (v) sicken,
denial, 2. notice; synonyms (n) advertisement,
nauseate, shock, distaste, displease; antonyms (n)
attention, declaration, information, mind, caution,
attraction, love, (v) delight, attract.
heed, (v) note, look, attend, detect, discover,
bilanço balance (denge, dengelemek); synonyms distinguish, find, mark; antonyms (v) disregard,
(n) poise, symmetry, excess, remainder, account,
complement, counterpoise, credit, (v)
counterbalance, adjust, offset, compensate, bildirmek 1. inform; synonyms (v) communicate,
contrast, settle, audit; antonyms (n) imbalance, (v) acquaint, advise, impart, announce, enlighten, tell,
familiarize, explain, advertise, apprise, educate,

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66 Turkish - English

instruct, state, warn, 2. declare; synonyms (v) synonyms (n) concoction, brew, composition,
affirm, allege, assert, say, attest, acknowledge, preparation, compost, union, agree, (v)
admit, aver, avow, proclaim, call, divulge, express, amalgamate, combine, compromise, augment,
promulgate, pronounce; antonym (v) deny, 3. commingle, coalesce, multiply, (adj) composite;
announce (ilan etmek); synonyms (v) herald, antonym (adj) simple.
declare, enunciate, return, annunciate, broadcast, bileşim 1. combination; synonyms (n) alliance,
foretell, intimate, publicize, publish, report, reveal, blend, union, association, coalition, league, merger,
cry, voice, bill, 4. tell (anlatmak, söylemek); amalgam, aggregate, amalgamation, collection,
synonyms (v) relate, recount, command, describe, complex, composition, concoction, (adj) compound;
distinguish, enumerate, inform, notify, order, antonyms (n) separation, (adj) simple, 2.
recite, ascertain, break, (n) disclose, count, number; composition; synonyms (n) arrangement,
antonym (v) request, 5. notice; synonyms (n) constitution, construction, texture, alloy, article,
advertisement, attention, declaration, information, combination, composing, compost, compromise,
mind, caution, heed, message, (v) note, look, attend, harmony, makeup, organization, piece, production.
detect, discover, find, mark; antonyms (v) bilet ticket; synonyms (n) pass, card, label, certificate,
disregard, ignore, 6. advise (tavsiye etmek); ballot, check, slate, tag, warrant, mark, slip,
synonyms (v) admonish, propose, recommend, voucher, plank, platform, (v) fine.
suggest, exhort, forewarn, offer, urge, advocate, bilge wise (akıllı); synonyms (adj) judicious,
confer, submit, persuade, proposition, apprize, reasonable, sensible, intelligent, knowing, prudent,
brief; antonym (v) oppose, 7. communicate; rational, sagacious, sound, discreet, shrewd, sane,
synonyms (v) deliver, carry, commune, convey, discerning, thoughtful, (n) method; antonyms (adj)
relay, transmit, pass, render, share, talk, interact, foolish, unwise, stupid.
signal, connect, intercommunicate, partake, 8.
bilgelik wisdom; synonyms (n) discretion,
report (rapor); synonyms (n) description, gossip, judiciousness, knowledge, prudence, sagacity,
notice, name, fame, narration, narrative, news, sapience, sense, discernment, insight, learning,
notification, recital, record, story, intelligence, depth, judgment, profundity, reasonableness, (v)
bulletin, (v) account; antonym (n) fact, 9. vote (oy); lore; antonyms (n) foolishness, stupidity.
synonyms (n) ballot, election, poll, suffrage, bilgi 1. knowledge; synonyms (n) information,
franchise, voting, choice, balloting, (v) elect. comprehension, acquaintance, erudition, grasp,
bile 1. even (çift, hatta); synonyms (adv) yet, (adj) intelligence, lore, science, understanding,
direct, equal, constant, equable, equivalent, flat, enlightenment, attainment, appreciation, (v)
horizontal, identical, plane, regular, steady, (v) cognition, (adj) art, wisdom; antonym (n) ignorance,
level, balance, smooth; antonyms (adj) uneven, 2. information (enformasyon); synonyms (n)
inconsistent, irregular, jagged, unequal, 2. very advice, communication, data, evidence, note,
(çok, pek, tam); synonyms (adv) extremely, report, tidings, complaint, counsel, info,
greatly, highly, really, completely, entirely, most, instruction, material, warning, word, details, 3.
quite, truly, actually, too, awfully, (adj) much, report (rapor); synonyms (n) description, gossip,
considerably, (n) self; antonyms (adv) abysmally, notice, name, fame, message, narration, narrative,
slightly, somewhat. news, notification, recital, record, (v) account,
bilek wrist; synonyms (n) carpus, (v) finger, hand, describe, communicate; antonym (n) fact, 4. data
paw. (veri); synonyms (n) facts, figures, file, postulate,
bileklik supporter; synonyms (n) partisan, admirer, proof, 5. intelligence (akıl); synonyms (n)
ally, backer, follower, friend, patron, sponsor, cleverness, intellect, acumen, brain, brains,
advocate, believer, benefactor, champion, devotee, capacity, knowledge, mentality, sharpness, wit,
disciple, fan; antonyms (n) opponent, skeptic, genius, aptitude, quickness, apprehension,
detractor, critic. astuteness; antonyms (n) stupidity, emotion, 6.
bileşen 1. component (parça); synonyms (n) acquaintance (tanıdık); synonyms (n)
constituent, factor, ingredient, part, detail, element, connection, familiarity, friend, acquaintanceship,
feature, member, unit, accessory, division, piece, mate, associate, awareness, buddy, companion,
portion, section, (adj) fundamental, 2. constituent; comrade, contact, conversance, conversancy,
synonyms (adj) integral, (n) component, elector, experience, friendship; antonym (n) stranger, 7.
item, agent; antonyms (n) aggregate, composite, learning; synonyms (n) acquisition, education,
whole. culture, scholarship, acquirement, edification,
bileşik 1. composite (karma); synonyms (adj) letter, literature, reading, eruditeness, learnedness.
aggregate, mixed, (n) complex, amalgam, blend, bilgili 1. learned; synonyms (v) knowing, (adj) erudite,
mix, combination, alloy, complicated, mixture, educated, enlightened, knowledgeable, wise,
synthesis, (v) compound, 2. compound; academic, scholarly, bookish, cultured, intellectual,

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lettered, literary, studious, informed; antonyms bilinçsiz unconscious; synonyms (adj) involuntary,
(adj) ignorant, innate, 2. informed; synonyms (adj) unaware, ignorant, subconscious, unwitting,
aware, cognizant, conscious, familiar, apprised, oblivious, automatic, insensible, instinctive,
conversant, experienced, (adv) abreast. senseless, unintentional, spontaneous, innocent,
bilgin 1. scientist; synonyms (n) scholar, master, unknowing, unacquainted; antonyms (adj)
archaeologist, doctor, engineer, 2. scholar; conscious, awake, deliberate.
synonyms (n) learner, pupil, academic, student, bilinen 1. known; synonyms (adj) well-known,
pundit, apprentice, intellectual, brain, disciple, familiar, conscious, certain, accepted,
adherent, follower; antonym (n) dilettante. acknowledged, plain, published, understood,
bilginlik scholarship (burs); synonyms (n) evident, recognized, apparent, aware, common,
erudition, learning, lore, education, award, apprised; antonyms (adj) nameless, unknown,
learnedness, letters, reading, edification, allowance, secret, unidentified, 2. common (adi, ortak);
science, eruditeness, literacy, prize, (v) knowledge. synonyms (adj) ordinary, coarse, cheap, mutual,
bilgisayar computer; synonyms (n) calculator, usual, vulgar, accustomed, base, ignoble, mean,
mainframe, machine, reckoner, laptop, computist, mediocre, plebeian, public, trivial, (n) habitual;
estimator, figurer, workstation, analog, brain, antonyms (adj) individual, uncommon, rare,
clone, compatible, (v) number, program. unusual, characteristic, one-off, specific, unique,
aristocratic, exclusive, extraordinary, infrequent.
bilgisiz ignorant (cahil); synonyms (adj) unconscious,
illiterate, rude, uneducated, unwitting, blind, dull, Bilinmeyen unknown; synonyms (adj) secret,
innocent, naive, unaware, uninformed, unlearned, strange, hidden, unfamiliar, nameless, obscure,
barbarous, crude, shallow; antonyms (adj) unidentified, anonymous, foreign, mysterious,
new, undiscovered, (n) stranger, alien, foreigner;
knowledgeable, conscious.
antonyms (adj) known, familiar, famous,
bilgisizlik ignorance (cehalet); synonyms (n)
recognized, well-known.
darkness, illiteracy, nescience, folly, innocence,
unwisdom, denseness, stupidity, obtuseness, bilirkişi 1. expert (uzman); synonyms (adj) adept,
unawareness, unenlightenment, night, adroit, dexterous, skillful, able, clever, experienced,
unacquaintance, adversity, agnosticism; antonyms accomplished, ace, apt, (n) professional, proficient,
critic, authority, connoisseur; antonyms (adj)
(n) knowledge, intelligence.
unskilled, inept, inferior, untrained, (n) amateur,
bilhassa 1. particularly; synonyms (adv) especially,
beginner, 2. authority (yetki); synonyms (n)
specially, only, chiefly, curiously, expressly,
ascendancy, command, sanction, administration,
markedly, notably, peculiarly, principally, singly,
authorization, dominance, domination, hold, judge,
very, individually, definitely, distinctly; antonym
power, rule, warrant, lordship, agency, approval,
(adv) slightly, 2. expressly; synonyms (adv)
3. referee (hakem); synonyms (n) arbiter,
particularly, explicitly, specifically, purposely,
arbitrator, mediator, umpire, adjudicator, ref,
precisely, namely.
moderator, intermediary, referendary, (v) arbitrate,
bilim science; synonyms (n) learning, lore, mediate, adjudicate, intercede, 4. surveyor;
knowledge, literature, skill, erudition, (adj) art. synonyms (n) inspector, assessor, visitor, engineer,
bilimsel scientific; synonyms (adj) technical, husband, ranger, supercargo, auditor, traveler,
mathematical, exact, punctual, accurate, artistic, voyager.
objective, shipshape, learned, precise, scientifical, bilmek know (tanımak); synonyms (v) discern,
analytical, clinical, detached, disinterested; comprehend, can, distinguish, have, recognize,
antonym (adj) theoretical. understand, feel, acknowledge, agnise, agnize,
bilinç consciousness; synonyms (n) awareness, apprehend, fathom, appreciate, (n) ken.
feeling, sense, conscience, cognizance, mind, bilye marble; synonyms (n) cheetah, granite, leopard,
notion, knowledge, self; antonym (n) (v) foolscap, pillar, table, (adj) rock, flint, stone,
unconsciousness. quartz, pellet, bullet, globule, spherule, bulb.
bilinçli 1. conscious; synonyms (adj) aware, alive, bin thousand; synonyms (n) chiliad, grand, m, g,
calculated, cognizant, deliberate, mindful, thou, curtilage, gee, gigabyte, gm, gram, gramme,
premeditated, intended, discerning, self-conscious, green, grounds, heap, jet.
intentional, knowing, knowledgeable, known, bina 1. building; synonyms (n) architecture,
purposeful; antonyms (adj) unconscious, unaware, establishment, construction, fabric, fabrication,
ignorant, 2. aware; synonyms (adj) awake, house, assembly, creation, mansion, structure, (v)
attentive, conscious, heedful, vigilant, sentient, edifice, pile, (adj) augmentative, augmenting, 2.
alert, enlightened, observant, sensible, wary, construction; synonyms (n) building, formation,
watchful, appreciative, apprised, familiar. frame, organization, production, arrangement,
constitution, make, making, reading, anatomy,

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68 Turkish - English

conformation, design, development, exposition; counterpart, crony, friend, mate, monk, peer,
antonym (n) destruction, 3. structure (bünye, sidekick; antonym (n) sister.
yapı); synonyms (n) form, shape, framework, birahane pub; synonyms (n) bar, pothouse, barroom,
composition, erection, system, build, configuration, inn, saloon, taphouse, ginmill, lounge, drinkery,
scheme, skeleton, texture, complex, hull, order, gashouse.
machinery. bırakmak 1. leave; synonyms (v) depart, forsake, go,
binbaşı major (ana, büyük); synonyms (adj) chief, abandon, desert, quit, escape, flee, lead, (n)
key, large, main, superior, considerable, master, furlough, holiday, permission, permit, break, (adj)
grave, fundamental, great, higher, important, empty; antonyms (v) arrive, enter, stay, remain,
leading, overriding, principal; antonyms (adj) approach, change, come, 2. abandon; synonyms
minor, unimportant, lesser, petty, slight. (v) relinquish, renounce, resign, vacate, evacuate,
bindirmek clash; synonyms (n) bang, battle, brush, leave, waive, abdicate, chuck, ditch, drop, forfeit,
clang, crash, discord, encounter, (v) jar, fight, forgo, maroon, scrap; antonyms (v) keep, support,
impact, brawl, clank, collide, conflict, dispute; maintain, (n) restraint, 3. allow (izin vermek);
antonyms (n) agreement, (v) agree. synonyms (v) acknowledge, accord, agree, give,
binici rider; synonyms (n) horseman, appendix, grant, accede, acquiesce, accept, afford, authorize,
equestrian, passenger, codicil, supplement, clause, bear, consent, enable, endure, (adj) admit; antonyms
provision, addition, condition, horse, proviso. (v) forbid, prohibit, deny, reject, 4. dismiss;

binicilik riding; synonyms (v) horsemanship, (adj) synonyms (v) discharge, cashier, cast, disband,
discard, bounce, can, cease, dispatch, banish,
awheel, (n) equitation, ride, travel, hundred, soke,
disallow, discount, displace, dissolve, eject;
tithing, snowboarding.
antonyms (v) hire, employ, 5. let (izin vermek);
binme 1. ride; synonyms (n) outing, run, lift, jaunt,
synonyms (v) allow, lease, charter, have, rent, cause,
voyage, (v) drive, bait, float, mount, rag, tease,
countenance, demise, get, suffer, entitle, trust, (n)
harass, annoy, drift, (adj) bestride, 2. riding;
check, hindrance, impediment; antonym (v)
synonyms (v) horsemanship, (adj) awheel, (n)
equitation, ride, travel, hundred, soke, tithing, prevent, 6. drop; synonyms (v) fall, decrease,
snowboarding. deposit, dribble, droop, dip, dismiss, drip, ebb,
jump, shed, sink, decay, (n) decline, collapse;
binmek 1. board (tahta); synonyms (n) council,
bench, meal, panel, table, office, sign, commission, antonyms (v) rise, increase, lift, (n) growth, 7.
committee, court, embark, plank, (v) keep, lodge, release (serbest bırakmak); synonyms (n) issue,
accommodate; antonym (v) disembark, 2. mount; liberation, departure, ransom, exemption, (v)
synonyms (v) ascend, rise, climb, board, arise, exempt, free, liberate, pardon, absolve, acquit,
advance, jump, bestride, grow, increase, ride, scale, deliver, excuse, exonerate, (adj) disengage;
(n) hill, frame, mountain; antonyms (v) descend, antonyms (n) imprisonment, abduction, custody,
drop, (n) valley. involvement, preservation, (v) capture, confine,
imprison, arrest, catch, 8. fail; synonyms (v) abort,
bir 1. one; synonyms (pron) any, man, (n) anybody,
fade, bust, default, deteriorate, die, disappoint, flag,
single, somebody, person, ace, (adj) certain,
want, backfire, bomb, diminish, founder, (adj) abate,
individual, lone, only, unique, some, singular, (adv)
end; antonyms (v) succeed, triumph, 9. permit
once, 2. single (tek); synonyms (adj) celibate, one,
odd, particular, distinct, isolated, lonely, separate, (izin, izin vermek); synonyms (v) license, let,
simple, sole, solitary, exclusive, several, common, assent, legalize, sanction, tolerate, warrant,
discrete; antonyms (adj) married, double, multiple, approve, empower, yield, (n) licence, pass,
authority, authorization, certificate; antonyms (v)
3. an; synonym (conj) if, 4. a; synonyms (n) amp,
ampere, angstrom, axerophthol, forenoon, morn, ban, stop.
morning, (v) grammar, initiation, (adj) cream, elite, bırakmamak stay (kalma, kalmak); synonyms (v)
flower, masterpiece, pick, prime, 5. some (bazı, remain, reside, rest, prop, stop, abide, continue,
biraz); synonyms (adv) nearly, rather, somewhat, endure, pause, arrest, bide, dwell, support, (n)
about, approximately, around, roughly, round, delay, halt; antonyms (v) leave, change, abscond,
almost, near, (adj) few, sundry, extraordinary, depart.
quantitative. biraz 1. some (bazı); synonyms (adv) nearly, rather,
bira 1. beer; synonyms (n) cocktail, suds, bock, head, somewhat, about, approximately, around, roughly,
hops, lather, nip, oil, slops, snifter, soapsuds, (v) round, almost, near, (adj) few, certain, several, (det)
wine, stingo, liqueur, spirits, 2. ale; synonyms (n) any, (n) one, 2. somewhat; synonyms (adv)
beer, eale. slightly, little, fairly, pretty, reasonably,
moderately, quite, relatively, comparatively,
birader brother; synonyms (n) fellow, pal, associate,
middling, partially, passably, (pron) partly, (adj)
buddy, chum, companion, compeer, comrade,
something, tolerably; antonyms (adv) extremely,

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considerably, 3. slightly; synonyms (adv) lightly, disconnect, discrete, discriminate, disjoin, disperse,
slight, slenderly, faintly, small, hardly, barely, distinguish, divide; antonyms (adj) connected,
slimly, scarcely; antonyms (adv) very, excessively, joined, simultaneous, (v) unite, merge, mix,
infinitely, significantly, terribly, tremendously, combine, fuse, join, link, associate.
much, particularly, solidly, 4. rather (oldukça); biri 1. somebody (birisi); synonyms (pron) someone,
synonyms (adv) enough, instead, kinda, preferably, anybody, (n) individual, person, personage,
sooner. creature, man, mortal, body, homo, human, (adj)
birazdan 1. presently; synonyms (adv) directly, celebrity, hero, lion, notability; antonym (pron)
immediately, now, shortly, soon, currently, nobody, 2. one (bir); synonyms (pron) any, (n)
instantly, just, forthwith, quickly, 2. soon (çok single, somebody, ace, anyone, unit, (adj) certain,
geçmeden); synonyms (adv) early, presently, anon, lone, only, unique, some, singular, particular, sole,
betimes, promptly, soonly, briefly, erelong, fast, (adv) once, 3. any; synonyms (adj) all, either,
quick, speedily, afterward, curtly. whichever, every, several, alone, few, ony,
birçok 1. many (çok); synonyms (adj) manifold, quantitative, (n) aught, part, (pron) who, 4.
abundant, countless, frequent, various, someone; synonyms (n) self, party, one, soul.
innumerable, much, multiple, numerous, plentiful, biricik 1. unique (benzersiz, tek); synonyms (adj)
several, different, numberless, (n) number; singular, only, odd, extraordinary, individual,
antonym (n) few, 2. multiple (kat); synonyms (adj) solitary, alone, peculiar, distinct, distinctive,
many, complex, diverse, populous, compound, exceptional, incomparable, inimitable, matchless,
multiplex, multiplied, multitudinous, (n) rare; antonyms (adj) common, ordinary, recurring,
coefficient; antonym (adj) simple. 2. only (ancak); synonyms (adv) but, exclusively,
birden suddenly; synonyms (adv) abruptly, short, just, merely, barely, entirely, simply, however,
sudden, presto, dead, hastily, rapidly, fast, solely, hardly, (adj) exclusive, lone, one, sole, all.
instantly, sharply, unawares, precipitously, (adj) birikim accumulation; synonyms (n) store, stock,
quickly, immediately, instanter; antonyms (adv) accretion, mass, accrual, accruement, batch, hoard,
gradually, increasingly, predictably, slowly. pile, reserve, deposit, addition, aggregation,
birdenbire 1. suddenly; synonyms (adv) abruptly, assemblage, (v) gain; antonym (n) shortage.
short, sudden, presto, dead, hastily, rapidly, fast, birikimli cumulative; synonyms (adj) accumulative,
instantly, sharply, unawares, precipitously, (adj) collective, increasing, aggregate, total, amassed,
quickly, immediately, instanter; antonyms (adv) growing, summative, additional, combined,
gradually, increasingly, predictably, slowly, 2. additory, advancing, augmenting, chain, heaped.
abruptly; synonyms (adv) suddenly, bluntly, birikinti deposit (mevduat); synonyms (n) charge,
brusquely, curtly, gruffly, rudely, shortly; residue, guarantee, heap, hoard, lees, (v) bank,
commit, store, fix, lay, repose, cast, file, leave;
antonyms (adv) gently, civilly.
antonym (v) withdraw.
bireşim synthesis (sentez); synonyms (n)
combination, fusion, compound, incorporation, birikme accumulation; synonyms (n) store, stock,
mixture, union, composite, unification, amalgam, accretion, mass, accrual, accruement, batch, hoard,
complex, deduction; antonym (n) separation. pile, reserve, deposit, addition, aggregation,
assemblage, (v) gain; antonym (n) shortage.
birey 1. individual (bireysel); synonyms (adj)
distinct, particular, single, different, alone, certain, birikmek collect (toplamak); synonyms (v)
characteristic, distinctive, especial, exclusive, (n) assemble, accumulate, amass, gather, pick, accrue,
human, creature, fellow, man, mortal; antonyms acquire, aggregate, cluster, collate, congregate,
(adj) joint, combined, common, communal, general, convene, cull, harvest, hoard; antonyms (v)
vague, (n) collective, 2. person (kişi, şahıs); disperse, distribute.
synonyms (n) individual, being, body, character, birikmiş cumulative; synonyms (adj) accumulative,
soul, life, homo, form, organism, personality, collective, increasing, aggregate, total, amassed,
somebody, someone, substance, thing, (v) party; growing, summative, additional, combined,
antonym (n) automaton. additory, advancing, augmenting, chain, heaped.
bireysel 1. individual (birey); synonyms (adj) biriktirme accumulation; synonyms (n) store, stock,
distinct, particular, single, different, alone, certain, accretion, mass, accrual, accruement, batch, hoard,
characteristic, distinctive, especial, exclusive, (n) pile, reserve, deposit, addition, aggregation,
human, creature, fellow, man, mortal; antonyms assemblage, (v) gain; antonym (n) shortage.
(adj) joint, combined, common, communal, general, biriktirmek 1. collect (toplamak); synonyms (v)
vague, (n) collective, 2. separate (ayırmak, ayrı, assemble, accumulate, amass, gather, pick, accrue,
bölmek); synonyms (adj) detached, (v) detach, acquire, aggregate, cluster, collate, congregate,
divorce, part, insulate, scatter, cut, dissociate, convene, cull, harvest, hoard; antonyms (v)
disperse, distribute, 2. save (kurtarmak,

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saklamak); synonyms (v) deliver, economize, antonyms (adj) individual, unilateral, private,
rescue, conserve, free, keep, maintain, preserve, separate, 2. combined; synonyms (adj) joint,
liberate, protect, redeem, retain, defend, (prep) united, aggregate, amalgamated, concerted,
except, but; antonyms (v) spend, squander, waste, incorporate, conjunct, conjunctive, connected,
3. gather (toplamak); synonyms (v) deduce, fused, joined, (adv) jointly, together; antonym (adj)
collect, compile, flock, garner, meet, tuck, earn, simple, 3. united; synonyms (adj) combined, allied,
rally, reap, derive, converge, extract, conclude, (n) mixed, undivided, unanimous, conjoint, linked,
fold; antonym (v) scatter, 4. store (ambar, depo, one, associated, coupled, inseparable, solid, (v)
depolamak, saklamak, stok); synonyms (n) consolidated, (n) harmonious; antonym (adj)
shop, market, business, emporium, heap, reserve, divided.
supply, accumulation, fund, place, (v) stock, bank, birleşme 1. alliance (ittifak); synonyms (n)
cache, pile, save. connection, league, affinity, association,
birim 1. unit (ünite); synonyms (n) troop, element, combination, confederacy, union, affiliation,
group, squad, aggregate, cell, team, detachment, alignment, alinement, coalition, merger,
member, ace, company, component, part, section, organization, society, amalgamation; antonym (n)
(adj) one, 2. module (modül); synonyms (n) nonalignment, 2. coalition; synonyms (n) alliance,
faculty, paradigm, subarray, bay, classes, coalescence, confederation, fusion, junction,
constituent, course, diameter, lessons, program, compact, bond, consolidation, federation,
protoplast, curriculum, piece, staff, 3. volume unification, 3. accord (ahenk, anlaşma);
(cilt, hacim, oylum); synonyms (n) bulk, size, synonyms (n) agreement, assent, consensus,
book, magnitude, mass, quantity, dimension, harmony, consonance, (v) agree, concord, consent,
amount, capacity, intensity, loudness, tome, give, bestow, grant, harmonize, suit, adjust,
journal, (adj) deal, pot; antonym (n) quietness. comply; antonyms (n) disagreement, discord, strife,
birinci 1. first (ilk); synonyms (adv) foremost, before, (v) conflict, 4. union (birlik); synonyms (n)
rather, early, (adj) best, beginning, chief, primitive, coupling, marriage, matrimony, conjunction, joint,
former, forward, head, initial, leading, maiden, (n) brotherhood, club, concurrence, conjugation,
commencement; antonyms (adj) last, final, (n) end, fraternity, guild, link, partnership, synthesis,
2. premier (başbakan); synonyms (adj) first, arch, unison; antonyms (n) separation, divergence, 5.
main, principal, (n) chancellor, minister, (v) unification; synonyms (n) blending,
premiere, 3. primary (birincil); synonyms (adj) conglutination; antonyms (n) division, segregation.
basic, elementary, essential, major, original, birleşmek 1. join (birleştirmek); synonyms (v)
fundamental, preliminary, primal, aboriginal, connect, unite, associate, combine, link, graft,
basal, capital, central, dominant, (n) paramount, assemble, affiliate, attach, meet, affix, annex,
cardinal; antonym (adj) secondary. conjoin, converge, (n) bond; antonyms (v) detach,
birincil primary; synonyms (adj) chief, basic, secede, separate, split, undo, 2. ally; synonyms (n)
elementary, essential, first, foremost, major, confederate, accomplice, companion, friend,
original, fundamental, initial, preliminary, primal, colleague, partner, accessory, adherent, assistant,
(n) paramount, main, cardinal; antonym (adj) auxiliary, comrade, (v) align, support, band, (adj)
secondary. coadjutor; antonyms (n) adversary, foe, opponent,
birisi 1. somebody (biri); synonyms (pron) someone, 3. combine; synonyms (v) amalgamate, blend,
anybody, (n) individual, person, personage, fuse, piece, aggregate, coalesce, incorporate, join,
creature, man, mortal, body, homo, human, (adj) league, merge, mix, alloy, add, (n) cartel,
celebrity, hero, lion, notability; antonym (pron) combination.
nobody, 2. someone; synonyms (pron) somebody, birleşmiş united; synonyms (adj) joined, joint,
anyone, (n) self, party, one, soul. combined, cooperative, connected, allied, mutual,
birkaç 1. several; synonyms (adj) many, different, concerted, mixed, common, conjunctive,
individual, various, numerous, particular, separate, undivided, conjunct, unanimous, (v) consolidated;
special, manifold, respective, (v) diverse, divers, antonyms (adj) individual, separate, divided.
sundry, (n) some, (det) any; antonym (adj) few, 2. birleştirme 1. combination; synonyms (n) alliance,
some (bazı, biraz); synonyms (adv) nearly, rather, blend, union, association, coalition, league, merger,
somewhat, about, approximately, around, roughly, amalgam, aggregate, amalgamation, collection,
round, almost, near, (adj) certain, several, complex, composition, concoction, (adj) compound;
extraordinary, quantitative, (n) one. antonyms (n) separation, (adj) simple, 2.
birleşik 1. joint (eklem, mafsal, ortak); synonyms unification; synonyms (n) combination, fusion,
(adj) collective, common, communal, cooperative, synthesis, consolidation, blending, conglutination;
mutual, bilateral, (n) articulation, hinge, join, seam, antonyms (n) division, segregation.
connection, tie, joining, (v) articulate, associate;

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Turkish - English 71

birleştirmek 1. join (birleşmek); synonyms (v) confederation, 7. alliance (ittifak); synonyms

connect, unite, associate, combine, link, graft, (n) alignment, alinement, organization, bond,
assemble, affiliate, attach, meet, affix, annex, confederation, conjunction, guild, party, relation,
conjoin, converge, (n) bond; antonyms (v) detach, relationship, agnation; antonym (n) nonalignment,
secede, separate, split, undo, 2. combine; 8. unit (birim, ünite); synonyms (n) troop,
synonyms (v) amalgamate, blend, fuse, piece, element, squad, cell, team, detachment, member,
aggregate, coalesce, incorporate, join, league, ace, component, part, section, system, whole, crew,
merge, mix, alloy, band, (n) cartel, combination, 3. division.
couple (çift); synonyms (n) brace, yoke, duo, birlikte together (beraber); synonyms (adv) jointly,
dyad, twosome, (v) pair, copulate, tie, match, mate, conjointly, simultaneously, collectively, running,
fasten, wed, bridge, add, (adj) hook; antonym (v) (adj) united, composed, stable, whole; antonyms
uncouple, 4. joint (birleşik, eklem, mafsal, (adv) individually, separately, independently, (adj)
ortak); synonyms (adj) collective, common, separate.
communal, cooperative, mutual, bilateral, twin, (n) birliktelik association (dernek); synonyms (n)
articulation, hinge, seam, connection, joining, affiliation, alliance, connection, assembly, affinity,
junction, juncture, (v) articulate; antonyms (adj) company, fellowship, link, partnership, society,
individual, unilateral, private, 5. compound; syndicate, congress, meeting, band, (v) assemblage.
synonyms (n) complex, amalgam, concoction, birörnek uniform (üniforma); synonyms (adj)
mixture, brew, composition, preparation, compost, regular, even, constant, steady, equal, consistent,
union, (v) compromise, augment, commingle, same, equable, homogenous, invariable, level,
multiply, (adj) composite, mixed; antonym (adj) unchanging, fixed, (n) livery, dress; antonyms (adj)
simple, 6. ally; synonyms (n) confederate, varied, assorted, inconsistent, unequal.
accomplice, companion, friend, colleague, partner, birtakım some (bazı, biraz); synonyms (adv) nearly,
accessory, adherent, assistant, auxiliary, comrade, rather, somewhat, about, approximately, around,
(v) align, support, marry, (adj) coadjutor; antonyms roughly, round, almost, near, (adj) few, certain,
(n) adversary, foe, opponent, 7. bond (bağ, several, (det) any, (n) one.
bono); synonyms (n) association, alliance, deed, bisiklet 1. bicycle; synonyms (n) machine, vehicle,
agreement, cement, attachment, bail, joint, coach, rack, (v) bike, wheel, cycle, pedal,
adhesion, chain, contract, fetter, ligament, (v) bind, motorcycle, drive, roll, 2. cycle; synonyms (n)
adhere, 8. pool (havuz); synonyms (n) plash, lake, bicycle, circle, round, ring, sequence, circuit,
pond, mere, basin, kitty, syndicate, trust, billiards, period, turn, bout, beat, run, age, interval, orbit,
lough, store, bank, jackpot, loch, (v) consolidate. revolution, 3. bike; synonym (n) motorbike.
birli ace (as); synonyms (n) expert, one, virtuoso, bisküvi biscuit; synonyms (n) cookie, cooky, beige,
wizard, adept, master, star, (adj) crack, dot, iota, jot, head, tan, slug, spray, (adj) glamorous.
outstanding, particle, point, super. bit bit; synonyms (n) crumb, morsel, piece, atom, drop,
birlik 1. union; synonyms (n) coalition, connection, fleck, fragment, moment, part, portion, shred,
junction, association, combination, league, merger, snatch, (v) curb, scrap, scantling.
alliance, coalescence, confederacy, coupling, fusion, bitap exhausted; synonyms (v) weak, (adj) drained,
marriage, matrimony, unification; antonyms (n) fatigued, spent, tired, gone, dry, beat, depleted,
separation, divergence, 2. unity; synonyms (n) empty, enervated, faint, jaded, weary, expended;
union, agreement, concord, harmony, oneness, antonyms (adj) energetic, fresh, refreshed, strong.
unison, completeness, integrity, consistency, bitik wan; synonyms (v) pale, (adj) pallid, cadaverous,
identity, one, single, consensus, entirety,
ghastly, sickly, faint, haggard, ashen, colorless,
communion; antonym (n) discord, 3.
pasty, sallow, bloodless, lurid, weak, ashy;
combination; synonyms (n) blend, amalgam, antonym (adj) strong.
aggregate, amalgamation, collection, complex,
bitirme 1. completion (tamamlama); synonyms (n)
composition, concoction, consolidation, federation,
close, accomplishment, achievement, attainment,
group, integration, mix, mixture, (adj) compound;
consummation, finish, closing, conclusion, ending,
antonym (adj) simple, 4. solidarity; synonyms (n) fulfillment, performance, complement, end,
community, fellowship, cooperation, sodality, execution, perfection; antonym (n) start, 2.
unity, body, friendship, coherence, amity,
finishing; synonyms (adj) last, final, ultimate, (n)
collaboration, companionship, company,
completion, coating.
comradeship, (adj) solidity, 5. association
(dernek); synonyms (n) affiliation, assembly, bitirmek 1. end (bitmek, erek, son); synonyms (n)
close, aim, closure, destination, conclusion, death,
affinity, link, partnership, society, syndicate,
cause, demise, object, (v) cease, complete, finish,
congress, meeting, band, brotherhood, club,
discontinue, conclude, (prep) consequence;
communication, conference, (v) assemblage, 6.

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72 Turkish - English

antonyms (n) beginning, maintenance, opening, weary, bore, enervate, fag, harass, jade, wear,
middle, (v) start, begin, continue, 2. complete drain, (adj) flag; antonyms (n) energy, (v) refresh, 2.
(eksiksiz, tam, tamamlamak); synonyms (adj) exhaustion; synonyms (n) fatigue, consumption,
perfect, absolute, consummate, whole, full, stark, enervation, lassitude, weakening, expenditure,
accomplished, all, (v) accomplish, achieve, execute, debilitation, enfeeblement, (adj) collapse,
act, attain, clear, effect; antonyms (adj) incomplete, prostration, apoplexy, deliquium.
partial, unfinished, abridged, shortened, sketchy, bitmek 1. end (bitirmek, erek, son); synonyms (n)
lacking, narrow, qualified, (v) neglect, 3. finish close, aim, closure, destination, conclusion, death,
(bitmek, son); synonyms (v) end, determine, cause, demise, object, (v) cease, complete, finish,
consume, do, stop, culminate, deplete, exhaust, discontinue, conclude, (prep) consequence;
expire, (n) ending, finale, glaze, accomplishment, antonyms (n) beginning, maintenance, opening,
coating, completion, 4. conclude; synonyms (v) middle, (v) start, begin, continue, 2. finish (son);
gather, assume, deduce, resolve, settle, terminate, synonyms (v) end, achieve, execute, accomplish,
decide, derive, generalize, judge, reason, determine, consume, do, stop, (n) consummate,
understand, suppose, quit, dispatch. ending, finale, glaze, accomplishment, coating,
bitiş finish (bitmek, son); synonyms (v) end, completion, 3. conclude; synonyms (v) gather,
complete, achieve, execute, accomplish, cease, assume, deduce, resolve, settle, terminate, decide,
determine, discontinue, consume, do, (n) close, derive, generalize, judge, reason, understand,
consummate, conclusion, death, conclude; suppose, quit, dispatch, 4. cease (durmak);
antonyms (v) start, begin, continue, (n) beginning. synonyms (v) break, abstain, drop, desist, expire,
bitişik 1. adjacent; synonyms (adj) abutting, halt, lapse, leave, pause, block, abandon, cut, (n)
adjoining, close, contiguous, conterminous, nearby, termination, cessation, (adj) abate, 5. stop (durak,
neighboring, next, touching, bordering, handy, durdurmak, durma, durmak); synonyms (v)
immediate, nigh, (adv) near; antonym (adj) distant, stand, delay, interrupt, obstruct, plug, catch,
2. attached; synonyms (adj) connected, disrupt, dwell, hinder, (n) hold, stay, check, arrest,
affectionate, affiliated, committed, associated, bar, curb; antonyms (v) encourage, permit, prolong.
devoted, fond, loving, loyal; antonyms (adj) bitmemiş incomplete; synonyms (adj) defective,
detached, separate, unmarried. deficient, faulty, imperfect, inadequate, halfway,
lacking, short, unfinished, half, insufficient,
bitiştirmek joint (birleşik, eklem, mafsal, ortak);
fragmentary, sketchy, scarce, (n) rough; antonyms
synonyms (adj) collective, common, communal,
cooperative, mutual, bilateral, (n) articulation, (adj) complete, finished, whole.
hinge, join, seam, connection, tie, joining, (v) bitmiş 1. finished; synonyms (v) done, (adj) complete,
articulate, associate; antonyms (adj) individual, completed, ended, perfect, consummate, absolute,
unilateral, private, separate. accomplished, polished, ripe, ruined, spent, round,
capable, (adv) over; antonyms (adj) unfinished,
bitki plant; synonyms (n) manufactory, equipment,
factory, herb, mill, (v) fix, place, embed, graft, set, incomplete, remaining, rough, 2. done (tamam);
constitute, establish, found, lay, bury. synonyms (adj) finished, gone, through, 3. over;
bitkiler vegetation; synonyms (n) flora, growth, synonyms (adv) beyond, across, more, by, o'er, on,
too, crosswise, anew, (prep) above, during, (n) overs,
plants, foliage, quietism, plant, bushes, flowers,
(adj) extra, odd, past.
idleness, shrubs, undergrowth, grass, leaves.
bitkin 1. weary (yorgun); synonyms (adj) tired, bitti done (tamam); synonyms (adj) finished,
complete, completed, over, gone, through, (adv)
exhausted, fatigued, aweary, beat, languid,
irksome, (v) fatigue, tire, exhaust, bore, dull, irk, ended; antonym (adj) unfinished.
wear, (n) jade; antonyms (adj) energetic, fresh, 2. biyografi biography; synonyms (n) autobiography,
wretched; synonyms (adj) unfortunate, unhappy, history, life, memoirs, memoir, story, animation.
forlorn, pitiful, sad, deplorable, lamentable, low, biyoloji biology; synonyms (n) physiology, anatomy,
mean, pathetic, piteous, pitiable, sorry, (v) biota.
miserable, poor; antonym (adj) happy, 3. worn; biyolojik biological; synonyms (adj) biologic, organic,
synonyms (v) decayed, rotten, (adj) haggard, shabby, environmental, natal, natural, physical, true, actual,
ragged, tattered, threadbare, drawn, jaded, birth, ecological, genetic, geographical, geological,
careworn, decrepit, faded, frayed, raddled, seedy; real.
antonym (adj) new, 4. spent; synonyms (v) evanid, biyopsi biopsy; synonyms (n) analysis, radiology,
past, slack, (adj) prostrate, expended, finished, gone, examination, urinalysis.
dead, effete, drained, weary, worn, fagged; biz us; synonyms (n) aurochs, demigod, superman.
antonym (adj) remaining. bize us; synonyms (n) aurochs, demigod, superman.
bitkinlik 1. fatigue; synonyms (n) exhaustion, bizi us; synonyms (n) aurochs, demigod, superman.
tiredness, weariness, lethargy, (v) exhaust, tire,

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bizzat personally; synonyms (adv) individually, tie, loop, bunch, gang, lump, tangle, band, burl,
directly, confidentially, intimately, privately, crowd, (v) entangle, knit, bind, fasten.
specially, well, secretly, separately, closely, boğuşmak 1. buffet (büfe); synonyms (n) blow,
individualistically, instinctively, intuitively, canteen, restaurant, impact, (v) beat, batter, cuff,
narrowly, particularly. buff, hit, knock, punch, smack, belabor, strike,
blok block (tıkamak); synonyms (n) bar, barricade, thump, 2. struggle; synonyms (n) contest, battle,
pad, clog, cluster, (v) arrest, stop, hinder, encumber, combat, conflict, strain, effort, exertion, scramble,
halt, lock, obstruct, parry, plug, (adj) lump; scuffle, (v) fight, attempt, dispute, endeavor, labor,
antonyms (v) free, unblock, open. quarrel; antonyms (v) flourish, glide.
blucin jeans; synonyms (n) pants, chinos, khakis, bohça 1. pack (paket, paketlemek); synonyms (n)
slacks, dungarees. bundle, mob, bevy, bunch, company, herd, batch,
böbrek kidney; synonyms (n) class, variety, feather, backpack, box, gang, (v) crowd, compress, heap,
kind, nature, stripe, mettle, type, description, order, cram, fill; antonym (v) unpack, 2. package
nephros, waiter. (paket); synonyms (n) pack, packaging, packet,
böcek insect; synonyms (n) bug, worm, bird, fish, parcel, carton, container, collection, (v) wrap;
louse, beast, amphibian, animal, crustacean, antonym (v) unwrap, 3. bundle; synonyms (n)
mammal, (adj) animalcule, maggot, midge, minnow, cluster, pile, sheaf, group, load, package, stack,
shrimp. wad, set, lot, mass, mint, mound, mountain, (v)
bodrum 1. basement; synonyms (n) cellar, base, clump.
bottom, vault, kitchen, offices, pantry, scullery, bok shit; synonyms (n) crap, bullshit, cocksucker,
footing, catacomb, floor, sepulcher, stomach, tomb, dump, junk, poop, bull, bunk, (v) stool, defecate,
2. cellar (kiler); synonyms (n) basement, cellarage, (adj) excrement, dung, faeces, feces, ordure.
winery, cockpit, hold, bound, cell, vineyard, boks boxing; synonyms (n) pugilism, fisticuffs,
chateau, curvet, estate, jump, leap, spring, tumble. packing, sparring, backpacking, fisticuff,
bodur 1. short (kısa); synonyms (adj) brief, concise, handyfight, parcelling, fistfight, slugfest, wadding,
scarce, brusque, close, curt, sharp, compendious, (adj) fighting.
laconic, abrupt, deficient, diminutive, inadequate, boksör fighter; synonyms (n) combatant, battler,
insufficient, lacking; antonyms (adj) long, tall, high, belligerent, champion, soldier, warrior, militant,
lengthy, 2. low (alçak); synonyms (adj) activist, crusader.
contemptible, abject, humble, ignoble, base, blue, bol 1. abundant; synonyms (adj) copious, generous,
common, deep, dejected, depressed, down, lush, luxuriant, thick, plenty, affluent, ample,
downcast, downhearted, (adv) gentle, (n) fertile, fruitful, liberal, plentiful, prolific, rich,
depression; antonyms (adj) cheerful, happy, high- substantial; antonyms (adj) scarce, sparse, meager,
pitched, loud, important, piercing. 2. ample; synonyms (adj) abundant, big, broad,
boğa bull; synonyms (n) bullshit, bunk, hogwash, rot, large, considerable, full, heavy, roomy, sizable,
absurdity, bear, buck, buncombe, bunkum, cop, spacious, sufficient, voluminous, adequate,
copper, crap, fuzz, guff, (adj) blunder. bountiful, capacious; antonyms (adj) inadequate,
boğaz 1. throat; synonyms (n) gullet, orifice, pharynx, small, insufficient, 3. rich (zengin); synonyms
gorge, mouth, muzzle, chimney, flue, funnel, (adj) productive, deep, fat, luxurious, opulent,

nostril, nozzle, quarl, shaft, sucker, 2. sound bright, fecund, grand, magnificent, mellow,
plenteous, wealthy, well-off, (v) ornate, florid;
(ses); synonyms (n) echo, peal, (v) ring, chime, fast,
antonyms (adj) poor, broke, destitute,
(adj) reasonable, complete, healthy, fit, good, just,
impoverished, light, 4. generous; synonyms (adj)
rational, right, sane, sensible; antonyms (n) silence,
benevolent, charitable, fair, flush, kind, benign,
(adj) illogical, unsound, confused.
bounteous, handsome, kindly, munificent, noble,
boğazlamak butcher (kasap); synonyms (n) open, philanthropic, unstinting, (n) free; antonyms
assassin, botch, bungler, meatman, murderer,
(adj) stingy, mean, measly, miserly, tightfisted,
slaughterer, blunderer, botcher, bumbler, (v)
avaricious, greedy, ungenerous, 5. full (dolu);
assassinate, slaughter, kill, massacre, murder, slay.
synonyms (adj) complete, absolute, enough,
boğuk thick (kalın); synonyms (adj) dense, compact, extensive, total, detailed, comprehensive, good,
stupid, crowded, dull, heavy, opaque, slow, stocky, plump, undivided, whole, wide, all, (n) entire,
close, deep, dim, familiar, fat, gross; antonyms (adj) crowded; antonyms (adj) empty, lacking, starving,
thin, intelligent, bright, sparse, clever, diluted, fine, hungry, sketchy, incomplete, 6. large (büyük,
slight, transparent.
geniş); synonyms (adj) bulky, high, great, gross,
boğum 1. node (düğüm); synonyms (n) knob, hefty, huge, important, stout, colossal,
connection, joint, knot, nodosity, nub, swelling, commodious, enormous, expansive, giant, gigantic,
client, guest, 2. knot; synonyms (n) bow, cluster, immense; antonyms (adj) cramped, insignificant, 7.

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74 Turkish - English

handsome (güzel, yakışıklı); synonyms (adj) dissertation, lot, plot, track, tractate, treatise,
elegant, beautiful, charming, fine, attractive, discourse, exposition, parcel, park, patch, pathway,
comely, bonny, exquisite, gorgeous, graceful, 9. quarter (çeyrek); synonyms (n) mercy, quart,
lovely, prepossessing, pretty, decent, tidy; fourth, grace, poop, side, clemency, flank, (v) lodge,
antonyms (adj) ugly, unattractive, 8. liberal; put, accommodate, billet, canton, divide, lay, 10.
synonyms (adj) giving, tolerant, lavish, easy, sector (kesim); synonyms (n) quadrant, arena.
bighearted, enlightened, freehanded, permissive, bölgesel regional; synonyms (adj) district, local,
left, frank, indulgent, lenient, advanced, gratuitous, parochial, sectional, neighborhood, topical, native,
(n) progressive; antonyms (adj) strict, oppressive, community, home, neighboring; antonym (adj)
totalitarian, intolerant, (n) conservative, 9. loose; central.
synonyms (adj) lax, dissolute, licentious, vague, bolluk 1. abundance (bereket); synonyms (n)
detached, immoral, lewd, incoherent, clear, (v)
wealth, amplitude, exuberance, plenitude,
disengage, liberate, relax, release, detach, (n) limp; profusion, richness, store, treasure, affluence,
antonyms (adj) tight, close, compressed, dense, taut, breadth, copiousness, enough, fertility, (adj) plenty,
compact, wedged, 10. wealthy (zengin); riches; antonyms (n) dearth, scarcity, aridity,
synonyms (adj) moneyed, prosperous, loaded, insufficiency, lack, shortage, 2. plenty; synonyms
abounding, monied, successful, thriving, 11. rank (n) abundance, many, much, plenteousness,
(sıra); synonyms (n) range, place, file, gradation, opulence, galore, flood, multitude, heap, lot,
line, degree, quality, (v) arrange, order, class, plentifulness, plentitude, (adj) adequate, ample,
classify, grade, position, array, group; antonym plentiful; antonyms (n) few, (adj) insufficient, 3.
(adj) fresh, 12. wide (geniş); synonyms (adj) vast, wealth; synonyms (n) capital, fortune, property,
expanded, extended, sweeping, blanket, general, mammon, resources, assets, excess, prosperity,
cavernous, encompassing, gaping, inaccurate, possession, cornucopia, overabundance, plethora,
panoptic, (adv) far, widely, astray; antonyms (adj) possessions, (v) money, gold; antonyms (n) poverty,
narrow, thin, restricted. penury, 4. flood (sel, sel basmak); synonyms (n)
Böl 1. split (ayırmak, bölmek, bölünme, deluge, pour, torrent, stream, (v) drench, flow,
yarmak); synonyms (v) crack, cut, fracture, slit, inundate, glut, drown, flush, gush, rush, submerge,
burst, divide, separate, divorce, breach, cleave, (n) swamp, (prep) tide; antonyms (n) drought, (v) trickle,
break, rip, rupture, tear, cleavage; antonyms (v) 5. stack (yığın, yığmak); synonyms (n) pile,
join, unite, merge, 2. divide (ayırmak, bölmek); accumulation, mound, rick, mass, bunch, bundle,
synonyms (v) distribute, part, dissociate, apportion, hill, mountain, shock, hoard, collection, haystack,
detach, disconnect, dismember, dispense, share, (v) load, pack, 6. store (ambar, depo,
split, deal, distinguish, carve, disjoint, allot. depolamak, saklamak, stok); synonyms (n)
bölge 1. zone; synonyms (n) area, district, region, shop, market, business, emporium, reserve, supply,
section, belt, locality, quarter, realm, layer, (v) stock, accumulate, garner, amass, bank, cache,
territory, province, neighborhood, orbit, circuit, keep, preserve, collect.
division, 2. region; synonyms (n) land, country, Bölme 1. division (bölüm); synonyms (n)
field, domain, part, range, department, expanse, department, disagreement, allotment, branch,
ground, place, dominion, demesne, direction, break, class, compartment, part, section, split,
extent, position, 3. district; synonyms (n) cleavage, classification, category, (adj) constituent,
community, county, jurisdiction, constituency, (v) distribution; antonyms (n) closeness,
hemisphere, municipality, sector, sphere, state, convergence, estimation, unification, 2.
tract, vicinity, ward, environs, (adj) local, (v) zone, 4. compartment; synonyms (n) cell, division, cabin,
belt (kemer, kuşak); synonyms (n) ribbon, strap, cubicle, separation, bay, booth, cubbyhole, (v)
knock, strip, bang, stretch, (v) band, hit, wallop, apartment, partition, 3. screen (ekran, perde);
whack, beat, smash, whip, thrash, flog, 5. ward; synonyms (n) shade, blind, riddle, disguise, veil,
synonyms (n) guard, charge, custody, protection, guard, curtain, (v) cover, shield, conceal, hide,
care, defense, keep, protege, pupil, cellblock, (v) mask, protect, shelter, cloak, 4. bay (koy);
shelter, protect, defend, (adj) screen, cover, 6. synonyms (n) alcove, bark, recess, cry, harbor, fiord,
section (bölüm, kesit, kısım); synonyms (n) sound, cove, embayment, gulf, (adj) brown, (v) yap,
portion, compartment, percentage, piece, class, roar, bellow, howl.
branch, chapter, clause, episode, partition, bölmek 1. divide (ayırmak); synonyms (v) cut,
subdivision, arm, article, fraction, (v) segment, 7. distribute, part, dissociate, apportion, detach,
area (alan); synonyms (n) size, width, breadth, disconnect, dismember, dispense, separate, share,
compass, room, scope, space, dimension, line, split, deal, distinguish, (n) break; antonyms (v)
topic, grounds, ambit, capacity, discipline, (adj) unite, join, 2. split (ayırmak, bölünme,
regional, 8. tract; synonyms (n) essay, pamphlet, yarmak); synonyms (v) crack, fracture, slit, burst,

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divide, divorce, breach, cleave, division, fork, (n) partisan, prejudiced, unfinished, unjust, (v) party;
rip, rupture, tear, cleavage, cleft; antonym (v) antonyms (adj) complete, impartial, total, absolute,
merge, 3. separate (ayırmak, ayrı); synonyms comprehensive, unbiased.
(adj) detached, individual, particular, single, bölünen dividend; synonyms (n) allotment, bonus,
disjoined, (v) insulate, scatter, discrete, gain, division, portion, profit, balance, revenue, (v)
discriminate, disjoin, disperse, isolate, demarcate, share.
differentiate, disengage; antonyms (adj) connected, bölünme 1. split (ayırmak, bölmek, yarmak);
joined, simultaneous, (v) mix, combine, fuse, link, synonyms (v) crack, cut, fracture, slit, burst, divide,
associate, 4. segment (kesim, parça); synonyms separate, divorce, breach, cleave, (n) break, rip,
(n) paragraph, bit, piece, portion, slice, proportion, rupture, tear, cleavage; antonyms (v) join, unite,
length, sector, subdivision, metamere, parcel, block, merge, 2. division (bölüm); synonyms (n)
strip, (v) section, partition, 5. section (bölüm, department, disagreement, allotment, branch, class,
kesit, kısım); synonyms (n) compartment, compartment, part, section, split, classification,
percentage, class, branch, chapter, clause, category, component, difference, (adj) constituent,
department, episode, region, quarter, area, arm, (v) distribution; antonyms (n) closeness,
article, district, (v) segment. convergence, estimation, unification.
bölüm 1. section (kesit, kısım); synonyms (n) bölünmek 1. divide (ayırmak, bölmek); synonyms
division, part, portion, compartment, percentage, (v) cut, distribute, part, dissociate, apportion,
piece, class, branch, chapter, clause, department, detach, disconnect, dismember, dispense, separate,
episode, partition, region, (v) segment, 2. chapter; share, split, deal, distinguish, (n) break; antonyms
synonyms (n) article, convocation, head, section, (v) unite, join, 2. split (ayırmak, bölmek,
stage, caput, installment, 3. department;
bölünme, yarmak); synonyms (v) crack, fracture,
synonyms (n) bureau, area, agency, faculty, arm,
slit, burst, divide, divorce, breach, cleave, division,
domain, field, line, office, realm, subject, service,
fork, (n) rip, rupture, tear, cleavage, cleft; antonym
district, group, kingdom, 4. division; synonyms
(v) merge.
(n) disagreement, allotment, break, split, cleavage,
classification, category, component, difference, bölüşmek 1. split (ayırmak, bölmek, bölünme,
discord, cut, demarcation, sharing, (adj) constituent, yarmak); synonyms (v) crack, cut, fracture, slit,
(v) distribution; antonyms (n) closeness, burst, divide, separate, divorce, breach, cleave, (n)
convergence, estimation, unification, 5. part break, rip, rupture, tear, cleavage; antonyms (v)
(parça); synonyms (n) character, share, bit, join, unite, merge, 2. share (hisse, hisse senedi,
element, factor, fragment, (v) disjoin, divide, pay, paylaşmak); synonyms (n) piece, portion,
divorce, cleave, dissociate, depart, detach, deal, dole, lot, allotment, (v) participate, allot,
disconnect, disunite; antonyms (n) whole, entirety, apportion, distribute, part, partake, dispense,
(adj) complete, 6. episode; synonyms (n) affair, partition, assign; antonym (v) control.
event, incident, occurrence, happening, occasion, bölüt segment (kesim, parça); synonyms (n)
circumstance, subdivision, anecdote, experience, division, paragraph, bit, piece, portion, share, slice,
fact, instalment, interlude, parenthesis, sequence, proportion, length, cut, sector, (v) section, part,
7. portion (parça, porsiyon); synonyms (n) allot, divide, partition.
parcel, dole, allowance, deal, destiny, fate, fortune, bomba 1. bomb (bombalamak); synonyms (n)
member, apportion, (v) lot, dividend, assign, grenade, shell, dud, rocket, bullet, explosive, fiasco,
dispense, distribute, 8. segment (kesim, parça); failure, (v) blast, bombard, fail, flop, explode, 2.
synonyms (n) paragraph, slice, proportion, length, egg (yumurta); synonyms (n) ball, rudiment,
sector, metamere, block, strip, chunk, 9. bay eggs, nut, testicle, testis, ballock, bollock, stock,
(koy); synonyms (n) alcove, bark, recess, cry, bud, embryo, nucleus, addict, baseball, beginning.
harbor, fiord, sound, cove, embayment, gulf, (adj) bombalamak 1. bomb (bomba); synonyms (n)
brown, (v) yap, roar, bellow, howl, 10. category grenade, shell, dud, rocket, bullet, explosive, fiasco,
(kategori, ulam); synonyms (n) denomination, failure, (v) blast, bombard, fail, flop, explode, 2.
kind, type, variety, form, level, sort, cohort, plight, blast; synonyms (n) bang, slam, burst, gust, (v)
brand, breed, collection, estate, family, grade, 11. attack, blare, blight, bomb, boom, detonate, roar,
branch (dal, dallanmak, şube); synonyms (n) smash, blow, (adj) discharge, explosion.
jump, wing, affiliate, ramus, limb, offshoot, bono bond (bağ); synonyms (n) association, tie,
outgrowth, shoot, stem, stick, twig, scion, (v) fork, alliance, deed, agreement, cement, attachment, bail,
diverge, (adj) tributary. connection, joint, link, adhesion, (v) bind, band,
bölümsel partial (kısmi); synonyms (adj) incomplete, adhere.
imperfect, fragmentary, unfair, sectional, bonservis 1. character (karakter); synonyms (n)
inequitable, biased, part, unequal, halfway, kind, nature, note, part, quality, role, type, brand,

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76 Turkish - English

constitution, description, disposition, eccentric, (n) desert, refuse, damage, trash, dissipation,
spirit, tone, standing, 2. reference (ilgi, garbage, (adj) spoil, (v) consume, exhaust, ruin,
referans); synonyms (n) citation, mention, squander, ravage, destruction, devastate, dissipate;
quotation, quote, allusion, bearing, connection, antonyms (v) conserve, save, 7. spare; synonyms
recommendation, innuendo, annotation, character, (adj) reserve, slender, excess, slight, additional, lean,
concern, consultation, (v) cite, refer. slim, thin, frugal, gaunt, redundant, (v) meager,
bora storm; synonyms (n) tempest, attack, shower, economize, (n) extra, backup, 8. meaningless;
blizzard, burst, gust, hurricane, (v) rage, rush, synonyms (adj) insignificant, pointless, stupid,
assault, fume, hail, charge, bluster, invade. useless, worthless, absurd, needless, purposeless,
borç debt; synonyms (n) debit, score, due, liability, senseless, illogical, silly.
obligation, bill, commitment, indebtment, charge, boşalma discharge (boşaltmak); synonyms (n)
amount, cost, damage, deduction, dette, dueness. release, dismissal, drain, (v) acquit, clear, absolve,
borçlu debtor; synonyms (n) bankrupt, debitor, complete, deliver, eject, cashier, burst, blast,
levanter, stag, welsher, delinquent, insolvent, bounce, detonate, disgorge; antonyms (v) capture,
nonpayer, cheat. hire.
borsa 1. exchange (santral); synonyms (n) boşalmak empty (boş, boşaltmak); synonyms (adj)
commutation, swap, switch, commerce, conversion, discharge, hollow, destitute, bare, blank, barren,
substitute, (v) change, barter, interchange, abandoned, deserted, vain, (v) drain, clear, deplete,
commute, counterchange, alternate, alter, cash, desolate, pour, spill; antonyms (adj) full, crowded,
convert, 2. market; synonyms (n) fair, shop, meaningful, packed, brimming, inhabited,
bazaar, marketplace, trade, mart, outlet, store, (v) occupied, swarming, cultivated, filled, laden, (v)
demand, sell, commercialize, exchange, handle, fill.
merchandise, sale. boşaltma discharge (boşaltmak); synonyms (n)
boru 1. pipe (pipo); synonyms (n) tube, conduit, release, dismissal, drain, (v) acquit, clear, absolve,
channel, duct, flue, hose, passage, pipage, (v) cry, complete, deliver, eject, cashier, burst, blast,
peep, screech, shriek, sing, squeak, creak, 2. tube; bounce, detonate, disgorge; antonyms (v) capture,
synonyms (n) pipe, subway, cylinder, metro, hire.
hosepipe, television, box, piping, bulb, shaft, roll, boşaltmak 1. empty (boş); synonyms (adj) discharge,
tubing, underground, 3. horn (boynuz, korna); hollow, destitute, bare, blank, barren, abandoned,
synonyms (n) hooter, cornet, klaxon, alarm, deserted, vain, (v) drain, clear, deplete, desolate,
trumpet, aparejo, arm, faldstool, ophicleide, pour, spill; antonyms (adj) full, crowded,
trombone, cup, beak, nose, basin, (v) butt. meaningful, packed, brimming, inhabited,
boş 1. empty (boşaltmak); synonyms (adj) discharge, occupied, swarming, cultivated, filled, laden, (v)
hollow, destitute, bare, blank, barren, abandoned, fill, 2. discharge; synonyms (n) release, dismissal,
deserted, vain, (v) drain, clear, deplete, desolate, (v) acquit, absolve, complete, deliver, eject, cashier,
pour, spill; antonyms (adj) full, crowded, burst, blast, bounce, detonate, disgorge, empty,
meaningful, packed, brimming, inhabited, exonerate; antonyms (v) capture, hire, 3. pour;
occupied, swarming, cultivated, filled, laden, (v) synonyms (v) gush, shed, decant, flow, pelt, scatter,
fill, 2. free (açık, bedava, özgür, serbest, stream, emit, jet, run, teem, effuse, deluge, (n)
serbest bırakmak); synonyms (adj) loose, frank, overflow, rain; antonym (v) drizzle.
liberal, open, (v) exempt, liberate, excuse, extricate, boşamak divorce; synonyms (n) separation,
relieve, disentangle, acquit, deliver, disengage, divorcement, rupture, (v) detach, dissociate,
ease, release; antonyms (adj) bound, restricted, disunite, separate, divide, isolate, disjoin, disjoint,
compelled, confined, imprisoned, repressive, disassociate, part, sever, split; antonyms (n)
secure, strict, stuck, tangled, attached, busy, (v) marriage, wedding.
confine, block, cage, 3. blank (boşluk); synonyms boşanma divorce; synonyms (n) separation,
(adj) empty, unfilled, clean, vacant, deadpan, dull, divorcement, rupture, (v) detach, dissociate,
expressionless, impassive, inexpressive, (n) space, disunite, separate, divide, isolate, disjoin, disjoint,
form, emptiness, gap, hiatus, lacuna; antonyms (adj) disassociate, part, sever, split; antonyms (n)
animated, expressive, 4. vacant; synonyms (adj) marriage, wedding.
devoid, free, idle, unoccupied, void, vacuous, boşanmak divorce; synonyms (n) separation,
inane, available, listless, disengaged, unemployed, divorcement, rupture, (v) detach, dissociate,
glassy, unthinking, 5. idle (aylak); synonyms (adj) disunite, separate, divide, isolate, disjoin, disjoint,
inactive, indolent, lazy, baseless, frivolous, disassociate, part, sever, split; antonyms (n)
fruitless, groundless, unfounded, flimsy, dead, marriage, wedding.
futile, jobless, light, (v) loaf, moon; antonyms (adj) boşluk 1. blank (boş); synonyms (adj) bare, empty,
active, employed, (v) change, 6. waste; synonyms unfilled, clean, vacant, deadpan, dull,

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expressionless, impassive, inexpressive, (n) space, boynuz horn (korna); synonyms (n) hooter, cornet,
form, emptiness, gap, hiatus; antonyms (adj) klaxon, alarm, trumpet, aparejo, arm, faldstool,
animated, full, expressive, 2. gap (aralık); ophicleide, trombone, cup, beak, nose, basin, (v)
synonyms (n) break, cleft, crack, crevice, fissure, butt.
aperture, chasm, clearance, difference, fracture, boyun neck; synonyms (n) throat, cervix, neckline,
opening, vacancy, blank, chink, (v) breach, 3. lapel, beard, (v) pet, cut, love, manage, kiss, behead,
vacuum; synonyms (n) void, vacuity, nothingness, bang, bed, (adj) stricture, wasp.
inanity, 4. space (alan, aralık, uzay, yer); boyuna always (daima, hep, her zaman);
synonyms (n) length, period, place, scope, margin, synonyms (adv) forever, continuously, whenever,
distance, extent, interval, latitude, location, range, eternally, ever, unceasingly, consistently,
room, field, volume, berth, 5. hole (delik); constantly, continually, e'er, everlastingly,
synonyms (n) cavity, den, pocket, burrow, cave, evermore, hourly, (adj) still, eternal; antonyms (adv)
corner, depression, fix, hollow, lair, pit, vent, never, erratically.
cavern, cranny, cell. boyunbağı tie (bağlamak, kravat); synonyms (n)
bot boot; synonyms (n) kick, trunk, bang, charge, gain, band, connection, draw, lace, association,
kicking, shoe, belt, body, thrill. relationship, sleeper, (v) link, bond, attach, bind,
boy 1. length (uzunluk); synonyms (n) extent, join, knot, connect, fasten; antonyms (v) disconnect,
distance, range, duration, compass, depth, untie, undo.
dimension, longness, measurement, size, quantity, boyunca 1. along; synonyms (adv) ahead, forward,
degree, (v) expanse, tract, area; antonyms (n) lengthwise, on, onward, endlong, (prep) beside, (prf)
briefness, shortness, width, 2. size (boyut, by; antonym (adv) across, 2. over; synonyms (adv)
büyüklük); synonyms (n) measure, bulk, capacity, beyond, more, o'er, too, crosswise, anew, (prep)
dimensions, largeness, glue, amount, breadth, above, during, (n) overs, (adj) finished, done, extra,
magnitude, mass, sizing, proportion, (v) gauge, odd, past, gone, 3. throughout; synonyms (adv)
scale, (adj) gum; antonyms (n) length, slenderness, around, about, bodily, passim.
3. tribe (kabile); synonyms (n) family, clan, house, boyut 1. dimension; synonyms (n) degree, breadth,
folk, kin, kindred, nation, people, race, stock, bulk, magnitude, size, attribute, length, proportion,
lineage, breed, line, folks, kind. range, dimensions, bigness, stretch, amount, extent,
boya 1. paint (boyamak); synonyms (n) painting, mass, 2. size (büyüklük); synonyms (n) measure,
tint, coating, (v) color, dye, daub, coat, decorate, capacity, dimension, largeness, quantity, glue,
depict, varnish, enamel, apply, lacquer, describe, measurement, sizing, content, compass, enormity,
draw, 2. colour (renk); synonyms (n) coloration, fatness, (v) gauge, scale, (adj) gum; antonym (n)
coloring, colouring, semblance, vividness, (v) slenderness.
discolor, discolour, distort, tinge. boyutlar dimensions; synonyms (n) bulk, size,
boyacı painter; synonyms (n) artist, limner, cable, capacity, volume, magnitude, extent, body, book,
catamount, cougar, guy, halser, hawser, line. coil, compass, convolution, figure, gauge,
boyama painting (resim); synonyms (n) picture, physique, (v) admeasure.
portrait, likeness, depiction, icon, design, image, boz grey (gri); synonyms (adj) dim, dull, greyish,
coat, drawing, art. hoar, hoary, leaden, grayish, (n) grayness, greyness,
boyamak 1. paint (boya); synonyms (n) painting, (v) gray.
tint, coating, (v) color, dye, daub, coat, decorate, bozdurmak 1. break (mola); synonyms (v) split,
depict, varnish, enamel, apply, lacquer, describe, crack, burst, fail, infringe, leak, (n) breach, fracture,
draw, 2. colour (renk); synonyms (n) coloration, pause, rupture, stop, collapse, interruption, respite,
coloring, colouring, semblance, vividness, (v) suspension; antonyms (v) repair, obey, honor,
discolor, discolour, distort, tinge. mend, (n) continuation, 2. cash (para); synonyms
böyle 1. so; synonyms (adv) accordingly, as, (n) ready, bread, capital, change, funds, money,
consequently, hence, thus, indeed, then, therefore, coin, coins, currency, exchange, means, needful,
insomuch, also, wherefore, (n) sol, (pron) that, (adj) wealth, (v) encash, liquidate; antonym (n) credit.
likewise, 2. such; synonyms (adv) what, (adj) like, bozgun defeat; synonyms (n) frustration, ruin,
sic, sich, slik, swich, resembling, 3. thus beating, (v) crush, overcome, beat, conquer, abolish,
(böylece); synonyms (adv) so, thence, ergo, thusly. baffle, foil, overpower, repulse, rout, subdue, (adj)
rebuff; antonyms (n) victory, success, win, (v) lose,
böylece 1. thus (böyle); synonyms (adv) therefore,
then, consequently, so, hence, accordingly, thence, surrender.
ergo, thusly, 2. so (böyle); synonyms (adv) as, bozma dissolution; synonyms (n) decay, breakup,
thus, indeed, insomuch, also, wherefore, (n) sol, decomposition, abolition, cancellation, analysis,
(pron) that, (adj) likewise.
dismissal, annulment, death, dissipation, demise,

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adjournment, departure, disintegration, consume, devour, drink; antonyms (adv) up, (adj)
licentiousness. cheerful, happy, upward, 9. upset; synonyms (v)
bozmak 1. break (mola); synonyms (v) split, crack, overturn, agitate, disquiet, overthrow, bother,
burst, fail, infringe, leak, (n) breach, fracture, pause, confuse, disturb, perturb, reverse, (adj) unsettled,
rupture, stop, collapse, interruption, respite, hurt, (n) disorder, trouble, distress, disturbance;
suspension; antonyms (v) repair, obey, honor, antonyms (v) calm, please, encourage, soothe, (adj)
mend, (n) continuation, 2. cancel (feshetmek, pleased, confident, 10. vicious; synonyms (adj)
iptal etmek, silmek); synonyms (v) annul, depraved, brutal, cruel, malevolent, venomous,
abrogate, erase, expunge, invalidate, remit, revoke, nasty, barbarous, savage, spiteful, hurtful,
abate, avoid, efface, eliminate, obliterate, repeal, profligate, fierce, atrocious, ferocious, mischievous;
(adj) abolish, nullify; antonym (v) validate, 3. antonyms (adj) kind, gentle, friendly, 11. rotten
disturb; synonyms (v) agitate, disconcert, disorder, (çürük); synonyms (adj) fetid, lousy, musty, off, ill,
disquiet, distract, distress, perturb, trouble, annoy, shabby, crappy, decomposed, sour, stinking,
bother, commove, concern, derange, disarrange, terrible, mean, low, (v) rancid, weak, 12. wrong;
discompose; antonyms (v) arrange, calm, please, synonyms (adj) harm, improper, inappropriate,
smooth, soothe, 4. decay; synonyms (n) decline, abuse, criminal, iniquitous, unjust, untrue, (n)
decomposition, ebb, corruption, disintegration, damage, injure, injury, injustice, crime, mischief,
deterioration, (v) rot, decompose, blight, rust, grievance; antonyms (adj) proper, honest, law-
crumble, corrupt, decrease, deteriorate, abiding, (adv) correctly, (n) justice.
disintegrate; antonym (n) growth, 5. upset; bozukluk 1. failure; synonyms (n) bankruptcy,
synonyms (v) overturn, overthrow, confuse, failing, breakdown, decline, deficiency, debacle,
disturb, reverse, subvert, unsettle, defeat, defeat, disappointment, disaster, downfall, error,
discomfit, dislocate, (adj) unsettled, hurt, agitated, loser, loss, abortion, default; antonyms (n) success,
confused, (n) disturbance; antonyms (v) encourage, achievement, hit, winner, victory, achiever,
(adj) pleased, confident. attainment, capability, growth, 2. fault (arıza,
bozuk 1. broken; synonyms (v) broke, (adj) tame, torn, hata, kusur); synonyms (n) defect, blemish, blame,
busted, imperfect, intermittent, rough, rugged, blot, crime, delinquency, flaw, blunder, break,
ruined, uneven, disjointed, incomplete, confused, demerit, weakness, failure, fracture, imperfection,
cracked, crushed; antonyms (adj) constant, (v) culpability; antonyms (n) merit, strength, 3.
unbroken, intact, whole, wild, 2. defective change (değişiklik, değiştirmek); synonyms (n)
(kusurlu); synonyms (adj) deficient, bad, faulty, shift, alteration, barter, modification, variation,
broken, lacking, unsound, vicious, inaccurate, move, (v) exchange, alter, adapt, alternate, cash,
rotten, erroneous, flawed, inadequate, incorrect, convert, switch, transpose, turn; antonyms (v) stay,
insufficient, lame; antonym (adj) perfect, 3. dirty leave, idle, maintain, 4. disturbance; synonyms
(kirli, pis); synonyms (adj) foul, dirt, contemptible, (n) agitation, commotion, disorder, turmoil, brawl,
bawdy, contaminated, dingy, impure, despicable, derangement, dislocation, disruption, tumult,
(v) muddy, corrupt, soil, contaminate, begrime, upset, din, affray, annoyance, bother, (adj) trouble,
bemire, (n) defile; antonyms (adj) hygienic, pure, 5. defect (kusur); synonyms (n) fault,
spotless, immaculate, (v) clean, 4. dead (ölmüş, shortcoming, scar, dearth, deformity, foible, vice,
ölü); synonyms (adj) dull, lifeless, cold, defunct, want, inaccuracy, disadvantage, disease, drawback,
inanimate, absolute, breathless, deceased, extinct, frailty, (v) desert, (adj) infirmity.
fallen, flat, gone, idle, (adv) right, absolutely; bozulma 1. corruption; synonyms (n) contamination,
antonyms (adj) alive, animate, (n) living, 5. bad depravity, adulteration, pollution, bribery, filth,
(kötü); synonyms (adj) evil, adverse, harmful, infection, taint, vitiation, canker, blight, foulness,
immoral, naughty, poisonous, sad, sinister, wicked, impurity, contagion, (adj) shuffle; antonyms (n)
malicious, infamous, appalling, awful, damaging, purification, decency, honesty, incorruptness, 2.
(v) decayed; antonyms (adj) fresh, pleasant, well, breakdown (çökme); synonyms (n) collapse,
well-behaved, (n) good, 6. off (kapalı); synonyms fault, analysis, failure, ruin, defeat, downfall, fall,
(adv) by, forth, beyond, over, aside, abreast, (adj) resolution, decay, smash, breakup, debacle,
away, putrid, remote, down, wide, cancelled, (n) decomposition, (adj) fiasco, 3. dissolution;
murder, (int) out, begone; antonym (adj) on, 7. synonyms (n) abolition, cancellation, dismissal,
faulty; synonyms (adj) defective, false, wrong, annulment, death, dissipation, demise,
damaged, poor, amiss, tainted, blamable, mistaken, adjournment, departure, disintegration,
illogical; antonyms (adj) correct, flawless, 8. down licentiousness, catalysis, release, closure,
annihilation, 4. disruption; synonyms (n)
(aşağı); synonyms (adv) below, (adj) cut, dejected,
breakdown, break, dislocation, rupture, breach,
depressed, downward, despondent, dispirited,
disturbance, interruption, gap, turmoil,
downcast, downhearted, (n) feather, fur, fuzz, (v)

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commotion, disorganization, chaos, extent, section, lot, plot, domain, land, province,
discontinuance, (v) split, (adj) diruption, 5. belt, country.
deterioration; synonyms (n) decline, degradation, brüt gross (kaba); synonyms (adj) crass, coarse, big,
corruption, damage, debasement, declension, boorish, common, crude, fat, blunt, disgusting,
degeneration, impairment, wear, atrophy, broad, brutal, bulky, earthy, (v) foul, (n) aggregate;
diminution, descent, depreciation, (adj) degeneracy, antonyms (adj) attractive, (v) net.
(v) depravation; antonyms (n) improvement, buçuk half; synonyms (n) mediety, halve, piece,
development, growth, 6. distortion (çarpıklık); bisection, hemisphere, (adv) halfendeal, imperfectly,
synonyms (n) aberration, contortion, deformation, (adj) moiety, part, short, behalf, bisected, divided,
misrepresentation, exaggeration, malformation, even-steven, halved; antonyms (n) whole, all.
torture, twist, twisting, caricature, (adj) deformity, bücür short (bodur, kısa); synonyms (adj) brief,
(v) perversion, 7. decay; synonyms (n) ebb, concise, scarce, brusque, close, curt, sharp,
deterioration, (v) rot, decompose, rust, crumble, compendious, laconic, abrupt, deficient,
corrupt, decrease, deteriorate, disintegrate, fail, diminutive, inadequate, insufficient, lacking;
sink, spoil, (adj) fade, molder.
antonyms (adj) long, tall, high, lengthy.
bozulmak 1. decay; synonyms (n) decline, budalaca foolish (akılsız); synonyms (adj) childish,
decomposition, ebb, corruption, disintegration,
crazy, fool, daft, dopey, dull, dumb, fatuous,
collapse, deterioration, (v) rot, decompose, blight,
preposterous, silly, stupid, unwise, anserine, dopy,
rust, crumble, corrupt, decrease, deteriorate;
(n) absurd; antonyms (adj) wise, sensible, prudent,
antonym (n) growth, 2. sour; synonyms (adj)
shrewd, visionary.
morose, sharp, acid, bitter, rancid, severe, gruff,
büfe 1. buffet; synonyms (n) blow, canteen,
dour, glum, grim, pungent, (v) acidify, ferment, (n)
restaurant, impact, (v) beat, batter, cuff, buff, hit,
harsh, acidity; antonyms (adj) sweet, kindly.
knock, punch, smack, belabor, strike, thump, 2.
bozulmamak last (geçen, son, sürmek); synonyms
cupboard; synonyms (n) closet, cabinet, buffet,
(v) endure, continue, hold, exist, live, dwell, (n)
commode, compartment, cranny, cub, nook,
abide, conclusion, (adj) extreme, closing, final,
pigeonhole, bin, breakfront, bunker, cellaret,
ultimate, conclusive, concluding, farthest;
clothespress, cubicle.
antonyms (n) opening, (adj) first.
buğday 1. wheat; synonyms (n) corn, clavus, maize,
bozulmamış intact; synonyms (adj) complete, full,
(adj) golden, 2. corn (mısır); synonyms (n) cereals,
entire, whole, integral, perfect, unbroken,
undamaged, uninjured, untouched, sound, callus, wheat, grain, commonplace, (v) feed, keep.
inviolate, pure, safe, total; antonym (adj) broken. buğu 1. steam (buhar); synonyms (n) mist, fog, haze,
bozuşma split (ayırmak, bölmek, bölünme, vapor, cloud, energy, (v) reek, evaporate, exhale,
smoke, fume, cook, pull, boil, (adj) gas, 2. mist;
yarmak); synonyms (v) crack, cut, fracture, slit,
synonyms (n) brume, film, steam, rain, (v) blur,
burst, divide, separate, divorce, breach, cleave, (n)
befog, cover, obscure, drizzle, bedim, becloud,
break, rip, rupture, tear, cleavage; antonyms (v)
hide, squirt.
join, unite, merge.
bugün today; synonyms (adv) now, currently,
briç bridge (köprü); synonyms (n) span, viaduct,
nowadays, presently, immediately, directly,
pontoon, tie, crossing, nosepiece, bluff, (v) stretch,
forthwith, instantly, straightaway, (n) present, (adj)
connect, link, traverse, cross.
modern, recent, up-to-date.
bronz bronze; synonyms (adj) bronzy, embrown, bugünkü current (akım, cari, geçerli); synonyms
boldness, (n) tan, brown, bust, effigy, figure,
(adj) common, contemporary, fashionable, instant,
figurine, head, iridescence, sculpture, statuette, (v)
actual, fresh, modern, new, popular, (n) flow,
marble, plate.
stream, run, afloat, movement, (prep) course;
bronzlaştırmak bronze; synonyms (adj) bronzy, antonyms (adj) obsolete, past, old, old-fashioned,
embrown, boldness, (n) tan, brown, bust, effigy, previous.
figure, figurine, head, iridescence, sculpture,
bugünlerde nowadays; synonyms (adv) now,
statuette, (v) marble, plate.
currently, presently, today, (n) present.
broş pin (iğne); synonyms (n) needle, nail, clip, peg,
buhar steam (buğu); synonyms (n) mist, fog, haze,
axle, brooch, broach, nog, bolt, button, leg, (v) tack,
vapor, cloud, energy, (v) reek, evaporate, exhale,
clasp, fix, fasten.
smoke, fume, cook, pull, boil, (adj) gas.
broşür 1. brochure; synonyms (n) booklet, leaflet,
buhran 1. crisis (bunalım, kriz); synonyms (n)
pamphlet, folder, handout, manual, book, 2.
exigency, conjuncture, difficulty, emergency,
leaflet; synonyms (n) brochure, leaf, circular, juncture, pinch, circumstance, dilemma, situation,
foliole, newsletter, cusp, 3. tract; synonyms (n) strait, depression, extremity, head, pass,
area, essay, expanse, region, dissertation, district, predicament, 2. depression (bunalım,

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çöküntü); synonyms (n) basin, cavity, dejection, disclosure, discovery, search, breakthrough;
decline, dent, dip, hole, hollow, impression, slump, antonyms (v) lose, misplace.
trench, trough, drop, recess, collapse; antonyms (n) bulandırmak 1. cloud (bulut); synonyms (n) mist,
cheerfulness, happiness, boom, elation, blur, haze, steam, (v) fog, becloud, obscure, befog,
encouragement, inflation, outcrop, 3. emergency; blacken, eclipse, overshadow, shadow, taint, hide,
synonyms (n) crisis, contingency, accident, need, (adj) swarm; antonym (v) sharpen, 2. dim;
casualty, disaster, demand, emergence, adventure, synonyms (adj) dark, cloudy, dull, bleak, dense,
catastrophe, (adj) extra. faint, gloomy, indistinct, misty, (v) darken, cloud,
bukle lock (kilit, kilitlemek); synonyms (n) curl, pale, tarnish, blear, blind; antonyms (adj) bright,
hook, padlock, (v) bolt, bar, close, latch, engage, brilliant, intelligent, clever, strong, (v) clear,
fasten, hug, hold, interlock, secure, shut, (adj) hair; brighten, 3. trouble; synonyms (n) distress, bother,
antonyms (v) unlock, open. pain, anxiety, difficulty, (v) inconvenience, annoy,
bükme 1. bend; synonyms (n) bow, arch, arc, elbow, disorder, disquiet, worry, afflict, agitate, burden,
twist, angle, curvature, (v) curve, turn, crouch, distract, disturb; antonyms (v) calm, please.
stoop, crook, curl, flex, deflect; antonyms (v) bulanık 1. dim; synonyms (adj) dark, obscure, cloudy,
straighten, square, 2. twist; synonyms (n) twine, dull, bleak, dense, faint, gloomy, (v) blur, darken,
wind, spin, twirl, entwine, braid, kink, loop, (v) cloud, pale, tarnish, blear, blind; antonyms (adj)
bend, distort, coil, contort, deform, pervert, bright, brilliant, intelligent, clever, strong, (v) clear,
wrench; antonym (v) untwist. brighten, 2. muddy; synonyms (adj) boggy, filthy,
bükmek 1. bend (bükme); synonyms (n) bow, arch, turbid, foul, dingy, grimy, marshy, miry, murky,
arc, elbow, twist, angle, curvature, (v) curve, turn, sloppy, unclean, confused, foggy, (v) dirty, dim;
crouch, stoop, crook, curl, flex, deflect; antonyms antonyms (adj) clean, dry.
(v) straighten, square, 2. twist; synonyms (n) twine, bulaşıcı catching; synonyms (adj) contagious,
wind, spin, twirl, entwine, braid, kink, loop, (v) communicable, infectious, epidemic, (n) discovery,
bend, distort, coil, contort, deform, pervert, take.
wrench; antonym (v) untwist, 3. double (çift, bulaşma infection (enfeksiyon); synonyms (n)
çifte); synonyms (adj) duplicate, dual, duple, contagion, disease, contamination, taint,
twofold, (v) fold, reduplicate, geminate, plait, copy, corruption, septicity, illness, inspiration,
(n) twin, image, match, mate, substitute, alternate; transmission, virus, bug, galvanism, (adj) pollution.
antonym (n) single, 4. curve (eğri, kavis); bulaştırma 1. infection (enfeksiyon); synonyms (n)
synonyms (n) round, bender, contour, flexure, line, contagion, disease, contamination, taint,
sinuosity, sweep, (v) hook, meander, inflect, circle, corruption, septicity, illness, inspiration,
crimp, lean, sag, swerve. transmission, virus, bug, galvanism, (adj) pollution,
bükülme twist; synonyms (n) twine, wind, spin, twirl, 2. contamination; synonyms (n) contaminant,
entwine, (v) turn, bend, distort, curl, coil, contort, infection, dirtying, vitiation, adulteration,
deform, curve, pervert, wrench; antonyms (v) depravity, (v) defilement; antonym (n)
straighten, untwist. decontamination, 3. implication; synonyms (n)
bükülmek 1. twist; synonyms (n) twine, wind, spin, allusion, hint, significance, consequence,
twirl, entwine, (v) turn, bend, distort, curl, coil, deduction, entailment, import, innuendo, meaning,
contort, deform, curve, pervert, wrench; antonyms sense, suggestion, purport, complicity, corollary,
(adj) complication.
(v) straighten, untwist, 2. curve (eğri, kavis);
synonyms (n) crook, bow, arc, curvature, kink, bulaştırmak spread (yaymak); synonyms (v)
round, bender, loop, twist, (v) arch, hook, meander, scatter, reach, disperse, expand, extend, broadcast,
inflect, circle, (adj) flex, 3. bend (bükme); circulate, diffuse, disseminate, increase, propagate,
synonyms (n) elbow, angle, bending, buckle, stretch, broaden, deploy, (n) span; antonym (adj)
flexure, (v) crouch, stoop, deflect, fold, swerve, concentrated.
cower, hunch, incline, sag, submit; antonym (v) bulgu 1. discovery; synonyms (n) detection,
square. disclosure, breakthrough, finding, revelation,
bükülmez rigid; synonyms (adj) harsh, fixed, hard, catching, revealing, development, exploration, find,
inflexible, stiff, austere, firm, set, strict, exacting, invention, espial, recognition; antonym (n)
formal, rigorous, severe, stern, tense; antonyms concealment, 2. find (bulma, bulmak);
(adj) flexible, elastic, soft.
synonyms (v) catch, discover, detect, encounter,
acquire, ascertain, attain, feel, procure, gather,
Bul find (bulma, bulmak); synonyms (v) catch,
acknowledge, chance, decide, (n) discovery, search;
discover, detect, encounter, acquire, ascertain,
attain, feel, procure, gather, (n) detection, antonyms (v) lose, misplace, 3. symptom (araz,
belirti, semptom); synonyms (n) sign, indication,

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evidence, mark, note, manifestation, token, signal, bulunur accessible; synonyms (adj) approachable,
characteristic, omen, exponent. available, open, convenient, amenable, easy, handy,
bulma 1. find (bulmak); synonyms (v) catch, obtainable, ready, sociable, (v) weak; antonyms (adj)
discover, detect, encounter, acquire, ascertain, inaccessible, out-of-the-way, unavailable.
attain, feel, procure, gather, (n) detection, buluş 1. invention; synonyms (n) contrivance,
disclosure, discovery, search, breakthrough; conception, fabrication, creation, fiction,
antonyms (v) lose, misplace, 2. detection; imagination, discovery, artifice, design, device,
synonyms (n) demodulation, detecting, uncovering, excogitation, forgery, innovation, fable, creativity,
unearthing, spotting, spying, catching, recognition, 2. discovery; synonyms (n) detection, disclosure,
3. invention; synonyms (n) contrivance, breakthrough, finding, revelation, catching,
conception, fabrication, creation, fiction, revealing, development, exploration, find,
imagination, artifice, design, device, excogitation, invention, espial, recognition; antonym (n)
forgery, innovation, fable, creativity, falsehood. concealment, 3. find (bulma, bulmak);
bulmak 1. find (bulma); synonyms (v) catch, synonyms (v) catch, discover, detect, encounter,
discover, detect, encounter, acquire, ascertain, acquire, ascertain, attain, feel, procure, gather,
attain, feel, procure, gather, (n) detection, acknowledge, chance, decide, determine, (n) search;
disclosure, discovery, search, breakthrough; antonyms (v) lose, misplace.
antonyms (v) lose, misplace, 2. strike (grev); buluşma 1. meeting; synonyms (n) confluence,
synonyms (n) knock, assault, clap, (v) bang, beat, hit, convention, gathering, concourse, assembly,
impress, slap, move, affect, box, buffet, bump, conference, congress, council, appointment, caucus,
clout, coin, 3. discover; synonyms (v) discern, encounter, junction, meet, convocation, conclave;
disclose, see, find, perceive, determine, divulge, antonym (n) divergence, 2. date (tarih); synonyms
expose, hear, impart, observe, trace, descry, behold, (n) age, assignation, engagement, epoch, meeting,
betray, 4. detect; synonyms (v) notice, spot, period, era, time, year, boyfriend, (v) escort,
distinguish, identify, locate, sniff, espy, learn, note, determine, register, accompany, court.
uncover. buluşmak meet; synonyms (v) converge, find,
bülten bulletin; synonyms (n) announcement, assemble, congregate, encounter, fulfill, gather,
declaration, account, bill, message, dispatch, news, answer, cross, confront, intersect, abut, concur,
communication, communiqué, journal, leaflet, adjoin, (adj) fit; antonyms (v) avoid, disperse,
brochure, newsletter, newssheet, tidings. diverge.
bulucu detector; synonyms (n) demodulator, sensor, bulut cloud; synonyms (n) mist, blur, haze, steam, (v)
detecter, selector. fog, becloud, obscure, befog, blacken, eclipse,
bulunan situated; synonyms (adj) located, set, situate, overshadow, shadow, taint, hide, (adj) swarm;
placed, sited, fixed. antonym (v) sharpen.
bulundurmak keep (tutmak); synonyms (v) hold, bulutlanmak cloud (bulut); synonyms (n) mist, blur,
preserve, retain, defend, continue, guard, have, haze, steam, (v) fog, becloud, obscure, befog,
maintain, celebrate, confine, conserve, observe, blacken, eclipse, overshadow, shadow, taint, hide,
reserve, save, commemorate; antonyms (v) dump, (adj) swarm; antonym (v) sharpen.
lose. bulvar avenue (cadde); synonyms (n) channel,
bulunmak 1. exist (var olmak); synonyms (v) dwell, approach, passage, path, road, route, way, means,
lie, be, endure, abide, consist, belong, continue, boulevard, course, lane, track, walk, outlet.
live, occur, subsist, survive, hold, remain; antonym bumba boom; synonyms (n) bang, roar, noise, bar,
(v) die, 2. be; synonyms (v) exist, act, constitute, din, peal, (v) blast, blare, flourish, sound, thrive,
represent, cost, follow, form, rest, stay, comprise, thunder, bellow, clang, prosper; antonyms (n)
signify, embody, (n) stand, beryllium, agree, 3. depression, (v) collapse, decline.
occur; synonyms (v) arise, happen, befall, come, bunalım 1. depression (çöküntü); synonyms (n)
fall, betide, chance, appear, develop, materialize, basin, cavity, dejection, decline, dent, dip, hole,
arrive, go, ensue, pass, proceed, 4. stand (ayakta hollow, impression, slump, trench, trough, drop,
durmak, durmak); synonyms (v) stall, undergo, recess, collapse; antonyms (n) cheerfulness,
suffer, tolerate, prop, erect, accept, bear, brook, (n) happiness, boom, elation, encouragement, inflation,
attitude, booth, rack, base, pedestal, position; outcrop, 2. crisis (buhran, kriz); synonyms (n)
antonym (v) sit. exigency, conjuncture, difficulty, emergency,
bulunmayış absence (yokluk); synonyms (n) juncture, pinch, circumstance, dilemma, situation,
absenteeism, dearth, default, deficiency, lack, want, strait, depression, extremity, head, pass,
nonattendance, paucity, scarcity, shortage; predicament.
antonyms (n) presence, attendance.

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82 Turkish - English

bunaltı anxiety (endişe); synonyms (n) alarm, care, position, commission, appointment, division, berth,
disquiet, fear, solicitude, trouble, anguish, bureau, job, part, place, post, engagement,
anxiousness, concern, uneasiness, worry, employment.
worriment, pain, agitation, burden; antonyms (n) bürokrasi bureaucracy; synonyms (n)
calmness, bravery, calm, confidence. bureaucratism, apparatus, cabinet, fascism,
bunaltıcı close (kapamak, kapatmak); synonyms formalities, government, authority, beadledom,
(adj) near, adjacent, nearby, accurate, tight, directorate, establishment, management, ministry,
approximate, narrow, (v) compact, stop, conclude, officials, paperwork, system.
(adv) by, about, (n) end, finish, conclusion; bürokratik bureaucratic; synonyms (adj)
antonyms (adj) distant, airy, fresh, loose, far, (v) administrative, authoritative, bossy, impersonal,
open, start. practical, technical, bureaucratical, ceremonial,
bünye 1. structure (yapı); synonyms (n) form, fussy, interfering, intrusive, overbearing, ritual,
building, arrangement, edifice, shape, constitution, routine.
construction, frame, framework, organization, burs scholarship; synonyms (n) erudition, learning,
architecture, establishment, conformation, lore, education, award, learnedness, letters,
composition, erection, 2. constitution (anayasa); reading, edification, allowance, science,
synonyms (n) code, makeup, temperament, build, eruditeness, literacy, prize, (v) knowledge.
foundation, character, charter, disposition, buruk sour; synonyms (adj) morose, sharp, acid,
formation, law, structure, configuration, fabric, bitter, rancid, severe, gruff, dour, glum, grim,
figure, (adj) nature, 3. fabric; synonyms (n) cloth, pungent, (v) acidify, ferment, (n) harsh, acidity;
material, fiber, performance, anatomy, production, antonyms (adj) sweet, kindly.
stuff, textile, texture, net, work, 4. texture (doku); burun 1. nose; synonyms (n) beak, hooter, nozzle,
synonyms (n) grain, tissue, weave, web, woof, (v) proboscis, honker, bow, (v) pry, scent, sniff, wind,
finish, make. nuzzle, search, smell, snoop, poke, 2. tip
burada here (buraya); synonyms (adv) hither, in, (tavsiye); synonyms (n) top, hint, peak, point,
about, arrived, available, indoors, inwards, (n) hair, pinnacle, apex, bribe, clue, crown, gratuity, (v)
(adj) present, there, near, nearby, (pron) her, their; incline, tilt, dump, lean, slant, 3. prominence;
antonym (adv) out. synonyms (n) eminence, hump, importance,
buradan hence; synonyms (adv) accordingly, protuberance, height, bulge, consequence,
consequently, therefore, away, because, for, then, distinction, projection, celebrity, fame, moment,
thus, so, thence, whence. bump, extrusion, gibbosity; antonym (n) obscurity.
buraya here (burada); synonyms (adv) hither, in, büsbütün 1. entirely (tamamen); synonyms (adv)
about, arrived, available, indoors, inwards, (n) hair, absolutely, all, altogether, totally, wholly, clean,
(adj) present, there, near, nearby, (pron) her, their; fully, solely, bodily, alone, exclusively, only, quite,
antonym (adv) out. right, (adj) completely; antonyms (adv) partly,
burç 1. tower (kule); synonyms (n) column, castle, partially, 2. altogether (tamamen); synonyms
pinnacle, monument, (v) soar, ascend, rise, arise, (adv) entirely, perfectly, purely, simply, ensemble,
loom, building, edifice, erection, fabric, hulk, (adj) utterly, generally, thoroughly, whole, 3. wholly;
pillar, 2. bush; synonyms (n) shrub, bushing, wild, synonyms (adv) very, exactly, unreservedly,
chaparral, hedge, jungle, plant, scrub, wilderness, extremely, really, (adj) outright.
3. sign (alamet, im, işaret); synonyms (n) signal, buse kiss (öpmek, öpücük); synonyms (n) buss,
indication, mark, motion, portent, brand, emblem, brush, osculation, salute, touch, (v) caress, embrace,
imprint, manifestation, omen, poster, presage, osculate, love.
wave, (v) gesture, indicate. but thigh; synonym (n) drumstick.
burjuva bourgeois; synonyms (adj) conservative, bütçe budget; synonyms (n) plan, sack, finance,
common, conventional, democratic, materialistic, portfolio, quiver, reckoning, score, bag, forecast, (v)
square, (n) capitalist, burgess, capitals, caps, calculate, compute, estimate, allocate, appropriate,
cockney, epicier, brevier, businessperson, people. (adj) cheap.
burjuvazi bourgeoisie; synonym (n) class. buton button (düğme); synonyms (n) knop, buckle,
burkmak twist; synonyms (n) twine, wind, spin, bud, clasp, fastening, key, push, (v) knob, fasten,
twirl, entwine, (v) turn, bend, distort, curl, coil, (adj) pin, tie.
contort, deform, curve, pervert, wrench; antonyms Bütün 1. whole; synonyms (adj) entire, total, all,
(v) straighten, untwist. complete, integral, aggregate, full, healthy, intact,
büro 1. bureau; synonyms (n) agency, office, well, gross, unbroken, (n) sum, sound, hale;
authority, chest, department, desk, dresser, box, 2. antonyms (adj) incomplete, broken, imperfect,
partial, (n) part, 2. entire; synonyms (adj) absolute,
office (ofis); synonyms (n) charge, duty, function,
whole, perfect, utter, clean, mere, undivided,

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Turkish - English 83

universal, radical, dead, livelong, undiminished, (n) attraction, conjure, (v) attract, captivate, bewitch,
stallion, stark, unabridged, 3. all (hepsi, tüm); fascinate, enchant, entrance, beguile, capture,
synonyms (adv) purely, altogether, entirely, totally, enamor; antonyms (n) repulsion, ugliness, (v) repel,
wholly, apiece, completely, quite, (adj) each, every, 3. spell; synonyms (n) magic, bout, period, turn,
alone, outright, (det) any, (n) entirety, everything; span, bewitchment, space, captivation, attack, fit,
antonyms (pron) none, (det) some, 4. integral run, season, stretch, term, (v) import.
(tümlev); synonyms (adj) inherent, constitutional, büyücü witch (cadı); synonyms (n) hag, pythoness,
inbuilt, constituent, integrant, organic, exponential, enchantress, sorceress, magician, lamia, wizard,
fluxional, (n) differential, 5. total (toplam); augur, (v) enchant, bewitch, charm, glamour, hex,
synonyms (adj) downright, general, overall, sheer, jinx, fascinate.
thorough, unconditional, pure, (n) amount, tally, büyücülük magic; synonyms (adj) magical, charming,
quantity, (v) count, number, figure, add, score; supernatural, (n) conjuration, incantation, charm,
antonym (adj) qualified, 6. aggregate (toplam); enchantment, legerdemain, sorcery, glamour,
synonyms (adj) aggregative, collective, cumulative, fascination, illusion, theurgy, trick, deception.
(n) agglomerate, complex, pile, combination, büyük 1. large (geniş); synonyms (adj) big, ample,
compound, conglomeration, mass, aggregation, (v) extensive, generous, broad, bulky, considerable,
accumulate, cluster, collect, amass; antonym (n) handsome, high, heavy, abundant, capacious,
individual, 7. solid (katı); synonyms (adj) firm, great, gross, hefty; antonyms (adj) small, cramped,
dense, compact, consistent, hard, real, strong, good, insignificant, 2. big; synonyms (adj) major,
fixed, massive, secure, substantial, fast, hearty, (v) important, significant, thick, sturdy, adult, bad,
close; antonyms (adj) soft, unreliable, loose, burly, liberal, magnanimous, momentous, noble,
gaseous, permeable, runny, transparent, watery, (n) spacious, stout, (adv) large; antonyms (adj) little,
liquid. puny, (syn) tiny, 3. major (ana); synonyms (adj)
bütünlemek integrate; synonyms (v) incorporate, chief, key, main, superior, master, grave,
blend, combine, consolidate, fuse, amalgamate, fundamental, higher, leading, overriding, principal,
embody, merge, unify, unite, join, mix, coalesce, senior, serious, capital, vital; antonyms (adj) minor,
commingle, desegregate; antonyms (v) separate, unimportant, lesser, petty, slight, 4. great;
exclude, segregate. synonyms (adj) eminent, famous, gigantic,
bütünlük integrity; synonyms (n) honesty, probity, distinguished, extreme, grand, celebrated,
completeness, fairness, entireness, fidelity, justice, dignified, fantastic, fine, glorious, good, massive,
morality, righteousness, unity, goodness, voluminous, stunning; antonyms (adj) awful, mild,
constancy, (adj) candor, honor, equity; antonyms (n) 5. grand; synonyms (adj) excellent, gorgeous,
dishonesty, wickedness. elevated, exalted, majestic, superb, beautiful,
bütünüyle entirely (tamamen); synonyms (adv) brilliant, heroic, huge, immense, impressive, lordly,
absolutely, all, altogether, totally, wholly, clean, magnificent, proud; antonyms (adj) unimpressive,
fully, solely, bodily, alone, exclusively, only, quite, humble, modest, 6. ample (bol); synonyms (adj)
right, (adj) completely; antonyms (adv) partly, copious, plentiful, affluent, full, rich, roomy,
partially. sizable, sufficient, adequate, bountiful, enough,
buut dimension (boyut); synonyms (n) degree, expansive, plenteous, profuse, sizeable; antonyms
breadth, bulk, magnitude, size, attribute, length, (adj) inadequate, meager, insufficient, scarce, 7.
proportion, range, dimensions, bigness, stretch, capital (başkent, büyük harf); synonyms (n)
amount, extent, mass. city, stock, assets, cash, funds, means, money,
buyruk 1. command (komut, kumanda); paramount, prime, resources, top, wealth,
synonyms (n) control, instruction, behest, bidding, wherewithal, (adj) primary, essential, 8. elder;
decree, direction, administration, ascendancy, synonyms (adj) older, (n) ancient, patriarch, boss, 9.
authority, (v) charge, order, rule, call, commission, wide (geniş); synonyms (adj) comprehensive, vast,
direct; antonym (v) request, 2. order (düzen, expanded, extended, open, sweeping, deep,
düzenlemek, emretmek, sıra); synonyms (n) blanket, tolerant, general, cavernous,
command, dictate, array, rank, sort, class, encompassing, (adv) far, widely, astray; antonyms
condition, disposition, edict, injunction, kind, form, (adj) narrow, thin, restricted, 10. substantial
genus, (v) arrange, ordain; antonyms (n) anarchy, (önemli); synonyms (adj) actual, solid, firm, real,
chaos, confusion, mayhem, mess, (v) disorder. strong, palpable, sound, concrete, corporeal,
büyü 1. magic; synonyms (adj) magical, charming, durable, hearty, material, satisfying, substantive,
supernatural, (n) conjuration, incantation, charm, tangible; antonyms (adj) insubstantial, ethereal,
enchantment, legerdemain, sorcery, glamour, worthless.
fascination, illusion, theurgy, trick, deception, 2. büyükanne grandmother (nine); synonyms (n)
charm; synonyms (n) allure, amulet, appeal, spell, gran, grandma, granny, crone, grandam, grannie,

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84 Turkish - English

mother, dam, grandmamma, beldame, mamma, enhancement, escalation, (v) extension; antonyms
materfamilias, matriarch. (n) contraction, abbreviation,
3. increase
büyükbaba grandfather (dede); synonyms (n) (artırmak, artış); synonyms (n) boom, expansion,
gramps, grandad, granddad, grandpa, grandpapa, progress, rise, (v) accrue, extend, aggrandize,
grandsire, granddaddy, patriarch. expand, enhance, enlarge, deepen, accumulate,
büyükelçi ambassador; synonyms (n) agent, amplify, benefit, (adj) augment; antonyms (v)
delegate, emissary, envoy, messenger, minister, reduce, diminish, drop, deteriorate, 4. growing;
deputy, embassador, herald, representative, synonyms (adj) flourishing, rising, thriving,
diplomat. blossoming, progressive, adolescent, budding,
büyüklük 1. size (boyut); synonyms (n) measure, burgeoning, cumulative, enlarging, (n) developing,
bulk, capacity, dimension, dimensions, extent, (adv) increasing; antonyms (adj) deteriorating,
largeness, quantity, glue, amount, breadth, degree, dwindling.
magnitude, mass, (v) gauge; antonyms (n) length, büyümek 1. expand (büyütmek, genişlemek,
slenderness, 2. magnitude; synonyms (n) genişletmek); synonyms (v) amplify, enlarge,
consequence, proportion, size, weight, amplitude, balloon, broaden, develop, distend, aggrandize,
greatness, moment, intensity, enormity, augment, extend, inflate, swell, explicate, bloat,
importance, significance, volume, meaning, elaborate, (adj) dilate; antonyms (v) contract,
prominence, sum; antonym (n) triviality, 3. extent; shorten, abbreviate, decrease, deflate, reduce,
synonyms (n) extension, expanse, compass, shrink, summarize, narrow, 2. increase
distance, boundary, purview, reach, scope, space, (artırmak, artış); synonyms (n) gain, addition,
spread, depth, latitude, limit, range, (v) area. augmentation, boom, expansion, extension,
büyülemek 1. entrance; synonyms (n) admission, growth, progress, rise, (v) advance, accrue, grow,
access, entry, admittance, arrival, door, doorway, expand, enhance, deepen; antonyms (n) reduction,
threshold, accession, (v) enchant, captivate, charm, contraction, decline, (v) diminish, drop, deteriorate,
bewitch, enrapture, fascinate; antonyms (n)
3. grow; synonyms (v) come, emerge, become,
departure, exit, (v) bore, 2. charm; synonyms (n) farm, get, spring, turn, breed, arise, blossom,
allure, amulet, appeal, spell, attraction, conjure, evolve, flourish, germinate, increase, mature;
incantation, tempt, (v) attract, entrance, beguile,
antonym (v) weaken.
capture, enamor, lure, please; antonyms (n)
buyurmak 1. decree; synonyms (n) command, act,
repulsion, ugliness, (v) repel, 3. witch (cadı);
edict, decision, dictate, finding, judgment, verdict,
synonyms (n) hag, pythoness, enchantress,
(v) order, award, decide, enact, ordain, rule, will, 2.
sorceress, magician, lamia, wizard, augur, beldam,
beldame, (v) glamour, hex, jinx, becharm, catch.
command (komut, kumanda); synonyms (n)
control, instruction, behest, bidding, decree,
büyüleyici 1. fascinating; synonyms (adj) enchanting,
direction, administration, ascendancy, authority,
captivating, charming, absorbing, attractive,
claim, (v) charge, call, commission, direct, bid;
engaging, engrossing, delightful, alluring,
bewitching, seductive, desirable, enthralling, antonym (v) request, 3. order (düzen,
entrancing, (v) interesting; antonyms (adj) boring, düzenlemek, emretmek, sıra); synonyms (n)
uninteresting, dull, 2. charming; synonyms (adj) array, rank, sort, class, condition, disposition,
injunction, kind, form, genus, category, (v) arrange,
amiable, beautiful, lovely, pleasing, winning, nice,
adorable, agreeable, amusing, appealing, cute, conduct, demand, govern; antonyms (n) anarchy,
delectable, exquisite, fascinating, lovable; chaos, confusion, mayhem, mess, (v) disorder.
antonyms (adj) repellent, unappealing, unpleasant, büyütmek 1. expand (genişlemek, genişletmek);
3. glamorous; synonyms (adj) colorful, synonyms (v) amplify, enlarge, balloon, broaden,
develop, distend, aggrandize, augment, extend,
glamourous, swanky.
inflate, swell, explicate, bloat, elaborate, (adj) dilate;
büyülü magical; synonyms (adj) magic, charming,
antonyms (v) contract, shorten, abbreviate,
supernatural, mystic, miraculous, mysterious,
decrease, deflate, reduce, shrink, summarize,
occult, sorcerous, witching, wizard, wizardly.
narrow, 2. raise (toplamak, yükseltmek);
büyüme 1. growth; synonyms (n) development, synonyms (v) boost, lift, erect, hoist, increase, build,
accretion, augmentation, evolution, gain, increase, elevate, enhance, foster, grow, promote, prefer,
enlargement, germination, accumulation, accession, cultivate, exalt, (n) advance; antonym (v) lower, 3.
addition, advance, improvement, increment, (v)
rear; synonyms (adj) back, after, (n) posterior, tail,
grow; antonyms (n) decrease, reduction,
backside, behind, bottom, buttocks, poop, (v) breed,
weakening, decline, 2. expansion (genleşme);
nurture, raise, educate, nurse, edify; antonyms (adj)
synonyms (n) amplification, dilatation, dilation,
fore, (n) front, 4. foster; synonyms (v) encourage,
elaboration, growth, stretch, distention, inflation,
cherish, foment, further, rear, support, entertain,
swelling, diffusion, space, elongation,

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Turkish - English 85

tend, keep, feed, nourish, patronize, parent, 2. spirit; synonyms (n) apparition, courage, ghost,
forward, comfort; antonym (v) neglect. life, mood, bravery, character, disposition, essence,
buz ice (dondurma); synonyms (n) frosting, glass, heart, mind, phantom, soul, fortitude, esprit;
hoarfrost, icing, sparkler, frappe, rime, (v) frost, antonym (n) body, 3. soul (ruh); synonyms (n)
cool, refrigerate, fan. man, creature, human, individual, person,
buzağı calf (dana); synonyms (n) calfskin, sura, colt, personification, mortal, psyche, self, marrow,
foal, kitten, pup, shorthorn, kid, cow, doodle, bosom, breast, (adj) core, quintessence, gist.
dullard, foetus, loon, lout, lown. canavar monster; synonyms (n) giant, beast, brute,
buzdolabı fridge; synonyms (n) fray, rub. demon, devil, fiend, freak, behemoth, colossus,
buzlu icy; synonyms (adj) frozen, cold, freezing, frigid, monstrosity, ogre, prodigy, chimera, (adj) huge,
frosty, glacial, arctic, chill, chilly, wintry, aloof, stupendous.
distant, gelid, standoffish, hostile; antonyms (adj) cani 1. butcher (kasap); synonyms (n) assassin,
warm, hot. botch, bungler, meatman, murderer, slaughterer,
büzmek purse; synonyms (n) pocket, bag, pouch, blunderer, botcher, bumbler, (v) assassinate,
handbag, pocketbook, prize, container, pod, (v) slaughter, kill, massacre, murder, slay, 2.
pucker, wrinkle, crease, contract. murderer; synonyms (n) cutthroat, killer,
büzülme contraction; synonyms (n) abbreviation, manslayer, slayer, liquidator, (v) butcher, terrorist.
constriction, abridgement, abridgment, canım honey (bal); synonyms (n) darling, dear,
condensation, shrink, compression, convulsion, beloved, love, sweetheart, dearest, duck, baby,
decrease, shrinkage, tightening, diminution, molasses, sugar, flame, (v) sweeten.
narrowing, reduction, spasm; antonym (n) cankurtaran ambulance (ambulans); synonyms (n)
expansion. brancard, crate, hurdle, litter, stretcher, rescue,
canlandırmak 1. spirit; synonyms (n) apparition,
C courage, ghost, life, mood, bravery, character,
disposition, energy, enthusiasm, essence, heart,
cadde 1. avenue; synonyms (n) channel, approach, mind, phantom, (adj) animation; antonyms (n)
passage, path, road, route, way, means, boulevard, lethargy, body, 2. fire (ateş); synonyms (n)
course, lane, track, walk, outlet, 2. street (sokak); discharge, ardor, conflagration, explode, fervor,
synonyms (n) avenue, highway, neighborhood, flame, (v) excite, eject, blaze, dismiss, ignite, kindle,
thoroughfare, (v) roadway. expel, animate, arouse; antonym (v) hire, 3.
cadı witch; synonyms (n) hag, pythoness, enchantress, stimulate (teşvik etmek); synonyms (v) incite,
sorceress, magician, lamia, wizard, augur, (v) encourage, enliven, inspire, prompt, provoke,
enchant, bewitch, charm, glamour, hex, jinx, awaken, drive, energize, exhilarate, goad, hasten,
fascinate. instigate, invigorate, (adj) quicken; antonym (v)
cahil ignorant; synonyms (adj) unconscious, illiterate, defuse, 4. wake; synonyms (v) awake, rouse, stir,
rude, uneducated, unwitting, blind, dull, innocent, vigil, waken, stimulate, evoke, raise, watch, (n)
naive, unaware, uninformed, unlearned, barbarous, train, trail, backwash, track, wave, aftermath;
crude, shallow; antonyms (adj) knowledgeable, antonym (v) sleep.
conscious. canlanma revival; synonyms (n) recovery, renewal,
cahillik ignorance (bilgisizlik, cehalet); synonyms restoration, resurgence, resurrection, rally,
(n) darkness, illiteracy, nescience, folly, innocence, regeneration, renaissance, revitalization, rebirth,
unwisdom, denseness, stupidity, obtuseness, reinstatement, reprint, reproduction, return,
unawareness, unenlightenment, night, revivification; antonyms (n) decline, disappearance.
unacquaintance, adversity, agnosticism; antonyms canlanmak wake; synonyms (v) awaken, awake,
(n) knowledge, intelligence. rouse, stir, arouse, excite, provoke, vigil, waken,
cam 1. glass (bardak); synonyms (n) pane, bottle, kindle, (n) train, trail, backwash, track, wave;
drink, bowl, cup, goblet, chalice, glassful, spyglass, antonym (v) sleep.
telescope, tumbler, window, (v) glaze, (adj) ice, 2. canlı 1. alive; synonyms (adj) active, live, living,
window (pencere); synonyms (n) casement, sensible, vivacious, animated, lively, responsive,
porthole, gap, embrasure, hole, opening, aware, eager, acute, energetic, animate, awake,
windowpane. extant; antonyms (adj) dead, deceased, inanimate,
can 1. life (hayat); synonyms (n) animation, energy, 2. live (oturmak, yaşamak); synonyms (v) exist,
spirit, activity, being, biography, dash, enthusiasm, inhabit, reside, subsist, abide, be, dwell, endure,
existence, exuberance, live, briskness, career, stay, survive, (adj) alive, brisk, bouncy, breathing,
autobiography, endurance; antonym (n) lethargy, (n) go, 3. living; synonyms (adj) fresh, quick, vital,

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actual, (n) livelihood, being, life, aliveness, movement, commotion, disturbance, excitement,
animation, benefice, existence, keep, maintenance, agitation, (adj) bustle, 4. spirit; synonyms (n)
subsistence, support; antonym (n) death, 4. lively; apparition, courage, ghost, life, mood, bravery,
synonyms (adj) agile, cheerful, keen, busy, gay, jolly, character, disposition, essence, heart, mind,
jovial, alert, bright, enthusiastic, merry, spirited, phantom, soul, fortitude, esprit; antonym (n) body.
vivid, dashing, frolicsome; antonyms (adj) dull, cansız dead (ölmüş, ölü); synonyms (adj) dull,
inactive, lethargic, listless, lifeless, unexciting, 5. lifeless, cold, defunct, inanimate, absolute,
graphic; synonyms (adj) descriptive, clear, breathless, deceased, extinct, fallen, flat, gone, idle,
picturesque, realistic, expressive, graphical, lifelike, (adv) right, absolutely; antonyms (adj) alive, animate,
detailed, (n) picture, diagram, image, schematic, (v) (n) living.
pictorial, 6. active (etkin); synonyms (adj) diligent, cari 1. current (akım, geçerli); synonyms (adj)
effective, nimble, strong, dynamic, forcible, common, contemporary, fashionable, instant,
healthy, mercurial, sprightly, vigorous, operational, actual, fresh, modern, new, popular, (n) flow,
hearty, assiduous, efficacious, (v) smart; antonyms stream, run, afloat, movement, (prep) course;
(adj) dormant, sluggish, idle, latent, sedentary, slow, antonyms (adj) obsolete, past, old, old-fashioned,
extinct, passive, quiet, 7. swinging; synonyms (adj) previous, 2. running; synonyms (v) active, (adj)
swaying, excessive, exorbitant, extravagant, flowing, operative, continual, working,
hanging, inordinate, lilting, outrageous, pendulous, functioning, moving, consecutive, live, fluid, (n)
preposterous, (n) swing, 8. vital; synonyms (adj) motion, administration, operation, performance,
critical, essential, indispensable, crucial, handling.
fundamental, important, main, necessary, chief, casus spy; synonyms (n) scout, detective, mole, notice,
momentous, basic, decisive, imperative, requisite, patrol, emissary, (v) see, espy, snoop, discern,
significant; antonyms (adj) trivial, insignificant, discover, observe, perceive, descry, behold.
minor, optional, unimportant, 9. brisk; synonyms caz jazz; synonyms (n) talk, wind, bunk, nonsense,
(adj) bracing, adroit, crisp, fast, hasty, invigorating, absurdity, (v) bop, bang, fuck, hump, screw, cheat,
pert, sharp, speedy, spry, perky, abrupt, breezy, lie, do, stimulate, acknowledge.
bouncing, brusque; antonym (adj) soporific, 10.
cazibe 1. attraction; synonyms (n) allure, enticement,
gay; synonyms (adj) convivial, festive, gaudy, airy, invitation, affinity, allurement, appeal, charm, lure,
blithe, brave, buoyant, cheery, festal, flashy, attractiveness, bait, draw, fascination, inducement,
jocular, colorful, (n) homosexual, gallant, lesbian, magnetism, temptation; antonyms (n) repulsion,
11. fresh (taze); synonyms (adj) clean, novel, disgust, revulsion, 2. charm; synonyms (n) amulet,
original, recent, bold, chilly, cool, forward, green, spell, attraction, conjure, incantation, (v) attract,
pure, sweet, flippant, fair, blank, (adv) new; captivate, bewitch, fascinate, enchant, entrance,
antonyms (adj) old, stale, decayed, exhausted, hot, beguile, capture, enamor, please; antonyms (n)
humid, muggy, musty, off, oppressive, rotten, ugliness, (v) repel, 3. fascination; synonyms (n)
tired, worn, dry, sweltering, 12. warm (ılık, bewitchment, enchantment, glamor, glamour,
ısıtmak, sıcak); synonyms (adj) affectionate, captivation, charisma, enthrallment, magic, trance,
tender, ardent, cordial, fervent, fond, loving, interest, pull, seduction, witchery, fancy, mania;
earnest, caring, genial, glowing, tepid, heartfelt, antonym (n) distraction.
burning, (v) heat; antonyms (adj) aloof, cold,
cazibeli charming; synonyms (adj) amiable, beautiful,
unfriendly, reserved, hostile, (v) chill, 13. quick attractive, captivating, delightful, enchanting,
(çabuk, hızlı); synonyms (adj) prompt, clever, lovely, pleasing, winning, nice, adorable, agreeable,
intelligent, cursory, dexterous, expeditious, alluring, amusing, appealing; antonyms (adj)
hurried, immediate, instant, swift, brief, apt, repellent, unappealing, unpleasant.
ingenious, skillful, (v) fleet; antonym (adj) leisurely,
cazip attractive; synonyms (adj) alluring, amiable,
14. vivid; synonyms (adj) graphic, intense, brilliant, appealing, charming, engaging, good-looking,
rich, lurid, shiny, striking, deep, severe, full, garish, tempting, adorable, delightful, enchanting,
light, luminous, powerful, vibrant. fascinating, glamorous, gorgeous, handsome,
canlılık 1. life (hayat); synonyms (n) animation, interesting; antonyms (adj) unattractive, ugly,
energy, spirit, activity, being, biography, dash, unappealing, disgusting, repellent, revolting,
enthusiasm, existence, exuberance, live, briskness, repulsive, straight, unpleasant.
career, autobiography, endurance; antonym (n) cefa hardship; synonyms (n) adversity, distress,
lethargy, 2. colour (renk); synonyms (n) calamity, affliction, grievance, difficulty, trouble,
coloration, coloring, colouring, semblance, burden, disaster, asperity, deprivation, destitution,
vividness, (v) color, discolor, discolour, distort, misfortune, poverty, suffering; antonym (n)
tinge, 3. stir; synonyms (v) arouse, budge, move, affluence.
rouse, affect, agitate, excite, inspire, go, (n)

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cehalet ignorance (bilgisizlik); synonyms (n) gentle, fellow, guy, valet, homo, human, humanity,
darkness, illiteracy, nescience, folly, innocence, (adj) gentilhomme; antonym (n) woman.
unwisdom, denseness, stupidity, obtuseness, cep pocket; synonyms (n) cavity, pouch, hole, hollow,
unawareness, unenlightenment, night, (v) bag, take, appropriate, sack, steal, lift, catch,
unacquaintance, adversity, agnosticism; antonyms embezzle, misappropriate, pilfer, (adj) digest.
(n) knowledge, intelligence. cephane ammunition; synonyms (n) ammo,
cehennem hell; synonyms (n) blaze, inferno, munition, shot, bullet, armament, missile, bullets,
netherworld, perdition, underworld, anguish, explosive, fuel, narcotic, ball, bombs, buckshot,
ordeal, trial, pit, limbo, aides, bedlam, blazing, cannonball, chemical.
brilliance, conflagration; antonym (n) heaven. cephanelik arsenal; synonyms (n) armory, armoury,
cehennemde below (aşağı, aşağıda); synonyms store, depository, arms, armaments, artillery,
(adv) beneath, under, down, infra, downstairs, (prep) dump, factory, guns, inventory, missiles, plant,
underneath, (adj) low, after; antonyms (prep) above, stockpile, storeroom.
over. cephe 1. front (ön); synonyms (adj) head, fore,
ceket 1. jacket; synonyms (n) casing, sheath, case, anterior, preceding, (n) countenance, forefront,
cover, covering, envelope, coat, skin, shield, wrap, appearance, disguise, facade, frontage, brow,
(v) clothe, 2. coat (palto); synonyms (n) coating, audacity, (v) face, confront, look; antonyms (n) rear,
crust, film, fur, jacket, layer, bark, peel, pelt, (v) end, (v) back, 2. face (çehre, surat, yüz);
cloak, blanket, plaster, glaze, finish, paint. synonyms (n) aspect, expression, side, top, exterior,
celse 1. hearing; synonyms (n) audition, earshot, ear, surface, boldness, brass, (v) veneer, visage, affront,
trial, consultation, sound, reach, examination, breast, defy, brave, (adj) front; antonym (v) avoid, 3.
inquiry, interview, listening, earreach, (adj) aspect; synonyms (n) bearing, manner, prospect,
audience, auditory; antonym (adj) deaf, 2. session view, air, angle, facet, feature, quality, respect,
(oturum); synonyms (n) meeting, seance, sitting, scene, vista, shape, attribute, (v) regard.
conference, bout, convention, class, period, stretch, cerahat matter (konu, madde, mesele); synonyms
discussion. (n) event, affair, business, concern, issue, material,
cemaat 1. flock (sürü); synonyms (n) bunch, crowd, substance, incident, article, body, import, interest,
cluster, band, bevy, congregation, covey, gang, item, (v) case, count.
herd, horde, pack, troop, (v) assemble, mass, (adj) cereyan 1. circulation (dolaşım); synonyms (n)
swarm, 2. congregation; synonyms (n) concourse, dissemination, diffusion, distribution, currency,
assemblage, assembly, collection, gathering, delivery, dispersal, dispersion, gyration,
meeting, congregating, convocation, flock, fold, revolution, rotation, round, spread, spreading,
company, audience, confluence, throng, turn, airing, 2. current (akım, cari, geçerli);
convention. synonyms (adj) common, contemporary,
cemiyet 1. community (topluluk); synonyms (n) fashionable, instant, actual, fresh, modern, new,
association, public, agreement, commune, nation, popular, (n) flow, stream, run, afloat, movement,
people, brotherhood, likeness, company, district, (prep) course; antonyms (adj) obsolete, past, old, old-
order, (adj) communal, neighborhood, common, fashioned, previous, 3. draft (taslak); synonyms
group; antonym (adj) private, 2. society; synonyms (n) bill, conscription, sketch, check, drawing, (v)
(n) club, institution, community, companionship, draught, outline, design, blueprint, compose, enlist,
corporation, fellowship, fraternity, circle, plan, recruit, chart, delineate; antonym (v)
commonwealth, guild, partnership, folk, discharge, 4. course (yön); synonyms (n) bearing,
friendship, gild, league. career, current, path, road, route, track, channel,
cenaze funeral; synonyms (n) burial, entombment, circuit, class, method, race, (v) chase, pour, (prep)
interment, pyre, wake, committal, (adj) funebrial. tide, 5. flow (akış, akmak); synonyms (n) flood,
cendere press (basın, basmak); synonyms (n) jam, abound, rush, circulation, (v) flux, jet, surge, float,
closet, (v) crush, crowd, force, squeeze, pack, emanate, fall, gush, seep, well, ooze, arise, 6. tide
coerce, compress, exhort, mash, push, urge, clasp, (gelgit); synonyms (n) drift, time, (v) wave, billow,
(adj) constrain. noonday.
cennet 1. paradise; synonyms (n) heaven, bliss, cerrah 1. surgeon; synonyms (n) doctor, physician,
ecstasy, nirvana, utopia, death, enlightenment, sawbones, chirurgeon, 2. operator (operatör);
gallery, happiness, rapture, dreamland, enjoyment, synonyms (n) driver, hustler, manipulator, agent,
fairyland, (v) bewitch, entrance; antonym (n) hell, 2. doer, speculator, actor, employee, clerk,
heaven; synonyms (n) paradise, glory, sky. businessperson, captain, financier, floozie, floozy,
centilmen gentleman (bey); synonyms (n) man, hooker.
male, patrician, sir, laureate, squireen, noble, cerrahi surgical; synonyms (adj) operative,
chirurgical, effective, functional, key.

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cerrahlık surgery; synonyms (n) operation, (ölçek); synonyms (n) flake, gamut, degree,
chirurgery, act, functioning, or, performance, graduation, measure, yardstick, rate, chip, (v)
procedure, process, treatment. ascend, climb, gauge, mount, weigh, rise, (adj)
cesaret 1. courage (yüreklilik); synonyms (n) balance; antonym (v) descend.
bravery, audacity, fortitude, backbone, boldness, cevap 1. answer (cevap vermek); synonyms (n)
gallantry, heroism, mettle, nerve, spirit, valor, reply, respond, retort, return, solution, defense,
chivalry, manhood, courageousness, echo, (v) counter, resolve, serve, acknowledge,
determination; antonym (n) cowardice, 2. nerve agree, correspond, do, (adj) pay; antonyms (v)
(sinir); synonyms (n) cheek, impertinence, brass, question, ask, 2. reply; synonyms (n) answer,
courage, daring, face, heart, impudence, prowess, rejoinder, response, reaction, repay, replication,
assurance, brace, effrontery, grit, guts, insolence, 3. repartee, comeback, (v) react, rejoin, say, 3.
enterprise; synonyms (n) business, company, response (yanıt); synonyms (n) reception, effect,
concern, endeavor, activity, adventure, energy, chant, chaunt, hymn, (v) endurance, experience, (adj)
effort, endeavour, firm, initiative, venture, sympathy, cordiality, fraternization,
corporation, establishment, attempt, 4. heart rapprochement.
(kalp, yürek); synonyms (n) core, center, affection, cevher essence; synonyms (n) core, entity, aroma,
basis, bosom, breast, crux, essence, hub, kernel, being, crux, gist, perfume, hypostasis, body,
marrow, middle, pluck, quintessence, (adj) gist; burden, extract, fragrance, heart, kernel, nub.
antonym (n) edge. ceza 1. punishment; synonyms (n) discipline,
cesaretlendirmek encourage; synonyms (v) cheer, correction, penalty, penance, chastisement, fine,
abet, advance, aid, back, boost, comfort, foster, rebuke, retribution, reward, execution, judgment,
further, promote, urge, advocate, cherish, advise, retaliation, payment, reprimand, revenge, 2.
animate; antonyms (v) discourage, dishearten, correction (düzeltme); synonyms (n)
prevent, deter, hurt, obstruct, stop. amendment, adjustment, alteration, castigation,
cesaretsiz faint (bayılmak); synonyms (adj) collapse, redress, modification, emendation, improvement,
dim, dizzy, feeble, indistinct, weak, dull, gentle, punishment, revision, editing, rectification, reform,
soft, vague, delicate, distant, (v) languish, swoon, change, chastening; antonym (n) fabrication, 3.
droop; antonyms (adj) distinct, strong, clear, penalty; synonyms (n) mulct, forfeit, forfeiture,
obvious, considerable, loud, pungent. amercement, handicap, penalization, sentence,
ceset 1. body (beden, gövde, vücut); synonyms (n) pain, conviction, sanction, (v) condemnation.
cadaver, corpse, matter, organization, carcass, cezaevi 1. prison; synonyms (n) jail, calaboose,
cluster, consistency, figure, mass, set, aggregate, confinement, lockup, penitentiary, jug, confine,
association, entity, amount, bulk; antonym (n) custody, 2. jail (hapishane); synonyms (n) cage,
spirit, 2. corpse; synonyms (n) body, corse, prison, cell, clink, jailhouse, slammer, (v) gaol,
remains, stiff, clay. imprison, incarcerate, detain, immure, arrest, lag.
cesur 1. brave; synonyms (adj) adventurous, bold, cezalandırma 1. correction (düzeltme); synonyms
audacious, courageous, endure, fearless, hardy, (n) amendment, adjustment, alteration, castigation,
intrepid, valiant, virile, confident, daring, chastisement, discipline, redress, modification,
dauntless, (v) defy, confront; antonyms (adj) emendation, improvement, punishment, revision,
editing, rebuke, rectification; antonym (n)
cowardly, frightened, gutless, pathetic, (n) timid, 2.
fabrication, 2. punishment (ceza); synonyms (n)
bold; synonyms (adj) manly, resolute, arrogant,
correction, penalty, penance, fine, retribution,
barefaced, heroic, spirited, stalwart, bluff, brave,
reward, execution, judgment, retaliation, payment,
brazen, cheeky, defiant, disrespectful, enterprising,
reprimand, revenge, scourge, sentence,
forward; antonym (adj) modest.
cet predecessor; synonyms (n) precursor, forerunner,
cezalandırmak discipline; synonyms (n)
ancestor, antecedent, antecessor, father, elder,
chastisement, correction, (v) control, castigate,
precedent; antonyms (n) successor, descendant.
chastise, train, chasten, exercise, correct, drill,
cetvel 1. ruler; synonyms (n) master, governor, educate, practice, breed, condition, cultivate.
monarch, leader, dynast, prince, chief, head,
cezbetmek 1. attract; synonyms (v) fascinate, charm,
director, controller, sheik, sovereign, government,
beguile, captivate, draw, enamor, entice, invite,
(adj) rule, regent, 2. schedule; synonyms (n) list,
tempt, arrest, absorb, appeal, attach, beckon, (adj)
agenda, catalog, program, calendar, catalogue,
allure; antonyms (v) repel, disgust, 2. draw
inventory, table, roll, index, chart, docket, plan, (v)
register, book, 3. rule (kural); synonyms (n)
(çekmek, çizmek); synonyms (v) attract, drag,
delineate, pull, depict, derive, describe, design, tie,
govern, order, decree, dominion, law, ordinance,
principle, regulate, reign, authority, dictate, (v) bring, haul, lure, puff, (n) attraction, draft; antonym
command, control, influence, direct, 4. scale (v) push, 3. charm; synonyms (n) amulet, spell,

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conjure, incantation, attractiveness, beauty, delight, cultivate, 2. finish (bitmek, son); synonyms (v)
elegance, (v) bewitch, enchant, entrance, capture, end, complete, achieve, execute, accomplish, cease,
please, amuse, catch; antonyms (n) repulsion, determine, discontinue, consume, do, (n) close,
ugliness. consummate, conclusion, death, conclude;
cici sweet (tatlı); synonyms (adj) beloved, delicious, antonyms (v) start, begin, continue, (n) beginning.
fresh, lovely, mellow, dear, lovable, melodious, cilalamak 1. polish; synonyms (n) finish, gloss,
musical, pleasant, pleasing, sugary, charming, burnish, gentility, cultivation, elegance, refinement,
delightful, (n) confection; antonyms (adj) sour, acid, shine, civilization, (v) furbish, glaze, rub, civilize,
bitter, discordant, acidic, pungent, sharp, salty. clean, cultivate, 2. finish (bitmek, son);
cidden 1. indeed (gerçekten); synonyms (adv) synonyms (v) end, complete, achieve, execute,
actually, certainly, exactly, much, really, surely, accomplish, cease, determine, discontinue,
greatly, absolutely, clearly, definitely, positively, consume, do, (n) close, consummate, conclusion,
precisely, so, truly, (int) forsooth; antonym (adv) death, conclude; antonyms (v) start, begin,
possibly, 2. seriously; synonyms (adv) badly, continue, (n) beginning, 3. surface (yüzey);
gravely, earnestly, severely, deeply, soberly, hard, synonyms (n) level, face, outside, superficies, facet,
critically, desperately, momentously, sincerely, grain, side, (v) appear, emerge, coat, rise, (adj)
solemnly, decidedly, poorly, purely; antonyms (adv) exterior, external, shallow, superficial; antonyms
cheerfully, frivolously, jokingly, playfully, good- (n) core, inside, interior, middle.
humoredly, slightly, teasingly, 3. really cılız thin (ince); synonyms (adj) flimsy, gaunt, lean,
(gerçekten); synonyms (adv) honestly, genuinely, light, slight, tenuous, emaciated, fine, rare, slim,
real, very, simply, authentically, practically, sparse, (v) slender, dilute, meager, sheer; antonyms
essentially, extremely, highly, quite, right, just, (adj) thick, fat, concentrated, chubby, plump, wide,
completely, (adj) indeed. broad, heavy, (v) thicken.
ciddi 1. serious (ağır); synonyms (adj) grave, heavy, cılk rotten (çürük); synonyms (adj) bad, foul, poor,
sedate, austere, great, hard, considerable, critical, fetid, lousy, musty, off, putrid, ill, shabby, corrupt,
dangerous, earnest, grievous, sad, sober, (v) crappy, decomposed, (v) decayed, rancid; antonym
important, momentous; antonyms (adj) frivolous, (adj) fresh.
lighthearted, cheerful, flippant, humorous, mild, cilt 1. skin (deri, kabuk, post); synonyms (n) peel,
minor, playful, slight, 2. critical (kritik); hide, coating, fur, hull, rind, shell, crust,
synonyms (adj) acute, decisive, delicate, pressing, integument, pelt, (v) pare, bark, scrape, excoriate,
severe, ticklish, urgent, vital, crucial, fastidious, flay, 2. volume (hacim, oylum); synonyms (n)
imperative, minute, particular, significant, (v) bulk, size, book, magnitude, mass, quantity,
censorious; antonyms (adj) complimentary, trivial, dimension, amount, capacity, intensity, loudness,
positive, flattering, insignificant, approving, tome, journal, (adj) deal, pot; antonym (n) quietness,
unimportant, 3. heavy (ağır); synonyms (adj) dull, 3. hide (gizlemek); synonyms (v) conceal,
deep, dark, dense, fat, full, gross, arduous, bulky, disguise, obscure, bury, cloak, mask, shelter,
burdensome, oppressive, thick, compact, ample, ambush, (n) cover, coat, fell, skin, veil, cloud, (adj)
awkward; antonyms (adj) light, easy, slim, thin, darken; antonyms (v) reveal, show, expose, express.
gentle, puny, skinny, 4. steady; synonyms (adj) ciltli bound; synonyms (v) leap, border, bounce, limit,
firm, even, secure, constant, continual, fixed, circumscribe, confine, pounce, rebound, (n) spring,
resolute, stable, cool, incessant, settled, consistent, jump, boundary, edge, barrier, compass, hop;
(v) steadfast, calm, regular; antonyms (adj)
antonym (adj) free.
unsteady, shaky, wobbly, intermittent, unreliable,
cimri 1. close (kapamak, kapatmak); synonyms
5. sober; synonyms (adj) serious, sane, moderate, (adj) near, adjacent, nearby, accurate, tight,
quiet, solemn, modest, abstemious, demure, serene, approximate, narrow, (v) compact, stop, conclude,
somber, staid, composed, rational, reasonable, (adv) by, about, (n) end, finish, conclusion;
sensible; antonym (adj) intoxicated. antonyms (adj) distant, airy, fresh, loose, far, (v)
cihaz 1. apparatus; synonyms (n) appliance, device, open, start, 2. mean (demek istemek,
implement, instrument, plant, tackle, equipment, ortalama); synonyms (v) intend, design, imply,
gadget, gear, machine, contrivance, machinery,
denote, involve, (adj) middle, base, common,
mechanism, outfit, rig, 2. device (aygıt); hateful, ignoble, medium, miserly, (n) average,
synonyms (n) apparatus, artifice, emblem, contemptible, low; antonyms (adj) generous, kind,
contraption, figure, gimmick, invention, plan, trick,
3. spare; synonyms (adj) reserve, slender, excess,
way, design, dodge, expedient, machination, plot.
save, slight, additional, lean, slim, thin, bare, (v)
cila 1. polish; synonyms (n) finish, gloss, burnish, free, meager, exempt, (n) extra, backup.
gentility, cultivation, elegance, refinement, shine,
cin spirit; synonyms (n) apparition, courage, ghost,
civilization, (v) furbish, glaze, rub, civilize, clean,
life, mood, bravery, character, disposition, energy,

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enthusiasm, essence, heart, mind, phantom, (adj) element, heart, kernel, marrow, meat; antonym (n)
animation; antonyms (n) lethargy, body. triviality.
cinayet murder; synonyms (n) carnage, homicide, civar 1. neighbourhood; synonyms (n) locality,
slaughter, butchery, bloodshed, (v) massacre, neighborhood, vicinity, 2. vicinity; synonyms (n)
butcher, kill, slay, assassinate, destroy, dispatch, region, district, proximity, place, environs,
execute, hit, manslaughter. neighbourhood, vicinage, area, outskirts, section.
cins 1. breed; synonyms (n) kind, race, variety, cıvata bolt; synonyms (n) arrow, dash, pin, catch, (v)
ancestry, sort, order, class, genus, (v) engender, bar, abscond, gobble, latch, lock, escape, decamp,
beget, multiply, bear, brood, cause, cultivate, 2. devour, fasten, gulp, (adv) bang; antonyms (v)
kind (tür); synonyms (n) form, helpful, benign, nibble, unbolt, unlock.
brand, breed, gentle, type, benevolent, (adj) friendly, cıvık soft; synonyms (adj) gentle, easy, light, limp,
generous, good, humane, affectionate, charitable,
balmy, delicate, quiet, slack, loose, clement, faint,
considerate; antonyms (adj) unkind, callous, cruel,
flabby, flaccid, (v) feeble, low; antonyms (adj) hard,
hardhearted, mean, merciless, nasty, spiteful,
firm, harsh, loud, hoarse, rough, solid, stiff,
uncaring, upsetting, disagreeable, unfeeling, 3.
alcoholic, shrill, strong.
species (tür); synonyms (n) appearance, character, coğrafi geographical; synonyms (adj) geographic,
show, sight, stock, strain, phenomenon,
biological, ecological, environmental, local,
premonstration, scene, (adj) nature, description,
physical, geological.
manner, fashion, (v) offspring, 4. variety
coğrafya geography; synonyms (n) topography,
(varyete); synonyms (n) species, change, style,
geographics, backcloth, backdrop, background,
variation, diversity, miscellany, range, variance,
countryside, land, landscape, panorama, position,
assortment, mixture, category, hodgepodge,
scene, scenery, setting, site, view.
medley, miscellanea, (v) difference; antonym (n)
cömert 1. handsome (güzel, yakışıklı); synonyms
(adj) elegant, beautiful, fair, charming, fine,
cinsel sexual; synonyms (adj) sensual, sexy, erotic, generous, attractive, bountiful, comely, bonny, big,
intimate, amphigonic, cozy, familiar, gross, bounteous, exquisite, gorgeous, graceful; antonyms
informal, inner, internal, knowledgeable, animal,
(adj) ugly, unattractive, 2. generous; synonyms
animalistic, bestial.
(adj) ample, full, abundant, benevolent, copious,
cinsellik sexuality; synonyms (n) sex, gender. charitable, flush, kind, liberal, spacious, rich,
cinsiyet 1. sex (seks); synonyms (n) gender, benign, broad, considerable, (n) free; antonyms (adj)
intercourse, copulation, coitus, sexuality, mating, stingy, meager, mean, measly, miserly, small,
(v) arouse, excite, (adj) sexual, 2. gender; synonyms tightfisted, avaricious, greedy, ungenerous, 3.
(n) sex, kind, femininity, (v) copulate. liberal; synonyms (adj) handsome, large, giving,
ciro 1. turnover; synonyms (n) overturn, revolution, tolerant, lavish, easy, bighearted, enlightened,
sales, upset, pastry, change, overthrow, proceeds, freehanded, munificent, noble, open, permissive,
derangement, disorder, disturbance, earnings, plentiful, (n) progressive; antonyms (adj) strict,
flapjack, income, (v) harrow, 2. backing; oppressive, totalitarian, intolerant, (n) conservative,
synonyms (n) aid, patronage, support, approval, 4. free (açık, bedava, boş, özgür, serbest,
assistance, encouragement, endorsement,
serbest bırakmak); synonyms (adj) loose, frank, (v)
accompaniment, assist, championship, help,
clear, exempt, liberate, discharge, excuse, extricate,
promotion, sanction, sponsorship, sustenance, 3.
relieve, disentangle, acquit, deliver, disengage,
endorsement; synonyms (n) approbation, ease, release; antonyms (adj) bound, restricted,
corroboration, confirmation, authorization,
compelled, confined, imprisoned, repressive,
countenance, permission, authority, verification,
secure, stuck, tangled, attached, busy, (v) confine,
authentication, certificate, authorisation,
block, cage, condemn.
agreement, backing, certification, consent.
cömertlik generosity; synonyms (n) charity,
cisim 1. matter (konu, madde, mesele); synonyms
benevolence, bounty, liberality, bounteousness,
(n) event, affair, business, concern, issue, material,
favor, generousness, goodness, grace, hospitality,
substance, incident, article, body, import, interest,
munificence, nobility, (adj) kindness, beneficence,
item, (v) case, count, 2. body (beden, gövde,
largesse; antonyms (n) stinginess, greed, meanness,
vücut); synonyms (n) cadaver, corpse, matter, thrift.
organization, carcass, cluster, consistency, figure,
conta seal (damga); synonyms (n) mark, stamp,
mass, set, aggregate, association, entity, amount,
cachet, hallmark, imprint, impression, signet, (v)
bulk; antonym (n) spirit, 3. substance; synonyms
plug, bar, close, shut, stop, clinch, lock, (adj)
(n) essence, meaning, significance, subject, core,
conclude; antonyms (v) open, unseal.
gist, means, quintessence, implication, content,

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Turkish - English 91

coşkunluk enthusiasm; synonyms (n) eagerness, çabalamak 1. seek (aramak); synonyms (v) search,
ardor, devotion, passion, animation, craze, zeal, attempt, endeavor, hunt, look, inquire, aspire, beg,
ebullience, ecstasy, flame, gusto, inspiration, explore, pursue, quest, investigate, research,
interest, keenness, (adj) fervor; antonyms (n) apathy, follow, (n) ask, 2. struggle; synonyms (n) contest,
indifference, lethargy. battle, combat, conflict, strain, effort, exertion,
cumba bay (koy); synonyms (n) alcove, bark, recess, scramble, scuffle, encounter, (v) fight, dispute,
cry, harbor, fiord, sound, cove, embayment, gulf, labor, quarrel, contend; antonyms (v) flourish,
(adj) brown, (v) yap, roar, bellow, howl. glide.
cumhuriyet republic; synonyms (n) commonwealth, çabucak 1. quickly; synonyms (adv) promptly,
democracy, state, nation, country. immediately, directly, early, quick, pronto, nimbly,
cumhuriyetçi republican; synonyms (n) commoner, apace, hastily, rapidly, readily, (adj) fast, shortly,
forthwith, (n) instantly; antonyms (adv) slowly,
democrat, plebeian, roturier.
gradually, permanently, 2. quick (çabuk, hızlı);
cümle sentence (tümce); synonyms (n) judgment,
synonyms (adj) bright, prompt, active, agile, clever,
finding, decision, condemnation, conviction,
hasty, intelligent, nimble, speedy, alert, alive,
phrase, penalty, punishment, verdict, (v) condemn,
cursory, dexterous, expeditious, hurried; antonyms
convict, doom, judge, damn, adjudge.
(adj) slow, leisurely, dull.
cümlecik clause; synonyms (n) article, paragraph,
provision, rider, section, chapter, member, çabuk 1. quick (hızlı); synonyms (adj) bright,
condition, prerequisite, proviso, requirement, prompt, active, agile, clever, hasty, intelligent,
stipulation, (v) passage. nimble, speedy, alert, alive, cursory, dexterous,
expeditious, (adv) fast; antonyms (adj) slow,
cüppe gown; synonyms (n) dress, robe, uniform,
tunic, gite, habit, paletot, scrubs, alb, blouse, leisurely, dull, 2. fast (hızlı, oruç); synonyms (adj)
chasuble, dalmatic, mozetta, scapulary, (v) clothe. dissolute, firm, debauched, fixed, hurried, instant,
quick, rapid, staunch, brisk, colorfast, (adv) soon,
cüret 1. brass (pirinç); synonyms (n) boldness, face,
hard, close, (n) diet; antonyms (adj) sluggish, loose,
cheek, nerve, administration, arrogance, insolence,
effrontery, impertinence, (v) audacity, assurance, (adv) slowly, (v) gorge, (n) binge, 3. swift (hızlı);

front, hardihood, impudence, (adj) bronze, 2. nerve synonyms (adj) fleet, lively, sudden, abrupt, express,
ready, sprightly, impetuous, unexpected,
(sinir); synonyms (n) brass, courage, daring,
immediate, keen, brief, impulsive, (n) cylinder, (adv)
fortitude, heart, mettle, prowess, backbone, brace,
swiftly; antonym (adj) considered, 4. soon (çok
gallantry, grit, guts, muscle, pluck, spirit; antonym
geçmeden); synonyms (adv) shortly, early,
(n) cowardice, 3. venture; synonyms (n) hazard,
presently, anon, immediately, directly, betimes,
attempt, adventure, speculation, danger,
now, promptly, quickly, soonly, briefly, erelong,
enterprise, try, (v) risk, chance, stake, peril, gamble,
speedily, afterward.
endanger, bet, (adj) dare.
çabukluk 1. speed (hız); synonyms (n) race, rapidity,
cüzdan wallet; synonyms (n) purse, bag, billfold,
velocity, celerity, (v) hasten, hurry, quicken, run,
notecase, pocketbook, case, satchel. rush, accelerate, dash, dispatch, expedite, promote,
shoot; antonym (n) slowness, 2. readiness;
synonyms (n) facility, alacrity, ease, dexterity,
Ç eagerness, expedition, knack, preparation,
promptness, quickness, fitness, maturity, aptitude,
çaba 1. effort (gayret); synonyms (n) attempt, (v) preparedness, ripeness.
exertion, application, drive, endeavor, struggle,
çadır 1. tent; synonyms (n) awning, camp, canopy,
trial, trouble, try, diligence, bid, push, campaign,
barracks, buckling, cover, dossil, shelter, tilt,
cause, crusade, 2. struggle; synonyms (n) contest,
design, gazebo, (v) bivouac, dwell, encamp, hinder,
battle, combat, conflict, strain, effort, scramble,
scuffle, encounter, (v) fight, dispute, labor, quarrel, 2. canvas (tuval); synonyms (n) picture, duck,
contend, fighting; antonyms (v) flourish, glide. sail, sheet, (v) canvass, painting, tableau.
çabalama 1. effort (çaba, gayret); synonyms (n) çağ 1. era; synonyms (n) age, period, time, epoch,
attempt, exertion, application, drive, endeavor, date, cycle, style, 2. period (devir, dönem,
struggle, trial, trouble, try, diligence, bid, push, nokta); synonyms (n) dot, era, point, duration,
campaign, cause, crusade, 2. struggle; synonyms generation, day, conclusion, interval, length,
(n) contest, battle, combat, conflict, strain, effort, menstruation, stage, mark, course, lifetime,
scramble, scuffle, encounter, (v) fight, dispute, catamenia, 3. time (saat, süre, zaman);
labor, quarrel, contend, fighting; antonyms (v) synonyms (n) hour, moment, measure, season,
flourish, glide. spell, instant, space, tempo, sentence, beat,
occasion, juncture, (v) clock, regulate, schedule;
antonym (n) death, 4. age (yaş); synonyms (n)

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aeon, years, antiquity, eternity, dotage, (v) mature, expedient, pawn, tool, gear, agent, device, engine,
grow, ripen, develop, mellow. means, (v) implement.
çağdaş 1. modern (modern); synonyms (adj) fresh, çalgıcı musician (müzisyen); synonyms (n) player,
new, fashionable, late, advanced, current, latest, instrumentalist, minstrel, singer, actor, artiste,
recent, contemporary, novel, present, stylish, virtuoso.
innovative, chic, latter; antonyms (adj) old- çalı bush; synonyms (n) shrub, bushing, wild,
fashioned, ancient, antiquated, old, prehistoric, chaparral, hedge, jungle, plant, scrub, wilderness.
traditional, conservative, neurotic, old-time, çalınmak sound (ses); synonyms (n) echo, peal, (v)
primordial, 2. contemporary (Modern); ring, chime, fast, (adj) reasonable, complete, healthy,
synonyms (adj) contemporaneous, modern, up-to- fit, good, just, rational, right, sane, sensible;
date, topical, existing, simultaneous, coetaneous,
antonyms (n) silence, (adj) illogical, unsound,
cotemporary, (n) coeval, equal; antonym (adj) past.
çağırma call (bağırmak, çağırmak, çağrı); çalışan working; synonyms (adj) operative, practical,
synonyms (v) cry, bellow, name, shout, bid,
active, busy, acting, occupied, effective, engaged,
summon, howl, address, baptize, cite, (n) appeal,
(n) operation, running, functioning, play, agency,
yell, appoint, command, demand; antonym (v)
movement, performance; antonyms (adj) passive,
çağırmak 1. call (bağırmak, çağrı); synonyms (v) çalışkan energetic; synonyms (adj) active, animated,
cry, bellow, name, shout, bid, summon, howl,
brisk, busy, driving, dynamic, effective, powerful,
address, baptize, cite, (n) appeal, yell, appoint,
strong, agile, emphatic, aggressive, efficacious,
command, demand; antonym (v) dismiss, 2.
efficient, enterprising; antonyms (adj) lethargic,
invite; synonyms (v) draw, allure, call, tempt, ask, lazy, sluggish, exhausted, inactive, indolent,
attract, entice, beckon, court, encourage, receive, languid, weary, apathetic, dull, indifferent, listless.
solicit, beg, crave, (n) invitation.
çalışkanlık industry (endüstri); synonyms (n)
çağrı 1. call (bağırmak, çağırmak); synonyms (v) business, application, diligence, effort,
cry, bellow, name, shout, bid, summon, howl, industriousness, labor, toil, trade, work,
address, baptize, cite, (n) appeal, yell, appoint, assiduousness, exertion, manufacture, commerce.
command, demand; antonym (v) dismiss, 2.
çalışma 1. work (çalışmak, iş); synonyms (n)
invitation; synonyms (n) call, bidding, temptation, exercise, business, employment, function, task,
lure, supplication, attraction, request, entreaty, action, act, book, composition, (v) labor, operate,
importunity, (v) invite, solicitation, 3. summons; toil, cultivate, (adj) job, trade; antonyms (v) idle,
synonyms (n) citation, invitation, process, writ, malfunction, 2. operation (ameliyat,
invocation, warrant, vocation, act, charge,
operasyon); synonyms (n) execution, movement,
indictment, requisition.
agency, effect, management, functioning,
çağrışım association (dernek); synonyms (n) performance, running, mission, activity, force,
affiliation, alliance, connection, assembly, affinity, manipulation, operations, procedure, process, 3.
company, fellowship, link, partnership, society,
working; synonyms (adj) operative, practical,
syndicate, congress, meeting, band, (v) assemblage.
active, busy, acting, occupied, effective, engaged,
çakıl gravel; synonyms (n) grit, (v) bedevil, get, operating, operational, brisk, (n) operation, play,
nonplus, rag, baffle, bewilder, flummox, mystify, go, workings; antonyms (adj) passive, unemployed,
perplex, puzzle, (adj) bother, dirt, grating, gravelly.
4. labour; synonyms (n) effort, exertion, childbed,
çakmak 1. lighter; synonyms (n) barge, flatboat, confinement, proletariat, (v) grind, travail, drive,
igniter, light, coaster, collier, hoy, ignitor, pontoon, drudge, fag, fatigue, moil, push, tug, dig, 5. action
brightness, illumination, slaver, whaler, lighting,
(etki, eylem, hareket, iş); synonyms (n)
lightness, 2. flash; synonyms (n) sparkle, blaze,
accomplishment, battle, deed, engagement, fight,
shimmer, glitter, instant, coruscation, (v) flicker,
behavior, case, lawsuit, measure, move, plot,
twinkle, blink, flame, gleam, glimmer, coruscate,
transaction, step, (v) achievement, combat;
dazzle, lighten, 3. drive (sürmek); synonyms (n)
antonyms (n) inaction, inactivity, 6. training
ride, force, campaign, crusade, thrust, cause,
ambition, (v) push, actuate, chase, compel, urge, (Eğitim); synonyms (n) education, instruction,
coerce, beat, carry; antonyms (n) apathy, inertia, 4. breeding, practice, preparation, teaching,
discipline, nurture, drill, schooling, experience,
strike (bulmak, grev); synonyms (n) knock,
workout, culture, coaching, grooming, 7. study;
assault, clap, (v) bang, hit, impress, slap, move,
synonyms (n) survey, consideration, investigation,
affect, box, buffet, bump, clout, coin, collide.
learning, (v) consider, examine, review, learn,
çalgı instrument (alet, araç); synonyms (n) channel, research, check, analyze, contemplate, inquire,
deed, agency, apparatus, appliance, document, investigate, meditate.

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Turkish - English 93

çalışmak 1. work (çalışma, iş); synonyms (n) (çalışma, çalışmak, iş); synonyms (n) business,
exercise, business, employment, function, task, employment, task, action, book, composition, (v)
action, act, book, composition, (v) labor, operate, labor, operate, toil, cultivate, exploit, ferment, form,
toil, cultivate, (adj) job, trade; antonyms (v) idle, (adj) job, trade; antonyms (v) idle, malfunction.
malfunction, 2. try; synonyms (v) attempt, test, çalkalamak shake; synonyms (v) beat, agitate, jar,
struggle, prove, strive, assay, examine, experiment, brandish, disturb, excite, flutter, totter, wag, (n)
judge, sample, (n) endeavor, essay, chance, effort, tremble, jolt, quiver, wave, trembling, (adj) quake.
shot, 3. attempt (yeltenmek); synonyms (n) try, çalkantılı turbulent; synonyms (adj) tempestuous,
offer, trial, attack, assault, adventure, bid, exertion, tumultuous, rough, furious, boisterous, disorderly,
go, stab, (v) aim, undertake, seek, tempt, venture, 4. noisy, riotous, violent, wild, rude, troubled, unruly,
labour; synonyms (n) childbed, confinement, agitated, (n) stormy; antonym (adj) calm.
proletariat, (v) grind, travail, drive, drudge, fag, çalma theft (hırsızlık); synonyms (n) robbery,
fatigue, moil, push, tug, dig, 5. operate larceny, stealing, burglary, thievery,
(işletmek); synonyms (v) run, direct, employ, embezzlement, thieving, depredation, latrociny,
handle, manage, move, perform, proceed, work, stealth.
maneuver, fly, behave, control, do, engage, 6. çalmak 1. steal (aşırmak); synonyms (v) abstract, lift,
study; synonyms (n) survey, consideration, purloin, creep, filch, misappropriate, pilfer, pinch,
investigation, learning, meditation, (v) consider, plunder, rob, snatch, sneak, plagiarize, slip, (n)
review, learn, research, check, analyze, bargain, 2. lift (asansör, kaldırmak); synonyms
contemplate, inquire, investigate, meditate, 7. start (n) elevator, boost, heave, support, (v) hoist, raise,
(başlamak, başlangıç, başlatmak); synonyms rise, elevate, erect, hike, advance, airlift, rear, steal,
(v) begin, originate, commence, launch, embark, swipe, 3. strike (bulmak, grev); synonyms (n)
spring, activate, arise, (n) jump, onset, origin, shock, knock, assault, clap, (v) bang, beat, hit, impress,
beginning, commencement, dawn; antonyms (v) slap, move, affect, box, buffet, bump, clout, coin, 4.
end, finish, stop, conclude, halt, (n) conclusion. nick; synonyms (n) notch, mark, cut, chip, incision,
çalıştırıcı trainer; synonyms (n) coach, teacher, score, scratch, arrest, gash, gouge, indentation, (v)
instructor, mentor, professor, tutor, cavalier, don, dent, hack, indent, slash, 5. abstract (özet,
equestrian, horseman, jockey, rider, roughrider, (v) soyut); synonyms (adj) theoretical, academic, (v)
preparer. abridge, extract, remove, (n) synopsis, abridgement,
çalıştırma 1. operation (ameliyat, operasyon); digest, epitome, summary, abridgment, brief,
synonyms (n) execution, movement, act, agency, outline, precis, resume; antonym (adj) concrete, 6.
effect, business, management, action, function, hook; synonyms (n) clasp, crook, claw, crotchet,
functioning, performance, running, mission, task, draw, lure, trap, anchor, (v) catch, bend, fasten,
job, 2. employment; synonyms (n) occupation, hitch, button, ensnare, attach, 7. sound (ses);
trade, use, career, duty, engagement, service, synonyms (n) echo, peal, (v) ring, chime, fast, (adj)
exploitation, avocation, berth, (v) application, reasonable, complete, healthy, fit, good, just,
employ, calling, profession, (adj) work; antonym (n) rational, right, sane, sensible; antonyms (n) silence,
unemployment, 3. operating; synonyms (n) (adj) illogical, unsound, confused, 8. ring (halka,
operation, farming, (adj) working, acting, operative, yüzük); synonyms (n) encircle, band, gang, jingle,
effective, active, employed, energetic, energical, loop, rim, circuit, annulus, arena, (v) circle, call,
engaged, loose, managing, performing, 4. resound, reverberate, gird, buzz, 9. toll; synonyms
starting; synonyms (n) start, commencement, first, (n) duty, fee, price, tax, cost, charge, due, excise,
outset, departure, kickoff, origin, source, impost, levy, tariff, assessment, dues, damage,
advantage, (adj) opening, initial, incipient, original, expense.
(prep) beginning, from. çam pine; synonyms (n) yearn, sink, (v) languish, long,
çalıştırmak 1. run (koşmak); synonyms (v) flow, ache, droop, flag, fade, suffer, decline, yen, die, (adj)
rule, dash, gush, race, career, conduct, direct, peak.
function, go, (n) pass, campaign, course, drive, (adj) çamaşır 1. washing; synonyms (n) laundry, wash,
stream, 2. operate (işletmek); synonyms (v) act, laundering, lavation, cleaning, purification,
run, employ, handle, manage, move, perform, airstream, backwash, bucking, race, slipstream,
proceed, work, maneuver, exercise, fly, behave, washables, (adj) cleansing, clysmic, 2. laundry;
control, do, 3. start (başlamak, başlangıç, synonyms (n) washhouse, washing, dairy, (v)
başlatmak); synonyms (v) begin, originate, lavatory.
commence, launch, embark, spring, activate, arise, çamaşırhane laundry; synonyms (n) washhouse,
(n) jump, onset, origin, shock, beginning, wash, washing, dairy, airstream, backwash,
commencement, dawn; antonyms (v) end, finish, washables, laundering, lavation, race, slipstream,
stop, conclude, halt, (n) conclusion, 4. work (v) lavatory.

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94 Turkish - English

çamur 1. mud; synonyms (n) dirt, filth, grime, ooze, restore, 2. remedy (ilaç); synonyms (n) cure,
sludge, soil, swamp, (adj) clay, (v) mire, muck, 2. redress, drug, relief, medication, physic,
dirt; synonyms (n) dust, crap, ground, scandal, remediation, treatment, amendment, amends, (v)
contamination, smudge, dirtiness, foulness, amend, rectify, relieve, aid, doctor, 3. solution
impurity, land, pollution, smut, squalor, stain, (çözelti, çözüm, eriyik); synonyms (n)
uncleanness, 3. clay (kil); synonyms (n) remains, dissolution, resolution, answer, settlement, resolve,
pottery, loam, mud, ashes, cadaver, (adj) earthen. determination, explanation, key, result, definition,
çamurlu muddy; synonyms (adj) boggy, cloudy, resolving, clarification, liquid, reply, outcome, 4.
filthy, turbid, foul, dark, dingy, dull, grimy, resource (kaynak); synonyms (n) expedient,
marshy, miry, murky, sloppy, (v) dirty, blur; imagination, stock, device, facility, asset,
antonyms (adj) clear, clean, dry. contrivance, resourcefulness, shift, source, (v)
recourse, resort, refuge, 5. shift; synonyms (n)
çamurluk wing (ek bina, kanat); synonyms (n)
interchange, turn, move, switch, conversion, (v)
annex, arm, fender, limb, pinion, flank, extension,
change, exchange, remove, quibble, alter, budge,
pennon, feather, faction, sail, shelter, branch, (v) fly,
convert, displace, transfer, fluctuate, 6. help
çanak bowl; synonyms (n) basin, pot, plate, container, (imdat, yardım, yardım etmek); synonyms (v)
assist, avail, facilitate, favor, ease, alleviate,
hollow, stadium, arena, depression, bowlful,
contribute, forward, back, (n) assistance, benefit,
trough, (v) hurl, roll, toss, troll, trundle.
support, assistant, boost, encouragement;
çanta 1. bag (torba); synonyms (n) pocket, pouch,
antonyms (v) hinder, worsen, (n) hindrance,
package, briefcase, purse, sack, case, container,
detriment, 7. relief; synonyms (n) comfort,
knapsack, (v) bulge, capture, catch, filch, hook, net,
consolation, relaxation, release, respite, solace,
2. case; synonyms (n) box, example, bin, cover, abatement, alleviation, rest, assuagement, break,
jacket, shell, affair, bag, casing, eccentric, instance, easing, embossment, ministration, mitigation.
suit, carton, action, (adj) patient, 3. suitcase;
çaresiz 1. helpless (aciz); synonyms (adj) forlorn,
synonyms (n) grip, luggage, handbag, bagful, base,
powerless, defenseless, weak, disabled, feeble,
clasp, clench, clutch, clutches, dish, grasp, hairgrip,
hopeless, impotent, unable, incompetent,
handgrip, handle, hold.
vulnerable, (n) frail, (v) destitute, abandoned, 2.
çap 1. diameter; synonyms (n) caliber, width, diam, inevitable; synonyms (adj) certain, ineluctable,
radius, breadth, diametral, length, size, broadness,
unavoidable, inescapable, destined, fatal, fated,
module, 2. scale (ölçek); synonyms (n) flake, irresistible, irrevocable, necessary, obvious,
gamut, degree, graduation, measure, yardstick, avoidless, predictable, unchangeable; antonyms
rate, chip, (v) ascend, climb, gauge, mount, weigh,
(adj) uncertain, evitable.
rise, (adj) balance; antonym (v) descend.
çaresizlik desperation; synonyms (n) despair, fury,
çapraşık complicated; synonyms (adj) complex,
rage, foolhardiness, recklessness, desperateness,
intricate, elaborate, hard, complicate, awkward,
burst, confusion.
convoluted, deep, difficult, knotty, obscure,
sophisticated, tortuous, tricky, (v) involved;
çark wheel (Teker, tekerlek); synonyms (n) circle,
cycle, bicycle, gear, handwheel, rack, (v) roll,
antonyms (adj) simple, straightforward, clear, easy.
revolve, turn, bike, spin, trundle, gyrate, rotate,
çapraz 1. across; synonyms (prep) athwart, cross, twirl.
overthwart, (adv) over, crossways, crosswise, (adj)
çarkçı engineer (mühendis); synonyms (n)
crossed; antonyms (adv) along, (adj) uncrossed, 2.
architect, mastermind, machinist, (v) devise,
cross (haç); synonyms (n) crisscross, affliction, (v) conduct, contrive, direct, organize, plan, construct,
intersect, baffle, cover, thwart, (adj) crabbed, crabby, finagle, fix, guide, hatch, manage.
angry, cantankerous, grouchy, grumpy, traverse,
çarmıh cross (haç); synonyms (n) crisscross,
cranky, annoyed; antonyms (v) uncross, (adj) calm,
affliction, (v) intersect, baffle, cover, thwart, (adj)
good-tempered, 3. bias (önyargı); synonyms (n) crabbed, crabby, angry, cantankerous, grouchy,
penchant, drift, influence, turn, twist, favor, slope, grumpy, traverse, cranky, annoyed; antonyms (v)
angle, bigotry, (v) prejudice, bent, slant, dispose,
uncross, (adj) calm, good-tempered.
(adj) partiality, diagonal; antonyms (n) impartiality,
çarpan factor (etmen); synonyms (n) agent,
neutrality, fairness.
component, broker, divisor, element, ingredient,
çaprazlama across; synonyms (prep) athwart, cross, part, deputy, consideration, feature, parameter,
overthwart, (adv) over, crossways, crosswise, (adj) point, delegate, item, (adj) constituent.
crossed; antonyms (adv) along, (adj) uncrossed.
çarpıcı 1. striking; synonyms (adj) impressive,
çare 1. cure; synonyms (n) remedy, antidote, dramatic, outstanding, salient, spectacular,
medicine, salve, curative, curing, healing, therapy, imposing, astonishing, conspicuous, extraordinary,
(v) correct, help, treat, heal, pickle, preserve, notable, noticeable, prominent, remarkable, (n) hit,

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strike; antonyms (adj) ugly, ordinary, unimpressive, confrontation, engagement, (v) clash, confront,
2. dramatic; synonyms (adj) theatrical, scenic, experience, face, find, rencounter, detect, bump,
exciting, sensational, striking, sudden, thespian; chance; antonym (v) retreat.
antonyms (adj) gradual, undramatic. çarpıtma distortion (çarpıklık); synonyms (n)
çarpık irregular; synonyms (adj) abnormal, atypical, aberration, contortion, deformation,
misrepresentation, exaggeration, corruption,
anomalous, broken, eccentric, erratic, changeable,
malformation, torture, twist, twisting, caricature,
desultory, deviant, disorderly, guerilla, sporadic,
(adj) deformity, (v) perversion.
strange, unequal, (n) guerrilla; antonyms (adj)
regular, constant, even, normal, smooth, çarpıtmak angle (açı); synonyms (n) hook, incline,
symmetrical, compact, cyclic, equal, steady. view, aspect, cant, corner, outlook, perspective,
pitch, position, viewpoint, (v) slant, lean, tilt, fish.
çarpıklık 1. distortion; synonyms (n) aberration,
contortion, deformation, misrepresentation, çarpma 1. impact (etki); synonyms (n) hit, shock,
exaggeration, corruption, malformation, torture, blow, clash, collision, crash, force, effect,
twist, twisting, caricature, (adj) deformity, (v) impingement, impression, influence, touch, (v)
perversion, 2. cast (atmak, kalıp); synonyms (v) affect, contact, ram, 2. stroke (inme, vuruş);
hurl, throw, form, shed, stamp, fling, shape, chuck, synonyms (n) beat, caress, mark, apoplexy, attack,
dump, figure, heave, mould, (n) appearance, bang, impact, knock, line, streak, (v) buffet, lick,
casting, mold. fondle, move, pat, 3. strike (bulmak, grev);
çarpım product (ürün); synonyms (n) fruit, output, synonyms (n) assault, clap, rap, smash, tap, (v)
impress, slap, box, bump, clout, coin, collide, mint,
merchandise, proceeds, outgrowth, crop, article,
commodity, composition, consequence, whack, lash, 4. shock (şok); synonyms (n) daze,
manufacture, harvest, development, effect, (v) outrage, surprise, concussion, fright, scare, (v) jar,
produce. offend, revolt, startle, appall, disgust, dismay,
frighten, horrify; antonym (v) comfort.
çarpışma 1. collision; synonyms (n) clash, clashing,
conflict, crash, hit, smash, accident, rencounter, jar, çarpmak 1. strike (bulmak, grev); synonyms (n)
hitting, striking, blow, concussion, contact, discord, knock, assault, clap, (v) bang, beat, hit, impress,
slap, move, affect, box, buffet, bump, clout, coin, 2.
2. impact (etki); synonyms (n) shock, collision,
force, effect, impingement, impression, influence, hit (isabet, vurmak); synonyms (v) strike, attain,
touch, bang, consequence, jolt, push, upshot, (v) belt, blow, collide, encounter, clash, club, contact,
affect, ram, 3. conflict; synonyms (n) combat, fight, (n) smash, touch, chance, bash, collision, play;
battle, contention, contest, dispute, encounter, antonyms (n) failure, flop, 3. bang; synonyms (n)
action, antagonism, difference, disagreement, smack, blast, rap, thud, clang, crack, crash, (v) slam,
engagement, fighting, scuffle, (v) collide; antonyms boom, clatter, clink, thump, whack, pat, clank, 4.
(n) agreement, accord, harmony, peace, (v) agree, 4. pulse; synonyms (n) impulse, pulsation, heartbeat,
engagement; synonyms (n) appointment, legume, rhythm, pounding, cadence, measure,
commitment, contract, duty, betrothal, date, pulsing, vibration, (v) pulsate, throb, palpitate,
employment, employ, meeting, mesh, rendezvous, pound, vibrate.
affair, assignation, bargain, bout, 5. combat; çarşaf sheet (yaprak); synonyms (n) board, layer,
synonyms (n) brawl, fray, war, hostility, affray, leaf, canvas, film, paper, coat, coating, blanket,
struggle, feud, (v) oppose, resist, wrestle, tilt, attack, cover, coverlet, newspaper, piece, plane, sail.
contend, engage, grapple, 6. action (etki, eylem, çarşı 1. market; synonyms (n) fair, shop, bazaar,
hareket, iş); synonyms (n) act, accomplishment, marketplace, trade, mart, outlet, store, (v) demand,
activity, agency, deed, movement, performance, sell, commercialize, exchange, handle,
play, behavior, case, lawsuit, measure, move, plot, merchandise, sale, 2. fair (güzel, sarışın);
(v) achievement; antonyms (n) inaction, inactivity, synonyms (adj) equitable, clear, beautiful, average,
7. clash; synonyms (n) brush, clang, quarrel, dispassionate, fine, impartial, reasonable, sweet,
wrangle, argument, clangor, clangour, clatter, candid, comely, (adv) clean, (n) blonde, carnival, (v)
scrap, skirmish, (v) impact, clank, squabble, bright; antonyms (adj) unfair, biased, dark,
disagree, jangle, 8. encounter; synonyms (n) exceptional, unjust, partial, foul, imbalanced,
confrontation, competition, (v) confront, experience, mismatched, prejudiced, unwarranted.
face, find, detect, bump, chance, incur, meet, çatal fork; synonyms (n) crotch, branch, bifurcation,
receive, see, suffer, assail; antonym (v) retreat. branching, turn, corner, angle, forking, junction, (v)
çarpışmak 1. clash; synonyms (n) bang, battle, brush, diverge, divide, separate, split, bend, pitchfork.
clang, crash, discord, encounter, (v) jar, fight, çatallaşmak 1. fork (çatal); synonyms (n) crotch,
impact, brawl, clank, collide, conflict, dispute; branch, bifurcation, branching, turn, corner, angle,
antonyms (n) agreement, (v) agree, 2. encounter; forking, junction, (v) diverge, divide, separate, split,
synonyms (n) collision, combat, contest, action, bend, pitchfork, 2. crack; synonyms (n) break,

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fracture, cleft, fissure, chip, (v) chink, crevice, lad, man, beau, scissure, cuss, fella, feller, gent,
breach, burst, snap, clap, bang, check, cleave, rift; male, wight; antonym (n) woman, 6. break
antonyms (v) repair, mend. (mola); synonyms (v) fail, infringe, leak, undo,
çatı 1. framework (iskelet); synonyms (n) frame, beat, bust, contravene, (n) pause, stop, collapse,
fabric, framing, chassis, form, shell, architecture, interruption, respite, suspension, breakage, chance;
carcass, grating, rack, setting, skeleton, structure, antonyms (v) obey, honor, (n) continuation.
anatomy, building, 2. skeleton (iskelet); çatlamak 1. crack; synonyms (n) break, fracture, cleft,
synonyms (n) framework, sketch, bones, body, fissure, chip, (v) chink, crevice, split, breach, burst,
outline, scaffold, cadaver, corpse, plan, summary, snap, clap, bang, check, cleave; antonyms (v) repair,
build, physique, corse, ruins, (v) draft, 3. roof mend, 2. chap; synonyms (n) fellow, person,
(dam); synonyms (n) crown, ceiling, housing, blighter, crack, cranny, guy, lad, man, beau,
dome, shelter, back, house, (v) top, cover, 4. frame scissure, cuss, fella, feller, gent, male; antonym (n)
(çerçeve); synonyms (n) design, border, fashion, woman, 3. spring (bahar, ilkbahar); synonyms
formation, stand, box, (v) construct, fabricate, erect, (n) jump, leap, bound, fountain, skip, source, dance,
make, forge, constitute, contrive, shape, create, 5. rise, (v) hop, caper, bounce, dive, originate, recoil,
voice (ses); synonyms (n) speech, sound, (adj) elastic.
language, part, suffrage, vote, (v) enunciate, çatlatmak 1. crack; synonyms (n) break, fracture,
express, pronounce, say, speak, utter, vocalize, cleft, fissure, chip, (v) chink, crevice, split, breach,
articulate, state. burst, snap, clap, bang, check, cleave; antonyms (v)
çatırtı crack; synonyms (n) break, fracture, cleft, repair, mend, 2. chap; synonyms (n) fellow,
fissure, chip, (v) chink, crevice, split, breach, burst, person, blighter, crack, cranny, guy, lad, man, beau,
snap, clap, bang, check, cleave; antonyms (v) repair, scissure, cuss, fella, feller, gent, male; antonym (n)
mend. woman, 3. split (ayırmak, bölmek, bölünme,
çatışma 1. clash; synonyms (n) bang, battle, brush, yarmak); synonyms (v) cut, slit, divide, separate,
clang, crash, discord, encounter, (v) jar, fight, divorce, division, fork, part, rift, rive, (n) rip,
impact, brawl, clank, collide, conflict, dispute; rupture, tear, cleavage, parting; antonyms (v) join,
antonyms (n) agreement, (v) agree, 2. collision unite, merge.
(çarpışma); synonyms (n) clash, clashing, hit, çavuş sergeant; synonyms (n) serjeant, detective,
smash, accident, rencounter, hitting, striking, blow, disciplinarian, officer.
concussion, contact, percussion, shock, (v) çay 1. tea; synonyms (n) reception, meal, party,
rencontre, 3. conflict; synonyms (n) combat,
teatime, (v) chocolate, cocoa, coffee, 2. stream
contention, contest, action, antagonism, collision,
(akım); synonyms (n) flow, brook, river, run, spurt,
difference, disagreement, engagement, fighting,
(v) flood, crowd, gush, jet, pour, swarm, runnel,
scuffle, strife, struggle, war, argument; antonyms
creek, (prep) current, course; antonym (v) trickle.
(n) accord, harmony, peace.
çaydanlık kettle; synonyms (n) boiler, can,
çatışmak clash; synonyms (n) bang, battle, brush,
kettledrum, kettleful, timpani, urn, alembic,
clang, crash, discord, encounter, (v) jar, fight,
bolthead, capsule, pan, bucket, container, eardrum,
impact, brawl, clank, collide, conflict, dispute;
matrass, receiver.
antonyms (n) agreement, (v) agree.
çayır 1. grass (çimen, ot); synonyms (n) cannabis,
çatlak 1. crack; synonyms (n) break, fracture, cleft, forage, marijuana, pasture, dope, feed, ganja, herb,
fissure, chip, (v) chink, crevice, split, breach, burst, herbage, informer, (v) betray, denounce, (adj) pot,
snap, clap, bang, check, cleave; antonyms (v) repair, green, hemp, 2. field (alan, saha, tarla);
mend, 2. fault (arıza, bozukluk, hata, kusur); synonyms (n) arena, area, battlefield, domain,
synonyms (n) defect, blemish, error, failing, blame, ground, place, battleground, compass, court,
blot, crime, delinquency, flaw, blunder, demerit, department, discipline, range, realm, section,
weakness, default, (v) deficiency, culpability; sphere.
antonyms (n) merit, strength, 3. split (ayırmak, çaylak kite (uçurtma); synonyms (n) parachute,
bölmek, bölünme, yarmak); synonyms (v) crack, airplane, epistle, former, letter, slip, (v) scram.
cut, slit, divide, separate, divorce, division, fork, çehre 1. face (surat, yüz); synonyms (n) look, aspect,
part, rift, (n) rip, rupture, tear, cleavage, parting; countenance, expression, side, top, exterior,
antonyms (v) join, unite, merge, 4. crazy (deli); appearance, facade, surface, (v) confront, audacity,
synonyms (adj) deranged, mad, madcap, wild, veneer, visage, (adj) front; antonyms (v) avoid, back,
absurd, brainsick, cracked, crazed, demented, 2. aspect; synonyms (n) bearing, manner, prospect,
eccentric, foolish, ludicrous, preposterous, silly, view, air, angle, face, facet, feature, quality, respect,
wacky; antonyms (adj) sane, sensible, 5. chap; scene, vista, shape, (v) regard.
synonyms (n) fellow, person, blighter, cranny, guy,

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çek 1. check (denetim, denetlemek); synonyms (v) entreaty, prayer, recourse, (v) request, sue, ask,
bridle, stop, block, limit, agree, halt, restrain, bar, beseech, implore, plead, advert, apply; antonym (n)
dampen, delay, (n) control, arrest, curb, bill, unpleasantness.
cheque, 2. cheque; synonyms (n) draft, assay, çekiçlemek hammer (çekiç); synonyms (n) pound,
checkout, chip, chit, confirmation, crack, hitch, stay, gavel, (v) strike, bang, beat, knock, tap, club, forge,
stoppage, substantiation, tab, verification, (v) check, hit, thrash, drive, drum, rap, batter.
trace. çekiliş draw (çekmek, çizmek); synonyms (v)
çekiç hammer; synonyms (n) pound, gavel, (v) strike, attract, drag, delineate, pull, depict, derive,
bang, beat, knock, tap, club, forge, hit, thrash, describe, design, tie, bring, charm, haul, (n) allure,
drive, drum, rap, batter. attraction, draft; antonyms (v) push, repel.
çekici 1. attractive; synonyms (adj) alluring, amiable, çekilme withdrawal; synonyms (n) removal,
appealing, charming, engaging, good-looking, retirement, retreat, secession, departure, defection,
tempting, adorable, delightful, enchanting, desertion, recession, backdown, retraction, repeal,
fascinating, glamorous, gorgeous, handsome, recall, exit, exodus, (v) subtraction.
interesting; antonyms (adj) unattractive, ugly, çekilmek 1. retire; synonyms (v) recede, resign, leave,
unappealing, disgusting, repellent, revolting, retreat, withdraw, abdicate, ebb, adjourn, depart,
repulsive, straight, unpleasant, 2. tractor go, quit, remove, return, secede, regrade, 2.
(traktör); synonyms (n) backhoe, grader, resign; synonyms (v) renounce, cede, relinquish,
steamroller, 3. catching; synonyms (adj) abandon, drop, deliver, forgo, surrender, forsake,
contagious, communicable, infectious, epidemic, (n) desert, forego, submit, yield, reconcile, release, 3.
discovery, take, 4. charming; synonyms (adj) withdraw (geri çekmek); synonyms (v) extract,
beautiful, attractive, captivating, lovely, pleasing, retire, retract, cancel, disengage, draw, recall,
winning, nice, agreeable, amusing, bewitching, repeal, rescind, revoke, shrink, subtract, swallow,
cute, delectable, exquisite, lovable, magic, 5. unsay, deduct; antonyms (v) advance, extend, give,
magnetic (manyetik); synonyms (adj) offer, present, propose, deposit.
charismatic, inviting, magnetized, prepossessing, çekilmez 1. impossible; synonyms (adj) insufferable,
entrancing, seductive, hypnotic, dynamic, electric,
unimaginable, hopeless, impracticable, impractical,
electrical, electrifying, magical, magnetised,
inconceivable, unbelievable, unlikely, ridiculous,
mesmerizing, repetitive, 6. fascinating unthinkable, intolerable, implausible, incredible,
(büyüleyici); synonyms (adj) absorbing, unacceptable, unfeasible; antonyms (adj) possible,
engrossing, desirable, enthralling, fetching, achievable, feasible, 2. intolerable; synonyms (adj)
gripping, magnetic, riveting, compelling, exotic,
insupportable, unbearable, painful, obnoxious,
exciting, spellbinding, invigorating, striking, (v)
deplorable, detestable, inexcusable; antonyms (adj)
taking; antonyms (adj) boring, uninteresting, dull,
bearable, tolerable.
7. glamorous; synonyms (adj) colorful,
çekilmiş 1. drawn; synonyms (adj) haggard,
glamourous, swanky, 8. appealing; synonyms
careworn, worn, gaunt, pinched, taut, cadaverous,
(adj) likable, pretty, enticing, imploring, likeable,
tired, 2. ground (toprak, yer, zemin);
pleading, pleasant, sweet, 9. inviting, 10.
synonyms (n) base, cause, land, floor, reason, dirt,
winning; synonyms (adj) triumphant, victorious, field, soil, account, country, basis, (v) bottom,
successful, disarming, ingratiating, persuasive; found, establish, fix; antonym (n) ceiling.
antonym (adv) losing, 11. taking; synonyms (adj) çekim attraction (cazibe); synonyms (n) allure,
catching, (n) capture, acceptance, acharnement, enticement, invitation, affinity, allurement, appeal,
receipt. charm, lure, attractiveness, bait, draw, fascination,
çekicilik 1. attraction (cazibe); synonyms (n) allure, inducement, magnetism, temptation; antonyms (n)
enticement, invitation, affinity, allurement, appeal, repulsion, disgust, revulsion.
charm, lure, attractiveness, bait, draw, fascination, çekingen 1. shy (ürkek); synonyms (adj) diffident,
inducement, magnetism, temptation; antonyms (n) fearful, timid, abashed, reserved, ashamed, coy,
repulsion, disgust, revulsion, 2. charm; synonyms modest, nervous, reticent, self-conscious,
(n) amulet, spell, attraction, conjure, incantation, (v) backward, (v) fling, cast, (n) throw; antonyms (adj)
attract, captivate, bewitch, fascinate, enchant, brash, bold, confident, demonstrative, forward,
entrance, beguile, capture, enamor, please; outgoing, 2. reserved; synonyms (adj) distant,
antonyms (n) ugliness, (v) repel, 3. fascination; bashful, aloof, frigid, quiet, retiring, shy, formal,
synonyms (n) bewitchment, enchantment, glamor, humble, moderate, unapproachable, cautious, cool,
glamour, captivation, charisma, enthrallment, guarded, (n) cold; antonyms (adj) open,
magic, trance, interest, pull, seduction, witchery, forthcoming, relaxed, uninhibited, warm.
fancy, mania; antonym (n) distraction, 4. appeal;
synonyms (n) plea, address, application, demand,

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çekingenlik 1. inhibition; synonyms (n) check, çekme 1. pull (çekmek); synonyms (v) drag, draw,
prohibition, restraint, suppression, taboo, control, draught, pluck, attract, haul, jerk, tug, pick, make,
ban, constraint, arrest, forbiddance, repression, force, hale, (n) wrench, attraction, effort; antonyms
restriction, (v) interference, collision, 2. reserve (v) push, repel, 2. extraction; synonyms (n)
(ayırmak); synonyms (n) backup, modesty, descent, ancestry, birth, origin, family, lineage,
reservation, substitute, bank, cache, diffidence, removal, blood, beginning, essence, extract,
hoard, (v) keep, save, book, maintain, appropriate, genealogy, line, parentage, stock; antonym (n)
engage, hold; antonyms (n) openness, friendliness, insertion, 3. draft (taslak); synonyms (n) bill,
informality, warmth. conscription, sketch, check, drawing, drink, (v)
çekinmek shy (çekingen, ürkek); synonyms (adj) outline, design, blueprint, compose, enlist, plan,
diffident, fearful, timid, abashed, reserved, recruit, chart, delineate; antonym (v) discharge, 4.
ashamed, coy, modest, nervous, reticent, self- draw (çekmek, çizmek); synonyms (v) pull,
conscious, backward, (v) fling, cast, (n) throw; depict, derive, describe, tie, bring, charm, lure,
antonyms (adj) brash, bold, confident, puff, get, carry, deduce, elongate, (n) allure, draft.
demonstrative, forward, outgoing. çekmece drawer; synonyms (n) draftsman,
çekirdek 1. nucleus; synonyms (n) core, heart, kernel, draughtsman, till, commode, engraver, case, locker,
center, essence, nub, root, basis, embryo, focus, closet, bin, buffet, bunker, cellaret, clothespress,
germ, gist, marrow, bud, hub, 2. core (göbek); cupboard, draftsperson.
synonyms (n) bosom, quintessence, stone, mind, çekmek 1. pull (çekme); synonyms (v) drag, draw,
base, burden, centre, crux, middle, pith, substance, draught, pluck, attract, haul, jerk, tug, pick, make,
nut, key, import, (adj) central; antonym (adj) minor, force, hale, (n) wrench, attraction, effort; antonyms
3. seed (tohum); synonyms (n) issue, posterity, (v) push, repel, 2. draw (çizmek); synonyms (v)
offspring, progeny, origin, nucleus, brood, source, delineate, pull, depict, derive, describe, design, tie,
beginning, berry, breed, (v) inseminate, plant, sow, bring, charm, lure, puff, get, outline, (n) allure,
(adj) crumb. draft, 3. drag (sürükleme, sürüklemek);
çekiş 1. pull (çekme, çekmek); synonyms (v) drag, synonyms (v) trail, cart, heave, lug, tow, delay,
draw, draught, pluck, attract, haul, jerk, tug, pick, shamble, dredge, inhale, (n) bother, bore,
make, force, hale, (n) wrench, attraction, effort; hindrance, inhalation, friction, clog, 4. attract;
antonyms (v) push, repel, 2. draw (çekmek, synonyms (v) fascinate, beguile, captivate, enamor,
çizmek); synonyms (v) delineate, pull, depict, entice, invite, tempt, arrest, absorb, appeal, attach,
derive, describe, design, tie, bring, charm, lure, beckon, capture, catch, court; antonym (v) disgust,
puff, get, outline, (n) allure, draft. 5. absorb (emmek); synonyms (v) consume,
çekişme 1. contention; synonyms (n) competition, drink, engross, imbibe, assimilate, engage, occupy,
argument, argumentation, battle, conflict, assertion, suck, swallow, amuse, digest, engulf, ingest,
controversy, discord, allegation, arguing, claim, involve, (adj) immerse; antonym (v) emit, 6.
difference, dispute, opposition, quarrel; antonym engage; synonyms (v) contract, book, employ,
(n) harmony, 2. conflict; synonyms (n) clash, betroth, charter, enlist, retain, hire, lock, mesh, rent,
combat, fight, contention, contest, encounter, take, busy, apply, bind; antonyms (v) fire,
action, antagonism, collision, disagreement, disengage, 7. extract; synonyms (n) excerpt,
engagement, fighting, scuffle, strife, (v) collide; essence, juice, quotation, quote, citation, (v)
antonyms (n) agreement, accord, peace, (v) agree, 3. abstract, educe, elicit, distill, express, extort, cull,
contest; synonyms (n) bout, altercation, race, distil, mine, 8. bear (ayı, taşımak); synonyms (v)
struggle, debate, feud, game, match, (v) compete, carry, accept, abide, acquit, stand, afford, allow,
contend, argue, challenge, war, controvert, discuss, assume, behave, brook, comport, conduct, convey,
endure, hold, 9. grip (kavramak, yakalamak);
4. competition; synonyms (n) rivalry, competitor,
synonyms (n) clasp, clutch, handle, bag, clench,
rival, contender, emulation, event, fixture,
clinch, clutches, clamp, (v) grasp, cling, apprehend,
challenger; antonym (n) cooperation.
embrace, grab, grapple, gripe; antonym (v) release,
çekişmek 1. contest; synonyms (n) bout, competition,
10. support (dayanak, destek, desteklemek);
conflict, fight, altercation, contention, race,
synonyms (n) help, aid, keep, comfort,
struggle, (v) battle, compete, combat, contend,
maintenance, patronage, (v) assist, prop, back,
dispute, argue, challenge, 2. conflict; synonyms (n)
brace, encourage, maintain, bear, boost, confirm;
clash, contest, encounter, action, antagonism,
antonyms (v) oppose, neglect, undermine, abandon,
collision, difference, disagreement, engagement,
reject, weaken, 11. withdraw (geri çekmek);
fighting, scuffle, strife, war, clashing, (v) collide;
synonyms (v) extract, remove, retire, retract, retreat,
antonyms (n) agreement, accord, harmony, peace,
cancel, leave, recall, recede, secede, depart, go,
(v) agree.
repeal, rescind, revoke; antonyms (v) advance,

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extend, give, offer, present, propose, deposit, 12. score, scratch, arrest, gash, gouge, indentation, (v)
shoot; synonyms (v) bud, discharge, dart, dash, dent, steal, hack, indent, slash.
drive, flash, hunt, send, germinate, grow, inject, (n) çerçeve 1. frame; synonyms (n) design, border, build,
scion, branch, sprout, chute, 13. sustain; fashion, anatomy, chassis, (v) form, construct,
synonyms (v) support, continue, preserve, suffer, fabricate, draft, erect, make, forge, constitute,
have, relieve, strengthen, affirm, bolster, contrive, 2. outline (özet); synonyms (n) sketch,
corroborate, experience, nourish, nurture, receive, edge, abstract, contour, digest, figure, frame,
substantiate. synopsis, brief, (v) line, describe, draw, chart,
çelik steel; synonyms (n) harden, blade, brand, brace, adumbrate, blueprint, 3. mount; synonyms (v)
foil, fortify, sword, invigorate, strengthen, (adj) iron, ascend, rise, climb, board, arise, advance, jump,
adamant, (v) nerve, temper, gird. bestride, grow, increase, ride, scale, fix, (n) hill,
çelişki contradiction; synonyms (n) antithesis, denial, mountain; antonyms (v) descend, drop, (n) valley,
clash, contrast, disagreement, discrepancy, 4. rim; synonyms (n) margin, brim, brink,
inconsistency, opposite, refutation, reverse; boundary, verge, lip, confine, bound, flange, limit,
antonym (n) agreement. ring, mouth, ridge, (v) skirt, hem.
çelişmek contrast (kontrast); synonyms (n) çerçevelemek frame (çerçeve); synonyms (n) design,
contrariety, antithesis, comparison, distinction, border, build, fashion, anatomy, chassis, (v) form,
difference, variation, collation, opposite, (v) differ, construct, fabricate, draft, erect, make, forge,
conflict, oppose, collate, diverge, clash, constitute, contrive.
counterpoint; antonym (n) similarity. çeşit 1. kind (tür); synonyms (n) form, helpful, sort,
Çeltik paddy; synonyms (n) mick, (adj) rice, bran, benign, brand, breed, class, gentle, type, variety,
farina, flour, meal, spore, sporule, boorish, low, (adj) friendly, generous, good, humane, affectionate;
mean, vagabond. antonyms (adj) unkind, callous, cruel, hardhearted,
çember 1. circle (daire); synonyms (n) round, mean, merciless, nasty, spiteful, uncaring,
association, band, compass, ring, field, range, beat, upsetting, disagreeable, unfeeling, 2. sort
circuit, company, gang, scope, (v) turn, whirl, (sınıflandırmak); synonyms (n) kind, assortment,
encircle, 2. ring (halka, yüzük); synonyms (n) description, rank, pattern, fashion, nature, order,
jingle, loop, rim, annulus, arena, clique, (v) circle, organize, range, (v) group, arrange, classify, divide,
call, peal, echo, resound, reverberate, gird, buzz, (adj) manner, 3. order (düzen, düzenlemek,
ding. emretmek, sıra); synonyms (n) command, decree,
çene 1. jaw; synonyms (n) chin, jaws, (v) chatter, dictate, array, charge, condition, disposition, edict,
gossip, chat, gab, jabber, berate, chaffer, chew, injunction, instruction, genus, (v) direct,
confabulate, gabble, chide, lecture, (adj) clack, 2. commission, call, ordain; antonyms (n) anarchy,
chin; synonyms (n) talk, jaw, jawbone, rap, chaos, confusion, mayhem, mess, (v) disorder,
mentum, button, cheek, chops, mouth, point, (v) request, 4. description (betimleme, tanım);
speak, confer, utter. synonyms (n) account, delineation, depiction,
explanation, picture, definition, narration,
çengel hook; synonyms (n) clasp, crook, claw,
portrayal, recital, report, representation, statement,
crotchet, draw, lure, trap, anchor, (v) catch, bend,
story, portrait, (adj) character, 5. cast (atmak,
fasten, hitch, button, ensnare, attach.
kalıp); synonyms (v) hurl, throw, shed, stamp,
çengellemek hook; synonyms (n) clasp, crook, claw,
fling, shape, chuck, dump, figure, heave, mould,
crotchet, draw, lure, trap, anchor, (v) catch, bend,
pitch, (n) appearance, casting, mold, 6. breed;
fasten, hitch, button, ensnare, attach.
synonyms (n) race, ancestry, posterity, progeny, (v)
çentik 1. score; synonyms (n) mark, bill, count, engender, beget, multiply, bear, brood, cause,
scratch, line, groove, scotch, account, check, debt, cultivate, hatch, produce, propagate, raise, 7. class
(v) notch, cut, tally, achieve, dash, 2. chip
(sınıf); synonyms (n) category, grade, position,
(yonga); synonyms (n) splinter, bit, flake, department, classification, course, denomination,
chipping, fleck, fragment, microchip, part, scrap, division, elegance, family, like, (v) place, categorize,
shaving, (v) crack, nick, peel, cheep, chirp, 3. nick; assort, branch, 8. variety (varyete); synonyms (n)
synonyms (n) chip, incision, score, arrest, gash, species, change, style, variation, diversity,
gouge, indentation, (v) dent, steal, hack, indent, miscellany, strain, variance, mixture, hodgepodge,
slash, snick, nail, scrape. medley, miscellanea, pedigree, stock, (v) difference;
çentmek 1. chip (yonga); synonyms (n) splinter, bit, antonym (n) uniformity, 9. species (tür);
flake, chipping, fleck, fragment, microchip, part, synonyms (n) show, sight, phenomenon,
scrap, shaving, check, (v) crack, cut, nick, peel, 2. premonstration, scene, (v) offspring.
nick; synonyms (n) notch, mark, chip, incision, çeşitleme variation; synonyms (n) alteration, change,
difference, divergence, mutation, variance,

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deviation, discrepancy, departure, fluctuation, antonyms (adj) slow, soporific, 2. swift (hızlı);
disagreement, dissimilarity, permutation, contrast, synonyms (adj) fast, fleet, rapid, speedy, hasty,
distinction; antonym (n) similarity. prompt, expeditious, hurried, sudden, abrupt,
çeşitlemek vary; synonyms (v) alter, change, differ, express, ready, impetuous, unexpected, (n)
modify, alternate, deviate, diverge, diversify, cylinder; antonyms (adj) considered, leisurely.
modulate, depart, disagree, fluctuate, shift, çeviri 1. version (uyarlama); synonyms (n) reading,
variegate, contrast. translation, construction, interpretation, rendering,
çeşitli 1. different (başka); synonyms (adj) another, rendition, variation, account, description, variant,
assorted, dissimilar, unusual, various, alien, lection, report, story, explanation, paraphrase, 2.
alternative, discrete, distinct, diverse, foreign, fresh, interpretation (yorum); synonyms (n) version,
miscellaneous, new, opposite; antonyms (adj) exposition, clarification, commentary, illustration,
similar, corresponding, equal, identical, like, definition, interpreting, analysis, performance,
typical, 2. varied; synonyms (adj) mixed, different, understanding, explication, gloss, evaluation,
diversified, sundry, heterogeneous, manifold, meaning, representation, 3. translation;
motley, many, versatile, odd; antonyms (adj) synonyms (n) displacement, transformation,
boring, dull, homogeneous, uniform, 3. various; metamorphosis, conversion, shift, adaptation,
synonyms (adj) several, varied, divers, separate, alteration, consecration, edition, induction,
numerous, multiple, frequent, disparate, unequal; institution, ordination, preferment, resurrection, (v)
antonym (adj) few.
çeşitlilik variety (varyete); synonyms (n) kind, sort, çevirme 1. conversion (dönüştürme); synonyms
(n) alteration, change, changeover, adaptation,
species, change, form, style, type, variation, breed,
exchange, transformation, adjustment, amendment,
diversity, genus, miscellany, nature, (adj) class, (v)
modification, passage, shift, transfer, transition,
difference; antonym (n) uniformity.
version, (adj) salvation, 2. assembly (montaj);
çeşme fountain; synonyms (n) fount, font, jet, source,
synonyms (n) gathering, meeting, collection,
origin, well, derivation, root, spout, squirt,
congregation, convention, fabrication, multitude,
wellspring, (v) spring, flow. assembling, body, chamber, cluster, company,
çeşni flavour (tat vermek); synonyms (n) aroma, conclave, concourse, (v) assemblage, 3. enclosure;
savor, smell, feel, feeling, relish, sapidity, savour, synonyms (n) coop, cage, barrier, enclosing, pen,
smack, tang, taste, tone, (v) flavor, season. hedge, addition, sty, case, envelopment, fencing,
çeşnilendirmek season; synonyms (n) opportunity, inclosure, insert, railing, ring.
space, spell, (prep) period, (v) flavor, mature, inure, çevirmek 1. turn (dönmek, dönüş); synonyms (v)
salt, mellow, flavour, moderate, pickle, ripen, (adj) revolve, deviate, get, revolution, (n) bend, curve,
harden, habituate. roll, coil, go, twist, bout, change, round, bent, circle,
çete 1. gang; synonyms (n) crew, band, circle, 2. convert (dönüştürmek); synonyms (v) alter,
company, crowd, association, bunch, faction, mob, adapt, reform, commute, invert, exchange, modify,
pack, team, assemblage, clique, club, group, 2. switch, transform, turn, become, replace, (n)
band (bant); synonyms (n) cluster, party, set, proselyte, neophyte, (adj) believer, 3. spin
swathe, collar, gang, knot, lace, strap, strip, stripe, (döndürmek); synonyms (n) twirl, whirl, ride,
zone, (v) ring, combine, tie. eddy, (v) run, drive, reel, fabricate, gyrate, invent,
çetin 1. tough; synonyms (adj) hard, difficult, narrate, pivot, recite, recount, rotate, 4. render;
tenacious, strong, arduous, firm, hardy, laborious, synonyms (v) afford, interpret, explain, furnish,
rugged, severe, stout, sturdy, rough, (n) bully, give, offer, pay, construe, depict, impart, make,
rowdy; antonyms (adj) tender, easy, weak, flimsy, provide, return, translate, yield.
soft, feeble, lightweight, simple, 2. hard (sert); çevre 1. environment (ortam); synonyms (n)
synonyms (adj) austere, bad, grave, callous, cruel, circumstance, background, habitat, atmosphere,
grueling, knotty, tough, bitter, alcoholic, context, setting, surroundings, vicinity, ecology,
backbreaking, compact, complicated, dour, (v) element, circumstances, environs, medium, scene,
acute; antonyms (adj) kind, merciful, soggy, home, 2. surroundings; synonyms (n)
yielding, (adv) gently, lightly, 3. difficult (zor); environment, neighborhood, milieu, ambiance,
synonyms (adj) awkward, demanding, burdensome, situation, surround, ambience, locale, 3. sphere;
delicate, fastidious, uphill, finicky, abstruse, synonyms (n) region, range, area, domain, province,
ambitious, cantankerous, complex, contrary, realm, ball, circle, department, globe, round, ring,
crabby, disagreeable, exacting; antonyms (adj) arena, compass, field, 4. vicinity; synonyms (n)
straightforward, good-natured, rewarding, clear. district, proximity, place, locality, neighbourhood,
çevik 1. brisk; synonyms (adj) active, agile, bracing, vicinage, outskirts, section, 5. neighbourhood, 6.
alive, bright, lively, quick, acute, alert, energetic, atmosphere (atmosfer); synonyms (n) air, aura,
nimble, smart, sprightly, adroit, animated; feel, feeling, mood, quality, climate, atm, 7.

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compass (pusula); synonyms (n) scope, combined, threefold, treble, bifold, binal, common,
circumference, extent, reach, room, breadth, ambit, cooperative, double-dip, doubleheader, forked,
boundary, capacity, (v) get, grasp, accomplish, matched; antonym (adj) individual, 3. even
achieve, apprehend, (adv) beset, 8. region (bölge); (hatta); synonyms (adv) yet, (adj) direct, equal,
synonyms (n) land, country, part, circuit, division, constant, equable, equivalent, flat, horizontal,
quarter, territory, belt, expanse, ground, dominion, identical, plane, regular, steady, (v) level, balance,
demesne, direction, position, kingdom. smooth; antonyms (adj) uneven, inconsistent,
çevrebilim ecology (ekoloji); synonyms (n) irregular, jagged, unequal, 4. couple; synonyms
bionomics, botany, conservationism, network, (n) brace, yoke, duo, dyad, twosome, (v) pair,
system. connect, associate, combine, attach, copulate, join,
çevrede around; synonyms (adv) about, tie, link, (adj) hook; antonym (v) uncouple, 5. pair;
approximately, almost, round, roughly, nearly, synonyms (n) duet, coupling, couplet, duad, team,
some, somewhere, (prep) encompassing, encircling, two, bitstock, deuce, (v) couple, equate, (adj)
circa, surrounding, (adj) near, nearby, (n) vicinity. doublet.
çevresel 1. peripheral; synonyms (adj) exterior, outer, çiftçi farmer; synonyms (n) countryman, agriculturist,
external, marginal, extraneous, outlying, outside, rustic, husbandman, granger, sodbuster, yeoman,
nonessential, outdoor, frivolous, peripherical, producer, sower, woodcutter, agricultor,
superficial, divergent, extreme, (n) component; agronomist, breeder, cob, feeder.
antonyms (adj) central, vital, 2. environmental; çiftçilik 1. farming; synonyms (n) agriculture,
synonyms (adj) ecological, physical, circumstantial, cultivation, husbandry, culture, tillage, land, 2.
biodegradable, biological, conservation, natural, agriculture; synonyms (n) farming, agribusiness,
geographical, geological, green, organic, pure, agronomy, geoponics, agriculturism, defense,
recyclable, (n) earthly, terrestrial. education, interior, labor, plough, state,
çevresinde round (Yuvarlak); synonyms (adv) about, terraculture, agronomics, commerce, justice.
around, (adj) circular, plump, entire, chubby, çifte double (çift); synonyms (adj) duplicate, dual,
complete, (n) circle, bout, ring, beat, circuit, (v) duple, twofold, (v) fold, reduplicate, bend,
compass, turn, gird; antonyms (adj) slim, sharp. geminate, plait, (n) twin, image, match, mate,
çevrim 1. circuit (devre); synonyms (n) beat, area, substitute, alternate; antonym (n) single.
excursion, compass, cycle, district, loop, perimeter, çiftleşmek couple (çift); synonyms (n) brace, yoke,
periphery, round, route, (v) circle, tour, trip, duo, dyad, (v) pair, connect, associate, combine,
journey, 2. cycle (bisiklet); synonyms (n) bicycle, attach, copulate, join, tie, link, match, (adj) hook;
ring, sequence, circuit, period, turn, bout, run, age, antonym (v) uncouple.
interval, orbit, (v) bike, motorcycle, wheel, pedal. çiftlik farm; synonyms (n) property, grange, dairy,
çeyiz portion (parça, porsiyon); synonyms (n) part, estate, farmhouse, (v) cultivate, raise, grow, hire,
division, piece, constituent, allot, component, plant, produce, rear, rent.
fragment, parcel, section, dole, allowance, (v) lot, çiğ raw (ham); synonyms (adj) crude, fresh,
dividend, divide, allotment. immature, bleak, coarse, cutting, green, piercing,
çeyrek quarter; synonyms (n) area, part, district, sore, cold, biting, chilly, inclement, inexperienced,
division, mercy, neighborhood, region, direction, naked; antonyms (adj) refined, cooked.
portion, quart, (v) place, lodge, line, put, çığlık cry (ağlamak, bağırmak, feryat); synonyms
accommodate. (n) shout, bark, scream, yell, clamor, roar, bay,
çiçek flower; synonyms (n) bouquet, cream, crying, (v) call, bellow, shriek, weep, exclaim, howl,
efflorescence, elite, floret, florescence, ornament, moan; antonyms (v) laugh, whisper.
nosegay, (v) bloom, blossom, blow, flourish, (adj) çiğneme breach; synonyms (n) aperture, chink, crack,
prime, floral, fructify. crevice, fracture, gap, infringement, opening, rift,
çiçeklenmek flower (çiçek); synonyms (n) bouquet, split, trespass, (v) break, rupture, contravene,
cream, efflorescence, elite, floret, florescence, fissure; antonym (n) observance.
ornament, nosegay, (v) bloom, blossom, blow, çiğnenmiş broken (bozuk); synonyms (v) broke, (adj)
flourish, (adj) prime, floral, fructify. tame, torn, busted, imperfect, intermittent, rough,
çiçeklik bed (yatak); synonyms (n) couch, layer, base, rugged, ruined, uneven, disjointed, incomplete,
basis, berth, bottom, flowerbed, foundation, crib, confused, cracked, crushed; antonyms (adj)
sack, rest, support, pallet, understructure, setting. constant, unbroken, intact, whole, wild.
çift 1. double (çifte); synonyms (adj) duplicate, dual, çıkar 1. advantage (avantaj, üstünlük, yarar);
duple, twofold, (v) fold, reduplicate, bend, synonyms (n) behalf, privilege, profit, account,
geminate, plait, (n) twin, image, match, mate, expediency, good, lead, preponderance, virtue,
substitute, alternate; antonym (n) single, 2. dual; perk, boot, avail, convenience, gain, (v) benefit;
synonyms (adj) double, duplex, doubled, bivalent, antonyms (n) drawback, detriment, difficulty, (v)

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disadvantage, 2. benefit (yarar); synonyms (n) backpack, box, gang, (v) crowd, compress, heap,
advantage, assistance, favor, interest, reward, cram, fill; antonym (v) unpack.
service, use, welfare, allowance, asset, (v) aid, assist, çıkıntı 1. prominence; synonyms (n) eminence,
help, advance, pay; antonyms (n) loss, (v) harm, 3. hump, importance, protuberance, height, bulge,
interest (faiz, ilgi); synonyms (n) concern, affair, consequence, distinction, projection, celebrity,
hobby, eagerness, enthusiasm, sake, consequence, fame, moment, bump, extrusion, gibbosity;
importance, (v) engage, care, appeal, affect, antonym (n) obscurity, 2. projection (izdüşüm);
fascinate, occupy, (adj) claim; antonyms (n) synonyms (n) jut, prominence, knob, ledge,
indifference, apathy, (v) bore, 4. profit; synonyms overhang, plan, protrusion, map, forecast, cast,
(n) produce, earnings, increase, dividend, lucre, excrescence, convexity, ejection, prediction, (adj)
proceeds, increment, income, usefulness, utility, salient.
vantage, acquisition, (v) net, earn, merit; antonym çıkıntılı prominent; synonyms (adj) eminent, notable,
(v) lose. noted, great, celebrated, distinguished, famous,
çıkarma 1. extraction; synonyms (n) descent, illustrious, leading, noticeable, obvious,
ancestry, birth, origin, family, lineage, removal, outstanding, salient, striking, (v) conspicuous;
blood, beginning, essence, extract, genealogy, line, antonyms (adj) inconspicuous, unknown, minor.
parentage, stock; antonym (n) insertion, 2. çıkış 1. exit (çıkmak); synonyms (n) departure, door,
elimination (eleme); synonyms (n) cancellation, egress, outlet, gate, going, passage, vent, death, (v)
discharge, excretion, annihilation, abolition, depart, go, leave, decease, die, escape; antonyms (n)
deletion, ejection, eradication, evacuation, arrival, entry, (v) enter, 2. ascent; synonyms (n)
exclusion, liquidation, omission, purge, riddance, acclivity, ascension, rise, climb, ascending,
segregation; antonyms (n) addition, establishment, elevation, hill, incline, advance, grade, jump, slant,
3. omission; synonyms (n) failure, error, fault, gradient, hike, inclination; antonyms (n) descent,
ellipsis, inadvertence, mistake, neglect, oversight, fall, 3. output (çıktı); synonyms (n) crop, harvest,
flaw, default, pretermission, slip, disregard, turnout, yield, outturn, product, expenditure, (v)
exception, (adj) defect; antonyms (n) inclusion, outcome, 4. outgoing (giden); synonyms (adj)
adherence, 4. exclusion; synonyms (n) friendly, expansive, forthcoming, gregarious,
banishment, elimination, debarment, expulsion, demonstrative, extrovert, companionable, open,
ostracism, prohibition, rejection, repudiation, sociable, extroverted, extrovertish; antonyms (adj)
barring, nonadmission, dismissal, disqualification, inward, next, reserved, incoming, introverted, 5.
excommunication, proscription, refusal; antonym outlet; synonyms (n) shop, market, exit, opening,
(n) entitlement, 5. emission (yayma); synonyms store, drain, emporium, hole, issue, aperture,
(n) emanation, effusion, venting, vent, dismission. emission, gap, release, grip, 6. issue (sorun);
çıkarmak 1. derive; synonyms (v) deduce, stem, synonyms (n) aftermath, consequence, effect, event,
come, deduct, draw, result, conclude, descend, progeny, result, conclusion, (v) flow, emanate, arise,
educe, elicit, evolve, extract, gain, get, infer, 2. emerge, discharge, gush, circulate, debouch, 7.
eliminate; synonyms (v) abolish, delete, rid, start (başlamak, başlangıç, başlatmak);
annihilate, cancel, dispel, eradicate, extinguish, synonyms (v) begin, originate, commence, drive,
obliterate, take, clear, destroy, discard, dismiss, launch, embark, spring, activate, flinch, (n) onset,
erase, 3. remove (kaldırmak); synonyms (v) oust, origin, shock, beginning, commencement, dawn;
pull, eject, expel, discharge, strip, evacuate, antonyms (v) end, finish, stop, conclude, halt, 8.
dislodge, empty, eliminate, exclude, move, starting; synonyms (n) start, first, outset, kickoff,
transport, (n) displace, (adj) free; antonyms (v) insert, source, advantage, offset, (adj) initial, incipient,
install, place, 4. extract; synonyms (n) excerpt, original, introductory, preliminary, early,
essence, juice, quotation, quote, citation, passage, preparatory, (prep) from.
(v) abstract, derive, distill, express, extort, cull, çıkma 1. outbreak; synonyms (n) epidemic, eruption,
distil, mine, 5. scratch (çizik, kaşımak); explosion, burst, onset, outburst, mutiny, attack,
synonyms (n) score, mark, nick, scrabble, dent, flood, rash, rebellion, revolt, spate, spell, storm, 2.
abrasion, cut, groove, (v) graze, notch, rub, scrape, exit (çıkış, çıkmak); synonyms (n) departure,
chafe, rake, grate, 6. take (almak); synonyms (v) door, egress, outlet, gate, going, passage, vent,
admit, hold, adopt, bear, carry, catch, clutch, death, (v) depart, go, leave, decease, die, escape;
obtain, return, borrow, pick, acquire, (n) seize, (phr)
antonyms (n) arrival, entry, (v) enter.
accept, receive; antonyms (v) give, refuse, abstain,
çıkmak 1. exit (çıkış); synonyms (n) departure, door,
add, lose.
egress, outlet, gate, going, passage, vent, death, (v)
çıkın pack (paket, paketlemek); synonyms (n) depart, go, leave, decease, die, escape; antonyms (n)
bundle, mob, bevy, bunch, company, herd, batch,
arrival, entry, (v) enter, 2. climb (tırmanmak);
synonyms (v) ascend, arise, clamber, escalate,

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increase, scale, scramble, (n) rise, mount, ascent, çimen grass (ot); synonyms (n) cannabis, forage,
acclivity, advance, ascending, jump, ascension; marijuana, pasture, dope, feed, ganja, herb,
antonyms (v) descend, drop, 3. rise (yükselmek); herbage, informer, (v) betray, denounce, (adj) pot,
synonyms (n) elevation, lift, progress, raise, swell, green, hemp.
raising, advancement, improvement, incline, slope, çimenlik lawn; synonyms (n) grass, grassplot, field,
(v) climb, heave, grow, originate, rear; antonyms (n) green, park, meadow, grassplat, plot, backyard,
reduction, (v) fall, decrease, sink, plummet, retire, esplanade, mead, pasturage, heather,
4. prove; synonyms (v) demonstrate, attest, neighborhood, plat.
confirm, manifest, establish, evidence, examine, çimento cement; synonyms (n) glue, adhesive, gum,
show, approve, assert, authenticate, check, paste, size, cementum, (v) fasten, fix, join, plaster,
corroborate, essay, evince; antonym (v) disprove, 5. stick, adhere, affix, bind, (adj) concrete.
stem (sap); synonyms (n) root, bow, branch, çimentolamak cement; synonyms (n) glue, adhesive,
shank, stalk, stick, handle, axis, bough, base, (v) gum, paste, size, cementum, (v) fasten, fix, join,
block, arrest, halt, issue, proceed, 6. spring plaster, stick, adhere, affix, bind, (adj) concrete.
(bahar, ilkbahar); synonyms (n) leap, bound, çınar plane (planya, uçak); synonyms (n) airplane,
fountain, skip, source, dance, jet, cause, font, (v) face, aeroplane, aircraft, degree, stage, surface, (v)
hop, caper, bounce, dive, recoil, (adj) elastic. flatten, shave, (adj) level, even, flat, horizontal,
çıkmaz dilemma (ikilem); synonyms (n) quandary, smooth, flush.
corner, fix, jam, mess, predicament, problem, crisis, çınlamak 1. sing (ötmek); synonyms (v) chant,
difficulty, plight, doubt, scrape, riddle, (adj) hymn, chirp, hum, drone, pipe, twitter, vocalize,
embarrassment, perplexity. carol, snitch, betray, harmonize, poetize, squeal, (n)
çikolata chocolate; synonyms (n) brown, bonbon, squeak, 2. ring (halka, yüzük); synonyms (n)
cocoa, coffee, candy, sweet, (adj) brunette, tan, encircle, band, gang, jingle, loop, rim, circuit,
auburn, bay, castaneous, chestnut, cinnamon, annulus, (v) circle, call, peal, echo, resound,
dapple, (v) tea. reverberate, gird.
çıktı output; synonyms (n) crop, harvest, turnout, çınlatmak ring (halka, yüzük); synonyms (n)
yield, outturn, product, expenditure, (v) outcome. encircle, band, gang, jingle, loop, rim, circuit,
çile 1. ordeal; synonyms (n) trial, experience, annulus, (v) circle, call, peal, echo, resound,
suffering, affliction, martyrdom, misery, test, reverberate, gird.
tribulation, trouble, anxiety, assay, care, distress, çıplak 1. naked; synonyms (adj) bald, bare, exposed,
hell, nightmare, 2. trial (deneme); synonyms (n) nude, open, barren, bleak, raw, unclothed,
examination, experiment, essay, hardship, hearing, defenseless, defenceless, undraped, alone,
adversity, audition, attempt, difficulty, effort, denuded, destitute; antonyms (adj) covered,
endeavor, proof, misfortune, sorrow, (adj) concealed, 2. bare; synonyms (adj) naked, austere,
experimental, 3. suffering; synonyms (v) pain, (n) stark, desolate, devoid, mere, plain, vacant,
agony, anguish, hurt, grief, ordeal, torment, vacuous, (v) empty, show, disclose, denude, expose,
torture, ill, injury, sufferance, damage, passion, reveal; antonyms (adj) cultivated, ornate, (v) cover.
endurance, (adj) miserable; antonym (n) content. çiriş 1. cement; synonyms (n) glue, adhesive, gum,
çılgın 1. mad; synonyms (adj) frantic, frenzied, paste, size, cementum, (v) fasten, fix, join, plaster,
demented, foolish, insane, delirious, angry, crazy, stick, adhere, affix, bind, (adj) concrete, 2. size
distracted, frenetic, lunatic, wild, irate, (n) furious, (boyut, büyüklük); synonyms (n) measure, bulk,
anger; antonyms (adj) sane, calm, sensible, 2. crazy capacity, dimension, dimensions, extent, largeness,
(deli); synonyms (adj) deranged, mad, madcap, quantity, amount, breadth, degree, magnitude,
absurd, brainsick, cracked, crazed, eccentric, mass, measurement, (v) gauge; antonyms (n) length,
ludicrous, preposterous, silly, wacky, balmy, slenderness.
bonkers, outrageous. çirişlemek size (boyut, büyüklük); synonyms (n)
çılgınlık madness; synonyms (n) frenzy, furor, measure, bulk, capacity, dimension, dimensions,
insanity, lunacy, delirium, folly, idiocy, insaneness, extent, largeness, quantity, glue, amount, breadth,
aberration, anger, craziness, (adj) fury, rage, degree, magnitude, mass, (v) gauge; antonyms (n)
desperation, furore; antonyms (n) sanity, sense. length, slenderness.
çim 1. grass (çimen, ot); synonyms (n) cannabis, çirkin 1. ugly; synonyms (adj) nasty, disagreeable,
forage, marijuana, pasture, dope, feed, ganja, herb, forbidding, frightful, gruesome, hideous, homely,
herbage, informer, (v) betray, denounce, (adj) pot, repulsive, surly, evil, offensive, atrocious,
green, hemp, 2. lawn; synonyms (n) grass, deformed, despicable, grotesque; antonyms (adj)
grassplot, field, park, meadow, grassplat, plot, beautiful, attractive, good-looking, flowing,
backyard, esplanade, mead, pasturage, heather, ornamental, 2. unpleasant; synonyms (adj) harsh,
neighborhood, plat, terrace. obnoxious, ugly, sour, awkward, bad, hard, rude,

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abhorrent, bitter, horrible, objectionable, odious, impact, knock, (v) buffet, lick, fondle, move, pat,
painful, (n) difficult; antonyms (adj) pleasant, (adj) blow.
agreeable, delightful, comfortable, enjoyable, nice, çizgisel linear (doğrusal); synonyms (adj) lineal,
wonderful, charming. rectilinear, running, additive, analog, analogue,
çırpmak beat; synonyms (v) batter, flap, pulsate, ancestral, elongate, family, patriarchal, direct,
throb, tick, trounce, whip, bat, baste, break, (n) straight, delineated, elongated, functional.
pulse, thump, knock, round, cadence; antonym (v) çizik scratch (kaşımak); synonyms (n) score, mark,
lose. nick, scrabble, dent, abrasion, cut, groove, (v) graze,
çiş urine; synonyms (n) piss, pee, water, piddle, notch, rub, scrape, chafe, rake, grate.
emiction, lanterloo, netting, peeing, pissing, çizim 1. drawing; synonyms (n) draft, drafting,
weewee. delineation, picture, plan, cartoon, depiction,
çit 1. fence; synonyms (n) enclosure, barrier, hurdle, draftsmanship, draught, draw, painting, chart,
pale, bar, boundary, barricade, fencing, (v) hedge, design, figure, illustration, 2. chart (grafik);
wall, contend, enclose, parry, quibble, evade, 2. synonyms (n) plot, table, graphic, diagram,
enclosure; synonyms (n) coop, cage, enclosing, drawing, schematic, schedule, scheme, (v) map,
pen, addition, sty, case, envelopment, inclosure, graph, sketch, list, outline.
insert, railing, ring, supplement, chamber, 3. çizme boot; synonyms (n) kick, trunk, bang, charge,
barrier (engel); synonyms (n) bulwark, dam, gain, kicking, shoe, belt, body, thrill.
handicap, obstruction, rampart, restraint, block, çizmek 1. draw (çekmek); synonyms (v) attract,
fence, hindrance, impediment, obstacle, partition, drag, delineate, pull, depict, derive, describe,
snag, barrage, guard, 4. hedge; synonyms (n) design, tie, bring, charm, haul, (n) allure, attraction,
hedging, bush, hedgerow, screen, (v) dodge, fudge, draft; antonyms (v) push, repel, 2. scratch (çizik,
elude, skirt, avoid, circumvent, duck, equivocate, kaşımak); synonyms (n) score, mark, nick,
border, prevaricate, protect. scrabble, dent, abrasion, cut, groove, (v) graze,
çıtlatmak hint (ipucu); synonyms (n) clue, notch, rub, scrape, chafe, rake, grate, 3. describe
intimation, suggestion, trace, allusion, cue, inkling, (betimlemek); synonyms (v) define, outline,
implication, (v) suggest, dash, tip, touch, allude, report, represent, state, draw, relate, qualify,
imply, (adj) intimate; antonym (n) overtone. characterize, designate, explain, name, narrate,
çizelge 1. table (masa, tablo); synonyms (n) board, recite, recount, 4. mark; synonyms (n) brand,
chart, schedule, stand, list, plateau, console, platen, evidence, character, heed, impression, imprint,
panel, (v) defer, postpone, shelve, slate, tablet, (adj) sign, feature, badge, check, (v) blemish, distinguish,
plate, 2. chart (grafik); synonyms (n) plan, plot, grade, label, (adj) notice, 5. plot (arsa); synonyms
table, graphic, diagram, drawing, schematic, figure, (n) conspiracy, plan, lot, scheme, chart, graph,
illustration, (v) map, graph, sketch, design, draw, patch, action, (v) intrigue, cabal, plat, conspire,
outline, 3. schedule; synonyms (n) agenda, contrive, concoct, engineer, 6. trace (iz, izlemek);
catalog, program, calendar, catalogue, inventory, synonyms (n) line, shadow, spot, clue, dash, hint,
roll, index, docket, fare, arrangement, record, (v) indication, shade, suggestion, touch, trail, bit, (v)
register, book, arrange. track, hunt, pursue.
çizenek diagram (diyagram); synonyms (n) design, çoban shepherd; synonyms (n) pastor, clergyman,
chart, sketch, figure, graph, drawing, illustration, minister, sheepherder, sheepman, priest, presbyter,
outline, picture, plat, (adj) plan, (v) plot. churchman, divine, ecclesiastic, (v) conduct, guide,
çizge graph (grafik); synonyms (n) figure, diagram, lead, guard, cowherd.
plan, drawing, illustration, map, table, (v) chart. çobanpüskülü holly; synonym (adv) wholly.
çizgi 1. line (hat); synonyms (n) cord, file, house, çocuk 1. child; synonyms (n) baby, boy, babe, bairn,
breed, course, family, lineage, field, ancestry, brat, girl, infant, juvenile, kid, minor, toddler, tot,
border, boundary, cable, crease, row, (v) order, 2. youngster, innocent, imp; antonym (n) adult, 2.
score; synonyms (n) mark, bill, count, scratch, line, infant (bebek); synonyms (n) child, nursling, (adj)
groove, scotch, account, check, debt, (v) notch, cut, young, 3. youngster (delikanlı); synonyms (n)
tally, achieve, dash, 3. mark; synonyms (n) brand, lad, urchin, adolescent, youth, nipper, shaver, teen,
evidence, score, character, heed, impression, teenager, lass, 4. kid; synonyms (n) kidskin,
imprint, sign, feature, (v) blemish, characterize, offspring, tike, tyke, (v) joke, jest, banter, chaff,
distinguish, grade, label, (adj) notice, 4. bar (bar, mock, fool, jolly, dupe, rag, taunt, tease.
çubuk); synonyms (n) barricade, band, stop, pub, çocuklar issue (sorun); synonyms (n) aftermath,
snag, (v) ban, block, bolt, exclude, obstruct, arrest, egress, consequence, effect, event, exit, progeny,
balk, dam, foreclose, confine; antonyms (v) permit, result, (v) flow, emanate, arise, emerge, release,
allow, 5. stroke (inme, vuruş); synonyms (n) discharge, gush.
touch, beat, caress, hit, apoplexy, attack, bang,

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çocukluk childhood; synonyms (n) babyhood, synonyms (adj) manifold, abundant, countless,
boyhood, immaturity, infancy, puerility, youth, frequent, various, innumerable, multiple,
youthhood, age, education, background, numerous, plentiful, several, different, numberless,
childishness, juniority, (adj) ancient, infant, juvenile; (n) number; antonym (n) few, 4. multiple (kat);
antonym (n) adulthood. synonyms (adj) many, complex, diverse, populous,
çoğalma 1. accession; synonyms (n) addition, compound, multiplex, multiplied, multitudinous,
acceptance, augmentation, increase, access, (n) coefficient; antonym (adj) simple, 5. highly;
accretion, acquisition, agreement, arrival, assent, synonyms (adv) exceedingly, very, right,
coming, entrance, increment, 2. increase significantly, terribly, 6. too (dahi, de); synonyms
(adv) also, likewise, besides, excessively, over,
(artırmak, artış); synonyms (n) gain, boom,
overly, further, furthermore, moreover, equally,
expansion, extension, growth, progress, (v)
advance, accrue, extend, grow, aggrandize, expand, and, unduly, similarly, 7. numerous; synonyms
(adj) copious, myriad, rife, common, incalculable,
enhance, enlarge, (adj) augment; antonyms (n)
reduction, contraction, decline, (v) decrease, reduce, thick, 8. badly; synonyms (adv) bad, poorly,
diminish, drop, deteriorate. desperately, evil, ill, seriously, severely,
imperfectly, unkindly, amiss, grievously, hard,
çoğalmak increase (artırmak, artış); synonyms (n)
improperly, wrong, (adj) gravely; antonyms (adv)
gain, addition, augmentation, boom, expansion,
well, skillfully, flawlessly, giftedly, obediently,
extension, (v) advance, accrue, extend, grow,
aggrandize, expand, enhance, enlarge, (adj) perfectly, 9. deadly; synonyms (adj) baneful,
augment; antonyms (n) reduction, contraction, deathly, destructive, fatal, lethal, mortal,
pernicious, toxic, virulent, noxious, pestilent,
decline, (v) decrease, reduce, diminish, drop,
poisonous, baleful, boring, (v) dead; antonym (adj)
harmless, 10. more (daha); synonyms (adv)
çoğaltma reproduction; synonyms (n) replica,
beyond, (adj) additional, better, extra, larger,
propagation, duplicate, breeding, copy, generation,
copying, facsimile, procreation, replication, exceed, greater, other, (pron) another, (prep) above;
reappearance, image, duplication, (adj) fake, antonyms (adv) fewer, less, (adj) inferior, 11. good
imitation; antonym (adj) genuine. (iyi); synonyms (adj) able, benefit, delicious,
çoğaltmak increase (artırmak, artış); synonyms (n) efficient, capable, excellent, fine, nice, superior,
gain, addition, augmentation, boom, expansion, advantageous, agreeable, desirable, (n) benign,
extension, (v) advance, accrue, extend, grow, advantage, gain; antonyms (adj) disobedient, poor,
aggrandize, expand, enhance, enlarge, (adj) wicked, unpleasant, 12. abundant (bol);
augment; antonyms (n) reduction, contraction, synonyms (adj) generous, lush, luxuriant, affluent,
decline, (v) decrease, reduce, diminish, drop, ample, fertile, fruitful, liberal, prolific, rich,
deteriorate. substantial, teeming, abounding, bountiful,
çoğu most; synonyms (adv) nearly, greatly, nigh, enough; antonyms (adj) scarce, sparse, meager, 13.
virtually, (adj) almost, about, best, utmost, indeed, large (büyük, geniş); synonyms (adj) big,
much, near, very, well, (n) majority, maximum; extensive, broad, bulky, handsome, high, heavy,
antonym (adv) least. capacious, gross, hefty, huge, important, roomy,
stout, fat; antonyms (adj) small, cramped,
çoğunluk majority; synonyms (n) bulk, age, plurality,
insignificant, 14. greatly; synonyms (adv) badly,
body, mass, maturity, preponderance, adolescence;
enormously, exceptionally, dearly, abundantly,
antonym (n) minority.
intensely, mightily, hugely, immensely, infinitely,
çoğunlukla 1. usually (genellikle); synonyms (adv) profoundly, substantially, tremendously, vastly,
generally, commonly, mostly, normally, ordinarily, (adj) deeply, 15. vast; synonyms (adj) immense,
frequently, customarily, habitually, regularly,
large, spacious, boundless, colossal, enormous,
broadly, readily, unremarkably; antonyms (adv) gigantic, immeasurable, wide, unlimited,
unusually, rarely, exceptionally, 2. mostly; gargantuan, giant, infinite, massive, monumental;
synonyms (adv) largely, chiefly, mainly, primarily, antonyms (adj) limited, narrow, tiny, 16. well (iyi);
principally, especially, roughly, predominantly,
synonyms (adv) easily, thoroughly, fully, good,
usually, overall. correctly, (adj) healthy, fit, shaft, sound, robust, (n)
çok 1. very (pek, tam); synonyms (adv) extremely, fountain, spring, pit, hollow, (v) gush; antonyms
greatly, highly, really, completely, entirely, most, (adj) sick, unwell, dying, nauseous, 17. so (böyle);
quite, truly, actually, too, awfully, (adj) much,
synonyms (adv) accordingly, as, consequently,
identical, (n) self; antonyms (adv) abysmally, hence, thus, indeed, then, therefore, insomuch,
slightly, somewhat, 2. much; synonyms (adv) wherefore, (n) sol, (pron) that, 18. such (böyle);
frequently, almost, considerably, far, often, pretty, synonyms (adv) what, (adj) like, sic, sich, slik, swich,
nearly, (n) lot, heap, multitude, plenty, (adj) great, resembling.
considerable, practically, muckle, 3. many;

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106 Turkish - English

çökelti sediment; synonyms (n) deposit, deposition, worth; antonyms (n) bog, (v) stay, 2. wilderness;
lees, dregs, grounds, substance, filth, refuse, synonyms (n) desert, wasteland, solitude, wildness.
residue, settling. çömlekçilik pottery; synonyms (n) ceramic, clay,
çoklu multiple (kat); synonyms (adj) manifold, many, stoneware, clayware, terracotta, chinaware,
complex, diverse, populous, compound, multiplex, container, (adj) earthenware.
multiplied, multitudinous, various, (n) coefficient; çöp 1. litter; synonyms (n) brood, bedding, stretcher,
antonym (adj) simple. garbage, junk, mess, refuse, rubbish, trash, waste,
çokluk abundance (bereket, bolluk); synonyms (n) issue, (v) clutter, (adj) jumble, disarray, huddle, 2.
wealth, amplitude, exuberance, plenitude, waste; synonyms (n) desert, damage, dissipation,
profusion, richness, store, treasure, affluence, (adj) spoil, desolate, barren, (v) consume, exhaust,
breadth, copiousness, enough, fertility, (adj) plenty, ruin, squander, ravage, destruction, devastate,
riches; antonyms (n) dearth, scarcity, aridity, dissipate, languish; antonyms (v) conserve, save, 3.
insufficiency, lack, shortage. rubbish; synonyms (n) litter, nonsense, offal,
çökme 1. breakdown (bozulma); synonyms (n) debris, drivel, hogwash, trumpery, dirt, falderal,
collapse, fault, analysis, failure, ruin, defeat, absurdity, folderol, rubble, balderdash, bull, (adj)
downfall, fall, resolution, decay, smash, breakup, bosh; antonym (n) sense.
debacle, decomposition, (adj) fiasco, 2. crash; çorba soup; synonyms (n) broth, predicament,
synonyms (n) clash, collision, clank, clatter, impact, amalgam, combination, compound, explosive, fog,
slam, wreck, (v) bang, break, clang, crack, dash, fuel, haze, (v) pottage, potage, drink, liquor,
plunge, ram, thunder, 3. collapse; synonyms (n) beverage, (adj) emulsion.
crash, breakdown, subsidence, bust, demise, (v) çörek biscuit; synonyms (n) cookie, cooky, beige,
slump, buckle, crumble, crumple, faint, flop, burst, head, tan, slug, spray, (adj) glamorous.
deflate, disintegrate, drop.
çözelti solution (çözüm, eriyik); synonyms (n)
çökmek 1. founder; synonyms (n) laminitis, dissolution, resolution, answer, settlement, resolve,
patriarch, author, beginner, creator, father, determination, explanation, key, result, remedy,
inventor, originator, sink, ancestor, (v) fail, flop, definition, resolving, clarification, liquid, reply.
collapse, crumple, break, 2. fall (düşmek,
çözmek 1. resolve; synonyms (v) determine, decide,
sonbahar); synonyms (v) decline, dip, decrease, solve, conclude, decompose, dissolve, settle, end,
descend, dive, rain, diminish, dwindle, alight, (n) (n) purpose, determination, decision, firmness,
drop, descent, downfall, plunge, pitch, cascade; resolution, answer, analyze; antonyms (n)
antonyms (v) rise, increase, ascend, climb, triumph, indecision, weakness, 2. solve; synonyms (v)
win, (n) ascent, 3. collapse; synonyms (n) crash, resolve, interpret, decipher, crack, elucidate,
breakdown, fall, subsidence, bust, debacle, defeat, explain, riddle, loosen, figure, guess, clarify,
demise, (v) slump, buckle, crack, crumble, faint, remedy, cipher, disentangle, (adj) loose.
burst, deflate.
çözüm 1. solution (çözelti, eriyik); synonyms (n)
çöküntü depression (bunalım); synonyms (n) basin, dissolution, resolution, answer, settlement, resolve,
cavity, dejection, decline, dent, dip, hole, hollow, determination, explanation, key, result, remedy,
impression, slump, trench, trough, drop, recess, definition, resolving, clarification, liquid, reply, 2.
collapse; antonyms (n) cheerfulness, happiness,
recipe; synonyms (n) receipt, method, formula,
boom, elation, encouragement, inflation, outcrop. prescription, secret, nostrum, means,
çöküş 1. fall (düşmek, sonbahar); synonyms (v) amalgamation, basis, batter, blend, capacity,
decline, dip, decrease, descend, dive, rain, convention, design, dish, 3. resolution; synonyms
diminish, dwindle, sink, alight, (n) drop, descent, (n) decision, conclusion, firmness, purpose,
downfall, plunge, pitch; antonyms (v) rise, increase, solution, decomposition, analysis, constancy,
ascend, climb, triumph, win, (n) ascent, 2. decline; fortitude, perseverance, resoluteness, dissection,
synonyms (n) decay, declension, declination, ruling, judgment, conversion; antonym (n)
deterioration, diminution, (v) wane, reject, fall, indecisiveness.
abate, ebb, fail, refuse, deny, deteriorate, (adj) fade; çözümleme analysis (analiz); synonyms (n)
antonyms (n) improvement, recovery, anatomy, breakdown, decomposition, inquiry,
development, growth, rebirth, (v) accept, flourish, inspection, investigation, psychoanalysis,
improve, 3. collapse; synonyms (n) crash, resolution, review, scrutiny, study, exploration,
breakdown, subsidence, bust, debacle, defeat, (v) calculation, diagnosis, examination; antonym (n)
break, slump, buckle, crack, crumble, crumple, synthesis.
faint, flop, burst.
çözümlemek analyse (analiz etmek); synonyms (v)
Çöl 1. desert; synonyms (n) wilderness, (v) abandon, analyze, canvass, dissect, examine, study,
escape, defect, ditch, forsake, leave, relinquish, psychoanalyse, psychoanalyze, canvas, collapse,
abscond, (adj) waste, barren, desolate, merit, wild,

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contemplate, crumble, crumple, crush, die, (n) çürümek decay; synonyms (n) decline,
analyser. decomposition, ebb, corruption, disintegration,
çözümlemeli analytical (analitik); synonyms (adj) collapse, deterioration, (v) rot, decompose, blight,
analytic, critical, curious, inquisitive, logical, rust, crumble, corrupt, decrease, deteriorate;
methodical, rational, systematic; antonym (adj) antonym (n) growth.
illogical. çürütmek 1. eat (yemek); synonyms (v) devour,
çözümsel analytical (analitik); synonyms (adj) consume, bite, dine, munch, corrode, deplete,
analytic, critical, curious, inquisitive, logical, drink, feed, finish, gnaw, gobble, gorge, graze, (adj)
methodical, rational, systematic; antonym (adj) digest, 2. decay; synonyms (n) decline,
illogical. decomposition, ebb, corruption, disintegration,
çözünme solution (çözelti, çözüm, eriyik); collapse, deterioration, (v) rot, decompose, blight,
synonyms (n) dissolution, resolution, answer, rust, crumble, corrupt, decrease, deteriorate;
settlement, resolve, determination, explanation, antonym (n) growth.
key, result, remedy, definition, resolving, çuval 1. bag (çanta, torba); synonyms (n) pocket,
clarification, liquid, reply. pouch, package, briefcase, purse, sack, case,
çözünürlük resolution; synonyms (n) decision, container, knapsack, (v) bulge, capture, catch, filch,
determination, answer, conclusion, firmness, hook, net, 2. sack (torba); synonyms (n) sac, poke,
purpose, resolve, solution, decomposition, analysis, rape, (v) pillage, bag, plunder, discharge, dismiss,
constancy, dissolution, fortitude, perseverance, despoil, fire, ransack, rob, rifle, can, loot; antonym
resoluteness; antonym (n) indecisiveness. (v) hire.
çubuk 1. bar (bar); synonyms (n) barricade, band,
stop, line, pub, snag, (v) ban, block, bolt, exclude,
obstruct, arrest, balk, dam, foreclose; antonyms (v) D
permit, allow, 2. switch (anahtar); synonyms (n)
cane, replacement, whip, cut, permutation, (v) da 1. also (de); synonyms (adv) too, likewise,
exchange, change, shift, substitute, convert, swap, moreover, more, besides, withal, again, equally,
flip, interchange, move, replace, 3. strip; further, item, similarly, so, (conj) and, furthermore,
synonyms (n) slip, (v) deprive, despoil, divest, peel, 2. too (dahi, de); synonyms (adv) also, excessively,
plunder, rifle, denude, ransack, pillage, pluck, pare, over, overly, extremely, unduly.
sack, bare, bereave; antonyms (v) dress, decorate, 4. dadı nurse (hemşire); synonyms (n) nurture, doctor,
pipe (boru, pipo); synonyms (n) tube, conduit, amah, (v) nourish, attend, cherish, entertain, foster,
channel, duct, flue, hose, passage, pipage, (v) cry, harbor, lactate, cradle, cultivate, keep, raise,
peep, screech, shriek, sing, squeak, creak. breastfeed.
çukur 1. pit; synonyms (n) cavity, dent, hole, dağ 1. mountain; synonyms (n) mount, heap, height,
depression, grave, colliery, excavation, mine, stone, mass, peak, pile, stack, bundle, elevation, (v)
dig, (v) den, ditch, oppose, cave, (adj) hollow, 2. mound, (adj) lead, millstone; antonym (n) dip, 2.
hole (delik); synonyms (n) aperture, crack, pocket, mount; synonyms (v) ascend, rise, climb, board,
breach, break, burrow, corner, fix, lair, pit, vent, arise, advance, jump, bestride, grow, increase, ride,
cavern, cranny, cell, (adj) gap, 3. trench; synonyms scale, (n) hill, frame, mountain; antonyms (v)
(n) channel, drain, furrow, cut, dike, groove, gutter, descend, drop, (n) valley.
dugout, foxhole, sewer, deep, trough, (v) encroach, dağılım distribution (dağıtım); synonyms (n)
excavate, infringe. diffusion, dispensation, delivery, deal, allotment,
çünkü 1. for (için); synonyms (prep) because, behind, apportionment, arrangement, dispersion,
by, per, during, on, toward, (conj) considering, disposition, assignment, dispersal, disposal,
since, (adv) against, as, therefore, hence, 2. as (gibi, division, (v) dissemination, dissipation; antonym (n)
Olarak); synonyms (conj) qua, while, whilst, (prep) concentration.
like, (adv) equally, from, (n) arsenic. dağılma 1. distribution (dağıtım); synonyms (n)
çürük rotten; synonyms (adj) bad, foul, poor, fetid, diffusion, dispensation, delivery, deal, allotment,
lousy, musty, off, putrid, ill, shabby, corrupt, apportionment, arrangement, dispersion,
crappy, decomposed, (v) decayed, rancid; antonym disposition, assignment, dispersal, disposal,
division, (v) dissemination, dissipation; antonym (n)
(adj) fresh.
concentration, 2. dissolution; synonyms (n) decay,
çürüme decay; synonyms (n) decline, decomposition,
breakup, decomposition, abolition, cancellation,
ebb, corruption, disintegration, collapse,
analysis, dismissal, annulment, death, demise,
deterioration, (v) rot, decompose, blight, rust,
adjournment, departure, disintegration,
crumble, corrupt, decrease, deteriorate; antonym
licentiousness, resolution, 3. spread (yaymak);
(n) growth.
synonyms (v) scatter, reach, disperse, expand,

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extend, broadcast, circulate, diffuse, disseminate, entrails, familiar, inland; antonyms (adj) external,
increase, propagate, stretch, broaden, deploy, (n) foreign, 2. indoor; synonym (v) intramural;
span; antonym (adj) concentrated. antonym (adj) outside, 3. inner (iç); synonyms (adj)
dağınık loose; synonyms (adj) lax, liberal, dissolute, internal, central, mental, middle; antonym (adj)
licentious, light, vague, detached, immoral, (v) outer.
disengage, liberate, relax, release, detach, (n) free,
daima 1. always (hep, her zaman); synonyms (adv)
limp; antonyms (adj) tight, close, compressed,
forever, continuously, whenever, eternally, ever,
dense, taut, strict, compact, wedged. unceasingly, consistently, constantly, continually,
dağıtım distribution; synonyms (n) diffusion, e'er, everlastingly, evermore, hourly, (adj) still,
dispensation, delivery, deal, allotment, eternal; antonyms (adv) never, erratically, 2.
apportionment, arrangement, dispersion, forever; synonyms (adv) always, interminably,
disposition, assignment, dispersal, disposal,
ceaselessly, permanently, (n) eternity, (adj)
division, (v) dissemination, dissipation; antonym (n)
permanent; antonym (adv) temporarily, 3. ever;
synonym (adv) perpetually.
dağıtmak 1. spread (yaymak); synonyms (v) scatter, daimi 1. standing; synonyms (v) stand, (n) rank,
reach, disperse, expand, extend, broadcast,
fame, importance, position, prestige, place,
circulate, diffuse, disseminate, increase, propagate,
reputation, footing, attitude, class, (adj) erect,
stretch, broaden, deploy, (n) span; antonym (adj)
motionless, continuance, permanent, 2.
concentrated, 2. issue (sorun); synonyms (n)
permanent (kalıcı); synonyms (adj) durable,
aftermath, egress, consequence, effect, event, exit,
lasting, fixed, eternal, everlasting, fast, perennial,
progeny, result, (v) flow, emanate, arise, emerge,
enduring, immutable, indelible, abiding, continual,
release, discharge, gush.
continuing, (v) constant, continuous; antonyms (adj)
dağlamak brand; synonyms (n) badge, blade, class, fleeting, temporary, brief, impermanent,
kind, stain, type, emblem, falchion, make, nature, provisional, transitory, fragile, superficial, 3.
slur, (v) mark, denounce, (adj) stigma, blot.
steady; synonyms (adj) firm, even, secure, resolute,
daha 1. more; synonyms (adv) also, further, besides, stable, cool, incessant, sedate, settled, consistent,
beyond, over, (adj) additional, better, extra, larger, certain, (v) steadfast, calm, regular, brace;
exceed, greater, other, (pron) another, (prep) above; antonyms (adj) unsteady, shaky, wobbly,
antonyms (adv) fewer, less, (adj) inferior, 2. yet intermittent, unreliable.
(henüz); synonyms (adv) however, but, dair about (hakkında, hemen hemen); synonyms
notwithstanding, even, nonetheless, though, (prep) encircling, for, encompassing, circa,
hitherto, eventually, unless, always, if, more, (conj) concerning, (adv) around, approximately, almost,
nevertheless, (n) already, (v) still, 3. else (başka); nearly, most, roughly, in, nearby, (adj) some, near;
synonyms (adv) moreover, (n) threat, (adj) new, fresh, antonyms (prep) exactly, precisely.
4. still; synonyms (adj) calm, pacify, peaceful, daire 1. circle; synonyms (n) round, association, band,
silence, quiescent, serene, silent, appease, (n) hush, compass, ring, field, range, beat, circuit, company,
(v) quiet, assuage, compose, lull, soothe, allay; gang, scope, (v) turn, whirl, encircle, 2.
antonyms (adj) moving, effervescent, fizzy, windy, department (bölüm); synonyms (n) bureau,
(n) noisy. compartment, area, agency, class, faculty, section,
dahi 1. too (de); synonyms (adv) also, likewise, arm, branch, division, domain, line, office, part,
besides, excessively, over, overly, further, realm, 3. circuit (çevrim, devre); synonyms (n)
furthermore, moreover, extremely, equally, and, excursion, cycle, district, loop, perimeter,
unduly, similarly, 2. also (da, de); synonyms (adv) periphery, route, ambit, boundary, circumference,
too, more, withal, again, item, so, 3. genius; course, (v) circle, tour, trip, journey, 4. bureau
synonyms (n) capacity, ability, flair, faculty, brain, (büro); synonyms (n) authority, chest, department,
gift, prodigy, bent, aptitude, brilliance, (adj) desk, dresser, box, 5. round (Yuvarlak);
endowment, cleverness, ingenuity, talent, turn; synonyms (adv) about, around, (adj) circular, plump,
antonym (n) stupidity. entire, chubby, complete, fat, rotund, (n) bout, orbit,
dahil 1. included; synonyms (adj) numbered, patrol, rung, sequence, (v) gird; antonyms (adj) slim,
confined, inclosed, integrated, (adv) under, 2. sharp, 6. verge (kenar); synonyms (n) brink, limit,
including; synonyms (prep) plus, (v) included, (conj) margin, rim, bound, brim, confine, side, skirt,
and, (adv) also, (adj) counting; antonyms (prep) threshold, fringe, edging, (v) border, edge, bend, 7.
excluding, without. ring (halka, yüzük); synonyms (n) jingle,
dahili 1. internal (iç); synonyms (adj) interior, annulus, arena, clique, hoop, mob, (v) call, peal,
domestic, inner, inside, home, intimate, inward, echo, resound, reverberate, buzz, ding, knell,
national, inherent, intrinsic, intestine, innermost, surround.

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dairesel circular; synonyms (adj) round, annular, creek, deluge, surge, (prep) current, course; antonym
circinate, globular, orbicular, rotund, rounded, (v) trickle.
spherical, (n) advertisement, bill, handbill, dalgalı rough (kaba); synonyms (adj) coarse, hard,
brochure, publication, bulletin, flier; antonym (adj) harsh, raw, crude, cruel, grating, gross, hoarse,
square. jagged, approximate, gruff, inclement, (n)
dakik exact (tam); synonyms (adj) detailed, precise, boisterous, draft; antonyms (adj) gentle, smooth,
actual, authentic, careful, definite, direct, (v) polished, precise, refined, silky, soft, sophisticated,
accurate, close, demand, require, claim, command, even, exact, glossy, pleasant.
ask, (n) correct; antonyms (adj) inaccurate, dalgın 1. lost; synonyms (v) gone, missing,
imprecise, vague, wrong, approximate, inexact. abandoned, (adj) doomed, forlorn, extinct, hopeless,
dakika 1. minute; synonyms (n) instant, flash, jiffy, bewildered, disoriented, forgotten, helpless,
note, memorandum, moment, second, (adj) little, broken, confused, irrecoverable, absent; antonyms
delicate, microscopic, atomic, careful, (adj) present, found, existing, 2. absent (yok);
circumstantial, diminutive, elaborate; antonyms synonyms (adj) off, wanting, inattentive,
(adj) enormous, huge, big, gigantic, 2. instant (an); absentminded, abstracted, faraway, lost,
synonyms (adj) immediate, present, exigent, nonexistent, out, preoccupied, (adv) away, 3.
prompt, clamant, crying, current, imperative, vacant (boş); synonyms (adj) empty, blank,
insistent, instantaneous, (n) minute, point, tick, (v) hollow, bare, devoid, free, idle, unfilled,
pressing, urgent; antonyms (adj) gradual, long- unoccupied, void, expressionless, deserted, open,
term. vacuous, inane; antonyms (adj) full, occupied.
dal 1. branch (dallanmak, şube); synonyms (n) dalgınlık absence (yokluk); synonyms (n)
arm, jump, wing, affiliate, ramus, member, absenteeism, dearth, default, deficiency, lack, want,
division, limb, offshoot, outgrowth, section, shoot, nonattendance, paucity, scarcity, shortage;
(v) fork, diverge, divide, 2. arm (kol); synonyms antonyms (n) presence, attendance.
(n) branch, bay, department, might, power, sleeve, dallanmak branch (dal, şube); synonyms (n) arm,
weapon, endow, (v) equip, furnish, outfit, provide; jump, wing, affiliate, ramus, member, division,
antonym (v) disarm. limb, offshoot, outgrowth, section, shoot, (v) fork,
dalaş scrap; synonyms (n) fight, morsel, brawl, diverge, divide.
remnant, bit, chip, clash, end, junk, piece, dam 1. roof; synonyms (n) crown, ceiling, housing,
remainder, conflict, (v) quarrel, row, (adj) fragment; dome, shelter, back, house, (v) top, cover, 2. queen
antonym (v) keep. (kraliçe); synonyms (n) empress, king, lady,
dalavere trick (aldatmak); synonyms (n) deceit, sovereign, monarch, fag, faggot, fairy, pansy,
deception, joke, prank, device, dupe, stratagem, (v) queer, ace, ruler.
swindle, cheat, deceive, fraud, sham, con, mislead, damalı checked; synonyms (adj) checkered,
beguile. chequered, plaid, backward, curbed, intermittent,
dalga 1. wave; synonyms (n) billow, gesture, motion, limited, numbered, pent-up, safe, silent, tartan,
sign, surge, (v) brandish, flap, flutter, curl, flourish, temperate.
swell, swing, undulate, beat, beckon, 2. sea damar 1. vein; synonyms (n) streak, vena, nervure,
(deniz); synonyms (n) ocean, water, waves, (adj) strain, mine, temper, stripe, tone, cast, style, fund,
marine, maritime, array, nautical, seagoing, army. funicle, (adj) humor, mood, strip, 2. nerve (sinir);
dalgakıran mole (köstebek); synonyms (n) synonyms (n) audacity, cheek, impertinence,
breakwater, jetty, freckle, bulwark, groyne, mol, boldness, brass, courage, daring, face, fortitude,
spy, blemish, counterspy, groin, growth, (adj) heart, impudence, mettle, prowess, assurance,
mound, barrow, hillock, (v) embankment. backbone; antonym (n) cowardice, 3. vessel;
dalgalanma 1. surge; synonyms (n) wave, burst, synonyms (n) ship, boat, container, craft, duct, jar,
ripple, spurt, (v) billow, flood, rise, rush, stream, vas, bowl, canal, pan, receptacle, basin, tube,
flow, gush, heave, jet, swell, soar, 2. roll watercraft, bottle.
(yuvarlamak); synonyms (n) list, revolution, damga 1. stamp (posta pulu, pul); synonyms (n)
catalogue, inventory, register, (v) coil, reel, curl, mark, seal, brand, impression, cachet, emblem, (v)
enfold, revolve, wheel, rock, turn, twist, wallow. imprint, print, cast, impress, trample, punch,
characterize, shape, note, 2. seal; synonyms (n)
dalgalanmak 1. surge; synonyms (n) wave, burst,
stamp, hallmark, signet, (v) plug, bar, close, shut,
ripple, spurt, (v) billow, flood, rise, rush, stream,
stop, clinch, lock, cement, fasten, settle, (adj)
flow, gush, heave, jet, swell, soar, 2. stream
conclude, fix; antonyms (v) open, unseal, 3. mark;
(akım); synonyms (n) brook, river, run, streak,
synonyms (n) evidence, score, character, heed, sign,
torrent, beam, (v) crowd, pour, swarm, runnel,
feature, badge, check, indication, (v) blemish,
distinguish, grade, label, differentiate, (adj) notice,

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4. character (karakter); synonyms (n) kind, dantel lace; synonyms (n) edging, lacing, net, galloon,
nature, part, quality, role, type, constitution, (v) braid, enlace, entwine, interlace, bind, rope, tie,
description, disposition, eccentric, spirit, tone, knot, tat, knit, (adj) string.
standing, atmosphere, attitude, 5. impress; dantela lace; synonyms (n) edging, lacing, net,
synonyms (v) affect, move, inscribe, instill, touch, galloon, (v) braid, enlace, entwine, interlace, bind,
emboss, dent, inculcate, strike, amaze, dazzle, rope, tie, knot, tat, knit, (adj) string.
engrave, (n) press, characteristic, impressment, 6. dar 1. narrow; synonyms (adj) close, limited, insular,
marker; synonyms (n) token, pointer, signpost, tag, little, cramped, illiberal, mean, (v) confined,
buoy, pen, ticket. contract, limit, lessen, constrict, shrink, abridge,
damgalamak 1. seal (damga); synonyms (n) mark, dwindle; antonyms (adj) wide, broad,
stamp, cachet, hallmark, imprint, impression, comprehensive, extensive, (v) widen, extend, 2.
signet, (v) plug, bar, close, shut, stop, clinch, lock, acute; synonyms (adj) sharp, incisive, intense, keen,
(adj) conclude; antonyms (v) open, unseal, 2. stamp penetrating, critical, piercing, severe, shrewd,
(damga, posta pulu, pul); synonyms (n) seal, shrill, smart, strong, acrid, acuate, (v) high;
brand, emblem, die, earmark, form, (v) print, cast, antonyms (adj) dull, obtuse, 3. restricted;
impress, trample, punch, characterize, shape, note, synonyms (v) qualified, (adj) narrow, constrained,
emboss, 3. brand; synonyms (n) badge, blade, exclusive, local, controlled, finite, prohibited,
class, kind, stain, type, falchion, make, nature, slur, classified, secret, bounded, circumscribed, private,
sort, sword, (v) denounce, (adj) stigma, blot. reserved, tight; antonyms (adj) unrestricted, far-
damla drop; synonyms (v) fall, decrease, deposit, reaching, free, liberated, unimpeded, unlimited,
dribble, droop, abandon, cast, dip, discard, dismiss, open.
drip, ebb, jump, (n) decline, collapse; antonyms (v) daralmak narrow (dar); synonyms (adj) close,
rise, increase, lift, (n) growth. limited, insular, little, cramped, illiberal, mean, (v)
damlamak drop; synonyms (v) fall, decrease, deposit, confined, contract, limit, lessen, constrict, shrink,
dribble, droop, abandon, cast, dip, discard, dismiss, abridge, dwindle; antonyms (adj) wide, broad,
drip, ebb, jump, (n) decline, collapse; antonyms (v) comprehensive, extensive, (v) widen, extend.
rise, increase, lift, (n) growth. Daralt collapse; synonyms (n) crash, breakdown, fall,
dana calf; synonyms (n) calfskin, sura, colt, foal, subsidence, bust, debacle, (v) break, slump, buckle,
kitten, pup, shorthorn, kid, cow, doodle, dullard, crack, crumble, crumple, faint, flop, burst.
foetus, loon, lout, lown. daraltmak 1. narrow (dar); synonyms (adj) close,
danışma 1. information (bilgi, enformasyon); limited, insular, little, cramped, illiberal, mean, (v)
synonyms (n) advice, communication, data, confined, contract, limit, lessen, constrict, shrink,
evidence, note, enlightenment, report, tidings, abridge, dwindle; antonyms (adj) wide, broad,
complaint, counsel, info, instruction, intelligence, comprehensive, extensive, (v) widen, extend, 2.
material, warning, 2. counsel (avukat, öğüt, collapse; synonyms (n) crash, breakdown, fall,
öğüt vermek); synonyms (n) caution, advocate, subsidence, bust, debacle, (v) break, slump, buckle,
advisement, admonition, attorney, consultation, crack, crumble, crumple, faint, flop, burst, 3.
counselor, exhortation, guidance, recommendation, contract; synonyms (n) compact, charter, agree,
(v) advise, consult, admonish, confer, exhort, 3. agreement, arrangement, (v) covenant, bargain,
consultation; synonyms (n) conference, interview, concentrate, condense, narrow, catch, compress,
negotiation, discussion, talk, audience, council, wrinkle, abbreviate, (adj) shorten; antonyms (v)
deliberation, meeting, reference, appointment. expand, stretch.
danışmak consult; synonyms (v) confer, consider, darbe 1. hit (isabet, vurmak); synonyms (v) strike,
negotiate, advise, deliberate, refer, discuss, reason, attain, belt, blow, bump, collide, encounter, (n)
canvass, confab, confabulate, (n) talk. knock, bang, smash, touch, chance, bash, beat,
danışman 1. adviser; synonyms (n) advisor, collision; antonyms (n) failure, flop, 2. stroke
consultant, counselor, counsel, guide, prompter, (inme, vuruş); synonyms (n) caress, hit, mark,
teacher, agent, assistant, confidante, dealer, apoplexy, attack, impact, line, streak, cut, (v) buffet,
dictator, herald, informer, instructor, 2. lick, fondle, move, pat, smite, 3. beat; synonyms
supervisor (denetçi); synonyms (n) (v) batter, flap, pulsate, throb, tick, trounce, whip,
superintendent, director, overseer, boss, chief, bat, baste, break, cheat, (n) pulse, thump, round,
manager, foreman, administrator, controller, cadence; antonym (v) lose, 4. knock; synonyms (v)
examiner, executive, head, inspector, superior, cuff, punch, boot, clip, condemn, criticize, knap,
keeper. smack, (n) rap, tap, crash, whack, clap, clout,
dans dance (dans etmek); synonyms (n) dancing, criticism; antonym (v) praise, 5. blow (üflemek);
party, (v) bound, caper, hop, bop, cavort, play, synonyms (n) blast, shock, wallop, gust, jolt, (v)
jump, shake, skip, step, beat, dandle, prance. puff, bloom, blossom, pant, play, slap, squander,

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stroke, waft, (adj) gasp; antonyms (v) calm, save, 6. synonyms (n) administration, manage, demeanor,
shock (şok); synonyms (n) daze, outrage, surprise, lead, performance, (v) act, bring, direct, administer,
concussion, fright, (v) jar, offend, revolt, startle, carriage, acquit, carry, comport, show, accompany,
appall, clash, disgust, dismay, frighten, horrify; 3. action (etki, eylem, hareket, iş); synonyms
antonym (v) comfort. (n) accomplishment, activity, agency, battle, deed,

darülaceze hospital (hastane); synonyms (n) effect, engagement, fight, movement, play, case,
infirmary, home, institution, sanitarium, sickroom, lawsuit, measure, (v) achievement, combat;
spital, inn, sickbay, (adj) hospitable. antonyms (n) inaction, inactivity, 4. behaviour;
Data data (veri); synonyms (n) information, facts, synonyms (n) conduct, demeanour, deportment,
details, evidence, fact, figures, file, material, doings, 5. treatment (tedavi); synonyms (n) cure,
postulate, proof. handling, management, manipulation, therapy,
medication, remedy, reception, attention, medicine,
dava 1. case; synonyms (n) box, example, bin, cover,
method, usage, use, discourse, (v) treat, 6. act
jacket, shell, affair, bag, briefcase, casing, eccentric,
instance, suit, carton, (adj) patient, 2. action (etki,
(davranmak, hareket, rol yapmak); synonyms
(n) action, move, statute, decree, do, feat, law, (v)
eylem, hareket, iş); synonyms (n) act,
behave, go, perform, enact, feign, operate, pretend,
accomplishment, activity, agency, battle, deed,
work; antonym (v) refrain, 7. bearing (kerteriz);
effect, engagement, fight, movement, performance,
synonyms (n) appearance, attitude, direction,
play, behavior, case, (v) achievement; antonyms (n)
manner, respect, aim, comportment, mien, pose,
inaction, inactivity, 3. cause (neden); synonyms
presence, regard, run, way, tack, walk.
(n) action, occasion, account, basis, campaign,
davranmak 1. act (hareket, rol yapmak);
excuse, (v) make, breed, do, induce, allow, arouse,
synonyms (n) accomplishment, action, move, play,
beget, bring, engender; antonym (n) consequence,
statute, decree, do, feat, (v) achievement, behave,
4. suit; synonyms (n) lawsuit, plea, petition, (v) deed, go, perform, acquit, enact; antonym (v)
agree, fit, correspond, accommodate, adapt,
refrain, 2. behave; synonyms (v) act, conduct, bear,
answer, become, match, meet, please, adjust,
deal, deport, operate, walk, carry, comport,
satisfy, 5. trial (deneme); synonyms (n) test,
demean, function, react, run, work, (n) exercise;
examination, experiment, affliction, essay,
hardship, hearing, adversity, audition, attempt, antonym (v) misbehave, 3. treat; synonyms (v)
difficulty, distress, effort, endeavor, (adj) handle, manage, process, heal, nurse, regale,
experimental. doctor, dress, (n) feast, administer, delicacy, luxury,
tidbit, banquet, entertainment, 4. conduct;
davacı plaintiff; synonyms (n) complainant, accuser,
synonyms (n) behavior, administration, demeanor,
prosecutor, pursuer, applicant, inquirer, party,
lead, performance, behaviour, (v) bring, direct,
querent, appellant, defendant, pretender, (adj)
carriage, bearing, show, accompany, channel,
command, convey.
davalı defendant; synonyms (n) accused, litigant,
davul drum; synonyms (n) barrel, cask, tympan, vat,
party, plaintiff, prisoner, suspect, defender,
drumfish, (v) beat, roll, bang, knock, pound, ram,
perpetrator, (adj) defensive.
thrum, thump, bone, cram.
davet 1. invitation; synonyms (n) call, bidding,
dayak 1. hiding; synonyms (n) cover, covering,
temptation, lure, supplication, attraction, bid,
concealing, concealment, beating, thrashing, rout,
request, entreaty, importunity, (v) invite,
ambush, coverture, abscondence, covert, defeat,
solicitation, 2. call (bağırmak, çağırmak, çağrı);
defense, hitting, (adj) cowardly; antonym (n)
synonyms (v) cry, bellow, name, shout, summon,
howl, address, baptize, cite, dub, (n) appeal, yell, victory, 2. beating; synonyms (n) reverse, beat,
appoint, command, demand; antonym (v) dismiss, whipping, battery, battering, debacle, drubbing,
hammering, pounding, pulsation, pulse, throbbing,
3. party; synonyms (n) gang, band, company,
thumping, whacking, (adj) pulsing.
assembly, association, crew, gathering, group,
affair, bevy, celebration, crowd, do, faction, dayanak 1. support (destek, desteklemek);
meeting, 4. summons; synonyms (n) citation, synonyms (n) help, stand, aid, keep, comfort,
maintenance, patronage, (v) assist, prop, back,
invitation, process, writ, invocation, warrant,
brace, encourage, maintain, bear, boost; antonyms
vocation, act, charge, indictment, requisition.
(n) hindrance, (v) oppose, neglect, undermine,
davetli guest (konuk, misafir); synonyms (n)
abandon, reject, weaken, 2. rest (dinlenme);
stranger, caller, alien, customer, visitor, foreigner,
synonyms (n) remnant, repose, balance, pause,
client, visitant.
recess, relaxation, residue, leisure, break, (v) nap,
davranış 1. attitude (tavır, tutum); synonyms (n) remain, sleep, ease, lie, (adj) remainder; antonym (v)
position, aspect, posture, behavior, mind, notion,
air, approach, bearing, disposition, mentality,
mood, opinion, outlook, perspective, 2. conduct;

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112 Turkish - English

dayanıklı 1. hardy; synonyms (adj) courageous, antonym (v) refresh, 2. resistance; synonyms (n)
sturdy, audacious, brave, fearless, hard, manly, opposition, endurance, friction, immunity,
strong, gallant, robust, stout, forcible, (n) bold, impedance, obstacle, renitency, confrontation,
daring, rugged; antonym (adj) weak, 2. tough; reluctance, stamina, dissent, backlash, (v) rebellion,
synonyms (adj) difficult, tenacious, arduous, firm, interference, mutiny; antonyms (n) smoothness,
hardy, laborious, severe, rough, bad, durable, agreement, obedience, susceptibility, 3. tolerance
leathery, (n) bully, rowdy, hoodlum, hooligan; (hoşgörü); synonyms (n) allowance, indulgence,
antonyms (adj) tender, easy, flimsy, soft, feeble, leniency, patience, lenience, margin,
lightweight, simple, 3. substantial (önemli); permissiveness, consideration, kindness, leeway,
synonyms (adj) actual, solid, real, considerable, forbearance, mercy, approval, permission;
important, palpable, significant, essential, antonyms (n) intolerance, narrow-mindedness,
momentous, sound, concrete, ample, big, corporeal, bigotry, chauvinism, extremism, 4. stay (kalma,
grave; antonyms (adj) insignificant, insubstantial, kalmak); synonyms (v) remain, reside, rest, prop,
small, ethereal, fine, worthless, 4. firm; synonyms stop, abide, continue, pause, arrest, bide, dwell,
(n) company, (adj) constant, stable, close, compact, support, (n) delay, halt, (adj) cease; antonyms (v)
determined, fixed, resolute, steadfast, steady, leave, change, abscond, depart.
decisive, dense, fast, rigid, (v) faithful; antonyms
dayanmak 1. last (geçen, son, sürmek); synonyms
(adj) irresolute, hesitant, limp, liquid, soggy, 5. fast (v) endure, continue, hold, exist, live, dwell, (n)
(hızlı, oruç); synonyms (adj) dissolute, agile, abide, conclusion, (adj) extreme, closing, final,
debauched, hurried, instant, quick, rapid, staunch, ultimate, conclusive, concluding, farthest;
brisk, colorfast, dissipated, expeditious, express, antonyms (n) opening, (adj) first, 2. stay (kalma,
(adv) soon, (n) diet; antonyms (adj) sluggish, loose,
kalmak); synonyms (v) remain, reside, rest, prop,
(adv) slow, slowly, leisurely, (v) gorge, (n) binge, 6. stop, pause, arrest, bide, support, linger, (n) delay,
substantive; synonyms (adj) meaty, material, halt, check, (adj) cease, inhabit; antonyms (v) leave,
crucial, hearty, indispensable, satisfying, (n) noun, change, abscond, depart, 3. bear (ayı, taşımak);
substantial, name, reality, (v) substantivize, 7. synonyms (v) carry, accept, acquit, stand, take,
solid (katı); synonyms (adj) consistent, good, afford, allow, apply, assume, behave, brook,
massive, secure, heavy, potent, reliable, thick, comport, conduct, convey, digest, 4. consist;
whole, certain, full, convincing, muscular, sober, synonyms (v) be, belong, lie, comprise, fit, (n) agree,
deep; antonyms (adj) unreliable, gaseous,
5. lean; synonyms (adj) emaciated, gaunt, thin,
permeable, runny, transparent, watery. bony, lank, lanky, (v) incline, bend, list, slant, bow,
dayanıklılık 1. wear; synonyms (v) dress, endure, careen, pitch, (n) tilt, inclination; antonyms (adj) fat,
bear, fatigue, tire, waste, fray, frazzle, (n) clothing, plump, 6. rest (dinlenme); synonyms (n)
apparel, attire, clothes, garb, erosion, garment; remnant, repose, balance, recess, relaxation,
antonym (v) refresh, 2. strength (güç, kuvvet); residue, leisure, break, quiet, respite, (v) nap, sleep,
synonyms (n) force, power, energy, firmness, ease, perch, (adj) remainder; antonym (v) work, 7.
intensity, vigor, endurance, potency, stability, support (dayanak, destek, desteklemek);
health, soundness, amount, brawn, (v) might,
synonyms (n) help, aid, keep, comfort,
capacity; antonyms (n) weakness, frailty, flaw, maintenance, patronage, (v) assist, back, brace,
shortcoming, 3. resistance; synonyms (n) encourage, maintain, bear, boost, confirm,
opposition, friction, immunity, impedance, corroborate; antonyms (n) hindrance, (v) oppose,
obstacle, renitency, confrontation, reluctance, neglect, undermine, abandon, reject, weaken, 8.
stamina, dissent, backlash, (v) rebellion,
stomach (mide); synonyms (n) abdomen,
interference, mutiny, inhibition; antonyms (n)
appetite, belly, breadbasket, maw, paunch, relish,
smoothness, agreement, obedience, susceptibility. taste, hunger, palate, (v) suffer, tolerate, go, (adj)
dayanılmaz intolerable; synonyms (adj) insufferable, swallow, eat, 9. take (almak); synonyms (v)
insupportable, unbearable, painful, obnoxious, admit, get, adopt, catch, clutch, obtain, return,
deplorable, detestable, inexcusable; antonyms (adj) borrow, pick, acquire, appropriate, bring, capture,
bearable, tolerable. (n) seize, (phr) receive; antonyms (v) give, refuse,
dayanışma solidarity; synonyms (n) community, abstain, add, lose, 10. resist; synonyms (v) repel,
fellowship, cooperation, sodality, unity, body, rebel, defy, revolt, balk, combat, disobey, impede,
friendship, coherence, amity, collaboration, protest, withstand, rebuff, demur, baulk, challenge,
companionship, company, comradeship, (adj) (n) confront; antonyms (v) surrender, yield, assent,
solidity. 11. stand (ayakta durmak, durmak);
dayanma 1. wear; synonyms (v) dress, endure, bear, synonyms (v) stall, undergo, erect, last, persist,
fatigue, tire, waste, fray, frazzle, (n) clothing, place, resist, rise, (n) attitude, booth, rack, base,
apparel, attire, clothes, garb, erosion, garment; pedestal, position, stay; antonym (v) sit.

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dayatmak insist; synonyms (v) affirm, assert, dignity, distinction, due, (v) deserve, earn, rate, (adj)
contend, claim, asseverate, declare, maintain, urge, excellence, 2. value; synonyms (n) merit, cost,
importune, press, argue, force, dwell, hold, persist. appraise, importance, consequence, (v) price,
dazlak bald; synonyms (adj) bare, hairless, simple, appreciate, assess, esteem, evaluate, cherish,
austere, meager, threadbare, raw, barefaced, dry, estimate, measure, prize, rank; antonyms (n)
forthright, mere, naked, nude, plain, stark; disadvantage, futility, uselessness, insignificance,
antonym (adj) hairy. 3. worth; synonyms (n) benefit, import, good,
de 1. also (da); synonyms (adv) too, likewise, substance, fortune, profit, use, wealth, worthiness,
moreover, more, besides, withal, again, equally, advantage, meaning, property, superiority, (adj)
further, item, similarly, so, (conj) and, furthermore, honor; antonym (n) worthlessness, 4. account
2. too (dahi); synonyms (adv) also, excessively, (hesap); synonyms (n) bill, narrative, reckoning,
over, overly, extremely, unduly. regard, score, tale, description, explanation,
history, narration, reason, recital, story, tab, (v)
debdebe state (devlet, durum, eyalet); synonyms
report, 5. valuation; synonyms (n) estimation,
(n) nation, position, say, country, kingdom, show,
appraisal, evaluation, appraisement, assessment,
place, (v) declare, expound, express, mention,
appreciation, rating, measurement,
affirm, allege, announce, (adj) national; antonyms
admeasurement, mensuration, survey, 6. price
(v) deny, (adj) private.
(eder, fiyat); synonyms (n) charge, expense,
dede grandfather; synonyms (n) gramps, grandad,
figure, damage, fee, payment, toll, expenditure,
granddad, grandpa, grandpapa, grandsire,
quotation, quote, reward, terms, (v) amount, doom.
granddaddy, patriarch.
değerleme valuation; synonyms (n) estimation,
dedektif detective; synonyms (n) investigator, scout,
appraisal, evaluation, estimate, appraisement,
tec, officer, spy, policeman, snoop, runner,
assessment, appreciation, rating, measurement,
watchman, analyst, beagle, bull, (v) informer,
prize, value, worth, admeasurement, mensuration,
delator, eavesdropper.
(v) price.
dedikodu 1. gossip; synonyms (n) rumor, chitchat, değerlendirme evaluation; synonyms (n) appraisal,
gab, chatterbox, conversation, babble, comment,
assessment, estimation, judgment, mark, rating,
talk, blabbermouth, (v) chat, chatter, natter, tattle,
review, estimate, examination, opinion, valuation,
blab, chaffer; antonym (n) fact, 2. tale; synonyms
analysis, choice, score.
(n) story, account, narrative, fable, fib, narration,
değerlendirmek evaluate; synonyms (v) appraise,
recital, report, fiction, history, legend, lie, relation,
assess, calculate, gauge, estimate, value, grade,
yarn, gossip, 3. scandal (skandal); synonyms (n)
measure, rank, reckon, review, weigh, assay,
disgrace, dishonor, outrage, discredit, infamy,
esteem, regard.
disrepute, backbiting, detraction, dirt, ignominy,
opprobrium, shame, obloquy, hearsay, değerlenmek appreciate; synonyms (v) esteem,
disparagement; antonym (n) honor, 4. rumour; prize, treasure, value, appraise, fathom,
acknowledge, admire, apprize, cherish,
synonym (v) bruit.
comprehend, enjoy, estimate, grasp, (adj)
defetmek remove (kaldırmak); synonyms (v) oust, understand; antonyms (v) depreciate, scorn.
take, pull, eject, expel, deduct, discharge, strip,
değerli 1. valuable; synonyms (adj) costly, estimable,
delete, erase, evacuate, extract, abolish, get, (adj)
precious, beneficial, expensive, helpful, useful,
clear; antonyms (v) insert, install, place.
worthy, admirable, important, dear, invaluable,
defin 1. burial; synonyms (n) interment, entombment, priceless, profitable, rich; antonyms (adj) worthless,
sepulture, burying, funeral, inhumation, 2.
useless, 2. costly; synonyms (adj) valuable,
funeral; synonyms (n) burial, pyre, wake, extravagant, high, luxurious, pricey, sumptuous,
committal, (adj) funebrial. beloved, plush, pricy, splendid; antonym (adj)
defne bay (koy); synonyms (n) alcove, bark, recess, cheap, 3. dear (sevgili); synonyms (adj) close,
cry, harbor, fiord, sound, cove, embayment, gulf, lovely, near, adorable, affectionate, cherished,
(adj) brown, (v) yap, roar, bellow, howl. familiar, intimate, loved, pet, favorite, (n) darling,
defter 1. notebook; synonyms (n) book, laptop, pad, love, honey, sweetheart, 4. precious; synonyms
album, computer, file, machine, mainframe, (adj) golden, choice, inestimable, exquisite, cute,
processor, supercomputer, workstation, block, noble, good, goodly, sweet, valued, delicate,
notepaper, 2. book (kitap); synonyms (n) bible, gorgeous, opulent, (adv) extremely, preciously.
journal, pamphlet, tome, volume, writing, text, değersiz cheap (ucuz); synonyms (adj) inexpensive,
manuscript, (v) order, reserve, apply, inscribe, list, low, stingy, tacky, base, brassy, bum, cheesy,
record, arrest. economical, flashy, mean, niggardly, reasonable,
değer 1. merit; synonyms (n) worth, credit, desert, shabby, sleazy; antonyms (adj) expensive, costly,
virtue, goodness, quality, significance, value, generous, tasteful, first-rate, luxurious.

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114 Turkish - English

değil 1. not; synonyms (adv) no, nay, nor, nowise, dissimilarity, permutation, contrast, distinction,
never, (adj) shaven, shorn, 2. no (hayır); synonyms innovation; antonym (n) similarity.
(n) refusal, rejection, denial, number, nix, rebuff, değişken 1. variable; synonyms (adj) unstable,
nobelium, ordinal, (adj) zero, naught, none, non, changeable, fickle, inconstant, capricious, erratic,
nul. fitful, mutable, uncertain, unsettled, unsteady,
değinmek refer (bakmak, başvurmak); synonyms fluctuating, inconsistent, shifting, variant;
(v) allude, apply, pertain, submit, deliver, antonyms (adj) constant, fixed, invariable, regular,
commend, advert, impute, name, relate, invoke, set, smooth, 2. mobile; synonyms (adj) fluid,
adduce, ascribe, attribute, consign. mercurial, expressive, lively, migrant, motile,
değirmen mill; synonyms (n) grind, factory, grinder, flying, nomadic, peregrine, roving, spirited,
manufactory, machine, plant, engine, gin, notch, variable, versatile, vivacious, (v) movable;
shop, implement, (v) crush, pulverize, spar, (adj) antonyms (adj) immobile, impassive, motionless.
cent. değişme 1. shift; synonyms (n) interchange, turn,
değirmenci miller; synonym (n) muller. move, switch, conversion, (v) change, exchange,
değişik 1. different (başka); synonyms (adj) another, remove, quibble, alter, budge, convert, displace,
assorted, dissimilar, unusual, various, alien, transfer, fluctuate, 2. conversion (çevirme,
alternative, discrete, distinct, diverse, foreign, fresh, dönüştürme); synonyms (n) alteration,
miscellaneous, new, opposite; antonyms (adj) changeover, adaptation, transformation,
similar, corresponding, equal, identical, like, adjustment, amendment, modification, passage,
typical, 2. varied; synonyms (adj) mixed, different, shift, transition, version, (adj) salvation, adoption,
diversified, sundry, heterogeneous, manifold, beatification, 3. change (değişiklik,
motley, many, versatile, odd; antonyms (adj) değiştirmek); synonyms (n) barter, variation,
boring, dull, homogeneous, uniform. alternation, commutation, development, (v) adapt,
değişiklik 1. change (değiştirmek); synonyms (n) alternate, cash, transpose, twist, affect, adjust,
shift, alteration, barter, modification, variation, amend, commute, correct; antonyms (v) stay, leave,
move, (v) exchange, alter, adapt, alternate, cash, idle, maintain, 4. variation; synonyms (n)
convert, switch, transpose, turn; antonyms (v) stay, difference, divergence, mutation, variance,
leave, idle, maintain, 2. modification; synonyms deviation, discrepancy, departure, fluctuation,
disagreement, dissimilarity, permutation, contrast,
(n) change, adaptation, adjustment, limitation,
deviation, qualification, accommodation, distinction, innovation, variant; antonym (n)
amendment, conversion, limiting, mutation, similarity.
revision, correction, evolution, improvement, 3. değişmek 1. change (değişiklik, değiştirmek);
shift; synonyms (n) interchange, spell, device, synonyms (n) shift, alteration, barter, modification,
resource, expedient, movement, (v) remove, variation, move, (v) exchange, alter, adapt,
quibble, budge, displace, transfer, fluctuate, alternate, cash, convert, switch, transpose, turn;
reposition, shuffle, slip, 4. variety (varyete); antonyms (v) stay, leave, idle, maintain, 2. alter
synonyms (n) kind, sort, species, form, style, type, (değiştirmek); synonyms (v) change, adjust,
breed, diversity, genus, miscellany, nature, range, affect, amend, castrate, correct, transform, vary,
strain, (adj) class, (v) difference; antonym (n) distort, diversify, edit, emasculate, fluctuate, invert,
uniformity, 5. alteration; synonyms (n) neuter, 3. vary; synonyms (v) differ, modify,
changeover, metamorphosis, transformation, deviate, diverge, modulate, depart, disagree,
commutation, upheaval, departure, innovation, variegate, contrast, dissent, range, interchange,
vicissitude, 6. amendment; synonyms (n) digress, go, motley, 4. shift; synonyms (n)
betterment, redress, mend, rectification, reform, 7. conversion, spell, device, resource, expedient,
variance; synonyms (n) disagreement, movement, evasion, (v) remove, quibble, budge,
discrepancy, dissension, division, discord, displace, transfer, reposition, shuffle, slip, 5.
divergence, misunderstanding, dissimilarity, convert (dönüştürmek); synonyms (v) reform,
dissonance, conflict, dispute, variability, contrast, commute, become, replace, reverse, shape,
contention, dissent. substitute, swap, trade, translate, convince, (n)
değişim 1. change (değişiklik, değiştirmek); proselyte, neophyte, novice, (adj) believer.
synonyms (n) shift, alteration, barter, modification, değişmez 1. fixed (sabit); synonyms (adj)
variation, move, (v) exchange, alter, adapt, determined, definite, steady, constant, durable,
alternate, cash, convert, switch, transpose, turn; certain, decided, determinate, established, fast,
antonyms (v) stay, leave, idle, maintain, 2. fastened, intent, permanent, (v) stable, (adv) firm;
variation; synonyms (n) change, difference, antonyms (adj) flexible, adaptable, adjustable,
changeable, movable, separate, variable, compliant,
divergence, mutation, variance, deviation,
discrepancy, departure, fluctuation, disagreement, loose, moveable, portable, removable, temporary,

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Turkish - English 115

2. constant (sabit); synonyms (adj) ceaseless, commute, correct, invert; antonyms (v) stay, leave,
incessant, perpetual, continual, abiding, idle, maintain, 6. exchange (santral); synonyms
changeless, consistent, continuous, eternal, faithful, (n) swap, commerce, substitute, trade, central,
frequent, loyal, resolute, steadfast, (n) invariable; replacement, bazaar, give-and-take, business, (v)
antonyms (adj) intermittent, irregular, sporadic, counterchange, market, sell, traffic, truck, bandy, 7.
episodic, erratic, inconstant, disloyal, fickle, replacement; synonyms (n) deputy, renewal,
inconsistent, occasional, unreliable, 3. permanent substitution, surrogate, reinstatement,
(kalıcı); synonyms (adj) lasting, fixed, everlasting, rehabilitation, relief, return, successor, backup,
perennial, enduring, immutable, indelible, alternative, restoration, replacing, (v) makeshift,
continuing, immortal, standing, stationary, ersatz.
unchangeable, undying, ineffaceable, (n) perm; değiştirmek 1. alter; synonyms (v) adapt, change,
antonyms (adj) fleeting, brief, impermanent, move, adjust, affect, amend, castrate, convert,
provisional, transitory, fragile, superficial, 4. rigid; correct, shift, transform, turn, vary, alternate,
synonyms (adj) harsh, hard, inflexible, stiff, austere, distort; antonym (v) maintain, 2. modify;
set, strict, exacting, formal, rigorous, severe, stern, synonyms (v) alter, qualify, limit, assuage,
tense, tight, tough; antonyms (adj) elastic, soft, 5. moderate, restrict, commute, fit, revise, soften,
steady; synonyms (adj) even, secure, cool, sedate, temper, mitigate, condition, differentiate, exchange,
settled, smooth, solid, staid, composed, staunch, 3. change (değişiklik); synonyms (n) alteration,
dependable, (v) calm, regular, brace, quiet; barter, modification, variation, adjustment,
antonyms (adj) unsteady, shaky, wobbly, 6. set alternation, amendment, commutation, conversion,
(ayarlamak, grup, set, takım); synonyms (v) fix, development, difference, (v) cash, switch,
place, lay, put, locate, position, regulate, define, transpose, twist; antonyms (v) stay, leave, idle, 4.
adjust, arrange, congeal, (n) class, bent, circle, lot; convert (dönüştürmek); synonyms (v) reform,
antonyms (v) soften, liquefy, melt, (n) combing, invert, modify, become, replace, reverse, shape,
comb-out, (adj) liquid, 7. settled; synonyms (adj) substitute, swap, trade, transfer, translate, (n)
defined, formed, confirmed, finished, done, proselyte, neophyte, (adj) believer, 5. vary;
peaceful, assured, sober, stated, colonized, synonyms (v) differ, deviate, diverge, diversify,
occupied, ordinary, over, serious; antonym (adj) modulate, depart, disagree, fluctuate, variegate,
uninhabited, 8. stable; synonyms (adj) reliable, contrast, dissent, range, interchange, digress, go, 6.
persistent, sound, immovable, immobile, shift; synonyms (n) spell, device, resource,
responsible, equable, safe, static, stout, uniform, expedient, movement, evasion, changeover,
tranquil, still, strong, (v) stall; antonyms (adj) makeshift, (v) remove, quibble, budge, displace,
unstable, dangerous, precarious, rickety, volatile. reposition, shuffle, slip, 7. switch (anahtar);
değişmezlik stability (denge); synonyms (n) synonyms (n) cane, replacement, whip, cut,
permutation, substitution, rod, break, stick,
constancy, durability, firmness, permanence, poise,
equilibrium, solidity, balance, stableness, strength, switching, (v) flip, swop, jump, lash, birch, 8.
endurance, immovability, fixedness, resistance, replace; synonyms (v) supersede, supplant,
steadiness; antonym (n) instability. reinstate, restore, deputize, renew, return, succeed,
değiştirme 1. conversion (çevirme, dönüştürme); deputise, follow, place, put, refund, repay,
synonyms (n) alteration, change, changeover, reestablish.
adaptation, exchange, transformation, adjustment, değme 1. contact (temas); synonyms (n) touch,
amendment, modification, passage, shift, transfer, connection, collision, communication, link, impact,
transition, version, (adj) salvation, 2. shift; tangency, acquaintance, (v) call, meet, adjoin,
synonyms (n) interchange, turn, move, switch, communicate, reach, butt, join, 2. touch
conversion, spell, device, resource, (v) remove, (dokunma, dokunmak); synonyms (n) feel,
quibble, alter, budge, convert, displace, fluctuate, tinge, feeling, hint, (v) affect, contact, hit, border,
3. alteration; synonyms (n) revision, deviation, strike, stroke, regard, brush, concern, handle,
metamorphosis, variation, movement, interest.
commutation, upheaval, correction, departure, değmek touch (dokunma, dokunmak); synonyms
difference, evolution, innovation, mutation, (n) feel, tinge, feeling, hint, (v) affect, contact, hit,
vicissitude, accommodation, 4. modification border, adjoin, strike, stroke, regard, brush,
(değişiklik); synonyms (n) limitation, concern, handle.
qualification, limiting, improvement, permutation, değnek 1. stick (yapıştırmak); synonyms (n) bar,
qualifying, variety, derivative, 5. change club, (v) adhere, stab, attach, cling, fix, paste, staff,
(değişiklik, değiştirmek); synonyms (n) barter, cohere, affix, bind, cleave, fasten, hold, 2. staff
alternation, development, flux, (v) adapt, alternate, (asa); synonyms (n) cane, post, employees, faculty,
cash, transpose, twist, affect, adjust, amend,

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116 Turkish - English

personnel, rod, mace, baton, brace, stave, court, accessory, badge, accolade, distinction,
scepter, (v) crutch, prop, stick. embroidery.
deha genius; synonyms (n) capacity, ability, flair, dekoratif decorative; synonyms (adj) ornamental,
faculty, brain, gift, prodigy, bent, aptitude, fancy, ornate, artistic, cosmetic, embellishing,
brilliance, (adj) endowment, cleverness, ingenuity, enhancing, diagrammatic, drawn, elaborate, floral,
talent, turn; antonym (n) stupidity. florid, graceful, illustrative, pictorial; antonym (adj)
dehliz 1. corridor (koridor); synonyms (n) aisle, hall, plain.
lobby, hallway, lane, vestibule, artery, alley, delegasyon delegation; synonyms (n) commission,
alleyway, path, portico, way, (v) passage, 2. delegacy, deputation, delegating, devolution,
gallery (galeri); synonyms (n) balcony, audience, mission, organization, group.
drift, veranda, circle, porch, terrace, verandah, delgi 1. punch; synonyms (n) jab, drill, cuff, die,
auditorium, auditory, boxes. wallop, blow, dig, knock, (v) poke, hit, prick, beat,
dehşet 1. horror; synonyms (n) awe, abomination, perforate, stab, thrust, 2. drill (matkap);
abhorrence, dismay, fear, alarm, fright, repulsion, synonyms (n) exercise, discipline, practice, auger,
revulsion, anxiety, apprehension, atrocity, borer, rehearsal, gimlet, (v) bore, coach, educate,
aversion, (adj) dread, terror; antonym (n) inculcate, instruct, pierce, tap, train.
pleasantness, 2. terror; synonyms (n) scare, deli 1. crazy; synonyms (adj) deranged, mad, madcap,
consternation, horror, panic, scourge, trepidation, wild, absurd, brainsick, cracked, crazed, demented,
brat, shock, awfulness, phobia, dreadfulness, 3. eccentric, foolish, ludicrous, preposterous, silly,
alarm (alarm); synonyms (n) alert, affright, wacky; antonyms (adj) sane, sensible, 2. mad;
unrest, warning, alarum, concern, disquiet, signal, synonyms (adj) frantic, frenzied, insane, delirious,
(v) agitate, horrify, startle, appall, disturb, frighten, angry, crazy, distracted, frenetic, lunatic, irate,
perturb; antonyms (v) calm, comfort, 4. fear maniac, distraught, cross, (n) furious, anger;
(korkmak, korku); synonyms (n) doubt, anguish, antonym (adj) calm, 3. daft; synonyms (adj)
care, foreboding, worry, fearfulness, intimidation, bonkers, nutty, balmy, inane, barmy, batty, dotty,
trouble, diffidence, funk, misgiving, respect, (v) haywire, idiotic, insensate, kookie, kooky, loco,
reverence, apprehend, revere; antonyms (n) loony, nuts, 4. nuts; synonyms (adj) crackers, daft,
bravery, confidence, fearlessness, reassurance. loopy, infatuated.
dehşetli fearful; synonyms (adj) afraid, cowardly, delik 1. hole; synonyms (n) cavity, aperture, crack,
dreadful, anxious, apprehensive, awful, craven, den, pocket, breach, break, burrow, cave, corner,
terrible, timid, dire, eerie, formidable, frightful, depression, fix, hollow, lair, (adj) gap, 2. bore;
appalling, awesome; antonyms (adj) brave, calm, synonyms (v) dig, bother, tire, annoy, drill,
rational, bold, confident, unimpressed. perforate, pierce, plague, tap, (n) caliber, diameter,
dekan dean; synonyms (n) doyen, elder, principal, nuisance, well, annoyance, (adj) pother; antonyms
senior, clergyman, father, leader, administrator, (v) interest, excite, fascinate, 3. slot; synonyms (n)
archbishop, bishop, diocesan, eminence, groove, place, notch, opening, position, cut, split,
metropolitan, minister, pilot. section, class, nick, partition, spot, track, (v) slit,
deklarasyon 1. declaration; synonyms (n) rank, 4. outlet; synonyms (n) shop, market, egress,
announcement, affirmation, assertion, allegation, exit, store, drain, emporium, hole, issue, emission,
avowal, claim, expression, pronouncement, escape, release, vent, grip, 5. opening; synonyms
statement, enunciation, acknowledgment, (n) mouth, beginning, cleft, commencement, door,
admission, decree, deposition, dictum; antonym (n) entrance, occasion, chasm, onset, chance, crevice,
denial, 2. bid (davet etmek); synonyms (n) offer, entry, fissure, (adj) preliminary, first; antonyms (n)
tender, attempt, proffer, suggestion, (v) ask, call, end, closing, finale, (adj) final, 6. port (liman);
command, invite, adjure, beseech, charge, direct, synonyms (n) harbor, haven, asylum, carriage,
instruct, order. demeanor, pier, mien, bearing, deportment, dock,
dekor 1. scenery; synonyms (n) scene, prospect, embrasure, gate, harbour, (adj) larboard, left;
landscape, panorama, outlook, nature, perspective, antonym (n) starboard.
picture, set, vista, lookout, view, 2. scene; delikanlı 1. youngster (çocuk); synonyms (n) boy,
synonyms (n) aspect, background, display, lad, child, juvenile, kid, urchin, toddler, adolescent,
environment, spectacle, act, appearance, look, youth, baby, nipper, shaver, teen, teenager, girl;
position, arena, incident, location, scenery, setting, antonym (n) adult, 2. youth (genç, gençlik);
show. synonyms (n) young, youngster, adolescence,
dekorasyon decoration; synonyms (n) adornment, juvenility, puberty, stripling, younker, puppy,
award, garnish, medal, ornament, embellishment, infancy, childhood, guy, prime, youthfulness,
finery, insignia, ornamentation, trimming, fellow; antonyms (n) adulthood, ripeness, 3. boy
(oğlan); synonyms (n) male, man, minor, servant,

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son, boots, 4. lad; synonyms (n) blighter, chap, cub, language, sermon, diction, discussion, elocution,
cuss, fella, laddie, schoolboy, companion, gent. converse, dialect, harangue, (v) say, saying.
deliksiz sound (ses); synonyms (n) echo, peal, (v) demek 1. say (söylemek); synonyms (v) remark,
ring, chime, fast, (adj) reasonable, complete, healthy, articulate, express, pronounce, assert, enunciate,
fit, good, just, rational, right, sane, sensible; observe, maintain, order, read, speak, state, tell, (n)
antonyms (n) silence, (adj) illogical, unsound, declare, voice, 2. bid (davet etmek); synonyms
confused. (n) offer, tender, attempt, proffer, suggestion, (v)

delil 1. evidence (kanıt); synonyms (n) confirmation, ask, call, command, invite, adjure, beseech, charge,
mark, proof, data, argument, attestation, direct, instruct, summon, 3. tell (anlatmak,
demonstration, sign, testimony, clue, (v) display, söylemek); synonyms (v) relate, divulge, impart,
demonstrate, attest, certify, manifest, 2. proof recount, reveal, explain, announce, communicate,
(kanıt); synonyms (n) probation, authentication, describe, distinguish, enumerate, inform, notify, (n)
evidence, substantiation, validation, verification, disclose, count; antonym (v) request, 4. observe;
experiment, indication, essay, criterion, synonyms (v) celebrate, comment, notice,
establishment, pull, reason, support, test, 3. commemorate, mind, guard, behold, discover,
follow, heed, keep, look, mark, mention, note;
argument (tartışma); synonyms (n) controversy,
debate, matter, hassle, altercation, arguing, brawl, antonyms (v) ignore, feel, 5. call (bağırmak,
clash, contention, difference, disagreement, çağırmak, çağrı); synonyms (v) cry, bellow, name,
discussion, fight, justification, quarrel; antonyms shout, bid, howl, address, baptize, cite, dub, entitle,
(n) agreement, harmony, 4. witness; synonyms (n) (n) appeal, yell, appoint, demand; antonym (v)
spectator, bystander, eyewitness, onlooker, dismiss.
observer, testifier, beholder, testify, attestant, demet 1. cluster (küme); synonyms (n) bunch,
viewer, (v) observe, notice, see, view, watch; clump, batch, group, agglomeration, collection,
antonym (n) participant. crowd, gang, knot, lot, tuft, (v) bundle, huddle,
delilik madness; synonyms (n) frenzy, furor, insanity, collect, gather; antonym (v) disperse, 2. bunch
lunacy, delirium, folly, idiocy, insaneness, (grup, salkım); synonyms (n) cluster, band, troop,
aberration, anger, craziness, (adj) fury, rage, horde, bulge, herd, accumulation, crew, knob,
desperation, furore; antonyms (n) sanity, sense. mass, set, throng, assortment, (v) pack, heap.
delme boring (sıkıcı); synonyms (adj) dull, tedious, demir iron; synonyms (n) chain, irons, chains, (v) firm,
tiresome, annoying, arid, bland, dreary, flatten, press, smooth, (adj) hard, adamant,
monotonous, prosaic, tame, uninteresting, inflexible, steel, tenacious.
wearisome, vapid, drab, (n) drilling; antonyms (adj) demirci smith; synonyms (n) metalworker, architect,
exciting, fascinating, interesting, gripping, original, artificer, artist, bricklayer, builder, maker,
thrilling, varied. manufacturer, mason, craftsman.
delmek 1. bore; synonyms (v) dig, bother, tire, annoy, demiryolu 1. railway; synonyms (n) railroad, line,
drill, perforate, pierce, plague, tap, (n) caliber, tramway, 2. rail; synonyms (n) bar, balustrade,
diameter, nuisance, well, annoyance, (adj) pother; handrail, railing, fence, banister, track, path, pale,
antonyms (v) interest, excite, fascinate, 2. drill paling, bolt, barrier, (v) inveigh, vituperate,
(matkap); synonyms (n) exercise, discipline, fulminate.
practice, auger, borer, rehearsal, gimlet, demlemek steep; synonyms (adj) high, abrupt,
preparation, (v) bore, coach, educate, inculcate, excessive, exorbitant, outrageous, sheer, (v) douse,
instruct, train, habituate, 3. stick (yapıştırmak); immerse, soak, dip, drench, imbue, infuse, saturate,
synonyms (n) bar, club, (v) adhere, stab, attach, impregnate; antonyms (adj) gentle, gradual.
cling, fix, paste, staff, cohere, affix, bind, cleave, demokrasi democracy; synonyms (n)
fasten, hold. commonwealth, commonalty, nation, capitalism,
demeç 1. declaration; synonyms (n) announcement, country, democraty, freedom, oligarchy, republic,
affirmation, assertion, allegation, avowal, claim, state, egalitarianism, emancipation,
expression, pronouncement, statement, equalitarianism, equality, justice; antonyms (n)
enunciation, acknowledgment, admission, decree, despotism, dictatorship, totalitarianism, autocracy,
deposition, dictum; antonym (n) denial, 2. tyranny.
statement; synonyms (n) account, declaration, demokrat democrat; synonyms (n) commoner,
communication, instruction, command, plebeian, proletaire, proletary, republican, roturier,
description, proposition, profession, argument, bill, democratist, populist.
remark, word, bulletin, explanation, record, 3. demokratik democratic; synonyms (adj) egalitarian,
speech (konuşma, söylev); synonyms (n) classless, equal, broadminded, constitutional,
address, delivery, lecture, conversation, discourse, democratical, free, humane, informal, permissive,
popular, tolerant, autonomous, bourgeois,

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118 Turkish - English

communal; antonyms (adj) authoritarian, despotic, tract, treatise, writing, 6. experience (deneyim,
tyrannical. tecrübe); synonyms (n) event, episode, happening,
denek subject (konu, özne); synonyms (n) matter, (v) encounter, endure, suffer, enjoy, feel, have,
citizen, affair, dependent, inferior, issue, motif, know, live, meet, receive, sustain, (adj) see;
question, point, area, content, discipline, field, (adj) antonym (n) inexperience.
liable, exposed; antonym (adj) liberated. denetçi 1. supervisor; synonyms (n) superintendent,
deneme 1. trial; synonyms (n) test, examination, director, overseer, boss, chief, manager, foreman,
experiment, affliction, essay, hardship, hearing, administrator, controller, examiner, executive,
adversity, audition, attempt, difficulty, distress, head, inspector, superior, keeper, 2. inspector;
effort, endeavor, (adj) experimental, 2. essay; synonyms (n) supervisor, auditor, investigator,
synonyms (n) dissertation, article, disquisition, assessor, reviewer, surveyor, visitor, husband, (v)
composition, tentative, paper, struggle, taste, trial, inquirer, inquisitor.
(v) try, assay, offer, prove, seek, strive, 3. attempt denetim 1. control (denetlemek, kontrol);
(yeltenmek); synonyms (n) attack, assault, synonyms (n) rule, authority, care, hold, influence,
adventure, bid, exertion, go, shot, stab, fling, (v) sway, ascendancy, ascendency, (v) command,
aim, chance, undertake, tempt, venture, begin, 4. check, curb, bridle, conduct, handle, conquer;
test (sınamak); synonyms (n) measure, criterion, antonyms (n) freedom, weakness, (v) intensify,
inspection, gauge, exam, experience, share, 2. check (çek, denetlemek); synonyms (v)
experimentation, (v) examine, quiz, sample, check, stop, block, limit, agree, halt, restrain, bar, dampen,
analyze, probe, proof, verify, 5. proof (kanıt); delay, hinder, (n) control, arrest, bill, cheque, stay,
synonyms (n) confirmation, demonstration, 3. inspection (denetleme); synonyms (n)
probation, argument, authentication, evidence, examination, review, surveillance, exploration,
sign, substantiation, validation, verification, inquiry, scrutiny, search, study, survey,
indication, establishment, pull, reason, support, 6. investigation, observation, oversight, sight,
try; synonyms (v) judge, strain, adjudicate, hear, supervision, (v) inspect, 4. audit (denetlemek);
render, afflict, demonstrate, exercise, hazard, risk, synonyms (v) balance, examine, prove, scrutinize.
search, explore, dare, (n) crack, endeavour, 7. denetleme 1. inspection; synonyms (n) examination,
crack; synonyms (n) break, fracture, cleft, fissure, check, review, surveillance, exploration, inquiry,
chip, (v) chink, crevice, split, breach, burst, snap, scrutiny, search, study, survey, investigation,
clap, bang, cleave, rift; antonyms (v) repair, mend, observation, oversight, sight, (v) inspect, 2.
8. probation; synonyms (n) discharge, freedom, supervision (gözetim); synonyms (n) charge,
(adj) apodeixis, apodixis, 9. tentative (geçici); control, direction, management, superintendence,
synonyms (adj) doubtful, provisional, probationary, guidance, custody, care, administration, command,
exploratory, shy, cautious, conditional, hesitant, government, supervising, watch, running, (v)
indecisive, indefinite, provisionary, undecided; inspection.
antonyms (adj) definite, sure, 10. shot; synonyms denetlemek 1. control (denetim, kontrol);
(n) gunshot, injection, ball, shoot, picture, bullet, synonyms (n) rule, authority, care, hold, influence,
guess, jab, missile, nip, photograph, projectile, sway, ascendancy, ascendency, (v) command,
knock, inoculation, (adj) iridescent. check, curb, bridle, conduct, handle, conquer;
denemek 1. attempt (yeltenmek); synonyms (n) try, antonyms (n) freedom, weakness, (v) intensify,
endeavor, assay, effort, essay, offer, trial, attack, share, 2. check (çek, denetim); synonyms (v)
assault, adventure, bid, (v) struggle, aim, chance, stop, block, limit, agree, halt, restrain, bar, dampen,
undertake, 2. test (sınamak); synonyms (n) delay, hinder, (n) control, arrest, bill, cheque, stay,
audition, experiment, examination, measure, 3. audit; synonyms (n) survey, examination,
criterion, inspection, (v) examine, prove, quiz, review, scrutiny, (v) balance, inspect, examine,
sample, check, analyze, attempt, probe, (adj) prove, scrutinize, 4. inspect; synonyms (v)
experimental, 3. try; synonyms (v) test, strive, overhaul, overlook, explore, inquire, look, view,
judge, strain, seek, taste, adjudicate, hear, render, watch, monitor, analyze, audit, consider,
afflict, demonstrate, (n) shot, go, crack, endeavour, investigate, observe, regulate, search.
4. chance; synonyms (n) hazard, fortune, denetleyici 1. supervisor (denetçi); synonyms (n)
opportunity, probability, venture, accident, break, superintendent, director, overseer, boss, chief,
contingency, fate, (adj) accidental, (v) gamble, risk, manager, foreman, administrator, controller,
bet, befall, happen; antonyms (n) predictability, (adj) examiner, executive, head, inspector, superior,
deliberate, intentional, (v) design, plan, 5. essay keeper, 2. controller; synonyms (n) accountant,
(deneme); synonyms (n) dissertation, article, comptroller, control, governor, regulator, ruler,
disquisition, composition, tentative, paper, leader, supervisor.
discourse, review, critique, exertion, study, thesis,

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denetmen superintendent; synonyms (n) custodian, counterbalance, adjust, offset, compensate,

inspector, manager, overseer, supervisor, contrast, settle, audit; antonyms (n) imbalance, (v)
administrator, keeper, chief, boss, caretaker, unbalance, 2. compensate; synonyms (v) balance,
director, guardian, super, (adj) curator, governor. pay, recompense, reimburse, recoup, remunerate,
deney 1. experiment; synonyms (n) test, attempt, repay, reward, cover, correct, expiate, indemnify,
essay, trial, tentative, try, examination, taste, redeem, redress, satisfy.
experience, experimentation, (v) examine, venture, dengeli 1. balanced; synonyms (adj) equal, even, firm,
check, 2. test (sınamak); synonyms (n) audition, regular, stable, steady, harmonious, impartial,
experiment, measure, criterion, inspection, gauge, steadfast, symmetrical, uniform, fast, fixed, secure,
(v) assay, prove, quiz, sample, analyze, probe, unprejudiced; antonyms (adj) biased, unbalanced,
proof, verify, (adj) experimental. unfair, 2. level (düzey); synonyms (n) grade,
deneyim experience (tecrübe); synonyms (n) event, degree, category, class, (adj) horizontal, (v) flat,
episode, happening, (v) encounter, endure, suffer, flatten, floor, aim, demolish, destroy, dismantle,
examine, enjoy, feel, have, know, live, meet, raze, bulldoze, balance; antonyms (adj) inclined,
receive, (adj) see; antonym (n) inexperience. slanting, angled, unequal, (v) uneven, build, raise.
deneyimli 1. experienced; synonyms (adj) dengesiz unstable; synonyms (adj) changeable,
accomplished, capable, educated, competent, precarious, insecure, shaky, unsettled, unsound,
expert, knowledgeable, old, practiced, proficient, erratic, fickle, fluid, inconstant, unpredictable,
skillful, sophisticated, trained, able, conversant, irresolute, unreliable, capricious, changeful;
informed; antonyms (adj) inexperienced, naive, antonyms (adj) stable, steady, constant.
immature, 2. wise (akıllı, bilge); synonyms (adj) dengesizlik instability; synonyms (n) fickleness,
judicious, reasonable, sensible, intelligent, fluctuation, flightiness, unreliability, flux,
knowing, prudent, rational, sagacious, sound, changeability, inconstancy, unbalance, unrest,
discreet, shrewd, sane, discerning, thoughtful, (n) unstableness, vacillation, volatility, disorder,
method; antonyms (adj) foolish, unwise, stupid. imbalance, (adj) fugacity; antonyms (n) stability,
deneyimsiz 1. inexperienced; synonyms (adj) calm.
immature, naive, young, callow, raw, ignorant, deniz 1. sea; synonyms (n) ocean, water, waves, (adj)
new, unsophisticated, unexperienced, clumsy,
marine, maritime, array, nautical, seagoing, army,
strange, amateurish, awkward, inexpert, (v) green;
2. marine; synonyms (adj) saltwater, sea, aquatic,
antonyms (adj) experienced, trained, skilled,
(n) navy, bluejacket, galiongee, galionji,
sophisticated, 2. raw (ham); synonyms (adj) crude,
leatherneck, 3. maritime; synonym (v) seafaring,
fresh, bleak, coarse, cutting, piercing, sore, cold,
biting, chilly, inclement, inexperienced, naked, 4. drink (içmek); synonyms (n) beverage, alcohol,
keen, bitter; antonyms (adj) refined, cooked. brew, potion, swallow, crapulence, intoxicant, nip,
(v) draught, booze, carouse, bib, absorb, down,
deneysel 1. experimental; synonyms (adj) empirical,
tentative, scientific, observational, pilot, test, trial,
denizaltı submarine; synonyms (n) pigboat, sub,
2. empirical; synonyms (adj) empiric,
bomber, champion, chock, crampfish, cuneus,
experimental, observed, pragmatic, charlatanical,
fighter, grinder, (adj) subaqueous, undersea,
practical, experient, factual, pretentious,
underwater, subterranean, subterrene, deep.
provisional, quackish, speculative, transcendental,
(v) probationary; antonym (adj) theoretical.
denizcilik 1. navigation; synonyms (n) guidance,
sailing, steering, seafaring, shipping, travel, flight,
denge 1. equilibrium; synonyms (n) balance,
aviation, glide, gliding, pilotage, piloting, routing,
counterpoise, equipoise, poise, counterbalance,
sailplaning, soaring, 2. marine; synonyms (adj)
symmetry, steadiness, counterweight, equality, par;
maritime, nautical, saltwater, sea, aquatic, (n) navy,
antonym (n) disequilibrium, 2. balance
bluejacket, galiongee, galionji, leatherneck.
(dengelemek); synonyms (n) excess, remainder, denk 1. match (eş, kibrit); synonyms (n) equal,
account, complement, credit, parity, proportion, (v)
competition, couple, duplicate, (v) agree, mate,
adjust, offset, compensate, contrast, settle, audit,
meet, parallel, accord, correspond, harmonise,
level, match; antonyms (n) imbalance, (v)
harmonize, balance, fellow, fit; antonyms (v) clash,
unbalance, 3. stability; synonyms (n) constancy,
contradict, 2. equivalent (eşdeğer); synonyms
durability, firmness, permanence, equilibrium,
(adj) comparable, alike, analogous, even,
solidity, stableness, strength, endurance,
corresponding, identical, like, matching, same,
immovability, fixedness, resistance, responsibility; equipollent, commensurate, akin, (n) counterpart,
antonym (n) instability. match, (v) consideration; antonyms (adj) unlike, (n)
dengelemek 1. balance (denge); synonyms (n) poise, different, dissimilar, 3. equal (eşit); synonyms
symmetry, excess, remainder, account, (adj) adequate, balanced, equivalent, coordinate,
complement, counterpoise, credit, (v) fair, uniform, (v) compare, rival, equalize, equate,

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120 Turkish - English

represent, touch, (n) compeer, peer, associate; conduct, direct, function, go, hasten, hurry,
antonyms (adj) unequal, repressive, operate, (n) pass, campaign, drive, (adj) stream, 3.
disproportionate, inconsistent, uneven, (v) differ. valley (vadi); synonyms (n) ravine, dale, gully,
denklem equation; synonyms (n) equalization, vale, hollow, depression, gap, gorge; antonym (n)
formula, compensation, equality, equating, mount.
proportion, ratio, equivalence. derece 1. grade; synonyms (n) class, place, rank,
departman department (bölüm); synonyms (n) degree, order, brand, category, gradient, score,
bureau, compartment, area, agency, class, faculty, form, group, quality, (v) level, classify, evaluate, 2.
section, arm, branch, division, domain, field, line, degree; synonyms (n) extent, condition, title,
office, part. caliber, status, amount, caste, gradation, grade,
depo 1. store (ambar, depolamak, saklamak, height, measure, plane, point, rate, scale, 3. extent;
stok); synonyms (n) hoard, shop, market, business, synonyms (n) extension, amplitude, expanse, bulk,
emporium, heap, reserve, (v) stock, accumulate, compass, distance, boundary, breadth, dimension,
garner, amass, bank, cache, keep, preserve, 2. gauge, length, purview, quantity, reach, (v) area, 4.
depot; synonyms (n) store, depository, arsenal, step (adım, basamak); synonyms (n) stage, walk,
station, storehouse, warehouse, dump, entrepot, gait, act, footprint, footstep, move, stride, advance,
stockroom, stop, storage, storeroom, terminal, phase, procedure, process, (v) pace, proceeding,
terminus, 3. reservoir; synonyms (n) cistern, tread, 5. scale (ölçek); synonyms (n) flake, gamut,
fountain, well, lake, supply, tank, 4. tank; graduation, yardstick, chip, criterion, fur, pitch, (v)
synonyms (n) reservoir, container, cooler, belly, ascend, climb, mount, weigh, rise, peel, (adj)
boiler, fermentor, jail, stomach, tankful, thickener, balance; antonym (v) descend, 6. rank (sıra);
tub, cabinet, (v) fake, 5. storage (depolama); synonyms (n) range, file, line, post, arrangement,
synonyms (n) conservation, depot, memory, distinction, (adj) putrid, luxuriant, bad, egregious,
preservation, retention, accumulation, reposition, fetid, (v) arrange, position, array, estimate;
warehousing, 6. warehouse (ambar); synonyms antonym (adj) fresh, 7. level (düzey); synonyms
(n) godown, repository, promptuary, (v) magazine, (adj) even, equal, horizontal, (v) flat, flatten, floor,
7. magazine (dergi); synonyms (n) journal, aim, demolish, destroy, dismantle, raze, bulldoze,
cartridge, newspaper, periodical, book, clip, mag, direct, equalize, fell; antonyms (adj) inclined,
comic, monthly, pamphlet, weekly, repertory, slanting, angled, unequal, (v) uneven, build, raise,
review, daily. 8. measure (ölçmek, ölçü, önlem); synonyms
depolama storage; synonyms (n) conservation, depot, (n) beat, benchmark, measurement, meter,
memory, preservation, retention, stock, allotment, action, bill, dose, magnitude, portion,
accumulation, entrepot, store, reposition, time, (v) appraise, assess, fathom, (adj) mete, 9.
storehouse, warehousing. remove (kaldırmak); synonyms (v) oust, take,
depolamak store (ambar, depo, saklamak, stok); pull, eject, expel, deduct, discharge, strip, delete,
synonyms (n) hoard, shop, market, business, erase, evacuate, extract, abolish, get, (adj) clear;
emporium, heap, reserve, (v) stock, accumulate, antonyms (v) insert, install, 10. point (göstermek,
garner, amass, bank, cache, keep, preserve. nokta); synonyms (n) peak, nib, edge, article, dot,
depozito deposit (mevduat); synonyms (n) charge, mark, spot, apex, detail, end, hint, matter, moment,
residue, guarantee, heap, hoard, lees, (v) bank, tip, (v) head, 11. standard (standart); synonyms
commit, store, fix, lay, repose, cast, file, leave; (adj) model, normal, regular, accepted, classic,
antonym (v) withdraw. common, conventional, (n) average, flag, norm,
deprem shake; synonyms (v) beat, agitate, jar, example, pattern, prototype, canon, column;
brandish, disturb, excite, flutter, totter, wag, (n) antonyms (adj) unusual, unconventional, special,
tremble, jolt, quiver, wave, trembling, (adj) quake. 12. rate (oran); synonyms (n) price, worth, value,
depresyon depression (bunalım, çöküntü); percentage, charge, frequency, (v) appreciate,
synonyms (n) basin, cavity, dejection, decline, dent, compute, count, calculate, merit, put, esteem, prize,
dip, hole, hollow, impression, slump, trench, deserve.
trough, drop, recess, collapse; antonyms (n) derecelendirmek grade (derece); synonyms (n)
cheerfulness, happiness, boom, elation, class, place, rank, degree, order, brand, category,
encouragement, inflation, outcrop. gradient, score, form, group, quality, (v) level,
dere 1. stream (akım); synonyms (n) flow, brook, classify, evaluate.
river, run, spurt, (v) flood, crowd, gush, jet, pour, dergi 1. magazine; synonyms (n) journal, cartridge,
swarm, runnel, creek, (prep) current, course; newspaper, periodical, book, clip, entrepot, mag,
antonym (v) trickle, 2. run (çalıştırmak, comic, depository, arsenal, monthly, pamphlet,
koşmak); synonyms (v) rule, dash, race, career, weekly, (v) store, 2. journal (günlük); synonyms
(n) diary, magazine, ephemeris, chronicle, log,

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record, annals, calendar, organ, paper, review, domination, intensity, strength, (v) influence,
annual, (adj) daybook, daily, diurnal, 3. review might, dominion, faculty, capacity; antonyms (n)
(gözden geçirmek); synonyms (n) examination, powerlessness, helplessness, weakness.
critique, inspection, retrospect, commentary, dernek 1. association; synonyms (n) affiliation,
comment, parade, criticism, investigation, (v) check, alliance, connection, assembly, affinity, company,
survey, criticize, examine, inspect, judge. fellowship, link, partnership, society, syndicate,
derhal 1. immediately (hemen); synonyms (adv) congress, meeting, band, (v) assemblage, 2.
directly, forthwith, instantly, now, right, direct, fellowship; synonyms (n) brotherhood,
readily, instantaneously, presently, rapidly, community, companionship, communion,
incontinently, momentarily, summarily, exactly, familiarity, camaraderie, association, acquaintance,
(adj) instanter; antonyms (adv) later, slowly, 2. body, club, family, fraternity, corporation, (adj)
instantly; synonyms (adv) immediately, promptly, intercourse, intimacy, 3. club (kulüp, sinek);
outright, quickly, soon, straight, straightaway, synonyms (n) bat, circle, stick, baton, cudgel, gang,
suddenly; antonym (adv) eventually. group, guild, nightclub, order, truncheon, union, (v)
deri 1. skin (cilt, kabuk, post); synonyms (n) peel, beat, bludgeon, hit, 4. society; synonyms (n)
hide, coating, fur, hull, rind, shell, crust, institution, public, people, commonwealth, folk,
integument, pelt, (v) pare, bark, scrape, excoriate, friendship, gild, league, organization, party,
flay, 2. leather; synonyms (n) fleece, skin, civilization, fashion, gathering, firm, foundation, 5.
buckskin, fell, pigskin, (v) drub, thrash, thresh, hit, institution; synonyms (n) creation, establishment,
3. fell; synonyms (v) chop, cut, drop, floor, ax, institute, formation, asylum, founding, academy,
level, down, demolish, destroy, (adj) barbarous, custom, initiation, tradition, induction, practice,
cruel, prostrate, brutal, fierce, savage, 4. hide college, organisation, constitution, 6. league;
(gizlemek); synonyms (v) conceal, disguise, synonyms (n) coalition, confederacy, federation,
class, combination, confederation, cabal, bund,
obscure, bury, cloak, mask, shelter, ambush,
conference, conspiracy, (v) combine, confederate,
muffle, camouflage, (n) cover, coat, veil, cloud, (adj)
compact, unite, concur.
darken; antonyms (v) reveal, show, expose, express.
derin 1. deep; synonyms (adj) thick, profound, ders 1. subject (konu, özne); synonyms (n) matter,
citizen, affair, dependent, inferior, issue, motif,
absorbed, abstruse, broad, dark, rich, sound,
question, point, area, content, discipline, field, (adj)
strong, wide, esoteric, bright, large, abysmal, (v)
liable, exposed; antonym (adj) liberated, 2.
intense; antonyms (adj) shallow, superficial, high,
high-pitched, light, soft, weak, 2. profound;
example (örnek); synonyms (n) case, exemplar,
illustration, instance, lead, sample, design, guide,
synonyms (adj) deep, heavy, bottomless, important,
model, paradigm, pattern, precedent, prototype,
solid, grave, obscure, utter, complete, exhaustive,
archetype, piece, 3. lesson; synonyms (n) exercise,
intimate, recondite, shrewd, good, (n) impressive;
example, instruction, class, learning, message,
antonym (adj) trivial, 3. sound (ses); synonyms (n)
moral, reading, sermon, study, task, warning,
echo, peal, (v) ring, chime, fast, blow, (adj)
contraindication, (v) rebuke, 4. class (sınıf);
reasonable, healthy, fit, just, rational, right, sane,
synonyms (n) category, group, form, grade,
sensible, robust; antonyms (n) silence, (adj) illogical,
position, arrange, brand, department, kind, (v) sort,
unsound, confused.
place, rank, categorize, classify, order, 5. teaching;
derinlik depth; synonyms (n) abyss, deepness, synonyms (n) education, indoctrination, doctrine,
profoundness, intensity, profundity, abstruseness, pedagogy, precept, training, advice, edification,
wisdom, breadth, extent, height, strength, width, breeding, enlightenment, principle.
astuteness, draught, extremity.
derslik classroom; synonym (n) schoolroom.
derlem collection (koleksiyon, toplama); dert 1. trouble; synonyms (n) distress, bother, pain,
synonyms (n) accumulation, assembly, assortment,
anxiety, difficulty, (v) inconvenience, annoy,
bundle, gathering, set, bunch, cluster, compilation,
disorder, disquiet, worry, afflict, agitate, burden,
heap, mass, pile, variety, batch, (v) assemblage.
distract, disturb; antonyms (v) calm, please, 2.
derleme composition; synonyms (n) arrangement, sorrow (acı); synonyms (n) grief, mourning,
constitution, construction, texture, alloy, amalgam,
regret, sadness, anguish, contrition, heartache,
article, combination, composing, compost,
misery, penitence, remorse, repentance, heartbreak,
compound, compromise, harmony, makeup,
(v) mourn, lament, grieve; antonyms (n) joy, delight,
happiness, 3. complaint; synonyms (n) accusation,
derman 1. remedy (ilaç); synonyms (n) cure, redress,
ailment, charge, affection, disease, ill, illness, plaint,
medicine, drug, relief, antidote, curative, (v) heal,
protest, sickness, wail, whine, claim, quarrel,
help, amend, rectify, correct, relieve, aid, doctor, 2.
trouble, 4. cross (haç); synonyms (n) crisscross,
power (güç, iktidar); synonyms (n) force, ability, affliction, (v) intersect, baffle, cover, thwart, (adj)
potency, authority, control, energy, agency,

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122 Turkish - English

crabbed, crabby, angry, cantankerous, grouchy, brace, encourage, maintain, bear, boost; antonyms
grumpy, traverse, cranky, annoyed; antonyms (v) (n) hindrance, (v) oppose, neglect, undermine,
uncross, (adj) good-tempered, 5. grief (acı, keder); abandon, reject, weaken, 2. backing; synonyms (n)
synonyms (n) dolor, agony, wound, chagrin, support, approval, assistance, encouragement,
concern, pity, bitterness, dejection, desolation, endorsement, accompaniment, championship,
gloom, melancholy, sorrow, woe, disappointment, promotion, sanction, sponsorship, sustenance,
(adj) sore, 6. trial (deneme); synonyms (n) test, funding, funds, investment, 3. staff (asa);
examination, experiment, essay, hardship, hearing, synonyms (n) cane, club, post, employees, faculty,
adversity, audition, attempt, effort, endeavor, personnel, rod, mace, baton, stave, court, scepter,
proof, assay, misfortune, (adj) experimental, 7. board, (v) crutch, stick, 4. assistance (yardım);
worry (üzülmek); synonyms (v) torment, tease, synonyms (n) relief, backing, charity, hand, remedy,
care, fear, molest, vex, fret, harry, mind, (n) harass, service, advantage, lift, second, benefit,
fuss, annoyance, apprehension, hassle, (adj) irritate; collaboration, cooperation, favor, (v) succor, 5.
antonyms (v) soothe, reassure, (n) calmness, cooperation; synonyms (n) concurrence,
reassurance. association, teamwork, partnership, alliance;
derya sea (deniz); synonyms (n) ocean, water, waves, antonyms (n) stubbornness, competition,
(adj) marine, maritime, array, nautical, seagoing, confrontation, rivalry, 6. boost; synonyms (n)
army. jump, push, (v) advance, advertise, amplify,
deşarj discharge (boşaltmak); synonyms (n) release, augment, hike, increase, promote, raise, thrust,
dismissal, drain, (v) acquit, clear, absolve, complete, bolster, elevate, enhance, enlarge; antonyms (n)
deliver, eject, cashier, burst, blast, bounce, disappointment, (v) decrease, knock, drop, 7.
detonate, disgorge; antonyms (v) capture, hire. shore; synonyms (n) bank, coast, beach, edge, land,
desen 1. pattern; synonyms (n) model, design, buttress, seashore, seaside, stay, margin, border,
fashion, form, mold, shape, example, figure, norm, riverside, coastline, shoreline, shoring; antonym (n)
order, paragon, cast, arrangement, configuration, interior, 8. rest (dinlenme); synonyms (n)
(v) mould, 2. design (proje, tasarlamak); remnant, repose, balance, pause, recess, relaxation,
synonyms (n) aim, purpose, scheme, conception, residue, leisure, break, (v) nap, remain, sleep, ease,
drawing, device, idea, intent, contrivance, copy, (v) lie, (adj) remainder; antonym (v) work, 9. stay
plan, conceive, contrive, sketch, construct; (kalma, kalmak); synonyms (v) reside, rest, stop,
antonym (n) chance, 3. line (çizgi, hat); synonyms abide, continue, endure, arrest, bide, dwell, linger,
(n) cord, file, house, breed, course, family, lineage, (n) delay, halt, check, (adj) cease, inhabit; antonyms
field, ancestry, border, boundary, cable, crease, (v) leave, change, abscond, depart, 10.
row, stock. sponsorship; synonyms (n) sponsor, auspices,
desinatör designer; synonyms (n) architect, sponsion, benefaction, business, cosponsor,
couturier, creator, drawer, engineer, inventor, devotion, economics, membership, money, start,
maker, decorator, (v) artist, projector; antonym (adj) bias, guidance.
off-the-rack. destekleme 1. backing; synonyms (n) aid, patronage,
deşmek probe (sonda); synonyms (n) investigation, support, approval, assistance, encouragement,
inquiry, research, plumb, exploration, (v) examine, endorsement, accompaniment, assist,
examination, explore, inspect, fathom, investigate, championship, help, promotion, sanction,
search, check, inquire, penetrate. sponsorship, sustenance, 2. support (dayanak,
deste 1. deck; synonyms (v) adorn, beautify, clothe, destek, desteklemek); synonyms (n) stand, keep,
embellish, floor, array, bedeck, ornament, attire, comfort, maintenance, (v) prop, back, brace,
bedight, decorate, dress, garnish, grace, trim, 2. encourage, maintain, bear, boost, carry, confirm,
bunch (grup, salkım); synonyms (n) cluster, corroborate, defend; antonyms (n) hindrance, (v)
clump, crowd, batch, band, gang, group, lot, troop, oppose, neglect, undermine, abandon, reject,
horde, bulge, herd, (v) bundle, huddle, pack; weaken.
antonym (v) disperse, 3. bundle; synonyms (n) desteklemek 1. support (dayanak, destek);
pile, sheaf, heap, load, package, packet, parcel, synonyms (n) help, stand, aid, keep, comfort,
stack, wad, set, collection, mass, mint, mound, (v) maintenance, patronage, (v) assist, prop, back,
bunch, 4. pack (paket, paketlemek); synonyms brace, encourage, maintain, bear, boost; antonyms
(n) mob, bevy, company, backpack, box, knapsack, (n) hindrance, (v) oppose, neglect, undermine,
bag, flock, (v) compress, cram, fill, jam, carry, abandon, reject, weaken, 2. assist; synonyms (v)
compact, crush; antonym (v) unpack. support, abet, serve, contribute, attend, avail,
destek 1. support (dayanak, desteklemek); expedite, facilitate, relieve, succor, sustain,
synonyms (n) help, stand, aid, keep, comfort, alleviate, ease, (n) assistance, (adj) second; antonym
maintenance, patronage, (v) assist, prop, back, (v) hinder, 3. strengthen; synonyms (v)

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consolidate, confirm, corroborate, enhance, fortify, permanent (kalıcı); synonyms (adj) durable,
intensify, invigorate, bolster, buttress, harden, lasting, fast, perennial, enduring, immutable,
increase, stiffen, toughen, reenforce, cheer, 4. indelible, abiding, continuing, immortal, standing,
champion; synonyms (n) advocate, backer, stationary, unchangeable, (v) continuous, (n) perm;
partisan, ace, fighter, hero, champ, defender, antonyms (adj) fleeting, brief, impermanent,
exponent, paladin, patron, protagonist, supporter, provisional, transitory, fragile, superficial, 4.
(v) defend, uphold. continual; synonyms (adj) frequent, permanent,
destekleyici champion; synonyms (n) advocate, persistent, unrelenting, nonstop, repeated,
backer, partisan, ace, fighter, hero, champ, unceasing, 5. standing; synonyms (v) stand, post,
defender, exponent, paladin, patron, (v) defend, (n) rank, fame, importance, position, prestige, place,
support, back, maintain; antonym (v) oppose. reputation, footing, attitude, class, (adj) erect,
detay detail (ayrıntı); synonyms (n) report, point, motionless, continuance.
feature, item, circumstance, (v) describe, enumerate, devamlılık continuity (süreklilik); synonyms (n)
relate, appoint, assign, cast, itemize, recite, specify, continuation, coherence, continuance, duration,
define; antonym (n) generalization. persistence, concatenation, sequence, perseverance,
detektör detector; synonyms (n) demodulator, run, series, chain, constancy, continency, course,
sensor, detecter, selector. flow; antonym (n) discontinuity.
dev 1. giant; synonyms (adj) colossal, gargantuan, deveran 1. circulation (dolaşım); synonyms (n)
gigantic, jumbo, elephantine, enormous, huge, dissemination, diffusion, distribution, currency,
immense, large, mammoth, vast, (n) monster, delivery, dispersal, dispersion, gyration,
behemoth, colossus, ogre; antonyms (adj) small, revolution, rotation, round, spread, spreading,
tiny, miniature, 2. monster; synonyms (n) giant, turn, airing, 2. rotation (dönme); synonyms (n)
beast, brute, demon, devil, fiend, freak, roll, circulation, curl, cycle, wheel, orbit, sequence,
monstrosity, prodigy, chimera, mutant, (adj) bout.
stupendous, massive, bizarrerie, eccentricity. devimbilim dynamics (dinamik); synonyms (n)
deva remedy (ilaç); synonyms (n) cure, redress, kinetics, motion, (v) statics.
medicine, drug, relief, antidote, curative, (v) heal, devingen 1. dynamic (dinamik); synonyms (adj)
help, amend, rectify, correct, relieve, aid, doctor. active, aggressive, dynamical, energetic, forceful,
devalüasyon devaluation; synonyms (n) depression, powerful, vigorous, lusty, animated, vibrant,
deterioration. driving, efficient, enthusiastic, live, mighty;
devam 1. continuation; synonyms (n) continuance, antonyms (adj) dull, static, 2. mobile; synonyms
sequel, resumption, maintenance, elongation, (adj) changeable, fluid, unsettled, mercurial,

postscript, duration, extension, supplement; expressive, lively, migrant, motile, erratic, flying,
nomadic, peregrine, roving, (v) movable, shifting;
antonyms (n) discontinuance, end, 2. continue
antonyms (adj) immobile, impassive, motionless.
(sürdürmek); synonyms (v) abide, remain,
endure, keep, persevere, sustain, bide, be, extend, devingenlik mobility; synonyms (n) movableness,
last, maintain, persist, preserve, (n) hold, (adj) motion, movement, (adj) versatility.
prolong; antonyms (v) stop, cease, discontinue, 3. devinim motion (hareket); synonyms (n) gesture,
attendance; synonyms (n) presence, attending, action, movement, wave, exercise, gesticulation,
audience, turnout, hearing, tendance, attendancy, play, passage, application, move, question, (v) sign,
bodyguard, crowd, gallery, tendment, assemblage, beckon, gesticulate, signal.
assembly, congregation, draw; antonyms (n) devinirlik momentum; synonyms (n) impetus,
absence, nonattendance, 4. resume; synonyms (v) impulse, force, drive, impulsion, pace, thrust,
recover, continue, regain, restart, summarize, velocity, moment, power, propulsion, speed,
outline, revert, adopt, renew, (n) digest, synopsis, progress; antonym (n) inertia.
abstract, summary, epitome, recapitulation. devir 1. period (dönem, nokta); synonyms (n) age,
devamlı 1. continuous (sürekli); synonyms (adj) dot, epoch, era, point, duration, generation, day,
constant, continual, ceaseless, endless, perpetual, conclusion, cycle, interval, length, menstruation,
running, chronic, consecutive, continued, eternal, stage, time, 2. era (çağ); synonyms (n) period,
everlasting, incessant, unbroken, unending, date, style, 3. turnover; synonyms (n) overturn,
uninterrupted; antonyms (adj) intermittent, revolution, sales, upset, pastry, change, overthrow,
temporary, discontinuous, sporadic, 2. steady; proceeds, derangement, disorder, disturbance,
synonyms (adj) firm, even, secure, fixed, resolute, earnings, flapjack, income, (v) harrow, 4. transfer
stable, cool, sedate, settled, consistent, certain, (v) (aktarma, aktarmak); synonyms (n) conveyance,
steadfast, calm, regular, brace; antonyms (adj) assignment, (v) convey, carry, remove, shift,
unsteady, shaky, wobbly, unreliable, 3. exchange, send, transmit, transport, commit,
consign, deliver, give, interchange; antonyms (v)

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124 Turkish - English

hold, keep, 5. revolution (devrim); synonyms (n) carry, change, remove, shift, exchange, send,
gyration, insurrection, mutiny, rebellion, revolt, transmit, transport, commit, consign, deliver, give;
rotation, turn, alteration, coup, circle, circulation, antonyms (v) hold, keep, 2. circuit (çevrim,
roll, round, spin, (v) circuit, 6. assignment; devre); synonyms (n) beat, area, excursion,
synonyms (n) allocation, allotment, appointment, compass, cycle, district, loop, perimeter, periphery,
assigning, mission, apportionment, stint, round, route, (v) circle, tour, trip, journey.
assignation, business, chore, charge, commission, devrilme upset; synonyms (v) overturn, agitate,
consignment, designation, duty, 7. cycle disquiet, overthrow, bother, confuse, disturb,
(bisiklet); synonyms (n) bicycle, ring, sequence, perturb, reverse, (adj) unsettled, hurt, (n) disorder,
bout, beat, run, orbit, rhythm, series, drive, hertz, trouble, distress, disturbance; antonyms (v) calm,
(v) bike, motorcycle, wheel, pedal, 8. circulation please, encourage, soothe, (adj) pleased, confident.
(dolaşım); synonyms (n) dissemination, diffusion, devrilmek upset; synonyms (v) overturn, agitate,
distribution, currency, delivery, dispersal, disquiet, overthrow, bother, confuse, disturb,
dispersion, spread, spreading, airing, 9. time perturb, reverse, (adj) unsettled, hurt, (n) disorder,
(saat, süre, zaman); synonyms (n) hour, moment, trouble, distress, disturbance; antonyms (v) calm,
measure, season, spell, instant, space, tempo, please, encourage, soothe, (adj) pleased, confident.
sentence, occasion, course, juncture, (v) clock, devrilmiş upset; synonyms (v) overturn, agitate,
regulate, schedule; antonym (n) death, 10. disquiet, overthrow, bother, confuse, disturb,
rotation (dönme); synonym (n) curl. perturb, reverse, (adj) unsettled, hurt, (n) disorder,
devirli periodic (periyodik); synonyms (adj) trouble, distress, disturbance; antonyms (v) calm,
intermittent, regular, periodical, recurrent, please, encourage, soothe, (adj) pleased, confident.
frequent, alternate, recurring, routine, spasmodic, devrim revolution; synonyms (n) change, gyration,
alternating, daily, fitful, infrequent, irregular, odd. insurrection, mutiny, rebellion, revolt, rotation,
devirme upset; synonyms (v) overturn, agitate, turn, alteration, cycle, coup, circle, circulation, (v)
disquiet, overthrow, bother, confuse, disturb, circuit, (adj) disturbance.
perturb, reverse, (adj) unsettled, hurt, (n) disorder, devrimci revolutionary; synonyms (adj) radical,
trouble, distress, disturbance; antonyms (v) calm, mutineer, rebellious, mutinous, fanatic, lawless,
please, encourage, soothe, (adj) pleased, confident. militant, (n) insurgent, rebel, extremist,
devirmek 1. upset; synonyms (v) overturn, agitate, insurrectionist, revolutionist, subversive, activist,
disquiet, overthrow, bother, confuse, disturb, anarchist; antonym (adj) old-fashioned.
perturb, reverse, (adj) unsettled, hurt, (n) disorder, devriye patrol; synonyms (n) beat, protection,
trouble, distress, disturbance; antonyms (v) calm, patrolman, scout, sentinel, spy, detachment, force,
please, encourage, soothe, (adj) pleased, confident, (v) watch, guard, prowl.
2. down (aşağı); synonyms (adv) below, (adj) cut, deyim 1. expression (anlatım, ifade); synonyms (n)
dejected, depressed, downward, despondent, diction, phrase, voice, appearance, aspect,
dispirited, downcast, downhearted, (n) feather, fur, declaration, demonstration, manifestation,
fuzz, (v) consume, devour, drink; antonyms (adv) articulation, express, countenance, face, idiom,
up, (adj) cheerful, happy, upward. indication, language; antonym (n) repression, 2.
devlet 1. state (durum, eyalet); synonyms (n) statement; synonyms (n) account, affirmation,
nation, position, say, country, kingdom, show, announcement, communication, instruction,
place, (v) declare, expound, express, mention, assertion, command, description, proposition,
affirm, allege, announce, (adj) national; antonyms enunciation, profession, argument, avowal, bill,
(v) deny, (adj) private, 2. government (hükümet, expression; antonym (n) denial, 3. phrase;
yönetim); synonyms (n) administration, authority, synonyms (n) word, locution, passage, parlance, (v)
control, direction, command, dominion, formulate, couch, articulate, put, enunciate.
governance, cabinet, authorities, governing, dezavantaj disadvantage; synonyms (n)
guidance, (adj) empire, rule, (v) conduct, deprivation, inconvenience, limitation, loss,
management. damage, detriment, failing, fault, flaw, harm, hurt,
devre 1. circuit (çevrim); synonyms (n) beat, area, liability, snag, awkwardness, penalty; antonyms (n)
excursion, compass, cycle, district, loop, perimeter, benefit, bonus, value, (v) advantage.
periphery, round, route, (v) circle, tour, trip, diferansiyel differential; synonyms (adj) integral,
journey, 2. period (devir, dönem, nokta); different, totitive, exponential, logarithmic, (n)
synonyms (n) age, dot, epoch, era, point, duration, derivative, difference, distinction, fluxion, fluent,
generation, day, conclusion, interval, length, children, descendants, determination, earmark,
menstruation, stage, time, mark. feature.
devretmek 1. transfer (aktarma, aktarmak); diğer 1. other (başka); synonyms (adj) additional,
synonyms (n) conveyance, assignment, (v) convey, another, different, extra, further, more, new,

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second, distinct, dissimilar, fresh, else, opposite, synonyms (n) advertisement, declaration,
added; antonym (adj) same, 2. alternative information, message, (v) note, look, attend, detect,
(alternatif, seçenek); synonyms (adj) alternate, discover, distinguish, find, mark, regard, remark,
alternating, variant, (n) option, choice, preference, see; antonym (v) ignore, 4. caution; synonyms (n)
selection, substitute, variation. advice, carefulness, precaution, vigilance, wariness,
dijital digital; synonyms (adj) numeric, (n) computer. warning, admonition, caveat, circumspection,
counsel, forethought, prudence, (v) warn,
dik 1. steep; synonyms (adj) high, abrupt, excessive,
admonish, advise, 5. note (not, not etmek);
exorbitant, outrageous, sheer, (v) douse, immerse,
synonyms (n) comment, mention, annotation,
soak, dip, drench, imbue, infuse, saturate,
indication, bill, distinction, epistle, letter,
impregnate; antonyms (adj) gentle, gradual, 2.
memorandum, report, importance, line, (v) record,
upright; synonyms (adj) perpendicular, straight, discern, label, 6. regard (bakmak); synonyms (v)
erect, vertical, fair, good, just, righteous, honest,
estimate, account, believe, consider, count, hold,
honorable, plumb, right, true, virtuous, pure; observe, reckon, appreciate, (n) respect, esteem,
antonyms (adv) horizontally, (adj) disreputable, deference, value, admiration, estimation; antonym
prone, upturned, degenerate, hanging,
(n) disrespect.
unwholesome, 3. rapid; synonyms (adj) fast, quick,
dikkatli 1. careful; synonyms (adj) accurate, attentive,
prompt, swift, agile, fleet, hasty, speedy, cursory,
thrifty, alert, deliberate, economical, frugal,
expeditious, sudden, nimble, winged, express,
mindful, prudent, thoughtful, assiduous, aware,
hurried; antonym (adj) slow, 4. right (doğru,
cagey, cautious, (v) anxious; antonyms (adj) careless,
sağ); synonyms (adj) correct, appropriate, due,
reckless, slapdash, neglectful, 2. cautious;
proper, decent, even, perfect, accurate, exact,
synonyms (adj) careful, conservative, guarded,
faithful, fit, reasonable, (n) privilege, law, (v) rectify;
watchful, chary, circumspect, discreet, judicious,
antonyms (adj) inappropriate, unjustified, immoral,
provident, reserved, shy, wary, moderate, canny,
incorrect, (n) left, (v) wrong.
tactful; antonyms (adj) rash, impetuous, impulsive,
dikeç column (kolon, sütun); synonyms (n) pillar, open, incautious, irresponsible, wasteful, 3. intent
procession, row, stanchion, file, line, obelisk, post,
(amaç, niyet); synonyms (adj) absorbed,
prop, support, series, monolith, buttress, (adj)
engrossed, earnest, bent, (n) aim, idea, design,
tower, minaret.
intention, goal, import, meaning, purpose, spirit,
diken spine (omurga); synonyms (n) backbone, drift, end, 4. strict; synonyms (adj) rigid, severe,
thorn, point, prickle, quill, spike, back, barb, rachis,
stern, correct, austere, harsh, precise, rigorous,
pricker, ridge, spur, sticker. scrupulous, exacting, hard, inflexible, stiff, (v) exact,
dikey 1. vertical (düşey); synonyms (adj) upright, close; antonyms (adj) lenient, free, lax, flexible,
perpendicular, straight, erect, sheer, standing, imprecise, negligent, relaxed, 5. thoughtful;
plumb, unbowed; antonyms (adj) horizontal, prone, synonyms (adj) considerate, serious, kind, solemn,
2. portrait; synonyms (n) effigy, image, icon, courteous, heedful, pensive, sensible, grave, caring,
likeness, delineation, depiction, figure, painting, gentle, reflective, sensitive, solicitous, studious;
photograph, picture, portraiture, portrayal, antonyms (adj) inconsiderate, thoughtless, heedless.
characterization, 3. upright; synonyms (adj)
dikkatsiz careless; synonyms (adj) inconsiderate,
vertical, fair, good, just, righteous, honest,
cursory, forgetful, haphazard, inattentive,
honorable, right, true, virtuous, pure, clean, moral,
insouciant, reckless, hasty, imprudent, inadvertent,
noble, (n) column; antonyms (adv) horizontally, (adj) incautious, lax, listless, (v) heedless, (adv)
disreputable, upturned, degenerate, hanging, thoughtless; antonyms (adj) careful, cautious,
unwholesome. prudent, attentive, diligent, meticulous, thorough,
dikiş stitch; synonyms (n) twinge, pang, cramp, (v) thoughtful, guarded, methodical, strict, wary.
sew, seam, baste, crick, embroider, suture, tack, dikkatsizlik negligence; synonyms (n) neglect,
articulation, commissure, gore, gusset, (adj) tie; carelessness, disregard, inattention, indifference,
antonym (v) unpick. heedlessness, neglectfulness, inattentiveness,
dikkat 1. attention; synonyms (n) mind, aid, recklessness; antonym (n) attention.
alertness, care, consideration, heed, notice, dikmek 1. rear; synonyms (adj) back, erect, after, (n)
attentiveness, caution, concentration, deliberation, posterior, tail, backside, behind, bottom, (v) breed,
diligence, ear, nursing, observation; antonyms (n) nurture, raise, educate, foster, nurse, build;
inattention, neglect, 2. care; synonyms (n) antonyms (adj) fore, (n) front, 2. plant (bitki);
attention, bother, concern, apprehension, custody, synonyms (n) manufactory, equipment, factory,
keep, maintenance, worry, attendance, affection, herb, mill, (v) fix, place, embed, graft, set,
burden, fear, (v) anxiety, charge, administer; constitute, establish, found, lay, bury, 3. raise
antonyms (n) carelessness, recklessness, rashness, (toplamak, yükseltmek); synonyms (v) boost,
thoughtlessness, (v) disregard, 3. notice;

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lift, hoist, increase, elevate, enhance, grow, shape; antonyms (v) increase, lengthen, (n) addition,
promote, prefer, augment, cultivate, exalt, excite, extension.
heave, (n) advance; antonym (v) lower. dilimlemek 1. cut (kesmek); synonyms (v) carve,
dil 1. language (lisan); synonyms (n) dialect, chop, clip, abbreviate, abridge, bite, condense, crop,
expression, speech, diction, idiom, lingo, tongue, drop, fashion, (n) notch, slice, cutting, nick, blow;
conversation, jargon, terminology, vernacular, antonyms (v) increase, lengthen, (n) addition,
voice, word, words, address, 2. tongue; synonyms extension, 2. slice (dilim); synonyms (n) share,
(n) language, lingua, clapper, glossa, talk, knife, part, section, bit, chip, gash, morsel, piece, slab,
palate, parlance, spit, (v) lick, (adj) flippancy, chunk, portion, scrap, (v) cut, slash, lacerate.
flowing, fluency, 3. speech (konuşma, söylev);
dilsiz dumb; synonyms (adj) mute, dense, dim, dull,
synonyms (n) delivery, lecture, discourse, sermon,
silent, speechless, inarticulate, obtuse, slow, stupid,
communication, discussion, elocution, converse,
idiotic, quiet, taciturn, thick, voiceless.
harangue, oration, articulation, pronunciation, (v)
say, saying, speak.
dimdik sheer; synonyms (adj) absolute, pure, mere,
bold, diaphanous, filmy, gauzy, gossamer, simple,
dilbilgisi grammar; synonyms (n) rudiments,
steep, transparent, regular, (n) complete, perfect,
elements, praxis, punctuation, outlines, (v)
entire; antonyms (adj) gentle, thick.
din 1. religion; synonyms (n) piety, creed, faith, cult,
dilbilim linguistics; synonyms (n) glossology,
denomination, sect, church, devotion, holiness,
philology, glossary, glottology.
persuasion, 2. faith (güven); synonyms (n)
dilbilimsel linguistic; synonym (adj) lingual. confidence, belief, conviction, trust, credence,
dilek 1. desire (arzu, arzu etmek); synonyms (n) credit, assurance, allegiance, dependence,
ambition, hope, aspiration, will, wish, craving, expectation, fidelity, hope, reliance, religion,
dream, impulse, (v) fancy, aspire, seek, want, aim, constancy; antonym (n) unbelief.
choose, crave; antonyms (n) aversion, reality, (v) dinamik 1. dynamic (devingen); synonyms (adj)
dislike, hate, 2. wish (arzu); synonyms (v) desire, active, aggressive, dynamical, energetic, forceful,
like, please, bid, care, prefer, intend, (n) need, powerful, vigorous, lusty, animated, vibrant,
inclination, longing, pleasure, purpose, mind, driving, efficient, enthusiastic, live, mighty;
request, urge, 3. will (arzu); synonyms (v) antonyms (adj) dull, static, 2. dynamics; synonyms
bequeath, devise, leave, shall, give, spirit, (n) (n) kinetics, motion, (v) statics.
volition, command, determination, resolve, intent,
dinç 1. vigorous; synonyms (adj) robust, strong,
courage, liking, testament, choice, 4. request
energetic, hardy, lively, powerful, strenuous,
(istek); synonyms (n) petition, prayer, application, active, athletic, hearty, mighty, healthy, smart, (n)
claim, entreaty, invitation, (v) demand, ask, invite, brave, (v) brisk; antonyms (adj) feeble, lethargic,
order, pray, appeal, beg, call, entreat.
weak, dull, unenergetic, 2. fresh (taze); synonyms
dilekçe petition; synonyms (n) appeal, application, (adj) bracing, clean, novel, bright, original, recent,
entreaty, invocation, asking, (v) demand, ask, airy, bold, alive, chilly, cool, forward, green, pure,
request, desire, beg, claim, crave, apply, entreat, (adv) new; antonyms (adj) old, stale, decayed,
invite. exhausted, hot, humid, muggy, musty, off,
dilemek 1. beg (dilenmek); synonyms (v) adjure, oppressive, rotten, tired, worn, dry, sweltering, 3.
ask, appeal, entreat, implore, cadge, crave, desire, youthful (genç); synonyms (adj) young,
importune, plead, pray, request, require, solicit,
immature, fresh, juvenile, adolescent, vernal,
supplicate, 2. wish (arzu); synonyms (v) hope,
childish, tender, beardless; antonym (adj) adult.
like, aspiration, choose, please, bid, (n) want, need,
dindar religious; synonyms (adj) pious, devout,
inclination, longing, aim, pleasure, purpose,
divine, sacred, devoted, godly, holy, saintly,
ambition, (adv) will; antonyms (v) dislike, hate.
scrupulous, ghostly, solemn, spiritual, strict, (n)
dilenmek beg; synonyms (v) adjure, ask, appeal, monk, (v) earnest; antonym (adj) secular.
entreat, implore, cadge, crave, desire, importune,
dindirmek ease (rahat); synonyms (n) comfort,
plead, pray, request, require, solicit, supplicate.
convenience, rest, aid, leisure, relief, repose,
dilim 1. slice; synonyms (n) share, part, section, bit, satisfaction, (v) alleviate, assuage, relieve, allay,
chip, gash, morsel, piece, slab, chunk, portion, (v) facilitate, relax, (adj) smooth; antonyms (n)
cut, slash, carve, lacerate, 2. segment (kesim, difficulty, discomfort, awkwardness, formality, (v)
parça); synonyms (n) division, paragraph, slice, aggravate, worsen.
proportion, length, sector, subdivision, metamere, dingil shaft; synonyms (n) arrow, handle, axis, beam,
parcel, block, strip, department, chapter, (v) divide,
pit, dart, pillar, axle, bar, lance, mine, post, ray,
partition, 3. cut (kesmek); synonyms (v) chop,
well, (v) cheat.
clip, abbreviate, abridge, bite, condense, crop, drop,
dingin calm; synonyms (adj) quiet, peaceful, tranquil,
fashion, reduce, (n) notch, cutting, nick, blow,
(v) assuage, appease, cool, still, allay, pacify, easy,

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moderate, mollify, steady, (n) lull, equanimity; celestial, heavenly, sacrosanct, sublime, venerable,
antonyms (adj) agitated, angry, nervous, stormy, biblical, (v) majestic, imposing; antonym (adj)
wild, annoyed, anxious, enraged, frantic, profane.
frightened, intense, irritable, (v) agitate, upset, (n) dip 1. bottom (alt, kıç); synonyms (n) base, basis,
agitation. backside, bed, behind, foot, footing, back, arse, ass,
dini 1. ecclesiastical; synonyms (adj) ecclesiastic, bum, butt, buttocks, craft, floor; antonyms (n) top,
spiritual, ecclesiological, churchly, clerical, divine, pinnacle, (adj) highest, 2. foot (ayak); synonyms
ministerial, beneficent, civilized, ecclesial, pious, (n) bottom, feet, foundation, measure, paw, pes, ft,
religious, theological, gentle, holy, 2. religious; groundwork, infantry, meter, substructure,
synonyms (adj) devout, sacred, devoted, godly, assonance, (v) hoof, pay, hand, 3. base (alçak,
saintly, scrupulous, ghostly, solemn, strict, pure, (n) baz, taban, temel, üs); synonyms (n) leg, stand,
monk, (v) earnest; antonym (adj) secular. (adj) abject, mean, dishonorable, ignoble, low, vile,
dinleme 1. monitoring; synonym (n) observation, 2. bad, contemptible, despicable, foul, infamous, (v)
listening; synonyms (n) hearing, audition, ground, found; antonyms (n) summit, (adj) noble.
audience, earshot, earreach, (adj) attentive, audient. diploma certificate; synonyms (n) bond, diploma,
dinlemek 1. listen; synonyms (v) hark, hear, attend, certification, credential, credentials, document,
hearken, heed, harken, list, mind, concentrate, license, testimonial, warrant, authentication, deed,
incline, 2. monitor (izlemek, monitör); docket, bill, (v) certify, sanction.
synonyms (v) check, regulate, control, eavesdrop, diplomasi diplomacy; synonyms (n) finesse, tact,
observe, supervise, (n) admonisher, dame, ironclad, delicacy, politics, diplomatics, statecraft.
moderator, 3. hear (duymak); synonyms (v) diplomatik diplomatic; synonyms (adj) tactful,
discover, apprehend, understand, catch, examine, careful, delicate, discreet, politic, suave, thoughtful,
learn, listen, overhear, see, try, find, get, strategic; antonyms (adj) tactless, undiplomatic.
comprehend, gather, judge.
direk 1. beam (ışın, kiriş); synonyms (n) blaze, glow,
dinlendirmek rest (dinlenme); synonyms (n) ray, timber, flash, joist, light, (v) glare, air,
remnant, repose, balance, pause, recess, relaxation, broadcast, gleam, grin, radiate, smile, (adj) shine, 2.
residue, leisure, break, (v) nap, remain, sleep, ease,
pole (kutup); synonyms (n) perch, bar, picket,
lie, (adj) remainder; antonym (v) work.
post, rod, support, terminal, axle, beam, axis,
dinlenme 1. rest; synonyms (n) remnant, repose, extremity, pin, baton, column, pillar, 3. column
balance, pause, recess, relaxation, residue, leisure,
(kolon, sütun); synonyms (n) procession, row,
break, (v) nap, remain, sleep, ease, lie, (adj)
stanchion, file, line, obelisk, prop, series, monolith,
remainder; antonym (v) work, 2. relaxation
buttress, article, convoy, editorial, (adj) tower,
(gevşeme); synonyms (n) diversion, amusement, minaret, 4. post (posta); synonyms (n) place,
pastime, entertainment, recreation, rest, comfort,
function, office, position, stake, attitude, berth, job,
quiet, remission, respite, peace, hobby, relax,
(v) mail, locate, base, enter, lay, seat, send.
abatement, breather, 3. recreation; synonyms (n)
direksiyon wheel (çark, Teker, tekerlek);
distraction, play, merriment, fun, game, sport,
synonyms (n) circle, cycle, bicycle, gear, handwheel,
pleasure, refreshment, athletics, interest,
rack, (v) roll, revolve, turn, bike, spin, trundle,
gyrate, rotate, twirl.
dinlenmek 1. relax; synonyms (v) loose, abate, give,
direkt direct (dolaysız, yönlendirmek); synonyms
lounge, unbend, melt, debilitate, ease, relieve,
(adj) straight, blunt, immediate, (v) aim, channel,
remit, rest, slack, (n) loosen, release, (adj) relent;
conduct, address, charge, control, dictate, head,
antonyms (v) tighten, tense, 2. rest (dinlenme);
administer, guide, lead, (n) command; antonyms
synonyms (n) remnant, repose, balance, pause,
(adj) indirect, roundabout, circuitous, oblique,
recess, relaxation, residue, leisure, break, (v) nap,
second-hand, sideways, unplanned, (v) request.
remain, sleep, lie, perch, (adj) remainder; antonym
direktif 1. directive (yönerge); synonyms (n)
(v) work.
decree, direction, edict, instruction, order, ruling,
dinleyiciler audience; synonyms (n) hearing, rule, pronouncement, bylaw, command, injunction,
interview, attendance, house, meeting, turnout, law, (adj) directing, directional, guiding, 2.
audition, congregation, crowd, following, public,
instruction (talimat, yönerge); synonyms (n)
spectators, (v) auditory.
charge, advice, counsel, education, guidance,
dinsel 1. religious; synonyms (adj) pious, devout, guideline, information, prescription, teaching,
divine, sacred, devoted, godly, holy, saintly, bidding, commission, doctrine, drill, edification,
scrupulous, ghostly, solemn, spiritual, strict, (n) lecture.
monk, (v) earnest; antonym (adj) secular, 2. sacred
direktör director (müdür, yönetici); synonyms (n)
(kutsal); synonyms (adj) hallowed, consecrated, commander, manager, administrator, boss, chief,
dedicated, religious, blessed, inviolable, consecrate,

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superintendent, chairman, coach, controller, guide, dış 1. outside; synonyms (adj) external, out, outdoor,
head, leader, master, principal, (v) conductor. foreign, extraneous, outer, away, outward, remote,
direnç resistance; synonyms (n) opposition, slight, surface, distant, (adv) outdoors, alfresco, (n)
endurance, friction, immunity, impedance, exterior; antonyms (prep) inside, in, (adj) indoor,
obstacle, renitency, confrontation, reluctance, internal, (adv) indoors, 2. external; synonyms (adj)
stamina, dissent, backlash, (v) rebellion, outside, extrinsic, outlying, peripheral, superficial,
interference, mutiny; antonyms (n) smoothness, formal, exotic, objective; antonyms (adj) inner,
agreement, obedience, susceptibility. interior, domestic, inmost, 3. foreign; synonyms
dirençli resistant; synonyms (adj) immune, (adj) alien, strange, oversea, adventitious,
impervious, durable, tough, defiant, proof, outlandish, peregrine, unfamiliar, unknown,
rebellious, hardy, fast, solid, stable, strong, different, imported, irrelevant, tramontane,
antagonistic, insubordinate, (v) resistive; antonyms unusual; antonyms (adj) native, familiar, 4. outer;
(adj) fragile, permeable, submissive, agreeable. synonym (adj) utter; antonym (adj) middle.
direniş resistance; synonyms (n) opposition, dışarı out; synonyms (adv) off, forward, beyond, forth,
endurance, friction, immunity, impedance, aside, abroad, by, outwards, (v) reveal, (adj) away,
obstacle, renitency, confrontation, reluctance, extinct, outside, absent, gone, outward; antonyms
stamina, dissent, backlash, (v) rebellion, (adv) in, (prep) inside.
interference, mutiny; antonyms (n) smoothness, dışarıda 1. outside; synonyms (adj) external, out,
agreement, obedience, susceptibility. outdoor, foreign, extraneous, outer, away,
direnme 1. resistance; synonyms (n) opposition, outward, remote, slight, surface, distant, (adv)
endurance, friction, immunity, impedance, outdoors, alfresco, (n) exterior; antonyms (prep)
obstacle, renitency, confrontation, reluctance, inside, in, (adj) indoor, internal, (adv) indoors, 2.
stamina, dissent, backlash, (v) rebellion, outdoor; synonyms (adj) outside, outlying, 3. out;
interference, mutiny; antonyms (n) smoothness, synonyms (adv) off, forward, beyond, forth, aside,
agreement, obedience, susceptibility, 2. stand abroad, by, outwards, (v) reveal, disclose, discover,
(ayakta durmak, durmak); synonyms (v) impart, (adj) extinct, absent, gone.
endure, stall, undergo, live, suffer, tolerate, prop, dışarıdaki outer; synonyms (adj) external, exterior,
erect, hold, (n) attitude, booth, rack, base, pedestal, outside, outward, extrinsic, outdoor, outlying,
position; antonyms (v) sit, lie. peripheral, surface, utter; antonym (adj) middle.
direnmek resist; synonyms (v) repel, rebel, defy, dışarıya out; synonyms (adv) off, forward, beyond,
revolt, endure, balk, combat, disobey, impede, forth, aside, abroad, by, outwards, (v) reveal, (adj)
protest, refuse, reject, withstand, (n) oppose, away, extinct, outside, absent, gone, outward;
confront; antonyms (v) surrender, yield, assent.
antonyms (adv) in, (prep) inside.
diri 1. live (canlı, oturmak, yaşamak); synonyms dişçi dentist; synonym (n) toothdrawer.
(v) exist, inhabit, reside, subsist, abide, be, dwell,
dişi female; synonyms (adj) distaff, feminine, pistillate,
endure, stay, survive, (adj) alive, active, animate,
(n) lady, woman, girl, (obj) she; antonyms (adj)
living, (n) go; antonyms (adj) dead, inanimate, 2.
masculine, (n) male, man.
alive (canlı); synonyms (adj) live, sensible,
vivacious, animated, lively, responsive, aware, dışında except; synonyms (conj) but, unless, (prep)
eager, acute, energetic, awake, extant, keen, quick, save, excepting, excluding, (v) exclude, demur,
intelligent; antonym (adj) deceased. omit, exempt, object, reserve, saving, (n) bar,
without, (adv) besides; antonym (v) include.
dirsek 1. elbow; synonyms (n) bend, cubitus, angle,
joint, (v) poke, jostle, nudge, push, shove, jolt, disiplin discipline; synonyms (n) chastisement,
crowd, hustle, 2. bend (bükme); synonyms (n) correction, (v) control, castigate, chastise, train,
chasten, exercise, correct, drill, educate, practice,
bow, arch, arc, elbow, twist, curvature, (v) curve,
breed, condition, cultivate.
turn, crouch, stoop, crook, curl, flex, deflect, fold;
antonyms (v) straighten, square, 3. angle (açı);
disk 1. disc; synonyms (n) circle, disk, record, platter,
synonyms (n) hook, incline, view, aspect, cant, round, book, saucer, 2. disk; synonyms (n) disc,
corner, outlook, perspective, pitch, position, discus, dial, diskette, face, wheel, dish.
viewpoint, (v) slant, lean, tilt, fish. disket floppy; synonyms (adj) flabby, flaccid,
dirseklemek elbow (dirsek); synonyms (n) bend, drooping, loose, slack, soft, baggy, droopy, (n) limp,
cubitus, angle, joint, (v) poke, jostle, nudge, push, diskette; antonyms (adj) stiff, taut.
shove, jolt, crowd, hustle. dışkı stool (tabure); synonyms (n) chair, seat, bench,
diş tooth; synonyms (n) palate, grain, nap, saw, dejection, faeces, feces, ordure, form, movement,
stomach, tongue, liking, fiber, point, spicule, wire, throne, toilet, can, commode, crapper, lavatory.
apophysis, bulb, (adj) nib, (v) bite. disko disco; synonyms (n) discotheque, nightclub,
ball, cabaret, club, dance, nightspot, party, casino.

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diskotek disco; synonyms (n) discotheque, nightclub, dizayn design (proje, tasarlamak); synonyms (n)
ball, cabaret, club, dance, nightspot, party, casino. aim, purpose, scheme, conception, drawing,
dışlamak exclude; synonyms (v) banish, bar, eject, arrangement, device, idea, intent, contrivance, (v)
except, expel, discharge, ban, debar, shut, disallow, plan, conceive, contrive, sketch, construct;
eliminate, forbid, omit, ostracize, (adj) antonym (n) chance.
excommunicate; antonyms (v) include, incorporate, dize verse; synonyms (n) poem, poetry, rhyme, poesy,
admit, comprise, permit. stanza, strain, measure, song, clause, paragraph,
dişlemek bite (ısırmak); synonyms (n) taste, bit, canto, chapter, count, distich, meter; antonym (n)
cheat, morsel, (v) sting, nip, chew, cut, pinch, burn, prose.
eat, erode, gnaw, hurt, munch. dizey matrix (matris); synonyms (n) die, alembic,
dişli gear; synonyms (n) equipment, outfit, tackle, caldron, crucible, groundmass, uterus, matter,
apparatus, device, dress, baggage, belongings, monotype, plasm, impression, mat, diagram, (v)
clothing, cogwheel, contrivance, kit, luggage, stuff, gangue, course, gang.
(v) harness. dizge system (sistem); synonyms (n) method,
dışsatım export (ihraç etmek); synonyms (n) arrangement, network, organization, plan, order,
exportation, business, buying, exchange, retail, (v) means, structure, process, form, frame, rule,
import, trade, smuggle, market, port, sell, ship, establishment, mode, organisation.
consign, dump, freight. dizgi 1. string (dizi, ip, sicim); synonyms (n) chain,
distorsiyon distortion (çarpıklık); synonyms (n) file, row, strand, twine, range, cord, filament, rank,
aberration, contortion, deformation, series, thread, tie, sequence, (v) run, (adj) line, 2.
misrepresentation, exaggeration, corruption, composition; synonyms (n) arrangement,
malformation, torture, twist, twisting, caricature, constitution, construction, texture, alloy, amalgam,
(adj) deformity, (v) perversion. article, combination, composing, compost,
divan 1. lounge; synonyms (n) couch, saunter, sofa, compound, compromise, harmony, makeup,
bar, (v) loiter, loll, loaf, recline, rest, dawdle, linger, organization.
relax, sprawl, bask, lie, 2. council; synonyms (n) dizi 1. string (ip, sicim); synonyms (n) chain, file,
assembly, board, congress, consultation, row, strand, twine, range, cord, filament, rank,
convention, convocation, diet, legislature, meeting, series, thread, tie, sequence, (v) run, (adj) line, 2.
cabinet, conclave. series (seri); synonyms (n) collection, cycle, round,
diyagram diagram; synonyms (n) design, chart, serial, set, string, succession, rash, concatenation,
sketch, figure, graph, drawing, illustration, outline, group, procession, suite, (v) course, order, (adj)
picture, plat, (adj) plan, (v) plot. progression, 3. array; synonyms (n) arrangement,
diyalog dialogue; synonyms (n) talk, colloquy, garment, army, assortment, (v) attire, dress, adorn,
conversation, interlocution, interview, chat, apparel, arrange, clothe, deck, display, garb,
conference, dialog, discussion, talks, ornament, align; antonym (v) disarray, 4. battery
communication, duologue, speech, talking, (akü, batarya, pil); synonyms (n) troop, barrage,
consultation. company, mugging, onslaught, squad, violence,
diyanet religion (din); synonyms (n) piety, creed, regiment, squadron, ark, battalia, battalion,
faith, cult, denomination, sect, church, devotion, bombardment, brigade, bully, 5. course (yön);
holiness, persuasion. synonyms (n) stream, flow, bearing, career, current,
diyar land (toprak); synonyms (n) ground, country, path, road, route, track, channel, circuit, class,
soil, field, kingdom, domain, estate, nation, realm, method, (v) chase, pour, 6. sequence (sıra);
state, (v) disembark, debark, alight, get, drop; synonyms (n) consequence, episode, pattern,
antonym (adj) aquatic. continuity, effect, gradation, result, rotation, sequel,
train, battery, combination, 7. rank (sıra);
diyet diet; synonyms (n) congress, convocation,
synonyms (n) place, degree, quality, rate, post,
council, convention, nurture, food, assembly,
category, condition, (adj) putrid, luxuriant, bad, (v)
dieting, fare, nourishment, sustenance, synod,
classify, grade, position, array, estimate; antonym
cockpit, fast; antonyms (v) binge, (adj) fattening.
(adj) fresh, 8. range (alan, erim); synonyms (n)
diyez sharp (keskin, sivri); synonyms (adj) acute,
area, compass, reach, scope, domain, distance,
bitter, intelligent, acid, acrid, harsh, incisive,
extent, field, latitude, (v) roam, ramble, wander,
intense, penetrating, piercing, pointed, pungent,
gad, dispose, go, 9. order (düzen, düzenlemek,
quick, (n) keen, (v) biting; antonyms (adj) blunt, dull,
mild, gentle, rounded, sweet, bland, blurred, naive, emretmek, sıra); synonyms (n) command, decree,
round, smooth. dictate, sort, charge, disposition, edict, injunction,
instruction, kind, form, (v) direct, commission, call,
diz knee; synonyms (n) elbow, genu, scythe, sickle,
ordain; antonyms (n) anarchy, chaos, confusion,
zigzag, angle, hinge, junction, know, stifle.
mayhem, mess, (v) disorder, request, 10. serial;

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130 Turkish - English

synonyms (adj) sequential, consecutive, recurrent, attain, land, reach, succeed, show, derive, emerge,
sequent, successive, regular, nonparallel, (n) enter, get, happen, issue, prosper, (n) appear;
periodical, 11. row; synonyms (n) altercation, antonyms (v) leave, depart, go, 3. arise; synonyms
squabble, wrangle, clash, dispute, turmoil, (v) rise, originate, proceed, result, awake,
argument, (v) quarrel, brawl, fight, argue, bicker, commence, develop, emanate, ensue, follow, grow,
broil, (adj) fracas, riot; antonyms (n) agreement, (v) occur, spring, start, stem.
agree, 12. train (tren); synonyms (n) caravan, (v) doğmuş born; synonyms (v) deliver, (adj) native,
aim, coach, educate, exercise, trail, tail, tame, natural, elder, uneducated, untrained, untutored,
discipline, drill, instruct, prepare, school, built-in, cognate, deep-seated, essential, instinctive,
domesticate, practice. intrinsic.
dizin 1. index (indeks); synonyms (n) catalogue, doğramak 1. butcher (kasap); synonyms (n)
exponent, file, table, catalog, forefinger, roll, assassin, botch, bungler, meatman, murderer,
directory, subscript, enumeration, indication, slaughterer, blunderer, botcher, bumbler, (v)
indicator, indices, mark, (v) list, 2. directory; assassinate, slaughter, kill, massacre, murder, slay,
synonyms (n) record, handbook, guide, listing, 2. saw (testere); synonyms (v) cut, (n) adage,
register. byword, proverb, dictum, maxim, saying,
dizisel serial; synonyms (adj) sequential, consecutive, aphorism, axiom, motto.
recurrent, sequent, successive, regular, nonparallel, doğru 1. accurate (tam); synonyms (adj) exact,
(n) periodical, series. precise, correct, faithful, true, authentic, close,
dizmek 1. lay; synonyms (v) place, put, fix, set, detailed, literal, meticulous, nice, right, strict,
deposit, install, lie, rest, invest, bear, allay, arrange, truthful, scientific; antonyms (adj) inaccurate, false,
(adj) secular, (n) ballad, pitch, 2. range (alan, wrong, 2. correct; synonyms (adj) accurate,
erim); synonyms (n) area, array, compass, reach, appropriate, becoming, proper, apt, (v) adjust,
scope, domain, (v) line, order, rank, roam, group, amend, castigate, chastise, chasten, better, remedy,
ramble, wander, align, gad. straighten, atone, check; antonyms (adj) incorrect,
doğa nature; synonyms (n) character, disposition, faulty, inappropriate, mistaken, improper, (v) spoil,
class, essence, creation, quality, breed, attribute, 3. right (sağ); synonyms (adj) due, just, decent,
constitution, humor, manner, mettle, temperament, good, even, perfect, fair, fit, reasonable, (n)
type, (adj) kind. privilege, law, liberty, authority, claim, (v) rectify;
doğal 1. natural; synonyms (adj) inherent, innate, antonyms (adj) unjustified, immoral, (n) left, 4. true
artless, instinctive, unaffected, congenital, essential, (gerçek); synonyms (adj) real, actual, honest,
genuine, inborn, intrinsic, native, normal, crude, straight, direct, sincere, factual, loyal, reliable,
ingenuous, naive; antonyms (adj) artificial, affected, veritable, rightful, substantial, sound, (v) square, (n)
cultivated, false, refined, paranormal, supernatural, genuine; antonyms (adj) bogus, untrue, 5. just;
unnatural, 2. free (açık, bedava, boş, özgür, synonyms (adv) exactly, hardly, newly, simply,
serbest, serbest bırakmak); synonyms (adj) loose, exclusively, (adj) equitable, impartial, barely,
frank, liberal, (v) clear, exempt, liberate, discharge, righteous, upright, definite, clean, ethical,
excuse, extricate, relieve, disentangle, acquit, evenhanded, honorable; antonyms (adj) unfair,
deliver, disengage, ease; antonyms (adj) bound, biased, 6. exact (tam); synonyms (adj) careful,
restricted, compelled, confined, imprisoned, precision, clear, explicit, express, fine, minute, (v)
repressive, secure, strict, stuck, tangled, attached, demand, require, command, ask, call, compel,
busy, (v) confine, block, cage, 3. native; synonyms extort, impose; antonyms (adj) imprecise, vague,
(adj) natural, domestic, inbred, indigenous, approximate, inexact, 7. straight (düz);
autochthonous, connatural, natal, pure, (n) synonyms (adv) level, directly, frankly, immediately,
aboriginal, autochthon, citizen, inhabitant, openly, (adj) erect, flat, perpendicular, immediate,
indigene, local, resident; antonyms (adj) foreign, consecutive, frank, neat, vertical, firsthand, plain;
learned, (n) stranger, immigrant, imported. antonyms (adv) indirectly, (adj) curly, curved,
doğma birth (doğum); synonyms (n) beginning, diluted, winding, zigzag, askew, bent, curvy,
ancestry, descent, extraction, genesis, parturition, knotted, twisted, twisting, wavy, circuitous,
blood, labor, lineage, nascency, nativity, onset, (v) guarded, 8. honest (dürüst); synonyms (adj)
delivery, bear, deliver; antonym (n) death. artless, candid, dependable, forthright, guileless,
doğmak 1. rise (yükselmek); synonyms (n) heartfelt, straightforward, trustworthy, virtuous,
elevation, lift, ascent, progress, raise, swell, raising, hearty, aboveboard, chaste, conscientious,
advancement, (v) climb, mount, ascend, increase, downright, moral; antonyms (adj) dishonest,
heave, arise, jump; antonyms (n) reduction, (v) fall, corrupt, lying, misleading, disloyal, unwholesome,
decrease, drop, sink, descend, plummet, retire, 2. 9. faithful; synonyms (adj) constant, devoted,
arrive (varmak); synonyms (v) come, mature, unfailing, devout, dutiful, fast, religious,

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responsible, steadfast, unwavering, tried, believing, legitimacy, soundness, cogency, effect, power,
credible, pure, stalwart; antonyms (adj) unfaithful, effectiveness, vigor, credibility, hardness, rigor,
unreliable, 10. square (kare); synonyms (adj) rigour, strength.
rectangular, quadrate, equal, (n) area, foursquare, doğrusal linear; synonyms (adj) lineal, rectilinear,
rectangle, quadrilateral, block, court, diamond, (v) running, additive, analog, analogue, ancestral,
settle, agree, correspond, balance, conform, 11. elongate, family, patriarchal, direct, straight,
proper; synonyms (adj) agreeable, befitting, delineated, elongated, functional.
decorous, fitting, legitimate, modest, suitable, doğrusu indeed (gerçekten); synonyms (adv)
formal, individual, meet, peculiar, seemly, valid, actually, certainly, exactly, much, really, surely,
expedient, convenient; antonyms (adj) unseemly, greatly, absolutely, clearly, definitely, positively,
rude. precisely, so, truly, (int) forsooth; antonym (adv)
doğrulama confirmation; synonyms (n) affirmation, possibly.
approval, corroboration, ratification, sanction, doğu east; synonyms (n) orient, e, einsteinium,
testimony, demonstration, agreement, tocopherol, (v) orientate.
authentication, check, endorsement, evidence, doğum 1. birth; synonyms (n) beginning, ancestry,
proof, substantiation, verification; antonym (n) descent, extraction, genesis, parturition, blood,
contradiction. labor, lineage, nascency, nativity, onset, (v)
doğrulamak confirm (onaylamak); synonyms (v) delivery, bear, deliver; antonym (n) death, 2.
affirm, approve, corroborate, establish, prove, delivery (teslim); synonyms (n) childbirth, birth,
validate, verify, clinch, assert, assure, authenticate, consignment, discharge, rescue, communication,
authorize, certify, demonstrate, justify; antonyms confinement, deliverance, distribution, elocution,
(v) disprove, contradict. issue, surrender, articulation, post, (v) address;
doğrultmak 1. direct (dolaysız, yönlendirmek); antonym (n) dispatch.
synonyms (adj) straight, blunt, immediate, (v) aim, doğurgan fertile (bereketli, verimli); synonyms
channel, conduct, address, charge, control, dictate, (adj) productive, fat, fecund, abundant, affluent,
head, administer, guide, lead, (n) command; copious, exuberant, fruitful, creative, bountiful,
antonyms (adj) indirect, roundabout, circuitous, inventive, luxuriant, prolific, rich, ample;
oblique, second-hand, sideways, unplanned, (v) antonyms (adj) infertile, sterile.
request, 2. right (doğru, sağ); synonyms (adj) doğurganlık fertility (verimlilik); synonyms (n)
correct, appropriate, due, just, proper, decent, fecundity, birthrate, productivity, affluence, uberty,
good, even, perfect, accurate, exact, fair, faithful, fit, abundance, natality, plenty, prolificacy, richness;
(n) privilege; antonyms (adj) inappropriate,
antonyms (n) sterility, infertility.
unjustified, immoral, incorrect, (n) left, (v) wrong.
doğurma bearing (kerteriz); synonyms (n) carriage,
doğruluk 1. accuracy; synonyms (n) fidelity, demeanor, appearance, approach, aspect, attitude,
precision, truth, exactitude, exactness, reliability, conduct, deportment, direction, manner, respect,
care, closeness, correctness, faithfulness, air, aim, behavior, comportment.
meticulousness, veracity; antonyms (n) inaccuracy,
doğurmak 1. generate (üretmek); synonyms (v)
vagueness, imprecision, 2. truth; synonyms (n) breed, develop, bear, beget, cause, engender, get,
reality, actuality, sincerity, fact, verity, provoke, create, father, produce, raise, reproduce,
genuineness, accuracy, certainty, honesty, yield, make, 2. breed; synonyms (n) kind, race,
authenticity, trueness, faith, uprightness, justice,
variety, ancestry, sort, order, class, genus, posterity,
principle; antonyms (n) untruth, dishonesty, progeny, (v) multiply, brood, cultivate, hatch,
fabrication, falsehood, fiction, lie, 3. honesty propagate, 3. bear (ayı, taşımak); synonyms (v)
(dürüstlük); synonyms (n) candor, fairness, carry, accept, abide, acquit, stand, take, afford,
integrity, candidness, equity, frankness, probity, allow, apply, assume, behave, brook, comport,
chastity, decency, honestness, morality, rectitude, conduct, convey, 4. cause (neden); synonyms (n)
righteousness, goodness, honorableness; antonyms case, action, occasion, account, basis, campaign,
(n) deceit, deception, deviousness, treachery, excuse, lawsuit, (v) do, induce, arouse, bring,
wickedness, 4. integrity (bütünlük); synonyms inspire, let, motivate; antonym (n) consequence.
(n) completeness, entireness, unity, constancy, doğurtmak deliver; synonyms (v) consign, bear,
perfection, loyalty, totality, truthfulness, virtue, carry, rescue, save, abandon, bring, liberate,
whole, wholeness, character, impartiality, (adj) pronounce, render, return, send, utter, drop,
honor, dignity, 5. justice (adalet); synonyms (n) acquit.
judge, right, judicature, jurist, justness, court, doğuş 1. birth (doğum); synonyms (n) beginning,
reasonableness, umpire, law, magistrate, propriety,
ancestry, descent, extraction, genesis, parturition,
(adj) just; antonyms (n) injustice, unfairness, 6. blood, labor, lineage, nascency, nativity, onset, (v)
validity (geçerlik); synonyms (n) force, authority, delivery, bear, deliver; antonym (n) death, 2. rise

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(yükselmek); synonyms (n) elevation, lift, ascent, plunge, pitch, cascade; antonyms (v) rise, increase,
progress, raise, swell, raising, advancement, (v) ascend, climb, triumph, win, (n) ascent, 3. empty
climb, mount, ascend, increase, heave, arise, jump; (boş, boşaltmak); synonyms (adj) hollow,
antonyms (n) reduction, (v) fall, decrease, drop, destitute, bare, blank, barren, abandoned, deserted,
sink, descend, plummet, retire. vain, airy, (v) drain, clear, deplete, desolate, pour,
doğuştan 1. naturally; synonyms (adv) course, void; antonyms (adj) full, crowded, meaningful,
innately, obviously, spontaneously, unaffectedly, packed, brimming, inhabited, occupied, swarming,
openly, (int) certainly; antonyms (adv) unnaturally, cultivated, filled, laden, (v) fill.
artificially, 2. natural (doğal); synonyms (adj) döküm 1. casting; synonyms (n) cast, molding,
inherent, innate, artless, instinctive, unaffected, pouring, air, appearence, border, feeding,
congenital, essential, genuine, inborn, intrinsic, manufacturing, contrivance, direction, four, glance,
native, normal, crude, ingenuous, naive; antonyms lift, look, mien, 2. cast (atmak, kalıp); synonyms
(adj) artificial, affected, cultivated, false, refined, (v) hurl, throw, form, shed, stamp, fling, shape,
paranormal, supernatural, unnatural. chuck, dump, figure, heave, mould, (n) appearance,
dok dock; synonyms (n) bob, berth, bobtail, harbor, casting, mold.
pier, quay, sorrel, wharf, marina, dockage, (v) clip, dokuma 1. textile; synonyms (n) material, cloth,
cut, pare, curtail, deprive; antonym (v) undock. fabric, stuff, tapestry, drapery, 2. web; synonyms
dökme casting; synonyms (n) cast, molding, pouring, (n) mesh, network, tissue, lattice, texture, blade,
air, appearence, border, feeding, manufacturing, entanglement, maze, film, cobweb, complication,
contrivance, direction, four, glance, lift, look, mien. grain, labyrinth, (v) net, plexus.
dökmek 1. empty (boş, boşaltmak); synonyms (adj) dokümantasyon documentation; synonyms (n)
discharge, hollow, destitute, bare, blank, barren, proof, record, certificate, certification,
abandoned, deserted, vain, (v) drain, clear, deplete, corroboration, credential, credentials, evidence.
desolate, pour, spill; antonyms (adj) full, crowded, dökümcü founder; synonyms (n) laminitis, patriarch,
meaningful, packed, brimming, inhabited, author, beginner, creator, father, inventor,
occupied, swarming, cultivated, filled, laden, (v) originator, sink, ancestor, (v) fail, flop, collapse,
fill, 2. pour; synonyms (v) gush, shed, decant, crumple, break.
flow, pelt, scatter, stream, emit, jet, run, teem, dökümcülük cast (atmak, kalıp); synonyms (v) hurl,
effuse, deluge, (n) overflow, rain; antonym (v) throw, form, shed, stamp, fling, shape, chuck,
drizzle, 3. shed; synonyms (v) cast, discard, drop, dump, figure, heave, mould, (n) appearance,
moult, exuviate, molt, dismiss, disgorge, fling, casting, mold.
radiate, (n) hut, shack, cabin, booth, hovel. dokunaklı 1. moving; synonyms (adj) active,
doksan ninety; synonym (n) xc. affecting, emotional, exciting, impressive, mobile,
doktor doctor; synonyms (n) physician, doc, medico, pitiful, poignant, touching, inspiring, movable, (n)
(v) cure, adulterate, attend, fix, heal, mend, remedy, movement, transport, advance, transfer; antonyms
repair, cook, debase, falsify, leech; antonym (v) (adj) motionless, still, depressing, stationary,

break. unemotional, 2. pathetic; synonyms (adj)

doktrin doctrine; synonyms (n) creed, belief, credo, deplorable, miserable, sad, wretched, forlorn,
lamentable, tragic, distressing, piteous, poor,
dogma, philosophy, conviction, lesson, canon,
woeful, grievous, moving, abject, measly; antonym
faith, gospel, ism, principle, school, tenet.
(adj) brave.
doku 1. texture; synonyms (n) structure, grain, fabric,
constitution, tissue, weave, web, woof, (v) finish, dokundurmak hint (ipucu); synonyms (n) clue,
make, 2. tissue; synonyms (n) texture, lump, heap, intimation, suggestion, trace, allusion, cue, inkling,
implication, (v) suggest, dash, tip, touch, allude,
cobweb, congeries, film, lace, pile, rouleau, (adj)
imply, (adj) intimate; antonym (n) overtone.
mass, bulk.
dökülme fall (düşmek, sonbahar); synonyms (v) dokunma 1. touch (dokunmak); synonyms (n) feel,
tinge, feeling, hint, (v) affect, contact, hit, border,
decline, dip, decrease, descend, dive, rain,
adjoin, strike, stroke, regard, brush, concern,
diminish, dwindle, sink, alight, (n) drop, descent,
handle, 2. feeling (duygu); synonyms (n)
downfall, plunge, pitch; antonyms (v) rise, increase,
affection, passion, emotion, atmosphere, belief,
ascend, climb, triumph, win, (n) ascent.
hunch, impression, intuition, mood, opinion, sense,
dökülmek 1. pour; synonyms (v) gush, shed, decant, sensitivity, sentiment, enthusiasm, excitement;
flow, pelt, scatter, stream, discharge, emit, jet, run,
antonyms (n) numbness, indifference, 3. contact
spill, teem, (n) overflow, rain; antonym (v) drizzle,
(temas); synonyms (n) touch, connection, collision,
2. fall (düşmek, sonbahar); synonyms (v)
communication, link, impact, tangency,
decline, dip, decrease, descend, dive, diminish,
acquaintance, interaction, (v) call, meet,
dwindle, sink, alight, (n) drop, descent, downfall,
communicate, reach, butt, join, 4. handling;

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synonyms (n) manipulation, treatment, döl 1. offspring; synonyms (n) issue, progeny, brood,
administration, management, conduct, running, children, family, child, descendant, descendants,
use. lineage, posterity, race, seed, (v) breed, fruit,
dokunmak 1. touch (dokunma); synonyms (n) feel, generation, 2. seed (tohum); synonyms (n) germ,
tinge, feeling, hint, (v) affect, contact, hit, border, root, offspring, origin, nucleus, embryo, source,
adjoin, strike, stroke, regard, brush, concern, beginning, berry, core, cum, (v) inseminate, plant,
handle, 2. affect; synonyms (v) touch, move, act, sow, (adj) crumb.
fake, feign, impress, pretend, dispose, dissemble, dolamak 1. lap (kucak); synonyms (n) circle, circuit,
influence, involve, lead, pertain, sham, (n) fold, coil, knee, orbit, (v) lick, overlap, bind, (adv)
sentiment, 3. contact (temas); synonyms (n) compass, encircle, encompass, embrace, enclose,
connection, collision, communication, link, impact, beset, 2. wind (Rüzgar, sarmak); synonyms (n)
tangency, acquaintance, interaction, juxtaposition, air, gust, clue, (v) twist, curl, meander, turn, bend,
(v) call, meet, communicate, reach, butt, join, 4. feel curve, twine, blow, crook, entwine, roll, weave.
(hissetmek); synonyms (v) experience, sense, dolambaçlı 1. circular; synonyms (adj) round,
consider, finger, believe, deem, endure, find, hold, annular, circinate, globular, orbicular, rotund,
perceive, (n) atmosphere, sound, texture, air, rounded, spherical, (n) advertisement, bill, handbill,
impression; antonym (v) observe, 5. handle brochure, publication, bulletin, flier; antonym (adj)
(kulp, sap); synonyms (v) administer, conduct, square, 2. indirect (dolaylı); synonyms (adj)
wield, control, deal, direct, manage, manipulate, circuitous, collateral, incidental, crooked, devious,
treat, govern, cope, grope, (n) grip, clutch, grasp. oblique, roundabout, secondary, side, tortuous,
döküntü 1. refuse; synonyms (v) deny, reject, decline, winding, disingenuous, obscure, backhanded,
disallow, dross, rebuff, disdain, dismiss, (n) implied; antonyms (adj) direct, overt.
garbage, trash, waste, offal, debris, litter, leavings; dolandırıcı fraud; synonyms (n) cheat, deceit,
antonym (v) accept, 2. litter; synonyms (n) brood, duplicity, counterfeit, deception, dishonesty, fake,
bedding, stretcher, junk, mess, refuse, rubbish, sham, falsehood, cheating, con, faker, impostor,
issue, breed, scrap, (v) clutter, scatter, (adj) jumble, swindle, trick; antonym (n) honesty.
disarray, huddle, 3. waste; synonyms (n) desert, dolandırıcılık fraud; synonyms (n) cheat, deceit,
damage, dissipation, (adj) spoil, desolate, barren, (v) duplicity, counterfeit, deception, dishonesty, fake,
consume, exhaust, ruin, squander, ravage, sham, falsehood, cheating, con, faker, impostor,
destruction, devastate, dissipate, languish; swindle, trick; antonym (n) honesty.
antonyms (v) conserve, save, 4. scrap; synonyms dolanmak wind (Rüzgar, sarmak); synonyms (n)
(n) fight, morsel, brawl, remnant, bit, chip, clash, air, gust, (v) coil, twist, curl, meander, turn, bend,
end, piece, remainder, conflict, crumb, (v) quarrel, curve, twine, blow, crook, entwine, roll, weave.
row, (adj) fragment; antonym (v) keep. dolap 1. cabinet (bakanlar kurulu, kabine);
dokunulabilir tangible; synonyms (adj) material, synonyms (n) case, closet, locker, press, cupboard,
substantial, actual, concrete, real, palpable, chamber, console, sideboard, board, council, 2.
perceptible, physical, evident, corporeal, definite, cupboard; synonyms (n) cabinet, buffet,
sensible, genuine, adequate, (n) applicable; commode, compartment, cranny, cub, nook,
antonym (adj) intangible. pigeonhole, bin, breakfront, bunker, cellaret,
dokunulmamış intact; synonyms (adj) complete, full, clothespress, cubicle, davenport, 3. trick
entire, whole, integral, perfect, unbroken, (aldatmak); synonyms (n) deceit, deception, joke,
undamaged, uninjured, untouched, sound, prank, device, dupe, stratagem, (v) swindle, cheat,
inviolate, pure, safe, total; antonym (adj) broken. deceive, fraud, sham, con, mislead, beguile, 4. sell
dokunulmazlık immunity; synonyms (n) exemption, (satmak); synonyms (v) peddle, deal, handle,
freedom, franchise, dispensation, privilege, betray, give, promote, exchange, merchandise,
exception, invulnerability, liberty, release, realize, trade, vend, clear, gammon, pass, deliver;
resistance, safety, security; antonym (n) antonym (v) buy, 5. scheme (proje); synonyms (n)
vulnerability. contrivance, dodge, arrangement, diagram,
dokunuş touch (dokunma, dokunmak); method, project, schedule, conspiracy, (v) plan, plot,
synonyms (n) feel, tinge, feeling, hint, (v) affect, design, intrigue, devise, conspire, contrive.
contact, hit, border, adjoin, strike, stroke, regard, dolar dollar; synonyms (n) buck, greenback, note, bill,
brush, concern, handle. clam, dime, disme, nickel, quarter, ace, bone,
dokuz nine; synonyms (n) niner, club, ennead, ace, certificate, cucumber, fish, frog.
cabaret, clubhouse, gild, golfclub, guild, jack, king, dolaşım circulation; synonyms (n) dissemination,
knave, lodge, nightclub, nightspot. diffusion, distribution, currency, delivery,
dokuzuncu ninth; synonym (adj) ninefold. dispersal, dispersion, gyration, revolution, rotation,
round, spread, spreading, turn, airing.

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134 Turkish - English

dolaşma 1. circuit (çevrim, devre); synonyms (n) stuff; synonyms (n) material, cloth, force, gear,
beat, area, excursion, compass, cycle, district, loop, matter, goods, substance, fabric, (v) jam, pad, ram,
perimeter, periphery, round, route, (v) circle, tour, glut, gorge, shove, (adj) rubbish; antonym (v)
trip, journey, 2. navigation; synonyms (n) unstuff.
guidance, sailing, steering, seafaring, shipping, dolgu 1. filling; synonyms (n) fill, filler, weft,
travel, flight, aviation, glide, gliding, pilotage, contents, loading, plug, pad, impletion, padding,
piloting, routing, sailplaning, soaring. stuffing, wadding, woof, 2. fill (doldurmak);
dolaşmak 1. flow (akış, akmak); synonyms (n) synonyms (v) block, clog, charge, line, stuff,
flood, current, discharge, abound, (v) stream, accomplish, execute, complete, brim, close, cram,
course, flux, jet, run, surge, float, emanate, fall, flood, fulfill, (n) crowd, filling; antonyms (v) empty,
gush, pour, 2. circuit (çevrim, devre); synonyms free, 3. core (çekirdek, göbek); synonyms (n)
(n) beat, area, excursion, compass, cycle, district, bosom, center, essence, gist, heart, kernel, marrow,
loop, perimeter, periphery, round, route, (v) circle, quintessence, stone, mind, base, burden, centre,
tour, trip, journey, 3. tour; synonyms (n) circuit, crux, focus; antonym (adj) minor.
jaunt, voyage, passage, go, pilgrimage, ramble, dolgun fat (yağ); synonyms (adj) stout, corpulent,
tramp, turn, walk, spell, (v) expedition, travel, ride,
dense, thick, bulky, fatty, fertile, fleshy, gainful,
visit. greasy, great, (n) avoirdupois, blubber, cream, (v)
dolaylı indirect; synonyms (adj) circuitous, collateral, fatten; antonyms (adj) thin, slim, skinny, slender.
incidental, crooked, devious, oblique, roundabout, dolmak fill (doldurmak); synonyms (v) block, clog,
secondary, side, tortuous, winding, disingenuous,
charge, line, stuff, accomplish, execute, complete,
obscure, backhanded, implied; antonyms (adj)
brim, close, cram, flood, fulfill, (n) crowd, filling;
direct, overt.
antonyms (v) empty, free.
dolaysız direct (yönlendirmek); synonyms (adj) dolmakalem pen (kalem); synonyms (n) corral, cage,
straight, blunt, immediate, (v) aim, channel,
ballpoint, enclosure, fold, jail, coop, playpen, (v)
conduct, address, charge, control, dictate, head,
enclose, confine, compose, impound, indite, write,
administer, guide, lead, (n) command; antonyms
(adj) indirect, roundabout, circuitous, oblique,
dolu 1. full; synonyms (adj) complete, absolute,
second-hand, sideways, unplanned, (v) request.
abundant, broad, flush, ample, enough, extensive,
doldurma 1. filling; synonyms (n) fill, filler, weft, total, detailed, comprehensive, copious, good, (n)
contents, loading, plug, pad, impletion, padding, entire, crowded; antonyms (adj) empty, lacking,
stuffing, wadding, woof, 2. fill (doldurmak);
starving, hungry, sketchy, incomplete, 2. loaded
synonyms (v) block, clog, charge, line, stuff,
(yüklü); synonyms (adj) laden, full, burdened,
accomplish, execute, complete, brim, close, cram,
moneyed, wealthy, affluent, rich, tight, tipsy,
flood, fulfill, (n) crowd, filling; antonyms (v) empty,
intoxicated, heavy, pixilated, plastered, soused,
wet; antonym (adj) poor, 3. solid (katı); synonyms
doldurmak 1. fill; synonyms (v) block, clog, charge, (adj) firm, dense, compact, consistent, hard, real,
line, stuff, accomplish, execute, complete, brim, strong, fixed, massive, secure, substantial, fast,
close, cram, flood, fulfill, (n) crowd, filling; hearty, material, (v) close; antonyms (adj) soft,
antonyms (v) empty, free, 2. crowd; synonyms (n) unreliable, loose, gaseous, permeable, runny,
huddle, swarm, collection, crew, press, circle, transparent, watery, (n) liquid.
cluster, army, assembly, concourse, congregation, doluşmak crowd; synonyms (n) huddle, swarm,
(v) bunch, flock, squeeze, compress; antonym (v) collection, crew, press, circle, cluster, army,
disperse, 3. pad; synonyms (n) cushion, apartment, assembly, concourse, congregation, (v) bunch, flock,
digs, wadding, dwelling, (v) inflate, expand, squeeze, compress; antonym (v) disperse.
bolster, wad, aggrandize, amplify, embroider, domates tomato; synonyms (n) cranberry, female,
magnify, enlarge, extend, 4. load (yük,
girl, prostitute, woman.
yüklemek); synonyms (n) cargo, freight, stack, domuz 1. pig; synonyms (n) hog, boar, bull, cop,
heap, pack, weight, consignment, lading, shipment,
copper, fuzz, glutton, grunter, (v) farrow, devour,
(v) burden, fill, encumber, pile, lade, stow; antonym
gulp, guttle, 2. pork; synonyms (n) porc, beef,
(v) unload, 5. charge; synonyms (n) accusation,
chicken, ham, lamb, mutton, veal, venison.
care, command, commission, bill, tax, accusal,
don frost (ayaz); synonyms (n) cold, freeze, freezing,
assail, (v) accuse, blame, attack, bid, load, arraign,
rime, hoar, hoarfrost, icing, (v) chill, ice.
assault; antonyms (v) request, absolve, retreat, 6.
store (ambar, depo, depolamak, saklamak, donanım 1. hardware; synonyms (n) ironmongery,
ironware, gun, armament, medal, gem, jewel,
stok); synonyms (n) hoard, shop, market, business,
jewelry, trinket, accouterments, appliances,
emporium, reserve, supply, (v) stock, accumulate,
fasteners, fittings, fixtures, housewares, 2. gear;
garner, amass, bank, cache, keep, preserve, 7.

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synonyms (n) equipment, outfit, tackle, apparatus, dönem 1. period (devir, nokta); synonyms (n) age,
device, dress, baggage, belongings, clothing, dot, epoch, era, point, duration, generation, day,
cogwheel, contrivance, kit, luggage, stuff, (v) conclusion, cycle, interval, length, menstruation,
harness. stage, time, 2. term (terim); synonyms (n) name,
donanma 1. fleet; synonyms (n) armada, float, expression, period, style, title, boundary, limit,
marine, (adj) swift, fast, expeditious, agile, quick, spell, stipulation, phrase, tenure, appellation, (v)
brisk, rapid, speedy, hasty, (v) flit, fly, hurry, 2. call, designate, entitle, 3. era (çağ); synonym (n)
navy; synonyms (n) fleet, flotilla, blue, army, date.
military, services, convoy, (adj) azure, cobalt, dönemeç 1. curve (eğri, kavis); synonyms (n) bend,
cerulean, indigo, sapphire. crook, bow, arc, curvature, kink, round, bender, (v)
donatı equipment (donatım); synonyms (n) curl, turn, arch, hook, wind, distort, (adj) flex, 2.
material, apparatus, facility, gear, outfit, bend (bükme); synonyms (n) elbow, twist, angle,
furnishings, apparel, accoutrements, baggage, bending, buckle, (v) curve, crouch, stoop, deflect,
goods, belongings, device, kit, stuff, (v) furniture. fold, loop, swerve, contort, cower, deform;
donatım equipment; synonyms (n) material, antonyms (v) straighten, square, 3. turning;
apparatus, facility, gear, outfit, furnishings, synonyms (adj) revolving, rotating, rotary, spinning,
apparel, accoutrements, baggage, goods, wheeling, winding, (n) revolution, deviation,
belongings, device, kit, stuff, (v) furniture. conversion, diversion, version, 4. wind (Rüzgar,
donatmak 1. deck (deste); synonyms (v) adorn, sarmak); synonyms (n) air, gust, clue, gale,
beautify, clothe, embellish, floor, array, bedeck, intimation, suggestion, breath, (v) coil, meander,
ornament, attire, bedight, decorate, dress, garnish, twine, blow, entwine, roll, weave, spiral.
grace, trim, 2. outfit; synonyms (n) garb, gear, kit, dönge circle (daire); synonyms (n) round,
apparel, clothing, company, costume, ensemble, association, band, compass, ring, field, range, beat,
rig, pack, clothes, (v) equipment, equip, fit, furnish. circuit, company, gang, scope, (v) turn, whirl,
dondurma 1. ice (buz); synonyms (n) frosting, glass, encircle.
hoarfrost, icing, sparkler, frappe, rime, (v) frost, döngü loop; synonyms (n) coil, ring, bight, circuit,
cool, refrigerate, fan, 2. freezing; synonyms (adj) eyelet, eye, kink, noose, round, (v) curve, bend,
cold, icy, arctic, chilly, frosty, bitter, frigid, chill, circle, curl, entwine, knot.
frozen, gelid, wintry, polar, (v) glacial, (n) freeze, donma freezing; synonyms (adj) cold, icy, arctic,
congelation; antonyms (adj) boiling, hot, sweltering, chilly, frosty, bitter, frigid, chill, cool, frozen, gelid,
red-hot, warm. wintry, (v) glacial, (n) freeze, congelation; antonyms
dondurmak ice (buz, dondurma); synonyms (n) (adj) boiling, hot, sweltering, red-hot, warm.
frosting, glass, hoarfrost, icing, sparkler, frappe, dönme 1. rotation; synonyms (n) revolution,
rime, (v) frost, cool, refrigerate, fan. gyration, roll, round, turn, circulation, curl, cycle,
döndürmek 1. spin; synonyms (n) turn, twirl, whirl, wheel, orbit, sequence, bout, 2. convert
revolution, roll, ride, eddy, (v) revolve, twist, run, (dönüştürmek); synonyms (v) alter, change,
drive, reel, fabricate, gyrate, invent, 2. turn adapt, reform, commute, invert, exchange, modify,
(dönmek, dönüş); synonyms (v) deviate, get, switch, transform, become, replace, (n) proselyte,
spin, (n) bend, curve, coil, go, bout, change, round, neophyte, (adj) believer, 3. revolution (devrim);
bent, circle, shift, tour, curl, 3. wheel (çark, synonyms (n) insurrection, mutiny, rebellion,
Teker, tekerlek); synonyms (n) cycle, bicycle, revolt, rotation, alteration, coup, circle, spin,
gear, handwheel, rack, loop, orb, boot, (v) bike, upheaval, uprising, vicissitude, innovation, (v)
trundle, rotate, pivot, gyre, swing, double. circuit, (adj) disturbance, 4. turning; synonyms (adj)
dondurucu freezing; synonyms (adj) cold, icy, arctic, revolving, rotating, rotary, spinning, wheeling,
chilly, frosty, bitter, frigid, chill, cool, frozen, gelid, winding, (n) bend, deviation, conversion, diversion,
wintry, (v) glacial, (n) freeze, congelation; antonyms version.
(adj) boiling, hot, sweltering, red-hot, warm. dönmek 1. return (dönüş); synonyms (n) yield, pay,
dönek 1. rat (sıçan); synonyms (n) grass, informer, recompense, refund, restitution, proceeds, income,
apostate, betrayer, scab, renegade, (v) blackleg, (v) recur, reimburse, render, repay, restoration,
denounce, betray, peach, sing, apostatize, squeal, restore, retort, answer; antonyms (n) departure,
defect, inform, 2. volatile (uçucu); synonyms (adj) abolition, confiscation, recovery, (v) keep, 2. turn
changeable, erratic, frivolous, unstable, mercurial, (dönüş); synonyms (v) revolve, deviate, get,
giddy, capricious, flighty, variable, inconstant, revolution, (n) bend, curve, roll, coil, go, twist, bout,
excitable, unsteady, airy, light, (v) fickle; antonym change, round, bent, circle, 3. spin
(adj) stable. (döndürmek); synonyms (n) turn, twirl, whirl,
ride, eddy, (v) run, drive, reel, fabricate, gyrate,

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invent, narrate, pivot, recite, recount, 4. round (v) recur, reimburse, render, repay, restoration,
(Yuvarlak); synonyms (adv) about, around, (adj) restore, retort, answer; antonyms (n) departure,
circular, plump, entire, chubby, complete, fat, (n) abolition, confiscation, recovery, (v) keep, 3.
ring, beat, circuit, cycle, orbit, (v) compass, gird; rotation (dönme); synonyms (n) gyration, turn,
antonyms (adj) slim, sharp, 5. wheel (çark, Teker, circulation, curl, cycle, wheel, orbit, sequence, 4.
tekerlek); synonyms (n) bicycle, gear, handwheel, facing; synonyms (n) face, revetment, cladding,
rack, loop, orb, boot, eye, (v) bike, spin, trundle, coating, lining, veneer, front, insert, (prep) opposite,
rotate, gyre, swing, double. against, before, (adj) fronting, diametric, 5.
dönmez steady; synonyms (adj) firm, even, secure, turning; synonyms (adj) revolving, rotating, rotary,
constant, continual, fixed, resolute, stable, cool, spinning, wheeling, winding, (n) deviation,
incessant, sedate, settled, (v) steadfast, calm, conversion, diversion, version.
regular; antonyms (adj) unsteady, shaky, wobbly, dönüşme conversion (çevirme, dönüştürme);
intermittent, unreliable. synonyms (n) alteration, change, changeover,
donmuş frozen; synonyms (adj) cold, frosty, arctic, adaptation, exchange, transformation, adjustment,
frigid, glacial, wintry, freezing, icy, stiff, congealed, amendment, modification, passage, shift, transfer,
chilled, chilly, gelid, iced, set; antonyms (adj) hot, transition, version, (adj) salvation.
moving. dönüşmek 1. convert (dönüştürmek); synonyms
donuk 1. dull; synonyms (adj) dim, blunt, dense, (v) alter, change, adapt, reform, commute, invert,
dreary, sluggish, bland, boring, cloudy, cold, dark, exchange, modify, switch, transform, turn, become,
dismal, inactive, inert, (v) deaden, dampen; (n) proselyte, neophyte, (adj) believer, 2. turn
antonyms (adj) bright, lively, sharp, exciting, (dönmek, dönüş); synonyms (v) revolve, deviate,
interesting, lustrous, stimulating, amusing, get, revolution, (n) bend, curve, roll, coil, go, twist,
exhilarating, glittery, glossy, glowing, high- bout, round, bent, circle, shift.
pitched, intense, luminous, 2. dim; synonyms (adj) dönüştürme conversion (çevirme); synonyms (n)
obscure, dull, bleak, faint, gloomy, indistinct, alteration, change, changeover, adaptation,
misty, opaque, (v) blur, darken, cloud, pale, tarnish, exchange, transformation, adjustment, amendment,
blear, blind; antonyms (adj) brilliant, intelligent, modification, passage, shift, transfer, transition,
clever, strong, (v) clear, brighten, 3. flat (düz); version, (adj) salvation.
synonyms (adj) even, plain, insipid, level, plane, dönüştürmek 1. convert; synonyms (v) alter, change,
tasteless, absolute, dead, downright, equal, fixed, adapt, reform, commute, invert, exchange, modify,
lifeless, monotonous, (n) apartment, (v) switch, transform, turn, become, (n) proselyte,
uninteresting; antonym (adj) bumpy, 4. faint neophyte, (adj) believer, 2. transform; synonyms
(bayılmak); synonyms (adj) collapse, dizzy, feeble, (v) convert, metamorphose, translate, transfigure,
weak, gentle, soft, vague, delicate, distant, drop, (v) transmute, process, vary, transmogrify, affect,
languish, swoon, droop, conk, exhausted; interpret, mold, shape, transpose, 3. turn
antonyms (adj) distinct, obvious, considerable, loud, (dönmek, dönüş); synonyms (v) revolve, deviate,
pungent, 5. dead (ölmüş, ölü); synonyms (adj) get, revolution, (n) bend, curve, roll, coil, go, twist,
defunct, inanimate, breathless, deceased, extinct, bout, round, bent, circle, shift.
fallen, flat, gone, idle, numb, vapid, out, lost, (adv) dönüşüm transformation; synonyms (n) conversion,
right, absolutely; antonyms (adj) alive, animate, (n) alteration, metamorphosis, change, shift, mutation,
living. metabolism, modification, translation,
donuklaştırmak 1. dull; synonyms (adj) dim, blunt, transmutation, improvement, rectification,
dense, dreary, sluggish, bland, boring, cloudy, transmogrification, version.
cold, dark, dismal, inactive, inert, (v) deaden, dördül square (kare); synonyms (adj) right, even,
dampen; antonyms (adj) bright, lively, sharp, rectangular, fair, quadrate, straight, equal, (n) area,
exciting, interesting, lustrous, stimulating, foursquare, rectangle, quadrilateral, (v) settle, agree,
amusing, exhilarating, glittery, glossy, glowing, correspond, (adv) just.
high-pitched, intense, luminous, 2. dim; dördüncü fourth; synonyms (n) quarter, quartern,
synonyms (adj) obscure, dull, bleak, faint, gloomy, second, third, poop, stern, tail, (adv) fourthly, (adj)
indistinct, misty, opaque, (v) blur, darken, cloud, quaternary, quaternate.
pale, tarnish, blear, blind; antonyms (adj) brilliant, dört four; synonyms (n) quaternity, foursome,
intelligent, clever, strong, (v) clear, brighten. quadruplet, quaternary, quaternion, tetrad, quarter,
dönüş 1. turn (dönmek); synonyms (v) revolve, square, ace, air, appearence, cast, casting,
deviate, get, revolution, (n) bend, curve, roll, coil, contrivance, direction.
go, twist, bout, change, round, bent, circle, 2. doruk 1. peak (zirve); synonyms (n) crest,
return (dönmek); synonyms (n) yield, pay, maximum, top, acme, apex, crown, pinnacle,
recompense, refund, restitution, proceeds, income, climax, extreme, head, height, mountain, prime,

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summit, tip; antonyms (n) nadir, base, trough, 2. antonyms (adj) hostile, unfriendly, aggressive, aloof,
height (yükseklik, zirve); synonyms (n) altitude, disagreeable, distant, formal, bad-tempered,
culmination, peak, degree, elevation, eminence, belligerent, curt, frosty, reserved.
grade, high, level, zenith, extent, length, measure, dostluk 1. friendship; synonyms (n) fellowship,
pitch, size; antonym (n) shortness, 3. summit association, affection, familiarity, amity,
(zirve); synonyms (n) point, vertex, heyday, cover, companionship, company, friendliness, intimacy,
meeting, 4. crest; synonyms (n) brow, hilltop, attachment, concord, comradeship, love,
upside, edge, device, emblem, heraldry, ridge, relationship, acquaintance; antonyms (n) enmity,
badge, insignia, (v) cap, (adj) panache, plume, crag, hostility, 2. attachment; synonyms (n) appendix,
5. climax; synonyms (n) orgasm, meridian, accessory, addition, adherence, regard, appendage,
bond, connection, devotion, fitting, fondness,
extremity, apogee, finish, finale, crisis, end,
liking, link, tie, annex; antonym (n) detachment, 3.
highlight, (v) culminate; antonym (v) dip, 6. top
(üst); synonyms (adj) superlative, supreme, (n) society; synonyms (n) club, institution, public,
community, corporation, fraternity, circle, people,
surface, covering, lid, lead, pate, (v) best, exceed,
commonwealth, group, guild, order, partnership,
outdo, surpass, beat, better, excel, pass; antonyms
brotherhood, folk.
(adj) worst, (n) bottom, 7. sum (toplam);
dosya 1. file; synonyms (n) archive, document, list,
synonyms (n) total, quantity, entirety, mass, count,
procession, rank, record, roll, series, string, (v)
join, kernel, (v) amount, aggregate, figure, number,
order, rasp, register, scrape, abrade, arrange, 2.
add, resume, compute, (adj) all.
dosdoğru straight (düz); synonyms (adv) level, right, record (kaydetmek, kayıt, plak); synonyms (n)
account, book, disk, history, deed, disc, (v)
directly, (adj) erect, honest, even, flat, upright, fair,
chronicle, file, enter, note, report, score, inscribe,
correct, just, perpendicular, proper, accurate, (v)
mark, enrol.
direct; antonyms (adv) indirectly, (adj) curly, curved,
diluted, winding, zigzag, askew, bent, curvy, dosyalamak file (dosya); synonyms (n) archive,
knotted, twisted, twisting, wavy, circuitous, document, list, procession, rank, record, roll, series,
guarded. string, (v) order, rasp, register, scrape, abrade,
döşeme floor (taban, zemin); synonyms (n) bed,
level, base, layer, bottom, flooring, ground, dövme 1. battery (akü, batarya, pil); synonyms (n)
platform, soil, (v) deck, dump, fell, prostrate, stun, troop, army, barrage, company, collection,
baffle; antonym (n) top. mugging, onslaught, sequence, squad, violence,
group, regiment, squadron, ark, battalia, 2.
dost 1. friend (ahbap, arkadaş); synonyms (n)
fellow, acquaintance, ally, colleague, crony, beating; synonyms (n) reverse, beat, defeat,
advocate, assistant, booster, buddy, mate, thrashing, whipping, battery, battering, debacle,
connection, wellwisher, (adj) associate, companion, drubbing, hammering, pounding, pulsation, pulse,
comrade; antonyms (n) enemy, foe, stranger, rival, rout, (adj) pulsing; antonym (n) victory.
2. ally; synonyms (n) confederate, accomplice, dövmek 1. beat; synonyms (v) batter, flap, pulsate,
friend, partner, accessory, adherent, auxiliary, (v) throb, tick, trounce, whip, bat, baste, break, (n)
affiliate, align, support, band, connect, league, pulse, thump, knock, round, cadence; antonym (v)
marry, (adj) coadjutor; antonyms (n) adversary, lose, 2. pound; synonyms (n) cage, fold, (v) beat,
opponent, 3. fellow (adam); synonyms (n) boy, pen, bang, crush, grind, hammer, maul, palpitate,
equal, brother, chap, compeer, peer, dude, dog, mash, buffet, grate, bruise, ram.
counterpart, escort, beau, blighter, boyfriend, dövülmüş beaten; synonyms (v) beat, (adj) battered,
confrere, (v) concomitant, 4. lover; synonyms (n) overpowered, conquered, routed, overcome;
dear, darling, devotee, fan, admirer, buff, love, antonym (adj) victorious.
beloved, amorist, man, pet, sweetheart, gallant, dövüş fight; synonyms (v) combat, contest, quarrel,
enthusiast, follower, 5. pal; synonyms (n) chum, feud, argue, bicker, campaign, clash, contend, (n)
sidekick, confidant, intimate, (v) consort, 6. love battle, dispute, engagement, conflict, contention,
(aşk, sevgi, sevgili, sevmek); synonyms (n) (adj) brawl; antonyms (v) agree, retreat, withdrawal.
desire, affection, fondness, liking, benevolence, dövüşmek 1. fight; synonyms (v) combat, contest,
charity, attachment, devotion, honey, favor, (v) quarrel, feud, argue, bicker, campaign, clash,
cherish, enjoy, like, worship, (adj) flame; antonyms contend, (n) battle, dispute, engagement, conflict,
(n) abhorrence, hatred, aversion, (v) hate, dislike, contention, (adj) brawl; antonyms (v) agree, retreat,
abhor. withdrawal, 2. scrap; synonyms (n) fight, morsel,
dostça friendly; synonyms (adj) amiable, favorable, remnant, bit, chip, end, junk, piece, remainder,
affectionate, amicable, benevolent, companionable, crumb, fleck, (v) row, discard, reject, (adj) fragment;
convivial, decent, good-natured, kind, complaisant, antonym (v) keep.
approachable, accommodating, affable, close;

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138 Turkish - English

doyum satisfaction (tatmin); synonyms (n) pleasure, düdük whistle (ıslık çalmak); synonyms (n)
amends, complacency, content, enjoyment, joy, whistling, pennywhistle, (v) pipe, sing, twitter, hiss,
reparation, atonement, compensation, delight, cry, warble, cheep, tweet, chirp, wheeze.
discharge, ease, expiation, (v) contentment, düğme button; synonyms (n) knop, buckle, bud,
gratification; antonyms (n) dissatisfaction, clasp, fastening, key, push, (v) knob, fasten, (adj) pin,
displeasure, aggravation, discontent. tie.
doyumsuzluk dissatisfaction; synonyms (n) düğmelemek button (düğme); synonyms (n) knop,
displeasure, disappointment, disaffection, dislike, buckle, bud, clasp, fastening, key, push, (v) knob,
discontent, distaste, disquiet, disapproval, fasten, (adj) pin, tie.
disapprobation, regret, aversion, disfavor, düğüm 1. node (boğum); synonyms (n) knob,
disinclination, ennui; antonyms (n) satisfaction, connection, joint, knot, nodosity, nub, swelling,
contentment. client, guest, 2. knot; synonyms (n) bow, cluster,
doyurmak 1. satisfy (memnun etmek); synonyms tie, loop, bunch, gang, lump, tangle, band, burl,
(v) please, content, fill, indulge, meet, persuade, crowd, (v) entangle, knit, bind, fasten, 3. tie
sate, satiate, appease, answer, assuage, convince, (bağlamak, kravat); synonyms (n) draw, lace,
delight, (adj) suffice, do; antonyms (v) dissatisfy, association, relationship, sleeper, strap, string,
disappoint, displease, intensify, 2. fill cord, deadlock, (v) link, bond, attach, join, connect,
(doldurmak); synonyms (v) block, clog, charge, leash; antonyms (v) disconnect, untie, undo, 4.
line, stuff, accomplish, execute, complete, brim, twist; synonyms (n) twine, wind, spin, twirl,
close, cram, flood, fulfill, (n) crowd, filling; entwine, (v) turn, bend, distort, curl, coil, contort,
antonyms (v) empty, free. deform, curve, pervert, wrench; antonyms (v)
doyurucu 1. filling; synonyms (n) fill, filler, weft, straighten, untwist.
contents, loading, plug, pad, impletion, padding, düğümlemek 1. knot; synonyms (n) bow, cluster, tie,
stuffing, wadding, woof, 2. satisfying; synonyms loop, bunch, gang, joint, lump, tangle, band, burl,
(adj) pleasing, satisfactory, enjoyable, gratifying, (v) entangle, knit, bind, fasten, 2. tie (bağlamak,
pleasant, comforting, delightful, good, hearty, kravat); synonyms (n) connection, draw, lace,
pleasurable, welcome, agreeable, comfortable,
association, relationship, sleeper, strap, string, (v)
substantial, appreciated; antonyms (adj) unpleasant,
link, bond, attach, join, knot, connect, leash;
antonyms (v) disconnect, untie, undo.
doz dose; synonyms (n) potion, dosage, draught, düğün wedding; synonyms (n) marriage, matrimony,
medicine, share, batch, doctor, allotment, measure,
nuptial, nuptials, wedlock, (adj) bridal, matrimonial;
portion, shot, contingent, dividend, pill, (v) drug.
antonym (n) divorce.
dram drama; synonyms (n) play, show, tragedy,
dük duke; synonyms (n) prince, hand, chief, leader, (v)
performance, spectacle, theater.
pass, box, deliver.
drama drama; synonyms (n) play, show, tragedy,
Dükkan store (ambar, depo, depolamak,
performance, spectacle, theater.
saklamak, stok); synonyms (n) hoard, shop,
dramatik dramatic; synonyms (adj) spectacular,
market, business, emporium, heap, reserve, (v)
theatrical, impressive, scenic, exciting, sensational,
stock, accumulate, garner, amass, bank, cache,
striking, sudden, thespian; antonyms (adj) gradual,
keep, preserve.
dükkân 1. store (ambar, depo, depolamak,
drenaj drainage; synonyms (n) drain, drive, saklamak, stok); synonyms (n) hoard, shop,
emanation, tapping, hydrography, (adj) arefaction,
market, business, emporium, heap, reserve, (v)
dephlegmation. stock, accumulate, garner, amass, bank, cache,
dua prayer; synonyms (n) petition, invocation, keep, preserve, 2. shop; synonyms (n) store,
appeal, entreaty, plea, orison, request, suit, litany, factory, plant, workshop, house, outlet, workplace,
devotion, asking, supplication, blessing, demand, (v) betray, purchase, grass, browse, denounce,
supplicant. frequent, patronize, peach.
duble double (çift, çifte); synonyms (adj) duplicate, duman 1. smoke; synonyms (n) fumes, fog, mist,
dual, duple, twofold, (v) fold, reduplicate, bend, perfume, smoking, smoulder, (v) fume, reek,
geminate, plait, (n) twin, image, match, mate, fumigate, puff, exhale, cure, burn, smolder, (adj)
substitute, alternate; antonym (n) single. smudge, 2. mist; synonyms (n) cloud, haze, vapor,
dudak lip; synonyms (n) border, brim, cheek, edge, brume, film, smoke, steam, (v) blur, befog, cover,
impertinence, mouth, rim, brink, verge, flange, obscure, drizzle, bedim, becloud, hide, 3. fog (sis);
impudence, backtalk, effrontery, insolence, synonyms (n) confusion, daze, damp, cloudiness,
circumference. fogginess, fogging, muddle, murk, (v) confuse, dim,

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dümdüz 1. straight (düz); synonyms (adv) level, remain, sleep, ease, perch, (adj) remainder; antonym
right, directly, (adj) erect, honest, even, flat, upright, (v) work.
fair, correct, just, perpendicular, proper, accurate, duraklama pause (duraklamak); synonyms (n)
(v) direct; antonyms (adv) indirectly, (adj) curly, break, intermission, interruption, rest, gap, interval,
curved, diluted, winding, zigzag, askew, bent, respite, stop, breather, (v) halt, adjournment, delay,
curvy, knotted, twisted, twisting, wavy, circuitous, hesitate, desist, (adj) discontinue; antonyms (n)
guarded, 2. plane (planya, uçak); synonyms (n) decisiveness, (v) continue.
airplane, face, aeroplane, aircraft, degree, stage, duraklamak pause; synonyms (n) break,
surface, jet, craft, facet, (v) flatten, shave, (adj)
intermission, interruption, rest, gap, interval,
horizontal, smooth, flush. respite, stop, breather, (v) halt, adjournment, delay,
dün yesterday; synonyms (n) past, history, bygone, hesitate, desist, (adj) discontinue; antonyms (n)
foretime, (adj) passé, stale; antonym (n) tomorrow. decisiveness, (v) continue.
dünürlük alliance (ittifak); synonyms (n) Duraklat pause (duraklamak); synonyms (n) break,
connection, league, affinity, association, intermission, interruption, rest, gap, interval,
combination, confederacy, union, affiliation, respite, stop, breather, (v) halt, adjournment, delay,
alignment, alinement, coalition, merger, hesitate, desist, (adj) discontinue; antonyms (n)
organization, society, amalgamation; antonym (n)
decisiveness, (v) continue.
duraksama hesitation; synonyms (n) hesitance,
dünya 1. earth (toprak, yer, yeryüzü); synonyms faltering, delay, hesitate, diffidence, hesitancy,
(n) dirt, world, dust, ground, land, clay, lair, indecision, misgiving, pause, qualm, reluctance, (v)
creation, ball, country, den, globe, hole, nature, orb, doubt, falter, fear, hesitating; antonyms (n)
2. world; synonyms (n) cosmos, universe, public, certainty, persuasiveness.
sphere, society, realm, humanity, life, macrocosm, dural static (duruk, statik); synonyms (adj)
mankind, people, existence, folk, (adj) global,
immobile, inactive, motionless, inert, still, stagnant,
power. fixed, stable, stationary, unmoving, passive, quiet,
dünyevi secular (laik); synonyms (adj) profane, lay, rigid, lifeless, (n) atmospherics; antonym (adj)
worldly, earthly, laic, temporal, terrestrial, (n) moving.
layman, (v) centennial; antonyms (adj) holy,
dürbün binoculars; synonyms (n) binocular,
religious, spiritual.
düpedüz sheer; synonyms (adj) absolute, pure, mere, Durdur stop (durak, durdurmak, durma,
bold, diaphanous, filmy, gauzy, gossamer, simple,
durmak); synonyms (v) stand, block, close, delay,
steep, transparent, regular, (n) complete, perfect,
interrupt, obstruct, plug, (n) halt, hold, stay, check,
entire; antonyms (adj) gentle, thick.
end, arrest, bar, cease; antonyms (v) continue, start,
Dur 1. stop (durak, durdurmak, durma,
begin, encourage, permit, prolong.
durmak); synonyms (v) stand, block, close, delay,
durdurma 1. arrest; synonyms (n) stop, check, halt,
interrupt, obstruct, plug, (n) halt, hold, stay, check,
apprehension, custody, hold, detention, (v) capture,
end, arrest, bar, cease; antonyms (v) continue, start,
catch, apprehend, collar, delay, detain, get, hinder;
begin, encourage, permit, prolong, 2. halt
antonyms (v) release, discharge, 2. stop (durak,
(durma, durmak); synonyms (n) cessation,
durdurmak, durma, durmak); synonyms (v)
suspension, standstill, deadlock, (v) stop, limp,
stand, block, close, interrupt, obstruct, plug,
desist, discontinue, pause, freeze, break, waver,
disrupt, dwell, finish, (n) stay, end, arrest, bar,
brake, finish, (adj) flag.
cease, curb; antonyms (v) continue, start, begin,
durak 1. stop (durdurmak, durma, durmak);
encourage, permit, prolong.
synonyms (v) stand, block, close, delay, interrupt,
obstruct, plug, (n) halt, hold, stay, check, end, durdurmak 1. stop (durak, durma, durmak);
arrest, bar, cease; antonyms (v) continue, start, synonyms (v) stand, block, close, delay, interrupt,
obstruct, plug, (n) halt, hold, stay, check, end,
begin, encourage, permit, prolong, 2. station
arrest, bar, cease; antonyms (v) continue, start,
(istasyon); synonyms (n) rank, position, seat,
begin, encourage, permit, prolong, 2. arrest;
standing, base, depot, office, (v) place, locate, post,
synonyms (n) stop, apprehension, custody,
lay, order, put, set, site, 3. stand (ayakta
detention, standstill, (v) capture, catch, apprehend,
durmak, durmak); synonyms (v) endure, stall, collar, detain, get, hinder, inhibit, nail, retard;
undergo, live, suffer, tolerate, prop, erect, abide,
antonyms (v) release, discharge, 3. stay (kalma,
accept, bear, (n) attitude, booth, rack, pedestal;
kalmak); synonyms (v) remain, reside, rest, prop,
antonyms (v) sit, lie, 4. rest (dinlenme);
abide, endure, pause, bide, dwell, support, linger,
synonyms (n) remnant, repose, balance, pause,
lodge, persist, sojourn, (adj) inhabit; antonyms (v)
recess, relaxation, residue, leisure, break, (v) nap,
leave, change, abscond, depart, 4. cease

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(durmak); synonyms (v) break, quit, terminate, arrest, bar, cease; antonyms (v) continue, start,
abstain, conclude, discontinue, drop, desist, expire, begin, encourage, permit, prolong, 2. halt
lapse, abandon, (n) finish, termination, cessation, (durmak); synonyms (n) cessation, suspension,
(adj) abate, 5. halt (durma, durmak); synonyms standstill, deadlock, (v) stop, limp, desist,
(n) suspension, deadlock, interruption, stoppage, (v) discontinue, pause, freeze, break, waver, brake,
limp, freeze, waver, brake, hobble, rein, settle, finish, (adj) flag, 3. pause (duraklamak);
stem, suspend, (adj) flag, lame, 6. check (çek, synonyms (n) intermission, interruption, rest, gap,
denetim, denetlemek); synonyms (v) bridle, interval, respite, breather, hesitation, abeyance,
limit, agree, restrain, dampen, test, ascertain, assay, hiatus, (v) adjournment, hesitate, intermit, falter,
audit, contain, (n) control, curb, bill, cheque, demur; antonym (n) decisiveness, 4. stay (kalma,
barrier, 7. still; synonyms (adv) however, but, kalmak); synonyms (v) remain, reside, prop, abide,
nevertheless, (adj) calm, pacify, peaceful, silence, endure, bide, dwell, support, linger, lodge, persist,
quiescent, serene, silent, (n) hush, (v) quiet, assuage, sojourn, wait, (adj) inhabit, tarry; antonyms (v)
compose, lull; antonyms (adj) moving, effervescent, leave, change, abscond, depart.
fizzy, windy, (n) noisy, 8. stem (sap); synonyms durmak 1. stop (durak, durdurmak, durma);
(n) root, bow, branch, shank, stalk, stick, handle, synonyms (v) stand, block, close, delay, interrupt,
axis, bough, base, fore, (v) originate, issue, proceed, obstruct, plug, (n) halt, hold, stay, check, end,
arise. arrest, bar, cease; antonyms (v) continue, start,
durgun 1. calm; synonyms (adj) quiet, peaceful, begin, encourage, permit, prolong, 2. halt
tranquil, (v) assuage, appease, cool, still, allay, (durma); synonyms (n) cessation, suspension,
pacify, easy, moderate, mollify, steady, (n) lull,
standstill, deadlock, (v) stop, limp, desist,
equanimity; antonyms (adj) agitated, angry, discontinue, pause, freeze, break, waver, brake,
nervous, stormy, wild, annoyed, anxious, enraged, finish, (adj) flag, 3. cease; synonyms (v) quit,
frantic, frightened, intense, irritable, (v) agitate,
terminate, abstain, conclude, drop, expire, lapse,
upset, (n) agitation, 2. flat (düz); synonyms (adj) leave, abandon, cut, die, perish, refrain, (n)
dull, bland, even, plain, insipid, level, plane, termination, (adj) abate, 4. stand (ayakta
tasteless, dreary, boring, absolute, dead,
durmak); synonyms (v) endure, stall, undergo,
downright, (n) apartment, (v) uninteresting;
live, suffer, tolerate, prop, erect, abide, (n) attitude,
antonyms (adj) exciting, high-pitched, bumpy, 3.
booth, rack, base, pedestal, position; antonyms (v)
still; synonyms (adv) however, but, nevertheless, sit, lie, 5. stay (kalma, kalmak); synonyms (v)
(adj) calm, silence, quiescent, serene, silent, inactive,
remain, reside, rest, bide, dwell, support, linger,
motionless, mute, (n) hush, (v) compose, soothe,
lodge, persist, sojourn, wait, (n) postponement,
ease; antonyms (adj) moving, effervescent, fizzy,
reprieve, (adj) inhabit, tarry; antonyms (v) change,
windy, (n) noisy, 4. quiet (sakin, sessiz);
abscond, depart, 6. remain; synonyms (v) keep,
synonyms (adj) gentle, placid, tranquilize, collected,
last, be, persevere, exist, stick, attend, detain, hang,
composed, harmonious, hushed, low, modest, (v)
retain, subsist, survive, prevail.
repose, gag, (n) peace, peacefulness, alleviate,
leisure; antonyms (adj) loud, talkative, vociferous,
dürtmek 1. dig (kazmak); synonyms (v) jab, delve,
prod, burrow, comprehend, excavate, investigate,
active, (n) noise, 5. standing; synonyms (v) stand,
probe, apprehend, (n) poke, excavation, gibe,
post, (n) rank, fame, importance, position, prestige,
punch, stab, taunt; antonym (n) compliment, 2.
place, reputation, footing, attitude, class, (adj) erect,
continuance, permanent, 6. static (duruk,
thrust; synonyms (v) force, boost, ram, dig, impel,
squeeze, throw, stick, plunge, cram, (n) push, drive,
statik); synonyms (adj) immobile, inert, stagnant,
shove, cast, blow; antonym (v) pull.
fixed, stable, stationary, unmoving, passive, rigid,
lifeless, unchanging, (n) atmospherics.
dürtü 1. impulse; synonyms (n) impetus, pulse, urge,
drive, force, impulsion, motive, whim, goad, desire,
durgunluk 1. calm; synonyms (adj) quiet, peaceful,
incentive, incitement, momentum, motivation,
tranquil, (v) assuage, appease, cool, still, allay,
spur, 2. motive (güdü); synonyms (n) cause,
pacify, easy, moderate, mollify, steady, (n) lull,
ground, account, impulse, inducement, motif,
equanimity; antonyms (adj) agitated, angry,
reason, subject, design, grounds, object, occasion,
nervous, stormy, wild, annoyed, anxious, enraged,
stimulus, (v) aim, consideration, 3. incentive;
frantic, frightened, intense, irritable, (v) agitate,
synonyms (n) encouragement, fillip, inspiration,
upset, (n) agitation, 2. recession; synonyms (n)
whip, bait, bribe, catalyst, provocation, stimulant,
decline, depression, fall, niche, recess, slump,
bonus, lure; antonyms (n) deterrent, disincentive,
corner, receding.
constraint, 4. urge; synonyms (n) enforce, (v) push,
durma 1. stop (durak, durdurmak, durmak);
advocate, press, impel, incite, induce, inspire,
synonyms (v) stand, block, close, delay, interrupt,
instigate, persuade, prompt, promote, entreat,
obstruct, plug, (n) halt, hold, stay, check, end,
expedite, (adj) quicken; antonym (v) discourage.

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duruk static (statik); synonyms (adj) immobile, standpoint, 6. presence; synonyms (n)
inactive, motionless, inert, still, stagnant, fixed, appearance, front, attendance, comportment,
stable, stationary, unmoving, passive, quiet, rigid, figure, company, look, being, existence, spirit, (adj)
lifeless, (n) atmospherics; antonym (adj) moving. breeding, comity, gentility; antonyms (n) absence,
durulmak settle; synonyms (v) fix, place, clarify, nonattendance, 7. position (konum); synonyms
establish, pay, regulate, resolve, set, adjudicate, (n) lay, condition, employment, placement, rank,
adjust, agree, conclude, decide, determine, (adj) set, arrangement, status, case, (v) grade, fix, locate,
confirm. arrange, install, point, 8. stop (durak,
durum 1. state (devlet, eyalet); synonyms (n) durdurmak, durma, durmak); synonyms (v)
nation, position, say, country, kingdom, show, close, delay, interrupt, obstruct, plug, catch,
place, (v) declare, expound, express, mention, disrupt, dwell, finish, hinder, impede, intercept, (n)
affirm, allege, announce, (adj) national; antonyms halt, bar, curb; antonyms (v) begin, encourage,
(v) deny, (adj) private, 2. status; synonyms (n) rank, permit, prolong.
situation, caste, condition, order, circumstance, duruşma 1. trial (deneme); synonyms (n) test,
dignity, footing, grade, importance, posture, estate, examination, experiment, affliction, essay,
post, character, (adj) standing, 3. case; synonyms hardship, hearing, adversity, audition, attempt,
(n) box, example, bin, cover, jacket, shell, affair, bag, difficulty, distress, effort, endeavor, (adj)
briefcase, casing, eccentric, instance, suit, carton, experimental, 2. hearing; synonyms (n) earshot,
(adj) patient, 4. occasion; synonyms (n) case, event, ear, trial, consultation, sound, reach, inquiry,
chance, episode, happening, incident, juncture, interview, listening, earreach, (adj) audience,
motive, opportunity, (v) cause, create, beget, breed, auditory; antonym (adj) deaf.
induce, make, 5. circumstance; synonyms (n) dürüst 1. honest; synonyms (adj) fair, genuine,
state, accident, matter, occasion, adventure, equitable, good, sincere, artless, candid, clean,
casualty, fact, occurrence, crisis, phase, context, decent, dependable, faithful, forthright, frank,
particular, thing, 6. condition; synonyms (n) guileless, heartfelt; antonyms (adj) dishonest,
provision, status, attitude, circumstances, clause, corrupt, guarded, lying, misleading, disloyal,
predicament, term, complaint, affection, ailment, unwholesome, 2. moral; synonyms (adj) ethical,
assumption, class, disease, (v) aspect, provide, 7. honest, right, chaste, proper, righteous, upright,
situation; synonyms (n) employment, job, location, virtuous, honorable, noble, pure, (n) lesson,
office, point, seat, site, bearing, berth, environment, meaning, significance, example; antonyms (adj)
spot, function, placement, disposition, form, 8. immoral, bad, 3. upright; synonyms (adj)
shape (biçim, şekil); synonyms (n) cast, mold, perpendicular, straight, erect, vertical, just, plumb,
figure, pattern, build, configuration, design, (v) true, moral, respectable, standing, sound, bolt, (n)
fashion, model, mould, determine, adjust, carve, column, pillar, post; antonyms (adv) horizontally,
construct, fit, 9. position (konum); synonyms (n) (adj) disreputable, prone, upturned, degenerate,
lay, opinion, set, arrangement, stance, stand, belief, hanging, 4. just; synonyms (adv) exactly, hardly,
orientation, perspective, (v) fix, locate, arrange, newly, simply, exclusively, (adj) correct, accurate,
install, pose, poise, 10. stand (ayakta durmak, impartial, barely, fit, reasonable, appropriate,
durmak); synonyms (v) endure, stall, undergo, definite, direct, due; antonyms (adj) unfair, biased,
live, suffer, tolerate, prop, erect, hold, abide, accept, wrong, 5. fair (güzel, sarışın); synonyms (adj)
(n) booth, rack, base, pedestal; antonyms (v) sit, lie. clear, beautiful, average, dispassionate, fine, sweet,
duruş 1. carriage; synonyms (n) attitude, transport, comely, considerable, disinterested, elegant,
behavior, conveyance, air, coach, demeanor, evenhanded, (n) bazaar, blonde, carnival, (v) bright;
deportment, gait, manner, mien, port, position, antonyms (adj) dark, exceptional, unjust, partial,
posture, (v) bearing, 2. attitude (davranış, tavır, foul, imbalanced, mismatched, prejudiced,
tutum); synonyms (n) aspect, mind, notion, unwarranted, 6. direct (dolaysız,
approach, disposition, mentality, mood, opinion, yönlendirmek); synonyms (adj) blunt, immediate,
outlook, perspective, pose, side, stance, view, (v) aim, channel, conduct, address, charge, control,
viewpoint, 3. stand (ayakta durmak, durmak); dictate, head, administer, guide, lead, level, (n)
synonyms (v) endure, stall, undergo, live, suffer, command; antonyms (adj) indirect, roundabout,
tolerate, prop, erect, hold, abide, accept, (n) booth, circuitous, oblique, second-hand, sideways,
rack, base, pedestal; antonyms (v) sit, lie, 4. halt unplanned, (v) request, 7. straight (düz);
(durma, durmak); synonyms (n) stay, block, synonyms (adv) directly, frankly, immediately,
cessation, suspension, (v) stop, arrest, cease, check, openly, instantly, (adj) even, flat, consecutive, neat,
limp, desist, discontinue, pause, freeze, break, end; square, firsthand, plain, downright, real, exact;
antonyms (v) start, continue, 5. stance; synonyms antonyms (adv) indirectly, (adj) curly, curved,
(n) carriage, stand, location, place, situation, post, diluted, winding, zigzag, askew, bent, curvy,

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142 Turkish - English

knotted, twisted, twisting, wavy, lopsided, skewed, umpire, law, magistrate, propriety, virtue, (adj) just;
8. plain (açık, düz); synonyms (adj) ordinary, antonyms (n) injustice, unfairness.
comprehensible, intelligible, apparent, easy, duş shower; synonyms (n) rain, drizzle, barrage,
evident, homely, humble, manifest, obvious, rainfall, torrent, volley, (v) pour, bathe, hail,
simple, perspicuous, overt, outspoken, dull; sprinkle, wash, shed, bath, scatter, spray.
antonyms (adj) elaborate, fancy, unclear, mottled, düş dream; synonyms (n) daydream, aspiration,
multicolored, ornate, attractive, concealed, ambition, vision, desire, fantasy, figment,
confused, fussy, two-colored, 9. right (doğru, nightmare, reverie, sleep, coma, trance, notion, (v)
sağ); synonyms (adj) perfect, becoming, fitting, full, imagine, muse; antonym (n) reality.
nice, (adv) correctly, (n) privilege, law, liberty, düşey 1. vertical (dikey); synonyms (adj) upright,
authority, claim, freedom, interest, justice, (v) perpendicular, straight, erect, sheer, standing,
rectify; antonyms (adj) inappropriate, unjustified, plumb, unbowed; antonyms (adj) horizontal, prone,
incorrect, (n) left, 10. square (kare); synonyms 2. portrait; synonyms (n) effigy, image, icon,
(adj) rectangular, quadrate, equal, (n) area, likeness, delineation, depiction, figure, painting,
foursquare, rectangle, quadrilateral, block, (v) settle, photograph, picture, portraiture, portrayal,
agree, correspond, adjust, balance, check, conform, characterization.
11. straightforward; synonyms (adj) open, düşkünlük 1. affection (sevgi); synonyms (n) affect,
aboveboard, outright, ingenuous, unsophisticated, charity, attachment, fondness, affectionateness,
unequivocal, bluff, clear-cut, round, elementary, disease, feeling, heart, kindness, liking, love,
truthful, unaffected, uncomplicated, undesigning, tenderness, admiration, care, (v) regard; antonym
unvarnished; antonyms (adj) complicated, difficult,
(n) hatred, 2. devotion; synonyms (n) adoration,
complex, deceitful, tricky, devious, mysterious,
allegiance, dedication, loyalty, passion, worship,
pompous. affection, consecration, constancy, devotedness,
dürüstçe 1. fair (güzel, sarışın); synonyms (adj) enthusiasm, piety, reverence, zeal, (adj) veneration;
equitable, clear, beautiful, average, dispassionate, antonyms (n) indifference, disloyalty.
fine, impartial, reasonable, sweet, candid, (adv)
düşman enemy; synonyms (n) adversary, antagonist,
clean, (n) bazaar, blonde, carnival, (v) bright;
foe, opponent, opposition, competitor, assailant,
antonyms (adj) unfair, biased, dark, exceptional,
foeman, hostile, challenger, contender, (adj) rival;
unjust, partial, foul, imbalanced, mismatched,
antonyms (n) ally, friend, supporter.
prejudiced, unwarranted, 2. honestly; synonyms
(adv) frankly, fairly, candidly, directly, justly, düşmanca hostile; synonyms (adj) unfriendly,
sincerely, truly, faithfully, aboveboard, genuinely, aggressive, contrary, adverse, belligerent, warlike,
openly, fair, bluntly, plainly, (adj) earnestly; averse, unfavorable, antagonistic, chilly,
inhospitable, inimical, irreconcilable, opposed,
antonyms (adv) dishonestly, deceitfully,
opposite; antonyms (adj) friendly, soothing, warm.
misleadingly, 3. fairly (oldukça); synonyms (adv)
completely, moderately, somewhat, equitably, düşmanlık 1. hostility; synonyms (n) aggression,
passably, pretty, quite, rather, reasonably, enough, animosity, antagonism, enmity, feud, aversion,
middling, relatively, slightly, evenhandedly; bitterness, conflict, hatred, rancor, war,
belligerence, antipathy, disaffection, disagreement;
antonyms (adv) unfairly, extremely, unjustly.
antonyms (n) friendliness, closeness, goodwill, 2.
dürüstlük 1. honesty; synonyms (n) candor, fairness,
integrity, justice, candidness, equity, frankness, hatred (nefret); synonyms (n) detestation,
probity, chastity, decency, faith, honestness, abhorrence, disgust, grudge, anger, abomination,
morality, rectitude, (adj) fidelity; antonyms (n) dislike, hostility, odium, resentment, execration,
dishonesty, deceit, deception, deviousness, distaste, loathing, malice, (v) hate; antonyms (n)
treachery, wickedness, 2. integrity (bütünlük); love, adoration, liking.
synonyms (n) honesty, completeness, entireness, düşme 1. drop; synonyms (v) fall, decrease, deposit,
righteousness, unity, goodness, constancy, dribble, droop, abandon, cast, dip, discard, dismiss,
perfection, loyalty, principle, sincerity, totality, (adj) drip, ebb, jump, (n) decline, collapse; antonyms (v)
honor, dignity, faithfulness, 3. truth (doğruluk); rise, increase, lift, (n) growth, 2. fall (düşmek,
synonyms (n) exactness, reality, actuality, sonbahar); synonyms (v) descend, dive, rain,
correctness, fact, verity, genuineness, accuracy, diminish, dwindle, sink, alight, come, crash, (n)
certainty, precision, authenticity, trueness, drop, descent, downfall, plunge, pitch, cascade;
uprightness, veracity, axiom; antonyms (n) untruth, antonyms (v) ascend, climb, triumph, win, (n)
fabrication, falsehood, fiction, lie, 4. justice ascent.
(adalet); synonyms (n) impartiality, judge, right, düşmek 1. fall (sonbahar); synonyms (v) decline,
judicature, jurist, justness, court, reasonableness, dip, decrease, descend, dive, rain, diminish,
dwindle, sink, alight, (n) drop, descent, downfall,

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plunge, pitch; antonyms (v) rise, increase, ascend, tutum); synonyms (n) position, aspect, posture,
climb, triumph, win, (n) ascent, 2. drop; synonyms behavior, air, approach, bearing, disposition,
(v) fall, deposit, dribble, droop, abandon, cast, mood, outlook, perspective, pose, side, stance,
discard, dismiss, drip, ebb, jump, shed, decay, die, viewpoint, 9. idea (fikir); synonyms (n)
(n) collapse; antonyms (v) lift, (n) growth, 3. land estimation, suggestion, appearance, aim,
(toprak); synonyms (n) ground, country, soil, field, hypothesis, object, purpose, reason, supposition,
kingdom, domain, estate, nation, realm, state, suspicion, theory, theme, device, purport, hint, 10.
empire, (v) disembark, debark, get, arrive; antonym voice (ses); synonyms (n) speech, sound,
(adj) aquatic, 4. decline; synonyms (n) declension, language, part, suffrage, vote, (v) enunciate,
declination, deterioration, diminution, (v) wane, express, pronounce, say, speak, utter, vocalize,
reject, abate, fail, refuse, deny, deteriorate, spurn, articulate, state, 11. sense (anlam, duygu,
worsen, (adj) fade, languish; antonyms (n) duyu, his); synonyms (n) sensation, logic, gist,
improvement, recovery, development, rebirth, (v) import, intent, intuition, sensibility, sensitivity,
accept, flourish, improve, 5. crash; synonyms (n) wisdom, wit, gumption, (v) feel, perceive, scent,
clash, collision, smash, clank, clatter, impact, slam, detect; antonyms (n) garbage, ludicrousness,
wreck, (v) bang, break, clang, crack, dash, ram, nonsense, stupidity, foolishness, gibberish, 12.
thunder. thinking; synonyms (v) conceive, (adj) intelligent,
düşük 1. low (alçak); synonyms (adj) contemptible, thoughtful, meditative, contemplative, pensive,
abject, humble, ignoble, base, blue, common, deep, rational, (n) reasoning, mentation, philosophy.
dejected, depressed, down, downcast, düşünceli 1. thoughtful; synonyms (adj) considerate,
downhearted, (adv) gentle, (n) depression; antonyms serious, careful, kind, solemn, attentive, courteous,
(adj) cheerful, happy, high-pitched, loud, important, discreet, heedful, pensive, sensible, grave, mindful,
piercing, (n) high, 2. abortion; synonyms (n) anxious, caring; antonyms (adj) inconsiderate,
miscarriage, failure, fiasco, abortive, aborsement, thoughtless, careless, heedless, 2. advised;
castling, freak, termination, aborting, blunder, synonyms (v) designed, determinate, express, (adj)
disappointment, incompletion, misadventure. intentional, considered, studied, deliberate,
düşünce 1. consideration; synonyms (n) concern, premeditated, intended.
respect, attention, care, reflection, thought, account, düşüncesiz 1. careless; synonyms (adj) inconsiderate,
cogitation, conception, deliberation, notice, tact, cursory, forgetful, haphazard, inattentive,
thoughtfulness, (v) regard, condition; antonyms (n) insouciant, reckless, hasty, imprudent, inadvertent,
thoughtlessness, impulsiveness, inconsideration, 2. incautious, lax, listless, (v) heedless, (adv)
opinion (fikir); synonyms (n) judgment, feeling, thoughtless; antonyms (adj) careful, cautious,
notion, idea, belief, advice, conjecture, guess, prudent, attentive, diligent, meticulous, thorough,
impression, meaning, mind, view, counsel, thoughtful, guarded, methodical, strict, wary, 2.
comment, estimate, 3. thought; synonyms (v) blind (kör, kör etmek); synonyms (adj) sightless,
observation, (n) opinion, consideration, sentiment, undiscerning, (v) bedazzle, daze, dazzle, obscure,
concept, apprehension, design, fancy, plan, (n) screen, curtain, shutter, awning, drape, trick,
thinking, heed, intention, cerebration, veil, camouflage, cheat; antonym (adj) sighted.
contemplation, inspiration; antonym (n) fact, 4. düşünen thinking; synonyms (v) conceive, (adj)
observation (gözlem); synonyms (n) observance, intelligent, thoughtful, meditative, (n) thought,
remark, inspection, perception, insight, consideration, idea, opinion, reasoning, intellection,
commentary, examination, look, image, conception, contemplation, view, attention,
information, annotation, experience, sight, lookout, cerebration.
(v) note, 5. mind (akıl); synonyms (n) intellect, düşünme 1. thinking; synonyms (v) conceive, (adj)
brain, head, inclination, intelligence, psyche, intelligent, thoughtful, meditative, (n) thought,
mentality, conscience, brains, heart, (v) attend, consideration, idea, opinion, reasoning, intellection,
beware, keep, listen, guard; antonym (v) forget, 6. conception, contemplation, view, attention,
counsel (avukat, öğüt, öğüt vermek); cerebration, 2. thought; synonyms (v) observation,
synonyms (n) caution, advocate, advisement, (n) notion, impression, belief, feeling, reflection,
admonition, attorney, consultation, counselor, sentiment, concept, judgment, apprehension, care,
exhortation, guidance, recommendation, (v) advise, cogitation, design, fancy, mind; antonym (n) fact.
consult, admonish, confer, exhort, 7. conception düşünmek 1. think (sanmak); synonyms (v)
(fikir); synonyms (n) creation, comprehension, consider, believe, reckon, estimate, guess, hold,
imagination, invention, understanding, initiation, imagine, muse, ponder, reflect, regard, suppose,
appreciation, awareness, conceit, construct, grasp, cogitate, conjecture, contemplate; antonym (v)
inkling, intellection, reading, sense; antonym (n) forget, 2. deliberate; synonyms (adj) careful,
misconception, 8. attitude (davranış, tavır, calculated, circumspect, slow, thoughtful,

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144 Turkish - English

conscious, considered, intended, intentional, (v) antonyms (adj) foolish, absurd, crazy, idiotic,
consult, debate, think, confer, discuss, excogitate; imprudent, ludicrous, mad, outrageous, reckless,
antonyms (adj) accidental, chance, unintentional, ridiculous, silly, stupid, unreasonable, unwise,
hasty, ingenuous, involuntary, spontaneous, 3. harebrained, 3. tender; synonyms (adj)
reflect (yansıtmak); synonyms (v) deliberate, affectionate, loving, sensitive, soft, compassionate,
meditate, mirror, mull, bethink, echo, ruminate, fond, mild, frail, caring, (v) proffer, present,
shine, speculate, copy, imitate, brood, repeat, flash, propose, (n) offer, bid, overture; antonyms (adj)
glint, 4. balance (denge, dengelemek); tough, hard, rubbery, rough.
synonyms (n) poise, symmetry, excess, remainder, duyarlık sensitivity; synonyms (n) sensibility,
account, complement, counterpoise, credit, (v) feeling, sensation, sense, sensitiveness, speed,
counterbalance, adjust, offset, compensate, acumen, appreciation, deftness, dexterity, kindness,
contrast, settle, audit; antonyms (n) imbalance, (v) predisposition, receptiveness, sympathy, tact;
unbalance, 5. reason; synonyms (n) mind, intellect, antonym (n) insensitivity.
occasion, argument, object, purpose, rationality, duyarlılık sensitivity; synonyms (n) sensibility,
understanding, basis, explanation, (v) cause, argue, feeling, sensation, sense, sensitiveness, speed,
conclude, deduce, ground. acumen, appreciation, deftness, dexterity, kindness,
düşürmek drop; synonyms (v) fall, decrease, deposit, predisposition, receptiveness, sympathy, tact;
dribble, droop, abandon, cast, dip, discard, dismiss, antonym (n) insensitivity.
drip, ebb, jump, (n) decline, collapse; antonyms (v) duygu 1. emotion; synonyms (n) affection, love,
rise, increase, lift, (n) growth. feeling, passion, sensation, heart, agitation,
düşüş 1. drop; synonyms (v) fall, decrease, deposit, commotion, excitement, mood, pathos, sensibility,
dribble, droop, abandon, cast, dip, discard, dismiss, anger, (v) impression; antonym (n) intelligence, 2.
drip, ebb, jump, (n) decline, collapse; antonyms (v) feeling; synonyms (n) feel, emotion, atmosphere,
rise, increase, lift, (n) growth, 2. fall (düşmek, belief, hunch, intuition, opinion, sense, sensitivity,
sonbahar); synonyms (v) descend, dive, rain, sentiment, enthusiasm, air, effect, (adj) emotional,
diminish, dwindle, sink, alight, come, crash, (n) sensitive; antonyms (n) numbness, indifference, 3.
drop, descent, downfall, plunge, pitch, cascade; sense (anlam, duyu, his); synonyms (n)
antonyms (v) ascend, climb, triumph, win, (n) perception, meaning, logic, awareness, experience,
ascent, 3. recession; synonyms (n) depression, idea, notion, reason, understanding, purport, (v)
niche, recess, slump, corner, receding, 4. decrease intellect, mind, perceive, scent, detect; antonyms (n)
(azaltmak); synonyms (n) cut, cutback, garbage, ludicrousness, nonsense, stupidity,
diminution, reduction, (v) abate, lessen, abridge, foolishness, gibberish, 4. feel (hissetmek);
curtail, lower, wane, contract, decay, detract, synonyms (v) consider, finger, handle, believe,
shrink, allay; antonyms (n) extension, (v) grow, deem, endure, find, hold, suffer, suppose, think, (n)
touch, sound, texture, tone; antonym (v) observe, 5.
duvar 1. wall; synonyms (n) partition, bar, barrier, sensation; synonyms (n) thrill, wonder, stunner,
sentience, ace, discernment, genius, hit, marvel,
bulwark, rampart, cliff, earthwork, fortification,
miracle, phenomenon, prodigy, smash, success, (v)
screen, rail, barricade, block, blockade, bolt, (v)
inspiration, 6. sentiment; synonyms (n)
fence, 2. barrier (engel); synonyms (n) dam,
judgement, judgment, persuasion, attitude,
handicap, hurdle, obstruction, restraint, boundary,
position, apprehension, conception, image,
hindrance, impediment, obstacle, snag, wall,
observation, thought, view, estimation, purpose,
barrage, guard, protection, blockage, 3. enclosure;
consideration, intellection.
synonyms (n) coop, cage, enclosing, pen, hedge,
addition, sty, case, envelopment, fencing, inclosure, duygudaşlık sympathy; synonyms (n) compassion,
insert, railing, ring, supplement. pity, benevolence, commiseration, feeling,
humanity, kindness, mercy, rapport,
duvarcı mason; synonyms (n) builder, freemason,
understanding, agreement, clemency, comfort,
stonemason, architect, artificer, artist, maker,
affection, (adj) charity; antonyms (n) indifference,
manufacturer, smith, carpenter.
duyarlı 1. sensitive; synonyms (adj) delicate,
duygulandırmak move (hareket, taşınmak);
excitable, sensible, sore, tender, painful,
synonyms (v) act, affect, carry, excite, go, impel,
impressionable, emotional, gentle, irritable,
instigate, maneuver, touch, travel, flow, bear, (n)
perceptive, receptive, susceptible, nice, nervous;
motion, drive, transfer; antonym (v) stay.
antonyms (adj) insensitive, numb, hardhearted,
tactless, thick-skinned, 2. sensible; synonyms (adj)
duygulu 1. emotional (duygusal); synonyms (adj)
dramatic, affecting, affective, effusive, moving,
reasonable, aware, judicious, perceptible, prudent,
passionate, poignant, sensational, sensitive, warm,
rational, sagacious, intelligent, sane, wise,
affectional, excited, fervent, mawkish, (v) emotive;
appreciable, sage, logical, practical, conscious;

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antonyms (adj) impassive, unemotional, intimation, bill, ad, assertion, 2. advertisement

unflappable, 2. sensitive; synonyms (adj) delicate, (ilan, reklam); synonyms (n) announcement,
excitable, sensible, sore, tender, painful, advert, advertising, circular, publication,
impressionable, emotional, gentle, irritable, advertizement, advertizing, placard, poster, 3.
perceptive, receptive, susceptible, nice, nervous; notice; synonyms (n) attention, information, mind,
antonyms (adj) insensitive, numb, hardhearted, caution, heed, message, observation, (v) note, look,
tactless, thick-skinned. attend, detect, discover, distinguish, find, mark;
duygusal 1. emotional; synonyms (adj) dramatic, antonyms (v) disregard, ignore.
affecting, affective, effusive, moving, passionate, duyusal sensory; synonyms (adj) sensorial,
poignant, sensational, sensitive, warm, affectional,
sensational, sensitive, sensuous, arresting, sensor,
excited, fervent, mawkish, (v) emotive; antonyms acoustic, afferent, audible, audio-visual, auditory,
(adj) impassive, unemotional, unflappable, 2. aural, auricular, (n) sensorium, sensitory.
sentimental; synonyms (adj) emotional, maudlin, düz 1. smooth (düzgün); synonyms (adj) easy, calm,
mushy, romantic, tender, schmaltzy, soft, sappy, level, oily, facile, flat, flowing, fluent, fluid, glossy,
bathetic, loving, mincing, nostalgic, schmalzy, graceful, greasy, (v) quiet, facilitate, even;
slushy. antonyms (adj) rough, uneven, abrasive, coarse,
duygusuzluk indifference (ilgisizlik); synonyms (n) crumpled, flaking, harsh, jerky, lined, peeling,
apathy, detachment, disregard, impassiveness, prickly, ridged, wrinkled, corrugated, (v) wrinkle,
aloofness, disinterest, impassivity, neglect, 2. flat; synonyms (adj) dull, bland, plain, insipid,
neutrality, nonchalance, unconcern, stoicism,
plane, tasteless, dreary, boring, absolute, dead,
coolness, (adj) coldness, phlegm; antonyms (n) downright, equal, fixed, (n) apartment, (v)
dedication, eagerness, fervor, interest, passion, uninteresting; antonyms (adj) exciting, high-
compassion, favorite, sympathy.
pitched, bumpy, 3. straight; synonyms (adv) right,
duymak 1. hear; synonyms (v) attend, discover, directly, frankly, (adj) erect, honest, upright, fair,
apprehend, understand, catch, examine, learn, correct, just, perpendicular, proper, accurate,
listen, overhear, see, try, find, get, comprehend, immediate, consecutive, (v) direct; antonyms (adv)
gather, 2. feel (hissetmek); synonyms (v) indirectly, (adj) curly, curved, diluted, winding,
experience, sense, consider, finger, handle, believe, zigzag, askew, bent, curvy, knotted, twisted,
deem, endure, hold, (n) touch, atmosphere, feeling, twisting, wavy, circuitous, guarded, 4. plain
sound, texture, air; antonym (v) observe.
(açık); synonyms (adj) ordinary, comprehensible,
duyu 1. sense (anlam, duygu, his); synonyms (n) intelligible, apparent, clear, evident, homely,
intelligence, perception, meaning, sensation, logic, humble, manifest, obvious, simple, perspicuous,
awareness, experience, feeling, idea, impression, overt, outspoken, explicit; antonyms (adj) elaborate,
notion, (v) feel, intellect, mind, perceive; antonyms fancy, unclear, mottled, multicolored, ornate,
(n) garbage, ludicrousness, nonsense, stupidity,
attractive, concealed, confused, fussy, two-colored,
foolishness, gibberish, 2. sensation; synonyms (n)
5. even (çift, hatta); synonyms (adv) yet, (adj)
emotion, sense, sensibility, sensitivity, thrill,
constant, equable, equivalent, horizontal, identical,
wonder, agitation, stunner, sentience, sentiment,
regular, steady, balanced, equitable, flush, square,
ace, discernment, genius, hit, (v) affection; antonym
uniform, (v) balance, smooth; antonyms (adj)
(n) numbness.
inconsistent, irregular, jagged, unequal, 6. level
duyum sensation; synonyms (n) impression, emotion, (düzey); synonyms (n) grade, degree, category,
feel, sense, perception, sensibility, sensitivity, thrill,
class, point, (v) flatten, floor, aim, demolish,
wonder, agitation, stunner, awareness, idea, (v)
destroy, dismantle, raze, bulldoze, equalize, fell;
feeling, affection; antonym (n) numbness.
antonyms (adj) inclined, slanting, angled, (v) build,
duyumsal sensory; synonyms (adj) sensorial, raise, 7. horizontal (yatay); synonyms (adj)
sensational, sensitive, sensuous, arresting, sensor,
straight, prostrate; antonym (adj) vertical, 8. direct
acoustic, afferent, audible, audio-visual, auditory,
aural, auricular, (n) sensorium, sensitory.
(dolaysız, yönlendirmek); synonyms (adj) blunt,
transparent, (v) channel, conduct, address, charge,
duyurmak announce (ilan etmek); synonyms (v)
control, dictate, head, administer, guide, lead,
advertise, herald, declare, enunciate, proclaim,
order, bend, (n) command; antonyms (adj) indirect,
return, affirm, annunciate, broadcast,
roundabout, oblique, second-hand, sideways,
communicate, foretell, intimate, promulgate,
unplanned, (v) request, 9. right (doğru, sağ);
publicize, publish.
synonyms (adj) appropriate, due, decent, good,
duyuru 1. announcement (ilan); synonyms (n)
perfect, exact, faithful, fit, reasonable, becoming, (n)
annunciation, notice, advertisement, declaration,
privilege, law, liberty, authority, (v) rectify;
communication, proclamation, promulgation,
antonyms (adj) inappropriate, unjustified, immoral,
pronouncement, release, report, statement,
incorrect, (n) left, (v) wrong.

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146 Turkish - English

düzelmek improve; synonyms (v) advance, heal, healthier, greater, (n) bettor, (v) best, recover,
emend, help, ameliorate, amend, correct, reform, exceed, excel, refine, surpass, top, benefit, beat, cap;
gain, educate, better, cultivate, develop, enhance, antonyms (adj) lesser, (adv) worse, (n) inferior, 11.
mend; antonyms (v) worsen, deteriorate, regress, repair (onarım, onarmak, tamir etmek);
spoil. synonyms (n) overhaul, renewal, renovation, fixing,
düzeltme 1. correction; synonyms (n) amendment, mending, (v) patch, compensate, go, renew, resort,
adjustment, alteration, castigation, chastisement, redeem, refresh, reinstate, bushel, reconstruct, 12.
discipline, redress, modification, emendation, square (kare); synonyms (adj) rectangular, fair,
improvement, punishment, revision, editing, quadrate, straight, equitable, (n) area, foursquare,
rebuke, rectification; antonym (n) fabrication, 2. rectangle, quadrilateral, block, court, diamond, (v)
amendment; synonyms (n) betterment, correction, correspond, check, (adv) just, 13. right (doğru,
transformation, change, conversion, mend, reform, sağ); synonyms (adj) due, decent, good, exact,
variation, 3. adjustment; synonyms (n) faithful, reasonable, direct, ethical, (adv) correctly,
adaptation, accommodation, control, fit, settlement, exactly, (n) privilege, law, liberty, authority, claim;
allowance, arrangement, disposition, antonyms (adj) unjustified, immoral, (n) left.
standardization, agreement, compromise, disposal, düzeltmen reader (okuyucu); synonyms (n)
fitting, order, (adj) adaption. lecturer, professor, lector, proofreader, reviewer,
düzeltmek 1. level (düzey); synonyms (n) grade, subscriber, compositor, preacher, printer.
degree, (adj) even, equal, horizontal, (v) flat, flatten, düzen 1. order (düzenlemek, emretmek, sıra);
floor, aim, demolish, destroy, dismantle, raze,
synonyms (n) command, decree, dictate, array,
bulldoze, balance; antonyms (adj) inclined, slanting, rank, sort, charge, class, condition, disposition,
angled, unequal, (v) uneven, build, raise, 2. correct edict, (v) direct, commission, arrange, call;
(doğru); synonyms (adj) right, accurate, antonyms (n) anarchy, chaos, confusion, mayhem,
appropriate, becoming, nice, precise, proper, (v) mess, (v) disorder, request, 2. layout; synonyms (n)
adjust, amend, castigate, chastise, chasten, better, arrangement, composition, design, plan, order,
remedy, (n) true; antonyms (adj) incorrect, false, outline, scheme, display, 3. arrangement;
faulty, inappropriate, mistaken, improper, (v) synonyms (n) agreement, settlement, adjustment,
wrong, spoil, 3. smooth (düz, düzgün); classification, contract, distribution, method,
synonyms (adj) easy, calm, level, oily, facile, sequence, system, accommodation, appointment,
flowing, fluent, fluid, glossy, graceful, greasy, accord, construction, contrivance, covenant, 4.
liquid, mellow, (v) quiet, facilitate; antonyms (adj) array (dizi); synonyms (n) line, garment, army,
rough, abrasive, coarse, crumpled, flaking, harsh, assortment, bank, (v) attire, dress, adorn, apparel,
jerky, lined, peeling, prickly, ridged, wrinkled, clothe, deck, garb, range, ornament, align; antonym
corrugated, (v) wrinkle, crease, 4. remedy (ilaç);
(v) disarray, 5. formation; synonyms (n)
synonyms (n) cure, redress, medicine, drug, relief,
constitution, creation, establishment, genesis,
antidote, curative, medication, (v) heal, help, rectify,
organization, configuration, conformation,
correct, relieve, aid, doctor, 5. reform; synonyms generation, production, architecture, erection,
(n) amendment, alteration, conversion, (v) change,
form, foundation, make, (v) fabrication; antonym (n)
modify, transform, ameliorate, emend, improve,
destruction, 6. disposition; synonyms (n) bent,
mend, reclaim, regenerate, remodel, renovate,
attitude, character, disposal, tendency, bias,
rehabilitate, 6. fix; synonyms (v) establish, assign,
inclination, predisposition, propensity, direction,
determine, fasten, settle, define, anchor, arrange,
aptitude, heart, humor, leaning, mettle, 7. method
set, clamp, do, (n) bind, (adj) ascertain, confirm,
attach; antonyms (v) break, unfasten, 7. improve;
(yöntem); synonyms (n) course, fashion, approach,
custom, formula, manner, way, device, means,
synonyms (v) advance, reform, gain, educate,
mode, practice, procedure, routine, style,
cultivate, develop, enhance, perfect, restore,
technique, 8. disposal; synonyms (n)
beautify, revise, proceed, convalesce, elevate, grow;
administration, sale, alienation, control,
antonyms (v) worsen, deteriorate, regress, 8.
dispensation, adhibition, 9. system (sistem);
adjust (ayarlamak); synonyms (v) temper,
synonyms (n) network, structure, process, frame,
accommodate, adapt, align, acclimatize, fit, fix,
rule, organisation, regularity, model, pattern,
reconcile, regulate, alter, compose, conform,
usage, machine, mechanism, unit, code, complex,
coordinate, (adj) dress, (n) square, 9. arrange
10. scheme (proje); synonyms (n) dodge,
(düzenlemek); synonyms (v) appoint, order, pack,
diagram, project, schedule, conspiracy, figure,
agree, classify, decorate, engineer, provide, put,
chart, maneuver, purpose, (v) plot, intrigue, devise,
straighten, display, design, dispose, distribute, (n)
conspire, contrive, connive.
array; antonyms (v) disturb, disarrange, 10. better
düzenek mechanism (mekanizma); synonyms (n)
(daha iyi); synonyms (adj) superior, major,
apparatus, machinery, appliance, contrivance,

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device, machine, action, instrument, mechanics, synonyms (adj) clean, neat, trim, spruce, natty,
agency, gear, vehicle, operation, means, medium. respectable, shipshape, goodish, sizable, nice, (v)
düzenleme 1. arrangement; synonyms (n) arrange, straighten, groom, neaten, order;
agreement, order, settlement, adjustment, array, antonyms (adj) untidy, disheveled, knotted, 5.
classification, contract, design, distribution, straight (düz); synonyms (adv) right, directly,
method, plan, sequence, system, accommodation, frankly, due, immediately, (adj) erect, honest,
appointment, 2. arrange (düzenlemek); upright, fair, just, perpendicular, proper,
synonyms (v) adjust, appoint, dress, set, settle, pack, immediate, consecutive, frank; antonyms (adv)
adapt, agree, classify, compose, decorate, do, indirectly, (adj) curly, curved, diluted, winding,
engineer, fix, provide; antonyms (v) disturb, zigzag, askew, bent, curvy, twisted, twisting, wavy,
disarrange, 3. layout; synonyms (n) arrangement, circuitous, guarded, lopsided, 6. systematic
composition, outline, scheme, display. (sistematik); synonyms (adj) tidy, businesslike,
düzenlemek 1. arrange; synonyms (v) adjust, logical, efficient, ordered, symmetrical, uniform;
appoint, dress, order, set, settle, pack, adapt, agree, antonym (adj) unsystematic, 7. uniform
classify, compose, decorate, do, engineer, fix; (üniforma); synonyms (adj) same, homogenous,
antonyms (v) disturb, disarrange, 2. organize invariable, unchanging, set, alike, similar,
(örgütlemek); synonyms (v) establish, coordinate, measured, proportionate, rigid, (n) livery, dress,
constitute, devise, direct, form, institute, regulate, garb, attire, costume; antonyms (adj) varied,
conduct, found, make, orchestrate, organise, plan, assorted.
(n) arrange; antonym (v) disorganize, 3. order düzensiz irregular; synonyms (adj) abnormal,
(düzen, emretmek, sıra); synonyms (n) atypical, anomalous, broken, eccentric, erratic,
command, decree, dictate, array, rank, sort, charge, changeable, desultory, deviant, disorderly, guerilla,
class, condition, disposition, edict, injunction, sporadic, strange, unequal, (n) guerrilla; antonyms
instruction, (v) commission, call; antonyms (n) (adj) regular, constant, even, normal, smooth,
anarchy, chaos, confusion, mayhem, mess, (v) symmetrical, compact, cyclic, equal, steady.
disorder, request, 4. regulate (ayarlamak); düzensizlik 1. disorder; synonyms (n) ailment,
synonyms (v) manage, control, determine, govern, complaint, clutter, disease, jumble, muddle, chaos,
influence, modulate, regularize, align, check, commotion, confusion, disarrangement,
correct, decide, guide, organize, rectify, shape, 5. disturbance, (v) derange, disarray, confuse, perturb;
scheme (proje); synonyms (n) contrivance, dodge, antonyms (n) orderliness, calm, peace, (v) order, 2.
arrangement, device, diagram, method, project, mess; synonyms (n) difficulty, disorder,
schedule, conspiracy, figure, (v) plot, design, hodgepodge, jam, scrape, bedlam, dilemma, dirt,
intrigue, conspire, contrive, 6. dispose; synonyms mash, mayhem, miscellany, muss, pickle, (v) botch,
(v) incline, predispose, discard, lead, place, soil.
position, range, tend, contribute, deploy, distribute, düzey 1. level; synonyms (n) grade, degree, (adj) even,
fit, fling, marshal, (n) bias; antonym (v) indispose, equal, horizontal, (v) flat, flatten, floor, aim,
7. shape (biçim, şekil); synonyms (n) cast, mold, demolish, destroy, dismantle, raze, bulldoze,
pattern, build, configuration, frame, outline, fitness, balance; antonyms (adj) inclined, slanting, angled,
appearance, (v) fashion, model, mould, carve, unequal, (v) uneven, build, raise, 2. plane
construct, knead.
(planya, uçak); synonyms (n) airplane, face,
düzenleyici editor; synonyms (n) redactor, writer, aeroplane, aircraft, stage, surface, jet, craft, facet,
editioner, journalist, press. planer, (v) shave, hover, (adj) level, smooth, flush.
düzenli 1. regular (normal); synonyms (adj) normal, düzgün 1. smooth (düz); synonyms (adj) easy, calm,
orderly, steady, common, customary, general, level, oily, facile, flat, flowing, fluent, fluid, glossy,
methodical, ordinary, formal, accurate, correct, (n) graceful, greasy, (v) quiet, facilitate, even;
fixed, constant, firm, (v) conventional; antonyms antonyms (adj) rough, uneven, abrasive, coarse,
(adj) irregular, erratic, inconsistent, unusual, crumpled, flaking, harsh, jerky, lined, peeling,
variable, asymmetrical, extraordinary, straight, 2. prickly, ridged, wrinkled, corrugated, (v) wrinkle,
steady; synonyms (adj) even, secure, continual, 2. straight (düz); synonyms (adv) right, directly,
resolute, stable, cool, incessant, sedate, settled, frankly, (adj) erect, honest, upright, fair, correct, just,
consistent, certain, (v) steadfast, calm, regular, perpendicular, proper, accurate, immediate,
brace; antonyms (adj) unsteady, shaky, wobbly, consecutive, (v) direct; antonyms (adv) indirectly,
intermittent, unreliable, 3. even (çift, hatta); (adj) curly, curved, diluted, winding, zigzag, askew,
synonyms (adv) yet, (adj) direct, equal, equable, bent, curvy, knotted, twisted, twisting, wavy,
equivalent, flat, horizontal, identical, plane, clear, circuitous, guarded, 3. regular (düzenli,
balanced, equitable, (v) level, balance, smooth; normal); synonyms (adj) normal, orderly, steady,
antonyms (adj) uneven, jagged, unequal, 4. tidy; common, customary, general, methodical,

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148 Turkish - English

ordinary, formal, habitual, (n) fixed, constant, firm, pharmacopolist, alchemist, chemic, dispensatory,
familiar, (v) conventional; antonyms (adj) irregular, laborant, analyst.
erratic, inconsistent, unusual, variable, eda expression (anlatım, deyim, ifade); synonyms
asymmetrical, extraordinary, straight. (n) diction, phrase, voice, appearance, aspect,
düzine dozen; synonym (n) twelve. declaration, demonstration, manifestation,
düzlem plane (planya, uçak); synonyms (n) articulation, express, countenance, face, idiom,
airplane, face, aeroplane, aircraft, degree, stage, indication, language; antonym (n) repression.
surface, (v) flatten, shave, (adj) level, even, flat, edebi literary; synonyms (adj) learned, bookish,
horizontal, smooth, flush. cultured, educated, erudite, artistic, blue, civilizing,
düzlemek smooth (düz, düzgün); synonyms (adj) classical, edifying, educational, enlightening,
easy, calm, level, oily, facile, flat, flowing, fluent, enriching, gloom, intellectual.
fluid, glossy, graceful, greasy, (v) quiet, facilitate, edebiyat literature; synonyms (n) learning, letters,
even; antonyms (adj) rough, uneven, abrasive, science, writing, novel, writings, knowledge,
coarse, crumpled, flaking, harsh, jerky, lined, advertisement, art, circular, erudition, fiction,
peeling, prickly, ridged, wrinkled, corrugated, (v) letterure, pamphlet, text.
wrinkle. eder price (fiyat); synonyms (n) cost, worth, charge,
düzleştirmek smooth (düz, düzgün); synonyms expense, figure, damage, fee, payment, toll, (v)
(adj) easy, calm, level, oily, facile, flat, flowing, appraise, estimate, amount, assess, (adj) merit,
fluent, fluid, glossy, graceful, greasy, (v) quiet, value.
facilitate, even; antonyms (adj) rough, uneven, edilgen passive (pasif); synonyms (adj) inactive,
abrasive, coarse, crumpled, flaking, harsh, jerky, apathetic, inert, submissive, indifferent, lifeless,
lined, peeling, prickly, ridged, wrinkled, nonviolent, resigned, dormant, slow, unresisting,
corrugated, (v) wrinkle. impassive, indolent, meek, patient; antonyms (adj)
düzlük level (düzey); synonyms (n) grade, degree, active, assertive, spirited, working.
(adj) even, equal, horizontal, (v) flat, flatten, floor, edim act (davranmak, hareket, rol yapmak);
aim, demolish, destroy, dismantle, raze, bulldoze, synonyms (n) accomplishment, action, move, play,
balance; antonyms (adj) inclined, slanting, angled, statute, decree, do, feat, (v) achievement, behave,
unequal, (v) uneven, build, raise. deed, go, perform, acquit, enact; antonym (v)
düzyazı prose; synonyms (n) style, writing, refrain.
commonplace, language, literature, rap, speech, edimsiz virtual (sanal); synonyms (adj) potential,
talk, text, words, (v) ramble, (adj) prosaic, maunder, practical, unreal, implicit, comparative,
palaver, prate; antonyms (n) poetry, verse. constructive, fake, imitation, pretend, qualified,
quasi, replicated, simulated, basic, energizing;
antonym (adj) genuine.
E Edinme acquisition; synonyms (n) purchase,
accomplishment, acquirement, attainment,
ebat dimensions; synonyms (n) bulk, size, capacity, achievement, conquest, buy, getting, learning,
volume, magnitude, extent, body, book, coil, prize, profit, assumption, (v) gain.
compass, convolution, figure, gauge, physique, (v)
edinmek 1. acquire; synonyms (v) get, achieve, find,
gain, take, accept, attain, buy, collect, contract,
ebedi eternal; synonyms (adj) constant, endless, earn, obtain, purchase, receive, assume; antonyms
perpetual, ceaseless, continual, everlasting, lasting,
(v) lose, sell, 2. obtain; synonyms (v) acquire, have,
aeonian, boundless, deathless, enduring, immortal,
accomplish, derive, effect, extract, gather, make,
unending, ageless, durable; antonyms (adj)
prevail, procure, extort, compass, fetch, carry,
temporary, mortal, short-lived, finite.
catch, 3. adopt (benimsemek); synonyms (v)
ebediyen forever; synonyms (adv) ever, always, admit, affiliate, borrow, espouse, pass, choose,
eternally, everlastingly, evermore, continually, embrace, follow, imitate, naturalize, prefer, ratify,
interminably, ceaselessly, permanently, (adj) eternal, undertake, use; antonym (v) reject.
permanent, (n) eternity; antonym (adv) temporarily.
editör 1. editor (düzenleyici); synonyms (n)
ebeveyn 1. parents; synonym (n) ancestors, 2. redactor, writer, editioner, journalist, press, 2.
parent; synonyms (n) mother, origin, source, publisher; synonyms (n) newspaper, paper,
forefather, prototype, precursor, (v) father, foster,
bookseller, father.
rear, nurture, generate, advance, advert, arouse,
boot; antonym (n) child.
Efekt effect (etki, sonuç); synonyms (n)
consequence, product, result, sequel, aftermath,
eczacı chemist; synonyms (n) apothecary, pharmacist, conclusion, (v) accomplish, achieve, create, cause,
druggist, pharmaceutist, pharmacy,
complete, do, bring, carry, execute; antonym (n)

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efektif effective (etkin); synonyms (adj) beneficial, disposal, liking, mind; antonyms (n) disinclination,
practical, effectual, efficacious, operative, strong, reluctance.
actual, fruitful, positive, active, forceful, (n) eğilim 1. inclination; synonyms (n) disposition,
competent, capable, able, efficient; antonyms (adj) desire, bent, fancy, affection, leaning, tendency,
ineffective, useless, weak, inoperative. drift, appetite, bias, dip, proclivity, disposal, liking,
efendi 1. master (ana, baş); synonyms (n) captain, mind; antonyms (n) disinclination, reluctance, 2.
instructor, head, boss, leader, gentleman, (v) trend; synonyms (n) fashion, fad, inclination,
conquer, control, command, defeat, dominate, (adj) course, direction, movement, vogue, propensity, (v)
chief, original, ace, expert, 2. lord (sahip); style, tend, incline, sheer, turn, verge, deviate, 3.
synonyms (n) master, noble, sir, seignior, almighty, bias (önyargı); synonyms (n) penchant, influence,
creator, maker, mistress, nobleman, overlord, ruler, twist, favor, slope, angle, bigotry, preconception,
impropriator. predilection, (v) prejudice, slant, dispose, sway, (adj)
efsane 1. myth; synonyms (n) fable, legend, story, partiality, diagonal; antonyms (n) impartiality,
tale, allegory, fiction, fabrication, figment, tradition, neutrality, fairness, 4. disposition; synonyms (n)
conceit, maggot, 2. legend; synonyms (n) caption, attitude, character, arrangement, predisposition,
account, myth, title, chronicle, folklore, romance, aptitude, array, constitution, distribution, heart,
narrative, saga, yarn, anecdote, annals, 3. story; humor, mettle, mood, nature, personality,
synonyms (n) layer, history, narration, recital, proneness, 5. tendency; synonyms (n) trend,
report, falsehood, fib, floor, level, novel, stage, strain, taste, aptness, habit, intention, tenor, way,
storey, explanation, article, description; antonym manner, motion, purport, temperament, (v) aim, 6.
(n) truth. bent; synonyms (adj) arched, curved, bended,
eğe file (dosya); synonyms (n) archive, document, crooked, deformed, intent, set, bandy, oblique,
list, procession, rank, record, roll, series, string, (v) awry, bowed, (n) ability, flair, gift, endowment;
order, rasp, register, scrape, abrade, arrange. antonym (adj) straight, 7. drift (sapma,
eğelemek file (dosya); synonyms (n) archive, sürüklenme); synonyms (n) stream, current, tone,
document, list, procession, rank, record, roll, series, bearing, design, gist, leeway, (v) blow, float, ramble,
string, (v) order, rasp, register, scrape, abrade, cast, glide, move, roam, (adj) flow, 8. affinity;
arrange. synonyms (n) sympathy, analogy, alliance, bond,
egemen dominant; synonyms (adj) commanding, kindred, propinquity, rapport, relation,
influential, leading, overriding, paramount, relationship, semblance, agreement, attachment,
powerful, primary, principal, rampant, main, conformity, connection, consanguinity, 9. set
major, authoritative, chief, domineering, (v) (ayarlamak, grup, set, takım); synonyms (v) fix,
prevalent; antonyms (adj) minor, submissive, place, lay, put, locate, position, regulate, define,
subordinate. adjust, arrange, (n) class, circle, (adj) fixed, fast,
egemenlik 1. domination; synonyms (n) control, secure; antonyms (v) soften, liquefy, melt, (n)
authority, command, ascendancy, ascendency, combing, comb-out, (adj) variable, flexible, liquid,
dominance, dominion, mastery, power, rule, 10. tide (gelgit); synonyms (n) run, time, race,
superiority, supremacy, jurisdiction, government, rush, (v) wave, flood, surge, billow, noonday, 11.
influence, 2. dominance; synonyms (n)
sense (anlam, duygu, duyu, his); synonyms (n)
domination, advantage, ascendance, authorization,
intelligence, perception, meaning, sensation, logic,
preponderance, primacy, ascendence; antonym (n) awareness, experience, feeling, idea, impression,
inferiority, 3. sovereignty; synonyms (n) notion, reason, (v) feel, intellect, perceive;
kingdom, reign, empire, autonomy, independence, antonyms (n) garbage, ludicrousness, nonsense,
realm, majesty, monarchy, sceptre, crown, freedom, stupidity, foolishness, gibberish.
sway, dynasty, glory, holiness.
eğilimli 1. inclined; synonyms (adj) prone, apt,
eğer if (ise); synonyms (conj) provided, although, oblique, willing, bowed, liable, likely, minded,
providing, whether, though, and, so, an, gin, (n) predisposed, ready, bent, fain, susceptible, (v)
but, conditionally, condition, stipulation, proviso, given, (prep) disposed; antonyms (adj) level,
(adv) peradventure.
reluctant, unwilling, 2. apt (uygun); synonyms
eğik inclined; synonyms (adj) prone, apt, oblique, (adj) appropriate, adroit, apropos, apposite,
willing, bowed, liable, likely, minded, predisposed, intelligent, good, able, adequate, convenient,
ready, bent, fain, susceptible, (v) given, (prep) dexterous, efficient, fit, smart, clever, deft;
disposed; antonyms (adj) level, reluctant, unwilling.
antonym (adj) inappropriate.
eğiklik inclination (eğilim); synonyms (n) eğilmek 1. curve (eğri, kavis); synonyms (n) bend,
disposition, desire, bent, fancy, affection, leaning,
crook, bow, arc, curvature, kink, round, bender, (v)
tendency, drift, appetite, bias, dip, proclivity,
curl, turn, arch, hook, wind, distort, (adj) flex, 2.

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150 Turkish - English

bend (bükme); synonyms (n) elbow, twist, angle, breed, condition, cultivate, 2. train (tren);
bending, buckle, (v) curve, crouch, stoop, deflect, synonyms (n) chain, string, form, caravan, (v) aim,
fold, loop, swerve, contort, cower, deform; coach, direct, trail, tail, tame, discipline, instruct,
antonyms (v) straighten, square, 3. lean; synonyms prepare, school, domesticate, 3. school (okul);
(adj) emaciated, gaunt, thin, bony, lank, lanky, synonyms (n) academy, class, sect, college, herd,
scrawny, (v) incline, list, slant, careen, pitch, slope, shoal, swarm, denomination, institution, (v) edify,
(n) tilt, inclination; antonyms (adj) fat, plump, 4. tip teach, indoctrinate, civilise, nurture, (adj)
(tavsiye); synonyms (n) top, hint, peak, point, educational, 4. teach; synonyms (v) inform,
pinnacle, apex, bribe, clue, crown, gratuity, enlighten, learn, lecture, tell, tutor, catechize,
suggestion, summit, extremity, (v) dump, lean, 5. demonstrate, apprise, develop, discover, ground,
improve, (adj) guide, show.
yield (verim); synonyms (n) produce, return, give,
output, proceeds, (v) surrender, allow, concede, eğitmen instructor; synonyms (n) teacher, coach,
submit, cede, grant, relinquish, accede, afford, bear; trainer, educator, preceptor, tutor, lecturer, master,
mentor, institutor.
antonyms (v) resist, persevere, 6. spring (bahar,
ilkbahar); synonyms (n) jump, leap, bound, eğlence 1. amusement; synonyms (n) distraction,
diversion, entertainment, pastime, pleasure,
fountain, skip, source, dance, rise, (v) hop, caper,
recreation, sport, enjoyment, hobby, joy, laughter,
bounce, dive, originate, recoil, (adj) elastic.
play, dissipation, delight, festivity; antonyms (n)
eğilmez rigid; synonyms (adj) harsh, fixed, hard,
sadness, boredom, 2. fun; synonyms (adj) amusing,
inflexible, stiff, austere, firm, set, strict, exacting,
entertaining, funny, (n) amusement, frolic, comedy,
formal, rigorous, severe, stern, tense; antonyms
humor, jest, merriment, mirth, romp, relaxation,
(adj) flexible, elastic, soft.
gaiety, game, (v) banter; antonym (n) misery, 3.
eğim 1. inclination (eğilim); synonyms (n) entertainment; synonyms (n) party, feast, fun,
disposition, desire, bent, fancy, affection, leaning,
reception, regalement, show, cheer, banquet,
tendency, drift, appetite, bias, dip, proclivity,
carousal, festival, treat, treatment, activity, 4.
disposal, liking, mind; antonyms (n) disinclination,
diversion; synonyms (n) deviation, detour,
reluctance, 2. gradient; synonyms (n) grade, slope,
digression, aberration, deflection, deflexion,
pitch, tilt, declivity, hill, inclination, incline, rise,
departure, avocation, divagation, pursuit, interest,
slant, abruptness, descent, ramp, (v) acclivity,
trick, 5. recreation; synonyms (n) leisure, break,
ascent, 3. grade (derece); synonyms (n) class,
refreshment, respite, rest, athletics, reproduction,
place, rank, degree, order, brand, category,
gradient, score, form, group, quality, (v) level, 6. party; synonyms (n) gang, band, company,
classify, evaluate, 4. slope; synonyms (n) decline, assembly, association, crew, gathering, group,
affair, bevy, celebration, crowd, do, faction,
fall, brae, hillside, drop, side, declination, (v) cant,
lean, bank, tip, descend, sway, oblique, (adj) meeting, 7. play (oynamak); synonyms (v) act,
obliquity. enact, exercise, perform, joke, execute, fiddle, flirt,
wager, cavort, dally, disport, (n) bet, gambol, caper;
eğirmek spin (döndürmek); synonyms (n) turn,
twirl, whirl, revolution, roll, ride, eddy, (v) revolve, antonym (v) work, 8. sport (spor); synonyms (n)
twist, run, drive, reel, fabricate, gyrate, invent. mutant, freak, mutation, prank, derision, mockery,
gaming, motion, athlete, (v) boast, lark, brandish,
eğitilmiş trained; synonyms (adj) qualified,
display, amuse, divert.
experienced, skilled, capable, competent, expert,
accustomed, educated, able, efficient, fit, fitted, eğlenceli 1. amusing; synonyms (adj) funny,
professional, proficient, skillful; antonyms (adj) entertaining, fun, humorous, pleasant, agreeable,
comical, diverting, enjoyable, hilarious, laughable,
untrained, inexpert, untaught, untutored.
pleasing, risible, readable, (n) witty; antonyms (adj)
eğitim 1. education; synonyms (n) training,
dull, boring, tragic, 2. enjoyable; synonyms (adj)
discipline, instruction, teaching, breeding,
delectable, amusing, delicious, delightful,
background, culture, enlightenment, knowledge,
gratifying, lovely, pleasurable, joyful, heavenly,
learning, nurture, pedagogy, schooling, literacy,
acceptable, charming, comfortable, palatable,
tuition, 2. training; synonyms (n) education,
satisfying, sweet; antonym (adj) unpleasant.
practice, preparation, exercise, drill, experience,
workout, coaching, grooming, 3. instruction
eğlenmek 1. sport (spor); synonyms (n) frolic, play,
jest, pastime, diversion, fun, romp, joke,
(talimat, yönerge); synonyms (n) charge,
amusement, disport, mutant, recreation, freak,
command, advice, counsel, direction, guidance,
exercise, (v) gambol, 2. play (oynamak);
guideline, information, injunction, prescription,
synonyms (v) act, enact, perform, execute, fiddle,
bidding, commission, doctrine, decree, edification.
flirt, wager, cavort, dally, do, (n) game, sport, bet,
eğitmek 1. discipline; synonyms (n) chastisement, caper, drama; antonym (v) work.
correction, (v) control, castigate, chastise, train,
chasten, exercise, correct, drill, educate, practice,

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eğme bend (bükme); synonyms (n) bow, arch, arc, evidence, attest, demonstrate, indorse, manifest, 3.
elbow, twist, angle, curvature, (v) curve, turn, ticket (bilet); synonyms (n) pass, card, label,
crouch, stoop, crook, curl, flex, deflect; antonyms certificate, ballot, check, slate, tag, warrant, mark,
(v) straighten, square. slip, voucher, plank, platform, (v) fine, 4.
eğmek 1. bow; synonyms (n) arc, curve, obeisance, qualification; synonyms (n) condition,
turn, curvature, (v) bend, arch, stoop, duck, buckle, competence, limitation, preparation, prerequisite,
crouch, incline, kowtow, crook, defer, 2. bend provision, degree, alteration, modification,
(bükme); synonyms (n) bow, elbow, twist, angle, requirement, reservation, (adj) faculty, endowment,
bending, (v) curl, flex, deflect, fold, loop, swerve, property, attribute.
wind, contort, cower, deform; antonyms (v) ehliyetli efficient; synonyms (adj) effectual,
straighten, square, 3. curve (eğri, kavis); competent, effective, able, capable, valid,
synonyms (n) kink, round, bender, coil, contour, efficacious, operative, practical, adept, adroit, neat,
flexure, line, (v) hook, distort, meander, inflect, regular, (v) clever, active; antonyms (adj)
circle, crimp, lean, sag. incompetent, inefficient.
ego ego (ben); synonyms (n) self, egotism, pride, ehliyetsiz 1. incapable; synonyms (adj) impotent,
arrogance, character, personality, id, psyche, incompetent, inadequate, unable, helpless,
temperament, macho, power, qualities, self- powerless, inept, insufficient, unqualified,
admiration, self-pride. ineffectual, inefficient, unfit, weak; antonyms (adj)
egoist selfish (bencil); synonyms (adj) mean, greedy, capable, able, 2. inefficient; synonyms (adj)
mercenary, egocentric, egoistic, egotistic, ineffective, incapable, inefficacious, feeble, futile,
egotistical, self-centered, stingy, covetous, inactive, useless, lame; antonym (adj) efficient.
inconsiderate, sordid, thoughtless, exclusive, (v) ehliyetsizlik disability (yetersizlik); synonyms (n)
contracted; antonyms (adj) unselfish, selfless, handicap, inability, disablement, disqualification,
altruistic, generous. drawback, impairment, incapacity, disadvantage,
eğri curve (kavis); synonyms (n) bend, crook, bow, damage, deadening, deterioration, deterrent,
arc, curvature, kink, round, bender, (v) curl, turn, detriment, illness, trouble.
arch, hook, wind, distort, (adj) flex. ejderha dragon; synonyms (n) shrew, calculus, drake,
egzersiz exercise (alıştırma); synonyms (n) practice, earthdrake, firedrake, monster, tartar, (adj) wyvern,
employment, application, discipline, play, cockatrice, madcap, scold, tiger, fury, kraken, roc.
movement, action, activity, (v) drill, apply, employ, ek 1. appendix; synonyms (n) addition, adjunct,
use, exert, train, educate. addendum, annex, appendage, accessory, (v)
egzotik exotic; synonyms (adj) alien, foreign, strange, supplement, 2. additional; synonyms (adj) added,
extraneous, outlandish, unusual, different, curious, extra, supplementary, ancillary, another, further,
extrinsic, unfamiliar, unknown; antonyms (adj) more, second, spare, increased, adscititious,
familiar, ordinary. adventitious, auxiliary, complementary, (pron)
other; antonyms (adj) less, main, 3. attachment;
ehemmiyet importance; synonyms (n) greatness,
synonyms (n) affection, appendix, adherence,
account, gravity, dignity, import, concern,
regard, association, bond, connection, devotion,
consequence, emphasis, prominence, stress, value,
fitting, fondness, liking, link, love, tie, fastener;
influence, magnitude, matter, prestige; antonyms
antonym (n) detachment, 4. extra; synonyms (adj)
(n) insignificance, unimportance, triviality.
additional, over, odd, redundant, exceptional,
ehil competent; synonyms (adj) able, capable,
unneeded, unused, (adv) especially, above, (n)
adequate, clever, effective, efficient, fit, sufficient,
excess, plus, supernumerary, duplicate,
commensurate, accomplished, adept, appropriate,
attachment, (v) additive; antonyms (adj) basic, (n)
enough, experienced, good; antonyms (adj)
lack, 5. supplement; synonyms (n)
incompetent, useless, inept.
accompaniment, increment, continuation,
ehli domestic; synonyms (adj) home, tame, civil, appurtenance, postscript, counterpart, codicil, (v)
familiar, household, internal, native, domesticated, add, append, affix, increase, augment, accompany,
family, indigenous, indoor, inland, (n) homely, complete, (adj) complement; antonym (v) diminish,
maid, servant; antonyms (adj) foreign, wild,
6. extension (uzatma); synonyms (n)
external. augmentation, enlargement, expansion, elongation,
ehliyet 1. competence; synonyms (n) capacity, expanse, stretch, development, amplification,
adequacy, ability, capability, efficiency, sufficiency, annexe, circulation, dissemination, growth,
aptitude, expertise, fitness, skill, talent, prolongation, reach, space; antonyms (n) limitation,
competency, craft, dexterity, (adj) proficiency; contraction, limit, 7. addition (toplama);
antonyms (n) incompetence, inability, 2. licence synonyms (n) accession, extension, accretion,
(lisans); synonyms (v) license, certify, endorse, afterthought, gain, acquisition, annexation, insert,

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rise, summation, totaling, wing, (prep) synonyms (n) fruit, harvest, craw, (v) browse, graze,
accumulation; antonyms (n) subtraction, removal, reap, top, cultivate, cut, lop, prune, shave, trim, (adj)
estimation, 8. supplementary; synonyms (adj) clip, shear, 3. plant (bitki); synonyms (n)
subsidiary, supplemental, secondary, subordinate, manufactory, equipment, factory, herb, mill, (v) fix,
new. place, embed, graft, set, constitute, establish, found,
ekin crop (ürün); synonyms (n) fruit, harvest, craw, lay, bury.
(v) browse, graze, reap, top, cultivate, cut, lop, ekmekçi baker; synonyms (n) cook, chef, doughboy.
prune, shave, trim, (adj) clip, shear. ekol school (okul); synonyms (n) academy, class,
ekinsel cultural; synonyms (adj) ethnic, educational, sect, college, herd, shoal, swarm, (v) educate,
enriching, racial, adorning, advancing, artistic, instruct, train, coach, cultivate, discipline, edify,
beautifying, beneficial, broadening, civilizing, teach.
constructive, corrective, developmental, dignifying. ekoloji ecology; synonyms (n) bionomics, botany,
ekip 1. brigade (tugay); synonyms (n) detachment, conservationism, network, system.
army, division, battalion, corps, legion, contingent, ekonomi 1. economy; synonyms (n) frugality,
battalia, column, garrison, host, wing, battery, parsimony, saving, thrift, conservation, efficiency,
platoon, sotnia, 2. gang; synonyms (n) crew, band, husbandry, prudence, stinginess, thriftiness,
circle, company, crowd, association, bunch, faction, brevity, cut, (adj) system, arrangement, array;
mob, pack, team, assemblage, clique, club, group, antonym (n) extravagance, 2. economics;
3. squad; synonyms (n) gang, brigade, party, knot, synonyms (n) finance, economy, commerce, money,
section, troop, regiment, detail, side, unit, (v) set, 4. backing, funding, investment, sponsorship.
outfit; synonyms (n) dress, garb, gear, kit, apparel, ekonomik economic; synonyms (adj) commercial,
clothing, costume, ensemble, rig, clothes, (v) financial, profitable, efficient, economical, fiscal,
equipment, attire, equip, fit, furnish, 5. crew; industrial, mercantile, pecuniary, trade, monetary,
synonyms (n) cluster, assembly, bevy, gathering, bread-and-butter, budgetary, helpful, material.
horde, partnership, personnel, ring, squad, staff, ekonomist economist; synonyms (n) cultivator,
communion, corporation, 6. team (takım); husband, husbandman, tiller.
synonyms (n) organization, couple, (v) pair, (adj) ekran 1. screen (perde); synonyms (n) shade, blind,
rank, file, line, range, row, string. riddle, disguise, partition, veil, guard, (v) cover,
eklem joint (birleşik, mafsal, ortak); synonyms (adj) shield, conceal, hide, mask, protect, shelter, cloak,
collective, common, communal, cooperative, 2. monitor (izlemek, monitör); synonyms (v)
mutual, bilateral, (n) articulation, hinge, join, seam, check, regulate, control, eavesdrop, observe,
connection, tie, joining, (v) articulate, associate; supervise, (n) admonisher, dame, ironclad,
antonyms (adj) individual, unilateral, private, moderator, 3. display; synonyms (n) array,
separate. presentation, appearance, screen, demonstration,
ekleme addition (toplama); synonyms (n) accession, exhibition, (v) exhibit, show, disclose, parade,
accessory, addendum, extension, increase, expose, produce, brandish, flaunt, indicate.
accretion, afterthought, annex, appendage, eksantrik eccentric; synonyms (adj) bizarre, odd,
attachment, augmentation, complement, extra, wacky, abnormal, anomalous, crazy, erratic,
gain, (prep) accumulation; antonyms (n) subtraction, irregular, outlandish, peculiar, strange, droll,
removal, estimation. comical, (n) character, case; antonyms (adj) normal,
eklemek 1. add (toplamak); synonyms (v) calculate, ordinary, (n) conformist.
include, join, total, figure, lend, mix, divide, eksen axis; synonyms (n) axle, pivot, hinge, center,
subtract, gather, accumulate, adjoin, affix, annex, hub, spindle, stem, pin.
(n) addition; antonym (v) detach, 2. joint (birleşik, ekseriyet majority (çoğunluk); synonyms (n) bulk,
eklem, mafsal, ortak); synonyms (adj) collective, age, plurality, body, mass, maturity,
common, communal, cooperative, mutual, bilateral, preponderance, adolescence; antonym (n) minority.
(n) articulation, hinge, seam, connection, tie,
eksi 1. minus; synonyms (n) negative, disadvantage,
joining, junction, (v) articulate, associate; antonyms subtraction, (v) bereft, lack, bereaved, denuded, (adj)
(adj) individual, unilateral, private, separate, 3. minor, less, lacking, deficient, lesser, short, (adv)
supplement; synonyms (n) accessory, without; antonym (prep) plus, 2. negative
accompaniment, addendum, adjunct, appendix, (negatif, olumsuz); synonyms (adj) minus,
increment, continuation, appendage, appurtenance, adverse, denying, damaging, destructive, contrary,
postscript, attachment, (v) add, append, increase, unfavorable, (n) denial, (v) gainsay, veto, deny,
(adj) complement; antonym (v) diminish. disavow, kill, negate, controvert; antonyms (adj)
ekmek 1. bread; synonyms (n) living, livelihood, positive, optimistic, assenting, (n) affirmative.
cash, maintenance, currency, dough, food, kale,
loot, money, pelf, sustenance, 2. crop (ürün);

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ekşi 1. acid (asit); synonyms (adj) acerbic, acidic, achiever, attainment, capability, growth, 5.
bitter, caustic, sharp, sour, acerb, acrid, cutting, absence (yokluk); synonyms (n) absenteeism,
pointed, sarcastic, acrimonious, astringent, biting, nonattendance, paucity; antonyms (n) presence,
(v) tart; antonym (adj) sweet, 2. hard (sert); attendance, 6. want (istemek); synonyms (v) like,
synonyms (adj) austere, bad, difficult, grave, severe, hope, crave, covet, (n) wish, necessity, penury,
strong, arduous, callous, cruel, grueling, knotty, privation, pauperism, requirement, distress,
tough, (adv) firm, (v) acute, (n) rough; antonyms (adj) ambition, fancy, essential, hardship; antonyms (v)
easy, soft, kind, merciful, simple, soggy, tender, dislike, hate, 7. shortage (açık); synonyms (n)
yielding, (adv) gently, lightly, 3. sour; synonyms
scantiness, shortfall; antonyms (n) overabundance,
(adj) morose, acid, rancid, gruff, dour, glum, grim,
surplus, affluence, glut.
pungent, rotten, sullen, (v) acidify, ferment, turn, (n)
harsh, acidity; antonym (adj) kindly.
eksiksiz 1. perfect; synonyms (adj) consummate,
complete, exact, utter, entire, faultless, thorough,
eksik 1. missing; synonyms (v) lost, (adj) lacking,
exquisite, integral, blameless, clean, (v) achieve,
absent, gone, wanting, deficient, away, misplaced,
accomplish, (n) absolute, full; antonyms (adj)
nonexistent; antonym (adj) present, 2. incomplete;
imperfect, faulty, flawed, 2. complete (bitirmek,
synonyms (adj) defective, faulty, imperfect,
inadequate, halfway, short, unfinished, half, tam, tamamlamak); synonyms (adj) perfect,
insufficient, fragmentary, sketchy, scarce, poor, whole, stark, accomplished, all, finished, (v) close,
broken, (n) rough; antonyms (adj) complete, finish, execute, act, attain, cease, clear, conclude,
effect; antonyms (adj) incomplete, partial,
finished, whole, 3. lacking; synonyms (adj)
unfinished, abridged, shortened, sketchy, lacking,
incomplete, destitute, devoid, empty, without,
narrow, qualified, (v) neglect.
sans, missing; antonym (adj) full, 4. defective
(kusurlu); synonyms (adj) bad, unsound, vicious, eksilme decrease (azaltmak); synonyms (n) decline,
cut, cutback, diminution, (v) abate, lessen, abridge,
inaccurate, rotten, erroneous, flawed, incorrect,
diminish, fall, curtail, lower, wane, contract, decay,
lame, wrong; antonym (adj) perfect, 5. inadequate
detract; antonyms (n) growth, extension, (v)
(yetersiz); synonyms (adj) flimsy, feeble,
increase, rise, grow, intensify.
inappropriate, incapable, incompetent, ineffective,
improper, impotent, meager, small, sparse, thin, eksilmek decrease (azaltmak); synonyms (n)
unsuitable, weak, inopportune; antonyms (adj) decline, cut, cutback, diminution, (v) abate, lessen,
abridge, diminish, fall, curtail, lower, wane,
adequate, ample, enough, passable, competent,
contract, decay, detract; antonyms (n) growth,
reasonable, strong, 6. insufficient (yetersiz);
synonyms (adj) scanty, limited, unsatisfactory, few, extension, (v) increase, rise, grow, intensify.
incommensurate, inefficient, scant, skimpy, eksiltmek decrease (azaltmak); synonyms (n)
slender, unequal, disappointing, disproportionate, decline, cut, cutback, diminution, (v) abate, lessen,
inferior; antonyms (adj) sufficient, plentiful, 7. abridge, diminish, fall, curtail, lower, wane,
short (bodur, kısa); synonyms (adj) brief, concise, contract, decay, detract; antonyms (n) growth,
brusque, close, curt, sharp, compendious, laconic, extension, (v) increase, rise, grow, intensify.
abrupt, diminutive, pithy, blunt, brittle, (adv) ekşimek sour; synonyms (adj) morose, sharp, acid,
abruptly, (v) compact; antonyms (adj) long, tall, bitter, rancid, severe, gruff, dour, glum, grim,
high, lengthy. pungent, (v) acidify, ferment, (n) harsh, acidity;
eksiklik 1. deficiency; synonyms (n) defect, dearth, antonyms (adj) sweet, kindly.
want, absence, deficit, failing, inadequacy, lack, eksper expert (bilirkişi, uzman); synonyms (adj)
scarcity, shortcoming, failure, famine, fault, (adj) adept, adroit, dexterous, skillful, able, clever,
blemish, imperfection; antonyms (n) excess, experienced, accomplished, ace, apt, (n)
sufficiency, 2. lack; synonyms (n) deficiency, need, professional, proficient, critic, authority,
default, insufficiency, poverty, shortage, drought, connoisseur; antonyms (adj) unskilled, inept,
vacancy, deprivation, (v) destitution, fail, demand, inferior, untrained, (n) amateur, beginner.
require, desire, indigence; antonyms (n) abundance, ekspertiz expertise; synonyms (n) ability, capability,
provision, (v) have, 3. defect (kusur); synonyms competence, competency, dexterity, knowledge,
(n) blot, flaw, scar, weakness, deformity, foible, proficiency, skill, art, command, talent, aptitude,
vice, blunder, inaccuracy, disadvantage, disease, expertness, knack, prowess.
drawback, error, (v) desert, (adj) infirmity, 4. ekstra 1. extra; synonyms (adj) additional, over, odd,
failure (bozukluk); synonyms (n) bankruptcy, auxiliary, (adv) more, especially, (n) supplement,
breakdown, decline, debacle, defeat, accessory, excess, plus, supernumerary,
disappointment, disaster, downfall, loser, loss, addendum, addition, duplicate, (v) additive;
abortion, collapse, dud, lapse, (v) decay; antonyms antonyms (adj) basic, less, (n) lack, 2. additional;
(n) success, achievement, hit, winner, victory, synonyms (adj) added, extra, supplementary,

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ancillary, another, further, second, spare, increased, cover, shield, conceal, hide, mask, protect, shelter,
adscititious, adventitious, complementary, else, cloak.
farther, (pron) other; antonym (adj) main. elektrik 1. electricity; synonyms (n) energy, flow,
el hand; synonyms (n) deal, aid, applause, employee, fuel, pyrogen, electron, heat, ignition, (adj) light,
paw, worker, (v) deliver, give, pass, commit, lightning, electromagnetism, magnetism, voltaism,
bestow, afford, communicate, reach, grant. wind, gravity, (v) electrize, 2. electrical
elastikiyet flexibility; synonyms (n) pliability, spring, (elektrikli); synonyms (adj) electric, thrilling,
adaptability, elasticity, suppleness, litheness, automated, electrifying, galvanising, galvanizing,
malleability, tractability, versatility, bendability; magnetic, 3. juice; synonyms (n) extract, water,
antonyms (n) inflexibility, obstinacy, rigidity, blood, gravy, liquid, succus, fluid, liquor, gasoline,
stubbornness, severity. current, oil, solution, (adj) humor, serum, lymph.
elbette 1. certainly; synonyms (adv) assuredly, surely, elektrikli 1. electrical; synonyms (adj) electric,
necessarily, definitely, really, sure, truly, inevitably, thrilling, automated, electrifying, galvanising,
absolutely, clearly, exactly, indeed, indubitably, galvanizing, magnetic, 2. electric; synonyms (adj)
positively, (int) yes; antonyms (adv) doubtfully, exciting, electrical, galvanic, emotional, fidgety,
questionably, 2. surely; synonyms (adv) fussy, hasty, hurried, restless, stimulating,
undoubtedly, confidently, firmly, securely, automatic, dynamic, (n) rapturous, (v) mercurial,
unquestionably, (int) certainly, (adj) doubtless, 3. telegraphic.
naturally; synonyms (adv) course, innately, elektriksel electrical (elektrikli); synonyms (adj)
obviously, spontaneously, unaffectedly, openly; electric, thrilling, automated, electrifying,
antonyms (adv) unnaturally, artificially, 4. sure; galvanising, galvanizing, magnetic.
synonyms (adj) certain, reliable, secure, safe, firm, elektron electron; synonyms (n) electricity, molecule,
indisputable, dependable, assured, confident, negatron, amber.
definite, infallible, positive, bound, absolute, (v) elektronik 1. electronic; synonyms (adj) automated,
steady; antonyms (adj) doubtful, uncertain, unsure, automatic, 2. electronics.
hesitant. elem suffering; synonyms (v) pain, (n) affliction,
elbise 1. dress; synonyms (n) attire, costume, apparel, agony, anguish, distress, hurt, grief, hardship,
array, dressing, clothes, (v) clothe, clothing, garb, misery, ordeal, sorrow, torment, torture, adversity,
rig, trim, adjust, adorn, bandage, cover; antonym (adj) miserable; antonym (n) content.
(v) undress, 2. clothes; synonyms (n) dress, eleman 1. element; synonyms (n) component,
garment, wardrobe, thing, gown, toggery, vesture, constituent, ingredient, factor, substance,
wear, 3. costume (giysi, kostüm); synonyms (n) fundamental, feature, matter, origin, part, unit,
suit, outfit, uniform, disguise, drapery, garments, cause, module, point, article, 2. component
habit, raiment, masquerade, (v) clad, 4. garment; (bileşen, parça); synonyms (n) detail, element,
synonyms (n) habiliment, vest, things, (v) tog, member, accessory, division, piece, portion,
enclothe, 5. wear; synonyms (v) endure, bear, section.
fatigue, tire, waste, fray, frazzle, assume, break, eleme elimination; synonyms (n) cancellation,
don, have, last, stand, exhaust, (n) erosion; discharge, excretion, annihilation, abolition,
antonym (v) refresh. deletion, ejection, eradication, evacuation,
elçi ambassador (büyükelçi); synonyms (n) agent, exclusion, liquidation, omission, purge, riddance,
delegate, emissary, envoy, messenger, minister, (v) removal; antonyms (n) addition, establishment.
deputy, embassador, herald, representative, elemek 1. eliminate; synonyms (v) abolish, delete,
diplomat. rid, annihilate, cancel, dispel, eradicate, extinguish,
elçilik 1. embassy; synonyms (n) deputation, obliterate, take, clear, destroy, discard, dismiss,
legation, delegation, mission, commission, errand, erase, 2. screen (ekran, perde); synonyms (n)
cable, communication, diplomat, diplomatist, 2. shade, blind, riddle, disguise, partition, veil, guard,
(v) cover, shield, conceal, hide, mask, protect,
mission; synonyms (n) job, assignment, charge,
duty, goal, chore, delegacy, task, function, shelter, cloak, 3. bolt; synonyms (n) arrow, dash,
business, calling, expedition, purpose, vocation, pin, catch, (v) bar, abscond, gobble, latch, lock,
agendum. escape, decamp, devour, fasten, gulp, (adv) bang;
elde carry (nakletmek, taşımak); synonyms (v) antonyms (v) nibble, unbolt, unlock.
bear, bring, convey, conduct, take, acquit, behave, element element; synonyms (n) component,
accept, comport, hold, pack, transport, load, constituent, ingredient, factor, substance,
assume, admit. fundamental, feature, matter, origin, part, unit,
elek screen (ekran, perde); synonyms (n) shade, cause, module, point, article.
blind, riddle, disguise, partition, veil, guard, (v) eleştiri 1. criticism; synonyms (n) critique,
commentary, blame, review, animadversion,

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attack, censure, comment, denunciation, insufficient, unsatisfactory, 4. favourable;

disapproval, knock, rebuke, stricture, complaint, synonyms (adj) auspicious, encouraging, lucky,
objection; antonyms (n) praise, approval, prosperous, easy, booming, flourishing, golden,
admiration, compliment, 2. review (gözden halcyon, prospering, roaring, supporting, thriving,
geçirmek); synonyms (n) examination, inspection, 5. fit (uymak); synonyms (v) agree, accommodate,
retrospect, parade, magazine, criticism, meet, suit, adapt, correspond, square, accord, dress,
investigation, notice, (v) check, survey, criticize, befit, (adj) applicable, (n) adjust, convulsion, attack,
examine, inspect, judge, reexamine. burst; antonyms (adj) unfit, unwell, 6. sufficient;
eleştirici critical (kritik); synonyms (adj) acute, synonyms (adj) adequate, commensurate, ample,
decisive, delicate, important, pressing, severe, plenty, abundant, suitable, respectable, tolerable, 7.
ticklish, urgent, vital, crucial, dangerous, fastidious, practical; synonyms (adj) operative, practicable,
grave, imperative, (v) censorious; antonyms (adj) efficient, feasible, functional, pragmatic, realistic,
complimentary, trivial, positive, flattering, helpful, active, positive, sensible, workable,
insignificant, approving, unimportant. working, constructive, hardheaded; antonyms (adj)
eliminasyon elimination (eleme); synonyms (n) impractical, theoretical, unrealistic, impossible.
cancellation, discharge, excretion, annihilation, elverişlilik convenience; synonyms (n) advantage,
abolition, deletion, ejection, eradication, contrivance, accommodation, opportunity,
evacuation, exclusion, liquidation, omission, purge, appliance, comfort, fitness, leisure, occasion, utility,
riddance, (v) removal; antonyms (n) addition, amenity, benefit, easement, expediency, gadget;
establishment. antonym (n) inconvenience.
elkitabı manual; synonyms (n) handbook, guide, elverişsiz unsuitable; synonyms (adj) inappropriate,
guidebook, brochure, primer, text, textbook, improper, inapplicable, incorrect, unfit, inapt,
compendium, grammar, abecedary, codex, libretto; inopportune, unbecoming, undesirable, wrong,
antonyms (adj) automatic, mechanized. inconvenient, incompatible, indecorous,
ellemek 1. touch (dokunma, dokunmak); unseasonable, ineligible; antonyms (adj) suitable,
synonyms (n) feel, tinge, feeling, hint, (v) affect, appropriate, applicable, proper.
contact, hit, border, adjoin, strike, stroke, regard, emek 1. labour; synonyms (n) effort, exertion,
brush, concern, handle, 2. handle (kulp, sap); childbed, confinement, toil, proletariat, (v) grind,
synonyms (v) administer, conduct, wield, control, labor, travail, drive, drudge, fag, fatigue, moil,
deal, direct, finger, manage, manipulate, touch, push, 2. effort (çaba, gayret); synonyms (n)
treat, govern, (n) grip, clutch, grasp. attempt, application, endeavor, struggle, trial,
elli fifty; synonyms (n) l, lambert, liter, litre. trouble, try, diligence, bid, campaign, cause,
elma apple; synonyms (n) city, world, (v) ball, (adj) crusade, deed, essay, exploit, 3. work (çalışma,
green. çalışmak, iş); synonyms (n) exercise, business,
elmas 1. diamond (karo); synonyms (n) adamant, employment, function, task, action, act, book,
lozenge, infield, rhombus, square, rectangle, (adj) composition, (v) operate, cultivate, ferment, form,
jewel, bijou, 2. rock (kaya); synonyms (n) boulder, (adj) job, trade; antonyms (v) idle, malfunction.
calculus, pillar, (v) jar, sway, cradle, jolt, shake, toss, emekli 1. pensioner; synonyms (n) pensionary,
waver, quake, pitch, reel, (adj) pebble, stone. beneficiary, hireling, senior, ward, 2. retired;
elveda farewell (veda); synonyms (n) adieu, leave, synonyms (v) covert, (adj) private, obscure, emeritus,
valediction, goodbye, parting, departure, secluded, secret, sequestered, solitary, lonely,
separation. withdrawn, close, superannuated, isolated, old,
elverişli 1. convenient; synonyms (adj) comfortable,
commodious, handy, advantageous, appropriate, emeklilik retirement; synonyms (n) retreat,
expedient, fit, near, nearby, opportune, ready, resignation, departure, privacy, seclusion, secrecy,
timely, useful, snug, (n) favorable; antonyms (adj) withdrawal, recession, solitude, cancellation.
inconvenient, fixed, unwieldy, useless, 2. suitable emilme absorption; synonyms (n) assimilation,
(uygun); synonyms (adj) good, apt, proper, right, attention, concentration, inhalation, engrossment,
ingestion, preoccupation, abstraction,
convenient, eligible, apposite, correct, desirable,
fitting, pertinent, due, decorous, (n) seasonable, (v) amalgamation, interest.
becoming; antonyms (adj) inappropriate, emin 1. certain; synonyms (adj) actual, definite, sure,
unsuitable, wrong, improper, 3. adequate absolute, assured, dependable, indisputable,
reliable, categorical, decisive, fixed, inevitable,
(yeterli); synonyms (adj) sufficient, acceptable,
infallible, particular, (v) bound; antonyms (adj)
enough, condign, effectual, passable, satisfactory,
agreeable, competent, decent, equal, fair, full, uncertain, doubtful, unsure, questionable, 2. sure;
qualified, able; antonyms (adj) inadequate, synonyms (adj) certain, secure, safe, firm, confident,
positive, fast, guaranteed, indubitable, stable, true,

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unerring, (adv) certainly, (v) steady, convinced; shelter, condom, defense, prophylactic; antonyms
antonym (adj) hesitant, 3. secure (güvenli); (n) danger, hazard, 2. security (güvenlik);
synonyms (v) close, fix, preserve, fasten, acquire, synonyms (n) pledge, safety, hostage, insurance,
assure, attain, ensure, gain, get, guarantee, guard, collateral, secureness, strength, peace, assurance,
lock, (adj) attach, bind; antonyms (v) lose, detach, bail, deposit, ease, gage, (v) bond, (adj) firmness.
(adj) insecure, vulnerable, loose, unsafe, 4. emniyetli reliable; synonyms (adj) good, firm, honest,
confident; synonyms (adj) bold, brave, hopeful, authentic, certain, dependable, faithful, safe, true,
sanguine, fearless, forward, assertive, dogmatic, trusty, believable, solid, sound, (v) trustworthy,
composed, optimistic, (v) cocksure, satisfied, credible; antonyms (adj) unreliable, fallacious,
emphatic; antonyms (adj) anxious, frightened, inconsistent.
pessimistic, timid, 5. safe; synonyms (adj) cautious, emretmek 1. order (düzen, düzenlemek, sıra);
good, harmless, innocuous, sound, correct, synonyms (n) command, decree, dictate, array,
innocent, inoffensive, unscathed, protected, chary, rank, sort, charge, class, condition, disposition,
discreet, (n) closet, coffer, strongbox; antonyms (adj) edict, (v) direct, commission, arrange, call;
dangerous, hurt, risky, unprotected, harmful, antonyms (n) anarchy, chaos, confusion, mayhem,
reckless, 6. sound (ses); synonyms (n) echo, peal, mess, (v) disorder, request, 2. command (komut,
(v) ring, chime, blow, (adj) reasonable, complete, kumanda); synonyms (n) control, instruction,
healthy, fit, just, rational, right, sane, sensible, behest, bidding, direction, administration,
robust; antonyms (n) silence, (adj) illogical, ascendancy, authority, claim, demand, (v) order,
unsound, confused. rule, bid, dominate, instruct, 3. bid (davet
emir 1. mandate; synonyms (n) charge, injunction, etmek); synonyms (n) offer, tender, attempt,
authority, behest, command, bidding, instruction, proffer, suggestion, appeal, invitation, (v) ask,
authorization, commandment, commission, decree, invite, adjure, beseech, summon, tell, allure, greet,
dictate, order, edict, claim, 2. command (komut, 4. decree; synonyms (n) act, decision, finding,
kumanda); synonyms (n) control, direction, judgment, verdict, bylaw, directive, (v) award,
administration, ascendancy, demand, mastery, decide, enact, ordain, will, enjoin, appoint, doom,
power, sway, (v) rule, call, direct, bid, dominate, 5. tell (anlatmak, söylemek); synonyms (v)
instruct, require; antonym (v) request, 3. order relate, declare, divulge, express, impart, recount,
(düzen, düzenlemek, emretmek, sıra); reveal, explain, announce, communicate, describe,
synonyms (n) array, rank, sort, class, condition, distinguish, enumerate, (n) disclose, count, 6.
disposition, kind, form, genus, category, grade, (v) direct (dolaysız, yönlendirmek); synonyms (adj)
arrange, ordain, conduct, govern; antonyms (n) straight, blunt, immediate, transparent, (v) aim,
anarchy, chaos, confusion, mayhem, mess, (v) channel, conduct, address, head, administer, guide,
disorder, 4. charge; synonyms (n) accusation, lead, level, point, bend; antonyms (adj) indirect,
burden, care, bill, tax, accusal, assail, (v) accuse, roundabout, circuitous, oblique, second-hand,
blame, attack, load, arraign, assault, cost, fill; sideways, unplanned.
antonyms (v) absolve, retreat, 5. directive emsal equal (eşit); synonyms (adj) agree, comparable,
(yönerge); synonyms (n) ruling, pronouncement, adequate, balanced, commensurate, equivalent, (v)
bylaw, law, mandate, (adj) directing, directional, match, compare, correspond, even, parallel, rival,
guiding, 6. decree; synonyms (n) act, decision, equalize, (n) compeer, peer; antonyms (adj) unequal,
finding, judgment, verdict, directive, regulation, (v) different, repressive, disproportionate, inconsistent,
award, decide, enact, will, enjoin, appoint, doom, uneven, unlike, (v) differ.
pronounce, 7. prescription (reçete); synonyms emtia commodity; synonyms (n) merchandise,
(n) medicine, prescript, drug, formula, medication, article, product, object, thing, goods, ware, effects,
recipe, ordination, receipt, dose, nostrum, movable, something, valuable, accommodation,
prerogative, (adj) precept. advantage, asset, belonging.
emme absorption; synonyms (n) assimilation, emzirmek nurse (hemşire); synonyms (n) nurture,
attention, concentration, inhalation, engrossment, doctor, amah, (v) nourish, attend, cherish, entertain,
ingestion, preoccupation, abstraction, foster, harbor, lactate, cradle, cultivate, keep, raise,
amalgamation, interest. breastfeed.
emmek absorb; synonyms (v) consume, drink, en 1. breadth; synonyms (n) scope, width, spread,
engross, imbibe, assimilate, engage, occupy, suck, amplitude, area, broadness, extent, latitude, length,
swallow, amuse, digest, engulf, fascinate, ingest, size, wideness, stretch, span, distance, abundance;
(adj) immerse; antonyms (v) bore, emit. antonym (n) narrowness, 2. width (genişlik);
emniyet 1. safety (güvenlik); synonyms (n) synonyms (n) breadth, dimension, thickness,
protection, guard, refuge, security, bingle, safe, measurement, depth, height, range, diameter;
asylum, sanctuary, cover, preservation, safeness, antonym (n) thinness, 3. most; synonyms (adv)

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nearly, greatly, nigh, virtually, (adj) almost, about, stressed, (v) afflicted, pained; antonym (adj)
best, utmost, indeed, much, near, very, well, (n) reassured.
majority, maximum; antonym (adv) least, 4. very endüstri industry; synonyms (n) business,
(çok, pek, tam); synonyms (adv) extremely, application, diligence, effort, industriousness,
highly, really, completely, entirely, most, quite, labor, toil, trade, work, assiduousness, exertion,
truly, actually, too, awfully, (adj) identical, manufacture, commerce.
considerably, exact, (n) self; antonyms (adv) endüstriyel industrial; synonyms (adj) technical,
abysmally, slightly, somewhat. commercial, economic, manufactured, mechanical,
endam figure (figür, şekil); synonyms (n) form, business, capitalist, developed, entrepreneurial,
appearance, character, estimate, shape, cost, build, occupational, professional, residential, scientific,
contour, emblem, fashion, (v) design, cast, count, technological, urban; antonym (adj) charitable.
calculate, cipher. enerji 1. energy (güç); synonyms (n) animation,
endişe 1. anxiety; synonyms (n) alarm, care, disquiet, dash, force, life, spirit, determination, drive, effort,
fear, solicitude, trouble, anguish, anxiousness, might, strength, vigor, vitality, capability, action,
concern, uneasiness, worry, worriment, pain, activity; antonyms (n) lethargy, apathy, exhaustion,
agitation, burden; antonyms (n) calmness, bravery, tiredness, weakness, idleness, sluggishness, 2.
calm, confidence, 2. apprehension (anlayış, steam (buğu, buhar); synonyms (n) mist, fog,
korku); synonyms (n) comprehension, dread, haze, vapor, cloud, energy, (v) reek, evaporate,
arrest, capture, foreboding, misgiving, trepidation, exhale, smoke, fume, cook, pull, boil, (adj) gas, 3.
understanding, appreciation, anticipation, drive (sürmek); synonyms (n) ride, campaign,
conception, detention, dismay, (adj) anxiety, (v) crusade, thrust, cause, ambition, (v) push, actuate,
doubt; antonyms (n) reassurance, release, 3. chase, compel, urge, coerce, beat, carry, constrain;
concern; synonyms (n) business, affair, regard, antonym (n) inertia, 4. power (güç, iktidar);
attention, bother, matter, company, apprehension, synonyms (n) ability, potency, authority, control,
firm, part, (v) affect, interest, import, involve, agency, domination, intensity, effectiveness, effect,
pertain; antonym (v) unconcern, 4. fear aptitude, (v) influence, dominion, faculty, capacity,
(korkmak, korku); synonyms (n) awe, efficacy; antonyms (n) powerlessness, helplessness.
consternation, fright, fearfulness, intimidation, enerjik energetic; synonyms (adj) active, animated,
panic, terror, diffidence, funk, phobia, respect, (v) brisk, busy, driving, dynamic, effective, powerful,
reverence, affright, apprehend, revere; antonym (n) strong, agile, emphatic, aggressive, efficacious,
fearlessness, 5. worry (üzülmek); synonyms (v) efficient, enterprising; antonyms (adj) lethargic,
torment, distress, tease, annoy, disturb, molest, vex, lazy, sluggish, exhausted, inactive, indolent,
agitate, fret, harry, (n) harass, fuss, annoyance, languid, weary, apathetic, dull, indifferent, listless.
sorrow, (adj) irritate; antonyms (v) soothe, reassure. enfeksiyon infection; synonyms (n) contagion,
endişelendirmek concern; synonyms (n) business, disease, contamination, taint, corruption, septicity,
affair, regard, attention, anxiety, bother, matter, illness, inspiration, transmission, virus, bug,
company, apprehension, burden, (v) worry, affect, galvanism, (adj) pollution.
care, interest, trouble; antonym (v) unconcern. enfes superb; synonyms (adj) splendid, beautiful,
endişeli 1. uneasy; synonyms (adj) uncomfortable, brilliant, magnificent, exquisite, gorgeous,
anxious, fidgety, restless, apprehensive, concerned, excellent, glorious, grand, marvelous, rich, super,
nervous, awkward, unquiet, fretful, restive, majestic, royal, fabulous; antonym (adj) awful.
solicitous, agitated, jittery, troubled; antonym (adj) enflasyon inflation; synonyms (n) expansion,
calm, 2. anxious; synonyms (adj) afraid, alarmed, dilatation, increase, rise, boom, subtilization,
tense, uneasy, distressed, fearful, frightened, keen, appreciation, accumulation, augmentation,
thoughtful, thirsty, insecure, jealous, careful, bombast, conceit, depression, euphemism,
desirous, (v) jumpy; antonyms (adj) relaxed, exaggeration, (adj) pretension; antonym (n)
carefree, confident, rational, unconcerned, deflation.
undisturbed, untroubled, 3. fearful; synonyms enformasyon information (bilgi); synonyms (n)
(adj) cowardly, dreadful, awful, craven, terrible, advice, communication, data, evidence, note,
timid, dire, eerie, formidable, frightful, appalling, enlightenment, report, tidings, complaint, counsel,
awesome, alarming, dastardly, desperate; info, instruction, intelligence, material, warning.
antonyms (adj) brave, bold, unimpressed, 4. engebeli uneven; synonyms (adj) rough, unequal,
concerned; synonyms (adj) interested, involved, irregular, jagged, erratic, patchy, rugged, spotty,
considerate, worried, affected, attentive, caring, disproportionate, ragged, craggy, crooked,
upset, distraught, paternal, sympathetic; antonyms unbalanced, (v) broken, (n) harsh; antonyms (adj)
(adj) uncaring, unfeeling, 5. worried; synonyms even, smooth, straight, equal, symmetrical.
(adj) bothered, disturbed, unhappy, disquieted,

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158 Turkish - English

engel 1. barrier; synonyms (n) barricade, bar, (adj) lump; antonyms (v) free, unblock, open, 2. bar
bulwark, dam, handicap, hurdle, obstruction, (bar, çubuk); synonyms (n) band, line, pub, snag,
rampart, restraint, block, boundary, fence, fence, barrier, (v) ban, block, bolt, exclude, balk,
hindrance, impediment, obstacle, 2. bar (bar, dam, foreclose, confine, restrict; antonyms (v)
çubuk); synonyms (n) band, stop, line, pub, snag, permit, allow, 3. cross (haç); synonyms (n)
barrier, (v) ban, bolt, exclude, obstruct, arrest, balk, crisscross, affliction, (v) intersect, baffle, cover,
foreclose, confine, restrict; antonyms (v) permit, thwart, (adj) crabbed, crabby, angry, cantankerous,
allow, 3. obstacle; synonyms (n) difficulty, grouchy, grumpy, traverse, cranky, annoyed;
drawback, check, hitch, interruption, deterrent, let, antonyms (v) uncross, (adj) calm, good-tempered.
blockage, disadvantage, problem, rub, clog, engelsiz clear (açık, belirgin, berrak, temiz,
discouragement, setback, (v) delay, 4. block (blok, temizlemek); synonyms (adj) clean, certain, open,
tıkamak); synonyms (n) pad, cluster, blocking, apparent, distinct, empty, (v) bright, acquit,
chock, chunk, (v) hinder, encumber, halt, lock, absolute, free, net, absolve, clarify, definite,
parry, plug, blockade, choke, close, (adj) lump; discharge; antonyms (adj) cloudy, opaque, unclear,
antonyms (v) free, unblock, open, 5. stop (durak, dark, fuzzy, hazy, incomprehensible, obscure,
durdurmak, durma, durmak); synonyms (v) uncertain, vague, ambiguous, blurry, confused,
stand, interrupt, catch, disrupt, dwell, finish, confusing, (v) convict.
impede, intercept, pause, (n) hold, stay, end, cease, engin 1. vast; synonyms (adj) huge, immense, large,
curb, (adj) quit; antonyms (v) continue, start, begin, spacious, boundless, colossal, enormous, extensive,
encourage, prolong, 6. let (izin vermek); gigantic, great, immeasurable, wide, unlimited, big,
synonyms (v) hire, admit, lease, leave, charter, have, broad; antonyms (adj) limited, narrow, cramped,
rent, grant, authorize, cause, countenance, demise, small, tiny, 2. wide (geniş); synonyms (adj)
get, give, suffer; antonyms (v) forbid, prevent, 7. roomy, comprehensive, ample, vast, capacious,
check (çek, denetim, denetlemek); synonyms expanded, extended, full, open, sweeping, deep,
(v) bridle, limit, agree, restrain, dampen, test, expansive, liberal, thick, blanket; antonyms (adj)
ascertain, assay, audit, contain, detain, (n) control, thin, restricted.
bill, cheque, crack, 8. hedge; synonyms (n) enjeksiyon injection; synonyms (n) shot, clyster,
hedging, bush, hedgerow, (v) dodge, fudge, elude, enema, inoculation, jab, vaccination, injectant,
evade, skirt, avoid, circumvent, duck, equivocate, medicine.
pen, border, prevaricate, 9. drag (çekmek, enkaz debris; synonyms (n) detritus, junk, refuse,
sürükleme, sürüklemek); synonyms (v) attract, rubbish, trash, waste, garbage, wreck, muck,
haul, draw, puff, trail, cart, hale, heave, lug, tow, remains, ruins, scrap, litter, (adj) rubble.
shamble, (n) pull, bother, bore, inhalation; antonym enli 1. broad; synonyms (adj) wide, ample,
(v) push, 10. handicap; synonyms (n) disability, comprehensive, extensive, general, large,
disablement, penalty, baulk, encumbrance, sweeping, vast, free, big, blanket, capacious, deep,
impairment, liability, odds, (v) hamper, embarrass, full, (n) female; antonyms (adj) narrow, specific,
disable, cramp, burden, interfere, retard; antonyms thin, 2. wide (geniş); synonyms (adj) broad,
(v) advantage, benefit. spacious, roomy, expanded, extended, open,
engelleme 1. interference (girişim, karışma); expansive, liberal, thick, tolerant, huge, cavernous,
synonyms (n) disturbance, hindrance, handicap, (adv) far, widely, astray; antonym (adj) restricted.
block, blocking, encumbrance, hitch, inhibition, enstitü institute; synonyms (n) academy, (v) establish,
intercession, intervention, obstruction, antagonism, found, build, constitute, appoint, form, fix, begin,
intermeddling, disruption, (v) collision, 2. bring, create, erect, initiate, base, (adj) enact.
inhibition; synonyms (n) check, prohibition, enstrüman instrument (alet, araç); synonyms (n)
restraint, suppression, taboo, control, ban, channel, deed, agency, apparatus, appliance,
constraint, arrest, forbiddance, repression, document, expedient, pawn, tool, gear, agent,
restriction, (v) interference, 3. detention; device, engine, means, (v) implement.
synonyms (n) delay, custody, confinement, enstrümantal instrumental; synonyms (adj)
apprehension, captivity, detainment, capture,
conducive, helpful, implemental, useful, lyric,
detain, hold, imprisonment, incarceration,
operatic, vocal, subservient, influential, profitable,
internment, prison, seizure, (v) keep; antonyms (n)
inservient, instrumentary, organic, usable, active.
freedom, release, 4. prevention; synonyms (n)
entellektüel intellectual; synonyms (adj) cerebral,
avoidance, bar, exclusion, prenotion; antonym (n) mental, rational, learned, spiritual, academic, ideal,
success. cultured, brilliant, clever, (n) intellect, brain,
engellemek 1. block (blok, tıkamak); synonyms (n) scholar, thinker, mind.
bar, barricade, pad, clog, cluster, (v) arrest, stop, entrika 1. plot (arsa); synonyms (n) conspiracy, plan,
hinder, encumber, halt, lock, obstruct, parry, plug, lot, scheme, chart, design, graph, patch, (v) intrigue,

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cabal, plat, conspire, contrive, concoct, engineer, 2. eril masculine; synonyms (adj) manly, manlike, virile,
scheme (proje); synonyms (n) contrivance, dodge, mankind, bold, cruel, adult, ape, beefcake,
arrangement, device, diagram, method, project, caveman, gallant, generative, hairy, honorable, (v)
schedule, figure, frame, maneuver, outline, (v) plot, male; antonyms (adj) feminine, female.
devise, connive. erim 1. range (alan); synonyms (n) area, array,
envanter inventory; synonyms (n) list, catalogue, compass, reach, scope, domain, (v) line, arrange,
index, stock, catalog, account, enumeration, roll, order, rank, roam, group, ramble, wander, align, 2.
schedule, bill, table, inventorying, listing, record, compass (pusula); synonyms (n) range, circle,
stocktaking. circumference, extent, room, breadth, ambit,
enzim enzyme; synonyms (n) catalyst, solution. boundary, (v) round, get, grasp, accomplish,
epey 1. tidy; synonyms (adj) clean, neat, trim, spruce, achieve, apprehend, (adv) beset, 3. shot; synonyms
natty, orderly, respectable, shipshape, goodish, (n) gunshot, injection, go, fling, ball, crack, shoot,
methodical, (v) clear, arrange, straighten, groom, picture, attempt, bang, bullet, chance, discharge,
neaten; antonyms (adj) untidy, disheveled, knotted, effort, endeavor.
2. quite; synonyms (adv) altogether, absolutely, all, erime 1. fusion; synonyms (n) amalgamation,
completely, entirely, fully, sheer, exactly, enough, coalition, alliance, coalescence, combination,
even, fairly, rather, right, stark, (adj) just; antonym merger, unification, union, compound, amalgam,
(adv) extremely. blend, mixture, synthesis, embodiment, alloy;
er 1. soldier (asker); synonyms (n) fighter, warrior, antonym (n) separation, 2. solution (çözelti,
champion, swordsman, adventurer, assassin, çözüm, eriyik); synonyms (n) dissolution,
bottle, cutthroat, fencer, gangster, murderer, resolution, answer, settlement, resolve,
recruit, sworder, warfarer, airman, 2. private determination, explanation, key, result, remedy,
(özel); synonyms (adj) clandestine, confidential, definition, resolving, clarification, liquid, reply.
personal, covert, hidden, individual, secret, inner, erişim access (giriş); synonyms (n) admission,
esoteric, exclusive, intimate, particular, domestic, approach, entrance, entry, admittance, entree, gate,
interior, (v) close; antonyms (adj) public, communal, attack, doorway, entryway, fit, opening, outburst,
community, nationalized, official, state-owned, passage, (v) enter; antonym (n) exit.
civic, shared, state. erişme 1. attainment; synonyms (n) accomplishment,
erdem 1. virtue; synonyms (n) chastity, honor, acquirement, achievement, gain, accession,
excellence, goodness, honesty, decency, morality, completion, fulfillment, success, performance,
quality, probity, efficacy, good, modesty, potency, fruition, obtainment, realization, skill, (v)
(adj) merit, attribute; antonyms (n) wickedness, acquisition; antonym (n) failure, 2. reach
guilt, 2. merit; synonyms (n) worth, credit, desert, (ulaşmak, uzatmak); synonyms (v) range,
virtue, significance, value, dignity, distinction, due, overtake, obtain, achieve, attain, extend, get, make,
deserving, importance, meritoriousness, (v) pass, accomplish, go, (n) fetch, compass, stretch,
deserve, earn, rate. extent.
erek 1. end (bitirmek, bitmek, son); synonyms (n) erişmek 1. extend (genişletmek, uzatmak);
close, aim, closure, destination, conclusion, death, synonyms (v) expand, enlarge, amplify, broaden,
cause, demise, object, (v) cease, complete, finish, dilate, widen, augment, continue, elongate, go,
discontinue, conclude, (prep) consequence; spread, carry, develop, increase, (adj) stretch;
antonyms (n) beginning, maintenance, opening, antonyms (v) withdraw, shorten, limit, narrow,
middle, (v) start, begin, continue, 2. target (amaç, shrink, 2. access (giriş); synonyms (n) admission,
hedef); synonyms (n) butt, goal, mark, objective, approach, entrance, entry, admittance, entree, gate,
attack, doorway, entryway, fit, opening, outburst,
ambition, end, intent, focus, intention, prey, design,
passage, (v) enter; antonym (n) exit.
(v) point, purpose, direct, level, 3. aim (amaç,
gaye, hedef); synonyms (n) plan, target, meaning, eriyik solution (çözelti, çözüm); synonyms (n)
dissolution, resolution, answer, settlement, resolve,
trend, will, bearing, direction, (v) address,
determination, explanation, key, result, remedy,
endeavor, aspire, propose, strive, turn, attempt, (adj)
definition, resolving, clarification, liquid, reply.
tend, 4. goal (hedef, kale); synonyms (n) basket,
aspiration, limit, home, mission, reason, wish, (v) erk power (güç, iktidar); synonyms (n) force, ability,
bound. potency, authority, control, energy, agency,
domination, intensity, strength, (v) influence,
ergin mature; synonyms (adj) ripe, complete, adult,
might, dominion, faculty, capacity; antonyms (n)
aged, developed, experienced, fledged, old, perfect,
powerlessness, helplessness, weakness.
(v) grow, ripen, develop, age, maturate, mellow;
antonyms (adj) childish, naive, unripe, young, erke energy (enerji, güç); synonyms (n) animation,
sophomoric, (v) immature. dash, force, life, spirit, determination, drive, effort,
might, strength, vigor, vitality, capability, action,

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activity; antonyms (n) lethargy, apathy, exhaustion, succeeding, (v) consequential, (n) entourage, chase,
tiredness, weakness, idleness, sluggishness. followers, pursuit, (adv) under, after; antonym (adj)
erkek 1. man (adam, insan); synonyms (n) fellow, preceding.
gentleman, guy, person, husband, homo, human, erzak 1. provisions; synonyms (n) food,
humanity, humankind, humans, individual, commissariat, provender, supplies, victuals, fare,
mankind, mortal, (obj) he, male; antonym (n) aliment, nourishment, feed, nutriment, sustenance,
woman, 2. male; synonyms (adj) masculine, manly, viands, clauses, nutrition, terms, 2. supply
virile, manful, manlike, (n) chap, man; antonyms (tedarik etmek); synonyms (n) provision, hoard,
(adj) feminine, (n) female, 3. he (o); synonyms (pron) issue, (v) furnish, stock, afford, fill, store, offer,
cestui, (n) helium. provide, cater, contribute, deliver, equip, give.
erkeksi masculine; synonyms (adj) manly, manlike, es rest (dinlenme); synonyms (n) remnant, repose,
virile, mankind, bold, cruel, adult, ape, beefcake, balance, pause, recess, relaxation, residue, leisure,
caveman, gallant, generative, hairy, honorable, (v) break, (v) nap, remain, sleep, ease, lie, (adj)
male; antonyms (adj) feminine, female. remainder; antonym (v) work.
erken 1. early; synonyms (adj) initial, first, primitive, eş 1. match (kibrit); synonyms (n) equal,
prompt, young, quick, embryonic, matutinal, old, competition, couple, duplicate, (v) agree, mate,
original, past, precocious, (adv) betimes, soon, meet, parallel, accord, correspond, harmonise,
earlier; antonyms (adj) delayed, last-minute, slow, harmonize, balance, fellow, fit; antonyms (v) clash,
(adv) late, 2. soon (çok geçmeden); synonyms contradict, 2. wife (karı); synonyms (n) matron,
(adv) shortly, early, presently, anon, immediately, missis, partner, spouse, consort, helpmate, lady,
directly, now, promptly, quickly, soonly, briefly, woman, mistress, concubine, mother, sweetheart,
erelong, fast, speedily, afterward. bride, companion, helpmeet; antonym (n) husband,
eroin 1. horse (at, beygir); synonyms (n) cavalry, 3. equal (eşit); synonyms (adj) comparable,
mount, buck, heroin, junk, knight, boar, cock, dog, adequate, balanced, commensurate, equivalent,
drake, gander, hart, 2. heroin; synonyms (n) horse, alike, coordinate, corresponding, (v) match,
scag, smack, diacetylmorphine, asshole, bastard, compare, even, rival, equalize, (n) compeer, peer;
bull, bullshit, buncombe, bunk, bunkum, antonyms (adj) unequal, different, repressive,
cocksucker, crap, damn, (adj) cocaine, 3. snow disproportionate, inconsistent, uneven, unlike, (v)
differ, 4. mate; synonyms (n) associate, friend,
(kar); synonyms (n) coke, precipitation, snowfall,
colleague, wife, brother, buddy, chum, counterpart,
bark, barque, brig, cocain, ship, (v) beguile,
crony, double, pal, (v) copulate, pair, checkmate,
overwhelm, bamboozle, hoodwink.
(adj) comrade, 5. companion (arkadaş);
erozyon erosion; synonyms (n) attrition, abrasion,
synonyms (n) assistant, acquaintance, attendant,
corrosion, corroding, eroding, friction, wear. escort, familiar, playmate, boyfriend, chaperon,
erteleme 1. suspension; synonyms (n) delay, follower, helper, lad, (v) accompany, company, (adj)
interruption, abeyance, break, intermission, pause, ally, accomplice; antonym (n) enemy, 6. husband
recess, respite, suspense, adjournment, deferment, (koca); synonyms (n) hubby, man, master, baron,
postponement, reprieve, stay, rest, 2. stay (kalma,
(v) conserve, economize, preserve, save, economise,
kalmak); synonyms (v) remain, reside, prop, stop, 7. partner (ortak); synonyms (n) copartner,
abide, continue, endure, arrest, bide, dwell,
collaborator, confederate, accessory, cooperator,
support, (n) halt, check, (adj) cease, inhabit; pardner, teammate, partaker, participator,
antonyms (v) leave, change, abscond, depart. coadjutor, (v) neogamist, 8. fellow (adam);
ertelemek 1. delay (gecikme, geciktirmek); synonyms (n) boy, chap, dude, dog, beau, blighter,
synonyms (n) pause, arrest, deferment, wait, stay, confrere, cuss, fella, feller, guy, swain, buster, gent,
deferral, extension, (v) defer, check, postpone, (v) concomitant, 9. pair (çift); synonyms (n) brace,
reserve, adjourn, break, detain, hesitate; antonyms duet, duo, dyad, coupling, couplet, duad, team,
(n) punctuality, decisiveness, (v) rush, advance, 2. two, twosome, (v) join, link, equate, twin, (adj)
stay (kalma, kalmak); synonyms (v) remain, doublet, 10. spouse.
reside, rest, prop, stop, abide, continue, endure, esans 1. essence; synonyms (n) core, entity, aroma,
bide, dwell, support, (n) delay, halt, (adj) cease, being, crux, gist, perfume, hypostasis, body,
inhabit; antonyms (v) leave, change, abscond, burden, extract, fragrance, heart, kernel, nub, 2.
depart, 3. continue (sürdürmek); synonyms (v) scent; synonyms (n) smell, bouquet, essence,
keep, persevere, sustain, be, extend, last, maintain, redolence, odour, savor, flavor, flavour, incense,
persist, preserve, proceed, resume, stand, live, (n) clue, trail, (v) odor, nose, wind, (adj) smoke.
hold, (adj) prolong; antonyms (v) end, discontinue. eşantiyon sample (örnek); synonyms (n) example,
ertesi following; synonyms (adj) consequent, next, instance, specimen, model, pattern, assay, case,
ensuing, subsequent, consecutive, later, posterior,

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illustration, exemplar, design, (v) taste, try, attempt, eşdeğer equivalent; synonyms (adj) equal,
essay, (adj) test. comparable, alike, analogous, even, corresponding,
esas 1. base (alçak, baz, taban, temel, üs); identical, like, matching, same, equipollent,
synonyms (n) foundation, basis, (adj) bottom, abject, commensurate, (n) counterpart, match, (v)
mean, dishonorable, ignoble, low, vile, bad, consideration; antonyms (adj) unlike, (n) different,
contemptible, despicable, foul, (v) ground, found; dissimilar.
antonyms (n) summit, top, (adj) noble, 2. intrinsic; esef regret; synonyms (v) bewail, grieve, bemoan,
synonyms (adj) inherent, immanent, inborn, deplore, lament, mourn, sorrow, repent, (n) grief,
internal, constitutional, essential, integral, intimate, compunction, contrition, penitence, remorse,
intrinsical, native, peculiar, interior, fundamental, repentance, disappointment.
instinctive, innate; antonym (adj) extrinsic, 3. basis; eser 1. shadow (gölge); synonyms (n) shade, ghost,
synonyms (n) base, gist, bed, beginning, footing, tail, trace, darkness, hint, apparition, follower,
root, cause, cornerstone, derivation, justification, gloom, phantom, reflection, (v) eclipse, follow,
nucleus, reason, motive, essence, argument, 4. obscure, overshadow, 2. strain; synonyms (n)
element; synonyms (n) component, constituent, stress, breed, effort, stretch, exertion, race, (v) filter,
ingredient, factor, substance, feature, matter, screen, sift, tax, endeavor, exert, extend, percolate,
origin, part, unit, module, point, article, body, pull; antonym (v) relax, 3. production (üretim);
detail, 5. basic (temel); synonyms (adj) first, synonyms (n) output, generation, product,
cardinal, initial, primary, primordial, basal, central, manufacturing, performance, creation, formation,
introductory, key, necessary, plain, primitive, produce, staging, fabrication, fruit, manufacture,
simple, vital, (n) staple; antonyms (adj) secondary, origination, presentation, (v) exhibition.
complex, extra, minor, 6. foundation (temel); eşik 1. threshold; synonyms (n) brink, limen,
synonyms (n) creation, establishment, foot, beginning, doorsill, doorstep, entrance, entry,
institution, principle, support, fundament, outset, doorway, edge, vestibule, border, limit,
grounds, groundwork, initiation, substructure, door, porch, 2. verge (kenar); synonyms (n)
warrant, construction, core, formation, 7. master boundary, margin, rim, bound, brim, confine, side,
(ana, baş); synonyms (n) captain, instructor, head, skirt, threshold, fringe, edging, term, bounds, (v)
boss, leader, gentleman, (v) conquer, control, bend, hem.
command, defeat, dominate, (adj) chief, original, esin inspiration; synonyms (n) afflatus, infusion,
ace, expert, 8. essence; synonyms (n) entity, breath, encouragement, idea, incentive, inhalation,
aroma, being, crux, perfume, hypostasis, burden, revelation, genius, notion, aspiration, enthusiasm,
extract, fragrance, heart, kernel, nub, odor, scent, impulse, (v) illumination, impression.
spirit, 9. substance; synonyms (n) import, esinti 1. breeze; synonyms (n) breath, air, gust, blow,
material, meaning, significance, subject, amount, flurry, gale, rumor, wind, zephyr, (v) move, 2.
means, quintessence, implication, content, element, breath (nefes, soluk); synonyms (n) spirit,
marrow, meat, strength, stuff; antonym (n) inspiration, puff, aspiration, breather, breeze, flash,
triviality, 10. ultimate; synonyms (adj) last, flatus, instant, jiffy, respite, trice, twinkling, whiff,
conclusive, final, end, supreme, definitive, decisive, (adj) whisper.
elemental, extreme, farthest, furthest, eventual, esir 1. prisoner; synonyms (n) convict, captive,
ending, finishing, (n) maximum; antonym (adj)
hostage, accused, criminal, defendant, 2. capture;
opening. synonyms (v) bag, catch, take, apprehend, captivate,
esasen 1. essentially; synonyms (adv) basically, carry, ensnare, get, seize, bewitch, acquire, beguile,
fundamentally, substantially, primarily, (n) arrest, seizure, apprehension; antonyms (v)
principally, naturally, inherently, radically, really, release, surrender.
significantly, absolutely, chiefly, decidedly, mainly,
esirgemek spare; synonyms (adj) reserve, slender,
(adj) intrinsically, 2. substantially; synonyms (adv)
excess, save, slight, additional, lean, slim, thin,
considerably, well, materially, firmly, amply,
bare, (v) free, meager, exempt, (n) extra, backup.
generously, markedly, noticeably, (adj) practically,
virtually; antonym (adv) slightly.
eşit 1. equal; synonyms (adj) agree, comparable,
adequate, balanced, commensurate, equivalent, (v)
esaslı essential; synonyms (adj) necessary, crucial,
match, compare, correspond, even, parallel, rival,
important, inherent, requisite, constituent, basic,
equalize, (n) compeer, peer; antonyms (adj) unequal,
elementary, fundamental, natural, central,
different, repressive, disproportionate, inconsistent,
constitutional, (n) necessity, base, (v) imperative;
uneven, unlike, (v) differ, 2. even (çift, hatta);
antonyms (adj) minor, secondary, (n) inessential,
synonyms (adv) yet, (adj) direct, equal, constant,
optional, option, unimportant, peripheral, luxury.
equable, flat, horizontal, identical, plane, regular,
eşcinsel homosexual; synonyms (adj) dykey, (n) gay, steady, clear, (v) level, balance, smooth; antonyms
lesbian, homo, dyke, human, man, queen.
(adj) irregular, jagged, 3. equivalent (eşdeğer);

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synonyms (adj) alike, analogous, corresponding, eskime wear; synonyms (v) dress, endure, bear,
like, matching, same, equipollent, akin, reciprocal, fatigue, tire, waste, fray, frazzle, (n) clothing,
related, similar, tantamount, (n) counterpart, eq, (v) apparel, attire, clothes, garb, erosion, garment;
consideration; antonym (n) dissimilar. antonym (v) refresh.
eşitlemek compensate; synonyms (v) balance, pay, eskimiş worn; synonyms (v) decayed, (adj) haggard,
recompense, reimburse, counterbalance, recoup, shabby, tired, ragged, tattered, threadbare, drawn,
remunerate, repay, reward, cover, correct, expiate, jaded, exhausted, fatigued, careworn, decrepit,
indemnify, offset, redeem. faded, frayed; antonyms (adj) fresh, new.
eşitlik 1. equality; synonyms (n) equivalence, eşleştirmek match (eş, kibrit); synonyms (n) equal,
balance, identity, parity, evenness, likeness, par, competition, couple, duplicate, (v) agree, mate,
sameness, equal, analogy, correspondence, meet, parallel, accord, correspond, harmonise,
equation, similarity; antonyms (n) inequality, harmonize, balance, fellow, fit; antonyms (v) clash,
disparity, difference, 2. par; synonyms (n) average, contradict.
equality, mean, norm, (adj) median, 3. equation eşlik company; synonyms (n) companionship,
(denklem); synonyms (n) equalization, formula, society, association, band, business, cohort,
compensation, equating, proportion, ratio. collection, brigade, assemblage, bevy, caller, club,
eşitsizlik inequality; synonyms (n) disparity, companion, corps, (v) accompany; antonym (n)
difference, disproportion, dissimilitude, injustice, solitude.
variance, variation, discrepancy, imbalance, esmek blow (üflemek); synonyms (n) bang, beat,
inequity, unevenness, unfairness, (adj) odds; blast, knock, shock, wallop, gust, hit, jolt, (v) puff,
antonyms (n) equality, justice, parity. bloom, blossom, pant, play, (adj) gasp; antonyms (v)
eski 1. old; synonyms (adj) antiquated, obsolete, calm, save.
ancient, former, aged, antique, elderly, esmerleşmek brown (kahverengi); synonyms (adj)
experienced, outdated, veteran, archaic, decrepit, chocolate, swarthy, tanned, (n) brunette,
hoary, mature, past; antonyms (adj) new, young, brownness, tan, (v) sear, cook, fry; antonym (adj)
modern, fresh, latest, novel, original, youthful, 2. pale.
former (önceki); synonyms (adv) before, (adj) esnek flexible; synonyms (adj) elastic, adaptable,
antecedent, anterior, bygone, earlier, foregoing, pliable, yielding, lissome, pliant, soft, supple, facile,
previous, prior, deceased, preceding, foremost, adjustable, bendable, compliant, ductile, flexile,
primary, departed, gone, (n) predecessor; antonym lithe; antonyms (adj) inflexible, rigid, fixed,
(adj) future, 3. ancient; synonyms (adj) old, obstinate, stiff, stubborn.
primitive, olden, antediluvian, dated, older, esneklik 1. flexibility; synonyms (n) pliability,
outmoded, prehistoric, primeval, primordial, rusty,
spring, adaptability, elasticity, suppleness,
historical, (n) elder, senior, 4. early (erken); litheness, malleability, tractability, versatility,
synonyms (adj) initial, first, prompt, quick, bendability; antonyms (n) inflexibility, obstinacy,
embryonic, matutinal, precocious, preliminary,
rigidity, stubbornness, severity, 2. give (vermek);
premature, prime, untimely, advance, (adv) betimes,
synonyms (v) allow, bestow, extend, accord,
soon, timely; antonyms (adj) delayed, last-minute,
commit, donate, contribute, convey, deliver,
slow, (adv) late, 5. used; synonyms (adj)
dispense, endow, grant, present, yield, administer;
secondhand, exploited, accustomed, depleted,
antonyms (v) withdraw, take, withhold, 3. spring
exhausted, faded, habituated, hand-me-down,
spent, threadbare, tried, victimised, victimized, (bahar, ilkbahar); synonyms (n) jump, leap,
wont, recycled; antonyms (adj) pristine, spanking, bound, fountain, skip, source, dance, rise, (v) hop,
caper, bounce, dive, originate, recoil, (adj) elastic.
unused, 6. late (geç); synonyms (adj) dead,
behindhand, belated, tardy, dull, defunct, esnemek yield (verim); synonyms (n) produce,
posthumous, erstwhile, advanced, later, (adv) return, give, output, proceeds, (v) surrender, allow,
dilatory, backward, belatedly, lately, latterly; concede, submit, cede, grant, relinquish, bow,
antonyms (adj) ahead, (adv) early, punctually, accede, afford; antonyms (v) resist, persevere.
promptly, punctual, 7. sometime; synonyms (adv) esrar 1. mystery; synonyms (n) conundrum,
someday, once, sometimes, formerly, (adj) arcanum, enigma, secret, mysteriousness, puzzle,
quondam. secrecy, craft, perplexity, poser, problem, riddle,
whodunit, cabala, question; antonyms (n) clearness,
eskiden 1. once; synonyms (adv) formerly, before,
erstwhile, previously, already, erst, sometime, explanation, 2. grass (çimen, ot); synonyms (n)
when, (n) whilom, (adj) former, 2. formerly; cannabis, forage, marijuana, pasture, dope, feed,
ganja, herb, herbage, informer, (v) betray,
synonyms (adv) earlier, aforetime, first, once, afore,
denounce, (adj) pot, green, hemp, 3. shit (bok);
beforehand, originally, sometimes.
synonyms (n) crap, bullshit, cocksucker, dump,

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junk, poop, bull, bunk, (v) stool, defecate, (adj) knee, orbit, (v) lick, overlap, bind, (adv) compass,
excrement, dung, faeces, feces, ordure. encircle, encompass, embrace, enclose, beset.
esrarengiz mysterious; synonyms (adj) hidden, eteklik skirt (etek); synonyms (n) border, edge, brim,
inscrutable, deep, eerie, incomprehensible, flap, kilt, apron, margin, (v) fringe, circumvent,
inexplicable, abstruse, arcane, cryptic, dark, evade, hem, elude, sidestep, verge, dodge.
obscure, secret, clandestine, concealed, covert; etik ethics; synonyms (n) morality, morals,
antonyms (adj) known, straightforward, apparent, conscience, behavior, philosophy, code, dignity,
normal. ethology, ideology, principle, principles, scruples,
esrarlı secret; synonyms (adj) concealed, covert, standards, tradition, values.
hidden, mysterious, confidential, furtive, obscure, etiket 1. label; synonyms (n) name, brand, tag, title,
occult, secrecy, clandestine, (n) privacy, arcanum, designation, earmark, docket, group, (v) mark, call,
(v) private, secluded, close; antonyms (adj) open, (n) classify, check, designate, distinguish, identify, 2.
known, public. ticket (bilet); synonyms (n) pass, card, label,
eşsiz unique (benzersiz, tek); synonyms (adj) certificate, ballot, slate, warrant, slip, voucher,
singular, only, odd, extraordinary, individual, plank, platform, price, vote, (v) fine.
solitary, alone, peculiar, distinct, distinctive, etiketlemek 1. label (etiket); synonyms (n) name,
exceptional, incomparable, inimitable, matchless, brand, tag, title, designation, earmark, docket,
rare; antonyms (adj) common, ordinary, recurring. group, (v) mark, call, classify, check, designate,
estetik aesthetic; synonyms (adj) esthetic, aesthetical, distinguish, identify, 2. ticket (bilet); synonyms
esthetical, artistic, perceptive, sentient, affective, (n) pass, card, label, certificate, ballot, slate,
beauty, conscious, cultured, decorative, deep, warrant, slip, voucher, plank, platform, price, vote,
graceful, intense, invigorating. (v) fine.
eşya 1. goods; synonyms (n) cargo, freight, etken 1. agent (acenta, ajan); synonyms (n) agency,
belongings, commodity, merchandise, product, broker, deputy, medium, factor, instrument,
estate, chattels, commodities, effects, produce, mediator, ambassador, attorney, channel, delegate,
property, stuff, wealth, load, 2. furniture; doer, envoy, intermediary, (v) actor, 2. factor
synonyms (n) equipment, appointments, goods, (çarpan, etmen); synonyms (n) agent, component,
fitting, movable, thing, movables, upholstery, divisor, element, ingredient, part, consideration,
apparatus, apparel, appurtenances, attire, clothes, feature, parameter, point, item, steward, dividend,
deed, (v) garniture, 3. commodity; synonyms (n) fact, (adj) constituent.
article, object, ware, something, valuable, etki 1. action (eylem, hareket, iş); synonyms (n) act,
accommodation, advantage, asset, belonging,
accomplishment, activity, agency, battle, deed,
benefit, chattel, commodiousness, convenience,
effect, engagement, fight, movement, performance,
interest, profit, 4. article; synonyms (n) section,
play, behavior, case, (v) achievement; antonyms (n)
chapter, clause, composition, discourse, entity,
inaction, inactivity, 2. influence; synonyms (n)
essay, feature, paper, report, review, story, passage,
force, authority, control, domination, charm,
condition, dissertation, 5. gear; synonyms (n)
command, hold, impact, (v) affect, determine,
outfit, tackle, device, dress, baggage, clothing,
dispose, incline, bias, direct, govern, 3. effect
cogwheel, contrivance, kit, luggage, wheel, garb,
furniture, (v) harness, equip.
(sonuç); synonyms (n) consequence, product,
result, sequel, aftermath, conclusion, (v)
et 1. meat; synonyms (n) flesh, core, essence, food,
accomplish, achieve, create, cause, complete, do,
gist, heart, kernel, marrow, substance, crux, matter,
bring, carry, execute; antonym (n) reason, 4.
beef, brawn, stuff, content, 2. flesh; synonyms (n)
impact; synonyms (n) hit, shock, blow, clash,
mortality, anatomy, chassis, figure, form, frame,
collision, crash, impingement, impression,
humanity, mankind, meat, muscle, pulp, shape,
influence, touch, bang, concussion, jolt, (v) contact,
(adj) carnality, concupiscence, lust.
ram, 5. force (güç, kuvvet, zorlamak);
etap 1. stage (sahne); synonyms (n) grade, phase,
synonyms (n) energy, strength, enforce, impetus,
floor, degree, level, period, point, arena, layer,
impulse, power, (v) drive, coerce, pressure, squeeze,
chapter, leg, gradation, (v) present, order, mount, 2.
thrust, compel, cram, impel, (adj) constrain;
lap (kucak); synonyms (n) circle, circuit, fold, coil, antonyms (n) weakness, persuasion, 6. efficacy;
knee, orbit, (v) lick, overlap, bind, (adv) compass,
synonyms (n) effectiveness, potency, capability,
encircle, encompass, embrace, enclose, beset. efficaciousness, efficiency, utility, might,
etek 1. skirt; synonyms (n) border, edge, brim, flap, usefulness, validity, vigor, virtue, (v) weight;
kilt, apron, margin, (v) fringe, circumvent, evade, antonyms (n) inefficacy, inefficiency, 7.
hem, elude, sidestep, verge, dodge, 2. lap
impression (izlenim); synonyms (n) belief,
(kucak); synonyms (n) circle, circuit, fold, coil, conception, feeling, idea, imprint, depression,
image, mark, notion, dent, appearance, feel,

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impress, opinion, printing, 8. sound (ses); etkileşimli interactive; synonyms (adj) interactional,
synonyms (n) echo, peal, (v) ring, chime, fast, (adj) mutual, synergistic, synergetic.
reasonable, healthy, fit, good, just, rational, right, etkileyici 1. impressive; synonyms (adj) forcible,
sane, sensible, robust; antonyms (n) silence, (adj) effective, commanding, imposing, powerful,
illogical, unsound, confused, 9. pull (çekme, striking, awesome, efficacious, exciting, formidable,
çekmek); synonyms (v) drag, draw, draught, influential, massive, memorable, (n) grand, noble;
pluck, attract, haul, jerk, tug, pick, make, hale, lure, antonyms (adj) unimpressive, humble, ordinary,
(n) wrench, attraction, effort; antonyms (v) push, weak, 2. imposing; synonyms (v) impressive, (adj)
repel. dignified, grandiose, stately, distinguished,
etkilemek 1. affect; synonyms (v) touch, move, act, baronial, lofty, regal, exalted, royal, eminent,
fake, feign, impress, pretend, strike, concern, magnificent, majestic, (n) solemn, grave, 3.
dispose, dissemble, hit, influence, involve, lead, 2. dramatic; synonyms (adj) spectacular, theatrical,
grip (kavramak, yakalamak); synonyms (n) scenic, sensational, sudden, thespian; antonyms
clasp, clutch, handle, bag, clench, clinch, clutches, (adj) gradual, undramatic, 4. effective (etkin);
(v) grasp, hold, catch, cling, apprehend, embrace, synonyms (adj) beneficial, practical, effectual,
fascinate, grab; antonyms (v) bore, release, 3. operative, strong, actual, fruitful, positive, active,
influence (etki); synonyms (n) force, authority, forceful, important, (n) competent, capable, able,
control, domination, charm, command, impact, (v) efficient; antonyms (adj) ineffective, useless,
affect, determine, effect, incline, bias, direct, inoperative.
govern, importance, 4. impress; synonyms (v) etkili 1. effective (etkin); synonyms (adj) beneficial,
imprint, mark, print, inscribe, instill, emboss, dent, practical, effectual, efficacious, operative, strong,
inculcate, amaze, dazzle, engrave, (n) stamp, actual, fruitful, positive, active, forceful, (n)
impression, press, emblem, 5. operate competent, capable, able, efficient; antonyms (adj)
(işletmek); synonyms (v) function, run, employ, ineffective, useless, weak, inoperative, 2. telling;
go, manage, perform, proceed, work, maneuver, synonyms (adj) significant, revealing, effective,
exercise, fly, behave, do, drive, engage, 6. move emphatic, impressive, pregnant, cogent, powerful,
(hareket, taşınmak); synonyms (v) carry, excite, potent, trenchant, graphic, vivid, (n) recounting,
impel, instigate, travel, flow, bear, disturb, actuate, relation, notice, 3. influential; synonyms (adj)
agitate, arouse, (n) motion, transfer, advance, dominant, forcible, predominant, prevailing,
change; antonym (v) stay, 7. concern; synonyms considerable, eminent, big, energetic, grave,
(n) business, affair, regard, attention, anxiety, prominent, convincing, dynamic, major, (v)
bother, matter, company, apprehension, burden, important; antonyms (adj) insignificant, minor,
disquiet, (v) worry, care, interest, trouble; antonym unconvincing, 4. potent; synonyms (adj)
(v) unconcern, 8. lead; synonyms (v) head, guide, influential, hard, mighty, persuasive, lusty, stiff,
conduct, contribute, chair, conduce, bring, convey, vigorous, firm, heady, robust, hardy, intense,
give, show, (n) clue, advantage, hint, leash, (adj) muscular, great, stout; antonym (adj) impotent, 5.
front; antonym (v) follow, 9. act (davranmak, powerful; synonyms (adj) brawny, full, deep,
hareket, rol yapmak); synonyms (n) formidable, hefty, sturdy, valid, husky, athletic, fit,
accomplishment, action, play, statute, decree, feat, herculean, nervous, noisy, puissant, (n) fierce;
law, performance, activity, (v) achievement, deed, antonyms (adj) powerless, mild.
acquit, enact, operate, commit; antonym (v) refrain, etkililik effectiveness; synonyms (n) efficacy, effect,
10. strike (bulmak, grev); synonyms (n) knock, strength, result, powerfulness, effectivity,
assault, clap, rap, smash, (v) bang, beat, slap, box, effectuality, effectualness, force, influence, potency,
buffet, bump, clout, coin, collide, mint, 11. touch success, usefulness, utility, validity; antonyms (n)
(dokunma, dokunmak); synonyms (n) feel, uselessness, inefficiency, ineffectiveness.
tinge, feeling, tap, tincture, (v) contact, border, etkin 1. active; synonyms (adj) energetic, alert, busy,
adjoin, stroke, brush, meet, reach, taste, tint, allude. diligent, effective, live, lively, nimble, strong, agile,
etkilenmemiş unaffected; synonyms (adj) simple, alive, brisk, dynamic, forcible, healthy; antonyms
artless, sincere, genuine, natural, plain, real, (adj) dormant, inactive, sluggish, idle, latent,
unimpressed, ingenuous, honest, naive, lethargic, sedentary, slow, extinct, passive, quiet, 2.
unsophisticated, untouched, chaste, impervious; effective; synonyms (adj) beneficial, practical,
antonym (adj) affected. effectual, efficacious, operative, actual, fruitful,
etkileşim interaction; synonyms (n) interplay, positive, active, forceful, important, (n) competent,
contact, correlation, communication, mutuality, capable, able, efficient; antonyms (adj) ineffective,
affairs, associations, dealings, interworking, useless, weak, inoperative.
relations, relationships, association, consultation, etkinleştirme activation; synonyms (n) activating,
interdependence, relationship. start, initiation, launch, awakening,

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commencement, creation, energizing, some, somewhere, (prep) encompassing, encircling,

establishment, foundation, inauguration, opening, circa, surrounding, (adj) near, nearby, (n) vicinity, 2.
spur, instigation, introduction. round (Yuvarlak); synonyms (adv) around, (adj)
etkinlik 1. activity (faaliyet); synonyms (n) action, circular, plump, entire, chubby, complete, (n) circle,
activeness, exercise, liveliness, play, job, agency, bout, ring, beat, circuit, cycle, (v) compass, turn,
agility, diligence, energy, enterprise, industry, life, gird; antonyms (adj) slim, sharp.
movement, occupation; antonyms (n) inactivity, etraflı comprehensive; synonyms (adj) capacious,
inaction, inactiveness, 2. efficiency (verim, broad, extensive, inclusive, complete, detailed,
verimlilik); synonyms (n) capability, effectiveness, exhaustive, full, large, overall, sweeping, thorough,
ability, efficacy, effect, capacity, aptitude, output, total, universal, wide; antonyms (adj) narrow,
potency, proficiency, ease; antonyms (n) partial, noncomprehensive, restricted.
inefficiency, incompetence, largeness. ettirmek get (almak, elde etmek, olmak,
etkisiz 1. ineffective; synonyms (adj) empty, varmak); synonyms (v) acquire, gain, attain,
incompetent, futile, impotent, inadequate, become, catch, earn, buy, come, fall, fetch, take,
ineffectual, inefficient, null, fruitless, incapable, achieve, beget, bring, capture; antonyms (v) lose,
powerless, unable, useless, worthless, feckless; give, leave.
antonyms (adj) effective, strong, successful, useful, ev 1. house (mesken); synonyms (n) family, home,
2. inefficient; synonyms (adj) ineffective, dwelling, firm, abode, domicile, building, edifice,
inefficacious, feeble, inactive, inept, insufficient, habitation, housing, establishment, structure,
unfit, lame; antonym (adj) efficient. ancestry, (v) accommodate, lodge, 2. home;
etmek 1. do (yapmak); synonyms (v) act, cheat, synonyms (n) fireside, house, base, household,
commit, accomplish, complete, conduct, perform, place, residence, shelter, asylum, fatherland,
achieve, make, practice, defraud, answer, arrange, habitat, lodging, land, environment, (adj) domestic,
(n) function, occasion; antonyms (v) neglect, internal, 3. family (aile); synonyms (n) descent,
unmake, 2. make (yapmak); synonyms (v) build, name, breed, brood, clan, class, genus, kin, lineage,
cause, construct, do, create, fashion, force, get, give, people, stock, species, birth, blood, category, 4.
produce, let, compel, constitute, design, (n) form; settlement; synonyms (n) decision,
antonyms (v) destroy, lose, 3. render; synonyms accommodation, colony, hamlet, payment,
(v) afford, interpret, explain, furnish, offer, pay, arrangement, conclusion, resolution,
construe, depict, impart, provide, return, translate, determination, contract, adjustment, agreement,
yield, cede, concede, 4. total (toplam); synonyms colonization, liquidation, village, 5. residence;
(adj) aggregate, all, absolute, entire, gross, synonyms (n) occupancy, mansion, manse,
downright, general, (n) whole, amount, sum, tally, abidance, apartment, hall, residency, digs,
entirety, (v) count, number, figure; antonyms (adj) lodgings, settlement, quarters, seat, parsonage,
presence, rectory.
partial, incomplete, qualified.
etmen 1. factor (çarpan); synonyms (n) agent, evcil domestic; synonyms (adj) home, tame, civil,
familiar, household, internal, native, domesticated,
component, broker, divisor, element, ingredient,
family, indigenous, indoor, inland, (n) homely,
part, deputy, consideration, feature, parameter,
maid, servant; antonyms (adj) foreign, wild,
point, delegate, item, (adj) constituent, 2. agent
(acenta, ajan); synonyms (n) agency, medium,
factor, instrument, mediator, ambassador, attorney, evde home (ev); synonyms (n) fireside, abode,
channel, doer, envoy, intermediary, means, domicile, house, base, building, dwelling, family,
procurator, surrogate, (v) actor. habitation, household, place, residence, shelter,
asylum, (adj) domestic.
etnik ethnic; synonyms (adj) national, ethnical,
heathen, pagan, cultural, gentile, social, ancestral, eve home (ev); synonyms (n) fireside, abode,
clannish, family, indigenous, native, traditional. domicile, house, base, building, dwelling, family,
habitation, household, place, residence, shelter,
etraf surroundings; synonyms (n) medium,
asylum, (adj) domestic.
atmosphere, environment, environs, setting,
habitat, neighborhood, milieu, scene, ambiance, evet 1. yes; synonyms (int) surely, (n) consent,
background, situation, surround, vicinity, acceptance, nod, (adv) ay, yea, certainly, positively,
ambience. precisely, (v) acquiesce, agree, allow, grovel, (adj)
obedient, submissive, 2. yeah; synonyms (int)
etrafına around; synonyms (adv) about,
approximately, almost, round, roughly, nearly, hurrah, hurray, yippee.
some, somewhere, (prep) encompassing, encircling, evlendirmek 1. marry; synonyms (v) join, link,
circa, surrounding, (adj) near, nearby, (n) vicinity. conjoin, splice, tie, unite, wive, couple, combine,
etrafında 1. around; synonyms (adv) about, merge, connect, unify, match, (n) espouse, wed;
approximately, almost, round, roughly, nearly, antonym (v) divorce, 2. tie (bağlamak, kravat);

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synonyms (n) band, connection, draw, lace, evrensel 1. universal; synonyms (adj) general,
association, relationship, sleeper, strap, string, (v) ecumenical, global, common, international,
bond, attach, bind, knot, fasten, leash; antonyms (v) worldwide, public, ubiquitous, comprehensive,
disconnect, untie, undo. oecumenical, widespread, cosmopolitan, generic,
evlenme 1. match (eş, kibrit); synonyms (n) equal, ordinary, pervasive; antonyms (adj) local, specific,
competition, couple, duplicate, (v) agree, mate, 2. global; synonyms (adj) overall, universal,
meet, parallel, accord, correspond, harmonise, earthly, total, globose, globular, inclusive,
harmonize, balance, fellow, fit; antonyms (v) clash, orbicular, planetary, spheric, spherical, terrestrial,
contradict, 2. marriage; synonyms (n) wedding, world, sweeping; antonym (adj) national, 3.
matrimony, espousal, nuptial, union, wedlock, worldwide; synonym (adj) intercontinental.
alliance, coupling, bond, nuptials, (adj) bridal, (v) evrim evolution; synonyms (n) development, growth,
match; antonyms (n) divorce, separation. expansion, movement, process, progress,
evlenmek marry (evlendirmek); synonyms (v) join, evolvement, change, mutation, advance, alteration,
link, conjoin, splice, tie, unite, wive, couple, modification, progression, (v) operation,
combine, merge, connect, unify, match, (n) espouse, elimination; antonym (n) deterioration.
wed; antonym (v) divorce. evrimsel evolutionary; synonym (n) evolutionist.
evlenmemiş unmarried; synonyms (adj) single, evvel 1. before (önce, önünde); synonyms (prep)
unwedded, sole, alone, individual, separate; fore, beyond, facing, (adv) above, ahead, afore, ago,
antonyms (adj) married, attached, marital. earlier, already, forward, previously, beforehand,
evler housing; synonyms (n) habitation, casing, ere, (adj) preceding, prior; antonyms (prep) later,
dwelling, lodging, abode, accommodation, behind, after, afterward, 2. ago; synonyms (adv)
caparison, apartment, domicile, accommodations, formerly, erst, since, back, over, backwards,
household, housings, place, quarters, residence; afterwards, erewhile, syne, whilom, contrarily,
antonym (adj) business. reflexively, (adj) past, agone.
evli married; synonyms (adj) marital, wedded, evvelce previously; synonyms (adv) before, already,
conjugal, matrimonial, connubial, nuptial; beforehand, antecedently, earlier, formerly, once,
fore, ahead.
antonyms (adj) single, unmarried.
evlilik marriage; synonyms (n) wedding, matrimony, eyalet 1. state (devlet, durum); synonyms (n)
nation, position, say, country, kingdom, show,
espousal, nuptial, union, wedlock, alliance,
place, (v) declare, expound, express, mention,
coupling, bond, nuptials, (adj) bridal, (v) match;
affirm, allege, announce, (adj) national; antonyms
antonyms (n) divorce, separation.
(v) deny, (adj) private, 2. province (il); synonyms
evliya saint; synonyms (n) angel, apostle, apotheosis,
(n) district, field, county, land, domain, region,
disciple, evangelist, ideal, nonesuch, nonpareil,
colony, duty, area, function, line, sphere, territory,
nonsuch, paragon, (v) canonize, enshrine.
commonwealth, (v) department.
evre 1. phase (faz, safha); synonyms (n) aspect, eyer saddle; synonyms (n) saddleback, seat, (v)
stage, facet, chapter, grade, circumstance,
charge, burden, load, encumber, blame, burthen,
condition, degree, appearance, form, leg, level,
period, side, situation, 2. stage (sahne);
eyerlemek saddle; synonyms (n) saddleback, seat, (v)
synonyms (n) phase, floor, point, arena, layer,
charge, burden, load, encumber, blame, burthen,
gradation, set, stadium, height, dais, (v) present,
order, mount, play, arrange.
evren 1. universe; synonyms (n) nature, creation, eylem 1. action (etki, hareket, iş); synonyms (n) act,
accomplishment, activity, agency, battle, deed,
world, cosmos, population, macrocosm, space,
effect, engagement, fight, movement, performance,
globe, existence, 2. creation; synonyms (n)
play, behavior, case, (v) achievement; antonyms (n)
production, composition, invention, conception,
construction, creature, fabrication, formation, inaction, inactivity, 2. deed (iş); synonyms (n) feat,
foundation, founding, piece, product, universe, action, exploit, covenant, document, doing, effort,
work, innovation; antonyms (n) destruction, end, 3. fact, title, certificate, do, job, measure, move, paper,
system (sistem); synonyms (n) method, 3. activity (etkinlik, faaliyet); synonyms (n)
arrangement, network, organization, plan, order, activeness, exercise, liveliness, agility, diligence,
means, structure, process, form, frame, rule, energy, enterprise, industry, life, occupation, vigor,
establishment, mode, organisation, 4. world work, enthusiasm, excitement, line; antonym (n)
(dünya); synonyms (n) public, sphere, society, inactiveness.
realm, humanity, life, mankind, people, orb, folk, eyvah alas; synonyms (int) lackaday, (adv) regrettably,
ball, being, (adj) global, power, volume. unfortunately, unluckily, sadly, unhappily.

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ezgi strain; synonyms (n) stress, breed, effort, stretch, (n) workings, deeds, 4. mill; synonyms (n) grind,
exertion, race, (v) filter, screen, sift, tax, endeavor, grinder, machine, engine, gin, notch, implement,
exert, extend, percolate, pull; antonym (v) relax. instrument, lathe, (v) crush, pulverize, spar, (adj)
ezici overwhelming; synonyms (adj) overpowering, cent.
devastating, irresistible, insurmountable, crushing, fabrikatör manufacturer; synonyms (n) maker,
monumental, amazing, astounding, tremendous, builder, artificer, creator, shaper, producer, artist.
awesome, breathtaking, consuming, formidable, facia 1. tragedy (trajedi); synonyms (n) catastrophe,
impossible, intense; antonym (adj) imperceptible. calamity, disaster, misfortune, play, cataclysm,
eziyet 1. torture; synonyms (n) torment, distress, drama, bale; antonym (n) humor, 2. disaster
pain, agony, anguish, suffering, excruciation, grief, (yıkım); synonyms (n) accident, adversity, blow,
misery, (v) rack, afflict, agonize, excruciate, casualty, debacle, destruction, fiasco,
persecute, martyr, 2. punishment (ceza); misadventure, affliction, curse, bane, distress, evil,
synonyms (n) discipline, correction, penalty, failure, flop; antonyms (n) success, blessing, joy.
penance, chastisement, fine, rebuke, retribution, fahiş 1. steep; synonyms (adj) high, abrupt, excessive,
reward, execution, judgment, retaliation, payment,
exorbitant, outrageous, sheer, (v) douse, immerse,
reprimand, revenge. soak, dip, drench, imbue, infuse, saturate,
ezmek stamp (damga, posta pulu, pul); synonyms impregnate; antonyms (adj) gentle, gradual, 2.
(n) mark, seal, brand, impression, cachet, emblem,
unreasonable; synonyms (adj) foolish, absurd,
(v) imprint, print, cast, impress, trample, punch,
extravagant, immoderate, undue, preposterous,
characterize, shape, note. illogical, inordinate, irrational, ridiculous,
senseless, silly, unconscionable, unfair, impossible;
antonyms (adj) reasonable, good-natured.
F fahri 1. honorary; synonyms (adj) complimentary,
unpaid, voluntary, unbought, honorarium,
faal 1. busy (meşgul); synonyms (adj) active, brisk,
assiduous, engaged, occupied, agile, crowded, nominal, (adv) amateur, 2. voluntary; synonyms
industrious, meddlesome, officious, live, diligent, (adj) spontaneous, optional, deliberate, gratuitous,

earnest, (v) occupy, employ; antonyms (adj) idle, intentional, unforced, willing, willful, elective, (n)
volunteer; antonyms (adj) involuntary, compulsory,
free, inactive, 2. energetic; synonyms (adj)
animated, busy, driving, dynamic, effective, forced, instinctive.
powerful, strong, emphatic, aggressive, efficacious, faiz interest (ilgi); synonyms (n) concern, advantage,
efficient, enterprising, forceful, forcible, hearty; affair, account, gain, hobby, behalf, eagerness,
antonyms (adj) lethargic, lazy, sluggish, exhausted, enthusiasm, sake, (v) engage, care, benefit, appeal,
indolent, languid, weary, apathetic, dull, affect; antonyms (n) indifference, apathy, (v) bore.
indifferent, listless, 3. active (etkin); synonyms fakat but (ama, ancak); synonyms (conj) while, (adv)
(adj) energetic, alert, lively, nimble, alive, healthy, alone, only, though, barely, however, merely,
mercurial, quick, spirited, sprightly, vigorous, simply, yet, exclusively, if, just, (prep) besides,
vivacious, vivid, operational, (v) smart; antonyms except, excluding.
(adj) dormant, latent, sedentary, slow, extinct, fakir poor (fena, kötü); synonyms (adj) bad, low,
passive, quiet. miserable, paltry, deplorable, destitute, evil,
faaliyet 1. activity (etkinlik); synonyms (n) action, inadequate, insufficient, needy, pathetic, penniless,
activeness, exercise, liveliness, play, job, agency, piteous, (v) meager, (n) mean; antonyms (adj) rich,
agility, diligence, energy, enterprise, industry, life, wealthy, excellent, first-rate, privileged, well-off,
movement, occupation; antonyms (n) inactivity, admirable, good.
inaction, inactiveness, 2. action (etki, eylem, fakirlik 1. want (istemek); synonyms (v) need,
hareket, iş); synonyms (n) act, accomplishment, desire, (n) lack, poverty, wish, deficiency,
activity, battle, deed, effect, engagement, fight, deprivation, famine, absence, dearth, demand,
performance, behavior, case, lawsuit, measure, (v) destitution, indigence, necessity, penury; antonyms
achievement, combat, 3. play (oynamak); (v) dislike, hate, 2. poverty (yoksulluk);
synonyms (v) pastime, enact, perform, joke, execute, synonyms (n) distress, want, impoverishment,
fiddle, flirt, wager, (n) frolic, game, sport, bet, pauperism, squalor, neediness, poorness, privation,
diversion, gambol, romp; antonym (v) work. shortage, barrenness, inadequacy, hardship,
fabrika 1. factory; synonyms (n) manufactory, mill, meagerness, misery, (adj) difficulty; antonyms (n)
plant, business, shop, works, 2. plant (bitki); wealth, riches.
synonyms (n) equipment, factory, herb, (v) fix, faks fax; synonyms (n) autotype, (v) facsimile, telefax.
place, embed, graft, set, constitute, establish, found, faktör factor (çarpan, etmen); synonyms (n) agent,
lay, bury, cultivate, appoint, 3. works; synonyms component, broker, divisor, element, ingredient,

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part, deputy, consideration, feature, parameter, observant, wary, watchful, appreciative, apprised;
point, delegate, item, (adj) constituent. antonyms (adj) unaware, unconscious.
fakülte 1. faculty; synonyms (n) capacity, aptitude, farklı 1. different (başka); synonyms (adj) another,
capability, endowment, bent, facility, power, staff, assorted, dissimilar, unusual, various, alien,
flair, efficiency, aptness, (adj) ability, cleverness, alternative, discrete, distinct, diverse, foreign, fresh,
talent, (v) gift; antonym (n) inability, 2. college; miscellaneous, new, opposite; antonyms (adj)
synonyms (n) faculty, school, academy, association, similar, corresponding, equal, identical, like,
institute, society, institution, university, (adj) typical, 2. distinct (ayrı); synonyms (adj) clear,
academic. articulate, different, apparent, definite, distinctive,
familya family (aile); synonyms (n) descent, palpable, decided, marked, plain, tangible, clear-
household, name, breed, brood, clan, class, genus, cut, audible, (prep) separate, (adv) apart; antonyms
house, kin, lineage, people, (adj) home, ancestry, (adj) indistinct, unclear, vague, inaudible, shapeless,
domestic. 3. varied; synonyms (adj) mixed, diversified,
fantastik fantastic; synonyms (adj) bizarre, sundry, heterogeneous, manifold, motley, many,
extraordinary, antic, extravagant, grotesque, versatile, odd; antonyms (adj) boring, dull,
marvelous, strange, terrific, wonderful, capricious, homogeneous, uniform.
chimerical, fabulous, fantastical, (n) fanciful, (v)
farklılık 1. inequality; synonyms (n) disparity,
fancy; antonyms (adj) awful, ordinary, real.
difference, disproportion, dissimilitude, injustice,
fantezi fantasy; synonyms (n) dream, fancy, illusion, variance, variation, discrepancy, imbalance,
delusion, mirage, desire, fad, fiction, hallucination, inequity, unevenness, unfairness, (adj) odds;
invention, reverie, vision, imaginativeness,
antonyms (n) equality, justice, parity, 2. difference
deception, (adj) make-believe; antonyms (n) reality,
(fark); synonyms (n) conflict, deviation, change,
(adj) real.
contention, controversy, disagreement, distinction,
fare mouse; synonyms (n) track, trail, hunt, trace, discord, dissimilarity, divergence, quarrel,
coward, bruise, (v) sneak, creep, steal, snoop, seek, departure, balance, breach, (v) differentiate;
abstract, cabbage, cower, crawl. antonyms (n) correspondence, resemblance,
fark 1. difference; synonyms (n) conflict, deviation, sameness, similarity, agreement, concurrence, 3.
change, contention, controversy, disagreement, variety (varyete); synonyms (n) kind, sort,
distinction, discord, discrepancy, dissimilarity,
species, form, style, type, breed, diversity, genus,
divergence, quarrel, departure, balance, breach; miscellany, nature, range, strain, assortment, (adj)
antonyms (n) correspondence, resemblance, class; antonym (n) uniformity.
sameness, similarity, agreement, concurrence, 2.
farksız indifferent (ilgisiz, kayıtsız); synonyms
odds; synonyms (n) advantage, chance, likelihood, (adj) apathetic, callous, cold, cool, fair, impassive,
possibility, probability, likeliness, chances, insensible, unconcerned, careless, dull, average,
prospect, handicap, superiority, edge, (v) difference, aloof, casual, detached, disinterested; antonyms
dissension, misunderstanding, variance, 3. (adj) caring, enthusiastic, fervent, keen, obsessive,
contrast (kontrast); synonyms (n) contrariety, eager, energetic, involved, surprised.
antithesis, comparison, variation, collation, farmason mason; synonyms (n) builder, freemason,
opposite, line, (v) differ, oppose, collate, diverge,
stonemason, architect, artificer, artist, maker,
clash, counterpoint, differentiate, (adj) vary, 4.
manufacturer, smith, carpenter.
differentiation; synonyms (n) contrast, farz assumption; synonyms (n) presumption,
demarcation, discrimination, specialization,
supposition, hypothesis, premise, adoption,
disparity, diorism, separation, inactivation, (v)
arrogance, acceptance, belief, conclusion,
division, addition, approximation, equations,
conjecture, guess, idea, surmise, theory, notion.
estimation, evolution, interpolation, 5.
farzetmek 1. say (demek, söylemek); synonyms (v)
distinction; synonyms (n) eminence, rank,
remark, articulate, express, pronounce, assert,
celebrity, prestige, reputation, consequence,
enunciate, observe, maintain, order, read, speak,
differentiation, excellence, fame, name, note,
state, tell, (n) declare, voice, 2. suppose
renown, credit, decoration, brilliance.
(sanmak); synonyms (v) believe, guess, infer,
farkında 1. alive (canlı); synonyms (adj) active, live,
assume, conjecture, consider, divine, estimate,
living, sensible, vivacious, animated, lively,
imagine, presume, reckon, speculate, calculate,
responsive, aware, eager, acute, energetic, animate,
conceive, expect.
awake, extant; antonyms (adj) dead, deceased,
faşizm fascism; synonyms (n) dictatorship,
inanimate, 2. aware; synonyms (adj) attentive,
despotism, oppression, totalitarianism, tyranny,
conscious, heedful, mindful, vigilant, sentient,
absolutism, bureaucracy, demagogy, racism,
alert, enlightened, knowing, knowledgeable,
regimentation, repression; antonym (n) democracy.

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fatih victor; synonyms (n) conqueror, champion, uncooperative, worthless, 3. profitable; synonyms
winner, master, champ, superior; antonym (n) (adj) helpful, lucrative, desirable, economic, fat,
loser. edifying, fertile, commercial, moneymaking,
fatura bill (gaga, hesap); synonyms (n) account, usable, worthwhile; antonyms (adj) unprofitable,
beak, advertisement, card, invoice, poster, receipt, dependent, 4. useful; synonyms (adj) practical,
act, banknote, check, measure, (v) placard, effective, functional, clever, efficient, suitable,
advertise, charge, list. comfortable, important, practicable, proper, sound,
favori favourite; synonyms (adj) favored, (n) favorite, dexterous, effectual, meaningful, positive; antonym
darling, ducky, pet, dearie, deary, blaze, ingle, fire, (adj) ineffective.
fireplace, flame, paramour. faydasız useless; synonyms (adj) futile, pointless,
fay fault (arıza, bozukluk, hata, kusur); synonyms unnecessary, needless, abortive, fruitless, hopeless,
(n) defect, blemish, error, failing, blame, blot, crime, worthless, idle, barren, superfluous, bootless,
delinquency, flaw, blunder, break, demerit, incompetent, ineffective, ineffectual; antonyms (adj)
weakness, (v) deficiency, culpability; antonyms (n) useful, helpful, competent, effective, convenient,
merit, strength. necessary, valuable.
fayda 1. benefit (yarar); synonyms (n) advantage, faz phase (evre, safha); synonyms (n) aspect, stage,
gain, good, assistance, favor, interest, reward, facet, chapter, grade, circumstance, condition,
service, use, welfare, (v) aid, assist, profit, avail, degree, appearance, form, leg, level, period, side,
help; antonyms (n) disadvantage, drawback, loss, situation.
(v) harm, 2. service (hizmet); synonyms (n) fazilet 1. merit; synonyms (n) worth, credit, desert,
employment, ministration, ceremony, business, virtue, goodness, quality, significance, value,
occupation, office, utility, agency, ministry, dignity, distinction, due, (v) deserve, earn, rate, (adj)
homage, (v) overhaul, serve, refit, attendance, excellence, 2. virtue (erdem); synonyms (n)
repair, 3. use (kullanma, kullanmak); chastity, honor, honesty, decency, morality,
synonyms (n) custom, practice, benefit, habit, probity, efficacy, good, modesty, potency, strength,
application, function, (v) exercise, employ, expend, innocence, integrity, (adj) merit, attribute; antonyms
exploit, occupy, operate, spend, exert, (adj) usage; (n) wickedness, guilt.
antonym (v) conserve, 4. advantage (avantaj, fazla 1. spare; synonyms (adj) reserve, slender, excess,
üstünlük, yarar); synonyms (n) behalf, privilege, save, slight, additional, lean, slim, thin, bare, (v)
account, expediency, lead, preponderance, virtue, free, meager, exempt, (n) extra, backup, 2. too
perk, boot, convenience, leverage, preference, (dahi, de); synonyms (adv) also, likewise, besides,
superiority, usefulness, vantage; antonyms (n) excessively, over, overly, further, furthermore,
detriment, difficulty, 5. gain (kazanç); synonyms moreover, extremely, equally, and, unduly,
(v) acquire, derive, attain, catch, earn, get, win, similarly, 3. much (çok); synonyms (adv) greatly,
achieve, advance, make, reach, find, accomplish, (n) frequently, almost, awfully, considerably, far, most,
earnings, acquisition; antonym (v) lose, 6. good often, pretty, highly, (n) lot, heap, (adj) great,
(iyi); synonyms (adj) able, delicious, right, efficient, considerable, practically; antonym (adv) slightly, 4.
capable, excellent, fine, nice, superior, well, extra; synonyms (adj) odd, auxiliary, other,
advantageous, agreeable, desirable, generous, (n) redundant, spare, (adv) more, especially, (n)
benign; antonyms (adj) disobedient, poor, wicked, supplement, accessory, plus, supernumerary,
unpleasant, (n) evil, bad, 7. usefulness; synonyms addendum, addition, duplicate, (v) additive;
(n) practicality, effectiveness, efficacy, value, antonyms (adj) basic, less, (n) lack, 5. excess;
handiness, importance, point, (adj) worth, merit; synonyms (adj) superfluous, (n) surplus, dissipation,
antonym (n) uselessness, 8. utility; synonyms (n) extravagance, plethora, abundance, exaggeration,
glut, overabundance, overindulgence, overplus,
purpose, helpfulness, serviceableness, (adj)
remainder, rest, superfluity, surfeit; antonyms (n)
shortage, restraint, moderation, dearth, shortfall.
faydalı 1. beneficial; synonyms (adj) advantageous,
favorable, fruitful, handy, profitable, useful, fazladan extra; synonyms (adj) additional, over, odd,
expedient, gainful, good, healthy, productive, auxiliary, (adv) more, especially, (n) supplement,
propitious, salutary, serviceable, wholesome; accessory, excess, plus, supernumerary,
addendum, addition, duplicate, (v) additive;
antonyms (adj) useless, disadvantageous, harmful,
antonyms (adj) basic, less, (n) lack.
2. helpful; synonyms (adj) beneficial, friendly,
beneficent, convenient, accommodating, fazlalık 1. excess; synonyms (adj) extra, additional, (n)
constructive, instrumental, kindly, obliging, surplus, dissipation, extravagance, plethora,
valuable, auspicious, generous, rewarding, (n) abundance, exaggeration, glut, overabundance,
benevolent, (v) adjuvant; antonyms (adj) unhelpful, overindulgence, overplus, remainder, rest,
superfluity; antonyms (n) lack, shortage, restraint,

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moderation, dearth, shortfall, 2. surplus; synonyms (adj) poor, abject, desolate, downcast,
synonyms (adj) superfluous, odd, redundant, spare, measly, unhappy, distressed, lamentable, cheerless,
unnecessary, residual, (n) excess, balance, surfeit, contemptible, dejected, depressed, despondent, (v)
remnant, overflow, leftover, residue, nimiety, (adv) forlorn, wretched; antonyms (adj) happy, cheerful,
over; antonyms (n) necessary, scarcity. generous, 5. ill; synonyms (adj) sick, ailing,
feci 1. disastrous; synonyms (adj) calamitous, diseased, unhealthy, nauseous, (adv) badly, poorly,
destructive, dire, fateful, deplorable, bad, sickly, amiss, (n) harm, complaint, hurt, ailment,
catastrophic, fatal, sad, sinister, terrible, mischief, calamity; antonym (adj) healthy.
unfortunate, unlucky, untoward, (v) ruinous; fenalık evil (fena, kötü, kötülük); synonyms (adj)
antonyms (adj) fortunate, successful, 2. tragic; bad, corrupt, criminal, ill, wicked, depraved,
synonyms (adj) disastrous, dreadful, grievous, destructive, harmful, malign, (n) damage, adversity,
tragical, woeful, comic, heartbreaking, histrionic, detriment, disaster, depravity, malice; antonyms
scenic; antonyms (adj) amusing, humorous. (adj) kindhearted, (n) good, goodness,
federal federal; synonyms (adj) national, union, righteousness.
confederate, federative, central, public, united, (n) fener lamp (lamba); synonyms (n) light, look,
fed. beacon, view, glance, alfalfa, glimpse, lucern, (v)
federasyon federation; synonyms (n) alliance, behold, regard, perceive, gape, gaze, inspect,
association, coalition, confederacy, combination, observe.
confederation, league, organization, union, fenomen phenomenon; synonyms (n) event,
commonwealth, consolidation, society. appearance, marvel, miracle, incident,
felaket 1. disaster (yıkım); synonyms (n) calamity, development, prodigy, wonder, occurrence,
catastrophe, accident, adversity, blow, casualty, happening, apparition, fact, sight, manifestation,
cataclysm, debacle, destruction, fiasco, matter.
misadventure, misfortune, affliction, curse, bane; feodal feudal; synonyms (adj) feudalistic, medieval.
antonyms (n) success, blessing, joy, 2. tragedy feragat surrender; synonyms (n) resign, resignation,
(trajedi); synonyms (n) disaster, play, drama, bale; capitulation, release, (v) concede, relinquish,
antonym (n) humor. abandon, render, capitulate, deliver, submit,
forsake, forfeit, leave, cede; antonyms (v) conquer,
felç stroke (inme, vuruş); synonyms (n) touch, beat,
caress, hit, mark, apoplexy, attack, bang, impact, resist, appropriate, fight, persevere, subdue, win.
knock, line, (v) buffet, lick, fondle, (adj) blow. ferah 1. spacious; synonyms (adj) roomy, broad,
felek destiny; synonyms (n) fate, chance, fortune, extensive, large, ample, wide, capacious,
commodious, vast, comprehensive, big, expansive,
kismet, luck, destination, lot, portion, weird,
extended, liberal, open; antonyms (adj) cramped,
accident, circumstances, (v) doom.
narrow, 2. wide (geniş); synonyms (adj) spacious,
felsefe philosophy; synonyms (n) doctrine, logic,
expanded, full, sweeping, deep, thick, blanket,
stoicism, theory, attitude, ism, belief, beliefs,
tolerant, general, huge, cavernous, copious, (adv)
reasoning, thinking, view, viewpoint, culture,
far, widely, astray; antonyms (adj) thin, restricted.
ethos, hypothesis.
felsefi philosophical; synonyms (adj) philosophic, feribot ferry (araba vapuru); synonyms (n)
ferryboat, boat, ford, pass, passage, ship, (v) carry,
cool, (v) sedate, contemplative, deliberative,
introspective, meditative, museful, pensive, convey, transfer, transport, take, bring.
platonic, reflective, thoughtful. ferman writ; synonyms (n) command, edict,
fena 1. evil (kötü, kötülük); synonyms (adj) bad, injunction, order, act, agreement, expression,
indictment, law, (v) communicate, (adj) brief,
corrupt, criminal, ill, wicked, depraved,
destructive, harmful, malign, (n) damage, adversity, common, concise, epitome, prevalent.
detriment, disaster, depravity, malice; antonyms fert individual (birey, bireysel); synonyms (adj)
(adj) kindhearted, (n) good, goodness, distinct, particular, single, different, alone, certain,
righteousness, 2. poor (fakir, kötü); synonyms characteristic, distinctive, especial, exclusive, (n)
(adj) low, miserable, paltry, deplorable, destitute, human, creature, fellow, man, mortal; antonyms
evil, inadequate, insufficient, needy, pathetic, (adj) joint, combined, common, communal, general,

penniless, piteous, pitiful, (v) meager, (n) mean; vague, (n) collective.
antonyms (adj) rich, wealthy, excellent, first-rate, feryat 1. cry (ağlamak, bağırmak); synonyms (n)
privileged, well-off, admirable, 3. bad (kötü); shout, bark, scream, yell, clamor, roar, bay, crying,
synonyms (adj) adverse, immoral, naughty, (v) call, bellow, shriek, weep, exclaim, howl, moan;
poisonous, sad, sinister, malicious, infamous, antonyms (v) laugh, whisper, 2. shout
appalling, awful, damaging, devilish, disagreeable, (bağırmak); synonyms (v) cry, bawl, hollo, hail,
dreadful, (v) decayed; antonyms (adj) fresh, holler, hoop, whoop, yelp, proclaim, (n) cheer,
pleasant, well, well-behaved, 4. miserable (sefil); halloo, outcry, screech, exclamation, wail.

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fesat 1. corruption (bozulma); synonyms (n) emblem, fashion, (v) design, cast, count, calculate,
contamination, depravity, adulteration, pollution, cipher.
bribery, filth, infection, taint, vitiation, canker, figüran extra; synonyms (adj) additional, over, odd,
blight, foulness, impurity, contagion, (adj) shuffle; auxiliary, (adv) more, especially, (n) supplement,
antonyms (n) purification, decency, honesty, accessory, excess, plus, supernumerary,
incorruptness, 2. sinister; synonyms (adj) dark, addendum, addition, duplicate, (v) additive;
ominous, baleful, black, forbidding, menacing, antonyms (adj) basic, less, (n) lack.
threatening, malevolent, malign, grim, ill, fihrist index (dizin, indeks); synonyms (n)
inauspicious, minacious, minatory, ugly. catalogue, exponent, file, table, catalog, forefinger,
feshetmek cancel (iptal etmek, silmek); synonyms roll, directory, subscript, enumeration, indication,
(v) annul, abrogate, erase, expunge, invalidate, indicator, indices, mark, (v) list.
remit, revoke, abate, avoid, efface, eliminate, fiil 1. verb; synonym (n) vocable, 2. act
obliterate, repeal, (adj) abolish, nullify; antonym (v) (davranmak, hareket, rol yapmak); synonyms
validate. (n) accomplishment, action, move, play, statute,
fesih dissolution; synonyms (n) decay, breakup, decree, do, feat, (v) achievement, behave, deed, go,
decomposition, abolition, cancellation, analysis, perform, acquit, enact; antonym (v) refrain, 3.
dismissal, annulment, death, dissipation, demise, deed (iş); synonyms (n) act, behavior, exploit,
adjournment, departure, disintegration, covenant, activity, document, doing, effort, fact,
licentiousness. title, agency, certificate, job, measure, paper.
festival festival; synonyms (n) feast, carnival, fete, fiilen virtually; synonyms (adv) almost, literally, most,
celebration, fair, festivity, holiday, fête, fiesta, gala, close, (adj) nearly, near, practically, about, nigh,
jamboree, party, anniversary, (adj) ball. negatively.
fetih conquest; synonyms (n) victory, conquering, fiili 1. effective (etkin); synonyms (adj) beneficial,
defeat, triumph, achievement, reduction, coup, practical, effectual, efficacious, operative, strong,
rout, mastery, occupation, overthrow, subjection, actual, fruitful, positive, active, forceful, (n)
subjugation, success, win; antonym (n) surrender. competent, capable, able, efficient; antonyms (adj)
fevkalade 1. marvellous; synonyms (adj) fantastic, ineffective, useless, weak, inoperative, 2. actual
marvelous, miraculous, tall, terrific, tremendous, (gerçek); synonyms (adj) real, absolute, true,
wonderful, wondrous, improbable, fantastical,
factual, genuine, authentic, existent, indisputable,
rattling, antic, grotesque, brisk, crying, 2. literal, precise, tangible, veritable, very, concrete, (n)
extraordinary; synonyms (adj) distinguished, accurate; antonyms (adj) false, hypothetical,
curious, exceptional, odd, abnormal, amazing, supposed.
astonishing, bizarre, extra, phenomenal, rare,
fikir 1. conception; synonyms (n) notion, concept,
special, strange, unusual, famous; antonyms (adj)
idea, creation, thought, view, mind, apprehension,
ordinary, normal, everyday, 3. remarkable; belief, comprehension, design, fancy, image,
synonyms (adj) extraordinary, notable, noteworthy, imagination, impression; antonym (n)
conspicuous, illustrious, great, noticeable,
misconception, 2. opinion; synonyms (n)
outstanding, signal, singular, uncommon,
judgment, feeling, advice, conjecture, guess,
prominent, funny, peculiar, (n) memorable;
meaning, counsel, comment, estimate, decision,
antonyms (adj) insignificant, unremarkable.
conviction, attitude, estimation, hypothesis, look,
fıçı 1. barrel; synonyms (n) drum, roll, vessel, 3. idea; synonyms (n) opinion, conception,
barrelful, cask, container, vase, vat, jar, plug, much,
consideration, plan, suggestion, conceit,
pot, bbl, bushel, (v) fly, 2. vat; synonyms (n) tub, appearance, aim, inspiration, object, perception,
barrel, tun. purpose, reason, supposition, suspicion, 4. mind
fidanlık nursery; synonyms (n) kindergarten, (akıl); synonyms (n) intellect, brain, head,
greenhouse, cradle, seminary, nest, glasshouse, inclination, intelligence, psyche, regard, mentality,
puberty, pucelage, pupilage, reformatory, (v) care, attend, beware, keep, listen, notice, (adj)
schoolroom, womb, childhood, playgroup, heed; antonym (v) forget, 5. notion; synonyms (n)
seminarist. caprice, hunch, inkling, whim, impulse, effect,
fide set (ayarlamak, grup, set, takım); synonyms fantasy, hint, sense, understanding, dream, intent,
(v) fix, place, lay, put, locate, position, regulate, viewpoint, judgement, (v) freak, 6. concept;
define, adjust, arrange, (n) class, bent, (adj) fixed, synonyms (n) theory, vision, construct, 7. voice
fast, secure; antonyms (v) soften, liquefy, melt, (n)
(ses); synonyms (n) speech, sound, language, part,
combing, comb-out, (adj) variable, flexible, liquid. suffrage, vote, (v) enunciate, express, pronounce,
figür figure (şekil); synonyms (n) form, appearance, say, speak, utter, vocalize, articulate, state, 8.
character, estimate, shape, cost, build, contour, thought; synonyms (v) observation, consider, (n)

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172 Turkish - English

reflection, sentiment, attention, cogitation, crumenal, business, numismatical, sumptuary,

thinking, intention, cerebration, contemplation, budgeting, numismatic, pocket.
intellection, meditation, study, reasoning, musing; fincan cup; synonyms (n) chalice, basin, trophy,
antonym (n) fact. destiny, fate, bowl, cupful, glass, portion, bleed.
fıkra 1. clause; synonyms (n) article, paragraph, firar 1. escape (kaçmak); synonyms (v) elude, break,
provision, rider, section, chapter, member, dodge, avoid, evade, run, bolt, circumvent, leave,
condition, prerequisite, proviso, requirement, duck, bilk, (n) leak, avoidance, evasion, outlet;
stipulation, (v) passage, 2. article; synonyms (n) antonyms (v) capture, return, 2. flight (uçuş);
object, thing, clause, commodity, composition, synonyms (n) escape, herd, flying, avolation,
discourse, entity, essay, feature, paper, report, exodus, elopement, departure, aviation, flock,
review, story, ware, dissertation, 3. joke; retreat, crossing, journey, (adj) bevy, drove, cloud.
synonyms (n) jest, banter, hoax, fun, caper, gag, fırça brush; synonyms (n) brushwood, clash, collision,
game, quip, antic, farce, humor, jape, jocularity,
conflict, copse, encounter, (v) broom, graze, sweep,
pleasantry, (v) chaff; antonym (n) tragedy.
touch, clean, kiss, rub, scour, (adj) rake.
fil 1. elephant; synonyms (n) camel, dromedary, fırçalama brush (fırça); synonyms (n) brushwood,
giant, llama, monster, (adj) behemoth, cachalot,
clash, collision, conflict, copse, encounter, (v)
whale, hippopotamus, leviathan, porpoise, 2. broom, graze, sweep, touch, clean, kiss, rub, scour,
bishop; synonyms (n) archbishop, primate, (adj) rake.
clergyman, elder, eminence, episcopant, fırçalamak brush (fırça); synonyms (n) brushwood,
metropolitan, minister, (v) wassail, cup, flip, grog,
clash, collision, conflict, copse, encounter, (v)
negus, punch, purl. broom, graze, sweep, touch, clean, kiss, rub, scour,
fildişi ivory; synonyms (n) bone, tusk, dentin, (adj) rake.
elephant, bead, drop, pearl, yellow, (adj) chalk, lily, fırın 1. oven; synonyms (n) kiln, furnace, stove,
milk, paper, pearly, snow, white.
heater, range, boiler, 2. stove; synonyms (n) ambit,
filiz shoot; synonyms (v) bud, discharge, dart, dash, chain, compass, grasp, orbit, reach, scope, warmer,
drive, flash, hunt, send, fire, germinate, grow, (n)
3. cooker; synonym (n) cook.
scion, branch, sprout, chute.
fırıncı baker; synonyms (n) cook, chef, doughboy.
film 1. movie; synonyms (n) film, flick, pic, picture,
fırlama 1. jump (atlama, atlamak); synonyms (v)
show, cinema, image, celluloid, characterisation,
hop, spring, dive, hurdle, rise, skip, startle, clear,
characterization, delineation, depiction, exposure,
dance, (n) leap, bound, bounce, start, caper, curvet;
icon, ikon, 2. film; synonyms (n) membrane,
coating, cloud, coat, covering, haze, layer, movie, antonyms (v) decrease, fall, 2. spring (bahar,
skin, fog, crust, flake, casing, (v) mist, photograph, ilkbahar); synonyms (n) jump, fountain, source,
3. picture (görüntü, resim, tablo); synonyms (n) jet, cause, font, fount, ramp, (v) originate, recoil,
effigy, paint, drawing, likeness, description, proceed, arise, issue, prance, (adj) elastic.
illustration, landscape, (v) describe, draw, depict, fırlamak spring (bahar, ilkbahar); synonyms (n)
fancy, imagine, copy, envision, figure. jump, leap, bound, fountain, skip, source, dance,
filo 1. fleet; synonyms (n) armada, float, marine, (adj) rise, (v) hop, caper, bounce, dive, originate, recoil,
swift, fast, expeditious, agile, quick, brisk, rapid, (adj) elastic.

speedy, hasty, (v) flit, fly, hurry, 2. squadron; fırlatma projection (izdüşüm); synonyms (n) bulge,
synonyms (n) fleet, group, brigade, corps, flotilla, hump, jut, prominence, protuberance, knob, ledge,
navy, battalion, cavalry. overhang, plan, protrusion, bump, map, extrusion,
forecast, (adj) salient.
filozof philosopher; synonyms (n) thinker, theorist,
pundit, intellectual, mastermind, philosophaster, fırlatmak 1. cast (atmak, kalıp); synonyms (v) hurl,
philosophe, scholar, academic, alchemist, dreamer, throw, form, shed, stamp, fling, shape, chuck,
guru, mystic. dump, figure, heave, mould, (n) appearance,
casting, mold, 2. shoot; synonyms (v) bud,
filtre filter (süzgeç, süzmek); synonyms (n) strainer,
discharge, dart, dash, drive, flash, hunt, send, fire,
(v) percolate, sieve, drip, leak, filtrate, ooze, purify,
refine, screen, strain, dribble, drop, clean, germinate, grow, (n) scion, branch, sprout, chute, 3.
permeate; antonym (v) contaminate. shy (çekingen, ürkek); synonyms (adj) diffident,
final final (son); synonyms (adj) conclusive, decisive, fearful, timid, abashed, reserved, ashamed, coy,
modest, nervous, reticent, self-conscious,
definite, extreme, latter, definitive, last, ultimate,
irrevocable, decided, concluding, eventual, net, backward, careful, (v) cast, pitch; antonyms (adj)
peremptory, firm; antonyms (adj) first, opening, brash, bold, confident, demonstrative, forward,
outgoing, 4. launch; synonyms (n) boat,
inauguration, initiation, launching, (v) initiate,
finansal financial (parasal); synonyms (adj) fiscal,
begin, found, introduce, toss, commence, establish,
economic, monetary, pecuniary, commercial,

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inaugurate, institute, start, open; antonym (v) end, polished, precise, refined, silky, soft, sophisticated,
5. throw (atmak); synonyms (v) flip, pass, deliver, even, exact, glossy, pleasant, 3. heavy (ağır);
drop, give, hurtle, jerk, make, project, bewilder, synonyms (adj) dull, deep, dark, dense, fat, full,
dumbfound, mystify, (n) push, shot, shy, 6. send grave, arduous, bulky, burdensome, grievous,
(göndermek, yollamak); synonyms (v) despatch, oppressive, thick, compact, ample; antonyms (adj)
convey, dispatch, mail, post, carry, divert, beam, light, easy, slim, thin, slight, puny, skinny, 4.
channel, commit, consign, direct, place, put, angry (kızgın, öfkeli); synonyms (adj) furious,
transmit. incensed, provoked, fierce, irate, raging, vehement,
firma firm; synonyms (n) company, (adj) constant, maddened, fuming, outraged, piqued, splenetic,
hard, stable, close, compact, determined, fixed, angered, annoyed, boiling; antonyms (adj) calm,
resolute, solid, steadfast, steady, strong, decisive, pleased, 5. turbulent; synonyms (adj)
(v) faithful; antonyms (adj) irresolute, soft, weak, tempestuous, tumultuous, rough, disorderly, noisy,
hesitant, limp, liquid, soggy. riotous, violent, wild, rude, troubled, unruly,
fırsat 1. break (mola); synonyms (v) split, crack, agitated, angry, loud, (n) stormy, 6. ugly (çirkin);
burst, fail, infringe, leak, (n) breach, fracture, pause, synonyms (adj) nasty, disagreeable, forbidding,
rupture, stop, collapse, interruption, respite, frightful, gruesome, hideous, homely, repulsive,
suspension; antonyms (v) repair, obey, honor, surly, evil, offensive, atrocious, deformed,
grotesque, horrible; antonyms (adj) beautiful,
mend, (n) continuation, 2. occasion; synonyms (n)
case, event, chance, episode, happening, incident, attractive, good-looking, flowing, ornamental.
juncture, motive, opportunity, (v) cause, create, fiş check (çek, denetim, denetlemek); synonyms
beget, breed, induce, make, 3. opportunity; (v) bridle, stop, block, limit, agree, halt, restrain,
synonyms (n) opening, luck, occasion, room, time, bar, dampen, delay, (n) control, arrest, curb, bill,
alternative, break, option, possibility, scope, shot, cheque.
fortune, choice, leisure, likelihood, 4. show fişek shell (kabuk); synonyms (n) peel, rind, bullet,
(gösteri, göstermek); synonyms (v) present, case, casing, sheath, bark, carcass, crust, shot, (v)
broadcast, expose, guide, indicate, parade, bomb, bombard, husk, pod, blast.
demonstrate, disclose, evidence, (n) display, fısıldamak 1. whisper; synonyms (n) buzz, hum,
appearance, exhibit, produce, ostentation, rustle, breath, trace, undertone, rumor, (v) murmur,
presentation; antonyms (v) conceal, disprove, hide, breathe, mumble, hint, suggestion, hiss, inkling,
5. opening; synonyms (n) gap, mouth, aperture, innuendo; antonym (v) shout, 2. breathe (nefes
beginning, cleft, commencement, door, entrance, almak, solumak); synonyms (v) blow, exhale,
hole, chasm, onset, crevice, entry, (adj) preliminary, live, subsist, be, emit, exist, imply, rest, whisper,
first; antonyms (n) end, closing, exit, finale, (adj) inspire, convey, heave, (n) respire, bespeak.
final, 6. chance; synonyms (n) hazard, probability, fısıltı 1. whisper; synonyms (n) buzz, hum, rustle,
venture, accident, contingency, fate, random, turn, breath, trace, undertone, rumor, (v) murmur,
(adj) accidental, (v) gamble, adventure, risk, bet, breathe, mumble, hint, suggestion, hiss, inkling,
befall, happen; antonyms (n) predictability, (adj) innuendo; antonym (v) shout, 2. breath (nefes,
deliberate, intentional, (v) design, plan, 7. scope soluk); synonyms (n) spirit, wind, air, inspiration,
(kapsam); synonyms (n) range, reach, domain, puff, aspiration, breather, breeze, flash, flatus, gust,
purview, expanse, area, compass, drift, extent, instant, jiffy, respite, (adj) whisper.
oscilloscope, gamut, amplitude, breadth, fışkırmak well (iyi); synonyms (adv) right, easily,
dimension, (v) view, 8. room (oda); synonyms (n) thoroughly, considerably, fully, good, (adj) healthy,
chamber, latitude, apartment, hall, house, flat, fit, shaft, sound, robust, (n) fountain, spring, pit, (v)
margin, cabin, field, leeway, office, place, space, gush; antonyms (adv) ill, badly, poorly, (adj) sick,
home, (v) board. unwell, dying, nauseous.
fırtına storm; synonyms (n) tempest, attack, shower, fışkırtmak jet; synonyms (n) squirt, fountain, flow,
blizzard, burst, gust, hurricane, (v) rage, rush, spout, spray, airplane, current, outpouring, (v)
assault, fume, hail, charge, bluster, invade. gush, spurt, fly, pour, flood, emit, (adj) raven.
fırtınalı 1. dirty (kirli, pis); synonyms (adj) foul, dirt, fıskiye fountain; synonyms (n) fount, font, jet, source,
contemptible, bawdy, contaminated, dingy, origin, well, derivation, root, spout, squirt,
impure, despicable, (v) muddy, corrupt, soil, wellspring, (v) spring, flow.
contaminate, begrime, bemire, (n) defile; antonyms fitil cord (kordon); synonyms (n) band, string, bond,
(adj) hygienic, pure, spotless, immaculate, (v) clean, tie, twine, tape, lace, rope, thread, whipcord, yarn,
2. rough (kaba); synonyms (adj) coarse, hard, leash, fiber, cable, (v) knot.
harsh, raw, crude, cruel, grating, gross, hoarse, fiyasko failure (bozukluk); synonyms (n)
jagged, approximate, gruff, inclement, (n) bankruptcy, failing, breakdown, decline,
boisterous, draft; antonyms (adj) gentle, smooth, deficiency, debacle, defeat, disappointment,

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174 Turkish - English

disaster, downfall, error, loser, loss, abortion, form 1. form (biçim); synonyms (n) figure, design,
default; antonyms (n) success, achievement, hit, arrange, ceremony, shape, class, conformation, (v)
winner, victory, achiever, attainment, capability, cast, make, fashion, build, constitute, establish,
growth. carve, construct, 2. shape (biçim, şekil);
fiyat 1. price (eder); synonyms (n) cost, worth, synonyms (n) mold, pattern, condition,
charge, expense, figure, damage, fee, payment, toll, configuration, frame, outline, (v) form, model,
(v) appraise, estimate, amount, assess, (adj) merit, mould, determine, adjust, fit, influence, regulate,
value, 2. cost; synonyms (n) price, disbursement, knead.
expenditure, rate, sacrifice, budget, forfeit, bill, forma strip; synonyms (n) band, slip, (v) deprive,
expenses, loss, outlay, quotation, penalty, (v) be, 3. despoil, divest, peel, plunder, rifle, denude,
figure (figür, şekil); synonyms (n) form, ransack, pillage, pluck, pare, sack, bare; antonyms
appearance, character, shape, build, contour, (v) dress, decorate.
emblem, fashion, image, number, (v) design, cast, formasyon formation; synonyms (n) constitution,
count, calculate, cipher, 4. rate (oran); synonyms creation, establishment, construction, genesis,
(n) pace, percentage, frequency, gait, (v) evaluate, arrangement, composition, organization,
appreciate, compute, put, rank, esteem, gauge, configuration, conformation, generation,
prize, deserve, measure, order. production, architecture, erection, (v) fabrication;
fiyonk bow; synonyms (n) arc, curve, obeisance, turn, antonym (n) destruction.
curvature, (v) bend, arch, stoop, duck, buckle, format format (biçim); synonyms (n) form, size,
crouch, incline, kowtow, crook, defer. formatting, shape, organization, structure,
fiziksel physical; synonyms (adj) material, bodily, template, mold, construction, system, (v) set,
actual, corporeal, tangible, animal, carnal, concrete, arrange, coif, coiffe, coiffure.
corporal, real, palpable, earthly, manual, sensual, formda fit (uymak); synonyms (v) agree,
(adv) fleshly; antonyms (adj) spiritual, mental, accommodate, meet, suit, adapt, correspond,
intangible. square, accord, dress, (adj) decorous, apt, applicable,
fizyolojik physiological; synonym (adj) physiologic. appropriate, (n) adjust, convulsion; antonyms (adj)
flaş flash; synonyms (n) sparkle, blaze, shimmer, unfit, inappropriate, unwell.
glitter, instant, coruscation, (v) flicker, twinkle, formül formula; synonyms (n) form, law, convention,
blink, flame, gleam, glimmer, coruscate, dazzle, expression, formality, method, principle, rule,
lighten. canon, fashion, figure, formulary, pattern,
flora flora; synonyms (n) vegetation, plant, plants, prescription, procedure.
verdure, foliage, undergrowth, works. forum forum; synonyms (n) agora, assembly, court,
fok seal (damga); synonyms (n) mark, stamp, cachet, pulpit, square, ambo, amphitheater, symposium,
hallmark, imprint, impression, signet, (v) plug, bar, platform, rostrum, state, conference, assemblage,
close, shut, stop, clinch, lock, (adj) conclude; seminar, auditorium.
antonyms (v) open, unseal. fosil fossil; synonyms (n) fogey, fogy, dodo,
fon 1. fund; synonyms (n) stock, store, capital, bank, conservative, parent, relic, (adj) flint, obsolete,
granite, preglacial, quartz, ancient, marble, old,
reserve, savings, supply, cache, endowment, (v)
hoard, bankroll, finance, accumulate, back, pebble.
sponsor, 2. background (arka plan); synonyms fotoğraf 1. photograph; synonyms (n) image, photo,
(n) backdrop, groundwork, setting, basis, context, picture, likeness, portrait, print, copy, pic,
education, environment, scene, backcloth, exposure, heliograph, photocopy, (v) film, shoot,
panorama, atmosphere, experience, ground, snap, flick, 2. shot; synonyms (n) gunshot,
information, preparation. injection, go, fling, ball, crack, attempt, bang, bullet,
fonksiyon function (işlev); synonyms (n) position, chance, discharge, effort, endeavor, guess, (adj)
office, place, role, service, work, agency, iridescent, 3. picture (görüntü, resim, tablo);
application, duty, employment, (v) act, exercise, synonyms (n) photograph, effigy, paint, drawing,
run, serve, go. depiction, description, icon, illustration, (v)
describe, draw, depict, fancy, imagine, envision,
fonksiyonel functional; synonyms (adj) practical,
figure, 4. photo.
effective, handy, operational, operative, working,
serviceable, official, operable, running, useful;
fotoğrafçı photographer; synonyms (n)
photographist, press.
antonyms (adj) nonfunctional, useless.
fonlama funding; synonyms (n) financing, backing, fotoğrafçılık photography; synonyms (n)
cinematography, heliography, photogeny,
support, appropriation, investment,
accompaniment, backup, business, care, shooting.
championship, documentation, economics, fötr felt; synonyms (v) mat, snarl, tangle, braid,
endowment, money, provision. entangle, (adj) perceived, sensed, conscious.

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frekans frequency (sıklık); synonyms (n) frequence, superiority, achievement, expugnation, feat;
incidence, commonness, prevalence, constancy, antonyms (n) defeat, beating, failure, loss, 2. win
oftenness, abundance, oftness, pitch, density, (kazanmak); synonyms (v) acquire, gain, get,
community, concourse, crowd, generalness, attain, obtain, conquer, achieve, earn, prevail,
measure. secure, take, succeed, carry, vanquish, procure;
fuar fair (güzel, sarışın); synonyms (adj) equitable, antonym (v) lose.
clear, beautiful, average, dispassionate, fine, galip 1. winner; synonyms (n) champion, conqueror,
impartial, reasonable, sweet, candid, (adv) clean, (n)
success, achiever, master, hit; antonyms (n) loser,
bazaar, blonde, carnival, (v) bright; antonyms (adj)
failure, flop, 2. victor; synonyms (n) winner,
unfair, biased, dark, exceptional, unjust, partial,
foul, imbalanced, mismatched, prejudiced, champ, superior, 3. triumphant; synonyms (adj)
unwarranted. jubilant, victorious, successful, triumphal, exulting,
winning, conquering, elated, gleeful, joyful,
funda heath; synonyms (n) heather, heathland,
prideful, rejoicing, (v) exultant; antonym (adj)
prairie, steppe, waste, wild, basin, desert, plain,
veldt, grig, pampas, savanna.
futbol 1. football; synonyms (n) soccer, hockey, note, gam 1. scale (ölçek); synonyms (n) flake, gamut,
degree, graduation, measure, yardstick, rate, chip,
baseball, basketball, footie, 2. soccer; synonyms (n)
(v) ascend, climb, gauge, mount, weigh, rise, (adj)
football, ball, gridiron.
balance; antonym (v) descend, 2. sorrow (acı);
füze 1. missile; synonyms (n) bullet, shot, projectile, synonyms (n) grief, mourning, regret, sadness,
rocket, bolt, bomb, explosive, quoit, ammunition, anguish, contrition, heartache, misery, penitence,
club, messenger, missive, weapon, beast, bird, 2. remorse, repentance, (adj) distress, (v) mourn,
rocket (roket); synonyms (n) missile, arugula, lament, grieve; antonyms (n) joy, delight,
brickbat, carcass, grenade, (v) soar, rise, skyrocket, happiness.
zoom; antonyms (v) plummet, dawdle. ganimet 1. capture; synonyms (v) bag, catch, take,
apprehend, captivate, carry, ensnare, get, seize,
bewitch, acquire, beguile, (n) arrest, seizure,
G apprehension; antonyms (v) release, surrender, 2.
prize; synonyms (n) award, plunder, treasure,
gaddar cruel; synonyms (adj) barbarous, brutal, hard, booty, premium, loot, price, trophy, (v) appreciate,
harsh, heartless, unkind, bitter, bloody, atrocious,
esteem, cherish, honor, value, admire, pry.
biting, fierce, inhuman, merciless, ruthless, savage;
garanti guarantee; synonyms (n) bail, assure,
antonyms (adj) gentle, kind, merciful, humane,
guaranty, warranty, assurance, pledge, warrant,
liberal, sympathetic.
bond, collateral, deposit, (v) certify, promise,
gaddarlık cruelty; synonyms (n) brutality, barbarity, engage, endorse, ensure.
cruelness, oppression, ferociousness, ferocity,
gard guard (bekçi); synonyms (n) defend, defense,
harshness, mercilessness, ruthlessness, tyranny,
bulwark, care, cover, escort, protection, watchman,
violence, sadism, barbarism, abuse, fierceness;
custody, convoy, defence, fender, guardsman, (v)
antonyms (n) compassion, kindness, friendliness,
shield, keep.
gardiyan 1. guardian; synonyms (n) custodian,
gaga bill (fatura, hesap); synonyms (n) account, guard, defender, protector, champion, curator,
beak, advertisement, card, invoice, poster, receipt,
warden, keeper, patron, shelter, steward, backer,
act, banknote, check, measure, (v) placard,
(adj) protective, custodial, tutelary, 2. guard
advertise, charge, list.
(bekçi); synonyms (n) defend, defense, bulwark,
galaksi galaxy; synonyms (n) constellation, care, cover, escort, protection, watchman, custody,
beetleweed, bevy, cosmos, galax, bunch, coltsfoot,
convoy, defence, fender, guardsman, (v) shield,
speckling, wandflower, (adj) array, army, sea, sight,
star, sun.
garip 1. strange; synonyms (adj) extraneous, foreign,
galeri gallery; synonyms (n) balcony, audience, drift, peculiar, abnormal, curious, extraordinary,
veranda, circle, porch, terrace, verandah,
irregular, mysterious, new, odd, outlandish,
auditorium, auditory, boxes.
unusual, rare, alien, anomalous; antonyms (adj)
galiba presumably; synonyms (adv) likely, normal, ordinary, familiar, typical, 2. fantastic;
presumptively, apparently, probably, seemingly,
synonyms (adj) bizarre, antic, extravagant,
supposedly, allegedly, superficially, credible,
grotesque, marvelous, strange, terrific, wonderful,
doubtlessly, hypothetically, indubitably,
capricious, chimerical, fabulous, fantastical, great,
reasonably, surely, (adj) doubtless.
(n) fanciful, (v) fancy; antonyms (adj) awful, real, 3.
galibiyet 1. victory (zafer); synonyms (n) triumph, funny; synonyms (adj) comical, amusing, droll,
conquest, success, mastery, subjugation,

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176 Turkish - English

eccentric, facetious, fishy, diverting, comic, hardy, lively, powerful, strenuous, athletic, hearty,
entertaining, farcical, humorous, laughable, queer, mighty, healthy, smart, brawny, (n) brave, (v) brisk;
suspicious, (adv) funnily; antonyms (adj) serious, antonyms (adj) feeble, lethargic, weak, dull,
grave, 4. bizarre; synonyms (adj) singular, unenergetic.
fantastic, freakish, outre, quaint, remarkable, gaz gas (benzin); synonyms (n) gasoline, petrol, air,
striking, erratic, different, eerie, exotic, freaky, fumes, accelerator, flatulence, petroleum, oil,
incredible, offbeat, quizzical, 5. curious; gasolene, vapor, (v) fuel, brag, vaunt, blague, blow.
synonyms (adj) funny, interested, inquiring, gazete 1. newspaper; synonyms (n) journal, gazette,
inquisitive, weird, whimsical, interesting, intrusive, magazine, paper, news, periodical, print, publisher,
meddling, overcurious, surprising, eager, newsprint, press, publication, 2. journal
meddlesome, nosy, particular; antonym (adj)
(günlük); synonyms (n) diary, book, newspaper,
incurious, 6. odd (tek); synonyms (adj) ephemeris, chronicle, log, record, annals, calendar,
exceptional, chance, novel, individual, organ, review, annual, (adj) daybook, daily, diurnal,
unaccountable, casual, crazy, atypical, leftover,
3. sheet (yaprak); synonyms (n) board, layer, leaf,
occasional, rum, rummy, uncommon, uneven,
canvas, film, coat, coating, blanket, cover, coverlet,
wacky; antonym (adj) even.
piece, plane, sail, mainsheet, pane, 4. paper;
garson waiter; synonyms (n) server, attendant, salver,
synonyms (n) document, article, discourse,
servant, tray, bridegroom, disposition, groom,
certificate, essay, report, composition, form, ticket,
habit, host, kidney, kind, sort, flunky. dissertation, exposition, theme, thesis, writing, (v)
gasp grab (kapmak); synonyms (v) capture, get, wallpaper.
snatch, appropriate, clasp, clutch, fascinate, gazeteci journalist; synonyms (n) reporter, writer,
grapple, rob, seize, assume, attract, (n) arrest, catch,
author, chronicler, diarist, newscaster.
gazetecilik journalism; synonyms (n) press, author,
gaydacı piper; synonyms (n) bagpiper, fiddler, fifer,
essayist, correspondent, literature, litterateur,
harper, trumpeter, pepper.
prose, text, writer, writing, copy.
gaye 1. aim (amaç, hedef); synonyms (n) intent, gebe pregnant (hamile); synonyms (adj) pithy,
objective, plan, target, design, intention, meaning,
significant, fraught, enceinte, expectant, gravid,
(v) purpose, direct, object, point, address, endeavor,
heavy, big, meaning, teeming, important, (v) telling,
aspire, propose, 2. cause (neden); synonyms (n)
case, action, occasion, account, basis, campaign, (v)
gebelik pregnancy; synonyms (n) gravidity,
make, breed, do, induce, allow, arouse, beget,
gestation, fertility, behavior, childbearing,
bring, engender; antonym (n) consequence, 3. goal
departure, doings, fetation, going, pregnance,
(hedef, kale); synonyms (n) aim, butt, destination, uterogestation, traveling, (adj) procreation,
end, basket, ambition, aspiration, limit, finish, propagation, pullulation.
home, mark, mission, reason, wish, (v) bound, 4.
geç late; synonyms (adj) former, dead, deceased,
purpose (amaç, maksat, niyet); synonyms (n) behindhand, belated, delayed, modern, slow, tardy,
mind, effect, purport, resolve, motive, dull, defunct, (adv) dilatory, fresh, backward,
determination, function, goal, idea, cause, decision, belatedly; antonyms (adj) ahead, (adv) early,
drift, (v) project, intend, decide.
punctually, promptly, punctual.
gayret 1. effort (çaba); synonyms (n) attempt, gece 1. night (akşam); synonyms (n) dark, evening,
exertion, application, drive, endeavor, struggle,
dusk, darkness, nighttime, twilight, (adj) nocturnal;
trial, trouble, try, diligence, bid, push, campaign,
antonyms (n) day, light, 2. evening (akşam);
cause, crusade, 2. energy (enerji, güç);
synonyms (n) even, eve, eventide, nightfall, sunset,
synonyms (n) animation, dash, force, life, spirit,
determination, effort, might, strength, vigor, night, sundown; antonyms (n) dawn, daybreak.
vitality, capability, action, activity, dynamism; geceleyin overnight; synonyms (adj) nightlong,
antonyms (n) lethargy, apathy, exhaustion, meteoric, temporary, (n) tour, trip, voyage, (v)
tiredness, weakness, idleness, sluggishness, 3. travel.
industry (endüstri); synonyms (n) business, geçen 1. last (son, sürmek); synonyms (v) endure,
industriousness, labor, toil, trade, work, continue, hold, exist, live, dwell, (n) abide,
assiduousness, manufacture, commerce. conclusion, (adj) extreme, closing, final, ultimate,
conclusive, concluding, farthest; antonyms (n)
gayretli 1. eager; synonyms (adj) avid, desirous,
ardent, earnest, agog, acute, ambitious, opening, (adj) first, 2. past (geçmiş); synonyms
enthusiastic, keen, zealous, industrious, studious, (adj) beyond, bygone, former, old, back, earlier,

active, burning, craving; antonyms (adj) indifferent, gone, over, preceding, preterit, previous, (n)
history, (adv) by, before, (prf) along; antonyms (adj)
apathetic, disinterested, unconcerned, 2.
contemporary, current, (prep) within, (n) future,
vigorous; synonyms (adj) robust, strong, energetic,

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present, prospect, 3. passing (geçici); synonyms provisionary, undecided; antonyms (adj) definite,
(adj) ephemeral, fleeting, momentary, transient, sure, 4. interim; synonyms (adj) concomitance,
brief, cursory, fugitive, impermanent, casual, (n) concurrence, (n) interval, interlude, distance,
overtaking, death, decease, departure, expiration, intermission, lag, pause, while, (adv) meantime, 5.
passage; antonyms (adj) permanent, lasting. volatile (uçucu); synonyms (adj) changeable,
geçenlerde lately; synonyms (adv) recently, late, erratic, frivolous, unstable, mercurial, giddy,
freshly, latterly, newly, just, new, (adj) anew, afresh. capricious, flighty, variable, inconstant, excitable,
geçer current (akım, cari, geçerli); synonyms (adj) unsteady, airy, light, (v) fickle; antonym (adj) stable,
common, contemporary, fashionable, instant, 6. provisional; synonyms (adj) makeshift,
actual, fresh, modern, new, popular, (n) flow, tentative, interim, provisory, qualified, given,
stream, run, afloat, movement, (prep) course; probative, probatory.
antonyms (adj) obsolete, past, old, old-fashioned, gecikme 1. delay (geciktirmek); synonyms (n)
previous. pause, arrest, deferment, wait, stay, deferral,
Geçerli 1. valid; synonyms (adj) legal, sound, right, extension, (v) defer, check, postpone, reserve,
genuine, solid, forcible, substantial, authentic, adjourn, break, detain, hesitate; antonyms (n)
good, legitimate, powerful, rightful, strong, true, punctuality, decisiveness, (v) rush, advance, 2.
cogent; antonyms (adj) unacceptable, invalid, detention; synonyms (n) delay, custody,
annulled, bogus, illogical, 2. current (akım, cari); confinement, apprehension, captivity, detainment,
synonyms (adj) common, contemporary, constraint, capture, hold, imprisonment,
fashionable, instant, actual, fresh, modern, new, incarceration, internment, prison, restraint, (v)
popular, (n) flow, stream, run, afloat, movement, keep; antonyms (n) freedom, release.
(prep) course; antonyms (adj) obsolete, past, old, old- gecikmek delay (gecikme, geciktirmek);
fashioned, previous, 3. effective (etkin); synonyms (n) pause, arrest, deferment, wait, stay,
synonyms (adj) beneficial, practical, effectual, deferral, extension, (v) defer, check, postpone,
efficacious, operative, fruitful, positive, active, reserve, adjourn, break, detain, hesitate; antonyms
forceful, important, influential, (n) competent, (n) punctuality, decisiveness, (v) rush, advance.
capable, able, efficient; antonyms (adj) ineffective,
gecikmiş late (geç); synonyms (adj) former, dead,
useless, weak, inoperative, 4. sound (ses); deceased, behindhand, belated, delayed, modern,
synonyms (n) echo, peal, (v) ring, chime, fast, blow, slow, tardy, dull, defunct, (adv) dilatory, fresh,
(adj) reasonable, complete, healthy, fit, just, rational,
backward, belatedly; antonyms (adj) ahead, (adv)
sane, sensible, robust; antonyms (n) silence, (adj)
early, punctually, promptly, punctual.
unsound, confused.
geciktirme delay (gecikme, geciktirmek);
geçerlik validity; synonyms (n) force, truth, synonyms (n) pause, arrest, deferment, wait, stay,
authority, legitimacy, soundness, certainty, deferral, extension, (v) defer, check, postpone,
cogency, effect, power, effectiveness, reality, reserve, adjourn, break, detain, hesitate; antonyms
authenticity, vigor, credibility, hardness.
(n) punctuality, decisiveness, (v) rush, advance.
geçerlilik validity (geçerlik); synonyms (n) force, geciktirmek delay (gecikme); synonyms (n) pause,
truth, authority, legitimacy, soundness, certainty,
arrest, deferment, wait, stay, deferral, extension, (v)
cogency, effect, power, effectiveness, reality,
defer, check, postpone, reserve, adjourn, break,
authenticity, vigor, credibility, hardness.
detain, hesitate; antonyms (n) punctuality,
geçersiz illegal; synonyms (adj) criminal, forbidden, decisiveness, (v) rush, advance.
prohibited, unauthorized, unlawful, illegitimate,
geçim 1. living (canlı); synonyms (adj) lively, alive,
illicit, lawless, taboo, wrongful; antonyms (adj)
live, extant, active, animated, animate, fresh, quick,
legal, lawful, honest, legitimate, official. (n) livelihood, being, life, aliveness, animation,
geçici 1. temporary; synonyms (adj) ephemeral, benefice; antonyms (adj) inanimate, (n) dead, death,
passing, temporal, acting, momentary, fleeting, 2. keep (tutmak); synonyms (v) hold, preserve,
impermanent, provisional, transient, transitory,
retain, defend, continue, guard, have, maintain,
brief, fugitive, stopgap, irregular, substitute; celebrate, confine, conserve, observe, reserve, save,
antonyms (adj) permanent, continuous, enduring, commemorate; antonyms (v) dump, lose, 3. bread
eternal, everlasting, long-term, 2. passing;
(ekmek); synonyms (n) living, cash, maintenance,
synonyms (adj) cursory, casual, fugacious,
currency, dough, food, kale, loot, money, pelf,
temporary, (n) overtaking, death, decease,
sustenance, 4. support (dayanak, destek,
departure, expiration, passage, demise, exit, going,
motion, pass; antonym (adj) lasting, 3. tentative;
desteklemek); synonyms (n) help, stand, aid,
keep, comfort, patronage, (v) assist, prop, back,
synonyms (adj) doubtful, experimental,
probationary, trial, exploratory, shy, cautious, brace, encourage, bear, boost, carry, confirm;
conditional, hesitant, indecisive, indefinite,

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antonyms (n) hindrance, (v) oppose, neglect, course, channel, corridor, gangway, hall, journey,
undermine, abandon, reject, weaken. entry, way, entrance, lobby, duct, opening, avenue,
geçimli compatible (uyumlu); synonyms (adj) citation, 4. passing (geçici); synonyms (adj)
agreeable, congruent, accordant, congenial, ephemeral, fleeting, momentary, transient, brief,
sympathetic, becoming, congruous, consonant, cursory, fugitive, impermanent, casual, (n)
harmonious, suitable, (n) consistent; antonym (adj) overtaking, death, decease, departure, expiration,
incompatible. demise; antonyms (adj) permanent, lasting.
geçindirmek support (dayanak, destek, geçit 1. access (giriş); synonyms (n) admission,
desteklemek); synonyms (n) help, stand, aid, approach, entrance, entry, admittance, entree, gate,
attack, doorway, entryway, fit, opening, outburst,
keep, comfort, maintenance, patronage, (v) assist,
passage, (v) enter; antonym (n) exit, 2. corridor
prop, back, brace, encourage, maintain, bear, boost;
antonyms (n) hindrance, (v) oppose, neglect, (koridor); synonyms (n) aisle, hall, lobby, hallway,
undermine, abandon, reject, weaken. lane, vestibule, artery, alley, alleyway, path,
portico, way, 3. pass (geçiş, geçmek); synonyms
geçinme living (canlı); synonyms (adj) lively, alive,
(v) flow, deliver, give, happen, lead, move, offer,
live, extant, active, animated, animate, fresh, quick,
overtake, live, advance, die, elapse, exceed, (adj) go,
(n) livelihood, being, life, aliveness, animation,
run; antonym (v) fail, 4. crossing; synonyms (n)
benefice; antonyms (adj) inanimate, (n) dead, death.
cross, ford, transit, crossbreeding, hybridization,
geçinmek manage; synonyms (v) conduct, direct,
intersection, voyage, crossroad, crosswalk,
administer, do, govern, accomplish, arrange,
crossway, cruise, flight, interbreeding, junction,
control, cope, deal, handle, lead, work, maintain, (n)
travel, 5. gate (kapı); synonyms (n) door, mouth,
port, threshold, gateway, porch, portal, turnout, 6.
geçirme transmission; synonyms (n) circulation,
passage; synonyms (n) course, channel, corridor,
conveyance, contagion, transfer, broadcast,
gangway, journey, duct, avenue, citation, excerpt,
communication, drive, infection, spread,
transmittal, transmittance, dissemination, passage, extract, movement, paragraph, pass, road, section,
transmitting. 7. gap (aralık, boşluk); synonyms (n) break, cleft,
geçirmek 1. carry (nakletmek, taşımak); crack, crevice, fissure, aperture, chasm, clearance,
difference, fracture, vacancy, blank, chink,
synonyms (v) bear, bring, convey, conduct, take,
acquit, behave, accept, comport, hold, pack, disparity, (v) breach.
transport, load, assume, admit, 2. pass (geçiş, geçme passage; synonyms (n) aisle, course, channel,
geçmek); synonyms (v) flow, deliver, give, corridor, gangway, hall, journey, entry, way,
happen, lead, move, offer, overtake, live, advance, entrance, lobby, duct, opening, avenue, citation.
die, elapse, exceed, (adj) go, run; antonym (v) fail, 3. geçmek 1. pass (geçiş); synonyms (v) flow, deliver,
conduct; synonyms (n) behavior, administration, give, happen, lead, move, offer, overtake, live,
manage, demeanor, performance, behaviour, (v) advance, die, elapse, exceed, (adj) go, run; antonym
act, direct, administer, carriage, bearing, carry, (v) fail, 2. intervene; synonyms (v) interfere,
show, accompany, channel, 4. spend; synonyms intercede, interpose, mediate, arbitrate, meddle,
(v) consume, exhaust, expend, squander, blow, interject, intermediate, 3. exceed; synonyms (v)
deplete, pass, wear, invest, dissipate, draw, drop, beat, pass, surpass, outdo, surmount, transcend,
employ, lavish, (adj) waste; antonyms (v) save, cap, outshine, outweigh, overrun, top, excel, outgo,
conserve, 5. transfer (aktarma, aktarmak); outmatch, (adj) better, 4. cross (haç); synonyms (n)
synonyms (n) conveyance, assignment, crisscross, affliction, (v) intersect, baffle, cover,
transference, delivery, (v) change, remove, shift, thwart, (adj) crabbed, crabby, angry, cantankerous,
exchange, send, transmit, commit, consign, grouchy, grumpy, traverse, cranky, annoyed;
interchange, transplant, delegate; antonym (v) antonyms (v) uncross, (adj) calm, good-tempered, 5.
keep. top (üst); synonyms (adj) maximum, superlative,
geçirmez proof (kanıt); synonyms (n) confirmation, (n) crown, peak, acme, apex, crest, height, pinnacle,
demonstration, probation, argument, summit, surface, brow, (v) best, head, climax;
authentication, evidence, sign, substantiation, antonyms (adj) worst, (n) bottom, base, nadir.
validation, verification, experiment, indication, geçmiş 1. past; synonyms (adj) beyond, bygone,
essay, criterion, establishment. former, old, back, earlier, gone, over, preceding,
geçiş 1. pass (geçmek); synonyms (v) flow, deliver, preterit, previous, (n) history, (adv) by, before, (prf)
give, happen, lead, move, offer, overtake, live, along; antonyms (adj) contemporary, current, (prep)
advance, die, elapse, exceed, (adj) go, run; antonym within, (n) future, present, prospect, 2. history
(v) fail, 2. transition; synonyms (n) change, (tarih); synonyms (n) account, chronicle, story,
passage, transit, alteration, changeover, conversion, annals, background, narrative, record, explanation,
modulation, 3. passage; synonyms (n) aisle, yesteryear, narration, past, life, (v) tale, 3. former

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(eski, önceki); synonyms (adj) antecedent, gelin bride; synonyms (n) wife, mate, woman,
anterior, foregoing, prior, original, deceased, helpmate.
foremost, primary, ancient, departed, last, late, gelir 1. income; synonyms (n) earnings, proceeds,
older, quondam, (n) predecessor. profit, revenue, gain, means, pay, return, salary,
geçmişte back (arka, geri, sırt); synonyms (adv) yield, allowance, profits, receipts, wages,
before, backward, (n) rear, (adj) assist, (v) support, livelihood; antonym (n) loss, 2. earnings;
advocate, endorse, recede, second, stake, vouch, synonyms (n) income, wage, compensation, lucre,
guarantee, aid, champion, encourage; antonyms (n) remuneration, returns, takings, 3. proceeds
face, (v) front, oppose, advance. (kazanç); synonyms (n) issue, take, emolument,
gedik breach; synonyms (n) aperture, chink, crack, payoff, proceed, incomings, outcome, benefit,
crevice, fracture, gap, infringement, opening, rift, effect, produce, result, innings, 4. revenue;
split, trespass, (v) break, rupture, contravene, synonyms (n) interest, gate, resources, taxation,
fissure; antonym (n) observance. gross, 5. yield (verim); synonyms (n) give,
gelecek 1. future; synonyms (adj) unborn, coming, output, crop, (v) surrender, allow, concede, submit,
prospective, intended, potential, approaching, cede, grant, relinquish, bow, accede, afford, bear,
forthcoming, imminent, impending, later, (n) consent; antonyms (v) resist, persevere.
prospect, hereafter, fate, futurity, (v) horizon; geliş 1. coming; synonyms (v) instant, (adj)
antonym (n) past, 2. forthcoming; synonyms (adj) approaching, forthcoming, future, imminent,
future, outgoing, upcoming, oncoming, pending, impending, following, (n) access, advent, approach,
extroverted, gracious, (v) batching, brewing; appearance, arrival, return, arrive, come; antonym
antonym (adj) reserved, 3. coming; synonyms (v) (n) departure, 2. arrival; synonyms (n) entrance,
instant, (adj) following, near, next, (n) access, advent, incoming, newcomer, attainment, arriver, comer,
approach, appearance, arrival, return, arrive, come, reaching, homecoming; antonyms (n) exit, leaving.
climax; antonym (n) departure, 4. next (sonraki); gelişen progressive (ilerici); synonyms (adj)
synonyms (adj) nearest, adjacent, contiguous, advanced, forward, gradual, active, radical,
subsequent, ensuing, after, close, adjoining, consecutive, modern, revolutionary, positive,
posterior, closest, neighboring, proximate, (adv) alphabetical, avant-garde, broad, broad-minded, (n)
afterward, then, subsequently; antonyms (adj) liberal, imperfect; antonyms (adj) old-fashioned,
distant, (adv) previous, preceding, previously. traditional, (n) conservative.
gelen coming; synonyms (v) instant, (adj) approaching, gelişim evolution (evrim); synonyms (n)
forthcoming, future, imminent, impending, development, growth, expansion, movement,
following, (n) access, advent, approach, appearance, process, progress, evolvement, change, mutation,
arrival, return, arrive, come; antonym (n) advance, alteration, modification, progression, (v)
departure. operation, elimination; antonym (n) deterioration.
gelenek 1. custom; synonyms (n) tradition, habit, gelişme 1. growth (büyüme); synonyms (n)
convention, practice, usage, use, fashion, impost, development, accretion, augmentation, evolution,
method, observance, order, rite, ritual, (v) accustom, gain, increase, enlargement, germination,
(adj) bespoke, 2. tradition; synonyms (n) custom, accumulation, accession, addition, advance,
legend, folklore, heritage, lore, routine, myth. improvement, increment, (v) grow; antonyms (n)
geleneksel 1. conventional; synonyms (adj) formal, decrease, reduction, weakening, decline, 2.
orthodox, accepted, common, customary, growing; synonyms (adj) flourishing, rising,
everyday, conservative, decorous, established, thriving, blossoming, progressive, swelling,
habitual, normal, ordinary, routine, (v) adolescent, budding, burgeoning, cumulative,
commonplace, familiar; antonyms (adj) enlarging, (n) developing, growth, (adv) increasing;
unconventional, radical, relaxed, unusual, original, antonyms (adj) deteriorating, dwindling, 3.
rebellious, unorthodox, 2. traditional; synonyms evolution (evrim); synonyms (n) expansion,
(adj) conventional, immemorial, classic, legendary, movement, process, progress, evolvement, change,
traditionary, usual, accustomed, regular, stock; mutation, alteration, modification, progression,
antonyms (adj) new, modern, progressive, 3. innovation, (v) operation, elimination, eradication;
customary; synonyms (adj) traditional, average, antonym (n) deterioration, 4. development;
wonted, current, frequent, general, natural, synonyms (n) course, spread, effect, elaboration,
prescriptive, prevailing, typical, set. result, complication, amplification, maturity,
gelgit tide; synonyms (n) current, flow, stream, course, creation, state, consequence, construction,
drift, run, time, race, rush, (v) wave, flood, surge, cultivation, discovery, emergence; antonym (n)
billow, noonday. neglect, 5. improvement; synonyms (n)
advancement, amelioration, betterment, correction,
amendment, repair, adjustment, enhancement,

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headway, revision, melioration, rise, upturn, impending, following, (n) access, advent, approach,
benefit, emendation; antonym (n) downgrade, 6. appearance, arrival, return, arrive, come; antonym
advance (avans, ilerleme, ilerlemek, (n) departure, 2. advent; synonyms (n) coming,
ilerletmek); synonyms (n) loan, (v) further, emergence, entrance, 3. arrival; synonyms (n)
proceed, promote, approach, encourage, raise, incoming, newcomer, attainment, arriver, comer,
boost, contribute, cultivate, develop, forward, reaching, homecoming; antonyms (n) exit, leaving.
improve, lend, (phr) accelerate; antonyms (v) retreat, gelmek 1. come; synonyms (v) approach, become,
recede, delay, demote, regress, 7. progress; aggregate, appear, arise, arrive, fall, befall, amount,
synonyms (n) furtherance, passage, journey, descend, get, go, hail, number, originate; antonym
promotion, career, (v) continue, go, move, pass, (v) leave, 2. arrive (varmak); synonyms (v) come,
prosper, way, thrive, evolve, travel, mature. mature, attain, land, reach, succeed, show, derive,
gelişmek 1. advance (avans, ilerleme, ilerlemek, emerge, enter, happen, issue, prosper, disembark;
ilerletmek); synonyms (n) progress, improvement, antonym (v) depart, 3. pull (çekme, çekmek);
(v) further, proceed, promote, approach, encourage, synonyms (v) drag, draw, draught, pluck, attract,
raise, rise, boost, contribute, cultivate, develop, haul, jerk, tug, pick, make, force, hale, (n) wrench,
forward, (phr) accelerate; antonyms (n) attraction, effort; antonyms (v) push, repel.
deterioration, (v) retreat, recede, delay, demote, gem bit; synonyms (n) crumb, morsel, piece, atom,
regress, 2. develop; synonyms (v) advance, drop, fleck, fragment, moment, part, portion, shred,
amplify, educate, expand, grow, breed, contract, snatch, (v) curb, scrap, scantling.
acquire, bloom, blossom, break, bud, build, come, gemi 1. ship; synonyms (n) boat, ferry, craft, bottom,
elaborate; antonyms (v) decrease, erupt, neglect, 3. (v) dispatch, send, forward, transport, consign,
improve; synonyms (v) heal, emend, help, carry, embark, move, transfer, post, charge, 2.
ameliorate, amend, correct, reform, gain, better, craft; synonyms (n) ability, art, cunning, trade,
enhance, mend, perfect, restore, beautify, revise; artfulness, guile, fraud, shift, artifice, business,
antonyms (v) worsen, deteriorate, spoil, 4. boom; deceit, job, occupation, profession, skill, 3. boat
synonyms (n) bang, roar, noise, bar, din, peal, (v) (sandal); synonyms (n) yacht, scull, dinghy, ship,
blast, blare, flourish, sound, thrive, thunder,
vessel, vehicle, shallop, schooner, sailboat, bateau,
bellow, clang, prosper; antonyms (n) depression, (v)
bowl, sauceboat, truck, aircraft, (v) cruise, 4.
collapse, decline, 5. progress; synonyms (n)
vessel; synonyms (n) container, duct, jar, vas,
headway, furtherance, betterment, course,
canal, pan, receptacle, basin, tube, watercraft,
advancement, development, growth, increase,
bottle, pipe.
movement, (v) continue, go, move, improve, pass,
way, 6. shape (biçim, şekil); synonyms (n) cast,
gemicilik 1. navigation; synonyms (n) guidance,
sailing, steering, seafaring, shipping, travel, flight,
mold, figure, pattern, condition, configuration, (v)
aviation, glide, gliding, pilotage, piloting, routing,
form, fashion, model, mould, determine, make,
sailplaning, soaring, 2. sailing (yelkencilik);
adjust, carve, construct.
synonyms (adj) nautical, (n) navigation, departure,
gelişmiş advanced (ileri); synonyms (adj)
boating, cruise.
sophisticated, progressive, senior, higher, modern,
new, precocious, late, cultured, developed, gen gene; synonyms (n) chromosome, cistron.
elevated, forward, liberal, ripe, superior; antonyms genç 1. youth (gençlik); synonyms (n) boy, juvenile,
(adj) conservative, old-fashioned, inferior.
lad, young, youngster, adolescence, kid, juvenility,
puberty, stripling, younker, child, puppy, infancy,
geliştirme development; synonyms (n) evolution,
(adj) adolescent; antonyms (n) adulthood, adult,
course, growth, improvement, increase, progress,
spread, advance, augmentation, change, ripeness, 2. young (yavru); synonyms (adj) green,
developing, effect, elaboration, expansion, immature, fresh, new, raw, baby, boyish, callow,
movement; antonyms (n) deterioration, decline, childish, early, tender, unripe, youthful, (n)
offspring, progeny; antonyms (adj) old, mature, (n)
neglect, decrease.
aged, 3. youthful; synonyms (adj) vernal,
geliştirmek 1. develop; synonyms (v) advance,
amplify, educate, expand, grow, breed, contract, beardless, 4. youngster (çocuk, delikanlı);
acquire, bloom, blossom, break, bud, build, come, synonyms (n) urchin, toddler, youth, nipper,
cultivate; antonyms (v) decrease, erupt, neglect, shaver, teen, teenager, girl, lass, minor.
regress, 2. improve; synonyms (v) heal, emend, gençlik youth (genç); synonyms (n) boy, juvenile,
help, ameliorate, amend, correct, reform, gain, lad, young, youngster, adolescence, kid, juvenility,
better, develop, enhance, mend, perfect, restore, puberty, stripling, younker, child, puppy, infancy,
beautify; antonyms (v) worsen, deteriorate, spoil. (adj) adolescent; antonyms (n) adulthood, adult,

gelme 1. coming; synonyms (v) instant, (adj) ripeness.

approaching, forthcoming, future, imminent,

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gene again (bir daha, tekrar, yeniden, yine); capacious, expanded, extended, full, open,
synonyms (adv) afresh, more, anew, encore, sweeping, big; antonyms (adj) narrow, thin,
repeatedly, then, also, further, often. restricted, 2. large (büyük); synonyms (adj)
genel 1. general; synonyms (adj) common, generous, bulky, considerable, handsome, high,
comprehensive, national, universal, broad, heavy, abundant, great, gross, hefty, huge,
commonplace, current, ecumenical, public, important, stout, fat, bountiful; antonyms (adj)
average, communal, (n) chief, commander, (v) small, cramped, insignificant, 3. extensive;
customary, frequent; antonyms (adj) specific, synonyms (adj) commodious, copious, major, wide,
individual, narrow, (n) particular, 2. public long, enormous, detailed, expansive, immense,
(kamu); synonyms (adj) overt, civic, general, massive, voluminous, widespread, universal,
mutual, popular, ordinary, civil, (n) folk, elaborate, profound; antonyms (adj) limited, minor,
community, people, populace, audience, (v) open, partial, short, 4. ample (bol); synonyms (adj)
plebeian, government; antonyms (adj) private, plentiful, affluent, liberal, rich, sizable, sufficient,
confidential, personal, 3. common (adi, ortak); adequate, enough, plenteous, profuse, sizeable,
synonyms (adj) coarse, cheap, usual, vulgar, substantial, luxuriant, complete, round; antonyms
accustomed, base, ignoble, mean, mediocre, trivial, (adj) inadequate, meager, insufficient, scarce, 5.
banal, prosaic, poor, collective, (n) habitual; broad; synonyms (adj) general, free, blanket, deep,
antonyms (adj) uncommon, rare, unusual, inclusive, thick, tolerant, coarse, indelicate, loose,
characteristic, one-off, unique, aristocratic, plain, unsubtle, wholesale, (n) female, mere;
exclusive, extraordinary, infrequent, 4. broad; antonym (adj) specific, 6. vast; synonyms (adj)
synonyms (adj) wide, ample, extensive, large, boundless, colossal, gigantic, immeasurable,
sweeping, vast, free, big, blanket, capacious, deep, unlimited, gargantuan, giant, infinite, monumental,
full, inclusive, liberal, (n) female; antonym (adj) thin, unbounded, limitless, endless, mammoth, mighty,
5. global; synonyms (adj) international, overall, monstrous; antonym (adj) tiny, 7.
cosmopolitan, worldwide, earthly, total, globose, comprehensive; synonyms (adj) exhaustive,
globular, orbicular, planetary, spheric, spherical, overall, thorough, total, global, grand, meticulous,
terrestrial, world; antonym (adj) local, 6. generic; compendious, worldwide; antonym (adj)
synonyms (adj) basic, cognate, economy, noncomprehensive, 8. spacious; synonyms (adj)
unadorned, utilitarian, generical, nonexclusive, airy, comfortable, convenient.
plain, straightforward.
genişleme expansion (genleşme); synonyms (n)
genelde generally; synonyms (adv) altogether, amplification, enlargement, development,
commonly, frequently, broadly, chiefly, usually, dilatation, dilation, elaboration, growth, stretch,
approximately, largely, mainly, mostly, principally, distention, evolution, increase, inflation, swelling,
completely, customarily, habitually, normally; (v) extension, augmentation; antonyms (n)
antonyms (adv) narrowly, rarely, specifically. contraction, decrease, reduction, abbreviation.
genelge circular; synonyms (adj) round, annular, genişlemek expand (büyütmek, genişletmek);
circinate, globular, orbicular, rotund, rounded, synonyms (v) amplify, enlarge, balloon, broaden,
spherical, (n) advertisement, bill, handbill, develop, distend, aggrandize, augment, extend,
brochure, publication, bulletin, flier; antonym (adj) inflate, swell, explicate, bloat, elaborate, (adj) dilate;
square. antonyms (v) contract, shorten, abbreviate,
genellikle 1. usually; synonyms (adv) generally, decrease, deflate, reduce, shrink, summarize,
commonly, mostly, normally, ordinarily, narrow.
frequently, customarily, habitually, regularly, genişletilmiş 1. extended; synonyms (adj) broad,
broadly, readily, unremarkably; antonyms (adv) expanded, ample, extensive, long, wide, elongated,
unusually, rarely, exceptionally, 2. generally; enlarged, lengthened, lengthy, prolonged,
synonyms (adv) altogether, chiefly, usually, protracted, open, comprehensive, continued;
approximately, largely, mainly, principally, antonyms (adj) brief, short, condensed, unextended,
completely, often, overall, typically, primarily; 2. expanded; synonyms (adj) extended, dilated.
antonyms (adv) narrowly, specifically. genişletme extension (uzatma); synonyms (n)
general general (genel); synonyms (adj) common, continuation, augmentation, enlargement,
comprehensive, national, universal, broad, expansion, addition, increase, annex, elongation,
commonplace, current, ecumenical, public, expanse, stretch, development, amplification,
average, communal, (n) chief, commander, (v) annexe, circulation, dissemination; antonyms (n)
customary, frequent; antonyms (adj) specific, limitation, contraction, limit.
individual, narrow, (n) particular. genişletmek 1. extend (uzatmak); synonyms (v)
geniş 1. wide; synonyms (adj) broad, spacious, roomy, expand, enlarge, amplify, broaden, dilate, widen,
comprehensive, extensive, large, ample, vast, augment, continue, elongate, go, spread, carry,

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182 Turkish - English

develop, increase, (adj) stretch; antonyms (v) intimate, intrinsical, peculiar, interior,
withdraw, shorten, limit, narrow, shrink, 2. fundamental, instinctive, innate, inner; antonym
expand (büyütmek, genişlemek); synonyms (v) (adj) extrinsic, 6. authentic; synonyms (adj)
balloon, distend, aggrandize, extend, inflate, swell, believable, trustworthy, valid, unfeigned,
explicate, bloat, elaborate, grow, open, rise, unfold, unsophisticated, credible, original, convincing,
advance, (adj) expatiate; antonyms (v) contract, realistic, unquestionable, (v) authoritative; antonym
abbreviate, decrease, deflate, reduce, summarize. (adj) unrealistic, 7. genuine; synonyms (adj) candid,
genişlik 1. width (en); synonyms (n) breadth, extent, artless, hearty, unaffected, earnest, intrinsic, solid,
latitude, length, size, wideness, broadness, clean, chaste, devout, authenticated, fair, veracious,
amplitude, dimension, distance, thickness, guileless, sterling; antonyms (adj) insincere,
measurement, area, depth, height; antonym (n) affected, dishonest, hypocritical, replica, 8.
thinness, 2. breadth (en); synonyms (n) scope, tangible; synonyms (adj) palpable, perceptible,
width, spread, stretch, span, abundance, expanse, evident, corporeal, definite, sensible, adequate,
magnitude, range, richness, scale, space, bodily, commensurate, competent, discernible,
comprehensiveness; antonym (n) narrowness, 3. enough, (n) applicable, available, handy; antonym
extent; synonyms (n) degree, extension, amount, (adj) intangible, 9. reality; synonyms (n) fact,
bulk, compass, boundary, gauge, measure, existence, certainty, realism, being, realness, entity,
purview, quantity, reach, capacity, limit, mass, genuineness, loyalty, substance, trueness, veracity,
duration. verity, effect, (v) efficiency; antonyms (n) delusion,
Geniþlet expand (büyütmek, genişlemek, dream, imagination, vision, 10. truth (doğruluk);
genişletmek); synonyms (v) amplify, enlarge, synonyms (n) exactness, sincerity, correctness,
balloon, broaden, develop, distend, aggrandize, fidelity, accuracy, faithfulness, honesty, precision,
augment, extend, inflate, swell, explicate, bloat, authenticity, faith, uprightness, justice, principle,
elaborate, (adj) dilate; antonyms (v) contract, axiom, gospel; antonyms (n) untruth, dishonesty,
shorten, abbreviate, decrease, deflate, reduce, fabrication, fiction, lie, 11. substantial (önemli);
shrink, summarize, narrow. synonyms (adj) firm, strong, considerable,
genleşme expansion; synonyms (n) amplification, important, significant, momentous, sturdy, ample,
enlargement, development, dilatation, dilation, big, durable, grave, heavy, hefty, large, massive;
elaboration, growth, stretch, distention, evolution, antonyms (adj) insignificant, small, ethereal, fine,
increase, inflation, swelling, (v) extension, worthless, 12. proper; synonyms (adj) appropriate,
augmentation; antonyms (n) contraction, decrease, due, decent, fit, agreeable, apt, becoming, befitting,
reduction, abbreviation. decorous, fitting, modest, suitable, neat, formal,
individual; antonyms (adj) improper, inappropriate,
geometrik geometric; synonyms (adj) geometrical,
arithmetic, arithmetical, mathematical, numerical, unseemly, wrong, rude, 13. positive (olumlu,
algebraic, statistical. pozitif); synonyms (adj) affirmative, confident,
gerçek 1. actual; synonyms (adj) real, absolute, true, decisive, explicit, favorable, incontrovertible,
peremptory, plus, sure, advantageous, arbitrary,
factual, genuine, authentic, existent, indisputable,
literal, positive, precise, tangible, veritable, very, (n) assured, categorical, clear, constructive; antonyms
(adj) negative, derogatory, uncertain, unsure,
accurate; antonyms (adj) false, hypothetical,
pessimistic, sad, 14. right (doğru, sağ);
supposed, 2. real; synonyms (adj) material,
synonyms (adj) perfect, reasonable, equitable,
physical, concrete, natural, pure, native, right,
ethical, full, (adv) correctly, exactly, (n) privilege,
good, certain, honest, just, sincere, substantial, (adv)
law, liberty, authority, claim, freedom, interest, (v)
actually, (v) actual; antonyms (adj) unreal,
rectify; antonyms (adj) unjustified, immoral,
imaginary, apparent, artificial, fake, bogus,
deceptive, fantasy, imitation, insubstantial, mock, incorrect, (n) left, 15. virtual (sanal); synonyms
(adj) potential, practical, implicit, comparative,
nominal, (v) pretend, 3. fact (olay, olgu);
qualified, quasi, replicated, simulated, basic,
synonyms (n) event, incident, detail, deed,
particular, truth, actuality, circumstance, energizing, indirect, tacit, unacknowledged.
experience, occurrence, point, reality, thing, gerçekçi realistic; synonyms (adj) naturalistic,
contingency, (v) act; antonyms (n) guesswork, graphic, lifelike, practical, pragmatic, truthful,
rumor, conjecture, fallacy, falsehood, report, 4. feasible, actual, hardheaded, sober, attainable,
authentic, photographic; antonym (adj) unrealistic.
true (doğru); synonyms (adj) faithful, even,
correct, exact, straight, truthful, direct, loyal, gerçekçilik realism; synonyms (n) naturalism, reality,
proper, reliable, rightful, sound, lawful, legitimate, authenticity, fidelity, realness, truth, verisimilitude,
(v) square; antonyms (adj) inaccurate, untrue, 5.
accuracy, certainty, closeness, dependability,
expediency, faithfulness, reasonableness,
intrinsic; synonyms (adj) inherent, immanent,
sensibleness; antonym (n) idealism.
inborn, internal, constitutional, essential, integral,

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gerçekleştirme implementation; synonyms (n) corporal, corporeal, substantial, concrete,

execution, fulfillment, enforcement, important, physical, real, essential.
accomplishment, effectuation, performance, gerek 1. need; synonyms (v) lack, claim, require,
exercise, executing, completion, doing, effect, destitution, indigence, involve, (n) demand, want,
acceptance, functioning, agreement, approval. desire, deficiency, must, necessity, deprivation,
gerçekleştirmek 1. realize; synonyms (v) fulfill, requirement, absence; antonym (n) wealth, 2.
achieve, perform, discover, attain, accomplish, requirement (gereksinim); synonyms (n) need,
appreciate, complete, execute, know, make, essential, obligation, prerequisite, provision, clause,
recognize, sense, obtain, effect, 2. implement condition, exigency, necessary, proviso,
(alet, araç); synonyms (v) fulfil, apply, enforce, precondition, qualification, requisite, stipulation,
discharge, realize, do, (n) tool, apparatus, utensil, command; antonym (n) option.
appliance, device, instrument, gadget, organ, gerekçe 1. justification; synonyms (n) apology,
contrivance, 3. effect (etki, sonuç); synonyms (n) defense, account, reason, defence, cause, basis,
consequence, product, result, sequel, aftermath, explanation, grounds, vindication, foundation,
conclusion, impression, outgrowth, (v) create, authority, salvation, sanctification, (v) excuse, 2.
cause, bring, carry, induce, use, win; antonym (n) rationale; synonyms (n) principle, motive,
reason. justification, ascription, attribution, etiology,
gerçeklik 1. truth (doğruluk); synonyms (n) theory, 3. reason; synonyms (n) mind, intellect,
exactness, reality, actuality, sincerity, correctness, occasion, argument, object, purpose, rationality,
fact, fidelity, verity, genuineness, accuracy, understanding, incentive, (v) argue, debate,
certainty, faithfulness, honesty, precision, conclude, deduce, discuss, ground.
authenticity; antonyms (n) untruth, dishonesty, gerekçeleme justification; synonyms (n) apology,
fabrication, falsehood, fiction, lie, 2. reality; defense, account, reason, defence, cause, basis,
synonyms (n) existence, realism, being, realness, explanation, grounds, vindication, foundation,
truth, entity, loyalty, positive, substance, trueness, authority, salvation, sanctification, (v) excuse.
veracity, effect, (v) deed, efficiency, act; antonyms gereken due; synonyms (adj) appropriate, equitable,
(n) fantasy, delusion, dream, imagination, vision. just, lawful, owed, payable, unpaid, unsettled, (adv)
gerçekte virtually; synonyms (adv) almost, literally, right, (v) owing, (n) debt, duty, privilege, tax, desert;
most, close, (adj) nearly, near, practically, about, antonyms (adj) paid, undue.
nigh, negatively. gerekli 1. necessary; synonyms (adj) essential,
gerçekten 1. indeed; synonyms (adv) actually, compulsory, important, inevitable, basic,
certainly, exactly, much, really, surely, greatly, mandatory, fundamental, imperative,
absolutely, clearly, definitely, positively, precisely, indispensable, main, obligatory, (n) requisite,
so, truly, (int) forsooth; antonym (adv) possibly, 2. necessity, demand, need; antonyms (adj)
really; synonyms (adv) honestly, genuinely, real, unnecessary, optional, surplus, needless,
very, simply, authentically, practically, essentially, unjustified, 2. essential; synonyms (adj) necessary,
extremely, highly, quite, right, just, (adj) indeed, crucial, inherent, constituent, elementary, natural,
sincerely, 3. honestly; synonyms (adv) frankly, central, constitutional, elemental, innate, intrinsic,
fairly, candidly, directly, justly, faithfully, material, prerequisite, primary, (n) base; antonyms
aboveboard, openly, fair, bluntly, plainly, (adj) (adj) minor, secondary, (n) inessential, option,
earnestly, accurately; antonyms (adv) dishonestly, unimportant, peripheral, luxury, 3. required;
deceitfully, misleadingly, 4. actually; synonyms synonyms (adj) needed, needful, bound, desired,
(adv) presently, correctly, literally, physically, binding, wanted, vital; antonyms (adj) free,
bodily, easily, effectually, indisputably, truthfully, undesirable.
actively, efficaciously, evidently, forthwith, hence, gereklilik 1. necessity; synonyms (n) demand, need,
immediately, 5. truly; synonyms (adv) legitimately, lack, essential, exigency, compulsion, emergency,
loyally, awfully, completely, fully, rightfully; constraint, distress, indigence, must, necessary,
antonym (adv) falsely, 6. positively; synonyms obligation, requirement, want; antonym (n) option,
(adv) necessarily, expressly, decidedly, categorically, 2. must; synonyms (v) have, mold, ought, shall,
favorably, yes; antonyms (adv) disapprovingly, should, (n) necessity, mustiness, requisite,
negatively. condition, prerequisite, (adj) goatish.
gerçi though; synonyms (conj) nevertheless, gereksinim 1. requirement; synonyms (n) need,
notwithstanding, still, whereas, while, (adv) even, necessity, demand, essential, obligation,
tho', (adj) although, however. prerequisite, provision, claim, clause, condition,
gereç material (malzeme); synonyms (n) body, exigency, must, necessary, proviso, want; antonym
cloth, matter, stuff, fabric, substance, (adj) bodily, (n) option, 2. need; synonyms (v) lack, require,
destitution, indigence, involve, exact, have, take, (n)

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184 Turkish - English

desire, deficiency, deprivation, requirement, filter, screen, sift, tax, endeavor, exert, extend,
absence, beggary, distress; antonym (n) wealth, 3. percolate, pull; antonym (v) relax, 4. stretch;
want (istemek); synonyms (v) like, hope, crave, synonyms (n) extent, run, expanse, extension,
covet, (n) poverty, wish, famine, dearth, penury, range, span, (v) elongate, lengthen, prolong, spread,
privation, shortage, pauperism, defect, ambition, draw, enlarge, broaden, distend, expand; antonym
fancy; antonyms (v) dislike, hate. (v) shorten.
gereksinme want (istemek); synonyms (v) need, geri 1. back (arka, sırt); synonyms (adv) before,
desire, (n) lack, poverty, wish, deficiency, backward, (n) rear, (adj) assist, (v) support, advocate,
deprivation, famine, absence, dearth, demand, endorse, recede, second, stake, vouch, guarantee,
destitution, indigence, necessity, penury; antonyms aid, champion, encourage; antonyms (n) face, (v)
(v) dislike, hate. front, oppose, advance, 2. behind; synonyms (prep)
gereksiz 1. needless; synonyms (adj) gratuitous, after, abaft, (adv) backwards, late, later, aback,
unnecessary, dispensable, excessive, meaningless, beyond, (n) backside, bottom, buttocks, can,
pointless, preventable, wanton, (v) superfluous; posterior, rump, tail, (adj) back; antonyms (adv)
antonym (adj) necessary, 2. unnecessary; ahead, early, fore, 3. slow (Yavaş, yavaşlamak);
synonyms (adj) redundant, needless, surplus, synonyms (adj) dull, easy, sluggish, heavy, dense,
excess, spare, undue, useless, extra, unneeded; dim, gradual, inactive, indolent, lazy, stupid,
antonym (adj) reasonable, 3. redundant; belated, (v) slack, (adv) behind, behindhand;
synonyms (adj) pleonastic, wordy, additional, antonyms (adj) fast, intelligent, rapid, bright, alert,
repetitious, exuberant, superabundant, brisk, hasty, prompt, quick, speedy, hurried,
supererogatory, supernumerary, verbose, windy. observant, rushed, (v) accelerate, 4. rear; synonyms
(adj) erect, (n) poop, (v) breed, nurture, raise,
gerektirmek 1. involve; synonyms (v) imply,
educate, foster, nurse, build, elevate, hoist, lift,
contain, affect, embrace, entail, implicate, comprise,
complicate, demand, encompass, engage, envelop, edify, construct, parent.
include, tangle, (n) entangle; antonym (v) exclude, geribildirim feedback; synonyms (n) reply, response,
2. exact (tam); synonyms (adj) detailed, precise, reaction, repercussion, rejoinder, retort, (v) answer,
actual, authentic, careful, definite, direct, faithful, respond.
(v) accurate, close, require, claim, command, ask, (n) gericilik reaction (reaksiyon, tepki, tepkime);
correct; antonyms (adj) inaccurate, imprecise, synonyms (n) answer, response, backlash, reply,
vague, wrong, approximate, inexact, 3. want effect, reception, rejoinder, repercussion, retort,
(istemek); synonyms (v) need, desire, (n) lack,
poverty, wish, deficiency, deprivation, famine, geride back (arka, geri, sırt); synonyms (adv) before,
absence, dearth, destitution, indigence, necessity, backward, (n) rear, (adj) assist, (v) support, advocate,
penury, privation; antonyms (v) dislike, hate. endorse, recede, second, stake, vouch, guarantee,
aid, champion, encourage; antonyms (n) face, (v)
gergi stay (kalma, kalmak); synonyms (v) remain,
reside, rest, prop, stop, abide, continue, endure, front, oppose, advance.
pause, arrest, bide, dwell, support, (n) delay, halt; gerileme 1. regression; synonyms (n) regress, lapse,
antonyms (v) leave, change, abscond, depart. setback, degeneration, deterioration, decay, relapse,
retreat, retrogression, reverse, reversion, fixation,
gergin 1. tense; synonyms (adj) strained, edgy,
nervous, taut, stiff, uptight, jumpy, wired, 2. recession; synonyms (n) decline, depression,
stretched, jittery, tight, (v) overwrought, strain, fall, niche, recess, slump, corner, receding.
extend, tighten; antonyms (adj) relaxed, calm, gerilim 1. tension (gerginlik); synonyms (n)
comfortable, tranquil, loose, (v) relax, 2. tight; tenseness, pressure, strain, nervousness, stress,
synonyms (adj) close, compact, firm, mean, tautness, tensity, tone, nerves, suspense, effort,
parsimonious, secure, snug, tense, drunk, miserly, anxiety, balance, disagreement, elasticity;
rigorous, (v) narrow, fast, stingy, near; antonyms antonyms (n) calmness, looseness, 2. voltage;
(adj) baggy, generous, slack, wide, (adv) loosely. synonyms (n) potential, emf, energy, power,
gerginlik 1. tension (gerilim); synonyms (n) current, electricity, potency, potentiality.
tenseness, pressure, strain, nervousness, stress, gerilimsiz dead (ölmüş, ölü); synonyms (adj) dull,
tautness, tensity, tone, nerves, suspense, effort, lifeless, cold, defunct, inanimate, absolute,
anxiety, balance, disagreement, elasticity; breathless, deceased, extinct, fallen, flat, gone, idle,
antonyms (n) calmness, looseness, 2. stress (adv) right, absolutely; antonyms (adj) alive, animate,

(stres); synonyms (n) accent, emphasis, tension, (n) living.

force, importance, pinch, accentuation, brunt, (v) gerilme 1. strain; synonyms (n) stress, breed, effort,
emphasize, accentuate, emphasise, punctuate, stretch, exertion, race, (v) filter, screen, sift, tax,
underline, trouble, highlight, 3. strain; synonyms endeavor, exert, extend, percolate, pull; antonym
(n) breed, stretch, exertion, race, reach, song, (v) (v) relax, 2. stress (gerginlik, stres); synonyms (n)

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accent, emphasis, pressure, tension, force, stress, breed, effort, stretch, exertion, race, song,
importance, pinch, accentuation, (v) strain, stock, (v) filter, screen, sift, tax, endeavor, exert,
emphasize, accentuate, emphasise, punctuate, percolate; antonym (v) relax, 5. tense; synonyms
underline, trouble, 3. tension (gerginlik, (adj) strained, edgy, nervous, taut, stiff, uptight,
gerilim); synonyms (n) tenseness, nervousness, jumpy, wired, stretched, jittery, tight, dramatic,
tautness, tensity, tone, nerves, suspense, anxiety, exciting, (v) overwrought, tighten; antonyms (adj)
balance, disagreement, elasticity, electricity, relaxed, calm, comfortable, tranquil, loose.
hostility, spring, stretching; antonyms (n) calmness, getiri yield (verim); synonyms (n) produce, return,
looseness. give, output, proceeds, (v) surrender, allow,
gerilmek tense; synonyms (adj) strained, edgy, concede, submit, cede, grant, relinquish, bow,
nervous, taut, stiff, uptight, jumpy, wired, accede, afford; antonyms (v) resist, persevere.
stretched, jittery, tight, (v) overwrought, strain, getirmek 1. fetch; synonyms (v) carry, bring, convey,
extend, tighten; antonyms (adj) relaxed, calm, draw, elicit, attract, catch, get, retrieve, transport,
comfortable, tranquil, loose, (v) relax. conduct, extract, earn, bear, (adj) feint, 2. bring;
Gerinme stretch; synonyms (n) extent, run, expanse, synonyms (v) fetch, put, take, reduce, afford,
extension, range, (v) extend, reach, strain, elongate, bestow, deliver, land, move, provide, beget,
lengthen, prolong, spread, draw, enlarge, broaden; accompany, arrest, contribute, escort, 3. return
antonym (v) shorten. (dönmek, dönüş); synonyms (n) yield, pay,
gerinmek stretch; synonyms (n) extent, run, expanse, recompense, refund, restitution, proceeds, income,
extension, range, (v) extend, reach, strain, elongate, (v) recur, reimburse, render, repay, restoration,

lengthen, prolong, spread, draw, enlarge, broaden; restore, retort, answer; antonyms (n) departure,
antonym (v) shorten. abolition, confiscation, recovery, (v) keep, 4. get
gerisinde behind; synonyms (prep) after, abaft, (adv) (almak, elde etmek, olmak, varmak);
backward, backwards, late, later, aback, beyond, (n) synonyms (v) acquire, gain, attain, become, buy,
backside, bottom, buttocks, can, posterior, (adj) come, fall, achieve, capture, cause, engage, find,
back, rear; antonyms (adv) ahead, early, fore. have, make, obtain; antonyms (v) lose, give, leave.
geriye 1. backwards; synonyms (adv) back, gevezelik gossip (dedikodu); synonyms (n) rumor,
backward, rearward, rearwards, about, arrear, chitchat, gab, chatterbox, conversation, babble,
caudad, contrarily, reflexively, (adv, adj) topsy-turvy, comment, talk, blabbermouth, (v) chat, chatter,
natter, tattle, blab, chaffer; antonym (n) fact.
2. back (arka, geri, sırt); synonyms (adv) before,
(n) rear, (adj) assist, (v) support, advocate, endorse, gevrek 1. tender; synonyms (adj) affectionate, painful,
recede, second, stake, vouch, guarantee, aid, loving, sensitive, soft, sore, compassionate, delicate,
champion, encourage, finance; antonyms (n) face, fond, gentle, mild, (v) proffer, (n) offer, bid,
overture; antonyms (adj) tough, hard, hardhearted,
(v) front, oppose, advance.
rubbery, rough, 2. short (bodur, kısa); synonyms
germe 1. spreading; synonyms (adj) scattering,
(adj) brief, concise, scarce, brusque, close, curt,
diffusing, contagious, diffusive, (n) diffusion,
sharp, compendious, laconic, abrupt, deficient,
dissemination, propagation, dispersion, circulation,
spread, dispersal, extension, scatter, distribution, diminutive, inadequate, insufficient, lacking;
airing, 2. tension (gerginlik, gerilim); antonyms (adj) long, tall, high, lengthy.
synonyms (n) tenseness, pressure, strain, gevşek 1. loose; synonyms (adj) lax, liberal, dissolute,
nervousness, stress, tautness, tensity, tone, nerves, licentious, light, vague, detached, immoral, (v)
suspense, effort, anxiety, balance, disagreement, disengage, liberate, relax, release, detach, (n) free,
elasticity; antonyms (n) calmness, looseness, 3. limp; antonyms (adj) tight, close, compressed,
strain; synonyms (n) breed, stretch, exertion, race, dense, taut, strict, compact, wedged, 2. floppy;
reach, song, (v) filter, screen, sift, tax, endeavor, synonyms (adj) flabby, flaccid, drooping, loose,
exert, extend, percolate, pull; antonym (v) relax. slack, soft, baggy, droopy, (n) diskette; antonym
germek 1. draw (çekmek, çizmek); synonyms (v) (adj) stiff.
attract, drag, delineate, pull, depict, derive, gevşeme relaxation; synonyms (n) ease, diversion,
describe, design, tie, bring, charm, haul, (n) allure, amusement, pastime, entertainment, recreation,
attraction, draft; antonyms (v) push, repel, 2. rest, leisure, comfort, quiet, remission, repose,
stretch; synonyms (n) extent, run, expanse, respite, peace, hobby.
extension, range, (v) extend, reach, strain, elongate, gevşetme relaxation (gevşeme); synonyms (n) ease,
lengthen, prolong, spread, draw, enlarge, broaden; diversion, amusement, pastime, entertainment,
antonym (v) shorten, 3. string (dizi, ip, sicim); recreation, rest, leisure, comfort, quiet, remission,
synonyms (n) chain, file, row, strand, twine, cord, repose, respite, peace, hobby.
filament, rank, series, thread, sequence, fiber, gevşetmek 1. ease (rahat); synonyms (n) comfort,
procession, rope, (adj) line, 4. strain; synonyms (n) convenience, rest, aid, leisure, relief, repose,

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satisfaction, (v) alleviate, assuage, relieve, allay, enjoy, identical, care, desire, fancy, (adj) equal,
facilitate, relax, (adj) smooth; antonyms (n) equivalent, alike, analogous, comparable, same,
difficulty, discomfort, awkwardness, formality, (v) parallel, (n) love, relish; antonyms (prep) unlike, (v)
aggravate, worsen, 2. start (başlamak, dislike, (adj) different.
başlangıç, başlatmak); synonyms (v) begin, gıcırtı jar (kavanoz); synonyms (n) jangle, blow,
originate, commence, drive, launch, embark, crock, container, jog, shake, amphora, bottle, crash,
spring, activate, arise, (n) jump, onset, origin, shock, (v) jolt, clash, creak, bump, collide, jounce.
beginning, commencement; antonyms (v) end, gıda food (besin, yiyecek); synonyms (n) board,
finish, stop, conclude, halt, (n) conclusion, 3. relax; edible, fare, aliment, diet, dish, nourishment,
synonyms (v) loose, abate, give, lounge, unbend, sustenance, eating, fodder, meat, nurture,
melt, debilitate, ease, remit, slack, soften, unbrace, nutriment, nutrition, pabulum.
(n) loosen, release, (adj) relent; antonyms (v) tighten, giden outgoing; synonyms (adj) friendly, expansive,
tense. forthcoming, gregarious, demonstrative, extrovert,
geyik deer; synonyms (n) stag, cervid, antelopes, companionable, open, sociable, extroverted,
bison, camels, cattle, chevrotains, fox, vixen, extrovertish; antonyms (adj) inward, next, reserved,
giraffes, goats, sheep. incoming, introverted.
gezegen planet; synonyms (n) globe, satellite, world, gider 1. expenditure; synonyms (n) charge, cost,
sphere, orbiter. disbursement, consumption, expense, outlay,
gezgin mobile; synonyms (adj) changeable, fluid, exhaustion, outgo, expenses, payment, price,
unsettled, mercurial, expressive, lively, migrant, spending, use, acquit, assets; antonyms (n) income,
motile, erratic, flying, nomadic, peregrine, roving, savings, 2. expense; synonyms (n) expenditure,
(v) movable, shifting; antonyms (adj) immobile, amount, detriment, fee, toll, disbursal.
impassive, motionless. gidermek 1. satisfy (memnun etmek); synonyms
gezi 1. trip; synonyms (n) excursion, expedition, tour, (v) please, content, fill, indulge, meet, persuade,
flight, jaunt, travel, lapse, run, drive, misstep, (v) sate, satiate, appease, answer, assuage, convince,
journey, slip, stumble, fall, (adj) blunder; antonym delight, (adj) suffice, do; antonyms (v) dissatisfy,
(v) fix, 2. tour; synonyms (n) circuit, round, voyage, disappoint, displease, intensify, 2. repair
passage, go, pilgrimage, ramble, tramp, trip, turn, (onarım, onarmak, tamir etmek); synonyms (n)
walk, spell, circle, (v) ride, visit, 3. journey fix, overhaul, (v) remedy, mend, patch, redress,
(seyahat, yolculuk); synonyms (n) way, course, correct, cure, compensate, doctor, renovate, restore,
outing, traverse, movement, route, exodus, heal, amend, go; antonym (v) break.
journeying, progress, (v) cruise, fare, navigate, hike, gidiş 1. going; synonyms (v) go, course, (n) departure,
move, proceed. exit, leaving, parting, disappearance, expiration,
gezici 1. mobile; synonyms (adj) changeable, fluid, action, passing, (adj) running, working, 2.
unsettled, mercurial, expressive, lively, migrant, departure; synonyms (n) death, leave, depart,
motile, erratic, flying, nomadic, peregrine, roving, deviation, divergence, aberration, digression,
(v) movable, shifting; antonyms (adj) immobile, going, takeoff, variation, withdrawal, dying,
impassive, motionless, 2. travelling; synonyms (n) escape, (v) decease, demise; antonyms (n) arrival,
traveling, travel, locomotion. appearance, 3. go (gitmek); synonyms (v) come,
gezinti 1. walk (yürümek, yürüyüş); synonyms (v) elapse, pass, break, crack, disappear, drive, run,
ramble, course, hike, move, roam, travel, trek, go, travel, fall, extend, function, (n) fare, (adj) follow,
(n) step, gait, pace, path, saunter, stroll, excursion, move, 4. stream (akım); synonyms (n) flow,
2. trip (gezi); synonyms (n) expedition, tour, brook, river, spurt, rush, (v) flood, crowd, gush, jet,
flight, jaunt, lapse, run, drive, misstep, ride, (v) pour, swarm, runnel, creek, deluge, (prep) current;
journey, slip, stumble, fall, skip, (adj) blunder; antonym (v) trickle.
antonym (v) fix, 3. ride; synonyms (n) outing, lift, gidişat course (yön); synonyms (n) stream, flow,
voyage, driving, (v) bait, float, mount, rag, tease, bearing, career, current, path, road, route, track,
harass, annoy, drift, climb, continue, (adj) bestride. channel, circuit, class, method, (v) run, chase.
gezmek tour; synonyms (n) journey, excursion, Gir enter (girmek); synonyms (v) enlist, embark,
circuit, round, jaunt, voyage, passage, go, enroll, book, chronicle, record, input, arrive, come,
pilgrimage, ramble, tramp, trip, (v) expedition, accede, attack, begin, board, enrol, insert;
travel, ride. antonyms (v) leave, depart, delete, exit.
gibi 1. as (Olarak); synonyms (conj) qua, because, girdap gulf; synonyms (n) abyss, chasm, bay, cove,
since, considering, while, whilst, (prep) during, like, abysm, inlet, pit, ravine, rift, hollow.
(adv) equally, from, (n) arsenic, 2. like (beğenmek, girdi 1. input (giriş); synonyms (n) contribution,
benzer, sevmek); synonyms (v) corresponding, incoming, data, advice, feed, arousal, comment,

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expression, foreplay, influence, stimulant, aim, chance, undertake, seek, 5. undertaking;

stimulation, stimulus, voice, (v) accredit, 2. entry synonyms (n) labor, promise, task, attempt, project,
(giriş); synonyms (n) entrance, admission, article, job, duty, guarantee, pledge, work, commitment,
door, accession, access, admittance, doorway, affair, assignment, engagement, action, 6. shot;
entree, hall, record, enrollment, entering, synonyms (n) gunshot, injection, fling, ball, crack,
entranceway, entryway; antonym (n) exit. shoot, picture, bang, bullet, discharge, guess, jab,
girift intricate; synonyms (adj) complex, complicated, missile, nip, (adj) iridescent, 7. go (gitmek);
difficult, involved, knotty, hard, tricky, convoluted, synonyms (v) come, elapse, pass, break, depart,
elaborate, entangled, inextricable, obscure, disappear, run, travel, fall, extend, function,
tortuous, knotted, (n) composite; antonyms (adj) operate, (n) fare, (adj) follow, move, 8. step (adım,
simple, straightforward. basamak); synonyms (n) degree, measure, stage,
girinti recession; synonyms (n) decline, depression, walk, gait, gradation, level, rank, act, footprint,
fall, niche, recess, slump, corner, receding. footstep, stride, (v) pace, proceeding, tread, 9.
giriş 1. introduction; synonyms (n) induction, show (gösteri, göstermek); synonyms (v)
beginning, foreword, insertion, preface, present, broadcast, expose, guide, indicate, parade,
presentation, entrance, initiation, preamble, demonstrate, disclose, evidence, (n) display,
preliminary, prelude, admission, entry, intro, appearance, exhibit, produce, ostentation,
opening; antonyms (n) finale, export, postscript, 2. presentation; antonyms (v) conceal, disprove, hide.
entry; synonyms (n) article, door, accession, access, girişken aggressive; synonyms (adj) belligerent,
admittance, doorway, entree, hall, record, active, energetic, enterprising, hostile, invasive,
enrollment, entering, entranceway, entryway, offensive, pushy, warlike, strong, strenuous,
gateway, incursion; antonym (n) exit, 3. input assertive, dynamic, militant, pugnacious;
(girdi); synonyms (n) contribution, incoming, data, antonyms (adj) peaceful, friendly, peaceable,
advice, feed, arousal, comment, expression, passive, peace-loving, suspicious.
foreplay, influence, stimulant, stimulation, girişkenlik enterprise; synonyms (n) business,
stimulus, voice, (v) accredit, 4. access; synonyms company, concern, endeavor, activity, adventure,
(n) approach, gate, attack, fit, outburst, passage, (v) energy, courage, effort, endeavour, firm, initiative,
enter, infiltrate, 5. intake; synonyms (n) spirit, venture, corporation.
absorption, consumption, ingestion, drinking, girişmek undertake; synonyms (v) attempt, try,
eating, uptake, expenditure, receipt, harvest, accept, contract, covenant, guarantee, tackle, take,
ingesta, phthisis, tap, usance, 6. entrance; assume, assure, begin, engage, promise, endeavor,
synonyms (n) arrival, threshold, advent, seek.
appearance, (v) enchant, captivate, charm, bewitch, giriþ input (girdi, giriş); synonyms (n) contribution,
enrapture, fascinate, enthrall, delight, beguile, incoming, data, advice, feed, arousal, comment,
capture, enamor; antonyms (n) departure, (v) bore, expression, foreplay, influence, stimulant,
7. admission (kabul); synonyms (n) acceptance, stimulation, stimulus, voice, (v) accredit.
acknowledgment, confession, declaration, girme 1. entrance; synonyms (n) admission, access,
reception, recognition, confirmation, acquiescence, entry, admittance, arrival, door, doorway,
affirmation, allowance, concession, inclusion, threshold, accession, (v) enchant, captivate, charm,
introduction, pass, permission; antonym (n) denial, bewitch, enrapture, fascinate; antonyms (n)
8. door (kapı); synonyms (n) mouth, hatch, inlet, departure, exit, (v) bore, 2. entry (giriş);
porch, portal, wicket, chops, covercle. synonyms (n) entrance, article, entree, hall, record,
girişim 1. interference (karışma); synonyms (n) enrollment, entering, entranceway, entryway,
disturbance, hindrance, handicap, block, blocking, gateway, incursion, note, opening, register, gate.
encumbrance, hitch, inhibition, intercession, girmek 1. enter; synonyms (v) enlist, embark, enroll,
intervention, obstruction, antagonism, book, chronicle, record, input, arrive, come, accede,
intermeddling, disruption, (v) collision, 2. attack, begin, board, enrol, insert; antonyms (v)
initiative; synonyms (n) enterprise, gumption, leave, depart, delete, exit, 2. step (adım,
opening, ambition, energy, drive, inventiveness, basamak); synonyms (n) degree, measure, stage,
creativity, originality, enterprisingness, (adj) initial, walk, gait, gradation, level, rank, act, footprint,
inaugural, initiatory, incipient, first, 3. enterprise; footstep, move, stride, (v) pace, proceeding.
synonyms (n) business, company, concern, gırtlak throat (boğaz); synonyms (n) gullet, orifice,
endeavor, activity, adventure, courage, effort, pharynx, gorge, mouth, muzzle, chimney, flue,
endeavour, firm, initiative, spirit, venture, funnel, nostril, nozzle, quarl, shaft, sucker.
corporation, establishment, 4. attempt
gitme 1. going; synonyms (v) go, course, (n)
(yeltenmek); synonyms (n) try, assay, essay, offer, departure, exit, leaving, parting, disappearance,
trial, attack, assault, bid, exertion, go, (v) struggle, expiration, action, passing, (adj) running, working,

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2. go (gitmek); synonyms (v) come, elapse, pass, undress, 5. wear; synonyms (v) endure, bear,
break, crack, depart, disappear, drive, run, travel, fatigue, tire, waste, fray, frazzle, assume, break,
fall, extend, function, (n) fare, (adj) follow. don, have, last, stand, exhaust, (n) erosion;
gitmek 1. go; synonyms (v) come, elapse, pass, break, antonym (v) refresh.
crack, depart, disappear, drive, run, travel, fall, giz secret; synonyms (adj) concealed, covert, hidden,
extend, function, (n) fare, (adj) follow, 2. move mysterious, confidential, furtive, obscure, occult,
(hareket, taşınmak); synonyms (v) act, affect, secrecy, clandestine, (n) privacy, arcanum, (v)
carry, excite, go, impel, instigate, maneuver, touch, private, secluded, close; antonyms (adj) open, (n)
flow, bear, disturb, actuate, (n) motion, transfer; known, public.
antonym (v) stay, 3. repair (onarım, onarmak, gizem 1. mystery; synonyms (n) conundrum,
tamir etmek); synonyms (n) fix, overhaul, (v) arcanum, enigma, secret, mysteriousness, puzzle,
remedy, mend, patch, redress, correct, cure, secrecy, craft, perplexity, poser, problem, riddle,
compensate, doctor, renovate, restore, heal, amend, whodunit, cabala, question; antonyms (n) clearness,
reclaim. explanation, 2. secret; synonyms (adj) concealed,
gıyap absence (yokluk); synonyms (n) absenteeism, covert, hidden, mysterious, confidential, furtive,
dearth, default, deficiency, lack, want, obscure, occult, clandestine, dark, esoteric, (n)
nonattendance, paucity, scarcity, shortage; privacy, (v) private, secluded, close; antonyms (adj)
antonyms (n) presence, attendance. open, (n) known, public.
giydirme dressing; synonyms (n) bandage, gizemli 1. mystical; synonyms (adj) mystic,
bandaging, binding, fertilization, stuffing, scolding, mysterious, esoteric, hidden, occult, secret, cryptic,
castigation, coating, surfacing. cryptical, metaphysical, 2. mysterious; synonyms
giydirmek dress (elbise); synonyms (n) attire, (adj) inscrutable, deep, eerie, incomprehensible,
costume, apparel, array, dressing, clothes, (v) inexplicable, abstruse, arcane, dark, obscure,
clothe, clothing, garb, rig, trim, adjust, adorn, clandestine, concealed, covert, enigmatic,
bandage, cover; antonym (v) undress. impenetrable, mystical; antonyms (adj) known,
giyim 1. clothing; synonyms (n) clothes, apparel, straightforward, apparent, normal.
attire, dress, gear, outfit, threads, habit, wear, (v) Gizle hide (gizlemek); synonyms (v) conceal,
vesture, 2. dress (elbise); synonyms (n) costume, disguise, obscure, bury, cloak, mask, shelter, (n)
array, dressing, frock, (v) clothe, clothing, garb, rig, cover, fur, coat, fell, skin, veil, cloud, (adj) darken;
trim, adjust, adorn, bandage, cover, deck, decorate; antonyms (v) reveal, show, expose, express.
antonym (v) undress. gizleme secretion; synonyms (n) exudation,
giyinme wear; synonyms (v) dress, endure, bear, discharge, emission, exhalation, extrusion, juice,
fatigue, tire, waste, fray, frazzle, (n) clothing, concealment, liquid, emanation, discrimination,
apparel, attire, clothes, garb, erosion, garment; flow, production, release, secernment, pus.
antonym (v) refresh. gizlemek 1. hide; synonyms (v) conceal, disguise,
giyinmek dress (elbise); synonyms (n) attire, obscure, bury, cloak, mask, shelter, (n) cover, fur,
costume, apparel, array, dressing, clothes, (v) coat, fell, skin, veil, cloud, (adj) darken; antonyms
clothe, clothing, garb, rig, trim, adjust, adorn, (v) reveal, show, expose, express, 2. cloak;
bandage, cover; antonym (v) undress. synonyms (n) camouflage, cape, masquerade, pall,
giymek 1. wear; synonyms (v) dress, endure, bear, screen, blind, blanket, curtain, (v) wrap, dissemble,
fatigue, tire, waste, fray, frazzle, (n) clothing, hide, drape, envelop, mantle, shroud; antonyms (v)
apparel, attire, clothes, garb, erosion, garment; disclose, uncover, 3. screen (ekran, perde);
antonym (v) refresh, 2. don; synonyms (n) teacher, synonyms (n) shade, riddle, partition, guard,
protection, covert, concealment, divider, (v) shield,
instructor, master, preceptor, professor, academic,
bigwig, coach, corypheus, crammer, director, (v) protect, filter, safeguard, sieve, defend, harbor, 4.
assume, wear. obscure; synonyms (adj) cloudy, dim, dark,
giysi 1. costume (kostüm); synonyms (n) attire, gloomy, ambiguous, concealed, hidden,
incomprehensible, muddy, mysterious, clandestine,
clothing, apparel, clothes, dress, garb, suit, outfit,
uniform, disguise, drapery, garment, garments, confused, (v) blur, confuse, (n) difficult; antonyms
(adj) clear, noticeable, simple, obvious, distinct,
gown, (v) clothe, 2. garment; synonyms (n)
habiliment, habit, vest, things, (v) raiment, tog, mainstream, (v) clarify, 5. mask (maske,
enclothe, 3. clothes (elbise); synonyms (n) maskelemek); synonyms (n) guise, pretense,
wardrobe, thing, toggery, vesture, wear, 4. dress masque, facade, covering, pretext, appearance,
color, gauze, semblance, shutter, (v) dissimulate,
(elbise); synonyms (n) costume, array, dressing,
feign, secrete, 6. conceal; synonyms (v) smother,
frock, covering, (v) rig, trim, adjust, adorn, bandage,
suppress, ensconce, muffle, cache, withhold, belie,
cover, deck, decorate, align, arrange; antonym (v)

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fold, contain, bosom, check, palliate, (n) shadow; furtiveness, closeness, stealth, covertness, dark,
antonym (v) divulge. muteness; antonym (n) openness.
gizlenme hiding; synonyms (n) cover, covering, glikoz glucose; synonyms (n) caramel, damson.
concealing, concealment, beating, thrashing, rout, global global; synonyms (adj) general, international,
ambush, coverture, abscondence, covert, defeat, overall, cosmopolitan, universal, worldwide,
defense, hitting, (adj) cowardly; antonym (n) comprehensive, earthly, ecumenical, total, globose,
victory. globular, inclusive, orbicular, planetary; antonyms
gizlenmek hide (gizlemek); synonyms (v) conceal, (adj) local, national.
disguise, obscure, bury, cloak, mask, shelter, (n) göbek 1. belly (karın); synonyms (n) abdomen,
cover, fur, coat, fell, skin, veil, cloud, (adj) darken; stomach, inside, bowels, intestines, waist, entrails,
antonyms (v) reveal, show, expose, express. gut, paunch, venter, (v) balloon, swell, billow, bloat,
gizli 1. confidential; synonyms (adj) close, classified, bulge, 2. core (çekirdek); synonyms (n) bosom,
private, secret, clandestine, intimate, privileged, center, essence, gist, heart, kernel, marrow,
thick, inner, closet, bosom, familiar, hidden, quintessence, stone, mind, base, burden, centre,
inward, personal; antonym (adj) public, 2. hidden; crux, focus; antonym (adj) minor.
synonyms (adj) concealed, obscure, dark, covert, göç 1. immigration; synonyms (n) migration,
latent, arcane, buried, confidential, covered, deep, colonization, entrance, relocation, journey,
disguised, invisible, masked, mysterious, movement, passage, resettlement, voyage, (v)
underground; antonyms (adj) obvious, exposed, emigration, intermigration, 2. migration;
open, active, noticeable, overt, revealing, 3. secret; synonyms (n) exodus, transmigration, departure,
synonyms (adj) furtive, occult, secrecy, esoteric, exile, metempsychosis, evacuation, flood, travel, (v)
mystic, privy, recondite, stealthy, surreptitious, flit, flitting.
confidence, (n) privacy, arcanum, enigma, mystery, göğüs 1. breast; synonyms (n) bosom, boob, chest,
(v) secluded; antonym (n) known, 4. blind (kör, knocker, tit, titty, mammilla, bust, heart, mamma,
kör etmek); synonyms (adj) sightless, nipple, pap, soul, spirit, (v) front, 2. chest;
undiscerning, (v) bedazzle, daze, dazzle, (n) screen, synonyms (n) box, bureau, case, casket, dresser,
curtain, shutter, awning, drape, trick, veil, chamber, crate, thorax, treasury, trunk.
camouflage, cheat, cloak; antonym (adj) sighted, 5. gök sky (gökyüzü); synonyms (n) air, heaven,
inner (iç); synonyms (adj) internal, interior, central, atmosphere, heavens, space, (v) fling, flip, pitch,
inside, mental, middle, domestic, inland; antonyms agitate, alternate, cant, chuck, convulse, deliver,
(adj) external, outer, 6. invisible; synonyms (adj) discard.
imperceptible, inconspicuous, intangible, gökada galaxy (galaksi); synonyms (n) constellation,
impalpable, unseeable, unseen, evanescent; beetleweed, bevy, cosmos, galax, bunch, coltsfoot,
antonyms (adj) visible, conspicuous, 7. dark speckling, wandflower, (adj) array, army, sea, sight,
star, sun.
(koyu); synonyms (adj) black, dismal, cheerless,
dim, blind, blue, gloomy, murky, sable, abstruse, gökkuşağı bow; synonyms (n) arc, curve, obeisance,
(n) cloudy, darkness, evening, night, shadow;
turn, curvature, (v) bend, arch, stoop, duck, buckle,
antonyms (adj) bright, sunny, fair, clear, pale, pallid, crouch, incline, kowtow, crook, defer.
sunlit, (n) light, day, 8. classified; synonyms (adj) gökyüzü 1. sky (gök); synonyms (n) air, heaven,
hush-hush, chronological, exclusive, regular, atmosphere, heavens, space, (v) fling, flip, pitch,
undisclosed, 9. latent; synonyms (adj) potential, agitate, alternate, cant, chuck, convulse, deliver,
discard, 2. air (hava, havalandırmak);
dormant, inactive, possible, smoldering, 10.
synonyms (n) tune, appearance, manner, look,
restricted; synonyms (v) qualified, (adj) limited,
melody, strain, face, aspect, (v) ventilate, broadcast,
confined, cramped, narrow, constrained, local,
show, transmit, vent, weather, aerate.
controlled, finite, prohibited, bounded,
circumscribed, reserved, tight, captive; antonyms
gol goal (hedef, kale); synonyms (n) aim, butt,
design, destination, end, purpose, basket, ambition,
(adj) unrestricted, far-reaching, free, liberated,
intent, intention, object, objective, target, aspiration,
unimpeded, unlimited, wide, 11. underground;
synonyms (adj) undercover, belowground, guerilla,
guerrilla, irregular, (n) metro, subway, tube, göl 1. lake; synonyms (n) loch, pond, pool, puddle,
resistance, (v) underhand. carmine, crimson, lin, maroon, plash, slab, tank,
basin, pink, red, scarlet, 2. loch; synonyms (n) bay,
gizlilik 1. privacy (mahremiyet); synonyms (n)
seclusion, secrecy, confidentiality, darkness, lake, inlet, tarn, well, looch, lincture.
privateness, retreat, concealment, loneliness, gölcük pool (havuz); synonyms (n) plash, lake, pond,
shelter, retirement, solitude, 2. secrecy; synonyms mere, cartel, basin, kitty, syndicate, trust, billiards,
(n) privacy, silence, mystery, secretiveness, mum, lough, store, (v) combine, merge, associate.
golf golf; synonyms (n) croquet, pallone, polo, tipcat.

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gölge 1. shadow; synonyms (n) shade, ghost, tail, synonyms (n) boat, ferry, craft, bottom, (v) send,
trace, darkness, hint, apparition, follower, gloom, transport, consign, embark, move, transfer, charge,
phantom, reflection, (v) eclipse, follow, obscure, transmit, 4. refer (bakmak, başvurmak);
overshadow, 2. shade (gölgelemek, synonyms (v) allude, apply, pertain, submit,
gölgelendirmek); synonyms (n) screen, tinge, commend, advert, impute, name, relate, invoke,
color, hue, blind, cloud, conceal, dye, nuance, tone, adduce, ascribe, attribute, appeal, cite.
look, (v) darken, shadow, tint, cover; antonyms (n) gönenç prosperity; synonyms (n) affluence, success,
light, brightness. wealth, flourish, fortune, welfare, opulence,
gölgelemek 1. shade (gölge, gölgelendirmek); abundance, good, prosperousness, benefit, growth,
synonyms (n) screen, tinge, color, ghost, hue, blind, riches, thrift, (adv) happiness; antonym (n) poverty.
cloud, apparition, conceal, darkness, dye, (v) gönül heart (kalp, yürek); synonyms (n) core, center,
darken, shadow, tint, cover; antonyms (n) light, spirit, affection, basis, bosom, breast, courage, crux,
brightness, 2. shadow (gölge); synonyms (n) essence, hub, kernel, marrow, middle, (adj) gist;
shade, tail, trace, hint, follower, gloom, phantom, antonym (n) edge.
reflection, umbrage, (v) eclipse, follow, obscure, gönüllü 1. volunteer; synonyms (n) voluntary, (v)
overshadow, track, dog. offer, proffer, tender, extend, propose, submit, (adj)
gölgelendirmek 1. shade (gölge, gölgelemek); unpaid, 2. willing; synonyms (adj) agreeable,
synonyms (n) screen, tinge, color, ghost, hue, blind, disposed, ready, spontaneous, amenable, inclined,
cloud, apparition, conceal, darkness, dye, (v) prepared, enthusiastic, unforced, consenting,
darken, shadow, tint, cover; antonyms (n) light, obliging, content, desirous, game, glad; antonyms
brightness, 2. shadow (gölge); synonyms (n) (adj) unwilling, reluctant, 3. voluntary; synonyms
shade, tail, trace, hint, follower, gloom, phantom, (adj) optional, deliberate, gratuitous, intentional,
reflection, umbrage, (v) eclipse, follow, obscure, willing, willful, elective, (n) volunteer; antonyms
overshadow, track, dog. (adj) involuntary, compulsory, forced, instinctive.
gölgelik canopy; synonyms (n) awning, cover, screen, gönüllülük 1. readiness; synonyms (n) facility,
shade, ceiling, pavilion, blind, bubble, shield, visor. alacrity, ease, dexterity, eagerness, expedition,
gömlek 1. shirt; synonym (n) shirtwaist, 2. jacket knack, preparation, promptness, quickness, fitness,
(ceket); synonyms (n) casing, sheath, case, cover, maturity, aptitude, (v) preparedness, ripeness, 2.
covering, envelope, coat, skin, shield, wrap, (v) willingness; synonyms (n) readiness, obedience,
clothe. desire, appetite, volition, amity, benevolence,
gömme 1. funeral; synonyms (n) burial, entombment, conformity, favor, generosity, support, gameness,
inclination, keenness; antonym (n) unwillingness.
interment, pyre, wake, committal, (adj) funebrial, 2.
sunk; synonyms (v) dashed, (adj) sunken, undone, gönülsüz reluctant; synonyms (adj) disinclined, loath,
averse, unwilling, hesitant, indisposed, loth,
finished, profound, ruined, immersed, blasted,
involuntary, backward, diffident, shy, chary, slow,
buried, damaged, damp, deep, dejected, depressed,
tardy, adverse; antonyms (adj) inclined, willing,
Gönder send (göndermek, yollamak); synonyms
(v) despatch, pass, convey, deliver, dispatch, gönülsüzlük reluctance; synonyms (n) disinclination,
forward, give, mail, post, carry, divert, project, aversion, hesitation, indisposition, distaste, disgust,
beam, cast, channel. dislike, opposition, repugnance, unwillingness,
diffidence, hesitancy, scruple; antonym (n)
gönderme 1. reference (ilgi, referans); synonyms
(n) citation, mention, quotation, quote, allusion, inclination.
bearing, connection, recommendation, innuendo, gönye square (kare); synonyms (adj) right, even,
annotation, character, concern, consultation, (v) cite, rectangular, fair, quadrate, straight, equal, (n) area,
refer, 2. transmission; synonyms (n) circulation, foursquare, rectangle, quadrilateral, (v) settle, agree,
conveyance, contagion, transfer, broadcast, correspond, (adv) just.
communication, drive, infection, spread, göre by (tarafından); synonyms (prep) beside, at, of,
transmittal, transmittance, dissemination, passage, about, on, per, (adv) aside, away, past, through,
transmitting. apart, along, beyond, (adv, prep) alongside, (adj) over.
göndermek 1. send (yollamak); synonyms (v) göreceli relative (göreli); synonyms (adj) related,
despatch, pass, convey, deliver, dispatch, forward, comparative, proportionate, proportional,
give, mail, post, carry, divert, project, beam, cast, dependent, relevant, (n) relation, brother,
channel, 2. forward (ileri); synonyms (adv) connection, congenator, congener, (v) kinsman;
onward, fore, ahead, along, (adj) bold, audacious, antonym (adj) absolute.
advanced, early, brazen, confident, (n) further, (v) göreli relative; synonyms (adj) related, comparative,
advance, expedite, promote, cultivate; antonyms proportionate, proportional, dependent, relevant,
(adv) backward, (adj) shy, posterior, 3. ship (gemi);

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(n) relation, brother, connection, congenator, assignment, charge, committee, (v) assign, accredit,
congener, (v) kinsman; antonym (adj) absolute. designate, appoint, authorize, delegate.
görenek custom (gelenek); synonyms (n) tradition, görevli employee; synonyms (n) clerk, laborer, hand,
habit, convention, practice, usage, use, fashion, worker, apprentice, assistant, helper, drudge, labor,
impost, method, observance, order, rite, ritual, (v) beginner, breadwinner, cog, convert, craftsman,
accustom, (adj) bespoke. flunky; antonym (n) employer.
görev 1. task; synonyms (n) job, assignment, charge, görgül empirical; synonyms (adj) empiric,
commission, duty, enterprise, labor, project, stint, experimental, observational, observed, pragmatic,
occupation, activity, business, chore, (v) tax, charlatanical, practical, experient, factual,
exercise, 2. job (iş); synonyms (n) employment, pretentious, provisional, quackish, speculative, (v)
position, work, career, matter, post, task, concern, tentative, probationary; antonym (adj) theoretical.
function, line, mission, office, profession, trade, görgülü experienced; synonyms (adj) accomplished,
vocation, 3. commission (kurul); synonyms (n) capable, educated, competent, expert,
board, delegation, mandate, warrant, committee, knowledgeable, old, practiced, proficient, skillful,
errand, (v) assign, accredit, designate, appoint, sophisticated, trained, able, conversant, informed;
authorize, delegate, empower, place, nominate, 4. antonyms (adj) inexperienced, naive, immature.
assignment; synonyms (n) allocation, allotment, görgüsüz provincial; synonyms (adj) local, country,
appointment, assigning, apportionment, insular, parochial, unsophisticated, narrow, rural,
assignation, consignment, designation, transfer, (n) bucolic, peasant, rustic, churl; antonym (adj)
conveyance, delivery, grant, problem, 5. mission; cosmopolitan.
synonyms (n) deputation, goal, legation, delegacy, görkem 1. glory (şan); synonyms (n) fame, celebrity,
calling, expedition, purpose, agendum, care, 6. brightness, honor, pride, distinction, credit, dignity,
service (hizmet); synonyms (n) help, aid, eclat, eminence, glitter, glorification, (v) halo, exult,
assistance, avail, ministration, ceremony, utility, boast, 2. state (devlet, durum, eyalet);
agency, ministry, (v) overhaul, serve, refit, assist, synonyms (n) nation, position, say, country,
attendance, repair, 7. function (fonksiyon, kingdom, show, place, (v) declare, expound,
işlev); synonyms (n) role, service, application, part, express, mention, affirm, allege, announce, (adj)
party, procedure, use, affair, force, (v) act, run, go, national; antonyms (v) deny, (adj) private, 3.
operate, suffice, exploit, 8. office (büro, ofis); majesty; synonyms (n) glory, grandeur, loftiness,
synonyms (n) division, authority, berth, bureau, splendor, greatness, magnificence, nobility,
engagement, location, establishment, department, stateliness, king, royalty, highness, pomp, emperor,
situation, spot, lieu, attitude, branch, management, holiness, (adj) solemnity.
(adj) clerical, 9. duty; synonyms (n) commitment, görkemli 1. splendid; synonyms (adj) fine, gorgeous,
obligation, dues, must, responsibility, custom, illustrious, magnificent, beautiful, brilliant, grand,
assessment, debt, deference, impost, toll, burden, noble, royal, gallant, proud, admirable, good, (v)
allegiance, piety, demand, 10. part (bölüm, glorious, (n) excellent; antonym (adj) poor, 2.
parça); synonyms (n) constituent, piece, article, magnificent; synonyms (adj) imposing, splendid,
character, component, cut, portion, section, share, grandiose, elegant, superb, divine, exquisite,
(v) break, disjoin, divide, divorce, class, cleave; fabulous, luxurious, majestic, rich, stately, brave,
antonyms (n) whole, entirety, (adj) complete, 11. impressive, lovely, 3. brilliant; synonyms (adj)
charge; synonyms (n) accusation, command, bill, bright, intelligent, luminous, spectacular, sunny,
accusal, assail, direction, (v) accuse, blame, attack, vivid, brainy, diamond, gaudy, gifted,
bid, load, arraign, assault, cost, fill; antonyms (v) incandescent, meteoric, sharp, (v) smart, (n) jewel;
request, absolve, retreat, 12. appointment antonyms (adj) dull, dim, awful, dark.
(atama, randevu); synonyms (n) date, fitting, görme 1. vision; synonyms (n) sight, view, dream,
rendezvous, conference, election, encounter, daydream, imagination, outlook, specter, ghost,
meeting, naming, selection, appointee, 13. work spirit, apparition, fantasy, hallucination, image,
(çalışma, çalışmak, iş); synonyms (n) action, phantom, (v) fancy; antonym (n) reality, 2. sight
book, composition, writing, deed, effort, (v) toil, (görüş); synonyms (n) vision, glimpse, prospect,
cultivate, ferment, form, manipulate, operation, scene, show, aspect, eye, eyesight, (v) aim, spot, see,
produce, do, forge; antonyms (v) idle, malfunction, appearance, descry, discern, perceive.
14. position (konum); synonyms (n) lay, görmek 1. see (anlamak); synonyms (v) look, feel,
condition, opinion, placement, rank, set, discover, appreciate, behold, consider, deem,
arrangement, bearing, (v) grade, fix, locate, arrange, discern, distinguish, know, notice, recognize,
install, point, pose. apprehend, (adj) observe, perceive, 2. experience
görevlendirmek commission (kurul); synonyms (n) (deneyim, tecrübe); synonyms (n) event, episode,
board, mission, delegation, job, mandate, warrant, happening, taste, (v) encounter, endure, suffer,

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examine, enjoy, have, live, meet, receive, sustain, görüntü 1. image (resim); synonyms (n) figure,
(adj) see; antonym (n) inexperience, 3. look (bakış, picture, fancy, conception, effigy, form, idea,
bakmak); synonyms (v) seem, appear, expect, impression, resemblance, design, double, epitome,
figure, attend, (n) face, gaze, appearance, aspect, air, icon, (v) depict, envision, 2. picture (resim,
countenance, expression, glance, guise, view, 4. tablo); synonyms (n) photograph, paint, drawing,
sight (görüş); synonyms (n) vision, glimpse, likeness, depiction, description, film, illustration,
prospect, scene, show, eye, eyesight, outlook, landscape, painting, (v) image, describe, draw,
spectacle, (v) aim, spot, descry, detect, find, (adj) imagine, copy, 3. video; synonyms (n) television,
eyesore, 5. view (bakış, bakmak, görünüm, movie, telecasting, (v) tape, record, 4. display;
manzara); synonyms (n) sight, judgment, opinion, synonyms (n) array, presentation, appearance,
idea, thought, notion, position, survey, belief, screen, demonstration, exhibition, (v) exhibit, show,
estimation, impression, panorama, perspective, disclose, parade, expose, produce, brandish, flaunt,
persuasion, (v) regard, 6. spot (benek, leke, indicate; antonym (v) conceal.
nokta); synonyms (n) blot, place, speck, stain, dot, görüntüleme view (bakış, bakmak, görünüm,
dapple, dirty, location, mark, (v) blemish, soil, fleck, manzara); synonyms (n) look, sight, judgment,
speckle, daub, flaw. opinion, scene, idea, outlook, prospect, thought,
görsel visual; synonyms (adj) visible, graphic, ocular, aspect, (v) regard, observe, see, consider, eye.
optic, optical, seeable, artistic, decorative, görünüm 1. outlook; synonyms (n) aspect,
diagrammatic, drawn, (n) visuals, image, picture, expectation, lookout, anticipation, hope,
design, diagram. expectancy, angle, attitude, future, look,
görü vision (görme); synonyms (n) sight, view, perspective, position, scene, (v) prospect, landscape,
dream, daydream, imagination, outlook, specter, 2. appearance; synonyms (n) air, face, semblance,
ghost, spirit, apparition, fantasy, hallucination, shape, show, advent, apparition, form, image,
image, phantom, (v) fancy; antonym (n) reality. impression, manner, surface, view, appear, arrival;
görülebilir visual (görsel); synonyms (adj) visible, antonyms (n) disappearance, departure, vanishing,
graphic, ocular, optic, optical, seeable, artistic, 3. view (bakış, bakmak, manzara); synonyms
decorative, diagrammatic, drawn, (n) visuals, (n) sight, judgment, opinion, idea, outlook, thought,
image, picture, design, diagram. notion, spectacle, survey, (v) regard, observe, see,
görüngü phenomenon (fenomen); synonyms (n) consider, eye, behold, 4. perspective
event, appearance, marvel, miracle, incident, (perspektif); synonyms (n) panorama, horizon,
development, prodigy, wonder, occurrence, standpoint, viewpoint, vision, slant, stance, vista,
happening, apparition, fact, sight, manifestation, stand, 5. prospect; synonyms (n) possibility,
matter. chance, likelihood, picture, probability, forecast,
görünmek 1. appear; synonyms (v) occur, rise, seem, candidate, prognosis, opening, foresight, occasion,
sound, emerge, show, break, arise, arrive, begin, opportunity, (v) explore, investigate, search;
feel, happen, look, surface, (n) come; antonyms (v) antonym (n) past.
disappear, vanish, 2. look (bakış, bakmak); görünür visible; synonyms (adj) obvious, perceptible,
synonyms (v) appear, expect, figure, attend, (n) face, conspicuous, apparent, evident, open, clear,
gaze, appearance, aspect, air, countenance, discernible, manifest, noticeable, observable, plain,
expression, glance, guise, view, (int) behold, 3. appreciable, visual, transparent; antonyms (adj)
seem; synonyms (v) beseem, act, front, 4. show invisible, imperceptible.
(gösteri, göstermek); synonyms (v) present, görünüş 1. face (çehre, surat, yüz); synonyms (n)
broadcast, expose, guide, indicate, parade, look, aspect, countenance, expression, side, top,
demonstrate, disclose, evidence, give, (n) display, exterior, appearance, facade, surface, (v) confront,
exhibit, produce, ostentation, presentation; audacity, veneer, visage, (adj) front; antonyms (v)
antonyms (v) conceal, disprove, hide. avoid, back, 2. appearance (görünüm);
görünmeyen invisible; synonyms (adj) imperceptible, synonyms (n) air, face, semblance, shape, show,
hidden, inconspicuous, obscure, intangible, advent, apparition, form, image, impression,
sightless, concealed, impalpable, occult, unseeable, manner, view, appear, arrival, color; antonyms (n)
unseen, evanescent; antonyms (adj) obvious, visible, disappearance, departure, vanishing, 3. aspect;
conspicuous. synonyms (n) bearing, prospect, angle, facet,
görünmez invisible; synonyms (adj) imperceptible, feature, quality, respect, scene, vista, attribute,
hidden, inconspicuous, obscure, intangible, demeanor, hue, attitude, carriage, (v) regard, 4.
sightless, concealed, impalpable, occult, unseeable, look (bakış, bakmak); synonyms (v) seem,
unseen, evanescent; antonyms (adj) obvious, visible, expect, figure, attend, eye, peek, stare, gape, (n)
conspicuous. gaze, glance, guise, cast, feel, glimpse, (int) behold,
5. outlook (görünüm); synonyms (n) expectation,

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lookout, anticipation, hope, expectancy, future, moot, quarrel, reason; antonym (v) agree, 5.
perspective, position, slant, viewpoint, vision, conference; synonyms (n) assembly, council,
mentality, spectacle, feeling, (v) landscape, 6. interview, congress, gathering, session, sitting,
spectacle; synonyms (n) display, pageant, sight, conclave, association, convocation, deliberation,
exhibition, phenomenon, performance, picture, seance, league, 6. intercourse; synonyms (n)
wonder, scenery, pageantry, play, pomp, communion, contact, acquaintance, coition, coitus,
representation, cavalcade, (v) parade; antonym (n) communication, dealings, commerce, copulation,
modesty, 7. sight (görüş); synonyms (n) eyesight, fellowship, fucking, dealing, connection, (adj)
outlook, ken, opinion, (v) aim, spot, see, descry, familiarity, intimacy.
discern, perceive, detect, find, notice, observe, (adj) görüşmek 1. discuss; synonyms (v) argue, debate,
eyesore, 8. show (gösteri, göstermek); agitate, consult, deliberate, canvass, discourse,
synonyms (v) present, broadcast, expose, guide, dispute, mention, moot, negotiate, reason,
indicate, demonstrate, disclose, evidence, give, converse, weigh, controvert, 2. contact (temas);
manifest, perform, (n) exhibit, produce, ostentation, synonyms (n) touch, connection, collision,
presentation; antonyms (v) conceal, disprove, hide. communication, link, impact, tangency,
görüş 1. sight; synonyms (n) vision, glimpse, acquaintance, (v) call, meet, adjoin, communicate,
prospect, scene, show, view, aspect, eye, eyesight, reach, butt, join, 3. meet; synonyms (v) converge,
(v) aim, spot, see, appearance, descry, discern, 2. find, assemble, congregate, encounter, fulfill,
vision (görme); synonyms (n) sight, dream, gather, answer, cross, confront, intersect, abut,
daydream, imagination, outlook, specter, ghost, concur, collect, (adj) fit; antonyms (v) avoid,
spirit, apparition, fantasy, hallucination, image, disperse, diverge, 4. negotiate; synonyms (v)
phantom, illusion, (v) fancy; antonym (n) reality, 3. bargain, treat, mediate, intercede, confer, discuss,
view (bakış, bakmak, görünüm, manzara); arbitrate, arrange, trade, contract, manage, barter,
synonyms (n) look, judgment, opinion, idea, haggle, pass, settle, 5. consult; synonyms (v)
thought, notion, position, spectacle, survey, belief, consider, advise, refer, confab, confabulate, (n) talk,
(v) regard, observe, consider, behold, deem, 4. 6. interview; synonyms (n) conference,
thought; synonyms (v) observation, (n) conception, consultation, audience, conversation, hearing,
consideration, impression, feeling, reflection, examination, appointment, discussion, meeting,
sentiment, concept, apprehension, attention, care, parley, (v) question, interrogate, 7. see (anlamak,
cogitation, design, mind, plan; antonym (n) fact, 5. görmek); synonyms (v) look, feel, discover,
eye (göz); synonyms (n) optic, peeper, ring, center, appreciate, behold, deem, discern, distinguish,
centre, oculus, (v) gaze, stare, watch, glance, know, notice, recognize, apprehend, ascertain, (adj)
examine, eyeball, 6. concept; synonyms (n) theory, observe, perceive.
construct, perception, 7. opinion (fikir); Göster show (gösteri, göstermek); synonyms (v)
synonyms (n) advice, conjecture, guess, meaning, present, broadcast, expose, guide, indicate, parade,
counsel, comment, estimate, decision, conviction, demonstrate, disclose, evidence, (n) display,
attitude, estimation, hypothesis, supposition, appearance, exhibit, produce, ostentation,
verdict, appraisal, 8. conception (fikir); presentation; antonyms (v) conceal, disprove, hide.
synonyms (n) creation, comprehension, invention, gösterge 1. indicator; synonyms (n) gauge, index,
understanding, initiation, appreciation, awareness, indication, arrow, indicant, pointer, signpost, sign,
conceit, grasp, inkling, intellection, reading, sense, signal, symbol, 2. index (dizin, indeks);
beginning, innovation; antonym (n) misconception. synonyms (n) catalogue, exponent, file, table,
görüşme 1. talk (konuşma, konuşmak); synonyms catalog, forefinger, roll, directory, subscript,
(v) gossip, converse, lecture, chatter, address, enumeration, indicator, indices, mark, record, (v)
articulate, chat, prattle, speak, (n) discourse, list, 3. legend; synonyms (n) caption, fable, fiction,
language, colloquy, conversation, dialogue, tale, account, myth, story, title, tradition, chronicle,
palaver, 2. interview; synonyms (n) conference, folklore, romance, narrative, saga, yarn.
consultation, audience, hearing, examination, gösteri 1. demonstration; synonyms (n) parade,
appointment, discussion, meeting, parley, (v) proof, argument, display, manifestation,
question, interrogate, talk, encounter, 3. presentation, demo, evidence, exhibition,
discussion; synonyms (n) argument, debate, illustration, show, testimony, showing, indication,
controversy, consideration, dispute, negotiation, (v) exposition, 2. show (göstermek); synonyms
contention, contest, dissertation, huddle, review, (v) present, broadcast, expose, guide, indicate,
speech, word, altercation, comment, 4. debate; demonstrate, disclose, give, manifest, perform, (n)
synonyms (n) argue, argumentation, disputation, appearance, exhibit, produce, ostentation, pageant;
difference, disagreement, (v) contend, controvert, antonyms (v) conceal, disprove, hide, 3.
discuss, canvass, altercate, consider, deliberate, performance (performans); synonyms (n) act,

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discharge, achievement, execution, fulfillment, göstermek 1. indicate; synonyms (v) denote, direct,
observance, accomplishment, deed, completion, augur, betoken, designate, imply, mark, show,
exploit, implementation, operation, recital, (v) foretell, foreshadow, argue, bespeak, bode,
action, efficiency; antonyms (n) omission, practice, demonstrate, evince, 2. show (gösteri);
4. parade; synonyms (n) ceremony, pomp, synonyms (v) present, broadcast, expose, guide,
flourish, demonstration, file, procession, (v) flaunt, indicate, parade, disclose, evidence, give, (n)
array, strut, swagger, troop, walk, process, flash, display, appearance, exhibit, produce, ostentation,
promenade, 5. showing; synonyms (n) screening, presentation; antonyms (v) conceal, disprove, hide,
revelation, viewing. 3. point (nokta); synonyms (n) place, grade, peak,
gösterim 1. representation (temsil); synonyms (n) nib, edge, aim, article, degree, dot, spot, phase,
image, performance, depiction, picture, apex, detail, (v) head, level, 4. represent (temsil
presentation, effigy, diagram, portrait, model, etmek); synonyms (v) depict, portray, act, be,
copy, description, emblem, illustration, likeness, describe, embody, exemplify, illustrate, play, enact,
appearance, 2. notation; synonyms (n) annotation, make, impersonate, comprise, constitute, (adj)
memo, note, memorandum, register, annotating, express, 5. disclose; synonyms (v) betray, declare,
banknote, bill, billet, digit, distinction, document, impart, detect, discover, divulge, reveal, convey,
eminence, greenback, line, 3. projection announce, air, communicate, bare, break, tell, (adj)
(izdüşüm); synonyms (n) bulge, hump, jut, confess; antonym (v) secrete, 6. display; synonyms
prominence, protuberance, knob, ledge, overhang, (n) array, screen, demonstration, exhibition, scene,
plan, protrusion, bump, map, extrusion, forecast, showing, spectacle, view, performance, fair, flash,
(adj) salient. manifestation, (v) brandish, flaunt, manifest, 7.
gösteriş 1. parade; synonyms (n) display, ostentation, teach; synonyms (v) inform, enlighten, coach,
show, pageant, ceremony, pomp, flourish, (v) educate, instruct, indoctrinate, drill, learn, lecture,
flaunt, exhibit, demonstrate, array, strut, swagger, school, discipline, form, train, tutor, catechize, 8.
troop, walk, 2. show (gösteri, göstermek); produce; synonyms (v) effect, cause, bring,
synonyms (v) present, broadcast, expose, guide, procreate, breed, construct, create, frame, generate,
indicate, parade, disclose, evidence, give, manifest, fetch, prepare, bear, beget, (n) gain, crop.
perform, (n) appearance, produce, presentation, göstermelik 1. sample (örnek); synonyms (n)
picture; antonyms (v) conceal, disprove, hide. example, instance, specimen, model, pattern, assay,
gösterişli smart (açıkgöz); synonyms (adj) bright, case, illustration, exemplar, design, (v) taste, try,
crafty, dapper, quick, shrewd, sly, prompt, astute, attempt, essay, (adj) test, 2. specimen; synonyms
chic, clever, intelligent, (v) ache, hurt, (n) pain, (n) sample, copy, person, representative, type.
sharp; antonyms (adj) scruffy, stupid, dim, shabby,
göt arse; synonyms (n) anus, bottom, bum, arsehole,
unkempt, slow. ass, asshole, backside, behind, butt, buttocks, can,
gösterişsiz 1. sober; synonyms (adj) serious, grave, derriere, fanny, fundament, hindquarters.
sedate, sane, earnest, moderate, quiet, solemn, gotik gothic; synonyms (adj) medieval, mediaeval,
modest, abstemious, demure, dull, serene, somber,
doggerel, outlandish, rude, tramontane,
staid; antonym (adj) intoxicated, 2. quiet (sakin,
unclassical, chivalric, primitive, quaint, knightly.
sessiz); synonyms (adj) still, lull, pacify, cool, götürmek 1. carry (nakletmek, taşımak);
gentle, motionless, peaceful, (v) appease, assuage,
synonyms (v) bear, bring, convey, conduct, take,
allay, silence, (n) calm, hush, compose, ease; acquit, behave, accept, comport, hold, pack,
antonyms (adj) loud, noisy, talkative, vociferous, transport, load, assume, admit, 2. get (almak,
active, (n) noise.
elde etmek, olmak, varmak); synonyms (v)
gösterme 1. demonstration (gösteri); synonyms (n) acquire, gain, attain, become, catch, earn, buy,
parade, proof, argument, display, manifestation, come, fall, fetch, achieve, beget, capture, cause,
presentation, demo, evidence, exhibition, engage; antonyms (v) lose, give, leave, 3. take
illustration, show, testimony, showing, indication,
(almak); synonyms (v) get, adopt, carry, clutch,
(v) exposition, 2. indication; synonyms (n) clue,
obtain, return, borrow, pick, appropriate, claim,
index, designation, direction, mark, forerunner,
demand, grab, have, (n) seize, (phr) receive;
herald, emblem, gesture, harbinger, hint, reference,
antonyms (v) refuse, abstain, add, 4. convey;
cue, allusion, inkling, 3. showing; synonyms (n)
synonyms (v) communicate, channel, express,
exhibit, screening, revelation, viewing, 4.
transfer, transmit, impart, mean, cede, consign,
presentation; synonyms (n) donation, deliver, ferry, grant, pass, recount, say, 5. lead;
demonstration, introduction, performance, offer,
synonyms (v) head, guide, contribute, direct, chair,
appearance, gift, exposure, induction, intro,
conduce, control, go, govern, command, dispose,
overture, presentment, production, recital, debut.
(n) clue, advantage, hint, (adj) front; antonym (v)
follow, 6. bear (ayı, taşımak); synonyms (v)

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abide, stand, afford, allow, apply, brook, digest, scrutiny, monitoring, lookout, examination,
endure, produce, suffer, support, teem, tolerate, following, eye, intelligence, look, security, spying,
undergo, wear. bug, bugging; antonym (n) neglect.
gövde 1. body (beden, vücut); synonyms (n) gözetleme 1. observation (gözlem); synonyms (n)
cadaver, corpse, matter, organization, carcass, comment, observance, remark, attention,
cluster, consistency, figure, mass, set, aggregate, inspection, notice, contemplation, conception,
association, entity, amount, bulk; antonym (n) consideration, perception, reflection, idea, notion,
spirit, 2. hull; synonyms (n) crust, shell, hulk, (v) note, heed, 2. spy (casus); synonyms (n) scout,
husk, structure, body, glume, (v) skin, (adj) torso, detective, mole, patrol, emissary, (v) see, espy,
trunk, bole, 3. stem (sap); synonyms (n) root, bow, snoop, discern, discover, observe, perceive, descry,
branch, shank, stalk, stick, handle, axis, bough, (v) behold, investigate.
originate, block, arrest, halt, issue, proceed, 4. gözetlemek 1. observe; synonyms (v) celebrate,
frame (çerçeve); synonyms (n) design, border, comment, notice, commemorate, mind, guard,
build, fashion, anatomy, chassis, (v) form, construct, behold, discover, follow, heed, keep, look, mark,
fabricate, draft, erect, make, forge, constitute, mention, note; antonyms (v) ignore, feel, 2. spy
contrive, 5. trunk (bavul); synonyms (n) stem, (casus); synonyms (n) scout, detective, mole,
boot, proboscis, snout, box, stock, case, house, patrol, emissary, (v) see, espy, snoop, discern,
luggage, nose, stirps. observe, perceive, descry, investigate, recognize,
göz 1. eye; synonyms (n) optic, opinion, peeper, (v) sight.
behold, see, view, gaze, stare, look, watch, glance, gözlem observation; synonyms (n) comment,
glimpse, examine, eyeball, regard, 2. drawer observance, remark, attention, inspection, notice,
(çekmece); synonyms (n) draftsman, contemplation, conception, consideration,
draughtsman, till, commode, engraver, case, locker, perception, reflection, idea, notion, (v) note, heed.
closet, bin, buffet, bunker, cellaret, clothespress, gözlemci observer; synonyms (n) beholder,
cupboard, draftsperson, 3. compartment; bystander, spectator, witness, eyewitness,
synonyms (n) cell, division, cabin, cubicle, onlooker, viewer, watcher, commentator, student.
separation, bay, booth, cubbyhole, (v) apartment, gözleme observation (gözlem); synonyms (n)
partition, 4. cell (göze, hücre); synonyms (n) comment, observance, remark, attention,
cage, jail, cadre, hole, cave, chamber, compartment, inspection, notice, contemplation, conception,
coop, den, lair, recess. consideration, perception, reflection, idea, notion,
gözbebeği pupil; synonyms (n) follower, learner, (v) note, heed.
student, scholar, apprentice, disciple, trainee, gözlemek 1. observe; synonyms (v) celebrate,
schoolchild, novice, adherent, tyro, ward, beginner, comment, notice, commemorate, mind, guard,
educatee. behold, discover, follow, heed, keep, look, mark,
gözdağı threat; synonyms (n) menace, danger, mention, note; antonyms (v) ignore, feel, 2. watch
hazard, peril, risk, coercion, jeopardy, omen, (bakmak, seyretmek); synonyms (v) observe,
scourge, terror, warning; antonym (n) safety. clock, see, regard, wake, care, protect, defend,
gözde 1. favourite; synonyms (adj) favored, (n) check, (n) view, sentinel, sentry, surveillance,
favorite, darling, ducky, pet, dearie, deary, blaze, lookout, (adj) vigilance.
ingle, fire, fireplace, flame, paramour, 2. pet; gözlemlemek observe; synonyms (v) celebrate,
synonyms (adj) favourite, precious, (n) love, comment, notice, commemorate, mind, guard,
beloved, coddle, (v) caress, dear, dandle, fondle, behold, discover, follow, heed, keep, look, mark,
baby, pamper, cherish, indulge, pat, cuddle. mention, note; antonyms (v) ignore, feel.
göze cell (hücre); synonyms (n) cage, jail, cadre, hole, gözlük 1. glasses; synonyms (n) spectacles,
cave, booth, chamber, compartment, coop, cubicle, eyeglasses, specs, bifocals, monocle, 2. spectacles;
den, lair, recess. synonyms (n) glasses, eyewear, visor, () barnacle.
gözetici supervisor (denetçi); synonyms (n) gözlükotu honesty (dürüstlük); synonyms (n)
superintendent, director, overseer, boss, chief, candor, fairness, integrity, justice, candidness,
manager, foreman, administrator, controller, equity, frankness, probity, chastity, decency, faith,
examiner, executive, head, inspector, superior, honestness, morality, rectitude, (adj) fidelity;
keeper. antonyms (n) dishonesty, deceit, deception,
gözetim 1. supervision; synonyms (n) oversight, deviousness, treachery, wickedness.
charge, control, direction, management, gözükmek appear (görünmek); synonyms (v) occur,
superintendence, guidance, custody, observation, rise, seem, sound, emerge, show, break, arise,
care, administration, command, government, arrive, begin, feel, happen, look, surface, (n) come;
supervising, (v) inspection, 2. surveillance; antonyms (v) disappear, vanish.
synonyms (n) supervision, vigilance, watch,

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gözüpek bold; synonyms (adj) adventurous, tuft, assembly, clustering, lump, clunk, (v) collect,
audacious, manly, resolute, arrogant, barefaced, gather, assemble, concentrate, congregate, swarm.
courageous, daring, fearless, heroic, intrepid, gruplaşma configuration; synonyms (n) form,
spirited, stalwart, bluff, brave; antonyms (adj) arrangement, conformation, shape, organization,
cowardly, timid, modest. outline, composition, constellation, contour, design,
gözyaşı tear; synonyms (n) split, rupture, rent, (v) fashion, figure, formation, structure, class.
break, rip, crack, pull, rend, lacerate, race, run, gruplaşmak group (grup, küme); synonyms (n)
rush, slit, rive, cleave. bunch, brigade, collection, crowd, flock, gang,
grafik 1. graph; synonyms (n) figure, diagram, plan, association, clump, company, gathering, (v)
drawing, illustration, map, table, (v) chart, 2. chart; assemblage, class, cluster, rank, sort.
synonyms (n) plot, graphic, schematic, schedule, gübre soil (toprak); synonyms (n) ground, dirt,
scheme, (v) graph, sketch, design, draw, list, grime, land, dust, (v) smudge, blot, contaminate,
outline, 3. graphic; synonyms (adj) vivid, dirty, pollute, mire, blemish, defile, foul, mould;
descriptive, clear, picturesque, realistic, expressive, antonym (v) clean.
graphical, lifelike, detailed, (n) picture, image, (v) güç 1. power (iktidar); synonyms (n) force, ability,
pictorial. potency, authority, control, energy, agency,
gramer grammar (dilbilgisi); synonyms (n) domination, intensity, strength, (v) influence,
rudiments, elements, praxis, punctuation, outlines, might, dominion, faculty, capacity; antonyms (n)
(v) initiation. powerlessness, helplessness, weakness, 2.
granit granite; synonyms (n) brickwork, limestone, strength (kuvvet); synonyms (n) power, firmness,
mineral, sandstone, stonework, (adj) stone, crag, vigor, endurance, stability, health, soundness,
crystal, flint, fossil, marble, pebble, quartz, rock. amount, brawn, forcefulness, forte, fortitude,
grev strike (bulmak); synonyms (n) knock, assault, lustiness, magnitude, muscle; antonyms (n) frailty,
clap, (v) bang, beat, hit, impress, slap, move, affect, flaw, shortcoming, 3. force (kuvvet, zorlamak);
box, buffet, bump, clout, coin. synonyms (n) effect, enforce, impetus, impulse, (v)
grevci striker; synonyms (n) hitter, beater, batsman, drive, coerce, pressure, squeeze, thrust, compel,
batter, activist, campaigner, demonstrator, cram, impel, press, push, (adj) constrain; antonym
marcher, picketer, pulsator, slugger, dissenter, (n) persuasion, 4. energy (enerji); synonyms (n)
wencher. animation, dash, life, spirit, determination, effort,
gri 1. gray; synonyms (adj) dull, bleak, dim, gloomy, vitality, capability, action, activity, dynamism, go,
grizzled, hoary, leaden, old, overcast, pale, dismal, stamina, verve, vim; antonyms (n) lethargy, apathy,
murky, white, (n) grizzle, (v) grey; antonym (adj) exhaustion, tiredness, idleness, sluggishness, 5.
bright, 2. grey; synonyms (adj) greyish, hoar, hard (sert); synonyms (adj) austere, bad, difficult,
grayish, (n) grayness, greyness, (v) gray. grave, severe, strong, arduous, callous, cruel,
grip flu; synonyms (n) influenza, grippe, disease, grueling, knotty, tough, (adv) firm, (v) acute, (n)
rough; antonyms (adj) easy, soft, kind, merciful,
sickness, bug, infection, virus, (adj) grip.
simple, soggy, tender, yielding, (adv) gently, lightly,
grup 1. group (küme); synonyms (n) bunch, brigade,
collection, crowd, flock, gang, association, clump, 6. might; synonyms (v) can, could, main, (n)
company, gathering, (v) assemblage, class, cluster, puissance, vehemence, efficacy, command,
rank, sort, 2. bunch (salkım); synonyms (n) batch, mightiness, nerve, sway, violence, inclemency, 7.
band, group, lot, troop, horde, bulge, herd, difficult (zor); synonyms (adj) awkward,
accumulation, crew, knob, (v) bundle, huddle, pack, demanding, burdensome, complicated, delicate,
heap; antonym (v) disperse, 3. set (ayarlamak, fastidious, hard, uphill, finicky, abstruse,
set, takım); synonyms (v) fix, place, lay, put, ambitious, cantankerous, complex, contrary,
locate, position, regulate, define, adjust, arrange, (n) crabby; antonyms (adj) straightforward, good-
bent, circle, (adj) fixed, fast, secure; antonyms (v) natured, rewarding, clear, 8. ability (yetenek);
soften, liquefy, melt, (n) combing, comb-out, (adj) synonyms (n) hand, aptitude, cleverness, dexterity,
variable, flexible, liquid, 4. band (bant); talent, accomplishment, bent, competency,
expertise, flair, genius, gift, knowledge, skill,
synonyms (n) party, set, swathe, collar, faction,
knot, lace, strap, strip, stripe, zone, list, (v) ring, intelligence; antonyms (n) inability, injury, 9. arm
combine, tie, 5. outfit; synonyms (n) dress, garb, (kol); synonyms (n) branch, wing, bay, department,
gear, kit, apparel, clothing, costume, ensemble, rig, division, limb, offshoot, section, sleeve, weapon,
clothes, (v) equipment, attire, equip, fit, furnish, 6. endow, (v) equip, furnish, outfit, provide; antonym
batch; synonyms (n) body, battery, charge, mass, (v) disarm, 10. heavy (ağır); synonyms (adj) dull,

suite, consignment, clutch, pile, stack, stock, wad, deep, dark, dense, fat, full, gross, bulky, grievous,
oppressive, thick, compact, ample, cumbersome,
7. cluster (küme); synonyms (n) agglomeration,
overweight; antonyms (adj) light, slim, thin, slight,

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gentle, puny, skinny, 11. capability (yetenek); güçlük 1. difficulty; synonyms (n) hindrance,
synonyms (n) capableness, competence, potential, impediment, trouble, bother, asperity, jam, barrier,
qualification, aptness, efficiency, endowment, difficultness, fix, hardship, inconvenience, obstacle,
potentiality, proficiency, susceptibility, adequacy; strait, adversity, disadvantage; antonyms (n) ease,
antonyms (n) failure, incapability, 12. effort simplicity, advantage, help, 2. complexity;
(çaba, gayret); synonyms (n) attempt, exertion, synonyms (n) complication, intricacy, complex,
application, endeavor, struggle, trial, trouble, try, convolution, complexness, confusion, muddle,
diligence, bid, campaign, cause, crusade, deed, character, combination, complexion, depth,
essay, 13. steam (buğu, buhar); synonyms (n) embarrassment, imbroglio, insight, (adj)
mist, fog, haze, vapor, cloud, (v) reek, evaporate, entanglement; antonym (n) clarity.
exhale, smoke, fume, cook, pull, boil, heat, (adj) gas. güçlükle ill; synonyms (adj) bad, sick, ailing, diseased,
gücenme resentment; synonyms (n) grudge, anger, unhealthy, adverse, (adv) badly, poorly, sickly, (n)
displeasure, indignation, rage, rancor, umbrage, evil, harm, complaint, hurt, ailment, mischief;
envy, grievance, passion, animosity, bitterness, antonyms (adj) healthy, (adv) well.
fury, gall, hostility; antonym (n) cheerfulness. güçsüz weak; synonyms (adj) feeble, frail, faint, flat,
güçlendirmek strengthen; synonyms (v) consolidate, flimsy, fragile, thin, watery, light, ailing, cowardly,
confirm, corroborate, brace, encourage, enhance, delicate, diluted, exhausted, inadequate; antonyms
fortify, intensify, invigorate, bolster, buttress, (adj) strong, brave, concentrated, firm, safe,
harden, increase, stiffen, toughen; antonyms (v) compelling, determined, effective, forceful, healthy,
weaken, undermine. intense, powerful, resolute, robust, sturdy.
güçlü 1. mighty; synonyms (adj) enormous, immense, güçsüzlük weakness; synonyms (n) debility, defect,
huge, grand, powerful, intense, high, big, forcible, failing, fault, deficiency, feebleness, fragility,
great, large, strong, mammoth, cogent, formidable, imperfection, flaw, frailty, inadequacy, blemish,
2. powerful; synonyms (adj) able, brawny, hard, predilection, (adj) infirmity, foible; antonyms (n)
mighty, muscular, potent, effective, energetic, strength, power, dislike, advantage, brightness,
influential, lusty, vigorous, hardy, full, deep, (n) determination, intensity, supremacy.
fierce; antonyms (adj) powerless, weak, mild, 3. güdü 1. motive; synonyms (n) cause, ground,
potent; synonyms (adj) forceful, persuasive, account, impulse, incentive, incitement,
efficacious, stiff, firm, heady, impressive, robust, inducement, motif, motivation, reason, subject,
dynamic, important, stout, sturdy, telling, (n) design, grounds, (v) aim, consideration, 2.
effectual, efficient; antonym (adj) impotent, 4. motivation; synonyms (n) motive, spur, impetus,
strong; synonyms (adj) stable, steady, durable, force, provocation, stimulus, drive, inspiration, 3.
good, rigid, secure, solid, sound, athletic, hearty, incentive; synonyms (n) encouragement, goad,
heavy, loud, severe, staunch, (v) steadfast; fillip, whip, bait, bribe, catalyst, stimulant, urge,
antonyms (adj) bland, delicate, faint, feeble, frail, bonus, lure; antonyms (n) deterrent, disincentive,
pale, slight, unconvincing, cowardly, diluted, dull, constraint.
exhausted, flimsy, imperceptible, lightweight, 5. gül rose; synonyms (v) flush, redden, glow, (n) rosette,
hardy; synonyms (adj) courageous, audacious, red, (adj) pink, rosaceous, roseate, anemone,
brave, fearless, manly, gallant, doughty, resilient, asphodel, begonia, buttercup, daffodil, geranium,
tough, fresh, adamantine, stalwart, (n) bold, daring, lily.
rugged, 6. able; synonyms (adj) capable, clever, güldürü 1. humour; synonyms (n) mood, temper,
competent, dexterous, accomplished, adroit, wit, witticism, biliousness, brain, brainpower, card,
consummate, expert, fit, gifted, ingenious, climate, wittiness, irritability, irritation, mentality,
endowed, experienced, adept, (n) talented; modality, (v) humor, 2. comedy (komedi);
antonyms (adj) incapable, incompetent, inept, synonyms (n) farce, play, drollery, clowning,
unable, untrained, 7. energetic; synonyms (adj) drama, show; antonym (n) tragedy.
active, animated, brisk, busy, driving, agile, gülle shot; synonyms (n) gunshot, injection, go, fling,
emphatic, aggressive, enterprising, industrious, ball, crack, shoot, picture, attempt, bang, bullet,
lively, spirited, sprightly, spry, strenuous; chance, discharge, effort, endeavor.
antonyms (adj) lethargic, lazy, sluggish, inactive, gülme laughter; synonyms (n) amusement, fun,
indolent, languid, weary, apathetic, indifferent,
laugh, merriment, hilarity, mirth, derision,
listless, 8. robust; synonyms (adj) healthy,
happiness; antonym (n) sadness.
healthful, masculine, hefty, rich, strapping, hale,
gülmek laugh; synonyms (n) chuckle, chortle, jest,
robustious, able-bodied, bulky, handsome,
gag, jape, laughter, cackle, sneer, scream, (v) joke,
substantial, burly, (n) enduring, iron; antonym (adj)
giggle, smile, titter, snicker, beam; antonym (v) cry.

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198 Turkish - English

gülümseme smile; synonyms (n) grin, grinning, günah sin (günah işlemek); synonyms (n) evil, fault,
smiling, expression, luck, (v) beam, laugh, chuckle, iniquity, crime, blunder, error, guilt, misdeed,
grimace, sneer, countenance, favor, propitiousness; offense, wickedness, mistake, (v) offend, blame, err,
antonym (v) frown. trespass; antonyms (n) virtue, piety.
gülümsemek smile (gülümseme); synonyms (n) günahsız innocent (masum); synonyms (adj)
grin, grinning, smiling, expression, luck, (v) beam, harmless, chaste, artless, clear, ingenuous,
laugh, chuckle, grimace, sneer, countenance, favor, innocuous, guileless, guiltless, ignorant, blameless,
propitiousness; antonym (v) frown. faultless, gullible, naive, pure, spotless; antonyms
gülünç 1. comic; synonyms (adj) amusing, burlesque, (adj) guilty, culpable, responsible, wary, wicked.
comical, funny, humorous, laughable, absurd, günahsızlık innocence; synonyms (n) cleanness,
droll, ludicrous, (n) clown, comedian, joker, blamelessness, chastity, ignorance, artlessness,
buffoon, jester, zany, 2. ridiculous; synonyms (adj) gullibility, ingenuousness, purity, innocency,
foolish, preposterous, farcical, inane, nonsensical, simplicity, sinlessness, virtue, candor, frankness,
comic, derisory, irrational, outrageous, silly, honor; antonyms (n) guilt, sophistication.
inconsistent, grotesque, crazy, daft, extravagant; günbatımı sunset; synonyms (n) dusk, evening,
antonyms (adj) sensible, inspiring, reasonable, 3. nightfall, sundown, twilight; antonym (n) dawn.
absurd (anlamsız, saçma); synonyms (adj) günce diary; synonyms (n) journal, calendar, agenda,
ridiculous, unreasonable, illogical, incredible, inept, daybook, annals, autobiography, chronicle,
meaningless, senseless, pointless, childish, ephemeris, history, record.
cockeyed, extraordinary, idiotic, impossible, güncel 1. up-to-date; synonyms (adj) modern,
impractical, improbable, 4. funny; synonyms (adj) contemporary, current, new, present, topical,
eccentric, facetious, fishy, peculiar, strange, fashionable, recent, fresh, stylish, timely,
diverting, curious, entertaining, odd, queer, conversant, cultured, prevalent, progressive, 2.
suspicious, unusual, whimsical, abnormal, (adv) contemporary (Modern); synonyms (adj)
funnily; antonyms (adj) serious, grave. contemporaneous, up-to-date, existing,
gülünçlük humour; synonyms (n) mood, temper, wit, simultaneous, coetaneous, cotemporary, (n) coeval,
witticism, biliousness, brain, brainpower, card, equal; antonyms (adj) past, old, old-fashioned, 3.
climate, wittiness, irritability, irritation, mentality, actual (gerçek); synonyms (adj) real, absolute,
modality, (v) humor. true, factual, genuine, authentic, existent,
gülüş 1. laugh (gülmek); synonyms (n) chuckle, indisputable, literal, positive, precise, tangible,
chortle, jest, gag, jape, laughter, cackle, sneer, veritable, very, (n) accurate; antonyms (adj) false,
scream, (v) joke, giggle, smile, titter, snicker, beam; hypothetical, supposed, 4. current (akım, cari,
antonym (v) cry, 2. laughter; synonyms (n) geçerli); synonyms (adj) common, instant, actual,
amusement, fun, laugh, merriment, hilarity, mirth, popular, rife, accepted, chic, (n) flow, stream, run,
derision, happiness; antonym (n) sadness. afloat, movement, trend, (prep) course, tide;
gümbürdemek 1. boom; synonyms (n) bang, roar, antonyms (adj) obsolete, previous.
noise, bar, din, peal, (v) blast, blare, flourish, sound, gündelik 1. everyday; synonyms (adj) common,
thrive, thunder, bellow, clang, prosper; antonyms usual, customary, familiar, routine, accustomed,
(n) depression, (v) collapse, decline, 2. thunder; average, casual, commonplace, daily, frequent,
synonyms (n) boom, roll, clap, thundering, crash, (v) habitual, humdrum, (v) ordinary, general;
howl, rumble, fulminate, storm, growl, grumble, antonyms (adj) extraordinary, unusual, exquisite, 2.
(adj) explode, detonate, bounce, displode.
daily (günlük); synonyms (adj) journal, diurnal,
gümrük customs; synonyms (n) custom, duty, everyday, regular, (n) newspaper, gazette, paper,
impost, civilization, mores, background, conduct, tabloid.
culture, ethnicity, etiquette, excise, habits, society,
gündem agenda; synonyms (n) schedule, agendum,
tradition, traditions.
diary, docket, plan, note, almanac, bill, book, card,
gümüş silver (gümüş rengi); synonyms (adj) silvery, chart, datebook, list, outline, table.
argent, white, silvern, blanch, bleach, eloquent,
gündüz 1. day (gün); synonyms (n) light, daylight,
etiolate, facile, fluent, gray, (n) money, gold,
generation, age, daytime, epoch, time, crisis;
flatware, (v) plate.
antonyms (n) nighttime, night, 2. daylight;
gün 1. day (gündüz); synonyms (n) light, daylight,
synonyms (n) day, dawn, daybreak, morning,
generation, age, daytime, epoch, time, crisis;
sunrise, clearance, sunup, 3. daytime; synonym
antonyms (n) nighttime, night, 2. sun (güneş);
(n) sunshine.
synonyms (n) sunlight, sunshine, sunn,
temperateness, (adj) star, (v) bask, sunbathe, heat, güneş sun; synonyms (n) light, sunlight, sunshine,
solarise, solarize. sunn, temperateness, (adj) star, (v) bask, sunbathe,
heat, solarise, solarize.

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güneşlendirmek sun (güneş); synonyms (n) light, gürültü 1. noise (patırtı); synonyms (n) clatter,
sunlight, sunshine, sunn, temperateness, (adj) star, clamor, hubbub, racket, sound, din, disturbance,
(v) bask, sunbathe, heat, solarise, solarize. echo, uproar, buzz, clang, commotion, crack, crash,
güneşlenmek sun (güneş); synonyms (n) light, (v) fame; antonyms (n) silence, quiet, 2. bang;
sunlight, sunshine, sunn, temperateness, (adj) star, synonyms (n) clap, beat, smack, knock, slap, smash,
(v) bask, sunbathe, heat, solarise, solarize. strike, blast, blow, bump, (v) hit, slam, bash, boom,
güneşli sunny; synonyms (adj) bright, cheerful, clear, clink, 3. crash; synonyms (n) clash, collision, clank,
gay, merry, blithe, brilliant, fair, radiant, shining, fall, impact, wreck, breakdown, roar, (v) bang,
shiny, happy, jovial, beaming, jolly; antonyms (adj) collapse, break, dash, plunge, ram, thunder, 4.
dark, overcast. sound (ses); synonyms (n) peal, (v) ring, chime,
güney 1. south; synonyms (n) southland, confederacy, fast, (adj) reasonable, complete, healthy, fit, good,
s, confederation, conspiracy, federation, mho, sec, just, rational, right, sane, sensible, robust;
second, siemens, sulfur, sulphur, (adj) left, polar, 2. antonyms (adj) illogical, unsound, confused, 5.
southern; synonyms (adj) south, southerly, row; synonyms (n) altercation, line, file, rank,
meridional, (n) austral, austrine. squabble, wrangle, dispute, (v) quarrel, brawl, fight,
argue, bicker, order, (adj) fracas, riot; antonyms (n)
güneyli southern (güney); synonyms (adj) south,
agreement, (v) agree.
southerly, meridional, (n) austral, austrine.
günlük 1. daily; synonyms (adj) journal, diurnal, gürültücü noisy (gürültülü); synonyms (adj)
disorderly, boisterous, clamorous, loud, vociferous,
everyday, regular, (n) newspaper, gazette, paper,
blatant, rowdy, shrill, strident, tumultuous,
tabloid, 2. journal; synonyms (n) diary, book,
turbulent, vocal, bustling, confused, harsh;
magazine, periodical, ephemeris, chronicle, log,
antonyms (adj) quiet, peaceful, silent, calm,
record, annals, calendar, organ, review, annual, (adj)
daybook, daily, 3. diary; synonyms (n) agenda,
autobiography, history, 4. everyday; synonyms
gürültülü 1. noisy (gürültücü); synonyms (adj)
disorderly, boisterous, clamorous, loud, vociferous,
(adj) common, usual, customary, familiar, routine,
blatant, rowdy, shrill, strident, tumultuous,
accustomed, average, casual, commonplace,
frequent, habitual, humdrum, mundane, (v) turbulent, vocal, bustling, confused, harsh;
ordinary, general; antonyms (adj) extraordinary, antonyms (adj) quiet, peaceful, silent, calm,
tranquil, 2. loud (yüksek); synonyms (adj) flashy,
unusual, exquisite, 5. log; synonyms (n) block,
garish, gaudy, brassy, forte, high, brazen, jazzy,
timber, backlog, firewood, register, billet,
colorful, flash, meretricious, ostentatious, piercing,
logarithm, bobbing, faggot, (v) enter, lumber.
showy, (adv) aloud; antonyms (adj) soft, gentle,
gür 1. rank (sıra); synonyms (n) range, place, file,
tasteful, low, subdued, subtle.
gradation, line, degree, quality, (v) arrange, order,
class, classify, grade, position, array, group;
gürültüsüz quiet (sakin, sessiz); synonyms (adj) still,
lull, pacify, cool, gentle, motionless, peaceful, (v)
antonym (adj) fresh, 2. rich (zengin); synonyms
appease, moderate, assuage, allay, (n) calm, hush,
(adj) abundant, copious, fertile, productive, fruitful,
compose, ease; antonyms (adj) loud, noisy,
full, affluent, ample, deep, fat, luxurious, opulent,
talkative, vociferous, active, (n) noise.
plentiful, prolific, bright; antonyms (adj) poor,
broke, destitute, impoverished, light.
gurur pride; synonyms (n) arrogance, boast, conceit,
haughtiness, egotism, lordliness, vanity,
gürbüz robust; synonyms (adj) healthy, firm, strong,
assumption, insolence, disdain, hauteur, triumph,
athletic, brawny, muscular, powerful, vigorous,
presumption, glory, (v) plume; antonyms (n)
lusty, mighty, healthful, hearty, stout, (n) hardy,
humility, modesty.
hard; antonyms (adj) weak, slight, fragile, frail.
gürleme roar; synonyms (n) boom, thunder, shout, gururlu 1. proud; synonyms (adj) arrogant, dignified,
disdainful, haughty, lofty, exalted, conceited,
bark, noise, peal, (v) bellow, cry, bawl, howl, clatter,
egotistical, gallant, lordly, majestic, overbearing,
blare, call, holler, (adj) bluster; antonym (v) whisper.
pompous, imperious, elated; antonyms (adj)
gürlemek 1. boom; synonyms (n) bang, roar, noise,
humble, modest, ashamed, embarrassed, 2.
bar, din, peal, (v) blast, blare, flourish, sound,
thrive, thunder, bellow, clang, prosper; antonyms
arrogant (kibirli); synonyms (adj) presumptuous,
proud, dogmatic, boastful, condescending,
(n) depression, (v) collapse, decline, 2. thunder;
domineering, insolent, supercilious, vain, cavalier,
synonyms (n) boom, roll, clap, thundering, crash, (v)
chesty, cocky, contemptuous, high, masterful;
howl, rumble, fulminate, storm, growl, grumble,
antonym (adj) self-effacing.
(adj) explode, detonate, bounce, displode, 3. roar;
synonyms (n) shout, bark, clamor, bellowing, hollo, gütmek shepherd; synonyms (n) pastor, clergyman,
(v) cry, bawl, clatter, call, holler, rave, scream, yell, minister, sheepherder, sheepman, priest, presbyter,
(adj) bluster, rage; antonym (v) whisper.

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200 Turkish - English

churchman, divine, ecclesiastic, (v) conduct, guide, unwholesome, 6. confidential (gizli); synonyms
lead, guard, cowherd. (adj) classified, private, secret, clandestine, intimate,
güven 1. faith; synonyms (n) confidence, belief, privileged, thick, inner, closet, bosom, familiar,
conviction, trust, credence, credit, assurance, creed, hidden, inward, personal, privy; antonym (adj)
cult, allegiance, dependence, expectation, fidelity, public, 7. certain; synonyms (adj) sure, categorical,
hope, piety; antonym (n) unbelief, 2. reliance decisive, inevitable, particular, perfect, special,
(itimat); synonyms (n) faith, dependency, specific, unavoidable, undeniable, unequivocal,
presumption, 3. dependence (bağımlılık); unquestionable, plain, satisfied, explicit; antonym
synonyms (n) reliance, addiction, dependance, (adj) questionable, 8. good (iyi); synonyms (adj)
habit, (adj) contingency; antonyms (n) able, benefit, delicious, efficient, capable, excellent,
independence, self-government, self-sufficiency, 4. fine, nice, superior, well, advantageous, agreeable,
confidence; synonyms (n) certainty, certitude, (n) benign, advantage, gain; antonyms (adj)
intimacy, nerve, security, sureness, authority, disobedient, poor, wicked, unpleasant, (n) evil, bad,
affiance, boldness, face, cheek, firmness, 9. sound (ses); synonyms (n) echo, peal, audio, (v)
impudence, poise, secrecy; antonyms (n) insecurity, ring, chime, blow, chirp, (adj) reasonable, complete,
uncertainty, doubt, nervousness, anxiety, healthy, fit, rational, sane, sensible, robust;
diffidence, distrust, fear, timidity, 5. trust; antonyms (n) silence, (adj) illogical, unsound,
synonyms (n) charge, rely, cartel, responsibility, confused, 10. straight (düz); synonyms (adv)
care, office, combine, tick, commission, (v) believe, level, directly, frankly, due, immediately, (adj) erect,
confide, commend, entrust, expect, duty; antonyms even, flat, correct, perpendicular, proper,
(v) disbelieve, mistrust. immediate, consecutive, neat, (v) direct; antonyms
güvence 1. assurance; synonyms (n) confidence, (adv) indirectly, (adj) curly, curved, diluted, winding,
belief, guarantee, pledge, affiance, certitude, zigzag, askew, bent, curvy, knotted, twisted,
conviction, faith, nerve, poise, promise, reliance, twisting, wavy, circuitous, lopsided, 11. tried;
security, sureness, trust; antonym (n) insecurity, 2. synonyms (adj) tested, proved, experienced, baffled,
security (güvenlik); synonyms (n) protection, beaten, conquered, exhausted, practiced, qualified,
constant, staunch, certified, demonstrated, true-
safety, hostage, insurance, collateral, guard,
secureness, strength, peace, assurance, bail, cover, blue, used.
defense, deposit, (v) bond; antonym (n) danger, 3. güvenilirlik reliability; synonyms (n) dependability,
guarantee (garanti); synonyms (n) assure, dependableness, fidelity, loyalty, responsibility,
credibility, faithfulness, reliableness, steadiness,
guaranty, warranty, warrant, undertaking, (v)
certify, engage, endorse, ensure, secure, sponsor, trustworthiness, (adj) infallibility; antonyms (n)
undertake, contract, insure, stipulate. unreliability, dishonesty, fallibility, lateness.
güvenilir 1. authentic; synonyms (adj) actual, güvenli secure; synonyms (v) close, fix, preserve,
genuine, accurate, real, right, straight, believable, fasten, acquire, assure, attain, ensure, fast, (adj) safe,
true, trustworthy, valid, unfeigned, firm, certain, confident, attach, bind; antonyms (v)
unsophisticated, credible, factual, (v) authoritative; lose, detach, (adj) insecure, vulnerable, loose,
antonyms (adj) bogus, fake, unrealistic, 2. solid unsafe.
(katı); synonyms (adj) firm, dense, compact, güvenlik 1. security; synonyms (n) pledge,
consistent, hard, strong, good, fixed, massive, protection, safety, hostage, insurance, collateral,
secure, substantial, fast, hearty, heavy, (v) close; guard, secureness, strength, peace, assurance, bail,
antonyms (adj) soft, unreliable, loose, gaseous, cover, defense, (v) bond; antonym (n) danger, 2.
permeable, runny, transparent, watery, (n) liquid, safety; synonyms (n) refuge, security, bingle, safe,
3. sure; synonyms (adj) certain, reliable, safe, asylum, sanctuary, preservation, safeness, shelter,
indisputable, dependable, assured, confident, condom, prophylactic, rubber; antonym (n) hazard.
definite, infallible, positive, bound, absolute, (adv) güvenmek 1. believe (inanmak); synonyms (v)
certainly, (v) steady, convinced; antonyms (adj) think, accredit, assume, conceive, consider, guess,
doubtful, uncertain, unsure, hesitant, 4. reliable; reckon, understand, accept, expect, hope, imagine,
synonyms (adj) honest, authentic, faithful, trusty, suppose, (n) belief, trust; antonyms (v) disbelieve,
solid, sound, stable, steadfast, truthful, reputable, distrust, 2. depend; synonyms (v) dangle, hang,
careful, devoted, loyal, responsible, stalwart; count, rely, calculate, confide, stay, suspend,
antonyms (adj) fallacious, inconsistent, 5. honest attend, 3. trust; synonyms (n) charge, confidence,
(dürüst); synonyms (adj) fair, equitable, sincere, credit, faith, reliance, assurance, cartel,
responsibility, dependence, care, office, combine,
artless, candid, clean, decent, forthright, frank,
guileless, heartfelt, just, righteous, straightforward, (v) believe, commend, entrust; antonyms (v) doubt,

upright; antonyms (adj) dishonest, corrupt, mistrust.

guarded, lying, misleading, disloyal,

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güvenmemek doubt; synonyms (n) disbelief, benign, advantage, gain; antonyms (adj)
misgiving, question, dispute, apprehension, disobedient, wicked, (n) evil, bad, 8. nice;
incertitude, skepticism, uncertainty, diffidence, (v) synonyms (adj) fastidious, good, kind, likable,
distrust, query, suspicion, mistrust, suspect, correct, difficult, enjoyable, exact, particular,
demur; antonyms (n) certainty, confidence, precise, minute, suitable, discriminating, curious,
conclusiveness, (v) trust. accurate; antonym (adj) horrible, 9. pleasant
güvensizlik 1. disbelief; synonyms (n) unbelief, (hoş); synonyms (adj) acceptable, amiable, kindly,
discredit, distrust, doubt, incredulity, agnosticism, facetious, affable, comfortable, congenial, genial,
atheism, misgiving, mistrust, skepticism, suspicion, joyful, joyous, mirthful, mild, jocular, suave,
uncertainty, wonder, heresy; antonyms (n) belief, amusing; antonyms (adj) disagreeable, disgusting,
trust, 2. doubt; synonyms (n) disbelief, question, gruesome, harsh, nasty, repugnant, shocking,
dispute, apprehension, incertitude, diffidence, unwelcome, appalling, discordant, frosty, grisly,
doubtfulness, dubiety, fear, hesitation, (v) query, rough, 10. sweet (tatlı); synonyms (adj) beloved,
suspect, demur, disbelieve, hesitate; antonyms (n) fresh, mellow, dear, melodious, musical, sugary,
certainty, confidence, conclusiveness. fragrant, honeyed, luscious, odorous, savory,
güverte deck (deste); synonyms (v) adorn, beautify, aromatic, (n) confection, confectionery; antonyms
clothe, embellish, floor, array, bedeck, ornament, (adj) sour, acid, bitter, acidic, pungent, sharp, salty,
attire, bedight, decorate, dress, garnish, grace, trim. 11. well (iyi); synonyms (adv) easily, thoroughly,
güz 1. autumn (sonbahar); synonyms (n) fall, considerably, fully, correctly, (adj) healthy, fit, shaft,
declivity, descent, downfall, harvest, cadence, sound, robust, (n) fountain, spring, pit, hollow, (v)
capitulation, cascade, cataract, death, declension, gush; antonyms (adv) ill, badly, poorly, (adj) sick,
decline, degradation, depreciation, destruction, 2. unwell, dying, nauseous.
fall (düşmek, sonbahar); synonyms (v) dip, güzellik 1. beauty; synonyms (n) splendor,
decrease, descend, dive, rain, diminish, dwindle, attractiveness, beaut, charm, loveliness,
sink, alight, come, crash, (n) drop, plunge, pitch, pulchritude, dish, elegance, grace, grandeur,
collapse; antonyms (v) rise, increase, ascend, climb, looker, magnificence, peach, stunner; antonym (n)
triumph, win, (n) ascent. ugliness, 2. fairness; synonyms (n) candor, equity,
güzel 1. beautiful; synonyms (adj) attractive, good- beauty, candour, honesty, justice, equality,
looking, bright, beauteous, fine, handsome, lovely, reasonableness, frankness, impartiality, justness,
picturesque, pleasant, pretty, striking, sweet, neutrality, veracity, beauteousness, (adj) comeliness;
adorned, ornate, dainty; antonyms (adj) ugly, antonyms (n) injustice, unfairness, prejudice.
unattractive, 2. fine (ince, iyi); synonyms (adj) güzergâh route (rota, yol); synonyms (n) course,
delicate, agreeable, brave, capital, elegant, path, road, direction, passage, avenue, channel,
excellent, nice, thin, delightful, acute, admirable, circuit, highway, itinerary, line, track, way, lane, (v)
alright, (n) penalty, amercement, (v) punish; direct.
antonyms (adj) poor, thick, coarse, substantial,
unsatisfactory, wide, 3. lovely; synonyms (adj)
beautiful, charming, enchanting, lovable, alluring, H
adorable, endearing, exquisite, fair, gorgeous,
graceful, gracious, cute, appealing, delectable; haber 1. information (bilgi, enformasyon);
antonyms (adj) hideous, terrible, unpleasant, 4. fair synonyms (n) advice, communication, data,
evidence, note, enlightenment, report, tidings,
(sarışın); synonyms (adj) equitable, clear, average,
complaint, counsel, info, instruction, intelligence,
dispassionate, impartial, reasonable, candid,
material, warning, 2. message (ileti, mesaj);
comely, considerable, decent, disinterested, (adv)
synonyms (n) meaning, information, errand, letter,
clean, (n) bazaar, blonde, carnival; antonyms (adj)
mission, dispatch, lesson, significance, statement,
unfair, biased, dark, exceptional, unjust, partial,
word, direction, memorandum, epistle, import,
foul, imbalanced, mismatched, prejudiced,
aviso, 3. communication (iletişim); synonyms
unwarranted, 5. handsome (yakışıklı);
(n) announcement, commerce, communicating,
synonyms (adj) generous, bountiful, bonny, big,
contact, conversation, discourse, intercourse,
bounteous, liberal, prepossessing, free, tidy,
message, news, notice, expression, language, mail,
appropriate, becoming, cheerful, magnanimous,
touch, discussion, 4. news (haberler); synonyms
proper, bighearted, 6. pretty; synonyms (adv) very,
(n) story, gossip, bulletin, rumor, (adj) new, 5.
fairly, jolly, quite, rather, somewhat, moderately,
slightly, (adj) neat, pleasing, smart, noble, just, 7.
report (rapor); synonyms (n) description, name,
fame, narration, narrative, notification, recital,
good (iyi); synonyms (adj) able, benefit, delicious,
record, (v) account, describe, communicate, recount,
right, efficient, capable, superior, well,
relate, notify, advise; antonym (n) fact, 6. word
advantageous, desirable, gentle, beneficent, (n)

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202 Turkish - English

(kelime, söz, sözcük); synonyms (n) promise, measurement, meter, quantity, act, allotment,
parole, password, term, vocable, undertaking, action, (v) grade, appraise, assess.
assurance, command, countersign, order, (v) hadise 1. event (olay); synonyms (n) affair, case,
formulate, phrase, put, sentence, couch. consequence, effect, occurrence, circumstance,
haberdar 1. informed; synonyms (adj) aware, contingency, fact, happening, incident, issue, result,
cognizant, educated, conscious, knowledgeable, aftermath, time, chance, 2. incident (olay);
familiar, apprised, wise, conversant, experienced, synonyms (n) event, adventure, episode,
(adv) abreast; antonym (adj) ignorant, 2. aware; experience, instance, occasion, anecdote,
synonyms (adj) awake, attentive, heedful, mindful, development, incidence, matter, phenomenon, (adj)
vigilant, sentient, alert, enlightened, knowing, attendant, concomitant, accessory, incidental, 3.
observant, sensible, wary, watchful, appreciative, happening; synonyms (n) accident, eventuality,
perceptive; antonyms (adj) unaware, unconscious. fortuity, thing, business, fate, 4. affair (iş,
haberler news; synonyms (n) advice, information, mesele); synonyms (n) concern, job, amour, duty,
intelligence, message, tidings, story, party, subject, theme, topic, transaction, meeting,
communication, gossip, notice, report, bulletin, affaire, function, liaison, occupation, (v) collision, 5.
dispatch, rumor, word, (adj) new. phenomenon (fenomen); synonyms (n)
haberleşme communication (iletişim); synonyms appearance, marvel, miracle, prodigy, wonder,
(n) announcement, commerce, communicating, apparition, sight, manifestation, vision, object,
contact, conversation, discourse, epistle, oddity, sensation, spectacle.
intercourse, letter, message, news, notice, report, hafif 1. light (açık, ışık); synonyms (adj) fair, clear,
tidings, word. facile, easy, faint, flimsy, (n) flame, brightness,
habersiz unaware; synonyms (adj) ignorant, daylight, (v) fire, kindle, inflame, glow, ignite,
incognizant, unwitting, unconscious, unknowing, dismount; antonyms (adj) fattening, nauseating, (n)
blind, oblivious; antonyms (adj) aware, cognizant. dark, darkness, gloom, shade, night, (v) extinguish,
haç cross; synonyms (n) crisscross, affliction, (v) darken, (alt sp) heavy, 2. mild; synonyms (adj)
intersect, baffle, cover, thwart, (adj) crabbed, crabby, kindly, gracious, benign, lenient, docile, humble,
angry, cantankerous, grouchy, grumpy, traverse, balmy, calm, clement, delicate, kind, meek, sweet,
cranky, annoyed; antonyms (v) uncross, (adj) calm, affable, (n) gentle; antonyms (adj) intense, extreme,
good-tempered. pungent, severe, sharp, spicy, barbed, fierce, great,
hacim 1. volume (cilt, oylum); synonyms (n) bulk, hot, incisive, passionate, powerful, scathing,
size, book, magnitude, mass, quantity, dimension, wintry, 3. slight; synonyms (adj) slender, thin,
amount, capacity, intensity, loudness, tome, fragile, feeble, fine, lean, (n) scorn, disdain, (v)
journal, (adj) deal, pot; antonym (n) quietness, 2. disregard, insult, neglect, ignore, affront, cut, (adv)
bulk (yığın); synonyms (n) majority, volume, light; antonyms (adj) considerable, major, fat,
body, extent, thickness, scale, aggregate, obvious, thickset, wide, 4. distant (uzak);
immensity, bigness, dimensions, freight, (v) bulge, synonyms (adj) cold, aloof, remote, chill, cool,
pouch, protrude, (adj) lump; antonym (n) minority, detached, far, reserved, long, faraway, icy,
3. size (boyut, büyüklük); synonyms (n) indifferent, removed, (adv) apart, (n) chilly;
measure, largeness, glue, breadth, degree, antonyms (adj) close, adjacent, friendly, near,
measurement, sizing, proportion, content, compass, nearby, neighboring, warm, pending, alert,
enormity, fatness, format, (v) gauge, (adj) gum; intimate, involved, 5. lightly; synonyms (adv)
antonyms (n) length, slenderness. gently, airily, softly, flippantly, easily, quietly,
haciz 1. attachment; synonyms (n) affection, readily, slightly, delicately, thinly; antonyms (adv)
appendix, accessory, addition, adherence, regard, heavily, seriously, thickly, 6. soft; synonyms (adj)
appendage, association, bond, connection, limp, quiet, slack, loose, flabby, flaccid, frail, mild,
devotion, fitting, fondness, liking, link; antonym (n) pliant, smooth, pleasant, temperate, amiable, bland,
detachment, 2. distress (acı); synonyms (n) agony, (v) low; antonyms (adj) hard, firm, harsh, loud,
anguish, pain, trouble, anxiety, calamity, difficulty, hoarse, rough, solid, stiff, alcoholic, shrill, strong.
grief, hurt, torture, (v) afflict, torment, concern, hafifçe 1. lightly; synonyms (adv) gently, light, airily,
bother, upset; antonyms (v) comfort, please. softly, flippantly, easily, quietly, readily, slightly,
had 1. limit (sınır); synonyms (n) bound, boundary, delicately, thinly; antonyms (adv) heavily, seriously,
edge, (v) border, restrict, circumscribe, confine, thickly, 2. slightly; synonyms (adv) rather, little,
curb, restrain, abridge, check, close, constrain, somewhat, lightly, slight, fairly, moderately,
curtail, (prep) extent; antonyms (n) center, extension, slenderly, faintly, small, hardly, barely, slimly,
minimum, (v) broaden, extend, 2. measure scarcely; antonyms (adv) very, excessively,
(ölçmek, ölçü, önlem); synonyms (n) amount, infinitely, significantly, terribly, tremendously,
criterion, beat, benchmark, degree, estimate, considerably, much, particularly, solidly.

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hafiflemek moderate (ılımlı); synonyms (adj) morality, correctness, court, reasonableness,

temperate, abstemious, middling, mild, easy, (v) uprightness, (adj) honesty, principle; antonyms (n)
calm, mitigate, allay, curb, diminish, lessen, ease, injustice, unfairness, 5. due; synonyms (adj)
cool, abate, (adv) check; antonyms (adj) extreme, equitable, lawful, owed, payable, unpaid,
immoderate, radical, (v) increase, intensify. unsettled, legal, fitting, (adv) directly, (v) owing, (n)
hafifletmek 1. moderate (ılımlı); synonyms (adj) debt, duty, tax, desert, claim; antonyms (adj) paid,
temperate, abstemious, middling, mild, easy, (v) undue, 6. benefit (yarar); synonyms (n)
calm, mitigate, allay, curb, diminish, lessen, ease, advantage, gain, assistance, favor, interest, reward,
cool, abate, (adv) check; antonyms (adj) extreme, service, use, welfare, (v) aid, assist, profit, avail,
immoderate, radical, (v) increase, intensify, 2. help, advance; antonyms (n) disadvantage,
modify (değiştirmek); synonyms (v) alter, drawback, loss, (v) harm, 7. title; synonyms (n)
qualify, adapt, change, limit, adjust, amend, designation, caption, designate, appellation,
assuage, convert, moderate, restrict, vary, denomination, epithet, championship, heading,
commute, fit, revise. pretension, rubric, (v) name, style, term, entitle, (adj)
hafifmeşrep loose; synonyms (adj) lax, liberal, ownership.
dissolute, licentious, light, vague, detached, hakaret 1. outrage; synonyms (n) affront, atrocity,
immoral, (v) disengage, liberate, relax, release, indignity, anger, enormity, injury, contumely,
detach, (n) free, limp; antonyms (adj) tight, close, force, (v) insult, dishonor, offend, violate, desecrate,
compressed, dense, taut, strict, compact, wedged. horrify, (adj) abuse, 2. slight; synonyms (adj) flimsy,
hafiye detective; synonyms (n) investigator, scout, slender, thin, fragile, delicate, faint, feeble, fine, (n)
scorn, disdain, (v) disregard, neglect, ignore, cut,
tec, officer, spy, policeman, snoop, runner,
watchman, analyst, beagle, bull, (v) informer, (adv) light; antonyms (adj) considerable, major, fat,

delator, eavesdropper. heavy, intense, obvious, severe, thickset, wide.

hafıza memory (anı, bellek, hatıra); synonyms (n) hakem 1. referee; synonyms (n) arbiter, arbitrator,
memento, recall, recollection, remembrance, mediator, umpire, adjudicator, ref, moderator,
reminiscence, commemoration, memorial, intermediary, referendary, (v) judge, arbitrate,
remembering, retention, retrospect, storage, store, mediate, adjudicate, intercede, 2. judge; synonyms
recognition, retrospection, (v) mind. (n) referee, (v) consider, estimate, evaluate, think,

hafta week; synonyms (n) hebdomad, day, hour, believe, condemn, assess, calculate, decide, guess,
minute, second, year, sennight, sevennight, time, examine, conceive, adjudge, conclude.
workweek. hakikat 1. truth (doğruluk); synonyms (n)
haftalık weekly; synonyms (adv) hebdomadally, (n) exactness, reality, actuality, sincerity, correctness,
fact, fidelity, verity, genuineness, accuracy,
magazine, journal, newspaper, periodical, (v)
certainty, faithfulness, honesty, precision,
quotidian, tertian.
authenticity; antonyms (n) untruth, dishonesty,
hain 1. rat (sıçan); synonyms (n) grass, informer,
fabrication, falsehood, fiction, lie, 2. fact (gerçek,
apostate, betrayer, scab, renegade, (v) blackleg,
denounce, betray, peach, sing, apostatize, squeal, olay, olgu); synonyms (n) event, incident, detail,
defect, inform, 2. wicked; synonyms (adj) deed, particular, truth, circumstance, experience,
occurrence, point, thing, contingency, affair, case,
atrocious, bad, evil, sinful, vicious, depraved,
immoral, mischievous, unholy, vile, corrupt, (v) act; antonyms (n) guesswork, rumor, conjecture,

criminal, diabolical, foul, hellish; antonyms (adj) fallacy, report, 3. reality; synonyms (n) existence,
good, innocent, kind, moral, pious, pure. realism, being, realness, entity, loyalty, positive,
substance, trueness, veracity, effect, performance,
hak 1. franchise (imtiyaz); synonyms (n) exemption,
(v) efficiency; antonyms (n) fantasy, delusion,
liberty, freedom, immunity, privilege, suffrage,
vote, charter, absolution, dispensation, patent, dream, imagination, vision.
permit, license, release, dealership, 2. claim hakikaten 1. indeed (gerçekten); synonyms (adv)
(talep); synonyms (n) call, charge, allegation, right, actually, certainly, exactly, much, really, surely,
greatly, absolutely, clearly, definitely, positively,
title, (v) demand, ask, assert, exact, arrogate,
precisely, so, truly, (int) forsooth; antonym (adv)
contend, need, require, requisition, want;
possibly, 2. really (gerçekten); synonyms (adv)
antonyms (v) deny, disclaim, forfeit, 3. right
honestly, genuinely, real, very, simply,
(doğru, sağ); synonyms (adj) correct, appropriate,
authentically, practically, essentially, extremely,
due, just, proper, decent, good, even, perfect,
highly, quite, right, just, (adj) indeed, sincerely, 3.
accurate, fair, faithful, fit, reasonable, (n) law;
truly; synonyms (adv) legitimately, correctly,
antonyms (adj) inappropriate, unjustified, immoral,
loyally, truthfully, awfully, completely, fully,
incorrect, (n) left, (v) wrong, 4. justice (adalet);
rightfully; antonym (adv) falsely.
synonyms (n) equity, fairness, impartiality,
integrity, judge, judicature, jurist, justness,

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204 Turkish - English

hakiki 1. real (gerçek); synonyms (adj) genuine, haksız 1. unfair; synonyms (adj) partial, dishonest,
material, physical, true, concrete, literal, natural, unjust, foul, inequitable, deceitful, dishonorable,
positive, pure, native, right, good, absolute, (n) fraudulent, undeserved, wrongful, underhand,
authentic, (v) actual; antonyms (adj) unreal, unsporting, mean, crooked, dirty; antonyms (adj)
imaginary, apparent, artificial, fake, bogus, fair, just, reasonable, balanced, rightful, 2. wrong;
deceptive, false, fantasy, imitation, insubstantial, synonyms (adj) harm, evil, false, ill, improper, bad,
mock, nominal, (v) pretend, 2. true (doğru, inappropriate, incorrect, abuse, criminal, (n)
gerçek); synonyms (adj) real, faithful, even, damage, injure, injury, injustice, crime; antonyms
accurate, correct, exact, honest, straight, truthful, (adj) correct, good, proper, honest, law-abiding, (adv)
direct, sincere, factual, loyal, precise, (v) square; correctly, (v) right, (n) justice.
antonyms (adj) inaccurate, untrue, 3. authentic; haksızlık injustice (adaletsizlik); synonyms (n)
synonyms (adj) believable, trustworthy, valid, inequity, iniquity, evil, unfairness, wrong, bigotry,
unfeigned, unsophisticated, credible, original, crime, grievance, inequality, oppression, prejudice,
reliable, veritable, convincing, realistic, wickedness, (adj) injury, harm, damage; antonyms
unquestionable, (v) authoritative; antonym (adj) (n) justice, evenhandedness, fairness.
unrealistic, 4. actual (gerçek); synonyms (adj) hal 1. state (devlet, durum, eyalet); synonyms (n)
existent, indisputable, tangible, very, effective, nation, position, say, country, kingdom, show,
existing, extant, immediate, present, substantial, place, (v) declare, expound, express, mention,
bodily; antonyms (adj) hypothetical, supposed, 5. affirm, allege, announce, (adj) national; antonyms
genuine; synonyms (adj) candid, artless, hearty, (v) deny, (adj) private, 2. status (durum);
unaffected, certain, earnest, intrinsic, legitimate, synonyms (n) rank, situation, caste, condition,
solid, clean, chaste, devout, authenticated, order, circumstance, dignity, footing, grade,
essential, fair; antonyms (adj) insincere, affected, importance, posture, estate, post, character, (adj)
dishonest, hypocritical, replica. standing, 3. condition; synonyms (n) provision,
hakim judge; synonyms (n) arbiter, arbitrator, referee, status, attitude, circumstances, clause, predicament,
(v) consider, estimate, evaluate, think, believe, state, term, complaint, affection, ailment,
condemn, assess, adjudicate, calculate, decide, assumption, case, (v) aspect, provide, 4. aspect;
guess, umpire. synonyms (n) appearance, look, surface, bearing,
hakimiyet sovereignty; synonyms (n) kingdom, expression, manner, prospect, side, view, air, angle,
reign, empire, autonomy, dominion, independence, face, facet, feature, quality, 5. occasion; synonyms
power, realm, rule, majesty, monarchy, control, (n) event, chance, episode, happening, incident,
supremacy, sceptre, ascendancy. juncture, motive, opportunity, (v) cause, create,
hakkında about (hemen hemen); synonyms (prep) beget, breed, induce, make, raise, 6. situation;
encircling, for, encompassing, circa, concerning, synonyms (n) employment, job, matter, location,
(adv) around, approximately, almost, nearly, most, office, point, seat, site, berth, environment, spot,
roughly, in, nearby, (adj) some, near; antonyms function, placement, disposition, form.
(prep) exactly, precisely. hala 1. aunt (teyze, yenge); synonyms (n) auntie,
hakkıyla duly; synonyms (adv) justly, correctly, aunty, uncle, nephew, niece, 2. still; synonyms
punctually, rightfully, accordingly, fairly, (adv) however, but, nevertheless, (adj) calm, pacify,
equitably, lawfully, legally, orderly, befittingly, peaceful, silence, quiescent, serene, silent, (n) hush,
decorously, methodically, strictly, technically; (v) quiet, assuage, compose, lull; antonyms (adj)

antonym (adv) unduly. moving, effervescent, fizzy, windy, (n) noisy.

Hakkýnda about (hakkında, hemen hemen); halat rope (ip); synonyms (n) cable, lasso, lariat,
synonyms (prep) encircling, for, encompassing, circa, noose, cord, hawser, leash, line, string, tape, lace,
concerning, (adv) around, approximately, almost, tether, thread, (v) tie, bind.
nearly, most, roughly, in, nearby, (adj) some, near; halbuki whereas; synonyms (conj) though, while,
antonyms (prep) exactly, precisely. whenas, where, (adv) although, when, then, (prep)
haklı 1. right (doğru, sağ); synonyms (adj) correct, because.
appropriate, due, just, proper, decent, good, even, hale glory (şan); synonyms (n) fame, celebrity,
perfect, accurate, exact, fair, faithful, fit, (n) brightness, honor, pride, distinction, credit, dignity,
privilege; antonyms (adj) inappropriate, unjustified, eclat, eminence, glitter, glorification, (v) halo, exult,
immoral, incorrect, (n) left, (v) wrong, 2. just; boast.
synonyms (adv) exactly, hardly, newly, simply, halef successor; synonyms (n) heir, substitute,
exclusively, (adj) right, equitable, honest, impartial, beneficiary, inheritor, offspring, replacement, scion,
barely, reasonable, righteous, upright, definite, sequel; antonyms (n) forerunner, ancestor,
clean; antonyms (adj) unfair, biased. precursor, predecessor.

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halen currently; synonyms (adv) presently, end, melt, do, (n) purpose, determination, decision,
commonly, now, recently, today, lately, popularly, firmness, resolution, analyze, resoluteness, will;
shortly, soon. antonyms (n) indecision, weakness, 3. settle;
halı 1. carpet; synonyms (n) blanket, rug, carpeting, synonyms (v) fix, place, clarify, establish, pay,
runner, floor, flooring, (v) cover, drape, encase, regulate, set, adjudicate, adjust, agree, drop, fall,
rebuke, attack, criticize, jaw, obscure, row, 2. rug reconcile, (n) locate, (adj) confirm.
(kilim); synonyms (n) carpet, mat, coverlet, halsizlik weakness; synonyms (n) debility, defect,
counterpane, quilt, sheet, tarpaulin, bathmat, failing, fault, deficiency, feebleness, fragility,
doormat, (v) plunder, spoil, tear. imperfection, flaw, frailty, inadequacy, blemish,
haliç mouth (ağız); synonyms (n) jaw, lip, aperture, predilection, (adj) infirmity, foible; antonyms (n)
lips, edge, entrance, brim, (v) grimace, articulate, strength, power, dislike, advantage, brightness,
pronounce, speak, utter, vocalize, blab, deliver. determination, intensity, supremacy.
halis 1. pure (arı, saf); synonyms (adj) just, absolute, ham 1. raw; synonyms (adj) crude, fresh, immature,
genuine, natural, artless, clean, clear, faultless, bleak, coarse, cutting, green, piercing, sore, cold,
fresh, good, guileless, immaculate, innocent, mere, biting, chilly, inclement, inexperienced, naked;
(n) chaste; antonyms (adj) impure, contaminated, antonyms (adj) refined, cooked, 2. crude (kaba);
diluted, dishonored, tainted, wicked, 2. sheer; synonyms (adj) clumsy, raw, rough, rude,
synonyms (adj) pure, bold, diaphanous, filmy, barbarous, primitive, uncouth, vulgar, barbarian,
gauzy, gossamer, simple, steep, transparent, abrupt, churlish, earthy, gross, impolite, indecent;
regular, perpendicular, flimsy, (n) complete, antonym (adj) sophisticated, 3. green (yeşil);
perfect, entire; antonyms (adj) gentle, thick, 3. true synonyms (adj) callow, emerald, jealous, young,
(doğru, gerçek); synonyms (adj) real, actual, youthful, envious, grassy, gullible, juvenile, naive,
faithful, right, even, accurate, authentic, correct, sick, simple, unripe, verdant, (n) lawn; antonym
exact, honest, straight, truthful, direct, sincere, (v) (adj) experienced, 4. rough (kaba); synonyms (adj)
square; antonyms (adj) false, bogus, inaccurate, hard, harsh, cruel, grating, hoarse, jagged,
untrue. approximate, gruff, indelicate, rocky, uneven,
halk 1. people; synonyms (n) nation, community, robust, abrasive, (n) boisterous, draft; antonyms
family, folk, multitude, populace, clan, mob, flock, (adj) gentle, smooth, polished, precise, silky, soft,

citizenry, crowd, (v) inhabit, occupy, reside, dwell, even, exact, glossy, pleasant.
2. public (genel, kamu); synonyms (adj) hamal porter; synonyms (n) carrier, doorkeeper,
common, national, overt, civic, general, communal, gatekeeper, janitor, caretaker, doorman, ostiary,
mutual, popular, ordinary, civil, (n) people, concierge, redcap.
audience, (v) open, plebeian, government; hamil holder; synonyms (n) bearer, case, possessor,
antonyms (adj) private, confidential, personal, 3. stand, container, proprietor, rack, tenant, handle,
folk; synonyms (n) kin, kindred, kinsfolk, man, carrier, bracket, occupant, owner, support, vessel.
persons, race, tribe, house. hamile pregnant (gebe); synonyms (adj) pithy,
halka 1. ring (yüzük); synonyms (n) encircle, band, significant, fraught, enceinte, expectant, gravid,
heavy, big, meaning, teeming, important, (v) telling,
gang, jingle, loop, rim, circuit, annulus, (v) circle,
call, peal, echo, resound, reverberate, gird, 2. circle
(daire); synonyms (n) round, association, compass, hamilelik pregnancy (gebelik); synonyms (n)
gravidity, gestation, fertility, behavior,
ring, field, range, beat, company, scope, set, league,
childbearing, departure, doings, fetation, going,
area, (v) turn, whirl, circulate.
pregnance, uterogestation, traveling, (adj)
halletme 1. settlement; synonyms (n) decision, procreation, propagation, pullulation.
accommodation, colony, hamlet, payment,
hamle 1. blow (üflemek); synonyms (n) bang, beat,
arrangement, conclusion, resolution,
blast, knock, shock, wallop, gust, hit, jolt, (v) puff,
determination, contract, adjustment, agreement,
bloom, blossom, pant, play, (adj) gasp; antonyms (v)
colonization, establishment, liquidation, 2.
calm, save, 2. move (hareket, taşınmak);
solution (çözelti, çözüm, eriyik); synonyms (n)
synonyms (v) act, affect, carry, excite, go, impel,
dissolution, answer, settlement, resolve,
instigate, maneuver, touch, travel, flow, bear, (n)
explanation, key, result, remedy, definition,
motion, drive, transfer; antonym (v) stay, 3. onset;
resolving, clarification, liquid, reply, cure, outcome.
synonyms (n) incursion, charge, aggression, assault,
halletmek 1. solve; synonyms (v) resolve, interpret,
beginning, inroad, onslaught, birth,
answer, decipher, dissolve, crack, elucidate,
commencement, dawn, onrush, outbreak, invasion,
explain, riddle, decide, loosen, figure, guess,
offensive, (v) attack, 4. rush; synonyms (n) hurry,
conclude, (adj) loose, 2. resolve (çözmek);
flood, (v) dash, gush, race, run, speed, dart, hasten,
synonyms (v) determine, solve, decompose, settle,
stream, quicken, jet, accelerate, (adj) burst, spurt.

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206 Turkish - English

hammadde stock (hisse senedi); synonyms (n) detain, immure, arrest, 2. cage (kafes); synonyms
breed, lineage, store, goods, ancestry, descent, (n) jail, pen, hutch, corral, crate, frame, enclosure, (v)
family, hoard, origin, race, backlog, birth, (adj) enclose; antonym (v) free.
regular, (v) handle, supply. haraç tribute; synonyms (n) commendation, praise,
han 1. inn; synonyms (n) hostel, hotel, hostelry, lodge, tax, contribution, honor, testimonial, duty, homage,
bar, house, lodging, pub, saloon, tavern, 2. khan; eulogy, respect, compliment, appreciation,
synonyms (n) caravanserai, caravansary, caliph, approval, (v) subsidy, allowance; antonym (n)
czar, imaum, kaiser, king, mogul, padishah, shah, criticism.
sultan, tsar, cazique, chief, governor. harap waste; synonyms (n) desert, refuse, damage,
hancı host; synonyms (n) crowd, army, flock, horde, trash, (adj) spoil, desolate, barren, (v) consume,
mob, legion, troop, emcee, mass, multitude, swarm, exhaust, ruin, squander, ravage, destruction,
throng, heap, array, battalion. devastate, dissipate; antonyms (v) conserve, save.
hangar shed; synonyms (v) cast, discard, drop, moult, hararet 1. heat (ısı); synonyms (n) glow, fervor,
scatter, exuviate, molt, dismiss, disgorge, emit, summer, warmth, ardor, caloric, estrus, fire, (v)
fling, (n) hut, shack, cabin, booth. bake, burn, anger, chafe, (adj) fever, excitement,
hanım 1. wife (eş, karı); synonyms (n) matron, passion; antonyms (n) cold, chill, (v) cool, 2.
missis, partner, spouse, consort, helpmate, lady, warmth; synonyms (n) heat, temperature,
woman, mistress, concubine, mother, sweetheart, geniality, warmness, affection, tenderness,
bride, companion, helpmeet; antonym (n) husband, fondness, friendliness, hotness, sympathy,
2. lady (bayan); synonyms (n) dame, cordiality, enthusiasm, feeling, zeal, (adj) verve;
gentlewoman, female, ma'am, wife, noble, (v) antonyms (n) aloofness, chilliness, coldness,
squaw; antonym (n) man. coolness, unfriendliness.
hanımefendi lady (bayan); synonyms (n) dame, hararetli warm (ılık, ısıtmak, sıcak); synonyms
gentlewoman, female, ma'am, matron, wife, (adj) hot, affectionate, tender, ardent, cordial,
woman, noble, (v) squaw; antonym (n) man. fervent, lively, fond, loving, earnest, caring,
hantal 1. gross (brüt, kaba); synonyms (adj) crass, enthusiastic, genial, glowing, hearty; antonyms (adj)
coarse, big, boorish, common, crude, fat, blunt, aloof, cold, unfriendly, reserved, hostile, (v) cool,
disgusting, broad, brutal, bulky, earthy, (v) foul, (n) chill.
aggregate; antonyms (adj) attractive, (v) net, 2. harcama 1. expenditure; synonyms (n) charge, cost,
awkward; synonyms (adj) clumsy, inconvenient, disbursement, consumption, expense, outlay,
embarrassing, inept, sticky, uncomfortable, exhaustion, outgo, expenses, payment, price,
ungainly, untoward, left-handed, annoying, spending, use, acquit, assets; antonyms (n) income,
bungling, cumbersome, difficult, graceless, heavy; savings, 2. expense; synonyms (n) expenditure,
antonyms (adj) graceful, easy, adroit, manageable, amount, detriment, fee, toll, disbursal.
straightforward, convenient, dexterous, helpful, harcamak spend; synonyms (v) consume, exhaust,
rotund, simple. expend, squander, blow, deplete, pass, wear, lead,
hapishane 1. jail; synonyms (n) cage, prison, cell, invest, dissipate, draw, drop, employ, (adj) waste;
clink, jug, calaboose, custody, jailhouse, (v) gaol, antonyms (v) save, conserve.
imprison, incarcerate, confine, detain, immure, harcanmış spent; synonyms (v) dull, evanid, (adj)
arrest, 2. prison (cezaevi); synonyms (n) jail, exhausted, prostrate, expended, fatigued, finished,
confinement, lockup, penitentiary, 3. can; gone, dead, effete, jaded, tired, drained, weary,
synonyms (v) tin, dismiss, fire, might, pickle, pot, worn; antonym (adj) remaining.
sack, (n) bathroom, behind, buttocks, container, hareket 1. movement; synonyms (n) motion, move,
lavatory, posterior, rump, jar; antonym (v) hire, 4. action, activity, campaign, crusade, advancement,
institution; synonyms (n) creation, establishment, cause, drive, passage, drift, flow, inclination, effort,
institute, formation, asylum, founding, academy, evolution, 2. action (etki, eylem, iş); synonyms
custom, foundation, initiation, organization, (n) act, accomplishment, agency, battle, deed, effect,
tradition, induction, practice, college, 5. cage engagement, fight, movement, performance, play,
(kafes); synonyms (n) pen, hutch, corral, crate, behavior, case, (v) achievement, combat; antonyms
frame, enclosure, (v) enclose; antonym (v) free. (n) inaction, inactivity, 3. motion (devinim);
hapsetme imprisonment; synonyms (n) captivity, synonyms (n) gesture, wave, exercise, gesticulation,
custody, confinement, incarceration, durance, application, question, resolution, swing, progress,
arrest, detention, immurement, internment, duress, advance, motility, (v) sign, beckon, gesticulate,
(adj) bondage; antonyms (n) freedom, release. signal, 4. move (taşınmak); synonyms (v) affect,
hapsetmek 1. jail (hapishane); synonyms (n) cage, carry, excite, go, impel, instigate, maneuver, touch,
prison, cell, clink, jug, calaboose, custody, travel, bear, disturb, actuate, agitate, arouse, (n)
jailhouse, (v) gaol, imprison, incarcerate, confine, transfer; antonym (v) stay, 5. act (davranmak,

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rol yapmak); synonyms (n) statute, decree, do, hareketsiz 1. still; synonyms (adv) however, but,
feat, law, (v) behave, perform, acquit, enact, feign, nevertheless, (adj) calm, pacify, peaceful, silence,
operate, pretend, work, commit, conduct; antonym quiescent, serene, silent, (n) hush, (v) quiet, assuage,
(v) refrain, 6. play (oynamak); synonyms (v) compose, lull; antonyms (adj) moving, effervescent,
pastime, joke, execute, fiddle, flirt, wager, (n) frolic, fizzy, windy, (n) noisy, 2. quiet (sakin, sessiz);
game, sport, bet, diversion, gambol, romp, jest, synonyms (adj) still, cool, gentle, motionless, placid,
amusement, 7. stroke (inme, vuruş); synonyms tranquil, tranquilize, collected, (v) appease,
(n) beat, caress, hit, mark, apoplexy, attack, bang, moderate, allay, easy, repose, (n) ease, peace;
impact, knock, line, (v) buffet, lick, fondle, pat, (adj) antonyms (adj) loud, talkative, vociferous, active, (n)
blow, 8. conduct; synonyms (n) administration, noise.
manage, demeanor, lead, behaviour, (v) bring, hareketsizlik rest (dinlenme); synonyms (n)
direct, administer, carriage, bearing, comport, remnant, repose, balance, pause, recess, relaxation,
show, accompany, channel, command, 9. residue, leisure, break, (v) nap, remain, sleep, ease,
departure; synonyms (n) death, exit, leave, depart, lie, (adj) remainder; antonym (v) work.
deviation, divergence, parting, aberration, harf letter (mektup); synonyms (n) epistle, mail,
digression, going, leaving, passing, takeoff, (v) character, communication, dispatch, memorandum,
decease, demise; antonyms (n) arrival, appearance, message, note, type, inscription, learning, memo,
10. deed (iş); synonyms (n) exploit, covenant, missive, ticket, (v) print.
document, doing, fact, title, certificate, job, hariç 1. bar (bar, çubuk); synonyms (n) barricade,
measure, paper, proceeding, reality, thing, band, stop, line, pub, snag, (v) ban, block, bolt,
ownership, 11. step (adım, basamak); synonyms exclude, obstruct, arrest, balk, dam, foreclose;
(n) degree, stage, walk, gait, gradation, level, rank, antonyms (v) permit, allow, 2. except; synonyms
footprint, footstep, stride, phase, procedure, (conj) but, unless, (prep) save, excepting, excluding,
process, (v) pace, tread, 12. start (başlamak, (v) demur, omit, exempt, object, reserve, saving, (n)
başlangıç, başlatmak); synonyms (v) begin, bar, without, (adv) besides; antonym (v) include, 3.
originate, commence, launch, embark, spring, save (kurtarmak, saklamak); synonyms (v)
activate, arise, (n) jump, onset, origin, shock, deliver, economize, rescue, conserve, free, hoard,
beginning, commencement, dawn; antonyms (v) keep, maintain, preserve, liberate, protect, redeem,
end, finish, stop, conclude, halt, (n) conclusion, 13. retain, defend, (prep) except; antonyms (v) spend,
transaction; synonyms (n) deal, business, dealing, squander, waste.
dealings, trade, concern, matter, affair, bargain, harici 1. external; synonyms (adj) exterior, outside,
contract, negotiation, exchange, affairs, traffic, extraneous, extrinsic, outward, foreign, outlying,
agreement; antonym (n) purchase. peripheral, superficial, formal, exotic, objective,
hareketli 1. active (etkin); synonyms (adj) energetic, outdoor, outer, surface; antonyms (adj) inner,
alert, busy, diligent, effective, live, lively, nimble, interior, internal, domestic, inmost, inside, 2.
strong, agile, alive, brisk, dynamic, forcible, outer; synonyms (adj) external, utter; antonym (adj)
healthy; antonyms (adj) dormant, inactive, sluggish,
idle, latent, lethargic, sedentary, slow, extinct,
harika 1. wonderful; synonyms (adj) extraordinary,
passive, quiet, 2. brisk; synonyms (adj) active,
marvelous, astonishing, excellent, remarkable,
bracing, bright, quick, acute, smart, sprightly,
phenomenal, amazing, fantastic, grand, great,
adroit, animated, crisp, fast, fresh, hasty,
miraculous, strange, super, terrific, (n) incredible;
invigorating, pert; antonym (adj) soporific, 3.
antonyms (adj) awful, terrible, unpleasant, dreadful,
moving (dokunaklı); synonyms (adj) affecting,
2. fantastic; synonyms (adj) bizarre, antic,
emotional, exciting, impressive, mobile, pitiful,
extravagant, grotesque, wonderful, capricious,
poignant, touching, inspiring, movable, imposing,
chimerical, fabulous, fantastical, illusory,
(n) movement, transport, advance, transfer;
imaginary, odd, romantic, (n) fanciful, (v) fancy;
antonyms (adj) motionless, still, depressing,
antonyms (adj) ordinary, real, 3. wonder (hayret);
stationary, unemotional, 4. busy (meşgul);
synonyms (v) admire, query, question, reflect,
synonyms (adj) assiduous, engaged, occupied,
speculate, (n) marvel, prodigy, admiration,
crowded, industrious, meddlesome, officious,
amazement, astonishment, miracle, surprise, muse,
earnest, employed, eventful, full, (v) occupy,
phenomenon, wonderment, 4. gorgeous;
employ, engage, engross; antonym (adj) free, 5.
synonyms (adj) beautiful, attractive, gaudy,
swinging; synonyms (adj) swaying, excessive,
luxurious, rich, glorious, gay, costly, delicious,
exorbitant, extravagant, hanging, inordinate,
delightful, fine, handsome, lovely, magnificent,
lilting, outrageous, pendulous, preposterous, (n)
opulent; antonym (adj) ugly, 5. miracle; synonyms
(n) wonder, wonderwork, event, sensation, 6.
fabulous; synonyms (adj) mythical, fabled,

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legendary, fab, mythological, spectacular, unreal, serious, strict, atrocious, caustic, (v) poignant;
brilliant, fictitious, mythic, sensational, splendid, antonyms (adj) mild, slight, easy, lax.
superb, tremendous, unspeakable. hasır straw (saman); synonyms (n) chaff, rush, stalk,
harita map; synonyms (n) design, graph, plat, husk, shuck, (v) cover, strew, (adj) feather, cobweb,
diagram, mapping, picture, correspondence, (v) down, dust, flue, gossamer, mote.
chart, plan, plot, project. haşmet majesty; synonyms (n) glory, grandeur,
harman harvest (hasat); synonyms (n) crop, fruit, dignity, loftiness, splendor, greatness,
ingathering, produce, profit, yield, (v) gain, gather, magnificence, nobility, stateliness, king, royalty,
glean, amass, collect, garner, get, pick, reap. highness, pomp, emperor, (adj) solemnity.
has 1. appropriate (ayırmak, kendine mal hassas 1. sensitive; synonyms (adj) delicate, excitable,
etmek, uygun); synonyms (adj) pertinent, proper, sensible, sore, tender, painful, impressionable,
true, agreeable, apposite, apt, congruous, correct, emotional, gentle, irritable, perceptive, receptive,
particular, peculiar, right, (v) annex, allocate, adopt, susceptible, nice, nervous; antonyms (adj)
seize; antonyms (adj) inappropriate, unsuitable, insensitive, numb, hardhearted, tactless, thick-
unrelated, untimely, wrong, (v) surrender, 2. skinned, 2. tender; synonyms (adj) affectionate,
special (özel); synonyms (adj) especial, individual, loving, sensitive, soft, compassionate, fond, mild,
limited, rare, different, distinguished, distinct, frail, caring, (v) proffer, present, propose, (n) offer,
express, certain, distinctive, exceptional, extra, bid, overture; antonyms (adj) tough, hard, rubbery,
extraordinary, private, (adv) apart; antonym (adj) rough, 3. delicate; synonyms (adj) fine, accurate,
ordinary. breakable, dainty, fragile, refined, beautiful, brittle,
hasar 1. injury; synonyms (n) disadvantage, difficult, slim, agreeable, infirm, careful, decent,
disservice, harm, grievance, damage, detriment, elegant; antonyms (adj) strong, inelegant, robust,
hurt, impairment, wound, ill, bruise, affront, heavy, sturdy, 4. fine (güzel, ince, iyi);
contusion, evil, (v) abuse; antonyms (n) ability, synonyms (adj) brave, capital, excellent, thin,
reparation, 2. harm; synonyms (n) injury, wrong, delightful, acute, admirable, alright, choice,
disaster, loss, mischief, misfortune, (v) blemish, exquisite, glorious, (n) penalty, amercement, (v)
injure, maim, poison, ravage, endamage, mar, punish, mulct; antonyms (adj) poor, thick, coarse,
mistreat, molest; antonyms (v) enhance, benefit, 3. substantial, unsatisfactory, wide, 5. sensible;
damage (zarar vermek); synonyms (n) cost, synonyms (adj) reasonable, aware, judicious,
price, ruin, tear, wreck, charge, defacement, (v) perceptible, prudent, rational, sagacious,
afflict, disfigure, mutilate, spoil, defect, break, intelligent, sane, wise, appreciable, sage, logical,
deface, (adj) impair; antonyms (n) service, (v) practical, conscious; antonyms (adj) foolish, absurd,
conserve, repair, bolster. crazy, idiotic, imprudent, ludicrous, mad,
outrageous, reckless, ridiculous, silly, stupid,
hasat harvest; synonyms (n) crop, fruit, ingathering,
unreasonable, unwise, harebrained, 6.
produce, profit, yield, (v) gain, gather, glean, amass,
collect, garner, get, pick, reap.
susceptible; synonyms (adj) responsive, subject,
liable, pliable, susceptive, vulnerable, open,
haşere insect (böcek); synonyms (n) bug, worm,
amenable, exposed, impressible, prone; antonyms
bird, fish, louse, beast, amphibian, animal,
crustacean, mammal, (adj) animalcule, maggot, (adj) resistant, unsusceptible, 7. responsive;

midge, minnow, shrimp. synonyms (adj) responsible, antiphonal, interested.

haset jealousy; synonyms (n) suspicion, competition, hasta 1. sick; synonyms (adj) ill, queasy, ailing,
contention, distrust, qualm, scruple, doubt, indisposed, poorly, weary, invalid, diseased,
challenge, contest, diffidence, dissatisfaction, morbid, sickly, nauseous, poor, crazy, disgusted, (v)
emulation, enmity, jealoushood, misdoubt. unwell; antonyms (adj) well, healthy, 2. patient;
hasım enemy; synonyms (n) adversary, antagonist, synonyms (adj) forbearing, passive, calm, enduring,
resigned, tolerant, uncomplaining, stoical, lenient,
foe, opponent, opposition, competitor, assailant,
meek, persistent, considerate, indefatigable;
foeman, hostile, challenger, contender, (adj) rival;
antonym (adj) impatient, 3. ill; synonyms (adj) bad,
antonyms (n) ally, friend, supporter.
sick, unhealthy, adverse, harmful, (adv) badly,
haşin 1. harsh (sert); synonyms (adj) grating, sharp,
amiss, (n) evil, harm, complaint, hurt, ailment,
austere, bitter, coarse, crude, cruel, discordant,
mischief, damage, calamity, 4. poorly; synonyms
grim, unkind, acrid, acute, biting, brutal, (v) hard;
(adv) inadequately, miserably, imperfectly,
antonyms (adj) smooth, gentle, harmonious, kind,
insufficiently, meanly, meagrely, (adj) low, seedy,
lenient, pleasant, soft, melodious, sweet, 2. severe;
peaked; antonyms (adv) opulently, satisfactorily.
synonyms (adj) harsh, rigid, inclement, rigorous,
hastabakıcı 1. nurse (hemşire); synonyms (n)
rough, arduous, bad, cutting, heavy, intense,
nurture, doctor, amah, (v) nourish, attend, cherish,
entertain, foster, harbor, lactate, cradle, cultivate,

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keep, raise, breastfeed, 2. sister (hemşire); flourishing, well, (n) virtue, 7. defect (kusur);
synonyms (n) nun, nurse, brother, mate, twin, baby, synonyms (n) scar, dearth, deformity, want, disease,
counterpart, double, match, member, pair, kink, lack, malformation, malfunction, speck, stain,
pendant, sis. taint, decrement, (v) desert.
hastalık 1. disease; synonyms (n) ailment, condition, hatalı 1. faulty; synonyms (adj) erroneous, deficient,
illness, sickness, complaint, infirmity, affection, defective, false, vicious, bad, broken, inaccurate,
affliction, bug, disorder, ill, evil, infection, malady, incorrect, wrong, damaged, imperfect, poor, amiss,
(v) distemper, 2. illness; synonyms (n) disease, tainted; antonyms (adj) correct, perfect, flawless, 2.
attack, pain, trouble, 3. complaint; synonyms (n) incorrect; synonyms (adj) improper, inappropriate,
accusation, charge, lament, plaint, protest, wail, imprecise, faulty, fallacious, inexact, mistaken,
whine, claim, quarrel, criticism, moan, upset, untrue, error, flawed, unfit, unfitting, unsound,
syndrome, 4. ill; synonyms (adj) bad, sick, ailing, unsuitable, inconclusive; antonym (adj) right, 3.
diseased, unhealthy, adverse, harmful, nauseous, wrong; synonyms (adj) harm, evil, ill, abuse,
(adv) badly, poorly, sickly, (n) harm, hurt, mischief, criminal, iniquitous, unjust, wicked, (n) damage,
damage; antonyms (adj) healthy, (adv) well, 5. injure, injury, injustice, crime, hurt, mischief;
sickness; synonyms (n) indisposition, qualm, antonyms (adj) good, proper, honest, law-abiding,
nausea, disgust, loathing, derangement, 6. (adv) correctly, (n) justice.
trouble; synonyms (n) distress, bother, anxiety, hatıra memory (anı, bellek, hafıza); synonyms (n)
difficulty, fuss, torment, (v) inconvenience, annoy, memento, recall, recollection, remembrance,
disquiet, worry, afflict, agitate, burden, distract, reminiscence, commemoration, memorial,
disturb; antonyms (v) calm, please. remembering, retention, retrospect, storage, store,
hastane hospital; synonyms (n) infirmary, home, recognition, retrospection, (v) mind.
institution, sanitarium, sickroom, spital, inn, hatırlama recall; synonyms (v) retrieve,
sickbay, (adj) hospitable. countermand, recognize, recollect, remember,
hat 1. line (çizgi); synonyms (n) cord, file, house, repeal, rescind, retract, reverse, revoke, cancel, (n)
breed, course, family, lineage, field, ancestry, anamnesis, memory, return, annulment; antonym
border, boundary, cable, crease, row, (v) order, 2. (v) forget.
stroke (inme, vuruş); synonyms (n) touch, beat, hatırlamak 1. remember (anımsamak); synonyms
caress, hit, mark, apoplexy, attack, bang, impact, (v) commemorate, recognize, recall, recollect,
knock, line, (v) buffet, lick, fondle, (adj) blow, 3. consider, record, remind, retain, think, review,
route (rota, yol); synonyms (n) path, road, ponder, mark, imagine, refresh, cite; antonym (v)
direction, passage, avenue, channel, circuit, forget, 2. recall; synonyms (v) retrieve,
highway, itinerary, track, way, lane, means, countermand, remember, repeal, rescind, retract,
method, (v) direct. reverse, revoke, cancel, recant, (n) anamnesis,
hata 1. error; synonyms (n) deviation, blunder, fault, memory, return, annulment, recollection.
mistake, wrong, delusion, lapse, oversight, crime, hatırlatan reminiscent; synonyms (adj) evocative,
defect, demerit, guilt, misunderstanding, redolent, remindful, indicative, suggestive,
falsehood, confusion; antonym (n) correctness, 2. aromatic, important, meaningful, significant,
fault (arıza, bozukluk, kusur); synonyms (n) implicative, mnemonic, recollective, similar.
blemish, error, failing, blame, blot, delinquency, hatırlayan reminiscent; synonyms (adj) evocative,
flaw, break, weakness, default, failure, fracture, redolent, remindful, indicative, suggestive,
imperfection, (v) deficiency, culpability; antonyms aromatic, important, meaningful, significant,
(n) merit, strength, 3. mistake; synonyms (n) implicative, mnemonic, recollective, similar.
misapprehension, misconception, inaccuracy, trip, hatta even (çift); synonyms (adv) yet, (adj) direct,
misprint, foolishness, (v) err, misapprehend, slip, equal, constant, equable, equivalent, flat,
confuse, misjudge, misunderstand, misconstrue, horizontal, identical, plane, regular, steady, (v)
confound, misinterpret, 4. trip (gezi); synonyms level, balance, smooth; antonyms (adj) uneven,
(n) excursion, expedition, tour, flight, jaunt, travel, inconsistent, irregular, jagged, unequal.
run, drive, misstep, ride, (v) journey, stumble, fall, hav 1. pile (tüy); synonyms (n) heap, stack, mass,
skip, tumble; antonym (v) fix, 5. slip; synonyms (n) congeries, mound, bunch, accumulation, bundle,
cutting, escape, scion, ticket, band, dip, gaffe, (v) collection, hoard, jam, (v) pack, accumulate, amass,
slide, drop, glide, skid, sag, shift, sneak, (adj) crowd, 2. down (aşağı); synonyms (adv) below,
omission; antonym (v) improve, 6. failing; (adj) cut, dejected, depressed, downward,
synonyms (adj) declining, failed, wanting, despondent, dispirited, downcast, downhearted, (n)
deteriorating, abortive, deficient, (n) inadequacy, feather, fur, fuzz, (v) consume, devour, drink;
shortcoming, decline, foible, frailty, infirmity, vice, antonyms (adv) up, (adj) cheerful, happy, upward.
disadvantage, drawback; antonyms (adj) thriving,

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hava 1. air (havalandırmak); synonyms (n) tune, havlamak bay (koy); synonyms (n) alcove, bark,
appearance, manner, atmosphere, look, melody, recess, cry, harbor, fiord, sound, cove, embayment,
strain, face, (v) ventilate, broadcast, show, transmit, gulf, (adj) brown, (v) yap, roar, bellow, howl.
vent, weather, aerate, 2. weather; synonyms (v) havlu towel; synonyms (n) mop, (v) wipe, napkin,
endure, survive, resist, withstand, brave, stand, handkerchief, cloth, malkin, maukin, dry, wallop,
wear, 3. climate (iklim); synonyms (n) clime, bang, bastinado, birch, cane, cob, comb.
ambience, latitude, environment, milieu, mood, 4. havuz 1. pool; synonyms (n) plash, lake, pond, mere,
atmosphere (atmosfer); synonyms (n) air, cartel, basin, kitty, syndicate, trust, billiards, lough,
ambiance, aura, feel, feeling, background, quality, store, (v) combine, merge, associate, 2. basin;
climate, medium, setting, situation, surroundings, synonyms (n) bowl, pot, depression, dock, hollow,
atm, 5. strain; synonyms (n) stress, breed, effort, tank, washbasin, washbowl, basinful, cavity, cup,
stretch, exertion, race, (v) filter, screen, sift, tax, lavatory, pool, sink, washstand, 3. pond;
endeavor, exert, extend, percolate, pull; antonym synonyms (n) loch, reservoir, sea, broad.
(v) relax, 6. mood; synonyms (n) humor, havza basin; synonyms (n) bowl, pot, depression,
disposition, attitude, mode, temper, character, dock, hollow, tank, washbasin, washbowl, basinful,
condition, humour, modality, state, sulk, cavity, cup, lavatory, pool, sink, washstand.
temperament, tone, inclination, mind. hayal 1. fantasy; synonyms (n) dream, fancy, illusion,
havaalanı 1. airport; synonyms (n) aerodrome, delusion, mirage, desire, fad, fiction, hallucination,
airdrome, runway, airstrip, depot, destination, invention, reverie, vision, imaginativeness,
harbor, haven, port, station, hangar, helipad, deception, (adj) make-believe; antonyms (n) reality,
installation, spaceport, strip, 2. airfield; synonyms (adj) real, 2. dream; synonyms (n) daydream,
(n) airport, field, area, arena, bailiwick, battlefield, aspiration, ambition, fantasy, figment, nightmare,
battleground, champaign, discipline, domain, orbit, sleep, coma, trance, notion, dreaming, phantom,
plain, sphere, study, subject. conceit, (v) imagine, muse, 3. imagination (hayal
havacılık 1. aviation; synonyms (n) air, flight, gücü, imgelem); synonyms (n) imagery,
airwave, atmosphere, aura, ballooning, originality, caprice, conception, idea, inventiveness,
aerodynamics, breeze, line, melody, piloting, strain, reflection, resource, thought, pretense,
tune, zephyr, 2. flying; synonyms (adj) fast, resourcefulness, 4. reflection (yansıma);
fluttering, quick, rapid, swift, aflare, flaring, synonyms (n) consideration, contemplation,
moving, (n) fly. observation, cogitation, deliberation, meditation,
havagazı gas (benzin, gaz); synonyms (n) gasoline, musing, reflexion, introspection, image,
petrol, air, fumes, accelerator, flatulence, repercussion, animadversion, echo, expression,
petroleum, oil, gasolene, vapor, (v) fuel, brag, likeness, 5. vision (görme); synonyms (n) sight,
vaunt, blague, blow. view, imagination, outlook, specter, ghost, spirit,
havai aerial (anten); synonyms (adj) airy, aery, apparition, prospect, picture, shadow, foresight,
ethereal, unreal, insubstantial, aeriform, (n) spectacle, inspiration, show, 6. fancy; synonyms
antenna. (v) wish, consider, crotchet, envision, like, assume,
havalandırma ventilation; synonyms (n) airing, conjecture, covet, (adj) conceive, elaborate,
exploitation, discussion, deliberation, air, extravagant, ween, (n) whim, guess, pleasure;
breathing, circulation, conference, conversation, antonyms (adj) plain, unadorned, 7. image
disclosure, dissemination, publication, rap, (görüntü, resim); synonyms (n) figure, effigy,
respiration, riffling. form, impression, resemblance, design, double,
havalandırmak air (hava); synonyms (n) tune, epitome, icon, idol, photograph, diagram,
appearance, manner, atmosphere, look, melody, apprehension, guise, (v) depict, 8. illusion;
strain, face, (v) ventilate, broadcast, show, transmit, synonyms (n) magic, chimera, deceit, dissimulation,
vent, weather, aerate. fallacy, trick, aberration, legerdemain, phantasy,
havali district (bölge); synonyms (n) area, quarter, appearance, dissembling, (v) distortion.
region, community, neighborhood, territory, hayalet 1. ghost (hortlak); synonyms (n) apparition,
circuit, county, field, jurisdiction, province, section, shade, spirit, soul, spectre, spook, appearance,
domain, (adj) local, (v) zone. manes, suggestion, shadow, touch, trace, (v)
havalimanı airport (havaalanı); synonyms (n) specter, ghostwrite, haunt, 2. shade (gölge,
aerodrome, airdrome, runway, airstrip, depot, gölgelemek, gölgelendirmek); synonyms (n)
destination, harbor, haven, port, station, hangar, screen, tinge, color, ghost, hue, blind, cloud,
helipad, installation, spaceport, strip. conceal, darkness, dye, nuance, (v) darken, tint,
havlama bay (koy); synonyms (n) alcove, bark, cover, obscure; antonyms (n) light, brightness, 3.
recess, cry, harbor, fiord, sound, cove, embayment, shadow (gölge); synonyms (n) tail, hint, follower,
gulf, (adj) brown, (v) yap, roar, bellow, howl. gloom, phantom, reflection, umbrage, silhouette,

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dark, (v) eclipse, follow, overshadow, track, dog, roar, bay, crying, (v) call, bellow, shriek, weep,
hide, 4. spirit; synonyms (n) courage, life, mood, exclaim, howl, moan; antonyms (v) laugh, whisper,
bravery, character, disposition, energy, enthusiasm, 2. shout (bağırmak); synonyms (v) cry, bawl,
essence, heart, mind, fortitude, dash, esprit, (adj) hollo, hail, holler, hoop, whoop, yelp, proclaim, (n)
animation; antonyms (n) lethargy, body. cheer, halloo, outcry, screech, exclamation, wail.
hayali 1. imaginary (sanal); synonyms (adj) fanciful, hayli much (çok); synonyms (adv) greatly, frequently,
fictitious, false, ideal, illusory, mythical, unreal, almost, awfully, considerably, far, most, often,
hypothetical, chimerical, fantastic, fictional, pretty, highly, (n) lot, heap, (adj) great, considerable,
notional, visionary, whimsical, delusive; antonyms practically; antonym (adv) slightly.
(adj) real, palpable, 2. fantastic; synonyms (adj) hayran fan (vantilatör, yelpaze); synonyms (n)
bizarre, extraordinary, antic, extravagant, admirer, buff, devotee, enthusiast, addict, adherent,
grotesque, marvelous, strange, terrific, wonderful, afficionado, fiend, follower, advocate, disciple, (v)
capricious, fabulous, fantastical, great, imaginary, air, winnow, refresh, blow; antonym (n) detractor.
(v) fancy; antonyms (adj) awful, ordinary. hayranlık admiration; synonyms (n) wonder,
hayat 1. life; synonyms (n) animation, energy, spirit, adoration, appreciation, esteem, reverence,
activity, being, biography, dash, enthusiasm, amazement, estimation, regard, awe, liking,
existence, exuberance, live, briskness, career, approbation, astonishment, compliment, credit,
autobiography, endurance; antonym (n) lethargy, deference; antonyms (n) disrespect, disdain,
2. existence; synonyms (n) presence, entity, life, criticism.
living, subsistence, essence, lifetime, occurrence, hayret 1. wonder; synonyms (v) admire, query,
reality, time, world, beingness, cosmos, creation; question, reflect, speculate, (n) marvel, prodigy,
antonyms (n) death, nonbeing, nonexistence. admiration, amazement, astonishment, miracle,
hayati vital; synonyms (adj) critical, essential, surprise, muse, phenomenon, wonderment, 2.
indispensable, animated, alive, crucial, astonishment; synonyms (n) wonder, confusion,
fundamental, important, lively, main, necessary, consternation, awe, 3. amazement; synonyms (n)
chief, momentous, live, dynamic; antonyms (adj) stupor, (v) amaze, 4. surprise (sürpriz);
trivial, insignificant, minor, optional, unimportant. synonyms (n) fright, surprisal, (v) astound, alarm,
hayatta alive (canlı); synonyms (adj) active, live, astonish, shock, startle, jolt, stun, catch, bewilder,
living, sensible, vivacious, animated, lively, confound, stagger, overwhelm, overtake.
responsive, aware, eager, acute, energetic, animate, hayvan 1. animal (hayvansal); synonyms (n) brute,
awake, extant; antonyms (adj) dead, deceased, creature, beast, organism, being, fauna, monster,
inanimate. (adj) bodily, carnal, brutal, corporeal, physical,
hayır no; synonyms (n) refusal, rejection, denial, sensual, primitive, (adv) fleshly, 2. beast; synonyms
number, nix, rebuff, nobelium, ordinal, (adv) nay, (n) animal, swine, fiend, savage, barbarian, (adj)
(adj) zero, naught, none, non, nul. bear.
hayırlı beneficial; synonyms (adj) advantageous, hayvansal animal (hayvan); synonyms (n) brute,
favorable, fruitful, handy, profitable, useful, creature, beast, organism, being, fauna, monster,
expedient, gainful, good, healthy, productive, (adj) bodily, carnal, brutal, corporeal, physical,
propitious, salutary, serviceable, wholesome; sensual, primitive, (adv) fleshly.
antonyms (adj) useless, disadvantageous, harmful. Hayýr no (hayır); synonyms (n) refusal, rejection,
hayırsever charitable; synonyms (adj) merciful, denial, number, nix, rebuff, nobelium, ordinal, (adv)
benevolent, clement, gentle, kind, bountiful, nay, (adj) zero, naught, none, non, nul.
generous, humane, kindly, lenient, liberal, haz 1. delight; synonyms (n) joy, amusement,
magnanimous, philanthropic, compassionate, pleasure, rejoicing, bliss, delectation, gladness, (v)
forbearing; antonyms (adj) unforgiving, mean, charm, amuse, please, ravish, captivate, cheer,
nasty, uncharitable. enrapture, gratify; antonyms (n) sorrow, misery, (v)
hayırseverlik charity (sadaka); synonyms (n) depress, displease, 2. pleasure; synonyms (n)
bounty, dole, favor, aid, generosity, kindness, delight, contentment, enjoyment, fun, gratification,
liberality, mercy, virtue, clemency, compassion, content, comfort, happiness, mirth, inclination,
gift, pity, (v) almsgiving, (adj) benignity; antonyms entertainment, fruition, pleasance, satisfaction,
(n) miserliness, intolerance. desire; antonyms (n) anger, irritation, ache,
haykırış cry (ağlamak, bağırmak, feryat); boredom, nuisance, 3. enjoyment; synonyms (n)
synonyms (n) shout, bark, scream, yell, clamor, appreciation, gusto, relish, diversion, ecstasy, glee,
roar, bay, crying, (v) call, bellow, shriek, weep, indulgence, merriment, use, zest; antonym (n)
exclaim, howl, moan; antonyms (v) laugh, whisper. dislike.
haykırmak 1. cry (ağlamak, bağırmak, feryat); hazin sad; synonyms (adj) dreary, dismal, distressing,
synonyms (n) shout, bark, scream, yell, clamor, gloomy, miserable, mournful, pitiable, pitiful, bad,

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bleak, dejected, deplorable, depressed, depressing, synonyms (v) deposit, install, lie, rest, invest, bear,
disconsolate; antonyms (adj) happy, cheerful, joyful, allay, bet, impose, impute, (adj) secular, calm, laic,
brave, cheery, composed. (n) ballad, pitch, 4. get (almak, elde etmek,
hazine 1. exchequer; synonyms (n) treasury, bank, olmak, varmak); synonyms (v) acquire, gain,
purse, hanaper, 2. treasury; synonyms (n) attain, become, catch, earn, buy, come, fall, fetch,
exchequer, storehouse, thesaurus, anthology, mine, take, achieve, beget, bring, capture; antonyms (v)
store, chest, coffer, repertory, safe, magazine, lose, give, leave, 5. fit (uymak); synonyms (v)
strongbox, agriculture, cache, casket. agree, accommodate, meet, suit, adapt, correspond,
hazır 1. handy; synonyms (adj) adroit, available, square, accord, (adj) decorous, apt, applicable,
convenient, apt, clever, expert, deft, dexterous, appropriate, becoming, (n) convulsion, attack;
good, accessible, easy, commodious, functional, antonyms (adj) unfit, inappropriate, unwell.
near, (n) ready; antonyms (adj) useless, clumsy, hazırlanma preparation (hazırlık); synonyms (n)
fixed, 2. willing; synonyms (adj) agreeable, arrangement, concoction, provision, readiness,
disposed, spontaneous, voluntary, amenable, training, practice, formulation, homework,
inclined, prepared, enthusiastic, unforced, planning, prep, discipline, drill, instruction,
consenting, obliging, content, desirous, game, glad; background, prelude.
antonyms (adj) unwilling, reluctant, 3. hazırlık 1. preparation; synonyms (n) arrangement,
forthcoming; synonyms (adj) future, coming, concoction, provision, readiness, training, practice,
approaching, imminent, outgoing, upcoming, formulation, homework, planning, prep, discipline,
oncoming, pending, extroverted, gracious, (v) drill, instruction, background, prelude, 2.
batching, brewing; antonym (adj) reserved, 4. arrangement; synonyms (n) agreement, order,
finished; synonyms (v) done, (adj) complete, settlement, adjustment, array, classification,
completed, ended, perfect, consummate, absolute, contract, design, distribution, method, plan,
accomplished, polished, ripe, ruined, spent, round, sequence, system, accommodation, appointment,
capable, (adv) over; antonyms (adj) unfinished, 3. provision (hüküm); synonyms (n) condition,
incomplete, remaining, rough, 5. available; clause, proviso, stock, article, board, requirement,
synonyms (adj) free, possible, attainable, handy, stipulation, store, maintenance, prerequisite, (v)
obtainable, open, uncommitted, usable, vacant, preparation, feed, cater, supply; antonym (n) lack.
valid, (adv) present, (n) applicable; antonyms (adj) hazırlıklı prepared; synonyms (adj) disposed, fit,
unavailable, occupied, suppressed, concealed, willing, fitted, fain, finished, ready, ripe,
engaged, 6. ready; synonyms (adj) fit, prompt, competent, inclined, primed, completed, efficient,
quick, nimble, finished, instant, agile, alert, facile, mature, apt; antonyms (adj) unprepared,
fast, (v) prepare, fix, willing, make, (n) eager; spontaneous.
antonym (adj) unprepared, 7. present (armağan, hazmetmek stomach (mide); synonyms (n)
hediye); synonyms (adj) grant, confer, (n) gift, abdomen, appetite, belly, breadbasket, inclination,
donation, (v) bestow, display, give, introduce, (v) accept, brook, abide, bear, endure, stand, suffer,
prefer, deliver, donate, offer, perform, gratuity, take, tolerate, (adj) digest.
award; antonyms (adj) missing, (n) past, history, (v) hazne reservoir; synonyms (n) cistern, fountain, well,
withdraw, (adv) absent, 8. ripe; synonyms (adj) lake, store, bank, hoard, reserve, stock, supply,
mature, adult, advanced, matured, right, (v) tank.
mellow; antonym (adj) green, 9. prepared; heceleme spelling (yazım); synonym (n)
synonyms (adj) fitted, fain, competent, primed, orthography.
efficient, equipped, able, destined, initiated, hecelemek spell; synonyms (n) magic, fascination,
watchful. bout, conjuration, incantation, period, sorcery,
hazırlama preparation (hazırlık); synonyms (n) enchantment, turn, span, bewitchment, space,
arrangement, concoction, provision, readiness, captivation, attack, (v) charm.
training, practice, formulation, homework, hedef 1. target (amaç); synonyms (n) butt, goal,
planning, prep, discipline, drill, instruction, mark, object, objective, ambition, destination, end,
background, prelude. intent, focus, intention, (v) aim, point, purpose,
hazırlamak 1. set (ayarlamak, grup, set, takım); direct, 2. destination; synonyms (n) address,
synonyms (v) fix, place, lay, put, locate, position, haven, doom, destiny, fate, finish, target, terminus,
regulate, define, adjust, arrange, (n) class, bent, (adj) 3. goal (kale); synonyms (n) design, basket,
fixed, fast, secure; antonyms (v) soften, liquefy, aspiration, limit, meaning, home, mission, plan,
melt, (n) combing, comb-out, (adj) variable, flexible, reason, wish, (v) bound, 4. aim (amaç, gaye);
liquid, 2. prepare; synonyms (v) form, plan, dress, synonyms (n) trend, will, bearing, cause, direction,
coach, devise, make, set, concoct, cook, equip, fit, drift, idea, (v) endeavor, aspire, propose, strive,
groom, organize, qualify, discipline, 3. lay; turn, attempt, drive, (adj) tend, 5. objective (amaç,

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nesnel, objektif); synonyms (adj) dispassionate, antonyms (adv) later, slowly, 2. instantly;
fair, impartial, just, concrete, detached, accusative, synonyms (adv) immediately, promptly, outright,
impersonal, neutral, unbiased, unprejudiced, quickly, soon, straight, straightaway, suddenly;
material, equitable, independent, (n) purport; antonym (adv) eventually, 3. immediate;
antonyms (adj) biased, subjective, 6. mark; synonyms (adj) close, prompt, sudden, near,
synonyms (n) brand, evidence, score, character, present, quick, expeditious, fast, hasty, instant,
heed, impression, imprint, sign, feature, (v) proximate, speedy, express, adjacent, firsthand;
blemish, characterize, distinguish, grade, label, (adj) antonyms (adj) slow, gradual, consecutive,
notice, 7. cause (neden); synonyms (n) case, deliberate, 4. directly; synonyms (adv) bluntly,
action, occasion, account, basis, campaign, (v) make, frankly, personally, sheer, flat, slap, precisely,
breed, do, induce, allow, arouse, beget, bring, absolutely, flatly, honestly, just, simply, sincerely,
engender; antonym (n) consequence, 8. object (adj) forthright, plump; antonyms (adv) indirectly,
(amaç, nesne); synonyms (n) matter, subject, obliquely, 5. soon (çok geçmeden); synonyms
substance, motive, thing, being, (v) except, mind, (adv) shortly, early, anon, betimes, soonly, briefly,
complain, demur, remonstrate, argue, protest, carp, erelong, speedily, afterward, curtly.
disagree; antonym (v) agree. hemşire 1. nurse; synonyms (n) nurture, doctor,
hediye 1. gift (armağan); synonyms (n) donation, amah, (v) nourish, attend, cherish, entertain, foster,
faculty, award, flair, capacity, dower, charity, harbor, lactate, cradle, cultivate, keep, raise,
aptitude, bent, (v) present, boon, bestow, (adj) breastfeed, 2. sister; synonyms (n) nun, nurse,
endowment, ability, talent; antonym (n) inability, 2. brother, mate, twin, baby, counterpart, double,
present (armağan); synonyms (adj) grant, confer, match, member, pair, pendant, sis.
current, (n) gift, offering, (v) display, give, hendek 1. ditch; synonyms (n) trench, canal, channel,
introduce, prefer, deliver, donate, offer, perform, dike, drain, gutter, (v) abandon, chuck, desert,
gratuity, exhibit; antonyms (adj) missing, (n) past, discard, dump, moat, cut, leave, scrap; antonym (v)
future, history, (v) withdraw, (adv) absent. keep, 2. trench; synonyms (n) ditch, furrow,
hekim doctor (doktor); synonyms (n) physician, doc, groove, hollow, dugout, foxhole, sewer, deep,
medico, (v) cure, adulterate, attend, fix, heal, mend, trough, (v) encroach, excavate, infringe, entrench,
remedy, repair, cook, debase, falsify, leech; impinge.
antonym (v) break. henüz 1. yet; synonyms (adv) however, but,
hekimlik medicine (tıp); synonyms (n) cure, drug, notwithstanding, even, nonetheless, though,
medicament, medication, physic, remedy, therapy, besides, further, hitherto, eventually, unless,
treatment, cathartic, potion, preparation, antidote, always, (conj) nevertheless, (n) already, (v) still, 2.
(v) medicate. just; synonyms (adv) exactly, hardly, newly, (adj)
hela 1. lavatory (tuvalet); synonyms (n) bathroom, fair, right, correct, equitable, accurate, honest,
can, toilet, commode, lav, bath, basin, privy, impartial, barely, fit, good, reasonable, righteous;
washbasin, washstand, crapper, 2. toilet antonyms (adj) unfair, biased, wrong.
(tuvalet); synonyms (n) lavatory, attire, dress, hep 1. always (daima, her zaman); synonyms (adv)
stool, costume, guise, raiment, drapery, pot, potty, forever, continuously, whenever, eternally, ever,
throne. unceasingly, consistently, constantly, continually,
helezon spiral (sarmal); synonyms (n) coil, helix, e'er, everlastingly, evermore, hourly, (adj) still,
volute, roll, spire, (adj) helical, spiraling, turbinate, eternal; antonyms (adv) never, erratically, 2. ever;
(v) curl, loop, screw, corkscrew, gyrate, circle, bend. synonyms (adv) always, perpetually, 3. all (bütün,
helikopter helicopter; synonyms (n) chopper, hepsi, tüm); synonyms (adv) whole, purely,
whirlybird, eggbeater, airliner, airplane, chop, altogether, entirely, totally, wholly, apiece, (adj)
cleaver, eggwhisk, jet, plane, pearly. universal, each, every, gross, complete, alone, (n)
hem also (da, de); synonyms (adv) too, likewise, aggregate, (det) any; antonyms (pron) none, (det)
moreover, more, besides, withal, again, equally, some.
further, item, similarly, so, (conj) and, furthermore. hepsi all (bütün, tüm); synonyms (adv) whole,
hemcins fellow (adam); synonyms (adj) comrade, (n) purely, altogether, entirely, totally, wholly, apiece,
companion, associate, boy, equal, brother, chap, (adj) universal, each, every, gross, complete, alone,
colleague, compeer, peer, buddy, dude, dog, (n) aggregate, (det) any; antonyms (pron) none, (det)
counterpart, (v) concomitant. some.
hemen 1. immediately; synonyms (adv) directly, her 1. each; synonyms (adv) apiece, (adj) every, any,
forthwith, instantly, now, right, direct, readily, singular, distinct, eche, ilk, eminent, exceptional,
instantaneously, presently, rapidly, incontinently, extraordinary, odd, same, strange, uncommon,
momentarily, summarily, exactly, (adj) instanter; unique, 2. all (bütün, hepsi, tüm); synonyms
(adv) whole, purely, altogether, entirely, totally,

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wholly, completely, (adj) universal, each, gross, indifference, lethargy, 2. anxiety (endişe);
complete, alone, entire, (n) aggregate, entirety; synonyms (n) alarm, care, disquiet, fear, solicitude,
antonyms (pron) none, (det) some. trouble, anguish, anxiousness, concern, uneasiness,
herhangi any; synonyms (adj) all, either, whichever, worry, worriment, pain, agitation, burden;
every, several, some, alone, few, ony, quantitative, antonyms (n) calmness, bravery, calm, confidence,
only, (n) aught, part, (pron) who. 3. inclination (eğilim); synonyms (n) disposition,
herif 1. guy (adam); synonyms (n) boy, lad, cat, desire, bent, fancy, affection, leaning, tendency,
fellow, man, bozo, hombre, male, person, rope, drift, appetite, bias, dip, proclivity, disposal, liking,
tether, band, (v) rib, blackguard; antonym (n) mind; antonyms (n) disinclination, reluctance, 4.
woman, 2. dog (köpek); synonyms (n) cur, stomach (mide); synonyms (n) abdomen, belly,
andiron, click, detent, cad, cock, (v) chase, hound, breadbasket, inclination, maw, (v) accept, brook,
beset, hunt, tail, track, trail, course, follow, 3. abide, bear, endure, stand, suffer, take, tolerate, (adj)
fellow (adam); synonyms (adj) comrade, (n) digest.
companion, associate, equal, brother, chap, hevesli 1. eager; synonyms (adj) avid, desirous,
colleague, compeer, peer, buddy, dude, dog, ardent, earnest, agog, acute, ambitious,
counterpart, escort, (v) concomitant, 4. bloke; enthusiastic, keen, zealous, industrious, studious,
synonyms (n) geezer, guy. active, burning, craving; antonyms (adj) indifferent,
herkes all (bütün, hepsi, tüm); synonyms (adv) apathetic, disinterested, unconcerned, 2.
whole, purely, altogether, entirely, totally, wholly, enthusiastic; synonyms (adj) eager, hearty, cordial,
apiece, (adj) universal, each, every, gross, complete, anxious, devoted, excited, fiery, passionate,
alone, (n) aggregate, (det) any; antonyms (pron) none, animated, vehement, heated, dedicated, dynamic,
(det) some. energetic, (n) buoyant; antonyms (adj)
hesap 1. account; synonyms (n) bill, narrative, unenthusiastic, lukewarm, lethargic, 3. keen;
reckoning, regard, score, tale, description, synonyms (adj) sharp, intense, intelligent, biting,
explanation, history, narration, reason, recital, brisk, exquisite, piercing, discriminating, clever,
story, tab, (v) report, 2. calculation (hesaplama); astute, bright, cutting, fervent, hungry, (v) fresh;
synonyms (n) account, analysis, arithmetic, antonyms (adj) dull, blunt, 4. responsive;
computation, deliberation, discretion, estimate, synonyms (adj) sensitive, amenable, receptive,
forecast, anticipation, projection, count, susceptible, agreeable, delicate, impressionable,
expectation, figuring, (v) estimation, (adj) responsible, antiphonal, conscious, interested,
circumspection, 3. bill (fatura, gaga); synonyms perceptive.
(n) beak, advertisement, card, invoice, poster, Hey hello (alo, merhaba); synonyms (n) greeting, hi,
receipt, act, banknote, check, measure, notice, (v) howdy, hullo, welcome, (v) hail.
placard, advertise, charge, list, 4. estimate; heybet majesty; synonyms (n) glory, grandeur,
synonyms (n) calculation, appraisal, assessment, (v) dignity, loftiness, splendor, greatness,
compute, consider, esteem, guess, weigh, appraise, magnificence, nobility, stateliness, king, royalty,
assess, conjecture, gauge, reckon, appraisement, highness, pomp, emperor, (adj) solemnity.
appreciate; antonym (v) calculate, 5. score; heybetli 1. imposing; synonyms (v) impressive, (adj)
synonyms (n) mark, scratch, line, groove, scotch, grand, dignified, noble, grandiose, stately,
debt, (v) notch, cut, tally, achieve, dash, gain, get, distinguished, baronial, lofty, regal, awesome,
grade, hit. exalted, (n) commanding, solemn, grave; antonym
hesaplama calculation (hesap); synonyms (n) (adj) humble, 2. tremendous; synonyms (adj)
reckoning, account, analysis, arithmetic, terrific, enormous, fantastic, immense, dreadful,
computation, deliberation, discretion, estimate, huge, marvelous, wonderful, formidable, gigantic,
forecast, anticipation, projection, count, mighty, fearful, awful, great, prodigious; antonym
expectation, (v) estimation, (adj) circumspection.
(adj) insignificant.
hesaplamak calculate; synonyms (v) count, estimate, heyecan 1. emotion (duygu); synonyms (n)
account, add, appraise, cipher, compute, deem,
affection, love, feeling, passion, sensation, heart,
enumerate, forecast, gauge, guess, make, reckon,
agitation, commotion, excitement, mood, pathos,
sensibility, anger, (v) impression; antonym (n)
hevenk hand (el); synonyms (n) deal, aid, applause, intelligence, 2. excitement; synonyms (n) emotion,
employee, paw, worker, (v) deliver, give, pass,
animation, disturbance, eagerness, elation,
commit, bestow, afford, communicate, reach, grant. enthusiasm, taking, effervescence, excitation,
heves 1. enthusiasm; synonyms (n) eagerness, ardor, exhilaration, kick, thrill, tumult, disorder, fire;
devotion, passion, animation, craze, zeal, antonyms (n) tedium, dullness, boredom,
ebullience, ecstasy, flame, gusto, inspiration, tediousness, 3. bang; synonyms (n) clap, beat,
interest, keenness, (adj) fervor; antonyms (n) apathy, smack, knock, slap, smash, strike, blast, blow,

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bump, (v) hit, slam, bash, boom, clatter, 4. fever; (hiçbiri); synonym (adj) no, 3. ever; synonyms
synonyms (n) delirium, feverishness, frenzy, heat, (adv) always, continually, e'er, perpetually,
pyrexia, febricity, restlessness, craze, pain, rage, eternally, (adj) constantly, still, forever; antonym
disease, fury, lather, outburst, confusion. (adv) never, 4. any; synonyms (adj) all, either,
heyecanlı 1. exciting; synonyms (adj) excited, whichever, every, several, some, alone, few, ony,
breathtaking, exhilarating, impressive, moving, quantitative, only, (pron) who, (n) part, 5. never
provocative, rousing, stirring, dramatic, emotional, (asla, hiçbir zaman); synonyms (adv) ne'er,
agitated, absorbing, arousing, electric, fascinating; nevermore, nor, tomorrow, 6. whatever;
antonyms (adj) boring, dull, bland, insipid, synonyms (adj) any, whatsoever, (pron) what, partly,
monotonous, uninteresting, unexciting, 2. somewhat, whatso, whosoever, (adv) anyway,
emotional (duygusal); synonyms (adj) affecting, regardless.
affective, effusive, passionate, poignant, hiçbiri 1. none; synonyms (adj) nil, no, 2. neither;
sensational, sensitive, warm, affectional, fervent, synonym (conj) nother.
mawkish, touching, touchy, aroused, (v) emotive;
hiçlik zero (sıfır); synonyms (n) nil, nothing, nobody,
antonyms (adj) impassive, unemotional,
cipher, naught, cypher, nought, null, nihil, nullity,
unflappable, 3. warm (ılık, ısıtmak, sıcak);
aught, nix, root, zilch, zip.
synonyms (adj) hot, affectionate, tender, ardent,
hicret migration; synonyms (n) exodus, movement,
cordial, lively, fond, loving, earnest, caring,
journey, transmigration, departure, exile,
enthusiastic, genial, glowing, hearty, (v) heat;
colonization, metempsychosis, evacuation, flood,
antonyms (adj) aloof, cold, unfriendly, reserved,
travel, (v) flit, flitting.
hostile, (v) cool, chill.
hiddet 1. anger (kızgınlık, öfke); synonyms (n)
heyelan slide (kayma, slayt); synonyms (n) glide,
displeasure, fury, rage, indignation, resentment,
chute, decline, transparency, gliding, (v) drop, slip,
annoyance, (v) enrage, incense, aggravate,
fall, slither, run, slump, coast, skid, descend, (adj)
displease, exasperate, irritate, offend, wrath, fume;
antonyms (n) pleasure, composure, (v) please,
heyet 1. committee; synonyms (n) board, council, placate, pacify, calm, 2. rage; synonyms (n) anger,
commission, consignee, trustee, cabinet, bureau,
passion, frenzy, craze, exasperation, fad, fashion,
staff, group, team, administration, assembly,
madness, mania, chafe, delirium, (v) bluster, storm,
charge, class, commissioning, 2. commission
(adj) flame, ire, 3. fury; synonyms (n) ferocity, force,
(kurul); synonyms (n) mission, delegation, job, furor, choler, fierceness, furiousness, furore,
mandate, warrant, assignment, committee, duty, (v) vehemence, violence, outrage, heat, impetuosity,
assign, accredit, designate, appoint, authorize, intensity, irritation, shrew, 4. steam (buğu,
delegate, empower, 3. corps; synonyms (n)
buhar); synonyms (n) mist, fog, haze, vapor, cloud,
brigade, company, army, battalion, detachment,
energy, (v) reek, evaporate, exhale, smoke, cook,
regiment, troop, crew, party, band, column, force,
pull, boil, (adj) gas, air.
garrison, host, battalia, 4. group (grup, küme);
hiddetli angry (kızgın, öfkeli); synonyms (adj)
synonyms (n) bunch, collection, crowd, flock, gang,
furious, incensed, provoked, fierce, irate, raging,
association, clump, gathering, lump, muster, (v)
vehement, maddened, fuming, outraged, piqued,
assemblage, cluster, rank, sort, arrange, 5. college;
splenetic, angered, annoyed, boiling; antonyms (adj)
synonyms (n) faculty, school, academy, institute,
calm, pleased, gentle.
society, institution, university, (adj) academic.
heykel 1. statue; synonyms (n) image, figure, hidrojen hydrogen; synonyms (n) butane,
diacetylmorphine, heroin, horse, hydrogenium,
monument, statuette, effigy, bust, icon, picture,
propane, junk, scag, shit, smack.
model, statua, deity, doll, dummy, imitation, 2.
image (görüntü, resim); synonyms (n) fancy, hikaye story; synonyms (n) layer, history, account,
narration, narrative, recital, report, tale, fable,
conception, form, idea, impression, resemblance,
design, double, epitome, idol, imagination, falsehood, fib, floor, legend, level, novel; antonym
photograph, diagram, (v) depict, envision. (n) truth.

hibe gift (armağan, hediye); synonyms (n) hile 1. device (aygıt); synonyms (n) contrivance,
donation, faculty, award, flair, capacity, dower, apparatus, appliance, artifice, emblem, contraption,
charity, aptitude, bent, (v) present, boon, bestow, figure, gimmick, invention, plan, trick, way, design,
(adj) endowment, ability, talent; antonym (n) dodge, expedient, 2. deception (aldanma);
inability. synonyms (n) deceit, illusion, betrayal, delusion,
fake, pretense, bluff, cheating, con, duplicity,
hiç 1. nothing (hiçbir şey); synonyms (n) zero,
fallacy, falsehood, fraud, guile, (v) cheat; antonym
cipher, nobody, nihil, nonentity, aught, cypher, nix,
null, trifle, nada, zilch, (adv) naught, (adj) nil, (n) honesty, 3. fraud; synonyms (n) counterfeit,

worthless; antonym (pron) something, 2. none deception, dishonesty, sham, faker, impostor,

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swindle, trickery, forgery, gouge, embezzlement, jokester, loser, luggage, misfire, (adj) imperfect,
ruse, chicanery, crook, deceiver, 4. craft; incapable.
synonyms (n) boat, ability, art, cunning, trade, hınzır wicked; synonyms (adj) atrocious, bad, evil,
artfulness, shift, business, job, occupation, sinful, vicious, depraved, immoral, mischievous,
profession, skill, vessel, work, calling, 5. trick unholy, vile, corrupt, criminal, diabolical, foul,
(aldatmak); synonyms (n) joke, prank, device, hellish; antonyms (adj) good, innocent, kind, moral,
dupe, stratagem, knack, hoax, (v) deceive, mislead, pious, pure.
beguile, bamboozle, defraud, fob, fool, hoodwink, hipotez hypothesis; synonyms (n) assumption,
6. manipulation; synonyms (n) handling, conjecture, supposition, guess, theory, speculation,
management, treatment, use, control, intrigue, belief, condition, idea, opinion, postulation,
touch, execution, massage, 7. plant (bitki); presumption, presupposition, surmise, concept.
synonyms (n) manufactory, equipment, factory, hırçın sour; synonyms (adj) morose, sharp, acid, bitter,
herb, mill, (v) fix, place, embed, graft, set, rancid, severe, gruff, dour, glum, grim, pungent, (v)
constitute, establish, found, lay, bury, 8. shift; acidify, ferment, (n) harsh, acidity; antonyms (adj)
synonyms (n) interchange, turn, move, switch, sweet, kindly.
conversion, (v) change, exchange, remove, quibble, hırdavat hardware (donanım); synonyms (n)
alter, budge, convert, displace, transfer, fluctuate, ironmongery, ironware, gun, armament, medal,
9. sell (satmak); synonyms (v) peddle, deal, gem, jewel, jewelry, trinket, accouterments,
handle, betray, give, promote, merchandise, realize, appliances, fasteners, fittings, fixtures, housewares.
vend, clear, gammon, pass, deliver, negotiate, (n) hırs ambition (tutku); synonyms (n) aspiration, aim,
shave; antonym (v) buy. ambitiousness, dream, drive, goal, hope, objective,
hileli 1. false (taklit, yanlış); synonyms (adj) bastard, purpose, target, wish, intention, design, desire,
counterfeit, untrue, deceitful, dishonest, erroneous, eagerness; antonym (n) apathy.
artificial, assumed, deceptive, disloyal, faithless, hırsız thief; synonyms (n) robber, burglar, bandit,
fake, fictitious, sham, ersatz; antonyms (adj) true, pirate, plunderer, crook, filcher, stealer, despoiler,
real, correct, factual, faithful, genuine, natural, freebooter, pillager, rifler.
truthful, honest, valid, 2. unfair; synonyms (adj)
hırsızlık 1. theft; synonyms (n) robbery, larceny,
partial, unjust, foul, inequitable, dishonorable,
stealing, burglary, thievery, embezzlement,
fraudulent, undeserved, wrongful, underhand,
thieving, depredation, latrociny, stealth, 2.
unsporting, mean, crooked, dirty, undue, unequal;
robbery; synonyms (n) rape, looting, pillage,
antonyms (adj) fair, just, reasonable, balanced,
plunder, theft, holdup, freebooting, pillaging, spoil,
rightful, 3. tricky; synonyms (adj) crafty, cunning,
(v) despoliation, spoliation, 3. burglary; synonyms
artful, sly, delicate, difficult, foxy, shifty, slippery,
(n) housebreaking, felony, crime, appropriation,
wily, complicated, designing, dodgy, guileful,
caper, filching, incident, mugging, pilferage,
hard; antonyms (adj) easy, straightforward.
pilfering, pinching, pocketing, prowl, raid,
himaye 1. asylum; synonyms (n) refuge, sanctuary, safecracking, 4. steal (aşırmak, çalmak);
shelter, haven, home, institution, madhouse,
synonyms (v) abstract, lift, purloin, creep, filch,
retreat, cover, harbor, protection, 2. patronage; misappropriate, pilfer, pinch, rob, snatch, sneak,
synonyms (n) support, backing, clientele, plagiarize, slip, thieve, (n) bargain.
condescension, favor, trade, assistance, aid,
hırslı 1. passionate; synonyms (adj) ardent, hot,
auspices, championship, countenance, help,
angry, animated, burning, excited, fervent, fierce,
business, (v) keep, sustain, 3. sponsorship;
earnest, amorous, eager, enthusiastic, excitable,
synonyms (n) sponsor, patronage, sponsion,
(adv) fiery, (v) impetuous; antonyms (adj) apathetic,
endorsement, benefaction, cosponsor, devotion,
economics, encouragement, investment, indifferent, mild, passionless, 2. ambitious
membership, money, start, bias, funding, 4. (tutkulu); synonyms (adj) aspiring, difficult,
protection (koruma); synonyms (n) defense, care, energetic, vaulting, challenging, competitive,
conservation, custody, defence, guardianship, desirous, enterprising, grandiose, pushy.
security, aegis, preservation, shield, bulwark, his 1. sense (anlam, duygu, duyu); synonyms (n)
hedge, escort, charge, (v) guard; antonym (n) intelligence, perception, meaning, sensation, logic,
destruction. awareness, experience, feeling, idea, impression,
notion, (v) feel, intellect, mind, perceive; antonyms
hınç score; synonyms (n) mark, bill, count, scratch,
(n) garbage, ludicrousness, nonsense, stupidity,
line, groove, scotch, account, check, debt, (v) notch,
foolishness, gibberish, 2. feeling (duygu);
cut, tally, achieve, dash.
synonyms (n) affection, passion, emotion,
hindi turkey (Türkiye); synonyms (n) dud, failure,
atmosphere, belief, hunch, intuition, mood,
bomb, flop, joker, butt, coward, fiasco, fool,
opinion, sense, sensitivity, sentiment, enthusiasm,
excitement, (adj) emotional; antonyms (n)

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numbness, indifference, 3. sentiment; synonyms endure, find, (n) touch, atmosphere, feeling, sound,
(n) judgement, judgment, persuasion, attitude, texture, air; antonym (v) observe.
position, apprehension, conception, image, hissetmek 1. feel; synonyms (v) experience, sense,
observation, sensibility, thought, view, heart, love, consider, finger, handle, believe, deem, endure,
estimation, 4. feel (hissetmek); synonyms (v) find, (n) touch, atmosphere, feeling, sound, texture,
consider, finger, handle, believe, deem, endure, air; antonym (v) observe, 2. sense (anlam,
find, hold, suffer, suppose, think, (n) touch, sound, duygu, duyu, his); synonyms (n) intelligence,
texture, air; antonym (v) observe, 5. emotion perception, meaning, sensation, logic, awareness,
(duygu); synonyms (n) agitation, commotion, idea, impression, notion, reason, understanding, (v)
pathos, anger. feel, intellect, mind, perceive; antonyms (n)
hisar 1. castle (kale); synonyms (n) rook, citadel, garbage, ludicrousness, nonsense, stupidity,
fortification, fortress, castling, fort, keep, mansion, foolishness, gibberish.
palace, stronghold, tower, house, chateau, court, (v) hissi sentimental (duygusal); synonyms (adj)
donjon, 2. fort; synonyms (n) castle, bastion, emotional, maudlin, mushy, romantic, tender,
defense, bulwark, garrison, refuge, (v) fortify, mawkish, schmaltzy, soft, sappy, bathetic, loving,
sconce, 3. tower (burç, kule); synonyms (n) mincing, nostalgic, schmalzy, slushy.
column, pinnacle, monument, (v) soar, ascend, rise, hissizlik indifference (ilgisizlik); synonyms (n)
arise, loom, building, edifice, erection, fabric, hulk, apathy, detachment, disregard, impassiveness,
mount, (adj) pillar. aloofness, disinterest, impassivity, neglect,
hısım 1. kin; synonyms (n) family, kindred, folk, neutrality, nonchalance, unconcern, stoicism,
house, clan, gender, stock, folks, tribe, connection, coolness, (adj) coldness, phlegm; antonyms (n)
kinsmen, affinity, consanguinity, kinfolk, kinsfolk, dedication, eagerness, fervor, interest, passion,
2. relative (göreli); synonyms (adj) related, compassion, favorite, sympathy.
comparative, proportionate, proportional, hitabe 1. address (adres, söylev); synonyms (n)
dependent, relevant, (n) relation, brother, accost, lecture, abode, discourse, residence, skill,
congenator, congener, (v) kinsman; antonym (adj) speech, allocution, greeting, oration, sermon, (v)
absolute. greet, call, harangue, speak; antonym (v) ignore, 2.
hısımlık affinity; synonyms (n) sympathy, analogy, speech (konuşma, söylev); synonyms (n)
alliance, bond, kindred, propinquity, rapport, address, delivery, expression, conversation,
relation, relationship, semblance, penchant, language, diction, communication, discussion,
agreement, attachment, conformity, connection. elocution, converse, dialect, talk, tongue, (v) say,
hisse 1. share (hisse senedi, pay, paylaşmak); saying.
synonyms (n) piece, portion, deal, dole, lot, hiyerarşi hierarchy; synonyms (n) order, rank, class,
allotment, (v) participate, allot, apportion, apparatus, executive, hagiocracy, hierocracy, scale,
distribute, part, partake, dispense, divide, partition; ladder, ranking, society, tree.
antonym (v) control, 2. portion (parça, hiyerarşik hierarchical; synonyms (adj) hierarchal,
porsiyon); synonyms (n) division, constituent, hierarchic, archiepiscopal.
component, fragment, parcel, section, allowance, hız 1. speed; synonyms (n) race, rapidity, velocity,
destiny, fate, fortune, installment, member, celerity, (v) hasten, hurry, quicken, run, rush,
segment, (v) dividend, assign, 3. quantum; accelerate, dash, dispatch, expedite, promote,
synonyms (n) amount, measure, magnitude, shoot; antonym (n) slowness, 2. rate (oran);
quantity, mass, measurement, sum, total, synonyms (n) price, worth, pace, value, percentage,
amplitude, 4. quota; synonyms (n) proportion, (v) assess, estimate, evaluate, appreciate, appraise,
share, contingent, ratio, ration, slice, rate, compute, count, calculate, merit, put, 3. impetus;
percentage, cut, helping, stint. synonyms (n) impulse, drive, force, impulsion,
hissedar shareholder; synonyms (n) participant, power, goad, incentive, momentum, spur,
shareowner, stockholder, saver, depositor. stimulus, thrust, urge, motivation, propulsion, (v)
energy, 4. pace (adım); synonyms (n) walk, rate,
hissedilir sensible; synonyms (adj) reasonable, aware,
footstep, speed, tempo, tread, fastness, beat,
judicious, perceptible, prudent, rational, sagacious,
cadence, carriage, footfall, measure, (v) step, gait,
intelligent, sane, wise, appreciable, sage, logical,
stride, 5. velocity; synonyms (n) swiftness,
practical, conscious; antonyms (adj) foolish, absurd,
quickness, fleetness, haste, agility, promptness, (v)
crazy, idiotic, imprudent, ludicrous, mad,
outrageous, reckless, ridiculous, silly, stupid, port.
unreasonable, unwise, harebrained. hizip faction; synonyms (n) cabal, crew, sect, band,
hissetme feel (hissetmek); synonyms (v) experience, dissension, division, feud, group, junto, party, set,
sense, consider, finger, handle, believe, deem, team, conflict, crowd, part.

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218 Turkish - English

hızla quickly; synonyms (adv) promptly, immediately, hobi hobby; synonyms (n) fad, amusement, avocation,
directly, early, quick, pronto, nimbly, apace, cockhorse, interest, pastime, pursuit,
hastily, rapidly, readily, (adj) fast, shortly, forthwith, entertainment, diversion, hobbyhorse, recreation,
(n) instantly; antonyms (adv) slowly, gradually, sideline, activity.
permanently. hoca teacher (öğretmen); synonyms (n) instructor,
hızlanma acceleration (ivme); synonyms (n) speed, master, coach, preceptor, educator, mentor, tutor,
rapidity, rise, quickening, quickness, rush, guide, missionary, trainer, adviser, counselor,
speedup, swiftness. guru; antonym (n) student.
hızlı 1. quick (çabuk); synonyms (adj) bright, prompt, hol hall; synonyms (n) corridor, foyer, lobby, mansion,
active, agile, clever, hasty, intelligent, nimble, vestibule, auditorium, anteroom, court, castle,
speedy, alert, alive, cursory, dexterous, concourse, antechamber, atrium, dorm, dormitory,
expeditious, (adv) fast; antonyms (adj) slow, (v) passage.
leisurely, dull, 2. fast (oruç); synonyms (adj) homoseksüel homosexual; synonyms (adj) dykey, (n)
dissolute, firm, debauched, fixed, hurried, instant, gay, lesbian, homo, dyke, human, man, queen.
quick, rapid, staunch, brisk, colorfast, (adv) soon, hoparlör speaker; synonyms (n) loudspeaker,
hard, close, (n) diet; antonyms (adj) sluggish, loose, narrator, orator, president, spokesman,
(adv) slowly, (v) gorge, (n) binge, 3. swift; synonyms conversationalist, chairman, talker, utterer,
(adj) fleet, lively, sudden, abrupt, express, ready, principal.
sprightly, impetuous, unexpected, immediate, hortlak ghost (hayalet); synonyms (n) apparition,
keen, brief, impulsive, (n) cylinder, (adv) swiftly; shade, spirit, soul, spectre, spook, appearance,
antonym (adj) considered, 4. express; synonyms (v) manes, suggestion, shadow, touch, trace, (v)
exhibit, articulate, convey, declare, demonstrate, specter, ghostwrite, haunt.
display, mean, (adj) explicit, direct, definite, distinct, hoş 1. pleasant; synonyms (adj) bright, acceptable,
especial, clear, exact, (n) denote; antonyms (v) agreeable, amiable, charming, jolly, kindly, nice,
suppress, hide, (adj) vague, 5. rapid; synonyms (adj) facetious, affable, attractive, cheerful, clear,
swift, winged, precipitous, precipitate, rash, volant, comfortable, congenial; antonyms (adj) unpleasant,
instantaneous; antonym (adj) gradual. disagreeable, disgusting, foul, gruesome, harsh,
hizmet 1. service; synonyms (n) help, aid, assistance, horrible, nasty, repugnant, shocking, terrible,
avail, employment, ministration, ceremony, unwelcome, appalling, discordant, frosty, 2.
business, occupation, office, (v) overhaul, serve, lovely (güzel); synonyms (adj) fine, beautiful,
refit, assist, attendance, 2. duty; synonyms (n) delightful, enchanting, handsome, lovable, alluring,
function, commitment, assignment, charge, chore, adorable, elegant, endearing, exquisite, fair,
obligation, dues, job, must, part, responsibility, tax, gorgeous, graceful, gracious; antonyms (adj)
work, post, custom. hideous, ugly, unattractive, 3. nice; synonyms (adj)
hizmetçi 1. maid; synonyms (n) amah, domestic, girl, dainty, fastidious, good, kind, lovely, neat, likable,
housemaid, maiden, virgin, maidservant, servant, delicious, correct, decent, delicate, difficult,
woman, 2. servant; synonyms (n) attendant, boy, enjoyable, exact, particular, 4. enjoyable;
employee, retainer, follower, handmaid, help, synonyms (adj) delectable, amusing, pleasant,
henchman, minister, messenger, dependent, vassal, gratifying, pleasing, pleasurable, joyful, heavenly,
slave, drudge, handmaiden, 3. domestic; entertaining, palatable, satisfying, sweet, welcome,
synonyms (adj) home, tame, civil, familiar, wonderful, 5. sweet (tatlı); synonyms (adj)
household, internal, native, domesticated, family, beloved, fresh, mellow, dear, melodious, musical,
indigenous, indoor, inland, interior, (n) homely, sugary, fragrant, honeyed, luscious, odorous,
maid; antonyms (adj) foreign, wild, external, 4. savory, aromatic, clean, (n) confection; antonyms
help (imdat, yardım, yardım etmek); (adj) sour, acid, bitter, acidic, pungent, sharp, salty,
synonyms (v) aid, assist, avail, facilitate, favor, ease, 6. smooth (düz, düzgün); synonyms (adj) easy,
alleviate, contribute, (n) assistance, benefit, support, calm, level, oily, facile, flat, flowing, fluent, fluid,
assistant, cure, boost, encouragement; antonyms (v) glossy, greasy, liquid, (v) quiet, facilitate, even;
hinder, worsen, (n) hindrance, detriment. antonyms (adj) rough, uneven, abrasive, coarse,
hizmetçilik service (hizmet); synonyms (n) help, crumpled, flaking, jerky, lined, peeling, prickly,
aid, assistance, avail, employment, ministration, ridged, wrinkled, corrugated, (v) wrinkle, crease, 7.
ceremony, business, occupation, office, (v) pretty (güzel); synonyms (adv) very, fairly, quite,
overhaul, serve, refit, assist, attendance. rather, somewhat, moderately, slightly, (adj) good-
hizmetli employee; synonyms (n) clerk, laborer, looking, picturesque, cute, smart, comely, bonny,
hand, worker, apprentice, assistant, helper, drudge, becoming, noble, 8. charming; synonyms (adj)
labor, beginner, breadwinner, cog, convert, captivating, winning, appealing, bewitching,
craftsman, flunky; antonym (n) employer. fascinating, magic, magical, pretty, tempting,

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wizard, magnetic, compelling, desirable, engaging, contentedness, (adj) contented, happy, fulfilled, (v)
enthralling; antonyms (adj) repellent, unappealing, appease, please, satisfy, suffice, delight; antonyms
9. delicious; synonyms (adj) appetizing, (adj) tormented, unhappy, discontented,
toothsome, grateful, juicy, scrumptious, succulent, dissatisfied, rebellious, (v) discontent, upset, 2.
tasty, yummy; antonym (adj) tasteless, 10. glad (memnun); synonyms (adj) cheerful, jubilant,
delightful; synonyms (adj) blissful, interesting, gay, blithe, content, delighted, festive, delightful,
blithe, glad, glorious, marvelous; antonym (adj) bright, genial, willing, beaming, blissful, blessed,
hateful, 11. fine (güzel, ince, iyi); synonyms (adj) proud; antonym (adj) sad, 3. pleased; synonyms
brave, capital, excellent, thin, acute, admirable, (adj) glad, elated, gratified, joyful, thankful,
alright, choice, polite, stunning, superior, (n) appreciative, comfortable, overjoyed, satisfied,
penalty, amercement, (v) punish, mulct; antonyms grateful; antonyms (adj) displeased, angry,
(adj) poor, thick, substantial, unsatisfactory, wide, annoyed, worried, 4. satisfied; synonyms (v)
12. winning; synonyms (v) seductive, (adj) convinced, (adj) full, pleased, certain, confident,
sure, complacent, persuaded, sated, satiated, easy,
triumphant, victorious, fetching, taking, successful,
positive, quenched; antonym (adj) frustrated.
inviting, disarming, ingratiating, persuasive;
antonym (adv) losing, 13. well (iyi); synonyms
hoşnutluk 1. satisfaction (tatmin); synonyms (n)
pleasure, amends, complacency, content,
(adv) right, easily, thoroughly, considerably, fully,
enjoyment, joy, reparation, atonement,
correctly, (adj) healthy, fit, shaft, sound, robust, (n)
compensation, delight, discharge, ease, expiation,
fountain, spring, pit, (v) gush; antonyms (adv) ill,
(v) contentment, gratification; antonyms (n)
badly, poorly, (adj) sick, unwell, dying, nauseous.
dissatisfaction, displeasure, aggravation,
hoşbeş chat (sohbet); synonyms (n) gossip, talk, discontent, 2. content (içerik); synonyms (n)
chatter, chitchat, conversation, causerie, confab,
capacity, matter, meaning, subject, substance,
gab, rap, (v) converse, chaffer, confabulate, prattle,
contentedness, happiness, (adj) contented, happy,
speak, tattle; antonym (v) listen.
fulfilled, (v) appease, please, satisfy, suffice, gratify;
hoşgeldiniz welcome (hoş geldiniz); synonyms antonyms (adj) tormented, unhappy, discontented,
(adj) acceptable, pleasant, agreeable, pleasing,
dissatisfied, rebellious, (v) upset.
enjoyable, (v) accept, greet, invite, receive, hail,
hoşnutsuzluk dissatisfaction; synonyms (n)
entertain, (n) salute, hospitality, reception, embrace;
displeasure, disappointment, disaffection, dislike,
antonyms (adj) unwelcome, unwanted, (v) reject. discontent, distaste, disquiet, disapproval,
hoşgörü tolerance; synonyms (n) endurance, disapprobation, regret, aversion, disfavor,
allowance, indulgence, leniency, patience, lenience, disinclination, ennui; antonyms (n) satisfaction,
margin, permissiveness, consideration, kindness, contentment.
leeway, forbearance, mercy, approval, permission;
hoyrat rough (kaba); synonyms (adj) coarse, hard,
antonyms (n) intolerance, narrow-mindedness,
harsh, raw, crude, cruel, grating, gross, hoarse,
bigotry, chauvinism, extremism. jagged, approximate, gruff, inclement, (n)
hoşlanma enjoyment; synonyms (n) delight, boisterous, draft; antonyms (adj) gentle, smooth,
pleasure, appreciation, gratification, comfort, polished, precise, refined, silky, soft, sophisticated,
amusement, delectation, gusto, happiness, relish, even, exact, glossy, pleasant.
satisfaction, diversion, bliss, ecstasy, entertainment;
hücre 1. cell (göze); synonyms (n) cage, jail, cadre,
antonyms (n) boredom, dislike. hole, cave, booth, chamber, compartment, coop,
hoşlanmak 1. enjoy (beğenmek); synonyms (v) cubicle, den, lair, recess, 2. hole (delik);
appreciate, bask, have, hold, possess, relish, synonyms (n) cavity, aperture, crack, pocket,
delight, experience, like, love, own, rejoice, revel, breach, break, burrow, corner, depression, fix,
devour, take; antonym (v) dislike, 2. like hollow, pit, vent, cavern, (adj) gap.
(beğenmek, benzer, sevmek); synonyms (v) hücreli cellular; synonyms (adj) locular, multilocular,
corresponding, enjoy, identical, care, desire, fancy, polygastric, cellulated, cystic, organic, vascular,
(adj) equal, equivalent, alike, analogous,
ventricular, vesicular, spongious.
comparable, same, parallel, similar, such;
hücresel cellular; synonyms (adj) locular,
antonyms (prep) unlike, (adj) different, 3. care; multilocular, polygastric, cellulated, cystic, organic,
synonyms (n) attention, bother, caution, concern, vascular, ventricular, vesicular, spongious.
aid, apprehension, custody, keep, maintenance,
hücum 1. attack (hücum etmek, kriz, saldırmak);
worry, attendance, affection, (v) anxiety, charge,
synonyms (n) incursion, thrust, aggression, fit,
administer; antonyms (n) carelessness, recklessness,
onset, onslaught, seizure, (v) assault, assail, attempt,
rashness, thoughtlessness, (v) neglect, disregard.
aggress, charge, invade, raid, accuse; antonyms (n)
hoşnut 1. content (içerik); synonyms (n) capacity, defense, (v) defend, protect, retreat, 2. aggression
contentment, matter, meaning, subject, substance,
(saldırı); synonyms (n) hostility, offensive,

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aggressiveness, antagonism, attack, invasion, correct, sanctioned, official, right, authentic, (v)
offense; antonym (n) friendliness, 3. assault; allowable, legitimate, licit; antonyms (adj) illegal,
synonyms (n) rush, violence, rape, battery, unlawful, bogus.
violation, storming, blitz, descent, (v) storm, violate, hüküm 1. provision; synonyms (n) arrangement,
ambush, batter, beat, force, hit, 4. offensive; condition, clause, proviso, stock, article, board,
synonyms (adj) foul, disgusting, distasteful, abusive, requirement, stipulation, store, maintenance, (v)
aggressive, loathsome, nauseous, coarse, preparation, feed, cater, supply; antonym (n) lack,
abominable, disagreeable, impertinent, insulting, 2. award; synonyms (n) judgment, accolade,
(v) odious, nasty, hateful; antonyms (adj) decoration, medal, prize, (v) accord, grant, bestow,
complimentary, inoffensive, pleasant, defensive, confer, honor, present, assign, give, allow, allot, 3.
polite, tasteful, 5. charge; synonyms (n)
verdict; synonyms (n) finding, decision,
accusation, burden, care, command, commission,
conclusion, determination, decree, resolution,
bill, tax, accusal, demand, direction, (v) blame, bid,
ruling, sentence, choice, 4. decree; synonyms (n)
load, arraign, cost; antonyms (v) request, absolve,
command, act, edict, dictate, verdict, bylaw, (v)
6. onset; synonyms (n) beginning, inroad, birth, order, award, decide, enact, ordain, rule, will,
commencement, dawn, onrush, outbreak, foray, enjoin, appoint, 5. operation (ameliyat,
advent, opening, start, fire, oncoming, 7. rush;
operasyon); synonyms (n) execution, movement,
synonyms (n) hurry, flood, flow, (v) dash, gush,
agency, effect, business, management, action,
race, run, speed, dart, hasten, stream, quicken, jet,
function, functioning, performance, running,
(adj) burst, spurt, 8. push (itmek); synonyms (n)
mission, task, job, activity, 6. decision (karar);
press, jolt, poke, elbow, energy, (v) drive, impel,
synonyms (n) arbitration, constancy, agreement,
crowd, jab, jostle, nudge, prod, jam, boost, fight; decisiveness, discrimination, finality, firmness,
antonyms (v) pull, drag, haul. resolve, result, (v) doom, 7. judgement; synonyms
hudut 1. frontier; synonyms (n) border, boundary, (n) discretion, assessment, discernment, opinion,
edge, line, bound, brink, limit, perimeter, stint, belief, judging, mind, perspicacity, sagacity, 8.
backwoods, (adj) terminal, 2. boundary (sınır); ruling; synonyms (adj) leading, regnant, reigning,
synonyms (n) area, end, periphery, barrier, fringe, prevailing, prevalent, dominant, supreme, first,
frontier, margin, outskirts, rim, verge, bounds, powerful, chief, (n) directive, judgement, law,
circuit, circumference, compass, division, 3. pronouncement, instruction, 9. sentence (tümce);
border (kenar, sınır); synonyms (n) extremity, synonyms (n) condemnation, conviction, phrase,
bed, brim, skirt, limits, rand, confine, edging, (v) penalty, punishment, dictum, (v) condemn, convict,
abut, adjoin, hem, surround, approach, butt, judge, damn, adjudge, saying, proscribe,
enclose; antonyms (n) middle, (v) center. adjudicate, fate, 10. statute (kural, yasa);
hükmetmek 1. dominate; synonyms (v) command, synonyms (n) ordinance, constitution, charter,
control, prevail, reign, rule, direct, manage, canon, enactment, regulation, code, bill, pandect,
overlook, possess, predominate, crush, domineer, proclamation, 11. rule (kural); synonyms (n)
govern, hold, (adj) preponderate, 2. award; govern, dominion, principle, regulate, reign,
synonyms (n) judgment, accolade, decoration, authority, government, line, precept, sway, (v)
medal, prize, (v) accord, grant, bestow, confer, control, influence, direct, dominate, measure.
honor, present, assign, give, allow, allot, 3. rule hükümdar 1. ruler (cetvel); synonyms (n) master,
(kural); synonyms (n) order, decree, dominion, governor, monarch, leader, dynast, prince, chief,
law, ordinance, principle, regulate, authority, head, director, controller, sheik, sovereign,
dictate, government, line, precept, (v) influence, government, (adj) rule, regent, 2. lord (sahip);
dominate, measure. synonyms (n) noble, sir, seignior, almighty, creator,
hukuk law (kanun, yasa); synonyms (n) rule, canon, gentleman, maker, mistress, nobleman, overlord,
decree, act, edict, regulation, enactment, ruler, captain, impropriator, 3. prince (prens);
jurisprudence, justice, order, police, principle, synonyms (n) potentate, duke, king, magnate.
ruling, axiom, directive. hükümet 1. government (yönetim); synonyms (n)
hukukçu lawyer (avukat); synonyms (n) advocate, administration, authority, control, direction,
attorney, agent, representative, advisor, leguleian, command, dominion, governance, cabinet,
beagle, brief, defender, fixer, mouthpiece, authorities, governing, guidance, (adj) empire, rule,
pettifogger, proctor, shyster. (v) conduct, management, 2. administration
hukuki 1. judicial; synonyms (adj) forensic, judiciary, (yönetim); synonyms (n) organization, running,
legal, judicatory, dispassionate, lawful, juridic, power, execution, executive, government,
juridical, discriminative, judicious, 2. legal leadership, reign, supervision, department,
(yasal); synonyms (adj) sound, valid, application, incumbency, ministry, charge,
constitutional, judicial, permissible, rightful, true, disposal.

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hüner 1. skill; synonyms (n) artifice, ability, (adj) liberality, 3. independence (bağımsızlık);
capability, capacity, knack, faculty, finesse, synonyms (n) independency, individuality,
accomplishment, address, adroitness, aptitude, detachment, neutrality, sovereignty,
cleverness, (adj) dexterity, craft, art; antonyms (n) inconsequence; antonym (n) childhood.
clumsiness, inability, incompetence, 2. art (sanat); hüsran frustration; synonyms (n) failure, defeat,
synonyms (n) know-how, skill, talent, trick, artistry, disappointment, letdown, vexation, setback, check,
science, artfulness, trade, work, profession, disillusionment, anger, irritation, annoyance,
expertise, graphics, handicraft, knowledge, (adj) dissatisfaction, foiling.
cunning, 3. craft; synonyms (n) boat, guile, fraud, husus 1. point (göstermek, nokta); synonyms (n)
shift, business, deceit, job, occupation, vessel, place, grade, peak, nib, edge, aim, article, degree,
calling, chicanery, craftiness, craftsmanship, (v) dot, mark, spot, phase, (v) head, direct, level, 2.
construct, (adj) competence. matter (konu, madde, mesele); synonyms (n)
hür 1. free (açık, bedava, boş, özgür, serbest, event, affair, business, concern, issue, material,
serbest bırakmak); synonyms (adj) loose, frank, substance, incident, body, import, interest, item,
liberal, (v) clear, exempt, liberate, discharge, excuse, subject, (v) case, count.
extricate, relieve, disentangle, acquit, deliver, hüviyet 1. identity (kimlik, özdeşlik); synonyms
disengage, ease; antonyms (adj) bound, restricted, (n) identicalness, unity, individuality, personality,
compelled, confined, imprisoned, repressive, sameness, character, equality, person, similarity,
secure, strict, stuck, tangled, attached, busy, (v) equivalence, 2. identification (kimlik);
confine, block, cage, 2. independent (bağımsız); synonyms (n) designation, finding, id, identity,
synonyms (adj) free, autonomous, separate, mark, naming, papers, remembering, badge,
substantive, impartial, nonpartisan, sovereign, recognition, denomination.
unallied, self-sufficient, detached, distinct, huy 1. humour; synonyms (n) mood, temper, wit,
individual, (n) freelance, mugwump, (adv) apart; witticism, biliousness, brain, brainpower, card,
antonyms (adj) dependent, simultaneous. climate, wittiness, irritability, irritation, mentality,
hurda scrap; synonyms (n) fight, morsel, brawl, modality, (v) humor, 2. temper; synonyms (n)
remnant, bit, chip, clash, end, junk, piece, character, disposition, nature, condition, anger,
remainder, conflict, (v) quarrel, row, (adj) fragment; spirit, (v) moderate, soften, harden, mitigate,
antonym (v) keep. modify, season, qualify, anneal, (adj) mollify;
hurma date (tarih); synonyms (n) age, appointment, antonyms (v) intensify, upset, 3. vein (damar);
assignation, engagement, epoch, meeting, period, synonyms (n) streak, vena, nervure, strain, mine,
era, time, year, boyfriend, (v) escort, determine, stripe, tone, cast, style, fund, funicle, stock, (adj)
register, accompany. strip, 4. character (karakter); synonyms (n) kind,
hürmet 1. regard (bakmak); synonyms (v) attention, note, part, quality, role, type, brand, constitution,
concern, estimate, heed, attend, account, believe, description, eccentric, standing, atmosphere,
consider, count, hold, (n) notice, respect, esteem, attitude, attribute, case, 5. blood (kan); synonyms
deference, look; antonym (n) disrespect, 2. (n) ancestry, birth, gore, descent, family, kindred,
respect; synonyms (n) honor, homage, worship, lineage, origin, beau, bloodshed, consanguinity,
consideration, connection, obeisance, admiration, coxcomb, exquisite, extraction, (adj) juice, 6.
(v) regard, observe, admire, appreciate, estimation, kidney (böbrek); synonyms (n) class, variety,
keep, prize, reverence; antonyms (n) cheek, feather, mettle, order, nephros, waiter, 7.
insolence, impudence, (v) scorn, despise, dishonor, temperament; synonyms (n) personality,
disregard, humiliate. composure, equanimity, calmness, heart,
hürmetler respects; synonyms (n) regards, inclination, modulation, morale.
compliment, compliments, greeting, baisemains, huysuz 1. difficult (zor); synonyms (adj) arduous,
courtesies, deference, egards, kowtow, salutations, awkward, demanding, burdensome, complicated,
(adj) abord, welcome. delicate, fastidious, hard, knotty, uphill, finicky,
hürriyet 1. freedom (özgürlük); synonyms (n) abstruse, ambitious, cantankerous, complex;
exemption, autonomy, deliverance, discharge, antonyms (adj) easy, simple, straightforward, good-
emancipation, immunity, release, escape, ease, natured, rewarding, clear, 2. vicious; synonyms
liberty, relief, right, scope, (adj) franchise, frankness; (adj) evil, bad, depraved, malicious, brutal, cruel,
antonyms (n) imprisonment, restriction, captivity, malevolent, venomous, wicked, immoral, nasty,
dependence, restraint, suppression, 2. liberty barbarous, corrupt, poisonous, savage; antonyms
(özgürlük); synonyms (n) freedom, license, (adj) kind, gentle, friendly, 3. mean (demek
independence, leave, latitude, permission, istemek, ortalama); synonyms (v) intend, design,
privilege, familiarity, permit, generosity, imply, denote, involve, (adj) middle, base, common,
impropriety, indecorum, irresponsibility, leisure, hateful, ignoble, medium, miserly, (n) average,

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contemptible, low; antonym (adj) generous, 4. aggravation, (v) alarm, annoy, frighten, 5. quiet
cross (haç); synonyms (n) crisscross, affliction, (v) (sakin, sessiz); synonyms (adj) still, lull, pacify,
intersect, baffle, cover, thwart, bilk, (adj) crabbed, cool, gentle, motionless, peaceful, placid, tranquil,
crabby, angry, grouchy, grumpy, traverse, cranky, (v) appease, moderate, silence, easy, (n) compose,
annoyed; antonyms (v) uncross, (adj) calm, good- peace; antonyms (adj) loud, noisy, talkative,
tempered, 5. ugly (çirkin); synonyms (adj) vociferous, active.
disagreeable, forbidding, frightful, gruesome, huzurlu peaceful; synonyms (adj) calm, gentle,
hideous, homely, repulsive, surly, offensive, peaceable, quiet, even, meek, peace, placid, silent,
atrocious, deformed, despicable, grotesque, amicable, composed, halcyon, mild, serene,
horrible, monstrous; antonyms (adj) beautiful, tranquil; antonyms (adj) aggressive, noisy, tense,
attractive, good-looking, flowing, ornamental. violent.
huysuzluk bile (safra); synonyms (n) anger, gall, huzursuz 1. restless; synonyms (adj) fidgety, nervous,
ebullition, ferment, fume, pucker, fury, uneasy, unquiet, agitated, apprehensive, fretful,
indignation, rage, malice, antipathy, bitterness, impatient, restive, feverish, turbulent, jumpy,
colera, dislike, hatred. disturbed, edgy, (v) anxious; antonyms (adj) calm,
huzme beam (ışın, kiriş); synonyms (n) blaze, glow, relaxed, 2. uneasy; synonyms (adj) uncomfortable,
ray, timber, flash, joist, light, (v) glare, air, restless, concerned, awkward, solicitous, jittery,
broadcast, gleam, grin, radiate, smile, (adj) shine. troubled, worried, embarrassing, clumsy, difficult,
hüzün 1. gloom; synonyms (n) desolation, blackness, doubtful, fearful, stiff, unsettled.
dark, darkness, depression, dimness, dusk, cloud, huzursuzluk 1. unrest; synonyms (n) turmoil,
dreariness, dejection, despair, despondency, grief, agitation, disquiet, disorder, ferment, fermentation,
melancholy, misery; antonyms (n) light, brightness, revolution, tumult, turbulence, commotion,
happiness, cheerfulness, 2. blues; synonyms (n) excitement, chaos, disturbance, restlessness, strife;
doldrums, gloom, distress, sorrow, bleachers, antonyms (n) calm, rest, 2. discomfort; synonyms
dismay, ennui, megrims, mood, woe, glumness, (n) pain, uneasiness, annoyance, anxiety, unease,
(adj) melancholia, lachrymals, mumps, dismals, 3. displeasure, distress, hurt, malaise, misery,
shadow (gölge); synonyms (n) shade, ghost, tail, soreness, suffering, uncomfortableness,
trace, hint, apparition, follower, phantom, awkwardness, dissatisfaction; antonyms (v) ease,
reflection, umbrage, (v) eclipse, follow, obscure, comfort.
overshadow, track, 4. sadness; synonyms (n) huzurunda before (önce, önünde); synonyms (prep)
regret, mourning, affliction, gloominess, fore, beyond, facing, (adv) above, ahead, afore, ago,
unhappiness, bereavement, mournfulness, anguish, earlier, already, forward, previously, beforehand,
heaviness, pity, pessimism, ruefulness; antonyms ere, (adj) preceding, prior; antonyms (prep) later,
(n) amusement, joy, laughter. behind, after, afterward.
hüzünlü sad; synonyms (adj) dreary, dismal,
distressing, gloomy, miserable, mournful, pitiable,
pitiful, bad, bleak, dejected, deplorable, depressed,
depressing, disconsolate; antonyms (adj) happy,
cheerful, joyful, brave, cheery, composed. iade 1. return (dönmek, dönüş); synonyms (n)
huzur 1. peace (barış); synonyms (n) calm, harmony, yield, pay, recompense, refund, restitution,
serenity, hush, repose, ease, agreement, amity, proceeds, income, (v) recur, reimburse, render,
accord, composure, concord, coolness, heartsease, repay, restoration, restore, retort, answer;
order, (adj) quiet; antonyms (n) noise, chaos, antonyms (n) departure, abolition, confiscation,
conflict, uproar, commotion, 2. ease (rahat); recovery, (v) keep, 2. restoration; synonyms (n)
synonyms (n) comfort, convenience, rest, aid, reinstatement, renewal, renovation, revival,
leisure, relief, satisfaction, alleviation, (v) alleviate, regaining, repair, return, rejuvenation, recession,
assuage, relieve, allay, facilitate, relax, (adj) smooth; recuperation, reform, regeneration, comeback,
antonyms (n) difficulty, discomfort, awkwardness, improvement, (v) amends; antonym (n) reduction.
formality, (v) aggravate, worsen, 3. presence; ibadet 1. worship (tapma, tapmak); synonyms (n)
synonyms (n) appearance, front, attendance, adoration, respect, adulation, veneration, cult,
bearing, manner, mien, carriage, air, comportment, admiration, devotion, exaltation, homage, (v)
figure, demeanor, company, aspect, look, (adj) praise, honor, revere, reverence, adore, glorify;
breeding; antonyms (n) absence, nonattendance, 4. antonym (v) hate, 2. service (hizmet); synonyms
comfort (avutmak); synonyms (n) solace, (n) help, aid, assistance, avail, employment,
consolation, amenity, assistance, support, luxury, ministration, ceremony, business, occupation,
pleasure, sympathy, (v) cheer, soothe, console, office, (v) overhaul, serve, refit, assist, attendance.
encourage, pity, reassure, cherish; antonyms (n)

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ibik crest; synonyms (n) apex, crown, peak, summit, (prep) into, (adv) in, internally, inly, (adj) inwards;
top, brow, acme, pinnacle, height, hilltop, zenith, antonym (prep) beyond.
upside, edge, (v) cap, climax. icap requirement (gereksinim); synonyms (n) need,
ibne 1. gay; synonyms (adj) cheerful, bright, convivial, necessity, demand, essential, obligation,
festive, gaudy, airy, blithe, brave, buoyant, cheery, prerequisite, provision, claim, clause, condition,
festal, flashy, frolicsome, (n) homosexual, gallant, 2. exigency, must, necessary, proviso, want; antonym
queen (kraliçe); synonyms (n) empress, king, (n) option.
lady, sovereign, monarch, fag, faggot, fairy, pansy, icat 1. invention; synonyms (n) contrivance,
queer, ace, ruler. conception, fabrication, creation, fiction,
ibraz presentation; synonyms (n) donation, imagination, discovery, artifice, design, device,
exhibition, demonstration, display, introduction, excogitation, forgery, innovation, fable, creativity,
performance, offer, appearance, exposition, gift, 2. innovation; synonyms (n) change, alteration,
exposure, induction, intro, overture, presentment. invention, mutation, novelty, variation, reform,
ibre 1. needle (iğne); synonyms (n) injection, pointer, improvement, vicissitude, conversion, feature,
awl, plunger, probe, rudder, spike, (v) annoy, goad, originality, 3. fiction (uydurma); synonyms (n)
irritate, sting, rile, aggravate, gall, nag, 2. hand falsehood, lie, story, falsity, figment, novel,
(el); synonyms (n) deal, aid, applause, employee, romance, sham, deceit, fib, legend, myth, narrative,
paw, worker, (v) deliver, give, pass, commit, tale; antonym (n) truth.
bestow, afford, communicate, reach, grant. içecek drink (içmek); synonyms (n) beverage,
ibret 1. example (örnek); synonyms (n) case, alcohol, brew, potion, swallow, crapulence,
exemplar, illustration, instance, lead, sample, intoxicant, nip, (v) draught, booze, carouse, bib,
design, guide, model, paradigm, pattern, absorb, down, gulp.
precedent, prototype, archetype, piece, 2. lesson; içeri in; synonyms (prep) during, between, by, through,
synonyms (n) exercise, example, instruction, class, at, inside, (adv) indoors, inward, (n) inch, (adj) stylish,
learning, message, moral, reading, sermon, study, fashionable, inwards, trendy, within, modish;
task, warning, contraindication, (v) rebuke, 3. antonyms (prep) out, outside.
warning (ihtar, uyarı); synonyms (n) notice, içeride within (içinde); synonyms (prep) into, (adv)
advice, caution, indication, lesson, admonition, inside, in, indoors, internally, inwardly, inly, (n)
caveat, hint, premonition, sign, alarm, counsel, interior, (adj) inwards; antonyms (prep) outside,
monition, (adj) monitory, cautionary; antonym (adj) beyond.
encouraging. içerik content; synonyms (n) capacity, contentment,
ibrişim twist; synonyms (n) twine, wind, spin, twirl, matter, meaning, subject, substance, contentedness,
entwine, (v) turn, bend, distort, curl, coil, contort, (adj) contented, happy, fulfilled, (v) appease, please,
deform, curve, pervert, wrench; antonyms (v) satisfy, suffice, delight; antonyms (adj) tormented,
straighten, untwist. unhappy, discontented, dissatisfied, rebellious, (v)
iç 1. inner; synonyms (adj) internal, interior, central, discontent, upset.
inside, inward, mental, middle, domestic, inland, içerisi inside (iç); synonyms (adv) indoors, inwardly,
intimate; antonyms (adj) external, outer, 2. within, (n) interior, middle, center, stomach, bosom,
internal; synonyms (adj) inner, home, national, contents, (adj) inner, internal, indoor, inland,
inherent, intrinsic, intestine, innermost, entrails, inward, private; antonyms (prep) outside, (n)
familiar, local, secret; antonym (adj) foreign, 3. exterior, (adj) free.
inside; synonyms (adv) indoors, inwardly, within, içeriye 1. in; synonyms (prep) during, between, by,
(n) center, stomach, bosom, contents, (adj) indoor, through, at, inside, (adv) indoors, inward, (n) inch,
private, privileged; antonyms (prep) outside, (n) (adj) stylish, fashionable, inwards, trendy, within,

exterior, (adj) free, 4. inland; synonyms (adj) native, modish; antonyms (prep) out, outside, 2. within
inlandish, mediterraneous, 5. intrinsic; synonyms (içinde); synonyms (prep) into, (adv) in, internally,
(adj) immanent, inborn, constitutional, essential, inwardly, inly, (n) interior; antonym (prep) beyond.
integral, intrinsical, peculiar, fundamental, içerleme resentment; synonyms (n) grudge, anger,
instinctive, innate, natural, real; antonym (adj) displeasure, indignation, rage, rancor, umbrage,
extrinsic, 6. domestic; synonyms (adj) tame, civil, envy, grievance, passion, animosity, bitterness,
household, domesticated, family, indigenous, (n) fury, gall, hostility; antonym (n) cheerfulness.
homely, maid, servant, retainer, servitor; antonym içerme implication; synonyms (n) allusion, hint,
(adj) wild, 7. interior; synonyms (adj) midland, significance, consequence, deduction, entailment,
upcountry, (n) core, heart, midst; antonyms (n) import, innuendo, meaning, sense, suggestion,
purport, complicity, corollary, (adj) complication.
shore, shoreline, 8. within (içinde); synonyms

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içermek 1. include (kapsamak); synonyms (v) hold, correct, exact, honest, straight, truthful, direct, (v)
comprise, contain, embody, encompass, insert, square, (n) genuine; antonyms (adj) false, bogus,
comprehend, embrace, implicate, involve, number, inaccurate, untrue.
add, admit, enclose, have; antonym (v) exclude, 2. içtenlik warmth; synonyms (n) glow, heat,
cover (örtmek); synonyms (v) coat, conceal, top, temperature, fervor, geniality, passion, warmness,
bury, cloak, (n) blind, blanket, screen, binding, affection, tenderness, fire, fondness, friendliness,
camouflage, cap, covering, lid, mask, shield; hotness, sympathy, (adj) verve; antonyms (n)
antonyms (v) reveal, expose, uncover. aloofness, chill, chilliness, coldness, coolness,
içgüdü instinct; synonyms (n) intuition, impulse, unfriendliness.
aptitude, urge, gift, feeling. içtenlikle 1. sincerely; synonyms (adv) simply, truly,
için for (çünkü); synonyms (prep) because, behind, by, candidly, frankly, genuinely, honestly, really,
per, during, on, toward, (conj) considering, since, earnestly, openly, seriously, directly, faithfully,
(adv) against, as, therefore, hence. heartily, ingenuously, unreservedly; antonyms (adv)
içinde 1. within; synonyms (prep) into, (adv) inside, in, insincerely, dishonestly, 2. truly; synonyms (adv)
indoors, internally, inwardly, inly, (n) interior, (adj) actually, sincerely, exactly, indeed, right, certainly,
inwards; antonyms (prep) outside, beyond, 2. in; precisely, very, legitimately, correctly, loyally,
synonyms (prep) during, between, by, through, at, absolutely, truthfully, authentically, awfully;
(adv) inward, (v) press, (n) inch, (adj) stylish, antonym (adv) falsely.
fashionable, trendy, within, modish, popular; içtepi impulse; synonyms (n) impetus, pulse, urge,
antonym (prep) out, 3. included; synonyms (adj) drive, force, impulsion, motive, whim, goad, desire,
numbered, confined, inclosed, integrated, (adv) incentive, incitement, momentum, motivation,
under, 4. inside (iç); synonyms (n) middle, center, spur.
stomach, bosom, contents, (adj) inner, internal, içtima assembly (montaj); synonyms (n) gathering,
indoor, inland, private, privileged; antonyms (n) meeting, collection, congregation, convention,
exterior, (adj) free. fabrication, multitude, assembling, body, chamber,
cluster, company, conclave, concourse, (v)
içindekiler contents; synonyms (n) substance, matter,
inside, list, synopsis, volume, cargo, conspectus.
idam execution; synonyms (n) performance,
içinden 1. through; synonyms (prep) for, per, along,
accomplishment, achievement, effect, enforcement,
because, throughout, (adv) by, thorough, via, (adj)
implementation, action, discharge, executing,
finished, done, direct, straight, completed,
doing, effectuation, administration, completion,
complete, (prf) past, 2. across; synonyms (prep)
murder, act.
athwart, cross, overthwart, (adv) over, crossways,
idare 1. management (yönetim); synonyms (n)
crosswise, (adj) crossed; antonym (adj) uncrossed.
administration, conduct, guidance, command,
içki drink (içmek); synonyms (n) beverage, alcohol, control, direction, government, handling,
brew, potion, swallow, crapulence, intoxicant, nip, leadership, charge, treatment, behavior, steerage,
(v) draught, booze, carouse, bib, absorb, down,
(v) manage, (adj) executive, 2. administration
(hükümet, yönetim); synonyms (n) management,
içli sentimental (duygusal); synonyms (adj) organization, running, power, execution, reign,
emotional, maudlin, mushy, romantic, tender, rule, supervision, department, application,
mawkish, schmaltzy, soft, sappy, bathetic, loving, incumbency, ministry, authority, disposal,
mincing, nostalgic, schmalzy, slushy. governance, 3. conduct; synonyms (n) demeanor,
içmek drink; synonyms (n) beverage, alcohol, brew, lead, performance, (v) act, bring, direct, administer,
potion, swallow, crapulence, intoxicant, nip, (v) carriage, acquit, bearing, carry, comport, show,
draught, booze, carouse, bib, absorb, down, gulp. accompany, bear, 4. control (denetim,
icra execution; synonyms (n) performance, denetlemek, kontrol); synonyms (n) care, hold,
accomplishment, achievement, effect, enforcement, influence, sway, ascendancy, ascendency,
implementation, action, discharge, executing, dominance, regulation, (v) check, curb, bridle,
doing, effectuation, administration, completion, handle, conquer, contain, order; antonyms (n)
murder, act. freedom, weakness, (v) intensify, share, 5.
içsel inherent; synonyms (adj) congenital, inborn, disposition; synonyms (n) bent, attitude,
inbred, intrinsic, essential, immanent, innate, character, tendency, arrangement, bias, inclination,
instinctive, native, born, constitutional, predisposition, propensity, aptitude, array,
fundamental, hereditary, inbuilt, internal; antonym constitution, distribution, heart, humor, 6.
(adj) superficial. manipulation; synonyms (n) use, intrigue, touch,
içten true (doğru, gerçek); synonyms (adj) real, massage, 7. economy; synonyms (n) frugality,
actual, faithful, right, even, accurate, authentic, parsimony, saving, thrift, conservation, efficiency,

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husbandry, prudence, stinginess, thriftiness, ideoloji ideology; synonyms (n) philosophy, belief,
brevity, cut, (adj) system, disposition; antonym (n) theory, opinion, approach, attitude, creed, method,
extravagance, 8. government (hükümet, partisanship, policy, precept, principle, rule,
yönetim); synonyms (n) dominion, cabinet, system, values.
authorities, governing, politics, regime, idman 1. exercise (alıştırma); synonyms (n) practice,
establishment, regimen, adjustment, bureaucracy, employment, application, discipline, play,
dynasty, (adj) empire, public, national, 9. movement, action, activity, (v) drill, apply, employ,
supervision (gözetim); synonyms (n) oversight, use, exert, train, educate, 2. training (Eğitim);
superintendence, custody, observation, synonyms (n) education, instruction, breeding,
supervising, surveillance, watch, protection, preparation, teaching, exercise, nurture, schooling,
inadvertence, (v) inspection. experience, workout, culture, coaching, grooming,
idareci 1. administrator (yönetici); synonyms (n) 3. practice; synonyms (n) fashion, convention,
executive, director, manager, boss, officer, official, habit, form, observance, performance, process, rule,
supervisor, governor, principal, ruler, usage, work, behavior, (v) custom, act, rehearse, do.
superintendent, 2. executive; synonyms (n) idrak 1. consciousness (bilinç); synonyms (n)
administrator, administration, commissioner, head, awareness, feeling, sense, conscience, cognizance,
management, government, minister, (adj) mind, notion, knowledge, self; antonym (n)
administrative, managerial, (v) authoritative, 3. unconsciousness, 2. perception (algı); synonyms
director (müdür, yönetici); synonyms (n) (n) apprehension, conception, idea, discernment,
commander, chief, chairman, coach, controller, impression, insight, comprehension, acumen,
guide, leader, master, captain, inspector, instructor, image, observation, penetration, sensation, taste,
overseer, pilot, (v) conductor, direct, 4. conductor understanding, intuition, 3. comprehension;
(kondüktör); synonyms (n) chauffeur, ringleader, synonyms (n) grasp, inclusion, intelligence, wit,
core, (v) guard; antonym (n) insulator, 5. manager capacity, familiarity, appreciation, reason,
(müdür, yönetici); synonyms (n) handler, admission; antonyms (n) misunderstanding,
superior, entrepreneur, owner, trainer; antonym (n) incomprehension.
underling. idrar urine; synonyms (n) piss, pee, water, piddle,
idari 1. administrative; synonyms (adj) emiction, lanterloo, netting, peeing, pissing,
departmental, official, managerial, authoritative, (v) weewee.
executive, 2. managerial; synonyms (adj) ifade 1. expression (anlatım, deyim); synonyms (n)
administrative, professional, clerical, diction, phrase, voice, appearance, aspect,
governmental, office, organizational, secretarial. declaration, demonstration, manifestation,
articulation, express, countenance, face, idiom,
iddia 1. assertion; synonyms (n) affirmation,
indication, language; antonym (n) repression, 2.
argument, statement, claim, allegation, avowal,
charge, contention, profession, testimony, statement; synonyms (n) account, affirmation,
accusation, position, announcement, asseveration, announcement, communication, instruction,
averment, 2. bet; synonyms (v) gamble, play, lay, assertion, command, description, proposition,
enunciation, profession, argument, avowal, bill,
risk, venture, (n) wager, stake, stakes, 3.
expression; antonym (n) denial, 3. utterance;
contention (çekişme); synonyms (n) competition,
synonyms (n) pronunciation, speech, exclamation,
argumentation, battle, conflict, assertion,
remark, statement, observation, speaking, tongue,
controversy, discord, arguing, difference, dispute,
comment, emission, prolation, strain, 4.
opposition, quarrel, race, enmity, affray; antonym
declaration; synonyms (n) allegation, claim,
(n) harmony, 4. claim (talep); synonyms (n) call,
pronouncement, acknowledgment, admission,
privilege, right, title, application, (v) demand, ask,
decree, deposition, dictum, predication,
assert, exact, arrogate, contend, need, require,
proclamation, intimation, annunciation, confession,
requisition, want; antonyms (v) deny, disclaim,
bid, contention, 5. evidence (kanıt); synonyms (n)
forfeit, 5. contest; synonyms (n) bout, fight, confirmation, mark, proof, data, attestation, sign,
altercation, struggle, debate, feud, game, match, testimony, clue, (v) display, demonstrate, attest,
action, (v) compete, combat, argue, challenge, war, certify, manifest, denote, establish, 6. strain;
clash, 6. argument (tartışma); synonyms (n) synonyms (n) stress, breed, effort, stretch, exertion,
matter, proof, reason, hassle, brawl, disagreement, race, (v) filter, screen, sift, tax, endeavor, exert,
discussion, justification, reasoning, subject, text, extend, percolate, pull; antonym (v) relax.
topic, case, fighting, fuss; antonym (n) agreement.
iflas 1. bankruptcy; synonyms (n) failure, insolvency,
ideal ideal; synonyms (adj) fanciful, perfect, smash, ruin, indebtedness, recession, closure,
consummate, abstract, classic, imaginary, typical, depression, poverty, defalcation, default,
(n) model, paragon, example, apotheosis, archetype,
destituteness, disaster, exhaustion, indigence, 2.
epitome, perfection, prototype.

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crash; synonyms (n) clash, collision, clank, clatter, attraction, love, (v) delight, attract, 2. revolt
fall, impact, slam, (v) bang, collapse, break, clang, (ayaklanmak); synonyms (n) insurrection,
crack, dash, plunge, ram. uprising, revolution, repulsion, commotion, (v)
ifşa disclosure; synonyms (n) discovery, exposure, disgust, mutiny, rebellion, rebel, repel, offend,
revelation, declaration, confession, announcement, repulse, appall, protest, rebellious.
betrayal, divulgence, manifestation, publication, iğrenme disgust; synonyms (n) antipathy,
admission, apocalypse, ascertainment. abhorrence, abomination, aversion, detestation,
iftihar pride (gurur); synonyms (n) arrogance, boast, dislike, repugnance, hate, hatred, horror, (v) sicken,
conceit, haughtiness, egotism, lordliness, vanity, nauseate, shock, distaste, displease; antonyms (n)
assumption, insolence, disdain, hauteur, triumph, attraction, love, (v) delight, attract.
presumption, glory, (v) plume; antonyms (n) ihale bid (davet etmek); synonyms (n) offer, tender,
humility, modesty. attempt, proffer, suggestion, (v) ask, call, command,
iftira scandal (skandal); synonyms (n) disgrace, invite, adjure, beseech, charge, direct, instruct,
dishonor, gossip, outrage, discredit, rumor, infamy, order.
disrepute, backbiting, detraction, dirt, ignominy, ihbarname notice; synonyms (n) advertisement,
opprobrium, shame, obloquy; antonym (n) honor. attention, declaration, information, mind, caution,
iğne 1. needle; synonyms (n) injection, pointer, awl, heed, (v) note, look, attend, detect, discover,
plunger, probe, rudder, spike, (v) annoy, goad, distinguish, find, mark; antonyms (v) disregard,
irritate, sting, rile, aggravate, gall, nag, 2. pin; ignore.
synonyms (n) needle, nail, clip, peg, axle, brooch, ihlal breach; synonyms (n) aperture, chink, crack,
broach, nog, bolt, button, leg, (v) tack, clasp, fix, crevice, fracture, gap, infringement, opening, rift,
fasten, 3. shot; synonyms (n) gunshot, go, fling, split, trespass, (v) break, rupture, contravene,
ball, crack, shoot, picture, attempt, bang, bullet, fissure; antonym (n) observance.
chance, discharge, effort, endeavor, guess. ihmal 1. omission; synonyms (n) failure, error,
iğrenç 1. horrible (korkunç); synonyms (adj) exclusion, fault, ellipsis, inadvertence, mistake,
abominable, atrocious, awful, fearful, frightful, neglect, oversight, flaw, default, deletion,
dire, dreadful, fearsome, formidable, ghastly, pretermission, slip, (adj) defect; antonyms (n)
grisly, appalling, cruel, dismal, (v) horrid; inclusion, adherence, 2. negligence; synonyms (n)
antonyms (adj) pleasant, wonderful, lovely, nice, 2. carelessness, disregard, inattention, indifference,
disgusting; synonyms (adj) detestable, disgustful, heedlessness, neglectfulness, inattentiveness,
distasteful, execrable, foul, loathsome, nasty, recklessness; antonym (n) attention, 3. neglect;
odious, offensive, disagreeable, abhorrent, dirty, synonyms (n) slight, delinquency, negligence,
hateful, horrible, noisome; antonyms (adj) omission, abandonment, (v) fail, forget, ignore,
attractive, appealing, 3. ugly (çirkin); synonyms overlook, drop, omit, disdain, discount, pretermit,
(adj) forbidding, gruesome, hideous, homely, escape; antonyms (n) development, surveillance, (v)
repulsive, surly, evil, deformed, despicable, care, complete, do, protect.
grotesque, monstrous, ominous, plain, shocking, ihraç export (dışsatım, ihraç etmek); synonyms (n)
sinister; antonyms (adj) beautiful, good-looking, exportation, business, buying, exchange, retail, (v)
flowing, ornamental, 4. dirty (kirli, pis); import, trade, smuggle, market, port, sell, ship,
synonyms (adj) dirt, contemptible, bawdy, consign, dump, freight.
contaminated, dingy, impure, filthy, (v) muddy, ihracat export (dışsatım, ihraç etmek); synonyms
corrupt, soil, contaminate, begrime, bemire, (n) exportation, business, buying, exchange, retail,
pollute, (n) defile; antonyms (adj) hygienic, pure, (v) import, trade, smuggle, market, port, sell, ship,
spotless, immaculate, (v) clean, 5. offensive; consign, dump, freight.
synonyms (adj) disgusting, abusive, aggressive, ihtar warning (uyarı); synonyms (n) notice, advice,
nauseous, coarse, impertinent, insulting, caution, indication, example, lesson, admonition,
objectionable, repugnant, indecent, fulsome, (n) caveat, hint, premonition, sign, alarm, counsel, (adj)
assault, attack, offense, (v) obnoxious; antonyms monitory, cautionary; antonym (adj) encouraging.
(adj) complimentary, inoffensive, defensive, polite, ihtilaf controversy; synonyms (n) contention,
tasteful, 6. sick (hasta); synonyms (adj) ill, queasy, argumentation, argument, contest, altercation,
ailing, indisposed, poorly, weary, invalid, diseased, conflict, debate, difference, dispute, squabble, row,
morbid, sickly, poor, crazy, disgusted, nauseated, competition, arguing, contestation, disagreement.
(v) unwell; antonyms (adj) well, healthy. ihtilal revolution (devrim); synonyms (n) change,
iğrendirmek 1. disgust; synonyms (n) antipathy, gyration, insurrection, mutiny, rebellion, revolt,
abhorrence, abomination, aversion, detestation, rotation, turn, alteration, cycle, coup, circle,
dislike, repugnance, hate, hatred, horror, (v) sicken, circulation, (v) circuit, (adj) disturbance.
nauseate, shock, distaste, displease; antonyms (n)

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ihtimal 1. probability; synonyms (n) chance, aged; synonyms (adj) old, senile, older, ripe, senior,
likelihood, odds, possibility, likeliness, venerable.
opportunity, expectation, eventuality, prospect, ihtiyat 1. caution; synonyms (n) advice, carefulness,
contingency, expectancy, danger, outlook, chances, precaution, vigilance, wariness, warning,
verisimilitude, 2. prospect; synonyms (n) view, admonition, attention, caveat, circumspection,
anticipation, aspect, hope, lookout, perspective, counsel, (v) care, warn, admonish, advise;
future, panorama, picture, probability, scene, antonyms (n) recklessness, carelessness, rashness,
forecast, candidate, horizon, (v) explore; antonym
2. reserve (ayırmak); synonyms (n) backup,
(n) past, 3. chance; synonyms (n) hazard, fortune, modesty, reservation, substitute, bank, cache,
venture, accident, break, fate, luck, random, (adj) diffidence, hoard, (v) keep, save, book, maintain,
accidental, (v) gamble, adventure, risk, bet, befall, appropriate, engage, hold; antonyms (n) openness,
happen; antonyms (n) predictability, (adj)
friendliness, informality, warmth, 3. spare;
deliberate, intentional, (v) design, plan. synonyms (adj) reserve, slender, excess, slight,
ihtiras 1. passion (tutku); synonyms (n) fury, additional, lean, slim, thin, bare, (v) free, meager,
affection, feeling, fervor, fire, love, anger, craving, exempt, economize, excuse, (n) extra.
desire, enthusiasm, heat, mania, rage, fondness, (v) ihtiyatlı 1. discreet; synonyms (adj) circumspect,
ardor; antonyms (n) apathy, indifference, 2. prudent, careful, cautious, chary, discerning,
ambition (tutku); synonyms (n) aspiration, aim, tactful, wise, diplomatic, considerate, judicious,
ambitiousness, dream, drive, goal, hope, objective, modest, politic, sensible, thoughtful; antonyms (adj)
purpose, target, wish, intention, design, eagerness, conspicuous, elaborate, tactless, careless, indiscreet,
2. cautious; synonyms (adj) conservative, guarded,
ihtiraslı 1. passionate; synonyms (adj) ardent, hot, watchful, attentive, cagey, discreet, provident,
angry, animated, burning, excited, fervent, fierce, reserved, shy, wary, moderate, canny, sly, alert,
earnest, amorous, eager, enthusiastic, excitable, deliberate; antonyms (adj) rash, reckless,
(adv) fiery, (v) impetuous; antonyms (adj) apathetic, impetuous, impulsive, open, incautious,
indifferent, mild, passionless, 2. ambitious irresponsible, wasteful, 3. wary; synonyms (adj)
(tutkulu); synonyms (adj) aspiring, difficult, vigilant, suspicious, leery, distrustful, wakeful,
energetic, vaulting, challenging, competitive, heedful, mistrustful, safe, mindful, scrupulous,
desirous, enterprising, grandiose, pushy. aware, cunning, frugal, (v) calculating, crafty;
ihtişam glory (şan); synonyms (n) fame, celebrity, antonyms (adj) unwary, trusting.
brightness, honor, pride, distinction, credit, dignity, ikame substitution; synonyms (n) replacement,
eclat, eminence, glitter, glorification, (v) halo, exult, exchange, change, substitute, interchange, shift,
boast. permutation, switch, replacing, swap,
ihtiyaç 1. need; synonyms (v) lack, claim, require, transposition.
destitution, indigence, involve, (n) demand, want, ikamet stay (kalma, kalmak); synonyms (v) remain,
desire, deficiency, must, necessity, deprivation, reside, rest, prop, stop, abide, continue, endure,
requirement, absence; antonym (n) wealth, 2. want pause, arrest, bide, dwell, support, (n) delay, halt;
(istemek); synonyms (v) need, like, hope, crave, (n) antonyms (v) leave, change, abscond, depart.
poverty, wish, famine, dearth, penury, privation, ikaz warning (ihtar, uyarı); synonyms (n) notice,
shortage, pauperism, defect, distress, ambition; advice, caution, indication, example, lesson,
antonyms (v) dislike, hate, 3. requirement admonition, caveat, hint, premonition, sign, alarm,
(gereksinim); synonyms (n) essential, obligation, counsel, (adj) monitory, cautionary; antonym (adj)
prerequisite, provision, clause, condition, exigency, encouraging.
necessary, proviso, precondition, qualification, iki two; synonyms (n) deuce, pair, binary, demon,
requisite, stipulation, command, duty; antonym (n)
devil, duality, (adj) tway.
option, 4. necessity (gereklilik); synonyms (n)
ikil bit; synonyms (n) crumb, morsel, piece, atom,
compulsion, emergency, constraint, occasion,
drop, fleck, fragment, moment, part, portion, shred,
needfulness, pinch, pressure, crisis, essentiality,
snatch, (v) curb, scrap, scantling.
fate, foredoom, (v) use, manner, 5. deprivation;
ikilem dilemma; synonyms (n) quandary, corner, fix,
synonyms (n) bereavement, cost, loss, damage,
jam, mess, predicament, problem, crisis, difficulty,
scarcity, disadvantage, hardship, neediness,
plight, doubt, scrape, riddle, (adj) embarrassment,
ihtiyar 1. old (eski); synonyms (adj) antiquated,
ikili 1. dual (çift); synonyms (adj) double, duplex,
obsolete, ancient, former, aged, antique, elderly,
duple, twin, twofold, doubled, bivalent, combined,
experienced, outdated, veteran, archaic, decrepit,
threefold, treble, bifold, binal, common,
hoary, mature, past; antonyms (adj) new, young,
cooperative, double-dip; antonyms (adj) individual,
modern, fresh, latest, novel, original, youthful, 2.

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single, 2. double (çift, çifte); synonyms (adj) disadvantage, 2. premium (prim); synonyms (n)
duplicate, dual, (v) fold, reduplicate, bend, bonus, agio, bounty, price, agiotage, (adj) superior;
geminate, plait, copy, crease, crinkle, (n) image, antonym (adj) inferior, 3. prize; synonyms (n)
match, mate, substitute, alternate. plunder, treasure, booty, loot, trophy, honour, (v)
ikinci 1. second (saniye); synonyms (n) instant, appreciate, esteem, cherish, honor, value, admire,
moment, flash, jiffy, minute, sec, (v) back, endorse, pry, evaluate, (adj) choice.
support, encourage, forward, help, (adj) latter, ikrar confession; synonyms (n) avowal, admission,
further, (pron) additional; antonym (adj) first, 2. acknowledgment, recognition, concession,
secondary (ikincil); synonyms (adj) inferior, divulgence, disclosure, penance, profession,
lower, minor, subordinate, ancillary, derivative, apology; antonym (n) denial.
incidental, auxiliary, indirect, junior, second, less, iktibas quotation; synonyms (n) citation, extract,
petty, deficient, (n) proxy; antonyms (adj) basic, mention, excerpt, passage, reference, quote,
main, central, chief, direct, fundamental, major, example, price, figure, instance, allusion, credit.
primary. iktidar 1. power (güç); synonyms (n) force, ability,
ikincil 1. secondary; synonyms (adj) inferior, lower, potency, authority, control, energy, agency,
minor, subordinate, ancillary, derivative, domination, intensity, strength, (v) influence,
incidental, auxiliary, indirect, junior, second, less, might, dominion, faculty, capacity; antonyms (n)
petty, deficient, (n) proxy; antonyms (adj) basic, powerlessness, helplessness, weakness, 2. ability
main, central, chief, direct, fundamental, major, (yetenek); synonyms (n) hand, aptitude,
primary, 2. minor (küçük, önemsiz); synonyms cleverness, dexterity, power, talent,
(adj) little, insignificant, lesser, small, accomplishment, bent, capability, competency,
inconsequential, marginal, negligible, secondary, expertise, flair, genius, gift, knowledge; antonyms
slight, trivial, unimportant, humble, (n) child,
(n) inability, injury, 3. capability (yetenek);
juvenile, youngster; antonyms (adj) important,
synonyms (n) capableness, competence, potential,
significant, leading, overriding, superseding,
qualification, aptness, efficiency, endowment,
serious, considerable, extensive, greater, senior. potentiality, proficiency, skill, susceptibility,
ikincisi latter; synonyms (adj) ultimate, last, later, adequacy; antonyms (n) failure, incapability.
terminal, final, following, posterior, recent, past, iktisadi economic; synonyms (adj) commercial,
eventual, concluding, last-mentioned; antonym (n) financial, profitable, efficient, economical, fiscal,
former. industrial, mercantile, pecuniary, trade, monetary,
ikiyüzlü double (çift, çifte); synonyms (adj) bread-and-butter, budgetary, helpful, material.
duplicate, dual, duple, twofold, (v) fold, iktisatçı economist; synonyms (n) cultivator,
reduplicate, bend, geminate, plait, (n) twin, image, husband, husbandman, tiller.
match, mate, substitute, alternate; antonym (n)
il province; synonyms (n) country, district, field,
single. county, land, domain, region, colony, duty, area,
ikiz twin; synonyms (adj) dual, matching, identical, function, line, sphere, territory, (v) department.
similar, (n) match, counterpart, mate, pair, fellow, ilaç 1. remedy; synonyms (n) cure, redress, medicine,
parallel, (v) double, duplicate, equal, couple,
drug, relief, antidote, curative, (v) heal, help,
amend, rectify, correct, relieve, aid, doctor, 2.
iklim climate; synonyms (n) atmosphere, clime, drug; synonyms (n) anesthetic, medication,
ambience, latitude, environment, milieu, mood,
prescription, remedy, sedative, stimulant, (v) dose,
medicate, potion, (adj) chaff, 3. medicine (tıp);
ikmal supply (tedarik etmek); synonyms (n) synonyms (n) medicament, physic, therapy,
provision, hoard, (v) furnish, stock, afford, fill, treatment, cathartic, preparation, 4. cure;
store, feed, offer, provide, cater, contribute, deliver,
synonyms (n) salve, curing, healing, restorative,
equip, give. solution, vulcanization, abbe, advowson, (v) treat,
ikna persuasion; synonyms (n) belief, opinion, faith, pickle, preserve, restore, keep, mend, recover.
inducement, creed, exhortation, idea, enticement, ilan 1. advertisement (reklam); synonyms (n)
sentiment, suasion, view, mind, notion, judgment,
announcement, declaration, ad, advert, advertising,
(adj) conviction; antonyms (n) force, pressure. bill, circular, notice, publication, advertizement,
ikram treat; synonyms (v) handle, deal, manage, advertizing, placard, poster, 2. announcement
process, heal, nurse, regale, operate, doctor, (n) (duyuru); synonyms (n) annunciation,
feast, administer, delicacy, luxury, tidbit, banquet. advertisement, communication, proclamation,
ikramiye 1. bonus; synonyms (n) award, promulgation, pronouncement, release, report,
compensation, premium, dividend, gift, gratuity, statement, intimation, assertion, avowal, bulletin,
perk, prize, reward, addition, benefit, payment, commercial, disclosure, 3. notice; synonyms (n)
perquisite, incentive, (adj) extra; antonym (n) attention, information, mind, caution, heed,

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message, observation, (v) note, look, attend, detect, frontwards, beforehand, forrad, forrard, (adj)
discover, distinguish, find, mark; antonyms (v) beyond, elapsed, forgotten, gone, 5. ahead;
disregard, ignore, 4. bill (fatura, gaga, hesap); synonyms (adv) formerly, previously, on, onwards,
synonyms (n) account, beak, card, invoice, receipt, winning, (adj) front, (n) lead; antonym (adv) behind.
act, banknote, check, measure, program, reckoning, ilerici progressive; synonyms (adj) advanced,
score, (v) advertise, charge, list. forward, gradual, active, radical, consecutive,
ilave 1. addition (toplama); synonyms (n) accession, modern, revolutionary, positive, alphabetical,
accessory, addendum, extension, increase, avant-garde, broad, broad-minded, (n) liberal,
accretion, afterthought, annex, appendage, imperfect; antonyms (adj) old-fashioned,
attachment, augmentation, complement, extra, traditional, (n) conservative.
gain, (prep) accumulation; antonyms (n) subtraction, ileride ahead; synonyms (adv) before, beforehand,
removal, estimation, 2. additional; synonyms (adj) formerly, forward, onward, previously, beyond,
added, supplementary, ancillary, another, further, fore, forth, forwards, on, onwards, winning, (adj)
more, second, spare, increased, adscititious, front, (n) lead; antonyms (adv) behind, late.
adventitious, auxiliary, complementary, else, (pron) ileriye forward (göndermek, ileri); synonyms (adv)
other; antonyms (adj) less, main, 3. supplement; onward, fore, ahead, along, (adj) bold, audacious,
synonyms (n) accompaniment, addition, adjunct, advanced, early, brazen, (n) further, (v) advance,
appendix, increment, continuation, appurtenance, expedite, promote, cultivate, (phr) dispatch;
postscript, counterpart, codicil, (v) add, append, antonyms (adv) backward, (adj) shy, posterior.
affix, augment, accompany; antonym (v) diminish,
ilerleme 1. advance (avans, ilerlemek,
4. appendix (ek); synonym (v) supplement, 5. ilerletmek); synonyms (n) progress, improvement,
extra; synonyms (adj) additional, over, odd, (v) further, proceed, promote, approach, encourage,
redundant, exceptional, unneeded, unused, (adv) raise, rise, boost, contribute, cultivate, develop,
especially, above, besides, (n) excess, plus, forward, (phr) accelerate; antonyms (n)
supernumerary, duplicate, (v) additive; antonyms deterioration, (v) retreat, recede, delay, demote,
(adj) basic, (n) lack. regress, 2. advancement (terfi); synonyms (n)
ilaveten extra; synonyms (adj) additional, over, odd, advance, promotion, furtherance, upgrade, growth,
auxiliary, (adv) more, especially, (n) supplement, cultivation, development, elevation, progression,
accessory, excess, plus, supernumerary, profit, betterment, exaltation, gain, headway,
addendum, addition, duplicate, (v) additive; movement, 3. progress; synonyms (n) course,
antonyms (adj) basic, less, (n) lack. advancement, increase, passage, process, evolution,
ilçe district (bölge); synonyms (n) area, quarter, (v) continue, go, move, grow, improve, pass,
region, community, neighborhood, territory, prosper, way, thrive; antonym (n) decline, 4.
circuit, county, field, jurisdiction, province, section, improvement; synonyms (n) amelioration,
domain, (adj) local, (v) zone. correction, amendment, repair, adjustment,
ile 1. with; synonyms (prep) by, for, alongside, among, enhancement, revision, melioration, upturn,
plus, (adv) on, beside, (adj) including, (n) withe, 2. benefit, emendation, innovation, mending,
and (ve); synonyms (conj) with, (adv) also, modification, recuperation; antonym (n)
additionally, (adj) more, 3. by (tarafından); downgrade, 5. gain (kazanç); synonyms (v)
synonyms (prep) at, of, about, per, (adv) aside, away, acquire, derive, attain, catch, earn, get, win,
past, through, apart, along, beyond, via, (adj) over. achieve, make, reach, find, accomplish, (n) earnings,
acquisition, advantage; antonyms (v) lose, (n) loss.
ileri 1. advanced (gelişmiş); synonyms (adj)
sophisticated, progressive, senior, higher, modern, ilerlemek 1. advance (avans, ilerleme,
new, precocious, late, cultured, developed, ilerletmek); synonyms (n) progress, improvement,
elevated, forward, liberal, ripe, superior; antonyms (v) further, proceed, promote, approach, encourage,

(adj) conservative, old-fashioned, inferior, 2.

raise, rise, boost, contribute, cultivate, develop,
forward, (phr) accelerate; antonyms (n)
forward (göndermek); synonyms (adv) onward,
deterioration, (v) retreat, recede, delay, demote,
fore, ahead, along, (adj) bold, audacious, advanced,
early, brazen, (n) further, (v) advance, expedite, regress, 2. move (hareket, taşınmak); synonyms
(v) act, affect, carry, excite, go, impel, instigate,
promote, cultivate, (phr) dispatch; antonyms (adv)
maneuver, touch, travel, flow, bear, (n) motion,
backward, (adj) shy, posterior, 3. fast (hızlı, oruç);
drive, transfer; antonym (v) stay, 3. progress;
synonyms (adj) dissolute, firm, agile, debauched,
synonyms (n) headway, furtherance, betterment,
fixed, hurried, instant, quick, rapid, staunch, brisk,
gain, course, advancement, development, growth,
(adv) soon, hard, close, (n) diet; antonyms (adj)
increase, movement, (v) advance, continue, move,
sluggish, loose, (adv) slow, slowly, leisurely, (v)
grow, improve; antonym (n) decline, 4. gain
gorge, (n) binge, 4. onwards; synonyms (adv)
(kazanç); synonyms (v) acquire, benefit, derive,
forwards, forrader, forth, before, frontward,

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attain, catch, earn, get, win, achieve, make, reach, expedite, promote, cultivate, (phr) dispatch;
(n) profit, earnings, acquisition, advantage; antonyms (adv) backward, (adj) shy, posterior.
antonyms (v) lose, (n) loss, 5. proceed; synonyms ilgi 1. reference (referans); synonyms (n) citation,
(v) pass, originate, ensue, run, extend, arise, mention, quotation, quote, allusion, bearing,
emanate, happen, issue, operate, result, stem, connection, recommendation, innuendo,
elapse, fare, do. annotation, character, concern, consultation, (v) cite,
ilerlemiş advanced (gelişmiş, ileri); synonyms (adj) refer, 2. interest (faiz); synonyms (n) advantage,
sophisticated, progressive, senior, higher, modern, affair, account, gain, hobby, behalf, eagerness,
new, precocious, late, cultured, developed, enthusiasm, sake, (v) engage, care, benefit, appeal,
elevated, forward, liberal, ripe, superior; antonyms affect, (adj) claim; antonyms (n) indifference, apathy,
(adj) conservative, old-fashioned, inferior. (v) bore, 3. relation (ilişki); synonyms (n)
ilerletmek 1. advance (avans, ilerleme, narration, recital, affinity, association, description,
ilerlemek); synonyms (n) progress, improvement, regard, rehearsal, kin, bond, narrative, reference,
(v) further, proceed, promote, approach, encourage, relationship, relative, (v) report, rapport, 4.
raise, rise, boost, contribute, cultivate, develop, involvement; synonyms (n) entanglement,
forward, (phr) accelerate; antonyms (n) interest, implication, inclusion, engagement,
deterioration, (v) retreat, recede, delay, demote, complicity, part, participation, affaire, amour,
regress, 2. improve; synonyms (v) advance, heal, intimacy; antonym (n) disconnection, 5. attention
emend, help, ameliorate, amend, correct, reform, (dikkat); synonyms (n) mind, aid, alertness,
gain, educate, better, enhance, mend, perfect, consideration, heed, notice, attentiveness, caution,
restore; antonyms (v) worsen, deteriorate, spoil. concentration, deliberation, diligence, ear, nursing,
ilerleyen progressive (ilerici); synonyms (adj) observation, precision; antonyms (n) inattention,
advanced, forward, gradual, active, radical, neglect, 6. affinity; synonyms (n) sympathy,
consecutive, modern, revolutionary, positive, analogy, alliance, kindred, propinquity, relation,
alphabetical, avant-garde, broad, broad-minded, (n) semblance, penchant, agreement, attachment,
liberal, imperfect; antonyms (adj) old-fashioned, conformity, consanguinity, inclination, kinship,
traditional, (n) conservative. likeness, 7. care; synonyms (n) attention, bother,
ileti message (mesaj); synonyms (n) communication, apprehension, custody, keep, maintenance, worry,
meaning, information, errand, letter, mission, attendance, affection, burden, fear, guard, (v)
dispatch, lesson, note, significance, statement, anxiety, charge, administer; antonyms (n)
word, direction, memorandum, advice. carelessness, recklessness, rashness,
iletim transmission; synonyms (n) circulation, thoughtlessness, (v) disregard, 8. bearing
conveyance, contagion, transfer, broadcast, (kerteriz); synonyms (n) carriage, demeanor,
communication, drive, infection, spread, appearance, approach, aspect, attitude, conduct,
transmittal, transmittance, dissemination, passage, deportment, direction, manner, respect, air, aim,
transmitting. behavior, comportment, 9. concern; synonyms (n)
iletişim communication; synonyms (n) business, matter, company, disquiet, firm, thought,
announcement, commerce, communicating, uneasiness, (v) trouble, import, involve, pertain,
contact, conversation, discourse, epistle, relate, touch, apply, deal; antonym (v) unconcern,
intercourse, letter, message, news, notice, report, 10. attachment; synonyms (n) appendix,
tidings, word. accessory, addition, adherence, appendage,
iletken conductor (kondüktör); synonyms (n) devotion, fitting, fondness, liking, link, love, tie,
leader, chief, director, chauffeur, commander, annex, addendum, fastener; antonym (n)
manager, pilot, ringleader, core, (v) guard, guide; detachment.
antonym (n) insulator. ilgilendirmek 1. concern; synonyms (n) business,
iletme transmission; synonyms (n) circulation, affair, regard, attention, anxiety, bother, matter,
conveyance, contagion, transfer, broadcast, company, apprehension, burden, (v) worry, affect,
communication, drive, infection, spread, care, interest, trouble; antonym (v) unconcern, 2.
transmittal, transmittance, dissemination, passage, interest (faiz, ilgi); synonyms (n) concern,
transmitting. advantage, account, gain, hobby, behalf, eagerness,
iletmek 1. conduct; synonyms (n) behavior, enthusiasm, sake, (v) engage, benefit, appeal,
administration, manage, demeanor, lead, fascinate, occupy, (adj) claim; antonyms (n)
performance, (v) act, bring, direct, administer, indifference, apathy, (v) bore.
carriage, acquit, bearing, carry, comport, 2. ilgilenme attendance; synonyms (n) presence,
forward (göndermek, ileri); synonyms (adv) attending, audience, turnout, hearing, tendance,
onward, fore, ahead, along, (adj) bold, audacious, attendancy, bodyguard, crowd, gallery, tendment,
advanced, early, brazen, (n) further, (v) advance,

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assemblage, assembly, congregation, draw; ilham inspiration; synonyms (n) afflatus, infusion,
antonyms (n) absence, nonattendance. breath, encouragement, idea, incentive, inhalation,
ilgilenmek deal (anlaşma); synonyms (n) bargain, revelation, genius, notion, aspiration, enthusiasm,
buy, agreement, arrangement, covenant, trade, (v) impulse, (v) illumination, impression.
administer, allot, apportion, conduct, contract, ilim 1. learning; synonyms (n) erudition, acquisition,
cope, distribute, truck, assign; antonym (n) education, enlightenment, culture, scholarship,
purchase. wisdom, acquirement, edification, letter, literature,
ilgili 1. concerned; synonyms (adj) anxious, careful, lore, reading, (v) knowledge, instruction, 2.
interested, involved, thoughtful, apprehensive, science (bilim); synonyms (n) learning, skill, (adj)
considerate, nervous, solicitous, worried, affected, art.
attentive, caring, fearful, troubled; antonyms (adj) ilinti correlation; synonyms (n) association,
unconcerned, uncaring, unfeeling, 2. involved; connection, relationship, bond, correspondence,
synonyms (adj) complex, intricate, complicated, correlativity, interrelation, link, comparison,
convoluted, tortuous, confused, difficult, elaborate, equivalence, similarity, (adj) mutuality.
engaged, entangled, knotty, obscure, tangled, ilişki 1. relation; synonyms (n) connection, account,
knotted, implied; antonyms (adj) simple, aloof, narration, recital, affinity, association, description,
detached, straightforward, 3. interested; regard, rehearsal, kin, bearing, bond, narrative,
synonyms (adj) concerned, curious, inquiring, reference, (v) report, 2. affair (iş, mesele);
inquisitive, keen; antonyms (adj) apathetic, synonyms (n) matter, business, concern, event, job,
uninterested, 4. connected; synonyms (v) related, occasion, occurrence, amour, duty, happening,
(adj) associated, affiliated, allied, attached, linked, incident, issue, party, subject, theme, 3. bond
committed; antonyms (adj) unconnected, unrelated, (bağ, bono); synonyms (n) tie, alliance, deed,
separate, 5. related; synonyms (adj) germane, agreement, cement, attachment, bail, joint, link,
kindred, cognate, relevant, similar, akin, collateral, adhesion, chain, (v) bind, band, adhere, attach, 4.
connected, consanguineous, pertinent, like, near, connection (bağ, bağlantı); synonyms (n)
analogous, appropriate, attendant. communication, concatenation, affiliation,
ilginç interesting; synonyms (adj) entertaining, conjunction, knot, combination, coherence,
absorbing, amusing, attractive, charming, coupling, intercourse, acquaintance, connectedness,
engaging, exciting, fascinating, readable, diverting, connecter, connective, contact, fitting; antonym (n)
appealing, engrossing, gripping, captivating, disconnection, 5. contact (temas); synonyms (n)
provocative; antonyms (adj) uninteresting, boring, touch, collision, impact, tangency, interaction,
dull. juxtaposition, access, (v) call, meet, adjoin,
ilgisiz 1. indifferent (kayıtsız); synonyms (adj) communicate, reach, butt, join, abut, 6.
apathetic, callous, cold, cool, fair, impassive, relationship; synonyms (n) relation, ratio,
insensible, unconcerned, careless, dull, average, consanguinity, correlation, friendship, kindred,
aloof, casual, detached, disinterested; antonyms kinship, proportion, rapport, brotherhood, affair,
(adj) caring, enthusiastic, fervent, keen, obsessive, dependency, relations, union, descent.
eager, energetic, involved, surprised, 2. careless; ilişkin corresponding; synonyms (adj) congruent,
synonyms (adj) inconsiderate, cursory, forgetful, comparable, equal, same, similar, commensurate,
haphazard, inattentive, insouciant, reckless, hasty, consonant, alike, analogous, correspondent,
imprudent, inadvertent, incautious, lax, listless, (v) equivalent, like, matching, parallel,
heedless, (adv) thoughtless; antonyms (adj) careful, complementary; antonym (adj) different.
cautious, prudent, attentive, diligent, meticulous, ilk 1. initial; synonyms (adj) beginning, first,
thorough, thoughtful, guarded, methodical, strict, elementary, incipient, foremost, preliminary,
wary, 3. irrelevant; synonyms (adj) inappropriate, primary, rudimentary, commencing, early,
extraneous, inapplicable, insignificant, impertinent, introductory, leading, opening, original, (v) sign, 2.
inapposite, inconsequential, trivial, unimportant, first (birinci); synonyms (adv) before, rather, (adj)
unrelated, unsuitable, petty, minor, pointless, best, chief, primitive, former, forward, head, initial,
trifling; antonyms (adj) relevant, admissible. maiden, premier, principal, top, front, (n)
ilgisizlik indifference; synonyms (n) apathy, commencement; antonyms (adj) last, final, (n) end,
detachment, disregard, impassiveness, aloofness, 3. preliminary; synonyms (adj) prefatory,
disinterest, impassivity, neglect, neutrality, inaugural, preparatory, proemial, (n) prelude,
nonchalance, unconcern, stoicism, coolness, (adj) preface, prelim, introduction, overture, 4.
coldness, phlegm; antonyms (n) dedication, elementary (temel); synonyms (adj) basic,
eagerness, fervor, interest, passion, compassion, fundamental, simple, basal, easy, elemental,
favorite, sympathy. essential, artless, straightforward, underlying, 5.
early (erken); synonyms (adj) prompt, young,

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232 Turkish - English

quick, embryonic, matutinal, old, past, precocious, imprint, manifestation, omen, poster, presage,
premature, prime, primeval, primordial, (adv) wave, (v) gesture, indicate, 2. mark; synonyms (n)
betimes, soon, earlier; antonyms (adj) delayed, last- evidence, score, character, heed, impression, sign,
minute, slow, (adv) late, 6. prime; synonyms (adj) feature, badge, check, (v) blemish, characterize,
main, paramount, excellent, exquisite, overriding, distinguish, grade, label, (adj) notice, 3. signal
grand, capital, central, (n) cardinal, flower, bloom, (işaret); synonyms (n) flag, alarm, salient, note, (v)
blossom, cream, (v) ground, coach; antonym (adj) alert, betoken, foreshadow, guide, beckon, (adj)
minor. conspicuous, memorable, notable, prominent,
ilkbahar spring (bahar); synonyms (n) jump, leap, remarkable, outstanding.
bound, fountain, skip, source, dance, rise, (v) hop, ima 1. hint (ipucu); synonyms (n) clue, intimation,
caper, bounce, dive, originate, recoil, (adj) elastic. suggestion, trace, allusion, cue, inkling,
ilke principle; synonyms (n) origin, fundamental, implication, (v) suggest, dash, tip, touch, allude,
method, rule, cause, doctrine, ground, basis, imply, (adj) intimate; antonym (n) overtone, 2.
dogma, element, essence, law, precept, reason, implication; synonyms (n) hint, significance,
tenet. consequence, deduction, entailment, import,
ilkel 1. primitive; synonyms (adj) primeval, primary, innuendo, meaning, sense, purport, complicity,
antediluvian, archaic, crude, early, first, original, corollary, effect, indication, (adj) complication, 3.
aboriginal, ancient, antiquated, basic, primal, suggestion (öneri); synonyms (n) advice,
primordial, radical; antonym (adj) modern, 2. proposal, counsel, proposition, recommendation,
elementary (temel); synonyms (adj) fundamental, sign, insinuation, offer, plan, prompting, motion,
primitive, simple, basal, easy, elemental, essential, overture, advance, guidance, pointer, 4. reference
introductory, rudimentary, preliminary, artless, (ilgi, referans); synonyms (n) citation, mention,
initial, straightforward, underlying. quotation, quote, bearing, connection, annotation,
illegal illegal; synonyms (adj) criminal, forbidden, character, concern, consultation, denotation, (v) cite,
prohibited, unauthorized, unlawful, illegitimate, refer, note, regard.
illicit, lawless, taboo, wrongful; antonyms (adj) imaj image (görüntü, resim); synonyms (n) figure,
legal, lawful, honest, legitimate, official. picture, fancy, conception, effigy, form, idea,
ilmek loop (döngü); synonyms (n) coil, ring, bight, impression, resemblance, design, double, epitome,
circuit, eyelet, eye, kink, noose, round, (v) curve, icon, (v) depict, envision.
bend, circle, curl, entwine, knot. imal 1. production (üretim); synonyms (n) output,
ilmi scientific (bilimsel); synonyms (adj) technical, generation, product, manufacturing, performance,
creation, formation, produce, staging, fabrication,
mathematical, exact, punctual, accurate, artistic,
fruit, manufacture, origination, presentation, (v)
objective, shipshape, learned, precise, scientifical,
exhibition, 2. manufacture; synonyms (n)
analytical, clinical, detached, disinterested;
construction, production, industry, assembly, (v)
antonym (adj) theoretical.
construct, make, frame, fabricate, build, contrive,
ilmik 1. loop (döngü); synonyms (n) coil, ring, bight, invent, form, forge, concoct, create.
circuit, eyelet, eye, kink, noose, round, (v) curve,
imalat manufacture; synonyms (n) construction,
bend, circle, curl, entwine, knot, 2. stitch;
fabrication, formation, production, creation, (v)
synonyms (n) twinge, pang, cramp, (v) sew, seam,
construct, make, frame, fabricate, produce, build,
baste, crick, embroider, suture, tack, articulation,
contrive, invent, form, forge.
commissure, gore, gusset, (adj) tie; antonym (v)
imalathane 1. factory (fabrika); synonyms (n)
manufactory, mill, plant, business, shop, works, 2.
iltica asylum; synonyms (n) refuge, sanctuary,
mill; synonyms (n) grind, factory, grinder,
shelter, haven, home, institution, madhouse,
machine, engine, gin, notch, implement,
retreat, cover, harbor, protection.
instrument, lathe, (v) crush, pulverize, spar, (adj)
iltihaplanmak matter (konu, madde, mesele); cent.
synonyms (n) event, affair, business, concern, issue,
iman 1. faith (güven); synonyms (n) confidence,
material, substance, incident, article, body, import,
belief, conviction, trust, credence, credit, assurance,
interest, item, (v) case, count.
creed, cult, allegiance, dependence, expectation,
iltimas 1. pull (çekme, çekmek); synonyms (v) drag, fidelity, hope, piety; antonym (n) unbelief, 2.
draw, draught, pluck, attract, haul, jerk, tug, pick,
religion (din); synonyms (n) faith, denomination,
make, force, hale, (n) wrench, attraction, effort;
sect, church, devotion, holiness, persuasion, 3.
antonyms (v) push, repel, 2. favour; synonyms (v)
belief (inanç); synonyms (n) assumption, doctrine,
favor, choose, prefer, privilege.
feeling, idea, impression, opinion, supposition,
im 1. sign (alamet, işaret); synonyms (n) signal, thought, view, dogma, guess, hypothesis,
indication, mark, motion, portent, brand, emblem, judgment, notion, (v) mind; antonym (n) disbelief.

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Turkish - English 233

imbik still; synonyms (adv) however, but, franchise, concession, claim, due, perquisite, right,
nevertheless, (adj) calm, pacify, peaceful, silence, empower, exception, indulgence, power,
quiescent, serene, silent, (n) hush, (v) quiet, assuage, entitlement, perk, (v) favor, favour.
compose, lull; antonyms (adj) moving, effervescent, imza signature; synonyms (n) autograph, mark,
fizzy, windy, (n) noisy. endorsement, earmark, ratification, stamp,
imdat help (yardım, yardım etmek); synonyms (v) acceptance, completion, imprint, indorsement,
aid, assist, avail, facilitate, favor, ease, alleviate, scale, seal, serif, shank, (v) sign.
contribute, (n) assistance, benefit, support, assistant, imzalamak sign (alamet, im, işaret); synonyms (n)
cure, boost, encouragement; antonyms (v) hinder, signal, indication, mark, motion, portent, brand,
worsen, (n) hindrance, detriment. emblem, imprint, manifestation, omen, poster,
imge image (görüntü, resim); synonyms (n) figure, presage, wave, (v) gesture, indicate.
picture, fancy, conception, effigy, form, idea, imzasız anonymous (anonim); synonyms (adj)
impression, resemblance, design, double, epitome, nameless, unknown, unnamed, unidentified,
icon, (v) depict, envision. authorless, unacknowledged, undisclosed,
imgelem imagination (hayal gücü); synonyms (n) unspecified, incognito, unfamiliar, hidden,
fantasy, fancy, vision, dream, conceit, imagery, indefinite, mysterious, nondescript, private;
invention, originality, caprice, conception, idea, antonym (adj) known.
imaginativeness, inventiveness, notion, reflection; in hole (delik); synonyms (n) cavity, aperture, crack,
antonym (n) reality. den, pocket, breach, break, burrow, cave, corner,
imha destruction; synonyms (n) death, collapse, ruin, depression, fix, hollow, lair, (adj) gap.
abolition, damage, demolition, desolation, inanç 1. belief; synonyms (n) faith, assumption,
devastation, downfall, end, bane, depredation, confidence, doctrine, feeling, idea, impression,
disaster, (v) defeat, doom; antonyms (n) opinion, supposition, thought, trust, view,
construction, creation, preservation, protection, conviction, credence, credit; antonyms (n) disbelief,
conservation, formation, reparation. unbelief, 2. faith (güven); synonyms (n) belief,
imitasyon imitation (taklit); synonyms (n) assurance, creed, cult, allegiance, dependence,
counterfeit, dummy, sham, copy, forgery, mockery, expectation, fidelity, hope, piety, reliance, religion,
duplicate, mock, (adj) fake, bogus, false, artificial, church, denomination, constancy, 3. persuasion
ersatz, phony, (v) parody; antonyms (n) original, (ikna); synonyms (n) inducement, exhortation,
(adj) genuine, real. enticement, sentiment, suasion, mind, notion,
imla spelling (yazım); synonym (n) orthography. judgment, attraction, incentive; antonyms (n) force,
imlemek 1. mark; synonyms (n) brand, evidence, pressure, 4. conviction; synonyms (n) certainty,
score, character, heed, impression, imprint, sign, condemnation, persuasion, firmness,
feature, (v) blemish, characterize, distinguish, determination, security, sentence; antonym (n)
grade, label, (adj) notice, 2. indicate (göstermek); uncertainty, 5. creed; synonyms (n) gospel, credo,
synonyms (v) denote, direct, augur, betoken, credenda.
designate, imply, mark, show, foretell, foreshadow, inandırıcı persuasive; synonyms (adj) convincing,
argue, bespeak, bode, demonstrate, evince. forcible, cogent, eloquent, forceful, compelling,
imleyici marker; synonyms (n) brand, mark, label, strong, suasive, effective, influential, potent,
token, pointer, sign, signpost, tag, buoy, pen, ticket. attractive, fluent, hortatory, impressive; antonyms
imparator emperor; synonyms (n) sovereign, (adj) unconvincing, weak, halfhearted.
monarch, ruler, imperator, king, judge, majesty, inandırma persuasion (ikna); synonyms (n) belief,
potentate, president, protector, stadholder, crown, opinion, faith, inducement, creed, exhortation, idea,
commander, queen. enticement, sentiment, suasion, view, mind, notion,
imparatorluk empire; synonyms (n) dominion, judgment, (adj) conviction; antonyms (n) force,
kingdom, rule, domain, realm, reign, authority, pressure.
nation, control, sway, command, government, inandırmak 1. persuade; synonyms (v) convince,
monarchy, principality, state. inveigle, allure, assure, cajole, coax, entice, induce,
imtiyaz 1. concession (ödün); synonyms (n) influence, argue, exhort, lure, incite, get, tempt;
admission, compliance, allowance, compromise, antonyms (v) discourage, dissuade, 2. assure
discount, grant, agreement, charter, conceding, (temin etmek); synonyms (v) guarantee, certify,
license, yielding, acceptance, acknowledgment, secure, affirm, ascertain, ensure, persuade,
abatement, assent, 2. franchise; synonyms (n) promise, reassure, satisfy, vouch, confirm, cover,
exemption, liberty, freedom, immunity, privilege, insure, (n) warrant, 3. satisfy (memnun etmek);
suffrage, vote, absolution, dispensation, patent, synonyms (v) please, content, fill, indulge, meet,
permit, release, dealership, excuse, exoneration, 3. sate, satiate, appease, answer, assuage, delight,
privilege (ayrıcalık); synonyms (n) prerogative,

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execute, fulfill, (adj) suffice, do; antonyms (v) shaky, puny, brash, short; antonyms (adj)
dissatisfy, disappoint, displease, intensify. unbreakable, permanent, 8. slim (zayıflamak);
inanılmaz incredible; synonyms (adj) astonishing, synonyms (adj) small, spare, taper, trim, trivial,
improbable, inconceivable, extraordinary, fabulous, outside, (v) reduce, slenderize, cut, wily, diet;
implausible, marvelous, unbelievable, fantastic, antonym (adj) hefty, 9. slight; synonyms (adj) petty,
preposterous, unlikely, wonderful, absurd, easy, paltry, shallow, few, (n) scorn, disdain, rebuff,
amazing, bizarre; antonym (adj) ordinary. contempt, (v) disregard, insult, neglect, ignore,
inanmak 1. believe; synonyms (v) think, accredit, affront, offend; antonyms (adj) considerable, major,
assume, conceive, consider, guess, reckon, intense, severe, thickset.
understand, accept, expect, hope, imagine, inceleme 1. study; synonyms (n) survey,
suppose, (n) belief, trust; antonyms (v) disbelieve, consideration, investigation, learning, (v) consider,
distrust, 2. buy (almak, satın almak); synonyms examine, review, learn, research, check, analyze,
(v) acquire, bribe, take, shop, believe, get, admit, contemplate, inquire, investigate, meditate, 2.
attain, corrupt, hold, obtain, (n) bargain, purchase, investigation (araştırma); synonyms (n)
acquisition, deal; antonym (v) sell, 3. trust; examination, analysis, inquest, inquiry, inspection,
synonyms (n) charge, confidence, credit, faith, scrutiny, search, exploration, investigating, study,
reliance, rely, assurance, cartel, responsibility, trial, audit, interrogation, hunt, experiment, 3.
dependence, care, office, combine, (v) confide, observation (gözlem); synonyms (n) comment,
commend; antonyms (v) doubt, mistrust. observance, remark, attention, notice,
inatçı 1. persistent; synonyms (adj) durable, constant, contemplation, conception, perception, reflection,
continual, insistent, lasting, obstinate, permanent, idea, notion, insight, commentary, (v) note, heed, 4.
continuous, chronic, consistent, dogged, firm, examination (muayene); synonyms (n) exam,
incessant, perpetual, relentless; antonyms (adj) test, testing, appraisal, evaluation, interview,
contained, occasional, 2. difficult (zor); observation, quiz, challenge, discussion,
synonyms (adj) arduous, awkward, demanding, consultation, dissection, assay, (adj) examen, (v)
burdensome, complicated, delicate, fastidious, visit.
hard, knotty, uphill, finicky, abstruse, ambitious, incelemek 1. research (araştırma, araştırmak);
cantankerous, complex; antonyms (adj) easy, synonyms (n) exploration, inquiry, search,
simple, straightforward, good-natured, rewarding, examination, investigation, hunt, inquisition,
clear. probe, quest, (v) check, explore, examine,
inç inch; synonyms (n) in, (v) edge, crawl, creep, ease. investigate, study, experiment, 2. study;
ince 1. thin; synonyms (adj) flimsy, gaunt, lean, light, synonyms (n) survey, consideration, learning,
slight, tenuous, emaciated, fine, rare, slim, sparse, meditation, (v) consider, review, learn, research,
(v) slender, dilute, meager, sheer; antonyms (adj) analyze, contemplate, inquire, meditate, ponder,
thick, fat, concentrated, chubby, plump, wide, scan, scrutinize, 3. examine; synonyms (v) assay,
broad, heavy, (v) thicken, 2. fine (güzel, iyi); audit, overhaul, try, control, ascertain, ask,
synonyms (adj) delicate, agreeable, dainty, brave, compare, canvass, essay, quiz, test, view, appraise,
capital, elegant, excellent, nice, thin, delightful, collate, 4. analyse (analiz etmek); synonyms (v)
acute, admirable, alright, (n) penalty, (v) punish; dissect, psychoanalyse, psychoanalyze, canvas,
antonyms (adj) poor, coarse, substantial, collapse, crumble, crumple, crush, die, fail, go, poll,
unsatisfactory, 3. nice; synonyms (adj) beautiful, read, snap, (n) analyser, 5. investigate
fastidious, good, kind, lovely, neat, likable, (araştırmak); synonyms (v) inspect, enquire,
delicious, correct, decent, difficult, enjoyable, exact, interrogate, delve, dig, question, reconnoiter, seek,
particular, precise; antonyms (adj) unpleasant, sound, 6. observe; synonyms (v) celebrate,
horrible, 4. slender; synonyms (adj) narrow, little, comment, notice, commemorate, mind, guard,
lithe, faint, feeble, lissom, scanty, skinny, exiguous, behold, discover, follow, heed, keep, look, mark,
minute, graceful, lissome, remote, (v) lank, scant; mention, note; antonyms (v) ignore, feel, 7. view
antonym (adj) stocky, 5. subtle; synonyms (adj) (bakış, bakmak, görünüm, manzara);
sharp, astute, elusive, exquisite, insidious, sly, synonyms (n) sight, judgment, opinion, scene, idea,
discerning, cunning, ingenious, refined, ethereal, (v) outlook, prospect, thought, aspect, notion, position,
shrewd, crafty, sagacious, dexterous; antonyms (v) regard, observe, see, eye.
(adj) obvious, loud, 6. delicate; synonyms (adj) incelik 1. courtesy (nezaket); synonyms (n) civility,
accurate, breakable, fragile, tender, brittle, frail, propriety, chivalry, comity, decency, gallantry,
sensitive, soft, infirm, careful, gentle, mellow, politeness, attention, breeding, etiquette, affability,
polite, sickly, ticklish; antonyms (adj) strong, consideration, courteousness, graciousness, (adj)
inelegant, robust, sturdy, tough, 7. fragile; complaisance; antonyms (n) rudeness, discourtesy,
synonyms (adj) weak, frangible, insubstantial, 2. polish; synonyms (n) finish, gloss, burnish,

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gentility, cultivation, elegance, refinement, shine, synonyms (n) contraction, decrement, diminution,
civilization, (v) furbish, glaze, rub, civilize, clean, cutback, decline, depreciation, discount, lessening,
cultivate. reducing, degradation, conversion, abatement,
incelmek 1. slim (zayıflamak); synonyms (adj) abridgement, concession, curtailment; antonyms (n)
slender, narrow, slight, thin, lean, remote, fine, growth, intensification, strengthening, expansion,
skinny, flimsy, lithe, meager, light, (v) reduce, restoration, rise.
slenderize, cut; antonyms (adj) fat, heavy, hefty, indirmek 1. lower; synonyms (adj) debase, inferior, (v)
plump, stocky, wide, 2. thin (ince); synonyms (adj) degrade, diminish, frown, humble, dip, abase, cut,
gaunt, tenuous, emaciated, rare, slim, sparse, bony, descend, drop, scowl, disgrace, decrease, (n)
delicate, feeble, gossamer, (v) dilute, sheer, subtle, depress; antonyms (v) increase, raise, 2. reduce;
scanty, adulterate; antonyms (adj) thick, synonyms (v) lower, pare, abbreviate, curtail, abate,
concentrated, chubby, broad, (v) thicken. condense, contract, shorten, concentrate, compress,
inceltmek thin (ince); synonyms (adj) flimsy, gaunt, conquer, detract, dilute, (adj) abridge, lessen;
lean, light, slight, tenuous, emaciated, fine, rare, antonyms (v) bolster, expand, enlarge, exacerbate,
slim, sparse, (v) slender, dilute, meager, sheer; intensify.
antonyms (adj) thick, fat, concentrated, chubby, inek cow; synonyms (v) bully, intimidate, awe,
plump, wide, broad, heavy, (v) thicken. browbeat, daunt, terrorize, discourage, frighten,
incir fig; synonyms (n) figure, anatomy, bod, build, overawe, threaten, abash.
chassis, design, digit, foutra, flesh, image, name, infilak explosion (patlama); synonyms (n) burst,
number, (adj) pin, straw, rush. blast, boom, detonation, eruption, bang,
incitmek 1. harm; synonyms (n) evil, hurt, detriment, fulmination, outbreak, outburst, rush, (v) discharge,
bruise, wound, disadvantage, injury, disservice, (v) salvo, firing, (adj) paroxysm, blow.
damage, abuse, blemish, injure, maim, poison, iniş 1. descent; synonyms (n) ancestry, decline, birth,
ravage; antonyms (v) enhance, benefit, 2. cut fall, blood, declension, declination, declivity,
(kesmek); synonyms (v) carve, chop, clip, derivation, drop, extraction, family, lineage, origin,
abbreviate, abridge, bite, condense, crop, drop, pedigree; antonyms (n) ascent, improvement, 2.
fashion, (n) notch, slice, cutting, nick, blow; landing; synonyms (n) land, dock, touchdown,
antonyms (v) increase, lengthen, (n) addition, floor, platform, arrival, brow, approach, coming,
extension, 3. hurt; synonyms (v) pain, afflict, ail, dais, decking, harbor, model, plan, plat, 3. drop;
cost, anguish, cut, grieve, offend, sting, (adj) upset, synonyms (v) decrease, deposit, dribble, droop,
(n) harm, ache, distress, lesion, agony; antonyms (v)
abandon, cast, dip, discard, dismiss, drip, ebb,
jump, shed, sink, (n) collapse; antonyms (v) rise,
encourage, (adj) uninjured, unhurt, 4. wound;
synonyms (n) scratch, sore, lacerate, abrasion, increase, lift, (n) growth.
graze, laceration, (v) stab, insult, affront, contuse, inme 1. stroke (vuruş); synonyms (n) touch, beat,
pierce, slash, break, torture, pique. caress, hit, mark, apoplexy, attack, bang, impact,
indeks index (dizin); synonyms (n) catalogue, knock, line, (v) buffet, lick, fondle, (adj) blow, 2.
exponent, file, table, catalog, forefinger, roll, descent (iniş); synonyms (n) ancestry, decline,
directory, subscript, enumeration, indication, birth, fall, blood, declension, declination, declivity,
indicator, indices, mark, (v) list. derivation, drop, extraction, family, lineage, origin,
indikatör indicator (gösterge); synonyms (n) gauge, pedigree; antonyms (n) ascent, improvement.
index, indication, arrow, indicant, pointer, inmek 1. fall (düşmek, sonbahar); synonyms (v)
signpost, sign, signal, symbol. decline, dip, decrease, descend, dive, rain,
indirgeme reduction; synonyms (n) contraction, diminish, dwindle, sink, alight, (n) drop, descent,
decrease, decrement, diminution, rebate, cut, downfall, plunge, pitch; antonyms (v) rise, increase,
cutback, decline, depreciation, discount, drop, ascend, climb, triumph, win, (n) ascent, 2. light
lessening, reducing, deduction, degradation; (açık, hafif, ışık); synonyms (adj) fair, clear, facile,
antonyms (n) increase, growth, intensification, easy, faint, flimsy, (n) flame, brightness, daylight, (v)
strengthening, expansion, extension, restoration, fire, kindle, inflame, glow, ignite, dismount;
rise. antonyms (adj) fattening, nauseating, (n) dark,
indirim 1. cut (kesmek); synonyms (v) carve, chop, darkness, gloom, shade, night, (v) extinguish,
clip, abbreviate, abridge, bite, condense, crop, drop, darken, (alt sp) heavy.
fashion, (n) notch, slice, cutting, nick, blow; inşa construction; synonyms (n) building,
antonyms (v) increase, lengthen, (n) addition, fabrication, formation, structure, assembly, fabric,
extension, 2. discount; synonyms (n) deduction, frame, organization, production, arrangement,
rebate, allowance, bargain, decrease, reduction, (v) constitution, creation, edifice, make, making;
reduce, disregard, ignore, neglect, deduct, antonym (n) destruction.
depreciate, cut, dismiss, reject, 3. reduction;

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inşaat 1. construction; synonyms (n) building, intibak adaptation (uyarlama); synonyms (n)
fabrication, formation, structure, assembly, fabric, accommodation, adjustment, alteration, version,
frame, organization, production, arrangement, reworking, adaption, conversion, fitness,
constitution, creation, edifice, make, making; modification, variation.
antonym (n) destruction, 2. building (bina); intikal transition (geçiş); synonyms (n) change,
synonyms (n) architecture, establishment, passage, transit, alteration, changeover, conversion,
construction, house, mansion, (v) pile, (adj) modulation.
augmentative, augmenting. intikam revenge; synonyms (n) reprisal, retaliation,
inşaatçı builder; synonyms (n) architect, constructor, retribution, vengeance, grudge, payback,
founder, artificer, creator, developer, maker, punishment, revengement, (v) avenge, retaliate,
manufacturer, artist, engineer. repay, requite, vindicate, punish.
insaf mercy; synonyms (n) clemency, compassion, inziva retirement; synonyms (n) retreat, resignation,
kindness, favor, pity, charity, forgiveness, grace, departure, privacy, seclusion, secrecy, withdrawal,
humanity, leniency, pardon, benevolence, recession, solitude, cancellation.
forbearance, mercifulness, quarter; antonym (n) ip 1. string (dizi, sicim); synonyms (n) chain, file,
blame. row, strand, twine, range, cord, filament, rank,
insafsız ruthless; synonyms (adj) merciless, pitiless, series, thread, tie, sequence, (v) run, (adj) line, 2.
inhuman, remorseless, cruel, heartless, ferocious, rope; synonyms (n) cable, lasso, lariat, noose,
brutal, grim, harsh, inexorable, relentless, hawser, leash, string, tape, lace, tether, wire, gibbet,
unsparing, barbarous, bitter; antonyms (adj) gallows, margin, (v) bind, 3. cord (kordon);
merciful, charitable, kind, gentle. synonyms (n) band, bond, rope, whipcord, yarn,
insafsızlık injustice (adaletsizlik); synonyms (n) fiber, corduroy, twist, cotton, (v) knot, 4. line
inequity, iniquity, evil, unfairness, wrong, bigotry, (çizgi, hat); synonyms (n) house, breed, course,
crime, grievance, inequality, oppression, prejudice, family, lineage, field, ancestry, border, boundary,
wickedness, (adj) injury, harm, damage; antonyms crease, stock, trace, way, (v) order, wrinkle.
(n) justice, evenhandedness, fairness. ipek silk; synonyms (adj) silky, down, velure, velvet.
inşallah hopefully; synonyms (adv) auspiciously, ipekli silk (ipek); synonyms (adj) silky, down, velure,
favorably, positively, anxiously, brightly, velvet.
cheerfully, confidently, eagerly, encouragingly, iplik 1. yarn; synonyms (n) narrative, story, tale,
excitedly, keenly, nicely, sanguinely, well; thread, anecdote, narration, twine, string, fable,
antonyms (adv) hopelessly, wearily. fiction, history, relation, legend, line, strand, 2.
insan 1. man (adam, erkek); synonyms (n) fellow, thread; synonyms (n) yarn, rope, wire, cord, fiber,
gentleman, guy, person, husband, homo, human, plot, (v) file, range, penetrate, lace, pass, run,
humanity, humankind, humans, individual, meander, permeate, (adj) rank, 3. strand;
mankind, mortal, (obj) he, male; antonym (n) synonyms (n) coast, shore, chain, filament, bank,
woman, 2. humanity; synonyms (n) benevolence, wisp, fibril, scar, (v) beach, maroon, desert,
compassion, flesh, kindness, gentleness, man, abandon.
mercy, mortality, sympathy, world, civilization, ipotek mortgage; synonyms (n) gage, plight,
(adj) clemency, charity, benignity, goodness; warranty, credit, loan, (v) bond, pawn, pledge,
antonym (n) cruelty, 3. human; synonyms (adj) impawn.
humane, corporeal, earthly, worldly, carnal, (n) gay, iptal 1. abolition; synonyms (n) abolishment,
party, body, life, being, someone, soul,
annulment, destruction, ending, annihilation,
homosexual, (adv) fleshly.
cancellation, eradication, repeal; antonym (n)
insani human; synonyms (adj) humane, corporeal, reinstatement, 2. withdrawal; synonyms (n)
earthly, worldly, (n) mortal, man, person, homo,
removal, retirement, retreat, secession, departure,
gay, party, body, life, being, individual, (adv)
defection, desertion, recession, backdown,
fleshly. retraction, recall, exit, exodus, extraction, (v)
insanlar people (halk); synonyms (n) nation, subtraction.
community, family, folk, multitude, populace, clan, ipucu 1. hint; synonyms (n) clue, intimation,
mob, flock, citizenry, crowd, (v) inhabit, occupy,
suggestion, trace, allusion, cue, inkling,
reside, dwell. implication, (v) suggest, dash, tip, touch, allude,
insanlık 1. humanity; synonyms (n) benevolence, imply, (adj) intimate; antonym (n) overtone, 2. clue;
compassion, flesh, kindness, mankind, human, synonyms (n) clew, hint, sign, signal, guide, token,
gentleness, humankind, man, mercy, mortality, evidence, indication, key, pointer, information.
sympathy, (adj) clemency, charity, benignity;
irade 1. will (arzu); synonyms (v) bequeath, devise,
antonym (n) cruelty, 2. mankind; synonyms (n) wish, leave, (n) volition, command, desire,
humanity, world, humans, people.

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inclination, determination, pleasure, resolve, intent, effect, reception, rejoinder, repercussion, retort,
mind, courage, liking, 2. freedom (özgürlük); feeling.
synonyms (n) exemption, autonomy, deliverance, irtifa 1. height (doruk, yükseklik, zirve);
discharge, emancipation, immunity, release, synonyms (n) acme, apex, altitude, crest,
escape, ease, liberty, relief, right, scope, (adj) culmination, peak, pinnacle, top, climax, degree,
franchise, frankness; antonyms (n) imprisonment, elevation, eminence, grade, high, level; antonym (n)
restriction, captivity, dependence, restraint, shortness, 2. gradient; synonyms (n) slope, pitch,
suppression. tilt, declivity, hill, inclination, incline, rise, slant,
iri 1. big (büyük); synonyms (adj) ample, major, abruptness, descent, ramp, (v) acclivity, ascent.
heavy, important, significant, thick, sturdy, iş 1. job; synonyms (n) chore, employment, position,
generous, adult, bad, burly, considerable, great, work, assignment, business, career, duty, matter,
hefty, (adv) large; antonyms (adj) little, puny, (adv) occupation, post, task, concern, function, labor, 2.
small, (syn) tiny, 2. large (büyük, geniş); affair (mesele); synonyms (n) event, job, occasion,
synonyms (adj) big, extensive, broad, bulky, occurrence, amour, happening, incident, issue,
handsome, high, abundant, capacious, gross, huge, party, subject, theme, thing, topic, transaction,
roomy, stout, fat, bountiful, colossal; antonyms (adj) meeting, 3. deed; synonyms (n) accomplishment,
cramped, insignificant. achievement, act, feat, behavior, action, exploit,
irin matter (konu, madde, mesele); synonyms (n) covenant, activity, document, doing, effort, fact,
event, affair, business, concern, issue, material, title, agency, 4. action (etki, eylem, hareket);
substance, incident, article, body, import, interest, synonyms (n) battle, deed, effect, engagement, fight,
item, (v) case, count. movement, performance, play, case, lawsuit,
iris iris; synonyms (n) diaphragm, flag, pupil, measure, move, plot, process, (v) combat; antonyms
rainbow, comet, peacock, tulip, white, ensign, (n) inaction, inactivity, 5. work (çalışma,
flagstone, gladiola, gladiolus, retina, spectrum, çalışmak); synonyms (n) exercise, book,
sunbow. composition, service, (v) operate, toil, cultivate,
irkilme start (başlamak, başlangıç, başlatmak); ferment, form, manipulate, operation, run, serve,
synonyms (v) begin, originate, commence, drive, use, (adj) trade; antonyms (v) idle, malfunction, 6.
launch, embark, spring, activate, arise, (n) jump, occupation (işgal); synonyms (n) occupancy,
onset, origin, shock, beginning, commencement; craft, calling, place, affair, conquest, line,
antonyms (v) end, finish, stop, conclude, halt, (n) profession, vocation, avocation, capture, invasion,
conclusion. office, pursuit, game; antonym (n) surrender, 7.
irkilmek start (başlamak, başlangıç, başlatmak); business; synonyms (n) corporation, deal, affairs,
synonyms (v) begin, originate, commence, drive, commerce, dealings, finance, firm, house,
launch, embark, spring, activate, arise, (n) jump, organization, traffic, question, custom, obligation,
onset, origin, shock, beginning, commencement; company, (adj) commercial; antonyms (adj)
antonyms (v) end, finish, stop, conclude, halt, (n) charitable, housing, 8. operation (ameliyat,
conclusion. operasyon); synonyms (n) execution,
irrasyonel irrational; synonyms (adj) foolish, absurd, management, functioning, running, mission, force,
inconsistent, silly, blind, illogical, preposterous, manipulation, operations, procedure, mechanism,
senseless, unreasonable, imprudent, unsound, administration, treatment, campaign, undertaking,
insane, thoughtless, nonsensical, ridiculous; exploitation, 9. act (davranmak, hareket, rol
antonyms (adj) rational, logical. yapmak); synonyms (n) statute, decree, do, law,
irtibat 1. liaison; synonyms (n) connection, amour, edict, (v) behave, go, perform, acquit, enact, feign,
affair, bond, intrigue, affaire, contact, association, pretend, commit, conduct, fake; antonym (v)
connexion, relation, link, relationship, romance, tie, refrain, 10. employment; synonyms (n) berth,
intimacy, 2. contact (temas); synonyms (n) touch, utilization, appointment, consumption, exertion,
collision, communication, impact, tangency, hiring, purpose, station, usage, betrothal, booking,
acquaintance, interaction, juxtaposition, (v) call, (v) application, employ, dealing, (adj) occupational;
meet, adjoin, communicate, reach, butt, join, 3. antonym (n) unemployment, 11. task (görev);
communication (iletişim); synonyms (n) synonyms (n) charge, commission, enterprise,
announcement, commerce, communicating, project, stint, problem, lesson, responsibility,
conversation, discourse, epistle, intercourse, letter, agendum, load, (v) tax, exact, impose, practice,
message, news, notice, report, tidings, word, strain, 12. profession; synonyms (n) confession,
expression. declaration, affirmation, assertion, assurance,
irtica reaction (reaksiyon, tepki, tepkime); avowal, testimony, allegation, skill, admission,
synonyms (n) answer, response, backlash, reply, walk, acknowledgment, art, claim, statement, 13.
appointment (atama, randevu); synonyms (n)

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238 Turkish - English

date, designation, fitting, rendezvous, conference, pursue, describe, draw, follow, outline, 9. score;
election, assignation, encounter, naming, selection, synonyms (n) bill, count, scratch, groove, scotch,
allotment, appointee, 14. labour; synonyms (n) account, debt, (v) notch, cut, tally, achieve, gain, get,
childbed, confinement, proletariat, (v) grind, travail, hit, make.
drive, drudge, fag, fatigue, moil, push, tug, dig, 15. işaretlemek mark; synonyms (n) brand, evidence,
dealing; synonyms (n) exchange, distribution, score, character, heed, impression, imprint, sign,
handling, barter, 16. function (fonksiyon, feature, (v) blemish, characterize, distinguish,
işlev); synonyms (n) role, part, ceremony, grade, label, (adj) notice.
authority, department, gathering, observance, işaretli marked; synonyms (adj) distinct, conspicuous,
ordinance, power, province, usefulness, (v) suffice, noticeable, pronounced, remarkable, distinguished,
control, officiate, ply, 17. assignment; synonyms apparent, definite, notable, obvious, signal,
(n) allocation, assigning, apportionment, striking, strong, clear, appreciable; antonyms (adj)
consignment, transfer, conveyance, delivery, plain, unblemished.
errand, grant, 18. concern; synonyms (n) regard, işbirliği 1. collaboration; synonyms (n) assistance,
attention, anxiety, bother, apprehension, burden, coaction, cooperation, alliance, concert, help,
disquiet, fear, (v) worry, affect, care, interest, quislingism, aid, assist, association, affiliation,
trouble, import, involve; antonym (v) unconcern, backing, coincidence, complicity, defense, 2.
19. commission (kurul); synonyms (n) board, cooperation; synonyms (n) concurrence,
delegation, mandate, warrant, committee, teamwork, partnership; antonyms (n)
commissioning, commitment, (v) assign, accredit, stubbornness, competition, confrontation, rivalry.
designate, appoint, authorize, delegate, empower,
işçi 1. employee; synonyms (n) clerk, laborer, hand,
nominate, 20. matter (konu, madde, mesele);
worker, apprentice, assistant, helper, drudge, labor,
synonyms (n) material, substance, article, body,
beginner, breadwinner, cog, convert, craftsman,
item, instance, consequence, content, difficulty,
flunky; antonym (n) employer, 2. worker;
gist, stuff, text, cause, (v) count, weigh.
synonyms (n) employee, proletarian, workman,
isabet 1. hit (vurmak); synonyms (v) strike, attain, actor, doer, help, operator, practitioner, prole.
belt, blow, bump, collide, encounter, (n) knock,
ise if (eğer); synonyms (conj) provided, although,
bang, smash, touch, chance, bash, beat, collision;
providing, whether, though, and, so, an, gin, (n)
antonyms (n) failure, flop, 2. incidence; synonyms but, conditionally, condition, stipulation, proviso,
(n) occurrence, commonness, incidency,
(adv) peradventure.
pervasiveness, attack, bout, event, existence,
işgal occupation; synonyms (n) employment,
popularity, regularity, spell.
occupancy, business, craft, calling, job, place, affair,
işaret 1. sign (alamet, im); synonyms (n) signal, career, conquest, function, line, profession,
indication, mark, motion, portent, brand, emblem, vocation, (v) trade; antonym (n) surrender.
imprint, manifestation, omen, poster, presage,
ishal diarrhoea; synonyms (n) diarrhea, flux.
wave, (v) gesture, indicate, 2. signal; synonyms (n)
isim 1. name (ad); synonyms (n) call, title, epithet,
sign, flag, alarm, salient, note, (v) alert, betoken,
address, appellation, (v) appoint, baptize, describe,
foreshadow, guide, (adj) conspicuous, memorable,
cite, designate, entitle, enumerate, identify, list,
notable, prominent, remarkable, outstanding, 3.
mention, 2. noun; synonyms (v) expression, term,
indication; synonyms (n) clue, evidence, index,
3. substantive; synonyms (adj) real, essential,
designation, direction, forerunner, herald,
meaty, significant, material, actual, strong, crucial,
harbinger, hint, reference, cue, allusion, inkling,
hearty, indispensable, satisfying, (n) noun,
intimation, prognostic, 4. marker; synonyms (n)
substantial, name, reality, 4. title; synonyms (n)
label, token, pointer, signpost, tag, buoy, pen,
designation, caption, claim, denomination, interest,
ticket, 5. index (dizin, indeks); synonyms (n)
championship, heading, pretension, rubric, deed,
catalogue, exponent, file, table, catalog, forefinger,
prize, subtitle, (v) style, (adj) right, ownership, 5.
roll, directory, subscript, enumeration, indicator,
indices, record, register, (v) list, 6. mark; synonyms
record (dosya, kaydetmek, kayıt, plak);
synonyms (n) register, account, book, disk,
(n) score, character, heed, impression, feature,
document, history, (v) chronicle, file, enter, note,
badge, check, line, (v) blemish, characterize,
report, score, inscribe, mark, enrol.
distinguish, grade, differentiate, mind, (adj) notice,
7. hint (ipucu); synonyms (n) suggestion, trace, isimsiz anonymous (anonim); synonyms (adj)
nameless, unknown, unnamed, unidentified,
implication, innuendo, insinuation, lead, point,
authorless, unacknowledged, undisclosed,
shade, (v) suggest, dash, tip, touch, allude, imply,
unspecified, incognito, unfamiliar, hidden,
(adj) intimate; antonym (n) overtone, 8. trace (iz,
indefinite, mysterious, nondescript, private;
izlemek); synonyms (n) shadow, spot, trail, bit,
antonym (adj) known.
drop, footprint, relic, remains, (v) track, hunt,

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işitme hearing; synonyms (n) audition, earshot, ear, disregard, ignore, neglect, deduct, depreciate, cut,
trial, consultation, sound, reach, examination, dismiss, reject; antonym (v) increase.
inquiry, interview, listening, earreach, (adj) işlek 1. busy (meşgul); synonyms (adj) active, brisk,
audience, auditory; antonym (adj) deaf. assiduous, engaged, occupied, agile, crowded,
işitmek hear (duymak); synonyms (v) attend, industrious, meddlesome, officious, live, diligent,
discover, apprehend, understand, catch, examine, earnest, (v) occupy, employ; antonyms (adj) idle,
learn, listen, overhear, see, try, find, get, free, inactive, 2. running; synonyms (adj) flowing,
comprehend, gather. operative, continual, working, functioning,
işitsel audio; synonyms (n) sound, television, channel, moving, consecutive, fluid, (n) course, motion,
phone, (adj) auditory, aural, acoustic, hearing. administration, operation, run, performance,
iskandil 1. sounding; synonyms (adj) audible, handling.
looking, hollow, sonant, voiceful, intonated, işlem 1. operation (ameliyat, operasyon);
soniferous, tonic, (n) investigation, depth, test, 2. synonyms (n) execution, movement, act, agency,
lead; synonyms (v) head, guide, conduct, effect, business, management, action, function,
functioning, performance, running, mission, task,
contribute, direct, chair, conduce, control, go,
job, 2. process (süreç); synonyms (n) operation,
govern, bring, convey, give, (n) clue, advantage;
proceeding, method, procedure, course, formula,
antonym (v) follow.
outgrowth, means, mode, practice, writ, (v) refine,
iskele 1. landing (iniş); synonyms (n) land, dock, litigate, treat, work, 3. processing; synonyms (n)
touchdown, floor, platform, arrival, brow,
working, refinement, developing, manufacture,
approach, coming, dais, decking, harbor, model,
dispensation, conversion, 4. bargain; synonyms
plan, plat, 2. port (liman); synonyms (n) haven,
(n) contract, agreement, covenant, deal, treaty,
asylum, carriage, demeanor, pier, mien, bearing,
arrangement, buy, chaffer, compact, promise,
deportment, embrasure, gate, harbour, interface,
purchase, steal, (v) exchange, agree, (adj) cheap;
refuge, (adj) larboard, left; antonym (n) starboard.
antonym (n) rip-off.
iskelet 1. framework; synonyms (n) frame, fabric,
işlemci processor; synonyms (n) mainframe, butcher,
framing, chassis, form, shell, architecture, carcass,
computer, laptop, notebook, workstation, machine,
grating, rack, setting, skeleton, structure, anatomy,
building, 2. skeleton; synonyms (n) framework,
sketch, bones, body, outline, scaffold, cadaver, işleme processing; synonyms (n) working,
corpse, plan, summary, build, physique, corse, refinement, developing, manufacture, dispensation,
ruins, (v) draft, 3. frame (çerçeve); synonyms (n) conversion.
design, border, fashion, formation, stand, box, (v) işlemek 1. function (fonksiyon, işlev); synonyms
construct, fabricate, erect, make, forge, constitute, (n) position, office, place, role, service, work,
contrive, shape, create. agency, application, duty, employment, (v) act,
iskemle 1. chair (sandalye); synonyms (n) chairman, exercise, run, serve, go, 2. operate (işletmek);
bench, chairperson, president, throne, couch, synonyms (v) function, direct, employ, handle,
chairwoman, professorship, shop, (v) moderate, manage, move, perform, proceed, maneuver, fly,
conduct, lead, 2. seat (koltuk, yer); synonyms (n) behave, control, do, drive, engage, 3. work
place, base, backside, behind, bottom, buttocks, (çalışma, çalışmak, iş); synonyms (n) business,
chair, position, post, posterior, rear, (v) locate, put, task, action, book, composition, (v) labor, operate,
contain, hold. toil, cultivate, exploit, ferment, form, manipulate,
işkence 1. torture; synonyms (n) torment, distress, (adj) job, trade; antonyms (v) idle, malfunction, 4.
pain, agony, anguish, suffering, excruciation, grief, commit; synonyms (v) commend, assign, charge,
misery, (v) rack, afflict, agonize, excruciate, consign, apply, confide, dedicate, entrust, submit,
persecute, martyr, 2. cruelty; synonyms (n) deliver, devote, give, intrust, leave, send, 5. run
brutality, barbarity, cruelness, oppression, (çalıştırmak, koşmak); synonyms (v) flow, rule,
ferociousness, ferocity, harshness, mercilessness, dash, gush, race, career, conduct, hasten, hurry,
ruthlessness, tyranny, violence, sadism, barbarism, pour, progress, (n) pass, campaign, course, (adj)
abuse, fierceness; antonyms (n) compassion, stream, 6. process (süreç); synonyms (n)
kindness, friendliness, gentleness. operation, proceeding, method, procedure,
işkil suspicion (şüphe); synonyms (n) apprehension, formula, outgrowth, means, mode, practice, writ,
distrust, mistrust, inkling, fear, hunch, misgiving, order, (v) refine, litigate, treat, parade.
qualm, scruple, surmise, supposition, hesitation, işlenmemiş 1. raw (ham); synonyms (adj) crude,
hint, intuition, (v) doubt; antonyms (n) trust, fresh, immature, bleak, coarse, cutting, green,
certainty. piercing, sore, cold, biting, chilly, inclement,
iskonto discount; synonyms (n) deduction, rebate, inexperienced, naked; antonyms (adj) refined,
allowance, bargain, decrease, reduction, (v) reduce, cooked, 2. crude (kaba); synonyms (adj) clumsy,

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240 Turkish - English

raw, rough, rude, barbarous, primitive, uncouth, demonstrate, attest, certify, manifest, denote,
vulgar, barbarian, abrupt, churlish, earthy, gross, establish, exhibit.
impolite, indecent; antonym (adj) sophisticated. ispirto spirit; synonyms (n) apparition, courage,
işletme 1. operation (ameliyat, operasyon); ghost, life, mood, bravery, character, disposition,
synonyms (n) execution, movement, act, agency, energy, enthusiasm, essence, heart, mind, phantom,
effect, business, management, action, function, (adj) animation; antonyms (n) lethargy, body.
functioning, performance, running, mission, task, israf waste; synonyms (n) desert, refuse, damage,
job, 2. exploitation; synonyms (n) abuse, trash, (adj) spoil, desolate, barren, (v) consume,
development, misuse, employment, operation, use, exhaust, ruin, squander, ravage, destruction,
using, ventilation, plunder, achievement, devastate, dissipate; antonyms (v) conserve, save.
consumption, corruption, cruelty, damage, işsiz unemployed; synonyms (adj) idle, vacant, free,
inactive, unexercised, (v) unoccupied; antonyms
işletmeci operator (operatör); synonyms (n) driver, (adj) employed, working.
hustler, manipulator, agent, doer, speculator, actor,
işsizlik unemployment; synonyms (n) idleness,
employee, clerk, businessperson, captain, financier,
depression, leisure, recession, redundancy;
floozie, floozy, hooker.
antonym (n) employment.
işletmek 1. operate; synonyms (v) act, function, run,
direct, employ, go, handle, manage, move, iştah 1. stomach (mide); synonyms (n) abdomen,
perform, proceed, work, maneuver, exercise, fly, 2. appetite, belly, breadbasket, inclination, (v) accept,
brook, abide, bear, endure, stand, suffer, take,
exploit; synonyms (v) apply, use, abuse, harness,
tolerate, (adj) digest, 2. appetite; synonyms (n)
prey, utilize, capitalize, (n) deed, achievement, feat,
desire, appetence, appetency, relish, craving, gusto,
accomplishment, action, adventure, effort,
liking, passion, stomach, taste, thirst, want,
performance, 3. work (çalışma, çalışmak, iş);
appetition, fondness, (v) demand; antonym (n)
synonyms (n) business, employment, task, book,
composition, (v) labor, operate, toil, cultivate, dislike.
exploit, ferment, form, manipulate, (adj) job, trade; istasyon station (durak); synonyms (n) rank,
antonyms (v) idle, malfunction. position, seat, standing, base, depot, (v) place,
locate, post, stand, lay, order, put, set, site.
işletmen operator (operatör); synonyms (n) driver,
hustler, manipulator, agent, doer, speculator, actor, istatistik statistics; synonyms (n) data, census, score,
employee, clerk, businessperson, captain, financier, information, list, table, facts, records.
floozie, floozy, hooker. işte there (orada); synonyms (adv) here, thither,
işlev function (fonksiyon); synonyms (n) position, present, thereat, apparent, convenient, visible, (adj)
office, place, role, service, work, agency, adept, competent, expert, professional, reliable,
application, duty, employment, (v) act, exercise, skillful, trustworthy, unfailing.
run, serve, go. istek 1. request; synonyms (n) petition, bid, prayer,
işlevsel functional; synonyms (adj) practical, effective, application, claim, (v) demand, ask, invite, order,
handy, operational, operative, working, pray, appeal, beg, call, desire, entreat; antonym (v)
serviceable, official, operable, running, useful; command, 2. disposition; synonyms (n) bent,
antonyms (adj) nonfunctional, useless. attitude, character, disposal, tendency,
işleyen 1. going; synonyms (v) go, course, (n) arrangement, bias, inclination, predisposition,
propensity, direction, aptitude, array, constitution,
departure, exit, leaving, parting, disappearance,
distribution, 3. desire (arzu, arzu etmek);
expiration, action, passing, (adj) running, working,
synonyms (n) ambition, hope, aspiration, will, wish,
2. running; synonyms (v) active, (adj) flowing,
craving, dream, impulse, (v) fancy, aspire, seek,
operative, continual, functioning, moving,
want, aim, choose, crave; antonyms (n) aversion,
consecutive, live, fluid, (n) motion, administration,
reality, (v) dislike, hate, 4. will (arzu); synonyms
operation, run, performance, handling.
(v) bequeath, devise, leave, shall, (n) volition,
işlik workshop (atölye); synonyms (n) shop, factory,
determination, pleasure, resolve, intent, mind,
studio, workhouse, atelier, works, poorhouse,
courage, liking, purpose, testament, choice, 5.
store, training, committee, induction, meeting,
wish (arzu); synonyms (v) like, please, care,
prefer, intend, mean, trust, favor, (n) need, longing,
ispat 1. proof (kanıt); synonyms (n) confirmation,
request, urge, plan, thirst, goal, 6. stomach
demonstration, probation, argument,
authentication, evidence, sign, substantiation, (mide); synonyms (n) abdomen, appetite, belly,
validation, verification, experiment, indication, breadbasket, maw, (v) accept, brook, abide, bear,
essay, criterion, establishment, 2. evidence endure, stand, suffer, take, tolerate, (adj) digest, 7.
(kanıt); synonyms (n) mark, proof, data, claim (talep); synonyms (n) charge, allegation,
attestation, testimony, clue, deposition, (v) display, privilege, right, title, (v) assert, exact, arrogate,

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contend, require, requisition, pretend, argue, necessity, penury; antonyms (v) dislike, hate, 2.
challenge, affirm; antonyms (v) deny, disclaim, request (istek); synonyms (n) petition, bid, prayer,
forfeit, 8. demand; synonyms (n) requirement, application, claim, entreaty, invitation, (v) ask,
sale, press, necessity, pretension, tax, exigency, invite, order, pray, appeal, beg, call, entreat;
plea, (v) expect, involve, necessitate, clamor, force, antonym (v) command, 3. require; synonyms (v)
assess, apply; antonym (v) supply, 9. mind (akıl); charge, crave, exact, involve, want, entail, compel,
synonyms (n) intellect, brain, head, intelligence, force, necessitate, request, enjoin, expect, oblige,
psyche, regard, mentality, conscience, (v) look, take, make, 4. ask (sormak); synonyms (v)
attend, beware, keep, listen, notice, (adj) heed; inquire, interrogate, question, beseech, consult,
antonym (v) forget, 10. appetite; synonyms (n) plead, quiz, require, enquire, implore, solicit,
appetence, appetency, relish, gusto, passion, summon, urge, appraise; antonym (v) answer, 5.
stomach, taste, appetition, fondness, hunger, lust, claim (talep); synonyms (n) allegation, privilege,
penchant, zest, 11. want (istemek); synonyms (n) right, title, assertion, (v) assert, arrogate, contend,
lack, poverty, deficiency, deprivation, famine, requisition, pretend, argue, challenge, affirm,
absence, dearth, destitution, indigence, penury, allege, aver; antonyms (v) deny, disclaim, forfeit, 6.
privation, shortage, pauperism, defect, distress. desire (arzu, arzu etmek); synonyms (n)
istekli 1. willing; synonyms (adj) agreeable, disposed, ambition, hope, aspiration, will, craving, dream,
ready, spontaneous, voluntary, amenable, inclined, impulse, liking, lust, (v) fancy, aspire, seek, aim,
prepared, enthusiastic, unforced, consenting, choose, like; antonyms (n) aversion, reality, 7.
obliging, content, desirous, game; antonyms (adj) demand; synonyms (n) requirement, sale, press,
unwilling, reluctant, 2. cheerful; synonyms (adj) pretension, appetite, tax, exigency, plea,
buoyant, breezy, blithe, bright, carefree, glad, assessment, bidding, (v) clamor, assess, apply,
merry, optimistic, pleasant, airy, animated, brisk, extort, insist; antonym (v) supply, 8. choose
chipper, comfortable, contented; antonyms (adj) (seçmek); synonyms (v) adopt, elect, pick, prefer,
depressed, gloomy, sad, unhappy, dejected, select, appoint, assign, decide, determine, draw,
depressing, grim, hopeless, miserable, morose, excerpt, vote, nominate, designate, resolve;
somber, unwelcoming, bleak, cheerless, dull, 3.
antonyms (v) reject, refuse, 9. wish (arzu);
applicant; synonyms (n) petitioner, aspirant, synonyms (v) please, care, intend, mean, trust,
candidate, applier, contender, contestant, solicitor, favor, (n) inclination, longing, pleasure, purpose,
hopeful, 4. intent (amaç, niyet); synonyms (adj) mind, plan, thirst, goal, hunger, 10. seek
attentive, absorbed, engrossed, earnest, bent, (n) (aramak); synonyms (v) search, attempt, endeavor,
aim, idea, design, intention, goal, import, meaning,
hunt, look, explore, pursue, quest, investigate,
purpose, spirit, drift, 5. ambitious (tutkulu);
research, follow, essay, ransack, strive, struggle.
synonyms (adj) aspiring, difficult, eager, energetic,
istemli voluntary; synonyms (adj) spontaneous,
vaulting, challenging, competitive, enterprising,
optional, deliberate, gratuitous, intentional,
grandiose, pushy, 6. prepared; synonyms (adj) fit,
unforced, willing, willful, elective, unpaid, (n)
willing, fitted, fain, finished, ripe, competent,
volunteer; antonyms (adj) involuntary, compulsory,
primed, completed, efficient, mature, apt,
forced, instinctive.
complete, equipped, able; antonym (adj)
istenmeyen undesirable; synonyms (adj) unpleasant,
unwelcome, inexpedient, distasteful, objectionable,
isteksiz reluctant; synonyms (adj) disinclined, loath,
undesired, unsuitable, unwanted, improper,
averse, unwilling, hesitant, indisposed, loth,
intolerable, unalluring, unattractive, wrong;
involuntary, backward, diffident, shy, chary, slow,
antonyms (adj) desirable, wanted, welcome.
tardy, adverse; antonyms (adj) inclined, willing,
isteyerek readily; synonyms (adv) lightly, easily,
promptly, soon, quick, freely, gladly, quickly,
isteksizlik reluctance; synonyms (n) disinclination,
cheerfully, eagerly, pronto, willingly, commonly,
aversion, hesitation, indisposition, distaste, disgust,
naturally, (adj) smoothly.
dislike, opposition, repugnance, unwillingness,
diffidence, hesitancy, scruple; antonym (n)
istiare metaphor; synonyms (n) allegory, analogy,
parable, trope, fable, figure, comparison,
metonymy, symbol, hyperbole, tralatition, emblem,
istem demand; synonyms (n) claim, request, hope, personification, story.
requirement, requisition, sale, call, (v) ask,
istif stack (yığın, yığmak); synonyms (n) pile,
command, need, require, appeal, beg, charge,
accumulation, mound, rick, mass, bunch, bundle,
expect, involve; antonym (v) supply.
hill, mountain, shock, (v) heap, load, lot, pack,
istemek 1. want; synonyms (v) need, desire, (n) lack, store.
poverty, wish, deficiency, deprivation, famine,
istihbarat intelligence (akıl); synonyms (n)
absence, dearth, demand, destitution, indigence,
information, cleverness, intellect, news, tidings,

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242 Turkish - English

understanding, acumen, brain, brains, capacity, privilege, release, repudiation, condition, salvo,
comprehension, knowledge, mentality, notice, animadversion; antonym (n) inclusion.
sharpness; antonyms (n) stupidity, emotion. istisnai exceptional; synonyms (adj) special,
istihdam employment; synonyms (n) business, abnormal, excellent, extraordinary, particular,
occupation, trade, use, career, duty, engagement, prodigious, singular, uncommon, exceeding,
service, exploitation, avocation, (v) application, outstanding, rare, single, superior, unique,
employ, calling, profession, (adj) work; antonym (n) unusual; antonyms (adj) common, mediocre,
unemployment. ordinary, average, normal, usual, abysmal, inferior,
istihsal production (üretim); synonyms (n) output, poor.
generation, product, manufacturing, performance, istralya stay (kalma, kalmak); synonyms (v)
creation, formation, produce, staging, fabrication, remain, reside, rest, prop, stop, abide, continue,
fruit, manufacture, origination, presentation, (v) endure, pause, arrest, bide, dwell, support, (n)
exhibition. delay, halt; antonyms (v) leave, change, abscond,
istikbal future; synonyms (adj) unborn, coming, depart.
prospective, intended, potential, approaching, işveren 1. employer; synonyms (n) boss, master,
forthcoming, imminent, impending, later, (n) businessperson, patron, capitalist, company,
prospect, hereafter, fate, futurity, (v) horizon; corporation, director, establishment, executive,
antonym (n) past. firm, juice, kingpin, management, organization;
istikrar stability (denge); synonyms (n) constancy, antonym (n) employee, 2. boss (patron);
durability, firmness, permanence, poise, synonyms (n) chief, governor, head, overseer,
equilibrium, solidity, balance, stableness, strength, superior, ruler, administrator, captain, foreman,
endurance, immovability, fixedness, resistance, leader, manager, principal, (v) administer, govern,
steadiness; antonym (n) instability. direct.
istikrarlı 1. consistent; synonyms (adj) coherent, isyan 1. revolt (ayaklanmak); synonyms (n)
uniform, agreeable, compatible, congruous, insurrection, uprising, revolution, (v) disgust,
constant, logical, conformable, consonant, regular, mutiny, rebellion, nauseate, sicken, rebel, repel,
unchanging, concurrent, unvarying, accordant, offend, repulse, appall, protest, (adj) shock, 2.
equable; antonyms (adj) inconsistent, erratic, rebellion; synonyms (n) revolt, disobedience,
contradictory, illogical, unpredictable, unreliable, defiance, outbreak, unrest, commotion, disorder,
2. steady; synonyms (adj) firm, even, secure, disturbance, insurgence, rising, sedition, 3. riot;
continual, fixed, resolute, stable, cool, incessant, synonyms (n) tumult, brawl, fight, fray, confusion,
sedate, settled, consistent, (v) steadfast, calm, brace; debauch, debauchery, orgy, trouble, mob, (v)
antonyms (adj) unsteady, shaky, wobbly, carouse, muddle, (adj) hubbub, uproar, row, 4.
intermittent. rising; synonyms (adj) climbing, uphill, emergent,
istila invasion; synonyms (n) attack, assault, emerging, (n) ascending, ascension, ascent, climb,
aggression, incursion, inroad, descent, foray, influx, rise, advance, lift, upheaval, heave, (adv) increasing,
intrusion, encroachment, infringement, occupation, growing; antonyms (adj) plummeting, decreasing,
raid, breach, charge; antonyms (n) retreat, plunging.
surrender. isyancı rebel (ayaklanmak); synonyms (n)
istim steam (buğu, buhar); synonyms (n) mist, fog, insurgent, nonconformist, anarchist, dissident,
haze, vapor, cloud, energy, (v) reek, evaporate, insurrectionist, traitor, (v) mutiny, renegade, arise,
exhale, smoke, fume, cook, pull, boil, (adj) gas. disobey, revolt, rise, oppose, (adj) mutineer,
istirahat rest (dinlenme); synonyms (n) remnant, rebellious; antonym (n) conformist.
repose, balance, pause, recess, relaxation, residue, işyeri 1. business; synonyms (n) employment, matter,
leisure, break, (v) nap, remain, sleep, ease, lie, (adj) subject, affair, calling, concern, corporation, deal,
remainder; antonym (v) work. event, job, occupation, profession, trade, vocation,
iştirak participation; synonyms (n) involvement, work; antonyms (adj) charitable, housing, 2.
interest, contribution, attendance, complicity, workshop (atölye); synonyms (n) shop, factory,
communion, association, connection, affair, concert, studio, workhouse, atelier, works, poorhouse,
concurrence, engagement, voice. store, training, committee, induction, meeting,
istismar exploitation; synonyms (n) abuse, practicum.
development, misuse, employment, operation, use, it dog (köpek); synonyms (n) cur, andiron,
using, ventilation, plunder, achievement, blackguard, click, detent, cad, cock, (v) chase,
consumption, corruption, cruelty, damage, hound, beset, hunt, tail, track, trail, course.
defacement. itaat 1. compliance; synonyms (n) agreement,
istisna exception; synonyms (n) exclusion, objection, approval, observance, accordance, acquiescence,
exemption, anomaly, immunity, peculiarity, complaisance, consent, obedience, accord, assent,

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compliancy, deference, submission, flexibility, itibari nominal; synonyms (adj) titular, formal, token,
yielding; antonyms (n) disobedience, stubbornness, minimal, minimum, nominative, (v) cognominal;
nonconformity, 2. obedience; synonyms (n) antonym (adj) real.
compliance, meekness, obeisance, bow, loyalty; itikat 1. faith (güven); synonyms (n) confidence,
antonyms (n) defiance, naughtiness, resistance, 3. belief, conviction, trust, credence, credit, assurance,
submission; synonyms (n) bid, offer, surrender, creed, cult, allegiance, dependence, expectation,
entry, presentation, capitulation, conformity, fidelity, hope, piety; antonym (n) unbelief, 2.
suggestion, application, tender, endurance, creed; synonyms (n) gospel, religion, credo, faith,
patience, (adj) resignation. denomination, doctrine, persuasion, credenda.
ithaf dedication; synonyms (n) consecration, itimat 1. reliance (güven); synonyms (n) confidence,
allegiance, commitment, devotion, inscription, credit, faith, trust, belief, dependence, assurance,
loyalty, fidelity, sanctification, fanaticism, passion, conviction, credence, dependency, hope,
(adj) glorification; antonym (n) indifference. expectation, presumption, 2. confidence;
ithal import (ithal etmek); synonyms (n) synonyms (n) certainty, certitude, intimacy, nerve,
consequence, meaning, sense, effect, connotation, reliance, security, sureness, authority, affiance,
implication, importance, moment, purport, boldness, face, cheek, firmness, impudence, poise;
significance, value, betoken, (v) matter, denote, antonyms (n) insecurity, uncertainty, doubt,
imply; antonym (v) export. nervousness, anxiety, diffidence, distrust, fear,
ithalat import (ithal etmek); synonyms (n) timidity, 3. faith (güven); synonyms (n) creed,
consequence, meaning, sense, effect, connotation, cult, allegiance, fidelity, piety, religion, church,
implication, importance, moment, purport, denomination, constancy, doctrine, honor, loyalty,
significance, value, betoken, (v) matter, denote, persuasion, troth, (adj) honesty; antonym (n)
imply; antonym (v) export. unbelief.
itham charge; synonyms (n) accusation, burden, care, itinalı careful (dikkatli); synonyms (adj) accurate,
command, commission, bill, tax, accusal, assail, (v) attentive, thrifty, alert, deliberate, economical,
accuse, blame, attack, bid, load, arraign; antonyms frugal, mindful, prudent, thoughtful, assiduous,
(v) request, absolve, retreat. aware, cagey, cautious, (v) anxious; antonyms (adj)
itibar 1. prestige; synonyms (n) credit, influence, careless, reckless, slapdash, neglectful.
power, distinction, authority, dignity, repute, itiraf 1. confession; synonyms (n) avowal, admission,
reputation, standing, status, attraction, face, kudos, acknowledgment, recognition, concession,
celebrity, glory, 2. regard (bakmak); synonyms divulgence, disclosure, penance, profession,
(v) attention, concern, estimate, heed, attend, apology; antonym (n) denial, 2. admission
account, believe, consider, count, hold, (n) notice, (kabul); synonyms (n) acceptance, access,
respect, esteem, deference, look; antonym (n) confession, admittance, declaration, reception,
disrespect, 3. odour; synonyms (n) fragrance, confirmation, acquiescence, affirmation, allowance,
flavour, aroma, smell, odor, scent, flavor, feel, entrance, entree, entry, inclusion, introduction.
feeling, olfaction, smelling, spirit, tone, 4. itiraz 1. protest (protesto, protesto etmek);
importance; synonyms (n) greatness, gravity, synonyms (n) demonstration, objection, complaint,
import, consequence, emphasis, prominence, stress, challenge, question, (v) dissent, assert, complain,
value, magnitude, matter, prestige, seriousness, object, affirm, asseverate, attest, aver, declare,
significance, grandeur, (v) weight; antonyms (n) demur; antonym (v) support, 2. objection;
insignificance, unimportance, triviality, 5. face synonyms (n) protest, exception, grievance, gripe,
(çehre, surat, yüz); synonyms (n) aspect, disagreement, outcry, difficulty, disapproval,
countenance, expression, side, top, exterior, expostulation, criticism, disadvantage, drawback,
appearance, facade, surface, (v) confront, audacity, scruple, animadversion, argument.
veneer, visage, affront, (adj) front; antonyms (v) itiş push (itmek); synonyms (n) press, thrust, jolt,
avoid, back, 6. credit (kredi); synonyms (n) poke, (v) drive, impel, crowd, force, jab, jostle,
credence, appreciation, belief, commendation, nudge, prod, jam, rush, boost; antonyms (v) pull,
recognition, advance, acknowledgment, drag, haul.
confidence, fame, honor, loan, (v) accredit, ascribe, itme 1. impulse; synonyms (n) impetus, pulse, urge,
assign, attribute; antonyms (n) cash, (v) debit, drive, force, impulsion, motive, whim, goad, desire,
discredit, 7. authority (yetki); synonyms (n) incentive, incitement, momentum, motivation,
ascendancy, command, sanction, administration, spur, 2. push (itmek); synonyms (n) press, thrust,
authorization, dominance, domination, judge, jolt, poke, elbow, energy, (v) impel, crowd, jab,
professional, rule, warrant, lordship, agency, jostle, nudge, prod, jam, rush, boost; antonyms (v)
approval, authorisation. pull, drag, haul.

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244 Turkish - English

itmek push; synonyms (n) press, thrust, jolt, poke, (v) appropriate, acceptable, becoming, comely,
drive, impel, crowd, force, jab, jostle, nudge, prod, decorous, honest, modest, respectable, seemly,
jam, rush, boost; antonyms (v) pull, drag, haul. sufficient, chaste, ethical, fitting; antonyms (adj)
ittifak 1. alliance; synonyms (n) connection, league, immoral, unwholesome, inappropriate,
affinity, association, combination, confederacy, disreputable, filthy, inadequate, indecent,
union, affiliation, alignment, alinement, coalition, unsuitable.
merger, organization, society, amalgamation; iyice 1. clean (saf, temiz, temizlemek); synonyms
antonym (n) nonalignment, 2. agreement (adj) clear, fair, antiseptic, blank, pure, chaste,

(anlaşma); synonyms (n) accord, acquiescence, adroit, tidy, unblemished, (v) brush, cleanse, bathe,
concord, accordance, coincidence, contract, clarify, disinfect, sweep; antonyms (adj) filthy,
acceptance, appointment, arrangement, unclean, muddy, unhygienic, full, syrupy, tainted,
compliance, confirmation, conformity, unwholesome, (v) dirty, soil, contaminate, pollute,
correspondence, covenant, settlement; antonyms 2. wide (geniş); synonyms (adj) broad, spacious,
(n) disagreement, argument, conflict, discord, roomy, comprehensive, extensive, large, ample,
rejection, dispute, resistance. vast, capacious, expanded, extended, open,
ivedi 1. urgent (acil); synonyms (adj) pressing, sweeping, big, deep; antonyms (adj) narrow, thin,
importunate, imperative, instant, immediate, quick, restricted.
earnest, critical, serious, vital, hasty, insistent, iyileşme recovery (kurtarma); synonyms (n) rally,
compelling, (v) important, clamorous; antonym (adj) convalescence, improvement, reclamation, rescue,
trivial, 2. burning; synonyms (adj) ardent, ablaze, resurrection, retrieval, cure, deliverance, healing,
afire, blazing, boiling, flaming, hot, passionate, recuperation, restoration, revival, yield,
aflame, alight, (n) combustion, firing, glowing, regeneration; antonyms (n) decline, loss, return.
zealous, burn; antonyms (adj) cold, cool, 3. iyileşmek recover; synonyms (v) reclaim, recuperate,
pressing (acil); synonyms (v) exigent, anxious, regain, retrieve, convalesce, find, heal, mend, rally,
(adj) imperious, burning, grave, crucial, (n) urgent, restore, improve, obtain, recall, recoup, redeem;
dishing, press, pressure, prestretching. antonyms (v) deteriorate, lose.
ivme acceleration; synonyms (n) speed, rapidity, rise, iyileştirilmiş improved; synonyms (adj) better,
quickening, quickness, rush, speedup, swiftness. enhanced, new, reformed, advanced, amplified,
iyelik 1. possession; synonyms (n) occupancy, augmented, bigger, changed, converted, enlarged,
occupation, ownership, keeping, goods, property, finer, greater, healthier, higher; antonyms (adj)
tenure, grasp, estate, asset, seizin, seizure, tenancy, inferior, worse, lesser.
colony, (v) acquisition, 2. ownership (mülkiyet, iyileştirme amendment; synonyms (n) alteration,
sahiplik); synonyms (n) control, proprietorship, betterment, correction, redress, improvement,
possession, title, hold, (adj) claim, right. revision, transformation, adjustment, change,
conversion, mend, modification, rectification,
iyi 1. good; synonyms (adj) able, benefit, delicious,
reform, variation.
right, efficient, capable, excellent, fine, nice,
superior, well, advantageous, (n) benign, iyileştirmek 1. cure; synonyms (n) remedy, antidote,
advantage, gain; antonyms (adj) disobedient, poor, medicine, salve, curative, curing, healing, therapy,
(v) correct, help, treat, heal, pickle, preserve,
wicked, unpleasant, (n) evil, bad, 2. okay;
restore, 2. remedy (ilaç); synonyms (n) cure,
synonyms (adj) good, alright, fair, (int) yes, (n)
redress, drug, relief, medication, physic,
approval, authorization, agreement, blessing, (v)
remediation, treatment, amendment, amends, (v)
approve, sanction, consent, endorse, authorize,
amend, rectify, relieve, aid, doctor.
countenance, accept; antonyms (adj) unsatisfactory,
(v) forbid, 3. fine (güzel, ince); synonyms (adj)
iyilik 1. goodness; synonyms (n) generosity,
excellence, good, kindness, benefit, benevolence,
delicate, agreeable, dainty, brave, capital, elegant,
graciousness, morality, virtue, worth, charity, (adj)
thin, delightful, acute, admirable, beautiful, choice,
benignity, gentleness, favor, beneficence; antonyms
(n) penalty, amercement, (v) punish; antonyms (adj)
(n) evil, wickedness, 2. favour; synonyms (v)
thick, coarse, substantial, wide, 4. well; synonyms
(adv) easily, thoroughly, considerably, fully, choose, prefer, privilege, 3. kindness; synonyms
correctly, (adj) healthy, fit, shaft, sound, robust, (n) (n) clemency, compassion, courtesy, affection,

fountain, spring, pit, hollow, (v) gush; antonyms consideration, cordiality, friendliness, goodness,
grace, humanity, fondness, amiability, geniality,
(adv) ill, badly, poorly, (adj) sick, unwell, dying,
love, pity; antonyms (n) unkindness, callousness,
nauseous, 5. nice; synonyms (adj) fastidious, kind,
cruelty, miserliness, nastiness, spite, unfriendliness,
lovely, neat, likable, correct, decent, difficult,
enjoyable, exact, particular, precise, minute, maliciousness.
suitable, discriminating; antonym (adj) horrible, 6. iyimser optimistic; synonyms (adj) cheerful,
decent; synonyms (adj) proper, adequate, affirmative, positive, upbeat, bright, carefree,

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happy, lighthearted, rosy, sanguine, confident, stroke, regard, brush, concern, handle, interest,
expectant; antonyms (adj) pessimistic, negative, meet.
disheartened. izafi relative (göreli); synonyms (adj) related,
iyimserlik optimism; synonyms (n) hopefulness, comparative, proportionate, proportional,
hope, buoyancy, cheer, cheerfulness, expectation, dependent, relevant, (n) relation, brother,
happiness; antonym (n) pessimism. connection, congenator, congener, (v) kinsman;
iz 1. track (izlemek); synonyms (n) course, path, line, antonym (adj) absolute.
racetrack, road, route, (v) trace, trail, hunt, tail, izah explanation (açıklama); synonyms (n) account,
chase, pursue, dog, follow, footprint, 2. trail annotation, commentary, definition, description,
(izlemek, patika); synonyms (n) track, trudge, exposition, excuse, gloss, interpretation,
pathway, scent, wake, (v) haul, drag, train, draw, justification, solution, key, answer, caption,
tow, pull, lag, shadow, stalk, tag, 3. trace apology; antonym (n) mystery.
(izlemek); synonyms (n) spot, clue, dash, hint, izdiham 1. jam (reçel); synonyms (n) crush, crowd,
indication, mark, shade, sign, suggestion, touch, fix, squeeze, congestion, conserve, dilemma, hole,
bit, drop, evidence, (v) describe, outline, 4. (v) block, cram, bar, fill, force, gorge, hinder;

shadow (gölge); synonyms (n) ghost, darkness, antonym (v) free, 2. crowd; synonyms (n) huddle,
apparition, follower, gloom, phantom, reflection, swarm, collection, crew, press, circle, cluster, army,
umbrage, silhouette, dark, (v) eclipse, obscure, assembly, concourse, congregation, gang, (v) bunch,
overshadow, cloud, darken, 5. impress; synonyms flock, compress; antonym (v) disperse.
(v) imprint, affect, move, print, inscribe, instill, izdüşüm projection; synonyms (n) bulge, hump, jut,
emboss, dent, inculcate, strike, amaze, dazzle, (n) prominence, protuberance, knob, ledge, overhang,
stamp, impression, press, 6. ghost (hayalet, plan, protrusion, bump, map, extrusion, forecast,
hortlak); synonyms (n) spirit, soul, spectre, spook, (adj) salient.
appearance, manes, vision, wraith, author, (v) izin 1. permit (izin vermek); synonyms (v) allow,
specter, ghostwrite, haunt, 7. evidence (kanıt); give, license, admit, leave, let, bear, endure, have,
synonyms (n) confirmation, proof, data, argument, agree, (n) consent, licence, pass, permission, (adj)
attestation, demonstration, testimony, deposition, grant; antonyms (v) forbid, ban, prevent, prohibit,
(v) display, demonstrate, attest, certify, manifest, stop, 2. permission; synonyms (n) permit,
denote, establish, 8. mark; synonyms (n) brand, approval, authority, liberty, agreement, assent,
score, character, heed, feature, badge, check, authorization, dispensation, sanction, approbation,
emblem, (v) blemish, characterize, distinguish, concession, acquiescence, endorsement, dismissal,
grade, label, differentiate, (adj) notice, 9. strain; (v) allowance; antonym (n) refusal, 3. leave
synonyms (n) stress, breed, effort, stretch, exertion, (bırakmak); synonyms (v) depart, forsake, go,
race, reach, (v) filter, screen, sift, tax, endeavor, abandon, desert, quit, escape, flee, lead, lay,
exert, extend, percolate; antonym (v) relax, 10. bequeath, (n) furlough, holiday, break, (adj) empty;
suggestion (öneri); synonyms (n) advice, antonyms (v) arrive, enter, stay, remain, approach,
intimation, proposal, allusion, counsel, proposition, change, come, 4. licence (lisans); synonyms (v)
recommendation, implication, inkling, insinuation, certify, endorse, evidence, attest, demonstrate,
offer, plan, prompting, motion, overture, 11. print; indorse, manifest, 5. consent; synonyms (n)
synonyms (n) engraving, copy, lettering, picture, accord, consensus, compliance, concurrence,
facsimile, letterpress, reproduction, type, etching, acceptance, promise, confirmation, (v) approve,
replica, duplicate, (v) impress, photograph, issue, concur, accede, accept, acquiesce, coincide, comply,
engrave, 12. stamp (damga, posta pulu, pul); yield; antonyms (n) opposition, (v) disagree, refuse,
synonyms (n) seal, cachet, die, earmark, form, veto, 6. concession (imtiyaz, ödün); synonyms
hallmark, mold, mould, pestle, (v) cast, trample, (n) admission, compromise, discount, charter,
punch, shape, note, mint, 13. sign (alamet, im, conceding, yielding, acknowledgment, abatement,
işaret); synonyms (n) signal, portent, confession, privilege, recognition, reduction, (v)
manifestation, omen, poster, presage, wave, boon, 7. allowance; synonyms (n) allotment,
forerunner, attribute, augury, banner, (v) gesture, quota, tolerance, maintenance, adjustment,
indicate, autograph, bless, 14. suspicion (şüphe); allocation, compensation, deduction, fee,
synonyms (n) apprehension, distrust, mistrust, fear, indulgence, margin, portion, rebate, share, wage, 8.
hunch, misgiving, qualm, scruple, surmise, liberty (özgürlük); synonyms (n) freedom,
supposition, hesitation, intuition, guess, misdoubt, immunity, independence, autonomy,
(v) doubt; antonyms (n) trust, certainty, 15. touch emancipation, latitude, exemption, release, scope,
(dokunma, dokunmak); synonyms (n) feel, familiarity, ease, right, frankness, generosity, (adj)
tinge, feeling, tap, (v) contact, hit, border, adjoin, franchise.

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246 Turkish - English

izlemek 1. monitor (monitör); synonyms (v) check, glowing, hearty; antonyms (adj) aloof, cold,
regulate, control, eavesdrop, observe, supervise, (n) unfriendly, reserved, hostile, (v) cool, chill.
admonisher, dame, ironclad, moderator, 2. trail ılıman mild; synonyms (adj) kindly, gracious, benign,
(iz, patika); synonyms (n) track, trace, path, easy, lenient, docile, humble, balmy, calm, clement,
course, trudge, (v) haul, drag, hunt, tail, chase, delicate, kind, meek, sweet, (n) gentle; antonyms
pursue, train, draw, tow, dog, 3. track (iz); (adj) intense, extreme, pungent, severe, sharp, spicy,
synonyms (n) line, racetrack, road, route, circuit, barbed, fierce, great, hot, incisive, passionate,
orbit, lane, lead, racecourse, (v) trail, follow, powerful, scathing, wintry.
footprint, stalk, mark, footstep, 4. trace (iz); ılımlı 1. moderate; synonyms (adj) temperate,
synonyms (n) shadow, spot, clue, dash, hint, abstemious, middling, mild, easy, (v) calm,
indication, shade, sign, suggestion, touch, bit, drop, mitigate, allay, curb, diminish, lessen, ease, cool,
evidence, (v) describe, outline, 5. pursue; abate, (adv) check; antonyms (adj) extreme,
synonyms (v) prosecute, haunt, hound, persist, immoderate, radical, (v) increase, intensify, 2.
conduct, practice, court, keep, continue, engage, mild; synonyms (adj) kindly, gracious, benign,
harass, persecute, seek, bother, plague, 6. watch lenient, docile, humble, balmy, clement, delicate,
(bakmak, seyretmek); synonyms (v) clock, look, kind, meek, sweet, affable, fine, (n) gentle;
see, regard, wake, care, protect, defend, (n) guard, antonyms (adj) intense, pungent, severe, sharp,
view, sentinel, sentry, surveillance, lookout, (adj) spicy, barbed, fierce, great, hot, incisive, passionate,
vigilance, 7. follow; synonyms (v) adhere, adopt, powerful, scathing, wintry.
accompany, comprehend, ensue, grasp, realize, ırak far (uzak); synonyms (adv) wide, off, widely,
succeed, emulate, drive, fathom, absorb, arise,
well, astray, (adj) distant, aloof, faraway, remote,
attend, (adj) catch; antonyms (v) precede, guide,
much, outlying, (v) considerably, abundantly;
head, 8. dog (köpek); synonyms (n) cur, andiron,
antonyms (adv) close, briefly, (adj) near.
blackguard, click, detent, cad, cock, heel, pawl,
ırk 1. race; synonyms (n) kind, dash, family, career,
bounder, (v) beset, tag.
competition, people, kin, nation, (v) course, run,
izlenim 1. impression; synonyms (n) belief, rush, fly, hasten, hurry, (adj) lineage, 2. strain;
conception, feeling, idea, imprint, depression,
synonyms (n) stress, breed, effort, stretch, exertion,
image, mark, notion, dent, appearance, effect, feel,
race, (v) filter, screen, sift, tax, endeavor, exert,
impress, influence, 2. feeling (duygu); synonyms
extend, percolate, pull; antonym (v) relax.
(n) affection, passion, emotion, atmosphere, hunch,
ırkçılık racism; synonyms (n) racialism, prejudice,
impression, intuition, mood, opinion, sense,
bigotry, chauvinism, fascism, apartheid, illiberality,
sensitivity, sentiment, enthusiasm, excitement, (adj)
one-sidedness, partiality, sectarianism, unfairness.
emotional; antonyms (n) numbness, indifference.
izleyen consequent; synonyms (adj) ensuing, ırmak river (nehir); synonyms (n) creek, flow,
current, waterway, watercourse, (v) brook, stream,
following, resultant, resulting, sequent, attendant,
consequential, next, succeeding, successive, (v) burn, bayou, beck, (adj) water.
subsequent. ısı heat; synonyms (n) glow, fervor, summer, warmth,
izleyiciler audience (dinleyiciler); synonyms (n) ardor, caloric, estrus, fire, (v) bake, burn, anger,
hearing, interview, attendance, house, meeting, chafe, (adj) fever, excitement, passion; antonyms (n)
turnout, audition, congregation, crowd, following, cold, chill, (v) cool.
public, spectators, (v) auditory. ışık light (açık, hafif); synonyms (adj) fair, clear,
izolasyon 1. insulation; synonyms (n) insularity, facile, easy, faint, flimsy, (n) flame, brightness,
insulating, detachment, insulant, lining, isolation, daylight, (v) fire, kindle, inflame, glow, ignite,
insularism, blubber, breakup, casing, coat, cover, dismount; antonyms (adj) fattening, nauseating, (n)
covering, disengagement, exclusiveness, 2. dark, darkness, gloom, shade, night, (v) extinguish,
isolation; synonyms (n) alienation, estrangement, darken, (alt sp) heavy.
insulation, privacy, dissociation, loneliness, ışıklandırma lighting; synonyms (n) illumination,
seclusion, secrecy, solitude, desolation, segregation, light, firing, ignition, kindling, inflammation,
separation, disaffection; antonyms (n) closeness, brightness, discharge, dismissal, dismission, fire,
companionship. igniter, ignitor, installation, liberation.
ısıl thermal; synonyms (adj) caloric, thermic, warm,
ı ışıltı flash; synonyms (n) sparkle, blaze, shimmer,
glitter, instant, coruscation, (v) flicker, twinkle,
ılık warm (ısıtmak, sıcak); synonyms (adj) hot, blink, flame, gleam, glimmer, coruscate, dazzle,
affectionate, tender, ardent, cordial, fervent, lively, lighten.
fond, loving, earnest, caring, enthusiastic, genial,

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ışıltılı shining; synonyms (adj) bright, brilliant, grant, 2. scrap; synonyms (n) fight, morsel, brawl,
lustrous, glossy, luminous, radiant, resplendent, remnant, bit, chip, clash, end, junk, piece,
glorious, clear, effulgent, glistening, glittering, remainder, conflict, (v) quarrel, row, (adj) fragment;
glowing, sheeny, (n) lucid; antonym (adj) dull. antonym (v) keep.
ışıma radiation (radyasyon); synonyms (n) ıslah 1. amendment; synonyms (n) alteration,
emanation, emission, irradiation, actinotherapy, betterment, correction, redress, improvement,
beam, dissipation, flash, light, divergence, revision, transformation, adjustment, change,
radiotherapy, spread, (v) radioactivity, plutonium, conversion, mend, modification, rectification,
radium, (adj) radiance. reform, variation, 2. reform; synonyms (n)
ışın 1. beam (kiriş); synonyms (n) blaze, glow, ray, amendment, (v) amend, better, correct, rectify,
timber, flash, joist, light, (v) glare, air, broadcast, modify, transform, ameliorate, emend, improve,
gleam, grin, radiate, smile, (adj) shine, 2. ray; reclaim, regenerate, remodel, renovate, rehabilitate.
synonyms (n) beam, glimmer, brightness, ıslak wet (ıslatmak); synonyms (adj) damp, humid,
irradiation, shaft, skate, streak, flicker, (v) irradiate. drenched, moist, soaked, sodden, dank, rainy,
ışınım radiation (radyasyon); synonyms (n) saturated, soggy, (v) moisten, water, dampen, wash,
emanation, emission, irradiation, actinotherapy, (n) moisture; antonyms (adj) dehydrated, parched,
beam, dissipation, flash, light, divergence, (v) dry.
radiotherapy, spread, (v) radioactivity, plutonium, ıslaklık wet (ıslak, ıslatmak); synonyms (adj) damp,
radium, (adj) radiance. humid, drenched, moist, soaked, sodden, dank,
ısınmak 1. heat (ısı); synonyms (n) glow, fervor, rainy, saturated, soggy, (v) moisten, water, dampen,
summer, warmth, ardor, caloric, estrus, fire, (v) wash, (n) moisture; antonyms (adj) dehydrated,
bake, burn, anger, chafe, (adj) fever, excitement, parched, (v) dry.
passion; antonyms (n) cold, chill, (v) cool, 2. warm ıslatmak 1. wet (ıslak); synonyms (adj) damp, humid,
(ılık, ısıtmak, sıcak); synonyms (adj) hot, drenched, moist, soaked, sodden, dank, rainy,
affectionate, tender, ardent, cordial, fervent, lively, saturated, soggy, (v) moisten, water, dampen, wash,
fond, loving, earnest, caring, enthusiastic, genial, (n) moisture; antonyms (adj) dehydrated, parched,
glowing, hearty; antonyms (adj) aloof, unfriendly, (v) dry, 2. steep; synonyms (adj) high, abrupt,
reserved, hostile. excessive, exorbitant, outrageous, sheer, (v) douse,
ısırık bite (ısırmak); synonyms (n) taste, bit, cheat, immerse, soak, dip, drench, imbue, infuse, saturate,
morsel, (v) sting, nip, chew, cut, pinch, burn, eat, impregnate; antonyms (adj) gentle, gradual.
erode, gnaw, hurt, munch. ıslık whistle (düdük, ıslık çalmak); synonyms (n)
ısırma bite (ısırmak); synonyms (n) taste, bit, cheat, whistling, pennywhistle, (v) pipe, sing, twitter, hiss,
morsel, (v) sting, nip, chew, cut, pinch, burn, eat, cry, warble, cheep, tweet, chirp, wheeze.
erode, gnaw, hurt, munch. ısmarlama order (düzen, düzenlemek,
ısırmak bite; synonyms (n) taste, bit, cheat, morsel, (v) emretmek, sıra); synonyms (n) command, decree,
sting, nip, chew, cut, pinch, burn, eat, erode, gnaw, dictate, array, rank, sort, charge, class, condition,
hurt, munch. disposition, edict, (v) direct, commission, arrange,
ısıtıcı heater; synonyms (n) brasier, warmer, bullet, call; antonyms (n) anarchy, chaos, confusion,
fastball, calefactor, cannabis, dope, fume, gage, mayhem, mess, (v) disorder, request.
ganja, grass, hummer, salamander, smoke, tuyere. ısmarlamak 1. order (düzen, düzenlemek,
ısıtma heating; synonyms (n) heat, warming, warm, emretmek, sıra); synonyms (n) command, decree,
thawing, burning, enchafing, estrus, fusion, dictate, array, rank, sort, charge, class, condition,
hotness, oestrus, passion, (adj) calefactive, disposition, edict, (v) direct, commission, arrange,
calefactory, calorific, calefacient. call; antonyms (n) anarchy, chaos, confusion,
ısıtmak 1. warm (ılık, sıcak); synonyms (adj) hot, mayhem, mess, (v) disorder, request, 2. treat;
affectionate, tender, ardent, cordial, fervent, lively, synonyms (v) handle, deal, manage, process, heal,
fond, loving, earnest, caring, enthusiastic, genial, nurse, regale, operate, doctor, (n) feast, administer,
glowing, hearty; antonyms (adj) aloof, cold, delicacy, luxury, tidbit, banquet.
unfriendly, reserved, hostile, (v) cool, chill, 2. heat ısrar 1. insistence; synonyms (n) demand,
(ısı); synonyms (n) glow, fervor, summer, warmth, stubbornness, insistency, insisting, instancy,
ardor, caloric, estrus, fire, (v) bake, burn, anger, persistence, press, pressure, steadfastness, urgency,
chafe, (adj) fever, excitement, passion. determination, imperativeness; antonym (n)
ıskarta 1. reject (geri çevirmek); synonyms (v) vacillation, 2. urgency; synonyms (n) haste,
refuse, decline, deny, disapprove, discard, dismiss, necessity, hurry, insistence, stress, exigency,
eliminate, exclude, rebuff, abandon, disallow, compulsion, importance, speed, emergency, need,
disown, ignore, renounce, (n) cull; antonyms (v) rush, importunity, essentiality, gravity.
accept, approve, choose, select, acknowledge,

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ıssız lonely; synonyms (adj) deserted, desolate, lone, jöle jelly (pelte); synonyms (n) gel, conserve, jam,
dreary, forsaken, solitary, desert, forlorn, gelatin, preserves, (v) jellify, jell.
friendless, lonesome, remote, secluded, bleak, (n) jüri jury; synonyms (n) board, panel, adjudicators,
alone, isolated; antonym (adj) sociable. group, team, council, venire.
ıstampa 1. stamp (damga, posta pulu, pul);
synonyms (n) mark, seal, brand, impression, cachet,
emblem, (v) imprint, print, cast, impress, trample,
punch, characterize, shape, note, 2. pad;
synonyms (n) cushion, apartment, digs, wadding, kaba 1. rough; synonyms (adj) coarse, hard, harsh,
(v) line, inflate, expand, bolster, stuff, wad, raw, crude, cruel, grating, gross, hoarse, jagged,
aggrandize, amplify, embroider, magnify, enlarge. approximate, gruff, inclement, (n) boisterous, draft;
ıstırap 1. misery; synonyms (n) adversity, distress, antonyms (adj) gentle, smooth, polished, precise,
affliction, agony, anguish, woe, hardship, evil, ill, refined, silky, soft, sophisticated, even, exact,
infelicity, poverty, suffering, calamity, depression, glossy, pleasant, 2. gross (brüt); synonyms (adj)
(adj) grief; antonyms (n) cheerfulness, ecstasy, crass, big, boorish, common, fat, blunt, disgusting,
happiness, joy, fun, hopefulness, 2. distress (acı); broad, brutal, bulky, earthy, entire, flagrant, (v)
synonyms (n) pain, trouble, anxiety, difficulty, hurt, foul, (n) aggregate; antonyms (adj) attractive, (v) net,
torture, alarm, (v) afflict, torment, concern, bother, 3. coarse; synonyms (adj) barbarous, rough, vulgar,
upset, worry, discomfort, annoy; antonyms (v) bawdy, rude, uncivilized, brutish, awkward, base,
comfort, please. dirty, indecent, indelicate, loud, (adv) beastly, (v)
ızgara grid; synonyms (n) gridiron, grating, lattice, nasty, 4. crude; synonyms (adj) clumsy, immature,
mesh, netting, network, web, chart, diagram, primitive, uncouth, barbarian, abrupt, churlish,
template, framework, table. impolite, natural, unprocessed, unrefined, gaudy,
tasteless, basic, green, 5. brutal; synonyms (adj)
barbaric, bestial, savage, truculent, unkind, vicious,
boarish, rugged, tough, ferocious, fierce, inhuman,
İ oppressive, pitiless, rigorous; antonyms (adj) kind,
İncil bible; synonyms (n) scripture, book, authority, merciful, liberal, 6. heavy (ağır); synonyms (adj)
guide, manual, regulation, word, countersign, dull, deep, dark, dense, full, grave, arduous,
creed, discussion, doctrine, guidebook, intelligence, burdensome, grievous, thick, compact, ample,
logos, news. cumbersome, grueling, overweight; antonyms (adj)
light, easy, slim, thin, slight, puny, skinny, 7.
common (adi, ortak); synonyms (adj) ordinary,
J cheap, mutual, usual, accustomed, ignoble, mean,
mediocre, plebeian, public, trivial, banal, prosaic,
jambon ham; synonyms (n) gammon, village, actor, poor, (n) habitual; antonyms (adj) individual,
dorp, hamfatter, kraal, amateur, beef, chicken, uncommon, rare, unusual, characteristic, one-off,
hamlet, hand, jambon, (adj) affected, conceited, (v) specific, unique, aristocratic, exclusive,
act. extraordinary, infrequent, 8. harsh (sert);
jant rim; synonyms (n) border, edge, margin, brim, synonyms (adj) sharp, austere, bitter, discordant,
brink, boundary, verge, lip, confine, bound, flange, grim, acrid, acute, biting, extreme, severe, stern,
limit, (v) skirt, hem, line. acerbic, acid, astringent, (n) dissonant; antonyms
jeoloji geology; synonyms (n) formation, mineralogy, (adj) harmonious, lenient, melodious, sweet, 9.
geoscopy, constitution, establishment, organisation, roughly (kabaca); synonyms (adv) coarsely,
organization, shaping. almost, around, harshly, some, generally, hardly,
jest 1. gesture; synonyms (n) signal, gesticulation, violently, fiercely, (prep) about, approximately, circa,
indication, movement, (v) sign, beckon, gesticulate, (adj) nearly; antonyms (adv) gently, softly, smoothly,
motion, wave, 2. sign (alamet, im, işaret); 10. rude; synonyms (adj) impudent, bold,
synonyms (n) mark, portent, brand, emblem, discourteous, abusive, curt, disrespectful,
imprint, manifestation, omen, poster, presage, impertinent, insolent, plain, forward, audacious,
forerunner, attribute, augury, (v) gesture, indicate, brazen, brusque, disagreeable, (n) robust; antonyms
autograph. (adj) polite, respectful, chivalrous, courteous, civil,
jokey jockey; synonyms (n) equestrian, horseman, decent, proper, well-mannered.
rider, cavalier, conjuror, (v) cheat, beguile, defraud, kabaca roughly; synonyms (adv) coarsely, almost,
chicane, chouse, manage, maneuver, manipulate, around, rough, harshly, some, generally, hardly,
screw, beat. violently, fiercely, (prep) about, approximately, circa,
(adj) nearly; antonyms (adv) gently, softly, smoothly.

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kabadayı 1. rough (kaba); synonyms (adj) coarse, boisterous, draft; antonyms (adj) gentle, smooth,
hard, harsh, raw, crude, cruel, grating, gross, polished, precise, refined, silky, soft, sophisticated,
hoarse, jagged, approximate, gruff, inclement, (n) even, exact, glossy, pleasant.
boisterous, draft; antonyms (adj) gentle, smooth, kabile tribe; synonyms (n) family, clan, house, folk,
polished, precise, refined, silky, soft, sophisticated, kin, kindred, nation, people, race, stock, lineage,
even, exact, glossy, pleasant, 2. tough; synonyms breed, line, folks, kind.
(adj) difficult, tenacious, strong, arduous, firm, kabiliyet 1. capability (yetenek); synonyms (n)
hardy, laborious, rugged, severe, stout, sturdy, capacity, ability, aptitude, capableness,
rough, bad, (n) bully, rowdy; antonyms (adj) tender, competence, faculty, gift, potency, potential,
easy, weak, flimsy, feeble, lightweight, simple. power, qualification, talent, aptness, efficiency,
kabahat 1. sin (günah işlemek); synonyms (n) evil, endowment; antonyms (n) inability, failure,
fault, iniquity, crime, blunder, error, guilt, misdeed, incapability, 2. ability (yetenek); synonyms (n)
offense, wickedness, mistake, (v) offend, blame, err, hand, cleverness, dexterity, accomplishment, bent,
trespass; antonyms (n) virtue, piety, 2. blame capability, competency, expertise, flair, genius,
(suçlamak); synonyms (v) accuse, arraign, knowledge, might, skill, intelligence, adroitness;
censure, reprimand, charge, reproach, chide, antonym (n) injury, 3. faculty; synonyms (n)
rebuke, attribute, (n) attack, rap, onus, accusation, facility, staff, expertness, knack, profession, turn,
allegation, condemnation; antonyms (v) pardon, vocation, calling, cloth, sense, (adj) ingenuity, parts,
absolve, praise, 3. fault (arıza, bozukluk, hata, talents, 4. talent; synonyms (n) proficiency,
kusur); synonyms (n) defect, blemish, failing, blot, prowess, forte, quality, (v) donation, present.
delinquency, flaw, break, demerit, weakness, kabiliyetli intelligent (akıllı); synonyms (adj) clever,
default, failure, fracture, imperfection, (v) alert, astute, bright, intellectual, quick-witted,
deficiency, culpability; antonyms (n) merit, rational, sensible, cunning, brilliant, canny, gifted,
strength. knowing, knowledgeable, quick; antonyms (adj)
kabahatli guilty (suçlu); synonyms (adj) ashamed, unintelligent, dim, dull-witted, thick, slow, stupid.
culpable, criminal, faulty, hangdog, wicked, kabiliyetsiz 1. ineffective (etkisiz); synonyms (adj)
chargeable, condemned, delinquent, reprehensible, empty, incompetent, futile, impotent, inadequate,
sinful, contrite, responsible, shamefaced, sheepish; ineffectual, inefficient, null, fruitless, incapable,
antonyms (adj) innocent, blameless. powerless, unable, useless, worthless, feckless;
kabalık gall; synonyms (n) anger, bitterness, cheek, antonyms (adj) effective, strong, successful, useful,
audacity, acerbity, acrimony, cheekiness, crust, 2. incapable; synonyms (adj) helpless, inept,
freshness, grate, (v) annoy, chafe, fret, irk, irritate. insufficient, unqualified, unfit, weak; antonyms
kabarık raised; synonyms (v) repousse, (adj) elevated, (adj) capable, able.
embossed, erect, convex, brocaded, high, alert, kabin cabin (kulübe); synonyms (n) booth, hut,
bold, confident, elate, elated, elative, exultant, (prep) chamber, cot, lodge, room, shed, stall, apartment.
kabine cabinet (bakanlar kurulu, dolap);
kabarma 1. flow (akış, akmak); synonyms (n) flood, synonyms (n) case, closet, locker, press, cupboard,
current, discharge, abound, (v) stream, course, flux, chamber, console, sideboard, board, council.
jet, run, surge, float, emanate, fall, gush, pour, 2.
kabir tomb; synonyms (n) grave, sepulchre, crypt,
surge; synonyms (n) wave, burst, ripple, spurt, sepulcher, pit, sepulture, vault, monument,
increase, spate, upsurge, (v) billow, rise, rush, flow, entomb, (v) bury, inter.
heave, swell, soar, leap.
kablo 1. cable; synonyms (n) rope, line, cablegram,
kabarmak surge; synonyms (n) wave, burst, ripple, telegram, cord, guy, ribbon, twine, (v) wire,
spurt, (v) billow, flood, rise, rush, stream, flow, telegraph, report, 2. cord (kordon); synonyms (n)
gush, heave, jet, swell, soar. band, string, bond, tie, tape, lace, thread, whipcord,
kabartma relief; synonyms (n) comfort, aid, yarn, leash, fiber, cable, corduroy, strand, (v) knot.
consolation, ease, help, relaxation, release, respite, kabristan cemetery; synonyms (n) graveyard,
solace, abatement, alleviation, encouragement,
churchyard, necropolis, charnel, catacomb, crypt,
redress, rest, (v) assistance. garden, headstone, mortuary, ossuary,
kabartmak raise (toplamak, yükseltmek); polyandrium, sepulcher.
synonyms (v) boost, lift, erect, hoist, increase, build, kabuk 1. shell; synonyms (n) peel, rind, bullet, case,
elevate, enhance, foster, grow, promote, prefer,
casing, sheath, bark, carcass, crust, shot, (v) bomb,
augment, cultivate, (n) advance; antonym (v) lower.
bombard, husk, pod, blast, 2. crust; synonyms (n)
kabataslak rough (kaba); synonyms (adj) coarse, cheekiness, covering, gall, impertinence, shell, skin,
hard, harsh, raw, crude, cruel, grating, gross, coating, encrustation, impudence, incrustation,
hoarse, jagged, approximate, gruff, inclement, (n) insolence, (v) coat, 3. skin (cilt, deri, post);

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synonyms (n) hide, fur, hull, integument, pelt, cutis, obvious, avoidless, predictable, unchangeable;
fell, film, fleece, (v) pare, scrape, excoriate, flay, antonyms (adj) uncertain, evitable.
abrade, strip. kaçınılmazlık urgency; synonyms (n) pressure,
kabul 1. acceptance; synonyms (n) acceptation, haste, necessity, hurry, press, insistence, stress,
acknowledgment, adoption, recognition, accession, exigency, instancy, compulsion, importance, speed,
acquiescence, approval, assumption, confirmation, emergency, need, rush.
credence, ratification, receipt, welcome, belief, kaçınmak avoid; synonyms (v) shun, avert, parry,
admission; antonyms (n) rejection, refutation, escape, evade, abstain, annul, circumvent, duck,
dispatch, 2. admission; synonyms (n) acceptance, elude, forbear, fudge, ignore, prevent, (adj) eschew;
access, confession, admittance, declaration, antonyms (v) confront, associate, face, tackle.
reception, affirmation, allowance, concession,
kaçırmak 1. lose (kaybetmek); synonyms (v) drop,
entrance, entree, entry, inclusion, introduction,
forfeit, mislay, sacrifice, fail, clear, hurt, regress,
pass; antonym (n) denial, 3. reception (alma,
retrogress, destroy, misplace, recede, suffer, waste,
resepsiyon); synonyms (n) entertainment, escape; antonyms (v) gain, find, acquire, earn, get,
greeting, party, receiving, getting, salutation,
obtain, recover, secure, win, beat, defeat, keep,
comprehension, reaction, banquet, response, catch,
succeed, 2. miss (bayan); synonyms (v) lack, lose,
function, presentation, (adj) soiree, 4. recognition
jump, omit, overlook, long, neglect, skip, (n) maid,
(tanıma); synonyms (n) appreciation, girl, want, fille, missy, (adj) fault, pretermit;
identification, perception, cognizance,
antonym (v) perceive, 3. slip; synonyms (n) lapse,
acknowledgement, avowal, credit, realization,
mistake, cutting, error, oversight, scion, trip, ticket,
remembrance, salute, understanding,
commemoration, gratitude, recollection, band, (v) fall, slide, glide, skid, sag, (adj) blunder;
knowledge, 5. concession (imtiyaz, ödün); antonym (v) improve.
synonyms (n) compliance, compromise, discount, kaçış 1. escape (kaçmak); synonyms (v) elude,
grant, agreement, charter, conceding, license, break, dodge, avoid, evade, run, bolt, circumvent,
yielding, abatement, assent, consent, leave, liberty, leave, duck, bilk, (n) leak, avoidance, evasion,
(v) boon, 6. acknowledgement (alındı); outlet; antonyms (v) capture, return, 2. flight
synonyms (n) acclaim, preferment, realisation. (uçuş); synonyms (n) escape, herd, flying,
kabullenmek accept (almak, kabul etmek, avolation, exodus, elopement, departure, aviation,
onaylamak); synonyms (v) receive, acknowledge, flock, retreat, crossing, journey, (adj) bevy, drove,
admit, take, recognize, abide, accede, acquiesce, cloud, 3. bolt; synonyms (n) arrow, dash, pin,
adopt, assume, believe, yield, agree, approve, catch, (v) bar, abscond, gobble, latch, lock, decamp,
assent; antonyms (v) refuse, reject, deny, snub, devour, fasten, gulp, guzzle, (adv) bang; antonyms
oppose, renounce, resist. (v) nibble, unbolt, unlock.

kabus nightmare; synonyms (n) dream, incubus, kaçma escape (kaçmak); synonyms (v) elude, break,
fantasy, terror, bugbear, fancy, trial, vision. dodge, avoid, evade, run, bolt, circumvent, leave,
duck, bilk, (n) leak, avoidance, evasion, outlet;
kabza 1. handle (kulp, sap); synonyms (v)
administer, conduct, feel, wield, control, deal, antonyms (v) capture, return.
direct, finger, manage, manipulate, touch, treat, (n) kaçmak 1. escape; synonyms (v) elude, break, dodge,
grip, clutch, grasp, 2. stock (hisse senedi); avoid, evade, run, bolt, circumvent, leave, duck,
synonyms (n) breed, lineage, store, goods, ancestry, bilk, (n) leak, avoidance, evasion, outlet; antonyms
descent, family, hoard, origin, race, backlog, birth, (v) capture, return, 2. slip; synonyms (n) lapse,
(adj) regular, (v) handle, supply. fault, mistake, cutting, error, escape, oversight,
kaçamak shift; synonyms (n) interchange, turn, scion, trip, (v) fall, slide, drop, glide, skid, (adj)
move, switch, conversion, (v) change, exchange, blunder; antonym (v) improve, 3. fly (sinek,
remove, quibble, alter, budge, convert, displace, uçmak); synonyms (v) dash, drive, flee, elope,
transfer, fluctuate. aviate, dart, flutter, hop, hover, hurry, jet, (n) flap,
kaçamaklı elusive; synonyms (adj) evasive, subtle, (adj) flit, burst, insect, 4. desert (Çöl); synonyms
insidious, fugitive, intangible, shifty, slippery, (n) wilderness, (v) abandon, defect, ditch, forsake,
ambiguous, artful. relinquish, abscond, fail, (adj) waste, barren,
kaçık daft; synonyms (adj) crazy, wacky, bonkers, desolate, merit, wild, worth, bleak; antonyms (n)
demented, foolish, nutty, balmy, inane, barmy, bog, (v) stay, 5. run (çalıştırmak, koşmak);
batty, dotty, haywire, idiotic, insane, insensate; synonyms (v) flow, rule, gush, race, career, conduct,
antonym (adj) sensible. direct, function, go, hasten, operate, (n) pass,
campaign, course, (adj) stream.
kaçınılmaz inevitable; synonyms (adj) certain,
ineluctable, unavoidable, inescapable, destined, kadar 1. so (böyle); synonyms (adv) accordingly, as,
fatal, fated, irresistible, irrevocable, necessary, consequently, hence, thus, indeed, then, therefore,

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insomuch, also, wherefore, (n) sol, (pron) that, (adj) enclose, imprison, incarcerate; antonym (v) free, 2.
likewise, 2. by (tarafından); synonyms (prep) screen (ekran, perde); synonyms (n) shade,
beside, at, of, about, on, per, (adv) aside, away, past, blind, riddle, disguise, partition, veil, guard, (v)
through, apart, along, beyond, (adv, prep) alongside, cover, shield, conceal, hide, mask, protect, shelter,
(adj) over, 3. as (gibi, Olarak); synonyms (conj) cloak.
qua, because, since, considering, while, whilst, (prep) kafile train (tren); synonyms (n) chain, string, (v) aim,
during, like, (adv) equally, from, (n) arsenic. coach, direct, educate, exercise, trail, tail, tame,
kadavra corpse; synonyms (n) cadaver, carcass, body, discipline, drill, instruct, prepare, school.
corse, remains, stiff, clay. kağıt paper; synonyms (n) document, article,
kadeh glass (bardak, cam); synonyms (n) pane, newspaper, discourse, newsprint, certificate, essay,
bottle, drink, bowl, cup, goblet, chalice, glassful, journal, magazine, periodical, report, composition,
spyglass, telescope, tumbler, window, (v) glaze, (adj) form, ticket, publisher.
ice. kahkaha 1. laughter; synonyms (n) amusement, fun,
kademe step (adım, basamak); synonyms (n) laugh, merriment, hilarity, mirth, derision,
degree, measure, stage, walk, gait, gradation, level, happiness; antonym (n) sadness, 2. laugh
rank, act, footprint, footstep, move, stride, (v) pace, (gülmek); synonyms (n) chuckle, chortle, jest, gag,
proceeding. jape, laughter, cackle, sneer, scream, (v) joke, giggle,
kader 1. fate; synonyms (n) destiny, chance, luck, smile, titter, snicker, beam; antonym (v) cry.
fatality, allotment, fortune, kismet, lot, portion, kahraman 1. hero; synonyms (n) champion,
accident, end, (v) doom, destine, designate, character, leader, protector, worthy, protagonist,
destruction, 2. destiny; synonyms (n) fate, warrior, bomber, celebrity, combatant, conqueror,
destination, weird, circumstances, 3. fortune; defender, fighter, 2. brave (cesur); synonyms (adj)
synonyms (n) estate, fluke, means, abundance, adventurous, bold, audacious, courageous, endure,
assets, riches, wealth, blessing, substance, fearless, hardy, intrepid, valiant, virile, confident,
affluence, prosperity, treasure, capital, hap, hazard. daring, dauntless, (v) defy, confront; antonyms (adj)
kadife velvet; synonyms (n) velure, gain, profit, cowardly, frightened, gutless, pathetic, (n) timid, 3.
revenue, gratification, income, pleasure, prosperity, character (karakter); synonyms (n) kind, nature,
receipts, success, vellet, wealth, (adj) velvety, down, note, part, quality, role, type, brand, constitution,
opulent. description, disposition, eccentric, spirit, tone,
kadın 1. woman; synonyms (n) wife, girl, maid, standing.
womanhood, char, charwoman, soul, (obj) female, kahramanca heroic; synonyms (adj) bold, brave,
she; antonyms (n) man, gentleman, 2. female; courageous, fearless, chivalrous, dauntless, gallant,
synonyms (adj) distaff, feminine, pistillate, (n) lady, grand, intrepid, valiant, daring, epic, heroical,
woman; antonyms (adj) masculine, (n) male, 3. imposing, impressive; antonym (adj) cowardly.
broad; synonyms (adj) wide, ample, kahramanlık exploit; synonyms (v) act, exercise,
comprehensive, extensive, general, large, apply, employ, use, abuse, harness, (n) deed,
sweeping, vast, free, big, blanket, capacious, deep, achievement, feat, accomplishment, action,
full, inclusive; antonyms (adj) narrow, specific, thin, adventure, effort, performance.
4. lady (bayan); synonyms (n) dame, kahvaltı breakfast; synonyms (n) banquet, dejeuner,
gentlewoman, ma'am, matron, noble, (v) squaw, 5. feast, meal, mealtime, brunch, dinner, supper, (v)
dame; synonyms (n) skirt, wench, bird, chick. lunch, sup, dine, eat.
kafa 1. head (baş); synonyms (n) chief, captain, front, kahve coffee; synonyms (n) brown, chocolate, cocoa,
point, boss, foam, froth, crown, chieftain, executive, beige, tan, umber, (adj) auburn, brunette, russet.
chair, brain, (v) capital, direct, lead; antonyms (n) kahverengi brown; synonyms (adj) chocolate,
end, subordinate, (v) follow, 2. nut; synonyms (n) swarthy, tanned, (n) brunette, brownness, tan, (v)
lunatic, crackpot, crank, eccentric, egg, freak, sear, cook, fry; antonym (adj) pale.
fruitcake, kernel, head, fruit, kook, maniac, nutcase, kaide 1. base (alçak, baz, taban, temel, üs);
screwball, seed, 3. mind (akıl); synonyms (n) synonyms (n) foundation, basis, (adj) bottom, abject,
intellect, inclination, intelligence, psyche, regard, mean, dishonorable, ignoble, low, vile, bad,
mentality, conscience, (v) care, look, attend, beware, contemptible, despicable, foul, (v) ground, found;
keep, listen, notice, (adj) heed; antonym (v) forget. antonyms (n) summit, top, (adj) noble, 2. basis;
kafatası skull; synonyms (n) pate, noddle, head, synonyms (n) base, gist, bed, beginning, footing,
noggin, shell, intellectual, pupil, (adj) exceptional, fundamental, root, cause, cornerstone, derivation,
smart. justification, nucleus, reason, motive, essence, 3.
kafes 1. cage; synonyms (n) jail, pen, hutch, cell, principle (ilke); synonyms (n) origin, method,
corral, crate, frame, gaol, enclosure, (v) confine,

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rule, doctrine, dogma, element, law, precept, tenet, kaldırma 1. lift (asansör, kaldırmak); synonyms
integrity, canon, formula, maxim, nature, postulate. (n) elevator, boost, heave, (v) hoist, raise, rise,
kakma push (itmek); synonyms (n) press, thrust, jolt, elevate, erect, filch, hike, advance, airlift, pilfer,
poke, (v) drive, impel, crowd, force, jab, jostle, pinch, rear, 2. lifting; synonyms (n) raising,
nudge, prod, jam, rush, boost; antonyms (v) pull, hoisting, rising, copying, jacking, plagiarism,
drag, haul. restyling, bootlegging, (adj) elating, enlivening,
kalabalık 1. crowded; synonyms (adj) close, compact, exciting, invigorating, thrilling, bracing,
congested, busy, dense, full, packed, populous, breathtaking.
jammed, cramped, teeming, thick, tight, (n) kaldırmak 1. lift (asansör); synonyms (n) elevator,
thronged; antonyms (adj) empty, sparse, 2. crowd; boost, heave, (v) hoist, raise, rise, elevate, erect,
synonyms (n) huddle, swarm, collection, crew, filch, hike, advance, airlift, pilfer, pinch, rear, 2.
press, circle, cluster, army, assembly, concourse, remove; synonyms (v) oust, take, pull, eject, expel,
congregation, (v) bunch, flock, squeeze, compress; deduct, discharge, strip, delete, erase, evacuate,
antonym (v) disperse, 3. flock (sürü); synonyms extract, abolish, get, (adj) clear; antonyms (v) insert,
(n) crowd, band, bevy, covey, gang, herd, horde, install, place, 3. raise (toplamak, yükseltmek);
pack, troop, cloud, batch, (v) assemble, mass, synonyms (v) lift, increase, build, enhance, foster,
clump, collect, 4. mob; synonyms (n) rabble, grow, promote, prefer, augment, cultivate, exalt,
company, clamor, body, group, masses, multitude, excite, heighten, levy, nurture; antonym (v) lower,
party, ring, rout, association, drove, people, (v) 4. cancel (feshetmek, iptal etmek, silmek);
throng, crush, 5. host; synonyms (n) mob, legion, synonyms (v) annul, abrogate, expunge, invalidate,
emcee, heap, array, battalion, innkeeper, landlord, remit, revoke, abate, avoid, efface, eliminate,
server, beads, 6. dense (yoğun); synonyms (adj) obliterate, repeal, annihilate, counteract, (adj)
crowded, deep, crass, dim, dull, heavy, nullify; antonym (v) validate, 5. support
impenetrable, solid, stupid, concentrated, dumb, (dayanak, destek, desteklemek); synonyms (n)
firm, gross, lush, obtuse; antonyms (adj) bright, help, stand, aid, keep, comfort, maintenance,
insightful, loose, clever, intelligent, readable, patronage, (v) assist, prop, back, brace, encourage,
simple, 7. press (basın, basmak); synonyms (n) maintain, bear, carry; antonyms (n) hindrance, (v)
jam, closet, newspaper, (v) force, coerce, exhort, oppose, neglect, undermine, abandon, reject,
mash, push, urge, clasp, hug, pinch, pressure, weaken, 6. receive (almak, kabul etmek);
squash, (adj) constrain. synonyms (v) accept, admit, assume, adopt, have,
kalan 1. remainder (artık, bakiye); synonyms (n) obtain, welcome, make, acknowledge, embrace,
excess, leftover, remain, remnant, end, overplus, gather, greet, hear, earn, own.
residue, balance, oddment, rest, leftovers, relic, kale 1. castle; synonyms (n) rook, citadel, fortification,
remains, remnants, residual, 2. balance (denge, fortress, castling, fort, keep, mansion, palace,
dengelemek); synonyms (n) poise, symmetry, stronghold, tower, house, chateau, court, (v)
remainder, account, complement, counterpoise, donjon, 2. goal (hedef); synonyms (n) aim, butt,
credit, equality, (v) counterbalance, adjust, offset, design, destination, end, purpose, basket, ambition,
compensate, contrast, settle, audit; antonyms (n) intent, intention, object, objective, target, aspiration,
imbalance, (v) unbalance, 3. rest (dinlenme); limit, 3. fort; synonyms (n) castle, bastion, defense,
synonyms (n) repose, pause, recess, relaxation, bulwark, garrison, refuge, (v) fortify, sconce, 4.
leisure, break, quiet, respite, halt, (v) nap, sleep, keep (tutmak); synonyms (v) hold, preserve,
ease, lie, perch, abide; antonym (v) work. retain, defend, continue, guard, have, maintain,
kalay tin; synonyms (n) can, canister, container, rhino, celebrate, confine, conserve, observe, reserve, save,
dust, blunt, cannister, mopus, mould, (v) pot, commemorate; antonyms (v) dump, lose, 5. tower
preserve, cure, bottle, embalm, kyanize. (burç, kule); synonyms (n) column, pinnacle,
kalbur screen (ekran, perde); synonyms (n) shade, monument, (v) soar, ascend, rise, arise, loom,
blind, riddle, disguise, partition, veil, guard, (v) building, edifice, erection, fabric, hulk, mount, (adj)
cover, shield, conceal, hide, mask, protect, shelter, pillar.
cloak. kaleci goalkeeper; synonyms (n) goalie, goaltender,
kalburüstü select (seçme, seçmek); synonyms (v) netkeeper, netminder.
pick, extract, adopt, choose, elect, excellent, prefer, kalem 1. item (madde, parça); synonyms (n) piece,
excerpt, assign, opt, appoint, (adj) choice, exclusive, detail, article, entry, object, point, subject, thing,
chosen, best; antonym (v) reject. affair, event, clause, component, entity, fact, (adv)
kalça hip; synonyms (n) haunch, coxa, loin, pelvis, also, 2. pen; synonyms (n) corral, cage, ballpoint,
(adj) hep, stylish, chic, in, popular. enclosure, fold, jail, coop, playpen, (v) enclose,
kaldırım pavement; synonyms (n) footpath, paving, confine, compose, impound, indite, write, inclose,
walk, path, pathway, sidewalk, ground, trottoir.

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3. pencil; synonyms (n) pen, beam, clump, cluster, balk, dam, foreclose, confine; antonyms (v) permit,
gleam, group, light, (v) brush, draw, design, paint. allow, 6. mould; synonyms (n) mildew, molding,
kalibre gauge (ölçü); synonyms (n) criterion, caliber, moulding, modeling, fit, punch, (v) forge, knead,
gage, calibre, (v) estimate, measure, calculate, carve, work, influence, 7. matrix (matris);
assess, compute, fathom, make, reckon, forecast, synonyms (n) die, alembic, caldron, crucible,
scale, appraise. groundmass, uterus, matter, monotype, plasm,
kalıcı permanent; synonyms (adj) durable, lasting, impression, mat, diagram, (v) gangue, course, gang,
fixed, eternal, everlasting, fast, perennial, enduring, 8. form (biçim, form); synonyms (n) arrange,
immutable, indelible, abiding, continual, ceremony, class, conformation, (v) build, constitute,
continuing, (v) constant, continuous; antonyms (adj) establish, construct, create, do, compose, comprise,
fleeting, temporary, brief, impermanent, contrive, devise, generate, 9. stamp (damga,
provisional, transitory, fragile, superficial. posta pulu, pul); synonyms (n) mark, seal, brand,
kalifiye qualified; synonyms (adj) competent, capable, cachet, emblem, earmark, hallmark, (v) imprint,
eligible, efficient, conditional, fit, proficient, able, print, impress, trample, characterize, note, emboss,
clever, expert, adequate, certified, limited, mint, 10. shape (biçim, şekil); synonyms (n)
restricted, fitted; antonyms (adj) unqualified, total, condition, outline, fitness, body, contour, guise,
unofficial, definite. mode, profile, situation, (v) determine, adjust,
kalın 1. thick; synonyms (adj) dense, compact, stupid, regulate, adapt, configure, cut.
crowded, dull, heavy, opaque, slow, stocky, close, kalıt inheritance; synonyms (n) heritage, heredity,
deep, dim, familiar, fat, gross; antonyms (adj) thin, heirloom, legacy, dowry, estate, appanage,
intelligent, bright, sparse, clever, diluted, fine, acquisition, dower, genetics, (v) descent.
slight, transparent, 2. coarse (kaba); synonyms kalite 1. quality (nitelik); synonyms (n) nature,
(adj) barbarous, boorish, brutal, crude, rough, character, characteristic, class, condition, feature,
vulgar, bawdy, blunt, broad, common, earthy, grade, distinction, faculty, description, mark,
harsh, rude, uncivilized, brutish; antonyms (adj) attribute, caliber, part, peculiarity; antonym (adj)
refined, smooth, sophisticated, 3. bold; synonyms shoddy, 2. water (su, sulamak); synonyms (n)
(adj) adventurous, audacious, manly, resolute, urine, moisture, juice, liquor, crystal, glass, lymph,
arrogant, barefaced, courageous, daring, fearless, pee, piddle, (v) irrigate, moisten, wet, soak,
heroic, intrepid, spirited, stalwart, bluff, brave; dampen, dilute.
antonyms (adj) cowardly, timid, modest. kaliteli choice (seçim); synonyms (n) vote,
kalınlık thickness; synonyms (n) density, alternative, favorite, option, preference, selection,
consistency, width, layer, heaviness, body, breadth, election, pick, pleasure, volition, assortment, (adj)
bulk, compactness, crassitude, diameter, substance. best, excellent, select, (v) chosen; antonym (adj)
kalıntı 1. balance (denge, dengelemek); synonyms inferior.
(n) poise, symmetry, excess, remainder, account, kalitesiz cheap (ucuz); synonyms (adj) inexpensive,
complement, counterpoise, credit, (v) low, stingy, tacky, base, brassy, bum, cheesy,
counterbalance, adjust, offset, compensate, economical, flashy, mean, niggardly, reasonable,
contrast, settle, audit; antonyms (n) imbalance, (v) shabby, sleazy; antonyms (adj) expensive, costly,
unbalance, 2. trace (iz, izlemek); synonyms (n) generous, tasteful, first-rate, luxurious.
line, shadow, spot, clue, dash, hint, indication, kalıtım inheritance (kalıt); synonyms (n) heritage,
mark, shade, sign, suggestion, touch, (v) track, hunt, heredity, heirloom, legacy, dowry, estate,
pursue. appanage, acquisition, dower, genetics, (v) descent.
kalıp 1. cast (atmak); synonyms (v) hurl, throw, kalkan shield (korumak, siper); synonyms (n)
form, shed, stamp, fling, shape, chuck, dump, screen, shelter, buffer, armor, protection, shade, (v)
figure, heave, mould, (n) appearance, casting, mold, cover, guard, safeguard, preserve, secure, defend,
2. pattern (desen); synonyms (n) model, design, hide, protect, buckler; antonym (v) expose.
fashion, example, norm, order, paragon, cast, kalker limestone; synonyms (n) chalk, mineral,
arrangement, configuration, copy, exemplar, sandstone, stone, granite, marble.
formula, guide, make, 3. cake (kek); synonyms (n) kalkınma development; synonyms (n) evolution,
bar, block, pastry, lump, pie, (v) harden, set, (adj) course, growth, improvement, increase, progress,
clot, fix, 4. model (manken, model, örnek); spread, advance, augmentation, change,
synonyms (n) image, dummy, prototype, frame, developing, effect, elaboration, expansion,
lesson, archetype, epitome, manikin, mannequin, movement; antonyms (n) deterioration, decline,
original, paradigm, template, (adj) ideal, (v) pattern, neglect, decrease.
imitate; antonym (adj) atypical, 5. bar (bar, kalkış departure; synonyms (n) death, exit, leave,
çubuk); synonyms (n) barricade, band, stop, line, depart, deviation, divergence, parting, aberration,
pub, snag, (v) ban, bolt, exclude, obstruct, arrest,

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digression, going, leaving, passing, takeoff, (v) essence, hub, kernel, marrow, middle, (adj) gist;
decease, demise; antonyms (n) arrival, appearance. antonym (n) edge.
kalkışma attempt (yeltenmek); synonyms (n) try, kalýn bold; synonyms (adj) adventurous, audacious,
endeavor, assay, effort, essay, offer, trial, attack, manly, resolute, arrogant, barefaced, courageous,
assault, adventure, bid, (v) struggle, aim, chance, daring, fearless, heroic, intrepid, spirited, stalwart,
undertake. bluff, brave; antonyms (adj) cowardly, timid,
kalkışmak 1. dare; synonyms (v) defy, brave, hazard, modest.
confront, resist, risk, disobey, (n) challenge, kamara cabin (kulübe); synonyms (n) booth, hut,
venture, adventure, daring, defiance, 2. attempt chamber, cot, lodge, room, shed, stall, apartment.
(yeltenmek); synonyms (n) try, endeavor, assay, kamarot steward; synonyms (n) custodian, keeper,
effort, essay, offer, trial, attack, assault, bid, waiter, warden, attendant, curator, agent,
exertion, (v) struggle, aim, chance, undertake. supervisor, questor, receiver.
kalkmak 1. arise; synonyms (v) rise, appear, ascend, kambiyo exchange (santral); synonyms (n)
emerge, issue, mount, originate, proceed, result, commutation, swap, switch, commerce, conversion,
awake, commence, develop, emanate, ensue, substitute, (v) change, barter, interchange,
follow, 2. rise (yükselmek); synonyms (n) commute, counterchange, alternate, alter, cash,
elevation, lift, ascent, progress, raise, swell, raising, convert.
advancement, advance, (v) climb, increase, heave, kamçı whip; synonyms (n) coachman, (v) scourge,
arise, jump, grow; antonyms (n) reduction, (v) fall, lash, flog, strap, beat, flagellate, goad, punish, stir,
decrease, drop, sink, descend, plummet, retire, 3. thrash, trounce, wallop, chastise, cane.
leave (bırakmak); synonyms (v) depart, forsake, kamçılamak 1. whip; synonyms (n) coachman, (v)
go, abandon, desert, quit, escape, flee, lead, (n) scourge, lash, flog, strap, beat, flagellate, goad,
furlough, holiday, permission, permit, break, (adj) punish, stir, thrash, trounce, wallop, chastise, cane,
empty; antonyms (v) arrive, enter, stay, remain,
2. stimulate (teşvik etmek); synonyms (v) excite,
approach, change, come. incite, arouse, encourage, enliven, inspire, prompt,
kalleş rat (sıçan); synonyms (n) grass, informer, provoke, animate, awaken, drive, energize,
apostate, betrayer, scab, renegade, (v) blackleg, exhilarate, hasten, (adj) quicken; antonym (v)
denounce, betray, peach, sing, apostatize, squeal, defuse.
defect, inform.
kamer moon (ay); synonyms (n) lunation, moonlight,
kalma stay (kalmak); synonyms (v) remain, reside, moonshine, satellite, epoch, bootleg, (v) daydream,
rest, prop, stop, abide, continue, endure, pause, dream, fantasize, bemuse, gaze, glare, meditate,
arrest, bide, dwell, support, (n) delay, halt; (adj) quicksilver, weathercock.
antonyms (v) leave, change, abscond, depart. kamış 1. reed; synonyms (n) triangle, xylophone,
kalmak 1. stay (kalma); synonyms (v) remain, arrow, pipe, dart, stalk, fistula, javelin, jereed, jerid,
reside, rest, prop, stop, abide, continue, endure, lance, pen, pike, spear, (adj) thread, 2. penis;
pause, arrest, bide, dwell, support, (n) delay, halt; synonyms (n) member, phallus, appendage,
antonyms (v) leave, change, abscond, depart, 2. extremity, 3. straw (saman); synonyms (n) chaff,
continue (sürdürmek); synonyms (v) keep, rush, husk, shuck, (v) cover, strew, (adj) feather,
persevere, sustain, be, extend, last, maintain, cobweb, down, dust, flue, gossamer, mote.
persist, preserve, proceed, resume, stand, stay, (n) kamp camp; synonyms (n) bivouac, encampment,
hold, (adj) prolong; antonyms (v) end, cease, faction, base, barracks, cantonment, side, sect, (v)
discontinue, 3. remain; synonyms (v) linger, live, encamp, pitch, tent, (adj) campy.
exist, stick, attend, lie, detain, hang, inhabit, retain, kampanya campaign; synonyms (n) crusade, battle,
subsist, survive, tarry, prevail, wait, 4. stand expedition, movement, struggle, war, cause, drive,
(ayakta durmak, durmak); synonyms (v) stall, effort, (v) fight, course, canvass, run, advertize,
undergo, suffer, tolerate, erect, accept, bear, brook, agitate.
digest, (n) attitude, booth, rack, base, pedestal, kamu public (genel); synonyms (adj) common,
position; antonym (v) sit, 5. stop (durak, national, overt, civic, general, communal, mutual,
durdurmak, durma, durmak); synonyms (v) popular, ordinary, (n) folk, community, people,
block, close, interrupt, obstruct, plug, catch, populace, audience, (v) open; antonyms (adj)
disrupt, finish, hinder, impede, intercept, (n) check, private, confidential, personal.
bar, curb, (adj) quit; antonyms (v) start, begin, kamulaştırmak impress; synonyms (v) imprint,
encourage, permit. affect, mark, move, print, inscribe, instill, touch,
kalp heart (yürek); synonyms (n) core, center, spirit, emboss, dent, inculcate, strike, (n) stamp,
affection, basis, bosom, breast, courage, crux, impression, press.

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kamusal public (genel, kamu); synonyms (adj) kancık bitch (orospu); synonyms (n) beef, moan,
common, national, overt, civic, general, communal, cunt, hen, kick, shrew, slut, trollop, (v) gripe,
mutual, popular, ordinary, (n) folk, community, complain, backbite, protest, squawk, (adj) botch.
people, populace, audience, (v) open; antonyms kandırma deception (aldanma); synonyms (n)
(adj) private, confidential, personal. deceit, illusion, trick, betrayal, delusion, fake,
kamyon 1. lorry; synonyms (n) dray, camion, cart, pretense, bluff, artifice, cheating, con, duplicity,
truck, waggon, wagon, wain, 2. truck; synonyms fallacy, falsehood, (v) cheat; antonym (n) honesty.
(n) traffic, car, trade, van, bogie, automobile, cap, kandırmak 1. trick (aldatmak); synonyms (n)
crest, motortruck, tub, (v) exchange, barter, swap, deceit, deception, joke, prank, device, dupe,
swop, transport. stratagem, (v) swindle, cheat, deceive, fraud, sham,
kamyonet van; synonyms (n) caravan, vehicle, front, con, mislead, beguile, 2. induce; synonyms (v)
truck, vanguard, carriage, car, bus, conveyance, attract, generate, cause, tempt, impel, bring, create,
head, (v) automobile, train. draw, engender, beget, get, infer, persuade, drive,
kan 1. blood; synonyms (n) ancestry, birth, gore, coax, 3. persuade; synonyms (v) convince,
descent, family, kindred, lineage, origin, beau, inveigle, allure, assure, cajole, entice, induce,
bloodshed, consanguinity, coxcomb, exquisite, influence, argue, exhort, lure, incite, wheedle, lead,
extraction, (adj) humor, 2. strain; synonyms (n) instigate; antonyms (v) discourage, dissuade.
stress, breed, effort, stretch, exertion, race, (v) filter, kanepe sofa; synonyms (n) couch, lounge, bench,
screen, sift, tax, endeavor, exert, extend, percolate, chair, form, stall, stool, bed, futon.
pull; antonym (v) relax. kanı 1. opinion (fikir); synonyms (n) judgment,
kanaat 1. conviction; synonyms (n) assurance, belief, feeling, notion, idea, belief, advice, conjecture,
certainty, condemnation, confidence, persuasion, guess, impression, meaning, mind, view, counsel,
faith, trust, firmness, creed, determination, comment, estimate, 2. thought; synonyms (v)
doctrine, judgment, reliance, security; antonym (n) observation, (n) opinion, conception, consideration,
uncertainty, 2. opinion (fikir); synonyms (n) reflection, sentiment, concept, apprehension,
feeling, notion, idea, advice, conjecture, guess, attention, care, cogitation, design, fancy, plan,
impression, meaning, mind, view, counsel, thinking; antonym (n) fact, 3. conclusion;
comment, estimate, decision, conviction. synonyms (n) closure, close, end, result, cessation,
kanal 1. channel; synonyms (n) canal, conduit, completion, sequel, termination, decision,
dissolution, ending, epilogue, finale, finish, (v)
groove, drain, duct, line, passage, trough,
waterway, aqueduct, link, hollow, (v) carry, closing; antonyms (n) beginning, start, opening,
conduct, convey, 2. canal; synonyms (n) channel, preface, 4. view (bakış, bakmak, görünüm,
sound, adit, culvert, trench, ditch, pipe, stream, manzara); synonyms (n) look, sight, scene,
vessel, watercourse, (v) canalize, 3. drain; outlook, prospect, thought, aspect, position, show,
synonyms (n) dike, sewer, tax, (v) deplete, waste, spectacle, (v) regard, observe, see, consider, eye, 5.
exhaust, bleed, leak, consume, finish, sap, tire, (adj) sense (anlam, duygu, duyu, his); synonyms (n)
cloaca, dissipate, spill; antonym (v) bolster, 4. intelligence, perception, sensation, logic,
vessel; synonyms (n) ship, boat, container, craft, awareness, experience, reason, understanding,
jar, vas, bowl, pan, receptacle, basin, tube, purport, (v) feel, intellect, perceive, scent, detect,
watercraft, bottle. brains; antonyms (n) garbage, ludicrousness,
kanalizasyon drainage (drenaj); synonyms (n) nonsense, stupidity, foolishness, gibberish.
drain, drive, emanation, tapping, hydrography, (adj) kanıt 1. evidence; synonyms (n) confirmation, mark,
arefaction, dephlegmation. proof, data, argument, attestation, demonstration,
kanat wing (ek bina); synonyms (n) annex, arm, sign, testimony, clue, (v) display, demonstrate,
fender, limb, pinion, flank, extension, pennon, attest, certify, manifest, 2. proof; synonyms (n)
feather, faction, sail, shelter, branch, (v) fly, soar. probation, authentication, evidence, substantiation,
validation, verification, experiment, indication,
kanatlanmak wing (ek bina, kanat); synonyms (n)
essay, criterion, establishment, pull, reason,
annex, arm, fender, limb, pinion, flank, extension,
support, test, 3. argument (tartışma); synonyms
pennon, feather, faction, sail, shelter, branch, (v) fly,
(n) controversy, debate, matter, hassle, altercation,
arguing, brawl, clash, contention, difference,
kanaviçe canvas (tuval); synonyms (n) picture, disagreement, discussion, fight, justification,
duck, sail, sheet, (v) canvass, painting, tableau. quarrel; antonyms (n) agreement, harmony, 4.
kanca hook; synonyms (n) clasp, crook, claw, confirmation; synonyms (n) affirmation, approval,
crotchet, draw, lure, trap, anchor, (v) catch, bend, corroboration, ratification, sanction, check,
fasten, hitch, button, ensnare, attach. endorsement, averment, visa, acknowledgment,
admission, statement, settlement; antonym (n)

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contradiction, 5. witness; synonyms (n) spectator, kanuni 1. lawful; synonyms (adj) legitimate, legal,
bystander, eyewitness, onlooker, observer, testifier, just, rightful, constitutional, justifiable, licit,
beholder, testify, attestant, viewer, (v) observe, permissible, regular, right, true, equitable, fair,
notice, see, view, watch; antonym (n) participant. admissible, (n) allowable; antonyms (adj) illegal,
kanıtlama proof (kanıt); synonyms (n) confirmation, unlawful, 2. legal (yasal); synonyms (adj) lawful,
demonstration, probation, argument, sound, valid, juridical, judicial, correct, sanctioned,
authentication, evidence, sign, substantiation, official, authentic, effectual, healthy, heavy, (v)
validation, verification, experiment, indication, chartered; antonym (adj) bogus, 3. statutory;
essay, criterion, establishment. synonyms (adj) statutable, canonical.
kanıtlamak 1. prove; synonyms (v) demonstrate, kanunsuz 1. illegal; synonyms (adj) criminal,
attest, confirm, manifest, establish, evidence, forbidden, prohibited, unauthorized, unlawful,
examine, show, approve, assert, authenticate, illegitimate, illicit, lawless, taboo, wrongful;
check, corroborate, essay, evince; antonym (v) antonyms (adj) legal, lawful, honest, legitimate,
disprove, 2. establish; synonyms (v) erect, prove, official, 2. unlawful; synonyms (adj) illegal,
appoint, base, build, constitute, settle, arrange, improper, irregular, outlaw, unfair, contraband,
ascertain, create, determine, fix, found, institute, crooked, outlawed, unconventional, wrong.
begin; antonyms (v) abolish, terminate, 3. show kaos chaos; synonyms (n) anarchy, bedlam, clutter,
(gösteri, göstermek); synonyms (v) present, disarray, disorder, jumble, mess, muddle,
broadcast, expose, guide, indicate, parade, disclose, pandemonium, uproar, mix-up, commotion,
give, (n) display, appearance, exhibit, produce, confusion, havoc, hubbub; antonyms (n) order,
ostentation, presentation, pageant; antonyms (v) peace, orderliness, regulation.
conceal, hide, 4. support (dayanak, destek, kap 1. container; synonyms (n) box, jar, package,
desteklemek); synonyms (n) help, stand, aid, basket, carton, cylinder, envelope, pan, pot, vessel,
keep, comfort, maintenance, patronage, (v) assist, bin, parcel, cistern, barrel, bottle, 2. pot; synonyms
prop, back, brace, encourage, maintain, bear, boost; (n) caldron, boiler, can, bucket, belly, cannabis,
antonyms (n) hindrance, (v) oppose, neglect, commode, container, flowerpot, grass, heap, jug,
undermine, abandon, reject, weaken. pile, (adj) deal, marijuana, 3. vessel; synonyms (n)
kanlı bloody; synonyms (adj) gory, bleeding, ship, boat, craft, duct, vas, bowl, canal, receptacle,
bloodthirsty, damned, murderous, raw, basin, tube, watercraft, pipe.
sanguinary, sanguine, sanguineous, savage, rare, kapak 1. lid; synonyms (n) cover, top, chapeau,
(adv) damn; antonym (adj) bloodless. eyelid, hat, closure, restriction, covercle, palpebra,
kanser cancer; synonyms (n) canker, tumor, growth, 2. cover (örtmek); synonyms (v) coat, conceal,
blight, corruption, curse, evil, disease, mormal, bury, cloak, (n) blind, blanket, screen, binding,
plague, poison, gangrene, (adj) leukemia, sting, camouflage, cap, covering, lid, mask, shield,
thorn. spread; antonyms (v) reveal, expose, uncover.
kantin canteen; synonyms (n) flask, bottle, estaminet, kapalı 1. off; synonyms (adv) by, forth, beyond, over,
posada, cafeteria, hall, amphora, bar, barrel, butt, aside, gone, abreast, (adj) away, bad, putrid, remote,
caldron, carboy, cask, container, crock. down, rotten, wide, (int) out; antonyms (adj) fresh,
kanun 1. law (hukuk, yasa); synonyms (n) rule, on, 2. close (kapamak, kapatmak); synonyms
canon, decree, act, edict, regulation, enactment, (adj) near, adjacent, nearby, accurate, tight,
jurisprudence, justice, order, police, principle, approximate, narrow, brief, (v) compact, stop,
ruling, axiom, directive, 2. act (davranmak, conclude, (adv) about, (n) end, finish, conclusion;
hareket, rol yapmak); synonyms (n) antonyms (adj) distant, airy, loose, far, (v) open,
accomplishment, action, move, play, statute, do, start, 3. covered; synonyms (adj) hidden, veiled,
feat, (v) achievement, behave, deed, go, perform, concealed, covert, coated, masked, obscured, secret,
acquit, enact, feign; antonym (v) refrain, 3. statute shrouded, thick, wrapped, (prep) cloaked; antonyms
(kural, yasa); synonyms (n) law, ordinance, (adj) bare, naked, 4. closed; synonyms (v) close,
constitution, charter, code, bill, pandect, adjoining, attentive, (adj) blind, blocked, finished,
proclamation, 4. code (kod, kodlamak); shut, congested, fastened, exclusive, insular,
synonyms (n) cipher, key, codex, (v) cypher, encode, stopped, airtight, benighted, black, 5. shut
encipher, encrypt, 5. canon; synonyms (n) (kapamak, kapatmak); synonyms (v) bar, seal,
doctrine, criterion, formula, creed, prebendary, 6. fasten, exclude, lock, (adj) closed, cut, (n) confine.
rule (kural); synonyms (n) govern, dominion, kapama 1. enclosure; synonyms (n) coop, cage,
regulate, reign, authority, dictate, government, line, barrier, enclosing, pen, hedge, addition, sty, case,
precept, (v) command, control, influence, direct, envelopment, fencing, inclosure, insert, railing,
dominate, measure. ring, 2. closure; synonyms (n) closing, close,
blockade, blockage, closedown, ending, occlusion,

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stop, stoppage, plug, conclusion, end, period, (v) (n) end, finish, conclusion; antonyms (adj) distant,
cloture, halt; antonym (n) inauguration. airy, fresh, loose, far, (v) open, start.
kapamak 1. close (kapatmak); synonyms (adj) near, kapatma 1. closing; synonyms (adj) final, last,
adjacent, nearby, accurate, tight, approximate, ultimate, concluding, terminal, (n) closure, end,
narrow, (v) compact, stop, conclude, (adv) by, about, finish, close, conclusion, ending, completion,
(n) end, finish, conclusion; antonyms (adj) distant, shutdown, shutting, stop; antonym (n) opening, 2.
airy, fresh, loose, far, (v) open, start, 2. shut closure; synonyms (n) closing, blockade, blockage,
(kapatmak); synonyms (v) close, bar, seal, fasten, closedown, occlusion, stoppage, plug, period,
exclude, lock, (adj) closed, cut, (n) confine, 3. block block, recess, (v) cloture, halt; antonym (n)
(blok, tıkamak); synonyms (n) barricade, pad, inauguration.
clog, cluster, barrier, blocking, (v) arrest, hinder, kapatmak 1. close (kapamak); synonyms (adj) near,
encumber, halt, obstruct, parry, plug, blockade, (adj) adjacent, nearby, accurate, tight, approximate,
lump; antonyms (v) free, unblock, 4. cover narrow, (v) compact, stop, conclude, (adv) by, about,
(örtmek); synonyms (v) coat, conceal, top, bury, (n) end, finish, conclusion; antonyms (adj) distant,
cloak, (n) blind, blanket, screen, binding, airy, fresh, loose, far, (v) open, start, 2. shut
camouflage, cap, covering, lid, mask, shield; (kapamak); synonyms (v) close, bar, seal, fasten,
antonyms (v) reveal, expose, uncover, 5. seal exclude, lock, (adj) closed, cut, (n) confine, 3. cover
(damga); synonyms (n) mark, stamp, cachet, (örtmek); synonyms (v) coat, conceal, top, bury,
hallmark, imprint, impression, signet, print, brand, cloak, (n) blind, blanket, screen, binding,
(v) shut, clinch, cement, settle, bolt, (adj) fix; camouflage, cap, covering, lid, mask, shield;
antonym (v) unseal. antonyms (v) reveal, expose, uncover, 4. pen
kapan trap (tuzak, yakalamak); synonyms (n) (kalem); synonyms (n) corral, cage, ballpoint,
snare, net, ambush, gin, mesh, noose, enclosure, fold, jail, coop, playpen, prison, (v)
entanglement, ambuscade, bait, (v) catch, entrap, enclose, compose, impound, indite, write, inclose.
ensnare, trick, entangle, capture. kapı 1. gate; synonyms (n) entrance, door, entry,
kapanış closing; synonyms (adj) final, last, ultimate, mouth, doorway, exit, port, approach, threshold,
concluding, terminal, (n) closure, end, finish, close, gateway, opening, porch, portal, way, turnout, 2.
conclusion, ending, completion, shutdown, door; synonyms (n) gate, access, entryway, hatch,
shutting, stop; antonym (n) opening.
inlet, wicket, chops, covercle, 3. port (liman);
kapanma closure; synonyms (n) closing, close, synonyms (n) harbor, haven, asylum, carriage,
blockade, blockage, closedown, ending, occlusion, demeanor, pier, mien, bearing, deportment, dock,
stop, stoppage, plug, conclusion, end, period, (v) embrasure, harbour, interface, (adj) larboard, left;
cloture, halt; antonym (n) inauguration.
antonym (n) starboard.
kapanmak shut (kapamak, kapatmak); synonyms kapıcı porter (hamal); synonyms (n) carrier,
(v) close, bar, seal, fasten, exclude, lock, (adj) closed,
doorkeeper, gatekeeper, janitor, caretaker,
cut, tight, (n) end, finish, confine; antonym (v) open.
doorman, ostiary, concierge, redcap.
kapanmış shut (kapamak, kapatmak); synonyms kapış grab (kapmak); synonyms (v) capture, get,
(v) close, bar, seal, fasten, exclude, lock, (adj) closed,
snatch, appropriate, clasp, clutch, fascinate,
cut, tight, (n) end, finish, confine; antonym (v) open. grapple, rob, seize, assume, attract, (n) arrest, catch,
kaparo deposit (mevduat); synonyms (n) charge, seizure.
residue, guarantee, heap, hoard, lees, (v) bank, kapital capital (başkent, büyük harf); synonyms
commit, store, fix, lay, repose, cast, file, leave; (n) principal, city, stock, assets, cash, funds, means,
antonym (v) withdraw. money, paramount, prime, resources, (adj) main,
kapasite 1. capacity; synonyms (n) capability, primary, chief, great.
aptitude, capacitance, function, intelligence, talent, kapitalist capitalist; synonyms (adj) capitalistic,
might, dimension, content, endowment, faculty, commercial, consumer, (n) financier, banker,
gift, measure, position, (adj) ability; antonyms (n) businessman, businessperson, businesswoman,
inability, incapability, 2. capability (yetenek); employer, entrepreneur, magnate, manufacturer,
synonyms (n) capacity, capableness, competence, tycoon, backer, boss; antonym (adj) collective.
potency, potential, power, qualification, aptness, kapitalizm capitalism; synonyms (n) democracy,
efficiency, expertise, flair, potentiality, proficiency, commercialism, competition, entrepreneurship,
skill, susceptibility; antonym (n) failure. industrialism, mercantilism; antonyms (n)
Kapat close (kapamak, kapatmak); synonyms (adj) collectivism, communism, socialism.
near, adjacent, nearby, accurate, tight, approximate, kaplama covering; synonyms (n) coating, cover,
narrow, (v) compact, stop, conclude, (adv) by, about,
clothing, blanket, coat, casing, apparel, case,

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concealment, wrapper, awning, canopy, crust, confine, control, restrain, restrict, suppress, take,
envelope, film. accept, arrest, encircle; antonym (v) express.
kaplamak 1. face (çehre, surat, yüz); synonyms (n) kapsamlı 1. comprehensive; synonyms (adj)
look, aspect, countenance, expression, side, top, capacious, broad, extensive, inclusive, complete,
exterior, appearance, facade, surface, (v) confront, detailed, exhaustive, full, large, overall, sweeping,
audacity, veneer, visage, (adj) front; antonyms (v) thorough, total, universal, wide; antonyms (adj)
avoid, back, 2. cover (örtmek); synonyms (v) coat, narrow, partial, noncomprehensive, restricted, 2.
conceal, bury, cloak, (n) blind, blanket, screen, wide (geniş); synonyms (adj) spacious, roomy,
binding, camouflage, cap, covering, lid, mask, comprehensive, ample, vast, expanded, extended,
shield, spread; antonyms (v) reveal, expose, open, big, deep, expansive, liberal, thick, blanket,
uncover, 3. coat (palto); synonyms (n) cover, tolerant; antonym (adj) thin.
coating, crust, film, fur, jacket, layer, bark, case, kaptan 1. captain; synonyms (n) chief, head, leader,
casing, (v) sheath, plaster, glaze, finish, paint, 4. master, boss, chieftain, commander, commodore,
line (çizgi, hat); synonyms (n) cord, file, house, guide, officer, pilot, skipper, ruler, (v) govern,
breed, course, family, lineage, field, ancestry, manage, 2. skipper; synonyms (n) captain,
border, boundary, cable, crease, row, (v) order. lieutenant, (v) navigate.
kaplan tiger; synonyms (n) cat, hostler, jockey, ostler, kaput hood; synonyms (n) cap, bonnet, cowl, cover,
endangered, male, mania, obsession, phobia, (adj) hat, coif, headdress, hoodlum, thug, malefactor,
demon, dragon, fury, lion, manly, muscular. gangster, helmet, hooligan, punk, cowling.
kapma grab (kapmak); synonyms (v) capture, get, kar snow; synonyms (n) cocaine, coke, precipitation,
snatch, appropriate, clasp, clutch, fascinate, snowfall, bark, barque, brig, cocain, ship, (v)
grapple, rob, seize, assume, attract, (n) arrest, catch, beguile, overwhelm, bamboozle, hoodwink.
seizure. kâr benefit (yarar); synonyms (n) advantage, gain,
kapmak grab; synonyms (v) capture, get, snatch, good, assistance, favor, interest, reward, service,
appropriate, clasp, clutch, fascinate, grapple, rob, use, welfare, (v) aid, assist, profit, avail, help;
seize, assume, attract, (n) arrest, catch, seizure. antonyms (n) disadvantage, drawback, loss, (v)
kapsam 1. scope; synonyms (n) range, reach, domain, harm.
purview, room, expanse, area, compass, drift, kara 1. black (siyah); synonyms (adj) dark, sable,
extent, oscilloscope, gamut, chance, amplitude, (v) blackamoor, bleak, darkie, dirty, ebony, evil,
view, 2. extent; synonyms (n) degree, extension, nigger, unclean, cheerless, squalid, (v) sinister,
amount, bulk, distance, boundary, breadth, villainous, blacken; antonym (n) white, 2. land
dimension, gauge, length, measure, quantity, (toprak); synonyms (n) ground, country, soil, field,
scope, space, spread, 3. comprehension; kingdom, domain, estate, nation, realm, state, (v)
synonyms (n) apprehension, conception, grasp, disembark, debark, alight, get, drop; antonym (adj)
inclusion, intelligence, knowledge, understanding, aquatic.
wit, capacity, familiarity, acumen, appreciation,
karabasan nightmare; synonyms (n) dream, incubus,
discernment, insight, notion; antonyms (n)
fantasy, terror, bugbear, fancy, trial, vision.
misunderstanding, incomprehension.
karaca deer (geyik); synonyms (n) stag, cervid,
kapsama inclusion; synonyms (n) comprehension,
antelopes, bison, camels, cattle, chevrotains, fox,
implication, incorporation, addition, embodiment,
vixen, giraffes, goats, sheep.
amalgamation, assimilation, belonging,
combination, epitome, integration, merger, karaciğer liver; synonyms (n) denizen, resident.
absorption, attachment, composition; antonyms (n) karada ashore; synonyms (adv) aground, shorewards,
exclusion, exception. (adj) beached, stranded, grounded, stuck.

kapsamak 1. include (içermek); synonyms (v) hold, karakalem charcoal; synonyms (n) coal, fusain,
comprise, contain, embody, encompass, insert, anthracite, chark, culm, (v) carbon, coke, crayons,
comprehend, embrace, implicate, involve, number, pastel, (adj) soot, crow, raven, sloe, smut, black.
add, admit, enclose, have; antonym (v) exclude, 2. karakol post (posta); synonyms (n) place, function,
blanket (battaniye); synonyms (n) bedding, sheet, office, position, pillar, stake, attitude, berth,
counterpane, covering, coverlet, (v) cloak, cover, column, job, (v) mail, locate, base, enter, lay.
(adj) sweeping, overall, comprehensive, global, karakter 1. character; synonyms (n) kind, nature,
generic, wholesale, broad, general, 3. cover note, part, quality, role, type, brand, constitution,
(örtmek); synonyms (v) coat, conceal, top, bury, description, disposition, eccentric, spirit, tone,
veil, (n) blind, blanket, screen, binding, camouflage, standing, 2. fibre; synonyms (n) fiber, character,
cap, lid, mask, shield, spread; antonyms (v) reveal, case, grapheme, lineament, persona, reference,
expose, uncover, 4. contain; synonyms (v) shred, toughness, 3. self (kendi, öz); synonyms
accommodate, curb, include, bear, carry, check, (n) ego, person, being, individual, someone,

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essence, individuality, personality, selfness, soul, preface, 4. resolve (çözmek); synonyms (v)
(adj) same. determine, solve, conclude, decompose, dissolve,
karakteristik characteristic (özellik); synonyms settle, explain, melt, do, (n) purpose, firmness,
(adj) distinctive, individual, typical, original, answer, analyze, resoluteness, dissect; antonyms
natural, representative, special, (n) badge, attribute, (n) indecision, weakness, 5. resolution; synonyms
sign, character, feature, peculiar, peculiarity, point; (n) resolve, solution, decomposition, analysis,
antonyms (adj) uncharacteristic, common. fortitude, perseverance, settlement, dissection,
karalamak scratch (çizik, kaşımak); synonyms (n) conversion, courage, explanation, breakdown,
score, mark, nick, scrabble, dent, abrasion, cut, motion, steadfastness, declaration; antonym (n)
groove, (v) graze, notch, rub, scrape, chafe, rake, indecisiveness, 6. verdict, 7. judgement;
grate. synonyms (n) discretion, assessment, discernment,
karamsar low (alçak); synonyms (adj) contemptible, opinion, belief, judging, mind, perspicacity,
abject, humble, ignoble, base, blue, common, deep, sagacity, 8. award; synonyms (n) accolade,
dejected, depressed, down, downcast, decoration, medal, prize, commendation, (v) accord,
downhearted, (adv) gentle, (n) depression; antonyms grant, bestow, confer, honor, present, assign, give,
(adj) cheerful, happy, high-pitched, loud, important, allow, allot, 9. finding; synonyms (n) detection,
piercing, (n) high. discovery, breakthrough, find, 10. sentence
karanlık 1. darkness; synonyms (n) dark, night, (tümce); synonyms (n) condemnation, conviction,
shade, shadow, blindness, duskiness, gloom, murk, phrase, penalty, punishment, dictum, (v) condemn,
cloud, cloudiness, dimness, gloominess, iniquity, convict, doom, judge, damn, adjudge, saying,
mirk, murkiness; antonyms (n) light, brightness, proscribe, adjudicate.
lightness, 2. gloom; synonyms (n) desolation, kararlaştırılmış fixed (değişmez, sabit); synonyms
blackness, darkness, depression, dusk, dreariness, (adj) determined, definite, steady, constant, durable,
dejection, despair, despondency, grief, melancholy, certain, decided, determinate, established, fast,
misery, glumness, (v) scowl, (adj) obscurity; fastened, intent, permanent, (v) stable, (adv) firm;
antonyms (n) happiness, cheerfulness, 3. obscure; antonyms (adj) flexible, adaptable, adjustable,
synonyms (adj) cloudy, dim, gloomy, ambiguous, changeable, movable, separate, variable, compliant,
concealed, darken, hidden, incomprehensible, loose, moveable, portable, removable, temporary.
muddy, mysterious, clandestine, (v) hide, blur, kararlaştırmak 1. fix; synonyms (v) establish, assign,
conceal, confuse; antonyms (adj) clear, noticeable, determine, fasten, settle, define, anchor, adjust,
simple, obvious, distinct, mainstream, (v) clarify, 4. arrange, set, clamp, (n) bind, (adj) ascertain, confirm,
dark (koyu); synonyms (adj) black, dismal, attach; antonyms (v) break, unfasten, 2.
cheerless, obscure, blind, blue, deep, murky, sable, determine; synonyms (v) decide, resolve, appoint,
abstruse, cryptic, thick, benighted, bleak, (n) adjudicate, conclude, measure, specify, designate,
evening; antonyms (adj) bright, sunny, fair, pale, decree, assess, choose, detect, estimate, fix, judge,
pallid, sunlit, (n) day, 5. gloomy; synonyms (adj) 3. arrange (düzenlemek); synonyms (v) dress,
dejected, depressing, desolate, disconsolate, order, pack, adapt, agree, classify, compose,
downcast, dingy, downhearted, dull, funereal, sad, decorate, do, engineer, provide, put, reconcile,
dispirited, depressed, despondent, doleful, drab; straighten, display; antonyms (v) disturb,
antonyms (adj) cheerful, cheery, encouraging, disarrange, 4. decide; synonyms (v) try, arbitrate,
happy, hopeful, 6. night (akşam, gece); purpose, rule, select, deem, consider, end, figure,
synonyms (n) nighttime, twilight, (adj) nocturnal, 7. finalize, find, opt, solve; antonym (v) waver, 5.
shadow (gölge); synonyms (n) ghost, tail, trace, settle; synonyms (v) place, clarify, pay, regulate,
hint, apparition, follower, phantom, reflection, drop, explain, fall, subside, accommodate,
umbrage, silhouette, (v) eclipse, follow, negotiate, sit, stay, calm, complete, (n) locate.
overshadow, track, dog. kararlı 1. decisive; synonyms (adj) conclusive,
karar 1. decision; synonyms (n) conclusion, critical, crucial, decided, definite, final, important,
determination, resolution, sentence, verdict, positive, authoritative, convincing, definitive,
arbitration, ruling, choice, will, constancy, determined, (v) absolute, categorical, determinate;
agreement, decisiveness, decree, (v) judgment, antonyms (adj) indecisive, uncertain, unsure, weak,
award, 2. decree; synonyms (n) command, act, 2. determined; synonyms (adj) constant, resolute,
edict, decision, dictate, finding, bylaw, directive, (v) certain, decisive, inflexible, resolved, stubborn,
order, decide, enact, ordain, rule, enjoin, appoint, ambitious, adamant, bold, firm, obstinate, set,
3. conclusion; synonyms (n) closure, close, end, tenacious, unyielding; antonyms (adj) irresolute,
result, cessation, completion, sequel, termination, feeble, unmotivated, 3. decided; synonyms (v)
dissolution, ending, epilogue, finale, finish, last, (v) clear, emphatic, marked, settled, unqualified, (adj)
closing; antonyms (n) beginning, start, opening, distinct, unmistakable, fixed, peremptory,

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unequivocal, finished, stark, sure; antonym (adj) kararsızlık instability; synonyms (n) fickleness,
undecided, 4. stable; synonyms (adj) permanent, fluctuation, flightiness, unreliability, flux,
reliable, durable, fast, lasting, secure, stationary, changeability, inconstancy, unbalance, unrest,
enduring, hard, persistent, solid, sound, steady, unstableness, vacillation, volatility, disorder,
immovable, immobile; antonyms (adj) unstable, imbalance, (adj) fugacity; antonyms (n) stability,
shaky, wobbly, dangerous, precarious, rickety, calm.
volatile, 5. resolved; synonyms (adj) intent, solved, karartmak 1. dim; synonyms (adj) dark, obscure,
bent. cloudy, dull, bleak, dense, faint, gloomy, (v) blur,
kararlılık 1. stability (denge); synonyms (n) darken, cloud, pale, tarnish, blear, blind; antonyms
constancy, durability, firmness, permanence, poise, (adj) bright, brilliant, intelligent, clever, strong, (v)
equilibrium, solidity, balance, stableness, strength, clear, brighten, 2. fog (sis); synonyms (n) haze,
endurance, immovability, fixedness, resistance, vapor, brume, confusion, daze, damp, smoke,
steadiness; antonym (n) instability, 2. cloudiness, fogginess, (v) mist, confuse, dim,
determination (belirleme, saptama); synonyms becloud, befog, hide, 3. shadow (gölge);
(n) decision, conclusion, definition, resolution, synonyms (n) shade, ghost, tail, trace, darkness,
decisiveness, resolve, tenacity, will, appointment, hint, apparition, follower, gloom, phantom,
assessment, courage, fortitude, grit, judgment, (v) reflection, (v) eclipse, follow, overshadow, track.
award; antonyms (n) indecision, weakness, karavan caravan; synonyms (n) train, carriage, van,
compliance, indecisiveness, 3. decision (karar); column, conveyance, expedition, journey, parade,
synonyms (n) determination, sentence, verdict, party, vehicle, camels, (v) procession, cortege, file,
arbitration, ruling, choice, agreement, decree, cavalcade.
discrimination, finality, finding, result, (v) doom, 4. karaya ashore; synonyms (adv) aground, shorewards,
resolution; synonyms (n) answer, purpose, (adj) beached, stranded, grounded, stuck.
solution, decomposition, analysis, dissolution, karayolu 1. highway (anayol); synonyms (n) road,
perseverance, resoluteness, settlement, dissection, highroad, way, course, path, route, street,
conversion, explanation, breakdown, motion, thoroughfare, 2. road (yol); synonyms (n)
steadfastness. passage, track, avenue, highway, line, approach,
kararmak dim; synonyms (adj) dark, obscure, cloudy, direction, roadway, walk, access, artery, itinerary,
dull, bleak, dense, faint, gloomy, (v) blur, darken, means, method, pathway.
cloud, pale, tarnish, blear, blind; antonyms (adj) karbon carbon; synonyms (n) coke, coal, anthracite,
bright, brilliant, intelligent, clever, strong, (v) clear, carbonado, duplicate, facsimile, replica,
brighten. reproduction, culm, forgery, image, (v) copy,
kararname decree; synonyms (n) command, act, counterfeit, imitate, (adj) equivalent.
edict, decision, dictate, finding, judgment, verdict, kardeş 1. brother; synonyms (n) fellow, pal,
(v) order, award, decide, enact, ordain, rule, will. associate, buddy, chum, companion, compeer,
kararsız 1. inconsistent; synonyms (adj) comrade, counterpart, crony, friend, mate, monk,
incongruous, incoherent, incompatible, contrary, peer, sidekick; antonym (n) sister, 2. sister
absurd, conflicting, inconsequent, discordant, (hemşire); synonyms (n) nun, nurse, brother, twin,
discrepant, erratic, illogical, irreconcilable, baby, double, match, member, pair, pendant, sis.
abhorrent, changeable, (n) contradictory; antonyms kare 1. square; synonyms (adj) right, even,
(adj) consistent, constant, reliable, 2. variable rectangular, fair, quadrate, straight, equal, (n) area,
(değişken); synonyms (adj) unstable, fickle, foursquare, rectangle, quadrilateral, (v) settle, agree,
inconstant, capricious, fitful, mutable, uncertain, correspond, (adv) just, 2. frame (çerçeve);
unsettled, unsteady, fluctuating, inconsistent, synonyms (n) design, border, build, fashion,
shifting, variant, versatile, volatile; antonyms (adj) anatomy, chassis, (v) form, construct, fabricate,
fixed, invariable, regular, set, smooth, 3. draft, erect, make, forge, constitute, contrive.
uncertain; synonyms (adj) ambiguous, doubtful, kareli checked; synonyms (adj) checkered, chequered,
dubious, questionable, vague, chancy, equivocal, plaid, backward, curbed, intermittent, limited,
indistinct, precarious, suspicious, unsafe, unsure, numbered, pent-up, safe, silent, tartan, temperate.
variable, debatable, (v) indefinite; antonyms (adj) kargaşa 1. disorder (düzensizlik); synonyms (n)
certain, definite, clear, decisive, sure, decided, ailment, complaint, clutter, disease, jumble,
inevitable, safe, strong-minded, unquestionable, 4. muddle, chaos, commotion, confusion,
unstable; synonyms (adj) insecure, shaky, disarrangement, disturbance, (v) derange, disarray,
unsound, fluid, unpredictable, irresolute, confuse, perturb; antonyms (n) orderliness, calm,
unreliable, changeful, rickety, unbalanced, wobbly, peace, (v) order, 2. chaos (kaos); synonyms (n)
neurotic, perilous, uneasy, (v) perishable; antonyms anarchy, bedlam, disorder, mess, pandemonium,
(adj) stable, steady. uproar, mix-up, havoc, hubbub, hullabaloo,

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mayhem, shambles, tumult, turmoil, (adj) confusion; synonyms (n) bewilderment,

imbroglio; antonym (n) regulation, 3. distraction, bustle, huddle, complication,
disturbance; synonyms (n) agitation, brawl, embarrassment, flurry, fog, litter, maze, mistake,
derangement, dislocation, disruption, upset, din, perplexity, promiscuity, astonishment,
affray, annoyance, bother, perturbation, rumpus, consternation; antonym (n) clarity, 6. jungle;
stir, upheaval, (adj) trouble, 4. confusion; synonyms (n) bush, forest, snarl, wood, woodland,
synonyms (n) bewilderment, distraction, bustle, labyrinth, (adj) wilderness.
huddle, complication, embarrassment, flurry, fog, karışım 1. mix; synonyms (n) mixture, concoction, (v)
litter, maze, mistake, muss, perplexity, tangle, alloy, blend, intermingle, mingle, combine,
promiscuity; antonym (n) clarity. compound, confound, intermix, join, meld, merge,
kargo cargo; synonyms (n) burden, loading, freight, aggregate, admix; antonym (v) separate, 2.
wares, consignment, freightage, goods, haul, mixture; synonyms (n) mix, assortment,
lading, merchandise, payload, shipment, weight, hodgepodge, jumble, medley, miscellany,
(adj) load, bushel. admixture, combination, commixture, compost,
karı 1. wife (eş); synonyms (n) matron, missis, melange, amalgam, brew, fusion, intermixture.
partner, spouse, consort, helpmate, lady, woman, karışma 1. interference (girişim); synonyms (n)
mistress, concubine, mother, sweetheart, bride, disturbance, hindrance, handicap, block, blocking,
companion, helpmeet; antonym (n) husband, 2. encumbrance, hitch, inhibition, intercession,
dame; synonyms (n) female, gentlewoman, girl, intervention, obstruction, antagonism,
ma'am, skirt, wench, bird, chick, 3. woman intermeddling, disruption, (v) collision, 2.
(kadın); synonyms (n) wife, maid, womanhood, intervention (araya girme); synonyms (n)
char, charwoman, soul, (obj) she; antonyms (n) man, interference, intermediation, intervene, arbitration,
gentleman. intermission, (adj) mediation, interposition, 3. mix;
karın 1. belly (göbek); synonyms (n) abdomen, synonyms (n) mixture, concoction, (v) alloy, blend,
intermingle, mingle, combine, compound,
stomach, inside, bowels, intestines, waist, entrails,
confound, intermix, join, meld, merge, aggregate,
gut, paunch, venter, (v) balloon, swell, billow, bloat,
admix; antonym (v) separate.
bulge, 2. stomach (mide); synonyms (n) appetite,
belly, breadbasket, inclination, maw, (v) accept, karışmak 1. interfere; synonyms (v) intercede,
brook, abide, bear, endure, stand, suffer, take, obstruct, disturb, conflict, clash, hinder, impede,
tolerate, (adj) digest. intervene, meddle, tamper, interrupt, contravene,
encroach, (n) interpose, (adj) intermeddle, 2.
karışık 1. mixed (karma); synonyms (adj)
miscellaneous, assorted, composite, heterogeneous, intervene; synonyms (v) interfere, mediate,
integrated, medley, impure, amalgamated, diverse, arbitrate, interject, intermediate, 3. mix; synonyms
intermingled, motley, varied, indiscriminate, (v) (n) mixture, concoction, (v) alloy, blend,
blended, mingled; antonyms (adj) homogeneous, intermingle, mingle, combine, compound,
insular, pure, 2. complicated; synonyms (adj) confound, intermix, join, meld, merge, aggregate,
complex, intricate, elaborate, hard, complicate, admix; antonym (v) separate.
awkward, convoluted, deep, difficult, knotty, karışmış mixed (karışık, karma); synonyms (adj)
obscure, sophisticated, tortuous, tricky, (v) miscellaneous, assorted, composite, heterogeneous,
involved; antonyms (adj) simple, straightforward, integrated, medley, impure, amalgamated, diverse,
clear, easy. intermingled, motley, varied, indiscriminate, (v)
blended, mingled; antonyms (adj) homogeneous,
karışıklık 1. disorder (düzensizlik); synonyms (n)
ailment, complaint, clutter, disease, jumble, insular, pure.
muddle, chaos, commotion, confusion, karıştırma 1. mixture; synonyms (n) mix, alloy,
disarrangement, disturbance, (v) derange, disarray, concoction, assortment, blend, hodgepodge,
confuse, perturb; antonyms (n) orderliness, calm, jumble, medley, miscellany, admixture,
peace, (v) order, 2. disturbance; synonyms (n) combination, commixture, compound, compost,
agitation, disorder, turmoil, brawl, derangement, melange, 2. mix; synonyms (n) mixture, (v)
dislocation, disruption, tumult, upset, din, affray, intermingle, mingle, combine, confound, intermix,
annoyance, bother, perturbation, (adj) trouble, 3. join, meld, merge, aggregate, admix, immingle,
associate, coalesce, confuse; antonym (v) separate,
chaos (kaos); synonyms (n) anarchy, bedlam,
mess, pandemonium, uproar, mix-up, havoc, 3. implication; synonyms (n) allusion, hint,
hubbub, hullabaloo, mayhem, shambles, unrest, significance, consequence, deduction, entailment,
(adj) imbroglio; antonym (n) regulation, 4. mess;
import, innuendo, meaning, sense, suggestion,
synonyms (n) difficulty, hodgepodge, jam, scrape, purport, complicity, corollary, (adj) complication.
dilemma, dirt, mash, miscellany, muss, pickle, karıştırmak 1. mix; synonyms (n) mixture,
predicament, tangle, fix, (v) botch, soil, 5. concoction, (v) alloy, blend, intermingle, mingle,

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262 Turkish - English

combine, compound, confound, intermix, join, karmaşıklık complexity; synonyms (n)

meld, merge, aggregate, admix; antonym (v) complication, intricacy, complex, convolution,
separate, 2. disorder (düzensizlik); synonyms complexness, confusion, muddle, character,
(n) ailment, complaint, clutter, disease, jumble, combination, complexion, depth, embarrassment,
muddle, chaos, commotion, confusion, imbroglio, insight, (adj) entanglement; antonyms (n)
disarrangement, disturbance, (v) derange, disarray, simplicity, clarity.
confuse, perturb; antonyms (n) orderliness, calm, karo diamond (elmas); synonyms (n) adamant,
peace, (v) order, 3. disturb; synonyms (v) agitate, lozenge, infield, rhombus, square, rectangle, (adj)
disconcert, disorder, disquiet, distract, distress, jewel, bijou.
trouble, annoy, bother, commove, concern, karşı 1. opposite (karşıt); synonyms (adj) adverse,
disarrange, discompose, disrupt, upset; antonyms contradictory, diametric, different, hostile,
(v) arrange, please, smooth, soothe, 4. involve; opposing, opposed, antagonistic, (adv) counter, (n)
synonyms (v) imply, contain, affect, embrace, entail, contrary, opponent, adversary, contradiction,
implicate, comprise, complicate, demand, antonym, (pron) other; antonym (adj) similar, 2.
encompass, engage, envelop, include, tangle, (n) contrary; synonyms (adj) opposite, conflicting,
entangle; antonym (v) exclude, 5. stir; synonyms reverse, unfavorable, alien, cross, disobedient,
(v) arouse, budge, move, rouse, excite, inspire, go, obstinate, perverse, averse, discordant, unfriendly,
cause, foment, (n) movement, excitement, agitation, balky, (n) antithesis, converse, 3. counter (sayaç);
fuss, riot, (adj) bustle. synonyms (n) buffet, bench, counterpunch, desk,
kariyer career; synonyms (n) calling, race, profession, heel, (v) reply, contradict, resist, answer, react,
vocation, business, craft, life, occupation, pursuit, respond, retort, thwart, disprove, oppose.
(adj) job, occupational, (v) course, dash, speed, fly. karşıda opposite (karşıt); synonyms (adj) adverse,
kârlı beneficial; synonyms (adj) advantageous, contradictory, diametric, different, hostile,
favorable, fruitful, handy, profitable, useful, opposing, opposed, antagonistic, (adv) counter, (n)
expedient, gainful, good, healthy, productive, contrary, opponent, adversary, contradiction,
propitious, salutary, serviceable, wholesome; antonym, (pron) other; antonym (adj) similar.
antonyms (adj) useless, disadvantageous, harmful. karşılama 1. reception (alma, kabul, resepsiyon);
karma 1. mixed (karışık); synonyms (adj) synonyms (n) receipt, acceptance, admission,
miscellaneous, assorted, composite, heterogeneous, entertainment, greeting, party, receiving, adoption,
integrated, medley, impure, amalgamated, diverse, getting, salutation, acceptation, comprehension,
intermingled, motley, varied, indiscriminate, (v) admittance, inclusion, (adj) soiree, 2.
blended, mingled; antonyms (adj) homogeneous, compensation; synonyms (n) amends,
insular, pure, 2. composite; synonyms (adj) recompense, allowance, indemnification, reward,
aggregate, mixed, (n) complex, amalgam, blend, price, atonement, emolument, fee, pay, redress,
mix, combination, alloy, complicated, mixture, refund, reimbursement, remuneration, (v) wage, 3.
synthesis, (v) compound. welcome (hoş geldiniz); synonyms (adj)
karmakarışık intricate; synonyms (adj) complex, acceptable, pleasant, agreeable, pleasing, enjoyable,
complicated, difficult, involved, knotty, hard, (v) accept, greet, invite, receive, hail, entertain, (n)
tricky, convoluted, elaborate, entangled, salute, hospitality, reception, embrace; antonyms
inextricable, obscure, tortuous, knotted, (n) (adj) unwelcome, unwanted, (v) reject.
composite; antonyms (adj) simple, straightforward. karşılamak 1. meet; synonyms (v) converge, find,
karmaşa complexity; synonyms (n) complication, assemble, congregate, encounter, fulfill, gather,
intricacy, complex, convolution, complexness, answer, cross, confront, intersect, abut, concur,
confusion, muddle, character, combination, adjoin, (adj) fit; antonyms (v) avoid, disperse,
complexion, depth, embarrassment, imbroglio, diverge, 2. compensate; synonyms (v) balance,
insight, (adj) entanglement; antonyms (n) simplicity, pay, recompense, reimburse, counterbalance,
clarity. recoup, remunerate, repay, reward, cover, correct,
karmaşık 1. complex; synonyms (adj) composite, expiate, indemnify, offset, redeem, 3. satisfy
complicate, abstruse, difficult, elaborate, intricate, (memnun etmek); synonyms (v) please, content,
knotty, abstract, tricky, multifarious, complicated, fill, indulge, meet, persuade, sate, satiate, appease,
compound, convoluted, (n) obsession, combination; assuage, convince, delight, execute, (adj) suffice, do;
antonyms (adj) simple, basic, straightforward, clear, antonyms (v) dissatisfy, disappoint, displease,
plain, 2. complicated; synonyms (adj) complex, intensify.
hard, awkward, deep, obscure, sophisticated, karşılaşma 1. match (eş, kibrit); synonyms (n)
tortuous, circuitous, detailed, indirect, (v) involved; equal, competition, couple, duplicate, (v) agree,
antonym (adj) easy. mate, meet, parallel, accord, correspond,
harmonise, harmonize, balance, fellow, fit;

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antonyms (v) clash, contradict, 2. encounter; defrayment, duty, fee, (adj) penalty; antonym (n)
synonyms (n) collision, combat, battle, conflict, non-payment, 7. return (dönmek, dönüş);
contest, action, brush, confrontation, impact, (v) synonyms (n) yield, refund, restitution, proceeds,
confront, experience, face, find, rencounter, detect; income, revenue, profit, (v) recur, reimburse,
antonym (v) retreat, 3. event (olay); synonyms (n) render, restoration, restore, reinstate, requite,
affair, case, consequence, effect, occurrence, revert; antonyms (n) departure, abolition,
circumstance, contingency, fact, happening, confiscation, recovery, (v) keep, 8. repayment;
incident, issue, result, aftermath, time, chance, 4. synonyms (n) payment, revenge, amends, rebate,
meeting; synonyms (n) confluence, convention, reimbursement, retribution, reward, reparation,
gathering, concourse, assembly, conference, settlement, (v) quittance, 9. reward (ödül);
congress, council, appointment, caucus, encounter, synonyms (n) guerdon, wage, bribe, premium,
junction, convocation, conclave, forum; antonym award, payoff, price, punishment, requital, bounty,
(n) divergence. (v) meed, prize, compensate, honor, remunerate;
karşılaşmak encounter; synonyms (n) collision, antonym (v) punish.
combat, battle, conflict, contest, action, brush, karşılıklı mutual (ortak); synonyms (adj) reciprocal,
confrontation, impact, (v) clash, confront, common, communal, joint, bilateral, collective,
experience, face, find, rencounter; antonym (v) public, alternate, concerted, shared, united,
retreat. commutual, interchangeable; antonyms (adj)
karşılaştırma 1. comparison; synonyms (n) analogy, individual, unilateral, one-sided, private.
compare, likeness, resemblance, comparing, karşısında opposite (karşıt); synonyms (adj)
contrast, correspondence, parallel, similarity, adverse, contradictory, diametric, different, hostile,
connection, relation, ratio, parable, comparability, opposing, opposed, antagonistic, (adv) counter, (n)
(prep) antithesis; antonym (n) dissimilarity, 2. contrary, opponent, adversary, contradiction,
analogy (benzerlik, örnekseme); synonyms (n) antonym, (pron) other; antonym (adj) similar.
semblance, agreement, parity, affinity, comparison. karşıt 1. opposite; synonyms (adj) adverse,
karşılaştırmak 1. compare; synonyms (v) collate, contradictory, diametric, different, hostile,
liken, confront, comparison, equate, associate, opposing, opposed, antagonistic, (adv) counter, (n)
contrast, correlate, equal, equalize, parallel, contrary, opponent, adversary, contradiction,
resemble, (n) comparability, 2. confront; antonym, (pron) other; antonym (adj) similar, 2.
synonyms (v) face, front, oppose, challenge, contrary; synonyms (adj) opposite, conflicting,
approach, brave, defy, affront, play, compare, dare, reverse, unfavorable, alien, cross, disobedient,
encounter, meet, resist, withstand; antonyms (v) obstinate, perverse, averse, discordant, unfriendly,
avoid, evade. balky, (n) antithesis, converse.
karşılık 1. answer (cevap, cevap vermek); karşıtlık 1. opposition; synonyms (n) contrast,
synonyms (n) reply, respond, retort, return, conflict, antithesis, contrary, contrariety,
solution, defense, echo, (v) counter, resolve, serve, antagonism, enemy, hostility, opponent, opposite,
acknowledge, agree, correspond, do, (adj) pay; competition, contradiction, antagonist, antipathy,
aversion; antonym (n) consent, 2. contrast
antonyms (v) question, ask, 2. equivalent
(eşdeğer); synonyms (adj) equal, comparable, alike, (kontrast); synonyms (n) comparison, distinction,
difference, variation, collation, dissimilarity,
analogous, even, corresponding, identical, like,
divergence, line, (v) differ, oppose, collate, diverge,
matching, same, equipollent, commensurate, (n)
clash, counterpoint, differentiate; antonym (n)
counterpart, match, (v) consideration; antonyms
(adj) unlike, (n) different, dissimilar, 3. reply
(cevap); synonyms (n) answer, rejoinder, response, kart card; synonyms (n) bill, board, ticket, label, carte,
menu, notice, placard, postal, scorecard, wit, (v)
reaction, repay, replication, repartee, comeback, (v)
react, rejoin, say, 4. response (cevap, yanıt);
synonyms (n) reception, effect, chant, chaunt, kartal eagle; synonyms (n) colors, labarum, oriflamb,
hymn, (v) endurance, experience, (adj) sympathy, oriflamme, aviator, flag, pilot, streamer, (adj)
cordiality, fraternization, rapprochement, 5. antelope, chickaree, chipmunk, courser, doe,
gazelle, greyhound.
consideration; synonyms (n) concern, respect,
attention, care, reflection, thought, account, kartel combine; synonyms (v) amalgamate, associate,
cogitation, conception, deliberation, notice, tact, blend, affiliate, fuse, attach, piece, aggregate,
thoughtfulness, (v) regard, condition; antonyms (n) coalesce, incorporate, join, league, merge, (n) cartel,
combination; antonym (v) separate.
thoughtlessness, impulsiveness, inconsideration, 6.
payment (ödeme); synonyms (n) compensation, karton cardboard; synonyms (n) card, (adj) flimsy,
paper, ponderous, unlifelike, fragile, light, slight,
bonus, charge, cost, defrayal, expense, recompense,
remuneration, installment, deposit, contribution, tenuous, thin.

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264 Turkish - English

kartpostal postcard; synonyms (n) epistle, letter, kasıt 1. intention (maksat, niyet); synonyms (n)
mail. idea, aim, end, intent, design, drift, goal, purpose,
karyola bed (yatak); synonyms (n) couch, layer, base, cause, animus, mind, motive, object, objective,
basis, berth, bottom, flowerbed, foundation, crib, plan, 2. intent (amaç, niyet); synonyms (adj)
sack, rest, support, pallet, understructure, setting. attentive, absorbed, engrossed, earnest, bent, fixed,
kas muscle (adale); synonyms (n) brawn, potency, rapt, eager, (n) intention, import, meaning, spirit,
sinew, might, power, strength, force, energy, flesh, point, purport, ambition, 3. purpose (amaç,
beef, physique, musculus, tendon, (adj) nerve, maksat, niyet); synonyms (n) effect, resolve,
stamina. determination, function, decision, destination,
kaş brow; synonyms (n) peak, brink, height, crown, aspiration, reason, use, occasion, (v) project, intend,
edge, eyebrow, forehead, front, rim, summit, top, propose, decide, mean.
verge, landing. kasıtlı deliberate; synonyms (adj) careful, calculated,
kasa 1. case; synonyms (n) box, example, bin, cover, circumspect, slow, thoughtful, conscious, (v)
consider, cogitate, consult, debate, think, confer,
jacket, shell, affair, bag, briefcase, casing, eccentric,
contemplate, ponder, reflect; antonyms (adj)
instance, suit, carton, (adj) patient, 2. safe;
accidental, chance, unintentional, hasty, ingenuous,
synonyms (adj) secure, reliable, cautious,
dependable, good, harmless, innocuous, sound, involuntary, spontaneous.
correct, innocent, inoffensive, certain, stable, (n) kasıtsız unconscious; synonyms (adj) involuntary,
closet, coffer; antonyms (adj) dangerous, unsafe, unaware, ignorant, subconscious, unwitting,
hurt, risky, unprotected, vulnerable, harmful, oblivious, automatic, insensible, instinctive,
insecure, reckless, 3. till; synonyms (prep) until, senseless, unintentional, spontaneous, innocent,
unto, (n) drawer, tiller, cashbox, (v) cultivate, plow, unknowing, unacquainted; antonyms (adj)
hoe, farm, dig, turn. conscious, awake, deliberate.
kasaba town (kent, şehir); synonyms (n) city, kask helmet; synonyms (n) casque, helm, hood, cowl,
borough, township, village, community, burgh, hat, (v) headpiece, pickelhaube, armor, aegis, apron,
townspeople, civilization, metropolis, (adj) backplate, brains, breastplate, brigandine, buckler.
municipal, urban, local. kasket cap; synonyms (n) cover, bonnet, lid, capital,
kasap butcher; synonyms (n) assassin, botch, bungler, base, ceiling, crest, detonator, tip, closure, (v) top,
meatman, murderer, slaughterer, blunderer, beat, limit, surpass, better.
botcher, bumbler, (v) assassinate, slaughter, kill, kastanyola trip (gezi); synonyms (n) excursion,
massacre, murder, slay. expedition, tour, flight, jaunt, travel, lapse, run,
kase bowl; synonyms (n) basin, pot, plate, container, drive, misstep, (v) journey, slip, stumble, fall, (adj)
hollow, stadium, arena, depression, bowlful, blunder; antonym (v) fix.
trough, (v) hurl, roll, toss, troll, trundle. kasten deliberately; synonyms (adv) advisedly,
kaset cassette; synonyms (n) tape, copy, demo, consciously, purposely, designedly, intentionally,
footage, record, recording, soundtrack, video, knowingly, leisurely, carefully, circumspectly,
videocassette, videotape, collection, compilation. slowly; antonyms (adv) unintentionally,
kaşık spoon; synonyms (n) ladle, spoonful, shovel, accidentally, involuntarily, arbitrarily,
automatically, furtively.
trowel, (v) scoop, smooch, dip, snog.
kaşıklamak spoon; synonyms (n) ladle, spoonful, kastetmek 1. mean (demek istemek, ortalama);
synonyms (v) intend, design, imply, denote,
shovel, trowel, (v) scoop, smooch, dip, snog.
involve, (adj) middle, base, common, hateful,
kasılmak contract; synonyms (n) compact, charter, (v) ignoble, medium, miserly, (n) average,
covenant, bargain, concentrate, condense, narrow, contemptible, low; antonyms (adj) generous, kind,
catch, compress, constrict, shrink, wrinkle,
2. design (proje, tasarlamak); synonyms (n) aim,
abbreviate, (adj) abridge, shorten; antonyms (v)
purpose, scheme, conception, drawing,
expand, widen, stretch. arrangement, device, idea, intent, contrivance, (v)
kaşımak scratch (çizik); synonyms (n) score, mark, plan, conceive, contrive, sketch, construct;
nick, scrabble, dent, abrasion, cut, groove, (v) graze, antonym (n) chance, 3. intend; synonyms (v)
notch, rub, scrape, chafe, rake, grate. destine, mean, determine, contemplate, consider,
kaşınmak scratch (çizik, kaşımak); synonyms (n) believe, import, calculate, designate, meditate,
score, mark, nick, scrabble, dent, abrasion, cut, propose, signify, think, compass, (n) purport, 4.
groove, (v) graze, notch, rub, scrape, chafe, rake, purpose (amaç, maksat, niyet); synonyms (n)
grate. mind, effect, end, resolve, motive, determination,
kasırga hurricane; synonyms (n) gale, storm, function, goal, meaning, objective, cause, decision,
tempest, cyclone, squall, tornado, twister, (v) intention, project, object.

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kasti 1. deliberate; synonyms (adj) careful, calculated, katar train (tren); synonyms (n) chain, string, (v) aim,
circumspect, slow, thoughtful, conscious, (v) coach, direct, educate, exercise, trail, tail, tame,
consider, cogitate, consult, debate, think, confer, discipline, drill, instruct, prepare, school.
contemplate, ponder, reflect; antonyms (adj) katedral cathedral; synonyms (n) church, minster,
accidental, chance, unintentional, hasty, ingenuous, temple, basilica, chantry, chapel, conventicle, kirk,
involuntary, spontaneous, 2. conscious (bilinçli); meetinghouse, oratory, tabernacle, (adj) cathedralic,
synonyms (adj) aware, alive, cognizant, deliberate, official, parochial.
mindful, premeditated, intended, discerning, self- kategori category (ulam); synonyms (n) class,
conscious, intentional, knowing, knowledgeable, denomination, division, kind, type, variety, form,
known, purposeful, sensible; antonyms (adj) group, level, sort, cohort, plight, brand, breed,
unconscious, unaware, ignorant. classification.
kasvet 1. depression (bunalım, çöküntü); kati 1. exact (tam); synonyms (adj) detailed, precise,
synonyms (n) basin, cavity, dejection, decline, dent, actual, authentic, careful, definite, direct, (v)
dip, hole, hollow, impression, slump, trench, accurate, close, demand, require, claim, command,
trough, drop, recess, collapse; antonyms (n) ask, (n) correct; antonyms (adj) inaccurate,
cheerfulness, happiness, boom, elation, imprecise, vague, wrong, approximate, inexact, 2.
encouragement, inflation, outcrop, 2. gloom; flat (düz); synonyms (adj) dull, bland, even, plain,
synonyms (n) desolation, blackness, dark, darkness, insipid, level, plane, tasteless, dreary, boring,
depression, dimness, dusk, cloud, dreariness, absolute, dead, downright, (n) apartment, (v)
despair, despondency, grief, melancholy, misery, uninteresting; antonyms (adj) exciting, high-
(adj) obscurity; antonyms (n) light, brightness.
pitched, bumpy, 3. final (son); synonyms (adj)
kasvetli 1. gloomy; synonyms (adj) dark, black, conclusive, decisive, extreme, latter, definitive, last,
cheerless, dejected, depressing, desolate, ultimate, irrevocable, decided, concluding,
disconsolate, dismal, downcast, dim, dingy, eventual, net, peremptory, firm, dying; antonyms
downhearted, dull, funereal, melancholy;
(adj) first, opening, preliminary, 4. precise (tam);
antonyms (adj) bright, cheerful, cheery,
synonyms (adj) exact, minute, certain, delicate, neat,
encouraging, happy, hopeful, light, 2. bleak particular, ceremonious, clear, distinct, faithful,
(soğuk); synonyms (adj) austere, bare, barren, cold, fastidious, formal, meticulous, punctilious, specific;
dreary, murky, raw, bald, bitter, gloomy, grim, antonym (adj) rough.
harsh, inhospitable, severe, stark; antonyms (adj)
katı 1. solid; synonyms (adj) firm, dense, compact,
lush, mild, sunny. consistent, hard, real, strong, good, fixed, massive,
kat 1. multiple; synonyms (adj) manifold, many, secure, substantial, fast, hearty, (v) close; antonyms
complex, diverse, populous, compound, multiplex, (adj) soft, unreliable, loose, gaseous, permeable,
multiplied, multitudinous, various, (n) coefficient; runny, transparent, watery, (n) liquid, 2. hard
antonym (adj) simple, 2. layer (katman); (sert); synonyms (adj) austere, bad, difficult, grave,
synonyms (n) coat, course, coating, cover, film, severe, arduous, callous, cruel, grueling, knotty,
level, ply, stratum, crust, covering, floor, mantle, tough, bitter, alcoholic, (v) acute, (n) rough;
row, tier, (v) pile, 3. floor (taban, zemin); antonyms (adj) easy, kind, merciful, simple, soggy,
synonyms (n) bed, base, layer, bottom, flooring, tender, yielding, (adv) gently, lightly, 3. rigid;
ground, platform, soil, (v) deck, dump, fell,
synonyms (adj) harsh, inflexible, stiff, set, strict,
prostrate, stun, baffle, mystify; antonym (n) top, 4. exacting, formal, rigorous, stern, tense, tight,
story; synonyms (n) history, account, narration, determined, resolute, immovable, precise;
narrative, recital, report, tale, fable, falsehood, fib, antonyms (adj) flexible, elastic, 4. firm; synonyms
legend, novel, stage, storey, explanation; antonym (n) company, business, (adj) constant, stable, solid,
(n) truth, 5. covering; synonyms (n) clothing, steadfast, steady, decisive, rigid, stubborn, sturdy,
blanket, casing, apparel, case, concealment, enduring, adamant, (v) faithful, durable; antonyms
wrapper, awning, canopy, envelope, screen, shell, (adj) irresolute, weak, hesitant, limp, 5. stiff;
clothes, (adj) over, protective, 6. flat (düz); synonyms (adj) numb, awkward, buckram,
synonyms (adj) dull, bland, even, plain, insipid, ceremonious, potent, prim, starchy, unbending,
plane, tasteless, dreary, boring, absolute, dead, high, (n) stark, cadaver, corpse, body, remains,
downright, equal, (n) apartment, (v) uninteresting; carcass; antonyms (adj) relaxed, floppy, supple,
antonyms (adj) exciting, high-pitched, bumpy, 7. free, pliable, 6. strict; synonyms (adj) correct,
coat (palto); synonyms (n) fur, jacket, bark, peel, accurate, scrupulous, meticulous, grim, perfect,
pelt, wrap, (v) cloak, sheath, plaster, glaze, finish, relentless, punctual, careful, just, fastidious,
paint, plate, spread, varnish. religious, brutal, demanding, (v) exact; antonyms
katalog catalogue; synonyms (n) catalog, list, bill, (adj) lenient, lax, imprecise, negligent.
schedule, roll, inventory, (v) register, sort.

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katıksız 1. absolute (mutlak, saf, tam); synonyms contaminated, diluted, dishonored, tainted,
(adj) downright, peremptory, total, unconditional, wicked.
categorical, full, real, unqualified, utter, actual, katiyen never (asla, hiçbir zaman); synonyms (adv)
arbitrary, authoritative, certain, complete, (n) ne'er, nevermore, nor, tomorrow; antonym (adv)
positive; antonyms (adj) partial, qualified, 2. pure always.
(arı, saf); synonyms (adj) just, absolute, genuine, katiyet certainty; synonyms (n) assurance,
natural, artless, clean, clear, faultless, fresh, good, confidence, sureness, trust, certain, certitude,
guileless, immaculate, innocent, mere, (n) chaste; conviction, fact, reality, security, surety, truth,
antonyms (adj) impure, contaminated, diluted, belief, authenticity, assuredness; antonyms (n)
dishonored, tainted, wicked. doubt, uncertainty, unpredictability.
katil 1. murderer; synonyms (n) assassin, cutthroat, katkı contribution; synonyms (n) allowance,
killer, manslayer, slayer, liquidator, (v) butcher, donation, gift, offering, share, tax, effort, dues,
terrorist, 2. killer; synonyms (n) murderer, endowment, grant, investment, part, participation,
grampus, poison, marauder, orca, playboy, (adj) payment, present.
murderous, deadly, fatal, competitive, lethal, katlanma bearing (kerteriz); synonyms (n) carriage,
ruthless, virulent, bloodthirsty, dangerous, 3. demeanor, appearance, approach, aspect, attitude,
butcher (kasap); synonyms (n) botch, bungler, conduct, deportment, direction, manner, respect,
meatman, slaughterer, blunderer, botcher, air, aim, behavior, comportment.
bumbler, bungle, (v) assassinate, slaughter, kill, katlanmak 1. stomach (mide); synonyms (n)
massacre, murder, slay. abdomen, appetite, belly, breadbasket, inclination,
katılaşmak cake (kek); synonyms (n) bar, block, (v) accept, brook, abide, bear, endure, stand, suffer,
pastry, lump, pie, (v) harden, set, (adj) clot, fix. take, tolerate, (adj) digest, 2. tolerate; synonyms (v)
katılaştırmak steel (çelik); synonyms (n) harden, let, permit, allow, stomach, support, sustain,
blade, brand, brace, foil, fortify, sword, invigorate, undergo, admit, have, submit, bide, withstand,
strengthen, (adj) iron, adamant, (v) nerve, temper, pay, swallow, grant, 3. bear (ayı, taşımak);
gird. synonyms (v) carry, acquit, afford, apply, assume,
katılım accession; synonyms (n) addition, behave, comport, conduct, convey, hold, produce,
acceptance, augmentation, increase, access, teem, wear, turn, face, 4. face (çehre, surat,
accretion, acquisition, agreement, arrival, assent, yüz); synonyms (n) look, aspect, countenance,
coming, entrance, increment. expression, side, top, exterior, appearance, facade,
katılımcı participant; synonyms (n) contestant, surface, (v) confront, audacity, veneer, visage, (adj)
entrant, party, player, actor, partner, assistant, front; antonyms (v) avoid, back.
entry, applicant, candidate, contender, enemy, katletmek butcher (kasap); synonyms (n) assassin,
enthusiast, fighter, follower; antonyms (n) botch, bungler, meatman, murderer, slaughterer,
onlooker, viewer. blunderer, botcher, bumbler, (v) assassinate,
katılma participation; synonyms (n) involvement, slaughter, kill, massacre, murder, slay.
interest, contribution, attendance, complicity, katliam massacre; synonyms (n) slaughter, carnage,
communion, association, connection, affair, concert, butchery, bloodshed, killing, defeat, destruction, (v)
concurrence, engagement, voice. murder, exterminate, kill, annihilate, butcher, slay,
katılmak 1. join (birleşmek, birleştirmek); assassinate, decimate.
synonyms (v) connect, unite, associate, combine, katma addition (toplama); synonyms (n) accession,
link, graft, assemble, affiliate, attach, meet, affix, accessory, addendum, extension, increase,
annex, conjoin, converge, (n) bond; antonyms (v) accretion, afterthought, annex, appendage,
detach, secede, separate, split, undo, 2. attend; attachment, augmentation, complement, extra,
synonyms (v) accompany, assist, escort, serve, gain, (prep) accumulation; antonyms (n) subtraction,
advert, aid, conduct, follow, hear, help, listen, look, removal, estimation.
minister, (n) tend, doctor. katmak 1. add (eklemek, toplamak); synonyms (v)
katip secretary (sekreter); synonyms (n) clerk, calculate, include, join, total, figure, lend, mix,
escritoire, minister, desk, secretaire, bailiff, factor, divide, subtract, gather, accumulate, adjoin, affix,
repository, (v) amanuensis, scribe, writer, scrivener. annex, (n) addition; antonym (v) detach, 2.
kâtip clerk; synonyms (n) writer, transcriber, integrate; synonyms (v) incorporate, blend,
accountant, employee, recorder, salesclerk, bailiff, combine, consolidate, fuse, amalgamate, embody,
cashier, (v) amanuensis, secretary, scribe, scrivener. merge, unify, unite, coalesce, commingle,
katışıksız pure (arı, saf); synonyms (adj) just, desegregate; antonyms (v) separate, exclude,
absolute, genuine, natural, artless, clean, clear, segregate, 3. include (içermek, kapsamak);
faultless, fresh, good, guileless, immaculate, synonyms (v) hold, comprise, contain, encompass,
innocent, mere, (n) chaste; antonyms (adj) impure,

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insert, comprehend, embrace, implicate, involve, (kavramak, yakalamak); synonyms (n) clasp,
number, add, admit, enclose, have, imply. clutch, handle, bag, clench, clinch, clutches, (v)
katman layer; synonyms (n) coat, course, coating, hold, catch, cling, apprehend, embrace, fascinate,
cover, film, level, ply, stratum, crust, covering, grab, grapple; antonyms (v) bore, release, 3.
floor, mantle, row, tier, (v) pile. insight; synonyms (n) vision, penetration,
katsayı factor (çarpan, etmen); synonyms (n) agent, perception, brainwave, acquaintance, idea,
component, broker, divisor, element, ingredient, acuteness, clairvoyance, foresight, judgment, ken,
part, deputy, consideration, feature, parameter, sense, awareness, brainstorm, experience, 4.
point, delegate, item, (adj) constituent. grasp; synonyms (n) grip, comprehension, reach,
kauçuk rubber; synonyms (n) caoutchouc, condom, (v) comprehend, conceive, capture, compass, dig,
eraser, galosh, overshoe, prophylactic, arctic, snatch, understand, digest, fathom, gather, absorb,
golosh, gumshoe, (v) rubberize. appreciate.
kaval pipe (boru, pipo); synonyms (n) tube, conduit, kavramak 1. grip (yakalamak); synonyms (n) clasp,
channel, duct, flue, hose, passage, pipage, (v) cry, clutch, handle, bag, clench, clinch, clutches, (v)
peep, screech, shriek, sing, squeak, creak. grasp, hold, catch, cling, apprehend, embrace,
kavalcı piper; synonyms (n) bagpiper, fiddler, fifer, fascinate, grab; antonyms (v) bore, release, 2. grab
harper, trumpeter, pepper. (kapmak); synonyms (v) capture, get, snatch,
kavanoz jar; synonyms (n) jangle, blow, crock, appropriate, grapple, rob, seize, assume, attract,
container, jog, shake, amphora, bottle, crash, (v) jolt, confiscate, gripe, plunder, (n) arrest, seizure, collar,
clash, creak, bump, collide, jounce. 3. grasp; synonyms (n) grip, appreciation,
kavga fight; synonyms (v) combat, contest, quarrel, apprehension, comprehension, reach, (v)
comprehend, conceive, compass, dig, sense,
feud, argue, bicker, campaign, clash, contend, (n)
battle, dispute, engagement, conflict, contention, understand, digest, fathom, gather, absorb, 4.
(adj) brawl; antonyms (v) agree, retreat, withdrawal. compass (pusula); synonyms (n) range, scope,
kavgacı 1. fighter; synonyms (n) combatant, battler, area, circle, circumference, extent, room, breadth,
ambit, boundary, capacity, (v) round, accomplish,
belligerent, champion, soldier, warrior, militant,
achieve, (adv) beset, 5. bite (ısırmak); synonyms
activist, crusader, 2. aggressive; synonyms (adj)
(n) taste, bit, cheat, morsel, (v) sting, nip, chew, cut,
active, energetic, enterprising, hostile, invasive,
offensive, pushy, warlike, strong, strenuous, pinch, burn, eat, erode, gnaw, hurt, munch, 6.
assertive, dynamic, pugnacious, pushful, pushing; understand (anlamak); synonyms (v) interpret,
antonyms (adj) peaceful, friendly, peaceable, recognize, hear, learn, realize, see, appreciate,
passive, peace-loving, suspicious. believe, construe, deduce, perceive, read, translate,
discern, (adj) take; antonyms (v) misinterpret,
kavis 1. curve (eğri); synonyms (n) bend, crook, bow,
arc, curvature, kink, round, bender, (v) curl, turn, misconstrue, misunderstand.
arch, hook, wind, distort, (adj) flex, 2. bow; kavramsal conceptual; synonyms (adj) theoretical,
synonyms (n) curve, obeisance, stem, vault, (v) intangible.
stoop, duck, buckle, crouch, incline, kowtow, defer, kavrayış 1. apprehension (anlayış, korku);
kneel, nod, submit, bob, 3. arc (ark, yay); synonyms (n) alarm, comprehension, dread, arrest,
synonyms (n) crescent, spark, sweep. capture, foreboding, misgiving, trepidation,
kavram 1. concept; synonyms (n) conception, notion, understanding, appreciation, anticipation,
belief, idea, theory, view, vision, construct, agitation, (adj) anxiety, care, (v) doubt; antonyms (n)
impression, opinion, perception, thought, 2. reassurance, release, confidence, calmness, 2.
conception (fikir); synonyms (n) concept, understanding (anlaşma); synonyms (n)
creation, mind, apprehension, comprehension, intellect, mind, reason, agreement, apprehension,
design, fancy, image, imagination, invention, bargain, deal, judgment, sense, sympathy,
understanding, initiation, appreciation, awareness, arrangement, contract, grasp, (v) intelligence,
conceit; antonym (n) misconception, 3. notion; discernment; antonyms (n) ignorance,
synonyms (n) feeling, caprice, guess, hunch, bewilderment, disbelief.
conjecture, consideration, inkling, suspicion, whim, kavşak junction; synonyms (n) confluence, joint,
impulse, effect, fantasy, hint, sense, (v) judgment. connection, meeting, interchange, articulation,
kavrama 1. comprehension; synonyms (n) combination, join, conjunction, crossroads, union,
apprehension, conception, grasp, inclusion, bond, contact, linkage, crossing.
intelligence, knowledge, understanding, wit, kaya rock; synonyms (n) boulder, calculus, pillar, (v)
capacity, familiarity, acumen, appreciation, jar, sway, cradle, jolt, shake, toss, waver, quake,
discernment, insight, notion; antonyms (n) pitch, reel, (adj) pebble, stone.
misunderstanding, incomprehension, 2. grip kayağantaş slate; synonyms (n) list, plank, platform,
ballot, catalogue, (v) condemn, foolscap, paper,

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papyrus, parchment, censure, schedule, criticize, anxiousness, concern, uneasiness, worry,

nominate, program. worriment, pain, agitation, burden; antonyms (n)
kayak ski; synonym (n) skis. calmness, bravery, calm, confidence, 2. fear
kayalık rocky; synonyms (adj) hard, unstable, rough, (korkmak, korku); synonyms (n) apprehension,
shaky, craggy, flinty, stony, wobbly, unsteady, awe, dismay, doubt, consternation, foreboding,
harsh, insecure, obdurate, rugged, bouldered, fright, trepidation, anxiety, fearfulness,
bouldery. intimidation, (v) dread, reverence, affright,
kayan floating; synonyms (adj) drifting, buoyant, apprehend; antonyms (n) fearlessness, reassurance,
aimless, current, loose, (adv) afloat. 3. concern; synonyms (n) business, affair, regard,
kaybetmek lose; synonyms (v) drop, forfeit, mislay, attention, bother, matter, company, firm, part, (v)
sacrifice, fail, clear, hurt, regress, retrogress, affect, interest, import, involve, pertain, relate;
destroy, misplace, recede, suffer, waste, escape; antonym (v) unconcern, 4. worry (üzülmek);
antonyms (v) gain, find, acquire, earn, get, obtain, synonyms (v) torment, distress, tease, annoy,
recover, secure, win, beat, defeat, keep, succeed. disturb, molest, vex, agitate, fret, harry, (n) harass,
kaybolmak lose (kaybetmek); synonyms (v) drop, fuss, annoyance, sorrow, (adj) irritate; antonyms (v)
forfeit, mislay, sacrifice, fail, clear, hurt, regress, soothe, reassure, 5. preoccupation; synonyms (n)
retrogress, destroy, misplace, recede, suffer, waste, absorption, abstraction, obsession, fixation,
escape; antonyms (v) gain, find, acquire, earn, get, distraction, engrossment, preoccupancy,
obtain, recover, secure, win, beat, defeat, keep, prepossession, reverie, anticipation, compulsion.
succeed. kaygılanmak worry (üzülmek); synonyms (v)
kaybolmuş lost; synonyms (v) gone, missing, torment, trouble, bother, distress, tease, annoy,
abandoned, (adj) doomed, forlorn, extinct, hopeless, care, disturb, fear, molest, (n) concern, burden,
bewildered, disoriented, forgotten, helpless, harass, pain, fuss; antonyms (v) soothe, reassure, (n)
broken, confused, irrecoverable, absent; antonyms calmness, reassurance.
(adj) present, found, existing. kaygılı 1. fearful; synonyms (adj) afraid, cowardly,
Kaydet save (kurtarmak, saklamak); synonyms (v) dreadful, anxious, apprehensive, awful, craven,
deliver, economize, rescue, conserve, free, hoard, terrible, timid, dire, eerie, formidable, frightful,
keep, maintain, preserve, liberate, protect, redeem, appalling, awesome; antonyms (adj) brave, calm,
retain, defend, (prep) except; antonyms (v) spend, rational, bold, confident, unimpressed, 2. anxious;
squander, waste. synonyms (adj) alarmed, nervous, tense, uneasy,
kaydetme registration; synonyms (n) enrollment, agitated, concerned, distressed, fearful, frightened,
keen, thoughtful, thirsty, insecure, (v) jumpy,
registering, enrolment, entering, entry, register,
solicitous; antonyms (adj) relaxed, carefree,
record, registry, adjustment, readjustment.
unconcerned, undisturbed, untroubled, 3.
kaydetmek 1. record (dosya, kayıt, plak);
synonyms (n) register, list, account, book, disk, worried; synonyms (adj) upset, bothered,
document, history, deed, (v) chronicle, file, enter, disturbed, troubled, restless, unhappy, disquieted,
note, report, score, inscribe, 2. register; synonyms distraught, fretful, stressed, (v) afflicted, pained;
(n) record, inventory, catalogue, roll, annals, index, antonym (adj) reassured.
listing, (v) enroll, indicate, read, show, mark, enlist, kayık boat (sandal); synonyms (n) yacht, scull, craft,
catalog, display, 3. enter (girmek); synonyms (v) dinghy, ship, vessel, vehicle, shallop, schooner,
embark, input, arrive, come, accede, attack, begin, sailboat, bateau, bowl, sauceboat, truck, (v) cruise.
board, enrol, insert, introduce, participate, kayıp 1. loss (zarar); synonyms (n) hurt, damage,
penetrate, pierce, appear; antonyms (v) leave, defeat, detriment, injury, deficit, deprivation,
depart, delete, exit, 4. book (kitap); synonyms (n) destruction, forfeit, forfeiture, bereavement,
bible, journal, pamphlet, tome, volume, writing, decrease, cost, fall, (adj) harm; antonyms (n)
text, manuscript, textbook, copy, (v) order, reserve, appearance, retrieval, victory, gaining, income,
apply, arrest, hire. recovery, 2. lost; synonyms (v) gone, missing,
kaydırak slide (kayma, slayt); synonyms (n) glide, abandoned, (adj) doomed, forlorn, extinct, hopeless,
chute, decline, transparency, gliding, (v) drop, slip, bewildered, disoriented, forgotten, helpless,
fall, slither, run, slump, coast, skid, descend, (adj) broken, confused, irrecoverable, absent; antonyms
shift. (adj) present, found, existing, 3. missing (eksik);
kaydırmak slide (kayma, slayt); synonyms (n) synonyms (v) lost, (adj) lacking, wanting, deficient,
glide, chute, decline, transparency, gliding, (v) away, misplaced, nonexistent.
drop, slip, fall, slither, run, slump, coast, skid, kayırma 1. favour; synonyms (v) favor, choose,
descend, (adj) shift. prefer, privilege, 2. pull (çekme, çekmek);
kaygı 1. anxiety (endişe); synonyms (n) alarm, care, synonyms (v) drag, draw, draught, pluck, attract,
disquiet, fear, solicitude, trouble, anguish,

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haul, jerk, tug, pick, make, force, hale, (n) wrench, ream, 2. slip; synonyms (n) lapse, fault, mistake,
attraction, effort; antonyms (v) push, repel. cutting, error, escape, oversight, scion, trip, (v) fall,
kayış 1. band (bant); synonyms (n) cluster, party, set, slide, drop, glide, skid, (adj) blunder; antonym (v)
swathe, circle, collar, company, crew, faction, gang, improve, 3. slide (kayma, slayt); synonyms (n)
knot, lace, strap, (v) ring, combine, 2. belt (bölge, chute, decline, transparency, gliding, recession, (v)
kemer, kuşak); synonyms (n) ribbon, area, knock, slip, slither, run, slump, coast, descend, sag, cut,
strip, zone, bang, (v) band, hit, wallop, whack, beat, tumble, (adj) shift.
smash, whip, thrash, flog, 3. slip; synonyms (n) kaynak 1. source; synonyms (n) origin, root, cause,
lapse, fault, mistake, cutting, error, escape, commencement, beginning, reason, head, parent,
oversight, scion, trip, (v) fall, slide, drop, glide, skid, basis, derivation, germ, headspring, original,
(adj) blunder; antonym (v) improve. origination, reference, 2. origin (başlangıç,
kayıt 1. record (dosya, kaydetmek, plak); köken); synonyms (n) lineage, base, birth, descent,
synonyms (n) register, list, account, book, disk, ancestry, extraction, foundation, fountain,
document, history, deed, (v) chronicle, file, enter, inception, source, well, cradle, fountainhead,
note, report, score, inscribe, 2. recording; genesis, mother; antonym (n) end, 3. resource;
synonyms (n) record, album, transcription, scan, synonyms (n) expedient, imagination, stock, device,
disc, cartridge, cassette, cutting, footage, hearing, facility, asset, contrivance, resourcefulness, shift, (v)
program, release, show, single, (adj) registering, 3. recourse, resort, refuge, 4. fountain; synonyms (n)
registration; synonyms (n) enrollment, enrolment, fount, font, jet, spout, squirt, wellspring, (v) spring,
entering, entry, registry, adjustment, readjustment, flow, 5. bottom (alt, dip, kıç); synonyms (n)
4. entry (giriş); synonyms (n) entrance, admission, backside, bed, behind, foot, footing, back, arse, ass,
article, door, accession, access, admittance, bum, butt, buttocks, craft, floor, posterior, (v)
doorway, entree, hall, entranceway, entryway, ground; antonyms (n) top, pinnacle, (adj) highest, 6.
gateway, incursion, opening; antonym (n) exit. beginning (başlangıç); synonyms (n) begin,
kayıtlı registered; synonyms (adj) enrolled, booked, opening, start, dawn, debut, emergence, incipiency,
conscript, denoted, destined, indicated, measured. initiation, introduction, kickoff, onset, preface,
threshold, (adj) first, incipient; antonyms (n) finish,
kayıtsız 1. indifferent (ilgisiz); synonyms (adj)
apathetic, callous, cold, cool, fair, impassive, finale, conclusion, demise, ending, 7. basis;
insensible, unconcerned, careless, dull, average, synonyms (n) gist, fundamental, cornerstone,
aloof, casual, detached, disinterested; antonyms justification, nucleus, motive, essence, argument,
background, bottom, explanation, fundament,
(adj) caring, enthusiastic, fervent, keen, obsessive,
grounding, grounds, groundwork, 8. spring
eager, energetic, involved, surprised, 2. reckless;
synonyms (adj) heedless, foolhardy, rash, hasty, (bahar, ilkbahar); synonyms (n) jump, leap,
imprudent, incautious, extravagant, wanton, bound, skip, dance, rise, (v) hop, caper, bounce,
daring, brash, desperate, precipitate, audacious, dive, originate, recoil, proceed, arise, (adj) elastic, 9.
irresponsible, madcap; antonyms (adj) careful, well (iyi); synonyms (adv) right, easily, thoroughly,
cautious, prudent, sensible, wise. considerably, fully, good, correctly, (adj) healthy, fit,
kayıtsızlık indifference (ilgisizlik); synonyms (n) shaft, sound, robust, (n) pit, hollow, (v) gush;
apathy, detachment, disregard, impassiveness, antonyms (adv) ill, badly, poorly, (adj) sick, unwell,
aloofness, disinterest, impassivity, neglect, dying, nauseous, 10. root (kök); synonyms (n)
neutrality, nonchalance, unconcern, stoicism, radical, radix, core, etymon, heart, stem, stub, nub,
coolness, (adj) coldness, phlegm; antonyms (n) bedrock, (v) establish, dig, fix, grub, rummage,
dedication, eagerness, fervor, interest, passion, burrow.
compassion, favorite, sympathy. kaynaklar resources; synonyms (n) means, property,
kayma 1. slide (slayt); synonyms (n) glide, chute, capital, assets, finances, money, substance, funds,
decline, transparency, gliding, (v) drop, slip, fall, wherewithal, revenue, wealth, belongings, cash,
slither, run, slump, coast, skid, descend, (adj) shift, circumstances, fortune.
2. slip; synonyms (n) lapse, fault, mistake, cutting, kaynamak well (iyi); synonyms (adv) right, easily,
error, escape, oversight, scion, trip, ticket, band, thoroughly, considerably, fully, good, (adj) healthy,
dip, (v) slide, sag, (adj) blunder; antonym (v) fit, shaft, sound, robust, (n) fountain, spring, pit, (v)
gush; antonyms (adv) ill, badly, poorly, (adj) sick,
improve, 3. drift (sapma, sürüklenme);
synonyms (n) stream, current, course, tendency, unwell, dying, nauseous.
tone, bearing, design, gist, intent, (v) aim, blow, kaynaşma fusion; synonyms (n) amalgamation,
float, ramble, cast, (adj) flow. coalition, alliance, coalescence, combination,
kaymak 1. cream (krema); synonyms (n) pick, merger, unification, union, compound, amalgam,
ointment, prime, balm, top, liniment, elite, fat, blend, mixture, synthesis, embodiment, alloy;
salve, unguent, (adj) flower, milk, (v) best, skim, antonym (n) separation.

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kaynaşmak mix; synonyms (n) mixture, concoction, achievement, conquest, buy, getting, learning,
(v) alloy, blend, intermingle, mingle, combine, prize, profit, assumption, (v) gain.
compound, confound, intermix, join, meld, merge, kazanmak 1. win; synonyms (v) acquire, gain, get,
aggregate, admix; antonym (v) separate. attain, obtain, conquer, achieve, earn, prevail,
kaza 1. accident; synonyms (n) chance, casualty, secure, take, succeed, carry, vanquish, (n) triumph;
coincidence, crash, fortune, circumstance, antonyms (v) lose, (n) defeat, 2. acquire
contingency, event, fortuity, hap, hazard, incident, (edinmek); synonyms (v) find, accept, buy, collect,
luck, smash, catastrophe, 2. district (bölge); contract, purchase, receive, assume, catch, derive,
synonyms (n) area, quarter, region, community, develop, harvest, have, make, win; antonym (v)
neighborhood, territory, circuit, county, field, sell, 3. gain (kazanç); synonyms (v) benefit,
jurisdiction, province, section, domain, (adj) local, (v)
advance, reach, accomplish, come, effect, gather,
zone, 3. crash; synonyms (n) clash, collision, clank, hit, merit, (n) profit, earnings, acquisition,
clatter, fall, impact, slam, (v) bang, collapse, break, advantage, addition, increase; antonym (n) loss, 4.
clang, crack, dash, plunge, ram.
earn; synonyms (v) deserve, bring, bear, net, yield,
kazak sweater; synonym (n) perspirer. clear, fetch, garner, procure, realise, realize, gross;
kazanan victor; synonyms (n) conqueror, champion, antonym (v) spend, 5. take (almak); synonyms (v)
winner, master, champ, superior; antonym (n) admit, hold, adopt, clutch, return, borrow, pick,
loser. appropriate, capture, claim, convey, demand, grab,
kazanç 1. gain; synonyms (v) acquire, benefit, derive, interpret, (n) seize; antonyms (v) give, refuse,
attain, catch, earn, get, win, achieve, advance, abstain, add, 6. achieve; synonyms (v) complete,
make, (n) profit, earnings, acquisition, advantage; do, execute, perform, act, fulfill, manage, strike,
antonyms (v) lose, (n) loss, 2. proceeds; synonyms conclude, consummate, effectuate, finish,
(n) income, gain, issue, return, revenue, take, implement, settle, 7. gather (toplamak);
emolument, payoff, receipts, takings, yield, synonyms (v) deduce, convene, accumulate, amass,
proceed, incomings, outcome, effect, 3. earnings; assemble, compile, congregate, flock, meet, tuck,
synonyms (n) salary, pay, profits, wage, rally, reap, converge, extract, (n) fold; antonyms (v)
compensation, lucre, proceeds, remuneration, disperse, scatter, 8. net (ağ, net); synonyms (adj)
returns, wages, 4. income; synonyms (n) means, final, last, nett, (n) network, bag, lace, cobweb,
allowance, livelihood, living, resources, 5. lattice, meshwork, reticule, (v) mesh, trap, knit,
acquisition; synonyms (n) purchase, web, ensnare, 9. purchase (satın almak);
accomplishment, acquirement, attainment, synonyms (n) bargain, leverage, acquirement, grip,
achievement, conquest, buy, getting, learning, (v) bribe; antonym (n) transaction.
prize, assumption, 6. benefit (yarar); synonyms kazara accidentally; synonyms (adv)
(n) good, assistance, favor, interest, reward, service, circumstantially, incidentally, unintentionally,
use, welfare, behalf, expediency, asset, (v) aid, casually, coincidentally, fortuitously, unexpectedly,
assist, avail, help; antonyms (n) disadvantage, unwittingly; antonyms (adv) intentionally,
drawback, (v) harm, 7. return (dönmek, dönüş); deliberately, knowingly.
synonyms (n) recompense, refund, restitution, (v) kazı dig (kazmak); synonyms (v) jab, delve, prod,
recur, reimburse, render, repay, restoration, burrow, comprehend, excavate, investigate, probe,
restore, retort, answer, reinstate, reply, requite, apprehend, (n) poke, excavation, gibe, punch, stab,
revert; antonyms (n) departure, abolition, taunt; antonym (n) compliment.
confiscation, recovery, (v) keep, 8. yield (verim); kazık 1. pile (hav, tüy); synonyms (n) heap, stack,
synonyms (n) produce, give, output, (v) surrender, mass, congeries, mound, bunch, accumulation,
allow, concede, submit, cede, grant, relinquish, bundle, collection, hoard, jam, (v) pack, accumulate,
bow, accede, afford, bear, consent; antonyms (v) amass, crowd, 2. post (posta); synonyms (n)
resist, persevere, 9. profit; synonyms (n) account, place, function, office, position, pillar, stake,
increase, dividend, increment, boot, usefulness, attitude, berth, column, job, (v) mail, locate, base,
utility, vantage, product, addition, convenience, (v) enter, lay, 3. stake; synonyms (n) bet, chance,
net, merit, behoof, serve. venture, post, wager, interest, shaft, adventure,
kazançlı profitable; synonyms (adj) productive, deposit, pile, (v) hazard, risk, gamble, back, gage.
advantageous, beneficial, fruitful, helpful, good, kazıklamak sell (satmak); synonyms (v) peddle,
gainful, lucrative, useful, desirable, economic, fat, deal, handle, betray, give, promote, deceive,
valuable, expedient, handy; antonyms (adj) exchange, merchandise, realize, trade, vend, clear,
unprofitable, dependent. gammon, (n) cheat; antonym (v) buy.
kazanma acquisition; synonyms (n) purchase, kazma pick (seçmek, toplamak); synonyms (v)
accomplishment, acquirement, attainment, clean, gather, harvest, opt, break, (n) alternative,

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elite, best, choice, option, selection, (adj) cream, kefeki scale (ölçek); synonyms (n) flake, gamut,
select, mattock, flower. degree, graduation, measure, yardstick, rate, chip,
kazmak 1. dig; synonyms (v) jab, delve, prod, (v) ascend, climb, gauge, mount, weigh, rise, (adj)
burrow, comprehend, excavate, investigate, probe, balance; antonym (v) descend.
apprehend, (n) poke, excavation, gibe, punch, stab, kefil 1. guarantee (garanti); synonyms (n) bail,
taunt; antonym (n) compliment, 2. sink (lavabo); assure, guaranty, warranty, assurance, pledge,
synonyms (n) sag, basin, (v) decline, dip, droop, fall, warrant, bond, collateral, deposit, (v) certify,
set, descend, drop, fell, bury, collapse, decay, flag, promise, engage, endorse, ensure, 2. bail;
founder; antonyms (v) rise, float. synonyms (n) security, surety, guarantee, handle, (v)
keçe felt (fötr); synonyms (v) mat, snarl, tangle, braid, deliver, 3. security (güvenlik); synonyms (n)
entangle, (adj) perceived, sensed, conscious. protection, safety, hostage, insurance, guard,
keder 1. grief (acı); synonyms (n) affliction, dolor, secureness, strength, peace, cover, defense, ease,
anguish, distress, agony, pain, regret, wound, gage, safeguard, shelter, (adj) firmness; antonym (n)
chagrin, concern, pity, bitterness, dejection, danger.
desolation, (adj) sore; antonyms (n) joy, happiness, kefillik sponsorship; synonyms (n) sponsor,
2. sorrow (acı); synonyms (n) grief, mourning, patronage, backing, auspices, sponsion, support,
sadness, contrition, heartache, misery, penitence, endorsement, assistance, benefaction, business,
remorse, repentance, heartbreak, hardship, cosponsor, devotion, economics, encouragement,
compunction, (v) mourn, lament, grieve; antonym help.
(n) delight, 3. shadow (gölge); synonyms (n) kehanet prediction; synonyms (n) divination,
shade, ghost, tail, trace, darkness, hint, apparition, forecast, forecasting, foresight, announcement,
follower, gloom, phantom, reflection, (v) eclipse, anticipation, augury, prognostication, prophecy,
follow, obscure, overshadow. vaticination, foretelling, expectation, calculation,
kederlenmek sorrow (acı); synonyms (n) grief, foreboding, guess.
mourning, regret, sadness, anguish, contrition, kek cake; synonyms (n) bar, block, pastry, lump, pie,
heartache, misery, penitence, remorse, repentance, (v) harden, set, (adj) clot, fix.
(adj) distress, (v) mourn, lament, grieve; antonyms kel bald; synonyms (adj) bare, hairless, simple, austere,
(n) joy, delight, happiness. meager, threadbare, raw, barefaced, dry, forthright,
kederli unhappy (mutsuz); synonyms (adj) mere, naked, nude, plain, stark; antonym (adj)
unfortunate, depressed, dismal, gloomy, hairy.
melancholy, sad, disconsolate, distressed, kelebek butterfly; synonyms (n) chameleon, girl, iris,
infelicitous, low, miserable, sorrowful, lady, rainbow, (adj) peacock, (v) bray, coquet,
disappointed, downcast, mournful; antonyms (adj) coquette, dally, flirt, kiss, mash, philander,
happy, cheerful, pleased, satisfied. romance.
kedi cat; synonyms (n) caterpillar, guy, lynx, bozo, kelepir 1. bargain; synonyms (n) contract, agreement,
hombre, puss, (v) disgorge, puke, regorge, covenant, deal, treaty, arrangement, buy, chaffer,
regurgitate, retch, spew, spue, upchuck, vomit. compact, promise, purchase, steal, (v) exchange,
kefalet 1. bail; synonyms (n) pledge, security, surety, agree, (adj) cheap; antonym (n) rip-off, 2. steal
bond, guarantee, handle, (v) deliver, 2. security (aşırmak, çalmak); synonyms (v) abstract, lift,
(güvenlik); synonyms (n) protection, safety, purloin, creep, filch, misappropriate, pilfer, pinch,
hostage, insurance, collateral, guard, secureness, plunder, rob, snatch, sneak, plagiarize, slip, (n)
strength, peace, assurance, bail, cover, defense, bargain.
deposit, ease; antonym (n) danger, 3. caution; kelime word (söz, sözcük); synonyms (n) promise,
synonyms (n) advice, carefulness, precaution, news, tidings, advice, expression, intelligence,
vigilance, wariness, warning, admonition, parole, password, report, statement, term, vocable,
attention, caveat, circumspection, counsel, (v) care, (v) formulate, phrase, put.
warn, admonish, advise; antonyms (n) recklessness, kelle head (baş, kafa); synonyms (n) chief, captain,
carelessness, rashness. front, point, boss, foam, froth, crown, chieftain,
kefaret redemption; synonyms (n) ransom, executive, chair, brain, (v) capital, direct, lead;
atonement, salvation, discharge, expiation, antonyms (n) end, subordinate, (v) follow.
buyback, performance, repurchase, fulfillment, kem evil (fena, kötü, kötülük); synonyms (adj) bad,
acquittal, observance, recompense, release, corrupt, criminal, ill, wicked, depraved,
reparation, rescue. destructive, harmful, malign, (n) damage, adversity,
kefe scale (ölçek); synonyms (n) flake, gamut, degree, detriment, disaster, depravity, malice; antonyms
graduation, measure, yardstick, rate, chip, (v) (adj) kindhearted, (n) good, goodness,
ascend, climb, gauge, mount, weigh, rise, (adj) righteousness.
balance; antonym (v) descend.

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272 Turkish - English

kement rope (ip); synonyms (n) cable, lasso, lariat, kent 1. city (şehir); synonyms (n) town, borough,
noose, cord, hawser, leash, line, string, tape, lace, burgh, metropolis, municipality, village, (adj)
tether, thread, (v) tie, bind. municipal, civic, urban, public; antonym (adj) rural,
kemer 1. belt (bölge, kuşak); synonyms (n) ribbon, 2. town (şehir); synonyms (n) city, township,
area, strap, knock, strip, zone, bang, (v) band, hit, community, townspeople, civilization, (adj) local.
wallop, whack, beat, smash, whip, thrash, 2. arch; kentsel urban; synonyms (adj) city, civic,
synonyms (n) arc, acute, bend, curvature, dome, metropolitan, municipal, public, citified,
archway, (v) curve, bow, vault, (adj) shrewd, sly, community, urbanized, urbicolous, oppidan,
wily, round, crafty, consummate; antonym (v) burghal, central, cultivated, developed, downtown;
straightness. antonyms (adj) rural, country, rustic.
kemik bone; synonyms (n) os, ivory, mouth, osmium, kentsoylu bourgeois; synonyms (adj) conservative,
argument, bead, block, (v) cartilage, swot, gristle, common, conventional, democratic, materialistic,
prepare, arise, attire, beat, bill. square, (n) capitalist, burgess, capitals, caps,
kemirme erosion (erozyon); synonyms (n) attrition, cockney, epicier, brevier, businessperson, people.
abrasion, corrosion, corroding, eroding, friction, kep cap; synonyms (n) cover, bonnet, lid, capital, base,
wear. ceiling, crest, detonator, tip, closure, (v) top, beat,
kemirmek eat (yemek); synonyms (v) devour, limit, surpass, better.
consume, bite, dine, munch, corrode, deplete, kepazelik scandal (skandal); synonyms (n) disgrace,
drink, feed, finish, gnaw, gobble, gorge, graze, (adj) dishonor, gossip, outrage, discredit, rumor, infamy,
digest. disrepute, backbiting, detraction, dirt, ignominy,
kenar 1. edge; synonyms (n) boundary, margin, opprobrium, shame, obloquy; antonym (n) honor.
verge, blade, brink, extremity, advantage, bank, keramet miracle; synonyms (n) marvel, wonder,
brim, butt, corner, limit, (v) border, bound, hem; prodigy, phenomenon, surprise, wonderwork,
antonyms (n) center, (v) middle, 2. border (sınır); event, sensation.
synonyms (n) fringe, bed, skirt, limits, barrier, rand, kere time (saat, süre, zaman); synonyms (n) hour,
confine, edging, (v) edge, abut, adjoin, surround, moment, period, duration, epoch, era, measure,
approach, enclose, flank, 3. margin; synonyms (n) season, day, spell, age, instant, interval, space,
circumference, perimeter, allowance, leeway, tempo; antonym (n) death.
periphery, scope, side, lip, brow, borderline, kereste 1. board (tahta); synonyms (n) council,
frontier, freedom, play, rim, room, 4. verge; bench, meal, panel, table, office, sign, commission,
synonyms (n) threshold, term, bounds, point, committee, court, embark, plank, (v) keep, lodge,
scepter, sceptre, wand, bourn, (v) bend, incline, accommodate; antonym (v) disembark, 2. timber;
tend, trend, conduce, contribute, dispose, 5. side synonyms (n) wood, forest, lumber, beam, girder,
(yan); synonyms (n) faction, direction, face, part, rafter, tree, timberland, woodland, board, joist, ore,
hand, aspect, facet, page, position, wing, quarter, quality, support, timbre, 3. wood (ağaç, koru,
surface, (v) party, (adj) nearby, lateral; antonym (adj) odun, tahta); synonyms (n) timber, woods,
distant, 6. rim; synonyms (n) flange, ring, mouth, coppice, jungle.
ridge, frame, projection, (v) line, 7. lip (dudak); kerteriz bearing; synonyms (n) carriage, demeanor,
synonyms (n) cheek, impertinence, impudence, appearance, approach, aspect, attitude, conduct,
backtalk, effrontery, insolence, shoulder, back, 8. deportment, direction, manner, respect, air, aim,
skirt (etek); synonyms (n) flap, kilt, apron, dame, behavior, comportment.
crinoline, female, (v) circumvent, evade, elude, kertik score; synonyms (n) mark, bill, count, scratch,
sidestep, dodge, avoid, duck, hedge, parry. line, groove, scotch, account, check, debt, (v) notch,
kenarlýk border (kenar, sınır); synonyms (n) cut, tally, achieve, dash.
margin, brink, extremity, fringe, bed, boundary, kervan 1. caravan; synonyms (n) train, carriage, van,
brim, limit, skirt, (v) edge, verge, abut, adjoin, hem, column, conveyance, expedition, journey, parade,
surround; antonyms (n) middle, (v) center. party, vehicle, camels, (v) procession, cortege, file,
kendi 1. self (öz); synonyms (n) ego, person, being, cavalcade, 2. train (tren); synonyms (n) chain,
individual, someone, character, essence, string, (v) aim, coach, direct, educate, exercise, trail,
individuality, personality, selfness, soul, spirit, (adj) tail, tame, discipline, drill, instruct, prepare, school.
same, 2. own; synonyms (v) acknowledge, admit, Kes cut (kesmek); synonyms (v) carve, chop, clip,
have, concede, allow, grant, hold, possess, confess, abbreviate, abridge, bite, condense, crop, drop,
get, accept, avow, enjoy, occupy, (adj) proper. fashion, (n) notch, slice, cutting, nick, blow;
kendisinin own; synonyms (v) acknowledge, admit, antonyms (v) increase, lengthen, (n) addition,
have, concede, allow, grant, hold, possess, confess, extension.
get, accept, avow, enjoy, (adj) individual, proper.

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Turkish - English 273

kese bladder (mesane); synonyms (n) cyst, vesica, stand, block, close, delay, interrupt, obstruct, plug,
balloon, capsule, utricle, vesicle, calyx, cancelli, (n) halt, hold, stay, check, end, arrest, bar, cease;
newspaper, pod, (v) inflate. antonyms (v) continue, start, begin, encourage,
keşfetmek 1. discover; synonyms (v) ascertain, permit, prolong.
discern, disclose, see, find, perceive, catch, detect, kesilmiş interrupted; synonyms (adj) discontinuous,
determine, divulge, expose, hear, impart, observe, fitful, intermittent, (prep) broken; antonym (adj)
trace, 2. detect; synonyms (v) discover, notice, constant.
spot, distinguish, identify, locate, descry, sniff, kesim 1. segment (parça); synonyms (n) division,
encounter, espy, learn, note, uncover, 3. explore paragraph, bit, piece, portion, share, slice,
(araştırmak); synonyms (v) delve, examine, proportion, length, cut, sector, (v) section, part,
search, research, hunt, investigate, plumb, probe, divide, partition, 2. sector; synonyms (n)
prospect, scrutinize, view, do, spy, feel, inquire. department, area, branch, district, segment, region,
kesici cutting; synonyms (adj) sharp, biting, keen, arm, quadrant, domain, field, quarter, sphere, zone,
acute, bitter, caustic, acrimonious, acid, acrid, arena, 3. section (bölüm, kesit, kısım);
incisive, raw, sarcastic, satirical, (n) cut, clipping; synonyms (n) compartment, percentage, class,
antonyms (adj) blunt, mild, (n) extension, freedom. chapter, clause, episode, subdivision, article,
keşideci drawer (çekmece); synonyms (n) fraction, lot, passage, plot, neighborhood,
draftsman, draughtsman, till, commode, engraver, detachment, category, 4. cutting; synonyms (adj)
case, locker, closet, bin, buffet, bunker, cellaret, sharp, biting, keen, acute, bitter, caustic,
clothespress, cupboard, draftsperson. acrimonious, acid, acrid, incisive, raw, sarcastic,
satirical, severe, (n) clipping; antonyms (adj) blunt,
keşif 1. find (bulma, bulmak); synonyms (v) catch,
discover, detect, encounter, acquire, ascertain, mild, (n) extension, freedom.
attain, feel, procure, gather, (n) detection, kesin 1. definite (belirli); synonyms (adj) accurate,
disclosure, discovery, search, breakthrough; absolute, certain, clear, categorical, conclusive,
antonyms (v) lose, misplace, 2. detection; concrete, decisive, distinct, exact, plain, precise,
synonyms (n) demodulation, detecting, uncovering, specific, reliable, actual; antonyms (adj) imprecise,
unearthing, spotting, spying, catching, recognition, uncertain, unclear, vague, doubtful, undefined,
indeterminate, evasive, indefinite, indescribable,
3. discovery; synonyms (n) finding, revelation,
qualified, 2. express; synonyms (v) exhibit,
revealing, development, exploration, find,
articulate, convey, declare, demonstrate, display,
invention, espial; antonym (n) concealment, 4.
mean, say, state, tell, (adj) explicit, direct, definite,
exploration; synonyms (n) examination, especial, (n) denote; antonyms (v) suppress, hide,
expedition, inquiry, investigation, probe, quest,
(adj) slow, 3. decisive; synonyms (adj) critical,
inspection, reconnaissance, research, scrutiny,
crucial, decided, final, important, positive,
study, survey, hunt, journey.
authoritative, convincing, definitive, determined,
Kesik 1. cut (kesmek); synonyms (v) carve, chop, peremptory, vital, (v) determinate, unequivocal,
clip, abbreviate, abridge, bite, condense, crop, drop, unqualified; antonyms (adj) indecisive, unsure,
fashion, (n) notch, slice, cutting, nick, blow;
weak, 4. implicit; synonyms (adj) silent, tacit,
antonyms (v) increase, lengthen, (n) addition,
understood, undeclared, unsaid, implied, inherent,
extension, 2. interrupted; synonyms (adj)
unquestioning, virtual, practical, 5. exact (tam);
discontinuous, fitful, intermittent, (prep) broken; synonyms (adj) detailed, authentic, careful, faithful,
antonym (adj) constant. precision, right, true, (v) close, demand, require,
kesiksiz solid (katı); synonyms (adj) firm, dense, claim, command, ask, call, (n) correct; antonyms
compact, consistent, hard, real, strong, good, fixed, (adj) inaccurate, wrong, approximate, inexact, 6.
massive, secure, substantial, fast, hearty, (v) close; flat (düz); synonyms (adj) dull, bland, even,
antonyms (adj) soft, unreliable, loose, gaseous, insipid, level, plane, tasteless, dreary, boring, dead,
permeable, runny, transparent, watery, (n) liquid. downright, equal, fixed, (n) apartment, (v)
kesilme disruption; synonyms (n) breakdown, break, uninteresting; antonyms (adj) exciting, high-
dislocation, rupture, breach, disturbance, pitched, bumpy, 7. absolute (mutlak, saf, tam);
interruption, disintegration, collapse, gap, turmoil, synonyms (adj) total, unconditional, full, real, utter,
commotion, disorganization, (v) split, (adj) arbitrary, complete, dictatorial, extreme, flat, great,
diruption. indisputable, outright, sheer, supreme; antonym
kesilmek 1. sour; synonyms (adj) morose, sharp, acid, (adj) partial, 8. final (son); synonyms (adj) latter,
bitter, rancid, severe, gruff, dour, glum, grim, last, ultimate, irrevocable, concluding, eventual,
pungent, (v) acidify, ferment, (n) harsh, acidity; net, firm, dying, ending, finished, hindmost, later,
antonyms (adj) sweet, kindly, 2. stop (durak, parting, resolved; antonyms (adj) first, opening,
durdurmak, durma, durmak); synonyms (v) preliminary, 9. definitive; synonyms (adj) express,

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274 Turkish - English

classic, classical, (v) emphatic, terminal, 10. 3. accuracy (doğruluk); synonyms (n) precision,
certain; synonyms (adj) sure, assured, dependable, reliability, care, closeness, faithfulness, veracity.
inevitable, infallible, particular, perfect, safe, kesinlikle 1. definitely; synonyms (adv) absolutely,
special, unavoidable, undeniable, unquestionable, certainly, decidedly, clearly, specifically, surely,
satisfied, set, (v) bound; antonym (adj) questionable, undoubtedly, unquestionably, truly, exactly,
11. accurate (doğru, tam); synonyms (adj) literal, completely, determinately, distinctly, emphatically,
meticulous, nice, strict, truthful, scientific, delicate, explicitly; antonyms (adv) perhaps, doubtfully,
faultless, genuine, honest, narrow, proper, maybe, possibly, vaguely, 2. certainly; synonyms
punctual, rigorous, sound; antonym (adj) false, 12. (adv) assuredly, necessarily, definitely, really, sure,
precise (tam); synonyms (adj) minute, neat, inevitably, indeed, indubitably, positively,
ceremonious, fastidious, formal, punctilious, undeniably, verily, (int) yes; antonym (adv)
methodical, fine, just, orderly, prim, refined, questionably, 3. absolutely (tamamen);
exquisite, exacting, pedantic; antonym (adj) rough, synonyms (adv) utterly, categorically, dead, entirely,
13. sure; synonyms (adj) secure, confident, fast, fully, just, precisely, purely, simply, thoroughly,
guaranteed, indubitable, stable, unerring, unfailing, totally, very, altogether, directly, expressly;
unwavering, hard, resolute, steadfast, (adv) antonyms (adv) partially, partly, 4. precisely;
certainly, (v) steady, convinced; antonym (adj) synonyms (adv) accurately, correctly, right, literally,
hesitant, 14. mathematical; synonyms (adj) meticulously, strictly, only, sharp, barely, carefully,
mathematic, algebraic, arithmetical, numeric, justly, closely, faithfully, punctually, (adj) even;
numerical, algorithmic, analytical, arithmetic, antonyms (adv) clumsily, indistinctly,
computative, geometric, geometrical, measurable, approximately, inaccurately.
numeral, statistical, trigonometric, 15. decided; kesinti cut (kesmek); synonyms (v) carve, chop, clip,
synonyms (v) marked, settled, (adj) unmistakable, abbreviate, abridge, bite, condense, crop, drop,
stark; antonym (adj) undecided, 16. explicit fashion, (n) notch, slice, cutting, nick, blow;
(açık); synonyms (adj) broad, lucid, manifest, antonyms (v) increase, lengthen, (n) addition,
sharp, perspicuous, transparent, obvious, clear-cut, extension.
trenchant, comprehensible, evident, unambiguous, kesir fraction; synonyms (n) divide, part, segment,
denotative; antonyms (adj) unspoken, implicit, 17. bit, division, piece, proportion, section, share,
positive (olumlu, pozitif); synonyms (adj) faction, cut, fragment, portion, ratio, (adj)
affirmative, favorable, incontrovertible, plus, constituent.
advantageous, constructive, dogmatic, assertive, kesişmek cross (haç); synonyms (n) crisscross,
incontestable, cocksure, good, optimistic, upbeat, affliction, (v) intersect, baffle, cover, thwart, (adj)
irrefutable, consummate; antonyms (adj) negative, crabbed, crabby, angry, cantankerous, grouchy,
derogatory, pessimistic, sad, 18. square (kare); grumpy, traverse, cranky, annoyed; antonyms (v)
synonyms (adj) rectangular, fair, quadrate, straight, uncross, (adj) calm, good-tempered.
equitable, (n) area, foursquare, rectangle, kesit section (bölüm, kısım); synonyms (n) division,
quadrilateral, block, (v) settle, agree, correspond,
part, portion, compartment, percentage, piece,
adjust, balance, 19. specific (belirli, özgül); class, branch, chapter, clause, department, episode,
synonyms (adj) individual, peculiar, single, partition, region, (v) segment.
characteristic, personal, separate, unique,
keskin 1. sharp (sivri); synonyms (adj) acute, bitter,
appropriate, different, exceptional, several,
intelligent, acid, acrid, harsh, incisive, intense,
singular, circumstantial, (n) detail, fact; antonyms
penetrating, piercing, pointed, pungent, quick, (n)
(adj) universal, (n) general, 20. stark; synonyms (adj)
keen, (v) biting; antonyms (adj) blunt, dull, mild,
austere, bare, bleak, desolate, mere, severe, simple,
gentle, rounded, sweet, bland, blurred, naive,
bald, barren, harsh, naked, nude, hollow, empty,
round, smooth, 2. bitter (acı, şiddetli); synonyms
(adj) acrimonious, sharp, acerbic, caustic, malicious,
kesinlik 1. precision; synonyms (n) accuracy, resentful, sour, virulent, acerb, cutting, freezing,
correctness, exactness, accurateness, preciseness, icy, inclement, (n) acerbity, (v) disagreeable;
fidelity, definiteness, delicacy, exactitude,
antonyms (adj) charitable, hot, kind, sugary, 3.
meticulousness, nicety, truth, clarity, attention, (adj)
precise; antonyms (n) inaccuracy, vagueness,
acute; synonyms (adj) critical, severe, shrewd,
shrill, smart, strong, acuate, discerning,
ambiguity, imprecision, 2. certainty; synonyms (n)
discriminating, grave, penetrative, perceptive,
assurance, confidence, sureness, trust, certain,
trenchant, abrupt, (v) high; antonym (adj) obtuse, 4.
certitude, conviction, fact, reality, security, surety,
belief, authenticity, assuredness, determination;
keen; synonyms (adj) eager, brisk, enthusiastic,
exquisite, clever, astute, desirous, ardent, bright,
antonyms (n) doubt, uncertainty, unpredictability,
fervent, hungry, impatient, (v) fresh, avid, active;
antonyms (adj) apathetic, indifferent,

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unenthusiastic, 5. smart (açıkgöz); synonyms continue, begin, 4. crop (ürün); synonyms (n)
(adj) crafty, dapper, sly, prompt, chic, jaunty, lively, fruit, harvest, craw, yield, (v) browse, graze, reap,
natty, neat, saucy, fine, fashionable, (v) ache, hurt, top, cultivate, cut, lop, prune, shave, trim, (adj)
(n) pain; antonyms (adj) scruffy, stupid, dim, shear, 5. dock; synonyms (n) bob, berth, bobtail,
shabby, unkempt, slow, 6. searching; synonyms harbor, pier, quay, sorrel, wharf, marina, dockage,
(v) excruciating, consuming, corroding, racking, jetty, (v) pare, curtail, deprive, land; antonym (v)
(adj) inquisitive, probing, curious, inquiring, undock, 6. fell; synonyms (v) floor, ax, level, down,
profound, exploratory, explorative, inquisitory, 7. demolish, destroy, (adj) barbarous, cruel, prostrate,
cutting; synonyms (v) dry, (adj) raw, sarcastic, brutal, fierce, savage, murderous, (n) skin, coat, 7.
satirical, cruel, hurtful, scathing, bleak, wounding, drop; synonyms (v) fall, decrease, deposit, dribble,
(n) cut, clipping, slip, clip, carving, excavation; droop, abandon, cast, dip, discard, dismiss, drip,
antonyms (n) extension, freedom, 8. exquisite; ebb, jump, shed, (n) decline; antonyms (v) rise, lift,
synonyms (adj) beautiful, elegant, delicate, excellent, (n) growth, 8. stop (durak, durdurmak, durma,
dainty, gorgeous, admirable, choice, heavenly, durmak); synonyms (v) stand, block, delay,
wonderful, charming, fair, graceful, lovely, (v) interrupt, obstruct, plug, catch, disrupt, (n) hold,
delightful; antonym (adj) everyday, 9. quick stay, check, arrest, bar, cease, curb; antonyms (v)
(çabuk, hızlı); synonyms (adj) agile, hasty, nimble, start, encourage, permit, prolong, 9. slice (dilim);
speedy, alert, alive, cursory, dexterous, synonyms (n) share, part, section, bit, chip, gash,
expeditious, hurried, immediate, instant, swift, morsel, piece, slab, chunk, portion, scrap, (v) slash,
brief, (adv) fast; antonym (adj) leisurely, 10. strong; lacerate, slit.
synonyms (adj) powerful, able, deep, firm, stable, keşmekeş chaos (kaos); synonyms (n) anarchy,
steady, cogent, durable, forcible, good, hard,
bedlam, clutter, disarray, disorder, jumble, mess,
influential, lusty, potent, rigid; antonyms (adj) muddle, pandemonium, uproar, mix-up,
weak, faint, feeble, frail, pale, slight, unconvincing, commotion, confusion, havoc, hubbub; antonyms
cowardly, diluted, exhausted, flimsy,
(n) order, peace, orderliness, regulation.
imperceptible, lightweight, soft, tired, 11. severe;
kestirme direct (dolaysız, yönlendirmek);
synonyms (adj) austere, rigorous, rough, arduous,
synonyms (adj) straight, blunt, immediate, (v) aim,
bad, grim, heavy, serious, strict, atrocious, difficult,
channel, conduct, address, charge, control, dictate,
exacting, extreme, fierce, (v) poignant; antonyms
head, administer, guide, lead, (n) command;
(adj) lenient, easy, lax.
antonyms (adj) indirect, roundabout, circuitous,
keskinlik bite (ısırmak); synonyms (n) taste, bit, oblique, second-hand, sideways, unplanned, (v)
cheat, morsel, (v) sting, nip, chew, cut, pinch, burn, request.
eat, erode, gnaw, hurt, munch.
ketum 1. close (kapamak, kapatmak); synonyms
kesme 1. cut (kesmek); synonyms (v) carve, chop, (adj) near, adjacent, nearby, accurate, tight,
clip, abbreviate, abridge, bite, condense, crop, drop, approximate, narrow, (v) compact, stop, conclude,
fashion, (n) notch, slice, cutting, nick, blow; (adv) by, about, (n) end, finish, conclusion;
antonyms (v) increase, lengthen, (n) addition, antonyms (adj) distant, airy, fresh, loose, far, (v)
extension, 2. cutting; synonyms (adj) sharp, biting, open, start, 2. discreet; synonyms (adj)
keen, acute, bitter, caustic, acrimonious, acid, acrid, circumspect, prudent, careful, cautious, chary,
incisive, raw, sarcastic, satirical, (n) cut, clipping; discerning, tactful, wise, diplomatic, considerate,
antonyms (adj) blunt, mild, (n) freedom, 3. section judicious, modest, politic, sensible, thoughtful;
(bölüm, kesit, kısım); synonyms (n) division, antonyms (adj) conspicuous, elaborate, tactless,
part, portion, compartment, percentage, piece, careless, indiscreet.
class, branch, chapter, clause, department, episode, keyfi arbitrary; synonyms (adj) absolute, capricious,
partition, region, (v) segment. dictatorial, optional, erratic, random, peremptory,
kesmek 1. cut; synonyms (v) carve, chop, clip, masterful, haphazard, autocratic, discretionary,
abbreviate, abridge, bite, condense, crop, drop, dogmatic, domineering, freakish, imperious.
fashion, (n) notch, slice, cutting, nick, blow; keyif 1. joy (sevinç); synonyms (n) delight,
antonyms (v) increase, lengthen, (n) addition, enjoyment, elation, gladness, glee, happiness,
extension, 2. break (mola); synonyms (v) split, pleasure, bliss, ecstasy, excitement, exhilaration,
crack, burst, fail, infringe, leak, (n) breach, fracture, exultation, fun, (v) exult, cheer; antonyms (n)
pause, rupture, stop, collapse, interruption, respite, misery, sorrow, sadness, disaster, grief, 2. delight;
suspension; antonyms (v) repair, obey, honor, synonyms (n) joy, amusement, rejoicing,
mend, (n) continuation, 3. cease (durmak); delectation, (v) charm, amuse, please, ravish,
synonyms (v) end, break, quit, terminate, abstain, captivate, enrapture, gratify, transport, content,
close, conclude, discontinue, desist, expire, halt, divert, enchant; antonyms (v) depress, displease, 3.
lapse, leave, (n) finish, (adj) abate; antonyms (v) humour; synonyms (n) mood, temper, wit,

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witticism, biliousness, brain, brainpower, card, harmoniously; antonyms (adv) impolitely,

climate, wittiness, irritability, irritation, mentality, brusquely, rudely, discourteously.
modality, (v) humor, 4. pleasure; synonyms (n) kibarlık courtesy (nezaket); synonyms (n) civility,
contentment, gratification, comfort, mirth, propriety, chivalry, comity, decency, gallantry,
inclination, entertainment, fruition, pleasance, politeness, attention, breeding, etiquette, affability,
satisfaction, desire, festivity, cheerfulness, liking, consideration, courteousness, graciousness, (adj)
mind, (adj) delicacy; antonyms (n) anger, ache, complaisance; antonyms (n) rudeness, discourtesy.
boredom, nuisance. kibir pride (gurur); synonyms (n) arrogance, boast,
keyifli 1. gay; synonyms (adj) cheerful, bright, conceit, haughtiness, egotism, lordliness, vanity,
convivial, festive, gaudy, airy, blithe, brave, assumption, insolence, disdain, hauteur, triumph,
buoyant, cheery, festal, flashy, frolicsome, (n) presumption, glory, (v) plume; antonyms (n)
homosexual, gallant, 2. cheerful; synonyms (adj) humility, modesty.
breezy, carefree, glad, merry, optimistic, pleasant, kibirli 1. arrogant; synonyms (adj) haughty,
animated, brisk, chipper, comfortable, contented,
imperious, presumptuous, proud, dogmatic,
happy, hopeful, jolly, joyful; antonyms (adj) boastful, conceited, condescending, disdainful,
depressed, gloomy, sad, unhappy, dejected, domineering, egotistical, insolent, overbearing,
depressing, grim, hopeless, miserable, morose, supercilious, vain; antonyms (adj) modest, self-
somber, unwelcoming, bleak, cheerless, dull.
effacing, (syn) humble, 2. proud (gururlu);
keyifsiz 1. mean (demek istemek, ortalama); synonyms (adj) arrogant, dignified, lofty, exalted,
synonyms (v) intend, design, imply, denote, gallant, lordly, majestic, pompous, elated, grand,
involve, (adj) middle, base, common, hateful, magnificent, noble, sublime, superior, high;
ignoble, medium, miserly, (n) average,
antonyms (adj) ashamed, embarrassed, 3.
contemptible, low; antonyms (adj) generous, kind,
important (önemli); synonyms (adj) essential,
2. sick (hasta); synonyms (adj) ill, queasy, ailing,
grave, fundamental, significant, chief, crucial, key,
indisposed, poorly, weary, invalid, diseased,
remarkable, serious, earnest, authoritative, big,
morbid, sickly, nauseous, poor, crazy, disgusted, (v)
central, consequential, considerable; antonyms (adj)
unwell; antonyms (adj) well, healthy.
unimportant, insignificant, trivial, minor,
keza 1. also (da, de); synonyms (adv) too, likewise, irrelevant, low, worthless, 4. superior; synonyms
moreover, more, besides, withal, again, equally,
(adj) senior, dominant, better, exceptional,
further, item, similarly, so, (conj) and, furthermore, predominant, elder, great, eminent, excellent,
2. too (dahi, de); synonyms (adv) also, excessively, higher, select, commanding, admirable, distinctive,
over, overly, extremely, unduly, 3. likewise; important; antonyms (adj) worse, poor, (n) inferior,
synonyms (adv) alike, anyway, (adj) even. subordinate, subscript.
kibar 1. gentle; synonyms (adj) clement, calm, easy, kibrit match (eş); synonyms (n) equal, competition,
friendly, soft, affable, balmy, kind, mild, tame, couple, duplicate, (v) agree, mate, meet, parallel,
feeble, amiable, benign, bland, (n) benevolent; accord, correspond, harmonise, harmonize,
antonyms (adj) caustic, cruel, fierce, harsh, loud, balance, fellow, fit; antonyms (v) clash, contradict.
violent, rough, abrupt, hardhearted, heavy, kıç 1. bottom (alt, dip); synonyms (n) base, basis,
sarcastic, sheer, steep, 2. civil; synonyms (adj) backside, bed, behind, foot, footing, back, arse, ass,
polite, courteous, civic, gracious, mannerly, bum, butt, buttocks, craft, floor; antonyms (n) top,
municipal, obliging, public, civilised, attentive, pinnacle, (adj) highest, 2. behind; synonyms (prep)
complaisant, considerate, courtly, domestic,
after, abaft, (adv) backward, backwards, late, later,
genteel; antonym (adj) rude, 3. mild; synonyms aback, beyond, trailing, (n) bottom, can, posterior,
(adj) kindly, lenient, docile, humble, delicate, meek,
rump, tail, (adj) rear; antonyms (adv) ahead, early,
sweet, fine, indulgent, moderate, temperate,
compliant, light, flat, (n) gentle; antonyms (adj)
kıdemli senior; synonyms (adj) older, old, aged,
intense, extreme, pungent, severe, sharp, spicy,
elderly, major, superior, predecessor, (n) elder,
barbed, great, hot, incisive, passionate, powerful,
head, dean, ruler, chief, sachem; antonyms (adj)
scathing, wintry, 4. polite; synonyms (adj)
cultured, civil, proper, refined, chivalrous, subordinate, (n) junior.
civilized, cultivated, polished, good, gallant, kik shell (kabuk); synonyms (n) peel, rind, bullet,
elegant, gentlemanly, nice, respectful, smooth; case, casing, sheath, bark, carcass, crust, shot, (v)
antonyms (adj) impolite, bad-mannered, bomb, bombard, husk, pod, blast.
discourteous, boorish. kil clay; synonyms (n) soil, remains, pottery, dirt, dust,
kibarca politely; synonyms (adv) courteously, kindly, loam, mud, ashes, cadaver, (adj) earthen.
respectfully, agreeably, courtly, gracefully,
admiringly, amiably, assiduously, considerately,
cooperatively, cordially, elegantly, genially,

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kıl hair (saç); synonyms (n) fuzz, coat, down, fleece, clocked, colorfast, debauched, degenerate,
fur, hairbreadth, haircloth, locks, pile, coiffure, (adj) degraded, dissipated, dissolute.
brush, clipping, driblet. kılmak render; synonyms (v) afford, interpret,
kılavuz 1. guide (rehber); synonyms (n) escort, explain, furnish, give, offer, pay, construe, depict,
directory, attendant, control, usher, chief, (v) direct, impart, make, provide, return, translate, yield.
conduct, govern, drive, channel, bring, advise, kim who; synonyms (pron) one, (adj) which, what.
cicerone, convey; antonym (v) follow, 2. pilot kime who (kim); synonyms (pron) one, (adj) which,
(pilot); synonyms (n) guide, leader, aviator, what.
captain, airman, cowcatcher, flier, (v) manage, lead, kimi some (bazı, biraz); synonyms (adv) nearly,
director, fly, navigate, show, steer, (adj) rather, somewhat, about, approximately, around,
experimental, 3. manual; synonyms (n) handbook, roughly, round, almost, near, (adj) few, certain,
guidebook, brochure, primer, text, textbook, several, (det) any, (n) one.
compendium, grammar, abecedary, codex, libretto; kımıldamak move (hareket, taşınmak); synonyms
antonyms (adj) automatic, mechanized. (v) act, affect, carry, excite, go, impel, instigate,
kılavuzluk lead; synonyms (v) head, guide, conduct, maneuver, touch, travel, flow, bear, (n) motion,
contribute, direct, chair, conduce, control, go, drive, transfer; antonym (v) stay.
govern, bring, convey, give, (n) clue, advantage; kımıldatmak move (hareket, taşınmak);
antonym (v) follow. synonyms (v) act, affect, carry, excite, go, impel,
kılçık 1. bone (kemik); synonyms (n) os, ivory, instigate, maneuver, touch, travel, flow, bear, (n)
mouth, osmium, argument, bead, block, (v) motion, drive, transfer; antonym (v) stay.
cartilage, swot, gristle, prepare, arise, attire, beat, kimlik 1. identity (özdeşlik); synonyms (n)
bill, 2. string (dizi, ip, sicim); synonyms (n) identicalness, unity, individuality, personality,
chain, file, row, strand, twine, range, cord, filament, sameness, character, equality, person, similarity,
rank, series, thread, tie, sequence, (v) run, (adj) line, equivalence, 2. identification; synonyms (n)
3. spine (omurga); synonyms (n) backbone, designation, finding, id, identity, mark, naming,
thorn, point, prickle, quill, spike, back, barb, rachis, papers, remembering, badge, recognition,
pricker, ridge, spur, sticker. denomination.
kiler cellar (bodrum); synonyms (n) vault, basement, kimse 1. person (kişi, şahıs); synonyms (n) fellow,
cellarage, winery, cockpit, hold, bound, catacomb, human, individual, man, being, body, character,
cell, floor, sepulcher, tomb, vineyard, chateau, creature, mortal, soul, life, homo, form, organism,
curvet. (v) party; antonym (n) automaton, 2. soul (ruh);
kılıç sword; synonyms (n) blade, rapier, brand, steel, synonyms (n) ghost, heart, mind, person,
glaive, knife, brond, firebrand, fox, intoxicate, personification, essence, psyche, self, marrow,
make, mark, marque, morglay, point. bosom, breast, embodiment, (adj) core,
quintessence, gist, 3. somebody (biri, birisi);
kılıf cover (örtmek); synonyms (v) coat, conceal, top,
synonyms (pron) someone, anybody, (n) personage,
bury, cloak, (n) blind, blanket, screen, binding,
notable, (adj) celebrity, hero, lion, notability;
camouflage, cap, covering, lid, mask, shield;
antonym (pron) nobody.
antonyms (v) reveal, expose, uncover.
kilim rug; synonyms (n) blanket, carpet, carpeting, kimya chemistry; synonyms (n) alchemy, attraction,
mat, coverlet, counterpane, quilt, floor, sheet, charm, organization, (adj) acyclic, botany.
tarpaulin, bathmat, doormat, flooring, runner, (v) kimyager chemist; synonyms (n) apothecary,
plunder. pharmacist, druggist, pharmaceutist, pharmacy,
kilise church; synonyms (n) cathedral, temple, pharmacopolist, alchemist, chemic, dispensatory,
denomination, meetinghouse, minster, chantry, laborant, analyst.
churchdom, oratory, shrine, cult, sect, communion, kimyasal chemical; synonyms (adj) chemic,
creed, faith, (adj) pope. alchemical, alkaline, plastic, spagyrical, actinic,
kilit lock (kilitlemek); synonyms (n) curl, hook, analytical, ersatz, synthesized, synthetic,
padlock, (v) bolt, bar, close, latch, engage, fasten, synthetical, (n) ammunition, reagent.
hug, hold, interlock, secure, shut, (adj) hair; kimyevi chemical (kimyasal); synonyms (adj)
antonyms (v) unlock, open. chemic, alchemical, alkaline, plastic, spagyrical,
actinic, analytical, ersatz, synthesized, synthetic,
kilitlemek lock (kilit); synonyms (n) curl, hook,
synthetical, (n) ammunition, reagent.
padlock, (v) bolt, bar, close, latch, engage, fasten,
hug, hold, interlock, secure, shut, (adj) hair;
kin 1. gall; synonyms (n) anger, bitterness, cheek,
audacity, acerbity, acrimony, cheekiness, crust,
antonyms (v) unlock, open.
freshness, grate, (v) annoy, chafe, fret, irk, irritate,
kilitli locked; synonyms (adj) bolted, latched, closed,
2. hatred (nefret); synonyms (n) detestation,
barred, fast, barricaded, blockaded, bonded,
abhorrence, antipathy, aversion, disgust, grudge,

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abomination, antagonism, dislike, hostility, odium, kiracı tenant; synonyms (n) inhabitant, lodger,
rancor, (v) hate, enmity, animosity; antonyms (n) occupant, resident, holder, occupier, renter, inmate,
love, adoration, liking, 3. hate (nefret); synonyms dweller, householder, (v) inhabit, occupy;
(v) abhor, detest, abominate, loathe, despise, scorn, antonyms (n) landlord, proprietor.
disdain, (n) hatred, distaste, execration, loathing, kiracılık tenancy; synonyms (n) occupancy,
revulsion, spite, repugnance, repulsion; antonyms occupation, tenure, possession, tenantry,
(v) like, adore. ownership, use, (adj) shaky, weak, feeble, fragile,
kınama 1. criticism; synonyms (n) critique, halfhearted, questionable, unconvincing,
commentary, blame, review, animadversion, unsubstantiated.
attack, censure, comment, denunciation, kırağı frost (ayaz); synonyms (n) cold, freeze,
disapproval, knock, rebuke, stricture, complaint, freezing, rime, hoar, hoarfrost, icing, (v) chill, ice.
objection; antonyms (n) praise, approval, kiralama 1. hire; synonyms (n) wage, employment,
admiration, compliment, 2. blame (suçlamak); fee, pay, salary, fare, (v) employ, engage, charter,
synonyms (v) accuse, arraign, reprimand, charge, enlist, rent, retain, take, commission,
reproach, chide, fault, attribute, criticize, (n) rap, compensation; antonym (v) dismiss, 2. lease;
onus, accusation, allegation, condemnation, synonyms (n) leasing, letting, rental, (v) hire, let,
inculpation; antonyms (v) pardon, absolve. contract, demise, give, acquire, allow, buy,
kınamak fault (arıza, bozukluk, hata, kusur); consider, convey, get.
synonyms (n) defect, blemish, error, failing, blame, kiralamak 1. charter; synonyms (n) hire, permit,
blot, crime, delinquency, flaw, blunder, break, authority, code, law, license, constitution, contract,
demerit, weakness, (v) deficiency, culpability; franchise, (v) let, rent, engage, lease, take, get, 2.
antonyms (n) merit, strength. hire; synonyms (n) wage, employment, fee, pay,
kip 1. mode; synonyms (n) means, fashion, manner, salary, fare, payment, (v) employ, charter, enlist,
method, form, way, condition, custom, guise, style, retain, commission, compensation, select, book;
wise, appearance, approach, fad, modality, 2. antonym (v) dismiss, 3. job (iş); synonyms (n)
mood; synonyms (n) humor, atmosphere, climate, chore, position, work, assignment, business, career,
disposition, air, attitude, feeling, mode, temper, duty, matter, occupation, post, task, concern,
character, humour, state, sulk, temperament, tone. function, labor, line, 4. lease; synonyms (n) leasing,
kir 1. dirt; synonyms (n) soil, dust, filth, grime, crap, letting, rental, (v) demise, give, acquire, allow, buy,
ground, mire, scandal, contamination, smudge, consider, convey, 5. rent; synonyms (n) breach,
dirtiness, foulness, impurity, land, muck, 2. soil cleft, fissure, crevice, break, crack, tear, hole, flaw,
(toprak); synonyms (n) dirt, (v) blot, contaminate, fracture, gap, rift, rip, slit, split, 6. take (almak);
dirty, pollute, blemish, defile, foul, mould, smear, synonyms (v) admit, hold, adopt, bear, carry, catch,
smirch, smutch, begrime, daub, (adj) blur; antonym clutch, obtain, return, borrow, pick, appropriate, (n)
(v) clean. seize, (phr) accept, receive; antonyms (v) refuse,
kır 1. field (alan, saha, tarla); synonyms (n) arena, abstain, add, lose, 7. tenant (kiracı); synonyms (n)
area, battlefield, domain, ground, place, inhabitant, lodger, occupant, resident, holder,
battleground, compass, court, department, occupier, renter, inmate, dweller, householder, (v)
discipline, range, realm, section, sphere, 2. grey inhabit, occupy; antonyms (n) landlord, proprietor.
(gri); synonyms (adj) dim, dull, greyish, hoar, kırbaç whip; synonyms (n) coachman, (v) scourge,
hoary, leaden, grayish, (n) grayness, greyness, (v) lash, flog, strap, beat, flagellate, goad, punish, stir,
gray, 3. wilderness; synonyms (n) desert, wild, thrash, trounce, wallop, chastise, cane.
wasteland, solitude, wildness, (v) waste, 4. kırdırmak discount; synonyms (n) deduction, rebate,
country (ülke); synonyms (n) state, nation, home, allowance, bargain, decrease, reduction, (v) reduce,
land, commonwealth, kingdom, region, soil, disregard, ignore, neglect, deduct, depreciate, cut,
territory, district, nationality, province, (adj) rural, dismiss, reject; antonym (v) increase.
rustic, public; antonyms (n) city, (adj) urban, 5. kireç lime; synonyms (n) birdlime, basswood, calx,
moor; synonyms (n) marsh, moorland, plain, lemon, cement, linden, quicklime, (v) forelay, (adj)
swamp, (v) anchor, berth, fasten, tie, dock, secure, green.
hitch, fix, bind, (adj) picket, lash. kırık 1. broken (bozuk); synonyms (v) broke, (adj)
kira 1. hire; synonyms (n) wage, employment, fee, tame, torn, busted, imperfect, intermittent, rough,
pay, salary, fare, (v) employ, engage, charter, enlist, rugged, ruined, uneven, disjointed, incomplete,
rent, retain, take, commission, compensation; confused, cracked, crushed; antonyms (adj)
antonym (v) dismiss, 2. rent; synonyms (n) breach, constant, unbroken, intact, whole, wild, 2. break
cleft, fissure, lease, let, crevice, break, crack, tear, (mola); synonyms (v) split, crack, burst, fail,
hole, flaw, fracture, gap, rift, (v) hire. infringe, leak, (n) breach, fracture, pause, rupture,
stop, collapse, interruption, respite, suspension;

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antonyms (v) repair, obey, honor, mend, (n) kirlenmek 1. dirty (kirli, pis); synonyms (adj) foul,
continuation. dirt, contemptible, bawdy, contaminated, dingy,
kırılgan fragile; synonyms (adj) dainty, delicate, frail, impure, despicable, (v) muddy, corrupt, soil,
breakable, brittle, flimsy, weak, faint, feeble, fine, contaminate, begrime, bemire, (n) defile; antonyms
slim, frangible, insubstantial, shaky, slender; (adj) hygienic, pure, spotless, immaculate, (v) clean,
antonyms (adj) strong, unbreakable, substantial, 2. soil (toprak); synonyms (n) ground, grime,
sturdy, permanent, robust. land, dust, (v) smudge, blot, dirty, pollute, mire,
kırılma breaking; synonyms (n) break, breach, blemish, mould, smear, smirch, smutch, (adj) blur.
breakage, violation, contravention, infringement; kirletme pollution; synonyms (n) contamination,
antonym (n) observance. filth, infection, befoulment, corruption, dirtiness,
kırılmak break (mola); synonyms (v) split, crack, impurity, infamy, foulness, soiling, contagion,
burst, fail, infringe, leak, (n) breach, fracture, pause, disgrace, (adj) defilement, taint, depravity.
rupture, stop, collapse, interruption, respite, kirletmek 1. dirty (kirli, pis); synonyms (adj) foul,
suspension; antonyms (v) repair, obey, honor, dirt, contemptible, bawdy, contaminated, dingy,
mend, (n) continuation. impure, despicable, (v) muddy, corrupt, soil,
kırılmış broken (bozuk); synonyms (v) broke, (adj) contaminate, begrime, bemire, (n) defile; antonyms
tame, torn, busted, imperfect, intermittent, rough, (adj) hygienic, pure, spotless, immaculate, (v) clean,
rugged, ruined, uneven, disjointed, incomplete, 2. soil (toprak); synonyms (n) ground, grime,
confused, cracked, crushed; antonyms (adj) land, dust, (v) smudge, blot, dirty, pollute, mire,
constant, unbroken, intact, whole, wild. blemish, mould, smear, smirch, smutch, (adj) blur.
kırıntı 1. bit; synonyms (n) crumb, morsel, piece, kirli 1. dirty (pis); synonyms (adj) foul, dirt,
atom, drop, fleck, fragment, moment, part, portion, contemptible, bawdy, contaminated, dingy,
shred, snatch, (v) curb, scrap, scantling, 2. impure, despicable, (v) muddy, corrupt, soil,
fragment; synonyms (n) fraction, division, grain, contaminate, begrime, bemire, (n) defile; antonyms
rag, remnant, section, share, sherd, (v) bit, chip, (adj) hygienic, pure, spotless, immaculate, (v) clean,
shiver, splinter, break, crumble, crack, 3. scrap; 2. filthy; synonyms (adj) dirty, nasty, unclean,
synonyms (n) fight, brawl, clash, end, junk, disgusting, squalid, awful, grimy, grubby,
remainder, conflict, waste, rubbish, residue, (v) indecent, ribald, smutty, sordid, vile, vulgar,
quarrel, row, discard, reject, dump; antonym (v) distasteful; antonym (adj) decent.
keep. kirlilik pollution; synonyms (n) contamination, filth,
kiriş 1. beam (ışın); synonyms (n) blaze, glow, ray, infection, befoulment, corruption, dirtiness,
timber, flash, joist, light, (v) glare, air, broadcast, impurity, infamy, foulness, soiling, contagion,
gleam, grin, radiate, smile, (adj) shine, 2. chord; disgrace, (adj) defilement, taint, depravity.
synonyms (n) cord, harmony, curve, flange, kırmak 1. break (mola); synonyms (v) split, crack,
enticement, (v) accord, harmonise, harmonize, burst, fail, infringe, leak, (n) breach, fracture, pause,
agree, consort, reconcile, (adj) subtense, 3. string rupture, stop, collapse, interruption, respite,
(dizi, ip, sicim); synonyms (n) chain, file, row, suspension; antonyms (v) repair, obey, honor,
strand, twine, range, filament, rank, series, thread, mend, (n) continuation, 2. discount; synonyms (n)
tie, sequence, fiber, (v) run, (adj) line. deduction, rebate, allowance, bargain, decrease,
kırışmak bunch (grup, salkım); synonyms (n) reduction, (v) reduce, disregard, ignore, neglect,
cluster, clump, crowd, batch, band, gang, group, deduct, depreciate, cut, dismiss, reject; antonym (v)
lot, troop, horde, bulge, herd, (v) bundle, huddle, increase.
pack; antonym (v) disperse. kırmızı 1. red (al, kızıl); synonyms (adj) crimson,
kırk forty; synonyms (n) forties, (adj) twoscore. flushed, carmine, glowing, rosy, ruby, sanguine,
kırlaşmak grey (gri); synonyms (adj) dim, dull, cherry, pink, radical, ruddy, scarlet, cerise, bloody,
greyish, hoar, hoary, leaden, grayish, (n) grayness, inflamed, 2. scarlet; synonyms (adj) red, (n)
greyness, (v) gray. vermilion.
kirlenme 1. contamination; synonyms (n) contagion, kırpıntı scrap; synonyms (n) fight, morsel, brawl,
pollution, contaminant, infection, dirtying, remnant, bit, chip, clash, end, junk, piece,
corruption, taint, vitiation, adulteration, depravity, remainder, conflict, (v) quarrel, row, (adj) fragment;
(v) defilement; antonym (n) decontamination, 2. antonym (v) keep.
pollution; synonyms (n) contamination, filth, kırpmak crop (ürün); synonyms (n) fruit, harvest,
befoulment, dirtiness, impurity, infamy, foulness, craw, (v) browse, graze, reap, top, cultivate, cut,
soiling, disgrace, filthiness, violation, dirt, stain, lop, prune, shave, trim, (adj) clip, shear.
(adj) backsliding, demoralization. kırsal 1. country (ülke); synonyms (n) state, nation,
home, land, area, commonwealth, kingdom, place,

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realm, region, soil, territory, (adj) rural, rustic, individualism, name, being, distinctiveness, self;
public; antonyms (n) city, (adj) urban, 2. rural; antonym (n) nobody, 2. character (karakter);
synonyms (adj) provincial, agricultural, countrified, synonyms (n) kind, note, part, quality, role, type,
country, pastoral, predial, agrestic, arable. brand, constitution, description, eccentric, spirit,
kırtasiyecilik bureaucracy (bürokrasi); synonyms tone, standing, atmosphere, attitude, 3. self
(n) bureaucratism, apparatus, cabinet, fascism, (kendi, öz); synonyms (n) ego, individual,
formalities, government, authority, beadledom, someone, personality, selfness, soul, (adj) same.
directorate, establishment, management, ministry, kısım 1. section (bölüm, kesit); synonyms (n)
officials, paperwork, system. division, part, portion, compartment, percentage,
kış winter; synonyms (n) wintertime, season, chill, piece, class, branch, chapter, clause, department,
frost, hiems, coldness, iciness, (v) hibernate. episode, partition, region, (v) segment, 2. part
kısa 1. short (bodur); synonyms (adj) brief, concise, (bölüm, parça); synonyms (n) constituent, article,
scarce, brusque, close, curt, sharp, compendious, character, component, cut, section, share, allotment,
laconic, abrupt, deficient, diminutive, inadequate, bit, (v) break, disjoin, divide, divorce, cleave,
insufficient, lacking; antonyms (adj) long, tall, high, dissociate; antonyms (n) whole, entirety, (adj)
lengthy, 2. brief; synonyms (adj) short, abridge, complete, 3. portion (parça, porsiyon);
little, summary, transient, short-lived, abbreviated, synonyms (n) allot, fragment, parcel, dole,
fleeting, succinct, (n) abstract, digest, epitome, allowance, deal, destiny, fate, fortune, installment,
report, (v) compact, notify; antonyms (adj) long- (v) lot, dividend, assign, dispense, distribute, 4.
drawn-out, long-winded, permanent, time- fragment; synonyms (n) fraction, crumb, morsel,
consuming, 3. compact; synonyms (adj) dense, grain, rag, remnant, sherd, shred, snatch, (v) chip,
hard, solid, thick, (n) agreement, arrangement, scrap, shiver, splinter, crumble, crack, 5. chapter
contract, covenant, bargain, engagement, bond, (v) (bölüm); synonyms (n) convocation, head, stage,
compress, condense, consolidate, pack; antonyms
caput, 6. division (bölüm); synonyms (n)
(adj) loose, sprawling, bulky, sparse. disagreement, split, cleavage, classification,
kısaca shortly; synonyms (adv) presently, briefly, category, difference, discord, demarcation, sharing,
soon, immediately, abruptly, concisely, curtly, area, arm, boundary, breach, detachment, (v)
short, anon, now, brusquely, directly, quickly, distribution; antonyms (n) closeness, convergence,
rapidly, (adj) forthwith. estimation, unification, 7. episode; synonyms (n)
kısaltmak contract; synonyms (n) compact, charter, affair, event, incident, occurrence, happening,
(v) covenant, bargain, concentrate, condense, occasion, circumstance, subdivision, anecdote,
narrow, catch, compress, constrict, shrink, wrinkle, experience, fact, instalment, interlude, parenthesis,
abbreviate, (adj) abridge, shorten; antonyms (v) sequence, 8. department (bölüm); synonyms (n)
expand, widen, stretch. bureau, agency, faculty, domain, field, line, office,
kişi 1. person (şahıs); synonyms (n) fellow, human, realm, subject, service, district, group, kingdom,
individual, man, being, body, character, creature, organization, province, 9. segment (kesim,
mortal, soul, life, homo, form, organism, (v) party; parça); synonyms (n) paragraph, slice, proportion,
antonym (n) automaton, 2. self (kendi, öz); length, sector, metamere, block, strip, chunk.
synonyms (n) ego, person, someone, essence, kişisel 1. personal; synonyms (adj) individual, own,
individuality, personality, selfness, spirit, (adj) particular, human, intimate, peculiar, private,
same, 3. man (adam, erkek, insan); synonyms direct, proper, subjective, physical, confidential,
(n) gentleman, guy, husband, humanity, especial, original, privy; antonyms (adj) public,
humankind, humans, mankind, world, hand, general, 2. intimate; synonyms (adj) close,
servant, somebody, garrison, (v) equip, (obj) he, informal, inner, internal, bosom, (v) express, allude,
male; antonym (n) woman, 4. individual (birey, hint, imply, indicate, insinuate, suggest, (n)
bireysel); synonyms (adj) distinct, particular, familiar, confidante, (adv) dear; antonym (adj)
single, different, alone, certain, characteristic, distant, 3. individual (birey, bireysel);
distinctive, especial, exclusive, singular, sole, synonyms (adj) distinct, single, different, alone,
solitary, special, independent; antonyms (adj) joint, certain, characteristic, distinctive, exclusive,
combined, common, communal, general, vague, (n) singular, sole, (n) creature, fellow, man, mortal,
collective, 5. soul (ruh); synonyms (n) ghost, person; antonyms (adj) joint, combined, common,
heart, mind, personification, psyche, self, marrow, communal, vague, (n) collective, 4. private (özel);
bosom, breast, embodiment, (adj) core, synonyms (adj) clandestine, personal, covert,
quintessence, gist, incarnation, backbone. hidden, secret, esoteric, domestic, interior, lonely,
kişilik 1. personality; synonyms (n) individuality, retired, secluded, special, inside, mysterious,
person, celebrity, character, identity, nature, inward; antonyms (adj) community, nationalized,
characteristic, disposition, temperament, essence, official, state-owned, civic, shared, state.

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kısıt constraint (zorlama); synonyms (n) coercion, dwindle; antonyms (adj) wide, broad,
compulsion, force, restraint, confinement, duress, comprehensive, extensive, (v) widen, extend.
enforcement, limitation, obligation, pressure, kısmen partly; synonyms (adv) partially, part,
restriction, coaction, check, condition, (adj) reserve; halfway, incompletely, relatively, party, carelessly,
antonym (n) incentive. comparatively, inadequately, insufficiently,
kısıtlama 1. constraint (zorlama); synonyms (n) measurably, (adj) half, semi, quasi, (pron) what;
coercion, compulsion, force, restraint, confinement, antonyms (adv) completely, wholly, entirely.
duress, enforcement, limitation, obligation, kısmet 1. fortune; synonyms (n) chance, destiny,
pressure, restriction, coaction, check, condition, (adj) estate, fate, fluke, accident, luck, means,
reserve; antonym (n) incentive, 2. qualification; abundance, assets, doom, lot, riches, wealth,
synonyms (n) capability, competence, fitness, blessing, 2. destiny; synonyms (n) fortune, kismet,
preparation, prerequisite, provision, degree, ability, destination, portion, weird, circumstances, 3. lot
alteration, modification, requirement, reservation,
(parti); synonyms (n) batch, slice, allot, bunch,
(adj) faculty, endowment, property.
circle, group, set, share, allotment, band, caboodle,
kısıtlamak limit (sınır); synonyms (n) bound, cluster, collection, (v) deal, apportion, 4. fate
boundary, edge, (v) border, restrict, circumscribe,
(kader); synonyms (n) fatality, end, future, hap, (v)
confine, curb, restrain, abridge, check, close,
destine, designate, destruction.
constrain, curtail, (prep) extent; antonyms (n) center,
extension, minimum, (v) broaden, extend.
kısmi partial; synonyms (adj) incomplete, imperfect,
fragmentary, unfair, sectional, inequitable, biased,
kısıtlayıcı restrictive; synonyms (adj) prohibitive,
part, unequal, halfway, partisan, prejudiced,
restraining, exclusive, restricted, astringent,
unfinished, unjust, (v) party; antonyms (adj)
binding, clannish, coactive, compulsory,
complete, impartial, total, absolute, comprehensive,
conditional, costive, obligatory, opposed,
preventive, (v) limitary; antonym (adj) encouraging.
kısıtlı 1. limited; synonyms (adj) finite, circumscribed, kısrak mare; synonyms (n) bitch, doe, hen, horse,
jennet, boundary, genet, lady, mere, mount, roe,
moderate, qualified, special, insular, bounded,
narrow, scanty, slender, particular, specific, sow, stallion, charger, gelding.
definite, conditional, constricted; antonyms (adj) kıstas criterion (kriter, ölçüt); synonyms (n)
boundless, infinite, limitless, open, complete, benchmark, measure, norm, test, canon, mark,
never-ending, unlimited, wide, 2. qualified; criterium, gauge, pattern, principle, proof, rule,
synonyms (adj) competent, capable, eligible, touchstone.
efficient, fit, proficient, able, clever, expert, kıt spare; synonyms (adj) reserve, slender, excess,
adequate, certified, limited, restricted, fitted, save, slight, additional, lean, slim, thin, bare, (v)
prepared; antonyms (adj) unqualified, total, free, meager, exempt, (n) extra, backup.
unofficial. kıta continent; synonyms (n) land, delta, peninsula,
kıskanç 1. jealous; synonyms (adj) covetous, area, boundary, capacity, circle, (adj) chaste,
distrustful, envious, suspicious, resentful, celibate, abstemious, pure, temperate, abstinent,
invidious, green, grudging, 2. yellow (sarı); sober, austere; antonym (adj) incontinent.
synonyms (adj) jaundiced, amber, chicken, kitap book; synonyms (n) bible, journal, pamphlet,
chickenhearted, fearful, xanthous, craven, tome, volume, writing, text, manuscript, (v) order,
spineless, yellowish, flavous, golden, (n) coward, reserve, apply, inscribe, list, record, arrest.
(adv) cowardly. kitaplık library (kütüphane); synonyms (n)
kıskançlık jealousy; synonyms (n) suspicion, bibliotheca, annals, archive, bibliotheke, den,
competition, contention, distrust, qualm, scruple, documentation, documents, records, store.
doubt, challenge, contest, diffidence, kıtasal continental; synonyms (adj) littoral, midland,
dissatisfaction, emulation, enmity, jealoushood, riparian, earthy.
misdoubt. kitle mass (yığın); synonyms (adj) block, (n) bulk,
kışla quarters; synonyms (n) dwelling, abode, heap, crowd, cluster, pile, bunch, collection, lump,
domicile, lodging, residence, diggings, digs, pad, magnitude, majority, accumulation, aggregate,
accommodation, barracks, habitation, quartering, amount, (v) flock.
housing, place, address. kıtlık shortage (açık); synonyms (n) dearth, defect,
kışlamak winter (kış); synonyms (n) wintertime, deficiency, lack, paucity, deficit, famine,
season, chill, frost, hiems, coldness, iciness, (v) insufficiency, need, poverty, scantiness, scarcity,
hibernate. shortfall, want, deprivation; antonyms (n)
kısmak narrow (dar); synonyms (adj) close, limited, abundance, excess, overabundance, surplus,
insular, little, cramped, illiberal, mean, (v) confined, affluence, glut.
contract, limit, lessen, constrict, shrink, abridge,

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kıvam consistency (tutarlılık); synonyms (n) kıymamak spare; synonyms (adj) reserve, slender,
consistence, agreement, body, coherence, excess, save, slight, additional, lean, slim, thin,
consonance, conformity, congruence, congruity, bare, (v) free, meager, exempt, (n) extra, backup.
density, uniformity, accordance, concord, kıymet 1. price (eder, fiyat); synonyms (n) cost,
compatibility, consentaneousness, accord; worth, charge, expense, figure, damage, fee,
antonyms (n) inconsistency, discrepancy. payment, toll, (v) appraise, estimate, amount,
kıvırma bend (bükme); synonyms (n) bow, arch, arc, assess, (adj) merit, value, 2. value; synonyms (n)
elbow, twist, angle, curvature, (v) curve, turn, importance, rate, consequence, regard, (v) price,
crouch, stoop, crook, curl, flex, deflect; antonyms appreciate, esteem, evaluate, cherish, measure,
(v) straighten, square. prize, rank, respect, revere, treasure; antonyms (n)
kıvırmak bend (bükme); synonyms (n) bow, arch, disadvantage, futility, uselessness, insignificance.
arc, elbow, twist, angle, curvature, (v) curve, turn, kıymetli 1. valuable; synonyms (adj) costly,
crouch, stoop, crook, curl, flex, deflect; antonyms estimable, precious, beneficial, expensive, helpful,
(v) straighten, square. useful, worthy, admirable, important, dear,
kıvrım 1. bend (bükme); synonyms (n) bow, arch, invaluable, priceless, profitable, rich; antonyms
arc, elbow, twist, angle, curvature, (v) curve, turn, (adj) worthless, useless, 2. precious; synonyms (adj)
crouch, stoop, crook, curl, flex, deflect; antonyms beloved, cherished, valuable, golden, choice,
(v) straighten, square, 2. curve (eğri, kavis);
inestimable, exquisite, cute, noble, good, goodly,
synonyms (n) bend, kink, round, bender, loop, coil, adorable, (n) darling, (adv) extremely, preciously.
contour, (v) hook, wind, distort, meander, inflect, kız 1. girl; synonyms (n) damsel, lady, daughter, fille,
circle, crimp, lean. lass, maid, wench, virgin, quean, female, girlfriend,
kıyafet costume (giysi, kostüm); synonyms (n) woman, 2. queen (kraliçe); synonyms (n)
attire, clothing, apparel, clothes, dress, garb, suit, empress, king, sovereign, monarch, fag, faggot,
outfit, uniform, disguise, drapery, garment, fairy, pansy, queer, ace, ruler, 3. virgin (bakire);
garments, gown, (v) clothe. synonyms (adj) pure, vestal, chaste, innocent, new,
kıyas analogy (benzerlik, örnekseme); synonyms fresh, intact, untouched, unmixed, virginal,
(n) semblance, agreement, correspondence, parity, virtuous, unmarried, (n) maiden, girl.
resemblance, similarity, affinity, comparison, kızarmak 1. glow; synonyms (n) beam, color, glare,
likeness, parallel; antonym (n) dissimilarity. sparkle, blaze, flash, (v) blush, flush, gleam,
kıyaslama comparison; synonyms (n) analogy, glimmer, shine, burn, flare, fire, flame; antonym (n)
compare, likeness, resemblance, comparing, dullness, 2. flame (alev); synonyms (n) ardour,
contrast, correspondence, parallel, similarity, burning, combustion, enthusiasm, fervor, fervour,
connection, relation, ratio, parable, comparability, darling, ardor, flaming, (v) heat, kindle, (adj) glow,
(prep) antithesis; antonym (n) dissimilarity. sweetheart, beau, lover.
kıyı 1. coast (sahil); synonyms (n) bank, beach, kızdırmak anger (hiddet, kızgınlık, öfke);
seaside, shore, seashore, sand, seacoast, shoreline, synonyms (n) displeasure, fury, rage, indignation,
(v) glide, slide, drift, cruise; antonym (n) interior, 2. resentment, annoyance, (v) enrage, incense,
shore; synonyms (n) coast, prop, edge, land, aggravate, displease, exasperate, irritate, offend,
buttress, stay, brace, margin, border, riverside, wrath, fume; antonyms (n) pleasure, composure, (v)
coastline, shoring, side, waterside, (v) support, 3. please, placate, pacify, calm.
strand; synonyms (n) rope, chain, filament, line, kızgın 1. angry (öfkeli); synonyms (adj) furious,
string, thread, wisp, yarn, fibril, scar, (v) maroon, incensed, provoked, fierce, irate, raging, vehement,
desert, abandon, 4. edge (kenar); synonyms (n) maddened, fuming, outraged, piqued, splenetic,
boundary, verge, blade, brink, extremity, angered, annoyed, boiling; antonyms (adj) calm,
advantage, brim, butt, corner, limit, perimeter, pleased, gentle, 2. cross (haç); synonyms (n)
periphery, rand, (v) bound, hem; antonyms (n) crisscross, affliction, (v) intersect, baffle, cover,
center, (v) middle, 5. bank (banka); synonyms (n) thwart, bilk, (adj) crabbed, crabby, angry,
dam, slope, store, stack, bluff, heap, hill, stock, (v) cantankerous, grouchy, grumpy, traverse, cranky;
embankment, gradient, deposit, mound, rely, antonyms (v) uncross, (adj) good-tempered, 3.
acclivity, ascent; antonym (v) withdraw, 6. side furious; synonyms (adj) violent, enraged, ferocious,
(kenar, yan); synonyms (n) rim, faction, direction, frantic, wild, boisterous, frenzied, infuriated,
face, part, hand, aspect, facet, page, position, wing, rampant, desperate, cross, fiery, heated, hot,
flank, incline, (v) party, (adj) nearby; antonym (adj) impetuous, 4. hot (sıcak); synonyms (adj) warm,
distant, 7. seaside (sahil); synonym (n) seaboard. ardent, burning, feverish, flaming, fresh, blistering,
eager, enthusiastic, fast, peppery, pungent, spicy,
new, acrid; antonyms (adj) mild, cool, cold,
freezing, airy, bland, chilly, 5. sore; synonyms (adj)

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painful, sensitive, raw, indignant, aching, huffy, (n) klişe cut (kesmek); synonyms (v) carve, chop, clip,
injury, boil, cut, lesion, canker, abscess, (v) hurt, abbreviate, abridge, bite, condense, crop, drop,
acute, sharp; antonym (adj) painless, 6. wild; fashion, (n) notch, slice, cutting, nick, blow;
synonyms (adj) desert, waste, reckless, desolate, antonyms (v) increase, lengthen, (n) addition,
rude, stormy, untamed, giddy, barbarous, rough, extension.
vicious, wanton, barbarian, barbaric, barren; koalisyon coalition; synonyms (n) alliance,
antonyms (adj) orderly, domestic, manageable, association, combination, league, union, affiliation,
sane, cultivated, restrained, tame. alignment, alinement, coalescence, confederation,
kızgınlık 1. anger (hiddet, öfke); synonyms (n) fusion, junction, compact, bond, consolidation;
displeasure, fury, rage, indignation, resentment, antonym (n) nonalignment.
annoyance, (v) enrage, incense, aggravate, koç ram; synonyms (n) tup, (v) beat, cram, crash,
displease, exasperate, irritate, offend, wrath, fume; drive, jam, pack, push, force, fill, bump, pound,
antonyms (n) pleasure, composure, (v) please, press, squeeze, stuff.
placate, pacify, calm, 2. heat (ısı); synonyms (n)
koca husband; synonyms (n) consort, wife, hubby,
glow, fervor, summer, warmth, ardor, caloric,
man, master, mate, partner, spouse, baron, (v)
estrus, fire, (v) bake, burn, anger, chafe, (adj) fever,
conserve, economize, preserve, save, economise.
excitement, passion; antonyms (n) cold, chill, (v)
kocaman 1. huge; synonyms (adj) big, enormous,
cool, 3. irritation; synonyms (n) aggravation,
gigantic, immense, large, vast, colossal, extensive,
exasperation, bother, excitation, temper, annoying,
great, elephantine, ample, considerable, excessive,
frustration, irritability, nuisance, pique, vexation,
gargantuan, giant; antonyms (adj) tiny,
botheration, stimulation, harassment, exacerbation.
insignificant, miniature, small, 2. enormous;
kızıl red (al, kırmızı); synonyms (adj) crimson,
synonyms (adj) huge, exorbitant, prodigious,
flushed, carmine, glowing, rosy, ruby, sanguine,
tremendous, stupendous, infinite, massive,
cherry, pink, radical, ruddy, scarlet, cerise, bloody,
monumental, terrific, terrible, flagrant,
immeasurable, mammoth, mighty, monstrous;
kızma resentment; synonyms (n) grudge, anger, antonym (adj) minute, 3. big (büyük); synonyms
displeasure, indignation, rage, rancor, umbrage,
(adj) major, heavy, important, significant, thick,
envy, grievance, passion, animosity, bitterness,
sturdy, generous, adult, bad, burly, hefty, high,
fury, gall, hostility; antonym (n) cheerfulness.
liberal, magnanimous, momentous; antonyms (adj)
kızmak heat (ısı); synonyms (n) glow, fervor, little, puny, 4. tremendous; synonyms (adj)
summer, warmth, ardor, caloric, estrus, fire, (v)
fantastic, dreadful, marvelous, wonderful,
bake, burn, anger, chafe, (adj) fever, excitement,
formidable, fearful, awful, rattling, howling,
passion; antonyms (n) cold, chill, (v) cool. awesome, brilliant, devastating, excellent, frightful,
klakson horn (boynuz, korna); synonyms (n) horrible.
hooter, cornet, klaxon, alarm, trumpet, aparejo, kod code (kodlamak); synonyms (n) cipher, charter,
arm, faldstool, ophicleide, trombone, cup, beak,
law, act, key, rule, codex, canon, constitution,
nose, basin, (v) butt.
regulation, (v) cypher, encode, encipher, encrypt.
klasik 1. classic; synonyms (adj) classical, model, kodes jug; synonyms (n) jar, vase, bottle, container,
archetypal, exemplary, ideal, typical,
pot, bucket, jugful, pail, pitcher, tankard, (v) jail,
representative, traditional, archaic, heroic, (n)
gaol, immure, imprison, lag.
masterpiece; antonym (n) second-rate, 2. classical;
kodlamak code (kod); synonyms (n) cipher, charter,
synonyms (adj) correct, attic, authoritative, chaste,
law, act, key, rule, codex, canon, constitution,
perfect, (n) classic, refined.
regulation, (v) cypher, encode, encipher, encrypt.
klasör file (dosya); synonyms (n) archive, document,
koğuş ward; synonyms (n) guard, charge, custody,
list, procession, rank, record, roll, series, string, (v)
protection, care, district, neighborhood, quarter,
order, rasp, register, scrape, abrade, arrange.
defense, keep, area, region, division, (v) shelter,
klavye keyboard; synonym (n) upright. protect.
klinik 1. clinic; synonyms (n) infirmary, hospital, köhne fossil (fosil); synonyms (n) fogey, fogy, dodo,
workshop, clinique, faculty, hospice, institution,
conservative, parent, relic, (adj) flint, obsolete,
class, meeting, practicum, (v) clinical, 2. clinical; granite, preglacial, quartz, ancient, marble, old,
synonyms (adj) neutral, antiseptic, emotionless, pebble.
kök 1. root; synonyms (n) base, foundation, origin,
kliring clearing; synonyms (n) clarification, glade, basis, radical, radix, cause, derivation, reason,
clearance, dell, lot, aisle, assart, colonization, beginning, bottom, core, essence, (v) establish, dig,
defrayal, hollow, payment, region, track,
2. origin (başlangıç, kaynak, köken);
allowance, basin.
synonyms (n) lineage, birth, descent, ancestry,
commencement, extraction, fountain, inception,

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root, source, well, head, cradle, fountainhead, primary, ultra, drastic, primordial, basal, (n) basis,
genesis; antonym (n) end, 3. radical (radikal); foundation, origin, group; antonyms (adj)
synonyms (adj) extremist, basic, exhaustive, conventional, old-fashioned, (n) moderate,
extreme, revolutionary, primary, ultra, drastic, conservative, traditionalist.
primordial, basal, fanatical, militant, (n) group, kokteyl cocktail; synonyms (n) appetizer, mixture,
nihilist, essential; antonyms (adj) conventional, old- combination, blend, concoction, mix, alcohol,
fashioned, (n) moderate, conservative, beverage, brew, draft, drink, infusion, potion, beer,
traditionalist. (v) champagne.
kokain snow (kar); synonyms (n) cocaine, coke, koku 1. odour; synonyms (n) fragrance, flavour,
precipitation, snowfall, bark, barque, brig, cocain, aroma, smell, odor, scent, flavor, feel, feeling, look,
ship, (v) beguile, overwhelm, bamboozle, olfaction, smelling, spirit, tone, 2. smell
hoodwink. (koklamak); synonyms (n) savor, bouquet, odour,
köken 1. origin (başlangıç, kaynak); synonyms (n) savour, stench, smack, relish, sense, breath, (v) reek,
cause, lineage, base, beginning, birth, descent, nose, perfume, stink, sniff, snuff, 3. scent;
ancestry, commencement, derivation, extraction, synonyms (n) essence, redolence, incense, clue, trail,
foundation, fountain, inception, root, source; clew, key, hint, tang, track, wake, (v) wind,
antonym (n) end, 2. beginning (başlangıç); aromatize, (adj) smoke, suspect.
synonyms (n) begin, opening, origin, start, dawn, kol 1. arm; synonyms (n) branch, wing, bay,
debut, emergence, genesis, incipiency, initiation, department, division, limb, might, offshoot, power,
introduction, kickoff, (adj) original, first, incipient; section, sleeve, (v) equip, furnish, outfit, provide;
antonyms (n) finish, finale, conclusion, demise, antonym (v) disarm, 2. branch (dal, dallanmak,
ending, 3. root (kök); synonyms (n) basis, radical,
şube); synonyms (n) arm, jump, affiliate, ramus,
radix, reason, bottom, core, essence, etymon, heart,
member, outgrowth, shoot, stem, stick,
stem, groundwork, germ, stub, (v) establish, dig, 4. subdivision, (v) fork, diverge, divide, split, (adj)
spring (bahar, ilkbahar); synonyms (n) jump, tributary, 3. handle (kulp, sap); synonyms (v)
leap, bound, skip, dance, rise, jet, (v) hop, caper, administer, conduct, feel, wield, control, deal,
bounce, dive, originate, recoil, proceed, (adj) elastic, direct, finger, manage, manipulate, touch, treat, (n)
5. principle (ilke); synonyms (n) fundamental, grip, clutch, grasp, 4. sleeve; synonyms (n) case,
method, rule, doctrine, ground, dogma, element, liner, cover, cuff, collar, sheath, skin, socket,
law, precept, tenet, integrity, canon, formula, wristband, gauntlet, glove, mitten, (v) mesh, net,
maxim, nature. plexus, 5. department (bölüm); synonyms (n)
koklama smell (koklamak); synonyms (n) odor, bureau, compartment, area, agency, class, faculty,
fragrance, savor, aroma, bouquet, odour, savour, domain, field, line, office, part, realm, subject,
stench, flavor, smack, (v) reek, nose, perfume, scent, service, district, 6. limb; synonyms (n) bough,
stink. extremity, edge, gavelock, handspike, jemmy,
koklamak 1. smell; synonyms (n) odor, fragrance, jimmy, 7. wing (ek bina, kanat); synonyms (n)
savor, aroma, bouquet, odour, savour, stench, annex, fender, pinion, flank, extension, pennon,
flavor, smack, (v) reek, nose, perfume, scent, stink, feather, faction, sail, shelter, winger, addition,
2. nose (burun); synonyms (n) beak, hooter, annexe, (v) fly, soar.
nozzle, proboscis, honker, bow, (v) pry, sniff, wind, kolay 1. easy; synonyms (adj) comfortable,
nuzzle, search, smell, snoop, poke. convenient, gentle, familiar, graceful, lenient, light,
köklü radical (radikal); synonyms (adj) extremist, clear, contented, cozy, casual, comfy, cushy, (adv)
basic, exhaustive, extreme, revolutionary, base, soft, easily; antonyms (adj) difficult, arduous,
primary, ultra, drastic, primordial, basal, (n) basis, demanding, hard, laborious, burdensome,
foundation, origin, group; antonyms (adj) particular, strenuous, tough, awkward, formal,
conventional, old-fashioned, (n) moderate, testing, uneasy, 2. smooth (düz, düzgün);
conservative, traditionalist. synonyms (adj) easy, calm, level, oily, facile, flat,
kokmak smell (koklamak); synonyms (n) odor, flowing, fluent, fluid, glossy, greasy, liquid, (v)
fragrance, savor, aroma, bouquet, odour, savour, quiet, facilitate, even; antonyms (adj) rough,
stench, flavor, smack, (v) reek, nose, perfume, scent, uneven, abrasive, coarse, crumpled, flaking, harsh,
stink. jerky, lined, peeling, prickly, ridged, wrinkled,
corrugated, (v) wrinkle.
kokmuş rotten (çürük); synonyms (adj) bad, foul,
poor, fetid, lousy, musty, off, putrid, ill, shabby, kolayca 1. easily; synonyms (adv) lightly,
corrupt, crappy, decomposed, (v) decayed, rancid; comfortably, readily, well, easy, handily, simply,
smoothly, swimmingly, naturally; antonyms (adv)
antonym (adj) fresh.
awkwardly, hardly, 2. readily; synonyms (adv)
köktenci radical (radikal); synonyms (adj) extremist,
easily, promptly, soon, quick, freely, gladly,
basic, exhaustive, extreme, revolutionary, base,

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quickly, cheerfully, eagerly, pronto, willingly, koleksiyoncu collector; synonyms (n) accumulator,
commonly, openly. receiver, gatherer, caporal, choregus,
kolaylaşmak ease (rahat); synonyms (n) comfort, commissioner, flugelman, linkboy, woon,
convenience, rest, aid, leisure, relief, repose, aggregator, bearer, cashier, investor, hoarder,
satisfaction, (v) alleviate, assuage, relieve, allay, magpie.
facilitate, relax, (adj) smooth; antonyms (n) kolektör collector; synonyms (n) accumulator,
difficulty, discomfort, awkwardness, formality, (v) receiver, gatherer, caporal, choregus,
aggravate, worsen. commissioner, flugelman, linkboy, woon,
kolaylaştırmak 1. facilitate; synonyms (v) assist, aid, aggregator, bearer, cashier, investor, hoarder,
ease, help, expedite, alleviate, further, advance, magpie.
abet, hasten, lighten, promote, relieve, serve, (n) kolesterol cholesterol; synonym (n) cholesterin.
favor; antonyms (v) hinder, obstruct, 2. smooth koli 1. parcel (paket); synonyms (n) lot, bale, pack,
(düz, düzgün); synonyms (adj) easy, calm, level, bundle, division, package, packet, section, batch,
oily, facile, flat, flowing, fluent, fluid, glossy, plot, patch, allotment, (v) portion, distribute,
graceful, greasy, (v) quiet, facilitate, even; apportion, 2. package (paket); synonyms (n)
antonyms (adj) rough, uneven, abrasive, coarse, packaging, parcel, carton, container, collection, (v)
crumpled, flaking, harsh, jerky, lined, peeling, box, wrap; antonym (v) unwrap.
prickly, ridged, wrinkled, corrugated, (v) wrinkle, kollamak watch (bakmak, seyretmek); synonyms
3. ease (rahat); synonyms (n) comfort, (v) observe, clock, look, see, regard, wake, care,
convenience, rest, leisure, relief, repose, protect, defend, (n) guard, view, sentinel, sentry,
satisfaction, alleviation, composure, lightness, (v) surveillance, (adj) vigilance.
assuage, allay, relax, appease, (adj) smooth; kolon 1. column (sütun); synonyms (n) pillar,
antonyms (n) difficulty, discomfort, awkwardness, procession, row, stanchion, file, line, obelisk, post,
formality, (v) aggravate, worsen. prop, support, series, monolith, buttress, (adj)
kolaylık 1. facility (olanak); synonyms (n) ability, tower, minaret, 2. colon; synonyms (n) bowel, (v)
dexterity, adroitness, ease, readiness, artifice, period, semicolon, comma.
aptitude, deftness, faculty, freedom, installation, koloni colony; synonyms (n) settlement, community,
knack, lightness, (adj) competence, proficiency, 2. plantation, dependency, village, mandate,
ease (rahat); synonyms (n) comfort, convenience, possession, protectorate, assembly, closure,
rest, aid, leisure, relief, repose, satisfaction, (v) colonisation, colonization, flock, nation, territory.
alleviate, assuage, relieve, allay, facilitate, relax, kolordu corps; synonyms (n) brigade, company,
(adj) smooth; antonyms (n) difficulty, discomfort, army, battalion, detachment, regiment, troop, crew,
awkwardness, formality, (v) aggravate, worsen, 3. party, band, column, force, garrison, host, battalia.
convenience; synonyms (n) advantage, koltuk 1. seat (yer); synonyms (n) place, bench, base,
contrivance, accommodation, opportunity, backside, behind, bottom, buttocks, chair, position,
appliance, fitness, occasion, utility, amenity, post, posterior, (v) locate, put, contain, hold, 2.
benefit, easement, expediency, gadget, suitability, armchair; synonyms (n) fauteuil, elbowchair.
usefulness; antonym (n) inconvenience. kolza rape; synonyms (n) assault, violation, colza,
kolaylıkla easily (kolayca); synonyms (adv) lightly, rapine, ravishment, (v) outrage, pillage, plunder,
comfortably, readily, well, easy, handily, simply, ravish, foray, despoil, destroy, dishonour, violate,
smoothly, swimmingly, naturally; antonyms (adv) (adj) abuse.
awkwardly, hardly. kombinasyon combination; synonyms (n) alliance,
köle 1. slave; synonyms (n) serf, servant, bondman, blend, union, association, coalition, league, merger,
inferior, thrall, bondsman, captive, vassal, amalgam, aggregate, amalgamation, collection,
dependent, (v) labor, drudge, fag, toil, work, moil, complex, composition, concoction, (adj) compound;
2. servant; synonyms (n) attendant, domestic, boy, antonyms (n) separation, (adj) simple.
employee, retainer, follower, handmaid, help, kombinezon slip; synonyms (n) lapse, fault, mistake,
henchman, minister, messenger, slave, cutting, error, escape, oversight, scion, trip, (v) fall,
handmaiden. slide, drop, glide, skid, (adj) blunder; antonym (v)
kolej college; synonyms (n) faculty, school, academy, improve.
association, institute, society, institution, komedi 1. comedy; synonyms (n) farce, play, humor,
university, (adj) academic. drollery, clowning, drama, show; antonym (n)
koleksiyon collection (toplama); synonyms (n) tragedy, 2. comic; synonyms (adj) amusing,
accumulation, assembly, assortment, bundle, burlesque, comical, funny, humorous, laughable,
gathering, set, bunch, cluster, compilation, heap, absurd, droll, ludicrous, (n) clown, comedian, joker,
mass, pile, variety, batch, (v) assemblage. buffoon, jester, zany.

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komedyen comic; synonyms (adj) amusing, kompozitör composer; synonyms (n) author,
burlesque, comical, funny, humorous, laughable, musician, penman, instrumentalist, artist, artiste,
absurd, droll, ludicrous, (n) clown, comedian, joker, calligrapher, conductor, maestro, performer,
buffoon, jester, zany. player, singer.
komik 1. comic; synonyms (adj) amusing, burlesque, kompresyon compression (sıkıştırma); synonyms
comical, funny, humorous, laughable, absurd, (n) compaction, condensation, pressure,
droll, ludicrous, (n) clown, comedian, joker, compressing, concentration, consolidation,
buffoon, jester, zany, 2. funny; synonyms (adj) contraction, squeezing, concretion.
eccentric, facetious, fishy, peculiar, strange, komşu neighbour; synonyms (n) neighbor, (adj)
diverting, comic, curious, entertaining, farcical, neighboring, neighbouring.
odd, queer, suspicious, unusual, (adv) funnily; komşular neighbourhood; synonyms (n) locality,
antonyms (adj) serious, grave, 3. ridiculous; neighborhood, vicinity.
synonyms (adj) foolish, preposterous, inane, komünikasyon communication (iletişim);
nonsensical, derisory, irrational, outrageous, silly,
synonyms (n) announcement, commerce,
inconsistent, grotesque, crazy, daft, extravagant,
communicating, contact, conversation, discourse,
incongruous, senseless; antonyms (adj) sensible, epistle, intercourse, letter, message, news, notice,
inspiring, reasonable. report, tidings, word.
komiklik humour; synonyms (n) mood, temper, wit, komünist 1. communist; synonyms (adj)
witticism, biliousness, brain, brainpower, card, communistic, carbonaro, frondeur, collective,
climate, wittiness, irritability, irritation, mentality, insurgent, intolerant, mutineer, quisling, rebel, (n)
modality, (v) humor. commie, cosmopolite, terrorist, anarchist,
komisyon 1. percentage; synonyms (n) part, share, philanthropist, radical, 2. red (al, kırmızı, kızıl);
cut, lot, percent, piece, portion, proportion, ration, synonyms (adj) crimson, flushed, carmine, glowing,
interest, profit, degree, measure, poundage, rosy, ruby, sanguine, cherry, pink, ruddy, scarlet,
quantity, 2. committee (heyet); synonyms (n) cerise, bloody, inflamed, blushing.
board, council, commission, consignee, trustee, komünizm communism; synonyms (n) collectivism,
cabinet, bureau, staff, group, team, administration, socialism, phalansterianism, communalism,
assembly, charge, class, commissioning, 3. dictatorship, (v) statism; antonym (n) capitalism.
commission (kurul); synonyms (n) mission, kömür coal; synonyms (n) ember, culm, firewood, oil,
delegation, job, mandate, warrant, assignment, petroleum, energy, gas, (v) char, blacken, scorch,
committee, duty, (v) assign, accredit, designate, (adj) black.
appoint, authorize, delegate, empower.
komut 1. command (kumanda); synonyms (n)
komisyoncu broker; synonyms (n) mediator, agent, control, instruction, behest, bidding, decree,
go-between, factor, middleman, dealer, attorney, direction, administration, ascendancy, authority, (v)
intermediary, bailiff, merchant. charge, order, rule, call, commission, direct;
komite committee (heyet); synonyms (n) board, antonym (v) request, 2. instruction (talimat,
council, commission, consignee, trustee, cabinet, yönerge); synonyms (n) command, advice,
bureau, staff, group, team, administration,
counsel, education, guidance, guideline,
assembly, charge, class, commissioning. information, injunction, prescription, teaching,
kompartıman compartment; synonyms (n) cell, doctrine, drill, edification, lecture, schooling, 3.
division, cabin, cubicle, separation, bay, booth, order (düzen, düzenlemek, emretmek, sıra);
cubbyhole, (v) apartment, partition. synonyms (n) dictate, array, rank, sort, class,
kompleks complex; synonyms (adj) composite, condition, disposition, edict, kind, form, genus,
complicate, abstruse, difficult, elaborate, intricate, category, (v) arrange, ordain, conduct; antonyms (n)
knotty, abstract, tricky, multifarious, complicated, anarchy, chaos, confusion, mayhem, mess, (v)
compound, convoluted, (n) obsession, combination; disorder.
antonyms (adj) simple, basic, straightforward, clear, komuta command (komut, kumanda); synonyms
plain. (n) control, instruction, behest, bidding, decree,
komplo conspiracy; synonyms (n) cabal, direction, administration, ascendancy, authority, (v)
confederacy, intrigue, plot, combination, complot, charge, order, rule, call, commission, direct;
collusion, coalition, design, plan, scheme. antonym (v) request.
kompozisyon composition; synonyms (n) komutan commander; synonyms (n) captain, chief,
arrangement, constitution, construction, texture, commandant, leader, head, governor, chieftain,
alloy, amalgam, article, combination, composing, conductor, master, skipper.
compost, compound, compromise, harmony,
konak mansion; synonyms (n) house, castle, manor,
makeup, organization.
residence, home, building, hall, palace, villa, abode,

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place, domicile, habitation, manse; antonym (n) regulate, resolve, set, adjudicate, adjust, agree,
hovel. conclude, decide, determine, (adj) confirm.
kondisyon condition; synonyms (n) circumstance, konsantrasyon concentration; synonyms (n)
position, provision, status, standing, attitude, absorption, concentrate, application, attention,
circumstances, clause, predicament, rank, state, engrossment, intensity, compactness, strength,
term, complaint, (v) aspect, provide. thickness, aggregation, strengthening,
kondüktör conductor; synonyms (n) leader, chief, condensation, convergence, denseness, density;
director, chauffeur, commander, manager, pilot, antonym (n) distraction.
ringleader, core, (v) guard, guide; antonym (n) konser concert; synonyms (n) accord, agreement,
insulator. consonance, tune, performance, recital, concord,
konfederasyon confederation; synonyms (n) concordance, harmony, unison, (v) arrange,
alliance, coalition, confederacy, association, league, contrive, manage.
union, federation, combination, fellowship, fusion, konsey council; synonyms (n) assembly, board,
affiliation. congress, consultation, convention, convocation,
konferans 1. lecture; synonyms (n) address, diet, legislature, meeting, cabinet, conclave.
discourse, harangue, reprimand, speech, talk, konsorsiyum consortium; synonyms (n) syndicate,
oration, censure, declaim, homily, (v) rebuke, cartel, association, combination, organization, pool,
sermon, chide, preach, instruct, 2. conference; alliance, federation, league, band, collection,
synonyms (n) assembly, colloquy, meeting, council, collective, group, marriage, monopoly.
consultation, interview, negotiation, congress, konsültasyon consultation; synonyms (n) advice,
discussion, gathering, session, sitting, audience, conference, interview, negotiation, counsel,
conclave, association. discussion, talk, audience, advisement, council,
konfigürasyon configuration; synonyms (n) form, deliberation, meeting, reference, appointment.
arrangement, conformation, shape, organization, kont count (saymak); synonyms (n) number,
outline, composition, constellation, contour, design, calculation, computation, total, (v) calculate,
fashion, figure, formation, structure, class. compute, tally, account, cipher, consider, estimate,
konfor comfort (avutmak); synonyms (n) solace, matter, reckon, weigh, add.
ease, consolation, relief, aid, amenity, assistance, kontak short (bodur, kısa); synonyms (adj) brief,
support, alleviation, (v) allay, assuage, cheer, concise, scarce, brusque, close, curt, sharp,
alleviate, soothe, (adj) calm; antonyms (n) compendious, laconic, abrupt, deficient,
discomfort, aggravation, (v) alarm, annoy, frighten. diminutive, inadequate, insufficient, lacking;
konforlu comfortable; synonyms (adj) cozy, easy, antonyms (adj) long, tall, high, lengthy.
agreeable, pleased, pleasing, prosperous, congenial, kontenjan quota; synonyms (n) portion, proportion,
pleasurable, rich, enjoyable, commodious, content, share, contingent, allowance, allotment, measure,
contented, (v) snug, calm; antonyms (adj) quantity, ratio, ration, slice, lot, rate, part,
uncomfortable, poor, formal, tense, unpleasant, percentage.
intimidating, unaccustomed, unhappy. konteyner container (kap); synonyms (n) box, jar,
Kongre 1. congress; synonyms (n) assembly, package, basket, carton, cylinder, envelope, pan,
convention, convocation, council, conference, pot, vessel, bin, parcel, cistern, barrel, bottle.
intercourse, meeting, congregation, confluence, kontluk county; synonyms (n) region, state, area,
association, gathering, synod, cockpit, coition, district, shire, mofussil, constituency, kingdom,
coitus, 2. convention; synonyms (n) congress, count, expanse.
contract, custom, tradition, agreement, assemblage, kontrast contrast; synonyms (n) contrariety,
bargain, habit, practice, fashion, compact, antithesis, comparison, distinction, difference,
company, concord, bond, conventionalism, 3. variation, collation, opposite, (v) differ, conflict,
assembly (montaj); synonyms (n) collection, oppose, collate, diverge, clash, counterpoint;
fabrication, multitude, assembling, body, chamber, antonym (n) similarity.
cluster, conclave, concourse, construction, flock, kontrat contract; synonyms (n) compact, charter, (v)
group, legislature, throng, aggregation. covenant, bargain, concentrate, condense, narrow,
konmak 1. light (açık, hafif, ışık); synonyms (adj) catch, compress, constrict, shrink, wrinkle,
fair, clear, facile, easy, faint, flimsy, (n) flame, abbreviate, (adj) abridge, shorten; antonyms (v)
brightness, daylight, (v) fire, kindle, inflame, glow, expand, widen, stretch.
ignite, dismount; antonyms (adj) fattening,
kontrol 1. control (denetim, denetlemek);
nauseating, (n) dark, darkness, gloom, shade, night,
synonyms (n) rule, authority, care, hold, influence,
(v) extinguish, darken, (alt sp) heavy, 2. settle; sway, ascendancy, ascendency, (v) command,
synonyms (v) fix, place, clarify, establish, pay, check, curb, bridle, conduct, handle, conquer;
antonyms (n) freedom, weakness, (v) intensify,

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share, 2. check (çek, denetim, denetlemek); prattle, speak, (n) discourse, language, colloquy,
synonyms (v) stop, block, limit, agree, halt, restrain, conversation, dialogue, palaver, 2. speech
bar, dampen, delay, hinder, (n) control, arrest, bill, (söylev); synonyms (n) delivery, expression,
cheque, stay, 3. inspection (denetleme); sermon, diction, communication, discussion,
synonyms (n) examination, review, surveillance, elocution, dialect, harangue, oration, talk, tongue,
exploration, inquiry, scrutiny, search, study, voice, (v) say, saying, 3. conversation; synonyms
survey, investigation, observation, oversight, sight, (n) conference, speech, talking, debate, chitchat,
supervision, (v) inspect. interlocution, interview, 4. address (adres,
kontrolör controller; synonyms (n) administrator, söylev); synonyms (n) accost, abode, residence,
superintendent, accountant, comptroller, control, skill, allocution, greeting, appeal, domicile,
director, governor, manager, regulator, ruler, dwelling, (v) greet, call, aim, apply, approach,
leader, boss, head, supervisor. direct; antonym (v) ignore, 5. discourse;
Kontur outline (özet); synonyms (n) sketch, design, synonyms (n) homily, article, dissertation,
edge, abstract, contour, digest, figure, frame, confabulation, declaim, exposition, memoir, (v)
synopsis, (v) draft, line, form, describe, draw, confer, recite, commune, preach, rap, discuss,
border. dissertate, orate, 6. talking; synonyms (v) mean, (n)
konu 1. subject (özne); synonyms (n) matter, citizen, articulation, explanation, words, idiom, (adj) sound,
affair, dependent, inferior, issue, motif, question, good, healthy, heavy, intelligent, legal,
point, area, content, discipline, field, (adj) liable, levelheaded, profound, reasoned, loquacious, 7.
exposed; antonym (adj) liberated, 2. matter speaking; synonyms (adj) expressive, garrulous,
(madde, mesele); synonyms (n) event, business, parlante, verbal, voiced, choral, lifelike, oral, (n)
concern, material, substance, incident, article, body, exclamation, interruption, speechmaking,
import, interest, item, subject, topic, (v) case, count, vocalizations, cry, interpolation, outburst.
3. topic; synonyms (n) theme, text, thing, idea, 4. konuşmacı speaker (hoparlör); synonyms (n)
text (metin); synonyms (n) copy, script, words, loudspeaker, narrator, orator, president,
document, book, textbook, argument, contents, spokesman, conversationalist, chairman, talker,
letterpress, manual, passage, print, schoolbook, 5. utterer, principal.
head (baş, kafa); synonyms (n) chief, captain, konuşmak 1. talk (konuşma); synonyms (v) gossip,
front, boss, foam, froth, crown, chieftain, executive, converse, lecture, chatter, address, articulate, chat,
chair, brain, (v) capital, direct, lead, command; prattle, speak, (n) discourse, language, colloquy,
conversation, dialogue, palaver, 2. speak;
antonyms (n) end, subordinate, (v) follow, 6.
synonyms (v) express, pronounce, deliver, say,
heading (başlık); synonyms (n) caption, bearing,
utter, recite, talk, emit, mouth, state, vocalize, voice,
drift, head, title, course, direction, tack, name,
mumble, declaim, read, 3. discourse; synonyms
header, leading, line, way, aim, gallery, 7. theme
(n) sermon, harangue, discussion, homily, tongue,
(tema); synonyms (n) base, composition, stem, article, communication, dissertation, interview,
motive, paper, basis, strain, thesis, gist, melody, oration, speech, chitchat, confabulation, (v) confer,
piece, plot, radical, report, root. commune.
konuk guest (misafir); synonyms (n) stranger, caller, konut 1. residence; synonyms (n) abode, dwelling,
alien, customer, visitor, foreigner, client, visitant. home, house, accommodation, domicile, lodging,
konukseverlik hospitality; synonyms (n) generosity, occupancy, habitation, mansion, place, manse,
friendliness, welcome, kindness, amiability, abidance, apartment, hall, 2. house (ev,
warmth, flexibility, hospitableness, hospitage, mesken); synonyms (n) family, firm, building,
housekeeping, xenodochy, accommodation, edifice, housing, establishment, structure, ancestry,
affability, companionship, comradeship; antonym company, address, audience, business, concern, (v)
(n) unfriendliness. accommodate, lodge.
Konum 1. location (yer); synonyms (n) localization, konvansiyonel conventional (geleneksel);
orientation, position, berth, emplacement, fix, lieu, synonyms (adj) formal, orthodox, accepted,
locale, locating, scene, setting, attitude, bearing, common, customary, everyday, conservative,
address, place, 2. position; synonyms (n) lay, decorous, established, habitual, normal, ordinary,
condition, employment, opinion, placement, post, routine, (v) commonplace, familiar; antonyms (adj)
rank, set, arrangement, location, (v) grade, locate, unconventional, radical, relaxed, unusual, original,
arrange, install, point, 3. situation; synonyms (n) rebellious, unorthodox.
job, matter, circumstance, circumstances, office, konvoy convoy; synonyms (n) guard, column, fleet,
seat, site, aspect, case, environment, posture, spot, procession, safeguard, train, (v) accompany,
state, function, disposition. conduct, guide, attend, bring, lead, (adj) escort.
konuşma 1. talk (konuşmak); synonyms (v) gossip,
converse, lecture, chatter, address, articulate, chat,

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kooperatif cooperative; synonyms (adj) combined, ape, duplicate, model, pattern, follow, echo, fake,
joint, accommodating, concerted, helpful, obliging, mimic, record; antonym (n) original.
united, accommodative, communal, conjunct, kör 1. blind (kör etmek); synonyms (adj) sightless,
conjunctive, (n) collective, association, commune; undiscerning, (v) bedazzle, daze, dazzle, obscure,
antonyms (adj) uncooperative, individual. (n) screen, curtain, shutter, awning, drape, trick,
koparmak 1. tear; synonyms (n) split, rupture, rent, veil, camouflage, cheat; antonym (adj) sighted, 2.
(v) break, rip, crack, pull, rend, lacerate, race, run, dull; synonyms (adj) dim, blunt, dense, dreary,
rush, slit, rive, cleave, 2. pick (seçmek, sluggish, bland, boring, cloudy, cold, dark, dismal,
toplamak); synonyms (v) clean, gather, harvest, inactive, inert, (v) deaden, dampen; antonyms (adj)
opt, choose, (n) alternative, elite, best, choice, bright, lively, sharp, exciting, interesting, lustrous,
option, selection, (adj) cream, select, mattock, stimulating, amusing, exhilarating, glittery, glossy,
flower. glowing, high-pitched, intense, luminous.
kopça hook; synonyms (n) clasp, crook, claw, kordon 1. cord; synonyms (n) band, string, bond, tie,
crotchet, draw, lure, trap, anchor, (v) catch, bend, twine, tape, lace, rope, thread, whipcord, yarn,
fasten, hitch, button, ensnare, attach. leash, fiber, cable, (v) knot, 2. string (dizi, ip,
köpek dog; synonyms (n) cur, andiron, blackguard, sicim); synonyms (n) chain, file, row, strand, range,
click, detent, cad, cock, (v) chase, hound, beset, cord, filament, rank, series, sequence, procession,
hunt, tail, track, trail, course. train, wire, (v) run, (adj) line.
kopmak 1. break (mola); synonyms (v) split, crack, korelasyon correlation; synonyms (n) association,
burst, fail, infringe, leak, (n) breach, fracture, pause, connection, relationship, bond, correspondence,
rupture, stop, collapse, interruption, respite, correlativity, interrelation, link, comparison,
suspension; antonyms (v) repair, obey, honor, equivalence, similarity, (adj) mutuality.
mend, (n) continuation, 2. tear; synonyms (n) rent, körfez 1. gulf; synonyms (n) abyss, chasm, bay, cove,
hole, (v) break, rip, pull, rend, lacerate, race, run, abysm, inlet, pit, ravine, rift, hollow, 2. bay (koy);
rush, slit, rive, cleave, dash, fly. synonyms (n) alcove, bark, recess, cry, harbor, fiord,
köprü bridge; synonyms (n) span, viaduct, pontoon, sound, embayment, gulf, niche, (adj) brown, (v) yap,
tie, crossing, nosepiece, bluff, (v) stretch, connect, roar, bellow, howl.
link, traverse, cross. koridor 1. corridor; synonyms (n) aisle, hall, lobby,
köpük foam; synonyms (n) froth, spume, bubbles, hallway, lane, vestibule, artery, alley, alleyway,
lather, (v) boil, bubble, effervesce, seethe, fizz, suds, path, portico, way, (v) passage, 2. hall (hol);
ferment, churn, gurgle, rage, (adj) fume. synonyms (n) corridor, foyer, mansion, auditorium,
köpüksüz still; synonyms (adv) however, but, anteroom, court, castle, concourse, antechamber,
nevertheless, (adj) calm, pacify, peaceful, silence, atrium, dorm, dormitory, entry, house, manor, 3.
quiescent, serene, silent, (n) hush, (v) quiet, assuage, passage; synonyms (n) course, channel, gangway,
compose, lull; antonyms (adj) moving, effervescent, journey, entrance, duct, opening, avenue, citation,
fizzy, windy, (n) noisy. excerpt, extract, movement, paragraph, pass, road.
köpürmek 1. foam; synonyms (n) froth, spume, korkak 1. yellow (sarı); synonyms (adj) jaundiced,
bubbles, lather, (v) boil, bubble, effervesce, seethe, amber, chicken, chickenhearted, fearful, xanthous,
fizz, suds, ferment, churn, gurgle, rage, (adj) fume, craven, spineless, yellowish, flavous, golden, (n)
coward, (adv) cowardly, 2. chicken (piliç, tavuk);
2. rage; synonyms (n) fury, wrath, anger, passion,
synonyms (n) chick, cock, fowl, hen, crybaby,
frenzy, craze, exasperation, fad, fashion, madness,
nestling, poultry, weakling, wimp, (adj) yellow, 3.
(v) bluster, storm, (adj) indignation, flame, ire.
kopya 1. copy; synonyms (n) imitation, trace, fearful; synonyms (adj) afraid, dreadful, anxious,
apprehensive, awful, terrible, timid, dire, eerie,
transcription, forgery, (v) counterfeit, imitate, ape,
formidable, frightful, appalling, awesome,
duplicate, model, pattern, follow, echo, fake,
alarming, dastardly; antonyms (adj) brave, calm,
mimic, record; antonym (n) original, 2. image
rational, bold, confident, unimpressed, 4. shy
(görüntü, resim); synonyms (n) figure, picture,
fancy, conception, effigy, form, idea, impression, (çekingen, ürkek); synonyms (adj) diffident,
resemblance, design, double, epitome, icon, (v) abashed, reserved, ashamed, coy, modest, nervous,
depict, envision. reticent, self-conscious, backward, (v) fling, cast,
chuck, pitch, (n) throw; antonyms (adj) brash,
Kopyala copy (kopya); synonyms (n) imitation,
trace, transcription, forgery, (v) counterfeit, imitate, demonstrative, forward, outgoing.
ape, duplicate, model, pattern, follow, echo, fake, korkmak fear (korku); synonyms (n) apprehension,
mimic, record; antonym (n) original. awe, alarm, dismay, doubt, anguish, care,
kopyalamak copy (kopya); synonyms (n) imitation, consternation, foreboding, fright, trepidation,
trace, transcription, forgery, (v) counterfeit, imitate,

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worry, (v) dread, concern, reverence; antonyms (n) synonyms (adj) arduous, difficult, forbidding,
bravery, confidence, fearlessness, reassurance. heavy, onerous, redoubtable, stiff, tough,
korkmuş 1. afraid; synonyms (adj) fearful, timid, shy, herculean, rugged, hard, laborious, mighty, strong,
anxious, apprehensive, frightened, nervous, scared, ambitious, 8. dreadful; synonyms (adj) disastrous,
worried, horrified, terrified, uneasy, reluctant, (adv) grievous, calamitous, offensive, arrant, execrable,
cowardly; antonyms (adj) fearless, brave, 2. foul, heinous, ill, macabre, odious, portentous,
repellent, repugnant, scandalous, 9. tragic;
frightened; synonyms (adj) afraid, intimidated,
synonyms (adj) sad, catastrophic, unlucky, tragical,
restless; antonyms (adj) calm, confident,
unfortunate, comic, heartbreaking, histrionic,
scenic; antonyms (adj) amusing, humorous.
korku 1. fear (korkmak); synonyms (n) korkutma threat; synonyms (n) menace, danger,
apprehension, awe, alarm, dismay, doubt, anguish,
hazard, peril, risk, coercion, jeopardy, omen,
care, consternation, foreboding, fright, trepidation,
scourge, terror, warning; antonym (n) safety.
worry, (v) dread, concern, reverence; antonyms (n)
korkutmak 1. cow (inek); synonyms (v) bully,
bravery, confidence, fearlessness, reassurance, 2.
intimidate, awe, browbeat, daunt, terrorize,
apprehension (anlayış); synonyms (n) discourage, frighten, overawe, threaten, abash, 2.
comprehension, arrest, capture, misgiving,
threaten; synonyms (v) menace, endanger, loom,
understanding, appreciation, anticipation,
offer, imperil, jeopardize, peril, approach,
agitation, conception, detention, fear, horror,
foreshadow, portend, impend, coerce, scare, augur,
notion, premonition, (adj) anxiety; antonyms (n)
(n) threat; antonym (v) help.
release, calmness, 3. horror; synonyms (n)
korna horn (boynuz); synonyms (n) hooter, cornet,
abomination, abhorrence, repulsion, revulsion,
klaxon, alarm, trumpet, aparejo, arm, faldstool,
atrocity, aversion, disgust, dreadfulness,
ophicleide, trombone, cup, beak, nose, basin, (v)
ghastliness, nightmare, antipathy, awfulness,
distaste, terribleness, (adj) terror; antonym (n)
pleasantness, 4. alarm (alarm); synonyms (n)
koro 1. choir; synonyms (n) quire, chancel, chorister,
crypt, nave, transept, vestry, ensemble, clerk,
alert, affright, unrest, warning, alarum, disquiet, (v)
scare, agitate, horrify, panic, startle, appall, disturb, consort, precentor, band, (v) chorus, sing, 2.
frighten, perturb; antonyms (v) calm, comfort. chorus; synonyms (n) refrain, acclamation, song,
korkuluk barrier (engel); synonyms (n) barricade, tune, (v) choir, chant, (adv) descant, glee, madrigal,
bar, bulwark, dam, handicap, hurdle, obstruction, catch.
rampart, restraint, block, boundary, fence, körpe 1. fresh (taze); synonyms (adj) bracing, brisk,
hindrance, impediment, obstacle. clean, novel, bright, original, recent, airy, bold,
korkunç 1. horrible; synonyms (adj) abominable, alive, chilly, cool, forward, green, (adv) new;
atrocious, awful, fearful, frightful, dire, dreadful, antonyms (adj) old, stale, decayed, exhausted, hot,
fearsome, formidable, ghastly, grisly, appalling, humid, muggy, musty, off, oppressive, rotten,
cruel, dismal, (v) horrid; antonyms (adj) pleasant, tired, worn, dry, sweltering, 2. tender; synonyms
(adj) affectionate, painful, loving, sensitive, soft,
wonderful, lovely, nice, 2. terrible; synonyms (adj)
sore, compassionate, delicate, fond, gentle, mild, (v)
horrible, monstrous, hideous, alarming, bad,
direful, horrendous, horrific, horrifying, severe, proffer, (n) offer, bid, overture; antonyms (adj)
shocking, painful, awesome, desperate, great, 3. tough, hard, hardhearted, rubbery, rough.
awful; synonyms (adj) terrible, nasty, amazing, korsan rover; synonyms (n) nomad, wanderer,
deplorable, detestable, disgusting, dread, rambler, ranger, roamer, traveler, vagabond,
gruesome, hateful, lousy, serious, sickening, vagrant, itinerant, peregrinator.
tremendous, unpleasant, (adv) beastly; antonyms koru wood (ağaç, odun, tahta); synonyms (n)
(adj) excellent, marvelous, 4. fearful; synonyms forest, timber, woods, tree, lumber, coppice, jungle.
(adj) afraid, cowardly, anxious, apprehensive, koruma 1. conservation; synonyms (n) maintenance,
craven, timid, eerie, dastardly, frightened, preservation, upkeep, keep, custody, protection;
frightening, nervous, scared, shy, timorous, antonym (n) destruction, 2. protection; synonyms
worried; antonyms (adj) brave, calm, rational, bold, (n) defense, care, conservation, cover, defence,
confident, unimpressed, 5. terrific; synonyms (adj) guardianship, security, shelter, aegis, auspices,
fantastic, brilliant, enormous, fabulous, shield, bulwark, hedge, escort, (v) guard, 3.
magnificent, marvellous, splendid, super, superb, preservation; synonyms (n) keeping, salvation,
extraordinary, grand, rattling, howling, saving, creation; antonyms (n) extinction, release,
outstanding, remarkable, 6. appalling; synonyms
4. keeping; synonyms (n) charge, holding,
(adj) revolting, vile, unspeakable, woeful,
observance, retention, safekeeping, trust, ward,
dismaying, outrageous, unearthly, (v) grim, terrific;
coloring; antonym (n) end, 5. guard (bekçi);
antonym (adj) admirable, 7. formidable; synonyms (n) defend, watchman, convoy, fender,

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guardsman, safeguard, vigilance, watch, fence, marmalade, preserves, reservation, sanctuary,

attend, caution, bodyguard, conductor, custodian, asylum, grocery; antonym (v) destroy, 13. shelter;
defender, 6. asylum; synonyms (n) refuge, synonyms (n) refuge, hut, haven, lee, lodge,
sanctuary, haven, home, institution, madhouse, burrow, safety, lodging, retreat, housing, awning,
retreat, harbor, 7. patronage; synonyms (n) aegis, port, privacy, (v) hovel.
support, backing, clientele, condescension, favor, korunma 1. preservation; synonyms (n)
trade, assistance, aid, championship, countenance, conservation, maintenance, keeping, protection,
help, business, encouragement, influence, (v) custody, upkeep, care, salvation, saving, security,
sustain, 8. shadow (gölge); synonyms (n) shade, creation; antonyms (n) destruction, extinction,
ghost, tail, trace, darkness, hint, apparition, release, 2. protection (koruma); synonyms (n)
follower, gloom, phantom, reflection, (v) eclipse, defense, cover, defence, guardianship, shelter,
follow, obscure, overshadow. aegis, auspices, preservation, shield, bulwark,
korumak 1. protect; synonyms (v) defend, keep, hedge, escort, charge, lee, (v) guard.
cover, preserve, hide, conceal, conserve, maintain, korunmak guard (bekçi); synonyms (n) defend,
safeguard, save, screen, vindicate, insure, (n) guard, defense, bulwark, care, cover, escort, protection,
ward; antonyms (v) attack, expose, neglect, risk, 2. watchman, custody, convoy, defence, fender,
maintain (bakmak); synonyms (v) continue, guardsman, (v) shield, keep.
justify, affirm, allege, assert, aver, declare, hold, korunmuş protected; synonyms (v) covert,
bear, insist, support, sustain, uphold, endure, carry; disguised, hid, (adj) secure, immune, saved,
antonyms (v) deny, change, 3. shield (kalkan, secured, sheltered, covered, comfortable, confined,
siper); synonyms (n) shelter, buffer, armor, cosseted, dependable, good, guaranteed.
protection, shade, defense, security, shell, covering, koruyucu 1. guardian; synonyms (n) custodian,
(v) secure, protect, buckler, harbor, patronize, guard, defender, protector, champion, curator,
harbour, 4. defend; synonyms (v) advocate, warden, keeper, patron, shelter, steward, backer,
champion, shield, apologize, back, claim, excuse, (adj) protective, custodial, tutelary, 2. protective;
substantiate, aid, endorse, espouse, oppose, synonyms (adj) defensive, preventive, caring,
patronage, arrest, asseverate; antonym (v) maternal, motherly, paternal, shielding, sheltering,
prosecute, 5. guard (bekçi); synonyms (n) affectionate, tender, (adv) fatherly, (v) protecting.
bulwark, care, escort, watchman, custody, convoy, koşan running; synonyms (v) active, (adj) flowing,
defence, fender, guardsman, vigilance, watch, operative, continual, working, functioning,
fence, attend, caution, charge, 6. screen (ekran, moving, consecutive, live, fluid, (n) course, motion,
perde); synonyms (n) blind, riddle, disguise, administration, operation, run.
partition, veil, curtain, covert, drape, concealment, köşe corner; synonyms (n) bend, angle, turn, coign,
divider, (v) mask, cloak, filter, obscure, sieve, 7. dilemma, hole, niche, nook, predicament,
save (kurtarmak, saklamak); synonyms (v) quandary, recess, jam, fork, plight, fix.
deliver, economize, rescue, free, hoard, liberate, kösele leather (deri); synonyms (n) fur, fleece, skin,
redeem, retain, accumulate, amass, economise, buckskin, fell, pelt, pigskin, (v) drub, thrash, thresh,
husband, (prep) except, but, excepting; antonyms (v) hit.
spend, squander, waste, 8. secure (güvenli); köşk villa; synonyms (n) mansion, cottage, house,
synonyms (v) close, fix, fasten, acquire, assure, accommodation, building, bungalow, cabin, castle,
attain, ensure, fast, gain, (adj) safe, firm, certain, chalet, estate, farmhouse, home, igloo, lodge,
confident, attach, bind; antonyms (v) lose, detach, manor.
(adj) insecure, vulnerable, loose, unsafe, 9. cover koşma 1. running; synonyms (v) active, (adj) flowing,
(örtmek); synonyms (v) coat, top, bury, wrap, operative, continual, working, functioning,
comprise, cross, (n) blanket, binding, camouflage, moving, consecutive, live, fluid, (n) course, motion,
cap, lid, spread, coating, canopy, case; antonyms (v) administration, operation, run, 2. run
reveal, uncover, 10. keep (tutmak); synonyms (v) (çalıştırmak, koşmak); synonyms (v) flow, rule,
have, celebrate, confine, observe, reserve, dash, gush, race, career, conduct, direct, function,
commemorate, check, direct, rear, restrain, store, go, hasten, (n) pass, campaign, drive, (adj) stream, 3.
withhold, delay, (n) maintenance, subsistence; rush; synonyms (n) hurry, charge, flood, attack,
antonym (v) dump, 11. shade (gölge, haste, (v) speed, dart, quicken, jet, accelerate, flush,
gölgelemek, gölgelendirmek); synonyms (n) fly, hurtle, (adj) burst, spurt.
tinge, color, ghost, hue, cloud, apparition, koşmak 1. run (çalıştırmak); synonyms (v) flow,
darkness, dye, nuance, phantom, tone, (v) darken, rule, dash, gush, race, career, conduct, direct,
shadow, tint, overshadow; antonyms (n) light, function, go, (n) pass, campaign, course, drive, (adj)
brightness, 12. preserve; synonyms (v) cure, stream, 2. rush; synonyms (n) hurry, charge, flood,
pickle, perpetuate, record, (n) jam, jelly, conserves,

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attack, (v) run, speed, dart, hasten, quicken, jet, match, duplicate, agree; antonyms (adj) conflicting,
accelerate, flush, fly, (adj) burst, spurt. dissimilar, (n) perpendicular, skew.
köstebek mole; synonyms (n) breakwater, jetty, kota quota; synonyms (n) portion, proportion, share,
freckle, bulwark, groyne, mol, spy, blemish, contingent, allowance, allotment, measure,
counterspy, groin, growth, (adj) mound, barrow, quantity, ratio, ration, slice, lot, rate, part,
hillock, (v) embankment. percentage.
kostüm 1. costume (giysi); synonyms (n) attire, kötek beating; synonyms (n) reverse, beat, defeat,
clothing, apparel, clothes, dress, garb, suit, outfit, thrashing, whipping, battery, battering, debacle,
uniform, disguise, drapery, garment, garments, drubbing, hammering, pounding, pulsation, pulse,
gown, (v) clothe, 2. suit; synonyms (n) lawsuit, rout, (adj) pulsing; antonym (n) victory.
plea, action, case, (v) agree, fit, correspond, kötü 1. bad; synonyms (adj) evil, adverse, harmful,
accommodate, adapt, answer, become, match, immoral, naughty, poisonous, sad, sinister, wicked,
meet, please, adjust. malicious, infamous, appalling, awful, damaging,
koşturmak 1. rush; synonyms (n) hurry, charge, (v) decayed; antonyms (adj) fresh, pleasant, well,
flood, flow, attack, (v) dash, gush, race, run, speed, well-behaved, (n) good, 2. evil (fena, kötülük);
dart, hasten, stream, (adj) burst, spurt, 2. run synonyms (adj) bad, corrupt, criminal, ill, depraved,
(çalıştırmak, koşmak); synonyms (v) rule, career, destructive, malign, vicious, (n) damage, adversity,
conduct, direct, function, go, operate, pour, detriment, disaster, depravity, malice, mischief;
progress, rush, (n) pass, campaign, course, drive, antonyms (adj) kindhearted, (n) goodness,
range. righteousness, 3. poor (fakir, fena); synonyms
koşu 1. run (çalıştırmak, koşmak); synonyms (v) (adj) low, miserable, paltry, deplorable, destitute,
flow, rule, dash, gush, race, career, conduct, direct, inadequate, insufficient, needy, pathetic, penniless,
function, go, (n) pass, campaign, course, drive, (adj) piteous, pitiful, meagre, (v) meager, (n) mean;
stream, 2. race; synonyms (n) kind, family, antonyms (adj) rich, wealthy, excellent, first-rate,
competition, people, kin, nation, pedigree, birth, (v) privileged, well-off, admirable, 4. nasty;
run, rush, fly, hasten, hurry, hunt, (adj) lineage, 3. synonyms (adj) dirty, loathsome, disgusting, filthy,
running; synonyms (v) active, (adj) flowing, foul, abominable, coarse, disagreeable, distasteful,
operative, continual, working, functioning, hurtful, obnoxious, raw, repulsive, unpleasant,
moving, consecutive, live, fluid, (n) motion, vile; antonyms (adj) agreeable, kind, nice,
administration, operation, performance, handling. charitable, lovely, 5. ill; synonyms (adj) sick, ailing,
koşucu runner; synonyms (n) courier, contrabandist, diseased, unhealthy, nauseous, disordered, (adv)
messenger, offset, sprinter, offshoot, contestant, badly, poorly, sickly, amiss, (n) harm, complaint,
smuggler, stolon, candidate, carpet, flume, ingate, hurt, ailment, calamity; antonym (adj) healthy, 6.
mooncurser. miserable (sefil); synonyms (adj) poor, abject,
koşuk verse; synonyms (n) poem, poetry, rhyme, desolate, downcast, measly, unhappy, distressed,
poesy, stanza, strain, measure, song, clause, lamentable, cheerless, contemptible, dejected,
paragraph, canto, chapter, count, distich, meter; depressed, despondent, (v) forlorn, wretched;
antonym (n) prose. antonyms (adj) happy, cheerful, generous, 7.
koşul 1. condition; synonyms (n) circumstance, sinister; synonyms (adj) dark, ominous, baleful,
position, provision, status, standing, attitude, black, forbidding, menacing, threatening,
circumstances, clause, predicament, rank, state, malevolent, grim, inauspicious, minacious,
term, complaint, (v) aspect, provide, 2. provision minatory, ugly, fateful, obscure, 8. wicked;
(hüküm); synonyms (n) arrangement, condition, synonyms (adj) atrocious, sinful, mischievous,
proviso, stock, article, board, requirement, unholy, diabolical, hellish, iniquitous, nasty,
stipulation, store, maintenance, planning, (v) pernicious, ungodly, impious, perverse, base,
preparation, feed, cater, supply; antonym (n) lack, despicable, devilish; antonyms (adj) innocent,
3. string (dizi, ip, sicim); synonyms (n) chain, moral, pious, pure, 9. vicious; synonyms (adj)
file, row, strand, twine, range, cord, filament, brutal, cruel, venomous, barbarous, savage,
series, thread, tie, sequence, fiber, (v) run, (adj) line. spiteful, profligate, fierce, ferocious, reprobate,
heinous, dissolute, bitter, fell, furious; antonyms
koşullu conditional; synonyms (adj) contingent,
dependent, qualified, hypothetical, guarded, given, (adj) gentle, friendly, 10. ugly (çirkin); synonyms
(adj) frightful, gruesome, hideous, homely, surly,
provisional, provisory, subject; antonym (adj)
offensive, deformed, grotesque, horrible,
monstrous, plain, shocking, sullen, dangerous,
koşut parallel (paralel); synonyms (adj) equivalent, terrible; antonyms (adj) beautiful, attractive, good-
even, comparable, level, like, alike, matching, (n)
looking, flowing, ornamental.
equal, analogy, likeness, analog, (v) compare,

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kötülük 1. evil (fena, kötü); synonyms (adj) bad, köy village; synonyms (n) hamlet, city, community,
corrupt, criminal, ill, wicked, depraved, neighborhood, settlement, kraal, (adv) town.
destructive, harmful, malign, (n) damage, adversity, koyak valley (vadi); synonyms (n) ravine, dale,
detriment, disaster, depravity, malice; antonyms gully, vale, hollow, depression, gap, gorge;
(adj) kindhearted, (n) good, goodness,
antonym (n) mount.
righteousness, 2. harm; synonyms (n) evil, hurt,
köylü peasant; synonyms (n) boor, farmer, churl,
bruise, wound, disadvantage, injury, disservice,
bucolic, countryman, clown, hind, provincial,
wrong, (v) abuse, blemish, injure, maim, poison,
rustic, barbarian.
ravage, endamage; antonyms (v) enhance, benefit,
köylüler peasantry; synonyms (n) coarseness,
3. ill; synonyms (adj) sick, ailing, diseased,
unhealthy, adverse, nauseous, (adv) badly, poorly,
sickly, amiss, (n) harm, complaint, ailment, koyma placement; synonyms (n) disposition,
mischief, calamity; antonyms (adj) healthy, (adv) arrangement, emplacement, locating, location,
position, order, place, positioning.
kova bucket; synonyms (n) tub, bucketful, container, koymak 1. put; synonyms (v) place, fix, lay, position,
set, impose, couch, locate, pose, charge, pitch,
pail, scoop, mug, pipkin, skeel, tankard, pan, can,
arrange, assign, commit, (n) deposit, 2. set
grab, skip, boat, car.
kovalama 1. chase; synonyms (n) game, search, (ayarlamak, grup, set, takım); synonyms (v)
put, regulate, define, adjust, congeal, (n) class, bent,
quest, (v) hunt, pursue, expel, follow, stalk, track,
circle, lot, party, repose, (adj) fixed, fast, secure,
trail, chamfer, pursuit, race, seek, evict, 2. pursuit;
ready; antonyms (v) soften, liquefy, melt, (n)
synonyms (n) chase, persecution, career, interest,
job, business, employment, performance, combing, comb-out, (adj) variable, flexible, liquid, 3.
following, occupation, pastime, aspiration, place (yer); synonyms (n) domicile, office, order,
profession, line, activity. spot, attitude, base, job, location, situation,
kovalamak 1. chase; synonyms (n) game, search, circumstance, center, (v) post, rank, station, install;
quest, (v) hunt, pursue, expel, follow, stalk, track, antonym (v) remove, 4. lay; synonyms (v) lie, rest,
trail, chamfer, pursuit, race, seek, evict, 2. pursue; invest, bear, allay, bet, impute, settle, wager, (adj)
synonyms (v) chase, dog, prosecute, course, haunt, secular, calm, laic, worldly, (n) ballad, song, 5.
hound, persist, tail, conduct, practice, court, keep, stick (yapıştırmak); synonyms (n) bar, club, (v)
continue, engage, harass. adhere, stab, attach, cling, paste, staff, cohere, affix,
kovan 1. barrel; synonyms (n) drum, roll, vessel, bind, cleave, fasten, hold, impale.
barrelful, cask, container, vase, vat, jar, plug, much, koyu 1. dark; synonyms (adj) black, dismal, cheerless,
pot, bbl, bushel, (v) fly, 2. shell (kabuk); dim, obscure, blind, blue, deep, gloomy, murky,
synonyms (n) peel, rind, bullet, case, casing, sheath, mysterious, (n) cloudy, darkness, evening, night;
bark, carcass, crust, shot, (v) bomb, bombard, husk, antonyms (adj) bright, sunny, fair, clear, pale, pallid,
pod, blast. sunlit, (n) light, day, 2. bold; synonyms (adj)
kovmak 1. sack (torba); synonyms (n) pocket, pouch, adventurous, audacious, manly, resolute, arrogant,
sac, (v) pillage, bag, plunder, discharge, dismiss, barefaced, courageous, daring, fearless, heroic,
despoil, fire, ransack, rob, rifle, can, loot; antonym intrepid, spirited, stalwart, bluff, brave; antonyms
(v) hire, 2. dismiss; synonyms (v) cashier, cast, (adj) cowardly, timid, modest, 3. dense (yoğun);
disband, discard, drop, bounce, cease, dispatch, synonyms (adj) compact, thick, close, crowded,
banish, disallow, discount, displace, dissolve, eject, crass, dull, heavy, impenetrable, solid, stupid,
expel; antonym (v) employ, 3. exclude; synonyms concentrated, dumb, firm, gross, lush; antonyms
(v) bar, except, ban, debar, shut, eliminate, forbid, (adj) insightful, loose, clever, intelligent, readable,
omit, ostracize, deny, veto, disqualify, preclude, simple, sparse, 4. thick (kalın); synonyms (adj)
prevent, (adj) excommunicate; antonyms (v) include, dense, opaque, slow, stocky, familiar, fat, intimate,
incorporate, admit, comprise, permit, 4. boot; muddy, obtuse, broad, populous, frequent,
synonyms (n) kick, trunk, bang, charge, gain, chummy, coarse, (n) midst; antonyms (adj) thin,
kicking, shoe, belt, body, thrill. diluted, fine, slight, transparent, 5. deep;
kovuşturma prosecution; synonyms (n) indictment, synonyms (adj) profound, absorbed, abstruse, dark,
accusation, execution, arraignment, impeachment, rich, sound, strong, wide, esoteric, large, abysmal,
lawsuit, litigation, suit, charge, pursuance, citation, bass, cryptic, (n) brine, (v) intense; antonyms (adj)
(v) pursuit. shallow, superficial, high, high-pitched, soft, weak,
koy bay; synonyms (n) alcove, bark, recess, cry, 6. stiff; synonyms (adj) rigid, hard, difficult, formal,
harbor, fiord, sound, cove, embayment, gulf, (adj) inflexible, numb, rigorous, severe, sturdy, arduous,
brown, (v) yap, roar, bellow, howl. austere, (adv) tight, (n) stark, cadaver, corpse;

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294 Turkish - English

antonyms (adj) relaxed, flexible, floppy, supple, believe, accredit, ascribe, assign, attribute;
free, pliable. antonyms (n) cash, (v) debit, discredit.
Koyuluk 1. darkness; synonyms (n) dark, night, krem cream (kaymak, krema); synonyms (n) pick,
shade, shadow, blindness, duskiness, gloom, murk, ointment, prime, balm, top, liniment, elite, fat,
cloud, cloudiness, dimness, gloominess, iniquity, salve, unguent, (adj) flower, milk, (v) best, skim,
mirk, murkiness; antonyms (n) light, brightness, ream.
lightness, 2. consistency (tutarlılık); synonyms krema cream (kaymak); synonyms (n) pick,
(n) consistence, agreement, body, coherence, ointment, prime, balm, top, liniment, elite, fat,
consonance, conformity, congruence, congruity, salve, unguent, (adj) flower, milk, (v) best, skim,
density, uniformity, accordance, concord, ream.
compatibility, consentaneousness, accord; kreş nursery; synonyms (n) kindergarten,
antonyms (n) inconsistency, discrepancy, 3. greenhouse, cradle, seminary, nest, glasshouse,
intensity (yoğunluk); synonyms (n) force, puberty, pucelage, pupilage, reformatory,
forcefulness, depth, volume, fierceness, emphasis, schoolroom, womb, childhood, playgroup,
energy, ferocity, forte, fury, glow, might, passion, seminarist.
power, (adj) strength; antonyms (n) dullness, kriket cricket; synonyms (n) tennis, (adj) equitable.
indifference, weakness, 4. tone (ses, ton); kriko jack; synonyms (n) knave, flag, jackass, mariner,
synonyms (n) character, note, accent, air, sound, ace, burgee, jackfruit.
spirit, timbre, tinge, tint, manner, disposition, feel, kristal crystal; synonyms (n) glass, quartz, gem, (adj)
feeling, intonation, (v) color.
clear, bright, pebble, translucent, crag, rock, stone.
koyun sheep; synonyms (n) mutton, goat, cattle, kriter 1. criterion (ölçüt); synonyms (n) benchmark,
follower, stock, antelopes, bison, bleater, camels,
measure, norm, test, canon, mark, criterium, gauge,
chevrotains, cloud, deer, giraffes, goats, livestock.
pattern, principle, proof, rule, touchstone, 2.
kral king; synonyms (n) emperor, mogul, sovereign, canon; synonyms (n) doctrine, law, regulation,
chief, baron, crown, magnate, ruler, tycoon,
code, criterion, formula, statute, creed, prebendary.
majesty, rex, monarch, power, ace.
kritik 1. critical; synonyms (adj) acute, decisive,
kraliçe queen; synonyms (n) empress, king, lady,
delicate, important, pressing, severe, ticklish,
sovereign, monarch, fag, faggot, fairy, pansy,
urgent, vital, crucial, dangerous, fastidious, grave,
queer, ace, ruler.
imperative, (v) censorious; antonyms (adj)
kraliyet 1. kingdom (alem); synonyms (n) country, complimentary, trivial, positive, flattering,
domain, realm, dominion, empire, state, nation, insignificant, approving, unimportant, 2. crucial
territory, area, department, land, monarchy, reign,
(çok önemli); synonyms (adj) critical, essential,
2. royal; synonyms (adj) regal, imperial, majestic, deciding, fundamental, indispensable, key, main,
magnificent, kingly, noble, princely, purple, major, momentous, weighty, basic, central, (v)
sovereign, stately, grand, grandiose, great, categorical, cross, cruciform.
imposing, monarchical.
kriz 1. crisis (buhran, bunalım); synonyms (n)
krallık 1. kingdom (alem); synonyms (n) country, exigency, conjuncture, difficulty, emergency,
domain, realm, dominion, empire, state, nation, juncture, pinch, circumstance, dilemma, situation,
territory, area, department, land, monarchy, reign, strait, depression, extremity, head, pass,
2. realm; synonyms (n) kingdom, field, region, predicament, 2. attack (hücum, hücum etmek,
arena, ground, commonwealth, province, demesne, saldırmak); synonyms (n) incursion, thrust,
district, orbit, range, sphere, principality, soil, aggression, fit, onset, onslaught, seizure, (v) assault,
world. assail, attempt, aggress, charge, invade, raid,
kravat tie (bağlamak); synonyms (n) band, accuse; antonyms (n) defense, (v) defend, protect,
connection, draw, lace, association, relationship, retreat, 3. fit (uymak); synonyms (v) agree,
sleeper, (v) link, bond, attach, bind, join, knot, accommodate, meet, suit, adapt, correspond,
connect, fasten; antonyms (v) disconnect, untie, square, accord, dress, (adj) decorous, apt, applicable,
undo. appropriate, (n) adjust, convulsion; antonyms (adj)
kreasyon creation; synonyms (n) cosmos, production, unfit, inappropriate, unwell, 4. spell; synonyms (n)
world, composition, invention, conception, magic, fascination, bout, conjuration, incantation,
construction, creature, fabrication, formation, period, sorcery, enchantment, turn, span,
foundation, founding, piece, product, universe; bewitchment, space, captivation, attack, (v) charm.
antonyms (n) destruction, end. kroki 1. sketch (skeç, taslak); synonyms (n) plan,
kredi credit; synonyms (n) credence, appreciation, drawing, outline, scheme, cartoon, project, (v)
belief, commendation, recognition, reputation, design, paint, draft, draw, picture, chart, delineate,
advance, account, acknowledgment, confidence, (v) depict, describe, 2. plan (proje); synonyms (n)
aim, map, figure, intent, pattern, invent, form,

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arrangement, blueprint, (v) devise, intend, plot, abridge, diminish, fall, curtail, lower, wane,
arrange, conceive, contrive. contract, decay, detract; antonyms (n) growth,
kronik chronic; synonyms (adj) confirmed, habitual, extension, (v) increase, rise, grow, intensify.
inveterate, constant, accustomed, continuous, küçülmek decrease (azaltmak); synonyms (n)
frequent, persistent, prolonged, regular, repeated, decline, cut, cutback, diminution, (v) abate, lessen,
usual, (v) permanent; antonym (adj) temporary. abridge, diminish, fall, curtail, lower, wane,
kuantum quantum; synonyms (n) amount, measure, contract, decay, detract; antonyms (n) growth,
magnitude, quantity, mass, measurement, sum, extension, (v) increase, rise, grow, intensify.
total, amplitude. küçültme reduction; synonyms (n) contraction,
kubbe 1. dome; synonyms (n) cupola, arch, roof, decrease, decrement, diminution, rebate, cut,
cover, bean, noggin, arena, (adj) campanile, column, cutback, decline, depreciation, discount, drop,
2. canopy; synonyms (n) awning, screen, shade, lessening, reducing, deduction, degradation;
ceiling, pavilion, blind, bubble, shield, visor. antonyms (n) increase, growth, intensification,
kucak lap; synonyms (n) circle, circuit, fold, coil, knee, strengthening, expansion, extension, restoration,
orbit, (v) lick, overlap, bind, (adv) compass, encircle, rise.
encompass, embrace, enclose, beset. küçültmek reduce; synonyms (v) lower, pare,
küçücük tiny; synonyms (adj) little, minute, abbreviate, curtail, cut, debase, abate, condense,
contract, diminish, shorten, concentrate, compress,
diminutive, infinitesimal, midget, petite, petty,
puny, slight, teeny, exiguous, baby, insignificant, (adj) abridge, lessen; antonyms (v) increase, bolster,

(phr) minuscule, small; antonyms (adj) enormous, expand, enlarge, exacerbate, intensify.
huge, gigantic, vast, large. küçümseme contempt; synonyms (n) disdain, scorn,
küçük 1. small; synonyms (adj) little, minute, narrow, derision, disrespect, disregard, mockery, ridicule,
shame, slight, reproach, discourtesy, disrepute,
fine, inadequate, insignificant, low, minor, petty,
arrogance, defiance, disgrace; antonyms (n) respect,
slight, light, remote, cramped, young, limited;
antonyms (adj) bulky, colossal, considerable, approval.
enormous, extra-large, great, huge, sizeable, giant, küçümsemek slight; synonyms (adj) flimsy, slender,
major, (syn) big, large, 2. minor (önemsiz); thin, fragile, delicate, faint, (n) scorn, disdain, (v)
synonyms (adj) inferior, junior, lesser, lower, small, disregard, insult, neglect, ignore, affront, cut, (adv)
inconsequential, less, marginal, negligible, light; antonyms (adj) considerable, major, fat,
secondary, subordinate, trivial, unimportant, (n) heavy, intense, obvious, severe, thickset, wide.
child, juvenile; antonyms (adj) important, kudret 1. force (güç, kuvvet, zorlamak);
significant, basic, chief, fundamental, leading, synonyms (n) energy, strength, agency, effect,
main, overriding, superseding, serious, extensive, enforce, impetus, (v) drive, coerce, pressure,
greater, senior, 3. little (az); synonyms (adj) squeeze, thrust, compel, cram, impel, (adj)
diminutive, brief, short, some, tiny, exiguous, baby, constrain; antonyms (n) weakness, persuasion, 2.
bantam, contemptible, fiddling, humble, might; synonyms (v) can, could, main, (n) force,
inconsiderable, miniature, (v) dash, bit, 4. petty; power, ability, influence, brawn, intensity,
synonyms (adj) frivolous, paltry, mean, puny, puissance, vehemence, authority, capability,
measly, footling, niggling, piddling, trifling, efficacy, command, 3. power (güç, iktidar);
insular, commonplace, picayune, piffling, shallow, synonyms (n) potency, control, domination,
stingy, 5. kid; synonyms (n) youngster, infant, effectiveness, aptitude, gift, jurisdiction,
toddler, tot, babe, teenager, brat, (v) joke, jest, mightiness, rule, vigor, weight, (v) might,
banter, chaff, mock, fool, jolly, dupe, 6. miniature dominion, faculty, capacity; antonyms (n)
(minyatür); synonyms (adj) model, wee, midget, powerlessness, helplessness.
dwarf, teeny, infinitesimal, petite, (n) toy, copy, kudretli mighty; synonyms (adj) enormous, immense,
illumination; antonyms (adj) full-scale, full-size, 7. huge, grand, powerful, intense, high, big, forcible,
slight; synonyms (adj) flimsy, slender, thin, fragile, great, large, strong, mammoth, cogent, formidable.
delicate, faint, feeble, (n) scorn, disdain, (v) kudurmuş mad; synonyms (adj) frantic, frenzied,
disregard, insult, neglect, ignore, affront, cut; demented, foolish, insane, delirious, angry, crazy,
antonyms (adj) fat, heavy, intense, obvious, severe, distracted, frenetic, lunatic, wild, irate, (n) furious,
thickset, wide, 8. young (genç, yavru); anger; antonyms (adj) sane, calm, sensible.
synonyms (adj) green, immature, adolescent, fresh, kuduz mad; synonyms (adj) frantic, frenzied,
new, raw, boyish, callow, childish, early, tender, demented, foolish, insane, delirious, angry, crazy,
unripe, youthful, (n) offspring, progeny; antonyms distracted, frenetic, lunatic, wild, irate, (n) furious,
(adj) old, mature, adult, (n) aged. anger; antonyms (adj) sane, calm, sensible.
küçülme decrease (azaltmak); synonyms (n)
decline, cut, cutback, diminution, (v) abate, lessen,

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küf mould; synonyms (n) mildew, cast, form, occupation, activity, business, chore, function,
molding, moulding, stamp, modeling, casting, (v) mission, (v) tax, exercise.
mold, make, model, frame, fashion, forge, knead. külhanbeyi rough (kaba); synonyms (adj) coarse,
küfe basket (sepet); synonyms (n) basketful, bassinet, hard, harsh, raw, crude, cruel, grating, gross,
cradle, gondola, case, coffin, handbasket, hoop, hoarse, jagged, approximate, gruff, inclement, (n)
leap, ped, pottle, stomach, whisket, bound, boisterous, draft; antonyms (adj) gentle, smooth,
corbeille. polished, precise, refined, silky, soft, sophisticated,
küfür 1. oath (yemin); synonyms (n) curse, even, exact, glossy, pleasant.
expletive, malediction, affidavit, cuss, pledge, kullanıcı user; synonyms (n) consumer, buyer,
promise, swearing, assurance, adjuration, exploiter, addict, customer, freeloader, idler,
asseveration, blasphemy, agreement, sacrament, moocher, occupant, patron, scrounger, shopper,
swearword, 2. abuse (kötüye kullanmak); slacker, stealer, (v) take; antonym (n) dealer.
synonyms (n) affront, misuse, harm, outrage, kullanılabilir available; synonyms (adj) accessible,
reproach, invective, (v) insult, mistreat, injure, free, possible, attainable, convenient, handy,
assault, censure, damage, exploit, hurt, (adj) obtainable, open, ready, uncommitted, usable,
maltreat; antonyms (v) praise, respect. vacant, valid, (adv) present, (n) applicable;
kuğu swan; synonyms (n) cygnet, aberdevine, cushat, antonyms (adj) unavailable, occupied, suppressed,
ringdove, (v) ramble, roam, rove, wander, affirm, concealed, engaged.
assert, aver, avow, cast, drift, range. kullanılmış used; synonyms (adj) secondhand,
kükreme roar; synonyms (n) boom, thunder, shout, exploited, accustomed, decrepit, depleted,
bark, noise, peal, (v) bellow, cry, bawl, howl, clatter, exhausted, faded, habituated, hand-me-down,
blare, call, holler, (adj) bluster; antonym (v) whisper. spent, threadbare, tried, victimised, victimized,
kükremek roar; synonyms (n) boom, thunder, shout, wont; antonyms (adj) pristine, new, spanking,
bark, noise, peal, (v) bellow, cry, bawl, howl, clatter, unused.
blare, call, holler, (adj) bluster; antonym (v) whisper. kullanım 1. usage; synonyms (n) habit, practice,
kukuleta hood; synonyms (n) cap, bonnet, cowl, employment, method, convention, consuetude,
cover, hat, coif, headdress, hoodlum, thug, exercise, treatment, usance, wont, ritual, system, (v)
malefactor, gangster, helmet, hooligan, punk, use, application, (adj) custom, 2. disposal;
cowling. synonyms (n) disposition, administration,
kükürt sulphur; synonyms (n) s, mho, quebrith, sec, distribution, organization, sale, alienation,
second, siemens, south, (v) brimstone, sulfur. classification, adjustment, arrangement, control,
direction, dispensation, order, adhibition, 3. use
kul 1. servant; synonyms (n) attendant, domestic,
boy, employee, retainer, follower, handmaid, help, (kullanma, kullanmak); synonyms (n) benefit,
henchman, minister, messenger, dependent, vassal, function, (v) employ, expend, profit, advantage,
slave, drudge, 2. slave (köle); synonyms (n) serf, exploit, occupy, operate, spend, exert, need, enjoy,
servant, bondman, inferior, thrall, bondsman, (adj) usage, service; antonym (v) conserve.

captive, (v) labor, fag, toil, work, moil, sweat, 3. kullanımda busy (meşgul); synonyms (adj) active,
subject (konu, özne); synonyms (n) matter, brisk, assiduous, engaged, occupied, agile,
crowded, industrious, meddlesome, officious, live,
citizen, affair, issue, motif, question, point, area,
content, discipline, field, national, (adj) liable, diligent, earnest, (v) occupy, employ; antonyms (adj)
exposed, prone; antonym (adj) liberated. idle, free, inactive.
kül ash; synonyms (n) jasmine, lilac, privet, spark, (v) kullanışlı 1. handy; synonyms (adj) adroit, available,
cinder, scoriae, soot, (adj) gray. convenient, apt, clever, expert, deft, dexterous,
good, accessible, easy, commodious, functional,
kulak ear; synonyms (n) auricle, handle, hearing, lug,
near, (n) ready; antonyms (adj) useless, clumsy,
spike, capitulum, heed, earing, notice, crown,
pinna, appreciation, discrimination, favor, (v) fixed, 2. convenient; synonyms (adj) comfortable,
cultivate. handy, advantageous, appropriate, expedient, fit,
nearby, opportune, timely, useful, snug,
kule tower (burç); synonyms (n) column, castle,
auspicious, becoming, close, (n) favorable;
pinnacle, monument, (v) soar, ascend, rise, arise,
loom, building, edifice, erection, fabric, hulk, (adj) antonyms (adj) inconvenient, unwieldy, 3.
pillar. available; synonyms (adj) free, possible, attainable,
külfet 1. tax (vergi); synonyms (n) charge, duty, obtainable, open, uncommitted, usable, vacant,
burden, excise, dues, impost, taxation, (v) assess, valid, (adv) present, (n) applicable; antonyms (adj)
task, accuse, impose, load, cess, levy, strain, 2. task unavailable, occupied, suppressed, concealed,
engaged, 4. practical; synonyms (adj) operative,
(görev); synonyms (n) job, assignment,
practicable, efficient, feasible, pragmatic, realistic,
commission, enterprise, labor, project, stint,
helpful, active, positive, sensible, workable,

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working, constructive, hardheaded, businesslike; külliyat corpus; synonyms (n) body, substance,
antonyms (adj) impractical, theoretical, unrealistic, material, matter, principal, stuff, pabulum, core,
impossible, 5. useful; synonyms (adj) profitable, element, hyle, mass, parenchyma, principle,
beneficial, practical, effective, valuable, gainful, quantity, substratum.
serviceable, suitable, important, lucrative, kulp 1. handle (sap); synonyms (v) administer,
instrumental, proper, propitious, sound, conduct, feel, wield, control, deal, direct, finger,
worthwhile; antonyms (adj) worthless, ineffective. manage, manipulate, touch, treat, (n) grip, clutch,
kullanışlılık usefulness; synonyms (n) use, service, grasp, 2. grip (kavramak, yakalamak);
utility, benefit, convenience, practicality, avail, synonyms (n) clasp, handle, bag, clench, clinch,
effectiveness, efficacy, value, advantage, good, clutches, (v) hold, catch, cling, apprehend, embrace,
handiness, (adj) worth, merit; antonym (n) fascinate, grab, grapple, gripe; antonyms (v) bore,
uselessness. release, 3. holder; synonyms (n) bearer, case,
kullanışsız 1. awkward; synonyms (adj) clumsy, possessor, stand, container, proprietor, rack, tenant,
inconvenient, crude, embarrassing, inept, sticky, carrier, bracket, occupant, owner, support, vessel.
uncomfortable, ungainly, untoward, left-handed, külrengi grey (gri); synonyms (adj) dim, dull,
annoying, bungling, cumbersome, difficult, greyish, hoar, hoary, leaden, grayish, (n) grayness,
graceless; antonyms (adj) graceful, easy, adroit, greyness, (v) gray.
manageable, straightforward, convenient, kültür culture; synonyms (n) civilization, breeding,
dexterous, helpful, rotund, simple, 2. useless; cultivation, acculturation, education, learning,
synonyms (adj) futile, pointless, unnecessary, tillage, erudition, courtesy, enlightenment, farming,
needless, abortive, fruitless, hopeless, worthless, instruction, refinement, agriculture, civilisation.
idle, barren, superfluous, bootless, incompetent, kültürel cultural; synonyms (adj) ethnic, educational,
ineffective, ineffectual; antonyms (adj) useful, enriching, racial, adorning, advancing, artistic,
competent, effective, necessary, valuable. beautifying, beneficial, broadening, civilizing,
kullanma 1. use (kullanmak); synonyms (n) custom, constructive, corrective, developmental, dignifying.
practice, benefit, habit, application, function, (v) kültürlü sophisticated; synonyms (adj) complicated,
exercise, employ, employment, expend, profit, refined, complex, cultured, experienced, urbane,
advantage, exploit, occupy, (adj) usage; antonym (v) involved, intricate, advanced, polished, suave,
conserve, 2. exercise (alıştırma); synonyms (n) cosmopolitan, knowledgeable, cultivated,
discipline, play, movement, action, activity, elaborate; antonyms (adj) naive, unsophisticated,
example, operation, rehearsal, (v) drill, apply, use, coarse, inexperienced, insular, simple.
exert, train, educate, do, 3. wear; synonyms (v) kulübe 1. hut; synonyms (n) cabin, cot, booth, hovel,
dress, endure, bear, fatigue, tire, waste, fray, cottage, hutch, lodge, shanty, shed, shack, shelter,
frazzle, (n) clothing, apparel, attire, clothes, garb, stall, 2. cottage; synonyms (n) bungalow, crib, hut,
erosion, garment; antonym (v) refresh.
villa, chalet, house, 3. cabin; synonyms (n)
kullanmak 1. use (kullanma); synonyms (n) custom, chamber, room, apartment, 4. shed; synonyms (v)
practice, benefit, habit, application, function, (v)
cast, discard, drop, moult, scatter, exuviate, molt,
exercise, employ, employment, expend, profit,
dismiss, disgorge, emit, fling, radiate, remove,
advantage, exploit, occupy, (adj) usage; antonym (v)
slough, spill.
conserve, 2. employ; synonyms (v) apply, use,
kulüp club (sinek); synonyms (n) association, bat,
consume, engage, hire, wield, busy, exert, ply,
circle, society, stick, baton, company, cudgel,
retain, spend, take, utilize, work, (n) service; fraternity, gang, group, guild, (v) beat, bludgeon,
antonyms (v) fire, dismiss, 3. handle (kulp, sap); hit.
synonyms (v) administer, conduct, feel, control, kulvar lane; synonyms (n) course, alley, road, aisle,
deal, direct, finger, manage, manipulate, touch,
avenue, passage, path, track, way, line, artery,
treat, govern, (n) grip, clutch, grasp, 4. apply
passageway, pathway, route, street.
(Uygula, uygulamak); synonyms (v) dedicate, kum sand; synonyms (n) grit, guts, dust, beach, coast,
devote, ask, resort, lay, appeal, address, consecrate,
seaside, backbone, dirt, gumption, shore, (v)
daub, enforce, harness, hold, implement, refer, (n)
sandpaper, rub, smooth, (adj) powder.
give, 5. drive (sürmek); synonyms (n) ride, force,
kumanda 1. command (komut); synonyms (n)
campaign, crusade, thrust, cause, ambition, (v)
control, instruction, behest, bidding, decree,
push, actuate, chase, compel, urge, coerce, beat,
direction, administration, ascendancy, authority, (v)
carry; antonyms (n) apathy, inertia, 6. exploit;
charge, order, rule, call, commission, direct;
synonyms (v) act, abuse, prey, capitalize, develop,
misuse, (n) deed, achievement, feat, antonym (v) request, 2. control (denetim,
accomplishment, action, adventure, effort, denetlemek, kontrol); synonyms (n) care, hold,
performance, doing. influence, sway, ascendency, dominance,
regulation, (v) command, check, curb, bridle,

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conduct, handle, conquer, contain; antonyms (n) kumlu sandy; synonyms (adj) gritty, light, granular,
freedom, weakness, (v) intensify, share. arenaceous, sabulous, dusty, farinaceous, loose,
kumandan commander; synonyms (n) captain, chief, mealy, powdery, branny, creamy, flaxen,
commandant, leader, head, governor, chieftain, flocculent, floury.
conductor, master, skipper. kumpas stick (yapıştırmak); synonyms (n) bar, club,
kumaş 1. cloth; synonyms (n) fabric, material, cover, (v) adhere, stab, attach, cling, fix, paste, staff,

rag, stuff, textile, calling, net, (v) napkin, 2. cohere, affix, bind, cleave, fasten, hold.
material (malzeme); synonyms (n) body, cloth, kumsal beach (plaj); synonyms (n) bank, coast,
matter, substance, information, (adj) bodily, foreshore, shore, strand, coastline, land, seashore,
corporal, corporeal, substantial, concrete, shoreline.
important, physical, real, essential, momentous, 3. kupa 1. cup; synonyms (n) chalice, basin, trophy,
fabric; synonyms (n) building, composition, frame, destiny, fate, bowl, cupful, glass, portion, bleed, 2.
construction, framework, fiber, performance, heart (kalp, yürek); synonyms (n) core, center,
anatomy, organization, production, texture, work, spirit, affection, basis, bosom, breast, courage, crux,
(v) edifice, structure. essence, hub, kernel, marrow, middle, (adj) gist;
küme 1. group (grup); synonyms (n) bunch, brigade, antonym (n) edge, 3. plate (tabak); synonyms (n)
collection, crowd, flock, gang, association, clump, dish, leaf, home, engraving, disc, armor, base,
company, gathering, (v) assemblage, class, cluster, board, denture, plaque, plateful, (v) gild, sheet,
rank, sort, 2. cluster; synonyms (n) batch, group, cover, coat.
agglomeration, knot, lot, tuft, party, assembly, kupon coupon; synonyms (n) voucher, certificate,
band, clustering, (v) bundle, huddle, collect, gather, order, ticket, debenture, dividend, draft, warrant,
assemble; antonym (v) disperse, 3. aggregate advertisement, coin, verifier.
(toplam); synonyms (adj) sum, aggregative, all, kupür cutting; synonyms (adj) sharp, biting, keen,
collective, (n) total, agglomerate, whole, complex, acute, bitter, caustic, acrimonious, acid, acrid,
pile, combination, compound, conglomeration, incisive, raw, sarcastic, satirical, (n) cut, clipping;
gross, (v) accumulate, amount; antonyms (n) antonyms (adj) blunt, mild, (n) extension, freedom.
individual, part, 4. bank (banka); synonyms (n) kur rate (oran); synonyms (n) price, worth, pace,
dam, coast, slope, store, limit, stack, bluff, heap, value, percentage, (v) assess, estimate, evaluate,
hill, riverside, (v) embankment, gradient, deposit, appreciate, appraise, compute, count, calculate,
mound, rely; antonym (v) withdraw, 5. mass merit, put.
(yığın); synonyms (adj) block, (n) bulk, lump, kür cure; synonyms (n) remedy, antidote, medicine,
magnitude, majority, accumulation, aggregate, salve, curative, curing, healing, therapy, (v) correct,
body, multitude, throng, volume, wad, (v) help, treat, heal, pickle, preserve, restore.
congregate, load, swarm, 6. pile (hav, tüy);
kurak dry (kuru); synonyms (adj) thirsty, arid,
synonyms (n) mass, congeries, hoard, jam, nap,
barren, boring, dehydrated, dull, bald, hoarse,
fortune, edifice, down, fur, mint, mountain, spile,
jejune, plain, (v) dehydrate, desiccate, drain,
(v) pack, amass, mob, 7. lump; synonyms (n)
uninteresting, sardonic; antonyms (adj) wet, damp,
chunk, clod, hunk, tumor, bit, bulge, fragment,
moist, saturated, soaked, boggy, drenched, rainy,
knob, lummox, piece, nub, intumescence, pimple,
sodden, interesting, fresh, humid, juicy, succulent,
(v) clot, (adj) lout, 8. heap; synonyms (n)
(v) drench.
aggregation, cumulus, deal, peck, plenty, pot, raft,
kural 1. rule; synonyms (n) govern, order, decree,
sight, slew, stockpile, bus, jalopy, (v) bank, arrange,
dominion, law, ordinance, principle, regulate,
fill, 9. set (ayarlamak, grup, set, takım);
reign, authority, dictate, (v) command, control,
synonyms (v) fix, place, lay, put, locate, position,
influence, direct, 2. statute (yasa); synonyms (n)
regulate, define, adjust, congeal, (n) bent, circle, (adj)
rule, constitution, charter, act, canon, edict,
fixed, fast, secure; antonyms (v) soften, liquefy,
enactment, regulation, code, ruling, bill, pandect,
melt, (n) combing, comb-out, (adj) variable, flexible,
proclamation, 3. law (hukuk, kanun, yasa);
synonyms (n) jurisprudence, justice, police, axiom,
kümelemek aggregate (toplam); synonyms (adj) directive, liberty, measure, prescription, tenet,
sum, aggregative, all, collective, (n) total, constabulary, government, 4. order (düzen,
agglomerate, whole, complex, pile, combination,
düzenlemek, emretmek, sıra); synonyms (n)
compound, (v) accumulate, cluster, amount, collect;
array, rank, sort, charge, class, condition,
antonyms (n) individual, part. disposition, injunction, instruction, kind, form, (v)
kümes pen (kalem); synonyms (n) corral, cage, commission, arrange, call, ordain; antonyms (n)
ballpoint, enclosure, fold, jail, coop, playpen, (v) anarchy, chaos, confusion, mayhem, mess, (v)
enclose, confine, compose, impound, indite, write, disorder, request, 5. code (kod, kodlamak);
inclose. synonyms (n) cipher, key, codex, (v) cypher, encode,

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encipher, encrypt, 6. convention (kongre); küre sphere; synonyms (n) region, range, area,
synonyms (n) conference, congress, meeting, domain, province, realm, ball, circle, department,
contract, assembly, convocation, council, custom, globe, round, ring, arena, compass, field.
tradition, agreement, assemblage, bargain, küresel global; synonyms (adj) general, international,
gathering, habit, practice. overall, cosmopolitan, universal, worldwide,
kuralsız irregular; synonyms (adj) abnormal, atypical, comprehensive, earthly, ecumenical, total, globose,
anomalous, broken, eccentric, erratic, changeable, globular, inclusive, orbicular, planetary; antonyms
desultory, deviant, disorderly, guerilla, sporadic, (adj) local, national.
strange, unequal, (n) guerrilla; antonyms (adj) kurgu 1. fiction (uydurma); synonyms (n)
regular, constant, even, normal, smooth, fabrication, fable, falsehood, invention, lie, story,
symmetrical, compact, cyclic, equal, steady. falsity, figment, novel, romance, sham, deceit, fib,
kuram 1. theory (teori); synonyms (n) supposition, forgery, legend; antonym (n) truth, 2.
assumption, conjecture, guess, hypothesis, speculation; synonyms (n) hypothesis, guess,
speculation, idea, opinion, surmise, belief, reflection, venture, guesswork, meditation, gamble,
presumption, thought, concept, postulation, adventure, conjecture, supposition, surmise,
postulate; antonym (n) fact, 2. hypothesis; theory, risk, cogitation, assumption.
synonyms (n) theory, condition, presupposition, kurgusal speculative (spekülatif); synonyms (adj)
proposal, view, conception, guesswork, model,
risky, theoretical, academic, hypothetical,
possibility. inquisitive, notional, reflective, chancy, conjectural,
kuramsal 1. theoretical (teorik); synonyms (adj) insecure, visionary, tentative, (v) contemplative,
hypothetical, abstract, speculative, theoretic, ideal, meditative, pensive.
academic, conjectural, impractical; antonyms (adj) kürk fur; synonyms (n) coat, down, pelt, skin, fell,
practical, concrete, real, scientific, 2. academic; hair, fleece, feathers, fuzz, hide, (v) blanket, flannel,
synonyms (adj) theoretical, learned, pedantic, (adj) pile, wool, floss.
scholarly, studious, bookish, didactic, educational, kurma 1. institution; synonyms (n) creation,
erudite, (n) intellectual, academician, scholar,
establishment, institute, formation, asylum,
professor, (v) scholastic; antonym (n) realist, 3. founding, academy, custom, foundation, initiation,
speculative (spekülatif); synonyms (adj) risky, organization, tradition, induction, practice, college,
inquisitive, notional, reflective, chancy, insecure, 2. installation; synonyms (n) facility,
visionary, tentative, bad, imaginary, (v)
inauguration, installment, investiture, plant,
contemplative, meditative, pensive, thoughtful,
appointment, installing, introduction, settlement,
3. establishment; synonyms (n) business,
kurbağa frog; synonyms (n) frogs, toad, aigulet,
company, constitution, institution, concern,
anuran, batrachian, chamois, epaulet, grasshopper,
enactment, administration, colonization, dwelling,
abutment, dollar, freshman, goat, salientian,
footing, management, construction, enterprise,
toadfrog, slade.
government, installation; antonyms (n) elimination,
kurban 1. victim; synonyms (n) prey, quarry, object, end, 4. foundation (temel); synonyms (n) base,
sufferer, dupe, butt, gull, mug, sucker, target, cull,
basis, bottom, foot, principle, cause, cornerstone,
cully, fool, game, gobemouche, 2. offering; fundamental, origin, support, nucleus, beginning,
synonyms (v) gift, grant, favor, benefaction, boon, fundament, ground, grounds; antonym (n) top, 5.
(n) contribution, donation, oblation, offer, present,
wind (Rüzgar, sarmak); synonyms (n) air, gust,
presentation, endowment, bestowal, gratuity,
(v) coil, twist, curl, meander, turn, bend, curve,
reward, 3. sacrifice; synonyms (n) immolation,
twine, blow, crook, entwine, roll, weave.
loss, forfeiture, cost, scapegoat, (v) offering, forfeit,
immolate, give, lose, relinquish, propose, kurmak 1. build; synonyms (v) make, erect, establish,
contribute, victimize, devote. raise, rise, base, construct, create, fabricate, fashion,
(n) form, shape, frame, construction, figure;
kürdan pick (seçmek, toplamak); synonyms (v)
clean, gather, harvest, opt, break, (n) alternative, antonyms (v) demolish, destroy, 2. install;
elite, best, choice, option, selection, (adj) cream, synonyms (v) fix, inaugurate, appoint, crown,
select, mattock, flower. induct, instal, invest, lodge, place, plant, post, put,
quarter, seat, set; antonym (v) overthrow, 3.
kurdela ribbon; synonyms (n) band, riband, shred,
strip, tape, decoration, medal, ribband, belt, fascia, found; synonyms (v) build, constitute, ground,
thread, palm, fillet, string, stripe. institute, bottom, begin, cast, start, imbed,
introduce, arrange, father, launch, originate,
kurdele ribbon; synonyms (n) band, riband, shred,
predicate; antonym (adj) misplaced, 4. establish;
strip, tape, decoration, medal, ribband, belt, fascia,
synonyms (v) confirm, prove, demonstrate, settle,
thread, palm, fillet, string, stripe.
ascertain, determine, found, certify, compose,
corroborate, decide, enact, show, state, define;

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antonyms (v) disprove, abolish, terminate, 5. kürtaj abortion; synonyms (n) miscarriage, failure,
institute; synonyms (n) academy, association, fiasco, abortive, aborsement, castling, freak,
establishment, foundation, institution, termination, aborting, blunder, disappointment,
organization, society, guild, club, (v) bring, initiate, incompletion, misadventure.
ordain, install, broach, decree, 6. set (ayarlamak, kurtarıcı saving; synonyms (n) economy,
grup, set, takım); synonyms (v) lay, locate, conservation, preservation, rescue, cut, deliverance,
position, regulate, adjust, congeal, (n) class, bent, delivery, (adj) economical, frugal, thrifty, save,
circle, lot, party, (adj) fixed, fast, secure, ready; chary, except, excepting, sparing; antonym (n)
antonyms (v) soften, liquefy, melt, (n) combing, extravagance.
comb-out, (adj) variable, flexible, liquid, 7. kurtarılma salvation; synonyms (n) aid, redemption,
construct; synonyms (v) manufacture, produce, delivery, rescue, justification, preservation, savior,
rear, assemble, compile, fabric, organize, cause, (adj) conversion, adoption, beatification,
contrive, craft, design, devise, (n) concept, regeneration; antonym (n) downfall.
conception, notion, 8. frame (çerçeve); synonyms kurtarma 1. rescue; synonyms (n) deliverance,
(n) border, anatomy, chassis, formation, stand, release, delivery, salvage, relieve, liberation, (v)
body, box, case, coin, framework, (v) draft, forge, deliver, extricate, ransom, free, recover, redeem,
couch, do, entrap, 9. form (biçim, form); save, help, liberate; antonyms (n) involvement, loss,
synonyms (n) ceremony, conformation, appearance, (v) abandon, 2. recovery (iyileşme); synonyms
manner, mould, type, custom, character, aspect, (v) (n) rally, convalescence, improvement, reclamation,
carve, comprise, generate, mold, acquire, array, 10. rescue, resurrection, retrieval, cure, healing,
constitute; synonyms (v) commission, be, name, recuperation, restoration, revival, yield,
nominate, designate, configure, consist, represent, regeneration, collection; antonyms (n) decline,
attain, 11. start (başlamak, başlangıç, return, 3. liberation; synonyms (n) emancipation,
başlatmak); synonyms (v) commence, drive, freedom, dismissal, freeing, relief, salvation,
embark, spring, activate, arise, enter, flinch, (n) enfranchisement, escape, liberty, emission, firing,
jump, onset, origin, shock, beginning, (v) discharge, acquittal, dismission, acquittance, 4.
commencement, dawn; antonyms (v) end, finish, saving; synonyms (n) economy, conservation,
stop, conclude, halt, (n) conclusion. preservation, cut, thrift, frugality, (adj) economical,
kurmay staff (asa); synonyms (n) cane, club, post, frugal, thrifty, chary, except, excepting, sparing,
employees, faculty, personnel, rod, mace, baton, careful, parsimonious; antonym (n) extravagance,
brace, stave, court, (v) crutch, prop, stick. 5. salvation; synonyms (n) aid, redemption,
kurnaz 1. smart (açıkgöz); synonyms (adj) bright, justification, savior, (adj) conversion, adoption,
crafty, dapper, quick, shrewd, sly, prompt, astute, beatification; antonym (n) downfall, 6.
chic, clever, intelligent, (v) ache, hurt, (n) pain, redemption; synonyms (n) atonement, expiation,
sharp; antonyms (adj) scruffy, stupid, dim, shabby, buyback, performance, repurchase, fulfillment,
unkempt, slow, 2. knowing; synonyms (v) canny, observance, recompense, reparation, satisfaction, 7.
wise, (adj) aware, conscious, conversant, ingenious, relief; synonyms (n) comfort, consolation, ease,
smart, understanding, erudite, experienced, relaxation, respite, solace, abatement, alleviation,
cognizant, foxy, deliberate, intentional, (n) cunning. encouragement, redress, rest, amends,
kursak crop (ürün); synonyms (n) fruit, harvest, assuagement, (v) assistance, assist.
craw, (v) browse, graze, reap, top, cultivate, cut, kurtarmak 1. save (saklamak); synonyms (v)
lop, prune, shave, trim, (adj) clip, shear. deliver, economize, rescue, conserve, free, hoard,
kürsü chair (sandalye); synonyms (n) chairman, keep, maintain, preserve, liberate, protect, redeem,
bench, chairperson, president, throne, couch, retain, defend, (prep) except; antonyms (v) spend,
chairwoman, professorship, shop, (v) moderate, squander, waste, 2. deliver; synonyms (v) consign,
conduct, lead. bear, carry, save, abandon, bring, pronounce,
kurşun 1. lead; synonyms (v) head, guide, conduct, render, return, send, utter, drop, acquit, remit,
contribute, direct, chair, conduce, control, go, announce, 3. rescue (kurtarma); synonyms (n)
govern, bring, convey, give, (n) clue, advantage; deliverance, release, delivery, salvage, relieve,
antonym (v) follow, 2. bullet (mermi); synonyms liberation, salvation, extrication, redemption, (v)
extricate, ransom, recover, help, emancipate,
(n) shot, round, missile, pellet, projectile, slug,
carcass, grenade, stone, ammunition, arrow, (adj) recapture; antonyms (n) involvement, loss, 4.
globule, spherule, bulb, drop. recover; synonyms (v) reclaim, recuperate, regain,
kurşunkalem pencil; synonyms (n) pen, beam, retrieve, convalesce, find, heal, mend, rally, restore,
clump, cluster, gleam, group, light, (v) brush, draw, improve, obtain, recall, recoup, repair; antonyms
design, paint. (v) deteriorate, lose, 5. free (açık, bedava, boş,
özgür, serbest, serbest bırakmak); synonyms

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(adj) loose, frank, liberal, open, broad, empty, (tahta); synonyms (n) bench, meal, panel, table,
bountiful, (v) clear, exempt, discharge, excuse, office, sign, court, embark, plank, agency, card,
disentangle, disengage, ease, voluntary; antonyms cardboard, (v) keep, lodge, accommodate; antonym
(adj) bound, restricted, compelled, confined, (v) disembark.
imprisoned, repressive, secure, strict, stuck, kuruluş 1. enterprise; synonyms (n) business,
tangled, attached, busy, (v) confine, block, cage, 6. company, concern, endeavor, activity, adventure,
help (imdat, yardım, yardım etmek); energy, courage, effort, endeavour, firm, initiative,
synonyms (v) aid, assist, avail, facilitate, favor, spirit, venture, corporation, 2. institution;
alleviate, contribute, forward, (n) assistance, benefit, synonyms (n) creation, establishment, institute,
support, assistant, cure, boost, encouragement; formation, asylum, founding, academy, custom,
antonyms (v) hinder, worsen, (n) hindrance, foundation, initiation, organization, tradition,
detriment, 7. relieve; synonyms (v) assuage, induction, practice, college, 3. institute; synonyms
comfort, allay, mitigate, calm, console, (n) association, (v) establish, found, build,
disembarrass, mollify, palliate, remedy, dispense, constitute, appoint, form, fix, begin, bring, create,
(n) redress, pacify, (adj) absolve, relax; antonym (v) erect, initiate, base, (adj) enact, 4. installation;
burden. synonyms (n) facility, inauguration, installment,
kurtuluş 1. release (serbest bırakmak); synonyms investiture, plant, appointment, installing,
(n) discharge, issue, liberation, departure, (v) introduction, settlement, 5. establishment;
exempt, free, liberate, pardon, absolve, acquit, synonyms (n) constitution, institution, enactment,
deliver, dismiss, excuse, exonerate, (adj) disengage; administration, colonization, dwelling, footing,
antonyms (n) imprisonment, abduction, custody, management, construction, enterprise, government,
involvement, preservation, (v) capture, confine, installation, order, organisation, proof; antonyms
imprison, arrest, catch, 2. escape (kaçmak); (n) elimination, end.
synonyms (v) elude, break, dodge, avoid, evade, kurum 1. institution; synonyms (n) creation,
run, bolt, circumvent, leave, duck, bilk, (n) leak, establishment, institute, formation, asylum,
avoidance, evasion, outlet; antonym (v) return, 3. founding, academy, custom, foundation, initiation,
liberation; synonyms (n) release, emancipation, organization, tradition, induction, practice, college,
freedom, deliverance, dismissal, rescue, delivery, 2. association (dernek); synonyms (n) affiliation,
freeing, relief, salvation, enfranchisement, escape, alliance, connection, assembly, affinity, company,
(v) acquittal, dismission, acquittance, 4. salvation; fellowship, link, partnership, society, syndicate,
synonyms (n) aid, redemption, justification, savior, congress, meeting, band, (v) assemblage, 3.
(adj) conversion, adoption, beatification, institute; synonyms (n) association, (v) establish,
regeneration; antonym (n) downfall. found, build, constitute, appoint, form, fix, begin,
kuru dry; synonyms (adj) thirsty, arid, barren, boring, bring, create, erect, initiate, base, (adj) enact, 4.
dehydrated, dull, bald, hoarse, jejune, plain, (v) corporation; synonyms (n) belly, business,
dehydrate, desiccate, drain, uninteresting, concern, body, corp, firm, club, agency, group,
sardonic; antonyms (adj) wet, damp, moist, incorporation, municipality, potbelly,
saturated, soaked, boggy, drenched, rainy, sodden, conglomerate, 5. establishment; synonyms (n)
interesting, fresh, humid, juicy, succulent, (v) constitution, institution, enactment, settlement,
drench. introduction, administration, colonization,
kurucu 1. founder; synonyms (n) laminitis, patriarch, dwelling, footing, management, construction,
author, beginner, creator, father, inventor, enterprise, government, inauguration, installation;
originator, sink, ancestor, (v) fail, flop, collapse, antonyms (n) elimination, end, 6. society;
crumple, break, 2. promoter; synonyms (n) synonyms (n) public, community, companionship,
backer, advocate, booster, sponsor, patron, corporation, fraternity, circle, people,
forwarder, friend, proponent, showman, supporter, commonwealth, guild, order, brotherhood, folk,
champion, impresario, plugger, (v) artist, projector. friendship, gild, league.
kurul 1. commission; synonyms (n) board, mission, kurumak dry (kuru); synonyms (adj) thirsty, arid,
delegation, job, mandate, warrant, assignment, barren, boring, dehydrated, dull, bald, hoarse,
charge, committee, (v) assign, accredit, designate, jejune, plain, (v) dehydrate, desiccate, drain,
appoint, authorize, delegate, 2. committee uninteresting, sardonic; antonyms (adj) wet, damp,
(heyet); synonyms (n) council, commission, moist, saturated, soaked, boggy, drenched, rainy,
consignee, trustee, cabinet, bureau, staff, group, sodden, interesting, fresh, humid, juicy, succulent,
team, administration, assembly, class, (v) drench.
commissioning, committal, conclave, 3. council; kurumuş dry (kuru); synonyms (adj) thirsty, arid,
synonyms (n) congress, consultation, convention, barren, boring, dehydrated, dull, bald, hoarse,
convocation, diet, legislature, meeting, 4. board jejune, plain, (v) dehydrate, desiccate, drain,

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302 Turkish - English

uninteresting, sardonic; antonyms (adj) wet, damp, fencing, inclosure, insert, railing, ring, supplement,
moist, saturated, soaked, boggy, drenched, rainy, 3. investment (yatırım); synonyms (n) investing,
sodden, interesting, fresh, humid, juicy, succulent, investiture, clothing, siege, finance, venture,
(v) drench. backing, obsession, property, installation, outlay,
kuruntu 1. imagination (hayal gücü, imgelem); capital, covering, accession, assets.
synonyms (n) fantasy, fancy, vision, dream, conceit, kuşatmak invest; synonyms (v) install, clothe,
imagery, invention, originality, caprice, conception, empower, endow, adorn, commit, crown, dress,
idea, imaginativeness, inventiveness, notion, endue, enthrone, indue, vest, inaugurate, induct,
reflection; antonym (n) reality, 2. vision (görme); intrust.
synonyms (n) sight, view, daydream, imagination, kuşku 1. doubt; synonyms (n) disbelief, misgiving,
outlook, specter, ghost, spirit, apparition, question, dispute, apprehension, incertitude,
hallucination, image, phantom, prospect, illusion, skepticism, uncertainty, diffidence, (v) distrust,
picture, 3. fancy; synonyms (v) imagine, wish, query, suspicion, mistrust, suspect, demur;
consider, crotchet, envision, like, assume, antonyms (n) certainty, confidence, conclusiveness,
conjecture, (adj) conceive, elaborate, extravagant, (v) trust, 2. suspicion (şüphe); synonyms (n)
ween, (n) desire, thought, whim; antonyms (adj) inkling, fear, hunch, qualm, scruple, surmise,
plain, unadorned, 4. apprehension (anlayış, supposition, hesitation, hint, intuition, guess,
korku); synonyms (n) alarm, comprehension, misdoubt, conjecture, feeling, (v) doubt, 3.
dread, arrest, capture, foreboding, misgiving, question (mesele, soru); synonyms (n) inquiry,
trepidation, understanding, appreciation, challenge, demand, matter, problem, interrogation,
anticipation, agitation, (adj) anxiety, care, (v) doubt; issue, (v) inquire, interrogate, investigate, contest,
antonyms (n) reassurance, release, confidence, examine, enquire, argue, ask; antonym (v) answer.
calmness. kuşkulanmak 1. doubt; synonyms (n) disbelief,
kurutmak 1. drain; synonyms (n) ditch, culvert, dike, misgiving, question, dispute, apprehension,
channel, sewer, (v) deplete, waste, exhaust, bleed, incertitude, skepticism, uncertainty, diffidence, (v)
leak, consume, finish, sap, (adj) cloaca, dissipate; distrust, query, suspicion, mistrust, suspect,
antonym (v) bolster, 2. dry (kuru); synonyms (adj) demur; antonyms (n) certainty, confidence,
thirsty, arid, barren, boring, dehydrated, dull, bald, conclusiveness, (v) trust, 2. suspect; synonyms (v)
hoarse, jejune, plain, (v) dehydrate, desiccate, drain, doubt, suppose, conjecture, guess, surmise, believe,
uninteresting, sardonic; antonyms (adj) wet, damp, disbelieve, divine, assume, fear, (adj) fishy,
moist, saturated, soaked, boggy, drenched, rainy, questionable, shady, suspicious, dubious; antonym
sodden, interesting, fresh, humid, juicy, succulent, (adj) trustworthy.
(v) drench, 3. season; synonyms (n) opportunity, kuşkulu 1. doubtful; synonyms (adj) ambiguous,
space, spell, (prep) period, (v) flavor, mature, inure, debatable, dubious, disputable, distrustful, queer,
salt, mellow, flavour, moderate, pickle, ripen, (adj) questionable, suspicious, tentative, diffident,
harden, habituate. hesitant, indistinct, skeptical, uncertain, undecided;
kuş bird; synonyms (n) birdie, chick, fowl, girl, wench, antonyms (adj) certain, trusting, convinced, reliable,
hiss, shuttlecock, insect, mollusk, reptile, shellfish, confident, persuaded, provable, sure, 2.
worm, person, biddy, (v) birdwatch. suspicious; synonyms (adj) suspect, doubtful,
kuşak 1. generation (üretim); synonyms (n) age, shady, incredulous, fishy, funny, jealous,
creation, epoch, era, genesis, contemporaries, mistrustful, shy, leery, apprehensive, wary,
formation, offspring, period, time, day, birth, suspicion, doubting, mysterious; antonyms (adj)
family, lifetime, (v) germination, 2. belt (bölge, aboveboard, aggressive, gullible, trustworthy.
kemer); synonyms (n) ribbon, area, strap, knock, kuşkusuz doubtless; synonyms (adv) certainly,
strip, zone, bang, (v) band, hit, wallop, whack, beat, assuredly, questionless, undoubtedly, presumably,
smash, whip, thrash, 3. zone (bölge); synonyms probably, unquestionably, (adj) sure, certes.
(n) district, region, section, belt, locality, quarter,
kusma sickness; synonyms (n) illness, indisposition,
realm, layer, territory, province, neighborhood,
complaint, malady, qualm, distemper, nausea,
orbit, circuit, division, bed, 4. band (bant); disgust, infirmity, affliction, loathing, ill, (v) disease,
synonyms (n) cluster, party, set, swathe, circle, disorder, ailment.
collar, company, crew, faction, gang, knot, lace,
küstah 1. bold; synonyms (adj) adventurous,
stripe, (v) ring, combine.
audacious, manly, resolute, arrogant, barefaced,
kuşatma 1. siege; synonyms (n) blockade, besieging, courageous, daring, fearless, heroic, intrepid,
assiege, beleaguering, estimation, grade, station, spirited, stalwart, bluff, brave; antonyms (adj)
stool, (v) surround, beleaguer, hedge, overwhelm,
cowardly, timid, modest, 2. fresh (taze);
2. enclosure; synonyms (n) coop, cage, barrier, synonyms (adj) bracing, brisk, clean, novel, bright,
enclosing, pen, addition, sty, case, envelopment, original, recent, airy, bold, alive, chilly, cool,

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forward, green, (adv) new; antonyms (adj) old, stale, insufficient, mistaken, illogical; antonyms (adj)
decayed, exhausted, hot, humid, muggy, musty, correct, flawless, 3. incomplete; synonyms (adj)
off, oppressive, rotten, tired, worn, dry, sweltering, halfway, short, unfinished, half, fragmentary,
3. arrogant (kibirli); synonyms (adj) haughty, sketchy, scarce, fractional, uncompleted, wanting,
imperious, presumptuous, proud, dogmatic, uncomplete, (n) rough; antonyms (adj) complete,
boastful, conceited, condescending, disdainful, finished, whole.
domineering, egotistical, insolent, overbearing, kusursuz 1. excellent (mükemmel); synonyms (adj)
supercilious, vain; antonyms (adj) self-effacing, (syn) choice, estimable, admirable, superior, capital,
humble, 4. cool; synonyms (adj) cold, collected, beautiful, distinctive, brilliant, fantastic, fine, good,
composed, fine, aloof, apathetic, lukewarm, (v) great, magnificent, marvelous, (n) worthy;
calm, chill, assuage, allay, pacify, quench, (n) antonyms (adj) inferior, poor, abysmal, awful,
composure, poise; antonyms (adj) agitated, excited, mediocre, 2. perfect (eksiksiz); synonyms (adj)
enthusiastic, feverish, friendly, temperate, tepid, (v) consummate, complete, exact, utter, entire,
warm, heat. faultless, thorough, exquisite, integral, blameless,
küstahlık 1. brass (pirinç); synonyms (n) boldness, clean, (v) achieve, accomplish, (n) absolute, full;
face, cheek, nerve, administration, arrogance, antonyms (adj) imperfect, faulty, flawed, 3. clean
insolence, effrontery, impertinence, (v) audacity, (saf, temiz, temizlemek); synonyms (adj) clear,
assurance, front, hardihood, impudence, (adj) fair, antiseptic, blank, pure, chaste, adroit, tidy,
bronze, 2. gall; synonyms (n) anger, bitterness, unblemished, (v) brush, cleanse, bathe, clarify,
acerbity, acrimony, cheekiness, crust, freshness, disinfect, sweep; antonyms (adj) filthy, unclean,
grate, (v) annoy, chafe, fret, irk, irritate, pique, muddy, unhygienic, syrupy, tainted,
provoke, 3. cheek (yanak); synonyms (n) brass, unwholesome, (v) dirty, soil, contaminate, pollute,
gall, lip, mouth, daring, disrespect, jowl, 4. precise (tam); synonyms (adj) accurate, correct,
presumption, buttock, jamb; antonym (n) respect. definite, minute, careful, certain, delicate, neat,
kusur 1. fault (arıza, bozukluk, hata); synonyms particular, ceremonious, distinct, faithful,
(n) defect, blemish, error, failing, blame, blot, crime, fastidious, formal, (v) close; antonyms (adj)
delinquency, flaw, blunder, break, demerit, imprecise, inaccurate, vague, rough.
weakness, (v) deficiency, culpability; antonyms (n)
kusursuzluk perfection (mükemmellik);
merit, strength, 2. defect; synonyms (n) fault, synonyms (n) excellence, consummation, ideal,
shortcoming, imperfection, scar, dearth, deformity, maturity, paragon, completeness, completion,
foible, vice, want, default, inaccuracy, finish, crown, development, flawlessness, ripeness,
disadvantage, disease, (v) desert, (adj) infirmity, 3. integrity, complete, perfect; antonym (n)
failing; synonyms (adj) declining, failed, wanting, imperfection.
deteriorating, abortive, deficient, defective, dying, kutlama celebration; synonyms (n) gala, anniversary,
neglectful, (n) failure, inadequacy, decline, frailty,
commemoration, fair, feast, festival, festivity,
drawback, lapse; antonyms (adj) thriving, holiday, merrymaking, party, solemnization,
flourishing, well, (n) virtue, 4. blame (suçlamak); praise, rite, ceremony, (adj) dedication; antonym (n)
synonyms (v) accuse, arraign, censure, reprimand, lament.
charge, reproach, chide, rebuke, attribute, (n) attack,
kutlamak celebrate; synonyms (v) commemorate,
rap, onus, accusation, allegation, condemnation;
extol, keep, praise, acclaim, fete, honor, laud,
antonyms (v) pardon, absolve, praise, 5. solemnize, applaud, honour, distinguish, eulogize,
deficiency (eksiklik); synonyms (n) absence, exult, glorify; antonym (v) ignore.
deficit, lack, scarcity, famine, insufficiency, kütle mass (yığın); synonyms (adj) block, (n) bulk,
scarceness, shortage, shortness, drought, defection,
heap, crowd, cluster, pile, bunch, collection, lump,
destitution, need, paucity, (v) fail; antonyms (n) magnitude, majority, accumulation, aggregate,
excess, sufficiency. amount, (v) flock.
küsur odd (tek); synonyms (adj) grotesque, kutsal 1. holy; synonyms (adj) devout, divine, godly,
exceptional, funny, abnormal, curious, droll, heavenly, religious, blessed, hallowed, spiritual,
eccentric, extraordinary, singular, strange, chance, devotional, celestial, pious, pure, pietistic,
novel, anomalous, bizarre, fantastic; antonyms (adj) sanctified, sainted; antonym (adj) secular, 2.
normal, ordinary, even, typical. sacred; synonyms (adj) holy, consecrated,
kusurlu 1. defective; synonyms (adj) deficient, bad, dedicated, inviolable, consecrate, devoted,
faulty, imperfect, broken, incomplete, lacking, sacrosanct, saintly, sublime, venerable, biblical, (v)
unsound, vicious, inaccurate, rotten, erroneous, solemn, majestic, imposing; antonym (adj) profane,
flawed, inadequate, incorrect; antonym (adj) 3. spiritual; synonyms (adj) ghostly, immaterial,
perfect, 2. faulty; synonyms (adj) defective, false, incorporeal, ethereal, mental, psychic,
wrong, damaged, poor, amiss, tainted, blamable, metaphysical, intellectual, sacred, supernatural,

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304 Turkish - English

unworldly, inward, unearthly, apparitional, (v) drive, coerce, pressure, squeeze, thrust, compel,
disembodied; antonyms (adj) physical, worldly, cram, impel, (adj) constrain; antonyms (n) weakness,
earthly. persuasion, 2. strength (güç); synonyms (n) force,
kutu 1. box; synonyms (n) basket, cage, chest, power, firmness, intensity, vigor, endurance,
package, booth, blow, carton, case, container, crate, potency, stability, health, soundness, amount,
envelope, (v) cuff, buffet, beat, fight; antonym (v) brawn, forcefulness, (v) might, capacity; antonyms
unbox, 2. bin; synonyms (n) bunker, binful, box, (n) frailty, flaw, shortcoming, 3. energy (enerji,
silo, closet, locker, casket, trashcan, cellaret, güç); synonyms (n) animation, dash, life, spirit,
commode, cupboard, (v) store, discard, fling, determination, effort, vitality, capability, action,
harvest, 3. can; synonyms (v) tin, dismiss, fire, activity, dynamism, go, push, stamina, verve;
might, pickle, pot, sack, (n) bathroom, behind, antonyms (n) lethargy, apathy, exhaustion,
buttocks, lavatory, posterior, rump, jar, jail; tiredness, idleness, sluggishness, 4. power (güç,
antonym (v) hire, 4. chest; synonyms (n) bosom, iktidar); synonyms (n) ability, authority, control,
bust, bureau, dresser, chamber, thorax, treasury, domination, effectiveness, aptitude, command, gift,
trunk, 5. case; synonyms (n) example, bin, cover, jurisdiction, mightiness, rule, (v) influence,
jacket, shell, affair, bag, briefcase, casing, eccentric, dominion, faculty, efficacy; antonyms (n)
instance, suit, action, cause, (adj) patient. powerlessness, helplessness, 5. action (etki,
kütük 1. log; synonyms (n) journal, record, block, eylem, hareket, iş); synonyms (n) act,
diary, timber, backlog, firewood, register, billet, accomplishment, battle, deed, engagement, fight,
logarithm, bobbing, calendar, (v) enter, chronicle, movement, performance, play, behavior, case,
lumber, 2. file (dosya); synonyms (n) archive, lawsuit, measure, (v) achievement, combat;
document, list, procession, rank, roll, series, string, antonyms (n) inaction, inactivity, 6. might;
line, (v) order, rasp, scrape, abrade, arrange, grind, synonyms (v) can, could, main, (n) puissance,
3. register (kaydetmek); synonyms (n) inventory, vehemence, muscle, nerve, sway, violence,
note, catalogue, book, account, annals, (v) file, inclemency, 7. steam (buğu, buhar); synonyms
enroll, indicate, read, show, mark, enlist, catalog, (n) mist, fog, haze, vapor, cloud, (v) reek, evaporate,
display, 4. stock (hisse senedi); synonyms (n) exhale, smoke, fume, cook, pull, boil, heat, (adj) gas.
breed, lineage, store, goods, ancestry, descent, kuvvetlendirmek strengthen; synonyms (v)
family, hoard, origin, race, birth, commodity, (adj) consolidate, confirm, corroborate, brace, encourage,
regular, (v) handle, supply. enhance, fortify, intensify, invigorate, bolster,
kutulamak 1. case; synonyms (n) box, example, bin, buttress, harden, increase, stiffen, toughen;
cover, jacket, shell, affair, bag, briefcase, casing, antonyms (v) weaken, undermine.
eccentric, instance, suit, carton, (adj) patient, 2. box kuvvetli 1. potent; synonyms (adj) powerful, cogent,
(kutu); synonyms (n) basket, cage, chest, package, forceful, forcible, influential, hard, mighty,
booth, blow, case, container, crate, envelope, (v) persuasive, strong, efficacious, lusty, stiff, vigorous,
cuff, buffet, beat, fight, hit; antonym (v) unbox. (n) effective, effectual; antonyms (adj) weak,
kutup 1. pole; synonyms (n) perch, bar, picket, post, impotent, 2. strong; synonyms (adj) intense, able,
rod, support, terminal, axle, beam, axis, extremity, deep, firm, stable, steady, durable, good, potent,
pin, baton, column, pillar, 2. terminal (terminal); rigid, robust, secure, solid, sound, (v) steadfast;
synonyms (adj) final, last, definitive, endmost, fatal, antonyms (adj) bland, delicate, faint, feeble, frail,
concluding, incurable, (n) depot, end, terminus, mild, pale, slight, unconvincing, cowardly, diluted,
boundary, station, destination. dull, exhausted, flimsy, imperceptible, 3. mighty;
kütüphane library; synonyms (n) bibliotheca, annals, synonyms (adj) enormous, immense, huge, grand,
archive, bibliotheke, den, documentation, high, big, great, large, mammoth, formidable,
documents, records, store. hardy, violent, massive, goodly, (adv) mightily, 4.
kütüphaneci librarian; synonyms (n) bibliothec, intense; synonyms (adj) bright, acute, ardent,
bibliothecary. brilliant, fervent, fierce, burning, energetic,
kutuplu polar; synonyms (adj) arctic, diametric, extreme, fiery, furious, heated, rich, severe, (v)
opposite, cold, freezing, glacial, icy, pivotal, vivid; antonym (adj) calm, 5. energetic; synonyms
diametrical, frigid, frosty, frozen, gelid, (v) capital, (adj) active, animated, brisk, busy, driving,

head. dynamic, agile, emphatic, aggressive, efficient,

enterprising, hearty, industrious, lively, spirited;
kutupsal polar; synonyms (adj) arctic, diametric,
antonyms (adj) lethargic, lazy, sluggish, inactive,
opposite, cold, freezing, glacial, icy, pivotal,
indolent, languid, weary, apathetic, indifferent,
diametrical, frigid, frosty, frozen, gelid, (v) capital,
listless, 6. vigorous; synonyms (adj) strenuous,
athletic, healthy, smart, brawny, muscular, stout,
kuvvet 1. force (güç, zorlamak); synonyms (n)
sturdy, tough, valiant, (n) brave, rugged,
energy, strength, agency, effect, enforce, impetus,

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courageous, (v) fresh, live; antonym (adj) articulate, chat, prattle, speak, (n) discourse,
unenergetic, 7. powerful; synonyms (adj) full, language, colloquy, conversation, dialogue,
dominant, hefty, important, valid, convincing, palaver.
husky, fit, herculean, impressive, nervous, noisy, lağım drain; synonyms (n) ditch, culvert, dike,
puissant, significant, strapping; antonym (adj) channel, sewer, (v) deplete, waste, exhaust, bleed,
powerless. leak, consume, finish, sap, (adj) cloaca, dissipate;
kuyruk 1. tail; synonyms (n) rear, shadow, behind, antonym (v) bolster.
butt, posterior, rump, stub, (v) follow, pursue, track, lahza instant (an); synonyms (adj) immediate,
trail, chase, dog, tag, (adj) back; antonyms (v) head, present, exigent, prompt, clamant, crying, (n)
front, 2. queue; synonyms (n) cue, rank, row, moment, flash, jiffy, minute, point, second, tick, (v)
string, tail, wake, catchword, flap, humor, (v) line, pressing, urgent; antonyms (adj) gradual, long-
align, adjust, aline, dress, find, 3. trail (iz, term.
izlemek, patika); synonyms (n) trace, path, laik secular; synonyms (adj) profane, lay, worldly,
course, trudge, pathway, scent, (v) haul, drag, hunt, earthly, laic, temporal, terrestrial, (n) layman, (v)
train, draw, tow, pull, lag, stalk. centennial; antonyms (adj) holy, religious, spiritual.
kuyu well (iyi); synonyms (adv) right, easily, lam slide (kayma, slayt); synonyms (n) glide, chute,
thoroughly, considerably, fully, good, (adj) healthy, decline, transparency, gliding, (v) drop, slip, fall,
fit, shaft, sound, robust, (n) fountain, spring, pit, (v) slither, run, slump, coast, skid, descend, (adj) shift.
gush; antonyms (adv) ill, badly, poorly, (adj) sick, lamba 1. lamp; synonyms (n) light, look, beacon,
unwell, dying, nauseous. view, glance, alfalfa, glimpse, lucern, (v) behold,
kuyumculuk jewellery; synonyms (n) jewel, jewelry. regard, perceive, gape, gaze, inspect, observe, 2.
kuzen cousin; synonyms (n) nephew, friend, light (açık, hafif, ışık); synonyms (adj) fair, clear,
companion, allied. facile, easy, faint, flimsy, (n) flame, brightness,
kuzey 1. north; synonyms (n) northland, n, union, daylight, (v) fire, kindle, inflame, glow, ignite,
brotherhood, conglutination, conjugation, dismount; antonyms (adj) fattening, nauseating, (n)
coupling, join, jointure, marriage, (adv) northerly, dark, darkness, gloom, shade, night, (v) extinguish,
northward, northwards, (adj) northbound, darken, (alt sp) heavy.
northmost; antonym (adj) south, 2. northern; lastik rubber (kauçuk); synonyms (n) caoutchouc,
synonyms (adj) north, boreal, arctic, hyperborean, condom, eraser, galosh, overshoe, prophylactic,
frigid, septentrional. arctic, golosh, gumshoe, (v) rubberize.
kuzeye up; synonyms (adv) aloft, upward, upwardly, latif beautiful (güzel); synonyms (adj) attractive,
upwards, (v) raise, mount, rise, boost, advance, good-looking, bright, beauteous, fine, handsome,
effervescent, filling, frothy, (adj) over, uphill, lovely, picturesque, pleasant, pretty, striking,
cheerful; antonym (adj) asleep. sweet, adorned, ornate, dainty; antonyms (adj) ugly,
kuzin cousin (kuzen); synonyms (n) nephew, friend, unattractive.
companion, allied. laubali familiar; synonyms (adj) close, common,
kuzu lamb; synonyms (n) dear, kid, beef, beloved, conversant, customary, everyday, intimate,
child, darling, dearest, flockling, honey, pork, commonplace, easy, ordinary, usual, (n)
twagger, ham, love, (adj) innocent, naive. accustomed, companion, comrade, habitual, (v)
confidential; antonyms (adj) unfamiliar, foreign,
kuzulamak lamb (kuzu); synonyms (n) dear, kid,
strange, new, unaccustomed, formal, ignorant,
beef, beloved, child, darling, dearest, flockling,
honey, pork, twagger, ham, love, (adj) innocent, unknown.
naive. laubalilik 1. familiarity; synonyms (n) acquaintance,
kýrmýzý red (al, kırmızı, kızıl); synonyms (adj) intimacy, casualness, closeness, experience,
conversance, conversancy, knowledge, naturalness,
crimson, flushed, carmine, glowing, rosy, ruby,
nearness, fellowship, freedom, friendship, privity,
sanguine, cherry, pink, radical, ruddy, scarlet,
understanding; antonyms (n) ignorance,
cerise, bloody, inflamed.
unfamiliarity, 2. freedom (özgürlük); synonyms
(n) exemption, autonomy, deliverance, discharge,
emancipation, immunity, release, escape, ease,
L liberty, relief, right, scope, (adj) franchise, frankness;
laboratuvar laboratory; synonyms (n) lab, factory, antonyms (n) imprisonment, restriction, captivity,
course, elaboratory, operatory, (adj) experimental, dependence, restraint, suppression.
alembic, stillatory. lavabo sink; synonyms (n) sag, basin, (v) decline, dip,
laf talk (konuşma, konuşmak); synonyms (v) droop, fall, set, descend, drop, fell, bury, collapse,
gossip, converse, lecture, chatter, address, decay, flag, founder; antonyms (v) rise, float.

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306 Turkish - English

layık 1. fit (uymak); synonyms (v) agree, (n) chaste; antonyms (adj) impure, contaminated,
accommodate, meet, suit, adapt, correspond, diluted, dishonored, tainted, wicked.
square, accord, dress, (adj) decorous, apt, applicable, levha 1. sheet (yaprak); synonyms (n) board, layer,
appropriate, (n) adjust, convulsion; antonyms (adj) leaf, canvas, film, paper, coat, coating, blanket,
unfit, inappropriate, unwell, 2. worthy; synonyms cover, coverlet, newspaper, piece, plane, sail, 2.
(adj) noble, estimable, good, meritorious, panel (panel, pano); synonyms (n) jury,
respectable, valuable, deserving, honorable, defendant, committee, plank, set, sheet, wall,
suitable, virtuous, worthwhile, admirable, accused, window, (v) empanel, impanel.
desirable, (n) celebrity, notable; antonym (adj)
levrek bass (bas); synonyms (adj) deep, low, resonant,
unworthy. rich, sonorous, abstruse, booming, rumbling,
lazer laser; synonym (n) beam. cryptic, (n) basso, tenor, trout, violoncello, (adv)
lazımlık stool (tabure); synonyms (n) chair, seat, accompaniment, second.
bench, dejection, faeces, feces, ordure, form, leziz delicious; synonyms (adj) delicate, appetizing,
movement, throne, toilet, can, commode, crapper, delightful, pleasing, agreeable, charming, dainty,
lavatory. delectable, enjoyable, lovely, luscious, savory,
leğen basin; synonyms (n) bowl, pot, depression, sweet, toothsome, grateful; antonym (adj) tasteless.
dock, hollow, tank, washbasin, washbowl, basinful, lezzet 1. flavour (tat vermek); synonyms (n) aroma,
cavity, cup, lavatory, pool, sink, washstand. savor, smell, feel, feeling, relish, sapidity, savour,
leh polish; synonyms (n) finish, gloss, burnish, smack, tang, taste, tone, (v) flavor, season, 2. salt
gentility, cultivation, elegance, refinement, shine, (tuz); synonyms (n) salinity, sal, blunt, cream, dust,
civilization, (v) furbish, glaze, rub, civilize, clean, mopus, rhino, (adj) salty, saline, briny, spice,
cultivate. pungent, (v) cure, pickle, embalm, 3. taste
lehçe polish; synonyms (n) finish, gloss, burnish, (tatmak); synonyms (n) bit, liking, morsel,
gentility, cultivation, elegance, refinement, shine, penchant, appetite, drink, drop, fondness, gusto,
civilization, (v) furbish, glaze, rub, civilize, clean, mouthful, predilection, preference, refinement, (v)
cultivate. sample, discernment; antonyms (n) dislike,
lehte favourable; synonyms (adj) advantageous, tastelessness.
auspicious, encouraging, favorable, lucky, lezzetli delicious; synonyms (adj) delicate, appetizing,
opportune, prosperous, comfortable, easy,
delightful, pleasing, agreeable, charming, dainty,
booming, flourishing, golden, halcyon, prospering,
delectable, enjoyable, lovely, luscious, savory,
sweet, toothsome, grateful; antonym (adj) tasteless.
leke 1. spot (benek, nokta); synonyms (n) blot, liberal liberal; synonyms (adj) generous, bountiful,
place, speck, stain, dot, dapple, dirty, location,
free, handsome, abundant, benevolent, big, large,
mark, (v) blemish, soil, fleck, speckle, daub, flaw, 2. kind, ample, bounteous, broad, charitable, giving,
soil (toprak); synonyms (n) ground, dirt, grime, tolerant; antonyms (adj) strict, oppressive,
land, dust, (v) smudge, contaminate, pollute, mire, totalitarian, intolerant, (n) conservative.
defile, foul, mould, smear, smirch, (adj) blur;
libre pound; synonyms (v) beat, pen, bang, crush,
antonym (v) clean, 3. shame (ayıp); synonyms (n) flap, grind, hammer, maul, palpitate, thump, mash,
reproach, disgrace, discredit, humiliation, chagrin, buffet, grate, baste, bruise.
insult, modesty, pity, scandal, contempt, (v)
lider 1. leader; synonyms (n) chief, guide, boss,
dishonor, degrade, humiliate, abash, debase;
captain, director, head, chieftain, commander,
antonym (v) honor. conductor, administrator, lead, principal, hero,
lekelemek 1. spot (benek, leke, nokta); synonyms executive, superior; antonyms (n) follower,
(n) blot, place, speck, stain, dot, dapple, dirty,
straggler, 2. head (baş, kafa); synonyms (n) front,
location, mark, (v) blemish, soil, fleck, speckle,
point, foam, froth, crown, chair, brain, end,
daub, flaw, 2. soil (toprak); synonyms (n) ground, forefront, heading, (adj) foremost, great, (v) capital,
dirt, grime, land, dust, (v) smudge, contaminate, direct, command; antonyms (n) subordinate, (v)
pollute, mire, defile, foul, mould, smear, smirch,
follow, 3. captain (kaptan); synonyms (n) leader,
(adj) blur; antonym (v) clean.
master, commodore, officer, pilot, skipper, ruler, (v)
lekeli spotted; synonyms (adj) mottled, dappled, govern, manage.
speckled, blotchy, dotted, flyblown, piebald,
liderlik leadership; synonyms (n) guidance,
multicolored, dirty, spotty, stained, tainted,
command, lead, control, direction, authority,
besmirched, damaged, freckled; antonym (adj)
generalship, administration, influence, conduct,
plain. government, leading, management, supervision,
lekesiz pure (arı, saf); synonyms (adj) just, absolute, supremacy.
genuine, natural, artless, clean, clear, faultless,
fresh, good, guileless, immaculate, innocent, mere,

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lif 1. fibre; synonyms (n) fiber, character, case, calendar, enumeration, inventory, (v) lean, tilt,
eccentric, grapheme, lineament, part, persona, enter, enumerate, incline, itemize.
reference, role, shred, toughness, type, 2. thread literatür literature (edebiyat); synonyms (n)
(iplik); synonyms (n) string, line, yarn, rope, twine, learning, letters, science, writing, novel, writings,
wire, cord, (v) file, range, penetrate, lace, pass, run, knowledge, advertisement, art, circular, erudition,
meander, permeate. fiction, letterure, pamphlet, text.
lig league; synonyms (n) alliance, association, litre litre; synonyms (n) liter, l, fifty, lambert.
coalition, confederacy, federation, class, lobi lobby; synonyms (n) hall, foyer, anteroom,
combination, confederation, union, connection, hallway, lounge, vestibule, aisle, antechamber,
society, fellowship, (v) combine, confederate, band. corridor, entry, lane, passage, alley, artery, (v)
likidite liquidity; synonyms (n) fluidity, fluidness, buttonhole.
liquid, liquidness, fluency, humidity, runniness. loca 1. box (kutu); synonyms (n) basket, cage, chest,
liman 1. harbour; synonyms (n) haven, seaport, (v) package, booth, blow, carton, case, container, crate,
harbor, entertain, contain, bear, hold, nurse, shield, envelope, (v) cuff, buffet, beat, fight; antonym (v)
2. port; synonyms (n) asylum, carriage, demeanor, unbox, 2. lodge; synonyms (n) house, club,
pier, mien, bearing, deportment, dock, embrasure, cottage, hut, inn, (v) cabin, live, place,
gate, harbour, interface, refuge, (adj) larboard, left; accommodate, deposit, fix, inhabit, quarter, (adj)
abide, dwell.
antonym (n) starboard.
limit limit (sınır); synonyms (n) bound, boundary, logaritma log; synonyms (n) journal, record, block,
diary, timber, backlog, firewood, register, billet,
edge, (v) border, restrict, circumscribe, confine,
logarithm, bobbing, calendar, (v) enter, chronicle,
curb, restrain, abridge, check, close, constrain,
curtail, (prep) extent; antonyms (n) center, extension,
minimum, (v) broaden, extend.
logo logo; synonyms (n) emblem, logotype, sign,
mark, badge, symbol, brand, character, image,
limon lemon; synonyms (n) automobile, gamboge,
crest, decoration, design, device, indication, motif.
auto, buff, bum, car, clunker, corn, criticism,
crumb, disappointment, dud, etc, failure, (adj) lokal local (yerel); synonyms (adj) native, sectional,
cheap. topical, home, indigenous, municipal, nearby, civic,
limited, internal, national, parochial, provincial,
limonluk greenhouse (sera); synonyms (n)
restricted, (n) resident; antonyms (adj) foreign,
glasshouse, conservatory, nursery, grotto,
universal, worldwide.
hermitage, summerhouse, orangery.
lisan 1. language (dil); synonyms (n) dialect, lokanta restaurant (restoran); synonyms (n)
cafeteria, canteen, bistro, coffeehouse, buffet, cafe,
expression, speech, diction, idiom, lingo, tongue,
conversation, jargon, terminology, vernacular, refectory, café, nightclub.
voice, word, words, address, 2. tongue (dil); lokma 1. bit; synonyms (n) crumb, morsel, piece,
synonyms (n) language, lingua, clapper, glossa, atom, drop, fleck, fragment, moment, part, portion,
talk, knife, palate, parlance, spit, (v) lick, (adj) shred, snatch, (v) curb, scrap, scantling, 2. bite
flippancy, flowing, fluency. (ısırmak); synonyms (n) taste, bit, cheat, nibble, (v)
lisans licence; synonyms (v) license, certify, endorse, sting, nip, chew, cut, pinch, burn, eat, erode, gnaw,
evidence, attest, demonstrate, indorse, manifest. hurt, munch.
liste 1. list (listelemek); synonyms (n) catalog, lokomotif 1. engine (makine, motor); synonyms (n)
catalogue, file, inclination, index, schedule, locomotive, machine, contrivance, implement,
calendar, enumeration, inventory, (v) lean, tilt, instrument, mechanism, organ, tool, utensil, 2.
enter, enumerate, incline, itemize, 2. roll locomotive; synonyms (n) engine, conductor, (adj)
(yuvarlamak); synonyms (n) list, revolution, locomotor, mobile, (v) train, airplane, autobus,
register, (v) coil, reel, curl, enfold, revolve, wheel, automobile, bus, minivan, motorbike, omnibus,
rock, turn, twist, wallow, wind, envelop, 3. plane, subway, trolley.
schedule; synonyms (n) agenda, program, table, lombar port (liman); synonyms (n) harbor, haven,
roll, chart, docket, plan, fare, arrangement, asylum, carriage, demeanor, pier, mien, bearing,
diagram, record, bill, procedure, (v) book, arrange, deportment, dock, embrasure, gate, harbour, (adj)
larboard, left; antonym (n) starboard.
4. register (kaydetmek); synonyms (n) note,
account, annals, listing, registry, (v) enroll, lord lord (sahip); synonyms (n) chief, master, noble,
chronicle, indicate, read, show, mark, enlist, sir, seignior, almighty, creator, gentleman, maker,
display, inscribe, date. mistress, nobleman, overlord, ruler, captain,
listelemek list (liste); synonyms (n) catalog,
catalogue, file, inclination, index, schedule, loş 1. dim; synonyms (adj) dark, obscure, cloudy, dull,
bleak, dense, faint, gloomy, (v) blur, darken, cloud,

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308 Turkish - English

pale, tarnish, blear, blind; antonyms (adj) bright,

brilliant, intelligent, clever, strong, (v) clear,
brighten, 2. gloomy; synonyms (adj) black, M
cheerless, dejected, depressing, desolate,
disconsolate, dismal, downcast, dim, dingy, maalesef 1. unfortunately; synonyms (adv)
downhearted, funereal, melancholy, sad, regrettably, alas, unluckily, sadly, badly, adversely,
dispirited; antonyms (adj) cheerful, cheery, athwart, contrariwise, crossly, disagreeably,
encouraging, happy, hopeful, light. disastrously, fretfully, grievously, imperfectly,
inimically; antonyms (adv) fortunately, luckily, 2.
LSD acid (asit); synonyms (adj) acerbic, acidic, bitter,
caustic, sharp, sour, acerb, acrid, cutting, pointed, sorry; synonyms (adj) pathetic, contrite, paltry,
sarcastic, acrimonious, astringent, biting, (v) tart; penitent, piteous, pitiable, pitiful, remorseful,
sorrowful, base, apologetic, bad, deplorable, mean,
antonym (adj) sweet.
miserable; antonym (adj) unrepentant.
lüks 1. luxury; synonyms (adj) delicacy, luxurious,
deluxe, gratification, indulgence, sumptuous, (n)
maaş 1. pay (ödemek); synonyms (v) compensate,
compensation, liquidate, yield, afford, clear,
comfort, extravagance, lavishness, luxuriousness,
expend, give, (n) recompense, wage, earnings, fee,
elegance, luxe, opulence, wealth, ease; antonyms
salary, allowance, devote; antonym (v) owe, 2.
(n) essential, paucity, 2. luxurious; synonyms (adj)
voluptuous, costly, lavish, epicurean, grand,
wage; synonyms (n) pay, payment, income,
remuneration, stipend, (v) fight, engage, prosecute,
luscious, comfortable, expensive, magnificent,
pursue, hire, 3. salary; synonyms (n) emolument,
opulent, rich, palatial, princely, (n) lush, luxuriant;
gain, profit, revenue, reward, wages, 4.
antonym (adj) cheap.
lütfen please (memnun etmek); synonyms (v) compensation; synonyms (n) amends,
indemnification, price, atonement, redress, refund,
delight, gratify, amuse, charm, entertain, like,
reimbursement, reparation, return, satisfaction,
oblige, enchant, enrapture, accommodate, divert,
settlement, bonus, consideration, penance, (v)
gladden, indulge, (adj) enjoy, content; antonyms (v)
restitution, 5. earnings; synonyms (n) profits,
displease, annoy, anger, irritate, distress.
lucre, proceeds, receipts, returns, takings.
lütuf 1. grace; synonyms (n) elegance, favor,
clemency, beauty, benediction, blessing, (v) bedeck,
mabet 1. temple (tapınak); synonyms (n) church,
tabernacle, shrine, brow, synagogue, forehead,
adorn, deck, garnish, beautify, decorate, embellish,
chapel, kirk, meetinghouse, basilica, chantry,
dress, embroider, 2. favour; synonyms (v) choose,
conventicle, memorial, oratory, side, 2. sanctuary;
prefer, privilege.
synonyms (n) refuge, asylum, retreat, haven, safety,
lüzum 1. need; synonyms (v) lack, claim, require, reservation, chancel, protection, shelter, resort,
destitution, indigence, involve, (n) demand, want, cover, harbor, port, security, temple.
desire, deficiency, must, necessity, deprivation,
maç 1. match (eş, kibrit); synonyms (n) equal,
requirement, absence; antonym (n) wealth, 2.
competition, couple, duplicate, (v) agree, mate,
occasion; synonyms (n) case, event, chance, meet, parallel, accord, correspond, harmonise,
episode, happening, incident, juncture, motive,
harmonize, balance, fellow, fit; antonyms (v) clash,
opportunity, (v) cause, create, beget, breed, induce,
contradict, 2. game (oyun); synonyms (n)
make, 3. want (istemek); synonyms (v) need, like,
amusement, fun, entertainment, contest, diversion,
hope, crave, (n) poverty, wish, famine, dearth,
match, play, prey, quarry, sport, (adj) fearless,
penury, privation, shortage, pauperism, defect,
brave, (v) bet, gamble, wager.
distress, ambition; antonyms (v) dislike, hate.
macera 1. exploit; synonyms (v) act, exercise, apply,
lüzumsuz 1. needless; synonyms (adj) gratuitous,
employ, use, abuse, harness, (n) deed, achievement,
unnecessary, dispensable, excessive, meaningless,
feat, accomplishment, action, adventure, effort,
pointless, preventable, wanton, (v) superfluous;
performance, 2. adventure; synonyms (n) venture,
antonym (adj) necessary, 2. unnecessary; accident, chance, escapade, event, incident,
synonyms (adj) redundant, needless, surplus, undertaking, consequence, essay, circumstance,
excess, spare, undue, useless, extra, unneeded; enterprise, experience, (v) hazard, risk, dare.
antonym (adj) reasonable, 3. redundant; macun cement; synonyms (n) glue, adhesive, gum,
synonyms (adj) pleonastic, wordy, additional, paste, size, cementum, (v) fasten, fix, join, plaster,
repetitious, exuberant, superabundant, stick, adhere, affix, bind, (adj) concrete.
supererogatory, supernumerary, verbose, windy.
madalya 1. medal; synonyms (n) decoration, award,
prize, medallion, title, honor, laurels, palm, 2.
decoration (dekorasyon); synonyms (n)
adornment, garnish, medal, ornament,
embellishment, finery, insignia, ornamentation,

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Turkish - English 309

trimming, accessory, badge, accolade, distinction, market, business, emporium, heap, reserve, (v)
embroidery, enrichment. stock, accumulate, garner, amass, bank, cache,
madde 1. matter (konu, mesele); synonyms (n) keep, preserve, 2. shop; synonyms (n) store,
event, affair, business, concern, issue, material, factory, plant, workshop, house, outlet, workplace,
substance, incident, article, body, import, interest, (v) betray, purchase, grass, browse, denounce,
item, (v) case, count, 2. item (kalem, parça); frequent, patronize, peach.
synonyms (n) piece, detail, entry, object, point, magazin magazine (dergi); synonyms (n) journal,
subject, thing, clause, component, entity, fact, cartridge, newspaper, periodical, book, clip,
feature, matter, part, (adv) also, 3. clause; entrepot, mag, comic, depository, arsenal, monthly,
synonyms (n) paragraph, provision, rider, section, pamphlet, weekly, (v) store.
chapter, member, condition, prerequisite, proviso, mağlubiyet defeat; synonyms (n) frustration, ruin,
requirement, stipulation, (v) passage, 4. stuff; beating, (v) crush, overcome, beat, conquer, abolish,
synonyms (n) cloth, force, gear, goods, (v) cram, fill, baffle, foil, overpower, repulse, rout, subdue, (adj)
jam, pack, pad, ram, squeeze, glut, gorge, load, rebuff; antonyms (n) victory, success, win, (v) lose,
shove; antonym (v) unstuff, 5. substance; surrender.
synonyms (n) essence, meaning, significance, mağrur proud (gururlu); synonyms (adj) arrogant,
amount, core, gist, means, quintessence, dignified, disdainful, haughty, lofty, exalted,
implication, spirit, content, element, heart, kernel, conceited, egotistical, gallant, lordly, majestic,
marrow; antonym (n) triviality, 6. material overbearing, pompous, imperious, elated;
(malzeme); synonyms (n) stuff, fabric, antonyms (adj) humble, modest, ashamed,
information, (adj) bodily, corporal, corporeal, embarrassed.
substantial, concrete, important, physical, real, mahal 1. spot (benek, leke, nokta); synonyms (n)
essential, momentous, solid, tangible, 7. article; blot, place, speck, stain, dot, dapple, dirty, location,
synonyms (n) commodity, composition, discourse, mark, (v) blemish, soil, fleck, speckle, daub, flaw, 2.
essay, paper, report, review, story, ware,
place (yer); synonyms (n) position, domicile,
dissertation, literature, merchandise, person,
office, order, spot, attitude, (v) post, arrange, fix,
something, exposition, 8. thing (şey); synonyms
lay, locate, rank, station, deposit, install; antonym
(n) occurrence, happening, being, occasion, deed,
episode, fad, circumstance, act, question, device, (v) remove.

gadget, habit, situation, topic. mahalle 1. parish; synonyms (n) district, community,
maddi 1. material (malzeme); synonyms (n) body, congregation, region, province, township, borough,
church, area, constituency, neighborhood, town,
cloth, matter, stuff, fabric, substance, (adj) bodily,
corporal, corporeal, substantial, concrete, subdivision, (adj) local, 2. quarter (çeyrek);
important, physical, real, essential, 2. tangible; synonyms (n) part, division, mercy, direction,
portion, quart, fourth, (v) place, lodge, line, put,
synonyms (adj) material, actual, palpable,
perceptible, evident, definite, sensible, genuine, accommodate, billet, canton, divide, 3. district
adequate, commensurate, competent, discernible, (bölge); synonyms (n) quarter, territory, circuit,
enough, (n) applicable, available; antonym (adj) county, field, jurisdiction, section, domain, country,
intangible. ground, hemisphere, locality, municipality, realm,
(v) zone.
maden metal (metal); synonyms (n) ore, admixture,
aggregate, alloy, clemency, favor, grace, honor, maharet skill; synonyms (n) artifice, ability,
mercy, rock, character, courage, temper. capability, capacity, knack, faculty, finesse,
accomplishment, address, adroitness, aptitude,
madencilik mining; synonyms (n) excavation,
cleverness, (adj) dexterity, craft, art; antonyms (n)
minelaying, digging, extraction, dig, removal,
clumsiness, inability, incompetence.
madeni mineral; synonyms (adj) inanimate, (n) rock, mahkeme 1. tribunal; synonyms (n) court, judicature,
judicatory, trial, bar, 2. court (avlu); synonyms (n)
petroleum, granite, limestone, marble, sandstone.
forum, close, field, tribunal, passage, judge,
mafsal joint (birleşik, eklem, ortak); synonyms (adj)
courtroom, courtyard, hall, justice, (v) woo, attract,
collective, common, communal, cooperative,
invite, romance, flatter; antonyms (v) avoid, shun,
mutual, bilateral, (n) articulation, hinge, join, seam,
connection, tie, joining, (v) articulate, associate;
3. forum; synonyms (n) agora, assembly, pulpit,
square, ambo, amphitheater, symposium, platform,
antonyms (adj) individual, unilateral, private,
rostrum, state, conference, assemblage, seminar,
auditorium, fabrication.
mağara cave; synonyms (n) cavern, hole, lair, cove,
mahkumiyet conviction; synonyms (n) assurance,
den, grotto, hollow, cell, (v) undermine.
belief, certainty, condemnation, confidence,
mağaza 1. store (ambar, depo, depolamak, persuasion, faith, trust, firmness, creed,
saklamak, stok); synonyms (n) hoard, shop,

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310 Turkish - English

determination, doctrine, judgment, reliance, leading, overriding, principal; antonyms (adj)

security; antonym (n) uncertainty. minor, unimportant, lesser, petty, slight.
mahpus prisoner; synonyms (n) convict, captive, makale 1. contribution; synonyms (n) allowance,
hostage, accused, criminal, defendant. donation, gift, offering, share, tax, effort, dues,
mahrem 1. secret; synonyms (adj) concealed, covert, endowment, grant, investment, part, participation,
hidden, mysterious, confidential, furtive, obscure, payment, present, 2. article; synonyms (n) section,
occult, secrecy, clandestine, (n) privacy, arcanum, object, thing, chapter, clause, commodity,
(v) private, secluded, close; antonyms (adj) open, (n) composition, discourse, entity, essay, feature,
known, public, 2. private (özel); synonyms (adj) paper, report, review, story, 3. story; synonyms (n)
personal, individual, secret, inner, esoteric, layer, history, account, narration, narrative, recital,
exclusive, intimate, particular, domestic, interior, tale, fable, falsehood, fib, floor, legend, level, novel,
lonely, own, privy, retired, special; antonyms (adj) stage; antonym (n) truth.
communal, community, nationalized, official, state- makam 1. mode (kip); synonyms (n) means, fashion,
owned, civic, shared, state. manner, method, form, way, condition, custom,
mahremiyet privacy; synonyms (n) seclusion, guise, style, wise, appearance, approach, fad,
secrecy, confidentiality, darkness, privateness, modality, 2. station (durak, istasyon);
retreat, concealment, loneliness, shelter, retirement, synonyms (n) rank, position, seat, standing, base,
solitude. depot, (v) place, locate, post, stand, lay, order, put,
mahrumiyet deprivation; synonyms (n) set, site.
bereavement, privation, cost, loss, need, want, makara block (blok, tıkamak); synonyms (n) bar,
deficiency, absence, damage, dearth, scarcity, barricade, pad, clog, cluster, (v) arrest, stop, hinder,
destitution, disadvantage, distress, hardship. encumber, halt, lock, obstruct, parry, plug, (adj)
mahsul crop (ürün); synonyms (n) fruit, harvest, lump; antonyms (v) free, unblock, open.
craw, (v) browse, graze, reap, top, cultivate, cut, makas switch (anahtar); synonyms (n) cane,
lop, prune, shave, trim, (adj) clip, shear. replacement, whip, cut, permutation, (v) exchange,
mahsus peculiar (acayip); synonyms (adj) change, shift, substitute, convert, swap, flip,
individual, odd, particular, exceptional, different, interchange, move, replace.
anomalous, characteristic, curious, eccentric, makbul 1. grateful; synonyms (adj) thankful,
extraordinary, abnormal, distinctive, bizarre, agreeable, appreciative, beholden, indebted,
especial, fantastic; antonyms (adj) normal, ordinary, obliged, pleasing, (n) welcome; antonym (adj)
typical. ungrateful, 2. acceptable; synonyms (adj)
mahvetmek 1. destroy; synonyms (v) break, adequate, passable, satisfactory, good, correct,
demolish, blight, despoil, annihilate, blast, crush, decent, desirable, grateful, palatable, permissible,
dash, destruct, devastate, devour, dismantle, (adj) reasonable, sufficient, suitable, tolerable, right;
desolate, abolish, consume; antonyms (v) build, antonyms (adj) unacceptable, inadequate,
preserve, create, make, 2. blast; synonyms (n) unsatisfactory, disagreeable, forbidden,
bang, slam, burst, gust, (v) attack, blare, bomb, unbearable, unwelcome.
boom, detonate, roar, smash, blow, bombard, (adj) makbuz receipt; synonyms (n) reception, acceptance,
discharge, explosion. acknowledgment, acquittance, check, recipe, ticket,
mahvolmuş lost; synonyms (v) gone, missing, revenue, certificate, profit, account, invoice,
abandoned, (adj) doomed, forlorn, extinct, hopeless, voucher, contrivance, (v) acknowledge; antonym (n)
bewildered, disoriented, forgotten, helpless, dispatch.
broken, confused, irrecoverable, absent; antonyms makine 1. machine; synonyms (n) instrument,
(adj) present, found, existing. apparatus, device, implement, car, contrivance,
mahzen cellar (bodrum, kiler); synonyms (n) vault, auto, automobile, gadget, organization, tool,
basement, cellarage, winery, cockpit, hold, bound, automaton, computer, mechanism, motorcar, 2.
catacomb, cell, floor, sepulcher, tomb, vineyard, engine (lokomotif, motor); synonyms (n)
chateau, curvet. locomotive, machine, organ, utensil, 3. device
maiyet 1. train (tren); synonyms (n) chain, string, (v) (aygıt); synonyms (n) appliance, artifice, emblem,
aim, coach, direct, educate, exercise, trail, tail, tame, contraption, figure, gimmick, invention, plan, trick,
discipline, drill, instruct, prepare, school, 2. suite; way, design, dodge, expedient, machination, plot.
synonyms (n) retinue, series, entourage, apartment, makineler machinery; synonyms (n) apparatus,
cortege, flat, train, court, battery, group, rooms, (adj) machine, enginery, equipment, plant, gear,
round, succession. mechanism, system, tackle, installation.
majör major (ana, büyük); synonyms (adj) chief, makinist 1. engineer (mühendis); synonyms (n)
key, large, main, superior, considerable, master, architect, mastermind, machinist, (v) devise,
grave, fundamental, great, higher, important, conduct, contrive, direct, organize, plan, construct,

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finagle, fix, guide, hatch, manage, 2. driver livestock; synonyms (n) stock, ancestry, blood,
(şoför, sürücü); synonyms (n) coachman, postboy, bloodline, breed, broth, caudex, descent, fund,
club, chaser, commuter, hoistman, pursuer, gillyflower, gunstock, inventory, line, lineage,
spanker. horses, 5. goods; synonyms (n) cargo, freight,
maksat 1. intention (kasıt, niyet); synonyms (n) commodity, chattels, commodities, produce, stuff,
idea, aim, end, intent, design, drift, goal, purpose, wealth, load, consignment, gear, materials,
cause, animus, mind, motive, object, objective, possessions, products, (v) furniture, 6. property
plan, 2. purpose (amaç, niyet); synonyms (n) (özellik); synonyms (n) characteristic, capital,
effect, purport, resolve, determination, function, peculiarity, feature, character, nature, place,
meaning, decision, destination, ambition, substance, faculty, assets, fortune, holding, means,
aspiration, (v) intention, project, intend, propose, (adj) attribute, quality.
decide, 3. intent (amaç, niyet); synonyms (adj) mali 1. financial (finansal, parasal); synonyms (adj)
attentive, absorbed, engrossed, earnest, bent, fixed, fiscal, economic, monetary, pecuniary, commercial,
rapt, eager, determined, ambitious, keen, crumenal, business, numismatical, sumptuary,
purposeful, (n) import, spirit, point, 4. aim (amaç, budgeting, numismatic, pocket, 2. fiscal;
gaye, hedef); synonyms (n) target, trend, will, synonyms (adj) financial, money, (n) treasurer.
bearing, direction, (v) direct, address, endeavor, maliye finance; synonyms (n) funding, support,
aspire, strive, turn, attempt, drive, lay, (adj) tend. credit, backing, investment, (v) back, fund, sponsor,
maksimum maximum; synonyms (adj) extreme, bankroll, underwrite.
maximal, top, greatest, highest, supreme, ultimate, maliyet cost; synonyms (n) price, charge, amount,
(n) limit, utmost, height, most, culmination, record, expense, toll, damage, disbursement, expenditure,
climax, peak; antonyms (adj) least, (n) minimum. fee, payment, rate, worth, sacrifice, budget, (v) be.
makul 1. reasonable; synonyms (adj) just, moderate, malumat 1. information (bilgi, enformasyon);
rational, fair, legitimate, judicious, sensible, synonyms (n) advice, communication, data,
admissible, appropriate, cheap, due, equitable, evidence, note, enlightenment, report, tidings,
impartial, inexpensive, intelligent; antonyms (adj) complaint, counsel, info, instruction, intelligence,
illogical, unreasonable, expensive, unfair, material, warning, 2. knowledge (bilgi);
unsatisfactory, inadequate, 2. sensible; synonyms synonyms (n) information, comprehension,
(adj) reasonable, aware, perceptible, prudent, acquaintance, erudition, grasp, lore, science,
sagacious, sane, wise, appreciable, sage, logical, understanding, attainment, appreciation, dexterity,
practical, conscious, sapient, advisable, careful; education, (v) cognition, (adj) art, wisdom; antonym
antonyms (adj) foolish, absurd, crazy, idiotic, (n) ignorance.
imprudent, ludicrous, mad, outrageous, reckless, malzeme material; synonyms (n) body, cloth, matter,
ridiculous, silly, stupid, unwise, harebrained, stuff, fabric, substance, (adj) bodily, corporal,
hasty, 3. plausible; synonyms (adj) believable, corporeal, substantial, concrete, important,
credible, convincing, likely, specious, acceptable, physical, real, essential.
feasible, probable, imaginable, ostensible, oily, mana meaning (anlam); synonyms (n) import, gist,
potential, slick, trustworthy, apparent; antonyms implication, intent, design, essence, aim,
(adj) implausible, unlikely, unbelievable, 4. sober; connotation, consequence, content, intention,
synonyms (adj) serious, grave, sedate, earnest, quiet, significance, drift, effect, interpretation.
solemn, modest, abstemious, demure, dull, serene, manastır 1. abbey; synonyms (n) convent, monastery,
somber, staid, severe, composed; antonym (adj)
church, priory, clergyman, (v) cloister, 2.
intoxicated, 5. rational; synonyms (adj)
monastery; synonyms (n) friary, (v) abbey.
intellectual, mental, sober, sound, lucid,
manda mandate; synonyms (n) charge, injunction,
philosophical, clever, coherent, discreet, justifiable,
authority, behest, command, bidding, instruction,
reasoned, right, cerebral; antonyms (adj) irrational,
authorization, commandment, commission, decree,
dictate, order, edict, claim.
mal 1. asset; synonyms (n) advantage, strength, mandıra dairy; synonyms (n) farm, laundry, bakery,
benefit, forte, purchase, good, plus, possession,
bakeshop, confectionery, delicatessen, greengrocer,
virtue, investment; antonyms (n) liability, vice, 2.
grocery, supermarket, buttery, factory, pasteurizer.
commodity; synonyms (n) merchandise, article, manevi 1. moral; synonyms (adj) ethical, decent,
product, object, thing, goods, ware, effects,
good, honest, right, chaste, proper, righteous,
movable, something, valuable, accommodation,
upright, virtuous, honorable, noble, pure, (n)
asset, belonging, chattel, 3. holding; synonyms (n)
lesson, meaning; antonyms (adj) immoral, bad,
estate, belongings, hold, keeping, claim, capture,
unwholesome, 2. spiritual; synonyms (adj)
interest, occupation, ownership, property,
ghostly, holy, immaterial, religious, incorporeal,
retention, take, tenure, demand, (adj) retaining, 4.
pious, divine, ethereal, mental, psychic,

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312 Turkish - English

metaphysical, intellectual, sacred, supernatural, good, powerful, rightful, strong, true, cogent, real,
unworldly; antonyms (adj) physical, worldly, effectual; antonyms (adj) unacceptable, invalid,
secular, earthly. annulled, bogus.
maneviyat 1. morale (moral); synonyms (n) spirit, mantıksal logical; synonyms (adj) coherent,
confidence, temperament, character, feelings, consistent, legitimate, rational, reasonable, sensible,
mood, self-esteem, attitude, drive, esprit, humor, justifiable, valid, arranged, lucid, methodical,
outlook, resolve, self-confidence, self-possession, 2. orderly, systematic; antonyms (adj) illogical,
spirit; synonyms (n) apparition, courage, ghost, confused, imaginative, irrational, unintelligible.
life, bravery, disposition, energy, enthusiasm, mantıksız 1. unreasonable; synonyms (adj) foolish,
essence, heart, mind, phantom, soul, fortitude, (adj) absurd, excessive, extravagant, immoderate,
animation; antonyms (n) lethargy, body. undue, preposterous, exorbitant, illogical,
manevra 1. movement (hareket); synonyms (n) inordinate, irrational, ridiculous, senseless, silly,
motion, move, action, activity, campaign, crusade, unconscionable; antonyms (adj) reasonable, good-
advancement, cause, drive, passage, drift, flow, natured, 2. irrational; synonyms (adj) inconsistent,
inclination, effort, evolution, 2. switching; blind, unreasonable, imprudent, unsound, insane,
synonyms (n) switch, shift, shunting, replacement, thoughtless, nonsensical, stupid, surd, unwise,
shifting, break, chemise, coupling, displacement, deranged, incongruous, (adv) beastly; antonyms (adj)
fault, fracture, permutation, sack, shimmy, slip. rational, logical.
manga squad; synonyms (n) gang, brigade, crew, manto 1. cloak; synonyms (n) mask, veil, camouflage,
detachment, party, team, bunch, knot, band, cape, masquerade, pall, screen, blind, blanket,
company, section, troop, platoon, division, (v) set. curtain, (v) cover, wrap, conceal, dissemble, hide;
mani 1. obstacle; synonyms (n) barrier, difficulty, antonyms (v) disclose, reveal, uncover, 2. coat
drawback, check, hitch, obstruction, interruption, (palto); synonyms (n) coating, crust, film, fur,
bar, deterrent, hurdle, let, (v) impediment, jacket, layer, bark, case, casing, (v) cloak, sheath,
hindrance, block, delay, 2. stop (durak, plaster, glaze, finish, paint.
durdurmak, durma, durmak); synonyms (v) manyetik magnetic; synonyms (adj) attractive,
stand, close, interrupt, obstruct, plug, catch, charismatic, fascinating, inviting, magnetized,
disrupt, dwell, (n) halt, hold, stay, end, arrest, cease, tempting, captivating, enchanting, glamorous,
curb; antonyms (v) continue, start, begin, prepossessing, entrancing, engaging, seductive,
encourage, permit, prolong. hypnotic, dynamic.
manken model (model, örnek); synonyms (n) form, manzara 1. view (bakış, bakmak, görünüm);
fashion, example, image, dummy, figure, synonyms (n) look, sight, judgment, opinion, scene,
prototype, frame, lesson, archetype, design, (v) idea, outlook, prospect, thought, aspect, (v) regard,
copy, pattern, imitate, shape; antonym (adj) observe, see, consider, eye, 2. landscape (peyzaj,
atypical. yatay); synonyms (n) scenery, view, vista, ground,
mantık logic; synonyms (n) argument, reason, lookout, panorama, perspective, picture, 3. scene;
reasoning, sense, order, logics, coherence, synonyms (n) background, display, environment,
rationality, analysis, assumption, basis, brains, spectacle, act, appearance, position, arena, incident,
clarity, conclusion, consistency; antonym (n) location, set, setting, show, spot, (v) landscape, 4.
stupidity. prospect; synonyms (n) expectancy, anticipation,
mantıklı 1. rational; synonyms (adj) intellectual, hope, possibility, chance, expectation, future,
reasonable, intelligent, judicious, logical, sane, likelihood, probability, forecast, candidate, horizon,
mental, just, practical, sagacious, sensible, sober, prognosis, survey, (v) explore; antonym (n) past, 5.
sound, wise, lucid; antonyms (adj) irrational, scenery; synonym (n) nature, 6. sight (görüş);
illogical, anxious, 2. logical; synonyms (adj) synonyms (n) vision, glimpse, eyesight, glance, ken,
coherent, consistent, legitimate, rational, justifiable, perception, (v) aim, descry, discern, perceive,
valid, arranged, methodical, orderly, systematic; behold, detect, find, notice, (adj) eyesore, 7.
antonyms (adj) confused, imaginative, spectacle; synonyms (n) pageant, exhibition,
unintelligible, 3. sensible; synonyms (adj) aware, phenomenon, performance, wonder, pageantry,
perceptible, prudent, appreciable, sage, conscious, play, pomp, representation, cavalcade, curiosity,
sapient, advisable, careful, clever, cognizant, lion, marvel, procession, (v) parade; antonym (n)
palpable, sensitive, shrewd, knowing; antonyms modesty.
(adj) foolish, absurd, crazy, idiotic, imprudent, manzume poem; synonyms (n) song, rhyme, verse,
ludicrous, mad, outrageous, reckless, ridiculous, ballad, composition, sonnet, construction,
silly, stupid, unreasonable, unwise, harebrained, 4. fabrication, from, laughingstock, making, measure,
valid (Geçerli); synonyms (adj) legal, right, meter, metre, writing.
genuine, solid, forcible, substantial, authentic,

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Maraton marathon; synonyms (n) race, (adj) masal 1. tale; synonyms (n) story, account, narrative,
ambitious, classic, grand, heroic, impressive. fable, fib, narration, recital, report, fiction, history,
marifet 1. trick (aldatmak); synonyms (n) deceit, legend, lie, relation, yarn, gossip, 2. yarn (iplik);
deception, joke, prank, device, dupe, stratagem, (v) synonyms (n) tale, thread, anecdote, twine, string,
swindle, cheat, deceive, fraud, sham, con, mislead, line, strand, chronicle, cord, cotton, fabrication,
beguile, 2. skill; synonyms (n) artifice, ability, invention, ribbon, saga, 3. story; synonyms (n)
capability, capacity, knack, faculty, finesse, layer, falsehood, floor, level, novel, stage, storey,
accomplishment, address, adroitness, aptitude, explanation, article, description, romance, allegory,
cleverness, (adj) dexterity, craft, art; antonyms (n) loft, rumor, record; antonym (n) truth, 4. fiction
clumsiness, inability, incompetence. (uydurma); synonyms (n) falsity, figment, sham,
marihuana grass (çimen, ot); synonyms (n) deceit, forgery, myth, 5. romance; synonyms (n)
cannabis, forage, marijuana, pasture, dope, feed, intrigue, affair, romanticism, vagary, exaggeration,
ganja, herb, herbage, informer, (v) betray, (adj) extravagance, (v) court, flirt, exaggerate, woo,
denounce, (adj) pot, green, hemp. coquet, coquette, dally, mash, philander.
marjinal marginal; synonyms (adj) borderline, masaüstü desktop; synonyms (n) background,
border, peripheral, edge, fringe, bare, minor, backcloth, backdrop, ground, scope, setting.
negligible, unimportant, fringy, hardscrabble. masif solid (katı); synonyms (adj) firm, dense,
Mark mark; synonyms (n) brand, evidence, score, compact, consistent, hard, real, strong, good, fixed,
character, heed, impression, imprint, sign, feature, massive, secure, substantial, fast, hearty, (v) close;
(v) blemish, characterize, distinguish, grade, label, antonyms (adj) soft, unreliable, loose, gaseous,
(adj) notice. permeable, runny, transparent, watery, (n) liquid.
marka 1. label (etiket); synonyms (n) name, brand, maske mask (maskelemek); synonyms (n) cover,
tag, title, designation, earmark, docket, group, (v) conceal, veil, camouflage, screen, blind, guise,
mark, call, classify, check, designate, distinguish, curtain, pretense, blanket, (v) cloak, disguise, hide,
identify, 2. make (etmek, yapmak); synonyms dissemble, masquerade; antonym (v) disclose.
(v) build, cause, construct, do, create, fashion, force, maskelemek mask (maske); synonyms (n) cover,
get, give, produce, let, compel, constitute, design, conceal, veil, camouflage, screen, blind, guise,
(n) form; antonyms (v) destroy, lose, 3. mark; curtain, pretense, blanket, (v) cloak, disguise, hide,
synonyms (n) evidence, score, character, heed, dissemble, masquerade; antonym (v) disclose.
impression, imprint, sign, feature, badge, (v) mason mason; synonyms (n) builder, freemason,
blemish, characterize, grade, label, differentiate, stonemason, architect, artificer, artist, maker,
(adj) notice, 4. stamp (damga, posta pulu, pul); manufacturer, smith, carpenter.
synonyms (n) seal, cachet, emblem, die, hallmark, masraf 1. expenditure; synonyms (n) charge, cost,
mold, (v) print, cast, impress, trample, punch,
disbursement, consumption, expense, outlay,
shape, note, emboss, mint, 5. brand; synonyms (n) exhaustion, outgo, expenses, payment, price,
blade, class, kind, stain, type, falchion, make, spending, use, acquit, assets; antonyms (n) income,
nature, slur, sort, sword, (v) denounce, stamp, (adj)
savings, 2. cost; synonyms (n) amount, toll,
stigma, blot, 6. check (çek, denetim,
damage, expenditure, fee, rate, worth, sacrifice,
denetlemek); synonyms (v) bridle, stop, block, budget, forfeit, bill, figure, loss, quotation, (v) be, 3.
limit, agree, halt, restrain, bar, dampen, delay, (n)
charge; synonyms (n) accusation, burden, care,
control, arrest, curb, bill, cheque.
command, commission, tax, accusal, assail, (v)
marş march (mart); synonyms (n) walk, hike, accuse, blame, attack, bid, load, arraign, assault;
parade, demonstration, ramble, trek, course, (v)
antonyms (v) request, absolve, retreat, 4. drain;
journey, tramp, advance, border, pace, process,
synonyms (n) ditch, culvert, dike, channel, sewer,
stride, stroll.
(v) deplete, waste, exhaust, bleed, leak, consume,
mart march; synonyms (n) walk, hike, parade, finish, sap, (adj) cloaca, dissipate; antonym (v)
demonstration, ramble, trek, course, (v) journey,
bolster, 5. expense; synonyms (n) detriment,
tramp, advance, border, pace, process, stride, stroll.
martaval story; synonyms (n) layer, history, account,
Masraflar expenses; synonyms (n) expenditure,
narration, narrative, recital, report, tale, fable,
charge, costs, fee, spending, overheads, payment,
falsehood, fib, floor, legend, level, novel; antonym
cut, financing, overhead, upkeep, outflow,
(n) truth.
masa 1. table (çizelge, tablo); synonyms (n) board, masraflı expensive; synonyms (adj) costly,
chart, schedule, stand, list, plateau, console, platen,
sumptuous, dear, extravagant, luxurious, valuable,
panel, (v) defer, postpone, shelve, slate, tablet, (adj)
lavish, overpriced, exclusive, fine, high, precious,
plate, 2. desk; synonyms (n) bench, box, coffer,
table, caddy, caisson, case, casket, chest.

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314 Turkish - English

rich, exorbitant, invaluable; antonyms (adj) cheap, mazeret 1. excuse (affetmek, bağışlamak,
inexpensive, reasonable, worthless. bahane, özür); synonyms (n) apology, alibi,
mastar 1. gauge (ölçü); synonyms (n) criterion, evasion, palliate, pretext, color, (v) pardon, absolve,
caliber, gage, calibre, (v) estimate, measure, acquit, condone, exculpate, forgive, justify,
calculate, assess, compute, fathom, make, reckon, apologise, apologize; antonym (v) punish, 2.
forecast, scale, appraise, 2. infinitive; synonym (n) apology (özür); synonyms (n) excuse, plea,
undefined. amends, defense, justification, regret, reason,
masum 1. innocent; synonyms (adj) harmless, chaste, explanation, vindication, acknowledgment,
artless, clear, ingenuous, innocuous, guileless, apologia, reparation.
guiltless, ignorant, blameless, faultless, gullible, mazı gall; synonyms (n) anger, bitterness, cheek,
naive, pure, spotless; antonyms (adj) guilty, audacity, acerbity, acrimony, cheekiness, crust,
culpable, responsible, wary, wicked, 2. clear freshness, grate, (v) annoy, chafe, fret, irk, irritate.
(açık, belirgin, berrak, temiz, temizlemek); meblağ sum (toplam); synonyms (n) total, quantity,
synonyms (adj) clean, certain, open, apparent, entirety, mass, count, measure, join, (v) amount,
distinct, empty, (v) bright, acquit, absolute, free, net, aggregate, figure, number, add, resume, compute,
absolve, clarify, definite, discharge; antonyms (adj) (adj) all.
cloudy, opaque, unclear, dark, fuzzy, hazy, mecaz metaphor; synonyms (n) allegory, analogy,
incomprehensible, obscure, uncertain, vague, parable, trope, fable, figure, comparison,
ambiguous, blurry, confused, confusing, (v) convict. metonymy, symbol, hyperbole, tralatition, emblem,
matara canteen; synonyms (n) flask, bottle, hope, personification, story.
estaminet, posada, cafeteria, hall, amphora, bar, mecbur bound; synonyms (v) leap, border, bounce,
barrel, butt, caldron, carboy, cask, container, crock. limit, circumscribe, confine, pounce, rebound, (n)
matbaa press (basın, basmak); synonyms (n) jam, spring, jump, boundary, edge, barrier, compass,
closet, (v) crush, crowd, force, squeeze, pack, hop; antonym (adj) free.
coerce, compress, exhort, mash, push, urge, clasp, mecburi 1. compulsory (zorunlu); synonyms (adj)
(adj) constrain. obligatory, required, binding, involuntary,
matbaacı printer (yazıcı); synonyms (n) pressman, mandatory, necessary, imperative, forcible,
typographer, correspondent, newspaperman, essential, requisite, unavoidable; antonyms (adj)
newspaperwoman, newswriter, imprinter. optional, voluntary, 2. forced; synonyms (adj)
matematik mathematics; synonyms (n) math, compulsory, compelled, bound, artificial,
arithmetic, maths, mathesis, sums, reckoning. constrained, unnatural, farfetched, false, labored,
obliged, strained; antonyms (adj) free, unprovoked,
matkap 1. drill; synonyms (n) exercise, discipline,
practice, auger, borer, rehearsal, gimlet, (v) bore, spontaneous.
coach, educate, inculcate, instruct, perforate, pierce, mecburiyet obligation; synonyms (n) debt, bond,
tap, 2. bit; synonyms (n) crumb, morsel, piece, commitment, duty, liability, charge, burden,
atom, drop, fleck, fragment, moment, part, portion, necessity, need, onus, requirement, responsibility,
shred, snatch, (v) curb, scrap, scantling. covenant, job, compulsion; antonym (n) option.
matris matrix; synonyms (n) die, alembic, caldron, meçhul unknown (Bilinmeyen); synonyms (adj)
crucible, groundmass, uterus, matter, monotype, secret, strange, hidden, unfamiliar, nameless,
plasm, impression, mat, diagram, (v) gangue, obscure, unidentified, anonymous, foreign,
course, gang. mysterious, new, undiscovered, (n) stranger, alien,
foreigner; antonyms (adj) known, familiar, famous,
maun mahogany; synonym (n) brown.
recognized, well-known.
mavi blue; synonyms (adj) azure, depressed, down,
gloomy, low, cheerless, dejected, dispirited, meclis 1. council; synonyms (n) assembly, board,
downcast, downhearted, naughty, sad, sapphire, congress, consultation, convention, convocation,
spicy, black. diet, legislature, meeting, cabinet, conclave, 2.
mayın mine; synonyms (n) dig, excavation, pit, fund, parliament (parlamento); synonyms (n) council,
vein, shaft, (v) excavate, sap, burrow, exploit, bore, house, senate, fantan, 3. assembly (montaj);
tunnel, undermine, (adj) delve, gouge. synonyms (n) gathering, collection, congregation,
mayıs may; synonyms (v) can, could, get, might, fabrication, multitude, assembling, body, chamber,
cluster, company, concourse, construction, flock,
acquire, aim, amaze, arrest, arrive, baffle, beat,
group, (v) assemblage.
become, beget, begin, bewilder.
maymun monkey; synonyms (n) ape, imp, primate, medeni civil; synonyms (adj) polite, courteous, civic,
affable, gracious, mannerly, municipal, obliging,
rascal, scamp, (v) tinker, meddle, tamper, trifle,
public, civilised, attentive, complaisant,
cuckoo, echo, imitator.
considerate, courtly, domestic; antonyms (adj) rude,

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medeniyet civilization; synonyms (n) culture, grumpy, traverse, cranky, annoyed; antonyms (v)
refinement, civilisation, cultivation, enlightenment, uncross, (adj) calm, good-tempered.
humanity, (adj) civility. melodi strain; synonyms (n) stress, breed, effort,
medyan median; synonyms (adj) middle, medial, stretch, exertion, race, (v) filter, screen, sift, tax,
mesial, central, intermediate, medium, mid, endeavor, exert, extend, percolate, pull; antonym
normal, (n) mean, average, norm. (v) relax.
medyum medium (orta, ortam); synonyms (adj) meltem breeze; synonyms (n) breath, air, gust, blow,
intermediate, fair, mid, (n) average, mediocre, flurry, gale, rumor, wind, zephyr, (v) move.
mean, atmosphere, go-between, instrument, means, memba 1. source (kaynak); synonyms (n) origin,
vehicle, agency, channel, environment, mediocrity. root, cause, commencement, beginning, reason,
mefhum concept; synonyms (n) conception, notion, head, parent, basis, derivation, germ, headspring,
belief, idea, theory, view, vision, construct, original, origination, reference, 2. fountain;
impression, opinion, perception, thought. synonyms (n) fount, font, jet, source, well, spout,
mekanik 1. mechanics; synonyms (n) mechanism, squirt, wellspring, (v) spring, flow, 3. spring
workings, procedure, 2. mechanical; synonyms (bahar, ilkbahar); synonyms (n) jump, leap,
(adj) automatic, instinctive, unthinking, automated, bound, fountain, skip, dance, rise, (v) hop, caper,
habitual, mechanic, mechanized, perfunctory, bounce, dive, originate, recoil, proceed, (adj) elastic,
routine, industrial, (v) involuntary, blind; antonym 4. well (iyi); synonyms (adv) right, easily,
(adj) manual. thoroughly, considerably, fully, good, correctly,
mekanizma 1. mechanism (düzenek); synonyms (adj) healthy, fit, shaft, sound, robust, (n) pit, hollow,
(n) apparatus, machinery, appliance, contrivance, (v) gush; antonyms (adv) ill, badly, poorly, (adj) sick,
device, machine, action, instrument, mechanics, unwell, dying, nauseous.
agency, gear, vehicle, operation, means, medium, meme breast (göğüs); synonyms (n) bosom, boob,
2. machinery; synonyms (n) enginery, equipment, chest, knocker, tit, titty, mammilla, bust, heart,
plant, mechanism, system, tackle, installation, 3. mamma, nipple, pap, soul, spirit, (v) front.
machine (makine); synonyms (n) implement, car, memleket 1. land (toprak); synonyms (n) ground,
auto, automobile, gadget, organization, tool, country, soil, field, kingdom, domain, estate,
automaton, computer, motorcar, organ, robot, nation, realm, state, (v) disembark, debark, alight,
scheme, utensil, contraption, 4. works; synonyms get, drop; antonym (adj) aquatic, 2. country
(n) factory, workings, mill, manufactory, deeds. (ülke); synonyms (n) home, land, area,
mektep school (okul); synonyms (n) academy, class, commonwealth, place, region, territory, district,
sect, college, herd, shoal, swarm, (v) educate, nationality, province, terrain, (adj) rural, rustic,
instruct, train, coach, cultivate, discipline, edify, public, provincial; antonyms (n) city, (adj) urban.
teach. memnun 1. happy (mutlu); synonyms (adj)
mektup letter (harf); synonyms (n) epistle, mail, fortunate, felicitous, contented, gay, buoyant,
character, communication, dispatch, memorandum, content, gleeful, gratified, blithe, bright, carefree,
message, note, type, inscription, learning, memo, cheerful, cheery, (n) auspicious, blessed; antonyms
missive, ticket, (v) print. (adj) unhappy, sad, dejected, depressed, miserable,
mektuplaşan corresponding; synonyms (adj) sorrowful, 2. glad; synonyms (adj) jubilant,
congruent, comparable, equal, same, similar, delighted, festive, delightful, genial, willing,
commensurate, consonant, alike, analogous, beaming, blissful, happy, proud, elated, jovial,
correspondent, equivalent, like, matching, parallel, joyful, joyous, lief, 3. content (içerik); synonyms
complementary; antonym (adj) different. (n) capacity, contentment, matter, meaning, subject,
mektuplaşma correspondence (yazışma); substance, contentedness, happiness, (adj) fulfilled,
synonyms (n) conformity, accord, agreement, (v) appease, please, satisfy, suffice, delight, gratify;
communication, connection, coincidence, concord, antonyms (adj) tormented, discontented,
affinity, analogy, congruity, equality, equivalence, dissatisfied, rebellious, (v) discontent, upset, 4.
parallel, parallelism, resemblance; antonyms (n) pleased; synonyms (adj) glad, thankful,
difference, asymmetry, dissimilarity. appreciative, comfortable, overjoyed, satisfied,
melek angel; synonyms (n) seraph, backer, benefactor, grateful; antonyms (adj) displeased, angry,
messenger, patron, saint, darling, (v) sponsor, annoyed, worried, 5. satisfied; synonyms (v)
support; antonym (n) fiend. convinced, (adj) full, pleased, certain, confident,
melezlemek cross (haç); synonyms (n) crisscross, sure, complacent, persuaded, sated, satiated, easy,
affliction, (v) intersect, baffle, cover, thwart, (adj) positive, quenched; antonym (adj) frustrated.
crabbed, crabby, angry, cantankerous, grouchy, memnuniyet 1. satisfaction (tatmin); synonyms (n)
pleasure, amends, complacency, content,

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enjoyment, joy, reparation, atonement, brood, embryo, source, beginning, (v) inseminate,
compensation, delight, discharge, ease, expiation, plant, sow.
(v) contentment, gratification; antonyms (n) menşe 1. origin (başlangıç, kaynak, köken);
dissatisfaction, displeasure, aggravation, synonyms (n) cause, lineage, base, beginning, birth,
discontent, 2. pleasure; synonyms (n) delectation, descent, ancestry, commencement, derivation,
fun, comfort, happiness, mirth, inclination, extraction, foundation, fountain, inception, root,
amusement, bliss, entertainment, fruition, gladness, source; antonym (n) end, 2. source (kaynak);
pleasance, satisfaction, desire, festivity; antonyms synonyms (n) origin, reason, head, parent, basis,
(n) anger, irritation, ache, boredom, nuisance. germ, headspring, original, origination, reference,
memnuniyetsizlik dissatisfaction; synonyms (n) seed, spring, reservoir, fount, generator.
displeasure, disappointment, disaffection, dislike, menü menu; synonyms (n) fare, bill, card, carte, list,
discontent, distaste, disquiet, disapproval, table, food, (v) cuisine.
disapprobation, regret, aversion, disfavor, menzil 1. shot; synonyms (n) gunshot, injection, go,
disinclination, ennui; antonyms (n) satisfaction, fling, ball, crack, shoot, picture, attempt, bang,
contentment. bullet, chance, discharge, effort, endeavor, 2. stage
memnunluk satisfaction (tatmin); synonyms (n) (sahne); synonyms (n) grade, phase, floor, degree,
pleasure, amends, complacency, content, level, period, point, arena, layer, chapter, leg,
enjoyment, joy, reparation, atonement, gradation, (v) present, order, mount, 3. range
compensation, delight, discharge, ease, expiation, (alan, erim); synonyms (n) area, array, compass,
(v) contentment, gratification; antonyms (n) reach, scope, domain, (v) line, arrange, rank, roam,
dissatisfaction, displeasure, aggravation, group, ramble, wander, align, gad, 4. compass
(pusula); synonyms (n) range, circle,
memur 1. official; synonyms (adj) formal, functional, circumference, extent, room, breadth, ambit,
regular, proper, sanctioned, magisterial, (n) officer, boundary, (v) round, get, grasp, accomplish,
minister, bureaucrat, executive, functionary, achieve, apprehend, (adv) beset, 5. carry
administrator, (v) authoritative, administrative,
(nakletmek, taşımak); synonyms (v) bear, bring,
authentic; antonyms (adj) unofficial, private, illegal,
convey, conduct, take, acquit, behave, accept,
informal, 2. officer; synonyms (n) captain, comport, hold, pack, transport, load, assume,
commander, officeholder, official, agent, manager, admit, 6. reach (ulaşmak, uzatmak); synonyms
leader, policeman, representative, skipper,
(v) overtake, obtain, attain, extend, make, pass,
supervisor. touch, equal, form, arrive, (n) fetch, stretch, gain,
memuriyet service (hizmet); synonyms (n) help, aid, catch, capacity.
assistance, avail, employment, ministration, mera field (alan, saha, tarla); synonyms (n) arena,
ceremony, business, occupation, office, (v)
area, battlefield, domain, ground, place,
overhaul, serve, refit, assist, attendance. battleground, compass, court, department,
mendil handkerchief; synonyms (n) hankie, napkin, discipline, range, realm, section, sphere.
cravat, hanky, wipe, collar, (v) cloth. merak 1. curiosity; synonyms (n) wonder, curio,
mendirek mole (köstebek); synonyms (n) curiousness, interest, oddity, rarity, nosiness,
breakwater, jetty, freckle, bulwark, groyne, mol, prying, prodigy, marvel, novelty, peculiarity, 2.
spy, blemish, counterspy, groin, growth, (adj) interest (faiz, ilgi); synonyms (n) concern,
mound, barrow, hillock, (v) embankment. advantage, affair, account, gain, hobby, behalf,
menfaat 1. advantage (avantaj, üstünlük, yarar); eagerness, enthusiasm, sake, (v) engage, care,
synonyms (n) behalf, privilege, profit, account, benefit, appeal, affect; antonyms (n) indifference,
expediency, good, lead, preponderance, virtue, apathy, (v) bore, 3. cult; synonyms (n) craze,
perk, boot, avail, convenience, gain, (v) benefit; persuasion, fad, faith, fashion, rage, religion, sect,
antonyms (n) drawback, detriment, difficulty, (v) denomination, creed, vogue, church, trend, camp,
disadvantage, 2. benefit (yarar); synonyms (n) division, 4. hobby; synonyms (n) amusement,
advantage, assistance, favor, interest, reward, avocation, cockhorse, pastime, pursuit,
service, use, welfare, allowance, asset, (v) aid, assist, entertainment, diversion, hobbyhorse, recreation,
help, advance, pay; antonyms (n) loss, (v) harm. sideline, activity, 5. concern; synonyms (n)
mengene press (basın, basmak); synonyms (n) jam, business, regard, attention, anxiety, bother, matter,
closet, (v) crush, crowd, force, squeeze, pack, company, apprehension, burden, disquiet, fear,
coerce, compress, exhort, mash, push, urge, clasp, firm, (v) worry, trouble, import; antonym (v)
(adj) constrain. unconcern, 6. worry (üzülmek); synonyms (v)
meni seed (tohum); synonyms (n) germ, issue, torment, distress, tease, annoy, disturb, molest, vex,
posterity, root, offspring, progeny, origin, nucleus, agitate, fret, (n) harass, pain, fuss, annoyance,

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sorrow, (adj) irritate; antonyms (v) soothe, reassure, tough, alcoholic, (adv) firm, (v) acute, (n) rough;
(n) calmness, reassurance. antonyms (adj) easy, soft, simple, soggy, tender,
meraklı 1. interested; synonyms (adj) concerned, yielding, (adv) gently, lightly.
curious, involved, inquiring, inquisitive, keen, merkez 1. centre; synonyms (n) core, middle, heart,
attentive; antonyms (adj) apathetic, uninterested, 2. midpoint, (v) center, centralize, concentrate, focus,
curious; synonyms (adj) abnormal, funny, 2. station (durak, istasyon); synonyms (n) rank,
interested, odd, peculiar, strange, unusual, bizarre, position, seat, standing, base, depot, (v) place,
extraordinary, quaint, queer, quizzical, remarkable, locate, post, stand, lay, order, put, set, site, 3. seat
singular, weird; antonyms (adj) normal, incurious, (koltuk, yer); synonyms (n) bench, backside,
ordinary. behind, bottom, buttocks, chair, posterior, rear,
merasim ceremony (tören); synonyms (n) formality, rump, residence, berth, foundation, home, (v)
courtesy, celebration, ceremonial, parade, pomp, contain, hold.
rite, manners, custom, form, liturgy, magnificence, merkezi central; synonyms (adj) basic, capital,
observance, ritual, service. cardinal, fundamental, chief, crucial, important,
mercek 1. lens; synonyms (n) meniscus, sunglass, (v) inner, key, main, pivotal, primary, centrical, core,
glass, barometer, especially, glaze, goblet, (n) umbilical; antonyms (adj) peripheral, minor,
hourglass, photograph, spyglass, tumbler, regional, tangential.
weatherglass, 2. objective (amaç, hedef, nesnel, mermer marble; synonyms (n) cheetah, granite,
objektif); synonyms (adj) dispassionate, fair, leopard, (v) foolscap, pillar, table, (adj) rock, flint,
impartial, just, concrete, detached, (n) aim, mark, stone, quartz, pellet, bullet, globule, spherule, bulb.
goal, object, ambition, design, end, intent, mermi 1. bullet; synonyms (n) shot, round, missile,
intention; antonyms (adj) biased, subjective, 3. pellet, projectile, slug, carcass, grenade, stone,
glass (bardak, cam); synonyms (n) pane, bottle, ammunition, arrow, (adj) globule, spherule, bulb,
drink, bowl, cup, chalice, glassful, telescope, drop, 2. missile; synonyms (n) bullet, rocket, bolt,
window, (adj) ice. bomb, explosive, quoit, club, messenger, missive,
merdiven 1. staircase; synonyms (n) stair, stairway, weapon, beast, bird, bludgeon, cruise, cudgel.
stairs, steps, chairlift, entrance, 2. ladder; mertebe extent; synonyms (n) degree, extension,
synonyms (n) scale, run, washboard, discharge, (v) amplitude, expanse, amount, bulk, compass,
bleed, bunk, campaign, carry, consort, course, distance, boundary, breadth, dimension, gauge,
draw, endure, escape, execute, extend, 3. stairs; length, measure, (v) area.
synonym (n) staircase. mesafe 1. distance (uzaklık); synonyms (n) remove,
merhaba 1. hello (alo); synonyms (n) greeting, hi, space, way, gap, aloofness, interval, altitude,
howdy, hullo, welcome, (v) hail, 2. hi; synonyms measure, period, place, range, (v) dissociate,
(int) ciao, (n) hello. outdistance, outstrip, (adj) length; antonyms (n)
merhamet 1. mercy; synonyms (n) clemency, nearness, proximity, closeness, intimacy, (v)
compassion, kindness, favor, pity, charity, associate, 2. interval (aralık); synonyms (n)
forgiveness, grace, humanity, leniency, pardon, intermission, interruption, break, distance,
benevolence, forbearance, mercifulness, quarter; interlude, hiatus, interim, pause, respite, span,
cessation, rest, time, delay, interstice, 3. journey
antonym (n) blame, 2. compassion; synonyms (n)
mercy, commiseration, sympathy, remorse, (seyahat, yolculuk); synonyms (n) jaunt,
tenderness, condolence, consideration, feeling, excursion, expedition, passage, trip, course, flight,
warmth, empathy, tolerance; antonyms (n) cruelty, outing, pilgrimage, (v) go, travel, cruise, fare,
navigate, ramble, 4. space (alan, aralık, uzay,
indifference, 3. pity (acımak); synonyms (n)
pathos, shame, comfort, sorrow, heart, (v) yer); synonyms (n) opening, scope, void, margin,
commiserate, compassionate, sympathize, condole, emptiness, extent, latitude, location, room, field,
misery, 4. charity (sadaka); synonyms (n) volume, berth, area, blank, (v) separate, 5. way
bounty, dole, aid, generosity, liberality, virtue, gift, (yol); synonyms (n) method, path, road, route,
(v) almsgiving, (adj) benignity; antonyms (n) track, custom, direction, form, manner, means,
miserliness, intolerance. style, fashion, habit, mode, (v) practice.
merhametsiz 1. ruthless; synonyms (adj) merciless, mesaj 1. message (ileti); synonyms (n)
pitiless, inhuman, remorseless, cruel, heartless, communication, meaning, information, errand,
ferocious, brutal, grim, harsh, inexorable, letter, mission, dispatch, lesson, note, significance,
relentless, unsparing, barbarous, bitter; antonyms statement, word, direction, memorandum, advice,
(adj) merciful, charitable, kind, gentle, 2. hard 2. communication (iletişim); synonyms (n)
(sert); synonyms (adj) austere, bad, difficult, grave, announcement, commerce, communicating,
contact, conversation, discourse, epistle,
severe, strong, arduous, callous, grueling, knotty,

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318 Turkish - English

intercourse, message, news, notice, report, tidings, stunning; antonyms (adj) unknown, infamous,
expression, language. ordinary.
meşale torch; synonyms (n) flashlight, brand, light, meşin leather (deri); synonyms (n) fur, fleece, skin,
blowlamp, blowtorch, incendiary, teade, buckskin, fell, pelt, pigskin, (v) drub, thrash, thresh,
triggerman, (v) burn. hit.
mesane bladder; synonyms (n) cyst, vesica, balloon, mesken house (ev); synonyms (n) family, home,
capsule, utricle, vesicle, calyx, cancelli, newspaper, dwelling, firm, abode, domicile, building, edifice,
pod, (v) inflate. habitation, housing, establishment, structure,
meşe oak; synonyms (adj) oaken, adamant, iron, steel. ancestry, (v) accommodate, lodge.
mesele 1. matter (konu, madde); synonyms (n) meslek 1. occupation (işgal); synonyms (n)
event, affair, business, concern, issue, material, employment, occupancy, business, craft, calling,
substance, incident, article, body, import, interest, job, place, affair, career, conquest, function, line,
item, (v) case, count, 2. affair (iş); synonyms (n) profession, vocation, (v) trade; antonym (n)
matter, job, occasion, occurrence, amour, duty, surrender, 2. job (iş); synonyms (n) chore,
happening, party, subject, theme, thing, topic, position, work, assignment, duty, matter,
transaction, meeting, affaire, 3. question (soru); occupation, post, task, concern, labor, mission,
synonyms (n) inquiry, challenge, demand, problem, office, stint, appointment, 3. profession;
(v) doubt, query, distrust, inquire, interrogate, synonyms (n) confession, declaration, affirmation,
investigate, contest, dispute, examine, enquire, assertion, assurance, avowal, testimony, avocation,
mistrust; antonyms (n) certainty, (v) answer, 4. allegation, skill, admission, walk, acknowledgment,
issue (sorun); synonyms (n) aftermath, egress, art, claim, 4. calling; synonyms (n) call, pursuit, 5.
consequence, effect, exit, progeny, result, (v) flow, trade; synonyms (n) deal, barter, commerce, swap,
emanate, arise, emerge, release, discharge, gush, switch, clientele, interchange, custom, dealing,
circulate, 5. case; synonyms (n) box, example, bin, market, (v) change, exchange, merchandise,
cover, jacket, shell, bag, briefcase, casing, eccentric, bargain, sell; antonyms (n) purchase, (adj)
instance, suit, carton, action, (adj) patient, 6. charitable.
business; synonyms (n) employment, calling, mesleki 1. professional (profesyonel); synonyms
corporation, deal, occupation, profession, trade, (adj) specialist, occupational, competent, technical,
vocation, work, affairs, commerce, dealings, skillful, proficient, skilled, experienced, practiced,
finance, firm, house; antonyms (adj) charitable, (n) expert, authority, master, pro, maestro, whiz;
housing, 7. problem (problem, sorun); antonyms (adj) unpaid, unprofessional, (n) amateur,
synonyms (n) bother, conundrum, difficulty, 2. occupational; synonyms (adj) commercial,
trouble, knot, enigma, riddle, poser, dilemma, functional, corporate, industrial, job.
puzzle, snag, worry, nuisance, mystery, (v)
mesnet rest (dinlenme); synonyms (n) remnant,
question, 8. point (göstermek, nokta);
repose, balance, pause, recess, relaxation, residue,
synonyms (n) place, grade, peak, nib, edge, aim,
leisure, break, (v) nap, remain, sleep, ease, lie, (adj)
degree, dot, mark, spot, phase, apex, (v) head,
remainder; antonym (v) work.
direct, level.
meşru 1. lawful; synonyms (adj) legitimate, legal, just,
meşgul 1. busy; synonyms (adj) active, brisk,
rightful, constitutional, justifiable, licit, permissible,
assiduous, engaged, occupied, agile, crowded,
regular, right, true, equitable, fair, admissible, (n)
industrious, meddlesome, officious, live, diligent,
allowable; antonyms (adj) illegal, unlawful, 2.
earnest, (v) occupy, employ; antonyms (adj) idle,
valid (Geçerli); synonyms (adj) sound, genuine,
free, inactive, 2. engaged; synonyms (adj) busy,
solid, forcible, substantial, authentic, good,
betrothed, affianced, employed, engrossed,
powerful, strong, cogent, real, effectual, lawful,
reserved, absorbed, working, pledged, bespoken,
hard, competent; antonyms (adj) unacceptable,
booked, immersed, intent, rapt; antonym (adj)
invalid, annulled, bogus, illogical.
available, 3. concerned; synonyms (adj) anxious,
meşrubat drink (içmek); synonyms (n) beverage,
careful, interested, involved, thoughtful,
alcohol, brew, potion, swallow, crapulence,
apprehensive, considerate, nervous, solicitous,
intoxicant, nip, (v) draught, booze, carouse, bib,
worried, affected, attentive, caring, fearful,
absorb, down, gulp.
troubled; antonyms (adj) unconcerned, uncaring,
meşruluk legitimacy; synonyms (n) authenticity,
justice, validity, genuineness, truth, fairness.
meşhur famous (ünlü); synonyms (adj) celebrated,
eminent, splendid, distinguished, famed, mesul accountable; synonyms (adj) amenable,
illustrious, renowned, capital, conspicuous, answerable, responsible, (v) liable.
important, known, notable, notorious, prominent, mesut happy (memnun, mutlu); synonyms (adj)
fortunate, felicitous, contented, gay, buoyant,

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content, gleeful, gratified, blithe, bright, carefree, mevcut 1. available; synonyms (adj) accessible, free,
cheerful, cheery, (n) auspicious, blessed; antonyms possible, attainable, convenient, handy, obtainable,
(adj) unhappy, sad, dejected, depressed, miserable, open, ready, uncommitted, usable, vacant, valid,
sorrowful. (adv) present, (n) applicable; antonyms (adj)
met flow (akış, akmak); synonyms (n) flood, current, unavailable, occupied, suppressed, concealed,
discharge, abound, (v) stream, course, flux, jet, run, engaged, 2. present (armağan, hediye);
surge, float, emanate, fall, gush, pour. synonyms (adj) grant, confer, (n) gift, donation, (v)
metal metal; synonyms (n) ore, admixture, aggregate, bestow, display, give, introduce, prefer, deliver,
alloy, clemency, favor, grace, honor, mercy, rock, donate, offer, perform, gratuity, award; antonyms
character, courage, temper. (adj) missing, (n) past, future, history, (v) withdraw,

meteliksiz broke; synonyms (adj) bankrupt, poor, (adv) absent, 3. supply (tedarik etmek);
impecunious, impoverished, insolvent, penniless, synonyms (n) provision, hoard, issue, (v) furnish,
bust, destitute, ruined, skint, strapped; antonyms stock, afford, fill, store, feed, provide, cater,
contribute, equip, outfit, produce.
(adj) rich, solvent.
methetmek praise; synonyms (n) compliment, mevduat deposit; synonyms (n) charge, residue,
guarantee, heap, hoard, lees, (v) bank, commit,
acclaim, applause, commendation, glory, kudos,
admiration, (v) applaud, approve, commend, extol, store, fix, lay, repose, cast, file, leave; antonym (v)
honor, flatter, celebrate, glorify; antonyms (n) withdraw.
criticism, disparagement, (v) criticize, belittle, mevki 1. seat (koltuk, yer); synonyms (n) place,
disparage, rebuke, reprimand, reproach, scold, bench, base, backside, behind, bottom, buttocks,
chastise, denigrate, sully. chair, position, post, posterior, (v) locate, put,
metin text; synonyms (n) copy, matter, script, theme, contain, hold, 2. place (yer); synonyms (n)
subject, words, document, book, textbook, topic, domicile, office, order, spot, attitude, job, location,
(v) arrange, fix, lay, rank, station, deposit, install,
argument, contents, letterpress, manual, passage.
pitch; antonym (v) remove, 3. location (Konum,
metod method (yöntem); synonyms (n) course,
fashion, form, approach, arrangement, custom, yer); synonyms (n) localization, orientation, berth,
formula, manner, order, plan, system, way, device, emplacement, lieu, locale, locating, scene, setting,
means, mode; antonym (n) disorder. bearing, address, placement, positioning, seat, site,
metodoloji methodology (yöntembilim); 4. position (konum); synonyms (n) condition,
synonyms (n) method, attitude, line, organization, employment, opinion, set, arrangement, posture,
slant, style, system, tactic. situation, stance, stand, status, case, disposition, (v)
grade, point, pose, 5. standing; synonyms (n)
metot method (yöntem); synonyms (n) course,
fame, importance, prestige, reputation, footing,
fashion, form, approach, arrangement, custom,
class, repute, prominence, (adj) erect, motionless,
formula, manner, order, plan, system, way, device,
continuance, permanent, stagnant, stationary,
means, mode; antonym (n) disorder.
upright, 6. state (devlet, durum, eyalet);
metre metre; synonyms (n) meter, measure, beat,
synonyms (n) nation, say, country, kingdom, show,
rhythm, m, cadence, chiliad, g, grand, molarity,
(v) declare, expound, express, mention, affirm,
poem, thou, thousand, yard.
allege, announce, articulate, assert, (adj) national;
metres mistress; synonyms (n) dame, concubine, antonyms (v) deny, (adj) private, 7. station (durak,
inamorata, madame, lady, lover, missis, master,
istasyon); synonyms (n) standing, depot, dignity,
owner, schoolmarm, schoolmistress, teacher,
quarter, room, state, appointment, sphere, degree,
woman, impropriator.
estate, garrison, department, (v) establish, ground,
metro 1. underground; synonyms (adj) clandestine, localize, 8. site; synonyms (n) space, area, locality,
secret, covert, hidden, undercover, surreptitious,
settle, habitat, (v) invest, 9. status (durum);
furtive, stealthy, belowground, guerilla, (n) metro,
synonyms (n) caste, circumstance, character,
subway, tube, (v) buried, underhand, 2. tube
circumstances, level, juncture, eminence, shape,
(boru); synonyms (n) pipe, conduit, duct, hose, stature, title, link, peg, scale, (adj) precedence, pas,
channel, cylinder, hosepipe, television, box, piping,
10. situation; synonyms (n) matter, aspect,
bulb, shaft, roll, tubing, underground.
environment, function, form, context, pass,
metruk derelict; synonyms (adj) desolate, delinquent, predicament, billet, event, occurrence, plight, thing,
abandoned, deserted, forsaken, neglectful, crisis, bureau.
ramshackle, remiss, negligent, dilapidated,
mevsim 1. season; synonyms (n) opportunity, space,
decrepit, rickety, (n) outcast, tramp, vagabond.
spell, (prep) period, (v) flavor, mature, inure, salt,
mevcudiyet entity (varlık); synonyms (n) being, mellow, flavour, moderate, pickle, ripen, (adj)
existence, object, thing, whole, article, creature, harden, habituate, 2. tide (gelgit); synonyms (n)
essence, individual, item, reality, part, piece.

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320 Turkish - English

current, flow, stream, course, drift, run, time, race, yield, development, (v) result, return, building,
rush, (v) wave, flood, surge, billow, noonday. edifice, erection.
mevsimlik seasonal; synonyms (adj) cyclic, periodic, mezar 1. grave; synonyms (adj) austere, critical,
intermittent, recurrent, seasonable, continuing, serious, severe, solemn, earnest, bad, dangerous,
drifting, itinerant, migrant, migratory, nomadic, deep, grand, important, sad, sedate, (v) acute,
odd, perennial, recurring, regular. engrave; antonyms (adj) mild, frivolous, funny, 2.
mevsimsiz premature; synonyms (adj) early, tomb; synonyms (n) grave, sepulchre, crypt,
precocious, untimely, immature, forward, sepulcher, pit, sepulture, vault, monument,
inopportune, previous, rash, unripe. entomb, (v) bury, inter.
mevzu subject (konu, özne); synonyms (n) matter, mezarlık cemetery; synonyms (n) graveyard,
citizen, affair, dependent, inferior, issue, motif, churchyard, necropolis, charnel, catacomb, crypt,
question, point, area, content, discipline, field, (adj) garden, headstone, mortuary, ossuary,
liable, exposed; antonym (adj) liberated. polyandrium, sepulcher.
mevzuat 1. legislation; synonyms (n) lawmaking, mezat 1. auction; synonyms (n) bidding, vendue,
legislating, law, conduct, government, gubernation, angle, cant, portsale, bargain, corner, hypocrisy,
passage, administration, constitution, nomology, 2. jam, niche, (v) auctioneer, sale, sell, demand,
regulations; synonyms (n) policy, system, market, 2. sale (satış); synonyms (n) fair, disposal,
convention. vend, vendition, outlet, carnival, contract, dealings,
meydan 1. square (kare); synonyms (adj) right, even, emission, escape, festival, fête, inn, publication, (adj)
rectangular, fair, quadrate, straight, equal, (n) area, cheap.
foursquare, rectangle, quadrilateral, (v) settle, agree, mezhep 1. cult; synonyms (n) craze, persuasion, fad,
correspond, (adv) just, 2. room (oda); synonyms faith, fashion, rage, religion, sect, denomination,
(n) chamber, latitude, occasion, apartment, hall, creed, vogue, church, trend, camp, division, 2.
house, opening, opportunity, expanse, extent, flat, order (düzen, düzenlemek, emretmek, sıra);
margin, cabin, field, (v) board. synonyms (n) command, decree, dictate, array,
meyhane 1. pub; synonyms (n) bar, pothouse, rank, sort, charge, class, condition, disposition,
barroom, inn, saloon, taphouse, ginmill, lounge, edict, (v) direct, commission, arrange, call;
drinkery, gashouse, 2. saloon; synonyms (n) pub, antonyms (n) anarchy, chaos, confusion, mayhem,
sedan, taproom, tavern. mess, (v) disorder, request, 3. religion (din);
meyil 1. bias (önyargı); synonyms (n) penchant, synonyms (n) piety, cult, devotion, holiness.
drift, influence, turn, twist, favor, slope, angle, meziyet merit; synonyms (n) worth, credit, desert,
bigotry, (v) prejudice, bent, slant, dispose, (adj) virtue, goodness, quality, significance, value,
partiality, diagonal; antonyms (n) impartiality, dignity, distinction, due, (v) deserve, earn, rate, (adj)
neutrality, fairness, 2. gradient; synonyms (n) excellence.
grade, pitch, tilt, declivity, hill, inclination, incline, mezun graduate; synonyms (n) alum, alumna,
rise, abruptness, descent, ramp, (v) acclivity, ascent, alumnus, grad, grade, connoisseur, file, licentiate,
3. slope; synonyms (n) dip, decline, fall, gradient, organize, sort, wrangler, (v) calibrate, catalogue,
brae, hillside, drop, side, (v) cant, lean, bank, tip, pass, divide.
descend, sway, (adj) obliquity, 4. inclination mide 1. stomach; synonyms (n) abdomen, appetite,
(eğilim); synonyms (n) disposition, desire, fancy, belly, breadbasket, inclination, (v) accept, brook,
abide, bear, endure, stand, suffer, take, tolerate, (adj)
affection, leaning, tendency, appetite, bias,
proclivity, disposal, liking, mind, predisposition, digest, 2. belly (göbek, karın); synonyms (n)
propensity, set; antonyms (n) disinclination, stomach, inside, bowels, intestines, waist, entrails,
gut, paunch, venter, (v) balloon, swell, billow, bloat,
reluctance, 5. tendency; synonyms (n) trend,
direction, course, movement, predilection,
aptitude, strain, taste, aptness, habit, intention, midilli pony; synonyms (n) crib, horse, nag, trot,
attitude, tenor, way, (v) aim, 6. trend (eğilim); clavis, jigger, tat, beast, cattle, charger, chigger, cot,
synonyms (n) fashion, fad, vogue, mode, run, craze, courser, cribbage, hack.
(v) style, tend, sheer, verge, deviate, veer, bend, miğfer helmet (kask); synonyms (n) casque, helm,
conduce, contribute. hood, cowl, hat, (v) headpiece, pickelhaube, armor,
meyilli inclined; synonyms (adj) prone, apt, oblique, aegis, apron, backplate, brains, breastplate,
willing, bowed, liable, likely, minded, predisposed, brigandine, buckler.
ready, bent, fain, susceptible, (v) given, (prep) mihrap altar; synonyms (n) shrine, sacristy,
disposed; antonyms (adj) level, reluctant, unwilling. sanctuary.
meyve fruit; synonyms (n) effect, crop, outgrowth, mihver axis (eksen); synonyms (n) axle, pivot, hinge,
product, consequence, issue, produce, production, center, hub, spindle, stem, pin.

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Turkish - English 321

mikrodalga microwave; synonyms (v) cook, significant, sweeping; antonyms (adj) national,
atomise, atomize, fix, nuke, warm, zap, vaporize. insular, local.
mikrofon 1. microphone; synonym (n) mike, 2. milletvekili deputy; synonyms (n) agent, surrogate,
mike; synonym (n) microphone. alternate, delegate, substitute, ambassador,
miktar 1. amount; synonyms (n) number, quantity, assistant, replacement, representative, vicar,
aggregate, measure, sum, total, degree, extent, spokesman, envoy, help, (adj) proxy, acting.
figure, price, volume, body, bulk, cost, (v) come, 2. milliyet nationality; synonyms (n) nation,
quantity (nicelik); synonyms (n) amount, nationalism, patriotism, people, civism, race, folk,
multitude, quantum, portion, heap, capacity, deal, nationalness, birth, origin, residency, rights.
magnitude, mass, value, dimension, measurement, milliyetçi nationalist; synonyms (adj) nationalistic,
piece, dose, length, 3. deal (anlaşma); synonyms chauvinistic, jingoistic, separatist, superpatriotic,
(n) bargain, buy, agreement, arrangement, ultranationalistic, (n) patriot, loyalist, compatriot,
covenant, trade, (v) administer, allot, apportion, partisan.
conduct, contract, cope, distribute, truck, assign; milliyetçilik nationalism; synonyms (n) chauvinism,
antonym (n) purchase, 4. measure (ölçmek, patriotism, loyalty, partisanship, xenophobia,
ölçü, önlem); synonyms (n) criterion, beat, devotion.
benchmark, estimate, meter, act, allotment, action, milyar billion; synonym (v) milliard.
bill, (v) grade, appraise, assess, evaluate, fathom, milyon million; synonyms (n) meg, myriad, heap,
gauge, 5. number (numara, numaralamak, mint.
rakam, sayı, saymak); synonyms (n) count, score, mimar architect; synonyms (n) creator, designer,
issue, character, company, digit, numeral, quota, (v) founder, inventor, maker, originator, producer,
calculate, enumerate, add, account, compute, list, artificer, author, builder, engineer, generator,
reckon, 6. dose; synonyms (n) potion, dosage, manufacturer; antonym (n) destroyer.
draught, medicine, share, batch, doctor, shot, mimari 1. architecture; synonyms (n) building,
contingent, dividend, pill, (v) drug, 7. volume frame, constitution, construction, framework,
(cilt, hacim, oylum); synonyms (n) size, book, structure, formation, composition, edification,
intensity, loudness, tome, journal, content, design, carcass, shape, engineering, planning, (v)
strength, contents, plenty, dimensions, space, (adj) organism, 2. architectural; synonym (adj) tectonic.
pot, sight, power; antonym (n) quietness, 8. mimarlık architecture (mimari); synonyms (n)
quantum; synonym (n) amplitude, 9. portion building, frame, constitution, construction,
(parça, porsiyon); synonyms (n) part, division, framework, structure, formation, composition,
constituent, component, fragment, parcel, section, edification, design, carcass, shape, engineering,
dole, allowance, destiny, fate, fortune, (v) lot, planning, (v) organism.
divide, dispense. mineral mineral; synonyms (adj) inanimate, (n) rock,
mil 1. mile; synonyms (n) knot, burl, gnarl, grayback, petroleum, granite, limestone, marble, sandstone.
(v) cubit, ell, fathom, foot, furlong, hand, inch, line, Minibüs van; synonyms (n) caravan, vehicle, front,
nail, palm, rood, 2. shaft; synonyms (n) arrow, truck, vanguard, carriage, car, bus, conveyance,
handle, axis, beam, pit, dart, pillar, axle, bar, lance, head, (v) automobile, train.
mine, post, ray, well, (v) cheat. minicik 1. tiny; synonyms (adj) little, minute,
millet 1. nation (ulus); synonyms (n) state, country, diminutive, infinitesimal, midget, petite, petty,
kingdom, commonwealth, community, land, puny, slight, teeny, exiguous, baby, insignificant,
people, nationality, public, tribe, clan, folk, (phr) minuscule, small; antonyms (adj) enormous,
republic, race, territory, 2. people (halk); huge, gigantic, vast, large, 2. wee; synonyms (adj)
synonyms (n) nation, family, multitude, populace, tiny, teensy, weeny, bittie, bitty, miniature, teentsy,
mob, flock, citizenry, crowd, inhabitants, kin, (v) (n) pee, (v) piss, make, piddle.
inhabit, occupy, reside, dwell, live, 3. country minnettar grateful; synonyms (adj) thankful,
(ülke); synonyms (n) home, area, place, realm, agreeable, appreciative, beholden, indebted,
region, soil, district, province, terrain, arena, (adj) obliged, pleasing, (n) welcome; antonym (adj)
rural, rustic, provincial, arable, pastoral; antonyms ungrateful.
(n) city, (adj) urban, 4. folk; synonyms (n) kindred, minnettarlık 1. gratitude; synonyms (n)
kinsfolk, man, persons, house. appreciation, thanks, acknowledgment, feeling,
milletlerarası international (uluslararası); anger, benediction, conviction, credit, recognition,
synonyms (adj) worldwide, global, intercontinental, resentment, tribute, honor, impression, merit,
universal, external, away, broad, comprehensive, obligation; antonym (n) ingratitude, 2.
extensive, extraneous, important, major, outside, appreciation; synonyms (n) admiration, approval,
awareness, conception, estimation, grasp, praise,

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322 Turkish - English

respect, taste, understanding, adoration, wonder, misyon mission; synonyms (n) commission,
approbation, discernment, (v) sense; antonym (n) delegation, deputation, job, assignment, charge,
depreciation. duty, goal, legation, chore, delegacy, errand, task,
minör minor (küçük, önemsiz); synonyms (adj) function, business.
little, inferior, insignificant, junior, lesser, lower, mit myth; synonyms (n) fable, legend, story, tale,
small, inconsequential, less, marginal, negligible, allegory, fiction, fabrication, figment, tradition,
petty, secondary, (n) child, juvenile; antonyms (adj) conceit, maggot.
major, important, significant, basic, chief, miting 1. meeting; synonyms (n) confluence,
fundamental, leading, main, overriding, convention, gathering, concourse, assembly,
superseding, serious, considerable, extensive, conference, congress, council, appointment, caucus,
greater, senior. encounter, junction, meet, convocation, conclave;
mıntıka zone (bölge); synonyms (n) area, district, antonym (n) divergence, 2. rally; synonyms (n)
region, section, belt, locality, quarter, realm, layer, meeting, (v) banter, gather, muster, congregate,
territory, province, neighborhood, orbit, circuit, convene, assemble, chaff, collect, converge,
division. mobilize, recover, ridicule, tease, jeer; antonym (v)
minyatür miniature; synonyms (adj) little, demobilize.
diminutive, tiny, slight, minute, model, small, wee, miyar standard (standart); synonyms (adj) model,
midget, dwarf, teeny, infinitesimal, (n) toy, copy, normal, regular, accepted, classic, common, (n)
illumination; antonyms (adj) enormous, extra-large, degree, measure, average, criterion, flag, norm,
full-scale, full-size, large, (n) huge. rate, gauge, benchmark; antonyms (adj) unusual,
miras 1. legacy; synonyms (n) bequest, devise, unconventional, special.
heritage, inheritance, heirloom, estate, will, gift, mizaç 1. humour; synonyms (n) mood, temper, wit,
leftover, 2. inheritance (kalıt); synonyms (n) witticism, biliousness, brain, brainpower, card,
heredity, legacy, dowry, appanage, acquisition, climate, wittiness, irritability, irritation, mentality,
dower, genetics, (v) descent, 3. heritage; modality, (v) humor, 2. vein (damar); synonyms
synonyms (n) birthright, patrimony, tradition, (n) streak, vena, nervure, strain, mine, stripe, tone,
ancestry, origin. cast, style, fund, funicle, stock, (adj) strip, 3.
mirasçı heir; synonyms (n) beneficiary, inheritor, nature; synonyms (n) character, disposition, class,
offspring, successor, descendant, heritor, progeny, essence, creation, quality, breed, attribute,
receiver, scion. constitution, manner, mettle, temperament, type,
misafir 1. guest (konuk); synonyms (n) stranger, genus, (adj) kind, 4. disposition; synonyms (n)
caller, alien, customer, visitor, foreigner, client, bent, attitude, disposal, tendency, arrangement,
visitant, 2. company; synonyms (n) bias, inclination, predisposition, propensity,
companionship, society, association, band, direction, aptitude, array, distribution, heart,
business, cohort, collection, brigade, assemblage, leaning, 5. temperament; synonyms (n) nature,
bevy, club, companion, corps, crew, (v) accompany; personality, spirit, composure, equanimity,
antonym (n) solitude. calmness, modulation, morale.
misafirperverlik hospitality; synonyms (n) mizah humour; synonyms (n) mood, temper, wit,
generosity, friendliness, welcome, kindness, witticism, biliousness, brain, brainpower, card,
amiability, warmth, flexibility, hospitableness, climate, wittiness, irritability, irritation, mentality,
hospitage, housekeeping, xenodochy, modality, (v) humor.
accommodation, affability, companionship, mizansen scene; synonyms (n) aspect, view,
comradeship; antonym (n) unfriendliness. background, display, environment, outlook,
misal example (örnek); synonyms (n) case, panorama, picture, spectacle, lookout, perspective,
exemplar, illustration, instance, lead, sample, act, appearance, look, (v) prospect.
design, guide, model, paradigm, pattern, mobil mobile; synonyms (adj) changeable, fluid,
precedent, prototype, archetype, piece. unsettled, mercurial, expressive, lively, migrant,
mısır corn; synonyms (n) maize, clavus, cereals, motile, erratic, flying, nomadic, peregrine, roving,
callus, wheat, grain, commonplace, (v) feed, keep. (v) movable, shifting; antonyms (adj) immobile,
Misket marble; synonyms (n) cheetah, granite, impassive, motionless.
leopard, (v) foolscap, pillar, table, (adj) rock, flint, mobilya furniture; synonyms (n) equipment,
stone, quartz, pellet, bullet, globule, spherule, bulb. appointments, goods, fitting, movable, thing,
mısra verse; synonyms (n) poem, poetry, rhyme, movables, upholstery, apparatus, apparel,
poesy, stanza, strain, measure, song, clause, commodity, appurtenances, attire, (v) stuff,
paragraph, canto, chapter, count, distich, meter; garniture.
antonym (n) prose. mod mode (kip); synonyms (n) means, fashion,
manner, method, form, way, condition, custom,

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guise, style, wise, appearance, approach, fad, mola 1. break; synonyms (v) split, crack, burst, fail,
modality. infringe, leak, (n) breach, fracture, pause, rupture,
moda 1. fashion; synonyms (n) cut, mode, craze, fad, stop, collapse, interruption, respite, suspension;
manner, method, way, custom, guise, (v) form, antonyms (v) repair, obey, honor, mend, (n)
construct, contrive, cast, create, make, 2. in; continuation, 2. pause (duraklamak); synonyms
synonyms (prep) during, between, by, through, at, (n) break, intermission, rest, gap, interval, breather,
inside, (adv) indoors, inward, (n) inch, (adj) stylish, cessation, hesitation, (v) halt, adjournment, delay,
fashionable, inwards, trendy, within, modish; hesitate, desist, cease, (adj) discontinue; antonyms
antonyms (prep) out, outside, 3. mode (kip); (n) decisiveness, (v) continue.
synonyms (n) means, fashion, condition, style, wise, molekül molecule; synonyms (n) atom, corpuscle,
appearance, approach, modality, process, rage, grain, iota, jot, particle, bit, mote, speck.
system, type, vogue, kind, habit, 4. fashionable; moment 1. moment (an); synonyms (n) importance,
synonyms (adj) elegant, classy, current, popular, consequence, flash, instant, jiffy, minute, import,
chic, dressy, dashing, genteel, modern, newfangled, bit, second, time, weight, hour, matter, juncture,
posh, rakish, smart, swanky, swell; antonyms (adj) magnitude, 2. momentum; synonyms (n)
unfashionable, unpopular, old-fashioned, 5. rage; impetus, impulse, force, drive, impulsion, pace,
synonyms (n) fury, wrath, anger, passion, frenzy, thrust, velocity, moment, power, propulsion,
exasperation, madness, mania, chafe, (v) fume, speed, progress; antonym (n) inertia.
bluster, storm, (adj) indignation, flame, ire. monitör monitor (izlemek); synonyms (v) check,
model 1. model (manken, örnek); synonyms (n) regulate, control, eavesdrop, observe, supervise, (n)
form, fashion, example, image, dummy, figure, admonisher, dame, ironclad, moderator.
prototype, frame, lesson, archetype, design, (v) montaj assembly; synonyms (n) gathering, meeting,
copy, pattern, imitate, shape; antonym (adj) collection, congregation, convention, fabrication,
atypical, 2. pattern (desen); synonyms (n) model, multitude, assembling, body, chamber, cluster,
mold, norm, order, paragon, cast, arrangement, company, conclave, concourse, (v) assemblage.
configuration, exemplar, formula, guide, make, mor purple; synonyms (adj) mauve, violet, imperial,
original, paradigm, (v) mould, 3. specimen; lilac, regal, royal, embellished, majestic, (n)
synonyms (n) sample, instance, person, illustration, empurpled, magenta, purpleness, damask, ermine,
representative, type, 4. design (proje, mantle, (v) empurple.
tasarlamak); synonyms (n) aim, purpose, scheme, moral morale; synonyms (n) spirit, confidence,
conception, drawing, device, idea, intent, temperament, character, feelings, mood, self-
contrivance, (v) plan, conceive, contrive, sketch, esteem, attitude, drive, esprit, humor, outlook,
construct, arrange; antonym (n) chance, 5. sample resolve, self-confidence, self-possession.
(örnek); synonyms (n) specimen, assay, case, piece, mostra sample (örnek); synonyms (n) example,
precedent, appetizer, (v) taste, try, attempt, essay, instance, specimen, model, pattern, assay, case,
prove, sip, bit, (adj) test, trial, 6. standard illustration, exemplar, design, (v) taste, try, attempt,
(standart); synonyms (adj) normal, regular, essay, (adj) test.
accepted, classic, common, (n) degree, measure, motif 1. design (proje, tasarlamak); synonyms (n)
average, criterion, flag, rate, gauge, benchmark, aim, purpose, scheme, conception, drawing,
canon, column; antonyms (adj) unusual, arrangement, device, idea, intent, contrivance, (v)
unconventional, special. plan, conceive, contrive, sketch, construct;
Modern 1. contemporary; synonyms (adj) antonym (n) chance, 2. motif; synonyms (n) design,
contemporaneous, modern, current, new, present, motive, pattern, subject, theme, figure, text, matter,
recent, up-to-date, topical, existing, fashionable, tune, badge, base, chorus, composition, crest,
fresh, simultaneous, coetaneous, (n) coeval, equal; emblem.
antonyms (adj) past, old, old-fashioned, 2. motivasyon motivation (güdü); synonyms (n)
modern; synonyms (adj) late, advanced, latest, motive, impulse, cause, incentive, reason, spur,
contemporary, novel, stylish, innovative, chic, impetus, force, grounds, motif, provocation,
latter, modernistic, modish, newfangled, young, stimulus, drive, inspiration.
groundbreaking, (n) neoteric; antonyms (adj) motor 1. engine (lokomotif, makine); synonyms
ancient, antiquated, prehistoric, traditional, (n) locomotive, machine, contrivance, implement,
conservative, neurotic, old-time, primordial. instrument, mechanism, organ, tool, utensil, 2.
modül module; synonyms (n) faculty, part, paradigm, motor; synonyms (n) engine, automobile, car,
subarray, bay, classes, constituent, course, conductor, (adj) motive, (v) drive, ride, travel.
diameter, lessons, program, protoplast, curriculum, motosiklet 1. cycle (bisiklet); synonyms (n) bicycle,
piece, section. circle, round, ring, sequence, circuit, period, turn,

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324 Turkish - English

bout, beat, run, age, (v) bike, motorcycle, wheel, 2. essay, examine, prove, quiz, sample, try, analyze,
bike; synonyms (n) motorbike, (v) cycle. attempt, (adj) experimental.
mozaik mosaic; synonyms (n) tesserae, strigae, muayenehane surgery; synonyms (n) operation,
mixture, assortment, hodgepodge, mishmash, chirurgery, act, functioning, or, performance,
mixoploid, (adj) tessellated, heterogeneous, procedure, process, treatment.
complex, motley, speckled, variegated, (v) plaid, muazzam 1. enormous; synonyms (adj) big, colossal,
tesselated. huge, immense, vast, excessive, exorbitant, great,
muaf immune; synonyms (adj) exempt, free, large, prodigious, tremendous, stupendous,
impervious, resistant, sacred, secure, privileged, gargantuan, giant, gigantic; antonyms (adj) minute,
allowed, excused, favored, insubordinate, small, tiny, insignificant, miniature, 2. mighty;
irresponsible, licensed, repellent, resistive. synonyms (adj) enormous, grand, powerful, intense,
muafiyet immunity; synonyms (n) exemption, high, forcible, strong, mammoth, cogent,
freedom, franchise, dispensation, privilege, formidable, hardy, potent, violent, massive,
exception, invulnerability, liberty, release, forceful, 3. huge (kocaman); synonyms (adj)
resistance, safety, security; antonym (n) extensive, elephantine, ample, considerable, jumbo,
vulnerability. monstrous, monumental, heavy, untold, bulky,
muamele 1. dealing; synonyms (n) commerce, trade, cavernous, cosmic, extreme, hefty, infinite.
transaction, deal, exchange, business, concern, mübarek 1. holy (kutsal); synonyms (adj) devout,
conduct, dealings, distribution, handling, traffic, divine, godly, heavenly, religious, blessed,
barter, 2. treatment (tedavi); synonyms (n) cure, hallowed, spiritual, devotional, celestial, pious,
management, manipulation, therapy, medication, pure, pietistic, sanctified, sainted; antonym (adj)
remedy, reception, attention, medicine, method, secular, 2. sacred (kutsal); synonyms (adj) holy,
usage, use, discourse, (v) behavior, treat, 3. deal consecrated, dedicated, inviolable, consecrate,
(anlaşma); synonyms (n) bargain, buy, agreement, devoted, sacrosanct, saintly, sublime, venerable,
arrangement, covenant, convention, compact, (v) biblical, (v) solemn, majestic, imposing; antonym
administer, allot, apportion, contract, cope, (adj) profane.
distribute, truck, assign; antonym (n) purchase. mücadele 1. conflict; synonyms (n) clash, combat,
muamma mystery; synonyms (n) conundrum, fight, battle, contention, contest, dispute,
arcanum, enigma, secret, mysteriousness, puzzle, encounter, action, antagonism, collision, difference,
secrecy, craft, perplexity, poser, problem, riddle, disagreement, engagement, (v) collide; antonyms
whodunit, cabala, question; antonyms (n) clearness, (n) agreement, accord, harmony, peace, (v) agree, 2.
explanation. contention (çekişme); synonyms (n) competition,
muavenet help (imdat, yardım, yardım etmek); argument, argumentation, conflict, assertion,
synonyms (v) aid, assist, avail, facilitate, favor, ease, controversy, discord, allegation, arguing, claim,
alleviate, contribute, (n) assistance, benefit, support, opposition, quarrel, race, enmity, affray, 3.
assistant, cure, boost, encouragement; antonyms (v) contest; synonyms (n) bout, altercation, struggle,
hinder, worsen, (n) hindrance, detriment. debate, feud, game, match, fray, (v) compete,
muavin 1. help (imdat, yardım, yardım etmek); contend, argue, challenge, war, controvert, discuss.
synonyms (v) aid, assist, avail, facilitate, favor, ease, mücevherat jewellery; synonyms (n) jewel, jewelry.
alleviate, contribute, (n) assistance, benefit, support, mucize 1. miracle; synonyms (n) marvel, wonder,
assistant, cure, boost, encouragement; antonyms (v) prodigy, phenomenon, surprise, wonderwork,
hinder, worsen, (n) hindrance, detriment, 2. event, sensation, 2. wonder (hayret); synonyms
assistant (asistan, yardımcı); synonyms (adj) (v) admire, query, question, reflect, speculate, (n)
ancillary, adjunct, (n) accessory, subordinate, admiration, amazement, astonishment, miracle,
acolyte, accomplice, auxiliary, colleague, helper, muse, wonderment, appreciation, awe, curiosity,
adjutant, aide, associate, attendant, coadjutor, portent.
deputy. müdahale intervention (araya girme); synonyms
muayene 1. examination; synonyms (n) audit, check, (n) intercession, interference, intermediation,
exam, search, test, consideration, exploration, intervene, arbitration, hindrance, intermission, (adj)
inquiry, investigation, study, survey, testing, mediation, interposition.
contemplation, analysis, (adj) examen, 2. müddet time (saat, süre, zaman); synonyms (n)
inspection (denetleme); synonyms (n) hour, moment, period, duration, epoch, era,
examination, review, surveillance, scrutiny, measure, season, day, spell, age, instant, interval,
observation, oversight, sight, supervision, view, space, tempo; antonym (n) death.
watch, inquisition, look, reconnaissance, research, müdür 1. manager (yönetici); synonyms (n)
(v) inspect, 3. test (sınamak); synonyms (n) trial, director, administrator, coach, executive, head,
audition, experiment, measure, criterion, (v) assay, leader, boss, chief, controller, governor, handler,

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superintendent, superior, supervisor, ruler; hidebound, orthodox, safe, traditional, intolerant,

antonym (n) underling, 2. director (yönetici); (n) square, traditionalist; antonyms (adj) activist,
synonyms (n) commander, manager, chairman, wide-ranging, (n) liberal, radical.
guide, master, principal, captain, officer, inspector, muhafız 1. guard (bekçi); synonyms (n) defend,
instructor, overseer, pilot, trainer, (v) conductor, defense, bulwark, care, cover, escort, protection,
direct, 3. administrator (yönetici); synonym (n) watchman, custody, convoy, defence, fender,
official. guardsman, (v) shield, keep, 2. guardian;
müfettiş 1. inspector; synonyms (n) examiner, synonyms (n) custodian, guard, defender, protector,
supervisor, auditor, controller, investigator, champion, curator, warden, keeper, patron, shelter,
superintendent, assessor, director, manager, steward, backer, (adj) protective, custodial, tutelary,
overseer, reviewer, surveyor, visitor, administrator, 3. keeper; synonyms (n) guardian, warder,
husband, 2. supervisor (denetçi); synonyms (n) caretaker, owner, custos.
boss, chief, foreman, executive, head, inspector, muhakeme reasoning; synonyms (n) inference,
superior, keeper, curator, custodian, steward, argumentation, deduction, argument, logic, sense,
governor, guardian, leader, officer, 3. judgment, reason, thought, analysis, philosophy,
superintendent; synonyms (n) caretaker, super, (adj) rational, conscious, mental.
janitor, master, ruler, warden. muhakkak 1. certain; synonyms (adj) actual, definite,
muğlak ambiguous (belirsiz); synonyms (adj) sure, absolute, assured, dependable, indisputable,
equivocal, indistinct, indeterminate, uncertain, reliable, categorical, decisive, fixed, inevitable,
evasive, slippery, amphibolous, confused, cryptic, infallible, particular, (v) bound; antonyms (adj)
doubtful, dubious, enigmatic, imprecise, indefinite, uncertain, doubtful, unsure, questionable, 2. sure;
(v) vague; antonyms (adj) clear, definite, synonyms (adj) certain, secure, safe, firm, confident,
unambiguous, unequivocal. positive, fast, guaranteed, indubitable, stable, true,
muhabbet 1. affection (sevgi); synonyms (n) affect, unerring, (adv) certainly, (v) steady, convinced;
charity, attachment, fondness, affectionateness, antonym (adj) hesitant, 3. certainly; synonyms
disease, feeling, heart, kindness, liking, love, (adv) assuredly, surely, necessarily, definitely,
tenderness, admiration, care, (v) regard; antonym really, truly, inevitably, absolutely, clearly, exactly,
(n) hatred, 2. love (aşk, sevgi, sevgili, sevmek); indeed, indubitably, positively, undeniably, (int)
synonyms (n) desire, affection, dear, benevolence, yes; antonyms (adv) doubtfully, questionably, 4.
beloved, darling, devotion, honey, sweetheart, doubtless; synonyms (adv) questionless,
favor, (v) cherish, enjoy, like, worship, (adj) flame; undoubtedly, presumably, probably,
antonyms (n) abhorrence, aversion, (v) hate, dislike, unquestionably, (adj) certes, 5. surely; synonyms
abhor. (adv) confidently, firmly, securely, (adj) doubtless.
muhabir 1. reporter; synonyms (n) newsman, muhalefet opposition; synonyms (n) contrast,
commentator, correspondent, journalist, columnist, conflict, antithesis, contrary, contrariety,
reviewer, newsperson, newswoman, (v) informant, antagonism, enemy, hostility, opponent, opposite,
intelligencer, authority, 2. correspondent; competition, contradiction, antagonist, antipathy,
synonyms (n) reporter, equivalent, writer, (adj) aversion; antonym (n) consent.
analogous, concordant, parallel, corresponding, muhalif opponent (aleyhtar); synonyms (n) enemy,
equal, appropriate, alike, conformable, fit, (v) antagonist, adversary, competitor, foe, contrary,
congruous, consonant, accordant. contestant, foeman, opposition, match, opposer,
muhafaza 1. enclosure; synonyms (n) coop, cage, opposite, rival, challenger, (adj) opposing;
barrier, enclosing, pen, hedge, addition, sty, case, antonyms (n) ally, supporter, follower.
envelopment, fencing, inclosure, insert, railing, Muhallebi pudding; synonyms (n) pud, sweet, gut,
ring, 2. conservation (koruma); synonyms (n) puddening, (adj) butter, clay, curd, dough, jam, pap,
maintenance, preservation, upkeep, keep, custody, gelatinous, pulp, rob, taste, wax.
protection; antonym (n) destruction, 3.
muharebe battle (savaş); synonyms (n) combat,
preservation; synonyms (n) conservation, contest, struggle, clash, conflict, war, action,
keeping, care, salvation, saving, security, creation; fighting, fray, scuffle, (v) fight, brawl, encounter,
antonyms (n) extinction, release, 4. protection quarrel, scrap.
(koruma); synonyms (n) defense, cover, defence, muhasebe 1. accounting; synonyms (adj) clerical,
guardianship, shelter, aegis, auspices, shield, office, secretarial, (n) bookkeeping, account,
bulwark, escort, charge, lee, patronage, precaution, accountancy, chronicle, explanation, grounds,
(v) guard. history, story, 2. accountancy; synonym (n)
muhafazakâr conservative; synonyms (adj) accounting.
moderate, bourgeois, conventional, cautious, muhasebeci accountant; synonyms (n) auditor,
reactionary, unprogressive, careful, right, teller, cashier, controller, almoner, liquidator, clerk,

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326 Turkish - English

accomptant, comptroller, logothete, questor, muhtemelen 1. probably; synonyms (adv)

receiver, steward, trustee, (adj) accountable. presumably, maybe, perhaps, belike, believably,
muhasebecilik accountancy; synonyms (n) credibly, apparently, possibly, plausibly, (adj) likely,
accounting, account. doubtless, like, 2. easily (kolayca); synonyms
muhasip accountant (muhasebeci); synonyms (n) (adv) lightly, comfortably, readily, well, easy,
auditor, teller, cashier, controller, almoner, handily, simply, smoothly, swimmingly, naturally;
liquidator, clerk, accomptant, comptroller, antonyms (adv) awkwardly, hardly, 3. perhaps
logothete, questor, receiver, steward, trustee, (adj) (belki); synonyms (adv) mayhap, peradventure,
accountable. perchance, probably; antonym (adv) definitely, 4.
mühendis engineer; synonyms (n) architect, presumably; synonyms (adv) presumptively,
mastermind, machinist, (v) devise, conduct, seemingly, supposedly, allegedly, superficially,
contrive, direct, organize, plan, construct, finagle, credible, doubtlessly, hypothetically, indubitably,
fix, guide, hatch, manage. reasonably, surely, theoretically, unquestionably.
mühendislik engineering; synonyms (n) mechanism, muhterem reverend; synonyms (adj) venerable,
technology, architecture, business, commerce, revered, reverenced, (n) cleric, preacher, clergyman,
complicity, machinery, trade, production, (adj) parson, rector, priest, vicar, minister, reverence.
manufacturing. muhteşem 1. grand (büyük); synonyms (adj)
mühim important (önemli); synonyms (adj) excellent, gorgeous, dignified, elevated, eminent,
essential, grave, fundamental, significant, chief, exalted, important, majestic, superb, beautiful,
crucial, key, remarkable, serious, earnest, high, massive, (n) glorious, noble, (v) great;
authoritative, big, central, consequential, antonyms (adj) unimpressive, humble, modest, 2.
considerable; antonyms (adj) unimportant,
splendid (görkemli); synonyms (adj) fine,
insignificant, trivial, minor, irrelevant, low,
illustrious, magnificent, brilliant, grand, royal,
worthless. gallant, proud, admirable, good, impressive,
mühimmat ammunition (cephane); synonyms (n) luxurious, resplendent, shining, imposing;
ammo, munition, shot, bullet, armament, missile, antonym (adj) poor, 3. gorgeous; synonyms (adj)
bullets, explosive, fuel, narcotic, ball, bombs,
attractive, gaudy, rich, wonderful, gay, costly,
buckshot, cannonball, chemical. delicious, delightful, handsome, lovely, opulent,
muhit surroundings; synonyms (n) medium, pretty, showy, splendid, striking; antonym (adj)
atmosphere, environment, environs, setting, ugly, 4. magnificent; synonyms (adj) grandiose,
habitat, neighborhood, milieu, scene, ambiance,
elegant, divine, exquisite, fabulous, stately, brave,
background, situation, surround, vicinity,
awesome, marvelous, mighty, outstanding,
palatial, pompous, regal, spectacular.
muhtaç dependent (bağımlı); synonyms (adj) muhtıra memorandum; synonyms (n) memo, note,
subject, subordinate, contingent, addicted,
memorial, entry, letter, memoranda, notice, record.
tributary, relative, secondary, (n) dependant,
charge, adjective, attendant, follower, servant, mühür seal (damga); synonyms (n) mark, stamp,
slave, vassal; antonyms (adj) independent, self- cachet, hallmark, imprint, impression, signet, (v)
plug, bar, close, shut, stop, clinch, lock, (adj)
governing, self-sufficient.
conclude; antonyms (v) open, unseal.
muhtasar brief; synonyms (adj) concise, short,
mühürlemek seal (damga); synonyms (n) mark,
abridge, little, summary, transient, short-lived,
stamp, cachet, hallmark, imprint, impression,
abrupt, abbreviated, brusque, compendious, curt,
signet, (v) plug, bar, close, shut, stop, clinch, lock,
(n) abstract, digest, (v) compact; antonyms (adj) long,
(adj) conclude; antonyms (v) open, unseal.
long-drawn-out, long-winded, permanent, lengthy,
mukaddes sacred (kutsal); synonyms (adj) hallowed,
holy, consecrated, dedicated, divine, religious,
muhtemel 1. probable; synonyms (adj) credible,
pious, blessed, inviolable, spiritual, consecrate,
likely, plausible, possible, potential, feasible,
celestial, devoted, (v) solemn, majestic; antonyms
hopeful, convincing, believable, specious,
(adj) secular, profane.
conceivable, presumptive, verisimilar, apparent;
antonyms (adj) unlikely, improbable, 2. likely;
mukavele 1. covenant; synonyms (n) contract,
compact, bond, arrangement, pact, concord, deed,
synonyms (adj) probable, expected, apt, prospective,
testament, (v) agreement, bargain, promise, vow,
imaginable, disposed, future, alike, like, promising,
agree, pledge, undertake, 2. contract; synonyms
prone, thinkable, (adv) possibly, belike, probably, 3.
(n) charter, (v) covenant, concentrate, condense,
prospective; synonyms (adj) coming, eventual,
narrow, catch, compress, constrict, shrink, wrinkle,
imminent, impending, forthcoming, latent,
abbreviate, diminish, lessen, (adj) abridge, shorten;
budding, immediate, near, approaching, awaited,
antonyms (v) expand, widen, stretch.
considered, looked-for, planned, promised.

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mukavemet resistance; synonyms (n) opposition, antonyms (adj) unfinished, incomplete, remaining,
endurance, friction, immunity, impedance, rough, 10. grand (büyük); synonyms (adj)
obstacle, renitency, confrontation, reluctance, elevated, exalted, important, superb, high, heroic,
stamina, dissent, backlash, (v) rebellion, huge, immense, lordly, vast, spectacular,
interference, mutiny; antonyms (n) smoothness, enormous, showy, solemn, (n) earnest; antonyms
agreement, obedience, susceptibility. (adj) unimpressive, humble, modest.
mukavva 1. board (tahta); synonyms (n) council, mükemmelleştirmek perfect (eksiksiz); synonyms
bench, meal, panel, table, office, sign, commission, (adj) consummate, complete, exact, utter, entire,
committee, court, embark, plank, (v) keep, lodge, faultless, thorough, exquisite, integral, blameless,
accommodate; antonym (v) disembark, 2. clean, (v) achieve, accomplish, (n) absolute, full;
cardboard; synonyms (n) card, (adj) flimsy, paper, antonyms (adj) imperfect, faulty, flawed.
ponderous, unlifelike, fragile, light, slight, tenuous, mükemmellik 1. perfection; synonyms (n)
thin. excellence, consummation, ideal, maturity,
mukayese comparison; synonyms (n) analogy, paragon, completeness, completion, finish, crown,
compare, likeness, resemblance, comparing, development, flawlessness, ripeness, integrity,
contrast, correspondence, parallel, similarity, complete, perfect; antonym (n) imperfection, 2.
connection, relation, ratio, parable, comparability, excellence; synonyms (n) distinction, eminence,
(prep) antithesis; antonym (n) dissimilarity. advantage, goodness, superiority, virtue, greatness,
mükemmel 1. excellent; synonyms (adj) choice, quality, value, (adj) merit, worth, desert, mastery;
estimable, admirable, superior, capital, beautiful, antonym (n) inferiority.
distinctive, brilliant, fantastic, fine, good, great, muktedir able; synonyms (adj) capable, clever,
magnificent, marvelous, (n) worthy; antonyms (adj) competent, dexterous, accomplished, adroit,
inferior, poor, abysmal, awful, mediocre, 2. consummate, effective, expert, fit, gifted, ingenious,
perfect (eksiksiz); synonyms (adj) consummate, endowed, (n) efficient, talented; antonyms (adj)
complete, exact, utter, entire, faultless, thorough, incapable, incompetent, inept, unable, untrained,
exquisite, integral, blameless, clean, (v) achieve, weak.
accomplish, (n) absolute, full; antonyms (adj) mülk 1. estate; synonyms (n) condition, land,
imperfect, faulty, flawed, 3. fine (güzel, ince, demesne, order, rank, domain, acres, property,
iyi); synonyms (adj) delicate, agreeable, dainty, state, substance, category, class, fortune, ground,
brave, elegant, excellent, nice, thin, delightful, heritage, 2. possession (iyelik); synonyms (n)
acute, alright, glorious, (n) penalty, amercement, (v) occupancy, occupation, ownership, keeping, goods,
punish; antonyms (adj) thick, coarse, substantial, tenure, grasp, estate, asset, seizin, seizure, tenancy,
unsatisfactory, wide, 4. splendid (görkemli); colony, custody, (v) acquisition, 3. property
synonyms (adj) gorgeous, illustrious, grand, noble, (özellik); synonyms (n) characteristic, capital,
royal, gallant, proud, impressive, luxurious, peculiarity, feature, belongings, character, nature,
majestic, resplendent, shining, imposing, lustrous, place, wealth, faculty, thing, assets, (adj) attribute,
costly, 5. superb; synonyms (adj) splendid, rich, quality, (v) possession.
super, fabulous, stately, sublime, terrific, mülkiyet 1. ownership (sahiplik); synonyms (n)
wonderful, stunning, rare, grandiose, perfect, regal, control, proprietorship, occupancy, possession,
stupendous, first-rate, 6. absolute (mutlak, saf, tenure, title, hold, (adj) property, claim, right, 2.
tam); synonyms (adj) downright, peremptory, total, property (özellik); synonyms (n) characteristic,
unconditional, categorical, real, unqualified, actual, capital, peculiarity, feature, belongings, character,
arbitrary, authoritative, certain, conclusive, asset, estate, goods, nature, place, wealth,
dictatorial, extreme, (n) positive; antonyms (adj) substance, (adj) attribute, quality.
partial, qualified, 7. elegant (şık, zarif); mülteci refugee; synonyms (n) fugitive, emigrant,
synonyms (adj) graceful, courtly, polite, refined, exile, migrant, expatriate, outcast.
dressy, artistic, charming, chic, classy, cultured, Multimedya multimedia; synonym (n) disc.
debonair, neat, pretty, smart, urbane; antonyms
mum candle; synonyms (n) candela, light, taper,
(adj) clumsy, inelegant, scruffy, ugly, plain, tacky, 8. cadmium, luminary, wick, (v) check, investigate,
great (büyük); synonyms (adj) eminent, famous, scrutinize.
gigantic, big, distinguished, extensive, large, chief, mümessil representative (temsilci); synonyms (adj)
ample, celebrated, considerable, dignified, massive,
characteristic, typical, model, (n) agent, delegate,
spacious, voluminous; antonyms (adj) small, deputy, envoy, proxy, ambassador, emissary,
insignificant, tiny, mild, 9. finished; synonyms (v) instance, member, substitute, congressman, (v)
done, (adj) completed, ended, accomplished, represent.
polished, ripe, ruined, spent, round, capable, mümkün 1. feasible; synonyms (adj) practicable,
decided, final, concluded, exhausted, (adv) over; possible, probable, fit, achievable, available,

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credible, doable, likely, practical, realizable, viable, mürekkep ink; synonyms (n) mark, notoriety,
attainable, executable, plausible; antonym (adj) publicity, (v) sign, subscribe, autograph, blacken,
impossible, 2. possible; synonyms (adj) contract, employ, engage, hire, (adj) raven, sloe,
conceivable, imaginable, feasible, earthly, maybe, smut, jet.
potential, thinkable, workable, believable, eventual, mürekkeplemek ink (mürekkep); synonyms (n)
prospective, reasonable, latent; antonyms (adj) mark, notoriety, publicity, (v) sign, subscribe,
unlikely, compulsory. autograph, blacken, contract, employ, engage, hire,
mumya mummy; synonyms (n) mama, mamma, (adj) raven, sloe, smut, jet.
mammy, mom, momma, mommy, mum, mater, mürettebat crew; synonyms (n) company, cluster,
am, milliampere, secrecy, skeleton, (v) shrivel. band, bunch, gang, party, assemblage, crowd,
münakaşa argument (tartışma); synonyms (n) faction, group, set, side, team, assembly,
controversy, debate, matter, proof, reason, hassle, association.
altercation, arguing, brawl, clash, contention, müsaade 1. permission (izin); synonyms (n)
difference, disagreement, discussion, fight; consent, license, permit, approval, authority, leave,
antonyms (n) agreement, harmony. liberty, licence, agreement, assent, authorization,
münasip 1. proper; synonyms (adj) appropriate, dispensation, pass, sanction, (v) allowance;
correct, due, decent, fit, just, agreeable, apt, antonym (n) refusal, 2. leave (bırakmak);
becoming, befitting, decorous, fitting, legitimate, synonyms (v) depart, forsake, go, abandon, desert,
modest, right; antonyms (adj) improper, quit, escape, flee, lead, lay, (n) furlough, holiday,
inappropriate, unseemly, wrong, rude, 2. suitable permission, break, (adj) empty; antonyms (v) arrive,
(uygun); synonyms (adj) good, proper, convenient, enter, stay, remain, approach, change, come, 3.
eligible, apposite, desirable, pertinent, respectable, permit (izin, izin vermek); synonyms (v) allow,
fitted, adequate, compatible, competent, expedient, give, admit, let, bear, endure, have, agree, legalize,
opportune, (n) seasonable; antonym (adj) unsuitable. enable, suffer, tolerate, warrant, (n) charter, (adj)
münhal vacant (boş); synonyms (adj) empty, blank, grant; antonyms (v) forbid, ban, prevent, prohibit,
hollow, bare, devoid, free, idle, unfilled, stop.
unoccupied, void, expressionless, deserted, open, müsait convenient; synonyms (adj) comfortable,
vacuous, inane; antonyms (adj) full, occupied. commodious, handy, advantageous, appropriate,
muntazam 1. steady; synonyms (adj) firm, even, expedient, fit, near, nearby, opportune, ready,
secure, constant, continual, fixed, resolute, stable, timely, useful, snug, (n) favorable; antonyms (adj)
cool, incessant, sedate, settled, (v) steadfast, calm, inconvenient, fixed, unwieldy, useless.
regular; antonyms (adj) unsteady, shaky, wobbly, müsamaha tolerance (hoşgörü); synonyms (n)
intermittent, unreliable, 2. regular (düzenli, endurance, allowance, indulgence, leniency,
normal); synonyms (adj) normal, orderly, steady, patience, lenience, margin, permissiveness,
common, customary, general, methodical, consideration, kindness, leeway, forbearance,
ordinary, formal, accurate, correct, habitual, mercy, approval, permission; antonyms (n)
proper, (n) familiar, (v) conventional; antonyms (adj) intolerance, narrow-mindedness, bigotry,
irregular, erratic, inconsistent, unusual, variable, chauvinism, extremism.
asymmetrical, extraordinary, straight. müşavir adviser; synonyms (n) advisor, consultant,
muntazaman regularly; synonyms (adv) often, counselor, counsel, guide, prompter, teacher, agent,
generally, always, customarily, frequently, assistant, confidante, dealer, dictator, herald,
normally, repeatedly, usually, commonly, informer, instructor.
continually, evenly, ever, habitually, methodically, müşfik 1. kind (tür); synonyms (n) form, helpful,
mostly; antonyms (adv) inconsistently, unusually, sort, benign, brand, breed, class, gentle, type,
constantly. variety, (adj) friendly, generous, good, humane,
müphem 1. ambiguous (belirsiz); synonyms (adj) affectionate; antonyms (adj) unkind, callous, cruel,
equivocal, indistinct, indeterminate, uncertain, hardhearted, mean, merciless, nasty, spiteful,
evasive, slippery, amphibolous, confused, cryptic, uncaring, upsetting, disagreeable, unfeeling, 2.
doubtful, dubious, enigmatic, imprecise, indefinite, soft; synonyms (adj) easy, light, limp, balmy,
(v) vague; antonyms (adj) clear, definite, delicate, quiet, slack, loose, clement, faint, flabby,
unambiguous, unequivocal, 2. vague; synonyms flaccid, frail, (v) feeble, low; antonyms (adj) hard,
(adj) obscure, ambiguous, faint, undefined, firm, harsh, loud, hoarse, rough, solid, stiff,
undetermined, feeble, dim, fuzzy, hazy, nebulous, alcoholic, shrill, strong, 3. tender; synonyms (adj)
shadowy, lax, general, intangible, (v) loose; painful, loving, sensitive, soft, sore, compassionate,
antonyms (adj) distinct, exact, particular, precise, fond, mild, caring, (v) proffer, present, propose, (n)
specific, sure. offer, bid, overture; antonyms (adj) tough, rubbery.

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Turkish - English 329

musiki music (müzik); synonyms (n) harmony, müstesna exceptional; synonyms (adj) special,
melody, chorus, musical, composition, sound, abnormal, excellent, extraordinary, particular,
euphony, medicine, refrain, din, entertainment, prodigious, singular, uncommon, exceeding,
gayety, glee, (adj) decreasing, increasing. outstanding, rare, single, superior, unique,
muska charm; synonyms (n) allure, amulet, appeal, unusual; antonyms (adj) common, mediocre,
spell, attraction, conjure, (v) attract, captivate, ordinary, average, normal, usual, abysmal, inferior,
bewitch, fascinate, enchant, entrance, beguile, poor.
capture, enamor; antonyms (n) repulsion, ugliness, müsvedde draft (taslak); synonyms (n) bill,
(v) repel. conscription, sketch, check, drawing, (v) draught,
musluk tap; synonyms (n) pat, dab, hit, bang, strike, outline, design, blueprint, compose, enlist, plan,
stroke, touch, blow, (v) knock, rap, broach, bug, recruit, chart, delineate; antonym (v) discharge.
beat, eavesdrop, exploit. müteahhit 1. contractor; synonyms (n) builder,
müstakbel future; synonyms (adj) unborn, coming, entrepreneur, party, undertaker, affirmer, asserter,
prospective, intended, potential, approaching, avower, dealer, declarer, outworker, broker,
forthcoming, imminent, impending, later, (n) freelancer, merchant, seller, 2. builder; synonyms
prospect, hereafter, fate, futurity, (v) horizon; (n) architect, constructor, founder, artificer, creator,

antonym (n) past. developer, maker, manufacturer, artist, engineer.

müstakil separate (ayırmak, ayrı, bölmek); müteakip 1. following; synonyms (adj) consequent,
synonyms (adj) detached, (v) detach, divorce, part, next, ensuing, subsequent, consecutive, later,
insulate, scatter, cut, dissociate, disconnect, posterior, succeeding, (v) consequential, (n)
discrete, discriminate, disjoin, disperse, distinguish, entourage, chase, followers, pursuit, (adv) under,
divide; antonyms (adj) connected, joined, after; antonym (adj) preceding, 2. subsequent;
simultaneous, (v) unite, merge, mix, combine, fuse, synonyms (adj) following, second, coming, latter,
join, link, associate. sequential, successive, postnate; antonym (adj)
müstehcen dirty (kirli, pis); synonyms (adj) foul, previous.
dirt, contemptible, bawdy, contaminated, dingy, muteber valid (Geçerli); synonyms (adj) legal,
impure, despicable, (v) muddy, corrupt, soil, sound, right, genuine, solid, forcible, substantial,
contaminate, begrime, bemire, (n) defile; antonyms authentic, good, legitimate, powerful, rightful,
(adj) hygienic, pure, spotless, immaculate, (v) clean. strong, true, cogent; antonyms (adj) unacceptable,
müşterek 1. joint (birleşik, eklem, mafsal, ortak); invalid, annulled, bogus, illogical.
synonyms (adj) collective, common, communal, mütehassıs specialist (uzman); synonyms (adj)
cooperative, mutual, bilateral, (n) articulation, expert, specialized, specialistic, choice, luxury,
hinge, join, seam, connection, tie, joining, (v) premium, (n) authority, professional, connoisseur,
articulate, associate; antonyms (adj) individual, craftsman, doctor, epicurean, physician, source,
unilateral, private, separate, 2. common (adi, specializer; antonym (n) amateur.
ortak); synonyms (adj) ordinary, coarse, cheap, mutemet trustee; synonyms (n) fiduciary, guardian,
usual, vulgar, accustomed, base, ignoble, mean, regent, consignee, keeper, steward, custodian,
mediocre, plebeian, public, trivial, banal, (n) questor, receiver.
habitual; antonyms (adj) uncommon, rare, unusual, müteşekkir grateful; synonyms (adj) thankful,
characteristic, one-off, specific, unique, aristocratic, agreeable, appreciative, beholden, indebted,
exclusive, extraordinary, infrequent, 3. collective; obliged, pleasing, (n) welcome; antonym (adj)
synonyms (adj) aggregate, general, joint, ungrateful.
cumulative, generic, community, corporate, social, mütevelli trustee; synonyms (n) fiduciary, guardian,
unanimous, united, (n) commune, group; antonyms regent, consignee, keeper, steward, custodian,
(adj) capitalist, distributive, 4. mutual (karşılıklı, questor, receiver.
ortak); synonyms (adj) reciprocal, alternate, mutfak kitchen; synonyms (n) cookroom, basement,
concerted, shared, commutual, interchangeable; offices, pantry, scullery, stomach.
antonym (adj) one-sided. müthiş 1. awful; synonyms (adj) abominable,
müşteri 1. customer (alıcı); synonyms (n) consumer, appalling, awesome, dreadful, fearful, terrible,
buyer, patron, client, guest, purchaser, shopper, atrocious, bad, horrible, nasty, alarming, amazing,
fellow, passenger, person, spender; antonym (n) deplorable, detestable, (adv) beastly; antonyms (adj)
seller, 2. client (alıcı, müvekkil); synonym (n) excellent, great, marvelous, wonderful, lovely, nice,
customer, 3. buyer (alıcı); synonyms (n) emptor, pleasant, 2. fearful; synonyms (adj) afraid,
user, vendee; antonym (n) vendor, 4. purchaser; cowardly, anxious, apprehensive, awful, craven,
timid, dire, eerie, formidable, frightful, dastardly,
synonym (n) punter.
desperate, direful, frightened; antonyms (adj) brave,
calm, rational, bold, confident, unimpressed, 3.

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devastating; synonyms (adj) destructive, substitute; antonyms (adj) permanent, continuous,

annihilating, crushing, ruinous, stunning, enduring, eternal, everlasting, long-term.
disastrous, tremendous, withering, annihilative, müvekkil client (alıcı, müşteri); synonyms (n)
calamitous, 4. formidable; synonyms (adj) buyer, customer, patron, guest, purchaser,
arduous, grim, difficult, forbidding, heavy, dread, consumer, spender.
onerous, redoubtable, stiff, tough, herculean, muzaffer triumphant; synonyms (adj) jubilant,
rugged, serious, hard, laborious, 5. terrific; victorious, successful, triumphal, exulting,
synonyms (adj) fantastic, shocking, brilliant, winning, conquering, elated, gleeful, joyful,
enormous, fabulous, magnificent, marvellous, prideful, rejoicing, (v) exultant; antonym (adj)
splendid, super, superb, extraordinary, grand,
rattling, howling, outstanding.
müzakere 1. debate; synonyms (n) argue,
mutlak absolute (saf, tam); synonyms (adj)
argumentation, contention, argument, controversy,
downright, peremptory, total, unconditional,
disputation, (v) contest, dispute, contend,
categorical, full, real, unqualified, utter, actual,
altercation, controvert, discuss, canvass, altercate,
arbitrary, authoritative, certain, complete, (n)
consider; antonym (v) agree, 2. negotiation;
positive; antonyms (adj) partial, qualified.
synonyms (n) mediation, bargain, parley,
mutlu 1. happy (memnun); synonyms (adj) transaction, arbitration, diplomacy, dealing, talks.
fortunate, felicitous, contented, gay, buoyant,
müze museum; synonyms (n) gallery, depository,
content, gleeful, gratified, blithe, bright, carefree,
landmark, treasury.
cheerful, cheery, (n) auspicious, blessed; antonyms
(adj) unhappy, sad, dejected, depressed, miserable, müzik music; synonyms (n) harmony, melody,
sorrowful, 2. content (içerik); synonyms (n) chorus, musical, composition, sound, euphony,
medicine, refrain, din, entertainment, gayety, glee,
capacity, contentment, matter, meaning, subject,
substance, contentedness, (adj) happy, fulfilled, (v) (adj) decreasing, increasing.

appease, please, satisfy, suffice, delight, gratify; müzikal musical; synonyms (adj) melodious,
antonyms (adj) tormented, discontented, harmonious, melodic, canorous, sweet, tuneful,
dissatisfied, rebellious, (v) discontent, upset. pleasing; antonym (adj) discordant.
mutluluk happiness; synonyms (n) delight, müziksever musical; synonyms (adj) melodious,
enjoyment, blessedness, bliss, cheerfulness, harmonious, melodic, canorous, sweet, tuneful,
contentment, ecstasy, felicity, gladness, luck, pleasing; antonym (adj) discordant.
merriment, welfare, beatitude, joy, rapture; muzip wicked; synonyms (adj) atrocious, bad, evil,
antonyms (n) unhappiness, sadness, despair, grief, sinful, vicious, depraved, immoral, mischievous,
misery, dissatisfaction. unholy, vile, corrupt, criminal, diabolical, foul,
mutlulukla happily; synonyms (adv) fortunately, hellish; antonyms (adj) good, innocent, kind, moral,
gladly, blissfully, cheerfully, joyfully, joyously, pious, pure.
luckily, merrily, providentially, blithely, brightly, muzır harmful; synonyms (adj) baneful, destructive,
gayly; antonyms (adv) sadly, unhappily, detrimental, disadvantageous, hurtful, injurious,
unfortunately, (v) miserably. noxious, dangerous, damaging, deleterious, evil,
mutsuz unhappy; synonyms (adj) unfortunate, maleficent, adverse, bad, baleful; antonyms (adj)
depressed, dismal, gloomy, melancholy, sad, harmless, healthy, safe, helpful.
disconsolate, distressed, infelicitous, low, müzisyen musician; synonyms (n) player,
miserable, sorrowful, disappointed, downcast, instrumentalist, minstrel, singer, actor, artiste,
mournful; antonyms (adj) happy, cheerful, pleased, virtuoso.
satisfied. müzmin 1. confirmed; synonyms (adj) chronic,
müttefik 1. allied; synonyms (adj) akin, related, inveterate, assured, habitual, constant, affirmed,
confederate, cognate, connected, united, joined, definite, established, fixed, ingrained, set, valid,
associated, confederative, kindred, linked, near, accustomed; antonyms (adj) unconfirmed,
relative; antonyms (adj) rival, unrelated, 2. ally; unproven, 2. chronic (kronik); synonyms (adj)
synonyms (n) accomplice, companion, friend, confirmed, continuous, frequent, persistent,
colleague, partner, accessory, adherent, assistant, prolonged, regular, repeated, usual, (v) permanent;
auxiliary, (v) affiliate, align, support, band, (adj) antonym (adj) temporary.
associate, coadjutor; antonyms (n) adversary, foe,
muvakkat temporary (geçici); synonyms (adj) N
ephemeral, passing, temporal, acting, momentary,
fleeting, impermanent, provisional, transient, nabız pulse; synonyms (n) beat, impulse, pulsation,
transitory, brief, fugitive, stopgap, irregular, heartbeat, legume, rhythm, pounding, cadence,

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measure, pulsing, (v) pulsate, throb, palpitate, iterate, recur, renew, reproduce, say, cite, 2.
pound, vibrate. chorus; synonyms (n) ensemble, refrain,
nadir 1. rare; synonyms (adj) extraordinary, acclamation, song, tune, (v) choir, chant, (adv)
uncommon, exceptional, infrequent, precious, descant, glee, madrigal, catch, 3. burden;
scarce, seldom, thin, unusual, few, choice, curious, synonyms (n) load, anxiety, pack, strain, bale, care,
fine, odd, peculiar; antonyms (adj) common, cargo, concern, core, (v) bother, weight, burthen,
frequent, ordinary, 2. uncommon; synonyms (adj) clog, trouble, afflict; antonyms (v) relieve,
rare, singular, special, strange, unaccustomed, unburden.
abnormal, occasional, remarkable, queer, different, nakil transport; synonyms (n) rapture, (v) transfer,
irregular, unfamiliar, unwonted, distinctive, transmit, bear, carry, delight, enrapture, exile,
eccentric; antonym (adj) typical, 3. unique banish, convey, enchant, ferry, ravish, send, take;
(benzersiz, tek); synonyms (adj) only, individual, antonyms (v) disenchant, remain.
solitary, alone, distinct, incomparable, inimitable, nakit cash (para); synonyms (n) ready, bread, capital,
matchless, sole, unequaled, unparalleled, exclusive,
change, funds, money, coin, coins, currency,
single, particular, peerless; antonym (adj) recurring, exchange, means, needful, wealth, (v) encash,
4. unusual; synonyms (adj) quaint, exotic, liquidate; antonym (n) credit.
unprecedented, anomalous, bizarre, fantastic, nakletmek 1. carry (taşımak); synonyms (v) bear,
funny, notable, unconventional, unnatural,
bring, convey, conduct, take, acquit, behave,
unorthodox, fresh, new, phenomenal, uncanny; accept, comport, hold, pack, transport, load,
antonyms (adj) usual, normal, customary, familiar, assume, admit, 2. convey; synonyms (v) carry,
conventional, routine. communicate, channel, express, fetch, transfer,
nadiren 1. rarely; synonyms (adv) seldom, transmit, impart, mean, cause, cede, consign,
infrequently, hardly, uncommonly, unusually, deliver, ferry, grant, 3. transfer (aktarma,
little, exceptionally, scarcely; antonyms (adv) aktarmak); synonyms (n) conveyance, assignment,
frequently, often, usually, 2. seldom; synonyms transference, (v) change, remove, shift, exchange,
(adv) rarely, occasionally, (adj) scarce, rare, few, send, commit, give, interchange, move, pass,
infrequent. transplant, delegate; antonym (v) keep, 4. ship
nafaka maintenance (bakım); synonyms (n) (gemi); synonyms (n) boat, craft, bottom, (v)
livelihood, alimony, care, keep, living, sustenance, dispatch, forward, embark, post, charge, mail, 5.
charge, conservation, continuation, custody, communicate; synonyms (v) advertise, advise,
preservation, service, support, sustainment,
announce, apprise, commune, intimate, relay,
sustentation; antonym (n) end. reveal, acquaint, divulge, render, return, share,
nafile useless; synonyms (adj) futile, pointless, talk, tell, 6. transport; synonyms (n) rapture,
unnecessary, needless, abortive, fruitless, hopeless, transportation, shipping, ecstasy, (v) delight,
worthless, idle, barren, superfluous, bootless, enrapture, exile, banish, enchant, ravish, entrance,
incompetent, ineffective, ineffectual; antonyms (adj) run, haul, ship, deport; antonyms (v) disenchant,
useful, helpful, competent, effective, convenient, remain.
necessary, valuable.
nakliye 1. carriage; synonyms (n) attitude, transport,
nağme 1. air (hava, havalandırmak); synonyms (n) behavior, conveyance, air, coach, demeanor,
tune, appearance, manner, atmosphere, look, deportment, gait, manner, mien, port, position,
melody, strain, face, (v) ventilate, broadcast, show, posture, (v) bearing, 2. freight (navlun);
transmit, vent, weather, aerate, 2. tune; synonyms synonyms (n) cargo, load, burden, lading,
(n) song, air, concord, harmony, note, consonance, consignment, freightage, shipment, goods, loading,
music, sound, tone, line, (v) adjust, regulate, chant, merchandise, payload, weight, (v) carry, ship, lade,
attune, string, 3. strain; synonyms (n) stress, breed,
3. shipping; synonyms (n) freight, transportation,
effort, stretch, exertion, race, (v) filter, screen, sift,
moving, carrying, craft, ecstasy, exaltation, rapture,
tax, endeavor, exert, extend, percolate, pull;
raptus, transferral, vehicle.
antonym (v) relax.
nakliyeci carrier (taşıyıcı); synonyms (n) bearer,
nahoş unpleasant; synonyms (adj) disagreeable, messenger, courier, mailman, porter, postman,
harsh, nasty, obnoxious, offensive, ugly, sour, vehicle, transport, envoy, bag, channel, container,
awkward, bad, forbidding, repulsive, hard, rude, emissary, newsboy, solvent.
abhorrent, bitter; antonyms (adj) pleasant,
nalbant smith; synonyms (n) metalworker, architect,
agreeable, delightful, attractive, comfortable,
artificer, artist, bricklayer, builder, maker,
enjoyable, nice, wonderful, charming.
manufacturer, mason, craftsman.
nakarat 1. repeat (tekrarlamak, yinelemek);
synonyms (v) recite, copy, recapitulate, reduplicate,
rehearse, reiterate, return, double, duplicate,

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nallamak shoe (ayakkabı); synonyms (n) boot, nara cry (ağlamak, bağırmak, feryat); synonyms
horseshoe, skid, clog, splint, spoke, sprit, base, (n) shout, bark, scream, yell, clamor, roar, bay,
stilts, stirrup, galoshes. crying, (v) call, bellow, shriek, weep, exclaim, howl,
nam 1. name (ad, isim); synonyms (n) call, title, moan; antonyms (v) laugh, whisper.
epithet, address, appellation, (v) appoint, baptize, narin 1. fragile; synonyms (adj) dainty, delicate, frail,
describe, cite, designate, entitle, enumerate, breakable, brittle, flimsy, weak, faint, feeble, fine,
identify, list, mention, 2. fame (ün); synonyms (n) slim, frangible, insubstantial, shaky, slender;
credit, distinction, report, reputation, bruit, honor, antonyms (adj) strong, unbreakable, substantial,
prestige, renown, buzz, eminence, hearsay, kudos, sturdy, permanent, robust, 2. delicate; synonyms
(v) celebrity, cry, esteem; antonyms (n) infamy, (adj) accurate, fragile, refined, tender, beautiful,
obscurity, anonymity, 3. reputation; synonyms (n) difficult, nice, sensitive, soft, agreeable, infirm,
fame, name, face, character, notoriety, prominence, careful, decent, elegant, exquisite; antonyms (adj)
repute, standing, glory, rank, estimation, inelegant, heavy, tough, 3. slight; synonyms (adj)
importance, respect, account, (v) regard. thin, lean, little, meager, petty, remote, (n) scorn,
namevcut 1. absent (yok); synonyms (adj) off, disdain, (v) disregard, insult, neglect, ignore,
wanting, inattentive, absentminded, abstracted, affront, cut, (adv) light; antonyms (adj) considerable,
faraway, lost, missing, nonexistent, out, major, fat, intense, obvious, severe, thickset, wide,
preoccupied, (adv) away; antonym (adj) present, 2. 4. slender; synonyms (adj) narrow, lithe, slight,
missing (eksik); synonyms (adj) lacking, absent, gaunt, lissom, scanty, skinny, exiguous, minute,
gone, deficient, misplaced. graceful, lissome, poor, small, (v) lank, scant;
namus 1. honesty (dürüstlük); synonyms (n) antonyms (adj) plump, stocky.
candor, fairness, integrity, justice, candidness, nasihat 1. advice (öğüt); synonyms (n) admonition,
equity, frankness, probity, chastity, decency, faith, caution, counsel, warning, exhortation, instruction,
honestness, morality, rectitude, (adj) fidelity; intelligence, monition, notice, report, tidings,
antonyms (n) dishonesty, deceit, deception, advisement, announcement, communication,
deviousness, treachery, wickedness, 2. honour; direction, 2. counsel (avukat, öğüt, öğüt
synonyms (n) award, accolade, innocence, vermek); synonyms (n) advocate, attorney,
awarding, (v) esteem, honor, respect, celebrate, consultation, counselor, guidance,
observe, reward, comply, detect, discover, find, recommendation, (v) advice, advise, consult,
follow; antonym (v) dishonor. admonish, confer, exhort, urge, warn, direct.
namuslu 1. honest (dürüst); synonyms (adj) fair, nasıl how; synonyms (adv) whereby, however,
genuine, equitable, good, sincere, artless, candid, whence, nevertheless, nonetheless,
clean, decent, dependable, faithful, forthright, notwithstanding, withal, yet.
frank, guileless, heartfelt; antonyms (adj) dishonest, nasır corn (mısır); synonyms (n) maize, clavus,
corrupt, guarded, lying, misleading, disloyal, cereals, callus, wheat, grain, commonplace, (v) feed,
unwholesome, 2. upright; synonyms (adj) keep.
perpendicular, straight, erect, vertical, just, navlun freight; synonyms (n) cargo, load, burden,
righteous, honest, honorable, plumb, right, true,
lading, consignment, freightage, shipment, goods,
virtuous, pure, moral, (n) column; antonyms (adv) loading, merchandise, payload, weight, (v) carry,
horizontally, (adj) disreputable, prone, upturned, ship, lade.
degenerate, hanging, 3. honourable; synonyms
naylon nylon; synonym (n) polyamide.
(adj) estimable, ethical, 4. straight (düz);
nazar 1. eye (göz); synonyms (n) optic, opinion,
synonyms (adv) level, directly, frankly, due,
peeper, (v) behold, see, view, gaze, stare, look,
immediately, (adj) even, flat, upright, correct,
watch, glance, glimpse, examine, eyeball, regard, 2.
proper, accurate, immediate, consecutive, neat, (v)
direct; antonyms (adv) indirectly, (adj) curly, curved,
look (bakış, bakmak); synonyms (v) seem,
appear, expect, figure, attend, eye, (n) face,
diluted, winding, zigzag, askew, bent, curvy,
appearance, aspect, air, countenance, expression,
knotted, twisted, twisting, wavy, circuitous,
guise, cast, feel.
lopsided, 5. respectable; synonyms (adj)
reputable, considerable, decorous, creditable, nazari theoretical (kuramsal, teorik); synonyms
passable, becoming, goodish, goodly, hefty, (adj) hypothetical, abstract, speculative, theoretic,
modest, sizable, tidy, worthy, appropriate, ideal, academic, conjectural, impractical; antonyms
honourable. (adj) practical, concrete, real, scientific.
namzet candidate (aday); synonyms (n) applicant, nazariye theory (kuram, teori); synonyms (n)
aspirant, contestant, contender, hopeful, nominee, supposition, assumption, conjecture, guess,
prospect, suitor, amateur, campaigner. hypothesis, speculation, idea, opinion, surmise,
belief, presumption, thought, concept, postulation,
postulate; antonym (n) fact.

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nazarlık charm; synonyms (n) allure, amulet, appeal, paragraph, canto, chapter, count, distich, meter;
spell, attraction, conjure, (v) attract, captivate, antonym (n) prose.
bewitch, fascinate, enchant, entrance, beguile, ne 1. how (nasıl); synonyms (adv) whereby, however,
capture, enamor; antonyms (n) repulsion, ugliness, whence, nevertheless, nonetheless,
(v) repel. notwithstanding, withal, yet, 2. whatever;
nazik 1. gentle; synonyms (adj) clement, calm, easy, synonyms (adj) any, whatsoever, (pron) what, partly,
friendly, soft, affable, balmy, kind, mild, tame, somewhat, whatso, whosoever, (adv) anyway,
feeble, amiable, benign, bland, (n) benevolent; regardless.
antonyms (adj) caustic, cruel, fierce, harsh, loud, nebze shadow (gölge); synonyms (n) shade, ghost,
violent, rough, abrupt, hardhearted, heavy, tail, trace, darkness, hint, apparition, follower,
sarcastic, sheer, steep, 2. decent; synonyms (adj) gloom, phantom, reflection, (v) eclipse, follow,
proper, adequate, appropriate, acceptable, obscure, overshadow.
becoming, comely, decorous, honest, modest, neden 1. cause; synonyms (n) case, action, occasion,
respectable, right, seemly, sufficient, chaste, ethical; account, basis, campaign, (v) make, breed, do,
antonyms (adj) immoral, unwholesome, induce, allow, arouse, beget, bring, engender;
inappropriate, disreputable, filthy, inadequate, antonym (n) consequence, 2. why; synonyms (adv)
indecent, unsuitable, 3. civil; synonyms (adj) polite, so, (n) wherefore, reason, grounds, conundrum,
courteous, civic, gracious, mannerly, municipal, enigma, mystery, proof, riddle, (adj) indeed, 3.
obliging, public, civilised, attentive, complaisant,
reason; synonyms (n) mind, intellect, argument,
considerate, courtly, domestic, genteel; antonym
object, purpose, rationality, understanding,
(adj) rude, 4. kind (tür); synonyms (n) form, explanation, (v) cause, argue, debate, conclude,
helpful, sort, brand, breed, class, gentle, type, deduce, discuss, ground, 4. occasion; synonyms
variety, description, (adj) generous, good, humane,
(n) event, chance, episode, happening, incident,
affectionate, charitable; antonyms (adj) unkind, juncture, motive, opportunity, circumstance,
callous, mean, merciless, nasty, spiteful, uncaring, matter, affair, (v) create, raise, generate, inspire, 5.
upsetting, disagreeable, unfeeling, 5. fragile;
motive (güdü); synonyms (n) impulse, incentive,
synonyms (adj) dainty, delicate, frail, breakable,
incitement, inducement, motif, motivation, subject,
brittle, flimsy, weak, faint, fine, slim, frangible,
design, stimulus, urge, end, mainspring, (v) aim,
insubstantial, shaky, slender, puny; antonyms (adj)
consideration, (adj) impulsive, 6. point
strong, unbreakable, substantial, sturdy,
(göstermek, nokta); synonyms (n) place, grade,
permanent, robust, 6. delicate; synonyms (adj)
peak, nib, edge, article, degree, dot, mark, spot,
accurate, fragile, refined, tender, beautiful, difficult,
phase, apex, (v) head, direct, level, 7. room (oda);
nice, sensitive, agreeable, infirm, careful, decent,
synonyms (n) chamber, latitude, apartment, hall,
elegant, exquisite, light; antonyms (adj) inelegant,
house, opening, expanse, extent, flat, margin, area,
tough, 7. sweet (tatlı); synonyms (adj) beloved,
cabin, field, leeway, (v) board.
delicious, fresh, lovely, mellow, dear, lovable,
nedeniyle for (çünkü, için); synonyms (prep) because,
melodious, musical, pleasant, pleasing, sugary,
behind, by, per, during, on, toward, (conj)
charming, delightful, (n) confection; antonyms (adj)
considering, since, (adv) against, as, therefore,
sour, acid, bitter, discordant, acidic, pungent,
sharp, salty, 8. tender; synonyms (adj) painful,
nefes 1. breath (soluk); synonyms (n) spirit, wind,
loving, sore, compassionate, fond, caring,
air, inspiration, puff, aspiration, breather, breeze,
immature, (v) proffer, present, propose, give, (n)
flash, flatus, gust, instant, jiffy, respite, (adj)
offer, bid, overture, proposal; antonyms (adj) hard,
whisper, 2. wind (Rüzgar, sarmak); synonyms
rubbery, 9. polite; synonyms (adj) cultured, civil,
(n) clue, gale, (v) coil, twist, curl, meander, turn,
chivalrous, civilized, cultivated, polished, gallant,
bend, curve, twine, blow, crook, entwine, roll,
gentlemanly, respectful, smooth, thoughtful,
urbane, well-bred, diplomatic, ladylike; antonyms
nefis 1. exquisite; synonyms (adj) beautiful, elegant,
(adj) impolite, bad-mannered, discourteous,
delicate, excellent, dainty, gorgeous, admirable,
acute, choice, heavenly, wonderful, charming, fair,
nazikçe gently; synonyms (adv) gradually, mildly, fine, (v) delightful; antonym (adj) everyday, 2.
tenderly, soft, delicately, kindly, lightly, meekly,
delicious; synonyms (adj) appetizing, pleasing,
quietly, softly; antonyms (adv) abruptly, cruelly,
agreeable, delectable, enjoyable, lovely, luscious,
fiercely, forcefully, harshly, severely, sharply,
savory, sweet, toothsome, grateful, fragrant,
violently, intensely, roughly.
exquisite, juicy, pleasant; antonym (adj) tasteless.
nazım verse; synonyms (n) poem, poetry, rhyme, nefret 1. hate; synonyms (v) abhor, detest, abominate,
poesy, stanza, strain, measure, song, clause,
loathe, despise, scorn, (n) dislike, enmity,
abhorrence, animosity, detestation, hatred,

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abomination, antipathy, aversion; antonyms (v) nereye where (nerede); synonyms (adv) there, here,
love, like, adore, 2. hatred; synonyms (n) disgust, wherever, whither, anywhere, wherein, anyplace,
grudge, anger, antagonism, hostility, odium, whereas, somewhere, (conj) but, while, (pron)
rancor, resentment, execration, distaste, loathing, everywhere, (n) point, spot, situation.
malice, repugnance, revulsion, (v) hate; antonyms neşe joy (sevinç); synonyms (n) delight, enjoyment,
(n) adoration, liking, 3. disgust; synonyms (n) elation, gladness, glee, happiness, pleasure, bliss,
horror, nausea, repulsion, dismay, (v) sicken, ecstasy, excitement, exhilaration, exultation, fun, (v)
nauseate, shock, displease, outrage, pall, repel, exult, cheer; antonyms (n) misery, sorrow, sadness,
appall, repulse, revolt, horrify; antonyms (n) disaster, grief.
attraction, (v) delight, attract, 4. horror; synonyms neşeli 1. lively (canlı); synonyms (adj) brisk, active,
(n) awe, fear, alarm, fright, anxiety, apprehension, agile, cheerful, energetic, keen, busy, fresh, gay,
atrocity, consternation, dreadfulness, ghastliness, jolly, jovial, alert, animated, bright, enthusiastic;
trepidation, nightmare, awfulness, (adj) dread, antonyms (adj) dull, inactive, lethargic, listless,
terror; antonym (n) pleasantness. lifeless, unexciting, 2. gay; synonyms (adj)
negatif negative (olumsuz); synonyms (adj) minus, convivial, festive, gaudy, airy, blithe, brave,
adverse, denying, damaging, destructive, contrary, buoyant, cheery, festal, flashy, frolicsome, jocular,
unfavorable, (n) denial, (v) gainsay, veto, deny, (n) homosexual, gallant, lesbian, 3. cheerful;
disavow, kill, negate, controvert; antonyms (adj) synonyms (adj) breezy, carefree, glad, merry,
positive, optimistic, assenting, (n) affirmative. optimistic, pleasant, chipper, comfortable,
nehir river (ırmak); synonyms (n) creek, flow, contented, happy, hopeful, joyful, lighthearted,
current, waterway, watercourse, (v) brook, stream, lively, sunny; antonyms (adj) depressed, gloomy,
burn, bayou, beck, (adj) water. sad, unhappy, dejected, depressing, grim, hopeless,
nem 1. moisture; synonyms (n) humidity, damp, miserable, morose, somber, unwelcoming, bleak,
cheerless, forlorn, 4. sunny; synonyms (adj) clear,
dampness, wet, moistness, vapor; antonym (n)
brilliant, fair, radiant, shining, shiny, beaming, fine,
dryness, 2. damp; synonyms (adj) moist, muggy,
sunlit, burnished, hilarious, jocund, mirthful,
clammy, cool, dank, humid, (v) break, check, chill,
genial, (v) glossy; antonyms (adj) dark, overcast.
deaden, benumb, cut, dampen, (n) moisture,
clamminess; antonym (adj) dry.
nesil 1. descent (iniş); synonyms (n) ancestry,
decline, birth, fall, blood, declension, declination,
nemli 1. moist; synonyms (adj) humid, damp, wet,
declivity, derivation, drop, extraction, family,
clammy, dank, muggy, dampish, soggy, wettish,
lineage, origin, pedigree; antonyms (n) ascent,
juicy, sodden, sticky, watery, dripping, marshy;
improvement, 2. generation (kuşak, üretim);
antonym (adj) dry, 2. damp; synonyms (adj) moist,
synonyms (n) age, creation, epoch, era, genesis,
cool, (v) break, check, chill, deaden, benumb, cut,
contemporaries, formation, offspring, period, time,
dampen, depress, discourage, dishearten, (n)
day, lifetime, multiplication, production, (v)
dampness, moisture, clamminess; antonym (n)
germination, 3. stock (hisse senedi); synonyms
dryness. (n) breed, store, goods, descent, hoard, race,
nere where (nerede, nereye); synonyms (adv) there, backlog, commodity, kind, house, broth, cache, (adj)
here, wherever, whither, anywhere, wherein, regular, (v) handle, supply, 4. breed; synonyms (n)
anyplace, whereas, somewhere, (conj) but, while, variety, sort, order, class, genus, posterity, (v)
(pron) everywhere, (n) point, spot, situation. engender, beget, multiply, bear, brood, cause,
nerede where (nereye); synonyms (adv) there, here, cultivate, hatch, produce, 5. race; synonyms (n)
wherever, whither, anywhere, wherein, anyplace, dash, career, competition, people, kin, nation, (v)
whereas, somewhere, (conj) but, while, (pron) course, run, rush, fly, hasten, hurry, campaign,
everywhere, (n) point, spot, situation. hunt, dart, 6. strain; synonyms (n) stress, effort,
nereden where (nerede, nereye); synonyms (adv) stretch, exertion, reach, song, (v) filter, screen, sift,
there, here, wherever, whither, anywhere, wherein, tax, endeavor, exert, extend, percolate, pull;
anyplace, whereas, somewhere, (conj) but, while, antonym (v) relax.
(pron) everywhere, (n) point, spot, situation. nesir prose; synonyms (n) style, writing,
neredeyse 1. almost (hemen hemen); synonyms commonplace, language, literature, rap, speech,
(adv) nearly, approximately, just, around, most, talk, text, words, (v) ramble, (adj) prosaic, maunder,
practically, roughly, virtually, some, (prep) about, palaver, prate; antonyms (n) poetry, verse.
(adj) near, nigh, approaching, approximate, barely, nesne 1. object (amaç); synonyms (n) design, aim,
2. soon (çok geçmeden); synonyms (adv) shortly, cause, end, intent, intention, meaning, mark,
early, presently, anon, immediately, directly, matter, subject, substance, drift, (v) except, mind,
betimes, now, promptly, quickly, soonly, briefly, complain; antonym (v) agree, 2. thing (şey);
erelong, fast, quick. synonyms (n) affair, event, object, occurrence,

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article, concern, happening, something, being, harmoniously; antonyms (adv) impolitely,

occasion, incident, business, deed, entity, item. brusquely, rudely, discourteously.
nesnel objective (amaç, hedef, objektif); synonyms nezaret 1. supervision (gözetim); synonyms (n)
(adj) dispassionate, fair, impartial, just, concrete, oversight, charge, control, direction, management,
detached, (n) aim, mark, goal, object, ambition, superintendence, guidance, custody, observation,
design, end, intent, intention; antonyms (adj) care, administration, command, government,
biased, subjective. supervising, (v) inspection, 2. charge; synonyms
net 1. net (ağ); synonyms (adj) final, last, (n) network, (n) accusation, burden, commission, bill, tax,
bag, lace, earnings, cobweb, (v) mesh, clear, gain, accusal, assail, (v) accuse, blame, attack, bid, load,
make, trap, catch, earn, knit; antonym (v) gross, 2. arraign, assault, cost; antonyms (v) request,
clear (açık, belirgin, berrak, temiz, absolve, retreat, 3. surveillance; synonyms (n)
temizlemek); synonyms (adj) clean, certain, open, supervision, vigilance, watch, scrutiny, monitoring,
apparent, distinct, empty, (v) bright, acquit, lookout, examination, following, eye, intelligence,
absolute, free, net, absolve, clarify, definite, look, security, spying, bug, bugging; antonym (n)
discharge; antonyms (adj) cloudy, opaque, unclear, neglect.
dark, fuzzy, hazy, incomprehensible, obscure, nezle cold (soğuk); synonyms (adj) chilly, frigid,
uncertain, vague, ambiguous, blurry, confused, aloof, callous, distant, icy, indifferent, apathetic,
confusing, (v) convict, 3. sharp (keskin, sivri); bleak, cool, dead, dull, freezing, (n) chilliness, chill;
synonyms (adj) acute, bitter, intelligent, acid, acrid, antonyms (adj) warm, friendly, hot, burning,
harsh, incisive, intense, penetrating, piercing, prepared, affectionate, loving, soporific, (n) heat,
pointed, pungent, quick, (n) keen, (v) biting; warmth.
antonyms (adj) blunt, dull, mild, gentle, rounded, nicel quantitative; synonyms (adj) some, measurable,
sweet, bland, blurred, naive, round, smooth. quantitive, wholesale.
netice 1. conclusion; synonyms (n) closure, close, nicelik quantity (miktar); synonyms (n) amount,
end, result, cessation, completion, sequel, extent, measure, multitude, quantum, sum, total,
termination, decision, dissolution, ending, portion, heap, bulk, capacity, deal, degree,
epilogue, finale, finish, (v) closing; antonyms (n) magnitude, mass.
beginning, start, opening, preface, 2. result nicem quantum; synonyms (n) amount, measure,
(sonuç); synonyms (n) consequence, fruit, issue, magnitude, quantity, mass, measurement, sum,
outcome, aftermath, answer, conclusion, effect, total, amplitude.
produce, outgrowth, corollary, (v) ensue, follow, niçin why (neden); synonyms (adv) so, (n) wherefore,
eventuate, arise; antonym (v) cause. reason, grounds, conundrum, enigma, mystery,
neticede eventually; synonyms (adv) finally, even, proof, riddle, (adj) indeed.
someday, afterward, consecutively, nida cry (ağlamak, bağırmak, feryat); synonyms
consequentially, continuously, necessarily, (n) shout, bark, scream, yell, clamor, roar, bay,
through, hereafter, heretofore, (conj) yet, however, crying, (v) call, bellow, shriek, weep, exclaim, howl,
nevertheless, notwithstanding; antonyms (adv) moan; antonyms (v) laugh, whisper.
instantly, promptly. nihai 1. final (son); synonyms (adj) conclusive,
nezaket 1. courtesy; synonyms (n) civility, propriety, decisive, definite, extreme, latter, definitive, last,
chivalry, comity, decency, gallantry, politeness, ultimate, irrevocable, decided, concluding,
attention, breeding, etiquette, affability, eventual, net, peremptory, firm; antonyms (adj)
consideration, courteousness, graciousness, (adj) first, opening, preliminary, 2. ultimate; synonyms
complaisance; antonyms (n) rudeness, discourtesy, (adj) final, end, supreme, elemental, farthest,
2. kindness; synonyms (n) benevolence, clemency, furthest, primary, ending, finishing, top, utmost,
compassion, courtesy, generosity, affection, absolute, best, consummate, (n) maximum.
benignity, cordiality, favor, friendliness, gentleness, nihayet finally; synonyms (adv) eventually, lastly, last,
goodness, grace, humanity, fondness; antonyms (n) ultimately, definitely, completely, (adj) final, (v)
unkindness, callousness, cruelty, miserliness, definitively; antonym (adv) firstly.
nastiness, spite, unfriendliness, maliciousness, 3.
nine grandmother (büyükanne); synonyms (n)
grace; synonyms (n) elegance, beauty, benediction, gran, grandma, granny, crone, grandam, grannie,
blessing, charm, (v) bedeck, adorn, deck, garnish, mother, dam, grandmamma, beldame, mamma,
beautify, decorate, embellish, dress, embroider, materfamilias, matriarch.
nişan 1. engagement; synonyms (n) combat, battle,
nezaketle politely; synonyms (adv) courteously, appointment, commitment, conflict, contract,
kindly, respectfully, agreeably, courtly, gracefully, contest, fight, duty, betrothal, date, employment,
admiringly, amiably, assiduously, considerately, encounter, employ, (v) action, 2. mark; synonyms
cooperatively, cordially, elegantly, genially,
(n) brand, evidence, score, character, heed,

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336 Turkish - English

impression, imprint, sign, feature, (v) blemish, attribute, caliber, part, peculiarity; antonym (adj)
characterize, distinguish, grade, label, (adj) notice, shoddy, 2. qualification; synonyms (n) capability,
3. decoration (dekorasyon); synonyms (n) competence, fitness, limitation, preparation,
adornment, award, garnish, medal, ornament, prerequisite, provision, degree, ability, alteration,
embellishment, finery, insignia, ornamentation, modification, requirement, reservation, (adj)
trimming, accessory, badge, accolade, distinction, endowment, property, 3. character (karakter);
embroidery, 4. medal; synonyms (n) decoration, synonyms (n) kind, note, quality, role, type, brand,
prize, medallion, title, honor, laurels, palm. constitution, disposition, eccentric, spirit, tone,
nişancı shot; synonyms (n) gunshot, injection, go, standing, atmosphere, attitude, case, 4.
fling, ball, crack, shoot, picture, attempt, bang, characteristic (karakteristik, özellik);
bullet, chance, discharge, effort, endeavor. synonyms (adj) distinctive, individual, typical,
nişanlanma engagement; synonyms (n) combat, original, natural, representative, special, specific,
battle, appointment, commitment, conflict, symbolic, proper, (n) badge, sign, peculiar, point, (v)
contract, contest, fight, duty, betrothal, date, emblematic; antonyms (adj) uncharacteristic,
employment, encounter, employ, (v) action. common, 5. composition; synonyms (n)
nişanlı 1. engaged; synonyms (adj) busy, occupied, arrangement, construction, texture, alloy, amalgam,
betrothed, affianced, employed, engrossed, article, combination, composing, compost,
reserved, absorbed, working, pledged, bespoken, compound, compromise, harmony, makeup,
booked, immersed, intent, rapt; antonyms (adj) organization, piece, 6. property (özellik);
available, free, 2. intended; synonyms (adj) synonyms (n) capital, belongings, asset, estate,
goods, place, wealth, substance, thing, assets,
intentional, calculated, deliberate, voluntary,
fortune, holding, means, possessions, (v)
destined, designed, knowing, meant, planned,
possession, 7. stamp (damga, posta pulu, pul);
premeditated, prospective, willful; antonyms (adj)
synonyms (n) seal, impression, cachet, emblem, die,
ingenuous, accidental.
earmark, (v) imprint, print, cast, impress, trample,
nispet 1. ratio (oran); synonyms (n) percentage, punch, characterize, shape, emboss.
degree, proportion, measure, scale, rate, extent,
nitelikli qualified; synonyms (adj) competent,
fraction, grade, comparison, relationship, amount,
capable, eligible, efficient, conditional, fit,
2. relation (ilişki); synonyms (n) connection, proficient, able, clever, expert, adequate, certified,
account, narration, recital, affinity, association, limited, restricted, fitted; antonyms (adj)
description, regard, rehearsal, kin, bearing, bond,
unqualified, total, unofficial, definite.
narrative, reference, (v) report, 3. rate (oran);
nitrojen nitrogen (azot); synonyms (n) n, newton,
synonyms (n) price, worth, pace, value, (v) assess,
estimate, evaluate, appreciate, appraise, compute, normality, north.
count, calculate, merit, put, rank. niye why (neden); synonyms (adv) so, (n) wherefore,
nispeten relatively; synonyms (adv) comparatively, reason, grounds, conundrum, enigma, mystery,
quite, rather, fairly, reasonably, somewhat, proof, riddle, (adj) indeed.
partially, partly. niyet 1. intention (kasıt, maksat); synonyms (n)
nispi 1. relative (göreli); synonyms (adj) related, idea, aim, end, intent, design, drift, goal, purpose,
cause, animus, mind, motive, object, objective,
comparative, proportionate, proportional,
dependent, relevant, (n) relation, brother, plan, 2. intent (amaç); synonyms (adj) attentive,
connection, congenator, congener, (v) kinsman; absorbed, engrossed, earnest, bent, fixed, rapt,
eager, (n) intention, import, meaning, spirit, point,
antonym (adj) absolute, 2. proportional
purport, ambition, 3. purpose (amaç, maksat);
(orantılı); synonyms (adj) commensurate,
synonyms (n) effect, resolve, determination,
proportionable, relative, balanced, symmetrical,
function, decision, destination, aspiration, reason,
even, graduated. use, occasion, (v) project, intend, propose, decide,
niteleme qualification; synonyms (n) condition, mean, 4. will (arzu); synonyms (v) bequeath,
capability, competence, fitness, limitation, devise, wish, leave, shall, give, (n) volition,
preparation, prerequisite, provision, degree, ability, command, desire, inclination, pleasure, courage,
alteration, modification, (adj) faculty, endowment, liking, testament, choice, 5. resolve (çözmek);
property. synonyms (v) determine, solve, conclude,
nitelemek qualify; synonyms (v) modify, prepare, decompose, dissolve, settle, explain, melt, do, (n)
moderate, capacitate, characterize, confine, define, firmness, resolution, answer, analyze, resoluteness,
designate, determine, condition, enable, entitle, will; antonyms (n) indecision, weakness, 6.
equip, fit, limit; antonym (v) disqualify. determination (belirleme, saptama); synonyms
nitelik 1. quality (kalite); synonyms (n) nature, (n) conclusion, definition, decisiveness, tenacity,
character, characteristic, class, condition, feature, appointment, assessment, constancy, fortitude, grit,
grade, distinction, faculty, description, mark, judgment, perseverance, sentence, settlement,

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verdict, (v) award; antonyms (n) compliance, conclusion, cycle, interval, length, menstruation,
indecisiveness, 7. plan (proje); synonyms (n) map, stage, time, 2. dot (benek); synonyms (n) speck,
figure, chart, outline, pattern, scheme, invent, form, spot, dash, splash, atom, bead, drop, mote, stain, (v)
arrangement, blueprint, (v) plot, arrange, conceive, mark, sprinkle, disperse, splotch, dotation, (adj)
contrive, draft, 8. thought; synonyms (v) iota, 3. spot (benek, leke); synonyms (n) blot,
observation, (n) notion, opinion, conception, place, dapple, dirty, location, position, space, (v)
consideration, impression, belief, feeling, reflection, blemish, soil, fleck, speckle, daub, flaw, mottle,
sentiment, concept, apprehension, attention, care, freckle, 4. point (göstermek); synonyms (n)
cogitation; antonym (n) fact. grade, peak, nib, edge, aim, article, degree, phase,
niyetli intent (amaç, niyet); synonyms (adj) apex, detail, end, height, (v) head, direct, level, 5.
attentive, absorbed, engrossed, earnest, bent, (n) stop (durak, durdurmak, durma, durmak);
aim, idea, design, intention, goal, import, meaning, synonyms (v) stand, block, close, delay, interrupt,
purpose, spirit, drift. obstruct, plug, catch, (n) halt, hold, stay, check,
nizam statute (kural, yasa); synonyms (n) law, arrest, bar, cease; antonyms (v) continue, start,
ordinance, rule, constitution, decree, charter, act, begin, encourage, permit, prolong.
canon, edict, enactment, regulation, code, order, noktalamak dot (benek, nokta); synonyms (n)
ruling, bill. point, speck, spot, dash, splash, atom, bead, drop,
nizamname regulations; synonyms (n) policy, mote, stain, (v) mark, sprinkle, disperse, splotch,
system, convention. (adj) iota.
nöbet 1. attack (hücum, hücum etmek, kriz, noktalı spotted; synonyms (adj) mottled, dappled,
saldırmak); synonyms (n) incursion, thrust, speckled, blotchy, dotted, flyblown, piebald,
aggression, fit, onset, onslaught, seizure, (v) assault, multicolored, dirty, spotty, stained, tainted,
assail, attempt, aggress, charge, invade, raid, besmirched, damaged, freckled; antonym (adj)
accuse; antonyms (n) defense, (v) defend, protect, plain.
retreat, 2. tour; synonyms (n) journey, excursion, norm norm; synonyms (n) average, mean, measure,
circuit, round, jaunt, voyage, passage, go, mode, criterion, model, median, gauge, par,
pilgrimage, ramble, tramp, trip, (v) expedition, pattern, principle, rule.
travel, ride, 3. watch (bakmak, seyretmek); normal 1. normal; synonyms (adj) regular, common,
synonyms (v) observe, clock, look, see, regard, conventional, customary, general, ordinary,
wake, care, check, follow, (n) guard, view, sentinel, everyday, habitual, mean, natural, typical, just,
sentry, surveillance, (adj) vigilance, 4. spell; average, commonplace, formal; antonyms (adj)
synonyms (n) magic, fascination, bout, conjuration, abnormal, unusual, creepy, eccentric,
incantation, period, sorcery, enchantment, turn, extraordinary, irregular, odd, strange,
span, bewitchment, space, captivation, attack, (v) supernatural, unconventional, weird, irrational,
charm, 5. turn (dönmek, dönüş); synonyms (v) phenomenal, 2. regular (düzenli); synonyms (adj)
revolve, deviate, get, revolution, spin, (n) bend, normal, orderly, steady, methodical, accurate,
curve, roll, coil, twist, change, bent, circle, shift, correct, even, proper, accustomed, consistent,
tour. established, (n) fixed, constant, firm, familiar;
nöbetçi guard (bekçi); synonyms (n) defend, antonyms (adj) erratic, inconsistent, variable,
defense, bulwark, care, cover, escort, protection, asymmetrical, straight, 3. ordinary; synonyms
watchman, custody, convoy, defence, fender, (adj) middling, mediocre, usual, banal, frequent,
guardsman, (v) shield, keep. indifferent, inferior, medium, dull, fair, household,
noksan 1. deficiency (eksiklik); synonyms (n) humble, mundane, pedestrian, (v) inconspicuous;
defect, dearth, want, absence, deficit, failing, antonyms (adj) incredible, outstanding, peculiar,
inadequacy, lack, scarcity, shortcoming, failure, special, distinguished, famous.
famine, fault, (adj) blemish, imperfection; antonyms not 1. note (not etmek); synonyms (n) comment,
(n) excess, sufficiency, 2. lack; synonyms (n) mention, remark, annotation, heed, indication,
deficiency, need, default, insufficiency, poverty, mark, attention, bill, distinction, epistle, (v) notice,
shortage, drought, vacancy, deprivation, (v) mind, look, detect; antonym (v) ignore, 2. mark;
destitution, fail, demand, require, desire, indigence; synonyms (n) brand, evidence, score, character,
antonyms (n) abundance, provision, (v) have, 3. impression, imprint, sign, feature, badge, check, (v)
want (istemek); synonyms (v) like, hope, crave, blemish, characterize, distinguish, grade, label, 3.
covet, (n) wish, necessity, penury, privation, memorandum; synonyms (n) memo, note,
pauperism, requirement, distress, ambition, fancy, memorial, entry, letter, memoranda, record.
essential, hardship; antonyms (v) dislike, hate. nota note (not, not etmek); synonyms (n) comment,
nokta 1. period (devir, dönem); synonyms (n) age, mention, remark, annotation, heed, indication,
dot, epoch, era, point, duration, generation, day,

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338 Turkish - English

mark, attention, bill, distinction, epistle, (v) notice, saline, briny, spice, pungent, season, (v) cure,
mind, look, detect; antonym (v) ignore. pickle, embalm.
nötr neutral; synonyms (adj) disinterested, impartial, numara 1. number (numaralamak, rakam, sayı,
indifferent, dispassionate, impersonal, saymak); synonyms (n) count, amount, score, act,
noncommittal, colorless, detached, fair, inert, issue, volume, character, (v) calculate, aggregate,
objective, unbiased, apathetic, independent, (n) enumerate, figure, total, come, add, account, 2. act
neuter; antonyms (adj) biased, aromatic, colorful. (davranmak, hareket, rol yapmak); synonyms
nüans shade (gölge, gölgelemek, (n) accomplishment, action, move, play, statute,
gölgelendirmek); synonyms (n) screen, tinge, decree, do, feat, (v) achievement, behave, deed, go,
color, ghost, hue, blind, cloud, apparition, conceal, perform, acquit, enact; antonym (v) refrain, 3. size
darkness, dye, (v) darken, shadow, tint, cover; (boyut, büyüklük); synonyms (n) measure, bulk,
antonyms (n) light, brightness. capacity, dimension, dimensions, extent, largeness,
nüfus population; synonyms (n) inhabitants, people, quantity, glue, breadth, degree, magnitude, mass,
nation, community, group, populace, public, measurement, (v) gauge; antonyms (n) length,
society, folk, citizens, stock, universe. slenderness.
nüfuz 1. influence (etki); synonyms (n) force, numaralamak number (numara, rakam, sayı,
authority, control, domination, charm, command, saymak); synonyms (n) count, amount, score, act,
hold, (v) affect, determine, dispose, effect, incline, issue, volume, character, (v) calculate, aggregate,
bias, direct, govern, 2. authority (yetki); enumerate, figure, total, come, add, account.
synonyms (n) ascendancy, sanction, administration, numune 1. pattern (desen); synonyms (n) model,
authorization, dominance, judge, power, design, fashion, form, mold, shape, example,
professional, rule, warrant, lordship, agency, figure, norm, order, paragon, cast, arrangement,
approval, authorisation, bureau, 3. hold (tutma, configuration, (v) mould, 2. sample (örnek);
tutmak); synonyms (v) keep, detain, endure, synonyms (n) instance, specimen, pattern, assay,
adhere, bear, comprise, contain, entertain, have, case, illustration, exemplar, piece, precedent, (v)
arrest, carry, (n) grasp, grip, clasp, clutch; antonym taste, try, attempt, essay, prove, (adj) test, 3.
(v) release, 4. prestige; synonyms (n) credit, specimen; synonyms (n) sample, copy, person,
influence, distinction, dignity, repute, reputation, representative, type, 4. model (manken, model,
standing, status, attraction, face, kudos, celebrity, örnek); synonyms (n) image, dummy, prototype,
glory, honor, (adj) renown, 5. pull (çekme, frame, lesson, archetype, epitome, manikin,
çekmek); synonyms (v) drag, draw, draught, mannequin, original, paradigm, template, (adj)
pluck, attract, haul, jerk, tug, pick, make, hale, lure, ideal, (v) imitate, carve; antonym (adj) atypical, 5.
(n) wrench, effort, puff; antonyms (v) push, repel. piece (parça); synonyms (n) cut, division,
nüfuzlu 1. important (önemli); synonyms (adj) fragment, part, article, component, composition,
essential, grave, fundamental, significant, chief, hunk, lump, patch, bit, block, chunk, coin,
crucial, key, remarkable, serious, earnest, constituent.
authoritative, big, central, consequential, nur light (açık, hafif, ışık); synonyms (adj) fair, clear,
considerable; antonyms (adj) unimportant, facile, easy, faint, flimsy, (n) flame, brightness,
insignificant, trivial, minor, irrelevant, low, daylight, (v) fire, kindle, inflame, glow, ignite,
worthless, 2. powerful; synonyms (adj) cogent, dismount; antonyms (adj) fattening, nauseating, (n)
able, brawny, forcible, hard, mighty, muscular, dark, darkness, gloom, shade, night, (v) extinguish,
potent, strong, effective, energetic, influential, darken, (alt sp) heavy.
intense, lusty, vigorous; antonyms (adj) powerless,
nüsha copy (kopya); synonyms (n) imitation, trace,
weak, mild. transcription, forgery, (v) counterfeit, imitate, ape,
nükleer nuclear; synonyms (adj) atomic, central, duplicate, model, pattern, follow, echo, fake,
atomlike, inner, minute, nucleal, organic. mimic, record; antonym (n) original.
nüksetme return (dönmek, dönüş); synonyms (n) nutuk 1. address (adres, söylev); synonyms (n)
yield, pay, recompense, refund, restitution, accost, lecture, abode, discourse, residence, skill,
proceeds, income, (v) recur, reimburse, render, speech, allocution, greeting, oration, sermon, (v)
repay, restoration, restore, retort, answer; greet, call, harangue, speak; antonym (v) ignore, 2.
antonyms (n) departure, abolition, confiscation, speech (konuşma, söylev); synonyms (n)
recovery, (v) keep. address, delivery, expression, conversation,
nükte 1. wit; synonyms (n) humor, wag, humorist, language, diction, communication, discussion,
satire, repartee, brain, mentality, sense, sagacity, elocution, converse, dialect, talk, tongue, (v) say,
nous, humour, intelligence, joker, mind, (adj) irony; saying, 3. discourse; synonyms (n) colloquy,
antonym (n) tragedy, 2. salt (tuz); synonyms (n) homily, dialogue, article, dissertation, interview,
salinity, sal, blunt, cream, dust, mopus, (adj) salty,

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chitchat, confabulation, declaim, (v) chat, confer, password, 2. boy (oğlan); synonyms (n) fellow,
recite, commune, preach, rap. male, man, minor, servant, son, youngster, youth,
ok arrow; synonyms (n) pointer, barb, bolt, dart,
O missile, gun, spear, javelin, jereed, jerid, lance, pike,
(adj) rocket, hydrargyrum, quicksilver.
o he; synonyms (pron) cestui, (n) male, man, helium. okşama stroke (inme, vuruş); synonyms (n) touch,
obje object (amaç, nesne); synonyms (n) design, beat, caress, hit, mark, apoplexy, attack, bang,
aim, cause, end, intent, intention, meaning, mark, impact, knock, line, (v) buffet, lick, fondle, (adj)
matter, subject, substance, drift, (v) except, mind, blow.
complain; antonym (v) agree.
okşamak 1. stroke (inme, vuruş); synonyms (n)
objektif 1. objective (amaç, hedef, nesnel); touch, beat, caress, hit, mark, apoplexy, attack,
synonyms (adj) dispassionate, fair, impartial, just, bang, impact, knock, line, (v) buffet, lick, fondle,
concrete, detached, (n) aim, mark, goal, object, (adj) blow, 2. pet; synonyms (adj) favourite, favored,
ambition, design, end, intent, intention; antonyms precious, (n) favorite, darling, love, beloved, ducky,
(adj) biased, subjective, 2. lens (mercek); coddle, (v) dear, dandle, baby, pamper, cherish,
synonyms (n) meniscus, sunglass, (v) glass, indulge.
barometer, especially, glaze, goblet, hourglass, okşayış stroke (inme, vuruş); synonyms (n) touch,
photograph, spyglass, tumbler, weatherglass. beat, caress, hit, mark, apoplexy, attack, bang,
ocak 1. cooker; synonym (n) cook, 2. fireplace; impact, knock, line, (v) buffet, lick, fondle, (adj)
synonyms (n) chimney, fire, hearth, fireside, ingle, blow.
barbecue, blaze, favourite, flame, paramour, oksijen oxygen; synonym (n) o.
sweetheart, 3. stove; synonyms (n) range, furnace,
okul school; synonyms (n) academy, class, sect,
heater, ambit, chain, compass, grasp, orbit, reach,
college, herd, shoal, swarm, (v) educate, instruct,
scope, warmer, 4. oven (fırın); synonyms (n) kiln,
train, coach, cultivate, discipline, edify, teach.
stove, boiler.
okuma 1. reading; synonyms (n) recital, learning,
oda 1. room; synonyms (n) chamber, latitude, construction, interpretation, lection, study, version,
occasion, apartment, hall, house, opening, erudition, lore, explanation, presentation,
opportunity, expanse, extent, flat, margin, area, recitation, scholarship, translation, (v) read, 2. read
cabin, (v) board, 2. chamber; synonyms (n)
(okumak); synonyms (v) interpret, construe,
bedroom, bedchamber, cavity, cell, council,
decipher, gather, indicate, learn, perceive, say,
compartment, committee, court, cubicle, room. understand, demonstrate, comprehend, display,
odak focus; synonyms (n) centering, core, nidus, examine, explain, peruse.
nucleus, point, target, heart, (v) center, concentrate, okumak 1. read; synonyms (v) interpret, construe,
converge, aim, centre, direct, focalize, centralize. decipher, gather, indicate, learn, perceive, say,
odaklama focusing; synonyms (n) centering, understand, demonstrate, comprehend, display,
concentration, focus, focussing, focalisation, examine, explain, peruse, 2. study; synonyms (n)
focalization, direction, nidus, snap, stress. survey, consideration, investigation, learning,
odaklamak focus (odak); synonyms (n) centering, meditation, (v) consider, review, research, check,
core, nidus, nucleus, point, target, heart, (v) center, analyze, contemplate, inquire, investigate,
concentrate, converge, aim, centre, direct, focalize, meditate, ponder.
centralize. okumuş educated; synonyms (v) instructed, (adj)
odun wood (ağaç, koru, tahta); synonyms (n) cultured, erudite, enlightened, learned, lettered,
forest, timber, woods, tree, lumber, coppice, jungle. trained, informed, refined, taught; antonyms (adj)
ofis office (büro); synonyms (n) charge, agency, duty, uneducated, ignorant.
function, position, commission, appointment, okur reader (okuyucu); synonyms (n) lecturer,
division, authority, berth, bureau, job, part, place, professor, lector, proofreader, reviewer, subscriber,
post. compositor, preacher, printer.
oğlak kid; synonyms (n) baby, child, youngster, okutman 1. lecturer; synonyms (n) instructor, lector,
infant, juvenile, toddler, tot, babe, (v) joke, jest, professor, reader, teacher, coach, orator, preacher,
banter, chaff, mock, fool, jolly. speaker, trainer, tutor, educator, 2. reader
oğlan boy; synonyms (n) lad, fellow, kid, male, man, (okuyucu); synonyms (n) lecturer, proofreader,
minor, servant, son, youngster, youth, boots. reviewer, subscriber, compositor, printer.
oğul 1. son; synonyms (n) offspring, boy, lad, child, okuyucu reader; synonyms (n) lecturer, professor,
descendant, logos, word, bible, countersign, lector, proofreader, reviewer, subscriber,
discussion, intelligence, kid, news, parole, compositor, preacher, printer.

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340 Turkish - English

okyanus 1. ocean; synonyms (n) sea, deep, brine, unprecedented, abnormal, bizarre, different,
waves, multitude, lot, heap, pile, puddle, seaway, fantastic; antonyms (adj) common, customary,
sink, splash, (adj) oceanic, marine, subaquatic, 2. ordinary, familiar, conventional, routine.
drink (içmek); synonyms (n) beverage, alcohol, olağanüstü 1. remarkable; synonyms (adj)
brew, potion, swallow, crapulence, intoxicant, nip, exceptional, extraordinary, notable, noteworthy,
(v) draught, booze, carouse, bib, absorb, down, odd, distinguished, conspicuous, phenomenal,
gulp. famous, illustrious, curious, great, noticeable,
olabilir possible; synonyms (adj) conceivable, outstanding, (n) memorable; antonyms (adj)
imaginable, likely, feasible, practicable, earthly, ordinary, insignificant, unremarkable, 2.
maybe, potential, practical, probable, thinkable, marvellous; synonyms (adj) fantastic, marvelous,
workable, attainable, believable, credible; miraculous, tall, terrific, tremendous, wonderful,
antonyms (adj) impossible, unlikely, compulsory. wondrous, improbable, fantastical, rattling, antic,
olabilirlik 1. likelihood; synonyms (n) chance, odds, grotesque, brisk, crying, 3. extraordinary;
probability, eventuality, expectation, likeliness, synonyms (adj) abnormal, amazing, astonishing,
prospect, expectancy, appearance, option, bizarre, extra, rare, special, strange, unusual,
plausibility, possibility, verisimilitude, outlook; incredible, peculiar, preternatural, prodigious,
antonyms (n) unlikelihood, improbability, 2. remarkable, singular; antonyms (adj) normal,
possibility (olanak); synonyms (n) feasibility, everyday, 4. rare; synonyms (adj) uncommon,
likelihood, opportunity, opening, occasion, infrequent, precious, scarce, seldom, thin, few,
potential, ability, danger, possibleness, conjecture, choice, fine, novel, exquisite, excellent, flimsy,
guess, hazard, hope, hypothesis, theory. occasional, priceless; antonyms (adj) common,
olağan 1. normal (normal); synonyms (adj) regular, frequent.
common, conventional, customary, general, olanak 1. facility (kolaylık); synonyms (n) ability,
ordinary, everyday, habitual, mean, natural, dexterity, adroitness, ease, readiness, artifice,
typical, just, average, commonplace, formal; aptitude, deftness, faculty, freedom, installation,
antonyms (adj) abnormal, unusual, creepy, knack, lightness, (adj) competence, proficiency, 2.
eccentric, extraordinary, irregular, odd, strange, possibility; synonyms (n) chance, feasibility,
supernatural, unconventional, weird, irrational, likelihood, opportunity, opening, probability,
phenomenal, 2. usual; synonyms (adj) accustomed, expectancy, eventuality, expectation, occasion,
familiar, normal, routine, public, prevalent, odds, potential, prospect, danger, option, 3. scope
prevailing, stock, traditional, accepted, chronic, (kapsam); synonyms (n) range, reach, domain,
expected, (v) frequent, wonted, plebeian, 3. purview, room, expanse, area, compass, drift,
common (adi, ortak); synonyms (adj) coarse, extent, oscilloscope, gamut, amplitude, breadth, (v)
cheap, mutual, usual, vulgar, base, ignoble, view.
mediocre, trivial, banal, prosaic, poor, collective, olanaklar resources; synonyms (n) means, property,
communal, (n) commons; antonyms (adj) individual, capital, assets, finances, money, substance, funds,
uncommon, rare, characteristic, one-off, specific, wherewithal, revenue, wealth, belongings, cash,
unique, aristocratic, exclusive, infrequent, 4. circumstances, fortune.
ordinary; synonyms (adj) middling, indifferent, olanaklı possible; synonyms (adj) conceivable,
inferior, medium, dull, fair, household, humble, imaginable, likely, feasible, practicable, earthly,
mundane, pedestrian, trite, moderate, maybe, potential, practical, probable, thinkable,
characterless, humdrum, (v) inconspicuous; workable, attainable, believable, credible;
antonyms (adj) incredible, outstanding, peculiar, antonyms (adj) impossible, unlikely, compulsory.
special, distinguished, famous, 5. regular olanaksız 1. impossible; synonyms (adj) insufferable,
(düzenli, normal); synonyms (adj) orderly, unimaginable, hopeless, impracticable, impractical,
steady, methodical, accurate, correct, even, proper, inconceivable, unbelievable, unlikely, ridiculous,
consistent, established, set, symmetrical, invariable, unthinkable, intolerable, implausible, incredible,
(n) fixed, constant, firm; antonyms (adj) erratic, unacceptable, unfeasible; antonyms (adj) possible,
inconsistent, variable, asymmetrical, straight. achievable, feasible, 2. unable; synonyms (adj)
olağandışı 1. abnormal (anormal); synonyms (adj) powerless, incapable, incompetent, ineffective,
aberrant, anomalous, atypical, irregular, impotent, helpless, ineffectual, inefficient,
monstrous, odd, perverted, strange, uncommon, inadequate, unqualified, unfit, disqualified;
unnatural, unusual, perverse, improper, antonyms (adj) able, capable.
preternatural, grotesque; antonyms (adj) normal, Olarak as (gibi); synonyms (conj) qua, because, since,
typical, usual, 2. unusual; synonyms (adj) peculiar, considering, while, whilst, (prep) during, like, (adv)
quaint, curious, eccentric, exceptional, exotic, equally, from, (n) arsenic.
extraordinary, rare, remarkable, special,

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olası 1. possible; synonyms (adj) conceivable, opportunity, casualty, crisis, phase, context, 10.
imaginable, likely, feasible, practicable, earthly, affair (iş, mesele); synonyms (n) concern, job,
maybe, potential, practical, probable, thinkable, amour, duty, party, subject, theme, topic,
workable, attainable, believable, credible; transaction, meeting, affaire, function, liaison,
antonyms (adj) impossible, unlikely, compulsory, 2. occupation, (v) collision, 11. scene; synonyms (n)
liable; synonyms (adj) amenable, accountable, view, background, display, environment, outlook,
answerable, apt, disposed, exposed, inclined, panorama, picture, spectacle, lookout, perspective,
responsible, subject, culpable, vulnerable, given, appearance, look, position, arena, (v) prospect.
obnoxious, susceptible, blameworthy; antonym oldu okay (iyi); synonyms (adv) fine, (adj) good,
(adj) exempt, 3. feasible; synonyms (adj) possible, alright, well, fair, (int) yes, (n) approval,
fit, achievable, available, doable, realizable, viable, authorization, agreement, (v) approve, sanction,
executable, plausible, 4. probable; synonyms (adj) consent, endorse, authorize, countenance;
hopeful, convincing, specious, presumptive, antonyms (adj) unsatisfactory, (v) forbid.
verisimilar, apparent; antonym (adj) improbable. oldukça 1. fairly; synonyms (adv) completely,
olasılık 1. odds; synonyms (n) advantage, chance, moderately, somewhat, clean, equitably, fair, justly,
likelihood, possibility, probability, likeliness, passably, pretty, quite, rather, reasonably, enough,
chances, prospect, handicap, superiority, edge, (v) middling, relatively; antonyms (adv) unfairly,
difference, dissension, misunderstanding, variance, extremely, unjustly, 2. rather; synonyms (adv)
2. probability; synonyms (n) odds, opportunity, fairly, considerably, instead, kinda, preferably,
expectation, eventuality, contingency, expectancy, comparatively, sooner, 3. pretty (güzel);
danger, outlook, verisimilitude, fortune, hazard, 3. synonyms (adv) very, jolly, (adj) beautiful, graceful,
prospect; synonyms (n) view, anticipation, aspect, lovely, attractive, charming, handsome, good-
hope, lookout, perspective, future, panorama, looking, picturesque, dainty, cute, elegant, fine, (n)
picture, scene, forecast, candidate, horizon, look, (v) nice; antonym (adj) ugly, 4. quite; synonyms (adv)
explore; antonym (n) past, 4. chance; synonyms (n) altogether, absolutely, all, entirely, fully, sheer,
venture, accident, break, fate, luck, random, turn, exactly, even, right, stark, totally, well, wholly,
(adj) accidental, (v) gamble, adventure, risk, bet, awfully, (adj) just, 5. relatively; synonyms (adv)
befall, happen, bump; antonyms (n) predictability, partially, partly, 6. substantially; synonyms (adv)
(adj) deliberate, intentional, (v) design, plan, 5. materially, firmly, amply, significantly, generously,
likelihood; synonyms (n) appearance, option, markedly, noticeably, (adj) practically, virtually;
plausibility; antonyms (n) unlikelihood, antonym (adv) slightly.
improbability. olgu fact (gerçek, olay); synonyms (n) event,
olay 1. event; synonyms (n) affair, case, consequence, incident, detail, deed, particular, truth, actuality,
circumstance, experience, occurrence, point, reality,
effect, occurrence, circumstance, contingency, fact,
happening, incident, issue, result, aftermath, time, thing, contingency, (v) act; antonyms (n) guesswork,
chance, 2. incident; synonyms (n) event, rumor, conjecture, fallacy, falsehood, report.
adventure, episode, experience, instance, occasion, olgun 1. mature; synonyms (adj) ripe, complete, adult,
anecdote, development, incidence, matter, aged, developed, experienced, fledged, old, perfect,
phenomenon, (adj) attendant, concomitant, (v) grow, ripen, develop, age, maturate, mellow;
accessory, incidental, 3. fact (gerçek, olgu); antonyms (adj) childish, naive, unripe, young,
synonyms (n) detail, deed, particular, truth, sophomoric, (v) immature, 2. ripe; synonyms (adj)
actuality, point, reality, thing, condition, accident, mature, ready, advanced, good, prepared, matured,
aspect, feature, situation, veracity, (v) act; antonyms consummate, right; antonym (adj) green.
(n) guesswork, rumor, conjecture, fallacy, olgunlaşmak mature; synonyms (adj) ripe, complete,
falsehood, report, 4. episode; synonyms (n) adult, aged, developed, experienced, fledged, old,
chapter, installment, subdivision, instalment, perfect, (v) grow, ripen, develop, age, maturate,
interlude, parenthesis, part, section, sequence, 5. mellow; antonyms (adj) childish, naive, unripe,
happening; synonyms (n) eventuality, fortuity, young, sophomoric, (v) immature.
business, fate, 6. case; synonyms (n) box, example, olgunlaştırmak 1. mature; synonyms (adj) ripe,
bin, cover, jacket, shell, bag, briefcase, casing, complete, adult, aged, developed, experienced,
eccentric, suit, carton, action, cause, (adj) patient, 7. fledged, old, perfect, (v) grow, ripen, develop, age,
experience (deneyim, tecrübe); synonyms (n) maturate, mellow; antonyms (adj) childish, naive,
taste, (v) encounter, endure, suffer, examine, enjoy, unripe, young, sophomoric, (v) immature, 2.
feel, have, know, live, meet, receive, sustain, try, season; synonyms (n) opportunity, space, spell,
(adj) see; antonym (n) inexperience, 8. occurrence; (prep) period, (v) flavor, mature, inure, salt, flavour,
synonyms (n) juncture, circumstances, conclusion, moderate, pickle, spice, temper, (adj) harden,
outburst, 9. circumstance; synonyms (n) state, habituate.

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342 Turkish - English

olgunluk maturity; synonyms (n) ripeness, constitute; synonyms (v) compose, form,
adulthood, matureness, perfection, majority, age, commission, appoint, comprise, be, found,
development, readiness, prime; antonyms (n) institute, name, nominate, ordain, organize,
childhood, youth, immaturity. designate, configure, consist.
olmak 1. become; synonyms (v) be, grow, suit, arise, oluşum formation; synonyms (n) constitution,
get, match, sit, come, fall, fit, go, make, turn, wax, creation, establishment, construction, genesis,
change, 2. get (almak, elde etmek, varmak); arrangement, composition, organization,
synonyms (v) acquire, gain, attain, become, catch, configuration, conformation, generation,
earn, buy, fetch, take, achieve, beget, bring, production, architecture, erection, (v) fabrication;
capture, cause, engage; antonyms (v) lose, give, antonym (n) destruction.
leave, 3. happen; synonyms (v) befall, chance, omurga spine; synonyms (n) backbone, thorn, point,
develop, appear, bechance, hap, occur, pass, prickle, quill, spike, back, barb, rachis, pricker,
transpire, arrive, encounter, find, proceed, result, ridge, spur, sticker.
(n) betide, 4. occur; synonyms (v) happen, omuz shoulder (banket); synonyms (n) elbow, back,
materialize, ensue, break, advance, begin, exist, (v) bear, carry, push, hold, jostle, support, sustain,
rise, eventuate, continue, elapse, issue, start, assume, accept, shove, take, thrust, undertake.
ascend, die, 5. be; synonyms (v) live, act, consist, omuzlamak shoulder (banket, omuz); synonyms
constitute, represent, cost, follow, form, lie, remain, (n) elbow, back, (v) bear, carry, push, hold, jostle,
rest, stay, subsist, comprise, (n) stand, 6. exist (var support, sustain, assume, accept, shove, take,
olmak); synonyms (v) dwell, endure, abide, thrust, undertake.
belong, survive, hold, 7. grow; synonyms (v) on ten; synonyms (n) tenner, decade, ace, break,
augment, enlarge, expand, emerge, farm, spring, breath, decennary, decennium, ecstasy, female, (adj)
breed, accrue, blossom, evolve, extend, flourish, perfect, comely, desirable, faultless, glamorous,
germinate, increase, mature; antonyms (v) decrease, good-looking.
weaken, shrink. onama 1. approval (onay, onaylama); synonyms
olmuş 1. done (tamam); synonyms (adj) finished, (n) acceptance, applause, approbation, acclaim,
complete, completed, over, gone, through, (adv) agreement, recognition, admiration, acclamation,
ended; antonym (adj) unfinished, 2. ripe; acknowledgment, acquiescence, appreciation,
synonyms (adj) mature, adult, ready, advanced, commendation, confirmation, consent, permission;
good, prepared, perfect, matured, consummate, antonyms (n) disapproval, rejection, condemnation,
right, (v) mellow; antonym (adj) green. scorn, criticism, 2. acceptance (kabul); synonyms
oluk channel (kanal); synonyms (n) canal, conduit, (n) acceptation, adoption, accession, approval,
groove, drain, duct, line, passage, trough, assumption, credence, ratification, receipt,
waterway, aqueduct, link, hollow, (v) carry, welcome, belief, admission, assent, espousal,
conduct, convey. popularity, reception; antonyms (n) refutation,
olumlu 1. positive (pozitif); synonyms (adj) absolute, dispatch.
certain, affirmative, confident, decisive, definite, onarım 1. repair (onarmak, tamir etmek);
direct, explicit, favorable, incontrovertible, synonyms (n) fix, overhaul, (v) remedy, mend,
peremptory, plus, sure, advantageous, (n) actual; patch, redress, correct, cure, compensate, doctor,
antonyms (adj) negative, derogatory, uncertain, renovate, restore, heal, amend, go; antonym (v)
unsure, pessimistic, sad, 2. favourable; synonyms break, 2. restoration; synonyms (n) restitution,
(adj) auspicious, encouraging, lucky, opportune, reinstatement, renewal, renovation, revival,
prosperous, comfortable, easy, booming, regaining, repair, return, rejuvenation, recession,
flourishing, golden, halcyon, prospering, roaring, recuperation, reform, regeneration, comeback, (v)
supporting, thriving. amends; antonyms (n) confiscation, reduction.
olumsuz negative (negatif); synonyms (adj) minus, onarmak 1. repair (onarım, tamir etmek);
adverse, denying, damaging, destructive, contrary, synonyms (n) fix, overhaul, (v) remedy, mend,
unfavorable, (n) denial, (v) gainsay, veto, deny, patch, redress, correct, cure, compensate, doctor,
disavow, kill, negate, controvert; antonyms (adj) renovate, restore, heal, amend, go; antonym (v)
positive, optimistic, assenting, (n) affirmative. break, 2. restore; synonyms (v) refresh, reinstate,
oluşturmak 1. form (biçim, form); synonyms (n) renew, rehabilitate, rejuvenate, repay, replace,
figure, design, arrange, ceremony, shape, class, reimburse, reconstruct, recover, reestablish, refund,
conformation, (v) cast, make, fashion, build, refurbish, regenerate, (adj) repair; antonym (v) keep.
constitute, establish, carve, construct, 2. generate onay 1. approval (onaylama); synonyms (n)
(üretmek); synonyms (v) breed, develop, bear, acceptance, applause, approbation, acclaim,
beget, cause, engender, get, provoke, create, father, agreement, recognition, admiration, acclamation,
produce, raise, reproduce, yield, (adj) procreate, 3. acknowledgment, acquiescence, appreciation,

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Turkish - English 343

commendation, confirmation, consent, permission; celebrate, observe, reward, comply, detect,

antonyms (n) disapproval, rejection, condemnation, discover, find, follow; antonym (v) dishonor, 2.
scorn, criticism, 2. confirmation; synonyms (n) pride (gurur); synonyms (n) arrogance, boast,
affirmation, approval, corroboration, ratification, conceit, haughtiness, egotism, lordliness, vanity,
sanction, testimony, demonstration, authentication, assumption, insolence, disdain, hauteur, triumph,
check, endorsement, evidence, proof, presumption, glory, (v) plume; antonyms (n)
substantiation, verification, averment; antonym (n) humility, modesty.
contradiction, 3. okay (iyi); synonyms (adv) fine, onurlu 1. honourable; synonyms (adj) honest,
(adj) good, alright, well, fair, correct, (int) yes, (n) estimable, honorable, good, ethical, moral, 2.
authorization, blessing, authority, (v) approve, proud (gururlu); synonyms (adj) arrogant,
endorse, authorize, countenance, accept; antonyms dignified, disdainful, haughty, lofty, exalted,
(adj) unsatisfactory, (v) forbid. conceited, egotistical, gallant, lordly, majestic,
onaylama 1. approval (onay); synonyms (n) overbearing, pompous, imperious, elated;
acceptance, applause, approbation, acclaim, antonyms (adj) humble, modest, ashamed,
agreement, recognition, admiration, acclamation, embarrassed.
acknowledgment, acquiescence, appreciation, onursal honorary; synonyms (adj) complimentary,
commendation, confirmation, consent, permission; unpaid, voluntary, unbought, honorarium,
antonyms (n) disapproval, rejection, condemnation, nominal, (adv) amateur.
scorn, criticism, 2. validation; synonyms (n) proof,
opera opera; synonyms (n) play, drama, operetta,
substantiation, verification, establishment,
comedy, performance, piece, song, tragedy,
justification, approval, corroboration,
afterpiece, ballet, burlesque, burletta, comedietta,
administration, basis, brass, constitution,
divertissement, exode.
demonstration, ecesis, explanation, formation.
operasyon operation (ameliyat); synonyms (n)
onaylamak 1. approve (uygun bulmak);
execution, movement, act, agency, effect, business,
synonyms (v) sanction, adopt, accept, acknowledge,
management, action, function, functioning,
allow, admit, agree, endorse, let, ratify, support,
performance, running, mission, task, job.
applaud, acquiesce, authorize, confirm; antonyms
operatör 1. operator; synonyms (n) driver, hustler,
(v) reject, censure, condemn, disapprove, forbid,
manipulator, agent, doer, speculator, actor,
veto, 2. accept (almak, kabul etmek);
employee, clerk, businessperson, captain, financier,
synonyms (v) receive, take, recognize, abide,
floozie, floozy, hooker, 2. surgeon (cerrah);
accede, assume, believe, yield, approve, assent,
synonyms (n) doctor, physician, sawbones,
bear, consent, espouse, have, (n) embrace;
antonyms (v) refuse, deny, snub, oppose, renounce,
resist, 3. confirm (doğrulamak); synonyms (v)
opsiyonlu optional (seçmeli); synonyms (adj)
discretionary, arbitrary, voluntary, nonobligatory,
affirm, corroborate, establish, prove, validate,
unrestricted, additional, supplementary, external,
verify, clinch, assert, assure, authenticate, certify,
extracurricular, extramural, unnecessary, available,
demonstrate, justify, testify, uphold; antonyms (v)
discretional, flexible, noncompulsory; antonyms
disprove, contradict, 4. okay (iyi); synonyms (adv)
(adj) obligatory, compulsory, required, essential,
fine, (adj) good, alright, well, fair, correct, (int) yes,
necessary, mandatory.
(n) approval, authorization, agreement, blessing,
authority, okey, (v) countenance, pass; antonym
optik 1. optical; synonyms (adj) optic, visual, ocular,
opthalmic, eye, eyeglass, (n) perspective, 2. visual
(adj) unsatisfactory, 5. grant (vermek); synonyms
(n) concession, donation, permit, present, (v) give, (görsel); synonyms (adj) visible, graphic, optical,
award, bestow, afford, concede, confer, gift, accord, seeable, artistic, decorative, diagrammatic, drawn,
boon, endowment, (adj) deliver, 6. acknowledge; illustrative, (n) visuals, image, picture, design,
synonyms (v) avow, confess, own, profess, diagram, figure.
appreciate, declare, notice, answer, grant, hail, orada there; synonyms (adv) here, thither, present,
know, observe, receipt, recognise, respect; thereat, apparent, convenient, visible, (adj) adept,
antonyms (v) ignore, overlook. competent, expert, professional, reliable, skillful,
trustworthy, unfailing.
onaylı approved; synonyms (adj) accepted, certified,
sanctioned, allowed, authorized, accredited, oran 1. ratio; synonyms (n) percentage, degree,
agreed, conventional, regular, official, orthodox; proportion, measure, scale, rate, extent, fraction,
grade, comparison, relationship, amount, 2. rate;
antonyms (adj) informal, unofficial.
synonyms (n) price, worth, pace, value, (v) assess,
onuncu tenth; synonyms (n) tithe, disme, (adj)
estimate, evaluate, appreciate, appraise, compute,
decimal, decuple, denary, tenfold.
count, calculate, merit, put, rank, 3. measure
onur 1. honour; synonyms (n) award, accolade, (ölçmek, ölçü, önlem); synonyms (n) criterion,
innocence, awarding, (v) esteem, honor, respect,
beat, benchmark, measurement, meter, quantity,

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344 Turkish - English

act, allotment, action, bill, dose, magnitude, (v) orijinal original (özgün); synonyms (adj) first,
fathom, gauge, (adj) mete. authentic, native, new, primary, primitive,
orantı proportion; synonyms (n) balance, percentage, indigenous, aboriginal, creative, early, fresh,
degree, ratio, portion, slice, dimension, imaginative, inventive, (n) archetype, model;
equilibrium, equipoise, fraction, measure, part, antonyms (adj) commonplace, banal, copied, corny,
rate, share, (v) scale. derivative, hackneyed, well-worn, conventional,
orantılı proportional; synonyms (adj) proportionate, resulting, unimaginative, (n) copy, counterfeit, fake,
commensurate, proportionable, relative, balanced, imitation, replica.
symmetrical, even, graduated. orkestra 1. orchestra; synonyms (n) band,
oraya there (orada); synonyms (adv) here, thither, minstrelsy, ensemble, group, orchester, orchestre,
present, thereat, apparent, convenient, visible, (adj) 2. band (bant); synonyms (n) cluster, party, set,
adept, competent, expert, professional, reliable, swathe, circle, collar, company, crew, faction, gang,
skillful, trustworthy, unfailing. knot, lace, strap, (v) ring, combine.
ordu 1. army; synonyms (n) legion, troop, host, orman forest; synonyms (n) timber, jungle,
battery, battalion, brigade, crowd, flock, force, woodland, timberland, wood, woods, (v) afforest.
multitude, service, swarm, war, (adj) military, array, orospu bitch; synonyms (n) beef, moan, cunt, hen,
2. host; synonyms (n) army, horde, mob, emcee, kick, shrew, slut, trollop, (v) gripe, complain,
mass, throng, heap, bunch, group, innkeeper, backbite, protest, squawk, (adj) botch.
landlord, pack, server, beads, cloud. orta 1. middle; synonyms (adj) intermediate, central,
ordugâh camp (kamp); synonyms (n) bivouac, halfway, median, mediate, mid, inner, inside, (n)
encampment, faction, base, barracks, cantonment, average, heart, hub, mean, center, core, centre;
side, sect, (v) encamp, pitch, tent, (adj) campy. antonyms (adj) extreme, outer, (n) edge, outside, 2.
org organ; synonyms (n) instrument, member, limb, medium (ortam); synonyms (adj) fair, middle,
agency, harmonium, medium, part, means, journal, middling, moderate, (n) mediocre, atmosphere, go-
channel. between, instrument, means, vehicle, agency,
organ 1. organ; synonyms (n) instrument, member, channel, environment, mediocrity, spiritualist, 3.
limb, agency, harmonium, medium, part, means, intermediate (ara); synonyms (adj) medium,
journal, channel, 2. member (üye); synonyms (n) interstitial, (v) intercede, interjacent, intercurrent,
supporter, extremity, phallus, portion, appendage, arbitrate, intervene, intervenient, intervening, (n)
employee, fellow, section, constituent, division, intermediary, broker, middleman, 4. moderate
element, follower, associate, branch, link, 3. (ılımlı); synonyms (adj) temperate, abstemious,
agency; synonyms (n) bureau, office, authority, mild, easy, (v) calm, mitigate, allay, curb, diminish,
commission, expedient, factor, organ, way, lessen, ease, cool, abate, assuage, (adv) check;
efficiency, activity, board, department, (v) action, antonyms (adj) immoderate, radical, (v) increase,
act, deed. intensify, 5. median; synonyms (adj) medial,
organik organic; synonyms (adj) constitutional, mesial, normal, (n) norm, 6. fair (güzel, sarışın);
natural, constitutive, fundamental, constituent, synonyms (adj) equitable, clear, beautiful,
inherent, structural, whole, raw; antonym (adj) dispassionate, fine, impartial, reasonable, sweet,
refined. candid, comely, (adv) clean, (n) bazaar, blonde,
organizasyon organization (örgüt); synonyms (n) carnival, (v) bright; antonyms (adj) unfair, biased,
order, establishment, administration, arrangement, dark, exceptional, unjust, partial, foul, imbalanced,
formation, association, constitution, institution, mismatched, prejudiced, unwarranted, 7. centre;
structure, system, form, business, company, synonyms (n) midpoint, (v) centralize, concentrate,
concern, enterprise. focus, 8. average (ortalama); synonyms (adj)
organizma 1. organism; synonyms (n) being, common, ordinary, tolerable, usual, commonplace,
organization, constitution, animal, life, beast, 2. customary, everyday, plain, regular, passable,
organization (örgüt); synonyms (n) order, typical; antonyms (adj) extraordinary, abnormal,
establishment, administration, arrangement, unusual, (v) maximum, minimum, 9. midst;
formation, association, institution, structure, synonyms (n) thick, interior, middest, deep, depths,
system, form, business, company, concern, nucleus, (prep) during.
enterprise, fabric. ortada apparent; synonyms (adj) manifest,
orijin origin (başlangıç, kaynak, köken); discernible, patent, plain, clear, definite, evident,
synonyms (n) cause, lineage, base, beginning, birth, obvious, open, ostensible, perceptible, conspicuous,
descent, ancestry, commencement, derivation, marked, noticeable, (adv) visible; antonyms (adj)
extraction, foundation, fountain, inception, root, unclear, real, mysterious, obscure.
source; antonym (n) end. ortadaki middle (orta); synonyms (adj) intermediate,
central, halfway, median, mediate, mid, inner,

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inside, (n) average, heart, hub, mean, center, core, quality, climate, situation, atm, 4. media;
centre; antonyms (adj) extreme, outer, (n) edge, synonyms (n) medial, communications, middle.
outside. ortanca median; synonyms (adj) middle, medial,
ortak 1. partner; synonyms (n) consort, copartner, mesial, central, intermediate, medium, mid,
accomplice, associate, companion, fellow, ally, normal, (n) mean, average, norm.
collaborator, colleague, mate, pal, friend, ortasında midst; synonyms (n) core, center, thick,
confederate, wife, (adj) comrade, 2. common interior, middest, deep, depths, nucleus, (adj)
(adi); synonyms (adj) ordinary, coarse, cheap, middle, (adv) mid, (prep) during.
mutual, usual, vulgar, accustomed, base, ignoble, ortasından across; synonyms (prep) athwart, cross,
mean, mediocre, plebeian, public, trivial, (n) overthwart, (adv) over, crossways, crosswise, (adj)
habitual; antonyms (adj) individual, uncommon, crossed; antonyms (adv) along, (adj) uncrossed.
rare, unusual, characteristic, one-off, specific, ortodoks orthodox; synonyms (adj) canonical,
unique, aristocratic, exclusive, extraordinary,
conventional, accepted, sound, faithful,
infrequent, 3. joint (birleşik, eklem, mafsal); conservative, customary, devout, legitimate,
synonyms (adj) collective, common, communal, regular, proper, right, traditional, usual, honest;
cooperative, bilateral, (n) articulation, hinge, join,
antonyms (adj) unconventional, unorthodox.
seam, connection, tie, joining, junction, juncture, (v)
articulate; antonyms (adj) unilateral, private,
oruç fast (hızlı); synonyms (adj) dissolute, firm, agile,
debauched, fixed, hurried, instant, quick, rapid,
separate, 4. mutual (karşılıklı); synonyms (adj)
staunch, brisk, (adv) soon, hard, close, (n) diet;
reciprocal, joint, alternate, concerted, shared,
antonyms (adj) sluggish, loose, (adv) slow, slowly,
united, commutual, interchangeable; antonym (adj)
leisurely, (v) gorge, (n) binge.
one-sided, 5. collective; synonyms (adj) aggregate,
ot grass (çimen); synonyms (n) cannabis, forage,
general, cumulative, generic, community,
marijuana, pasture, dope, feed, ganja, herb,
corporate, social, unanimous, (n) commune, group;
herbage, informer, (v) betray, denounce, (adj) pot,
antonyms (adj) capitalist, distributive.
green, hemp.
ortaklaşa jointly; synonyms (adv) conjointly, together, otantik authentic; synonyms (adj) actual, genuine,
collectively, unitedly, mutually. accurate, real, right, straight, believable, true,
ortaklık 1. partnership; synonyms (n) company, trustworthy, valid, unfeigned, unsophisticated,
corporation, alliance, association, copartnership, credible, factual, (v) authoritative; antonyms (adj)
business, firm, participation, fellowship, bogus, fake, unrealistic.
confederation, fraternity, companionship, coalition,
otel 1. hotel; synonyms (n) lodge, house, inn, tavern,
affiliation, combination, 2. association (dernek);
spa, lodging, mansion, abode, accommodations,
synonyms (n) connection, assembly, affinity, link,
audience, bar, box, castle, chateau, cottage, 2. inn;
partnership, society, syndicate, congress, meeting,
band, brotherhood, club, communication, synonyms (n) hostel, hotel, hostelry, pub, saloon.
conference, (v) assemblage. otelci host; synonyms (n) crowd, army, flock, horde,
ortalama 1. average; synonyms (adj) mean, median, mob, legion, troop, emcee, mass, multitude, swarm,
fair, common, medium, middle, middling, normal, throng, heap, array, battalion.
ordinary, intermediate, mediocre, mid, moderate, otlak 1. field (alan, saha, tarla); synonyms (n)
tolerable, (n) norm; antonyms (adj) exceptional, arena, area, battlefield, domain, ground, place,
extraordinary, abnormal, unusual, (v) maximum, battleground, compass, court, department,
minimum, 2. mean (demek istemek); synonyms discipline, range, realm, section, sphere, 2. grass
(v) intend, design, imply, denote, involve, (adj) base, (çimen, ot); synonyms (n) cannabis, forage,
hateful, ignoble, miserly, abject, beggarly, (n) marijuana, pasture, dope, feed, ganja, herb,
average, contemptible, low, cheap; antonyms (adj) herbage, informer, (v) betray, denounce, (adj) pot,
generous, kind. green, hemp, 3. range (alan, erim); synonyms (n)
ortam 1. medium (orta); synonyms (adj) array, reach, scope, distance, (v) line, arrange, order,
rank, roam, group, ramble, wander, align, gad,
intermediate, fair, mid, (n) average, mediocre,
mean, atmosphere, go-between, instrument, means, classify.
vehicle, agency, channel, environment, mediocrity, otlamak 1. grass (çimen, ot); synonyms (n)
2. environment (çevre); synonyms (n) cannabis, forage, marijuana, pasture, dope, feed,
ganja, herb, herbage, informer, (v) betray,
circumstance, background, habitat, context, setting,
surroundings, vicinity, ecology, element, denounce, (adj) pot, green, hemp, 2. crop (ürün);
circumstances, environs, medium, scene, home, synonyms (n) fruit, harvest, craw, (v) browse, graze,
nature, 3. atmosphere (atmosfer); synonyms (n) reap, top, cultivate, cut, lop, prune, shave, trim, (adj)
air, ambience, ambiance, aura, feel, feeling, mood, clip, shear, 3. feed (beslemek, yemek);
synonyms (v) eat, dine, nurture, board, diet,

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encourage, nourish, fatten, consume, feast, fertilize, abode, dwelling, home, house, accommodation,
(n) aliment, food, provender, fare; antonym (v) domicile, lodging, occupancy, habitation, mansion,
starve. place, manse, abidance, apartment, hall, 3. stay
otobüs bus; synonyms (n) automobile, autobus, car, (kalma, kalmak); synonyms (v) remain, reside,
coach, vehicle, busbar, charabanc, motorbus, rest, prop, stop, abide, continue, endure, pause,
omnibus. arrest, bide, dwell, support, (n) delay, halt;
otomatik automatic; synonyms (adj) instinctive, antonyms (v) leave, change, abscond, depart.
involuntary, automated, mechanical, reflex, oturmak 1. sit; synonyms (v) model, pose, rest, ride,
spontaneous, unconscious; antonyms (adj) manual, place, posture, put, seat, set, squat, meet, hold,
deliberate, voluntary. convene, locate, mount; antonyms (v) stand, rise, 2.
otomobil 1. car (araba); synonyms (n) automobile, live (canlı, yaşamak); synonyms (v) exist, inhabit,
auto, carriage, coach, truck, vehicle, tramcar, coupe, reside, subsist, abide, be, dwell, endure, stay,
jalopy, gondola, machine, motorcar, railcar, survive, (adj) alive, active, animate, living, (n) go;
limousine, 2. motor (motor); synonyms (n) antonyms (adj) dead, inanimate.
engine, car, locomotive, conductor, (adj) motive, (v) oturtmak 1. seat (koltuk, yer); synonyms (n) place,
drive, ride, travel. bench, base, backside, behind, bottom, buttocks,
otonom autonomous (özerk); synonyms (adj) chair, position, post, posterior, (v) locate, put,
independent, sovereign, autonomic, free, separate; contain, hold, 2. sit (oturmak); synonyms (v)
antonym (adj) dependent. model, pose, rest, ride, posture, seat, set, squat,
otonomi autonomy (özerklik); synonyms (n) meet, convene, mount, stand, settle, sprawl;
independence, freedom, autocracy, liberty, antonym (v) rise.
sovereignty; antonym (n) dependence. oturum 1. session; synonyms (n) meeting, seance,
otorite 1. authority (yetki); synonyms (n) sitting, conference, bout, consultation, convention,
ascendancy, command, sanction, administration, class, period, stretch, discussion, 2. hearing;
authorization, dominance, domination, hold, judge, synonyms (n) audition, earshot, ear, trial, sound,
power, professional, rule, warrant, lordship, reach, examination, inquiry, interview, listening,
agency, 2. arm (kol); synonyms (n) branch, wing, earreach, (adj) audience, auditory; antonym (adj)
bay, department, division, limb, might, offshoot, deaf, 3. sitting; synonyms (v) incubation, batching,
section, sleeve, weapon, (v) equip, furnish, outfit, gestation, (n) session, seat, posing, (adj) seated,
provide; antonym (v) disarm, 3. power (güç, inactive.
iktidar); synonyms (n) force, ability, potency, otuz thirty; synonyms (n) xxx, termination, dash, (adj)
authority, control, energy, intensity, strength, thretty.
effectiveness, effect, (v) influence, dominion, ova plain (açık, düz); synonyms (adj) ordinary,
faculty, capacity, efficacy; antonyms (n) comprehensible, intelligible, apparent, clear,
powerlessness, helplessness, weakness. downright, easy, evident, homely, humble, level,
otoriter authoritative (yetkili); synonyms (adj) manifest, obvious, simple, (n) flat; antonyms (adj)
official, absolute, authoritarian, authorized, elaborate, fancy, unclear, mottled, multicolored,
commanding, imperious, influential, magistral, ornate, attractive, concealed, confused, fussy, two-
powerful, authorised, certain, definitive, dictatorial, colored.
(n) authentic, (v) departmental; antonym (adj) oy vote; synonyms (n) ballot, election, poll, suffrage,
informal. franchise, voting, choice, balloting, (v) voice, elect.
otoyol 1. motorway; synonyms (n) expressway, oylama 1. voting; synonyms (adj) elective, (n) vote,
freeway, superhighway, throughway, thruway, ballot, balloting, poll, election, suffrage, division,
pike, 2. highway (anayol); synonyms (n) road, appointment, determination, 2. poll; synonyms (n)
highroad, way, course, path, route, street, head, crown, pate, inquiry, capitulum, count, (v)
thoroughfare. canvass, parrot, pollard, canvas, list, muster,
oturak stool (tabure); synonyms (n) chair, seat, research, survey, enumerate, 3. vote (oy);
bench, dejection, faeces, feces, ordure, form, synonyms (n) franchise, voting, choice, (v) voice,
movement, throne, toilet, can, commode, crapper, elect.
lavatory. oylum 1. volume (cilt, hacim); synonyms (n) bulk,
oturan sitting; synonyms (v) incubation, batching, size, book, magnitude, mass, quantity, dimension,
gestation, (n) session, seat, meeting, seance, posing, amount, capacity, intensity, loudness, tome,
(adj) seated, inactive. journal, (adj) deal, pot; antonym (n) quietness, 2.
oturma 1. sitting; synonyms (v) incubation, batching, bulk (hacim, yığın); synonyms (n) majority,
gestation, (n) session, seat, meeting, seance, posing, volume, body, extent, thickness, scale, aggregate,
(adj) seated, inactive, 2. residence; synonyms (n)

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immensity, bigness, dimensions, freight, (v) bulge, oyuk 1. hole (delik); synonyms (n) cavity, aperture,
pouch, protrude, (adj) lump; antonym (n) minority. crack, den, pocket, breach, break, burrow, cave,
oymak 1. tribe (kabile); synonyms (n) family, clan, corner, depression, fix, hollow, lair, (adj) gap, 2.
house, folk, kin, kindred, nation, people, race, bore; synonyms (v) dig, bother, tire, annoy, drill,
stock, lineage, breed, line, folks, kind, 2. bore; perforate, pierce, plague, tap, (n) caliber, diameter,
synonyms (v) dig, bother, tire, annoy, drill, nuisance, well, annoyance, (adj) pother; antonyms
perforate, pierce, plague, tap, (n) caliber, diameter, (v) interest, excite, fascinate, 3. pit (çukur);
nuisance, well, annoyance, (adj) pother; antonyms synonyms (n) dent, hole, grave, colliery, excavation,
(v) interest, excite, fascinate. mine, stone, crater, fossa, indentation, kernel, (v)
oynak mobile; synonyms (adj) changeable, fluid, ditch, oppose, mark, match, 4. socket; synonyms
unsettled, mercurial, expressive, lively, migrant, (n) alveolus, sleeve, slot, recess, sheath, compass,
motile, erratic, flying, nomadic, peregrine, roving, employment, fitment, fob, overshot, pouch,
(v) movable, shifting; antonyms (adj) immobile, province, rank, scabbard, sphere.
impassive, motionless. oyun 1. game; synonyms (n) amusement, fun,
oynama play (oynamak); synonyms (v) act, pastime, entertainment, competition, contest, diversion,
enact, exercise, perform, joke, execute, fiddle, flirt, match, play, prey, quarry, sport, (adj) fearless, (v)
(n) frolic, game, sport, bet, diversion, gambol; bet, gamble, wager, 2. device (aygıt); synonyms
antonym (v) work. (n) contrivance, apparatus, appliance, artifice,

oynamak 1. play; synonyms (v) act, pastime, enact, emblem, contraption, figure, gimmick, invention,
exercise, perform, joke, execute, fiddle, flirt, (n) plan, trick, way, design, dodge, expedient, 3. play
frolic, game, sport, bet, diversion, gambol; (oynamak); synonyms (v) act, pastime, enact,
antonym (v) work, 2. move (hareket, taşınmak); exercise, perform, joke, execute, fiddle, flirt, (n)
synonyms (v) affect, carry, excite, go, impel, frolic, game, gambol, romp, jest, caper; antonym (v)
instigate, maneuver, touch, travel, flow, bear, work, 4. trick (aldatmak); synonyms (n) deceit,
disturb, (n) motion, drive, transfer; antonym (v) deception, prank, device, dupe, stratagem, knack,
(v) swindle, cheat, deceive, fraud, sham, con,
stay, 3. act (davranmak, hareket, rol yapmak);
synonyms (n) accomplishment, action, move, play, mislead, beguile, 5. dance (dans, dans etmek);
statute, decree, do, feat, law, (v) achievement, synonyms (n) dancing, party, (v) bound, hop, bop,
behave, deed, acquit, feign, operate; antonym (v) cavort, jump, shake, skip, step, beat, dandle,
prance, ramp, spring, 6. sport (spor); synonyms
refrain, 4. dance (dans, dans etmek); synonyms
(n) disport, mutant, recreation, freak, mutation,
(n) dancing, party, (v) bound, caper, hop, bop,
merriment, pleasure, athletics, derision, mockery,
cavort, jump, shake, skip, step, beat, dandle,
gaming, hobby, (v) boast, lark, brandish.
prance, ramp, 5. work (çalışma, çalışmak, iş);
synonyms (n) business, employment, function, task, oyuncak 1. sport (spor); synonyms (n) frolic, play,
book, composition, (v) labor, toil, cultivate, exploit, jest, pastime, diversion, fun, romp, joke,
ferment, form, manipulate, (adj) job, trade; amusement, disport, mutant, recreation, freak,
exercise, (v) gambol, 2. toy; synonyms (n)
antonyms (v) idle, malfunction, 6. sport (spor);
plaything, gimcrack, (adj) miniature, trick, (v)
synonyms (n) jest, fun, romp, amusement, disport,
coquet, dally, fiddle, flirt, sport, trifle, act, trinket,
mutant, recreation, freak, entertainment, mutation,
tinker, fool, dawdle.
prank, merriment, pleasure, athletics, (v) boast.
oynaşmak spoon; synonyms (n) ladle, spoonful, oyuncu player; synonyms (n) musician, actor,
participant, contestant, histrion, instrumentalist,
shovel, trowel, (v) scoop, smooch, dip, snog.
performer, thespian, artiste, competitor, artist,
oynatmak 1. move (hareket, taşınmak); synonyms athlete, entrant.
(v) act, affect, carry, excite, go, impel, instigate,
oyuncular cast (atmak, kalıp); synonyms (v) hurl,
maneuver, touch, travel, flow, bear, (n) motion,
throw, form, shed, stamp, fling, shape, chuck,
drive, transfer; antonym (v) stay, 2. dance (dans,
dump, figure, heave, mould, (n) appearance,
dans etmek); synonyms (n) dancing, party, (v) casting, mold.
bound, caper, hop, bop, cavort, play, jump, shake,
oyunculuk acting; synonyms (adj) active, interim,
skip, step, beat, dandle, prance, 3. screen (ekran,
temporary, provisional, (n) enactment, drama,
perde); synonyms (n) shade, blind, riddle, playing; antonym (adj) permanent.
disguise, partition, veil, guard, (v) cover, shield,
ozan poet; synonyms (n) bard, author, maker, lyricist,
conceal, hide, mask, protect, shelter, cloak.
muse, manufacturer, meditate, muset, novelist,
oysa whereas; synonyms (conj) though, while, playwright, writer, artist, balladist, critic,
whenas, where, (adv) although, when, then, (prep) dilettante.
ozon ozone; synonym (n) air.

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348 Turkish - English

discharge (boşaltmak); synonyms (n) release,

dismissal, drain, (v) acquit, absolve, complete,
Ö deliver, eject, cashier, burst, blast, bounce,
detonate, disgorge, empty; antonyms (v) capture,
öbek group (grup, küme); synonyms (n) bunch, hire, 3. repay; synonyms (v) pay, reimburse,
brigade, collection, crowd, flock, gang, association, reward, refund, render, redeem, remunerate,
clump, company, gathering, (v) assemblage, class, requite, return, replace, restore, retort, reciprocate,
cluster, rank, sort. recoup, (n) answer, 4. settle; synonyms (v) fix,
öbür 1. other (başka, diğer); synonyms (adj) place, clarify, establish, regulate, resolve, set,
additional, another, different, extra, further, more, adjudicate, adjust, agree, conclude, decide,
new, second, distinct, dissimilar, fresh, else, determine, drop, (adj) confirm, 5. satisfy
opposite, added; antonym (adj) same, 2. far (memnun etmek); synonyms (v) please, content,
(uzak); synonyms (adv) wide, off, widely, well, fill, indulge, meet, persuade, sate, satiate, appease,
astray, (adj) distant, aloof, faraway, remote, much, assuage, convince, delight, execute, (adj) suffice, do;
outlying, (v) considerably, abundantly; antonyms antonyms (v) dissatisfy, disappoint, displease,
(adv) close, briefly, (adj) near. intensify.
öç revenge; synonyms (n) reprisal, retaliation, ödenebilir payable; synonyms (adj) due, owing,
retribution, vengeance, grudge, payback, collectable, outstanding, collectible, owed, unpaid.
punishment, revengement, (v) avenge, retaliate, ödenecek payable; synonyms (adj) due, owing,
repay, requite, vindicate, punish.
collectable, outstanding, collectible, owed, unpaid.
öd 1. bile (safra); synonyms (n) anger, gall, ebullition, ödenek 1. allowance; synonyms (n) allotment,
ferment, fume, pucker, fury, indignation, rage,
admission, discount, quota, tolerance, maintenance,
malice, antipathy, bitterness, colera, dislike, hatred, abatement, acknowledgment, adjustment,
2. gall; synonyms (n) cheek, audacity, acerbity, allocation, compensation, concession, deduction,
acrimony, cheekiness, crust, freshness, grate, fee, grant, 2. allocation (tahsis etme); synonyms
impertinence, impudence, (v) annoy, chafe, fret, irk, (n) portion, allowance, share, apportioning,
irritate. apportionment, appropriation, assignment,
ödeme 1. payment; synonyms (n) pay, compensation, distribution, measure, part, proportion, ration.
bonus, charge, cost, defrayal, expense, recompense, ödenmemiş outstanding; synonyms (adj) eminent,
remuneration, installment, deposit, contribution, due, conspicuous, great, owing, famous,
defrayment, duty, (adj) penalty; antonym (n) non- distinguished, excellent, exceptional, notable,
payment, 2. pay (maaş, ödemek); synonyms (v) noteworthy, prominent, unpaid, major, brilliant;
compensate, liquidate, yield, afford, clear, expend, antonyms (adj) ordinary, paid, inferior.
give, remunerate, (n) wage, earnings, fee, salary, ödenmiş 1. paid; synonyms (v) compensated, (adj)
allowance, devote, income; antonym (v) owe, 3. gainful, paying, salaried, nonrecreational,
settlement; synonyms (n) decision, profitable, remunerated, remunerative, mercenary,
accommodation, colony, hamlet, payment, apaid, compensable, hired, hireling, lucrative,
arrangement, conclusion, resolution, rewarding; antonyms (adj) unpaid, due, owing, 2.
determination, contract, adjustment, agreement, settled; synonyms (adj) definite, fixed, set, firm,
colonization, establishment, liquidation, 4. permanent, calm, certain, decided, established,
discharge (boşaltmak); synonyms (n) release, defined, formed, confirmed, finished, sedate,
dismissal, drain, (v) acquit, absolve, complete, standing; antonym (adj) uninhabited.
deliver, eject, cashier, burst, blast, bounce, ödev 1. obligation; synonyms (n) debt, bond,
detonate, disgorge, empty; antonyms (v) capture, commitment, duty, liability, charge, burden,
hire, 5. satisfaction (tatmin); synonyms (n) necessity, need, onus, requirement, responsibility,
pleasure, amends, complacency, content, covenant, job, compulsion; antonym (n) option, 2.
enjoyment, joy, reparation, atonement, delight, homework; synonyms (n) preparation,
discharge, ease, expiation, fulfillment, (v)
assignment, assignments, coursework, drill,
contentment, gratification; antonyms (n) formulation, grooming, grounding, practice, prep,
dissatisfaction, displeasure, aggravation, revision, training, planning, provision, readying, 3.
discontent, 6. redemption; synonyms (n) ransom,
duty; synonyms (n) business, function, chore,
salvation, buyback, performance, repurchase,
obligation, dues, must, office, part, tax, work, post,
acquittal, observance, rescue, satisfaction.
custom, assessment, commission, deference, 4.
ödemek 1. pay (maaş); synonyms (v) compensate, task (görev); synonyms (n) enterprise, labor,
compensation, liquidate, yield, afford, clear,
project, stint, occupation, activity, mission,
expend, give, (n) recompense, wage, earnings, fee,
problem, affair, employment, lesson, undertaking,
salary, allowance, devote; antonym (v) owe, 2.
agendum, (v) exercise, exact.

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ödül 1. reward; synonyms (n) pay, return, guerdon, cantankerous, grouchy, grumpy, traverse, cranky;
payment, wage, bribe, fee, premium, award, (v) antonyms (v) uncross, (adj) good-tempered.
recompense, compensation, meed, prize, repay, öğe 1. element; synonyms (n) component, constituent,
requite; antonym (v) punish, 2. award; synonyms ingredient, factor, substance, fundamental, feature,
(n) judgment, accolade, decoration, medal, matter, origin, part, unit, cause, module, point,
commendation, (v) accord, grant, bestow, confer, article, 2. item (kalem, madde, parça);
honor, present, assign, give, allow, allot, 3. synonyms (n) piece, detail, entry, object, subject,
premium (prim); synonyms (n) bonus, agio, thing, affair, event, clause, entity, fact, particular,
bounty, extra, price, reward, agiotage, (adj) regard, element, (adv) also, 3. constituent;
superior; antonym (adj) inferior, 4. prize; synonyms (adj) integral, (n) division, elector, item,
synonyms (n) plunder, treasure, booty, loot, trophy, member, agent; antonyms (n) aggregate, composite,
honour, (v) appreciate, esteem, cherish, value, whole, 4. component (bileşen, parça);
admire, pry, evaluate, appraise, (adj) choice, 5. synonyms (n) accessory, portion, section.
purse; synonyms (n) pocket, bag, pouch, handbag, öğle noon (öğle vakti); synonyms (n) midday,
pocketbook, container, pod, (v) pucker, wrinkle, noonday, noontide, crest, lunchtime, (adj) meridian,
crease, contract. culmination, meridional.
ödüllendirmek reward (ödül); synonyms (n) pay, öğrenci 1. student; synonyms (n) scholar, learner,
return, guerdon, payment, wage, bribe, fee, disciple, pupil, apprentice, novice, savant, trainee,
premium, award, (v) recompense, compensation, beginner, educatee; antonym (n) teacher, 2. pupil;
meed, prize, repay, requite; antonym (v) punish. synonyms (n) follower, student, schoolchild,
ödün concession (imtiyaz); synonyms (n) adherent, tyro, ward.
admission, compliance, allowance, compromise, öğrenim education (eğitim); synonyms (n) training,
discount, grant, agreement, charter, conceding,
discipline, instruction, teaching, breeding,
license, yielding, acceptance, acknowledgment,
background, culture, enlightenment, knowledge,
abatement, assent. learning, nurture, pedagogy, schooling, literacy,
öfke 1. anger (hiddet, kızgınlık); synonyms (n) tuition.
displeasure, fury, rage, indignation, resentment, öğrenme learning; synonyms (n) erudition,
annoyance, (v) enrage, incense, aggravate,
acquisition, education, enlightenment, culture,
displease, exasperate, irritate, offend, wrath, fume; scholarship, wisdom, acquirement, edification,
antonyms (n) pleasure, composure, (v) please, letter, literature, lore, reading, (v) knowledge,
placate, pacify, calm, 2. irritation; synonyms (n) instruction.
aggravation, exasperation, anger, bother, öğrenmek 1. learn; synonyms (v) discover, get, know,
excitation, excitement, temper, annoying,
find, ascertain, have, hear, determine, acquire, con,
frustration, irritability, nuisance, pique, vexation,
perceive, study, tell, understand, gather, 2. hear
botheration, stimulation, 3. heat (ısı); synonyms
(duymak); synonyms (v) attend, apprehend, catch,
(n) glow, fervor, summer, warmth, ardor, caloric,
examine, learn, listen, overhear, see, try,
estrus, fire, (v) bake, burn, chafe, foment, (adj) fever,
comprehend, hearken, heed, judge, receive,
passion, flush; antonyms (n) cold, chill, (v) cool, 4.
attempt, 3. understand (anlamak); synonyms (v)
steam (buğu, buhar); synonyms (n) mist, fog,
interpret, recognize, realize, appreciate, assume,
haze, vapor, cloud, energy, (v) reek, evaporate,
believe, construe, deduce, grasp, read, translate,
exhale, smoke, cook, pull, boil, heat, (adj) gas, 5.
discern, suppose, consider, (adj) take; antonyms (v)
rage; synonyms (n) frenzy, craze, fad, fashion, misinterpret, misconstrue, misunderstand.
madness, mania, delirium, furor, vogue, (v) bluster,
öğreti doctrine; synonyms (n) creed, belief, credo,
storm, (adj) flame, ire, ferocity, foam.
dogma, philosophy, conviction, lesson, canon,
öfkelendirmek anger (hiddet, kızgınlık, öfke); faith, gospel, ism, principle, school, tenet.
synonyms (n) displeasure, fury, rage, indignation,
öğretim 1. teaching; synonyms (n) education,
resentment, annoyance, (v) enrage, incense,
instruction, indoctrination, doctrine, pedagogy,
aggravate, displease, exasperate, irritate, offend,
precept, training, advice, edification, breeding,
wrath, fume; antonyms (n) pleasure, composure, (v)
enlightenment, principle, 2. instruction (talimat,
please, placate, pacify, calm.
yönerge); synonyms (n) charge, command,
öfkeli 1. angry (kızgın); synonyms (adj) furious,
counsel, direction, guidance, guideline,
incensed, provoked, fierce, irate, raging, vehement,
information, injunction, prescription, teaching,
maddened, fuming, outraged, piqued, splenetic,
bidding, commission, decree, drill, lecture, 3.
angered, annoyed, boiling; antonyms (adj) calm,
education (eğitim); synonyms (n) discipline,
pleased, gentle, 2. cross (haç); synonyms (n)
background, culture, knowledge, learning, nurture,
crisscross, affliction, (v) intersect, baffle, cover,
schooling, literacy, tuition, experience, preparation.
thwart, bilk, (adj) crabbed, crabby, angry,

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öğretme teaching; synonyms (n) education, (v) ascend, climb, gauge, mount, weigh, rise, (adj)
instruction, indoctrination, doctrine, pedagogy, balance; antonym (v) descend.
precept, training, advice, edification, breeding, ölçme 1. measuring; synonyms (n) measure,
enlightenment, principle. measurement, mensuration, amount, bar, beat, bill,
öğretmek 1. teach; synonyms (v) inform, enlighten, cadence, comparison, criterion, meter, quantity,
coach, educate, instruct, indoctrinate, drill, learn, quantum, step, 2. measurement (ölçüm);
lecture, school, direct, discipline, form, (adj) guide, synonyms (n) dimension, gauge, magnitude,
show, 2. school (okul); synonyms (n) academy, proportion, observation, extent, size, valuation,
class, sect, college, herd, shoal, swarm, estimation, breadth, measuring, weight, appraisal,
denomination, institution, (v) train, cultivate, edify, evaluation.
teach, civilise, (adj) educational, 3. introduce; ölçmek 1. measure (ölçü, önlem); synonyms (n)
synonyms (v) insert, interject, inject, acquaint, amount, criterion, extent, beat, benchmark, degree,
advance, enter, exhibit, implant, inaugurate, infuse, estimate, measurement, meter, quantity, act,
initiate, precede, present, instill, interpose; allotment, action, (v) grade, appraise, 2. gauge
antonym (v) end, 4. show (gösteri, göstermek); (ölçü); synonyms (n) caliber, gage, calibre, (v)
synonyms (v) broadcast, expose, indicate, parade, measure, calculate, assess, compute, fathom, make,
demonstrate, disclose, evidence, give, manifest, (n) reckon, forecast, scale, evaluate, figure, guess.
display, appearance, produce, ostentation, ölçü 1. gauge; synonyms (n) criterion, caliber, gage,
presentation, pageant; antonyms (v) conceal, calibre, (v) estimate, measure, calculate, assess,
disprove, hide. compute, fathom, make, reckon, forecast, scale,
öğretmen 1. teacher; synonyms (n) instructor, appraise, 2. measure (ölçmek, önlem);
master, coach, preceptor, educator, mentor, tutor, synonyms (n) amount, extent, beat, benchmark,
guide, missionary, trainer, adviser, counselor, degree, measurement, meter, quantity, act,
guru; antonym (n) student, 2. instructor; allotment, action, bill, dose, (v) grade, evaluate, 3.
synonyms (n) teacher, lecturer, institutor. measurement (ölçüm); synonyms (n) dimension,
öğün meal (yemek); synonyms (n) food, feed, flour, gauge, magnitude, proportion, observation,
repast, banquet, spread, bite. mensuration, size, valuation, estimation, breadth,
öğüt 1. advice; synonyms (n) admonition, caution, measuring, weight, appraisal, evaluation, 4. size
counsel, warning, exhortation, instruction, (boyut, büyüklük); synonyms (n) bulk, capacity,
intelligence, monition, notice, report, tidings, dimensions, largeness, glue, mass, sizing, content,
advisement, announcement, communication, bigness, compass, enormity, fatness, format,
direction, 2. counsel (avukat, öğüt vermek); greatness, (adj) gum; antonyms (n) length,
synonyms (n) advocate, attorney, consultation, slenderness, 5. scale (ölçek); synonyms (n) flake,
counselor, guidance, recommendation, (v) advice, gamut, graduation, yardstick, rate, chip, fur,
advise, consult, admonish, confer, exhort, urge, gradation, (v) ascend, climb, mount, weigh, rise,
warn, direct, 3. recommendation; synonyms (n) peel, (adj) balance; antonym (v) descend, 6. extent;
praise, commendation, suggestion, advocacy, synonyms (n) extension, amplitude, expanse,
reference, approval, proposal, endorsement, distance, boundary, purview, reach, scope, space,
testimonial. spread, depth, latitude, limit, range, (v) area, 7. test
öğütlemek advise (tavsiye etmek); synonyms (v) (sınamak); synonyms (n) trial, audition,
admonish, acquaint, inform, propose, recommend, experiment, examination, (v) assay, essay, examine,
suggest, warn, apprise, caution, exhort, forewarn, prove, quiz, sample, check, try, analyze, attempt,
instruct, notify, offer, tell; antonym (v) oppose. (adj) experimental.
ökçe heel (topuk); synonyms (n) blackguard, counter, ölçülü 1. moderate (ılımlı); synonyms (adj)
dog, cad, scoundrel, shoe, sole, villain, bounder, (v) temperate, abstemious, middling, mild, easy, (v)
list, lean. calm, mitigate, allay, curb, diminish, lessen, ease,
ölçek 1. scale; synonyms (n) flake, gamut, degree, cool, abate, (adv) check; antonyms (adj) extreme,
graduation, measure, yardstick, rate, chip, (v) immoderate, radical, (v) increase, intensify, 2.
ascend, climb, gauge, mount, weigh, rise, (adj) continent (kıta); synonyms (n) land, delta,
balance; antonym (v) descend, 2. measure peninsula, area, boundary, capacity, circle, circuit,
(ölçmek, ölçü, önlem); synonyms (n) amount, circumference, (adj) chaste, celibate, pure, abstinent,
criterion, extent, beat, benchmark, estimate, sober, austere; antonym (adj) incontinent, 3.
measurement, meter, quantity, act, allotment, careful (dikkatli); synonyms (adj) accurate,
action, (v) grade, appraise, assess. attentive, thrifty, alert, deliberate, economical,
ölçeklemek scale (ölçek); synonyms (n) flake, gamut, frugal, mindful, prudent, thoughtful, assiduous,
degree, graduation, measure, yardstick, rate, chip, aware, cagey, cautious, (v) anxious; antonyms (adj)
careless, reckless, slapdash, neglectful, 4. sober;

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synonyms (adj) serious, grave, sedate, sane, earnest, mortality, passing; antonyms (n) birth, existence,
moderate, quiet, solemn, modest, demure, dull, delivery.
serene, somber, staid, severe; antonym (adj) ölmek die; synonyms (v) decease, dead, death, depart,
intoxicated. expire, fall, go, pass, conk, croak, break, cease, fail,
ölçüm 1. measurement; synonyms (n) dimension, (n) dice, matrix.
gauge, magnitude, measure, proportion, ölmüş dead (ölü); synonyms (adj) dull, lifeless, cold,
observation, extent, mensuration, size, valuation, defunct, inanimate, absolute, breathless, deceased,
estimation, breadth, measuring, weight, appraisal, extinct, fallen, flat, gone, idle, (adv) right, absolutely;
2. measure (ölçmek, ölçü, önlem); synonyms antonyms (adj) alive, animate, (n) living.
(n) amount, criterion, beat, benchmark, degree,
ölü 1. dead (ölmüş); synonyms (adj) dull, lifeless,
estimate, measurement, meter, quantity, act,
cold, defunct, inanimate, absolute, breathless,
allotment, action, (v) grade, appraise, assess. deceased, extinct, fallen, flat, gone, idle, (adv) right,
ölçün standard (standart); synonyms (adj) model, absolutely; antonyms (adj) alive, animate, (n) living,
normal, regular, accepted, classic, common, (n) 2. corpse; synonyms (n) cadaver, carcass, body,
degree, measure, average, criterion, flag, norm,
corse, remains, stiff, clay.
rate, gauge, benchmark; antonyms (adj) unusual,
ölüm 1. death; synonyms (n) demise, end, expiration,
unconventional, special.
close, exit, cessation, decease, departure,
ölçüsüzlük excess; synonyms (adj) extra, additional, dissolution, doom, dying, fate, loss, mortality,
(n) surplus, dissipation, extravagance, plethora,
passing; antonyms (n) birth, existence, delivery, 2.
abundance, exaggeration, glut, overabundance,
demise; synonyms (n) death, collapse, release, fall,
overindulgence, overplus, remainder, rest,
(v) perish, die, lease, let; antonym (n) beginning, 3.
superfluity; antonyms (n) lack, shortage, restraint,
moderation, dearth, shortfall.
dissolution; synonyms (n) decay, breakup,
decomposition, abolition, cancellation, analysis,
ölçüt 1. criterion (kriter); synonyms (n) benchmark,
dismissal, annulment, dissipation, adjournment,
measure, norm, test, canon, mark, criterium, gauge,
disintegration, licentiousness, resolution, catalysis,
pattern, principle, proof, rule, touchstone, 2.
canon; synonyms (n) doctrine, law, regulation, ölümcül fatal; synonyms (adj) calamitous, deadly,
code, criterion, formula, statute, creed, prebendary. destructive, disastrous, lethal, pestilent, dangerous,
öldürme killing; synonyms (v) captivating, deathly, fateful, mortal, grave, killing, malignant,
fascinating, (n) homicide, carnage, manslaughter, noxious, pernicious; antonym (adj) nonfatal.
assassination, bloodshed, cleanup, kill, massacre, ölümlülük mortality; synonyms (n) fatality, death,
murder, (adj) fatal, draining, deadly, pernicious. flesh, humanity, mankind, deathrate, morbidity,
öldürmek 1. kill; synonyms (v) assassinate, destroy, (adj) caducity, fugacity, impermanence; antonym (n)
erase, annihilate, eliminate, extinguish, finish, blast, immortality.
butcher, decimate, dispatch, eradicate, execute, (n)
ömür 1. lifetime; synonyms (n) age, life, lifespan, day,
murder, game, 2. shoot; synonyms (v) bud,
decade, hour, time, animation, being, abode,
discharge, dart, dash, drive, flash, hunt, send, fire,
aliveness, biography, century, cottage, (adj) lifelong,
germinate, grow, (n) scion, branch, sprout, chute, 3.
2. life (hayat); synonyms (n) energy, spirit,
waste; synonyms (n) desert, refuse, damage, trash,
activity, dash, enthusiasm, existence, exuberance,
(adj) spoil, desolate, barren, (v) consume, exhaust,
live, briskness, career, autobiography, endurance,
ruin, squander, ravage, destruction, devastate,
lifetime, liveliness, living; antonym (n) lethargy.
dissipate; antonyms (v) conserve, save.
ön 1. front; synonyms (adj) head, fore, anterior,
öldürmemek spare; synonyms (adj) reserve, slender,
preceding, (n) countenance, forefront, appearance,
excess, save, slight, additional, lean, slim, thin,
disguise, facade, frontage, brow, audacity, (v) face,
bare, (v) free, meager, exempt, (n) extra, backup.
confront, look; antonyms (n) rear, end, (v) back, 2.
öldürücü 1. fatal; synonyms (adj) calamitous, deadly, preliminary (ilk); synonyms (adj) introductory,
destructive, disastrous, lethal, pestilent, dangerous,
prefatory, early, inaugural, elementary, first,
deathly, fateful, mortal, grave, killing, malignant,
preparatory, proemial, (n) prelude, preface, prelim,
noxious, pernicious; antonym (adj) nonfatal, 2.
introduction, overture; antonym (n) final.
deadly; synonyms (adj) baneful, fatal, toxic, önad adjective; synonyms (adj) adjectival, procedural.
virulent, poisonous, baleful, boring, deleterious,
önce 1. before (önünde); synonyms (prep) fore,
pestilential, deathlike, dreary, dull, monotonous,
beyond, facing, (adv) above, ahead, afore, ago,
(adv) madly, (v) dead; antonym (adj) harmless, 3.
earlier, already, forward, previously, beforehand,
lethal; synonyms (adj) murderous, venomous. ere, (adj) preceding, prior; antonyms (prep) later,
ölme death (ölüm); synonyms (n) demise, end, behind, after, afterward, 2. ago; synonyms (adv)
expiration, close, exit, cessation, decease,
formerly, erst, since, back, over, backwards,
departure, dissolution, doom, dying, fate, loss,

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afterwards, erewhile, syne, whilom, contrarily, heretofore, once, (adj) preceding, prior, rather;
reflexively, (adj) past, agone, 3. firstly; synonyms antonyms (prep) later, after, afterward.
(adv) first, foremost, initially, originally, basically; öndeki 1. forward (göndermek, ileri); synonyms
antonym (adv) lastly, 4. back (arka, geri, sırt); (adv) onward, fore, ahead, along, (adj) bold,
synonyms (adv) before, backward, (n) rear, (adj) audacious, advanced, early, brazen, (n) further, (v)
assist, (v) support, advocate, endorse, recede, advance, expedite, promote, cultivate, (phr)
second, stake, vouch, guarantee, aid, champion, dispatch; antonyms (adv) backward, (adj) shy,
encourage; antonyms (n) face, (v) front, oppose, posterior, 2. front (ön); synonyms (adj) head,
advance. anterior, preceding, (n) countenance, forefront,
önceden 1. beforehand; synonyms (adv) before, appearance, disguise, facade, frontage, brow,
ahead, early, previously, aforehand, first, formerly, audacity, battlefront, (v) face, confront, look;
forward, (adj) advance, already, afore, 2. antonyms (n) rear, end, (v) back.
previously; synonyms (adv) beforehand, önden before (önce, önünde); synonyms (prep) fore,
antecedently, earlier, once, fore, 3. formerly; beyond, facing, (adv) above, ahead, afore, ago,
synonyms (adv) aforetime, erst, erstwhile, originally, earlier, already, forward, previously, beforehand,
sometime, sometimes. ere, (adj) preceding, prior; antonyms (prep) later,
önceki 1. former (eski); synonyms (adv) before, (adj) behind, after, afterward.
antecedent, anterior, bygone, earlier, foregoing, önder leader (lider); synonyms (n) chief, guide, boss,
previous, prior, original, deceased, past, preceding, captain, director, head, chieftain, commander,
foremost, primary, (n) predecessor; antonym (adj) conductor, administrator, lead, principal, hero,
future, 2. old (eski); synonyms (adj) antiquated, executive, superior; antonyms (n) follower,
obsolete, ancient, former, aged, antique, elderly, straggler.
experienced, outdated, veteran, archaic, decrepit, önderlik leadership; synonyms (n) guidance,
hoary, mature, stale; antonyms (adj) new, young, command, lead, control, direction, authority,
modern, fresh, latest, novel, youthful, 3. prior; generalship, administration, influence, conduct,
synonyms (adj) preliminary, advance, introductory, government, leading, management, supervision,
(n) abbot, cenobite, conventual; antonym (adj) supremacy.
subsequent. önem 1. magnitude (büyüklük); synonyms (n)
öncel predecessor; synonyms (n) precursor, extent, bulk, consequence, amount, dimension,
forerunner, ancestor, antecedent, antecessor, father, mass, proportion, size, weight, amplitude,
elder, precedent; antonyms (n) successor, greatness, degree, largeness, moment, intensity;
descendant. antonym (n) triviality, 2. importance; synonyms
(n) account, gravity, dignity, import, concern,
öncelik priority; synonyms (n) precedence,
emphasis, prominence, stress, value, influence,
antecedence, antecedency, anteriority, precedency,
magnitude, matter, prestige, seriousness,
preference, rank, superiority, supremacy.
significance; antonyms (n) insignificance,
öncelikle first (birinci, ilk); synonyms (adv) foremost,
unimportance, 3. account (hesap); synonyms (n)
before, rather, early, (adj) best, beginning, chief,
bill, narrative, reckoning, regard, score, tale,
primitive, former, forward, head, initial, leading,
description, explanation, history, narration, reason,
maiden, (n) commencement; antonyms (adj) last,
recital, story, tab, (v) report, 4. moment (an);
final, (n) end.
synonyms (n) importance, flash, instant, jiffy,
öncü leader (lider); synonyms (n) chief, guide, boss, minute, bit, second, time, hour, juncture, occasion,
captain, director, head, chieftain, commander, point, trice, twinkling, wink, 5. prominence;
conductor, administrator, lead, principal, hero,
synonyms (n) eminence, hump, protuberance,
executive, superior; antonyms (n) follower, height, bulge, distinction, projection, celebrity,
straggler. fame, bump, extrusion, gibbosity, jut, reputation,
öncülük lead; synonyms (v) head, guide, conduct, (adj) renown; antonym (n) obscurity, 6. severity;
contribute, direct, chair, conduce, control, go, synonyms (n) cruelty, austerity, harshness, rigor,
govern, bring, convey, give, (n) clue, advantage; asperity, inclemency, roughness, difficulty,
antonym (v) follow. grimness, hardness, hardship, inflexibility,
önde 1. ahead; synonyms (adv) before, beforehand, rigorousness, rigour, (adj) simplicity; antonyms (n)
formerly, forward, onward, previously, beyond, gentleness, leniency, clemency, flexibility,
fore, forth, forwards, on, onwards, winning, (adj) pleasantness, 7. significance (anlam); synonyms
front, (n) lead; antonyms (adv) behind, late, 2. (n) sense, connotation, meaning, purport, effect,
before (önce, önünde); synonyms (prep) facing, intent, implication, gist, interest, content,
(adv) above, ahead, afore, ago, earlier, already, ere, signification, substance, worth, moral, idea, 8.
stress (gerginlik, stres); synonyms (n) accent,

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pressure, tension, force, pinch, effort, accentuation, magnanimous, noble, spacious, stout, vast, loud,
anxiety, (v) strain, emphasize, accentuate, boastful; antonyms (adj) little, puny, 6. serious
emphasise, punctuate, underline, trouble, 9. (ağır, ciddi); synonyms (adj) sedate, austere, hard,
emphasis (vurgu); synonym (n) vehemence, 10. dangerous, grievous, sad, sober, deep, severe,
import (ithal etmek); synonyms (n) betoken, weighty, devout, acute, dull, grim, (v) demure;
core, drift, express, denotation, export, (v) denote, antonyms (adj) frivolous, lighthearted, cheerful,
imply, introduce, mean, spell, carry, bring, indicate, flippant, humorous, playful, slight, 7. historic;
intend, 11. consideration; synonyms (n) respect, synonyms (adj) historical, monumental, past,
attention, care, reflection, thought, cogitation, traditional, aged, ancient, auspicious,
conception, deliberation, notice, tact, breakthrough, diachronic, eventful, innovative,
thoughtfulness, advisement, caution, compassion, innovatory, memorable, milestone, pioneering, 8.
(v) condition; antonyms (n) thoughtlessness, heavy (ağır); synonyms (adj) dark, dense, fat, full,
impulsiveness, inconsideration, 12. consequence; gross, arduous, bulky, burdensome, oppressive,
synonyms (n) outcome, product, result, aftermath, compact, awkward, cumbersome, grueling,
conclusion, corollary, event, backwash, end, overweight, ponderous; antonyms (adj) light, easy,
impact, inference, issue, repercussion, sequel, slim, thin, gentle, skinny, 9. grand (büyük);
upshot; antonyms (n) cause, inconsequence, 13. synonyms (adj) excellent, gorgeous, elevated,
gravity; synonyms (n) earnestness, solemnity, exalted, majestic, superb, beautiful, brilliant, heroic,
graveness, gravitation, sedateness, staidness, huge, immense, impressive, lordly, magnificent,
gloominess, sobriety, somberness, (v) poise; proud; antonyms (adj) unimpressive, humble,
antonyms (n) flippancy, lightheartedness, 14. modest, 10. considerable; synonyms (adj) sizable,
matter (konu, madde, mesele); synonyms (n) pretty, fair, goodly, handsome, marked, much,
affair, business, material, incident, article, body, respectable, sizeable; antonym (adj) faint.
item, subject, topic, instance, fact, occurrence, (v) önemsememek slight; synonyms (adj) flimsy, slender,
case, count, weigh, 15. meaning (anlam); thin, fragile, delicate, faint, (n) scorn, disdain, (v)
synonyms (n) design, essence, aim, intention, disregard, insult, neglect, ignore, affront, cut, (adv)
interpretation, overtone, plan, purpose, spirit, light; antonyms (adj) considerable, major, fat,
tenor, understanding, construction, bearing, goal, heavy, intense, obvious, severe, thickset, wide.
message, 16. value; synonyms (n) merit, cost, önemsemeyen unaware; synonyms (adj) ignorant,
appraise, rate, (v) price, appreciate, assess, esteem, incognizant, unwitting, unconscious, unknowing,
evaluate, cherish, estimate, measure, prize, rank, blind, oblivious; antonyms (adj) aware, cognizant.
revere; antonyms (n) disadvantage, futility,
önemsiz 1. minor (küçük); synonyms (adj) little,
uselessness, 17. weight (ağırlık); synonyms (n) inferior, insignificant, junior, lesser, lower, small,
load, burden, charge, heaviness, ballast, bias, inconsequential, less, marginal, negligible, petty,
avoirdupois, validity, authority, freight, secondary, (n) child, juvenile; antonyms (adj) major,
weightiness, weighting, power, (v) counterweight,
important, significant, basic, chief, fundamental,
tax. leading, main, overriding, superseding, serious,
önemli 1. important; synonyms (adj) essential, grave, considerable, extensive, greater, senior, 2. trivial;
fundamental, significant, chief, crucial, key, synonyms (adj) frivolous, trifling, commonplace,
remarkable, serious, earnest, authoritative, big, inconsiderable, paltry, piddling, slight, superficial,
central, consequential, considerable; antonyms (adj) trite, hackneyed, banal, immaterial, minor, light,
unimportant, insignificant, trivial, minor, idle; antonyms (adj) vital, profound, urgent, 3.
irrelevant, low, worthless, 2. significant; slight; synonyms (adj) flimsy, slender, thin, fragile,
synonyms (adj) important, material, momentous, delicate, faint, feeble, (n) scorn, disdain, (v)
meaningful, critical, emphatic, expressive, disregard, insult, neglect, ignore, affront, cut;
indicative, major, pregnant, relevant, substantial,
antonyms (adj) fat, heavy, intense, obvious, severe,
meaning, solemn, (v) influential; antonym (adj)
thickset, wide, 4. petty; synonyms (adj) trivial,
small, 3. substantial; synonyms (adj) actual, solid, mean, puny, minute, exiguous, measly, fiddling,
firm, real, strong, palpable, sturdy, sound, concrete, fine, footling, niggling, tiny, unimportant, insular,
ample, corporeal, durable, hearty, heavy, hefty; diminutive, picayune, 5. indifferent (ilgisiz,
antonyms (adj) insubstantial, ethereal, fine, 4. great kayıtsız); synonyms (adj) apathetic, callous, cold,
(büyük); synonyms (adj) eminent, famous, cool, fair, impassive, insensible, unconcerned,
gigantic, distinguished, extensive, extreme, grand, careless, dull, average, aloof, casual, detached,
large, capital, celebrated, dignified, fantastic, disinterested; antonyms (adj) caring, enthusiastic,
glorious, good, massive; antonyms (adj) awful, tiny, fervent, keen, obsessive, eager, energetic, involved,
mild, 5. big (büyük); synonyms (adj) thick, surprised, 6. small (küçük); synonyms (adj)
generous, adult, bad, burly, great, high, liberal, narrow, inadequate, low, remote, cramped, young,

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354 Turkish - English

limited, humble, miniature, minuscule, modest, önlem 1. measure (ölçmek, ölçü); synonyms (n)
short, scanty, ungenerous, outside; antonyms (adj) amount, criterion, extent, beat, benchmark, degree,
bulky, colossal, enormous, extra-large, great, huge, estimate, measurement, meter, quantity, act,
sizeable, giant, (syn) big, large. allotment, action, (v) grade, appraise, 2. step
Öner suggest (önermek); synonyms (v) allude, (adım, basamak); synonyms (n) measure, stage,
imply, indicate, offer, advise, hint, intimate, walk, gait, gradation, level, rank, footprint,
propose, submit, counsel, proffer, point, connote, footstep, move, stride, advance, (v) pace,
insinuate, mean; antonym (v) withdraw. proceeding, tread.
önerge 1. motion (devinim, hareket); synonyms (n) önleme prevention; synonyms (n) avoidance, bar,
gesture, action, movement, wave, exercise, exclusion, interference, prohibition, restraint,
gesticulation, play, passage, application, move, prenotion; antonym (n) success.
question, (v) sign, beckon, gesticulate, signal, 2. önlemek 1. prevent; synonyms (v) obstruct,
resolution; synonyms (n) decision, determination, anticipate, block, forbid, arrest, avert, avoid, bar,
answer, conclusion, firmness, purpose, resolve, debar, exclude, forestall, hamper, impede, obviate,
solution, decomposition, analysis, constancy, (n) hinder; antonym (v) encourage, 2. stay (kalma,
dissolution, fortitude, perseverance, resoluteness; kalmak); synonyms (v) remain, reside, rest, prop,
antonym (n) indecisiveness, 3. proposal; stop, abide, continue, endure, pause, bide, dwell,
synonyms (n) motion, advice, proposition, support, (n) delay, halt, (adj) cease; antonyms (v)
suggestion, offer, overture, plan, proffer, leave, change, abscond, depart.
hypothesis, presentation, bid, design, idea, view, önsöz introduction (giriş); synonyms (n) induction,
advocacy. beginning, foreword, insertion, preface,
öneri 1. suggestion; synonyms (n) hint, advice, presentation, entrance, initiation, preamble,
intimation, proposal, allusion, counsel, dash, preliminary, prelude, admission, entry, intro,
proposition, recommendation, sign, touch, trace, opening; antonyms (n) finale, export, postscript.
clue, implication, indication, 2. proposal; önümüzdeki forthcoming; synonyms (adj) future,
synonyms (n) motion, suggestion, offer, overture, coming, approaching, imminent, outgoing,
plan, proffer, hypothesis, presentation, bid, design, upcoming, oncoming, pending, extroverted,
idea, view, question, advocacy, contemplation, 3. gracious, (v) batching, brewing; antonym (adj)
proposition (önerme); synonyms (n) approach, reserved.
assertion, premise, advance, position, principle, önünde before (önce); synonyms (prep) fore, beyond,
scheme, axiom, lemma, allegation, device,
facing, (adv) above, ahead, afore, ago, earlier,
application, law, (v) suggest, propose. already, forward, previously, beforehand, ere, (adj)
önerme 1. proposition; synonyms (n) offer, overture, preceding, prior; antonyms (prep) later, behind,
bid, motion, proposal, approach, assertion, design, after, afterward.
plan, suggestion, premise, advance, position,
önyargı 1. bias; synonyms (n) penchant, drift,
principle, (v) proffer, 2. thesis (sav); synonyms (n)
influence, turn, twist, favor, slope, angle, bigotry,
dissertation, matter, argument, essay, theme, topic,
(v) prejudice, bent, slant, dispose, (adj) partiality,
hypothesis, proposition, contention, composition,
diagonal; antonyms (n) impartiality, neutrality,
paper, treatise, discourse, opinion, review, 3.
fairness, 2. prejudice; synonyms (n) bias,
suggestion (öneri); synonyms (n) hint, advice,
disadvantage, discrimination, hurt, preconception,
intimation, allusion, counsel, dash,
detriment, inclination, racism, injustice, loss, (v)
recommendation, sign, touch, trace, clue,
harm, damage, predispose, injure, incline; antonym
implication, indication, inkling, insinuation.
(n) tolerance.
önermek 1. suggest; synonyms (v) allude, imply,
önyüklemek boot; synonyms (n) kick, trunk, bang,
indicate, offer, advise, hint, intimate, propose,
submit, counsel, proffer, point, connote, insinuate, charge, gain, kicking, shoe, belt, body, thrill.
mean; antonym (v) withdraw, 2. propose; öpmek kiss (öpücük); synonyms (n) buss, brush,
synonyms (v) bid, design, nominate, plan, aim, osculation, salute, touch, (v) caress, embrace,
intend, move, suggest, advocate, introduce, osculate, love.
present, project, broach, contemplate, (n) advance, öpücük kiss (öpmek); synonyms (n) buss, brush,
3. vote (oy); synonyms (n) ballot, election, poll, osculation, salute, touch, (v) caress, embrace,
suffrage, franchise, voting, choice, balloting, (v) osculate, love.
voice, elect. ördek duck; synonyms (n) darling, canvas, (v) dip,
öngörmek predict; synonyms (v) anticipate, augur, douse, plunge, dodge, circumvent, dive, evade,
forecast, foresee, foretell, portend, bode, divine, souse, bob, avoid, crouch, dunk, elude.
forebode, foreshadow, foreshow, presage, expect,
herald, betoken.

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örge motif; synonyms (n) design, idea, motive, synonyms (n) character, nature, sort, breed,
pattern, subject, theme, figure, text, matter, tune, category, stamp, brand, emblem, font, manner,
badge, base, chorus, composition, crest. print, style, mark, class, genus.
örgensel organic (organik); synonyms (adj) örneklemek sample (örnek); synonyms (n) example,
constitutional, natural, constitutive, fundamental, instance, specimen, model, pattern, assay, case,
constituent, inherent, structural, whole, raw; illustration, exemplar, design, (v) taste, try, attempt,
antonym (adj) refined. essay, (adj) test.
örgü knitting; synonyms (n) knit, knitwork, plain. örnekseme analogy (benzerlik); synonyms (n)
örgüt 1. organization; synonyms (n) order, semblance, agreement, correspondence, parity,
resemblance, similarity, affinity, comparison,
establishment, administration, arrangement,
formation, association, constitution, institution, likeness, parallel; antonym (n) dissimilarity.
structure, system, form, business, company, örtmek 1. cover; synonyms (v) coat, conceal, top,
concern, enterprise, 2. organism (organizma); bury, cloak, (n) blind, blanket, screen, binding,
synonyms (n) being, organization, animal, life, camouflage, cap, covering, lid, mask, shield;
beast. antonyms (v) reveal, expose, uncover, 2. cap;
örgütlemek organize (düzenlemek); synonyms (v) synonyms (n) cover, bonnet, capital, base, ceiling,
establish, coordinate, constitute, devise, direct, fix, crest, detonator, tip, closure, coif, (v) beat, limit,
form, institute, regulate, compose, conduct, surpass, better, complete, 3. cloak; synonyms (n)
engineer, found, make, (n) arrange; antonym (v) veil, cape, masquerade, pall, curtain, guise, (v)
disorganize. wrap, dissemble, hide, disguise, drape, envelop,
mantle, shroud, obscure; antonym (v) disclose.
örgütlenme organization (örgüt); synonyms (n)
order, establishment, administration, arrangement, örtü 1. mask (maske, maskelemek); synonyms (n)
formation, association, constitution, institution, cover, conceal, veil, camouflage, screen, blind,
structure, system, form, business, company, guise, curtain, pretense, blanket, (v) cloak, disguise,
concern, enterprise. hide, dissemble, masquerade; antonym (v) disclose,
örme knitting; synonyms (n) knit, knitwork, plain. 2. cover (örtmek); synonyms (v) coat, top, bury,
örmek spin (döndürmek); synonyms (n) turn, twirl, wrap, comprise, bind, (n) binding, cap, covering,
whirl, revolution, roll, ride, eddy, (v) revolve, twist, lid, mask, shield, spread, coating, canopy;
run, drive, reel, fabricate, gyrate, invent. antonyms (v) reveal, expose, uncover, 3. blanket
örnek 1. sample; synonyms (n) example, instance, (battaniye); synonyms (n) bedding, sheet,
specimen, model, pattern, assay, case, illustration, counterpane, coverlet, mantle, quilt, shroud, (adj)
exemplar, design, (v) taste, try, attempt, essay, (adj) sweeping, overall, comprehensive, global, generic,
test, 2. example; synonyms (n) lead, sample, wholesale, broad, general, 4. covering; synonyms
guide, paradigm, precedent, prototype, archetype, (n) clothing, casing, apparel, case, concealment,
piece, quotation, exemplification, exercise, ideal, wrapper, awning, crust, envelope, film, layer, shell,
lesson, representative, warning, 3. model clothes, (adj) over, protective, 5. spread
(manken, model); synonyms (n) form, fashion, (yaymak); synonyms (v) scatter, reach, disperse,
image, dummy, figure, frame, epitome, manikin, expand, extend, broadcast, circulate, diffuse,
mannequin, original, template, (v) copy, imitate, disseminate, increase, propagate, stretch, broaden,
shape, carve; antonym (adj) atypical, 4. pattern deploy, (n) span; antonym (adj) concentrated, 6.
(desen); synonyms (n) mold, norm, order, canopy; synonyms (n) shade, ceiling, pavilion,
paragon, cast, arrangement, configuration, formula, bubble, visor, 7. cloth (kumaş); synonyms (n)
make, custom, device, kind, method, plan, (v) fabric, material, rag, stuff, textile, calling, net, (v)
mould, 5. instance; synonyms (n) time, affair, napkin, 8. coat (palto); synonyms (n) fur, jacket,
chance, cause, event, occasion, occurrence, casing, bark, peel, pelt, tunic, (v) sheath, plaster, glaze,
(v) exemplify, illustrate, cite, entreaty, invitation, finish, paint, plate, varnish, laminate, clothe.
solicitation, supplication, 6. specimen; synonyms örtük 1. implied; synonyms (adj) implicit,
(n) person, type, 7. illustration; synonyms (n) understood, tacit, indirect, oblique, silent;
chart, depiction, description, demonstration, antonyms (adj) direct, explicit, 2. implicit;
drawing, explanation, picture, sketch, diagram, synonyms (adj) undeclared, unsaid, implied,
exposition, likeness, portrayal, representation, inherent, unquestioning, virtual, practical.
comparison, table, 8. norm; synonyms (n) average, örtülü covered; synonyms (adj) hidden, veiled,
mean, measure, mode, criterion, median, gauge, concealed, covert, coated, masked, obscured, secret,
par, principle, rule, 9. piece (parça); synonyms (n) shrouded, thick, wrapped, (prep) cloaked; antonyms
cut, division, fragment, part, article, component, (adj) bare, naked.
composition, hunk, lump, patch, bit, block, chunk,
coin, constituent, 10. type (tip, tür, yazmak);

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356 Turkish - English

örtüşmek overlap; synonyms (n) lap, intersection, commemoration, credit, payment, (v) subsidy,
overlay, convergence, (v) fold, cross, concur, match, allowance.
overreach, override, overgo, overjump. övme praise; synonyms (n) compliment, acclaim,
örümcek spider; synonyms (n) lota, mussuk, applause, commendation, glory, kudos,
schooner, spinner, adapter, terrine, toby, urceus, admiration, (v) applaud, approve, commend, extol,
araneidan, cob, attercop, cobnut, fish, goatsucker, honor, flatter, celebrate, glorify; antonyms (n)
pundit. criticism, disparagement, (v) criticize, belittle,
örüntü pattern (desen); synonyms (n) model, disparage, rebuke, reprimand, reproach, scold,
design, fashion, form, mold, shape, example, chastise, denigrate, sully.
figure, norm, order, paragon, cast, arrangement, övmek praise; synonyms (n) compliment, acclaim,
configuration, (v) mould. applause, commendation, glory, kudos,
ötede beyond; synonyms (prep) above, (adv) further, admiration, (v) applaud, approve, commend, extol,
without, besides, away, by, farther, more, over, honor, flatter, celebrate, glorify; antonyms (n)
abroad, before, past, yonder, (adj) across; antonym criticism, disparagement, (v) criticize, belittle,
(prep) within.
disparage, rebuke, reprimand, reproach, scold,
chastise, denigrate, sully.
öteki other (başka, diğer); synonyms (adj)
additional, another, different, extra, further, more, övünme blow (üflemek); synonyms (n) bang, beat,
new, second, distinct, dissimilar, fresh, else, blast, knock, shock, wallop, gust, hit, jolt, (v) puff,
opposite, added; antonym (adj) same. bloom, blossom, pant, play, (adj) gasp; antonyms (v)
ötesinde beyond; synonyms (prep) above, (adv) further, calm, save.
without, besides, away, by, farther, more, over, öykü 1. story; synonyms (n) layer, history, account,
abroad, before, past, yonder, (adj) across; antonym narration, narrative, recital, report, tale, fable,
(prep) within. falsehood, fib, floor, legend, level, novel; antonym
ötesine beyond; synonyms (prep) above, (adv) further, (n) truth, 2. narrative; synonyms (adj) descriptive,
without, besides, away, by, farther, more, over, graphic, (n) anecdote, chronicle, relation, story,
abroad, before, past, yonder, (adj) across; antonym yarn, description, explanation, statement, fiction,
saga, enumeration, memoir, 3. tale; synonyms (n)
(prep) within.
lie, gossip, romance, fabrication, myth, invention,
öteye beyond; synonyms (prep) above, (adv) further,
rumor, untruth, allegory, tell.
without, besides, away, by, farther, more, over,
abroad, before, past, yonder, (adj) across; antonym
öyle 1. so (böyle); synonyms (adv) accordingly, as,
consequently, hence, thus, indeed, then, therefore,
(prep) within.
insomuch, also, wherefore, (n) sol, (pron) that, (adj)
ötme singing; synonyms (n) chant, apprisal, betrayal, likewise, 2. such (böyle); synonyms (adv) what,
cantation, lyrics, notification, recounting, relation,
(adj) like, sic, sich, slik, swich, resembling.
(adj) cantabile, vocal, cantatory, hymning, speaking,
(adv) live, playing.
öylesine so (böyle); synonyms (adv) accordingly, as,
consequently, hence, thus, indeed, then, therefore,
ötmek 1. sing; synonyms (v) chant, hymn, chirp, hum,
insomuch, also, wherefore, (n) sol, (pron) that, (adj)
drone, pipe, twitter, vocalize, carol, snitch, betray,
harmonize, poetize, squeal, (n) squeak, 2. sound
öyleyse then; synonyms (adv) so, accordingly,
(ses); synonyms (n) echo, peal, (v) ring, chime, fast,
afterward, again, consequently, later, (conj)
(adj) reasonable, complete, healthy, fit, good, just,
rational, right, sane, sensible; antonyms (n) silence,
öz 1. self (kendi); synonyms (n) ego, person, being,
(adj) illogical, unsound, confused.
individual, someone, character, essence,
öttürmek sound (ses); synonyms (n) echo, peal, (v) individuality, personality, selfness, soul, spirit, (adj)
ring, chime, fast, (adj) reasonable, complete, healthy, same, 2. extract; synonyms (n) excerpt, juice,
fit, good, just, rational, right, sane, sensible; quotation, quote, citation, (v) draw, abstract, derive,
antonyms (n) silence, (adj) illogical, unsound, educe, elicit, distill, express, get, extort, cull, 3.
core (çekirdek, göbek); synonyms (n) bosom,
övgü 1. praise; synonyms (n) compliment, acclaim, center, gist, heart, kernel, marrow, quintessence,
applause, commendation, glory, kudos, stone, mind, base, burden, centre, crux, focus, hub;
admiration, (v) applaud, approve, commend, extol,
antonym (adj) minor, 4. essence; synonyms (n)
honor, flatter, celebrate, glorify; antonyms (n)
core, entity, aroma, perfume, hypostasis, body,
criticism, disparagement, (v) criticize, belittle,
extract, fragrance, nub, odor, root, scent, substance,
disparage, rebuke, reprimand, reproach, scold,
effect, (v) stuff, 5. nucleus (çekirdek); synonyms
chastise, denigrate, sully, 2. tribute; synonyms (n)
(n) basis, embryo, germ, bud, meat, pivot, cream,
praise, tax, contribution, testimonial, duty, homage,
egg, 6. substance; synonyms (n) import, material,
eulogy, respect, appreciation, approval,
matter, meaning, significance, subject, amount,

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means, implication, content, element, strength, lonely, own, (v) close; antonyms (adj) public,
importance, signification, mass; antonym (n) communal, community, nationalized, official, state-
triviality, 7. own; synonyms (v) acknowledge, owned, civic, shared, state, 3. particular;
admit, have, concede, allow, grant, hold, possess, synonyms (adj) special, fastidious, careful, definite,
confess, accept, avow, enjoy, occupy, (adj) proper, delicate, exact, finicky, fussy, detailed, choosy,
private, 8. cream (kaymak, krema); synonyms circumstantial, critical, finical, (n) detail, item;
(n) pick, ointment, prime, balm, top, liniment, elite, antonyms (adj) careless, easy, vague, (n) general, 4.
fat, salve, unguent, (adj) flower, milk, (v) best, skim, custom (gelenek); synonyms (n) tradition, habit,
ream, 9. abstract (özet, soyut); synonyms (adj) convention, practice, usage, use, fashion, impost,
theoretical, academic, (v) abridge, filch, lift, purloin, method, observance, order, rite, ritual, (v) accustom,
(n) synopsis, abridgement, digest, epitome, (adj) bespoke, 5. peculiar (acayip); synonyms (adj)
summary, abridgment, brief, outline, precis; odd, anomalous, characteristic, curious, eccentric,
antonym (adj) concrete, 10. soul (ruh); synonyms abnormal, bizarre, fantastic, irregular, proper,
(n) man, creature, ghost, human, personification, singular, strange, appropriate, funny, idiosyncratic;
life, mortal, psyche, self, breast, embodiment, antonyms (adj) normal, typical, 6. personal
homo, (adj) incarnation, backbone, genius, 11. sum (kişisel); synonyms (adj) human, peculiar, private,
(toplam); synonyms (n) total, quantity, entirety, direct, subjective, physical, original, privy, several,
count, measure, join, quantum, (v) aggregate, single, specific, mortal, 7. distinctive; synonyms
figure, number, add, resume, compute, summarize, (adj) distinguishing, excellent, discriminating,
(adj) all, 12. spirit; synonyms (n) apparition, separate, unusual, unique, classifiable, (v)
courage, mood, bravery, disposition, energy, discriminative, dioristic; antonym (adj) common, 8.
enthusiasm, phantom, fortitude, dash, esprit, intimate; synonyms (adj) informal, internal, bosom,
feeling, liveliness, mettle, (adj) animation; antonym friendly, near, (v) allude, hint, imply, indicate,
(n) lethargy. insinuate, suggest, (n) familiar, confidante, crony,
özdek matter (konu, madde, mesele); synonyms (adv) dear; antonym (adj) distant, 9. individual
(n) event, affair, business, concern, issue, material, (birey, bireysel); synonyms (adj) alone, sole,
substance, incident, article, body, import, interest, solitary, independent, one, only, (n) creature,
item, (v) case, count. fellow, man, person, homo, being, body, personage,
özdeş identical; synonyms (adj) equal, corresponding, self; antonyms (adj) joint, combined, (n) collective,
uniform, consistent, alike, equivalent, selfsame, 10. express; synonyms (v) exhibit, articulate,
similar, very, synonymous, congruent, duplicate, convey, declare, demonstrate, display, mean, say,
even, exact, (v) same; antonyms (adj) different, tell, breathe, (adj) explicit, clear, speedy, categorical,
incompatible, inconsistent. (n) denote; antonyms (v) suppress, hide, (adj) slow,
özdeşlik identity (kimlik); synonyms (n) 11. exclusive; synonyms (adj) choice, select,
identicalness, unity, individuality, personality, undivided, chic, elite, classy, expensive, restricted,
sameness, character, equality, person, similarity, snobbish, superior, posh, smart, whole, (n) scoop;
equivalence. antonym (adj) inclusive, 12. very (çok, pek, tam);
özdevimli 1. automatically; synonyms (adv) synonyms (adv) extremely, greatly, highly, really,
mechanically, essentially, impulsively, inevitably, completely, entirely, most, quite, truly, actually,
instinctively, necessarily, obediently, unavoidably, too, awfully, (adj) much, identical, considerably;
unthinkingly, certainly, insentience, intuitively, antonyms (adv) abysmally, slightly, somewhat, 13.
involuntarily, perfunctorily, reflexively; antonyms
specific (belirli, özgül); synonyms (adj) concrete,
(adv) deliberately, consciously, physically, 2. precise, positive, accurate, fixed, set, unambiguous,
automatic (otomatik); synonyms (adj) instinctive, noteworthy, respective, (n) fact; antonym (adj)
involuntary, automated, mechanical, reflex, universal.
spontaneous, unconscious; antonyms (adj) manual,
özellik 1. feature; synonyms (n) article, aspect,
deliberate, voluntary. character, characteristic, detail, lineament,
özdeyiş maxim; synonyms (n) axiom, aphorism, peculiarity, facet, appearance, attribute, fact, mark,
adage, apothegm, byword, rule, motto, principle, particular, quality, (v) display, 2. characteristic
proverb, saw, saying, canon, law, moral, dictum. (karakteristik); synonyms (adj) distinctive,
özel 1. special; synonyms (adj) particular, especial, individual, typical, original, natural, representative,
individual, limited, rare, different, distinguished, special, specific, symbolic, (n) badge, sign, feature,
distinct, express, certain, distinctive, exceptional, peculiar, point, (v) emblematic; antonyms (adj)
extra, extraordinary, (adv) apart; antonym (adj) uncharacteristic, common, 3. property; synonyms
ordinary, 2. private; synonyms (adj) clandestine, (n) capital, belongings, asset, estate, goods, nature,
confidential, personal, covert, hidden, secret, inner, place, wealth, substance, faculty, thing, assets,
esoteric, exclusive, intimate, domestic, interior, fortune, holding, (v) possession, 4. character

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358 Turkish - English

(karakter); synonyms (n) kind, note, part, role, instruct; antonyms (adj) long, long-drawn-out, long-
type, brand, constitution, description, disposition, winded, permanent, lengthy, time-consuming, 5.
eccentric, spirit, tone, standing, atmosphere, extract; synonyms (n) excerpt, essence, juice,
attitude, 5. point (göstermek, nokta); synonyms quotation, quote, citation, (v) derive, educe, elicit,
(n) grade, peak, nib, edge, aim, degree, dot, spot, distill, express, get, extort, cull, distil, 6. sum
phase, apex, end, height, (v) head, direct, level, 6. (toplam); synonyms (n) total, quantity, entirety,
quality (kalite, nitelik); synonyms (n) class, mass, count, measure, join, kernel, quantum, (v)
condition, distinction, caliber, worth, value, amount, aggregate, number, add, compute, (adj) all.
goodness, excellence, ability, calibre, endowment, özetleme compression (sıkıştırma); synonyms (n)
merit, property, qualification, rank; antonym (adj) compaction, condensation, pressure, compressing,
shoddy. concentration, consolidation, contraction,
özellikle 1. especially; synonyms (adv) specially, squeezing, concretion.
chiefly, exceedingly, particularly, principally, özetlemek 1. abstract (özet, soyut); synonyms (adj)
namely, exceptionally, expressly, extra, theoretical, academic, (v) abridge, filch, extract, lift,
extraordinarily, peculiarly, primarily, remarkably, (n) synopsis, abridgement, digest, epitome,
specifically, very; antonym (adv) slightly, 2. summary, abridgment, brief, outline, precis;
particularly; synonyms (adv) especially, only, antonym (adj) concrete, 2. brief; synonyms (adj)
curiously, markedly, notably, singly, individually, concise, short, little, transient, short-lived, abrupt,
definitely, distinctly, extremely, unusually, abbreviated, brusque, compendious, curt, fleeting,
carefully, superlatively, 3. expressly; synonyms laconic, (n) abstract, (v) compact, notify; antonyms
(adv) explicitly, purposely, precisely. (adj) long, long-drawn-out, long-winded,
özen care; synonyms (n) attention, bother, caution, permanent, lengthy, time-consuming.
concern, aid, apprehension, custody, keep, özgü 1. peculiar (acayip); synonyms (adj) individual,
maintenance, worry, attendance, affection, (v) odd, particular, exceptional, different, anomalous,
anxiety, charge, administer; antonyms (n) characteristic, curious, eccentric, extraordinary,
carelessness, recklessness, rashness, abnormal, distinctive, bizarre, especial, fantastic;
thoughtlessness, (v) neglect, disregard. antonyms (adj) normal, ordinary, typical, 2.
özendirmek encourage; synonyms (v) cheer, abet, specific (belirli, özgül); synonyms (adj) special,
advance, aid, back, boost, comfort, foster, further, concrete, exact, peculiar, precise, definite, positive,
promote, urge, advocate, cherish, advise, animate; accurate, clear, express, single, certain, distinct,
antonyms (v) discourage, dishearten, prevent, explicit, fixed; antonyms (adj) universal, vague, (n)
deter, hurt, obstruct, stop. general.
özenli careful (dikkatli); synonyms (adj) accurate, özgül specific (belirli); synonyms (adj) individual,
attentive, thrifty, alert, deliberate, economical, special, concrete, exact, peculiar, precise, definite,
frugal, mindful, prudent, thoughtful, assiduous, especial, positive, accurate, clear, express, single,
aware, cagey, cautious, (v) anxious; antonyms (adj) certain, (n) particular; antonyms (adj) universal,
careless, reckless, slapdash, neglectful. vague, (n) general.
özerk autonomous; synonyms (adj) independent, özgün 1. original (orijinal); synonyms (adj) first,
sovereign, autonomic, free, separate; antonym (adj) authentic, native, new, primary, primitive,
dependent. indigenous, aboriginal, creative, early, fresh,
özerklik autonomy (otonomi); synonyms (n) imaginative, inventive, (n) archetype, model;
independence, freedom, autocracy, liberty, antonyms (adj) commonplace, banal, copied, corny,
sovereignty; antonym (n) dependence. derivative, hackneyed, well-worn, conventional,
özet 1. summary; synonyms (n) abstract, resulting, unimaginative, (n) copy, counterfeit, fake,
compendium, abridgment, epitome, outline, digest, imitation, replica, 2. genuine; synonyms (adj)
report, synopsis, precis, (adj) brief, compendious, actual, sincere, true, unsophisticated, candid,
concise, succinct, curt, short, 2. abstract (soyut); faithful, artless, factual, hearty, real, unaffected,
synonyms (adj) theoretical, academic, imaginary, (v) unfeigned, very, absolute, accurate; antonyms (adj)
abridge, filch, extract, lift, purloin, remove, steal, bogus, insincere, affected, artificial, dishonest, false,
take, abbreviate, (n) abridgement, summary, pretend, hypocritical.
resume; antonym (adj) concrete, 3. outline; özgür 1. free (açık, bedava, boş, serbest, serbest
synonyms (n) sketch, design, edge, contour, figure, bırakmak); synonyms (adj) loose, frank, liberal, (v)
frame, (v) draft, line, form, describe, draw, border, clear, exempt, liberate, discharge, excuse, extricate,
chart, adumbrate, blueprint, 4. brief; synonyms relieve, disentangle, acquit, deliver, disengage,
(adj) little, transient, short-lived, abrupt, ease; antonyms (adj) bound, restricted, compelled,
abbreviated, brusque, fleeting, laconic, condensed, confined, imprisoned, repressive, secure, strict,
ephemeral, momentary, (v) compact, notify, inform, stuck, tangled, attached, busy, (v) confine, block,

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cage, 2. independent (bağımsız); synonyms (adj) özürlü disabled; synonyms (adj) crippled,
free, autonomous, separate, substantive, impartial, handicapped, helpless, incapacitated, invalid,
nonpartisan, sovereign, unallied, self-sufficient, game, mangled, mutilated, weakened, wrecked,
detached, distinct, individual, (n) freelance, unavailable, paralytic, broken, cripply, (adv)
mugwump, (adv) apart; antonyms (adj) dependent, aground.
simultaneous. özüt extract; synonyms (n) excerpt, essence, juice,
özgürlük 1. freedom; synonyms (n) exemption, quotation, quote, citation, (v) draw, abstract, derive,
autonomy, deliverance, discharge, emancipation, educe, elicit, distill, express, get, extort.
immunity, release, escape, ease, liberty, relief, right,
scope, (adj) franchise, frankness; antonyms (n)
imprisonment, restriction, captivity, dependence, P
restraint, suppression, 2. liberty; synonyms (n)
freedom, license, independence, leave, latitude, paha price (eder, fiyat); synonyms (n) cost, worth,
permission, privilege, familiarity, permit, charge, expense, figure, damage, fee, payment, toll,
generosity, impropriety, indecorum, (v) appraise, estimate, amount, assess, (adj) merit,
irresponsibility, leisure, (adj) liberality. value.
özlem hunger; synonyms (n) desire, thirst, appetite, pahalı 1. dear (sevgili); synonyms (adj) beloved,
craving, wish, itch, eagerness, famine, longing, close, costly, expensive, lovely, precious, near,
starvation, (v) crave, want, ache, long, lust; adorable, affectionate, cherished, familiar, high, (n)
antonym (n) moderation. darling, love, honey; antonyms (adj) cheap,
özlemek miss (bayan); synonyms (v) lack, lose, fail, worthless, 2. costly; synonyms (adj) dear, valuable,
jump, omit, overlook, long, drop, escape, (n) maid, extravagant, luxurious, pricey, rich, sumptuous,
girl, want, fille, missy, (adj) fault; antonym (v) invaluable, plush, priceless, pricy, splendid, 3.
perceive. expensive; synonyms (adj) lavish, overpriced,
özlü 1. substantial (önemli); synonyms (adj) actual, exclusive, fine, exorbitant; antonyms (adj)
solid, firm, real, strong, considerable, important, inexpensive, reasonable.
palpable, significant, essential, momentous, sturdy, pak clean (saf, temiz, temizlemek); synonyms (adj)
sound, concrete, ample; antonyms (adj) clear, fair, antiseptic, blank, pure, chaste, adroit,
insignificant, insubstantial, small, ethereal, fine, tidy, unblemished, (v) brush, cleanse, bathe, clarify,
worthless, 2. compact; synonyms (adj) close, disinfect, sweep; antonyms (adj) filthy, unclean,
dense, compendious, concise, hard, (n) agreement, muddy, unhygienic, full, syrupy, tainted,
arrangement, contract, covenant, bargain, unwholesome, (v) dirty, soil, contaminate, pollute.
engagement, (v) compress, condense, consolidate, paket 1. package; synonyms (n) bundle, pack,
pack; antonyms (adj) loose, sprawling, bulky, packaging, packet, parcel, carton, container,
sparse. collection, (v) box, wrap; antonym (v) unwrap, 2.
özne subject (konu); synonyms (n) matter, citizen, parcel; synonyms (n) lot, bale, division, package,
affair, dependent, inferior, issue, motif, question, section, batch, plot, patch, allotment, group, share,
point, area, content, discipline, field, (adj) liable, (v) portion, distribute, apportion, divide, 3.
exposed; antonym (adj) liberated. packet; synonyms (n) wad, envelope, fortune,
öznel subjective; synonyms (adj) mental, biased, mailboat, 4. pack (paketlemek); synonyms (n)
internal, objective, immanent, intellectual, mob, bevy, bunch, company, herd, backpack, gang,
prejudiced, psychological, rational; antonym (adj) horde, (v) crowd, compress, heap, cram, fill, jam,
impartial. load; antonym (v) unpack.
özsu juice; synonyms (n) extract, water, blood, gravy, paketlemek pack (paket); synonyms (n) bundle,
liquid, succus, fluid, liquor, fuel, gasoline, current, mob, bevy, bunch, company, herd, batch,
oil, (adj) humor, serum, lymph. backpack, box, gang, (v) crowd, compress, heap,
özür 1. excuse (affetmek, bağışlamak, bahane); cram, fill; antonym (v) unpack.
synonyms (n) apology, alibi, evasion, palliate, paketlenmiş packed; synonyms (adj) crowded,
pretext, color, (v) pardon, absolve, acquit, condone, compact, full, filled, jammed, overcrowded,
exculpate, forgive, justify, apologise, apologize; congested, dense, thick, brimming, close, cramped,
antonym (v) punish, 2. apology; synonyms (n) teeming; antonyms (adj) empty, deserted.
excuse, plea, amends, defense, justification, regret, pakt pact; synonyms (n) accord, agreement, contract,
reason, explanation, vindication, acknowledgment, bargain, bond, convention, deal, alliance, compact,
apologia, reparation, 3. plea; synonyms (n) answer, covenant, treaty, understanding, engagement,
appeal, petition, claim, allegation, call, entreaty, arrangement, concord.
prayer, argument, advocacy, demand, pretense,
pretension, request, suit.

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360 Turkish - English

pala sword; synonyms (n) blade, rapier, brand, steel, inexpressibles, smallclothes, trossers, trouse,
glaive, knife, brond, firebrand, fox, intoxicate, unmentionables, underpants.
make, mark, marque, morglay, point. Papa pope; synonyms (n) pontiff, cardinal, fish, (adj)
palamar cable (kablo); synonyms (n) rope, line, church, gospel, scripture.
cablegram, telegram, cord, guy, ribbon, twine, (v) papaz 1. priest (rahip); synonyms (n) clergyman,
wire, telegraph, report. minister, ecclesiastic, churchman, cleric, parson,
palet track (iz, izlemek); synonyms (n) course, path, pastor, presbyter, chaplain, monk, (adj) divine, 2.
line, racetrack, road, route, (v) trace, trail, hunt, tail, father (baba); synonyms (n) begetter, dad, sire,
chase, pursue, dog, follow, footprint. creator, abba, beginner, forefather, founder, padre,
palmiye palm; synonyms (n) decoration, medal, prize, patriarch, author, (v) beget, engender, create,
thenar, victory, medallion, (v) hand, filch, bag, generate; antonym (n) mother, 3. minister
cabbage, crib, handle, nim, pilfer, rob. (bakan); synonyms (n) envoy, priest, deputy,
palto coat; synonyms (n) cover, coating, crust, film, ambassador, curate, agent, messenger, delegate,
fur, jacket, layer, bark, case, casing, (v) cloak, official, preacher, rector, shepherd, (v) supply,
sheath, blanket, plaster, glaze. administer, provide.
pamuk cotton; synonyms (n) thread, yarn, cord, fiber, para 1. money; synonyms (n) capital, coin, currency,
string, affinity, bombace, packthread, rapport, funds, means, lucre, assets, cash, pelf, purse, tin,
strand, wire, (v) cater, coddle, fawn, (adj) dollar, pile, (adj) monetary, financial, 2. cash;
exceptional. synonyms (n) ready, bread, change, money, coins,
pamuklu cotton (pamuk); synonyms (n) thread, exchange, needful, wealth, wherewithal, finances,
yarn, cord, fiber, string, affinity, bombace, income, (v) encash, liquidate, redeem; antonym (n)
packthread, rapport, strand, wire, (v) cater, coddle, credit, 3. currency; synonyms (n) circulation,
fawn, (adj) exceptional. vogue, currentness, publicity, 4. means (araç);
panayır fair (güzel, sarışın); synonyms (adj) synonyms (n) expedient, agency, instrument,
equitable, clear, beautiful, average, dispassionate, channel, manner, agent, contrivance, device,
fine, impartial, reasonable, sweet, candid, (adv) medium, method, process, property, resource,
clean, (n) bazaar, blonde, carnival, (v) bright; resources, substance, 5. brass (pirinç); synonyms
antonyms (adj) unfair, biased, dark, exceptional, (n) boldness, face, cheek, nerve, administration,
unjust, partial, foul, imbalanced, mismatched, arrogance, insolence, effrontery, impertinence, (v)
prejudiced, unwarranted. audacity, assurance, front, hardihood, impudence,
panel panel (pano); synonyms (n) board, jury, (adj) bronze, 6. bread (ekmek); synonyms (n)
defendant, committee, plank, set, sheet, wall, living, livelihood, maintenance, dough, food, kale,
accused, window, (v) empanel, impanel. loot, sustenance, 7. funds; synonyms (n) treasury,
panik panic; synonyms (n) alarm, dismay, horror, funding, treasure, provision, savings.
scare, dread, fright, anxiety, fear, flap, hysteria, paradoks paradox; synonyms (n) incongruity,
funk, (v) shock, (adj) consternation, terror, awe; ambiguity, inconsistency, puzzle, catch-22,
antonym (n) composure. difficulty, fallacy, irony, opposite, paradoxy,
phenomenon, anomaly, catch, contrariness, error.
pankart banner (bayrak); synonyms (n) flag, ensign,
title, bunting, colors, emblem, headline, pennant, paragraf paragraph; synonyms (n) article, item,
pennon, streamer. section, chapter, head, division, part, piece,
sentence, count, (v) clause, passage.
pano 1. panel (panel); synonyms (n) board, jury,
defendant, committee, plank, set, sheet, wall, parakete log; synonyms (n) journal, record, block,
accused, window, (v) empanel, impanel, 2. board diary, timber, backlog, firewood, register, billet,
logarithm, bobbing, calendar, (v) enter, chronicle,
(tahta); synonyms (n) council, bench, meal, panel,
table, office, sign, commission, court, embark,
administration, agency, (v) keep, lodge, paralel 1. parallel (koşut); synonyms (adj)
accommodate; antonym (v) disembark. equivalent, even, comparable, level, like, alike,
matching, (n) equal, analogy, likeness, analog, (v)
pansiyon pension; synonyms (n) allowance, annuity,
compare, match, duplicate, agree; antonyms (adj)
payment, stipend, endowment, inn, subsistence,
conflicting, dissimilar, (n) perpendicular, skew, 2.
hostel, tribute, (v) dismiss.
pansuman dressing; synonyms (n) bandage, analogous (benzer); synonyms (adj) similar, akin,
analogical, corresponding, parallel, cognate,
bandaging, binding, fertilization, stuffing, scolding,
correspondent, related.
castigation, coating, surfacing.
pantolon trousers; synonyms (n) pants, breeches, paralı rich (zengin); synonyms (adj) abundant,
copious, fertile, productive, fruitful, full, affluent,
knickers, pantaloons, trowsers, drawers, bloomers,
ample, deep, fat, luxurious, opulent, plentiful,

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prolific, bright; antonyms (adj) poor, broke, antonyms (v) increase, lengthen, (n) addition,
destitute, impoverished, light. extension, 10. fragment; synonyms (n) fraction,
parametre parameter; synonyms (n) argument, grain, rag, remnant, sherd, end, cantle, particle, (v)
guideline, limit, directive, modulus, quality, rule, chip, shiver, splinter, crumble, crack, crash,
bound, bylaw, consideration, constraint, decree, collapse, 11. patch (yama, yamamak);
instruction, issue, law. synonyms (n) darn, mend, plot, bed, blot, freckle,
parasal 1. financial (finansal); synonyms (adj) fiscal, blotch, dapple, field, maculation, clout, (v) botch,
economic, monetary, pecuniary, commercial, fix, repair, cobble, 12. passage; synonyms (n) aisle,
crumenal, business, numismatical, sumptuary, course, channel, corridor, gangway, hall, journey,
budgeting, numismatic, pocket, 2. monetary; way, entrance, lobby, duct, opening, avenue,
citation, excerpt, 13. section (bölüm, kesit,
synonyms (adj) financial, budgetary, capital, cash.
parasız free (açık, bedava, boş, özgür, serbest, kısım); synonyms (n) compartment, percentage,
episode, region, quarter, area, arm, district,
serbest bırakmak); synonyms (adj) loose, frank,
passage, neighborhood, detachment, category,
liberal, (v) clear, exempt, liberate, discharge, excuse,
faction, head, incision, 14. unit (birim, ünite);
extricate, relieve, disentangle, acquit, deliver,
synonyms (n) troop, group, squad, aggregate, cell,
disengage, ease; antonyms (adj) bound, restricted,
team, ace, company, system, crew, force, body,
compelled, confined, imprisoned, repressive,
party, battalion, (adj) one.
secure, strict, stuck, tangled, attached, busy, (v)
confine, block, cage.
parçalamak 1. break (mola); synonyms (v) split,
crack, burst, fail, infringe, leak, (n) breach, fracture,
paravana screen (ekran, perde); synonyms (n)
pause, rupture, stop, collapse, interruption, respite,
shade, blind, riddle, disguise, partition, veil, guard,
suspension; antonyms (v) repair, obey, honor,
(v) cover, shield, conceal, hide, mask, protect,
mend, (n) continuation, 2. scrap; synonyms (n)
shelter, cloak.
fight, morsel, brawl, remnant, bit, chip, clash, end,
parazit interference (girişim, karışma); synonyms
junk, piece, remainder, conflict, (v) quarrel, row,
(n) disturbance, hindrance, handicap, block,
(adj) fragment; antonym (v) keep, 3. split
blocking, encumbrance, hitch, inhibition,
intercession, intervention, obstruction, antagonism, (ayırmak, bölmek, bölünme, yarmak);
intermeddling, disruption, (v) collision. synonyms (v) cut, slit, divide, separate, divorce,
cleave, division, fork, part, (n) break, rip, tear,
parça 1. piece; synonyms (n) cut, division, fragment,
cleavage, cleft, parting; antonyms (v) join, unite,
part, article, component, composition, hunk, lump,
patch, bit, block, chunk, coin, constituent, 2. part
(bölüm); synonyms (n) piece, character, portion, parçalanma crash; synonyms (n) clash, collision,
smash, clank, clatter, fall, impact, (v) bang, collapse,
section, share, allotment, (v) branch, break, disjoin,
break, clang, crack, dash, plunge, ram.
divide, divorce, class, cleave, dissociate, depart;
antonyms (n) whole, entirety, (adj) complete, 3.
parçalanmak 1. fragment; synonyms (n) fraction,
crumb, morsel, part, division, grain, piece, portion,
component (bileşen); synonyms (n) factor,
(v) bit, chip, scrap, shiver, splinter, break, crumble,
ingredient, detail, element, feature, member, unit,
accessory, (adj) fundamental, 4. item (kalem,
2. break (mola); synonyms (v) split, crack, burst,
fail, infringe, leak, (n) breach, fracture, pause,
madde); synonyms (n) entry, object, point, subject,
rupture, stop, collapse, interruption, respite,
thing, affair, event, clause, entity, fact, matter,
suspension; antonyms (v) repair, obey, honor,
particular, regard, (adv) also, and, 5. segment
mend, (n) continuation, 3. crash; synonyms (n)
(kesim); synonyms (n) paragraph, slice,
clash, collision, smash, clank, clatter, fall, impact,
proportion, length, sector, subdivision, metamere,
slam, wreck, (v) bang, clang, dash, plunge, ram,
parcel, strip, department, chapter, (v) partition, 6.
portion (porsiyon); synonyms (n) allot, dole, parçalanmış broken (bozuk); synonyms (v) broke,
allowance, deal, destiny, fate, fortune, installment,
(adj) tame, torn, busted, imperfect, intermittent,
segment, apportion, (v) lot, dividend, assign,
rough, rugged, ruined, uneven, disjointed,
dispense, distribute, 7. bit; synonyms (n) crumb,
incomplete, confused, cracked, crushed; antonyms
morsel, atom, drop, fleck, moment, shred, snatch,
(adj) constant, unbroken, intact, whole, wild.
taste, trace, whit, act, (v) curb, scrap, scantling, 8.
parıltı flash; synonyms (n) sparkle, blaze, shimmer,
lump; synonyms (n) heap, knot, clod, tumor,
glitter, instant, coruscation, (v) flicker, twinkle,
bulge, clump, knob, lummox, nub, bunch,
blink, flame, gleam, glimmer, coruscate, dazzle,
intumescence, pimple, (v) clot, (adj) mass, lout, 9.
cut (kesmek); synonyms (v) carve, chop, clip, park park; synonyms (n) garden, common, green,
abbreviate, abridge, bite, condense, crop, fashion,
parkland, arena, field, lawn, ballpark, commons, (v)
reduce, (n) notch, cutting, nick, blow, gash;
deposit, locate, place, put, set, position.

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362 Turkish - English

parlak 1. shiny; synonyms (adj) bright, lustrous, glimmer, coruscate, dazzle, lighten, dart, dash,
glossy, brilliant, clear, glistening, sheeny, shining, display, flaunt.
sleek, slick, smooth, sunny, glassy, resplendent, (v) parlamento parliament; synonyms (n) congress,
nitid; antonyms (adj) dull, rough, 2. bright; council, diet, assembly, legislature, house,
synonyms (adj) alive, apt, intelligent, vivid, convention, convocation, senate, fantan.
beaming, brainy, light, luminous, shiny, smart, parlatmak polish; synonyms (n) finish, gloss,
gorgeous, nimble, auspicious, acute, blithe; burnish, gentility, cultivation, elegance, refinement,
antonyms (adj) cloudy, dark, dim, dreary, gloomy, shine, civilization, (v) furbish, glaze, rub, civilize,
stupid, unintelligent, overcast, shadowy, leaden, clean, cultivate.
slow, thick, 3. brilliant; synonyms (adj) splendid, parmak 1. finger; synonyms (n) digit, dactyl, (v) feel,
glorious, illustrious, magnificent, spectacular, handle, touch, hand, thumb, grope, indicate, paw,
diamond, gaudy, gifted, impressive, incandescent, point, accuse, 2. hand (el); synonyms (n) deal, aid,
meteoric, sharp, sparkling, stunning, (n) jewel; applause, employee, worker, (v) deliver, give, pass,
antonym (adj) awful, 4. glossy; synonyms (adj) commit, bestow, afford, communicate, reach, grant,
glazed, flat, burnished, satiny, silky, even, provide, 3. inch (inç); synonyms (n) in, (v) edge,
gleaming, polished, satin, silken, calendered, 5. crawl, creep, ease, 4. toe; synonyms (n) extremity,
clear (açık, belirgin, berrak, temiz, foot, bottom, nadir, sole, adversary, antagonist,
temizlemek); synonyms (adj) clean, certain, open, competitor, enemy, opponent, (v) toenail, (adj) toed.
apparent, distinct, empty, (v) acquit, absolute, free, parmaklık 1. fence (çit); synonyms (n) enclosure,
net, absolve, clarify, definite, discharge, exculpate; barrier, hurdle, pale, bar, boundary, barricade,
antonyms (adj) opaque, unclear, fuzzy, hazy, fencing, (v) hedge, wall, contend, enclose, parry,
incomprehensible, obscure, uncertain, vague, quibble, evade, 2. bar (bar, çubuk); synonyms (n)
ambiguous, blurry, confused, confusing, illegible, band, stop, line, pub, snag, (v) ban, block, bolt,
imperceptible, (v) convict, 6. lively (canlı); exclude, obstruct, arrest, balk, dam, foreclose,
synonyms (adj) brisk, active, agile, cheerful, confine; antonyms (v) permit, allow, 3. rail;
energetic, keen, busy, fresh, gay, jolly, jovial, alert, synonyms (n) balustrade, handrail, railing, fence,
animated, enthusiastic, live; antonyms (adj) banister, track, path, paling, course, rails, (v)
inactive, lethargic, listless, lifeless, unexciting, 7. inveigh, vituperate, fulminate, revile, scold.
gorgeous; synonyms (adj) beautiful, attractive, parsel 1. parcel (paket); synonyms (n) lot, bale, pack,
luxurious, rich, wonderful, costly, delicious, bundle, division, package, packet, section, batch,
delightful, fine, handsome, lovely, opulent, pretty, plot, patch, allotment, (v) portion, distribute,
showy, striking; antonym (adj) ugly, 8. live (canlı, apportion, 2. plot (arsa); synonyms (n)
oturmak, yaşamak); synonyms (v) exist, inhabit, conspiracy, plan, scheme, chart, design, graph,
reside, subsist, abide, be, dwell, endure, stay, action, device, (v) intrigue, cabal, plat, conspire,
survive, (adj) animate, living, bouncy, breathing, (n) contrive, concoct, engineer.
go; antonyms (adj) dead, inanimate, 9. shining; parter pit (çukur); synonyms (n) cavity, dent, hole,
synonyms (v) shine, (adj) radiant, effulgent, depression, grave, colliery, excavation, mine, stone,
glittering, glowing, dazzling, distinguished, dig, (v) den, ditch, oppose, cave, (adj) hollow.
shimmering, sheen, glaring, lively, lucent, parti 1. lot; synonyms (n) batch, destiny, fate, doom,
refulgent, (n) lucid, polishing. fortune, portion, slice, allot, bunch, chance, circle,
parlaklık polish; synonyms (n) finish, gloss, burnish, group, set, share, (v) deal, 2. party; synonyms (n)
gentility, cultivation, elegance, refinement, shine, gang, band, company, assembly, association, crew,
civilization, (v) furbish, glaze, rub, civilize, clean, gathering, affair, bevy, celebration, crowd, do,
cultivate. faction, meeting, club, 3. batch; synonyms (n) lot,
parlama explosion (patlama); synonyms (n) burst, body, battery, charge, heap, mass, suite,
blast, boom, detonation, eruption, bang, consignment, bundle, cluster, clutch, collection,
fulmination, outbreak, outburst, rush, (v) discharge, flock, pile, (v) pack, 4. do (etmek, yapmak);
salvo, firing, (adj) paroxysm, blow. synonyms (v) act, cheat, commit, accomplish,
parlamak 1. beam (ışın, kiriş); synonyms (n) blaze, complete, conduct, perform, achieve, make,
glow, ray, timber, flash, joist, light, (v) glare, air, practice, defraud, answer, arrange, (n) function,
broadcast, gleam, grin, radiate, smile, (adj) shine, 2. occasion; antonyms (v) neglect, unmake.
blaze; synonyms (n) flame, burning, fire, hell, partisyon score; synonyms (n) mark, bill, count,
scintillation, combustion, blazing, brightness, (v) scratch, line, groove, scotch, account, check, debt,
beam, flicker, mark, shimmer, heat, kindle, (adj) (v) notch, cut, tally, achieve, dash.
burn, 3. flash; synonyms (n) sparkle, glitter, pasaj passage; synonyms (n) aisle, course, channel,
instant, coruscation, flare, (v) twinkle, blink, corridor, gangway, hall, journey, entry, way,
entrance, lobby, duct, opening, avenue, citation.

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Turkish - English 363

pasaport passport; synonyms (n) pass, permit, tumultuous, turbulent, vocal, bustling, confused,
protection, identification, safeguard, warrant. harsh; antonyms (adj) quiet, peaceful, silent, calm,
pasif passive (edilgen); synonyms (adj) inactive, tranquil.
apathetic, inert, submissive, indifferent, lifeless, patlama 1. explosion; synonyms (n) burst, blast,
nonviolent, resigned, dormant, slow, unresisting, boom, detonation, eruption, bang, fulmination,
impassive, indolent, meek, patient; antonyms (adj) outbreak, outburst, rush, (v) discharge, salvo, firing,
active, assertive, spirited, working. (adj) paroxysm, blow, 2. burst; synonyms (v) break,
paso pass (geçiş, geçmek); synonyms (v) flow, crack, rupture, belch, abound, erupt, open, (n) flash,
deliver, give, happen, lead, move, offer, overtake, explosion, (adj) split, explode, detonate, flare,
live, advance, die, elapse, exceed, (adj) go, run; splinter, broken; antonym (v) implode, 3. bang;
antonym (v) fail. synonyms (n) clap, beat, smack, knock, slap, smash,
strike, bump, rap, thud, (v) hit, slam, bash, clatter,
pasta cake (kek); synonyms (n) bar, block, pastry,
clink, 4. blast; synonyms (n) gust, noise, whiff,
lump, pie, (v) harden, set, (adj) clot, fix.
wind, beep, peal, sound, blasting, (v) attack, blare,
pataklamak beat; synonyms (v) batter, flap, pulsate, blight, bomb, roar, bombard, shell.
throb, tick, trounce, whip, bat, baste, break, (n)
patlamak 1. burst; synonyms (v) break, crack, blast,
pulse, thump, knock, round, cadence; antonym (v)
rupture, belch, abound, erupt, open, (n) flash,
lose. explosion, (adj) split, explode, detonate, flare,
patates potato; synonyms (n) murphy, spud, tater, splinter; antonym (v) implode, 2. pop; synonyms
bittersweet, countenance, eggplant, face, head. (n) dad, daddy, father, pa, papa, bang, shot, click,
patent 1. charter; synonyms (n) hire, permit, (v) burst, shoot, protrude, pawn, appear, place, (adv)
authority, code, law, license, constitution, contract, plump.
franchise, (v) let, rent, engage, lease, take, get, 2. patlamamış live (canlı, oturmak, yaşamak);
patent; synonyms (adj) obvious, overt, apparent, synonyms (v) exist, inhabit, reside, subsist, abide,
evident, manifest, clear, conspicuous, open, be, dwell, endure, stay, survive, (adj) alive, active,
palpable, plain, explicit, marked, noticeable, animate, living, (n) go; antonyms (adj) dead,
transparent, unmistakable; antonym (adj) unclear. inanimate.
patentli patent; synonyms (adj) obvious, overt, patlayıcı explosive; synonyms (adj) volatile,
apparent, evident, manifest, clear, conspicuous, combustible, unstable, fickle, dangerous,
open, palpable, plain, explicit, marked, noticeable, hazardous, precarious, unsafe, excitable, (n) bomb,
transparent, unmistakable; antonym (adj) unclear. mine, missile, firecracker, ammunition, (v)
patika 1. trail (iz, izlemek); synonyms (n) track, convulsive; antonym (adj) stable.
trace, path, course, trudge, (v) haul, drag, hunt, tail, patron 1. boss; synonyms (n) chief, governor, head,
chase, pursue, train, draw, tow, dog, 2. path (yol); overseer, superior, ruler, administrator, captain,
synonyms (n) direction, way, highway, line, orbit, director, executive, foreman, leader, (v) administer,
lane, means, alley, avenue, corridor, itinerary, govern, direct, 2. governor (vali); synonyms (n)
route, walk, manner, (v) passage, 3. track (iz, manager, regulator, controller, superintendent,
izlemek); synonyms (n) racetrack, road, circuit, master, official, protector, warden, 3. chief (ana,
lead, racecourse, rail, rails, running, (v) trail, follow, baş); synonyms (adj) principal, cardinal, capital,
footprint, stalk, mark, footstep, tag. arch, central, essential, first, main, primary,
patırtı 1. noise (gürültü); synonyms (n) clatter, sovereign, basic, (n) boss, paramount, top, chieftain;
clamor, hubbub, racket, sound, din, disturbance, antonyms (adj) minor, associate, secondary, 4.
echo, uproar, buzz, clang, commotion, crack, crash, master (ana, baş); synonyms (n) instructor,
(v) fame; antonyms (n) silence, quiet, 2. gentleman, authority, employer, headmaster,
disturbance; synonyms (n) agitation, disorder, maestro, (v) conquer, control, command, defeat,
turmoil, brawl, derangement, dislocation, dominate, (adj) original, ace, expert, proficient, 5.
disruption, tumult, upset, affray, annoyance, pattern (desen); synonyms (n) model, design,
bother, confusion, perturbation, (adj) trouble, 3. fashion, form, mold, shape, example, figure, norm,
bang; synonyms (n) clap, beat, smack, knock, slap, order, paragon, cast, arrangement, configuration,
smash, strike, blast, blow, bump, (v) hit, slam, bash, (v) mould.
boom, clink, 4. row; synonyms (n) altercation, line, pay 1. share (hisse, hisse senedi, paylaşmak);
file, rank, squabble, wrangle, clash, dispute, (v) synonyms (n) piece, portion, deal, dole, lot,
quarrel, fight, argue, bicker, order, (adj) fracas, riot; allotment, (v) participate, allot, apportion,
antonyms (n) agreement, (v) agree. distribute, part, partake, dispense, divide, partition;
patırtılı noisy (gürültücü, gürültülü); synonyms antonym (v) control, 2. part (bölüm, parça);
(adj) disorderly, boisterous, clamorous, loud, synonyms (n) constituent, article, character,
vociferous, blatant, rowdy, shrill, strident, component, cut, division, section, share, (v) branch,

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364 Turkish - English

break, disjoin, divorce, class, cleave, dissociate; pejmürde ragged; synonyms (adj) seedy, threadbare,
antonyms (n) whole, entirety, (adj) complete, 3. worn, hoarse, jagged, scruffy, torn, dilapidated,
portion (parça, porsiyon); synonyms (n) rugged, shaggy, tattered, unkempt, (n) shabby,
fragment, parcel, allowance, destiny, fate, fortune, harsh, rough; antonyms (adj) pristine, smart,
installment, member, segment, interest, elegant.
dispensation, element, (v) dividend, assign, pek 1. very (çok, tam); synonyms (adv) extremely,
allocate, 4. quota; synonyms (n) proportion, greatly, highly, really, completely, entirely, most,
contingent, measure, quantity, ratio, ration, slice, quite, truly, actually, too, awfully, (adj) much,
rate, percentage, helping, stint, 5. cut (kesmek); identical, (n) self; antonyms (adv) abysmally,
synonyms (v) carve, chop, clip, abbreviate, abridge, slightly, somewhat, 2. most; synonyms (adv)
bite, condense, crop, drop, fashion, (n) notch, nearly, nigh, virtually, approximately, (adj) almost,
cutting, nick, blow, gash; antonyms (v) increase, about, best, utmost, indeed, near, very, well, close,
lengthen, (n) addition, extension, 6. quantum; (n) majority, maximum; antonym (adv) least, 3. well
synonyms (n) amount, magnitude, mass, (iyi); synonyms (adv) right, easily, thoroughly,
measurement, sum, total, amplitude. considerably, fully, good, (adj) healthy, fit, shaft,
payanda shore; synonyms (n) bank, coast, prop, sound, robust, (n) fountain, spring, pit, (v) gush;
beach, edge, land, buttress, seashore, seaside, stay, antonyms (adv) ill, badly, poorly, (adj) sick, unwell,
brace, margin, border, riverside, (v) support; dying, nauseous, 4. so (böyle); synonyms (adv)
antonym (n) interior. accordingly, as, consequently, hence, thus, then,
paylama lecture; synonyms (n) address, discourse, therefore, insomuch, also, wherefore, (n) sol, (pron)
harangue, reprimand, speech, talk, oration, that, (adj) likewise, 5. quite; synonyms (adv)
censure, declaim, homily, (v) rebuke, sermon, chide, altogether, absolutely, all, sheer, exactly, enough,
preach, instruct. even, fairly, rather, stark, totally, wholly, far, (adj)
paylaşmak 1. share (hisse, hisse senedi, pay); just, outright.
synonyms (n) piece, portion, deal, dole, lot, peki okay (iyi); synonyms (adv) fine, (adj) good,
allotment, (v) participate, allot, apportion, alright, well, fair, (int) yes, (n) approval,
distribute, part, partake, dispense, divide, partition; authorization, agreement, (v) approve, sanction,
antonym (v) control, 2. split (ayırmak, bölmek, consent, endorse, authorize, countenance;
bölünme, yarmak); synonyms (v) crack, cut, antonyms (adj) unsatisfactory, (v) forbid.
fracture, slit, burst, separate, divorce, breach, pelerin 1. cloak; synonyms (n) mask, veil,
cleave, (n) break, rip, rupture, tear, cleavage, cleft; camouflage, cape, masquerade, pall, screen, blind,
antonyms (v) join, unite, merge. blanket, curtain, (v) cover, wrap, conceal,
dissemble, hide; antonyms (v) disclose, reveal,
pazar market; synonyms (n) fair, shop, bazaar,
marketplace, trade, mart, outlet, store, (v) demand, uncover, 2. cape; synonyms (n) cloak, headland,
sell, commercialize, exchange, handle, ness, shawl, coat, mantle, point, promontory.
merchandise, sale. pelte jelly (jöle); synonyms (n) gel, conserve, jam,
pazarlama marketing; synonyms (n) sale, commerce, gelatin, preserves, (v) jellify, jell.
merchandising, selling, distribution, advertising, pembe pink; synonyms (adj) flower, pinkish, (n) red,
campaign, nundination, promotion, publicity, crimson, rose, carmine, (v) knock, gore, impale,
staging, supplies. prick, punch, spear, spike, stab, enfilade.
pazarlamak market; synonyms (n) fair, shop, bazaar, penaltı penalty; synonyms (n) mulct, fine, forfeit,
marketplace, trade, mart, outlet, store, (v) demand, forfeiture, amercement, judgment, handicap,
sell, commercialize, exchange, handle, penalization, penance, sentence, pain, conviction,
merchandise, sale. punishment, sanction, (v) condemnation.
pazarlık 1. bargain; synonyms (n) contract, pencere window; synonyms (n) casement, porthole,
agreement, covenant, deal, treaty, arrangement, pane, gap, embrasure, hole, opening, windowpane.
buy, chaffer, compact, promise, purchase, steal, (v) peni penny; synonyms (n) cent, change, centime,
exchange, agree, (adj) cheap; antonym (n) rip-off, 2. groat, money, doit, mite, coinage, currency,
deal (anlaşma); synonyms (n) bargain, trade, denomination, farthing, rap, sou, denarius, shilling.
convention, (v) administer, allot, apportion, penis penis; synonyms (n) member, phallus,
conduct, cope, distribute, truck, assign, accord, appendage, extremity.
acquit, address, comport.
perakende retail; synonyms (adj) commercial, (v) sell,
peder father (baba); synonyms (n) begetter, dad, sire, issue, merchandise, trade, wholesale, utter, vend,
creator, abba, beginner, forefather, founder, padre, handle, (n) dispense, business, buying, exchange,
patriarch, author, (v) beget, engender, create, export, import.
generate; antonym (n) mother.

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perçem fringe; synonyms (n) brim, brink, edge, perişan 1. wretched; synonyms (adj) unfortunate,
boundary, periphery, rim, bound, perimeter, frame, unhappy, forlorn, pitiful, sad, deplorable,
circumference, (v) border, hem, skirt, verge, (adj) lamentable, low, mean, pathetic, piteous, pitiable,
feather. sorry, (v) miserable, poor; antonym (adj) happy, 2.
perdah polish; synonyms (n) finish, gloss, burnish, miserable (sefil); synonyms (adj) meager, abject,
gentility, cultivation, elegance, refinement, shine, bad, desolate, downcast, measly, distressed,
civilization, (v) furbish, glaze, rub, civilize, clean, cheerless, contemptible, dejected, depressed,
cultivate. despondent, disconsolate, dismal, (v) wretched;
perde 1. curtain; synonyms (n) veil, cover, barrier, antonyms (adj) cheerful, generous.
blind, drapery, screen, drape, mantle, mask, pall, periyodik periodic; synonyms (adj) intermittent,
shade, shroud, blanket, (v) hide, banquette, 2. regular, periodical, recurrent, frequent, alternate,
screen (ekran); synonyms (n) riddle, disguise, recurring, routine, spasmodic, alternating, daily,
partition, guard, curtain, protection, (v) shield, fitful, infrequent, irregular, odd.
conceal, protect, shelter, cloak, filter, obscure, permi permit (izin, izin vermek); synonyms (v)
safeguard, sieve, 3. act (davranmak, hareket, allow, give, license, admit, leave, let, bear, endure,
rol yapmak); synonyms (n) accomplishment, have, agree, (n) consent, licence, pass, permission,
action, move, play, statute, decree, do, feat, (v) (adj) grant; antonyms (v) forbid, ban, prevent,
achievement, behave, deed, go, perform, acquit, prohibit, stop.
enact; antonym (v) refrain, 4. cloak; synonyms (n) peron platform; synonyms (n) dais, floor, rostrum,
camouflage, cape, masquerade, guise, coat, stage, stand, plan, pulpit, ambo, arena, dock, base,
covering, pretext, (v) wrap, dissemble, envelop, pedestal, platforms, amphitheater, (v) program.
secrete, surround, swathe, palliate; antonyms (v) personel 1. personnel; synonyms (n) employees,
disclose, reveal, uncover, 5. pitch (atmak); staff, workers, workforce, force, troops, effect,
synonyms (n) degree, dip, slant, slope, (v) fling, cast, faculty, forcefulness, organization, people, body,
chuck, lurch, tilt, toss, heave, hurl, throw, careen, corps, department, group, 2. staff (asa);
launch, 6. tone (ses, ton); synonyms (n) character, synonyms (n) cane, club, post, personnel, rod, mace,
note, accent, air, sound, spirit, timbre, tinge, tint, baton, brace, stave, court, scepter, board, (v) crutch,
manner, disposition, feel, feeling, intonation, (v) prop, stick, 3. employee; synonyms (n) clerk,
color, 7. blind (kör, kör etmek); synonyms (adj) laborer, hand, worker, apprentice, assistant, helper,
sightless, undiscerning, dark, eyeless, (v) bedazzle, drudge, labor, beginner, breadwinner, cog, convert,
daze, dazzle, dim, (n) shutter, awning, trick, cheat, craftsman, flunky; antonym (n) employer.
concealment, deceit, front; antonym (adj) sighted, 8. perspektif perspective; synonyms (n) attitude,
membrane (zar); synonyms (n) diaphragm, film, aspect, angle, outlook, prospect, view, lookout,
skin, casing, coating, crust, 9. web; synonyms (n) panorama, horizon, opinion, position, standpoint,
mesh, network, tissue, lattice, texture, blade, viewpoint, vision, slant.
entanglement, maze, cobweb, complication, grain, pervane fan (hayran, vantilatör, yelpaze);
labyrinth, snarl, (v) net, plexus. synonyms (n) admirer, buff, devotee, enthusiast,
performans performance; synonyms (n) act, addict, adherent, afficionado, fiend, follower,
discharge, achievement, execution, fulfillment, advocate, disciple, (v) air, winnow, refresh, blow;
observance, accomplishment, deed, completion, antonym (n) detractor.
exploit, implementation, operation, recital, (v) pervasız reckless; synonyms (adj) heedless, careless,
action, efficiency; antonyms (n) omission, practice. foolhardy, rash, hasty, imprudent, incautious,
pergel compass (pusula); synonyms (n) range, extravagant, wanton, daring, brash, desperate,
scope, area, circle, circumference, extent, reach, precipitate, audacious, irresponsible; antonyms
room, breadth, (v) round, get, grasp, accomplish, (adj) careful, cautious, prudent, sensible, wise.
achieve, (adv) beset.
pes low (alçak); synonyms (adj) contemptible, abject,
perhiz diet; synonyms (n) congress, convocation, humble, ignoble, base, blue, common, deep,
council, convention, nurture, food, assembly, dejected, depressed, down, downcast,
dieting, fare, nourishment, sustenance, synod, downhearted, (adv) gentle, (n) depression; antonyms
cockpit, fast; antonyms (v) binge, (adj) fattening. (adj) cheerful, happy, high-pitched, loud, important,
peri 1. fairy; synonyms (n) elf, faerie, sprite, fag, piercing, (n) high.
faggot, fagot, imp, pixie, fay, goblin, nymph, pansy, petrol oil (yağ); synonyms (n) petroleum, fat,
poof, poove, (adj) faery, 2. spirit; synonyms (n) ointment, salve, cream, fuel, cerate, lotion, (v)
apparition, courage, ghost, life, mood, bravery, lubricate, anoint, anele, glycerine.
character, disposition, energy, enthusiasm, essence,
peyk satellite (uydu); synonyms (n) follower, moon,
heart, mind, phantom, (adj) animation; antonyms (n)
planet, attendant, orbiter, disciple, secondary,
lethargy, body.

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366 Turkish - English

cohort, hanger-on, colony, dependency, inferior, gifted, (v) smart; antonyms (adj) dull, dim, awful,
(adj) ancillary, collateral, concomitant. dark.
peynir cheese; synonyms (n) cheeseflower, pis 1. dirty (kirli); synonyms (adj) foul, dirt,
exaggeration, cake, (v) misrepresent. contemptible, bawdy, contaminated, dingy,
peyzaj landscape (yatay); synonyms (n) outlook, impure, despicable, (v) muddy, corrupt, soil,
scene, scenery, sight, view, vista, ground, lookout, contaminate, begrime, bemire, (n) defile; antonyms
panorama, perspective, picture, (v) prospect. (adj) hygienic, pure, spotless, immaculate, (v) clean,
piç bastard; synonyms (n) whoreson, scoundrel, cad, 2. offensive; synonyms (adj) disgusting,
mongrel, (adj) illegitimate, spurious, fake, distasteful, abusive, aggressive, loathsome,
misbegotten, phony, adulterate, bastardly, bogus, nauseous, coarse, abominable, disagreeable,
false, natural, phoney; antonym (n) legitimate. impertinent, (n) assault, attack, (v) odious, nasty,
piknik picnic; synonyms (n) excursion, junket, cinch, hateful; antonyms (adj) complimentary, inoffensive,
outing, pushover, snap, jaunt, coportion, pleasant, defensive, polite, tasteful, 3. filthy;
expedition, feast, jollification, meal, (v) collation. synonyms (adj) dirty, unclean, squalid, awful,
pil 1. battery (akü, batarya); synonyms (n) troop, grimy, grubby, indecent, ribald, smutty, sordid,
army, barrage, company, collection, mugging, vile, vulgar, lewd, lousy, low; antonym (adj) decent,
onslaught, sequence, squad, violence, group, 4. nasty; synonyms (adj) filthy, mean, evil, hurtful,
regiment, squadron, ark, battalia, 2. cell (göze, obnoxious, raw, repulsive, unpleasant, dangerous,
hücre); synonyms (n) cage, jail, cadre, hole, cave, gross, hideous, horrible, malicious, objectionable,
booth, chamber, compartment, coop, cubicle, den, (adv) beastly; antonyms (adj) agreeable, kind, nice,
lair, recess. charitable, lovely.
Pilav rice (pirinç); synonyms (n) cereal, grain, pişirmek cook; synonyms (n) chef, (v) boil, bake,
buckwheat, maize, millet, oats, rye, (adj) meal, bran, brew, make, prepare, concoct, falsify, grill, poach,
farina, flour, spore, sporule. roast, simmer, stew, coddle, heat.
piliç chicken (tavuk); synonyms (n) chick, cock, pişkin old (eski); synonyms (adj) antiquated, obsolete,
coward, fowl, hen, crybaby, nestling, poultry, ancient, former, aged, antique, elderly,
weakling, wimp, (adj) yellow, chickenhearted. experienced, outdated, veteran, archaic, decrepit,
pilot pilot; synonyms (n) guide, leader, aviator, hoary, mature, past; antonyms (adj) new, young,
captain, airman, (v) manage, lead, conduct, direct, modern, fresh, latest, novel, original, youthful.
director, fly, navigate, show, escort, (adj) piskopos bishop (fil); synonyms (n) archbishop,
experimental. primate, clergyman, elder, eminence, episcopant,
pınar 1. fountain; synonyms (n) fount, font, jet, metropolitan, minister, (v) wassail, cup, flip, grog,
source, origin, well, derivation, root, spout, squirt, negus, punch, purl.
wellspring, (v) spring, flow, 2. spring (bahar, piskoposluk see (anlamak, görmek); synonyms (v)
ilkbahar); synonyms (n) jump, leap, bound, look, feel, discover, appreciate, behold, consider,
fountain, skip, dance, rise, (v) hop, caper, bounce, deem, discern, distinguish, know, notice, recognize,
dive, originate, recoil, proceed, (adj) elastic. apprehend, (adj) observe, perceive.
pipo pipe (boru); synonyms (n) tube, conduit, pislenmek dirty (kirli, pis); synonyms (adj) foul, dirt,
channel, duct, flue, hose, passage, pipage, (v) cry, contemptible, bawdy, contaminated, dingy,
peep, screech, shriek, sing, squeak, creak. impure, despicable, (v) muddy, corrupt, soil,
contaminate, begrime, bemire, (n) defile; antonyms
piramit pyramid; synonyms (n) pile, mass, heap,
congeries, lump, prism, stack, (adj) spire, steeple, (v) (adj) hygienic, pure, spotless, immaculate, (v) clean.

add, amplify, elevate, enhance, enrich, exaggerate. pisletmek dirty (kirli, pis); synonyms (adj) foul, dirt,
pirinç 1. brass; synonyms (n) boldness, face, cheek, contemptible, bawdy, contaminated, dingy,
impure, despicable, (v) muddy, corrupt, soil,
nerve, administration, arrogance, insolence,
effrontery, impertinence, (v) audacity, assurance, contaminate, begrime, bemire, (n) defile; antonyms
front, hardihood, impudence, (adj) bronze, 2. rice; (adj) hygienic, pure, spotless, immaculate, (v) clean.
synonyms (n) cereal, grain, buckwheat, maize, pislik 1. dirt; synonyms (n) soil, dust, filth, grime,
millet, oats, rye, (adj) meal, bran, farina, flour, spore, crap, ground, mire, scandal, contamination,
sporule. smudge, dirtiness, foulness, impurity, land, muck,
pırlanta 1. ice (buz, dondurma); synonyms (n) 2. contamination; synonyms (n) contagion,
frosting, glass, hoarfrost, icing, sparkler, frappe, pollution, contaminant, infection, dirtying,
rime, (v) frost, cool, refrigerate, fan, 2. brilliant; corruption, taint, vitiation, adulteration, depravity,
synonyms (adj) bright, splendid, glorious, (v) defilement; antonym (n) decontamination, 3.
illustrious, intelligent, luminous, magnificent, mess; synonyms (n) clutter, jumble, muddle,
spectacular, sunny, vivid, brainy, diamond, gaudy, confusion, difficulty, disorder, hodgepodge, jam,
scrape, bedlam, chaos, dilemma, dirt, disarray, (v)

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botch; antonym (n) order, 4. pollution; synonyms plaket plate (tabak); synonyms (n) dish, leaf, home,
(n) befoulment, infamy, soiling, disgrace, filthiness, engraving, disc, armor, base, board, bowl, denture,
violation, stain, (adj) backsliding, demoralization, plaque, (v) gild, sheet, cover, coat.
obliquity, 5. soil (toprak); synonyms (v) blot, plan 1. design (proje, tasarlamak); synonyms (n)
contaminate, dirty, pollute, blemish, defile, foul, aim, purpose, scheme, conception, drawing,
mould, smear, smirch, smutch, begrime, daub, arrangement, device, idea, intent, contrivance, (v)
sully, (adj) blur; antonym (v) clean. plan, conceive, contrive, sketch, construct;
pişman sorry; synonyms (adj) pathetic, contrite, antonym (n) chance, 2. plan (proje); synonyms (n)
paltry, penitent, piteous, pitiable, pitiful, map, figure, chart, outline, pattern, invent, form,
remorseful, sorrowful, base, apologetic, bad, blueprint, (v) design, devise, intend, plot, arrange,
deplorable, mean, miserable; antonym (adj) draft, engineer, 3. scheme (proje); synonyms (n)
unrepentant. dodge, diagram, method, project, schedule,
pişmanlık regret; synonyms (v) bewail, grieve, conspiracy, frame, maneuver, schema, system,
bemoan, deplore, lament, mourn, sorrow, repent, model, manoeuvre, (v) intrigue, conspire, connive,
(n) grief, compunction, contrition, penitence, 4. drawing (çizim); synonyms (n) drafting,
remorse, repentance, disappointment. delineation, picture, cartoon, depiction,
pişmek cook; synonyms (n) chef, (v) boil, bake, brew, draftsmanship, draught, draw, painting,
make, prepare, concoct, falsify, grill, poach, roast, illustration, image, lottery, representation, traction,
simmer, stew, coddle, heat. 5. map (harita); synonyms (n) graph, plat,
pişmemiş raw (ham); synonyms (adj) crude, fresh, mapping, correspondence, 6. device (aygıt);
immature, bleak, coarse, cutting, green, piercing, synonyms (n) apparatus, appliance, artifice,
sore, cold, biting, chilly, inclement, inexperienced, emblem, contraption, gimmick, invention, trick,
naked; antonyms (adj) refined, cooked. way, expedient, implement, instrument,
pist track (iz, izlemek); synonyms (n) course, path, machination, machine, mechanism, 7. layout;
line, racetrack, road, route, (v) trace, trail, hunt, tail, synonyms (n) composition, array, order, display, 8.
chase, pursue, dog, follow, footprint. plot (arsa); synonyms (n) lot, patch, action, field,
pitoresk picturesque; synonyms (adj) graphic, area, collusion, wile, delineate, ploy, (v) cabal,
striking, colorful, idyllic, lovely, quaint, scenic, concoct, machinate, brew, hatch, survey, 9. project
vivid, romantic, (v) pictorial. (proje); synonyms (n) enterprise, venture, (v) hurl,
piyade infantry; synonyms (n) foot, army, base, jut, overhang, protrude, shoot, bulge, cast, extend,
foundation, ft, fundament, groundwork, pes, forecast, throw, offer, concert, chuck.
private, substructure, understructure. planlama planning; synonyms (n) preparation,
piyano piano; synonyms (n) pianoforte, pianissimo, calculation, organization, programming, plan,
(adj) soft, gentle, cushy, delicate, easy, faint, readying, foresight, architecture, arrangements,
indulgent, lax, lenient, nonalcoholic, (adv) gently, building, consideration, construction, debate,
lightly, softly; antonym (adv) forte. deliberations, direction.
piyasa market; synonyms (n) fair, shop, bazaar, planlamak 1. plan (proje); synonyms (n) aim, map,
marketplace, trade, mart, outlet, store, (v) demand, figure, chart, intent, outline, pattern, scheme,
sell, commercialize, exchange, handle, invent, form, (v) design, devise, intend, plot,
merchandise, sale. arrange, 2. arrange (düzenlemek); synonyms (v)
piyes 1. play (oynamak); synonyms (v) act, pastime, adjust, appoint, dress, order, set, settle, pack, adapt,
enact, exercise, perform, joke, execute, fiddle, flirt, agree, classify, compose, decorate, do, engineer, fix;
(n) frolic, game, sport, bet, diversion, gambol; antonyms (v) disturb, disarrange, 3. calculate
antonym (v) work, 2. piece (parça); synonyms (n) (hesaplamak); synonyms (v) count, estimate,
cut, division, fragment, part, article, component, account, add, appraise, cipher, compute, deem,
composition, hunk, lump, patch, bit, block, chunk, enumerate, forecast, gauge, guess, make, reckon,
coin, constituent. consider, 4. structure (bünye, yapı); synonyms
plaj beach; synonyms (n) bank, coast, foreshore, (n) building, arrangement, edifice, shape,

shore, strand, coastline, land, seashore, shoreline. constitution, construction, frame, framework,
organization, architecture, establishment,
plak record (dosya, kaydetmek, kayıt); synonyms
conformation, composition, erection, fabric, 5.
(n) register, list, account, book, disk, document,
history, deed, (v) chronicle, file, enter, note, report, programme (program); synonyms (n) broadcast,
score, inscribe. plan, platform, curriculum, class, course, preface,
programma, (v) program, 6. project (proje);
plaka plate (tabak); synonyms (n) dish, leaf, home,
synonyms (n) device, idea, enterprise, venture, (v)
engraving, disc, armor, base, board, bowl, denture,
hurl, contrive, jut, overhang, protrude, shoot,
plaque, (v) gild, sheet, cover, coat.
bulge, cast, extend, throw, hatch.

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368 Turkish - English

planya plane (uçak); synonyms (n) airplane, face, pompalamak pump; synonyms (n) heart, pumps,
aeroplane, aircraft, degree, stage, surface, (v) flatten, ticker, (v) interrogate, draw, examine, milk,
shave, (adj) level, even, flat, horizontal, smooth, question.
flush. pop pop; synonyms (n) dad, daddy, father, pa, papa,
plaster plaster (yakı); synonyms (n) mortar, cement, bang, shot, click, (v) burst, crack, shoot, protrude,
paste, gum, glue, bandage, cataplasm, (v) coat, pawn, appear, (adv) plump.
daub, stucco, paint, affix, poultice, face, smear. popo bottom (alt, dip, kıç); synonyms (n) base,
plastik plastic; synonyms (adj) flexible, ductile, elastic, basis, backside, bed, behind, foot, footing, back,
malleable, pliant, lithe, fictile, pliable, soft, supple, arse, ass, bum, butt, buttocks, craft, floor;
impressionable, artificial, lissom, tractable, (v) antonyms (n) top, pinnacle, (adj) highest.
limber. popüler popular; synonyms (adj) common, general,
plazma plasma; synonyms (n) plasm, onyx, blood, current, fashionable, democratic, customary,
flesh. known, plain, pop, celebrated, notorious,
poliçe 1. policy (politika); synonyms (n) course, prominent, famous, familiar, (v) favorite; antonyms
plan, approach, insurance, tactics, game, system, (adj) unpopular, aristocratic, disliked.
method, politics, polity, principle, 2. bill (fatura, popülerlik popularity; synonyms (n) celebrity, fame,
gaga, hesap); synonyms (n) account, beak, renown, repute, vogue, account, appreciation,
advertisement, card, invoice, poster, receipt, act, prevalence, prestige, popularness, acclaim, allure,
banknote, check, measure, (v) placard, advertise, appeal, attraction, attractiveness.
charge, list, 3. draft (taslak); synonyms (n) bill, porsiyon 1. portion (parça); synonyms (n) part,
conscription, sketch, drawing, drink, (v) draught, division, piece, constituent, allot, component,
outline, design, blueprint, compose, enlist, recruit, fragment, parcel, section, dole, allowance, (v) lot,
chart, delineate, draw; antonym (v) discharge. dividend, divide, allotment, 2. helping; synonyms
polis 1. police; synonyms (n) constabulary, law, (n) portion, share, plateful, quota, serving, (adj)
officer, investigator, jurisprudence, (v) control, auxiliary, 3. serving; synonyms (n) helping,
guard, watch, patrol, order, adjust, arrange, service, help, serve, plate.
legalize, normalize, standardize, 2. copper portakal orange (turuncu); synonyms (adj) amber,
(bakır); synonyms (n) bronze, bull, cop, fuzz, gold, ocher, orangey, orangish, tawny, ginger, red, (n)
pig, cent, coin, ingot, nugget, cuprum, brown, orangeness, lemon, etc, lime, apricot, bittersweet,
copperplate, auburn, blur, 3. bull (boğa); coral, peach.
synonyms (n) bullshit, bunk, hogwash, rot, portatif portable; synonyms (adj) mobile, movable,
absurdity, bear, buck, buncombe, bunkum, copper, portative, light, convenient, manageable, pocket,
crap, guff, male, nonsense, (adj) blunder. carriageable, cartable, compact, haulable, itinerant,
politik political; synonyms (adj) politic, national, civil, lightweight, supportable, wieldy; antonym (adj)
cunning, following, supporting, ambassadorial, fixed.
artful, biased, embassy, opinionated, partisan, porte staff (asa); synonyms (n) cane, club, post,
prudent, sagacious, unscrupulous. employees, faculty, personnel, rod, mace, baton,
politika 1. politics (siyaset); synonyms (n) brace, stave, court, (v) crutch, prop, stick.
government, diplomacy, policy, governance, portföy portfolio; synonyms (n) briefcase, album, file,
authorities, governing, backroom, bossism,
bandolier, budget, chair, book, quiver.
campaigning, civics, electioneering, jungle,
legislature, polity, regime, 2. policy (poliçe);
portör 1. contact (temas); synonyms (n) touch,
connection, collision, communication, link, impact,
synonyms (n) course, plan, approach, insurance,
tangency, acquaintance, (v) call, meet, adjoin,
tactics, game, system, method, politics, principle.
communicate, reach, butt, join, 2. carrier
politikacı politician; synonyms (n) statesman,
(taşıyıcı); synonyms (n) bearer, messenger, courier,
legislator, politico, lawgiver, pol, statemonger,
mailman, porter, postman, vehicle, transport,
tactician, demagogue, officer, official, politic,
envoy, bag, channel, container, emissary, newsboy,
statist, strategist, sycophant, wealsman.
Polonyalı 1. polish; synonyms (n) finish, gloss,
portre portrait; synonyms (n) effigy, image, icon,
burnish, gentility, cultivation, elegance, refinement,
likeness, delineation, depiction, figure, painting,
shine, civilization, (v) furbish, glaze, rub, civilize,
photograph, picture, portraiture, portrayal,
clean, cultivate, 2. pole (kutup); synonyms (n)
perch, bar, picket, post, rod, support, terminal, axle,
beam, axis, extremity, pin, baton, column, pillar.
posa sediment; synonyms (n) deposit, deposition,
lees, dregs, grounds, substance, filth, refuse,
pompa pump (pompalamak); synonyms (n) heart,
residue, settling.
pumps, ticker, (v) interrogate, draw, examine, milk,

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Turkish - English 369

post 1. skin (cilt, deri, kabuk); synonyms (n) peel, fixed, 2. practice; synonyms (n) exercise, fashion,
hide, coating, fur, hull, rind, shell, crust, convention, discipline, experience, habit, form,
integument, pelt, (v) pare, bark, scrape, excoriate, observance, application, employment, (v) custom,
flay, 2. hide (gizlemek); synonyms (v) conceal, drill, use, act, apply; antonym (n) performance, 3.
disguise, obscure, bury, cloak, mask, shelter, practical; synonyms (adj) operative, practicable,
ambush, (n) cover, coat, fell, skin, veil, cloud, (adj) efficient, feasible, pragmatic, realistic, helpful,
darken; antonyms (v) reveal, show, expose, express, active, expedient, handy, positive, sensible, useful,
3. fell; synonyms (v) chop, cut, drop, floor, ax, workable, working; antonyms (adj) impractical,
level, down, demolish, destroy, (adj) barbarous, theoretical, unrealistic, impossible.
cruel, prostrate, brutal, fierce, savage, 4. coat prematüre premature; synonyms (adj) early,
(palto); synonyms (n) film, jacket, layer, case, precocious, untimely, immature, forward,
casing, wrap, (v) sheath, blanket, plaster, glaze, inopportune, previous, rash, unripe.
finish, paint, plate, spread, varnish, 5. fur (kürk); prens prince; synonyms (n) monarch, potentate, duke,
synonyms (n) hair, fleece, feathers, fuzz, nap, (v) sovereign, king, chief, ruler, magnate.
flannel, (adj) pile, wool, floss. prenses princess; synonyms (n) empress, queen,
posta 1. mail (postalamak); synonyms (n) armor, czarina, monarch, lady, darling, moppet, mopsey,
communication, correspondence, (v) post, send, noble, ruler, sultana.
remit, habergeon, shield, place, transmit, direct, prensip principle (ilke); synonyms (n) origin,
dispatch, 2. post; synonyms (n) function, office, fundamental, method, rule, cause, doctrine,
position, pillar, stake, attitude, berth, column, job, ground, basis, dogma, element, essence, law,
(v) mail, locate, base, enter, lay, seat. precept, reason, tenet.
postalamak 1. mail (posta); synonyms (n) armor, pres press (basın, basmak); synonyms (n) jam,
communication, correspondence, (v) post, send, closet, (v) crush, crowd, force, squeeze, pack,
remit, habergeon, shield, place, transmit, direct, coerce, compress, exhort, mash, push, urge, clasp,
dispatch, 2. post (posta); synonyms (n) function, (adj) constrain.
office, position, pillar, stake, attitude, berth, prestij prestige; synonyms (n) credit, influence,
column, job, (v) mail, locate, base, enter, lay, seat. power, distinction, authority, dignity, repute,
poster poster; synonyms (n) bill, placard, notice, reputation, standing, status, attraction, face, kudos,
handbill, advertisement, broadside, card, circular, celebrity, glory.
ad, announcement, flyer, posting, sign, (v) affiche. prezervatif rubber (kauçuk); synonyms (n)
potansiyel potential; synonyms (adj) likely, possible, caoutchouc, condom, eraser, galosh, overshoe,
prospective, latent, virtual, dormant, (n) capability, prophylactic, arctic, golosh, gumshoe, (v) rubberize.
potency, ability, capacity, possibility, prospect, prim 1. premium; synonyms (n) bonus, agio, bounty,
faculty, potentiality, power. payment, extra, price, prize, reward, agiotage, (adj)
potin boot; synonyms (n) kick, trunk, bang, charge, superior; antonym (adj) inferior, 2. bonus;
gain, kicking, shoe, belt, body, thrill. synonyms (n) award, compensation, premium,
poz exposure; synonyms (n) display, exposition, dividend, gift, gratuity, perk, addition, benefit,
detection, peril, danger, risk, expose, discovery, perquisite, incentive, percentage; antonym (n)
revealing, jeopardy, liability, revelation, disadvantage.
advertising, susceptibility, (v) disclosure. priz 1. jack; synonyms (n) knave, flag, jackass,
pozisyon position (konum); synonyms (n) place, lay, mariner, ace, burgee, jackfruit, 2. socket;
attitude, condition, employment, opinion, synonyms (n) cavity, alveolus, sleeve, hollow,
placement, post, rank, set, arrangement, (v) grade, pocket, slot, recess, sheath, compass, employment,
fix, locate, arrange. fitment, fob, overshot, pouch, province.
pozitif positive (olumlu); synonyms (adj) absolute, problem 1. problem (sorun); synonyms (n) bother,
certain, affirmative, confident, decisive, definite, conundrum, difficulty, trouble, knot, enigma, job,
direct, explicit, favorable, incontrovertible, matter, riddle, case, poser, dilemma, issue, puzzle,
peremptory, plus, sure, advantageous, (n) actual; (v) question, 2. issue (sorun); synonyms (n)
antonyms (adj) negative, derogatory, uncertain, aftermath, egress, consequence, effect, event, exit,
unsure, pessimistic, sad. progeny, result, (v) flow, emanate, arise, emerge,
pragmatik pragmatic; synonyms (adj) practical, release, discharge, gush, 3. question (mesele,
hardheaded, realistic, useful, functional, soru); synonyms (n) inquiry, challenge, demand,
pragmatical, sensible, empirical, helpful. problem, (v) doubt, query, distrust, inquire,
pratik 1. handy; synonyms (adj) adroit, available, interrogate, investigate, contest, dispute, examine,
convenient, apt, clever, expert, deft, dexterous, enquire, mistrust; antonyms (n) certainty, (v)
good, accessible, easy, commodious, functional, answer.
near, (n) ready; antonyms (adj) useless, clumsy,

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370 Turkish - English

prodüktivite productivity; synonyms (n) efficiency, conspiracy, frame, maneuver, schema, system,
fertility, fruitfulness, productiveness, abundance, manoeuvre, (v) intrigue, conspire, connive,
output, production, constructiveness, turnout, use, engineer, 5. projection (izdüşüm); synonyms (n)
usefulness, utility, crop, harvest, lushness; hump, prominence, protuberance, knob, ledge,
antonym (n) fruitlessness. protrusion, bump, extrusion, forecast, excrescence,
prodüktör producer; synonyms (n) director, creator, convexity, ejection, gibbosity, prediction, (adj)
manufacturer, author, maker, manager, cause, salient.
entrepreneur, farmer. projeksiyon projection (izdüşüm); synonyms (n)
profesör professor; synonyms (n) lecturer, scholar, bulge, hump, jut, prominence, protuberance, knob,
ledge, overhang, plan, protrusion, bump, map,
teacher, instructor, coach, don, trainer, tutor,
extrusion, forecast, (adj) salient.
academic, connoisseur.
profesyonel professional; synonyms (adj) specialist, propaganda 1. propaganda; synonyms (n)
promotion, information, publicity, advertisement,
occupational, competent, technical, skillful,
diffusion, doctrine, falsehood, fib, instruction,
proficient, skilled, experienced, practiced, (n)
programming, release, (v) propagandism,
expert, authority, master, pro, maestro, whiz;
persuasion, disinformation, proselytism, 2.
antonyms (adj) unpaid, unprofessional, (n) amateur.
publicity; synonyms (n) advertising, notoriety,
profil 1. profile; synonyms (n) contour, outline, form,
propaganda, exposure, buildup, disclosure.
figure, shape, silhouette, line, section, ambit,
biography, circuit, perimeter, periphery, portrait,
prosedür procedure; synonyms (n) process, formula,
practice, routine, fashion, approach, custom,
2. outline (özet); synonyms (n) sketch, design,
method, rule, action, measure, course, function,
edge, abstract, digest, frame, synopsis, brief, (v)
operation, performance.
draft, describe, draw, border, chart, adumbrate,
protein protein; synonyms (n) cytoplasm,
protoplasm, (adj) albumen, gluten, glair, cream,
program 1. programme; synonyms (n) design,
milk, starch.
broadcast, plan, platform, curriculum, class, course,
forecast, preface, programma, (v) program, 2.
protesto protest (protesto etmek); synonyms (n)
demonstration, objection, complaint, challenge,
program (programlamak); synonyms (n)
question, (v) dissent, assert, complain, object,
agenda, scheme, bill, routine, show, proposal,
affirm, asseverate, attest, aver, declare, demur;
calendar, idea, performance, prospectus, syllabus,
antonym (v) support.
list, (v) schedule, programme, condition, 3.
schedule; synonyms (n) catalog, catalogue, protokol protocol; synonyms (n) etiquette, manners,
ceremony, bill, formality, concordat, decorum,
inventory, table, roll, index, chart, docket, fare,
arrangement, diagram, record, (v) register, book, propriety.
arrange. prototip prototype; synonyms (n) model, archetype,
programlama programming; synonyms (n) epitome, example, exemplar, paradigm, pattern,
ideal, original, paragon, type, forerunner, image,
programing, scheduling, program, indoctrination,
instruction, brainwashing, coaching, language, parent, precursor.
propaganda, teaching, training. prova rehearsal; synonyms (n) narration, recital,
programlamak 1. program (program); synonyms practice, preparation, repetition, description,
(n) agenda, plan, broadcast, design, scheme, course, account, explanation, narrative.
bill, curriculum, platform, routine, show, proposal, pruva 1. bow; synonyms (n) arc, curve, obeisance,
calendar, (v) schedule, programme, 2. turn, curvature, (v) bend, arch, stoop, duck, buckle,
programme (program); synonyms (n) class, crouch, incline, kowtow, crook, defer, 2. stem
forecast, preface, programma, (v) program. (sap); synonyms (n) root, bow, branch, shank,
proje 1. project; synonyms (n) design, device, stalk, stick, handle, axis, bough, (v) originate, block,
scheme, idea, enterprise, (v) plan, hurl, contrive, jut, arrest, halt, issue, proceed.
overhang, protrude, shoot, bulge, cast, devise, 2. psikiyatrik psychiatric; synonyms (adj) psychiatrical,
plan; synonyms (n) aim, map, figure, chart, intent, mental.
outline, pattern, invent, form, arrangement, psikolog psychologist; synonym (n) psychologue.
blueprint, (v) intend, plot, arrange, conceive, 3. psikoloji psychology; synonyms (n) psychics,
design (tasarlamak); synonyms (n) purpose, mentality, animastic, metaphysics, ontology.
conception, drawing, contrivance, copy, intention, psikolojik psychological; synonyms (adj) mental,
destination, concept, composition, (v) sketch, psychic, psychical, cerebral, intellectual, inner,
construct, contemplate, model, concert, compose; psychologic, subconscious, subjective, critical,
antonym (n) chance, 4. scheme; synonyms (n) mind, experimental, imaginary, intellective,
dodge, diagram, method, project, schedule, irrational.

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puan 1. score; synonyms (n) mark, bill, count, scratch, pus mist; synonyms (n) fog, cloud, haze, vapor,
line, groove, scotch, account, check, debt, (v) notch, brume, film, smoke, steam, (v) blur, befog, cover,
cut, tally, achieve, dash, 2. point (göstermek, obscure, drizzle, bedim, becloud.
nokta); synonyms (n) place, grade, peak, nib, edge, püskül beard (sakal); synonyms (n) awn, hair,
aim, article, degree, dot, spot, phase, apex, (v) head, whiskers, disguise, sloven, (v) dare, defy,
direct, level. camouflage, mask, (adj) brave.
puding pudding; synonyms (n) pud, sweet, gut, püskürteç spray (püskürtmek, sprey); synonyms
puddening, (adj) butter, clay, curd, dough, jam, pap, (n) jet, mist, froth, aerosol, atomizer, foam, branch,
gelatinous, pulp, rob, taste, wax. (v) shower, splash, spout, spurt, dust, gush, scatter,
pudra powder (barut, toz); synonyms (n) dust, spatter.
gunpowder, explosive, (v) grind, crush, pound, püskürtmek spray (sprey); synonyms (n) jet, mist,
pulverise, pulverize, sprinkle, bespangle. froth, aerosol, atomizer, foam, branch, (v) shower,
pudralık compact; synonyms (adj) close, dense, splash, spout, spurt, dust, gush, scatter, spatter.
compendious, concise, hard, (n) agreement, pusu wait (bekleme, beklemek); synonyms (v)
arrangement, contract, covenant, bargain, expect, anticipate, stop, ambush, await, lurk, stay,
engagement, (v) compress, condense, consolidate, linger, remain, abide, hesitate, (n) delay, pause,
pack; antonyms (adj) loose, sprawling, bulky, hold, (adj) tarry.
sparse. pusula compass; synonyms (n) range, scope, area,
puhu owl (baykuş); synonyms (n) hooter, booby, circle, circumference, extent, reach, room, breadth,
dolt, looby, nizy, noddy, nonny, noodle, howlet, (v) round, get, grasp, accomplish, achieve, (adv)
awl, beak, burglar, honker, horn, nozzle. beset.
pul 1. stamp (damga, posta pulu); synonyms (n) put image (görüntü, resim); synonyms (n) figure,
mark, seal, brand, impression, cachet, emblem, (v) picture, fancy, conception, effigy, form, idea,
imprint, print, cast, impress, trample, punch, impression, resemblance, design, double, epitome,
characterize, shape, note, 2. scale (ölçek); icon, (v) depict, envision.
synonyms (n) flake, gamut, degree, graduation,
measure, yardstick, rate, chip, (v) ascend, climb,
gauge, mount, weigh, rise, (adj) balance; antonym R
(v) descend.
punto point (göstermek, nokta); synonyms (n) Rab lord (sahip); synonyms (n) chief, master, noble,
sir, seignior, almighty, creator, gentleman, maker,
place, grade, peak, nib, edge, aim, article, degree,
mistress, nobleman, overlord, ruler, captain,
dot, mark, spot, phase, (v) head, direct, level.
pürüzlendirmek rough (kaba); synonyms (adj)
coarse, hard, harsh, raw, crude, cruel, grating,
radar radar; synonyms (n) radiolocation, beacon,
gross, hoarse, jagged, approximate, gruff, monitor.
inclement, (n) boisterous, draft; antonyms (adj) radikal radical; synonyms (adj) extremist, basic,
gentle, smooth, polished, precise, refined, silky, exhaustive, extreme, revolutionary, base, primary,
soft, sophisticated, even, exact, glossy, pleasant. ultra, drastic, primordial, basal, (n) basis,
foundation, origin, group; antonyms (adj)
pürüzlü 1. rough (kaba); synonyms (adj) coarse,
conventional, old-fashioned, (n) moderate,
hard, harsh, raw, crude, cruel, grating, gross,
hoarse, jagged, approximate, gruff, inclement, (n) conservative, traditionalist.
boisterous, draft; antonyms (adj) gentle, smooth, radyasyon radiation; synonyms (n) emanation,
polished, precise, refined, silky, soft, sophisticated, emission, irradiation, actinotherapy, beam,
even, exact, glossy, pleasant, 2. uneven; dissipation, flash, light, divergence, radiotherapy,
spread, (v) radioactivity, plutonium, radium, (adj)
synonyms (adj) rough, unequal, irregular, erratic,
patchy, rugged, spotty, disproportionate, ragged, radiance.
craggy, crooked, unbalanced, variable, radyo radio; synonyms (n) wireless, broadcasting,
asymmetrical, (v) broken; antonyms (adj) straight, radiotelegram, radiocommunication, tuner,
equal, symmetrical. television, (v) broadcast, transmit, notify, report.
pürüzsüz smooth (düz, düzgün); synonyms (adj) raf 1. shelf; synonyms (n) ledge, rack, bank, flat,
easy, calm, level, oily, facile, flat, flowing, fluent, projection, board, frame, shallows, stand, support,
fluid, glossy, graceful, greasy, (v) quiet, facilitate, bench, bracket, breakers, (adj) shallow, 2. rack;
even; antonyms (adj) rough, uneven, abrasive, synonyms (n) manger, wrack, cage, boot, hob,
coarse, crumpled, flaking, harsh, jerky, lined, destruction, (v) torture, excruciate, torment, afflict,
peeling, prickly, ridged, wrinkled, corrugated, (v) agonize, pain, bedevil, crucify, distress.
wrinkle. rağbet 1. demand; synonyms (n) claim, request,
requirement, requisition, sale, call, (v) ask,

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372 Turkish - English

command, need, require, appeal, beg, charge, difficulty, discomfort, awkwardness, formality, (v)
expect, involve; antonym (v) supply, 2. run aggravate, worsen, 2. comfort (avutmak);
(çalıştırmak, koşmak); synonyms (v) flow, rule, synonyms (n) solace, ease, consolation, amenity,
dash, gush, race, career, conduct, direct, function, assistance, support, alleviation, luxury, pleasure, (v)
go, (n) pass, campaign, course, drive, (adj) stream. cheer, soothe, console, encourage, pity, (adj) calm;
rahat 1. ease; synonyms (n) comfort, convenience, antonyms (n) aggravation, (v) alarm, annoy,
rest, aid, leisure, relief, repose, satisfaction, (v) frighten.
alleviate, assuage, relieve, allay, facilitate, relax, rahatsız 1. uneasy; synonyms (adj) uncomfortable,
(adj) smooth; antonyms (n) difficulty, discomfort, anxious, fidgety, restless, apprehensive, concerned,
awkwardness, formality, (v) aggravate, worsen, 2. nervous, awkward, unquiet, fretful, restive,
comfortable; synonyms (adj) cozy, easy, agreeable, solicitous, agitated, jittery, troubled; antonym (adj)
pleased, pleasing, prosperous, congenial, calm, 2. ill; synonyms (adj) bad, sick, ailing,
pleasurable, rich, enjoyable, commodious, content, diseased, unhealthy, adverse, (adv) badly, poorly,
contented, (v) snug, calm; antonyms (adj) sickly, (n) evil, harm, complaint, hurt, ailment,
uncomfortable, poor, formal, tense, unpleasant, mischief; antonyms (adj) healthy, (adv) well, 3.
intimidating, unaccustomed, unhappy, 3. cosy; uncomfortable; synonyms (adj) embarrassing,
synonyms (adj) companionable, sociable, clubbable, inconvenient, difficult, discomfited, uneasy,
conversable, (n) cosey, (v) comfortable, 4. easy cheerless, embarrassed, painful, (v) untoward;
(kolay); synonyms (adj) convenient, gentle, antonyms (adj) comfortable, relaxed, comfy, 4. sick
familiar, graceful, lenient, light, clear, casual, (hasta); synonyms (adj) ill, queasy, indisposed,
comfy, cushy, easygoing, effortless, free, (adv) soft, weary, invalid, morbid, nauseous, poor, crazy,
easily; antonyms (adj) difficult, arduous, disgusted, nauseated, upset, (v) unwell, puke,
demanding, hard, laborious, burdensome, vomit.
particular, strenuous, tough, awkward, testing, rahatsızlık 1. discomfort; synonyms (n) pain,
uneasy, 5. rest (dinlenme); synonyms (n) uneasiness, annoyance, anxiety, unease, agitation,
remnant, balance, pause, recess, relaxation, residue, displeasure, disquiet, distress, hurt, malaise,
break, quiet, (v) nap, remain, sleep, ease, lie, perch, misery, restlessness, soreness, suffering; antonyms
(adj) remainder; antonym (v) work, 6. peaceful; (v) ease, comfort, 2. disturbance; synonyms (n)
synonyms (adj) peaceable, even, meek, peace, commotion, disorder, turmoil, brawl, derangement,
placid, silent, amicable, composed, halcyon, mild, dislocation, disruption, tumult, upset, din, affray,
serene, tranquil, untroubled, collected, bland; bother, confusion, perturbation, (adj) trouble, 3. ill;
antonyms (adj) aggressive, noisy, violent, 7. peace synonyms (adj) bad, sick, ailing, diseased,
(barış, huzur); synonyms (n) harmony, serenity, unhealthy, adverse, harmful, (adv) badly, poorly,
hush, agreement, amity, accord, composure, sickly, (n) evil, harm, complaint, ailment, mischief;
concord, coolness, heartsease, order, pacification, antonyms (adj) healthy, (adv) well, 4. unrest;
silence, truce, armistice; antonyms (n) noise, chaos, synonyms (n) ferment, fermentation, revolution,
conflict, uproar, commotion, 8. comfort turbulence, excitement, chaos, disturbance, strife;
(avutmak); synonyms (n) solace, consolation, antonyms (n) calm, rest, 5. trouble; synonyms (n)
amenity, assistance, support, alleviation, luxury, difficulty, fuss, torment, care, concern, harass, (v)
pleasure, sympathy, (v) cheer, soothe, console, inconvenience, annoy, worry, afflict, agitate,
encourage, pity, reassure; antonyms (n) burden, distract, disturb, (adj) affliction; antonym (v)
aggravation, (v) alarm, annoy, frighten. please.
rahatlatıcı comfortable; synonyms (adj) cozy, easy, rahibe sister (hemşire); synonyms (n) nun, nurse,
agreeable, pleased, pleasing, prosperous, congenial, brother, mate, twin, baby, counterpart, double,
pleasurable, rich, enjoyable, commodious, content, match, member, pair, pendant, sis.
contented, (v) snug, calm; antonyms (adj) rahip priest (papaz); synonyms (n) clergyman,
uncomfortable, poor, formal, tense, unpleasant, minister, ecclesiastic, churchman, cleric, parson,
intimidating, unaccustomed, unhappy. pastor, presbyter, chaplain, monk, (adj) divine.
rahatlatmak comfort (avutmak); synonyms (n) rahmet mercy; synonyms (n) clemency, compassion,
solace, ease, consolation, relief, aid, amenity, kindness, favor, pity, charity, forgiveness, grace,
assistance, support, alleviation, (v) allay, assuage, humanity, leniency, pardon, benevolence,
cheer, alleviate, soothe, (adj) calm; antonyms (n) forbearance, mercifulness, quarter; antonym (n)
discomfort, aggravation, (v) alarm, annoy, frighten. blame.
rahatlık 1. ease (rahat); synonyms (n) comfort, rakam 1. number (numara, numaralamak, sayı,
convenience, rest, aid, leisure, relief, repose, saymak); synonyms (n) count, amount, score, act,
satisfaction, (v) alleviate, assuage, relieve, allay, issue, volume, character, (v) calculate, aggregate,
facilitate, relax, (adj) smooth; antonyms (n) enumerate, figure, total, come, add, account, 2.

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figure (figür, şekil); synonyms (n) form, rasgele random; synonyms (adj) accidental, aimless,
appearance, estimate, shape, cost, build, contour, irregular, patchy, fortuitous, arbitrary, casual,
emblem, fashion, image, number, dummy, (v) indiscriminate, incidental, unplanned, purposeless,
design, cast, cipher. (n) haphazard, chance, accident, (adv) helter-skelter;
rakip 1. competitor; synonyms (n) rival, antagonist, antonym (adj) systematic.
adversary, candidate, challenger, match, raspa rubber (kauçuk); synonyms (n) caoutchouc,
competition, contender, opponent, enemy, aspirant, condom, eraser, galosh, overshoe, prophylactic,
entrant, contestant, corrival, player, 2. rival; arctic, golosh, gumshoe, (v) rubberize.
synonyms (adj) competitive, competing, opposed, rastlantı 1. coincidence; synonyms (n) accordance,
(n) competitor, emulate, foe, outvie, (v) equal, chance, accident, conjunction, coexistence,
contest, compete, contend, oppose, compare, meet, concurrence, correspondence, appulse; antonym (n)
surpass; antonyms (adj) allied, (n) ally, friend,
design, 2. accident (kaza); synonyms (n) casualty,
partner, 3. match (eş, kibrit); synonyms (n) coincidence, crash, fortune, circumstance,
couple, duplicate, peer, bout, (v) agree, mate, contingency, event, fortuity, hap, hazard, incident,
parallel, accord, correspond, harmonise, luck, smash, catastrophe, destiny.
harmonize, balance, fellow, fit, pair; antonyms (v)
rasyonel rational; synonyms (adj) intellectual,
clash, contradict. reasonable, intelligent, judicious, logical, sane,
ralli rally; synonyms (n) assembly, meeting, mental, just, practical, sagacious, sensible, sober,
convention, gathering, (v) banter, gather, muster, sound, wise, lucid; antonyms (adj) irrational,
congregate, convene, assemble, chaff, collect, illogical, anxious.
converge, meet, mobilize; antonym (v) demobilize.
ray 1. track (iz, izlemek); synonyms (n) course, path,
rampa ascent; synonyms (n) acclivity, ascension, rise, line, racetrack, road, route, (v) trace, trail, hunt, tail,
climb, ascending, elevation, hill, incline, advance, chase, pursue, dog, follow, footprint, 2. rail;
grade, jump, slant, gradient, hike, inclination; synonyms (n) bar, balustrade, handrail, railing,
antonyms (n) descent, fall. fence, banister, track, pale, paling, bolt, barrier,
randevu 1. appointment (atama); synonyms (n) rails, (v) inveigh, vituperate, fulminate.
assignment, date, designation, engagement, fitting, razı willing; synonyms (adj) agreeable, disposed,
post, rendezvous, berth, conference, election, ready, spontaneous, voluntary, amenable, inclined,
assignation, commission, encounter, job, meeting, prepared, enthusiastic, unforced, consenting,
2. date (tarih); synonyms (n) age, appointment, obliging, content, desirous, game; antonyms (adj)
epoch, period, era, time, year, boyfriend, (v) escort, unwilling, reluctant.
determine, register, accompany, court, see, 3. reaksiyon reaction (tepki, tepkime); synonyms (n)
engagement; synonyms (n) combat, battle, answer, response, backlash, reply, effect, reception,
commitment, conflict, contract, contest, fight, duty, rejoinder, repercussion, retort, feeling.
betrothal, employment, employ, agreement, clash, reaktör reactor; synonym (n) stator.
mesh, (v) action.
realist realistic; synonyms (adj) naturalistic, graphic,
randıman output (çıktı); synonyms (n) crop, harvest, lifelike, practical, pragmatic, truthful, feasible,
turnout, yield, outturn, product, expenditure, (v) actual, hardheaded, sober, attainable, authentic,
outcome. photographic; antonym (adj) unrealistic.
rapor 1. report; synonyms (n) description, gossip, realizm realism; synonyms (n) naturalism, reality,
notice, name, fame, message, narration, narrative, authenticity, fidelity, realness, truth, verisimilitude,
news, notification, recital, record, (v) account, accuracy, certainty, closeness, dependability,
describe, communicate; antonym (n) fact, 2. expediency, faithfulness, reasonableness,
statement; synonyms (n) declaration, affirmation, sensibleness; antonym (n) idealism.
announcement, communication, instruction, reasürans reassurance; synonyms (n) consolation,
assertion, command, proposition, enunciation, encouragement, declaration, guarantee, lift, oath,
profession, argument, avowal, bill, expression, pledge, promise, protection, sympathy, word,
pronouncement; antonym (n) denial. succor; antonym (n) nervousness.
raportör reporter (muhabir); synonyms (n) reçel 1. jam; synonyms (n) crush, crowd, fix, squeeze,
newsman, commentator, correspondent, journalist, congestion, conserve, dilemma, hole, (v) block,
columnist, reviewer, newsperson, newswoman, (v) cram, bar, fill, force, gorge, hinder; antonym (v)
informant, intelligencer, authority.
free, 2. preserve; synonyms (v) maintain, keep,
rasat observation (gözlem); synonyms (n) defend, guard, hold, save, cure, pickle, protect,
comment, observance, remark, attention, uphold, perpetuate, (n) jam, jelly, conserves,
inspection, notice, contemplation, conception, marmalade; antonym (v) destroy.
consideration, perception, reflection, idea, notion,
(v) note, heed.

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374 Turkish - English

reçete 1. prescription; synonyms (n) medicine, refüj refuge (sığınak); synonyms (n) protection,
prescript, drug, formula, direction, order, asylum, sanctuary, resort, retreat, safety, cover,
command, medication, recipe, law, ordination, haven, shelter, harbor, hideaway, hideout, covert,
edict, receipt, (adj) precept, rule, 2. formula (v) recourse, haunt.
(formül); synonyms (n) form, convention, regl period (devir, dönem, nokta); synonyms (n)
expression, formality, method, principle, canon, age, dot, epoch, era, point, duration, generation,
fashion, figure, formulary, pattern, prescription, day, conclusion, cycle, interval, length,
procedure, process, system, 3. recipe; synonyms menstruation, stage, time.
(n) secret, nostrum, means, answer, amalgamation, regresyon regression; synonyms (n) regress, lapse,
basis, batter, blend, capacity, design, dish, setback, degeneration, deterioration, decay, relapse,
explanation, grouping, mixture, normal. retreat, retrogression, reverse, reversion, fixation.
reddetme refusal; synonyms (n) declination, denial, rehabilitasyon rehabilitation; synonyms (n)
negative, no, rebuff, rejection, ban, prohibition, reclamation, reinstatement, renewal, repair,
repulse, negation, exclusion, preemption, replacement, improvement, redress, refilling,
disobedience, repudiation, resistance; antonym (n) reformation, treatment, analysis, cure, healing,
permission. physiotherapy, psychoanalysis.
reddetmek 1. refuse; synonyms (v) deny, reject, rehber 1. guide (kılavuz); synonyms (n) escort,
decline, disallow, dross, rebuff, disdain, dismiss, (n) directory, attendant, control, usher, chief, (v) direct,
garbage, trash, waste, offal, debris, litter, leavings; conduct, govern, drive, channel, bring, advise,
antonym (v) accept, 2. reject (geri çevirmek); cicerone, convey; antonym (v) follow, 2. directory;
synonyms (v) refuse, disapprove, discard, eliminate, synonyms (n) catalogue, file, list, record, handbook,
exclude, abandon, disown, ignore, renounce, repel, roll, catalog, guide, listing, register, 3. pilot
repudiate, spurn, eject, jettison, (n) cull; antonyms (pilot); synonyms (n) leader, aviator, captain,
(v) approve, choose, select, acknowledge, grant. airman, cowcatcher, flier, (v) manage, lead, director,
refah 1. welfare; synonyms (n) prosperity, benefit, fly, navigate, show, steer, (adj) experimental, trial.
good, happiness, health, advantage, sake, interest, rehberlik 1. lead; synonyms (v) head, guide, conduct,
wellbeing, upbeat, (adv) weal, 2. comfort contribute, direct, chair, conduce, control, go,
(avutmak); synonyms (n) solace, ease, consolation, govern, bring, convey, give, (n) clue, advantage;
relief, aid, amenity, assistance, support, alleviation, antonym (v) follow, 2. guidance (yol gösterme);
(v) allay, assuage, cheer, alleviate, soothe, (adj) calm; synonyms (n) direction, government, advice,
antonyms (n) discomfort, aggravation, (v) alarm, administration, counsel, lead, instruction,
annoy, frighten, 3. prosperity; synonyms (n) recommendation, regulation, care, education,
affluence, success, wealth, flourish, fortune, command, counselling, (v) management, charge.
welfare, opulence, abundance, prosperousness, rehin 1. security (güvenlik); synonyms (n) pledge,
growth, riches, thrift, plenty; antonym (n) poverty, protection, safety, hostage, insurance, collateral,
4. ease (rahat); synonyms (n) comfort, guard, secureness, strength, peace, assurance, bail,
convenience, rest, leisure, repose, satisfaction, cover, defense, (v) bond; antonym (n) danger, 2.
composure, lightness, comfortableness, mortgage (ipotek); synonyms (n) gage, plight,
contentment, (v) relieve, facilitate, relax, appease, warranty, credit, loan, (v) pawn, impawn.
(adj) smooth; antonyms (n) difficulty, awkwardness, reis 1. chief (ana, baş); synonyms (adj) head,
formality, (v) aggravate, worsen. principal, cardinal, capital, arch, central, essential,
referandum referendum; synonyms (n) vote, ballot, first, main, (n) administrator, boss, captain,
election, poll, initiative, plebiscitum, plumper, executive, leader, paramount; antonyms (adj)
recall, suffrage, voice. minor, associate, secondary, 2. head (baş, kafa);
referans reference (ilgi); synonyms (n) citation, synonyms (n) chief, front, point, foam, froth, crown,
mention, quotation, quote, allusion, bearing, chieftain, chair, brain, commander, director, end, (v)
connection, recommendation, innuendo, direct, lead, command; antonyms (n) subordinate,
annotation, character, concern, consultation, (v) cite, (v) follow, 3. chairman (başkan); synonyms (n)
refer. chairperson, chairwoman, president,
refika wife (eş, karı); synonyms (n) matron, missis, administration, gig, introducer, monitor, prexy,
partner, spouse, consort, helpmate, lady, woman, professorship, spokesman.
mistress, concubine, mother, sweetheart, bride, rejim 1. regime; synonyms (n) administration,
companion, helpmeet; antonym (n) husband. government, dynasty, management, regimen,
reform reform; synonyms (n) amendment, (v) amend, reign, rule, authorities, plan, 2. diet; synonyms (n)
better, change, correct, rectify, modify, transform, congress, convocation, council, convention,
ameliorate, emend, improve, mend, reclaim, nurture, food, assembly, dieting, fare, nourishment,
regenerate, remodel.

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Turkish - English 375

sustenance, synod, cockpit, fast; antonyms (v) antonyms (adj) bright, lively, sharp, exciting,
binge, (adj) fattening. interesting, lustrous, stimulating, amusing,
rekabet competition; synonyms (n) contest, rivalry, exhilarating, glittery, glossy, glowing, high-
bout, competitor, contention, game, match, race, pitched, intense, luminous.
rival, combat, battle, conflict, contender, emulation, repertuar repertoire; synonym (n) repertory.
event; antonym (n) cooperation. reprodüksiyon reproduction; synonyms (n) replica,
reklam 1. advertisement (ilan); synonyms (n) propagation, duplicate, breeding, copy, generation,
announcement, declaration, ad, advert, advertising, copying, facsimile, procreation, replication,
bill, circular, notice, publication, advertizement, reappearance, image, duplication, (adj) fake,
advertizing, placard, poster, 2. ad; synonyms (n) imitation; antonym (adj) genuine.
advertisement, clip, preview, promo, sketch, resepsiyon reception (alma, kabul); synonyms (n)
billboard, infomercial, publicizing, spin, trailer, (v) receipt, acceptance, admission, entertainment,
manifesto, 3. publicity (propaganda); synonyms greeting, party, receiving, adoption, getting,
(n) promotion, notoriety, propaganda, exposure, salutation, acceptation, comprehension,
buildup, disclosure. admittance, inclusion, (adj) soiree.
reklâm advertisement (ilan, reklam); synonyms resim 1. picture (görüntü, tablo); synonyms (n)
(n) announcement, declaration, ad, advert, photograph, effigy, paint, drawing, likeness,
advertising, bill, circular, notice, publication, depiction, description, (v) image, describe, draw,
advertizement, advertizing, placard, poster. depict, fancy, imagine, copy, envision, 2. image
reklamcılık advertising; synonyms (n) ad, advert, (görüntü); synonyms (n) figure, picture,
advertisement, advertizement, advertizing, conception, form, idea, impression, resemblance,
promotion, propaganda, publicity, exposure, design, double, epitome, icon, idol, imagination,
buildup, hype, publicizing, puff, ballyhoo, diagram, apprehension, 3. painting; synonyms (n)
ballyhooing. portrait, coat, art, 4. figure (figür, şekil);
rekor record (dosya, kaydetmek, kayıt, plak); synonyms (n) appearance, character, estimate,
synonyms (n) register, list, account, book, disk, shape, cost, build, contour, emblem, fashion,
document, history, deed, (v) chronicle, file, enter, number, dummy, (v) cast, count, calculate, cipher,
note, report, score, inscribe. 5. drawing (çizim); synonyms (n) draft, drafting,
rektör 1. chancellor; synonyms (n) premier, consul, delineation, plan, cartoon, draftsmanship, draught,
lieutenant, magistrate, proconsul, syndic, judge, painting, chart, illustration, lottery, outline,
justice, official, prefect, 2. president (başkan); representation, traction, 6. illustration; synonyms
synonyms (n) chairman, chief, chair, chairperson, (n) example, case, exemplification, instance,
chairwoman, leader, boss, head, principal, speaker, demonstration, explanation, model, sample,
emperor, imperator, king, majesty. exemplar, sketch, exposition, portrayal,
comparison, representative, table.
rende plane (planya, uçak); synonyms (n) airplane,
face, aeroplane, aircraft, degree, stage, surface, (v) resimlemek illustrate; synonyms (v) elucidate,
flatten, shave, (adj) level, even, flat, horizontal, explain, demonstrate, depict, describe, explicate,
smooth, flush. clarify, adorn, cite, decorate, embellish, expound,
represent, show, (adj) exemplify.
rendelemek plane (planya, uçak); synonyms (n)
airplane, face, aeroplane, aircraft, degree, stage, reşitlik majority (çoğunluk); synonyms (n) bulk,
surface, (v) flatten, shave, (adj) level, even, flat, age, plurality, body, mass, maturity,
horizontal, smooth, flush. preponderance, adolescence; antonym (n) minority.
renk colour; synonyms (n) coloration, coloring, resmen officially; synonyms (adv) formally,
colouring, semblance, vividness, (v) color, discolor, apparently, evidently, lawfully, legally, ostensibly,
discolour, distort, tinge. outwardly, strictly, theoretically, exactly,
legitimately, precisely, properly; antonym (adv)
renklendirmek colour (renk); synonyms (n)
coloration, coloring, colouring, semblance, unofficially.
vividness, (v) color, discolor, discolour, distort, resmetmek 1. draw (çekmek, çizmek); synonyms
tinge. (v) attract, drag, delineate, pull, depict, derive,

renkli 1. coloured; synonyms (adj) biased, black, describe, design, tie, bring, charm, haul, (n) allure,
colorful, dyed, blue, aslant, aslope, benighted, attraction, draft; antonyms (v) push, repel, 2.
bleached, closed, dark, slanted, depressing, figure (figür, şekil); synonyms (n) form,
diagonal, disconsolate, 2. colourful; synonym (adj) appearance, character, estimate, shape, cost, build,
coloured. contour, emblem, fashion, image, (v) cast, count,
calculate, cipher.
renksiz dull; synonyms (adj) dim, blunt, dense,
dreary, sluggish, bland, boring, cloudy, cold, dark, resmi 1. formal (biçimsel); synonyms (adj)
dismal, inactive, inert, (v) deaden, dampen; conventional, ceremonious, distant, ceremonial,

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376 Turkish - English

courtly, elegant, official, prim, solemn, stately, cold, rezervasyon 1. reservation; synonyms (n) reserve,
nominal, pedantic, precise, proper; antonyms (adj) limitation, booking, condition, qualification,
informal, relaxed, unceremonious, 2. official; modesty, exception, constraint, order, doubt,
synonyms (adj) formal, functional, regular, misgiving, query, saving, uncertainty; antonym (n)
sanctioned, magisterial, authorized, (n) officer, certainty, 2. booking; synonyms (n) reservation,
minister, bureaucrat, executive, functionary, entry, employment, appointment, battle, betrothal,
administrator, (v) authoritative, administrative, engagement, renting, conflict, date, fight,
authentic; antonyms (adj) unofficial, private, illegal. interlocking, involution, involvement, mesh.
resmiyet ceremony (tören); synonyms (n) formality, rezistans resistance; synonyms (n) opposition,
courtesy, celebration, ceremonial, parade, pomp, endurance, friction, immunity, impedance,
rite, manners, custom, form, liturgy, magnificence, obstacle, renitency, confrontation, reluctance,
observance, ritual, service. stamina, dissent, backlash, (v) rebellion,
ressam 1. artist; synonyms (n) actor, artificer, master, interference, mutiny; antonyms (n) smoothness,
player, musician, performer, artisan, creator, agreement, obedience, susceptibility.
entertainer, maker, architect, stylist, 2. painter; riayet respect; synonyms (n) honor, esteem, homage,
synonyms (n) artist, limner, cable, catamount, worship, heed, notice, account, consideration,
cougar, guy, halser, hawser, line. deference, (v) regard, observe, admire, appreciate,
ressamlık painting (resim); synonyms (n) picture, estimation, keep; antonyms (n) cheek, insolence,
portrait, likeness, depiction, icon, design, image, impudence, (v) disrespect, scorn, despise, dishonor,
coat, drawing, art. disregard, humiliate.
restoran restaurant (lokanta); synonyms (n) rica 1. request (istek); synonyms (n) petition, bid,
cafeteria, canteen, bistro, coffeehouse, buffet, cafe, prayer, application, claim, (v) demand, ask, invite,
refectory, café, nightclub. order, pray, appeal, beg, call, desire, entreat;
restorasyon restoration; synonyms (n) restitution, antonym (v) command, 2. plea; synonyms (n)
reinstatement, renewal, renovation, restore, revival, defense, justification, answer, apology, pretext,
regaining, repair, return, rejuvenation, recession, allegation, entreaty, excuse, argument, alibi,
recuperation, reform, regeneration, (v) amends; advocacy, explanation, pretense, pretension,
antonyms (n) confiscation, reduction. request, 3. petition; synonyms (n) invocation,
ret 1. refusal; synonyms (n) declination, denial, asking, address, plea, supplication, orison, grace, (v)
negative, no, rebuff, rejection, ban, prohibition, crave, apply, sue, beseech, plead, implore, invoke,
repulse, negation, exclusion, preemption, seek.
disobedience, repudiation, resistance; antonym (n) rıhtım dock; synonyms (n) bob, berth, bobtail, harbor,
permission, 2. rejection; synonyms (n) dismissal, pier, quay, sorrel, wharf, marina, dockage, (v) clip,
refusal, abandonment, renunciation, exception, cut, pare, curtail, deprive; antonym (v) undock.
disavowal, censure, defection, desertion, effusion, ring ring (halka, yüzük); synonyms (n) encircle,
ejection, abjuration, disclaimer, rebuttal, snub; band, gang, jingle, loop, rim, circuit, annulus, (v)
antonyms (n) acceptance, approval. circle, call, peal, echo, resound, reverberate, gird.
reverans bow; synonyms (n) arc, curve, obeisance, risale tract; synonyms (n) area, essay, expanse,
turn, curvature, (v) bend, arch, stoop, duck, buckle, pamphlet, region, dissertation, district, extent,
crouch, incline, kowtow, crook, defer. section, lot, plot, domain, land, province, belt.
rezalet 1. scandal (skandal); synonyms (n) disgrace, risk 1. risk; synonyms (n) hazard, peril, chance,
dishonor, gossip, outrage, discredit, rumor, infamy, danger, gamble, jeopardy, adventure, bet, venture,
disrepute, backbiting, detraction, dirt, ignominy, (v) endanger, wager, dare, imperil, jeopardize,
opprobrium, shame, obloquy; antonym (n) honor, stake; antonyms (n) safety, (v) protect, 2. hazard
2. outrage; synonyms (n) affront, atrocity, (tehlike); synonyms (n) risk, fortune, accident,
indignity, anger, enormity, injury, contumely, difficulty, insecurity, lot, luck, threat, fate, (v)
force, crime, (v) insult, offend, violate, desecrate, menace, undertake, expose, guess, pawn,
horrify, (adj) abuse, 3. scene; synonyms (n) aspect, compromise, 3. venture; synonyms (n) attempt,
view, background, display, environment, outlook, speculation, enterprise, try, effort, experiment,
panorama, picture, spectacle, lookout, perspective, undertaking, business, surmise, aim, bid, (v)
act, appearance, look, (v) prospect. presume, speculate, brave, jeopard.
rezerv reserve (ayırmak); synonyms (n) backup, riskli risky; synonyms (adj) dangerous, hazardous,
modesty, reservation, substitute, bank, cache, chancy, insecure, perilous, unsafe, daring, dodgy,
diffidence, hoard, (v) keep, save, book, maintain, precarious, uncertain, venturesome, audacious,
appropriate, engage, hold; antonyms (n) openness, adventurous, critical, awkward; antonym (adj) safe.
friendliness, informality, warmth.

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ritim rhythm; synonyms (n) measure, cadence, meter, romantik romantic; synonyms (adj) sentimental,
beat, pulse, cycle, tempo, rhyme, metre, melody, amorous, impractical, fanciful, romanticist,
strain, swing, accent, assonance, crambo. unrealistic, utopian, amatory, fictitious, loving,
ritm rhythm; synonyms (n) measure, cadence, meter, poetic, tender, idealistic, (n) visionary, idealist;
beat, pulse, cycle, tempo, rhyme, metre, melody, antonym (n) realist.
strain, swing, accent, assonance, crambo. Rönesans renaissance; synonyms (n) rebirth, revival,
ritmik rhythmic; synonyms (adj) periodic, renascence, renewal, instauration, conversion,
rhythmical, cyclic, regular, graceful, hypnotic, metempsychosis, reincarnation, reappearance,
intermittent, mesmerizing, musical, recurring, rejuvenation, repair, revitalization.
smooth, spellbinding, steady, cyclical, fascinating. röportaj interview; synonyms (n) conference,
rivayet story; synonyms (n) layer, history, account, consultation, audience, conversation, hearing,
narration, narrative, recital, report, tale, fable, examination, appointment, discussion, meeting,
falsehood, fib, floor, legend, level, novel; antonym parley, (v) question, interrogate, talk, encounter.
(n) truth. rota 1. route (yol); synonyms (n) course, path, road,
rıza 1. consent; synonyms (n) accord, acquiescence, direction, passage, avenue, channel, circuit,
consensus, agreement, approval, approbation, highway, itinerary, line, track, way, lane, (v) direct,
compliance, (v) assent, agree, approve, concur, 2. course (yön); synonyms (n) stream, flow,
accede, accept, acquiesce, (adj) allow; antonyms (n) bearing, career, current, route, class, method, race,
opposition, refusal, (v) disagree, refuse, veto, 2. approach, (v) run, chase, pour, aim, (prep) tide, 3.
compliance; synonyms (n) observance, lane; synonyms (n) alley, aisle, artery, passageway,
accordance, complaisance, consent, obedience, pathway, street, trail, walk, stroll.
compliancy, deference, submission, flexibility, rotasyon rotation (dönme); synonyms (n)
yielding, acceptance, conformation, conformity, revolution, gyration, roll, round, turn, circulation,
meekness, performance; antonyms (n) curl, cycle, wheel, orbit, sequence, bout.
disobedience, stubbornness, nonconformity. ruh 1. soul; synonyms (n) man, creature, ghost, heart,
riziko risk (risk); synonyms (n) hazard, peril, chance, human, individual, mind, person, personification,
danger, gamble, jeopardy, adventure, bet, venture, being, essence, life, mortal, psyche, (adj) core, 2.
(v) endanger, wager, dare, imperil, jeopardize, spirit; synonyms (n) apparition, courage, mood,
stake; antonyms (n) safety, (v) protect. bravery, character, disposition, energy, enthusiasm,
rizikolu risky; synonyms (adj) dangerous, hazardous, phantom, soul, fortitude, dash, esprit, feeling, (adj)
chancy, insecure, perilous, unsafe, daring, dodgy, animation; antonyms (n) lethargy, body, 3.
precarious, uncertain, venturesome, audacious, essence; synonyms (n) entity, aroma, crux, gist,
adventurous, critical, awkward; antonym (adj) safe. perfume, hypostasis, burden, extract, fragrance,
roket rocket; synonyms (n) missile, bomb, bullet, kernel, nub, odor, root, scent, spirit, 4. ghost
projectile, arugula, brickbat, carcass, grenade, (v) (hayalet, hortlak); synonyms (n) shade, spectre,
soar, rise, skyrocket, zoom; antonyms (v) plummet, spook, appearance, manes, suggestion, shadow,
dawdle. touch, trace, vision, wraith, author, (v) specter,
rol 1. part (bölüm, parça); synonyms (n) constituent, ghostwrite, haunt, 5. extract; synonyms (n)
piece, article, character, component, cut, division, excerpt, juice, quotation, quote, citation, (v) draw,
portion, section, share, (v) branch, break, disjoin, abstract, derive, educe, elicit, distill, express, get,
divide, divorce; antonyms (n) whole, entirety, (adj) extort, cull, 6. shade (gölge, gölgelemek,
complete, 2. role; synonyms (n) part, function, gölgelendirmek); synonyms (n) screen, tinge,
position, place, job, persona, post, purpose, use, color, hue, blind, cloud, conceal, darkness, dye,
guise, (v) office, duty. nuance, (v) darken, tint, cover, obscure,
rölyef relief; synonyms (n) comfort, aid, consolation, overshadow; antonyms (n) light, brightness.
ease, help, relaxation, release, respite, solace, ruhani spiritual; synonyms (adj) ghostly, holy,
abatement, alleviation, encouragement, redress, immaterial, religious, incorporeal, pious, divine,
rest, (v) assistance. ethereal, mental, psychic, metaphysical,
roman novel (yeni); synonyms (n) fiction, romance, intellectual, sacred, supernatural, unworldly;
book, (adj) new, curious, fresh, modern, different, antonyms (adj) physical, worldly, secular, earthly.
unprecedented, original, newfangled, recent, ruhbilim psychology (psikoloji); synonyms (n)
strange, unfamiliar, unique; antonym (adj) old. psychics, mentality, animastic, metaphysics,
romans romance; synonyms (n) fiction, novel, story, ontology.
intrigue, affair, fable, romanticism, tale, vagary, (v) ruhbilimci psychologist; synonym (n) psychologue.
court, flirt, exaggerate, woo, coquet, coquette. ruhsal spiritual; synonyms (adj) ghostly, holy,
immaterial, religious, incorporeal, pious, divine,

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378 Turkish - English

ethereal, mental, psychic, metaphysical, synonyms (n) extent, condition, title, caliber, status,
intellectual, sacred, supernatural, unworldly; amount, caste, height, measure, plane, point, scale,
antonyms (adj) physical, worldly, secular, earthly. stage, deal, standing, 4. order (düzen,
ruhsat 1. licence (lisans); synonyms (v) license, düzenlemek, emretmek, sıra); synonyms (n)
certify, endorse, evidence, attest, demonstrate, command, decree, dictate, sort, charge, disposition,
indorse, manifest, 2. concession (imtiyaz, edict, injunction, instruction, kind, genus, (v) direct,
ödün); synonyms (n) admission, compliance, commission, call, ordain; antonyms (n) anarchy,
allowance, compromise, discount, grant, chaos, confusion, mayhem, mess, (v) disorder,
agreement, charter, conceding, yielding, request, 5. station (durak, istasyon); synonyms
acceptance, acknowledgment, abatement, assent, (v) (n) seat, base, depot, office, spot, dignity, job,
boon, 3. permission (izin); synonyms (n) consent, quarter, (v) locate, stand, lay, put, set, site, establish.
permit, approval, authority, leave, liberty, licence, rutin routine; synonyms (n) round, habit, method,
authorization, dispensation, pass, sanction, procedure, process, act, custom, (adj) everyday,
approbation, concession, acquiescence, ordinary, regular, common, customary, habitual,
endorsement; antonym (n) refusal, 4. leave mundane, normal; antonym (adj) unusual.
(bırakmak); synonyms (v) depart, forsake, go, rutubet 1. damp; synonyms (adj) moist, muggy,
abandon, desert, quit, escape, flee, lead, lay, (n) clammy, cool, dank, humid, (v) break, check, chill,
furlough, holiday, permission, break, (adj) empty; deaden, benumb, (n) wet, dampness, moisture,
antonyms (v) arrive, enter, stay, remain, approach, clamminess; antonyms (adj) dry, (n) dryness, 2.
change, come, 5. permit (izin, izin vermek); moisture; synonyms (n) humidity, damp,
synonyms (v) allow, give, admit, let, bear, endure, moistness, vapor, 3. wet (ıslak, ıslatmak);
have, agree, legalize, enable, suffer, tolerate, synonyms (adj) drenched, soaked, sodden, rainy,
warrant, approve, authorize; antonyms (v) forbid, saturated, soggy, watery, (v) moisten, water,
ban, prevent, prohibit, stop, 6. certificate; dampen, wash, douse, irrigate, drench, bedew;
synonyms (n) bond, diploma, certification, antonyms (adj) dehydrated, parched.
credential, credentials, document, testimonial, rutubetli 1. moist (nemli); synonyms (adj) humid,
authentication, deed, docket, bill, award, coupon, damp, wet, clammy, dank, muggy, dampish,
guarantee, paper, 7. warrant; synonyms (n) vouch, soggy, wettish, juicy, sodden, sticky, watery,
security, certificate, commission, pledge, support, dripping, marshy; antonym (adj) dry, 2. damp;
justification, mandate, (v) assure, justify, ensure, synonyms (adj) moist, cool, (v) break, check, chill,
empower, warranty, promise, insure. deaden, benumb, cut, dampen, depress,
rulo roll (yuvarlamak); synonyms (n) list, discourage, dishearten, (n) dampness, moisture,
revolution, catalogue, inventory, register, (v) coil, clamminess; antonym (n) dryness.
reel, curl, enfold, revolve, wheel, rock, turn, twist, rüya dream; synonyms (n) daydream, aspiration,
wallow. ambition, vision, desire, fantasy, figment,
rüşt majority (çoğunluk); synonyms (n) bulk, age, nightmare, reverie, sleep, coma, trance, notion, (v)
plurality, body, mass, maturity, preponderance, imagine, muse; antonym (n) reality.
adolescence; antonym (n) minority. Rüzgar wind (sarmak); synonyms (n) air, gust, (v)
rüşvet corruption (bozulma); synonyms (n) coil, twist, curl, meander, turn, bend, curve, twine,
contamination, depravity, adulteration, pollution, blow, crook, entwine, roll, weave.
bribery, filth, infection, taint, vitiation, canker, rüzgâr wind (Rüzgar, sarmak); synonyms (n) air,
blight, foulness, impurity, contagion, (adj) shuffle; gust, (v) coil, twist, curl, meander, turn, bend,
antonyms (n) purification, decency, honesty, curve, twine, blow, crook, entwine, roll, weave.
rüşvetçilik corruption (bozulma); synonyms (n)
contamination, depravity, adulteration, pollution,
bribery, filth, infection, taint, vitiation, canker,
blight, foulness, impurity, contagion, (adj) shuffle; saadet happiness (mutluluk); synonyms (n) delight,
antonyms (n) purification, decency, honesty, enjoyment, blessedness, bliss, cheerfulness,
incorruptness. contentment, ecstasy, felicity, gladness, luck,
rütbe 1. grade (derece); synonyms (n) class, place, merriment, welfare, beatitude, joy, rapture;
rank, degree, order, brand, category, gradient, antonyms (n) unhappiness, sadness, despair, grief,
score, form, group, quality, (v) level, classify, misery, dissatisfaction.
evaluate, 2. rank (sıra); synonyms (n) range, file, saat 1. hour; synonyms (n) epoch, time, hr, moment,
gradation, line, rate, post, arrangement, (adj) putrid, nonce, crisis, day, minute, lifetime, month, quarter,
luxuriant, bad, (v) arrange, grade, position, array, quinquennium, week, year, opportunity, 2. clock;
estimate; antonym (adj) fresh, 3. degree (derece); synonyms (n) alarm, chronograph, knock, whack,

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punch, thump, face, heart, (v) measure, stopwatch, movable, separate, compliant, loose, moveable,
attack, count, inspect, note, notice, 3. time (süre, portable, removable, 3. steady; synonyms (adj)
zaman); synonyms (n) hour, period, duration, era, even, secure, fixed, cool, sedate, settled, smooth,
season, spell, age, instant, interval, space, tempo, solid, staid, composed, (v) steadfast, calm, regular,
sentence, beat, occasion, course; antonym (n) death, brace, quiet; antonyms (adj) unsteady, shaky,
4. o'clock, 5. watch (bakmak, seyretmek); wobbly, 4. settled; synonyms (adj) set, defined,
synonyms (v) observe, clock, look, see, regard, formed, confirmed, finished, standing, done,
wake, care, protect, defend, (n) guard, view, peaceful, assured, lasting, sober, stated, colonized,
sentinel, sentry, surveillance, (adj) vigilance. occupied, ordinary; antonym (adj) uninhabited, 5.
sabah morning; synonyms (n) dawn, daybreak, established; synonyms (v) commonplace, (adj)
sunrise, daylight, forenoon, morn, aurora, conventional, accepted, accomplished, customary,
cockcrow, dawning, dayspring, sunup; antonym (n) effected, orthodox, completed, constituted, official,
dusk. recognized, unwavering, accustomed, arranged,
habitual; antonym (adj) unproven, 6. permanent
sabık 1. late (geç); synonyms (adj) former, dead,
deceased, behindhand, belated, delayed, modern, (kalıcı); synonyms (adj) everlasting, perennial,
slow, tardy, dull, defunct, (adv) dilatory, fresh, enduring, immutable, indelible, continuing,
backward, belatedly; antonyms (adj) ahead, (adv) immortal, stationary, unchangeable, undying,
ineffaceable, irrevocable, persistent, (n) perm, (v)
early, punctually, promptly, punctual, 2. former
immovable; antonyms (adj) fleeting, brief,
(eski, önceki); synonyms (adv) before, (adj)
impermanent, provisional, transitory, fragile,
antecedent, anterior, bygone, earlier, foregoing,
superficial, 7. firm; synonyms (n) company,
previous, prior, original, past, preceding, foremost,
business, (adj) hard, close, compact, strong, decisive,
primary, ancient, (n) predecessor; antonym (adj)
dense, stiff, stubborn, sturdy, adamant, crisp,
future, 3. past (geçmiş); synonyms (adj) beyond,
inflexible, (adv) firmly; antonyms (adj) irresolute,
old, back, gone, over, preterit, late, erstwhile,
soft, weak, hesitant, limp, liquid, soggy, 8. fast
olden, ago, (n) history, yesterday, (adv) by, aside,
(prf) along; antonyms (adj) contemporary, current,
(hızlı, oruç); synonyms (adj) dissolute, agile,
debauched, hurried, instant, quick, rapid, staunch,
(prep) within, (n) present, prospect.
brisk, colorfast, dissipated, expeditious, express,
sabır patience; synonyms (n) endurance, forbearance, (adv) soon, (n) diet; antonyms (adj) sluggish, (adv)
fortitude, longanimity, equanimity, resignation,
slow, slowly, leisurely, (v) gorge, (n) binge, 9. set
tolerance, restraint, composure, persistence,
solitaire, sufferance, indulgence, (v) moderation, (ayarlamak, grup, set, takım); synonyms (v) fix,
calmness; antonym (n) impatience. place, lay, put, locate, position, regulate, define,
adjust, arrange, congeal, (n) class, bent, circle, lot;
sabırlı patient; synonyms (adj) invalid, forbearing,
antonyms (v) soften, liquefy, melt, (n) combing,
passive, calm, enduring, resigned, tolerant,
uncomplaining, stoical, lenient, meek, persistent, comb-out, 10. standing; synonyms (v) stand, post,
(n) rank, fame, importance, prestige, reputation,
considerate, indefatigable; antonym (adj) impatient.
footing, attitude, repute, status, (adj) erect,
sabırsız 1. eager; synonyms (adj) avid, desirous,
motionless, continuance, stagnant, 11. stable;
ardent, earnest, agog, acute, ambitious,
synonyms (adj) reliable, sound, immobile,
enthusiastic, keen, zealous, industrious, studious,
responsible, equable, safe, static, stout, tight,
active, burning, craving; antonyms (adj) indifferent,
uniform, tranquil, dependable, still, substantial, (v)
apathetic, disinterested, unconcerned, 2.
stall; antonyms (adj) unstable, dangerous,
impatient; synonyms (adj) eager, hasty, anxious, precarious, rickety, volatile, 12. substantive;
petulant, fidgety, edgy, quick, impetuous, irritable,
synonyms (adj) real, essential, meaty, significant,
restive, restless, testy, uneasy, weary, cross; material, actual, crucial, hearty, indispensable,
antonyms (adj) patient, enduring. satisfying, (n) noun, name, reality, (v) substantivize.
sabit 1. constant (değişmez); synonyms (adj) sabun soap; synonyms (n) cleanser, run, (v) lather,
ceaseless, incessant, perpetual, steady, continual, bribe, grease, oil, wheedle, cajole, bathe, clean, flog,
abiding, changeless, consistent, continuous, eternal, inveigle, lash, (adj) episodic, maudlin.
faithful, frequent, loyal, resolute, (n) invariable;
sabunlamak soap (sabun); synonyms (n) cleanser,
antonyms (adj) changeable, intermittent, irregular,
run, (v) lather, bribe, grease, oil, wheedle, cajole,
sporadic, variable, episodic, erratic, inconstant,
bathe, clean, flog, inveigle, lash, (adj) episodic,
disloyal, fickle, inconsistent, occasional, temporary,
unreliable, 2. fixed (değişmez); synonyms (adj)
saç hair; synonyms (n) fuzz, coat, down, fleece, fur,
determined, definite, constant, durable, certain,
hairbreadth, haircloth, locks, pile, coiffure, (adj)
decided, determinate, established, fast, fastened,
brush, clipping, driblet.
intent, permanent, rigid, (v) stable, (adv) firm;
antonyms (adj) flexible, adaptable, adjustable,

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380 Turkish - English

saçak 1. fringe; synonyms (n) brim, brink, edge, absolute, barren, harsh, sheer, naked, 2. plain
boundary, periphery, rim, bound, perimeter, frame, (açık, düz); synonyms (adj) ordinary,
circumference, (v) border, hem, skirt, verge, (adj) comprehensible, intelligible, apparent, clear,
feather, 2. canopy; synonyms (n) awning, cover, downright, easy, evident, homely, humble, level,
screen, shade, ceiling, pavilion, blind, bubble, manifest, obvious, perspicuous, (n) flat; antonyms
shield, visor. (adj) elaborate, fancy, unclear, mottled,
saçma 1. absurd (anlamsız); synonyms (adj) foolish, multicolored, ornate, attractive, concealed,
preposterous, ridiculous, unreasonable, irrational, confused, fussy, two-colored, 3. simple (basit);
crazy, derisory, illogical, incredible, inept, synonyms (adj) pure, elementary, innocent, natural,
ludicrous, meaningless, nonsensical, outrageous, rustic, honest, chaste, childish, childlike, foolish,
senseless; antonym (adj) sensible, 2. foolish ingenuous, light, modest, naive, (n) shallow;
(akılsız); synonyms (adj) childish, fool, daft, dopey, antonyms (adj) complex, complicated, compound,
dull, dumb, fatuous, silly, stupid, unwise, anserine, difficult, multiple, obscure, confusing, cunning,
dopy, dotty, idiotic, (n) absurd; antonyms (adj) wise, multifaceted, problematical, sophisticated, 4.
prudent, shrewd, visionary, 3. bull (boğa); severe; synonyms (adj) rigid, biting, hard,
synonyms (n) bullshit, bunk, hogwash, rot, inclement, rigorous, rough, arduous, bad, cutting,
absurdity, bear, buck, buncombe, bunkum, cop, grim, heavy, intense, serious, strict, (v) poignant;
copper, crap, fuzz, guff, (adj) blunder, 4. irrational; antonyms (adj) gentle, mild, lenient, slight, lax.
synonyms (adj) inconsistent, blind, imprudent, sadece 1. only (ancak); synonyms (adv) alone, but,
unsound, insane, thoughtless, surd, deranged, exclusively, just, merely, barely, entirely, simply,
incongruous, (adv) beastly; antonyms (adj) rational, however, (adj) exclusive, individual, lone, one, sole,
logical, 5. nonsense; synonyms (n) gibberish, all, 2. just; synonyms (adv) exactly, hardly, newly,
balderdash, baloney, drivel, folderol, foolishness, (adj) fair, right, correct, equitable, accurate, honest,
humbug, claptrap, falderal, folly, hooey, jargon, impartial, fit, good, reasonable, righteous, upright;
rigmarole, cobblers, (v) stuff; antonym (n) sense, 6. antonyms (adj) unfair, biased, wrong, 3. simply;
ridiculous; synonyms (adj) funny, laughable, synonyms (adv) only, directly, absolutely, easily,
comical, farcical, inane, amusing, comic, droll, plainly, purely, plain, honestly, manifestly,
grotesque, humorous, extravagant, injudicious, obviously, openly, clearly, sincerely, solely,
pathetic, burlesque, facetious; antonyms (adj) straightforwardly; antonym (adv) elaborately, 4.
inspiring, reasonable, 7. rubbish; synonyms (n) exclusively; synonyms (adv) completely, specially,
refuse, garbage, litter, nonsense, trash, junk, offal, wholly, totally, 5. merely, 6. solely; synonym (adj)
debris, trumpery, waste, dirt, rubble, bull, singly.
codswallop, (adj) bosh, 8. shot; synonyms (n) sadelik simplicity (basitlik); synonyms (n)
gunshot, injection, go, fling, ball, crack, shoot, innocence, ease, easiness, plainness, simpleness,
picture, attempt, bang, bullet, chance, discharge, clarity, artlessness, austerity, gullibility, severity,
effort, endeavor. ignorance, frankness, rusticity, informality, (adj)
saçmalamak gas (benzin, gaz); synonyms (n) inexperience; antonyms (n) difficulty, complexity,
gasoline, petrol, air, fumes, accelerator, flatulence, ambiguity.
petroleum, oil, gasolene, vapor, (v) fuel, brag, sadık 1. constant (değişmez, sabit); synonyms (adj)
vaunt, blague, blow. ceaseless, incessant, perpetual, steady, continual,
sadaka charity; synonyms (n) bounty, dole, favor, abiding, changeless, consistent, continuous, eternal,
aid, generosity, kindness, liberality, mercy, virtue, faithful, frequent, loyal, resolute, (n) invariable;
clemency, compassion, gift, pity, (v) almsgiving, antonyms (adj) changeable, intermittent, irregular,
(adj) benignity; antonyms (n) miserliness, sporadic, variable, episodic, erratic, inconstant,
intolerance. disloyal, fickle, inconsistent, occasional, temporary,
sadakat 1. loyalty; synonyms (n) allegiance, faith, unreliable, 2. faithful; synonyms (adj) authentic,
devotion, honesty, dedication, faithfulness, fealty, correct, close, constant, exact, dependable, devoted,
fidelity, commitment, integrity, attachment, sound, true, unfailing, devout, dutiful, fast, honest,
constancy, homage, belief, reality; antonym (n) (n) accurate; antonyms (adj) false, inaccurate,
disloyalty, 2. faith (güven); synonyms (n) unfaithful, 3. devoted; synonyms (adj) addicted,
confidence, conviction, trust, credence, credit, affectionate, ardent, consecrated, fond, pious,
assurance, creed, cult, dependence, expectation, committed, eager, enthusiastic, keen, loving,
hope, piety, reliance, religion, church; antonym (n) passionate, reliable, religious, (prep) dedicated;
unbelief, 3. allegiance; synonyms (n) loyalty, antonyms (adj) uncommitted, indifferent, 4. loyal;
duty; antonym (n) sedition. synonyms (adj) unwavering, obedient, liege,
sade 1. stark; synonyms (adj) austere, bare, bleak, observant, patriotic, responsible, staunch, steadfast,
desolate, mere, plain, severe, simple, bald, positive, trustworthy, trusty, (v) firm, stanch, 5. true

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(doğru, gerçek); synonyms (adj) real, actual, right, austere, common, (n) shallow, silly; antonyms (adj)
even, straight, truthful, direct, sincere, factual, complex, complicated, compound, elaborate,
literal, precise, proper, veritable, (v) square, (n) difficult, multiple, ornate, multifaceted,
genuine; antonyms (adj) bogus, untrue. problematical.
saf 1. pure (arı); synonyms (adj) just, absolute, safha 1. phase (evre, faz); synonyms (n) aspect,
genuine, natural, artless, clean, clear, faultless, stage, facet, chapter, grade, circumstance,
fresh, good, guileless, immaculate, innocent, mere, condition, degree, appearance, form, leg, level,
(n) chaste; antonyms (adj) impure, contaminated, period, side, situation, 2. stage (sahne);
diluted, dishonored, tainted, wicked, 2. clean synonyms (n) phase, floor, point, arena, layer,
(temiz, temizlemek); synonyms (adj) fair, gradation, set, stadium, height, dais, (v) present,
antiseptic, blank, pure, adroit, tidy, unblemished, order, mount, play, arrange.
(v) brush, cleanse, bathe, clarify, disinfect, sweep, saflık 1. purity (arılık); synonyms (n) innocence,
wash, decontaminate; antonyms (adj) filthy, holiness, cleanness, clearness, honor, virtue,
unclean, muddy, unhygienic, full, syrupy, perfection, chastity, pureness, sanctity, elegance,
unwholesome, (v) dirty, soil, contaminate, pollute, integrity, blamelessness, clarity, simplicity;
3. absolute (mutlak, tam); synonyms (adj) antonyms (n) coarseness, guilt, 2. innocence;
downright, peremptory, total, unconditional, synonyms (n) ignorance, artlessness, gullibility,
categorical, real, unqualified, utter, actual, ingenuousness, purity, innocency, sinlessness,
arbitrary, authoritative, certain, complete, candor, frankness, honour; antonym (n)
conclusive, (n) positive; antonyms (adj) partial, sophistication.
qualified, 4. fine (güzel, ince, iyi); synonyms (adj) safra 1. bile; synonyms (n) anger, gall, ebullition,
delicate, agreeable, dainty, brave, capital, elegant, ferment, fume, pucker, fury, indignation, rage,
excellent, nice, thin, delightful, acute, admirable, malice, antipathy, bitterness, colera, dislike, hatred,
alright, (n) penalty, (v) punish; antonyms (adj) poor, 2. gall; synonyms (n) cheek, audacity, acerbity,
thick, coarse, substantial, unsatisfactory, wide, 5. acrimony, cheekiness, crust, freshness, grate,
naive; synonyms (adj) inexperienced, impertinence, impudence, (v) annoy, chafe, fret, irk,
unsophisticated, green, gullible, ignorant, irritate.
ingenuous, naif, simple, callow, inartificial, candid, sağ 1. right (doğru); synonyms (adj) correct,
childlike, credulous, frank, unaffected; antonyms appropriate, due, just, proper, decent, good, even,
(adj) sophisticated, experienced, astute, cunning, perfect, accurate, exact, fair, faithful, fit, (n)
mature, worldly, sly, 6. clear (açık, belirgin, privilege; antonyms (adj) inappropriate, unjustified,
berrak, temiz, temizlemek); synonyms (adj) immoral, incorrect, (n) left, (v) wrong, 2. alive
open, apparent, distinct, empty, light, plain, (canlı); synonyms (adj) active, live, living, sensible,
blameless, (v) bright, acquit, free, net, absolve, vivacious, animated, lively, responsive, aware,
definite, discharge, exculpate; antonyms (adj) eager, acute, energetic, animate, awake, extant;
cloudy, opaque, unclear, dark, fuzzy, hazy, antonyms (adj) dead, deceased, inanimate, 3. living
incomprehensible, obscure, uncertain, vague, (canlı); synonyms (adj) alive, fresh, quick, vital, (n)
ambiguous, blurry, confused, confusing, (v) convict, livelihood, being, life, aliveness, animation,
7. innocent (masum); synonyms (adj) harmless, benefice, existence, keep, maintenance, subsistence,
innocuous, guiltless, naive, spotless, innoxious, support; antonym (n) death.
inoffensive, unconscious, unsuspecting, virgin, sağanak shower (duş); synonyms (n) rain, drizzle,
virtuous, holy, honest, (n) child, baby; antonyms barrage, rainfall, torrent, volley, (v) pour, bathe,
(adj) guilty, culpable, responsible, wary, 8. array hail, sprinkle, wash, shed, bath, scatter, spray.
(dizi); synonyms (n) arrangement, line, garment, (v) sağır deaf; synonyms (adj) earless, blind, indifferent,
attire, dress, adorn, apparel, arrange, clothe, deck, unhearing, aspirated, atonic, deve, inattentive,
display, garb, range, ornament, align; antonym (v) oblivious, regardless, surd, thoughtless, unaware,
disarray, 9. genuine; synonyms (adj) authentic, unconcerned, (v) deafen; antonym (adj) hearing.
sincere, true, faithful, factual, hearty, unfeigned, sağlam 1. good (iyi); synonyms (adj) able, benefit,
very, accurate, earnest, intrinsic, legitimate, literal, delicious, right, efficient, capable, excellent, fine,
native, original; antonyms (adj) bogus, fake, nice, superior, well, advantageous, (n) benign,
insincere, affected, artificial, dishonest, false, advantage, gain; antonyms (adj) disobedient, poor,
pretend, hypocritical, replica, 10. rank (sıra); wicked, unpleasant, (n) evil, bad, 2. secure
synonyms (n) place, file, gradation, degree, quality, (güvenli); synonyms (v) close, fix, preserve, fasten,
rate, post, (adj) putrid, (v) order, class, classify,
acquire, assure, attain, ensure, fast, (adj) safe, firm,
grade, position, array, group, 11. simple (basit);
certain, confident, attach, bind; antonyms (v) lose,
synonyms (adj) homely, elementary, humble, rustic,
detach, (adj) insecure, vulnerable, loose, unsafe, 3.
bare, childish, easy, foolish, modest, sheer, rude,

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sure; synonyms (adj) reliable, secure, indisputable, ethereal, worthless, 15. robust; synonyms (adj)
dependable, assured, definite, infallible, positive, brawny, mighty, masculine, rich, stalwart,
bound, absolute, decisive, fixed, (adv) certainly, (v) strapping, robustious, able-bodied, bulky, manly,
steady, convinced; antonyms (adj) doubtful, handsome, burly, resilient, (n) iron, stanch;
uncertain, unsure, hesitant, 4. sound (ses); antonym (adj) fragile.
synonyms (n) echo, peal, (v) ring, chime, blow, (adj) sağlama 1. provision (hüküm); synonyms (n)
reasonable, complete, healthy, fit, good, just, arrangement, condition, clause, proviso, stock,
rational, sane, sensible, robust; antonyms (n) article, board, requirement, stipulation, store,
silence, (adj) illogical, unsound, confused, 5. solid maintenance, (v) preparation, feed, cater, supply;
(katı); synonyms (adj) dense, compact, consistent, antonym (n) lack, 2. proof (kanıt); synonyms (n)
hard, real, strong, massive, substantial, hearty, confirmation, demonstration, probation, argument,
heavy, material, potent, rigid, sturdy, thick; authentication, evidence, sign, substantiation,
antonyms (adj) soft, unreliable, gaseous, permeable, validation, verification, experiment, indication,
runny, transparent, watery, (n) liquid, 6. steady; essay, criterion, establishment.
synonyms (adj) even, constant, continual, resolute, sağlamak 1. secure (güvenli); synonyms (v) close,
stable, cool, incessant, sedate, settled, continuous, fix, preserve, fasten, acquire, assure, attain, ensure,
determined, (v) steadfast, calm, regular, brace; fast, (adj) safe, firm, certain, confident, attach, bind;
antonyms (adj) unsteady, shaky, wobbly, antonyms (v) lose, detach, (adj) insecure, vulnerable,
intermittent, 7. fast (hızlı, oruç); synonyms (adj) loose, unsafe, 2. provide; synonyms (v) give,
dissolute, agile, debauched, hurried, instant, quick, contribute, furnish, offer, accommodate,
rapid, staunch, brisk, colorfast, dissipated, durable, administer, afford, cater, equip, supply, allow, fit,
expeditious, (adv) soon, (n) diet; antonyms (adj) endow, outfit, nourish, 3. supply (tedarik
sluggish, (adv) slow, slowly, leisurely, (v) gorge, (n) etmek); synonyms (n) provision, hoard, issue,
binge, 8. firm; synonyms (n) company, business, fund, (v) stock, fill, store, feed, provide, deliver,
(adj) solid, stiff, stubborn, enduring, adamant, crisp, produce, supplement, add, gratify, render, 4.
decided, established, inflexible, loyal, obstinate, (v) obtain; synonyms (v) gain, get, have, achieve, earn,
faithful, (adv) firmly; antonyms (adj) irresolute, accomplish, derive, effect, buy, collect, extract, find,
weak, limp, soggy, 9. healthy; synonyms (adj) gather, make, prevail, 5. ensure; synonyms (v)
healthful, hale, salubrious, wholesome, beneficial, cover, ascertain, check, guarantee, insure, secure,
sound, whole, abundant, nutritious, active, control, determine, promise, safeguard, see,
flourishing, hygienic, lusty, tough, vigorous; warrant, 6. make (etmek, yapmak); synonyms
antonyms (adj) unhealthy, harmful, unwell, unfit, (v) build, cause, construct, do, create, fashion, force,
dependent, fattening, infected, soporific, let, compel, constitute, design, drive, erect, execute,
unwholesome, 10. strong; synonyms (adj) intense, (n) form; antonym (v) destroy.
powerful, deep, cogent, forcible, influential, fierce, sağlamlaştırma consolidation; synonyms (n)
athletic, energetic, forceful, high, loud, muscular, amalgamation, unification, combination,
persuasive, severe; antonyms (adj) bland, delicate, fortification, union, condensation, joinder,
faint, feeble, frail, mild, pale, slight, unconvincing, coalition, integration.
cowardly, diluted, dull, exhausted, flimsy, sağlamlaştırmak 1. secure (güvenli); synonyms (v)
imperceptible, 11. tough; synonyms (adj) difficult, close, fix, preserve, fasten, acquire, assure, attain,
tenacious, arduous, hardy, laborious, rugged, stout, ensure, fast, (adj) safe, firm, certain, confident,
rough, leathery, demanding, harsh, (n) bully, attach, bind; antonyms (v) lose, detach, (adj)
rowdy, hoodlum, hooligan; antonyms (adj) tender,
insecure, vulnerable, loose, unsafe, 2. reinforce;
easy, lightweight, simple, 12. safe; synonyms (adj) synonyms (v) bolster, intensify, enhance, buttress,
cautious, harmless, innocuous, correct, innocent, consolidate, fortify, support, enforce, harden,
inoffensive, sure, unscathed, protected, chary, recruit, reenforce, strengthen, amplify, increase,
discreet, prudent, (n) closet, coffer, strongbox; assist; antonym (v) weaken.
antonyms (adj) dangerous, hurt, risky, unprotected, sağlamlık 1. validity (geçerlik); synonyms (n) force,
reckless, 13. valid (Geçerli); synonyms (adj) legal, truth, authority, legitimacy, soundness, certainty,
genuine, authentic, legitimate, rightful, true, cogency, effect, power, effectiveness, reality,
effectual, lawful, competent, confirmed, adequate, authenticity, vigor, credibility, hardness, 2.
convincing, logical, satisfactory, sufficient;
stability (denge); synonyms (n) constancy,
antonyms (adj) unacceptable, invalid, annulled,
durability, firmness, permanence, poise,
bogus, 14. substantial (önemli); synonyms (adj) equilibrium, solidity, balance, stableness, strength,
actual, considerable, important, palpable, endurance, immovability, fixedness, resistance,
significant, essential, momentous, concrete, ample, steadiness; antonym (n) instability, 3. substance;
big, corporeal, grave, hefty, large, satisfying; synonyms (n) essence, body, import, material,
antonyms (adj) insignificant, insubstantial, small,

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matter, meaning, significance, subject, amount, sahici real (gerçek); synonyms (adj) genuine,
core, gist, means, quintessence, implication, spirit; material, physical, true, concrete, literal, natural,
antonym (n) triviality. positive, pure, native, right, good, absolute, (n)
sağlık 1. fitness; synonyms (n) ability, adequacy, authentic, (v) actual; antonyms (adj) unreal,
appropriateness, aptness, capability, propriety, imaginary, apparent, artificial, fake, bogus,
correspondence, competence, competency, deceptive, false, fantasy, imitation, insubstantial,
convenience, correctness, fittingness, health, mock, nominal, (v) pretend.
qualification, congruity; antonyms (n) unsuitability, sahiden 1. really (gerçekten); synonyms (adv)
inability, unfitness, 2. health; synonyms (n) actually, honestly, absolutely, genuinely, certainly,
condition, fitness, welfare, pledge, strength, form, real, truly, very, simply, authentically, practically,
salubrity, shape, good, safety, security, bail, essentially, extremely, (adj) indeed, sincerely, 2.
comfort, crankness, (v) cure, 3. welfare (refah); honestly; synonyms (adv) frankly, fairly, candidly,
synonyms (n) prosperity, benefit, happiness, directly, justly, faithfully, aboveboard, openly, fair,
advantage, sake, interest, wellbeing, upbeat, (adv) bluntly, plainly, (adj) earnestly, really, accurately;
weal. antonyms (adv) dishonestly, deceitfully,
sağlıklı 1. healthy; synonyms (adj) healthful, fit, good, misleadingly.
hale, salubrious, wholesome, beneficial, hearty, sahil 1. coast; synonyms (n) bank, beach, seaside,
sound, well, whole, sane, abundant, nutritious, shore, seashore, sand, seacoast, shoreline, (v) glide,
active; antonyms (adj) unhealthy, harmful, unwell, slide, drift, cruise; antonym (n) interior, 2. seaside;
unfit, dependent, fattening, infected, soporific, synonyms (n) coast, seaboard, coastline, 3. strand;
unwholesome, weak, 2. sound (ses); synonyms synonyms (n) rope, chain, filament, line, string,
(n) echo, peal, (v) ring, chime, fast, blow, chirp, (adj) thread, wisp, yarn, fibril, scar, (v) maroon, desert,
reasonable, complete, healthy, just, rational, right, abandon, 4. shore; synonyms (n) prop, edge, land,
sensible, robust; antonyms (n) silence, (adj) illogical, buttress, stay, brace, margin, border, riverside,
unsound, confused. shoring, side, waterside, embankment, (v) support,
sağmak milk (süt); synonyms (v) exploit, squeeze, 5. beach (plaj); synonyms (n) foreshore, strand.
drain, tap, anodyne, balm, bleed, (adj) albumen, sahip 1. owner (mal sahibi); synonyms (n) master,
chalk, glair, gluten. proprietor, possessor, holder, landholder,
saha 1. field (alan, tarla); synonyms (n) arena, area, landowner, boss, landlord, employer, occupant,
battlefield, domain, ground, place, battleground, host, manager; antonym (n) tenant, 2. lord;
compass, court, department, discipline, range, synonyms (n) chief, noble, sir, seignior, almighty,
realm, section, sphere, 2. ground (toprak, yer, creator, gentleman, maker, mistress, nobleman,
zemin); synonyms (n) base, cause, land, floor, overlord, ruler, captain, impropriator, 3. holder;
reason, dirt, field, soil, account, country, basis, (v) synonyms (n) bearer, case, stand, container, rack,
bottom, found, establish, fix; antonym (n) ceiling, 3. handle, carrier, bracket, owner, support, vessel, 4.
range (alan, erim); synonyms (n) array, reach, master (ana, baş); synonyms (n) instructor, head,
scope, distance, (v) line, arrange, order, rank, roam, leader, authority, headmaster, maestro, (v) conquer,
group, ramble, wander, align, gad, classify, 4. control, command, defeat, dominate, (adj) original,
scope (kapsam); synonyms (n) purview, room, ace, expert, proficient, 5. proprietor.
expanse, drift, extent, oscilloscope, gamut, chance, sahiplik ownership (mülkiyet); synonyms (n)
amplitude, breadth, dimension, latitude, play, control, proprietorship, occupancy, possession,
ambit, (v) view, 5. area (alan); synonyms (n) tenure, title, hold, (adj) property, claim, right.
region, size, width, neighborhood, district, space, sahipsiz 1. derelict; synonyms (adj) desolate,
zone, topic, grounds, belt, capacity, circuit, delinquent, abandoned, deserted, forsaken,
compartment, (adj) local, regional, 6. tract; neglectful, ramshackle, remiss, negligent,
synonyms (n) essay, pamphlet, dissertation, lot, dilapidated, decrepit, rickety, (n) outcast, tramp,
plot, province, stretch, track, tractate, treatise, vagabond, 2. vacant (boş); synonyms (adj) empty,
county, discourse, exposition, parcel, park, 7. blank, hollow, bare, devoid, free, idle, unfilled,
pitch (atmak); synonyms (n) degree, dip, slant, unoccupied, void, expressionless, open, vacuous,
slope, (v) fling, cast, chuck, lurch, tilt, toss, heave, inane, available; antonyms (adj) full, occupied.
hurl, throw, careen, launch. sahne 1. stage; synonyms (n) grade, phase, floor,
sahi true (doğru, gerçek); synonyms (adj) real, degree, level, period, point, arena, layer, chapter,
actual, faithful, right, even, accurate, authentic, leg, gradation, (v) present, order, mount, 2. scene;
correct, exact, honest, straight, truthful, direct, (v) synonyms (n) aspect, view, background, display,
square, (n) genuine; antonyms (adj) false, bogus, environment, outlook, panorama, picture,
inaccurate, untrue. spectacle, lookout, perspective, act, appearance,
look, (v) prospect.

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sahnelemek stage (sahne); synonyms (n) grade, agitation, 4. easy (kolay); synonyms (adj)
phase, floor, degree, level, period, point, arena, comfortable, convenient, familiar, graceful, lenient,
layer, chapter, leg, gradation, (v) present, order, light, clear, contented, cozy, casual, comfy, cushy,
mount. easygoing, (adv) soft, easily; antonyms (adj) difficult,
sahra wilderness; synonyms (n) desert, wild, arduous, demanding, hard, laborious, burdensome,
wasteland, solitude, wildness, (v) waste. particular, strenuous, tough, awkward, formal,
sahte 1. false (taklit, yanlış); synonyms (adj) bastard, testing, uneasy, 5. comfortable; synonyms (adj)
counterfeit, untrue, deceitful, dishonest, erroneous, agreeable, pleased, pleasing, prosperous, congenial,
artificial, assumed, deceptive, disloyal, faithless, pleasurable, rich, enjoyable, commodious, content,
fake, fictitious, sham, ersatz; antonyms (adj) true, homely, easeful, genial, (v) snug, luxurious;
real, correct, factual, faithful, genuine, natural, antonyms (adj) uncomfortable, poor, unpleasant,
truthful, honest, valid, 2. artificial (yapay); intimidating, unaccustomed, unhappy, 6.
synonyms (adj) affected, theatrical, bogus, false, resident; synonyms (adj) native, inmate, local,
feigned, forced, mannered, phony, strained, nonmigratory, (n) inhabitant, occupant, dweller,
unnatural, unreal, hypocritical, precious, stiff, tenant, citizen, lodger, occupier, representative, (v)
manufactured. resiant; antonyms (adj) migratory, (n) landlord,
sakal beard; synonyms (n) awn, hair, whiskers, drifter, 7. smooth (düz, düzgün); synonyms (adj)
disguise, sloven, (v) dare, defy, camouflage, mask, level, oily, facile, flat, flowing, fluent, fluid, glossy,
(adj) brave. greasy, liquid, mellow, polished, slick, (v) facilitate,
sakar awkward; synonyms (adj) clumsy, flatten; antonyms (adj) rough, uneven, abrasive,
inconvenient, crude, embarrassing, inept, sticky, coarse, crumpled, flaking, harsh, jerky, lined,
uncomfortable, ungainly, untoward, left-handed, peeling, prickly, ridged, wrinkled, corrugated, (v)
annoying, bungling, cumbersome, difficult, wrinkle, 8. still; synonyms (adv) however, but,
graceless; antonyms (adj) graceful, easy, adroit, nevertheless, yet, more, nonetheless, (adj) silence,
manageable, straightforward, convenient, quiescent, inactive, mute, equable, hushed,
dexterous, helpful, rotund, simple. immobile, noiseless, (conj) notwithstanding;
sakat 1. game (oyun); synonyms (n) amusement, antonyms (adj) moving, effervescent, fizzy, windy.
fun, entertainment, competition, contest, diversion, sakınca objection; synonyms (n) dissent, protest,
match, play, prey, quarry, sport, (adj) fearless, (v) complaint, exception, grievance, gripe,
bet, gamble, wager, 2. defective (kusurlu); disagreement, outcry, difficulty, disapproval,
synonyms (adj) deficient, bad, faulty, imperfect, expostulation, criticism, challenge, disadvantage,
broken, incomplete, lacking, unsound, vicious, drawback.
inaccurate, rotten, erroneous, flawed, inadequate, sakinleştirmek 1. still; synonyms (adv) however, but,
incorrect; antonym (adj) perfect. nevertheless, (adj) calm, pacify, peaceful, silence,
sakatlık 1. disability (yetersizlik); synonyms (n) quiescent, serene, silent, (n) hush, (v) quiet, assuage,
handicap, inability, disablement, disqualification, compose, lull; antonyms (adj) moving, effervescent,
drawback, impairment, incapacity, disadvantage, fizzy, windy, (n) noisy, 2. calm; synonyms (adj)
damage, deadening, deterioration, deterrent, tranquil, bland, (v) appease, cool, still, allay, easy,
detriment, illness, trouble, 2. defect (kusur); moderate, mollify, steady, tranquilize, abate,
synonyms (n) fault, blemish, blot, flaw, alleviate, becalm, (n) equanimity; antonyms (adj)
shortcoming, deficiency, failing, imperfection, scar, agitated, angry, nervous, stormy, wild, annoyed,
weakness, dearth, deformity, foible, (v) desert, (adj) anxious, enraged, frantic, frightened, intense,
infirmity. irritable, (v) agitate, upset, (n) agitation, 3. steady;
sakin 1. quiet (sessiz); synonyms (adj) still, lull, synonyms (adj) firm, even, secure, constant,
pacify, cool, gentle, motionless, peaceful, (v) continual, fixed, resolute, stable, incessant, sedate,
appease, moderate, assuage, allay, (n) calm, hush, settled, consistent, (v) steadfast, regular, brace;
compose, ease; antonyms (adj) loud, noisy, antonyms (adj) unsteady, shaky, wobbly,
talkative, vociferous, active, (n) noise, 2. peaceful; intermittent, unreliable.
synonyms (adj) peaceable, quiet, even, meek, peace, sakınmak avoid; synonyms (v) shun, avert, parry,
placid, silent, amicable, composed, halcyon, mild, escape, evade, abstain, annul, circumvent, duck,
serene, tranquil, untroubled, collected; antonyms elude, forbear, fudge, ignore, prevent, (adj) eschew;
(adj) aggressive, tense, violent, 3. calm; synonyms antonyms (v) confront, associate, face, tackle.
(adj) bland, sedate, sober, soothe, stilly, (v) easy, saklama 1. storage (depolama); synonyms (n)
mollify, steady, tranquilize, abate, alleviate, conservation, depot, memory, preservation,
becalm, placate, (n) equanimity, coolness; retention, stock, accumulation, entrepot, store,
antonyms (adj) agitated, angry, nervous, stormy, reposition, storehouse, warehousing, 2.
wild, annoyed, anxious, enraged, frantic, preservation; synonyms (n) maintenance,
frightened, intense, irritable, (v) agitate, upset, (n)

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keeping, protection, custody, upkeep, care, antonyms (adj) distant, airy, fresh, loose, far, (v)
salvation, saving, security, creation; antonyms (n) start.
destruction, extinction, release. salak crazy (deli); synonyms (adj) deranged, mad,
saklamak 1. store (ambar, depo, depolamak, madcap, wild, absurd, brainsick, cracked, crazed,
stok); synonyms (n) hoard, shop, market, business, demented, eccentric, foolish, ludicrous,
emporium, heap, reserve, (v) stock, accumulate, preposterous, silly, wacky; antonyms (adj) sane,
garner, amass, bank, cache, keep, preserve, 2. save sensible.
(kurtarmak); synonyms (v) deliver, economize, salata salad; synonyms (n) sauce, miscellany.
rescue, conserve, free, maintain, liberate, protect, salça sauce (sos); synonyms (n) condiment,
redeem, retain, defend, economise, (prep) except, seasoning, garnish, impertinence, billingsgate,
but, excepting; antonyms (v) spend, squander, salad, cheek, insolence, effrontery, juice, nerve,
waste, 3. cloak; synonyms (n) mask, veil, flavoring, lip, liquor, mouth.
camouflage, cape, masquerade, pall, screen, blind, saldırgan aggressive; synonyms (adj) belligerent,
blanket, curtain, (v) cover, wrap, conceal, active, energetic, enterprising, hostile, invasive,
dissemble, hide; antonyms (v) disclose, reveal, offensive, pushy, warlike, strong, strenuous,
uncover, 4. screen (ekran, perde); synonyms (n) assertive, dynamic, militant, pugnacious;
shade, riddle, disguise, partition, guard, protection, antonyms (adj) peaceful, friendly, peaceable,
covert, drape, (v) shield, shelter, cloak, filter, passive, peace-loving, suspicious.
obscure, safeguard, sieve, 5. keep (tutmak); saldırı 1. aggression (hücum); synonyms (n)
synonyms (v) hold, continue, have, celebrate, hostility, incursion, offensive, onset, onslaught,
confine, observe, save, commemorate, check, aggressiveness, antagonism, assault, attack,
harbor, direct, rear, restrain, (n) custody, invasion, offense; antonym (n) friendliness, 2.
maintenance; antonyms (v) dump, lose, 6. hide attack (hücum, hücum etmek, kriz,
(gizlemek); synonyms (v) bury, ambush, muffle, saldırmak); synonyms (n) thrust, aggression, fit,
enshroud, envelop, shroud, (n) fur, coat, fell, skin, seizure, approach, (v) assail, attempt, aggress,
cloud, bark, fleece, pelt, (adj) darken; antonyms (v) charge, invade, raid, accuse, affect, beset, besiege;
show, expose, express, 7. conceal; synonyms (v) antonyms (n) defense, (v) defend, protect, retreat, 3.
smother, suppress, ensconce, secrete, withhold, invasion; synonyms (n) inroad, descent, foray,
belie, fold, contain, bosom, palliate, (n) shadow; influx, intrusion, encroachment, infringement,
antonyms (v) divulge, clarify, 8. preserve; occupation, breach, conquest, irruption, violation,
synonyms (v) cure, pickle, uphold, perpetuate, entrance, plague; antonym (n) surrender, 4. onset;
sustain, husband, (n) jam, jelly, conserves, synonyms (n) beginning, birth, commencement,
marmalade, preserves, reservation, sanctuary, dawn, onrush, outbreak, advent, opening, start,
asylum, grocery; antonym (v) destroy. storm, fire, oncoming, 5. offensive; synonyms (adj)
saklanma hiding; synonyms (n) cover, covering, foul, disgusting, distasteful, abusive, aggressive,
concealing, concealment, beating, thrashing, rout, loathsome, nauseous, coarse, abominable,
ambush, coverture, abscondence, covert, defeat, disagreeable, impertinent, insulting, (v) odious,
defense, hitting, (adj) cowardly; antonym (n) nasty, hateful; antonyms (adj) complimentary,
victory. inoffensive, pleasant, defensive, polite, tasteful, 6.
saklanmak hide (gizlemek); synonyms (v) conceal, assault (hücum); synonyms (n) rush, violence,
disguise, obscure, bury, cloak, mask, shelter, (n) rape, battery, storming, blitz, push, ravishment, (v)
cover, fur, coat, fell, skin, veil, cloud, (adj) darken; violate, ambush, batter, beat, force, hit, rob, 7.
antonyms (v) reveal, show, expose, express. offence; synonyms (n) guilt, infraction,
saklı 1. hidden (gizli); synonyms (adj) clandestine, misdemeanor, misdemeanour, umbrage,
concealed, obscure, dark, covert, latent, secret, discourtesy.
arcane, buried, confidential, covered, deep, saldırmak 1. attack (hücum, hücum etmek, kriz);
disguised, invisible, masked; antonyms (adj) synonyms (n) incursion, thrust, aggression, fit,
obvious, exposed, open, active, noticeable, overt, onset, onslaught, seizure, (v) assault, assail, attempt,
revealing, 2. secret; synonyms (adj) hidden, aggress, charge, invade, raid, accuse; antonyms (n)
mysterious, furtive, occult, secrecy, esoteric, defense, (v) defend, protect, retreat, 2. assault
intimate, mystic, (n) privacy, arcanum, enigma, (hücum); synonyms (n) attack, rush, violence,
mystery, (v) private, secluded, close; antonyms (n) rape, battery, offensive, violation, storming, blitz,
known, public, 3. close (kapamak, kapatmak); descent, (v) storm, violate, ambush, batter, beat, 3.
synonyms (adj) near, adjacent, nearby, accurate, rush; synonyms (n) hurry, flood, flow, (v) dash,
tight, approximate, narrow, (v) compact, stop, gush, race, run, speed, dart, hasten, stream,
conclude, (adv) by, about, (n) end, finish, conclusion; quicken, jet, (adj) burst, spurt, 4. charge; synonyms

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386 Turkish - English

(n) accusation, burden, care, command, synonyms (n) bunch, agglomeration, collection,
commission, bill, tax, accusal, demand, direction, knot, tuft, party, assembly, clustering, crew, (v)
(v) blame, bid, load, arraign, cost; antonyms (v) collect, gather, assemble, concentrate, congregate,
request, absolve. flock.
salgı 1. humour; synonyms (n) mood, temper, wit, sallama shake; synonyms (v) beat, agitate, jar,
witticism, biliousness, brain, brainpower, card, brandish, disturb, excite, flutter, totter, wag, (n)
climate, wittiness, irritability, irritation, mentality, tremble, jolt, quiver, wave, trembling, (adj) quake.
modality, (v) humor, 2. secretion; synonyms (n) sallamak 1. shake; synonyms (v) beat, agitate, jar,
exudation, discharge, emission, exhalation, brandish, disturb, excite, flutter, totter, wag, (n)
extrusion, juice, concealment, liquid, emanation, tremble, jolt, quiver, wave, trembling, (adj) quake,
discrimination, flow, production, release, 2. wave (dalga); synonyms (n) billow, gesture,
secernment, pus. motion, sign, surge, signal, (v) flap, curl, flourish,
salgılama secretion; synonyms (n) exudation, swell, swing, undulate, beckon, ripple, shake, 3.
discharge, emission, exhalation, extrusion, juice, rock (kaya); synonyms (n) boulder, calculus,
concealment, liquid, emanation, discrimination, pillar, gem, (v) sway, cradle, toss, waver, pitch, reel,
flow, production, release, secernment, pus. roll, wobble, careen, (adj) pebble, stone.
salgın outbreak; synonyms (n) epidemic, eruption, sallanma swing (salıncak); synonyms (n) sweep,
explosion, burst, onset, outburst, mutiny, attack, range, (v) sway, fluctuate, oscillate, dangle, hang,
flood, rash, rebellion, revolt, spate, spell, storm. rock, beat, brandish, change, move, shake, turn,
salim sound (ses); synonyms (n) echo, peal, (v) ring, vibrate.
chime, fast, (adj) reasonable, complete, healthy, fit, sallanmak 1. shake; synonyms (v) beat, agitate, jar,
good, just, rational, right, sane, sensible; antonyms brandish, disturb, excite, flutter, totter, wag, (n)
(n) silence, (adj) illogical, unsound, confused. tremble, jolt, quiver, wave, trembling, (adj) quake,
salıncak swing; synonyms (n) sweep, range, (v) sway, 2. rock (kaya); synonyms (n) boulder, calculus,
fluctuate, oscillate, dangle, hang, rock, beat, pillar, (v) sway, cradle, shake, toss, waver, pitch,
brandish, change, move, shake, turn, vibrate. reel, roll, swing, wobble, (adj) pebble, stone, 3.
salınmak roll (yuvarlamak); synonyms (n) list, swing (salıncak); synonyms (n) sweep, range, lilt,
revolution, catalogue, inventory, register, (v) coil, (v) fluctuate, oscillate, dangle, hang, rock, change,
reel, curl, enfold, revolve, wheel, rock, turn, twist, move, turn, vibrate, dance, drop, lurch, 4. wave
wallow. (dalga); synonyms (n) billow, gesture, motion,
salıverme 1. release (serbest bırakmak); synonyms sign, surge, signal, breaker, vibration, (v) flap, curl,
(n) discharge, issue, liberation, departure, (v) flourish, swell, undulate, beckon, ripple.
exempt, free, liberate, pardon, absolve, acquit, salon 1. lounge; synonyms (n) couch, saunter, sofa,
deliver, dismiss, excuse, exonerate, (adj) disengage; bar, (v) loiter, loll, loaf, recline, rest, dawdle, linger,
antonyms (n) imprisonment, abduction, custody, relax, sprawl, bask, lie, 2. salon; synonyms (n) hall,
involvement, preservation, (v) capture, confine,
lounge, saloon, 3. hall (hol); synonyms (n)
imprison, arrest, catch, 2. discharge
corridor, foyer, lobby, mansion, vestibule,
(boşaltmak); synonyms (n) release, dismissal, auditorium, anteroom, court, castle, concourse,
drain, explosion, (v) clear, complete, eject, cashier, antechamber, atrium, dorm, dormitory, (v) passage.
burst, blast, bounce, detonate, disgorge, empty,
salt absolute (mutlak, saf, tam); synonyms (adj)
expel; antonym (v) hire.
downright, peremptory, total, unconditional,
salıvermek 1. loose; synonyms (adj) lax, liberal, categorical, full, real, unqualified, utter, actual,
dissolute, licentious, light, vague, detached, arbitrary, authoritative, certain, complete, (n)
immoral, (v) disengage, liberate, relax, release, positive; antonyms (adj) partial, qualified.
detach, (n) free, limp; antonyms (adj) tight, close,
saltanat 1. sovereignty; synonyms (n) kingdom,
compressed, dense, taut, strict, compact, wedged, reign, empire, autonomy, dominion, independence,
2. release (serbest bırakmak); synonyms (n) power, realm, rule, majesty, monarchy, control,
discharge, issue, liberation, departure, ransom, supremacy, sceptre, ascendancy, 2. reign;
exemption, (v) exempt, pardon, absolve, acquit, synonyms (n) dominance, government,
deliver, dismiss, excuse, exonerate, clear; antonyms administration, lead, regime, sway, raj, (v)
(n) imprisonment, abduction, custody, involvement, command, govern, dominate, predominate, prevail,
preservation, (v) capture, confine, imprison, arrest, manage, administer, master.
catch. saman 1. hay; synonyms (n) fodder, feed, bunk, food,
salkım 1. bunch (grup); synonyms (n) cluster, silage, hedge, meal, pasture, 2. straw; synonyms
clump, crowd, batch, band, gang, group, lot, troop, (n) chaff, rush, stalk, husk, shuck, (v) cover, strew,
horde, bulge, herd, (v) bundle, huddle, pack; (adj) feather, cobweb, down, dust, flue, gossamer,
antonym (v) disperse, 2. cluster (küme); mote.

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samanyolu galaxy (galaksi); synonyms (n) sanayi industry (endüstri); synonyms (n) business,
constellation, beetleweed, bevy, cosmos, galax, application, diligence, effort, industriousness,
bunch, coltsfoot, speckling, wandflower, (adj) array, labor, toil, trade, work, assiduousness, exertion,
army, sea, sight, star, sun. manufacture, commerce.
samimi 1. close (kapamak, kapatmak); synonyms sancak 1. standard (standart); synonyms (adj)
(adj) near, adjacent, nearby, accurate, tight, model, normal, regular, accepted, classic, common,
approximate, narrow, (v) compact, stop, conclude, (n) degree, measure, average, criterion, flag, norm,
(adv) by, about, (n) end, finish, conclusion; rate, gauge, benchmark; antonyms (adj) unusual,
antonyms (adj) distant, airy, fresh, loose, far, (v) unconventional, special, 2. flag (bayrak);
open, start, 2. genuine; synonyms (adj) actual, synonyms (n) banner, colors, ensign, sign, fall, iris,
authentic, sincere, true, unsophisticated, candid, (v) decline, languish, sag, abate, signal, (adj) droop,
faithful, artless, factual, hearty, real, unaffected, fade, drop, fail.
unfeigned, very, absolute; antonyms (adj) bogus, sandal boat; synonyms (n) yacht, scull, craft, dinghy,
fake, insincere, affected, artificial, dishonest, false, ship, vessel, vehicle, shallop, schooner, sailboat,
pretend, hypocritical, replica, 3. frank; synonyms bateau, bowl, sauceboat, truck, (v) cruise.
(adj) blunt, direct, downright, honest, fair, sandalye 1. chair; synonyms (n) chairman, bench,
forthright, plain, straightforward, clear, bluff, chairperson, president, throne, couch, chairwoman,
exempt, free, genuine, ingenuous, (n) frankfurter; professorship, shop, (v) moderate, conduct, lead, 2.
antonyms (adj) guarded, devious, 4. intimate; seat (koltuk, yer); synonyms (n) place, base,
synonyms (adj) close, confidential, informal, inner, backside, behind, bottom, buttocks, chair, position,
internal, bosom, (v) express, allude, hint, imply, post, posterior, rear, (v) locate, put, contain, hold.
indicate, insinuate, suggest, (n) familiar, (adv) dear,
sandık 1. box (kutu); synonyms (n) basket, cage,
5. true (doğru, gerçek); synonyms (adj) right, chest, package, booth, blow, carton, case, container,
even, correct, exact, straight, truthful, literal, loyal, crate, envelope, (v) cuff, buffet, beat, fight; antonym
precise, proper, reliable, veritable, just, rightful, (v)
(v) unbox, 2. case; synonyms (n) box, example, bin,
square; antonyms (adj) inaccurate, untrue.
cover, jacket, shell, affair, bag, briefcase, casing,
sanal 1. imaginary; synonyms (adj) fanciful, fictitious, eccentric, instance, suit, action, (adj) patient, 3.
false, ideal, illusory, mythical, unreal, hypothetical,
chest; synonyms (n) bosom, bust, bureau, casket,
chimerical, fantastic, fictional, notional, visionary,
dresser, chamber, thorax, treasury, trunk.
whimsical, delusive; antonyms (adj) real, palpable,
2. virtual; synonyms (adj) potential, practical, sandviç sandwich; synonym (v) interlard.
implicit, comparative, constructive, fake, imitation, sanı guess (sanmak, tahmin etmek); synonyms (v)
pretend, qualified, quasi, replicated, simulated, conjecture, surmise, forecast, believe, deem, divine,
basic, energizing, fundamental; antonym (adj) reckon, suppose, assume, calculate, feel, figure,
foretell, (n) estimate, assumption.
sanat 1. art; synonyms (n) know-how, skill, talent, sanık 1. defendant; synonyms (n) accused, litigant,
party, plaintiff, prisoner, suspect, defender,
trick, artistry, craft, dexterity, science,
accomplishment, aptitude, artfulness, trade, work, perpetrator, (adj) defensive, 2. accused; synonym
address, adroitness, 2. craft; synonyms (n) boat, (n) panel, 3. suspect; synonyms (v) doubt, distrust,
ability, art, cunning, guile, fraud, shift, artifice, mistrust, suppose, conjecture, guess, surmise,
business, deceit, job, occupation, profession, vessel, believe, disbelieve, divine, (adj) fishy, questionable,
calling, 3. trade; synonyms (n) deal, barter, shady, suspicious, dubious; antonyms (v) trust, (adj)
commerce, swap, switch, clientele, employment, trustworthy.
interchange, custom, dealing, (v) change, exchange, saniye second (ikinci); synonyms (n) instant,
merchandise, bargain, sell; antonyms (n) purchase, moment, flash, jiffy, minute, sec, (v) back, endorse,
(adj) charitable, 4. profession; synonyms (n) support, encourage, forward, help, (adj) latter,
confession, declaration, affirmation, career, further, (pron) additional; antonym (adj) first.
vocation, position, assertion, assurance, avowal, sanmak 1. suppose; synonyms (v) believe, guess,
testimony, avocation, allegation, admission, walk, infer, assume, conjecture, consider, divine,
office. estimate, imagine, presume, reckon, speculate,
sanatçı artist (ressam); synonyms (n) actor, artificer, calculate, conceive, expect, 2. guess (tahmin
master, player, musician, performer, artisan, etmek); synonyms (v) surmise, forecast, deem,
creator, entertainer, maker, architect, stylist. suppose, feel, figure, foretell, gauge, suspect, think,
sanatkâr artist (ressam); synonyms (n) actor, count, (n) assumption, hypothesis, speculation,
artificer, master, player, musician, performer, supposition, 3. think (düşünmek); synonyms (v)
artisan, creator, entertainer, maker, architect, hold, muse, ponder, reflect, regard, cogitate,
stylist. contemplate, deliberate, meditate, reason, study,

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388 Turkish - English

envisage, esteem, intend, recollect; antonym (v) parting, digression, going, leaving, passing, takeoff,
forget, 4. fancy; synonyms (v) daydream, wish, withdrawal, disappearance, (v) decease, demise;
crotchet, envision, like, (adj) elaborate, extravagant, antonyms (n) arrival, appearance, 4. bias
(n) desire, caprice, fantasy, dream, conceit, (önyargı); synonyms (n) penchant, drift, influence,
conception, idea, imagination; antonyms (adj) plain, turn, twist, favor, slope, angle, bigotry, (v)
unadorned, (n) reality, 5. expect (beklemek); prejudice, bent, slant, dispose, (adj) partiality,
synonyms (v) anticipate, demand, understand, diagonal; antonyms (n) impartiality, neutrality,
abide, await, hope, call, mean, ask, bear, carry, fairness, 5. turn (dönmek, dönüş); synonyms (v)
foresee, look, require, trust. revolve, deviate, get, revolution, spin, (n) bend,
sansasyon sensation; synonyms (n) impression, curve, roll, coil, go, bout, round, circle, shift, tour.
emotion, feel, sense, perception, sensibility, sapmak 1. sheer; synonyms (adj) absolute, pure, mere,
sensitivity, thrill, wonder, agitation, stunner, bold, diaphanous, filmy, gauzy, gossamer, simple,
awareness, idea, (v) feeling, affection; antonym (n) steep, transparent, regular, (n) complete, perfect,
numbness. entire; antonyms (adj) gentle, thick, 2. turn
sansür censorship; synonyms (n) censoring, ban, (dönmek, dönüş); synonyms (v) revolve, deviate,
silence, blackout, control, forbidding, restriction, get, revolution, (n) bend, curve, roll, coil, go, twist,
squashing, suppression, wraps. bout, change, round, bent, circle.
santral 1. exchange; synonyms (n) commutation, saptama determination (belirleme); synonyms (n)
swap, switch, commerce, conversion, substitute, (v) decision, conclusion, definition, resolution,
change, barter, interchange, commute, decisiveness, resolve, tenacity, will, appointment,
counterchange, alternate, alter, cash, convert, 2. assessment, constancy, courage, firmness, fortitude,
central (merkezi); synonyms (adj) basic, capital, (v) award; antonyms (n) indecision, weakness,
cardinal, fundamental, chief, crucial, important, compliance, indecisiveness.
inner, key, main, pivotal, primary, centrical, core, saptamak 1. determine; synonyms (v) ascertain,
(n) umbilical; antonyms (adj) peripheral, minor, decide, define, resolve, appoint, adjudicate,
regional, tangential. conclude, measure, set, specify, designate, assign,
sap 1. stem; synonyms (n) root, bow, branch, shank, decree, arrange, assess, 2. fix; synonyms (v)
stalk, stick, handle, axis, bough, (v) originate, block, establish, determine, fasten, settle, anchor, adjust,
arrest, halt, issue, proceed, 2. handle (kulp); clamp, do, castrate, emasculate, affix, (n) bind, state,
synonyms (v) administer, conduct, feel, wield, (adj) confirm, attach; antonyms (v) break, unfasten,
control, deal, direct, finger, manage, manipulate, 3. establish; synonyms (v) erect, prove, base,
touch, treat, (n) grip, clutch, grasp, 3. grip build, constitute, demonstrate, create, fix, found,
(kavramak, yakalamak); synonyms (n) clasp, institute, begin, certify, compose, construct,
bag, clench, clinch, clutches, clamp, (v) hold, catch, corroborate; antonyms (v) disprove, abolish,
cling, apprehend, embrace, fascinate, grab, grapple, terminate, 4. state (devlet, durum, eyalet);
gripe; antonyms (v) bore, release, 4. stock (hisse synonyms (n) nation, position, say, country,
senedi); synonyms (n) breed, lineage, store, goods, kingdom, show, place, (v) declare, expound,
ancestry, descent, family, hoard, origin, race, express, mention, affirm, allege, announce, (adj)
backlog, birth, commodity, (adj) regular, (v) supply. national; antonyms (v) deny, (adj) private.
saplamak 1. stick (yapıştırmak); synonyms (n) bar, saptırma diversion; synonyms (n) amusement,
club, (v) adhere, stab, attach, cling, fix, paste, staff, deviation, distraction, entertainment, pastime,
cohere, affix, bind, cleave, fasten, hold, 2. thrust; detour, digression, fun, recreation, sport,
synonyms (v) jab, force, boost, punch, ram, dig, aberration, deflection, deflexion, game, hobby.
impel, squeeze, throw, (n) push, poke, drive, shove, saptırmak angle (açı); synonyms (n) hook, incline,
cast, prod; antonym (v) pull. view, aspect, cant, corner, outlook, perspective,
saplantı obsession; synonyms (n) compulsion, pitch, position, viewpoint, (v) slant, lean, tilt, fish.
fixation, complex, mania, neurosis, rage, fad, sararmak yellow (sarı); synonyms (adj) jaundiced,
passion, addiction, habit, investment, phobia. amber, chicken, chickenhearted, fearful, xanthous,
sapma 1. deviation; synonyms (n) aberration, craven, spineless, yellowish, flavous, golden, (n)
change, deflection, difference, diversion, variation, coward, (adv) cowardly.
abnormality, alteration, anomaly, departure, sarartmak yellow (sarı); synonyms (adj) jaundiced,
detour, deviance, divergence, variance, inclination; amber, chicken, chickenhearted, fearful, xanthous,
antonym (n) normality, 2. drift (sürüklenme); craven, spineless, yellowish, flavous, golden, (n)
synonyms (n) stream, current, course, tendency, coward, (adv) cowardly.
tone, bearing, design, gist, (v) aim, blow, float, saray 1. palace; synonyms (n) court, castle, mansion,
ramble, cast, glide, (adj) flow, 3. departure; hall, chateau, 2. court (avlu); synonyms (n) forum,
synonyms (n) death, exit, leave, depart, deviation, bar, close, field, tribunal, judicatory, passage,

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judge, courtroom, courtyard, (v) woo, attract, invite, sarsıntı 1. shake; synonyms (v) beat, agitate, jar,
romance, flatter; antonyms (v) avoid, shun. brandish, disturb, excite, flutter, totter, wag, (n)
sargı 1. dressing; synonyms (n) bandage, bandaging, tremble, jolt, quiver, wave, trembling, (adj) quake,
binding, fertilization, stuffing, scolding, castigation, 2. jar (kavanoz); synonyms (n) jangle, blow,
coating, surfacing, 2. band (bant); synonyms (n) crock, container, jog, shake, amphora, bottle, crash,
cluster, party, set, swathe, circle, collar, company, (v) clash, creak, bump, collide, jounce, grate, 3.
crew, faction, gang, knot, lace, strap, (v) ring, shock (şok); synonyms (n) daze, impact, collision,
combine. outrage, surprise, concussion, fright, (v) offend,
sarhoş 1. loaded (yüklü); synonyms (adj) laden, full, revolt, startle, appall, disgust, dismay, frighten,
burdened, flush, moneyed, wealthy, affluent, rich, horrify; antonym (v) comfort.
tight, tipsy, intoxicated, heavy, pixilated, plastered, sarsma 1. shake; synonyms (v) beat, agitate, jar,
soused; antonym (adj) poor, 2. drunk; synonyms brandish, disturb, excite, flutter, totter, wag, (n)
(adj) wet, inebriated, delirious, high, (n) inebriate, tremble, jolt, quiver, wave, trembling, (adj) quake,
drunkard, rummy, sot; antonym (adj) sober. 2. shock (şok); synonyms (n) blow, daze, impact,
sarı yellow; synonyms (adj) jaundiced, amber, collision, outrage, surprise, concussion, fright, (v)
chicken, chickenhearted, fearful, xanthous, craven, offend, revolt, startle, appall, clash, disgust,
spineless, yellowish, flavous, golden, (n) coward, dismay; antonym (v) comfort.
(adv) cowardly. sarsmak 1. jar (kavanoz); synonyms (n) jangle, blow,
sarım turn (dönmek, dönüş); synonyms (v) revolve, crock, container, jog, shake, amphora, bottle, crash,
deviate, get, revolution, (n) bend, curve, roll, coil, (v) jolt, clash, creak, bump, collide, jounce, 2. shock
go, twist, bout, change, round, bent, circle. (şok); synonyms (n) daze, impact, collision,
sarımsak garlic; synonyms (n) ail, caviare, pickle, outrage, surprise, concussion, fright, (v) jar, offend,
onion, (adj) fungus. revolt, startle, appall, disgust, dismay, frighten;
sarışın fair (güzel); synonyms (adj) equitable, clear, antonym (v) comfort, 3. shake; synonyms (v) beat,
beautiful, average, dispassionate, fine, impartial, agitate, brandish, disturb, excite, flutter, totter,
reasonable, sweet, candid, (adv) clean, (n) bazaar, wag, drop, convulse, (n) tremble, quiver, wave,
blonde, carnival, (v) bright; antonyms (adj) unfair, trembling, (adj) quake.
biased, dark, exceptional, unjust, partial, foul, satıcı 1. dealer; synonyms (n) merchant, trader,
imbalanced, mismatched, prejudiced, monger, seller, vendor, marketer, agent, broker,
unwarranted. salesperson, trafficker, bargainer; antonym (n) user,
sarmak 1. wind (Rüzgar); synonyms (n) air, gust, (v) 2. supplier; synonyms (n) provider, contractor,
coil, twist, curl, meander, turn, bend, curve, twine, dealer, benefactor, contributor, donor, freelancer,
blow, crook, entwine, roll, weave, 2. lap (kucak); giver, informant, informer, outworker,
synonyms (n) circle, circuit, fold, knee, orbit, round, philanthropist, retailer, spokesperson, wholesaler,
(v) lick, overlap, bind, (adv) compass, encircle,
3. seller; synonym (n) vender; antonyms (n) buyer,
encompass, embrace, enclose, beset, 3. roll
purchaser, 4. vendor; synonym (n) supplier.
(yuvarlamak); synonyms (n) list, revolution, satılmak sell (satmak); synonyms (v) peddle, deal,
catalogue, inventory, register, (v) reel, enfold,
handle, betray, give, promote, deceive, exchange,
revolve, wheel, rock, wallow, wind, envelop,
merchandise, realize, trade, vend, clear, gammon,
grumble, level, 4. twist; synonyms (n) spin, twirl,
(n) cheat; antonym (v) buy.
braid, kink, loop, strain, tangle, (v) distort, contort,
satım sale (satış); synonyms (n) fair, disposal,
deform, pervert, wrench, pull, sprain, bias;
demand, market, vend, vendition, outlet, carnival,
antonyms (v) straighten, untwist. contract, dealings, emission, escape, festival, fête,
sarmal spiral; synonyms (n) coil, helix, volute, roll, (adj) cheap.
spire, (adj) helical, spiraling, turbinate, (v) curl, loop, satır line (çizgi, hat); synonyms (n) cord, file, house,
screw, corkscrew, gyrate, circle, bend. breed, course, family, lineage, field, ancestry,
sarnıç tank; synonyms (n) cistern, reservoir, border, boundary, cable, crease, row, (v) order.
container, cooler, belly, boiler, fermentor, jail, satış 1. sale; synonyms (n) fair, disposal, demand,
stomach, store, tankful, thickener, tub, lake, (v)
market, vend, vendition, outlet, carnival, contract,
dealings, emission, escape, festival, fête, (adj) cheap,
sarp steep; synonyms (adj) high, abrupt, excessive, 2. disposal; synonyms (n) disposition,
exorbitant, outrageous, sheer, (v) douse, immerse,
administration, distribution, organization, sale,
soak, dip, drench, imbue, infuse, saturate,
alienation, classification, adjustment, arrangement,
impregnate; antonyms (adj) gentle, gradual.
control, direction, dispensation, order, adhibition,
sarsılmak shake; synonyms (v) beat, agitate, jar, 3. sell (satmak); synonyms (v) peddle, deal,
brandish, disturb, excite, flutter, totter, wag, (n)
handle, betray, give, promote, deceive, exchange,
tremble, jolt, quiver, wave, trembling, (adj) quake.

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390 Turkish - English

merchandise, realize, trade, clear, gammon, pass, synonyms (n) struggle, war, action, fighting, fray,
(n) cheat; antonym (v) buy, 4. selling; synonyms (n) scuffle, warfare, row, strife, tussle, (v) fight,
marketing, business, vending, commerce, encounter, scrap, wrestle, grapple, 3. war;
merchandising, retailing, transaction; antonym (n) synonyms (n) antagonism, opposition, enmity,
purchase. hostilities, hostility, skirmish, (adj) military;
satmak sell; synonyms (v) peddle, deal, handle, antonyms (n) peace, (v) ceasefire.
betray, give, promote, deceive, exchange, savunan defensive; synonyms (adj) protective,
merchandise, realize, trade, vend, clear, gammon, preventive, protecting, safeguarding, anticipatory,
(n) cheat; antonym (v) buy. blocking, defendant, defensory, excusatory,
sattırmak sell (satmak); synonyms (v) peddle, deal, fenceful, justificative, justificatory, opposed,
handle, betray, give, promote, deceive, exchange, preventative, suspicious; antonym (adj) offensive.
merchandise, realize, trade, vend, clear, gammon, savunma 1. defence; synonyms (n) defense,
(n) cheat; antonym (v) buy. vindication, denial, abnegation, demurrer,
sav 1. thesis; synonyms (n) dissertation, matter, refutation, demur, demurral, disproof, falsification,
argument, essay, theme, topic, hypothesis, premise, falsifying, prohibition, whitewash, 2. apology
proposition, assertion, contention, composition, (özür); synonyms (n) excuse, plea, amends,
paper, treatise, discourse, 2. contention justification, regret, reason, alibi, explanation,
(çekişme); synonyms (n) competition, acknowledgment, apologia, reparation, 3. plea;
argumentation, battle, conflict, controversy, synonyms (n) answer, apology, appeal, petition,
discord, allegation, arguing, claim, difference, pretext, claim, allegation, call, entreaty, prayer,
dispute, opposition, quarrel, race, enmity; antonym argument, advocacy, demand, pretense,
(n) harmony, 3. assertion (iddia); synonyms (n) pretension.
affirmation, statement, avowal, charge, profession, savunmak 1. defend; synonyms (v) cover, guard,
testimony, accusation, position, announcement, assert, justify, protect, advocate, champion,
asseveration, averment, declaration, expression, maintain, shield, support, apologize, hold,
predication, proclamation, 4. proposition preserve, safeguard, shelter; antonyms (v) attack,
(önerme); synonyms (n) offer, overture, bid, prosecute, 2. champion; synonyms (n) backer,
motion, proposal, approach, design, plan, partisan, ace, fighter, hero, champ, defender,
suggestion, advance, principle, scheme, axiom, (v) exponent, paladin, patron, protagonist, supporter,
proffer, suggest. (v) defend, back, uphold; antonym (v) oppose.
savaş 1. battle (muharebe); synonyms (n) combat, savunmasız vulnerable; synonyms (adj) weak,
contest, struggle, clash, conflict, war, action, exposed, sensitive, susceptible, tender, defenseless,
fighting, fray, scuffle, (v) fight, brawl, encounter, feeble, unguarded, unprotected, insecure,
quarrel, scrap, 2. fight; synonyms (v) feud, argue, impressionable, powerless, liable, subject, (v) frail;
bicker, campaign, contend, compete, affray, box, (n) antonyms (adj) safe, impervious, invincible,
battle, dispute, engagement, contention, squabble, invulnerable, unassailable, unbeatable, secure,
competition, confrontation; antonyms (v) agree, untouchable.
retreat, withdrawal, 3. conflict; synonyms (n) savunmasızlık vulnerability; synonyms (n)
antagonism, collision, difference, disagreement, exposure, weakness, danger, vulnerableness,
strife, clashing, argument, brush, dissension, defenselessness, peril; antonym (n) invulnerability.
dissent, friction, opposition, (v) collide, disagree, savunucu 1. champion; synonyms (n) advocate,
(adj) jar; antonyms (n) agreement, accord, harmony, backer, partisan, ace, fighter, hero, champ,
peace, 4. warfare; synonyms (n) hostility, defender, exponent, paladin, patron, (v) defend,
hostilities, 5. war; synonyms (n) warfare, enmity, support, back, maintain; antonym (v) oppose, 2.
skirmish, (adj) military; antonym (v) ceasefire, 6. defender; synonyms (n) champion, guard,
struggle; synonyms (n) strain, effort, exertion, guardian, protector, keeper, proponent, upholder,
scramble, wrestle, pull, (v) attempt, endeavor, labor, adherent; antonyms (n) assailant, attacker.
strive, aim, essay, grapple, oppose, push; antonyms sayaç 1. counter; synonyms (n) buffet, bench, reverse,
(v) flourish, glide. (v) reply, contradict, resist, answer, react, respond,

savaşçı fighter; synonyms (n) combatant, battler, retort, thwart, (adj) converse, antagonistic, contrary,
belligerent, champion, soldier, warrior, militant, opposite, 2. register (kaydetmek); synonyms (n)
activist, crusader. record, list, inventory, note, catalogue, book,
account, roll, (v) file, enroll, chronicle, enter,
savaşmak 1. fight; synonyms (v) combat, contest,
indicate, read, show.
quarrel, feud, argue, bicker, campaign, clash,
contend, (n) battle, dispute, engagement, conflict, saydam transparent; synonyms (adj) diaphanous,
contention, (adj) brawl; antonyms (v) agree, retreat, lucid, obvious, plain, luminous, filmy, limpid,
sheer, crystalline, gauzy, pellucid, gossamer,
withdrawal, 2. battle (muharebe, savaş);

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apparent, (n) clear, bright; antonyms (adj) opaque, antonyms (adj) considerable, major, fat, heavy,
solid. intense, obvious, severe, thickset, wide.
sayesinde through (içinden); synonyms (prep) for, sayı 1. number (numara, numaralamak, rakam,
per, along, because, throughout, (adv) by, thorough, saymak); synonyms (n) count, amount, score, act,
via, (adj) finished, done, direct, straight, completed, issue, volume, character, (v) calculate, aggregate,
complete, (prf) past. enumerate, figure, total, come, add, account, 2.
sayfa page; synonyms (n) attendant, footboy, usher, figure (figür, şekil); synonyms (n) form,
note, pageboy, varlet, context, donzel, (v) paginate, appearance, estimate, shape, cost, build, contour,
summon. emblem, fashion, image, number, dummy, (v)
sayfiye country (ülke); synonyms (n) state, nation, design, cast, cipher, 3. count (saymak);
home, land, area, commonwealth, kingdom, place, synonyms (n) calculation, computation, reckoning,
realm, region, soil, territory, (adj) rural, rustic, counting, enumeration, (v) compute, tally, consider,
public; antonyms (n) city, (adj) urban. matter, reckon, weigh, appreciate, include, tell,
saygı 1. consideration; synonyms (n) concern, depend, 4. basket (sepet); synonyms (n)
respect, attention, care, reflection, thought, account, basketful, bassinet, cradle, gondola, case, coffin,
cogitation, conception, deliberation, notice, tact, handbasket, hoop, leap, ped, pottle, stomach,
thoughtfulness, (v) regard, condition; antonyms (n) whisket, bound, corbeille, 5. issue (sorun);
thoughtlessness, impulsiveness, inconsideration, 2. synonyms (n) aftermath, egress, consequence,
effect, event, exit, progeny, result, (v) flow,
regard (bakmak); synonyms (v) estimate, heed,
emanate, arise, emerge, release, discharge, gush, 6.
attend, believe, consider, count, hold, observe,
reckon, appreciate, (n) esteem, deference, look, score; synonyms (n) mark, bill, scratch, line,
note, value; antonym (n) disrespect, 3. respect; groove, scotch, check, debt, (v) notch, cut, achieve,
synonyms (n) honor, homage, worship, dash, gain, get, grade, 7. point (göstermek,
consideration, connection, obeisance, admiration, nokta); synonyms (n) place, peak, nib, edge, aim,
appreciation, awe, courtesy, (v) admire, estimation, article, degree, dot, spot, phase, apex, detail, (v)
keep, prize, reverence; antonyms (n) cheek, head, direct, level.
insolence, impudence, (v) scorn, despise, dishonor, sayım census; synonyms (n) list, returns, cense, file,
disregard, humiliate. nosecount, roll, score, ballot, condition, rank,
saygıdeğer 1. worthy; synonyms (adj) noble, sample, (v) poll, recapitulation, muster.
estimable, good, meritorious, respectable, valuable, sayısal 1. numerical; synonyms (adj) numeric,
deserving, honorable, suitable, virtuous, numeral, mathematical, arithmetical, consecutive,
worthwhile, admirable, desirable, (n) celebrity, algebraic, geometric, statistical, (n) identical, 2.
notable; antonym (adj) unworthy, 2. respectable; digital; synonym (n) computer.
synonyms (adj) reputable, considerable, decorous, sayısız countless; synonyms (adj) numberless,
decent, fair, proper, creditable, passable, becoming, innumerable, endless, many, multitudinous,
honest, goodish, goodly, hefty, modest, sizable; myriad, measureless, immeasurable, infinite,
antonym (adj) disreputable. legion, numerous, uncounted, unnumbered,
saygılar respects; synonyms (n) regards, compliment, untold; antonyms (adj) few, finite.
compliments, greeting, baisemains, courtesies, sayma count (saymak); synonyms (n) number,
deference, egards, kowtow, salutations, (adj) abord, calculation, computation, total, (v) calculate,
welcome. compute, tally, account, cipher, consider, estimate,
saygın respectable; synonyms (adj) reputable, matter, reckon, weigh, add.
considerable, decorous, decent, estimable, fair, saymaca nominal; synonyms (adj) titular, formal,
good, honorable, proper, creditable, passable, token, minimal, minimum, nominative, (v)
becoming, honest, goodish, goodly; antonym (adj) cognominal; antonym (adj) real.
disreputable. saymak 1. count; synonyms (n) number, calculation,
saygınlık standing; synonyms (v) stand, (n) rank, computation, total, (v) calculate, compute, tally,
fame, importance, position, prestige, place, account, cipher, consider, estimate, matter, reckon,
reputation, footing, attitude, class, (adj) erect, weigh, add, 2. number (numara,
motionless, continuance, permanent. numaralamak, rakam, sayı); synonyms (n)
saygısızlık 1. contempt; synonyms (n) disdain, scorn, count, amount, score, act, issue, volume, character,
derision, disrespect, disregard, mockery, ridicule, company, digit, multitude, (v) aggregate,
shame, slight, reproach, discourtesy, disrepute, enumerate, figure, come, list, 3. rate (oran);
arrogance, defiance, disgrace; antonyms (n) respect, synonyms (n) price, worth, pace, value, percentage,
approval, 2. slight; synonyms (adj) flimsy, slender, (v) assess, evaluate, appreciate, appraise, merit, put,
thin, fragile, delicate, faint, feeble, fine, lean, (adv) rank, esteem, gauge, prize, 4. reckon; synonyms
light, (v) insult, neglect, ignore, affront, cut; (v) deem, judge, hold, guess, rate, measure, make,

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392 Turkish - English

believe, expect, plan, regard, suppose, tell, think, pleasure, put; antonyms (n) essential, necessity,
view, 5. regard (bakmak); synonyms (v) obligation, 3. choice (seçim); synonyms (n) vote,
attention, concern, heed, attend, observe, gaze, (n) favorite, assortment, elite, voting, appointment,
notice, respect, deference, look, note, admiration, ballot, (adj) best, excellent, select, exclusive,
consideration, estimation, interest; antonym (n) exquisite, superior, prize, (v) chosen; antonym (adj)
disrespect, 6. consider; synonyms (v) cogitate, inferior, 4. pick (seçmek, toplamak); synonyms
assume, conceive, contemplate, deliberate, reflect, (v) clean, gather, harvest, opt, break, choose, collect,
analyze, consult, debate, feel, ponder, see, (n) study, cull, draw, nibble, peck, (n) pickax, (adj) cream,
examine, (adj) scrutinize; antonym (v) ignore, 7. mattock, flower.
calculate (hesaplamak); synonyms (v) forecast, seçici selective (seçmeli); synonyms (adj) select,
budget, determine, cast, cypher, depend, predict, particular, discriminating, elective, exclusive,
program, rely, aim, approximate, balance, 8. rank choosy, finicky, discerning, judicious, persnickety,
(sıra); synonyms (n) range, place, file, gradation, fastidious, picky, eclectic, fussy, astute.
line, degree, quality, (v) arrange, order, class, seçilebilir eligible; synonyms (adj) competent, fit, due,
classify, grade, position, array, group; antonym desirable, proper, capable, licensed, experienced,
(adj) fresh. practiced, privileged, single, skilled, trained,
saymamak except; synonyms (conj) but, unless, (prep) unmarried, (n) bachelor; antonym (adj) ineligible.
save, excepting, excluding, (v) exclude, demur, seçilmiş selected; synonyms (adj) select, chosen,
omit, exempt, object, reserve, saving, (n) bar, preferred, choice, elected, (n) best.
without, (adv) besides; antonym (v) include. seçim 1. selection (seçme); synonyms (n) election,
sayman accountant (muhasebeci); synonyms (n) choice, option, alternative, extract, quotation,
auditor, teller, cashier, controller, almoner, assortment, pick, preference, range, collection,
liquidator, clerk, accomptant, comptroller, appointment, excerpt, volition, voting, 2. choice;
logothete, questor, receiver, steward, trustee, (adj) synonyms (n) vote, favorite, selection, pleasure,
accountable. elite, ballot, decision, (adj) best, excellent, select,
sayvan canopy; synonyms (n) awning, cover, screen, exclusive, exquisite, superior, prize, (v) chosen;
shade, ceiling, pavilion, blind, bubble, shield, visor. antonym (adj) inferior, 3. election; synonyms (n)
saz 1. reed (kamış); synonyms (n) triangle, poll, doom, 4. poll; synonyms (n) head, crown,
xylophone, arrow, pipe, dart, stalk, fistula, javelin, pate, inquiry, capitulum, count, (v) canvass, parrot,
jereed, jerid, lance, pen, pike, spear, (adj) thread, 2. pollard, canvas, list, muster, research, survey,
rush; synonyms (n) hurry, charge, flood, flow, enumerate.
attack, (v) dash, gush, race, run, speed, hasten, seçimli optional (seçmeli); synonyms (adj)
stream, quicken, (adj) burst, spurt. discretionary, arbitrary, voluntary, nonobligatory,
sebep 1. cause (neden); synonyms (n) case, action, unrestricted, additional, supplementary, external,
occasion, account, basis, campaign, (v) make, breed, extracurricular, extramural, unnecessary, available,
do, induce, allow, arouse, beget, bring, engender; discretional, flexible, noncompulsory; antonyms
(adj) obligatory, compulsory, required, essential,
antonym (n) consequence, 2. account (hesap);
synonyms (n) bill, narrative, reckoning, regard, necessary, mandatory.
score, tale, description, explanation, history, seçkin 1. distinguished; synonyms (adj) celebrated,
narration, reason, recital, story, tab, (v) report, 3. dignified, eminent, conspicuous, illustrious,
score; synonyms (n) mark, count, scratch, line, important, renowned, reputable, famous, great,
groove, scotch, check, debt, (v) notch, cut, tally, high, noble, prominent, splendid, superior;
achieve, dash, gain, get. antonyms (adj) unknown, ordinary, 2. choice
sebze vegetable; synonyms (n) plant, vegetive, (seçim); synonyms (n) vote, alternative, favorite,
greens, artifice, cabbage, engender, establish, fix, option, preference, selection, election, pick,
generate, install, instate, plan, sapling, settle, (adj) pleasure, volition, assortment, (adj) best, excellent,
vegetal. select, (v) chosen; antonym (adj) inferior, 3. select
Seç select (seçme, seçmek); synonyms (v) pick, (seçme, seçmek); synonyms (v) extract, adopt,
extract, adopt, choose, elect, excellent, prefer, choose, elect, prefer, excerpt, assign, opt, appoint,
excerpt, assign, opt, appoint, (adj) choice, exclusive, cull, nominate, (adj) choice, exclusive, rare,
chosen, best; antonym (v) reject. selective; antonym (v) reject, 4. outstanding;
seçenek 1. alternative (alternatif); synonyms (adj) synonyms (adj) due, owing, distinguished,
exceptional, notable, noteworthy, unpaid, major,
alternate, alternating, variant, (n) option, choice,
brilliant, extraordinary, magnificent, noticeable,
preference, selection, substitute, variation, 2.
obvious, overdue, remarkable; antonym (adj) paid,
option; synonyms (n) election, alternative,
5. prominent; synonyms (adj) noted, leading,
possibility, volition, refusal, opening, will,
outstanding, salient, striking, big, marked,
likelihood, opportunity, pick, wish, call, decision,

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dominant, momentous, predominant, influential, sedye litter; synonyms (n) brood, bedding, stretcher,
manifest, notorious, obtrusive, (n) bold; antonyms garbage, junk, mess, refuse, rubbish, trash, waste,
(adj) inconspicuous, minor. issue, (v) clutter, (adj) jumble, disarray, huddle.
seçkinler elite; synonyms (n) cream, best, pick, prime, sefalet misery; synonyms (n) adversity, distress,
aristocracy, nobility, prize, top, (adj) flower, elect, affliction, agony, anguish, woe, hardship, evil, ill,
choice, select. infelicity, poverty, suffering, calamity, depression,
seçme 1. selection (seçim); synonyms (n) election, (adj) grief; antonyms (n) cheerfulness, ecstasy,
choice, option, alternative, extract, quotation, happiness, joy, fun, hopefulness.
assortment, pick, preference, range, collection, sefaret embassy; synonyms (n) deputation, legation,
appointment, excerpt, volition, voting, 2. select delegation, mission, commission, errand, cable,
(seçmek); synonyms (v) adopt, choose, elect, communication, diplomat, diplomatist.
excellent, prefer, assign, opt, appoint, cull, sefer 1. navigation; synonyms (n) guidance, sailing,
nominate, (adj) exclusive, chosen, best, rare, steering, seafaring, shipping, travel, flight, aviation,
selective; antonym (v) reject, 3. choice (seçim); glide, gliding, pilotage, piloting, routing,
synonyms (n) vote, favorite, selection, pleasure, sailplaning, soaring, 2. expedition; synonyms (n)
elite, ballot, decision, adoption, cream, (adj) select, excursion, dispatch, journey, celerity, exploration,
exquisite, superior, prize, admirable, (v) judgment; haste, outing, quest, readiness, speed, tour, trip,
antonym (adj) inferior. acceleration, (v) campaign, crusade, 3. journey
seçmek 1. choose; synonyms (v) adopt, elect, pick, (seyahat, yolculuk); synonyms (n) jaunt,
prefer, select, appoint, take, assign, decide, desire, expedition, passage, way, course, pilgrimage,
determine, draw, excerpt, like, vote; antonyms (v) voyage, circuit, (v) go, cruise, fare, navigate, ramble,
reject, refuse, 2. select (seçme); synonyms (v) ride, walk.
extract, choose, excellent, opt, cull, nominate, seferberlik campaign; synonyms (n) crusade, battle,
gather, (adj) choice, exclusive, chosen, best, rare, expedition, movement, struggle, war, cause, drive,
selective, elite, exquisite, 3. pick (toplamak); effort, (v) fight, course, canvass, run, advertize,
synonyms (v) clean, harvest, break, collect, nibble, agitate.
peck, pluck, (n) alternative, option, selection, sefil 1. miserable; synonyms (adj) mean, poor,
pickax, pickaxe, (adj) cream, mattock, flower, 4. meager, abject, bad, deplorable, desolate,
distinguish; synonyms (v) discern, discriminate, downcast, low, measly, unhappy, distressed,
describe, know, perceive, discover, descry, behold, lamentable, (v) forlorn, wretched; antonyms (adj)
characterize, classify, detect, difference, happy, cheerful, generous, 2. wretched;
differentiate, identify, recognize; antonym (v) synonyms (adj) unfortunate, pitiful, sad, pathetic,
confuse, 5. spot (benek, leke, nokta); synonyms piteous, pitiable, sorry, woeful, base, contemptible,
(n) blot, place, speck, stain, dot, dapple, dirty, despicable, hapless, paltry, vile, (v) miserable.
location, mark, (v) blemish, soil, fleck, speckle, segman segment (kesim, parça); synonyms (n)
daub, flaw. division, paragraph, bit, piece, portion, share, slice,
seçmeli 1. optional; synonyms (adj) discretionary, proportion, length, cut, sector, (v) section, part,
arbitrary, voluntary, nonobligatory, unrestricted, divide, partition.
additional, supplementary, external, sehpa stand (ayakta durmak, durmak); synonyms
extracurricular, extramural, unnecessary, available, (v) endure, stall, undergo, live, suffer, tolerate,
discretional, flexible, noncompulsory; antonyms prop, erect, hold, (n) attitude, booth, rack, base,
(adj) obligatory, compulsory, required, essential, pedestal, position; antonyms (v) sit, lie.
necessary, mandatory, 2. selective (seçici); sek 1. dry (kuru); synonyms (adj) thirsty, arid, barren,
synonyms (adj) select, particular, discriminating, boring, dehydrated, dull, bald, hoarse, jejune, plain,
elective, exclusive, choosy, finicky, discerning, (v) dehydrate, desiccate, drain, uninteresting,
judicious, persnickety, fastidious, picky, eclectic, sardonic; antonyms (adj) wet, damp, moist,
fussy, astute. saturated, soaked, boggy, drenched, rainy, sodden,
seçmen constituent; synonyms (adj) integral, (n) interesting, fresh, humid, juicy, succulent, (v)
component, ingredient, element, factor, part, drench, 2. straight (düz); synonyms (adv) level,
division, elector, item, member, piece, agent; right, directly, (adj) erect, honest, even, flat, upright,
antonyms (n) aggregate, composite, whole. fair, correct, just, perpendicular, proper, accurate,
seçmenler electorate; synonyms (n) constituency, (v) direct; antonyms (adv) indirectly, (adj) curly,
caliphate, party, pashalic, public, community, curved, diluted, winding, zigzag, askew, bent,
population, supporters, (v) constituents. curvy, knotted, twisted, twisting, wavy, circuitous,
sedir sofa; synonyms (n) couch, lounge, bench, chair, guarded.
form, stall, stool, bed, futon.

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sekiz eight; synonyms (n) eighter, eleven, ace, jack, sembolik symbolic (simgesel); synonyms (adj)
king, knave, nine, octad, octet, octonary, ogdoad, emblematical, representative, emblematic,
queen, team, ten, (adj) octave. figurative, symbolical, characteristic, metaphorical,
sekreter secretary; synonyms (n) clerk, escritoire, significant, (v) typical, symptomatic, diacritical, (n)
minister, desk, secretaire, bailiff, factor, repository, symbolics; antonym (adj) literal.
(v) amanuensis, scribe, writer, scrivener. semer saddle; synonyms (n) saddleback, seat, (v)
seks sex (cinsiyet); synonyms (n) gender, intercourse, charge, burden, load, encumber, blame, burthen,
copulation, coitus, sexuality, mating, (v) arouse, lumber.
excite, (adj) sexual. semere 1. harvest (hasat); synonyms (n) crop, fruit,
seksen eighty; synonym (n) fourscore. ingathering, produce, profit, yield, (v) gain, gather,
seksi sexy; synonyms (adj) sensual, aphrodisiac, glean, amass, collect, garner, get, pick, reap, 2.
aphrodisiacal, sultry, adorable, desirable, result (sonuç); synonyms (n) consequence, issue,
irresistible, jazzy, passionate, pornographic, outcome, aftermath, answer, conclusion, effect,
provocative, risqué, torrid, adult, bedroom. end, outgrowth, corollary, (v) ensue, follow,
seksüel sexual (cinsel); synonyms (adj) sensual, sexy, eventuate, arise, develop; antonym (v) cause.
erotic, intimate, amphigonic, cozy, familiar, gross, Seminer seminar; synonyms (n) conference, class,
informal, inner, internal, knowledgeable, animal, tutorial, meeting, workshop, course, gymnasium,
animalistic, bestial. palaestra, talk.
sektör sector (kesim); synonyms (n) department, semiz fat (yağ); synonyms (adj) stout, corpulent,
area, branch, district, division, section, segment, dense, thick, bulky, fatty, fertile, fleshy, gainful,
region, arm, part, quadrant, domain, field, piece, greasy, great, (n) avoirdupois, blubber, cream, (v)
quarter. fatten; antonyms (adj) thin, slim, skinny, slender.
sel 1. flood (sel basmak); synonyms (n) deluge, sempati sympathy; synonyms (n) compassion, pity,
pour, torrent, stream, (v) drench, flow, inundate, benevolence, commiseration, feeling, humanity,
glut, drown, flush, gush, rush, submerge, swamp, kindness, mercy, rapport, understanding,
(prep) tide; antonyms (n) drought, shortage, (v) agreement, clemency, comfort, affection, (adj)
trickle, 2. stream (akım); synonyms (n) brook, charity; antonyms (n) indifference, cruelty.
river, run, spurt, streak, beam, (v) flood, crowd, jet, sempatik 1. outgoing (giden); synonyms (adj)
swarm, runnel, creek, surge, (prep) current, course. friendly, expansive, forthcoming, gregarious,
selam hello (alo, merhaba); synonyms (n) greeting, demonstrative, extrovert, companionable, open,
sociable, extroverted, extrovertish; antonyms (adj)
hi, howdy, hullo, welcome, (v) hail.
inward, next, reserved, incoming, introverted, 2.
selamet 1. salvation; synonyms (n) aid, redemption,
delivery, rescue, justification, preservation, savior, sympathetic; synonyms (adj) kind, compassionate,
(adj) conversion, adoption, beatification, kindly, congenial, tender, merciful, humane,
regeneration; antonym (n) downfall, 2. safety agreeable, favorable, considerate, (n) gentle, caring,
gracious, (v) affectionate, pitiful; antonyms (adj)
(güvenlik); synonyms (n) protection, guard,
refuge, security, bingle, safe, asylum, sanctuary, unsympathetic, hardhearted, unfeeling.
cover, safeness, shelter, condom, defense, semptom symptom (araz, belirti); synonyms (n)
prophylactic, rubber; antonyms (n) danger, hazard. sign, indication, evidence, mark, note,
sele 1. bin (kutu); synonyms (n) bunker, binful, box, manifestation, token, signal, characteristic, omen,
case, container, silo, closet, locker, basket, casket, exponent.
trashcan, carton, cellaret, (v) store, discard, 2. semt 1. neighbourhood; synonyms (n) locality,
saddle; synonyms (n) saddleback, seat, (v) charge, neighborhood, vicinity, 2. quarter (çeyrek);
burden, load, encumber, blame, burthen, lumber. synonyms (n) area, part, district, division, mercy,
region, direction, portion, quart, (v) place, lodge,
selef predecessor; synonyms (n) precursor,
line, put, accommodate, billet, 3. vicinity;
forerunner, ancestor, antecedent, antecessor, father,
synonyms (n) proximity, environs, neighbourhood,
elder, precedent; antonyms (n) successor,
vicinage, outskirts, section.
sen thou; synonyms (n) chiliad, g, grand, m, curtilage,
sema sky (gök, gökyüzü); synonyms (n) air, heaven,
gee, gigabyte, gm, gram, gramme, green, grounds,
atmosphere, heavens, space, (v) fling, flip, pitch,
jet, kelvin, kilobyte.
agitate, alternate, cant, chuck, convulse, deliver,
senaryo 1. scenario; synonyms (n) plot, continuity,
chronicle, design, forecast, plan, prediction,
sembol symbol (simge); synonyms (n) sign, emblem,
projection, ruse, scheme, diagnosis, narrative,
number, badge, mark, stamp, insignia, numeral,
prospects, 2. script; synonyms (n) calligraphy,
token, type, allegory, character, figure, image,
hand, book, handwriting, copy, document,

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inscription, lettering, letters, text, treatment, sepetlemek sack (torba); synonyms (n) pocket,
writing, playscript, record. pouch, sac, (v) pillage, bag, plunder, discharge,
senato senate; synonyms (n) council, legislature, dismiss, despoil, fire, ransack, rob, rifle, can, loot;
parliament, congress, assembly, senatus, storthing, antonym (v) hire.
witenagemote, authority, committee, house. sera greenhouse; synonyms (n) glasshouse,
sendika union (birlik); synonyms (n) coalition, conservatory, nursery, grotto, hermitage,
connection, junction, association, combination, summerhouse, orangery.
league, merger, alliance, coalescence, confederacy, serbest 1. free (açık, bedava, boş, özgür, serbest
coupling, fusion, marriage, matrimony, unification; bırakmak); synonyms (adj) loose, frank, liberal, (v)
antonyms (n) separation, divergence. clear, exempt, liberate, discharge, excuse, extricate,
sendrom syndrome; synonyms (n) ailment, relieve, disentangle, acquit, deliver, disengage,
complaint, complex, sickness, disorder, malady, ease; antonyms (adj) bound, restricted, compelled,
bug, condition, disease, ill, illness, infection, virus, confined, imprisoned, repressive, secure, strict,
affection, concurrence. stuck, tangled, attached, busy, (v) confine, block,
sene year (Yıl); synonyms (n) twelvemonth, day, age, cage, 2. independent (bağımsız); synonyms (adj)
time, yr, class, hour, minute, month, quarter, free, autonomous, separate, substantive, impartial,
second, week. nonpartisan, sovereign, unallied, self-sufficient,
senet 1. bond (bağ, bono); synonyms (n) association, detached, distinct, individual, (n) freelance,
tie, alliance, deed, agreement, cement, attachment, mugwump, (adv) apart; antonyms (adj) dependent,
bail, connection, joint, link, adhesion, (v) bind, simultaneous, 3. liberal; synonyms (adj) generous,
band, adhere, 2. note (not, not etmek); bountiful, handsome, abundant, benevolent, big,
synonyms (n) comment, mention, remark, large, kind, ample, bounteous, broad, charitable,
annotation, heed, indication, mark, attention, bill, giving, tolerant, lavish; antonyms (adj) oppressive,
distinction, epistle, (v) notice, mind, look, detect; totalitarian, intolerant, (n) conservative, 4. spare;
antonym (v) ignore, 3. deed (iş); synonyms (n) synonyms (adj) reserve, slender, excess, save, slight,
accomplishment, achievement, act, feat, behavior, additional, lean, slim, thin, bare, frugal, (v) meager,
action, exploit, covenant, activity, document, doing, economize, (n) extra, backup.
effort, fact, title, agency, 4. instrument (alet, serbestçe freely; synonyms (adv) free, frankly, gladly,
araç); synonyms (n) channel, apparatus, appliance, abundantly, candidly, generously, independently,
expedient, pawn, tool, gear, agent, device, engine, openly, readily, voluntarily, willingly, happily, (adj)
means, medium, creature, contrivance, (v) fain, gratis; antonym (adv) reluctantly.
implement, 5. bill (fatura, gaga, hesap); serbestlik independence (bağımsızlık); synonyms
synonyms (n) account, beak, advertisement, card, (n) autonomy, freedom, liberty, independency,
invoice, poster, receipt, banknote, check, measure, individuality, latitude, detachment, neutrality,
program, (v) placard, advertise, charge, list, 6. sovereignty, inconsequence; antonyms (n)
script (senaryo); synonyms (n) calligraphy, hand, dependence, childhood.
book, handwriting, copy, inscription, lettering, seren 1. boom; synonyms (n) bang, roar, noise, bar,
letters, text, treatment, writing, playscript, record. din, peal, (v) blast, blare, flourish, sound, thrive,
seninki yours; synonym (adj) own. thunder, bellow, clang, prosper; antonyms (n)
sent penny (peni); synonyms (n) cent, change, depression, (v) collapse, decline, 2. yard (avlu,
centime, groat, money, doit, mite, coinage, yarda); synonyms (n) court, courtyard, garden,
currency, denomination, farthing, rap, sou, backyard, grounds, close, quadrangle, enclosure,
denarius, shilling. beehive, bindery, chiliad, g, grand, m, nailery.
sentaks syntax (sözdizim, sözdizimi); synonyms sergen shelf (raf); synonyms (n) ledge, rack, bank,
(n) grammar, accidence, syntaxis, organism. flat, projection, board, frame, shallows, stand,
sentetik synthetic; synonyms (adj) artificial, ersatz, support, bench, bracket, breakers, (adj) shallow.
false, simulated, synthetical, celluloid, fake, sergi 1. exhibition; synonyms (n) demonstration,
semisynthetic; antonyms (adj) natural, genuine, display, exhibit, exposition, exposure, fair,
real. manifestation, presentation, show, spectacle, scene,
sentez synthesis; synonyms (n) combination, fusion, appearance, array, expo, expression, 2. show
compound, incorporation, mixture, union, (gösteri, göstermek); synonyms (v) present,
composite, unification, amalgam, complex, broadcast, expose, guide, indicate, parade,
deduction; antonym (n) separation. demonstrate, disclose, evidence, give, manifest,
sepet basket; synonyms (n) basketful, bassinet, cradle, perform, (n) produce, ostentation, pageant;
gondola, case, coffin, handbasket, hoop, leap, ped, antonyms (v) conceal, disprove, hide, 3. gallery
pottle, stomach, whisket, bound, corbeille. (galeri); synonyms (n) balcony, audience, drift,

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396 Turkish - English

veranda, circle, porch, terrace, verandah, composure, poise; antonyms (adj) agitated, hot,
auditorium, auditory, boxes, 4. display; excited, enthusiastic, feverish, friendly, temperate,
synonyms (n) screen, exhibition, showing, view, tepid, (v) warm, heat.
performance, flash, monitor, pomp, indication, (v) serinlik cool; synonyms (adj) chilly, cold, collected,
brandish, flaunt, reveal, discover, unfold, air. composed, fine, aloof, apathetic, lukewarm, (v)
sergileme 1. display; synonyms (n) array, calm, chill, assuage, allay, pacify, (n) composure,
presentation, appearance, screen, demonstration, poise; antonyms (adj) agitated, hot, excited,
exhibition, (v) exhibit, show, disclose, parade, enthusiastic, feverish, friendly, temperate, tepid, (v)
expose, produce, brandish, flaunt, indicate; warm, heat.
antonym (v) conceal, 2. exhibition; synonyms (n) sermaye 1. capital (başkent, büyük harf);
display, exposition, exposure, fair, manifestation, synonyms (n) principal, city, stock, assets, cash,
spectacle, scene, expo, expression, pageant, funds, means, money, paramount, prime,
performance, presentment, representation, resources, (adj) main, primary, chief, great, 2. fund;
revelation, showing. synonyms (n) store, capital, bank, reserve, savings,
sergilemek display; synonyms (n) array, supply, cache, endowment, accumulation, (v)
presentation, appearance, screen, demonstration, hoard, bankroll, finance, accumulate, back,
exhibition, (v) exhibit, show, disclose, parade, sponsor.
expose, produce, brandish, flaunt, indicate; sermek 1. lay; synonyms (v) place, put, fix, set,
antonym (v) conceal. deposit, install, lie, rest, invest, bear, allay, arrange,
seri 1. series (dizi); synonyms (n) chain, rank, (adj) secular, (n) ballad, pitch, 2. spread (yaymak);
collection, cycle, line, round, run, sequence, serial, synonyms (v) scatter, reach, disperse, expand,
set, string, succession, (v) course, order, (adj) extend, broadcast, circulate, diffuse, disseminate,
progression, 2. fast (hızlı, oruç); synonyms (adj) increase, propagate, stretch, broaden, deploy, (n)
dissolute, firm, agile, debauched, fixed, hurried, span; antonym (adj) concentrated.
instant, quick, rapid, staunch, brisk, (adv) soon, serpinti spray (püskürtmek, sprey); synonyms (n)
hard, close, (n) diet; antonyms (adj) sluggish, loose, jet, mist, froth, aerosol, atomizer, foam, branch, (v)
(adv) slow, slowly, leisurely, (v) gorge, (n) binge, 3. shower, splash, spout, spurt, dust, gush, scatter,
battery (akü, batarya, pil); synonyms (n) troop, spatter.
army, barrage, company, mugging, onslaught, sert 1. hard; synonyms (adj) austere, bad, difficult,
squad, violence, group, regiment, squadron, ark, grave, severe, strong, arduous, callous, cruel,
battalia, battalion, bombardment, 4. sequence grueling, knotty, tough, (adv) firm, (v) acute, (n)
(sıra); synonyms (n) series, arrangement, rough; antonyms (adj) easy, soft, kind, merciful,
consequence, episode, procession, concatenation, simple, soggy, tender, yielding, (adv) gently, lightly,
pattern, continuity, effect, gradation, range, result, 2. harsh; synonyms (adj) grating, sharp, bitter,
rotation, sequel, train, 5. rapid; synonyms (adj) coarse, crude, discordant, grim, unkind, acrid,
fast, prompt, swift, fleet, hasty, speedy, cursory, biting, brutal, extreme, gruff, rigorous, (v) hard;
expeditious, sudden, nimble, winged, express, antonyms (adj) smooth, gentle, harmonious, lenient,
immediate, impetuous, active; antonym (adj) pleasant, melodious, sweet, 3. severe; synonyms
gradual, 6. quick (çabuk, hızlı); synonyms (adj) (adj) harsh, rigid, inclement, cutting, heavy, intense,
bright, clever, intelligent, alert, alive, dexterous, serious, strict, atrocious, caustic, critical, exacting,
keen, lively, brief, abrupt, acute, animated, apt, fierce, painful, (v) poignant; antonyms (adj) mild,
ingenious, sharp; antonym (adj) dull. slight, lax, 4. rough (kaba); synonyms (adj) raw,
serin cool; synonyms (adj) chilly, cold, collected, gross, hoarse, jagged, approximate, indelicate,
composed, fine, aloof, apathetic, lukewarm, (v) rocky, uneven, impolite, robust, abrasive, bluff,
calm, chill, assuage, allay, pacify, (n) composure, blunt, (n) boisterous, draft; antonyms (adj) polished,
poise; antonyms (adj) agitated, hot, excited, precise, refined, silky, sophisticated, even, exact,
enthusiastic, feverish, friendly, temperate, tepid, (v) glossy, 5. rigorous; synonyms (adj) accurate, stern,
warm, heat. inflexible, stiff, stringent, nice, careful, close,
serinlemek cool; synonyms (adj) chilly, cold, collected, demanding, meticulous, relentless, ruthless,
composed, fine, aloof, apathetic, lukewarm, (v) narrow, rugged, correct, 6. rigid; synonyms (adj)
calm, chill, assuage, allay, pacify, (n) composure, fixed, set, formal, tense, tight, determined, resolute,
poise; antonyms (adj) agitated, hot, excited, immovable, adamant, inexorable, obdurate,
enthusiastic, feverish, friendly, temperate, tepid, (v) obstinate, stubborn, taut, (n) stark; antonyms (adj)
warm, heat. flexible, elastic, 7. violent; synonyms (adj)
serinletmek cool; synonyms (adj) chilly, cold, tempestuous, raging, turbulent, vehement,
collected, composed, fine, aloof, apathetic, passionate, powerful, savage, stormy, wild,
lukewarm, (v) calm, chill, assuage, allay, pacify, (n) tumultuous, rude, ardent, ferocious, fiery, (n)

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furious; antonyms (adj) peaceful, calm, nonviolent, endurance, potency, stability, health, soundness,
8. strict; synonyms (adj) scrupulous, perfect, amount, brawn, (v) might, capacity; antonyms (n)
punctual, just, fastidious, religious, exigent, weakness, frailty, flaw, shortcoming, 2.
faithful, literal, particular, unbending, bitterness; synonyms (n) acerbity, acrimony,
uncompromising, conscientious, nonindulgent, animosity, gall, malice, resentment, acidity,
keen; antonyms (adj) free, imprecise, negligent, asperity, bitter, enmity, hatred, hostility, rancor,
relaxed, 9. bitter (acı, keskin, şiddetli); sharpness, affliction; antonym (n) sweetness, 3.
synonyms (adj) acrimonious, acerbic, acid, severity; synonyms (n) cruelty, austerity,
malicious, resentful, sour, virulent, acerb, freezing, harshness, rigor, inclemency, roughness, gravity,
icy, pungent, sarcastic, tart, (n) acerbity, (v) difficulty, grimness, hardness, hardship,
disagreeable; antonyms (adj) charitable, hot, sugary, inflexibility, rigorousness, rigour, seriousness;
10. firm; synonyms (n) company, business, (adj) antonyms (n) gentleness, leniency, clemency,
constant, stable, compact, solid, steadfast, steady, flexibility, pleasantness.
decisive, dense, fast, sturdy, enduring, crisp, (v) serum serum; synonyms (n) juice, antitoxin,
durable; antonyms (adj) irresolute, weak, hesitant, medicine, (adj) lymph, humor, sap.
limp, liquid, 11. brutal; synonyms (adj) beastly, serüven adventure; synonyms (n) venture, accident,
barbaric, barbarous, bestial, truculent, vicious, chance, escapade, event, incident, undertaking,
barbarian, boarish, inhuman, oppressive, pitiless, consequence, essay, circumstance, enterprise,
violent, brutish, fell, heartless; antonym (adj) liberal, experience, (v) hazard, risk, dare.
12. hot (sıcak); synonyms (adj) warm, boiling, servet 1. means (araç); synonyms (n) expedient,
burning, feverish, flaming, fresh, blistering, eager, agency, instrument, assets, capital, channel, funds,
enthusiastic, peppery, spicy, angry, new, fervent, income, manner, agent, contrivance, device,
gingery; antonyms (adj) cool, cold, airy, bland, medium, method, process, 2. fortune; synonyms
chilly, 13. smart (açıkgöz); synonyms (adj) bright, (n) chance, destiny, estate, fate, fluke, accident, luck,
crafty, dapper, quick, shrewd, sly, prompt, astute, means, abundance, doom, lot, riches, wealth,
chic, clever, intelligent, jaunty, (v) ache, hurt, (n) blessing, substance, 3. pile (hav, tüy); synonyms
pain; antonyms (adj) scruffy, stupid, dim, shabby, (n) heap, stack, mass, congeries, mound, bunch,
unkempt, slow, 14. stiff; synonyms (adj) numb, accumulation, bundle, collection, hoard, jam, (v)
awkward, buckram, ceremonious, potent, prim, pack, accumulate, amass, crowd, 4. assets;
starchy, high, laborious, erect, (n) cadaver, corpse, synonyms (n) property, belongings, resources,
body, remains, carcass; antonyms (adj) floppy, finances, resource, money, possession, possessions,
supple, pliable, 15. tough; synonyms (adj) acquit, 5. gold (altın); synonyms (n) treasure,
tenacious, hardy, stout, leathery, muscular, yellow, amber, (adj) aureate, gilded, gilt, golden, 6.
resilient, sinewy, stalwart, strenuous, stringy, (n) wealth; synonyms (n) affluence, opulence, fortune,
bully, rowdy, hoodlum, hooligan, ruffian; profusion, mammon, copiousness, excess,
antonyms (adj) flimsy, feeble, lightweight, 16. prosperity, store, cornucopia, overabundance,
strong; synonyms (adj) able, deep, cogent, forcible, plethora, (adj) plenty, richness, (v) gold; antonyms
good, influential, lusty, secure, sound, athletic, (n) poverty, penury, scarcity, 7. substance;
energetic, forceful, hearty, loud, persuasive; synonyms (n) essence, body, import, material,
antonyms (adj) delicate, faint, frail, pale, matter, meaning, significance, subject, amount,
unconvincing, cowardly, diluted, dull, exhausted, core, gist, quintessence, implication, spirit, content;
imperceptible, tired, watery, 17. solid (katı); antonym (n) triviality.
synonyms (adj) consistent, real, massive, substantial, servis service (hizmet); synonyms (n) help, aid,
material, reliable, thick, whole, certain, fine, assistance, avail, employment, ministration,
concrete, full, convincing, sober, dependable; ceremony, business, occupation, office, (v)
antonyms (adj) unreliable, loose, gaseous, overhaul, serve, refit, assist, attendance.
permeable, runny, transparent. ses 1. sound; synonyms (n) echo, peal, (v) ring, chime,
sertifika certificate; synonyms (n) bond, diploma, fast, (adj) reasonable, complete, healthy, fit, good,
certification, credential, credentials, document, just, rational, right, sane, sensible; antonyms (n)
license, testimonial, warrant, authentication, deed, silence, (adj) illogical, unsound, confused, 2. voice;
docket, bill, (v) certify, sanction. synonyms (n) speech, sound, language, part,
sertleştirmek steel (çelik); synonyms (n) harden, suffrage, vote, (v) enunciate, express, pronounce,
blade, brand, brace, foil, fortify, sword, invigorate, say, speak, utter, vocalize, articulate, state, 3. tone
strengthen, (adj) iron, adamant, (v) nerve, temper, (ton); synonyms (n) character, note, accent, air,
gird. shade, spirit, timbre, tinge, tint, manner,
sertlik 1. strength (güç, kuvvet); synonyms (n) disposition, feel, feeling, intonation, (v) color, 4.
force, power, energy, firmness, intensity, vigor, audio; synonyms (n) television, channel, phone,

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398 Turkish - English

(adj) auditory, aural, acoustic, hearing, 5. noise peaceful, placid, tranquil, tranquilize, (v) moderate,
(gürültü, patırtı); synonyms (n) clatter, clamor, assuage, silence, easy, repose, (n) compose, ease,
hubbub, racket, din, disturbance, uproar, buzz, peace; antonyms (adj) loud, noisy, talkative,
clang, commotion, crack, crash, interference, (v) vociferous, active.
fame, report; antonym (n) quiet, 6. cry (ağlamak, set 1. set (ayarlamak, grup, takım); synonyms (v)
bağırmak, feryat); synonyms (n) shout, bark, fix, place, lay, put, locate, position, regulate, define,
scream, yell, roar, bay, crying, (v) call, bellow, adjust, arrange, (n) class, bent, (adj) fixed, fast,
shriek, weep, exclaim, howl, moan, outcry; secure; antonyms (v) soften, liquefy, melt, (n)
antonyms (v) laugh, whisper. combing, comb-out, (adj) variable, flexible, liquid, 2.
seslenmek 1. call (bağırmak, çağırmak, çağrı); bank (banka); synonyms (n) dam, coast, slope,
synonyms (v) cry, bellow, name, shout, bid, store, limit, stack, bluff, heap, hill, riverside, (v)
summon, howl, address, baptize, cite, (n) appeal, embankment, gradient, deposit, mound, rely;
yell, appoint, command, demand; antonym (v) antonym (v) withdraw, 3. terrace; synonyms (n)
dismiss, 2. cry (ağlamak, bağırmak, feryat); patio, bench, veranda, porch, balcony, yard,
synonyms (n) bark, scream, clamor, roar, bay, accommodation, backyard, building, bungalow,
crying, (v) call, shriek, weep, exclaim, moan, outcry, cottage, farmhouse, green, grounds, igloo.
screech, yelp, yowl; antonyms (v) laugh, whisper, sevecen tender; synonyms (adj) affectionate, painful,
3. shout (bağırmak); synonyms (v) bawl, hollo, loving, sensitive, soft, sore, compassionate, delicate,
hail, holler, hoop, whoop, proclaim, chant, acclaim, fond, gentle, mild, (v) proffer, (n) offer, bid,
squall, (n) cheer, halloo, exclamation, wail, crow. overture; antonyms (adj) tough, hard, hardhearted,
sesli vocal; synonyms (adj) oral, spoken, unwritten, rubbery, rough.
outspoken, sonant, sonorous, vowel, eloquent, sevecenlik 1. kindness; synonyms (n) benevolence,
instrumental, sung; antonym (adj) quiet. clemency, compassion, courtesy, generosity,
sessiz 1. quiet (sakin); synonyms (adj) still, lull, affection, benignity, consideration, cordiality,
pacify, cool, gentle, motionless, peaceful, (v) favor, friendliness, gentleness, goodness, grace,
appease, moderate, assuage, allay, (n) calm, hush, graciousness; antonyms (n) unkindness,
compose, ease; antonyms (adj) loud, noisy, callousness, cruelty, miserliness, nastiness, spite,
talkative, vociferous, active, (n) noise, 2. still; unfriendliness, maliciousness, 2. compassion;
synonyms (adv) however, but, nevertheless, (adj) synonyms (n) pity, mercy, charity, commiseration,
silence, quiescent, serene, silent, inactive, mute, sympathy, forgiveness, remorse, tenderness,
peace, placid, sedate, (v) quiet, soothe, tranquil; condolence, feeling, humanity, leniency, warmth,
empathy, (adj) kindness; antonym (n) indifference.
antonyms (adj) moving, effervescent, fizzy, windy,
3. silent; synonyms (adj) dumb, tacit, inarticulate, seven loving; synonyms (adj) affectionate, devoted,
fond, amorous, kind, tender, friendly, ardent,
inaudible, incommunicative, mum, noiseless,
attached, admiring, caring, compassionate,
reserved, reticent, taciturn, implicit, soundless,
fatherly, gentle, enamored; antonyms (adj) cold,
speechless, dormant, unpronounced; antonyms
(adj) spoken, explicit, open, 4. dumb; synonyms
(adj) dense, dim, dull, obtuse, slow, stupid, idiotic, sevgi 1. love (aşk, sevgili, sevmek); synonyms (n)
thick, voiceless, aphonous, 5. mum; synonyms (n) desire, affection, dear, fondness, liking,
benevolence, charity, attachment, beloved, darling,
mama, mamma, mammy, mater, mom, momma,
devotion, honey, (v) cherish, enjoy, like; antonyms
mommy, mother, secrecy, mummy, 6. sweet
(n) abhorrence, hatred, aversion, (v) hate, dislike,
(tatlı); synonyms (adj) beloved, delicious, fresh,
abhor, 2. affection; synonyms (n) affect,
lovely, mellow, dear, lovable, melodious, musical,
affectionateness, disease, feeling, heart, kindness,
pleasant, pleasing, sugary, charming, delightful, (n)
love, tenderness, admiration, care, complaint,
confection; antonyms (adj) sour, acid, bitter,
condition, emotion, esteem, (v) regard, 3.
discordant, acidic, pungent, sharp, salty.
attachment; synonyms (n) appendix, accessory,
sessizce silently; synonyms (adv) mutely, noiselessly,
addition, adherence, appendage, association, bond,
quietly, stilly, secretly, faintly, furtively,
connection, fitting, link, tie, annex, addendum,
indistinctly, patiently, peaceably, privately,
fastener, inclination; antonym (n) detachment.
taciturnly, whistly, wordlessly, cautiously;
sevgili 1. dear; synonyms (adj) beloved, close, costly,
antonym (adv) noisily.
expensive, lovely, precious, near, adorable,
sessizlik 1. silence; synonyms (n) quiet, calm, lull, affectionate, cherished, familiar, high, (n) darling,
mum, muteness, quietness, (v) still, allay, mute, love, honey; antonyms (adj) cheap, worthless, 2.
pacify, gag, muffle, muzzle, (int) hush, (adj) appease;
love (aşk, sevgi, sevmek); synonyms (n) desire,
antonyms (n) noise, sound, 2. quiet (sakin, affection, dear, fondness, liking, benevolence,
sessiz); synonyms (adj) cool, gentle, motionless, charity, attachment, devotion, sweetheart, favor, (v)

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Turkish - English 399

cherish, enjoy, like, worship; antonyms (n) disaster, grief, 2. delight; synonyms (n) joy,
abhorrence, hatred, aversion, (v) hate, dislike, amusement, rejoicing, delectation, (v) charm,
abhor, 3. beloved; synonyms (adj) favorite, loved, amuse, please, ravish, captivate, enrapture, gratify,
pet, sweet, valued, (n) dearest, agreeable, idol, transport, content, divert, enchant; antonyms (v)
lover, 4. darling; synonyms (adj) pretty, (n) deary, depress, displease.
angel, treasure, duck, ducky, favourite, flame, 5. sevinçli 1. happy (memnun, mutlu); synonyms
girl (kız); synonyms (n) damsel, lady, daughter, (adj) fortunate, felicitous, contented, gay, buoyant,
fille, lass, maid, wench, virgin, quean, female, content, gleeful, gratified, blithe, bright, carefree,
girlfriend, woman, 6. favourite; synonyms (adj) cheerful, cheery, (n) auspicious, blessed; antonyms
favored, (n) dearie, blaze, ingle, fire, fireplace, (adj) unhappy, sad, dejected, depressed, miserable,
paramour, 7. lover; synonyms (n) beau, devotee, sorrowful, 2. glad (memnun); synonyms (adj)
fan, admirer, buff, amorist, man, gallant, boyfriend, jubilant, delighted, festive, delightful, genial,
enthusiast, follower, afficionado, 8. steady; willing, beaming, blissful, happy, proud, elated,
synonyms (adj) firm, even, secure, constant, jovial, joyful, joyous, lief.
continual, fixed, resolute, stable, cool, incessant, sevindirmek 1. delight; synonyms (n) joy,
sedate, settled, (v) steadfast, calm, regular; amusement, pleasure, rejoicing, bliss, delectation,
antonyms (adj) unsteady, shaky, wobbly, gladness, (v) charm, amuse, please, ravish,
intermittent, unreliable. captivate, cheer, enrapture, gratify; antonyms (n)
sevgilim darling; synonyms (adj) beloved, pet, costly, sorrow, misery, (v) depress, displease, 2. please
sweet, pretty, adorable, (n) dear, favorite, deary, (lütfen, memnun etmek); synonyms (v) delight,
love, angel, treasure, duck, ducky, (v) precious. entertain, like, oblige, enchant, accommodate,
sevi love (aşk, sevgi, sevgili, sevmek); synonyms divert, gladden, indulge, satisfy, suit, enthrall,
(n) desire, affection, dear, fondness, liking, tickle, (adj) enjoy, content; antonyms (v) annoy,
benevolence, charity, attachment, beloved, darling, anger, irritate, distress.
devotion, honey, (v) cherish, enjoy, like; antonyms sevişmek pet; synonyms (adj) favourite, favored, (n)
(n) abhorrence, hatred, aversion, (v) hate, dislike, favorite, darling, love, beloved, ducky, (v) caress,
abhor. dear, dandle, fondle, baby, pamper, cherish,
sevimli 1. nice; synonyms (adj) beautiful, dainty, indulge.
fastidious, fine, good, kind, lovely, neat, likable, seviye 1. level (düzey); synonyms (n) grade, degree,
delicious, agreeable, correct, decent, delicate, (adj) even, equal, horizontal, (v) flat, flatten, floor,
difficult; antonyms (adj) unpleasant, horrible, 2. aim, demolish, destroy, dismantle, raze, bulldoze,
sweet (tatlı); synonyms (adj) beloved, fresh, balance; antonyms (adj) inclined, slanting, angled,
mellow, dear, lovable, melodious, musical, unequal, (v) uneven, build, raise, 2. plane
pleasant, pleasing, sugary, charming, delightful, (planya, uçak); synonyms (n) airplane, face,
fragrant, honeyed, (n) confection; antonyms (adj) aeroplane, aircraft, stage, surface, jet, craft, facet,
sour, acid, bitter, discordant, acidic, pungent, planer, (v) shave, hover, (adj) level, smooth, flush.
sharp, salty, 3. pretty (güzel); synonyms (adv) sevk expedition; synonyms (n) excursion, dispatch,
very, fairly, jolly, quite, rather, (adj) fair, graceful, journey, travel, celerity, exploration, haste, outing,
attractive, handsome, good-looking, picturesque, quest, readiness, speed, tour, trip, (v) campaign,
cute, elegant, smart, (n) nice; antonym (adj) ugly, 4. crusade.
lovely (güzel); synonyms (adj) enchanting, sevmek 1. love (aşk, sevgi, sevgili); synonyms (n)
alluring, adorable, endearing, exquisite, gorgeous, desire, affection, dear, fondness, liking,
gracious, appealing, delectable, glamorous, benevolence, charity, attachment, beloved, darling,
heavenly, pretty, stunning, divine, (n) beauty; devotion, honey, (v) cherish, enjoy, like; antonyms
antonyms (adj) hideous, terrible, unattractive, 5. (n) abhorrence, hatred, aversion, (v) hate, dislike,
charming; synonyms (adj) amiable, captivating, abhor, 2. like (beğenmek, benzer); synonyms (v)
winning, amusing, bewitching, fascinating, magic, corresponding, identical, care, fancy, (adj) equal,
magical, sweet, tempting, wizard, magnetic, equivalent, alike, analogous, comparable, same,
compelling, desirable, engaging; antonyms (adj) parallel, similar, such, (n) love, relish; antonyms
repellent, unappealing, 6. winning; synonyms (v) (prep) unlike, (adj) different, 3. enjoy (beğenmek);
seductive, (adj) triumphant, victorious, fetching, synonyms (v) appreciate, bask, have, hold, possess,
taking, successful, inviting, disarming, ingratiating, delight, experience, own, rejoice, revel, devour,
persuasive; antonym (adv) losing. take, suffer, joy, (adj) luxuriate, 4. pet; synonyms
sevinç 1. joy; synonyms (n) delight, enjoyment, (adj) favourite, favored, precious, (n) favorite, ducky,
elation, gladness, glee, happiness, pleasure, bliss, coddle, hug, (v) caress, dandle, fondle, baby,
ecstasy, excitement, exhilaration, exultation, fun, (v) pamper, indulge, pat, cuddle.
exult, cheer; antonyms (n) misery, sorrow, sadness,

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400 Turkish - English

seyahat 1. journey (yolculuk); synonyms (n) jaunt, sezmek 1. sense (anlam, duygu, duyu, his);
excursion, expedition, passage, trip, way, course, synonyms (n) intelligence, perception, meaning,
flight, outing, pilgrimage, (v) go, travel, cruise, fare, sensation, logic, awareness, experience, feeling,
navigate, 2. travel; synonyms (n) journey, pass, idea, impression, notion, (v) feel, intellect, mind,
stroke, tour, voyage, (v) run, proceed, move, roam, perceive; antonyms (n) garbage, ludicrousness,
ride, ramble, sail, drive, range, track, 3. travelling; nonsense, stupidity, foolishness, gibberish, 2.
synonyms (n) traveling, locomotion, 4. voyage; scent; synonyms (n) perfume, fragrance, smell,
synonym (n) quest. aroma, bouquet, essence, redolence, odour, savor,
seyir 1. course (yön); synonyms (n) stream, flow, flavor, flavour, incense, clue, (v) odor, nose, 3. feel
bearing, career, current, path, road, route, track, (hissetmek); synonyms (v) sense, consider, finger,
channel, circuit, class, method, (v) run, chase, 2. handle, believe, deem, endure, find, hold, suffer, (n)
run (çalıştırmak, koşmak); synonyms (v) rule, touch, atmosphere, sound, texture, air; antonym (v)
dash, gush, race, conduct, direct, function, go, observe, 4. detect; synonyms (v) catch, discover,
hasten, hurry, operate, (n) pass, campaign, course, ascertain, discern, notice, see, spot, trace,
drive. determine, distinguish, identify, locate, descry,
seyirciler audience (dinleyiciler); synonyms (n) sniff, encounter, 5. smell (koklamak); synonyms
hearing, interview, attendance, house, meeting, (n) savour, stench, smack, olfaction, relish, breath,
turnout, audition, congregation, crowd, following, smelling, tang, look, (v) reek, scent, stink, snuff.
public, spectators, (v) auditory. sezon season; synonyms (n) opportunity, space, spell,
seyrek 1. rare; synonyms (adj) extraordinary, (prep) period, (v) flavor, mature, inure, salt, mellow,
uncommon, exceptional, infrequent, precious, flavour, moderate, pickle, ripen, (adj) harden,
scarce, seldom, thin, unusual, few, choice, curious, habituate.
fine, odd, peculiar; antonyms (adj) common, sıcak 1. warm (ılık, ısıtmak); synonyms (adj) hot,
frequent, ordinary, 2. seldom; synonyms (adv) affectionate, tender, ardent, cordial, fervent, lively,
rarely, occasionally, infrequently, uncommonly, fond, loving, earnest, caring, enthusiastic, genial,
hardly, scarcely, (adj) rare; antonyms (adv) glowing, hearty; antonyms (adj) aloof, cold,
frequently, often, 3. thin (ince); synonyms (adj) unfriendly, reserved, hostile, (v) cool, chill, 2. hot;
flimsy, gaunt, lean, light, slight, tenuous, synonyms (adj) warm, boiling, burning, feverish,
emaciated, slim, sparse, (v) slender, dilute, meager, fiery, flaming, fresh, blistering, eager, fast, peppery,
sheer, subtle, scanty; antonyms (adj) thick, fat, pungent, spicy, angry, new; antonyms (adj) mild,
concentrated, chubby, plump, wide, broad, heavy, freezing, airy, bland, chilly.
(v) thicken. sıcaklık 1. heat (ısı); synonyms (n) glow, fervor,
seyretme watch (bakmak, seyretmek); synonyms summer, warmth, ardor, caloric, estrus, fire, (v)
(v) observe, clock, look, see, regard, wake, care, bake, burn, anger, chafe, (adj) fever, excitement,
protect, defend, (n) guard, view, sentinel, sentry, passion; antonyms (n) cold, chill, (v) cool, 2.
surveillance, (adj) vigilance. warmth; synonyms (n) heat, temperature,
seyretmek watch (bakmak); synonyms (v) observe, geniality, warmness, affection, tenderness,
clock, look, see, regard, wake, care, protect, defend, fondness, friendliness, hotness, sympathy,
(n) guard, view, sentinel, sentry, surveillance, (adj) cordiality, enthusiasm, feeling, zeal, (adj) verve;
vigilance. antonyms (n) aloofness, chilliness, coldness,
seyyah traveller; synonym (n) traveler. coolness, unfriendliness.
seyyar 1. mobile; synonyms (adj) changeable, fluid, sıçan 1. rat; synonyms (n) grass, informer, apostate,
unsettled, mercurial, expressive, lively, migrant, betrayer, scab, renegade, (v) blackleg, denounce,
motile, erratic, flying, nomadic, peregrine, roving, betray, peach, sing, apostatize, squeal, defect,
(v) movable, shifting; antonyms (adj) immobile, inform, 2. mouse (fare); synonyms (n) track, trail,
impassive, motionless, 2. travelling; synonyms (n) hunt, trace, coward, bruise, (v) sneak, creep, steal,
traveling, travel, locomotion. snoop, seek, abstract, cabbage, cower, crawl.
sezgi feeling (duygu); synonyms (n) affection, feel, sicil 1. register (kaydetmek); synonyms (n) record,
passion, emotion, atmosphere, belief, hunch, list, inventory, note, catalogue, book, account, roll,
impression, intuition, mood, opinion, sense, (v) file, enroll, chronicle, enter, indicate, read, show,
sensitivity, sentiment, enthusiasm; antonyms (n) 2. record (dosya, kaydetmek, kayıt, plak);
numbness, indifference. synonyms (n) register, disk, document, history,
seziş perception (algı); synonyms (n) apprehension, deed, disc, journal, log, story, (v) report, score,
conception, idea, notion, discernment, feeling, inscribe, mark, enrol, tally.
impression, insight, comprehension, acumen, sicim 1. string (dizi, ip); synonyms (n) chain, file,
awareness, image, observation, penetration, row, strand, twine, range, cord, filament, rank,
sensation. series, thread, tie, sequence, (v) run, (adj) line, 2.

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Turkish - English 401

cord (kordon); synonyms (n) band, string, bond, sığ shallow; synonyms (adj) shoal, superficial, low,
tape, lace, rope, whipcord, yarn, leash, fiber, cable, cursory, petty, little, sketchy, flimsy, frivolous,
corduroy, tether, twist, (v) knot, 3. line (çizgi, simple, surface, dull, mean, airy, facile; antonyms
hat); synonyms (n) house, breed, course, family, (adj) deep, bottomless.
lineage, field, ancestry, border, boundary, crease, sigara 1. cigarette; synonyms (n) cigaret, fag, butt,
stock, trace, way, (v) order, wrinkle. arse, ass, backside, behind, bottom, bum, buns,
sıçma shit (bok); synonyms (n) crap, bullshit, buttocks, can, scroll, derriere, (adj) cigar, 2. smoke
cocksucker, dump, junk, poop, bull, bunk, (v) stool, (duman); synonyms (n) fumes, fog, mist, perfume,
defecate, (adj) excrement, dung, faeces, feces, smoking, smoulder, (v) fume, reek, fumigate, puff,
ordure. exhale, cure, burn, smolder, (adj) smudge.
sıçmak shit (bok); synonyms (n) crap, bullshit, sığınak 1. refuge; synonyms (n) protection, asylum,
cocksucker, dump, junk, poop, bull, bunk, (v) stool, sanctuary, resort, retreat, safety, cover, haven,
defecate, (adj) excrement, dung, faeces, feces, shelter, harbor, hideaway, hideout, covert, (v)
ordure. recourse, haunt, 2. asylum; synonyms (n) refuge,
sıçrama 1. bound; synonyms (v) leap, border, home, institution, madhouse, 3. harbour (liman);
bounce, limit, circumscribe, confine, pounce, synonyms (n) seaport, (v) entertain, contain, bear,
rebound, (n) spring, jump, boundary, edge, barrier, hold, nurse, shield, 4. cover (örtmek); synonyms
compass, hop; antonym (adj) free, 2. jump (v) coat, conceal, top, bury, cloak, (n) blind, blanket,
(atlama, atlamak); synonyms (v) dive, hurdle, screen, binding, camouflage, cap, covering, lid,
rise, skip, startle, clear, dance, go, increase, lunge, mask, spread; antonyms (v) reveal, expose,
plunge, (n) bound, start, caper, curvet; antonyms (v) uncover, 5. sanctuary; synonyms (n) shrine,
decrease, fall, 3. jumping; synonyms (v) bounding, reservation, chancel, church, port, security, temple,
salient, conspicuous, dancing, saltant, (adj) moving, altar, bema, 6. shelter; synonyms (n) guard,
active, festive, industrious, lively, merry, noisy, protect, hut, shade, lee, lodge, burrow, lodging,
spirited, sprightly, tireless, 4. spring (bahar, shadow, housing, (v) defend, hide, keep, preserve,
ilkbahar); synonyms (n) fountain, source, jet, (adj) defense, 7. retreat; synonyms (n) departure,
cause, font, fount, ramp, (v) originate, recoil, den, lair, privacy, retirement, withdrawal, (v)
proceed, arise, issue, prance, vault, (adj) elastic, 5. recede, retire, withdraw, depart, ebb, leave, return,
start (başlamak, başlangıç, başlatmak); exit, retract; antonyms (n) raid, (v) advance.
synonyms (v) begin, commence, drive, launch, sığır cattle; synonyms (n) beast, cows, stock, kine,
embark, activate, enter, flinch, open, (n) onset, livestock, oxen, sheep, antelopes, bison, camels,
origin, shock, beginning, commencement, dawn; crowd, mob, public, barb, bidet.
antonyms (v) end, finish, stop, conclude, halt, (n) sığırlar cattle; synonyms (n) beast, cows, stock, kine,
conclusion. livestock, oxen, sheep, antelopes, bison, camels,
sıçramak 1. jump (atlama, atlamak); synonyms (v) crowd, mob, public, barb, bidet.
hop, spring, dive, hurdle, rise, skip, startle, clear, sigorta 1. insurance; synonyms (n) assurance,
dance, (n) leap, bound, bounce, start, caper, curvet; guarantee, indemnity, coverage, policy, security,
antonyms (v) decrease, fall, 2. spring (bahar, warranty, 2. assurance (güvence); synonyms (n)
ilkbahar); synonyms (n) jump, fountain, source, confidence, belief, pledge, affiance, certitude,
jet, cause, font, fount, ramp, (v) originate, recoil, conviction, faith, nerve, poise, promise, reliance,
proceed, arise, issue, prance, (adj) elastic. sureness, trust, vow, warrant; antonym (n)
sidik urine; synonyms (n) piss, pee, water, piddle, insecurity.
emiction, lanterloo, netting, peeing, pissing, sigortalama insurance (sigorta); synonyms (n)
weewee. assurance, guarantee, indemnity, coverage, policy,
sıfat 1. adjective; synonyms (adj) adjectival, security, warranty.
procedural, 2. capacity (kapasite); synonyms (n) sihir 1. magic; synonyms (adj) magical, charming,
capability, aptitude, capacitance, function, supernatural, (n) conjuration, incantation, charm,
intelligence, talent, might, dimension, content, enchantment, legerdemain, sorcery, glamour,
endowment, faculty, gift, measure, position, (adj) fascination, illusion, theurgy, trick, deception, 2.
ability; antonyms (n) inability, incapability. spell; synonyms (n) magic, bout, period, turn,
sıfır 1. zero; synonyms (n) nil, nothing, nobody, span, bewitchment, space, captivation, attack, fit,
cipher, naught, cypher, nought, null, nihil, nullity, run, season, (v) bewitch, enchant, import.
aught, nix, root, zilch, zip, 2. nothing (hiç, hiçbir sihirbazlık magic; synonyms (adj) magical, charming,
şey); synonyms (n) zero, nonentity, trifle, nada, supernatural, (n) conjuration, incantation, charm,
oblivion, (adj) worthless; antonym (pron) something. enchantment, legerdemain, sorcery, glamour,
fascination, illusion, theurgy, trick, deception.

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402 Turkish - English

sık 1. dense (yoğun); synonyms (adj) compact, thick, antonyms (adj) bright, lively, sharp, lustrous,
close, crowded, deep, crass, dim, dull, heavy, stimulating, amusing, exhilarating, glittery, glossy,
impenetrable, solid, stupid, concentrated, dumb, glowing, high-pitched, intense, luminous, shiny,
firm; antonyms (adj) bright, insightful, loose, clever, sparkling, 3. gloomy; synonyms (adj) black,
intelligent, readable, simple, sparse, 2. thick cheerless, dejected, depressing, desolate,
(kalın); synonyms (adj) dense, opaque, slow, disconsolate, downcast, dingy, downhearted,
stocky, familiar, fat, gross, intimate, muddy, funereal, melancholy, sad, dispirited, bleak, blue;
obtuse, broad, populous, frequent, chummy, (n) antonyms (adj) cheerful, cheery, encouraging,
midst; antonyms (adj) thin, diluted, fine, slight, happy, hopeful, light, 4. tedious; synonyms (adj)
transparent. slow, heavy, dry, flat, humdrum, irksome, lifeless,
deadly, insipid, verbose, stodgy, prolix, lengthy,
sıkı 1. compact; synonyms (adj) close, dense,
burdensome, (v) stupid; antonym (adj) easy.
compendious, concise, hard, (n) agreement,
arrangement, contract, covenant, bargain, sıkılgan shy (çekingen, ürkek); synonyms (adj)
engagement, (v) compress, condense, consolidate, diffident, fearful, timid, abashed, reserved,
pack; antonyms (adj) loose, sprawling, bulky, ashamed, coy, modest, nervous, reticent, self-
conscious, backward, (v) fling, cast, (n) throw;
sparse, 2. firm; synonyms (n) company, (adj)
antonyms (adj) brash, bold, confident,
constant, stable, compact, determined, fixed,
resolute, solid, steadfast, steady, strong, decisive, demonstrative, forward, outgoing.
fast, (v) faithful, durable; antonyms (adj) irresolute, sıkıntı 1. oppression; synonyms (n) injustice, abuse,
soft, weak, hesitant, limp, liquid, soggy, 3. fast despotism, tyranny, weight, dictatorship, stress,
wrong, severity, violence, compression, (v)
(hızlı, oruç); synonyms (adj) dissolute, firm, agile,
hardship, grievance, (adj) autocracy, molestation, 2.
debauched, hurried, instant, quick, rapid, staunch,
brisk, colorfast, dissipated, expeditious, (adv) soon, boredom; synonyms (n) tedium, monotony,
(n) diet; antonyms (adj) sluggish, (adv) slow, slowly,
doldrums, dullness, ennui, tediousness,
melancholy; antonyms (n) excitement, enjoyment,
leisurely, (v) gorge, (n) binge, 4. strict; synonyms
(adj) rigid, severe, stern, correct, accurate, austere, 3. bother; synonyms (v) trouble, annoy, torment,
harsh, precise, rigorous, scrupulous, exacting, vex, worry, afflict, aggravate, (n) fuss, plague, bore,
inflexible, stiff, meticulous, (v) exact; antonyms (adj) hassle, pain, ado, annoyance, concern; antonyms (v)
lenient, free, lax, flexible, imprecise, negligent, delight, please, soothe, (n) pleasure, 4. distress
relaxed, 5. hard (sert); synonyms (adj) bad, (acı); synonyms (n) agony, anguish, anxiety,
difficult, grave, arduous, callous, cruel, grueling, calamity, difficulty, grief, hurt, torture, adversity,
knotty, tough, bitter, alcoholic, backbreaking, affliction, alarm, (v) bother, upset, discomfort,
complicated, (v) acute, (n) rough; antonyms (adj) distraint; antonym (v) comfort, 5. trouble;
easy, kind, merciful, simple, tender, yielding, (adv) synonyms (n) distress, care, harass, load,
gently, lightly, 6. solid (katı); synonyms (adj) misfortune, problem, (v) inconvenience, disorder,
consistent, real, good, massive, secure, substantial, disquiet, agitate, burden, distract, disturb, perturb,
hearty, heavy, material, potent, reliable, sturdy, confuse; antonym (v) calm, 6. discomfort;
thick, whole, certain; antonyms (adj) unreliable, synonyms (n) uneasiness, unease, agitation,
gaseous, permeable, runny, transparent, watery, 7. displeasure, malaise, misery, restlessness, soreness,
suffering, uncomfortableness, awkwardness,
tight; synonyms (adj) mean, parsimonious, taut,
dissatisfaction; antonym (v) ease, 7. gloom;
snug, tense, drunk, miserly, sparing, strict,
synonyms (n) desolation, blackness, dark, darkness,
stringent, impervious, (adv) closely, (v) narrow,
depression, dimness, dusk, cloud, dreariness,
stingy, near; antonyms (adj) baggy, generous, slack,
dejection, despair, despondency, shadow, night,
wide, (adv) loosely.
(adj) obscurity; antonyms (n) light, brightness,
sıkıca fast (hızlı, oruç); synonyms (adj) dissolute, happiness, cheerfulness, 8. hardship; synonyms
firm, agile, debauched, fixed, hurried, instant,
(n) disaster, asperity, deprivation, destitution,
quick, rapid, staunch, brisk, (adv) soon, hard, close,
poverty, trial, catastrophe, hardness, strait,
(n) diet; antonyms (adj) sluggish, loose, (adv) slow,
neediness, penury, pressure, rigour, sorrow, want;
slowly, leisurely, (v) gorge, (n) binge.
antonym (n) affluence, 9. want (istemek);
sıkıcı 1. boring; synonyms (adj) dull, tedious, synonyms (v) need, desire, require, like, (n) lack,
tiresome, annoying, arid, bland, dreary, wish, deficiency, famine, absence, dearth, demand,
monotonous, prosaic, tame, uninteresting, indigence, necessity, privation, shortage; antonyms
wearisome, vapid, drab, (n) drilling; antonyms (adj)
(v) dislike, hate.
exciting, fascinating, interesting, gripping, original,
sıkıntılı uneasy; synonyms (adj) uncomfortable,
thrilling, varied, 2. dull; synonyms (adj) dim, blunt,
anxious, fidgety, restless, apprehensive, concerned,
dense, sluggish, boring, cloudy, cold, dark, dismal,
nervous, awkward, unquiet, fretful, restive,
inactive, inert, obtuse, slack, (v) deaden, dampen;

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Turkish - English 403

solicitous, agitated, jittery, troubled; antonym (adj) silah 1. weapon; synonyms (n) gun, arm, missile,
calm. artillery, blade, firearm, spear, steel, tool,
sıkışıklık jam (reçel); synonyms (n) crush, crowd, fix, implement, ordnance, bat, bludgeon, branch, club,
squeeze, congestion, conserve, dilemma, hole, (v) 2. gun (top, tüfek); synonyms (n) gunman,
block, cram, bar, fill, force, gorge, hinder; antonym handgun, pistol, revolver, shooter, torpedo,
(v) free. accelerator, arrow, gas, (v) shoot, cracker.
sıkışmak jam (reçel); synonyms (n) crush, crowd, fix, silgi 1. rubber (kauçuk); synonyms (n) caoutchouc,
squeeze, congestion, conserve, dilemma, hole, (v) condom, eraser, galosh, overshoe, prophylactic,
block, cram, bar, fill, force, gorge, hinder; antonym arctic, golosh, gumshoe, (v) rubberize, 2. cleaner;
(v) free. synonyms (n) cleanser, lifter, custodian,
sıkıştırma compression; synonyms (n) compaction, donkeyman.
condensation, pressure, compressing, silindir 1. cylinder; synonyms (n) barrel, roll, pipe,
concentration, consolidation, contraction, tube, column, container, spool, bottle, cask, reel,
squeezing, concretion. bolt, can, filling, flask, (adj) cylindroid, 2. roll
sıkıştırmak 1. crowd; synonyms (n) huddle, swarm, (yuvarlamak); synonyms (n) list, revolution,
collection, crew, press, circle, cluster, army, catalogue, inventory, register, (v) coil, curl, enfold,
assembly, concourse, congregation, (v) bunch, flock, revolve, wheel, rock, turn, twist, wallow, wind.
squeeze, compress; antonym (v) disperse, 2. jam silkelemek shake; synonyms (v) beat, agitate, jar,
(reçel); synonyms (n) crush, crowd, fix, congestion, brandish, disturb, excite, flutter, totter, wag, (n)
conserve, dilemma, hole, (v) block, cram, bar, fill, tremble, jolt, quiver, wave, trembling, (adj) quake.
force, gorge, hinder, impede; antonym (v) free, 3. silkmek shake; synonyms (v) beat, agitate, jar,
force (güç, kuvvet, zorlamak); synonyms (n) brandish, disturb, excite, flutter, totter, wag, (n)
energy, strength, agency, effect, enforce, impetus, tremble, jolt, quiver, wave, trembling, (adj) quake.
impulse, power, (v) drive, coerce, pressure, thrust, silme wipe (silmek); synonyms (v) rub, clean, mop,
compel, impel, (adj) constrain; antonyms (n) towel, brush, scour, scrub, clear, dry, wash, cover,
weakness, persuasion, 4. press (basın, basmak); (n) fling, flout, (adj) sponge, flush.
synonyms (n) jam, closet, newspaper, (v) pack, silmek 1. cancel (feshetmek, iptal etmek);
exhort, mash, push, urge, clasp, hug, pinch, squash, synonyms (v) annul, abrogate, erase, expunge,
stress, entreat, (adj) weigh, 5. rush; synonyms (n) invalidate, remit, revoke, abate, avoid, efface,
hurry, charge, flood, flow, attack, (v) dash, gush, eliminate, obliterate, repeal, (adj) abolish, nullify;
race, run, speed, dart, hasten, stream, (adj) burst, antonym (v) validate, 2. wipe; synonyms (v) rub,
spurt, 6. push (itmek); synonyms (n) jolt, poke, clean, mop, towel, brush, scour, scrub, clear, dry,
elbow, (v) jab, jostle, nudge, prod, rush, boost, fight, wash, cover, (n) fling, flout, (adj) sponge, flush, 3.
incite, jog, labor, plug, promote; antonyms (v) pull, remove (kaldırmak); synonyms (v) oust, take,
drag, haul. pull, eject, expel, deduct, discharge, strip, delete,
sikke coin; synonyms (n) cash, money, specie, evacuate, extract, get, dislodge, draw, empty;
currency, piece, (v) forge, invent, mint, originate, antonyms (v) insert, install, place.
create, strike, cast, devise, fabricate, weave. silsile series (dizi, seri); synonyms (n) chain, rank,
sıklık 1. frequency (frekans); synonyms (n) collection, cycle, line, round, run, sequence, serial,
frequence, incidence, commonness, prevalence, set, string, succession, (v) course, order, (adj)
constancy, oftenness, abundance, oftness, pitch, progression.
density, community, concourse, crowd, sima face (çehre, surat, yüz); synonyms (n) look,
generalness, measure, 2. density (yoğunluk); aspect, countenance, expression, side, top, exterior,
synonyms (n) compactness, consistency, appearance, facade, surface, (v) confront, audacity,
concentration, denseness, stupidity, firmness, veneer, visage, (adj) front; antonyms (v) avoid, back.
solidity, massiveness, stand, crassitude, frequency,
simetri symmetry; synonyms (n) balance, proportion,
weight, absorption, assiduity, assiduousness;
order, correspondence, equilibrium, regularity,
antonym (n) looseness. consistency, harmony, coextension, composition,
sıkmak press (basın, basmak); synonyms (n) jam, counterbalance, equality, equipoise, parity,
closet, (v) crush, crowd, force, squeeze, pack, symmetricalness; antonyms (n) asymmetry,
coerce, compress, exhort, mash, push, urge, clasp, disproportion, irregularity.
(adj) constrain.
simge symbol (sembol); synonyms (n) sign, emblem,
sikme fuck; synonyms (v) screw, bang, bonk, hump, number, badge, mark, stamp, insignia, numeral,
jazz, fornicate, (n) fucking, nookie, shag, ass. token, type, allegory, character, figure, image,
sikmek fuck; synonyms (v) screw, bang, bonk, hump, indication.
jazz, fornicate, (n) fucking, nookie, shag, ass.

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simgesel symbolic; synonyms (adj) emblematical, (v) sort, place, rank, categorize, classify, order, 2.
representative, emblematic, figurative, symbolical, grade (derece); synonyms (n) class, degree,
characteristic, metaphorical, significant, (v) typical, gradient, score, quality, slope, division, plane,
symptomatic, diacritical, (n) symbolics; antonym caliber, extent, (v) level, evaluate, range, appraise,
(adj) literal. even, 3. category (kategori, ulam); synonyms
simsar broker (komisyoncu); synonyms (n) (n) denomination, type, variety, cohort, plight,
mediator, agent, go-between, factor, middleman, breed, classification, collection, estate, family,
dealer, attorney, intermediary, bailiff, merchant. nature, predicament, section, set, species, 4. form
simultane simultaneous; synonyms (adj) coincident, (biçim, form); synonyms (n) figure, design,
concurrent, coincidental, synchronous, ceremony, shape, conformation, (v) cast, make,
contemporary, synchronal, coinciding, cooccurring; fashion, build, constitute, establish, carve,
antonyms (adj) independent, separate. construct, create, do, 5. sphere; synonyms (n)
sınama test (sınamak); synonyms (n) trial, audition, region, area, domain, province, realm, ball, circle,
globe, round, ring, arena, compass, field, orb,
experiment, examination, measure, (v) assay, essay,
examine, prove, quiz, sample, check, try, analyze, capacity, 6. order (düzen, düzenlemek,
attempt. emretmek, sıra); synonyms (n) command, decree,
sınamak 1. test; synonyms (n) trial, audition, dictate, array, charge, condition, disposition, edict,
injunction, instruction, genus, (v) direct,
experiment, examination, measure, (v) assay, essay,
examine, prove, quiz, sample, check, try, analyze, commission, call, ordain; antonyms (n) anarchy,
attempt, 2. examine; synonyms (v) audit, consider, chaos, confusion, mayhem, mess, (v) disorder,
overhaul, control, search, survey, ascertain, ask, request, 7. classroom; synonym (n) schoolroom, 8.
contemplate, compare, canvass, investigate, probe, rate (oran); synonyms (n) price, worth, pace,
review, study, 3. try; synonyms (v) test, struggle, value, percentage, (v) assess, estimate, appreciate,
strive, judge, strain, seek, taste, adjudicate, aim, (n) compute, count, calculate, merit, put, esteem,
endeavor, chance, effort, shot, go, crack. gauge, 9. rank (sıra); synonyms (n) file, gradation,
sınav 1. examination (muayene); synonyms (n) line, rate, post, arrangement, distinction, (adj)
putrid, luxuriant, bad, egregious, fetid, flagrant,
audit, check, exam, search, test, consideration,
exploration, inquiry, investigation, study, survey, foul, glaring; antonym (adj) fresh.
testing, contemplation, analysis, (adj) examen, 2. sınıflama classification; synonyms (n) arrangement,
test (sınamak); synonyms (n) trial, audition, categorization, class, grading, assortment,
categorisation, category, order, rank, analysis,
experiment, examination, measure, criterion, (v)
breakdown, classifying, method, disposition,
assay, essay, examine, prove, quiz, sample, try,
section; antonym (n) declassification.
analyze, attempt, 3. trial (deneme); synonyms (n)
affliction, hardship, hearing, adversity, difficulty, sınıflandırılmış classified; synonyms (adj)
distress, effort, endeavor, misery, proof, trouble, confidential, secret, clandestine, private, hush-
misfortune, sorrow, ordeal, (adj) experimental. hush, inside, chronological, exclusive, personal,
privileged, regular, concealed, confidence,
sindirmek 1. cow (inek); synonyms (v) bully,
intimidate, awe, browbeat, daunt, terrorize,
discourage, frighten, overawe, threaten, abash, 2.
sınıflandırma classification; synonyms (n)
arrangement, categorization, class, grading,
stomach (mide); synonyms (n) abdomen,
assortment, categorisation, category, order, rank,
appetite, belly, breadbasket, inclination, (v) accept,
analysis, breakdown, classifying, method,
brook, abide, bear, endure, stand, suffer, take,
disposition, section; antonym (n) declassification.
tolerate, (adj) digest.
sınıflandırmak 1. sort; synonyms (n) kind, type,
sinek 1. fly (uçmak); synonyms (v) escape, dash,
assortment, breed, description, form, rank, variety,
drive, flee, glide, elope, aviate, dart, flutter, hop,
pattern, (v) class, group, arrange, classify, divide,
hover, (n) flap, (adj) break, flit, burst, 2. club
(adj) manner, 2. label (etiket); synonyms (n) name,
(kulüp); synonyms (n) association, bat, circle, brand, tag, title, designation, earmark, docket,
society, stick, baton, company, cudgel, fraternity, ticket, (v) mark, call, check, designate, distinguish,
gang, group, guild, (v) beat, bludgeon, hit. identify, denounce, 3. grade (derece); synonyms
sinema cinema; synonyms (n) movies, film, show, (n) place, degree, order, category, gradient, score,
celluloid. quality, slope, division, plane, caliber, (v) level,
sini tray (tepsi); synonyms (n) plate, dish, basket, evaluate, range, appraise, 4. class (sınıf);
bassinet, case, corbeille, cradle, crate, creel, dorser, synonyms (n) grade, position, department,
dosser, hamper, hopper, jardiniere, lapboard. classification, course, denomination, elegance,
sınıf 1. class; synonyms (n) category, group, form, family, like, workshop, (v) sort, categorize, assort,
grade, position, arrange, brand, department, kind, branch, pigeonhole.

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Turkish - English 405

sinir nerve; synonyms (n) audacity, cheek, sınırlamak 1. restrict; synonyms (v) limit, restrain,
impertinence, boldness, brass, courage, daring, circumscribe, confine, constrain, fetter, bound,
face, fortitude, heart, impudence, mettle, prowess, curb, curtail, forbid, hamper, reduce, ration, bind,
assurance, backbone; antonym (n) cowardice. check, 2. bound; synonyms (v) leap, border,
sınır 1. limit; synonyms (n) bound, boundary, edge, bounce, pounce, rebound, restrict, skip, (n) spring,
(v) border, restrict, circumscribe, confine, curb, jump, boundary, edge, barrier, compass, hop,
restrain, abridge, check, close, constrain, curtail, recoil; antonym (adj) free.
(prep) extent; antonyms (n) center, extension, sınırlandırmak limit (sınır); synonyms (n) bound,
minimum, (v) broaden, extend, 2. boundary; boundary, edge, (v) border, restrict, circumscribe,
synonyms (n) limit, area, end, perimeter, periphery, confine, curb, restrain, abridge, check, close,
barrier, brink, fringe, frontier, line, margin, constrain, curtail, (prep) extent; antonyms (n) center,
outskirts, rim, verge, bounds, 3. border (kenar); extension, minimum, (v) broaden, extend.
synonyms (n) extremity, bed, brim, skirt, limits, sınırlayıcı restrictive; synonyms (adj) prohibitive,
rand, edging, (v) abut, adjoin, hem, surround, restraining, exclusive, restricted, astringent,
approach, butt, enclose, flank; antonym (n) middle, binding, clannish, coactive, compulsory,
4. compass (pusula); synonyms (n) range, scope, conditional, costive, obligatory, opposed,
circle, circumference, reach, room, breadth, ambit, preventive, (v) limitary; antonym (adj) encouraging.
(v) round, get, grasp, accomplish, achieve, sinirlendirme irritation; synonyms (n) aggravation,
apprehend, (adv) beset, 5. frontier; synonyms (n) exasperation, anger, annoyance, displeasure,
stint, backwoods, (adj) terminal, 6. bound; bother, excitation, excitement, temper, annoying,
synonyms (v) leap, bounce, pounce, rebound, skip, frustration, irritability, nuisance, pique, rage;
vault, define, caper, (adj) bandaged, (n) spring, antonym (n) pleasure.
jump, compass, hop, recoil, limitation; antonym sinirli nervous; synonyms (adj) anxious, excitable,
(adj) free, 7. verge (kenar); synonyms (n) side, tense, cowardly, afraid, apprehensive, fearful, shy,
threshold, term, point, scepter, sceptre, wand, uneasy, firm, edgy, fidgety, neurotic, (adv) excited,
bourn, (v) bend, incline, tend, trend, conduce, agitated; antonyms (adj) calm, brave, relaxed.
contribute, dispose, 8. extreme (aşırı); synonyms sınırlı 1. limited; synonyms (adj) finite, circumscribed,
(adj) deep, excessive, enormous, immoderate, moderate, qualified, special, insular, bounded,
intense, severe, supreme, terrible, ultimate, utmost, narrow, scanty, slender, particular, specific,
uttermost, drastic, extraordinary, exceeding, definite, conditional, constricted; antonyms (adj)
exorbitant; antonyms (adj) reasonable, near, (n) boundless, infinite, limitless, open, complete,
mild, moderate, slight, 9. margin (kenar); never-ending, unlimited, wide, 2. narrow (dar);
synonyms (n) bank, allowance, leeway, lip, brow, synonyms (adj) close, limited, little, cramped,
borderline, freedom, play, shore, space, tolerance, illiberal, mean, (v) confined, contract, limit, lessen,
demarcation, elbowroom, latitude, margent, 10. constrict, shrink, abridge, dwindle, intimate;
measure (ölçmek, ölçü, önlem); synonyms (n) antonyms (adj) broad, comprehensive, extensive, (v)
amount, criterion, beat, benchmark, degree, widen, extend, 3. close (kapamak, kapatmak);
estimate, measurement, meter, quantity, act, synonyms (adj) near, adjacent, nearby, accurate,
allotment, action, (v) grade, appraise, assess. tight, approximate, brief, (v) compact, stop,
sınırlama 1. restriction; synonyms (n) limitation, conclude, (adv) by, about, (n) end, finish, conclusion;
limit, restraint, curb, confinement, check, antonyms (adj) distant, airy, fresh, loose, far, (v)
constraint, control, qualification, embargo, bridle, start, 4. restricted; synonyms (adj) constrained,
ban, confine, impediment, (v) hindrance; antonyms exclusive, local, controlled, prohibited, classified,
(n) freedom, extension, 2. limitation; synonyms (n) secret, private, reserved, captive, fixed, precise;
circumscription, restriction, demarcation, antonyms (adj) unrestricted, far-reaching, free,
condition, disadvantage, handicap, bound, liberated, unimpeded.
boundary, ceiling, reservation, stipulation, demise, sınırsız 1. unlimited; synonyms (adj) boundless,
3. qualification; synonyms (n) capability, unbounded, endless, immeasurable, limitless,
competence, fitness, preparation, prerequisite, unconditional, absolute, indefinite, infinite, total,
provision, degree, ability, alteration, modification, measureless, illimitable, interminable, unqualified,
requirement, (adj) faculty, endowment, property, unrestricted; antonyms (adj) limited, restricted,
attribute, 4. restraint; synonyms (n) moderation, partial, 2. infinite (sonsuz); synonyms (adj)
modesty, reserve, containment, obstacle, deterrent, countless, eternal, immense, incalculable,
discipline, inhibition, leash, prohibition, repression, innumerable, everlasting, enormous,
forbearance, arrest, detention, (v) obstruction; multitudinous, myriad, unending, unfathomable,
antonyms (n) excess, abandon, decadence, unlimited, vast, numerous, continual; antonym (adj)
incentive. finite.

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406 Turkish - English

sinyal signal (işaret); synonyms (n) sign, gesture, (bank); synonyms (n) settle, chair, court, terrace,
indication, presage, flag, alarm, mark, motion, (v) workbench, bank, bar, judicatory, board, couch,
omen, indicate, wave, alert, betoken, (adj) form, judiciary, table, tribunal, 6. file (dosya);
conspicuous, memorable. synonyms (n) archive, document, list, record, roll,
sipariş order (düzen, düzenlemek, emretmek, string, tabulate, inventory, case, catalog, (v) rasp,
sıra); synonyms (n) command, decree, dictate, register, scrape, abrade, grind, 7. turn (dönmek,
array, rank, sort, charge, class, condition, dönüş); synonyms (v) revolve, deviate, get,
disposition, edict, (v) direct, commission, arrange, revolution, (n) bend, curve, coil, go, twist, bout,
call; antonyms (n) anarchy, chaos, confusion, change, round, bent, circle, shift, 8. row;
mayhem, mess, (v) disorder, request. synonyms (n) altercation, squabble, wrangle, clash,
siper 1. shield (kalkan, korumak); synonyms (n) dispute, turmoil, argument, (v) quarrel, brawl, fight,
screen, shelter, buffer, armor, protection, shade, (v) argue, bicker, broil, (adj) fracas, riot; antonyms (n)
cover, guard, safeguard, preserve, secure, defend, agreement, (v) agree, 9. series (dizi, seri);
hide, protect, buckler; antonym (v) expose, 2. synonyms (n) collection, run, sequence, serial, set,
trench; synonyms (n) channel, ditch, drain, furrow, rash, suite, variety, gamut, scale, (v) train, 10.
cut, dike, groove, gutter, hollow, dugout, foxhole, queue (kuyruk); synonyms (n) cue, tail, rear,
sewer, (v) encroach, excavate, infringe, 3. shelter; wake, catchword, flap, humor, (v) align, adjust,
synonyms (n) refuge, asylum, harbor, sanctuary, aline, dress, find, 11. range (alan, erim);
security, shield, hut, covert, haven, lee, lodge, synonyms (n) area, compass, reach, scope, domain,
burrow, safety, (v) keep, (adj) defense, 4. screen distance, extent, latitude, pasture, rove, (v) roam,
(ekran, perde); synonyms (n) blind, riddle, ramble, wander, gad, dispose, 12. array (dizi);
disguise, partition, veil, curtain, drape, synonyms (n) garment, army, assortment, crowd,
concealment, divider, (v) conceal, mask, cloak, host, (v) attire, adorn, apparel, clothe, deck, display,
filter, obscure, sieve. garb, ornament, dight, equip; antonym (v) disarray,
sipsi reed (kamış); synonyms (n) triangle, xylophone, 13. occasion; synonyms (n) event, chance,
arrow, pipe, dart, stalk, fistula, javelin, jereed, jerid, happening, incident, juncture, motive, opportunity,
lance, pen, pike, spear, (adj) thread. circumstance, (v) cause, create, beget, induce, make,
sır 1. mystery; synonyms (n) conundrum, arcanum, raise, generate, 14. arrangement; synonyms (n)
enigma, secret, mysteriousness, puzzle, secrecy, settlement, adjustment, classification, contract,
craft, perplexity, poser, problem, riddle, whodunit, design, distribution, method, plan, system,
cabala, question; antonyms (n) clearness, accommodation, appointment, accord,
composition, construction, contrivance, 15.
explanation, 2. secret; synonyms (adj) concealed,
covert, hidden, mysterious, confidential, furtive, succession; synonyms (n) continuation, reversion,
obscure, occult, clandestine, dark, esoteric, (n) consecution, successiveness, flow, harping,
privacy, (v) private, secluded, close; antonyms (adj) iteration, race, recurrence, reiteration, 16. train
open, (n) known, public, 3. confidence; synonyms (tren); synonyms (n) caravan, (v) aim, coach,
(n) assurance, trust, belief, certainty, certitude, faith, educate, exercise, trail, tame, discipline, drill,
hope, conviction, credence, credit, expectation, instruct, prepare, school, domesticate, practice,
intimacy, nerve, reliance, security; antonyms (n) drag.
insecurity, uncertainty, doubt, nervousness, sıradan 1. ordinary; synonyms (adj) middling,
anxiety, diffidence, distrust, fear, timidity. average, familiar, mediocre, usual, commonplace,
sıra 1. rank; synonyms (n) range, place, file, everyday, habitual, normal, mean, banal, (n)
gradation, line, degree, quality, (v) arrange, order, common, customary, accustomed, (v) general;
class, classify, grade, position, array, group; antonyms (adj) extraordinary, unusual, incredible,
outstanding, peculiar, strange, special,
antonym (adj) fresh, 2. sequence; synonyms (n)
distinguished, famous, 2. common (adi, ortak);
series, succession, course, arrangement, chain,
synonyms (adj) ordinary, coarse, cheap, mutual,
consequence, episode, procession, progression,
vulgar, base, ignoble, plebeian, public, trivial,
concatenation, pattern, continuity, cycle, effect,
prosaic, poor, collective, communal, (n) commons;
rank, 3. order (düzen, düzenlemek,
antonyms (adj) individual, uncommon, rare,
emretmek); synonyms (n) command, decree,
characteristic, one-off, specific, unique, aristocratic,
dictate, sort, charge, condition, disposition, edict,
exclusive, infrequent.
injunction, instruction, kind, (v) direct, commission,
call, ordain; antonyms (n) anarchy, chaos,
sıralamak sort (sınıflandırmak); synonyms (n)
kind, type, assortment, breed, description, form,
confusion, mayhem, mess, (v) disorder, request, 4.
rank, variety, pattern, (v) class, group, arrange,
line (çizgi, hat); synonyms (n) cord, house, breed, classify, divide, (adj) manner.
family, lineage, field, ancestry, border, boundary,
cable, crease, row, stock, trace, way, 5. bench

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sırdaşlık confidence; synonyms (n) assurance, trust, sis 1. fog; synonyms (n) cloud, haze, vapor, brume,
belief, certainty, certitude, faith, hope, conviction, confusion, daze, damp, smoke, (v) mist, confuse,
credence, credit, expectation, intimacy, nerve, blur, dim, becloud, befog, darken, 2. mist;
reliance, security; antonyms (n) insecurity, synonyms (n) fog, film, steam, rain, (v) cover,
uncertainty, doubt, nervousness, anxiety, obscure, drizzle, bedim, hide, squirt.
diffidence, distrust, fear, timidity. sıska spare; synonyms (adj) reserve, slender, excess,
sırf 1. mere; synonyms (adj) bare, entire, pure, simple, save, slight, additional, lean, slim, thin, bare, (v)
clear, naked, (n) lake, loch, downright, tarn, free, meager, exempt, (n) extra, backup.
absolute, boundary, pond, stark, (v) sheer, 2. only sistem 1. system; synonyms (n) method,
(ancak); synonyms (adv) alone, but, exclusively, arrangement, network, organization, plan, order,
just, merely, barely, entirely, simply, however, (adj) means, structure, process, form, frame, rule,
exclusive, individual, lone, one, sole, all, 3. sheer; establishment, mode, organisation, 2. regime;
synonyms (adj) mere, bold, diaphanous, filmy, synonyms (n) administration, government, dynasty,
gauzy, gossamer, steep, transparent, regular, management, regimen, reign, authorities, 3. tract;
perpendicular, flimsy, rank, blatant, (n) complete, synonyms (n) area, essay, expanse, pamphlet,
perfect; antonyms (adj) gentle, thick, 4. solely; region, dissertation, district, extent, section, lot,
synonyms (adv) only, wholly, purely, completely, plot, domain, land, province, belt.
(adj) singly. sistematik systematic; synonyms (adj) methodical,
sırık 1. pole (kutup); synonyms (n) perch, bar, orderly, regular, tidy, neat, businesslike, logical,
picket, post, rod, support, terminal, axle, beam, correct, consistent, efficient, ordered, shipshape,
axis, extremity, pin, baton, column, pillar, 2. bar symmetrical, uniform; antonym (adj) unsystematic.
(bar, çubuk); synonyms (n) barricade, band, stop, sistemli systematic (sistematik); synonyms (adj)
line, pub, snag, (v) ban, block, bolt, exclude, methodical, orderly, regular, tidy, neat,
obstruct, arrest, balk, dam, foreclose; antonyms (v) businesslike, logical, correct, consistent, efficient,
permit, allow, 3. stick (yapıştırmak); synonyms ordered, shipshape, symmetrical, uniform;
(n) club, (v) adhere, stab, attach, cling, fix, paste, antonym (adj) unsystematic.
staff, cohere, affix, bind, cleave, fasten, hold, sıva plaster (yakı); synonyms (n) mortar, cement,
impale. paste, gum, glue, bandage, cataplasm, (v) coat,
sırıtma grin; synonyms (n) smile, grinning, smirk, daub, stucco, paint, affix, poultice, face, smear.
simper, (v) beam, laugh, sneer, leer. sıvamak plaster (yakı); synonyms (n) mortar,
sırıtmak grin; synonyms (n) smile, grinning, smirk, cement, paste, gum, glue, bandage, cataplasm, (v)
simper, (v) beam, laugh, sneer, leer. coat, daub, stucco, paint, affix, poultice, face,
sirkülasyon circulation (dolaşım); synonyms (n) smear.
dissemination, diffusion, distribution, currency, sıvı 1. fluid (akıcı, akışkan); synonyms (n) juice,
delivery, dispersal, dispersion, gyration, liquor, (adj) liquid, flowing, unsettled, changeable,
revolution, rotation, round, spread, spreading, smooth, fluent, mobile, runny, juicy, uncertain,
turn, airing. unstable, variable, watery; antonym (n) solid, 2.
sirküler circular; synonyms (adj) round, annular, liquid; synonyms (adj) fluid, limpid, sappy,
circinate, globular, orbicular, rotund, rounded, succulent, liquefied, liquified, (n) drink, liquidness,
spherical, (n) advertisement, bill, handbill, sap; antonyms (adj) firm, (n) gaseous.
brochure, publication, bulletin, flier; antonym (adj) sivil 1. civil; synonyms (adj) polite, courteous, civic,
square. affable, gracious, mannerly, municipal, obliging,
sırlamak silver (gümüş, gümüş rengi); synonyms public, civilised, attentive, complaisant,
(adj) silvery, argent, white, silvern, blanch, bleach, considerate, courtly, domestic; antonyms (adj) rude,
eloquent, etiolate, facile, fluent, gray, (n) money, abrupt, 2. civilian; synonyms (adj) civil, (n) citizen,
gold, flatware, (v) plate. national, carpetmonger, chamberer, chambermaid,
sırt 1. back (arka, geri); synonyms (adv) before, civilist, inhabitant, jurist, layman, legist, resident,
backward, (n) rear, (adj) assist, (v) support, advocate, voter, advocate, commoner; antonyms (adj)
endorse, recede, second, stake, vouch, guarantee, military, (n) serviceman.
aid, champion, encourage; antonyms (n) face, (v) sivri 1. sharp (keskin); synonyms (adj) acute, bitter,
front, oppose, advance, 2. ridge; synonyms (n) intelligent, acid, acrid, harsh, incisive, intense,
crest, ledge, bank, hill, shelf, dune, swelling, peak, penetrating, piercing, pointed, pungent, quick, (n)
projection, ridgepole, wrinkle, button, peg, (v) keen, (v) biting; antonyms (adj) blunt, dull, mild,
crease, fold, 3. shoulder (banket, omuz); gentle, rounded, sweet, bland, blurred, naive,
synonyms (n) elbow, back, scale, (v) bear, carry, round, smooth, 2. acute; synonyms (adj) sharp,
push, hold, jostle, sustain, assume, accept, shove, critical, severe, shrewd, shrill, smart, strong, acuate,
take, thrust, undertake. discerning, discriminating, grave, penetrative,

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perceptive, trenchant, (v) high; antonym (adj) draft, draw, picture, chart, delineate, depict,
obtuse, 3. pointed; synonyms (adj) poignant, describe.
piquant, cutting, marked, pithy, acuminate, barbed, skor score; synonyms (n) mark, bill, count, scratch,
prickly, short, meaningful, fine, thorny, angular, line, groove, scotch, account, check, debt, (v) notch,
emphatic, jagged. cut, tally, achieve, dash.
sivrilmek distinguish; synonyms (v) discern, slayt slide (kayma); synonyms (n) glide, chute,
discriminate, describe, know, perceive, discover, decline, transparency, gliding, (v) drop, slip, fall,
descry, behold, characterize, classify, detect, slither, run, slump, coast, skid, descend, (adj) shift.
difference, differentiate, identify, recognize; soba stove; synonyms (n) range, furnace, heater,
antonym (v) confuse. ambit, chain, compass, grasp, orbit, reach, scope,
sivriltmek point (göstermek, nokta); synonyms (n) warmer.
place, grade, peak, nib, edge, aim, article, degree, sofra 1. table (çizelge, masa, tablo); synonyms (n)
dot, mark, spot, phase, (v) head, direct, level. board, chart, schedule, stand, list, plateau, console,
siyah black; synonyms (adj) dark, sable, blackamoor, platen, panel, (v) defer, postpone, shelve, slate,
bleak, darkie, dirty, ebony, evil, nigger, unclean, tablet, (adj) plate, 2. board (tahta); synonyms (n)
cheerless, squalid, (v) sinister, villainous, blacken; council, bench, meal, table, office, sign,
antonym (n) white. commission, committee, court, embark, plank,
siyasal political; synonyms (adj) politic, national, civil, administration, (v) keep, lodge, accommodate;
cunning, following, supporting, ambassadorial, antonym (v) disembark.
artful, biased, embassy, opinionated, partisan, sofu religious; synonyms (adj) pious, devout, divine,
prudent, sagacious, unscrupulous. sacred, devoted, godly, holy, saintly, scrupulous,
siyaset 1. politics (politika); synonyms (n) ghostly, solemn, spiritual, strict, (n) monk, (v)
government, diplomacy, policy, governance, earnest; antonym (adj) secular.
authorities, governing, backroom, bossism, soğan onion; synonyms (n) caviare, pickle, leek, chive.
campaigning, civics, electioneering, jungle, soğuk 1. cold; synonyms (adj) chilly, frigid, aloof,
legislature, polity, regime, 2. policy (poliçe, callous, distant, icy, indifferent, apathetic, bleak,
politika); synonyms (n) course, plan, approach, cool, dead, dull, freezing, (n) chilliness, chill;
insurance, tactics, game, system, method, politics, antonyms (adj) warm, friendly, hot, burning,
principle. prepared, affectionate, loving, soporific, (n) heat,
siyasi political; synonyms (adj) politic, national, civil, warmth, 2. bleak; synonyms (adj) austere, bare,
cunning, following, supporting, ambassadorial, barren, cold, dreary, black, desolate, murky, raw,
artful, biased, embassy, opinionated, partisan, bald, bitter, dark, depressing, gloomy, grim;
prudent, sagacious, unscrupulous. antonyms (adj) cheerful, hopeful, lush, mild, sunny,
sıyrık scratch (çizik, kaşımak); synonyms (n) score, 3. distant (uzak); synonyms (adj) remote,
mark, nick, scrabble, dent, abrasion, cut, groove, (v) detached, far, reserved, long, faraway, removed,
graze, notch, rub, scrape, chafe, rake, grate. standoffish, unfriendly, abstracted, wide, deep,
sızı pain (ağrı); synonyms (n) distress, ache, bother, faint, (adv) apart, away; antonyms (adj) close,
ill, torment, agony, nuisance, harass, annoyance, (v) adjacent, near, nearby, neighboring, pending, alert,
hurt, afflict, anguish, grieve, trouble, agonize; intimate, involved, 4. chill; synonyms (n) coolness,
antonym (n) pleasure. gelidity, iciness, quiver, shiver, shivering, shudder,
sizinki yours; synonym (adj) own. thrill, (adj) frosty, (v) freeze, dispirit, congeal, damp,
dampen, benumb, 5. frozen; synonyms (adj) arctic,
sızlamak smart (açıkgöz); synonyms (adj) bright,
glacial, wintry, stiff, congealed, chilled, gelid, iced,
crafty, dapper, quick, shrewd, sly, prompt, astute,
chic, clever, intelligent, (v) ache, hurt, (n) pain, set, fixed, immobile, motionless, numb; antonym
sharp; antonyms (adj) scruffy, stupid, dim, shabby, (adj) moving, 6. cool; synonyms (adj) collected,

unkempt, slow. composed, fine, lukewarm, soothe, nonchalant, (v)

calm, assuage, allay, pacify, quench, refrigerate, (n)
skala scale (ölçek); synonyms (n) flake, gamut,
composure, poise, aplomb; antonyms (adj) agitated,
degree, graduation, measure, yardstick, rate, chip,
(v) ascend, climb, gauge, mount, weigh, rise, (adj) excited, enthusiastic, feverish, temperate, tepid.
balance; antonym (v) descend. soğukkanlı cool; synonyms (adj) chilly, cold, collected,
skandal scandal; synonyms (n) disgrace, dishonor, composed, fine, aloof, apathetic, lukewarm, (v)
calm, chill, assuage, allay, pacify, (n) composure,
gossip, outrage, discredit, rumor, infamy,
disrepute, backbiting, detraction, dirt, ignominy, poise; antonyms (adj) agitated, hot, excited,
opprobrium, shame, obloquy; antonym (n) honor. enthusiastic, feverish, friendly, temperate, tepid, (v)
warm, heat.
skeç sketch (taslak); synonyms (n) plan, drawing,
outline, scheme, cartoon, project, (v) design, paint, soğukkanlılık 1. cool; synonyms (adj) chilly, cold,
collected, composed, fine, aloof, apathetic,

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lukewarm, (v) calm, chill, assuage, allay, pacify, (n) sokak street (cadde); synonyms (n) road, avenue,
composure, poise; antonyms (adj) agitated, hot, highway, way, route, lane, neighborhood, path,
excited, enthusiastic, feverish, friendly, temperate, track, thoroughfare, walk, (v) roadway.
tepid, (v) warm, heat, 2. nerve (sinir); synonyms sokmak 1. bite (ısırmak); synonyms (n) taste, bit,
(n) audacity, cheek, impertinence, boldness, brass, cheat, morsel, (v) sting, nip, chew, cut, pinch, burn,
courage, daring, face, fortitude, heart, impudence, eat, erode, gnaw, hurt, munch, 2. stick
mettle, prowess, assurance, backbone; antonym (n) (yapıştırmak); synonyms (n) bar, club, (v) adhere,
cowardice. stab, attach, cling, fix, paste, staff, cohere, affix,
soğukluk 1. chill; synonyms (n) coolness, (adj) cold, bind, cleave, fasten, hold.
bleak, icy, chilly, frosty, depressing, freezing, sol left; synonyms (adj) gone, absent, odd, port,
frigid, (v) cool, freeze, dispirit, congeal, damp, remaining, larboard, sinister, unexpended,
dampen; antonyms (n) warmth, (v) heat, warm, 2. abandoned, remainder, corrupt, deserted,
cold (soğuk); synonyms (adj) aloof, callous, disastrous, dishonest, evil; antonym (n) right.
distant, indifferent, apathetic, dead, dull, hard, Sola left (sol); synonyms (adj) gone, absent, odd, port,
heartless, impassive, inhospitable, lukewarm, remaining, larboard, sinister, unexpended,
reserved, (n) chilliness, chill; antonyms (adj) abandoned, remainder, corrupt, deserted,
friendly, hot, burning, prepared, affectionate, disastrous, dishonest, evil; antonym (n) right.
loving, soporific, 3. distance (uzaklık); solda left (sol); synonyms (adj) gone, absent, odd,
synonyms (n) remove, space, way, gap, aloofness, port, remaining, larboard, sinister, unexpended,
interval, altitude, measure, period, place, range, (v) abandoned, remainder, corrupt, deserted,
dissociate, outdistance, outstrip, (adj) length; disastrous, dishonest, evil; antonym (n) right.
antonyms (n) nearness, proximity, closeness, soldurmak pale; synonyms (adj) ghastly, faint, wan,
intimacy, (v) associate. dull, light, pallid, weak, watery, cadaverous, (v)
soğumak cool; synonyms (adj) chilly, cold, collected, dim, blanch, (n) boundary, confine, border, bound;
composed, fine, aloof, apathetic, lukewarm, (v) antonyms (adj) dark, rosy, strong, brown.
calm, chill, assuage, allay, pacify, (n) composure,
solgun 1. pale; synonyms (adj) ghastly, faint, wan,
poise; antonyms (adj) agitated, hot, excited,
dull, light, pallid, weak, watery, cadaverous, (v)
enthusiastic, feverish, friendly, temperate, tepid, (v)
dim, blanch, (n) boundary, confine, border, bound;
warm, heat.
antonyms (adj) dark, rosy, strong, brown, 2. wan;
soğurma absorption; synonyms (n) assimilation,
synonyms (v) pale, rueful, (adj) sickly, haggard,
attention, concentration, inhalation, engrossment,
ashen, colorless, pasty, sallow, bloodless, lurid,
ingestion, preoccupation, abstraction,
ashy, thin, white, deathly.
amalgamation, interest.
solmak pale; synonyms (adj) ghastly, faint, wan, dull,
soğurmak absorb (emmek); synonyms (v) consume,
light, pallid, weak, watery, cadaverous, (v) dim,
drink, engross, imbibe, assimilate, engage, occupy,
blanch, (n) boundary, confine, border, bound;
suck, swallow, amuse, digest, engulf, fascinate,
antonyms (adj) dark, rosy, strong, brown.
ingest, (adj) immerse; antonyms (v) bore, emit.
soğutmak 1. cool; synonyms (adj) chilly, cold, solmaz fast (hızlı, oruç); synonyms (adj) dissolute,
firm, agile, debauched, fixed, hurried, instant,
collected, composed, fine, aloof, apathetic,
quick, rapid, staunch, brisk, (adv) soon, hard, close,
lukewarm, (v) calm, chill, assuage, allay, pacify, (n)
(n) diet; antonyms (adj) sluggish, loose, (adv) slow,
composure, poise; antonyms (adj) agitated, hot,
excited, enthusiastic, feverish, friendly, temperate, slowly, leisurely, (v) gorge, (n) binge.
tepid, (v) warm, heat, 2. chill; synonyms (n) solo solo; synonyms (adj) single, sole, solitary, lone,
coolness, gelidity, iciness, (adj) bleak, icy, frosty, (adv) alone, only, unaccompanied.
depressing, freezing, frigid, (v) cool, freeze, dispirit, soluk 1. breath (nefes); synonyms (n) spirit, wind,
congeal, damp, dampen; antonym (n) warmth. air, inspiration, puff, aspiration, breather, breeze,
sohbet 1. chat; synonyms (n) gossip, talk, chatter, flash, flatus, gust, instant, jiffy, respite, (adj)
chitchat, conversation, causerie, confab, gab, rap, (v) whisper, 2. faint (bayılmak); synonyms (adj)
converse, chaffer, confabulate, prattle, speak, tattle; collapse, dim, dizzy, feeble, indistinct, weak, dull,
antonym (v) listen, 2. conversation; synonyms (n) gentle, soft, vague, delicate, distant, (v) languish,
chat, conference, colloquy, communication, swoon, droop; antonyms (adj) distinct, strong, clear,
discourse, discussion, language, speech, talking, obvious, considerable, loud, pungent, 3. dim;
palaver, debate, dialogue, interlocution, interview, synonyms (adj) dark, obscure, cloudy, bleak, dense,
3. talk (konuşma, konuşmak); synonyms (v) faint, gloomy, misty, (v) blur, darken, cloud, pale,
lecture, address, articulate, prate, babble, parley, tarnish, blear, blind; antonyms (adj) bright, brilliant,
tongue, say, jaw, gabble, jabber, communicate, intelligent, clever, (v) brighten, 4. pale; synonyms
confer, (n) parlance, idiom. (adj) ghastly, wan, light, pallid, watery, cadaverous,

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colorless, faded, fair, (v) blanch, (n) boundary, conclusive, concluding, farthest; antonyms (n)
confine, border, bound, limit; antonyms (adj) rosy, opening, (adj) first, 2. finish (bitmek); synonyms
brown, 5. wan; synonyms (v) rueful, (adj) sickly, (v) end, complete, achieve, execute, accomplish,
haggard, ashen, pasty, sallow, bloodless, lurid, cease, determine, discontinue, consume, do, (n)
ashy, thin, white, deathly. close, consummate, death, conclude, ending;
solumak breathe (nefes almak); synonyms (v) blow, antonyms (v) start, begin, (n) beginning, 3. final;
exhale, live, subsist, be, emit, exist, imply, rest, synonyms (adj) decisive, definite, latter, definitive,
whisper, inspire, convey, heave, (n) respire, last, irrevocable, decided, eventual, net,
bespeak. peremptory, firm, absolute, dying, finished, fixed;
solungaç gill; synonyms (n) branchia, lamella, leech, antonym (adj) preliminary, 4. end (bitirmek,
sweetheart, (v) rivulet, gullet, rillet, rill, (adj) adze, bitmek, erek); synonyms (n) aim, closure,
ax, hatchet, mattock, pick, pickax. destination, cause, demise, object, tail, effect,
solüsyon solution (çözelti, çözüm, eriyik); period, design, border, butt, completion, (v) finish,
synonyms (n) dissolution, resolution, answer, (prep) consequence; antonyms (n) maintenance,
settlement, resolve, determination, explanation, middle, 5. conclusion; synonyms (n) result,
key, result, remedy, definition, resolving, cessation, sequel, termination, decision,
clarification, liquid, reply. dissolution, epilogue, finale, outcome, resolution,
som solid (katı); synonyms (adj) firm, dense, compact, coda, assumption, deduction, determination, event;
consistent, hard, real, strong, good, fixed, massive, antonym (n) preface, 6. late (geç); synonyms (adj)
secure, substantial, fast, hearty, (v) close; antonyms former, dead, deceased, behindhand, belated,
(adj) soft, unreliable, loose, gaseous, permeable, delayed, modern, slow, tardy, dull, defunct, (adv)
runny, transparent, watery, (n) liquid. dilatory, fresh, backward, belatedly; antonyms (adj)
somun nut; synonyms (n) lunatic, crackpot, crank, ahead, (adv) early, punctually, promptly, punctual,
eccentric, egg, freak, fruitcake, kernel, head, fruit, 7. ending; synonyms (n) stop, abolition, breakup,
kook, maniac, nutcase, screwball, seed. closedown, culmination, discontinuance, suffix,
sömürge 1. colony (koloni); synonyms (n) destruction, 8. terminal (terminal); synonyms
settlement, community, plantation, dependency, (adj) endmost, fatal, incurable, (n) depot, extremity,
village, mandate, possession, protectorate, terminus, boundary, station, 9. ultimate;
assembly, closure, colonisation, colonization, flock, synonyms (adj) supreme, elemental, furthest,
nation, territory, 2. dependency; synonyms (n) primary, finishing, top, utmost, best, crowning, (n)
dependence, addiction, colony, dependance, maximum, greatest, limit, 10. outcome (sonuç);
relationship, (adj) contingency, 3. possession synonyms (n) aftermath, issue, product, fruit,
(iyelik); synonyms (n) occupancy, occupation, development, corollary, outgrowth, purpose,
ownership, keeping, goods, property, tenure, upshot, offspring, answer, impact, fate, implication,
grasp, estate, asset, seizin, seizure, tenancy, payoff, 11. bottom (alt, dip, kıç); synonyms (n)
custody, (v) acquisition. base, basis, backside, bed, behind, foot, footing,
sömürme exploitation; synonyms (n) abuse, back, arse, ass, bum, buttocks, craft, floor,
development, misuse, employment, operation, use, foundation; antonyms (n) pinnacle, (adj) highest, 12.
using, ventilation, plunder, achievement, fate (kader); synonyms (n) destiny, chance, luck,
consumption, corruption, cruelty, damage, fatality, allotment, fortune, kismet, lot, portion,
defacement. accident, future, hap, (v) doom, destine, designate,
sömürmek exploit; synonyms (v) act, exercise, apply, 13. latter; synonyms (adj) later, terminal, following,
employ, use, abuse, harness, (n) deed, achievement, posterior, recent, past, last-mentioned, 14.
feat, accomplishment, action, adventure, effort, extreme (aşırı); synonyms (adj) deep, excessive,
performance. enormous, immoderate, intense, severe, terrible,
somut 1. concrete (beton); synonyms (adj) actual, uttermost, drastic, extraordinary, exceeding,
positive, physical, real, tangible, fixed, palpable, exorbitant, great, keen, (n) edge; antonyms (adj)
definite, firm, material, (n) cement, (v) coagulate, reasonable, near, (n) mild, moderate, slight, 15.
congeal, concretion, set; antonyms (adj) theoretical, close (kapamak, kapatmak); synonyms (adj)
intangible, abstract, hypothetical, incidental, 2. adjacent, nearby, accurate, tight, approximate,
tangible; synonyms (adj) substantial, concrete, narrow, brief, airless, (v) compact, bar, block, fold,
perceptible, evident, corporeal, sensible, genuine, (adv) by, about, (n) expiration; antonyms (adj)
adequate, bodily, commensurate, competent, distant, airy, loose, far, (v) open, 16. issue (sorun);
discernible, enough, (n) applicable, available. synonyms (n) egress, exit, progeny, denouement, (v)
son 1. last (geçen, sürmek); synonyms (v) endure, flow, emanate, arise, emerge, release, discharge,
continue, hold, exist, live, dwell, (n) abide, gush, circulate, debouch, distribute, emit, 17. stop
conclusion, (adj) extreme, closing, final, ultimate, (durak, durdurmak, durma, durmak);

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synonyms (v) stand, delay, interrupt, obstruct, plug, concluding, last-mentioned; antonym (n) former, 3.
catch, disrupt, hinder, impede, intercept, (n) halt, subsequent; synonyms (adj) next, consequent,
stay, check, arrest, curb; antonyms (v) encourage, second, latter, sequential, successive, postnate.
permit, prolong, 18. result (sonuç); synonyms (n) sonsuz 1. infinite; synonyms (adj) absolute,
produce, repercussion, harvest, solution, backwash, boundless, countless, endless, eternal, immense,
offshoot, (v) ensue, follow, eventuate, develop, lead, incalculable, immeasurable, innumerable,
originate, occur, leave, proceed, 19. termination; everlasting, enormous, illimitable, indefinite,
synonyms (n) extinction, bound, cancellation, multitudinous, myriad; antonyms (adj) finite,
expiry, abortion, consummation, pause, limited, restricted, 2. endless; synonyms (adj)
suspension, term, annulment, exhalation, passing,
constant, continual, ceaseless, continuous,
settlement, standstill, 20. supreme; synonyms (adj) interminable, perpetual, incessant, uninterrupted,
dominant, paramount, head, chief, sovereign, dateless, infinite, limitless, persistent, unbroken,
preeminent, principal, superlative, uppermost, unending, unlimited; antonyms (adj) temporary,
main, prime, almighty, foremost, perfect,
intermittent, 3. eternal; synonyms (adj) lasting,
predominant; antonym (adj) minor.
aeonian, deathless, enduring, immortal, ageless,
sonbahar 1. fall (düşmek); synonyms (v) decline, durable, eonian, permanent, steady, abiding,
dip, decrease, descend, dive, rain, diminish, imperishable, perennial, sempiternal, timeless;
dwindle, sink, alight, (n) drop, descent, downfall,
antonyms (adj) mortal, short-lived.
plunge, pitch; antonyms (v) rise, increase, ascend,
sonuç 1. result; synonyms (n) consequence, fruit,
climb, triumph, win, (n) ascent, 2. autumn;
issue, outcome, aftermath, answer, conclusion,
synonyms (n) fall, declivity, harvest, cadence,
effect, end, produce, outgrowth, (v) ensue, follow,
capitulation, cascade, cataract, death, declension,
eventuate, arise; antonym (v) cause, 2. outcome;
degradation, depreciation, destruction, downslope,
synonyms (n) product, development, event, result,
dusk, evenfall.
decision, corollary, purpose, sequel, upshot,
sonda probe; synonyms (n) investigation, inquiry, offspring, impact, fate, ending, implication, payoff,
research, plumb, exploration, (v) examine,
3. effect (etki); synonyms (n) impression, sense, (v)
examination, explore, inspect, fathom, investigate,
accomplish, achieve, create, complete, do, bring,
search, check, inquire, penetrate.
carry, execute, induce, perform, use, win,
sondaj boring (sıkıcı); synonyms (adj) dull, tedious, implement; antonym (n) reason, 4. event (olay);
tiresome, annoying, arid, bland, dreary,
synonyms (n) affair, case, occurrence, circumstance,
monotonous, prosaic, tame, uninteresting,
contingency, fact, happening, incident, time,
wearisome, vapid, drab, (n) drilling; antonyms (adj) chance, accident, adventure, episode, eventuality,
exciting, fascinating, interesting, gripping, original, experience, 5. conclusion; synonyms (n) closure,
thrilling, varied. close, cessation, completion, termination,
sonra 1. after; synonyms (prep) following, since, (adv) dissolution, epilogue, finale, finish, last, resolution,
later, beyond, next, subsequently, then, when, tail, coda, assumption, (v) closing; antonyms (n)
afterward, afterwards, behind, (adj) back, posterior, beginning, start, opening, preface, 6. harvest
rear, subsequent, 2. afterwards; synonym (adv)
(hasat); synonyms (n) crop, ingathering, profit,
after, 3. later; synonyms (adj) last, ensuing, future, yield, (v) gain, gather, glean, amass, collect, garner,
latter, final, succeeding; antonyms (adv) earlier, get, pick, reap, earn, assemble, 7. issue (sorun);
immediately, before, prior, 4. then; synonyms (adv) synonyms (n) egress, exit, progeny, denouement, (v)
so, accordingly, again, consequently, (conj) flow, emanate, emerge, release, discharge, gush,
therefore, 5. next (sonraki); synonyms (adj) circulate, debouch, distribute, emit, jet, 8. close
nearest, adjacent, contiguous, coming, close, near, (kapamak, kapatmak); synonyms (adj) near,
adjoining, closest, neighboring, proximate, adjacent, nearby, accurate, tight, approximate,
immediate, imminent, nearby, (v) consequent, (adv) narrow, brief, airless, (v) compact, stop, conclude,
on; antonyms (adj) distant, outgoing, (adv) previous, (adv) by, about, (n) expiration; antonyms (adj)
preceding, previously, 6. subsequently. distant, airy, fresh, loose, far, (v) open, 9. fruit
sonradan afterwards (sonra); synonyms (adv) after, (meyve); synonyms (n) production, (v) return,
afterward, subsequently, later, next, (adj) following. building, edifice, erection, fabric, flower, 10.
sonraki 1. next; synonyms (adj) later, nearest, consequence; synonyms (n) import, importance,
adjacent, contiguous, following, subsequent, account, concern, moment, weight, backwash,
future, coming, ensuing, after, close, near, inference, influence, matter, repercussion,
adjoining, (adv) afterward, then; antonyms (adj) significance, value, harvest, connotation; antonyms
distant, outgoing, (adv) previous, preceding, (n) inconsequence, insignificance, 11. product
previously, 2. latter; synonyms (adj) ultimate, last,
(ürün); synonyms (n) output, merchandise,
terminal, final, posterior, recent, past, eventual,
proceeds, article, commodity, composition,

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412 Turkish - English

manufacture, goods, work, ware, creation, make, hearing, inquest, query, question, research, trial,
performance, wares, book. demand, analysis, inspection, probe, (v) search, 2.
sonuçsuz ineffective (etkisiz); synonyms (adj) question (mesele, soru); synonyms (n) inquiry,
empty, incompetent, futile, impotent, inadequate, challenge, matter, problem, (v) doubt, distrust,
ineffectual, inefficient, null, fruitless, incapable, inquire, interrogate, investigate, contest, dispute,
powerless, unable, useless, worthless, feckless; examine, enquire, mistrust, argue; antonyms (n)
antonyms (adj) effective, strong, successful, useful. certainty, (v) answer, 3. enquiry; synonyms (n)
sönük 1. dim; synonyms (adj) dark, obscure, cloudy, doubtfulness, dubiousness, head, motion.
dull, bleak, dense, faint, gloomy, (v) blur, darken, sormak ask; synonyms (v) inquire, request, appeal,
cloud, pale, tarnish, blear, blind; antonyms (adj) beg, demand, interrogate, question, take, beseech,
bright, brilliant, intelligent, clever, strong, (v) clear, call, charge, claim, consult, crave, invite; antonym
brighten, 2. faint (bayılmak); synonyms (adj) (v) answer.
collapse, dim, dizzy, feeble, indistinct, weak, soru question (mesele); synonyms (n) inquiry,
gentle, soft, vague, delicate, distant, (v) languish, challenge, demand, matter, problem, (v) doubt,
swoon, droop, conk; antonyms (adj) distinct, query, distrust, inquire, interrogate, investigate,
obvious, considerable, loud, pungent, 3. dull; contest, dispute, examine, enquire; antonyms (n)
synonyms (adj) blunt, dreary, sluggish, bland, certainty, (v) answer.
boring, cold, dismal, inactive, inert, obtuse, slack, sorumlu 1. accountable; synonyms (adj) amenable,
slow, stupid, (v) deaden, dampen; antonyms (adj)
answerable, responsible, (v) liable, 2. responsible;
lively, sharp, exciting, interesting, lustrous,
synonyms (adj) accountable, reliable, dependable,
stimulating, amusing, exhilarating, glittery, glossy,
trustworthy, culpable, faithful, responsive,
glowing, high-pitched, intense, luminous, shiny.
conscientious, creditworthy, guilty, (v) bound;
sonuncu 1. last (geçen, son, sürmek); synonyms (v) antonyms (adj) irresponsible, innocent, 3. liable;
endure, continue, hold, exist, live, dwell, (n) abide,
synonyms (adj) apt, disposed, exposed, inclined,
conclusion, (adj) extreme, closing, final, ultimate,
likely, subject, vulnerable, given, obnoxious,
conclusive, concluding, farthest; antonyms (n)
susceptible, blameworthy; antonym (adj) exempt.
opening, (adj) first, 2. final (son); synonyms (adj)
sorumluluk 1. liability; synonyms (n) debt, duty,
decisive, definite, latter, definitive, last, irrevocable,
obligation, trust, blame, commitment,
decided, eventual, net, peremptory, firm, absolute,
disadvantage, arrears, fault, accountability,
dying, ending, finished; antonym (adj) preliminary. encumbrance, indebtedness, responsibility, load,
sonunda 1. finally; synonyms (adv) eventually, lastly, exposure; antonym (n) asset, 2. responsibility;
last, ultimately, definitely, completely, (adj) final, (v) synonyms (n) care, charge, affair, job, liability, onus,
definitively; antonym (adv) firstly, 2. eventually; reliability, dependability, burden, function,
synonyms (adv) finally, even, someday, afterward, province, assignment, concern, guilt, (v) office, 3.
consecutively, consequentially, continuously, charge; synonyms (n) accusation, command,
necessarily, through, hereafter, heretofore, (conj) yet,
commission, bill, tax, accusal, assail, demand,
however, nevertheless, notwithstanding; antonyms direction, (v) accuse, attack, bid, arraign, assault,
(adv) instantly, promptly. cost; antonyms (v) request, absolve, retreat, 4.
sopa 1. club (kulüp, sinek); synonyms (n) blame (suçlamak); synonyms (v) censure,
association, bat, circle, society, stick, baton, reprimand, reproach, chide, rebuke, attribute,
company, cudgel, fraternity, gang, group, guild, (v) criticize, knock, scold, denounce, (n) rap, allegation,
beat, bludgeon, hit, 2. stick (yapıştırmak); condemnation, inculpation, indictment; antonyms
synonyms (n) bar, club, (v) adhere, stab, attach, (v) pardon, praise, 5. commitment; synonyms (n)
cling, fix, paste, staff, cohere, affix, bind, cleave,
dedication, allegiance, appointment, committal,
fasten, hold, 3. staff (asa); synonyms (n) cane, devotion, loyalty, promise, tie, confinement,
post, employees, faculty, personnel, rod, mace, consignment, contract, engagement, faithfulness,
brace, stave, court, scepter, board, shaft, (v) crutch, interest, 6. burden; synonyms (n) anxiety, pack,
prop. strain, bale, cargo, core, essence, (v) bother, weight,
SOR ask (sormak); synonyms (v) inquire, request, burthen, clog, trouble, afflict, encumber, force;
appeal, beg, demand, interrogate, question, take, antonyms (v) relieve, unburden.
beseech, call, charge, claim, consult, crave, invite;
sorun 1. problem (problem); synonyms (n) bother,
antonym (v) answer. conundrum, difficulty, trouble, knot, enigma, job,
sör sir; synonyms (n) esquire, gentleman, master, man, matter, riddle, case, poser, dilemma, issue, puzzle,
don, signior, buck, dominus, effendi, magister, (v) question, 2. issue; synonyms (n) aftermath,
signore. egress, consequence, effect, event, exit, progeny,
sorgu 1. inquiry (soruşturma); synonyms (n) result, (v) flow, emanate, arise, emerge, release,
examination, enquiry, investigation, exploration, discharge, gush, 3. case; synonyms (n) box,

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example, bin, cover, jacket, shell, affair, bag, sosyoloji sociology; synonym (n) anthropology.
briefcase, casing, eccentric, instance, suit, carton, sövgü oath (yemin); synonyms (n) curse, expletive,
(adj) patient, 4. question (mesele, soru); malediction, affidavit, cuss, pledge, promise,
synonyms (n) inquiry, challenge, demand, problem, swearing, assurance, adjuration, asseveration,
(v) doubt, query, distrust, inquire, interrogate, blasphemy, agreement, sacrament, swearword.
investigate, contest, dispute, examine, enquire, soy 1. breed; synonyms (n) kind, race, variety,
mistrust; antonyms (n) certainty, (v) answer, 5. ancestry, sort, order, class, genus, (v) engender,
difficulty; synonyms (n) hindrance, impediment, beget, multiply, bear, brood, cause, cultivate, 2.
asperity, jam, barrier, difficultness, fix, hardship, birth (doğum); synonyms (n) beginning, descent,
inconvenience, obstacle, strait, adversity,
extraction, genesis, parturition, blood, labor,
disadvantage, ado, burden; antonyms (n) ease, lineage, nascency, nativity, onset, origin, parentage,
simplicity, advantage, help, 6. trouble; synonyms (v) delivery, deliver; antonym (n) death, 3. family
(n) distress, pain, anxiety, fuss, torment, care, (v)
(aile); synonyms (n) household, name, breed, clan,
annoy, disorder, disquiet, worry, afflict, agitate,
house, kin, people, stock, species, birth, category,
distract, disturb, (adj) affliction; antonyms (v) calm,
folk, line, (adj) home, domestic, 4. stock (hisse
senedi); synonyms (n) store, goods, family, hoard,
soruşturma 1. inquiry (sorgu); synonyms (n) backlog, commodity, broth, cache, capital, fund,
examination, enquiry, investigation, exploration, (adj) regular, commonplace, (v) handle, supply,
hearing, inquest, query, question, research, trial, furnish, 5. strain; synonyms (n) stress, effort,
demand, analysis, inspection, probe, (v) search, 2. stretch, exertion, reach, song, (v) filter, screen, sift,
investigation (araştırma); synonyms (n) inquiry, tax, endeavor, exert, extend, percolate, pull;
scrutiny, check, review, investigating, study, audit, antonym (v) relax, 6. race; synonyms (n) dash,
interrogation, hunt, experiment, inquire,
career, competition, nation, pedigree, (v) course,
inquisition, quest, survey, test, 3. examination run, rush, fly, hasten, hurry, campaign, hunt, dart,
(muayene); synonyms (n) exam, consideration, match, 7. descent (iniş); synonyms (n) decline,
testing, contemplation, appraisal, evaluation, fall, declension, declination, declivity, derivation,
interview, observation, quiz, challenge, discussion, drop, raid, degradation, descension, downhill,
consultation, dissection, (adj) examen, (v) visit, 4. incline, pitch, slope, strain; antonyms (n) ascent,
quest; synonyms (n) pursuit, chase, expedition, improvement, 8. extraction; synonyms (n)
voyage, pursuance, seeking, journey, (v) explore, removal, essence, extract, genealogy, withdrawal;
ask, examine, request, seek, bay, bespeak, invite.
antonym (n) insertion.
soruşturmak investigate (araştırmak); synonyms soygun robbery; synonyms (n) rape, burglary,
(v) examine, explore, inquire, inspect, search, check,
depredation, looting, pillage, plunder, theft,
research, ask, hunt, analyze, enquire, interrogate,
holdup, thieving, freebooting, pillaging, spoil, (v)
scrutinize, study, test.
despoliation, spoliation.
sos sauce; synonyms (n) condiment, seasoning, söylemek 1. tell (anlatmak); synonyms (v) relate,
garnish, impertinence, billingsgate, salad, cheek,
declare, divulge, express, impart, recount, reveal,
insolence, effrontery, juice, nerve, flavoring, lip,
explain, announce, command, communicate,
liquor, mouth.
describe, distinguish, (n) disclose, count; antonym
sosis sausage; synonyms (n) frankfurter, blimp, (v) request, 2. say (demek); synonyms (v) remark,
pudding, intestine. articulate, pronounce, assert, enunciate, observe,
sosyal social (toplumsal); synonyms (adj) gregarious, maintain, order, read, speak, state, tell, guess,
national, companionable, friendly, public, common, dictate, (n) voice, 3. observe; synonyms (v)
neighborly, affable, communicative, convivial, celebrate, comment, notice, commemorate, mind,
societal, (n) sociable, mixer, party, society. guard, behold, discover, follow, heed, keep, look,
sosyalist socialist; synonyms (adj) socialistic, mark, mention, note; antonyms (v) ignore, feel, 4.
collective, left, communalist, (n) communist, voice (ses); synonyms (n) speech, sound,
philanthropist, leveler, radical, utilitarian; antonym language, part, suffrage, vote, vox, ballot,
(adj) capitalist. mouthpiece, representative, mouth, articulation, (v)
sosyalizm socialism; synonyms (n) communism, say, utter, vocalize, 5. report (rapor); synonyms
collectivism, communalism; antonym (n) (n) description, gossip, name, fame, message,
capitalism. narration, narrative, news, notification, recital,
sosyete society; synonyms (n) club, institution, public, record, story, intelligence, bulletin, (v) account;
association, community, companionship, company, antonym (n) fact, 6. utter; synonyms (adj) absolute,
corporation, fellowship, fraternity, circle, people, complete, extreme, pure, sheer, total, thorough,
commonwealth, group, guild. unmitigated, rank, (v) breathe, deliver, emit, talk,
exclaim, give; antonyms (adj) partial, qualified, 7.

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414 Turkish - English

speak (konuşmak); synonyms (v) converse, ransack, pillage, pluck, pare, sack, bare; antonyms
discourse, recite, lecture, address, mumble, prattle, (v) dress, decorate, 2. rifle (tüfek); synonyms (n)
declaim, reason, tongue, bespeak, handle, accost, gun, firearm, (v) loot, steal, foray, reave, take, gut,
chat, (adj) publish, 8. bid (davet etmek); rob, search, strip, go, 3. rob; synonyms (v) filch,
synonyms (n) offer, tender, attempt, proffer, pinch, pilfer, fleece, lift, purloin, pick, defraud,
suggestion, (v) ask, call, invite, adjure, beseech, hook, thieve, rape, poach, bereave, swindle,
charge, direct, instruct, summon, allure, 9. state abstract.
(devlet, durum, eyalet); synonyms (n) nation, soysal generic; synonyms (adj) general, common,
position, country, kingdom, show, place, universal, ordinary, basic, cognate, economy,
circumstances, commonwealth, condition, estate, unadorned, utilitarian, generical, nonexclusive,
pomp, (v) expound, affirm, allege, (adj) national; plain, straightforward.
antonyms (v) deny, (adj) private, 10. sing (ötmek); soyunmak strip; synonyms (n) band, slip, (v) deprive,
synonyms (v) chant, hymn, chirp, hum, drone, pipe, despoil, divest, peel, plunder, rifle, denude,
twitter, carol, snitch, betray, harmonize, poetize, ransack, pillage, pluck, pare, sack, bare; antonyms
squeal, rat, (n) squeak, 11. remark; synonyms (n) (v) dress, decorate.
observation, regard, commentary, observance, soyut abstract (özet); synonyms (adj) theoretical,
reflection, word, declaration, statement, quip,
academic, (v) abridge, filch, extract, lift, (n) synopsis,
annotate, (v) perceive, discern, see, detect, (adj)
abridgement, digest, epitome, summary,
abridgment, brief, outline, precis; antonym (adj)
söyleniş pronunciation; synonyms (n) diction, concrete.
accent, articulation, elocution, enunciation,
soyutlamak abstract (özet, soyut); synonyms (adj)
delivery, speech, inflection, pronounce, declaration,
theoretical, academic, (v) abridge, filch, extract, lift,
pronouncement, delay, dialect, prolation, brogue.
(n) synopsis, abridgement, digest, epitome,
söylenti 1. report (rapor); synonyms (n) description, summary, abridgment, brief, outline, precis;
gossip, notice, name, fame, message, narration,
antonym (adj) concrete.
narrative, news, notification, recital, record, (v)
account, describe, communicate; antonym (n) fact,
söz 1. word (kelime, sözcük); synonyms (n)
promise, news, tidings, advice, expression,
2. rumour; synonyms (n) hearsay, (v) rumor, bruit.
intelligence, parole, password, report, statement,
söyleşi conversation; synonyms (n) chat, conference, term, vocable, (v) formulate, phrase, put, 2.
talk, colloquy, communication, discourse,
statement; synonyms (n) account, declaration,
discussion, language, speech, talking, palaver,
affirmation, announcement, communication,
debate, chitchat, converse, dialogue.
instruction, assertion, command, description,
söylev 1. address (adres); synonyms (n) accost, proposition, enunciation, profession, argument,
lecture, abode, discourse, residence, skill, speech, avowal, bill; antonym (n) denial, 3. promise (söz
allocution, greeting, oration, sermon, (v) greet, call,
vermek); synonyms (n) engagement, assurance,
harangue, speak; antonym (v) ignore, 2. speech
bargain, engage, hope, plight, word, (v) pledge,
(konuşma); synonyms (n) address, delivery, covenant, guarantee, contract, vow, augur, assure,
expression, conversation, language, diction, undertake, 4. speech (konuşma, söylev);
communication, discussion, elocution, converse,
synonyms (n) address, delivery, lecture,
dialect, talk, tongue, (v) say, saying, 3. discourse; conversation, discourse, language, sermon, diction,
synonyms (n) colloquy, homily, dialogue, article, discussion, elocution, converse, dialect, harangue,
dissertation, interview, chitchat, confabulation, (v) say, saying, 5. assurance (güvence);
declaim, (v) chat, confer, recite, commune, preach,
synonyms (n) confidence, belief, affiance, certitude,
rap. conviction, faith, nerve, poise, reliance, security,
soylu noble (asil); synonyms (adj) dignified, sureness, trust, warrant, seal, courage; antonym (n)
imposing, magnificent, glorious, distinguished, insecurity, 6. commitment; synonyms (n)
elevated, exalted, generous, high, impressive,
dedication, charge, allegiance, appointment,
majestic, patrician, (n) grand, excellent, (v) great; committal, devotion, loyalty, tie, commission,
antonyms (adj) lower-class, selfish, shameful, confinement, consignment, debt, duty, faithfulness,
humble, dishonorable, lowly. obligation, 7. engagement; synonyms (n) combat,
soyluluk nobility; synonyms (n) aristocracy, battle, commitment, conflict, contest, fight,
greatness, dignity, magnanimousness, noblesse, betrothal, date, employment, encounter, employ,
gentry, magnificence, goodness, rank, birth, elite, agreement, clash, meeting, (v) action, 8.
gallantry, (adj) grandeur, generosity, magnanimity; expression (anlatım, deyim, ifade); synonyms
antonym (n) pettiness. (n) voice, appearance, aspect, demonstration,
soymak 1. strip; synonyms (n) band, slip, (v) deprive, manifestation, articulation, express, countenance,
despoil, divest, peel, plunder, rifle, denude, face, idiom, indication, look, style, tone, execution;

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antonym (n) repression, 9. faith (güven); shorten; antonyms (v) expand, widen, stretch, 4.
synonyms (n) credence, credit, creed, cult, engagement; synonyms (n) combat, battle,
dependence, expectation, fidelity, piety, religion, appointment, commitment, conflict, contest, fight,
church, denomination, constancy, certainty, duty, betrothal, date, employment, encounter,
doctrine, (adj) honesty; antonym (n) unbelief, 10. employ, clash, (v) action.
say (demek, söylemek); synonyms (v) remark, sözlü 1. oral; synonyms (adj) spoken, vocal, unwritten,
articulate, pronounce, assert, enunciate, observe, verbal, (n) examination; antonym (adj) written, 2.
maintain, order, read, speak, state, tell, guess, verbal; synonyms (adj) oral, literal, wordy,
relate, (n) declare, 11. talk (konuşma, talkative, exact, nominal, verbarian, choral,
konuşmak); synonyms (v) gossip, chatter, chat, expressed, rhetorical, said, singing, speaking,
prattle, prate, rap, babble, parley, tattle, tongue, (n) stated, told.
colloquy, dialogue, palaver, speech, parlance, 12. sözlük 1. dictionary; synonyms (n) lexicon,
undertaking; synonyms (n) enterprise, labor, task, wordbook, book, language, list, onomasticon,
attempt, business, project, venture, adventure, reference, 2. lexicon; synonyms (n) dictionary,
endeavor, job, effort, work, affair, assignment, vocabulary, glossary, context, jargon.
game, 13. saying; synonyms (v) proverb, (n)
spektrum spectrum; synonyms (n) range, gamut,
maxim, axiom, adage, saw, aphorism, byword,
rainbow, tulip, phantom, scale, (v) anamorphosis,
dictum, motto, locution, apothegm, cliché,
distortion, illusion, refraction.
platitude, sentiment, slogan, 14. voice (ses);
spekülasyon speculation; synonyms (n) hypothesis,
synonyms (n) sound, part, suffrage, vote, vox,
guess, reflection, venture, guesswork, meditation,
ballot, mouthpiece, representative, mouth, election,
gamble, adventure, conjecture, supposition,
interpreter, plebiscite, poll, (v) utter, vocalize.
surmise, theory, risk, cogitation, assumption.
sözcü 1. spokesman; synonyms (n) orator,
spekülatif speculative; synonyms (adj) risky,
mouthpiece, representative, speaker, delegate,
theoretical, academic, hypothetical, inquisitive,
interpreter, exponent, proponent, advocate,
notional, reflective, chancy, conjectural, insecure,
chairman, foreteller, lecturer, mantis, narrator,
visionary, tentative, (v) contemplative, meditative,
predicter, 2. speaker (hoparlör); synonyms (n)
loudspeaker, president, spokesman,
conversationalist, talker, utterer, principal.
spekülatör bear (ayı, taşımak); synonyms (v) carry,
accept, abide, acquit, stand, take, afford, allow,
sözcük word (kelime, söz); synonyms (n) promise,
apply, assume, behave, brook, comport, conduct,
news, tidings, advice, expression, intelligence,
parole, password, report, statement, term, vocable,
(v) formulate, phrase, put.
sperma seed (tohum); synonyms (n) germ, issue,
posterity, root, offspring, progeny, origin, nucleus,
sözde 1. nominal; synonyms (adj) titular, formal,
brood, embryo, source, beginning, (v) inseminate,
token, minimal, minimum, nominative, (v)
plant, sow.
cognominal; antonym (adj) real, 2. supposed;
spesifik specific (belirli, özgül); synonyms (adj)
synonyms (adj) conjectural, alleged, assumed,
individual, special, concrete, exact, peculiar,
hypothetical, reputed, imaginary, putative,
precise, definite, especial, positive, accurate, clear,
apparent, ostensible, suppositional, professed,
suppositious, supposititious, pretended, express, single, certain, (n) particular; antonyms
theoretical; antonym (adj) actual. (adj) universal, vague, (n) general.

sözdizim syntax (sözdizimi); synonyms (n) spiker speaker (hoparlör); synonyms (n)
grammar, accidence, syntaxis, organism. loudspeaker, narrator, orator, president,
spokesman, conversationalist, chairman, talker,
sözdizimi syntax (sözdizim); synonyms (n)
utterer, principal.
grammar, accidence, syntaxis, organism.
spiral spiral (sarmal); synonyms (n) coil, helix,
sözdizimsel syntactic; synonym (adj) syntactical.
volute, roll, spire, (adj) helical, spiraling, turbinate,
sözleşme 1. covenant; synonyms (n) contract, (v) curl, loop, screw, corkscrew, gyrate, circle, bend.
compact, bond, arrangement, pact, concord, deed,
spor sport; synonyms (n) frolic, play, jest, pastime,
testament, (v) agreement, bargain, promise, vow,
diversion, fun, romp, joke, amusement, disport,
agree, pledge, undertake, 2. compact; synonyms
mutant, recreation, freak, exercise, (v) gambol.
(adj) close, dense, compendious, concise, hard, solid,
summary, thick, (n) covenant, engagement, (v) sprey spray (püskürtmek); synonyms (n) jet, mist,
compress, condense, consolidate, pack, concentrate; froth, aerosol, atomizer, foam, branch, (v) shower,
splash, spout, spurt, dust, gush, scatter, spatter.
antonyms (adj) loose, sprawling, bulky, sparse, 3.
contract; synonyms (n) charter, (v) narrow, catch, stadyum stadium; synonyms (n) arena, coliseum,
bowl, field, gymnasium, area, bowlful, circle,
constrict, shrink, wrinkle, abbreviate, diminish,
lessen, stipulate, bind, flex, cut, (adj) abridge,

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416 Turkish - English

domain, enclosure, orbit, sphere, diamond, garden, trick, veil, camouflage, cheat; antonym (adj) sighted,
gridiron. 2. shade (gölge, gölgelemek,
staj probation; synonyms (n) test, trial, verification, gölgelendirmek); synonyms (n) tinge, color,
discharge, freedom, (adj) apodeixis, apodixis. ghost, hue, blind, cloud, apparition, conceal,
stajyer trainee; synonyms (n) recruit, learner, student, darkness, dye, nuance, (v) darken, shadow, tint,
beginner, novice, tyro, scholar, employee, fledgling, cover; antonyms (n) light, brightness.
neophyte, tenderfoot, greenhorn, amateur, convert, strateji strategy; synonyms (n) dodge, plan, scheme,
newcomer. strategics, game, design, (v) tactics.
standart standard; synonyms (adj) model, normal, stratejik strategic; synonyms (adj) important,
regular, accepted, classic, common, (n) degree, strategical, critical, crucial, diplomatic, calculated,
measure, average, criterion, flag, norm, rate, gauge, deliberate, discreet, main, major, planned,
benchmark; antonyms (adj) unusual, significant, strategetical, vital, (v) timeserving.
unconventional, special. stres stress (gerginlik); synonyms (n) accent,
star star (yıldız); synonyms (n) asterisk, celebrity, emphasis, pressure, tension, force, importance,
ace, principal, headliner, leading, luminary, pinch, effort, (v) strain, emphasize, accentuate,
personality, champion, idol, lead, world, bigwig, emphasise, punctuate, underline, trouble.
(adj) asteriated, (v) feature; antonym (n) nobody. stüdyo studio; synonyms (n) atelier, cabinet,
start start (başlamak, başlangıç, başlatmak); accommodation, building, bungalow, cottage, den,
synonyms (v) begin, originate, commence, drive, farmhouse, igloo, manor, mansion, terrace, villa,
launch, embark, spring, activate, arise, (n) jump, loft.
onset, origin, shock, beginning, commencement; su water (sulamak); synonyms (n) urine, moisture,
antonyms (v) end, finish, stop, conclude, halt, (n) juice, liquor, crystal, glass, lymph, pee, piddle, (v)
conclusion. irrigate, moisten, wet, soak, dampen, dilute.
statik static (duruk); synonyms (adj) immobile, suare evening (akşam); synonyms (n) even, dusk,
inactive, motionless, inert, still, stagnant, fixed, dark, eve, eventide, nightfall, sunset, twilight,
stable, stationary, unmoving, passive, quiet, rigid, night, sundown; antonyms (n) dawn, daybreak.
lifeless, (n) atmospherics; antonym (adj) moving. subay officer; synonyms (n) captain, administrator,
statü status (durum); synonyms (n) position, rank, commander, bureaucrat, executive, officeholder,
situation, caste, condition, order, circumstance, official, agent, manager, leader, policeman,
dignity, footing, grade, importance, posture, estate, representative, skipper, supervisor.
(adj) place, standing. sübvansiyon subsidy; synonyms (n) grant, aid,
stereo stereo; synonyms (n) proof, (adj) stereophonic. allowance, backing, support, endowment, (v)
sterlin sterling; synonyms (adj) sound, fine, genuine, contribution, subscription.
pure, reliable, good, excellent, natural, superlative, suç 1. crime; synonyms (n) offense, blame, guilt,
worthy, splendid, estimable, exemplary, (n) pound, injustice, transgression, villainy, evil, delinquency,
punt. fault, iniquity, misdemeanor, sin, vice, wickedness,
stil style; synonyms (n) fashion, name, form, kind, wrong, 2. fault (arıza, bozukluk, hata, kusur);
method, mode, pattern, sort, cast, class, (v) call, synonyms (n) defect, blemish, error, failing, blot,
entitle, cut, (adj) manner, character. crime, flaw, blunder, break, demerit, weakness,
stok 1. store (ambar, depo, depolamak, default, failure, (v) deficiency, culpability;
saklamak); synonyms (n) hoard, shop, market, antonyms (n) merit, strength, 3. offence;
business, emporium, heap, reserve, (v) stock, synonyms (n) infraction, infringement,
accumulate, garner, amass, bank, cache, keep, misdemeanour, assault, offensive, umbrage,
preserve, 2. inventory (envanter); synonyms (n) violation, discourtesy, 4. guilt; synonyms (n)
list, catalogue, index, catalog, account, criminality, remorse, repentance, complicity,
enumeration, roll, schedule, bill, table, responsibility, guiltiness, shame; antonyms (n)
inventorying, listing, record, stocktaking, store, 3. innocence, blamelessness, 5. sin (günah
stock (hisse senedi); synonyms (n) breed, lineage, işlemek); synonyms (n) misdeed, mistake,
goods, ancestry, descent, family, origin, race, immorality, peccancy, unrighteousness, felony,
backlog, birth, commodity, extraction, (adj) regular, sine, sinning, (v) offend, err, trespass, misbehave,
(v) handle, supply, 4. fund; synonyms (n) capital, lapse, fall, commit; antonyms (n) virtue, piety, 6.
savings, endowment, accumulation, money, (v) blame (suçlamak); synonyms (v) accuse, arraign,
bankroll, finance, back, sponsor, subsidize, censure, reprimand, charge, reproach, chide,
support, underwrite. rebuke, attribute, (n) attack, rap, onus, accusation,
stor 1. blind (kör, kör etmek); synonyms (adj) allegation, condemnation; antonyms (v) pardon,
sightless, undiscerning, (v) bedazzle, daze, dazzle, absolve, praise.
obscure, (n) screen, curtain, shutter, awning, drape,

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suçlama charge; synonyms (n) accusation, burden, heartsease, order, (adj) quiet; antonyms (n) noise,
care, command, commission, bill, tax, accusal, chaos, conflict, uproar, commotion.
assail, (v) accuse, blame, attack, bid, load, arraign; sulamak water (su); synonyms (n) urine, moisture,
antonyms (v) request, absolve, retreat. juice, liquor, crystal, glass, lymph, pee, piddle, (v)
suçlamak 1. blame; synonyms (v) accuse, arraign, irrigate, moisten, wet, soak, dampen, dilute.
censure, reprimand, charge, reproach, chide, fault, sulanmak water (su, sulamak); synonyms (n) urine,
rebuke, attribute, (n) attack, rap, onus, accusation, moisture, juice, liquor, crystal, glass, lymph, pee,
allegation; antonyms (v) pardon, absolve, praise, 2. piddle, (v) irrigate, moisten, wet, soak, dampen,
charge; synonyms (n) burden, care, command, dilute.
commission, bill, tax, accusal, assail, demand, sularında around; synonyms (adv) about,
direction, (v) blame, bid, load, assault, cost; approximately, almost, round, roughly, nearly,
antonyms (v) request, retreat. some, somewhere, (prep) encompassing, encircling,
suçlu 1. guilty; synonyms (adj) ashamed, culpable, circa, surrounding, (adj) near, nearby, (n) vicinity.
criminal, faulty, hangdog, wicked, chargeable, sulh peace (barış, huzur); synonyms (n) calm,
condemned, delinquent, reprehensible, sinful, harmony, serenity, hush, repose, ease, agreement,
contrite, responsible, shamefaced, sheepish; amity, accord, composure, concord, coolness,
antonyms (adj) innocent, blameless, 2. criminal; heartsease, order, (adj) quiet; antonyms (n) noise,
synonyms (adj) guilty, illegal, condemnable, chaos, conflict, uproar, commotion.
miscreant, (n) convict, crook, culprit, hoodlum, sulu thin (ince); synonyms (adj) flimsy, gaunt, lean,
malefactor, felon, gangster, lawbreaker, outlaw, light, slight, tenuous, emaciated, fine, rare, slim,
thug, (v) wrong; antonyms (adj) law-abiding, legal, sparse, (v) slender, dilute, meager, sheer; antonyms
3. offender; synonyms (n) wrongdoer, villain, (adj) thick, fat, concentrated, chubby, plump, wide,
reprobate. broad, heavy, (v) thicken.
suçluluk guilt; synonyms (n) blame, criminality, sin, sunak altar; synonyms (n) shrine, sacristy, sanctuary.
fault, remorse, repentance, complicity, sundurma 1. porch; synonyms (n) lobby, hall,
responsibility, guiltiness, shame; antonyms (n) veranda, vestibule, balcony, door, entrance,
innocence, blamelessness. portico, inlet, doorway, patio, portal, chops,
suçsuz innocent (masum); synonyms (adj) harmless, conservatory, lips, 2. shed; synonyms (v) cast,
chaste, artless, clear, ingenuous, innocuous, discard, drop, moult, scatter, exuviate, molt,
guileless, guiltless, ignorant, blameless, faultless, dismiss, disgorge, emit, fling, (n) hut, shack, cabin,
gullible, naive, pure, spotless; antonyms (adj) guilty, booth.
culpable, responsible, wary, wicked. suni 1. artificial (yapay); synonyms (adj) affected,
suçsuzluk innocence; synonyms (n) cleanness, theatrical, bogus, fake, false, feigned, forced,
blamelessness, chastity, ignorance, artlessness, mannered, phony, strained, unnatural, unreal,
gullibility, ingenuousness, purity, innocency, hypocritical, precious, stiff; antonyms (adj) natural,
simplicity, sinlessness, virtue, candor, frankness, genuine, real, 2. imitation (taklit); synonyms (n)
honor; antonyms (n) guilt, sophistication. counterfeit, dummy, sham, copy, forgery, mockery,
sucuk sausage (sosis); synonyms (n) frankfurter, duplicate, mock, reproduction, caricature,
blimp, pudding, intestine. impersonation, (v) parody, (adj) artificial, ersatz,
replica; antonym (n) original.
suikast 1. assassination; synonyms (n) homicide,
manslaughter, murder, killing, massacre, 2. plot
sunma 1. offer; synonyms (v) give, bestow, put,
advance, extend, impart, introduce, perform,
(arsa); synonyms (n) conspiracy, plan, lot, scheme,
propose, tender, lay, (n) bid, proposal, go,
chart, design, graph, patch, (v) intrigue, cabal, plat,
proposition; antonyms (v) withdraw, refuse, 2.
conspire, contrive, concoct, engineer.
presentation; synonyms (n) donation, exhibition,
suistimal abuse (kötüye kullanmak); synonyms (n)
demonstration, display, introduction, performance,
affront, misuse, harm, outrage, reproach, invective,
offer, appearance, exposition, gift, exposure,
(v) insult, mistreat, injure, assault, censure, damage,
induction, intro, overture, presentment.
exploit, hurt, (adj) maltreat; antonyms (v) praise,
sunmak 1. submit; synonyms (v) comply, obey,
acquiesce, present, resign, accede, bend, convey,
süit suite; synonyms (n) retinue, series, entourage, defer, deliver, exhibit, give, offer, proffer, propose;
apartment, cortege, flat, train, court, battery, group,
antonyms (v) withdraw, resist, 2. offer; synonyms
rooms, (adj) round, succession.
(v) bestow, put, advance, extend, impart, introduce,
sükun peace (barış, huzur); synonyms (n) calm, perform, tender, lay, dedicate, (n) bid, proposal, go,
harmony, serenity, hush, repose, ease, agreement, proposition, approach; antonym (v) refuse, 3.
amity, accord, composure, concord, coolness,
present (armağan, hediye); synonyms (adj)
grant, confer, current, (n) gift, donation, offering,

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418 Turkish - English

presentation, boon, (v) display, prefer, donate, chart, plan, plot, project, 3. mug; synonyms (n)
gratuity, award, serve, indicate; antonyms (adj) pot, jug, chump, cup, face, kisser, sucker, tankard,
missing, (n) past, future, history, (adv) absent, 4. victim, fool, mugful, phiz, (v) rob, grimace, attack.
tender; synonyms (adj) affectionate, painful, sürat 1. velocity; synonyms (n) speed, celerity,
loving, sensitive, soft, sore, compassionate, delicate, rapidity, swiftness, quickness, tempo, fleetness,
fond, gentle, mild, frail, caring, immature, (n) haste, fastness, dispatch, agility, (v) pace, rate,
overture; antonyms (adj) tough, hard, hardhearted, cadence, carriage; antonym (n) slowness, 2. speed
rubbery, rough, 5. prefer; synonyms (v) choose, (hız); synonyms (n) race, velocity, promptness, (v)
pick, elect, elevate, favor, like, opt, favour, hasten, hurry, quicken, run, rush, accelerate, dash,
promote, select, want, dignify, fancy, desire, exalt. expedite, promote, shoot, dart, hurtle.
sünme yield (verim); synonyms (n) produce, return, süratle fast (hızlı, oruç); synonyms (adj) dissolute,
give, output, proceeds, (v) surrender, allow, firm, agile, debauched, fixed, hurried, instant,
concede, submit, cede, grant, relinquish, bow, quick, rapid, staunch, brisk, (adv) soon, hard, close,
accede, afford; antonyms (v) resist, persevere. (n) diet; antonyms (adj) sluggish, loose, (adv) slow,
sunu presentation; synonyms (n) donation, slowly, leisurely, (v) gorge, (n) binge.
exhibition, demonstration, display, introduction, süratli 1. fast (hızlı, oruç); synonyms (adj) dissolute,
performance, offer, appearance, exposition, gift, firm, agile, debauched, fixed, hurried, instant,
exposure, induction, intro, overture, presentment. quick, rapid, staunch, brisk, (adv) soon, hard, close,
sunucu server; synonyms (n) host, waiter, attendant, (n) diet; antonyms (adj) sluggish, loose, (adv) slow,
emcee, horde, innkeeper, legion. slowly, leisurely, (v) gorge, (n) binge, 2. quick
sunuş presentation; synonyms (n) donation, (çabuk, hızlı); synonyms (adj) bright, prompt,
exhibition, demonstration, display, introduction, active, clever, hasty, intelligent, nimble, speedy,
performance, offer, appearance, exposition, gift, alert, alive, cursory, dexterous, expeditious,
exposure, induction, intro, overture, presentment. immediate, (adv) fast; antonym (adj) dull, 3.
supap valve (valf); synonyms (n) lock, sluice, door, express; synonyms (v) exhibit, articulate, convey,
gauge, monitor, spout. declare, demonstrate, display, mean, (adj) explicit,
Süper super; synonyms (adj) crack, grand, ace, direct, definite, distinct, especial, clear, exact, (n)
fabulous, marvelous, remarkable, sensational, denote; antonyms (v) suppress, hide, (adj) vague, 4.
superb, terrific, wonderful, fine, great, big, (n) swift (hızlı); synonyms (adj) fleet, lively, sudden,
superintendent, (adv) extremely; antonym (adj) abrupt, express, ready, sprightly, impetuous,
small. unexpected, keen, brief, impulsive, meteoric, (n)
süpermarket supermarket; synonyms (n) store, cylinder, (adv) swiftly; antonym (adj) considered.
grocery, market, emporium, shop, bakery, sürçme 1. slip; synonyms (n) lapse, fault, mistake,
bakeshop, confectionery, dairy, delicatessen, cutting, error, escape, oversight, scion, trip, (v) fall,
greengrocer. slide, drop, glide, skid, (adj) blunder; antonym (v)
süprüntü 1. refuse; synonyms (v) deny, reject, improve, 2. trip (gezi); synonyms (n) excursion,
decline, disallow, dross, rebuff, disdain, dismiss, (n) expedition, tour, flight, jaunt, travel, run, drive,
garbage, trash, waste, offal, debris, litter, leavings; misstep, ride, (v) journey, slip, stumble, skip,
antonym (v) accept, 2. rubbish; synonyms (n) tumble; antonym (v) fix.
refuse, nonsense, junk, drivel, hogwash, trumpery, sürçmek trip (gezi); synonyms (n) excursion,
dirt, falderal, absurdity, folderol, rubble, expedition, tour, flight, jaunt, travel, lapse, run,
balderdash, bull, bunk, (adj) bosh; antonym (n) drive, misstep, (v) journey, slip, stumble, fall, (adj)
sense. blunder; antonym (v) fix.
sur wall (duvar); synonyms (n) partition, bar, barrier, sürdür resume; synonyms (v) recover, continue,
bulwark, rampart, cliff, earthwork, fortification, regain, restart, summarize, outline, revert, adopt,
screen, rail, barricade, block, blockade, bolt, (v) renew, (n) digest, synopsis, abstract, summary,
fence. epitome, recapitulation.
sürahi jug; synonyms (n) jar, vase, bottle, container, sürdürme continuation (devam); synonyms (n)
pot, bucket, jugful, pail, pitcher, tankard, (v) jail, continuance, sequel, resumption, maintenance,
gaol, immure, imprison, lag. elongation, postscript, duration, extension,
supplement; antonyms (n) discontinuance, end.
surat 1. face (çehre, yüz); synonyms (n) look, aspect,
countenance, expression, side, top, exterior, sürdürmek 1. continue; synonyms (v) abide, remain,
appearance, facade, surface, (v) confront, audacity, endure, keep, persevere, sustain, bide, be, extend,
veneer, visage, (adj) front; antonyms (v) avoid, back, last, maintain, persist, preserve, (n) hold, (adj)
prolong; antonyms (v) stop, end, cease,
2. map (harita); synonyms (n) design, graph, plat,
diagram, mapping, picture, correspondence, (v) discontinue, 2. maintain (bakmak, korumak);
synonyms (v) continue, justify, affirm, allege, assert,

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aver, conserve, declare, defend, guard, bear, insist, temporary, discontinuous, sporadic, 2. continual;
support, uphold, carry; antonyms (v) deny, change, synonyms (adj) continuous, frequent, lasting,
3. pursue; synonyms (v) chase, follow, dog, hunt, perennial, permanent, persistent, unrelenting,
prosecute, course, haunt, hound, stalk, tail, nonstop, regular, repeated, unceasing, 3.
conduct, practice, court, engage, harass, 4. permanent (kalıcı); synonyms (adj) durable, fixed,
support (dayanak, destek, desteklemek); fast, enduring, immutable, indelible, abiding,
synonyms (n) help, stand, aid, comfort, continuing, immortal, standing, stationary,
maintenance, patronage, endorsement, (v) assist, unchangeable, undying, (v) firm, (n) perm;
prop, back, brace, encourage, boost, confirm, antonyms (adj) fleeting, brief, impermanent,
corroborate; antonyms (n) hindrance, (v) oppose, provisional, transitory, fragile, superficial, 4.
neglect, undermine, abandon, reject, weaken, 5. consistent; synonyms (adj) coherent, uniform,
sustain; synonyms (v) suffer, have, relieve, agreeable, compatible, congruous, logical,
strengthen, bolster, experience, nourish, nurture, conformable, consonant, unchanging, concurrent,
receive, retain, substantiate, buoy, survive, foster, unvarying, accordant, equable, invariable,
(n) fortify, 6. wage (maaş); synonyms (n) salary, legitimate; antonyms (adj) inconsistent, erratic,
pay, fee, payment, income, allowance, earnings, contradictory, illogical, unpredictable, unreliable,
remuneration, stipend, (v) fight, pursue, hire. 5. standing; synonyms (v) stand, post, (n) rank,
süre 1. duration; synonyms (n) length, continuation, fame, importance, position, prestige, place,
continuance, period, standing, stretch, time, reputation, footing, attitude, class, (adj) erect,
distance, age, permanency, span, continuity, motionless, continuance, 6. running; synonyms (v)
endurance, course, space, 2. time (saat, zaman); active, (adj) flowing, operative, working,
synonyms (n) hour, moment, duration, epoch, era, functioning, moving, live, fluid, (n) course, motion,
measure, season, day, spell, instant, interval, administration, operation, run, performance,
tempo, sentence, beat, occasion; antonym (n) death, handling, 7. steady; synonyms (adj) even, secure,
3. period (devir, dönem, nokta); synonyms (n) resolute, stable, cool, sedate, settled, consistent,
dot, point, generation, conclusion, cycle, certain, determined, smooth, (v) steadfast, calm,
menstruation, stage, mark, lifetime, catamenia, brace, loyal; antonyms (adj) unsteady, shaky,
date, flow, menses, phase, reign, 4. interval wobbly, 8. constant (değişmez, sabit);
(aralık); synonyms (n) intermission, interruption, synonyms (adj) steady, changeless, faithful,
break, interlude, hiatus, gap, interim, pause, assiduous, devoted, habitual, reliable, solid,
respite, cessation, rest, delay, interstice, blank, lull, unflagging, unremitting, tenacious, dogged,
dutiful, immovable, inflexible; antonyms (adj)
5. term (terim); synonyms (n) name, expression,
changeable, irregular, variable, episodic,
style, title, boundary, limit, stipulation, phrase,
tenure, appellation, bound, condition, (v) call, inconstant, disloyal, fickle, occasional, 9. chronic
designate, entitle, 6. length (boy, uzunluk); (kronik); synonyms (adj) confirmed, inveterate,
synonyms (n) extent, range, compass, depth, accustomed, prolonged, usual.
dimension, longness, measurement, size, quantity, süreklilik continuity; synonyms (n) continuation,
degree, breadth, height, (v) expanse, tract, area; coherence, continuance, duration, persistence,
antonyms (n) briefness, shortness, width, 7. space concatenation, sequence, perseverance, run, series,
(alan, aralık, uzay, yer); synonyms (n) opening, chain, constancy, continency, course, flow;
place, scope, void, margin, emptiness, latitude, antonym (n) discontinuity.
location, room, field, volume, berth, cosmos, suret copy (kopya); synonyms (n) imitation, trace,
leeway, (v) separate, 8. while; synonyms (conj) as, transcription, forgery, (v) counterfeit, imitate, ape,
whereas, although, though, (n) bit, piece, (prep) duplicate, model, pattern, follow, echo, fake,
during, (adv) when, whilst, because, 9. season; mimic, record; antonym (n) original.
synonyms (n) opportunity, (v) flavor, mature, inure, sürgü 1. bolt; synonyms (n) arrow, dash, pin, catch, (v)
salt, mellow, flavour, moderate, pickle, ripen, spice, bar, abscond, gobble, latch, lock, escape, decamp,
temper, sauce, (adj) harden, habituate. devour, fasten, gulp, (adv) bang; antonyms (v)
süreç process; synonyms (n) operation, proceeding, nibble, unbolt, unlock, 2. slide (kayma, slayt);
method, procedure, act, course, formula, synonyms (n) glide, chute, decline, transparency,
outgrowth, means, mode, practice, (v) action, gliding, (v) drop, slip, fall, slither, run, slump, coast,
function, refine, litigate. skid, descend, (adj) shift.
sürekli 1. continuous; synonyms (adj) constant, sürgülemek bolt; synonyms (n) arrow, dash, pin,
continual, ceaseless, endless, perpetual, running, catch, (v) bar, abscond, gobble, latch, lock, escape,
chronic, consecutive, continued, eternal, decamp, devour, fasten, gulp, (adv) bang; antonyms
everlasting, incessant, unbroken, unending, (v) nibble, unbolt, unlock.
uninterrupted; antonyms (adj) intermittent,

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420 Turkish - English

sürgülü sliding; synonyms (adj) gliding, down, team, assemblage, clique, club, group, knot, ring,
downhill, descending, downward, labent, elusory, set, clump, corporation, coterie, (adj) go.
telescopic, (n) slipping, skating, shifting. sürücü 1. driver (şoför); synonyms (n) coachman,
sürgün 1. exile; synonyms (n) banishment, postboy, club, chaser, commuter, hoistman,
deportation, expulsion, deportee, outcast, refugee, pursuer, spanker, 2. drive (sürmek); synonyms
emigrant, expatriation, (v) banish, expatriate, (n) ride, force, campaign, crusade, thrust, cause,
deport, expel, eject, proscribe, (adj) exclude; ambition, (v) push, actuate, chase, compel, urge,
antonym (v) repatriate, 2. shoot; synonyms (v) bud, coerce, beat, carry; antonyms (n) apathy, inertia.
discharge, dart, dash, drive, flash, hunt, send, fire, sürükleme drag (çekmek, sürüklemek); synonyms
germinate, grow, (n) scion, branch, sprout, chute, 3. (v) attract, haul, draw, puff, trail, cart, hale, heave,
transportation; synonyms (n) exile, carriage, lug, tow, delay, (n) pull, bother, bore, hindrance;
freight, shipping, transfer, transit, traffic, antonym (v) push.
transference, ecstasy, rapture, transferral, (v) sürüklemek 1. drag (çekmek, sürükleme);
transport, conveyance, transmission. synonyms (v) attract, haul, draw, puff, trail, cart,
sürme 1. continuation (devam); synonyms (n) hale, heave, lug, tow, delay, (n) pull, bother, bore,
continuance, sequel, resumption, maintenance, hindrance; antonym (v) push, 2. drift (sapma,
elongation, postscript, duration, extension, sürüklenme); synonyms (n) stream, current,
supplement; antonyms (n) discontinuance, end, 2. course, tendency, tone, bearing, design, gist, (v)
driving; synonyms (adj) dynamic, energetic, aim, blow, float, ramble, cast, glide, (adj) flow, 3.
enterprising, impulsive, pushing, driven, vigorous, trail (iz, izlemek, patika); synonyms (n) track,
torrential, virile, compulsive, heavy, lively, (n) trace, path, trudge, pathway, scent, (v) drag, hunt,
drive, push, travel. tail, chase, pursue, train, dog, lag, shadow.
sürmek 1. drive; synonyms (n) ride, force, campaign, sürüklenme drift (sapma); synonyms (n) stream,
crusade, thrust, cause, ambition, (v) push, actuate, current, course, tendency, tone, bearing, design,
chase, compel, urge, coerce, beat, carry; antonyms gist, (v) aim, blow, float, ramble, cast, glide, (adj)
(n) apathy, inertia, 2. last (geçen, son); synonyms flow.
(v) endure, continue, hold, exist, live, dwell, (n) sürüklenmek 1. drift (sapma, sürüklenme);
abide, conclusion, (adj) extreme, closing, final, synonyms (n) stream, current, course, tendency,
ultimate, conclusive, concluding, farthest; tone, bearing, design, gist, (v) aim, blow, float,
antonyms (n) opening, (adj) first, 3. continue ramble, cast, glide, (adj) flow, 2. trail (iz, izlemek,
(sürdürmek); synonyms (v) remain, keep, patika); synonyms (n) track, trace, path, trudge, (v)
persevere, sustain, bide, be, extend, last, maintain, haul, drag, hunt, tail, chase, pursue, train, draw,
persist, preserve, proceed, resume, stand, (adj) tow, dog, pull.
prolong; antonyms (v) stop, end, cease, sürüm 1. version (çeviri, uyarlama); synonyms (n)
discontinue, 4. exile; synonyms (n) banishment, reading, translation, construction, interpretation,
deportation, expulsion, deportee, outcast, refugee, rendering, rendition, variation, account,
emigrant, expatriation, (v) banish, expatriate, description, variant, lection, report, story,
deport, expel, eject, proscribe, (adj) exclude; explanation, paraphrase, 2. sale (satış); synonyms
antonym (v) repatriate, 5. apply (Uygula, (n) fair, disposal, demand, market, vend, vendition,
uygulamak); synonyms (v) dedicate, devote, outlet, carnival, contract, dealings, emission,
employ, ask, consume, exercise, resort, use, utilize, escape, festival, fête, (adj) cheap.
lay, appeal, address, administer, consecrate, (n) sürümek drag (çekmek, sürükleme,
give. sürüklemek); synonyms (v) attract, haul, draw,
sürpriz surprise; synonyms (n) fright, amazement, puff, trail, cart, hale, heave, lug, tow, delay, (n) pull,
astonishment, surprisal, wonder, admiration, (v) bother, bore, hindrance; antonym (v) push.
astound, alarm, amaze, astonish, shock, startle, jolt, sürünmek 1. drag (çekmek, sürükleme,
stun, catch. sürüklemek); synonyms (v) attract, haul, draw,
sürü 1. flock; synonyms (n) bunch, crowd, cluster, puff, trail, cart, hale, heave, lug, tow, delay, (n) pull,
band, bevy, congregation, covey, gang, herd, bother, bore, hindrance; antonym (v) push, 2. trail
horde, pack, troop, (v) assemble, mass, (adj) swarm, (iz, izlemek, patika); synonyms (n) track, trace,
2. herd; synonyms (n) flock, drove, crew, mob, path, course, trudge, pathway, scent, (v) drag, hunt,
multitude, company, ruck, school, throng, (v) drive, tail, chase, pursue, train, dog, lag.
(adj) shoal, 3. pack (paket, paketlemek); sus mum; synonyms (n) mama, mamma, mammy,
synonyms (n) bundle, batch, backpack, box, mater, mom, momma, mommy, mother, secrecy,
package, knapsack, bag, (v) compress, heap, cram, mummy, (adj) silent, dumb, mute, quiet, taciturn.
fill, jam, load, carry, compact; antonym (v) unpack,
4. gang; synonyms (n) circle, association, faction,

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süs decoration (dekorasyon); synonyms (n) elaborate, fancy, unclear, mottled, multicolored,
adornment, award, garnish, medal, ornament, ornate, attractive, concealed, confused, fussy, two-
embellishment, finery, insignia, ornamentation, colored, 2. stark; synonyms (adj) austere, bare,
trimming, accessory, badge, accolade, distinction, bleak, desolate, mere, plain, severe, bald, positive,
embroidery. absolute, barren, harsh, sheer, naked, nude.
susamış dry (kuru); synonyms (adj) thirsty, arid, susturmak 1. silence (sessizlik); synonyms (n)
barren, boring, dehydrated, dull, bald, hoarse, quiet, calm, lull, mum, muteness, quietness, (v) still,
jejune, plain, (v) dehydrate, desiccate, drain, allay, mute, pacify, gag, muffle, muzzle, (int) hush,
uninteresting, sardonic; antonyms (adj) wet, damp, (adj) appease; antonyms (n) noise, sound, 2. still;
moist, saturated, soaked, boggy, drenched, rainy, synonyms (adv) however, but, nevertheless, (adj)
sodden, interesting, fresh, humid, juicy, succulent, peaceful, silence, quiescent, serene, silent, inactive,
(v) drench. motionless, peace, (v) assuage, compose, soothe,
suskun silent; synonyms (adj) motionless, dumb, ease; antonyms (adj) moving, effervescent, fizzy,
mute, tacit, hush, inarticulate, inaudible, windy, (n) noisy, 3. quiet (sakin, sessiz);
incommunicative, mum, noiseless, placid, reserved, synonyms (adj) cool, gentle, placid, tranquil,
reticent, still, (adv) quiet; antonyms (adj) noisy, tranquilize, collected, composed, dull, harmonious,
spoken, loud, talkative, explicit, open. hushed, (v) moderate, easy, repose, (n) peacefulness,
süsleme decoration (dekorasyon); synonyms (n) alleviate; antonyms (adj) loud, talkative, vociferous,
adornment, award, garnish, medal, ornament, active.
embellishment, finery, insignia, ornamentation, susuz dry (kuru); synonyms (adj) thirsty, arid, barren,
trimming, accessory, badge, accolade, distinction, boring, dehydrated, dull, bald, hoarse, jejune, plain,
embroidery. (v) dehydrate, desiccate, drain, uninteresting,
süslemek 1. grace; synonyms (n) elegance, favor, sardonic; antonyms (adj) wet, damp, moist,
clemency, beauty, benediction, blessing, (v) bedeck, saturated, soaked, boggy, drenched, rainy, sodden,
adorn, deck, garnish, beautify, decorate, embellish, interesting, fresh, humid, juicy, succulent, (v)
dress, embroider, 2. dress (elbise); synonyms (n) drench.
attire, costume, apparel, array, dressing, clothes, süt milk; synonyms (v) exploit, squeeze, drain, tap,
frock, (v) clothe, clothing, garb, rig, trim, adjust, anodyne, balm, bleed, (adj) albumen, chalk, glair,
bandage, cover; antonym (v) undress, 3. figure gluten.
(figür, şekil); synonyms (n) form, appearance, süthane dairy; synonyms (n) farm, laundry, bakery,
character, estimate, shape, cost, build, contour, bakeshop, confectionery, delicatessen, greengrocer,
emblem, fashion, (v) design, cast, count, calculate, grocery, supermarket, buttery, factory, pasteurizer.
cipher, 4. deck (deste); synonyms (n) terrace, sütun column (kolon); synonyms (n) pillar,
bridge, ground, pack, pile, porch, carped, veranda, procession, row, stanchion, file, line, obelisk, post,
(v) floor, ornament, bedight, grace, equip, coldcock. prop, support, series, monolith, buttress, (adj)
süsleyici decorative (dekoratif); synonyms (adj) tower, minaret.
ornamental, fancy, ornate, artistic, cosmetic, süveter sweater (kazak); synonym (n) perspirer.
embellishing, enhancing, diagrammatic, drawn, süzgeç filter (süzmek); synonyms (n) strainer, (v)
elaborate, floral, florid, graceful, illustrative, percolate, sieve, drip, leak, filtrate, ooze, purify,
pictorial; antonym (adj) plain. refine, screen, strain, dribble, drop, clean,
Süslü fancy; synonyms (v) daydream, imagine, wish, permeate; antonym (v) contaminate.
consider, crotchet, envision, (adj) conceive, süzgün drawn; synonyms (adj) haggard, careworn,
elaborate, extravagant, (n) desire, caprice, fantasy, worn, gaunt, pinched, taut, cadaverous, tired.
dream, conceit, conception; antonyms (adj) plain,
süzmek 1. filter (süzgeç); synonyms (n) strainer, (v)
unadorned, (n) reality. percolate, sieve, drip, leak, filtrate, ooze, purify,
susma silence (sessizlik); synonyms (n) quiet, calm, refine, screen, strain, dribble, drop, clean,
lull, mum, muteness, quietness, (v) still, allay, mute, permeate; antonym (v) contaminate, 2. drain;
pacify, gag, muffle, muzzle, (int) hush, (adj) appease; synonyms (n) ditch, culvert, dike, channel, sewer,
antonyms (n) noise, sound. (v) deplete, waste, exhaust, bleed, consume, finish,
süspansiyon suspension; synonyms (n) delay, sap, (adj) cloaca, dissipate, spill; antonym (v) bolster.
interruption, abeyance, break, intermission, pause, süzülmek filter (süzgeç, süzmek); synonyms (n)
recess, respite, suspense, adjournment, deferment, strainer, (v) percolate, sieve, drip, leak, filtrate,
postponement, reprieve, stay, rest. ooze, purify, refine, screen, strain, dribble, drop,
süssüz 1. plain (açık, düz); synonyms (adj) ordinary, clean, permeate; antonym (v) contaminate.
comprehensible, intelligible, apparent, clear,
downright, easy, evident, homely, humble, level,
manifest, obvious, simple, (n) flat; antonyms (adj)

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422 Turkish - English

profession, deposition, certificate, avowal,

verification, authority, speech, (v) witness, record.
Ş şahlanmak rear; synonyms (adj) back, erect, after, (n)
posterior, tail, backside, behind, bottom, (v) breed,
şablon pattern (desen); synonyms (n) model, design, nurture, raise, educate, foster, nurse, build;
fashion, form, mold, shape, example, figure, norm, antonyms (adj) fore, (n) front.
order, paragon, cast, arrangement, configuration,
şahmerdan ram (koç); synonyms (n) tup, (v) beat,
(v) mould.
cram, crash, drive, jam, pack, push, force, fill,
şafak dawn; synonyms (n) beginning, bump, pound, press, squeeze, stuff.
commencement, aurora, cockcrow, morning, onset,
şahsen personally; synonyms (adv) individually,
origin, prime, start, sunrise, birth, (v) break, begin,
directly, confidentially, intimately, privately,
appear, (adj) daybreak; antonyms (n) dusk, sunset,
specially, well, secretly, separately, closely,
twilight, (v) end, finish. individualistically, instinctively, intuitively,
şaft shaft; synonyms (n) arrow, handle, axis, beam, narrowly, particularly.
pit, dart, pillar, axle, bar, lance, mine, post, ray, şahsi personal (kişisel); synonyms (adj) individual,
well, (v) cheat. own, particular, human, intimate, peculiar, private,
şah check (çek, denetim, denetlemek); synonyms direct, proper, subjective, physical, confidential,
(v) bridle, stop, block, limit, agree, halt, restrain, especial, original, privy; antonyms (adj) public,
bar, dampen, delay, (n) control, arrest, curb, bill, general.
şahsiyet 1. personality (kişilik); synonyms (n)
şahane 1. fantastic; synonyms (adj) bizarre, individuality, person, celebrity, character, identity,
extraordinary, antic, extravagant, grotesque, nature, characteristic, disposition, temperament,
marvelous, strange, terrific, wonderful, capricious, essence, individualism, name, being,
chimerical, fabulous, fantastical, (n) fanciful, (v) distinctiveness, self; antonym (n) nobody, 2. figure
fancy; antonyms (adj) awful, ordinary, real, 2.
(figür, şekil); synonyms (n) form, appearance,
tremendous; synonyms (adj) enormous, fantastic, estimate, shape, cost, build, contour, emblem,
immense, dreadful, huge, formidable, gigantic, fashion, image, (v) design, cast, count, calculate,
mighty, fearful, great, prodigious, terrible, vast, cipher.
massive, rattling; antonym (adj) insignificant, 3.
şair poet; synonyms (n) bard, author, maker, lyricist,
royal; synonyms (adj) regal, imperial, majestic, muse, manufacturer, meditate, muset, novelist,
magnificent, kingly, noble, princely, purple, playwright, writer, artist, balladist, critic,
sovereign, stately, grand, grandiose, imposing, dilettante.
monarchical, splendid.
şairane poetic; synonyms (adj) poetical, romantic,
şahıs 1. person (kişi); synonyms (n) fellow, human, artistic, beauteous, fanciful, graphic, imaginative,
individual, man, being, body, character, creature, anapestic, beautiful, dactylic, dramatic, emotional,
mortal, soul, life, homo, form, organism, (v) party; epic, epical, epodic.
antonym (n) automaton, 2. individual (birey, şaka 1. fun (eğlence); synonyms (adj) amusing,
bireysel); synonyms (adj) distinct, particular, entertaining, (n) amusement, enjoyment, frolic,
single, different, alone, certain, characteristic, entertainment, play, recreation, comedy, delight,
distinctive, especial, exclusive, singular, sole, diversion, humor, jest, merriment, (v) banter;
solitary, special, (n) person; antonyms (adj) joint, antonym (n) misery, 2. joke; synonyms (n) hoax,
combined, common, communal, general, vague, (n) fun, caper, gag, game, quip, antic, farce, jape,
collective, 3. party; synonyms (n) gang, band, jocularity, pleasantry, prank, pun, (v) chaff, tease;
company, assembly, association, crew, gathering, antonym (n) tragedy.
group, affair, bevy, celebration, crowd, do, faction,
şakak temple (tapınak); synonyms (n) church,
tabernacle, shrine, brow, synagogue, forehead,
şahit witness; synonyms (n) spectator, testimony, chapel, kirk, meetinghouse, basilica, chantry,
bystander, eyewitness, onlooker, evidence, conventicle, memorial, oratory, side.
observer, testifier, beholder, proof, (v) attest,
şakımak sing (ötmek); synonyms (v) chant, hymn,
observe, notice, see, view; antonym (n) participant.
chirp, hum, drone, pipe, twitter, vocalize, carol,
şahitlik 1. evidence (kanıt); synonyms (n) snitch, betray, harmonize, poetize, squeal, (n)
confirmation, mark, proof, data, argument, squeak.
attestation, demonstration, sign, testimony, clue, (v)
şalter switch (anahtar); synonyms (n) cane,
display, demonstrate, attest, certify, manifest, 2.
replacement, whip, cut, permutation, (v) exchange,
testimony; synonyms (n) declaration, evidence, change, shift, substitute, convert, swap, flip,
testimonial, statement, affidavit, affirmation, interchange, move, replace.

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şamata riot; synonyms (n) revolt, disturbance, antonyms (adj) unlucky, hapless, ill-fated,
commotion, disorder, insurrection, mutiny, unfortunate, 2. fortunate; synonyms (adj) lucky,
sedition, tumult, rebellion, brawl, fight, (v) rebel, fortuitous, well, felicitous, golden, advantaged,
carouse, (adj) hubbub, uproar. desirable, hopeful.
şampiyon champion; synonyms (n) advocate, backer, şanssız 1. unfortunate; synonyms (adj) inauspicious,
partisan, ace, fighter, hero, champ, defender, poor, sad, bad, disastrous, hapless, inopportune,
exponent, paladin, patron, (v) defend, support, adverse, calamitous, deplorable, infelicitous,
back, maintain; antonym (v) oppose. lamentable, unlucky, untoward, ill; antonyms (adj)
şampiyonluk championship; synonyms (n) backing, fortunate, lucky, 2. unhappy (mutsuz);
patronage, support, title. synonyms (adj) unfortunate, depressed, dismal,
şan 1. glory; synonyms (n) fame, celebrity, brightness, gloomy, melancholy, disconsolate, distressed, low,
honor, pride, distinction, credit, dignity, eclat, miserable, sorrowful, disappointed, downcast,
eminence, glitter, glorification, (v) halo, exult, boast, mournful, sorry, unpleasant; antonyms (adj) happy,
2. fame (ün); synonyms (n) report, reputation, cheerful, pleased, satisfied.
bruit, prestige, renown, buzz, hearsay, kudos, şapırdatmak lap (kucak); synonyms (n) circle,
name, notoriety, rumor, character, regard, (v) cry, circuit, fold, coil, knee, orbit, (v) lick, overlap, bind,
esteem; antonyms (n) infamy, obscurity, (adv) compass, encircle, encompass, embrace,

anonymity. enclose, beset.

şanlı glorious; synonyms (adj) famous, distinguished, şapırtı lap (kucak); synonyms (n) circle, circuit, fold,
bright, brilliant, celebrated, illustrious, eminent, coil, knee, orbit, (v) lick, overlap, bind, (adv)
great, magnificent, splendid, super, proud, compass, encircle, encompass, embrace, enclose,
resplendent, superb, lofty. beset.
şans 1. luck; synonyms (n) chance, fortune, accident, şapka hat; synonyms (n) cap, chapeau, lid, sou'wester,
destiny, fate, hazard, lot, advantage, hap, portion, bonus, eyelid, palpebra, (adj) hot.
coincidence, circumstances; antonym (n) şarap wine; synonyms (n) vintage, vino, red,
misfortune, 2. hazard (tehlike); synonyms (n) intoxication, (v) entertain, (adj) lavender, lilac,
risk, venture, danger, peril, jeopardy, bet, difficulty, mauve, plum, violet, amethyst.
insecurity, (v) endanger, adventure, gamble, wager, şarj load (yük, yüklemek); synonyms (n) charge,
dare, stake, jeopardize; antonym (n) safety, 3. hit cargo, freight, stack, heap, pack, weight,
(isabet, vurmak); synonyms (v) strike, attain, belt, consignment, lading, shipment, (v) burden, fill,
blow, bump, collide, encounter, (n) knock, bang, encumber, pile, lade; antonym (v) unload.
smash, touch, bash, beat, collision, play; antonyms şarjör magazine (dergi); synonyms (n) journal,
(n) failure, flop, 4. fortune; synonyms (n) estate, cartridge, newspaper, periodical, book, clip,
fluke, luck, means, abundance, assets, doom, entrepot, mag, comic, depository, arsenal, monthly,
riches, wealth, blessing, substance, affluence, pamphlet, weekly, (v) store.
prosperity, treasure, capital, 5. odds; synonyms (n) şarkı song; synonyms (n) melody, air, strain, cry,
likelihood, possibility, probability, likeliness, warble, poem, tune, call, chanson, canticle, (v) ditty,
chances, prospect, handicap, superiority, edge, (v) chant, sing, (adj) lay, ballad.
difference, dissension, misunderstanding, variance, şarkıcı singer; synonyms (n) vocalist, musician,
6. chance; synonyms (n) opportunity, break, warbler, soloist, entertainer, artist, artiste, cantor,
contingency, random, turn, haphazard, happening, composer, conductor, informer, instrumentalist,
hope, (adj) accidental, casual, fortuitous, performer, player, precentor.
inadvertent, (v) befall, happen, come; antonyms (n) şart 1. string (dizi, ip, sicim); synonyms (n) chain,
predictability, (adj) deliberate, intentional, (v) file, row, strand, twine, range, cord, filament, rank,
design, plan, 7. show (gösteri, göstermek); series, thread, tie, sequence, (v) run, (adj) line, 2.
synonyms (v) present, broadcast, expose, guide, condition; synonyms (n) circumstance, position,
indicate, parade, demonstrate, disclose, evidence, provision, status, standing, attitude, circumstances,
(n) display, appearance, exhibit, produce, clause, predicament, state, term, complaint,
ostentation, presentation; antonyms (v) conceal, affection, (v) aspect, provide, 3. reservation
disprove, hide, 8. shot; synonyms (n) gunshot, (rezervasyon); synonyms (n) reserve, limitation,
injection, go, fling, ball, crack, shoot, picture, booking, condition, qualification, modesty,
attempt, bullet, discharge, effort, endeavor, guess, exception, constraint, order, doubt, misgiving,
(adj) iridescent. query, saving, uncertainty; antonym (n) certainty.
şanslı 1. lucky; synonyms (adj) auspicious, favorable, şartlı qualified; synonyms (adj) competent, capable,
propitious, prosperous, favourable, successful, eligible, efficient, conditional, fit, proficient, able,
flourishing, advantageous, blessed, chance, good, clever, expert, adequate, certified, limited,
providential, (n) happy, favored, (v) fortunate;

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424 Turkish - English

restricted, fitted; antonyms (adj) unqualified, total, şaşmaz steady; synonyms (adj) firm, even, secure,
unofficial, definite. constant, continual, fixed, resolute, stable, cool,
şartname specification; synonyms (n) designation, incessant, sedate, settled, (v) steadfast, calm,
provision, stipulation, particular, condition, detail, regular; antonyms (adj) unsteady, shaky, wobbly,
description, spec, indication, particularization, case, intermittent, unreliable.
clause, estimate, prerequisite, proviso. şato castle (kale); synonyms (n) rook, citadel,
şaryo carriage; synonyms (n) attitude, transport, fortification, fortress, castling, fort, keep, mansion,
behavior, conveyance, air, coach, demeanor, palace, stronghold, tower, house, chateau, court, (v)
deportment, gait, manner, mien, port, position, donjon.
posture, (v) bearing. şayia rumour; synonyms (n) hearsay, (v) rumor, bruit.
şaşırma astonishment; synonyms (n) amazement, şebeke 1. network (ağ); synonyms (n) net, grid,
admiration, wonder, surprise, wonderment, mesh, netting, reticulation, meshwork, web,
confusion, consternation, awe. grating, lattice, system, complex, (v) link,
şaşırtıcı 1. amazing; synonyms (adj) astonishing, communicate, contact, exchange, 2. system
terrific, wonderful, astounding, awesome, (sistem); synonyms (n) method, arrangement,
breathtaking, extraordinary, fabulous, impressive, network, organization, plan, order, means,
incredible, prodigious, spectacular, stupendous, structure, process, form, frame, rule, establishment,
surprising, tremendous; antonyms (adj) mundane, mode, organisation.
ordinary, 2. astonishing; synonyms (adj) amazing, şef 1. chief (ana, baş); synonyms (adj) head, principal,
strange, striking, fantastic, miraculous, remarkable, cardinal, capital, arch, central, essential, first, main,
shocking, staggering, startling, stunning, (n) administrator, boss, captain, executive, leader,
stupefying, wondrous, unbelievable, unexpected, paramount; antonyms (adj) minor, associate,
(n) marvelous; antonym (adj) unremarkable, 3. secondary, 2. head (baş, kafa); synonyms (n)
surprising; synonyms (adj) unusual, odd, chief, front, point, foam, froth, crown, chieftain,
uncommon, unforeseen; antonym (adj) chair, brain, commander, director, end, (v) direct,
unsurprising. lead, command; antonyms (n) subordinate, (v)
şaşırtmak 1. floor (taban, zemin); synonyms (n) follow, 3. captain (kaptan); synonyms (n) master,
bed, level, base, layer, bottom, flooring, ground, commodore, guide, officer, pilot, skipper, ruler, (v)
platform, soil, (v) deck, dump, fell, prostrate, stun, govern, manage, 4. chef; synonyms (n) cook,
baffle; antonym (n) top, 2. surprise (sürpriz); baker.
synonyms (n) fright, amazement, astonishment, şeffaf transparent (saydam); synonyms (adj)
surprisal, wonder, admiration, (v) astound, alarm, diaphanous, lucid, obvious, plain, luminous, filmy,
amaze, astonish, shock, startle, jolt, catch, bewilder, limpid, sheer, crystalline, gauzy, pellucid,
3. fog (sis); synonyms (n) cloud, haze, vapor, gossamer, apparent, (n) clear, bright; antonyms (adj)
brume, confusion, daze, damp, smoke, (v) mist, opaque, solid.
confuse, blur, dim, becloud, befog, darken, 4. şefkat 1. kindness; synonyms (n) benevolence,
gravel; synonyms (n) grit, (v) bedevil, get, nonplus, clemency, compassion, courtesy, generosity,
rag, flummox, mystify, perplex, puzzle, vex, annoy, affection, benignity, consideration, cordiality,
(adj) bother, dirt, grating, gravelly, 5. stick favor, friendliness, gentleness, goodness, grace,
(yapıştırmak); synonyms (n) bar, club, (v) adhere, graciousness; antonyms (n) unkindness,
stab, attach, cling, fix, paste, staff, cohere, affix, callousness, cruelty, miserliness, nastiness, spite,
bind, cleave, fasten, hold. unfriendliness, maliciousness, 2. compassion;
şaşkınlık 1. wonder (hayret); synonyms (v) admire, synonyms (n) pity, mercy, charity, commiseration,
query, question, reflect, speculate, (n) marvel, sympathy, forgiveness, remorse, tenderness,
prodigy, admiration, amazement, astonishment, condolence, feeling, humanity, leniency, warmth,
miracle, surprise, muse, phenomenon, empathy, (adj) kindness; antonym (n) indifference,
wonderment, 2. surprise (sürpriz); synonyms (n) 3. sympathy; synonyms (n) rapport,
fright, surprisal, wonder, (v) astound, alarm, amaze, understanding, agreement, comfort, compatibility,
astonish, shock, startle, jolt, stun, catch, bewilder, support, affinity, concern, consolation, goodwill,
confound, stagger, 3. amazement; synonyms (n) kindheartedness, regard, sensitivity, (adj)
consternation, stupor, 4. astonishment; fraternization, rapprochement.
synonyms (n) confusion, awe. şefkatli charitable; synonyms (adj) merciful,
şaşmak wonder (hayret); synonyms (v) admire, benevolent, clement, gentle, kind, bountiful,
generous, humane, kindly, lenient, liberal,
query, question, reflect, speculate, (n) marvel,
magnanimous, philanthropic, compassionate,
prodigy, admiration, amazement, astonishment,
miracle, surprise, muse, phenomenon, forbearing; antonyms (adj) unforgiving, mean,
wonderment. nasty, uncharitable.

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Turkish - English 425

şehir 1. city (kent); synonyms (n) town, borough, pleasant, airy, animated, brisk, chipper,
burgh, metropolis, municipality, village, (adj) comfortable, contented; antonyms (adj) depressed,
municipal, civic, urban, public; antonym (adj) rural, gloomy, sad, unhappy, dejected, depressing, grim,
2. town (kent); synonyms (n) city, township, hopeless, miserable, morose, somber,
community, townspeople, civilization, (adj) local. unwelcoming, bleak, cheerless, dull, 2. gay;
şehvetli hot (sıcak); synonyms (adj) warm, ardent, synonyms (adj) cheerful, convivial, festive, gaudy,
brave, cheery, festal, flashy, frolicsome, jovial,
boiling, burning, feverish, fiery, flaming, fresh,
blistering, eager, enthusiastic, fast, peppery, jocular, colorful, (n) homosexual, gallant, lesbian.
pungent, spicy; antonyms (adj) mild, cool, cold, şenlik festival; synonyms (n) feast, carnival, fete,
freezing, airy, bland, chilly. celebration, fair, festivity, holiday, fête, fiesta, gala,
jamboree, party, anniversary, (adj) ball.
şehzade prince (prens); synonyms (n) monarch,
potentate, duke, sovereign, king, chief, ruler, şeref 1. glory (şan); synonyms (n) fame, celebrity,
magnate. brightness, honor, pride, distinction, credit, dignity,
eclat, eminence, glitter, glorification, (v) halo, exult,
şeker 1. sugar; synonyms (n) honey, darling,
boast, 2. honour; synonyms (n) award, accolade,
carbohydrate, saccharide, love, beloved, baby, (v)
innocence, awarding, laurels, (v) esteem, respect,
saccharify, sweeten, (adj) dear, 2. sweet (tatlı);
celebrate, observe, reward, comply, detect,
synonyms (adj) delicious, fresh, lovely, mellow,
discover, find, follow; antonym (v) dishonor.
lovable, melodious, musical, pleasant, pleasing,
sugary, charming, delightful, fragrant, honeyed, (n) şereflendirmek grace; synonyms (n) elegance, favor,
confection; antonyms (adj) sour, acid, bitter, clemency, beauty, benediction, blessing, (v) bedeck,
adorn, deck, garnish, beautify, decorate, embellish,
discordant, acidic, pungent, sharp, salty.
dress, embroider.
şekerim 1. honey (bal); synonyms (n) darling, dear,
şerefli glorious; synonyms (adj) famous,
beloved, love, sweetheart, dearest, duck, baby,
distinguished, bright, brilliant, celebrated,
molasses, sugar, flame, (v) sweeten, 2. sugar
illustrious, eminent, great, magnificent, splendid,
(şeker); synonyms (n) honey, carbohydrate, super, proud, resplendent, superb, lofty.
saccharide, (v) saccharify.
şerit 1. band (bant); synonyms (n) cluster, party, set,
şekil 1. figure (figür); synonyms (n) form, swathe, circle, collar, company, crew, faction, gang,
appearance, character, estimate, shape, cost, build, knot, lace, strap, (v) ring, combine, 2. cord
contour, emblem, fashion, (v) design, cast, count,
(kordon); synonyms (n) band, string, bond, tie,
calculate, cipher, 2. shape (biçim); synonyms (n)
twine, tape, rope, thread, whipcord, yarn, leash,
mold, figure, pattern, condition, configuration,
fiber, cable, corduroy, strand, 3. ribbon; synonyms
frame, (v) model, mould, determine, make, adjust,
(n) riband, shred, strip, decoration, medal, ribband,
carve, construct, fit, influence, 3. form (biçim,
belt, fascia, palm, fillet, stripe, laurels, medallion, 4.
form); synonyms (n) arrange, ceremony, class,
tape (bant); synonyms (n) ribbon, cassette, seal, (v)
conformation, manner, type, (v) constitute,
establish, create, do, compose, comprise, contrive, record, videotape, video, 5. strip; synonyms (n)
devise, generate, 4. line (çizgi, hat); synonyms (n) slip, (v) deprive, despoil, divest, peel, plunder, rifle,
denude, ransack, pillage, pluck, pare, sack, bare,
cord, file, house, breed, course, family, lineage,
field, ancestry, border, boundary, cable, crease, bereave; antonyms (v) dress, decorate, 6. string
row, (v) order, 5. image (görüntü, resim); (dizi, ip, sicim); synonyms (n) chain, file, row,
synonyms (n) picture, fancy, conception, effigy, range, cord, filament, rank, series, sequence,
idea, impression, resemblance, double, epitome, procession, train, wire, drawstring, (v) run, (adj) line.
icon, idol, imagination, photograph, (v) depict, şev slope; synonyms (n) incline, declivity, dip, decline,
envision. descent, fall, grade, gradient, hill, inclination, (v)
şekillendirmek shape (biçim, şekil); synonyms (n) pitch, slant, cant, lean, bank.
cast, mold, figure, pattern, build, condition, şevk 1. glow; synonyms (n) beam, color, glare,
configuration, (v) form, fashion, model, mould, sparkle, blaze, flash, (v) blush, flush, gleam,
determine, make, adjust, carve. glimmer, shine, burn, flare, fire, flame; antonym (n)
şema diagram (diyagram); synonyms (n) design, dullness, 2. enthusiasm; synonyms (n) eagerness,
chart, sketch, figure, graph, drawing, illustration, ardor, devotion, passion, animation, craze, zeal,
outline, picture, plat, (adj) plan, (v) plot. ebullience, ecstasy, gusto, inspiration, interest,
şemsiye umbrella; synonyms (n) parasol, sunshade, keenness, life, (adj) fervor; antonyms (n) apathy,
shelter, canopy, cover, protection, screen, shield, indifference, lethargy.
tent, awning, covert, marquee, tilt, (adj) şey 1. thing; synonyms (n) matter, affair, event, object,
comprehensive. occurrence, article, concern, happening, something,
şen 1. cheerful; synonyms (adj) buoyant, breezy, substance, being, occasion, incident, business,
blithe, bright, carefree, glad, merry, optimistic, deed, 2. stuff; synonyms (n) material, cloth, force,

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426 Turkish - English

gear, goods, (v) cram, fill, jam, pack, pad, ram, serious, strict, acute, atrocious, bitter, (v) poignant;
squeeze, glut, gorge, load; antonym (v) unstuff, 3. antonyms (adj) lenient, lax, 5. intense; synonyms
object (amaç, nesne); synonyms (n) design, aim, (adj) bright, ardent, brilliant, fervent, fierce, burning,
cause, end, intent, intention, meaning, mark, energetic, extreme, fiery, furious, heated, rich,
subject, drift, goal, (v) except, mind, complain, impassioned, heartfelt, (v) vivid; antonyms (adj)
demur; antonym (v) agree, 4. well (iyi); synonyms calm, weak, imperceptible, 6. drastic; synonyms
(adv) right, easily, thoroughly, considerably, fully, (adj) desperate, sweeping, ultra, thorough,
good, (adj) healthy, fit, shaft, sound, robust, (n) escharotic, stiff, tough, dire, forcible, essential,
fountain, spring, pit, (v) gush; antonyms (adv) ill, fundamental, excessive, exorbitant, extravagant,
badly, poorly, (adj) sick, unwell, dying, nauseous. immoderate, 7. furious; synonyms (adj) angry,
şeytan devil; synonyms (n) demon, fiend, ghost, violent, enraged, ferocious, frantic, vehement, wild,
daemon, deuce, monster, imp, rogue, (v) rag, boisterous, frenzied, infuriated, raging, rampant,
torment, harass, bedevil, crucify, annoy, bother. angered, cross, impetuous, 8. hard (sert);
şezlong lounge; synonyms (n) couch, saunter, sofa, synonyms (adj) difficult, callous, cruel, grueling,
bar, (v) loiter, loll, loaf, recline, rest, dawdle, linger, knotty, alcoholic, backbreaking, complicated, dour,
relax, sprawl, bask, lie. dry, rocky, rugged, (adv) firm, fast, firmly;
şiddet 1. violence; synonyms (n) rage, fierceness, antonyms (adj) soft, merciful, simple, soggy, tender,
force, fury, ferocity, intensity, strength, vehemence, yielding, (adv) gently, lightly, 9. hot (sıcak);
impetuosity, might, outrage, power, brutality, synonyms (adj) warm, boiling, feverish, flaming,
storm, heat; antonyms (n) gentleness, peacefulness, fresh, blistering, eager, enthusiastic, peppery,
pungent, spicy, new, close, gingery, glowing;
2. intensity (yoğunluk); synonyms (n)
antonyms (adj) cool, cold, freezing, airy, bland,
forcefulness, depth, volume, emphasis, energy,
forte, glow, passion, severity, vigor, wildness, chilly, 10. exquisite; synonyms (adj) beautiful,
chroma, acuteness, brilliance, greatness; antonyms elegant, delicate, excellent, dainty, gorgeous,
admirable, choice, heavenly, wonderful, charming,
(n) dullness, indifference, weakness, 3. impetus;
fair, fine, graceful, (v) delightful; antonym (adj)
synonyms (n) impulse, drive, impulsion, goad,
incentive, momentum, spur, stimulus, thrust, urge, everyday, 11. brutal; synonyms (adj) beastly,
motivation, propulsion, stimulant, drift, 4. force barbaric, barbarous, bestial, savage, truculent,
unkind, vicious, barbarian, boarish, inhuman,
(güç, kuvvet, zorlamak); synonyms (n) agency,
pitiless, ruthless, brutish, fell; antonym (adj) liberal,
effect, enforce, impetus, violence, (v) coerce,
pressure, squeeze, compel, cram, impel, press, 12. vicious; synonyms (adj) evil, depraved, brutal,
push, ram, (adj) constrain; antonym (n) persuasion, malevolent, venomous, wicked, immoral, nasty,
corrupt, poisonous, spiteful, hurtful, profligate,
5. severity; synonyms (n) cruelty, austerity,
mischievous, reprobate; antonym (adj) friendly, 13.
harshness, rigor, asperity, inclemency, roughness,
gravity, difficulty, grimness, hardness, hardship, strong; synonyms (adj) powerful, able, stable,
inflexibility, rigorousness, rigour; antonyms (n) steady, cogent, durable, good, influential, lusty,
potent, robust, secure, solid, sound, (v) steadfast;
leniency, clemency, flexibility, pleasantness, 6.
antonyms (adj) faint, feeble, frail, pale,
strength (güç, kuvvet); synonyms (n) firmness,
unconvincing, cowardly, diluted, exhausted,
endurance, potency, stability, health, soundness,
flimsy, lightweight, tired, watery, 14. rigorous;
amount, brawn, fortitude, lustiness, magnitude,
synonyms (adj) precise, accurate, exact, exacting,
muscle, solidity, stoutness, (v) capacity; antonyms
stern, inflexible, stringent, nice, careful,
(n) frailty, flaw, shortcoming. demanding, meticulous, relentless, narrow, correct,
şiddetli 1. bitter (acı, keskin); synonyms (adj) laborious, 15. violent; synonyms (adj)
acrimonious, biting, acrid, sharp, acerbic, acid, tempestuous, turbulent, passionate, stormy,
caustic, keen, malicious, resentful, sour, virulent, tumultuous, rude, forceful, lawless, mighty,
acerb, cutting, (n) acerbity; antonyms (adj) mild, tearing, unruly, rabid, bloody, (n) outrageous,
sweet, charitable, hot, kind, sugary, 2. acute; vigorous; antonyms (adj) peaceful, nonviolent, 16.
synonyms (adj) incisive, intense, penetrating, smart (açıkgöz); synonyms (adj) crafty, dapper,
critical, piercing, severe, shrewd, shrill, smart, quick, sly, prompt, astute, chic, clever, intelligent,
strong, acuate, discerning, discriminating, grave, (v) jaunty, lively, natty, (v) ache, hurt, (n) pain;
high; antonyms (adj) dull, obtuse, 3. heavy (ağır); antonyms (adj) scruffy, stupid, dim, shabby,
synonyms (adj) deep, dark, dense, fat, full, gross, unkempt, slow.
hard, arduous, bulky, burdensome, grievous,
şifa cure; synonyms (n) remedy, antidote, medicine,
oppressive, thick, compact, ample; antonyms (adj)
salve, curative, curing, healing, therapy, (v) correct,
light, easy, slim, thin, slight, gentle, puny, skinny,
help, treat, heal, pickle, preserve, restore.
4. severe; synonyms (adj) harsh, austere, rigid,
inclement, rigorous, rough, bad, grim, heavy,

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Turkish - English 427

şifre code (kod, kodlamak); synonyms (n) cipher, şimdiki 1. current (akım, cari, geçerli); synonyms
charter, law, act, key, rule, codex, canon, (adj) common, contemporary, fashionable, instant,
constitution, regulation, (v) cypher, encode, actual, fresh, modern, new, popular, (n) flow,
encipher, encrypt. stream, run, afloat, movement, (prep) course;
şifrelemek code (kod, kodlamak); synonyms (n) antonyms (adj) obsolete, past, old, old-fashioned,
cipher, charter, law, act, key, rule, codex, canon, previous, 2. present (armağan, hediye);
constitution, regulation, (v) cypher, encode, synonyms (adj) grant, confer, (n) gift, donation, (v)
encipher, encrypt. bestow, display, give, introduce, prefer, deliver,
şiir 1. poetry; synonyms (n) poem, poesy, verse, song, donate, offer, perform, gratuity, award; antonyms
rhyme, style; antonym (n) prose, 2. verse; (adj) missing, (n) future, history, (v) withdraw, (adv)
synonyms (n) poetry, stanza, strain, measure, absent, 3. actual (gerçek); synonyms (adj) real,
clause, paragraph, canto, chapter, count, distich, absolute, true, factual, genuine, authentic, existent,
meter, rhythm, sonnet, text, (v) poetize, 3. poem; indisputable, literal, positive, precise, tangible,
synonyms (n) ballad, composition, construction, veritable, very, (n) accurate; antonyms (adj) false,
fabrication, from, laughingstock, making, metre, hypothetical, supposed, 4. immediate; synonyms
writing, creation, dirge, rune, speech, trifle, (adj) close, prompt, direct, sudden, near, present,
workmanship. quick, expeditious, fast, hasty, proximate, speedy,
şiirler poetry; synonyms (n) poem, poesy, verse, express, adjacent, firsthand; antonyms (adj) slow,
song, rhyme, style; antonym (n) prose. gradual, consecutive, deliberate.
şiirsel poetic; synonyms (adj) poetical, romantic, şimşek 1. lightning; synonyms (n) bolt, levin, bolter,
artistic, beauteous, fanciful, graphic, imaginative, dart, fetter, enlightenment, quarrel, shackle, (v)
anapestic, beautiful, dactylic, dramatic, emotional, lightening, luminary, (adj) wind, 2. flash;
epic, epical, epodic. synonyms (n) sparkle, blaze, shimmer, glitter,
şık 1. elegant (zarif); synonyms (adj) graceful, instant, coruscation, (v) flicker, twinkle, blink,
courtly, delicate, splendid, beautiful, dainty, polite, flame, gleam, glimmer, coruscate, dazzle, lighten.
refined, dressy, artistic, charming, chic, classy, şıpsevdi susceptible; synonyms (adj) impressionable,
cultured, debonair; antonyms (adj) clumsy, receptive, responsive, sensitive, subject, liable,
inelegant, scruffy, ugly, coarse, plain, tacky, 2. delicate, pliable, susceptive, vulnerable, irritable,
smart (açıkgöz); synonyms (adj) bright, crafty, open, amenable, exposed, impressible; antonyms
dapper, quick, shrewd, sly, prompt, astute, clever, (adj) resistant, unsusceptible.
intelligent, jaunty, (v) ache, hurt, (n) pain, sharp; şıra must; synonyms (v) have, need, mold, demand,
antonyms (adj) stupid, dim, shabby, unkempt, slow, ought, shall, should, (n) essential, necessity,
3. choice (seçim); synonyms (n) vote, alternative, requirement, obligation, necessary, mustiness,
favorite, option, preference, selection, election, requisite, want; antonym (n) option.
pick, pleasure, volition, assortment, (adj) best, şirin 1. sweet (tatlı); synonyms (adj) beloved,
excellent, select, (v) chosen; antonym (adj) inferior, delicious, fresh, lovely, mellow, dear, lovable,
4. alternative (alternatif, seçenek); synonyms melodious, musical, pleasant, pleasing, sugary,
(adj) alternate, alternating, variant, (n) choice, charming, delightful, (n) confection; antonyms (adj)
substitute, variation. sour, acid, bitter, discordant, acidic, pungent,
sharp, salty, 2. pleasant (hoş); synonyms (adj)
şikâyet complaint; synonyms (n) accusation, ailment,
bright, acceptable, agreeable, amiable, jolly, kindly,
charge, affection, disease, disorder, ill, illness,
nice, facetious, affable, attractive, cheerful, clear,
lament, plaint, protest, sickness, wail, whine, claim.
comfortable, congenial, enjoyable; antonyms (adj)
şımarıklık sauce (sos); synonyms (n) condiment,
unpleasant, disagreeable, disgusting, foul,
seasoning, garnish, impertinence, billingsgate,
gruesome, harsh, horrible, nasty, repugnant,
salad, cheek, insolence, effrontery, juice, nerve,
shocking, terrible, unwelcome, appalling, frosty,
flavoring, lip, liquor, mouth.
şimdi 1. now; synonyms (adv) forthwith, here, şirket 1. firm; synonyms (n) company, (adj) constant,
immediately, currently, directly, instantly,
hard, stable, close, compact, determined, fixed,
presently, already, nowadays, straight, today, just,
resolute, solid, steadfast, steady, strong, decisive,
right, (adj) current, present; antonyms (adv) later,
(v) faithful; antonyms (adj) irresolute, soft, weak,
soon, 2. presently; synonyms (adv) now, shortly,
hesitant, limp, liquid, soggy, 2. company;
quickly. synonyms (n) companionship, society, association,
şimdiden already; synonyms (adv) beforehand, band, business, cohort, collection, brigade,
previously, before, formerly, once, earlier, finally, assemblage, bevy, caller, club, companion, corps,
(adj) erewhile, present. (v) accompany; antonym (n) solitude, 3. concern;
synonyms (n) affair, regard, attention, anxiety,

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428 Turkish - English

bother, matter, apprehension, burden, disquiet, extend, inflate, explicate, elaborate, grow, increase,
fear, (v) worry, affect, care, interest, trouble; (adj) dilate, expatiate; antonyms (v) contract,
antonym (v) unconcern, 4. corporation; synonyms shorten, abbreviate, decrease, deflate, reduce,
(n) belly, concern, body, corp, firm, organization, shrink, summarize, narrow, 4. fill (doldurmak);
partnership, agency, establishment, foundation, synonyms (v) block, clog, charge, line, stuff,
group, incorporation, municipality, potbelly, accomplish, execute, complete, brim, close, cram,
conglomerate, 5. society; synonyms (n) institution, flood, fulfill, (n) crowd, filling; antonyms (v) empty,
public, community, corporation, fellowship, free.
fraternity, circle, people, commonwealth, guild, şive accent (vurgu); synonyms (n) stress, dialect,
order, brotherhood, folk, friendship, gild. emphasis, idiom, importance, speech, accentuation,
şiş lump; synonyms (n) heap, chunk, knot, block, clod, articulation, intonation, pronunciation, (v)
hunk, tumor, bit, bulge, clump, fragment, knob, (v) emphasize, emphasise, punctuate, accentuate,
clot, (adj) mass, lout. pronounce.
şişe bottle; synonyms (n) container, flask, jug, jar, pot, şoför driver (sürücü); synonyms (n) coachman,
carboy, gourd, (v) preserve, can. postboy, club, chaser, commuter, hoistman,
şişelemek bottle (şişe); synonyms (n) container, flask, pursuer, spanker.
jug, jar, pot, carboy, gourd, (v) preserve, can. şöhret 1. fame (ün); synonyms (n) credit, distinction,
şişirmek 1. pad; synonyms (n) cushion, apartment, report, reputation, bruit, honor, prestige, renown,
digs, wadding, (v) line, inflate, expand, bolster, buzz, eminence, hearsay, kudos, (v) celebrity, cry,
stuff, wad, aggrandize, amplify, embroider, esteem; antonyms (n) infamy, obscurity,
magnify, enlarge, 2. bulk (hacim, yığın); anonymity, 2. reputation; synonyms (n) fame,
synonyms (n) mass, size, amount, majority, volume, name, face, character, notoriety, prominence,
capacity, body, dimension, extent, magnitude, repute, standing, glory, rank, estimation,
quantity, thickness, scale, (v) bulge, (adj) lump; importance, respect, account, (v) regard, 3. odour;
antonym (n) minority. synonyms (n) fragrance, flavour, aroma, smell,
şişkin fat (yağ); synonyms (adj) stout, corpulent, odor, scent, flavor, feel, feeling, look, olfaction,
dense, thick, bulky, fatty, fertile, fleshy, gainful, smelling, spirit, tone, 4. prominence; synonyms
greasy, great, (n) avoirdupois, blubber, cream, (v) (n) hump, protuberance, height, bulge,

fatten; antonyms (adj) thin, slim, skinny, slender. consequence, projection, moment, bump, extrusion,
gibbosity, jut, swelling, emphasis, hill, influence, 5.
şişkinlik inflation (enflasyon); synonyms (n)
expansion, dilatation, increase, rise, boom, report (rapor); synonyms (n) description, gossip,
subtilization, appreciation, accumulation, notice, message, narration, narrative, news,
augmentation, bombast, conceit, depression, notification, recital, record, story, (v) describe,
euphemism, exaggeration, (adj) pretension; communicate, recount, relate; antonym (n) fact, 6.
antonym (n) deflation. record (dosya, kaydetmek, kayıt, plak);
şişko 1. fat (yağ); synonyms (adj) stout, corpulent, synonyms (n) register, list, book, disk, document,
history, deed, (v) chronicle, file, enter, note, score,
dense, thick, bulky, fatty, fertile, fleshy, gainful,
greasy, great, (n) avoirdupois, blubber, cream, (v) inscribe, mark, enrol.
fatten; antonyms (adj) thin, slim, skinny, slender, 2. şöhretli renowned; synonyms (adj) celebrated,
gross (brüt, kaba); synonyms (adj) crass, coarse, illustrious, famous, eminent, famed, notable, noted,
glorious, distinguished, great, notorious, well-
big, boorish, common, crude, fat, blunt, disgusting,
known, known, reputable, (n) noble; antonym (adj)
broad, brutal, earthy, entire, (v) foul, (n) aggregate;
antonyms (adj) attractive, (v) net.
şişman fat (yağ); synonyms (adj) stout, corpulent, şok 1. shock; synonyms (n) blow, daze, impact,
collision, outrage, surprise, concussion, (v) jar,
dense, thick, bulky, fatty, fertile, fleshy, gainful,
offend, revolt, startle, appall, clash, disgust,
greasy, great, (n) avoirdupois, blubber, cream, (v)
dismay; antonym (v) comfort, 2. jar (kavanoz);
fatten; antonyms (adj) thin, slim, skinny, slender.
synonyms (n) jangle, crock, container, jog, shake,
şişmek 1. bulk (hacim, yığın); synonyms (n) mass,
amphora, bottle, crash, (v) jolt, creak, bump, collide,
size, amount, majority, volume, capacity, body,
jounce, grate, agitate.
dimension, extent, magnitude, quantity, thickness,
scale, (v) bulge, (adj) lump; antonym (n) minority, 2.
şölen feast; synonyms (n) banquet, dinner,
entertainment, binge, carousal, celebration, festival,
belly (göbek, karın); synonyms (n) abdomen,
meal, spread, (v) junket, fete, eat, feed, treat,
stomach, inside, bowels, intestines, waist, entrails,
entertain; antonym (v) fast.
gut, paunch, venter, (v) balloon, swell, billow, bloat,
şömine fireplace; synonyms (n) chimney, fire, hearth,
3. expand (büyütmek, genişlemek,
fireside, ingle, barbecue, blaze, favourite, flame,
genişletmek); synonyms (v) amplify, enlarge, paramour, sweetheart.
broaden, develop, distend, aggrandize, augment,

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şort shorts; synonyms (n) pants, knickers, drawers, mistrustful, shy, leery, skeptical; antonyms (adj)
trunks, underwear, bloomers, boxers, trusting, aboveboard, aggressive, gullible,
underdrawers. trustworthy.
şov show (gösteri, göstermek); synonyms (v) şüphelenen suspicious; synonyms (adj) distrustful,
present, broadcast, expose, guide, indicate, parade, questionable, suspect, doubtful, dubious, queer,
demonstrate, disclose, evidence, (n) display, shady, incredulous, fishy, funny, jealous,
appearance, exhibit, produce, ostentation, mistrustful, shy, leery, skeptical; antonyms (adj)
presentation; antonyms (v) conceal, disprove, hide. trusting, aboveboard, aggressive, gullible,
şövalye knight; synonyms (n) cavalier, horseman, trustworthy.
horse, chevalier, knighthood, adventurer, buck, şüphelenmek suspect; synonyms (v) doubt, distrust,
cavalry, diacetylmorphine, heroin, junk, savior, mistrust, suppose, conjecture, guess, surmise,
lover, (v) dub, nickname. believe, disbelieve, divine, (adj) fishy, questionable,
şöyle so (böyle); synonyms (adv) accordingly, as, shady, suspicious, dubious; antonyms (v) trust, (adj)
consequently, hence, thus, indeed, then, therefore, trustworthy.
insomuch, also, wherefore, (n) sol, (pron) that, (adj) şüpheli 1. doubtful; synonyms (adj) ambiguous,
likewise. debatable, dubious, disputable, distrustful, queer,
şube 1. branch (dal, dallanmak); synonyms (n) arm, questionable, suspicious, tentative, diffident,
jump, wing, affiliate, ramus, member, division, hesitant, indistinct, skeptical, uncertain, undecided;
limb, offshoot, outgrowth, section, shoot, (v) fork, antonyms (adj) certain, trusting, convinced, reliable,
diverge, divide, 2. department (bölüm); confident, persuaded, provable, sure, 2.
synonyms (n) bureau, compartment, area, agency, suspicious; synonyms (adj) suspect, doubtful,
class, faculty, branch, domain, field, line, office, shady, incredulous, fishy, funny, jealous,
part, realm, subject, service. mistrustful, shy, leery, apprehensive, wary,
şükran gratitude; synonyms (n) appreciation, thanks, suspicion, doubting, mysterious; antonyms (adj)
acknowledgment, feeling, anger, benediction, aboveboard, aggressive, gullible, trustworthy, 3.
conviction, credit, recognition, resentment, tribute, loose; synonyms (adj) lax, liberal, dissolute,
honor, impression, merit, obligation; antonym (n) licentious, light, vague, detached, immoral, (v)
ingratitude. disengage, liberate, relax, release, detach, (n) free,
şükretmek praise; synonyms (n) compliment, limp; antonyms (adj) tight, close, compressed,
acclaim, applause, commendation, glory, kudos, dense, taut, strict, compact, wedged, 4. dubious;
admiration, (v) applaud, approve, commend, extol, synonyms (adj) precarious, unlikely, unreliable,
honor, flatter, celebrate, glorify; antonyms (n) unsure, dubitable, equivocal, indefinite,
criticism, disparagement, (v) criticize, belittle, problematic, shaky, shifty, unclear, unsettled,
disparage, rebuke, reprimand, reproach, scold, untrustworthy, crooked, implausible; antonyms
chastise, denigrate, sully. (adj) indisputable, definite, 5. uncertain;
şüphe 1. suspicion; synonyms (n) apprehension, synonyms (adj) changeable, chancy, unsafe,
distrust, mistrust, inkling, fear, hunch, misgiving, variable, hazardous, risky, indeterminate, fitful,
qualm, scruple, surmise, supposition, hesitation, hazy, inconstant, insecure, irresolute,
hint, intuition, (v) doubt; antonyms (n) trust, unpredictable, unstable, (n) incertain; antonyms
certainty, 2. question (mesele, soru); synonyms (adj) clear, decisive, decided, inevitable, safe, strong-
(n) inquiry, challenge, demand, matter, problem, (v) minded, unquestionable, 6. suspect; synonyms (v)
query, inquire, interrogate, investigate, contest, doubt, distrust, mistrust, suppose, conjecture,
dispute, examine, enquire, argue, ask; antonym (v) guess, surmise, believe, disbelieve, divine, assume,
answer, 3. doubt; synonyms (n) disbelief, question, fear, consider, imagine, query; antonym (v) trust.
incertitude, skepticism, uncertainty, diffidence, şüphesiz 1. sure; synonyms (adj) certain, reliable,
doubtfulness, dubiety, incredulity, quandary, (v) secure, safe, firm, indisputable, dependable,
suspicion, suspect, demur, disbelieve, hesitate; assured, confident, definite, infallible, positive,
antonyms (n) confidence, conclusiveness, 4. bound, (adv) certainly, (v) steady; antonyms (adj)
uncertainty; synonyms (n) indecision, suspense, doubtful, uncertain, unsure, hesitant, 2.
irresolution, dubiousness, indecisiveness, doubtless; synonyms (adv) assuredly, questionless,
ambiguity, hesitancy, uncertainness, confusion, undoubtedly, presumably, probably,
insecurity, vacillation, vagueness, volatility, unquestionably, (adj) sure, certes, 3. certain;
anxiety, (adj) instability; antonyms (n) decisiveness, synonyms (adj) actual, absolute, categorical,
clarity. decisive, fixed, inevitable, particular, perfect,
şüpheci suspicious; synonyms (adj) distrustful, special, specific, unavoidable, undeniable,
questionable, suspect, doubtful, dubious, queer, unequivocal, unquestionable, plain; antonym (adj)
shady, incredulous, fishy, funny, jealous, questionable, 4. easily (kolayca); synonyms (adv)

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430 Turkish - English

lightly, comfortably, readily, well, easy, handily, synonyms (n) command, decree, dictate, array,
simply, smoothly, swimmingly, naturally; rank, sort, charge, class, condition, disposition,
antonyms (adv) awkwardly, hardly, 5. secure edict, (v) direct, commission, arrange, call;
(güvenli); synonyms (v) close, fix, preserve, fasten, antonyms (n) anarchy, chaos, confusion, mayhem,
acquire, assure, attain, ensure, fast, gain, get, mess, (v) disorder, request, 6. covering; synonyms
guarantee, guard, (adj) attach, bind; antonyms (v) (v) vesture, (n) clothing, apparel, concealment,
lose, detach, (adj) insecure, vulnerable, loose, wrapper, awning, canopy, envelope, screen, shell,
unsafe. top, clothes, coverture, (adj) over, protective, 7.
şuur consciousness (bilinç); synonyms (n) sphere; synonyms (n) region, range, area, domain,
awareness, feeling, sense, conscience, cognizance, province, realm, ball, circle, department, globe,
mind, notion, knowledge, self; antonym (n) round, ring, arena, compass, field.
unconsciousness. taban 1. floor (zemin); synonyms (n) bed, level, base,
şuursuz unconscious; synonyms (adj) involuntary, layer, bottom, flooring, ground, platform, soil, (v)
unaware, ignorant, subconscious, unwitting, deck, dump, fell, prostrate, stun, baffle; antonym
oblivious, automatic, insensible, instinctive, (n) top, 2. base (alçak, baz, temel, üs);
senseless, unintentional, spontaneous, innocent, synonyms (n) foundation, basis, leg, (adj) abject,
unknowing, unacquainted; antonyms (adj) mean, dishonorable, ignoble, low, vile, bad,
conscious, awake, deliberate. contemptible, despicable, foul, infamous, (v) found;
antonyms (n) summit, (adj) noble, 3. sole;
synonyms (adj) lone, single, singular, one, alone,
exclusive, individual, only, solitary, particular,
T separate, (n) flounder, shoe, foot, (v) resole, 4. bed
taahhüt 1. commitment; synonyms (n) dedication, (yatak); synonyms (n) couch, berth, flowerbed,
charge, allegiance, appointment, committal, crib, sack, rest, support, pallet, understructure,
devotion, loyalty, promise, tie, commission, setting, course, seam, seat, (v) embed, hump.
confinement, consignment, contract, debt, duty, 2. tabanca 1. gun (top, tüfek); synonyms (n) artillery,
engagement; synonyms (n) combat, battle, gunman, handgun, ordnance, pistol, revolver,
commitment, conflict, contest, fight, betrothal, date, shooter, torpedo, accelerator, arrow, gas, (v) shoot,
employment, encounter, employ, agreement, clash, cracker, 2. heater; synonyms (n) brasier, warmer,
meeting, (v) action, 3. undertaking; synonyms (n) bullet, fastball, calefactor, cannabis, dope, fume,
enterprise, labor, task, attempt, business, project, gage, ganja, grass, hummer, salamander, smoke,
venture, adventure, endeavor, job, effort, tuyere.
guarantee, pledge, work, affair. tabela sign (alamet, im, işaret); synonyms (n)
taahhütlü registered; synonyms (adj) enrolled, signal, indication, mark, motion, portent, brand,
booked, conscript, denoted, destined, indicated, emblem, imprint, manifestation, omen, poster,
measured. presage, wave, (v) gesture, indicate.
tabak 1. plate; synonyms (n) dish, leaf, home, tabetme printing; synonyms (n) impression, issue,
engraving, disc, armor, base, board, bowl, denture, imprint, type, duplicating, copying, belief,
plaque, (v) gild, sheet, cover, coat, 2. course (yön); depression, effect, feeling, notion, opinion, picture,
synonyms (n) stream, flow, bearing, career, current, embossing, printmaking.
path, road, route, track, channel, circuit, class, tabi subject (konu, özne); synonyms (n) matter,
method, (v) run, chase, 3. dish; synonyms (n) citizen, affair, dependent, inferior, issue, motif,
beauty, disk, plate, platter, saucer, container, question, point, area, content, discipline, field, (adj)
dishful, bag, (v) hollow, serve. liable, exposed; antonym (adj) liberated.
tabaka 1. coat (palto); synonyms (n) cover, coating, tabiat 1. nature; synonyms (n) character, disposition,
crust, film, fur, jacket, layer, bark, case, casing, (v) class, essence, creation, quality, breed, attribute,
cloak, sheath, blanket, plaster, glaze, 2. layer constitution, humor, manner, mettle, temperament,
(katman); synonyms (n) coat, course, level, ply, type, (adj) kind, 2. character (karakter);
stratum, covering, floor, mantle, row, tier, slab, synonyms (n) nature, note, part, role, brand,
substratum, zone, deposit, (v) pile, 3. sheet description, eccentric, spirit, tone, standing,
(yaprak); synonyms (n) board, leaf, canvas, paper, atmosphere, attitude, case, complexion, (v) cast, 3.
coverlet, newspaper, piece, plane, sail, mainsheet, kidney (böbrek); synonyms (n) variety, feather,
pane, slip, bill, counterpane, form, 4. bed (yatak); stripe, order, nephros, waiter.
synonyms (n) couch, base, basis, berth, bottom, tabii 1. certainly; synonyms (adv) assuredly, surely,
flowerbed, foundation, crib, sack, rest, support, necessarily, definitely, really, sure, truly, inevitably,
pallet, understructure, setting, (v) embed, 5. order absolutely, clearly, exactly, indeed, indubitably,
(düzen, düzenlemek, emretmek, sıra); positively, (int) yes; antonyms (adv) doubtfully,

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questionably, 2. sure; synonyms (adj) certain, tahkikat inquest; synonyms (n) examination, inquiry,
reliable, secure, safe, firm, indisputable, investigation, quest, probe, inquisition, inspection,
dependable, assured, confident, definite, infallible, search.
positive, bound, (adv) certainly, (v) steady; tahlil analysis (analiz, çözümleme); synonyms (n)
antonyms (adj) doubtful, uncertain, unsure, anatomy, breakdown, decomposition, inquiry,
hesitant. inspection, investigation, psychoanalysis,
tabir expression (anlatım, deyim, ifade); resolution, review, scrutiny, study, exploration,
synonyms (n) diction, phrase, voice, appearance, calculation, diagnosis, examination; antonym (n)
aspect, declaration, demonstration, manifestation, synthesis.
articulation, express, countenance, face, idiom, tahlilci analyst; synonyms (n) psychoanalyst,
indication, language; antonym (n) repression. analyzer, expert, psychiatrist, examiner,
tabiye tactics; synonyms (n) tactic, plan, method, commentator, accountant, authority, chemist,
system, scheme, conduct, maneuver, campaign, counselor, critic, detective, forecaster, investigator,
devices, diplomacy. observer.
tabla tray (tepsi); synonyms (n) plate, dish, basket, tahliye 1. discharge (boşaltmak); synonyms (n)
bassinet, case, corbeille, cradle, crate, creel, dorser, release, dismissal, drain, (v) acquit, clear, absolve,
dosser, hamper, hopper, jardiniere, lapboard. complete, deliver, eject, cashier, burst, blast,
tablo 1. table (çizelge, masa); synonyms (n) board, bounce, detonate, disgorge; antonyms (v) capture,
chart, schedule, stand, list, plateau, console, platen, hire, 2. release (serbest bırakmak); synonyms
panel, (v) defer, postpone, shelve, slate, tablet, (adj) (n) discharge, issue, liberation, departure, ransom,
plate, 2. picture (görüntü, resim); synonyms (n) exemption, disengagement, (v) exempt, free,
photograph, effigy, paint, drawing, likeness, liberate, pardon, dismiss, excuse, exonerate, (adj)
depiction, description, (v) image, describe, draw, disengage; antonyms (n) imprisonment, abduction,
depict, fancy, imagine, copy, envision, 3. painting custody, involvement, preservation, (v) confine,
(resim); synonyms (n) picture, portrait, icon, imprison, arrest, catch.
design, coat, art. tahmin 1. forecast (tahmin etmek); synonyms (n)
tabure stool; synonyms (n) chair, seat, bench, calculation, forecasting, forethought, (v) presage,
dejection, faeces, feces, ordure, form, movement, anticipate, augur, calculate, portend, bode,
throne, toilet, can, commode, crapper, lavatory. estimate, figure, forebode, foretell, predict,
prognosticate, 2. estimate; synonyms (n)
tabut coffin; synonyms (n) casket, chest, cask, hearse,
appraisal, assessment, (v) compute, consider, count,
urn, automobile, basket, contention, controversy,
esteem, guess, weigh, account, appraise, assess,
crate, strife, tomb, (v) bury.
computation, conjecture, estimation, forecast, 3.
taç 1. crown; synonyms (n) top, apex, cover, crest,
guess (sanmak, tahmin etmek); synonyms (v)
peak, pinnacle, summit, kingdom, acme, corona,
surmise, believe, deem, divine, reckon, suppose,
coronal, (v) cap, complete, consummate, culminate,
assume, feel, gauge, infer, suspect, (n) assumption,
2. touch (dokunma, dokunmak); synonyms (n) hypothesis, speculation, supposition, 4.
feel, tinge, feeling, hint, (v) affect, contact, hit,
calculation (hesap, hesaplama); synonyms (n)
border, adjoin, strike, stroke, regard, brush,
reckoning, analysis, arithmetic, deliberation,
concern, handle, 3. crest; synonyms (n) crown,
discretion, anticipation, projection, expectation,
brow, height, hilltop, zenith, upside, edge, device,
figuring, (adj) circumspection, prudence, 5.
emblem, heraldry, point, ridge, (v) climax, (adj)
panache, plume.
prediction; synonyms (n) divination, foresight,
announcement, augury, prognostication, prophecy,
tacir merchant; synonyms (n) dealer, seller, trader,
vaticination, foretelling, foreboding, prevision,
merchandiser, retailer, shopkeeper, storekeeper,
soothsaying, expectancy, foreshadowing, 6.
vendor, broker, trafficker, wholesaler, (v) chapman;
speculation; synonyms (n) reflection, venture,
antonym (n) buyer.
guesswork, meditation, gamble, adventure, theory,
tahammülsüz impatient; synonyms (adj) eager, risk, cogitation, consideration, contemplation,
hasty, anxious, petulant, fidgety, keen, edgy, quick, opinion, chance, rumination, stake.
avid, enthusiastic, impetuous, irritable, restive,
Tahmini estimated; synonyms (adj) approximate,
restless, testy; antonyms (adj) patient, enduring.
rough, anticipated, expected, ballpark, likely,
tahıl 1. corn (mısır); synonyms (n) maize, clavus, predictable, probable, projected, reputed, sketchy,
cereals, callus, wheat, grain, commonplace, (v) feed, theoretical, vague, academic, hypothetical;
keep, 2. grain (tane); synonyms (n) corn, crumb,
antonym (adj) exact.
bit, berry, cereal, fragment, atom, character, grist,
tahrip 1. destruction; synonyms (n) death, collapse,
kernel, scrap, speck, buckwheat, cast, iota.
ruin, abolition, damage, demolition, desolation,
devastation, downfall, end, bane, depredation,

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432 Turkish - English

disaster, (v) defeat, doom; antonyms (n) demonstration, display, introduction, performance,
construction, creation, preservation, protection, offer, appearance, exposition, gift, exposure,
conservation, formation, reparation, 2. overture, presentment, production, recital.
demolition; synonyms (n) annihilation, takdir 1. tribute; synonyms (n) commendation,
demolishment, destruction, obliteration, razing, praise, tax, contribution, honor, testimonial, duty,
sabotage, disposal, bulldozing, destroyer, homage, eulogy, respect, compliment, appreciation,
explosion, leveling, slaying, wipeout. approval, (v) subsidy, allowance; antonym (n)
tahsil education (eğitim); synonyms (n) training, criticism, 2. admiration; synonyms (n) wonder,
discipline, instruction, teaching, breeding, adoration, esteem, reverence, amazement,
background, culture, enlightenment, knowledge, estimation, regard, awe, liking, approbation,
learning, nurture, pedagogy, schooling, literacy, astonishment, credit, deference, surprise,
tuition. veneration; antonyms (n) disrespect, disdain, 3.
tahsildar 1. collector; synonyms (n) accumulator, appreciation; synonyms (n) admiration,
receiver, gatherer, caporal, choregus, acknowledgment, awareness, conception, feeling,
commissioner, flugelman, linkboy, woon, grasp, recognition, taste, understanding,
aggregator, bearer, cashier, investor, hoarder, discernment, enjoyment, gratitude, hold, insight, (v)
magpie, 2. receiver (alıcı); synonyms (n) sense; antonym (n) depreciation.
recipient, beneficiary, earpiece, headset, liquidator, takılmak 1. rally; synonyms (n) assembly, meeting,
collector, phone, telephone, matrass, questor; convention, gathering, (v) banter, gather, muster,
antonym (n) donor. congregate, convene, assemble, chaff, collect,
tahsilli informed; synonyms (adj) aware, cognizant, converge, meet, mobilize; antonym (v) demobilize,
educated, conscious, knowledgeable, familiar, 2. kid; synonyms (n) baby, child, youngster, infant,
apprised, wise, conversant, experienced, (adv) juvenile, toddler, tot, babe, teenager, brat, (v) joke,
abreast; antonym (adj) ignorant. jest, mock, fool, jolly, 3. catch (yakalamak);
taht throne; synonyms (n) seat, can, stool, place, chair, synonyms (v) arrest, capture, hook, apprehend, get,
commode, crapper, lavatory, pot, potty, (v) acquire, ensnare, intercept, (n) haul, hitch, trick,
enthrone. bolt, clasp, grab, pawl; antonym (v) release, 4.
tahta 1. board; synonyms (n) council, bench, meal, sport (spor); synonyms (n) frolic, play, pastime,
panel, table, office, sign, commission, committee, diversion, fun, romp, amusement, disport, mutant,
court, embark, plank, (v) keep, lodge, recreation, freak, exercise, entertainment, game, (v)
accommodate; antonym (v) disembark, 2. wood gambol.
(ağaç, koru, odun); synonyms (n) forest, timber, takım 1. set (ayarlamak, grup, set); synonyms (v)
woods, tree, lumber, coppice, jungle, 3. wooden; fix, place, lay, put, locate, position, regulate, define,
adjust, arrange, (n) class, bent, (adj) fixed, fast,
synonyms (adj) stiff, wood, stilted, expressionless,
secure; antonyms (v) soften, liquefy, melt, (n)
inept, dead, impassive.
combing, comb-out, (adj) variable, flexible, liquid, 2.
tahtırevan litter; synonyms (n) brood, bedding,
stretcher, garbage, junk, mess, refuse, rubbish, team; synonyms (n) crew, company, gang, squad,
trash, waste, issue, (v) clutter, (adj) jumble, disarray, organization, party, side, troop, couple, brigade,
huddle. faction, group, (v) pair, band, (adj) rank, 3. battery
tahvil 1. bond (bağ, bono); synonyms (n) (akü, batarya, pil); synonyms (n) army, barrage,
association, tie, alliance, deed, agreement, cement, collection, mugging, onslaught, sequence, violence,
attachment, bail, connection, joint, link, adhesion, regiment, squadron, ark, battalia, battalion,
(v) bind, band, adhere, 2. bill (fatura, gaga, bombardment, bully, clot, 4. gang; synonyms (n)
hesap); synonyms (n) account, beak, circle, crowd, association, bunch, mob, pack, team,
assemblage, clique, club, horde, knot, ring, set,
advertisement, card, invoice, poster, receipt, act,
banknote, check, measure, (v) placard, advertise, swarm, 5. suit; synonyms (n) lawsuit, plea, action,
charge, list. case, petition, (v) agree, fit, correspond,
accommodate, adapt, answer, become, match,
takas clearing; synonyms (n) clarification, glade,
meet, please, 6. suite; synonyms (n) retinue, series,
clearance, dell, lot, aisle, assart, colonization,
entourage, apartment, cortege, flat, train, court,
defrayal, hollow, payment, region, track,
battery, rooms, (adj) round, succession, 7. tackle;
allowance, basin.
synonyms (v) handle, harness, undertake, attempt,
takdim 1. introduction (giriş); synonyms (n)
stop, struggle, grapple, (n) gear, equipment,
induction, beginning, foreword, insertion, preface,
rigging, kit, paraphernalia, rig, apparatus, outfit;
presentation, entrance, initiation, preamble,
preliminary, prelude, admission, entry, intro, antonym (v) avoid, 8. kit; synonyms (n) stuff,
opening; antonyms (n) finale, export, postscript, 2. fiddle, tackle, tools, 9. parcel (paket); synonyms
(n) lot, bale, bundle, division, package, packet,
presentation; synonyms (n) donation, exhibition,

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section, batch, plot, patch, allotment, (v) portion, nearly, most, roughly, in, nearby, (adj) some, near;
distribute, apportion, divide, 10. bunch (grup, antonyms (prep) exactly, precisely.
salkım); synonyms (n) cluster, clump, bulge, herd, taksi 1. taxi; synonyms (n) cab, hack, taxicab,
accumulation, knob, mass, throng, assortment, automobile, cabriolet, drudge, hacker, jade, nag,
bevy, assembly, budget, (v) huddle, heap, plug, taxiing, vehicle, minicab, (v) coast, transfer, 2.
constellate; antonym (v) disperse, 11. gear; cab; synonyms (n) taxi, car, fly, droshki, drosky,
synonyms (n) device, dress, baggage, belongings, growler, omnibus.
clothing, cogwheel, contrivance, luggage, thing,
taktik 1. tactics; synonyms (n) tactic, plan, method,
wheel, attire, garb, furniture, machinery, (v) equip,
system, scheme, conduct, maneuver, campaign,
12. unit (birim, ünite); synonyms (n) element, devices, diplomacy, 2. tactical; synonyms (adj)
aggregate, cell, detachment, member, ace,
advisable, delicate, expedient, planned, politic,
component, part, system, whole, force, article,
prudent, tactful, calculated, considered, deliberate,
block, body, (adj) one, 13. squad; synonyms (n)
intentional, premeditated.
platoon, corps, detail, unit.
takvim calendar; synonyms (n) almanac, agenda,
takınmak wear; synonyms (v) dress, endure, bear, schedule, diary, journal, program, timetable, (v) list.
fatigue, tire, waste, fray, frazzle, (n) clothing,
takviye consolidation; synonyms (n) amalgamation,
apparel, attire, clothes, garb, erosion, garment;
unification, combination, fortification, union,
antonym (v) refresh.
condensation, joinder, coalition, integration.
takip 1. chase; synonyms (n) game, search, quest, (v) talep 1. claim; synonyms (n) call, charge, allegation,
hunt, pursue, expel, follow, stalk, track, trail,
privilege, right, title, (v) demand, ask, assert, exact,
chamfer, pursuit, race, seek, evict, 2. pursuit;
arrogate, contend, need, require, requisition;
synonyms (n) chase, persecution, career, interest,
antonyms (v) deny, disclaim, forfeit, 2. demand;
job, business, employment, performance,
synonyms (n) claim, request, requirement, sale,
following, occupation, pastime, aspiration,
want, (v) command, appeal, beg, expect, involve,
profession, line, activity.
necessitate, take, challenge, crave, clamor; antonym
takke cap; synonyms (n) cover, bonnet, lid, capital,
(v) supply, 3. application (uygulama);
base, ceiling, crest, detonator, tip, closure, (v) top,
synonyms (n) plea, appliance, concentration,
beat, limit, surpass, better.
diligence, effort, exercise, petition, use, attention,
taklit 1. false (yanlış); synonyms (adj) bastard, administration, coating, employment, exertion,
counterfeit, untrue, deceitful, dishonest, erroneous, function, industry, 4. request (istek); synonyms
artificial, assumed, deceptive, disloyal, faithless,
(n) bid, prayer, application, entreaty, wish,
fake, fictitious, sham, ersatz; antonyms (adj) true, invitation, asking, quest, (v) invite, order, pray,
real, correct, factual, faithful, genuine, natural, desire, entreat, beseech, inquire, 5. sale (satış);
truthful, honest, valid, 2. imitation; synonyms (n) synonyms (n) fair, disposal, market, vend,
dummy, copy, forgery, mockery, duplicate, mock, vendition, outlet, carnival, contract, dealings,
reproduction, caricature, impersonation, mimicry, emission, escape, festival, fête, inn, (adj) cheap.
(adj) bogus, false, phony, replica, (v) parody;
tali secondary (ikincil); synonyms (adj) inferior,
antonym (n) original. lower, minor, subordinate, ancillary, derivative,
takma artificial (yapay); synonyms (adj) affected, incidental, auxiliary, indirect, junior, second, less,
theatrical, bogus, fake, false, feigned, forced, petty, deficient, (n) proxy; antonyms (adj) basic,
mannered, phony, strained, unnatural, unreal, main, central, chief, direct, fundamental, major,
hypocritical, precious, stiff; antonyms (adj) natural, primary.
genuine, real. talih 1. fortune; synonyms (n) chance, destiny, estate,
takmak 1. mount; synonyms (v) ascend, rise, climb, fate, fluke, accident, luck, means, abundance,
board, arise, advance, jump, bestride, grow, assets, doom, lot, riches, wealth, blessing, 2. luck;
increase, ride, scale, (n) hill, frame, mountain; synonyms (n) fortune, hazard, advantage, hap,
antonyms (v) descend, drop, (n) valley, 2. fix; portion, coincidence, circumstances; antonym (n)
synonyms (v) establish, assign, determine, fasten, misfortune.
settle, define, anchor, adjust, arrange, set, clamp, (n) talihli 1. lucky; synonyms (adj) auspicious, favorable,
bind, (adj) ascertain, confirm, attach; antonyms (v) propitious, prosperous, favourable, successful,
break, unfasten, 3. wear; synonyms (v) dress, flourishing, advantageous, blessed, chance, good,
endure, bear, fatigue, tire, waste, fray, frazzle, (n) providential, (n) happy, favored, (v) fortunate;
clothing, apparel, attire, clothes, garb, erosion, antonyms (adj) unlucky, hapless, ill-fated,
garment; antonym (v) refresh. unfortunate, 2. fortunate; synonyms (adj) lucky,
takriben about (hakkında, hemen hemen); fortuitous, well, felicitous, golden, advantaged,
synonyms (prep) encircling, for, encompassing, circa, desirable, hopeful.
concerning, (adv) around, approximately, almost,

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434 Turkish - English

talihsiz unfortunate; synonyms (adj) inauspicious, cease, clear; antonyms (adj) incomplete, unfinished,
poor, sad, bad, disastrous, hapless, inopportune, abridged, shortened, sketchy, lacking, (v) neglect, 6.
adverse, calamitous, deplorable, infelicitous, precise; synonyms (adj) minute, neat, particular,
lamentable, unlucky, untoward, ill; antonyms (adj) ceremonious, distinct, fastidious, formal,
fortunate, lucky. punctilious, specific, methodical, fixed, explicit,
talihsizlik disaster (yıkım); synonyms (n) calamity, fine, orderly, prim; antonym (adj) rough, 7. very
catastrophe, accident, adversity, blow, casualty, (çok, pek); synonyms (adv) extremely, greatly,
cataclysm, debacle, destruction, fiasco, highly, really, entirely, most, quite, actually, too,
misadventure, misfortune, affliction, curse, bane; awfully, exceedingly, (adj) much, identical,
antonyms (n) success, blessing, joy. considerably, (n) self; antonyms (adv) abysmally,
talim 1. drill (matkap); synonyms (n) exercise, slightly, somewhat, 8. perfect (eksiksiz);
discipline, practice, auger, borer, rehearsal, gimlet, synonyms (adj) entire, thorough, exquisite, integral,
(v) bore, coach, educate, inculcate, instruct, blameless, clean, flawless, ideal, immaculate, pure,
perforate, pierce, tap, 2. exercise (alıştırma); irreproachable, great, (v) fulfill, mature, crown;
synonyms (n) employment, application, play, antonyms (adj) imperfect, faulty, flawed, 9. full
movement, action, activity, example, function, (v) (dolu); synonyms (adj) abundant, broad, flush,
drill, apply, employ, use, exert, train, do. ample, enough, extensive, comprehensive, copious,
talimat 1. instruction (yönerge); synonyms (n) good, plump, undivided, wide, fat, deep, (n)
charge, command, advice, counsel, direction, crowded; antonyms (adj) empty, starving, hungry,
education, guidance, guideline, information, 10. entire (bütün); synonyms (adj) gross, intact,
injunction, prescription, teaching, bidding, mere, unbroken, universal, radical, dead, livelong,
commission, doctrine, 2. instructions; synonyms undiminished, implicit, main, finished, general, (n)
(n) orders, guide, will, formula, guidelines, stallion, unabridged, 11. thorough; synonyms
handbook, message, briefing, method, mission, (adj) exhaustive, profound, painstaking, sweeping,
preparation, procedure, process, remit, steps, 3. sound, conscientious, heavy, intensive, intimate,
direction (yön); synonyms (n) administration, outright, overall, rigorous, scrupulous, severe,
conduct, bearing, course, address, control, thoroughgoing; antonyms (adj) superficial, careless,
instruction, rule, aspect, aim, lead, order, care, slack, 12. strict; synonyms (adj) rigid, stern,
dictate, (v) management, 4. directive (yönerge); austere, harsh, exacting, hard, inflexible, stiff, cruel,
synonyms (n) decree, edict, ruling, pronouncement, grim, relentless, punctual, religious, brutal,
bylaw, law, mandate, (adj) directing, directional, demanding; antonyms (adj) lenient, free, lax,
guiding, 5. charge; synonyms (n) accusation, flexible, negligent, relaxed, 13. true (doğru,
burden, bill, tax, accusal, assail, demand, (v) accuse, gerçek); synonyms (adj) even, straight, sincere,
blame, attack, bid, load, arraign, assault, cost; factual, loyal, proper, reliable, veritable, rightful,
antonyms (v) request, absolve, retreat. substantial, indisputable, lawful, legitimate, level,
tam 1. exactly (aynen); synonyms (adv) precisely, (v) square; antonyms (adj) bogus, untrue, 14. utter;
correctly, right, truly, sharp, absolutely, just, synonyms (adj) extreme, (v) say, articulate, breathe,
accurately, certainly, closely, completely, directly, speak, state, tell, declare, deliver, emit, pronounce,
punctually, rightly, barely; antonyms (adv) talk, voice, reveal, disclose, 15. due; synonyms (adj)
approximately, inaccurately, (prep) about, 2. exact; appropriate, equitable, owed, payable, unpaid,
synonyms (adj) detailed, precise, actual, authentic, unsettled, legal, fair, fit, (v) owing, (n) debt, duty,
careful, definite, direct, (v) accurate, close, demand, privilege, tax, desert; antonyms (adj) paid, undue,
require, claim, command, ask, (n) correct; antonyms 16. dead (ölmüş, ölü); synonyms (adj) dull,
(adj) inaccurate, imprecise, vague, wrong, lifeless, cold, defunct, inanimate, breathless,
approximate, inexact, 3. accurate (doğru); deceased, extinct, fallen, flat, gone, idle, numb,
synonyms (adj) exact, faithful, true, literal, vapid, out; antonyms (adj) alive, animate, (n) living,
meticulous, nice, strict, truthful, scientific, delicate, 17. implicit; synonyms (adj) silent, tacit,
express, faultless, genuine, honest, narrow; understood, undeclared, unsaid, implied, inherent,
antonym (adj) false, 4. absolute (mutlak, saf); unquestioning, virtual, practical, 18. intact;
synonyms (adj) downright, peremptory, total, synonyms (adj) undamaged, uninjured, untouched,
unconditional, categorical, full, real, unqualified, inviolate, safe, unharmed, unhurt, unscathed,
utter, arbitrary, authoritative, certain, complete, virgin, unblemished; antonym (adj) broken, 19.
conclusive, (n) positive; antonyms (adj) partial, just; synonyms (adv) exactly, hardly, newly, simply,
qualified, 5. complete (bitirmek, eksiksiz, exclusively, merely, (adj) impartial, reasonable,
tamamlamak); synonyms (adj) perfect, absolute, righteous, upright, due, ethical, evenhanded,
consummate, whole, stark, accomplished, all, (v) honorable, moral; antonyms (adj) unfair, biased, 20.
accomplish, achieve, finish, execute, act, attain, whole (Bütün); synonyms (adj) aggregate,

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healthy, well, natural, round, (n) sum, hale, unit, down, rotten, wide, cancelled, (int) begone;
mass, amount, entirety, everything, ensemble, (adv) antonyms (adj) fresh, on, 12. all (bütün, hepsi,
altogether, totally; antonym (n) part. tüm); synonyms (adv) apiece, (adj) universal, each,
tamam 1. done; synonyms (adj) finished, complete, every, gross, entire, (n) aggregate, entirety,
completed, over, gone, through, (adv) ended; everything, sum, total, (det) any; antonyms (pron)
antonym (adj) unfinished, 2. complete (bitirmek, none, (det) some, 13. wide (geniş); synonyms (adj)
eksiksiz, tam, tamamlamak); synonyms (adj) broad, spacious, roomy, comprehensive, extensive,
perfect, absolute, consummate, whole, full, stark, large, ample, vast, capacious, expanded, extended,
accomplished, all, (v) accomplish, achieve, close, open, sweeping, big, deep; antonyms (adj) narrow,
finish, execute, act, attain; antonyms (adj) thin, restricted, 14. well (iyi); synonyms (adv)
incomplete, partial, abridged, shortened, sketchy, easily, good, (adj) healthy, fit, shaft, sound, robust,
lacking, narrow, qualified, (v) neglect, 3. okay hale, happy, hearty, (n) fountain, spring, pit,
(iyi); synonyms (adv) fine, (adj) good, alright, well, fountainhead, (v) gush; antonyms (adv) ill, poorly,
fair, (int) yes, (n) approval, authorization, (adj) sick, unwell, dying, nauseous.
agreement, (v) approve, sanction, consent, endorse, tamamıyla absolutely (tamamen); synonyms (adv)
authorize, countenance; antonyms (adj) surely, utterly, categorically, completely, dead,
unsatisfactory, (v) forbid, 4. exactly (aynen, decidedly, definitely, entirely, exactly, fully, just,
tam); synonyms (adv) precisely, correctly, right, precisely, purely, (int) positively, certainly;
truly, sharp, absolutely, just, accurately, certainly, antonyms (adv) partially, doubtfully, partly.
closely, completely, directly, punctually, rightly, tamamlama 1. completion; synonyms (n) close,
barely; antonyms (adv) approximately, inaccurately, accomplishment, achievement, attainment,
(prep) about. consummation, finish, closing, conclusion, ending,
tamamen 1. altogether; synonyms (adv) absolutely, fulfillment, performance, complement, end,
all, wholly, completely, entirely, perfectly, purely, execution, perfection; antonym (n) start, 2.
simply, totally, ensemble, fully, utterly, generally, perfection (mükemmellik); synonyms (n)
quite, thoroughly; antonym (adv) partly, 2. excellence, ideal, maturity, paragon, completeness,
absolutely; synonyms (adv) surely, categorically, completion, crown, development, flawlessness,
dead, decidedly, definitely, exactly, just, precisely, ripeness, integrity, complete, perfect, idol, prime;
very, truly, altogether, clearly, (int) positively, antonym (n) imperfection, 3. finishing; synonyms
certainly, (adj) really; antonyms (adv) partially, (adj) last, final, ultimate, (n) coating.
doubtfully, 3. entirely; synonyms (adv) clean, tamamlamak 1. complete (bitirmek, eksiksiz,
solely, bodily, alone, exclusively, only, right, tam); synonyms (adj) perfect, absolute,
extremely, whole, 4. fully; synonyms (adv) consummate, whole, full, stark, accomplished, all,
downright, enough, amply, full, well, abundantly, (v) accomplish, achieve, close, finish, execute, act,
adequately, considerably, favorably, carefully, attain; antonyms (adj) incomplete, partial,
outright, sufficiently, advantageously, (adj) unfinished, abridged, shortened, sketchy, lacking,
complete, effectually; antonym (adv) superficially, narrow, qualified, (v) neglect, 2. implement (alet,
5. exactly (aynen, tam); synonyms (adv) correctly, araç); synonyms (v) fulfil, apply, enforce, fulfill,
sharp, accurately, closely, directly, punctually, complete, perform, discharge, (n) tool, apparatus,
rightly, barely, due, minutely, literally, plumb, utensil, appliance, device, instrument, gadget,
smack, straight, strictly; antonyms (adv) organ, 3. integrate; synonyms (v) incorporate,
approximately, inaccurately, (prep) about, 6. blend, combine, consolidate, fuse, amalgamate,
wholly; synonym (adv) unreservedly, 7. quite; embody, merge, unify, unite, join, mix, coalesce,
synonyms (adv) sheer, even, fairly, rather, stark, commingle, desegregate; antonyms (v) separate,
awfully, far, pretty, somewhat, clear, exclude, segregate, 4. perfect (eksiksiz);
comparatively, reasonably, moderately, 8. synonyms (adj) exact, utter, entire, faultless,
perfectly; synonym (adv) flawlessly; antonyms thorough, exquisite, integral, blameless, clean,
(adv) badly, imperfectly, 9. completely; synonyms correct, flawless, ideal, immaculate, pure, (v)
(adv) roundly, finally, deeply, hollow, (adj) out, mature; antonyms (adj) imperfect, faulty, flawed.
throughout; antonym (adv) hardly, 10. dead tamamlanmış finished; synonyms (v) done, (adj)
(ölmüş, ölü); synonyms (adj) dull, lifeless, cold, complete, completed, ended, perfect, consummate,
defunct, inanimate, absolute, breathless, deceased, absolute, accomplished, polished, ripe, ruined,
extinct, fallen, flat, gone, idle, numb, vapid; spent, round, capable, (adv) over; antonyms (adj)
antonyms (adj) alive, animate, (n) living, 11. off unfinished, incomplete, remaining, rough.
(kapalı); synonyms (adv) by, forth, beyond, over, tamamlayıcı 1. component (bileşen, parça);
aside, abreast, (adj) away, bad, putrid, remote, synonyms (n) constituent, factor, ingredient, part,
detail, element, feature, member, unit, accessory,

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436 Turkish - English

division, piece, portion, section, (adj) fundamental, witness; synonyms (n) spectator, bystander,
2. integral (bütün, tümlev); synonyms (adj) eyewitness, onlooker, evidence, observer, testifier,
complete, entire, inherent, full, constitutional, beholder, testify, attestant, (v) observe, notice, see,
inbuilt, intact, total, all, integrant, organic, perfect, view, watch; antonym (n) participant, 3.
unbroken, (n) whole, differential. testimony; synonyms (n) declaration, testimonial,
tamir repair (onarım, onarmak, tamir etmek); statement, affidavit, affirmation, profession,
synonyms (n) fix, overhaul, (v) remedy, mend, deposition, certificate, avowal, verification,
patch, redress, correct, cure, compensate, doctor, authority, speech, (v) witness, record.
renovate, restore, heal, amend, go; antonym (v) tanım 1. description (betimleme); synonyms (n)
break. account, type, brand, delineation, depiction,
tamlık accuracy (doğruluk); synonyms (n) fidelity, explanation, kind, picture, definition, narration,
precision, truth, exactitude, exactness, reliability, portrayal, recital, report, (adj) class, character, 2.
care, closeness, correctness, faithfulness, definition; synonyms (n) description,
meticulousness, veracity; antonyms (n) inaccuracy, interpretation, limitation, definiteness; antonym (n)
vagueness, imprecision. bagginess.
tampon buffer; synonyms (n) safeguard, pad, tanıma 1. recognition; synonyms (n)
protection, bumper, fender, shield, block, (v) acknowledgment, appreciation, identification,
cushion. perception, cognizance, acceptance,
tan dawn; synonyms (n) beginning, commencement, acknowledgement, admission, approval, avowal,
aurora, cockcrow, morning, onset, origin, prime, credit, realization, remembrance, salute, (adj)
start, sunrise, birth, (v) break, begin, appear, (adj) reception, 2. identification (kimlik); synonyms
daybreak; antonyms (n) dusk, sunset, twilight, (v) (n) designation, finding, id, identity, mark, naming,

end, finish. papers, remembering, badge, recognition,

denomination, 3. acknowledgement (alındı);
tane 1. grain; synonyms (n) corn, crumb, bit, berry,
cereal, fragment, atom, character, grist, kernel, synonyms (n) acclaim, preferment, realisation.
scrap, speck, buckwheat, cast, iota, 2. piece tanımak 1. know (bilmek); synonyms (v) discern,
(parça); synonyms (n) cut, division, part, article, comprehend, can, distinguish, have, recognize,
understand, feel, acknowledge, agnise, agnize,
component, composition, hunk, lump, patch, block,
apprehend, fathom, appreciate, (n) ken, 2.
chunk, coin, constituent, cutting, fraction.
tanesi each (her); synonyms (adv) apiece, (adj) every, acknowledge; synonyms (v) accept, avow,
confess, own, profess, admit, concede, declare,
any, singular, distinct, eche, ilk, eminent,
exceptional, extraordinary, odd, same, strange, notice, affirm, agree, answer, confirm, grant, hail;
uncommon, unique. antonyms (v) deny, ignore, overlook, reject, 3.
tanı diagnosis; synonyms (n) diagnosing, distinction, own; synonyms (v) allow, hold, possess, get, enjoy,
identification, examination, diorism, recognition, occupy, retain, keep, master, bear, control, (adj)
anatomy, breakdown, definition, differentiation, individual, proper, private, personal, 4.
discovery, discrimination, division, forecast, recognize; synonyms (v) know, identify, discover,
prediction. realize, descry, accredit, perceive, see, detect,
tanıdık 1. acquaintance; synonyms (n) connection, discriminate, espy, experience, recognise,
familiarity, friend, acquaintanceship, mate, recognition, spot, 5. spot (benek, leke, nokta);
associate, awareness, buddy, companion, comrade, synonyms (n) blot, place, speck, stain, dot, dapple,
contact, conversance, conversancy, experience, (v) dirty, location, mark, (v) blemish, soil, fleck,
knowledge; antonyms (n) ignorance, stranger, 2. speckle, daub, flaw.
familiar; synonyms (adj) close, common, tanımlama 1. description (betimleme, tanım);
conversant, customary, everyday, intimate, synonyms (n) account, type, brand, delineation,
commonplace, easy, ordinary, usual, acquainted, depiction, explanation, kind, picture, definition,
chummy, (n) accustomed, habitual, (v) confidential; narration, portrayal, recital, report, (adj) class,
antonyms (adj) unfamiliar, foreign, strange, new, character, 2. definition; synonyms (n) description,
unaccustomed, formal, ignorant, unknown. interpretation, limitation, definiteness; antonym (n)
tanık witness; synonyms (n) spectator, testimony, bagginess, 3. explanation (açıklama); synonyms
bystander, eyewitness, onlooker, evidence, (n) annotation, commentary, exposition, excuse,
observer, testifier, beholder, proof, (v) attest, gloss, justification, solution, key, answer, caption,
observe, notice, see, view; antonym (n) participant. apology, basis, clarification, comment, elucidation;
tanıklık 1. evidence (kanıt); synonyms (n) antonym (n) mystery.
confirmation, mark, proof, data, argument, tanımlamak 1. define; synonyms (v) specify,
attestation, demonstration, sign, testimony, clue, (v) characterize, clarify, explain, bound, construe,
display, demonstrate, attest, certify, manifest, 2. interpret, limit, name, restrict, circumscribe,

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outline, delimit, delimitate, delineate, 2. describe tanıtma 1. introduction (giriş); synonyms (n)
(betimlemek); synonyms (v) define, depict, report, induction, beginning, foreword, insertion, preface,
represent, state, draw, relate, qualify, designate, presentation, entrance, initiation, preamble,
narrate, recite, recount, sketch, adumbrate, preliminary, prelude, admission, entry, intro,
demonstrate, 3. illustrate; synonyms (v) elucidate, opening; antonyms (n) finale, export, postscript, 2.
describe, explicate, adorn, cite, decorate, embellish, publicity (propaganda); synonyms (n)
expound, show, illuminate, ornament, embody, advertisement, promotion, advertising, notoriety,
indicate, instance, (adj) exemplify. propaganda, exposure, buildup, disclosure, 3.
tanımlayıcı descriptive; synonyms (adj) expressive, presentation; synonyms (n) donation, exhibition,
narrative, graphic, illustrative, detailed, epic, demonstration, display, introduction, performance,
illuminating, suggestive, vivid, figurative, offer, appearance, exposition, gift, overture,
delineating, delineatory, diagraphical, factual, presentment, production, recital, show.
informative; antonyms (adj) prescriptive, tanıtmak 1. introduce; synonyms (v) insert, interject,
undescriptive. inject, acquaint, advance, enter, exhibit, implant,
tanınma recognition (tanıma); synonyms (n) inaugurate, infuse, initiate, precede, present, instill,
acknowledgment, appreciation, identification, interpose; antonym (v) end, 2. present (armağan,
perception, cognizance, acceptance, hediye); synonyms (adj) grant, confer, (n) gift,
acknowledgement, admission, approval, avowal, donation, (v) bestow, display, give, introduce,
credit, realization, remembrance, salute, (adj) prefer, deliver, donate, offer, perform, gratuity,
reception. award; antonyms (adj) missing, (n) past, future,
tanınmış 1. famous (ünlü); synonyms (adj) history, (v) withdraw, (adv) absent.
celebrated, eminent, splendid, distinguished, tank tank; synonyms (n) cistern, reservoir, container,
famed, illustrious, renowned, capital, conspicuous, cooler, belly, boiler, fermentor, jail, stomach, store,
important, known, notable, notorious, prominent, tankful, thickener, tub, lake, (v) fake.
stunning; antonyms (adj) unknown, infamous,
tanrı 1. father (baba); synonyms (n) begetter, dad,
ordinary, 2. notable; synonyms (adj) extraordinary, sire, creator, abba, beginner, forefather, founder,
famous, memorable, remarkable, great, marked, padre, patriarch, author, (v) beget, engender, create,
noted, noteworthy, outstanding, salient, signal, generate; antonym (n) mother, 2. lord (sahip);
significant, (n) celebrity, luminary, notability; synonyms (n) chief, master, noble, sir, seignior,
antonym (adj) insignificant, 3. distinguished; almighty, gentleman, maker, mistress, nobleman,
synonyms (adj) dignified, reputable, high, noble, overlord, ruler, captain, impropriator.
superior, considerable, distinct, ace, exalted, tapınak 1. temple; synonyms (n) church, tabernacle,
excellent, glorious, grand, lofty, majestic,
shrine, brow, synagogue, forehead, chapel, kirk,
preeminent. meetinghouse, basilica, chantry, conventicle,
tanışmak meet; synonyms (v) converge, find, memorial, oratory, side, 2. sanctuary; synonyms
assemble, congregate, encounter, fulfill, gather, (n) refuge, asylum, retreat, haven, safety,
answer, cross, confront, intersect, abut, concur, reservation, chancel, protection, shelter, resort,
adjoin, (adj) fit; antonyms (v) avoid, disperse, cover, harbor, port, security, temple.
diverge. tapınma 1. cult; synonyms (n) craze, persuasion, fad,
tanıştırma introduction (giriş); synonyms (n) faith, fashion, rage, religion, sect, denomination,
induction, beginning, foreword, insertion, preface, creed, vogue, church, trend, camp, division, 2.
presentation, entrance, initiation, preamble, worship (tapma, tapmak); synonyms (n)
preliminary, prelude, admission, entry, intro,
adoration, respect, adulation, veneration, cult,
opening; antonyms (n) finale, export, postscript. admiration, devotion, exaltation, homage, (v)
tanıştırmak introduce; synonyms (v) insert, interject, praise, honor, revere, reverence, adore, glorify;
inject, acquaint, advance, enter, exhibit, implant, antonym (v) hate.
inaugurate, infuse, initiate, precede, present, instill,
tapınmak worship (tapma, tapmak); synonyms (n)
interpose; antonym (v) end.
adoration, respect, adulation, veneration, cult,
tanıtıcı identifier; synonym (n) qualifier. admiration, devotion, exaltation, homage, (v)
tanıtım 1. introduction (giriş); synonyms (n) praise, honor, revere, reverence, adore, glorify;
induction, beginning, foreword, insertion, preface, antonym (v) hate.
presentation, entrance, initiation, preamble,
tapma worship (tapmak); synonyms (n) adoration,
preliminary, prelude, admission, entry, intro,
respect, adulation, veneration, cult, admiration,
opening; antonyms (n) finale, export, postscript, 2.
devotion, exaltation, homage, (v) praise, honor,
publicity (propaganda); synonyms (n) revere, reverence, adore, glorify; antonym (v) hate.
advertisement, promotion, advertising, notoriety,
tapmak worship (tapma); synonyms (n) adoration,
propaganda, exposure, buildup, disclosure.
respect, adulation, veneration, cult, admiration,

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438 Turkish - English

devotion, exaltation, homage, (v) praise, honor, tarif description (betimleme, tanım); synonyms (n)
revere, reverence, adore, glorify; antonym (v) hate. account, type, brand, delineation, depiction,
tapu deed (iş); synonyms (n) accomplishment, explanation, kind, picture, definition, narration,
achievement, act, feat, behavior, action, exploit, portrayal, recital, report, (adj) class, character.
covenant, activity, document, doing, effort, fact, tarife 1. tariff; synonyms (n) duty, charge, excise,
title, agency. custom, tax, assessment, price, cost, fee, toll,
taraça terrace; synonyms (n) patio, bench, veranda, benevolence, exactment, gavel, levy, octroi, 2.
porch, balcony, yard, accommodation, backyard, schedule; synonyms (n) list, agenda, catalog,
building, bungalow, cottage, farmhouse, green, program, calendar, catalogue, inventory, table, roll,
grounds, igloo. index, chart, docket, plan, (v) register, book, 3.
taraf 1. part (bölüm, parça); synonyms (n) timetable; synonyms (n) schedule, card, roster,
constituent, piece, article, character, component, rota, diary.
cut, division, portion, section, share, (v) branch, tarih 1. history; synonyms (n) account, chronicle,
break, disjoin, divide, divorce; antonyms (n) whole, story, annals, background, narrative, record,
entirety, (adj) complete, 2. way (yol); synonyms (n) explanation, yesteryear, narration, past, life, (v) tale;
course, method, path, passage, road, route, track, antonym (n) present, 2. date; synonyms (n) age,
custom, direction, form, manner, means, style,
appointment, assignation, engagement, epoch,
fashion, habit, 3. side (kenar, yan); synonyms (n) meeting, period, era, time, year, boyfriend, (v)
edge, rim, faction, border, brink, face, part, hand, escort, determine, register, accompany.
aspect, facet, margin, page, position, wing, (v)
tarihçi historian; synonyms (n) chronicler,
party; antonym (adj) distant, 4. hand (el);
historiographer, historier, storier.
synonyms (n) deal, aid, applause, employee, paw,
worker, (v) deliver, give, pass, commit, bestow, tarihi 1. historical; synonyms (adj) historic,
afford, communicate, reach, grant. diachronic, chronological, ancient, genetic,
historial, local, narrative, storial, actual, archival,
tarafından by; synonyms (prep) beside, at, of, about,
attested, authentic, bygone, chronicled, 2. historic;
on, per, (adv) aside, away, past, through, apart,
synonyms (adj) important, momentous, historical,
along, beyond, (adv, prep) alongside, (adj) over.
monumental, significant, past, traditional, aged,
tarafsız neutral; synonyms (adj) disinterested, auspicious, breakthrough, critical, crucial, eventful,
impartial, indifferent, dispassionate, impersonal, innovative, innovatory; antonym (adj) insignificant.
noncommittal, colorless, detached, fair, inert,
tarihsel 1. historical (tarihi); synonyms (adj) historic,
objective, unbiased, apathetic, independent, (n)
diachronic, chronological, ancient, genetic,
neuter; antonyms (adj) biased, aromatic, colorful.
historial, local, narrative, storial, actual, archival,
tarafsızlık equity (adalet); synonyms (n) fairness, attested, authentic, bygone, chronicled, 2. historic;
honesty, candor, reasonableness, uprightness,
synonyms (adj) important, momentous, historical,
justness, probity, right, righteousness, law, (adj)
monumental, significant, past, traditional, aged,
justice, integrity; antonym (n) unfairness. auspicious, breakthrough, critical, crucial, eventful,
taraftar 1. supporter; synonyms (n) partisan, innovative, innovatory; antonym (adj) insignificant.
admirer, ally, backer, follower, friend, patron, tarikat order (düzen, düzenlemek, emretmek,
sponsor, advocate, believer, benefactor, champion,
sıra); synonyms (n) command, decree, dictate,
devotee, disciple, fan; antonyms (n) opponent,
array, rank, sort, charge, class, condition,
skeptic, detractor, critic, 2. fan (hayran, disposition, edict, (v) direct, commission, arrange,
vantilatör, yelpaze); synonyms (n) buff, call; antonyms (n) anarchy, chaos, confusion,
enthusiast, addict, adherent, afficionado, fiend, mayhem, mess, (v) disorder, request.
fanatic, lover, supporter, (v) air, winnow, refresh,
tarım 1. agriculture; synonyms (n) farming,
blow, stimulate, ventilate.
agribusiness, agronomy, husbandry, tillage,
tarak drag (çekmek, sürükleme, sürüklemek); geoponics, agriculturism, culture, defense,
synonyms (v) attract, haul, draw, puff, trail, cart, education, interior, labor, plough, state,
hale, heave, lug, tow, delay, (n) pull, bother, bore, terraculture, 2. farming; synonyms (n) agriculture,
hindrance; antonym (v) push.
cultivation, land.
taramak drag (çekmek, sürükleme, tarımsal agricultural; synonyms (adj) agrarian, rural,
sürüklemek); synonyms (v) attract, haul, draw, farming, rustic, undeveloped, unindustrialized,
puff, trail, cart, hale, heave, lug, tow, delay, (n) pull, floricultural, gardening, horticultural, ranch.
bother, bore, hindrance; antonym (v) push.
tarla field (alan, saha); synonyms (n) arena, area,
tarh bed (yatak); synonyms (n) couch, layer, base, battlefield, domain, ground, place, battleground,
basis, berth, bottom, flowerbed, foundation, crib, compass, court, department, discipline, range,
sack, rest, support, pallet, understructure, setting. realm, section, sphere.

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tart pie; synonyms (n) pi, pastry, puff, desert, account, complement, counterpoise, credit, (v)
dividend, picnic, pushover, snap, candy, tartlet, (v) counterbalance, adjust, offset, compensate,
volauvent, (adj) feasible. contrast, settle, audit; antonyms (n) imbalance, (v)
tartı weight (ağırlık); synonyms (n) load, burden, unbalance, 4. deliberate; synonyms (adj) careful,
charge, consequence, heaviness, importance, calculated, circumspect, slow, thoughtful,
pressure, significance, stress, ballast, bias, import, conscious, (v) consider, cogitate, consult, debate,
influence, moment, (v) gravity; antonym (n) think, confer, contemplate, ponder, reflect;
triviality. antonyms (adj) accidental, chance, unintentional,
tartışma 1. argument; synonyms (n) controversy, hasty, ingenuous, involuntary, spontaneous, 5.
debate, matter, proof, reason, hassle, altercation, scale (ölçek); synonyms (n) flake, gamut,
arguing, brawl, clash, contention, difference, graduation, yardstick, rate, chip, fur, gradation, (v)
disagreement, discussion, fight; antonyms (n) ascend, climb, gauge, mount, weigh, rise, (adj)
agreement, harmony, 2. debate; synonyms (n) balance; antonym (v) descend.
argue, argumentation, argument, disputation, tarz 1. genre; synonyms (n) class, form, manner,
consideration, (v) contest, dispute, contend, mode, style, type, order, species, kind, sort, 2.
controvert, discuss, canvass, altercate, consider, mode (kip); synonyms (n) means, fashion,
deliberate, moot; antonym (v) agree, 3. contest; method, way, condition, custom, guise, wise,
synonyms (n) bout, competition, conflict, race, appearance, approach, fad, modality, process, rage,
struggle, feud, game, match, action, encounter, (v) system, 3. fashion (moda); synonyms (n) cut,
battle, compete, combat, challenge, war, 4. breeze; craze, (v) construct, contrive, cast, create, make,
synonyms (n) breath, air, gust, blow, flurry, gale, shape, compose, adjust, adapt, build, design, fit,
rumor, wind, zephyr, (v) move, 5. discussion; (adj) character, 4. manner; synonyms (n) bearing,
synonyms (n) conference, conversation, discourse, demeanor, air, carriage, look, course, aspect,
consultation, dialogue, negotiation, talk, chat, attitude, conduct, deportment, expression, practice,
colloquy, dissertation, huddle, meeting, parley, category, (v) habit, (adj) description, 5. form
review, speech, 6. controversy; synonyms (n) (biçim, form); synonyms (n) figure, arrange,
squabble, row, contestation, quarrel, wrangle, fuss, ceremony, conformation, frame, mould, (v)
dissension, issue, question, strife, tilt, variance, constitute, establish, carve, do, comprise, devise,
difficulty, 7. contention (çekişme); synonyms (n) generate, mold, acquire, 6. method (yöntem);
assertion, discord, allegation, claim, opposition, synonyms (n) arrangement, formula, plan, device,
enmity, affray, emulation, fighting, litigation, organization, procedure, routine, technique,
rivalry, statement. disposition, direction, measure, resource, channel,
tartışmak 1. discuss; synonyms (v) argue, debate, mechanism, path; antonym (n) disorder, 7. tone
agitate, consult, deliberate, canvass, discourse, (ses, ton); synonyms (n) note, accent, shade,
dispute, mention, moot, negotiate, reason, sound, spirit, timbre, tinge, tint, feel, feeling,
converse, weigh, controvert, 2. argue; synonyms intonation, pitch, quality, hue, (v) color, 8. way
(v) contend, oppose, quarrel, altercate, assert, attest, (yol); synonyms (n) passage, road, route, track,
contest, convince, declare, discuss, expostulate, pathway, headway, lane, progress, street, trail, run,
fight, indicate, object, (n) question; antonyms (v) trend, agency, avenue, distance.
agree, deny, 3. debate; synonyms (n) tas 1. bowl; synonyms (n) basin, pot, plate, container,
argumentation, contention, argument, controversy, hollow, stadium, arena, depression, bowlful,
disputation, consideration, difference, trough, (v) hurl, roll, toss, troll, trundle, 2. vessel;
disagreement, discussion, palaver, conversation,
synonyms (n) ship, boat, craft, duct, jar, vas, bowl,
conference, (v) altercation, consider, cogitate, 4.
canal, pan, receptacle, tube, watercraft, bottle, pipe.
dispute; synonyms (n) brawl, conflict, wrangle, taş 1. stone; synonyms (n) jewel, rock, calculus, gem,
combat, feud, contestation, (v) row, squabble,
pebble, concretion, gemstone, kernel, bullet,
contradict, battle, challenge, bicker, clash, differ,
granite, (v) pit, lapidate, pelt, cake, clot, 2. dig
disagree; antonym (n) agreement.
(kazmak); synonyms (v) jab, delve, prod, burrow,
tartmak 1. measure (ölçmek, ölçü, önlem);
comprehend, excavate, investigate, probe,
synonyms (n) amount, criterion, extent, beat,
apprehend, (n) poke, excavation, gibe, punch, stab,
benchmark, degree, estimate, measurement, meter,
taunt; antonym (n) compliment, 3. rock (kaya);
quantity, act, allotment, action, (v) grade, appraise,
synonyms (n) boulder, pillar, (v) jar, sway, cradle,
2. gauge (ölçü); synonyms (n) caliber, gage, jolt, shake, toss, waver, quake, pitch, reel, roll,
calibre, (v) measure, calculate, assess, compute, swing, (adj) stone.
fathom, make, reckon, forecast, scale, evaluate,
tasa 1. concern; synonyms (n) business, affair, regard,
figure, guess, 3. balance (denge, dengelemek);
attention, anxiety, bother, matter, company,
synonyms (n) poise, symmetry, excess, remainder,
apprehension, burden, (v) worry, affect, care,

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440 Turkish - English

interest, trouble; antonym (v) unconcern, 2. antonym (n) extravagance, 2. saving; synonyms (n)
preoccupation; synonyms (n) absorption, economy, preservation, rescue, deliverance,
abstraction, obsession, fixation, distraction, delivery, (adj) economical, frugal, thrifty, save,
engrossment, preoccupancy, prepossession, chary, except, excepting, sparing, careful,
reverie, anticipation, compulsion. parsimonious, 3. possession (iyelik); synonyms
tasarı 1. scheme (proje); synonyms (n) contrivance, (n) occupancy, occupation, ownership, keeping,
dodge, arrangement, device, diagram, method, goods, property, tenure, grasp, estate, asset, seizin,
project, schedule, (v) plan, plot, design, intrigue, seizure, tenancy, colony, (v) acquisition.
devise, conspire, contrive, 2. project (proje); taşçı mason; synonyms (n) builder, freemason,
synonyms (n) scheme, idea, enterprise, venture, (v) stonemason, architect, artificer, artist, maker,
hurl, jut, overhang, protrude, shoot, bulge, cast, manufacturer, smith, carpenter.
extend, forecast, throw, invent, 3. bill (fatura, tasdikname certificate; synonyms (n) bond, diploma,
gaga, hesap); synonyms (n) account, beak, certification, credential, credentials, document,
advertisement, card, invoice, poster, receipt, act, license, testimonial, warrant, authentication, deed,
banknote, check, measure, (v) placard, advertise, docket, bill, (v) certify, sanction.
charge, list, 4. plan (proje); synonyms (n) aim, tasfiye 1. settlement; synonyms (n) decision,
map, figure, chart, intent, outline, pattern, form, accommodation, colony, hamlet, payment,
blueprint, intention, (v) intend, arrange, conceive, arrangement, conclusion, resolution,
draft, engineer. determination, contract, adjustment, agreement,
tasarım design (proje, tasarlamak); synonyms (n) colonization, establishment, liquidation, 2.
aim, purpose, scheme, conception, drawing, dissolution; synonyms (n) decay, breakup,
arrangement, device, idea, intent, contrivance, (v) decomposition, abolition, cancellation, analysis,
plan, conceive, contrive, sketch, construct; dismissal, annulment, death, dissipation, demise,
antonym (n) chance. adjournment, departure, disintegration,
tasarımcı designer; synonyms (n) architect, licentiousness.
couturier, creator, drawer, engineer, inventor, tashih revision; synonyms (n) alteration, change,
maker, decorator, (v) artist, projector; antonym (adj) modification, amendment, review, revisal, revise,
off-the-rack. reconsideration, adjustment, rewriting,
improvement, rescript, retrospect.
tasarlamak 1. design (proje); synonyms (n) aim,
purpose, scheme, conception, drawing, taşıl fossil (fosil); synonyms (n) fogey, fogy, dodo,
arrangement, device, idea, intent, contrivance, (v) conservative, parent, relic, (adj) flint, obsolete,
plan, conceive, contrive, sketch, construct; granite, preglacial, quartz, ancient, marble, old,
antonym (n) chance, 2. contemplate; synonyms (v)
consider, cogitate, meditate, muse, speculate, taşıma 1. carriage; synonyms (n) attitude, transport,
deliberate, look, ponder, reflect, gaze, behold, behavior, conveyance, air, coach, demeanor,
entertain, intend, mull, reason, 3. intend; deportment, gait, manner, mien, port, position,
synonyms (v) design, destine, mean, determine, posture, (v) bearing, 2. bearing (kerteriz);
contemplate, denote, believe, import, calculate, synonyms (n) carriage, appearance, approach,
designate, propose, signify, think, compass, (n) aspect, conduct, direction, respect, aim,
purport, 4. calculate (hesaplamak); synonyms comportment, pose, presence, regard, run, way,
(v) count, estimate, account, add, appraise, cipher, tack, 3. freight (navlun); synonyms (n) cargo,
compute, deem, enumerate, forecast, gauge, guess, load, burden, lading, consignment, freightage,
make, reckon, expect, 5. project (proje); shipment, goods, loading, merchandise, payload,
synonyms (n) enterprise, venture, (v) hurl, jut, weight, (v) carry, ship, lade, 4. transport;
overhang, protrude, shoot, bulge, cast, devise, synonyms (n) rapture, transportation, (v) transfer,
extend, throw, invent, hatch, draft, 6. purpose transmit, bear, delight, enrapture, exile, banish,
convey, enchant, ferry, ravish, send, take;
(amaç, maksat, niyet); synonyms (n) mind,
effect, end, resolve, motive, determination, antonyms (v) disenchant, remain, 5. shipping;
function, goal, meaning, objective, cause, decision, synonyms (n) freight, moving, carrying, craft,
(v) intention, project, object, 7. plan (proje); ecstasy, exaltation, raptus, transferral, vehicle.
synonyms (n) map, figure, chart, outline, pattern, taşımak 1. bear (ayı); synonyms (v) carry, accept,
form, blueprint, method, agenda, (v) plot, arrange, abide, acquit, stand, take, afford, allow, apply,
engineer, model, maneuver, concoct. assume, behave, brook, comport, conduct, convey,
tasarruf 1. economy; synonyms (n) frugality, 2. carry (nakletmek); synonyms (v) bear, bring,
parsimony, saving, thrift, conservation, efficiency, hold, pack, transport, load, admit, adopt, act,
husbandry, prudence, stinginess, thriftiness, capture, cart, channel, contain, deport, ferry, 3.
brevity, cut, (adj) system, arrangement, array; move (hareket, taşınmak); synonyms (v) affect,

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excite, go, impel, instigate, maneuver, touch, travel, (n) chance, 5. rough (kaba); synonyms (adj) coarse,
flow, disturb, actuate, (n) motion, drive, transfer, hard, harsh, raw, crude, cruel, grating, gross,
advance; antonym (v) stay, 4. wear; synonyms (v) hoarse, jagged, approximate, gruff, inclement,
dress, endure, fatigue, tire, waste, fray, frazzle, indelicate, (n) boisterous; antonyms (adj) gentle,
break, (n) clothing, apparel, attire, clothes, garb, smooth, polished, precise, refined, silky, soft,
erosion, garment; antonym (v) refresh, 5. sophisticated, even, exact, glossy, pleasant, 6.
transport; synonyms (n) rapture, transportation, study; synonyms (n) survey, consideration,
conveyance, (v) transmit, delight, enrapture, exile, investigation, learning, meditation, (v) consider,
banish, enchant, ravish, send, entrance, fetch, run, examine, review, learn, research, analyze, inquire,
haul; antonyms (v) disenchant, remain, 6. convey; investigate, meditate, ponder, 7. plan (proje);
synonyms (v) communicate, express, impart, mean, synonyms (n) map, pattern, invent, method,
cause, cede, consign, deliver, grant, pass, recount, agenda, diagram, forecast, (v) devise, engineer,
say, show, supply, articulate, 7. sustain; mean, model, hatch, maneuver, concoct, fix.
synonyms (v) support, keep, continue, maintain, taslamak affect; synonyms (v) touch, move, act, fake,
preserve, suffer, have, prop, relieve, help, feign, impress, pretend, strike, concern, dispose,
strengthen, affirm, assist, back, bolster, 8. receive dissemble, hit, influence, involve, lead.
(almak, kabul etmek); synonyms (v) get, obtain, taşlamak stone (taş); synonyms (n) jewel, rock,
welcome, make, acknowledge, embrace, gather, calculus, gem, pebble, concretion, gemstone,
greet, hear, earn, own, realize, derive, entertain, kernel, bullet, granite, (v) pit, lapidate, pelt, cake,
include. clot.
taşınabilir portable; synonyms (adj) mobile, movable, tasma collar (yaka); synonyms (n) arrest, choker,
portative, light, convenient, manageable, pocket, pinch, ruff, chaplet, flange, (v) catch, apprehend,
carriageable, cartable, compact, haulable, itinerant, capture, clutch, grab, nail, cop, get, grasp.
lightweight, supportable, wieldy; antonym (adj)
taşmak 1. flood (sel, sel basmak); synonyms (n)
fixed. deluge, pour, torrent, stream, (v) drench, flow,
taşınmak move (hareket); synonyms (v) act, affect, inundate, glut, drown, flush, gush, rush, submerge,
carry, excite, go, impel, instigate, maneuver, touch, swamp, (prep) tide; antonyms (n) drought, shortage,
travel, flow, bear, (n) motion, drive, transfer; (v) trickle, 2. flow (akış, akmak); synonyms (n)
antonym (v) stay. flood, current, discharge, abound, (v) course, flux,
taşıt vehicle; synonyms (n) medium, instrument, jet, run, surge, float, emanate, fall, seep, well, ooze.
means, automobile, channel, transport, carrier, tasnif classification; synonyms (n) arrangement,
transportation, agent, car, intermedium, categorization, class, grading, assortment,
intervention, mediation, platform. categorisation, category, order, rank, analysis,
taşıyıcı carrier; synonyms (n) bearer, messenger, breakdown, classifying, method, disposition,
courier, mailman, porter, postman, vehicle, section; antonym (n) declassification.
transport, envoy, bag, channel, container, emissary, taşra country (ülke); synonyms (n) state, nation,
newsboy, solvent. home, land, area, commonwealth, kingdom, place,
taşkın flood (sel, sel basmak); synonyms (n) deluge, realm, region, soil, territory, (adj) rural, rustic,
pour, torrent, stream, (v) drench, flow, inundate, public; antonyms (n) city, (adj) urban.
glut, drown, flush, gush, rush, submerge, swamp, taşralı provincial; synonyms (adj) local, country,
(prep) tide; antonyms (n) drought, shortage, (v) insular, parochial, unsophisticated, narrow, rural,
trickle. (n) bucolic, peasant, rustic, churl; antonym (adj)
taslak 1. draft; synonyms (n) bill, conscription, sketch, cosmopolitan.
check, drawing, (v) draught, outline, design, tasvip approval (onay, onaylama); synonyms (n)
blueprint, compose, enlist, plan, recruit, chart, acceptance, applause, approbation, acclaim,
delineate; antonym (v) discharge, 2. sketch (skeç); agreement, recognition, admiration, acclamation,
synonyms (n) scheme, cartoon, project, plot, acknowledgment, acquiescence, appreciation,
description, delineation, (v) paint, draft, draw, commendation, confirmation, consent, permission;
picture, depict, describe, frame, adumbrate, copy, antonyms (n) disapproval, rejection, condemnation,
3. outline (özet); synonyms (n) edge, abstract, scorn, criticism.
contour, digest, figure, synopsis, brief, profile, tasvir 1. description (betimleme, tanım);
appearance, adumbration, bound, boundary, (v) synonyms (n) account, type, brand, delineation,
line, form, border, 4. design (proje, depiction, explanation, kind, picture, definition,
tasarlamak); synonyms (n) aim, purpose, narration, portrayal, recital, report, (adj) class,
conception, arrangement, device, idea, intent, character, 2. picture (görüntü, resim, tablo);
contrivance, intention, (v) conceive, contrive, synonyms (n) photograph, effigy, paint, drawing,
construct, arrange, contemplate, intend; antonym

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442 Turkish - English

likeness, description, (v) image, describe, draw, antonyms (n) dislike, tastelessness, 2. experience
depict, fancy, imagine, copy, envision, figure. (deneyim, tecrübe); synonyms (n) event, episode,
tat 1. flavour (tat vermek); synonyms (n) aroma, happening, (v) encounter, endure, suffer, examine,
savor, smell, feel, feeling, relish, sapidity, savour, enjoy, feel, have, know, live, meet, receive, (adj) see;
smack, tang, taste, tone, (v) flavor, season, 2. taste antonym (n) inexperience, 3. sample (örnek);
(tatmak); synonyms (n) bit, liking, morsel, synonyms (n) example, instance, specimen, model,
penchant, appetite, drink, drop, fondness, gusto, pattern, assay, case, illustration, exemplar, design,
mouthful, predilection, preference, refinement, (v) (v) taste, try, attempt, essay, (adj) test.
sample, discernment; antonyms (n) dislike, tatmin 1. satisfaction; synonyms (n) pleasure,
tastelessness, 3. salt (tuz); synonyms (n) salinity, amends, complacency, content, enjoyment, joy,
sal, blunt, cream, dust, mopus, rhino, (adj) salty, reparation, atonement, compensation, delight,
saline, briny, spice, pungent, (v) cure, pickle, discharge, ease, expiation, (v) contentment,
embalm. gratification; antonyms (n) dissatisfaction,
tatbikat 1. operation (ameliyat, operasyon); displeasure, aggravation, discontent, 2. content
synonyms (n) execution, movement, act, agency, (içerik); synonyms (n) capacity, matter, meaning,
effect, business, management, action, function, subject, substance, contentedness, happiness, (adj)
functioning, performance, running, mission, task, contented, happy, fulfilled, (v) appease, please,
job, 2. practice; synonyms (n) exercise, fashion, satisfy, suffice, gratify; antonyms (adj) tormented,
convention, discipline, experience, habit, form, unhappy, discontented, dissatisfied, rebellious, (v)
observance, application, employment, process, (v) upset.
custom, drill, use, apply. tatsız 1. unpleasant; synonyms (adj) disagreeable,
Taþý move (hareket, taşınmak); synonyms (v) act, harsh, nasty, obnoxious, offensive, ugly, sour,
affect, carry, excite, go, impel, instigate, maneuver, awkward, bad, forbidding, repulsive, hard, rude,
touch, travel, flow, bear, (n) motion, drive, transfer; abhorrent, bitter; antonyms (adj) pleasant,
antonym (v) stay. agreeable, delightful, attractive, comfortable,
tatil holiday; synonyms (n) feast, festival, sabbath, enjoyable, nice, wonderful, charming, 2. flat
break, leisure, recess, rest, stay, (v) vacation, fete, (düz); synonyms (adj) dull, bland, even, plain,
(adj) festive. insipid, level, plane, tasteless, dreary, boring,
tatlı 1. sweet; synonyms (adj) beloved, delicious, absolute, dead, downright, (n) apartment, (v)
fresh, lovely, mellow, dear, lovable, melodious, uninteresting; antonyms (adj) exciting, high-
musical, pleasant, pleasing, sugary, charming, pitched, bumpy, 3. ugly (çirkin); synonyms (adj)
delightful, (n) confection; antonyms (adj) sour, acid, frightful, gruesome, hideous, homely, surly, evil,
bitter, discordant, acidic, pungent, sharp, salty, 2. atrocious, deformed, despicable, grotesque,
soft; synonyms (adj) gentle, easy, light, limp, balmy, horrible, monstrous, ominous, shocking, sinister;
delicate, quiet, slack, loose, clement, faint, flabby, antonyms (adj) beautiful, good-looking, flowing,
flaccid, (v) feeble, low; antonyms (adj) hard, firm, ornamental.
harsh, loud, hoarse, rough, solid, stiff, alcoholic, tava pan; synonyms (n) dish, knock, rap, panning,
shrill, strong, 3. gentle; synonyms (adj) calm, plate, platter, porringer, pot, saucer, calabash,
friendly, soft, affable, kind, mild, tame, amiable, hardpan, (v) slam, criticize, review.
benign, bland, compassionate, docile, fine, fond, (n) tavan ceiling; synonyms (n) cap, limit, maximum,
benevolent; antonyms (adj) caustic, cruel, fierce, limitation, roof, top, thatch, tile, cover, bounds,
violent, abrupt, hardhearted, heavy, sarcastic, restraint, capital, check, constraint, control;
sheer, steep, 4. pleasant (hoş); synonyms (adj) antonym (n) ground.
bright, acceptable, agreeable, jolly, kindly, nice, tavır 1. attitude (davranış, tutum); synonyms (n)
facetious, attractive, cheerful, clear, comfortable, position, aspect, posture, behavior, mind, notion,
congenial, enjoyable, fair, genial; antonyms (adj) air, approach, bearing, disposition, mentality,
unpleasant, disagreeable, disgusting, foul, mood, opinion, outlook, perspective, 2. tone (ses,
gruesome, horrible, nasty, repugnant, shocking, ton); synonyms (n) character, note, accent, shade,
terrible, unwelcome, appalling, frosty, grisly. sound, spirit, timbre, tinge, tint, manner, feel,
tatlım 1. honey (bal); synonyms (n) darling, dear, feeling, intonation, look, (v) color, 3. behaviour;
beloved, love, sweetheart, dearest, duck, baby, synonyms (n) conduct, demeanor, demeanour,
molasses, sugar, flame, (v) sweeten, 2. sugar deportment, doings, 4. carriage; synonyms (n)
(şeker); synonyms (n) honey, carbohydrate, attitude, transport, conveyance, coach, gait, mien,
saccharide, (v) saccharify. port, walk, carrying, equipage, pose, presence, rig,
tatmak 1. taste; synonyms (n) bit, flavor, liking, stance, (v) pace, 5. manner; synonyms (n)
morsel, penchant, appetite, drink, drop, fondness, appearance, form, method, carriage, custom, style,
gusto, (v) relish, savor, sample, smack, discernment; way, course, expression, guise, practice, (v) fashion,

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habit, (adj) kind, description, 6. air (hava, newfangled, (adv) lately, freshly; antonyms (adj)
havalandırmak); synonyms (n) tune, atmosphere, familiar, outgoing, second-hand, traditional, used,
melody, strain, face, breeze, cast, (v) ventilate, less, old-fashioned, (adv) past, 4. raw (ham);
broadcast, show, transmit, vent, weather, aerate, synonyms (adj) crude, immature, bleak, coarse,
beam. cutting, piercing, sore, biting, inclement, naked,
taviz concession (imtiyaz, ödün); synonyms (n) keen, callow, bitter, gross, natural; antonyms (adj)
admission, compliance, allowance, compromise, refined, cooked, 5. young (genç, yavru);
discount, grant, agreement, charter, conceding, synonyms (adj) juvenile, adolescent, baby, boyish,
license, yielding, acceptance, acknowledgment, childish, early, tender, unripe, youthful, childlike,
abatement, assent. infantile, (n) offspring, progeny, issue, child;
tavşan rabbit; synonyms (n) coney, cony, hare, lapin, antonyms (adj) mature, adult, (n) aged, 6. youthful
shuttle, coward, bacterium, das, dassie, delinquent, (genç); synonyms (adj) vernal, beardless, 7. sweet
hyrax, pika, (adj) warren. (tatlı); synonyms (adj) beloved, delicious, lovely,
tavsiye 1. tip; synonyms (n) top, hint, peak, point, mellow, dear, lovable, melodious, musical,
pinnacle, apex, bribe, clue, crown, gratuity, (v) pleasant, pleasing, sugary, charming, delightful,
incline, tilt, dump, lean, slant, 2. advice (öğüt); fragrant, (n) confection; antonyms (adj) sour, acid,
synonyms (n) admonition, caution, counsel, discordant, acidic, sharp, salty.
warning, exhortation, instruction, intelligence, tazelik youth (genç, gençlik); synonyms (n) boy,
monition, notice, report, tidings, advisement, juvenile, lad, young, youngster, adolescence, kid,
announcement, communication, direction, 3. juvenility, puberty, stripling, younker, child,
counsel (avukat, öğüt, öğüt vermek); puppy, infancy, (adj) adolescent; antonyms (n)
synonyms (n) advocate, attorney, consultation, adulthood, adult, ripeness.
counselor, guidance, recommendation, (v) advice, tazmin 1. compensation; synonyms (n) amends,
advise, consult, admonish, confer, exhort, urge,
recompense, allowance, indemnification, reward,
warn, direct, 4. recommendation; synonyms (n) price, atonement, emolument, fee, pay, redress,
praise, commendation, suggestion, advocacy, refund, reimbursement, remuneration, (v) wage, 2.
reference, approval, proposal, endorsement,
satisfaction (tatmin); synonyms (n) pleasure,
complacency, content, enjoyment, joy, reparation,
tavuk chicken (piliç); synonyms (n) chick, cock, compensation, delight, discharge, ease, expiation,
coward, fowl, hen, crybaby, nestling, poultry, fulfillment, happiness, (v) contentment,
weakling, wimp, (adj) yellow, chickenhearted. gratification; antonyms (n) dissatisfaction,
tayf spectrum; synonyms (n) range, gamut, rainbow, displeasure, aggravation, discontent.
tulip, phantom, scale, (v) anamorphosis, distortion, tazminat 1. indemnity; synonyms (n) amends,
illusion, refraction. compensation, damages, indemnification, pay,
tayfa crew; synonyms (n) company, cluster, band, redress, reparation, restitution, excuse, exoneration,
bunch, gang, party, assemblage, crowd, faction, insurance, quittance, recompense, release, security,
group, set, side, team, assembly, association. 2. damages; synonyms (n) indemnity,
tayin appointment (atama, randevu); synonyms reimbursement, 3. compensation; synonyms (n)
(n) assignment, date, designation, engagement, allowance, reward, price, atonement, emolument,
fitting, post, rendezvous, berth, conference, fee, refund, remuneration, return, salary,
election, assignation, commission, encounter, job, satisfaction, settlement, bonus, consideration, (v)
meeting. wage.
tayyare aeroplane (uçak); synonyms (n) airplane, tazyik 1. pressure (basınç); synonyms (n) force,
plane, airship, sheet. compulsion, constraint, duress, exigency, influence,
taze 1. fresh; synonyms (adj) bracing, brisk, clean, insistence, load, pinch, urge, weight, emergency, (v)
novel, bright, original, recent, airy, bold, alive, drive, press, coerce; antonym (n) persuasion, 2.
chilly, cool, forward, green, (adv) new; antonyms compression (sıkıştırma); synonyms (n)
(adj) old, stale, decayed, exhausted, hot, humid, compaction, condensation, pressure, compressing,
muggy, musty, off, oppressive, rotten, tired, worn, concentration, consolidation, contraction,
dry, sweltering, 2. hot (sıcak); synonyms (adj) squeezing, concretion.
warm, ardent, boiling, burning, feverish, fiery, tebeşir chalk; synonyms (n) score, trace, clod, clot,
flaming, fresh, blistering, eager, enthusiastic, fast, gravel, mold, subsoil, clay, cledge, (v) mark, pastel,
peppery, pungent, spicy; antonyms (adj) mild, cold, whiten, charcoal, (adj) ivory, lily.
freezing, bland, 3. new (yeni); synonyms (adj) tebliğ service (hizmet); synonyms (n) help, aid,
modern, additional, inexperienced, innovative, assistance, avail, employment, ministration,
raw, strange, unaccustomed, unprecedented, ceremony, business, occupation, office, (v)
young, contemporary, current, different, overhaul, serve, refit, assist, attendance.

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444 Turkish - English

tebrikler congratulations; synonyms (n) synonyms (n) antidote, salve, curative, curing,
compliment, kudos, praise, compliments, hail, (int) healing, treatment, restorative, aid, (v) correct, help,
bravo, hooray. heal, pickle, preserve, restore, keep, 3. therapy;
tecavüz assault (hücum); synonyms (n) attack, synonyms (n) analysis, answer, care, mixture,
aggression, rush, violence, charge, onset, raid, rape, preparation, solution, psychoanalysis, tonic.
thrust, battery, offensive, (v) assail, storm, invade, tedavül circulation (dolaşım); synonyms (n)
violate; antonyms (n) defense, (v) defend. dissemination, diffusion, distribution, currency,
teçhizat 1. fittings; synonyms (n) furniture, delivery, dispersal, dispersion, gyration,
equipment, fixtures, harness, furnishings, revolution, rotation, round, spread, spreading,
hardware, trappings, linings, stuff, 2. equipment turn, airing.
(donatım); synonyms (n) material, apparatus, tedbir 1. step (adım, basamak); synonyms (n)
facility, gear, outfit, apparel, accoutrements, degree, measure, stage, walk, gait, gradation, level,
baggage, goods, belongings, device, kit, system, rank, act, footprint, footstep, move, stride, (v) pace,
things, 3. outfit; synonyms (n) dress, garb, proceeding, 2. measure (ölçmek, ölçü, önlem);
clothing, company, costume, ensemble, rig, pack, synonyms (n) amount, criterion, extent, beat,
clothes, group, (v) attire, equip, fit, furnish, clothe. benchmark, estimate, measurement, meter,
quantity, allotment, action, bill, (v) grade, appraise,
tecim commerce (ticaret); synonyms (n) business,
assess, 3. caution; synonyms (n) advice,
exchange, connection, dealings, intercourse,
carefulness, precaution, vigilance, wariness,
association, barter, communication, conversation,
warning, admonition, attention, caveat,
traffic, interchange, (v) trade, affair.
circumspection, counsel, (v) care, warn, admonish,
tecrit isolation; synonyms (n) alienation, advise; antonyms (n) recklessness, carelessness,
estrangement, insulation, privacy, dissociation,
rashness, 4. shift; synonyms (n) interchange, turn,
loneliness, seclusion, secrecy, solitude, desolation,
switch, conversion, spell, (v) change, exchange,
segregation, separation, disaffection; antonyms (n)
remove, quibble, alter, budge, convert, displace,
closeness, companionship.
transfer, fluctuate.
tecrübe 1. experience (deneyim); synonyms (n) tedbirli 1. advised; synonyms (v) designed,
event, episode, happening, (v) encounter, endure,
determinate, express, (adj) intentional, considered,
suffer, examine, enjoy, feel, have, know, live, meet,
studied, deliberate, premeditated, intended, 2.
receive, (adj) see; antonym (n) inexperience, 2.
cautious; synonyms (adj) careful, conservative,
tentative (geçici); synonyms (adj) doubtful,
guarded, prudent, watchful, attentive, cagey,
experimental, provisional, probationary, trial,
chary, circumspect, discreet, judicious, provident,
exploratory, shy, cautious, conditional, hesitant,
reserved, shy, thoughtful; antonyms (adj) rash,
indecisive, indefinite, provisionary, undecided;
reckless, careless, impetuous, impulsive, open,
antonyms (adj) definite, sure.
incautious, irresponsible, wasteful, 3. wary;
tecrübeli experienced; synonyms (adj) accomplished, synonyms (adj) cautious, vigilant, suspicious, alert,
capable, educated, competent, expert, leery, distrustful, wakeful, heedful, mistrustful,
knowledgeable, old, practiced, proficient, skillful, safe, mindful, scrupulous, aware, (v) calculating,
sophisticated, trained, able, conversant, informed; crafty; antonyms (adj) unwary, trusting.
antonyms (adj) inexperienced, naive, immature. tedirgin uneasy; synonyms (adj) uncomfortable,
tecrübesiz inexperienced; synonyms (adj) immature, anxious, fidgety, restless, apprehensive, concerned,
naive, young, callow, raw, ignorant, new, nervous, awkward, unquiet, fretful, restive,
unsophisticated, unexperienced, clumsy, strange, solicitous, agitated, jittery, troubled; antonym (adj)
amateurish, awkward, inexpert, (v) green; calm.
antonyms (adj) experienced, trained, skilled, teessüf regret; synonyms (v) bewail, grieve, bemoan,
sophisticated. deplore, lament, mourn, sorrow, repent, (n) grief,
tedarik 1. supply (tedarik etmek); synonyms (n) compunction, contrition, penitence, remorse,
provision, hoard, (v) furnish, stock, afford, fill, repentance, disappointment.
store, feed, offer, provide, cater, contribute, deliver, tefrika serial; synonyms (adj) sequential, consecutive,
equip, give, 2. provision (hüküm); synonyms (n) recurrent, sequent, successive, regular, nonparallel,
arrangement, condition, clause, proviso, article, (n) periodical, series.
board, requirement, stipulation, maintenance,
tefsir interpretation (yorum); synonyms (n) version,
planning, prerequisite, disposal, food, (v)
construction, explanation, exposition, clarification,
preparation, supply; antonym (n) lack.
commentary, illustration, definition, interpreting,
tedavi 1. treatment; synonyms (n) cure, conduct, translation, analysis, description, performance,
handling, management, manipulation, therapy, reading, understanding.
medication, remedy, reception, attention, medicine,
method, usage, (v) behavior, treat, 2. cure;

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Turkish - English 445

teftiş 1. examination (muayene); synonyms (n) hurt, risky, unprotected, vulnerable, harmful,
audit, check, exam, search, test, consideration, insecure, reckless.
exploration, inquiry, investigation, study, survey, tek 1. single; synonyms (adj) only, celibate, one, odd,
testing, contemplation, analysis, (adj) examen, 2. particular, distinct, individual, isolated, lone,
investigation (araştırma); synonyms (n) lonely, separate, simple, sole, solitary, exclusive;
examination, research, inquest, inspection, antonyms (adj) married, double, multiple, 2.
scrutiny, review, investigating, trial, interrogation, unique (benzersiz); synonyms (adj) singular,
hunt, experiment, inquire, inquisition, probe, quest, extraordinary, alone, peculiar, distinctive,
3. inspection (denetleme); synonyms (n) exceptional, incomparable, inimitable, matchless,
surveillance, observation, oversight, sight, rare, special, unequaled, unparalleled, unusual,
supervision, view, watch, look, reconnaissance, single; antonyms (adj) common, ordinary,
superintendence, dissection, face, scouting, (v) recurring, 3. odd; synonyms (adj) grotesque, funny,
inspect, aspect. abnormal, curious, droll, eccentric, strange, chance,
tehdit threat; synonyms (n) menace, danger, hazard, novel, anomalous, bizarre, fantastic, irregular,
peril, risk, coercion, jeopardy, omen, scourge, queer, laughable; antonyms (adj) normal, even,
terror, warning; antonym (n) safety. typical, 4. individual (birey, bireysel);
tehlike 1. hazard; synonyms (n) chance, risk, venture, synonyms (adj) different, certain, characteristic,
danger, peril, fortune, jeopardy, bet, accident, (v) especial, independent, own, (n) human, creature,
endanger, adventure, gamble, wager, dare, stake; fellow, man, mortal, person, homo, being, body;
antonym (n) safety, 2. danger; synonyms (n) antonyms (adj) joint, combined, communal, general,
hazard, threat, trouble, precariousness, vague, (n) collective, 5. only (ancak); synonyms
slipperiness, difficulty, insecurity, exposure, (adv) but, exclusively, just, merely, barely, entirely,
hardship; antonym (n) security, 3. threat; simply, however, solely, hardly, exactly,
synonyms (n) menace, coercion, omen, scourge, nevertheless, absolutely, purely, (adj) all, 6. one
terror, warning, 4. risk (risk); synonyms (n) (bir); synonyms (pron) any, (n) anybody, somebody,
possibility, speculation, assay, attempt, charge, ace, anyone, unit, unity, (adv) once, (adj) unique,
deposit, essay, luck, (v) imperil, jeopardize, expose, some, united, ane, 7. exclusive; synonyms (adj)
jeopard, try, endeavor, lay; antonym (v) protect, 5. private, choice, select, undivided, chic, elite,
distress (acı); synonyms (n) agony, anguish, pain, personal, classy, expensive, restricted, snobbish,
anxiety, calamity, grief, hurt, torture, (v) afflict, superior, posh, smart, (n) scoop; antonym (adj)
torment, concern, bother, upset, worry, discomfort; inclusive, 8. uneven; synonyms (adj) rough,
antonyms (v) comfort, please. unequal, jagged, erratic, patchy, rugged, spotty,
tehlikeli 1. dangerous; synonyms (adj) critical, grave, disproportionate, ragged, craggy, crooked,
serious, severe, adventurous, unhealthy, chancy, unbalanced, variable, (v) broken, (n) harsh;
dicey, hazardous, hurtful, perilous, precarious, antonyms (adj) smooth, straight, equal,
threatening, unsafe, poisonous; antonyms (adj) safe, symmetrical, 9. sole; synonyms (adj) unmarried, (n)
secure, stable, 2. hazardous; synonyms (adj) bottom, base, flounder, shoe, foot, plaice, nadir, (v)
dangerous, risky, insecure, uncertain, awkward, resole.
explosive, treacherous, venturesome, venturous, (n) tekdüze uniform (üniforma); synonyms (adj)
daring, 3. critical (kritik); synonyms (adj) acute, regular, even, constant, steady, equal, consistent,
decisive, delicate, important, pressing, ticklish, same, equable, homogenous, invariable, level,
urgent, vital, crucial, fastidious, imperative, unchanging, fixed, (n) livery, dress; antonyms (adj)
minute, momentous, particular, (v) censorious; varied, assorted, inconsistent, unequal.
antonyms (adj) complimentary, trivial, positive, tekel monopoly; synonyms (n) impropriation,
flattering, insignificant, approving, unimportant, 4. limitation, retention, business, cartel, industry,
serious (ağır, ciddi); synonyms (adj) heavy, influence, organization, protection, restriction, ring,
sedate, austere, great, hard, considerable, earnest, stranglehold, throttlehold, trust, consortium.
grievous, sad, sober, bad, big, deep, major, solemn; Teker wheel (çark, tekerlek); synonyms (n) circle,
antonyms (adj) frivolous, lighthearted, cheerful, cycle, bicycle, gear, handwheel, rack, (v) roll,
flippant, humorous, mild, minor, playful, slight, 5. revolve, turn, bike, spin, trundle, gyrate, rotate,
risky; synonyms (adj) dodgy, audacious, harmful, twirl.
reckless, speculative, tricky. tekerlek wheel (çark, Teker); synonyms (n) circle,
tehlikesiz safe; synonyms (adj) secure, reliable, cycle, bicycle, gear, handwheel, rack, (v) roll,
cautious, dependable, good, harmless, innocuous, revolve, turn, bike, spin, trundle, gyrate, rotate,
sound, correct, innocent, inoffensive, certain, stable, twirl.
(n) closet, coffer; antonyms (adj) dangerous, unsafe, tekerrür recurrence; synonyms (n) iteration,
repetition, return, frequency, comeback,

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446 Turkish - English

reappearance, reiteration, relapse, harping; tekmelemek 1. boot; synonyms (n) kick, trunk, bang,
antonym (n) disappearance. charge, gain, kicking, shoe, belt, body, thrill, 2.
teklif 1. offering; synonyms (v) gift, grant, favor, kick; synonyms (n) beef, bitch, gripe, excitement,
benefaction, boon, (n) contribution, donation, flush, hit, complaint, (v) boot, grumble, recoil,
oblation, offer, present, presentation, endowment, spurn, protest, complain, whine, inveigh.
bestowal, gratuity, reward, 2. proposal; tekne 1. boat (sandal); synonyms (n) yacht, scull,
synonyms (n) motion, advice, proposition, craft, dinghy, ship, vessel, vehicle, shallop,
suggestion, overture, plan, proffer, hypothesis, bid, schooner, sailboat, bateau, bowl, sauceboat, truck,
design, idea, view, question, advocacy, (v) cruise, 2. vessel; synonyms (n) boat, container,
contemplation, 3. resolution; synonyms (n) duct, jar, vas, canal, pan, receptacle, basin, tube,
decision, determination, answer, conclusion, watercraft, bottle, pipe, 3. hull; synonyms (n) crust,
firmness, purpose, resolve, solution, shell, hulk, husk, structure, body, glume, (v) skin,
decomposition, analysis, constancy, dissolution, (adj) torso, trunk, bole, 4. bottom (alt, dip, kıç);
fortitude, perseverance, resoluteness; antonym (n) synonyms (n) base, basis, backside, bed, behind,
indecisiveness, 4. offer; synonyms (v) give, bestow, foot, footing, back, arse, ass, bum, butt, buttocks,
put, advance, extend, impart, introduce, perform, floor, foundation; antonyms (n) top, pinnacle, (adj)
propose, tender, lay, dedicate, (n) proposal, go, highest, 5. vat; synonyms (n) tub, barrel, cask, tun,
approach; antonyms (v) withdraw, refuse, 5. bid
drum, 6. ship (gemi); synonyms (n) ferry, bottom,
(davet etmek); synonyms (n) attempt, appeal, (v) (v) dispatch, send, forward, transport, consign,
ask, call, command, invite, adjure, beseech, charge, carry, embark, move, transfer, post, charge, mail,
direct, instruct, order, summon, tell, allure, 6. convey.
suggestion (öneri); synonyms (n) hint, teknik 1. technical; synonyms (adj) technological,
intimation, allusion, counsel, dash, industrial, shipshape, technic, complex, mysterious,
recommendation, sign, touch, trace, clue, obscure, perplexing, profound, puzzling, rarefied,
implication, indication, inkling, insinuation, technicological, mechanical, scholarly, abstruse, 2.
prompting, 7. tender; synonyms (adj) affectionate,
technique; synonyms (n) approach, means,
painful, loving, sensitive, soft, sore, compassionate,
method, skill, fashion, procedure, process, system,
delicate, fond, gentle, mild, frail, caring, immature,
knack, style, manner, way, proficiency.
kind; antonyms (adj) tough, hard, hardhearted,
teknisyen operator (operatör); synonyms (n) driver,
rubbery, rough, 8. proposition (önerme);
hustler, manipulator, agent, doer, speculator, actor,
synonyms (n) assertion, premise, position,
employee, clerk, businessperson, captain, financier,
principle, scheme, axiom, lemma, allegation,
floozie, floozy, hooker.
device, application, law, doctrine, measure, (v)
suggest, accost.
teknoloji technology; synonyms (n) engineering,
apparatus, competence, equipment, experience,
teklifsiz 1. informal; synonyms (adj) colloquial,
expertise, gear, knowledge, machinery, machines,
familiar, casual, easy, free, cozy, unofficial, chatty,
proficiency, savvy, tackle, technicology, (adj)
cosy, homely, wanton, comfortable, conversational,
everyday, intimate; antonyms (adj) formal,
teknolojik technological; synonyms (adj) technical,
authorized, official, 2. free (açık, bedava, boş,
technologic, technicological, industrial, mechanical.
özgür, serbest, serbest bırakmak); synonyms
tekrar 1. again (bir daha, gene, yeniden, yine);
(adj) loose, frank, liberal, (v) clear, exempt, liberate,
synonyms (adv) afresh, more, anew, encore,
discharge, excuse, extricate, relieve, disentangle,
repeatedly, then, also, further, often, 2. over;
acquit, deliver, disengage, ease; antonyms (adj)
synonyms (adv) beyond, across, by, o'er, on, too,
bound, restricted, compelled, confined,
crosswise, (prep) above, during, (n) overs, (adj)
imprisoned, repressive, secure, strict, stuck,
finished, done, extra, odd, past, 3. repetition;
tangled, attached, busy, (v) confine, block, cage, 3.
synonyms (n) repeat, gemination, iteration,
familiar; synonyms (adj) close, common,
recurrence, reiteration, replication, duplication,
conversant, customary, commonplace, ordinary,
reduplication, rehearsal, repeating, return, echo,
usual, acquainted, chummy, (n) accustomed,
reappearance, recital, doubling.
companion, comrade, habitual, associate, (v)
confidential; antonyms (adj) unfamiliar, foreign,
tekrarlama 1. repetition; synonyms (n) repeat,
gemination, iteration, recurrence, reiteration,
strange, new, unaccustomed, ignorant, unknown.
replication, duplication, reduplication, rehearsal,
tekme 1. boot; synonyms (n) kick, trunk, bang, repeating, return, echo, reappearance, recital,
charge, gain, kicking, shoe, belt, body, thrill, 2. doubling, 2. repeat (tekrarlamak, yinelemek);
kick; synonyms (n) beef, bitch, gripe, excitement, synonyms (v) recite, copy, recapitulate, reduplicate,
flush, hit, complaint, (v) boot, grumble, recoil, rehearse, reiterate, double, duplicate, iterate, recur,
spurn, protest, complain, whine, inveigh. renew, reproduce, say, cite, multiply.

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Turkish - English 447

tekrarlamak 1. repeat (yinelemek); synonyms (v) synonyms (v) arouse, budge, move, rouse, affect,
recite, copy, recapitulate, reduplicate, rehearse, agitate, excite, inspire, go, cause, foment, shift, (n)
reiterate, return, double, duplicate, iterate, recur, movement, fuss, riot, 5. rush; synonyms (n) hurry,
renew, reproduce, say, cite, 2. say (demek, charge, flood, flow, attack, (v) gush, race, dart,
söylemek); synonyms (v) remark, articulate, stream, quicken, jet, flush, hurtle, (adj) burst, spurt.
express, pronounce, assert, enunciate, observe, telaşlı hurried; synonyms (adj) hasty, fast, headlong,
maintain, order, read, speak, state, tell, (n) declare, quick, rapid, speedy, sudden, swift, abrupt,
voice. cursory, careless, precipitate, prompt, rash,
tekst text (metin); synonyms (n) copy, matter, script, slapdash; antonyms (adj) slow, unhurried, leisurely.
theme, subject, words, document, book, textbook, telefon 1. telephone; synonyms (n) telephony,
topic, argument, contents, letterpress, manual, earpiece, (v) call, phone, ring, telegraph, 2. phone
passage. (telefon etmek); synonyms (n) earphone,
tekstil textile; synonyms (n) material, cloth, fabric, headphone, receiver, handset, sound, (v) telephone.
stuff, tapestry, drapery. televizyon 1. television; synonyms (n) tube, telly,
tekzip denial; synonyms (n) negation, abnegation, video, telecasting, box, display, films, monitor,
renunciation, repulse, no, abjuration, contradiction, picture, radio, screen, theater, audio, babysitter,
negative, refusal, rejection, forswearing, nay, eye, 2. box (kutu); synonyms (n) basket, cage,
abandonment, rebuff, rebuttal; antonyms (n) chest, package, booth, blow, carton, case, container,
acceptance, affirmation, declaration, admission, crate, envelope, (v) cuff, buffet, beat, fight; antonym
confession. (v) unbox, 3. telly; synonym (n) television.
tel 1. wire; synonyms (n) cable, telegram, line, rope, telgraf 1. telegraph; synonyms (n) telegram,
cord, string, thread, flex, guy, halser, hawser, telegraphy, (v) cable, wire, broadcast, electrify,
marconigram, moorings, (v) telegraph, electrify, 2. forecast, foreshadow, forewarn, 2. wire (tel);
string (dizi, ip, sicim); synonyms (n) chain, file, synonyms (n) line, rope, cord, string, thread, flex,
row, strand, twine, range, filament, rank, series, tie, guy, halser, hawser, marconigram, moorings,
sequence, fiber, procession, train, (v) run, 3. thread painter, report, ribbon, (v) telegraph, 3. cable
(iplik); synonyms (n) yarn, wire, plot, ribbon, (v) (kablo); synonyms (n) cablegram, twine.
penetrate, lace, pass, meander, permeate, thrid, (adj) telkin suggestion (öneri); synonyms (n) hint, advice,
reed, 4. chord; synonyms (n) harmony, curve, intimation, proposal, allusion, counsel, dash,
flange, enticement, (v) accord, harmonise, proposition, recommendation, sign, touch, trace,
harmonize, agree, consort, reconcile, (adj) subtense, clue, implication, indication.
5. fibre; synonyms (n) character, case, eccentric, telsiz radio (radyo); synonyms (n) wireless,
grapheme, lineament, part, persona, reference, role, broadcasting, radiotelegram, radiocommunication,
shred, toughness, type, 6. strand; synonyms (n) tuner, television, (v) broadcast, transmit, notify,
coast, shore, bank, wisp, fibril, scar, (v) beach, report.
maroon, desert, abandon. telve sediment; synonyms (n) deposit, deposition,
telaffuz pronunciation; synonyms (n) diction, accent, lees, dregs, grounds, substance, filth, refuse,
articulation, elocution, enunciation, delivery, residue, settling.
speech, inflection, pronounce, declaration, tema theme; synonyms (n) matter, motif, subject,
pronouncement, delay, dialect, prolation, brogue. base, composition, question, stem, substance, text,
telafi compensation; synonyms (n) amends, motive, business, paper, topic, idea, basis.
recompense, allowance, indemnification, reward, temas 1. contact; synonyms (n) touch, connection,
price, atonement, emolument, fee, pay, redress, collision, communication, link, impact, tangency,
refund, reimbursement, remuneration, (v) wage. acquaintance, (v) call, meet, adjoin, communicate,
telaş 1. hurry; synonyms (n) speed, haste, dispatch, reach, butt, join, 2. touch (dokunma,
flurry, (v) bustle, hasten, accelerate, dash, expedite, dokunmak); synonyms (n) feel, tinge, feeling,
scurry, fly, run, rush, zip, hie; antonyms (n) hint, (v) affect, contact, hit, border, strike, stroke,
slowness, (v) dawdle, 2. fever; synonyms (n) regard, brush, concern, handle, interest.
delirium, feverishness, frenzy, heat, pyrexia, tembel lazy; synonyms (adj) indolent, idle, inert,
febricity, excitement, restlessness, craze, drowsy, inactive, shiftless, dull, faineant, remiss,
enthusiasm, pain, rage, disease, fury, lather, 3. slothful, slow, sluggish, leisurely, sluggard, tardy;
excitement; synonyms (n) commotion, emotion, antonyms (adj) energetic, diligent, active.
agitation, animation, disturbance, eagerness, tembih warning (ihtar, uyarı); synonyms (n) notice,
elation, taking, effervescence, excitation, advice, caution, indication, example, lesson,
exhilaration, kick, thrill, tumult, passion; antonyms admonition, caveat, hint, premonition, sign, alarm,
(n) tedium, dullness, boredom, tediousness, 4. stir;

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448 Turkish - English

counsel, (adj) monitory, cautionary; antonym (adj) assure, guaranty, warranty, warrant, deposit,
encouraging. security, (v) certify, promise, engage, endorse,
temdit continuation (devam); synonyms (n) ensure, secure, sponsor, undertake, contract.
continuance, sequel, resumption, maintenance, temiz 1. clean (saf, temizlemek); synonyms (adj)
elongation, postscript, duration, extension, clear, fair, antiseptic, blank, pure, chaste, adroit,
supplement; antonyms (n) discontinuance, end. tidy, unblemished, (v) brush, cleanse, bathe, clarify,
temel 1. basic; synonyms (adj) first, cardinal, initial, disinfect, sweep; antonyms (adj) filthy, unclean,
primary, primordial, basal, base, bottom, central, muddy, unhygienic, full, syrupy, tainted,
fundamental, introductory, key, necessary, plain, unwholesome, (v) dirty, soil, contaminate, pollute,
(n) essential; antonyms (adj) secondary, complex, 2. clear (açık, belirgin, berrak, temizlemek);
extra, minor, 2. base (alçak, baz, taban, üs); synonyms (adj) clean, certain, open, apparent,
synonyms (n) foundation, basis, (adj) abject, mean, distinct, empty, (v) bright, acquit, absolute, free, net,
dishonorable, ignoble, low, vile, bad, contemptible, absolve, definite, discharge, exculpate; antonyms
despicable, foul, infamous, (v) ground, found; (adj) cloudy, opaque, unclear, dark, fuzzy, hazy,

antonyms (n) summit, top, (adj) noble, 3. incomprehensible, obscure, uncertain, vague,
ambiguous, blurry, confused, confusing, (v) convict,
elementary; synonyms (adj) basic, primitive,
simple, easy, elemental, original, rudimentary, 3. fresh (taze); synonyms (adj) bracing, brisk,
preliminary, artless, straightforward, underlying, novel, original, recent, airy, bold, alive, chilly, cool,
forward, green, smart, sweet, (adv) new; antonyms
4. foundation; synonyms (n) creation,
(adj) old, stale, decayed, exhausted, hot, humid,
establishment, foot, institution, principle, cause,
muggy, musty, off, oppressive, rotten, tired, worn,
cornerstone, footing, origin, support, nucleus,
dry, sweltering, 4. pure (arı, saf); synonyms (adj)
beginning, fundament, grounds, groundwork, 5.
just, genuine, natural, artless, faultless, fresh, good,
fundamental; synonyms (adj) chief, crucial,
guileless, immaculate, innocent, mere, perfect,
elementary, important, indispensable, inherent,
virtuous, devout, authentic; antonyms (adj) impure,
main, significant, vital, core, intrinsic, major,
contaminated, diluted, dishonored, wicked, 5. fair
material, native, (n) root, 6. basis; synonyms (n)
gist, bed, derivation, justification, reason, motive, (güzel, sarışın); synonyms (adj) equitable,
essence, argument, background, explanation, beautiful, average, dispassionate, fine, impartial,
grounding, heart, keystone, rationale, source, 7. reasonable, candid, comely, considerable, decent,
disinterested, (n) bazaar, blonde, carnival;
main (ana); synonyms (adj) grand, great, head,
antonyms (adj) unfair, biased, exceptional, unjust,
leading, principal, capital, paramount, prominent,
partial, foul, imbalanced, mismatched, prejudiced,
uppermost, dominant, master, (n) ocean, sea,
unwarranted, 6. tidy; synonyms (adj) neat, trim,
conduit, channel; antonyms (adj) auxiliary,
spruce, natty, orderly, respectable, shipshape,
supplementary, 8. bed (yatak); synonyms (n)
goodish, methodical, sizable, (v) arrange,
couch, layer, berth, flowerbed, crib, sack, rest,
straighten, groom, neaten, order; antonyms (adj)
pallet, understructure, setting, course, seam, seat,
untidy, disheveled, knotted.
(v) embed, hump, 9. bottom (alt, dip, kıç);
synonyms (n) backside, behind, back, arse, ass, Temizle clear (açık, belirgin, berrak, temiz,
bum, butt, buttocks, craft, floor, posterior, rear, temizlemek); synonyms (adj) clean, certain, open,
valley, depth, anus; antonyms (n) pinnacle, (adj) apparent, distinct, empty, (v) bright, acquit,
highest, 10. ground (toprak, yer, zemin); absolute, free, net, absolve, clarify, definite,
synonyms (n) land, dirt, field, soil, account, country, discharge; antonyms (adj) cloudy, opaque, unclear,
area, occasion, region, terrain, (v) establish, fix, dark, fuzzy, hazy, incomprehensible, obscure,
build, undercoat, (adj) crushed; antonym (n) ceiling, uncertain, vague, ambiguous, blurry, confused,
confusing, (v) convict.
11. principal (ana); synonyms (adj) foremost,
prime, big, overriding, predominant, staple, temizleme clearance; synonyms (n) clearing,
supreme, best, (n) leader, manager, corpus, general, clearage, disposal, headroom, settlement,
lead, boss, director. acquittance, authorization, license, permit, room,
acquittal; antonyms (n) blockage, retention.
temerrüt default; synonyms (n) deficit, delinquency,
omission, oversight, fault, lack, neglect, temizlemek 1. clean (saf, temiz); synonyms (adj)
nonpayment, want, arrears, (v) fail, laches; clear, fair, antiseptic, blank, pure, chaste, adroit,
tidy, unblemished, (v) brush, cleanse, bathe, clarify,
antonym (n) payment.
disinfect, sweep; antonyms (adj) filthy, unclean,
teminat 1. security (güvenlik); synonyms (n)
muddy, unhygienic, full, syrupy, tainted,
pledge, protection, safety, hostage, insurance,
unwholesome, (v) dirty, soil, contaminate, pollute,
collateral, guard, secureness, strength, peace,
assurance, bail, cover, defense, (v) bond; antonym
2. clear (açık, belirgin, berrak, temiz);
synonyms (adj) clean, certain, open, apparent,
(n) danger, 2. guarantee (garanti); synonyms (n)

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distinct, empty, (v) bright, acquit, absolute, free, net, teneke tin (kalay); synonyms (n) can, canister,
absolve, definite, discharge, exculpate; antonyms container, rhino, dust, blunt, cannister, mopus,
(adj) cloudy, opaque, unclear, dark, fuzzy, hazy, mould, (v) pot, preserve, cure, bottle, embalm,
incomprehensible, obscure, uncertain, vague, kyanize.
ambiguous, blurry, confused, confusing, (v) convict, tenis tennis; synonym (n) cricket.
3. do (etmek, yapmak); synonyms (v) act, cheat, tenkit criticism; synonyms (n) critique, commentary,
commit, accomplish, complete, conduct, perform, blame, review, animadversion, attack, censure,
achieve, make, practice, defraud, answer, arrange, comment, denunciation, disapproval, knock,
(n) function, occasion; antonyms (v) neglect, rebuke, stricture, complaint, objection; antonyms
unmake. (n) praise, approval, admiration, compliment.
temizleyici cleaner; synonyms (n) cleanser, lifter, tente canopy; synonyms (n) awning, cover, screen,
custodian, donkeyman. shade, ceiling, pavilion, blind, bubble, shield, visor.
temizlik purity (arılık, saflık); synonyms (n) teori theory (kuram); synonyms (n) supposition,
innocence, holiness, cleanness, clearness, honor, assumption, conjecture, guess, hypothesis,
virtue, perfection, chastity, pureness, sanctity, speculation, idea, opinion, surmise, belief,
elegance, integrity, blamelessness, clarity, presumption, thought, concept, postulation,
simplicity; antonyms (n) coarseness, guilt. postulate; antonym (n) fact.
temizlikçi cleaner; synonyms (n) cleanser, lifter, teorik 1. theoretical (kuramsal); synonyms (adj)
custodian, donkeyman. hypothetical, abstract, speculative, theoretic, ideal,
tempo beat; synonyms (v) batter, flap, pulsate, throb, academic, conjectural, impractical; antonyms (adj)
tick, trounce, whip, bat, baste, break, (n) pulse, practical, concrete, real, scientific, 2. abstract
thump, knock, round, cadence; antonym (v) lose. (özet, soyut); synonyms (adj) theoretical, (v)
temsil 1. representation; synonyms (n) image, abridge, filch, extract, lift, purloin, (n) synopsis,
performance, depiction, picture, presentation, abridgement, digest, epitome, summary,
effigy, diagram, portrait, model, copy, description, abridgment, brief, outline, precis, 3. academic;
emblem, illustration, likeness, appearance, 2. synonyms (adj) learned, pedantic, scholarly,
show (gösteri, göstermek); synonyms (v) studious, bookish, didactic, educational, erudite, (n)
present, broadcast, expose, guide, indicate, parade, intellectual, academician, scholar, professor, (v)
demonstrate, disclose, evidence, give, manifest, (n) scholastic; antonym (n) realist.
display, exhibit, produce, ostentation; antonyms (v) tepe 1. hill; synonyms (n) height, bank, gradient,
conceal, disprove, hide. mound, ascent, elevation, acclivity, embankment,
temsilci 1. representative; synonyms (adj) grade, hillock, knoll, pile, rise, (v) declivity, dip;
characteristic, typical, model, (n) agent, delegate, antonym (n) vale, 2. crown; synonyms (n) top,
deputy, envoy, proxy, ambassador, emissary, apex, cover, crest, peak, pinnacle, summit,
instance, member, substitute, congressman, (v) kingdom, acme, corona, coronal, (v) cap, complete,
represent, 2. agent (acenta, ajan); synonyms (n) consummate, culminate, 3. crest; synonyms (n)
agency, broker, medium, factor, instrument, crown, brow, hilltop, zenith, upside, edge, device,
mediator, attorney, channel, doer, intermediary, emblem, heraldry, point, ridge, tip, (v) climax, (adj)
means, procurator, surrogate, spy, (v) actor. panache, plume, 4. top (üst); synonyms (adj)
temsilcilik representation (temsil); synonyms (n) maximum, superlative, supreme, (n) surface,
image, performance, depiction, picture, covering, lid, (v) best, exceed, head, outdo, surpass,
presentation, effigy, diagram, portrait, model, beat, better, excel, pass; antonyms (adj) worst, (n)
copy, description, emblem, illustration, likeness, bottom, base, nadir, 5. cap; synonyms (n) bonnet,
appearance. capital, ceiling, detonator, closure, coif, cork,
temyiz appeal; synonyms (n) plea, address, helmet, plug, stopper, uncover, moil, (v) limit, 6.
application, attraction, demand, entreaty, lure, (v) mount; synonyms (v) ascend, climb, board, arise,
charm, request, sue, ask, attract, beseech, implore, advance, jump, bestride, grow, increase, ride, scale,
interest; antonyms (n) unpleasantness, (v) repel. erect, (n) hill, frame, mountain; antonyms (v)
ten skin (cilt, deri, kabuk, post); synonyms (n) peel, descend, drop, (n) valley, 7. head (baş, kafa);
hide, coating, fur, hull, rind, shell, crust, synonyms (n) chief, captain, front, boss, foam, froth,
integument, pelt, (v) pare, bark, scrape, excoriate, chieftain, executive, chair, brain, commander,
flay. director, (v) direct, lead, command; antonyms (n)
teneffüs recreation; synonyms (n) amusement, end, subordinate, (v) follow, 8. peak (doruk,
entertainment, distraction, pastime, play, diversion, zirve); synonyms (n) extreme, prime, bill, bloom,
merriment, fun, game, leisure, relaxation, sport, culmination, flush, heyday, highlight, vertex, visor,
pleasure, break, refreshment. most, (adj) cliff, highest, bluff, optimum; antonym

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(n) trough, 9. height (doruk, yükseklik, zirve); behavior, deportment, custom, usage, form,
synonyms (n) altitude, degree, eminence, high, education, grace, actions, activities, code,
level, extent, length, measure, pitch, size, tallness, cultivation, culture, 3. training (Eğitim);
amount, extremity, depth, prominence; antonym synonyms (n) instruction, practice, preparation,
(n) shortness, 10. tip (tavsiye); synonyms (n) hint, teaching, exercise, discipline, nurture, drill,
bribe, clue, gratuity, suggestion, reward, advice, schooling, experience, workout, coaching,
baksheesh, counsel, (v) incline, tilt, dump, lean, grooming.
slant, list. terbiyeli decent; synonyms (adj) proper, adequate,
tepki 1. reaction (reaksiyon, tepkime); synonyms appropriate, acceptable, becoming, comely,
(n) answer, response, backlash, reply, effect, decorous, honest, modest, respectable, right,
reception, rejoinder, repercussion, retort, feeling, 2. seemly, sufficient, chaste, ethical; antonyms (adj)
response (cevap, yanıt); synonyms (n) reaction, immoral, unwholesome, inappropriate,
disreputable, filthy, inadequate, indecent,
echo, return, respond, chant, chaunt, comeback,
hymn, repartee, (v) endurance, experience, (adj) unsuitable.
sympathy, cordiality, fraternization, terbiyesiz 1. coarse (kaba); synonyms (adj)
rapprochement. barbarous, boorish, brutal, crude, gross, rough,
tepkime reaction (reaksiyon, tepki); synonyms (n) vulgar, bawdy, blunt, broad, common, earthy,
answer, response, backlash, reply, effect, reception, harsh, rude, uncivilized; antonyms (adj) refined,
rejoinder, repercussion, retort, feeling. smooth, sophisticated, 2. rude; synonyms (adj)
tepkimek react; synonyms (v) answer, respond, act, impudent, coarse, bold, discourteous, impolite,
mean, abusive, churlish, crass, curt, disrespectful,
oppose, recoil, reply, behave, retort, return;
impertinent, indelicate, insolent, (n) abrupt;
antonym (v) ignore.
antonyms (adj) polite, respectful, chivalrous,
tepmek kick; synonyms (n) beef, bitch, gripe, thrill, courteous, civil, decent, proper, well-mannered.
bang, charge, excitement, flush, hit, (v) boot,
tercih 1. choice (seçim); synonyms (n) vote,
grumble, recoil, spurn, protest, complain.
alternative, favorite, option, preference, selection,
tepsi tray; synonyms (n) plate, dish, basket, bassinet, election, pick, pleasure, volition, assortment, (adj)
case, corbeille, cradle, crate, creel, dorser, dosser, best, excellent, select, (v) chosen; antonym (adj)
hamper, hopper, jardiniere, lapboard.
inferior, 2. preference; synonyms (n) choice,
ter sweat (terlemek); synonyms (n) labor, inclination, liking, predilection, fondness,
perspiration, lather, sudor, effort, struggle, partiality, penchant, precedence, preferment, fancy,
drudgery, fret, labour, (v) work, perspire, toil, advantage, favoritism, priority, taste, desire, 3.
drudge, exude, ooze.
option (seçenek); synonyms (n) possibility,
terapi therapy; synonyms (n) cure, medication, refusal, opening, will, likelihood, opportunity,
remedy, treatment, healing, analysis, answer, wish, call, decision, put; antonyms (n) essential,
antidote, care, medicine, mixture, preparation,
necessity, obligation.
solution, psychoanalysis, tonic.
tercihen preferably; synonyms (adv) rather, sooner,
terapist therapist; synonyms (n) healer, analyst,
earlier, instead, better, kinda, quite, (adj) before,
nurse, psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, consultant,
cheerfully, eagerly, former, gladly, joyfully, prior,
counselor, shrink.
teras terrace; synonyms (n) patio, bench, veranda, tercihli preferred; synonyms (adj) favored, favorite,
porch, balcony, yard, accommodation, backyard,
chosen, pet, select, favourite, selected, choice,
building, bungalow, cottage, farmhouse, green,
grounds, igloo.
tercüme 1. interpretation (yorum); synonyms (n)
terazi 1. scale (ölçek); synonyms (n) flake, gamut,
version, construction, explanation, exposition,
degree, graduation, measure, yardstick, rate, chip,
clarification, commentary, illustration, definition,
(v) ascend, climb, gauge, mount, weigh, rise, (adj)
interpreting, translation, analysis, description,
balance; antonym (v) descend, 2. balance (denge,
performance, reading, understanding, 2.
dengelemek); synonyms (n) poise, symmetry, translation; synonyms (n) displacement,
excess, remainder, account, complement,
interpretation, rendering, transformation,
counterpoise, credit, (v) counterbalance, adjust,
rendition, paraphrase, metamorphosis, conversion,
offset, compensate, contrast, settle, audit; shift, adaptation, alteration, consecration, edition,
antonyms (n) imbalance, (v) unbalance. induction, (v) transmission, 3. version (çeviri,
terbiye 1. sauce (sos); synonyms (n) condiment, uyarlama); synonyms (n) variation, account,
seasoning, garnish, impertinence, billingsgate, variant, lection, report, story, form, light, sketch,
salad, cheek, insolence, effrontery, juice, nerve, summary.
flavoring, lip, liquor, mouth, 2. manners;
synonyms (n) breeding, conduct, propriety,

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tereddüt hesitation; synonyms (n) hesitance, terminal terminal; synonyms (adj) final, last,
faltering, delay, hesitate, diffidence, hesitancy, definitive, endmost, fatal, concluding, incurable, (n)
indecision, misgiving, pause, qualm, reluctance, (v) depot, end, extremity, terminus, boundary, station,
doubt, falter, fear, hesitating; antonyms (n) destination.
certainty, persuasiveness. terminoloji terminology; synonyms (n) language,
tereyağı butter; synonyms (n) fat, oil, cement, (v) nomenclature, terms, vocabulary, phraseology,
blarney, gloze, slaver, apply, cajole, coquet, daub, definition, dialect, expressions, lyric, phrasing,
humor, inveigle, (adj) dough, pudding, clay. speech, wording, words, argot, gobbledygook.
terfi 1. advancement (ilerleme); synonyms (n) terör terror; synonyms (n) alarm, dread, fright, awe,
advance, promotion, furtherance, upgrade, growth, dismay, fear, scare, consternation, horror, panic,
cultivation, development, elevation, improvement, anxiety, apprehension, scourge, trepidation, brat.
progress, progression, profit, betterment, terörist terrorist; synonyms (n) anarchist, bully,
exaltation, gain, 2. promotion; synonyms (n) communist, radical, (adj) alarmist, (v) murderer,
advancement, advertising, boost, encouragement, assassin, butcher, slayer.
hype, preferment, advertisement, forwarding, ters 1. reverse; synonyms (adj) opposite, converse,
publicity, support, advocacy, lift, preference, inverse, (v) annul, repeal, rescind, countermand,
upgrading, propaganda; antonyms (n) demotion, overturn, revoke, rear, nullify, cancel, invert,
neglect, 3. rise (yükselmek); synonyms (n) ascent, overrule, (n) contrary; antonym (n) front, 2.
raise, swell, raising, incline, (v) climb, mount, contrary; synonyms (adj) contradictory, adverse,
ascend, increase, heave, arise, jump, grow, conflicting, reverse, unfavorable, alien, cross,
originate, rear; antonyms (n) reduction, (v) fall, different, disobedient, obstinate, perverse, averse,
decrease, drop, sink, descend, plummet, retire. antagonistic, (n) antithesis, (adv) counter, 3. cross
terhis discharge (boşaltmak); synonyms (n) release, (haç); synonyms (n) crisscross, affliction, (v)
dismissal, drain, (v) acquit, clear, absolve, complete, intersect, baffle, cover, thwart, (adj) crabbed, crabby,
deliver, eject, cashier, burst, blast, bounce, angry, cantankerous, grouchy, grumpy, traverse,
detonate, disgorge; antonyms (v) capture, hire. cranky, annoyed; antonyms (v) uncross, (adj) calm,
terim term; synonyms (n) name, expression, period, good-tempered, 4. opposite (karşıt); synonyms
style, title, boundary, limit, spell, stipulation, time, (adj) diametric, hostile, opposing, opposed,
duration, phrase, (v) call, designate, entitle. diametrical, inconsistent, repugnant, unlike, across,
terkedilmiş 1. abandoned; synonyms (adj) forlorn, discordant, (n) opponent, adversary, contradiction,
immoral, deserted, empty, profligate, shameless, antonym, (pron) other; antonym (adj) similar, 5.
stranded, wicked, lonely, corrupt, debauched, ugly (çirkin); synonyms (adj) nasty, disagreeable,
depraved, derelict, desolate, discarded; antonyms forbidding, frightful, gruesome, hideous, homely,
(adj) restrained, inhabited, orderly, overcrowded, 2. repulsive, surly, evil, offensive, atrocious,
derelict; synonyms (adj) delinquent, abandoned, deformed, despicable, grotesque; antonyms (adj)
forsaken, neglectful, ramshackle, remiss, negligent, beautiful, attractive, good-looking, flowing,
dilapidated, decrepit, rickety, (n) outcast, tramp, ornamental, 6. wrong; synonyms (adj) harm, false,
vagabond. ill, improper, bad, inappropriate, incorrect, abuse,
terketmek leave (bırakmak); synonyms (v) depart, criminal, (v) erroneous, (n) damage, injure, injury,
forsake, go, abandon, desert, quit, escape, flee, lead, injustice, crime; antonyms (adj) correct, good,
(n) furlough, holiday, permission, permit, break, proper, honest, law-abiding, (adv) correctly, (v) right,
(adj) empty; antonyms (v) arrive, enter, stay, remain, (n) justice.
approach, change, come. tertibat gear; synonyms (n) equipment, outfit, tackle,
terlemek sweat (ter); synonyms (n) labor, apparatus, device, dress, baggage, belongings,
perspiration, lather, sudor, effort, struggle, clothing, cogwheel, contrivance, kit, luggage, stuff,
drudgery, fret, labour, (v) work, perspire, toil, (v) harness.
drudge, exude, ooze. tertip 1. composition; synonyms (n) arrangement,
terletmek sweat (ter, terlemek); synonyms (n) constitution, construction, texture, alloy, amalgam,
labor, perspiration, lather, sudor, effort, struggle, article, combination, composing, compost,
drudgery, fret, labour, (v) work, perspire, toil, compound, compromise, harmony, makeup,
drudge, exude, ooze. organization, 2. order (düzen, düzenlemek,
termal thermal; synonyms (adj) caloric, thermic, emretmek, sıra); synonyms (n) command, decree,
warm, convection. dictate, array, rank, sort, charge, class, condition,
disposition, edict, (v) direct, commission, arrange,
termik thermal; synonyms (adj) caloric, thermic,
call; antonyms (n) anarchy, chaos, confusion,
warm, convection.
mayhem, mess, (v) disorder, request, 3.
arrangement; synonyms (n) agreement, order,

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settlement, adjustment, classification, contract, teşekkür 1. thanks; synonyms (n) acknowledgment,

design, distribution, method, plan, sequence, appreciation, gratitude, blessing, grace, praise,
system, accommodation, appointment, accord, 4. benediction, credit, recognition, 2.
scheme (proje); synonyms (n) contrivance, dodge, acknowledgement (alındı); synonyms (n)
device, diagram, project, schedule, conspiracy, acceptance, acclaim, preferment, realisation,
figure, chart, (v) plot, intrigue, devise, conspire, realization.
contrive, connive. teşekkürler thanks; synonyms (n) acknowledgment,
tertipli tidy; synonyms (adj) clean, neat, trim, spruce, appreciation, gratitude, blessing, grace, praise,
natty, orderly, respectable, shipshape, goodish, benediction, credit, recognition.
methodical, (v) clear, arrange, straighten, groom, teselli 1. consolation; synonyms (n) comfort, solace,
neaten; antonyms (adj) untidy, disheveled, knotted. relief, balm, ease, succor, encouragement,
tesadüf 1. coincidence; synonyms (n) accordance, solacement, alleviation, sympathy, 2. comfort
chance, accident, conjunction, coexistence, (avutmak); synonyms (n) consolation, aid,
concurrence, correspondence, appulse; antonym (n) amenity, assistance, support, convenience, luxury,
design, 2. accident (kaza); synonyms (n) casualty, (v) allay, assuage, cheer, alleviate, soothe, console,
coincidence, crash, fortune, circumstance, encourage, (adj) calm; antonyms (n) discomfort,
contingency, event, fortuity, hap, hazard, incident, aggravation, (v) alarm, annoy, frighten.
luck, smash, catastrophe, destiny.
teşhir 1. exposure (poz); synonyms (n) display,
tesadüfen 1. accidentally; synonyms (adv) exposition, detection, peril, danger, risk, expose,
circumstantially, incidentally, unintentionally, discovery, revealing, jeopardy, liability, revelation,
casually, coincidentally, fortuitously, unexpectedly, advertising, susceptibility, (v) disclosure, 2. show
unwittingly; antonyms (adv) intentionally,
(gösteri, göstermek); synonyms (v) present,
deliberately, knowingly, 2. incidentally; broadcast, guide, indicate, parade, demonstrate,
synonyms (adv) accidentally, apropos, haply, disclose, evidence, give, manifest, (n) appearance,
incidently, glancingly, obiter, indirectly, remotely, exhibit, produce, ostentation, presentation;
seasonably, subordinately, timely, transiently, (adj)
antonyms (v) conceal, disprove, hide.
teşhis 1. identification (kimlik); synonyms (n)
tesadüfi 1. accidental; synonyms (adj) casual,
designation, finding, id, identity, mark, naming,
fortuitous, adventitious, chance, incidental,
papers, remembering, badge, recognition,
unintended, unintentional, contingent, haphazard,
denomination, 2. diagnosis (tanı); synonyms (n)
inadvertent, involuntary, random, unexpected,
diagnosing, distinction, identification, examination,
unforeseen; antonyms (adj) intentional, deliberate,
diorism, anatomy, breakdown, definition,
2. chance; synonyms (n) hazard, fortune, differentiation, discovery, discrimination, division,
opportunity, probability, venture, accident, break, forecast, prediction, projection.
contingency, fate, (adj) accidental, (v) gamble,
tesir 1. influence (etki); synonyms (n) force,
adventure, risk, bet, befall; antonyms (n)
authority, control, domination, charm, command,
predictability, (v) design, plan, 3. casual; hold, (v) affect, determine, dispose, effect, incline,
synonyms (adj) careless, irregular, nonchalant, bias, direct, govern, 2. effect (etki, sonuç);
occasional, coincidental, cursory, easy, insouciant,
synonyms (n) consequence, product, result, sequel,
lax, offhand, passing, unconcerned, temporary,
aftermath, conclusion, (v) accomplish, achieve,
carefree, light; antonyms (adj) formal, thorough.
create, cause, complete, do, bring, carry, execute;
tescil registration; synonyms (n) enrollment, antonym (n) reason.
registering, enrolment, entering, entry, register,
tesirli 1. telling; synonyms (adj) significant, revealing,
record, registry, adjustment, readjustment.
effective, effectual, emphatic, impressive, pregnant,
tescilli registered; synonyms (adj) enrolled, booked, cogent, powerful, forceful, potent, trenchant, (n)
conscript, denoted, destined, indicated, measured. recounting, relation, notice, 2. effective (etkin);
teşebbüs 1. attempt (yeltenmek); synonyms (n) try, synonyms (adj) beneficial, practical, efficacious,
endeavor, assay, effort, essay, offer, trial, attack, operative, strong, actual, fruitful, positive, active,
assault, adventure, bid, (v) struggle, aim, chance, important, influential, (n) competent, capable, able,
undertake, 2. enterprise; synonyms (n) business, efficient; antonyms (adj) ineffective, useless, weak,
company, concern, activity, energy, courage, inoperative.
endeavour, firm, initiative, spirit, venture, tesirsiz inefficient; synonyms (adj) incompetent,
corporation, establishment, attempt, cause, 3. inadequate, ineffective, ineffectual, incapable,
venture; synonyms (n) hazard, speculation, inefficacious, feeble, impotent, futile, inactive,
danger, enterprise, experiment, jeopardy, (v) risk, inept, insufficient, unable, unfit, useless; antonym
stake, peril, gamble, endanger, bet, guess, wager, (adj) efficient.
(adj) dare.

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tesis 1. facility (kolaylık, olanak); synonyms (n) alarm, alarum; antonyms (adj) drowsy, inattentive,
ability, dexterity, adroitness, ease, readiness, absentminded, dazed, sleepy, tired, asleep, slow,
artifice, aptitude, deftness, faculty, freedom, unalert, unconscious.
installation, knack, lightness, (adj) competence, tetkik 1. examination (muayene); synonyms (n)
proficiency, 2. foundation (temel); synonyms (n) audit, check, exam, search, test, consideration,
base, basis, bottom, creation, establishment, foot, exploration, inquiry, investigation, study, survey,
institution, principle, cause, cornerstone, footing, testing, contemplation, analysis, (adj) examen, 2.
fundamental, origin, support, nucleus; antonym (n) survey; synonyms (n) poll, review, measurement,
top, 3. institution; synonyms (n) institute, inspection, digest, examination, (v) measure, view,
formation, asylum, founding, academy, custom, appraise, canvass, prospect, assess, observe,
foundation, initiation, organization, tradition, evaluate, examine; antonym (v) neglect.
induction, practice, college, organisation, teyit confirmation; synonyms (n) affirmation,
constitution, 4. establishment; synonyms (n) approval, corroboration, ratification, sanction,
business, company, concern, enactment, settlement, testimony, demonstration, agreement,
introduction, administration, colonization, authentication, check, endorsement, evidence,
dwelling, management, construction, enterprise, proof, substantiation, verification; antonym (n)
government, inauguration, order; antonyms (n)
elimination, end, 5. works; synonyms (n) factory,
Teyp tape (bant); synonyms (n) band, ribbon, strip,
plant, workings, mill, manufactory, deeds.
rope, cassette, seal, (v) record, videotape, video.
tesisat installation; synonyms (n) establishment, teyze aunt (hala, yenge); synonyms (n) auntie,
induction, facility, inauguration, initiation,
aunty, uncle, nephew, niece.
installment, investiture, plant, appointment,
installing, introduction, settlement.
tez 1. quick (çabuk, hızlı); synonyms (adj) bright,
prompt, active, agile, clever, hasty, intelligent,
teslim 1. delivery; synonyms (n) childbirth, birth,
nimble, speedy, alert, alive, cursory, dexterous,
consignment, discharge, rescue, communication,
expeditious, (adv) fast; antonyms (adj) slow,
confinement, deliverance, distribution, elocution,
issue, surrender, articulation, (v) address, leisurely, dull, 2. thesis (sav); synonyms (n)
parturition; antonyms (n) death, dispatch, 2. dissertation, matter, argument, essay, theme, topic,
hypothesis, premise, proposition, assertion,
concession (imtiyaz, ödün); synonyms (n)
contention, composition, paper, treatise, discourse.
admission, compliance, allowance, compromise,
discount, grant, agreement, charter, conceding, tezat 1. contrast (kontrast); synonyms (n)
license, yielding, acceptance, acknowledgment, contrariety, antithesis, comparison, distinction,
abatement, assent, 3. surrender; synonyms (n) difference, variation, collation, opposite, (v) differ,
conflict, oppose, collate, diverge, clash,
resign, resignation, capitulation, release, (v)
concede, relinquish, abandon, render, capitulate, counterpoint; antonym (n) similarity, 2.
deliver, submit, forsake, forfeit, leave, cede; contradiction; synonyms (n) denial, contrast,
antonyms (v) conquer, resist, appropriate, fight, disagreement, discrepancy, inconsistency,
persevere, subdue, win. refutation, reverse; antonym (n) agreement.
tespit determination (belirleme, saptama); tezgâh bench (bank); synonyms (n) settle, chair,
synonyms (n) decision, conclusion, definition, court, terrace, workbench, bank, bar, judicatory,
resolution, decisiveness, resolve, tenacity, will, board, couch, form, judiciary, table, tribunal.
appointment, assessment, constancy, courage, tezgahtar clerk; synonyms (n) writer, transcriber,
firmness, fortitude, (v) award; antonyms (n) accountant, employee, recorder, salesclerk, bailiff,
indecision, weakness, compliance, indecisiveness. cashier, (v) amanuensis, secretary, scribe, scrivener.
test test (sınamak); synonyms (n) trial, audition, tezgâhtar clerk; synonyms (n) writer, transcriber,
experiment, examination, measure, (v) assay, essay, accountant, employee, recorder, salesclerk, bailiff,
examine, prove, quiz, sample, check, try, analyze, cashier, (v) amanuensis, secretary, scribe, scrivener.
attempt. tıbbi medical; synonyms (adj) aesculapian, medicinal,
testere saw; synonyms (v) cut, (n) adage, byword, medic, therapeutic, scientific, experimental,
proverb, dictum, maxim, saying, aphorism, axiom, irrefutable, proven, quantifiable, (n) checkup,
motto. examination.
testi jug; synonyms (n) jar, vase, bottle, container, pot, ticaret 1. commerce; synonyms (n) business,
bucket, jugful, pail, pitcher, tankard, (v) jail, gaol, exchange, connection, dealings, intercourse,
immure, imprison, lag. association, barter, communication, conversation,
tetik alert (uyarmak); synonyms (adj) active, agile, traffic, interchange, (v) trade, affair, 2. business;
quick, aware, intelligent, lively, vigilant, clever, synonyms (n) employment, matter, subject, calling,
alive, animated, attentive, bright, (v) awake, (n) concern, corporation, deal, event, job, occupation,

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profession, vocation, work, action, affairs; dislike, repugnance, hate, hatred, horror, (v) sicken,
antonyms (adj) charitable, housing, 3. trade; nauseate, shock, distaste, displease; antonyms (n)
synonyms (n) commerce, swap, switch, clientele, attraction, love, (v) delight, attract.
craft, custom, dealing, market, (v) change, tiksinme disgust; synonyms (n) antipathy,
merchandise, bargain, sell, swop, peddle, (adj) abhorrence, abomination, aversion, detestation,
commercial; antonym (n) purchase, 4. traffic dislike, repugnance, hate, hatred, horror, (v) sicken,
(trafik); synonyms (n) travel, industry, patronage, nauseate, shock, distaste, displease; antonyms (n)
(v) truck. attraction, love, (v) delight, attract.
ticari commercial; synonyms (adj) business, tilki fox; synonyms (n) dodger, slyboots, (v) confound,
mercantile, merchant, mercenary, profitable, confuse, fob, bewilder, fuddle, bedevil, befuddle,
economic, industrial, (n) advertisement, ad, discombobulate.
publicity, announcement; antonyms (adj) charitable, tim team (takım); synonyms (n) crew, company,
noncommercial. gang, squad, organization, party, side, troop,
tığ needle (iğne); synonyms (n) injection, pointer, couple, brigade, faction, group, (v) pair, band, (adj)
awl, plunger, probe, rudder, spike, (v) annoy, goad, rank.
irritate, sting, rile, aggravate, gall, nag. tımar manor; synonyms (n) domain, land, mansion,
tıkaç pad; synonyms (n) cushion, apartment, digs, castle, residence, seigniory.
wadding, (v) line, inflate, expand, bolster, stuff, tımarhane institution; synonyms (n) creation,
wad, aggrandize, amplify, embroider, magnify, establishment, institute, formation, asylum,
enlarge. founding, academy, custom, foundation, initiation,
tıkamak 1. block (blok); synonyms (n) bar, organization, tradition, induction, practice, college.
barricade, pad, clog, cluster, (v) arrest, stop, hinder, tinsel spiritual; synonyms (adj) ghostly, holy,
encumber, halt, lock, obstruct, parry, plug, (adj) immaterial, religious, incorporeal, pious, divine,
lump; antonyms (v) free, unblock, open, 2. jam ethereal, mental, psychic, metaphysical,
(reçel); synonyms (n) crush, crowd, fix, squeeze, intellectual, sacred, supernatural, unworldly;
congestion, conserve, dilemma, hole, (v) block, antonyms (adj) physical, worldly, secular, earthly.
cram, fill, force, gorge, impede, pack, 3. stuff; tip 1. type (tür, yazmak); synonyms (n) pattern,
synonyms (n) material, cloth, gear, matter, goods, character, kind, nature, sort, breed, category,
stock, substance, fabric, property, (v) jam, ram, glut, stamp, brand, emblem, font, form, manner, print,
load, shove, (adj) rubbish; antonym (v) unstuff, 4. (adj) model, 2. norm; synonyms (n) average, mean,
stop (durak, durdurmak, durma, durmak); measure, mode, criterion, median, gauge, par,
synonyms (v) stand, close, delay, interrupt, catch, principle, rule, 3. cast (atmak, kalıp); synonyms
disrupt, dwell, finish, intercept, (n) hold, stay, (v) hurl, throw, shed, fling, shape, chuck, dump,
check, end, cease, curb; antonyms (v) continue, figure, heave, mould, pitch, (n) appearance, casting,
start, begin, encourage, permit, prolong. mold, type, 4. sort (sınıflandırmak); synonyms
tıkanıklık jam (reçel); synonyms (n) crush, crowd, (n) assortment, description, rank, variety, fashion,
fix, squeeze, congestion, conserve, dilemma, hole, order, organize, range, (v) class, group, arrange,
(v) block, cram, bar, fill, force, gorge, hinder; classify, divide, assort, (adj) genus.
antonym (v) free. tıp medicine; synonyms (n) cure, drug, medicament,
tıkınmak bolt; synonyms (n) arrow, dash, pin, catch, medication, physic, remedy, therapy, treatment,
(v) bar, abscond, gobble, latch, lock, escape, cathartic, potion, preparation, antidote, (v)
decamp, devour, fasten, gulp, (adv) bang; antonyms medicate.
(v) nibble, unbolt, unlock. tipik 1. typical; synonyms (adj) characteristic, regular,
tıkırdatmak tap (musluk); synonyms (n) pat, dab, classic, distinctive, model, average, natural,
figurative, conventional, distinguishing,
hit, bang, strike, stroke, touch, blow, (v) knock, rap,
emblematic, symbolic, usual, (v) normal,
broach, bug, beat, eavesdrop, exploit.
representative; antonyms (adj) atypical, unusual,
tıkırtı tap (musluk); synonyms (n) pat, dab, hit,
uncharacteristic, unconventional, 2. characteristic
bang, strike, stroke, touch, blow, (v) knock, rap,
broach, bug, beat, eavesdrop, exploit.
(karakteristik, özellik); synonyms (adj)
individual, typical, original, special, specific,
tiksindirici disgusting; synonyms (adj) abominable,
proper, (n) badge, attribute, sign, character, feature,
detestable, disgustful, distasteful, execrable, foul,
peculiar, peculiarity, point, (v) demonstrative;
loathsome, nasty, odious, offensive, disagreeable,
antonym (adj) common, 3. representative
abhorrent, awful, dirty, hateful; antonyms (adj)
attractive, pleasant, appealing.
(temsilci); synonyms (adj) illustrative, (n) agent,
delegate, deputy, envoy, proxy, ambassador,
tiksindirmek disgust; synonyms (n) antipathy,
emissary, instance, member, substitute,
abhorrence, abomination, aversion, detestation,
congressman, example, exponent, (v) represent.

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tıpkı identical; synonyms (adj) equal, corresponding, fastidious, delicate, exact, finicky, fussy, individual,
uniform, consistent, alike, equivalent, selfsame, certain, choosy, circumstantial, critical, distinct,
similar, very, synonymous, congruent, duplicate, especial, (n) detail, item; antonyms (adj) easy,
even, exact, (v) same; antonyms (adj) different, ordinary, (n) general, 4. difficult (zor); synonyms
incompatible, inconsistent. (adj) arduous, awkward, demanding, burdensome,
tiraj circulation (dolaşım); synonyms (n) complicated, hard, knotty, uphill, abstruse,
dissemination, diffusion, distribution, currency, ambitious, cantankerous, complex, contrary,
delivery, dispersal, dispersion, gyration, crabby, disagreeable; antonyms (adj) simple,
revolution, rotation, round, spread, spreading, straightforward, good-natured, rewarding, clear.
turn, airing. titreme 1. shake; synonyms (v) beat, agitate, jar,
tırmalamak scratch (çizik, kaşımak); synonyms (n) brandish, disturb, excite, flutter, totter, wag, (n)
score, mark, nick, scrabble, dent, abrasion, cut, tremble, jolt, quiver, wave, trembling, (adj) quake,
groove, (v) graze, notch, rub, scrape, chafe, rake, 2. chill; synonyms (n) coolness, (adj) cold, bleak, icy,
grate. chilly, frosty, depressing, freezing, frigid, (v) cool,
tırmanış climb (tırmanmak); synonyms (v) ascend, freeze, dispirit, congeal, damp, dampen; antonyms
arise, clamber, escalate, increase, scale, scramble, (n) (n) warmth, (v) heat, warm.
rise, mount, ascent, acclivity, advance, ascending, titreşim beat; synonyms (v) batter, flap, pulsate,
jump, ascension; antonyms (v) descend, drop. throb, tick, trounce, whip, bat, baste, break, (n)
tırmanma 1. climb (tırmanmak); synonyms (v) pulse, thump, knock, round, cadence; antonym (v)
ascend, arise, clamber, escalate, increase, scale, lose.
scramble, (n) rise, mount, ascent, acclivity, advance, tiyatro 1. theatre; synonyms (n) theater, house, arena,
ascending, jump, ascension; antonyms (v) descend, battleground, dramatics, dramaturgy, acting,
drop, 2. ascent; synonyms (n) climb, elevation, hill, airfield, area, bailiwick, battlefield, champaign,
incline, grade, slant, gradient, hike, inclination, discipline, domain, family, 2. stage (sahne);
pitch, raise, rising, slope, upgrade, uprising; synonyms (n) grade, phase, floor, degree, level,
antonyms (n) descent, fall. period, point, layer, chapter, leg, gradation, set, (v)
tırmanmak 1. climb; synonyms (v) ascend, arise, present, order, mount.
clamber, escalate, increase, scale, scramble, (n) rise, tiz sharp (keskin, sivri); synonyms (adj) acute, bitter,
mount, ascent, acclivity, advance, ascending, jump, intelligent, acid, acrid, harsh, incisive, intense,
ascension; antonyms (v) descend, drop, 2. scale penetrating, piercing, pointed, pungent, quick, (n)
(ölçek); synonyms (n) flake, gamut, degree, keen, (v) biting; antonyms (adj) blunt, dull, mild,
graduation, measure, yardstick, rate, chip, gentle, rounded, sweet, bland, blurred, naive,
criterion, fur, gradation, (v) climb, gauge, weigh, round, smooth.
(adj) balance. tohum 1. seed; synonyms (n) germ, issue, posterity,
tırmık 1. drag (çekmek, sürükleme, root, offspring, progeny, origin, nucleus, brood,
sürüklemek); synonyms (v) attract, haul, draw, embryo, source, beginning, (v) inseminate, plant,
puff, trail, cart, hale, heave, lug, tow, delay, (n) pull, sow, 2. egg (yumurta); synonyms (n) ball,
bother, bore, hindrance; antonym (v) push, 2. rudiment, eggs, nut, testicle, testis, ballock, bollock,
scratch (çizik, kaşımak); synonyms (n) score, stock, bud, addict, baseball, cell, chunk, clod.
mark, nick, scrabble, dent, abrasion, cut, groove, (v) tok full (dolu); synonyms (adj) complete, absolute,
graze, notch, rub, scrape, chafe, rake, grate. abundant, broad, flush, ample, enough, extensive,
tiryakilik addiction; synonyms (n) dependence, total, detailed, comprehensive, copious, good, (n)
dependency, devotion, habit, enslavement, trick, entire, crowded; antonyms (adj) empty, lacking,
custom, tendency, fascination, mania, obsession, starving, hungry, sketchy, incomplete.
thing, bag, complex, consecration. tokat buffet (büfe); synonyms (n) blow, canteen,
titiz 1. exact (tam); synonyms (adj) detailed, precise, restaurant, impact, (v) beat, batter, cuff, buff, hit,
actual, authentic, careful, definite, direct, (v) knock, punch, smack, belabor, strike, thump.
accurate, close, demand, require, claim, command, tökezleme trip (gezi); synonyms (n) excursion,
ask, (n) correct; antonyms (adj) inaccurate, expedition, tour, flight, jaunt, travel, lapse, run,
imprecise, vague, wrong, approximate, inexact, 2. drive, misstep, (v) journey, slip, stumble, fall, (adj)
careful (dikkatli); synonyms (adj) attentive, blunder; antonym (v) fix.
thrifty, alert, deliberate, economical, frugal, tökezlemek trip (gezi); synonyms (n) excursion,
mindful, prudent, thoughtful, assiduous, aware, expedition, tour, flight, jaunt, travel, lapse, run,
cagey, cautious, chary, (v) anxious; antonyms (adj) drive, misstep, (v) journey, slip, stumble, fall, (adj)
careless, reckless, slapdash, neglectful, 3. blunder; antonym (v) fix.
particular (özel); synonyms (adj) special,

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tokmak hammer (çekiç); synonyms (n) pound, toparlanmak rally; synonyms (n) assembly, meeting,
gavel, (v) strike, bang, beat, knock, tap, club, forge, convention, gathering, (v) banter, gather, muster,
hit, thrash, drive, drum, rap, batter. congregate, convene, assemble, chaff, collect,
tolerans tolerance (hoşgörü); synonyms (n) converge, meet, mobilize; antonym (v) demobilize.
endurance, allowance, indulgence, leniency, tophane arsenal; synonyms (n) armory, armoury,
patience, lenience, margin, permissiveness, store, depository, arms, armaments, artillery,
consideration, kindness, leeway, forbearance, dump, factory, guns, inventory, missiles, plant,
mercy, approval, permission; antonyms (n) stockpile, storeroom.
intolerance, narrow-mindedness, bigotry, toplam 1. sum; synonyms (n) total, quantity, entirety,
chauvinism, extremism. mass, count, measure, join, (v) amount, aggregate,
tolga helmet (kask); synonyms (n) casque, helm, figure, number, add, resume, compute, (adj) all, 2.
hood, cowl, hat, (v) headpiece, pickelhaube, armor, total; synonyms (adj) complete, absolute, entire,
aegis, apron, backplate, brains, breastplate, gross, downright, general, full, integral, outright,
brigandine, buckler. overall, sheer, thorough, (n) whole, sum, tally;
tomar roll (yuvarlamak); synonyms (n) list, antonyms (adj) partial, incomplete, qualified, 3.
revolution, catalogue, inventory, register, (v) coil, aggregate; synonyms (adj) aggregative, collective,
reel, curl, enfold, revolve, wheel, rock, turn, twist, cumulative, (n) agglomerate, complex, pile,
wallow. combination, compound, conglomeration,
tombul fat (yağ); synonyms (adj) stout, corpulent, aggregation, bulk, (v) accumulate, cluster, collect,
dense, thick, bulky, fatty, fertile, fleshy, gainful, amass; antonyms (n) individual, part, 4. overall;
greasy, great, (n) avoirdupois, blubber, cream, (v) synonyms (adj) broad, comprehensive, inclusive,
fatten; antonyms (adj) thin, slim, skinny, slender. global, widespread, (adv) generally, everywhere, (n)
tomruk log; synonyms (n) journal, record, block, smock, boilersuit.
diary, timber, backlog, firewood, register, billet, toplama 1. addition; synonyms (n) accession,
logarithm, bobbing, calendar, (v) enter, chronicle, accessory, addendum, extension, increase,
lumber. accretion, afterthought, annex, appendage,
ton tone (ses); synonyms (n) character, note, accent, attachment, augmentation, complement, extra,
air, shade, sound, spirit, timbre, tinge, tint, manner, gain, (prep) accumulation; antonyms (n) subtraction,
disposition, feel, feeling, (v) color. removal, estimation, 2. collection (koleksiyon);
top 1. gun (tüfek); synonyms (n) artillery, gunman, synonyms (n) assembly, assortment, bundle,
handgun, ordnance, pistol, revolver, shooter, gathering, set, bunch, cluster, compilation, heap,
torpedo, accelerator, arrow, gas, (v) shoot, cracker, mass, pile, variety, batch, pack, (v) assemblage, 3.
2. ball; synonyms (n) bulb, globe, shot, shell, bead, concentration (konsantrasyon); synonyms (n)
baseball, bullet, dance, football, lump, orb, party, absorption, concentrate, application, attention,
pellet, projectile, sphere, 3. bolt; synonyms (n) engrossment, intensity, compactness, strength,
dash, pin, catch, (v) bar, abscond, gobble, latch, thickness, aggregation, strengthening,
lock, escape, decamp, devour, fasten, gulp, guzzle, condensation, convergence, denseness, density;
(adv) bang; antonyms (v) nibble, unbolt, unlock, 4. antonym (n) distraction, 4. gathering; synonyms
roll (yuvarlamak); synonyms (n) list, revolution, (n) collection, concourse, congregation, crowd,
catalogue, inventory, register, (v) coil, reel, curl, convention, crew, gather, meeting, throng, bevy,
enfold, revolve, wheel, rock, turn, twist, wallow. function, audience, group, multitude, (v) muster, 5.
topaç top (üst); synonyms (adj) maximum, (n) crown, picking; synonyms (adj) careful, nice, (n) pick,
peak, acme, apex, crest, cover, height, pinnacle, option, selection, alternative, choice, burling,
summit, (v) best, cap, exceed, head, outdo; cream, filling, pickax, pickaxe, preference, pilfering,
antonyms (adj) worst, (n) bottom, base, nadir.
topak lump; synonyms (n) heap, chunk, knot, block, toplamak 1. gather; synonyms (v) deduce, convene,
accumulate, amass, assemble, collect, compile,
clod, hunk, tumor, bit, bulge, clump, fragment,
congregate, flock, garner, meet, tuck, earn, rally, (n)
knob, (v) clot, (adj) mass, lout.
fold; antonyms (v) disperse, scatter, 2. collect;
topal game (oyun); synonyms (n) amusement, fun,
synonyms (v) gather, pick, accrue, acquire,
entertainment, competition, contest, diversion,
aggregate, cluster, collate, cull, harvest, hoard,
match, play, prey, quarry, sport, (adj) fearless, (v)
raise, accept, catch, derive, gain; antonym (v)
bet, gamble, wager.
distribute, 3. add (eklemek); synonyms (v)
toparlamak collect (toplamak); synonyms (v)
calculate, include, join, total, figure, lend, mix,
assemble, accumulate, amass, gather, pick, accrue,
divide, subtract, adjoin, affix, annex, append,
acquire, aggregate, cluster, collate, congregate,
attach, (n) addition; antonym (v) detach, 4. pick
convene, cull, harvest, hoard; antonyms (v)
(seçmek); synonyms (v) clean, opt, break, choose,
disperse, distribute.

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draw, (n) alternative, elite, best, choice, option, congregation, crowd, compilation, convention,
selection, (adj) cream, select, mattock, flower, 5. crew, gather, meeting, throng, bunch, bevy, 2.
raise (yükseltmek); synonyms (v) boost, lift, assembly (montaj); synonyms (n) gathering,
erect, hoist, increase, build, elevate, enhance, foster, fabrication, multitude, assembling, body, chamber,
grow, promote, prefer, augment, cultivate, (n) cluster, company, conclave, congress, construction,
advance; antonym (v) lower, 6. aggregate convocation, council, flock, group, 3. convention
(toplam); synonyms (adj) sum, aggregative, all, (kongre); synonyms (n) conference, contract,
collective, cumulative, (n) agglomerate, whole, custom, tradition, agreement, bargain, habit,
complex, pile, combination, compound, practice, fashion, compact, concord, bond,
conglomeration, gross, mass, (v) amount; antonyms conventionalism, conventionality, covenant, 4.
(n) individual, part, 7. total (toplam); synonyms congress (Kongre); synonyms (n) intercourse,
(adj) complete, absolute, entire, downright, general, confluence, association, synod, cockpit, coition,
full, integral, outright, overall, sheer, (n) tally, coitus, conflux, 5. meeting; synonyms (n)
entirety, (v) count, number, add; antonyms (adj) appointment, caucus, encounter, junction, meet,
partial, incomplete, qualified, 8. sum (toplam); forum, confrontation, assignation, consultation,
synonyms (n) quantity, measure, kernel, quantum, discussion, interview, rendezvous, session, talk,
substance, union, congeries, magnitude, body, club; antonym (n) divergence, 6. session
matter, (v) resume, compute, summarize, score, (oturum); synonyms (n) seance, sitting, bout, class,
estimate. period, stretch, 7. rally; synonyms (n)
toplanma 1. concentration (konsantrasyon); demonstration, (v) banter, muster, congregate,
synonyms (n) absorption, concentrate, application, convene, assemble, chaff, collect, converge,
attention, engrossment, intensity, compactness, mobilize, recover, ridicule, tease, jeer, (adj)
strength, thickness, aggregation, strengthening, encourage; antonym (v) demobilize.
condensation, convergence, denseness, density; toplardamar vein (damar); synonyms (n) streak,
antonym (n) distraction, 2. accumulation; vena, nervure, strain, mine, temper, stripe, tone,
synonyms (n) store, stock, accretion, mass, accrual, cast, style, fund, funicle, (adj) humor, mood, strip.
accruement, batch, hoard, pile, reserve, deposit, toplayıcı collector; synonyms (n) accumulator,
addition, assemblage, assembly, (v) gain; antonym receiver, gatherer, caporal, choregus,
(n) shortage, 3. collection (koleksiyon, commissioner, flugelman, linkboy, woon,
toplama); synonyms (n) accumulation, assortment, aggregator, bearer, cashier, investor, hoarder,
bundle, gathering, set, bunch, cluster, compilation, magpie.
heap, variety, pack, assembling, collecting, toplu 1. batch; synonyms (n) band, lot, body, battery,
congregation, corpus, 4. gathering; synonyms (n) charge, group, heap, mass, set, suite, consignment,
collection, concourse, crowd, convention, crew, bunch, bundle, cluster, clutch, 2. collective;
gather, meeting, throng, bevy, function, audience, synonyms (adj) aggregate, general, joint, common,
group, multitude, party, (v) muster. cumulative, generic, mutual, communal,
toplanmak 1. collect (toplamak); synonyms (v) community, cooperative, corporate, social,
assemble, accumulate, amass, gather, pick, accrue, unanimous, united, (n) commune; antonyms (adj)
acquire, aggregate, cluster, collate, congregate, capitalist, distributive, private.
convene, cull, harvest, hoard; antonyms (v) topluluk 1. community; synonyms (n) association,
disperse, distribute, 2. crowd; synonyms (n) public, agreement, commune, nation, people,
huddle, swarm, collection, crew, press, circle, army, brotherhood, likeness, company, district, order, (adj)
assembly, concourse, congregation, (v) bunch, flock, communal, neighborhood, common, group;
squeeze, compress, cram, 3. flock (sürü); antonym (adj) private, 2. gathering; synonyms (n)
synonyms (n) crowd, band, bevy, covey, gang, herd, assembly, accumulation, collection, concourse,
horde, pack, troop, cloud, batch, drove, (v) mass, assemblage, congregation, crowd, compilation,
clump, collect, 4. gather (toplamak); synonyms convention, crew, gather, meeting, throng, bunch,
(v) deduce, compile, garner, meet, tuck, earn, rally, bevy, 3. group (grup, küme); synonyms (n)
reap, derive, converge, extract, conclude, crease, brigade, flock, gang, clump, gathering, lump,
gain, (n) fold; antonym (v) scatter. muster, assortment, batch, (v) class, cluster, rank,
toplanmış collected; synonyms (v) composed, (adj) sort, arrange, assemble, 4. society; synonyms (n)
calm, accumulated, amassed, assembled, cool, club, institution, community, companionship,
sober, tranquil, poised, unflappable, dispassionate, corporation, fellowship, fraternity, circle,
gathered, imperturbable, peaceful, placid; antonym commonwealth, guild, partnership, folk,
(adj) agitated. friendship, gild, league, 5. crowd; synonyms (n)
toplantı 1. gathering; synonyms (n) assembly, huddle, swarm, press, army, herd, mob, audience,
accumulation, collection, concourse, assemblage, horde, knot, (v) squeeze, compress, cram, jam, pack,

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458 Turkish - English

crush; antonym (v) disperse, 6. corps; synonyms topraklamak ground (toprak, yer, zemin);
(n) battalion, detachment, regiment, troop, party, synonyms (n) base, cause, land, floor, reason, dirt,
band, column, force, garrison, host, battalia, field, soil, account, country, basis, (v) bottom,
division, faculty, personnel, wing. found, establish, fix; antonym (n) ceiling.
toplum 1. society; synonyms (n) club, institution, toptan wholesale; synonyms (adj) sweeping,
public, association, community, companionship, extensive, indiscriminate, broad, comprehensive,
company, corporation, fellowship, fraternity, circle, (adv) entirely, all, (n) retail, selling, (v) sell; antonym
people, commonwealth, group, guild, 2. (adj) partial.
community (topluluk); synonyms (n) agreement, topuk heel; synonyms (n) blackguard, counter, dog,
commune, nation, brotherhood, likeness, district, cad, scoundrel, shoe, sole, villain, bounder, (v) list,
order, population, society, solidarity, (adj) lean.
communal, neighborhood, common, shared, social; torba 1. bag (çanta); synonyms (n) pocket, pouch,
antonym (adj) private. package, briefcase, purse, sack, case, container,
toplumbilim sociology; synonym (n) anthropology. knapsack, (v) bulge, capture, catch, filch, hook, net,
toplumcu socialist; synonyms (adj) socialistic, 2. sack; synonyms (n) sac, poke, rape, (v) pillage,
collective, left, communalist, (n) communist, bag, plunder, discharge, dismiss, despoil, fire,
philanthropist, leveler, radical, utilitarian; antonym ransack, rob, rifle, can, loot; antonym (v) hire.
(adj) capitalist. töre custom (gelenek); synonyms (n) tradition, habit,
toplumcul social (toplumsal); synonyms (adj) convention, practice, usage, use, fashion, impost,
gregarious, national, companionable, friendly, method, observance, order, rite, ritual, (v) accustom,
public, common, neighborly, affable, (adj) bespoke.
communicative, convivial, societal, (n) sociable, törebilim ethics (etik); synonyms (n) morality,
mixer, party, society. morals, conscience, behavior, philosophy, code,
toplumculuk socialism; synonyms (n) communism, dignity, ethology, ideology, principle, principles,
collectivism, communalism; antonym (n) scruples, standards, tradition, values.
capitalism. törel 1. ethical; synonyms (adj) ethic, decent, just,
toplumsal 1. social; synonyms (adj) gregarious, moral, right, upright, good, virtuous, honest,
national, companionable, friendly, public, common, honorable, righteous; antonyms (adj) immoral,
neighborly, affable, communicative, convivial, unethical, 2. moral; synonyms (adj) ethical, chaste,
societal, (n) sociable, mixer, party, society, 2. proper, noble, pure, religious, fair, honourable,
communal; synonyms (adj) civic, joint, mutual, worthy, (n) lesson, meaning, significance, example,
social, community, shared; antonyms (adj) private, byword; antonyms (adj) bad, unwholesome.
individual. tören ceremony; synonyms (n) formality, courtesy,
toprak 1. earth (dünya, yer, yeryüzü); synonyms celebration, ceremonial, parade, pomp, rite,
(n) dirt, world, dust, ground, land, clay, lair, manners, custom, form, liturgy, magnificence,
creation, ball, country, den, globe, hole, nature, orb, observance, ritual, service.
2. ground (yer, zemin); synonyms (n) base, törensel ritual; synonyms (adj) ceremonial, formal,
cause, floor, reason, field, soil, account, basis, conventional, ritualistic, (n) rite, ceremony, custom,
footing, foundation, (v) bottom, found, establish, formality, form, habit, liturgy, observance,
fix, rest; antonym (n) ceiling, 3. land; synonyms (n) sacrament, usage, service.
kingdom, domain, estate, nation, realm, state, torpido egg (yumurta); synonyms (n) ball, rudiment,
empire, commonwealth, (v) disembark, debark, eggs, nut, testicle, testis, ballock, bollock, stock,
alight, get, drop, arrive, bring; antonym (adj) bud, embryo, nucleus, addict, baseball, beginning.
aquatic, 4. soil; synonyms (n) grime, (v) smudge, torpil influence (etki); synonyms (n) force, authority,
blot, contaminate, dirty, pollute, mire, blemish, control, domination, charm, command, hold, (v)
defile, foul, mould, smear, smirch, smutch, (adj) affect, determine, dispose, effect, incline, bias,
blur; antonym (v) clean, 5. dirt; synonyms (n) filth, direct, govern.
crap, scandal, contamination, dirtiness, foulness, törpü file (dosya); synonyms (n) archive, document,
impurity, muck, pollution, sludge, smut, squalor, list, procession, rank, record, roll, series, string, (v)
stain, uncleanness, 6. territory; synonyms (n) order, rasp, register, scrape, abrade, arrange.
district, dominion, area, region, province, törpülemek file (dosya); synonyms (n) archive,
jurisdiction, expanse, possession, terrain, document, list, procession, rank, record, roll, series,
environment, habitat, sphere, community, section, string, (v) order, rasp, register, scrape, abrade,
space, 7. tract; synonyms (n) essay, pamphlet, arrange.
dissertation, extent, lot, plot, belt, stretch, track, tortu 1. grounds; synonyms (n) cause, dregs, ground,
tractate, treatise, circuit, county, discourse, reason, account, basis, foundation, justification,
exposition. motive, evidence, field, rationale, deposit,

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explanation, land, 2. deposit (mevduat); travma trauma; synonyms (n) injury, hurt, wound,
synonyms (n) charge, residue, guarantee, heap, shock, harm, strain, stress, concussion, damage,
hoard, lees, (v) bank, commit, store, fix, lay, repose, anxiety, crisis, detriment, distress, impairment,
cast, file, leave; antonym (v) withdraw, 3. pressure.
sediment; synonyms (n) deposition, grounds, tren train; synonyms (n) chain, string, (v) aim, coach,
substance, filth, refuse, settling. direct, educate, exercise, trail, tail, tame, discipline,
toslamak ram (koç); synonyms (n) tup, (v) beat, cram, drill, instruct, prepare, school.
crash, drive, jam, pack, push, force, fill, bump, tribün stand (ayakta durmak, durmak);
pound, press, squeeze, stuff. synonyms (v) endure, stall, undergo, live, suffer,
toy green (yeşil); synonyms (adj) fresh, callow, tolerate, prop, erect, hold, (n) attitude, booth, rack,
immature, emerald, jealous, raw, young, youthful, base, pedestal, position; antonyms (v) sit, lie.
crude, envious, grassy, gullible, inexperienced, tropikal tropical; synonyms (adj) tropic, torrid, hot,
juvenile, (n) lawn; antonym (adj) experienced. figurative, sunny, balmy, boiling, metaphorical,
toz 1. powder (barut); synonyms (n) dust, rank, translative, tropological, close, humid, lush,
gunpowder, explosive, (v) grind, crush, pound, sticky; antonym (adj) freezing.
pulverise, pulverize, sprinkle, bespangle, 2. dust; tröst trust; synonyms (n) charge, confidence, credit,
synonyms (n) powder, dirt, grit, relics, remains, faith, reliance, rely, assurance, belief, cartel,
rhino, soil, blunt, debris, defunct, (v) clean, spray, responsibility, dependence, care, (v) believe, hope,
wipe, spread, scatter. confide; antonyms (v) distrust, doubt, disbelieve,
tozlu dusty; synonyms (adj) powdery, dirty, sandy, mistrust.
sooty, dry, mealy, branny, pulverulent, unclean. tüccar 1. dealer; synonyms (n) merchant, trader,
trafik traffic; synonyms (n) dealings, commerce, monger, seller, vendor, marketer, agent, broker,
business, dealing, interchange, intercourse, travel, salesperson, trafficker, bargainer; antonym (n) user,
(v) exchange, trade, deal, barter, bargain, truck, 2. merchant; synonyms (n) dealer, merchandiser,
custom, employment. retailer, shopkeeper, storekeeper, wholesaler, (v)
trajedi tragedy; synonyms (n) catastrophe, calamity, chapman; antonym (n) buyer.
disaster, misfortune, play, cataclysm, drama, bale; tufan flood (sel, sel basmak); synonyms (n) deluge,
antonym (n) humor. pour, torrent, stream, (v) drench, flow, inundate,
trajik tragic; synonyms (adj) sad, calamitous, glut, drown, flush, gush, rush, submerge, swamp,
disastrous, dreadful, grievous, catastrophic, (prep) tide; antonyms (n) drought, shortage, (v)
unlucky, tragical, unfortunate, woeful, comic, trickle.
heartbreaking, histrionic, scenic; antonyms (adj) tüfek 1. gun (top); synonyms (n) artillery, gunman,
amusing, humorous. handgun, ordnance, pistol, revolver, shooter,
traktör tractor; synonyms (n) backhoe, grader, torpedo, accelerator, arrow, gas, (v) shoot, cracker,
steamroller. 2. rifle; synonyms (n) gun, firearm, (v) pillage,
transfer transfer (aktarma, aktarmak); synonyms plunder, despoil, loot, ransack, steal, foray, reave,
(n) conveyance, assignment, (v) convey, carry, take, deprive, gut, rob, sack.
change, remove, shift, exchange, send, transmit, tugay brigade; synonyms (n) detachment, army,
transport, commit, consign, deliver, give; division, battalion, corps, legion, contingent,
antonyms (v) hold, keep. battalia, column, garrison, host, wing, battery,
platoon, sotnia.
transformasyon transformation; synonyms (n)
conversion, alteration, metamorphosis, change, tuğla brick; synonyms (n) block, lump, brown, clay,
shift, mutation, metabolism, modification, element, red, slab, unit, bone, gem, (v) mug, pot,
translation, transmutation, improvement, (adj) trump, concrete, truepenny.
rectification, transmogrification, version. tüh alas (eyvah); synonyms (int) lackaday, (adv)
transkripsiyon transcription; synonyms (n) regrettably, unfortunately, unluckily, sadly,
transcript, recording, copy, arrangement, record, unhappily.
reproduction, action, agreement, arranging, tuhaf 1. funny; synonyms (adj) comical, amusing,
imitation, notes, organisation, organization, droll, eccentric, facetious, fishy, peculiar, strange,
placement, preparation. diverting, comic, curious, entertaining, farcical,
transmisyon transmission; synonyms (n) circulation, humorous, (adv) funnily; antonyms (adj) serious,
conveyance, contagion, transfer, broadcast, grave, 2. peculiar (acayip); synonyms (adj)
communication, drive, infection, spread, individual, odd, particular, exceptional, different,
transmittal, transmittance, dissemination, passage, anomalous, characteristic, extraordinary, abnormal,
transmitting. distinctive, bizarre, especial, fantastic, irregular,
personal; antonyms (adj) normal, ordinary, typical,

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3. odd (tek); synonyms (adj) grotesque, funny, total, detailed, comprehensive, copious, good,
singular, chance, novel, queer, unusual, laughable, plump, (n) entire, crowded; antonyms (adj) empty,
erratic, unaccountable, casual, crazy, fanciful, lacking, starving, hungry, sketchy, incomplete, 3.
atypical, leftover; antonym (adj) even, 4. curious; entire (bütün); synonyms (adj) all, integral,
synonyms (adj) interested, inquiring, inquisitive, perfect, utter, clean, full, intact, mere, unbroken,
quaint, quizzical, remarkable, weird, whimsical, undivided, radical, dead, (n) stallion, stark,
interesting, intrusive, meddling, overcurious, unabridged; antonym (adj) partial, 4. total
mysterious, surprising, eager; antonym (adj) (toplam); synonyms (adj) downright, general,
incurious, 5. bizarre; synonyms (adj) freakish, outright, overall, sheer, thorough, unconditional,
outlandish, outre, striking, eerie, exotic, (n) amount, sum, tally, entirety, (v) count, number,
extravagant, freaky, incredible, offbeat, rum, figure, add; antonym (adj) qualified.
uncanny, uncommon, unconventional, unnatural, tümce sentence; synonyms (n) judgment, finding,
6. weird; synonyms (adj) supernatural, unearthly, decision, condemnation, conviction, phrase,
ghostly, mystic, creepy, eldritch, macabre, spooky, penalty, punishment, verdict, (v) condemn, convict,
(n) destiny; antonym (adj) real. doom, judge, damn, adjudge.
tükenme exhaustion; synonyms (n) fatigue, tümcecik phrase; synonyms (n) expression, idiom,
consumption, enervation, lassitude, tiredness, word, diction, locution, passage, parlance, (v)
weakening, expenditure, weariness, debilitation, express, formulate, couch, articulate, put,
enfeeblement, (adj) collapse, prostration, apoplexy, enunciate.
deliquium; antonym (n) energy. tümden wholly; synonyms (adv) completely, entirely,
tükenmiş finished; synonyms (v) done, (adj) complete, totally, all, altogether, absolutely, fully, quite,
completed, ended, perfect, consummate, absolute, utterly, exclusively, thoroughly, very, (adj)
accomplished, polished, ripe, ruined, spent, round, perfectly, solely, simply; antonyms (adv) partly,
capable, (adv) over; antonyms (adj) unfinished, partially.
incomplete, remaining, rough. tümevarım induction; synonyms (n) inauguration,
tüketici 1. consumer; synonyms (n) buyer, client, deduction, initiation, beginning, elicitation,
customer, patron, purchaser, shopper, procurer, inductance, installation, introduction, presentation,
payer, (adj) capitalist, consumerist, entrepreneurial, analysis, calculation, consecration, dialectics,
industrial, commercial; antonym (n) seller, 2. user dissection, evocation.
(kullanıcı); synonyms (n) consumer, exploiter, tümlemek integrate; synonyms (v) incorporate,
addict, freeloader, idler, moocher, occupant, blend, combine, consolidate, fuse, amalgamate,
scrounger, slacker, stealer, beggar, use, (v) take; embody, merge, unify, unite, join, mix, coalesce,
antonym (n) dealer. commingle, desegregate; antonyms (v) separate,
tüketim consumption; synonyms (n) expenditure, exclude, segregate.
decline, use, expense, diminution, exhaustion, tümlev integral (bütün); synonyms (adj) complete,
ingestion, intake, phthisis, uptake, decay, eating, (v) entire, inherent, full, constitutional, inbuilt, intact,
tabes, attenuation, collapse. total, constituent, all, integrant, organic, perfect, (n)
tüketmek 1. drain; synonyms (n) ditch, culvert, dike, whole, differential.
channel, sewer, (v) deplete, waste, exhaust, bleed, tümlevleme integration; synonyms (n)
leak, consume, finish, sap, (adj) cloaca, dissipate; amalgamation, consolidation, embodiment,
antonym (v) bolster, 2. spend; synonyms (v) integrating, merger, fusion, synthesis,
expend, squander, blow, pass, wear, lead, invest, desegregation, (v) addition; antonym (n)
draw, drop, employ, lavish, use, destroy, hand, segregation.
scatter; antonyms (v) save, conserve. tümör 1. tumour; synonyms (n) tumor, neoplasm,
tulum skin (cilt, deri, kabuk, post); synonyms (n) gall, 2. vegetation; synonyms (n) flora, growth,
peel, hide, coating, fur, hull, rind, shell, crust, plants, foliage, quietism, plant, bushes, flowers,
integument, pelt, (v) pare, bark, scrape, excoriate, idleness, shrubs, undergrowth, grass, leaves.
flay. tümsek 1. prominence; synonyms (n) eminence,
tulumba pump (pompalamak); synonyms (n) heart, hump, importance, protuberance, height, bulge,
pumps, ticker, (v) interrogate, draw, examine, milk, consequence, distinction, projection, celebrity,
question. fame, moment, bump, extrusion, gibbosity;
tüm 1. all (bütün, hepsi); synonyms (adv) whole, antonym (n) obscurity, 2. rise (yükselmek);
purely, altogether, entirely, totally, wholly, apiece, synonyms (n) elevation, lift, ascent, progress, raise,
(adj) universal, each, every, gross, complete, alone, swell, raising, advancement, (v) climb, mount,
(n) aggregate, (det) any; antonyms (pron) none, (det) ascend, increase, heave, arise, jump; antonyms (n)
some, 2. full (dolu); synonyms (adj) absolute, reduction, (v) fall, decrease, drop, sink, descend,
abundant, broad, flush, ample, enough, extensive, plummet, retire.

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Turkish - English 461

tümü all (bütün, hepsi, tüm); synonyms (adv) synonym (n) mode, 8. class (sınıf); synonyms (n)
whole, purely, altogether, entirely, totally, wholly, position, department, classification, course,
apiece, (adj) universal, each, every, gross, complete, denomination, division, elegance, family, like,
alone, (n) aggregate, (det) any; antonyms (pron) none, workshop, circle, sect, (v) place, categorize, branch.
(det) some. tura head (baş, kafa); synonyms (n) chief, captain,
tümüyle entirely (tamamen); synonyms (adv) front, point, boss, foam, froth, crown, chieftain,
absolutely, all, altogether, totally, wholly, clean, executive, chair, brain, (v) capital, direct, lead;
fully, solely, bodily, alone, exclusively, only, quite, antonyms (n) end, subordinate, (v) follow.
right, (adj) completely; antonyms (adv) partly, turba peat; synonyms (n) turf, bog, pet.
partially. türbe tomb; synonyms (n) grave, sepulchre, crypt,
tunç bronze; synonyms (adj) bronzy, embrown, sepulcher, pit, sepulture, vault, monument,
boldness, (n) tan, brown, bust, effigy, figure, entomb, (v) bury, inter.
figurine, head, iridescence, sculpture, statuette, (v) türetmek derive; synonyms (v) deduce, stem, come,
marble, plate. deduct, draw, result, conclude, descend, educe,
tünel 1. tunnel; synonyms (n) hole, funnel, chimney, elicit, evolve, extract, gain, get, infer.
ferry, flue, (v) burrow, dig, excavate, bore, gouge, turist tourist; synonyms (n) traveler, holidaymaker,
(adj) mine, undermine, delve, dent, dint, 2. gallery hiker, visitor, adventurer, explorer, vacationer,
(galeri); synonyms (n) balcony, audience, drift, passenger, voyager, arrival, caller, guest, phaeton,
veranda, circle, porch, terrace, verandah, rambler, tourer.
auditorium, auditory, boxes. turizm tourism; synonym (n) touristry.
tüp tube (boru); synonyms (n) pipe, conduit, duct, Türkiye turkey (hindi); synonyms (n) dud, failure,
subway, hose, channel, cylinder, metro, hosepipe, bomb, flop, joker, butt, coward, fiasco, fool,
television, box, piping, bulb, shaft, roll. jokester, loser, luggage, misfire, (adj) imperfect,
tur 1. lap (kucak); synonyms (n) circle, circuit, fold, incapable.
coil, knee, orbit, (v) lick, overlap, bind, (adv) türkü song (şarkı); synonyms (n) melody, air, strain,
compass, encircle, encompass, embrace, enclose, cry, warble, poem, tune, call, chanson, canticle, (v)
beset, 2. tour; synonyms (n) journey, excursion, ditty, chant, sing, (adj) lay, ballad.
round, jaunt, voyage, passage, go, pilgrimage, türlü varied; synonyms (adj) assorted, diverse,
ramble, tramp, trip, turn, (v) expedition, travel, miscellaneous, mixed, various, different,
ride, 3. circuit (çevrim, devre); synonyms (n) diversified, sundry, heterogeneous, manifold,
beat, area, cycle, district, loop, perimeter, motley, many, dissimilar, versatile, odd; antonyms
periphery, route, ambit, boundary, circumference, (adj) boring, dull, homogeneous, uniform.
course, detour, lap, (v) tour.
turne tour; synonyms (n) journey, excursion, circuit,
tür 1. type (tip, yazmak); synonyms (n) pattern, round, jaunt, voyage, passage, go, pilgrimage,
character, kind, nature, sort, breed, category, ramble, tramp, trip, (v) expedition, travel, ride.
stamp, brand, emblem, font, form, manner, print,
turnuva tournament; synonyms (n) tilt, competition,
(adj) model, 2. kind; synonyms (n) helpful, benign,
contest, tourney, (v) action, combat, engagement,
class, gentle, type, variety, benevolent, description,
(adj) friendly, generous, good, humane, affectionate,
charitable, considerate; antonyms (adj) unkind,
turta pie; synonyms (n) pi, pastry, puff, desert,
dividend, picnic, pushover, snap, candy, tartlet, (v)
callous, cruel, hardhearted, mean, merciless, nasty,
spiteful, uncaring, upsetting, disagreeable, volauvent, (adj) feasible.
unfeeling, 3. species; synonyms (n) genus, Türü as (gibi, Olarak); synonyms (conj) qua, because,
appearance, show, sight, order, stock, strain, since, considering, while, whilst, (prep) during, like,
phenomenon, premonstration, scene, (adj) race, (adv) equally, from, (n) arsenic.
fashion, (v) offspring, 4. sort (sınıflandırmak); turuncu orange (portakal); synonyms (adj) amber,
synonyms (n) assortment, rank, organize, range, ocher, orangey, orangish, tawny, ginger, red, (n)
figure, grade, sorting, (v) group, arrange, classify, orangeness, lemon, etc, lime, apricot, bittersweet,
divide, assort, pigeonhole, screen, separate, 5. coral, peach.
variety (varyete); synonyms (n) species, change, tuş key (anahtar); synonyms (adj) central,
style, variation, diversity, miscellany, variance, fundamental, basic, cardinal, essential, chief,
mixture, hodgepodge, medley, miscellanea, important, principal, (n) guide, handle, clue,
pedigree, line, make, (v) difference; antonym (n) legend, clef, password, (v) identify.
uniformity, 6. breed; synonyms (n) ancestry, tutam cluster (küme); synonyms (n) bunch, clump,
posterity, progeny, (v) engender, beget, multiply, batch, group, agglomeration, collection, crowd,
bear, brood, cause, cultivate, hatch, produce, gang, knot, lot, tuft, (v) bundle, huddle, collect,
propagate, raise, reproduce, 7. genre (tarz); gather; antonym (v) disperse.

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462 Turkish - English

tutamaç handle (kulp, sap); synonyms (v) tutku 1. ambition; synonyms (n) aspiration, aim,
administer, conduct, feel, wield, control, deal, ambitiousness, dream, drive, goal, hope, objective,
direct, finger, manage, manipulate, touch, treat, (n) purpose, target, wish, intention, design, desire,
grip, clutch, grasp. eagerness; antonym (n) apathy, 2. passion;
tutamak handle (kulp, sap); synonyms (v) synonyms (n) fury, affection, feeling, fervor, fire,
administer, conduct, feel, wield, control, deal, love, anger, craving, enthusiasm, heat, mania, rage,
direct, finger, manage, manipulate, touch, treat, (n) fondness, ire, (v) ardor; antonym (n) indifference.
grip, clutch, grasp. tutkulu ambitious; synonyms (adj) aspiring, difficult,
tutanak 1. record (dosya, kaydetmek, kayıt, eager, energetic, vaulting, challenging, competitive,
plak); synonyms (n) register, list, account, book, desirous, enterprising, grandiose, pushy.
disk, document, history, deed, (v) chronicle, file, tutma 1. hold (tutmak); synonyms (v) keep, detain,
enter, note, report, score, inscribe, 2. protocol endure, adhere, bear, comprise, contain, entertain,
(protokol); synonyms (n) etiquette, manners, have, arrest, carry, (n) grasp, grip, clasp, clutch;
ceremony, bill, formality, concordat, decorum, antonym (v) release, 2. catch (yakalamak);
propriety, 3. minutes; synonyms (n) proceedings, synonyms (v) capture, hook, apprehend, get,
record, transactions, records, journal. acquire, ensnare, intercept, snatch, (n) haul, hitch,
tutar 1. amount (miktar); synonyms (n) number, trick, bolt, grab, pawl, snap, 3. detention;
quantity, aggregate, measure, sum, total, degree, synonyms (n) delay, custody, confinement,
extent, figure, price, volume, body, bulk, cost, (v) apprehension, captivity, detainment, constraint,
come, 2. total (toplam); synonyms (adj) complete, hold, imprisonment, incarceration, internment,
all, absolute, entire, gross, downright, general, full, prison, restraint, seizure; antonym (n) freedom, 4.
integral, (n) whole, amount, tally, entirety, (v) count, holding; synonyms (n) estate, belongings, keeping,
add; antonyms (adj) partial, incomplete, qualified, claim, interest, occupation, ownership, property,
3. sum (toplam); synonyms (n) mass, join, kernel, retention, take, tenure, demand, title, (adj) retaining,
quantum, substance, union, congeries, 5. restraint; synonyms (n) bridle, control,
conglomeration, magnitude, (v) resume, compute, hindrance, limit, moderation, modesty, reserve,
summarize, score, calculate, estimate. containment, curb, restriction, obstacle, deterrent,
tutarlı 1. consistent; synonyms (adj) coherent, (v) check, impediment, obstruction; antonyms (n)
uniform, agreeable, compatible, congruous, excess, abandon, decadence, incentive, 6. tackle;
constant, logical, conformable, consonant, regular, synonyms (v) handle, harness, undertake, attempt,
unchanging, concurrent, unvarying, accordant, stop, struggle, grapple, (n) gear, equipment,
equable; antonyms (adj) inconsistent, erratic, rigging, kit, paraphernalia, rig, apparatus, outfit;
contradictory, illogical, unpredictable, unreliable, antonym (v) avoid, 7. repression; synonyms (n)
2. coherent; synonyms (adj) rational, consistent, coercion, suppression, cohibition, despotism,
lucid, tenacious, clear, orderly, comprehensible, domination; antonyms (n) democracy, expression,
connected, sound; antonyms (adj) incoherent, 8. support (dayanak, destek, desteklemek);
confused, disjointed, rambling. synonyms (n) help, stand, aid, comfort,
tutarlılık consistency; synonyms (n) consistence, maintenance, patronage, (v) assist, prop, back,
brace, encourage, maintain, boost, confirm,
agreement, body, coherence, consonance,
conformity, congruence, congruity, density, corroborate; antonyms (v) oppose, neglect,
uniformity, accordance, concord, compatibility, undermine, reject, weaken.
consentaneousness, accord; antonyms (n) tutmak 1. hold (tutma); synonyms (v) keep, detain,
inconsistency, discrepancy. endure, adhere, bear, comprise, contain, entertain,
tutarsız inconsistent; synonyms (adj) incongruous, have, arrest, carry, (n) grasp, grip, clasp, clutch;
incoherent, incompatible, contrary, absurd, antonym (v) release, 2. keep; synonyms (v) hold,
conflicting, inconsequent, discordant, discrepant, preserve, retain, defend, continue, guard, maintain,
erratic, illogical, irreconcilable, abhorrent, celebrate, confine, conserve, observe, reserve, save,
changeable, (n) contradictory; antonyms (adj) commemorate, check; antonyms (v) dump, lose, 3.
consistent, constant, reliable. retain; synonyms (v) employ, engage, hire, own,
tutkal 1. cement; synonyms (n) glue, adhesive, gum, possess, occupy, remember, restrain, withhold,
paste, size, cementum, (v) fasten, fix, join, plaster, control, prevent, remain, sustain, uphold, admit, 4.
stick, adhere, affix, bind, (adj) concrete, 2. size book (kitap); synonyms (n) bible, journal,
(boyut, büyüklük); synonyms (n) measure, bulk, pamphlet, tome, volume, writing, text, manuscript,
capacity, dimension, dimensions, extent, largeness, textbook, copy, (v) order, apply, inscribe, list,
quantity, amount, breadth, degree, magnitude, record, 5. catch (yakalamak); synonyms (v)
mass, measurement, (v) gauge; antonyms (n) length, capture, hook, apprehend, get, acquire, ensnare,
slenderness. intercept, snatch, (n) haul, hitch, trick, bolt, grab,

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Turkish - English 463

pawl, snap, 6. charter; synonyms (n) permit, tutuklama 1. apprehension (anlayış, korku);
authority, code, law, license, constitution, contract, synonyms (n) alarm, comprehension, dread, arrest,
franchise, grant, immunity, patent, (v) let, rent, capture, foreboding, misgiving, trepidation,
lease, take, 7. grasp; synonyms (n) catch, clinch, understanding, appreciation, anticipation,
appreciation, apprehension, clutches, agitation, (adj) anxiety, care, (v) doubt; antonyms (n)
comprehension, reach, (v) comprehend, embrace, reassurance, release, confidence, calmness, 2.
grapple, conceive, cling, clench, compass, dig, 8. arrest; synonyms (n) stop, check, halt,
support (dayanak, destek, desteklemek); apprehension, custody, hold, detention, (v) catch,
synonyms (n) help, stand, aid, comfort, apprehend, collar, delay, detain, get, hinder,
maintenance, patronage, endorsement, (v) assist, inhibit; antonym (v) discharge.
prop, back, brace, encourage, boost, confirm, tutuklamak arrest; synonyms (n) stop, check, halt,
corroborate; antonyms (n) hindrance, (v) oppose, apprehension, custody, hold, detention, (v) capture,
neglect, undermine, abandon, reject, weaken, 9. catch, apprehend, collar, delay, detain, get, hinder;
engage; synonyms (v) attract, book, absorb, antonyms (v) release, discharge.
betroth, charter, enlist, draw, engross, involve, lock, tutuklu prisoner; synonyms (n) convict, captive,
mesh, busy, bind, affiance, (adv) bespeak; antonyms hostage, accused, criminal, defendant.
(v) fire, disengage, 10. occupy; synonyms (v) fill, tutum 1. attitude (davranış, tavır); synonyms (n)
inhabit, invade, conquer, attack, dwell, enjoy, live, position, aspect, posture, behavior, mind, notion,
overrun, reside, seize, consume, adopt, (n) interest, air, approach, bearing, disposition, mentality,
concern; antonym (v) leave, 11. total (toplam); mood, opinion, outlook, perspective, 2. saving;
synonyms (adj) aggregate, complete, all, absolute, synonyms (n) economy, conservation, preservation,
entire, gross, downright, general, (n) whole, rescue, cut, deliverance, delivery, (adj) economical,
amount, sum, tally, entirety, (v) count, number; frugal, thrifty, save, chary, except, excepting,
antonyms (adj) partial, incomplete, qualified, 12. sparing; antonym (n) extravagance, 3. economy;
take (almak); synonyms (v) obtain, return, synonyms (n) frugality, parsimony, saving, thrift,
borrow, pick, appropriate, assume, bring, claim, efficiency, husbandry, prudence, stinginess,
convey, demand, interpret, require, select, (phr) thriftiness, brevity, (adj) system, arrangement,
accept, receive; antonyms (v) give, refuse, abstain, array.
add. tütün tobacco; synonyms (n) baccy, nicotian, (adj)
tütmek smoke (duman); synonyms (n) fumes, fog, nicotine.
mist, perfume, smoking, smoulder, (v) fume, reek, tutuş 1. hold (tutma, tutmak); synonyms (v) keep,
fumigate, puff, exhale, cure, burn, smolder, (adj) detain, endure, adhere, bear, comprise, contain,
smudge. entertain, have, arrest, carry, (n) grasp, grip, clasp,
tutsak prisoner; synonyms (n) convict, captive, clutch; antonym (v) release, 2. take (almak);
hostage, accused, criminal, defendant. synonyms (v) admit, get, hold, adopt, catch, obtain,
tütsülemek smoke (duman); synonyms (n) fumes, return, borrow, pick, acquire, appropriate, assume,
fog, mist, perfume, smoking, smoulder, (v) fume, (n) seize, (phr) accept, receive; antonyms (v) give,
reek, fumigate, puff, exhale, cure, burn, smolder, refuse, abstain, add, lose.
(adj) smudge. tutuşmak 1. blaze; synonyms (n) glare, flame,
tutturmak bond (bağ, bono); synonyms (n) burning, fire, light, hell, scintillation, combustion,
association, tie, alliance, deed, agreement, cement, (v) flash, beam, flicker, mark, shimmer, (adj) burn,
attachment, bail, connection, joint, link, adhesion, glow, 2. burn (yakmak, yanmak); synonyms (v)
(v) bind, band, adhere. bite, blaze, incinerate, scorch, sting, bake, boil,
tutucu conservative; synonyms (adj) moderate, cremate, flare, ignite, sunburn, seethe, smolder, (adj)
bourgeois, conventional, cautious, reactionary, flush, smoke; antonym (v) dawdle.
unprogressive, careful, right, hidebound, orthodox, tutuşturmak fire (ateş); synonyms (n) discharge,
safe, traditional, intolerant, (n) square, ardor, conflagration, explode, fervor, flame, (v)
traditionalist; antonyms (adj) activist, wide-ranging, excite, eject, blaze, dismiss, ignite, kindle, expel,
(n) liberal, radical. animate, arouse; antonym (v) hire.
tutuk uneasy; synonyms (adj) uncomfortable, tuval canvas; synonyms (n) picture, duck, sail, sheet,
anxious, fidgety, restless, apprehensive, concerned, (v) canvass, painting, tableau.
nervous, awkward, unquiet, fretful, restive, tuvalet 1. toilet; synonyms (n) bathroom, lavatory,
solicitous, agitated, jittery, troubled; antonym (adj) attire, can, dress, lav, privy, stool, costume, bath,
calm. guise, raiment, commode, crapper, drapery, 2.
tutukevi prison (cezaevi); synonyms (n) jail, bathroom (banyo); synonyms (n) toilet, arse, ass,
calaboose, confinement, lockup, penitentiary, jug, backside, basin, bathtub, behind, bottom, bum,
confine, custody.

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464 Turkish - English

buns, butt, buttocks, canful, derriere, fanny, 3. dictate, government, line, (v) command, control,
lavatory; synonyms (n) washbasin, washstand. influence, direct, dominate, measure, 4.
tüy 1. pile (hav); synonyms (n) heap, stack, mass, regulations; synonyms (n) policy, system,
congeries, mound, bunch, accumulation, bundle, convention, 5. rules; synonyms (n) regulations,
collection, hoard, jam, (v) pack, accumulate, amass, etiquette.
crowd, 2. hair (saç); synonyms (n) fuzz, coat,
down, fleece, fur, hairbreadth, haircloth, locks, pile,
coiffure, (adj) brush, clipping, driblet, 3. down
(aşağı); synonyms (adv) below, (adj) cut, dejected,
depressed, downward, despondent, dispirited, uç 1. point (göstermek, nokta); synonyms (n) place,
downcast, downhearted, gloomy, (n) feather, hair, grade, peak, nib, edge, aim, article, degree, dot,
(v) consume, devour, drink; antonyms (adv) up, (adj) mark, spot, phase, (v) head, direct, level, 2.
cheerful, happy, upward. terminal (terminal); synonyms (adj) final, last,
tüylü rough (kaba); synonyms (adj) coarse, hard, definitive, endmost, fatal, concluding, incurable, (n)
harsh, raw, crude, cruel, grating, gross, hoarse, depot, end, extremity, terminus, boundary, station,
jagged, approximate, gruff, inclement, (n) destination, 3. tip (tavsiye); synonyms (n) top,
boisterous, draft; antonyms (adj) gentle, smooth, hint, point, pinnacle, apex, bribe, clue, crown,
polished, precise, refined, silky, soft, sophisticated, gratuity, suggestion, (v) incline, tilt, dump, lean,
even, exact, glossy, pleasant. slant, 4. extreme (aşırı); synonyms (adj) deep,
tuz salt; synonyms (n) salinity, sal, blunt, cream, dust, excessive, enormous, immoderate, intense, severe,
supreme, terrible, ultimate, utmost, uttermost,
mopus, (adj) salty, saline, briny, spice, pungent,
drastic, extraordinary, exceeding, exorbitant;
season, (v) cure, pickle, embalm.
antonyms (adj) middle, reasonable, near, (n) mild,
tuzak 1. trap (yakalamak); synonyms (n) snare, net,
moderate, slight, 5. end (bitirmek, bitmek,
ambush, gin, mesh, noose, entanglement,
ambuscade, bait, (v) catch, entrap, ensnare, trick, erek, son); synonyms (n) close, closure,
entangle, capture, 2. net (ağ, net); synonyms (adj) conclusion, death, cause, demise, object, tail, effect,
(v) cease, complete, finish, discontinue, conclude,
final, last, (n) network, bag, lace, earnings, cobweb,
lattice, meshwork, (v) clear, gain, make, trap, earn, (prep) consequence; antonyms (n) beginning,

knit; antonym (v) gross. maintenance, opening, (v) start, begin, continue, 6.
tüzel 1. legal (yasal); synonyms (adj) lawful, sound, peak (doruk, zirve); synonyms (n) crest,
valid, juridical, constitutional, judicial, permissible, maximum, acme, climax, extreme, height,
rightful, true, correct, sanctioned, official, (v) mountain, prime, summit, tip, bill, bloom,
allowable, legitimate, licit; antonyms (adj) illegal, culmination, flush, (adj) cliff; antonyms (n) nadir,
unlawful, bogus, 2. corporate; synonyms (adj) base, trough, 7. limit (sınır); synonyms (n) bound,
collective, common, incorporate, incorporated, brink, compass, (v) border, restrict, circumscribe,
united, bodied, corporal, aggregate, combined, confine, curb, restrain, abridge, check, constrain,
associated, bodily, commercial, confederate, curtail, cramp, (prep) extent; antonyms (n) center,
embodied, incarnate. extension, minimum, (v) broaden, extend.
tuzlamak salt (tuz); synonyms (n) salinity, sal, blunt, uçak 1. aircraft (uçaklar); synonyms (n) airplane,
cream, dust, mopus, (adj) salty, saline, briny, spice, airliner, craft, plane, vessel, airship, blimp, boat,
pungent, season, (v) cure, pickle, embalm. dirigible, hydroplane, jumbo, vehicle, zeppelin, jet,
tuzlu salt (tuz); synonyms (n) salinity, sal, blunt, seaplane, 2. aeroplane; synonym (n) sheet, 3.
cream, dust, mopus, (adj) salty, saline, briny, spice, plane (planya); synonyms (n) face, aeroplane,
pungent, season, (v) cure, pickle, embalm. aircraft, degree, stage, surface, facet, (v) flatten,
tuzluk salt (tuz); synonyms (n) salinity, sal, blunt, shave, (adj) level, even, flat, horizontal, smooth,
cream, dust, mopus, (adj) salty, saline, briny, spice, flush, 4. craft; synonyms (n) ability, art, cunning,
pungent, season, (v) cure, pickle, embalm. trade, artfulness, guile, fraud, shift, artifice,
business, deceit, job, occupation, profession, skill,
tüzük 1. statute (kural, yasa); synonyms (n) law,
ordinance, rule, constitution, decree, charter, act, 5. kite (uçurtma); synonyms (n) parachute,
canon, edict, enactment, regulation, code, order, epistle, former, letter, slip, (v) scram.
ruling, bill, 2. constitution (anayasa); synonyms uçaklar aircraft (uçak); synonyms (n) airplane,
(n) composition, makeup, organization, airliner, craft, plane, vessel, airship, blimp, boat,
temperament, build, foundation, character, dirigible, hydroplane, jumbo, vehicle, zeppelin, jet,
construction, disposition, formation, structure, seaplane.
architecture, arrangement, configuration, (adj) uçan flying; synonyms (adj) fast, fluttering, quick,
nature, 3. rule (kural); synonyms (n) govern, rapid, swift, aflare, flaring, moving, (n) fly, flight.
dominion, principle, regulate, reign, authority,

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uçbirim terminal (terminal); synonyms (adj) final, shabby, sleazy; antonyms (adj) expensive, costly,
last, definitive, endmost, fatal, concluding, generous, tasteful, first-rate, luxurious.
incurable, (n) depot, end, extremity, terminus, Ucuzluk sale (satış); synonyms (n) fair, disposal,
boundary, station, destination. demand, market, vend, vendition, outlet, carnival,
Uçma 1. fly (sinek, uçmak); synonyms (v) escape, contract, dealings, emission, escape, festival, fête,
dash, drive, flee, glide, elope, aviate, dart, flutter, (adj) cheap.
hop, hover, (n) flap, (adj) break, flit, burst, 2. flight ufacık 1. tiny; synonyms (adj) little, minute,
(uçuş); synonyms (n) herd, flying, run, avolation, diminutive, infinitesimal, midget, petite, petty,
exodus, elopement, evasion, departure, aviation, puny, slight, teeny, exiguous, baby, insignificant,
flock, retreat, (adj) bevy, drove, cloud, (v) bolt. (phr) minuscule, small; antonyms (adj) enormous,
uçmak 1. fly (sinek); synonyms (v) escape, dash, huge, gigantic, vast, large, 2. wee; synonyms (adj)
drive, flee, glide, elope, aviate, dart, flutter, hop, tiny, teensy, weeny, bittie, bitty, miniature, teentsy,
hover, (n) flap, (adj) break, flit, burst, 2. wing (ek (n) pee, (v) piss, make, piddle.
bina, kanat); synonyms (n) annex, arm, fender, ufak little (az); synonyms (adj) small, diminutive,
limb, pinion, flank, extension, pennon, feather, insignificant, brief, minute, petty, short, some, tiny,
faction, sail, shelter, branch, (v) fly, soar. exiguous, light, baby, bantam, (v) dash, bit;
ucube monster; synonyms (n) giant, beast, brute, antonyms (adj) big, enormous, large, important.
demon, devil, fiend, freak, behemoth, colossus, ufuk horizon; synonyms (n) perspective, prospect,
monstrosity, ogre, prodigy, chimera, (adj) huge, purview, reach, skyline, view, vista, amphitheater,
stupendous. arena, boundary, circle, eyeshot, aspect, distance,
uçucu volatile; synonyms (adj) changeable, erratic, panorama.
frivolous, unstable, mercurial, giddy, capricious, uğramak receive (almak, kabul etmek); synonyms
flighty, variable, inconstant, excitable, unsteady, (v) accept, admit, get, assume, adopt, bear, have,
airy, light, (v) fickle; antonym (adj) stable. obtain, welcome, make, acknowledge, embrace,
uçurmak fly (sinek, uçmak); synonyms (v) escape, gather, greet, take.
dash, drive, flee, glide, elope, aviate, dart, flutter, uğraş 1. profession; synonyms (n) confession,
hop, hover, (n) flap, (adj) break, flit, burst. declaration, employment, occupation, affirmation,
uçurtma kite; synonyms (n) parachute, airplane, calling, career, job, vocation, position, assertion,
epistle, former, letter, slip, (v) scram. assurance, avowal, business, craft, 2. struggle;
uçurum 1. cliff; synonyms (n) bluff, precipice, hill, synonyms (n) contest, battle, combat, conflict,
mountain, promontory, (adj) wall, 2. gulf; strain, effort, exertion, scramble, scuffle, (v) fight,
synonyms (n) abyss, chasm, bay, cove, abysm, inlet, attempt, dispute, endeavor, labor, quarrel;
pit, ravine, rift, hollow. antonyms (v) flourish, glide.
uçuş 1. flight; synonyms (n) escape, herd, flying, run, uğraşmak 1. tackle; synonyms (v) handle, harness,
avolation, exodus, elopement, evasion, departure, undertake, attempt, stop, struggle, grapple, (n)
aviation, flock, retreat, (adj) bevy, drove, (v) bolt, 2. gear, equipment, rigging, kit, paraphernalia, rig,
apparatus, outfit; antonym (v) avoid, 2. seek
fly (sinek, uçmak); synonyms (v) dash, drive,
flee, glide, elope, aviate, dart, flutter, hop, hover, (aramak); synonyms (v) search, endeavor, hunt,
hurry, (n) flap, (adj) break, flit, burst, 3. flying; look, inquire, aspire, beg, explore, pursue, quest,
synonyms (adj) fast, fluttering, quick, rapid, swift, investigate, research, follow, demand, (n) ask, 3.
aflare, flaring, moving, (n) fly, flight. struggle; synonyms (n) contest, battle, combat,
ucuz 1. cheap; synonyms (adj) inexpensive, low, conflict, strain, effort, exertion, scramble, scuffle,
encounter, (v) fight, dispute, labor, quarrel,
stingy, tacky, base, brassy, bum, cheesy,
economical, flashy, mean, niggardly, reasonable, contend; antonyms (v) flourish, glide.
shabby, sleazy; antonyms (adj) expensive, costly, uğuldamak sing (ötmek); synonyms (v) chant,
generous, tasteful, first-rate, luxurious, 2. low hymn, chirp, hum, drone, pipe, twitter, vocalize,
carol, snitch, betray, harmonize, poetize, squeal, (n)
(alçak); synonyms (adj) contemptible, abject,
humble, ignoble, blue, common, deep, dejected,
depressed, down, downcast, downhearted, feeble, uğurlu lucky; synonyms (adj) auspicious, favorable,
(adv) gentle, (n) depression; antonyms (adj) cheerful,
propitious, prosperous, favourable, successful,
flourishing, advantageous, blessed, chance, good,
happy, high-pitched, loud, important, piercing, (n)
providential, (n) happy, favored, (v) fortunate;
antonyms (adj) unlucky, hapless, ill-fated,
ucuza cheap (ucuz); synonyms (adj) inexpensive,
low, stingy, tacky, base, brassy, bum, cheesy,
economical, flashy, mean, niggardly, reasonable, uğursuz evil (fena, kötü, kötülük); synonyms (adj)
bad, corrupt, criminal, ill, wicked, depraved,
destructive, harmful, malign, (n) damage, adversity,

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466 Turkish - English

detriment, disaster, depravity, malice; antonyms civic, racial, (n) citizen, local, subject, inhabitant;
(adj) kindhearted, (n) good, goodness, antonyms (adj) international, foreign, private, (n)
righteousness. foreigner.
ulam category (kategori); synonyms (n) class, uluslararası international; synonyms (adj)
denomination, division, kind, type, variety, form, worldwide, global, intercontinental, universal,
group, level, sort, cohort, plight, brand, breed, external, away, broad, comprehensive, extensive,
classification. extraneous, important, major, outside, significant,
ulaşma accession; synonyms (n) addition, sweeping; antonyms (adj) national, insular, local.
acceptance, augmentation, increase, access, umma 1. anticipation; synonyms (n) expectation,
accretion, acquisition, agreement, arrival, assent, forecast, hope, foresight, prevention, hopefulness,
coming, entrance, increment. expectancy, foretaste, forethought, precaution,
ulaşmak 1. reach (uzatmak); synonyms (v) range, prediction, presentiment, prevision, (v) outlook,
overtake, obtain, achieve, attain, extend, get, make, prospect; antonym (n) despair, 2. expectation
pass, accomplish, (n) fetch, compass, stretch, extent, (beklenti); synonyms (n) anticipation, belief,
gain, 2. gain (kazanç); synonyms (v) acquire, confidence, possibility, trust, faith, probability,
benefit, derive, catch, earn, win, advance, reach, suspense, thought, optimism.
find, come, (n) profit, earnings, acquisition, ummak 1. hope (umut); synonyms (v) trust,
advantage, addition; antonyms (v) lose, (n) loss, 3. anticipate, confide, expect, wish, await, look, (n)
come (gelmek); synonyms (v) approach, become, aspiration, belief, desire, expectation, faith,
aggregate, appear, arise, arrive, fall, befall, amount, anticipation, confidence, expectancy; antonyms (v)
descend, go, hail, number, originate, rise; antonym despair, (n) reality, 2. anticipate; synonyms (v)
(v) leave, 4. arrive (varmak); synonyms (v) antedate, forecast, forestall, foretell, think,
mature, land, succeed, show, emerge, enter, calculate, estimate, apprehend, divine, guess,
happen, issue, prosper, disembark; antonym (v) predict, presume, prevent, intercept, envision.
depart, 5. hit (isabet, vurmak); synonyms (v) umumi general (genel); synonyms (adj) common,
strike, belt, blow, bump, collide, encounter, (n) comprehensive, national, universal, broad,
knock, bang, smash, touch, chance, bash, beat, commonplace, current, ecumenical, public,
collision, play; antonyms (n) failure, flop. average, communal, (n) chief, commander, (v)
ulu 1. grand (büyük); synonyms (adj) excellent, customary, frequent; antonyms (adj) specific,
gorgeous, dignified, elevated, eminent, exalted, individual, narrow, (n) particular.
important, majestic, superb, beautiful, high, umut 1. hope (ummak); synonyms (v) trust,
massive, (n) glorious, noble, (v) great; antonyms (adj) anticipate, confide, expect, wish, await, look, (n)
unimpressive, humble, modest, 2. supreme; aspiration, belief, desire, expectation, faith,
synonyms (adj) dominant, maximum, paramount, anticipation, confidence, expectancy; antonyms (v)
head, chief, sovereign, consummate, extreme, despair, (n) reality, 2. prospect; synonyms (n)
preeminent, principal, superlative, uppermost, outlook, view, aspect, hope, lookout, perspective,
main, prime, (n) utmost; antonym (adj) minor. possibility, chance, future, likelihood, panorama,
uluma bay (koy); synonyms (n) alcove, bark, recess, picture, probability, scene, forecast; antonym (n)
cry, harbor, fiord, sound, cove, embayment, gulf, past, 3. expectation (beklenti); synonyms (n)
(adj) brown, (v) yap, roar, bellow, howl. prospect, suspense, thought, optimism.
ulumak bay (koy); synonyms (n) alcove, bark, recess, umutla hopefully; synonyms (adv) auspiciously,
cry, harbor, fiord, sound, cove, embayment, gulf, favorably, positively, anxiously, brightly,
(adj) brown, (v) yap, roar, bellow, howl. cheerfully, confidently, eagerly, encouragingly,
ulus 1. nation; synonyms (n) state, country, kingdom, excitedly, keenly, nicely, sanguinely, well;
commonwealth, community, land, people, antonyms (adv) hopelessly, wearily.
nationality, public, tribe, clan, folk, republic, race, umutlu hopeful; synonyms (adj) cheerful, confident,
territory, 2. people (halk); synonyms (n) nation, auspicious, bright, optimistic, buoyant, expectant,
family, multitude, populace, mob, flock, citizenry, likely, probable, rosy, sanguine, upbeat, (n)
crowd, inhabitants, kin, (v) inhabit, occupy, reside, candidate, applicant, aspirant; antonyms (adj)
dwell, live, 3. country (ülke); synonyms (n) hopeless, desperate, pessimistic, gloomy, pained.
home, area, place, realm, region, soil, district, umutsuz 1. hopeless; synonyms (adj) despairing,
province, terrain, arena, (adj) rural, rustic, despondent, forlorn, incurable, disconsolate, abject,
provincial, arable, pastoral; antonyms (n) city, (adj) desperate, impossible, useless, dismal, desolate,
urban, 4. commonwealth; synonyms (n) futile, helpless, inadequate, incompetent; antonyms
commonweal, society, democracy. (adj) hopeful, cheerful, competent, promising, 2.
ulusal national; synonyms (adj) internal, domestic, desperate; synonyms (adj) hopeless, dire, critical,
home, civil, interior, ethnic, federal, native, public,

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awful, drastic, furious, grave, miserable, rank, uşaklık service (hizmet); synonyms (n) help, aid,
reckless, serious, terrible, extreme. assistance, avail, employment, ministration,
umutsuzluk despair; synonyms (n) desolation, ceremony, business, occupation, office, (v)
disappointment, dejection, depression, desperation, overhaul, serve, refit, assist, attendance.
discouragement, dismay, gloom, melancholy, usandırma harassment; synonyms (n) torment,
pessimism, anguish, despondency, distress, badgering, bedevilment, anxiety, molestation,
hopelessness, sorrow; antonyms (n) happiness, worry, harass, worrying, anguish, agony,
hopefulness, expectation, joy, (v) hope. distraction, provocation, curse, devastation,
un flour; synonyms (n) flower, (v) powder, (adj) meal, difficulty.
bran, paddy, rice, spore, sporule. usanmak weary (yorgun); synonyms (adj) tired,
unsur element; synonyms (n) component, exhausted, fatigued, aweary, beat, languid,
constituent, ingredient, factor, substance, irksome, (v) fatigue, tire, exhaust, bore, dull, irk,
fundamental, feature, matter, origin, part, unit, wear, (n) jade; antonyms (adj) energetic, fresh.
cause, module, point, article. usanmış sick (hasta); synonyms (adj) ill, queasy,
unutmak forget; synonyms (v) disregard, leave, bury, ailing, indisposed, poorly, weary, invalid, diseased,
ignore, neglect, overlook, fail, abandon, lose, omit, morbid, sickly, nauseous, poor, crazy, disgusted, (v)
slight, block; antonym (v) remember. unwell; antonyms (adj) well, healthy.
unutmamak remember (anımsamak, uslu good (iyi); synonyms (adj) able, benefit,
hatırlamak); synonyms (v) commemorate, delicious, right, efficient, capable, excellent, fine,
nice, superior, well, advantageous, (n) benign,
recognize, recall, recollect, consider, record,
remind, retain, think, review, ponder, mark, advantage, gain; antonyms (adj) disobedient, poor,
imagine, refresh, cite; antonym (v) forget. wicked, unpleasant, (n) evil, bad.
unutulmaz memorable; synonyms (adj) ussal rational; synonyms (adj) intellectual, reasonable,
extraordinary, notable, signal, unforgettable, intelligent, judicious, logical, sane, mental, just,
eventful, momentous, monumental, noteworthy, practical, sagacious, sensible, sober, sound, wise,
striking; antonym (adj) forgettable. lucid; antonyms (adj) irrational, illogical, anxious.
unvan title; synonyms (n) call, designation, caption, usta 1. skilled; synonyms (adj) adept, experienced,
claim, designate, appellation, denomination, expert, practiced, skillful, able, accomplished,
epithet, interest, (v) name, style, term, entitle, (adj) clever, competent, dexterous, proficient, old, adroit,
right, ownership. capable, learned; antonyms (adj) inept,
ur 1. growth (büyüme); synonyms (n) development, incompetent, inexperienced, 2. master (ana, baş);
accretion, augmentation, evolution, gain, increase, synonyms (n) captain, instructor, head, boss, leader,
enlargement, germination, accumulation, accession, gentleman, authority, (v) conquer, control,
addition, advance, improvement, increment, (v) command, defeat, dominate, (adj) chief, original,
grow; antonyms (n) decrease, reduction, ace, 3. intelligent (akıllı); synonyms (adj) alert,
weakening, decline, 2. tumour; synonyms (n) astute, bright, intellectual, quick-witted, rational,
sensible, cunning, brilliant, canny, gifted, knowing,
tumor, neoplasm, gall, 3. vegetation; synonyms
knowledgeable, quick, smart; antonyms (adj)
(n) flora, growth, plants, foliage, quietism, plant,
bushes, flowers, idleness, shrubs, undergrowth, unintelligent, dim, dull-witted, thick, slow, stupid,
grass, leaves. 4. expert (bilirkişi, uzman); synonyms (adj) apt,
uranyum uranium; synonyms (v) radiation, deft, veteran, efficient, good, ready, skilled,
specialist, (n) professional, critic, connoisseur, dab,
radioactivity, tritium, plutonium, radium, radon.
whiz, wizard, (v) judge; antonyms (adj) unskilled,
urgan rope (ip); synonyms (n) cable, lasso, lariat,
inferior, untrained, (n) amateur, beginner, 5.
noose, cord, hawser, leash, line, string, tape, lace,
tether, thread, (v) tie, bind.
clever; synonyms (adj) acute, intelligent, ingenious,
sharp, artful, brainy, cagey, cagy, neat, nimble,
us reason; synonyms (n) mind, account, intellect,
sagacious, shrewd, wily, wise, (v) brisk; antonyms
occasion, argument, object, purpose, rationality,
understanding, basis, (v) cause, argue, debate, (adj) clumsy, dull, 6. hand (el); synonyms (n) deal,

conclude, deduce. aid, applause, employee, paw, worker, (v) deliver,

give, pass, commit, bestow, afford, communicate,
uşak 1. servant; synonyms (n) attendant, domestic,
reach, grant, 7. wise (akıllı, bilge); synonyms (adj)
boy, employee, retainer, follower, handmaid, help,
judicious, reasonable, prudent, sound, discreet,
henchman, minister, messenger, dependent, vassal,
sane, discerning, thoughtful, sage, sapient,
slave, drudge, 2. man (adam, erkek, insan);
diplomatic, logical, (n) method, manner, way;
synonyms (n) fellow, gentleman, guy, person,
husband, homo, human, humanity, humankind, antonyms (adj) foolish, unwise.
humans, individual, mankind, mortal, (obj) he, ustalık 1. art (sanat); synonyms (n) know-how, skill,
male; antonym (n) woman. talent, trick, artistry, craft, dexterity, science,

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468 Turkish - English

accomplishment, aptitude, artfulness, trade, work, crow, joy, rejoice, win, succeed, gloat, conquer,
address, adroitness, 2. skill; synonyms (n) artifice, delight; antonyms (n) sorrow, (v) fail, lose.
ability, capability, capacity, knack, faculty, finesse, uyan corresponding; synonyms (adj) congruent,
cleverness, competence, cunning, expertise, facility, comparable, equal, same, similar, commensurate,
handicraft, proficiency, (adj) art; antonyms (n) consonant, alike, analogous, correspondent,
clumsiness, inability, incompetence. equivalent, like, matching, parallel,
usul 1. order (düzen, düzenlemek, emretmek, complementary; antonym (adj) different.
sıra); synonyms (n) command, decree, dictate, uyandırmak 1. awake (uyanmak); synonyms (adj)
array, rank, sort, charge, class, condition, alive, alert, attentive, conscious, aware, intelligent,
disposition, edict, (v) direct, commission, arrange, keen, sleepless, (v) arouse, wake, awaken, waken,
call; antonyms (n) anarchy, chaos, confusion, rouse, stimulate, stir; antonyms (adj) asleep,
mayhem, mess, (v) disorder, request, 2. method unconscious, comatose, sleeping, sleepy, 2. wake;
(yöntem); synonyms (n) course, fashion, form, synonyms (v) awake, excite, provoke, vigil, kindle,
approach, arrangement, custom, formula, manner, evoke, raise, watch, (n) train, trail, backwash, track,
order, plan, system, way, device, means, mode, 3. wave, aftermath, consequence; antonym (v) sleep.
way (yol); synonyms (n) method, path, passage, uyanık 1. awake (uyanmak); synonyms (adj) alive,
road, route, track, direction, style, habit, pathway, alert, attentive, conscious, aware, intelligent, keen,
bearing, channel, headway, lane, (v) practice, 4. sleepless, (v) arouse, wake, awaken, waken, rouse,
stimulate, stir; antonyms (adj) asleep, unconscious,
rule (kural); synonyms (n) govern, dominion, law,
ordinance, principle, regulate, reign, authority, comatose, sleeping, sleepy, 2. alert (uyarmak);
government, line, precept, (v) control, influence, synonyms (adj) active, agile, quick, lively, vigilant,
dominate, measure. clever, animated, bright, brisk, careful, cautious, (v)
awake, caution, (n) alarm, alarum; antonyms (adj)
usulsüz irregular; synonyms (adj) abnormal, atypical,
drowsy, inattentive, absentminded, dazed, tired,
anomalous, broken, eccentric, erratic, changeable,
desultory, deviant, disorderly, guerilla, sporadic, slow, unalert, 3. conscious (bilinçli); synonyms
(adj) calculated, cognizant, deliberate, mindful,
strange, unequal, (n) guerrilla; antonyms (adj)
premeditated, intended, discerning, self-conscious,
regular, constant, even, normal, smooth,
intentional, knowing, knowledgeable, known,
symmetrical, compact, cyclic, equal, steady.
purposeful, sensible, studied; antonyms (adj)
utanç shame (ayıp); synonyms (n) reproach,
unaware, ignorant, 4. wary; synonyms (adj)
disgrace, discredit, humiliation, chagrin, insult,
prudent, circumspect, guarded, suspicious, chary,
modesty, pity, scandal, contempt, (v) dishonor,
leery, shy, distrustful, discreet, thoughtful,
degrade, humiliate, abash, debase; antonym (v)
wakeful, cagey, heedful, watchful, (v) judicious;
antonyms (adj) unwary, careless, trusting, reckless.
utandırmak shame (ayıp); synonyms (n) reproach,
uyanış revival; synonyms (n) recovery, renewal,
disgrace, discredit, humiliation, chagrin, insult,
restoration, resurgence, resurrection, rally,
modesty, pity, scandal, contempt, (v) dishonor,
regeneration, renaissance, revitalization, rebirth,
degrade, humiliate, abash, debase; antonym (v)
reinstatement, reprint, reproduction, return,
revivification; antonyms (n) decline, disappearance.
utangaç shy (çekingen, ürkek); synonyms (adj) uyanmak 1. awake; synonyms (adj) alive, alert,
diffident, fearful, timid, abashed, reserved,
attentive, conscious, aware, intelligent, keen,
ashamed, coy, modest, nervous, reticent, self-
sleepless, (v) arouse, wake, awaken, waken, rouse,
conscious, backward, (v) fling, cast, (n) throw;
stimulate, stir; antonyms (adj) asleep, unconscious,
antonyms (adj) brash, bold, confident,
comatose, sleeping, sleepy, 2. wake; synonyms (v)
demonstrative, forward, outgoing.
awake, excite, provoke, vigil, kindle, evoke, raise,
utanma shame (ayıp); synonyms (n) reproach, watch, (n) train, trail, backwash, track, wave,
disgrace, discredit, humiliation, chagrin, insult, aftermath, consequence; antonym (v) sleep.
modesty, pity, scandal, contempt, (v) dishonor,
uyanmış awake (uyanmak); synonyms (adj) alive,
degrade, humiliate, abash, debase; antonym (v)
alert, attentive, conscious, aware, intelligent, keen,
honor. sleepless, (v) arouse, wake, awaken, waken, rouse,
utku 1. victory (zafer); synonyms (n) triumph, stimulate, stir; antonyms (adj) asleep, unconscious,
conquest, success, mastery, subjugation, comatose, sleeping, sleepy.
superiority, achievement, expugnation, feat;
uyaran stimulus; synonyms (n) incentive,
antonyms (n) defeat, beating, failure, loss, 2. encouragement, provocation, spur, motivation,
triumph; synonyms (n) glory, exultation, victory, impulse, inducement, stimulant, stimulation,
accomplishment, celebration, (v) exult, prevail, inspiration, urge, goad, impetus, incitement,

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uyarı 1. warning (ihtar); synonyms (n) notice, (n) recklessness, carelessness, rashness, 4.
advice, caution, indication, example, lesson, stimulate (teşvik etmek); synonyms (v) excite,
admonition, caveat, hint, premonition, sign, alarm, incite, arouse, encourage, enliven, inspire, prompt,
counsel, (adj) monitory, cautionary; antonym (adj) provoke, animate, awaken, drive, energize,
encouraging, 2. caution; synonyms (n) carefulness, exhilarate, goad, (adj) quicken; antonym (v) defuse.
precaution, vigilance, wariness, warning, attention, uydu satellite; synonyms (n) follower, moon, planet,
circumspection, forethought, prudence, attendant, orbiter, disciple, secondary, cohort,
judiciousness, monition, (v) care, warn, admonish, hanger-on, colony, dependency, inferior, (adj)
advise; antonyms (n) recklessness, carelessness, ancillary, collateral, concomitant.
rashness, 3. notice; synonyms (n) advertisement, uydurma 1. fiction; synonyms (n) fabrication, fable,
declaration, information, mind, heed, message, falsehood, invention, lie, story, falsity, figment,
observation, (v) note, look, attend, detect, discover, novel, romance, sham, deceit, fib, forgery, legend;
distinguish, find, mark; antonyms (v) disregard, antonym (n) truth, 2. invention; synonyms (n)
ignore. contrivance, conception, creation, fiction,
uyarıcı exciting; synonyms (adj) excited, imagination, discovery, artifice, design, device,
breathtaking, exhilarating, impressive, moving, excogitation, innovation, creativity, fantasy, idea,
provocative, rousing, stirring, dramatic, emotional, breakthrough.
agitated, absorbing, arousing, electric, fascinating; uydurmak 1. adjust (ayarlamak); synonyms (v)
antonyms (adj) boring, dull, bland, insipid, temper, accommodate, adapt, align, acclimatize,
monotonous, uninteresting, unexciting. balance, fit, fix, reconcile, regulate, set, alter,
uyarım stimulation; synonyms (n) excitation, arrange, (adj) dress, (n) square, 2. adapt
incentive, arousal, encouragement, excitement, (uyarlamak); synonyms (v) adjust, acclimate,
goad, inspiration, provocation, rousing, stimulant, fashion, assimilate, change, edit, familiarize, gear,
stimulus, motivation, kick, exhilaration, foreplay. modify, shape, suit, tailor, accustom, conform,
uyarlama 1. version (çeviri); synonyms (n) reading, convert, 3. fit (uymak); synonyms (v) agree, meet,
translation, construction, interpretation, rendering, correspond, accord, befit, (adj) decorous, apt,
rendition, variation, account, description, variant, applicable, appropriate, becoming, decent, good, (n)
lection, report, story, explanation, paraphrase, 2. convulsion, attack, burst; antonyms (adj) unfit,
adaptation; synonyms (n) accommodation, inappropriate, unwell, 4. frame (çerçeve);
adjustment, alteration, version, reworking, synonyms (n) design, border, build, anatomy,
adaption, conversion, fitness, modification. chassis, (v) form, construct, fabricate, draft, erect,
uyarlamak adapt; synonyms (v) adjust, make, forge, constitute, contrive, fabric, 5. gear;
accommodate, acclimate, fashion, alter, arrange, synonyms (n) equipment, outfit, tackle, apparatus,
assimilate, change, edit, familiarize, gear, modify, device, baggage, belongings, clothing, cogwheel,
shape, suit, (adj) fit. contrivance, kit, luggage, stuff, thing, (v) harness, 6.
uyarma 1. caution; synonyms (n) advice, carefulness, square (kare); synonyms (adj) right, even,
precaution, vigilance, wariness, warning, rectangular, fair, quadrate, straight, equal,
admonition, attention, caveat, circumspection, equitable, (n) area, foursquare, rectangle,
counsel, (v) care, warn, admonish, advise; quadrilateral, block, (v) settle, (adv) just, 7. suit;
antonyms (n) recklessness, carelessness, rashness, synonyms (n) lawsuit, plea, action, case, petition,
2. stimulation; synonyms (n) excitation, incentive, cause, courtship, prayer, request, (v) answer,
arousal, encouragement, excitement, goad, become, match, please, satisfy, harmonize.
inspiration, provocation, rousing, stimulant, uygar civil; synonyms (adj) polite, courteous, civic,
stimulus, motivation, kick, exhilaration, foreplay. affable, gracious, mannerly, municipal, obliging,
uyarmak 1. alert; synonyms (adj) active, agile, quick, public, civilised, attentive, complaisant,
aware, intelligent, lively, vigilant, clever, alive, considerate, courtly, domestic; antonyms (adj) rude,
animated, attentive, bright, (v) awake, (n) alarm, abrupt.
alarum; antonyms (adj) drowsy, inattentive, uygarlık civilization; synonyms (n) culture,
absentminded, dazed, sleepy, tired, asleep, slow, refinement, civilisation, cultivation, enlightenment,
unalert, unconscious, 2. warn; synonyms (v) humanity, (adj) civility.
admonish, advise, caution, counsel, inform, alert, Uygula apply (uygulamak); synonyms (v) dedicate,
threaten, exhort, notify, reprove, tell, deter, devote, employ, ask, consume, exercise, resort, use,
discourage, dissuade, instruct, 3. caution; utilize, lay, appeal, address, administer, consecrate,
synonyms (n) advice, carefulness, precaution, (n) give.
vigilance, wariness, warning, admonition, uygulama 1. application; synonyms (n) plea, appeal,
attention, caveat, circumspection, forethought, appliance, concentration, demand, diligence, effort,
prudence, judiciousness, (v) care, warn; antonyms exercise, petition, request, use, attention,

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470 Turkish - English

administration, call, claim, 2. practice; synonyms dexterous, efficient, fit, ready, smart, clever, deft, 3.
(n) fashion, convention, discipline, experience, suitable; synonyms (adj) eligible, desirable, fitting,
habit, form, observance, application, employment, due, decorous, respectable, fitted, befitting,
performance, process, (v) custom, drill, act, apply, compatible, competent, decent, expedient,
3. enforcement; synonyms (n) coercion, execution, opportune, (n) seasonable, (v) becoming; antonym
compulsion, constraint, duress, force, coaction, (adj) improper, 4. adequate (yeterli); synonyms
press, effect, overflow, fulfilling, impulsion, (adj) sufficient, acceptable, enough, condign,
insistence, lash, necessitation, 4. exercise effectual, passable, satisfactory, equal, fair, full,
(alıştırma); synonyms (n) practice, play, qualified, ample, capable, commensurate,
movement, action, activity, example, function, corresponding; antonyms (adj) inadequate,
operation, rehearsal, (v) employ, exert, train, insufficient, unsatisfactory, 5. fit (uymak);
educate, do, utilize, 5. execution; synonyms (n) synonyms (v) agree, accommodate, meet, suit,
accomplishment, achievement, enforcement, adapt, correspond, square, accord, dress, befit, (adj)
implementation, discharge, executing, doing, applicable, (n) adjust, convulsion, attack, burst;
effectuation, completion, murder, end, antonyms (adj) unfit, unwell, 6. favourable;
consummation, feat, fulfillment, killing, 6. synonyms (adj) advantageous, auspicious,
implementation; synonyms (n) acceptance, encouraging, favorable, lucky, prosperous,
functioning, agreement, approval, assumption, comfortable, easy, booming, flourishing, golden,
completing, effecting, embracing, espousal, halcyon, prospering, roaring, supporting, 7.
running, working. eligible (seçilebilir); synonyms (adj) licensed,
uygulamak 1. apply (Uygula); synonyms (v) experienced, practiced, privileged, single, skilled,
dedicate, devote, employ, ask, consume, exercise, trained, unmarried, authorized, certified,
resort, use, utilize, lay, appeal, address, administer, discretionary, employable, marriageable, nubile, (n)
consecrate, (n) give, 2. enforce; synonyms (v) bachelor; antonym (adj) ineligible, 8. convenient;
coerce, compel, constrain, apply, drive, execute, synonyms (adj) commodious, handy, near, nearby,
implement, impose, dispense, effect, impress, timely, useful, snug, available, close, happy,
accomplish, enjoin, (n) force, assert, 3. implement helpful, pat, propitious, serviceable, suitable;
(alet, araç); synonyms (v) fulfil, enforce, fulfill, antonyms (adj) inconvenient, fixed, unwieldy,
complete, perform, discharge, realize, (n) tool, useless, 9. consistent; synonyms (adj) coherent,
apparatus, utensil, appliance, device, instrument, uniform, constant, logical, conformable, consonant,
gadget, organ, 4. realize (gerçekleştirmek); regular, unchanging, concurrent, unvarying,
synonyms (v) achieve, discover, attain, appreciate, accordant, equable, firm, invariable, legitimate;
know, make, recognize, sense, obtain, learn, antonyms (adj) inconsistent, erratic, contradictory,
apprehend, clear, comprehend, do, earn. illogical, unpredictable, unreliable, 10. becoming;
uygulamalı practical; synonyms (adj) operative, synonyms (adj) seemly, relevant, comely,
practicable, efficient, feasible, functional, handsome, attractive, graceful, modest, nice;
pragmatic, realistic, helpful, active, expedient, antonym (adj) unbecoming, 11. proper; synonyms
handy, positive, sensible, useful, workable; (adj) just, neat, exact, formal, honest, individual,
antonyms (adj) impractical, theoretical, unrealistic, moral, reasonable, valid, accurate, felicitous,
useless, impossible. justifiable, equitable, ethical, permissible;
uygulanabilir 1. applicable; synonyms (adj) relevant, antonyms (adj) unseemly, rude, 12. happy
germane, pertinent, proper, suitable, applicative, (memnun, mutlu); synonyms (adj) fortunate,
applicatory, appropriate, apropos, available, fitting, contented, gay, buoyant, content, gleeful, gratified,
relative, admissible, (n) felicitous, happy; antonyms blithe, bright, carefree, cheerful, cheery, convivial,
(adj) unsuitable, irrelevant, 2. practicable; delightful, (n) blessed; antonyms (adj) unhappy, sad,
synonyms (adj) feasible, possible, operable, dejected, depressed, miserable, sorrowful, 13. due;
practical, achievable, doable, executable, viable, synonyms (adj) lawful, owed, payable, unpaid,
workable, attainable, likely, handy, realizable, unsettled, legal, (adv) directly, (v) owing, (n) debt,
usable, useful; antonym (adj) impossible. duty, privilege, tax, desert, claim, levy; antonyms
uygun 1. appropriate (ayırmak, kendine mal (adj) paid, undue, 14. good (iyi); synonyms (adj)
etmek); synonyms (adj) pertinent, proper, true, benefit, delicious, excellent, fine, superior, well,
agreeable, apposite, apt, congruous, correct, generous, gentle, admirable, beneficent, beneficial,
particular, peculiar, right, (v) annex, allocate, adopt, benevolent, (n) benign, advantage, gain; antonyms
seize; antonyms (adj) inappropriate, unsuitable, (adj) disobedient, poor, wicked, unpleasant, (n) evil,
unrelated, untimely, wrong, (v) surrender, 2. apt; bad, 15. applicable; synonyms (adj) germane,
synonyms (adj) appropriate, adroit, apropos, applicative, applicatory, relative, admissible;
intelligent, good, able, adequate, convenient, antonym (adj) irrelevant, 16. compatible

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(uyumlu); synonyms (adj) congruent, congenial, complaisance, consent, obedience, accord, assent,
sympathetic, harmonious, (n) consistent; antonym compliancy, deference, submission, flexibility,
(adj) incompatible, 17. acceptable; synonyms (adj) yielding; antonyms (n) disobedience, stubbornness,
grateful, palatable, tolerable, welcome, accepted, nonconformity, 2. fit (uymak); synonyms (v)
advisable, allowable, believable, enjoyable, agree, accommodate, meet, suit, adapt, correspond,
pleasant, pleasing, presentable, bearable, (n) lief; square, dress, (adj) decorous, apt, applicable,
antonyms (adj) unacceptable, disagreeable, appropriate, (n) adjust, convulsion, attack;
forbidden, unbearable, unwelcome, 18. decent; antonyms (adj) unfit, inappropriate, unwell.
synonyms (adj) chaste, straight, clean, courteous, uymak 1. fit; synonyms (v) agree, accommodate,
delicate, gracious, honorable, upright, virtuous, meet, suit, adapt, correspond, square, accord, dress,
worthy, average, pure, wholesome, (adv) decently, (adj) decorous, apt, applicable, appropriate, (n)
properly; antonyms (adj) immoral, unwholesome, adjust, convulsion; antonyms (adj) unfit,
disreputable, filthy, indecent, 19. relevant; inappropriate, unwell, 2. obey (itaat etmek);
synonyms (adj) important, material, crucial, related, synonyms (v) follow, comply, mind, heed, listen,
significant, 20. well (iyi); synonyms (adv) easily, keep, fulfill, hear, conform, serve, mark, observe,
thoroughly, considerably, fully, correctly, amply, respect, submit; antonyms (v) disobey, break, defy,
(adj) healthy, shaft, sound, robust, (n) fountain, 3. suit; synonyms (n) lawsuit, plea, action, case,
spring, pit, hollow, (v) gush; antonyms (adv) ill, petition, cause, courtship, (v) fit, answer, become,
badly, poorly, (adj) sick, dying, nauseous. match, please, satisfy, befit, harmonize, 4.
uygunluk 1. fitness; synonyms (n) ability, adequacy, observe; synonyms (v) celebrate, comment, notice,
appropriateness, aptness, capability, propriety, commemorate, guard, behold, discover, look,
correspondence, competence, competency, mention, note, see, feel, attend, detect, discern;
convenience, correctness, fittingness, health, antonym (v) ignore, 5. match (eş, kibrit);
qualification, congruity; antonyms (n) unsuitability, synonyms (n) equal, competition, couple, duplicate,
inability, unfitness, 2. correspondence peer, bout, contest, (v) mate, parallel, harmonise,
(yazışma); synonyms (n) conformity, accord, balance, fellow, pair, coincide, equalize; antonyms
agreement, communication, connection, (v) clash, contradict, 6. conform; synonyms (v)
coincidence, concord, affinity, analogy, equality, assimilate, acquiesce, frame, obey, acclimate,
equivalence, parallel, parallelism, resemblance, assent, reconcile, integrate; antonyms (v) deviate,
similarity; antonyms (n) difference, asymmetry, differ, 7. gear; synonyms (n) equipment, outfit,
dissimilarity, 3. convenience; synonyms (n) tackle, apparatus, device, baggage, belongings,
advantage, contrivance, accommodation, clothing, cogwheel, contrivance, kit, luggage, stuff,
opportunity, appliance, comfort, fitness, leisure, thing, (v) harness, 8. comply; synonyms (v) accede,
occasion, utility, amenity, benefit, easement, consent, accept, allow, defer, perform, yield.
expediency, gadget; antonym (n) inconvenience, 4.
uymama breach; synonyms (n) aperture, chink, crack,
accord (ahenk, anlaşma); synonyms (n) assent, crevice, fracture, gap, infringement, opening, rift,
consensus, harmony, consonance, concurrence, (v) split, trespass, (v) break, rupture, contravene,
agree, consent, give, bestow, grant, harmonize, suit, fissure; antonym (n) observance.
adjust, comply, compromise; antonyms (n)
uymamak break (mola); synonyms (v) split, crack,
disagreement, discord, strife, (v) conflict. burst, fail, infringe, leak, (n) breach, fracture, pause,
uygunsuz 1. wrong; synonyms (adj) harm, evil, false, rupture, stop, collapse, interruption, respite,
ill, improper, bad, inappropriate, incorrect, abuse, suspension; antonyms (v) repair, obey, honor,
criminal, (n) damage, injure, injury, injustice, crime; mend, (n) continuation.
antonyms (adj) correct, good, proper, honest, law- uyruk subject (konu, özne); synonyms (n) matter,
abiding, (adv) correctly, (v) right, (n) justice, 2. citizen, affair, dependent, inferior, issue, motif,
unsuitable; synonyms (adj) inapplicable, unfit, question, point, area, content, discipline, field, (adj)
inapt, inopportune, unbecoming, undesirable, liable, exposed; antonym (adj) liberated.
wrong, inconvenient, incompatible, indecorous, uysal 1. soft; synonyms (adj) gentle, easy, light, limp,
unseasonable, ineligible, inept, incongruous,
balmy, delicate, quiet, slack, loose, clement, faint,
awkward; antonyms (adj) suitable, appropriate,
flabby, flaccid, (v) feeble, low; antonyms (adj) hard,
applicable. firm, harsh, loud, hoarse, rough, solid, stiff,
uyku sleep (uyumak); synonyms (n) nap, doze, kip, alcoholic, shrill, strong, 2. easy (kolay);
slumber, lie, dream, siesta, (v) rest, repose, catnap, synonyms (adj) comfortable, convenient, familiar,
hibernate, nod, lodge, snooze, quiet. graceful, lenient, clear, contented, cozy, casual,
uyluk thigh; synonym (n) drumstick. comfy, cushy, easygoing, effortless, (adv) soft,
uyma 1. compliance; synonyms (n) agreement, easily; antonyms (adj) difficult, arduous,
approval, observance, accordance, acquiescence, demanding, laborious, burdensome, particular,

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472 Turkish - English

strenuous, tough, awkward, formal, testing, uyuşmak 1. mix; synonyms (n) mixture, concoction,
uneasy. (v) alloy, blend, intermingle, mingle, combine,
uysallık flexibility; synonyms (n) pliability, spring, compound, confound, intermix, join, meld, merge,
adaptability, elasticity, suppleness, litheness, aggregate, admix; antonym (v) separate, 2. agree;
malleability, tractability, versatility, bendability; synonyms (v) accord, admit, acknowledge,
antonyms (n) inflexibility, obstinacy, rigidity, acquiesce, adjust, accede, bargain, concord,
stubbornness, severity. correspond, fit, harmonize, suit, compromise, align,
uyum 1. harmony (ahenk); synonyms (n) accord, (n) coincide; antonyms (v) disagree, oppose, differ,
conformity, consonance, agreement, concord, argue, object, refuse, refute.
correspondence, accordance, congruity, uyuşmaz inconsistent; synonyms (adj) incongruous,
consistency, amity, concordance, tune, incoherent, incompatible, contrary, absurd,
understanding, (v) concert, peace; antonyms (n) conflicting, inconsequent, discordant, discrepant,
dissonance, discord, argument, conflict, erratic, illogical, irreconcilable, abhorrent,
disagreement, 2. consistency (tutarlılık); changeable, (n) contradictory; antonyms (adj)
synonyms (n) consistence, body, coherence, consistent, constant, reliable.
congruence, density, uniformity, compatibility, uyuşmazlık disagreement; synonyms (n) difference,
consentaneousness, firmness, fitness, harmony, discrepancy, conflict, discord, dispute, dissidence,
keeping, steadiness, unity; antonyms (n) argument, contention, dissension, scrap, variance,
inconsistency, discrepancy, 3. accord (ahenk, battle, antagonism, altercation, clash; antonyms (n)
anlaşma); synonyms (n) assent, consensus, agreement, accord, harmony.
concurrence, (v) agree, consent, give, bestow, grant, uyuşuk lazy (tembel); synonyms (adj) indolent, idle,
harmonize, suit, adjust, comply, compromise, inert, drowsy, inactive, shiftless, dull, faineant,
confer, consort; antonym (n) strife, 4. concert remiss, slothful, slow, sluggish, leisurely, sluggard,
(konser); synonyms (n) performance, recital, tardy; antonyms (adj) energetic, diligent, active.
unison, (v) arrange, contrive, manage, 5. tune; uzağa 1. away (uzakta); synonyms (adv) apart,
synonyms (n) melody, song, strain, air, note, music, absent, aside, aloof, by, forth, way, hence, (adj)
sound, tone, line, (v) regulate, chant, attune, string, abroad, distant, wide, gone, missing, (int) out, off,
service. 2. far (uzak); synonyms (adv) widely, well, astray,
Uyuma sleep (uyumak); synonyms (n) nap, doze, (adj) faraway, remote, much, outlying, (v)
kip, slumber, lie, dream, siesta, (v) rest, repose, considerably, abundantly; antonyms (adv) close,
catnap, hibernate, nod, lodge, snooze, quiet. briefly, (adj) near.
uyumak sleep; synonyms (n) nap, doze, kip, slumber, uzak 1. far; synonyms (adv) wide, off, widely, well,
lie, dream, siesta, (v) rest, repose, catnap, hibernate, astray, (adj) distant, aloof, faraway, remote, much,
nod, lodge, snooze, quiet. outlying, (v) considerably, abundantly; antonyms
uyumlu 1. compatible; synonyms (adj) agreeable, (adv) close, briefly, (adj) near, 2. remote; synonyms
congruent, accordant, congenial, sympathetic, (adj) detached, inaccessible, outside, faint, alien, far,
becoming, congruous, consonant, harmonious, foreign, isolated, lonely, secluded, unapproachable,
suitable, (n) consistent; antonym (adj) incompatible, away, extraneous, removed, slender; antonyms (adj)
2. musical; synonyms (adj) melodious, melodic, nearby, accessible, 3. distant; synonyms (adj) cold,
canorous, sweet, tuneful, pleasing; antonym (adj) chill, cool, reserved, long, icy, indifferent,
discordant. standoffish, unfriendly, abstracted, deep, dull,
uyuşma 1. agreement (anlaşma); synonyms (n) formal, (adv) apart, (n) chilly; antonyms (adj)
accord, acquiescence, concord, accordance, adjacent, friendly, neighboring, warm, pending,
coincidence, contract, acceptance, appointment, alert, intimate, involved, 4. away (uzakta);
arrangement, compliance, confirmation, synonyms (adv) absent, aside, by, forth, way, hence,
conformity, correspondence, covenant, settlement; elsewhere, (adj) abroad, gone, missing, (int) out, 5.
antonyms (n) disagreement, argument, conflict, off (kapalı); synonyms (adv) beyond, over, abreast,
discord, rejection, dispute, resistance, 2. bargain; (adj) bad, putrid, down, rotten, cancelled, decayed,
synonyms (n) agreement, deal, treaty, buy, chaffer, sour, (n) murder, (int) begone; antonyms (adj) fresh,
compact, promise, purchase, steal, (v) exchange, on.
agree, stipulate, trade, traffic, (adj) cheap; antonym uzaklık distance; synonyms (n) remove, space, way,
(n) rip-off, 3. alliance (ittifak); synonyms (n) gap, aloofness, interval, altitude, measure, period,
connection, league, affinity, association, place, range, (v) dissociate, outdistance, outstrip,
combination, confederacy, union, affiliation, (adj) length; antonyms (n) nearness, proximity,
alignment, alinement, coalition, merger, closeness, intimacy, (v) associate.
organization, society, amalgamation; antonym (n)
uzakta 1. away; synonyms (adv) apart, absent, aside,
nonalignment. aloof, by, forth, way, hence, (adj) abroad, distant,

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wide, gone, missing, (int) out, off, 2. off (kapalı); dissemination; antonyms (n) limitation, contraction,
synonyms (adv) beyond, over, abreast, (adj) away, limit, 2. continuation (devam); synonyms (n)
bad, putrid, remote, down, rotten, cancelled, continuance, sequel, resumption, maintenance,
decayed, sour, (n) murder, (int) begone; antonyms postscript, duration, extension, supplement;
(adj) fresh, on, 3. distant (uzak); synonyms (adj) antonyms (n) discontinuance, end.
cold, chill, cool, detached, far, reserved, long, uzatmak 1. extend (genişletmek); synonyms (v)
faraway, icy, indifferent, removed, standoffish, expand, enlarge, amplify, broaden, dilate, widen,
unfriendly, abstracted, (n) chilly; antonyms (adj) augment, continue, elongate, go, spread, carry,
close, adjacent, friendly, near, nearby, neighboring, develop, increase, (adj) stretch; antonyms (v)
warm, pending, alert, intimate, involved, 4. far withdraw, shorten, limit, narrow, shrink, 2. reach
(uzak); synonyms (adv) widely, well, astray, (adj) (ulaşmak); synonyms (v) range, overtake, obtain,
much, outlying, (v) considerably, abundantly; achieve, attain, extend, get, make, pass, accomplish,
antonym (adv) briefly. touch, (n) fetch, compass, extent, gain, 3. hand
uzaktan distant (uzak); synonyms (adj) cold, aloof, (el); synonyms (n) deal, aid, applause, employee,
remote, chill, cool, detached, far, reserved, long, paw, worker, (v) deliver, give, commit, bestow,
faraway, icy, indifferent, removed, (adv) apart, (n) afford, communicate, reach, grant, provide, 4.
chilly; antonyms (adj) close, adjacent, friendly, near, continue (sürdürmek); synonyms (v) abide,
nearby, neighboring, warm, pending, alert, remain, endure, keep, persevere, sustain, bide, be,
intimate, involved. last, maintain, persist, preserve, proceed, (n) hold,
uzamak extend (genişletmek, uzatmak); (adj) prolong; antonyms (v) stop, end, cease,
synonyms (v) expand, enlarge, amplify, broaden, discontinue, 5. spread (yaymak); synonyms (v)
dilate, widen, augment, continue, elongate, go, scatter, disperse, broadcast, circulate, diffuse,
spread, carry, develop, increase, (adj) stretch; disseminate, propagate, deploy, distribute, open,
antonyms (v) withdraw, shorten, limit, narrow, (n) span, dissemination, expanse, expansion, feast;
shrink. antonym (adj) concentrated, 6. stretch; synonyms
uzamsal spatial; synonym (adj) spacial. (n) run, extension, effort, spell, area, space, exertion,
uzanma reach (ulaşmak, uzatmak); synonyms (v) scope, (v) strain, lengthen, draw, distend, pull,
range, overtake, obtain, achieve, attain, extend, get, sprawl, crane.
make, pass, accomplish, (n) fetch, compass, stretch, uzay space (alan, aralık, yer); synonyms (n) length,
extent, gain. gap, opening, period, place, scope, void, margin,
uzanmak 1. reach (ulaşmak, uzatmak); synonyms distance, emptiness, extent, interval, latitude,
(v) range, overtake, obtain, achieve, attain, extend, location, range.
get, make, pass, accomplish, (n) fetch, compass, uzaysal spatial; synonym (adj) spacial.
stretch, extent, gain, 2. lie (yalan); synonyms (v) uzlaşma 1. compromise; synonyms (n) agreement,
consist, repose, falsify, belong, couch, (n) arrangement, bargain, accommodation, concession,
fabrication, falsehood, falsity, fib, fiction, rest, settlement, understanding, adjustment, accord,
untruth, bluff, counterfeit, deceit; antonyms (v) appeasement, deal, arbitration, (v) compound,
stand, (n) truth, 3. range (alan, erim); synonyms endanger, imperil; antonym (v) dispute, 2.
(n) area, array, reach, scope, domain, (v) line, reconciliation; synonyms (n) rapprochement,
arrange, order, rank, roam, group, ramble, wander, harmony, pacification, reconcilement, mediation,
align, gad. atonement, balancing, (v) concord, peace, 3.
uzantı extension (uzatma); synonyms (n) accord (ahenk, anlaşma); synonyms (n) assent,
continuation, augmentation, enlargement, consensus, consonance, concurrence, (v) agree,
expansion, addition, increase, annex, elongation, consent, give, bestow, grant, harmonize, suit,
expanse, stretch, development, amplification, adjust, comply, compromise, confer; antonyms (n)
annexe, circulation, dissemination; antonyms (n)
disagreement, discord, strife, (v) conflict, 4.
limitation, contraction, limit.
settlement; synonyms (n) decision, colony, hamlet,
uzatılmış extensive; synonyms (adj) big, payment, conclusion, resolution, determination,
comprehensive, ample, broad, commodious, contract, colonization, establishment, liquidation,
extended, considerable, copious, large, major, wide, village, reconciliation, regulation, colonisation.
capacious, long, roomy, sweeping; antonyms (adj)
uzlaştırma accommodation; synonyms (n)
narrow, restricted, small, limited, minor, partial,
adjustment, compromise, loan, lodging, adaptation,
short. agreement, apartment, appeasement, convenience,
uzatma 1. extension; synonyms (n) continuation, ease, facility, fitting, housing, (v) advance, (adj)
augmentation, enlargement, expansion, addition, adaption.
increase, annex, elongation, expanse, stretch,
development, amplification, annexe, circulation,

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474 Turkish - English

uzman 1. expert (bilirkişi); synonyms (adj) adept, fee, salary, allowance, devote; antonym (v) owe, 2.
adroit, dexterous, skillful, able, clever, experienced, fee; synonyms (n) commission, charge, premium,
accomplished, ace, apt, (n) professional, proficient, consideration, due, expense, payment, price, toll,
critic, authority, connoisseur; antonyms (adj) cost, duty, excise, fees, fief, (v) tip, 3. wage
unskilled, inept, inferior, untrained, (n) amateur, (maaş); synonyms (n) pay, income, remuneration,
beginner, 2. specialist; synonyms (adj) expert, stipend, (v) fight, engage, prosecute, pursue, hire, 4.
specialized, specialistic, choice, luxury, premium, payment (ödeme); synonyms (n) bonus, defrayal,
super, (n) craftsman, doctor, epicurean, physician,
installment, deposit, contribution, defrayment,
source, specializer, analyst, buff, 3. authority money, refund, reparation, return, reward, bribe,
(yetki); synonyms (n) ascendancy, command, cash, atonement, (adj) penalty; antonym (n) non-
sanction, administration, authorization, payment, 5. charge; synonyms (n) accusation,
dominance, domination, hold, judge, power, rule,
burden, care, command, bill, tax, accusal, assail, (v)
warrant, lordship, agency, approval, 4. student
accuse, blame, attack, bid, load, arraign, assault;
(öğrenci); synonyms (n) scholar, learner, disciple, antonyms (v) request, absolve, retreat, 6. rate
pupil, apprentice, novice, savant, trainee, educatee;
(oran); synonyms (n) worth, pace, value,
antonym (n) teacher. percentage, (v) assess, estimate, evaluate,
uzmanlık expertise; synonyms (n) ability, capability, appreciate, appraise, compute, count, calculate,
competence, competency, dexterity, knowledge, merit, put, rank.
proficiency, skill, art, command, talent, aptitude, ücretli paid; synonyms (v) compensated, (adj) gainful,
expertness, knack, prowess. paying, salaried, nonrecreational, profitable,
uzun 1. long; synonyms (adj) extended, lengthy, remunerated, remunerative, mercenary, apaid,
dragging, far, (v) aspire, desire, hanker, languish, compensable, hired, hireling, lucrative, rewarding;
yearn, ache, hunger, wish, crave, (n) extensive, antonyms (adj) unpaid, due, owing.
large; antonyms (adj) short, brief, 2. tall (yüksek);
Ücretsiz free (açık, bedava, boş, özgür, serbest,
synonyms (adj) lofty, elevated, high, exalted, big,
serbest bırakmak); synonyms (adj) loose, frank,
lanky, towering, eminent, unbelievable, strapping,
liberal, (v) clear, exempt, liberate, discharge, excuse,
long, exaggerated, gangling, grandiloquent,
extricate, relieve, disentangle, acquit, deliver,
magniloquent; antonyms (adj) low, small.
disengage, ease; antonyms (adj) bound, restricted,
uzunluk 1. length (boy); synonyms (n) extent,
compelled, confined, imprisoned, repressive,
distance, range, duration, compass, depth,
secure, strict, stuck, tangled, attached, busy, (v)
dimension, longness, measurement, size, quantity,
confine, block, cage.
degree, (v) expanse, tract, area; antonyms (n)
üçüncü third; synonyms (n) second, three, inquiry,
briefness, shortness, width, 2. extent; synonyms
leash, probe, question, terce, tercet, ternary,
(n) extension, amplitude, amount, bulk, boundary,
ternion, (adj) tertiary, least, tertial, (adv) thirdly, (v)
breadth, gauge, length, measure, purview, reach,
scope, space, spread, capacity.
üflemek blow; synonyms (n) bang, beat, blast, knock,
uzuv member (üye); synonyms (n) limb, part,
shock, wallop, gust, hit, jolt, (v) puff, bloom,
supporter, extremity, phallus, portion, appendage,
blossom, pant, play, (adj) gasp; antonyms (v) calm,
employee, fellow, section, constituent, division,
element, follower, associate.
ülke 1. country; synonyms (n) state, nation, home,
land, area, commonwealth, kingdom, place, realm,
region, soil, territory, (adj) rural, rustic, public;
Ü antonyms (n) city, (adj) urban, 2. realm; synonyms
üç three; synonyms (n) leash, triplet, tercet, ternary, (n) country, domain, field, arena, department,
ternion, terzetto, third, lead, terce, tether, empire, ground, province, demesne, district,
threesome, tierce, trey, triad, trine. monarchy, orbit, range, sphere, dominion, 3. land
üçgen triangle; synonyms (n) trigon, trilateral, reed, (toprak); synonyms (n) estate, property, dirt,
trident, triennium, trionym, triplopia, tripod, grounds, (v) disembark, debark, alight, get, drop,
trireme, triseme, triskele, triskelion, trisula, wheel, arrive, bring, down, perch, secure, acquire;
xylophone. antonym (adj) aquatic, 4. domain (alan);
üçlü trio; synonyms (n) triad, threesome, triplet, three, synonyms (n) ambit, compass, county, discipline,
trey, ternary, trine, trinity, leash, ternion, (adv) duet, space, class, expanse, line, manor, subject, 5. state
duo, solo. (devlet, durum, eyalet); synonyms (n) position,
ücret 1. pay (maaş, ödemek); synonyms (v) say, show, circumstances, condition, (v) declare,
compensate, compensation, liquidate, yield, afford, expound, express, mention, affirm, allege,
clear, expend, give, (n) recompense, wage, earnings, announce, articulate, assert, (adj) national;

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antonyms (v) deny, (adj) private, 6. soil (toprak); (adj) unknown, infamous, ordinary, 2. celebrated;
synonyms (n) grime, dust, (v) smudge, blot, synonyms (adj) famous, noted, well-known, great,
contaminate, dirty, pollute, mire, blemish, defile, brilliant, excellent, remarkable, storied, (n) glorious,
foul, mould, smear, smirch, (adj) blur; antonym (v) 3. noted; synonyms (v) recognized, ascertained,
clean. (adj) noble, marked, distingue, 4. distinguished;
ülkü ideal; synonyms (adj) fanciful, perfect, synonyms (adj) dignified, reputable, high, superior,
consummate, abstract, classic, imaginary, typical, considerable, distinct, ace, exalted, grand, lofty,
(n) model, paragon, example, apotheosis, archetype, majestic, outstanding, preeminent, shining, signal,
epitome, perfection, prototype. 5. renowned; synonyms (adj) acknowledged,
ülser ulcer; synonyms (n) boil, ulceration, blister, familiar, legendary, magnificent, 6. prominent;
carbuncle, cyst, spot, (v) canker, fester, ulcerate, (adj) synonyms (adj) leading, noticeable, obvious, salient,
sore, cancer. striking, big, dominant, momentous, predominant,
ümit 1. hope (ummak, umut); synonyms (v) trust, influential, manifest, noteworthy, obtrusive, (n)
anticipate, confide, expect, wish, await, look, (n) bold, (v) projecting; antonyms (adj) inconspicuous,
aspiration, belief, desire, expectation, faith, minor.
anticipation, confidence, expectancy; antonyms (v) Ünvan title; synonyms (n) call, designation, caption,
despair, (n) reality, 2. expectation (beklenti); claim, designate, appellation, denomination,
synonyms (n) hope, prospect, outlook, possibility, epithet, interest, (v) name, style, term, entitle, (adj)
forecast, probability, suspense, thought, optimism. right, ownership.
ümitsiz hopeless; synonyms (adj) despairing, üreme reproduction; synonyms (n) replica,
despondent, forlorn, incurable, disconsolate, abject, propagation, duplicate, breeding, copy, generation,
desperate, impossible, useless, dismal, desolate, copying, facsimile, procreation, replication,
futile, helpless, inadequate, incompetent; antonyms reappearance, image, duplication, (adj) fake,
(adj) hopeful, cheerful, competent, promising. imitation; antonym (adj) genuine.
ün 1. fame; synonyms (n) credit, distinction, report, üretici 1. manufacturer; synonyms (n) maker,
reputation, bruit, honor, prestige, renown, buzz, builder, artificer, creator, shaper, producer, artist,
eminence, hearsay, kudos, (v) celebrity, cry, esteem; 2. producer; synonyms (n) director, manufacturer,
antonyms (n) infamy, obscurity, anonymity, 2. author, manager, cause, entrepreneur, farmer.
prominence; synonyms (n) hump, importance, üretim 1. production; synonyms (n) output,
protuberance, height, bulge, consequence, generation, product, manufacturing, performance,
projection, fame, moment, bump, extrusion, creation, formation, produce, staging, fabrication,
gibbosity, jut, swelling, emphasis, 3. reputation; fruit, manufacture, origination, presentation, (v)
synonyms (n) name, face, character, notoriety, exhibition, 2. generation (kuşak); synonyms (n)
prominence, repute, standing, glory, rank, age, epoch, era, genesis, contemporaries, offspring,
estimation, respect, account, praise, popularity, (v) period, time, day, birth, family, lifetime,
regard, 4. glory (şan); synonyms (n) brightness, multiplication, production, (v) germination, 3.
pride, dignity, eclat, glitter, glorification, grandeur, output (çıktı); synonyms (n) crop, harvest,
heaven, splendor, worship, aureole, (v) halo, exult, turnout, yield, outturn, expenditure, (v) outcome.
boast, gloat. üretken 1. productive; synonyms (adj) fertile,
üniforma uniform; synonyms (adj) regular, even, fruitful, plentiful, fat, generative, helpful, copious,
constant, steady, equal, consistent, same, equable, lucrative, constructive, inventive, original,
homogenous, invariable, level, unchanging, fixed, abundant, creative, fecund, plenteous; antonyms
(n) livery, dress; antonyms (adj) varied, assorted, (adj) unproductive, barren, unprofitable, 2. fertile
inconsistent, unequal. (bereketli, verimli); synonyms (adj) productive,
ünite unit (birim); synonyms (n) troop, element, affluent, exuberant, bountiful, luxuriant, prolific,
group, squad, aggregate, cell, team, detachment, rich, ample, lush, rank; antonyms (adj) infertile,
member, ace, company, component, part, section, sterile.
(adj) one.
üretkenlik productivity; synonyms (n) efficiency,
üniversite 1. university; synonyms (n) school, fertility, fruitfulness, productiveness, abundance,
academy, academe, faculty, institution, (adj) college, output, production, constructiveness, turnout, use,
academic, educational, scholastic, 2. college; usefulness, utility, crop, harvest, lushness;
synonyms (n) association, institute, society, antonym (n) fruitlessness.
üretme generation (kuşak, üretim); synonyms (n)
ünlü 1. famous; synonyms (adj) celebrated, eminent, age, creation, epoch, era, genesis, contemporaries,
splendid, distinguished, famed, illustrious, formation, offspring, period, time, day, birth,
renowned, capital, conspicuous, important, known, family, lifetime, (v) germination.
notable, notorious, prominent, stunning; antonyms

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üretmek 1. generate; synonyms (v) breed, develop, eventuate, arise, develop, lead; antonym (v) cause,
bear, beget, cause, engender, get, provoke, create, 7. child (çocuk); synonyms (n) baby, boy, babe,
father, produce, raise, reproduce, yield, make, 2. bairn, brat, girl, infant, juvenile, kid, minor,
breed; synonyms (n) kind, race, variety, ancestry, toddler, tot, youngster, innocent, imp; antonym (n)
sort, order, class, genus, posterity, progeny, (v) adult, 8. growth (büyüme); synonyms (n)
multiply, brood, cultivate, hatch, propagate, 3. accretion, augmentation, evolution, increase,
produce; synonyms (v) give, effect, bring, present, enlargement, germination, accumulation, accession,
procreate, construct, form, frame, generate, fetch, addition, advance, improvement, increment, rise,
prepare, do, fabricate, (n) gain, crop. bulge, (v) grow; antonyms (n) decrease, reduction,
ürkek 1. shy (çekingen); synonyms (adj) diffident, weakening, decline, 9. produce; synonyms (v)
fearful, timid, abashed, reserved, ashamed, coy, make, bring, present, procreate, breed, construct,
modest, nervous, reticent, self-conscious, create, form, frame, generate, fetch, prepare, beget,
backward, (v) fling, cast, (n) throw; antonyms (adj) do, engender, 10. production (üretim);
brash, bold, confident, demonstrative, forward, synonyms (n) generation, manufacturing,
outgoing, 2. nervous; synonyms (adj) anxious, performance, creation, formation, staging,
excitable, tense, cowardly, afraid, apprehensive, fabrication, origination, presentation, work, piece,
shy, uneasy, firm, edgy, fidgety, neurotic, restless, growth, extension, (v) exhibition, protraction.
(adv) excited, agitated; antonyms (adj) calm, brave, üs 1. base (alçak, baz, taban, temel); synonyms (n)
relaxed, 3. fearful; synonyms (adj) dreadful, awful, foundation, basis, (adj) bottom, abject, mean,
craven, terrible, dire, eerie, formidable, frightful, dishonorable, ignoble, low, vile, bad, contemptible,
appalling, awesome, alarming, dastardly, despicable, foul, (v) ground, found; antonyms (n)
desperate, direful, frightened; antonyms (adj) summit, top, (adj) noble, 2. power (güç, iktidar);
rational, unimpressed. synonyms (n) force, ability, potency, authority,
ürkmek shy (çekingen, ürkek); synonyms (adj) control, energy, agency, domination, intensity,
strength, (v) influence, might, dominion, faculty,
diffident, fearful, timid, abashed, reserved,
ashamed, coy, modest, nervous, reticent, self- capacity; antonyms (n) powerlessness, helplessness,
conscious, backward, (v) fling, cast, (n) throw; weakness, 3. station (durak, istasyon);
antonyms (adj) brash, bold, confident, synonyms (n) rank, position, seat, standing, base,
demonstrative, forward, outgoing. depot, (v) place, locate, post, stand, lay, order, put,
set, site.
ürkmüş frightened; synonyms (adj) afraid, fearful,
scared, terrified, timid, anxious, apprehensive, üslup 1. fashion (moda); synonyms (n) cut, mode,
horrified, intimidated, restless, worried, (adv) craze, fad, manner, method, way, custom, guise, (v)
cowardly; antonyms (adj) calm, confident, form, construct, contrive, cast, create, make, 2.
unimpressed, brave, fearless. touch (dokunma, dokunmak); synonyms (n)
ürpermek chill; synonyms (n) coolness, (adj) cold, feel, tinge, feeling, hint, (v) affect, contact, hit,
border, adjoin, strike, stroke, regard, brush,
bleak, icy, chilly, frosty, depressing, freezing,
frigid, (v) cool, freeze, dispirit, congeal, damp, concern, handle, 3. wording; synonyms (n)
dampen; antonyms (n) warmth, (v) heat, warm. diction, phraseology, phrasing, language,
expression, verbiage, style, text.
ürün 1. product; synonyms (n) fruit, output,
merchandise, proceeds, outgrowth, crop, article, üst 1. top; synonyms (adj) maximum, (n) crown, peak,
commodity, composition, consequence, acme, apex, crest, cover, height, pinnacle, summit,
manufacture, harvest, development, effect, (v) (v) best, cap, exceed, head, outdo; antonyms (adj)
produce, 2. crop; synonyms (n) craw, yield, (v) worst, (n) bottom, base, nadir, 2. upper; synonyms
browse, graze, reap, top, cultivate, cut, lop, prune, (adj) superior, higher, top, overhead, over, highest,
shave, trim, reduce, (adj) clip, shear, 3. harvest (n) amphetamine, speed, stimulant; antonym (adj)
(hasat); synonyms (n) ingathering, profit, inferior, 3. above (yukarıda); synonyms (prep) on,
production, harvesting, (v) gain, gather, glean, past, surpassing, under, (adv) beyond, aloft, supra,
amass, collect, garner, get, pick, earn, assemble, up, more, (adj) preceding, former, upper, foregoing,
acquire, 4. fruit (meyve); synonyms (n) product, previous; antonym (prep) below, 4. parent;
issue, (v) result, return, building, edifice, erection, synonyms (n) mother, origin, source, forefather,
fabric, flower, 5. yield (verim); synonyms (n) prototype, precursor, (v) father, foster, rear,
give, furnish, (v) surrender, allow, concede, submit, nurture, generate, advance, advert, arouse, boot;
cede, grant, relinquish, bow, accede, afford, bear, antonym (n) child, 5. superior; synonyms (adj)
consent, provide; antonyms (v) resist, persevere, 6. senior, dominant, better, exceptional, predominant,
result (sonuç); synonyms (n) outcome, aftermath, elder, great, arrogant, chief, eminent, excellent,
answer, conclusion, end, corollary, event, high, lofty, proud, select; antonyms (adj) humble,
repercussion, resolution, (v) ensue, follow, worse, poor, (n) subordinate, subscript.

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üstelik 1. besides; synonyms (adv) also, furthermore, good, lead, preponderance, virtue, perk, boot,
moreover, too, again, additionally, anyway, else, avail, convenience, gain, (v) benefit; antonyms (n)
therewithal, beyond, (prep) except, on, beside, (adj) drawback, detriment, difficulty, (v) disadvantage,
more, likewise, 2. moreover; synonyms (adv) 2. excellence; synonyms (n) distinction, eminence,
besides, further, and, therewith. advantage, goodness, superiority, greatness,
üstlenmek 1. commit; synonyms (v) commend, quality, value, (adj) merit, worth, desert, mastery;
assign, charge, consign, apply, confide, dedicate, antonym (n) inferiority, 3. dominance; synonyms
entrust, submit, deliver, devote, give, intrust, leave, (n) ascendancy, authority, control, domination,
send, 2. undertake; synonyms (v) attempt, try, supremacy, command, ascendance, ascendency,
accept, contract, covenant, guarantee, tackle, take, dominion, power, rule, authorization, primacy,
assume, assure, begin, engage, promise, endeavor, ascendence, 4. superiority; synonyms (n)
seek, 3. assume (varsaymak); synonyms (v) predominance, excellence, odds, precedence,
affect, adopt, appropriate, arrogate, feign, presume, priority, preference, cleverness, fineness, majority,
sham, simulate, suppose, understand, usurp, feel, perfection, preeminence, edge, dominance,
acquire, conclude, conjecture. prevalence, transcendence; antonym (n) humility,
üstteki upper (üst); synonyms (adj) superior, higher, 5. distinction; synonyms (n) contrast, difference,
top, overhead, over, highest, (n) amphetamine, discrimination, rank, dissimilarity, demarcation,
speed, stimulant; antonym (adj) inferior. celebrity, prestige, reputation, consequence,
üstün 1. excellent (mükemmel); synonyms (adj) differentiation, discrepancy, disparity, fame, name;
choice, estimable, admirable, superior, capital, antonym (n) similarity, 6. odds; synonyms (n)
beautiful, distinctive, brilliant, fantastic, fine, good, chance, likelihood, possibility, probability,
great, magnificent, marvelous, (n) worthy; likeliness, chances, prospect, handicap, (v)
antonyms (adj) inferior, poor, abysmal, awful, dissension, misunderstanding, variance, 7.
mediocre, 2. paramount; synonyms (adj) lordship; synonyms (n) ownership, dynasty,
dominant, chief, main, overriding, top, foremost, grandeeship, judge, proprietorship, seigniory,
supreme, topmost, uppermost, cardinal, crowning, sovereignty.
leading, predominant, principal, (v) greatest; üşümek chill; synonyms (n) coolness, (adj) cold, bleak,
antonym (adj) minor, 3. above (yukarıda); icy, chilly, frosty, depressing, freezing, frigid, (v)
synonyms (prep) on, past, surpassing, (adv) over, cool, freeze, dispirit, congeal, damp, dampen;
beyond, aloft, supra, up, more, overhead, (adj) antonyms (n) warmth, (v) heat, warm.
preceding, former, upper, foregoing, previous; üşümüş cold (soğuk); synonyms (adj) chilly, frigid,
antonym (prep) below, 4. superior; synonyms (adj) aloof, callous, distant, icy, indifferent, apathetic,
senior, better, exceptional, elder, arrogant, eminent, bleak, cool, dead, dull, freezing, (n) chilliness, chill;
excellent, high, higher, lofty, proud, select, antonyms (adj) warm, friendly, hot, burning,
commanding, exalted, important; antonyms (adj) prepared, affectionate, loving, soporific, (n) heat,
humble, worse, (n) subordinate, subscript. warmth.
üstünde 1. on; synonyms (prep) at, about, concerning, üşüşme rush; synonyms (n) hurry, charge, flood, flow,
in, by, into, upon, for, above, (adv) forth, ahead, (adj) attack, (v) dash, gush, race, run, speed, dart, hasten,
forward, aboard, (prf) along, against; antonym (adv) stream, (adj) burst, spurt.
off, 2. above (yukarıda); synonyms (prep) on, üşüşmek flock (sürü); synonyms (n) bunch, crowd,
past, surpassing, (adv) over, beyond, aloft, supra, cluster, band, bevy, congregation, covey, gang,
up, more, overhead, (adj) preceding, former, upper, herd, horde, pack, troop, (v) assemble, mass, (adj)
foregoing, previous; antonym (prep) below, 3. over; swarm.
synonyms (adv) across, o'er, too, crosswise, anew, üşütmek chill; synonyms (n) coolness, (adj) cold, bleak,
again, (prep) during, (n) overs, (adj) finished, done, icy, chilly, frosty, depressing, freezing, frigid, (v)
extra, odd, gone, out, spare. cool, freeze, dispirit, congeal, damp, dampen;
üstüne over; synonyms (adv) beyond, across, more, by, antonyms (n) warmth, (v) heat, warm.
o'er, on, too, (prep) above, during, (n) overs, (adj) ütü iron (demir); synonyms (n) chain, irons, chains,
finished, done, extra, odd, past. (v) firm, flatten, press, smooth, (adj) hard, adamant,
üstünkörü superficial (yüzeysel); synonyms (adj) inflexible, steel, tenacious.
cursory, shallow, external, sketchy, slight, ütülemek 1. iron (demir); synonyms (n) chain, irons,
apparent, exterior, frivolous, outward, surface,
chains, (v) firm, flatten, press, smooth, (adj) hard,
outer, flimsy, empty, facile, ostensible; antonyms
adamant, inflexible, steel, tenacious, 2. press
(adj) deep, innate, real, thorough, profound, inner,
(basın, basmak); synonyms (n) jam, closet, (v)
crush, crowd, force, squeeze, pack, coerce,
üstünlük 1. advantage (avantaj, yarar); synonyms
(n) behalf, privilege, profit, account, expediency,

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compress, exhort, mash, push, urge, clasp, (adj) puny, skinny, 2. bitter (acı, keskin, şiddetli);
constrain. synonyms (adj) acrimonious, biting, acrid, sharp,
üye member; synonyms (n) limb, part, supporter, acerbic, acid, caustic, keen, malicious, resentful,
extremity, phallus, portion, appendage, employee, sour, virulent, acerb, cutting, (n) acerbity; antonyms
fellow, section, constituent, division, element, (adj) mild, sweet, charitable, hot, kind, sugary.
follower, associate. üzülmek 1. worry; synonyms (v) torment, trouble,
üyeler membership (üyelik); synonyms (n) bother, distress, tease, annoy, care, disturb, fear,
association, alliance, attachment, connection, molest, (n) concern, burden, harass, pain, fuss;
contribution, input, involvement, partaking, rank, antonyms (v) soothe, reassure, (n) calmness,
relationship, sharing, associates, bias, brotherhood, reassurance, 2. sorrow (acı); synonyms (n) grief,
club. mourning, regret, sadness, anguish, contrition,
üyelik membership; synonyms (n) association, heartache, misery, penitence, remorse, repentance,
alliance, attachment, connection, contribution, heartbreak, (v) mourn, lament, grieve; antonyms (n)
input, involvement, partaking, rank, relationship, joy, delight, happiness, 3. trouble; synonyms (n)
sharing, associates, bias, brotherhood, club. anxiety, difficulty, hardship, load, misfortune,
üzerinde over; synonyms (adv) beyond, across, more, problem, (v) inconvenience, disorder, disquiet,
by, o'er, on, too, (prep) above, during, (n) overs, (adj) worry, afflict, agitate, distract, perturb, (adj)
finished, done, extra, odd, past. affliction; antonyms (v) calm, please, 4. regret;
üzerine over; synonyms (adv) beyond, across, more, synonyms (v) bewail, bemoan, deplore, sorrow,
by, o'er, on, too, (prep) above, during, (n) overs, (adj) repent, rue, dislike, (n) compunction,
finished, done, extra, odd, past. disappointment, woe, qualm, contriteness,
üzgün 1. sad; synonyms (adj) dreary, dismal, dissatisfaction, bitterness, apology.
distressing, gloomy, miserable, mournful, pitiable, üzüntü 1. grief (acı, keder); synonyms (n) affliction,
pitiful, bad, bleak, dejected, deplorable, depressed, dolor, anguish, distress, agony, pain, regret,
depressing, disconsolate; antonyms (adj) happy, wound, chagrin, concern, pity, bitterness, dejection,
cheerful, joyful, brave, cheery, composed, 2. sorry; desolation, (adj) sore; antonyms (n) joy, happiness,
synonyms (adj) pathetic, contrite, paltry, penitent, 2. sorrow (acı); synonyms (n) grief, mourning,
piteous, remorseful, sorrowful, base, apologetic, sadness, contrition, heartache, misery, penitence,
mean, regretful, repentant, sad, low, abject; remorse, repentance, heartbreak, hardship,
antonym (adj) unrepentant, 3. worried; synonyms compunction, (v) mourn, lament, grieve; antonym
(adj) apprehensive, distressed, nervous, uneasy, (n) delight, 3. trouble; synonyms (n) bother,
upset, anxious, afraid, bothered, concerned, anxiety, difficulty, fuss, torment, (v) inconvenience,
disturbed, troubled, fearful, restless, unhappy, (v) annoy, disorder, disquiet, worry, afflict, agitate,
afflicted; antonyms (adj) calm, carefree, reassured, burden, distract, disturb; antonyms (v) calm,
relaxed, untroubled. please, 4. regret; synonyms (v) bewail, bemoan,
üzgünüm sorry; synonyms (adj) pathetic, contrite, deplore, sorrow, repent, rue, dislike, (n)
paltry, penitent, piteous, pitiable, pitiful, disappointment, woe, qualm, contriteness,
remorseful, sorrowful, base, apologetic, bad, dissatisfaction, apology, guilt, ruefulness, 5.
deplorable, mean, miserable; antonym (adj) worry (üzülmek); synonyms (v) trouble, tease,
unrepentant. care, fear, molest, vex, fret, harry, mind, (n) harass,
üzmek 1. pain (ağrı); synonyms (n) distress, ache, annoyance, apprehension, hassle, misgiving, (adj)
bother, ill, torment, agony, nuisance, harass, irritate; antonyms (v) soothe, reassure, (n) calmness,
annoyance, (v) hurt, afflict, anguish, grieve, trouble, reassurance, 6. distress (acı); synonyms (n)
agonize; antonym (n) pleasure, 2. distress (acı); calamity, hurt, torture, adversity, alarm, suffering,
synonyms (n) pain, anxiety, calamity, difficulty, destitution, ache, shock, agonize, damage, (v) upset,
grief, torture, adversity, affliction, alarm, (v) discomfort, distraint, ail; antonym (v) comfort.
concern, upset, worry, discomfort, annoy, distraint; üzüntülü worried; synonyms (adj) apprehensive,
antonyms (v) comfort, please, 3. worry distressed, nervous, uneasy, upset, anxious, afraid,
(üzülmek); synonyms (v) tease, care, disturb, fear, bothered, concerned, disturbed, troubled, fearful,
molest, vex, agitate, fret, harry, (n) burden, fuss, restless, unhappy, (v) afflicted; antonyms (adj) calm,
sorrow, apprehension, disquiet, (adj) irritate; carefree, reassured, relaxed, untroubled.
antonyms (v) soothe, reassure, (n) calmness,
üzücü 1. heavy (ağır); synonyms (adj) dull, deep, V
dark, dense, fat, full, grave, gross, hard, arduous,
vaat 1. undertaking; synonyms (n) enterprise, labor,
bulky, burdensome, grievous, oppressive, thick;
promise, task, attempt, business, project, venture,
antonyms (adj) light, easy, slim, thin, slight, gentle,

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adventure, endeavor, job, effort, duty, guarantee, synonyms (n) time, hr, nonce, crisis, minute,
pledge, 2. promise (söz vermek); synonyms (n) lifetime, month, quarter, quinquennium, week,
engagement, assurance, bargain, engage, hope, year, opportunity, alarm, amazement, arcminute,
plight, word, betrothal, agreement, (v) covenant, 3. when (ne zaman); synonyms (adv) as, once,
contract, vow, augur, assure, undertake. then, because, than, since, equally, erst, erstwhile,
vade 1. maturity; synonyms (n) ripeness, adulthood, formerly, (conj) although, while, immediately, (prep)
matureness, perfection, majority, age, during, (adj) following, 4. season; synonyms (v)
development, readiness, prime; antonyms (n) flavor, mature, inure, salt, mellow, flavour,
childhood, youth, immaturity, 2. time (saat, süre, moderate, pickle, ripen, spice, temper, sauce, cure,
zaman); synonyms (n) hour, moment, period, (adj) harden, habituate.
duration, epoch, era, measure, season, day, spell, vakitsiz premature; synonyms (adj) early, precocious,
instant, interval, space, tempo, sentence; antonym untimely, immature, forward, inopportune,
(n) death. previous, rash, unripe.
vadi 1. valley; synonyms (n) ravine, dale, gully, vale, vakum vacuum (boşluk); synonyms (n) emptiness,
hollow, depression, gap, gorge; antonym (n) void, vacancy, vacuity, gap, nothingness, blank,
inanity, chasm, (v) clean.
mount, 2. dale; synonyms (n) valley, glen, abyss,
bottom, cocoon, basin, cave, cavern, cove, valf valve; synonyms (n) lock, sluice, door, gauge,
foundation, glade, groundwork, grove, lees, monitor, spout.
sediment, 3. vale; synonyms (n) slade, strath; vali governor (patron); synonyms (n) director, chief,
antonym (n) hill. manager, regulator, administrator, controller, ruler,
vagon 1. car (araba, otomobil); synonyms (n) superintendent, leader, executive, head, master,
automobile, auto, carriage, coach, truck, vehicle, official, protector, warden.
tramcar, coupe, jalopy, gondola, machine, valiz suitcase; synonyms (n) bag, case, grip, luggage,
motorcar, railcar, limousine, 2. carriage; handbag, bagful, base, clasp, clench, clutch,
synonyms (n) attitude, transport, behavior, clutches, dish, grasp, hairgrip, handgrip.
conveyance, air, demeanor, deportment, gait, vana valve (valf); synonyms (n) lock, sluice, door,
manner, mien, port, position, posture, walk, (v) gauge, monitor, spout.
bearing. vantilatör fan (hayran, yelpaze); synonyms (n)
vahiy revelation; synonyms (n) disclosure, discovery, admirer, buff, devotee, enthusiast, addict, adherent,
exposure, display, manifestation, revealing, afficionado, fiend, follower, advocate, disciple, (v)
betrayal, apocalypse, expose, inspiration, air, winnow, refresh, blow; antonym (n) detractor.
publication, exhibition, vision, find, (v) revealment. vapur ship (gemi); synonyms (n) boat, ferry, craft,
vahşi 1. brutal; synonyms (adj) beastly, barbaric, bottom, (v) dispatch, send, forward, transport,
barbarous, bestial, hard, cruel, harsh, savage, consign, carry, embark, move, transfer, post,
truculent, unkind, vicious, barbarian, boarish, charge.
rugged, tough; antonyms (adj) gentle, kind, vardiya 1. shift; synonyms (n) interchange, turn,
merciful, liberal, 2. wild; synonyms (adj) desert, move, switch, conversion, (v) change, exchange,
waste, fierce, boisterous, violent, reckless, desolate, remove, quibble, alter, budge, convert, displace,
ferocious, furious, raging, rude, stormy, untamed, transfer, fluctuate, 2. watch (bakmak,
giddy, rough; antonyms (adj) calm, orderly, seyretmek); synonyms (v) observe, clock, look,
domestic, manageable, sane, cultivated, restrained, see, regard, wake, care, protect, defend, (n) guard,
tame. view, sentinel, sentry, surveillance, (adj) vigilance.
vaka 1. case; synonyms (n) box, example, bin, cover, varil barrel; synonyms (n) drum, roll, vessel,
jacket, shell, affair, bag, briefcase, casing, eccentric, barrelful, cask, container, vase, vat, jar, plug, much,
instance, suit, carton, (adj) patient, 2. event (olay); pot, bbl, bushel, (v) fly.
synonyms (n) case, consequence, effect, occurrence, varis 1. heir; synonyms (n) beneficiary, inheritor,
circumstance, contingency, fact, happening, offspring, successor, descendant, heritor, progeny,
incident, issue, result, aftermath, time, chance, receiver, scion, 2. successor (halef); synonyms (n)
heir, substitute, replacement, sequel; antonyms (n)
vakıf foundation (temel); synonyms (n) base, basis, forerunner, ancestor, precursor, predecessor.
bottom, creation, establishment, foot, institution,
varış 1. arrival; synonyms (n) appearance, advent,
principle, cause, cornerstone, footing, fundamental,
entrance, incoming, newcomer, return, attainment,
origin, support, nucleus; antonym (n) top.
arriver, comer, reaching, homecoming; antonyms
vakit 1. time (saat, süre, zaman); synonyms (n)
(n) departure, exit, leaving, 2. coming; synonyms
hour, moment, period, duration, epoch, era,
(v) instant, (adj) approaching, forthcoming, future,
measure, season, day, spell, age, instant, interval,
imminent, impending, following, near, next,
space, tempo; antonym (n) death, 2. hour (saat);

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480 Turkish - English

prospective, (n) access, approach, arrival, arrive, neglect, nonpayment, want, arrears, (v) fail, laches;
come. antonym (n) payment.
varlık 1. entity; synonyms (n) being, existence, object, varsayım 1. assumption; synonyms (n)
thing, whole, article, creature, essence, individual, presumption, supposition, hypothesis, premise,
item, reality, part, piece, 2. presence; synonyms adoption, arrogance, acceptance, belief, conclusion,
(n) appearance, front, attendance, bearing, manner, conjecture, guess, idea, surmise, theory, notion, 2.
mien, carriage, air, comportment, figure, demeanor, hypothesis; synonyms (n) assumption,
company, aspect, look, (adj) breeding; antonyms (n) speculation, condition, opinion, postulation,
absence, nonattendance, 3. being; synonyms (n) presupposition, concept, proposal, view, thought,
person, animal, human, entity, presence, matter, conception, guesswork, model, possibility.
life, mortal, man, nature, organism, party, self, soul, varsaymak 1. assume; synonyms (v) affect, accept,
(adj) present; antonyms (n) death, nonexistence, 4. adopt, appropriate, arrogate, feign, take, presume,
wealth; synonyms (n) riches, abundance, affluence, sham, simulate, suppose, understand, usurp, feel,
opulence, treasure, capital, fortune, property, acquire, 2. suppose (sanmak); synonyms (v)
profusion, mammon, resources, (v) money, gold, believe, guess, infer, assume, conjecture, consider,
(adj) plenty, richness; antonyms (n) poverty, penury, divine, estimate, imagine, reckon, speculate,
scarcity. calculate, conceive, expect, judge, 3. say (demek,
Varlıklar assets; synonyms (n) property, belongings, söylemek); synonyms (v) remark, articulate,
capital, funds, means, resources, wealth, finances, express, pronounce, assert, enunciate, observe,
resource, estate, money, possession, possessions, maintain, order, read, speak, state, tell, (n) declare,
acquit, income. voice.
varlıklı wealthy (zengin); synonyms (adj) rich, varsayýlan default; synonyms (n) deficit,
moneyed, affluent, flush, opulent, prosperous, delinquency, omission, oversight, fault, lack,
loaded, substantial, generous, abounding, neglect, nonpayment, want, arrears, (v) fail, laches;
abundant, ample, monied, successful, thriving; antonym (n) payment.
antonyms (adj) poor, impoverished. varyans variance; synonyms (n) difference,
varma arrival; synonyms (n) appearance, advent, disagreement, discrepancy, dissension, division,
entrance, incoming, newcomer, return, attainment, deviation, discord, divergence, misunderstanding,
arriver, comer, reaching, homecoming; antonyms diversity, dissimilarity, dissonance, conflict,
(n) departure, exit, leaving. dispute, variability.
varmak 1. arrive; synonyms (v) come, mature, attain, varyasyon variation; synonyms (n) alteration,
fall, land, reach, succeed, show, derive, emerge, change, difference, divergence, mutation, variance,
enter, get, happen, issue, (n) appear; antonyms (v) deviation, discrepancy, departure, fluctuation,
leave, depart, go, 2. get (almak, elde etmek, disagreement, dissimilarity, permutation, contrast,
distinction; antonym (n) similarity.
olmak); synonyms (v) acquire, gain, become, catch,
earn, buy, fetch, take, achieve, beget, bring, varyete variety; synonyms (n) kind, sort, species,
capture, cause, engage, extract; antonyms (v) lose, change, form, style, type, variation, breed,
diversity, genus, miscellany, nature, (adj) class, (v)
give, 3. hit (isabet, vurmak); synonyms (v) strike,
difference; antonym (n) uniformity.
belt, blow, bump, collide, encounter, (n) knock,
bang, smash, touch, chance, bash, beat, collision, vasat 1. fair (güzel, sarışın); synonyms (adj)
play; antonyms (n) failure, flop, 4. reach equitable, clear, beautiful, average, dispassionate,
fine, impartial, reasonable, sweet, candid, (adv)
(ulaşmak, uzatmak); synonyms (v) range,
clean, (n) bazaar, blonde, carnival, (v) bright;
overtake, obtain, extend, make, pass, accomplish,
antonyms (adj) unfair, biased, dark, exceptional,
equal, form, arrive, (n) compass, stretch, extent,
unjust, partial, foul, imbalanced, mismatched,
area, capacity.
prejudiced, unwarranted, 2. indifferent (ilgisiz,
varolan existing; synonyms (adj) actual, alive,
kayıtsız); synonyms (adj) apathetic, callous, cold,
current, existent, present, real, contemporary,
cool, fair, impassive, insensible, unconcerned,
extant, instant, modern, (v) being; antonym (adj)
careless, dull, aloof, casual, detached, disinterested,
frigid; antonyms (adj) caring, enthusiastic, fervent,
varoş outskirts; synonyms (n) suburb, edge, keen, obsessive, eager, energetic, involved,
periphery, environs, border, fringe, boundary, surprised.
skirt, precincts, frontier, distance, outpost, outside,
vasati average (ortalama); synonyms (adj) mean,
slub, slurb.
median, fair, common, medium, middle, middling,
varsayılan default; synonyms (n) deficit, normal, ordinary, intermediate, mediocre, mid,
delinquency, omission, oversight, fault, lack, moderate, tolerable, (n) norm; antonyms (adj)

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exceptional, extraordinary, abnormal, unusual, (v) command, decree, 2. will (arzu); synonyms (v)
maximum, minimum. bequeath, devise, wish, leave, shall, (n) desire,
vasi 1. guardian; synonyms (n) custodian, guard, inclination, determination, pleasure, resolve, intent,
defender, protector, champion, curator, warden, mind, courage, liking, purpose.
keeper, patron, shelter, steward, backer, (adj) vatan 1. home (ev); synonyms (n) fireside, abode,
protective, custodial, tutelary, 2. administrator domicile, house, base, building, dwelling, family,
(yönetici); synonyms (n) executive, director, habitation, household, place, residence, shelter,
manager, boss, officer, official, supervisor, asylum, (adj) domestic, 2. country (ülke);
governor, principal, ruler, superintendent, 3. synonyms (n) state, nation, home, land, area,
tutor; synonyms (n) instructor, teacher, mentor, commonwealth, kingdom, realm, region, soil,
trainer, master, guardian, lecturer, educator, (v) territory, district, (adj) rural, rustic, public;
coach, instruct, educate, school, teach, train, edify. antonyms (n) city, (adj) urban.
vasıf 1. qualification; synonyms (n) condition, vatandaş citizen; synonyms (n) civilian, denizen,
capability, competence, fitness, limitation, inhabitant, national, resident, native, subject, voter;
preparation, prerequisite, provision, degree, ability, antonym (n) foreigner.
alteration, modification, (adj) faculty, endowment, vazgeç cancel (feshetmek, iptal etmek, silmek);
property, 2. characteristic (karakteristik, synonyms (v) annul, abrogate, erase, expunge,
özellik); synonyms (adj) distinctive, individual, invalidate, remit, revoke, abate, avoid, efface,
typical, original, natural, representative, special, (n) eliminate, obliterate, repeal, (adj) abolish, nullify;
badge, attribute, sign, character, feature, peculiar, antonym (v) validate.
peculiarity, point; antonyms (adj) uncharacteristic, vazgeçme surrender; synonyms (n) resign,
common, 3. quality (kalite, nitelik); synonyms resignation, capitulation, release, (v) concede,
(n) nature, characteristic, class, grade, distinction, relinquish, abandon, render, capitulate, deliver,
description, mark, caliber, part, tone, worth, brand, submit, forsake, forfeit, leave, cede; antonyms (v)
value, goodness, excellence; antonym (adj) shoddy. conquer, resist, appropriate, fight, persevere,
vasıflı 1. skilled (usta); synonyms (adj) adept, subdue, win.
experienced, expert, practiced, skillful, able, vazgeçmek 1. abandon; synonyms (v) quit,
accomplished, clever, competent, dexterous, relinquish, renounce, resign, vacate, desert,
proficient, old, adroit, capable, learned; antonyms evacuate, leave, waive, depart, abdicate, chuck,
(adj) inept, incompetent, inexperienced, 2. ditch, drop, forfeit; antonyms (v) keep, support,
qualified; synonyms (adj) eligible, efficient, maintain, (n) restraint, 2. cancel (feshetmek,
conditional, fit, adequate, certified, limited, iptal etmek, silmek); synonyms (v) annul,
restricted, fitted, prepared, provisional, proper, abrogate, erase, expunge, invalidate, remit, revoke,
appropriate, responsible, skilled; antonyms (adj) abate, avoid, efface, eliminate, obliterate, repeal,
unqualified, total, unofficial, definite. (adj) abolish, nullify; antonym (v) validate, 3. leave
vasıta 1. agency; synonyms (n) bureau, office, (bırakmak); synonyms (v) forsake, go, abandon,
authority, commission, expedient, factor, escape, flee, lead, lay, allow, bequeath, (n) furlough,
instrument, means, organ, way, efficiency, activity, holiday, permission, permit, break, (adj) empty;
board, (v) action, act, 2. means (araç); synonyms antonyms (v) arrive, enter, stay, remain, approach,
(n) agency, assets, capital, channel, funds, income, change, come.
manner, agent, contrivance, device, medium, vazife 1. commission (kurul); synonyms (n) board,
method, process, property, resource, 3. medium mission, delegation, job, mandate, warrant,
(orta, ortam); synonyms (adj) intermediate, fair, assignment, charge, committee, (v) assign, accredit,
mid, middle, middling, moderate, (n) average, designate, appoint, authorize, delegate, 2. task
mediocre, mean, atmosphere, go-between, vehicle, (görev); synonyms (n) commission, duty,
environment, mediocrity, spiritualist, 4. vehicle; enterprise, labor, project, stint, occupation, activity,
synonyms (n) automobile, transport, carrier, business, chore, function, problem, work, (v) tax,
transportation, car, intermedium, intervention, exercise.
mediation, platform.
vaziyet 1. set (ayarlamak, grup, set, takım);
vasıtasıyla by (tarafından); synonyms (prep) beside, synonyms (v) fix, place, lay, put, locate, position,
at, of, about, on, per, (adv) aside, away, past, regulate, define, adjust, arrange, (n) class, bent, (adj)
through, apart, along, beyond, (adv, prep) alongside, fixed, fast, secure; antonyms (v) soften, liquefy,
(adj) over. melt, (n) combing, comb-out, (adj) variable, flexible,
vasiyetname 1. testament; synonyms (n) will, liquid, 2. state (devlet, durum, eyalet);
testimonial, testimony, paper, parchment, synonyms (n) nation, say, country, kingdom, show,
settlement, volition, evidence, bible, certificate, (v) declare, expound, express, mention, affirm,
confirmation, credentials, declaration, (v)

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482 Turkish - English

allege, announce, articulate, assert, (adj) national; governor, principal, ruler, superintendent, 6.
antonyms (v) deny, (adj) private. vicar; synonyms (n) minister, priest, clergyman,
ve and (ile); synonyms (conj) with, (adv) also, parson, pastor, rector, preacher, regent.
additionally, (prep) plus, including, (adj) more. vektör vector (yöney); synonyms (n) direction,
veda 1. farewell; synonyms (n) adieu, leave, bearing, course, sender, transmitter, vehicle.
valediction, goodbye, parting, departure, veli guardian; synonyms (n) custodian, guard,
separation, 2. leave (bırakmak); synonyms (v) defender, protector, champion, curator, warden,
depart, forsake, go, abandon, desert, quit, escape, keeper, patron, shelter, steward, backer, (adj)
flee, lead, (n) furlough, holiday, permission, permit, protective, custodial, tutelary.
break, (adj) empty; antonyms (v) arrive, enter, stay, ventil valve (valf); synonyms (n) lock, sluice, door,
remain, approach, change, come. gauge, monitor, spout.
vefa truth (doğruluk); synonyms (n) exactness, veranda porch; synonyms (n) lobby, hall, veranda,
reality, actuality, sincerity, correctness, fact, vestibule, balcony, door, entrance, portico, inlet,
fidelity, verity, genuineness, accuracy, certainty, doorway, patio, portal, chops, conservatory, lips.
faithfulness, honesty, precision, authenticity; verev bias (önyargı); synonyms (n) penchant, drift,
antonyms (n) untruth, dishonesty, fabrication, influence, turn, twist, favor, slope, angle, bigotry,
falsehood, fiction, lie. (v) prejudice, bent, slant, dispose, (adj) partiality,
vefalı 1. loyal; synonyms (adj) unwavering, fast, diagonal; antonyms (n) impartiality, neutrality,
constant, devoted, reliable, steady, true, fairness.
dependable, obedient, dedicated, liege, observant, vergi 1. tax; synonyms (n) charge, duty, burden,
(n) faithful, accurate, (v) firm; antonyms (adj) excise, dues, impost, taxation, (v) assess, task,
disloyal, unfaithful, unreliable, 2. constant accuse, impose, load, cess, levy, strain, 2.
(değişmez, sabit); synonyms (adj) ceaseless, assessment; synonyms (n) appraisal, estimate,
incessant, perpetual, continual, abiding, estimation, evaluation, judgment, review,
changeless, consistent, continuous, eternal, valuation, appreciation, appraisement, opinion,
frequent, loyal, resolute, steadfast, uninterrupted, price, tax, test, measurement, tariff, 3. imposition;
(n) invariable; antonyms (adj) changeable, synonyms (n) deception, exaction, cheat, deceit,
intermittent, irregular, sporadic, variable, episodic, imposture, trick, demand, hoax, delusion, fraud,
erratic, inconstant, fickle, inconsistent, occasional, infliction, swindle, wile, enforcement, 4. duty;
temporary. synonyms (n) business, function, commitment,
vefat demise; synonyms (n) death, decease, collapse, assignment, chore, obligation, job, must, office,
dying, end, passing, release, departure, dissolution, part, responsibility, work, post, custom,
expiration, fall, (v) perish, die, lease, let; antonyms assessment, 5. taxation (vergilendirme);
(n) beginning, birth. synonyms (n) revenue, gross, receipts, accusation.
vehim suspicion (şüphe); synonyms (n) vergilendirme 1. taxation; synonyms (n) tax,
apprehension, distrust, mistrust, inkling, fear, revenue, assessment, gross, receipts, accusation, 2.
hunch, misgiving, qualm, scruple, surmise, assessment; synonyms (n) appraisal, estimate,
supposition, hesitation, hint, intuition, (v) doubt; estimation, evaluation, judgment, review,
antonyms (n) trust, certainty. valuation, appreciation, appraisement, duty,
vekil 1. deputy; synonyms (n) agent, surrogate, opinion, price, test, measurement, tariff.
alternate, delegate, substitute, ambassador, vergilendirmek tax (vergi); synonyms (n) charge,
assistant, replacement, representative, vicar, duty, burden, excise, dues, impost, taxation, (v)
spokesman, envoy, help, (adj) proxy, acting, 2. assess, task, accuse, impose, load, cess, levy, strain.
substitute (yedek); synonyms (adj) alternative, veri data; synonyms (n) information, facts, details,
ersatz, makeshift, (n) deputy, backup, (v) shift, evidence, fact, figures, file, material, postulate,
change, replace, exchange, sub, cover, alter, proof.
commute, deputise, deputize, 3. representative
verici donor; synonyms (n) contributor, giver,
(temsilci); synonyms (adj) characteristic, typical, donator, presenter, bestower, source, supplier,
model, figurative, illustrative, (n) emissary, angel, backer, benefactress, patroness, savior, (v)
instance, member, congressman, example, feoffer, settlor; antonyms (n) receiver, recipient.
exponent, legate, officer, official, (v) represent, 4.
veriler data (veri); synonyms (n) information, facts,
attorney (avukat); synonyms (n) advocate, details, evidence, fact, figures, file, material,
lawyer, counsel, counselor, factor, solicitor, postulate, proof.
auctioneer, underwriter, advisor, bailiff, clerk, go-
verilmiş given; synonyms (adj) apt, disposed, prone,
between, investigator, secretary, beagle, 5.
liable, granted, inclined, set, (n) assumption,
administrator (yönetici); synonyms (n) particular, presumption, fact.
executive, director, manager, boss, supervisor,

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verim 1. efficiency (verimlilik); synonyms (n) ability, efficacy, effect, capacity, aptitude, energy,
capability, effectiveness, ability, efficacy, effect, output, potency, proficiency, ease, (v) agency,
capacity, aptitude, energy, output, potency, action; antonyms (n) inefficiency, incompetence,
proficiency, ease, (v) agency, action; antonyms (n) largeness, 3. productivity; synonyms (n)
inefficiency, incompetence, largeness, 2. yield; efficiency, fertility, fruitfulness, productiveness,
synonyms (n) produce, return, give, proceeds, (v) production, constructiveness, turnout, use,
surrender, allow, concede, submit, cede, grant, usefulness, utility, crop, harvest, lushness,
relinquish, bow, accede, afford, bear; antonyms (v) profitability, prosperity; antonym (n) fruitlessness.
resist, persevere, 3. output (çıktı); synonyms (n) verimsiz 1. inefficient; synonyms (adj) incompetent,
crop, harvest, turnout, yield, outturn, product, inadequate, ineffective, ineffectual, incapable,
expenditure, (v) outcome, 4. delivery (teslim); inefficacious, feeble, impotent, futile, inactive,
synonyms (n) childbirth, birth, consignment, inept, insufficient, unable, unfit, useless; antonym
discharge, rescue, communication, confinement, (adj) efficient, 2. poor (fakir, fena, kötü);
deliverance, distribution, elocution, issue, synonyms (adj) bad, low, miserable, paltry,
articulation, post, (v) address, parturition; deplorable, destitute, evil, needy, pathetic,
antonyms (n) death, dispatch, 5. make (etmek, penniless, piteous, pitiful, meagre, (v) meager, (n)
yapmak); synonyms (v) build, cause, construct, do, mean; antonyms (adj) rich, wealthy, excellent, first-
create, fashion, force, get, let, compel, constitute, rate, privileged, well-off, admirable, good.
design, drive, erect, (n) form; antonyms (v) destroy, vermek 1. give; synonyms (v) allow, bestow, extend,
lose, 6. proceeds (kazanç); synonyms (n) income, accord, commit, donate, contribute, convey,
earnings, gain, revenue, take, emolument, payoff, deliver, dispense, endow, grant, present, yield,
profit, receipts, takings, proceed, incomings, administer; antonyms (v) withdraw, take, withhold,
benefit, profits, result. 2. grant; synonyms (n) concession, donation,
verimli 1. fertile (bereketli); synonyms (adj) permit, allowance, (v) give, award, admit, afford,
productive, fat, fecund, abundant, affluent, concede, confer, gift, acknowledge, boon,
copious, exuberant, fruitful, creative, bountiful, endowment, cede; antonyms (v) deny, reject, 3.
inventive, luxuriant, prolific, rich, ample; award; synonyms (n) judgment, accolade,
antonyms (adj) infertile, sterile, 2. productive decoration, medal, prize, commendation, reward,
(üretken); synonyms (adj) fertile, plentiful, scholarship, trophy, verdict, (v) honor, assign, allot,
generative, helpful, lucrative, constructive, original, offer, decide, 4. deliver; synonyms (v) consign,
plenteous, producing, profitable, efficient, gainful, bear, carry, rescue, save, abandon, bring, liberate,
economic, efficacious, imaginative; antonyms (adj) pronounce, render, return, send, utter, drop,
acquit, 5. lend; synonyms (v) loan, advance, add,
unproductive, barren, unprofitable, 3. generous;
synonyms (adj) full, benevolent, charitable, fair, impart, provide; antonym (v) borrow, 6. accord
flush, kind, liberal, spacious, benign, bounteous, (ahenk, anlaşma); synonyms (n) agreement,
broad, considerable, handsome, kindly, (n) free; assent, consensus, harmony, consonance,
antonyms (adj) stingy, meager, mean, measly, concurrence, conformity, (v) agree, concord,
miserly, small, tightfisted, avaricious, greedy, consent, harmonize, suit, adjust, comply,
ungenerous, 4. efficient; synonyms (adj) effectual, compromise; antonyms (n) disagreement, discord,
competent, effective, able, capable, valid, operative, strife, (v) conflict, 7. throw (atmak); synonyms (v)
practical, adept, adroit, neat, regular, energetic, (v) cast, fling, shed, hurl, chuck, flip, heave, pass,
clever, active; antonyms (adj) incompetent, hurtle, jerk, make, project, (n) pitch, push, shot, 8.
inefficient, 5. rich (zengin); synonyms (adj) deep, render; synonyms (v) interpret, explain, furnish,
luxurious, opulent, bright, heavy, grand, lush, pay, construe, depict, translate, exhibit, put,
magnificent, mellow, wealthy, well-off, delicate, decipher, do, execute, generate, perform, produce,
elegant, (v) ornate, florid; antonyms (adj) poor, 9. provide; synonyms (v) accommodate, cater,
broke, destitute, impoverished, light, 6. sweet equip, supply, fit, outfit, nourish, nurture, arm,
(tatlı); synonyms (adj) beloved, delicious, fresh, ensure, ply, prepare, purvey, serve, stock.
lovely, dear, lovable, melodious, musical, pleasant, versiyon version (çeviri, uyarlama); synonyms (n)
pleasing, sugary, charming, delightful, fragrant, (n) reading, translation, construction, interpretation,
confection; antonyms (adj) sour, acid, bitter, rendering, rendition, variation, account,
discordant, acidic, pungent, sharp, salty. description, variant, lection, report, story,
verimlilik 1. fertility; synonyms (n) fecundity, explanation, paraphrase.
birthrate, productivity, affluence, uberty, vesayet ward; synonyms (n) guard, charge, custody,
abundance, natality, plenty, prolificacy, richness; protection, care, district, neighborhood, quarter,
antonyms (n) sterility, infertility, 2. efficiency defense, keep, area, region, division, (v) shelter,
(verim); synonyms (n) capability, effectiveness,

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484 Turkish - English

vesile 1. means (araç); synonyms (n) expedient, vızıldamak sing (ötmek); synonyms (v) chant, hymn,
agency, instrument, assets, capital, channel, funds, chirp, hum, drone, pipe, twitter, vocalize, carol,
income, manner, agent, contrivance, device, snitch, betray, harmonize, poetize, squeal, (n)
medium, method, process, 2. occasion; synonyms squeak.
(n) case, event, chance, episode, happening, vizite visit; synonyms (n) chat, sojourn, (v) see,
incident, juncture, motive, opportunity, (v) cause, frequent, attend, call, tour, view, gossip, haunt,
create, beget, breed, induce, make. inspect, jaw, impose, inflict, talk.
veteriner vet (baytar); synonyms (n) veteran, vokal vocal; synonyms (adj) oral, spoken, unwritten,
veterinarian, veterinary, (v) inspect, examine, outspoken, sonant, sonorous, vowel, eloquent,
vaquero. instrumental, sung; antonym (adj) quiet.
veya or (Ya da, yoksa); synonyms (conj) otherwise, volkanik volcanic; synonyms (adj) eruptive, plutonic,
(n) operation, surgery, (prep) before, ere. excitable, irruptive, volcanian, (v) burning,
vezin rhythm; synonyms (n) measure, cadence, meter, inextinguishable, irrepressible, simmering,
beat, pulse, cycle, tempo, rhyme, metre, melody, stanchless, ungovernable, volatile.
strain, swing, accent, assonance, crambo. voltaj voltage; synonyms (n) potential, emf, energy,
vezir queen (kraliçe); synonyms (n) empress, king, power, current, electricity, potency, potentiality.
lady, sovereign, monarch, fag, faggot, fairy, pansy, vücut 1. body (beden, gövde); synonyms (n)
queer, ace, ruler. cadaver, corpse, matter, organization, carcass,
veznedar treasurer; synonyms (n) cashier, banker, cluster, consistency, figure, mass, set, aggregate,
financier, fiscal, guardian, keeper, official, revenue, association, entity, amount, bulk; antonym (n)
tutor. spirit, 2. flesh (et); synonyms (n) brawn, mortality,
vicdan conscience; synonyms (n) shame, scruple, beef, anatomy, chassis, form, frame, humanity,
principles, bosom, compunction, duty, ethics, mankind, meat, muscle, pulp, (adj) carnality,
inwit, obligation, principle, qualm, regret, (adj) concupiscence, lust.
abandoned, (v) absolve, acquit. vurgu 1. emphasis; synonyms (n) accent,
video video; synonyms (n) television, picture, film, accentuation, importance, stress, prominence,
movie, telecasting, (v) tape, record. import, intensity, significance, vehemence, weight,
villa villa; synonyms (n) mansion, cottage, house, 2. accent; synonyms (n) dialect, emphasis, idiom,
accommodation, building, bungalow, cabin, castle, speech, articulation, intonation, pronunciation,
chalet, estate, farmhouse, home, igloo, lodge, tone, delivery, (v) emphasize, emphasise,
manor. punctuate, accentuate, pronounce, 3. stress
viraj 1. bend (bükme); synonyms (n) bow, arch, arc, (gerginlik, stres); synonyms (n) pressure, tension,
elbow, twist, angle, curvature, (v) curve, turn, force, pinch, effort, anxiety, brunt, exigency, focus,
crouch, stoop, crook, curl, flex, deflect; antonyms (v) strain, underline, trouble, highlight, try, worry.
(v) straighten, square, 2. curve (eğri, kavis); vurgulamak 1. highlight; synonyms (v) emphasize,
synonyms (n) bend, kink, round, bender, loop, coil, accentuate, spotlight, underline, accent, light,
contour, (v) hook, wind, distort, meander, inflect, stress, underscore, dye, foreground, (n) climax,
circle, crimp, lean. highlighting, peak, culmination, height, 2. stress
virüs virus; synonyms (n) bug, infection, germ, (gerginlik, stres); synonyms (n) emphasis,
poison, venom, microbe, disease, bacteria, pressure, tension, force, importance, pinch, effort,
microorganism, pest, plague. accentuation, anxiety, brunt, (v) strain, emphasise,
viski whisky; synonyms (n) whiskey, (adj) punctuate, trouble, highlight, 3. accent (vurgu);
usquebaugh, (v) rye, highball, peg, rum, schnapps, synonyms (n) dialect, idiom, speech, articulation,
sherry, sling. intonation, pronunciation, tone, delivery, (v)
vites 1. gear; synonyms (n) equipment, outfit, tackle,
apparatus, device, dress, baggage, belongings, vurma 1. knock; synonyms (v) hit, blow, bump, cuff,
clothing, cogwheel, contrivance, kit, luggage, stuff, punch, strike, boot, clip, (n) rap, bang, tap, bash,
(v) harness, 2. transmission; synonyms (n) crash, whack, clap; antonym (v) praise, 2. hit
circulation, conveyance, contagion, transfer, (isabet, vurmak); synonyms (v) attain, belt,
broadcast, communication, drive, infection, spread, collide, encounter, clash, club, contact, (n) knock,
transmittal, transmittance, dissemination, passage, smash, touch, chance, beat, collision, play, clout;
transmitting. antonyms (n) failure, flop, 3. strike (bulmak,
vitrin window (pencere); synonyms (n) casement, grev); synonyms (n) assault, attack, dab, (v)
porthole, pane, gap, embrasure, hole, opening, impress, slap, move, affect, box, buffet, coin, mint,
windowpane. lash, hew, whip, afflict.

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Turkish - English 485

vurmak 1. hit (isabet); synonyms (v) strike, attain, towel, brush, scour, scrub, clear, dry, wash, cover,
belt, blow, bump, collide, encounter, (n) knock, (n) fling, flout, (adj) sponge, flush.
bang, smash, touch, chance, bash, beat, collision;
antonyms (n) failure, flop, 2. knock; synonyms (v)
hit, cuff, punch, boot, clip, condemn, criticize, Y
knap, (n) rap, tap, crash, whack, clap, clout,
criticism; antonym (v) praise, 3. beat; synonyms (v) yaba fork (çatal); synonyms (n) crotch, branch,
batter, flap, pulsate, throb, tick, trounce, whip, bat, bifurcation, branching, turn, corner, angle, forking,
baste, break, cheat, (n) pulse, thump, round, junction, (v) diverge, divide, separate, split, bend,
cadence; antonym (v) lose, 4. shoot; synonyms (v) pitchfork.
bud, discharge, dart, dash, drive, flash, hunt, send, yabancı 1. alien; synonyms (adj) foreign, strange,
fire, germinate, grow, (n) scion, branch, sprout, unknown, extrinsic, exotic, extraneous, remote,
chute, 5. strike (bulmak, grev); synonyms (n) unfamiliar, unusual, (n) foreigner, outsider,
assault, attack, dab, (v) impress, slap, move, affect, stranger, emigrant, (v) alienate, estrange; antonyms
box, buffet, coin, mint, lash, hew, afflict, clash, 6. (adj) familiar, (n) native, citizen, 2. foreign;
stroke (inme, vuruş); synonyms (n) caress, mark, synonyms (adj) alien, exterior, external, oversea,
apoplexy, impact, line, streak, cut, dint, seizure, adventitious, outlandish, peregrine, different,
accomplishment, (v) lick, fondle, pat, smite, pet, 7. imported, irrelevant, outside, outward,
tramontane; antonyms (adj) domestic, internal, 3.
land (toprak); synonyms (n) ground, country, soil,
field, kingdom, domain, estate, nation, realm, state, stranger; synonyms (n) newcomer, outlander;
(v) disembark, debark, alight, get, drop; antonym antonyms (n) associate, friend, pal, 4. outsider;
(adj) aquatic, 8. catch (yakalamak); synonyms (v) synonym (n) layman, 5. unknown (Bilinmeyen);
arrest, capture, hook, apprehend, acquire, ensnare, synonyms (adj) secret, hidden, nameless, obscure,
intercept, (n) haul, hitch, trick, bolt, clasp, grab, unidentified, anonymous, mysterious, new,
pawl, snap; antonym (v) release, 9. pound; undiscovered, dark, indeterminate, uncharted,
synonyms (n) cage, fold, enclosure, (v) pen, crush, unseen, concealed, humble; antonyms (adj) known,
grind, hammer, maul, palpitate, mash, grate, famous, recognized, well-known, 6. unfamiliar;
bruise, ram, thrash, bray. synonyms (adj) unaccustomed, unacquainted,
vurucu striker; synonyms (n) hitter, beater, batsman, uncommon, novel, inexperienced, unused,
batter, activist, campaigner, demonstrator, unexplored; antonym (adj) recognizable.
marcher, picketer, pulsator, slugger, dissenter, yabani wild; synonyms (adj) desert, waste, fierce,
wencher. boisterous, violent, reckless, desolate, ferocious,
vurum pulse; synonyms (n) beat, impulse, pulsation, furious, raging, rude, stormy, untamed, giddy,
heartbeat, legume, rhythm, pounding, cadence, barbarous; antonyms (adj) calm, orderly, domestic,
measure, pulsing, (v) pulsate, throb, palpitate, manageable, sane, cultivated, restrained, tame.
pound, vibrate. yadsıma denial; synonyms (n) negation, abnegation,
vuruş 1. stroke (inme); synonyms (n) touch, beat, renunciation, repulse, no, abjuration, contradiction,
caress, hit, mark, apoplexy, attack, bang, impact, negative, refusal, rejection, forswearing, nay,
knock, line, (v) buffet, lick, fondle, (adj) blow, 2. hit abandonment, rebuff, rebuttal; antonyms (n)
(isabet, vurmak); synonyms (v) strike, attain, belt, acceptance, affirmation, declaration, admission,
bump, collide, encounter, clash, club, contact, (n) confession.
smash, chance, bash, collision, play, clout; yadsımak deny; synonyms (v) contradict, controvert,
antonyms (n) failure, flop, 3. beat; synonyms (v) decline, disavow, rebuff, abnegate, disown,
gainsay, oppose, refuse, reject, renounce, abjure,
batter, flap, pulsate, throb, tick, trounce, whip, bat,
baste, break, cheat, (n) pulse, thump, round, contravene, disallow; antonyms (v) admit, affirm,
cadence; antonym (v) lose, 4. impact (etki); acknowledge, claim, declare, agree, maintain.
synonyms (n) shock, crash, force, effect, yafta label (etiket); synonyms (n) name, brand, tag,
impingement, impression, influence, concussion, title, designation, earmark, docket, group, (v) mark,
consequence, jolt, push, upshot, wallop, (v) affect, call, classify, check, designate, distinguish, identify.
ram, 5. pulse; synonyms (n) impulse, pulsation, yağ 1. oil; synonyms (n) petroleum, fat, ointment,
heartbeat, legume, rhythm, pounding, measure, salve, cream, fuel, cerate, lotion, (v) lubricate,
pulsing, vibration, tempo, (v) palpitate, pound, anoint, anele, glycerine, 2. fat; synonyms (adj)
vibrate, wave, quiver, 6. shock (şok); synonyms stout, corpulent, dense, thick, bulky, fatty, fertile,
(n) daze, outrage, surprise, fright, scare, (v) jar, fleshy, gainful, greasy, great, gross, (n) avoirdupois,
offend, revolt, startle, appall, disgust, dismay, blubber, (v) fatten; antonyms (adj) thin, slim, skinny,
frighten, horrify, shake; antonym (v) comfort, 7. slender.
wipe (silmek); synonyms (v) rub, clean, mop,

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486 Turkish - English

yağcılık butter; synonyms (n) fat, oil, cement, (v) yakacak fuel (yakıt); synonyms (n) firewood,
blarney, gloze, slaver, apply, cajole, coquet, daub, combustible, firing, (v) fire, arouse, encourage,
humor, inveigle, (adj) dough, pudding, clay. excite, kindle, provoke, stimulate.
yağdırmak 1. shower (duş); synonyms (n) rain, yakalama catch (yakalamak); synonyms (v) arrest,
drizzle, barrage, rainfall, torrent, volley, (v) pour, capture, hook, apprehend, get, acquire, ensnare,
bathe, hail, sprinkle, wash, shed, bath, scatter, intercept, (n) haul, hitch, trick, bolt, clasp, grab,
spray, 2. rain (yağmur); synonyms (n) pawl; antonym (v) release.
precipitation, wet, pelting, flow, rainwater, yakalamak 1. grip (kavramak); synonyms (n) clasp,
abound, exuberate, mist, teem, (v) stream, clutch, handle, bag, clench, clinch, clutches, (v)
precipitate, shower, condense, pelt. grasp, hold, catch, cling, apprehend, embrace,
yağlamak oil (yağ); synonyms (n) petroleum, fat, fascinate, grab; antonyms (v) bore, release, 2.
ointment, salve, cream, fuel, cerate, lotion, (v) catch; synonyms (v) arrest, capture, hook, get,
lubricate, anoint, anele, glycerine. acquire, ensnare, intercept, snatch, take, (n) haul,
yağlı fat (yağ); synonyms (adj) stout, corpulent, dense, hitch, trick, bolt, pawl, snap, 3. trap (tuzak);
thick, bulky, fatty, fertile, fleshy, gainful, greasy, synonyms (n) snare, net, ambush, gin, mesh, noose,
great, (n) avoirdupois, blubber, cream, (v) fatten; entanglement, ambuscade, bait, hole, deception, (v)
antonyms (adj) thin, slim, skinny, slender. entrap, entangle, decoy, immobilize, 4. collar
yağlıboya oil (yağ); synonyms (n) petroleum, fat, (yaka); synonyms (n) choker, pinch, ruff, chaplet,
ointment, salve, cream, fuel, cerate, lotion, (v) flange, neck, neckband, necklace, tie, yoke,
lubricate, anoint, anele, glycerine. apprehension, check, (v) nail, cop, nab, 5. capture;
yağma sack (torba); synonyms (n) pocket, pouch, sac, synonyms (v) captivate, carry, seize, bewitch,
(v) pillage, bag, plunder, discharge, dismiss, beguile, collar, conquer, obtain, occupy, trap, (n)
despoil, fire, ransack, rob, rifle, can, loot; antonym seizure, conquest, occupation, abduction, kidnap;
(v) hire. antonym (v) surrender, 6. grasp; synonyms (n)
yağmak fall (düşmek, sonbahar); synonyms (v) grip, appreciation, comprehension, reach, (v)
comprehend, grapple, conceive, compass, dig,
decline, dip, decrease, descend, dive, rain,
diminish, dwindle, sink, alight, (n) drop, descent, sense, understand, digest, fathom, gather, absorb,
downfall, plunge, pitch; antonyms (v) rise, increase, 7. take (almak); synonyms (v) admit, adopt, bear,
ascend, climb, triumph, win, (n) ascent. return, borrow, pick, appropriate, assume, bring,
claim, convey, demand, have, (phr) accept, receive;
yağmalamak sack (torba); synonyms (n) pocket,
pouch, sac, (v) pillage, bag, plunder, discharge, antonyms (v) give, refuse, abstain, add, lose.
dismiss, despoil, fire, ransack, rob, rifle, can, loot; yakı plaster; synonyms (n) mortar, cement, paste,
antonym (v) hire. gum, glue, bandage, cataplasm, (v) coat, daub,
stucco, paint, affix, poultice, face, smear.
yağmur rain; synonyms (n) precipitation, wet, pelting,
flow, rainfall, rainwater, abound, exuberate, mist, yakıcı burning; synonyms (adj) ardent, ablaze, afire,
(v) pour, stream, hail, precipitate, shower, blazing, boiling, flaming, hot, passionate, aflame,
condense. alight, (n) combustion, firing, glowing, zealous,
burn; antonyms (adj) cold, cool, trivial.
yağmurlu wet (ıslak, ıslatmak); synonyms (adj)
damp, humid, drenched, moist, soaked, sodden, yakın 1. near; synonyms (prep) about, by, around, (adv)
dank, rainy, saturated, soggy, (v) moisten, water, close, almost, towards, (adj) adjoining, adjacent,
dampen, wash, (n) moisture; antonyms (adj) contiguous, imminent, impending, narrow, (v)
familiar, approximate, approach; antonym (adj)
dehydrated, parched, (v) dry.
distant, 2. handy; synonyms (adj) adroit, available,
yağsız lean; synonyms (adj) emaciated, gaunt, thin,
convenient, apt, clever, expert, deft, dexterous,
bony, lank, lanky, (v) incline, bend, list, slant, bow,
good, accessible, easy, commodious, functional,
careen, pitch, (n) tilt, inclination; antonyms (adj) fat,
near, (n) ready; antonyms (adj) useless, clumsy,
fixed, 3. immediate; synonyms (adj) prompt,
yahut or (veya, Ya da, yoksa); synonyms (conj)
direct, sudden, present, quick, expeditious, fast,
otherwise, (n) operation, surgery, (prep) before, ere. hasty, instant, proximate, speedy, express,
yaka 1. collar; synonyms (n) arrest, choker, pinch, firsthand, nearby, early; antonyms (adj) slow,
ruff, chaplet, flange, (v) catch, apprehend, capture, gradual, consecutive, deliberate, 4. close
clutch, grab, nail, cop, get, grasp, 2. neck
(kapamak, kapatmak); synonyms (adj) accurate,
(boyun); synonyms (n) throat, cervix, neckline, tight, brief, airless, complete, (v) compact, stop,
lapel, beard, (v) pet, cut, love, manage, kiss, behead, conclude, bar, block, (n) end, finish, conclusion,
bang, bed, (adj) stricture, wasp. expiration, ending; antonyms (adj) airy, fresh, loose,
far, (v) open, start, 5. by (tarafından); synonyms
(prep) beside, at, of, on, per, (adv) aside, away, past,

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through, apart, along, beyond, via, (adv, prep) (v) ache, hurt, (n) pain, sharp; antonyms (adj)
alongside, (adj) over, 6. convenient; synonyms (adj) scruffy, stupid, dim, shabby, unkempt, slow.
comfortable, handy, advantageous, appropriate, yakışmak 1. become (olmak); synonyms (v) be,
expedient, fit, opportune, timely, useful, snug, grow, suit, arise, get, match, sit, come, fall, fit, go,
auspicious, becoming, happy, helpful, (n) favorable; make, turn, wax, change, 2. suit; synonyms (n)
antonyms (adj) inconvenient, unwieldy, 7. lawsuit, plea, action, case, petition, (v) agree,
intimate; synonyms (adj) confidential, informal, correspond, accommodate, adapt, answer, become,
inner, internal, bosom, friendly, personal, (v) allude, meet, please, adjust, satisfy.
hint, imply, indicate, insinuate, suggest, (adv) dear, yakıt fuel; synonyms (n) firewood, combustible,
(n) confidante. firing, (v) fire, arouse, encourage, excite, kindle,
yakında 1. soon (çok geçmeden); synonyms (adv) provoke, stimulate.
shortly, early, presently, anon, immediately, yaklaşık 1. about (hakkında, hemen hemen);
directly, betimes, now, promptly, quickly, soonly, synonyms (prep) encircling, for, encompassing, circa,
briefly, erelong, fast, quick, 2. near (yakın); concerning, (adv) around, approximately, almost,
synonyms (prep) about, by, around, (adv) close, nearly, most, roughly, in, nearby, (adj) some, near;
almost, towards, (adj) adjoining, adjacent, antonyms (prep) exactly, precisely, 2. rough
contiguous, imminent, impending, narrow, (v)
(kaba); synonyms (adj) coarse, hard, harsh, raw,
familiar, approximate, approach; antonym (adj)
crude, cruel, grating, gross, hoarse, jagged,
distant, 3. shortly; synonyms (adv) soon, abruptly,
approximate, gruff, inclement, (n) boisterous, draft;
concisely, curtly, short, brusquely, rapidly, (adj)
antonyms (adj) gentle, smooth, polished, precise,
forthwith, summarily. refined, silky, soft, sophisticated, even, exact,
yakından close (kapamak, kapatmak); synonyms glossy, pleasant, 3. some (bazı, biraz); synonyms
(adj) near, adjacent, nearby, accurate, tight, (adv) rather, somewhat, about, round, (adj) few,
approximate, narrow, (v) compact, stop, conclude, certain, several, sundry, extraordinary,
(adv) by, about, (n) end, finish, conclusion; quantitative, (det) any, (n) one.
antonyms (adj) distant, airy, fresh, loose, far, (v) yaklaşım approach; synonyms (n) access, entry,
open, start. advent, arrival, avenue, coming, entrance, means,
yakınında by (tarafından); synonyms (prep) beside, method, adit, (v) advance, accost, address, near,
at, of, about, on, per, (adv) aside, away, past, approximate; antonym (v) leave.
through, apart, along, beyond, (adv, prep) alongside, yaklaşma 1. approach; synonyms (n) access, entry,
(adj) over. advent, arrival, avenue, coming, entrance, means,
yakınından by (tarafından); synonyms (prep) beside, method, adit, (v) advance, accost, address, near,
at, of, about, on, per, (adv) aside, away, past, approximate; antonym (v) leave, 2. coming;
through, apart, along, beyond, (adv, prep) alongside, synonyms (v) instant, (adj) approaching,
(adj) over. forthcoming, future, imminent, impending,
yakınlık affinity; synonyms (n) sympathy, analogy, following, next, prospective, upcoming, (n)
alliance, bond, kindred, propinquity, rapport, approach, appearance, return, arrive, come;
relation, relationship, semblance, penchant, antonym (n) departure.
agreement, attachment, conformity, connection. yaklaşmak 1. approach; synonyms (n) access, entry,
yakınma complaint; synonyms (n) accusation, advent, arrival, avenue, coming, entrance, means,
ailment, charge, affection, disease, disorder, ill, method, adit, (v) advance, accost, address, near,
illness, lament, plaint, protest, sickness, wail, approximate; antonym (v) leave, 2. close
whine, claim. (kapamak, kapatmak); synonyms (adj) adjacent,
yakınmak 1. complain; synonyms (v) beef, bemoan, nearby, accurate, tight, narrow, brief, (v) compact,
bewail, protest, squawk, whine, grudge, accuse, stop, conclude, (adv) by, about, (n) end, finish,
carp, croak, gripe, grouse, grumble, mutter, object; conclusion, expiration; antonyms (adj) distant, airy,
antonym (v) compliment, 2. beef; synonyms (n) fresh, loose, far, (v) open, start, 3. near (yakın);
moan, complaint, fuss, bitch, brawn, flesh, synonyms (prep) around, (adv) close, almost,
grievance, kick, muscle, strength, (v) complain, towards, approximately, nearly, (adj) adjoining,
grouch, groan, bellyache. contiguous, imminent, impending, closer, handy,
yakışıklı 1. handsome (güzel); synonyms (adj) (v) familiar, approach, intimate.
elegant, beautiful, fair, charming, fine, generous, yakma 1. lighting; synonyms (n) illumination, light,
attractive, bountiful, comely, bonny, big, firing, ignition, kindling, inflammation, brightness,
bounteous, exquisite, gorgeous, graceful; antonyms discharge, dismissal, dismission, fire, igniter,
(adj) ugly, unattractive, 2. smart (açıkgöz); ignitor, installation, liberation, 2. firing; synonyms
synonyms (adj) bright, crafty, dapper, quick, (v) burst, detonation, (adj) combustible, (n)
shrewd, sly, prompt, astute, chic, clever, intelligent,

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488 Turkish - English

combustion, explosion, fuel, lighting, release, sack, yalçın steep; synonyms (adj) high, abrupt, excessive,
sacking, blast. exorbitant, outrageous, sheer, (v) douse, immerse,
yakmak 1. burn (yanmak); synonyms (v) bite, glow, soak, dip, drench, imbue, infuse, saturate,
blaze, incinerate, scorch, sting, bake, beam, boil, impregnate; antonyms (adj) gentle, gradual.
cremate, flare, ignite, sunburn, (n) fire, (adj) flush; yalı strand; synonyms (n) coast, shore, rope, chain,
antonym (v) dawdle, 2. fire (ateş); synonyms (n) filament, line, string, bank, thread, wisp, yarn, (v)
discharge, ardor, conflagration, explode, fervor, beach, maroon, desert, abandon.
flame, bonfire, (v) excite, eject, dismiss, kindle, yalın 1. simple (basit); synonyms (adj) plain, homely,
expel, animate, arouse, burn; antonym (v) hire, 3. pure, elementary, humble, innocent, mere, natural,
light (açık, hafif, ışık); synonyms (adj) fair, clear, rustic, honest, bare, chaste, childish, (v) clear,
facile, easy, faint, flimsy, airy, (n) brightness, downright; antonyms (adj) complex, complicated,
daylight, illumination, dawn, (v) inflame, dismount, compound, elaborate, difficult, multiple, obscure,
illuminate, enkindle; antonyms (adj) fattening, ornate, confused, confusing, cunning, multifaceted,
nauseating, (n) dark, darkness, gloom, shade, night, problematical, sophisticated, 2. bare; synonyms
(v) extinguish, darken, (alt sp) heavy. (adj) naked, austere, bald, stark, bleak, desolate,
yalak basin; synonyms (n) bowl, pot, depression, devoid, exposed, nude, vacant, vacuous, barren, (v)
dock, hollow, tank, washbasin, washbowl, basinful, empty, show, disclose; antonyms (adj) covered,
cavity, cup, lavatory, pool, sink, washstand. cultivated, concealed, (v) cover, 3. naked (çıplak);
yalan 1. lie; synonyms (v) consist, repose, falsify, synonyms (adj) open, raw, unclothed, defenseless,
belong, couch, (n) fabrication, falsehood, falsity, fib, defenceless, undraped, alone, denuded, destitute,
fiction, rest, untruth, bluff, counterfeit, deceit; simple, unaided, unvarnished, 4. bald; synonyms
(adj) hairless, meager, threadbare, barefaced, dry,
antonyms (v) stand, (n) truth, 2. tale; synonyms (n)
story, account, narrative, fable, narration, recital, forthright, (v) stupid, uninteresting; antonym (adj)
report, history, legend, lie, relation, yarn, gossip, hairy.
novel, romance, 3. invention; synonyms (n) yalıtılmış isolated; synonyms (adj) detached, apart,
contrivance, conception, creation, imagination, deserted, separate, distant, desolate, insular, lone,
discovery, artifice, design, device, excogitation, lonely, lonesome, remote, separated, single,
forgery, innovation, creativity, fantasy, idea, solitary, sporadic; antonym (adj) inhabited.
breakthrough, 4. story; synonyms (n) layer, tale, yalıtım insulation; synonyms (n) insularity,
floor, level, stage, storey, explanation, article, insulating, detachment, insulant, lining, isolation,
description, allegory, loft, rumor, anecdote, insularism, blubber, breakup, casing, coat, cover,
chronicle, record. covering, disengagement, exclusiveness.
yalancı artificial (yapay); synonyms (adj) affected, yalnız 1. alone; synonyms (adj) forlorn, individual,
theatrical, bogus, fake, false, feigned, forced, lonely, lonesome, all, deserted, unequalled, (adv)
mannered, phony, strained, unnatural, unreal, only, solely, apart, entirely, exclusively,
hypocritical, precious, stiff; antonyms (adj) natural, individually, separately, (n) isolated; antonym (adv)
genuine, real. together, 2. exclusively; synonyms (adv) alone,
yalancılık lying; synonyms (adj) deceitful, false, completely, purely, specially, wholly, totally, 3.
deceptive, mendacious, untrue, misleading, only (ancak); synonyms (adv) but, just, merely,
fraudulent, recumbent, (n) fabrication, falsehood, barely, simply, however, hardly, exactly,
lie, deceit, dishonesty, duplicity, prevarication; nevertheless, absolutely, (adj) exclusive, lone, one,
antonyms (adj) honest, (n) honesty. sole, solitary, 4. lonely; synonyms (adj) desolate,
yalanlama 1. contradiction; synonyms (n) antithesis, dreary, forsaken, desert, friendless, remote,
denial, clash, contrast, disagreement, discrepancy, secluded, bleak, sequestered, odd, private;
inconsistency, opposite, refutation, reverse; antonym (adj) sociable, 5. sole; synonyms (adj)
antonym (n) agreement, 2. denial; synonyms (n) single, singular, particular, separate, rare, unique,
negation, abnegation, renunciation, repulse, no, unmarried, (n) bottom, base, flounder, shoe, foot,
abjuration, contradiction, negative, refusal, plaice, nadir, (v) resole.
rejection, forswearing, nay, abandonment, rebuff, yalnızlık 1. isolation; synonyms (n) alienation,
rebuttal; antonyms (n) acceptance, affirmation, estrangement, insulation, privacy, dissociation,
declaration, admission, confession. loneliness, seclusion, secrecy, solitude, desolation,
yalanlamak deny; synonyms (v) contradict, segregation, separation, disaffection; antonyms (n)
controvert, decline, disavow, rebuff, abnegate, closeness, companionship, 2. loneliness;
disown, gainsay, oppose, refuse, reject, renounce, synonyms (n) aloneness, isolation, lonesomeness,
abjure, contravene, disallow; antonyms (v) admit, solitariness, bleakness, forlornness, 3. privacy
affirm, acknowledge, claim, declare, agree, (mahremiyet); synonyms (n) confidentiality,

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darkness, privateness, retreat, concealment, shelter, yani namely; synonyms (adv) videlicet, viz, scilicet,
retirement. expressly, nominately, explicitly, i.e, specially, viz,
yalpa roll (yuvarlamak); synonyms (n) list, wit.
revolution, catalogue, inventory, register, (v) coil, yanık burn (yakmak, yanmak); synonyms (v) bite,
reel, curl, enfold, revolve, wheel, rock, turn, twist, glow, blaze, incinerate, scorch, sting, bake, beam,
wallow. boil, cremate, flare, ignite, sunburn, (n) fire, (adj)
yalvarma 1. cry (ağlamak, bağırmak, feryat); flush; antonym (v) dawdle.
synonyms (n) shout, bark, scream, yell, clamor, yanılgı 1. error (hata); synonyms (n) deviation,
roar, bay, crying, (v) call, bellow, shriek, weep, blunder, fault, mistake, wrong, delusion, lapse,
exclaim, howl, moan; antonyms (v) laugh, whisper, oversight, crime, defect, demerit, guilt,
2. plea; synonyms (n) defense, justification, misunderstanding, falsehood, confusion; antonym
answer, apology, appeal, petition, pretext, claim, (n) correctness, 2. mistake; synonyms (n) error,
allegation, entreaty, excuse, prayer, argument, alibi, failure, misapprehension, misconception,
advocacy. inaccuracy, trip, misprint, (v) err, misapprehend,
yalvarmak 1. appeal; synonyms (n) plea, address, slip, confuse, misjudge, misunderstand,
application, attraction, demand, entreaty, lure, (v) misconstrue, confound.
charm, request, sue, ask, attract, beseech, implore, yanılmak 1. mistake; synonyms (n) blunder, fault,
interest; antonyms (n) unpleasantness, (v) repel, 2. defect, error, failure, misapprehension,
pray; synonyms (v) beg, entreat, crave, appeal, misconception, demerit, inaccuracy, (v) err,
invite, plead, importune, invoke, petition, misapprehend, slip, confuse, misjudge,
supplicate, bid, solicit, (adv) please, do. misunderstand, 2. slip; synonyms (n) lapse,
yama patch (yamamak); synonyms (n) darn, fleck, mistake, cutting, escape, oversight, scion, trip,
mend, plot, bed, blot, freckle, bit, blotch, dapple, ticket, band, (v) fall, slide, drop, glide, skid, sag;
field, maculation, (v) piece, botch, fix. antonym (v) improve.
yamaç 1. hillside; synonyms (n) brae, bank, hill, 2. yanılsama illusion; synonyms (n) delusion,
fall (düşmek, sonbahar); synonyms (v) decline, hallucination, fantasy, apparition, deception, fancy,
dip, decrease, descend, dive, rain, diminish, magic, chimera, deceit, dissimulation, fallacy,
dwindle, sink, alight, (n) drop, descent, downfall, phantom, trick, vision, figment; antonym (n)
plunge, pitch; antonyms (v) rise, increase, ascend, reality.
climb, triumph, win, (n) ascent, 3. brow; synonyms yanında 1. by (tarafından); synonyms (prep) beside,
(n) peak, brink, height, crown, edge, eyebrow, at, of, about, on, per, (adv) aside, away, past,
forehead, front, rim, summit, top, verge, landing, 4. through, apart, along, beyond, (adv, prep) alongside,
slope; synonyms (n) incline, declivity, fall, grade, (adj) over, 2. alongside; synonyms (prep) by, with,
gradient, inclination, hillside, ramp, side, (v) slant, (adv) abreast, aboard, nearby, (adj) next, near.
cant, lean, tilt, tip, (adj) obliquity. yanından by (tarafından); synonyms (prep) beside,
yamamak patch (yama); synonyms (n) darn, fleck, at, of, about, on, per, (adv) aside, away, past,
mend, plot, bed, blot, freckle, bit, blotch, dapple, through, apart, along, beyond, (adv, prep) alongside,
field, maculation, (v) piece, botch, fix. (adj) over.

yan side (kenar); synonyms (n) edge, rim, faction, yanıt 1. response (cevap); synonyms (n) answer,
border, brink, direction, face, part, hand, aspect, reaction, reception, echo, retort, return, respond,
facet, margin, page, position, (v) party; antonym effect, chant, chaunt, comeback, (v) reply, rejoinder,
(adj) sympathy, cordiality, 2. answer (cevap,
(adj) distant.
yanak cheek; synonyms (n) audacity, boldness, brass, cevap vermek); synonyms (n) solution, defense,
response, riposte, (v) counter, resolve, serve,
face, impertinence, nerve, gall, impudence,
acknowledge, agree, correspond, do, suffice, suit,
insolence, lip, mouth, daring, disrespect, effrontery,
refute, (adj) pay; antonyms (v) question, ask, 3.
jowl; antonym (n) respect.
yanan burning; synonyms (adj) ardent, ablaze, afire, reply (cevap); synonyms (n) repay, replication,
blazing, boiling, flaming, hot, passionate, aflame, repartee, (v) react, rejoin, say.
alight, (n) combustion, firing, glowing, zealous, yanıtlamak answer (cevap, cevap vermek);
burn; antonyms (adj) cold, cool, trivial. synonyms (n) reply, respond, retort, return,
yangın fire (ateş); synonyms (n) discharge, ardor, solution, defense, echo, (v) counter, resolve, serve,
conflagration, explode, fervor, flame, (v) excite, acknowledge, agree, correspond, do, (adj) pay;
eject, blaze, dismiss, ignite, kindle, expel, animate, antonyms (v) question, ask.
arouse; antonym (v) hire. yankı 1. echo; synonyms (n) answer, repercussion,
reaction, reflection, replication, (v) repeat,
reproduce, resound, reverberate, rebound, ape,
copy, imitate, reflect, reiterate, 2. reflection

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(yansıma); synonyms (n) consideration, heavy, 3. glow; synonyms (n) color, glare, sparkle,
contemplation, observation, cogitation, flash, brilliance, effulgence, fervor, gleaming, (v)
deliberation, meditation, musing, reflexion, blush, gleam, glimmer, shine, burn, warmth, glint;
thought, idea, notion, introspection, image, antonym (n) dullness, 4. smart (açıkgöz);
animadversion, conception. synonyms (adj) bright, crafty, dapper, quick,
yankılanmak echo (yankı); synonyms (n) answer, shrewd, sly, prompt, astute, chic, clever, intelligent,
repercussion, reaction, reflection, replication, (v) (v) ache, hurt, (n) pain, sharp; antonyms (adj)
repeat, reproduce, resound, reverberate, rebound, scruffy, stupid, dim, shabby, unkempt, slow.
ape, copy, imitate, reflect, reiterate. yansıma reflection; synonyms (n) consideration,
yanlış 1. false (taklit); synonyms (adj) bastard, contemplation, observation, cogitation,
counterfeit, untrue, deceitful, dishonest, erroneous, deliberation, meditation, musing, reflexion,
artificial, assumed, deceptive, disloyal, faithless, thought, idea, notion, introspection, image,
fake, fictitious, sham, ersatz; antonyms (adj) true, repercussion, animadversion.
real, correct, factual, faithful, genuine, natural, yansıtmak 1. reflect; synonyms (v) deliberate,
truthful, honest, valid, 2. incorrect; synonyms (adj) ponder, cogitate, consider, contemplate, meditate,
improper, false, inaccurate, inappropriate, wrong, muse, mirror, mull, think, bethink, echo, excogitate,
imprecise, faulty, amiss, bad, fallacious, inexact, ruminate, shine, 2. mirror (ayna); synonyms (n)
mistaken, error, imperfect, defective; antonym (adj) model, exemplar, (v) glass, imitate, copy, reflect,
right, 3. mistake; synonyms (n) blunder, fault, represent, reproduce, lens, mimic, (adj) pattern,
defect, failure, misapprehension, misconception, cynosure, 3. echo (yankı); synonyms (n) answer,
demerit, inaccuracy, misunderstanding, (v) err, repercussion, reaction, reflection, replication, reply,
misapprehend, slip, confuse, misjudge, reverberation, (v) repeat, resound, reverberate,
misunderstand, 4. error (hata); synonyms (n) rebound, ape, reiterate, ring, duplicate.
deviation, mistake, delusion, lapse, oversight, yansız neutral; synonyms (adj) disinterested,
crime, guilt, falsehood, confusion, erroneousness, impartial, indifferent, dispassionate, impersonal,
fallacy, misprint, omission, sin, transgression; noncommittal, colorless, detached, fair, inert,
antonym (n) correctness, 5. wrong; synonyms (adj) objective, unbiased, apathetic, independent, (n)
harm, evil, ill, incorrect, abuse, criminal, iniquitous, neuter; antonyms (adj) biased, aromatic, colorful.
unjust, vicious, wicked, (n) damage, injure, injury, yantümce clause; synonyms (n) article, paragraph,
injustice, hurt; antonyms (adj) good, proper, law- provision, rider, section, chapter, member,
abiding, (adv) correctly, (n) justice. condition, prerequisite, proviso, requirement,
yanlışlık 1. error (hata); synonyms (n) deviation, stipulation, (v) passage.
blunder, fault, mistake, wrong, delusion, lapse, yapağı wool (yün); synonyms (n) fleece, fur, coat,
oversight, crime, defect, demerit, guilt, hair, woolen, woollen, yarn, fiber, pelt, sheepskin,
misunderstanding, falsehood, confusion; antonym strand, string, thread, hide, mane.
(n) correctness, 2. slip; synonyms (n) cutting, error, yapan acting; synonyms (adj) active, interim,
escape, scion, trip, ticket, band, dip, gaffe, (v) fall, temporary, provisional, (n) enactment, drama,
slide, drop, glide, skid, sag; antonym (v) improve, playing; antonym (adj) permanent.
3. fault (arıza, bozukluk, hata, kusur); yapay artificial; synonyms (adj) affected, theatrical,
synonyms (n) blemish, failing, blame, blot, bogus, fake, false, feigned, forced, mannered,
delinquency, flaw, break, weakness, default, phony, strained, unnatural, unreal, hypocritical,
failure, fracture, imperfection, misdeed, (v) precious, stiff; antonyms (adj) natural, genuine, real.
deficiency, culpability; antonyms (n) merit, yapı 1. structure (bünye); synonyms (n) form,
strength, 4. mistake; synonyms (n) building, arrangement, edifice, shape, constitution,
misapprehension, misconception, inaccuracy, construction, frame, framework, organization,
misprint, foolishness, fallacy, (v) err, misapprehend, architecture, establishment, conformation,
slip, confuse, misjudge, misunderstand, composition, erection, 2. building (bina);
misconstrue, confound, misinterpret. synonyms (n) fabric, fabrication, house, assembly,
yanmak 1. burn (yakmak); synonyms (v) bite, glow, creation, mansion, structure, (v) pile, (adj)
blaze, incinerate, scorch, sting, bake, beam, boil, augmentative, augmenting, 3. make (etmek,
cremate, flare, ignite, sunburn, (n) fire, (adj) flush; yapmak); synonyms (v) build, cause, construct, do,
antonym (v) dawdle, 2. light (açık, hafif, ışık); create, fashion, force, get, give, produce, let,
synonyms (adj) fair, clear, facile, easy, faint, flimsy, compel, constitute, design, drive; antonyms (v)
(n) flame, brightness, daylight, illumination, dawn, destroy, lose, 4. build (kurmak); synonyms (v)
(v) kindle, inflame, dismount, illuminate; antonyms make, erect, establish, raise, rise, base, fabricate,
(adj) fattening, nauseating, (n) dark, darkness, found, rear, formulate, calculate, compile, compose,
gloom, shade, night, (v) extinguish, darken, (alt sp) (n) figure, built; antonym (v) demolish, 5.

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construction; synonyms (n) formation, mixed, ordered, planned, prearranged, prepared,

production, making, reading, anatomy, unified.
development, exposition, interpretation, yapışkan sticky; synonyms (adj) adhesive, awkward,
manufacture, translation, version, housing; clammy, muggy, embarrassing, glutinous, gummy,
antonym (n) destruction, 6. fabric; synonyms (n) humid, difficult, slimy, gluey, gooey, hard,
cloth, material, fiber, performance, stuff, textile, mucilaginous, pasty; antonyms (adj) dry, fresh,
texture, net, work, 7. constitution (anayasa); easy.
synonyms (n) code, makeup, temperament, yapışmak stick (yapıştırmak); synonyms (n) bar,
foundation, character, charter, disposition, law, club, (v) adhere, stab, attach, cling, fix, paste, staff,
configuration, habit, health, humor, mood, (adj) cohere, affix, bind, cleave, fasten, hold.
nature, principle, 8. fibre; synonyms (n) case, yapıştırmak 1. stick; synonyms (n) bar, club, (v)
eccentric, grapheme, lineament, part, persona, adhere, stab, attach, cling, fix, paste, staff, cohere,
reference, role, shred, toughness, type, 9. texture affix, bind, cleave, fasten, hold, 2. cement;
(doku); synonyms (n) grain, tissue, weave, web, synonyms (n) glue, adhesive, gum, size, cementum,
woof, (v) finish. (v) join, plaster, stick, secure, (adj) concrete, 3. bond
yapıcı constructive; synonyms (adj) positive, (bağ, bono); synonyms (n) association, tie,
beneficial, helpful, productive, useful, worthwhile, alliance, deed, agreement, cement, attachment, bail,
practical; antonyms (adj) negative, unhelpful, connection, joint, link, adhesion, chain, contract, (v)
destructive. band.
yapılabilir 1. feasible; synonyms (adj) practicable, yapıt production (üretim); synonyms (n) output,
possible, probable, fit, achievable, available, generation, product, manufacturing, performance,
credible, doable, likely, practical, realizable, viable, creation, formation, produce, staging, fabrication,
attainable, executable, plausible; antonym (adj) fruit, manufacture, origination, presentation, (v)
impossible, 2. practicable; synonyms (adj) feasible, exhibition.
operable, workable, handy, usable, useful, yapma 1. fulfilment; synonym (n) fulfillment, 2.
functional, performable. artificial (yapay); synonyms (adj) affected,
yapılmış 1. made; synonyms (adj) finished, built, theatrical, bogus, fake, false, feigned, forced,
ready, constructed, formed, prepared, synthetic, mannered, phony, strained, unnatural, unreal,
bound, complete, completed, ended, fictitious, hypocritical, precious, stiff; antonyms (adj) natural,
rabid, through, 2. done (tamam); synonyms (adj) genuine, real.
over, gone; antonym (adj) unfinished. yapmacık 1. affected; synonyms (adj) artificial,
yapım 1. production (üretim); synonyms (n) unnatural, pompous, pretentious, stilted, pedantic,
output, generation, product, manufacturing, assumed, concerned, contrived, exaggerated,
performance, creation, formation, produce, staging, feigned, forced, pretended, snobbish, strained;
fabrication, fruit, manufacture, origination, antonyms (adj) unaffected, down-to-earth, natural,
presentation, (v) exhibition, 2. manufacture; unchanged, 2. artificial (yapay); synonyms (adj)
synonyms (n) construction, production, industry, affected, theatrical, bogus, fake, false, mannered,
assembly, (v) construct, make, frame, fabricate, phony, unreal, hypocritical, precious, stiff,
build, contrive, invent, form, forge, concoct, create. manufactured, forged, artful, counterfeit;
yapımcı producer; synonyms (n) director, creator, antonyms (adj) genuine, real, 3. theatrical;
manufacturer, author, maker, manager, cause, synonyms (adj) melodramatic, dramatic, histrionic,
entrepreneur, farmer. stagy, theatric, spectacular, (n) histrionics; antonym
yapısal 1. structural; synonyms (adj) organic, (adj) untheatrical.
tectonic, geomorphologic, geomorphological, yapmacıksız unaffected; synonyms (adj) simple,
morphologic, morphological, edificial, artless, sincere, genuine, natural, plain, real,
fundamental, 2. constructive; synonyms (adj) unimpressed, ingenuous, honest, naive,
positive, beneficial, helpful, productive, useful, unsophisticated, untouched, chaste, impervious;
worthwhile, practical; antonyms (adj) negative, antonym (adj) affected.
unhelpful, destructive, 3. constitutional; yapmak 1. make (etmek); synonyms (v) build, cause,
synonyms (adj) congenital, essential, inherent, construct, do, create, fashion, force, get, give,
intrinsic, legal, constituent, constitutive, inborn, produce, let, compel, constitute, design, (n) form;
inbuilt, innate, integral, lawful, (n) walk, journey, (v) antonyms (v) destroy, lose, 2. perform; synonyms
ramble; antonym (adj) unconstitutional, 4. (v) execute, accomplish, fulfill, achieve, complete,
structured; synonyms (adj) integrated, appear, behave, effect, make, play, enact, function,
amalgamated, controlled, incorporate, administer, operate, (n) act; antonym (v) neglect, 3.
incorporated, intermingled, merged, methodical, do (etmek); synonyms (v) cheat, commit, conduct,

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perform, practice, defraud, answer, arrange, serve, foundation, founding, piece, product, universe,
be, cut, (n) occasion, bash, (adj) suffice, avail; work; antonyms (n) destruction, end, 3.
antonym (v) unmake, 4. fulfil (yerine getirmek); constitution (anayasa); synonyms (n) code,
synonyms (v) fill, satisfy, meet, 5. fashion makeup, organization, temperament, build,
(moda); synonyms (n) mode, craze, fad, manner, character, charter, disposition, law, structure,
method, way, custom, guise, style, wise, (v) architecture, arrangement, configuration,
contrive, cast, shape, compose, adjust, 6. act establishment, (adj) nature, 4. temperament;
(davranmak, hareket, rol yapmak); synonyms synonyms (n) temper, constitution, personality,
quality, humor, spirit, composure, equanimity,
(n) accomplishment, action, move, statute, decree,
mettle, calmness, heart, inclination, modulation,
feat, law, performance, (v) achievement, deed, go,
mood, morale.
acquit, feign, pretend, work; antonym (v) refrain, 7.
build (kurmak); synonyms (v) erect, establish, yaralamak wound; synonyms (n) bruise, harm, pain,
injury, scratch, (v) hurt, cut, damage, offend, injure,
raise, rise, base, fabricate, found, rear, formulate,
calculate, compile, (n) frame, construction, figure, stab, sting, insult, maim, bite.
built; antonym (v) demolish, 8. commit; yaralanabilir vulnerable; synonyms (adj) weak,
synonyms (v) commend, assign, charge, consign, exposed, sensitive, susceptible, tender, defenseless,
apply, confide, dedicate, entrust, submit, deliver, feeble, unguarded, unprotected, insecure,
devote, intrust, leave, send, trust. impressionable, powerless, liable, subject, (v) frail;
yaprak 1. leaf; synonyms (n) blade, page, foliage, antonyms (adj) safe, impervious, invincible,
invulnerable, unassailable, unbeatable, secure,
folio, leafage, slip, (v) sheet, leave, flick, flip, 2.
sheet; synonyms (n) board, layer, leaf, canvas, film,
yaralı injured; synonyms (adj) aggrieved, hurt,
paper, coat, coating, blanket, cover, coverlet,
broken, wounded, affected, damaged, offended,
newspaper, piece, plane, sail.
pained, defective, insulted, abused, aching, ailing,
yapraklar foliage; synonyms (n) leafage, foliation, angry, (n) casualty; antonym (adj) unharmed.
leaf, ramage, stem, tigella, flora, foliature, plants,
yaramak benefit (yarar); synonyms (n) advantage,
shroud, undergrowth, vegetation, folio,
gain, good, assistance, favor, interest, reward,
frondescence, garment.
service, use, welfare, (v) aid, assist, profit, avail,
yaptırmak 1. make (etmek, yapmak); synonyms help; antonyms (n) disadvantage, drawback, loss,
(v) build, cause, construct, do, create, fashion, force,
(v) harm.
get, give, produce, let, compel, constitute, design,
(n) form; antonyms (v) destroy, lose, 2. get
yaramaz 1. naughty; synonyms (adj) bad, blue,
impish, mischievous, improper, disobedient,
(almak, elde etmek, olmak, varmak);
insubordinate, wicked, evil, lewd, dark, defiant,
synonyms (v) acquire, gain, attain, become, catch,
racy, rebellious, risque; antonyms (adj) well-
earn, buy, come, fall, fetch, take, achieve, beget,
behaved, good, 2. wicked; synonyms (adj)
bring, capture; antonym (v) leave.
atrocious, sinful, vicious, depraved, immoral,
yar cliff (uçurum); synonyms (n) bluff, precipice, hill,
unholy, vile, corrupt, criminal, diabolical, foul,
mountain, promontory, (adj) wall.
hellish, iniquitous, nasty, naughty; antonyms (adj)
yara 1. wound; synonyms (n) bruise, harm, pain, innocent, kind, moral, pious, pure.
injury, scratch, (v) hurt, cut, damage, offend, injure,
yarar 1. benefit; synonyms (n) advantage, gain, good,
stab, sting, insult, maim, bite, 2. sore; synonyms
assistance, favor, interest, reward, service, use,
(adj) painful, sensitive, angry, raw, indignant,
welfare, (v) aid, assist, profit, avail, help; antonyms
aching, huffy, mad, severe, (n) boil, lesion, canker,
(n) disadvantage, drawback, loss, (v) harm, 2.
abscess, (v) acute, sharp; antonym (adj) painless, 3.
injury; synonyms (n) disadvantage, disservice, advantage (avantaj, üstünlük); synonyms (n)
behalf, privilege, account, expediency, lead,
grievance, detriment, impairment, wound, ill,
preponderance, virtue, perk, boot, convenience,
affront, contusion, evil, loss, wrong, concussion,
leverage, preference, superiority, usefulness, (v)
mischief, (v) abuse; antonyms (n) ability, reparation,
benefit; antonyms (n) detriment, difficulty, 3.
4. ulcer (ülser); synonyms (n) ulceration, blister,
utility; synonyms (n) value, purpose, helpfulness,
carbuncle, cyst, spot, (v) fester, ulcerate, (adj) sore,
effectiveness, function, serviceableness, worth, (adj)
functional, 4. efficacy; synonyms (n) effect,
yaradılış 1. build (kurmak); synonyms (v) make,
potency, capability, efficaciousness, efficiency,
erect, establish, raise, rise, base, construct, create,
force, utility, energy, might, power, strength,
fabricate, fashion, (n) form, shape, frame,
validity, vigor, (v) weight; antonyms (n) inefficacy,
construction, figure; antonyms (v) demolish,
inefficiency, 5. gain (kazanç); synonyms (v)
destroy, 2. creation; synonyms (n) cosmos,
acquire, derive, attain, catch, earn, get, win,
production, world, composition, invention,
achieve, advance, make, reach, find, accomplish, (n)
conception, creature, fabrication, formation,

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earnings, acquisition; antonym (v) lose, 6. service (adj) unproductive, barren, unprofitable, 2. author
(hizmet); synonyms (n) employment, ministration, (yazar); synonyms (n) writer, architect, creator,
ceremony, business, occupation, office, agency, founder, inventor, originator, parent, producer,
ministry, homage, rite, (v) overhaul, serve, refit, father, generator, maker, dramatist, (v) compose,
attendance, repair. create, write, 3. imaginative; synonyms (adj)
yararlanmak 1. enjoy (beğenmek); synonyms (v) ingenious, clever, fanciful, fantastic, resourceful,
appreciate, bask, have, hold, possess, relish, artistic; antonyms (adj) unimaginative, logical, 4.
delight, experience, like, love, own, rejoice, revel, original (orijinal, özgün); synonyms (adj) first,
devour, take; antonym (v) dislike, 2. benefit authentic, native, new, primary, primitive,
(yarar); synonyms (n) advantage, gain, good, indigenous, aboriginal, early, fresh, imaginative,
assistance, favor, interest, reward, service, use, primeval, primordial, (n) archetype, model;
welfare, (v) aid, assist, profit, avail, help; antonyms antonyms (adj) commonplace, banal, copied, corny,
(n) disadvantage, drawback, loss, (v) harm. derivative, hackneyed, well-worn, conventional,
yararlı 1. profitable; synonyms (adj) productive, resulting, (n) copy, counterfeit, fake, imitation,
advantageous, beneficial, fruitful, helpful, good, replica.
gainful, lucrative, useful, desirable, economic, fat, yaratık 1. creature; synonyms (n) beast, being, brute,
valuable, expedient, handy; antonyms (adj) animal, individual, tool, body, entity, human,
unprofitable, dependent, 2. useful; synonyms (adj) person, puppet, somebody, man, mortal, organism,
profitable, practical, convenient, effective, 2. thing (şey); synonyms (n) matter, affair, event,
functional, clever, constructive, efficient, object, occurrence, article, concern, happening,
serviceable, usable, suitable, comfortable, something, substance, occasion, incident, business,
important, practicable, instrumental; antonyms (adj) deed, item.
useless, worthless, ineffective, 3. beneficial; yaratmak create; synonyms (v) cause, construct,
synonyms (adj) favorable, healthy, propitious, make, constitute, produce, beget, breed, build,
salutary, wholesome, worthwhile, curative, genial, compose, do, establish, form, generate, institute,
healing, kind, rewarding, salubrious, healthful, start; antonyms (v) destroy, terminate.
lucky, nutritious; antonyms (adj) disadvantageous, yarda yard (avlu); synonyms (n) court, courtyard,
harmful, 4. helpful; synonyms (adj) friendly, garden, backyard, grounds, close, quadrangle,
beneficent, accommodating, kindly, obliging, enclosure, beehive, bindery, chiliad, g, grand, m,
auspicious, generous, conducive, charitable, nailery.
cheerful, considerate, (n) benevolent, gracious, (v) yardım 1. help (imdat, yardım etmek); synonyms
adjuvant, auxiliary; antonyms (adj) unhelpful, (v) aid, assist, avail, facilitate, favor, ease, alleviate,
uncooperative, 5. good (iyi); synonyms (adj) able, contribute, (n) assistance, benefit, support, assistant,
benefit, delicious, right, capable, excellent, fine, cure, boost, encouragement; antonyms (v) hinder,
nice, superior, well, agreeable, gentle, (n) benign, worsen, (n) hindrance, detriment, 2. assistance;
advantage, gain; antonyms (adj) disobedient, poor, synonyms (n) relief, backing, charity, hand, help,
wicked, unpleasant, (n) evil, bad. remedy, service, advantage, lift, second,
yararsız 1. useless; synonyms (adj) futile, pointless, collaboration, comfort, cooperation, patronage, (v)
unnecessary, needless, abortive, fruitless, hopeless, succor, 3. hand (el); synonyms (n) deal, applause,
worthless, idle, barren, superfluous, bootless, employee, paw, worker, (v) deliver, give, pass,
incompetent, ineffective, ineffectual; antonyms (adj) commit, bestow, afford, communicate, reach, grant,
useful, helpful, competent, effective, convenient, provide, 4. contribution; synonyms (n) allowance,
necessary, valuable, 2. pointless; synonyms (adj) donation, gift, offering, share, tax, effort, dues,
meaningless, flat, aimless, blunt, purposeless, endowment, investment, part, participation,
senseless, dull, inane, otiose, silly, stupid, useless, payment, present, 5. backing; synonyms (n)
insipid, irrelevant, hollow; antonyms (adj) approval, endorsement, accompaniment,
meaningful, worthwhile. championship, promotion, sanction, sponsorship,
sustenance, funding, funds, 6. favour; synonyms
yarasa bat; synonyms (n) club, rapidity, blow, cudgel,
flittermouse, punch, stick, (v) hit, beat, blink, lick, (v) choose, prefer, privilege, 7. cooperation;

slam, thrash, flutter. synonyms (n) concurrence, association, teamwork,

partnership, alliance; antonyms (n) stubbornness,
yaraşmak become (olmak); synonyms (v) be, grow,
suit, arise, get, match, sit, come, fall, fit, go, make, competition, confrontation, rivalry, 8. aid;
turn, wax, change. synonyms (n) care, recourse, facility, associate,
means, (v) abet, minister, serve, countenance,
yaratıcı 1. productive (üretken); synonyms (adj)
encourage, relieve, accommodate, improve,
fertile, fruitful, plentiful, fat, generative, helpful,
cooperate, advance, 9. lift (asansör, kaldırmak);
copious, lucrative, constructive, inventive, original,
synonyms (n) elevator, heave, (v) hoist, raise, rise,
abundant, creative, fecund, plenteous; antonyms

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elevate, erect, filch, hike, airlift, pilfer, pinch, rear, gift, pity, (v) almsgiving, (adj) benignity; antonyms
steal, swipe, 10. relief; synonyms (n) consolation, (n) miserliness, intolerance.
relaxation, release, respite, solace, abatement, yardým help (imdat, yardım, yardım etmek);
alleviation, redress, rest, amends, assuagement, synonyms (v) aid, assist, avail, facilitate, favor, ease,
break, easing, embossment, ministration, 11. alleviate, contribute, (n) assistance, benefit, support,
support (dayanak, destek, desteklemek); assistant, cure, boost, encouragement; antonyms (v)
synonyms (n) stand, keep, maintenance, (v) prop, hinder, worsen, (n) hindrance, detriment.
back, brace, maintain, bear, carry, confirm, yargı 1. judgement; synonyms (n) discretion,
corroborate, defend, hold, nourish, nurture; assessment, discernment, opinion, belief, judging,
antonyms (v) oppose, neglect, undermine, abandon, judgment, mind, perspicacity, sagacity, 2. ruling;
reject, weaken. synonyms (adj) leading, regnant, reigning,
yardımcı 1. assistant (asistan); synonyms (adj) prevailing, prevalent, (n) rule, decision, decree,
ancillary, adjunct, (n) accessory, assist, subordinate, edict, act, directive, judgement, law,
acolyte, accomplice, assistance, auxiliary, colleague, pronouncement, verdict.
helper, adjutant, aide, associate, (v) aid, 2. help yargıç 1. judge; synonyms (n) arbiter, arbitrator,
(imdat, yardım, yardım etmek); synonyms (v) referee, (v) consider, estimate, evaluate, think,
avail, facilitate, favor, ease, alleviate, contribute, believe, condemn, assess, adjudicate, calculate,
forward, back, (n) benefit, support, assistant, cure, decide, guess, umpire, 2. justice (adalet);
boost, encouragement, backing; antonyms (v) synonyms (n) equity, fairness, impartiality,
hinder, worsen, (n) hindrance, detriment, 3. integrity, judge, right, judicature, jurist, justness,
subsidiary; synonyms (n) underling, (adj) morality, correctness, court, (adj) honesty, just,
subservient, secondary, additional, minor, principle; antonyms (n) injustice, unfairness.
appurtenant, incidental, inferior, supplemental, yargılama trial (deneme); synonyms (n) test,
supplementary, acceding, accompanying, adjuvant, examination, experiment, affliction, essay,
(v) ministrant, 4. deputy; synonyms (n) agent, hardship, hearing, adversity, audition, attempt,
surrogate, alternate, delegate, substitute, difficulty, distress, effort, endeavor, (adj)
ambassador, replacement, representative, vicar, experimental.
spokesman, envoy, help, lieutenant, (adj) proxy, yargılamak 1. try; synonyms (v) attempt, test,
acting, 5. friend (ahbap, arkadaş, dost); struggle, prove, strive, assay, examine, experiment,
synonyms (n) fellow, acquaintance, ally, crony, judge, sample, (n) endeavor, essay, chance, effort,
advocate, booster, buddy, mate, connection, shot, 2. judge; synonyms (n) arbiter, arbitrator,
wellwisher, attendant, cohort, partner, (adj) referee, (v) consider, estimate, evaluate, think,
companion, comrade; antonyms (n) enemy, foe, believe, condemn, assess, adjudicate, calculate,
stranger, rival, 6. aid; synonyms (n) relief, care, decide, guess, umpire.
hand, lift, patronage, recourse, second, (v) abet, yarı half (buçuk); synonyms (n) mediety, halve,
minister, serve, comfort, countenance, encourage, piece, bisection, hemisphere, (adv) halfendeal,
relieve, remedy, 7. supporter; synonyms (n) imperfectly, (adj) moiety, part, short, behalf,
partisan, admirer, backer, follower, friend, patron, bisected, divided, even-steven, halved; antonyms
sponsor, believer, benefactor, champion, devotee, (n) whole, all.
disciple, fan, protagonist, upholder; antonyms (n)
yarıçap radius; synonyms (n) length, semidiameter,
opponent, skeptic, detractor, critic. spoke, range, compass, scope, bar, bore, caliber,
yardımsever 1. charitable; synonyms (adj) merciful, diameter, line.
benevolent, clement, gentle, kind, bountiful, yarık 1. breach; synonyms (n) aperture, chink, crack,
generous, humane, kindly, lenient, liberal,
crevice, fracture, gap, infringement, opening, rift,
magnanimous, philanthropic, compassionate,
split, trespass, (v) break, rupture, contravene,
forbearing; antonyms (adj) unforgiving, mean,
fissure; antonym (n) observance, 2. slot; synonyms
nasty, uncharitable, 2. helpful; synonyms (adj) (n) groove, place, notch, position, cut, section, class,
beneficial, favorable, advantageous, friendly, nick, partition, spot, track, compartment, group, (v)
handy, useful, beneficent, convenient, slit, rank, 3. split (ayırmak, bölmek, bölünme,
accommodating, constructive, instrumental,
yarmak); synonyms (v) burst, divide, separate,
obliging, profitable, valuable, (v) adjuvant;
divorce, breach, cleave, division, fork, part, rive, (n)
antonyms (adj) unhelpful, useless, uncooperative,
rip, tear, cleavage, cleft, parting; antonyms (v) join,
unite, merge, 4. cut (kesmek); synonyms (v)
yardımseverlik charity (sadaka); synonyms (n)
carve, chop, clip, abbreviate, abridge, bite,
bounty, dole, favor, aid, generosity, kindness,
condense, crop, drop, fashion, reduce, (n) slice,
liberality, mercy, virtue, clemency, compassion,
cutting, blow, gash; antonyms (v) increase,
lengthen, (n) addition, extension, 5. gap (aralık,

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boşluk); synonyms (n) chasm, clearance, contest, vie, play, run, 3. race; synonyms (n) kind,
difference, vacancy, blank, disparity, disruption, dash, family, career, people, kin, nation, pedigree,
hiatus, hole, interruption, interval, discrepancy, birth, (v) course, rush, fly, hasten, hurry, (adj)
chap, variance, fault, 6. chap; synonyms (n) fellow, lineage.
person, blighter, cranny, guy, lad, man, beau, yarma split (ayırmak, bölmek, bölünme,
scissure, cuss, fella, feller, gent, male, wight; yarmak); synonyms (v) crack, cut, fracture, slit,
antonym (n) woman, 7. rent; synonyms (n) lease, burst, divide, separate, divorce, breach, cleave, (n)
let, flaw, interstice, pay, rental, (v) hire, charter, break, rip, rupture, tear, cleavage; antonyms (v)
engage, take, mesh, employ, allow, (adj) torn, join, unite, merge.
blasted. yarmak 1. split (ayırmak, bölmek, bölünme);
yarıküre hemisphere; synonyms (n) area, realm, synonyms (v) crack, cut, fracture, slit, burst, divide,
region, sphere, ground, orb, quarter, field, half, separate, divorce, breach, cleave, (n) break, rip,
soil. rupture, tear, cleavage; antonyms (v) join, unite,
yarılmak crack; synonyms (n) break, fracture, cleft, merge, 2. breach; synonyms (n) aperture, chink,
fissure, chip, (v) chink, crevice, split, breach, burst, crevice, gap, infringement, opening, rift, split,
snap, clap, bang, check, cleave; antonyms (v) repair, trespass, cranny, cleft, disruption, (v) contravene,
mend. fissure, violate; antonym (n) observance.
yarım half (buçuk); synonyms (n) mediety, halve, yaş 1. age; synonyms (n) period, aeon, day, era, time,
piece, bisection, hemisphere, (adv) halfendeal, cycle, years, antiquity, epoch, eternity, generation,
imperfectly, (adj) moiety, part, short, behalf, (v) mature, grow, ripen, develop, 2. wet (ıslak,
bisected, divided, even-steven, halved; antonyms ıslatmak); synonyms (adj) damp, humid, drenched,
(n) whole, all. moist, soaked, sodden, dank, rainy, saturated,
yarımyamalak superficial (yüzeysel); synonyms soggy, (v) moisten, water, dampen, wash, (n)
(adj) cursory, shallow, external, sketchy, slight, moisture; antonyms (adj) dehydrated, parched, (v)
apparent, exterior, frivolous, outward, surface, dry.
outer, flimsy, empty, facile, ostensible; antonyms yasa 1. law (hukuk, kanun); synonyms (n) rule,
(adj) deep, innate, real, thorough, profound, inner, canon, decree, act, edict, regulation, enactment,
permanent. jurisprudence, justice, order, police, principle,
yarın tomorrow; synonyms (adv) kal, never. ruling, axiom, directive, 2. statute (kural);
yarış 1. race; synonyms (n) kind, dash, family, career, synonyms (n) law, ordinance, constitution, charter,
competition, people, kin, nation, (v) course, run, code, bill, pandect, proclamation, 3. act
rush, fly, hasten, hurry, (adj) lineage, 2. run (davranmak, hareket, rol yapmak); synonyms
(çalıştırmak, koşmak); synonyms (v) flow, rule, (n) accomplishment, action, move, play, statute, do,
gush, race, conduct, direct, function, go, operate, feat, (v) achievement, behave, deed, go, perform,
pour, progress, (n) pass, campaign, drive, (adj) acquit, enact, feign; antonym (v) refrain.
stream. yasadışı illegal; synonyms (adj) criminal, forbidden,
yarışçı competitor; synonyms (n) rival, antagonist, prohibited, unauthorized, unlawful, illegitimate,
adversary, candidate, challenger, match, illicit, lawless, taboo, wrongful; antonyms (adj)
competition, contender, opponent, enemy, aspirant, legal, lawful, honest, legitimate, official.
entrant, contestant, corrival, player. yasak 1. forbidden; synonyms (adj) unlawful,
yarışma 1. contest; synonyms (n) bout, competition, banned, illegal, prohibited, taboo, contraband,
conflict, fight, altercation, contention, race, illicit, proscribed, verboten; antonym (adj)
struggle, (v) battle, compete, combat, contend, acceptable, 2. ban; synonyms (n) anathema, bar,
dispute, argue, challenge, 2. competition; veto, restraint, command, curse, embargo,
synonyms (n) contest, rivalry, competitor, game, prohibition, (v) forbid, prohibit, banish, exclude,
match, rival, contender, emulation, event, feud, expel, enjoin, illegalize; antonyms (v) permit, allow,
fixture, opposition, strife, challenger; antonym (n) sanction, 3. prohibition; synonyms (n) ban,
cooperation. exclusion, forbiddance, inhibition, interdiction,
yarışmacı competitor; synonyms (n) rival, banning, forbidding, injunction, proscription,
antagonist, adversary, candidate, challenger, enjoinment, impediment, interdict, restriction,
match, competition, contender, opponent, enemy, denial, noninclusion; antonym (n) entitlement.
aspirant, entrant, contestant, corrival, player. yasaklamak 1. bar (bar, çubuk); synonyms (n)
yarışmak 1. contest; synonyms (n) bout, competition, barricade, band, stop, line, pub, snag, (v) ban, block,
conflict, fight, altercation, contention, race, bolt, exclude, obstruct, arrest, balk, dam, foreclose;
struggle, (v) battle, compete, combat, contend, antonyms (v) permit, allow, 2. ban; synonyms (n)
dispute, argue, challenge, 2. compete; synonyms anathema, bar, veto, restraint, command, curse,
(v) emulate, rival, strive, participate, oppose,

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embargo, prohibition, (v) forbid, prohibit, banish, live, meet, receive, (adj) see; antonym (n)
expel, enjoin, illegalize, reject; antonym (v) inexperience.
sanction. yaşayan 1. living (canlı); synonyms (adj) lively, alive,
yasaklanmış forbidden (yasak); synonyms (adj) live, extant, active, animated, animate, fresh, quick,
unlawful, banned, illegal, prohibited, taboo, (n) livelihood, being, life, aliveness, animation,
contraband, illicit, proscribed, verboten; antonym benefice; antonyms (adj) inanimate, (n) dead, death,
(adj) acceptable. 2. alive (canlı); synonyms (adj) living, sensible,
yasal 1. legal; synonyms (adj) lawful, sound, valid, vivacious, responsive, aware, eager, acute,
juridical, constitutional, judicial, permissible, energetic, awake, keen, intelligent; antonym (adj)
rightful, true, correct, sanctioned, official, (v) deceased, 3. vital; synonyms (adj) critical, essential,
allowable, legitimate, licit; antonyms (adj) illegal, indispensable, crucial, fundamental, important,
unlawful, bogus, 2. lawful; synonyms (adj) legal, main, necessary, chief, momentous, dynamic, basic,
just, justifiable, regular, right, equitable, fair, decisive, imperative, requisite; antonyms (adj)
admissible, innocent, due, genuine, honest, (v) trivial, insignificant, minor, optional, unimportant.
chartered, 3. legitimate; synonyms (adj) authentic, yaslama justification; synonyms (n) apology,
orthodox, logical, real, actual, allowed, proper, defense, account, reason, defence, cause, basis,
reasonable, authoritative, authorized, (v) legalize, explanation, grounds, vindication, foundation,
legitimatize, legitimize, decriminalize, legalise; authority, salvation, sanctification, (v) excuse.
antonyms (adj) banned, informal, illegitimate, yaslamak justify; synonyms (v) excuse, explain,
invalid, 4. statutory; synonyms (adj) statutable, absolve, confirm, defend, exonerate, vindicate,
canonical, 5. valid (Geçerli); synonyms (adj) solid, deserve, apologize, claim, exculpate, palliate,
forcible, substantial, good, powerful, strong, rationalize, exempt, (n) warrant.
cogent, effectual, hard, competent, confirmed, yaşlanmak age (yaş); synonyms (n) period, aeon,
adequate, convincing, hardy, persuasive; antonyms day, era, time, cycle, years, antiquity, epoch,
(adj) unacceptable, annulled, illogical. eternity, generation, (v) mature, grow, ripen,
yaşam life (hayat); synonyms (n) animation, energy, develop.
spirit, activity, being, biography, dash, enthusiasm, yaşlı old (eski); synonyms (adj) antiquated, obsolete,
existence, exuberance, live, briskness, career, ancient, former, aged, antique, elderly,
autobiography, endurance; antonym (n) lethargy. experienced, outdated, veteran, archaic, decrepit,
yasama legislation; synonyms (n) lawmaking, hoary, mature, past; antonyms (adj) new, young,
legislating, law, conduct, government, gubernation, modern, fresh, latest, novel, original, youthful.
passage, administration, constitution, nomology. yassı flat (düz); synonyms (adj) dull, bland, even,
yaşama living (canlı); synonyms (adj) lively, alive, plain, insipid, level, plane, tasteless, dreary, boring,
live, extant, active, animated, animate, fresh, quick, absolute, dead, downright, (n) apartment, (v)
(n) livelihood, being, life, aliveness, animation, uninteresting; antonyms (adj) exciting, high-
benefice; antonyms (adj) inanimate, (n) dead, death. pitched, bumpy.
yaşamak 1. live (canlı, oturmak); synonyms (v) yastık 1. pad; synonyms (n) cushion, apartment, digs,
exist, inhabit, reside, subsist, abide, be, dwell, wadding, (v) line, inflate, expand, bolster, stuff,
endure, stay, survive, (adj) alive, active, animate, wad, aggrandize, amplify, embroider, magnify,
living, (n) go; antonyms (adj) dead, inanimate, 2. enlarge, 2. pillow; synonyms (n) brass, (v) rest,
exist (var olmak); synonyms (v) lie, consist, breathe, lie, perch, remain, reside, roost, stay.
belong, continue, live, occur, hold, remain; yat yacht; synonyms (n) boat, vessel, ship, craft,
antonym (v) die, 3. experience (deneyim, dinghy, clipper, ferry, liner, schooner.
tecrübe); synonyms (n) event, episode, happening, yatak 1. bed; synonyms (n) couch, layer, base, basis,
taste, (v) encounter, suffer, examine, enjoy, feel, berth, bottom, flowerbed, foundation, crib, sack,
have, know, meet, receive, sustain, (adj) see; rest, support, pallet, understructure, setting, 2.
antonym (n) inexperience. bearing (kerteriz); synonyms (n) carriage,
yaşamsal vital; synonyms (adj) critical, essential, demeanor, appearance, approach, aspect, attitude,
indispensable, animated, alive, crucial, conduct, deportment, direction, manner, respect,
fundamental, important, lively, main, necessary, air, aim, behavior, comportment, 3. sack (torba);
chief, momentous, live, dynamic; antonyms (adj) synonyms (n) pocket, pouch, sac, (v) pillage, bag,
trivial, insignificant, minor, optional, unimportant. plunder, discharge, dismiss, despoil, fire, ransack,
yaşantı experience (deneyim, tecrübe); synonyms rob, rifle, can, loot; antonym (v) hire.
(n) event, episode, happening, (v) encounter, yatay 1. horizontal; synonyms (adj) even, flat, level,
endure, suffer, examine, enjoy, feel, have, know, plane, straight, direct, prostrate, smooth; antonym
(adj) vertical, 2. landscape (peyzaj); synonyms (n)

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outlook, scene, scenery, sight, view, vista, ground, ready, bent, fain, susceptible, (v) given, (prep)
lookout, panorama, perspective, picture, (v) disposed; antonyms (adj) level, reluctant, unwilling.
prospect, 3. across; synonyms (prep) athwart, cross, yatmak lie (yalan); synonyms (v) consist, repose,
overthwart, (adv) over, crossways, crosswise, (adj) falsify, belong, couch, (n) fabrication, falsehood,
crossed; antonyms (adv) along, (adj) uncrossed. falsity, fib, fiction, rest, untruth, bluff, counterfeit,
yatırım investment; synonyms (n) investing, deceit; antonyms (v) stand, (n) truth.
investiture, clothing, siege, finance, venture, yavan dry (kuru); synonyms (adj) thirsty, arid,
backing, obsession, property, installation, outlay, barren, boring, dehydrated, dull, bald, hoarse,
capital, covering, accession, assets. jejune, plain, (v) dehydrate, desiccate, drain,
yatırımcı investor; synonyms (n) banker, capitalist, uninteresting, sardonic; antonyms (adj) wet, damp,
financier, speculator, backer, benefactor, client, moist, saturated, soaked, boggy, drenched, rainy,
entrepreneur, fan, saver, sponsor, supporter, sodden, interesting, fresh, humid, juicy, succulent,
tycoon, angel, collector. (v) drench.
yatırmak 1. deposit (mevduat); synonyms (n) Yavaş slow (yavaşlamak); synonyms (adj) dull, late,
charge, residue, guarantee, heap, hoard, lees, (v) easy, sluggish, heavy, dense, dim, gradual,
bank, commit, store, fix, lay, repose, cast, file, leave; inactive, indolent, lazy, stupid, (v) slack, (adv)
antonym (v) withdraw, 2. lay; synonyms (v) place, behind, behindhand; antonyms (adj) fast,
put, set, deposit, install, lie, rest, invest, bear, allay, intelligent, rapid, bright, alert, brisk, hasty, prompt,
arrange, bet, (adj) secular, (n) ballad, pitch, 3. bed quick, speedy, hurried, observant, rushed, (v)
(yatak); synonyms (n) couch, layer, base, basis, accelerate.
berth, bottom, flowerbed, foundation, crib, sack, yavaşlamak slow (Yavaş); synonyms (adj) dull, late,
support, pallet, understructure, setting, course, 4. easy, sluggish, heavy, dense, dim, gradual,
sink (lavabo); synonyms (n) sag, basin, (v) decline, inactive, indolent, lazy, stupid, (v) slack, (adv)
dip, droop, fall, descend, drop, fell, bury, collapse, behind, behindhand; antonyms (adj) fast,
decay, flag, founder, (adj) immerse; antonyms (v) intelligent, rapid, bright, alert, brisk, hasty, prompt,
quick, speedy, hurried, observant, rushed, (v)
rise, float.
yatışmak settle; synonyms (v) fix, place, clarify,
yavaşlatmak slow (Yavaş, yavaşlamak);
establish, pay, regulate, resolve, set, adjudicate,
synonyms (adj) dull, late, easy, sluggish, heavy,
adjust, agree, conclude, decide, determine, (adj)
dense, dim, gradual, inactive, indolent, lazy,
stupid, (v) slack, (adv) behind, behindhand;
yatıştırmak 1. still; synonyms (adv) however, but,
antonyms (adj) fast, intelligent, rapid, bright, alert,
nevertheless, (adj) calm, pacify, peaceful, silence,
brisk, hasty, prompt, quick, speedy, hurried,
quiescent, serene, silent, (n) hush, (v) quiet, assuage,
observant, rushed, (v) accelerate.
compose, lull; antonyms (adj) moving, effervescent,
yavru 1. young (genç); synonyms (adj) green,
fizzy, windy, (n) noisy, 2. lay; synonyms (v) place,
juvenile, immature, adolescent, fresh, new, raw,
put, fix, set, deposit, install, lie, rest, invest, bear,
baby, boyish, callow, childish, early, tender, (n)
allay, arrange, (adj) secular, (n) ballad, pitch, 3.
offspring, progeny; antonyms (adj) old, mature,
moderate (ılımlı); synonyms (adj) temperate, adult, (n) aged, 2. child (çocuk); synonyms (n)
abstemious, middling, mild, easy, dull, fair, (v)
boy, babe, bairn, brat, girl, infant, kid, minor,
mitigate, curb, diminish, lessen, ease, cool, abate,
toddler, tot, youngster, innocent, imp, daughter,
(adv) check; antonyms (adj) extreme, immoderate,
radical, (v) increase, intensify, 4. ease (rahat);
yavrulamak breed; synonyms (n) kind, race, variety,
synonyms (n) comfort, convenience, aid, leisure,
ancestry, sort, order, class, genus, (v) engender,
relief, repose, satisfaction, alleviation, composure,
beget, multiply, bear, brood, cause, cultivate.
lightness, (v) alleviate, relieve, facilitate, relax, (adj)
smooth; antonyms (n) difficulty, discomfort,
yay 1. arc (ark); synonyms (n) arch, bow, bend,
crescent, curvature, spark, sweep, (v) curve, 2.
awkwardness, formality, (v) aggravate, worsen, 5.
steady; synonyms (adj) firm, even, secure, constant, bow; synonyms (n) arc, obeisance, turn, stem, (v)
stoop, duck, buckle, crouch, incline, kowtow,
continual, fixed, resolute, stable, incessant, sedate,
crook, defer, kneel, nod, submit, 3. spring (bahar,
settled, consistent, (v) steadfast, regular, brace;
antonyms (adj) unsteady, shaky, wobbly, ilkbahar); synonyms (n) jump, leap, bound,
intermittent, unreliable, 6. settle; synonyms (v) fountain, skip, source, dance, rise, (v) hop, caper,
clarify, establish, pay, regulate, resolve, adjudicate, bounce, dive, originate, recoil, (adj) elastic.
adjust, agree, conclude, decide, determine, drop, yaygara fuss; synonyms (n) bustle, commotion, flap,
explain, fall, (adj) confirm. ado, bother, disturbance, fidget, excitement,
yatkın inclined; synonyms (adj) prone, apt, oblique, bickering, (v) flurry, bicker, fret, hubbub, complain,
willing, bowed, liable, likely, minded, predisposed, (adj) stir.

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498 Turkish - English

yaygın 1. common (adi, ortak); synonyms (adj) yayın 1. publication; synonyms (n) announcement,
ordinary, coarse, cheap, mutual, usual, vulgar, book, issue, newspaper, periodical, proclamation,
accustomed, base, ignoble, mean, mediocre, journal, declaration, disclosure, promulgation,
plebeian, public, trivial, (n) habitual; antonyms (adj) volume, circular, magazine, issuance, bulletin, 2.
individual, uncommon, rare, unusual, issue (sorun); synonyms (n) aftermath, egress,
characteristic, one-off, specific, unique, aristocratic, consequence, effect, event, exit, progeny, result, (v)
exclusive, extraordinary, infrequent, 2. general flow, emanate, arise, emerge, release, discharge,
(genel); synonyms (adj) common, comprehensive, gush, 3. edition; synonyms (n) version, print,
national, universal, broad, commonplace, current, circulation, copy, number, adaptation, rendering,
ecumenical, average, communal, extensive, (n) translation, variation, compilation, run, anthology,
chief, commander, (v) customary, frequent; collection, indiction, installment.
antonyms (adj) narrow, (n) particular. yayınlamak issue (sorun); synonyms (n) aftermath,
yaygınlık 1. penetration; synonyms (n) insight, egress, consequence, effect, event, exit, progeny,
acuteness, discrimination, incursion, entrance, result, (v) flow, emanate, arise, emerge, release,
profundity, perception, sagacity, coition, (v) discharge, gush.
intelligence, discernment, judgment, acupuncture, yaylanma spring (bahar, ilkbahar); synonyms (n)
(adj) acumen, subtlety, 2. prevalence; synonyms jump, leap, bound, fountain, skip, source, dance,
(n) preponderance, domination, advantage, rise, (v) hop, caper, bounce, dive, originate, recoil,
ascendency, ascendancy, frequency, predominance, (adj) elastic.
superiority, excellence, sway, popularity, vogue, yayma 1. emission; synonyms (n) discharge,
commonness, pressure. emanation, effusion, ejection, venting, vent,
yayılma 1. expansion (genleşme); synonyms (n) dismission, 2. spreading; synonyms (adj)
amplification, enlargement, development, scattering, diffusing, contagious, diffusive, (n)
dilatation, dilation, elaboration, growth, stretch, diffusion, dissemination, propagation, dispersion,
distention, evolution, increase, inflation, swelling, circulation, spread, dispersal, extension, scatter,
(v) extension, augmentation; antonyms (n) distribution, airing.
contraction, decrease, reduction, abbreviation, 2. yaymak 1. spread; synonyms (v) scatter, reach,
distribution (dağıtım); synonyms (n) diffusion, disperse, expand, extend, broadcast, circulate,
dispensation, delivery, deal, allotment, diffuse, disseminate, increase, propagate, stretch,
apportionment, arrangement, dispersion, broaden, deploy, (n) span; antonym (adj)
disposition, assignment, dispersal, disposal, concentrated, 2. extend (genişletmek,
division, (v) dissemination, dissipation; antonym (n) uzatmak); synonyms (v) enlarge, amplify, dilate,
concentration, 3. spread (yaymak); synonyms (v) widen, augment, continue, elongate, go, spread,
scatter, reach, disperse, expand, extend, broadcast, carry, develop, offer, contribute, advance, crane;
circulate, diffuse, disseminate, propagate, broaden, antonyms (v) withdraw, shorten, limit, narrow,
deploy, enlarge, dilate, (n) span; antonym (adj) shrink, 3. lay; synonyms (v) place, put, fix, set,
concentrated. deposit, install, lie, rest, invest, bear, allay, arrange,
yayılmak 1. spread (yaymak); synonyms (v) scatter, (adj) secular, (n) ballad, pitch, 4. expand
reach, disperse, expand, extend, broadcast, (büyütmek, genişlemek, genişletmek);
circulate, diffuse, disseminate, increase, propagate, synonyms (v) balloon, distend, aggrandize, inflate,
stretch, broaden, deploy, (n) span; antonym (adj) swell, explicate, bloat, elaborate, grow, open, rise,
concentrated, 2. stretch; synonyms (n) extent, run, unfold, escalate, evolve, (adj) expatiate; antonyms
expanse, extension, range, effort, (v) strain, (v) contract, abbreviate, decrease, deflate, reduce,
elongate, lengthen, prolong, spread, draw, enlarge, summarize, 5. rumour; synonyms (n) hearsay, (v)
distend, pull; antonym (v) shorten. rumor, bruit.
yayımcı 1. publisher; synonyms (n) newspaper, yaz summer; synonyms (n) summertime, beam, joist,
paper, bookseller, press, father, 2. editor lintel, rafter, scaffold, season, skeleton, transom,
(düzenleyici); synonyms (n) redactor, writer, girder, harvest, trave, summertide, vacation.
editioner, journalist. yazar 1. author; synonyms (n) writer, architect,
yayımcılık publishing; synonyms (n) issue, creator, founder, inventor, originator, parent,
publication, announcement, arraignment, producer, father, generator, maker, dramatist, (v)
denunciation, dissemination, proclamation. compose, create, write, 2. writer; synonyms (n)
yayımlamak publish; synonyms (v) declare, author, journalist, poet, penman, commentator,
announce, disclose, circulate, divulge, issue, playwright, correspondent, reporter.
proclaim, communicate, notify, advertise, yazarlık writing; synonyms (n) script, composition,
broadcast, print, promulgate, spread, expose. lettering, print, document, autograph, paper,

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authorship, book, inscription, record, journal, text, equality, equivalence, parallel, parallelism,
style, words. resemblance; antonyms (n) difference, asymmetry,
yazdýr print; synonyms (n) imprint, mark, dissimilarity.
impression, engraving, copy, lettering, picture, yazma 1. write (yazmak); synonyms (v) compose,
facsimile, letterpress, reproduction, (v) impress, indite, pen, correspond, compile, draw, publish,
photograph, issue, engrave, stamp. record, spell, outline, type, construct, create, frame,
yazgı 1. destiny; synonyms (n) fate, chance, fortune, (n) copy, 2. writing; synonyms (n) script,
kismet, luck, destination, lot, portion, weird, composition, lettering, print, document, autograph,
accident, circumstances, (v) doom, 2. fate (kader); paper, authorship, book, inscription, journal, text,
synonyms (n) destiny, fatality, allotment, end, style, words, correspondence.
future, hap, (v) destine, designate, destruction. yazmaç register (kaydetmek); synonyms (n) record,
yazı 1. contribution; synonyms (n) allowance, list, inventory, note, catalogue, book, account, roll,
donation, gift, offering, share, tax, effort, dues, (v) file, enroll, chronicle, enter, indicate, read, show.
endowment, grant, investment, part, participation, yazmak 1. write; synonyms (v) compose, indite, pen,
payment, present, 2. writing; synonyms (n) script, correspond, compile, draw, publish, record, spell,
composition, lettering, print, document, autograph, outline, type, construct, create, frame, (n) copy, 2.
paper, authorship, book, inscription, record, type (tip, tür); synonyms (n) pattern, character,
journal, text, style, words, 3. article; synonyms (n) kind, nature, sort, breed, category, stamp, brand,
section, object, thing, chapter, clause, commodity, emblem, font, form, manner, print, (adj) model, 3.
discourse, entity, essay, feature, report, review, record (dosya, kaydetmek, kayıt, plak);
story, ware, passage. synonyms (n) register, list, account, book, disk,
yazıcı 1. printer; synonyms (n) pressman, document, history, deed, (v) chronicle, file, enter,
typographer, correspondent, newspaperman, note, report, score, inscribe, 4. register
newspaperwoman, newswriter, imprinter, 2. (kaydetmek); synonyms (n) inventory, catalogue,
clerk; synonyms (n) writer, transcriber, accountant, roll, annals, index, listing, registry, (v) enroll,
employee, recorder, salesclerk, bailiff, cashier, (v) indicate, read, show, mark, enlist, catalog, display,
amanuensis, secretary, scribe, scrivener. 5. pen (kalem); synonyms (n) corral, cage,
yazıhane bureau (büro); synonyms (n) agency, ballpoint, enclosure, fold, jail, coop, playpen,
office, authority, chest, department, desk, dresser, prison, (v) enclose, confine, impound, write, inclose,
box. style.
yazık 1. shame (ayıp); synonyms (n) reproach, yazman 1. clerk; synonyms (n) writer, transcriber,
disgrace, discredit, humiliation, chagrin, insult, accountant, employee, recorder, salesclerk, bailiff,
modesty, pity, scandal, contempt, (v) dishonor, cashier, (v) amanuensis, secretary, scribe, scrivener,
degrade, humiliate, abash, debase; antonym (v) 2. secretary (sekreter); synonyms (n) clerk,
honor, 2. pity (acımak); synonyms (n) escritoire, minister, desk, secretaire, factor,
compassion, commiseration, mercy, condolence, repository.
clemency, pathos, remorse, shame, sympathy, yazýcý printer (yazıcı); synonyms (n) pressman,
comfort, feeling, benevolence, (v) commiserate,
typographer, correspondent, newspaperman,
compassionate, sympathize; antonym (n) blame.
newspaperwoman, newswriter, imprinter.
yazılı written; synonyms (adj) scripted, registered, yedek 1. substitute; synonyms (adj) replacement,
clerical, conscript, enrolled, hard-and-fast, literal,
alternative, ersatz, makeshift, (n) deputy, backup,
(n) examination; antonym (adj) spoken. delegate, (v) alternate, shift, change, replace,
yazılım software; synonyms (n) bundle, package, surrogate, exchange, sub, cover, 2. reserve
packet, parcel, ware. (ayırmak); synonyms (n) modesty, reservation,
yazım spelling; synonym (n) orthography. substitute, bank, cache, diffidence, hoard, order, (v)
yazın literature (edebiyat); synonyms (n) learning, keep, save, book, maintain, appropriate, engage,
letters, science, writing, novel, writings, hold; antonyms (n) openness, friendliness,
knowledge, advertisement, art, circular, erudition, informality, warmth, 3. spare; synonyms (adj)
fiction, letterure, pamphlet, text. reserve, slender, excess, slight, additional, lean,
yazısız blank (boş, boşluk); synonyms (adj) bare, slim, thin, bare, (v) free, meager, exempt,
empty, unfilled, clean, vacant, deadpan, dull, economize, excuse, (n) extra.
expressionless, impassive, inexpressive, (n) space, yedi seven; synonyms (n) heptad, septet, ace, eight,
form, emptiness, gap, hiatus; antonyms (adj) jack, king, knave, nine, queen, septette, ten, deuce,
animated, full, expressive. five, four, sevensome.
yazışma correspondence; synonyms (n) conformity, yedirmek feed (beslemek, yemek); synonyms (v)
accord, agreement, communication, connection, eat, dine, nurture, browse, board, diet, encourage,
coincidence, concord, affinity, analogy, congruity,

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500 Turkish - English

nourish, fatten, consume, feast, (n) aliment, food, yemek 1. eat; synonyms (v) devour, consume, bite,
provender, fare; antonym (v) starve. dine, munch, corrode, deplete, drink, feed, finish,
yeğen nephew; synonyms (n) aunt, uncle. gnaw, gobble, gorge, graze, (adj) digest, 2. meal;
yeğlemek 1. prefer; synonyms (v) choose, pick, synonyms (n) food, flour, repast, banquet, spread,
advance, elect, elevate, favor, like, opt, favour, 3. feed (beslemek); synonyms (v) eat, nurture,
promote, select, want, dignify, fancy, desire, 2. browse, board, diet, encourage, nourish, fatten,
choose (seçmek); synonyms (v) adopt, prefer, feast, fertilize, foster, (n) aliment, provender, fare,
appoint, take, assign, decide, determine, draw, fodder; antonym (v) starve, 4. food (besin, gıda,
excerpt, vote, wish, nominate, designate, resolve, yiyecek); synonyms (n) edible, dish, nourishment,
please; antonyms (v) reject, refuse. sustenance, eating, meat, nutriment, nutrition,
yekpare integral (bütün, tümlev); synonyms (adj) pabulum, victual, bread, menu, feeding, foodstuffs,
complete, entire, inherent, full, constitutional, fuel, 5. dinner; synonyms (n) lunch, meal, party,
inbuilt, intact, total, constituent, all, integrant, (v) tiffin, bever, dejeuner, 6. dish; synonyms (n)
organic, perfect, (n) whole, differential. bowl, beauty, disk, plate, platter, saucer, container,
yekun sum (toplam); synonyms (n) total, quantity, dishful, bag, (v) hollow, serve.
entirety, mass, count, measure, join, (v) amount, yemekhane hall (hol); synonyms (n) corridor, foyer,
aggregate, figure, number, add, resume, compute, lobby, mansion, vestibule, auditorium, anteroom,
(adj) all. court, castle, concourse, antechamber, atrium,
yel wind (Rüzgar, sarmak); synonyms (n) air, gust, dorm, dormitory, (v) passage.
(v) coil, twist, curl, meander, turn, bend, curve, yemin oath; synonyms (n) curse, expletive,
twine, blow, crook, entwine, roll, weave. malediction, affidavit, cuss, pledge, promise,
yelken 1. sail; synonyms (n) float, voyage, canvas, swearing, assurance, adjuration, asseveration,
sheet, plane, ship, (v) cruise, navigate, run, glide, blasphemy, agreement, sacrament, swearword.
cross, drift, sweep, travel, fly, 2. cloth (kumaş); yen sleeve; synonyms (n) arm, case, liner, cover, cuff,
synonyms (n) fabric, material, cover, rag, stuff, collar, sheath, skin, socket, wristband, gauntlet,
textile, calling, net, (v) napkin, 3. canvas (tuval); glove, mitten, (v) mesh, net.
synonyms (n) picture, duck, sail, (v) canvass, yenge aunt (hala, teyze); synonyms (n) auntie,
painting, tableau. aunty, uncle, nephew, niece.
yelkencilik sailing; synonyms (adj) nautical, (n) yeni 1. new; synonyms (adj) green, modern, novel,
navigation, departure, glide, gliding, seafaring, original, additional, inexperienced, innovative,
boating, cruise, soaring. raw, recent, strange, unaccustomed,
yelpaze fan (hayran, vantilatör); synonyms (n) unprecedented, young, (adv) fresh, lately; antonyms
admirer, buff, devotee, enthusiast, addict, adherent, (adj) old, familiar, outgoing, second-hand,
afficionado, fiend, follower, advocate, disciple, (v) traditional, used, less, old-fashioned, stale, (adv)
air, winnow, refresh, blow; antonym (n) detractor. past, 2. novel (roman); synonyms (n) fiction,
yelpazelemek fan (hayran, vantilatör, yelpaze); romance, book, narrative, story, tale, (adj) new,
synonyms (n) admirer, buff, devotee, enthusiast, curious, different, newfangled, unfamiliar, unique,
addict, adherent, afficionado, fiend, follower, extraordinary, abnormal, foreign, 3. fresh (taze);
advocate, disciple, (v) air, winnow, refresh, blow; synonyms (adj) bracing, brisk, clean, bright, airy,
antonym (n) detractor. bold, alive, chilly, cool, forward, pure, smart,
yeltenme attempt (yeltenmek); synonyms (n) try, sweet, flippant, fair; antonyms (adj) decayed,
endeavor, assay, effort, essay, offer, trial, attack, exhausted, hot, humid, muggy, musty, off,
assault, adventure, bid, (v) struggle, aim, chance, oppressive, rotten, tired, worn, dry, sweltering, 4.
undertake. young (genç, yavru); synonyms (adj) juvenile,
yeltenmek attempt; synonyms (n) try, endeavor, immature, adolescent, baby, boyish, callow,
assay, effort, essay, offer, trial, attack, assault, childish, early, tender, unripe, youthful, childlike,
adventure, bid, (v) struggle, aim, chance, (n) offspring, progeny, issue; antonyms (adj) mature,
undertake. adult, (n) aged, 5. hot (sıcak); synonyms (adj)
yem 1. food (besin, gıda, yiyecek); synonyms (n) warm, ardent, boiling, burning, feverish, fiery,
board, edible, fare, aliment, diet, dish, flaming, blistering, eager, enthusiastic, fast,
nourishment, sustenance, eating, fodder, meat, peppery, pungent, spicy, angry; antonyms (adj)
nurture, nutriment, nutrition, pabulum, 2. feed mild, cold, freezing, bland, 6. newly; synonyms
(beslemek, yemek); synonyms (v) eat, dine, (adv) recently, freshly, late, anew, again, latterly, (adj)
browse, encourage, nourish, fatten, consume, feast, afresh, 7. recent; synonyms (adj) latest,
fertilize, foster, grub, nurse, (n) food, provender, contemporary, current, last, latter, final, immediate,
meal; antonym (v) starve. present.

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Turkish - English 501

yeniden 1. again (bir daha, gene, tekrar, yine); obtain, recover, secure, win, beat, defeat, keep,
synonyms (adv) afresh, more, anew, encore, succeed.
repeatedly, then, also, further, often, 2. re; yenmek 1. master (ana, baş); synonyms (n) captain,
synonyms (prep) about, concerning, regarding, on, instructor, head, boss, leader, gentleman, (v)
(n) ray, beam, radium, rhenium, shaft. conquer, control, command, defeat, dominate, (adj)
yenileme 1. replacement; synonyms (n) exchange, chief, original, ace, expert, 2. defeat; synonyms (n)
substitute, alternate, deputy, renewal, substitution, frustration, ruin, beating, (v) crush, overcome, beat,
surrogate, reinstatement, permutation, abolish, baffle, foil, overpower, repulse, rout,
rehabilitation, relief, return, successor, switch, (v) subdue, surmount, (adj) rebuff; antonyms (n)
makeshift, 2. restoration; synonyms (n) victory, success, win, (v) lose, surrender, 3. beat;
restitution, renovation, restore, revival, regaining, synonyms (v) batter, flap, pulsate, throb, tick,
repair, rejuvenation, recession, recuperation, trounce, whip, bat, baste, break, (n) pulse, thump,
reform, regeneration, comeback, improvement, (v) knock, round, cadence.
amends, reparation; antonyms (n) confiscation, yer 1. earth (dünya, toprak, yeryüzü); synonyms
reduction, 3. renewal; synonyms (n) renaissance, (n) dirt, world, dust, ground, land, clay, lair,
rebirth, reclamation, restoration, innovation, creation, ball, country, den, globe, hole, nature, orb,
refurbishment, rebuilding, reconstruction, 2. location (Konum); synonyms (n) localization,
recovery, reformation, repetition, replacement, orientation, position, berth, emplacement, fix, lieu,
replenishment, resurgence, revitalization. locale, locating, scene, setting, attitude, bearing,
yenilenme regeneration; synonyms (n) revival, address, place, 3. ground (toprak, zemin);
rebirth, sanctification, renaissance, resurgence, synonyms (n) base, cause, floor, reason, field, soil,
revitalization, conversion, inspiration, (adj) account, basis, footing, foundation, (v) bottom,
adoption, beatification. found, establish, rest, build; antonym (n) ceiling, 4.
yenilgi 1. defeat; synonyms (n) frustration, ruin, place; synonyms (n) domicile, office, order, spot,
beating, (v) crush, overcome, beat, conquer, abolish, job, location, (v) post, arrange, lay, locate, rank,
baffle, foil, overpower, repulse, rout, subdue, (adj) station, deposit, install, pitch; antonym (v) remove,
rebuff; antonyms (n) victory, success, win, (v) lose, 5. space (alan, aralık, uzay); synonyms (n)
surrender, 2. beating; synonyms (n) reverse, length, gap, opening, period, scope, void, margin,
defeat, thrashing, whipping, battery, battering, distance, emptiness, extent, interval, latitude,
debacle, drubbing, hammering, pounding, range, room, volume, 6. seat (koltuk); synonyms
pulsation, pulse, throbbing, thumping, (adj) pulsing, (n) bench, backside, behind, buttocks, chair,
3. reverse (ters); synonyms (adj) opposite, posterior, rear, rump, residence, home, bed, can, (v)
converse, inverse, (v) annul, repeal, rescind, put, contain, hold, 7. locality; synonyms (n) area,
countermand, overturn, revoke, rear, nullify, district, neighborhood, quarter, vicinity, point,
cancel, invert, overrule, (n) contrary; antonym (n) region, section, environs, habitat, territory,
front. neighbourhood, site, situation, zone, 8. position
yenilik 1. innovation; synonyms (n) change, (konum); synonyms (n) condition, employment,
alteration, invention, mutation, novelty, variation, opinion, placement, set, arrangement, posture,
creation, reform, improvement, vicissitude, stance, stand, status, case, disposition, belief, (v)
conception, conversion, design, excogitation, grade, pose, 9. room (oda); synonyms (n)
feature, 2. novelty; synonyms (n) innovation, chamber, occasion, apartment, hall, house,
freshness, newness, trinket, curiosity, oddity, opportunity, expanse, flat, cabin, leeway, space,
originality, bangle, bauble, difference, fallal, gaud, lodging, possibility, (v) board, abide, 10. where
gewgaw, knickknack, (adj) news, 3. change (nerede, nereye); synonyms (adv) there, here,
(değişiklik, değiştirmek); synonyms (n) shift, wherever, whither, anywhere, wherein, anyplace,
barter, modification, move, (v) exchange, alter, whereas, somewhere, everyplace, someplace, (conj)
adapt, alternate, cash, convert, switch, transpose, but, while, (pron) everywhere, whether, 11. spot
turn, twist, affect; antonyms (v) stay, leave, idle, (benek, leke, nokta); synonyms (n) blot, speck,
maintain, 4. departure; synonyms (n) death, exit, stain, dot, dapple, dirty, mark, (v) blemish, fleck,
depart, deviation, divergence, parting, aberration, speckle, daub, flaw, mottle, freckle, blur, 12. floor
digression, going, leaving, passing, takeoff, (taban, zemin); synonyms (n) level, layer,
withdrawal, (v) decease, demise; antonyms (n) flooring, platform, apron, (v) deck, dump, fell,
arrival, appearance. prostrate, stun, baffle, mystify, bewilder, puzzle,
yenilmek lose (kaybetmek); synonyms (v) drop, (adj) drub; antonym (n) top, 13. situation;
forfeit, mislay, sacrifice, fail, clear, hurt, regress, synonyms (n) matter, circumstance, circumstances,
retrogress, destroy, misplace, recede, suffer, waste, seat, aspect, environment, state, function, form,
escape; antonyms (v) gain, find, acquire, earn, get, context, estate, pass, predicament, billet, event, 14.

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502 Turkish - English

slot; synonyms (n) groove, notch, aperture, cut, hollow, (v) gush; antonyms (adv) ill, badly, poorly,
split, class, nick, partition, track, compartment, (adj) sick, unwell, dying, nauseous.
group, label, (v) slit, 15. station (durak, yerleşik 1. settled; synonyms (adj) definite, fixed, set,
istasyon); synonyms (n) standing, depot, dignity, firm, permanent, calm, certain, decided,
appointment, sphere, degree, garrison, department, established, defined, formed, confirmed, finished,
fort, lookout, stage, (v) localize, lodge, park, situate, sedate, standing; antonym (adj) uninhabited, 2.
16. stand (ayakta durmak, durmak); resident; synonyms (adj) native, inmate, local,
synonyms (v) endure, stall, undergo, live, suffer, nonmigratory, (n) inhabitant, occupant, dweller,
tolerate, prop, erect, accept, bear, brook, continue, tenant, citizen, lodger, occupier, representative, (v)
(n) booth, rack, pedestal; antonyms (v) sit, lie, 17. resiant; antonyms (adj) migratory, (n) landlord,
site; synonyms (n) locality, settle, (v) invest. drifter.
yeraltı underground; synonyms (adj) clandestine, yerleşim layout; synonyms (n) arrangement,
secret, covert, hidden, undercover, surreptitious, composition, design, plan, array, order, outline,
furtive, stealthy, belowground, guerilla, (n) metro, scheme, display.
subway, tube, (v) buried, underhand. yerleşme 1. settling; synonyms (adj) conclusive,
yerçekimi gravity; synonyms (n) earnestness, deciding, definitive, determining, rescriptive, (n)
solemnity, graveness, gravitation, seriousness, sedimentation, settlement, subsidence, defecation,
significance, weight, sedateness, austerity, colonization, definition, remission, remittal, sag,
importance, moment, staidness, gloominess, subsiding, 2. settlement; synonyms (n) decision,
sobriety, (v) poise; antonyms (n) flippancy, accommodation, colony, hamlet, payment,
insignificance, lightheartedness. arrangement, conclusion, resolution,
yerel 1. local; synonyms (adj) native, sectional, topical, determination, contract, adjustment, agreement,
home, indigenous, municipal, nearby, civic, establishment, liquidation, village.
limited, internal, national, parochial, provincial, yerleşmek settle; synonyms (v) fix, place, clarify,
restricted, (n) resident; antonyms (adj) foreign, establish, pay, regulate, resolve, set, adjudicate,
universal, worldwide, 2. native; synonyms (adj) adjust, agree, conclude, decide, determine, (adj)
inborn, inherent, innate, natural, congenital, confirm.
domestic, inbred, autochthonous, connatural, yerleştirme placement; synonyms (n) disposition,
genuine, (n) aboriginal, autochthon, citizen, arrangement, emplacement, locating, location,
inhabitant, indigene; antonyms (adj) learned, (n) position, order, place, positioning.
stranger, immigrant, imported. yerleştirmek 1. fix; synonyms (v) establish, assign,
yerinde 1. suitable (uygun); synonyms (adj) determine, fasten, settle, define, anchor, adjust,
appropriate, fit, good, apt, proper, right, arrange, set, clamp, (n) bind, (adj) ascertain, confirm,
convenient, eligible, apposite, correct, desirable, attach; antonyms (v) break, unfasten, 2. locate;
fitting, pertinent, due, (v) becoming; antonyms (adj) synonyms (v) base, lay, discover, find, localize,
inappropriate, unsuitable, wrong, improper, 2. situate, fix, deposit, identify, install, position, post,
good (iyi); synonyms (adj) able, benefit, delicious, unearth, localise, (n) place, 3. establish; synonyms
efficient, capable, excellent, fine, nice, superior, (v) erect, prove, appoint, build, constitute,
well, advantageous, agreeable, (n) benign, demonstrate, create, found, institute, begin, certify,
advantage, gain; antonyms (adj) disobedient, poor, compose, construct, corroborate, decide; antonyms
wicked, unpleasant, (n) evil, bad, 3. apt (uygun); (v) disprove, abolish, terminate, 4. put (koymak);
synonyms (adj) adroit, apropos, intelligent, synonyms (v) impose, couch, locate, pose, charge,
adequate, dexterous, ready, smart, clever, deft, pitch, commit, express, make, plant, aim, cast,
disposed, expert, happy, just, liable, likely, 4. frame, order, (n) invest, 5. settle; synonyms (v)
becoming; synonyms (v) meet, (adj) seemly, decent, clarify, pay, regulate, resolve, adjudicate, agree,
conclude, drop, explain, fall, reconcile, subside,
decorous, befitting, relevant, comely, suitable,
handsome, attractive, congruous, graceful, modest, accommodate, negotiate, sit, 6. place (yer);
respectable; antonym (adj) unbecoming, 5. synonyms (n) domicile, office, spot, attitude, job,
location, situation, circumstance, center, abode,
appropriate (ayırmak, kendine mal etmek,
berth, (v) rank, station, put, lie; antonym (v)
uygun); synonyms (adj) true, particular, peculiar,
remove, 7. seat (koltuk, yer); synonyms (n)
special, applicable, (v) annex, allocate, adopt, seize,
bench, backside, behind, bottom, buttocks, chair,
apply, allot, allow, assign, assume, capture;
posterior, rear, rump, residence, foundation, home,
antonyms (adj) unrelated, untimely, (v) surrender, 6.
bed, (v) contain, hold, 8. accommodate;
well (iyi); synonyms (adv) easily, thoroughly, synonyms (v) adapt, fit, oblige, fashion, lodge,
considerably, fully, correctly, amply, (adj) healthy, provide, quarter, supply, harmonise, admit,
shaft, sound, robust, (n) fountain, spring, pit, conciliate, conform, furnish, gratify, (adj) suit;

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antonym (v) evict, 9. dispose; synonyms (v) yeryüzü 1. earth (dünya, toprak, yer); synonyms
incline, predispose, discard, lead, range, tend, (n) dirt, world, dust, ground, land, clay, lair,
classify, direct, organize, condition, contribute, (n) creation, ball, country, den, globe, hole, nature, orb,
array, bias, influence, command; antonym (v) 2. ground (toprak, yer, zemin); synonyms (n)
indispose, 10. lay; synonyms (v) rest, bear, allay, base, cause, floor, reason, field, soil, account, basis,
bet, impute, repose, wager, (adj) secular, calm, laic, footing, foundation, (v) bottom, found, establish,
worldly, (n) ballad, song, canticle, canzonet, 11. fix, rest; antonym (n) ceiling.
install (kurmak); synonyms (v) inaugurate, yeşil green; synonyms (adj) fresh, callow, immature,
crown, induct, instal, seat, assemble, initiate, emerald, jealous, raw, young, youthful, crude,
instate, introduce, mount; antonym (v) overthrow, envious, grassy, gullible, inexperienced, juvenile,
12. spot (benek, leke, nokta); synonyms (n) blot, (n) lawn; antonym (adj) experienced.
speck, stain, dot, dapple, dirty, mark, space, (v) yetenek 1. capability; synonyms (n) capacity, ability,
blemish, soil, fleck, speckle, daub, flaw, mottle, 13. aptitude, capableness, competence, faculty, gift,
quarter (çeyrek); synonyms (n) area, part, district, potency, potential, power, qualification, talent,
division, mercy, neighborhood, region, direction, aptness, efficiency, endowment; antonyms (n)
portion, quart, fourth, (v) line, billet, canton, divide, inability, failure, incapability, 2. ability; synonyms
14. set (ayarlamak, grup, set, takım); (n) hand, cleverness, dexterity, accomplishment,
synonyms (v) congeal, posit, decline, (n) class, bent, bent, capability, competency, expertise, flair,
circle, lot, party, batch, battery, company, (adj) genius, knowledge, might, skill, intelligence,
fixed, fast, secure, ready; antonyms (v) soften, adroitness; antonym (n) injury, 3. competence;
liquefy, melt, (n) combing, comb-out, (adj) variable, synonyms (n) adequacy, sufficiency, fitness, craft,
flexible, liquid, 15. post (posta); synonyms (n) facility, knack, enough, (adj) proficiency; antonym
function, pillar, stake, column, employment, (n) incompetence, 4. faculty; synonyms (n) staff,
appointment, assignment, beam, prop, support, (v) expertness, profession, turn, vocation, calling,
mail, enter, send, bill, hasten, 16. position cloth, sense, (adj) ingenuity, parts, talents, 5. talent;
(konum); synonyms (n) opinion, placement, synonyms (n) prowess, forte, quality, (v) donation,
arrangement, bearing, posture, stance, stand, present, 6. power (güç, iktidar); synonyms (n)
status, case, disposition, belief, character, force, authority, control, energy, agency,
circumstances, (v) grade, point. domination, intensity, strength, effectiveness,
yerli 1. domestic; synonyms (adj) home, tame, civil, effect, command, jurisdiction, (v) influence,
familiar, household, internal, native, domesticated, dominion, efficacy; antonyms (n) powerlessness,
family, indigenous, indoor, inland, (n) homely, helplessness, weakness, 7. fitness; synonyms (n)
maid, servant; antonyms (adj) foreign, wild, appropriateness, propriety, correspondence,
external, 2. indigenous; synonyms (adj) convenience, correctness, fittingness, health,
congruity, appositeness, consistency, expediency,
aboriginal, autochthonous, domestic, endemic,
vernacular, congenital, inherent, innate, opportunity, harmony; antonyms (n) unsuitability,
autochthonal, autochthonic, 3. native; synonyms unfitness, 8. capacity (kapasite); synonyms (n)
(adj) inborn, natural, inbred, connatural, genuine, capacitance, function, dimension, content, measure,
intrinsic, natal, pure, radical, (n) autochthon, position, quantity, reach, size, job, magnitude,
citizen, inhabitant, indigene, local, resident; scope, area, compass, comprehension, 9. gift
antonyms (adj) learned, (n) stranger, immigrant, (armağan, hediye); synonyms (n) award, dower,
imported, 4. local (yerel); synonyms (adj) charity, contribution, dowry, grant, benefaction,
sectional, topical, municipal, nearby, civic, limited, bonus, (v) boon, bestow, donate, endow, allowance,
national, parochial, provincial, restricted; (adj) bounty, generosity.

antonyms (adj) universal, worldwide. yetenekli 1. competent; synonyms (adj) able, capable,
yersiz 1. unhappy (mutsuz); synonyms (adj) adequate, clever, effective, efficient, fit, sufficient,
commensurate, accomplished, adept, appropriate,
unfortunate, depressed, dismal, gloomy,
melancholy, sad, disconsolate, distressed, enough, experienced, good; antonyms (adj)
infelicitous, low, miserable, sorrowful, incompetent, useless, inept, 2. intelligent (akıllı);
disappointed, downcast, mournful; antonyms (adj) synonyms (adj) alert, astute, bright, intellectual,
happy, cheerful, pleased, satisfied, 2. irrelevant; quick-witted, rational, sensible, cunning, brilliant,
canny, gifted, knowing, knowledgeable, quick,
synonyms (adj) inappropriate, extraneous,
inapplicable, insignificant, impertinent, inapposite, smart; antonyms (adj) unintelligent, dim, dull-
inconsequential, trivial, unimportant, unrelated, witted, thick, slow, stupid, 3. able; synonyms (adj)
unsuitable, petty, minor, pointless, trifling; competent, dexterous, adroit, consummate, expert,
antonyms (adj) relevant, admissible. ingenious, endowed, apt, cute, deft, handy, potent,
powerful, professional, (n) talented; antonyms (adj)

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504 Turkish - English

incapable, unable, untrained, weak, 4. talented; yetersizlik 1. disability; synonyms (n) handicap,
synonyms (adj) proficient, versatile, promising, inability, disablement, disqualification, drawback,
intelligent, skilled, artistic, felicitous, qualified, impairment, incapacity, disadvantage, damage,
skillful. deadening, deterioration, deterrent, detriment,
yeteneksiz incapable; synonyms (adj) impotent, illness, trouble, 2. deficiency (eksiklik);
incompetent, inadequate, unable, helpless, synonyms (n) defect, dearth, want, absence, deficit,
powerless, inept, insufficient, unqualified, failing, inadequacy, lack, scarcity, shortcoming,
ineffectual, inefficient, unfit, weak; antonyms (adj) failure, famine, fault, (adj) blemish, imperfection;
capable, able. antonyms (n) excess, sufficiency.
yeter enough; synonyms (adv) rather, plenty, amply, yeti faculty; synonyms (n) capacity, aptitude,
adequately, satisfaction, fairly, fully, (n) adequacy, capability, endowment, bent, facility, power, staff,
fill, sufficiency, (adj) ample, sufficient, adequate, flair, efficiency, aptness, (adj) ability, cleverness,
competent, decent; antonym (adj) inadequate. talent, (v) gift; antonym (n) inability.
yeterli 1. adequate; synonyms (adj) sufficient, yetişkin adult; synonyms (adj) big, full-grown,
acceptable, enough, right, condign, effectual, mature, elder, developed, grown, older, ripe,
passable, satisfactory, agreeable, competent, responsible, (n) grownup; antonyms (adj) immature,
decent, equal, fair, fit, full; antonyms (adj) teenage, (n) adolescent, child, juvenile, teenager,
inadequate, insufficient, unsatisfactory, 2. ample infant.
(bol); synonyms (adj) abundant, big, broad, yetişmek 1. reach (ulaşmak, uzatmak); synonyms
copious, large, plentiful, affluent, considerable, (v) range, overtake, obtain, achieve, attain, extend,
heavy, liberal, rich, roomy, sizable, spacious, get, make, pass, accomplish, (n) fetch, compass,
voluminous; antonyms (adj) small, meager, scarce, stretch, extent, gain, 2. catch (yakalamak);
3. sufficient; synonyms (adj) adequate, synonyms (v) arrest, capture, hook, apprehend,
commensurate, proper, good, ample, plenty, due, acquire, ensnare, intercept, (n) haul, hitch, trick,
comfortable, suitable, respectable, tolerable, 4. bolt, clasp, grab, pawl, snap; antonym (v) release.
satisfactory; synonyms (adj) presentable, pleasing, yetiştirme 1. growing; synonyms (adj) flourishing,
pleasant, reasonable, well, average; antonym (adj) rising, thriving, blossoming, progressive, swelling,
adolescent, budding, burgeoning, cumulative,
enlarging, (n) development, developing, growth,
yeterlik qualification; synonyms (n) condition, (adv) increasing; antonyms (adj) deteriorating,
capability, competence, fitness, limitation,
dwindling, 2. culture (kültür); synonyms (n)
preparation, prerequisite, provision, degree, ability,
civilization, breeding, cultivation, acculturation,
alteration, modification, (adj) faculty, endowment,
education, learning, tillage, erudition, courtesy,
enlightenment, farming, instruction, refinement,
yetersiz 1. inadequate; synonyms (adj) insufficient, agriculture, civilisation.
faulty, defective, deficient, flimsy, poor, feeble,
yetiştirmek 1. raise (toplamak, yükseltmek);
imperfect, inappropriate, incapable, incompetent,
synonyms (v) boost, lift, erect, hoist, increase, build,
ineffective, short, improper, impotent; antonyms
elevate, enhance, foster, grow, promote, prefer,
(adj) adequate, ample, enough, passable, competent,
augment, cultivate, (n) advance; antonym (v) lower,
reasonable, strong, 2. insufficient; synonyms (adj)
2. coach; synonyms (n) trainer, tutor, instructor,
inadequate, scanty, limited, meager, small,
teacher, autobus, bus, carriage, charabanc,
unsatisfactory, few, incommensurate, inefficient,
stagecoach, cart, (v) train, educate, groom, instruct,
lacking, scant, sketchy, skimpy, slender, thin;
(adj) prime, 3. breed; synonyms (n) kind, race,
antonyms (adj) sufficient, plentiful, 3. inefficient;
variety, ancestry, sort, order, class, genus, (v)
synonyms (adj) ineffectual, inefficacious, futile,
engender, beget, multiply, bear, brood, cause,
inactive, inept, unable, unfit, useless, lame;
hatch, 4. rear; synonyms (adj) back, after, (n)
antonym (adj) efficient, 4. slim (zayıflamak); posterior, tail, backside, behind, bottom, buttocks,
synonyms (adj) narrow, slight, lean, remote, fine, poop, can, (v) breed, nurture, raise, nurse, edify;
skinny, lithe, light, frail, spare, taper, (v) reduce,
antonyms (adj) fore, (n) front, 5. train (tren);
slenderize, cut, sly; antonyms (adj) fat, heavy, hefty,
synonyms (n) chain, string, form, (v) aim, coach,
plump, stocky, wide, 5. short (bodur, kısa); direct, exercise, trail, tame, discipline, drill,
synonyms (adj) brief, concise, scarce, brusque, close, prepare, school, domesticate, practice, 6. school
curt, sharp, compendious, laconic, abrupt,
(okul); synonyms (n) academy, sect, college, herd,
diminutive, pithy, blunt, (adv) abruptly, (v) compact;
shoal, swarm, denomination, institution,
antonyms (adj) long, tall, high, lengthy, 6. slender; schoolhouse, schooling, (v) teach, indoctrinate,
synonyms (adj) little, delicate, faint, gaunt, lissom, civilise, civilize, (adj) educational.
slim, exiguous, minute, graceful, lissome, svelte,
tenuous, trim, refined, (v) lank.

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Turkish - English 505

yetke authority (yetki); synonyms (n) ascendancy, amount, (v) flock, 2. bulk (hacim); synonyms (n)
command, sanction, administration, authorization, mass, size, volume, capacity, body, dimension,
dominance, domination, hold, judge, power, extent, quantity, thickness, scale, immensity,
professional, rule, warrant, lordship, agency. bigness, (v) bulge, pouch, protrude; antonym (n)
yetki 1. authority; synonyms (n) ascendancy, minority, 3. stack (yığmak); synonyms (n)
command, sanction, administration, authorization, mound, rick, bundle, hill, mountain, shock, hoard,
dominance, domination, hold, judge, power, haystack, batch, chimney, sheaf, (v) load, lot, pack,
professional, rule, warrant, lordship, agency, 2. store, 4. batch; synonyms (n) band, battery, charge,
command (komut, kumanda); synonyms (n) group, set, suite, consignment, clutch, stack, stock,
control, instruction, behest, bidding, decree, wad, 5. lump; synonyms (n) chunk, knot, clod,
direction, authority, claim, demand, (v) charge, hunk, tumor, bit, clump, fragment, knob, lummox,
order, call, commission, direct, bid; antonym (v) piece, nub, intumescence, (v) clot, (adj) lout, 6.
request, 3. competence; synonyms (n) capacity, collection (koleksiyon, toplama); synonyms (n)
adequacy, ability, capability, efficiency, sufficiency, assembly, assortment, gathering, compilation,
aptitude, expertise, fitness, skill, talent, variety, aggregation, assembling, collecting,
competency, craft, dexterity, (adj) proficiency; congregation, corpus, library, parcel, range, series,
antonyms (n) incompetence, inability, 4. (v) assemblage, 7. crowd; synonyms (n) huddle,
clearance; synonyms (n) clearing, clearage, swarm, crew, press, circle, army, concourse, gang,
disposal, headroom, settlement, acquittance, herd, mob, audience, (v) squeeze, compress, cram,
license, permit, room, acquittal; antonyms (n) jam; antonym (v) disperse, 8. pile (hav, tüy);
blockage, retention, 5. power (güç, iktidar); synonyms (n) congeries, nap, multitude, fortune,
edifice, down, fur, mint, spile, building, cumulus,
synonyms (n) force, potency, energy, intensity,
strength, effectiveness, effect, gift, jurisdiction, (v) accumulate, amass, throng, cock, 9. hill (tepe);
mightiness, (v) influence, might, dominion, faculty, synonyms (n) height, bank, gradient, ascent,
efficacy; antonyms (n) powerlessness, helplessness, elevation, acclivity, embankment, grade, hillock,
knoll, rise, slope, hammock, (v) declivity, dip;
antonym (n) vale, 10. heap; synonyms (n) deal,
yetkili 1. authoritative; synonyms (adj) official,
peck, plenty, pot, raft, sight, slew, stockpile, bus,
absolute, authoritarian, authorized, commanding,
imperious, influential, magistral, powerful, jalopy, (v) collect, gather, arrange, fill, lavish, 11.
authorised, certain, definitive, dictatorial, (n) flock (sürü); synonyms (n) bevy, covey, horde,
authentic, (v) departmental; antonym (adj) informal, troop, cloud, drove, shoal, rabble, legion, brood, (v)
2. competent; synonyms (adj) able, capable, assemble, congregate, flood, surge, meet, 12. bank
adequate, clever, effective, efficient, fit, sufficient, (banka); synonyms (n) dam, coast, limit, bluff,
commensurate, accomplished, adept, appropriate, riverside, inclination, exchequer, verge, bench,
enough, experienced, good; antonyms (adj) border, camber, cant, depository, (v) deposit, rely;
incompetent, useless, inept. antonym (v) withdraw, 13. volume (cilt, hacim,
yetkililer authorities; synonyms (n) government, oylum); synonyms (n) book, intensity, loudness,
regime, establishment, governance, governing, tome, journal, content, strength, contents,
politics, regimen. dimensions, measure, space, work, writing, (adj)
yetmek cover (örtmek); synonyms (v) coat, conceal, power; antonym (n) quietness, 14. wilderness;
top, bury, cloak, (n) blind, blanket, screen, binding, synonyms (n) desert, wild, wasteland, solitude,
camouflage, cap, covering, lid, mask, shield; wildness, (v) waste.
antonyms (v) reveal, expose, uncover. yiğit 1. brave (cesur); synonyms (adj) adventurous,
yetmezlik failure (bozukluk); synonyms (n) bold, audacious, courageous, endure, fearless,
hardy, intrepid, valiant, virile, confident, daring,
bankruptcy, failing, breakdown, decline,
deficiency, debacle, defeat, disappointment, dauntless, (v) defy, confront; antonyms (adj)
disaster, downfall, error, loser, loss, abortion, cowardly, frightened, gutless, pathetic, (n) timid, 2.
default; antonyms (n) success, achievement, hit, hero (kahraman); synonyms (n) champion,
winner, victory, achiever, attainment, capability, character, leader, protector, worthy, protagonist,
growth. warrior, bomber, celebrity, combatant, conqueror,
yığılmak drift (sapma, sürüklenme); synonyms (n) defender, fighter.
stream, current, course, tendency, tone, bearing, yiğitlik exploit; synonyms (v) act, exercise, apply,
design, gist, (v) aim, blow, float, ramble, cast, glide, employ, use, abuse, harness, (n) deed, achievement,
(adj) flow. feat, accomplishment, action, adventure, effort,
yığın 1. mass; synonyms (adj) block, (n) bulk, heap, performance.
crowd, cluster, pile, bunch, collection, lump, yığma accumulation; synonyms (n) store, stock,
magnitude, majority, accumulation, aggregate, accretion, mass, accrual, accruement, batch, hoard,

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506 Turkish - English

pile, reserve, deposit, addition, aggregation, diminish, dwindle, sink, alight, (n) drop, descent,
assemblage, (v) gain; antonym (n) shortage. downfall, plunge, pitch; antonyms (v) rise, increase,
yığmak 1. stack (yığın); synonyms (n) pile, ascend, climb, triumph, win, (n) ascent.
accumulation, mound, rick, mass, bunch, bundle, yıkılmak 1. fall (düşmek, sonbahar); synonyms (v)
hill, mountain, shock, (v) heap, load, lot, pack, decline, dip, decrease, descend, dive, rain,
store, 2. pile (hav, tüy); synonyms (n) stack, diminish, dwindle, sink, alight, (n) drop, descent,
congeries, collection, hoard, jam, nap, wad, lump, downfall, plunge, pitch; antonyms (v) rise, increase,
multitude, fortune, edifice, (v) accumulate, amass, ascend, climb, triumph, win, (n) ascent, 2.
crowd, throng, 3. mass (yığın); synonyms (adj) collapse; synonyms (n) crash, breakdown, fall,
block, (n) bulk, cluster, magnitude, majority, subsidence, bust, debacle, (v) break, slump, buckle,
aggregate, amount, assembly, body, knot, volume, crack, crumble, crumple, faint, flop, burst.
(v) flock, assemble, congregate, swarm, 4. drift
yıkım 1. disaster; synonyms (n) calamity,
(sapma, sürüklenme); synonyms (n) stream, catastrophe, accident, adversity, blow, casualty,
current, course, tendency, tone, bearing, design, cataclysm, debacle, destruction, fiasco,
gist, (v) aim, blow, float, ramble, cast, glide, (adj) misadventure, misfortune, affliction, curse, bane;
flow, 5. heap; synonyms (n) group, gathering,
antonyms (n) success, blessing, joy, 2. death
batch, mint, aggregation, assemblage, cumulus,
(ölüm); synonyms (n) demise, end, expiration,
deal, peck, plenty, (v) bank, collect, gather, arrange,
close, exit, cessation, decease, departure,
fill, 6. lump; synonyms (n) chunk, clod, hunk,
dissolution, doom, dying, fate, loss, mortality,
tumor, bit, bulge, clump, fragment, knob, lummox,
passing; antonyms (n) birth, existence, delivery.
piece, nub, intumescence, (v) clot, (adj) lout.
yıkıntı debris; synonyms (n) detritus, junk, refuse,
yıkama 1. wash (yıkamak); synonyms (v) rinse,
rubbish, trash, waste, garbage, wreck, muck,
paint, bathe, clean, lave, moisten, mop, scour,
remains, ruins, scrap, litter, (adj) rubble.
scrub, color, tint, lap, (n) soak, ablution, washing;
yıkma destruction; synonyms (n) death, collapse,
antonym (v) dirty, 2. washing; synonyms (n)
ruin, abolition, damage, demolition, desolation,
laundry, wash, laundering, lavation, cleaning,
devastation, downfall, end, bane, depredation,
purification, airstream, backwash, bucking, race,
disaster, (v) defeat, doom; antonyms (n)
slipstream, washables, (adj) cleansing, clysmic.
construction, creation, preservation, protection,
yıkamak 1. wash; synonyms (v) rinse, paint, bathe, conservation, formation, reparation.
clean, lave, moisten, mop, scour, scrub, color, tint,
yıkmak 1. destroy; synonyms (v) break, demolish,
lap, (n) soak, ablution, washing; antonym (v) dirty,
blight, despoil, annihilate, blast, crush, dash,
2. bath (banyo); synonyms (n) wash, bathroom, destruct, devastate, devour, dismantle, (adj)
tank, bathtub, dip, tub, (v) immersion, affusion, desolate, abolish, consume; antonyms (v) build,
preserve, create, make, 2. blast; synonyms (n)
yıkanma 1. wash (yıkamak); synonyms (v) rinse, bang, slam, burst, gust, (v) attack, blare, bomb,
paint, bathe, clean, lave, moisten, mop, scour, boom, detonate, roar, smash, blow, bombard, (adj)
scrub, color, tint, lap, (n) soak, ablution, washing; discharge, explosion, 3. level (düzey); synonyms
antonym (v) dirty, 2. bath (banyo); synonyms (n) (n) grade, degree, category, class, (adj) even, equal,
wash, bathroom, tank, bathtub, dip, tub, (v) horizontal, (v) flat, flatten, floor, aim, destroy, raze,
immersion, affusion, balneation, 3. washing; bulldoze, balance; antonyms (adj) inclined, slanting,
synonyms (n) laundry, laundering, lavation, angled, unequal, (v) uneven, raise.
cleaning, purification, airstream, backwash, Yıl year (sene); synonyms (n) twelvemonth, day, age,
bucking, race, slipstream, washables, (adj) cleansing,
time, yr, class, hour, minute, month, quarter,
second, week.
yıkanmak bath (banyo); synonyms (n) wash, yılan snake; synonyms (n) ophidian, serpent, hydra,
bathroom, tank, bathtub, dip, tub, (v) bathe,
(v) meander, wind, twist, coil, creep, curl, sneak,
immersion, affusion, balneation, clean.
yıkıcı destructive; synonyms (adj) baneful, deadly, yıldırım 1. lightning; synonyms (n) bolt, levin, bolter,
hurtful, malign, baleful, evil, fatal, harmful,
dart, fetter, enlightenment, quarrel, shackle, (v)
injurious, mischievous, noxious, pernicious,
lightening, luminary, (adj) wind, 2. bolt; synonyms
deleterious, calamitous, negative; antonyms (adj)
(n) arrow, dash, pin, catch, (v) bar, abscond, gobble,
harmless, constructive, creative. latch, lock, escape, decamp, devour, fasten, gulp,
yıkılma 1. collapse; synonyms (n) crash, breakdown, (adv) bang; antonyms (v) nibble, unbolt, unlock.
fall, subsidence, bust, debacle, (v) break, slump, yıldırmak cow (inek); synonyms (v) bully,
buckle, crack, crumble, crumple, faint, flop, burst, intimidate, awe, browbeat, daunt, terrorize,
2. fall (düşmek, sonbahar); synonyms (v) discourage, frighten, overawe, threaten, abash.
decline, dip, decrease, descend, dive, rain,

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yıldız star; synonyms (n) asterisk, celebrity, ace, yiyecek 1. food (besin, gıda); synonyms (n) board,
principal, headliner, leading, luminary, personality, edible, fare, aliment, diet, dish, nourishment,
champion, idol, lead, world, bigwig, (adj) asteriated, sustenance, eating, fodder, meat, nurture,
(v) feature; antonym (n) nobody. nutriment, nutrition, pabulum, 2. fare; synonyms
yıldönümü anniversary; synonyms (n) birthday, (n) food, table, charge, menu, victuals, provisions,
celebration, festival, holiday, anniverse, milestone, rations, schedule, (v) do, come, eat, go, feed,
ceremony, feast, festivity, recurrence, (adj) annual. journey, live, 3. keep (tutmak); synonyms (v)
yıllık annual; synonyms (adj) yearly, annuary, (n) hold, preserve, retain, defend, continue, guard,
almanac, yearbook, ephemeris, magazine. have, maintain, celebrate, confine, conserve,
observe, reserve, save, commemorate; antonyms (v)
yine again (bir daha, gene, tekrar, yeniden);
synonyms (adv) afresh, more, anew, encore, dump, lose, 4. feed (beslemek, yemek);
repeatedly, then, also, further, often. synonyms (v) dine, browse, encourage, nourish,
fatten, consume, feast, fertilize, foster, grub, nurse,
Yinele repeat (tekrarlamak, yinelemek);
support, corn, (n) provender, meal; antonym (v)
synonyms (v) recite, copy, recapitulate, reduplicate,
rehearse, reiterate, return, double, duplicate, starve.
iterate, recur, renew, reproduce, say, cite. yoğun 1. dense; synonyms (adj) compact, thick, close,
yineleme repetition; synonyms (n) repeat, crowded, deep, crass, dim, dull, heavy,
impenetrable, solid, stupid, concentrated, dumb,
gemination, iteration, recurrence, reiteration,
replication, duplication, reduplication, rehearsal, firm; antonyms (adj) bright, insightful, loose, clever,
repeating, return, echo, reappearance, recital, intelligent, readable, simple, sparse, 2. compact;
doubling. synonyms (adj) dense, compendious, concise, hard,
yinelemek repeat (tekrarlamak); synonyms (v) summary, (n) agreement, arrangement, contract,
covenant, bargain, engagement, (v) compress,
recite, copy, recapitulate, reduplicate, rehearse,
reiterate, return, double, duplicate, iterate, recur, condense, consolidate, pack; antonyms (adj)
renew, reproduce, say, cite. sprawling, bulky, 3. thick (kalın); synonyms (adj)
yıpranma wear; synonyms (v) dress, endure, bear, opaque, slow, stocky, familiar, fat, gross, intimate,
muddy, obtuse, broad, populous, frequent,
fatigue, tire, waste, fray, frazzle, (n) clothing,
chummy, coarse, (n) midst; antonyms (adj) thin,
apparel, attire, clothes, garb, erosion, garment;
diluted, fine, slight, transparent.
antonym (v) refresh.
yıpranmış worn; synonyms (v) decayed, (adj) yoğunlaşma concentration (konsantrasyon);
synonyms (n) absorption, concentrate, application,
haggard, shabby, tired, ragged, tattered,
attention, engrossment, intensity, compactness,
threadbare, drawn, jaded, exhausted, fatigued,
strength, thickness, aggregation, strengthening,
careworn, decrepit, faded, frayed; antonyms (adj)
condensation, convergence, denseness, density;
fresh, new.
antonym (n) distraction.
yıpratıcı wearing; synonyms (adj) exhausting, tiring,
yoğunluk 1. intensity; synonyms (n) force,
tiresome, trying, wearying, demanding, taxing, (n)
forcefulness, depth, volume, fierceness, emphasis,
wear, eroding, erosion.
energy, ferocity, forte, fury, glow, might, passion,
yirmi twenty; synonym (adj) twice. power, (adj) strength; antonyms (n) dullness,
yirminci twentieth; synonym (adj) vigesimal. indifference, weakness, 2. density; synonyms (n)
yırtık 1. rent; synonyms (n) breach, cleft, fissure, compactness, consistency, concentration,
lease, let, crevice, break, crack, tear, hole, flaw, denseness, stupidity, firmness, solidity,
fracture, (v) hire, charter, engage, 2. tear; massiveness, stand, crassitude, frequency, weight,
synonyms (n) split, rupture, rent, (v) rip, pull, rend, absorption, assiduity, assiduousness; antonym (n)
lacerate, race, run, rush, slit, rive, cleave, dash, fly. looseness, 3. consistency (tutarlılık); synonyms
yırtılmak tear; synonyms (n) split, rupture, rent, (v) (n) consistence, agreement, body, coherence,
break, rip, crack, pull, rend, lacerate, race, run, consonance, conformity, congruence, congruity,
rush, slit, rive, cleave. density, uniformity, accordance, concord,
yırtmak tear; synonyms (n) split, rupture, rent, (v) compatibility, consentaneousness, accord;
break, rip, crack, pull, rend, lacerate, race, run, antonyms (n) inconsistency, discrepancy, 4.
rush, slit, rive, cleave. concentration (konsantrasyon); synonyms (n)
yitirmek lose (kaybetmek); synonyms (v) drop, concentrate, application, attention, engrossment,
forfeit, mislay, sacrifice, fail, clear, hurt, regress, intensity, thickness, aggregation, strengthening,
retrogress, destroy, misplace, recede, suffer, waste, condensation, convergence, diligence, gathering,
escape; antonyms (v) gain, find, acquire, earn, get, immersion, coacervate, coacervation; antonym (n)
obtain, recover, secure, win, beat, defeat, keep, distraction.

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508 Turkish - English

yok 1. absent; synonyms (adj) off, wanting, pauperism, requirement, distress, ambition, fancy,
inattentive, absentminded, abstracted, faraway, essential, hardship; antonyms (v) dislike, hate.
lost, missing, nonexistent, out, preoccupied, (adv) yoksa 1. or (veya, Ya da); synonyms (conj) otherwise,
away; antonym (adj) present, 2. no (hayır); (n) operation, surgery, (prep) before, ere, 2.
synonyms (n) refusal, rejection, denial, number, nix, otherwise; synonyms (adv) else, besides,
rebuff, nobelium, ordinal, (adv) nay, (adj) zero, differently, other, alias, elsewise, otherways,
naught, none, non, nul, 3. lacking; synonyms (adj) diversely, elseways, instead, variously, (adj)
deficient, defective, inadequate, incomplete, absent, different, 3. else (başka); synonyms (adv) also,
short, destitute, devoid, empty, insufficient, poor, moreover, (n) threat, (pron) another, (adj) more,
without, sans, imperfect; antonym (adj) full, 4. not further, new, fresh.
(değil); synonyms (adv) no, nor, nowise, never, (adj) yoksaymak ignore; synonyms (v) fail, neglect, cut,
shaven, shorn. discount, disregard, forget, omit, snub, overrule,
yoklama 1. inspection (denetleme); synonyms (n) dismiss, overlook, rebuff, shun, disobey, eliminate;
examination, check, review, surveillance, antonyms (v) acknowledge, observe, honor, react.
exploration, inquiry, scrutiny, search, study, yoksul poor (fakir, fena, kötü); synonyms (adj) bad,
survey, investigation, observation, oversight, sight,
low, miserable, paltry, deplorable, destitute, evil,
(v) inspect, 2. examination (muayene); inadequate, insufficient, needy, pathetic, penniless,
synonyms (n) audit, exam, test, consideration, piteous, (v) meager, (n) mean; antonyms (adj) rich,
testing, contemplation, analysis, appraisal,
wealthy, excellent, first-rate, privileged, well-off,
evaluation, inquest, inspection, interview, quiz,
admirable, good.
trial, (adj) examen.
yoksulluk 1. poverty; synonyms (n) lack, distress,
yoklamak 1. examine; synonyms (v) assay, audit,
indigence, want, deprivation, impoverishment,
consider, overhaul, try, check, control, search,
pauperism, squalor, necessity, neediness, poorness,
survey, ascertain, ask, contemplate, compare,
(v) destitution, need, penury, deficiency; antonyms
analyze, canvass, 2. inspect; synonyms (v)
(n) wealth, riches, 2. need; synonyms (v) claim,
examine, overlook, explore, inquire, look, review,
require, involve, exact, have, take, (n) demand,
scrutinize, view, watch, monitor, investigate,
desire, must, requirement, absence, beggary,
observe, regulate, study, visit, 3. probe (sonda);
exigency, motive, hardship, 3. want (istemek);
synonyms (n) investigation, inquiry, research,
synonyms (v) like, hope, crave, covet, (n) poverty,
plumb, exploration, hunt, (v) examination, inspect,
wish, famine, dearth, privation, shortage, defect,
fathom, penetrate, question, sound, experiment,
ambition, fancy, essential, longing; antonyms (v)
pierce, delve, 4. survey; synonyms (n) poll,
measurement, inspection, digest, observation, dislike, hate.
sight, sketch, estimate, assessment, resume, (v) yoksunluk deprivation; synonyms (n) bereavement,
measure, appraise, prospect, assess, evaluate; privation, cost, loss, need, want, deficiency,
antonym (v) neglect, 5. poll; synonyms (n) election, absence, damage, dearth, scarcity, destitution,
head, ballot, vote, crown, pate, capitulum, count, (v) disadvantage, distress, hardship.
parrot, pollard, canvas, list, muster, enumerate, jay, yokuş 1. ascent; synonyms (n) acclivity, ascension,
6. search (aramak); synonyms (n) pursuit, rise, climb, ascending, elevation, hill, incline,
advance, grade, jump, slant, gradient, hike,
hunting, quest, analysis, chase, lookup, (v) grope,
ransack, rummage, pry, forage, nose, scan, rake, inclination; antonyms (n) descent, fall, 2. slope;
dig. synonyms (n) declivity, dip, decline, brae, hillside,
ramp, drop, (v) pitch, cant, lean, bank, tilt, tip,
yokluk 1. absence; synonyms (n) absenteeism,
descend, (adj) obliquity, 3. hill (tepe); synonyms
dearth, default, deficiency, lack, want,
(n) height, mound, ascent, embankment, hillock,
nonattendance, paucity, scarcity, shortage;
knoll, pile, slope, hammock, heap, eminence,
antonyms (n) presence, attendance, 2. shortage
hump, bluff, ridge, (v) stack; antonym (n) vale.
(açık); synonyms (n) defect, deficit, famine, yol 1. path; synonyms (n) course, direction, way,
insufficiency, need, poverty, scantiness, shortfall,
highway, line, orbit, track, lane, means, alley,
deprivation, absence; antonyms (n) abundance,
avenue, corridor, itinerary, route, (v) passage, 2.
excess, overabundance, surplus, affluence, glut, 3.
way; synonyms (n) method, path, road, custom,
lack; synonyms (n) shortcoming, inadequacy, form, manner, style, fashion, habit, mode, pathway,
drought, vacancy, failing, void, weakness, (v) approach, bearing, channel, (v) practice, 3. road;
destitution, fail, fault, demand, failure, require,
synonyms (n) roadway, street, thoroughfare, walk,
desire, indigence; antonyms (n) provision, (v) have,
access, artery, trail, range, (adj) traveling, itinerant,
4. want (istemek); synonyms (v) like, hope, crave, 4. route (rota); synonyms (n) circuit, conduit,
covet, (n) wish, necessity, penury, privation,
journey, run, beat, (v) direct, conduct, guide,
dispatch, send, 5. bus (otobüs); synonyms (n)

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automobile, autobus, car, coach, vehicle, busbar, yolmak pull (çekme, çekmek); synonyms (v) drag,
charabanc, motorbus, omnibus, 6. outlet; draw, draught, pluck, attract, haul, jerk, tug, pick,
synonyms (n) shop, market, egress, exit, opening, make, force, hale, (n) wrench, attraction, effort;
store, drain, emporium, hole, issue, aperture, antonyms (v) push, repel.
emission, escape, gap, release, 7. access (giriş); yolsuz unlawful; synonyms (adj) illegal, illegitimate,
synonyms (n) admission, entrance, entry, illicit, lawless, prohibited, wrongful, criminal,
admittance, entree, gate, attack, doorway, improper, unauthorized, irregular, outlaw, unfair,
entryway, fit, outburst, (v) enter, infiltrate, 8. line contraband, crooked, outlawed; antonyms (adj)
(çizgi, hat); synonyms (n) cord, file, house, breed, lawful, legal, legitimate.
family, lineage, field, ancestry, border, boundary, yoluyla by (tarafından); synonyms (prep) beside, at,
cable, crease, row, stock, (v) order, 9. course of, about, on, per, (adv) aside, away, past, through,
(yön); synonyms (n) stream, flow, career, current, apart, along, beyond, (adv, prep) alongside, (adj) over.
class, race, curriculum, heading, layer, (v) chase, yön 1. direction; synonyms (n) administration,
pour, aim, dish, gush, (prep) tide, 10. order conduct, bearing, command, course, guidance,
(düzen, düzenlemek, emretmek, sıra); address, charge, control, instruction, rule, aspect,
synonyms (n) command, decree, dictate, array, aim, counsel, (v) management, 2. course;
rank, sort, charge, condition, disposition, edict, synonyms (n) stream, flow, career, current, path,
injunction, instruction, (v) commission, arrange, road, route, track, channel, circuit, class, method, (v)
call; antonyms (n) anarchy, chaos, confusion, run, chase, pour, 3. way (yol); synonyms (n)
mayhem, mess, (v) disorder, request, 11. method passage, custom, direction, form, manner, means,
(yöntem); synonyms (n) arrangement, formula, style, fashion, habit, mode, pathway, approach,
plan, system, device, organization, procedure, headway, lane, (v) practice, 4. sense (anlam,
routine, technique, measure, resource, design, kind, duygu, duyu, his); synonyms (n) intelligence,
mechanism, pattern, 12. walk (yürümek, perception, meaning, sensation, logic, awareness,
yürüyüş); synonyms (v) ramble, hike, move, roam, experience, feeling, idea, impression, notion, (v)
travel, trek, go, promenade, (n) step, gait, pace, feel, intellect, mind, perceive; antonyms (n)
saunter, stroll, excursion, pass, 13. track (iz, garbage, ludicrousness, nonsense, stupidity,
izlemek); synonyms (n) racetrack, lead, racecourse, foolishness, gibberish, 5. side (kenar, yan);
rail, rails, (v) trace, hunt, tail, pursue, dog, follow, synonyms (n) edge, rim, faction, border, brink, face,
footprint, stalk, mark, footstep, 14. street (cadde, part, hand, facet, margin, page, position, wing, (v)
sokak); synonym (n) neighborhood. party, (adj) nearby; antonym (adj) distant.
yolcu 1. passenger; synonyms (n) traveler, wayfarer, yönelmek 1. tend; synonyms (v) guard, incline, lead,
itinerant, rider, voyager, passer, arrival, passager, lean, nurse, attend, contribute, nurture, run, go,
client, drop, excursionist, load, patron, wanderer, gravitate, nourish, carry, conduce, look; antonym
2. traveller, 3. fare; synonyms (n) diet, aliment, (v) neglect, 2. front (ön); synonyms (adj) head, fore,
food, board, table, charge, menu, victuals, anterior, preceding, (n) countenance, forefront,
provisions, rations, schedule, (v) do, come, eat, go. appearance, disguise, facade, frontage, brow,
yolculuk 1. journey (seyahat); synonyms (n) jaunt, audacity, battlefront, (v) face, confront; antonyms
excursion, expedition, passage, trip, way, course, (n) rear, end, (v) back, 3. bear (ayı, taşımak);
flight, outing, pilgrimage, (v) go, travel, cruise, fare, synonyms (v) accept, abide, acquit, stand, take,
navigate, 2. travel; synonyms (n) journey, pass, afford, allow, apply, assume, behave, brook,
stroke, tour, voyage, (v) run, proceed, move, roam, comport, conduct, convey, digest, 4. trend
ride, ramble, sail, drive, range, track, 3. voyage; (eğilim); synonyms (n) fashion, tendency, fad,
synonym (n) quest. inclination, course, direction, disposition, drift,
yoldaş 1. companion (arkadaş); synonyms (n) movement, vogue, (v) style, tend, sheer, turn, verge.
colleague, buddy, mate, peer, chum, comrade, yöneltmek 1. direct (dolaysız, yönlendirmek);
fellow, partner, assistant, brother, acquaintance, synonyms (adj) straight, blunt, immediate, (v) aim,
attendant, (adj) associate, ally, (v) accompany; channel, conduct, address, charge, control, dictate,
antonym (n) enemy, 2. fellow (adam); synonyms head, administer, guide, lead, (n) command;
(n) companion, boy, equal, chap, compeer, dude, antonyms (adj) indirect, roundabout, circuitous,
dog, counterpart, escort, beau, blighter, boyfriend, oblique, second-hand, sideways, unplanned, (v)
confrere, cuss, (v) concomitant. request, 2. turn (dönmek, dönüş); synonyms (v)
yollamak send (göndermek); synonyms (v) revolve, deviate, get, revolution, (n) bend, curve,
despatch, pass, convey, deliver, dispatch, forward, roll, coil, go, twist, bout, change, round, bent, circle.
give, mail, post, carry, divert, project, beam, cast, yönerge 1. instruction (talimat); synonyms (n)
channel. charge, command, advice, counsel, direction,
education, guidance, guideline, information,

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injunction, prescription, teaching, bidding, authority, (v) charge, order, rule, call, commission,
commission, doctrine, 2. directive; synonyms (n) direct; antonym (v) request, 2. conduct; synonyms
decree, edict, instruction, order, ruling, rule, (n) behavior, manage, demeanor, lead,
pronouncement, bylaw, law, mandate, (adj) performance, (v) act, bring, administer, carriage,
directing, directional, guiding, 3. direction (yön); acquit, bearing, carry, comport, show, accompany,
synonyms (n) administration, conduct, bearing, 3. direct (dolaysız, yönlendirmek); synonyms
course, address, control, aspect, aim, lead, care, (adj) straight, blunt, immediate, transparent, (v) aim,
dictate, hand, drift, disposal, (v) management. channel, conduct, address, dictate, head, guide,
yönetici 1. manager (müdür); synonyms (n) level, point, bend, (n) command; antonyms (adj)
director, administrator, coach, executive, head, indirect, roundabout, circuitous, oblique, second-
leader, boss, chief, controller, governor, handler, hand, sideways, unplanned, 4. lead; synonyms (v)
superintendent, superior, supervisor, ruler; contribute, chair, conduce, go, govern, convey,
antonym (n) underling, 2. administrator; give, dispose, run, take, (n) clue, advantage, hint,
synonyms (n) manager, officer, official, principal, 3. leash, (adj) front; antonym (v) follow, 5. rule
director (müdür); synonyms (n) commander, (kural); synonyms (n) dominion, law, ordinance,
chairman, guide, master, captain, inspector, principle, regulate, reign, government, line,
instructor, overseer, pilot, trainer, (v) conductor, precept, regulation, sway, code, (v) influence,
direct, 4. ruler (cetvel); synonyms (n) monarch, dominate, measure, 6. captain (kaptan);
dynast, prince, sheik, sovereign, government, synonyms (n) chief, leader, master, boss, chieftain,
regulation, (adj) rule, regent, 5. superintendent; commander, commodore, officer, pilot, skipper,
synonyms (n) custodian, keeper, caretaker, ruler, 7. manage; synonyms (v) do, accomplish,
guardian, super, steward, janitor, examiner, arrange, cope, deal, handle, work, maintain,
surveyor, warden, (adj) curator, 6. governor behave, achieve, administrate, care, contrive, get,
(patron, vali); synonyms (n) regulator, protector. treat, 8. boss (patron); synonyms (n) governor,
yönetim 1. management (idare); synonyms (n) overseer, superior, administrator, captain, director,
executive, foreman, manager, principal, stud,
administration, conduct, guidance, command,
control, direction, government, handling, superintendent, supervisor, elder, (v) emboss, 9.
leadership, charge, treatment, behavior, steerage, head (baş, kafa); synonyms (n) foam, froth,
(v) manage, (adj) executive, 2. administration crown, brain, end, forefront, heading, mind,
(hükümet); synonyms (n) management, president, top, bow, climax, (adj) foremost, great, (v)
organization, running, power, execution, reign, capital; antonym (n) subordinate.
rule, supervision, department, application, yönetmelik regulations; synonyms (n) policy,
incumbency, ministry, authority, disposal, system, convention.
governance, 3. government (hükümet); yönetmen 1. director (müdür, yönetici); synonyms
synonyms (n) dominion, cabinet, authorities, (n) commander, manager, administrator, boss,
governing, politics, regime, dominance, chief, superintendent, chairman, coach, controller,
establishment, regimen, regulation, sway, guide, head, leader, master, principal, (v)
adjustment, (adj) empire, public, national, 4. conductor, 2. manager (müdür, yönetici);
direction (yön); synonyms (n) bearing, course, synonyms (n) director, executive, governor,
address, instruction, aspect, aim, counsel, lead, handler, superior, supervisor, ruler, entrepreneur,
order, prescription, care, dictate, hand, drift, inspector, officer, owner, trainer; antonym (n)
bidding. underling, 3. administrator (yönetici); synonym
yönetimsel managerial; synonyms (adj) executive, (n) official.
administrative, professional, clerical, yöney vector (vektör); synonyms (n) direction,
governmental, office, organizational, secretarial. bearing, course, sender, transmitter, vehicle.
yönetme 1. government (hükümet, yönetim); yonga chip; synonyms (n) splinter, bit, flake,
synonyms (n) administration, authority, control, chipping, fleck, fragment, microchip, part, scrap,
direction, command, dominion, governance, shaving, check, (v) crack, cut, nick, peel.
cabinet, authorities, governing, guidance, (adj) Yönlendirme orientation; synonyms (n) bearing,
empire, rule, (v) conduct, management, 2. direction, adjustment, course, introduction,
conduct; synonyms (n) behavior, manage, instruction, druthers, information, initiation,
demeanor, lead, performance, (v) act, bring, direct, predilection, preference, temper, training,
administer, carriage, acquit, bearing, carry, assimilation, coordination.
comport, show. yönlendirmek 1. direct (dolaysız); synonyms (adj)
yönetmek 1. command (komut, kumanda); straight, blunt, immediate, (v) aim, channel,
synonyms (n) control, instruction, behest, bidding, conduct, address, charge, control, dictate, head,
decree, direction, administration, ascendancy, administer, guide, lead, (n) command; antonyms

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(adj) indirect, roundabout, circuitous, oblique, drowsy, sick, whacked, corny; antonyms (adj)
second-hand, sideways, unplanned, (v) request, 2. invigorated, alert, refreshed, original, strong.
shape (biçim, şekil); synonyms (n) cast, mold, yorgunluk 1. fatigue (bitkinlik); synonyms (n)
figure, pattern, build, condition, configuration, (v) exhaustion, tiredness, weariness, lethargy, (v)
form, fashion, model, mould, determine, make, exhaust, tire, weary, bore, enervate, fag, harass,
adjust, carve. jade, wear, drain, (adj) flag; antonyms (n) energy, (v)
yöntem 1. method; synonyms (n) course, fashion, refresh, 2. exhaustion; synonyms (n) fatigue,
form, approach, arrangement, custom, formula, consumption, enervation, lassitude, weakening,
manner, order, plan, system, way, device, means, expenditure, debilitation, enfeeblement, (adj)
mode; antonym (n) disorder, 2. methodology collapse, prostration, apoplexy, deliquium.
(yöntembilim); synonyms (n) method, attitude, yormak 1. fatigue (bitkinlik); synonyms (n)
line, organization, slant, style, tactic, 3. process exhaustion, tiredness, weariness, lethargy, (v)
(süreç); synonyms (n) operation, proceeding, exhaust, tire, weary, bore, enervate, fag, harass,
procedure, act, outgrowth, practice, writ, (v) action, jade, wear, drain, (adj) flag; antonyms (n) energy, (v)
function, refine, litigate, treat, work, parade, refresh, 2. weary (yorgun); synonyms (adj) tired,
cultivate, 4. form (biçim, form); synonyms (n) exhausted, fatigued, aweary, beat, languid,
figure, design, arrange, ceremony, shape, class, irksome, wearisome, spent, jaded, (v) fatigue, dull,
conformation, (v) cast, make, build, constitute, irk, depress, pall; antonyms (adj) energetic, fresh, 3.
establish, carve, construct, create, 5. technique; tax (vergi); synonyms (n) charge, duty, burden,
synonyms (n) skill, process, knack, proficiency. excise, dues, impost, taxation, (v) assess, task,
yöntembilim methodology; synonyms (n) method, accuse, impose, load, cess, levy, strain.
attitude, line, organization, slant, style, system, yortu feast; synonyms (n) banquet, dinner,
tactic. entertainment, binge, carousal, celebration, festival,
yontmak chip (yonga); synonyms (n) splinter, bit, meal, spread, (v) junket, fete, eat, feed, treat,
flake, chipping, fleck, fragment, microchip, part, entertain; antonym (v) fast.
scrap, shaving, check, (v) crack, cut, nick, peel. yorucu 1. wearing; synonyms (adj) exhausting, tiring,
yontu statue (heykel); synonyms (n) image, figure, tiresome, trying, wearying, demanding, taxing, (n)
monument, statuette, effigy, bust, icon, picture, wear, eroding, erosion, 2. weary (yorgun);
model, statua, deity, doll, dummy, imitation. synonyms (adj) tired, exhausted, fatigued, aweary,
yordam 1. routine; synonyms (n) round, habit, beat, languid, irksome, wearisome, (v) fatigue, tire,
method, procedure, process, act, custom, (adj) exhaust, bore, dull, irk, (n) jade; antonyms (adj)
everyday, ordinary, regular, common, customary, energetic, fresh.
habitual, mundane, normal; antonym (adj) unusual, yorulmak weary (yorgun); synonyms (adj) tired,
2. procedure; synonyms (n) formula, practice, exhausted, fatigued, aweary, beat, languid,
routine, fashion, approach, rule, action, measure, irksome, (v) fatigue, tire, exhaust, bore, dull, irk,
course, function, operation, performance, plan, wear, (n) jade; antonyms (adj) energetic, fresh.
policy, proceeding. yorum 1. interpretation; synonyms (n) version,
yöre 1. zone (bölge); synonyms (n) area, district, construction, explanation, exposition, clarification,
region, section, belt, locality, quarter, realm, layer, commentary, illustration, definition, interpreting,
territory, province, neighborhood, orbit, circuit, translation, analysis, description, performance,
division, 2. region (bölge); synonyms (n) land, reading, understanding, 2. comment; synonyms
country, field, domain, part, range, department, (n) annotation, critique, note, censure, criticism,
expanse, ground, place, dominion, demesne, mention, observation, reflection, animadversion,
direction, extent, position. account, (v) annotate, remark, gloss, notice,
yöresel local (yerel); synonyms (adj) native, sectional, discourse, 3. commentary; synonyms (n)
topical, home, indigenous, municipal, nearby, civic, comment, article, footnote, review, 4. explanation
limited, internal, national, parochial, provincial, (açıklama); synonyms (n) excuse, interpretation,
restricted, (n) resident; antonyms (adj) foreign, justification, solution, key, answer, caption,
universal, worldwide. apology, basis, elucidation, explication, meaning,
yorgun 1. weary; synonyms (adj) tired, exhausted, narration, reason, cause; antonym (n) mystery, 5.
fatigued, aweary, beat, languid, irksome, (v) reading (okuma); synonyms (n) recital, learning,
fatigue, tire, exhaust, bore, dull, irk, wear, (n) jade; lection, study, erudition, lore, presentation,
antonyms (adj) energetic, fresh, 2. tired; synonyms recitation, scholarship, light, (v) read, 6. version
(adj) hackneyed, weary, banal, commonplace, stale, (çeviri, uyarlama); synonyms (n) rendering,
threadbare, trite, haggard, jaded, stock, worn, rendition, variation, variant, report, story,
paraphrase, adaptation, form, sketch, summary,

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yorumlamak 1. interpret; synonyms (v) clarify, yukarıda 1. above; synonyms (prep) on, past,
construe, elucidate, illustrate, read, understand, surpassing, (adv) over, beyond, aloft, supra, up,
comment, gloss, decipher, explain, explicate, more, overhead, (adj) preceding, former, upper,
render, depict, illuminate, consider, 2. read foregoing, previous; antonym (prep) below, 2. up;
(okumak); synonyms (v) interpret, gather, synonyms (adv) upward, upwardly, upwards, (v)
indicate, learn, perceive, say, demonstrate, raise, mount, rise, boost, advance, effervescent,
comprehend, display, examine, peruse, record, filling, frothy, (adj) uphill, cheerful, happy,
register, scan, show. improving; antonym (adj) asleep, 3. upstairs;
yörünge orbit; synonyms (n) circle, cycle, field, orb, synonyms (n) administration, authority, board,
area, compass, domain, turn, expanse, course, eternity, executive, floor, head, heaven, paradise,
ambit, circuit, range, reach, realm. (adj) upstair; antonym (adv) downstairs.

yozlaştırma corruption (bozulma); synonyms (n) yukarıya 1. up; synonyms (adv) aloft, upward,
contamination, depravity, adulteration, pollution, upwardly, upwards, (v) raise, mount, rise, boost,
bribery, filth, infection, taint, vitiation, canker, advance, effervescent, filling, frothy, (adj) over,
blight, foulness, impurity, contagion, (adj) shuffle; uphill, cheerful; antonym (adj) asleep, 2. upstairs;
antonyms (n) purification, decency, honesty, synonyms (n) administration, authority, board,
incorruptness. eternity, executive, floor, head, heaven, paradise,
(adj) upstair; antonym (adv) downstairs.
yüce 1. supreme; synonyms (adj) dominant,
maximum, paramount, head, chief, sovereign, yükleme 1. imposition; synonyms (n) deception,
consummate, extreme, preeminent, principal, exaction, cheat, deceit, imposture, trick, demand,
superlative, uppermost, main, prime, (n) utmost; hoax, delusion, fraud, infliction, swindle, tax, wile,
enforcement, 2. charging; synonyms (n) decree,
antonym (adj) minor, 2. noble (asil); synonyms
(adj) dignified, imposing, magnificent, glorious, blocking.
distinguished, elevated, exalted, generous, high, yüklemek 1. load (yük); synonyms (n) charge, cargo,
impressive, majestic, patrician, (n) grand, excellent, freight, stack, heap, pack, weight, consignment,
(v) great; antonyms (adj) lower-class, selfish, lading, shipment, (v) burden, fill, encumber, pile,
shameful, humble, dishonorable, lowly, 3. high lade; antonym (v) unload, 2. charge; synonyms (n)
(yüksek); synonyms (adj) eminent, expensive, accusation, care, command, commission, bill, tax,
accusal, assail, (v) accuse, blame, attack, bid, load,
lofty, tall, heavy, arrogant, costly, dear, shrill,
arraign, assault; antonyms (v) request, absolve,
strong, drunk, (v) bad, fusty, rancid, steep;
retreat, 3. burden; synonyms (n) anxiety, strain,
antonyms (adj) deep, short, sober, (n) low.
bale, concern, core, encumbrance, essence, gist, (v)
yük 1. load (yüklemek); synonyms (n) charge, cargo,
bother, burthen, clog, trouble, afflict, force,
freight, stack, heap, pack, weight, consignment,
handicap; antonyms (v) relieve, unburden, 4.
lading, shipment, (v) burden, fill, encumber, pile,
lade; antonym (v) unload, 2. cargo; synonyms (n)
install (kurmak); synonyms (v) establish, fix,
inaugurate, appoint, erect, crown, induct, instal,
loading, wares, freightage, goods, haul,
invest, lodge, place, plant, post, put, quarter;
merchandise, payload, (adj) load, bushel, 3. freight
antonym (v) overthrow, 5. lay; synonyms (v) set,
(navlun); synonyms (v) carry, ship, 4. burden;
deposit, install, lie, rest, bear, allay, arrange, bet,
synonyms (n) anxiety, strain, bale, care, concern,
core, encumbrance, essence, gist, (v) bother, impose, impute, (adj) secular, calm, (n) ballad, pitch,
burthen, clog, trouble, afflict, force; antonyms (v) 6. saddle; synonyms (n) saddleback, seat, (v)
relieve, unburden, 5. charge; synonyms (n) lumber, 7. shift; synonyms (n) interchange, turn,
accusation, command, commission, bill, tax, move, switch, conversion, (v) change, exchange,
accusal, assail, demand, (v) accuse, blame, attack, remove, quibble, alter, budge, convert, displace,
bid, arraign, assault, cost; antonyms (v) request, transfer, fluctuate.
absolve, retreat, 6. weight (ağırlık); synonyms (n) yüklenici contractor (müteahhit); synonyms (n)
consequence, heaviness, importance, pressure, builder, entrepreneur, party, undertaker, affirmer,
significance, stress, ballast, bias, import, influence, asserter, avower, dealer, declarer, outworker,
moment, emphasis, avoirdupois, validity, (v) broker, freelancer, merchant, seller.
gravity; antonym (n) triviality, 7. tax (vergi); yüklenmek 1. undertake; synonyms (v) attempt, try,
synonyms (n) duty, excise, dues, impost, taxation, accept, contract, covenant, guarantee, tackle, take,
toll, imposition, fee, (v) assess, task, impose, cess, assume, assure, begin, engage, promise, endeavor,
levy, drain, appraise. seek, 2. shoulder (banket, omuz); synonyms (n)
Yukarı up; synonyms (adv) aloft, upward, upwardly, elbow, back, scale, serif, shank, (v) bear, carry,
upwards, (v) raise, mount, rise, boost, advance, push, hold, jostle, support, sustain, shove, thrust,
effervescent, filling, frothy, (adj) over, uphill, undertake.
cheerful; antonym (adj) asleep.

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Turkish - English 513

yüklü 1. loaded; synonyms (adj) laden, full, raising, revolt, (v) mount, ascend, increase, heave,
burdened, flush, moneyed, wealthy, affluent, rich, arise, grow, originate, rear, surge, loom; antonyms
tight, tipsy, intoxicated, heavy, pixilated, plastered, (n) reduction, (v) decrease, drop, sink, descend,
soused; antonym (adj) poor, 2. charged; synonyms plummet, retire.
(adj) fraught, loaded, aerated, replete, abounding, yükselmek 1. rise; synonyms (n) elevation, lift, ascent,
deferred, electric, excited, explosive, invigorating, progress, raise, swell, raising, advancement, (v)
pregnant, supercharged, freighted, meaningful, climb, mount, ascend, increase, heave, arise, jump;
oxygenated. antonyms (n) reduction, (v) fall, decrease, drop,
yüklük cupboard; synonyms (n) closet, cabinet, sink, descend, plummet, retire, 2. climb
buffet, commode, compartment, cranny, cub, nook, (tırmanmak); synonyms (v) clamber, escalate,
pigeonhole, bin, breakfront, bunker, cellaret, scale, scramble, bestride, fly, (n) rise, acclivity,
clothespress, cubicle. advance, ascending, ascension, climbing, hike,
yüksek 1. high; synonyms (adj) eminent, elevated, mounting, upgrade, 3. arise; synonyms (v) appear,
great, expensive, distinguished, exalted, lofty, tall, emerge, issue, originate, proceed, result, awake,
heavy, arrogant, costly, dear, (v) bad, fusty, rancid; commence, develop, emanate, ensue, follow, grow,
antonyms (adj) deep, short, sober, (n) low, 2. loud; happen, occur.
synonyms (adj) flashy, garish, gaudy, blatant, yükseltme 1. lift (asansör, kaldırmak); synonyms
boisterous, brassy, forte, high, brazen, jazzy, (n) elevator, boost, heave, (v) hoist, raise, rise,
clamorous, colorful, flash, meretricious, (adv) aloud; elevate, erect, filch, hike, advance, airlift, pilfer,
antonyms (adj) soft, gentle, quiet, tasteful, subdued, pinch, rear, 2. promotion; synonyms (n)
subtle, 3. tall (uzun); synonyms (adj) big, lanky, furtherance, advancement, advertising,
towering, unbelievable, strapping, long, encouragement, hype, preferment, progress,
exaggerated, gangling, grandiloquent, advertisement, cultivation, exaltation, forwarding,
magniloquent; antonym (adj) small, 4. noble (asil); publicity, support, advocacy, improvement;
synonyms (adj) dignified, imposing, magnificent, antonyms (n) demotion, neglect.
glorious, generous, impressive, majestic, patrician, yükseltmek 1. raise (toplamak); synonyms (v)
famous, aristocratic, elegant, gallant, (n) grand, boost, lift, erect, hoist, increase, build, elevate,
excellent, aristocrat; antonyms (adj) lower-class, enhance, foster, grow, promote, prefer, augment,
selfish, shameful, humble, dishonorable, lowly. cultivate, (n) advance; antonym (v) lower, 2.
yükseklik height (doruk, zirve); synonyms (n) promote; synonyms (v) encourage, help, aid,
acme, apex, altitude, crest, culmination, peak, advertise, develop, forward, push, assist, dignify,
pinnacle, top, climax, degree, elevation, eminence, exalt, improve, plug, raise, arouse, (adv) further;
grade, high, level; antonym (n) shortness. antonyms (v) demote, discourage, 3. up; synonyms
yükselen rising; synonyms (adj) climbing, uphill, (adv) aloft, upward, upwardly, upwards, (v) mount,
emergent, (n) ascending, mutiny, rebellion, revolt, rise, effervescent, filling, frothy, mousseux, (adj)
ascension, ascent, climb, insurrection, outbreak, over, uphill, cheerful, happy, improving; antonym
rise, advance, (adv) increasing; antonyms (adj) (adj) asleep, 4. boost; synonyms (n) jump,
plummeting, decreasing, plunging. encouragement, progress, shove, boom, (v) amplify,
yükseliş rise (yükselmek); synonyms (n) elevation, hike, thrust, bolster, enlarge, gain, inflate, support,
lift, ascent, progress, raise, swell, raising, accelerate, invigorate; antonyms (n)
advancement, (v) climb, mount, ascend, increase, disappointment, (v) decrease, knock, drop,
heave, arise, jump; antonyms (n) reduction, (v) fall, undermine, 5. lift (asansör, kaldırmak);
decrease, drop, sink, descend, plummet, retire. synonyms (n) elevator, heave, climb, ascent, (v)
yükselme 1. promotion; synonyms (n) furtherance, filch, airlift, pilfer, pinch, rear, steal, swipe,
advance, advancement, advertising, boost, heighten, annul, arise, carry, 6. increase
encouragement, hype, preferment, progress, (artırmak, artış); synonyms (n) addition,
advertisement, cultivation, exaltation, forwarding, augmentation, expansion, extension, growth,
publicity, support; antonyms (n) demotion, neglect, accretion, development, enlargement, (v) accrue,
2. advancement (ilerleme, terfi); synonyms (n) extend, aggrandize, expand, deepen, accumulate,
promotion, upgrade, growth, development, benefit; antonyms (n) reduction, contraction,
elevation, improvement, progression, profit, decline, (v) reduce, diminish, deteriorate.
betterment, gain, headway, movement, raise, rise, yükümlü liable; synonyms (adj) amenable,
upgrading, 3. ascent; synonyms (n) acclivity, accountable, answerable, apt, disposed, exposed,
ascension, climb, ascending, hill, incline, grade, inclined, responsible, likely, subject, culpable,
jump, slant, gradient, hike, inclination, pitch, rising, vulnerable, given, obnoxious, susceptible; antonym
slope; antonyms (n) descent, fall, 4. rise (adj) exempt.
(yükselmek); synonyms (n) lift, ascent, swell,

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yükümlülük obligation; synonyms (n) debt, bond, calm, mitigate, allay, curb, diminish, lessen, ease,
commitment, duty, liability, charge, burden, cool, abate, (adv) check; antonyms (adj) extreme,
necessity, need, onus, requirement, responsibility, immoderate, radical, (v) increase, intensify, 2.
covenant, job, compulsion; antonym (n) option. relax; synonyms (v) loose, give, lounge, unbend,
yumru lump; synonyms (n) heap, chunk, knot, block, melt, debilitate, relieve, remit, rest, slack, soften,
clod, hunk, tumor, bit, bulge, clump, fragment, unbrace, (n) loosen, release, (adj) relent; antonyms
knob, (v) clot, (adj) mass, lout. (v) tighten, tense.
yumruk 1. fist; synonyms (n) hand, grip, index, (v) yumuşatma relaxation (gevşeme); synonyms (n)
finger, paw, neaf, neif, wrist, 2. buffet (büfe); ease, diversion, amusement, pastime,
synonyms (n) blow, canteen, restaurant, impact, (v) entertainment, recreation, rest, leisure, comfort,
beat, batter, cuff, buff, hit, knock, punch, smack, quiet, remission, repose, respite, peace, hobby.
belabor, strike, thump, 3. punch (delgi); yumuşatmak 1. moderate (ılımlı); synonyms (adj)
synonyms (n) jab, drill, die, wallop, dig, nudge, (v) temperate, abstemious, middling, mild, easy, (v)
poke, prick, perforate, stab, thrust, puncture, push, calm, mitigate, allay, curb, diminish, lessen, ease,
slap, bore. cool, abate, (adv) check; antonyms (adj) extreme,
yumruklamak punch (delgi); synonyms (n) jab, immoderate, radical, (v) increase, intensify, 2.
drill, cuff, die, wallop, blow, dig, knock, (v) poke, season; synonyms (n) opportunity, space, spell,
hit, prick, beat, perforate, stab, thrust. (prep) period, (v) flavor, mature, inure, salt, mellow,
yumruklaşmak box (kutu); synonyms (n) basket, flavour, moderate, pickle, ripen, (adj) harden,
cage, chest, package, booth, blow, carton, case, habituate.
container, crate, envelope, (v) cuff, buffet, beat, yün wool; synonyms (n) fleece, fur, coat, hair, woolen,
fight; antonym (v) unbox. woollen, yarn, fiber, pelt, sheepskin, strand, string,
yumurta egg; synonyms (n) ball, rudiment, eggs, nut, thread, hide, mane.
testicle, testis, ballock, bollock, stock, bud, embryo, yunus dolphin; synonyms (n) dolphinfish, mahimahi,
nucleus, addict, baseball, beginning. trident, pale.
yumurtlamak lay; synonyms (v) place, put, fix, set, yürek heart (kalp); synonyms (n) core, center, spirit,
deposit, install, lie, rest, invest, bear, allay, arrange, affection, basis, bosom, breast, courage, crux,
(adj) secular, (n) ballad, pitch. essence, hub, kernel, marrow, middle, (adj) gist;
yumuşak 1. smooth (düz, düzgün); synonyms (adj) antonym (n) edge.
easy, calm, level, oily, facile, flat, flowing, fluent, yüreklendirmek encourage; synonyms (v) cheer,
fluid, glossy, graceful, greasy, (v) quiet, facilitate,
abet, advance, aid, back, boost, comfort, foster,
even; antonyms (adj) rough, uneven, abrasive, further, promote, urge, advocate, cherish, advise,
coarse, crumpled, flaking, harsh, jerky, lined, animate; antonyms (v) discourage, dishearten,
peeling, prickly, ridged, wrinkled, corrugated, (v)
prevent, deter, hurt, obstruct, stop.
wrinkle, 2. soft; synonyms (adj) gentle, light, limp,
yüreklilik courage (cesaret); synonyms (n) bravery,
balmy, delicate, slack, loose, clement, faint, flabby,
audacity, fortitude, backbone, boldness, gallantry,
flaccid, frail, lenient, (v) feeble, low; antonyms (adj)
heroism, mettle, nerve, spirit, valor, chivalry,
hard, firm, loud, hoarse, solid, stiff, alcoholic, shrill,
manhood, courageousness, determination;
strong, 3. tender; synonyms (adj) affectionate,
antonym (n) cowardice.
painful, loving, sensitive, soft, sore, compassionate,
fond, mild, (v) proffer, present, propose, (n) offer, yurt 1. home (ev); synonyms (n) fireside, abode,
bid, overture; antonyms (adj) tough, hardhearted, domicile, house, base, building, dwelling, family,
habitation, household, place, residence, shelter,
rubbery, 4. floppy; synonyms (adj) drooping,
asylum, (adj) domestic, 2. country (ülke);
baggy, droopy, (n) diskette; antonym (adj) taut, 5.
synonyms (n) state, nation, home, land, area,
light (açık, hafif, ışık); synonyms (adj) fair, clear, commonwealth, kingdom, realm, region, soil,
flimsy, (n) flame, brightness, daylight, illumination, territory, district, (adj) rural, rustic, public;
dawn, (v) fire, kindle, inflame, glow, ignite,
antonyms (n) city, (adj) urban.
dismount, illuminate; antonyms (adj) fattening,
yurttaş citizen; synonyms (n) civilian, denizen,
nauseating, (n) dark, darkness, gloom, shade, night,
inhabitant, national, resident, native, subject, voter;
(v) extinguish, darken, (alt sp) heavy, 6. gentle;
synonyms (adj) friendly, affable, kind, tame, antonym (n) foreigner.
amiable, benign, bland, docile, fine, kindly, nice, yürüme 1. walking; synonyms (v) careless, current,
tender, elegant, dainty, (n) benevolent; antonyms excelling, passant, surpassing, (adj) moving, active,
(adj) caustic, cruel, fierce, violent, abrupt, sarcastic, ambulant, ambulative, gradient, (n) walk, traveling,
sheer, steep. paseo, pass, (adv) afoot, 2. walk (yürümek,
yumuşamak 1. moderate (ılımlı); synonyms (adj) yürüyüş); synonyms (v) ramble, course, hike,
temperate, abstemious, middling, mild, easy, (v)

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move, roam, travel, trek, go, (n) step, gait, pace, yutmak 1. absorb (emmek); synonyms (v) consume,
path, saunter, stroll, excursion. drink, engross, imbibe, assimilate, engage, occupy,
yürümek 1. walk (yürüyüş); synonyms (v) ramble, suck, swallow, amuse, digest, engulf, fascinate,
course, hike, move, roam, travel, trek, go, (n) step, ingest, (adj) immerse; antonyms (v) bore, emit, 2.
gait, pace, path, saunter, stroll, excursion, 2. step buy (almak, satın almak); synonyms (v) acquire,
(adım, basamak); synonyms (n) degree, measure, bribe, take, shop, accept, believe, get, admit, attain,
stage, walk, gradation, level, rank, act, footprint, corrupt, hold, (n) bargain, purchase, acquisition,
footstep, stride, advance, phase, (v) proceeding, deal; antonym (v) sell.
tread. yuva 1. nest; synonyms (n) den, lair, hole, burrow,
yürürlük operation (ameliyat, operasyon); home, herd, (v) nestle, (adj) brood, hive, litter, 2.
synonyms (n) execution, movement, act, agency, dock; synonyms (n) bob, berth, bobtail, harbor,
effect, business, management, action, function, pier, quay, sorrel, wharf, marina, dockage, (v) clip,
functioning, performance, running, mission, task, cut, pare, curtail, deprive; antonym (v) undock, 3.
job. socket; synonyms (n) cavity, alveolus, sleeve,
yürürlükteki current (akım, cari, geçerli); hollow, pocket, slot, recess, sheath, compass,
synonyms (adj) common, contemporary, employment, fitment, fob, overshot, pouch,
fashionable, instant, actual, fresh, modern, new, province, 4. home (ev); synonyms (n) fireside,
popular, (n) flow, stream, run, afloat, movement, abode, domicile, house, base, building, dwelling,
(prep) course; antonyms (adj) obsolete, past, old, old- family, habitation, household, place, residence,
fashioned, previous. shelter, asylum, (adj) domestic, 5. slot; synonyms
yürütme 1. executive; synonyms (n) administrator, (n) groove, notch, gap, opening, position, aperture,
manager, director, administration, boss, officer, split, section, class, nick, partition, spot, track, (v)
official, supervisor, commissioner, governor, head, slit, rank.
management, (adj) administrative, managerial, (v) yuvar sphere; synonyms (n) region, range, area,
authoritative, 2. execution; synonyms (n) domain, province, realm, ball, circle, department,
performance, accomplishment, achievement, effect, globe, round, ring, arena, compass, field.
enforcement, implementation, action, discharge, Yuvarlak 1. round; synonyms (adv) about, around,
executing, doing, effectuation, completion, murder,
(adj) circular, plump, entire, chubby, complete, (n)
act, end. circle, bout, ring, beat, circuit, (v) compass, turn,
yürütmek 1. collar (yaka); synonyms (n) arrest, gird; antonyms (adj) slim, sharp, 2. circular;
choker, pinch, ruff, chaplet, flange, (v) catch, synonyms (adj) round, annular, circinate, globular,
apprehend, capture, clutch, grab, nail, cop, get, orbicular, rotund, rounded, spherical, (n)
grasp, 2. enforce; synonyms (v) coerce, compel, advertisement, bill, handbill, brochure, publication,
constrain, apply, drive, execute, implement, bulletin, flier; antonym (adj) square.
impose, dispense, effect, impress, accomplish, yuvarlaklaştırmak round (Yuvarlak); synonyms
enjoin, (n) force, assert, 3. lift (asansör, (adv) about, around, (adj) circular, plump, entire,
kaldırmak); synonyms (n) elevator, boost, heave, chubby, complete, (n) circle, bout, ring, beat, circuit,
(v) hoist, raise, rise, elevate, erect, filch, hike, (v) compass, turn, gird; antonyms (adj) slim, sharp.
advance, airlift, pilfer, rear, steal, 4. walk yuvarlamak 1. roll; synonyms (n) list, revolution,
(yürümek, yürüyüş); synonyms (v) ramble, catalogue, inventory, register, (v) coil, reel, curl,
course, move, roam, travel, trek, go, (n) step, gait, enfold, revolve, wheel, rock, turn, twist, wallow, 2.
pace, path, saunter, stroll, excursion, pass. round (Yuvarlak); synonyms (adv) about, around,
yürütücü executive; synonyms (n) administrator, (adj) circular, plump, entire, chubby, complete, (n)
manager, director, administration, boss, officer, circle, bout, ring, beat, circuit, cycle, (v) compass,
official, supervisor, commissioner, governor, head, gird; antonyms (adj) slim, sharp, 3. bowl;
management, (adj) administrative, managerial, (v) synonyms (n) basin, pot, plate, container, hollow,
authoritative. stadium, arena, depression, bowlful, trough, (v)
yürüyüş 1. walk (yürümek); synonyms (v) ramble, hurl, roll, toss, troll, trundle.
course, hike, move, roam, travel, trek, go, (n) step, yuvarlanma 1. rolling; synonyms (adj) resounding,
gait, pace, path, saunter, stroll, excursion, 2. pace rolled, tumbling, billowing, billowy, resonant,
(adım); synonyms (n) walk, rate, footstep, rapidity, resonating, reverberating, reverberative, (n) roll,
speed, tempo, tread, celerity, fastness, run, beat, peal, curling, wheeling, crimping, pealing, 2. roll
cadence, carriage, footfall, (v) stride; antonym (n) (yuvarlamak); synonyms (n) list, revolution,
slowness, 3. walking (yürüme); synonyms (v) catalogue, inventory, register, (v) coil, reel, curl,
careless, current, excelling, passant, surpassing, (adj) enfold, revolve, wheel, rock, turn, twist, wallow.
moving, active, ambulant, ambulative, gradient, yüz 1. hundred; synonyms (n) century, cent, centred,
wayfaring, (n) traveling, paseo, pass, (adv) afoot. lathe, riding, soke, tithing, carbon, cocain, cocaine,

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coke, coulomb, snow, (adj) centigrade, 2. face yüzölçümü area (alan); synonyms (n) place, region,
(çehre, surat); synonyms (n) look, aspect, size, width, expanse, field, neighborhood, section,
countenance, expression, side, top, exterior, sphere, breadth, compass, district, domain, extent,
appearance, facade, surface, (v) confront, audacity, land.
veneer, visage, (adj) front; antonyms (v) avoid, back, yüzsüzlük 1. cheek (yanak); synonyms (n) audacity,
3. front (ön); synonyms (adj) head, fore, anterior, boldness, brass, face, impertinence, nerve, gall,
preceding, forward, (n) forefront, disguise, impudence, insolence, lip, mouth, daring,
frontage, brow, battlefront, cover, forepart, (v) face, disrespect, effrontery, jowl; antonym (n) respect, 2.
breast, impudence; antonyms (n) rear, end. nerve (sinir); synonyms (n) cheek, courage,
yüzbaşı captain (kaptan); synonyms (n) chief, head, fortitude, heart, mettle, prowess, assurance,
leader, master, boss, chieftain, commander, backbone, brace, gallantry, grit, guts, muscle,
commodore, guide, officer, pilot, skipper, ruler, (v) pluck, spirit; antonym (n) cowardice.
govern, manage. yüzücülük swimming (yüzme); synonyms (adj)
yüzde 1. percent; synonyms (n) percentage, pct, part, vertigo, liquid, naiant, natatorial, aquatic, dizzy,
portion, share, 2. percentage; synonyms (n) cut, dripping, flowing, fluent, fluid, giddy, light, (n)
lot, percent, piece, proportion, ration, interest, swim, natation, (v) dizziness.
profit, degree, measure, poundage, quantity, quota, yüzük ring (halka); synonyms (n) encircle, band,
rate, agio. gang, jingle, loop, rim, circuit, annulus, (v) circle,
yüzdelik percentage; synonyms (n) part, share, cut, call, peal, echo, resound, reverberate, gird.
lot, percent, piece, portion, proportion, ration, yüzükoyun prone; synonyms (adj) liable, apt,
interest, profit, degree, measure, poundage, disposed, inclined, flat, predisposed, subject, likely,
quantity. procumbent, prostrate, susceptible, supine, given,
yüzdürmek swim (yüzmek); synonyms (v) float, ready, exposed; antonym (adj) upright.
hover, drift, spin, plane, spire, (n) dip, swimming, yüzünden 1. for (çünkü, için); synonyms (prep)
(adj) rise. because, behind, by, per, during, on, toward, (conj)
yüzey 1. surface; synonyms (n) level, face, outside, considering, since, (adv) against, as, therefore,
superficies, facet, grain, side, (v) appear, emerge, hence, 2. through (içinden); synonyms (prep) for,
coat, rise, (adj) exterior, external, shallow, along, throughout, (adv) thorough, via, (adj) finished,
superficial; antonyms (n) core, inside, interior, done, direct, straight, completed, complete, (prf)
middle, 2. level (düzey); synonyms (n) grade, past.
degree, (adj) even, equal, horizontal, (v) flat, flatten, yüzyıl century (asır); synonyms (n) age, centenary,
floor, aim, demolish, destroy, dismantle, raze, hundred, centred, millennium, carbon, hecatomb,
bulldoze, balance; antonyms (adj) inclined, slanting, life, cocain, cocaine, coke, coulomb, lifetime,
angled, unequal, (v) uneven, build, raise. seniority, snow.
yüzeysel 1. superficial; synonyms (adj) cursory,
shallow, external, sketchy, slight, apparent,
exterior, frivolous, outward, surface, outer, flimsy, Ý
empty, facile, ostensible; antonyms (adj) deep,
Ýleri next (sonraki); synonyms (adj) later, nearest,
innate, real, thorough, profound, inner, permanent,
adjacent, contiguous, following, subsequent,
2. shallow; synonyms (adj) shoal, superficial, low, future, coming, ensuing, after, close, near,
petty, little, simple, dull, mean, airy, ignorant,
adjoining, (adv) afterward, then; antonyms (adj)
plain, thin, trifling, (n) flat, silly; antonym (adj) distant, outgoing, (adv) previous, preceding,
bottomless. previously.
yüzleştirmek confront; synonyms (v) face, front, Ýptal cancel (feshetmek, iptal etmek, silmek);
oppose, challenge, approach, brave, defy, collate, synonyms (v) annul, abrogate, erase, expunge,
affront, play, compare, dare, encounter, meet, invalidate, remit, revoke, abate, avoid, efface,
resist; antonyms (v) avoid, evade. eliminate, obliterate, repeal, (adj) abolish, nullify;
yüzme 1. swimming; synonyms (adj) vertigo, liquid, antonym (v) validate.
naiant, natatorial, aquatic, dizzy, dripping, flowing,
fluent, fluid, giddy, light, (n) swim, natation, (v)
dizziness, 2. swim (yüzmek); synonyms (v) float,
hover, drift, spin, plane, spire, (n) dip, swimming, Z
(adj) rise. zaaf 1. disability (yetersizlik); synonyms (n)
yüzmek swim; synonyms (v) float, hover, drift, spin, handicap, inability, disablement, disqualification,
plane, spire, (n) dip, swimming, (adj) rise. drawback, impairment, incapacity, disadvantage,
damage, deadening, deterioration, deterrent,

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detriment, illness, trouble, 2. weakness; rough; antonyms (adj) easy, soft, simple, soggy,
synonyms (n) debility, defect, failing, fault, tender, yielding, (adv) gently, lightly.
deficiency, feebleness, fragility, imperfection, flaw, zam raise (toplamak, yükseltmek); synonyms (v)
frailty, inadequacy, blemish, predilection, (adj) boost, lift, erect, hoist, increase, build, elevate,
infirmity, foible; antonyms (n) strength, power, enhance, foster, grow, promote, prefer, augment,
dislike, advantage, brightness, determination, cultivate, (n) advance; antonym (v) lower.
intensity, supremacy. zaman 1. time (saat, süre); synonyms (n) hour,
zafer 1. victory; synonyms (n) triumph, conquest, moment, period, duration, epoch, era, measure,
success, mastery, subjugation, superiority, season, day, spell, age, instant, interval, space,
achievement, expugnation, feat; antonyms (n) tempo; antonym (n) death, 2. date (tarih);
defeat, beating, failure, loss, 2. conquest; synonyms (n) appointment, assignation,
synonyms (n) victory, conquering, reduction, coup, engagement, meeting, time, year, boyfriend, (v)
rout, occupation, overthrow, subjection, win; escort, determine, register, accompany, court, see,
antonym (n) surrender, 3. triumph; synonyms (n) 3. day (gün, gündüz); synonyms (n) light,
glory, exultation, accomplishment, celebration, hit, daylight, generation, daytime, crisis; antonyms (n)
(v) exult, prevail, crow, joy, rejoice, succeed, gloat, nighttime, night, 4. season; synonyms (n)
conquer, delight, revel; antonyms (n) sorrow, (v) opportunity, (v) flavor, mature, inure, salt, mellow,
fail, lose, 4. win (kazanmak); synonyms (v) flavour, moderate, pickle, ripen, spice, temper,
acquire, gain, get, attain, obtain, achieve, earn, sauce, (adj) harden, habituate, 5. hour (saat);
secure, take, carry, vanquish, procure, reach, score, synonyms (n) hr, nonce, minute, lifetime, month,
make. quarter, quinquennium, week, alarm, amazement,
zahmet 1. bother; synonyms (v) trouble, annoy, arcminute, astonishment, bit, convenience, second,
torment, vex, worry, afflict, aggravate, (n) fuss, 6. while; synonyms (conj) as, whereas, although,
plague, bore, hassle, pain, ado, annoyance, concern; though, (n) piece, (prep) during, (adv) when, whilst,
antonyms (v) delight, please, soothe, (n) pleasure, 2. because.
trouble; synonyms (n) distress, bother, anxiety, zamanlama timing; synonyms (n) timekeeping,
difficulty, care, harass, hardship, (v) inconvenience, running.
disorder, disquiet, agitate, burden, distract, disturb, zamanlamak time (saat, süre, zaman); synonyms
(adj) affliction; antonym (v) calm, 3. pains; (n) hour, moment, period, duration, epoch, era,
synonyms (n) toil, effort, labor, nisus, exertion, measure, season, day, spell, age, instant, interval,
strain, striving, struggle, duty. space, tempo; antonym (n) death.
zahmetli trying; synonyms (adj) difficult, arduous, zambak lily; synonyms (adj) chalk, effeminate, milk,
hard, taxing, annoying, bothersome, demanding, paper, rose, snow, anemone, asphodel, begonia,
rugged, severe, thorny, tiresome, tough, painful, buttercup, geranium, marigold, ranunculus,
troublesome, irritating; antonyms (adj) easy, rhododendron, tulip.
rewarding. zamk cement; synonyms (n) glue, adhesive, gum,
zahmetsiz 1. easy (kolay); synonyms (adj) paste, size, cementum, (v) fasten, fix, join, plaster,
comfortable, convenient, gentle, familiar, graceful, stick, adhere, affix, bind, (adj) concrete.
lenient, light, clear, contented, cozy, casual, comfy, zan assumption; synonyms (n) presumption,
cushy, (adv) soft, easily; antonyms (adj) difficult, supposition, hypothesis, premise, adoption,
arduous, demanding, hard, laborious, burdensome, arrogance, acceptance, belief, conclusion,
particular, strenuous, tough, awkward, formal, conjecture, guess, idea, surmise, theory, notion.
testing, uneasy, 2. cheap (ucuz); synonyms (adj) zanaat craft; synonyms (n) boat, ability, art, cunning,
inexpensive, low, stingy, tacky, base, brassy, bum, trade, artfulness, guile, fraud, shift, artifice,
cheesy, economical, flashy, mean, niggardly, business, deceit, job, occupation, profession.
reasonable, shabby, sleazy; antonyms (adj)
zannetmek 1. guess (sanmak, tahmin etmek);
expensive, costly, generous, tasteful, first-rate,
synonyms (v) conjecture, surmise, forecast, believe,
luxurious. deem, divine, reckon, suppose, assume, calculate,
zalim 1. cruel (gaddar); synonyms (adj) barbarous, feel, figure, foretell, (n) estimate, assumption, 2.
brutal, hard, harsh, heartless, unkind, bitter, believe (inanmak); synonyms (v) think, accredit,
bloody, atrocious, biting, fierce, inhuman,
conceive, consider, guess, understand, accept,
merciless, ruthless, savage; antonyms (adj) gentle, expect, hope, imagine, suspect, apprehend, trow,
kind, merciful, humane, liberal, sympathetic, 2. (n) belief, trust; antonyms (v) disbelieve, distrust, 3.
hard (sert); synonyms (adj) austere, bad, difficult, suppose (sanmak); synonyms (v) infer, presume,
grave, severe, strong, arduous, callous, cruel, speculate, judge, regard, fancy, count, anticipate,
grueling, knotty, tough, (adv) firm, (v) acute, (n) gather, hypothesize, opine, postulate, presuppose,

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518 Turkish - English

say, put, 4. think (düşünmek, sanmak); zararlı 1. harmful; synonyms (adj) baneful,
synonyms (v) hold, muse, ponder, reflect, cogitate, destructive, detrimental, disadvantageous, hurtful,
contemplate, deliberate, meditate, reason, study, injurious, noxious, dangerous, damaging,
envisage, esteem, intend, recollect, see; antonym (v) deleterious, evil, maleficent, adverse, bad, baleful;
forget. antonyms (adj) harmless, healthy, safe, helpful, 2.
zapt conquest; synonyms (n) victory, conquering, evil (fena, kötü, kötülük); synonyms (adj)
defeat, triumph, achievement, reduction, coup, corrupt, criminal, ill, wicked, depraved, harmful,
rout, mastery, occupation, overthrow, subjection, malign, sinister, (n) damage, adversity, detriment,
subjugation, success, win; antonym (n) surrender. disaster, depravity, malice, mischief; antonyms (adj)
zaptetmek 1. occupy; synonyms (v) hold, have, kindhearted, (n) good, goodness, righteousness, 3.
engage, engross, fill, get, absorb, employ, inhabit, destructive; synonyms (adj) deadly, fatal,
invade, possess, conquer, busy, capture, (n) mischievous, pernicious, calamitous, negative,
entertain; antonym (v) leave, 2. capture; vicious, slaughterous, corrosive, disastrous,
synonyms (v) bag, catch, take, apprehend, captivate, malignant, murderous, noisome, poisonous,
carry, ensnare, seize, bewitch, acquire, beguile, ruinous; antonyms (adj) constructive, creative, 4.
collar, (n) arrest, seizure, apprehension; antonyms ill; synonyms (adj) sick, ailing, diseased, unhealthy,
(v) release, surrender. nauseous, disordered, (adv) badly, poorly, sickly,
zar 1. membrane; synonyms (n) diaphragm, film, amiss, (n) harm, complaint, hurt, ailment, calamity;
skin, coat, covering, casing, coating, crust, 2. film; antonym (adv) well.
synonyms (n) membrane, cloud, cinema, haze, zararsız 1. harmless; synonyms (adj) innocuous, safe,
layer, movie, show, fog, flake, flick, pic, picture, benign, inoffensive, hurtless, innocent, innoxious,
scale, (v) mist, photograph. intact, simple, (n) silly, foolish; antonyms (adj)
zarafet grace; synonyms (n) elegance, favor, harmful, damaging, destructive, lethal, poisonous,
clemency, beauty, benediction, blessing, (v) bedeck, toxic, 2. innocent (masum); synonyms (adj)
adorn, deck, garnish, beautify, decorate, embellish, harmless, chaste, artless, clear, ingenuous,
dress, embroider. guileless, guiltless, ignorant, blameless, faultless,
zarar 1. loss (kayıp); synonyms (n) hurt, damage, gullible, naive, pure, spotless, unsophisticated;
defeat, detriment, injury, deficit, deprivation, antonyms (adj) guilty, culpable, responsible, wary,
destruction, forfeit, forfeiture, bereavement, wicked.
decrease, cost, fall, (adj) harm; antonyms (n) zarf 1. envelope; synonyms (n) container, pack, case,
appearance, retrieval, victory, gaining, income, jacket, blanket, vesicle, package, box, packet,
recovery, 2. harm; synonyms (n) evil, bruise, screen, (v) cover, covering, cloak, veil, wrap, 2.
wound, disadvantage, disservice, wrong, disaster, cover (örtmek); synonyms (v) coat, conceal, top,
ill, (v) abuse, blemish, injure, maim, poison, ravage, bury, comprise, bind, (n) blind, binding,
endamage; antonyms (v) enhance, benefit, 3. camouflage, cap, lid, mask, shield, spread, coating;
disadvantage; synonyms (n) inconvenience, antonyms (v) reveal, expose, uncover.
limitation, loss, failing, fault, flaw, liability, snag, zarfında within (içinde); synonyms (prep) into, (adv)
awkwardness, penalty; antonyms (n) bonus, value, inside, in, indoors, internally, inwardly, inly, (n)
(v) advantage, 4. injury; synonyms (n) grievance, interior, (adj) inwards; antonyms (prep) outside,
impairment, affront, contusion, lesion, concussion, beyond.
mischief, outrage, strain, indignity, defect, cut,
zarflamak envelope (zarf); synonyms (n) container,
injustice, insult, (v) crime; antonyms (n) ability,
pack, case, jacket, blanket, vesicle, package, box,
reparation, 5. damage (zarar vermek);
packet, screen, (v) cover, covering, cloak, veil, wrap.
synonyms (n) price, ruin, tear, wreck, charge,
zarif 1. elegant (şık); synonyms (adj) graceful,
defacement, (v) afflict, disfigure, mar, mutilate,
courtly, delicate, splendid, beautiful, dainty, polite,
spoil, break, deface, destroy, (adj) impair; antonyms
refined, dressy, artistic, charming, chic, classy,
(n) service, (v) conserve, repair, bolster, 6. evil
cultured, debonair; antonyms (adj) clumsy,
(fena, kötü, kötülük); synonyms (adj) bad, inelegant, scruffy, ugly, coarse, plain, tacky, 2.
corrupt, criminal, wicked, depraved, destructive,
exquisite; synonyms (adj) elegant, excellent,
harmful, malign, sinister, vicious, (n) adversity,
gorgeous, admirable, acute, choice, heavenly,
depravity, malice, wickedness, (v) curse; antonyms
wonderful, fair, fine, intense, lovely, delicious,
(adj) kindhearted, (n) good, goodness,
accomplished, (v) delightful; antonym (adj)
righteousness, 7. cost; synonyms (n) amount,
expense, toll, disbursement, expenditure, fee,
payment, rate, worth, sacrifice, budget, bill, zaten 1. besides; synonyms (adv) also, furthermore,
expenses, figure, (v) be. moreover, too, again, additionally, anyway, else,
therewithal, beyond, (prep) except, on, beside, (adj)

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more, likewise, 2. already; synonyms (adv) flourishing, well, (n) strength, virtue, 2. weakness;
beforehand, previously, before, formerly, once, synonyms (n) debility, failing, feebleness, fragility,
earlier, finally, (adj) erewhile, present. predilection, vice, vulnerability, enervation,
zavallı 1. poor (fakir, fena, kötü); synonyms (adj) lassitude, delicacy, drawback, faintness, impotence,
bad, low, miserable, paltry, deplorable, destitute, (adj) infirmity, imbecility; antonyms (n) power,
evil, inadequate, insufficient, needy, pathetic, dislike, advantage, brightness, determination,
penniless, piteous, (v) meager, (n) mean; antonyms intensity, supremacy.
(adj) rich, wealthy, excellent, first-rate, privileged, zehir poison; synonyms (n) bane, toxin, (v) infect,
well-off, admirable, good, 2. wretched; synonyms contaminate, envenom, defile, drug, empoison,
(adj) unfortunate, unhappy, forlorn, pitiful, sad, taint, intoxicate, canker, corrupt, pollute, (adj)
lamentable, pitiable, sorry, woeful, abject, base, poisonous, toxic; antonym (n) antidote.
contemptible, desolate, despicable, (v) poor; zehirlemek poison (zehir); synonyms (n) bane,
antonym (adj) happy. toxin, (v) infect, contaminate, envenom, defile,
zayıf 1. faint (bayılmak); synonyms (adj) collapse, drug, empoison, taint, intoxicate, canker, corrupt,
dim, dizzy, feeble, indistinct, weak, dull, gentle, pollute, (adj) poisonous, toxic; antonym (n) antidote.
soft, vague, delicate, distant, (v) languish, swoon, zehirli toxic; synonyms (adj) poisonous, noxious,
droop; antonyms (adj) distinct, strong, clear, venomous, deadly, harmful, virulent, lethal;
obvious, considerable, loud, pungent, 2. slight; antonyms (adj) harmless, nontoxic.
synonyms (adj) flimsy, slender, thin, fragile, faint, zeka intelligence (akıl); synonyms (n) information,
fine, (n) scorn, disdain, (v) disregard, insult, neglect, cleverness, intellect, news, tidings, understanding,
ignore, affront, cut, (adv) light; antonyms (adj) major, acumen, brain, brains, capacity, comprehension,
fat, heavy, intense, severe, thickset, wide, 3. slim knowledge, mentality, notice, sharpness; antonyms
(zayıflamak); synonyms (adj) narrow, slight, lean, (n) stupidity, emotion.
remote, skinny, lithe, meager, frail, small, spare, zeki 1. intelligent (akıllı); synonyms (adj) clever,
taper, tenuous, (v) reduce, slenderize, sly; alert, astute, bright, intellectual, quick-witted,
antonyms (adj) hefty, plump, stocky, 4. thin (ince); rational, sensible, cunning, brilliant, canny, gifted,
synonyms (adj) gaunt, emaciated, rare, slim, sparse, knowing, knowledgeable, quick; antonyms (adj)
bony, gossamer, lank, scrawny, poor, (v) dilute, unintelligent, dim, dull-witted, thick, slow, stupid,
sheer, subtle, scanty, adulterate; antonyms (adj) 2. clever; synonyms (adj) adroit, capable, acute,
thick, concentrated, chubby, broad, (v) thicken, 5. able, apt, intelligent, smart, expert, ingenious,
spare; synonyms (adj) reserve, excess, save, sharp, skillful, artful, learned, adept, brainy;
additional, bare, frugal, redundant, refrain, skimpy, antonyms (adj) clumsy, dull, inept, 3. smart
(v) free, exempt, economize, excuse, (n) extra, (açıkgöz); synonyms (adj) crafty, dapper, shrewd,
backup, 6. weak; synonyms (adj) flat, watery, sly, prompt, chic, jaunty, lively, natty, neat, saucy,
ailing, cowardly, diluted, exhausted, inadequate, fine, (v) ache, hurt, (n) pain; antonyms (adj) scruffy,
infirm, lax, nerveless, shaky, sickly, slack, decrepit, shabby, unkempt, 4. apt (uygun); synonyms (adj)
(v) loose; antonyms (adj) brave, firm, safe, appropriate, apropos, apposite, good, adequate,
compelling, determined, effective, forceful, healthy, convenient, dexterous, efficient, fit, ready, deft,
powerful, resolute, robust, sturdy, vigorous, able, disposed, fitting, happy, just; antonym (adj)
fit, 7. frail; synonyms (adj) brittle, breakable,
inappropriate, 5. bright; synonyms (adj) clear,
rickety, dainty, puny, sick, unhealthy, fallible,
alive, vivid, beaming, light, luminous, lustrous,
impotent, flabby, brash, unsound, frangible,
shining, shiny, sunny, gorgeous, nimble,
helpless, (v) shattery; antonym (adj) substantial, 8.
auspicious, blithe, airy; antonyms (adj) cloudy,
low (alçak); synonyms (adj) contemptible, abject, dark, dreary, gloomy, overcast, shadowy, leaden,
humble, ignoble, base, blue, common, deep,
6. sharp (keskin, sivri); synonyms (adj) bitter,
dejected, depressed, down, downcast,
acid, acrid, harsh, incisive, intense, penetrating,
downhearted, mean, (n) depression; antonyms (adj)
piercing, pointed, pungent, severe, caustic, (n) keen,
cheerful, happy, high-pitched, important, piercing,
(v) biting, brisk; antonyms (adj) blunt, mild, gentle,
(n) high.
rounded, sweet, bland, blurred, naive, round,
zayıflamak slim; synonyms (adj) slender, narrow, smooth.
slight, thin, lean, remote, fine, skinny, flimsy, lithe,
zemberek spring (bahar, ilkbahar); synonyms (n)
meager, light, (v) reduce, slenderize, cut; antonyms
jump, leap, bound, fountain, skip, source, dance,
(adj) fat, heavy, hefty, plump, stocky, wide. rise, (v) hop, caper, bounce, dive, originate, recoil,
zayıflık 1. failing; synonyms (adj) declining, failed, (n) (adj) elastic.
defect, deficiency, fault, blemish, failure, flaw, zemin 1. ground (toprak, yer); synonyms (n) base,
imperfection, inadequacy, shortcoming, weakness,
cause, land, floor, reason, dirt, field, soil, account,
decline, foible, frailty; antonyms (adj) thriving,

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520 Turkish - English

country, basis, (v) bottom, found, establish, fix; transport, content, divert; antonyms (n) sorrow,
antonym (n) ceiling, 2. floor (taban); synonyms (n) misery, (v) depress, displease, 3. treat; synonyms
bed, level, layer, flooring, ground, platform, apron, (v) handle, deal, manage, process, heal, nurse,
(v) deck, dump, fell, prostrate, stun, baffle, mystify, regale, operate, doctor, (n) feast, administer,
(adj) drub; antonym (n) top, 3. background (arka delicacy, luxury, tidbit, banquet, 4. fun (eğlence);
plan); synonyms (n) backdrop, groundwork, synonyms (adj) amusing, entertaining, funny, (n)
setting, context, education, environment, scene, enjoyment, frolic, play, recreation, comedy, humor,
backcloth, panorama, atmosphere, experience, jest, merriment, mirth, sport, festivity, (v) banter, 5.
information, preparation, record, scenery. taste (tatmak); synonyms (n) bit, flavor, liking,
zengin 1. wealthy; synonyms (adj) rich, moneyed, morsel, penchant, appetite, drink, drop, fondness,
affluent, flush, opulent, prosperous, loaded, mouthful, predilection, (v) savor, sample, smack,
substantial, generous, abounding, abundant, discernment; antonym (n) tastelessness, 6.
ample, monied, successful, thriving; antonyms (adj) pleasure; synonyms (n) contentment, fun,
poor, impoverished, 2. rich; synonyms (adj) inclination, fruition, pleasance, desire, cheerfulness,
copious, fertile, productive, fruitful, full, deep, fat, glee, mind, rapture, thrill, will, preference, fancy,
luxurious, plentiful, prolific, bright, liberal, heavy, treat; antonyms (n) anger, irritation, ache, nuisance.
fecund, (v) ornate; antonyms (adj) broke, destitute, zevkli enjoyable; synonyms (adj) delectable,
light, 3. fertile (bereketli, verimli); synonyms agreeable, amusing, delicious, delightful, pleasant,
(adj) exuberant, creative, bountiful, inventive, gratifying, lovely, pleasing, pleasurable, joyful,
luxuriant, lush, rank, original; antonyms (adj) heavenly, acceptable, charming, comfortable;
infertile, sterile. antonym (adj) unpleasant.
zenginlik 1. abundance (bereket, bolluk); zift pitch (atmak); synonyms (n) degree, dip, slant,
synonyms (n) wealth, amplitude, exuberance, slope, (v) fling, cast, chuck, lurch, tilt, toss, heave,
plenitude, profusion, richness, store, treasure, hurl, throw, careen, launch.
affluence, breadth, copiousness, enough, fertility, ziftlemek pitch (atmak); synonyms (n) degree, dip,
(adj) plenty, riches; antonyms (n) dearth, scarcity, slant, slope, (v) fling, cast, chuck, lurch, tilt, toss,
aridity, insufficiency, lack, shortage, 2. wealth; heave, hurl, throw, careen, launch.
synonyms (n) abundance, opulence, capital, zihin mind (akıl); synonyms (n) intellect, brain, head,
fortune, property, mammon, resources, assets, inclination, intelligence, psyche, regard, (v) care,
excess, prosperity, possession, cornucopia, look, attend, beware, keep, listen, notice, (adj) heed;
overabundance, (v) money, gold; antonyms (n) antonym (v) forget.
poverty, penury, 3. substance; synonyms (n) zihinsel 1. mental; synonyms (adj) intellectual, ideal,
essence, body, import, material, matter, meaning, psychic, subjective, insane, psychical,
significance, subject, amount, core, gist, means, psychological, spiritual, genial; antonyms (adj)
quintessence, implication, spirit; antonym (n)
physical, bodily, 2. intellectual; synonyms (adj)
triviality. cerebral, mental, rational, learned, academic,
zerre 1. shadow (gölge); synonyms (n) shade, ghost, cultured, brilliant, clever, intelligent,
tail, trace, darkness, hint, apparition, follower, knowledgeable, (n) intellect, brain, scholar, thinker,
gloom, phantom, reflection, (v) eclipse, follow, mind.
obscure, overshadow, 2. particle; synonyms (n) zil bell; synonyms (n) chime, gong, ring, buzz,
molecule, grain, speck, bit, fragment, iota, jot, mite, doorbell, alarm, siren, clang, call, buzzer, campana,
ace, corpuscle, crumb, dot, mote, point, (adj) atom, cymbal, sign, sound, supplement.
3. grain (tane); synonyms (n) corn, berry, cereal, zımba 1. stamp (damga, posta pulu, pul);
character, grist, kernel, scrap, buckwheat, cast, synonyms (n) mark, seal, brand, impression, cachet,
dash, particle, surface, (v) granulate, (adj) seed, emblem, (v) imprint, print, cast, impress, trample,
spirit, 4. atom (atom). punch, characterize, shape, note, 2. punch
zevce wife (eş, karı); synonyms (n) matron, missis, (delgi); synonyms (n) jab, drill, cuff, die, wallop,
partner, spouse, consort, helpmate, lady, woman, blow, dig, knock, (v) poke, hit, prick, beat,
mistress, concubine, mother, sweetheart, bride, perforate, stab, thrust.
companion, helpmeet; antonym (n) husband.
zımbalamak punch (delgi); synonyms (n) jab, drill,
zevk 1. enjoyment; synonyms (n) delight, pleasure, cuff, die, wallop, blow, dig, knock, (v) poke, hit,
appreciation, gratification, comfort, amusement, prick, beat, perforate, stab, thrust.
delectation, gusto, happiness, relish, satisfaction,
zincir chain; synonyms (n) string, network, tether,
diversion, bliss, ecstasy, entertainment; antonyms
rope, cable, band, bond, concatenation, handcuff,
(n) boredom, dislike, 2. delight; synonyms (n) joy,
line, range, row, run, (v) bind, fetter; antonym (v)
rejoicing, gladness, elation, (v) charm, amuse,
please, ravish, captivate, cheer, enrapture, gratify,

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Turkish - English 521

zincirlemek chain (zincir); synonyms (n) string, pitch, size; antonym (n) shortness, 3. summit
network, tether, rope, cable, band, bond, (doruk); synonyms (n) point, vertex, heyday,
concatenation, handcuff, line, range, row, run, (v) cover, meeting, 4. top (üst); synonyms (adj)
bind, fetter; antonym (v) release. superlative, supreme, (n) surface, brow, covering,
zinde fit (uymak); synonyms (v) agree, lid, (v) best, cap, exceed, outdo, surpass, beat,
accommodate, meet, suit, adapt, correspond, better, excel, pass; antonyms (adj) worst, (n) bottom,
square, accord, dress, (adj) decorous, apt, applicable, 5. cap; synonyms (n) bonnet, capital, ceiling,
appropriate, (n) adjust, convulsion; antonyms (adj) detonator, closure, coif, cork, helmet, plug, stopper,
unfit, inappropriate, unwell. uncover, moil, (v) limit, complete, culminate, 6.
zıplama 1. bound; synonyms (v) leap, border, climax; synonyms (n) orgasm, meridian, extremity,
bounce, limit, circumscribe, confine, pounce, apogee, finish, finale, crisis, end, highlight;
rebound, (n) spring, jump, boundary, edge, barrier, antonym (v) dip, 7. head (baş, kafa); synonyms
compass, hop; antonym (adj) free, 2. jump (n) chief, captain, front, boss, foam, froth, chieftain,
(atlama, atlamak); synonyms (v) dive, hurdle, executive, chair, brain, commander, director, (v)
rise, skip, startle, clear, dance, go, increase, lunge, direct, lead, command; antonyms (n) subordinate,
plunge, (n) bound, start, caper, curvet; antonyms (v) (v) follow.
decrease, fall. zıt 1. opposite (karşıt); synonyms (adj) adverse,
zıplamak 1. bound; synonyms (v) leap, border, contradictory, diametric, different, hostile,
bounce, limit, circumscribe, confine, pounce, opposing, opposed, antagonistic, (adv) counter, (n)
rebound, (n) spring, jump, boundary, edge, barrier, contrary, opponent, adversary, contradiction,
compass, hop; antonym (adj) free, 2. jump antonym, (pron) other; antonym (adj) similar, 2.
(atlama, atlamak); synonyms (v) dive, hurdle, reverse (ters); synonyms (adj) opposite, converse,
rise, skip, startle, clear, dance, go, increase, lunge, inverse, (v) annul, repeal, rescind, countermand,
plunge, (n) bound, start, caper, curvet; antonyms (v) overturn, revoke, rear, nullify, cancel, invert,
decrease, fall. overrule, (n) reversal; antonym (n) front.
zira for (çünkü, için); synonyms (prep) because, zıtlık 1. opposition; synonyms (n) contrast, conflict,
behind, by, per, during, on, toward, (conj) antithesis, contrary, contrariety, antagonism,
considering, since, (adv) against, as, therefore, enemy, hostility, opponent, opposite, competition,
hence. contradiction, antagonist, antipathy, aversion;
ziraat agriculture; synonyms (n) farming, antonym (n) consent, 2. contrast (kontrast);
agribusiness, agronomy, husbandry, tillage, synonyms (n) comparison, distinction, difference,
geoponics, agriculturism, culture, defense, variation, collation, dissimilarity, divergence, line,
education, interior, labor, plough, state, (v) differ, oppose, collate, diverge, clash,
terraculture. counterpoint, differentiate; antonym (n) similarity.
zırh 1. armour; synonym (v) armor, 2. mail (posta, zıvana 1. bush; synonyms (n) shrub, bushing, wild,
postalamak); synonyms (n) communication, chaparral, hedge, jungle, plant, scrub, wilderness,
correspondence, (v) post, send, remit, habergeon, 2. sleeve; synonyms (n) arm, case, liner, cover,
shield, place, transmit, direct, dispatch, 3. shield cuff, collar, sheath, skin, socket, wristband,
(kalkan, korumak, siper); synonyms (n) screen, gauntlet, glove, mitten, (v) mesh, net.
shelter, buffer, protection, shade, defense, (v) cover, ziyafet 1. feast; synonyms (n) banquet, dinner,
guard, safeguard, preserve, secure, defend, hide, entertainment, binge, carousal, celebration, festival,
protect, buckler; antonym (v) expose. meal, spread, (v) junket, fete, eat, feed, treat,
zırva 1. bull (boğa); synonyms (n) bullshit, bunk, entertain; antonym (v) fast, 2. spread (yaymak);
hogwash, rot, absurdity, bear, buck, buncombe, synonyms (v) scatter, reach, disperse, expand,
bunkum, cop, copper, crap, fuzz, guff, (adj) blunder, extend, broadcast, circulate, diffuse, disseminate,
2. nonsense; synonyms (n) gibberish, balderdash, increase, propagate, stretch, broaden, deploy, (n)
baloney, drivel, folderol, foolishness, humbug, span; antonym (adj) concentrated.
claptrap, falderal, folly, hooey, jargon, rigmarole, ziyan 1. harm; synonyms (n) evil, hurt, detriment,
cobblers, (v) stuff; antonym (n) sense. bruise, wound, disadvantage, injury, disservice, (v)
zirve 1. peak (doruk); synonyms (n) crest, maximum, damage, abuse, blemish, injure, maim, poison,
top, acme, apex, crown, pinnacle, climax, extreme, ravage; antonyms (v) enhance, benefit, 2. loss
head, height, mountain, prime, summit, tip; (kayıp, zarar); synonyms (n) defeat, deficit,
antonyms (n) nadir, base, trough, 2. height deprivation, destruction, forfeit, forfeiture,
(doruk, yükseklik); synonyms (n) altitude, bereavement, decrease, cost, fall, decrement,
culmination, peak, degree, elevation, eminence, impairment, casualty, death, (adj) harm; antonyms
grade, high, level, zenith, extent, length, measure, (n) appearance, retrieval, victory, gaining, income,
recovery, 3. injury; synonyms (n) grievance, ill,

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522 Turkish - English

affront, contusion, lesion, loss, wrong, concussion, violence (şiddet); synonyms (n) rage, fierceness,
mischief, outrage, strain, indignity, defect, cut, (v) fury, ferocity, intensity, vehemence, impetuosity,
crime; antonyms (n) ability, reparation. might, outrage, power, brutality, storm, heat,
ziyaret visit; synonyms (n) chat, sojourn, (v) see, constraint, madness; antonyms (n) gentleness,
frequent, attend, call, tour, view, gossip, haunt, peacefulness, 4. strain; synonyms (n) stress, breed,
inspect, jaw, impose, inflict, talk. effort, stretch, exertion, race, (v) filter, screen, sift,
ziyaretçi visitor; synonyms (n) guest, company, tax, endeavor, exert, extend, percolate, pull;
tourist, visitant, traveler, inspector, stranger, antonym (v) relax.
foreigner, alien, sightseer, arrival, husband, zorlamak 1. force (güç, kuvvet); synonyms (n)
supercargo. energy, strength, agency, effect, enforce, impetus,
zor 1. difficult; synonyms (adj) arduous, awkward, (v) drive, coerce, pressure, squeeze, thrust, compel,
demanding, burdensome, complicated, delicate, cram, impel, (adj) constrain; antonyms (n) weakness,
fastidious, hard, knotty, uphill, finicky, abstruse, persuasion, 2. urge; synonyms (n) goad, spur,
ambitious, cantankerous, complex; antonyms (adj) impulse, (v) push, advocate, press, force, incite,
easy, simple, straightforward, good-natured, induce, inspire, instigate, persuade, prompt,
rewarding, clear, 2. force (güç, kuvvet, promote, (adj) quicken; antonym (v) discourage, 3.
zorlamak); synonyms (n) energy, strength, agency, press (basın, basmak); synonyms (n) jam, closet,
effect, enforce, impetus, (v) drive, coerce, pressure, newspaper, (v) crush, crowd, pack, compress,
squeeze, thrust, compel, cram, impel, (adj) exhort, mash, urge, clasp, hug, pinch, squash,
constrain; antonyms (n) weakness, persuasion, 3. stress, 4. strain; synonyms (n) breed, effort, stretch,
constraint (zorlama); synonyms (n) coercion, exertion, race, reach, (v) filter, screen, sift, tax,
compulsion, force, restraint, confinement, duress, endeavor, exert, extend, percolate, pull; antonym
enforcement, limitation, obligation, restriction, (v) relax.
coaction, check, condition, control, (adj) reserve; zorlanma strain; synonyms (n) stress, breed, effort,
antonym (n) incentive, 4. hard (sert); synonyms stretch, exertion, race, (v) filter, screen, sift, tax,
(adj) austere, bad, difficult, grave, severe, strong, endeavor, exert, extend, percolate, pull; antonym
callous, cruel, grueling, tough, bitter, alcoholic, (adv) (v) relax.
firm, (v) acute, (n) rough; antonyms (adj) soft, kind,
zorlu 1. formidable; synonyms (adj) arduous,
merciful, soggy, tender, yielding, (adv) gently,
appalling, grim, awful, difficult, dreadful, fearful,
lightly, 5. sticky; synonyms (adj) adhesive, forbidding, heavy, dread, onerous, redoubtable,
clammy, muggy, embarrassing, glutinous, gummy, stiff, tough, herculean, 2. violent; synonyms (adj)
humid, slimy, gluey, gooey, mucilaginous, pasty,
fierce, rough, tempestuous, intense, raging, severe,
sultry, sweltering, tacky; antonyms (adj) dry, fresh, turbulent, vehement, sharp, passionate, powerful,
6. stiff; synonyms (adj) rigid, formal, inflexible, savage, stormy, (n) furious, boisterous; antonyms
numb, rigorous, solid, sturdy, buckram, (adj) gentle, peaceful, calm, nonviolent.
ceremonious, fixed, (adv) tight, (n) stark, cadaver,
zorluk difficulty; synonyms (n) hindrance,
corpse, body; antonyms (adj) relaxed, flexible,
impediment, trouble, bother, asperity, jam, barrier,
floppy, supple, free, pliable. difficultness, fix, hardship, inconvenience, obstacle,
zoraki forced; synonyms (adj) compulsory, strait, adversity, disadvantage; antonyms (n) ease,
compelled, bound, artificial, constrained, simplicity, advantage, help.
involuntary, unnatural, farfetched, false, labored,
zorunlu 1. mandatory; synonyms (adj) compulsory,
obligatory, obliged, strained; antonyms (adj) free,
obligatory, required, necessary, imperative,
unprovoked, spontaneous, voluntary.
binding, requisite, (n) mandatary; antonym (adj)
zorbalık violence (şiddet); synonyms (n) rage, optional, 2. compulsory; synonyms (adj)
fierceness, force, fury, ferocity, intensity, strength,
involuntary, mandatory, forcible, essential,
vehemence, impetuosity, might, outrage, power,
unavoidable; antonym (adj) voluntary, 3. forced;
brutality, storm, heat; antonyms (n) gentleness,
synonyms (adj) compelled, bound, artificial,
peacefulness. constrained, unnatural, farfetched, false, labored,
zorlama 1. constraint; synonyms (n) coercion, obliged, strained; antonyms (adj) free, unprovoked,
compulsion, force, restraint, confinement, duress, spontaneous, 4. necessary (gerekli); synonyms
enforcement, limitation, obligation, pressure,
(adj) important, inevitable, basic, fundamental,
restriction, coaction, check, condition, (adj) reserve; indispensable, main, vital, urgent, principal, (n)
antonym (n) incentive, 2. force (güç, kuvvet, necessity, demand, need, requirement, want, must;
zorlamak); synonyms (n) energy, strength, agency, antonyms (adj) unnecessary, surplus, needless,
effect, enforce, impetus, impulse, (v) drive, coerce, unjustified, 5. urgent (acil); synonyms (adj)
squeeze, thrust, compel, cram, impel, (adj) pressing, importunate, instant, immediate, quick,
constrain; antonyms (n) weakness, persuasion, 3. earnest, critical, serious, hasty, insistent,

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Turkish - English 523

compelling, eager, burning, (v) clamorous, (n)

breathless; antonym (adj) trivial.
zorunluluk 1. necessity (gereklilik); synonyms (n)
demand, need, lack, essential, exigency,
compulsion, emergency, constraint, distress,
indigence, must, necessary, obligation,
requirement, want; antonym (n) option, 2.
urgency; synonyms (n) pressure, haste, necessity,
hurry, press, insistence, stress, instancy,
importance, speed, rush, importunity, essentiality,
gravity, indispensability.
züğürt broke; synonyms (adj) bankrupt, poor,
impecunious, impoverished, insolvent, penniless,
bust, destitute, ruined, skint, strapped; antonyms
(adj) rich, solvent.
zulüm 1. oppression; synonyms (n) injustice, abuse,
despotism, tyranny, weight, dictatorship, stress,
wrong, severity, violence, compression, (v)
hardship, grievance, (adj) autocracy, molestation, 2.
cruelty; synonyms (n) brutality, barbarity,
cruelness, oppression, ferociousness, ferocity,
harshness, mercilessness, ruthlessness, sadism,
barbarism, fierceness, heartlessness, inclemency,
inhumanity; antonyms (n) compassion, kindness,
friendliness, gentleness, 3. outrage; synonyms (n)
affront, atrocity, indignity, anger, enormity, injury,
contumely, force, crime, (v) insult, dishonor, offend,
violate, desecrate, horrify.
zümre 1. class (sınıf); synonyms (n) category, group,
form, grade, position, arrange, brand, department,
kind, (v) sort, place, rank, categorize, classify, order,
2. category (kategori, ulam); synonyms (n) class,
denomination, division, type, variety, level, cohort,
plight, breed, classification, collection, estate,
family, nature, predicament.

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accent see 1. vurgu (emphasis), 2. aksan, 3. ağız

(mouth), 4. şive, 5. vurgulamak (highlight).
Index of English accept see 1. almak (buy, get, have, receive, take), 2.
onaylamak (approve, confirm), 3. anlamak (see,
Subjects to Turkish understand), 4. kabullenmek.
acceptable see 1. makbul, 2. uygun (appropriate,
Subjects apt, suitable).
acceptance see 1. kabul (admission, reception), 2.
access see 1. giriş (entry, input, introduction), 2.
geçit, 3. erişim, 4. erişmek, 5. yol (path, road,
A route, way).
accessible see bulunur.
a see bir (one).
accession see 1. artma, 2. ulaşma, 3. çoğalma, 4.
abandon see 1. bırakmak (leave), 2. vazgeçmek.
abandoned see 1. ahlaksız, 2. terkedilmiş.
accident see 1. kaza, 2. tesadüf, 3. rastlantı.
abbey see manastır.
accidental see tesadüfi.
ability see 1. yetenek (capability), 2. güç (energy,
accidentally see 1. tesadüfen, 2. kazara.
force, power, strength), 3. iktidar (power), 4.
accommodate see 1. bağdaştırmak, 2. yerleştirmek.
accommodation see uzlaştırma.
able see 1. muktedir, 2. yetenekli, 3. güçlü.
accord see 1. ahenk (harmony), 2. anlaşma
abnormal see 1. anormal, 2. olağandışı.
(agreement, deal, understanding), 3. uygunluk, 4.
abolition see iptal.
vermek (give, grant), 5. birleşme, 6. uzlaşma, 7.
abortion see 1. düşük, 2. kürtaj.
about see 1. hakkında, 2. takriben, 3. yaklaşık, 4. account see 1. hesap (bill, calculation), 2. açıklama
dair, 5. Hakkýnda. (explanation), 3. önem, 4. değer, 5. sebep.
above see 1. yukarıda, 2. Üst (top, upper), 3. üstünde accountable see 1. mesul, 2. sorumlu.
(on), 4. üstün.
accountancy see 1. muhasebecilik, 2. Muhasebe
abruptly see birdenbire.
absence see 1. yokluk, 2. dalgınlık, 3. eksiklik accountant see 1. muhasebeci, 2. sayman, 3.
(deficiency), 4. bulunmayış, 5. gıyap. muhasip.
absent see 1. yok, 2. namevcut, 3. dalgın. accounting see muhasebe.
absolute see 1. mutlak, 2. saf (clean, pure), 3. tam accumulation see 1. toplanma, 2. yığma, 3.
(accurate, complete, exact, exactly, precise, very), birikme, 4. birikim, 5. biriktirme.
4. kesin (definite), 5. salt, 6. katıksız, 7.
accuracy see 1. doğruluk (truth), 2. ayar, 3. kesinlik
mükemmel (excellent).
(precision), 4. tamlık.
absolutely see 1. tamamen (altogether, entirely), 2.
accurate see 1. doğru (correct, right, true), 2. tam
kesinlikle, 3. tamamıyla.
(absolute, complete, exact, exactly, precise, very),
absorb see 1. emmek, 2. soğurmak, 3. yutmak, 4.
3. kesin (definite).
çekmek (drag, draw, pull).
accused see sanık.
absorption see 1. emme, 2. soğurma, 3. emilme.
ace see 1. as, 2. birli, 3. bey (gentleman).
abstract see 1. soyut, 2. özet (outline, summary), 3.
achieve see 1. başarmak, 2. kazanmak (win).
özetlemek, 4. öz (self), 5. ayırmak (appropriate,
achievement see 1. başarı (success), 2. başarma.
divide, reserve, separate, split), 6. aşırmak (steal),
acid see 1. asit, 2. ekşi, 3. LSD.
7. soyutlamak, 8. teorik (theoretical), 9. çalmak
(steal). acknowledge see 1. tanımak (know), 2.
absurd see 1. saçma, 2. anlamsız, 3. abes, 4. gülünç. alındılamak, 3. onaylamak (accept, approve,
abundance see 1. bolluk (plenty), 2. bereket, 3. confirm).
acknowledgement see 1. alındı, 2. kabul
zenginlik, 4. çokluk.
abundant see 1. bol (ample), 2. bereketli (fertile), 3. (acceptance, admission, reception), 3. tanıma
(recognition), 4. teşekkür.
çok (many, much, very).
acoustic see akustik.
abuse see 1. küfür, 2. suistimal.
acquaintance see 1. tanıdık, 2. bildik, 3. bilgi
academic see 1. akademik, 2. teorik (theoretical), 3.
(information, knowledge).
kuramsal (theoretical).
acquire see 1. edinmek, 2. kazanmak (win).
academy see akademi.
acquisition see 1. kazanma, 2. Edinme, 3. kazanç
acceleration see 1. ivme, 2. hızlanma.
(gain, proceeds).

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across see 1. çapraz, 2. çaprazlama, 3. içinden admiration see 1. hayranlık, 2. takdir.

(through), 4. ortasından, 5. Yatay (horizontal, admission see 1. kabul (acceptance, reception), 2.
landscape). giriş (access, entry, input, introduction), 3. itiraf.
act see 1. hareket (action, motion, move, movement), adopt see 1. benimsemek, 2. edinmek (acquire).
2. davranmak, 3. perde (curtain, screen), 4. kanun adoption see benimseme.
(law), 5. iş (action, affair, deed, job, work), 6. fiil adult see yetişkin.
(verb), 7. amel, 8. yapmak (do, fulfil, make, advance see 1. ilerlemek, 2. avans, 3. ilerleme
perform), 9. davranış (attitude), 10. yasa (law, (advancement), 4. ilerletmek, 5. gelişmek, 6.
statute), 11. oynamak (play), 12. numara gelişme.
(number), 13. edim, 14. etkilemek. advanced see 1. ileri (forward), 2. gelişmiş, 3.
acting see 1. yapan, 2. oyunculuk. ilerlemiş.
action see 1. etki (effect, impact, influence), 2. advancement see 1. ilerleme (advance), 2. terfi, 3.
hareket (act, motion, move, movement), 3. iş yükselme.
(affair, deed, job, work), 4. eylem, 5. faaliyet advantage see 1. avantaj, 2. yarar (benefit), 3.
(activity), 6. dava, 7. davranış (attitude), 8. amel, üstünlük, 4. çıkar, 5. menfaat, 6. fayda.
9. çalışma (work), 10. kuvvet (force, strength), advent see gelme.
11. çarpışma (collision). adventure see 1. serüven, 2. macera.
activation see etkinleştirme. advertisement see 1. reklam, 2. ilan
active see 1. etkin (effective), 2. hareketli, 3. aktif, 4. (announcement), 3. reklâm, 4. duyuru
canlı (alive, live, lively, living), 5. faal. (announcement).
activity see 1. etkinlik, 2. faaliyet, 3. eylem (action). advertising see reklamcılık.
actor see aktör. advice see 1. öğüt (counsel), 2. tavsiye (tip), 3.
actress see aktris. nasihat, 4. akıl (intelligence, mind).
actual see 1. gerçek (fact, real, true), 2. asıl, 3. advise see 1. öğütlemek, 2. bildirmek (inform).
şimdiki, 4. hakiki, 5. asli, 6. fiili, 7. güncel (up- advised see 1. düşünceli, 2. tedbirli.
to-date). adviser see 1. danışman, 2. müşavir.
actually see 1. aslında, 2. gerçekten (indeed, really). aerial see 1. anten, 2. havai.
acute see 1. keskin (bitter, sharp), 2. şiddetli (bitter), aeroplane see 1. uçak (aircraft, plane), 2. tayyare.
3. akut, 4. sivri (sharp), 5. dar (narrow).
aesthetic see estetik.
ad see reklam (advertisement).
affair see 1. mesele (matter, question), 2. iş (action,
adapt see 1. uyarlamak, 2. uydurmak.
deed, job, work), 3. hadise, 4. ilişki (relation), 5.
adaptation see 1. uyarlama (version), 2. olay (event, fact, incident).
adaptasyon, 3. intibak. affect see 1. dokunmak (touch), 2. etkilemek, 3.
add see 1. eklemek, 2. toplamak (collect, gather, taslamak.
pick, raise), 3. katmak. affected see yapmacık.
addiction see tiryakilik. affection see 1. sevgi (love), 2. düşkünlük, 3.
addition see 1. toplama (collection), 2. ekleme, 3. muhabbet.
ilave, 4. katma, 5. ek (appendix). affinity see 1. hısımlık, 2. ilgi (interest, reference),
additional see 1. ilave, 2. ek (appendix), 3. ekstra. 3. eğilim (inclination, trend), 4. benzerlik
address see 1. adres, 2. söylev (speech), 3. konuşma (analogy, similarity), 5. akrabalık, 6. yakınlık.
(speech, talk), 4. nutuk, 5. hitabe. afraid see korkmuş.
adequate see 1. yeterli, 2. uygun (appropriate, apt, after see 1. sonra (afterwards), 2. arkasından, 3.
suitable), 3. elverişli. ardından.
adjacent see bitişik. afterwards see 1. sonra (after), 2. sonradan.
adjective see 1. önad, 2. sıfat. again see 1. yine, 2. tekrar, 3. yeniden, 4. gene, 5.
adjust see 1. ayarlamak (regulate, set), 2. uydurmak, ayrıca.
3. alışmak, 4. alıştırmak, 5. düzeltmek. age see 1. yaş, 2. asır (century), 3. çağ (era), 4.
adjustment see 1. ayar, 2. ayarlama, 3. düzeltme yaşlanmak.
(correction). aged see ihtiyar.
administration see 1. hükümet (government), 2. agency see 1. acentelik, 2. ajans, 3. aracılık, 4.
yönetim (government, management), 3. idare organ, 5. vasıta, 6. acente.
(management). agenda see gündem.
administrative see idari. agent see 1. acenta, 2. ajan, 3. etken, 4. temsilci
administrator see 1. yönetici (director, manager), 2. (representative), 5. acente, 6. aracı, 7. etmen
idareci, 3. vekil, 4. müdür (director, manager), 5. (factor).
yönetmen, 6. vasi.

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aggregate see 1. toplam (sum, total), 2. küme ally see 1. dost (friend), 2. birleşmek (join), 3.
(cluster, group), 3. toplamak (add, collect, gather, müttefik (allied), 4. birleştirmek (join), 5. arkadaş
pick, raise), 4. bütün (all, entire, integral, whole), (companion, friend).
5. kümelemek. almost see 1. neredeyse, 2. adeta.
aggression see 1. saldırı, 2. hücum (assault, attack). alone see yalnız.
aggressive see 1. saldırgan, 2. girişken, 3. kavgacı, along see boyunca.
4. atılgan. alongside see yanında.
ago see 1. önce (before), 2. evvel. alpha see alfa.
agony see agoni. already see 1. şimdiden, 2. zaten.
agree see 1. anlaşmak, 2. uyuşmak. also see 1. da, 2. de (too), 3. dahi (too), 4. keza, 5.
agreement see 1. anlaşma (accord, deal, hem, 6. ayrıca.
understanding), 2. uyuşma, 3. ahenk (accord, altar see 1. sunak, 2. mihrap.
harmony), 4. ittifak (alliance). alter see 1. değiştirmek (change, modify), 2.
agricultural see tarımsal. değişmek, 3. başkalaşmak.
agriculture see 1. tarım, 2. çiftçilik, 3. ziraat. alteration see 1. değişiklik (change, modification),
ahead see 1. önde, 2. ileri (advanced, forward), 3. 2. değiştirme.
ileride, 4. başta. alternative see 1. seçenek (option), 2. alternatif, 3.
aid see 1. yardımcı (assistant), 2. yardım (assistance, başka (different, else, other), 4. diğer (other), 5.
help). şık (elegant).
aim see 1. hedef (destination, goal, objective, target), altogether see 1. tamamen (absolutely, entirely), 2.
2. amaç (intent, object, objective, purpose, büsbütün.
target), 3. gaye, 4. maksat (intention, purpose), 5. aluminium see alüminyum.
erek (end). always see 1. daima, 2. hep, 3. boyuna.
air see 1. hava (weather), 2. havalandırmak, 3. amateur see amatör.
gökyüzü (sky), 4. nağme, 5. tavır (attitude). amazement see 1. hayret (wonder), 2. şaşkınlık.
aircraft see 1. uçak (aeroplane, plane), 2. uçaklar. amazing see şaşırtıcı.
airfield see havaalanı (airport). ambassador see 1. büyükelçi, 2. elçi.
airport see 1. havaalanı, 2. havalimanı. ambiguity see belirsizlik.
alarm see 1. alarm, 2. korku (apprehension, fear), 3. ambiguous see 1. belirsiz, 2. muğlak, 3. müphem.
dehşet. ambition see 1. tutku (passion), 2. hırs, 3. ihtiras.
alas see 1. eyvah, 2. tüh. ambitious see 1. tutkulu, 2. ihtiraslı, 3. hırslı, 4.
album see albüm. istekli.
alcohol see alkol. ambulance see 1. ambulans, 2. cankurtaran.
ale see bira (beer). amendment see 1. düzeltme (correction), 2.
alert see 1. uyarmak (warn), 2. tetik, 3. uyanık, 4. değişiklik (change, modification), 3. ıslah, 4.
atik, 5. açıkgöz (smart). iyileştirme.
algorithm see algoritma. ammunition see 1. cephane, 2. mühimmat.
alien see yabancı. amnesty see af (pardon).
alike see 1. aynı (same), 2. benzer (analogous, like). amount see 1. miktar (quantity), 2. tutar.
alive see 1. canlı (live, lively, living), 2. sağ (right), ample see 1. bol (abundant), 2. büyük (big, grand,
3. yaşayan, 4. hayatta, 5. diri, 6. farkında. great, large, major), 3. geniş (large, wide), 4.
all see 1. bütün (entire, integral, whole), 2. hepsi, 3. yeterli (adequate).
tüm, 4. tümü, 5. tamamen (absolutely, altogether, amusement see eğlence (fun).
entirely), 6. her (each), 7. hep (always), 8. herkes. amusing see eğlenceli.
allegiance see sadakat. an see bir (one).
alliance see 1. ittifak, 2. anlaşma (accord, anal see anal.
agreement, deal, understanding), 3. birleşme, 4. analogous see 1. benzer (like), 2. paralel (parallel).
uyuşma, 5. dünürlük, 6. birlik (union, unity), 7. analogy see 1. benzerlik (similarity), 2. örnekseme,
akrabalık. 3. analoji, 4. benzeşim, 5. karşılaştırma, 6. kıyas.
allied see 1. müttefik, 2. bağlaşık. analyse see 1. çözümlemek, 2. incelemek.
allocation see 1. ayırma, 2. ödenek. analysis see 1. analiz, 2. çözümleme, 3. tahlil.
allow see 1. ayırmak (appropriate, divide, reserve, analyst see 1. analist, 2. tahlilci.
separate, split), 2. bırakmak (leave). analytical see 1. analitik, 2. çözümsel, 3.
allowance see 1. izin (permission, permit), 2. çözümlemeli.
ödenek. ancient see eski (former, old).

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528 English - Turkish

and see 1. ve, 2. ile (with). appointment see 1. atama, 2. randevu, 3. tayin, 4.
angel see melek. görev (task), 5. iş (action, affair, deed, job, work).
anger see 1. öfke, 2. hiddet, 3. kızgınlık, 4. appreciate see 1. beğenmek (enjoy, like), 2.
kızdırmak, 5. öfkelendirmek. değerlenmek, 3. anlamak (see, understand).
angle see 1. açı, 2. çarpıtmak, 3. saptırmak, 4. dirsek appreciation see 1. takdir, 2. minnettarlık.
(elbow). apprehension see 1. anlayış, 2. korku (fear), 3.
angry see 1. öfkeli, 2. kızgın, 3. fırtınalı, 4. hiddetli. endişe (anxiety), 4. tutuklama, 5. kavrayış, 6.
animal see 1. hayvan (beast), 2. hayvansal. kuruntu.
anniversary see yıldönümü. approach see 1. yaklaşmak, 2. yaklaşma, 3.
announce see 1. bildirmek (inform), 2. Bildir, 3. yaklaşım.
duyurmak. appropriate see 1. uygun (apt, suitable), 2. ayırmak
announcement see 1. duyuru, 2. ilan (divide, reserve, separate, split), 3. has, 4.
(advertisement), 3. bildiri, 4. anons. yerinde.
annual see yıllık. approval see 1. onay, 2. onaylama, 3. onama, 4.
anonymous see 1. anonim, 2. isimsiz, 3. imzasız, 4. tasvip, 5. beğenme.
adsız. approve see 1. onaylamak (accept, confirm), 2.
answer see 1. cevap (reply, response), 2. karşılık, 3. beğenmek (enjoy, like).
yanıt (response), 4. yanıtlamak. approved see onaylı.
anthropology see antropoloji. apt see 1. uygun (appropriate, suitable), 2. eğilimli,
antibody see antikor. 3. yerinde, 4. zeki.
anticipate see 1. ummak (hope), 2. beklemek aquarium see Akvaryum.
(expect, wait). arbitrary see keyfi.
anticipation see 1. bekleme (wait), 2. umma. arc see 1. yay, 2. ark, 3. kavis (curve).
antique see 1. antika, 2. antik. arch see kemer (belt).
anxiety see 1. endişe, 2. kaygı, 3. bunaltı, 4. heves. archaeology see arkeoloji.
anxious see 1. endişeli, 2. kaygılı. archbishop see başpiskopos.
any see 1. herhangi, 2. hiç (nothing), 3. biri architect see mimar.
(somebody). architectural see mimari (architecture).
apart see ayrı (distinct, separate). architecture see 1. mimari, 2. mimarlık.
apology see 1. özür (excuse), 2. mazeret, 3. arctic see arktik.
savunma. are see ar.
appalling see korkunç (horrible, terrible). area see 1. alan (domain, field, range, space), 2.
apparatus see 1. aygıt (device), 2. cihaz, 3. alet bölge (belt, district, region, zone), 3. saha (field),
(implement, instrument, tool). 4. yüzölçümü.
apparent see 1. açık (clear, explicit, free, light, arena see arena.
open, plain, shortage), 2. ortada. argue see tartışmak.
apparently see anlaşılan. argument see 1. tartışma, 2. münakaşa, 3. delil, 4.
appeal see 1. temyiz, 2. çekicilik, 3. yalvarmak. iddia (assertion), 5. kanıt (evidence, proof).
appealing see çekici. arise see 1. kalkmak, 2. doğmak, 3. yükselmek
appear see 1. görünmek, 2. gözükmek, 3. belirmek. (rise).
appearance see 1. görünüm (outlook, view), 2. aristocracy see aristokrasi.
görünüş. arm see 1. kol, 2. dal (branch), 3. güç (energy, force,
appendix see 1. ek, 2. apandis, 3. ilave. power, strength), 4. otorite.
appetite see 1. arzu (desire, will, wish), 2. iştah, 3. armchair see koltuk (seat).
istek (request). armour see zırh.
apple see elma. army see 1. ordu, 2. asker (soldier).
applicable see 1. uygulanabilir, 2. uygun around see 1. etrafına, 2. çevrede, 3. etrafında, 4.
(appropriate, apt, suitable). sularında.
applicant see 1. aday (candidate), 2. istekli. arrange see 1. düzenlemek (order, organize), 2.
application see 1. uygulama, 2. başvuru, 3. talep ayarlamak (adjust, regulate, set), 3. planlamak, 4.
(claim). kararlaştırmak, 5. düzeltmek, 6. düzenleme.
apply see 1. uygulamak, 2. Uygula, 3. başvurmak arrangement see 1. hazırlık (preparation), 2.
(refer), 4. kullanmak (employ, use), 5. sürmek anlaşma (accord, agreement, deal,
(drive, last). understanding), 3. aranjman, 4. düzen (order), 5.
appoint see Atamak. düzenleme, 6. sıra (order, rank, sequence), 7.
ayarlama, 8. tertip.

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array see 1. dizi (series, string), 2. düzen (order), 3. asthma see astım.
saf (absolute, clean, pure), 4. sıra (order, rank, astonishing see şaşırtıcı.
sequence). astonishment see 1. hayret (wonder), 2. şaşkınlık,
arrest see 1. tutuklamak, 2. durdurmak (stop), 3. 3. şaşırma.
durdurma, 4. tutuklama. asylum see 1. barınak, 2. sığınak (refuge), 3.
arrival see 1. varış, 2. geliş, 3. gelme, 4. varma. himaye, 4. iltica, 5. koruma (conservation,
arrive see 1. varmak (get), 2. ulaşmak (reach), 3. protection).
gelmek (come), 4. doğmak. atmosphere see 1. atmosfer, 2. hava (air, weather),
arrogant see 1. kibirli, 2. küstah, 3. gururlu (proud). 3. ortam (environment, medium), 4. çevre
arrow see ok. (environment).
arse see göt. atmospheric see atmosferik.
arsenal see 1. cephanelik, 2. tophane. atom see 1. atom, 2. zerre.
art see 1. sanat, 2. ustalık, 3. hüner. atomic see atomik.
article see 1. fıkra, 2. madde (item, matter), 3. attached see 1. bağlı, 2. bitişik (adjacent).
makale, 4. yazı, 5. eşya. attachment see 1. dostluk, 2. ek (appendix), 3.
artificial see 1. yapay, 2. yapmacık, 3. suni, 4. haciz, 4. sevgi (affection, love), 5. ilgi (interest,
yapma, 5. takma, 6. sahte, 7. yalancı. reference), 6. bağlantı (connection, link), 7.
artist see 1. ressam, 2. sanatçı, 3. sanatkâr. bağlılık.
artistic see artistik. attack see 1. hücum (aggression, assault), 2.
as see 1. Olarak, 2. gibi, 3. çünkü (for), 4. Türü, 5. saldırmak, 3. kriz (crisis), 4. nöbet, 5. saldırı
kadar. (aggression), 6. basmak (press).
ascent see 1. çıkış (exit), 2. yokuş, 3. yükselme, 4. attainment see erişme.
bayır, 5. rampa, 6. tırmanma. attempt see 1. yeltenmek, 2. teşebbüs, 3. kalkışmak,
ash see kül. 4. girişim (interference), 5. denemek, 6. deneme
ashore see 1. karaya, 2. karada. (essay, trial), 7. kalkışma, 8. çalışmak (work), 9.
aside see ayrı (apart, distinct, separate). yeltenme.
ask see 1. sormak, 2. istemek (want), 3. SOR. attend see 1. bakmak (look, maintain, refer, regard,
aspect see 1. görünüş, 2. hal, 3. cephe, 4. çehre view, watch), 2. katılmak.
(face). attendance see 1. bakım (maintenance), 2. bakma,
assassination see suikast. 3. devam (continuation), 4. ilgilenme.
assault see 1. hücum (aggression, attack), 2. attention see 1. dikkat, 2. ilgi (interest, reference),
saldırmak (attack), 3. saldırı (aggression), 4. 3. bakım (maintenance).
tecavüz. attitude see 1. tutum, 2. davranış, 3. tavır, 4. duruş,
assembly see 1. montaj, 2. çevirme (conversion), 3. 5. düşünce.
toplantı, 4. kongre (congress, convention), 5. attorney see 1. avukat (counsel, lawyer, solicitor), 2.
içtima, 6. meclis. vekil.
assertion see 1. iddia, 2. sav (thesis). attract see 1. çekmek (drag, draw, pull), 2.
assessment see 1. vergi (tax), 2. vergilendirme cezbetmek.
(taxation). attraction see 1. cazibe, 2. çekicilik, 3. çekim.
asset see mal. attractive see 1. çekici, 2. alımlı, 3. cazip.
assets see 1. servet, 2. Varlıklar, 3. aktif. auction see mezat.
assignment see 1. görev (task), 2. atama audience see 1. dinleyiciler, 2. seyirciler, 3.
(appointment), 3. devir (period), 4. iş (action, izleyiciler.
affair, deed, job, work). audio see 1. işitsel, 2. ses (sound, tone, voice).
assist see desteklemek (support). audit see 1. denetlemek (check, control), 2. denetim
assistance see 1. yardım (help), 2. destek (support). (check, control).
assistant see 1. asistan, 2. yardımcı, 3. muavin. aunt see 1. hala, 2. teyze, 3. yenge.
association see 1. dernek, 2. kurum, 3. ortaklık, 4. authentic see 1. güvenilir, 2. gerçek (actual, fact,
arkadaşlık, 5. birlik (union, unity), 6. birliktelik, real, true), 3. hakiki, 4. otantik.
7. çağrışım. author see 1. yazar (writer), 2. yaratıcı.
assume see 1. varsaymak, 2. üstlenmek. authoritative see 1. yetkili, 2. otoriter.
assumption see 1. farz, 2. varsayım, 3. zan. authorities see yetkililer.
assurance see 1. güvence, 2. sigorta (insurance), 3. authority see 1. yetki, 2. otorite, 3. yetke, 4. bilirkişi
söz (word). (expert), 5. uzman (expert, specialist), 6. itibar, 7.
assure see inandırmak. nüfuz.
automatic see 1. otomatik, 2. özdevimli.

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530 English - Turkish

automatically see özdevimli. balloon see balon.

autonomous see 1. özerk, 2. otonom. ban see 1. yasak (forbidden), 2. yasaklamak.
autonomy see 1. özerklik, 2. otonomi. band see 1. bant (tape), 2. kayış, 3. şerit, 4. sargı, 5.
autumn see 1. sonbahar (fall), 2. güz. orkestra (orchestra), 6. grup (bunch, group, set),
available see 1. mevcut, 2. hazır, 3. kullanılabilir, 4. 7. bando, 8. çete, 9. kuşak (belt, generation).
kullanışlı. bang see 1. patırtı (noise), 2. patlama (explosion), 3.
avenue see 1. cadde (street), 2. bulvar. heyecan, 4. gürültü (noise), 5. çarpmak.
average see 1. ortalama (mean), 2. orta bank see 1. banka, 2. küme (cluster, group), 3.
(intermediate, medium, middle), 3. avarya, 4. banko, 4. kıyı, 5. set (set), 6. yığın (bulk, mass,
vasati. stack).
aviation see havacılık. banker see banker.
avoid see 1. kaçınmak, 2. sakınmak. banking see bankacılık.
awake see 1. uyanmak, 2. uyandırmak, 3. uyanık, 4. bankruptcy see iflas.
uyanmış. banner see 1. bayrak (flag), 2. pankart.
award see 1. hüküm (provision), 2. vermek (give, bar see 1. bar, 2. çubuk, 3. kalıp (cast), 4.
grant), 3. ödül (reward), 4. hükmetmek, 5. karar yasaklamak, 5. engel (barrier), 6. sırık, 7.
(decision). parmaklık, 8. engellemek, 9. çizgi (line), 10.
aware see 1. haberdar, 2. bilinçli (conscious), 3. baro, 11. hariç.
farkında. bare see 1. çıplak (naked), 2. yalın.
away see 1. uzakta, 2. uzağa, 3. uzak (distant, far, barely see ancak (but, hardly, however, only,
remote). scarcely).
awful see 1. müthiş, 2. berbat, 3. korkunç (horrible, bargain see 1. kelepir, 2. pazarlık, 3. anlaşma
terrible). (accord, agreement, deal, understanding), 4.
awkward see 1. beceriksiz, 2. hantal, 3. kullanışsız, uyuşma, 5. işlem.
4. sakar. barn see ahır.
axe see balta. baroque see barok.
axis see 1. eksen, 2. mihver. barrel see 1. fıçı, 2. varil, 3. kovan.
barrier see 1. engel, 2. korkuluk, 3. çit (fence), 4.
duvar (wall), 5. bariyer.
base see 1. taban (floor), 2. alçak (low), 3. temel
(basic, elementary, foundation), 4. üs, 5. baz, 6.
B adi (common), 7. esas, 8. aşağılık, 9. dip
(bottom), 10. kaide.
baby see bebek (doll, infant). basement see bodrum (cellar).
back see 1. geri, 2. sırt, 3. arka, 4. bek, 5. geçmişte, basic see 1. temel (base, elementary, foundation), 2.
6. geride, 7. geriye, 8. önce (before), 9. arkadaki. ana (chief, main, major, master, principal), 3.
background see 1. artalan, 2. zemin (floor, ground), esas.
3. fon, 4. arkaplan. basically see aslında.
backing see 1. destek (support), 2. yardım basin see 1. havuz (pool), 2. havza, 3. yalak, 4.
(assistance, help), 3. ciro, 4. destekleme. leğen.
backwards see geriye. basis see 1. esas, 2. temel (base, basic, elementary,
bad see 1. kötü (evil, poor), 2. fena (evil, poor), 3. foundation), 3. kaide, 4. kaynak (origin, resource,
bozuk (broken). source).
badly see çok (many, much, very). basket see 1. sepet, 2. sayı (number), 3. küfe, 4.
bag see 1. çanta, 2. torba (sack), 3. çuval. basket.
bail see 1. kefalet, 2. kefil. bass see 1. bas, 2. levrek.
baker see 1. ekmekçi, 2. fırıncı. bastard see piç.
balance see 1. denge (equilibrium, stability), 2. bat see yarasa.
dengelemek, 3. bakiye (remainder), 4. bilanço, 5. batch see 1. yığın (bulk, mass, stack), 2. parti (lot),
balans, 6. düşünmek (think), 7. kalan (remainder), 3. toplu, 4. grup (bunch, group, set).
8. kalıntı, 9. tartmak, 10. terazi. bath see 1. banyo (bathroom), 2. yıkanma, 3.
balanced see dengeli. yıkanmak, 4. yıkamak (wash).
balcony see balkon. bathroom see 1. banyo (bath), 2. Tuvalet (lavatory,
bald see 1. kel, 2. yalın, 3. dazlak. toilet).
ball see 1. top (gun), 2. balo.
ballet see bale.

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battery see 1. pil, 2. batarya, 3. akü, 4. takım (set, bell see zil.
team), 5. akümülatör, 6. dizi (array, series, belly see 1. göbek (core), 2. karın, 3. mide
string), 7. seri (series), 8. dövme. (stomach), 4. şişmek.
battle see 1. muharebe, 2. savaş, 3. savaşmak. beloved see sevgili (dear, love).
bay see 1. koy, 2. cumba, 3. ulumak, 4. uluma, 5. below see 1. aşağıda, 2. aşağı (down), 3. altında, 4.
havlamak, 6. körfez, 7. defne, 8. bölüm (chapter, cehennemde, 5. altta.
department, division, part, section), 9. bölme, 10. belt see 1. kemer, 2. bölge (district, region, zone), 3.
havlama. kuşak (generation), 4. kayış.
be see 1. olmak (become, get, happen), 2. bulunmak. bench see 1. bank, 2. sıra (order, rank, sequence), 3.
beach see 1. plaj, 2. kumsal, 3. sahil (coast, seaside). tezgâh.
beam see 1. ışın (ray), 2. kiriş, 3. huzme, 4. direk, 5. bend see 1. bükme, 2. eğmek, 3. bükmek, 4. viraj, 5.
parlamak. dönemeç, 6. kıvırma, 7. kıvırmak, 8. eğilmek, 9.
bear see 1. ayı, 2. taşımak (carry), 3. doğurmak, 4. dirsek (elbow), 10. bükülmek, 11. eğme, 12.
yönelmek, 5. spekülatör, 6. götürmek, 7. kıvrım.
dayanmak, 8. çekmek (drag, draw, pull), 9. beneath see altında.
katlanmak. beneficial see 1. faydalı, 2. hayırlı, 3. kârlı, 4.
beard see 1. sakal, 2. püskül. yararlı.
bearing see 1. kerteriz, 2. davranış (attitude), 3. benefit see 1. yarar (advantage), 2. avantaj
taşıma, 4. yatak (bed), 5. doğurma, 6. ilgi (advantage), 3. fayda, 4. hak, 5. kâr, 6. kazanç
(interest, reference), 7. katlanma. (gain, proceeds), 7. menfaat, 8. yaramak, 9.
beast see hayvan (animal). yararlanmak, 10. çıkar.
beat see 1. dövmek, 2. vuruş (stroke), 3. vurmak bent see eğilim (inclination, trend).
(hit), 4. tempo, 5. çırpmak, 6. titreşim, 7. darbe, 8. besides see 1. ayrıca, 2. üstelik, 3. zaten.
yenmek, 9. atmak (cast, pitch, throw), 10. bet see 1. bahis, 2. iddia (assertion).
pataklamak. better see düzeltmek.
beaten see dövülmüş. between see 1. arada, 2. arasında, 3. aralarında.
beating see 1. kötek, 2. yenilgi, 3. dövme, 4. dayak. beyond see 1. ötesinde, 2. ötesine, 3. ötede, 4. öteye.
beautiful see 1. güzel (fair, fine, handsome, lovely, bias see 1. önyargı (prejudice), 2. eğilim
pretty), 2. latif. (inclination, trend), 3. meyil, 4. çapraz, 5. sapma
beauty see güzellik. (deviation, drift), 6. verev.
become see 1. olmak (get, happen), 2. yakışmak, 3. bible see İncil.
yaraşmak. bicycle see bisiklet (cycle).
becoming see 1. uygun (appropriate, apt, suitable), bid see 1. emretmek (order), 2. demek (say), 3.
2. yerinde. deklarasyon, 4. ihale, 5. söylemek (say, tell), 6.
bed see 1. yatak, 2. tarh, 3. çiçeklik, 4. tabaka, 5. teklif.
taban (base, floor), 6. temel (base, basic, big see 1. büyük (grand, great, large, major), 2.
elementary, foundation), 7. yatırmak, 8. karyola. önemli (important, significant, substantial), 3. iri,
bee see arı (pure). 4. kocaman (huge).
beef see yakınmak. bike see 1. bisiklet (bicycle, cycle), 2. motosiklet.
beer see bira. bile see 1. safra, 2. öd, 3. aksilik, 4. huysuzluk.
before see 1. önce, 2. önünde, 3. huzurunda, 4. önde, bill see 1. gaga, 2. hesap (account, calculation), 3.
5. önden, 6. evvel. fatura, 4. poliçe (policy), 5. afiş, 6. senet, 7.
beforehand see önceden. tahvil, 8. tasarı, 9. ilan (advertisement,
beg see 1. dilenmek, 2. dilemek. announcement).
begin see 1. başlamak (start), 2. başlatmak (start). billion see milyar.
beginning see 1. başlangıç (origin, start), 2. köken bin see 1. kutu (box), 2. sele, 3. ambar (store,
(origin), 3. baş (chief, head, master), 4. kaynak warehouse).
(origin, resource, source). binding see bağlayıcı.
behave see davranmak (act). binoculars see dürbün.
behaviour see 1. davranış (attitude), 2. tavır biography see biyografi.
(attitude). biological see biyolojik.
behind see 1. kıç (bottom), 2. arkada, 3. geri (back), biology see biyoloji.
4. gerisinde, 5. arkasında. biopsy see biyopsi.
being see varlık (entity). bird see kuş.
belief see 1. inanç, 2. iman. birth see 1. doğum, 2. doğuş, 3. soy, 4. doğma, 5.
believe see 1. inanmak, 2. güvenmek, 3. zannetmek. başlangıç (beginning, origin, start).

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biscuit see 1. bisküvi, 2. çörek. bond see 1. bono, 2. bağ (connection, link), 3.
bishop see 1. fil (elephant), 2. piskopos. tahvil, 4. senet, 5. birleştirmek (join), 6.
bit see 1. kırıntı, 2. parça (component, item, part, tutturmak, 7. yapıştırmak (stick), 8. ilişki
piece, portion, segment), 3. lokma, 4. gem, 5. bit, (relation).
6. matkap (drill), 7. ikil. bone see 1. kemik, 2. kılçık.
bitch see 1. orospu, 2. kancık. bonus see 1. ikramiye, 2. prim (premium).
bite see 1. ısırmak, 2. sokmak, 3. lokma, 4. book see 1. kitap, 2. tutmak (hold, keep, retain), 3.
keskinlik, 5. ısırık, 6. ısırma, 7. dişlemek, 8. kaydetmek (record, register), 4. defter
acılık, 9. kavramak (grip). (notebook).
bitter see 1. acı (distress, grief, sorrow), 2. keskin booking see rezervasyon (reservation).
(sharp), 3. şiddetli, 4. sert (hard, harsh), 5. üzücü. boom see 1. gümbürdemek, 2. gürlemek, 3. seren, 4.
bitterness see 1. acılık, 2. sertlik. bumba, 5. gelişmek.
bizarre see 1. garip, 2. tuhaf, 3. acayip (peculiar). boost see 1. yükseltmek (raise), 2. destek (support).
black see 1. siyah, 2. kara. boot see 1. tekmelemek, 2. çizme, 3. bot, 4. kovmak,
bladder see 1. mesane, 2. kese. 5. önyüklemek, 6. potin, 7. tekme, 8. bagaj
blame see 1. suçlamak, 2. sorumluluk (liability, (luggage).
responsibility), 3. azarlamak, 4. suç (crime), 5. border see 1. kenar (edge, margin, side, verge), 2.
kabahat, 6. kınama, 7. kusur (defect, fault). sınır (boundary, limit), 3. kenarlýk, 4. hudut.
blank see 1. boş (empty, free, vacant), 2. boşluk bore see 1. delik (hole), 2. delmek, 3. oymak, 4.
(gap, vacuum), 3. yazısız, 4. açık (clear, explicit, oyuk.
free, light, open, plain, shortage), 5. anlamsız boredom see sıkıntı.
(absurd), 6. beyaz (white). boring see 1. sıkıcı, 2. delme, 3. sondaj.
blanket see 1. battaniye, 2. örtü, 3. kapsamak born see doğmuş.
(include). boss see 1. patron (governor), 2. amir, 3. işveren, 4.
blast see 1. bombalamak (bomb), 2. mahvetmek, 3. yönetmek.
patlama (explosion), 4. yıkmak. bother see 1. sıkıntı, 2. zahmet.
blaze see 1. alev (flame), 2. tutuşmak, 3. ateş (fire), bottle see 1. şişe, 2. şişelemek.
4. parlamak. bottom see 1. alt, 2. dip, 3. kıç, 4. temel (base, basic,
bleak see 1. soğuk (cold), 2. kasvetli. elementary, foundation), 5. kaynak (origin,
blind see 1. kör, 2. anlayışsız, 3. perde (curtain, resource, source), 6. popo, 7. Son (end, final,
screen), 4. stor, 5. gizli (confidential, hidden), 6. finish, last), 8. tekne.
düşüncesiz. bound see 1. zıplamak, 2. zıplama, 3. sınırlamak
block see 1. blok, 2. tıkamak, 3. engel (barrier), 4. (restrict), 4. sınır (border, boundary, limit), 5.
kapamak (close, shut), 5. engellemek, 6. makara. sıçrama, 6. mecbur, 7. bağlı, 8. ciltli.
bloke see 1. adam (fellow, guy, man), 2. herif. boundary see 1. sınır (border, limit), 2. hudut.
blood see 1. kan, 2. huy, 3. akrabalık. bourgeois see 1. burjuva, 2. kentsoylu.
bloody see kanlı. bourgeoisie see burjuvazi.
blow see 1. üflemek, 2. esmek, 3. atmak (cast, pitch, bow see 1. reverans, 2. yay (arc), 3. pruva, 4. kavis
throw), 4. darbe, 5. hamle, 6. övünme. (curve), 5. eğmek, 6. baş (chief, head, master), 7.
blue see mavi. gökkuşağı, 8. fiyonk.
blues see hüzün. bowl see 1. tas, 2. çanak, 3. kase, 4. yuvarlamak
board see 1. tahta (wood), 2. kereste, 3. pano (roll).
(panel), 4. binmek, 5. kurul (commission), 6. box see 1. kutu (bin), 2. loca, 3. sandık, 4.
mukavva, 7. sofra. yumruklaşmak, 5. televizyon (television), 6.
boat see 1. sandal, 2. kayık, 3. gemi (ship), 4. tekne. kutulamak.
bodily see bedensel. boxing see boks.
body see 1. beden, 2. gövde, 3. vücut, 4. ceset, 5. boy see 1. oğlan, 2. delikanlı (youngster), 3. oğul
cisim. (son).
bold see 1. atılgan, 2. küstah, 3. koyu (dark), 4. brain see 1. beyin, 2. akıl (intelligence, mind).
gözüpek, 5. cesur (brave), 6. kalın (thick), 7. branch see 1. dal, 2. dallanmak, 3. şube, 4. kol
kalýn, 8. arsız. (arm), 5. bölüm (chapter, department, division,
bolt see 1. sürgülemek, 2. yıldırım, 3. sürgü, 4. part, section).
cıvata, 5. kaçış, 6. elemek, 7. top (ball, gun), 8. brand see 1. dağlamak, 2. damgalamak, 3. marka.
tıkınmak. brandy see kanyak.
bomb see 1. bomba, 2. bombalamak. brass see 1. pirinç (rice), 2. küstahlık, 3. para (cash,
currency, money), 4. cüret.

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brave see 1. cesur, 2. kahraman (hero), 3. yiğit. buffet see 1. büfe, 2. boğuşmak, 3. tokat, 4. yumruk.
brazil see Brezilya. build see 1. kurmak (found, install), 2. yapı
breach see 1. yarık, 2. gedik, 3. yarmak (split), 4. (structure), 3. yaradılış, 4. yapmak (do, fulfil,
uymama, 5. ihlal, 6. çiğneme. make, perform).
bread see 1. ekmek, 2. geçim, 3. para (cash, builder see 1. inşaatçı, 2. müteahhit (contractor).
currency, money). building see 1. bina, 2. yapı (structure), 3. inşaat.
breadth see 1. en (width), 2. genişlik (width). bulk see 1. yığın (mass, stack), 2. hacim (volume),
break see 1. mola, 2. fırsat, 3. uymamak, 4. kırmak, 3. şişirmek, 4. oylum (volume), 5. şişmek.
5. kırık, 6. bozmak, 7. kesmek (cut), 8. bull see 1. boğa, 2. aynasız, 3. polis (police), 4.
bozdurmak, 9. kırılmak, 10. çatlak, 11. kopmak, saçma (absurd), 5. zırva.
12. parçalamak, 13. parçalanmak. bullet see 1. mermi, 2. kurşun.
breakdown see 1. bozulma (corruption), 2. çökme, bulletin see 1. bülten, 2. bildiri.
3. arıza (fault). bunch see 1. grup (group, set), 2. salkım, 3. demet,
breakfast see kahvaltı. 4. deste (deck), 5. kırışmak, 6. takım (set, team).
breaking see kırılma. bundle see 1. deste (deck), 2. bohça.
breast see 1. göğüs, 2. meme. burden see 1. yüklemek (load), 2. yük (load), 3.
breath see 1. nefes, 2. soluk, 3. esinti, 4. fısıltı. nakarat, 4. sorumluluk (liability, responsibility).
breathe see 1. solumak, 2. fısıldamak. bureau see 1. büro (office), 2. daire (circle), 3.
breed see 1. yavrulamak, 2. cins, 3. doğurmak, 4. yazıhane.
soy, 5. yetiştirmek, 6. tür (kind, species, type), 7. bureaucracy see 1. bürokrasi, 2. kırtasiyecilik.
nesil, 8. çeşit, 9. üretmek (generate). bureaucratic see bürokratik.
breeze see 1. esinti, 2. meltem, 3. tartışma burglary see hırsızlık (theft).
(argument). burial see defin.
brick see tuğla. burn see 1. yanmak, 2. yakmak, 3. yanık, 4.
bride see gelin. tutuşmak.
bridge see 1. köprü, 2. briç. burning see 1. ivedi, 2. yakıcı, 3. yanan.
brief see 1. kısa (short), 2. özet (abstract, outline, burst see 1. patlama (explosion), 2. patlamak.
summary), 3. muhtasar, 4. özetlemek. bus see 1. otobüs, 2. yol (path, road, route, way), 3.
brigade see 1. tugay, 2. ekip. bara.
bright see 1. parlak (shiny), 2. aydınlık, 3. zeki. bush see 1. çalı, 2. burç (tower), 3. zıvana.
brilliant see 1. parlak (shiny), 2. görkemli business see 1. iş (action, affair, deed, job, work), 2.
(splendid), 3. pırlanta. ticaret (commerce), 3. mesele (affair, matter,
bring see getirmek (fetch). question), 4. işyeri.
brisk see 1. canlı (alive, live, lively, living), 2. busy see 1. meşgul, 2. işlek, 3. hareketli, 4.
çevik, 3. hareketli. kullanımda, 5. faal.
broad see 1. enli, 2. geniş (large, wide), 3. genel but see 1. ama, 2. ancak (barely, hardly, however,
(general, public), 4. belli, 5. açık (clear, explicit, only, scarcely), 3. fakat.
free, light, open, plain, shortage), 6. kadın butcher see 1. kasap, 2. cani, 3. katletmek, 4. katil,
(woman). 5. boğazlamak, 6. doğramak.
brochure see broşür. butter see 1. tereyağı, 2. yağcılık.
broke see 1. meteliksiz, 2. züğürt. butterfly see kelebek.
broken see 1. bozuk, 2. kırık, 3. kırılmış, 4. button see 1. düğme, 2. düğmelemek, 3. buton.
parçalanmış, 5. çiğnenmiş. buy see 1. almak (accept, get, have, receive, take), 2.
broker see 1. komisyoncu, 2. simsar. inanmak (believe), 3. yutmak.
bronze see 1. tunç, 2. bronz, 3. bronzlaştırmak. buyer see 1. alıcı (client, customer, receiver), 2.
brother see 1. birader, 2. kardeş. müşteri (client, customer).
brow see 1. alın, 2. kaş, 3. yamaç. by see 1. tarafından, 2. yanından, 3. yanında, 4.
brown see 1. kahverengi, 2. esmerleşmek. yakınında, 5. vasıtasıyla, 6. ile (and, with), 7.
brush see 1. fırça, 2. fırçalama, 3. fırçalamak. kadar, 8. yakınından, 9. göre, 10. yoluyla, 11.
brutal see 1. kaba (coarse, crude, gross, rough), 2. yakın (near).
vahşi, 3. acımasız, 4. sert (hard, harsh), 5. şiddetli
bucket see kova.
budget see bütçe.
buffer see 1. tampon, 2. arabellek.

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main, major, master, principal), 6. anamal, 7. baş

(chief, head, master).
capitalism see kapitalizm.
capitalist see kapitalist.
C captain see 1. kaptan, 2. yüzbaşı, 3. lider (leader), 4.
şef, 5. yönetmek.
cab see taksi (taxi).
capture see 1. ganimet, 2. yakalamak (catch, grip,
cabin see 1. kulübe (cottage, hut), 2. kamara, 3.
trap), 3. zaptetmek, 4. esir.
car see 1. araba, 2. otomobil, 3. vagon.
cabinet see 1. dolap, 2. kabine.
caravan see 1. karavan, 2. kervan.
cable see 1. kablo, 2. palamar, 3. telgraf.
carbon see karbon.
cage see 1. kafes, 2. hapishane (jail), 3. hapsetmek.
card see kart.
cake see 1. kek, 2. pasta, 3. kalıp (cast), 4.
cardboard see 1. karton, 2. mukavva.
care see 1. bakım (maintenance), 2. dikkat
calcium see kalsiyum.
(attention), 3. hoşlanmak, 4. ilgi (interest,
calculate see 1. hesaplamak, 2. planlamak, 3.
reference), 5. özen.
saymak (count, number), 4. tasarlamak (design).
career see kariyer.
calculation see 1. hesap (account, bill), 2.
careful see 1. dikkatli, 2. özenli, 3. titiz, 4. ölçülü, 5.
hesaplama, 3. tahmin (forecast).
calendar see takvim.
careless see 1. ilgisiz (indifferent), 2. dikkatsiz, 3.
calf see 1. dana, 2. baldır, 3. buzağı.
call see 1. çağırmak, 2. çağrı, 3. bağırmak (cry, cargo see 1. kargo, 2. yük (load).
shout), 4. davet, 5. seslenmek, 6. aramak (search,
carpet see halı.
seek), 7. demek (say), 8. çağırma.
carriage see 1. nakliye, 2. vagon, 3. taşıma, 4. duruş,
calling see meslek.
5. Araba (car), 6. tavır (attitude), 7. şaryo.
calm see 1. durgunluk, 2. sakin (quiet), 3. durgun, 4.
carrier see 1. taşıyıcı, 2. nakliyeci, 3. portör.
sakinleştirmek, 5. asude, 6. dingin.
carry see 1. nakletmek, 2. taşımak (bear), 3.
camera see kamera.
götürmek, 4. geçirmek, 5. elde, 6. menzil.
camp see 1. kamp, 2. ordugâh.
case see 1. dava, 2. durum (state, status), 3. kasa, 4.
campaign see 1. kampanya, 2. seferberlik.
sorun (issue, problem), 5. olay (event, fact,
can see 1. hapishane (jail), 2. kutu (bin, box). incident), 6. mesele (affair, matter, question), 7.
canal see kanal (channel). vaka, 8. kutulamak, 9. kutu (bin, box), 10. çanta
cancel see 1. feshetmek, 2. silmek (wipe), 3. (bag), 11. sandık.
kaldırmak (lift, remove), 4. vazgeç, 5. cash see 1. para (currency, money), 2. nakit, 3.
vazgeçmek, 6. Ýptal, 7. bozmak. bozdurmak.
cancer see kanser. cassette see kaset.
candidate see 1. aday, 2. namzet. cast see 1. atmak (pitch, throw), 2. kalıp, 3.
candle see mum. fırlatmak, 4. tip (type), 5. oyuncular, 6.
canon see 1. kanun (law), 2. kriter (criterion), 3. dökümcülük, 7. döküm, 8. çeşit, 9. atma, 10.
ölçüt (criterion). çarpıklık (distortion).
canopy see 1. gölgelik, 2. tente, 3. kubbe (dome), 4. casting see 1. döküm, 2. dökme.
örtü, 5. saçak, 6. sayvan. castle see 1. kale (goal), 2. şato, 3. hisar.
canteen see 1. kantin, 2. matara. casual see tesadüfi.
canvas see 1. tuval, 2. çadır, 3. kanaviçe, 4. yelken cat see kedi.
(sail). catalogue see katalog.
cap see 1. başlık (heading), 2. kasket, 3. kep, 4. catch see 1. yakalamak (grip, trap), 2. tutma (hold),
takke, 5. tepe (hill), 6. örtmek (cover), 7. zirve 3. yakalama, 4. tutmak (hold, keep, retain), 5. av
(height, peak, summit). (hunt), 6. vurmak (hit), 7. anlamak (see,
capability see 1. yetenek (ability), 2. güç (energy, understand), 8. yetişmek, 9. takılmak.
force, power, strength), 3. iktidar (power), 4. catching see 1. bulaşıcı, 2. çekici.
kabiliyet, 5. kapasite (capacity). category see 1. kategori, 2. ulam, 3. sınıf (class), 4.
capacity see 1. kapasite, 2. sıfat, 3. yetenek (ability, bölüm (chapter, department, division, part,
capability). section), 5. zümre.
cape see pelerin. cathedral see katedral.
capital see 1. başkent, 2. büyük (big, grand, great, cattle see 1. sığır, 2. sığırlar.
large, major), 3. kapital, 4. sermaye, 5. ana (chief,

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cause see 1. neden (why), 2. dava, 3. amaç (aim, değişmek, 5. bozukluk (failure, fault), 6.
intent, object, objective, purpose, target), 4. değiştirme, 7. yenilik, 8. değişme.
sebep, 5. hedef (aim, destination, goal, objective, channel see 1. kanal (canal), 2. oluk.
target), 6. doğurmak, 7. gaye (aim). chaos see 1. kaos, 2. kargaşa, 3. karışıklık, 4.
caution see 1. uyarı (warning), 2. uyarmak (alert, keşmekeş.
warn), 3. uyarma, 4. kefalet, 5. ihtiyat, 6. dikkat chap see 1. adam (fellow, guy, man), 2. arkadaş
(attention), 7. tedbir. (companion, friend), 3. ahbap (friend), 4. çatlak,
cautious see 1. dikkatli (careful), 2. ihtiyatlı, 3. 5. çatlamak, 6. çatlatmak, 7. yarık.
tedbirli. chapter see 1. bölüm (department, division, part,
cave see mağara. section), 2. kısım (section).
cease see 1. durmak (halt, stand, stop), 2. kesmek character see 1. karakter, 2. özellik (characteristic,
(cut), 3. durdurmak (stop), 4. bitmek (end, finish). feature, property), 3. tabiat, 4. kişilik
ceiling see tavan. (personality), 5. kahraman (hero), 6. bonservis, 7.
celebrate see kutlamak. huy, 8. damga (seal, stamp), 9. nitelik (quality).
celebrated see ünlü (famous). characteristic see 1. karakteristik, 2. özellik
celebration see kutlama. (feature, property), 3. tipik (typical), 4. vasıf, 5.
cell see 1. hücre, 2. göze, 3. pil (battery), 4. göz nitelik (quality).
(eye). charcoal see karakalem.
cellar see 1. bodrum (basement), 2. kiler, 3. mahzen. charge see 1. yüklemek (load), 2. suçlamak (blame),
cellular see 1. hücreli, 2. hücresel. 3. suçlama, 4. sorumluluk (liability,
cement see 1. çimento, 2. macun, 3. tutkal, 4. responsibility), 5. talimat (instruction), 6.
çimentolamak, 5. çiriş, 6. yapıştırmak (stick), 7. saldırmak (attack), 7. ücret, 8. masraf, 9. itham,
zamk. 10. hücum (aggression, assault, attack), 11. görev
cemetery see 1. mezarlık, 2. kabristan. (task), 12. emir, 13. doldurmak (fill), 14. bakım
censorship see sansür. (maintenance), 15. yük (load), 16. nezaret.
census see sayım. charged see yüklü (loaded).
central see 1. merkezi, 2. ana (chief, main, major, charging see yükleme.
master, principal), 3. santral (exchange). charitable see 1. yardımsever, 2. hayırsever, 3.
centre see 1. merkez, 2. orta (intermediate, medium, şefkatli.
middle). charity see 1. sadaka, 2. hayırseverlik, 3. merhamet,
century see 1. yüzyıl, 2. asır. 4. yardımseverlik.
ceremony see 1. tören, 2. resmiyet, 3. merasim, 4. charm see 1. çekicilik, 2. nazarlık, 3. cezbetmek, 4.
ayin. büyülemek, 5. büyü, 6. cazibe (attraction), 7.
certain see 1. belirli (definite, specific), 2. emin, 3.
charming see 1. büyüleyici (fascinating), 2.
kesin (definite), 4. muhakkak, 5. şüphesiz, 6.
belli, 7. güvenilir. cazibeli, 3. çekici, 4. hoş (pleasant), 5. sevimli.
certainly see 1. elbette, 2. kesinlikle, 3. muhakkak, chart see 1. grafik (graph), 2. çizelge (table), 3.
4. tabii. çizim (drawing).
certainty see 1. kesinlik (precision), 2. katiyet. charter see 1. tutmak (hold, keep, retain), 2.
kiralamak, 3. patent.
certificate see 1. diploma, 2. belge (document), 3.
chase see 1. av (hunt), 2. kovalama, 3. kovalamak, 4.
tasdikname, 4. sertifika, 5. belgelemek
(document), 6. ruhsat. takip.
chain see 1. zincir, 2. zincirlemek. chat see 1. sohbet, 2. hoşbeş.
chair see 1. sandalye, 2. iskemle, 3. kürsü. cheap see 1. ucuz, 2. değersiz, 3. ucuza, 4.
zahmetsiz, 5. bayağı, 6. adi (common), 7.
chairman see 1. başkan (president), 2. reis.
chalk see tebeşir.
check see 1. çek, 2. denetim (control), 3. denetlemek
chamber see oda (room).
(audit, control), 4. kontrol (control), 5. durdurmak
champion see 1. şampiyon, 2. savunmak, 3. (stop), 6. şah, 7. marka, 8. engel (barrier), 9. fiş.
savunucu, 4. destekleyici, 5. desteklemek checked see 1. kareli, 2. damalı.
cheek see 1. yanak, 2. yüzsüzlük, 3. küstahlık, 4.
championship see şampiyonluk.
avurt, 5. arsızlık.
chance see 1. denemek, 2. tesadüfi, 3. şans, 4. fırsat,
cheerful see 1. neşeli, 2. şen, 3. istekli, 4. keyifli.
5. ihtimal, 6. olasılık.
cheese see peynir.
chancellor see 1. başbakan (premier), 2. rektör.
chef see şef.
change see 1. değiştirmek (alter, modify), 2.
chemical see 1. kimyasal, 2. kimyevi.
değişiklik (modification), 3. değişim, 4.

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536 English - Turkish

chemist see 1. eczacı, 2. kimyager. clarity see 1. açıklık, 2. berraklık.

chemistry see kimya. clash see 1. çatışma, 2. çatışmak, 3. bindirmek, 4.
cheque see çek (check). çarpışmak, 5. çarpışma (collision).
chest see 1. göğüs (breast), 2. kutu (bin, box), 3. class see 1. sınıf, 2. çeşit, 3. ders, 4. sınıflandırmak
sandık. (sort), 5. tür (kind, species, type), 6. zümre.
chicken see 1. tavuk, 2. piliç, 3. korkak. classic see klasik.
chief see 1. ana (main, major, master, principal), 2. classical see klasik (classic).
baş (head, master), 3. amir, 4. patron (boss, classification see 1. sınıflandırma, 2. sınıflama, 3.
governor), 5. reis, 6. şef. tasnif.
chiefly see başlıca. classified see 1. gizli (confidential, hidden), 2.
child see 1. çocuk (infant, youngster), 2. ürün (crop, sınıflandırılmış.
product), 3. yavru (young), 4. alt (bottom). classroom see 1. derslik, 2. sınıf (class).
childhood see çocukluk. clause see 1. madde (item, matter), 2. yantümce, 3.
chill see 1. soğuk (bleak, cold), 2. soğukluk, 3. cümlecik, 4. bent, 5. fıkra.
soğutmak, 4. titreme, 5. ürpermek, 6. üşümek, 7. clay see 1. kil, 2. çamur (mud), 3. balçık.
üşütmek. clean see 1. temiz (clear), 2. temizlemek (clear), 3.
chimney see baca. saf (absolute, pure), 4. pak, 5. iyice, 6. arıtmak, 7.
chin see çene (jaw). kusursuz, 8. arı (pure).
chip see 1. yonga, 2. çentmek, 3. yontmak, 4. çentik. cleaner see 1. temizlikçi, 2. temizleyici, 3. silgi.
chocolate see çikolata. clear see 1. berrak, 2. temiz (clean), 3. belirgin, 4.
choice see 1. seçim (election, selection), 2. seçkin, 3. açık (explicit, free, light, open, plain, shortage),
tercih, 4. seçme (select, selection), 5. seçenek 5. temizlemek (clean), 6. Temizle, 7. net (net), 8.
(alternative, option), 6. kaliteli, 7. şık (elegant). parlak (shiny), 9. anlaşılır, 10. masum (innocent),
choir see koro. 11. belli, 12. aşikâr, 13. açmak (open), 14.
cholesterol see kolesterol. engelsiz, 15. saf (absolute, clean, pure), 16.
choose see 1. seçmek (pick, select), 2. ayırmak aydınlık.
(appropriate, divide, reserve, separate, split), 3. clearance see 1. temizleme, 2. yetki (authority).
istemek (want), 4. yeğlemek. clearing see 1. kliring, 2. takas.
chord see 1. kiriş (beam), 2. tel (wire). clearly see açıkça.
chorus see 1. koro (choir), 2. nakarat. clerk see 1. tezgahtar, 2. kâtip, 3. yazman, 4. yazıcı
chronic see 1. kronik, 2. müzmin, 3. berbat, 4. (printer), 5. tezgâhtar.
sürekli (continuous). clever see 1. zeki, 2. akıllı (intelligent, wise), 3.
church see kilise. becerikli, 4. usta (skilled).
cigarette see sigara. client see 1. alıcı (buyer, customer, receiver), 2.
cinema see sinema. müşteri (customer), 3. müvekkil.
circle see 1. daire, 2. çember, 3. dönge, 4. halka cliff see 1. uçurum, 2. yar.
(ring). climate see 1. iklim, 2. hava (air, weather).
circuit see 1. devre, 2. çevrim, 3. dolaşma, 4. climax see 1. doruk (height, peak, summit), 2. zirve
dolaşmak, 5. devretmek, 6. daire (circle), 7. tur. (height, peak, summit).
circular see 1. dolambaçlı, 2. genelge, 3. sirküler, 4. climb see 1. tırmanmak, 2. çıkmak (exit), 3.
dairesel, 5. yuvarlak (round). tırmanma, 4. yükselmek (rise), 5. tırmanış.
circulation see 1. dolaşım, 2. tiraj, 3. tedavül, 4. clinic see klinik.
sirkülasyon, 5. deveran, 6. cereyan, 7. devir clinical see klinik (clinic).
(period). cloak see 1. gizlemek (hide), 2. pelerin, 3. perde
circumstance see 1. durum (state, status), 2. ayrıntı (curtain, screen), 4. saklamak (save, store), 5.
(detail), 3. olay (event, fact, incident). bahane (excuse), 6. manto, 7. örtmek (cover).
citizen see 1. vatandaş, 2. yurttaş. clock see saat (hour, o'clock, time).
city see 1. şehir (town), 2. kent (town). close see 1. kapamak (shut), 2. kapatmak (shut), 3.
civil see 1. kibar, 2. medeni, 3. nazik, 4. sivil, 5. Kapat, 4. kapalı (off), 5. cimri, 6. samimi, 7.
uygar. yakın (near), 8. sonuç (effect, outcome, result), 9.
civilian see sivil. yaklaşmak, 10. yakından, 11. saklı, 12. ketum,
civilization see 1. medeniyet, 2. uygarlık. 13. bunaltıcı, 14. son (end, final, finish, last), 15.
claim see 1. talep, 2. hak, 3. iddia (assertion), 4. sınırlı.
istek (request), 5. istemek (want). closed see kapalı (off).
clarify see açıklamak (explain). closing see 1. kapanış, 2. kapatma.
closure see 1. kapama, 2. kapanma, 3. kapatma.

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cloth see 1. kumaş, 2. bez, 3. örtü, 4. yelken (sail). colours see bayrak (banner, flag).
clothes see 1. elbise (dress), 2. giysi (costume). column see 1. sütun, 2. kolon (colon), 3. dikeç, 4.
clothing see giyim. direk.
cloud see 1. bulut, 2. bulutlanmak, 3. bulandırmak. combat see çarpışma (collision).
club see 1. kulüp, 2. sinek (fly), 3. dernek combination see 1. bileşim, 2. birleştirme, 3. birlik
(association), 4. sopa. (union, unity), 4. kombinasyon.
clue see 1. ipucu (hint), 2. anahtar (key, switch). combine see 1. birleştirmek (join), 2. birleşmek
cluster see 1. küme (group), 2. salkım (bunch), 3. (join), 3. kartel.
demet, 4. tutam, 5. grup (bunch, group, set). combined see birleşik (joint).
coach see 1. antrenör, 2. yetiştirmek. come see 1. gelmek, 2. ulaşmak (reach).
coal see kömür. comedy see 1. komedi, 2. güldürü.
coalition see 1. koalisyon, 2. birleşme. comfort see 1. avutmak, 2. refah (welfare), 3.
coarse see 1. kaba (crude, gross, rough), 2. konfor, 4. rahatlatmak, 5. rahatlık, 6. huzur
terbiyesiz, 3. adi (common), 4. bayağı, 5. kalın (peace), 7. avuntu, 8. teselli, 9. rahat (ease).
(thick). comfortable see 1. konforlu, 2. rahat (ease), 3.
coast see 1. sahil (seaside), 2. kıyı. rahatlatıcı, 4. sakin (quiet).
coat see 1. palto, 2. ceket (jacket), 3. tabaka, 4. örtü, comic see 1. komik, 2. gülünç, 3. komedyen, 4.
5. manto, 6. kat (multiple), 7. kaplamak, 8. post komedi (comedy).
(skin). coming see 1. geliş, 2. varış, 3. gelen, 4. gelme, 5.
cocktail see kokteyl. yaklaşma, 6. gelecek.
code see 1. kod, 2. kodlamak, 3. şifrelemek, 4. şifre, command see 1. kumanda, 2. komut, 3. yönetmek,
5. kanun (law), 6. kural (rule, statute). 4. yetki (authority), 5. komuta, 6. emretmek
coffee see kahve. (order), 7. buyruk, 8. emir, 9. buyurmak.
coffin see tabut. commander see 1. komutan, 2. amir, 3. kumandan.
coherent see tutarlı. comment see 1. Yorum (interpretation), 2. açıklama
coin see sikke. (explanation).
coincidence see 1. rastlantı, 2. tesadüf. commentary see 1. açıklama (explanation), 2.
cold see 1. soğuk (bleak), 2. nezle, 3. üşümüş, 4. yorum (comment, interpretation).
soğukluk. commerce see 1. ticaret, 2. tecim.
collaboration see işbirliği. commercial see ticari.
collapse see 1. Daralt, 2. çökmek, 3. çöküş, 4. commission see 1. kurul, 2. komisyon, 3. görev
daraltmak, 5. yıkılma, 6. yıkılmak, 7. çökme (task), 4. heyet (committee), 5. vazife, 6. atamak,
(breakdown). 7. görevlendirmek, 8. iş (action, affair, deed, job,
collar see 1. yaka, 2. yakalamak (catch, grip, trap), work).
3. yürütmek, 4. tasma. commit see 1. üstlenmek, 2. işlemek, 3. yapmak (do,
collect see 1. toplamak (add, gather, pick, raise), 2. fulfil, make, perform).
biriktirmek, 3. toplanmak, 4. birikmek, 5. commitment see 1. taahhüt, 2. bağlantı (connection,
toparlamak. link), 3. sorumluluk (liability, responsibility), 4.
collected see toplanmış. söz (word).
collection see 1. koleksiyon, 2. toplama (addition), committee see 1. heyet, 2. komisyon, 3. komite, 4.
3. yığın (bulk, mass, stack), 4. derlem, 5. kurul (commission).
toplanma. commodity see 1. mal, 2. emtia, 3. eşya.
collective see 1. ortak (common, joint, mutual, common see 1. ortak (joint, mutual, partner), 2. adi,
partner), 2. toplu, 3. müşterek. 3. müşterek, 4. yaygın, 5. genel (general, public),
collector see 1. tahsildar, 2. koleksiyoncu, 3. 6. alelade, 7. sıradan, 8. kaba (coarse, crude,
kolektör, 4. toplayıcı. gross, rough), 9. bayağı, 10. bilinen, 11. olağan.
college see 1. fakülte, 2. üniversite (university), 3. commonwealth see ulus (nation).
kolej, 4. heyet (committee). communal see toplumsal (social).
collision see 1. çarpışma, 2. çatışma. communicate see 1. nakletmek (carry), 2. bildirmek
colon see kolon (column). (inform).
colony see 1. koloni, 2. sömürge. communication see 1. iletişim, 2. haberleşme, 3.
colour see 1. renk, 2. boyamak (paint), 3. boya haber, 4. irtibat, 5. komünikasyon, 6. mesaj
(paint), 4. renklendirmek, 5. canlılık. (message), 7. bağlantı (connection, link).
coloured see renkli. communism see komünizm.
colourful see renkli. communist see komünist.
community see 1. topluluk, 2. cemiyet, 3. toplum.

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538 English - Turkish

compact see 1. sözleşme, 2. sıkı, 3. yoğun (dense), derleme, 8. anlaşma (accord, agreement, deal,
4. pudralık, 5. özlü, 6. kısa (short). understanding).
companion see 1. arkadaş (friend), 2. eş (match, compound see 1. birleştirmek (join), 2. bileşik.
wife), 3. yoldaş, 4. ahbap (friend). comprehension see 1. anlayış (apprehension), 2.
company see 1. şirket, 2. arkadaşlık, 3. eşlik, 4. kavrama, 3. anlama, 4. idrak, 5. kapsam (scope).
misafir (guest). comprehensive see 1. geniş (large, wide), 2.
compare see karşılaştırmak. kapsamlı, 3. etraflı.
comparison see 1. benzerlik (analogy, similarity), compression see 1. sıkıştırma, 2. bastırma, 3.
2. karşılaştırma, 3. mukayese, 4. benzetme, 5. kompresyon, 4. özetleme, 5. tazyik, 6. basınç
kıyaslama. (pressure).
compartment see 1. kompartıman, 2. bölme, 3. göz compromise see uzlaşma.
(eye). compulsory see 1. zorunlu (mandatory), 2. mecburi.
compass see 1. pusula, 2. sınır (border, boundary, computer see bilgisayar.
limit), 3. pergel, 4. alan (area, domain, field, conceal see 1. saklamak (save, store), 2. gizlemek
range, space), 5. erim (range), 6. kavramak (grip), (hide).
7. menzil, 8. çevre (environment), 9. anlamak concentration see 1. konsantrasyon, 2. toplama
(see, understand). (addition, collection), 3. toplanma, 4.
compassion see 1. acıma, 2. merhamet, 3. yoğunlaşma, 5. yoğunluk (density, intensity).
sevecenlik, 4. şefkat. concept see 1. kavram, 2. görüş (sight), 3. mefhum,
compatible see 1. uyumlu, 2. geçimli, 3. uygun 4. fikir (conception, idea, opinion).
(appropriate, apt, suitable). conception see 1. fikir (idea, opinion), 2. anlayış
compensate see 1. dengelemek (balance), 2. (apprehension), 3. düşünce, 4. görüş (sight), 5.
eşitlemek, 3. karşılamak. kavram.
compensation see 1. bedel, 2. telafi, 3. tazminat, 4. conceptual see kavramsal.
tazmin, 5. karşılama, 6. maaş (pay, salary, wage). concern see 1. şirket, 2. ilgilendirmek, 3.
compete see yarışmak. endişelendirmek, 4. tasa, 5. merak (curiosity), 6.
competence see 1. yetenek (ability, capability), 2. kaygı, 7. iş (action, affair, deed, job, work), 8.
yetki (authority), 3. ehliyet. etkilemek, 9. endişe (anxiety), 10. ilgi (interest,
competent see 1. ehil, 2. yetkili (authoritative), 3. reference).
yetenekli. concerned see 1. ilgili, 2. endişeli, 3. meşgul (busy),
competition see 1. rekabet, 2. yarışma, 3. çekişme 4. alakadar.
(contention). concert see 1. konser, 2. uyum.
competitor see 1. rakip, 2. yarışçı, 3. yarışmacı. concession see 1. imtiyaz (franchise), 2. ödün, 3.
complain see yakınmak. ruhsat, 4. taviz, 5. kabul (acceptance, admission,
complaint see 1. şikâyet, 2. yakınma, 3. dert, 4. reception), 6. izin (permission, permit), 7.
hastalık. ayrıcalık (privilege), 8. teslim (delivery).
complete see 1. bitirmek (end), 2. eksiksiz (perfect), conclude see 1. bitirmek (complete, end), 2. bitmek
3. tam (absolute, accurate, exact, exactly, precise, (end, finish).
very), 4. tamamlamak, 5. tamam (done). conclusion see 1. karar (decision), 2. son (end,
completely see tamamen (absolutely, altogether, final, finish, last), 3. sonuç (effect, outcome,
entirely). result), 4. kanı, 5. netice.
completion see 1. tamamlama, 2. bitirme. concrete see 1. somut, 2. beton.
complex see 1. kompleks, 2. karmaşık. condition see 1. durum (state, status), 2. koşul, 3.
complexity see 1. güçlük, 2. karmaşa, 3. hal, 4. kondisyon, 5. şart.
karmaşıklık. conditional see koşullu.
compliance see 1. itaat, 2. uyma, 3. rıza. conduct see 1. davranış (attitude), 2. yönetmek, 3.
complicated see 1. karışık (mixed), 2. çapraşık, 3. idare (management), 4. iletmek, 5. davranmak
karmaşık. (act), 6. yönetme, 7. geçirmek, 8. hareket (act,
comply see uymak (fit). action, motion, move, movement).
component see 1. bileşen, 2. parça (item, part, conductor see 1. kondüktör, 2. iletken, 3. idareci.
piece, portion, segment), 3. eleman, 4. öğe, 5. confederation see 1. konfederasyon, 2. birlik
tamamlayıcı. (union, unity).
composer see 1. besteci, 2. kompozitör. conference see 1. konferans, 2. görüşme.
composite see 1. karma (mixed), 2. bileşik. confession see 1. itiraf, 2. ikrar.
composition see 1. tertip, 2. beste, 3. bileşim, 4. confidence see 1. güven (faith, reliance), 2. itimat
kompozisyon, 5. nitelik (quality), 6. dizgi, 7. (reliance), 3. sır, 4. sırdaşlık.

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confident see emin. constitution see 1. anayasa, 2. bünye (structure), 3.

confidential see 1. gizli (hidden), 2. güvenilir. tüzük, 4. yapı (structure), 5. yaradılış.
configuration see 1. biçim (form, format, shape), 2. constitutional see 1. anayasal, 2. yapısal.
gruplaşma, 3. konfigürasyon. constraint see 1. zorlama, 2. baskı, 3. zor (difficult),
confirm see 1. doğrulamak, 2. onaylamak (accept, 4. kısıt, 5. kısıtlama.
approve). construct see kurmak (build, found, install).
confirmation see 1. doğrulama, 2. onay (approval), construction see 1. yapı (structure), 2. bina
3. teyit, 4. kanıt (evidence, proof). (building), 3. inşa, 4. inşaat, 5. anlam (meaning,
confirmed see müzmin. sense, significance).
conflict see 1. anlaşmazlık, 2. çarpışma (collision), constructive see 1. yapıcı, 2. yapısal.
3. çatışma, 4. mücadele, 5. savaş (battle), 6. consult see 1. başvurmak (refer), 2. danışmak, 3.
bağdaşmamak, 7. çekişme (contention), 8. görüşmek.
çekişmek. consultation see 1. konsültasyon, 2. danışma.
conform see uymak (fit). consumer see tüketici.
confront see 1. yüzleştirmek, 2. karşılaştırmak. consumption see tüketim.
confusion see 1. kargaşa, 2. karışıklık. contact see 1. temas, 2. dokunma (touch), 3.
congratulations see tebrikler. görüşmek, 4. portör, 5. irtibat, 6. ilişki (relation),
congregation see cemaat. 7. dokunmak (touch), 8. bağlantı (connection,
congress see 1. Kongre (convention), 2. toplantı. link), 9. değme.
connected see 1. bağlı, 2. ilgili. contain see kapsamak (include).
connection see 1. bağlantı (link), 2. bağ (bond, container see 1. kap, 2. konteyner.
link), 3. aktarma (transfer), 4. ilişki (relation). contamination see 1. kirlenme, 2. pislik, 3.
conquest see 1. fetih, 2. zafer (victory), 3. zapt. bulaştırma.
conscience see vicdan. contemplate see tasarlamak (design).
conscious see 1. bilinçli, 2. kasti, 3. uyanık. contemporary see 1. Modern (modern), 2. çağdaş,
consciousness see 1. bilinç, 2. idrak, 3. şuur. 3. akran, 4. güncel (up-to-date).
consecutive see ardışık. contempt see 1. ayıp (shame), 2. küçümseme, 3.
consent see 1. rıza, 2. izin (permission, permit). saygısızlık.
consequence see 1. sonuç (effect, outcome, result), content see 1. içerik, 2. hoşnut, 3. memnun (glad,
2. önem. happy), 4. hoşnutluk, 5. mutlu (happy), 6. tatmin
consequent see 1. izleyen, 2. bağlı. (satisfaction).
conservation see 1. koruma (protection), 2. contention see 1. çekişme, 2. iddia (assertion), 3.
muhafaza. tartışma (argument), 4. sav (thesis), 5. mücadele.
conservative see 1. muhafazakâr, 2. tutucu. contents see içindekiler.
consider see saymak (count, number). contest see 1. yarışmak, 2. çekişmek, 3. yarışma, 4.
considerable see önemli (important, significant, çekişme (contention), 5. iddia (assertion), 6.
substantial). mücadele, 7. tartışma (argument).
consideration see 1. düşünce, 2. saygı, 3. karşılık, context see bağlam.
4. bedel, 5. önem. continent see 1. kıta, 2. anakara, 3. ölçülü.
consist see dayanmak. continental see kıtasal.
consistency see 1. tutarlılık, 2. yoğunluk (density, continual see 1. sürekli (continuous), 2. devamlı.
intensity), 3. kıvam, 4. koyuluk, 5. uyum. continuation see 1. devam, 2. sürme, 3. uzatma
consistent see 1. uygun (appropriate, apt, suitable), (extension), 4. temdit, 5. sürdürme.
2. tutarlı, 3. sürekli (continuous), 4. istikrarlı. continue see 1. sürdürmek, 2. kalmak (stay), 3.
consolation see 1. avuntu, 2. teselli, 3. avunma. sürmek (drive, last), 4. Devam (continuation), 5.
consolidation see 1. sağlamlaştırma, 2. takviye. ertelemek, 6. uzatmak (extend, reach).
consortium see konsorsiyum. continuity see 1. süreklilik, 2. devamlılık.
conspiracy see komplo. continuous see 1. sürekli, 2. devamlı, 3. aralıksız.
constant see 1. sabit (fixed), 2. değişmez (fixed), 3. contract see 1. sözleşme, 2. kontrat, 3. anlaşma
sadık, 4. sürekli (continuous), 5. vefalı. (accord, agreement, deal, understanding), 4.
constituent see 1. bileşen (component), 2. öğe, 3. daraltmak, 5. kasılmak, 6. kısaltmak, 7.
seçmen. mukavele.
constitute see 1. atamak, 2. oluşturmak, 3. kurmak contraction see büzülme.
(build, found, install). contractor see 1. müteahhit, 2. yüklenici.
contradiction see 1. yalanlama, 2. aykırılık, 3.
çelişki, 4. tezat.

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540 English - Turkish

contradictory see aykırı. corporation see 1. kurum, 2. şirket.

contrary see 1. karşı, 2. karşıt (opposite), 3. aksi, 4. corps see 1. heyet (committee), 2. kolordu, 3.
ters (reverse). topluluk (community).
contrast see 1. kontrast, 2. karşıtlık, 3. tezat, 4. corpse see 1. ölü (dead), 2. ceset, 3. kadavra.
zıtlık, 5. çelişmek, 6. fark (difference). corpus see külliyat.
contribution see 1. yazı, 2. yardım (assistance, correct see 1. doğru (accurate, right, true), 2.
help), 3. katkı, 4. makale, 5. bağış. düzeltmek.
control see 1. denetim (check), 2. denetlemek (audit, correction see 1. düzeltme, 2. cezalandırma, 3. ceza
check), 3. kontrol, 4. idare (management), 5. (punishment).
kumanda (command). correlation see 1. ilinti, 2. korelasyon, 3. bağıntı.
controller see 1. denetleyici, 2. kontrolör. correspondence see 1. yazışma, 2. uygunluk, 3.
controversy see 1. tartışma (argument), 2. ihtilaf. mektuplaşma.
convenience see 1. uygunluk, 2. elverişlilik, 3. correspondent see muhabir (reporter).
kolaylık (facility). corresponding see 1. ilişkin, 2. mektuplaşan, 3.
convenient see 1. elverişli, 2. uygun (appropriate, uyan.
apt, suitable), 3. müsait, 4. kullanışlı, 5. yakın corridor see 1. koridor, 2. geçit, 3. dehliz.
(near). corruption see 1. bozulma (breakdown), 2.
convention see 1. kongre (congress), 2. kural (rule, rüşvetçilik, 3. yozlaştırma, 4. fesat, 5. ahlaksızlık,
statute), 3. toplantı. 6. rüşvet.
conventional see 1. geleneksel (traditional), 2. cost see 1. fiyat (price), 2. masraf, 3. maliyet, 4.
basmakalıp, 3. konvansiyonel. zarar (loss).
conversation see 1. konuşma (speech, talk), 2. costly see 1. değerli, 2. pahalı.
sohbet (chat), 3. söyleşi. costume see 1. giysi, 2. kostüm, 3. elbise (clothes,
conversion see 1. çevirme, 2. dönüştürme, 3. dress), 4. kıyafet.
değiştirme, 4. değişme, 5. dönüşme. cosy see rahat (ease).
convert see 1. dönüştürmek (transform), 2. cottage see kulübe (cabin, hut).
değiştirmek (alter, change, modify), 3. dönme cotton see 1. pamuk, 2. anlaşmak, 3. pamuklu.
(rotation), 4. çevirmek, 5. değişmek, 6. council see 1. meclis, 2. konsey, 3. kurul
dönüşmek. (commission), 4. divan.
convey see 1. nakletmek (carry), 2. götürmek, 3. counsel see 1. avukat (attorney, lawyer, solicitor), 2.
taşımak (bear, carry). öğüt (advice), 3. danışma, 4. düşünce, 5. nasihat,
conviction see 1. kanaat, 2. inanç (belief), 3. 6. tavsiye (tip).
mahkumiyet. count see 1. saymak (number), 2. sayı (number), 3.
convoy see konvoy. kont, 4. sayma.
cook see 1. aşçı, 2. pişirmek, 3. pişmek. counter see 1. sayaç, 2. karşı.
cooker see 1. ocak, 2. fırın (oven). countless see sayısız.
cool see 1. serinlik, 2. serin, 3. serinlemek, 4. country see 1. ülke, 2. taşra, 3. kırsal, 4. ulus
serinletmek, 5. soğutmak, 6. soğumak, 7. (nation), 5. yurt, 6. vatan, 7. millet, 8. memleket,
soğukkanlılık, 8. küstah, 9. soğukkanlı, 10. soğuk 9. kır, 10. arazi, 11. sayfiye.
(bleak, cold). county see kontluk.
cooper see fıçıcı. couple see 1. çift (double, dual, even, pair), 2.
cooperation see 1. destek (support), 2. işbirliği, 3. çiftleşmek, 3. birleştirmek (join), 4. bağlamak
yardım (assistance, help). (link, tie).
cooperative see kooperatif. coupon see kupon.
copper see 1. bakır, 2. polis (police). courage see 1. cesaret, 2. yüreklilik.
copy see 1. kopya, 2. Kopyala, 3. kopyalamak, 4. course see 1. yön (direction), 2. tabak (plate), 3. akış
nüsha, 5. suret. (flow), 4. dizi (array, series, string), 5. rota
cord see 1. kordon, 2. sicim (string), 3. şerit, 4. ip (route), 6. yol (path, road, route, way), 7. cereyan,
(rope, string), 5. kablo (cable), 6. fitil. 8. gidişat, 9. seyir.
core see 1. göbek (belly), 2. çekirdek (nucleus), 3. öz court see 1. avlu (courtyard, yard), 2. mahkeme
(self), 4. dolgu. (tribunal), 3. alan (area, domain, field, range,
corn see 1. mısır, 2. tahıl, 3. buğday (wheat), 4. space), 4. saray (palace).
nasır. courtesy see 1. nezaket, 2. incelik, 3. kibarlık.
corner see köşe. courtyard see avlu (court, yard).
coronary see koroner. cousin see 1. kuzen, 2. kuzin.
corporate see tüzel.

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covenant see 1. sözleşme, 2. anlaşma (accord, crown see 1. tepe (hill), 2. taç.
agreement, deal, understanding), 3. mukavele. crucial see kritik (critical).
cover see 1. örtmek, 2. sığınak (refuge), 3. kapak crude see 1. kaba (coarse, gross, rough), 2. ham
(lid), 4. örtü, 5. kaplamak, 6. korumak (maintain, (raw), 3. işlenmemiş.
protect, shield), 7. yetmek, 8. zarf (envelope), 9. cruel see 1. gaddar, 2. acımasız, 3. zalim.
kapsamak (include), 10. kapamak (close, shut), cruelty see 1. zulüm, 2. işkence, 3. gaddarlık.
11. içermek (include), 12. bahane (excuse), 13. crust see kabuk (shell, skin).
kılıf, 14. kapatmak (close, shut). cry see 1. ağlamak, 2. feryat, 3. bağırmak (call,
covered see 1. kapalı (off), 2. örtülü. shout), 4. ağlama, 5. çığlık, 6. haykırış, 7. ses
covering see 1. örtü, 2. tabaka, 3. kaplama, 4. kat (sound, tone, voice), 8. yalvarma, 9. seslenmek,
(multiple). 10. haykırmak, 11. nara, 12. nida.
cow see 1. inek, 2. yıldırmak, 3. korkutmak, 4. crystal see kristal.
sindirmek. cult see 1. mezhep, 2. merak (curiosity), 3. tapınma.
crack see 1. çatlatmak, 2. çatlamak, 3. çatlak, 4. cultural see 1. kültürel, 2. ekinsel.
çatırtı, 5. deneme (essay, trial), 6. yarılmak, 7. culture see 1. kültür, 2. yetiştirme.
çatallaşmak. cumulative see 1. birikimli, 2. birikmiş.
craft see 1. gemi (ship), 2. hile, 3. hüner, 4. sanat cup see 1. fincan, 2. kupa.
(art), 5. uçak (aeroplane, aircraft, plane), 6. cupboard see 1. dolap (cabinet), 2. büfe (buffet), 3.
zanaat. yüklük.
crash see 1. iflas (bankruptcy), 2. parçalanmak, 3. cure see 1. çare, 2. ilaç (drug, remedy), 3.
parçalanma, 4. kaza (accident), 5. çökme iyileştirmek, 4. şifa, 5. tedavi (treatment), 6. kür.
(breakdown), 6. düşmek (fall), 7. gürültü (noise).
curiosity see 1. merak, 2. antika (antique).
crazy see 1. deli, 2. çılgın, 3. salak, 4. çatlak.
curious see 1. acayip (peculiar), 2. meraklı, 3. tuhaf,
cream see 1. kaymak, 2. krema, 3. öz (self), 4. krem.
4. garip.
create see 1. yaratmak, 2. atamak. currency see para (cash, money).
creation see 1. evren (universe), 2. kreasyon, 3. current see 1. cari, 2. geçerli (valid), 3. akım
yaradılış. (stream), 4. şimdiki, 5. güncel (up-to-date), 6.
creature see yaratık. yürürlükteki, 7. bugünkü, 8. akıntı, 9. geçer, 10.
credit see 1. kredi, 2. itibar. cereyan.
creditor see alacaklı. currently see halen.
creed see 1. itikat, 2. inanç (belief). curtain see perde (screen).
crest see 1. doruk (height, peak, summit), 2. tepe curve see 1. eğri, 2. kavis, 3. dönemeç, 4. eğilmek,
(hill), 3. ibik, 4. taç. 5. bükülmek, 6. bükmek, 7. kıvrım, 8. viraj, 9.
crew see 1. mürettebat, 2. tayfa, 3. ekip. eğmek.
cricket see kriket. custom see 1. gelenek, 2. özel (particular, private,
crime see suç. special), 3. töre, 4. alışkanlık, 5. görenek, 6. adet,
criminal see suçlu (guilty). 7. âdet.
crisis see 1. kriz (attack), 2. buhran, 3. bunalım customary see 1. alışılmış, 2. geleneksel
(depression). (conventional, traditional).
criterion see 1. ölçüt, 2. kriter, 3. kıstas. customer see 1. müşteri (client), 2. alıcı (buyer,
critical see 1. kritik, 2. tehlikeli (dangerous, client, receiver).
hazardous), 3. ciddi (serious), 4. eleştirici. customs see gümrük.
criticism see 1. eleştiri, 2. kınama, 3. tenkit. cut see 1. kesmek, 2. parça (component, item, part,
crop see 1. ürün (product), 2. mahsul, 3. ekin, 4. piece, portion, segment), 3. incitmek, 4. indirim,
kırpmak, 5. kursak, 6. kesmek (cut), 7. ekmek 5. Kes, 6. Kesik, 7. kesinti, 8. kesme, 9. klişe, 10.
(bread), 8. otlamak. yarık, 11. dilimlemek, 12. dilim (slice), 13. pay
cross see 1. haç, 2. aksi, 3. kızgın (angry), 4. öfkeli (share).
(angry), 5. melezlemek, 6. ters (reverse), 7. cutting see 1. kesici, 2. kupür, 3. kesim (sector,
kesişmek, 8. engellemek, 9. dert, 10. çarmıh, 11. segment), 4. keskin (bitter, sharp), 5. kesme.
çapraz, 12. huysuz, 13. geçmek (pass). cycle see 1. bisiklet (bicycle), 2. çevrim (circuit), 3.
crossing see geçit. devir (period), 4. motosiklet.
crowd see 1. doldurmak (fill), 2. yığın (bulk, mass, cylinder see silindir.
stack), 3. toplanmak, 4. sıkıştırmak, 5. kalabalık,
6. doluşmak, 7. topluluk (community), 8.
crowded see kalabalık.

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542 English - Turkish

debt see borç.

debtor see borçlu.
decay see 1. çürüme, 2. çürümek, 3. bozulmak, 4.
bozulma (breakdown, corruption), 5. bozmak, 6.
D çürütmek.
decent see 1. nazik, 2. terbiyeli, 3. iyi (fine, good,
dad see 1. baba (father), 2. babacığım.
okay, well), 4. uygun (appropriate, apt, suitable).
daddy see baba (dad, father).
deception see 1. aldanma, 2. aldatma, 3. hile, 4.
daft see 1. deli (crazy), 2. kaçık.
daily see 1. günlük (journal), 2. gündelik. decide see kararlaştırmak.
dairy see 1. süthane, 2. mandıra. decided see 1. kararlı, 2. kesin (definite).
dale see vadi (valley). decision see 1. karar, 2. hüküm (provision), 3.
damage see 1. hasar, 2. zarar (loss). kararlılık.
damages see tazminat. decisive see 1. kararlı, 2. kesin (definite), 3. azimli.
dame see 1. kadın (woman), 2. karı (wife). deck see 1. deste, 2. güverte, 3. süslemek, 4.
damp see 1. nem, 2. rutubetli, 3. nemli (moist), 4. donatmak.
rutubet. declaration see 1. bildirim, 2. demeç, 3. ifade
dance see 1. dans, 2. balo, 3. oynamak (play), 4. (expression), 4. beyan, 5. beyanname, 6. bildiri,
oynatmak, 5. oyun (game). 7. deklarasyon.
danger see tehlike (hazard). declare see bildirmek (inform).
dangerous see tehlikeli (hazardous). decline see 1. azalmak, 2. çöküş, 3. düşmek (fall).
dare see kalkışmak. decoration see 1. dekorasyon, 2. süsleme, 3. süs, 4.
dark see 1. koyu, 2. karanlık, 3. gizli (confidential, nişan, 5. madalya.
hidden). decorative see 1. dekoratif, 2. süsleyici.
darkness see 1. karanlık, 2. Koyuluk. decrease see 1. azaltmak, 2. azalmak, 3. küçülme, 4.
darling see 1. sevgili (beloved, dear, love), 2. eksiltmek, 5. küçülmek, 6. eksilme, 7. düşüş, 8.
sevgilim. azalma, 9. eksilmek.
data see 1. veri, 2. veriler, 3. bilgi (information, decree see 1. buyurmak, 2. emretmek (order), 3.
knowledge), 4. Data. karar (decision), 4. kararname, 5. emir, 6. hüküm
date see 1. tarih (history), 2. hurma, 3. randevu (provision).
(appointment), 4. zaman (time), 5. buluşma. dedication see 1. ithaf, 2. adama.
dawn see 1. tan, 2. şafak, 3. aydınlanmak. deed see 1. iş (action, affair, job, work), 2. eylem
day see 1. gün, 2. gündüz, 3. zaman (time). (action), 3. fiil (verb), 4. hareket (act, action,
daylight see 1. aydınlık, 2. gündüz (day). motion, move, movement), 5. senet, 6. tapu, 7.
daytime see gündüz (day). belge (document).
dead see 1. ölü, 2. ölmüş, 3. cansız, 4. donuk, 5. deep see 1. derin, 2. anlaşılmaz, 3. koyu (dark).
bozuk (broken), 6. tam (absolute, accurate, deer see 1. geyik, 2. karaca.
complete, exact, exactly, precise, very), 7. default see 1. temerrüt, 2. varsayılan, 3. varsayýlan.
tamamen (absolutely, altogether, entirely), 8. defeat see 1. bozgun, 2. yenilgi, 3. yenmek, 4.
gerilimsiz. mağlubiyet.
deadly see 1. öldürücü, 2. çok (many, much, very). defect see 1. kusur (fault), 2. eksiklik (deficiency),
deaf see sağır. 3. sakatlık, 4. hata (error, fault), 5. arıza (fault), 6.
deal see 1. anlaşma (accord, agreement, bozukluk (failure, fault).
understanding), 2. miktar (amount, quantity), 3. defective see 1. kusurlu, 2. bozuk (broken), 3. eksik
pazarlık, 4. muamele, 5. ilgilenmek, 6. iş (action, (missing), 4. sakat, 5. arızalı.
affair, deed, job, work). defence see savunma.
dealer see 1. satıcı, 2. tüccar. defend see 1. korumak (maintain, protect, shield), 2.
dealing see 1. muamele, 2. alışveriş, 3. iş (action, savunmak.
affair, deed, job, work). defendant see 1. davalı, 2. sanık.
dean see dekan. defender see savunucu.
dear see 1. sevgili (beloved, love), 2. aziz, 3. pahalı, defensive see savunan.
4. değerli. deficiency see 1. eksiklik, 2. yetersizlik (disability),
death see 1. ölüm, 2. ölme, 3. yıkım (disaster). 3. kusur (defect, fault), 4. açık (clear, explicit,
debate see 1. tartışma (argument), 2. müzakere, 3. free, light, open, plain, shortage), 5. noksan.
tartışmak, 4. görüşme. deficit see açık (clear, explicit, free, light, open,
debris see 1. enkaz, 2. yıkıntı. plain, shortage).

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define see tanımlamak. depot see depo (store).

definite see 1. belirli (specific), 2. kesin. depressing see acıklı.
definitely see kesinlikle. depression see 1. bunalım (crisis), 2. çöküntü, 3.
definition see 1. tanım (description), 2. tanımlama. buhran (crisis), 4. depresyon, 5. kasvet.
definitive see kesin (definite). deprivation see 1. yoksunluk, 2. mahrumiyet, 3.
degree see 1. derece (grade), 2. rütbe. ihtiyaç.
delay see 1. gecikme, 2. geciktirmek, 3. ertelemek, depth see derinlik.
4. gecikmek, 5. alıkoymak, 6. geciktirme. deputy see 1. milletvekili, 2. vekil, 3. yardımcı
delegation see delegasyon. (assistant).
deliberate see 1. düşünmek (think), 2. tartmak, 3. derelict see 1. terkedilmiş, 2. metruk, 3. sahipsiz.
kasti, 4. ağır (heavy, serious), 5. kasıtlı. derive see 1. çıkarmak, 2. türetmek, 3. almak
deliberately see kasten. (accept, buy, get, have, receive, take).
delicate see 1. nazik, 2. hassas, 3. ince (fine, thin), descent see 1. iniş (landing), 2. baskın, 3. nesil, 4.
4. narin. inme (stroke), 5. soy.
delicious see 1. lezzetli, 2. nefis, 3. hoş (pleasant), describe see 1. betimlemek, 2. tanımlamak (define),
4. leziz. 3. çizmek (draw).
delight see 1. haz, 2. sevinç (joy), 3. sevindirmek, 4. description see 1. betimleme, 2. tanım, 3.
zevk, 5. keyif. tanımlama, 4. tarif, 5. çeşit, 6. tasvir.
delightful see hoş (pleasant). descriptive see tanımlayıcı.
deliver see 1. kurtarmak (save), 2. vermek (give, desert see 1. Çöl, 2. kaçmak (escape).
grant), 3. atmak (cast, pitch, throw), 4. design see 1. tasarlamak, 2. proje (plan, project,
doğurtmak. scheme), 3. taslak (draft, sketch), 4. plan, 5.
delivery see 1. teslim, 2. doğum (birth), 3. verim motif, 6. kastetmek, 7. dizayn, 8. desen (pattern),
(efficiency, yield). 9. amaç (aim, intent, object, objective, purpose,
demand see 1. talep (claim), 2. istemek (want), 3. target), 10. tasarım, 11. model (model).
istek (request), 4. rağbet, 5. istem. designer see 1. desinatör, 2. tasarımcı.
demise see 1. ölüm (death), 2. vefat. desire see 1. arzu (will, wish), 2. istek (request), 3.
democracy see demokrasi. arzulamak, 4. dilek, 5. istemek (want).
democrat see demokrat. desk see masa (table).
democratic see demokratik. desktop see masaüstü.
demolition see tahrip. despair see umutsuzluk.
demonstration see 1. gösteri (show), 2. gösterme. desperate see umutsuz.
denial see 1. yalanlama, 2. yadsıma, 3. tekzip. desperation see çaresizlik.
dense see 1. yoğun, 2. koyu (dark), 3. sık, 4. destination see hedef (aim, goal, objective, target).
kalabalık. destiny see 1. kader (fate), 2. felek, 3. kısmet, 4.
density see 1. yoğunluk (intensity), 2. sıklık yazgı.
(frequency). destroy see 1. yıkmak, 2. mahvetmek.
dentist see dişçi. destruction see 1. imha, 2. tahrip, 3. yıkma.
deny see 1. yalanlamak, 2. yadsımak. destructive see 1. yıkıcı, 2. zararlı.
department see 1. bölüm (chapter, division, part, detail see 1. ayrıntı, 2. detay.
section), 2. şube (branch), 3. daire (circle), 4. detailed see ayrıntılı.
departman, 5. bakanlık, 6. kısım (section), 7. kol detect see 1. bulmak (find, strike), 2. keşfetmek, 3.
(arm). sezmek.
departure see 1. gidiş, 2. kalkış, 3. yenilik, 4. sapma detection see 1. bulma (find), 2. keşif.
(deviation, drift), 5. hareket (act, action, motion, detective see 1. dedektif, 2. hafiye.
move, movement), 6. ayrılış, 7. ayrılma detector see 1. detektör, 2. bulucu.
(separation). detention see 1. alıkoyma, 2. tutma (hold), 3.
depend see güvenmek. engelleme, 4. gecikme (delay).
dependence see 1. bağımlılık, 2. güven (faith, deterioration see bozulma (breakdown, corruption).
reliance), 3. bağlılık. determination see 1. belirleme, 2. saptama, 3.
dependency see 1. sömürge, 2. bağımlılık azim, 4. tespit, 5. kararlılık, 6. niyet (intent,
(dependence). intention, purpose).
dependent see 1. bağımlı, 2. muhtaç, 3. bağlı. determine see 1. saptamak, 2. belirlemek, 3.
deposit see 1. mevduat, 2. tortu, 3. depozito, 4. kararlaştırmak.
kaparo, 5. birikinti, 6. yatırmak. determined see 1. azimli, 2. kararlı.

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544 English - Turkish

devaluation see devalüasyon. directive see 1. yönerge (instruction), 2. direktif, 3.

devastating see müthiş. talimat (instruction), 4. emir.
develop see 1. gelişmek, 2. geliştirmek. directly see hemen (immediately).
development see 1. gelişme, 2. kalkınma, 3. director see 1. yönetici (administrator, manager), 2.
geliştirme. müdür (manager), 3. yönetmen, 4. direktör, 5.
deviation see sapma (drift). idareci.
device see 1. aygıt, 2. hile, 3. oyun (game), 4. plan, directory see 1. rehber (guide), 2. dizin (index).
5. alet (implement, instrument, tool), 6. cihaz, 7. dirt see 1. çamur (mud), 2. kir, 3. pislik, 4. toprak
makine (engine, machine). (earth, ground, land, soil).
devil see şeytan. dirty see 1. kirli, 2. pis, 3. bozuk (broken), 4.
devoted see 1. sadık, 2. bağlı. fırtınalı, 5. kirlenmek, 6. kirletmek, 7. pisletmek,
devotion see 1. bağlılık, 2. düşkünlük. 8. iğrenç, 9. pislenmek, 10. müstehcen.
diabetes see diyabet. disability see 1. yetersizlik, 2. sakatlık, 3.
diagnosis see 1. tanı, 2. teşhis. ehliyetsizlik, 4. zaaf.
diagram see 1. diyagram, 2. şema, 3. çizenek. disabled see özürlü.
dialogue see diyalog. disadvantage see 1. dezavantaj, 2. zarar (loss).
diameter see çap. disagreement see 1. anlaşmazlık, 2. uyuşmazlık.
diamond see 1. karo, 2. elmas. disaster see 1. yıkım, 2. afet, 3. facia, 4. felaket, 5.
diarrhoea see 1. amel, 2. ishal. talihsizlik.
diary see 1. günlük (daily, journal), 2. günce. disastrous see feci.
dictionary see sözlük. disbelief see güvensizlik.
die see ölmek. disc see disk.
diet see 1. perhiz, 2. rejim, 3. diyet. discharge see 1. boşaltmak (empty), 2. ödemek
differ see benzememek. (pay), 3. tahliye, 4. boşaltma, 5. akmak (flow), 6.
difference see 1. fark, 2. farklılık, 3. anlaşmazlık, 4. boşalma, 7. atmak (cast, pitch, throw), 8. deşarj,
ayrılık (separation), 5. ayrım. 9. ödeme (payment), 10. akma, 11. terhis, 12.
different see 1. başka (else, other), 2. çeşitli, 3.
discipline see 1. cezalandırmak, 2. disiplin, 3.
değişik, 4. farklı.
differential see diferansiyel.
disclose see göstermek (indicate, point, represent,
differentiation see fark (difference).
difficult see 1. zor, 2. güç (energy, force, power,
disclosure see ifşa.
strength), 3. huysuz, 4. titiz, 5. çetin, 6. inatçı.
disco see 1. diskotek, 2. disko.
difficulty see 1. zorluk, 2. güçlük, 3. sorun (issue,
discomfort see 1. rahatsızlık, 2. huzursuzluk, 3.
dig see 1. kazmak, 2. taş (stone), 3. dürtmek, 4.
discount see 1. indirim, 2. iskonto, 3. kırdırmak, 4.
anlamak (see, understand), 5. kazı.
digital see 1. dijital, 2. sayısal.
discourse see 1. söylev (address, speech), 2. nutuk,
dilemma see 1. ikilem, 2. açmaz, 3. çıkmaz.
3. konuşmak (speak, talk), 4. konuşma (speech,
dim see 1. bulanık, 2. sönük, 3. soluk (breath), 4.
loş, 5. karartmak, 6. kararmak, 7. donuk, 8.
discover see 1. bulmak (find, strike), 2. keşfetmek,
bulandırmak, 9. belirsiz (ambiguous), 10.
3. anlamak (see, understand).
discovery see 1. bulgu, 2. buluş, 3. keşif.
dimension see 1. boyut (size), 2. buut.
discreet see 1. ihtiyatlı, 2. ketum.
dimensions see 1. ebat, 2. boyutlar.
discrimination see ayrım.
dinner see Yemek (eat, feed, meal).
discuss see 1. tartışmak, 2. görüşmek.
diplomacy see diplomasi.
discussion see 1. görüşme, 2. tartışma (argument).
diplomatic see diplomatik.
disease see hastalık.
direct see 1. yönlendirmek, 2. dolaysız, 3. yönetmek,
disgust see 1. tiksinme, 2. iğrendirmek, 3. iğrenme,
4. direkt, 5. kestirme, 6. emretmek (order), 7. düz
(flat, plain, smooth, straight), 8. dürüst (honest), 4. nefret (hate, hatred), 5. bıktırmak, 6.
9. doğrultmak, 10. yöneltmek. bezdirmek, 7. tiksindirmek.
direction see 1. yön (course), 2. talimat disgusting see 1. iğrenç, 2. berbat, 3. tiksindirici.
(instruction), 3. yönerge (directive, instruction), dish see 1. tabak (plate), 2. yemek (eat, feed, meal).
4. yönetim (administration, government, disk see disk (disc).
management). dismiss see 1. bırakmak (leave), 2. kovmak.

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disorder see 1. düzensizlik, 2. kargaşa, 3. karışıklık, dividend see bölünen.

4. karıştırmak. division see 1. bölüm (chapter, department, part,
display see 1. sergileme, 2. sergilemek, 3. ekran section), 2. Bölme, 3. bölünme (split), 4. kısım
(screen), 4. görüntü (image, picture), 5. (section).
göstermek (indicate, point, represent, show), 6. divorce see 1. boşanma, 2. boşamak, 3. ayırmak
sergi. (appropriate, divide, reserve, separate, split), 4.
disposal see 1. satış (sale), 2. düzen (order), 3. boşanmak.
kullanım. do see 1. etmek (make), 2. yapmak (fulfil, make,
dispose see 1. düzenlemek (arrange, order, perform), 3. parti (lot), 4. temizlemek (clean,
organize), 2. yerleştirmek. clear).
disposition see 1. eğilim (inclination, trend), 2. dock see 1. rıhtım, 2. Yuva (nest), 3. dok, 4. kesmek
istek (request), 3. düzen (order), 4. Idare (cut), 5. azaltmak (decrease).
(management), 5. mizaç. doctor see 1. doktor, 2. hekim.
dispute see tartışmak. doctrine see 1. doktrin, 2. öğreti.
disruption see 1. bozulma (breakdown, corruption), document see 1. belge, 2. belgelemek.
2. kesilme. documentation see 1. belgeleme, 2.
dissatisfaction see 1. doyumsuzluk, 2. dokümantasyon.
hoşnutsuzluk, 3. memnuniyetsizlik. dog see 1. köpek, 2. izlemek (monitor, trace, track,
dissolution see 1. bozulma (breakdown, trail), 3. it, 4. herif.
corruption), 2. tasfiye, 3. bozma, 4. dağılma, 5. doll see bebek (baby, infant).
fesih, 6. ölüm (death). dollar see dolar.
distance see 1. uzaklık, 2. mesafe, 3. soğukluk. dolly see bebek (baby, doll, infant).
distant see 1. uzak (far, remote), 2. soğuk (bleak, dolphin see yunus.
cold), 3. hafif (light), 4. uzakta (away), 5. domain see 1. alan (area, field, range, space), 2.
uzaktan. ülke (country).
distinct see 1. ayrı (apart, separate), 2. farklı, 3. dome see kubbe.
belirgin (clear), 4. açık (clear, explicit, free, light, domestic see 1. yerli, 2. evcil, 3. hizmetçi, 4. iç
open, plain, shortage), 5. aşikâr. (inner, inside, internal), 5. ehli.
distinction see 1. fark (difference), 2. üstünlük dominance see 1. egemenlik (domination), 2.
(advantage). üstünlük (advantage).
distinctive see özel (particular, private, special). dominant see 1. egemen, 2. baskın, 3. başat.
distinctly see açıkça. dominate see hükmetmek.
distinguish see 1. ayırmak (appropriate, divide, domination see egemenlik.
reserve, separate, split), 2. seçmek (choose, pick, don see giymek.
select), 3. sivrilmek, 4. anlamak (see, donation see bağış.
done see 1. tamam, 2. bitti, 3. yapılmış, 4. olmuş, 5.
distinguished see 1. seçkin, 2. ünlü (famous), 3.
donor see verici.
distortion see 1. çarpıklık, 2. bozulma (breakdown,
door see 1. kapı (gate), 2. giriş (access, entry, input,
corruption), 3. çarpıtma, 4. distorsiyon.
distress see 1. acı (bitter, grief, sorrow), 2. sıkıntı, 3.
dose see 1. doz, 2. miktar (amount, quantity).
üzmek, 4. üzüntü, 5. haciz, 6. tehlike (danger,
dot see 1. nokta (period, point, spot), 2. benek (spot),
hazard), 7. ıstırap.
3. noktalamak.
distribution see 1. dağıtım, 2. dağılım, 3. dağılma,
double see 1. çift (couple, dual, even, pair), 2. çifte,
4. yayılma.
3. duble, 4. bükmek, 5. ikili, 6. ikiyüzlü.
district see 1. bölge (belt, region, zone), 2. mahalle,
doubt see 1. kuşku, 2. şüphe (suspicion), 3.
3. kaza (accident), 4. havali, 5. ilçe.
güvenmemek, 4. güvensizlik, 5. kuşkulanmak.
disturb see 1. karıştırmak, 2. aksatmak, 3. bozmak.
doubtful see 1. şüpheli, 2. kuşkulu, 3. belirsiz
disturbance see 1. karışıklık, 2. bozukluk (failure,
fault), 3. patırtı (noise), 4. rahatsızlık, 5. kargaşa.
doubtless see 1. kuşkusuz, 2. muhakkak, 3.
ditch see 1. hendek, 2. ark (arc).
diversion see 1. eğlence (amusement, fun), 2.
down see 1. aşağı (below), 2. devirmek, 3.
aşağısında, 4. tüy (pile), 5. hav (pile), 6. aşağıya,
divide see 1. bölmek (separate, split), 2. ayırmak
7. aşağıda (below), 8. bozuk (broken).
(appropriate, reserve, separate, split), 3.
downstairs see 1. aşağıda (below), 2. aşağıya.
bölünmek, 4. ayrılmak, 5. Böl.

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546 English - Turkish

dozen see düzine. due see 1. uygun (appropriate, apt, suitable), 2. tam
draft see 1. taslak (sketch), 2. müsvedde, 3. cereyan, (absolute, accurate, complete, exact, exactly,
4. çekme (pull), 5. poliçe (policy). precise, very), 3. hak, 4. beklenen, 5. gereken.
drag see 1. çekmek (draw, pull), 2. sürükleme, 3. duke see dük.
sürüklemek, 4. sürümek, 5. sürünmek, 6. taramak, dull see 1. donuk, 2. sıkıcı (boring), 3. sönük, 4.
7. tarak, 8. engel (barrier), 9. tırmık. renksiz, 5. ağır (heavy, serious), 6. kör (blind), 7.
dragon see ejderha. donuklaştırmak.
drain see 1. akaç, 2. akaçlamak, 3. tüketmek, 4. duly see hakkıyla.
kanal (canal, channel), 5. kurutmak, 6. lağım, 7. dumb see 1. aptal, 2. dilsiz, 3. sessiz (quiet).
masraf, 8. akmak (flow), 9. akıtmak, 10. süzmek duration see süre (time).
(filter). dust see toz (powder).
drainage see 1. drenaj, 2. akaçlama, 3. dusty see tozlu.
kanalizasyon. duty see 1. vergi (tax), 2. ödev, 3. görev (task), 4.
drama see 1. dram, 2. drama. hizmet (service).
dramatic see 1. dramatik, 2. etkileyici, 3. çarpıcı. dynamic see 1. dinamik (dynamics), 2. devingen.
drastic see şiddetli (bitter). dynamics see 1. dinamik (dynamic), 2. devimbilim.
draw see 1. çizmek, 2. çekmek (drag, pull), 3. almak
(accept, buy, get, have, receive, take), 4. germek,
5. resmetmek, 6. cezbetmek, 7. çekme (pull), 8.
çekiş, 9. çekiliş.
drawer see 1. çekmece, 2. göz (eye), 3. keşideci. E
drawing see 1. çizim, 2. plan, 3. resim (image,
painting, picture). each see 1. her, 2. tanesi.
drawn see 1. çekilmiş, 2. süzgün. eager see 1. gayretli, 2. sabırsız, 3. hevesli.
dreadful see 1. berbat, 2. korkunç (horrible, eagle see kartal.
terrible). ear see 1. kulak, 2. başak.
dream see 1. düş, 2. hayal, 3. rüya. early see 1. erken, 2. eski (former, old), 3. ilk (first,
dress see 1. elbise (clothes), 2. giysi (costume), 3. initial, preliminary).
süslemek, 4. giyinmek, 5. giyim, 6. giydirmek. earn see kazanmak (win).
dressing see 1. pansuman, 2. sargı, 3. giydirme. earnings see 1. kazanç (gain, proceeds), 2. gelir, 3.
drift see 1. sürüklenme, 2. sapma (deviation), 3. maaş (pay, salary, wage).
sürüklemek (drag), 4. yığmak (stack), 5. earth see 1. toprak (ground, land, soil), 2. dünya
sürüklenmek, 6. kayma (slide), 7. eğilim (world), 3. yer (ground, location, place, seat,
(inclination, trend), 8. akıntı, 9. yığılmak. space), 4. yeryüzü, 5. arz.
drill see 1. matkap, 2. delgi (punch), 3. talim, 4. ease see 1. rahat, 2. gevşetmek, 3. rahatlık, 4.
alıştırma (exercise), 5. delmek. kolaylık (facility), 5. huzur (peace), 6.
drink see 1. içmek, 2. içecek, 3. içki, 4. meşrubat, 5. kolaylaşmak, 7. dindirmek, 8. refah (welfare), 9.
okyanus (ocean), 6. deniz (sea). yatıştırmak, 10. kolaylaştırmak.
drive see 1. sürmek (last), 2. çakmak, 3. enerji easily see 1. kolayca, 2. muhtemelen, 3. şüphesiz, 4.
(energy), 4. kullanmak (employ, use), 5. sürücü kolaylıkla.
(driver). east see doğu.
driver see 1. sürücü, 2. şoför, 3. makinist. easy see 1. kolay, 2. rahat (ease), 3. sakin (quiet), 4.
driving see sürme. uysal, 5. zahmetsiz.
drop see 1. düşüş, 2. bırakmak (leave), 3. damla, 4. eat see 1. yemek (feed, meal), 2. kemirmek, 3.
düşme, 5. düşmek (fall), 6. kesmek (cut), 7. aşındırmak, 4. çürütmek.
düşürmek, 8. damlamak, 9. alçalmak, 10. iniş eccentric see eksantrik.
(descent, landing). ecclesiastical see dini.
drug see ilaç (remedy). echo see 1. yankı, 2. aksetmek, 3. yankılanmak, 4.
drum see davul. yansıtmak (reflect).
drunk see sarhoş. ecology see 1. ekoloji, 2. çevrebilim.
dry see 1. kuru, 2. sek, 3. susuz, 4. susamış, 5. economic see 1. ekonomik, 2. iktisadi.
yavan, 6. kurumak, 7. kurak, 8. kurumuş, 9. economics see ekonomi.
kurutmak. economist see 1. ekonomist, 2. iktisatçı.
dual see 1. çift (couple, double, even, pair), 2. ikili. economy see 1. ekonomi, 2. tasarruf, 3. tutum
dubious see 1. belirsiz (ambiguous), 2. şüpheli. (attitude), 4. idare (management).
duck see ördek.

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English - Turkish 547

edge see 1. kenar (border, margin, side, verge), 2. eliminate see 1. elemek, 2. çıkarmak, 3. atmak
ağız (mouth), 3. kıyı, 4. avantaj (advantage). (cast, pitch, throw).
edition see 1. baskı, 2. yayın (publication). elimination see 1. eleme, 2. atma, 3. çıkarma, 4.
editor see 1. düzenleyici, 2. editör, 3. başyazar, 4. eliminasyon.
yayımcı. elite see seçkinler.
educated see 1. aydın, 2. okumuş. else see 1. başka (different, other), 2. daha (more), 3.
education see 1. eğitim (training), 2. öğrenim, 3. yoksa (or).
öğretim, 4. tahsil. elusive see kaçamaklı.
effect see 1. etki (action, impact, influence), 2. sonuç embassy see 1. elçilik, 2. sefaret.
(outcome, result), 3. anlam (meaning, sense, emergence see belirme.
significance), 4. Efekt, 5. tesir, 6. gerçekleştirmek emergency see buhran (crisis).
(realize). emission see 1. yayma, 2. çıkarma.
effective see 1. etkin (active), 2. etkili, 3. efektif, 4. emotion see 1. duygu (feeling, sense), 2. heyecan, 3.
etkileyici, 5. fiili, 6. geçerli (current, valid), 7. his (sense).
tesirli. emotional see 1. duygusal (sentimental), 2.
effectiveness see etkililik. heyecanlı, 3. duygulu.
efficacy see 1. etki (action, effect, impact, emperor see imparator.
influence), 2. yarar (advantage, benefit). emphasis see 1. vurgu (accent), 2. önem.
efficiency see 1. verim (yield), 2. verimlilik empire see imparatorluk.
(fertility), 3. etkinlik (activity). empirical see 1. görgül, 2. deneysel (experimental).
efficient see 1. becerikli, 2. ehliyetli, 3. verimli employ see kullanmak (use).
(fertile). employee see 1. işçi, 2. Personel, 3. görevli, 4.
effort see 1. gayret, 2. çaba, 3. güç (energy, force, hizmetli.
power, strength), 4. emek, 5. çabalama. employer see işveren.
egg see 1. yumurta, 2. bomba (bomb), 3. tohum employment see 1. iş (action, affair, deed, job,
(seed), 4. torpido. work), 2. çalıştırma, 3. istihdam.
ego see 1. ben, 2. ego, 3. benlik. empty see 1. boş (blank, free, vacant), 2. boşaltmak
eight see sekiz. (discharge), 3. dökmek, 4. boşalmak, 5. aç
eighteen see Onsekiz. (hungry), 6. dökülmek.
eighth see sekizinci. enclosure see 1. çevirme (conversion), 2. çit
eighty see seksen. (fence), 3. kuşatma (siege), 4. duvar (wall), 5.
elaborate see ayrıntılı. kapama, 6. muhafaza.
elbow see 1. dirsek, 2. dirseklemek. encounter see 1. karşılaşma, 2. karşılaşmak, 3.
elder see 1. ata, 2. büyük (big, grand, great, large, çarpışmak, 4. çarpışma (collision).
major). encourage see 1. cesaretlendirmek, 2. özendirmek,
election see seçim (choice, selection). 3. yüreklendirmek.
electorate see seçmenler. end see 1. son (final, finish, last), 2. bitirmek
electric see elektrikli (electrical). (complete), 3. bitmek (finish), 4. erek, 5. amaç
electrical see 1. elektrikli, 2. elektrik (electricity), 3. (aim, intent, object, objective, purpose, target), 6.
elektriksel. akıbet, 7. uç.
electricity see elektrik. ending see son (end, final, finish, last).
electron see elektron. endless see sonsuz (infinite).
electronic see elektronik (electronics). endorsement see ciro.
electronics see elektronik (electronic). enemy see 1. düşman, 2. hasım.
elegant see 1. zarif, 2. şık, 3. mükemmel (excellent). energetic see 1. çalışkan, 2. enerjik, 3. faal, 4. güçlü,
element see 1. unsur, 2. eleman, 3. element, 4. öğe, 5. kuvvetli.
5. esas. energy see 1. enerji, 2. güç (force, power, strength),
elementary see 1. temel (base, basic, foundation), 2. 3. kuvvet (force, strength), 4. erke, 5. gayret
ilkel (primitive), 3. basit (simple), 4. ilk (first, (effort).
initial, preliminary), 5. başlangıç (beginning, enforce see 1. uygulamak (apply), 2. yürütmek.
origin, start). enforcement see uygulama (application).
elephant see fil (bishop). engage see 1. çekmek (drag, draw, pull), 2. tutmak
eligible see 1. seçilebilir, 2. uygun (appropriate, apt, (hold, keep, retain).
suitable). engaged see 1. meşgul (busy), 2. nişanlı.

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548 English - Turkish

engagement see 1. nişanlanma, 2. nişan, 3. randevu escape see 1. kaçmak, 2. firar, 3. kaçma, 4. kaçış, 5.
(appointment), 4. çarpışma (collision), 5. atlatmak, 6. kurtuluş.
angajman, 6. söz (word), 7. sözleşme, 8. taahhüt. especially see özellikle.
engine see 1. motor (motor), 2. lokomotif, 3. makine essay see 1. deneme (trial), 2. denemek.
(machine). essence see 1. öz (self), 2. ruh (soul), 3. esans, 4.
engineer see 1. mühendis, 2. çarkçı, 3. makinist. cevher, 5. asıl, 6. esas.
engineering see mühendislik. essential see 1. esaslı, 2. gerekli (necessary).
enjoy see 1. beğenmek (like), 2. hoşlanmak, 3. essentially see esasen.
sevmek (like, love), 4. yararlanmak. establish see 1. yerleştirmek, 2. kurmak (build,
enjoyable see 1. hoş (pleasant), 2. eğlenceli, 3. found, install), 3. saptamak, 4. kanıtlamak.
zevkli. established see sabit (constant, fixed).
enjoyment see 1. zevk, 2. hoşlanma, 3. haz. establishment see 1. kurma, 2. kuruluş, 3. kurum,
enormous see 1. kocaman (huge), 2. muazzam. 4. tesis.
enough see yeter. estate see mülk.
enquiry see sorgu (inquiry). estimate see 1. tahmin (forecast), 2. hesap (account,
ensure see sağlamak. bill, calculation).
enter see 1. girmek, 2. kaydetmek (record, register), estimated see Tahmini.
3. Gir. eternal see 1. sonsuz (endless, infinite), 2. ebedi.
enterprise see 1. girişim (interference), 2. kuruluş, ethical see törel.
3. girişkenlik, 4. teşebbüs, 5. cesaret (courage). ethics see 1. etik, 2. törebilim.
entertainment see eğlence (amusement, fun). ethnic see etnik.
enthusiasm see 1. şevk, 2. heves, 3. coşkunluk. evaluate see değerlendirmek.
enthusiastic see hevesli. evaluation see değerlendirme.
entire see 1. bütün (all, integral, whole), 2. tam eve see arife.
(absolute, accurate, complete, exact, exactly, even see 1. çift (couple, double, dual, pair), 2. hatta,
precise, very), 3. tüm (all). 3. bile, 4. düz (flat, plain, smooth, straight), 5. eşit
entirely see 1. tamamen (absolutely, altogether), 2. (equal), 6. düzenli (regular).
büsbütün, 3. bütünüyle, 4. tümüyle. evening see 1. akşam (night), 2. gece (night), 3.
entity see 1. varlık, 2. mevcudiyet. suare.
entrance see 1. giriş (access, entry, input, event see 1. olay (fact, incident), 2. sonuç (effect,
introduction), 2. antre, 3. büyülemek, 4. girme. outcome, result), 3. vaka, 4. karşılaşma, 5. hadise.
entry see 1. giriş (access, input, introduction), 2. eventually see 1. sonunda, 2. neticede.
antre, 3. Girdi (input), 4. girme, 5. kayıt (record). ever see 1. daima (always), 2. hep (always), 3. hiç
envelope see 1. zarf, 2. zarflamak. (nothing).
environment see 1. çevre, 2. ortam (medium). everyday see 1. günlük (daily, journal), 2. adi
environmental see çevresel (peripheral). (common), 3. gündelik.
enzyme see enzim. evidence see 1. kanıt (proof), 2. tanıklık, 3. delil, 4.
episode see 1. bölüm (chapter, department, division, iz (trace, track, trail), 5. şahitlik, 6. ifade
part, section), 2. olay (event, fact, incident), 3. (expression), 7. belirtmek (specify), 8. açıklık, 9.
kısım (section). açıklamak (explain), 10. ispat.
equal see 1. eşit, 2. denk, 3. akran, 4. eş (match, evident see 1. besbelli, 2. belirgin (clear), 3. aşikâr,
wife), 5. aynı (same), 6. emsal. 4. açık (clear, explicit, free, light, open, plain,
equality see eşitlik. shortage).
equation see 1. denklem, 2. eşitlik (equality). evidently see açıkça.
equilibrium see denge (balance, stability). evil see 1. kötülük, 2. fena (poor), 3. kötü (bad,
equipment see 1. donatım, 2. teçhizat, 3. donatı. poor), 4. kem, 5. zarar (loss), 6. uğursuz, 7.
equity see 1. adalet (justice), 2. tarafsızlık. zararlı, 8. aksi, 9. fenalık, 10. bela.
equivalent see 1. eşdeğer, 2. denk, 3. eşit (equal), 4. evolution see 1. evrim, 2. gelişim, 3. gelişme.
karşılık. evolutionary see evrimsel.
era see 1. çağ, 2. devir (period), 3. dönem (period). exact see 1. tam (absolute, accurate, complete,
erosion see 1. erozyon, 2. kemirme, 3. aşınma, 4. exactly, precise, very), 2. doğru (accurate,
aşındırma. correct, right, true), 3. kati, 4. kesin (definite), 5.
error see 1. hata (fault), 2. yanılgı, 3. yanlış (false), titiz, 6. dakik, 7. gerektirmek.
4. yanlışlık. exactly see 1. tam (absolute, accurate, complete,
exact, precise, very), 2. aynen, 3. tamamen

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(absolutely, altogether, entirely), 4. tamam expansion see 1. genleşme, 2. genişleme, 3.

(done). büyüme (growth), 4. yayılma.
examination see 1. muayene, 2. sınav, 3. yoklama, expect see 1. beklemek (wait), 2. sanmak (guess,
4. inceleme, 5. soruşturma (inquiry), 6. teftiş, 7. suppose, think).
tetkik. expectation see 1. beklenti, 2. bekleme (wait), 3.
examine see 1. yoklamak, 2. incelemek, 3. sınamak umut (hope), 4. ümit, 5. umma.
(test). expedition see 1. sefer, 2. sevk, 3. acele.
example see 1. örnek (model, sample), 2. ders, 3. expenditure see 1. gider, 2. harcama, 3. masraf.
ibret, 4. misal. expense see 1. gider, 2. harcama, 3. masraf.
exceed see 1. aşmak, 2. geçmek (pass). expenses see Masraflar.
excellence see 1. mükemmellik (perfection), 2. expensive see 1. masraflı, 2. pahalı.
üstünlük (advantage). experience see 1. deneyim, 2. tecrübe, 3. görmek
excellent see 1. mükemmel, 2. kusursuz, 3. üstün. (see), 4. yaşamak (live), 5. yaşantı, 6. denemek,
except see 1. dışında, 2. hariç, 3. saymamak. 7. olay (event, fact, incident), 8. tatmak (taste).
exception see istisna. experienced see 1. tecrübeli, 2. deneyimli, 3.
exceptional see 1. istisnai, 2. müstesna. görgülü.
excess see 1. fazlalık, 2. aşırılık, 3. fazla, 4. experiment see deney.
ölçüsüzlük. experimental see deneysel.
excessive see aşırı (extreme). expert see 1. uzman (specialist), 2. bilirkişi, 3.
exchange see 1. santral, 2. borsa, 3. değiştirme, 4. eksper, 4. usta (skilled).
kambiyo. expertise see 1. ekspertiz, 2. uzmanlık.
exchequer see hazine. explain see 1. açıklamak, 2. anlatmak (relate, tell).
excitement see 1. heyecan, 2. telaş. explanation see 1. açıklama, 2. Açiklama, 3. izah,
exciting see 1. heyecanlı, 2. uyarıcı. 4. tanımlama, 5. yorum (comment,
exclude see 1. dışlamak, 2. kovmak. interpretation).
exclusion see çıkarma. explicit see 1. açık (clear, free, light, open, plain,
exclusive see 1. tek (odd, single, unique), 2. özel shortage), 2. belirgin (clear), 3. kesin (definite), 4.
(particular, private, special). aşikâr, 5. belli.
exclusively see 1. sadece, 2. yalnız (alone). exploit see 1. işletmek (operate), 2. kahramanlık, 3.
excuse see 1. affetmek (forgive, pardon), 2. sömürmek, 4. kullanmak (employ, use), 5.
bağışlamak (forgive), 3. bahane, 4. özür macera, 6. yiğitlik.
(apology), 5. mazeret. exploitation see 1. işletme, 2. sömürme, 3. istismar.
execution see 1. icra, 2. yürütme, 3. uygulama exploration see 1. araştırma (investigation,
(application), 4. idam. research), 2. keşif.
executive see 1. idareci, 2. yürütme, 3. yürütücü. explore see 1. araştırmak (investigate, research), 2.
exercise see 1. alıştırma, 2. egzersiz, 3. idman, 4. keşfetmek.
talim, 5. uygulama (application), 6. kullanma explosion see 1. patlama, 2. infilak, 3. parlama.
(use). explosive see patlayıcı.
exhausted see bitap. export see 1. dışsatım, 2. ihracat, 3. ihraç.
exhaustion see 1. bitkinlik (fatigue), 2. tükenme, 3. exposure see 1. poz, 2. teşhir.
yorgunluk. express see 1. kesin (definite), 2. açık (clear,
exhibition see 1. sergi, 2. sergileme. explicit, free, light, open, plain, shortage), 3.
exile see 1. sürgün, 2. sürmek (drive, last). anlatmak (relate, tell), 4. hızlı (fast, quick, swift),
exist see 1. yaşamak (live), 2. bulunmak, 3. olmak 5. belli, 6. süratli, 7. özel (particular, private,
(become, get, happen). special).
existence see hayat (life). expression see 1. anlatım, 2. ifade, 3. deyim, 4. eda,
existing see varolan. 5. söz (word), 6. tabir.
exit see 1. çıkmak, 2. çıkış, 3. çıkma. expressly see 1. açıkça, 2. bilhassa, 3. özellikle.
exotic see egzotik. exquisite see 1. keskin (bitter, sharp), 2. nefis, 3.
expand see 1. büyütmek, 2. genişlemek, 3. şiddetli (bitter), 4. zarif (elegant).
genişletmek (extend), 4. yaymak (spread), 5. extend see 1. uzatmak (reach), 2. genişletmek
şişmek, 6. Geniþlet, 7. açmak (open), 8. açılmak, (expand), 3. yaymak (spread), 4. erişmek, 5.
9. büyümek. uzamak.
expanded see genişletilmiş. extended see genişletilmiş.
extension see 1. uzatma, 2. genişletme, 3. uzantı, 4.
ek (appendix).

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extensive see 1. geniş (large, wide), 2. uzatılmış. orta (intermediate, medium, middle), 9. dürüstçe,
extent see 1. uzunluk (length), 2. kapsam (scope), 3. 10. çarşı, 11. adilane, 12. açık (clear, explicit,
derece (degree, grade), 4. alan (area, domain, free, light, open, plain, shortage), 13. fuar.
field, range, space), 5. genişlik (width), 6. fairly see 1. oldukça (rather), 2. dürüstçe, 3. adilane.
mertebe, 7. ölçü (gauge, measure), 8. büyüklük fairness see güzellik (beauty).
(magnitude, size). fairy see peri.
external see 1. dış, 2. harici. faith see 1. güven (reliance), 2. din (religion), 3.
extra see 1. ek (appendix), 2. ekstra, 3. fazla, 4. iman, 4. inanç (belief), 5. itikat, 6. söz (word), 7.
fazladan, 5. figüran, 6. ilave, 7. ilaveten. itimat (reliance), 8. bağlılık, 9. sadakat.
extract see 1. öz (self), 2. almak (accept, buy, get, faithful see 1. sadık, 2. bağlı, 3. doğru (accurate,
have, receive, take), 3. ruh (soul), 4. özüt, 5. özet correct, right, true).
(abstract, outline, summary), 6. çekmek (drag, fall see 1. sonbahar (autumn), 2. düşmek, 3. düşme,
draw, pull), 7. çıkarmak. 4. inmek, 5. düşüş, 6. dökülmek, 7. çökmek, 8.
extraction see 1. çekme (pull), 2. çıkarma, 3. soy. güz, 9. dökülme, 10. çöküş, 11. yağmak, 12.
extraordinary see 1. olağanüstü, 2. fevkalade. yamaç, 13. yıkılma, 14. yıkılmak.
extreme see 1. aşırı, 2. sınır (border, boundary, false see 1. yanlış, 2. taklit (imitation), 3. asılsız, 4.
limit), 3. son (end, final, finish, last), 4. uç. hileli, 5. sahte.
eye see 1. göz, 2. nazar, 3. görüş (sight), 4. bakış fame see 1. ün, 2. şöhret, 3. nam, 4. şan (glory).
(look, view). familiar see 1. aşina, 2. tanıdık (acquaintance), 3.
teklifsiz, 4. bildik, 5. alışılmış, 6. laubali.
familiarity see 1. aşinalık, 2. laubalilik.
family see 1. aile, 2. familya, 3. soy, 4. ev (home,
F famous see 1. ünlü, 2. meşhur, 3. tanınmış.
fan see 1. hayran, 2. vantilatör, 3. yelpaze, 4.
fabric see 1. bünye (structure), 2. kumaş (cloth), 3.
pervane, 5. taraftar, 6. yelpazelemek.
yapı (structure), 4. bez.
fancy see 1. Süslü, 2. hayal, 3. kuruntu, 4. sanmak
fabulous see harika (wonderful).
(guess, suppose, think).
face see 1. yüz (hundred), 2. çehre, 3. surat, 4.
fantastic see 1. fantastik, 2. harika (wonderful), 3.
kaplamak, 5. sima, 6. bakmak (look, maintain,
acayip (peculiar), 4. garip, 5. hayali, 6. şahane.
refer, regard, view, watch), 7. cephe, 8. görünüş,
fantasy see 1. hayal, 2. fantezi.
9. itibar, 10. katlanmak.
far see 1. uzak (distant, remote), 2. uzakta (away), 3.
facilitate see kolaylaştırmak.
uzağa, 4. ırak, 5. öbür.
facility see 1. kolaylık, 2. olanak (possibility), 3.
fare see 1. yiyecek (food), 2. yolcu (passenger).
farewell see 1. veda, 2. elveda.
facing see dönüş (return, turn).
farm see çiftlik.
fact see 1. olgu, 2. olay (event, incident), 3. gerçek
(actual, real, true), 4. hakikat. farmer see çiftçi.
faction see 1. hizip, 2. ayrılık (separation). farming see 1. tarım, 2. çiftçilik.
factor see 1. etmen, 2. çarpan, 3. faktör, 4. katsayı, 5. fascinating see 1. büyüleyici, 2. çekici.
etken. fascination see 1. cazibe (attraction), 2. çekicilik.
factory see 1. fabrika, 2. imalathane. fascism see faşizm.
faculty see 1. fakülte, 2. yetenek (ability, fashion see 1. moda, 2. yapmak (do, fulfil, make,
capability), 3. yeti, 4. beceri, 5. kabiliyet. perform), 3. üslup, 4. tarz (genre), 5. biçim (form,
fail see 1. başaramamak, 2. becerememek, 3. format, shape), 6. biçimlendirmek.
bırakmak (leave). fashionable see moda (fashion).
failing see 1. kusur (defect, fault), 2. zayıflık, 3. hata fast see 1. oruç, 2. hızlı (quick, swift), 3. süratli, 4.
(error, fault). sıkı, 5. seri (series), 6. ileri (advanced, forward),
failure see 1. bozukluk (fault), 2. başarısızlık, 3. 7. çabuk (quick), 8. sağlam, 9. sabit (constant,
eksiklik (deficiency), 4. fiyasko, 5. yetmezlik, 6. fixed), 10. sıkıca, 11. solmaz, 12. süratle, 13.
arıza (fault). dayanıklı.
faint see 1. bayılmak, 2. soluk (breath), 3. zayıf, 4. fat see 1. yağ (oil), 2. dolgun, 3. yağlı, 4. şişman, 5.
bayılma, 5. sönük, 6. cesaretsiz, 7. baygın, 8. semiz, 6. tombul, 7. şişkin, 8. besili, 9. şişko.
baygınlık, 9. donuk. fatal see 1. ölümcül, 2. öldürücü.
fair see 1. sarışın, 2. güzel (beautiful, fine, fate see 1. kader, 2. yazgı, 3. son (end, final, finish,
handsome, lovely, pretty), 3. adil, 4. panayır, 5. last), 4. akıbet, 5. alınyazısı, 6. kısmet.
dürüst (honest), 6. vasat, 7. temiz (clean, clear), 8.

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father see 1. baba (dad), 2. tanrı, 3. papaz (priest), 4. festival see 1. festival, 2. şenlik.
peder, 5. ata, 6. Allah. fetch see getirmek (bring).
fatigue see 1. bitkinlik, 2. yormak, 3. yorgunluk. feudal see feodal.
fault see 1. arıza, 2. kusur (defect), 3. hata (error), 4. fever see 1. ateş (fire), 2. heyecan, 3. telaş.
bozukluk (failure), 5. suç (crime), 6. çatlak, 7. few see az (little).
fay, 8. kınamak, 9. kabahat, 10. yanlışlık. fibre see 1. karakter (character), 2. yapı (structure),
faulty see 1. kusurlu (defective), 2. bozuk (broken), 3. lif, 4. tel (wire).
3. hatalı. fiction see 1. uydurma, 2. kurgu, 3. icat, 4. masal.
favour see 1. iltimas, 2. yardım (assistance, help), 3. field see 1. alan (area, domain, range, space), 2.
lütuf, 4. iyilik, 5. kayırma. tarla, 3. saha, 4. otlak, 5. kır, 6. çayır, 7. mera.
favourable see 1. uygun (appropriate, apt, suitable), fifth see beşinci.
2. elverişli, 3. lehte, 4. olumlu (positive). fifty see elli.
favourite see 1. gözde, 2. sevgili (beloved, dear, fig see incir.
love), 3. favori. fight see 1. kavga, 2. savaşmak, 3. dövüşmek, 4.
fax see faks. dövüş, 5. savaş (battle).
fear see 1. korku (apprehension), 2. korkmak, 3. fighter see 1. savaşçı, 2. boksör, 3. kavgacı.
dehşet, 4. endişe (anxiety), 5. kaygı. figure see 1. şekil (shape), 2. figür, 3. şahsiyet, 4.
fearful see 1. dehşetli, 2. korkunç (horrible, sayı (number), 5. rakam (number), 6. endam, 7.
terrible), 3. endişeli, 4. ürkek (shy), 5. müthiş, 6. fiyat (price), 8. süslemek, 9. resmetmek, 10.
kaygılı, 7. korkak. resim (image, painting, picture).
feasible see 1. mümkün, 2. olası, 3. yapılabilir. file see 1. dosya (record), 2. klasör, 3. törpülemek, 4.
feast see 1. bayram, 2. ziyafet, 3. şölen, 4. yortu. törpü, 5. kütük, 6. eğelemek, 7. eğe, 8.
feature see özellik (characteristic, property). dosyalamak, 9. sıra (order, rank, sequence).
federal see federal. fill see 1. doldurmak, 2. doldurma, 3. dolmak, 4.
federation see federasyon. dolgu, 5. doyurmak, 6. şişmek.
fee see ücret. filling see 1. doldurma, 2. doyurucu, 3. dolgu.
feed see 1. beslemek, 2. yemek (eat, meal), 3. film see 1. film (movie), 2. zar (membrane).
beslenmek, 4. besleme, 5. yiyecek (food), 6. yem, filter see 1. süzgeç, 2. süzmek, 3. filtre, 4. süzülmek.
7. otlamak, 8. yedirmek. filthy see 1. kirli (dirty), 2. pis (dirty).
feedback see geribildirim. final see 1. son (end, finish, last), 2. sonuncu, 3.
feeding see besleme. kesin (definite), 4. nihai, 5. final, 6. kati.
feel see 1. hissetmek, 2. duygu (emotion, feeling, finally see 1. nihayet, 2. sonunda.
sense), 3. duymak (hear), 4. anlamak (see, finance see maliye.
understand), 5. his (sense), 6. hissetme, 7. financial see 1. finansal, 2. parasal, 3. mali.
dokunmak (touch), 8. sezmek. find see 1. bulmak (strike), 2. bulma, 3. Bul, 4.
feeling see 1. duygu (emotion, sense), 2. his (sense), bulgu, 5. buluş, 6. keşif.
3. izlenim (impression), 4. dokunma (touch), 5. finding see karar (decision).
sezgi. fine see 1. güzel (beautiful, fair, handsome, lovely,
feet see ayaklar. pretty), 2. ince (thin), 3. iyi (good, okay, well), 4.
fell see 1. deri (leather, skin), 2. kesmek (cut), 3. saf (absolute, clean, pure), 5. mükemmel
post (skin). (excellent), 6. hoş (pleasant), 7. açık (clear,
fellow see 1. adam (guy, man), 2. arkadaş explicit, free, light, open, plain, shortage), 8.
(companion, friend), 3. hemcins, 4. herif, 5. hassas.
akran, 6. dost (friend), 7. yoldaş, 8. eş (match, finger see parmak.
wife). finish see 1. son (end, final, last), 2. bitmek (end), 3.
fellowship see 1. dernek (association), 2. bitirmek (complete, end), 4. cila, 5. cilalamak, 6.
arkadaşlık. bitiş.
felt see 1. fötr, 2. keçe. finished see 1. bitmiş, 2. tamamlanmış, 3. tükenmiş,
female see 1. kadın (woman), 2. dişi. 4. hazır, 5. mükemmel (excellent).
feminism see feminizm. finishing see 1. bitirme, 2. tamamlama
fence see 1. çit, 2. parmaklık. (completion).
ferry see feribot. fire see 1. ateş, 2. ateşlemek, 3. tutuşturmak, 4.
fertile see 1. bereketli, 2. verimli, 3. doğurgan, 4. yakmak (burn), 5. yangın, 6. alev (flame), 7.
üretken (productive), 5. zengin (rich, wealthy). canlandırmak.
fertility see 1. verimlilik (efficiency), 2. fireplace see 1. ocak, 2. şömine.
doğurganlık, 3. bereket (abundance). firing see 1. ateşleme, 2. yakma.

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firm see 1. sıkı, 2. şirket, 3. firma, 4. katı (solid), 5. fly see 1. sinek (club), 2. uçmak, 3. uçurmak, 4. uçuş
sabit (constant, fixed), 6. sağlam, 7. sert (hard, (flight), 5. kaçmak (escape), 6. Uçma.
harsh), 8. dayanıklı. flying see 1. uçuş (flight), 2. havacılık, 3. uçan.
first see 1. birinci, 2. ilk (initial, preliminary), 3. baş foam see 1. köpük, 2. köpürmek.
(chief, head, master), 4. öncelikle. focus see 1. odak, 2. odaklamak.
firstly see önce (before). focusing see odaklama.
fiscal see mali. fog see 1. sis, 2. duman (smoke), 3. karartmak, 4.
fish see balık. şaşırtmak.
fisher see balıkçı. foliage see yapraklar.
fishing see balıkçılık. folk see 1. ahali, 2. halk (people), 3. millet.
fist see yumruk. follow see izlemek (monitor, trace, track, trail).
fit see 1. uymak, 2. uygun (appropriate, apt, following see 1. ertesi, 2. müteakip, 3. aşağıdaki.
suitable), 3. uyma, 4. uydurmak, 5. layık, 6. kriz food see 1. yiyecek, 2. gıda, 3. besin, 4. yemek (eat,
(attack, crisis), 7. hazırlamak, 8. formda, 9. feed, meal), 5. yem.
elverişli, 10. zinde. fool see ahmak (stupid).
fitness see 1. sağlık, 2. uygunluk, 3. yetenek foolish see 1. akılsız, 2. saçma (absurd), 3. ahmak
(ability, capability). (stupid), 4. aptal, 5. budalaca.
fittings see teçhizat. foot see 1. ayak, 2. dip (bottom).
five see beş. football see 1. futbol (soccer), 2. ayaktopu.
fix see 1. yerleştirmek, 2. kararlaştırmak, 3. for see 1. için, 2. çünkü, 3. yüzünden, 4. zira, 5.
saptamak, 4. bağlamak (link, tie), 5. takmak, 6. nedeniyle.
düzeltmek. forbidden see 1. yasak, 2. yasaklanmış.
fixed see 1. sabit (constant), 2. değişmez (constant), force see 1. kuvvet (strength), 2. zorlamak, 3. güç
3. kararlaştırılmış. (energy, power, strength), 4. zor (difficult), 5.
flag see 1. bayrak (banner), 2. sancak. sıkıştırmak, 6. baskı, 7. kudret, 8. zorlama
flame see 1. alev, 2. alevlenmek, 3. kızarmak. (constraint), 9. etki (action, effect, impact,
flash see 1. flaş, 2. ışıltı, 3. parıltı, 4. çakmak, 5. influence), 10. şiddet (violence).
parlamak, 6. şimşek, 7. an (instant, moment). forced see 1. zoraki, 2. zorunlu (compulsory,
flat see 1. düz (plain, smooth, straight), 2. bemol, 3. mandatory), 3. mecburi.
kesin (definite), 4. durgun, 5. kat (multiple), 6. forecast see tahmin.
kati, 7. donuk, 8. tatsız, 9. yassı. forehead see alın.
flavour see 1. tat, 2. çeşni, 3. lezzet. foreign see 1. yabancı, 2. dış.
fleet see 1. donanma, 2. filo. forest see 1. orman, 2. ağaçlandırmak.
flesh see 1. et (meat), 2. vücut (body), 3. beden forever see 1. daima (always), 2. ebediyen.
(body). forget see unutmak.
flexibility see 1. esneklik, 2. elastikiyet, 3. uysallık. forgive see 1. affetmek (excuse, pardon), 2.
flexible see esnek. bağışlamak (excuse).
flight see 1. uçuş, 2. kaçış, 3. uçma, 4. firar. fork see 1. çatal, 2. çatallaşmak, 3. yaba, 4.
floating see kayan. ayrılmak.
flock see 1. sürü (herd), 2. cemaat, 3. kalabalık, 4. form see 1. biçim (format, shape), 2. form, 3. sınıf
toplanmak, 5. üşüşmek, 6. yığın (bulk, mass, (class), 4. şekil (figure, shape), 5. oluşturmak, 6.
stack). tarz (genre), 7. kurmak (build, found, install), 8.
flood see 1. sel, 2. bolluk (abundance, plenty), 3. kalıp (cast), 9. biçimlendirmek, 10. yöntem
taşkın, 4. taşmak, 5. tufan. (method).
floor see 1. taban (base), 2. zemin (ground), 3. kat formal see 1. biçimsel, 2. resmi.
(multiple), 4. döşeme, 5. şaşırtmak, 6. Yer (earth, format see 1. biçim (form, shape), 2. biçimlemek, 3.
ground, location, place, seat, space). format.
floppy see 1. disket, 2. gevşek, 3. yumuşak. formation see 1. oluşum, 2. düzen (order), 3.
flora see flora. formasyon.
flour see un. former see 1. önceki, 2. eski (old), 3. sabık, 4.
flow see 1. akmak, 2. akış, 3. akıntı, 4. cereyan, 5. geçmiş (past).
dolaşmak, 6. kabarma, 7. met, 8. taşmak, 9. akın. formerly see 1. eskiden, 2. önceden.
flower see 1. çiçek, 2. çiçeklenmek. formidable see 1. korkunç (horrible, terrible), 2.
flu see grip. müthiş, 3. zorlu.
fluid see 1. akışkan, 2. akıcı, 3. sıvı. formula see 1. formül, 2. reçete (prescription).
fort see 1. kale (castle, goal), 2. hisar.

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English - Turkish 553

forthcoming see 1. gelecek, 2. hazır, 3. fresh see 1. taze, 2. yeni (new, novel), 3. temiz
önümüzdeki. (clean, clear), 4. küstah, 5. canlı (alive, live,
fortunate see 1. şanslı, 2. talihli. lively, living), 6. dinç, 7. arsız, 8. acemi, 9. körpe.
fortune see 1. kısmet, 2. talih, 3. servet, 4. şans, 5. fridge see buzdolabı.
baht, 6. kader (fate). friend see 1. arkadaş (companion), 2. ahbap, 3. dost,
forty see kırk. 4. yardımcı (assistant).
forum see 1. forum, 2. mahkeme (tribunal). friendly see dostça.
forward see 1. göndermek (send), 2. ileri friendship see 1. arkadaşlık, 2. dostluk.
(advanced), 3. ileriye, 4. iletmek, 5. öndeki. frightened see 1. korkmuş, 2. ürkmüş.
fossil see 1. fosil, 2. köhne, 3. taşıl. fringe see 1. perçem, 2. saçak.
foster see 1. beslemek (feed), 2. büyütmek (expand). frog see kurbağa.
found see kurmak (build, install). front see 1. ön, 2. cephe, 3. yüz (face, hundred), 4.
foundation see 1. temel (base, basic, elementary), yönelmek, 5. öndeki.
2. vakıf, 3. tesis, 4. kurma, 5. esas. frontier see 1. sınır (border, boundary, limit), 2.
founder see 1. batmak, 2. kurucu, 3. çökmek, 4. hudut.
dökümcü. frost see 1. ayaz, 2. don, 3. kırağı, 4. başarısızlık.
fountain see 1. fıskiye, 2. kaynak (origin, resource, frozen see 1. donmuş, 2. soğuk (bleak, cold).
source), 3. çeşme, 4. pınar, 5. memba. fruit see 1. meyve, 2. ürün (crop, product), 3. sonuç
four see dört. (effect, outcome, result).
fourth see dördüncü. frustration see 1. hüsran, 2. asabiyet.
fox see 1. tilki, 2. aldatmak (trick). fuck see 1. sikmek, 2. sikme.
fraction see kesir. fuel see 1. yakıt, 2. benzin (gas, petrol), 3. yakacak.
fragile see 1. kırılgan, 2. narin, 3. ince (fine, thin), 4. fulfil see yapmak (do, make, perform).
nazik. fulfilment see yapma.
fragment see 1. kırıntı, 2. parça (component, item, full see 1. dolu, 2. tam (absolute, accurate, complete,
part, piece, portion, segment), 3. kısım (section), exact, exactly, precise, very), 3. tüm (all), 4. bol
4. parçalanmak. (abundant, ample), 5. tok.
frail see zayıf. fully see tamamen (absolutely, altogether, entirely).
frame see 1. çerçeve, 2. beden (body), 3. uydurmak, fun see 1. eğlence (amusement), 2. şaka, 3. zevk.
4. kurmak (build, found, install), 5. kare (square), function see 1. fonksiyon, 2. işlev, 3. işlemek, 4.
6. iskelet (framework, skeleton), 7. çerçevelemek, görev (task), 5. iş (action, affair, deed, job, work).
8. çatı, 9. gövde (body). functional see 1. işlevsel, 2. fonksiyonel.
framework see 1. iskelet (skeleton), 2. çatı. fund see 1. fon, 2. sermaye, 3. stok (store).
franchise see 1. imtiyaz (concession), 2. hak, 3. fundamental see 1. temel (base, basic, elementary,
ayrıcalık (privilege). foundation), 2. ana (chief, main, major, master,
frank see 1. açık (clear, explicit, free, light, open, principal).
plain, shortage), 2. samimi. funding see fonlama.
frankly see 1. açıkça, 2. açıkçası. funds see para (cash, currency, money).
fraud see 1. hile, 2. dolandırıcılık, 3. dolandırıcı. funeral see 1. defin, 2. gömme, 3. cenaze.
free see 1. boş (blank, empty, vacant), 2. bedava, 3. funny see 1. komik, 2. tuhaf, 3. garip, 4. gülünç, 5.
serbest, 4. özgür, 5. açık (clear, explicit, light, acayip (peculiar).
open, plain, shortage), 6. Ücretsiz, 7. parasız, 8. fur see 1. kürk, 2. post (skin).
hür, 9. teklifsiz, 10. doğal (natural), 11. cömert, furious see 1. kızgın (angry), 2. şiddetli (bitter), 3.
12. bağımsız (independent), 13. azade, 14. azgın.
kurtarmak (save). furniture see 1. mobilya, 2. eşya.
freedom see 1. özgürlük (liberty), 2. hürriyet, 3. furthermore see ayrıca.
bağımsızlık (independence), 4. irade, 5. fury see hiddet (anger).
fusion see 1. erime, 2. kaynaşma.
freely see serbestçe.
fuss see yaygara.
freezing see 1. dondurucu, 2. dondurma (ice), 3.
future see 1. gelecek, 2. müstakbel, 3. istikbal.
freight see 1. navlun, 2. yük (load), 3. nakliye, 4.
frequency see 1. frekans, 2. sıklık.

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554 English - Turkish

genre see 1. tarz, 2. tür (kind, species, type).

gentle see 1. kibar, 2. nazik, 3. tatlı (sweet), 4.
gentleman see 1. bey, 2. centilmen, 3. beyefendi, 4.
G bay.
gently see nazikçe.
gain see 1. kazanç (proceeds), 2. artma, 3. ulaşmak
genuine see 1. gerçek (actual, fact, real, true), 2.
(reach), 4. kazanmak (win), 5. yarar (advantage,
samimi, 3. hakiki, 4. özgün (original), 5. saf
benefit), 6. ilerleme (advance, advancement), 7.
(absolute, clean, pure).
fayda, 8. artış (increase), 9. ilerlemek (advance).
geographical see coğrafi.
galaxy see 1. galaksi, 2. gökada, 3. samanyolu.
geography see coğrafya.
gall see 1. öd, 2. safra (bile), 3. küstahlık, 4. kin, 5.
kabalık, 6. mazı. geology see jeoloji.
gallery see 1. galeri, 2. dehliz, 3. sergi, 4. tünel. geometric see geometrik.
game see 1. oyun, 2. topal, 3. av (hunt), 4. maç, 5. gesture see jest.
sakat. get see 1. almak (accept, buy, have, receive, take), 2.
gang see 1. takım (set, team), 2. çete, 3. ekip, 4. sürü varmak (arrive), 3. olmak (become, happen), 4.
(flock, herd). götürmek, 5. anlamak (see, understand), 6.
gap see 1. aralık (interval, space), 2. boşluk (blank, ettirmek, 7. yaptırmak, 8. getirmek (bring, fetch),
9. hazırlamak.
vacuum), 3. ayrılık (separation), 4. yarık, 5.
açıklık, 6. geçit. ghost see 1. hayalet, 2. hortlak, 3. iz (trace, track,
garage see garaj. trail), 4. ruh (soul).
giant see dev.
garden see bahçe.
gift see 1. hediye (present), 2. armağan (present), 3.
gardener see bahçıvan.
hibe, 4. yetenek (ability, capability), 5. bağış.
garlic see sarımsak.
gill see solungaç.
garment see 1. giysi (costume), 2. elbise (clothes,
girl see 1. kız, 2. sevgili (beloved, dear, love).
give see 1. vermek (grant), 2. esneklik.
gas see 1. benzin (petrol), 2. gaz, 3. saçmalamak, 4.
havagazı. given see 1. verilmiş, 2. belirli (definite, specific).
gate see 1. kapı (door), 2. geçit. glad see 1. memnun (happy), 2. sevinçli, 3. hoşnut.
gather see 1. toplamak (add, collect, pick, raise), 2. glamorous see 1. büyüleyici (fascinating), 2. çekici.
biriktirmek, 3. kazanmak (win), 4. toplanmak. glass see 1. cam, 2. bardak, 3. kadeh, 4. mercek
gathering see 1. toplantı, 2. topluluk (community), (lens), 5. ayna (mirror).
3. toplama (addition, collection), 4. apse, 5. glasses see gözlük (spectacles).
toplanma. global see 1. küresel, 2. evrensel (universal), 3.
gauge see 1. ölçü (measure), 2. mastar, 3. ayar, 4. genel (general, public), 4. global.
kalibre, 5. ölçmek (measure), 6. tartmak. gloom see 1. karanlık, 2. sıkıntı, 3. hüzün, 4. kasvet.
gay see 1. şen, 2. neşeli, 3. ibne, 4. canlı (alive, live, gloomy see 1. kasvetli, 2. karanlık, 3. loş, 4. sıkıcı
lively, living), 5. keyifli. (boring).
gear see 1. vites, 2. dişli, 3. uymak (fit), 4. glorious see 1. şanlı, 2. şerefli.
uydurmak, 5. tertibat, 6. takım (set, team), 7. glory see 1. şan, 2. şeref, 3. ihtişam, 4. görkem, 5.
eşya, 8. donanım (hardware). hale, 6. ün (fame).
gender see cinsiyet (sex). glossy see parlak (shiny).
gene see gen. glow see 1. kızarmak, 2. şevk, 3. ateş (fire), 4.
general see 1. genel (public), 2. general, 3. umumi, yanmak (burn).
4. yaygın. glucose see glikoz.
generally see 1. genellikle (usually), 2. genelde. go see 1. gitmek, 2. gidiş, 3. gitme, 4. girişim
generate see 1. üretmek, 2. oluşturmak, 3. (interference).
doğurmak. goal see 1. hedef (aim, destination, objective, target),
generation see 1. kuşak (belt), 2. üretim 2. kale (castle), 3. amaç (aim, intent, object,
(production), 3. nesil, 4. üretme. objective, purpose, target), 4. gol, 5. erek (end),
generic see 1. genel (general, public), 2. soysal. 6. gaye (aim).
generosity see cömertlik. goalkeeper see kaleci.
generous see 1. cömert, 2. verimli (fertile), 3. bol going see 1. gidiş, 2. gitme, 3. işleyen, 4. ayrılış.
(abundant, ample). gold see 1. altın, 2. servet.
genius see 1. deha, 2. dahi (too). golden see altın (gold).

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English - Turkish 555

golf see golf. gravity see 1. ağırlık (weight), 2. önem, 3.

good see 1. iyi (fine, okay, well), 2. güzel (beautiful, yerçekimi.
fair, fine, handsome, lovely, pretty), 3. uslu, 4. gray see gri (grey).
sağlam, 5. yerinde, 6. yararlı, 7. uygun great see 1. büyük (big, grand, large, major), 2.
(appropriate, apt, suitable), 8. fayda, 9. çok önemli (important, significant, substantial), 3.
(many, much, very), 10. güvenilir. mükemmel (excellent).
goodbye see allahaısmarladık. greatly see 1. adamakıllı, 2. çok (many, much,
goodness see iyilik. very).
goods see 1. eşya, 2. mal. green see 1. yeşil, 2. ham (raw), 3. toy.
gorgeous see 1. harika (wonderful), 2. muhteşem, 3. greenhouse see 1. sera, 2. limonluk.
parlak (shiny). grey see 1. gri (gray), 2. kır, 3. kırlaşmak, 4.
gossip see 1. dedikodu, 2. gevezelik. ağarmak, 5. külrengi, 6. boz.
gothic see gotik. grid see ızgara.
government see 1. hükümet (administration), 2. grief see 1. keder, 2. acı (bitter, distress, sorrow), 3.
yönetim (administration, management), 3. üzüntü, 4. dert.
yönetme, 4. devlet (state), 5. idare (management). grim see acımasız.
governor see 1. patron (boss), 2. vali, 3. baba (dad, grin see 1. sırıtmak, 2. sırıtma.
father), 4. yönetici (administrator, director, grip see 1. kavramak, 2. yakalamak (catch, trap), 3.
manager). etkilemek, 4. kavrama, 5. sap (handle, stem), 6.
gown see cüppe. kulp (handle), 7. çekmek (drag, draw, pull).
grab see 1. kapmak, 2. kapma, 3. kavramak (grip), 4. gross see 1. brüt, 2. kaba (coarse, crude, rough), 3.
kapış, 5. gasp. şişko, 4. hantal.
grace see 1. lütuf, 2. süslemek, 3. zarafet, 4. nezaket ground see 1. toprak (earth, land, soil), 2. yer (earth,
(courtesy), 5. şereflendirmek. location, place, seat, space), 3. zemin (floor), 4.
grade see 1. derece (degree), 2. eğim, 3. saha (field), 5. topraklamak, 6. temel (base, basic,
sınıflandırmak (sort), 4. sınıf (class), 5. rütbe, 6. elementary, foundation), 7. yeryüzü (earth), 8.
aşama, 7. basamak (step), 8. derecelendirmek. çekilmiş.
gradient see 1. eğim, 2. meyil, 3. irtifa. grounds see tortu.
graduate see mezun. group see 1. grup (bunch, set), 2. küme (cluster), 3.
grain see 1. tane, 2. tahıl, 3. zerre. gruplaşmak, 4. öbek, 5. topluluk (community), 6.
grammar see 1. dilbilgisi, 2. gramer. heyet (committee).
grand see 1. büyük (big, great, large, major), 2. grow see 1. büyümek, 2. olmak (become, get,
muhteşem, 3. ulu, 4. baş (chief, head, master), 5. happen).
ana (chief, main, major, master, principal), 6. growing see 1. büyüme (growth), 2. yetiştirme, 3.
önemli (important, significant, substantial), 7. gelişme.
mükemmel (excellent). growth see 1. büyüme, 2. gelişme, 3. ur, 4. ürün
grandfather see 1. dede, 2. büyükbaba. (crop, product).
grandmother see 1. büyükanne, 2. nine, 3. guarantee see 1. garanti, 2. teminat, 3. güvence
anneanne. (assurance), 4. kefil.
granite see granit. guard see 1. bekçi, 2. korumak (maintain, protect,
grant see 1. vermek (give), 2. bağış, 3. bahşetmek, 4. shield), 3. nöbetçi, 4. gardiyan, 5. koruma
onaylamak (accept, approve, confirm), 5. (conservation, protection), 6. korunmak, 7.
bağışlamak (excuse, forgive). muhafız, 8. gard.
graph see 1. grafik (chart), 2. çizge. guardian see 1. veli, 2. vasi, 3. gardiyan, 4.
graphic see 1. canlı (alive, live, lively, living), 2. koruyucu, 5. muhafız.
grafik (chart, graph). guess see 1. sanmak (suppose, think), 2. tahmin
grasp see 1. tutmak (hold, keep, retain), 2. anlamak (forecast), 3. zannetmek, 4. sanı.
(see, understand), 3. yakalamak (catch, grip, guest see 1. konuk, 2. misafir, 3. davetli.
trap), 4. kavramak (grip), 5. kavrama. guidance see rehberlik.
grass see 1. ot, 2. çimen, 3. otlak, 4. çayır, 5. çim, 6. guide see 1. rehber, 2. kılavuz.
otlamak, 7. marihuana, 8. esrar. guilt see 1. suç (crime), 2. suçluluk.
grateful see 1. minnettar, 2. müteşekkir, 3. makbul. guilty see 1. suçlu, 2. kabahatli.
gratitude see 1. minnettarlık, 2. şükran. guitar see gitar.
grave see 1. ağır (heavy, serious), 2. mezar. gulf see 1. uçurum (cliff), 2. körfez, 3. girdap.
gravel see 1. çakıl, 2. şaşırtmak. gun see 1. tüfek (rifle), 2. top (ball), 3. tabanca, 4.
silah (weapon).

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556 English - Turkish

gut see bağırsak. harm see 1. zarar (loss), 2. kötülük (evil), 3.

guy see 1. adam (fellow, man), 2. herif. incitmek, 4. hasar, 5. ziyan.
harmful see 1. muzır, 2. zararlı.
harmless see zararsız.
harmony see 1. ahenk (accord), 2. uyum, 3. armoni.
harsh see 1. sert (hard), 2. haşin, 3. kaba (coarse,
H crude, gross, rough).
harvest see 1. hasat, 2. biçmek, 3. ürün (crop,
habit see 1. alışkanlık, 2. âdet.
product), 4. harman, 5. semere, 6. sonuç (effect,
hair see 1. saç, 2. kıl, 3. tüy (pile).
outcome, result).
half see 1. buçuk, 2. yarım, 3. yarı. hastily see alelacele.
hall see 1. hol, 2. koridor (corridor), 3. salon, 4. hat see şapka.
hate see 1. nefret (hatred), 2. kin.
halt see 1. durma (stop), 2. durmak (cease, stand,
hatred see 1. nefret (hate), 2. kin, 3. düşmanlık.
stop), 3. duruş, 4. durdurmak (stop), 5. Dur.
have see almak (accept, buy, get, receive, take).
ham see jambon.
hay see saman (straw).
hammer see 1. çekiç, 2. tokmak, 3. çekiçlemek.
hazard see 1. tehlike (danger), 2. risk (risk), 3. şans.
hand see 1. el, 2. alkış, 3. yardım (assistance, help),
hazardous see tehlikeli (dangerous).
4. parmak (finger), 5. uzatmak (extend, reach), 6.
taraf, 7. ibre, 8. hevenk, 9. amele, 10. usta he see 1. o, 2. erkek (male, man).
(skilled). head see 1. kafa, 2. baş (chief, master), 3. akıl
handicap see engel (barrier). (intelligence, mind), 4. kelle, 5. lider (leader), 6.
handkerchief see mendil. tepe (hill), 7. zirve (height, peak, summit), 8.
yönetmek, 9. tura, 10. konu (matter, subject,
handle see 1. sap (stem), 2. kulp, 3. kabza, 4.
topic), 11. şef, 12. başkan (chairman, president),
tutamak, 5. kol (arm), 6. kullanmak (employ,
13. reis.
use), 7. tutamaç, 8. dokunmak (touch), 9.
heading see 1. başlık, 2. konu (matter, subject,
handling see dokunma (touch).
headline see başlık (heading).
handsome see 1. güzel (beautiful, fair, fine, lovely,
health see sağlık.
pretty), 2. yakışıklı, 3. cömert, 4. bol (abundant,
ample). healthy see 1. sağlıklı, 2. sağlam.
handy see 1. hazır, 2. kullanışlı, 3. pratik, 4. yakın heap see 1. yığın (bulk, mass, stack), 2. yığmak
(near). (stack), 3. küme (cluster, group).
hang see 1. asmak, 2. asılmak. hear see 1. duymak, 2. işitmek, 3. dinlemek (listen),
hanging see asma. 4. öğrenmek (learn).
hearing see 1. işitme, 2. oturum (session), 3. celse,
happen see olmak (become, get).
4. duruşma.
happening see 1. olay (event, fact, incident), 2.
heart see 1. kalp, 2. yürek, 3. gönül, 4. Kupa, 5.
cesaret (courage).
happily see mutlulukla.
heat see 1. ısı, 2. sıcaklık, 3. ısınmak, 4. ısıtmak
happiness see 1. mutluluk, 2. saadet.
(warm), 5. öfke (anger), 6. kızmak, 7. kızgınlık
happy see 1. mutlu, 2. memnun (glad), 3. sevinçli,
(anger), 8. azma, 9. hararet.
4. uygun (appropriate, apt, suitable), 5. mesut, 6.
heater see 1. ısıtıcı, 2. tabanca.
heath see funda.
harassment see usandırma.
heating see ısıtma.
harbour see 1. liman (port), 2. barındırmak, 3.
heaven see cennet (paradise).
sığınak (refuge), 4. barınak.
heavy see 1. ağır (serious), 2. şiddetli (bitter), 3.
hard see 1. sert (harsh), 2. ağır (heavy, serious), 3.
üzücü, 4. kaba (coarse, crude, gross, rough), 5.
zor (difficult), 4. güç (energy, force, power,
güç (energy, force, power, strength), 6. fırtınalı,
strength), 5. katı (solid), 6. zalim, 7. sıkı, 8.
7. ciddi (serious), 8. önemli (important,
şiddetli (bitter), 9. merhametsiz, 10. çetin, 11.
significant, substantial).
hedge see 1. çit (fence), 2. engel (barrier).
hardly see ancak (barely, but, however, only,
scarcely). heel see 1. topuk, 2. ökçe.
hardship see 1. cefa, 2. sıkıntı. height see 1. yükseklik, 2. zirve (peak, summit), 3.
hardware see 1. donanım, 2. hırdavat. doruk (peak, summit), 4. irtifa, 5. tepe (hill).
heir see 1. mirasçı, 2. varis.
hardy see 1. dayanıklı, 2. güçlü, 3. atılgan.
helicopter see helikopter.

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English - Turkish 557

hell see cehennem. hole see 1. delik, 2. çukur (pit), 3. oyuk, 4. boşluk
hello see 1. merhaba (hi), 2. alo, 3. selam, 4. Hey. (blank, gap, vacuum), 5. hücre (cell), 6. in.
helmet see 1. kask, 2. başlık (heading), 3. miğfer, 4. holiday see 1. tatil, 2. bayram.
tolga. holland see Hollanda.
help see 1. yardım (assistance), 2. imdat, 3. yardımcı holly see çobanpüskülü.
(assistant), 4. muavenet, 5. hizmetçi, 6. çare, 7. holy see 1. kutsal (sacred), 2. mübarek.
muavin, 8. yardým, 9. kurtarmak (save). home see 1. ev (house), 2. yurt, 3. vatan, 4. yuva
helpful see 1. faydalı, 2. yararlı, 3. yardımsever. (nest), 5. eve, 6. evde.
helping see porsiyon (portion). homework see ödev.
helpless see 1. aciz, 2. çaresiz, 3. beceriksiz. homosexual see 1. homoseksüel, 2. eşcinsel.
hemisphere see yarıküre. honest see 1. dürüst, 2. namuslu, 3. doğru (accurate,
hence see buradan. correct, right, true), 4. güvenilir.
herd see sürü (flock). honestly see 1. gerçekten (indeed, really), 2.
here see 1. burada, 2. buraya. sahiden, 3. dürüstçe.
heritage see miras. honesty see 1. dürüstlük, 2. namus, 3. doğruluk
hero see 1. kahraman, 2. yiğit, 3. alp. (accuracy, truth), 4. gözlükotu.
heroic see kahramanca. honey see 1. bal, 2. canım, 3. şekerim, 4. tatlım.
heroin see eroin. honorary see 1. onursal, 2. fahri.
hesitation see 1. duraksama, 2. tereddüt. honour see 1. onur, 2. şeref, 3. namus.
hi see merhaba (hello). honourable see 1. namuslu, 2. onurlu.
hidden see 1. gizli (confidential), 2. saklı. hood see 1. başlık (heading), 2. kaput, 3. kukuleta.
hide see 1. gizlemek, 2. saklanmak, 3. post (skin), 4. hook see 1. çengel, 2. kopça, 3. kanca, 4. çalmak
Gizle, 5. gizlenmek, 6. cilt (skin, volume), 7. (steal), 5. aşırmak (steal), 6. çengellemek.
saklamak (save, store), 8. deri (leather, skin). hope see 1. ummak, 2. umut, 3. ümit, 4. beklemek
hiding see 1. dayak, 2. gizlenme, 3. saklanma. (expect, wait).
hierarchical see hiyerarşik. hopeful see umutlu.
hierarchy see hiyerarşi. hopefully see 1. inşallah, 2. umutla.
high see 1. yüksek (loud, tall), 2. yüce. hopeless see 1. umutsuz, 2. ümitsiz.
highlight see vurgulamak. horizon see ufuk.
highly see çok (many, much, very). horizontal see 1. yatay (landscape), 2. düz (flat,
highway see 1. anayol, 2. karayolu, 3. otoyol. plain, smooth, straight).
hill see 1. tepe, 2. yığın (bulk, mass, stack), 3. horn see 1. boynuz, 2. korna, 3. boru (pipe, tube), 4.
yokuş. klakson.
hillside see yamaç. horrible see 1. korkunç (terrible), 2. berbat, 3.
hint see 1. ipucu, 2. çıtlatmak, 3. ima, 4. iğrenç.
dokundurmak, 5. işaret (sign, signal). horror see 1. dehşet, 2. korku (apprehension, fear),
hip see kalça. 3. nefret (hate, hatred).
hire see 1. kiralamak, 2. kiralama, 3. kira. horse see 1. at, 2. beygir, 3. aygır, 4. eroin.
historian see tarihçi. hospital see 1. hastane, 2. darülaceze.
historic see 1. tarihi (historical), 2. önemli hospitality see 1. konukseverlik, 2.
(important, significant, substantial), 3. tarihsel. misafirperverlik.
historical see 1. tarihi, 2. tarihsel. host see 1. hancı, 2. ordu (army), 3. otelci, 4.
history see 1. tarih (date), 2. geçmiş (past). kalabalık.
hit see 1. vurmak, 2. isabet, 3. başarı (achievement, hostile see düşmanca.
success), 4. vuruş (stroke), 5. darbe, 6. şans, 7. hostility see düşmanlık.
ulaşmak (reach), 8. varmak (arrive, get), 9. hot see 1. sıcak (warm), 2. taze (fresh), 3. acı (bitter,
vurma, 10. çarpmak. distress, grief, sorrow), 4. şehvetli, 5. yeni (new,
hobby see 1. hobi, 2. merak (curiosity). novel), 6. şiddetli (bitter), 7. sert (hard, harsh), 8.
hold see 1. tutmak (keep, retain), 2. tutma, 3. ambar kızgın (angry), 9. ateşli.
(store, warehouse), 4. alıkoymak, 5. almak hotel see otel.
(accept, buy, get, have, receive, take), 6. nüfuz, 7. hour see 1. saat (clock, o'clock, time), 2. vakit, 3.
tutuş. zaman (time).
holder see 1. sahip (lord, owner), 2. hamil, 3. kulp house see 1. ev (home), 2. mesken, 3. aile (family),
(handle). 4. barındırmak, 5. konut.
holding see 1. mal, 2. tutma (hold). housing see evler.

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how see 1. nasıl, 2. ne. illness see hastalık.

however see ancak (barely, but, hardly, only, illusion see 1. yanılsama, 2. hayal.
scarcely). illustrate see 1. tanımlamak (define), 2. resimlemek.
huge see 1. kocaman, 2. muazzam. illustration see 1. örnek (example, model, sample),
hull see 1. gövde (body), 2. tekne. 2. resim (image, painting, picture).
human see 1. insan (man), 2. insani. image see 1. görüntü (picture), 2. resim (painting,
humanity see 1. insanlık, 2. insan (man). picture), 3. put, 4. imge, 5. imaj, 6. heykel
humble see alçakgönüllü (modest). (statue), 7. hayal, 8. şekil (figure, shape), 9.
humour see 1. mizaç, 2. mizah, 3. güldürü, 4. huy, kopya (copy).
5. keyif, 6. komiklik, 7. salgı, 8. gülünçlük. imaginary see 1. sanal (virtual), 2. hayali.
hundred see yüz (face). imagination see 1. imgelem, 2. hayal, 3. kuruntu.
hunger see 1. açlık, 2. acıkmak, 3. özlem. imaginative see yaratıcı.
hungry see aç. imitation see 1. taklit (false), 2. imitasyon, 3. suni.
hunt see 1. avlamak, 2. av, 3. avlanmak, 4. aramak immediate see 1. acil (pressing, urgent), 2. Hemen
(search, seek). (immediately), 3. şimdiki, 4. yakın (near).
hunter see avcı. immediately see 1. hemen, 2. derhal.
hurricane see kasırga. immigration see göç.
hurried see 1. acele, 2. telaşlı. immune see 1. bağışık, 2. muaf.
hurry see 1. acele, 2. telaş. immunity see 1. bağışıklık, 2. dokunulmazlık, 3.
hurt see 1. acımak (pity), 2. acıtmak, 3. ağrımak, 4. muafiyet.
incitmek. impact see 1. etki (action, effect, influence), 2.
husband see 1. koca, 2. eş (match, wife). çarpışma (collision), 3. çarpma, 4. vuruş (stroke).
hut see kulübe (cabin, cottage). impatient see 1. sabırsız, 2. tahammülsüz.
hydrogen see hidrojen. impetus see 1. hız (speed), 2. şiddet (violence).
hypothesis see 1. hipotez, 2. kuram (theory), 3. implement see 1. alet (instrument, tool), 2. araç
varsayım. (instrument, means, tool), 3. tamamlamak
(complete), 4. gerçekleştirmek (realize), 5.
uygulamak (apply).
implementation see 1. uygulama (application), 2.
I implication see 1. içerme, 2. ima, 3. karıştırma, 4.
ice see 1. buz, 2. dondurma, 3. dondurmak, 4. implicit see 1. kesin (definite), 2. örtük, 3. tam
pırlanta. (absolute, accurate, complete, exact, exactly,
icy see buzlu. precise, very).
idea see 1. fikir (conception, opinion), 2. düşünce. implied see örtük.
ideal see 1. ideal, 2. ülkü. import see 1. önem, 2. ithalat, 3. anlam (meaning,
identical see 1. özdeş, 2. tıpkı, 3. aynı (same). sense, significance), 4. belirtmek (specify), 5.
identification see 1. kimlik (identity), 2. tanıma ithal.
(recognition), 3. teşhis, 4. hüviyet. importance see 1. önem, 2. ehemmiyet, 3. itibar.
identifier see tanıtıcı. important see 1. önemli (significant, substantial), 2.
identity see 1. kimlik (identification), 2. özdeşlik, 3. mühim, 3. kibirli (arrogant), 4. nüfuzlu.
aynılık, 4. benzerlik (analogy, similarity), 5. imposing see 1. heybetli, 2. azametli, 3. etkileyici.
hüviyet. imposition see 1. aldatma, 2. vergi (tax), 3.
ideology see ideoloji. yükleme.
idiot see 1. aptal, 2. ahmak (stupid). impossible see 1. çekilmez, 2. olanaksız.
idle see 1. aylak, 2. boş (blank, empty, free, vacant). impress see 1. etkilemek, 2. iz (trace, track, trail), 3.
if see 1. eğer, 2. ise. damga (seal, stamp), 4. kamulaştırmak.
ignorance see 1. cehalet, 2. bilgisizlik, 3. cahillik. impression see 1. izlenim, 2. baskı, 3. etki (action,
ignorant see 1. cahil, 2. bilgisiz. effect, impact, influence).
ignore see 1. yoksaymak, 2. aldırmamak. impressive see etkileyici.
ill see 1. hasta (sick), 2. kötü (bad, evil, poor), 3. imprisonment see hapsetme.
kötülük (evil), 4. zararlı, 5. rahatsız, 6. hastalık, 7. improve see 1. gelişmek, 2. geliştirmek, 3.
güçlükle, 8. fena (evil, poor), 9. rahatsızlık. düzeltmek, 4. düzelmek, 5. ilerletmek (advance).
illegal see 1. geçersiz, 2. illegal, 3. kanunsuz, 4. improved see iyileştirilmiş.

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improvement see 1. gelişme, 2. ilerleme (advance, special), 5. şahıs (person), 6. fert, 7. kişisel
advancement). (personal), 8. kişi (person).
impulse see 1. dürtü, 2. içtepi, 3. itme. indoor see dahili.
in see 1. içinde (within), 2. moda (fashion), 3. içeri, induce see kandırmak.
4. içeriye. induction see tümevarım.
inadequate see 1. yetersiz (insufficient), 2. eksik industrial see endüstriyel.
(missing). industry see 1. endüstri, 2. sanayi, 3. çalışkanlık, 4.
incapable see 1. yeteneksiz, 2. ehliyetsiz, 3. gayret (effort).
kabiliyetsiz. ineffective see 1. etkisiz, 2. kabiliyetsiz, 3.
incentive see 1. güdü (motivation, motive), 2. dürtü. sonuçsuz.
inch see 1. inç, 2. parmak (finger). inefficient see 1. etkisiz (ineffective), 2. verimsiz,
incidence see isabet (hit). 3. yetersiz (inadequate, insufficient), 4. tesirsiz, 5.
incident see 1. olay (event, fact), 2. hadise. ehliyetsiz.
incidentally see tesadüfen. inequality see 1. farklılık, 2. eşitsizlik.
inclination see 1. eğilim (trend), 2. eğiklik, 3. eğim, inevitable see 1. çaresiz, 2. kaçınılmaz.
4. heves, 5. meyil. inexperienced see 1. acemi, 2. deneyimsiz, 3.
inclined see 1. meyilli, 2. eğik, 3. eğilimli, 4. yatkın. tecrübesiz.
include see 1. içermek, 2. kapsamak, 3. katmak. infant see 1. çocuk (child, youngster), 2. bebek
included see 1. dahil, 2. içinde (within). (baby, doll).
including see dahil. infantry see piyade.
inclusion see kapsama. infection see 1. enfeksiyon, 2. bulaşma, 3.
income see 1. gelir, 2. kazanç (gain, proceeds). bulaştırma.
incomplete see 1. bitmemiş, 2. eksik (missing), 3. inferior see 1. alt (bottom), 2. aşağı (below, down).
kusurlu (defective). infinite see 1. sonsuz (endless), 2. sınırsız.
inconsistent see 1. tutarsız, 2. kararsız, 3. aykırı, 4. infinitive see mastar.
uyuşmaz. inflation see 1. enflasyon, 2. şişkinlik.
incorporated see anonim (anonymous). influence see 1. etki (action, effect, impact), 2.
incorrect see 1. yanlış (false), 2. hatalı. etkilemek, 3. nüfuz, 4. tesir, 5. torpil.
increase see 1. artırmak, 2. artış, 3. artmak, 4. artma, influential see etkili.
5. çoğaltmak, 6. çoğalmak, 7. yükseltmek (raise), inform see bildirmek.
8. çoğalma, 9. büyüme (growth), 10. büyümek. informal see teklifsiz.
incredible see inanılmaz. information see 1. bilgi (knowledge), 2.
indeed see 1. gerçekten (really), 2. hakikaten, 3. enformasyon, 3. danışma, 4. haber, 5. malumat.
doğrusu, 4. cidden. informed see 1. bilgili, 2. haberdar, 3. tahsilli.
indemnity see tazminat. infrastructure see altyapı.
independence see 1. bağımsızlık, 2. hürriyet, 3. inherent see içsel.
serbestlik. inheritance see 1. kalıt, 2. miras, 3. kalıtım.
independent see 1. bağımsız, 2. serbest (free), 3. inhibition see 1. çekingenlik, 2. engelleme.
hür, 4. özgür (free). initial see 1. ilk (first, preliminary), 2. başlangıç
index see 1. indeks, 2. dizin, 3. gösterge (indicator), (beginning, origin, start).
4. işaret (sign, signal), 5. fihrist. initially see başlangıçta.
indicate see 1. göstermek (point, represent, show), initiative see 1. girişim (interference), 2. başlatan.
2. belirtmek (specify), 3. imlemek. injection see enjeksiyon.
indication see 1. işaret (sign, signal), 2. belirti injured see yaralı.
(symptom), 3. gösterme. injury see 1. hasar, 2. yara, 3. zarar (loss), 4. ziyan.
indicator see 1. gösterge, 2. Belirteç, 3. indikatör. injustice see 1. adaletsizlik, 2. insafsızlık, 3.
indifference see 1. ilgisizlik, 2. aldırmazlık, 3. haksızlık.
kayıtsızlık, 4. duygusuzluk, 5. hissizlik. ink see 1. mürekkep, 2. mürekkeplemek.
indifferent see 1. ilgisiz, 2. kayıtsız, 3. farksız, 4. inland see iç (inner, inside, internal).
vasat, 5. aldırışsız, 6. önemsiz (minor, trivial). inn see 1. han, 2. otel (hotel).
indigenous see yerli. inner see 1. iç (inside, internal), 2. dahili, 3. gizli
indirect see 1. dolaylı, 2. dolambaçlı. (confidential, hidden).
individual see 1. bireysel, 2. birey, 3. tek (odd, innocence see 1. saflık (purity), 2. suçsuzluk, 3.
single, unique), 4. özel (particular, private, günahsızlık.

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560 English - Turkish

innocent see 1. masum, 2. saf (absolute, clean, integrate see 1. tümlemek, 2. bütünlemek, 3.
pure), 3. suçsuz, 4. zararsız, 5. günahsız. katmak, 4. tamamlamak (complete).
innovation see 1. yenilik, 2. icat. integration see tümlevleme.
input see 1. girdi, 2. giriş (access, entry, integrity see 1. bütünlük, 2. dürüstlük (honesty), 3.
introduction), 3. giriþ. doğruluk (accuracy, truth).
inquest see tahkikat. intellectual see 1. aydın, 2. akli, 3. entellektüel, 4.
inquiry see 1. sorgu, 2. soruşturma, 3. araştırma zihinsel.
(investigation, research). intelligence see 1. akıl (mind), 2. zeka, 3. istihbarat,
insect see 1. böcek, 2. haşere. 4. bilgi (information, knowledge), 5. akıllılık, 6.
inside see 1. iç (inner, internal), 2. içerisi, 3. içinde anlak, 7. anlayış (apprehension).
(within). intelligent see 1. akıllı (wise), 2. zeki, 3. kabiliyetli,
insight see 1. kavrama, 2. anlayış (apprehension). 4. usta (skilled), 5. yetenekli.
insist see dayatmak. intend see 1. amaçlamak, 2. tasarlamak (design), 3.
insistence see ısrar. kastetmek.
inspect see 1. Denetlemek (audit, check, control), 2. intended see nişanlı.
yoklamak. intense see 1. kuvvetli, 2. şiddetli (bitter).
inspection see 1. denetleme, 2. yoklama, 3. kontrol intensity see 1. yoğunluk (density), 2. şiddet
(control), 4. teftiş, 5. denetim (check, control), 6. (violence), 3. koyuluk.
muayene (examination). intent see 1. amaç (aim, object, objective, purpose,
inspector see 1. müfettiş, 2. denetçi (supervisor). target), 2. niyet (intention, purpose), 3. kasıt
inspiration see 1. esin, 2. ilham. (intention), 4. maksat (intention, purpose), 5.
instability see 1. kararsızlık, 2. dengesizlik. dikkatli (careful), 6. istekli, 7. niyetli.
install see 1. kurmak (build, found), 2. yüklemek intention see 1. kasıt, 2. maksat (purpose), 3. niyet
(load), 3. yerleştirmek. (intent, purpose), 4. amaç (aim, intent, object,
installation see 1. kurma, 2. tesisat, 3. kuruluş. objective, purpose, target).
instance see örnek (example, model, sample). interaction see etkileşim.
instant see 1. an (moment), 2. dakika (minute), 3. interactive see etkileşimli.
lahza. intercourse see görüşme.
instantly see 1. hemen (immediately), 2. derhal. interest see 1. faiz, 2. ilgi (reference), 3.
instinct see içgüdü. ilgilendirmek, 4. merak (curiosity), 5. alaka, 6.
institute see 1. enstitü, 2. kurmak (build, found, çıkar.
install), 3. atamak, 4. kuruluş, 5. kurum. interested see 1. alakalı, 2. ilgili, 3. meraklı, 4.
institution see 1. kurma, 2. kuruluş, 3. kurum, 4. alakadar.
hapishane (jail), 5. dernek (association), 6. tesis, interesting see ilginç.
7. tımarhane. interface see 1. arabirim, 2. arayüz.
instruction see 1. yönerge (directive), 2. talimat, 3. interfere see karışmak.
eğitim (education, training), 4. komut interference see 1. karışma, 2. girişim, 3. parazit, 4.
(command), 5. direktif, 6. öğretim. engelleme.
instructions see talimat (instruction). interim see 1. geçici (passing, temporary, tentative),
instructor see 1. eğitmen, 2. öğretmen (teacher). 2. ara (intermediate).
instrument see 1. alet (implement, tool), 2. araç interior see iç (inner, inside, internal).
(implement, means, tool), 3. aygıt (device), 4. intermediate see 1. ara, 2. orta (medium, middle),
çalgı, 5. senet, 6. belge (document), 7. enstrüman. 3. aracı.
instrumental see enstrümantal. internal see 1. iç (inner, inside), 2. dahili.
insufficient see 1. yetersiz (inadequate), 2. eksik international see 1. uluslararası, 2. milletlerarası.
(missing). interpret see yorumlamak.
insulation see 1. izolasyon, 2. yalıtım. interpretation see 1. yorum (comment), 2. açıklama
insulin see ensülin. (explanation), 3. çeviri (version), 4. tefsir, 5.
insurance see 1. sigorta, 2. sigortalama. tercüme.
intact see 1. dokunulmamış, 2. tam (absolute, interrupted see 1. kesik, 2. kesilmiş.
accurate, complete, exact, exactly, precise, very), interval see 1. aralık (gap, space), 2. süre (duration,
3. bozulmamış. time), 3. ara (intermediate), 4. mesafe.
intake see giriş (access, entry, input, introduction). intervene see 1. geçmek (pass), 2. karışmak.
integral see 1. bütün (all, entire, whole), 2. tümlev, intervention see 1. müdahale, 2. aracılık, 3.
3. tamamlayıcı, 4. yekpare. karışma (interference).
interview see 1. röportaj, 2. görüşmek, 3. görüşme.

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intimate see 1. kişisel (personal), 2. özel (particular, ivory see fildişi.

private, special), 3. samimi, 4. yakın (near).
intolerable see 1. çekilmez, 2. dayanılmaz.
intricate see 1. karmakarışık, 2. girift.
intrinsic see 1. esas, 2. gerçek (actual, fact, real,
true), 3. iç (inner, inside, internal). J
introduce see 1. başlamak (begin, start), 2.
jack see 1. priz, 2. kriko.
tanıştırmak, 3. tanıtmak, 4. öğretmek.
jacket see 1. ceket, 2. gömlek (shirt).
introduction see 1. giriş (access, entry, input), 2.
jail see 1. hapishane, 2. hapsetmek, 3. cezaevi
tanıştırma, 3. takdim, 4. önsöz, 5. başlangıç
(beginning, origin, start), 6. tanıtım, 7. tanıtma. (prison).
invasion see 1. akın, 2. istila, 3. saldırı (aggression). jam see 1. reçel, 2. sıkışıklık, 3. sıkışmak, 4. tıkamak
(block), 5. sıkıştırmak, 6. tıkanıklık, 7. izdiham.
invention see 1. buluş, 2. icat, 3. bulma (find), 4.
jar see 1. kavanoz, 2. sarsmak, 3. sarsıntı, 4. gıcırtı,
yalan (lie), 5. uydurma (fiction).
5. şok (shock).
inventory see 1. envanter, 2. stok (store).
jaw see çene (chin).
invest see kuşatmak.
jay see alakarga.
investigate see 1. araştırmak (explore, research), 2.
jazz see caz.
incelemek, 3. soruşturmak.
investigation see 1. araştırma (research), 2. jealous see kıskanç.
soruşturma (inquiry), 3. inceleme, 4. teftiş. jealousy see 1. kıskançlık, 2. haset.
investment see 1. yatırım, 2. abluka, 3. kuşatma jeans see blucin.
(siege). jelly see 1. jöle, 2. pelte.
investor see yatırımcı. jet see fışkırtmak.
invisible see 1. görünmeyen, 2. görünmez, 3. Gizli jewellery see 1. mücevherat, 2. kuyumculuk.
(confidential, hidden). job see 1. iş (action, affair, deed, work), 2. görev
invitation see 1. davet, 2. çağrı (call). (task), 3. meslek, 4. kiralamak.
invite see çağırmak (call). jockey see jokey.
inviting see çekici. join see 1. birleştirmek, 2. birleşmek, 3. bağlamak
involve see 1. gerektirmek, 2. karıştırmak. (link, tie), 4. katılmak.
involved see ilgili. joint see 1. mafsal, 2. ortak (common, mutual,
involvement see ilgi (interest, reference). partner), 3. birleşik, 4. eklem, 5. eklemek (add),
6. batakhane, 7. müşterek, 8. bitiştirmek, 9.
iris see iris.
birleştirmek (join).
iron see 1. demir, 2. ütü, 3. ütülemek.
jointly see ortaklaşa.
irony see alay (regiment).
joke see 1. fıkra, 2. şaka.
irrational see 1. akılsız (foolish), 2. irrasyonel, 3.
journal see 1. günlük (daily), 2. dergi (magazine), 3.
mantıksız, 4. saçma (absurd).
gazete (newspaper).
irregular see 1. çarpık, 2. düzensiz, 3. kuralsız, 4.
journalism see gazetecilik.
journalist see gazeteci.
irrelevant see 1. ilgisiz (indifferent), 2. yersiz.
journey see 1. seyahat, 2. yolculuk, 3. gezi (trip), 4.
irritation see 1. kızgınlık (anger), 2. öfke (anger), 3.
mesafe, 5. sefer.
joy see 1. sevinç, 2. keyif, 3. neşe.
island see ada.
judge see 1. hakem (referee), 2. yargıç, 3.
isle see ada (island).
yargılamak, 4. hakim.
isolated see yalıtılmış.
judgement see 1. hüküm (provision), 2. karar
isolation see 1. tecrit, 2. izolasyon, 3. yalnızlık, 4.
(decision), 3. yargı.
judicial see 1. adli, 2. hukuki.
issue see 1. sorun (problem), 2. mesele (affair,
jug see 1. sürahi, 2. testi, 3. kodes.
matter, question), 3. problem (problem), 4.
juice see 1. özsu, 2. elektrik (electricity).
yayınlamak, 5. yayın (publication), 6. sonuç
(effect, outcome, result), 7. sayı (number), 8. jump see 1. atlamak, 2. atlama, 3. sıçrama, 4.
dağıtmak, 9. çocuklar, 10. çıkış (exit), 11. son sıçramak, 5. fırlama, 6. zıplama, 7. zıplamak.
(end, final, finish, last). jumping see 1. atlama (jump), 2. sıçrama.
item see 1. parça (component, part, piece, portion, junction see kavşak.
segment), 2. kalem (pen), 3. madde (matter), 4. jungle see karışıklık.
öğe, 5. adet. junior see ast.
jury see jüri.

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562 English - Turkish

just see 1. adil, 2. ancak (barely, but, hardly, knowledge see 1. bilgi (information), 2. malumat.
however, only, scarcely), 3. doğru (accurate, known see bilinen.
correct, right, true), 4. sadece, 5. dürüst (honest),
6. tam (absolute, accurate, complete, exact,
exactly, precise, very), 7. henüz (yet), 8. haklı.
justice see 1. adalet (equity), 2. yargıç, 3. doğruluk
(accuracy, truth), 4. dürüstlük (honesty), 5. hak. L
justification see 1. gerekçeleme, 2. yaslama, 3.
gerekçe. label see 1. etiket, 2. etiketlemek, 3. marka, 4.
justify see yaslamak. sınıflandırmak (sort), 5. yafta.
laboratory see laboratuvar.
labour see 1. emek, 2. iş (action, affair, deed, job,
work), 3. çalışmak (work), 4. çalışma (work).
lace see 1. dantel, 2. bağ (bond, connection, link), 3.
K bağcık, 4. dantela.
lack see 1. eksiklik (deficiency), 2. noksan, 3.
keen see 1. keskin (bitter, sharp), 2. hevesli. yokluk (absence).
keep see 1. tutmak (hold, retain), 2. alıkoymak, 3. lacking see 1. eksik (missing), 2. yok (absent).
geçim, 4. yiyecek (food), 5. saklamak (save, lad see delikanlı (youngster).
store), 6. bulundurmak, 7. korumak (maintain, ladder see merdiven (staircase).
protect, shield), 8. kale (castle, goal). lady see 1. bayan (madam, miss), 2. hanımefendi, 3.
keeper see 1. bekçi (guard), 2. bakıcı, 3. muhafız. hanım, 4. kadın (woman).
keeping see koruma (conservation, protection). lake see göl (loch).
kettle see çaydanlık. lamb see 1. kuzu, 2. kuzulamak.
key see 1. anahtar (switch), 2. tuş, 3. ana (chief, lamp see 1. lamba, 2. fener.
main, major, master, principal). land see 1. toprak (earth, ground, soil), 2. arazi, 3.
keyboard see klavye. arsa (plot), 4. arz, 5. ülke (country), 6. memleket,
khan see han. 7. kara, 8. düşmek (fall), 9. diyar, 10. vurmak
kick see 1. tekme, 2. tekmelemek, 3. tepmek. (hit).
kid see 1. çocuk (child, infant, youngster), 2. landing see 1. iniş (descent), 2. iskele.
takılmak, 3. oğlak, 4. küçük (minor, small). landscape see 1. peyzaj, 2. yatay (horizontal), 3.
kidney see 1. böbrek, 2. huy, 3. tabiat. manzara (view).
kill see öldürmek. lane see 1. kulvar, 2. rota (route).
killer see katil. language see 1. dil (tongue), 2. lisan.
killing see öldürme. lap see 1. kucak, 2. tur, 3. dolamak, 4. etap, 5. etek
kin see 1. akraba, 2. hısım. (skirt), 6. şapırdatmak, 7. şapırtı, 8. sarmak
kind see 1. tür (species, type), 2. çeşit, 3. cins, 4. (wind).
müşfik, 5. nazik. large see 1. büyük (big, grand, great, major), 2. geniş
kindness see 1. iyilik, 2. nezaket (courtesy), 3. (wide), 3. iri, 4. çok (many, much, very), 5. bol
şefkat, 4. sevecenlik. (abundant, ample).
king see kral. laser see lazer.
kingdom see 1. alem, 2. kraliyet, 3. krallık. last see 1. son (end, final, finish), 2. sürmek (drive),
kiss see 1. öpücük, 2. öpmek, 3. buse. 3. geçen, 4. sonuncu, 5. dayanmak, 6.
kit see 1. avadanlık, 2. takım (set, team). bozulmamak.
kitchen see mutfak. late see 1. geç, 2. gecikmiş, 3. son (end, final, finish,
kite see 1. uçurtma, 2. çaylak, 3. uçak (aeroplane, last), 4. sabık, 5. eski (former, old).
aircraft, plane). lately see geçenlerde.
knee see diz. latent see gizli (confidential, hidden).
knife see 1. bıçak, 2. bıçaklamak. later see sonra (after, afterwards).
knight see 1. at (horse), 2. şövalye. latter see 1. sonraki (next), 2. ikincisi, 3. son (end,
knitting see 1. örgü, 2. örme. final, finish, last).
knock see 1. vurmak (hit), 2. vurma, 3. darbe. laugh see 1. gülmek, 2. gülüş, 3. kahkaha.
knot see 1. düğüm (node), 2. boğum (node), 3. laughter see 1. kahkaha, 2. gülme, 3. gülüş.
düğümlemek. launch see 1. başlatmak (start), 2. fırlatmak.
know see 1. bilmek, 2. tanımak. laundry see 1. çamaşırhane, 2. çamaşır.
knowing see kurnaz. lavatory see 1. tuvalet (bathroom, toilet), 2. hela.

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English - Turkish 563

law see 1. kanun, 2. hukuk, 3. yasa (statute), 4. kural lesson see 1. ders, 2. ibret.
(rule, statute). let see 1. bırakmak (leave), 2. engel (barrier).
lawful see 1. yasal (legal), 2. meşru, 3. kanuni. lethal see öldürücü.
lawn see 1. çimenlik, 2. çim. letter see 1. mektup, 2. harf.
lawyer see 1. avukat (attorney, counsel, solicitor), 2. level see 1. düzey, 2. düz (flat, plain, smooth,
hukukçu. straight), 3. düzlük, 4. seviye, 5. düzeltmek, 6.
lay see 1. sermek, 2. yumurtlamak, 3. yaymak dengeli (balanced), 7. derece (degree, grade), 8.
(spread), 4. yüklemek (load), 5. yerleştirmek, 6. yıkmak, 9. yüzey (surface).
yatırmak, 7. dizmek, 8. koymak (put), 9. lexicon see sözlük (dictionary).
hazırlamak, 10. yatıştırmak. liability see sorumluluk (responsibility).
layer see 1. katman, 2. kat (multiple), 3. tabaka. liable see 1. sorumlu, 2. yükümlü, 3. olası.
layout see 1. düzen (order), 2. yerleşim, 3. liaison see irtibat.
düzenleme, 4. plan. liberal see 1. cömert, 2. liberal, 3. bol (abundant,
lazy see 1. tembel, 2. ağır (heavy, serious), 3. ample), 4. serbest (free).
uyuşuk. liberation see 1. kurtarma (recovery, rescue), 2.
lead see 1. yönetmek, 2. kurşun, 3. kılavuzluk, 4. azat, 3. kurtuluş.
rehberlik, 5. iskandil, 6. götürmek, 7. etkilemek, liberty see 1. özgürlük (freedom), 2. izin
8. öncülük. (permission, permit), 3. hürriyet.
leader see 1. lider, 2. baş (chief, head, master), 3. librarian see kütüphaneci.
öncü, 4. önder. library see 1. kütüphane, 2. kitaplık.
leadership see 1. liderlik, 2. önderlik. licence see 1. lisans, 2. ruhsat, 3. izin (permission,
leading see ana (chief, main, major, master, permit), 4. ehliyet.
principal). lid see kapak.
leaf see yaprak (sheet). lie see 1. yalan, 2. yatmak, 3. uzanmak.
leaflet see broşür. life see 1. hayat, 2. can, 3. yaşam, 4. canlılık, 5.
league see 1. dernek (association), 2. lig. ömür (lifetime).
lean see 1. dayanmak, 2. eğilmek, 3. yağsız. lifetime see ömür.
learn see öğrenmek. lift see 1. asansör, 2. kaldırmak (remove), 3. çalmak
learned see 1. bilgili, 2. alim. (steal), 4. yükseltme, 5. yürütmek, 6. kaldırma, 7.
learning see 1. ilim, 2. bilgi (information, yardım (assistance, help), 8. yükseltmek (raise).
knowledge), 3. öğrenme. lifting see kaldırma.
lease see 1. kiralama, 2. kiralamak. light see 1. ışık, 2. hafif, 3. açık (clear, explicit, free,
least see asgari. open, plain, shortage), 4. aydınlatmak, 5.
leather see 1. deri (skin), 2. kösele, 3. meşin. aydınlık, 6. nur, 7. yakmak (burn), 8. yanmak
leave see 1. bırakmak, 2. izin (permission, permit), (burn), 9. yumuşak, 10. konmak, 11. inmek, 12.
3. terketmek, 4. ayrılmak, 5. veda (farewell), 6. lamba (lamp).
kalkmak, 7. müsaade, 8. ruhsat, 9. vazgeçmek. lighter see çakmak.
leaving see ayrılma (separation). lighting see 1. yakma, 2. aydınlatma, 3.
lecture see 1. azarlamak, 2. konferans, 3. paylama, ışıklandırma.
4. azarlama. lightly see 1. hafifçe, 2. hafif (light).
lecturer see okutman. lightning see 1. yıldırım, 2. şimşek.
left see 1. sol, 2. solda, 3. Sola. like see 1. benzer (analogous), 2. sevmek (love), 3.
leg see 1. bacak, 2. ayak (foot). beğenmek (enjoy), 4. hoşlanmak, 5. gibi (as).
legacy see miras. likelihood see 1. olabilirlik, 2. olasılık.
legal see 1. yasal, 2. adli, 3. hukuki, 4. kanuni, 5. likely see muhtemel.
tüzel. likewise see keza.
legend see 1. efsane, 2. gösterge (indicator). lily see zambak.
legislation see 1. mevzuat, 2. yasama. limb see 1. kol (arm), 2. aza.
legitimacy see meşruluk. lime see kireç.
legitimate see yasal (legal). limestone see kalker.
lemon see limon. limit see 1. sınır (border, boundary), 2. had, 3.
lend see vermek (give, grant). kısıtlamak, 4. limit, 5. sınırlandırmak, 6. uç.
length see 1. uzunluk, 2. boy, 3. süre (duration, limitation see sınırlama.
time). limited see 1. sınırlı, 2. kısıtlı.
lens see 1. mercek, 2. objektif (objective).

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564 English - Turkish

line see 1. çizgi, 2. hat, 3. satır, 4. sıra (order, rank, lonely see 1. yalnız (alone), 2. ıssız.
sequence), 5. sicim (string), 6. yol (path, road, long see uzun (tall).
route, way), 7. ip (rope, string), 8. desen (pattern), look see 1. bakmak (maintain, refer, regard, view,
9. astarlamak, 10. kaplamak, 11. şekil (figure, watch), 2. bakış (view), 3. bakma, 4. görünmek
shape). (appear), 5. görünüş, 6. nazar, 7. benzemek, 8.
linear see 1. doğrusal, 2. çizgisel. görmek (see).
linguistic see dilbilimsel. loop see 1. döngü, 2. ilmik, 3. ilmek.
linguistics see dilbilim. loose see 1. gevşek, 2. salıvermek, 3. şüpheli, 4.
link see 1. bağ (bond, connection), 2. bağlantı başıboş, 5. bol (abundant, ample), 6. dağınık, 7.
(connection), 3. bağlamak (tie), 4. baðlamak, 5. hafifmeşrep.
baðlantý. lord see 1. sahip (owner), 2. lord, 3. efendi, 4. Allah,
lion see aslan. 5. hükümdar, 6. Rab, 7. Tanrı, 8. bey
lip see 1. dudak, 2. kenar (border, edge, margin, (gentleman).
side, verge). lordship see üstünlük (advantage).
liquid see 1. sıvı, 2. akıcı (fluid), 3. berrak (clear). lorry see kamyon.
liquidity see likidite. lose see 1. kaybetmek, 2. kaçırmak, 3. kaybolmak, 4.
list see 1. liste, 2. listelemek. yenilmek, 5. yitirmek, 6. azıtmak.
listen see dinlemek. loss see 1. kayıp, 2. zarar, 3. ziyan.
listening see dinleme. lost see 1. kayıp (loss), 2. mahvolmuş, 3. dalgın, 4.
literary see edebi. kaybolmuş.
literature see 1. edebiyat, 2. yazın, 3. literatür. lot see 1. parti, 2. arsa (plot), 3. kısmet.
litre see litre. lotus see 1. Lotus, 2. nilüfer.
litter see 1. çöp, 2. sedye, 3. tahtırevan, 4. döküntü. loud see 1. yüksek (high, tall), 2. gürültülü (noisy).
little see 1. az (few), 2. küçük (minor, small), 3. lounge see 1. salon, 2. şezlong, 3. divan.
ufak. love see 1. sevgi (affection), 2. aşk, 3. sevmek (like),
live see 1. yaşamak, 2. oturmak (sit), 3. canlı (alive, 4. sevgili (beloved, dear), 5. dost (friend), 6.
lively, living), 4. diri, 5. patlamamış, 6. parlak muhabbet, 7. sevi.
(shiny). lovely see 1. güzel (beautiful, fair, fine, handsome,
lively see 1. canlı (alive, live, living), 2. neşeli, 3. pretty), 2. hoş (pleasant), 3. sevimli.
parlak (shiny). lover see 1. aşık, 2. dost (friend), 3. sevgili (beloved,
liver see karaciğer. dear, love).
livestock see mal. loving see seven.
living see 1. canlı (alive, live, lively), 2. yaşayan, 3. low see 1. alçak (base), 2. düşük, 3. ucuz (cheap), 4.
yaşama, 4. sağ (right), 5. geçim, 6. geçinme. zayıf, 5. pes, 6. az (few, little), 7. adi (common),
load see 1. yük, 2. yüklemek, 3. şarj, 4. doldurmak 8. karamsar, 9. bodur (short).
(fill). lower see 1. Alt (bottom), 2. indirmek.
loaded see 1. yüklü, 2. dolu (full), 3. sarhoş. loyal see 1. sadık, 2. vefalı.
lobby see lobi. loyalty see sadakat.
local see 1. yerel, 2. lokal, 3. yerli, 4. yöresel. luck see 1. talih, 2. baht, 3. şans.
locality see yer (earth, ground, location, place, seat, lucky see 1. şanslı, 2. uğurlu, 3. talihli.
space). luggage see bagaj.
locate see yerleştirmek. lump see 1. yumru, 2. yığın (bulk, mass, stack), 3.
location see 1. yer (earth, ground, place, seat, parça (component, item, part, piece, portion,
space), 2. Konum (position), 3. mevki. segment), 4. topak, 5. yığmak (stack), 6. küme
loch see göl (lake). (cluster, group), 7. şiş.
lock see 1. kilit, 2. kilitlemek, 3. bukle. lung see akciğer.
locked see kilitli. luxurious see lüks.
locomotive see lokomotif (engine). luxury see lüks.
lodge see loca. lying see yalancılık.
log see 1. kütük, 2. tomruk, 3. parakete, 4. logaritma,
5. günlük (daily, journal).
logic see mantık.
logical see 1. mantıklı, 2. mantıksal.
logo see logo.
loneliness see yalnızlık.

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English - Turkish 565

mandate see 1. emir, 2. manda.

mandatory see zorunlu (compulsory).
manifesto see bildiri.
manipulation see 1. hile, 2. idare (management).
M mankind see insanlık.
ma see anne (mother). manner see 1. tarz (genre), 2. tavır (attitude).
machine see 1. makine (engine), 2. mekanizma manners see terbiye.
(mechanism). manor see tımar.
machinery see 1. mekanizma (mechanism), 2. mansion see konak.
makineler. manual see 1. elkitabı, 2. kılavuz (guide).
mad see 1. çılgın, 2. deli (crazy), 3. kudurmuş, 4. manufacture see 1. yapım, 2. imal, 3. imalat.
kuduz. manufacturer see 1. fabrikatör, 2. üretici.
madam see bayan (lady, miss). many see 1. çok (much, very), 2. birçok.
made see yapılmış. map see 1. harita, 2. plan, 3. surat (face).
madness see 1. çılgınlık, 2. delilik. marathon see Maraton.
magazine see 1. dergi, 2. depo (store), 3. magazin, marble see 1. Misket, 2. mermer, 3. bilye.
4. şarjör. march see 1. mart, 2. marş.
magic see 1. büyücülük, 2. sihir, 3. büyü, 4. mare see kısrak.
sihirbazlık. margin see 1. kenar (border, edge, side, verge), 2.
magical see büyülü. sınır (border, boundary, limit).
magnetic see 1. manyetik, 2. çekici. marginal see marjinal.
magnificent see 1. görkemli (splendid), 2. marine see 1. deniz (sea), 2. denizcilik.
muhteşem. maritime see deniz (sea).
magnitude see 1. büyüklük (size), 2. önem. mark see 1. Mark, 2. marka, 3. im (sign), 4. hedef
mahogany see maun. (aim, destination, goal, objective, target), 5.
maid see hizmetçi. damga (seal, stamp), 6. nişan, 7. alamet (sign), 8.
mail see 1. posta (post), 2. postalamak, 3. zırh. işaretlemek, 9. belirti (symptom), 10. not (note),
main see 1. ana (chief, major, master, principal), 2. 11. iz (trace, track, trail), 12. imlemek, 13.
asıl, 3. başlıca, 4. temel (base, basic, elementary, çizmek (draw), 14. çizgi (line), 15. işaret (sign,
foundation). signal).
mainframe see anabilgisayar. marked see 1. belirgin (clear), 2. işaretli.
mainly see başlıca. marker see 1. işaret (sign, signal), 2. imleyici, 3.
maintain see 1. bakmak (look, refer, regard, view, damga (seal, stamp).
watch), 2. korumak (protect, shield), 3. market see 1. çarşı, 2. pazar, 3. pazarlamak, 4.
sürdürmek (continue). piyasa, 5. borsa.
maintenance see 1. bakım, 2. nafaka. marketing see pazarlama.
majesty see 1. heybet, 2. görkem, 3. haşmet. marriage see 1. evlenme, 2. evlilik.
major see 1. büyük (big, grand, great, large), 2. ana married see evli.
(chief, main, master, principal), 3. majör, 4. marry see 1. evlendirmek, 2. evlenmek.
binbaşı, 5. başlıca. marsh see 1. bataklık, 2. batak.
majority see 1. çoğunluk, 2. ekseriyet, 3. reşitlik, 4. marvellous see 1. fevkalade, 2. olağanüstü.
rüşt. masculine see 1. eril, 2. erkeksi.
make see 1. yapmak (do, fulfil, perform), 2. etmek mask see 1. maske, 2. maskelemek, 3. örtü, 4.
(do), 3. marka, 4. biçim (form, format, shape), 5. gizlemek (hide).
yapı (structure), 6. yaptırmak, 7. sağlamak, 8. mason see 1. duvarcı, 2. mason, 3. farmason, 4.
verim (efficiency, yield). taşçı.
male see erkek (man). mass see 1. yığın (bulk, stack), 2. küme (cluster,
man see 1. adam (fellow, guy), 2. erkek (male), 3. group), 3. kütle, 4. kitle, 5. yığmak (stack).
insan, 4. uşak, 5. kişi (person). massacre see katliam.
manage see 1. geçinmek, 2. yönetmek. master see 1. ana (chief, main, major, principal), 2.
management see 1. yönetim (administration, baş (chief, head), 3. sahip (lord, owner), 4. asıl, 5.
government), 2. idare. efendi, 6. yenmek, 7. usta (skilled), 8. esas, 9.
manager see 1. yönetici (administrator, director), 2. patron (boss, governor).
müdür (director), 3. yönetmen, 4. idareci. match see 1. kibrit, 2. eş (wife), 3. maç, 4. evlenme,
managerial see 1. yönetimsel, 2. idari. 5. karşılaşma, 6. denk, 7. benzer (analogous,

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566 English - Turkish

like), 8. akran, 9. rakip, 10. uymak (fit), 11. medium see 1. orta (intermediate, middle), 2. ortam
eşleştirmek. (environment), 3. araç (implement, instrument,
mate see 1. eş (match, wife), 2. arkadaş (companion, means, tool), 4. medyum, 5. vasıta.
friend). meet see 1. buluşmak, 2. görüşmek, 3. karşılamak, 4.
material see 1. malzeme, 2. gereç, 3. kumaş (cloth), tanışmak.
4. madde (item, matter), 5. maddi. meeting see 1. miting, 2. toplantı, 3. karşılaşma, 4.
mathematical see kesin (definite). buluşma.
mathematics see matematik. member see 1. üye, 2. organ, 3. uzuv, 4. aza.
matrix see 1. matris, 2. dizey, 3. kalıp (cast). membership see 1. üyelik, 2. üyeler.
matter see 1. madde (item), 2. mesele (affair, membrane see 1. zar, 2. perde (curtain, screen).
question), 3. konu (subject, topic), 4. cerahat, 5. memorable see unutulmaz.
cisim, 6. özdek, 7. husus, 8. önem, 9. memorandum see 1. muhtıra, 2. not (note).
iltihaplanmak, 10. irin, 11. iş (action, affair, deed, memorial see 1. anıt (monument), 2. abide
job, work). (monument).
mature see 1. olgun, 2. olgunlaşmak, 3. ergin, 4. memory see 1. bellek, 2. anı, 3. hafıza, 4. hatıra.
olgunlaştırmak. mental see zihinsel.
maturity see 1. olgunluk, 2. vade. mention see 1. anmak, 2. bahsetmek, 3. anma.
maxim see özdeyiş. menu see menü.
maximum see 1. maksimum, 2. azami. merchant see 1. tacir, 2. tüccar.
may see mayıs. mercy see 1. merhamet, 2. rahmet, 3. acıma, 4. af
maybe see belki (perhaps, possibly). (pardon), 5. aman, 6. insaf.
me see 1. bana, 2. beni. mere see sırf.
meal see 1. yemek (eat, feed), 2. öğün. merely see 1. sadece, 2. ancak (barely, but, hardly,
mean see 1. ortalama (average), 2. adi (common), 3. however, only, scarcely).
alçak (base, low), 4. kastetmek, 5. ahlaksız, 6. merit see 1. değer, 2. erdem (virtue), 3. fazilet, 4.
amaçlamak, 7. cimri, 8. huysuz, 9. keyifsiz. meziyet.
meaning see 1. anlam (sense, significance), 2. amaç mess see 1. düzensizlik (disorder), 2. pislik, 3.
(aim, intent, object, objective, purpose, target), 3. karışıklık.
anlamlı, 4. mana, 5. önem. message see 1. mesaj, 2. ileti, 3. haber.
meaningful see anlamlı. metal see 1. metal, 2. maden.
meaningless see 1. anlamsız (absurd), 2. boş metaphor see 1. mecaz, 2. istiare.
(blank, empty, free, vacant). method see 1. yöntem, 2. usul, 3. düzen (order), 4.
means see 1. araç (implement, instrument, tool), 2. yol (path, road, route, way), 5. metod, 6. tarz
servet, 3. para (cash, currency, money), 4. vasıta, (genre), 7. metot.
5. vesile, 6. alet (implement, instrument, tool). methodology see 1. yöntembilim, 2. metodoloji, 3.
measure see 1. önlem, 2. ölçmek, 3. ölçü (gauge), 4. yöntem (method).
miktar (amount, quantity), 5. ölçek (scale), 6. metre see metre.
had, 7. derece (degree, grade), 8. oran (rate, microphone see mikrofon.
ratio), 9. sınır (border, boundary, limit), 10. microscope see mikroskop.
tartmak, 11. tedbir, 12. ölçüm (measurement).
microwave see mikrodalga.
measurement see 1. ölçüm, 2. ölçü (gauge,
middle see 1. orta (intermediate, medium), 2.
measure), 3. ölçme.
measuring see ölçme.
midst see 1. orta (intermediate, medium, middle), 2.
meat see et (flesh).
mechanical see mekanik (mechanics). might see 1. güç (energy, force, power, strength), 2.
mechanics see mekanik (mechanical). kudret, 3. kuvvet (force, strength).
mechanism see 1. düzenek, 2. mekanizma. mighty see 1. güçlü, 2. muazzam, 3. kuvvetli, 4.
medal see 1. madalya, 2. nişan. kudretli.
media see 1. araçlar, 2. ortam (environment, migration see 1. göç (immigration), 2. hicret.
medium). mike see mikrofon (microphone).
median see 1. orta (intermediate, medium, middle), mild see 1. hafif (light), 2. ılımlı (moderate), 3.
2. ortanca, 3. medyan. kibar, 4. ılıman.
medical see tıbbi. mile see mil.
medicine see 1. tıp, 2. ilaç (drug, remedy), 3. military see askeri.
hekimlik. milk see 1. süt, 2. sağmak.

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mill see 1. değirmen, 2. fabrika (factory), 3. model see 1. model, 2. örnek (example, sample), 3.
imalathane. manken, 4. kalıp (cast), 5. numune.
miller see değirmenci. moderate see 1. ılımlı, 2. hafifletmek, 3. orta
million see milyon. (intermediate, medium, middle), 4. yatıştırmak, 5.
mind see 1. akıl (intelligence), 2. zihin, 3. aldırmak, yumuşatmak, 6. ölçülü, 7. hafiflemek, 8.
4. fikir (conception, idea, opinion), 5. bakmak yumuşamak.
(look, maintain, refer, regard, view, watch), 6. modern see 1. modern (contemporary), 2. çağdaş.
bellek (memory), 7. beyin (brain), 8. düşünce, 9. modest see alçakgönüllü.
istek (request), 10. kafa (head). modification see 1. değişiklik (change), 2.
mine see mayın. değiştirme.
mineral see 1. mineral, 2. madeni. modify see 1. değiştirmek (alter, change), 2.
miniature see 1. minyatür, 2. küçük (minor, small). hafifletmek.
minimum see asgari. modular see 1. birimsel, 2. modüler.
mining see madencilik. module see 1. modül, 2. birim (unit).
minister see 1. bakan, 2. papaz (priest). moist see 1. nemli, 2. rutubetli.
ministry see bakanlık. moisture see 1. nem, 2. rutubet.
minor see 1. küçük (small), 2. önemsiz (trivial), 3. mole see 1. köstebek, 2. mendirek, 3. dalgakıran, 4.
minör, 4. ikincil (secondary). ben (ego).
minority see azınlık. molecule see molekül.
minus see eksi. moment see 1. an (instant), 2. moment, 3. önem.
minute see 1. dakika, 2. an (instant, moment). momentum see 1. devinirlik, 2. moment.
minutes see tutanak. monastery see manastır.
miracle see 1. mucize, 2. harika (wonderful), 3. monetary see parasal (financial).
keramet. money see para (cash, currency).
mirror see 1. ayna, 2. yansıtmak (reflect), 3. monitor see 1. monitör, 2. izlemek (trace, track,
aksettirmek. trail), 3. Ekran (screen), 4. dinlemek (listen).
miserable see 1. sefil, 2. berbat, 3. kötü (bad, evil, monitoring see dinleme.
poor), 4. fena (evil, poor), 5. perişan. monkey see maymun.
misery see 1. sefalet, 2. ıstırap. monopoly see tekel.
miss see 1. bayan (lady, madam), 2. özlemek, 3. monster see 1. canavar, 2. dev (giant), 3. ucube.
kaçırmak. month see ay (moon).
missile see 1. füze, 2. mermi (bullet). monthly see aylık.
missing see 1. eksik, 2. namevcut, 3. kayıp (loss). monument see 1. anıt (memorial), 2. abide.
mission see 1. misyon, 2. görev (task), 3. elçilik. mood see 1. kip (mode), 2. hava (air, weather).
mist see 1. buğu (steam), 2. duman (smoke), 3. sis moon see 1. ay (month), 2. kamer.
(fog), 4. pus. moor see kır.
mistake see 1. yanlış (false), 2. hata (error, fault), 3. moral see 1. dürüst (honest), 2. manevi, 3. ahlaki, 4.
yanılmak, 4. yanlışlık, 5. yanılgı. ahlaksal, 5. törel.
mistress see 1. metres, 2. bayan (lady, madam, morale see 1. moral, 2. maneviyat.
miss). more see 1. daha, 2. Çok (many, much, very).
mix see 1. kaynaşmak, 2. karışım, 3. karıştırmak, 4. moreover see üstelik.
uyuşmak, 5. karıştırma, 6. karışmak, 7. karışma morning see sabah.
(interference). mortality see ölümlülük.
mixed see 1. karma (composite), 2. karışık, 3. mortgage see 1. ipotek, 2. rehin.
karışmış. mosaic see mozaik.
mixture see 1. karışım, 2. karıştırma. most see 1. pek (very), 2. çoğu, 3. en (breadth,
mob see kalabalık. width).
mobile see 1. seyyar, 2. oynak, 3. devingen mostly see çoğunlukla.
(dynamic), 4. mobil, 5. değişken (variable), 6. mother see 1. anne, 2. ana (chief, main, major,
gezici, 7. gezgin. master, principal).
mobility see devingenlik. motif see 1. motif, 2. örge.
mode see 1. kip, 2. tarz (genre), 3. biçim (form, motion see 1. hareket (act, action, move,
format, shape), 4. makam, 5. mod, 6. moda movement), 2. devinim, 3. önerge.
motivation see 1. güdü (motive), 2. motivasyon.

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568 English - Turkish

motive see 1. güdü (motivation), 2. dürtü, 3. neden narrow see 1. dar, 2. sınırlı, 3. daraltmak, 4.
(cause, why). daralmak, 5. kısmak.
motor see 1. motor (engine), 2. otomobil (car). nasty see 1. kötü (bad, evil, poor), 2. pis (dirty).
motorway see otoyol. nation see 1. ulus, 2. millet.
mould see 1. kalıp (cast), 2. küf. national see ulusal.
mount see 1. dağ (mountain), 2. takmak, 3. binmek, nationalism see milliyetçilik.
4. çerçeve (frame), 5. tepe (hill), 6. altlık. nationalist see milliyetçi.
mountain see dağ. nationality see milliyet.
mouse see 1. fare, 2. sıçan (rat). native see 1. yerel (local), 2. yerli, 3. doğal (natural).
mouth see 1. ağız, 2. haliç. natural see 1. doğal, 2. doğuştan.
move see 1. hareket (act, action, motion, naturally see 1. doğuştan, 2. elbette.
movement), 2. taşınmak, 3. kımıldatmak, 4. nature see 1. tabiat, 2. doğa, 3. mizaç.
taşımak (bear, carry), 5. oynatmak, 6. naughty see yaramaz.
kımıldamak, 7. ilerlemek (advance), 8. hamle, 9. navigation see 1. sefer, 2. denizcilik, 3. gemicilik,
gitmek (go), 10. etkilemek, 11. duygulandırmak, 4. dolaşma.
12. Taþý, 13. oynamak (play). navy see donanma.
movement see 1. hareket (act, action, motion, near see 1. yakın, 2. yakında, 3. yaklaşmak.
move), 2. manevra. nearly see adeta.
movie see film. necessary see 1. gerekli, 2. zorunlu (compulsory,
moving see 1. dokunaklı, 2. hareketli, 3. acıklı. mandatory).
much see 1. çok (many, very), 2. fazla, 3. hayli. necessity see 1. gereklilik, 2. zorunluluk, 3. ihtiyaç.
mud see çamur. neck see 1. boyun, 2. yaka (collar).
muddy see 1. çamurlu, 2. bulanık. need see 1. yoksulluk (poverty), 2. gerek, 3.
mug see surat (face). gereksinim (requirement), 4. ihtiyaç, 5. lüzum.
multimedia see Multimedya. needle see 1. iğne (pin), 2. ibre, 3. tığ.
multiple see 1. kat, 2. çok (many, much, very), 3. needless see 1. gereksiz, 2. lüzumsuz.
çoklu, 4. birçok. negative see 1. negatif, 2. olumsuz, 3. eksi (minus).
mum see 1. anne (mother), 2. sessiz (quiet), 3. sus. neglect see ihmal.
mummy see 1. anne (mother), 2. mumya. negligence see 1. dikkatsizlik, 2. ihmal.
murder see cinayet. negotiate see görüşmek.
murderer see 1. katil, 2. cani. negotiation see müzakere.
muscle see 1. adale, 2. kas. neighbour see komşu.
muscular see adaleli. neighbourhood see 1. çevre (environment), 2.
museum see müze. civar, 3. komşular, 4. semt.
music see 1. müzik, 2. musiki. neither see Hiçbiri (none).
musical see 1. müzikal, 2. uyumlu (compatible), 3. nephew see yeğen.
müziksever. nerve see 1. sinir, 2. asap, 3. cesaret (courage), 4.
musician see 1. müzisyen, 2. çalgıcı. cüret, 5. damar (vein), 6. soğukkanlılık, 7.
must see 1. gereklilik (necessity), 2. şıra. yüzsüzlük.
mutual see 1. karşılıklı, 2. ortak (common, joint, nervous see 1. ürkek (shy), 2. sinirli, 3. asabi.
partner), 3. müşterek. nest see yuva.
mysterious see 1. gizemli, 2. esrarengiz. net see 1. ağ (network), 2. net, 3. kazanmak (win), 4.
mystery see 1. sır, 2. gizem, 3. esrar, 4. muamma. tuzak (trap).
mystical see gizemli. network see 1. ağ (net), 2. şebeke.
myth see 1. efsane, 2. mit. neutral see 1. tarafsız, 2. nötr, 3. yansız.
never see 1. asla, 2. hiç (nothing), 3. katiyen.
nevertheless see ancak (barely, but, hardly,
however, only, scarcely).
new see 1. yeni (novel), 2. taze (fresh).
N newly see yeni (new, novel).
naive see saf (absolute, clean, pure). news see 1. haberler, 2. haber.
naked see 1. çıplak, 2. yalın. newspaper see gazete.
name see 1. ad, 2. isim (noun), 3. nam. next see 1. sonraki, 2. gelecek, 3. sonra (after,
namely see yani. afterwards), 4. Ýleri.
narrative see öykü.

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nice see 1. iyi (fine, good, okay, well), 2. sevimli, 3. numerous see çok (many, much, very).
hoş (pleasant), 4. ince (fine, thin), 5. güzel nurse see 1. hemşire (sister), 2. emzirmek, 3.
(beautiful, fair, fine, handsome, lovely, pretty). bakmak (look, maintain, refer, regard, view,
nick see 1. çalmak (steal), 2. çentik, 3. çentmek. watch), 4. beslemek (feed), 5. dadı, 6.
night see 1. gece, 2. akşam (evening), 3. karanlık. hastabakıcı.
nightmare see 1. karabasan, 2. kabus. nursery see 1. fidanlık, 2. kreş.
nine see dokuz. nut see 1. somun, 2. kafa (head).
ninety see doksan. nuts see deli (crazy).
ninth see dokuzuncu. nylon see naylon.
nitrogen see 1. azot, 2. nitrojen.
no see 1. hayır, 2. Hayýr, 3. yok (absent), 4. değil
nobility see soyluluk.
noble see 1. asil, 2. soylu, 3. asilzade, 4. yüce, 5. O
yüksek (high, loud, tall). oak see meşe.
node see 1. boğum, 2. düğüm.
oath see 1. yemin, 2. sövgü, 3. küfür, 4. ant.
noise see 1. gürültü, 2. patırtı, 3. ses (sound, tone,
obedience see itaat.
obey see uymak (fit).
noisy see 1. gürültülü, 2. gürültücü, 3. patırtılı.
object see 1. nesne, 2. amaç (aim, intent, objective,
nominal see 1. itibari, 2. saymaca, 3. sözde.
purpose, target), 3. hedef (aim, destination, goal,
nomination see atama (appointment). objective, target), 4. obje, 5. şey (thing).
none see 1. hiçbiri, 2. Hiç (nothing). objection see 1. itiraz, 2. sakınca.
nonsense see 1. saçma (absurd), 2. zırva. objective see 1. amaç (aim, intent, object, purpose,
noon see öğle. target), 2. hedef (aim, destination, goal, target), 3.
norm see 1. norm, 2. örnek (example, model, nesnel, 4. objektif, 5. mercek (lens).
sample), 3. tip (type). obligation see 1. yükümlülük, 2. mecburiyet, 3.
normal see 1. normal (regular), 2. olağan. ödev.
north see kuzey. obscure see 1. karanlık, 2. gizlemek (hide).
northern see kuzey (north). observation see 1. gözlem, 2. gözetleme, 3.
nose see 1. burun, 2. koklamak (smell). düşünce, 4. gözleme, 5. inceleme, 6. rasat.
not see 1. değil, 2. yok (absent). observe see 1. söylemek (say, tell), 2. gözlemlemek,
notable see tanınmış. 3. gözetlemek, 4. incelemek, 5. demek (say), 6.
notation see gösterim. uymak (fit), 7. gözlemek.
note see 1. not, 2. senet, 3. nota, 4. banknot, 5. observer see gözlemci.
dikkat (attention). obsession see saplantı.
notebook see defter. obstacle see 1. engel (barrier), 2. mani.
noted see ünlü (famous). obtain see 1. almak (accept, buy, get, have, receive,
nothing see 1. hiç, 2. sıfır (zero). take), 2. edinmek (acquire), 3. sağlamak.
notice see 1. ihbarname, 2. ilan (advertisement, obvious see 1. apaçık, 2. belli, 3. besbelli (evident).
announcement), 3. dikkat (attention), 4. bildirim, obviously see açıkça.
5. bildirmek (inform), 6. duyuru (announcement), occasion see 1. durum (state, status), 2. fırsat, 3.
7. bildiri, 8. uyarı (warning). neden (cause, why), 4. sıra (order, rank,
notion see 1. fikir (conception, idea, opinion), 2. sequence), 5. hal, 6. vesile, 7. lüzum.
kavram. occasionally see bazen (sometimes).
noun see 1. isim (name), 2. ad (name). occupation see 1. işgal, 2. iş (action, affair, deed,
novel see 1. roman, 2. yeni (new). job, work), 3. meslek.
novelty see yenilik. occupational see mesleki.
now see şimdi. occupy see 1. tutmak (hold, keep, retain), 2.
nowadays see bugünlerde. zaptetmek.
nuclear see nükleer. occur see 1. olmak (become, get, happen), 2.
nucleus see 1. çekirdek (core), 2. öz (self). bulunmak.
number see 1. sayı, 2. numara, 3. saymak (count), 4. occurrence see olay (event, fact, incident).
rakam, 5. numaralamak, 6. miktar (amount, ocean see okyanus.
quantity), 7. adet. o'clock see saat (clock, hour, time).
numerical see sayısal.

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570 English - Turkish

odd see 1. tek (single, unique), 2. acayip (peculiar), operator see 1. operatör, 2. işletmen, 3. teknisyen, 4.
3. garip, 4. küsur, 5. tuhaf. işletmeci, 5. cerrah (surgeon).
odds see 1. olasılık, 2. üstünlük (advantage), 3. opinion see 1. fikir (conception, idea), 2. kanı, 3.
avantaj (advantage), 4. şans, 5. fark (difference). düşünce, 4. görüş (sight), 5. kanaat.
odour see 1. koku, 2. itibar, 3. şöhret. opponent see 1. aleyhtar, 2. muhalif.
off see 1. kapalı, 2. tamamen (absolutely, altogether, opportunity see fırsat.
entirely), 3. uzak (distant, far, remote), 4. bozuk opposite see 1. karşıt, 2. zıt, 3. karşı, 4. aksi, 5.
(broken), 5. uzakta (away). karşıda, 6. karşısında, 7. ters (reverse).
offence see 1. suç (crime), 2. saldırı (aggression). opposition see 1. karşıtlık, 2. muhalefet, 3. zıtlık.
offender see suçlu (guilty). oppression see 1. sıkıntı, 2. zulüm, 3. baskı.
offensive see 1. hücum (aggression, assault, attack), optical see optik.
2. iğrenç, 3. pis (dirty), 4. saldırı (aggression). optimism see iyimserlik.
offer see 1. sunma, 2. sunmak (submit), 3. arz, 4. optimistic see iyimser.
teklif. option see 1. seçenek (alternative), 2. tercih.
offering see 1. adak, 2. kurban (victim), 3. teklif, 4. optional see 1. seçmeli (selective), 2. seçimli, 3.
bağış. opsiyonlu.
office see 1. ofis, 2. büro (bureau), 3. görev (task), 4. or see 1. veya, 2. yoksa, 3. yahut.
bakanlık. oral see 1. sözlü, 2. ağızdan.
officer see 1. subay, 2. memur. orange see 1. portakal, 2. turuncu.
official see 1. memur, 2. resmi (formal). orbit see yörünge.
officially see resmen. orchestra see orkestra.
offspring see döl. ordeal see çile.
oil see 1. yağ (fat), 2. petrol, 3. yağlamak, 4. order see 1. düzen, 2. emretmek, 3. düzenlemek
yağlıboya. (arrange, organize), 4. sıra (rank, sequence), 5.
okay see 1. iyi (fine, good, well), 2. oldu, 3. emir, 6. ısmarlamak, 7. sipariş, 8. usul, 9. tertip,
onaylamak (accept, approve, confirm), 4. onay 10. sınıf (class), 11. tarikat, 12. yol (path, road,
(approval), 5. peki, 6. tamam (done). route, way), 13. kural (rule, statute), 14. tabaka,
old see 1. eski (former), 2. yaşlı, 3. önceki (former), 15. asayiş, 16. mezhep, 17. komut (command),
4. ihtiyar, 5. pişkin. 18. ısmarlama, 19. dizi (array, series, string), 20.
omission see 1. ihmal, 2. çıkarma. çeşit.
on see 1. üstünde, 2. açık (clear, explicit, free, light, ordinary see 1. sıradan, 2. adi (common), 3. alelade,
open, plain, shortage), 3. aralıksız. 4. alışılmış, 5. bayağı, 6. normal (normal,
once see eskiden. regular), 7. olağan.
one see 1. bir, 2. biri (somebody), 3. tek (odd, single, organ see 1. organ, 2. org, 3. araç (implement,
unique). instrument, means, tool), 4. alet (implement,
onion see soğan. instrument, tool).
only see 1. ancak (barely, but, hardly, however, organic see 1. organik, 2. örgensel.
scarcely), 2. sadece, 3. tek (odd, single, unique), organism see 1. organizma, 2. örgüt (organization).
4. biricik, 5. sırf, 6. yalnız (alone). organization see 1. örgüt, 2. organizasyon, 3.
onset see 1. hücum (aggression, assault, attack), 2. örgütlenme, 4. organizma (organism).
saldırı (aggression), 3. hamle. organize see 1. düzenlemek (arrange, order), 2.
onwards see ileri (advanced, forward). örgütlemek.
open see 1. açmak, 2. açık (clear, explicit, free, orientation see Yönlendirme.
light, plain, shortage), 3. Aç (hungry), 4. açılmak. origin see 1. kaynak (resource, source), 2. köken, 3.
opening see 1. açılış, 2. açış, 3. açma, 4. fırsat, 5. başlangıç (beginning, start), 4. asıl, 5. kök (root),
delik (hole), 6. ağız (mouth). 6. orijin, 7. menşe.
openly see 1. alenen, 2. açıkça. original see 1. özgün, 2. orijinal, 3. asıl, 4. yaratıcı.
opera see opera. originally see aslında.
operate see 1. işletmek, 2. işlemek, 3. çalışmak orthodox see ortodoks.
(work), 4. çalıştırmak (run), 5. etkilemek. other see 1. diğer, 2. başka (different, else), 3. öbür,
operating see çalıştırma. 4. öteki, 5. başkası.
operation see 1. operasyon, 2. ameliyat, 3. işletme, otherwise see yoksa (or).
4. işlem, 5. çalışma (work), 6. iş (action, affair, out see 1. dışarıda, 2. dışarıya, 3. dışarı.
deed, job, work), 7. hüküm (provision), 8. outbreak see 1. çıkma, 2. salgın.
çalıştırma, 9. tatbikat, 10. yürürlük. outcome see 1. sonuç (effect, result), 2. son (end,
final, finish, last).

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English - Turkish 571

outdoor see dışarıda. pact see 1. pakt, 2. anlaşma (accord, agreement,

outer see 1. harici, 2. dışarıdaki, 3. dış. deal, understanding).
outfit see 1. donatmak, 2. ekip, 3. grup (bunch, pad see 1. yastık, 2. şişirmek, 3. ıstampa, 4.
group, set), 4. teçhizat. doldurmak (fill), 5. tıkaç.
outgoing see 1. giden, 2. sempatik, 3. çıkış (exit). paddy see Çeltik.
outlet see 1. ağız (mouth), 2. delik (hole), 3. yol page see sayfa.
(path, road, route, way), 4. çıkış (exit). paid see 1. ödenmiş, 2. ücretli.
outline see 1. özet (abstract, summary), 2. taslak pain see 1. ağrı, 2. üzmek, 3. acı (bitter, distress,
(draft, sketch), 3. çerçeve (frame), 4. Kontur, 5. grief, sorrow), 4. azap, 5. sızı.
profil (profile). pains see zahmet.
outlook see 1. görünüm (appearance, view), 2. paint see 1. boyamak, 2. boya.
görünüş. painter see 1. ressam (artist), 2. boyacı.
output see 1. çıktı, 2. çıkış (exit), 3. üretim painting see 1. resim (image, picture), 2. tablo
(generation, production), 4. verim (efficiency, (picture, table), 3. ressamlık, 4. boyama.
yield), 5. randıman. pair see 1. çift (couple, double, dual, even), 2. eş
outrage see 1. hakaret, 2. rezalet, 3. zulüm. (match, wife).
outset see başlangıç (beginning, origin, start). pal see 1. arkadaş (companion, friend), 2. dost
outside see 1. dış, 2. dışarıda. (friend).
outsider see yabancı. palace see saray.
outskirts see varoş. pale see 1. soluk (breath), 2. soldurmak, 3. solgun, 4.
outstanding see 1. ödenmemiş, 2. seçkin. solmak.
oven see 1. fırın, 2. ocak. palm see 1. palmiye, 2. aya, 3. Avuç.
over see 1. üstünde (on), 2. üstüne, 3. üzerine, 4. pan see tava.
üzerinde, 5. boyunca, 6. aşırı (extreme), 7. bitmiş, panel see 1. panel, 2. pano, 3. levha.
8. tekrar (again). panic see panik.
overall see 1. ayrıntılı, 2. toplam (aggregate, sum, paper see 1. kağıt, 2. gazete (newspaper), 3. belge
total). (document).
overlap see örtüşmek. par see eşitlik (equality).
overnight see geceleyin. parade see 1. gösteriş, 2. gösteri (demonstration,
overt see açık (clear, explicit, free, light, open, plain, show).
shortage). paradise see cennet.
overwhelming see ezici. paradox see paradoks.
owl see 1. baykuş, 2. puhu. paragraph see 1. paragraf, 2. bent.
own see 1. tanımak (know), 2. kendi (self), 3. parallel see 1. paralel, 2. koşut, 3. benzer
kendisinin, 4. öz (self). (analogous, like).
owner see sahip (lord). parameter see parametre.
ownership see 1. mülkiyet, 2. sahiplik, 3. iyelik paramount see üstün.
(possession). parcel see 1. paket (pack, package, packet), 2. koli,
oxygen see oksijen. 3. parsel, 4. takım (set, team).
ozone see ozon. pardon see 1. af, 2. affetmek (excuse, forgive), 3.
bağışlamak (excuse, forgive), 4. bağışlama.
parent see 1. Ebeveyn (parents), 2. üst (top, upper).
parents see ebeveyn.
parish see mahalle.
P park see park.
pace see 1. adım (step), 2. yürüyüş (walk), 3. parliament see 1. parlamento, 2. meclis.
adımlamak, 4. hız (speed), 5. ayak (foot). part see 1. parça (component, item, piece, portion,
pacific see barışçı. segment), 2. bölüm (chapter, department,
pack see 1. paketlemek, 2. paket (package, packet, division, section), 3. rol, 4. pay (share), 5. taraf,
parcel), 3. bohça, 4. sürü (flock, herd), 5. çıkın, 6. 6. ayrılmak, 7. kısım (section), 8. ayırmak
deste (deck). (appropriate, divide, reserve, separate, split), 9.
package see 1. paket (pack, packet, parcel), 2. görev (task).
bohça, 3. koli, 4. ambalaj. partial see 1. kısmi, 2. bölümsel.
packed see paketlenmiş. participant see katılımcı.
packet see paket (pack, package, parcel). participation see 1. iştirak, 2. katılma.

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particle see zerre. peat see turba.

particular see 1. özel (private, special), 2. belirli peculiar see 1. acayip, 2. özel (particular, private,
(definite, specific), 3. ayrıntı (detail), 4. ayrıntılı, special), 3. tuhaf, 4. mahsus, 5. özgü.
5. titiz. pen see 1. kalem (item), 2. dolmakalem, 3. ağıl, 4.
particularly see 1. özellikle, 2. bilhassa. kümes, 5. yazmak (type, write), 6. kapatmak
partly see kısmen. (close, shut).
partner see 1. ortak (common, joint, mutual), 2. eş penalty see 1. ceza (punishment), 2. penaltı.
(match, wife). pencil see 1. kalem (item, pen), 2. kurşunkalem.
partnership see ortaklık. pending see 1. beklemede, 2. askıda.
party see 1. parti (lot), 2. davet, 3. eğlence penetration see yaygınlık.
(amusement, fun), 4. şahıs (person). penis see 1. penis, 2. kamış (reed).
pass see 1. geçmek, 2. geçiş (transition), 3. geçit, 4. penny see 1. peni, 2. sent.
geçirmek, 5. paso, 6. aşmak. pension see pansiyon.
passage see 1. pasaj, 2. geçiş (pass, transition), 3. pensioner see emekli.
geçit, 4. geçme, 5. koridor (corridor), 6. parça people see 1. halk, 2. ulus (nation), 3. millet, 4.
(component, item, part, piece, portion, segment). insanlar, 5. ahali.
passenger see yolcu. pepper see biber.
passing see 1. geçici (temporary, tentative), 2. geçen percent see yüzde.
(last), 3. geçiş (pass, transition). percentage see 1. komisyon, 2. yüzde, 3. yüzdelik.
passion see 1. tutku (ambition), 2. ihtiras, 3. aşk perception see 1. algı, 2. idrak, 3. seziş.
(love). perfect see 1. eksiksiz (complete), 2. kusursuz, 3.
passionate see 1. ihtiraslı, 2. ateşli, 3. hırslı. mükemmel (excellent), 4. tam (absolute, accurate,
passive see 1. pasif, 2. edilgen. complete, exact, exactly, precise, very), 5.
passport see pasaport. mükemmelleştirmek, 6. tamamlamak (complete).
past see 1. geçmiş, 2. geçen (last), 3. sabık. perfection see 1. mükemmellik, 2. kusursuzluk, 3.
pat see basmakalıp. tamamlama (completion).
patch see 1. yamamak, 2. yama, 3. parça perfectly see tamamen (absolutely, altogether,
(component, item, part, piece, portion, segment). entirely).
patent see 1. patent, 2. patentli, 3. besbelli (evident). perform see yapmak (do, fulfil, make).
path see 1. yol (road, route, way), 2. patika (trail). performance see 1. performans, 2. gösteri
pathetic see 1. acıklı, 2. dokunaklı (moving). (demonstration, show), 3. başarım.
patience see sabır. perhaps see 1. belki (maybe, possibly), 2.
patient see 1. hasta (sick), 2. sabırlı. muhtemelen.
patrol see devriye. period see 1. dönem, 2. nokta (dot, point, spot), 3.
patronage see 1. himaye, 2. koruma (conservation, devir, 4. aybaşı, 5. süre (duration, time), 6. devre
protection). (circuit), 7. çağ (era), 8. regl, 9. adet.
pattern see 1. desen, 2. kalıp (cast), 3. model periodic see 1. periyodik, 2. devirli.
(model), 4. numune, 5. örnek (example, model, peripheral see çevresel (environmental).
sample), 6. örüntü, 7. şablon, 8. patron (boss, permanent see 1. kalıcı, 2. sürekli (continuous), 3.
governor). daimi, 4. değişmez (constant, fixed), 5. devamlı,
pause see 1. duraklamak, 2. duraklama, 3. Duraklat, 6. sabit (constant, fixed).
4. mola (break), 5. durma (halt, stop). permission see 1. izin (permit), 2. müsaade, 3.
pavement see kaldırım. ruhsat.
pay see 1. maaş (salary, wage), 2. ödemek, 3. ödeme permit see 1. izin (permission), 2. müsaade, 3.
(payment), 4. ücret. permi, 4. ruhsat, 5. bırakmak (leave).
payable see 1. ödenebilir, 2. ödenecek. persistent see inatçı.
payment see 1. ödeme, 2. karşılık, 3. ücret. person see 1. kişi, 2. şahıs, 3. adam (fellow, guy,
peace see 1. huzur, 2. barış, 3. sulh, 4. rahat (ease), man), 4. birey (individual), 5. kimse.
5. sükun. personal see 1. kişisel, 2. özel (particular, private,
peaceful see 1. huzurlu, 2. sakin (quiet), 3. special), 3. şahsi.
barışsever, 4. rahat (ease). personality see 1. kişilik, 2. şahsiyet.
peak see 1. doruk (height, summit), 2. zirve (height, personally see 1. bizzat, 2. şahsen.
summit), 3. tepe (hill), 4. uç. personnel see personel.
peasant see köylü. perspective see 1. perspektif, 2. görünüm
peasantry see köylüler. (appearance, outlook, view).
persuade see 1. inandırmak, 2. kandırmak.

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persuasion see 1. ikna, 2. inanç (belief), 3. pity see 1. acımak, 2. acıma, 3. merhamet, 4. yazık.
inandırma. place see 1. yer (earth, ground, location, seat, space),
persuasive see inandırıcı. 2. koymak (put), 3. yerleştirmek, 4. mevki, 5.
pet see 1. okşamak, 2. sevmek (like, love), 3. basamak (step), 6. mahal.
sevişmek, 4. gözde. placement see 1. yerleştirme, 2. koyma.
petition see 1. dilekçe, 2. rica. plain see 1. düz (flat, smooth, straight), 2. açık
petrol see benzin (gas). (clear, explicit, free, light, open, shortage), 3. ova,
petty see 1. küçük (minor, small), 2. önemsiz 4. sade, 5. süssüz, 6. dürüst (honest), 7. basit
(minor, trivial). (simple).
phase see 1. evre, 2. faz, 3. safha, 4. aşama. plainly see açıkça.
phenomenon see 1. fenomen, 2. hadise, 3. görüngü. plaintiff see davacı.
philosopher see filozof. plan see 1. proje (design, project, scheme), 2.
philosophical see felsefi. planlamak, 3. plan, 4. niyet (intent, intention,
philosophy see felsefe. purpose), 5. kroki, 6. tasarlamak (design), 7.
phone see telefon (telephone). taslak (draft, sketch), 8. tasarı.
photo see fotoğraf (photograph). plane see 1. uçak (aeroplane, aircraft), 2. planya, 3.
photograph see fotoğraf. seviye, 4. rende, 5. rendelemek, 6. düzlem, 7.
photographer see fotoğrafçı. düzey (level), 8. dümdüz, 9. çınar.
photography see fotoğrafçılık. planet see gezegen.
phrase see 1. tümcecik, 2. deyim (expression). planning see planlama.
physical see 1. fiziksel, 2. bedensel. plant see 1. bitki, 2. fabrika (factory), 3. hile, 4.
dikmek, 5. ekmek (bread).
physics see fizik.
plasma see plazma.
physiological see fizyolojik.
plaster see 1. yakı, 2. sıva, 3. sıvamak, 4. alçı, 5.
piano see piyano.
pick see 1. toplamak (add, collect, gather, raise), 2.
plastic see plastik.
seçmek (choose, select), 3. kazma, 4. seçenek
plate see 1. tabak, 2. plaka, 3. plaket, 4. kupa.
(alternative, option), 5. koparmak, 6. ayıklamak,
7. kürdan. platform see peron.
picking see toplama (addition, collection). plausible see makul (reasonable).
picnic see piknik. play see 1. oynamak, 2. hareket (act, action, motion,
picture see 1. resim (image, painting), 2. görüntü move, movement), 3. piyes, 4. oyun (game), 5.
(image), 3. tablo (table), 4. tasvir, 5. film (movie), oynama, 6. eğlenmek, 7. eğlence (amusement,
6. fotoğraf (photograph). fun), 8. faaliyet (activity).
picturesque see pitoresk. player see oyuncu.
pie see 1. turta, 2. tart. plea see 1. yalvarma, 2. savunma, 3. bahane
(excuse), 4. özür (apology, excuse), 5. rica.
piece see 1. parça (component, item, part, portion,
pleasant see 1. hoş, 2. şirin, 3. güzel (beautiful, fair,
segment), 2. piyes, 3. tane (grain), 4. örnek
(example, model, sample), 5. numune. fine, handsome, lovely, pretty), 4. tatlı (sweet).
pig see 1. domuz, 2. aynasız. please see 1. lütfen, 2. sevindirmek.
pile see 1. hav, 2. tüy, 3. yığmak (stack), 4. kazık, 5. pleased see 1. memnun (glad, happy), 2. hoşnut.
küme (cluster, group), 6. servet, 7. yığın (bulk, pleasure see 1. haz, 2. keyif, 3. memnuniyet, 4.
mass, stack). zevk.
pillow see yastık. plenty see 1. bolluk (abundance), 2. bereket
pilot see 1. pilot, 2. kılavuz (guide), 3. rehber (abundance).
(guide). plot see 1. arsa, 2. entrika, 3. parsel, 4. plan, 5.
pin see 1. iğne (needle), 2. bacak (leg), 3. broş. suikast, 6. çizmek (draw).
pine see çam. plus see artı.
pink see pembe. pocket see cep.
pipe see 1. boru (tube), 2. pipo, 3. çubuk (bar), 4. poem see 1. manzume, 2. şiir.
kaval. poet see 1. ozan, 2. şair.
piper see 1. gaydacı, 2. kavalcı. poetic see 1. şairane, 2. şiirsel.
pit see 1. çukur, 2. oyuk, 3. parter. poetry see 1. şiir, 2. şiirler.
pitch see 1. atmak (cast, throw), 2. ziftlemek, 3. point see 1. nokta (dot, period, spot), 2. göstermek
perde (curtain, screen), 4. saha (field), 5. zift, 6. (indicate, represent, show), 3. uç, 4. puan, 5.
alan (area, domain, field, range, space). husus, 6. sivriltmek, 7. punto, 8. özellik
(characteristic, feature, property), 9. sayı

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(number), 10. mesele (affair, matter, question), positive see 1. pozitif, 2. olumlu, 3. artı (plus), 4.
11. derece (degree, grade), 12. anlam (meaning, gerçek (actual, fact, real, true), 5. kesin (definite).
sense, significance), 13. amaç (aim, intent, object, positively see gerçekten (indeed, really).
objective, purpose, target), 14. neden (cause, possession see 1. iyelik, 2. tasarruf, 3. mülk, 4.
why). sömürge.
pointed see sivri (sharp). possibility see 1. olanak (facility), 2. olabilirlik.
pointless see 1. yararsız, 2. amaçsız, 3. anlamsız possible see 1. mümkün, 2. olabilir, 3. olanaklı, 4.
(absurd). olası.
poison see 1. zehir, 2. zehirlemek. possibly see belki (maybe, perhaps).
polar see 1. kutuplu, 2. kutupsal. post see 1. posta (mail), 2. karakol, 3. kazık, 4.
pole see 1. kutup, 2. direk, 3. sırık, 4. polonyalı. direk, 5. postalamak (mail), 6. yerleştirmek.
police see polis. postcard see kartpostal.
policy see 1. poliçe, 2. politika (politics), 3. siyaset poster see 1. afiş, 2. poster.
(politics). pot see kap (container).
polish see 1. perdah, 2. cila, 3. cilalamak, 4. lehçe, potato see patates.
5. parlaklık, 6. parlatmak, 7. Polonyalı, 8. leh, 9. potent see 1. kuvvetli, 2. güçlü, 3. etkili.
incelik. potential see potansiyel.
polite see 1. nazik, 2. kibar. pottery see çömlekçilik.
politely see 1. kibarca, 2. nezaketle. pound see 1. dövmek, 2. libre, 3. vurmak (hit).
political see 1. politik, 2. siyasal, 3. siyasi. pour see 1. dökmek, 2. dökülmek, 3. boşaltmak
politician see politikacı. (discharge, empty), 4. akıtmak.
politics see 1. politika (policy), 2. siyaset. poverty see 1. yoksulluk, 2. fakirlik.
poll see 1. anket, 2. oylama, 3. seçim (choice, powder see 1. toz, 2. barut, 3. pudra.
election, selection), 4. yoklamak. power see 1. güç (energy, force, strength), 2. iktidar,
pollution see 1. kirlilik, 2. kirlenme, 3. kirletme, 4. 3. kuvvet (force, strength), 4. yetenek (ability,
pislik. capability), 5. enerji (energy), 6. derman, 7.
polymer see polimer. kudret, 8. otorite, 9. üs (base), 10. yetki
pond see havuz (pool). (authority), 11. erk.
pony see midilli. powerful see 1. güçlü, 2. nüfuzlu, 3. kuvvetli, 4.
pool see 1. havuz, 2. birleştirmek (join), 3. gölcük. etkili.
poor see 1. fakir, 2. fena (evil), 3. kötü (bad, evil), 4. practicable see 1. uygulanabilir, 2. yapılabilir.
yoksul, 5. zavallı, 6. az (few, little), 7. verimsiz. practical see 1. pratik, 2. uygulamalı, 3. elverişli, 4.
poorly see hasta (sick). kullanışlı, 5. becerikli, 6. ameli.
pop see 1. baba (dad, father), 2. patlamak, 3. pop. practice see 1. pratik, 2. uygulama (application), 3.
pope see Papa. alışkanlık, 4. alıştırma (exercise), 5. idman, 6.
popular see popüler. tatbikat.
popularity see popülerlik. pragmatic see pragmatik.
population see nüfus. praise see 1. övgü, 2. övme, 3. övmek, 4.
porch see 1. sundurma, 2. veranda. methetmek, 5. şükretmek.
pork see domuz (pig). pray see yalvarmak.
port see 1. liman (harbour), 2. iskele, 3. delik (hole), prayer see dua.
4. kapı (door, gate), 5. lombar. precious see 1. değerli, 2. kıymetli.
portable see 1. portatif, 2. taşınabilir. precise see 1. tam (absolute, accurate, complete,
porter see 1. hamal, 2. kapıcı. exact, exactly, very), 2. kesin (definite), 3.
portfolio see 1. portföy, 2. bakanlık. kusursuz, 4. kati.
portion see 1. parça (component, item, part, piece, precisely see kesinlikle.
segment), 2. porsiyon, 3. pay (share), 4. kısım precision see kesinlik.
(section), 5. hisse (share), 6. bölüm (chapter, predecessor see 1. ata, 2. öncel, 3. selef, 4. cet.
department, division, part, section), 7. çeyiz, 8. predict see öngörmek.
miktar (amount, quantity). prediction see 1. tahmin (forecast), 2. kehanet.
portrait see 1. dikey (vertical), 2. düşey (vertical), 3. prefer see 1. yeğlemek, 2. sunmak (submit).
portre. preferably see tercihen.
position see 1. konum (location), 2. pozisyon, 3. yer preference see tercih.
(earth, ground, location, place, seat, space), 4. preferred see tercihli.
mevki, 5. duruş, 6. durum (state, status), 7. görev pregnancy see 1. gebelik, 2. hamilelik.
(task), 8. yerleştirmek.

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pregnant see 1. hamile, 2. gebe. primitive see ilkel.

prejudice see önyargı (bias). prince see 1. prens, 2. şehzade, 3. hükümdar.
preliminary see 1. ilk (first, initial), 2. ön (front). princess see prenses.
premature see 1. mevsimsiz, 2. prematüre, 3. principal see 1. ana (chief, main, major, master), 2.
vakitsiz. baş (chief, head, master), 3. başlıca, 4. temel
premier see 1. başbakan, 2. birinci (first), 3. baş (base, basic, elementary, foundation).
(chief, head, master). principle see 1. ilke, 2. prensip, 3. kaide, 4. köken
premises see arazi. (origin).
premium see 1. prim, 2. ödül (reward), 3. ikramiye. print see 1. basmak (press), 2. yazdýr, 3. iz (trace,
preoccupation see 1. kaygı, 2. tasa. track, trail), 4. baskı, 5. basma.
preparation see 1. hazırlık, 2. hazırlama, 3. printer see 1. yazıcı, 2. matbaacı, 3. basımcı, 4.
hazırlanma. yazýcý.
prepare see hazırlamak. printing see 1. tabetme, 2. baskı.
prepared see 1. hazır, 2. hazırlıklı, 3. istekli. prior see önceki (former).
prescription see 1. reçete, 2. emir. priority see öncelik.
presence see 1. huzur (peace), 2. varlık (entity), 3. prison see 1. cezaevi, 2. hapishane (jail), 3. tutukevi.
duruş. prisoner see 1. esir, 2. mahpus, 3. tutsak, 4. tutuklu.
present see 1. armağan (gift), 2. hediye (gift), 3. privacy see 1. mahremiyet, 2. gizlilik, 3. yalnızlık.
şimdiki, 4. sunmak (submit), 5. mevcut, 6. hazır, private see 1. özel (particular, special), 2. asker
7. tanıtmak. (soldier), 3. er, 4. kişisel (personal), 5. mahrem.
presentation see 1. sunma, 2. sunu, 3. takdim, 4. privilege see 1. ayrıcalık, 2. imtiyaz (concession,
tanıtma, 5. sunuş, 6. ibraz, 7. gösterme. franchise).
presently see 1. birazdan, 2. şimdi (now). prize see 1. ödül (reward), 2. ikramiye, 3. ganimet.
preservation see 1. koruma (conservation, probability see 1. ihtimal, 2. olasılık.
protection), 2. korunma, 3. muhafaza, 4. saklama. probable see 1. muhtemel, 2. olası.
preserve see 1. saklamak (save, store), 2. korumak probably see muhtemelen.
(maintain, protect, shield), 3. reçel (jam). probation see 1. deneme (essay, trial), 2. staj.
presidency see başkanlık. probe see 1. sonda, 2. araştırmak (explore,
president see 1. başkan (chairman), 2. rektör. investigate, research), 3. araştırma (investigation,
press see 1. basmak, 2. basın, 3. pres, 4. baskı, 5. research), 4. yoklamak, 5. deşmek.
cendere, 6. zorlamak (force), 7. ütülemek, 8. problem see 1. sorun (issue), 2. problem, 3. mesele
sıkmak, 9. sıkıştırmak, 10. matbaa, 11. kalabalık, (affair, matter, question).
12. basımevi, 13. mengene. procedure see 1. prosedür, 2. yordam.
pressing see 1. acil (urgent), 2. acele, 3. ivedi. proceed see ilerlemek (advance).
pressure see 1. basınç, 2. baskı, 3. tazyik. proceeds see 1. kazanç (gain), 2. verim (efficiency,
prestige see 1. itibar, 2. nüfuz, 3. prestij. yield), 3. gelir.
presumably see 1. galiba, 2. muhtemelen. process see 1. süreç, 2. işlem, 3. yöntem (method),
pretty see 1. güzel (beautiful, fair, fine, handsome, 4. işlemek.
lovely), 2. sevimli, 3. hoş (pleasant), 4. oldukça processing see 1. işlem, 2. işleme.
(fairly, rather). processor see işlemci.
prevalence see yaygınlık. produce see 1. üretmek (generate), 2. ürün (crop,
prevent see önlemek. product), 3. göstermek (indicate, point, represent,
prevention see 1. önleme, 2. engelleme. show).
previously see 1. önceden, 2. evvelce. producer see 1. üretici, 2. yapımcı, 3. prodüktör.
price see 1. fiyat, 2. eder, 3. paha, 4. bedel, 5. product see 1. ürün (crop), 2. çarpım, 3. sonuç
kıymet, 6. değer. (effect, outcome, result).
pride see 1. gurur, 2. iftihar, 3. onur, 4. kibir, 5. production see 1. üretim (generation), 2. yapım, 3.
azamet. imal, 4. ürün (crop, product), 5. istihsal, 6. eser,
priest see 1. papaz, 2. rahip. 7. yapıt.
primarily see 1. başlıca, 2. aslında. productive see 1. üretken, 2. verimli (fertile), 3.
primary see 1. birincil, 2. ana (chief, main, major, yaratıcı, 4. bereketli (fertile).
master, principal), 3. birinci (first), 4. baş (chief, productivity see 1. verimlilik (efficiency, fertility),
head, master). 2. üretkenlik, 3. prodüktivite.
prime see 1. baş (chief, head, master), 2. başlıca, 3. profession see 1. uğraş, 2. meslek, 3. iş (action,
ilk (first, initial, preliminary). affair, deed, job, work), 4. sanat (art), 5. beyan.

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576 English - Turkish

professional see 1. profesyonel, 2. mesleki. prospect see 1. umut (hope), 2. olasılık, 3. ihtimal,
professor see profesör. 4. manzara (view), 5. görünüm (appearance,
profile see profil. outlook, view).
profit see 1. çıkar, 2. kazanç (gain, proceeds). prospective see 1. beklenen, 2. muhtemel.
profitable see 1. kazançlı, 2. yararlı, 3. faydalı. prosperity see 1. gönenç, 2. refah (welfare).
profound see derin. prosperous see 1. başarılı, 2. uygun (appropriate,
program see 1. programlamak, 2. program apt, suitable).
(programme). protect see korumak (maintain, shield).
programme see 1. program (program), 2. protected see korunmuş.
programlamak (program), 3. planlamak. protection see 1. koruma (conservation), 2. himaye,
programming see programlama. 3. korunma, 4. muhafaza.
progress see 1. ilerleme (advance, advancement), 2. protective see koruyucu.
ilerlemek (advance), 3. gelişmek, 4. gelişme. protein see protein.
progressive see 1. ilerici, 2. gelişen, 3. ilerleyen. protest see 1. protesto, 2. itiraz.
prohibition see yasak (forbidden). protocol see 1. protokol, 2. tutanak.
project see 1. proje (design, plan, scheme), 2. tasarı, prototype see prototip.
3. plan, 4. atmak (cast, pitch, throw), 5. proud see 1. gururlu, 2. kibirli (arrogant), 3. mağrur,
tasarlamak (design), 6. planlamak. 4. azametli, 5. onurlu.
projection see 1. izdüşüm, 2. projeksiyon, 3. çıkıntı, prove see 1. kanıtlamak, 2. çıkmak (exit).
4. fırlatma, 5. proje (design, plan, project, provide see 1. sağlamak, 2. vermek (give, grant).
scheme), 6. gösterim, 7. atma. province see 1. il, 2. eyalet (state).
prominence see 1. çıkıntı, 2. önem, 3. ün (fame), 4. provincial see 1. görgüsüz, 2. taşralı.
şöhret, 5. tümsek, 6. burun (nose). provision see 1. hüküm, 2. hazırlık (preparation), 3.
prominent see 1. çıkıntılı, 2. seçkin, 3. ünlü koşul, 4. sağlama, 5. tedarik.
(famous). provisional see geçici (passing, temporary,
promise see 1. söz (word), 2. vaat. tentative).
promote see yükseltmek (raise). provisions see erzak.
promoter see kurucu. psychiatric see psikiyatrik.
promotion see 1. terfi (advancement), 2. yükselme, psychological see psikolojik.
3. yükseltme. psychologist see 1. psikolog, 2. ruhbilimci.
prone see yüzükoyun. psychology see 1. psikoloji, 2. ruhbilim.
pronunciation see 1. telaffuz, 2. söyleniş. pub see 1. meyhane, 2. birahane, 3. bar (bar).
proof see 1. kanıt (evidence), 2. deneme (essay, public see 1. kamu, 2. genel (general), 3. halk
trial), 3. kanıtlama, 4. ispat, 5. delil, 6. sağlama, (people), 4. kamusal, 5. amme, 6. aleni.
7. geçirmez. publication see yayın.
propaganda see propaganda (publicity). publicity see 1. propaganda (propaganda), 2.
proper see 1. uygun (appropriate, apt, suitable), 2. tanıtım, 3. tanıtma, 4. reklam (advertisement).
münasip, 3. doğru (accurate, correct, right, true), publicly see alenen (openly).
4. gerçek (actual, fact, real, true), 5. tam publish see 1. yayımlamak, 2. basmak (press).
(absolute, accurate, complete, exact, exactly, publisher see 1. yayımcı, 2. editör.
precise, very). publishing see yayımcılık.
properties see Özellikler. pudding see 1. Muhallebi, 2. puding.
property see 1. özellik (characteristic, feature), 2. pull see 1. çekmek (drag, draw), 2. çekme, 3.
mal, 3. mülk, 4. mülkiyet (ownership), 5. nitelik yolmak, 4. iltimas, 5. çekiş, 6. etki (action, effect,
(quality). impact, influence), 7. gelmek (come), 8. kayırma,
proportion see orantı. 9. nüfuz, 10. asılmak.
proportional see 1. orantılı, 2. nispi. pulse see 1. vurum, 2. nabız, 3. bakliyat, 4. çarpmak,
proposal see 1. öneri (suggestion), 2. teklif, 3. 5. vuruş (stroke).
önerge. pump see 1. pompalamak, 2. pompa, 3. tulumba.
propose see önermek (suggest). punch see 1. delgi, 2. yumruklamak, 3. zımbalamak,
proposition see 1. önerme, 2. öneri (suggestion), 3. 4. yumruk, 5. zımba.
sav (thesis), 4. teklif. punishment see 1. ceza, 2. cezalandırma, 3. eziyet.
proprietor see sahip (lord, owner). pupil see 1. öğrenci (student), 2. gözbebeği.
prose see 1. nesir, 2. düzyazı. purchase see 1. alım, 2. kazanmak (win).
prosecution see kovuşturma.

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purchaser see 1. alıcı (buyer, client, customer, (bitter, sharp), 7. seri (series), 8. çabucak, 9.
receiver), 2. müşteri (client, customer). anlayışlı.
pure see 1. saf (absolute, clean), 2. arı, 3. temiz quickly see 1. hızla, 2. çabucak.
(clean, clear), 4. halis, 5. lekesiz, 6. katıksız, 7. quiet see 1. sessiz, 2. sakin, 3. sessizlik (silence), 4.
katışıksız. durgun, 5. gürültüsüz, 6. susturmak, 7. hareketsiz,
purity see 1. arılık, 2. saflık, 3. temizlik. 8. gösterişsiz, 9. huzur (peace).
purple see mor. quite see 1. tamamen (absolutely, altogether,
purpose see 1. amaç (aim, intent, object, objective, entirely), 2. oldukça (fairly, rather), 3. pek (very),
target), 2. niyet (intent, intention), 3. maksat 4. epey.
(intention), 4. gaye (aim), 5. tasarlamak (design), quota see 1. pay (share), 2. kontenjan, 3. kota, 4.
6. kasıt (intention), 7. kastetmek. hisse (share).
purse see 1. büzmek, 2. ödül (reward). quotation see 1. iktibas, 2. aktarma (transfer), 3.
pursue see 1. izlemek (monitor, trace, track, trail), alıntı.
2. sürdürmek (continue), 3. kovalamak. quote see aktarmak (transfer).
pursuit see 1. takip, 2. kovalama.
push see 1. itmek, 2. hücum (aggression, assault,
attack), 3. itiş, 4. itme, 5. kakma, 6. sıkıştırmak.
put see 1. koymak, 2. yerleştirmek.
pyramid see piramit. R
rabbit see tavşan.
race see 1. ırk, 2. soy, 3. yarış, 4. koşu, 5. nesil, 6.
racism see ırkçılık.
Q rack see 1. raf (shelf), 2. askı.
qualification see 1. niteleme, 2. nitelik (quality), 3. radar see radar.
vasıf, 4. kısıtlama, 5. sınırlama, 6. yeterlik, 7. radiation see 1. radyasyon, 2. ışıma, 3. ışınım.
ehliyet. radical see 1. radikal, 2. kök (root), 3. köktenci, 4.
qualified see 1. vasıflı, 2. şartlı, 3. kalifiye, 4. köklü.
nitelikli, 5. kısıtlı. radio see 1. radyo, 2. telsiz.
qualify see nitelemek. radioactive see radyoaktif.
qualitative see nitel. radius see yarıçap.
quality see 1. kalite, 2. nitelik, 3. özellik rage see 1. hiddet (anger), 2. köpürmek, 3. moda
(characteristic, feature, property), 4. vasıf. (fashion), 4. öfke (anger).
quantitative see nicel. ragged see pejmürde.
quantity see 1. miktar (amount), 2. nicelik. raid see 1. akın, 2. baskın, 3. basmak (press).
quantum see 1. hisse (share), 2. kuantum, 3. miktar rail see 1. demiryolu (railway), 2. parmaklık, 3. ray.
(amount, quantity), 4. nicem, 5. pay (share). railway see demiryolu.
quarter see 1. çeyrek, 2. mahalle, 3. semt, 4. bölge rain see 1. yağmur, 2. yağdırmak.
(belt, district, region, zone), 5. aman, 6. raise see 1. yükseltmek, 2. toplamak (add, collect,
yerleştirmek. gather, pick), 3. büyütmek (expand), 4.
quarters see kışla. yetiştirmek, 5. kaldırmak (lift, remove), 6. zam,
queen see 1. kraliçe, 2. dam (roof), 3. kız (girl), 4. 7. dikmek, 8. artırmak (increase), 9. kabartmak.
vezir, 5. ibne. raised see kabarık.
quest see 1. aramak (search, seek), 2. soruşturma rally see 1. takılmak, 2. ralli, 3. miting, 4. toplantı, 5.
(inquiry), 3. araştırma (investigation, research), 4. toparlanmak.
arama, 5. araştırmak (explore, investigate, ram see 1. koç, 2. şahmerdan, 3. toslamak.
research). random see rasgele.
question see 1. soru, 2. mesele (affair, matter), 3. range see 1. erim, 2. alan (area, domain, field,
sorgu (inquiry), 4. sorun (issue, problem), 5. space), 3. sıra (order, rank, sequence), 4. saha
şüphe (suspicion), 6. kuşku, 7. problem (field), 5. otlak, 6. menzil, 7. dizi (array, series,
(problem). string), 8. uzanmak, 9. dizmek.
queue see 1. kuyruk (tail), 2. sıra (order, rank, rank see 1. sıra (order, sequence), 2. rütbe, 3. dizi
sequence). (array, series, string), 4. derece (degree, grade), 5.
quick see 1. hızlı (fast, swift), 2. çabuk, 3. süratli, 4. aşama, 6. bol (abundant, ample), 7. saf (absolute,
tez, 5. canlı (alive, live, lively, living), 6. keskin

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clean, pure), 8. saymak (count, number), 9. sınıf reasonable see 1. makul, 2. akıllı (intelligent, wise).
(class), 10. gür. reasoning see muhakeme.
rape see kolza. reassurance see reasürans.
rapid see 1. hızlı (fast, quick, swift), 2. seri (series), rebel see 1. ayaklanmak (revolt), 2. isyancı, 3. asi.
3. dik. rebellion see 1. isyan, 2. ayaklanma.
rare see 1. seyrek, 2. nadir, 3. olağanüstü. recall see 1. anımsamak (remember), 2. hatırlama, 3.
rarely see nadiren. hatırlamak (remember).
rat see 1. sıçan, 2. hain, 3. dönek, 4. kalleş. receipt see 1. makbuz, 2. alındı (acknowledgement).
rate see 1. oran (ratio), 2. saymak (count, number), receive see 1. almak (accept, buy, get, have, take), 2.
3. hız (speed), 4. kur, 5. fiyat (price), 6. derece kaldırmak (lift, remove), 3. uğramak, 4. taşımak
(degree, grade), 7. nispet, 8. sınıf (class), 9. ücret. (bear, carry).
rather see 1. oldukça (fairly), 2. biraz (some). receiver see 1. alıcı (buyer, client, customer), 2.
ratio see 1. oran (rate), 2. nispet. ahize, 3. almaç, 4. tahsildar.
rational see 1. mantıklı, 2. rasyonel, 3. makul receiving see alış.
(reasonable), 4. ussal. recent see yeni (new, novel).
rationale see gerekçe. reception see 1. resepsiyon, 2. kabul (acceptance,
raw see 1. ham, 2. işlenmemiş, 3. pişmemiş, 4. çiğ, admission), 3. alma, 4. karşılama.
5. acemi, 6. taze (fresh), 7. deneyimsiz. recession see 1. düşüş, 2. durgunluk, 3. gerileme, 4.
ray see ışın (beam). girinti.
re see yeniden (again). recipe see 1. reçete (prescription), 2. çözüm
reach see 1. uzatmak (extend), 2. ulaşmak, 3. (solution).
yetişmek, 4. uzanmak, 5. uzanma, 6. menzil, 7. reckless see 1. kayıtsız (indifferent), 2. pervasız.
erişme, 8. alan (area, domain, field, range, space), reckon see saymak (count, number).
9. varmak (arrive, get). recognition see 1. tanıma, 2. kabul (acceptance,
react see tepkimek. admission, reception), 3. tanınma.
reaction see 1. tepki, 2. reaksiyon, 3. tepkime, 4. recognize see tanımak (know).
gericilik, 5. irtica. recommendation see 1. öğüt (advice, counsel), 2.
reactor see reaktör. tavsiye (tip).
read see 1. okumak, 2. Okuma (reading), 3. reconciliation see 1. uzlaşma, 2. barışma, 3. barış
yorumlamak (interpret), 4. anlamak (see, (peace).
understand). record see 1. kaydetmek (register), 2. dosya (file), 3.
reader see 1. okuyucu, 2. okur, 3. düzeltmen, 4. kayıt, 4. plak, 5. sicil, 6. tutanak, 7. rekor, 8.
okutman. yazmak (type, write), 9. şöhret, 10. belge
readily see 1. isteyerek, 2. kolayca (easily). (document), 11. isim (name, noun).
readiness see 1. gönüllülük, 2. çabukluk. recording see kayıt (record).
reading see 1. okuma, 2. yorum (comment, recover see 1. kurtarmak (save), 2. iyileşmek.
interpretation). recovery see 1. iyileşme, 2. kurtarma (rescue).
ready see 1. hazır, 2. alesta. recreation see 1. eğlence (amusement, fun), 2.
real see 1. gerçek (actual, fact, true), 2. hakiki, 3. dinlenme (rest), 3. teneffüs.
sahici, 4. asıl. recurrence see tekerrür.
realism see 1. gerçekçilik, 2. realizm. red see 1. kırmızı, 2. kızıl, 3. al, 4. kýrmýzý, 5.
realistic see 1. gerçekçi, 2. realist. komünist.
reality see 1. gerçek (actual, fact, real, true), 2. redemption see 1. amortisman, 2. kefaret, 3.
hakikat, 3. gerçeklik. kurtarma (recovery, rescue), 4. ödeme (payment).
realize see 1. gerçekleştirmek, 2. anlamak (see, reduce see 1. azaltmak (decrease), 2. indirmek, 3.
understand), 3. uygulamak (apply). küçültmek.
really see 1. gerçekten (indeed), 2. sahiden, 3. reduction see 1. indirim, 2. indirgeme, 3. küçültme,
aslında, 4. cidden, 5. hakikaten. 4. azaltma.
realm see 1. ülke (country), 2. alan (area, domain, redundancy see artıklık.
field, range, space), 3. krallık. redundant see 1. gereksiz, 2. lüzumsuz.
rear see 1. büyütmek (expand), 2. yetiştirmek, 3. reed see 1. kamış, 2. saz, 3. sipsi.
arka (back), 4. art, 5. dikmek, 6. geri (back), 7. refer see 1. başvurmak, 2. bakmak (look, maintain,
şahlanmak. regard, view, watch), 3. göndermek (forward,
reason see 1. neden (cause, why), 2. akıl send), 4. değinmek.
(intelligence, mind), 3. gerekçe, 4. us, 5. referee see 1. hakem, 2. bilirkişi (expert).
düşünmek (think).

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reference see 1. ilgi (interest), 2. referans, 3. relax see 1. dinlenmek, 2. gevşetmek, 3.

gönderme, 4. ima, 5. bonservis, 6. başvurma. yumuşamak.
referendum see referandum. relaxation see 1. gevşeme, 2. gevşetme, 3. dinlenme
reflect see 1. yansıtmak, 2. düşünmek (think). (rest), 4. yumuşatma.
reflection see 1. yansıma, 2. akis, 3. hayal, 4. release see 1. bırakmak (leave), 2. kurtuluş, 3.
aksetme, 5. ayıplama, 6. yankı (echo). salıverme, 4. salıvermek, 5. tahliye.
reform see 1. reform, 2. düzeltmek, 3. ıslah. relevant see uygun (appropriate, apt, suitable).
refuge see 1. sığınak, 2. barınak, 3. refüj. reliability see güvenilirlik.
refugee see mülteci. reliable see 1. güvenilir, 2. emniyetli.
refusal see 1. ret, 2. reddetme. reliance see 1. itimat, 2. güven (faith).
refuse see 1. döküntü, 2. reddetmek, 3. süprüntü, 4. relief see 1. çare, 2. kabartma, 3. kurtarma
artık (remainder, residual). (recovery, rescue), 4. rölyef, 5. yardım
regard see 1. bakmak (look, maintain, refer, view, (assistance, help).
watch), 2. bakış (look, view), 3. itibar, 4. saygı, 5. relieve see kurtarmak (save).
saymak (count, number), 6. dikkat (attention), 7. religion see 1. din, 2. iman, 3. mezhep, 4. diyanet.
hürmet. religious see 1. dindar, 2. dinsel, 3. dini, 4. sofu.
regeneration see yenilenme. reluctance see 1. gönülsüzlük, 2. isteksizlik.
regime see 1. rejim, 2. sistem (system). reluctant see 1. gönülsüz, 2. isteksiz.
regiment see alay. remain see 1. kalmak (stay), 2. durmak (cease, halt,
region see 1. bölge (belt, district, zone), 2. çevre stand, stop).
(environment), 3. yöre. remainder see 1. kalan, 2. bakiye, 3. artık
regional see bölgesel. (residual).
register see 1. kaydetmek (record), 2. sicil, 3. kütük, remaining see artan.
4. yazmak (type, write), 5. yazmaç, 6. sayaç remark see 1. açıklama (explanation), 2. söylemek
(counter), 7. liste (list). (say, tell).
registered see 1. kayıtlı, 2. taahhütlü, 3. tescilli. remarkable see 1. olağanüstü, 2. fevkalade.
registration see 1. kayıt (record), 2. tescil, 3. remedy see 1. ilaç (drug), 2. düzeltmek, 3. çare, 4.
kaydetme. deva, 5. derman, 6. iyileştirmek.
regression see 1. gerileme, 2. regresyon. remember see 1. anımsamak, 2. hatırlamak, 3.
regret see 1. pişmanlık, 2. üzüntü, 3. esef, 4. teessüf, anmak, 4. unutmamak.
5. üzülmek (worry), 6. aramak (search, seek). reminiscent see 1. hatırlatan, 2. hatırlayan.
regular see 1. düzenli, 2. normal (normal), 3. remote see uzak (distant, far).
olağan, 4. muntazam, 5. düzgün (smooth). remove see 1. kaldırmak (lift), 2. çıkarmak, 3.
regularly see muntazaman. defetmek, 4. silmek (cancel, wipe), 5. derece
regulate see 1. ayarlamak (adjust, set), 2. (degree, grade).
düzenlemek (arrange, order, organize). renaissance see Rönesans.
regulation see ayarlama. render see 1. vermek (give, grant), 2. kılmak, 3.
regulations see 1. mevzuat, 2. nizamname, 3. tüzük, etmek (do, make), 4. çevirmek.
4. yönetmelik. renewal see yenileme.
rehabilitation see rehabilitasyon. renowned see 1. şöhretli, 2. ünlü (famous).
rehearsal see prova. rent see 1. kira, 2. kiralamak, 3. yarık, 4. yırtık.
reign see saltanat. repair see 1. onarım, 2. onarmak, 3. tamir, 4.
reinforce see sağlamlaştırmak. gidermek, 5. düzeltmek, 6. gitmek (go).
reject see 1. reddetmek, 2. ıskarta. repay see ödemek (pay).
rejection see ret. repayment see karşılık.
relate see anlatmak (tell). repeat see 1. yinelemek, 2. tekrarlamak, 3. nakarat,
related see 1. akraba, 2. ilgili. 4. tekrarlama, 5. Yinele.
relation see 1. ilişki, 2. bağıntı, 3. ilgi (interest, repertoire see repertuar.
reference), 4. nispet, 5. akraba. repetition see 1. yineleme, 2. tekrar (again), 3.
relational see ilişkisel. tekrarlama.
relationship see 1. akrabalık, 2. ilişki (relation). replace see değiştirmek (alter, change, modify).
relative see 1. göreli, 2. göreceli, 3. bağıl, 4. replacement see 1. değiştirme, 2. yenileme.
bağıntılı, 5. akraba, 6. izafi, 7. nispi, 8. hısım. reply see 1. cevap (answer, response), 2. yanıt
relatively see 1. nispeten, 2. oldukça (fairly, rather). (response), 3. karşılık.

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report see 1. rapor, 2. söylenti, 3. söylemek (say, respectable see 1. saygın, 2. saygıdeğer, 3.
tell), 4. haber, 5. bilgi (information, knowledge), namuslu.
6. anlatmak (relate, tell), 7. bildirmek (inform), 8. respects see 1. saygılar, 2. hürmetler.
şöhret, 9. bildiri. response see 1. yanıt, 2. cevap (answer, reply), 3.
reporter see 1. muhabir, 2. raportör. karşılık, 4. tepki (reaction).
represent see 1. göstermek (indicate, point, show), responsibility see sorumluluk (liability).
2. betimlemek (describe). responsible see sorumlu.
representation see 1. temsil, 2. gösterim, 3. responsive see 1. hassas, 2. hevesli.
temsilcilik. rest see 1. dinlenme, 2. es, 3. dinlenmek, 4. durak
representative see 1. temsilci, 2. vekil, 3. (station, stop), 5. rahat (ease), 6. dayanak
mümessil, 4. tipik (typical). (support), 7. mesnet, 8. kalan (remainder), 9.
repression see tutma (hold). istirahat, 10. hareketsizlik, 11. dayanmak, 12.
reproduction see 1. üreme, 2. reprodüksiyon, 3. destek (support), 13. bakiye (remainder), 14. artık
çoğaltma. (remainder, residual), 15. dinlendirmek.
republic see cumhuriyet. restaurant see 1. restoran, 2. lokanta.
republican see cumhuriyetçi. restless see huzursuz.
reputation see 1. ad (name), 2. şöhret, 3. ün (fame), restoration see 1. iade, 2. onarım (repair), 3.
4. nam. restorasyon, 4. yenileme.
request see 1. istek, 2. istemek (want), 3. dilek, 4. restore see onarmak (repair).
rica, 5. talep (claim). restraint see 1. baskı, 2. sınırlama, 3. tutma (hold).
require see istemek (want). restrict see sınırlamak.
required see gerekli (necessary). restricted see 1. sınırlı, 2. gizli (confidential,
requirement see 1. gereksinim, 2. gerek, 3. icap, 4. hidden), 3. dar (narrow).
ihtiyaç. restriction see sınırlama.
rescue see 1. kurtarma (recovery), 2. kurtarmak restrictive see 1. kısıtlayıcı, 2. sınırlayıcı.
(save). result see 1. sonuç (effect, outcome), 2. ürün (crop,
research see 1. araştırma (investigation), 2. product), 3. netice, 4. semere, 5. son (end, final,
araştırmak (explore, investigate), 3. incelemek. finish, last).
resemblance see benzerlik (analogy, similarity). resume see 1. sürdür, 2. Devam (continuation).
resentment see 1. gücenme, 2. içerleme, 3. kızma. retail see perakende.
reservation see 1. rezervasyon, 2. şart. retain see tutmak (hold, keep).
reserve see 1. ayırmak (appropriate, divide, retire see çekilmek.
separate, split), 2. yedek (substitute), 3. rezerv, 4. retired see emekli.
çekingenlik, 5. ihtiyat. retirement see 1. emeklilik, 2. inziva.
reserved see 1. ayrılmış, 2. çekingen (shy). retreat see sığınak (refuge).
reservoir see 1. depo (store), 2. hazne. return see 1. dönmek (turn), 2. dönüş (turn), 3.
residence see 1. konut, 2. oturma, 3. ev (home, getirmek (bring, fetch), 4. iade, 5. karşılık, 6.
house). kazanç (gain, proceeds), 7. nüksetme.
resident see 1. sakin (quiet), 2. yerleşik. reveal see açıklamak (explain).
residual see artık (remainder). revelation see vahiy.
resign see çekilmek. revenge see 1. intikam, 2. öç.
resist see 1. dayanmak, 2. direnmek. revenue see gelir.
resistance see 1. direnme, 2. rezistans, 3. dayanma, reverend see muhterem.
4. direnç, 5. mukavemet, 6. direniş, 7. reverse see 1. ters, 2. aksi, 3. arka (back), 4. yenilgi,
dayanıklılık. 5. zıt.
resistant see dirençli. review see 1. eleştiri, 2. dergi (magazine).
resolution see 1. karar (decision), 2. önerge, 3. revision see tashih.
teklif, 4. azim, 5. çözüm (solution), 6. revival see 1. uyanış, 2. canlanma.
çözünürlük, 7. kararlılık. revolt see 1. ayaklanmak (rebel), 2. ayaklanma, 3.
resolve see 1. çözmek, 2. halletmek, 3. karar isyan, 4. başkaldırmak, 5. iğrendirmek.
(decision), 4. niyet (intent, intention, purpose). revolution see 1. devrim, 2. ihtilal, 3. devir
resolved see 1. azimli, 2. kararlı. (period), 4. dönme (rotation).
resource see 1. kaynak (origin, source), 2. çare. revolutionary see devrimci.
resources see 1. kaynaklar, 2. olanaklar. reward see 1. ödül, 2. ödüllendirmek, 3. karşılık.
respect see 1. saygı, 2. hürmet, 3. riayet. rhythm see 1. ritim, 2. vezin, 3. ritm.

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rhythmic see ritmik. rolling see yuvarlanma.

ribbon see 1. şerit, 2. kurdela, 3. kurdele. romance see 1. masal, 2. romans.
rice see 1. pirinç (brass), 2. Pilav. romantic see romantik.
rich see 1. zengin (wealthy), 2. bol (abundant, roof see 1. dam, 2. çatı.
ample), 3. gür, 4. paralı, 5. bereketli (fertile), 6. room see 1. oda (chamber), 2. yer (earth, ground,
ağır (heavy, serious), 7. verimli (fertile). location, place, seat, space), 3. fırsat, 4. neden
ride see 1. binme, 2. gezinti. (cause, why), 5. meydan.
rider see 1. atlı, 2. binici. root see 1. kök, 2. kaynak (origin, resource, source),
ridge see sırt (back). 3. köken (origin).
ridiculous see 1. gülünç, 2. komik, 3. saçma rope see 1. ip (string), 2. halat, 3. urgan, 4. kement.
(absurd). rose see gül.
riding see 1. binicilik, 2. binme. rosemary see biberiye.
rifle see 1. tüfek (gun), 2. soymak. rotation see 1. dönme, 2. dönüş (return, turn), 3.
right see 1. sağ, 2. doğru (accurate, correct, true), 3. rotasyon, 4. deveran, 5. devir (period).
haklı, 4. hak, 5. düz (flat, plain, smooth, straight), rotten see 1. çürük, 2. berbat, 3. kokmuş, 4. bozuk
6. uygun (appropriate, apt, suitable), 7. (broken), 5. cılk.
düzeltmek, 8. dürüst (honest), 9. doğrultmak, 10. rough see 1. kaba (coarse, crude, gross), 2. pürüzlü,
dik, 11. gerçek (actual, fact, real, true). 3. taslak (draft, sketch), 4. sert (hard, harsh), 5.
rigid see 1. sert (hard, harsh), 2. eğilmez, 3. katı kabataslak, 6. hoyrat, 7. fırtınalı, 8. kabadayı, 9.
(solid), 4. bükülmez, 5. değişmez (constant, külhanbeyi, 10. ham (raw), 11. dalgalı, 12. tüylü,
fixed). 13. yaklaşık, 14. pürüzlendirmek.
rigorous see 1. sert (hard, harsh), 2. şiddetli (bitter). roughly see 1. kabaca, 2. kaba (coarse, crude, gross,
rim see 1. jant, 2. kenar (border, edge, margin, side, rough).
verge), 3. çerçeve (frame). round see 1. Yuvarlak, 2. yuvarlamak (roll), 3.
ring see 1. halka, 2. yüzük, 3. çalmak (steal), 4. yuvarlaklaştırmak, 4. çevresinde, 5. daire (circle),
çember, 5. çınlamak, 6. çınlatmak, 7. daire 6. etrafında, 7. dönmek (return, turn).
(circle), 8. ring. route see 1. rota, 2. yol (path, road, way), 3.
riot see 1. isyan, 2. ayaklanma, 3. ayaklanmak güzergâh, 4. hat (line).
(rebel, revolt), 4. şamata. routine see 1. yordam, 2. rutin.
ripe see 1. hazır, 2. olgun, 3. olmuş. rover see 1. avare, 2. korsan.
rise see 1. yükselmek, 2. çıkmak (exit), 3. doğmak, row see 1. sıra (order, rank, sequence), 2. gürültü
4. yükseliş, 5. kalkmak, 6. tümsek, 7. yükselme, (noise), 3. patırtı (noise), 4. dizi (array, series,
8. terfi (advancement), 9. doğuş, 10. artış string).
(increase), 11. bayır. royal see 1. kraliyet, 2. şahane.
rising see 1. ayaklanma, 2. isyan, 3. yükselen. rubber see 1. kauçuk, 2. lastik, 3. silgi, 4. raspa, 5.
risk see 1. risk, 2. riziko, 3. tehlike (danger, hazard). prezervatif.
risky see 1. riskli, 2. rizikolu, 3. tehlikeli rubbish see 1. saçma (absurd), 2. süprüntü, 3. çöp.
(dangerous, hazardous). rude see 1. terbiyesiz, 2. kaba (coarse, crude, gross,
ritual see törensel. rough).
rival see rakip. rug see 1. kilim, 2. halı.
river see 1. nehir, 2. ırmak. rule see 1. kural (statute), 2. cetvel (ruler), 3.
road see 1. yol (path, route, way), 2. karayolu. yönetmek, 4. hükmetmek, 5. usul, 6. tüzük, 7.
roar see 1. gürleme, 2. gürlemek, 3. kükreme, 4. hüküm (provision), 8. kanun (law).
kükremek. ruler see 1. cetvel, 2. hükümdar, 3. yönetici
rob see soymak. (administrator, director, manager).
robbery see 1. hırsızlık (theft), 2. soygun. rules see tüzük.
robust see 1. gürbüz, 2. sağlam, 3. güçlü. ruling see 1. başlıca, 2. yargı, 3. hüküm (provision).
rock see 1. kaya, 2. sallanmak, 3. elmas (diamond), rumour see 1. dedikodu (gossip), 2. söylenti, 3.
4. sallamak, 5. taş (stone). şayia, 4. yaymak (spread).
rocket see 1. roket, 2. füze. run see 1. koşmak, 2. çalıştırmak, 3. koşu, 4. koşma,
rocky see kayalık. 5. dere, 6. akış (flow), 7. kaçmak (escape), 8.
role see rol. işlemek, 9. rağbet, 10. seyir, 11. yarış, 12.
roll see 1. yuvarlamak, 2. yalpa, 3. liste (list), 4. koşturmak.
yuvarlanma, 5. salınmak, 6. sarmak (wind), 7. runner see koşucu.
silindir (cylinder), 8. tomar, 9. dalgalanma, 10.
rulo, 11. top (ball, gun).

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running see 1. cari (current), 2. koşma, 3. sürekli satisfied see 1. hoşnut, 2. memnun (glad, happy).
(continuous), 4. koşan, 5. koşu, 6. akar, 7. akan, satisfy see 1. doyurmak, 2. ödemek (pay), 3.
8. işleyen, 9. işlek. gidermek, 4. inandırmak, 5. karşılamak.
rural see kırsal. satisfying see doyurucu.
rush see 1. saz, 2. saldırmak (attack), 3. koşturmak, sauce see 1. sos, 2. salça, 3. terbiye, 4. şımarıklık, 5.
4. hücum (aggression, assault, attack), 5. üşüşme, arsızlık.
6. telaş, 7. sıkıştırmak, 8. koşma, 9. hamle, 10. sausage see 1. sosis, 2. sucuk.
akın, 11. acele, 12. koşmak (run). save see 1. kurtarmak, 2. saklamak (store), 3.
ruthless see 1. merhametsiz, 2. insafsız, 3. acımasız, korumak (maintain, protect, shield), 4. artırmak
4. amansız. (increase), 5. biriktirmek, 6. hariç, 7. Kaydet.
saving see 1. kurtarma (recovery, rescue), 2.
tasarruf, 3. tutum (attitude), 4. kurtarıcı.
saw see 1. testere, 2. bıçkı, 3. atasözü, 4. doğramak.
say see 1. demek, 2. söylemek (tell), 3. söz (word),
S 4. tekrarlamak (repeat), 5. varsaymak (assume),
sack see 1. torba (bag), 2. çuval, 3. kovmak, 4. 6. farzetmek.
sepetlemek, 5. yağma, 6. yağmalamak, 7. yatak saying see 1. atasözü, 2. söz (word).
(bed). scale see 1. ölçek, 2. cetvel (ruler), 3. terazi, 4. ölçü
sacred see 1. kutsal (holy), 2. mukaddes, 3. dinsel, 4. (gauge, measure), 5. derece (degree, grade), 6.
mübarek. tırmanmak (climb), 7. kefe, 8. kefeki, 9.
sacrifice see kurban (victim). ayarlamak (adjust, regulate, set), 10. ölçeklemek,
11. pul (stamp), 12. skala, 13. tartmak, 14. gam,
sad see 1. acıklı, 2. üzgün, 3. hazin, 4. hüzünlü.
15. çap (diameter).
saddle see 1. semer, 2. eyer, 3. yüklemek (load), 4.
scandal see 1. skandal, 2. rezalet, 3. dedikodu
sele, 5. eyerlemek.
(gossip), 4. iftira, 5. kepazelik.
sadness see hüzün.
scarcely see ancak (barely, but, hardly, however,
safe see 1. kasa, 2. emin, 3. sağlam, 4. tehlikesiz.
safety see 1. güvenlik (security), 2. emniyet, 3. scarlet see 1. al (red), 2. kırmızı (red).
scenario see senaryo (script).
sail see yelken.
scene see 1. manzara (view), 2. sahne (stage), 3.
sailing see 1. yelkencilik, 2. gemicilik.
rezalet, 4. dekor, 5. olay (event, fact, incident), 6.
saint see 1. aziz, 2. evliya. mizansen.
salad see salata. scenery see 1. dekor, 2. manzara (view).
salary see 1. maaş (pay, wage), 2. aylık (monthly). scent see 1. sezmek, 2. esans, 3. koku.
sale see 1. satış, 2. sürüm, 3. satım, 4. mezat, 5. talep schedule see 1. cetvel (ruler), 2. program (program,
(claim), 6. Ucuzluk. programme), 3. liste (list), 4. tarife (tariff), 5.
salon see salon. çizelge (table).
saloon see 1. meyhane, 2. bar (bar). scheme see 1. proje (design, plan, project), 2. tasarı,
salt see 1. tuz, 2. tuzlamak, 3. tuzluk, 4. tat, 5. nükte, 3. düzenlemek (arrange, order, organize), 4.
6. lezzet, 7. tuzlu. entrika, 5. plan, 6. tertip, 7. dolap (cabinet), 8.
salvation see 1. kurtarma (recovery, rescue), 2. Düzen (order).
kurtarılma, 3. kurtuluş, 4. selamet. scholar see bilgin.
same see aynı. scholarship see 1. burs, 2. bilginlik.
sample see 1. örnek (example, model), 2. mostra, 3. school see 1. okul, 2. ekol, 3. mektep, 4. öğretmek,
numune, 4. eşantiyon, 5. örneklemek, 6. tatmak 5. yetiştirmek, 6. eğitmek, 7. alıştırmak.
(taste), 7. göstermelik, 8. model (model). science see 1. bilim, 2. ilim.
sanctuary see 1. sığınak (refuge), 2. tapınak scientific see 1. bilimsel, 2. ilmi, 3. kesin (definite).
(temple), 3. barınak, 4. mabet. scientist see bilgin.
sand see kum. scope see 1. kapsam, 2. alan (area, domain, field,
sandwich see sandviç. range, space), 3. saha (field), 4. olanak (facility,
sandy see kumlu. possibility), 5. fırsat, 6. amaç (aim, intent, object,
satellite see 1. uydu, 2. peyk. objective, purpose, target).
satisfaction see 1. tatmin, 2. memnuniyet, 3. score see 1. puan, 2. skor, 3. çentik, 4. çizgi (line), 5.
hoşnutluk, 4. tazmin, 5. memnunluk, 6. doyum, 7. sebep, 6. partisyon, 7. kertik, 8. işaret (sign,
ödeme (payment). signal), 9. hınç, 10. hesap (account, bill,
satisfactory see yeterli (adequate). calculation), 11. sayı (number).

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scrap see 1. döküntü, 2. kırpıntı, 3. kırıntı, 4. security see 1. güvenlik (safety), 2. teminat, 3.
parçalamak, 5. ıskarta, 6. dalaş, 7. artık güvence (assurance), 4. kefalet, 5. rehin, 6.
(remainder, residual), 8. dövüşmek, 9. hurda. emniyet, 7. kefil.
scratch see 1. çizik, 2. kaşımak, 3. tırmalamak, 4. sediment see 1. tortu, 2. telve, 3. posa, 4. çökelti.
çizmek (draw), 5. tırmık, 6. kaşınmak, 7. see see 1. görmek, 2. anlamak (understand), 3.
karalamak, 8. çıkarmak, 9. sıyrık. bakmak (look, maintain, refer, regard, view,
screaming see bağıran. watch), 4. görüşmek, 5. piskoposluk.
screen see 1. ekran, 2. perde (curtain), 3. elemek, 4. seed see 1. tohum, 2. döl (offspring), 3. meni, 4.
paravana, 5. saklamak (save, store), 6. korumak çekirdek (core, nucleus), 5. sperma.
(maintain, protect, shield), 7. gizlemek (hide), 8. seek see 1. aramak (search), 2. araştırmak (explore,
elek, 9. bölme, 10. kafes (cage), 11. kalbur, 12. investigate, research), 3. çabalamak, 4. istemek
oynatmak, 13. siper (shield). (want), 5. uğraşmak.
script see 1. senaryo (scenario), 2. alfabe, 3. betik, 4. seem see görünmek (appear).
senet. segment see 1. kesim (sector), 2. parça (component,
sea see 1. deniz, 2. dalga (wave), 3. derya. item, part, piece, portion), 3. dilim (slice), 4.
seal see 1. damga (stamp), 2. mühür, 3. mühürlemek, bölüm (chapter, department, division, part,
4. damgalamak, 5. ayıbalığı, 6. kapamak (close, section), 5. bölüt, 6. bölmek (divide, separate,
shut), 7. fok, 8. conta. split), 7. segman, 8. kısım (section).
search see 1. aramak (seek), 2. araştırmak (explore, seldom see 1. nadiren, 2. seyrek, 3. az (few, little).
investigate, research), 3. arama, 4. yoklamak, 5. select see 1. seçmek (choose, pick), 2. seçme
araştırma (investigation, research), 6. Ara (selection), 3. seçkin, 4. Seç, 5. kalburüstü.
(intermediate). selected see seçilmiş.
searching see 1. keskin (bitter, sharp), 2. araştırıcı. selection see 1. seçim (choice, election), 2. seçme
seaside see 1. sahil (coast), 2. kıyı. (select).
season see 1. sezon, 2. zaman (time), 3. mevsim, 4. selective see 1. seçmeli (optional), 2. seçici, 3.
süre (duration, time), 5. vakit, 6. yumuşatmak, 7. ayıran.
kurutmak, 8. çeşnilendirmek, 9. alıştırmak, 10. self see 1. kendi, 2. öz, 3. kişi (person), 4. kişilik
olgunlaştırmak. (personality), 5. bencillik, 6. karakter (character).
seasonal see mevsimlik. selfish see 1. bencil, 2. egoist.
seat see 1. koltuk, 2. yer (earth, ground, location, sell see 1. satmak, 2. satış (sale), 3. satılmak, 4.
place, space), 3. yerleştirmek, 4. mevki, 5. kazıklamak, 5. hile, 6. dolap (cabinet), 7.
oturtmak, 6. merkez, 7. iskemle, 8. sandalye aldatmak (trick), 8. sattırmak.
(chair). seller see 1. bayi, 2. satıcı.
second see 1. saniye, 2. ikinci. selling see satış (sale).
secondary see 1. ikincil, 2. ikinci (second), 3. tali. semantic see anlamsal.
secrecy see gizlilik. seminar see Seminer.
secret see 1. gizli (confidential, hidden), 2. esrarlı, 3. senate see senato.
sır, 4. saklı, 5. giz, 6. gizem, 7. mahrem. send see 1. göndermek (forward), 2. yollamak, 3.
secretary see 1. sekreter, 2. bakan (minister), 3. atmak (cast, pitch, throw), 4. Gönder, 5.
katip, 4. yazman. fırlatmak.
secretion see 1. salgılama, 2. gizleme, 3. salgı. senior see kıdemli.
section see 1. bölüm (chapter, department, division, sensation see 1. duyu (sense), 2. duyum, 3.
part), 2. kısım, 3. kesit, 4. kesim (sector, sansasyon, 4. duygu (emotion, feeling, sense).
segment), 5. bölge (belt, district, region, zone), 6. sense see 1. duyu, 2. duygu (emotion, feeling), 3.
kesme, 7. parça (component, item, part, piece, anlam (meaning, significance), 4. his, 5. sezmek,
portion, segment), 8. bölmek (divide, separate, 6. algılamak, 7. yön (course, direction), 8.
split). hissetmek (feel), 9. düşünce, 10. anlayış
sector see 1. kesim (segment), 2. sektör, 3. bölge (apprehension), 11. anlamak (see, understand),
(belt, district, region, zone). 12. kanı, 13. eğilim (inclination, trend).
secular see 1. laik, 2. dünyevi. sensible see 1. makul (reasonable), 2. mantıklı, 3.
secure see 1. güvenli, 2. sağlamlaştırmak, 3. emin, 4. akıllı (intelligent, wise), 4. duyarlı, 5. hassas, 6.
korumak (maintain, protect, shield), 5. sağlam, 6. hissedilir.
sağlamak, 7. şüphesiz, 8. almak (accept, buy, get, sensitive see 1. hassas, 2. duyarlı, 3. duygulu, 4.
have, receive, take). alıngan.
sensitivity see 1. duyarlık, 2. duyarlılık.
sensory see 1. duyumsal, 2. duyusal.

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sentence see 1. tümce, 2. cümle, 3. karar (decision), seventy see yetmiş.

4. hüküm (provision). several see birkaç.
sentiment see 1. his (sense), 2. duygu (emotion, severe see 1. sert (hard, harsh), 2. şiddetli (bitter), 3.
feeling, sense). sade, 4. haşin, 5. ağır (heavy, serious), 6. keskin
sentimental see 1. duygusal (emotional), 2. içli, 3. (bitter, sharp).
hissi. severity see 1. önem, 2. sertlik, 3. şiddet (violence).
separate see 1. bölmek (divide, split), 2. ayırmak sex see 1. cinsiyet, 2. seks.
(appropriate, divide, reserve, split), 3. ayrı (apart, sexual see 1. cinsel, 2. seksüel.
distinct), 4. ayrılmak, 5. müstakil, 6. bireysel sexuality see cinsellik.
(individual). sexy see seksi.
separation see 1. ayrılma, 2. ayrılık. shade see 1. gölge (shadow), 2. gölgelendirmek, 3.
sequence see 1. sıra (order, rank), 2. dizi (array, gölgelemek, 4. nüans, 5. stor, 6. hayalet (ghost),
series, string), 3. seri (series). 7. korumak (maintain, protect, shield), 8. ruh
sergeant see çavuş. (soul).
serial see 1. dizisel, 2. dizi (array, series, string), 3. shadow see 1. gölge (shade), 2. zerre, 3. gölgelemek
tefrika. (shade), 4. iz (trace, track, trail), 5. keder (grief),
series see 1. dizi (array, string), 2. seri, 3. sıra (order, 6. eser, 7. koruma (conservation, protection), 8.
rank, sequence), 4. silsile. karartmak, 9. karanlık, 10. hüzün, 11. hayalet
serious see 1. ciddi, 2. ağır (heavy), 3. ağırbaşlı, 4. (ghost), 12. gölgelendirmek (shade), 13. nebze.
önemli (important, significant, substantial), 5. shaft see 1. mil (mile), 2. şaft, 3. dingil.
tehlikeli (dangerous, hazardous). shake see 1. sarsılmak, 2. silkmek, 3. sallanmak, 4.
seriously see cidden. sarsıntı, 5. titreme, 6. çalkalamak, 7. sarsma, 8.
serum see serum. sallamak, 9. sallama, 10. deprem, 11. sarsmak,
servant see 1. hizmetçi, 2. uşak, 3. köle (slave), 4. 12. silkelemek, 13. atlatmak.
kul. shallow see 1. sığ, 2. yüzeysel (superficial).
server see sunucu. shame see 1. ayıp, 2. yazık, 3. utandırmak, 4. utanç,
service see 1. hizmet, 2. fayda, 3. görev (task), 4. 5. utanma, 6. leke (spot).
servis, 5. ibadet, 6. uşaklık, 7. tebliğ, 8. yarar shape see 1. biçim (form, format), 2. şekil (figure),
(advantage, benefit), 9. hizmetçilik, 10. ayin, 11. 3. biçimlendirmek, 4. şekillendirmek, 5.
askerlik, 12. iş (action, affair, deed, job, work), gelişmek, 6. yönlendirmek (direct), 7. durum
13. memuriyet. (state, status), 8. form (form), 9. düzenlemek
serving see porsiyon (portion). (arrange, order, organize), 10. kalıp (cast).
session see 1. oturum, 2. celse, 3. toplantı. share see 1. pay, 2. paylaşmak, 3. hisse, 4.
set see 1. ayarlamak (adjust, regulate), 2. grup bölüşmek, 5. aksiyon.
(bunch, group), 3. set, 4. takım (team), 5. batmak, shareholder see hissedar.
6. kurmak (build, found, install), 7. koymak (put), sharp see 1. sivri, 2. keskin (bitter), 3. açıkgöz
8. hazırlamak, 9. batış, 10. vaziyet, 11. (smart), 4. zeki, 5. tiz, 6. tam (absolute, accurate,
belirlenmiş, 12. sabit (constant, fixed), 13. complete, exact, exactly, precise, very), 7. net
yerleştirmek, 14. fide, 15. değişmez (constant, (net), 8. aniden, 9. diyez.
fixed), 16. belirlemek, 17. batma, 18. alıcı (buyer, shed see 1. akıtmak, 2. kulübe (cabin, cottage, hut),
client, customer, receiver), 19. eğilim 3. sundurma, 4. hangar, 5. baraka, 6. dökmek.
(inclination, trend), 20. küme (cluster, group). sheep see koyun.
setting see ayar. sheer see 1. dimdik, 2. düpedüz, 3. halis, 4. sapmak,
settle see 1. yerleşmek, 2. yerleştirmek, 3. durulmak, 5. sırf.
4. yatıştırmak, 5. yatışmak, 6. ödemek (pay), 7. sheet see 1. yaprak (leaf), 2. gazete (newspaper), 3.
konmak, 8. halletmek, 9. anlaşmak, 10. levha, 4. tabaka, 5. çarşaf.
kararlaştırmak. shelf see 1. raf (rack), 2. sergen.
settled see 1. yerleşik, 2. sabit (constant, fixed), 3. shell see 1. kabuk (crust, skin), 2. kovan, 3. fişek, 4.
ödenmiş, 4. değişmez (constant, fixed). kik.
settlement see 1. halletme, 2. ödeme (payment), 3. shelter see 1. sığınak (refuge), 2. siper (shield), 3.
tasfiye, 4. uzlaşma, 5. yerleşme, 6. ev (home, barınak, 4. korumak (maintain, protect, shield), 5.
house), 7. anlaşma (accord, agreement, deal, barındırmak.
understanding). shepherd see 1. çoban, 2. gütmek.
settling see yerleşme. shield see 1. kalkan, 2. korumak (maintain, protect),
seven see yedi. 3. siper, 4. zırh.
seventh see yedinci.

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shift see 1. vardiya, 2. değiştirme, 3. değişmek, 4. shy see 1. çekingen, 2. ürkek, 3. utangaç, 4. ürkmek,
değişme, 5. değişiklik (change, modification), 6. 5. fırlatmak, 6. atmak (cast, pitch, throw), 7.
değiştirmek (alter, change, modify), 7. çare, 8. korkak, 8. sıkılgan, 9. atış, 10. çekinmek.
yüklemek (load), 9. tedbir, 10. hile, 11. bahane sick see 1. hasta, 2. rahatsız, 3. keyifsiz, 4. iğrenç, 5.
(excuse), 12. kaçamak. bıkmış, 6. usanmış.
shining see 1. ışıltılı, 2. parlak (shiny). sickness see 1. hastalık, 2. kusma.
shiny see parlak. side see 1. yan, 2. kenar (border, edge, margin,
ship see 1. gemi, 2. göndermek (forward, send), 3. verge), 3. taraf, 4. yön (course, direction), 5. kıyı.
nakletmek (carry), 4. vapur, 5. tekne. siege see kuşatma.
shipping see 1. nakliye, 2. taşıma. sight see 1. görüş, 2. görme (vision), 3. görmek
shirt see gömlek. (see), 4. görünüş, 5. manzara (view).
shit see 1. bok, 2. sıçmak, 3. esrar, 4. sıçma. sign see 1. im, 2. alamet, 3. işaret (signal), 4.
shock see 1. şok, 2. darbe, 3. vuruş (stroke), 4. imzalamak, 5. belirti (symptom), 6. burç (tower),
sarsmak, 5. çarpma, 6. sarsma, 7. sarsıntı. 7. jest (gesture), 8. tabela, 9. iz (trace, track, trail).
shocking see berbat. signal see 1. işaret (sign), 2. sinyal, 3. im (sign).
shoe see 1. ayakkabı, 2. nallamak. signature see imza.
shoot see 1. filiz, 2. vurmak (hit), 3. sürgün, 4. significance see 1. anlam (meaning, sense), 2.
fırlatmak, 5. atmak (cast, pitch, throw), 6. önem.
öldürmek (kill), 7. atış, 8. çekmek (drag, draw, significant see 1. önemli (important, substantial), 2.
pull). anlamlı.
shooting see 1. atış, 2. avcılık. silence see 1. sessizlik, 2. susturmak, 3. susma.
shop see 1. dükkân, 2. mağaza. silent see 1. sessiz (quiet), 2. suskun.
shore see 1. sahil (coast, seaside), 2. kıyı, 3. silently see sessizce.
payanda, 4. destek (support). silk see 1. ipek, 2. ipekli.
short see 1. kısa, 2. bodur, 3. az (few, little), 4. silver see 1. gümüş, 2. sırlamak.
yetersiz (inadequate, insufficient), 5. aniden, 6. similar see benzer (analogous, like).
bücür, 7. eksik (missing), 8. gevrek, 9. kontak. similarity see benzerlik (analogy).
shortage see 1. açık (clear, explicit, free, light, open, simple see 1. basit, 2. yalın, 3. sade, 4. saf (absolute,
plain), 2. kıtlık, 3. yokluk (absence), 4. eksiklik clean, pure).
(deficiency). simplicity see 1. basitlik, 2. sadelik.
shortly see 1. kısaca, 2. yakında. simply see 1. sadece, 2. ancak (barely, but, hardly,
shorts see şort. however, only, scarcely).
shot see 1. girişim (interference), 2. aşı, 3. iğne simultaneous see simultane.
(needle, pin), 4. menzil, 5. gülle, 6. atış, 7. erim sin see 1. kabahat, 2. suç (crime), 3. günah.
(range), 8. deneme (essay, trial), 9. nişancı, 10. sincerely see içtenlikle.
saçma (absurd), 11. şans, 12. fotoğraf sing see 1. ötmek, 2. çınlamak, 3. vızıldamak, 4.
(photograph). şakımak, 5. söylemek (say, tell), 6. uğuldamak.
shoulder see 1. omuz, 2. banket, 3. omuzlamak, 4. singer see şarkıcı.
sırt (back), 5. yüklenmek. singing see ötme.
shout see 1. bağırmak (call, cry), 2. bağırma, 3. single see 1. tek (odd, unique), 2. bekar, 3. bir (one).
seslenmek, 4. haykırmak, 5. feryat (cry), 6.
sinister see 1. fesat, 2. kötü (bad, evil, poor).
sink see 1. lavabo, 2. batırmak, 3. yatırmak, 4.
show see 1. göstermek (indicate, point, represent), 2.
batmak, 5. azalmak, 6. alçalmak, 7. kazmak (dig).
gösteri (demonstration), 3. şov, 4. sergi, 5.
sir see 1. bay, 2. beyefendi, 3. sör.
gösteriş, 6. fırsat, 7. teşhir, 8. temsil
(representation), 9. şans, 10. öğretmek, 11. iş sister see 1. hemşire (nurse), 2. abla, 3. kardeş, 4.
(action, affair, deed, job, work), 12. Göster, 13. rahibe, 5. hastabakıcı.
görünüş, 14. görünmek (appear), 15. girişim sit see 1. oturmak (live), 2. oturtmak.
(interference), 16. kanıtlamak. site see 1. mevki, 2. yer (earth, ground, location,
shower see 1. duş, 2. sağanak, 3. yağdırmak. place, seat, space).
showing see 1. gösterme, 2. gösteri (demonstration, sitting see 1. oturma, 2. oturum (session), 3. oturan.
show). situated see bulunan.
shut see 1. kapamak (close), 2. kapatmak (close), 3. situation see 1. durum (state, status), 2. konum
kapanmak, 4. kapalı (off), 5. kapanmış. (location, position), 3. mevki, 4. yer (earth,
ground, location, place, seat, space), 5. hal.
six see altı.

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sixth see altıncı. harsh), 12. acımak (pity), 13. yakışıklı

sixty see altmış. (handsome).
size see 1. büyüklük (magnitude), 2. boyut smell see 1. koklamak, 2. koklama, 3. koku, 4.
(dimension), 3. beden (body), 4. ölçü (gauge, kokmak, 5. sezmek.
measure), 5. boy (length), 6. apre, 7. çirişlemek, smile see 1. gülümseme, 2. gülümsemek.
8. hacim (bulk, volume), 9. numara (number), 10. smith see 1. demirci, 2. nalbant.
tutkal, 11. çiriş. smoke see 1. duman, 2. sigara (cigarette), 3. tütmek,
skeleton see 1. iskelet (framework), 2. çatı. 4. tütsülemek.
sketch see 1. taslak (draft), 2. skeç, 3. kroki. smooth see 1. düz (flat, plain, straight), 2. düzgün,
ski see kayak. 3. yumuşak, 4. kolaylaştırmak, 5. hoş (pleasant),
skill see 1. beceri, 2. hüner, 3. maharet, 4. marifet, 5. 6. düzlemek, 7. düzeltmek, 8. akıcı (fluid), 9.
ustalık. kolay (easy), 10. pürüzsüz, 11. sakin (quiet), 12.
skilled see 1. usta, 2. vasıflı, 3. becerikli. düzleştirmek.
skin see 1. deri (leather), 2. cilt (volume), 3. kabuk snake see yılan.
(crust, shell), 4. post, 5. ten, 6. tulum. snow see 1. kar, 2. kokain, 3. eroin.
skipper see kaptan (captain). so see 1. böyle (such, thus), 2. kadar, 3. öyle, 4.
skirt see 1. etek, 2. eteklik, 3. kenar (border, edge, şöyle, 5. böylece (thus), 6. çok (many, much,
margin, side, verge). very), 7. öylesine, 8. pek (very).
skull see kafatası. soap see 1. sabun, 2. sabunlamak.
sky see 1. gökyüzü, 2. gök, 3. sema. sober see 1. ağırbaşlı, 2. ayıltmak, 3. ciddi (serious),
slate see 1. arduvaz, 2. kayağantaş. 4. gösterişsiz, 5. makul (reasonable), 6. ölçülü.
slave see 1. köle, 2. kul. soccer see 1. futbol (football), 2. ayaktopu.
sleep see 1. uyumak, 2. uyku, 3. Uyuma. social see 1. toplumsal, 2. sosyal, 3. toplumcul.
sleeve see 1. kol (arm), 2. yen, 3. zıvana. socialism see 1. toplumculuk, 2. sosyalizm.
slender see 1. ince (fine, thin), 2. az (few, little), 3. socialist see 1. toplumcu, 2. sosyalist.
narin, 4. yetersiz (inadequate, insufficient). society see 1. sosyete, 2. toplum, 3. topluluk
slice see 1. dilim, 2. dilimlemek, 3. kesmek (cut). (community), 4. dernek (association), 5. kurum,
slide see 1. slayt, 2. kayma, 3. sürgü, 4. kaymak 6. dostluk, 7. cemiyet, 8. arkadaşlık, 9. şirket.
(cream), 5. lam, 6. kaydırak, 7. heyelan, 8. sociology see 1. sosyoloji, 2. toplumbilim.
kaydırmak. socket see 1. yuva (nest), 2. oyuk, 3. priz.
sliding see sürgülü. sodium see sodyum.
slight see 1. önemsememek, 2. zayıf, 3. hafif (light), sofa see 1. kanepe, 2. sedir.
4. önemsiz (minor, trivial), 5. saygısızlık, 6. soft see 1. tatlı (sweet), 2. uysal, 3. yumuşak, 4.
küçümsemek, 7. küçük (minor, small), 8. hakaret, alkolsüz, 5. cıvık, 6. hafif (light), 7. müşfik.
9. ince (fine, thin), 10. narin. software see yazılım.
slightly see 1. biraz (some), 2. hafifçe. soil see 1. toprak (earth, ground, land), 2. arazi, 3.
slim see 1. zayıflamak, 2. incelmek, 3. zayıf, 4. ince lekelemek, 4. leke (spot), 5. kirletmek, 6.
(fine, thin), 5. yetersiz (inadequate, insufficient). kirlenmek, 7. kir, 8. pislik, 9. ülke (country), 10.
slip see 1. sürçme, 2. hata (error, fault), 3. yanlışlık, gübre.
4. kaçmak (escape), 5. kayış, 6. kayma (slide), 7. soldier see 1. asker, 2. er.
kaymak (cream), 8. kaçırmak, 9. yanılmak, 10. sole see 1. taban (base, floor), 2. tek (odd, single,
kombinezon. unique), 3. yalnız (alone).
slope see 1. yokuş, 2. bayır, 3. eğim, 4. meyil, 5. solely see 1. ancak (barely, but, hardly, however,
şev, 6. yamaç. only, scarcely), 2. sadece, 3. sırf.
slot see 1. delik (hole), 2. yarık, 3. yer (earth, solicitor see avukat (attorney, counsel, lawyer).
ground, location, place, seat, space), 4. yuva solid see 1. katı, 2. dolu (full), 3. som, 4. sağlam, 5.
(nest). güvenilir, 6. kesiksiz, 7. masif, 8. bütün (all,
slow see 1. Yavaş, 2. yavaşlamak, 3. ağır (heavy, entire, integral, whole), 9. sert (hard, harsh), 10.
serious), 4. geri (back), 5. yavaşlatmak. sıkı, 11. tam (absolute, accurate, complete, exact,
small see 1. küçük (minor), 2. önemsiz (minor, exactly, precise, very), 12. dayanıklı.
trivial). solidarity see 1. birlik (union, unity), 2. dayanışma.
smart see 1. açıkgöz, 2. şık (elegant), 3. zeki, 4. solo see solo.
akıllı (intelligent, wise), 5. gösterişli, 6. keskin solution see 1. çözüm, 2. eriyik, 3. çözelti, 4.
(bitter, sharp), 7. kurnaz, 8. yanmak (burn), 9. solüsyon, 5. çare, 6. çözünme, 7. erime, 8.
sızlamak, 10. şiddetli (bitter), 11. sert (hard, halletme.
solve see 1. çözmek (resolve), 2. halletmek.

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some see 1. bazı, 2. biraz, 3. birkaç (several), 4. serbest (free), 13. ayırmak (appropriate, divide,
bazısı, 5. bir (one), 6. birtakım, 7. kimi, 8. reserve, separate, split), 14. ihtiyat.
yaklaşık. spatial see 1. uzaysal, 2. uzamsal.
somebody see 1. biri, 2. birisi, 3. kimse. speak see 1. konuşmak (talk), 2. söylemek (say,
someone see 1. birisi (somebody), 2. biri tell).
(somebody). speaker see 1. hoparlör, 2. konuşmacı, 3. sözcü, 4.
sometime see eski (former, old). spiker.
sometimes see bazen (occasionally). speaking see konuşma (speech, talk).
somewhat see biraz (some). special see 1. özel (particular, private), 2. has.
son see oğul. specialist see 1. uzman (expert), 2. mütehassıs.
song see 1. şarkı, 2. türkü. species see 1. tür (kind, type), 2. cins, 3. çeşit.
soon see 1. yakında, 2. neredeyse (almost), 3. hemen specific see 1. belirli (definite), 2. özgül, 3. spesifik,
(immediately), 4. erken (early), 5. birazdan, 6. 4. kesin (definite), 5. özel (particular, private,
çabuk (quick). special), 6. özgü.
sophisticated see kültürlü. specification see 1. belirtme, 2. belirtim, 3.
sore see 1. yara, 2. acıyan, 3. ağrılı, 4. kızgın şartname.
(angry). specify see Belirtmek.
sorrow see 1. acı (bitter, distress, grief), 2. dert, 3. specimen see 1. model (model), 2. numune, 3.
keder (grief), 4. üzülmek (worry), 5. üzüntü, 6. örnek (example, model, sample), 4. göstermelik.
gam, 7. kederlenmek. spectacle see 1. manzara (view), 2. görünüş.
sorry see 1. üzgün, 2. pişman, 3. maalesef, 4. spectacles see gözlük (glasses).
affedersiniz, 5. üzgünüm. spectrum see 1. spektrum, 2. tayf.
sort see 1. sınıflandırmak, 2. ayırmak (appropriate, speculation see 1. spekülasyon, 2. kurgu, 3. tahmin
divide, reserve, separate, split), 3. çeşit, 4. tür (forecast).
(kind, species, type), 5. ayıklamak, 6. sıralamak, speculative see 1. spekülatif, 2. kuramsal
7. tip (type). (theoretical), 3. kurgusal.
soul see 1. ruh, 2. kimse, 3. can, 4. kişi (person), 5. speech see 1. konuşma (talk), 2. söylev (address), 3.
öz (self). nutuk, 4. söz (word), 5. demeç, 6. dil (language,
sound see 1. ses (tone, voice), 2. sağlam, 3. emin, 4. tongue), 7. hitabe.
salim, 5. sağlıklı, 6. öttürmek, 7. ötmek (sing), 8. speed see 1. hız, 2. sürat, 3. çabukluk.
güvenilir, 9. gürültü (noise), 10. etki (action, spell see 1. kriz (attack, crisis), 2. nöbet, 3.
effect, impact, influence), 11. derin, 12. deliksiz, hecelemek, 4. büyü, 5. sihir.
13. çalmak (steal), 14. çalınmak, 15. boğaz spelling see 1. yazım, 2. heceleme, 3. imla.
(throat), 16. anlam (meaning, sense, spend see 1. harcamak, 2. geçirmek, 3. tüketmek.
significance), 17. geçerli (current, valid). spent see 1. bitkin, 2. harcanmış.
sounding see iskandil. sphere see 1. çevre (environment), 2. küre, 3. alan
soup see çorba. (area, domain, field, range, space), 4. sınıf (class),
sour see 1. buruk, 2. ekşi, 3. ekşimek, 4. hırçın, 5. 5. tabaka, 6. yuvar.
kesilmek, 6. bozulmak. spider see örümcek.
source see 1. kaynak (origin, resource), 2. memba, spin see 1. döndürmek, 2. eğirmek, 3. örmek, 4.
3. menşe. çevirmek, 5. dönmek (return, turn).
south see güney (southern). spine see 1. omurga, 2. belkemiği, 3. diken, 4.
southern see 1. güney (south), 2. güneyli. kılçık.
sovereignty see 1. egemenlik (domination), 2. spiral see 1. sarmal, 2. helezon, 3. spiral.
bağımsızlık (independence), 3. hakimiyet, 4. spirit see 1. can, 2. canlandırmak, 3. ispirto, 4. ruh
saltanat. (soul), 5. peri, 6. öz (self), 7. hayalet (ghost), 8.
space see 1. uzay, 2. alan (area, domain, field, canlılık, 9. cin, 10. maneviyat.
range), 3. aralık (gap, interval), 4. yer (earth, spiritual see 1. manevi, 2. ruhani, 3. ruhsal, 4.
ground, location, place, seat), 5. boşluk (blank, kutsal (holy, sacred), 5. tinsel.
gap, vacuum), 6. ara (intermediate), 7. süre splendid see 1. görkemli, 2. muhteşem, 3.
(duration, time), 8. mesafe. mükemmel (excellent).
spacious see 1. ferah, 2. geniş (large, wide). split see 1. bölmek (divide, separate), 2. yarmak, 3.
spare see 1. esirgemek, 2. zayıf, 3. yedek bölünme, 4. ayırmak (appropriate, divide,
(substitute), 4. sıska, 5. kıymamak, 6. fazla, 7. reserve, separate), 5. paylaşmak (share), 6. Böl, 7.
boş (blank, empty, free, vacant), 8. az (few, yarık, 8. bozuşma, 9. çatlak, 10. çatlatmak, 11.
little), 9. cimri, 10. kıt, 11. öldürmemek, 12.

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588 English - Turkish

yarma, 12. ayrılık (separation), 13. bölüşmek, 14. stake see kazık.
bölünmek, 15. ayrılmak, 16. parçalamak. stall see ahır.
spokesman see sözcü. stamp see 1. pul, 2. damga (seal), 3. marka, 4.
sponsorship see 1. destek (support), 2. himaye, 3. ıstampa, 5. damgalamak, 6. zımba, 7. iz (trace,
kefillik. track, trail), 8. kalıp (cast), 9. basmak (press), 10.
spoon see 1. kaşık, 2. oynaşmak, 3. kaşıklamak. alamet (sign), 11. nitelik (quality), 12. ezmek.
sport see 1. spor, 2. eğlenmek, 3. oynamak (play), 4. stance see duruş.
oyun (game), 5. oyuncak, 6. takılmak, 7. eğlence stand see 1. durmak (cease, halt, stop), 2. durak
(amusement, fun). (station, stop), 3. duruş, 4. kalmak (stay), 5.
spot see 1. leke, 2. benek (dot), 3. nokta (dot, period, sehpa, 6. yer (earth, ground, location, place, seat,
point), 4. yer (earth, ground, location, place, seat, space), 7. tribün, 8. dayanmak, 9. bulunmak, 10.
space), 5. lekelemek, 6. beneklemek, 7. mahal, 8. durum (state, status), 11. direnme.
seçmek (choose, pick, select), 9. tanımak (know), standard see 1. standart, 2. ayar, 3. bayrak (banner,
10. ayıp (shame), 11. yerleştirmek, 12. görmek flag), 4. sancak, 5. derece (degree, grade), 6.
(see). miyar, 7. model (model), 8. ölçün.
spotted see 1. lekeli, 2. benekli, 3. noktalı. standing see 1. sürekli (continuous), 2. daimi, 3.
spouse see eş (match, wife). sabit (constant, fixed), 4. devamlı, 5. saygınlık, 6.
spray see 1. püskürtmek, 2. sprey, 3. serpinti, 4. durgun, 7. mevki.
püskürteç. star see 1. yıldız, 2. star.
spread see 1. yaymak, 2. dağıtmak, 3. yayılmak, 4. stark see 1. sade, 2. süssüz, 3. kesin (definite), 4.
örtü, 5. açmak (open), 6. sermek, 7. uzatmak tam (absolute, accurate, complete, exact, exactly,
(extend, reach), 8. yayılma, 9. açılmak, 10. precise, very).
ziyafet, 11. bulaştırmak, 12. dağılma. start see 1. başlamak (begin), 2. başlangıç
spreading see 1. yayma (emission), 2. germe. (beginning, origin), 3. başlatmak, 4. irkilmek, 5.
spring see 1. ilkbahar, 2. bahar, 3. yay (arc), 4. başlama, 6. start, 7. hareket (act, action, motion,
sıçramak, 5. zemberek, 6. yaylanma, 7. sıçrama, move, movement), 8. kurmak (build, found,
8. pınar, 9. memba, 10. köken (origin), 11. install), 9. irkilme, 10. sıçrama, 11. çıkış (exit),
fırlamak, 12. fırlama, 13. esneklik, 14. eğilmek, 12. çalıştırmak (run), 13. çalışmak (work), 14.
15. çıkmak (exit), 16. çatlamak, 17. atlama avantaj (advantage), 15. gevşetmek.
(jump), 18. kaynak (origin, resource, source). starting see 1. başlama, 2. çalıştırma, 3. başlangıç
spy see 1. casus, 2. gözetlemek, 3. gözetleme, 4. ajan (beginning, origin, start), 4. çıkış (exit).
(agent). state see 1. durum (status), 2. devlet, 3. eyalet, 4.
squad see 1. manga, 2. ekip, 3. takım (set, team). belirtmek (specify), 5. görkem, 6. hal, 7.
squadron see filo. saptamak, 8. vaziyet, 9. söylemek (say, tell), 10.
square see 1. kare, 2. alan (area, domain, field, debdebe, 11. açıklamak (explain), 12. Ülke
range, space), 3. meydan, 4. doğru (accurate, (country), 13. mevki.
correct, right, true), 5. uydurmak, 6. tam statement see 1. ifade (expression), 2. söz (word), 3.
(absolute, accurate, complete, exact, exactly, deyim (expression), 4. demeç, 5. bildiri, 6. beyan,
precise, very), 7. kesin (definite), 8. düzeltmek, 9. 7. açıklama (explanation), 8. rapor (report).
açık (clear, explicit, free, light, open, plain, static see 1. statik, 2. duruk, 3. dural, 4. durgun.
shortage), 10. dördül, 11. dürüst (honest), 12. station see 1. istasyon, 2. durak (stop), 3. rütbe, 4. üs
bağdaşmak, 13. gönye. (base), 5. yer (earth, ground, location, place, seat,
stability see 1. denge (balance, equilibrium), 2. space), 6. merkez, 7. makam, 8. mevki.
kararlılık, 3. değişmezlik, 4. sağlamlık, 5. istikrar. statistics see istatistik.
stable see 1. ahır, 2. değişmez (constant, fixed), 3. statue see 1. heykel, 2. yontu.
kararlı, 4. sabit (constant, fixed). status see 1. durum (state), 2. hal, 3. mevki, 4. statü.
stack see 1. yığın (bulk, mass), 2. yığmak, 3. baca statute see 1. yasa (law), 2. kural (rule), 3. tüzük, 4.
(chimney), 4. istif, 5. bolluk (abundance, plenty). kanun (law), 5. nizam, 6. hüküm (provision).
stadium see stadyum. statutory see 1. kanuni, 2. yasal (legal).
staff see 1. asa, 2. değnek, 3. destek (support), 4. stay see 1. kalmak, 2. kalma, 3. dayanmak, 4.
personel, 5. porte, 6. sopa, 7. kurmay. ertelemek, 5. durdurmak (stop), 6. durmak (cease,
stage see 1. sahne, 2. etap, 3. evre (phase), 4. menzil, halt, stand, stop), 7. oturma, 8. istralya, 9. ikamet,
5. safha (phase), 6. aşama, 7. sahnelemek, 8. 10. gergi, 11. önlemek, 12. alıkoymak, 13. durma
tiyatro. (halt, stop), 14. dayanma, 15. bırakmamak, 16.
staircase see merdiven. beklemek (expect, wait), 17. erteleme, 18. destek
stairs see merdiven (staircase). (support).

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English - Turkish 589

steady see 1. sağlam, 2. devamlı, 3. sürekli (cut), 11. mani, 12. tıkamak (block), 13. son (end,
(continuous), 4. düzenli (regular), 5. sabit final, finish, last), 14. duruş, 15. durdurma, 16.
(constant, fixed), 6. sevgili (beloved, dear, love), bitmek (end, finish), 17. kalmak (stay), 18.
7. şaşmaz, 8. sakinleştirmek, 9. yatıştırmak, 10. kesilmek.
istikrarlı, 11. ciddi (serious), 12. dönmez, 13. storage see 1. depolama, 2. depo (store), 3. ambar
değişmez (constant, fixed), 14. daimi, 15. (store, warehouse), 4. bellek (memory), 5.
muntazam. saklama.
steal see 1. aşırmak, 2. çalmak, 3. kelepir, 4. store see 1. depo, 2. depolamak, 3. ambar
hırsızlık (theft). (warehouse), 4. saklamak (save), 5. stok, 6.
steam see 1. buhar, 2. buğu, 3. enerji (energy), 4. dükkân, 7. mağaza, 8. Dükkan, 9. biriktirmek, 10.
güç (energy, force, power, strength), 5. hiddet bolluk (abundance, plenty), 11. doldurmak (fill).
(anger), 6. istim, 7. kuvvet (force, strength), 8. storm see 1. bora, 2. fırtına.
öfke (anger). story see 1. masal, 2. öykü, 3. hikaye, 4. kat
steel see 1. çelik, 2. sertleştirmek, 3. katılaştırmak. (multiple), 5. makale, 6. efsane, 7. martaval, 8.
steep see 1. demlemek, 2. dik, 3. ıslatmak (wet), 4. rivayet, 9. yalan (lie).
sarp, 5. yalçın, 6. aşırı (extreme), 7. fahiş. stove see 1. fırın (oven), 2. ocak, 3. soba.
stem see 1. sap (handle), 2. gövde (body), 3. pruva, straight see 1. düz (flat, plain, smooth), 2. doğru
4. çıkmak (exit), 5. durdurmak (stop). (accurate, correct, right, true), 3. dümdüz, 4.
step see 1. adım (pace), 2. basamak, 3. kademe, 4. güvenilir, 5. namuslu, 6. sek, 7. düzgün (smooth),
derece (degree, grade), 5. tedbir, 6. önlem 8. düzenli (regular), 9. dosdoğru, 10. dürüst
(measure), 7. yürümek (walk), 8. adımlamak, 9. (honest).
hareket (act, action, motion, move, movement), straightforward see 1. açık (clear, explicit, free,
10. girişim (interference), 11. basmak (press), 12. light, open, plain, shortage), 2. basit (simple), 3.
girmek (enter). dürüst (honest).
stereo see stereo. strain see 1. hava (air, weather), 2. ırk, 3. soy, 4.
sterling see sterlin. zorlanma, 5. nesil, 6. nağme, 7. melodi, 8. kan
steward see kamarot. (blood), 9. zorlama (constraint), 10. ifade
stick see 1. yapıştırmak, 2. yapışmak, 3. değnek, 4. (expression), 11. germek, 12. germe, 13. gerilme,
sopa, 5. sokmak, 6. saplamak, 7. baston, 8. sırık, 14. gerginlik (stress, tension), 15. ezgi, 16. eser,
9. şaşırtmak, 10. kumpas, 11. koymak (put), 12. 17. zorlamak (force), 18. iz (trace, track, trail).
bıçaklamak, 13. delmek. strand see 1. kıyı, 2. sahil (coast, seaside), 3. iplik
sticky see 1. zor (difficult), 2. yapışkan. (thread, yarn), 4. tel (wire), 5. yalı.
stiff see 1. katı (solid), 2. koyu (dark), 3. sert (hard, strange see 1. garip, 2. acayip (peculiar).
harsh), 4. zor (difficult). stranger see yabancı.
still see 1. hareketsiz, 2. yatıştırmak, 3. susturmak, 4. strategic see stratejik.
sessiz (quiet), 5. sakinleştirmek, 6. imbik, 7. strategy see strateji.
durgun, 8. hala (aunt), 9. sakin (quiet), 10. straw see 1. saman (hay), 2. hasır, 3. kamış (reed).
durdurmak (stop), 11. daha (more), 12. köpüksüz. stream see 1. akım (current), 2. dalgalanmak, 3. çay
stimulate see 1. uyarmak (alert, warn), 2. (tea), 4. akmak (flow), 5. akarsu, 6. dere, 7.
canlandırmak, 3. kamçılamak. akıntı, 8. sel (flood), 9. gidiş, 10. akıtmak, 11.
stimulation see 1. uyarım, 2. uyarma. akış (flow).
stimulus see uyaran. street see 1. sokak, 2. cadde (avenue), 3. yol (path,
stir see 1. canlılık, 2. karıştırmak, 3. telaş. road, route, way).
stitch see 1. dikiş, 2. ilmik. strength see 1. kuvvet (force), 2. güç (energy, force,
stock see 1. stok (store), 2. soy, 3. sap (handle, power), 3. sertlik, 4. dayanıklılık, 5. şiddet
stem), 4. nesil, 5. hammadde, 6. kabza, 7. (violence).
basmakalıp, 8. kütük. strengthen see 1. desteklemek (support), 2.
stomach see 1. mide, 2. istek (request), 3. karın güçlendirmek, 3. kuvvetlendirmek.
(belly), 4. katlanmak, 5. iştah, 6. heves, 7. stress see 1. stres, 2. gerginlik (tension), 3. önem, 4.
hazmetmek, 8. dayanmak, 9. sindirmek. vurgulamak (highlight), 5. vurgu (accent,
stone see 1. taş, 2. taşlamak. emphasis), 6. gerilme, 7. baskı, 8. basınç
stool see 1. tabure, 2. dışkı, 3. oturak, 4. lazımlık. (pressure).
stop see 1. durmak (cease, halt, stand), 2. stretch see 1. uzatmak (extend, reach), 2. yayılmak,
durdurmak, 3. durma (halt), 4. durak (station), 5. 3. germek, 4. gerinmek, 5. Gerinme, 6. gerginlik
Durdur, 6. Dur, 7. alıkoymak, 8. engel (barrier), (stress, tension).
9. nokta (dot, period, point, spot), 10. kesmek

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590 English - Turkish

strict see 1. sert (hard, harsh), 2. sıkı, 3. tam fact, real, true), 6. büyük (big, grand, great, large,
(absolute, accurate, complete, exact, exactly, major).
precise, very), 4. katı (solid), 5. dikkatli (careful). substantially see 1. esasen, 2. oldukça (fairly,
strike see 1. grev, 2. bulmak (find), 3. vurmak (hit), rather), 3. aslında.
4. çarpmak, 5. çalmak (steal), 6. basmak (press), substantive see 1. isim (name, noun), 2. ad (name),
7. çakmak, 8. vurma, 9. etkilemek, 10. çarpma. 3. dayanıklı, 4. sabit (constant, fixed).
striker see 1. vurucu, 2. grevci. substitute see 1. yedek, 2. vekil, 3. bedel.
striking see çarpıcı. substitution see ikame.
string see 1. sicim, 2. dizi (array, series), 3. ip subtle see ince (fine, thin).
(rope), 4. tel (wire), 5. şart, 6. kordon (cord), 7. succeed see başarmak.
kılçık, 8. dizgi, 9. bağ (bond, connection, link), success see başarı (achievement).
10. koşul, 11. germek, 12. şerit, 13. kiriş (beam). successful see başarılı.
strip see 1. şerit, 2. soyunmak, 3. soymak, 4. çubuk succession see sıra (order, rank, sequence).
(bar), 5. bant (band, tape), 6. forma. successor see 1. halef, 2. ardıl, 3. varis.
stroke see 1. vuruş, 2. inme, 3. vurmak (hit), 4. such see 1. böyle (so, thus), 2. öyle, 3. çok (many,
okşamak, 5. okşama, 6. hareket (act, action, much, very).
motion, move, movement), 7. darbe, 8. çarpma, 9. sudden see ani.
hat (line), 10. felç, 11. okşayış, 12. çizgi (line). suddenly see 1. ansızın, 2. birdenbire, 3. aniden, 4.
strong see 1. kuvvetli, 2. güçlü, 3. keskin (bitter, birden.
sharp), 4. ağır (heavy, serious), 5. sağlam, 6. sert suffering see 1. acı (bitter, distress, grief, sorrow),
(hard, harsh), 7. şiddetli (bitter). 2. elem, 3. çile.
structural see yapısal. sufficient see 1. yeterli (adequate), 2. elverişli.
structure see 1. yapı, 2. bünye, 3. bina (building), 4. sugar see 1. şeker, 2. şekerim, 3. tatlım.
planlamak. suggest see 1. önermek (propose), 2. Öner.
structured see yapısal. suggestion see 1. öneri, 2. önerme (proposition), 3.
struggle see 1. çaba (effort), 2. çabalama, 3. teklif, 4. iz (trace, track, trail), 5. ima, 6. telkin.
çabalamak, 4. savaş (battle), 5. uğraş, 6. suicide see intihar.
uğraşmak, 7. boğuşmak.
suit see 1. dava, 2. takım (set, team), 3. uymak (fit),
student see 1. öğrenci, 2. uzman (expert, specialist).
4. yakışmak, 5. kostüm (costume), 6. uydurmak.
studio see 1. stüdyo, 2. atölye (workshop). suitable see 1. uygun (appropriate, apt), 2. yerinde,
study see 1. inceleme, 2. incelemek, 3. araştırma 3. elverişli, 4. münasip.
(investigation, research), 4. çalışma (work), 5. suitcase see 1. valiz, 2. bavul (trunk), 3. Çanta
çalışmak (work), 6. okumak (read), 7. taslak (bag).
(draft, sketch).
suite see 1. takım (set, team), 2. maiyet, 3. süit.
stuff see 1. şey (thing), 2. madde (item, matter), 3.
sulphur see kükürt.
tıkamak (block), 4. doldurmak (fill).
sum see 1. toplam (aggregate, total), 2. meblağ, 3.
stupid see 1. ahmak, 2. aptal, 3. akılsız (foolish).
tutar, 4. toplamak (add, collect, gather, pick,
style see 1. stil, 2. biçem.
raise), 5. yekun, 6. özet (abstract, outline,
subject see 1. konu (matter, topic), 2. özne, 3. summary), 7. doruk (height, peak, summit), 8. öz
mevzu, 4. denek, 5. uyruk, 6. tabi, 7. ders, 8. (self).
bağlı, 9. bende, 10. kul. summary see özet (abstract, outline).
subjective see öznel. summer see yaz.
submarine see denizaltı. summit see 1. doruk (height, peak), 2. zirve (height,
submission see itaat. peak).
submit see sunmak. summons see 1. çağrı (call), 2. davet.
subscription see 1. Abonelik, 2. abone. sun see 1. güneş, 2. güneşlendirmek, 3.
subsequent see 1. sonraki (next), 2. müteakip. güneşlenmek, 4. gün (day).
subsequently see sonra (after, afterwards). sunk see gömme.
subsidiary see 1. yardımcı (assistant), 2. bayi. sunny see 1. güneşli, 2. neşeli, 3. aydınlık.
subsidy see sübvansiyon. sunset see günbatımı.
substance see 1. madde (item, matter), 2. öz (self), super see Süper.
3. cisim, 4. sağlamlık, 5. servet, 6. zenginlik, 7. superb see 1. mükemmel (excellent), 2. enfes.
esas. superficial see 1. yüzeysel, 2. üstünkörü, 3.
substantial see 1. önemli (important, significant), 2. yarımyamalak.
özlü, 3. dayanıklı, 4. sağlam, 5. gerçek (actual,

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English - Turkish 591

superintendent see 1. yönetici (administrator, suspect see 1. şüphelenmek, 2. kuşkulanmak, 3.

director, manager), 2. müfettiş, 3. denetmen. sanık, 4. şüpheli.
superior see 1. üst (top, upper), 2. üstün, 3. kibirli suspended see 1. asma, 2. asılı.
(arrogant). suspension see 1. süspansiyon, 2. asma, 3. asılma,
superiority see üstünlük (advantage). 4. erteleme.
supermarket see süpermarket. suspicion see 1. şüphe, 2. kuşku, 3. işkil, 4. iz
supervision see 1. gözetim, 2. nezaret, 3. idare (trace, track, trail), 5. vehim.
(management), 4. denetleme (inspection). suspicious see 1. şüpheli, 2. kuşkulu, 3. şüpheci, 4.
supervisor see 1. denetçi, 2. denetleyici, 3. gözetici, şüphelenen.
4. müfettiş, 5. danışman. sustain see 1. çekmek (drag, draw, pull), 2.
supplement see 1. ilave, 2. ek (appendix), 3. sürdürmek (continue), 3. taşımak (bear, carry).
eklemek (add). swan see kuğu.
supplementary see ek (appendix). sweat see 1. ter, 2. terlemek, 3. terletmek.
supplier see satıcı. sweater see 1. kazak, 2. süveter.
supply see 1. tedarik, 2. besleme, 3. mevcut, 4. sweet see 1. tatlı, 2. hoş (pleasant), 3. sevimli, 4.
sağlamak, 5. Arz, 6. erzak, 7. ikmal. şirin, 5. verimli (fertile), 6. cici, 7. güzel
support see 1. desteklemek, 2. destek, 3. dayanak, 4. (beautiful, fair, fine, handsome, lovely, pretty), 8.
tutmak (hold, keep, retain), 5. tutma (hold), 6. nazik, 9. şeker (sugar), 10. sessiz (quiet), 11. taze
sürdürmek (continue), 7. kaldırmak (lift, remove), (fresh).
8. kanıtlamak, 9. yardım (assistance, help), 10. swift see 1. hızlı (fast, quick), 2. çabuk (quick), 3.
geçim, 11. destekleme, 12. dayanmak, 13. süratli, 4. çevik.
çekmek (drag, draw, pull), 14. bakmak (look, swim see 1. yüzmek, 2. yüzme (swimming), 3.
maintain, refer, regard, view, watch), 15. yüzdürmek.
geçindirmek. swimming see 1. yüzme, 2. yüzücülük.
supporter see 1. taraftar, 2. yardımcı (assistant), 3. swing see 1. salıncak, 2. sallanma, 3. sallanmak, 4.
arka (back), 4. bileklik. becermek, 5. asılmak.
suppose see 1. sanmak (guess, think), 2. varsaymak swinging see 1. canlı (alive, live, lively, living), 2.
(assume), 3. zannetmek, 4. farzetmek. hareketli.
supposed see sözde. switch see 1. anahtar (key), 2. şalter, 3. çubuk (bar),
supreme see 1. yüce, 2. son (end, final, finish, last), 4. makas, 5. değiştirmek (alter, change, modify),
3. ulu. 6. anahtarlamak.
sure see 1. kesin (definite), 2. sağlam, 3. muhakkak, switching see 1. manevra, 2. anahtarlama.
4. emin, 5. şüphesiz, 6. güvenilir, 7. elbette, 8. sword see 1. kılıç, 2. pala.
tabii. symbol see 1. sembol, 2. simge.
surely see 1. elbette, 2. muhakkak. symbolic see 1. simgesel, 2. sembolik.
surface see 1. yüzey, 2. cilalamak. symmetry see 1. simetri, 2. bakışım.
surge see 1. dalgalanma, 2. dalgalanmak, 3. sympathetic see sempatik.
kabarmak, 4. kabarma. sympathy see 1. duygudaşlık, 2. acıma, 3. şefkat, 4.
surgeon see 1. cerrah, 2. operatör (operator). sempati.
surgery see 1. muayenehane, 2. cerrahlık. symptom see 1. semptom, 2. araz, 3. belirti, 4.
surgical see cerrahi. bulgu.
surplus see fazlalık. syndrome see sendrom.
surprise see 1. sürpriz, 2. şaşırtmak, 3. şaşkınlık, 4. syntactic see sözdizimsel.
baskın, 5. hayret (wonder). syntax see 1. sözdizim, 2. sözdizimi, 3. sentaks.
surprising see şaşırtıcı. synthesis see 1. sentez, 2. bireşim.
surrender see 1. feragat, 2. vazgeçme, 3. teslim synthetic see sentetik.
(delivery). system see 1. sistem, 2. dizge, 3. evren (universe), 4.
surroundings see 1. çevre (environment), 2. etraf, düzen (order), 5. şebeke.
3. muhit. systematic see 1. sistematik, 2. düzenli (regular), 3.
surveillance see 1. gözetim (supervision), 2. sistemli.
survey see 1. yoklamak, 2. bakmak (look, maintain,
refer, regard, view, watch), 3. tetkik.
surveyor see bilirkişi (expert).
susceptible see 1. hassas, 2. şıpsevdi, 3. alıngan.

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592 English - Turkish

technological see teknolojik.

technology see teknoloji.
tedious see sıkıcı (boring).
telegraph see telgraf.
T telephone see telefon (phone).
table see 1. masa, 2. çizelge, 3. tablo (picture), 4. television see televizyon.
sofra. tell see 1. söylemek (say), 2. anlatmak (relate), 3.
tackle see 1. takım (set, team), 2. tutma (hold), 3. bildirmek (inform), 4. demek (say), 5. emretmek
uğraşmak. (order).
tactical see taktik. telling see 1. tesirli, 2. etkili.
tactics see 1. taktik, 2. tabiye. telly see televizyon (television).
tail see kuyruk (queue). temper see huy.
take see 1. almak (accept, buy, get, have, receive), 2. temperament see 1. huy, 2. mizaç, 3. yaradılış.
götürmek, 3. kazanmak (win), 4. yakalamak temperature see ateş (fire).
(catch, grip, trap), 5. tutuş, 6. tutmak (hold, keep, temple see 1. tapınak, 2. mabet, 3. şakak.
retain), 7. çıkarmak, 8. dayanmak, 9. alma temporary see 1. geçici (passing, tentative), 2.
(reception), 10. kiralamak. muvakkat.
taking see 1. alma (reception), 2. çekici. temptation see ayartma.
tale see 1. yalan (lie), 2. dedikodu (gossip), 3. masal, ten see on.
4. öykü. tenancy see kiracılık.
talent see 1. yetenek (ability, capability), 2. tenant see 1. kiracı, 2. kiralamak.
kabiliyet. tend see 1. yönelmek, 2. bakmak (look, maintain,
talented see yetenekli. refer, regard, view, watch).
talk see 1. konuşma (speech), 2. konuşmak (speak), tendency see 1. eğilim (inclination, trend), 2. meyil.
3. görüşme, 4. sohbet (chat), 5. söz (word), 6. laf. tender see 1. gevrek, 2. yumuşak, 3. sevecen, 4.
talking see konuşma (speech, talk). hassas, 5. körpe, 6. müşfik, 7. nazik, 8. sunmak
tall see 1. uzun (long), 2. yüksek (high, loud). (submit), 9. teklif, 10. duyarlı.
tangible see 1. gerçek (actual, fact, real, true), 2. tennis see tenis.
dokunulabilir, 3. maddi, 4. somut (concrete). tense see 1. germek, 2. gerilmek, 3. gergin.
tank see 1. depo (store), 2. tank, 3. sarnıç. tension see 1. gerginlik (stress), 2. gerilim, 3.
tap see 1. musluk, 2. tıkırtı, 3. tıkırdatmak. gerilme, 4. germe.
tape see 1. bant (band), 2. şerit, 3. Teyp. tent see çadır.
target see 1. hedef (aim, destination, goal, tentative see 1. geçici (passing, temporary), 2.
objective), 2. amaç (aim, intent, object, objective, tecrübe (experience), 3. deneme (essay, trial).
purpose), 3. erek (end). tenth see onuncu.
tariff see tarife. term see 1. terim, 2. dönem (period), 3. süre
task see 1. görev, 2. iş (action, affair, deed, job, (duration, time), 4. adlandırmak.
work), 3. külfet, 4. ödev, 5. vazife. terminal see 1. terminal, 2. uç, 3. son (end, final,
taste see 1. tatmak, 2. beğeni, 3. tat, 4. zevk, 5. finish, last), 4. uçbirim, 5. kutup (pole).
lezzet. termination see son (end, final, finish, last).
tax see 1. vergi, 2. vergilendirmek, 3. yormak, 4. yük terminology see terminoloji.
(load), 5. külfet. terrace see 1. taraça, 2. teras, 3. set (set).
taxation see 1. vergilendirme, 2. vergi (tax). terrain see arazi.
taxi see taksi (cab). terrible see 1. korkunç (horrible), 2. berbat.
tea see çay. terrific see 1. korkunç (horrible, terrible), 2. müthiş.
teach see 1. öğretmek, 2. göstermek (indicate, point, territory see 1. arazi, 2. toprak (earth, ground, land,
represent, show), 3. eğitmek. soil).
teacher see 1. öğretmen, 2. hoca. terror see 1. dehşet, 2. terör.
teaching see 1. öğretim, 2. ders, 3. öğretme. terrorist see terörist.
team see 1. takım (set), 2. ekip, 3. tim. test see 1. sınamak, 2. test, 3. sınama, 4. sınav, 5.
tear see 1. gözyaşı, 2. yırtmak, 3. yırtılmak, 4. yırtık, deney (experiment), 6. denemek, 7. deneme
5. koparmak, 6. kopmak. (essay, trial), 8. ölçü (gauge, measure), 9.
technical see teknik. muayene (examination).
technique see 1. teknik (technical), 2. yöntem testament see vasiyetname.
(method). testimony see 1. tanıklık, 2. şahitlik.

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English - Turkish 593

text see 1. metin, 2. konu (matter, subject, topic), 3. throw see 1. atmak (cast, pitch), 2. atma, 3.
tekst. fırlatmak, 4. vermek (give, grant), 5. atış.
textile see 1. tekstil, 2. dokuma. thrust see 1. dürtmek, 2. saplamak.
texture see 1. doku, 2. bünye (structure), 3. yapı thumb see başparmak.
(structure). thunder see 1. gümbürdemek, 2. gürlemek.
thanks see 1. teşekkür, 2. teşekkürler. thus see 1. böylece, 2. böyle (so, such).
theatre see tiyatro. ticket see 1. bilet, 2. etiket (label), 3. etiketlemek, 4.
theatrical see yapmacık. ehliyet.
theft see 1. hırsızlık, 2. çalma. tide see 1. gelgit, 2. akış (flow), 3. cereyan, 4. eğilim
theme see 1. tema, 2. konu (matter, subject, topic). (inclination, trend), 5. mevsim.
then see 1. sonra (after, afterwards), 2. öyleyse. tidy see 1. epey, 2. temiz (clean, clear), 3. tertipli, 4.
theoretical see 1. kuramsal, 2. teorik, 3. nazari. düzenli (regular).
theory see 1. kuram, 2. teori, 3. nazariye. tie see 1. bağlamak (link), 2. kravat, 3. bağ (bond,
therapist see terapist. connection, link), 4. düğüm (node), 5.
therapy see 1. terapi, 2. tedavi (treatment). evlendirmek (marry), 6. düğümlemek, 7.
there see 1. orada, 2. oraya, 3. işte. boyunbağı, 8. beraberlik, 9. bağlantı (connection,
thermal see 1. ısıl, 2. termal, 3. termik. link).
thesis see 1. sav, 2. tez, 3. önerme (proposition). tiger see kaplan.
thick see 1. kalın, 2. koyu (dark), 3. sık, 4. boğuk, 5. tight see 1. gergin, 2. sıkı.
yoğun (dense). till see kasa.
thickness see kalınlık. timber see kereste.
thief see hırsız. time see 1. zaman, 2. süre (duration), 3. saat (clock,
thigh see 1. but, 2. uyluk. hour, o'clock), 4. vakit, 5. çağ (era), 6. kere, 7.
thin see 1. ince (fine), 2. zayıf, 3. sulu, 4. seyrek, 5. vade, 8. devir (period), 9. zamanlamak, 10.
inceltmek, 6. cılız, 7. incelmek. müddet.
thing see 1. şey, 2. yaratık, 3. madde (item, matter), timetable see tarife (tariff).
4. nesne (object). timing see zamanlama.
think see 1. sanmak (guess, suppose), 2. düşünmek, tin see 1. kalay, 2. teneke.
3. zannetmek. tiny see 1. minicik, 2. küçücük, 3. ufacık.
thinking see 1. düşünme, 2. düşünce, 3. düşünen. tip see 1. tavsiye, 2. uç, 3. bahşiş, 4. burun (nose), 5.
third see üçüncü. eğilmek, 6. tepe (hill).
thirty see otuz. tired see yorgun (weary).
thorough see tam (absolute, accurate, complete, tissue see doku (texture).
exact, exactly, precise, very). title see 1. Ünvan, 2. başlık (heading), 3. hak, 4. isim
thoroughly see adamakıllı. (name, noun), 5. unvan.
thou see sen. to achieve see 1. başarmak, 2. kazanmak (win).
though see gerçi. to adopt see 1. benimsemek, 2. edinmek (acquire).
thought see 1. düşünce, 2. görüş (sight), 3. kanı, 4. to advise see 1. öğütlemek, 2. bildirmek (inform).
düşünme, 5. fikir (conception, idea, opinion), 6. to bring see getirmek (fetch).
niyet (intent, intention, purpose). to celebrate see kutlamak.
thoughtful see 1. düşünceli, 2. dikkatli (careful). to come see 1. gelmek, 2. ulaşmak (reach).
thousand see bin. to compensate see 1. dengelemek (balance), 2.
thread see 1. iplik (yarn), 2. tel (wire), 3. lif. eşitlemek, 3. karşılamak.
threat see 1. gözdağı, 2. tehdit, 3. tehlike (danger, to compete see yarışmak.
hazard), 4. korkutma. to complain see yakınmak.
threaten see korkutmak. to comply see uymak (fit).
three see üç. to contemplate see tasarlamak (design).
threshold see 1. eşik, 2. başlangıç (beginning, to convey see 1. nakletmek (carry), 2. götürmek, 3.
origin, start). taşımak (bear, carry).
throat see 1. boğaz, 2. gırtlak. to create see 1. yaratmak, 2. atamak.
throne see taht. to deny see 1. yalanlamak, 2. yadsımak.
through see 1. içinden, 2. arasından, 3. sayesinde, 4. to derive see 1. çıkarmak, 2. türetmek, 3. almak
yüzünden. (accept, buy, get, have, receive, take).
throughout see boyunca. to describe see 1. betimlemek, 2. tanımlamak
(define), 3. çizmek (draw).

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to develop see 1. gelişmek, 2. geliştirmek. to warn see uyarmak (alert).

to differ see benzememek. tobacco see tütün.
to discover see 1. bulmak (find, strike), 2. today see bugün.
keşfetmek, 3. anlamak (see, understand). toe see parmak (finger).
to disturb see 1. karıştırmak, 2. aksatmak, 3. together see 1. beraber, 2. birlikte.
bozmak. toilet see 1. tuvalet (bathroom, lavatory), 2. hela.
to earn see kazanmak (win). tolerance see 1. hoşgörü, 2. tolerans, 3. dayanma, 4.
to evaluate see değerlendirmek. müsamaha.
to exist see 1. yaşamak (live), 2. bulunmak, 3. olmak tolerate see katlanmak.
(become, get, happen). toll see çalmak (steal).
to expect see 1. beklemek (wait), 2. sanmak (guess, tomato see domates.
suppose, think). tomb see 1. kabir, 2. mezar, 3. türbe.
to fulfil see yapmak (do, make, perform). tomorrow see yarın.
to include see 1. içermek, 2. kapsamak, 3. katmak. tone see 1. ton, 2. ses (sound, voice), 3. tavır
to induce see kandırmak. (attitude), 4. perde (curtain, screen), 5. koyuluk,
to insist see dayatmak. 6. tarz (genre).
to introduce see 1. başlamak (begin, start), 2. tongue see 1. dil (language), 2. lisan (language).
tanıştırmak, 3. tanıtmak, 4. öğretmek. too see 1. de (also), 2. dahi, 3. fazla, 4. da (also), 5.
to investigate see 1. araştırmak (explore, research), çok (many, much, very), 6. keza, 7. ayrıca.
2. incelemek, 3. soruşturmak. tool see 1. araç (implement, instrument, means), 2.
to listen see dinlemek. alet (implement, instrument).
to modify see 1. değiştirmek (alter, change), 2. tooth see diş.
hafifletmek. top see 1. üst (upper), 2. tepe (hill), 3. doruk (height,
to noun see 1. isim (name), 2. ad (name). peak, summit), 4. zirve (height, peak, summit), 5.
to occur see 1. olmak (become, get, happen), 2. topaç, 6. baş (chief, head, master), 7. aşmak, 8.
bulunmak. geçmek (pass).
to persuade see 1. inandırmak, 2. kandırmak. topic see konu (matter, subject).
to predict see öngörmek. torch see meşale.
to prefer see 1. yeğlemek, 2. sunmak (submit). torture see 1. işkence, 2. eziyet.
to provide see 1. sağlamak, 2. vermek (give, grant). total see 1. toplam (aggregate, sum), 2. tutar, 3.
to pursue see 1. izlemek (monitor, trace, track, toplamak (add, collect, gather, pick, raise), 4.
trail), 2. sürdürmek (continue), 3. kovalamak. bütün (all, entire, integral, whole), 5. etmek (do,
to qualify see nitelemek. make), 6. tutmak (hold, keep, retain), 7. tüm (all).
to react see tepkimek. touch see 1. dokunmak, 2. dokunma, 3. ellemek, 4.
to recover see 1. kurtarmak (save), 2. iyileşmek. temas (contact), 5. taç, 6. üslup, 7. iz (trace, track,
to refer see 1. başvurmak, 2. bakmak (look, trail), 8. dokunuş, 9. değmek, 10. değme, 11.
maintain, regard, view, watch), 3. göndermek etkilemek.
(forward, send), 4. değinmek. touching see acıklı.
to reinforce see sağlamlaştırmak. tough see 1. çetin, 2. dayanıklı, 3. sağlam, 4. sert
to relate see anlatmak (tell). (hard, harsh), 5. kabadayı.
to remember see 1. anımsamak, 2. hatırlamak, 3. tour see 1. gezi (trip), 2. gezmek, 3. tur, 4. turne, 5.
anmak, 4. unutmamak. nöbet, 6. dolaşmak.
to replace see değiştirmek (alter, change, modify). tourism see turizm.
to resign see çekilmek. tourist see turist.
to restrict see sınırlamak. tournament see turnuva.
to retain see tutmak (hold, keep). towel see havlu.
to seem see görünmek (appear). tower see 1. burç, 2. kule, 3. hisar, 4. kale (castle,
to send see 1. göndermek (forward), 2. yollamak, 3. goal).
atmak (cast, pitch, throw), 4. Gönder, 5. town see 1. şehir (city), 2. kent (city), 3. kasaba.
fırlatmak. toxic see zehirli.
to tend see 1. yönelmek, 2. bakmak (look, maintain, toy see oyuncak.
refer, regard, view, watch). trace see 1. iz (track, trail), 2. izlemek (monitor,
to transform see dönüştürmek (convert). track, trail), 3. kalıntı, 4. çizmek (draw), 5. işaret
to undertake see 1. yüklenmek, 2. üstlenmek, 3. (sign, signal).

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track see 1. iz (trace, trail), 2. izlemek (monitor, treasurer see veznedar.

trace, trail), 3. ray, 4. patika (trail), 5. pist, 6. yol treasury see hazine.
(path, road, route, way), 7. palet. treat see 1. davranmak (act), 2. zevk, 3. ısmarlamak,
tract see 1. alan (area, domain, field, range, space), 4. ikram.
2. bölge (belt, district, region, zone), 3. broşür, 4. treatment see 1. tedavi, 2. davranış (attitude), 3.
risale, 5. saha (field), 6. sistem (system), 7. toprak muamele.
(earth, ground, land, soil). tree see ağaç (wood).
tractor see 1. traktör, 2. çekici. tremendous see 1. kocaman (huge), 2. heybetli, 3.
trade see 1. iş (action, affair, deed, job, work), 2. şahane.
meslek, 3. sanat (art), 4. ticaret (commerce), 5. trench see 1. çukur (pit), 2. hendek, 3. siper (shield).
alışveriş. trend see 1. eğilim (inclination), 2. akım (current,
tradition see gelenek (custom). stream), 3. meyil, 4. yönelmek.
traditional see geleneksel (conventional). trial see 1. deneme (essay), 2. duruşma, 3. dert, 4.
traffic see 1. trafik, 2. ticaret (commerce), 3. yargılama, 5. dava, 6. çile, 7. sınav.
alışveriş. triangle see üçgen.
tragedy see 1. trajedi, 2. facia, 3. felaket. tribe see 1. kabile, 2. oymak, 3. aşiret, 4. boy
tragic see 1. trajik, 2. acıklı, 3. feci, 4. korkunç (length).
(horrible, terrible). tribunal see mahkeme.
trail see 1. izlemek (monitor, trace, track), 2. iz tribute see 1. takdir, 2. haraç, 3. övgü.
(trace, track), 3. patika, 4. kuyruk (queue, tail), 5. trick see 1. aldatmak, 2. dalavere, 3. hile, 4.
sürüklemek (drag), 6. sürüklenmek, 7. sürünmek. kandırmak, 5. marifet, 6. oyun (game), 7. dolap
train see 1. tren, 2. kervan, 3. katar, 4. yetiştirmek, 5. (cabinet).
sıra (order, rank, sequence), 6. alıştırmak, 7. tricky see hileli.
kafile, 8. eğitmek, 9. dizi (array, series, string), tried see güvenilir.
10. maiyet. trio see üçlü.
trained see eğitilmiş. trip see 1. gezi, 2. hata (error, fault), 3. sürçme, 4.
trainee see stajyer. gezinti, 5. kastanyola, 6. sürçmek, 7. tökezleme,
trainer see 1. antrenör, 2. çalıştırıcı. 8. tökezlemek.
training see 1. Eğitim (education), 2. idman, 3. triumph see 1. utku, 2. zafer (victory).
antrenman, 4. terbiye, 5. çalışma (work). triumphant see 1. muzaffer, 2. galip.
transaction see hareket (act, action, motion, move, trivial see önemsiz (minor).
movement). tropical see tropikal.
transcription see transkripsiyon. trouble see 1. sıkıntı, 2. üzüntü, 3. zahmet, 4. dert,
transfer see 1. aktarma, 2. aktarmak, 3. nakletmek 5. üzülmek (worry), 6. rahatsızlık, 7.
(carry), 4. transfer, 5. devretmek, 6. devir bulandırmak, 8. bela, 9. arıza (fault), 10. hastalık,
(period), 7. geçirmek. 11. sorun (issue, problem).
transform see dönüştürmek (convert). trousers see pantolon.
transformation see 1. dönüşüm, 2. transformasyon. truck see kamyon.
transition see 1. geçiş (pass), 2. intikal. true see 1. gerçek (actual, fact, real), 2. doğru
translation see 1. tercüme, 2. çeviri (version). (accurate, correct, right), 3. tam (absolute,
transmission see 1. transmisyon, 2. iletme, 3. vites, accurate, complete, exact, exactly, precise, very),
4. iletim, 5. geçirme, 6. gönderme. 4. içten, 5. hakiki, 6. asıl, 7. sadık, 8. sahi, 9.
transparent see 1. saydam, 2. açık (clear, explicit, samimi, 10. halis.
free, light, open, plain, shortage), 3. şeffaf. truly see 1. gerçekten (indeed, really), 2. hakikaten,
transport see 1. taşımak (bear, carry), 2. taşıma, 3. 3. içtenlikle.
nakil, 4. nakletmek (carry). trunk see 1. bavul, 2. beden (body), 3. gövde (body).
transportation see sürgün. trust see 1. güven (faith, reliance), 2. güvenmek, 3.
trap see 1. tuzak, 2. yakalamak (catch, grip), 3. ağız inanmak (believe), 4. tröst.
(mouth), 4. kapan, 5. ayırıcı. trustee see 1. mütevelli, 2. mutemet.
trauma see travma. truth see 1. doğruluk (accuracy), 2. dürüstlük
travel see 1. seyahat (journey), 2. yolculuk (honesty), 3. hakikat, 4. gerçek (actual, fact, real,
(journey). true), 5. gerçeklik, 6. vefa.
traveller see 1. seyyah, 2. yolcu (passenger). try see 1. çalışmak (work), 2. deneme (essay, trial),
travelling see 1. gezici, 2. seyahat (journey), 3. 3. denemek, 4. yargılamak, 5. sınamak (test).
seyyar. trying see zahmetli.
tray see 1. tepsi, 2. tabla, 3. sini. tube see 1. boru (pipe), 2. tüp, 3. metro.

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596 English - Turkish

tumour see 1. tümör, 2. ur. understand see 1. anlamak (see), 2. kavramak

tune see 1. ayarlamak (adjust, regulate, set), 2. akort, (grip), 3. öğrenmek (learn).
3. beste, 4. nağme, 5. uyum. understandable see anlaşılır.
tunnel see tünel. understanding see 1. anlaşma (accord, agreement,
turbulent see 1. çalkantılı, 2. fırtınalı. deal), 2. anlayış (apprehension), 3. anlayışlı, 4.
turkey see 1. Türkiye, 2. hindi. anlama, 5. kavrayış.
turn see 1. dönmek (return), 2. dönüş (return), 3. undertake see 1. yüklenmek, 2. üstlenmek, 3.
çevirmek, 4. döndürmek (spin), 5. sıra (order, girişmek.
rank, sequence), 6. nöbet, 7. yöneltmek, 8. sarım, undertaking see 1. girişim (interference), 2.
9. sapmak, 10. dönüştürmek (convert, transform), taahhüt, 3. vaat, 4. söz (word).
11. dönüşmek, 12. sapma (deviation, drift). undesirable see istenmeyen.
turner see tornacı. uneasy see 1. endişeli, 2. rahatsız, 3. tedirgin, 4.
turning see 1. dönemeç, 2. dönme (rotation), 3. tutuk, 5. huzursuz (restless), 6. sıkıntılı.
dönüş (return, turn). unemployed see 1. aylak (idle), 2. işsiz.
turnover see 1. ciro, 2. devir (period). unemployment see işsizlik.
tutor see vasi. uneven see 1. pürüzlü, 2. engebeli, 3. tek (odd,
twentieth see yirminci. single, unique).
twenty see yirmi. unexpected see beklenmedik.
twin see ikiz. unfair see 1. haksız, 2. hileli.
twist see 1. bükme (bend), 2. bükmek, 3. bükülmek, unfamiliar see yabancı.
4. düğüm (node), 5. ibrişim, 6. bükülme, 7. unfortunate see 1. talihsiz, 2. şanssız, 3. başarısız,
burkmak, 8. sarmak (wind). 4. bahtsız.
two see iki. unfortunately see maalesef.
type see 1. tür (kind, species), 2. tip, 3. yazmak unhappy see 1. mutsuz, 2. bedbaht, 3. yersiz, 4.
(write), 4. örnek (example, model, sample). kederli, 5. şanssız.
typical see tipik. unification see 1. birleşme, 2. birleştirme.
uniform see 1. üniforma, 2. birörnek, 3. tekdüze, 4.
aynı (same), 5. düzenli (regular).
union see 1. birlik (unity), 2. sendika, 3. birleşme.
unique see 1. tek (odd, single), 2. benzersiz, 3.
U eşsiz, 4. biricik, 5. nadir.
unit see 1. birim, 2. ünite, 3. birlik (union, unity), 4.
ugly see 1. çirkin, 2. iğrenç, 3. ters (reverse), 4.
parça (component, item, part, piece, portion,
tatsız, 5. kötü (bad, evil, poor), 6. fırtınalı, 7.
segment), 5. takım (set, team).
biçimsiz, 8. huysuz.
united see 1. birleşik (joint), 2. birleşmiş.
ulcer see 1. ülser, 2. yara.
unity see 1. birlik (union), 2. beraberlik.
ultimate see 1. son (end, final, finish, last), 2. esas,
universal see evrensel.
3. nihai.
universe see 1. evren, 2. alem (kingdom).
umbrella see şemsiye.
university see üniversite.
unable see 1. aciz (helpless), 2. olanaksız.
unknown see 1. Bilinmeyen, 2. meçhul, 3. yabancı.
unaffected see 1. etkilenmemiş, 2. yapmacıksız.
unlawful see 1. kanunsuz, 2. yolsuz.
unaware see 1. habersiz, 2. önemsemeyen.
unlimited see sınırsız.
uncertain see 1. şüpheli, 2. belirsiz (ambiguous), 3.
kararsız. unmarried see evlenmemiş.
uncertainty see 1. belirsizlik, 2. şüphe (suspicion). unnecessary see 1. gereksiz, 2. lüzumsuz.
uncle see amca. unpleasant see 1. nahoş, 2. tatsız, 3. çirkin (ugly).
uncomfortable see rahatsız. unreasonable see 1. mantıksız, 2. aşırı (extreme), 3.
uncommon see nadir. fahiş, 4. akılsız (foolish).
unrest see 1. huzursuzluk, 2. rahatsızlık.
unconscious see 1. baygın, 2. bilinçsiz, 3. kasıtsız,
4. şuursuz. unstable see 1. dengesiz, 2. kararsız.
under see 1. altında, 2. aşağısına, 3. altına. unsuitable see 1. elverişsiz, 2. uygunsuz.
underground see 1. metro, 2. yeraltı, 3. gizli unusual see 1. olağandışı, 2. nadir.
(confidential, hidden). up see 1. yükseltmek (raise), 2. yukarıya, 3. Yukarı,
undermine see baltalamak. 4. kuzeye, 5. yukarıda (above).
underneath see 1. altına, 2. altında, 3. altından, 4. upper see 1. üst (top), 2. üstteki.
alt (bottom).

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upright see 1. dik, 2. dürüst (honest), 3. namuslu, 4. valve see 1. valf, 2. vana, 3. ventil, 4. supap.
dikey (vertical). van see 1. kamyonet, 2. Minibüs.
upset see 1. devirmek, 2. bozmak, 3. devrilmiş, 4. variable see 1. değişken, 2. kararsız.
devrilmek, 5. devrilme, 6. bozuk (broken), 7. variance see 1. değişiklik (change, modification), 2.
devirme. varyans.
upstairs see 1. yukarıda (above), 2. yukarıya. variation see 1. değişim, 2. varyasyon, 3. çeşitleme,
up-to-date see güncel. 4. değişme.
uranium see uranyum. varied see 1. çeşitli, 2. değişik, 3. farklı, 4. türlü.
urban see kentsel. variety see 1. varyete, 2. değişiklik (change,
urge see 1. zorlamak (force), 2. dürtü. modification), 3. çeşitlilik, 4. tür (kind, species,
urgency see 1. acele, 2. ısrar, 3. kaçınılmazlık, 4. type), 5. çeşit, 6. cins, 7. farklılık.
zorunluluk. various see çeşitli.
urgent see 1. acil (pressing), 2. ivedi, 3. zorunlu vary see 1. değişmek, 2. değiştirmek (alter, change,
(compulsory, mandatory). modify), 3. çeşitlemek.
urine see 1. sidik, 2. idrar, 3. çiş. vast see 1. geniş (large, wide), 2. çok (many, much,
us see 1. biz, 2. bize, 3. bizi. very), 3. engin.
usage see kullanım. vat see 1. fıçı, 2. tekne.
use see 1. kullanmak (employ), 2. kullanma, 3. vector see 1. vektör, 2. yöney.
fayda, 4. adet, 5. amaç (aim, intent, object, vegetable see sebze.
objective, purpose, target), 6. kullanım. vegetation see 1. bitkiler, 2. tümör, 3. ur.
used see 1. eski (former, old), 2. kullanılmış. vehicle see 1. taşıt, 2. araç (implement, instrument,
useful see 1. yararlı, 2. faydalı, 3. kullanışlı. means, tool), 3. vasıta.
usefulness see 1. fayda, 2. kullanışlılık. vein see 1. damar, 2. huy, 3. mizaç, 4. toplardamar.
useless see 1. yararsız, 2. abes, 3. nafile, 4. faydasız, velocity see 1. sürat, 2. hız (speed).
5. kullanışsız. velvet see kadife.
user see 1. kullanıcı, 2. tüketici. vendor see satıcı.
usual see 1. alışılmış, 2. olağan, 3. alelade. ventilation see havalandırma.
usually see 1. genellikle, 2. çoğunlukla. venture see 1. teşebbüs, 2. cüret, 3. risk (risk).
utility see 1. yarar (advantage, benefit), 2. fayda. verb see fiil.
utter see 1. söylemek (say, tell), 2. tam (absolute, verbal see 1. sözlü, 2. aynen (exactly).
accurate, complete, exact, exactly, precise, very), verdict see 1. hüküm (provision), 2. karar (decision).
3. atmak (cast, pitch, throw), 4. basmak (press), 5. verge see 1. kenar (border, edge, margin, side), 2.
kesin (definite). sınır (border, boundary, limit), 3. eşik (threshold),
utterance see ifade (expression). 4. daire (circle).
verse see 1. dize, 2. koşuk, 3. mısra, 4. nazım, 5. şiir,
6. ayet.
version see 1. uyarlama (adaptation), 2. çeviri, 3.
versiyon, 4. sürüm, 5. yorum (comment,
V interpretation), 6. tercüme.
versus see aleyhinde.
vacant see 1. boş (blank, empty, free), 2. açık (clear,
explicit, free, light, open, plain, shortage), 3. vertical see 1. dikey, 2. düşey.
dalgın, 4. münhal, 5. sahipsiz. very see 1. çok (many, much), 2. pek, 3. tam
vacuum see 1. boşluk (blank, gap), 2. vakum. (absolute, accurate, complete, exact, exactly,
vague see 1. belirsiz (ambiguous), 2. anlaşılmaz, 3. precise), 4. aynı (same), 5. bile, 6. özel
(particular, private, special), 7. en (breadth,
vale see vadi (valley).
vessel see 1. gemi (ship), 2. kap (container), 3.
valid see 1. Geçerli (current), 2. yasal (legal), 3.
tekne, 4. alet (implement, instrument, tool), 5.
sağlam, 4. mantıklı, 5. meşru, 6. muteber.
damar (vein), 6. kanal (canal, channel), 7. tas.
validation see onaylama (approval).
vet see 1. baytar, 2. veteriner.
validity see 1. geçerlik, 2. geçerlilik, 3. doğruluk
vicar see vekil.
(accuracy, truth), 4. sağlamlık.
vicinity see 1. çevre (environment), 2. civar, 3.
valley see 1. vadi, 2. koyak, 3. dere.
valuable see 1. kıymetli, 2. değerli.
vicious see 1. huysuz, 2. bozuk (broken), 3. kötü
valuation see 1. değer, 2. değerleme.
(bad, evil, poor), 4. şiddetli (bitter).
value see 1. değer, 2. kıymet, 3. önem.

Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)

598 English - Turkish

victim see kurban.

victor see 1. fatih, 2. galip, 3. kazanan.
victory see 1. zafer, 2. galibiyet, 3. utku.
video see 1. görüntü (image, picture), 2. video.
view see 1. bakmak (look, maintain, refer, regard, W
watch), 2. manzara, 3. görünüm (appearance, wage see 1. maaş (pay, salary), 2. ücret, 3.
outlook), 4. bakış (look), 5. görüş (sight), 6.
sürdürmek (continue).
görüntüleme, 7. incelemek, 8. kanı, 9. amaç (aim,
waist see bel.
intent, object, objective, purpose, target), 10.
wait see 1. beklemek (expect), 2. bekleme, 3.
görmek (see).
bekleyiş, 4. pusu.
vigorous see 1. dinç, 2. gayretli, 3. kuvvetli.
waiter see garson.
villa see 1. villa, 2. köşk.
waiting see 1. bekleme (wait), 2. bekleyiş.
village see köy.
wake see 1. uyanmak (awake), 2. uyandırmak, 3.
violence see 1. şiddet, 2. zorbalık, 3. zorlama
canlandırmak, 4. canlanmak.
walk see 1. yürümek, 2. yürüyüş, 3. gezinti, 4.
violent see 1. sert (hard, harsh), 2. zorlu, 3. şiddetli
yürüme (walking), 5. yol (path, road, route, way),
6. yürütmek.
virgin see 1. bakire, 2. kız (girl), 3. bakir.
walking see 1. yürüme, 2. yürüyüş (walk).
virtual see 1. sanal (imaginary), 2. edimsiz, 3.
wall see 1. duvar, 2. sur.
gerçek (actual, fact, real, true).
wallet see cüzdan.
virtually see 1. fiilen, 2. gerçekte.
wan see 1. solgun, 2. soluk (breath), 3. bitik.
virtue see 1. erdem, 2. fazilet.
want see 1. istemek, 2. arzu (desire, will, wish), 3.
virus see virüs.
ihtiyaç, 4. yoksulluk (poverty), 5. yokluk
visible see 1. görünür, 2. açık (clear, explicit, free,
(absence), 6. sıkıntı, 7. noksan, 8. lüzum, 9.
light, open, plain, shortage).
gerektirmek, 10. gereksinme, 11. gereksinim
vision see 1. görme, 2. görüş (sight), 3. hayal, 4. (requirement), 12. eksiklik (deficiency), 13. istek
kuruntu, 5. görü. (request), 14. fakirlik.
visit see 1. vizite, 2. ziyaret. war see 1. savaş (battle), 2. savaşmak.
visitor see ziyaretçi. ward see 1. bölge (belt, district, region, zone), 2.
visual see 1. görsel, 2. görülebilir, 3. optik (optical). koğuş, 3. vesayet.
vital see 1. hayati, 2. canlı (alive, live, lively, living), warehouse see 1. ambar (store), 2. depo (store), 3.
3. yaşamsal, 4. yaşayan. ardiye.
vitamin see vitamin. warfare see savaş (battle).
vivid see canlı (alive, live, lively, living). warm see 1. sıcak (hot), 2. ılık, 3. ısıtmak, 4.
vocal see 1. sesli, 2. vokal. ısınmak, 5. canlı (alive, live, lively, living), 6.
voice see 1. ses (sound, tone), 2. söylemek (say, hararetli, 7. heyecanlı.
tell), 3. söz (word), 4. çatı, 5. fikir (conception, warmth see 1. sıcaklık, 2. hararet, 3. içtenlik.
idea, opinion), 6. düşünce. warn see uyarmak (alert).
volatile see 1. uçucu, 2. geçici (passing, temporary, warning see 1. uyarı, 2. ihtar, 3. tembih, 4. ikaz, 5.
tentative), 3. dönek. ibret.
volcanic see volkanik. warrant see ruhsat.
voltage see 1. voltaj, 2. gerilim (tension). wary see 1. uyanık, 2. ihtiyatlı, 3. tedbirli.
volume see 1. hacim (bulk), 2. oylum, 3. cilt (skin), wash see 1. yıkamak, 2. yıkama, 3. yıkanma.
4. miktar (amount, quantity), 5. yığın (bulk, mass, washing see 1. çamaşır, 2. yıkama, 3. yıkanma.
stack), 6. birim (unit). waste see 1. boş (blank, empty, free, vacant), 2. artık
voluntary see 1. gönüllü (volunteer), 2. istemli, 3. (remainder, residual), 3. israf, 4. öldürmek (kill),
fahri. 5. harap, 6. çöp, 7. döküntü.
volunteer see gönüllü. watch see 1. bakmak (look, maintain, refer, regard,
vote see 1. oy, 2. bildirmek (inform), 3. önermek view), 2. seyretmek, 3. kollamak, 4. saat (clock,
(propose, suggest), 4. oylama. hour, o'clock, time), 5. beklemek (expect, wait),
voting see oylama. 6. izlemek (monitor, trace, track, trail), 7. nöbet,
voyage see 1. seyahat (journey), 2. yolculuk 8. seyretme, 9. gözlemek, 10. vardiya.
(journey). water see 1. su, 2. sulamak, 3. kalite (quality), 4.
vulnerability see savunmasızlık. sulanmak.
vulnerable see 1. yaralanabilir, 2. savunmasız. wave see 1. dalga, 2. sallamak, 3. sallanmak.

Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)

English - Turkish 599

way see 1. yol (path, road, route), 2. taraf, 3. yön whisper see 1. fısıldamak, 2. fısıltı.
(course, direction), 4. mesafe, 5. tarz (genre), 6. whistle see 1. düdük, 2. ıslık.
usul, 7. âdet. white see 1. beyaz, 2. ak.
weak see 1. güçsüz, 2. zayıf. who see 1. kim, 2. kime.
weakness see 1. halsizlik, 2. zaaf, 3. zayıflık, 4. whole see 1. Bütün (all, entire, integral), 2. tam
güçsüzlük. (absolute, accurate, complete, exact, exactly,
wealth see 1. bolluk (abundance, plenty), 2. servet, precise, very).
3. varlık (entity), 4. zenginlik. wholesale see toptan.
wealthy see 1. zengin (rich), 2. varlıklı, 3. bol wholly see 1. tamamen (absolutely, altogether,
(abundant, ample). entirely), 2. büsbütün, 3. tümden.
weapon see silah. why see 1. neden (cause), 2. niye, 3. niçin.
wear see 1. taşımak (bear, carry), 2. yıpranma, 3. wicked see 1. muzip, 2. yaramaz, 3. aşağılık, 4.
giymek, 4. eskime, 5. dayanma, 6. dayanıklılık, 7. hain, 5. hınzır, 6. kötü (bad, evil, poor).
aşınma, 8. giyinme, 9. giysi (costume), 10. wide see 1. geniş (large), 2. tamamen (absolutely,
kullanma (use), 11. takınmak, 12. takmak, 13. altogether, entirely), 3. kapsamlı, 4. iyice, 5.
elbise (clothes, dress). ferah, 6. engin, 7. büyük (big, grand, great, large,
wearing see 1. yorucu, 2. yıpratıcı. major), 8. bol (abundant, ample), 9. enli.
weary see 1. yorgun, 2. bitkin, 3. usanmak, 4. width see 1. en (breadth), 2. genişlik.
bıkmak, 5. bıkkın, 6. yormak, 7. yorucu, 8. wife see 1. karı, 2. eş (match), 3. zevce, 4. hanım, 5.
yorulmak. avrat, 6. refika.
weather see hava (air). wild see 1. azgın, 2. kızgın (angry), 3. vahşi, 4.
web see 1. ağ (net, network), 2. dokuma, 3. perde yabani.
(curtain, screen). wilderness see 1. çöl (desert), 2. kır, 3. yığın (bulk,
wedding see düğün. mass, stack), 4. sahra.
wee see 1. minicik, 2. ufacık. will see 1. arzu (desire, wish), 2. irade, 3. istek
week see hafta. (request), 4. niyet (intent, intention, purpose), 5.
weekly see haftalık. amaçlamak, 6. arzulamak, 7. dilek, 8.
weight see 1. ağırlık, 2. önem, 3. tartı, 4. yük (load), vasiyetname.
5. ağırlaştırmak. willing see 1. hazır, 2. istekli, 3. gönüllü
weird see 1. acayip (peculiar), 2. tuhaf. (volunteer), 4. razı.
welcome see 1. karşılama, 2. hoşgeldiniz. willingness see gönüllülük.
welfare see 1. refah, 2. sağlık. win see 1. kazanmak, 2. galibiyet, 3. başarı
well see 1. iyi (fine, good, okay), 2. kuyu, 3. memba, (achievement, success), 4. zafer (victory).
4. yerinde, 5. uygun (appropriate, apt, suitable), wind see 1. Rüzgar, 2. sarmak, 3. rüzgâr, 4. yel, 5.
6. tamamen (absolutely, altogether, entirely), 7. dönemeç, 6. dolanmak, 7. dolamak, 8. nefes
şey (thing), 8. kaynamak, 9. çok (many, much, (breath), 9. kurma.
very), 10. kaynak (origin, resource, source), 11. window see 1. pencere, 2. cam (glass), 3. vitrin.
hoş (pleasant), 12. güzel (beautiful, fair, fine, wine see şarap.
handsome, lovely, pretty), 13. fışkırmak, 14. pek wing see 1. kanat, 2. uçmak (fly), 3. kanatlanmak, 4.
(very). kol (arm), 5. çamurluk.
west see batı. winner see galip.
western see batı (west). winning see 1. çekici, 2. hoş (pleasant), 3. sevimli.
wet see 1. ıslak, 2. ıslatmak, 3. yağmurlu, 4. yaş winter see 1. kış, 2. kışlamak.
(age), 5. rutubet, 6. ıslaklık. wipe see 1. silmek (cancel), 2. silme, 3. vuruş
whatever see 1. hiç (nothing), 2. ne. (stroke).
wheat see buğday. wire see 1. tel, 2. telgraf.
wheel see 1. tekerlek, 2. Teker, 3. çark, 4. dönmek wisdom see 1. bilgelik, 2. akıl (intelligence, mind),
(return, turn), 5. direksiyon, 6. döndürmek (spin). 3. akıllılık.
when see vakit. wise see 1. akıllı (intelligent), 2. bilge, 3. deneyimli,
where see 1. nerede, 2. nereye, 3. nereden, 4. Yer 4. usta (skilled).
(earth, ground, location, place, seat, space), 5. wish see 1. arzu (desire, will), 2. istek (request), 3.
nere. arzulamak, 4. dilek, 5. dilemek, 6. istemek
whereas see 1. halbuki, 2. oysa. (want).
while see 1. zaman (time), 2. süre (duration, time). wit see 1. nükte, 2. akıl (intelligence, mind), 3.
whip see 1. kamçı, 2. kamçılamak, 3. kırbaç. anlayış (apprehension).
whisky see viski. witch see 1. cadı, 2. büyülemek, 3. büyücü.

Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)

600 English - Turkish

with see ile (and).

withdraw see 1. çekilmek, 2. çekmek (drag, draw,
withdrawal see 1. çekilme, 2. iptal.
within see 1. içinde, 2. zarfında, 3. içeriye, 4. Y
içeride, 5. iç (inner, inside, internal).
yacht see yat.
witness see 1. şahit, 2. tanık, 3. tanıklık, 4. kanıt
yard see 1. avlu (court, courtyard), 2. yarda, 3. seren.
(evidence, proof), 5. delil.
yarn see 1. iplik (thread), 2. masal.
woman see 1. kadın, 2. karı (wife).
yeah see evet (yes).
wonder see 1. hayret, 2. şaşmak, 3. şaşkınlık, 4.
year see 1. Yıl, 2. sene.
mucize, 5. harika (wonderful).
wonderful see harika. yellow see 1. sarı, 2. korkak, 3. sarartmak, 4.
sararmak, 5. kıskanç.
wood see 1. odun, 2. tahta (board), 3. ağaç (tree), 4.
yes see evet.
koru, 5. ahşap, 6. kereste.
wooden see tahta (board, wood). yesterday see dün.
wool see 1. yün, 2. yapağı. yet see 1. henüz, 2. daha (more), 3. ama (but), 4.
ancak (barely, but, hardly, however, only,
word see 1. kelime, 2. sözcük, 3. söz, 4. haber.
wording see üslup.
yield see 1. verim (efficiency), 2. ürün (crop,
work see 1. çalışmak, 2. iş (action, affair, deed, job),
product), 3. eğilmek, 4. sünme, 5. kazanç (gain,
3. çalışma, 4. işlemek, 5. emek, 6. görev (task), 7.
proceeds), 6. getiri, 7. esnemek, 8. gelir.
çalıştırmak (run), 8. işletmek (operate), 9.
young see 1. yavru, 2. genç (youth, youthful), 3.
oynamak (play).
yeni (new, novel), 4. küçük (minor, small), 5.
worker see 1. amele, 2. işçi.
taze (fresh).
working see 1. çalışan, 2. çalışma (work), 3. iş
youngster see 1. çocuk (child, infant), 2. delikanlı,
(action, affair, deed, job, work).
3. genç (young, youth, youthful).
works see 1. fabrika (factory), 2. mekanizma
yours see 1. seninki, 2. sizinki.
(mechanism), 3. tesis.
youth see 1. genç (young, youthful), 2. gençlik, 3.
workshop see 1. atölye, 2. işlik, 3. işyeri.
delikanlı (youngster), 4. tazelik.
world see 1. dünya (earth), 2. evren (universe), 3.
youthful see 1. genç (young, youth), 2. taze (fresh),
alem (kingdom).
3. dinç.
worldwide see evrensel (universal).
worn see 1. aşınmış, 2. bitkin, 3. eskimiş, 4.
worried see 1. üzüntülü, 2. endişeli, 3. kaygılı, 4.
worry see 1. üzülmek, 2. üzüntü, 3. kaygılanmak, 4.
üzmek, 5. merak (curiosity), 6. kaygı, 7. dert, 8. zero see 1. sıfır, 2. hiçlik.
endişe (anxiety). zone see 1. bölge (belt, district, region), 2. yöre, 3.
worship see 1. tapma, 2. tapmak, 3. ibadet, 4. kuşak (belt, generation), 4. mıntıka, 5. alan (area,
tapınma, 5. tapınmak. domain, field, range, space).
worth see 1. değer, 2. bedel.
worthy see 1. layık, 2. saygıdeğer.
wound see 1. yaralamak, 2. yara, 3. bere, 4.
wretched see 1. zavallı, 2. sefil (miserable), 3.
perişan, 4. biçare, 5. bitkin, 6. berbat.
wrist see bilek.
writ see ferman.
write see 1. yazmak (type), 2. yazma.
writer see yazar (author).
writing see 1. yazı, 2. yazarlık, 3. yazma.
written see yazılı.
wrong see 1. uygunsuz, 2. yanlış (false), 3. bozuk
(broken), 4. haksız, 5. hatalı, 6. ters (reverse).

Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)


biriktirmek collect
bozmak disturb
bulmak discover
bulunmak exist
Vocabulary Study büyümek grow
çabalamak seek
Lists çağırmak invite
çekilmek withdraw
çekmek withdraw
çeşitlemek vary
Verbs (Turkish - English) çevirmek render
çıkarmak derive
çizmek describe
açıklamak explain çürütmek eat
ad noun dayanmak resist
affetmek forgive dayatmak insist
aksatmak disturb değerlendirmek evaluate
aldırmamak ignore değinmek refer
alındılamak acknowledge değişmek vary
almak derive değiştirmek replace
anımsamak remember Denetlemek inspect
anlamak distinguish dengelemek compensate
anlatmak relate desteklemek strengthen
anmak remember dinlemek hear
aramak seek direnmek resist
araştırmak seek dışlamak exclude
aşındırmak eat doğmak arrive
atamak create dönüştürmek transform
atmak send düşünmek think
ayırmak choose duymak hear
bağışlamak forgive düzelmek improve
bakmak tend düzeltmek improve
başarmak achieve edinmek acquire
başkalaşmak alter elde carry
başlamak begin emmek absorb
başlatmak begin eşitlemek compensate
başvurmak refer etmek render
beklemek expect ettirmek get
belirlemek determine farzetmek suppose
belirmek appear fırlatmak send
benimsemek adopt geçirmek carry
benzememek differ gelişmek improve
betimlemek describe geliştirmek develop
bildirmek advise gelmek come
bırakmak dismiss gerçekleştirmek realize
birikmek collect getirmek get

Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)

602 Indexes

Gir enter kutlamak celebrate

girişmek undertake kuvvetlendirmek strengthen
girmek enter menzil carry
Gönder send nakletmek convey
göndermek refer nitelemek qualify
görünmek appear öğrenmek hear
götürmek convey öğretmek introduce
gözükmek appear öğütlemek advise
güçlendirmek strengthen Okuma read
güvenmek depend okumak read
hafifletmek modify olmak get
hatırlamak remember oluşturmak constitute
havlu towel onarmak restore
hazırlamak get onaylamak acknowledge
hesaplamak calculate Öner suggest
içermek include önermek suggest
ilerletmek improve öngörmek predict
inandırmak persuade oturmak sit
incelemek examine oturtmak sit
isim noun planlamak calculate
işitmek hear reddetmek reject
ıskarta reject sağlamak ensure
istemek choose sağlamlaştırmak reinforce
iyileşmek recover sakınmak avoid
izlemek pursue sanmak suppose
kabullenmek accept saptamak determine
kaçınmak avoid saymak calculate
kaldırmak receive seçmek choose
kandırmak induce sezmek detect
kapsamak include sınamak examine
kararlaştırmak determine sınırlamak restrict
karışmak interfere sivrilmek distinguish
karıştırmak disturb soğurmak absorb
karşılamak compensate SOR ask
katlanmak tolerate sormak ask
katmak include soruşturmak investigate
kaydetmek enter soymak rob
kazanmak earn sunmak submit
kemirmek eat sürdürmek pursue
keşfetmek detect tanımak acknowledge
kılmak render tanımlamak describe
korkutmak threaten tanıştırmak introduce
kovalamak pursue tanıtmak introduce
kovmak dismiss tasarlamak calculate
kurmak constitute taşımak receive
kurtarmak recover tepkimek react

Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)

Indexes 603

toparlamak collect
toplamak collect
toplanmak collect
türetmek derive Verbs (English - Turkish)
tutmak retain
uğramak receive
uğraşmak seek absorb emmek
ulaşmak arrive accept almak
ummak anticipate achieve başarmak
unutmak forget acknowledge onaylamak
unutmamak remember acquire edinmek
üstlenmek assume adapt uyarlamak
uyarlamak adapt adopt benimsemek
uyarmak warn advise bildirmek
uydurmak adapt alter başkalaşmak
uygulamak realize anticipate beklemek
uymak comply appear belirmek
varmak get arrive doğmak
varsaymak assume ask sormak
vermek render assume varsaymak
yadsımak deny avoid kaçınmak
yakınmak complain become olmak
yakışmak become begin başlamak
yalanlamak deny bring getirmek
calculate hesaplamak
yapmak fulfil
carry menzil
yaptırmak get
celebrate kutlamak
yaraşmak become
choose ayırmak
yaratmak create
collect birikmek
yarışmak compete
come gelmek
yaşamak exist
compensate dengelemek
yeğlemek choose
compete yarışmak
yemek eat
complain yakınmak
yoklamak examine
comply uymak
yoksaymak ignore
conform uymak
yollamak send consider saymak
yönelmek tend constitute atamak
yorumlamak interpret contemplate tasarlamak
yüklenmek undertake convey götürmek
yükseltmek promote create atamak
yutmak absorb decide kararlaştırmak
zannetmek suppose define tanımlamak
deny yadsımak
depend güvenmek
derive türetmek
describe betimlemek
detect sezmek

Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)

604 Indexes

determine saptamak provide sağlamak

develop gelişmek pursue izlemek
differ benzememek qualify nitelemek
discover keşfetmek react tepkimek
dismiss kovmak read Okuma
distinguish anlamak realize anlamak
disturb karıştırmak receive almak
earn kazanmak recover iyileşmek
eat çürütmek refer bakmak
ensure sağlamak reinforce sağlamlaştırmak
enter kaydetmek reject ıskarta
evaluate değerlendirmek relate anlatmak
examine incelemek remember anımsamak
exclude dışlamak render kılmak
exist yaşamak replace değiştirmek
expect beklemek require istemek
explain açıklamak resign çekilmek
forget unutmak resist dayanmak
forgive affetmek restore onarmak
fulfil yapmak restrict sınırlamak
get getirmek retain tutmak
grow büyümek retire çekilmek
happen olmak reveal açıklamak
have almak rob soymak
hear duymak seek uğraşmak
ignore aldırmamak seem görünmek
improve geliştirmek send atmak
include içermek sit oturmak
induce kandırmak strengthen desteklemek
insist dayatmak submit sunmak
inspect Denetlemek suggest Öner
interfere karışmak suppose zannetmek
interpret yorumlamak tend bakmak
introduce başlamak think düşünmek
investigate soruşturmak threaten korkutmak
invite çağırmak tolerate katlanmak
learn öğrenmek towel havlu
lend vermek transform dönüştürmek
listen dinlemek undertake yüklenmek
modify değiştirmek vary çeşitlemek
noun isim warn uyarmak
obtain sağlamak withdraw çekmek
occur bulunmak
persuade inandırmak
predict öngörmek
prefer sunmak
promote yükseltmek
propose önermek

Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)

Indexes 605

alt child
altyapı infrastructure
alüminyum aluminium
Nouns (Turkish - English) ambar storage
ambulans ambulance
amca uncle
abla sister amel diarrhoea
abluka investment amele worker
acele urgency ameliyat operation
açık shortage amir commander
Açiklama explanation anabilgisayar mainframe
açıklama commentary anahtarlama switching
açıklık clarity analist analyst
acılık bitterness analoji analogy
adam bloke anayasa constitution
aday applicant anayol highway
afet disaster anlam significance
ağız outlet anlama comprehension
agoni agony anlaşma agreement
ahenk agreement anlaşmazlık disagreement
ahize receiver anlatım expression
akademi academy anlayış conception
akın invasion anneanne grandmother
akrabalık relationship anons announcement
aksilik bile ant oath
aktarma quotation antikor antibody
aktif assets antre entry
aktris actress antrenman training
alacaklı creditor antropoloji anthropology
alan domain ar are
albüm album ara interval
aldanma deception araba car
aldatma imposition araç vehicle
alem universe araçlar media
alet apparatus aralık interval
aleyhtar opponent araştırma exploration
alfa alpha araz symptom
alfabe script arazi terrain
algı perception ardıl successor
alıcı buyer arena arena
alın brow arife eve
alındı acknowledgement aristokrasi aristocracy
alıntı quotation arka supporter
alkol alcohol arkadaşlık society
Allah lord arkeoloji archaeology
almaç receiver artık remainder

Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)

606 Indexes

artma accession bağış contribution

arz earth bağışıklık immunity
aşama phase bağlantı commitment
asılma suspension bahane plea
aşinalık familiarity bahçıvan gardener
asır century bakanlık portfolio
aşiret tribe bakıcı keeper
asker soldier bakım maintenance
asma suspension bakır copper
astım asthma bakışım symmetry
atama appointment bakiye remainder
ateş fever baldır calf
atma projection bale ballet
atmosfer atmosphere balıkçı fisher
atölye studio balkon balcony
avare rover bana me
avcı hunter banker banker
avlu courtyard banyo bathroom
avukat attorney bar pub
avunma consolation barınak sanctuary
avuntu consolation bariyer barrier
ay month baş leader
ayakkabı shoe başarı success
ayaklanma rebellion başbakan chancellor
ayaktopu soccer basımcı printer
ayar setting basınç compression
ayarlama adjustment başkan president
aydınlatma lighting başkanlık presidency
aydınlık daylight basket basket
aygıt apparatus baskı impression
ayin ceremony baskın descent
ayıp contempt başlangıç outset
ayırma isolation başlık hood
aylık salary bastırma compression
aynılık identity başyazar editor
ayrılık faction batak marsh
ayrılma leaving bataklık marsh
aza member bavul suitcase
azim resolution bay sir
azot nitrogen bayan mistress
baba daddy bayi seller
babacığım dad bayrak colours
baca chimney bebek doll
bagaj luggage beğenme approval
bağımsızlık sovereignty bekçi keeper
bağıntı correlation belgeleme documentation

Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)

Indexes 607

belirme emergence bize us

belirsizlik uncertainty bizi us
Belirteç indicator blucin jeans
belirti symptom böbrek kidney
belirtim specification bodrum cellar
belirtme specification boğum node
bellek storage boksör fighter
ben ego bölge region
beni me bolluk abundance
benlik ego bölüm category
benzerlik affinity bomba egg
benzeşim analogy borç debt
benzin petrol borçlu debtor
beraberlik unity boy tribe
bereket abundance boyacı painter
berraklık clarity boyut dimension
beşinci fifth boyutlar dimensions
beste composition bozma dissolution
besteci composer bozulma dissolution
betik script Brezilya brazil
bey lord broşür leaflet
beyan statement buhran depression
beyefendi sir bulaştırma contamination
biberiye rosemary bulgu symptom
biçim configuration bulma detection
bildiri announcement bülten bulletin
bileklik supporter bulucu detector
bileşim composition bulunmayış absence
bilgi data buluş discovery
bilgin scientist bulvar avenue
bilgisizlik ignorance bunalım crisis
bilinç consciousness bünye constitution
bilirkişi surveyor burjuvazi bourgeoisie
bina construction büro bureau
birader brother bürokrasi bureaucracy
birahane pub burun prominence
bireşim synthesis but thigh
birim unit buut dimension
birleşme alliance büyükanne grandmother
birleştirme unification büyükbaba grandfather
birlik unity büyükelçi ambassador
bitkiler vegetation büyüklük magnitude
biyografi biography büyüme expansion
biyoloji biology buzağı calf
biyopsi biopsy buzdolabı fridge
biz us büzülme contraction

Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)

608 Indexes

çaba effort çevrebilim ecology

çabalama effort ceza punishment
cadde avenue cezalandırma punishment
çağ era çiftçi farmer
cahillik ignorance çiftçilik agriculture
çakmak lighter cihaz apparatus
çalgıcı musician çıkarma extraction
çalışkanlık industry çıkıntı projection
çalışma operation çıkış outlet
çalıştırma operation çile ordeal
cam window çim lawn
can life çimenlik lawn
cankurtaran ambulance cinsellik sexuality
canlanma revival ciro backing
canlılık life çit barrier
Çanta suitcase civar vicinity
çap diameter çocuk youngster
çare solution çoğalma accession
çarpım product coğrafya geography
çarşaf sheet çökelti sediment
çatı framework çokluk abundance
çavuş sergeant çöküntü depression
cazibe attraction çözelti solution
cefa hardship çözüm resolution
cehalet ignorance çözünme solution
çekici tractor çözünürlük resolution
çekicilik attraction cüzdan wallet
çekim attraction dağılma dissolution
çekirdek nucleus daire department
çekişme contention dalgınlık absence
çekme extraction dam queen
çekmece drawer damar vessel
celse session damga marker
cemaat congregation dana calf
cemiyet society danışma consultation
cennet heaven danışman supervisor
cephane ammunition Data data
cephanelik arsenal davetli guest
cereyan circulation davranış attitude
cerrah surgeon dayanma tolerance
cerrahlık surgery dede grandfather
cesaret enterprise defter notebook
çeşitleme variation değerlendirme evaluation
çeviri interpretation değirmenci miller
çevirme enclosure değişiklik amendment
çevre neighbourhood değişim variation

Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)

Indexes 609

değişme variation din religion

değişmezlik stability dinleme monitoring
değiştirme modification dinlenme recreation
dehliz gallery diplomasi diplomacy
dekan dean dişçi dentist
dekor scenery disk disk
dekorasyon decoration disko disco
delegasyon delegation diskotek disco
delik outlet divan council
delikanlı boy diyanet religion
delil argument diz knee
demeç statement dizge system
demirci smith dizgi composition
demiryolu railway doğrulama confirmation
demokrat democrat doğruluk validity
denetçi supervisor dökme casting
denetleyici supervisor doktrin doctrine
denge stability döküm casting
dengesizlik instability dokümantasyon documentation
denizcilik navigation dokunulmazlık immunity
denklem equation dolar dollar
departman department dolaşım circulation
depo storage dolaşma navigation
depolama storage domuz pork
depresyon depression donanım hardware
dere valley donatı equipment
derinlik depth donatım equipment
derlem collection dönem era
derleme composition dönme rotation
dernek institution dönüş rotation
ders example dönüşüm transformation
derslik classroom doruk height
dert complaint dostluk society
destek cooperation doyumsuzluk dissatisfaction
destekleme backing dram drama
detektör detector drama drama
devalüasyon devaluation dua prayer
devam continuation düğüm node
devamlılık continuity dünürlük alliance
deveran rotation dünya earth
devinirlik momentum dürbün binoculars
devir rotation durgunluk recession
deyim expression dürtü impulse
dikey portrait durum situation
dil language duruş attitude
dilbilim linguistics düşey portrait

Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)

610 Indexes

düşmanlık hostility elverişlilik convenience

düşük abortion emek effort
düşünce attitude emekli pensioner
düşüş recession emeklilik retirement
duvar enclosure emilme absorption
duvarcı mason emme absorption
duyarlık sensitivity emniyet safety
duyarlılık sensitivity emtia commodity
duyuru advertisement en width
düzeltme adjustment endüstri industry
düzeltmen reader enformasyon information
düzen disposal engel barrier
düzenek mechanism engelleme prevention
düzenleme layout enjeksiyon injection
düzenleyici editor enzim enzyme
ebat dimensions er soldier
ebeveyn parents erime solution
eczacı chemist eriyik solution
eda expression erteleme suspension
edebiyat literature erzak provisions
editör editor esas basis
efendi lord eser production
efsane myth eşik threshold
egemenlik domination esinti breath
eğilim affinity esir prisoner
Eğitim training eşitlik equality
eğitmen instructor esneklik flexibility
eğlence diversion eşya article
ego ego et meat
ehliyetsizlik disability etik ethics
ek extension etki impression
ekip brigade etkileşim interaction
ekmekçi baker etkililik effectiveness
ekoloji ecology etkinleştirme activation
ekonomi economics etkinlik activity
ekonomist economist etraf surroundings
eksen axis ev residence
eksiklik shortage evre phase
ekspertiz expertise evren system
elastikiyet flexibility evrimsel evolutionary
elbise clothes eylem activity
elçi ambassador eziyet punishment
elçilik mission faaliyet activity
elektron electron fabrika factory
eleman element fabrikatör manufacturer
element element facia disaster

Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)

Indexes 611

fark distinction gazetecilik journalism

farmason mason geçerlik validity
faşizm fascism geçerlilik validity
fatih victor geçiş transition
faz phase geçit gate
federasyon federation gelenek tradition
felaket disaster gelin bride
felsefe philosophy gelir income
feminizm feminism geliş arrival
fenomen phenomenon gelişme improvement
fesih dissolution geliştirme development
fetih conquest gelme advent
fıçı vat gemi vessel
fıçıcı cooper gemicilik navigation
fidanlık nursery gen gene
fiil verb genç youngster
fikir concept genişleme expansion
fıkra article genişletme extension
film movie genişlik width
filo squadron genleşme expansion
fırın stove gerçekçilik realism
fırıncı baker gerçekleştirme implementation
fırlatma projection gerek requirement
fırsat opportunity gerekçe rationale
fısıltı breath gereksinim requirement
fizik physics gericilik reaction
flora flora gerileme regression
fonlama funding gerilim voltage
formül formula geyik deer
forum forum gezegen planet
fotoğrafçı photographer gezici travelling
fotoğrafçılık photography gider expenditure
frekans frequency girdap gulf
funda heath Girdi entry
futbol football girinti recession
füze missile giriş door
gaddarlık cruelty girişim enterprise
galeri gallery girişkenlik enterprise
galibiyet victory girme entry
galip victor gıyap absence
garaj garage giydirme dressing
garson waiter giysi clothes
gaydacı piper gizleme secretion
gayret industry glikoz glucose
gazete sheet göğüs chest
gazeteci journalist göl loch

Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)

612 Indexes

gömlek shirt hal situation

gönüllülük willingness hala aunt
gönülsüzlük reluctance halef successor
görev assignment halletme settlement
görevli employee hamal porter
görüngü phenomenon hamil holder
görünüm perspective han inn
görüş conception hapishane institution
görüşme conference harcama expenditure
gösterge indicator hareket transaction
gösteri demonstration haset jealousy
gösterim projection hastabakıcı sister
gösterme demonstration hastalık complaint
göstermelik specimen hava atmosphere
göt arse havaalanı airfield
göz drawer havacılık aviation
gözbebeği pupil havalandırma ventilation
gözdağı threat havalimanı airport
göze cell havuz basin
gözetici supervisor havza basin
gözlük glasses hayal imagination
grevci striker hayat existence
grup batch hayret astonishment
gruplaşma configuration haz enjoyment
güç ability hazine exchequer
güçlük complexity hazne reservoir
güdü motivation heceleme spelling
güldürü comedy hedef destination
gülme laughter hekimlik medicine
gülüş laughter hela lavatory
gümrük customs helikopter helicopter
gün day hemşire sister
günahsızlık innocence herif bloke
günbatımı sunset heyecan fever
gündem agenda heyet corps
gündüz daytime heykel statue
güvence assurance hidrojen hydrogen
güvenilirlik reliability hile device
güvenlik safety himaye asylum
güvensizlik disbelief hipotez hypothesis
güz autumn hırdavat hardware
güzellik beauty hırs ambition
haber message hırsızlık burglary
hadise event hısımlık affinity
hafta week hisse quantum
hakimiyet sovereignty hissedar shareholder

Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)

Indexes 613

hiyerarşi hierarchy ikrar confession

hizip faction iktibas quotation
hızlanma acceleration iktidar ability
hizmetçi servant iktisatçı economist
hizmetli employee ilaç medicine
hobi hobby ilan announcement
hoca teacher ilerleme advancement
Hollanda holland ileti message
hoparlör speaker ilgi involvement
hoşgörü tolerance ilinti correlation
hoşlanma enjoyment ilişki relationship
hoşnutsuzluk dissatisfaction iltica asylum
hücre cell ima implication
hücum aggression imal production
hudut boundary imalathane factory
hukuk law iman religion
hukukçu lawyer imgelem imagination
hüküm judgement imla spelling
hükümdar lord imleyici marker
hürriyet independence imparator emperor
hüviyet identity inanç conviction
huy kidney inceleme investigation
huysuzluk bile İncil bible
huzursuzluk unrest indikatör indicator
ibne queen iniş landing
ibret example inme descent
icap requirement inşa construction
icat innovation inşaat construction
içerme implication inşaatçı builder
içindekiler contents intikal transition
icra execution inziva retirement
içtepi impulse iplik yarn
içtima assembly iptal abolition
idam execution iris iris
idare manipulation ırkçılık racism
idareci administrator irtica reaction
iddia contention irtifa height
ideoloji ideology iş profession
idman training isabet incidence
idrak perception işaret marker
ifade statement işbirliği cooperation
iflas bankruptcy işçi employee
ifşa disclosure ishal diarrhoea
ihtilaf controversy ışıklandırma lighting
ihtiras ambition ısıtıcı heater
ihtiyaç deprivation iskele landing

Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)

614 Indexes

iskelet framework kadın dame

işkence cruelty kafa nut
ıslah amendment kahkaha laughter
işlem operation kaide basis
işlemci processor kalan remainder
işleme processing kaldırım pavement
işletme operation kaleci goalkeeper
işletmeci operator kalınlık thickness
işletmen operator kalker limestone
işlik workshop kalkınma development
ısrar insistence kalsiyum calcium
işsizlik unemployment kamara cabin
istatistik statistics kamarot steward
istekli applicant kamera camera
isteksizlik reluctance kamış penis
istiare metaphor kamyon lorry
istihsal production kanaat conviction
istikrar stability kanal vessel
istila invasion kandırma deception
istismar exploitation kanepe sofa
istisna exception kanı conclusion
işveren employer kanıt argument
isyan rebellion kantin canteen
işyeri workshop kanun canon
itaat compliance kap vessel
itibar odour kapak lid
itikat creed kapama enclosure
itiraf confession kapı door
itme impulse kapıcı porter
ittifak alliance kapitalizm capitalism
ivme acceleration kapsam comprehension
iyileştirme amendment kapsama inclusion
iyilik kindness kaput hood
izah explanation karaca deer
izdüşüm projection karaciğer liver
ızgara grid karakter fibre
izlenim impression karar judgement
izolasyon isolation kararlılık resolution
jeoloji geology kararsızlık instability
jüri jury karayolu highway
kabile tribe kardeş brother
kabiliyet ability kargaşa confusion
kabin cabin karı dame
kabristan cemetery karışıklık confusion
kabul acknowledgement karışım mixture
kaçınılmazlık urgency karıştırma implication

Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)

Indexes 615

karmaşa complexity kıskançlık jealousy

karmaşıklık complexity kışla quarters
karşılaşma event kısrak mare
karşılaştırma analogy kıstas criterion
karşılık payment kitaplık library
kartpostal postcard kıtlık shortage
kaş brow kıvam consistency
kaset cassette kıyas analogy
kasvet depression kız queen
kategori category kızgınlık irritation
katılım accession klavye keyboard
katılımcı participant kliring clearing
katiyet certainty koku odour
katkı contribution kol limb
kavalcı piper kolaylık convenience
kavgacı fighter köle servant
kavram conception koleksiyon collection
kavrama comprehension koleksiyoncu collector
kavşak junction kolektör collector
kayak ski kolesterol cholesterol
kaydetme registration koloni colony
kaygı preoccupation kolordu corps
kayıt entry koltuk armchair
kaynak source komedi comedy
kaynaklar resources komisyon percentage
kaynaşma fusion komisyoncu broker
kaza accident komite committee
kazak sweater kompozisyon composition
kazanan victor kompozitör composer
kazanç proceeds kompresyon compression
kefillik sponsorship komşular neighbourhood
keşideci drawer komutan commander
keşif discovery konak mansion
kesim sector konfederasyon confederation
kesinlik certainty konferans conference
kiler cellar konfigürasyon configuration
kılıç sword kongre convention
kimlik identification konsantrasyon concentration
kimyager chemist konsey council
kip mood konsorsiyum consortium
kirlenme contamination konsültasyon consultation
kırtasiyecilik bureaucracy konteyner container
kişilik personality kontluk county
kısım department kontrolör controller
kısıt constraint konu topic
kısıtlama constraint konuk guest

Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)

616 Indexes

konukseverlik hospitality kurdela ribbon

Konum location kurdele ribbon
konuşma conversation küre sphere
konuşmacı speaker kurgu speculation
konut residence kurma foundation
korelasyon correlation kürtaj abortion
körfez gulf kurul committee
korkuluk barrier kuruluş enterprise
korkutma threat kurum society
koroner coronary kuruntu imagination
korsan rover kuşatma enclosure
koruma preservation kusursuzluk perfection
korunma preservation kutu chest
köşk villa kütüphane library
kovalama pursuit kütüphaneci librarian
koyak valley kuyumculuk jewellery
köylü peasant kuzen cousin
köylüler peasantry kuzin cousin
koyma placement laubalilik familiarity
koyuluk consistency lazer laser
koyun sheep leğen basin
kraliçe queen levha sheet
kraliyet kingdom lider leader
krallık realm liderlik leadership
kreasyon creation lif fibre
kreş nursery likidite liquidity
kriter canon limonluk greenhouse
kriz crisis lisan language
kuantum quantum literatür literature
küçümseme contempt litre litre
küfe basket logo logo
küfür oath lokanta restaurant
kukuleta hood lord lord
kul servant Lotus lotus
kullanım disposal maaş salary
külliyat corpus mabet temple
kulp holder madalya decoration
kültür culture madde article
kulübe cottage maden metal
kulvar lane mahkeme tribunal
kumandan commander mahkumiyet conviction
kupon coupon mahpus prisoner
kural law mahrumiyet deprivation
kuram theory mahzen cellar
kurbağa frog makale article
kurban victim makine device

Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)

Indexes 617

makineler machinery mevzuat regulations

makinist driver meyhane pub
mal commodity mezarlık cemetery
malumat information mezhep cult
mandıra dairy midilli pony
maneviyat morale mihrap altar
manevra switching mihver axis
mantık logic miktar quantum
manzara scenery millet nation
manzume poem milliyet nationality
masal yarn milliyetçilik nationalism
masaüstü desktop mimar architect
mason mason minnettarlık gratitude
masraf expenditure miras heritage
Masraflar expenses mirasçı heir
mastar infinitive misafir guest
matara canteen misafirperverlik hospitality
matbaacı printer misal example
matematik mathematics misyon mission
maun mahogany mit myth
mecaz metaphor model specimen
meclis parliament modül module
mefhum concept moment momentum
mekanik mechanics montaj assembly
mekanizma machine moral morale
mektuplaşma correspondence motif motif
memba source motivasyon motivation
memnuniyetsizlik dissatisfaction muafiyet immunity
memur officer muayenehane surgery
menşe source mücadele contention
merak hobby mücevherat jewellery
merasim ceremony müdür manager
merdiven staircase müfettiş supervisor
mermi missile muhafaza enclosure
mesafe interval muhafız keeper
mesaj message muhalif opponent
mesele problem Muhasebe accountancy
meslek profession muhasebecilik accountancy
meşruluk legitimacy mühimmat ammunition
metal metal muhit surroundings
metin text mükemmellik perfection
metodoloji methodology mülk estate
metre metre Multimedya multimedia
metres mistress münakaşa argument
mevcudiyet entity mürettebat crew
mevki location müsamaha tolerance

Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)

618 Indexes

müşavir adviser öğretim education

müşteri client öğretmen teacher
müteahhit contractor oğul son
mutfak kitchen öğüt recommendation
mutluluk happiness oksijen oxygen
müvekkil client okuma reading
müze museum okur reader
müzisyen musician okutman reader
nafaka maintenance okuyucu reader
nakliye shipping olabilirlik likelihood
nakliyeci carrier olanak possibility
nalbant smith olanaklar resources
nallamak shoe olasılık likelihood
naylon nylon olay event
nazariye theory ölçme measuring
nefes breath ölçüt canon
nem moisture olgunluk maturity
nesil descent ölüm dissolution
nesne thing ömür life
netice conclusion onama approval
nezaket kindness onay confirmation
nicelik quantity onaylama validation
nicem quantum öncü leader
nilüfer lotus önder leader
nine grandmother önderlik leadership
nişan decoration önem emphasis
nispet ratio önerge proposal
nitelik composition öneri proposal
nitrojen nitrogen önerme thesis
nizam statute önleme prevention
nizamname regulations opera opera
norm norm operasyon operation
nüfus population operatör operator
numune specimen oran ratio
ocak cooker org organ
öd bile organ organ
odaklama focusing organizma organism
ödeme settlement örge motif
ödenek allocation örgü knitting
ödev homework örgüt organism
öfke irritation orkestra orchestra
öğe element örme knitting
oğlan boy örnek example
öğrenci pupil örnekseme analogy
öğrenim education ortaklık partnership
öğreti doctrine ortam environment

Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)

Indexes 619

örümcek spider portföy portfolio

otel hotel portör carrier
otomobil car portre portrait
otoyol motorway posa sediment
oturma residence poz exposure
oturum session prenses princess
oymak tribe priz socket
oyuk socket problem problem
oyun device prodüktör producer
oyuncu player profesör professor
öz nucleus programlama programming
özdeşlik identity proje projection
özetleme compression projeksiyon projection
ozon ozone propaganda publicity
özür plea prosedür procedure
paket packet protokol protocol
pala sword prototip prototype
pansuman dressing prova rehearsal
pantolon trousers psikolog psychologist
para funds psikoloji psychology
parametre parameter Rab lord
parça unit radar radar
parlamento parliament raf shelf
parti batch rahatsızlık unrest
pasaport passport rahibe sister
patates potato rakip competitor
pay quantum randevu appointment
pazarlama marketing rapor statement
pelerin cape rastlantı accident
pencere window reaksiyon reaction
peni penny reaktör reactor
penis penis realizm realism
perde membrane reasürans reassurance
personel personnel reçete formula
perspektif perspective reddetme refusal
pil cell referandum referendum
pislik contamination regresyon regression
piyade infantry rehabilitasyon rehabilitation
plan layout rejim regime
planlama planning rekabet competition
plazma plasma reklam publicity
poliçe policy reklâm advertisement
polimer polymer reklamcılık advertising
polis copper rektör chancellor
politika policy repertuar repertoire
popülerlik popularity resim illustration

Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)

620 Indexes

resmiyet ceremony şartname specification

ressam painter şaşırma astonishment
restoran restaurant şaşkınlık astonishment
ret refusal satıcı vendor
rezervasyon booking satış disposal
rica plea sav thesis
rıza compliance savaş warfare
Rönesans renaissance savaşçı fighter
rota lane savunma defence
rotasyon rotation savunmasızlık vulnerability
ruhbilim psychology savunucu defender
ruhbilimci psychologist saygısızlık contempt
rutubet moisture sayı basket
saadet happiness şebeke system
saat hour sedir sofa
sadakat loyalty şef chef
safha phase sefer navigation
saflık innocence şefkat kindness
safra bile sektör sector
sağlamlaştırma consolidation selamet safety
sağlamlık stability sembol symbol
sağlık fitness Seminer seminar
sahip holder semptom symptom
şahsiyet personality semt neighbourhood
şakak temple senaryo scenario
sakatlık disability senato senate
saklama storage sendrom syndrome
salata salad sene year
saldırı aggression senet script
salgı secretion sent penny
salgılama secretion sentaks syntax
salon salon sentez synthesis
saltanat sovereignty sepet basket
saman hay sera greenhouse
şampiyonluk championship serbestlik independence
sanat profession sergen shelf
sanayi industry sergi gallery
sandık chest sergileme exhibition
sanık accused şerit ribbon
sansür censorship sertlik bitterness
saplantı obsession servet assets
saptırma diversion set terrace
saray palace sevecenlik kindness
sargı dressing sevgili girl
şarkıcı singer şey thing
şart reservation seyahat travelling

Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)

Indexes 621

seyyah traveller sonbahar autumn

seyyar travelling sonuç conclusion
seziş perception sör sir
şiddet violence sorgu enquiry
sığınak asylum şort shorts
sığır cattle sorumluluk commitment
sığırlar cattle sorun problem
sigorta assurance soruşturma investigation
sigortalama insurance sosis sausage
şiir poetry sosyalizm socialism
şiirler poetry sosyete society
şikâyet complaint sosyoloji sociology
sıkıntı boredom sövgü oath
sıkıştırma compression soy descent
sıklık frequency söyleniş pronunciation
silah weapon söyleşi conversation
silgi cleaner söz assurance
simetri symmetry sözcü spokesman
simge symbol sözdizim syntax
simsar broker sözdizimi syntax
sinema cinema sözlük dictionary
sınıf classroom spekülasyon speculation
sınıflama classification spiker speaker
sınıflandırma classification stadyum stadium
sınır boundary stajyer trainee
sınırlama limitation stüdyo studio
sinirlendirme irritation subay officer
sıra succession şube department
şirket society suç offence
sirkülasyon circulation suçlu offender
sistem regime suçluluk guilt
siyaset policy suçsuzluk innocence
soba stove sucuk sausage
sodyum sodium şükran gratitude
şoför driver sunak altar
soğan onion sundurma porch
soğurma absorption sunucu server
sohbet conversation supap valve
şöhret odour süpermarket supermarket
soluk breath şüphe uncertainty
solüsyon solution sürdürme continuation
şömine fireplace süre interval
somun nut süreklilik continuity
sömürge colony sürme continuation
sömürme exploitation sürücü driver
son conclusion sürüm version

Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)

622 Indexes

süs decoration tasfiye dissolution

süsleme decoration tashih revision
süspansiyon suspension taşıma shipping
süthane dairy taşıt vehicle
şuur consciousness taşıyıcı carrier
süveter sweater tasnif classification
taahhüt commitment tasvip approval
tabaka sphere tatbikat operation
tabanca heater tavan ceiling
tabetme printing tavır attitude
tabiat kidney tavsiye recommendation
tabir expression tayfa crew
tahkikat inquest tayin appointment
tahlilci analyst tayyare aeroplane
tahmin speculation tazminat damages
tahrip demolition tazyik compression
tahsil education teçhizat equipment
tahsildar collector tecrit isolation
takas clearing tedavi therapy
takım unit tedavül circulation
takip pursuit tefsir interpretation
taksi cab teftiş investigation
takviye consolidation tehdit threat
talihsizlik disaster tehlike danger
talimat instructions tekel monopoly
tamamlama perfection tekerrür recurrence
tamlık accuracy teklif proposal
tanı diagnosis tekne vessel
tanım definition teknisyen operator
tanıma acknowledgement tekrar repetition
tanımlama explanation tekrarlama repetition
tanıtıcı identifier tekst text
tanıtım publicity tekzip denial
tanıtma publicity tel fibre
Tanrı lord telaffuz pronunciation
tapınak temple telaş excitement
tapınma cult televizyon telly
taraça terrace telve sediment
taraftar supporter tema theme
tarife tariff temdit continuation
tarihçi historian temel foundation
tarım agriculture temizleme clearance
tartışma argument temizleyici cleaner
tas vessel temizlikçi cleaner
tasa preoccupation temsil representation
taşçı mason temsilcilik representation

Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)

Indexes 623

teneffüs recreation toprak earth

tenis tennis törebilim ethics
teori theory tören ceremony
tepe height tornacı turner
tepki reaction torpido egg
tepkime reaction tortu grounds
terapi therapy trajedi tragedy
terapist therapist traktör tractor
teras terrace transformasyon transformation
terbiye training transkripsiyon transcription
tercih preference travma trauma
tercüme version tugay brigade
terfi advancement tümevarım induction
terminoloji terminology tümör tumour
tertip composition tümsek prominence
tesadüf accident tünel gallery
tescil registration turba peat
teşebbüs enterprise turist tourist
teşekkür acknowledgement turizm tourism
teselli consolation tutanak protocol
teşhir exposure tutarlılık consistency
teşhis identification tutku ambition
tesis works tutma repression
tesisat installation tutsak prisoner
teyit confirmation tutuklu prisoner
teyze aunt tutum attitude
tez thesis tuvalet lavatory
tımar manor tüzük constitution
tımarhane institution uçak aircraft
tip norm uçaklar aircraft
tıp medicine üçgen triangle
tiraj circulation ücret payment
tiryakilik addiction uçurum gulf
tiyatro theatre uğraş profession
tohum egg ulam category
tolerans tolerance ulaşma accession
tophane arsenal ülke realm
toplama concentration ulus commonwealth
toplanma concentration ün prominence
toplantı assembly ünite unit
toplayıcı collector unsur element
toplu batch ur tumour
topluluk society üretici manufacturer
toplum society üretim production
toplumbilim sociology ürün child
toplumculuk socialism uşak servant

Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)

624 Indexes

usandırma harassment vasi administrator

üslup wording vasıta means
üstünlük lordship vekil vicar
utku victory vektör vector
uyanış revival ventil valve
uyaran stimulus veranda porch
uyarım stimulation vergi imposition
uyarlama version vergilendirme assessment
uyarma stimulation veri data
uydurma invention veriler data
üye member verim proceeds
üyeler membership versiyon version
üyelik membership vesile means
uygulama enforcement vezir queen
uygunluk correspondence veznedar treasurer
uyluk thigh villa villa
uyma compliance virüs virus
uysallık flexibility vitrin window
uyum consistency voltaj voltage
uyuşma alliance vurgu emphasis
uyuşmazlık disagreement vurucu striker
uzantı extension yabancı outsider
uzatma extension yadsıma denial
uzlaşma settlement yakınlık affinity
uzman student yakınma complaint
uzmanlık expertise yakma lighting
uzuv member yalak basin
vade maturity yalan invention
vadi valley yalanlama denial
vagon car yalıtım insulation
vahiy revelation yalnızlık loneliness
vaka event yalvarma plea
vakıf foundation yamaç brow
vakit hour yapağı wool
valf valve yapı construction
valiz suitcase yapım production
vana valve yapımcı producer
varis heir yapıt production
varış arrival yapma fulfilment
varlık entity yaprak sheet
Varlıklar assets yapraklar foliage
varma arrival yaradılış creation
varoş outskirts yaratık creature
varsayım hypothesis yardım assistance
varyans variance yardımcı supporter
varyasyon variation yargı judgement

Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)

Indexes 625

yarıçap radius Yıl year

yarıküre hemisphere yineleme repetition
yarışçı competitor yoğunlaşma concentration
yarışma competition yoğunluk concentration
yarışmacı competitor yokluk absence
yasa law yoksunluk deprivation
yasak prohibition yol outlet
yaşam life yolcu passenger
yasama legislation yönetici manager
yat yacht yönetmelik regulations
yatırım investment yönetmen administrator
yatırımcı investor yöney vector
yavru child Yönlendirme orientation
yaygınlık prevalence yöntem methodology
yayılma expansion yöntembilim methodology
yayımcı editor yontu statue
yayımcılık publishing yordam procedure
yayın publication yöre region
yazar writer yorum interpretation
yazarlık writing yükleme charging
yazı writing yüklenici contractor
yazıcı printer yükseklik height
yazıhane bureau yükselme promotion
yazılım software yükseltme promotion
yazım spelling yumurta egg
yazın literature yün wool
yazışma correspondence yunus dolphin
yazma writing yürürlük operation
yazýcý printer yürütme execution
yeğen nephew yuva socket
yemin oath yuvar sphere
yenge aunt yüzde percent
yenileme renewal yüzdelik percentage
yenilik innovation yüzyıl century
yer situation zaaf disability
yerleşim layout zafer victory
yerleşme settlement zahmet pains
yerleştirme placement zaman hour
yeryüzü earth zamanlama timing
yetenek ability zapt conquest
yetersizlik disability zar membrane
yetiştirme culture zenginlik abundance
yetki clearance zevk enjoyment
yetkililer authorities ziraat agriculture
yığın collection zirve summit
yıkım disaster ziyaretçi visitor

Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)

626 Indexes

zor constraint aircraft uçak

zorbalık violence airfield havaalanı
zorlama constraint airport havaalanı
zorunluluk urgency album albüm
zulüm cruelty alcohol alkol
zümre category allegiance sadakat
alliance dünürlük
allocation ayırma
alpha alfa
altar mihrap
alteration değiştirme
Nouns (English - Turkish) aluminium alüminyum
ambassador büyükelçi
ambition hırs
ability iktidar
ambulance ambulans
abolition iptal
amendment değişiklik
abortion düşük
ammunition cephane
absence eksiklik
amusement eğlence
absorption emilme
analogy benzeşim
abundance bereket
analyst analist
academy akademi
announcement ilan
acceleration ivme
anthropology antropoloji
acceptance kabul
antibody antikor
accession artma
apparatus alet
accident rastlantı
applicant aday
accountancy muhasebecilik
appointment tayin
accuracy ayar
approval beğenme
accused sanık
archaeology arkeoloji
acknowledgement tanıma
architect mimar
activation etkinleştirme
are ar
activity etkinlik
arena arena
actress aktris
argument delil
addiction tiryakilik
aristocracy aristokrasi
adjustment ayar
armchair koltuk
administrator idareci
arrival varma
admission giriş
arse göt
advancement ilerleme
arsenal cephanelik
advent gelme
article madde
advertisement reklam
assembly çevirme
advertising reklamcılık
assertion iddia
adviser danışman
assessment vergi
aeroplane tayyare
asset mal
affinity ilgi
assets aktif
agenda gündem
assignment devir
aggression hücum
assistance destek
agony agoni
assurance güvence
agreement anlaşma
asthma astım
agriculture çiftçilik
astonishment şaşırma

Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)

Indexes 627

asylum barınak bulletin bülten

atmosphere hava bureau büro
attitude duruş bureaucracy bürokrasi
attorney avukat burglary hırsızlık
attraction çekicilik buyer müşteri
aunt hala cab taksi
authorities yetkililer cabin kabin
autumn güz calcium kalsiyum
avenue cadde calf buzağı
aviation havacılık camera kamera
axis mihver canon kanun
backing ciro canteen kantin
baker fırıncı cape pelerin
balcony balkon capitalism kapitalizm
ballet bale car araba
banker banker carrier nakliyeci
bankruptcy iflas cassette kaset
barrier korkuluk casting dökme
basin yalak category bölüm
basis esas cattle sığır
basket sayı ceiling tavan
batch grup cell hücre
bathroom banyo cellar kiler
beauty güzellik cemetery kabristan
behaviour davranış censorship sansür
bible İncil century yüzyıl
bile aksilik ceremony tören
binoculars dürbün certainty katiyet
biography biyografi championship şampiyonluk
biology biyoloji chancellor başbakan
biopsy biyopsi charging yükleme
bitterness sertlik chef şef
bloke adam chemist eczacı
booking rezervasyon chest göğüs
boredom sıkıntı child çocuk
boundary hudut chimney baca
bourgeoisie burjuvazi cholesterol kolesterol
boy delikanlı cinema sinema
brazil Brezilya circulation sirkülasyon
breath esinti clarity açıklık
bride gelin classification sınıflama
brigade tugay classroom derslik
brochure broşür cleaner temizleyici
broker komisyoncu clearance temizleme
brother birader clearing kliring
brow alın client müvekkil
builder inşaatçı clothes giysi

Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)

628 Indexes

collaboration işbirliği continuity devamlılık

collection derlem contraction büzülme
collector koleksiyoncu contractor müteahhit
colony koloni contribution yazı
colours bayrak controller denetleyici
comedy güldürü controversy ihtilaf
commander komutan convenience elverişlilik
commentary açıklama convention toplantı
commitment bağlantı conversation söyleşi
committee komisyon conviction inanç
commodity emtia cooker fırın
commonwealth ulus cooper fıçıcı
competition çekişme cooperation destek
competitor rakip copper bakır
complaint dert coronary koroner
complexity karmaşa corps heyet
compliance rıza corpus külliyat
composer besteci correlation korelasyon
composition kompozisyon correspondence mektuplaşma
comprehension anlama cottage kulübe
compression basınç council meclis
concentration yoğunluk county kontluk
concept mefhum coupon kupon
conception anlayış courtyard avlu
conclusion karar cousin kuzen
confederation birlik creation yaradılış
conference görüşme creature yaratık
confession itiraf creditor alacaklı
configuration konfigürasyon creed inanç
confirmation doğrulama crew ekip
confusion kargaşa crisis kriz
congregation cemaat criterion ölçüt
conquest zapt cruelty gaddarlık
consciousness bilinç cult merak
consistency kıvam culture kültür
consolation avunma customer müşteri
consolidation sağlamlaştırma customs gümrük
consortium konsorsiyum dad baba
constitution anayasa daddy baba
constraint zor dairy mandıra
construction anlam dale vadi
consultation konsültasyon damages tazminat
container kap dame kadın
contamination bulaştırma danger tehlike
contempt ayıp data bilgi
contention sav day gün
contents içindekiler daylight aydınlık
continuation uzatma daytime gündüz

Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)

Indexes 629

dean dekan dissatisfaction doyumsuzluk

debt borç dissolution bozma
debtor borçlu distinction üstünlük
deception kandırma diversion eğlence
decoration dekorasyon doctrine doktrin
deer geyik documentation belgeleme
defence savunma doll bebek
defender savunucu dollar dolar
definition tanım dolly bebek
delegation delegasyon dolphin yunus
democrat demokrat domain alan
demolition tahrip dominance egemenlik
demonstration gösteri domination egemenlik
denial yadsıma door giriş
density sıklık drama drama
dentist dişçi drawer keşideci
department bakanlık dressing giydirme
depot depo driver makinist
depression depresyon earth arz
deprivation mahrumiyet ecology çevrebilim
depth derinlik economics ekonomi
descent inme economist iktisatçı
desktop masaüstü edition yayın
destination hedef editor başyazar
detection bulma education tahsil
detector bulucu effectiveness etkililik
devaluation devalüasyon effort çabalama
development kalkınma egg bomba
device plan ego ego
diagnosis tanı electron elektron
diameter çap element eleman
diarrhoea amel emergence belirme
dictionary sözlük emperor imparator
dimension boyut emphasis önem
dimensions ebat employee görevli
diplomacy diplomasi employer işveren
disability ehliyetsizlik enclosure kapama
disagreement anlaşmazlık endorsement ciro
disaster facia enforcement uygulama
disbelief güvensizlik enjoyment haz
disc disk enquiry sorgu
disclosure ifşa enterprise teşebbüs
disco disko entity mevcudiyet
discovery bulgu entry antre
discussion görüşme environment çevre
disk disk enzyme enzim
disposal düzen episode olay

Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)

630 Indexes

equality eşitlik focusing odaklama

equation eşitlik foliage yapraklar
equipment donatı football futbol
era devir formula formül
estate mülk forum forum
ethics etik foundation vakıf
evaluation değerlendirme framework çatı
eve arife frequency frekans
event olay fridge buzdolabı
evolutionary evrimsel frog kurbağa
example ders fulfilment yapma
exception istisna funding fonlama
exchequer hazine funds para
excitement telaş fusion erime
exclusion çıkarma gallery dehliz
execution icra garage garaj
exhibition sergileme gardener bahçıvan
existence hayat gate kapı
expansion genişleme gene gen
expenditure gider geography coğrafya
expenses Masraflar geology jeoloji
expertise ekspertiz girl kız
explanation açıklama glasses gözlük
exploitation işletme glucose glikoz
exploration araştırma goalkeeper kaleci
exposure teşhir grandfather büyükbaba
expression tabir grandmother anneanne
extension uzatma gratitude minnettarlık
extraction çekme greenhouse limonluk
faction ayrılık grid ızgara
factory fabrika grounds tortu
familiarity laubalilik guest davetli
farmer çiftçi guilt suç
fascism faşizm gulf uçurum
federation federasyon happiness mutluluk
feminism feminizm harassment usandırma
fever telaş hardship cefa
fibre lif hardware donanım
fiction uydurma hay saman
fifth beşinci heading başlık
fighter kavgacı heater ısıtıcı
finding karar heath funda
fireplace ocak heaven cennet
fisher balıkçı height yükseklik
fitness yetenek heir varis
fittings teçhizat helicopter helikopter
flexibility elastikiyet hemisphere yarıküre
flora flora heritage miras

Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)

Indexes 631

hierarchy hiyerarşi innocence günahsızlık

highway otoyol innovation icat
hillside yamaç inquest tahkikat
historian tarihçi insight kavrama
hobby hobi insistence ısrar
holder hamil instability kararsızlık
holland Hollanda installation kurma
homework ödev institution kuruluş
hood kukuleta instructions talimat
hospitality konukseverlik instructor eğitmen
hostility düşmanlık insulation izolasyon
hotel otel insurance sigorta
hour zaman intake giriş
hunter avcı interaction etkileşim
hut kulübe interpretation açıklama
hydrogen hidrojen interval ara
hypothesis hipotez invasion akın
identification tanıma invention uydurma
identifier tanıtıcı investigation inceleme
identity aynılık investment abluka
ideology ideoloji investor yatırımcı
ignorance cahillik involvement ilgi
illustration örnek iris iris
imagination hayal irritation kızgınlık
immunity muafiyet isolation yalnızlık
implementation gerçekleştirme jealousy haset
implication bulaştırma jeans blucin
imposition aldatma jewellery kuyumculuk
impression baskı journalism gazetecilik
improvement gelişme journalist gazeteci
impulse dürtü judgement yargı
incentive güdü junction kavşak
incidence isabet jury jüri
inclusion kapsama keeper bakıcı
income gelir keyboard klavye
indemnity tazminat khan han
independence bağımsızlık kidney huy
indication gösterme kindness nezaket
indicator Belirteç kingdom alem
induction tümevarım kitchen mutfak
industry sanayi knee diz
infantry piyade knitting örme
infinitive mastar lad delikanlı
information bilgi landing iniş
infrastructure altyapı lane kulvar
injection enjeksiyon language dil
inn han laser lazer

Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)

632 Indexes

laughter gülme maid hizmetçi

lavatory hela mainframe anabilgisayar
law yasa maintenance nafaka
lawn çimenlik manager yönetmen
lawyer avukat manifesto bildiri
layout yerleşim manipulation hile
leader önder manners terbiye
leadership liderlik manor tımar
leaflet broşür mansion konak
leaving ayrılma manufacturer fabrikatör
lecturer okutman mare kısrak
legend efsane marker damga
legislation mevzuat marketing pazarlama
legitimacy meşruluk marsh batak
lexicon sözlük mason duvarcı
liability sorumluluk mathematics matematik
librarian kütüphaneci maturity olgunluk
library kütüphane me bana
lid kapak means alet
life canlılık measuring ölçme
lighter çakmak meat et
lighting yakma mechanics mekanik
likelihood olasılık mechanism mekanizma
limb aza medal madalya
limestone kalker media araçlar
limitation sınırlama medicine hekimlik
linguistics dilbilim member aza
liquidity likidite membership üyeler
literature edebiyat membrane perde
litre litre message mesaj
liver karaciğer metal maden
livestock mal metaphor istiare
location Konum methodology metodoloji
loch göl metre metre
logic mantık miller değirmenci
logo logo minutes tutanak
loneliness yalnızlık missile füze
lord sahip mission elçilik
lordship üstünlük mistress bayan
lorry kamyon mixture karışım
lotus Lotus modification değiştirme
loyalty sadakat module birim
luggage bagaj moisture nem
machine makine momentum devinirlik
machinery makineler monitoring dinleme
madam bayan monopoly tekel
magnitude büyüklük month ay
mahogany maun mood hava

Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)

Indexes 633

morale maneviyat oven fırın

motif motif owner sahip
motivation güdü oxygen oksijen
motorway otoyol ozone ozon
movement hareket packet paket
movie film pains zahmet
multimedia Multimedya painter boyacı
museum müze palace saray
musician çalgıcı parameter parametre
myth efsane parents ebeveyn
nation ulus parliament meclis
nationalism milliyetçilik participant katılımcı
nationality milliyet partnership ortaklık
navigation sefer passenger yolcu
neighbourhood semt passport pasaport
nephew yeğen pavement kaldırım
nitrogen azot payment ücret
node boğum peasant köylü
norm norm peasantry köylüler
notebook defter peat turba
nucleus çekirdek penis kamış
nursery fidanlık penny peni
nut somun pensioner emekli
nylon naylon percent yüzde
oath küfür percentage komisyon
obedience itaat perception algı
obsession saplantı perfection kusursuzluk
odour şöhret personality kişilik
offence saldırı personnel personel
offender suçlu perspective görünüm
officer memur petrol benzin
onion soğan phase aşama
opera opera phenomenon fenomen
operation çalıştırma philosophy felsefe
operator cerrah photographer fotoğrafçı
opponent aleyhtar photography fotoğrafçılık
opportunity fırsat physics fizik
orchestra orkestra piper gaydacı
ordeal çile placement koyma
organ araç planet gezegen
organism organizma planning planlama
orientation Yönlendirme plasma plazma
outcome son player oyuncu
outlet çıkış plea yalvarma
outset başlangıç poem şiir
outsider yabancı poetry şiir
outskirts varoş policy poliçe

Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)

634 Indexes

polymer polimer pub bar

pony midilli publication yayın
popularity popülerlik publicity tanıtım
population nüfus publisher yayımcı
porch sundurma publishing yayımcılık
pork domuz punishment ceza
porter hamal pupil gözbebeği
portfolio portföy purchaser alıcı
portrait portre pursuit kovalama
possibility olabilirlik quantity miktar
postcard kartpostal quantum nicem
potato patates quarters kışla
prayer dua queen dam
preference tercih quotation iktibas
premises arazi racism ırkçılık
preoccupation kaygı radar radar
preservation koruma radius yarıçap
presidency başkanlık railway demiryolu
president rektör ratio nispet
prevalence yaygınlık rationale gerekçe
prevention engelleme reaction reaksiyon
princess prenses reactor reaktör
printer basımcı reader düzeltmen
printing baskı reading okuma
prisoner mahpus realism gerçekçilik
problem mesele realm alan
procedure prosedür reassurance reasürans
proceeds gelir rebellion ayaklanma
processing işlem receiver almaç
processor işlemci recession düşüş
producer prodüktör recipe çözüm
product çarpım recommendation tavsiye
production üretim recreation teneffüs
profession beyan recurrence tekerrür
professor profesör referendum referandum
programming programlama refusal reddetme
prohibition yasak regime rejim
projection atma region bölge
prominence şöhret registration kaydetme
promotion terfi regression gerileme
pronunciation telaffuz regulations mevzuat
proposal teklif rehabilitation rehabilitasyon
proprietor sahip rehearsal prova
protocol protokol rejection ret
prototype prototip relationship akrabalık
provisions erzak reliability güvenilirlik
psychologist ruhbilimci religion din
psychology ruhbilim reluctance gönülsüzlük

Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)

Indexes 635

remainder artık session celse

renaissance Rönesans setting ayar
renewal yenileme settlement ev
repertoire repertuar severity önem
repetition tekrar sexuality cinsellik
representation gösterim shareholder hissedar
repression tutma sheep koyun
requirement ihtiyaç sheet çarşaf
resemblance benzerlik shelf sergen
reservation rezervasyon shipping nakliye
reservoir depo shirt gömlek
residence ev shoe ayakkabı
resolution teklif shortage açık
resources kaynaklar shorts şort
restaurant lokanta significance önem
retirement emeklilik similarity benzerlik
revelation vahiy singer şarkıcı
revenue gelir sir bay
revision tashih sister hastabakıcı
revival uyanış situation durum
ribbon kurdela ski kayak
rosemary biberiye smith demirci
rotation dönme soccer ayaktopu
rover avare socialism sosyalizm
rules tüzük society dernek
safety emniyet sociology sosyoloji
salad salata socket priz
salary aylık sodium sodyum
salon salon sofa kanepe
saloon bar software yazılım
sanctuary barınak soldier asker
sausage sucuk solicitor avukat
scenario senaryo solution çare
scenery manzara son oğul
scholar bilgin source kaynak
scientist bilgin sovereignty bağımsızlık
script senet speaker sözcü
secretion salgılama specification belirtme
sector bölge specimen göstermelik
sediment tortu speculation spekülasyon
seller bayi spelling heceleme
seminar Seminer sphere tabaka
senate senato spider örümcek
sensitivity duyarlık spokesman sözcü
sergeant çavuş sponsorship destek
servant hizmetçi squadron filo
server sunucu stability istikrar

Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)

636 Indexes

stadium stadyum tennis tenis

staircase merdiven termination son
stairs merdiven terminology terminoloji
stance duruş terrace set
statement bildiri terrain arazi
statistics istatistik territory toprak
statue heykel text tekst
statute nizam theatre tiyatro
steward kamarot theme konu
stimulation uyarım theory kuram
stimulus uyaran therapist terapist
storage ambar therapy terapi
stove fırın thesis önerme
striker vurucu thickness kalınlık
student uzman thigh but
studio atölye thing madde
submission itaat threat gözdağı
success başarı threshold başlangıç
succession sıra timetable tarife
successor halef timing zamanlama
suitcase Çanta toilet hela
summit doruk tolerance dayanma
sunset günbatımı topic konu
supermarket süpermarket tourism turizm
supervisor müfettiş tourist turist
supplier satıcı tractor traktör
supporter arka tradition gelenek
surgeon cerrah tragedy facia
surgery muayenehane trainee stajyer
surroundings çevre training idman
surveyor bilirkişi transaction hareket
suspension asma transcription transkripsiyon
sweater kazak transformation dönüşüm
switching anahtarlama transition geçiş
sword kılıç trauma travma
symbol sembol traveller seyyah
symmetry simetri travelling gezici
symptom araz treasurer veznedar
syndrome sendrom treasury hazine
syntax sözdizim triangle üçgen
synthesis sentez tribe aşiret
system dizge tribunal mahkeme
tariff tarife trousers pantolon
taxation vergi tumour tümör
teacher hoca turner tornacı
television televizyon uncertainty şüphe
telly televizyon uncle amca
temple tapınak unemployment işsizlik

Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)

Indexes 637

unification birleşme works fabrika

unit ünite workshop atölye
unity birlik writer yazar
universe alem writing yazarlık
unrest huzursuzluk yacht yat
urgency kaçınılmazlık yarn iplik
us bize year sene
utterance ifade youngster genç
vale vadi
validation onaylama
validity geçerlilik
valley dere
valve supap
Adverbs (Turkish - English)
variance değişiklik
variation değişim
vat fıçı açıkça obviously
vector vektör alenen publicly
vegetation tümör ancak scarcely
vehicle araç
asla never
vendor satıcı
aslında basically
ventilation havalandırma
aynen exactly
verb fiil
ayrıca too
verdict karar
başlangıçta initially
version yorum
başlıca primarily
vessel kap
bazen occasionally
vicar vekil
belki possibly
vicinity çevre
bilhassa expressly
victim kurban
biraz slightly
victor fatih
birazdan presently
victory galibiyet
villa köşk birdenbire abruptly
violence zorlama bizzat personally
virus virüs cidden seriously
visitor ziyaretçi çoğunlukla mostly
voltage gerilim çok too
vulnerability savunmasızlık da too
waiter garson dahi too
wallet cüzdan de too
warfare savaş evvelce previously
weapon silah fazla too
week hafta genellikle usually
width genişlik gerçekten actually
willingness gönüllülük hafif lightly
window cam hafifçe slightly
wool yapağı hakkıyla duly
wording üslup halen currently
worker işçi hiç never

Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)

638 Indexes

içtenlikle sincerely distinctly açıkça

inşallah hopefully duly hakkıyla
katiyen never easily kolayca
kazara accidentally evidently açıkça
kesinlikle definitely exactly tamamen
keza too expressly açıkça
kibarca politely firstly önce
kolayca easily gently nazikçe
kolaylıkla easily highly çok
maalesef unfortunately hopefully inşallah
muhtemelen easily how ne
nasıl how initially başlangıçta
nazikçe gently lightly hafif
mostly çoğunlukla
ne how
never hiç
nezaketle politely
obviously açıkça
nispeten relatively
occasionally bazen
oldukça relatively
officially resmen
önce firstly
openly açıkça
önceden previously
originally aslında
özdevimli automatically
personally şahsen
özellikle expressly
politely kibarca
resmen officially
possibly belki
şahsen personally
presently birazdan
sessizce silently
previously evvelce
şimdi presently primarily başlıca
şüphesiz easily publicly alenen
tam exactly relatively oldukça
tamam exactly scarcely ancak
tamamen exactly seriously cidden
tesadüfen accidentally silently sessizce
umutla hopefully sincerely içtenlikle
slightly hafifçe
too keza
unfortunately maalesef
usually genellikle

Adverbs (English - Turkish)

abruptly birdenbire
accidentally kazara Adjectives (Turkish - English)
actually aslında
automatically özdevimli
basically aslında acayip peculiar
clearly açıkça acele hurried
currently halen açık overt
definitely kesinlikle acıklı pathetic

Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)

Indexes 639

acil immediate bağlı connected

acımasız ruthless bahtsız unfortunate
aciz unable barışçı pacific
adaleli muscular başarısız unfortunate
adi cheap basit straightforward
adli judicial başka different
adsız anonymous başlangıç elementary
affedersiniz sorry basmakalıp conventional
akıllı sensible bayağı cheap
akılsız unreasonable baygın unconscious
akraba related becerikli practical
alakadar interested beceriksiz awkward
alakalı interested bedbaht unhappy
alçakgönüllü modest belirgin evident
aldırışsız indifferent belirli certain
alıngan sensitive belirsiz doubtful
altın golden belli certain
amaçsız pointless bencil selfish
amansız ruthless benzer analogous
ameli practical benzersiz unique
anal anal berbat terrible
analitik analytical bereketli productive
anlamlı meaningful besbelli evident
anlamsız meaningless biçimsiz ugly
anlaşılır understandable bilgili informed
anonim anonymous bilgisiz ignorant
anormal abnormal bilimsel scientific
aptal dumb bilinçli aware
ardışık consecutive bilinçsiz unconscious
arızalı defective bilinen known
artistik artistic biricik unique
aşağılık wicked birikimli cumulative
aşikâr evident birikmiş cumulative
asılı suspended birimsel modular
aşırı unreasonable biyolojik biological
asma suspended bol ample
atılgan aggressive bölgesel regional
atmosferik atmospheric boş meaningless
atomik atomic bozuk defective
ayıran selective bürokratik bureaucratic
aynen verbal büyük ample
aynı same büyüleyici glamorous
ayrıntılı detailed büyülü magical
az few buzlu icy
azametli proud cahil ignorant
bağışık immune çalışkan energetic

Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)

640 Indexes

canlı alive donmuş frozen

cazibeli charming dövülmüş beaten
çekici appealing doyurucu satisfying
çekilmez intolerable dürüst honest
çekilmiş drawn düşmanca hostile
cerrahi surgical duyarlı sensitive
çeşitli varied duygulu emotional
çift dual duygusal sentimental
cinsel sexual ebedi eternal
çıplak naked edebi literary
çirkin ugly edilgen passive
çizgisel linear edimsiz virtual
coğrafi geographical eğitilmiş trained
çok numerous eğlenceli enjoyable
cömert handsome egoist selfish
çözümlemeli analytical egzotik exotic
çözümsel analytical ehliyetsiz inefficient
dahili inner ekinsel cultural
damalı checked ekonomik economic
dayanıklı substantial eksik inadequate
dayanılmaz intolerable elektrik electrical
değerli costly elektrikli electrical
değersiz cheap elektriksel electrical
değişik varied elektronik electronic
değişmez settled elverişli practical
dehşetli fearful elverişsiz unsuitable
deli daft emin certain
demokratik democratic emniyetli reliable
deneme tentative endişeli fearful
deneyimli experienced endüstriyel industrial
deneysel experimental enerjik energetic
dengeli balanced enfes superb
devirli periodic engin vast
dilbilimsel linguistic esas intrinsic
dilsiz dumb eski old
dinç youthful esnek flexible
dini ecclesiastical esrarengiz mysterious
dirençli resistant eşsiz unique
diri alive etkilenmemiş unaffected
dış foreign etkileşimli interactive
dışarıda outdoor etkisiz inefficient
doğru honest etnik ethnic
doğrusal linear etraflı comprehensive
dokunaklı pathetic evlenmemiş unmarried
dokuzuncu ninth evli married
dolu loaded evrensel global

Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)

Indexes 641

faal energetic hassas delicate

fahiş unreasonable hatalı incorrect
farkında alive hatırlatan reminiscent
farklı different hatırlayan reminiscent
farksız indifferent hayali imaginary
faydalı beneficial hayatta alive
feci tragic hayırlı beneficial
feodal feudal hayırsever charitable
ferah spacious hazır prepared
fevkalade remarkable hazırlıklı prepared
finansal financial Hemen immediate
fırtınalı ugly hevesli responsive
fizyolojik physiological heybetli tremendous
fonksiyonel functional heyecanlı emotional
garip odd Hiç none
Geçerli valid hiçbiri none
geçersiz illegal hiddetli angry
geçici tentative hileli unfair
geleneksel conventional hınzır wicked
genç youthful hissedilir sensible
genel global hissi sentimental
geniş ample hiyerarşik hierarchical
genişletilmiş expanded hoş enjoyable
geometrik geometric hoşnut glad
gerçek intrinsic hukuki judicial
gerçekçi realistic huysuz vicious
gerekli required huzursuz uneasy
gereksiz redundant iç internal
girişken aggressive içli sentimental
gizemli mystical içsel inherent
gizli inner idari managerial
global global iğrenç disgusting
gönülsüz reluctant ihtiyar old
görgülü experienced ikili dual
güçlü energetic ikincisi latter
güncel up-to-date iktisadi economic
gürültücü noisy ilgili related
gürültülü noisy ilginç interesting
gururlu arrogant ilgisiz indifferent
güvenilir tried ilk elementary
güzel pleasant ilkel elementary
haberdar informed illegal illegal
hain wicked ilmi scientific
haksız unfair imzasız anonymous
hantal awkward ince fragile
harika gorgeous insafsız ruthless

Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)

642 Indexes

irrasyonel irrational kıskanç jealous

ısıl thermal kızgın angry
isimsiz anonymous klinik clinical
işlevsel functional kocaman enormous
istekli prepared konvansiyonel conventional
isteksiz reluctant korkak fearful
istenmeyen undesirable korkunç fearful
istisnai exceptional kötü vicious
iyimser optimistic küçük petty
kaba brutal kullanılmış used
kabahatli guilty kullanışlı practical
kabiliyetli intelligent kullanışsız awkward
kaçamaklı elusive kültürel cultural
kaçık daft kumlu sandy
kalifiye qualified küresel global
kalitesiz cheap kuşkulu doubtful
kanuni statutory küstah arrogant
kanunsuz illegal küsur odd
kapsamlı comprehensive kusurlu faulty
karanlık gloomy kutsal spiritual
kareli checked kuvvetli intense
kârlı beneficial lehte favourable
karşılıklı mutual leziz delicious
kasıtsız unconscious lezzetli delicious
kasti conscious loş gloomy
kasvetli bleak lüks luxurious
kavgacı aggressive lüzumsuz unnecessary
kavramsal conceptual maalesef sorry
kayalık rocky mağrur proud
kaygılı fearful mahsus peculiar
kayıtlı registered makul reasonable
kayıtsız indifferent mali financial
kazançlı profitable manevi spiritual
kederli unhappy mantıklı valid
kentsel urban mantıksız unreasonable
kesin certain manyetik magnetic
keyfi arbitrary marjinal marginal
keyifli cheerful masraflı expensive
kibar polite mecburi forced
kibirli arrogant medeni civil
kilitli locked memnun glad
kırılgan fragile meraklı curious
kirli filthy merhametsiz ruthless
kırsal rural meşgul engaged
kişisel personal meşhur famous
kısıtlı qualified mesleki occupational

Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)

Indexes 643

meşru valid olmuş ripe

mevsimsiz premature ölümcül fatal
mimari architectural olumlu favourable
moda fashionable önad adjective
modüler modular onaylı approved
muaf immune önceki old
muazzam enormous önemli substantial
mübarek holy önemsiz petty
muhakkak certain onurlu proud
muhtemel probable opsiyonlu optional
muhteşem gorgeous orantılı proportional
mükemmel elegant ortak mutual
mümkün possible ortodoks orthodox
müşterek mutual örtük implied
müstesna exceptional özel personal
muteber valid özgü peculiar
müthiş fearful özlü substantial
mutsuz unhappy öznel subjective
muzip wicked pahalı expensive
muzır harmful paketlenmiş packed
müzmin confirmed paralel analogous
nadir unusual parasal monetary
namuslu respectable parlak gorgeous
narin fragile pasif passive
nazik civil patırtılı noisy
nefis delicious periyodik periodic
nemli moist pis filthy
neşeli cheerful pişkin old
nicel quantitative pişman sorry
nişanlı engaged politik political
nispi proportional popüler popular
nitelikli qualified pragmatik pragmatic
nükleer nuclear pratik practical
ödenebilir payable prematüre premature
ödenecek payable psikiyatrik psychiatric
ödenmemiş outstanding psikolojik psychological
ödenmiş settled rahatsız uneasy
öfkeli angry rasyonel rational
olabilir possible realist realistic
olağandışı abnormal renkli colourful
olağanüstü remarkable riskli risky
olanaklı possible ritmik rhythmic
olanaksız unable rizikolu risky
olası possible ruhani spiritual
öldürücü fatal ruhsal spiritual
olgun ripe rutubetli moist

Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)

644 Indexes

sabırsız impatient sınırsız infinite

sabit settled şıpsevdi susceptible
saçma irrational şirin pleasant
sade stark sivil civil
saf naive siyasal political
sağ alive siyasi political
sağlam substantial sizinki yours
şahane tremendous soğuk frozen
şahsi personal son latter
sahte artificial sonraki latter
şairane poetic sonsuz eternal
sakar awkward sorumlu liable
sakat defective sözde supposed
saldırgan aggressive sözdizimsel syntactic
sanal virtual sözlü verbal
şanssız unhappy suçlu guilty
sarhoş loaded suni artificial
şartlı qualified şüpheci suspicious
şaşırtıcı astonishing şüphelenen suspicious
saygıdeğer respectable şüpheli suspicious
saygın respectable şüphesiz certain
sayısız countless süssüz stark
seçici selective şuursuz unconscious
seçimli optional süzgün drawn
seçkin outstanding taahhütlü registered
seçmeli optional tahammülsüz impatient
şefkatli charitable Tahmini estimated
seksi sexy tahsilli informed
seksüel sexual tahta wooden
şen cheerful takma artificial
seninki yours taktik tactical
sert rigorous talihsiz unfortunate
sesli vocal tam thorough
sessiz dumb tanımlayıcı descriptive
sevimli charming tanınmış distinguished
sevinçli glad tarihi historic
seyrek rare tarihsel historical
şiddetli brutal tarımsal agricultural
sıfat adjective tatlı pleasant
şiirsel poetic tatsız ugly
şık elegant taze youthful
sıkıcı gloomy tecrübe tentative
sıkıntılı uneasy tecrübeli experienced
şimdiki immediate tedirgin uneasy
simultane simultaneous tehlikeli risky
sınırlı limited tek odd

Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)

Indexes 645

teknolojik technological vasıflı skilled

telaşlı hurried verimli productive
temel elementary verimsiz inefficient
tercihli preferred vokal vocal
termal thermal yabancı foreign
termik thermal yakın immediate
ters ugly yakışıklı handsome
tesadüfi accidental yalancı artificial
tescilli registered yalın naked
tesirsiz inefficient yanlış incorrect
tiksindirici disgusting yapay artificial
tinsel spiritual yapıcı constructive
toplanmış collected yapısal structural
toplumsal communal yapışkan sticky
trajik tragic yapma artificial
tuhaf bizarre yapmacık artificial
türlü varied yapmacıksız unaffected
tutarlı coherent yaralı injured
tutuk uneasy yaramaz naughty
tüzel corporate yararlı beneficial
ucuz cheap yararsız pointless
ucuza cheap yaratıcı productive
ümitsiz hopeless yardımsever charitable
umutsuz hopeless yarımyamalak superficial
ünlü famous yasadışı illegal
unutulmaz memorable yasak forbidden
üretken productive yasaklanmış forbidden
ürkek fearful yasal statutory
ussal rational yaşayan alive
usta intelligent yaşlı old
üstünkörü superficial yerleşik settled
uyanık conscious yerli indigenous
uygar civil yersiz irrelevant
uygulamalı practical yetenekli intelligent
uygun adequate yeterli satisfactory
uygunsuz unsuitable yetersiz inefficient
uzak remote yıkıcı destructive
uzamsal spatial yirminci twentieth
uzatılmış extensive yolsuz unlawful
uzaysal spatial yönetimsel managerial
üzgün sorry yüklü loaded
üzgünüm sorry yüksek tall
uzun tall yükümlü liable
vahşi brutal yüzeysel superficial
vakitsiz premature zahmetsiz cheap
vasat indifferent zararlı destructive

Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)

646 Indexes

zarif elegant bizarre acayip

zehirli toxic bleak kasvetli
zeki intelligent brutal şiddetli
zevkli enjoyable bureaucratic bürokratik
zihinsel mental casual tesadüfi
zor sticky certain belirli
zoraki forced charged yüklü
zorlu formidable charitable hayırsever
zorunlu forced charming büyüleyici
cheap adi
checked damalı
cheerful istekli
civil kibar
clinical klinik
Adjectives (English - Turkish) coherent tutarlı
collected toplanmış
coloured renkli
abnormal olağandışı colourful renkli
accidental tesadüfi communal toplumsal
adequate elverişli comprehensive etraflı
adjective önad compulsory mecburi
aged ihtiyar conceptual kavramsal
aggressive saldırgan confirmed müzmin
agricultural tarımsal connected ilgili
alive diri conscious uyanık
amazing şaşırtıcı consecutive ardışık
ample bol considerable önemli
anal anal constructive yapıcı
analogous paralel conventional basmakalıp
analytical analitik corporate tüzel
angry fırtınalı costly pahalı
anonymous isimsiz countless sayısız
appealing çekici cultural kültürel
approved onaylı cumulative birikimli
arbitrary keyfi curious acayip
architectural mimari daft deli
arrogant gururlu defective kusurlu
artificial yapmacık delicate hassas
artistic artistik delicious hoş
astonishing şaşırtıcı delightful hoş
atmospheric atmosferik democratic demokratik
atomic atomik depressing acıklı
aware bilinçli descriptive tanımlayıcı
awkward beceriksiz destructive zararlı
balanced dengeli detailed ayrıntılı
beaten dövülmüş different başka
beneficial hayırlı disastrous feci
biological biyolojik disgusting berbat

Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)

Indexes 647

distinguished tanınmış forced mecburi

doubtful belirsiz foreign dış
drastic şiddetli formidable korkunç
drawn çekilmiş fragile ince
dreadful berbat frozen donmuş
dual çift functional fonksiyonel
dubious belirsiz geographical coğrafi
dumb aptal geometric geometrik
ecclesiastical dini glad memnun
economic ekonomik glamorous büyüleyici
electrical elektrik global evrensel
electronic elektronik gloomy sıkıcı
elegant mükemmel golden altın
elementary temel gorgeous harika
elusive kaçamaklı grim acımasız
emotional duygulu guilty kabahatli
endless sonsuz handsome bol
energetic kuvvetli harmful zararlı
engaged meşgul hierarchical hiyerarşik
enjoyable eğlenceli historic tarihi
enormous kocaman historical tarihi
estimated Tahmini holy kutsal
eternal ebedi honest doğru
ethnic etnik honourable onurlu
evident besbelli hopeless umutsuz
exceptional müstesna hostile düşmanca
exotic egzotik huge kocaman
expanded genişletilmiş hurried acele
expensive masraflı icy buzlu
experienced deneyimli ignorant bilgisiz
experimental deneysel illegal kanunsuz
explicit aşikâr imaginary sanal
extended genişletilmiş imaginative yaratıcı
extensive geniş immediate acil
extraordinary fevkalade immune bağışık
famous meşhur impatient sabırsız
fashionable moda implicit örtük
fatal ölümcül implied örtük
faulty kusurlu inadequate eksik
favourable elverişli incorporated anonim
fearful ürkek incorrect hatalı
feudal feodal indifferent vasat
few az indigenous yerli
filthy kirli industrial endüstriyel
financial finansal inefficient ehliyetsiz
flexible esnek infinite sınırsız
forbidden yasak informed bilgili

Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)

648 Indexes

inherent içsel mystical gizemli

injured yaralı naive saf
inland iç naked çıplak
inner gizli naughty yaramaz
insufficient eksik ninth dokuzuncu
intelligent kabiliyetli noisy gürültücü
intense kuvvetli none Hiç
interactive etkileşimli nuclear nükleer
interested meraklı numerous çok
interesting ilginç occupational mesleki
internal dahili odd acayip
intolerable çekilmez old eski
intrinsic esas optimistic iyimser
inviting çekici optional opsiyonlu
involved ilgili orthodox ortodoks
irrational irrasyonel outdoor dışarıda
irrelevant ilgisiz outstanding ödenmemiş
jealous kıskanç overt açık
judicial adli pacific barışçı
known bilinen packed paketlenmiş
latent gizli passive edilgen
latter son pathetic dokunaklı
liable sorumlu payable ödenebilir
limited kısıtlı peculiar acayip
linear çizgisel periodic devirli
linguistic dilbilimsel personal kişisel
literary edebi petty önemsiz
loaded dolu physiological fizyolojik
locked kilitli pleasant güzel
luxurious lüks poetic şairane
magical büyülü pointless amaçsız
magnetic çekici polite kibar
managerial idari political politik
marginal marjinal popular popüler
married evli possible mümkün
marvellous fevkalade practical ameli
mathematical kesin pragmatic pragmatik
meaningful anlamlı preferred tercihli
meaningless anlamsız premature prematüre
memorable unutulmaz prepared hazır
mental zihinsel probable muhtemel
modest alçakgönüllü productive yaratıcı
modular birimsel profitable yararlı
moist nemli proportional nispi
monetary parasal proud azametli
muscular adaleli psychiatric psikiyatrik
mutual karşılıklı psychological psikolojik
mysterious esrarengiz qualified kısıtlı

Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)

Indexes 649

quantitative nicel straightforward açık

rare nadir structural yapısal
rational makul structured yapısal
realistic realist subjective öznel
reasonable akıllı substantial büyük
redundant gereksiz superb enfes
regional bölgesel superficial üstünkörü
registered kayıtlı supposed sözde
related akraba surgical cerrahi
reliable emniyetli susceptible şıpsevdi
reluctant isteksiz suspended asma
remarkable olağanüstü suspicious kuşkulu
reminiscent hatırlatan syntactic sözdizimsel
remote uzak tactical taktik
required gerekli talented yetenekli
resistant dirençli tall uzun
respectable namuslu technological teknolojik
responsive hassas tentative deneme
rhythmic ritmik terrible berbat
rigorous sert terrific korkunç
ripe hazır thermal ısıl
risky riskli thorough tam
rocky kayalık toxic zehirli
rural kırsal traditional geleneksel
ruthless merhametsiz tragic korkunç
same aynı trained eğitilmiş
sandy kumlu tremendous heybetli
satisfactory yeterli tried güvenilir
satisfying doyurucu trivial önemsiz
scientific bilimsel twentieth yirminci
selective ayıran ugly huysuz
selfish bencil unable aciz
sensible akıllı unaffected etkilenmemiş
sensitive alıngan uncommon nadir
sentimental duygusal unconscious baygın
settled yerleşik understandable anlaşılır
sexual cinsel undesirable istenmeyen
sexy seksi uneasy endişeli
simultaneous simultane unfair haksız
skilled becerikli unfamiliar yabancı
sorry pişman unfortunate şanssız
spacious ferah unhappy kederli
spatial uzamsal unique benzersiz
spiritual kutsal unlawful kanunsuz
stark tam unlimited sınırsız
statutory yasal unmarried evlenmemiş
sticky yapışkan unnecessary gereksiz

Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)

650 Indexes

unreasonable akılsız
unsuitable elverişsiz
unusual nadir
up-to-date güncel
urban kentsel
used eski
useful faydalı
valid Geçerli
varied farklı
vast çok
verbal aynen
vicious bozuk
virtual sanal
vivid canlı
vocal vokal
wicked aşağılık
wooden tahta
yours seninki
youthful taze

Reference: Webster's Online Dictionary (www.websters-online-dictionary.org)

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