Process Analysis Lecture Holding

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Suppy Chain Lecture 2

Lego Lovers Kids' Cub Event

• On , January 20,Kids' Cub started off 208 with one of everyone's favourite activities - LEGO! From 2
to 5 pm, there were buiding contests, treats, games and even a custom Lego Bank to take home.
However, suppies were imited to the first 0 chidren. • Famiies started ining up at 0pm, showing
up at a rate of 0 chidren/hr unti 20pm and then at a rate of 50 chidren/hr unti 0 pm. The check-in
counter served chidren at a rate of 80 chidren/hr, and it was open unti a chidren were checked in.
a. Draw a graph of the number of chidren waiting in the ine. Start the graph at 0pm and show the
number of waiting chidren unti the ine is empty again. b. Using this inventory buid-up diagram,
cacuate the average number of chidren in ine. c. How ong — on average — does a chid wait in the
ine? Hint: Litte's Law. 2nd Hint: Make sure you cacuate the throughput rate correcty.)

Muti-Server Queuing Mode

Arriva rate (average input rate) X persons/min
Assumption: ? < Mp M = number of servers

'c = (x  m  p = k(m0
Average throughput X persons/min
Service rate (per server) (average capacity rate) A persons/min
• Customers ony form one queue (type 2 • The first customer in the queue wi be served by the next
empty server

PK Formua for Muti-Server Queue

Customers ony form one queue (type 2
_,/2(m r.2 , r x `'a -h2 q — —
A m T —
• Hoding X, A, Ca, Cs constant, if the number of servers m increases, q decreases
The inventory in queue and wait time is reduced in an M/M/ queue (as compared to three M/M/

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