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Algebra IGCSE 0580

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Algebra IGCSE 0580

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Algebra IGCSE 0580

Terms and coefficients

A term is a mathematical item in an equation that can be a constant (only a number) or

a variable (a combination of numbers and letters that possibly have exponents). The number
portion of a variable is called the coefficient. Some examples of terms include:

• 3 (a constant)
• x (a variable)
• y2 (a variable) 1 is the coefficient
• 3xy3 (a variable) 3 is the coefficient
• 5xy3 (a variable) 5 is the coefficient

Like terms: are terms that have the same variables and exponents. They do not have to have
to be the same coefficients.

Adding and Subtracting Terms

Important: We can only add or subtract like terms.
Simplify: x + 4x
These terms are like terms because they both only contain the variable x so they can be
combined. If there isn't a number in front of the variable, it's understood to be 1.

1x + 4x = 5x

Example: State the coefficient and the constant

1. 2c + 5d + 3 Solution 2 & 5 are coefficients ; 3 is the constant

2. p – 4q – 1 1 & - 4 are coefficients ; - 1 is the constant

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Example: Simplify
1. 13x + 7y − 2x + 6y
2. 10 a – 3b – 4a + 5b
3. 4x2 + 4y2 – 2x + y2
1. 13x – 2x +7y + 6y
11x + 13 y
2. 10a – 4a – 3b + 5b
6a + 2b
3. 4x2 + 4y2 + y2 – 2x
4x2 + 5y2 – 2x

Addition and Subtraction of Algebraic Fractions

Knowledge of adding and subtracting algebraic fractions is as important as knowledge of

To add or subtract algebraic fractions:

• Find the lowest common multiple of the denominators.

• Express all fractions in terms of the lowest common denominator.
• Simplify the numerators to obtain the numerator of the answer.

Example :


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Example: simplify

The distance travelled by an accelerating missile is given by s = ut + at2

Find s when u = 2m/s, t = 60s and a = 10m/s2 .

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Expanding or removing brackets

Single bracket

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𝒙𝟐 − 𝟏𝟕𝒙 + 𝟕𝟎 𝟐𝒙𝟐 − 𝒙 − 𝟑

Common Factors & Factorising

As well as being able to remove brackets by expanding expressions, it is also important to be able
to write expressions so that they include brackets;
this is called factorisation.
Example: Factorise 4x + 6.
The first stage is to find H.C.F of all the terms and take it out as a common factor
In this case 2 is the highest common factor of both 4x and 6, so 2 will go outside the brackets.
The remaining factors of each term are left inside the brackets, where they are recombined.

We can check the answer by multiplying out the brackets: 2(2x+3) = 4x+6

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Example: Factorise 18n + 24.

The first stage is to find H.C.F of 18n and 24.
In this case 6 is the highest common factor of both 18n and 24, so 6 will go outside the brackets.
The remaining factors of each term are left inside the brackets, where they are recombined.

Solution 6(3n+4)
We can check the answer by multiplying out the brackets: 6(3n+4) = 18n+24
Factorise 3xy² + 12x²y.
In this case 3xy is the highest common factor of both 3xy² and 12x²y, so 3xy will go outside the
The remaining factors of each term are left inside the brackets, where they are recombined.

We can check the answer by multiplying out the brackets: 3xy(y+4x) = 3xy² + 12x²y

Remember these Identities when factorise

Here is a list of common "Identities" (including the "difference of squares" used above).
It is worth remembering these, as they can make factoring easier.

a2 − b2 = (a+b)(a−b)
a2 + 2ab + b2 = (a+b)(a+b)
a2 − 2ab + b2 = (a−b)(a−b)

Example: Factor 4x2 - 9

Solution: it’s difference of two squares because 4x2 is (2x)2, 9 is (3)2
4x2 – 9 = (2x)2 - (3)2
= (2x – 3)(2x + 3)
Factorising by grouping the algebraic expressions:
Example: Factorise xy - pq + qy - px
By suitable rearranging the terms, we have;
= (xy - px) + (qy - pq)

= x (y - p) + q (y - p)

= (y - p) (x + q).
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Factoring Quadratics
A "quadratic" looks like "ax2+ bx + c", where "a", "b", and "c" are just numbers.
• Factorise x2 + 7x + 6.
The constant term is 6, which can be written as the product of 2 and 3 or of 1 and 6.
But 2 + 3 = 5, so 2 and 3 are not the numbers I need in this case. On the other hand,
1 + 6 = 7, so I'll use 1 and 6:
x2 + 7x + 6 = (x + 1)(x + 6)
Note that the order doesn't matter in multiplication, so the above answer could equally
correctly be written as
"(x + 6)(x + 1)".
• Factor x2 – 5x + 6.
The constant term is 6, but the middle coefficient this time is negative. Since I multiplied
to a positive six, then the factors must have the same sign. (Remember that
two negatives multiply to a positive.) Since I'm adding to a negative (–5), then both
factors must be negative. So rather than using 2 and 3, as in the first example, this time I
will use –2 and –3:
x2 – 5x + 6 = (x – 2)(x – 3)
Note that you can use clues from the signs to determine which factors to use, as I did in this
last example above:
• If c is positive, then the factors you're looking for are either both positive or else both
If b is positive, then the factors are positive
If b is negative, then the factors are negative.
In either case, you're looking for factors that add to b.
• If c is negative, then the factors you're looking for are of alternating signs;
that is, one is negative and one is positive.
If b is positive, then the larger factor is positive.
If b is negative, then the larger factor is negative.
In either case, you're looking for factors that are b units apart.
• Factor x + x – 6.
Since I am multiplying to a negative six, I need factors of opposite signs; that is, one
factor will be positive and the other will be negative. The larger factor (in absolute
value) will get the "plus" sign, because I am adding to a positive 1. Since these opposite-
signed numbers will be adding to 1, I need the two factors to be one unit apart. The
factor pairs for six are 1 and 6, and 2 and3. The second pair are one apart, so I want to
use 2 and 3, with the 3 getting the "plus" sign (so the 2 gets the "minus" sign).
x2 + x – 6 = (x – 2)(x + 3).

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• Factor x2 – x – 6.
This looks just like the previous case, except that now the middle term is negative. I still
want factors with opposite signs, and I still want factors that are one apart, but this time
the larger factor gets the "minus" sign:
x2 – x – 6 = (x – 3)(x + 2)
• Factor x2 – 5x – 6.
In this case, I still want factors of opposite signs, but now I want them to be five units
apart, and the larger factor will get the "minus" sign. The factor pairs for six are 1 and 6,
and 2 and 3. The first pair are five apart, so I'll use the numbers +1 and –6:

x2 – 5x – 6 = (x – 6)(x + 1)


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The denominator will be lowest common multiple

𝑑+𝑐−(𝑐−𝑑) 𝑑+𝑐−𝑐+𝑑 2𝑑 2
= = = =
𝑐𝑑 𝑐𝑑 𝑐𝑑 𝑐

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(𝑥−2)(𝑥−3) 𝑥−3

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Completing Square Method

Take the example of . It can be factored into which is equal

to . The non-factored expression is the perfect square trinomial.
Obtaining a Perfect Square by using completing square method

Example is to be written in the form (𝑥 + a)2 + b


If we wanted the terms to factor into a perfect square such as , then we

can let , thus making the last term .
As long as the value of the expression does not change terms can be rewritten as combinations of
other numbers. This idea is used to obtain a perfect square. We can rewrite 14 as the sum of two
numbers, one of which should be 25.
10 𝑥
𝑥 2 + 10𝑥 + 14 = ( 𝑥 2 + + 52 ) − 52 + 14
The perfect square can be factored: so a = 5 and b = -11
Relationship between terms

▪ Note that the coefficient of the middle term is twice the square root of the constant term in a
quadratic equation.
▪ In other words, the constant term is the square of half of the coefficient of x.
▪ Note that this holds only true if the coefficient of is 1.

▪ Step 1 : Move the constant term c over to the side.

▪ Step 2 : Factor out a, the coefficient of the squared term.

▪ Step 3 : Complete the quadratic in the parenthesis to make a perfect square trinomial by adding
the square of half of the coefficient. subtract the equivalent value from c which moved to the side.

▪ Step 4 : Factorise the parenthesis, simplify the numbers outside the parenthesis
▪ Step 5: If asked for, solve for x make it equal to zero and solve.

(𝑥 + 5)2 - 11 = 0

𝑥 + 5 = √11 or 𝑥 + 5 = - √11
𝑥 = √11 - 5 = -1.68 𝑥 = - √11 – 5 = - 8.32

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Problems leading to quadratic equations

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Solving Equations with a Variable on Both Sides

Sometimes, the unknown quantity will appear on both sides of an equation. A quantity with a
variable can be treated just like a quantity without variables a quantity with a variable follows
all the rules learned in the last two sections. For example, we can add a quantity with a
variable to both sides without changing the equation or the values that make it true:
15 - x = 4x
15 = 4x + x
15 = 5x , x=3


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am = an so m =n

x b = y b so x = y

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Inequality Inequality symbols are < , > ,≥ , ≤

x > 2 means x greater than 2

x ≤ 5 means x less than or equal 5

x < 4 means x less than 4

x ≥ 7 means x greater than or equal 7

Inequalities can also be represented on a number line

Use a hollow black dot for < and >.

Use a solid black dot for ≥ and ≤

Example: Represent the following inequalities on the number line

a) x ≥ -1

b) x < 2

c) x ≥ -1 and x< 3. This shows that x greater than or equal -1 and x less than 3
we can write this in one single line as -1 ≤ x < 3

Solving linear inequalities is very similar to solving linear equations, except for one small but
important detail: you flip the inequality sign whenever you multiply or divide the inequality by
a negative. The easiest way to show this is with some examples:

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Note that the solution to a "less than, but not equal to" inequality is graphed with a parentheses (or else an open
dot) at the endpoint, indicating that the endpoint is not included within the solution.

Note that "x" in the solution does not "have" to be on the left. However, it is often easier to picture what the
solution means with the variable on the left. Don't be afraid to rearrange things to suit your taste, the solution to
a "less than or equal to" inequality is graphed with a close dot at the endpoint, indicating that the endpoint is
included within the solution.

The rule for example 5 above often seems unreasonable. But think about inequalities with
numbers in there, instead of variables. You know that the number four is larger than the
number two: 4 > 2. Multiplying through this inequality by –1, we get –4 < –2, which the
number line shows is true:

If we hadn't flipped the inequality, we would have ended up with

"–4 > –2", which clearly isn't true.

less than or equal

greater than or equal
less than
greater than

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Solving Simultaneous Equations

Solution by elimination method

The object is to manipulate the two equations so that, when combined, either the x term or the y
term is eliminated the resulting equation with just one unknown can then be solved:
Here we will manipulate one of the equations so that when it is combined with the other
equation either the x or y terms will drop out. In this example the y term will drop out giving a
solution for x. This is then substituted into one of the original equations.

Label your equations so you know which one you are working with at each stage.

Solve the two simultaneous equations

Equation [1] is x+y=8
Equation [2] is x–y=6

Look at the equations we notice that y in both equations has same coefficient with different sign
which means if we add them term y will drop out
Add [1] to [2]
2x = 14

x = 14 ÷ 2
x = 7

substituting x = 7 into [1] gives 7+y=8

y = 1

So x = 7 , y = 1
Check: substitute these values into [2]
The answer is correct

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Solve the two simultaneous equations
Equation [1] is a + 2b = 18 (multiply by 2)
Equation [2] is 3a – 4 b = 4
Look at both equations we notice that term b has different coefficients
with different signs so we will multiply equation no.1 by 2 to make term b
in both equations with same coefficient and different sign so we can drop
term b out by adding both equations
2a + 4b = 36
Add equation [2] 3a – 4 b = 4
5a = 40
a = 40 ÷ 5
substituting a = 8 into [2] gives
3(8) – 4 b = 4
24 – 4 b = 4
24 – 4 = 4 b
20 = 4b
b = 20 ÷ 4
so a = 8 and b = 5
check: substitute these values into [1]
8 + 2 × 5 = 18
The answer is correct

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Solve the two simultaneous equations
Equation [1] is 4x + 5y = 23 (multiply by - 3)
Equation [2] is 3x + 4y = 12 (multiply by 4)
We adjust the two equations to make term x with equal size and different sign so we can drop it
out (we can make it same sign and subtract them)

- 12 x – 15y = - 69
12x + 16y = 48 add
y = - 21

substituting y = -21 into [2] gives

3x + 4( - 21) = 12
3x = 12 + 84
3x = 96
x = 96 ÷ 3
x = 32
so x = 32 and y = - 21
check: substitute these values into [1]
4 × 32 + 5 × ( -21 ) = 23
The answer is correct

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Steps For Solving Real World Problems

• Highlight the important information in the problem that will help write two equations.
• Define your variables
• Write two equations
• Use one of the methods for solving systems of equations to solve.
• Check your answers by substituting your ordered pair into the original equations.
• Answer the questions in the real world problems. Always write your answer in complete

the sum of two numbers is 20 and their difference is 2. Find the numbers.
Let the larger number be x and the smaller number be y

Sum x + y = 20 equation [1]

Difference x–y=2 equation [2] add both
2x = 22
x= 22 ÷ 2
x = 11
substituting x = 11 into [1] gives

11 + y = 20

y = 20 – 11


check: substitute these values into [1]

11 + 9 = 20
The answer is correct

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Problem Solving technique

We can translate word expressions into equations (algebraic expression) by translating words
into numbers, variables and operations.

- Let the unknown quantity be x

- Express the given statement in the form of an equation

- solve the equation to find x

Important Vocabulary

1. (add , increase, more than, sum, total value, profit, VAT) operation addition.

2. (less than, decrease, subtract from, difference, reduce, sale, loss) operation subtraction

3. (multiply, times, product) operation multiplication.

4. (quotient, divide, share) operation division.

Using algebra skills

2y is even
2y + 1 is odd
y, y+1, y+2 are consecutive numbers
y, y+2, y+4 are consecutive odd or even numbers

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Changing the subject of the formula

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4 = 3n
9 ⁄3
9 3 = 3𝑛
3 3 = 3𝑛

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i) Ashraf x , Bukki 5+x , Claude 2x

ii) Ashraf x+2 , Bukki 2+5+x , Claude 2x+2

iii) (x+2)(2x+2) = (5+x)2

2x2 + 2x + 4x + 4 = 25 + 10x + x2

2x2 – x2 + 6x – 10x + 4 – 25 =0

x2 – 4x – 21 =0

(x – 7)(x +3) =0

x–7=0 or x + 3 = 0

x=7 or x = -3

Claude 2(7)+2 = 16 years

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Direct proportion

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Inverse proportion

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