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DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS OF RED EYE Med218 Cluster 4 By: Mohammed Alsaad

Condition Eetiology Presentation Some findings Treatment

Red eye Conjunctival
Foreign Congestion.
Body Normal Vision
Infections Sensation Normal IOP
Acute (bacterial or Discharge Bacterial:
Conjunctivitis fungal) Intense Purulent Antimicrobials.
Secondary to itching discharge
another disorder (allergic) Viral:
Swelling of Watery
eyelid discharge.
sectoral or
Discomfort diffuse injection Generally self-
Moderate of radially- limited (resolve
Mostly pain directed vessels, spontaneously within
Episcleritis Idiopathic Segmental chemosis 1 to 2 weeks)
Reddening Segmental Topical NSAIDS
Congestion Topical Steroids.
Slightly Tender
Normal Vision
Normal IOP
Approximately Usually Tender
50% of scleritis unilateral Inflammation, *Vision
cases (usually General Deeper Vessels threatening*
severe) are reddening Inflammed, Vision NSAIDS topical or
Scleritis attributable to Very very May Be Reduced. systemic
systemic Severe "deep" (thickening and Systemic Steroids
autoimmune or pain. edema of the Immunosuppresan
rheumatic history or sclera and deep, ts
diseases recurrent diffuse reddening Treat Underlying
) etiology
Infection. Redness Corneal ulcer. Antimicrobial,
usually Pain Decreased Mydriatic Cycloplegic.
bacterial ( 90%) Photophobia vision aculity (if * Urgent referral to
Maybe due to Defective central ulcer ). ophthalmology , treat
secondary vision Hypopyon vigorously to avoid
Keratitis exposure to Corneal opacity complication.
corneal that necroses and Note : b/c risk of
exposure forms an perforation, any type
contact lens use excavated ulcer of corneal ulcer is an
" ( 50% of ulcers) Discharge emergency.
most common similar to
cause conjunctivitis
DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS OF RED EYE Med218 Cluster 4 By: Mohammed Alsaad

Pain (cute Ciliary Injection

iritis and pupil miosed
iridocyclitis is iridocyclitis is irregular
frequently painful Defective vision
attributable to Redness IOP may be low
Acute immunologic Photophobia Hypopyon Mydriatic
iridocyclitis causes such as: ( due to Cycloplegic
Allergic, reactive spasm steroids
bacterial of inflamed iris
reaction. muscle )
Intense pain Diffuse Hospitalization
Nausea congestion hyperosmotic
Vomiting Corneal edema agents
Acute Defective Shallow AC Carbonic
Angle _______ vision Pupil vertically anhydrase inhibitors
Closure oval Miotics
Glaucoma Mid-dilated and Peripheral
fixed pupil iridotomy
Reduced vision Filtration surgery
IOP markedly

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