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Solutions Manual Accompanying Elements of Electromagnetics, Third Edition Matthew Sadiku, Jerry Sagliocca, and Oladega Soriyan Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter § Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 TABLE OF CONTENTS 40 B 113 129 193 221 240 280 328 350 384 389 CHAPTER 1 PLE. LI (a) A+ B=(1,03)+(5,2,-6) = (6.2,-3) |4+ Bl= 36+4+9=7 (b) 5A-B=(5,0.15)-(5,2,-6) = (0, (c) The component of A along ayis Ay =0 (4) 34+ B=(3,0,9)+(5,2,-6) = (8,2,3) A unit vector parallel to this vector is ae "644449 = 40.9117, +0.2279a, +0.3419a,) P.E. 1.2 (a) The distance vector (0,3,8)-(2,4,6) +2a, Ton =a - (b) The distance between Q and R is =V44144 33 (6) Vector rap =(1,-3,5)-(2,4,6) = (-1,-7,-1) COSOpon = (a) Area = Vo roe * roe| = Vi(15,-4.13) { I PLE. 13 Consider the figure shown below: 40 U, =U, +U, a, +a,) 3500, + = -378a, + 28.284, or u = 379.32175.72" N y . E i x j u uw s PLE. 14 At point (1,0), G at point (0,1), G at point (2,0), G at point (1,1), G It is evident that G is a unit vector at each point. Thus the vector field G is as sketched in Fig. 1.8 PLES Using the dot product, 9, -AtB__-/3 cos AB” T1065 * or using the cross product, Either way. P.E.1.7 a+b+c=0 showing that a, 6, and c form the sides of a triangle. a-b=0, hence it is a right angle triangle. Area = 3.940914 = PLELLS (@) BP, = V(x, -x) +. -)) +(e) - 2) =V25+4+64 =9.644 (b) rp =P + Alte, rm) = (1,2,-3)+ a(-5,-2,8) d= PP sind =|PP, xa,,,| 146 -3 4 “Fails -2 3 5 alt 14.-73.-27) = (-5,-2,-2) -0.8703a, — 0.3482a, - 0.3482a, Prob. 1.2 (a) A + 2B =(2.5,-3)+(6,-8,0) = 8a, —3a, (b) A -5C = (2,5,-3)-(5,5,5) = (- 3,0, | |4-sej=V9r0+6 = 8.544 (c) KB = 3ka, ~ 4ka, |kB| = VOR? 16k? = 45k =2 =k (d) A- B= (2,5,-3)-(3,-4,0)= 6 -20+0=14 2 5 3-4 AxB (12 9 23 ae axa} ofc) 14714714 Prob, 1.3 | | (a) A-2B =(2,1,-3)-(0,2,-2) = (2,-1,-1) A-2B+C a, + 4a, + 6a, (b) 4+ B=(2, C-4(4 + B)=(3,5,7)-(88,-16) = -5a 3a, +234, (c)2A -3B = (4,2,-6)-(0,3,-3) = (4,-1,-3) \C|= V9+25+49 =9.11 | 24-38 ey 039m = OMe, - 0.32930, = 2) = 0.857 la, +0.6428a, + 1.642a, (d)A-C =6+5-21=-10, [Bl = v2 A-C-|Bl 10+2 | taste (2 -t}¢(2.3.2) Gators 53833.0.75) 304 33 444 -1{ far(tarte)= ° ! "a1 234 Fo) 2 hat67 1.5833 0.75 | Prob.1.4 (a) T=(3,22,1) and $ = (4, 6,2) (b) rrs = ts — 1 = (4, 6, 2) = (3, -2, I= 1 Bay ta, (c) distance = |rrs| = V1 +64 +1 = 8.124m Prob. 1.5 Let D = aA + 6B+C | =(Sa- 6 +8)a, +(3a+4f +2)a, +(-20 +68), D, =0+5a-f+8=0 a) D, =0 4-20 + 6f =0 +a =38 Q) Substituting (2) into (1), 15B-B+8=0> f= Thus Prob. 1.6 A-B=0>0=3a+f-24 ad) A-C=0-+0=Sa-2+47 (2) BC =040=15-28 -6y 3) In matrix form, 24) [3 1 0fa > =|5 0 4 ‘ {Is} lo 2 6f7]} 3 1 O sb 0 4|=3(0-8)-1(30~0)+0(10-0)=-24-30 =-54 lo 2 24 1 oJ A,=|2 0 4)=-24x8-(12-60)=-144 1S 2 6| Is 24 oJ =|5 2 4 =3(12-60)-24x30 = -864 0 15 4 {3 1 24! 4,=|5 0 2/=-12-75+240=153 lo 2 15] Prob. 1.7 (2) A-B = ABcosO 4p Ax B= ABsinO ,,, (4-B) +|Ax Bl’ = (4B)*(cos? 0,, +sin? 0,,)= (4B)? Prob. 1.8 (a) P+ Q=(2,2,0), P+Q- R =(3,1,-2) |P+O-R|=V9+1+4 = Vid = 3.742 [-2 -1 - (b)P-QxR=|4 3 2)/=-2(6-2)+(8+2)-2(44+3)=-8+10-1 -l 1 2 432 5 =(4,- OxR I‘ ; i (4,-10,7) P-QxR=(-2,-1,-2)-(4,-10,7) = -8+10-14 = 32 4 2 Jetaaa) 4,4,2)-(-1,2)= 44444 =12 -l 1 2 or QxP-R=R-QxP=|4 3 -2 -1 (d)(P x Q)-(Q x R) = (4,-4.2): (4,-10,7) = 16 + 40-14 4 -4 J ol «0)(@xA)=[) 10 77488 P-R (2-1-4) Ong See = (905000 = tpiRi” Jacteadisted py = 114.1" - (sind = 2 SIRETORT Ne PI ibe 9+4 35 | Op9 = 214 Prob. 1.9 Tr. (a)T, =T-a, => Is| (b)S, =(S ayhe, = EDI. =12-63) = -0.2857a, + 0.8571a, - 0.4286a, \@12110) | 245 N67 -ITxS| _ ris} | 2 -6 3 12] = 0.9129 al (c)sin8,s = Prob. 1.10 AB _~1+12+15 _ 26 _ 694 iB) Visaso Via (B-A)A _ 26(-1,6,5) b) B, = (B- = =a )B, =(B-as)eg lar (+3625) =-0.4193a, +2.516a, +2.097a, B 26 26 A Oy, - AB. __ 2626 (0800 ~ igi” Jeijieaes ~ Vena @A,=A-a, Prob. 1.11 Prob. 1.12 Por ye 2 0 3” P-(Qx R)=(2,-1,1)-(3,-1,2 =6+1-2=5 QxR= (3,-1,-2) Prob. 1.13 (a) Using the fact that (4x B)xC =(4-€)B-(B-C)A, we get Ax(Ax B)= (Ax B)x A =(B-A)A-(4-A)B (b) Ax (4x(Ax B))= Ax[(4-B)4-(4-)B] = (4: BYAx A)-(A- AYAx B) Prob. 1.14 [ A(BxQ = Hence. A-(BxC) = (AxB)-C Prob. 1.15 (15.39,-30) [6 0 PpxRR=[ oo I Area of the triangle = +|P,P, x BP = Prob. 1.16 Let P; = (4,1,-3), P2 = (-2, 5, 4), and P3 = (0, 1, 6) Pi a=, ~ 14, = (-2,5,4)- (41,-3) = (-6,4,7) = (0,1,6)-(-2,5,4) = (2,-4,2) rn, = (41-3) - (0,1,6) = (4,0,-9) Note thata+b+c=0 12-16+14 b = abcos(180~ 7) > - = —_— #16 abcod 80-7) + cosy = B= IE 4 14° . = Se = BAT res Tor +0-18 24/97 «10 = cos! ———- = 78, A V2497 = 24+0-63 a-c = accos(180- a)» —cosa = 2 £ = —748 40-63 ale] Ji01/97 — Prob. 1.17 (8) fp = Mo - Fp = (2,-1.3) (-1.4,8) = (3,-5,-5) Tig =|Peq| = V9-+ 25+ 25 = 7.681 (b) Fog = = (-1,2.3)-(- 1.4.8) = (0.-2.-5) j () rep = 3a, +5a, + 5a, Ton = 2.-1,3)-(-1,2,3) = 3a, -3a, cos = for For 91S 24 \rorltoe| V9+25+25V9+9 Vi8V59 6 = 137.43" Shae Xa | 5S ferston=[ 5 _3 = 15a. +154, ~ 60, Are: = LVS HIP HE = 11.02 (©) Perimeter = OP + PR+ RO=rop + Fon + Foe = 59 + V4425 + VIB = 7.681 + 5.385 + 4.243 731 Prob. 1.18 (a) Let A = (4,B,C) and r ="(x,y,2) i+ By+ C2+ D where D = -4° - B’- C*. Hence, (r-A)-A = 0 Ax + By+Cz+D=0 which is the equation of a plane. (b) (r-A)-r = (x-A)x + (y-B)y + (2-C)z If (r-A)r = 0, then v+y+z—Ax-By-Cz=0 which is the equation of a sphere whose surface touches the origin. (c) See parts (a) and (b). [Prob. 1-19 " — | (a) Let P and Q be as shown below 5 x Q 82. 2x4) ; |P|=cos’ 8, +sin? 6, = 1,|Q| = cos? 0, + sin? @, =1, ' Hence P and Q are unit vectors. (b) P-@ = (I)(1)cos(@, -8,) But P-@ = cos@, cos8, +sin§, sin8,. Thus, cos(O, -4, 088, cos8, + sind, sind, Let P, = P =cos6,a, +sinda, and 0, =c0s8,a, -sind,a,. ' P, and Qy are unit vectors as shown below: | P,Q, = (I)()cos(O, + A) But P, -Q, = cos8, cosd, ~sin8, sind, cos(9, + 8,) = c0s8, cos, - sind, sind, { Alternatively, we can obtain this formula from the previous one by replacing ! 02 by -92 in @. (c) I 5 1 . ZIP A= F1(e0s0,, - cos0.,)a, + (sind, ~ sind .)a, ee a 5 V2- 2(cos8 ,cos0 , + sind, sind , Let @,-8, = 0, the angle between P and Q. 1 1 — lP- = 3v2- 2cos0 But cos 2A 2sin7A. 1 l a SIP Os 5 V2- 2+ 4sin”0/2 = sind /2 Thus, Li p-gytsi IP - Orlsin Prob. 1.20 Prob. 1.21 (a) AUT, A = (-4,3,-9) [4] = J16+9+81 = V106 = 10.3 (b) Let r;5 = B= Ba, B=56.a, 5.6(-4,3,9) 10.3 -0.175a, +0.63la, - 1.8934, Prob. 1.22 (a) At(1,2,3), £ = (2,1,6) [E| = V4+1436 = V41 = 6.403 (b) At (12,3), F= (2,-4,6) E-F)F _36 ler 56 = 1.2864, ~2.57la, +3.857a, E, =(E-a,)a,p (2,-4,6) (c) At (0,1,-3), B= (0,1,-3), F = (0,-1,0) oO 1 - ExF= (-3,0,0) jo -1 0 Geer a ta, jexF| —= PLE. 21 (a) At P(1,3,5), x= 1, p=yxey = Vi0 PCp, Spherical system: y=3, CHAPTER 2 z=5, re yx? yt 2? = ¥35 =5.916 reyxre yess 6= tant ferny*/ 35 = 5916 = tan! ¥10/5s = tan“! 0.6325 = 32.31° P(r,8,0)= P(5.916,32.31° 71.56°) AtT(0,-4,3), x=0 p= xt + y? = 4,25 3,9 tan y/ x= tan!- 4/0= 270° T(2.9.2) Spherical system: (4,270° 3). P(JT0, tan“ 3,5) = P(3.162,716" 5) 2=0; rext+ yz? = 5,0= tan" p/z= tan! 4/3= 5313. TC, Tgs313 At S(-3-4-10), p= {ety =5, b= tant 4/-3= 2331 S(p,9,2) = S(5,233.1,- 10). (b) Spherical system: 270°). x=3, y=4, 2=-10; rot yee = Sv5= 1118, = tan '/ = tan!5/-10= 15343%; S(r,0,9)= S(11.18,153.43° ,2331°). In Cylindrical system, Q= 7 Q, p= = 0: x+y; Q. g yz= zpsind, J [2] cosé sing 0], /2|- -sing cosé 0}] 0 la} lo o ile In Spherical coordinates: rsing Q.= B = sing; 1 Q, =-rsingsinOrcosd ~ = - rsinBcos@sing, Q.| [sinécosd sindsing cose ][Q, Q, | = |cosBcosg cosOsing -sing|| 0 |; Q, ~sing cosp 0 La. Q.= Q,sinBcosg + Q, cos = sin? Bcos# - rsinBcos? Asing. Q,= Q, cosOcosg - Q, sind = sinOcosOcos4 + rsin? BcosOsing. Q, sing = - sin@sing. Q= sin {sin Bcosp- rcos? Asin g)G, + sindcosgXcos4 + rsindsing)q, - sindsingq, AtT: a 4. - - - Q(x, y.z) = gat 2a, =08a,+24a.; 4 5 5 - O(p.9.2)= 5 (e0s270° Gy ~ sin270° ay - 3sin270° a: = 08a, + 24a, ; 4 45 - 43. 20 - 4 - Q8.9)=500- 55(- Mar + S(SMO- FD) ao - soda 4 yet 540 = l44a, +084, 0 Note, that the magnitude of vector Q = 2.53 in all 3 cases above. re22 (a) [* [cose -sind 0 [ pzsing | i j "|e cosp 0) | 3pcosd a [0 0 | [econo i A= (pzcosd sing - 3p cos6 sing )a, + (pzsin’ $+ 3p cos’ $a, +pcospsinga.. | But p = yx"+ = = ze y » tang=—, cosh = , sin ; x y yrry te ey? Substituting all this yields: { [(a2- 3xy)a, + (zy’+ 3x’)a, + xya,] fl B. sin@cos@ cos@cosd -sing|{ r? B,|=|sin@sing cos@sing cos@ || 0 B cos6 sind 0 sin® To 5 Since r= x+y? +2", tanQ==2*” tang 2; \ z z { yxvty? and sin@ ===, _cos0 x+y tz?” . » x and sing = ' cos} = ; : yx? 457 an +y? . 1 B, =r? sin@cosd ~ sin@sing = rx-~ = ~(rx-y), ; ror I B, =r’ sinOsing + sinOcosp = ry+~ = “(r?y 4x), r * B. =r’ cos® = rz =—(r’z). 1 (a0? +" +27) - ya, + QGl ty? +2?) +x}a, HzO ty? y P.E.2.3 (a) At: (1,2 /3,0), H= ( - - i. - a, = cos$ a, - sing dy = 5 (a, -V3a) v3 + (b) At: (1,213,0), Go = cos0 dy ~ sind a, = a a a. ope 1 Hxay=|0 5 I= 0 6 - (©) (Heap)ay = 0a. ip ay | Hxa: = |0 1/2 1] = 05a, (d) oo. PE. 2.4 @ AeB = (3,2,- 6) #(4,0,3) Ia, - 33a - 8a]. () | Thus the magnitude of Ax B= 3448. (c) At (1. 2/3. St / 4), B= n/3, a-= costa, - sinfa. - By _ 1 aI (Ava.)a. = G- VI) Ga - 8; 0.116 a, 0. Prob, 2.1 (a) x= pcosd= Icos60" = 05; y= psing = Isin120° = 0866; z=2; P(x,y,2) = P (05,0866, 2). (b) x=2c0s90% = 0; y= 2sin90°=1; z= -10. QO =9(0,1,-4). © sinO@cosg = 3sin45°cos210° = - 1.837; ye=rsinOsing = 10sin135°*sin90° = - 1.061; z=rcos@ = 10cos135° = 2121 R(x yz) = R(- 183) 061, 2.121). (d) x= 4sin90°cos30° = 3.464. sin 30° sin 240° = 2. z= rcosO = 4cos90* = 0. T(x,y,2) = 13.464, 2, 0). Prob.2.2 (a) Given P(1,-4,-3), convert to cylindrical and spherical values; 20 pe yix™ a = VP+CH = V7 = 4.123 “7 a stan! = tan! te ° gta = tan = 28404. i Spherical: i rays yee = VIF 1649 = 5099 y x= pcos, y= psing, zc0s$- p? singcosg+ pzsing (b) Pe year yr 22? 2 +r? sin’ Osin? $+ 2r* cos’ O = P[1+ sin’ Osin’ $+ 2cos’@ i | Prob. 2.4 ‘ @) : D,| [cose sing o}f 0 i D,|=|-sing cosh 0} | x+z . pJ {| o o ilo \ D, = (x+ z)sing = (p cos@ + z)sing D, = (x+ z)cosd = (p cosd + z) cos D= (p cosh + z)[sind a+ cos} a,] ' Spherical: [2 J... sin@ sing | 0 | D,|= |. cosOsing ...||x+2 12 1 Di. cosé 21 D, = (x+ z)sin0 cos = r(sin@ cos¢ + cosd) sind sing. D, = (x+ z)cos@ sing = r(sin8 sing + cos )cosé sing. D, = (x+z)cosh = r(sin9 cos6 + cos) cos}. D= r(sin® cos6 + cos [sind sing a, + cos@ sind ay + cosd ay], (6) Cylindrical: | [®| cosé sing 0] [y?-x? \ E,| = |-sing cosé 0] | x2 le, 0 0 I |xe-2} | E, = (°-x*)cosd+ xyzsing = p*(sin? g- cos’ P)cosg + p*zcosdsin? g P cos2gcosd + p*zsin’ dcos¢. (7 - x*)sing + xyzcose E, =p’ cos2gsing + p*cos2gsing + p*zsingcos' g. i E,=x%-2 = proosg-2?. E = p* cosg(zsin® $- cos2) a, + p* sing(2cos? $ + cos2)ay + (p? cosp- z”)a.. In spherical: i E, sindcosp sin@sing cos@ | [y?- x" I E,| =|cos@cos¢ cosdsing -sind} | xz ‘ E, -sing’ cos 0 | bx-2? i E, = (y’~ x’)sin0 cos} + ayzsin® sing + (x? - 2’) cos0; : but x= rsinOcosp, y= rsinsing, z= rcos0; E, = r' sin’ 0(sin? 4 - cos’ )cos + r’sin’@ cos sin’ § cos + r?(sin?6 cos’ }) cost’; E, = (y" ~ x’) cos6 cos} + xyzcos@ sing - (x? - 2’) sind; | = -r° sin’ 8 cos26 cos@ cos + r’ sin* 8 cos’@ sin} cosé - r?(sin’Ocos’¢ = cos’ 8)sin8; E, = (x'~3")sing + xyzcosd ' = 1 sin’ 0.cos2 sing + r’ sin? @ cos’ § sing cos®; | In Spherical: am = i 4 ae ! (pa, + 4a:). A (4, + 44:). Ipaa sinO cos} cosé sing 0 -sing sing 0 o 01 1 EF, = Fs 1000s" $+ psin’ g) = 2 pen? 9+ psin’ g] 1 Torah Pesstsinds pcosdsindl = 0 pee sin@ sind cos costcosh cos sing - sind ~ sind cosd 0 er i Fi x r a r E = [-r’ sin’0.cos29 + r' sin’ 0 cos0 sin’ cosh + r°(sin’@ cos’ 6 ~ cos’8)cos8 Ja, + 23 2 > ? 2 4 in’ O.cos’O + “sin? 9 sin’@ + Zcosd , , , A ye F, = sin cos® cos" § + sin cos@ sin’ § - ~sind r F, =~ sinO cos sing ~ sind sing cos = 0: sy tay: 4 F = (sin’@+—sin8)a, + sinO(cos0 ~ -)ag. (b) G,| [cose sing 0] G,| =|-sing sing 0 G. o o1 G, = 0; zp Ge ; - VJ ip +27 : ~~ (pa, +24.). Were a | Spherical : G,| [sin@cosp sin@ sing G,| = |coscos cosd sing G, ~sing cos » 4 = sin’@ + —cos®; r 4 = sin@cos@ - sind; r arsind cos® | | ——— * r - sind | | ysin 0 }| zsine | | | 24 G, = rsin’ @.cos’§ + rsin’@ sin” 4 + rcos’@ sind =rsin’@ + rcos’ sind = rsind G, = rsin’ 9 cos® cos’ +rsin’@ cossin’ - rsin’ 8 cos® in“ 8 cosd - rsin’ 8 cos® = 0. ~ rsin’@ sing cosé + rsin?@ cos sind = 0 G= rsin0 a. | Prob. 2.6 (a) A, cosé -sing 0 ets A,| = | sing cos 0) | =pzcosd 4, 0 0 1 0 A= p(z' + Ieosd + pzsing cosd =e ey (+d + ety) vey A, = p(z? + D)sin @ - pzcos’> 2 eyety @+n7e- yx y xo + y 5 2x 2 Bs[-S Vx? eye 25 [B,] [ sindcoss cosdcosp - sing] 2x |2,|=|sind sing cos0 sing cos | | reos® cosd lo. cosd - sind 0 -rsing | B, = 2xsin0 cos + rcos’ 6 cos?6 + rsin’ § ry Wer yee B, = 2xsinO sing + rcos’ 0 sing cosd - rsing cosd ay: Xx B, = 2xcos- rsin0 cos6 cos 2xz yetty?t2? (opyxey? Feet Gea) yo Az xz yxttye yet y +e? a x Oty )\e ey ae 2 2xy + - rtyyrtyer ey a aye _ yes eet Vert yee? (xt yy? prez? (b) Prob 2.7 (a) [C.] feose -sing 0] [ zsing CG sing cosé 0] |-pcos¢ ie 0 0 Il 2 | az = zsingcos¢ + psingcosg = => + dcosd + psingcoss Fey way 2, 20a yp in? rg. V2 Baty = zsin’ $~ peos'g = P=, = AE TY $- peos’ d Pay ey = Qpe= defx*+_”; wz = +h d+ Fey! eat sin® | D, sin® cos} cosdcosp -sing] | 7 9 D,|= |-sindsing cos8 sing cosp | | 5 D. cos), -sing 0 0 sin’ @ cos | cos" @cos$ _ cos x D, r r PO” [eer tey ez sin’ 0 sing ‘ cos’ @ sing . y . 7 Vit y(t yitz’y’ = ? > Jay + 2efx?+ ya. y Prob. 2.8 (a) G,* dy =(Cosgay -~ singay)*a,y = cosd ax a4 = (coshay ~ singay)*a, = ~ sing a,+a,=(Singa, + cosday)e a, = sing G,* dy =(singay + singay)*a, = cosg (b) Since a», ay, and a, are mutually orthogonal Also, a,ea:= 0; ayea.= 0. cos -sind 0 4,8 ay sing cosh 0|=| aed, 0 0 1 a,* a, © In spherical system: G, = sin cos} a, + cos® cosd de - sing ay. a, = sin sing a, + cosd sing ae - cos ay. a: Hence, cos0 a, - sin@ de. @,# a, = sin cos; Gx* dy = cos cos; a,+a, = sind sind; 4, a» = cos0 sing; a8 d, = €0803 | a4 dy = ~ sin®; ta) [Prob 29a) r= O=tan'=; gag. or sind, rcosd; o-9. Fed (pF 2 a, =sinOa: + cosday; de = cosda, - sinda.; ay = a Hence, a-| [sind 0 -cos0]| > a| =|cosd 0 ~sind a o 1 0 From the figures below, cos a.~sin® ae; ay = dy. @, = cosOao+ sinda,; a. f ~ ~ z a sin8a, ~ -% cos6a, sin8(-a,) a, costa, a au 6 a, 8 > _ Pp p | [sin@ cosd 9 a, a|=| 0 0 1 ae a.| [cos@ -sing al a, Prob. 2.10 (a) H, es 6 sing 2/5 H,| = |-sing a 0 HJ) | 0 H, = xy’zcoso + x’yzsing = p om wipes’ = 5p’zsin’ 2 H, = - xy"zsing + x’yzcoso = - p’zcosd sin’ § + p’zcosd sing = p’zcos6 sind cos2$. H,= x92’ = p’z’ sing cos. _ ot eae! dotesin® 2a, + 3p zsin 2 cos2$a, + 3p zsin 26a. I [4] [sinécosd sinO sing cos [y's ite) = | cos® cose cos sing - sind | | x?yz | -sing cos} 0 xyz? | | x=rsindcosd. y= rsin sind, = rcost H, = xyz[ysin® cos + xsin0 sing + scos8 = r’ sin’ 0 cos® sing[rsin’ @ sing cosd + rsin’ @ sing cosd + rcos" 0] H, = xy2[yc0s8 cos + xcos0 sing - zsin8] sin’ @ cosd sing cosé [rsin8 cosd sing cos$ + rsin@ cos® sing cos$ - rcosd sind) ye[- y'sing + xcos¢] | | =r" sin? 0 cos0 sing cosé[-rsin0 sin’ ¢ + rsinO cos’ 4] =r’ sin’ @ cos0 sing cos26 | Hz= r’' sin’ @ cos0 sing cosé[(sin’ 6 sin 26 + cos’ 6)a, + | (sin6 cos0 sin 26 ~ cos0 sinB)ay + sin® cos.24 ay). (b) ' At(3- 45), H(x,y,z) = -60(-4,3,5) |ftx.y.2] = 4243 This will help check H(p,¢,2) and H(r,0,6) p=5, z= 5, $= 360°- tan’! = 306.87° | He 4012545 4-0.96)a,+ £12545 4-0.90)(-0277))ay +4(25(5)-0.96)a f = 288a,+ 84 Spherical, 300a: 1 r= {50= 5V2;‘ sind re cosO= a Ee . 4 3 & sing=-=, cosp= 5. a He 2500317 ty Id, 1 1 1 wi! ~ pgs "2 3g)t 4 + 15 *2- 35)- pha ta 2s = -8485a, + 415849 + 84a, \ Prob 2.11 (a) sing cose 0] 0 La Lo 0 Ips? sing | | | A [co = sing re" |

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