The Mechanics of Writing A Research Report

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The Mechanics of Writing a Research Report


Beginning researchers may find the writing style used for research reports awkward or
cumbersome, but there is a purpose for the rules that govern scientific writing: clarity. Every
effort must be made to avoid ambiguity. Here are some suggestions, adapted from Saslow
(1994) that are helpful in achieving clarity in a research report.
 Do not assume that the audience has prior knowledge of the topic. Research articles
and reports are generally quite specialized, but a report written as though it were
intended for only those readers with particular expertise will appeal to a limited
readership. Researchers should make a distinct effort to make their writing accessible
and understandable to all; avoid overly technical language.
 Remember that the audience may not have much time to ponder the intricacies of
the research. Decision makers may have many reports to read; scholars may be
reading the article as part of a lengthy literature review. In both cases, it is necessary
to present the rationale, methods, and findings in a clear, coherent, and organized
 Also remember that readers may not grasp the implications of the report as readily
as you do. As the person closest to the data, the researcher has the responsibility to
integrate the research findings into a larger conceptual and social framework. Putting
the results into a larger context is more helpful than simply reporting the findings.
Given the variety of approaches to research, it stands to reason that the approaches to
writing a research report are equally varied. Most research reports, however, include only
seven basic sections: abstract, introduction, literature review, methods, results, discussion,
and references.
1. Abstract. An abstract is a short (100-150 words) summary of the key points of the
research. Most readers scan the abstract to decide whether they want to read the
rest of the article.
2. Introduction. The introduction should alert the reader to what is to follow. Most
introductions contain the following information:
 Statement of the problem. The first job of the report writer is to provide some
information about the background and the nature of the problem under
investigation. If the research topic has a long history, then a short summary is in
order. This section should also discuss any relevant theoretical background that
pertains to the research topic.
 Justification. This section should address why it is important for us to spend time and
energy researching this particular problem. Research can be important because it
deals with a crucial theoretical issue, because it has practical value, or because it
has methodological value.
 Purpose. A general statement about the purpose of the study in the intro
section. Something like, "This study looks at the relationship between radio
listening and social media use."
 Aims of the current study. Most introductory sections conclude with an unequivocal
statement of the hypothesis or the research questions to be answered by the
 Literature Review. The second major section is the review of the literature. (In some
formats, the literature review is incorporated into the introduction.) As the name
suggests, this section briefly recapitulates the work done in the field. The review
need not be exhaustive; the writer should summarize only those studies most
relevant to the current project. The researcher should strive for accuracy and
 Formal Hypothesis or Research Question. Statement of the hypothesis or question
that relate to the previous information. Such as, "H1: Those with more Facebook
friends will have lower levels of radio listening"
 Accuracy. A concise and accurate distillation of each study is a prerequisite for any
literature review. The main points of each study-hypotheses that were tested,
sample, method, findings, and implications-should be briefly summarized. The
review should be selective but thorough.
 Relevance. A literature review should be more than a rote recitation of research
studies; it must also contain analysis and synthesis. The writer is obligated to
discuss the relevance of the past work to the current study. What theoretic
development can be seen in past work? What major conclusions have recurred?
What were some common problems? How do the answers to these questions
relate to the current study? The ultimate aim of the review is to show how your
study evolved out of past efforts and how the prior research provides a justification
for your study.
 Purpose. A general statement about the purpose of the study in the intro
section. Something like, "This study looks at the relationship between radio
listening and social media use."
 Methods. The methods section describes the approach used to confront the
research problem. The following topics are usually addressed in this section:
-Variables used in the analysis. This includes a description of both independent and
dependent variables, explaining how the variables were selected for the study, what
marker variables (see Chapter 3), if any, were included, and how extraneous
variables were controlled. Each variable also requires some justification for its use;
variables cannot be added without reason. The mean and the standard deviation for
each variable should be reported when necessary.
-Sample size. The researchers should state the number of subjects or units of study
and also explain how these entities were selected. Additionally, any departure from
normal randomization must be described in detail.
-Sample characteristics. The sample should be described in terms of its demographic,
lifestyle, or other characteristics. When human subjects are used, at least their age
and gender should be indicated.
-Methodology. Every research report requires a description of the methods used to
collect and analyze data. The amount of methodological description to be included
depends on the audience; articles written for journals, for instance, must contain
more detailed information than reports prepared in private sector research.
-Data manipulation. Often the collected data are not normally distributed, and
researchers must use data transformation to achieve an approximation of normality.
If such a procedure is used, a full explanation should be given.
3. Results. The results section presents the findings of the research. It typically contains
the following subsections:
-Description of the analysis. The statistical techniques used to analyze the data
should be mentioned. If the analysis used common or easily recognized statistics, a
one-sentence description might be all that is needed, such as “Chi-square analyses
were performed on the data” or “Analysis of variance was performed. . . .” If
appropriate, the particular statistical program used by the researcher should be
identified. Finally, this part should include an overview of what is to follow: “This
section is divided into two parts. We will first report the results of the analysis of
variance and then the results of the regression analysis.”
-Description of findings. The findings should be tied to the statement of the
hypotheses or research questions mentioned in the introduction. The author should
clearly state whether the results supported the hypothesis or whether the research
questions were answered. Next, any peripheral findings can be reported. Many
researchers and journal editors suggest that interpretation and discussion of findings
be omitted from this section and that the writer stick solely to the bare facts. Others
believe that this section should contain more than numbers and suggest the
implications of the findings as well. In fact, for some short research articles, this
section is sometimes called “Findings and Discussion.” The choice of which model to
follow depends upon the purpose of the report and the avenue of publication.
-Tables. Tables, charts, graphs, and other data displays should be presented concisely
and, if the article is being submitted to a journal, in the proper format. Remember
that many readers turn first to the tables and may not read the accompanying text;
consequently, tables should be explicit and easily understood by themselves. Visual
materials for any research report can be produced easily with a variety of
commercially available software packages. In combination with a color printer or
plotter, the visual materials can be the predominant part of a research report,
especially in reports for the private sector.
4. Discussion. The last section of a research report is the discussion. The contents of
this section are highly variable, but the following elements are common:
5. Summary. A synopsis of the main findings of the study often leads off this section.
-Implications/discussion/interpretations. This is the part of the report that discusses
the meaning of the findings. If the findings are in line with current theory and
research, the writer should include a statement of how they correspond with what
was done in the past. If the findings contradict or do not support current theory,
some explanation for the current pattern of results should be provided.
-Limitations. The conclusions of the study should be tempered by a report of some of
its constraints. Perhaps the sample was limited, the response rate was low, or the
experimental manipulation was not as clean as it could have been. In any case, the
researcher should list some of the potential weaknesses of the research.
-Suggestions for future research. In addition to answering questions, most research
projects uncover new questions to be investigated. The suggestions for research
should be relevant and practical.
6. References. The authors, article titles, sources, and publication dates of the research
mentioned in the research report are contained in the references. Each academic
journal has a particular style for listing references. Some journals prefer listing all the
references at the end of the article, and others use a system of footnotes that appear
throughout the article.
Writing Style
Since the writing requirements for journal articles and business or government reports vary
in several ways, our discussion is divided into two sections—scholarly journals and business
and government reports..
Scholarly Journals
There are eight principal guidelines for writing for scholarly journals:
1. Avoid using first-person pronouns: I, me, mine, we, and so on. Research reports are
almost always written in the third person (“Subjects were selected randomly,”
“Subject A told the researcher...,” and so on). First-person pronouns should be used
only when the article is a commentary.
2. When submitting a paper for professional publication, place each table, graph, chart,
and figure on a separate page. This is done because, if the article is accepted for
publication, one department of the printing company will print these pages, and
another will typeset the text. (In management reports, tables, graphs, and other
displays are included in the text unless they are too large, in which case they should
be placed on separate pages.)
3. Read the authors’ guidelines published by each journal. They provide specific rules
concerning acceptable writing style, footnote and bibliography formats, number of
copies to submit, and so forth. A researcher who fails to follow these guidelines may
decrease the chance that his or her report will be accepted for publication-or at least
substantially delay the process while alterations are made.
4. Be stylistically consistent concerning tables, charts, graphs, section headings, and
so forth. All tables, for example, should follow the same format and should be
numbered consecutively.
5. Clearly label all displays with meaningful titles. Each table, graph, chart, or figure
caption should accurately describe the material presented and its contribution to the
6. Keep language and descriptions as simple as possible by avoiding unnecessary and
overly complex words, phrases, and terms. The goal of scientific writing is to explain
findings clearly, simply, and accurately.
7. When possible, use the active rather than the passive voice. For example, “The
researchers found that . . .” is preferable to “It was found by the researchers that...”
Writing in the active voice makes reading more pleasant and also requires fewer
8. Proofread the manuscript carefully. Even researchers who are meticulous in their
scientific approach can make errors in compiling a manuscript. All manuscripts,
whether intended for publication or for management review, should be proofread
several times to check for accuracy. It is not enough to run a computer spelling or
grammar check. There our many errors that spilling checkers will knot ketch, as this
sentence proves.
Miscellaneous considerations:
 Avoid phrases or references that could be interpreted as sexist or racist.
 Check all data for accuracy. Even one misplaced digit may affect the results of a
 Use acceptable grammar; avoid slang.
 Provide acknowledgments whenever another researcher’s work is included in the
 Include footnotes to indicate where further information or assistance can be found.

Rummel, R. J. (1970). Applied factor analysis. Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press.
Saslow, C. (1994). Basic research methods. New York: McGraw-Hill.

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