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Umer Shahid


TV News Reporting and &Production– MCM516 (Department of

Mass Communication Virtual University of Pakistan)
Assignment No. 1
Task - Suppose you are a program producer and you are going to produce an awareness program
about the Vaccination and precautions of COVID-19. In this regard, three phases of production
are involved and these are preproduction, production and post-production.
Your task is to mention the activities that need to be planned in these mentioned production
phases with reference to the above given awareness Program.

Pre-Production Phase
The first step in the process of producing a TV program is all about preparation and setting the
groundwork. During this phase, as a producer I’ll be performing the following main tasks
 Planning
 Research on the topic (History, any statistical data, current situation and impact human
 Script Finalization
There are certain things a Producer has to plan before any production, which include:
 Program strategy/goals
 Budget/scope
 Story selection
 Project timeline
 Script creation
 Talent/characters
 Production team/equipment needs
 Location Scouting etc.
Fact Finding
All the stakeholder and video production team will be sitting together to discuss the purpose,
strategy, and goals of this project and how it will be used once finalized. This is the part of the
process where things like branding, target audience and the tone & feel of the program will be
Pre-Production Meeting
This will be an in person meeting where all details along with project timelines will be discussed.
Furthermore all the required elements of the project will be finalized during this meeting.
Umer Shahid

Shoot Preparation
Prior to showing up on-site for filming, my team will ensure that scripts has been reviewed and
approved, interview questions have been discussed, availabilities of guests (Health Care Experts
and Health Department Officials are checked and the program schedule has been finalized and
communicated to all stakeholders.
Production Phase
The production phase is where everything comes together (we can hope) in a kind of final
performance. This is the part where the story begins to come to life. We will be using
contemporary set with graphical illustrations and animations. The production phase includes:
 Setting up the sound
 Lighting & Video Equipment arrangements
 Conducting interviews
Post-Production Phase
During this phase, the video content will be edited, sound effects, music and any computer
effects will be added. The final product will be reviewed by all stakeholders and will be aired
upon getting relevant approvals.

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