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Gramatika E-J :: Pomoćni glagol "to be" - Auxiliary Verb "to be". . . .

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Početak > Glagoli > Pomoćni glagol "to be" - Auxiliary Verb "to be"

Pomoćni glagoli služe za tvorbu složenih glagolskih vremena (perfekta, futura itd.)

Pomoćni glagoli su:

be, have, do, shall, will

Glagol "to be" - biti

Glagoli be, have i do mogu biti pomoćni glagoli i glagoli punog značenja.

Glavni dijelovi glagola be su:

be was been

Be kao pomoćni glagol se upotrebljava:

- za tvorbu trajnih vremena:

I am surfing. (ja surfam);

- za tvorbu pasivnih vremena:

The bridge was built. (most je izgrađen).

Be kao glagol punog značenja znači postojati, živjeti, stići itd.

To be, or not to be. (biti ili ne biti)

I was in Spain last year. (bio sam u Španiji prošle godine)

Be se vrlo često upotrebljava kao dio imenskog predikata.

He is ill. (on je bolestan)

His brother was a sailor. (njegov brat je bio mornar).

Be se upotrebljava za dob, udaljenost i cijenu.

It is ten miles. (ima deset milja)

She is twenty. (njoj je dvadeset)
This building is twenty years old. (ova zgrada je stara dvadeset

Kada govorimo o osobi kažemo samo broj (She is twenty.) ali kada govorimo o
years i old se ne mogu izostaviti.

Present Simple - Prezent

I am - I'm (ja sam) I'm not (ja nisam) am I? (je sam li)
you are - you're you're not are you?
he is - he's, she's, it's he's, she's, it's not is he, she, it?
we were - we're we're not are we?
you were - you're you're not are you?
they were - they're they're not are they?
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Past Simple - Preterit

I was (ja sam bio) I wasn't was I?
you was you weren't were you?
he was he wasn't was he?

Present Perfect - Perfekt

I have been (ja sam bio) I haven't been have I been?
you have been you haven't been have you been?
he have been he haven't been has he been?

Past Perfect - Pluskvamperfekt (Pluperfekt)

I had been (ja bejah bio) I had not been had I been?
you had been you had not been had you been?
he had been he had not been had he been?

Futur Simple - Futur

I shall be (ja ću biti) I shall not be shall I be?
you will be you will not be will you be?
he will be he will not be will he be?

Futur Perfect - Svršeni futur

I shall have been (ja ću
I shall not have been shall I have been?
you will have been you will not have been will you have been?
he will have been he will not have been will he have been?

Present Conditional - Pogodbeni način sadašnji

I should be (ja bih bio) I should not be should I be?
you would be you would not be would you be?
he would be he would not be would he be)

Past Conditional - Pogodbeni način prošli

I should have been (bio bih
I should not have been should I have been?
you would not have would you have
you would have been
been been?
he would not have would he have
he would have been
been been?

Imperativ be
Infinitiv prezenta to be
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Infinitiv perfekta to have been

Particip prezenta being
Particip perfekta been - having been
Gerund prezenta being
Gerund perfekta having been

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