English HHW

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1) You are the president of the Wellness Cell of your school. You decide to
organise a workshop to raise awareness about mental health. This workshop will
be conducted by the school counsellor. Write a notice in about 50 words
the students of class 11 and 12 about the workshop.

2) Write a letter to the editor of The Real Times, Bhubaneswar in 120-150 words
explaining your concern along with the rationale behind the importance of garbage

3) You are a sports enthusiast. DPS Guwahati has advertised requirement ofí a
sports teacher. You are excited and decide to apply for the post. Write a letter in
100-120 words responding to the advertisement submitting your candidature with
a detailed biodata.

4) While reading about new places and searching for for them online has its
merits, the advantage of actually travelling to various destinations far exceed
them. Write an article in 120-150 words for the magazine Travel Times evaluating
both these options using the clues given below:
Builds confidence
Make friends and memories
Experience new cultures
Expands knowledge

5) You are the head boy or headgirl of DAV public school Bhuvaneshwar. Draft a notice in not more
than 50 words for the school notice board inviting the student to participate in the inter school
swimming competition.
6) The current pandemic COVID 19 has disturbed almost all the domains and there is much hue
and cry all around. You happen to pay a visit to a government hospital of Chennai where you are
touched to see the pathetic condition and negligence on the part of medical staff. Write a letter to
the editor of the Times of India complaining about the misery you have just experienced.

7) Write an article in about 120-150 words for publication in a newspaper against child labour.
8) You are secretary of M.R Welfare Society, Kolkata. Write a notice in not more than 50 words
the members of your society to attend the
your colony.
meeting to discuss the problem of security in
9) Gender discrimination is at its height and it's well evident that women
don't get equal respect in
the society. Write a letter to the editor of Hindustan Times expressing
column's assistance to spread awareness and your concern and seek the
change the male mindset about the women.

10) Distracted driving is a serious and

growing threat to road safety. This problem is likely too
escalate globally in the coming years. Write an article
can be put into
suggesting what interventions and measures
place to reduce their impact upon road traffic crashes.
11) You have come across an
advertisement inviting applications for the position of Business
Development Manager, ICICI bank, New Delhi. Write an application along with an updated resume
to apply for the same.

Literature:- (All questions to be answered in 120-150

words, 5 marks each)
1) Franz and the village elders had all occupied the seats of M.Hamel's class. Describe the unusual
series of events that was witnessed on that way.

2)What did Charley experience when he reached the third level? Why was he not able to find it
when he took another attempt?

3) Our language is our identity and we should always be proud of it. Describe with reference to the
scene of the classroom M.Hamel was addressing and the emotions attached of the villagers.
4) The third level didn't exist but it was Charley's apparition and fantasy. Do you agree with the
statement? Give reasons to justify your answer.

5) Procrastination is the thief of time caused by purposefully choosing to

put off a task till the last
minute.This can lead to feelings of being stressed, guilty and overwhelmed. How is this reflected in
the chapter "The Last Lesson" ?

6) How does Mukesh refuse to follow the

god-given lineage of bangle making?
7) Why does the narrator assert that the ragpickers are caught in a vicious web? Discuss with
reference to the chapter "The Lost Spring".

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