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Why Current Interpretations of Quantum Mechanics are Deficient

Elliott Tammaro∗
Department of Physics, Chestnut Hill College, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
(Dated: Received: date / Accepted: date)
Quantum mechanics under the Copenhagen interpretation is one of the most experimentally well
verified formalisms. However, it is known that the interpretation makes explicit reference to ex-
ternal observation or “measurement.” One says that the Copenhagen interpretation suffers from
the measurement problem. This deficiency of the interpretation excludes it as a viable fundamental
formalism and prevents the use of standard quantum mechanics in discussions of quantum cosmol-
ogy. Numerous alternative interpretations have been developed with the goals of reproducing its
predictive success while obviating the measurement problem. While several interpretations make
arXiv:1408.2093v2 [quant-ph] 15 Aug 2014

distinct, falsifiable, predictions, many claim to precisely reproduce the results of standard quantum
mechanics. The sheer number of interpretations raises several issues. If the experimental predictions
are identical, how are they to be assessed? On what grounds can an interpretation be said to trump
another? Without recourse to experimental findings, one may continue to assess an interpretation
on its logical structure, self-consistency, and simplicity (number and plausibility of its assumptions).
We argue, and where possible, demonstrate, that all common interpretations have unresolved de-
ficiencies. Among these deficiencies are failures to resolve the measurement problem, fine-tuning
problems, logical/mathematical inconsistencies, disagreement with experiment, and others. Short-
comings as severe as these call into question the viability of any of the common interpretations.
When appropriate, we indicate where future work may resolve some of these issues.
Keywords: Quantum measurement problem, Copenhagen interpretation, Quantum Bayesianism, Decoher-
ence, Many-worlds theory, Bohmian mechanics, Modal interpretation, Consistent (Decoherent) histories,
Transactional interpretation, Time symmetric quantum mechanics

I. INTRODUCTION may one be a Bohmian on Monday, Wednesday, and Fri-

day, an Everettian on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday
and side with consistent histories on Sunday? On what
At this point in time it appears that a stalemate has grounds may an interpretation be said to trump another
been reached with regard to the interpretation of quan- interpretation? There are two methods by which one
tum mechanics. Surprisingly, despite the roughly ninety may assess an interpretation. Firstly, several interpre-
years since its conception, there is currently no single tations (more appropriately new theories) make predic-
widely accepted interpretation. The variety of interpre- tions that are distinct from those of quantum mechan-
tations has acted to divide the physics community into ics under the Copenhagen interpretation, which makes
camps. For example, one might be a “Bohmian” or an falsification by comparison with experiment straightfor-
“Everettian” or in the “I shut up and calculate” camp. ward. We will highlight examples of such when they oc-
There is virtually no travel between camps, but there is cur. Ideally, it is hoped that each interpretation will be
much in the way of campaigning for new recruits. In ad- found to make different experimentally falsifiable claims.
dition to being a mere inconvenience, we currently stand Presently, however, many of the interpretations repro-
at the cusp of physics beyond the standard model and it duce the results expected from standard quantum me-
may be that further advancement will demand a deeper chanics. If consistency with experiment at any cost is
understanding of 20th century physics. It is firmly estab- what is valued, then several interpretations survive. For-
lished that string theory, while still the most promising tunately, there is a longstanding history in physics which
attempt at unification, does not provide any deeper in- dictates that without direct experimental evidence an ap-
sight into quantum mechanics. While we recognize that peal to logic, consistency, or simplicity may be used to
string theory might play an essential role in physics in whittle the playing field of theories lacking such qualities.
the 21st century, there are indicators that a deeper un- Of particular note for this work are problems with fine-
derstanding, or more ideally, a complete resolution, of the tuning, wherein, generically speaking, a theory requires
measurement problem may be a requirement for future a highly specialized initial state, and questions of con-
theories. Included in areas where further insight into the sistency of the mathematical and logical structure. It is
measurement issue is needed are approaches to quantum found upon examination that no current interpretation
cosmology and quantum gravity. is consistent with experiment, resolves the measurement
We proceed by asking an obvious question, is there a problem, and is completely free from logical deficiencies
single correct interpretation of quantum mechanics? Or or fine-tuning problems.

Discussions promoting one interpretation over others

appear in many sources. Too often the authors of such
∗ Electronic address: works are highly biased in favoring one interpretation

over another. Our aim in this note is to provide an ob- where we have assumed that A observed O and we have
jective examination of the most prevalent interpretations indicated the final state of A with |Af (i)i. If, on the
with the goals of highlighting implicit assumptions, un- other hand, Process 2 is valid for all isolated systems
veiling inherent deficiencies, and indicating where future then it must too be valid for the assumed isolated system
work may resolve such issues. We mention in passing consisting of A + S, thereby dictating that the final state
that this present work is not intended to review argu- is
ments which appear elsewhere in the literature, although X
minor overlaps do occur. We begin in section II A with UAS |Ain i ⊗ |Sin i = |oj i|aj i (2)
the Copenhagen interpretation, which is not only a com- j
monly held interpretation, it is also the interpretation
where UAS is the A + S system time evolution operator
that is taught to each student embarking on the study of
quantum mechanics. and |aj i corresponds to the apparatus reading eigenvalue
“oj ”. The process indicated in equation (2) is referred to
as a Von Neumann measurement of the first kind. What
is the state of the A + S system after the measurement?
RELATIONAL QUANTUM MECHANICS/ It is clear that possible final states (1) and (2) are mu-
ENSEMBLE INTERPRETATION tually exclusive (if a system is in state (1) then it is not
in state (2) and vice versa.) because the final state gen-
erated by Process 1 is mixed, while that generated by
A. Copenhagen interpretation
Process 2 is pure. It is well known that no unitary evo-
lution can transform a pure state into a mixed state. We
The usefulness of the Copenhagen interpretation is un- demonstrate that a logical inconsistency arises because
deniable. It allows one to make probabilistic predictions of incompleteness. Processes 1 and 2 result in physi-
for the results of measurements, given the wavefunction cally distinct states. According to Process 2 the state
for a system, via the Born rule. However, it is evident of the system of interest remains in superposition. As a
that the reference to external observation in the form of consequence, the possibility of interference exists. If Pro-
“measurement” raises questions about the universal va- cess 1 occurs then the system of interest, in conjunction
lidity of the interpretation. The collection of difficulties with the apparatus, is no longer in superposition and the
arising from the inclusion of measurement as fundamen- possibility of interference is eliminated. There is noth-
tal is known as the measurement problem. Before we ing inherent to the theory that either rejects the mutual
make additional comments, it is helpful to review quan- application of Processes 1 and 2 or selects one over the
tum mechanics under the Copenhagen interpretation. other. Since the Copenhagen interpretation fails to make
Quantum mechanics under the Copenhagen interpre- a firm prediction about the final state, it is appropriately
tation purports the following. Isolated physical systems deemed incomplete. Although performing an experiment
are completely described by a Hilbert space element (a that determines the physically realized final state of the
ray in a Hilbert space, to be precise) |ψi, referred to A+S system is current an impossibility, eventually it will
as the “wavefunction.” The wavefunction evolves in time be possible. We will determine which process, 1 or 2, or
according to two distinct processes. We will match the some hitherto unconsidered possibility, is actually real-
literature and refer to them as Process 1 and Process ized. It is guaranteed that in this way the Copenhagen
2 [22]. interpretation will be found incomplete in a laboratory
Process 1. Discontinuous, indeterministic time evolu-
Additional deficiencies arise from attempts at recon-
tion which sends |ψi into an eigenstate |oi i of ob-
ciling Process 1 and 2. Consider a second observer, ob-
servable O with probability |hoi |ψi|2 as a result of
server B, who will function as a “Wigner’s friend” for
a measurement of O.
the A + S system. We assume that observer B is equiva-
Process 2. Unitary time evolution — the time depen- lent to observer A in all respects. At time tin observer A
dence of |ψ(t)i is governed by the Schrödinger equa- interacts with the system of interest S, thereby making
˙ = H|ψ(t)i. a measurement. Assume without loss of generality that
tion, i~|ψ(t)i
observer A found definite value oi at time tin . At time
Let us now demonstrate that these two processes, as tf (tf > tin ) let observer B interact with the A + S sys-
stated, are inconsistent. Consider an isolated observer A, tem in an attempt to determine which value observer A
initially in state |Ain i and system of interest S, initially determined for S. As a “Wigner’s friend,” assume, with-
in state |Sin i. Whereby the term “observer” refers to out loss of generality, that observer B discovers that the
any device capable of inducing Process 1. Since A induces system S is in state |oi i. The question arises, what time
Process 1 the result of interaction between A and S must should observer B assign to the observation that S is in
be a mixed state |oi i? If unitary dynamics holds good then, according to
B, system S was not in a definite state |oi i until tf , in
contradiction to the claim of A that it was in |oi i at tin .
ρ= |hoi |Sin i|2 |Af (i)ihAf (i)| ⊗ |oi ihoi | (1)
i One is either forced to abandon a unitary description of

observer A from the standpoint of observer B or one is mechanics under the Copenhagen interpretation must be
forced to abandon the equivalence of observers A and B. contextual [30]. That is, the result of a measurement
This presents difficulties especially in the context of a rel- must depend on the measuring device used to measure it.
ativistic theory. In relativistic theories, the finite speed If the subsystems have properties defined without refer-
of light demands that (local) observers make local ob- ence to a measuring device, then one has introduced non-
servations, in order to collect information about distant contextuality and it is guaranteed, via Gleason’s theorem,
events [21]. We find that consistency with this premise of that the interpretation disagrees with quantum mechan-
relativity (that equivalent observers make local observa- ics in an experimentally falsifiable manner. If, in order
tions) enforces the abandonment of a unitary description to avoid this aforementioned deficiency, contextuality is
of the observer. introduced, then one may charge this interpretation with
We refer to the set of inconsistencies that arise from being incomplete. Namely, if contextuality is introduced,
the attempted simultaneous application of Processes 1 then systems post measurement are different than the
and 2 as the P1 &2 problem. systems immediately before the measurement occurred,
but the ensemble approach offers no description of this
(collapse-type) process. Requiring a collapse-type pro-
B. Relational Quantum Mechanics cess, but without an attempt to reduce it to either purely
unitary or possibly fundamental non-unitary processes,
The standpoint of relational quantum mechanics is indicates a failure to resolve the measurement problem.
that both Process 1 and Process 2 occur and are correct Note that on aesthetic grounds this approach is dissatis-
because the state of a system is not an absolute quan- fying because it offers no explanation for or description of
tity, but may only be given in reference to a particular the mechanism of statistical correlation among the sub-
observer, analogously to velocity [42]. That the state systems.
of a system is a “relative” quantity is not in question
for our current purposes (although we note in passing
that for the relational view to be maintained the quan- D. Quantum Bayesianism
tum state equivalent of a Lorentz transformation, which
would permit the wavefunction with respect to observer Quantum Bayesianism, or QBism, concerns the
A to be transformed into the wavefunction with respect application of Bayesian probability (statistical infer-
to observer B, must exist and no such quantity has been ence/updating) to quantum mechanics. In particular, an
purported). Instead we concern ourselves with the fact agent (read gambler) acts as a classical observer embed-
that relational quantum mechanics demands that 1 and ded in an otherwise quantum world. The state vector rep-
2 are simultaneously correct. As we have indicated, these resents the degree of belief that an agent has for events to
two processes yield different experimental results. Thus, occur upon measurement, so that wavefunction collapse
to maintain them both simultaneously is a logical fal- is understood as a jump in the knowledge of the observer.
lacy (assuming two mutually exclusive propositions to It is an essential point that no nonlocal behavior exists,
be true). Since experiment will eventually reveal which including nonlocal correlation [23][24][25].
process trumps the other (or that some other process oc- QBism shares so much in common with the Copen-
curs), we see that this view will be falsified. Bluntly, rela- hagen interpretation that it cannot rightfully be called
tional quantum mechanics suffers from the P1 &2 prob- a distinct interpretation. In particular, it uses a no-
lem (see Section II A). Since it makes no attempt to clar- tion of measurement that corresponds precisely to that
ify the measurement process nor provides an alternative, of the Copenhagen interpretation. No refinement in un-
it fails to resolve the measurement problem. derstanding of the measurement process is introduced.
That is, there is no attempt at describing measurement
in terms of more fundamental processes. Just as in the
C. Ensemble (Statistical) Interpretation Copenhagen interpretation, the Born rule is assumed
without justification. The Copenhagen interpretation is
The ensemble or statistical interpretation is often cited notable for a (decidedly implausible) sharp cut between
as a minimalist interpretation [6]. It states that the wave- quantum and classical worlds, and such a sharp divide
function does not apply to individual systems, but only to indeed remains in QBism. The agents of QBism func-
an ensemble E of similarly prepared systems. The hope is tion as a classical observers. As such, the sharp divide
that one may resolve the measurement problem, at least between the classical and the quantum occurs “at the
with regard to collapse, by imagining that the individual agent.” That is, one cannot apply quantum mechanics to
subsystems always have well defined properties, but that describe the function of the agents. This is an odd and
by some as-of-yet unknown mechanism they are statis- unappealing conclusion as it is certainly believed that
tically correlated in the manner prescribed by the Born physical agents are constructed from protons and elec-
rule [6]. An immediate deficiency may be noted. Re- trons interacting in a manner that is not different from
call that Gleason’s theorem demonstrates that any inter- other matter and yet QBism forces us to refrain from ap-
pretation capable of reproducing the results of quantum plying quantum mechanics to the agents because of their

status. It is straightforward to see that the commonali- like a promising solution to the measurement problem be-
ties between QBism and the Copenhagen interpretation cause it has introduced, via a unitary interaction alone,
imply that they share deficiencies. In particular, QBism perfect correlation between the system and the pointer
suffers from the P1 &2 problem. states. However, equation (3), as it stands, suffers from
A fundamental premise of QBism is the change in the two difficulties. Firstly, equation (3) is a superposition.
definition of probability from the frequentist inference Interaction with the measuring apparatus has failed to
(probability is defined as the ratio of the number of ele- select a particular value for the observable, and inter-
ments with property X to the total number of elements) ference may still be observed. This may not, at first,
to the Bayesian inference (probability is defined as a de- seem so problematic because it is often argued that it
gree of belief in a given statement). As a result, the would be too difficult to observe interference among the
collapse of the wavefunction is assumed nonphysical. We superposed states because the apparatus is macroscopic.
find this view untenable. The wavefunction after col- According to this argument, equation (3) is effectively
lapse represents a radically different physical system than X
before collapse. Consider a gambler betting on a horse ρS = |ki |2 |oi ihoi |, (4)
race. Assume she has some (incomplete) data on each i
horse. Her bets are distributed according to the data. If
she is given new information about the horses, her bets which is a mixed state with probabilities dictated by
will generically be different. Such is the case with wave- the Born rule. For current technologies it would be
function collapse in QBism. However, the gambler’s bets very difficult indeed to observe interference with a (near)
have no effect on the outcomes of the races, and as such macroscopic device. Fundamentally speaking, however,
the analogy breaks down. Finally, the claim that the equation (3) does permit the observation of interference.
collapse is a result of the changing knowledge of the ob- Hence we cannot disregard the superposition in a funda-
server (agent) contradicts the well verified dictum that mental description, as future technologies may bring it
knowing the wavefunction of a system represents a state within experimental grasp. We refer to this deficiency
of complete knowledge of system. In standard quantum as the superposition problem. Secondly, (3) suffers from
mechanics and quantum statistical mechanics, states of the so-called preferred basis problem [50][26]. We briefly
incomplete knowledge (epistemic information) are repre- state it here. Since nothing at this point has selected
sented by density matrices (mixed states). Contrary to a preferred set of basis states of the system S or of the
this extremely successful model, QBism claims that pure apparatus
P A, one might Pimagine re-expressing (3) using
states also represent incomplete knowledge. It is appar- |oi i = j fij |o′j i and i ki fij |ai i ≡ kj′ |a′j i (no sum on
ent that these definitions are mutually exclusive, and it is j) as
unclear how the distinction is made manifest in QBism. X
= ki′ |o′i i|a′i i (5)
where |o′i i is the ith eigenstate of a new observable O′ ,
The decoherence program attempts to bypass the diffi- and |a′i i is the pointer state corresponding to o′i . The pre-
culties associated with the Copenhagen interpretation by ferred basis problem is quite serious. It implies that the
claiming that while the evolution of a perfectly isolated unitary evolution of quantum mechanics is incapable of
system is governed by Process 2 alone, no quantum sys- indicating if a particular observable was “observed.” This
tem is truly isolated during the measurement process. It stands in strong contradiction to common experimental
is, instead, an open system actively interacting with a procedure. If an experimentalist aims to observe the po-
quantum environment. Environmental perturbation de- sition of a particle, for example, then a certain device (a
stroys coherence among superposed states by spreading position measuring apparatus) is employed and a posi-
the initial coherence throughout the environment, whose tion measurement follows. That is, it seems that during
state is inaccessible experimentally. It produces mixed the measurement process a base is indeed selected. The
states when the environmental degrees of freedom are preferred basis problem indicates that equation (3) has
traced out [59] [60] [61]. More explicitly, consider, as be- not only failed to select a particular eigenvalue, it has
fore, a system S whose initial state is |Sin i, and a measur- even failed to select a particular observable! For these
ing apparatus A with initial state |Ain i. The apparatus reasons (3) cannot be referred to as a “measurement” in
is assumed to perform the following function any strict sense.
The decoherence program proposes the following res-
olution. Let the system and apparatus together interact
USA |Sin i ⊗ |Ain i = ki |oi i|ai i (3)
i with an environment E whose initial state is |ǫin i. The
interaction with the environment is unitary and it is as-
Where |oi i is an eigenstate of observable O with eigen- sumed that it produces a state
value oi , |ai i is the pointer state correspondingP
to eigen-
value oi , and we have assumed that |Sin i = i ki |oi i.
USAE |Sin i ⊗ |Ain i ⊗ |ǫin i = ki |oi i|ai i|ǫi i (6)
This Von Neumann measurement of the first kind seems i

If such an interaction occurs, then there is only one base ing measurements” in the first place. Experimentalists
of system and apparatus which maintains perfect corre- must, therefore, “trust” the reading on the pointer of
lation even after interacting with the environment. Said their apparatus. Can we know if the observed pointer
basis is deemed “robust” against environmental interac- reading accurately represents the “system value” or was
tion and is referred to as the environmentally selected it perturbed (perhaps even strongly) by the environment?
pointer basis. It is in this fashion that the decoherence Clearly, one cannot know without an appeal to another
program claims to solve the preferred basis problem [59] measuring apparatus, for which the same difficulty may
[46] [47]. arise. It is universally agreed that only testable state-
Does decoherence actually solve the preferred basis ments should be included as part of a theory. Can the
problem? We will argue that decoherence does not solve claim of perfect correlation among system, apparatus,
preferred basis problem, and more generally, that uni- and environment be tested? Since the interpretation
tary dynamics alone cannot do so [26]. First consider a rests on this statement (decoherence fails to be an inter-
general argument. Quantum mechanics postulates that pretation if this statement does not hold good), then any
each system is fully described by a vector (more prop- tests of this statement, which must proceed by not assum-
erly Hilbert space ray) in a Hilbert space, and evolves ing perfect correlation, could not be interpreted. They
via unitary action. That “a system is fully described by would be non-interpretable. Consequently, the statement
a Hilbert space vector” ensures that all systems that are of perfect correlation must be taken as an untestable fun-
described by the same state vector are physically equiv- damental postulate, which, within the context of physical
alent. If this were not so, then there must be a physical theories, is highly dissatisfying and strongly suspect.
quantity that acts to distinguish between identical state A key point must be highlighted here, we do not, a pri-
vectors, which is the definition of a hidden variable. As ori, know the form of the unitary interaction in (6), yet
a result, if one is unwilling to accept hidden variables, (6) supposes that the environment “Von Neumann mea-
then basis independence must also be assumed. Further- sures” the system and apparatus. We wish to emphasize
more, the unitary sector of quantum mechanics (unitary how unlikely it is that this assumption is realized natu-
evolution without collapse mechanism) completely lacks rally. The measuring apparatus A is designed via the in-
a mechanism to single out a base. That is, there is no teraction exhibited in 3 to produce a perfectly correlated
type of interaction that might select a basis from a dy- state. It is obvious to every experimentalist that there is
namical origin. One is compelled to concede that despite a great difficulty in building a device which acts on a sys-
claims otherwise unitary theories do not have preferred tem to produce perfect (or even near perfect) correlation
bases. Let us argue further. One may tie the freedom to between states without introducing uncontrollable phase
choose a Hilbert space base to the freedom of coordinate shifts. Yet (6) states that the environment performs this
system choice. Thusly, that the choice of coordinate sys- function (idealized Von Neumann Measurement) without
tem is nonphysical dictates that basis choice must also trouble. While one might argue that this is possible in
be nonphysical. The claim that the inclusion of an en- principle, it is also highly contrived. What prevents, for
vironment which interacts with the S + A (system and example, in a number of experiments, the result
apparatus) system “selects” a basis is faulty. The full X
system (S + A + E) remains a unitary quantum system USAE |Sin i ⊗ |Ain i ⊗ |ǫin i = κi |oi i|ai i|ǫi i (7)
and without an additional mechanism to endow differ- i

ent bases with physical significance, all basis choices are (where κiP6= ki , and where we still explicitly assume that
valid. |Sin i = i ki |oi i)? Clearly, states such as (7) do not
Given that no mechanism in the unitary sector of quan- follow the Born rule, and so if they were to occur, deco-
tum mechanics selects a base, then in what sense is the herence would immediately be at odds with experiment.
base which allows for the decomposition (6) “preferred” The decoherence program has the burden to justify (6),
to other bases? The answer put forward in the deco- which is tantamount to deriving the Born rule. What
herence program is that the decomposition (6) is pre- level of justification would prove sufficient? To justify
ferred because it has a particularly appealing interpreta- the unitary action in (6), adherents to the decoherence
tion from the viewpoint of a human observer. Namely, program must model the environment as a system of par-
the measuring apparatus has “read” the system and is ticles which interacts with S in known ways (electromag-
not further disturbed (altered) by the environment. This netically, or perhaps gravitationally) and from this model
is both highly ad hoc and circular logic as the base chosen deduce that the aforementioned unitary action is possi-
for decomposition within the interpretation is preferred ble and that it occurs vastly more frequently than any
only by the fact that it permits an interpretation. Adher- other unitary transformation (so as to remain in agree-
ents to the decoherence program are asking one to aug- ment with the Born rule). Let us highlight just how un-
ment unitary quantum mechanic with a non-quantitative natural the assumption of (6) is with an accurate analogy.
rule for base selection that is constructed on subjective Let the system of interest and apparatus be considered a
grounds. boat immersed in the environment, here conceived of as
One does not know, a priori, the state of system. It the ocean. Then (6) indicates that size and shape of the
is this lack of knowledge that provokes one into “mak- swells are affected by the presence of the boat, but it ex-

plicitly excludes any backaction so that the ocean waves sibility, argue for tracing over the environmental degrees
have no effect at all on the boat. This we find to be an of freedom [60]. If the interaction with the environment
absurdity! Surely any reasonable model of the environ- is responsible for generating state (6), then what is re-
ment must permit a great disturbance to the system so sponsible for transforming (6) into the reduced state,
that the initial state is scrambled.
The difficulties faced by (6) do not stop there. It is ρS = T r[USE |Sin i ⊗ |ǫin ihSin | ⊗ hǫin |USE ]? (8)
clear that in a normal experimental setup in which ob-
servable O is measured, a device of a very particular na- The answer most often cited is that of environmental
ture must be constructed. If one wishes to measure O ignorance. Namely, the environment is not measured
instead of O′ , then two different devices must be con- or the experimenter lacks control over the environment.
structed. For example, it is evident from experiment that The mention of “measurement” or “ignorance” in an ar-
devices which make position measurements are dramati- gument for the trace procedure is unacceptable. Do-
cally different from those devices which perform momen- ing so reintroduces measurement as a fundamental pro-
tum measurements. This obvious fact is missing from (6). cess, which is the main difficulty with the Copenhagen
Indeed, the correlation introduced by the apparatus alone interpretation that a new interpretation must address.
works for all observables, as we have noted, and it is, ac- How can the mere ignorance of the measurer (the ex-
cording to (6), the environment which finally selects the perimenter) manifest itself as a physical reduction of the
“observed” observable (for lack of a more concise way of system from pure state (6) to mixed state (8)? This
stating it). It is suspected that the environment exhibits statement indicates that the mental state of the exper-
statistical randomness and furthermore it is assumed that imenter has physical bearing experiments. Surely this
the state of environment is outside of the experimenter’s is spookier than the state reduction at the hands of a
control. Thusly we should expect, in a best case scenario, measuring device in the Copenhagen interpretation. At
that the experimenter does not decide which observable least in the latter case, a physical interaction (between
is made manifest in a particular measurement. The no- measuring device and system) may be blamed!
tion of “constructing a position measuring apparatus to Tracing is explicitly nonunitary. Recall that, as we
measure positions” is well documented but does not have have argued in section II A, nonunitary behavior is (at
a place in the decoherence program. Even worse is the least in principle) distinguishable from purely unitary be-
possibility that different observables may be selected in havior. Let us extend the argument of section II A to the
different trials of an experiment because of changes in the general case of arbitrary nonunitarity, including decoher-
environment. ence from environmental interaction. Consider a total
system, which consists of a system of interest S, an ob-
In the decoherence program, one tacitly assumes that server A, and the environment E. We will assume that
|oi i in (6) are the eigenstates of an observable. How- the observer A is able to “measure” system S, but is inca-
ever, without an adequate model of the unitary evolu- pable of measuring the environment, as per the argument
tion in (6) or (3) one cannot claim to know the states for tracing in the decoherence approach). Equivalently,
|si i. There is currently no mechanism within the deco- we may assume that A chooses to ignore the environ-
herence program that guarantees that states |oi i will be ment (also per the argument for tracing in the decoher-
the eigenstates of an observable. Assume at this point ence approach) Regardless of how one wishes to argue
that it can be demonstrated that |oi i are the eigenstates for properties of A, the final result is that A is assumed
of an observable. For something definite and without capable, via interaction, of reducing pure density matri-
loss of generality, one might imagine that each |oi i corre- ces to mixed density matrices. Since the environment is
sponds to a discretized position eigenstate, |xi i referring considered part of the system, the total system may be
to “box” i. Now, it might seem that the formalism in- regarded as closed (there is nothing more external to the
dicates that interaction with the environment has lead total system with which its component systems, S, A, or
to the localization of system S to within a particular E interact). If all closed systems evolve unitarily, then
box |xi i. This conclusion is false because a superposition the state of the total system must be
of many eigenstates remains. We conclude that, despite
the environmental interaction in (6), the resulting state X
USAE |Sin i ⊗ |Ain i ⊗ |ǫin i = ki |oi i|ai i|ǫi i (9)
still suffers from the superposition problem. Indeed, no
superpositions have been destroyed nor have any states
with definite classical properties arisen. Outside of a rel- which is pure. If there is a reduction from pure to mixed
ative state or “many-worlds” approach (we will discuss state induced by any of the interactions, either with the
this possibility in section IV), the state (6) does not lend observer A or possibly with the environment, then the
itself to interpretation. final state will not be pure, but will instead be described
As we have previously mentioned, if the environment is by a mixed density matrix ρ. It should be clear that
a quantum system (all interactions are unitary), then the the details of how the nonunitarity arises are not impor-
final state remains pure, and the interpretation of such a tant for this argument. It will go through as long as some
state requires the relative state formalism. Adherents to type of nonunitarity gets introduced in the final state. To
the decoherence program, who apparently reject this pos- complete the argument recall from Section I, that pure

or mixed final states form mutually exclusive alterna- unnatural and unprecedented. The initial states of clas-
tives as they give rise to different experimental results. sical systems are free to explore the whole of phase space.
Thus, we find that the assumption of unitary evolution of It is expected that quantum systems should exhibit the
closed systems is incompatible with any nonunitary evo- same freedom. The restriction of the initial state to non-
lution whatever. One might be tempted to evade this superposed states (i.e. the initial state must be ultra
conclusion by arguing that the reduction from (6) to (8) pure)[62] indicates that the initial entanglement entropy
is not “real.” That is to say, the system and environ- is low, since there are many more states that correspond
ment truly are in state (6), and (8) merely arises as an to entangled states which must be excluded as possible
effective description. However, it is evident that (8) can- initial apparatus states. Accordingly, the initial state is a
not replicate (6) for all observables, as there is a loss of highly ordered state. To phrase this colloquially, consider
phase relationships in the transformation from (6) to (8), a formalism describing the air in the room. While it is
and correspondingly a loss in possible interference effects. possible that the initial state of the system corresponds
One might hope that for a limited class of observables (8) to a macrostate in which all the air was found in one cor-
does replicate (6). Under which circumstances this may ner of the room it is extremely unlikely. If the formalism
be the case is certainly of pragmatic interest. It cannot, demanded, on the basis of consistency, that the initial
of course, be of fundamental theoretical interest, as the system state be such an unlikely configuration we would
fundamental object is the state (6), nor can we be con- hardly give it credence. Without an additional mecha-
cerned with a limited class of observables at a fundamen- nism that selects the initial states, this interpretational
tal level. Note that without a physical state reduction, requirement enters the theory as an ad hoc, and unjus-
the evolution is purely unitary, and thus is an example of tifiable, assumption. We refer to this deficiency as the
a relative state/MW theory, the discussion of which we Initial Entropy Problem, and note here that it appears in
withhold until the section IV. other formulations of quantum mechanics.
A similar question with regard to an initially low en-
tropy and the need for fine-tuning arises in cosmological
A. Initial Entropy Problem considerations. Namely, the second law of thermodynam-
ics suggests that the initial entropy state of the universe
is extremely low. If this is so, then fine-tuning is appar-
It is evident that a realistic environment has a Hilbert
ently needed to account for this low entropy initial state.
space with a large number of dimensions; however, in-
See [12] for further details.
sight can be had by considering much simplified models.
In particular, we have introduced an environment whose
approximate base may be taken to be Γ = {ǫin , ǫj }. It
is evident that Γ functions as an approximate base be- B. Observer Energy Problem
cause each state in Γ corresponds to a macroscopically
distinguishable situation, |ǫin i ⇋ “the environment has An essential point is that the system of interest, the
not interacted with S,” |ǫj i ⇋ “the environment recog- measuring apparatus, and the environment must neces-
nizes value oj for observable O,” and must therefore sat- sarily form a closed system. Well known is that this de-
isfy hǫi |ǫj i ∝ δij ; hǫj |ǫin i ≈ 0. We now observe that for mands that the evolution of the full system is unitary. Of-
the decoherence program to replicate the Born rule, the ten overlooked, however, especially within the context of
initial state of the environment must be ǫin , see equa- measurement problem resolutions, is the fact that closed
tion (6). Of particular note is that the initial environ- systems must also conserve energy. Does the decoherence
ment state cannot involve a superposition of |ǫin i and formalism satisfy this well established dictum? Let us
|ǫj i, because such an initial superposition immediately demonstrate that it does not. Recall that energy conser-
spoils the interpretation of (6), and thereby produces vation in quantum mechanics demands that the Hamilto-
a mismatch between the predictions of decoherence and nian is time independent. Notice also that the evolution
the Born rule. We conclude that the decoherence in- of quantum systems thus far observed in experiment has
terpretation requires a superselection rule on the initial two regimes of evolution. The first regime is the “regular”
environment state which filters superpositions in order unitary regime wherein the system of interest S, the ap-
to guarantee agreement with experiment. Equivalently, paratus A, and the environment E evolve independently.
it may be said that decoherence requires fine-tuning be- In the second regime, herein referred to as the “deco-
cause only one state out of many is allowable as an ini- herence regime,” S, A, and E become strongly coupled.
tial state. One may naı̈vely believe that one must model Indeed, the coupling is assumed so strong that the time
with realistic environments. However, in any realistic en- evolutions of the individual systems become negligible in
vironment, there are a very large number of basis states. comparison. Call time t∗ the decoherence-on time, and
As a result, the fine-tuning is exacerbated because one let it be the time that decohering effects become impor-
is selecting ǫin (more precisely the equivalent of ǫin in tant. Then the evolution of the full system before t∗ is
a realistic environment model) as the only viable initial governed by HS , HA , HE . The system of interest, the
environmental state out of many. apparatus, and the environment evolve independently in
The requirement of such a superselection rule is both the regular unitary regime. After t∗ the systems interact

via HSAE and the systems enter the decoherence regime. approach, it is assumed that all evolution is unitary. No
It is straightforward to see that the full Hamiltonian is collapse, projection, nor ‘trace-type’ behavior ever oc-
curs. Instead, Von Neumann measurement of the first
(HS + HA + HE ) ǫ(t∗ − t) + HSAE ǫ(t − t∗ ), (10) kind, which permits the formation of a correlation be-
tween a system and an apparatus via unitary evolu-
where ǫ(x − y) is the Heaviside step function. It is clear
tion alone is taken to be sufficient for describing exper-
that equation (10) has explicit time dependence, and
iment. Of course, the state of perfect correlation be-
therefore does not conserve energy. It is also the Hamil-
tween system and apparatus does not select a particu-
tonian of a closed system, and thus violates the conserva-
lar measured value. The state is one of superposition
tion of energy for a closed system. An objection may be
among perfectly correlated terms (i.e. it is of the form
raised because of the sharp turn on time t∗ , but it is easy P
to see that even if the turn on were smooth, in so much as i |iisystem |iiapparatus ). A point of contention arises
when one is forced to interpret the standing superpo-
two regimes of evolution are present, some explicit time
sition. It seems that the most natural interpretation is
dependence is necessary, and thus the argument would go
that all allowed correlations persist, thereby generating
through. As a matter for future work, it may be possi-
a set of “quantum worlds.” While this might be at odds
ble to begin with a single time independent Hamiltonian
with some innate sense of “simplicity,” the resulting the-
whose evolution on the full system exhibits the two ob-
ory has fewer assumptions than other approaches, and
served regimes. We caution, however, that this approach
so is quantitatively simpler. The RS/MW interpreta-
for resolution is difficult because one would need to inter-
tion seems at first quite promising because of the great
pret from the dynamics of the system the decoherence-on
elegance in eliminating assumptions about intermittent
time t∗ , which appears to be a degree of freedom in a nor-
non-unitary evolution; however, there are assumptions
mal experimental setup (i.e. an experimenter can allow
necessary for the interpretation which, upon closer ex-
decoherence to occur at any time she wishes). Thus, we
amination, are severely ad hoc [51]. Let us briefly review
see that this approach has features of superdeterminism.
the relative RS/MW interpretation. We once again begin
Since the apparatus and environment function effectively
by considering a system S in state |Sin i. The evolution in
as an observer and in accord with this, we refer to this
all circumstances is purely unitary and so we need only
deficiency as the Observer Energy Problem.
focus on measurement for a complete understanding of
the interpretation. We introduce an apparatus A, with
C. The Tails Problem initial state |Ain i. The interaction between the system
and the apparatus is as follows
The action of tracing out the environmental degrees
USA |Sin i ⊗ |Ain i = kj |oj i ⊗ |aj i, (11)
of freedom from the full density matrix produces an ap- j
proximately off diagonal density matrix. This density P
matrix, the “system density matrix,” may therefore be where |Sin i = j kj |oj i and where |oj i corresponds to
interpreted as describing an approximate mixed state. “the system has value oj for observable O,” and |aj i cor-
However, the off diagonal terms do not vanish completely responds to “the apparatus determined that the system
for any finite time. As a consequence, the system density has value oj for observable O.” It is evident how (11)
matrix is only mixed to the extent that the off diagonal yields the interpretation that the apparatus has measured
terms may be neglected. In a position base (if appli- a particular value for the observable since all the terms
cable) the nonzero off diagonal terms extend to spatial demonstrate perfect correlation between the system state
infinity and as a result constitute “tails” of the distribu- and the apparatus state. Notice also that the superposi-
tion [37]. Although no quantitative difficulty arises from tion survives and so (11) must be interpreted as a set of
the presence of tails, they complicate the interpretation quantum worlds [22] [8].
by demanding that one make a judgment of size when It appears, at first glance, that (11) corresponds to a
the formalism does not supply a scale. That is, when are measurement of observable O. However, it is evident that
the off diagonal terms sufficiently small in comparison to it suffers from the preferred basis problem (see section
the diagonal terms so that the density matrix is mixed? III). That is, under a change of base from the eigenstates
We mention here in passing that the tails problem is not of observable O to the eigenstates of a different observable
restricted to the decoherence formalism, but appears also O′ (11) maintains perfect correlation. Thus, one cannot
in objective collapse theories [46] [47]. claim that (11) corresponds to a measurement of any
particular observable. This difficulty, of course, is well
known and in fact spurred on the decoherence approach,
IV. RELATIVE STATE/MANY WORLDS which we have argued in section III fails to adequately
INTERPRETATION address these issues.
The RS/MW interpretation faces additional deficien-
The relative state/many worlds (RS/MW) interpre- cies. In the terminology of the previous section, it is said
tation represents a radical departure from either the that the RS/MW suffers from both the initial entropy
Copenhagen interpretation or decoherence [22]. In this problem and the observer energy problem. Let us review

these problems in the context of the RS/MW interpre- Let us proceed by reviewing the treatment of a single
tation. The interpretation requires that a Von Neumann point-like system. The wavefunction satisfies the stan-
measurement (of the first kind), such as (11), be realiz- dard Schrödinger equation, which we do not state. The
able. In turn, such interactions require particular initial guiding equation is
states for the measuring apparati. That is, the measur-  
ing apparatus must be in state |Ain i. If the initial state dx ∇ψ(x(t), t)
m = ~ Im , (12)
of the measuring apparatus is any other state or a linear dt ψ(x(t), t)
superposition of |Ain i and other states, then the interpre-
tation fails. Since the initial state must be very precisely where m is the mass of the particle. The guiding equa-
fixed, it is in a very low entropy state, yet, no mechanism tion is first order in time. The resulting theory is fully
for establishing such low initial entropy is provided (see deterministic. Notably, probability does not appear as a
section III). fundamental constituent of the theory. Let us raise our
The RS/MW interpretation suffers from the observer first objection. As defined by the Schrödinger equation
energy problem (see III B). The full system, composed of and the guiding equation, (12), this theory is not equiv-
apparatus (observer) and system of interest, is a closed alent to standard quantum mechanics. Its predictions
system. There is, initially, assumed to be no interaction may differ wildly from those of the Copenhagen interpre-
between the system of interest and the apparatus; how- tation, for example, and is as a consequence, strongly at
ever, at a finite time t∗ the interaction must be “turned odds with experiment. In order to guarantee agreement
on.” This induces a time dependence in the (full) Hamil- with experiment one must impose the quantum equilib-
tonian, which implies nonconservation of energy. This rium hypothesis. It states that the probability distribu-
is inconsistent with the well verified principle of energy tion for positions must be given by |ψ(x, t0 )|2 . Once this
conservation together with the assumption of a closed distribution is fixed at one time t0 it will be preserved
system. under time translation [9] [10] [11]. It is uncertain (and
Finally, defining probabilities in the RS/MW interpre- not specified by the theory) whether the quantum equi-
tation faces challenges. It is, strictly speaking, impossible librium hypothesis is always fulfilled or if nonequilibrium
to derive the Born rule and the corresponding probability states exist in nature (if only for short times) [8].
interpretation from the RS/MW formalism because one The guiding equation indicates that for real-valued
assumes only unitary evolution on an appropriate Hilbert spatial wavefunctions the velocity of the Bohmian par-
space, which contains no inherent notion of sample space, ticle vanishes. This predicts physical phenomena. To
frequency, degree of belief, nor any other quantity that demonstrate that this feature makes predictions in con-
may be bridged to probability theory without further as- flict with experiment we need only consider the ground
sumption. Claims that the Born rule have been “derived” state of the hydrogen atom. The spatial wavefunction
from a purely Everettian approach (without additional corresponding to this state is real-valued and the corre-
assumptions) are faulty [48] [49]. The possibility of ar- sponding Bohmian particle velocity vanishes. Therefore,
guing for the Born rule as a unique norm on quantum the ground state of the hydrogen atom would form a per-
worlds remains open [17] [53] [54] [55] [56] [43] [44]. If manent electric dipole. In addition to greatly altering
superpositions always remain, then the number of quan- the interactions in (single atom) hydrogen gas, the per-
tum worlds forms a continuum. To define probabilities on manent dipoles could be aligned in weak electric fields,
the continuum requires an appropriate probability mea- producing photon flux as they de-excite from the higher
sure. Whether this can be defined, is unique, and if it energy anti-aligned state. None of these phenomena are
follows from the dicta of the approach, are open issues. observed, and thus it must be concluded that Bohmian
It is not even clear how the quantum worlds should be mechanics is inconsistent with experiment [40] [36].
interpreted. For example, should the frequentist infer- Like several other interpretations we have considered,
ence be used or must some other inference scheme be measurement in Bohmian mechanics relies on the use of
used/developed [45]? a Von Neumann measurement of the first kind. That is,
it assumes that the system of interest S and the appara-
tus A originally have independent wavefunctions Sin (x)
V. BOHMIAN MECHANICS (x is the position of a particle) and Ain (y) (y is the po-
sition of the pointer), respectively, and that during the
measurement process the evolution is as follows
Bohmian mechanics attempts to resolve not only tech-
nical difficulties concerning measurement, but also the X (S) (A)
USA [Sin (x)Ain (y)] = kj ψj (x)φj (y) ≡ Ψ(x, y, t)
conceptual difficulties facing quantum mechanics by pos-
tulating that particles follow a trajectory (have a posi- (13)
tion at all times). The trajectory is dictated by a guid- P (S) (S)
ing equation, which is written in terms of a wavefunc- where Sin (x) = k ψ
j j j (x), and where ψj (x) is the
tion [9] [10] [11]. The wavefunction satisfies the standard eigenstate of observable O with eigenvalue oj and φj (y)
Schrödinger equation. This approach is not an interpre- is the wavefunction of the “pointer position” correspond-
tation, but instead a competing theory [8]. ing to eigenvalue oj . In the relative state/many worlds

interpretation equation (13) would be said to describe a naı̈ve response may be to take the pointer very massive
measurement of observable O, where the quantum worlds so that wavefunction spreading is negligible. However,
remain in superposition. Within Bohmian mechanics, there is no justification for taking the initial wavefunc-
the wavefunction generates the equations of motion for tion to have a single peak, and even with the quantum
the particles, hypothesis satisfied many initial pointer positions will not
  coincide with the peak. Additionally, a massive pointer
dx ∇x Ψ(x, y, t) fails to introduce a distinction (classical versus quantum)
mx = ~ Im (14)
dt Ψ(x, y, t) between the system and the pointer, because the system
dy ∇y Ψ(x, y, t) too has nonzero mass. What we mean by this is that the
my = ~ Im , (15) mass is continuously variable, and properties that change
dt Ψ(x, y, t)
as functions of the mass are also continuously variable,
where mx is the mass of the particle system and my is as a consequence if the pointer is approximately OWD,
the effective mass of the pointer. It is then supposed that then the system is also OWD, albeit to a worse approx-
φj (y) are sharply peaked and at late times are suffi- imation. We argue more generally as follows. From a
ciently widely separated that an observation of y allows fundamental standpoint the system and apparatus are
one to deduce which state (packet) φj (y) is occupied, (and indeed must be) treated symmetrically — both are
which from equation (13) allows one to learn which sys- fully quantum systems. If the pointer may be observed
tem state (packet), ψj (x), is occupied, so that one has “by simply looking at it” (is OWD), then by logical con-
effectively “measured” observable O and that the effec- sistency the system must also be OWD. The claim that
(S) quantum systems follow trajectories that are OWD is
tive wavefunction for the system is just ψj (x). Finally, currently outside experimental justification.
it is argued that the empty states will not again inter-
Bohmian mechanics, as defined by the Schrödinger
fere because the system and apparatus will have already
equation and the guiding equation (12) does not delineate
coupled to many other degrees of freedom. See [10] for a
a regime for a quantum to classical transition. With-
more detailed presentation.
out modification (or more likely additional dynamical
There are several important objections to this descrip-
rules), nothing prevents Bohmian mechanics from pre-
tion of quantum measurement. Firstly, equation (13) suf-
dicted large scale quantum effects, which are obviously
fers from the initial entropy problem — introduced in
not observed. The most common remedy is to introduce
III A. The initial apparatus state cannot be in a super-
decoherence into the theory, which allows one to compute
position or the interpretation of equation (13) fails as a
necessary quantities such as decoherence times. We ar-
“measurement.” The initial state is, consequently, a very
gue against decoherence as an independent interpretation
low entropy state, and without a mechanism to reduce
in Section III. A Bohmian-decoherence hybrid theory re-
the (entanglement) entropy, such as intermittent nonuni-
tains the deficiencies of both, at least to the extent that
tary behavior it is exceedingly unnatural that the appa-
Von Neumann measurement of the first kind remains an
ratus be initially in such a state. Secondly, equation (13)
essential constituent.
suffers from the observer energy problem — introduced
Bohmian mechanics, which incorporates interactions
in III B. Namely, it is essential that a Von Neumann mea-
among the full configuration space (particles interact di-
surement Hamiltonian be induced between the system of
rectly even when spatially separated) cannot readily be
interest and the apparatus at some finite time t0 . There-
made relativistic. It is unclear how, or importantly “if,”
fore, the Hamiltonian is endowed with explicit time de-
one can realize a relativistic version of the Bohmian the-
pendence and accordingly energy is not conserved. As
ory that is not also immediately at odds with experiment.
a result, either the system of interest + the apparatus
Related to this problem is the question of producing a
cannot be regarded as a closed system or we must accept
“Bohmian field theory” that accounts for particle cre-
a violation of energy conservation. Finally, it is tacitly
ation and annihilation. These both constitute matters of
assumed that the pointer position y may simply be “ob-
future work.
served” or, if you will, read from the dial. We say that, in
the Bohmian mechanics approach, the pointer position is
“observable without disturbance,” or simply, OWD. It is
evident that in the treatment there is complete symmetry VI. MODAL INTERPRETATION
between x and y. That is, both the system and the appa-
ratus are given a full quantum description. If the pointer The modal interpretation, or more accurately, “modal
position may be observed without disturbance, then why interpretations” disposes of the standard eigenstate-
is the system (particle) not also OWD? It is claimed that eigenvalue link (a system has a definite property oi iff
the pointer position is a near classical variable, but it it is eigenstate |oi i) and instead propose that a system
is not described how this near classical behavior arises always has a set of definite properties, referred to as the
nor is it described how the pointer position becomes ob- value state, which is independent of the dynamic state,
servable (it is still described by a wavefunction). More which always evolves according to the Schrödinger equa-
precisely, how does one quantitatively adjust the treat- tion [18] [52] [5]. It is obviously necessary to introduce
ment of the subsystem y so that y is near classical? A a mechanism that selects which properties have definite

values and at what times. This rule for ascription of def- tradictory to known experimental results. Consider the
inite properties is called an actualization rule. Currently double slit experiment. The initial state of each particle
this “interpretation” is incomplete because no definitive must be in a (near) momentum eigenstate of the same
actualization rule has been agreed upon. Instead, many momentum as an initial state or the interference pattern
possible actualization rules exist and many have been will be washed out. If a spontaneous collapse occurred
proposed. For example, one may take the possible value with a given frequency, then surely some of the parti-
states to be elements in an orthonormal basis of the cles would suffer a collapse during the travel between
Hilbert space of the system and a probability density the source and the detection screen. Indeed, some frac-
is defined on these values in accordance with the Born tion of them will collapse at or immediately before the
rule. How is the orthonormal basis selected? It is not double slits. The interference pattern, after many trials,
selected from the unitary formalism. Consequently, we would be disturbed. Notice that the particles need not
see that the modal interpretation suffers from a preferred collapse to a position eigenstate, any nonlinear evolution
basis problem. One may also permanently select a pre- or stochastic jump, occurring even with low probability,
ferred basis, for example, a position base. The result is would manifest itself by deforming the interference pat-
a theory resembling Bohmian mechanics; however, the tern. No such deformation has been observed.
formalism does not generate an evolution equation for It is possible that spontaneous collapses occur with
the position state (the guiding equation, (12), or some an extremely low probability. However, the low proba-
equivalent must be supplied). One might take energy bility of their occurrence dictates that they cannot play
or momentum as a preferred base, but such possibili- an essential role in resolving the measurement problem.
ties have not been explored. This approach is currently Again, consider the double slit experiment. Very few
incomplete. Indeed, depending on how one proposes to spontaneous collapses occur en route, yet, an overwhelm-
complete it the approach may have an enormous possible ingly large number of particles produced by the source are
number of ontologies and subsum many different inter- detected by the detection screen in near position eigen-
pretations. It is for this reason that we reluctantly deem states. An additional mechanism must be responsible for
the modal approach an “interpretation.” the abrupt collapse that occurs at the detection, which
Naı̈ve attempts to complete the modal interpretation is not described at the present time by any objective col-
give rise to familiar problems, for example, the preferred lapse theories.
basis problem. Similarly, modal interpretations often
makes use of the decoherence mechanism, which we argue
in Section III gives rise to initial entropy and observer en- VIII. CONSISTENT (DECOHERENT)
ergy problems. The resulting modal interpretation would HISTORIES
also suffer the aforementioned deficiencies. Finally, elimi-
nating the eigenstate-eigenvalue link raises the possibility The consistent (decoherent) histories approach to the
of measurements of property O that reveal value oi , but measurement problem proposes that the fundamental on-
output states different than |oi i. More precisely, without tology of closed systems is a “history.” Specifically, at
an eigenstate-eigenvalue link measurements of O Pthat re- each time ti in a series of times ti = {t0 , t1 , } one as-
veal value oi may output states of the form i ki |oi i, (t )
sociates an exhaustive set of projection operators {Pj i }
which indicates that a second measurement may reveal P (t )
a value for O different than oi . The occurrence of such ( j Pj i = I). Observe that for each time ti the set
phenomena is easily experimentally distinguished from (t )
Pj i forms a partition of the identity in the index j.
quantum mechanics under the Copenhagen interpreta- We highlight this property because it will prove vital for
tion, and has hitherto been unobserved. interpretation. One constructs a history, Y , as a time
ordered sequence of projection operators
(t ) (t ) (t ) (t )
VII. OBJECTIVE COLLAPSE THEORIES Y = Pj0 0 Pj1 1 Pj2 2 · · · Pjnn , (16)

Objective collapse theories purport that collapse is a and ascribes to it the interpretation that the system has
physical phenomenon. Often the collapse is assumed property Pj0 at time t0 , property Pj1 at time t1 ,... and
spontaneous and may be induced by a nonlinear term in property Pjn at time tn . Since the projection operators
the Schrödinger equation [27] [28] [29]. These theories do form a partition of the identity, the associated properties
not constitute a reformulation or interpretation of quan- are mutually exclusive. It is evident that this interpre-
tum mechanics, but instead make dramatically different tation implies that a system has a well defined property
experimental predictions [28][29]. It is precisely for this only at the times ti . At intermediary times no informa-
reason that these theories are non viable. While more tion is known about the system. One defines a chain
advanced searches for specific types of nonlinearities are operator as follows,
certainly warranted, it is easily demonstrated that objec-
(t ) (t ) (t ) (t )
tive collapse theories with spontaneous collapse, such as, Pjnn U (tn , tn−1 ) · · · Pj2 2 U (t2 , t1 )Pj1 1 U (t1 , t0 )Pj0 0 .
for example, the Ghirardi-Rimini-Weber theory, are con- (17)

So that the system evolves unitarily in between “projec- a mere repackaging of the measurement problem as it
tions.” We now wish to assign a probability to a history. arises within the Copenhagen interpretation.
The key demand that we require is that the probabilities Call a theory incomplete if there exists a statement
should be additive, so that the probability of the system which is undecidable from within the theory (the theory
following history Y (≡ P (Y )) or the probability of the makes no prediction), but which is decidable through ex-
system following history X (≡ P (X)) is P (Y ) + P (X). periment. Consider a system that has at least two realms
It is evident that in general the additivity property fails (we will prove later that all systems have at least two
because of the unitary evolution. On what set of histories realms). We will refer to them as realms A and B. Con-
will this property hold? It is straightforward to demon- sider the statement “the system of interest follows a his-
strate that a sufficient condition for additivity between tory within realm A with probability P(A).” An equiva-
two histories Y and X is lent statement holds for realm B. We will refer to this as

i statement α. It is clear that this statement is undecid-
T r CY ρin CX = 0, (18) able through the consistent histories formalism because it
asks about a relative probability between different realms
where CY and CX are the corresponding chain operators and the formalism only assigns probabilities between his-
of histories Y and X and ρin is the initial state of the tories in a fixed realm. Statement α is decidable through
system. If the condition 18 holds for any two histories in experiment. If experiments are capable of detailing the
a set, the set is referred to as a realm. One then defines history that a system follows, then one may compute
the probability for a particular history Y to be followed P(A) from the ratio nA /N , where nA is the number of
within the realm to be observed histories that lie in realm A and N is the total
h i number of observed histories. Therefore, statement α is
P (Y ) ≡ T r CY ρin CY† . (19) decidable through experiment, but undecidable through
the formalism, and thus the formalism is incomplete.
We note in passing, as it will be useful for our purposes, An adherent to consistent histories may object to the
that the set of single-time histories (a single projector is aforementioned conclusion on the basis that the realm
inserted at time t0 ) form a realm, as is readily proved is chosen by the experimenter, so that the “probability
directly from the consistency condition (18) [33] [31] [32] for a given realm” is meaningless. Let us demonstrate
[38] [34] [35]. that the probability for a given realm is necessary for
consistency and argue that it is an obvious quantity to
be deduced from experiment. Consider as a system, a
A. Realm Selection Problem system of interest, an apparatus, and an experimenter.
A key point is that this system is closed. There are two
A deficiency arises in this formulation because of the notable consequences of closure. Firstly, the consistent
dependence on choosing a realm. Consider, as an exam- histories formalism deems that it must follow a partic-
ple, a system composed of a single particle. It is straight- ular history (in some realm). Secondly, there is nothing
forward to demonstrate that the set of histories such that outside the system to enact realm selection. It is straight-
the particle has a well defined position x0 at t0 forms a forward to see that there are only two ways to guarantee
realm. In a like manner, one may show that the set of the consistency of these two statements. Since a realm
histories such that the particle has a well defined mo- must be selected, either the system states/dynamics must
mentum p0 at t0 also forms a realm. These realms are be such that there is a single realm (so that there is no
obviously mutually inconsistent because the position and choice of realm) or a relative probability among realms
momentum operators fail to commute. This system thus must be included in the theory (so that realms are ran-
has (at least two) realms. We now ask a question of the dom but occur with different weights). We will first show
formalism “what is the probability that the system has a that there are at least two realms for this system. Con-
position (as opposed to a momentum)?” It is clear that sequently, we will be forced to conclude that a relative
the formalism alone provides no answer to this question. probability among realms must be included in the the-
Immediately we see that the consistent histories formal- ory. As a first step in proving that this system has at
ism demands a realm-dependent reality – only after a least two realms notice that if the system of interest is a
realm is selected can one compute relative probabilities. quantum system, then it has at least two noncommuting
How is a realm selected? It is apparent that realm selec- hermitian (observable) operators, without loss of gener-
tion is a physical process (i.e. in practice a realm must ality we will take them to be x̂ and p̂. Then two realms
be selected by a choice of experiment or the design of the may be formed by considering the single time realm with
measuring apparatus), yet a description of this process is well defined position and the single time real with well
excluded by the the consistent histories formalism. This defined momentum. Let us now consider the full sys-
is in very strong analogy with the Copenhagen interpreta- tem with apparatus and experimenter included. Apart
tion, which introduces a physical process, measurement, from the placement and choice of projection operators,
yet a description of this process is excluded from the the- the evolution type in the chain operators is unitary, and
ory. Indeed, the consistent histories formalism contains unitary evolution cannot select a base, as per the pre-

ferred basis problem, it is clear that there exists a single IX. TRANSACTIONAL INTERPRETATION
time realm where the projector projects onto a definite
value of position (x0 for definiteness) and the states “the The transactional interpretation strongly derives from
apparatus has found x0 ,” and “the experimenter has ob- the Wheeler-Feynman absorber theory, which we review
served x0 .” Similarly, there exists a second single-time briefly [13]. It is well known that Maxwell’s equations
realm where the projector projects onto a definite mo- admit both retarded and advanced solutions, in which ef-
mentum p0 . Since the operators fail to commute, these fects are delayed or advanced by the light travel time.
are two distinct realms for a generic system, as we wished Classically, the advanced solutions are disregarded as
to demonstrate. The claim of incompleteness continues nonphysical. In quantum field theory, one cannot simply
to hold. banish the advanced solutions by fiat. Indeed, the correct
choice of Green’s function (propagator) is the Feynman
propagator, which is fully time symmetric because it is
B. Inconsistency with nonexistence of null result composed of an equally weighted sum of retarded and
measurements advanced propagators. Naturally one might wonder if
a time symmetric choice of solutions is viable even at
the classical level? Particularly, if one wishes to gen-
There are two features, apparent from experiment, erate a theory in which charged particles interact with
that will prove valuable in highlighting a further defi- only the fields created by other charged particles (no self
ciency in consistent histories. Firstly, the times at which interaction), then the phenomena of radiation damping
measurements occur appear to be determined by the ex- (emission) requires the existence of advanced fields aris-
perimenter herself. We do not use the term measurement ing from absorbers. If a source is accelerated, then a
here to refer to Copenhagen style measurement, but is in- retarded (and advanced) field is created. The retarded
stead just a name for a the physical process that occurs field from the source interacts, at a later time, with the
during an experiment. That is to say that there appears absorbers, which causes them to emit both retarded and
to be a complete freedom of choice in deciding when the advanced fields. The advanced fields from the absorbers,
measurement will occur. It is difficult to proceed if this which are defined on the past light cone, interact with
freedom is not exhibited, as the resulting theory is su- the source at the initial moment of emission, and are
perdeterministic. In the following discussion we ignore such that if sufficiently many absorbers exist then the
the possibility of a superdeterminism. Secondly, a mea- net advanced field at the position of the source exerts a
surement of property O always reveals that the system force on the source particle so as to induce the expected
is in an eigenstate of Ô. We refer to measurements of a amount of energy and momentum loss if the emission
property whose result is that the system does not have occurred via the standard picture [57] [58].
the aforementioned property as null result measurements
The transactional interpretation concerns the applica-
(not to be confused with null measurements). With this
tion of “absorber theory” to quantum theory. Just as
terminology, one may say that null result measurements
the equations of electromagnetism admits both retarded
do not exist. We may now state a main result.
and advanced solutions, other relativistically invariant
equations, in particular those with quantum mechani-
The statement “The consistent history fol- cal significance (for example the Klein-Gordon equation),
lowed by a system is Y ” is false or null result do so as well. An immediate difficulty presents itself –
measurements exist. the Schrödinger equation does not have advanced solu-
tions. It is proposed that the transactional interpretation
Proof : Assume that the consistent history followed by a requires a fully relativistic theory. However, it is well
system S has is determined to be Y . An experimenter known that the nonrelativistic limit includes both the
makes a measurement at any time tA 6= ti , which is not Schrödinger equation and its complex conjugate. The
one of the sequence times. If a result is obtained, then the solutions to the former are purely retarded and the so-
true consistent history was not Y , since Y indicates that lutions of the later are purely advanced. Making use
the system has a well defined property at the sequence of the Schrödinger equation and its conjugate equation
times, and this system has a well defined property at the gives one access to a set of retarded and advanced solu-
additional time tA . If a non result is obtained, then null tions. An emitter is assumed to produce a retarded and
result measurements must exist. Being able to determine advanced wave. Consider an emission process located
the history of a system is essential for comparing this for- at (x1 , t1 ). The retarded wave from the emitter will be
malism to experiment. Indeed, if the history is not known called ψE (x, t > t1 ) (verbally, the “offer wave”) and the
nor is the probability. This result indicates that the con- advanced emitter wave will be called φE (x, t < t1 ). The
sistent histories approach is either in stark disagreement retarded wave ψE interacts with an absorber at event
with experiment or is a non-predictive theory. x2 , t2 which is also assumed to produce a retarded and
Additional arguments against the consistency of the advanced wave. We will refer to the retarded and ad-
consistent histories approach may be found in [19], [20], vanced waves from the absorber as ψA (x, t > t2 ) (ver-
[39], among others. bally, the “confirmation wave”) and φA (x, t < t2 ). The

advanced wave from the absorber propagates back to the sourced. Indeed, adding a source to the Schrödinger
source at the moment of emission. One assumes that the equation (or relativistically invariant equations) destroy
initial amplitude of the wave produced by the absorber local conservation of probability and therefore introduces
is proportional to the incident amplitude, i.e. non-unitary behavior. More bluntly, the mechanism of
action by which emitters radiate and absorbers absorb
φA (x, t) ∝ ψE (x2 , t2 )υA (x, t) (20) radiation is included within electromagnetism, but no
such mechanism is included in quantum mechanics. In-
and υA is defined symmetrically with respect to emission troducing “emitters” and “absorbers” whose action can-

so that υA (x, t) = ψE (x + (x2 − x1 ), t + (t2 − t1 )). If these not be described within the theory is as problematic as
assumptions are met, then the amplitude of the advanced the Copenhagen interpretation wherein a process (mea-
wave at the emission event is surement) acts on a system (i.e. acts to collapse the wave-
function) in a manner that cannot be described within
φA (x1 , t1 ) = |ψE (x2 , t2 )|2 . (21)
the theory (within the unitary sectory to be precise). One
It is in this manner that the Born rule arises in the might ask about the nature of the emitters/absorbers.
transactional approach. The process of emission and re- For example, with what properties must they be en-
emission (of an advanced wave) by the absorber is re- dowed so as to guarantee their ability to emit/absorb?
ferred to as a “transaction.” It is claimed that an emit- We may say in a precise manner that charged matter
ter continuously sends out offer waves and continuously can be made to source photons, but the transactional
“hears” confirmation waves from absorbers. A transac- approach requires one to talk about sourcing particles or
tion will only occur if E = hν and other conservation whole atoms or even whole molecules, as interference has
laws are met [13][14][15]. been observed in each of these.
There are severe deficiencies with this approach. How are we to interpret “transaction?” It seems that
Firstly, it should be clear that the transactional ap- the primary example of a transaction is a type of transi-
proach, which requires both retarded and advanced solu- tion whereby a particle is emitted by an emitter and is
tions, is best pursued in the context of a fully relativistic found at a later time at the site of an absorber. The parti-
theory. However, the approach as described applies only cle may then be re-emitted and the process will continue.
to first quantized theories. It is not clear how to gener- Thusly, we are lead to conclude that transactions are
alize this approach to second quantized field theories, if stochastic processes, and consequently, that the transac-
such a generalization is possible. To highlight this defi- tional interpretation is more appropriately an example
ciency further, consider the assumption that the initial of an objective collapse theory wherein the collapses are
amplitude of the wave produced by the absorber is pro- induced by the presence of “absorbers.” Essential for our
portional to the incident amplitude, equation (20). This purpose is to note that such processes violate unitarity,
assumption yields equation (21), which resembles the which lead to experimental consequences. A related is-
Born rule for nonrelativistic quantum mechanics. Does sue is the change in the wavefunction of a system that
(20) hold for the Dirac equation? For the Dirac equation has been absorbed. In particular the transactional ap-
the appropriate product for constructing a probability proach fails to specify if there is a change in the wavefunc-
distribution is tion upon absorption. This has a strong bearing on the
“repeatability of measurement” assumption of quantum
ρD (x, t) = ψ † (x, t)ψ(x, t) (22) mechanics under the Copenhagen interpretation, which
states that a repeated measurement that occurs a short
The advanced solutions of the Dirac equation are not, time after a first measurement will produce the same
however, “daggered.” Therefore, if 20 did hold for the result. Without an assumption concerning the change
Dirac equation then the resulting probability distribution in the wavefunction upon absorption, it seems that the
would be wrong. A similar argument holds for the Klein- transactional interpretation is incomplete. However, if
Gordon equation because there the appropriate probabil- such an assumption is added to the theory, then it is ap-
ity is constructed as parent that observation has a distinguished role, which
is the measurement problem within the Copenhagen in-
i~ ∗
ρKG = (ψ ∂t ψ − ψ∂t ψ ∗ ), (23) terpretation.
It is claimed that a transaction occurs if E = hν
which is necessary for local conservation of (signed) prob- and other conservation laws are met. This statement
ability. It is unclear how (23) could be arrived at from a is vacuous. The approach has not introduced a quantum
transaction. equivalent for conservation laws. Namely, there is no
Absorber theory demands the existence of emitters mention of an operator formalism, nor is there a men-
(sources) and absorbers. Such objects exist in elec- tion of an eigenstate-eigenvalue link. For example, if
tromagnetism because generically the equations of elec- the wavefunction is a (near) plane wave, are we to in-
tromagnetism are sourced. Namely, the acceleration terpret that as a system with well defined momentum?
of charges sources electromagnetic radiation. However, The statement that a transaction may occur if E = hν
equations with quantum mechanical interest are not (and other conservation laws are satisfied) suggests that

the term “transaction” refers to transition phenomena of Schrödinger’s cat results from attempting to answer
between energy eigenstates. However, such transitions when collapse occurs. The main difficulty is that certain
do not conserve energy/momentum since the formalism physical processes (measurements) seem to induce col-
does not include the electromagnetic field (i.e. the elec- lapse (definite properties) but these processes cannot be
tromagnetic field functions as external perturbing agent). described from within the unitary sector of the theory.
As a result, it is not clear if one should demand en- The transactional interpretation presents no description
ergy/momentum conservation or attempt to account for of the measurement process, and subsequently does not
the energy/momentum loss to the electromagnetic field. at all resolve the measurement problem.
There are two distinct possibilities and no clear answer In the current state of this formalism, one assumes
as to which possibility one should appeal. As an exam- that a single emitter interacts with a single absorber.
ple of an objective collapse theory, we see that, as ex- Generically, however, one expects that this condition
pected, there is energy/momentum nonconservation at will not be met. Emitted waves should interact with
the moment of collapse (read transaction). That con- many future absorbers and each of those absorbers
servation laws must be added as additional assumptions should emit an advanced wave that interacts with
to this theory makes the transactional approach inele- many emitters “in the past.” That only one emis-
gant and implies incompleteness and experimental de- sion/absorption/confirmation process in considered is a
ficiency. Finally, we emphasize that without an oper- serious shortcoming of this formalism that needs to be
ator formalism/eigenstate-eigenvalue link measurements addressed by either (1) rigorous justification or (2) multi-
of common physical quantities (energy, momentum, an- ple emission/absoprtion/confirmation processes must be
gular momentum, and others) are formally undefined by considered.
the theory [13] [14] [15].
We see that there are difficulties concerning the struc-
ture of the transactional interpretation. Most poignantly
for this current work, however, is that it fails to re-
solve the measurement problem. Consider without
loss of generality the transactional interpretation of the Time symmetric quantum mechanics is introduced in
Schrödinger’s cat paradox. The claim is made that the part to deal with a paradox concerning state vector col-
main difficulty with regard to this paradox is in answering lapse caused by simultaneous, but spatially separated
when collapse occurs. Since the transactional interpre- measurements. A prime example of which is an experi-
tation is (essentially) atemporal asking when a collapse ment to test the Bell’s inequalities. If the measurements
occurs is an ill defined question. Instead, the transac- occur simultaneously in an frame in which both observers
tional approach suggests that during the period when (Alice and Bob, presumably) are at rest, then in comov-
the cat is sequestered, a transaction may occur or may ing Lorentz frames the order of measurements may be
not, with probability provided by the Born rule, regard- seen to be reversed, raising the question as to which ac-
less of an act of observation (measurement). However, tion collapsed the wavefunction. The interpretation is
there are two dilemmas in this claim. Firstly, the formal- arrived at by first computing the probability for an in-
ism does not suggest that a transaction is “atemporal.” termediate measurement result oi at present time t given
Indeed, the formalism suggests that transactions occur that the initial state is pre-selected to be |ψin i and the
within well defined temporal intervals. For example, ex- final state is post-selected to be |ψout i. Namely,
plicit in the emission of a (half advanced half retarded)
wave from an emitter is the time of emission. The ab- P (oi |ψin , tin ; ψf in , tf in ) =
sorption and emission of a confirmation wave also occur †
|hψf in |U(tf in →t) |oi i|2 |hoi |U(tin →t) |ψin i|2
at well defined times so that it seems that the transac- P   (24)
† 2 2
tion occurs within the time interval, even if the precise j |hψf in |U(tf in →t) |oj i| |hoj |U(tin →t) |ψin i|
time is undefined. Secondly, the unitary development of
quantum mechanics predicts that the until the moment The formalism may be further refined by the use of two
of wavefunction collapse the system is in a superposi- states, which are operators of the form
tion and interference effects may be generated by mea-
suring an appropriate variable. The claim of the trans- ρ = |ψ1 (t)ihψ2 (t)|, (25)
actional approach stands in contradiction to standard
quantum mechanics by denying the possibility of inter- or linear combinations thereof [1] [2] [3] [4]. Whether
ference. Since superposition is an experimentally well equation (24) is useful in understanding quantum me-
verified facet, it is clear that there is a serious experi- chanics is not of concern for this work. We ask, instead,
mental shortcoming in the transactional interpretation. whether it may form the basis of an interpretation that
In this regard the transactional interpretation is an ex- resolves the measurement problem and other related dif-
ample of an objective collapse theory, and subsequently ficulties. It is apparent that (24) makes use of the Born
suffers the fwailings of such theories (see section VII). Fi- rule, without an attempt at derivation or explanation.
nally, it is incorrect to state that the paradoxical aspect We are only lead to assume that an interpretation based

on (24) must also assume the Born rule, and as a re- resolution of the measurement problem.
sult, does not provide any insight into measurement as a
physical process nor does it obviate the need for collapse-
like (more generally nonunitary) behavior. While it may
be objected that the possibility of deriving the Born rule
from the overlap of retarded and advanced waves, in great
similarity to the transactional interpretation, still exists,
pursuit of such a “derivation” raises further issues (see We challenge the viability of common interpretations
Section IX). Equation (24) still indicates that a nonuni- of quantum mechanics. We have argued, and where pos-
tary transformation of the wavefunction occurs within sible, demonstrated, that each interpretation exhibits sig-
the interval [ti , tf ]. What spurs such an evolution? The nificant deficiency, in the form of fine-tuning problems/ad
formalism does not dictate the mechanism. If, as one hoc assumptions, internal inconsistencies, incomplete-
might naturally assume, they occur spontaneously, then ness, disagreement with experiment, among others. We
the result is an objective collapse theory, which could eas- raise an obvious question, but do not attempt an answer
ily be ruled out experimentally (see section VII). We em- here. Is there an interpretation (more appropriately rein-
phasize, in passing, that the measurement problem does terpretation) or minor modification of quantum mechan-
not appear to stem from a problem with the treatment ics that will maintain full agreement with experiment
of time so that variations of standard quantum mechan- (both current and future) and will resolve the measure-
ics with different approaches to time will not lead to a ment problem without introducing new issues?

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