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Something I will always treasure

Elsy Arenas Alfaro

English dot works 9

Li. jeimmy Herrera

Para desarrollar esta evidencia debe realizar un texto con la descripción de un
objeto que sea de gran valor personal para usted. La descripción debe ser de
mínimo 400 palabras, es necesario utilizar la voz pasiva y la voz activa, incluir
la imagen del objeto escogido si es posible y tener en cuenta las siguientes
preguntas para la elaboración del texto:

Who gave it to you?

 When was it given to you?

 Why was it given to you?

 Where were you when you received it?

 Why is it so special?

 What is it made of?

 Where do you keep it?

 Have you ever lost it?

 Do you bring it with you when you travel?

 Have you ever been asked to sell it?

My great treasure is a beautiful necklace. My mom gave to
me this beautiful necklace when I was a kid (10 years old)
since there; this necklace has been very important and
special for me. My mom gave to me this because that
necklace was given to her by my grandmother. I was in my
bedroom, listening to music when my mom knock the door
and told me that she had a gift to me.

It is so special because the necklace has been made of gold and white pearls in
the shape of a star. My mom told me that I am so beautiful that i will never stop
shining like a star. The necklace has created a meaning of love and generation
for me. I have always cared for it; although it has been lost I have always found
it. I keep it in my jewelry box, but most of the time I never take it off even if I go
to travel I always have it on, I never asked about sell it because the necklace
has been created to give away from generation to generation. My grandmother
gave it to my mother, my mother gave it to me and I will give it to my daughter in
the future. I love it!

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