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Submitted to: Ms suman

Deptt. Of physics
Lovely professional university
Submitted by: ANKIT KHANDURI
Section: 258
Roll no.: 27
Course: (hons.)-I.T-M.TEC
Regd. No: 10803073







I am ANKIT KHANDURI student of

B.Tech IT (honours)
thankful to Mis Suman Rani
Madam for guiding me on
following topic.
The cyclotron was one of the earliest types of particle
accelerators, and is still used as the first stage of some large
multi-stage particle accelerators. It makes use of the
magnetic force on a moving charge to bend moving charges
into a semicircular path between accelerations by an applied
electric field. The applied electric field accelerates electrons
between the "Dees" of the magnetic field region. The field is
reversed at the cyclotron frequency to accelerate the
electrons back across the gap.

When the cyclotron principle is used to accelerate electrons,

it has been historically called a betatron. The cyclotron
principle as applied to electrons is illustrated below.
The proton beam for radiation therapy application in Russia for the
first time [1] was created in 1967 on the base of Phasotron
(Laboratory of Nuclear Problems JI). Now an energy of extracted
proton beam is Ер=680 MeV, intensity Ip=3 mkA [2].
A six–cabin medical facility has been developed and put
into operation on this beam [3]. Now in practice of
treatment on medical beam LNP JINR the most frequently
used beam has the energy 170 MeV

PARAMETER С – 235 C-250 C-190(H-) C-200p

Energy of protons 235 250 70-190 ~200
Average magnetic 1.739 ~4 0.77 1.33
field (T) 2.165 ~4 0.92 1.64
At center
At extraction radii
Extraction radius 1.08 ~0.9 ~2.1 1.4
Magnetic field at 3.09 4.0 0.6 2.65
extraction radius (T) 0.985 1.6 1.1 0.95
Gap (mm) valley 600 - 380 400
hill 96-9 140 50
Number of sectors 4 4 4 4
Main coil ampere 525 - 150 340
turn (kA)
Power consumption 190 40(cooling 120 170
(kW) )

The magnetic system consist of sectors (1), poles (2), ring top and
bottom horizontal yokes (3), coils (4) and vertical yoke (5) (see
figs. 1). The required configuration of the magnetic field is formed
using a spiraled and angular extent of sector shims depending on
The complete angular extent of one sector on a pole composes 55º,
thus there is an opportunity to place two 42º resonators in valley.
Beam Dynamics
In figs. 4 -7 the dynamic characteristics of beam in the magnetic
field are given. The betatron frequencies of axial and radial motion
(fig. 4) are in allowable limits
Figure 2: Computer model of the magnetic system of C200p
(bottom part of the magnet, hole for coaxial line of RF system can
be seen)
Working point diagram along the acceleration in C200р is
presented in figure 5. The point to point distance is 10 MeV. The
most dangerous resonance Qr-Qz=1 is crossed two times at energies
130 and 170 MeV. Modeling of particle dynamics showed that no
axial amplitude increase observed after the resonance (see below)
if no skew harmonics presented in magnetic field map. Further
computations have to define permissible limits of such harmonics.
Figure 3: Magnetic field map computed by the RADIA code
Figure 4: Free betatron frequencies along radius
2Qz=12Qr-Qz=2210 MeV10 MeVQr+2Qz=2Point
distance=10 MeVQr-Qz=1 Working point diagram of C200p
Figure 6: Phase motion of central particle
7: Axial motion of one particle
Phase motion of central particle computed along the acceleration
shows good accuracy of a isochronous field. Particle resonance
orbital frequency is 20.4545 MHz. Axial particle motion along
acceleration in magnetic field with no skew harmonics is shown in
fig. 8. Amplitude of particle radial oscillation was 5 mm during
this computations. Changing of axial oscillations amplitude
corresponds to the dependence of axial betatron frequency on the


If you walk from the Berkeley campus uphill along Cyclotron Road to the
Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory (LBL), past the security gates and into a
eucalyptus grove, you will find yourself at the 88" Cyclotron. The “FAQ”
sheet in the lobby anticipates the visitor’s question, “Have [scientists] ever
discovered anything really cool at this cyclotron?” and answers, “Well, no
discoveries honored by a Nobel Prize originated here. Not yet.” Now time is
running out for the cyclotron’s Nobel aspirations. The nuclear science
facility, scheduled to close in November of this year, has already reduced its
operating schedule from seven days a week to four and a half.

The 88" Cyclotron’s very name places it in a gradually disappearing

scientific niche. The goal of a cyclotron is to accelerate ions—atoms missing
one or more electrons—to high energies and then to collide them with
stationary atoms. This cyclotron’s 88 inches measure the diameter of its
magnet, a number that determines the maximum energy to which it can
accelerate ions. The name is anachronistic in an era when science is largely
driven by the push to higher energies and bigger facilities, since the 88" was
not the largest cyclotron—by more than two times—even in 1961, when it
was built. To be sure, the 88" cyclotron has at various times been the nations
or the world’s best, by one measure or another. But as Stuart Freedman,
professor of physics at UC Berkeley and senior scientist at the cyclotron,
points out, with an annual operating budget of five to six million dollars,
“this isn’t big science; this is a small operation.”

Nuclear science in the United States has set its sights on construction of the
next big operation, the Rare Isotope Accelerator (RIA). With the field’s
federal funding stagnant, nuclear science can barely afford research and
development for RIA, much less RIA’s projected cost of $1 billion. In
November of 2001, the US Department of Energy (DOE), which provides
85% of the funds for nuclear science in the United States, recommended
closure of the 88" Cyclotron if budgets were to become tight.

The committee that prepared the DOE report did not want the 88" Cyclotron
closed and called the possible closure “a significant loss to the nuclear
physics community.” Freedman points out that“these reports are meant to be
sed. One way to use it is for getting money: to say, ‘look at all the good
research that will be lost if the nuclear science budget is cut.’” The nuclear
science budget did, indeed, increase in 2002, but the strategy failed in 2003:
In February the DOE announced that push had indeed come to shove, and
that the 88" cyclotron would have to close by November.

Putting new ions in an old accelerator

nuclear scientists like those at the 88", their title notwithstanding, do not
design nuclear bombs or nuclear reactors. They leave those tasks to
engineers and a few “applied” nuclear scientists, while they explore the
fundamental properties of atomic nuclei. Their wares are the protons and
neutrons (collectively “nucleons”) that make up the nucleus, the quarks that
compose nucleons themselves, and the particles that carry forces between
them. From these particles nuclear scientists learn about the laws that govern
nature, on scales from subatomic to stellar.

Freedman’s own research at the 88", in collaboration with staff scientist Paul
Vetter, uses low- energy ions accelerated by the cyclotron to study the so-
called weak interaction. One of the four “fundamental” forces of nature and
a linchpin of modern particle physics, the weak interaction helps to regulate
nuclear reactions in stars, and creates the nearly-undetectable neutrinos that
make up between 10––20% of the universe’s mass. Freedman collides the
accelerated ions with atoms to create radioactive nuclei, which then stream
directly into his “atom trap.” By monitoring the radioactive decay of the
nuclei held in this laser-beam trap, Freedman and Vetter hope to discover
new information about the weak interaction.

Research at the 88" represents a branch of nuclear physics, in which

relatively low energies are desirable—though the energies are still high
enough to require a cyclotron. At these energies, nuclear interactions lead to
forms of “collective” order, in which groups of nucleons take on strange new
properties. The nucleons can form pairs that become insensitive to the
interactions around them, staying put while the unpaired portion of the
nucleus rotates, or the whole nucleus can assume a “super-deformed” state,
elongated like a football. Low-energy ions may also be collided with target
materials in hopes of creating new elements—an enterprise at which earlier
Berkeley accelerators excelled, beginning with the 1940 discovery of
plutonium by Edwin McMillan, Philip Abelson, Glenn Seaborg, and Emilio
Segrè using a 37" cyclotron on the Cal campus. The 88" Cyclotron is now
the only US facility that searches for such heavy elements.

None of the research in this branch of nuclear science requires that the
cyclotron accelerate ions to especially high energies. Instead, nuclear
scientists seek to accelerate ions of ever-heavier elements to about the same
modest energy per nucleon. Because a cyclotron uses electric fields to
accelerate ions, the force it can exert depends on the ion’s charge––that is,
on the number of electrons removed. Heavier ions, being more sluggish,
must have more electrns removed than lighter ones in order to reach the
same energies.

When the 88" Cyclotron first opened, available ion sources only allowed it
to accelerate ions containing a few nucleons, like bare protons or the nuclei
of helium atoms. In the late 1960s, scientists at Berkeley and elsewhere
invented what were then considered “heavy-ion” sources: devices that could
remove up to six electrons from elements as heavy as neon, with 20

Advantages of the LBL 88-Inch Cyclotron Ion Beam for SEP

Authors: Rocky Koga; Steven D. Pinkerton; AEROSPACE

Abstract: The Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory 88-inch

cyclotron has been widely used for single-event phenomena
(SEP) studies. The advantages and disadvantages of using
ions at this facility are compared with those for other
accelerator facilities in the US. One major advantage of the
88-inch cyclotron is that several ion species, with varying
stopping powers, can be made available in a matter of
seconds by simply adjusting the cyclotron frequency. The
importance of this capability is illustrated via test results for a
high-density SRAM and an EEPROM device type. Single
event upset (SEU), Single-event effects (SEE), Latchup,
Cyclotron, Accelerator, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory

Looking towards future: utilization plan for

superconducting cyclotron

Scientific motivations: The upcoming K500 superconducting

cyclotron at VECC, expected to be ready for the users in a few
years time, will deliver a large variety of accelerated particle
beams over wide range of energies (up to ~80 MeV protons, ~10-
80 MeV/nucleon medium heavy ions with mass A < 60 and ~5–20
MeV/nucleon heavier ions) and open up the scope of front-line
research in intermediate energy nuclear physics research in India in
the coming decade.
Intermediate energy heavy-ion beams are used as a powerful tool
for the production of hot nuclear matter and study their properties.
The hot nuclear matter decays by emitting a large number of light
particles and intermediate mass fragments (IMF; 3<Z <20) - which
is known as nuclear multifragmentation. Several interesting details
about the hot nuclear matter are yet to be understood; namely, the
mechanism of the nuclear disintegration process (e.g., thermal or
dynamical origin, unambiguous signals for liquid-gas phase
transition), stability limit of the hot nucleus,etc., to mention a few.
Moreover, intermediate energy domain (typically around the Fermi
energy, i.e., ~37 MeV/nucleon) is considered to be a transition
regime, where the gradual weakening of Pauli blocking causes a
transition in the reaction mechanisms from the low energy mean
field dominated regime to the nucleon-nucleon collision dominated
regime which predominates at higher energies (>100
Mid-central collisions in the Fermi energy domain leading to
binary dissipative collisions provide opportunity for studying
nuclear relaxation processes (energy, N/Z, shape equilibration) in
greater details. Observed features, such as, the emission of a
significant fraction of IMFs from the mid-rapidity region, the
presence of neutron rich matter in the neck region, etc., points to
the onset of transition in the reaction mechanism (from statistical
to dynamical regime) which warrants further in-depth studies to
understand the phenomena.
Collective dynamics of hot nuclear systems, i.e., the evolution of
nuclear viscosity with excitation energy may be studied from
fusion-fission / evaporation as well as from giant resonance
experiments. The study of hard and soft photon emission in p-n
bremsstrahlung process in intermediate energy heavy ion collisions
provides important clue about the dynamics of the system at the
beginning and at the later thermalisation stages of the reaction,
Thus, the study of thermal properties as well as the evolutionary
dynamics of hot nuclear matter would be the main thrust area of
nuclear physics research programme with the superconducting
cyclotron. Besides, the intermediate energy heavy ion beams from
the cyclotron would also open up the opportunity for research in
another frontline area of nuclear physics, i.e., the study of nuclei
away from the β-stability line.
Utilisation programme: present status: In consultation with the
national users’ community, several types of new, sophisticated
detector arrays and general facilities are being developed within
the framework of superconducting cyclotron utilisation project, a
X plan project of DAE. A brief description of the major activities
is given below.
(a) Multipurpose scattering chamber : The scattering chamber
will be a cylindrical chamber with three detachable sections,
multiple target stations and custom designed
(b) 4π charged particle detector array - The array will consist of three
parts; the forward array (angular coverage ~80<θ<500), made up of high
granularity charged particle detector telescopes (Si (strip)-Si (strip)-
CsI(Tl)), the backward array (angular coverage ~500<θ<1750),
consisting of detector telescopes (Si design (forward, backward,
extreme forward arrays), readout configuration are being worked out
-CsI(Tl)) and the extreme forward array (angular coverage ~20<θ<80),
consisting of granular, fast response detectors. Elements of prototype
charged particle detector telescope (Si (strip)-Si (strip)-CsI(Tl)) for the
forward array have been tested. Detailed array.

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