Conflicts Batch 2 Case Compilation

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Conflict of Laws contract in that case that the workmen's

compensation payable to the employee

2nd Exam- Case Compilation should be in accordance with Philippine
Law or the Workmen's Insurance Law of
the country where the vessel is
1. Bagong Filipinas Overseas Corporation registered "whichever is greater".
vs. NLRC
2. Atienza v. Philimare Shipping and
Bagong Filipinas Overseas Equipment Supply
Corporation, the local agent of a
Hongkong based firm Golden Star Shipping, Facts:
entered into the shipboard employment Joseph B. Atienza was engaged by
contract with Pancho. Philimare Shipping and Equipment Supply, as
The contract provided that Pancho was hired agent for Trans Ocean Liner based on
as an oiler in the M/V Olivine for 12 months Singapore with a compensation of US$850.00
with a monthly wage of $195.00. It also a month from January 20, 1981 to January
provided that the beneficiaries of seamen are 20, 1982.
entitled to P 20,000.00 over and above the The Crew Agreement signed on
benefits under the Philippine Law. January 3, 1981, provided for insurance
During the course of Pancho's employment, benefits “as per NSB Standard Format”
he suffered stroke. He was repatriated to the was validated and approved by the
Philippines and confined therein and later on National Seamen Board on January 14,
died. 1981.

The National Seamen Board awarded his On May 12, 1981, Atienza died as a
widow, Proserfina, P20,000 as disability result of an accident which befell him while
compensation benefit pursuant to the working on the vessel. Thus, his father, the
employment contract. petitioner, Jose Atienza filed a claim for
Death Benefits computed at the rate of 36
Proserfina appealed to the NLRC which months times the seaman’s monthly salary
awarded her $621 times 36 months or plus ten per cent thereof in accordance with
equivalent in Philippine currency. the Workmen’s Compensation Law of
Singapore, for a total of $30,600.00.
Golden Star Shipping assailed the NLRC's
decision by certiorari. Respondent, Philimare Shipping, while
admitting the liability, contended that such
benefit is limited only to P40,000 under
WoN the shipboard employment section D(1) of the NSB Standard Format.
contract or Hongkong law should govern
The POEA sustained the respondent
the amount of death compensation due
and held that the applicable law was the
to the wife of Guillermo Pancho.
Philippine Law. Upon appeal, the NLRC
HELD: affirmed the decision and increased the
award to P75,000 pursuant to the NSB
The shipboard employment contract Circular No. 71.
is controlling in this case. The contract
provides that the beneficiaries of the Petitioner contended that Singaporean
seaman are entitled to P20,000 "over Law should have been applied in line with the
and above the benefits" for which the ruling in case of Norse Management Co. vs
Philippine Government is liable under NSB, where the foreign law was held
Philippine law. controlling because it provided for greater
benefits for the claimant.
Hongkong law on workmen's compensation
is not the applicable law. The case of
Norse Management Co. vs. National
Seamen Board, G. R. No. 54204,
September 30, 1982, 117 SCRA 486 1. Whether or not Singaporean Law
cannot be a precedent because it was should apply
expressly stipulated in the employment
2. Whether or not NSB Circular No. 71 Philippine laws and its principal was Gulf
should apply Catering Company, a firm based in the
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It recruited Erlinda
Osdana as “Food Server” for a period of 36
Ruling: months with a salary of 550 Saudi Rials.
However, it asked Osdana to sign another
1. No. the contention of Atienza is “Contractor-Employee Agreement” which
incorrect. The ruling in Norse case is not provided that she would be employed as a
applicable in the present case because in waitress for 12 months with a salary of
Norse, it was stipulated in the Crew USD280.00, of which contract was approved
Agreement that “compensation shall be paid by the Philippine Overseas Employment
to employee in accordance with and subject Administration (POEA).
to the limitations of the Workmen’s
Compensation Act of the Philippines or the On working for GCC, Osdana
Workmen’s Insurance Law of the registry of performed janitorial work and other tasks
the vessel, whichever is greater.” That was contrary to the terms and conditions of her
why the higher benefits prescribed by the employment contract. Worse, she was made
foreign law were awarded. to work beyond eight hours without overtime
pay, thereby causing her to develop Bilateral
However, it is clearly stated therein Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, a condition
that the insurance benefits shall be “as per precipitated by activities requiring “repeated
NSB Standard Format,” in the event “of death flexion, pronation, and supination of the wrist
of the seaman during the term of his and characterized by excruciating pain and
contract, over and above the benefits for numbness in the arms.” She had to be
which the Philippine Government is liable hospitalized and underwent two surgical
under Philippine law.” operations. Between these operations, she
was not given any work assignments even if
There was no stipulation in the Crew
she was willing and able to do light work in
Agreement of January 3, 1981, that the
accordance with her doctor’s advice. Again,
employee would be entitled to whichever
Osdana was not paid any compensation for
greater insurance benefits were offered by
those periods.
either Philippine law or the foreign law; on
the contrary, it was plainly provided that Later, Osdana was dismissed from
insurance benefits would be determined work, allegedly on the ground of illness. She
according to the NSB Standard Format then was not given any separation pay nor was
in force. she paid her salaries for the periods when
she was not allowed to work. Hence, file a
2. No. NSB Memorandum Circular No. 71,
complaint before the POEA against Triple
increasing the compensation from P40,000
Eight. The LA and NLRC shared the same
became effective only in December 1981, as
judgment in favor of Osdana.
certified by the POEA itself or seven months
after Atienza’s fatal accident. On petition for certiorari, Triple Eight
argued that since Osdana was working in
As stated in the case of Sta. Rita and
Saudi Arabia, her employment was subject to
Well Run Maritime SA Ltd. v. NLRC, the
the laws of the host country, which was Saudi
liability of manning agents or shipping
Arabia, and not to the Philippine Labor Laws.
corporations for death, total disability and
sickness of officers and ratings on board Issue:
foreign going vessels is based on the
applicable law at that time. It would be WON the labor laws of Saudi Arabia
unjust to compel them to pay benefits based shall prevail over the case
on law not yet in effect at the time the Ruling:
contingency occurs.
No, argument is without merit.
First, established is the rule that lex
3. Triple Eight Integrated Services vs loci contractus (the law of the place where
NLRC the contract is made) governs in this
Facts: jurisdiction. There is no question that the
contract of employment in this case was
Triple Eight Integrated Services, Inc perfected here in the Philippines. Therefore,
was an employment agency under the the Labor Code, its implementing rules and
regulations, and other laws affecting labor His services would be engaged by the
apply in this case. Furthermore, settled is the company only up to the substantial
rule that the courts of the forum will not completion of the STAR Project, just in time
enforce any foreign claim obnoxious to the for the ICA’s expiry.
forum’s public policy. Here in the Philippines,
employment agreements are more than Threatened with impending
contractual in nature. The Constitution itself, unemployment, respondent, through his
in Article XIII, Section 3, guarantees the lawyer, requested a negotiation conference
special protection of workers, to wit: and demanded that he be assigned to the
Bongabon-Baler Road Improvement BBRI
“The State shall afford full protection project. Nippon insisted that respondent’s
to labor, local and overseas, organized and contract was for a fixed term that had
unorganized, and promote full employment already expired, and refused to negotiate for
and equality of employment opportunities for the renewal of the ICA.
all. xxx”
This public policy should be borne in As he was not being able to generate a
mind in this case because to allow foreign positive response, respondent Kitamura
employers to determine for and by initiated a civil case for specific performance
themselves whether an overseas contract and damages.
worker may be dismissed on the ground of
illness would encourage illegal or arbitrary Petitioners contended that the ICA had
pre-termination of employment contracts. been perfected in Japan and executed by and
between Japanese nationals and moved to
Thus, the Supreme Court dismissed dismiss the complaint for lack of jurisdiction.
the petition and affirmed the NLRC’s decision They asserted that the claim for improper
with modification. pre-termination of respondent’s ICA could
only be heard and ventilated in the proper
courts of Japan following the principles of lex
4. Hasegawa v. Kitamura loci celebrationis and lex contractus.

Facts: The RTC denied the motion to dismiss.

Petitioner Nippon Engineering The CA ruled that the principle of lex loci
Consultants Co., Ltd. (Nippon), a Japanese celebrationis was not applicable to the case,
consultancy firm providing technical and because nowhere in the pleadings was the
management support in the infrastructure validity of the written agreement put in issue.
projects of foreign governments, entered into Hence, this petition.
an Independent Contractor Agreement (ICA)
with respondent Minoru Kitamura, a Japanese Issue:
national permanently residing in the Whether the subject matter
Philippines. The agreement provides that jurisdiction of Philippine courts in civil cases
respondent was to extend professional for specific performance and damages
services to Nippon for a year. involving contracts executed outside the
country by foreign nationals may be assailed
Nippon then assigned respondent on the principles of lex loci celebrationis, lex
Kitamura to work as the project manager of contractus, the “state of the most significant
the Southern Tagalog Access Road (STAR) relationship rule,” or forum non conveniens.
Project in the Philippines, following the
company’s consultancy contract with the Ruling:
Philippine Government. When the STAR No, in the judicial resolution of
Project was near completion, the Department conflicts problems, three consecutive phases
of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) are involved: jurisdiction, choice of law, and
engaged the consultancy services of Nippon, recognition and enforcement of judgments.
for the Bongabon-Baler Road Improvement Corresponding to these phases are the
BBRI project. following questions: (1) Where can or should
litigation be initiated? (2) Which law will the
Petitioner Kazuhiro Hasegawa, court apply? and (3) Where can the resulting
Nippon’s general manager for its judgment be enforced?
International Division, informed respondent
Kitamura that the company had no more Jurisdiction and choice of law are two
intention of automatically renewing his ICA. distinct concepts. Jurisdiction considers
whether it is fair to cause a defendant to alternatives open to the latter in disposing of
travel to this state; choice of law asks the it: (1) dismiss the case, either because of
further question whether the application of a lack of jurisdiction or refusal to assume
substantive law which will determine the jurisdiction over the case; (2) assume
merits of the case is fair to both parties. The jurisdiction over the case and apply the
power to exercise jurisdiction does not internal law of the forum; or (3) assume
automatically give a state constitutional jurisdiction over the case and take into
authority to apply forum law. While account or apply the law of some other State
jurisdiction and the choice of the lex fori will or States. The court’s power to hear cases
often coincide, the “minimum contacts” for and controversies is derived from the
one do not always provide the necessary Constitution and the laws. While it may
“significant contacts” for the other. The choose to recognize laws of foreign nations,
question of whether the law of a state can be the court is not limited by foreign sovereign
applied to a transaction is different from the law short of treaties or other formal
question of whether the courts of that state agreements, even in matters regarding rights
have jurisdiction to enter a judgment. provided by foreign sovereigns. Neither can
the other ground raised, forum non
Lex loci celebrationis relates to the conveniens, be used to deprive the trial court
“law of the place of the ceremony” or the law of its jurisdiction herein.
of the place where a contract is made. The
doctrine of lex contractus or lex loci
contractus means the “law of the place where 5. LAUREL vs. RAMON GARCIA
a contract is executed or to be per-formed.” Facts:
It controls the nature, construction, and
validity of the contract and it may pertain to These are two petitions for prohibition
the law voluntarily agreed upon by the seeking to enjoin respondents, their
parties or the law intended by them either representatives and agents from proceeding
expressly or implicitly. with the bidding for the sale of the 3,179
square meters of land at 306 Ropponggi, 5-
Under the “state of the most Chome Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan
significant relationship rule,” to ascertain
The subject property in this case is
what state law to apply to a dispute, the
one of the four (4) properties in Japan
court should determine which state has the
acquired by the Philippine government under
most substantial connection to the
the Reparations Agreement entered into with
occurrence and the parties. In a case
Japan on May 9, 1956 and listed under the
involving a contract, the court should
heading "Government Sector", through
consider where the contract was made, was
Reparations Contract No. 300 dated June 27,
negotiated, was to be performed, and the
1958. It consists of the land and building "for
domicile, place of business, or place of
the Chancery of the Philippine Embassy" and
incorporation of the parties. This rule takes
became the site of the Philippine Embassy
into account several contacts and evaluates
until the latter was transferred to Nampeidai
them according to their relative importance
on July 22, 1976 when the Roppongi building
with respect to the particular issue to be
needed major repairs. Due to the failure of
our government to provide necessary funds,
the Roppongi property has remained
Since these three principles in conflict
undeveloped since that time.
of laws make reference to the law applicable
to a dispute, they are rules proper for the A proposal was presented to President
second phase, the choice of law. They Corazon C. Aquino by former Philippine
determine which state’s law is to be applied Ambassador to Japan, Carlos J. Valdez, to
in resolving the substantive issues of a make the property the subject of a lease
conflicts problem. Necessarily, as the only agreement with a Japanese firm — Kajima
issue in this case is that of jurisdiction, Corporation — which shall construct two (2)
choice-of-law rules are not only inapplicable buildings in Roppongi and one (1) building in
but also not yet called for. Nampeidai and renovate the present
Philippine Chancery in Nampeidai. The
It should be noted that when a consideration of the construction would be
conflicts case, one involving a foreign the lease to the foreign corporation of one (1)
element, is brought before a court or of the buildings to be constructed in Roppongi
administrative agency, there are three and the two (2) buildings in Nampeidai. The
other building in Roppongi shall then be used Ruling:
as the Philippine Embassy Chancery. At the
end of the lease period, all the three leased We see no reason why a conflict of law
buildings shall be occupied and used by the rule should apply when no conflict of law
Philippine government. No change of situation exists. A conflict of law situation
ownership or title shall occur. arises only when:

However, the government has not (1) There is a dispute over the title or
acted favorably on this proposal which is ownership of an immovable, such that the
pending approval and rati􏰀cation between capacity to take and transfer immovables,
the parties. Indeed, on August 11, 1986, the formalities of conveyance, the essential
President Aquino created a committee to validity and effect of the transfer, or the
study the disposition/utilization of Philippine interpretation and effect of a conveyance, are
government properties in Tokyo and Kobe, to be determined (See Salonga, Private
Japan through Administrative Order No. 3, International Law, 1981 ed., pp. 377-383);
followed by Administrative Orders Numbered and
3-A, B, C and D. On July 25, 1987, the (2) A foreign law on land ownership
President issued Executive Order No. 296 and its conveyance is asserted to con􏰁ict
entitling non- Filipino citizens or entities to with a domestic law on the same matters.
avail of reparations' capital goods and Hence, the need to determine which law
services in the event of sale, lease or should apply.
disposition. The four properties in Japan
including the Roppongi were specifically In the instant case, none of the above
mentioned in the first "Whereas" clause. elements exists.

The petitioner in G.R. No. 92013 The issues are not concerned with
objects to the alienation of the Roppongi validity of ownership or title. There is no
property to anyone while the petitioner in question that the property belongs to the
G.R. No. 92047 adds as a principal objection Philippines. The issue is the authority of the
the alleged unjustified bias of the Philippine respondent officials to validly dispose of
government in favor of selling the property to property belonging to the State. And the
non-Filipino citizens and entities. validity of the procedures adopted to effect
its sale. This is governed by Philippine Law.
The respondents, for their part, refute The rule of lex situs does not apply.
the petitioner's contention by saying that the
subject property is not governed by our Civil The applicable provisions of the Civil Code
Code but by the laws of Japan where the are:
property is located. They rely upon the rule of
"ART. 419. Property is either of public
lex situs which is used in determining the
dominion or of private ownership.”
applicable law regarding the acquisition,
transfer and devolution of the title to a
"ART. 420. The following things are property
The respondents add that even of public dominion:
assuming for the sake of argument that the
Civil Code is applicable, the Roppongi (1) Those intended for public use,
property has ceased to become property of such as roads, canals, rivers, torrents, ports
public dominion. It has become patrimonial and bridges constructed by the State, banks,
property because it has not been used for shores, roadsteads, and others of similar
public service or for diplomatic purposes for character;
over thirteen (13) years now (Citing Article (2) Those which belong to the State,
422, Civil Code) and because the intention by without being for public use, and are
the Executive Department and the Congress intended for some public service or for the
to convert it to private use has been development of the national wealth.”
manifested by overt acts.
"ART. 421. All other property of the State,
Issue: which is not of the character stated in the
WON the subject property shall be preceding article, is patrimonial property."
governed by the laws of Japan where the The Roppongi property is correctly
property is located, or the rule of lex situs, or classified under paragraph 2 of Article 420 of
by our Civil Code.
the Civil Code as property belonging to the Corporation, Benguet Consolidated. Said
State and intended for some public service. certificates were in possession of the County
Trust Company of New York, which was the
The fact that the Roppongi site has not domiciliary administrator of the estate of the
been used for a long time for actual Embassy deceased. On the other hand, an ancillary
service does not automatically convert it to administration proceedings were filed here in
patrimonial property. A property continues to the Philippines wherein Tayag, after several
be part of the public domain, not available for substitutions, became the ancillary
private appropriation or ownership "until administrator of the estate of the deceased. A
there is a formal declaration on the part of dispute then arose between the domiciliary
the government to withdraw it from being administrator in NT and the ancillary
such (Ignacio v. Director of Lands, 108 Phil. administrator as to who among them was
335 [1960]). entitled to the possession of the stock
Assuming for the sale of argument, certificates in question.
however, that the Roppongi property is no
longer of public dominion, there is another CFI ordered the domiciliary
obstacle to its sale by the respondents. There administrator to produce and deposit them
is no law authorizing its conveyance. with the ancillary administrator or with Clerk
of Court but the former did not comply with
Section 79 (f) of the Revised such order so the latter petition the court to
Administrative Code of 1917 provides: issue an order declaring certificates of stocks
covering the shares issued in the name of
"Section 79 (f). Conveyances and contracts
Perkins by Benguet, be declared or
to which the Government is a party. — In
considered lost. However, Benguet
cases in which the Government of the
Consolidated opposed the petition of the
Republic of the Philippines is a party to any
ancillary administrator because the said stock
deed or other instrument conveying the title
certificates are in existence, which were in
to real estate or to any other property the
the possession of the domiciliary
value of which is in excess of one hundred
thousand pesos, the respective Department
Secretary shall prepare the necessary papers
which, together with the proper
WON the certificates can be
recommendations, shall be submitted to the
declared lost by the ancillary
Congress of the Philippines for approval by
the same. Such deed, instrument, or contract
shall be executed and signed by the
President of the Philippines on behalf of the
Yes. Benguet Consolidated did not
Government of the Philippines unless the
dispute the power of Tayag, the ancillary
Government of the Philippines unless the
administrator to gain control and possession
authority therefor be expressly vested by law
of all assets of the decedent within
in another officer."
jurisdiction of PH. Such power is inherent in
The requirement has been retained in his duty to settle her estate and satisfy the
Section 48, Book I of the Administrative Code claims of local creditors. Administration,
of 1987 (Executive Order No. 292). whether principal or ancillary, certainly
extends to the assets of a decedent found
It is not for the President to convey within the state or country where it was
valuable real property of the government on granted. It is often necessary to have more
his or her own sole will. Any such conveyance than one administration of an estate. When a
must be authorized and approved by a law person dies intestate owning a property in
enacted by the Congress. It requires the country of his domicile as well as in a
executive and legislative concurrence. foreign country, administration is had in both

6. Tayag v. Benguet Consolidated Principal administration is that which

granted in the jurisdiction of decedent’s last
Facts: domicile. Any other administration is termed
Idonah Perkins who died sometime on the ancillary administration. The reason for
1960 in New York City, left among others, 2 the latter is because a grant of administration
stock certificates covering about 33,000 does not ex proprio vigore have any effect
shares owned by her in a Philippine beyond the limits of the country in which it is
granted. Hence, an administration appointed No. It is not violative of the
in a foreign state has no authority. Constitution.

Further, for Benguet Consolidated is a Ratio:

Philippine corporation owing full allegiance The appellants claim that the usufruct
and subject to the unrestricted jurisdiction of over real properties of the estate in favor of
local courts. Its shares of stock cannot Wanda is void because it violates the
therefore be considered in any wise as constitutional prohibition against the
immune from lawful court orders. Since there acquisition of lands by aliens.
is a refusal, persistently adhered to by the
domiciliary administrator in New York, to The 1935 Constitution which is
deliver the shares of stocks of appellant controlling provides as follows:
corporation owned by the decedent to the
SEC. 5. Save in cases of hereditary
ancillary administrator in the Philippines,
succession, no private agricultural land shall
there was nothing unreasonable or arbitrary
be transferred or assigned except to
in considering them as lost and requiring the
individuals, corporations, or associations
appellant to issue new certificates in lieu
qualified to acquire or hold lands of the public
domain in the Philippines. (Art. XIII.)
The court a quo upheld the validity of
7. Ramirez vs. Vda De Ramirez
the usufruct given to Wanda on the ground
Keyword: usufruct land in favor of a foreigner that the Constitution covers not only
as stated in the Filipino’s will succession by operation of law but also
testamentary succession. We are of the
Facts: opinion that the Constitutional provision
Jose Eugenio Ramirez, a Filipino which enables aliens to acquire private lands
national, died in Spain on December 11, does not extend to testamentary succession
1964, with only his widow (a French national for otherwise the prohibition will be for
living in Paris) as compulsory heir. His will naught and meaningless. Any alien would be
was admitted to probate by the Court of First able to circumvent the prohibition by paying
Instance of Manila, Branch X, on July 27, money to a Philippine landowner in exchange
1965 by Maria Luisa Palacios who was for a devise of a piece of land.
appointed administratrix of the estate. The This opinion notwithstanding, We
principal beneficiaries are as follows: his uphold the usufruct in favor of Wanda
widow Marcelle Demoron de Ramirez; his two because a usufruct, albeit a real right, does
grandnephews Roberto and Jorge Ramirez; not vest title to the land in the usufructuary
and his companion Wanda de Wrobleski. and it is the vesting of title to land in favor of
On June 23, 1966, the administratrix aliens which is proscribed by the Constitution.
submitted a project of partition as follows: Ruling: IN VIEW OF THE FOREGOING, the
the property of the deceased is to be divided estate of Jose Eugenio Ramirez is hereby
into two parts. One part shall go to the widow ordered distributed as follows:
'en pleno dominio" in satisfaction of her
legitime; the other part or "free portion" shall One-half (1/2) thereof to his widow as
go to Jorge and Roberto Ramirez "en nuda her legitime;
propriedad." Furthermore, one third (1/3) of
One-half (1/2) thereof which is the
the free portion is charged with the widow's
free portion to Roberto and Jorge
usufruct and the remaining two-thirds (2/3)
Ramirez in naked ownership and the
with a usufruct in favor of Wanda (An
usufruct to Wanda de Wrobleski with a
Austrian living in Spain).
simple substitution in favor of Juan
Issue: Pablo Jankowski and Horace V.
Whether or not the grant of a usufruct over
real property in the Philippines in favor of The distribution herein ordered supersedes
Wanda Wrobleski, who is an alien, violates that of the court a quo. No special
Section 5, Article III of the Philippine pronouncement as to costs. SO ORDERED
8. Llantino v. Co Liong Chong
FACTS: circumvent the constitutional prohibition. And
also, the Llantinos themselves admitted that
Petitioners are the owners of a right from the start, before entering into the
commercial-residential land situated in contract, Chong had merely asked them for a
Catanduanes. In 1954 they leased this land lease of the premises to which they agreed.
for a period of 13 years to Co Liong Chong And there is nothin in the contract which
(the private respondent in this case) who was indicates that the ownership of the leased
then a Chinese national. Mr. Chong was then property has been virtually transferred to the
in possession of the property. Knowing that lessee.
the period of the lease would end in the year
1967, petitioners requested Chong for a Thus, under the circumstances, a lease
conference but the latter did not honor the to an alien for a reasonable period is valid. So
request and instead he informed the is an option giving an alien the right to buy
petitioners that he had already constructed a real property on condition that he is granted
commercial building on the land; that the Philippine citizenship. Aliens are not
lease contract was for a period of sixty (60) completely excluded by the Constitution from
years, counted from 1954; and that he is use of lands. Since their residence in the
already a Filipino citizen. Petitioners were Philippines is temporary, they may be
surprised because they did not remember granted temporary rights such as a lease
having agreed to a sixty-year lease contract which is not prohibited by the
agreement. In order to avoid a court Constitution. The only instance where a
litigation the Llantinos once more invited contract of lease may be considered invalid
Chong to a conference about the matter but is, if there are circumstances which are used
again Chong ignored the invitation. Hence, as a scheme to circumvent the constitutional
Petitioner Llantinos filed a complaint to quiet prohibition.
title with damages before the CFI.
And even assuming, arguendo, that
At the pre-trial, Chong's counsel the subject contract is prohibited, the same
presented the carbon original of the contract can no longer be questioned upon the
of lease entered into between Chong and the acquisition of Filipino citizenship by the
Llantinos. And the existence of the lease private respondent. Therefore, the sale of a
contract as a public instrument was admitted. residential land to an alien which is now in
It was also admitted that Chong has become the hands of a naturalized Filipino citizen is
a naturalized Filipino citizen in 1961 and that valid.
his name is no longer Co Liong Chong but
Juan Molina. In 1968, the trial court 9. Tenchavez vs Escano
dismissed the complaint and rendered the
contract of lease between Llantino ang Chong Vicenta Escano, a scion of a well-to-do
valid. and prominent family, exchanged marriage
vows with Pastor Tenchavez an engineer and
ISSUE: ex army officer, before a Catholic Chaplain
without the knowledge of Escano’s parents.
The marriage was registered with the local
Whether or not the lease contract
civil registrar in Cebu City.
between Llantino and Chong was valid?
The couple planned an elopement the
HELD: midnight following the marriage. This did not
materialize since Escano’s mother got wind of
YES. The Supreme Court held that the the intended nuptials. The following morning,
trial court correctly ruled that the defendant the Escaño spouses sought priestly advice. A
Chong had the right to enter into a contract priest suggested a recelebration to validate
of lease although at the time of the execution what he believed to be an invalid marriage,
of the contract, he was still a Chinese from the standpoint of the Church, due to the
national; hence, the contract was valid. lack of authority from the Archbishop or the
parish priest for the officiating chaplain to
In the present case, it has been celebrate the marriage. The recelebration did
established that there is only one contract not take place since it was found out Pastor
and there is no option to buy the leased and Pacita Noel, the matchmaker, had an
property. There is nothing in the record and amorous relationship.
in the contract to indicate any scheme to
Distance soon estranged the couple as that Tenchavez is entitled to a decree of legal
Pastor went back to Manila for his work and separation on the basis of adultery as
the letters became less frequent.Without provided under Art. 333 of the Revised Penal
informing her husband, she applied for a Code. Since our jurisdiction does not
passport, indicating in her application that recognize Vicenta’s divorce and second
she was single, that her purpose was to marriage as valid, her marriage and
study, that she was domiciled) in Cebu City, cohabitation with the American is technically
and that she intended to return after two “intercourse with a person not her husband”
years. The application was approved, and she from the standpoint of Philippine Law. Her
left for the United States. She filed a verified refusal to perform her wifely duties, and her
complaint for divorce against the herein denial of consortium and her desertion of her
plaintiff in the Second Judicial District Court husband also constitute in law a wrong for
of the State of Nevada in and for the County which the husband is entitled to the
of Washoe, on the ground of "extreme corresponding indemnity. Thus, the latter is
cruelty, entirely mental in character". A entitled to a decree of legal separation
decree of divorce, "final and absolute", was conformably to Philippine law.
issued in open court by the said tribunal. On
13 September 1954, Vicenta married an
American, Russell Leo Moran, in Nevada. She
acquired American citizenship. Pastor
initiated a legal separation proceeding and
claiming one million in damages against 10. VAN DORN vs. HON. ROMILLO and
Vicenta and her parents for whom he charged RICHARD UPTON G.R. No. L-68470
with having dissuaded and discouraged
Vicenta from joining her husband, and FACTS:
alienating her affections.
Petitioner Alice Van Dorn is a citizen of
the Philippines while private respondent
1.) Whether or not the divorce obtained Richard Upton is a citizen of the USA. They
by Vicenta abroad was valid and were married in Hongkong in 1972 and begot
binding in the Philippines; two children. The parties were divorced in
2.) Whether or not Tenchavez is entitled Nevada, USA in 1982. Alice has then re-
to legal separation and to moral married also in Nevada, this time to Theodore
damages. Van Dorn.

Rulings In 1983, Richard filed suit against Alice

in the RTC-Pasay, stating that Alice’s
1.) No, the Court held that under Philippine
law, the valid marriage between Tenchavez business in Ermita, Manila is conjugal
property of the parties, and asking that Alice
and Escaño remained subsisting and
undissolved notwithstanding the decree of be ordered to render an accounting of that
business, and that Richard be declared with
absolute divorce that the wife sought and
obtained in Nevada. right to manage the conjugal property. Alice
moved to dismiss the case on the ground that
Article 15 of the Civil Code of the Philippines the cause of action is barred by previous
which was already in force at the time judgment in the divorce proceedings before
expressly provided that “Laws relating to the Nevada Court wherein respondent had
family rights and duties or to the status, acknowledged that he and petitioner had “no
condition and legal capacity of persons are community property” as of June 11, 1982.
binding upon the citizens of the Philippines,
even though living abroad.” The Court below (presiding judge:
Judge Romillo) denied the MTD in the
At the time the divorce decree was issued, mentioned case on the ground that the
Vicenta was still a Filipino citizen. She was property involved is located in the Philippines
then still subject to Philippine law, which does so that the Divorce Decree has no bearing in
not admit absolute divorce. Thus, under the case. The denial is now the subject of this
Philippine law, the divorce was invalid. certiorari proceeding.

2.) Yes, Tenchavez is enititeld to legal ISSUE:

separation. The Court ruled that it can be Whether or not the foreign divorce
gleaned from the facts and considerations between the petitioner and private
respondent in Nevada is binding in the It is true that owing to the nationality
Philippines where petitioner is a Filipino principle embodied in Article 15 of the Civil
citizen Code, only Philippine nationals are covered
by the policy against absolute divorces the
RULING: same being considered contrary to our
YES. The foreign divorce between the concept of public police and morality.
petitioner and private respondent in Nevada However, aliens may obtain divorces abroad,
is binding. which may be recognized in the Philippines,
provided they are valid according to their
For the resolution of this case, it is not national law. In this case, the divorce in
necessary to determine whether the property Nevada released private respondent from the
relations between Alice and Richard, after marriage from the standards of American
their marriage, were upon absolute or law, under which divorce dissolves the
relative community property, upon complete marriage.
separation of property, or upon any other
regime. The pivotal fact in this case is the Thus, pursuant to his national law,
Nevada divorce of the parties. private respondent is no longer the husband
of petitioner. He would have no standing to
The Nevada District Court, which sue in the case below as petitioner’s husband
decreed the divorce, had obtained jurisdiction entitled to exercise control over conjugal
over petitioner who appeared in person assets. As he is bound by the Decision of his
before the Court during the trial of the case. own country’s Court, which validly exercised
It also obtained jurisdiction over private jurisdiction over him, and whose decision he
respondent who authorized his attorneys in does not repudiate, he is estopped by his own
the divorce case to agree to the divorce on representation before said Court from
the ground of incompatibility in the asserting his right over the alleged conjugal
understanding that there were neither property.
community property nor community
obligations. 11. EDGAR SAN LUIS vs. FELICIDAD SAN
As explicitly stated in the Power of
Attorney he executed in favor of the law firm Facts:
of KARP & GRAD LTD. to represent him in the
divorce proceedings: The instant case involves the
settlement of the estate of Felicisimo T. San
You are hereby authorized to accept Luis (Felicisimo), who was the former
service of Summons, to file an Answer, governor of the Province of Laguna. During
appear on my behalf and do all things his lifetime, Felicisimo contracted three
necessary and proper to represent me, marriages. The first marriage was with
without further contesting, subject to the Virginia Sulit on March 17, 1942 out of which
following: were born six children, namely: Rodolfo, Mila,
Edgar, Linda, Emilita and Manuel. On August
1. That my spouse seeks a divorce on 11, 1963, Virginia predeceased Felicisimo.
the ground of incompatibility. The second was Merry Lee Corwin, with
2. That there is no community of whom he had a son, Tobias; and Felicidad
property to be adjudicated by the San Luis, then surnamed Sagalongos, with
Court. whom he had no children with respondent but
3. That there are no community lived with her for 18 years from the time of
obligations to be adjudicated by the their marriage up to his death.
Respondent sought the dissolution of
There can be no question as to the their conjugal partnership assets and the
validity of that Nevada divorce in any of the settlement of Felicisimo’s estate. On
States of the United States. The decree is December 17, 1993, she filed a petition for
binding on private respondent as an letters of administration before the Regional
American citizen. What he is contending in Trial Court of Makati City, Branch 146.
this case is that the divorce is not valid and
binding in this jurisdiction, the same being
Thereater, the heirs of Virginia Sulit
contrary to local law and public policy.
filed a motion to dismiss on the grounds of
improper venue and failure to state a cause subject petition for letters of administration
of action. But the trial court issued an order may arise from her status as the surviving
denying the two motions to dismiss. On wife of Felicisimo or as his co- owner under
September 12, 1995, the trial court Article 144 of the Civil Code or Article 148 of
dismissed the petition for letters of the Family Code.
administration. It held that, at the time of his
death, Felicisimo was the duly elected The order of the Regional Trial Court
governor and a resident of the Province of which denied petitioners’ motion to dismiss
Laguna. Hence, the petition should have been and its October 24, 1994 Order which
filed in Sta. Cruz, Laguna and not in Makati dismissed petitioners’ motion for
City. It also ruled that respondent was reconsideration is affirmed. It was also
without legal capacity to file the petition for REMANDED to the trial court for further
letters of administration because her proceedings.
marriage with Felicisimo was bigamous, thus,
void ab initio. The Court of Appeals reversed
and set aside the orders of the trial court,
and, hence, the case before the Supreme 12. IMELDA MANALAYSAY PILAPIL vs.
Petitioner Imelda Manalaysay Pilapil, a
Whether respondent has legal capacity Filipino citizen married private respondent
to file the subject petition for letters of Erich Ekkehard Geiling, a German national on
administration Sept. 7, 1979 at Federal Republic of
Germany. They lived together in Malate,
Manila and had a child named Isabella Pilapil
Held: Unfortunately, after about three and a
half years of marriage such connubial
Respondent would qualify as an disharmony eventuated in Erich initiating
interested person who has a direct interest in divorce proceeding against Imelda in
the estate of Felicisimo by virtue of their Germany. He claimed that there was failure
cohabitation, the existence of which was not of their marriage and that they had been
denied by petitioners. If she proves the living apart since April 1982.
validity of the divorce and Felicisimo’s
capacity to remarry, but fails to prove that On the other hand, petitioner filed an
her marriage with him was validly performed action for legal separation before a trial court
under the laws of the U.S.A., then she may in Manila on January 23, 1983.
be considered as a co-owner under Article
The decree of divorce was
144 of the Civil Code. This provision governs
promulgated on January 15, 1986 on the
the property relations between parties who
ground of failure of marriage of the spouses.
live together as husband and wife without the
The custody of the child was granted to the
benefit of marriage, or their marriage is void
from the beginning. It provides that the
property acquired by either or both of them More than five months after the
through their work or industry or their wages issuance of the divorce decree, Geiling filed
and salaries shall be governed by the rules on two complaints for adultery before the City
co-ownership. In a co- ownership, it is not Fiscal of Manila alleging that while still
necessary that the property be acquired married to to Imelda, the latter had an affair
through their joint labor, efforts and industry. with a certain William Chia as early as 1982
Any property acquired during the union is and another man named Jesus Chua
prima facie presumed to have been obtained sometime in 1983.
through their joint efforts. Hence, the
portions belonging to the co-owners shall be Petitioner filed a petition asking to set
presumed equal, unless the contrary is aside the cases filed against her and be
proven. dismissed. Thereafter, petitioner moved to
defer her arraignment and to suspend further
Morover, the Supreme Court founnd proceedings. Justice Secretary Ordoñez
that respondent’s legal capacity to file the issued a resolution directing to move for the
dismissal of the complaints against petitioner
Issue: The Supreme Court held that taking
into consideration the legislative intent and
Whether or not private respondent applying the rule of reason, we hold that
Geiling can prosecute petitioner Pilapil on the Paragraph 2 of Article 26 should be
ground of adultery even though they are no interpreted to include cases involving parties
longer husband and wife as decree of divorce who, at the time of the celebration of the
was already issued. marriage were Filipino citizens, but later on,
Held: one of them becomes naturalized as a foreign
citizen and obtains a divorce decree. The
The law provides that in prosecution Filipino spouse should likewise be allowed to
for adultery and concubinage, the person who remarry as if the other party were a foreigner
can legally file the complaint should be the at the time of the solemnization of the
offended spouse and nobody else. In this marriage. To rule otherwise would be to its
case, it appeared that private respondent is exact and literal import would lead to
the offended spouse, the latter obtained a mischievous results or contravene the clear
valid divorce in his country, the Federal purpose of the legislature, it should be
Republic of Germany, and said divorce and its construed according to its spirit and reason,
legal effects may be recognized in the disregarding as far as necessary the letter of
Philippines in so far as he is concerned. Thus, the law. A statute may therefore be extended
under the same consideration and rationale, to cases not within the literal meaning of its
private respondent is no longer the husband terms, so long as they come within its spirit
of the petitioner and has no legal standing to or intent.
commence the adultery case under the
imposture that he was the offended spouse at The reckoning point is not the
the time he filed suit. citizenship of the parties at the time of the
celebration of the marriage, but their
citizenship at the time a valid divorce is
obtained abroad by the alien spouse
capacitating the latter to remarry.
In this case, when Cipriano’s wife was
13. Republic v. Orbecido naturalized as an American citizen, there was
still a valid marriage that has been celebrated
Facts: between her and Cipriano. As fate would
On May 24, 1981, Cipriano Orbecido have it, the naturalized alien wife
III married Lady Myros M. Villanueva at the subsequently obtained a valid divorce
United Church of Christ in the Philippines in capacitating her to remarry.
Lam-an, Ozamis City. Their marriage was However, we note that the records are
blessed with a son and a daughter bereft of competent evidence duly submitted
In 1986, Cipriano’s wife left for the by respondent concerning the divorce decree
United States bringing along their son. and the naturalization of respondent’s wife. It
Sometime in 2000, Cipriano learned from his is settled rule that one who alleges a fact has
son that his wife had obtained a divorce the burden of proving it and mere allegation
decree and then married a certain Innocent is not evidence. 13 Accordingly, for his plea
Stanley. to prosper, respondent herein must prove his
allegation that his wife was naturalized as an
This prompted Cipriano to file a American citizen. Likewise, before a foreign
petition for authority to remarry invoking divorce decree can be recognized by our own
Paragraph 2 of Article 26 of the Family Code. courts, the party pleading it must prove the
No opposition was filed. Finding merit in the divorce as a fact and demonstrate its
petition, the court granted the same. The conformity to the foreign law allowing it
Republic, herein petitioner, through the Office
of the Solicitor General (OSG), sought 14. GERBERT R. CORPUZ vs. DAISYLYN
reconsideration but it was denied. TIROL STO. TOMAS
Whether Cipriano can remarry under
Petitioner Gerbert Corpuz is a former
Article 26 of the Family Code.
Filipino citizen who became a Canadian
Held: citizen through naturalization. Subsequently,
the petitioner married the respondent our jurisdiction, the foreign divorce decree is
Daisylyn Sto. Tomas, a Filipina, in Pasig City. presumptive evidence of a right that clothes
After the wedding, petitioner went back to the party with legal interest to petitions for
Canada due to work commitments; however, its recognition. Even though, the second
when he came back he was shocked to paragraph of Article 26 of the Family Code
discover that the respondent is having an bestows no rights in favor of aliens- with the
affair with another man. Thus, petitioner complementary statement that his conclusion
went back to Canada and filed a petition for is not a sufficient basis to dismiss the petition
divorce. The Superior Court of Justice, filed by Corpuz before the RTC. the
Windsor, Ontario, Canada granted the unavailability of the second paragraph of
petitioner’s petition for divorce. The divorce Article 26 of the Family Code to aliens does
decree took effect a month later, January 8, not necessarily strip Gerbert of legal interest
2006. to petition the RTC for the recognition of his
foreign divorce decree. The foreign divorce
Two years later, the petitioner has decree itself, after its authenticity and
already moved on and found another woman conformity with the alien’s national law have
that he wants to marry. Thus, for his love to been duly proven according to our rules of
his fiancée; the petitioner went to the Pasig evidence, serves as a presumptive evidence
Civil Registry Office and registered the of right in favor of Gerbert, pursuant to
Canadian divorce decree on his and the Section 48, Rule 39 of the Rules of Court
respondent’s marriage certificate. Despite the which provides for the effect of foreign
registration of the divorce decree, an official judgments. This Section states:
of the National Statistic’s Office (NSO)
informed the petitioner that the marriage SEC. 48. Effect of foreign
between him and the respondent still subsists judgments or final orders. —The
under the Philippine Law and to be effect of a judgment or final
enforceable, the foreign divorce decree must order of a tribunal of a foreign
first be judicially recognized by a competent country, having jurisdiction to
Philippine court, pursuant to NSO Circular No. render the judgment or final
4, Series of 1982. order is as follows:
Accordingly, the petitioner filed a (a) In case of a judgment or
petition for judicial recognition of foreign final order upon a specific thing,
divorce and/or declaration of marriage the judgment or final order is
dissolved with the RTC. The RTC denied his conclusive upon the title of the
petition, hence this recourse by the thing; and
(b) In case of a judgment or
Issue: final order against a person,
the judgment or final order is
Whether or not the second paragraph presumptive evidence of a
of Article 26 of the Family Code extends to right as between the parties
aliens the right to petition a court of this and their successors in
jurisdiction for the recognition of a foreign interest by a subsequent
divorce decree. title.
Ruling: In either case, the judgment or final
No. order may be repelled by evidence of a want
of jurisdiction, want of notice to the party,
Even though the trial court is correct in collusion, fraud, or clear mistake of law or
its conclusion that the alien spouse can claim fact.
no right under the second paragraph of
Article 26 of the Family Code as the The direct involvement or being the
substantive right it establishes is in favor of subject of the foreign judgment is sufficient
the Filipino spouse due to the given the to clothe a party with the requisite interest to
rationale and intent behind the enactment, institute an action before our courts for the
and as such the second paragraph of Article recognition of the foreign judgment.
26 of the Family Code limits its applicability In a divorce situation, we have declared, no
for the benefit of the Filipino spouse. less, that the divorce obtained by an alien
However, we qualify the above abroad may be recognized in the Philippines,
conclusion made by the trial court because in
provided the divorce is valid according to his collusion, fraud, or clear mistake of law or
or her national law. fact. Needless to state, every precaution
must be taken to ensure conformity with our
The starting point in any recognition of laws before a recognition is made, as the
a foreign divorce judgment is the foreign judgment, once recognized, shall
acknowledgment that our courts do not take have the effect of res judicata between the
judicial notice of foreign judgments and laws. parties, as provided in Section 48, Rule 39 of
Justice Herrera explained that, as a rule, “no the Rules of Court.
sovereign is bound to give effect within its
dominion to a judgment rendered by a
tribunal of another country.” This means that
the foreign judgment and its authenticity 15. FUJIKI VS MARINAY
must be proven as facts under our rules on FACTS:
evidence, together with the alien’s applicable
national law to show the effect of the Petitioner Minoru Fujiki (Fujiki) is a
judgment on the alien himself or herself. The Japanese national who married respondent
recognition may be made in an action Maria Paz Marinay (Marinay) in the
instituted specifically for the purpose or in Philippines. The marriage did not sit well with
another action where a party invokes the petitioner’s parents. Thus, Fujiki could not
foreign decree as an integral aspect of his bring his wife to Japan where he resides.
claim or defense. Eventually, they lost contact with each other.

In Gerbert’s case, since both the Marinay met another Japanese,

foreign divorce decree and the national law of Shinichi Maekara (Maekara). Without the first
the alien, recognizing his or her capacity to marriage being dissolved, Marinay and
obtain a divorce, purport to be official acts of Maekara were married in Quezon City,
a sovereign authority, Section 24, Rule 132 Philippines. Maekara brought Marinay to
of the Rules of Court comes into play. This Japan. However, Marinay allegedly suffered
Section requires proof, either by (1) official physical abuse from Maekara. She left
publications or (2) copies attested by the Maekara and started to contact Fujiki.
officer having legal custody of the
Fujiki and Marinay met in Japan and
documents. If the copies of official records
they were able to reestablish their
are not kept in the Philippines, these must be
relationship. Fujiki helped Marinay obtain a
(a) accompanied by a certificate issued by
judgment from a family court in Japan which
the proper diplomatic or consular officer in
declared the marriage between Marinay and
the Philippine foreign service stationed in the
Maekara void on the ground of bigamy.
foreign country in which the record is kept
and (b) authenticated by the seal of his Fujiki filed a petition in the RTC
office. entitled: “Judicial Recognition of Foreign
Judgment (or Decree of Absolute Nullity of
The records show that Gerbert
Marriage).” Fujiki prayed that (1) the
attached to his petition a copy of the divorce
Japanese Family Court judgment be
decree, as well as the required certificates
recognized; (2) that the bigamous marriage
proving its authenticity, but failed to include
between Marinay and Maekara be declared
a copy of the Canadian law on divorce. Under
void ab initio under Articles 35(4) and 41 of
this situation, we can, at this point, simply
the Family Code of the Philippines and (3) for
dismiss the petition for insufficiency of
the RTC to direct the Local Civil Registrar of
supporting evidence, unless we deem it more
Quezon City to annotate the Japanese Family
appropriate to remand the case to the RTC to
Court judgment on the Certificate of Marriage
determine whether the divorce decree is
between Marinay and Maekara and to
consistent with the Canadian divorce law.
endorse such annotation to the Office of the
The Court deems it appropriate to take Administrator and Civil Registrar General in
this latter course of action, given the Article the National Statistics Office (NSO).
26 interests that will be served and the
Filipina wife’s obvious conformity with the
petition. A remand, at the same time, will I. Whether the Rule on Declaration of
allow other interested parties to oppose the Absolute Nullity of Void Marriages
foreign judgment and overcome a petitioner’s and Annulment of Voidable
presumptive evidence of a right by proving Marriages (A.M. No. 02-11-10-SC)
want of jurisdiction, want of notice to a party, is applicable.
II. Whether a husband or wife of a A.M. No. 02- 11-10-SC or the rules of
prior marriage can file a petition to ordinary trial. While the Philippines does not
recognize a foreign judgment have a divorce law, Philippine courts may,
nullifying the subsequent marriage however, recognize a foreign divorce decree
between his or her spouse and a under the second paragraph of Article 26 of
foreign citizen on the ground of the Family Code, to capacitate a Filipino
bigamy. citizen to remarry when his or her foreign
III. Whether the Regional Trial Court spouse obtained a divorce decree abroad.
can recognize the foreign judgment
in a proceeding for cancellation or There is therefore no reason to disallow
correction of entries in the Civil Fujiki to simply prove as a fact the Japanese
Registry under Rule 108 of the Family Court judgment nullifying the
Rules of Court. marriage between Marinay and Maekara on
the ground of bigamy. While the Philippines
RULING: has no divorce law, the Japanese Family
Court judgment is fully consistent with
I. NO Philippine public policy. Thus, Fujiki can prove
The Rule on Declaration of Absolute the existence of the Japanese Family Court
Nullity of Void Marriages and Annulment of judgment in accordance with the Rules of
Voidable Marriages (A.M. No. 02-11-10-SC) Court.
does not apply in a petition to recognize a II. YES
foreign judgment relating to the status of a
marriage where one of the parties is a citizen Fujiki has the personality to file a petition
of a foreign country. to recognize the Japanese Family Court
judgment nullifying the marriage between
For Philippine courts to recognize a Marinay and Maekara on the ground of
foreign judgment relating to the status of a bigamy because the judgment concerns his
marriage where one of the parties is a citizen civil status as married to Marinay. For the
of a foreign country, the petitioner only needs same reason he has the personality to file a
to prove the foreign judgment as a fact under petition under Rule 108 to cancel the entry of
the Rules of Court. A foreign judgment marriage between Marinay and Maekara in
relating to the status of a marriage affects the civil registry on the basis of the decree of
the civil status, condition and legal capacity the Japanese Family Court. There is no doubt
of its parties. However, the effect of a foreign that the prior spouse has a personal and
judgment is not automatic. To extend the material interest in maintaining the integrity
effect of a foreign judgment in the of the marriage he contracted and the
Philippines, Philippine courts must determine property relations arising from it. There is
if the foreign judgment is consistent with also no doubt that he is interested in the
domestic public policy and other mandatory cancellation of an entry of a bigamous
laws. Article 15 of the Civil Code provides marriage in the civil registry, which
that “[l]aws relating to family rights and compromises the public record of his
duties, or to the status, condition and legal marriage.
capacity of persons are binding upon citizens
of the Philippines, even though living
abroad.” This is the rule of lex nationalii in
private international law. Thus, the Philippine III. YES
State may require, for effectivity in the A recognition of a foreign judgment is not
Philippines, recognition by Philippine courts of an action to nullify a marriage. It is an action
a foreign judgment affecting its citizen, over for Philippine courts to recognize the
whom it exercises personal jurisdiction effectivity of a foreign judgment, which
relating to the status, condition and legal presupposes a case which was already tried
capacity of such citizen. and decided under foreign law.
Since 1922 in Adong v. Cheong Seng Gee, Article 26 of the Family Code confers
Philippine courts have recognized foreign jurisdiction on Philippine courts to extend the
divorce decrees between a Filipino and a effect of a foreign divorce decree to a Filipino
foreign citizen if they are successfully proven spouse without undergoing trial to determine
under the rules of evidence. Divorce involves the validity of the dissolution of the marriage.
the dissolution of a marriage, but the The second paragraph of Article 26 of the
recognition of a foreign divorce decree does Family Code only authorizes Philippine courts
not involve the extended procedure under
to adopt the effects of a foreign divorce prejudice the heir or legatee in any manner
decree precisely because the Philippines does whatsoever, even should the testator
not allow divorce. Philippine courts cannot try otherwise provide.”
the case on the merits because it is
tantamount to trying a case for divorce. It is contrary to law because it
expressly ignores the decedent’s national
Thus, Philippine courts are limited to the law, according to Article 10 of the Civil Code,
question of whether to extend the effect of a such national law shall govern his
foreign judgment in the Philippines. In a testamentary dispositions.
foreign judgment relating to the status of a
marriage involving a citizen of a foreign Therefore, the institution of the
country, Philippine courts only decide legatees is unconditional and valid, as well as
whether to extend its effect to the Filipino those favorable to herein appellant-oppositor.
party, under the rule of lex nationalii
expressed in Article 15 of the Civil Code.
17. Bohanan v. Bohanan

16. Miciano vs Brimo – G.R. No. L-22595, Facts:

November 1, 1927 (50 Phil 867) The testator was a citizen of Nevada,
USA. In his will, out of the total estate of
Facts: P211,639.33 in cash, he gave his grandson
P90,819.67 and one-half of all shares of
The judicial administrator of the estate stock of several mining companies and to his
of the deceased, Joseph Brimo, filed a brother and sister the same amount. He gave
scheme of partition. However, Andre Brimo, his two children a legacy of only P6,000 each,
one of the brothers of the deceased opposed or a total of P12,000. He did not give any
the said partition. The court however share to his wife.
approved it. The testator’s wife and two children
claim that they have been deprived of their
According to the scheme and its legitime and now question the validity of the
provision, that the deceased, in his last will testamentary provisions.
and testament, requests that all his relatives Under the laws of Nevada, the testator
respect his wishes, otherwise those who is allowed to dispose of all of his properties
opposed the same shall be cancelled in said without requiring him to leave any portion of
disposition in favor of the oppositor. his estate to his wife and children.
Under the Old Civil Code, the law in
The appellant in the case, who force during that time, two-thirds of the
opposed the same, based his opposition on estate left by the testator shall pertain to his
the fact that the deceased was a Turkish children.
citizen, that his disposition should be in
accordance with the laws of his nationality. Issue:

Issues: Whether the successional rights of the

heirs of the testator should be governed by
WON the disposition shall be made in the national law of the decedent, the laws of
accordance with Philippine Laws Nevada, or the law of the forum, the
Philippine laws.
No, although the disposition provides
an express provision that it shall be governed National law of the decedent.
by Philippine Laws and those who opposed Under Art. 10 of the old Civil Code, now
the condition of the provisions given shall be Article 16, par. 2 of the Civil Code, legal and
cancelled from the disposition, the fact is that testamentary successions, in respect to the
the condition itself is void for being contrary order of succession as well as to the extent of
to law. Article 792 of the Civil Code provides: the successional rights and the intrinsic
validity of their provisions, shall be regulated
“Impossible conditions and those by the national law of the person whose
contrary to law or good morals shall be succession is in question, whatever may be
considered as not imposed and shall not
the nature of the property and the country in name, or both, upon the decree of the court
which it is found. becoming final, it shall be the duty of the
In this case, the testator was a citizen clerk of the court which issued the decree to
of the State of Nevada. Since the ascertain whether the same has been
laws of said state allow the testator to registered, and if this has not been done, to
dispose of all his property according to his have said decree recorded in the office of the
will, his testamentary dispositions depriving civil registrar of the municipality where the
his wife and children of what should be their court is functioning.:”
legitimes under the laws of the Philippines,
should be respected. ISSUE:
WON the order of adoption issued by
the CFI- Madrid can be registered in the
Yes. The cited provisions refer to
This case rooted from the refusal of adoptions effected in the Philippines. Article
the Local Civil Registrar of Manila to record 409 of the Civil Code and Section 10 of the
an Escritura de Adopcion executed in Madrid, Registry Law speak of adoption which shall be
Spain by by Maria Garnier Garreau, then 84 registered in the municipality or city where
years of age, adopting Josefina Juana de Dios the court issuing the adoption decree is
Ramirez Marcaida, 55 years, a citizen of the functioning. Limitation of registration of
Philippines. Both were residents of Madrid, adoptions to those granted by Philippine
Spain. On that date, October 21, 1958, the courts is a misconception .For, if registration
court granted the application for adoption is to be narrowed down to local adoptions, it
and gave the necessary judicial authority, is the function of Congress, not of the Court,
once the judgment becomes final, to execute to spell out such limitation. The court cannot
the corresponding adoption document. carve out a prohibition where the law does
not so state. And, by Articles 407 and 408 of
The document of adoption was filed in our Civil Code, the disputed document of
the Office of the Local Civil Registrar of adoption is registrable.
Manila on January 15, 1959. The Registrar,
however, refused to register that document No suggestion there is in the record
upon the ground that under Philippine law, that prejudice to State and adoptee, or any
adoption can only be had through judicial other person for that matter, would ensue
proceeding. And since the notarial document from the adoption here involved. The validity
of adoption is not a judicial proceeding, it is thereof is not under attack. At any rate,
not entitled to registration. whatever may be the effect of adoption, the
rights of the State and adoptee and other
Petitioner went to CFI- Manila on persons interested are fully safeguarded by
mandamus. The lower court dismissed said Article 15 of our Civil Code which, in terms
petition and decided that what is registrable explicit, provides that: “Laws relating to
is only adoption obtained through a judgment family rights and duties, or to the status,
rendered by a Philippine court. condition and legal capacity of persons are
Solicitor General argues that petitioner’s case binding upon citizens of the Philippines even
does not come within the purview of Article though living abroad.” Private international
409 of the Civil Code, which states that: “In law offers no obstacle to recognition of
cases of legal separation, adoption, foreign adoption. This rests on the principle
naturalization and other judicial orders that the status of adoption, created by the
mentioned in the preceding article it shall be law of a State having jurisdiction to create it,
the duty of the clerk of the court which issued will be given the same effect in another state
the decree to ascertain whether the same has as is given by the latter state to the status of
been registered, and if this has not been adoption when created by its own law. It is
done, to send a copy of said decree to the quite obvious then that the status of
civil registry of the city or municipality where adoption, once created under the proper
the court is functioning”, and Section 11 of foreign law, will be recognized in this country,
Act 3753, which reads: “Duties of clerks of except where public policy or the interests of
court to register certain decisions. — In cases its inhabitants forbid its enforcement and
of legitimation, acknowledgment, adoption, demand the substitution of the lex fori.
naturalization, and change of given or family Indeed, implicit in Article 15 of our Civil Code
just quoted, is that the exercise of incidents agreement. Thus, the trial court rendered a
to foreign adoption “remains subject to local decision ordering the respondent to pay
law.”The court held that an adoption created Cargill P16, 993, 200.00.
under the law of a foreign country is entitled
to registration in the corresponding civil On appeal, the CA reversed the trial
register of the Philippines. It is to be court’s decision holding that Cargill does not
understood, however, that the effects of such have the capacity to file the suit since it is a
adoption shall be governed by the laws of this foreign corporation doing business in the
country. The lower court’s decision is hereby Philippines without the requisite license, that
reversed; and the Local Civil Registrar of purchases of molasses were in pursuance of
Manila is hereby directed to register the deed its business and not just mere isolated and
of adoption (Escritura de Adopcion) by Maria incidental transaction.
Garnier Garreau in favor of petitioner Josefina On appeal before SC, respondent
de Dios Ramirez Marcaida. argued that petitioner is bar from maintaining
action in the Philippines under Sec. 133 of
the Corporation Code of the Philippines.
19. Cargill Inc. vs. Intra Strata
Assurance Corporation. ISSUE:

Facts: Whether or Not petitioner, an

unlicensed foreign corporation has legal
Cargill,Inc. (petitioner) is a capacity to sue before Philippine courts.
corporation organized and existing under
the laws of the State of Delaware, HELD:
United States of America entered into a YES, The determination of whether a
contract with Northern Mindanao Corporation foreign corporation is doing business in the
whereby the latter agreed to sell to Cargill Philippines must be based on the facts of
20,000 to 24,000 metric tons of molasses at each case. In the case of Antam
the price of $44 per metric ton. Consolidated, Inc. v. CA, 16 in which a
The contract was amended three foreign corporation filed an action for
times. The first amendment reduced the collection of sum of money against
quantity of molasses to 10,500 metric tons petitioners therein for damages and loss
and increasing the price to $55 per metric sustained for the latter's failure to deliver
ton. The third amendment required NMC to coconut crude oil, the Court emphasized
put up bonds to guarantee NMC's delivery of the importance of the element of
10,500 metric tons of molasses and to continuity of commercial activities to
guarantee the repayment of down payment. constitute doing business in the
In compliance with the third
amendment, Intra Strata Assurance Similarly, in this case, petitioner and
Corporation (respondent) issued bonds as NMC amended their contract three times to
provided in the contract. give a chance to NMC to deliver to petitioner
the molasses, considering that NMC already
Thereafter, NMC was only able tog received the minimum price of the contract.
deliver 219.551 metric tons of molasses out There is no showing that the transactions
of the agreed 10,500 metric tons. The between petitioner and NMC signify the intent
petitioner sent demand letter to respondent of petitioner to establish a continuous
claiming payment under the said bonds but business or extend its operations in the
respondent refused to pay. Philippines.
Thus, petitioner sued NMC and In this case, the contract between
respondent. Later, petitioner and NMC and petitioner and NMC involved the purchase of
respondent entered into a compromise molasses by petitioner from NMC. It was
agreement. The compromise agreement NMC, the domestic corporation, which
provides that respondent would pay P derived income from the transaction and not
3,000,000 upon signing and would deliver petitioner. To constitute "doing business,"
6,991 metric tons of molasses from Dec. 16- the activity undertaken in the Philippines
31, 1991. should involve profit-making.
However, NMC still failed to comply Other factors which support the
with its obligation under the compromise Anding that petitioner is not doing business in
the Philippines are: (1) petitioner does not On November 15, 1999, Acting
have an oKce in the Philippines; (2) petitioner Presiding Judge Maceda dismissed the
imports products from the Philippines through complaint. The motion for reconsideration
its non-exclusive local broker, whose was denied. Thus, the case was elevated to
authority to act on behalf of petitioner is the Court of Appeals.
limited to soliciting purchases of products
from suppliers engaged in the sugar trade in The CA also affirmed the RTC’s
the Philippines; and (3) the local broker is an decision, ruling that Steelcase acts of sending
independent contractor and not an agent of letters with regards to the distribution rights,
petitioner. cancelling orders from DISI’s customer,
continuing to send its products to the
To be doing or "transacting business in Philippines and making several impositions on
the Philippines" for purposes of Section 133 management and operations of DISI showed
of the Corporation Code, the foreign its intention to pursue and continue the
corporation must actually transact business in conduct of its business in the Philippines.
the Philippines, that is, to perform specific Thus, the CA ruled that Steelcase was barred
business transactions within the from access to our courts for being a foreign
Philippine territory on a continuing basis corporation doing business here without the
in its own name and for its own account. requisite license to do so.
Actual transaction of business within Issue:
the Philippine territory is an essential
requisite for the Philippines to acquire 1. Whether or not Steelcase is doing
jurisdiction over a foreign corporation and business in the Philippines without a license
thus require the foreign corporation to secure 2. Whether or not DISI is estopped from
a Philippine business license. challenging the Steelcase’s legal capacity to
In the present case, petitioner is a sue
foreign company merely importing molasses Ruling:
from a Philippine exporter. A foreign
company that merely imports goods from a 1. No. Steelcase is an unlicensed
Philippine exporter, without opening an office foreign corporation not doing business in
or appointing an agent in the Philippines, is the Philippines. The rule that an unlicensed
not doing business in the Philippines. foreign corporation doing business in the
Philippine do not have the capacity to sue
before the local courts is well-established.
20. Steelcase, Inc. vs. International The phrase “doing business” is clearly
Selections, Inc. defined in Section 3(d) of R.A. No. 7042
Facts: (Foreign Investments Act of 1991), to wit: d)
The phrase “doing business” shall include
Petitioner Steelcase, Inc. (Steelcase) is soliciting orders, service contracts, opening
a foreign corporation existing under the laws offices, whether called “liaison” offices or
of Michigan, USA engaged in manufacturing branches; appointing representatives or
office furniture. distributors domiciled in the Philippines or
who in any calendar year stay in the country
Sometime in 1986 or 1987, Steelcase for a period or periods totalling one hundred
and DISI, Design International Selections, eighty (180) days or more; participating in
Inc. a domestic corporation, orally entered the management, supervision or control of
into a dealership agreement whereby DISI any domestic business, firm, entity or
was granted the right to distribute or sell corporation in the Philippines… Provided,
Steelcase’s products within the Philippines. however, That the phrase “doing
On January 18, 1999, Steelcase filed a business” shall not be deemed to include
complaint for sum of money against DISI mere investment as a shareholder by a
alleging, among others, that DISI had an foreign entity in domestic corporations duly
unpaid account of US$600,000.00. registered to do business, and/or the exercise
of rights as such investor; nor having a
In its answer, DISI prayed that the nominee director or officer to represent its
complaint should be dismissed because of interests in such corporation; nor appointing
Steelcase’s lack of legal capacity to sue in a representative or distributor domiciled
Philippine courts. in the Philippines which transacts
business in its own name and for its own Now, the petition of the said banks
account. was opposed by SIHI and SFCI, claiming that
the Court had no jurisdiction to take
The appointment of a distributor in the cognizance of the petition for insolvency
Philippines is not sufficient to constitute because petitioners are not resident creditors
“doing business” unless it is under the full of CMI in contemplation of the Insolvency
control of the foreign corporation. On the Law.
other hand, if the distributor is an
independent entity which buys and The RTC rendered “summary judgment
distributes products, other than those of the dismissing the petition for lack of jurisdiction
foreign corporation, for its own name and its over the subject matter, with costs against
own account, the latter cannot be considered petitioners.” The three foreign banks sought
to be doing business in the Philippines. to take an appeal from the Order. SIHI and
SFCI moved to dismiss their appeal, but was
In this case, DISI is a corporation denied by the trial court. The latter filed a
managed and owned independently, and in petition for certiorari and prohibition,
addition to Steelcase products, DISI also impugning that denial. The Supreme Court
distributed products of other companies. dismissed the petition and instead required
As a result, Steelcase cannot be the three banks to file a petition for review in
considered to be doing business in the accordance with Rule 45 of the Rules of
Philippines by its act of appointing a Court. Later, their court petition for review
distributor as it falls under one of the was referred to the Intermediate Appellate
exceptions under R.A. No. 7042. Court, which reversed the Trial Court’s Order.

2. Yes, DISI is estopped from challenging SIHI and SFCI countered that the
Steelcase’s legal capacity to sue. By three banks are not Philippine residents in
acknowledging the corporate entity of fact and in law because the non-resident
Steelcase and entering into a dealership status of the banks within the context of the
agreement with it and even benefiting from Insolvency Law is confirmed by other laws
it, DISI is estopped from questioning and that the license granted to them to do
Steelcase’s existence and capacity to sue. business in the Philippines does not make
them residents so that under the domiciliary
A foreign corporation doing business in laws of the foreign banks, a Philippine
the Philippines may sue in Philippine Courts corporation is NOT allowed the reciprocal
although not authorized to do business here right to petition for a debtor’s involuntary
against a Philippine citizen or entity who had insolvency.
contracted with and benefited by said
corporation. To put it in another way, a party Issue:
is estopped to challenge the personality of a WON foreign banks licensed to do
corporation after having acknowledged the business in the Philippines, may be
same by entering into a contract with it. considered “residents of the Philippine
Islands” within the meaning of Section 20 of
the Insolvency Law.
Citibank Ruling:

Facts: No, while it cannot be found in the

Insolvency Law itself, there are however
The foreign banks involved in the other statutes from which enlightening
controversy are Bank of America NT and SA, notions of the term may be derived as
Citibank N.A. and Hongkong and Shanghai follows:
Banking Corporation. They petitioned for
involuntary insolvency of Consolidated Mines, a. The National Internal Revenue Code
Inc. (CMI) with several allegations, among declares that the term “ ‘resident
which was that it generally defaulted in the foreign corporation’ applies to a
payment of its current obligations for a period foreign corporation engaged in trade
of thirty days, so that they could collect the or business within the Philippines,” as
loan obligation of CMI. However, its distinguished from a “ ‘non-resident
properties were already attached to the State foreign corporation’ xx (which is one)
Investment House, Inc. (SIHI) and State not engaged in trade or business
Financing Center, Inc. (SFCI). within the Philippines.”
b. The Offshore Banking Law, Presidential New York: One against the tobacco company
Decree No. 1034, states “that and some of its directors, the other against
branches, subsidiaries, affiliation, the trust company to enjoin the issuing and
extension offices or any other units of selling of stock to the officers, directors and
corporation or juridical person certain employees of the corporation, and to
organized under the laws of any annul the shares issued. Only a few of the
foreign country operating in the company's directors were residents of New
Philippines shall be considered York; and only a few of the stock-allottees
residents of the Philippines.” were before the court, though the conditions
c. The General Banking Act, Republic Act entitling all to receive the stock had been
No. 337, places “branches and complied with and presumably some of it had
agencies in the Philippines of foreign been delivered. The corporation had its
banks xx (which are) called Philippine principal business office in New York and had
branches,” in the same category as its registered office in New Jersey, where
“commercial banks, savings stockholders' meetings were held, and had
associations, mortgage banks, property in New Jersey and did business
development banks, rural banks, stock there and in other States and countries. The
savings and loan associations” controversy depended on a construction of
statutes of New Jersey which had not been
This Court itself has already had passed upon by New Jersey courts and
occasion to hold that a foreign corporation involved grave doubts. The New Jersey law
licitly doing business in the Philippines, which afforded a ready and complete remedy
is a defendant in a civil suit, may not be through an action in rem and service by
considered a non-resident within the scope of publication.
the legal provision authorizing attachment
against a defendant not residing in the Issue:
Philippine Islands;” in other words, a Whether or not a federal district court
preliminary attachment may not be applied should decline jurisdiction of a case involving
for and granted solely on the asserted fact the internal affairs of a foreign corporation.
that the defendant is a foreign corporation
authorized to do business in the Philippines—
and is consequently and necessarily, “a party
Yes, a stockholder, by becoming such,
who resides out of the Philippines.”
impliedly agrees that in respect of its internal
Parenthetically, if it may not be considered as
affairs the corporation is governed by the
a party not residing in the Philippines, or as a
laws of the State of its organization. It is
party who resides out of the country, then,
settled doctrine that a court — state or
logically, it must be considered a party who
federal — sitting in one State will as a
does reside in the Philippines, who is a
general rule decline to interfere with or
resident of the country. Be this as it may, this
control by injunction or otherwise the
Court pointed out that Our laws and
management of the internal affairs of a
jurisprudence indicate a purpose to assimilate
corporation organized under the laws of
foreign corporations, duly licensed to do
another State, but will leave controversies as
business here, to the status of domestic
to such matters to the courts of the State of
the domicile. Courts will exercise this
Thus, the petition is DENIED and the discretion whenever considerations of
challenged decision is affirmed. convenience, efficiency and justice point to
the courts of the State of the domicile as
appropriate tribunals for the determination of
the particular case.
22. Rogers vs Guaranty Trust Co. of New
The doctrine of forum non
conveniens is an instrument of justice. Courts
must be slow to apply it at the instance of
Petitioner owns 200 shares of the
directors charged as personal wrongdoers,
common stock of the American Tobacco
when justice will be delayed, even though not
Company which he acquired prior to the
thwarted altogether, if jurisdiction is refused.
passage of Chapter 175, p. 354, New Jersey
At least that must be so when the wrong is
Laws, 1920, that is here involved. He also
clearly proved. The overmastering necessity
owns 400 shares of common stock B. He
of rebuking fraud or breach of trust will
brought two suits in the Supreme Court of
outweigh competing policies and shift the
balance of convenience. Equity, it is said, will a further permit had been obtained from the
not be over-nice in balancing the efficacy of commissioner.
one remedy against the efficacy of another
when action will baffle, and inaction may The California corporate securities law
confirm, the purpose of the wrongdoer. contains a provision that the "sale" of a
security includes any change in its rights and
privileges' and that the Corporations
23. Western Air Lines, Inc. v. Sobieski Commissioner is authorized to refuse a
permit for a "sale" unless, in his
Facts: opinion, the proposed change is fair and
equitable to all security holders 
Western Airlines Inc. is a Delaware concerned.
corporation with its principal place of
business in California. Western's original In an action by the corporation against the
predecessor was incorporated in California in Commissioner, the trial court held that
1925; thereafter, in 1928, a Delaware because the amendment of the articles of
incorporation was effected. This Delaware incorpora- tion was an "internal affair"
corporation, under a permit applied for and between the foreign corporation and its
granted by the California Corporations shareholders, the Commissioner had
Commissioner, exchanged its shares for all of exceeded his jurisdiction. The District Court
the outstanding shares of the California of Appeal reversed, however, reasoning that
corporation in 1929, and the California a state could regulate such a change to
corporation then became a wholly owned protect its residents. Although the corpora-
subsidiary of the Delaware corporation. This tion emphatically contended that the
wholly owned subsidiary was dissolved in California legislature had*repealed a
1934. The certificates of incorporation of both provision requiring foreign corporations to
of these corporations contain provisions for have cumulative voting, the court held that
cumulative voting. the legislature had granted the Commissioner
the power to appraise the fairness of changes
On July 12 and 13, 1956 the board resolved in the corporate structures of foreign as well
to eliminate cumulative voting for directors as domestic corporations. Finally, the court
and began proceedings in compliance with concluded that the Commissioner's action
the relevant Delaware laws to amend the was not unconstitutional because the foreign
certificate of incorporation with a view of the corporation did a substantial amount of
elimination of cumulative voting rights. business within Cali- fornia.

The commissioner, by letter on August 28, Issue:

1956, advised counsel for Western that in his
opinion the proposed amendment of the WON California Corporate Securities Law can
articles of incorporation would constitute a be applied to Western Airlines Inc., a
‘sale’ of securities within the provisions of Delaware corporation or a foreign
section 25009(a) of the Corporations Code,1 corporation.
and, further, that pursuant to section 255002
of the same code Western should not engage Ruling: Yes. 
in the solicitation of proxies or hold a
shareholders meeting for the purpose of Insofar as the findings of the commissioner
amending the articles until Western had and the court pertain to the question of
applied for and received a permit authorizing commissioner's jurisdiction to hold a hearing
such action from the commissioner. in circumstances such as those here
disclosed, it would appear that the plain
Western applied for such a permit, reserving, language of section 25009 of the
however, the right to question the jurisdiction Corporations Code providing that “sale' or
of the commissioner to require such a permit. ‘sell’ includes every disposition, or attempt to
The commissioner granted a negotiating dispose, of a security or interest in a
permit, but expressly reserved the issue of security. ‘Sale’ or ‘sell’ includes all of the
‘fairness' under Corporations Code, § 255103 following * * * an exchange; any change in
and conditioned the issuance of the permit the rights, preferences, privileges, or
upon non-filing of the proposed amendment restrictions on outstanding securities'
with the Secretary of State of Delaware until persuades us that the court below erred in
finding that the commission had no Facts:
jurisdiction to act in this matter.
The case involves a breach of fiduciary
Many cases hold that where the Corporate relationship owed by appellant’s officers and
Securities Act is violated by solicitation of directors ang majority stockholders to the
sales of stock in California, the Corporate appellees as minority stockholders. Appellant
Securities Act applies even though issuance insists, among others, that the fiduciary
of the stock and the transfer of title are to relationship must be determined by the law
take place in a foreign state.(People v. Sears, of the state of incorporation, viz., Delaware,
138 Cal.App.2d 773, 791, 292 P.2d 663). which imposes no fiduciary relationship.
Furthermore, even criminal sanctions may
properly be imposed under the above stated Issue:
rule where the main effectuation of a sale or WON the law of the state of
transfer of stock takes place in California incorporation, that is Delaware, and not
although the ultimate act may take place the law of forum, that is Louisiana, that
extra-territorially. (People v. Alison, 189 should determine the fiduciary
Cal.App.2d 201, 10 Cal.Rptr. 859.) relationship inuring from the officers or
directors or majority stockholders to the
People v. Rankin, 169 Cal.App.2d 150, 337 individual or minority stockholders,
P.2d 182, specifically holds that even though particularly concerning the purchase of
the last act necessary to the issuance of a stock from a stockholder
security such as the signing of documents
occurs outside of California, the corporations Held:
commissioner is not thereby deprived of No. The law that should govern is
jurisdiction over the subject matter. the law of the forum (lex fori) and not
the law of incorporation.
B. C. Turf & Country Club v. Daugherty dealt
with a state of facts which the court felt did A growing minority of jurisdictions
not amount to the solicitation or the type of recognize a fiduciary relationship or a
preliminary negotiation requiring a permit position of confidence existing between the
under California law. 94 Cal.App.2d on page directors and officers of a corporation and the
332, 210 P.2d on page 767 of the opinion individual stockholders, especially when the
contains the following language relative to former purchase shares of stock from the
the Corporate Securities Act (p. 329): ‘From latter. It is well settled that a federal court in
a standpoint of interpretation, there can be a diversity case must apply the conflict-of-
no reasonable doubt but that these laws rule of the state in which it sits. While
provisions of the statute require a foreign Louisiana conflict-of-laws is silent on which
corporation to secure a permit to solicit a law determines whether such a fiduciary
sale of its stock in this state, or to engage in relationship exists in a foreign corporation, its
preliminary negotiations looking towards various conflict-of-laws rules are generally
such sale, even though the issuance of the the same as in other states. Therefore, we
securities and the transfer of their title will, in must look to the general law.
good faith, be completed in a foreign state.
The sections quoted clearly prohibit a foreign A number of cases have held that the
corporation from soliciting in this state a sale conflict-of-laws rules of the forum require
of stock of its own issue without first securing that court to refer to the "law of the State of
a permit, even though in good faith the incorporation to determine the extent and
issuance of the stock and transfer of title are nature of relationship between corporation
to take place in the foreign state. We also and stockholder, corporate officer or director
have no doubt that, although such a and stockholder and between stockholders
regulation may impose some restraint on inter sese," while the law of the place of the
interstate commerce and place some wrong determines the quantum of the breach
restriction on free speech, it is a valid of duty
exercise of the state's police power, and is
not unconstitutional.  Apparently, Delaware imposes no
fiduciary duty on the part of officers or
directors or majority stockholders in buying
24. Mansfield Hardwood v Johnson stock from the minority or individual
268 F.2d (5th Cir 1959) stockholders. Where neither the charter nor
the statutory laws of the incorporating state
are applicable, and all contact points are in corporation, the complaint should be filed in
the forum, we believe that the laws of the the location of its principal office as indicated
forum should govern. in its articles of incorporation. Jurisprudence
has, however, settled that the place where
the principal office of a corporation is located,
as stated in the articles, indeed establishes
its residence. This ruling is important in
25. HYATT ELEVATORS v. GOLDSTAR determining the venue of an action by or
ELEVATORS against a corporation, as in the present case.

26. Clavecilla Radio System v. Antillon
In this case, the petitioner is Goldstar FACTS:
Elevator Philippines Inc. and on the other
hand the private respondent, Hyatt Elevators New Cagayan Grocery (NECAGRO)
and Escalators Company. Both engaged in filed a complaint against Clavecilla Radio
installing, maintaining/servicing of elavators System, alleging that Clavecilla omitted the
and escalators word “NOT” in the letter addressed to
NECAGRO for transmittal at Clavecilla
Hyatt (herein petitioner) filed an unfair Cagayan de Oro Branch, as quoted below:
trade practices and damages against LG
industrial systems Co. Ltd, and LG
International Corporation alleging that it was
appointed as the exclusive distributor of LG
elevators and escalators in the Philippines
under Distributorship Agreement
LG filed a motion to dismiss alleging
that lack of jurisdiction over the persons of
defendant, improper venue and failure to
state a cause of action. NECAGRO further alleged that the omission of
Hyatt filed a motion for leave of court to the word “NOT” between the word WASHED
amend the complaint, alleging that LG and AVAILABLE altered the contents of the
transferred all assets to a joint venue same causing them to suffer from damages.
agreement with Otis elevator Company Clavecilla filed a motion to dismiss the case
of the USA to LG Otis Elevator Company on the ground of failure to state a cause of
Goldstar filed a Motion to dismiss the action and improper venue. City Judge of
amended complaint alleging that venue CDO denied the motion to dismiss. Clavecilla
was improperly laid as neither the Hyatt, filed a petition for prohibition with preliminary
LG or Goldstar itself resided in injunction with the CFI praying that the City
Mandaluyong city where the case was Judge be enjoined from further proceeding
originally filed. with the case because of improper venue.

The RTC denied the motion ISSUE:

The CA dismissed the case and held that Whether or not the case filed by
Makati was the principal place of NECAGRO against Clavecilla should be filed in
business of both respondent and Manila where it holds its principal office?
petitioner, as stated in the latter’s
Articles of Incorporation, that place was HELD:
controlling for purposes of determining
the proper venue. YES. Settled is the principle in
corporation law that the residence of a
Issue: corporation is the place where its principal
Whether or not the “residence” of the office is established. Since it is not disputed
corporation is the same one as stated in the that the Clavecilla Radio System has its
Articles of Incorporation. principal office in Manila, it follows that the
suit against it may properly be filed in the
Held: City of Manila.
Yes, although the Rules of Court do
not provide that when the plaintiff is a
Section 1 of Rule 4 of the New Rules of Tesoro and Mining and Development, Inc., is
Court, governing venue of actions in inferior composed, among others, by Sara Marie
courts, provides in its paragraph (b) (3) that Mining, Inc. (Filipino) owning 5,997 out of
when "the action is not upon a written 10,000 shares, and MBMI Resources, Inc.
contract, then in the municipality where the (Canadian) owning 3,998 out of 10,000
defendant or any of the defendants resides or shares; MBMI also owns 3,331 out of 10,000
may be served with summons." shares of Sara Marie Mining, Inc.;

The fact that it maintains branch Narra Nickel Mining and Development
offices in some parts of the country does not Corporation, is composed, among others, by
mean that it can be sued in any of these Patricia Louise Mining & Development
places. To allow an action to be instituted in Corporation (Filipino) owning 5,997 out of
any place where a corporate entity has its 10,000 shares, and MBMI Resources, Inc.
branch offices would create confusion and (Canadian) owning 3,998 out of 10,000
work untold inconvenience to the corporation. shares; MBMI also owns 3,396 out of 10,000
shares of Patricia Louise Mining &
It is important to remember, as was Development Corporation;
stated by this Court in Evangelista vs.
Santos, et al., supra, that the laying of the ISSUES:
venue of an action is not left to plaintiff's
caprice because the matter is regulated by (1) Is the Grandfather Rule applicable?
the Rules of Court. Applying the provision of
the Rules of Court, the venue in this case was (2) Whether McArthur, Tesoro and Narra are
improperly laid. The order appealed from is Filipino nationals.
therefore reversed, but without prejudice to
the filing of the action in which the venue RULINGS
shall be laid properly.
(1) YES. The instant case presents a situation
27. Tayag v. Benguet Consolidated which exhibits a scheme employed by
same case with # 6 stockholders to circumvent the law, creating
a cloud of doubt in the Court’s mind. To
28. NARRA NICKEL MINING AND DEV’T determine, therefore, the actual participation,
CORP., ET AL. V. REDMONT direct or indirect, of MBMI, the grandfather
CONSOLIDATED MINES CORP., G.R. NO. rule must be used.
195580, 21 APRIL 2014
The Strict Rule or the Grandfather Rule
FACTS pertains to the portion in Paragraph 7 of the
1967 SEC Rules which states, “but if the
Redmont Consolidated Mines, Inc. (Redmont) percentage of Filipino ownership in the
filed before the Panel of Arbitrators (POA) of corporation or partnership is less than 60%,
the DENR separate petitions for denial of only the number of shares corresponding to
McArthur Mining, Inc. (McArthur), Tesoro and such percentage shall be counted as of
Mining and Development, Inc. (Tesoro), and Philippine nationality.” Under the Strict Rule
Narra Nickel Mining and Development or Grandfather Rule Proper, the combined
Corporation (Narra) applications Mineral totals in the Investing Corporation and the
Production Sharing Agreement (MPSA) on the Investee Corporation must be traced (i.e.,
ground that they are not “qualified persons” “grandfathered”) to determine the total
and thus disqualified from engaging in mining percentage of Filipino ownership.
activities through MPSAs reserved only for
Filipino citizens. (2) NO. Petitioners McArthur, Tesoro and
Narra are not Filipino since MBMI, a 100%
McArthur Mining, Inc., is composed, among Canadian corporation, owns 60% or more of
others, by Madridejos Mining Corporation their equity interests. Such conclusion is
(Filipino) owning 5,997 out of 10,000 shares, derived from grandfathering petitioners’
and MBMI Resources, Inc. (Canadian) owning corporate owners. xxx Noticeably, the
3,998 out of 10,000 shares; MBMI also owns ownership of the “layered” corporations boils
3,331 out of 10,000 shares of Madridejos down to xxx group wherein MBMI has joint
Mining Corporation; venture agreements with, practically
exercising majority control over the
corporations mentioned. In effect, whether
looking at the capital structure or the 30. Bridgeman Art Library, Ltd. v. Corel
underlying relationships between and among Corp.
the corporations, petitioners are NOT Filipino
nationals and must be considered foreign Facts:
since 60% or more of their capital stocks or
equity interests are owned by MBMI. Plaintiff The Bridgeman Art Library,
Ltd. ("Bridgeman") claims to have exclusive
rights in photographic transparencies of a
substantial number of well known works of
29. Gamboa v. Teves etal., GR No. art located in museums around the world and
176579, October 9, 2012 to have transformed those transparencies
into digital images in which it also claims
Facts: exclusive rights. It contends that defendant
The issue started when petitioner Corel Corporation ("Corel") is marketing in
Gamboa questioned the indirect sale of the United States and abroad compact disks
shares involving almost 12 million shares of containing digital images of a significant
the Philippine Long Distance Telephone number of the same works of art which,
Company (PLDT) owned by PTIC to First Bridgeman claims, must have been copied
Pacific. Thus, First Pacific’s common from its transparencies and that Corel thus is
shareholdings in PLDT increased from 30.7 infringing its copyrights in the United States,
percent to 37 percent, thereby increasing the the United Kingdom and Canada. It claims as
total common shareholdings of foreigners in well that Corel's actions violated Sections
PLDT to about 81.47%. The petitioner 32(1) and 43(a) of the Lanham Act and are
contends that it violates the Constitutional actionable at common law.[1] The matter
provision on filipinazation of public utility, now is before the Court on Corel's motion for
stated in Section 11, Article XII of the 1987 summary judgment dismissing the complaint
Philippine Constitution, which limits foreign and Bridgeman's cross-motion for partial
ownership of the capital of a public utility to summary judgment.
not more than 40%. Then, in 2011, the court
ruled the case in favor of the petitioner, Issues:
hence this new case, resolving the motion for
reconsideration for the 2011 decision filed by 1. WN Corel committed infringement on the
the respondents. copyrights claim of plaintiff

Issue: 2. WN United States District Court has

Whether or not the Court made an jurisdiction to the alleged infringements done
erroneous interpretation of the term ‘capital’ in Canada and United Kingdom
in its 2011 decision?
The Court said that the Constitution is 1. On merits (The district judge ruled in
clear in expressing its State policy of the negative)
developing an economy ‘effectively
controlled’ by Filipinos. Asserting the ideals To establish copyright infringement
that our Constitution’s Preamble want to under the Copyright Act of 1976, a plaintiff
achieve, that is – to conserve and develop must establish ownership of a valid copyright
our patrimony , hence, the State should and copying. Corel contests both elements,
fortify a Filipino-controlled economy. In the alleging that Bridgeman has no valid
2011 decision, the Court finds no wrong in copyright in its images and, in the
the construction of the term ‘capital’ which alternative, that there is no evidence of
refers to the ‘shares with voting rights, as copying. The Court therefore addresses each
well as with full beneficial ownership’ (Art. element in turn. A threshold matter,
12, sec. 10) which implies that the right to however, is the applicable choice of law for
vote in the election of directors, coupled with these questions.
benefits, is tantamount to an effective
control. Therefore, the Court’s interpretation
of the term ‘capital’ was not erroneous. Thus,
the motion for reconsideration is denied.
In consequence, the applicable law is transformation. Indeed, Bridgeman strives to
not necessarily the same for each element of reproduce precisely those works of art.
the copyright claim. The Court therefore must
determine which law governs copyrightability As to Infringement:
and the alleged infringements.
Even if its images were copyrightable,
Bridgeman claims to own any literary Bridgeman could not make out its claim
property in all the photographs although the because it has raised no genuine issue of fact
record arguably supports the view that as to infringement. To prove infringement,
Bridgeman in some instances is merely an Bridgeman must prove that Corel actually
exclusive licensing and sales agent for copied its images and that "the copying is
reproductions owned by the museums that illegal because a substantial similarity exits
own the original works of art. In any case, between the defendant's work and the
however, the photographs first were protectible elements of the plaintiff's work."
published in the United Kingdom. In these
circumstances, the Court concludes that the The Court finds no probative
United Kingdom has the most significant similarities between the parties' images.
relationship to the issue of copyrightability. Plaintiff readily concedes the only similarity
between the two sets of reproductions is that
The applicable law for the second "both are exact reproductions of public
element of the copyright claim is simply that domain works of art." Because, by definition,
of the infringement situs. Thus, whether an public domain works are not subjects of
infringement has occurred in the United copyright, this cannot serve as the requisite
States is a matter of United States law. similarity for copyright infringement. Even if
Bridgeman had a copyright in the one
As to the Copyright: element distinguishable from the underlying
works (i.e., the color bars plaintiff attaches to
For the reasons discussed above, its images), there would be no similarity
whether copyright subsists in Bridgeman's because Corel's images do not include this
transparencies is a question of United feature.
Kingdom law. The result depends upon the
Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 (the 2. On Jurisdiction (The district judge
"UK Act") which renders "original literary, ruled in the negative)
dramatic, musical or artistic works"
copyrightable. To be original, a work "need There is no independent basis of
not be original or novel in form, but it must federal subject matter jurisdiction over
originate with the author and not be copied plaintiff's claims of copyright infringement in
from another work." That is not to say that Canada and the United Kingdom. While
the author, in all circumstances, must create Section 1338(a) of the Judicial Code confers
the entire work from scratch to be accorded jurisdiction over matters relating to
copyright protection. "Protection of a copyrights and trademarks, it does so only
derivative work turns on whether the with respect to claims that arise "under any
[author's] skill, judgment and labour Act of Congress.” Obviously, then, Section
transforms the underlying work in a relevant 1338(a) does not create jurisdiction for
way.” That is, the originality requirement is Bridgeman's claim under the laws of Canada
not met where the work in question "is wholly and the United Kingdom. Nor can Bridgeman
copied from an existing work, without any rely on the Berne Convention and its
significant addition, alteration, implementation vehicle, the BCIA. The Berne
transformation, or combination with other Convention is a treaty, not an act of
material." Congress. Moreover, the Convention is not
In light of the originality requirement,
Bridgeman's images are not copyrightable
under the UK Act. It is uncontested that
Bridgeman's images are substantially exact
reproductions of public domain works, albeit
in a different medium. The images were
copied from the underlying works without any
avoidable addition, alteration or
Section 1331 similarly is unavailing as parties for distribution of the Picture on
a source of jurisdiction for these claims. videocassette around the world.
Although federal question jurisdiction
includes claims arising under treaties, the In 1988, Subafilms and Hearst ("Appellees")
Berne Convention is not self-executing. In brought suit against MGM/UA, Warner, and
consequence, Bridgeman has no claim arising their respective subsidiaries (collectively the
under the Convention within the meaning of "Distributors" or "Appellants"), contending
Section 1331. that the videocassette distribution of the
Picture, both foreign and domestic,
Absent as well is jurisdiction based on constituted copyright infringement and a
diversity of citizenship under Section 1332. breach of the 1967 agreements.
Corel is a citizen of Canada; Bridgeman a
subject of the United Kingdom. "As the Issue:
pleadings clearly show, all parties are aliens,
and neither the constitutional nor statutory Whether United States copyright laws do
*431 grants of jurisdiction include such a extend to extraterritorial acts of infringement
suit." That each company does business in when such acts "result in adverse effects
New York is immaterial for citizenship and within the United States.
therefore jurisdictional purposes.

The American Court held that courts must

"assume that Congress legislates against the
backdrop of the presumption against
extraterritoriality," unless "there is `the
31. Subafilms, Ltd. v. Mgm-Pathe affirmative intention of the Congress clearly
Communs. Co. expressed'" congressional enactments must
be presumed to be "`primarily concerned
with domestic conditions.'"
In 1966, the musical group The Beatles,
The undisputed axiom is that the United
through Subafilms, Ltd., entered into a joint
States copyright law have no application to
venture with the Hearst Corporation to
extraterritorial infringement predates the
produce the animated motion picture entitled
1909 Act which the principle of territoriality
"Yellow Submarine" (the "Picture"). Over the
consistently has been reaffirmed. In Ferris v.
next year, Hearst, acting on behalf of the
Frohman held that the copyright laws of one
joint venture (the "Producer"), negotiated an
country have no extraterritorial operation,
agreement with United Artists Corporation
unless otherwise provided.
("UA") to distribute and finance the film. In
pursuance to said agreement, UA distributed Furthermore, we note that Congress chose in
the Picture in theaters beginning in 1968 and 1976 to expand one specific "extraterritorial"
later on television. application of the Act by declaring that the
unauthorized importation of copyrighted
With the advent of the home video market,
works constitutes infringement even when
UA entered into several licensing agreements
the copies lawfully were made abroad. Had
to distribute a number of its films on
Congress been inclined to overturn the
videocassette. Subsequently, in 1987, UA's
preexisting doctrine that infringing acts that
successor company, MGM/UA
take place wholly outside the United States
Communications Co. ("MGM/UA"), over the
are not actionable under the Copyright Act, it
Producer's objections, authorized its
knew how to do so.
subsidiary MGM/UA Home Video, Inc. to
distribute the Picture for the domestic home
video market, and, pursuant to an earlier
licensing agreement, notified Warner Bros.,
32. Allarcon Pay Television v. General
Inc. ("Warner") that the Picture had been Industry Corp
cleared for international videocassette
distribution. Warner, through its wholly Facts:
owned subsidiary, Warner Home Video, Inc.,
in turn entered into agreements with third
In July 1992, Allarcom filed a authorized users and to people whom it knew
complaint in federal district court against or had reason to know were using the
Showtime, General Instrument, and another decoders for the purpose of receiving
defendant not party to this appeal. American STV programming in Allarcom's
Allarcom is authorized by the Canadian
government to be the exclusive provider of Allarcom's complaint alleged that by
English-language subscription television this conduct, General Instrument and
(STV) programming in Western Canada. Showtime had assisted persons in receiving
Allarcom has obtained the exclusive right communications to which they were not
from producers such as MCA, Paramount, entitled.
Touchstone, etc. to exhibit their motion
pictures on STV in Allarcom's territory. The complaint also alleged that
Allarcom transmits its signal to local cable General Instrument had manufactured and
television companies and other authorized distributed devices knowing or having reason
receivers who pay for the service. to know that the devices were primarily of
assistance in the unauthorized decryption of
Showtime has the right to exhibit satellite cable programming. The complaint
many of the same pictures on its STV service also alleged a copyright infringement claim
in the United States, but has no such license and various California state law claims.
to exhibit those pictures in Canada.  
Showtime transmits its programming by In December 1992, the district court
means of satellite to authorized receivers.   concluded that the complaint did not state a
The “footprint” of that satellite signal allows it claim under upon which relief could be
to be received in Allarcom's territory. granted. The court also dismissed Allarcom's
copyright infringement claim and most of its
General Instrument manufactures and state law claims with leave to amend.
sells the “VideoCipher II” system (VC II),
which scrambles and descrambles satellite Issue:
television signals, thereby allowing the Whether or not there is a claim for
broadcaster to protect those signals from relief on copyright infringement under the
unauthorized reception.   Many programmers, Federal Communications Act
including Showtime, use the VC II to transmit
their signal to customers in the United Held:
States.   Various programmers, such as CNN,
No. There is no claim for relief on
who are so authorized under Canadian law,
copyright infringement under the Federal
use the VC II to transmit their signal to
Communications Act.
customers in Canada.   Accordingly, the VC II
has a legitimate use in Canada. Allarcom claims that Showtime
“assisted” the piracy of satellite programming
One of the elements of the VC II is a
by people in Western Canada by helping
decoder device that enables its holder to
those people steal its own STV broadcasts.
receive and descramble STV programs.   A
The court concludes that this allegation does
person can alter that decoder so that it will
not state a claim under the Federal
unscramble signals that the holder is not
Communications Act in which “No person not
authorized to receive.
being entitled thereto shall receive or assist
According to the complaint, General in receiving any interstate or foreign
Instrument and Showtime knew that communication by radio and use such
compromised VC II decoders were being sold communication (or any information therein
and used extensively in Allarcom's territory to contained) for his own benefit or for the
receive unauthorized STV signals, including benefit of another not entitled thereto.”
Showtime's signal.   This practice nullified
In other words, the Federal
Allarcom's exclusive rights in that territory
Communications Act prohibits a person not
and deprived Allarcom of potential customers
entitled to a signal from assisting another's
and income.   Despite such knowledge,
piracy of that signal.   Showtime owns its
General Instrument and Showtime continued
own signal, and is therefore entitled to that
to use and promote the VC II system.  
signal and does not fall within the
Furthermore, General Instrument, through its
subsection's prohibition.
dealers and with Showtime's knowledge,
continued to sell VC II decoders in the US Nor can Allarcom rely upon the same
and Canada in numbers far in excess of any to support its Federal Communications Act
claim which states that “Any person who the plaintiffs for the use of the articles nor did
manufactures, assembles, modifies, imports, they disclose the origin of the articles in
exports, sells, or distributes any electronic, Kurier, though many of the articles contained
mechanical, or other device or equipment, the same byline as the originals. 
knowing or having reason to know that the The plaintiffs sued Kurier and
device or equipment is primarily of assistance Pogrebnoy for copyright infringement in a
in the unauthorized decryption of satellite United States district court. The plaintiffs
cable programming, or is intended for any seek to prove their entitlement to the
other activity prohibited by subsection (a) of protection of the copyright laws by reliance
this section, shall be fined․” on the Berne Convention rather than
copyright registrations pursuant to the
Even if we assume that the VC II Copyright Act. The Berne Convention
decoder is a device described in this section, provides that works copyrighted in signatory
Allarcom has not alleged that Showtime foreign countries and written by nationals of
“manufactures, assembles, modifies, imports, those countries or the United States are to be
exports, sells, or distributes” that device. given copyright protection under United
Therefore, Allarcom has not stated a States law if first published in a nation
claim against Showtime under the FCA.   adhering to the convention. The plaintiffs
While some other source of law, such as the have demonstrated that the allegedly
Canadian law governing Allarcom's exclusive infringed works were first published in the
license, may proscribe Showtime's use of its United States or Russia and it appears likely
own signal, the FCA does not. that the authors of a significant number, if
not all, of the works are Russian nationals. 
The court establishes that the VC II
decoder distributed by General Instrument is ISSUE:
not capable of pirating satellite broadcasts.   Whether or not Russian Law or U.S.
That decoder is capable of piracy only if it has Law governs ownership and infringement
been modified.   Allarcom has not alleged issues?
that General Instrument has ever sold any
modified VC II decoders. RULING:
Copyright is a form of property, and
The court rejects Allarcom's claim that
the usual rule is that the interests of the
the anti-piracy device adopted by the STV
parties in property are determined by the law
industry, which has the most acute interest in
of the state with "the most significant
protecting its broadcasts, is also “primarily of
relationship" to the property and the parties.
assistance” in piracy, simply because some
The Restatement recognizes the applicability
modify it to accomplish piracy.   Indeed, the
of this principle to intangibles such as "a
VC II is useful for piracy only because so
literary idea." Since the works at issue were
much of the STV industry employs it to
created by Russian nationals and first
prevent piracy.   Therefore, sale of that
published in Russia, Russian law is the
product in Canada and the United States,
appropriate source of law to determine issues
where many people indisputably use it
of ownership of rights.  In terms of the
legitimately, does not violate the FCA, and
United States Copyrights Act and its
the district court properly dismissed the FCA
reference to the Berne Convention, Russia is
claim against General Instrument.
the "country of origin" of these works.
On infringement issues, the governing
33. Itar-Tass Russian News Agency v. conflicts principle is usually lex loci delicti, the
Russian Kurier, Inc. doctrine generally applicable to torts. In the
pending case, the place of the tort is plainly
FACTS: the United States. United States law would
Defendants Russian Kurier, Inc. and still apply to infringement issues, since not
Oleg Pogrebnoy produced, sold, and only is this country the place of the tort, but
distributed the news articles appearing in the also the defendant is a United States
newspaper Kurier, that the defendants have corporation.
introduced as portions of exhibits 3-67. These Since United States law permits suit
articles are either identical or substantially only by owners of "an exclusive right under a
similar to articles previously published in the copyright," it must first determine whether
plaintiffs' newspapers and reports.  Their any of the plaintiffs own an exclusive right.
intention was to profit from the fruits of the That issue of ownership is to be determined
plaintiffs' labors. They did not compensate by Russian law. Under Article 14 of the
Russian Copyright Law, Itar-Tass is the their brief, then the French appellate court
owner of the copyright interests in the accordingly dismissed the appeal.
articles written by its employees. Russian
law, which explicitly excludes newspapers Next the plaintiff filed separate
from a work-for-hire doctrine, vests exclusive complaints in the United States District Court
ownership interests in newspaper articles in for the Southern District of New York to
the journalists who wrote the articles, not in enforce the French judgments under New
the newspaper employers who compile their York’s Uniform Foreign Money Judgment
writings.  Recognition Act.
 Itar-Tass is therefore entitled to
injunctive relief to prevent unauthorized The District Court found that the
copying of its articles and to damages for fashion shows at issue were public events
such copying. and Viewfinder had a first amendment right
to publish the photographs and as far as the
designs were covered by copyright
protection, these fell under the First
Amendment fair use exception for the
34. Sarl Louis Feraud International v. publication of newsworthy matters. The
Viewfinder District Court found that enforcing the
judgment would encroach upon Viewfinder’s
Facts: free speech rights.

Plaintiff Sarl Louis Feraud is a French Issue:

corporation that design high fashion clothing
for women. Defendant Viewfinder is a Whether or not the French judgments
Delaware corporation with principal place of were unenforceable under New York law.
business in New York and it operates a
website called on which it posts Holding:
photographs of fashion shows held by
designers around the world. Viewfinder No, this Court rejects Viewfinder’s
contends to be an Internet fashion magazine contention that the French judgments violate
akin to the online version of Vogue and users public policy because they failed to analyze
pay a fee to view photographs of collections. any fair use defense. Even in the US, fair use
Viewfinder displayed photographs of the is an affirmative defense that a defendant
designer’s fashion shows which revealed bears the burden of proving and Viewfinder
designs from their upcoming collection. didn’t present it.
Also the record is too unclear to
Procedural: First, the plaintiff filed suit determine whether Viewfinder’s conduct
against the defendant in the Tribunal de would fall within the protection of the fair use
grande instance de Paris for alleged doctrine so the judgment of the district court
unauthorized use of their intellectual is vacated and remanded for further
property. The French court found the proceedings.
plaintiff’s collections from 1996-2001 posted
on Viewfinder’s website were posted without Reasoning:
the necessary authorization and that
Viewfinder had committed Economic The Court begins with the statute and
parasitism: The French Supreme Court points out there are two steps in analyzing
considers that the parasitic act is the whether a judgment is unenforceable. The
fact, for a trader, to place himself in the first is to identify the cause of action on
wake of another, unduly taking which the judgment is based. This Court
advantage of the latter's reputation or reasons that it cannot agree with Viewfinder’s
investment, regardless of any risk of contention that it is impossible to discern the
confusion under French law because it had causes of action on which the French
taken advantage of plaintiff’ reputation and judgments were based because the default
commercial efforts. judgments issued by the French court
explicitly stated the statutes that Viewfinder
Viewfinder appealed these judgments to the violated and it is clear the French judgments
Court of Appeals of Paris, but withdrew its were based on a finding of copyright
appeal without opposition after plaintiff filed infringement.
This Court then states the only issue
left to consider in the two step analysis is
whether a law that sanctions such conduct is
repugnant to the public policy of New York.
This Court recognizes that laws that are
antithetical to the First Amendment will
create such a situation and foreign judgments
that encroach on First Amendment rights will
be found to be repugnant to public policy.

This Court finds that the District Court

was wrong in concluding that the French
judgments were unenforceable because they
encroach on Viewfinder’s First Amendment
rights because it did not conduct the full
analysis. The Court reasoned that intellectual
property laws co-exist with the First
Amendment in this country and the fact that
an entity is a news publication engaging in
speech activity does not, standing alone
relieve such entities of their obligation to
obey intellectual property laws.

In deciding whether the French

judgments are repugnant to the public policy
of New York the District Court should first
determine the level of First Amendment
protection required by New York public policy
when a news entity engages in the
unauthorized use of intellectual property then
it should determine whether the French
intellectual property regime provides
comparable protections.

Because the fair use doctrine balances

the competing interests of the copyright laws
and the First Amendment, some analysis of
that doctrine is generally needed before a
court can conclude that foreign copyright
judgment is repugnant to public policy.
Factors that need be considered in
determining fair use are: 1) the purpose and
character of the use, including whether such
use is of a commercial nature or is for non-
profit educational purposes, 2) the nature of
the copyrighted work, 3) the amount and
substantiality of the portion used in relation
to the copyrighted work as a whole, and 4)
the effect of the use upon the potential
market for or value of the copyrighted work.

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