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Spectrum News/Ipsos – Maine Poll

Conducted by Ipsos via telephone

A survey of Maine Registered Voters (ages 18+)

Interview dates: August 31 - September 7, 2021

Number of interviews: 800

Margin of error: +/-3.5 percentage points at the 95% confidence level

NOTE: All results show percentages among all respondents, unless otherwise labeled. Reduced
bases are unweighted values.

NOTE: * = less than 0.5%, - = no respondents

Annotated Questionnaire:
1. To start off, what do you consider to be the biggest problem facing Maine today? Respondents
could mention up to three. List was not read aloud.

COVID-19 or coronavirus 21%
The economy 13%
Unemployment 10%
The Governor/Governor’s leadership 10%
Climate change/the environment 9%
Affordable housing 8%
Healthcare 6%
Opioid or drug addiction 5%
Taxes 5%
Education 5%
Transportation and infrastructure 3%
Lack of workers 3%
Other party in power/Democrats or Republicans in power 3%
Partisanship/Divisiveness/Politicians 2%
Government spending/welfare programs 2%
Energy/CMP Corridor/Cost of energy 2%
Immigration 1%
Population decreasing/ Young people leaving/Brain drain 1%
Too much government/too much government power 1%
Homelessness 1%
Pandemic mandates (masks, vaccines) 1%
Biden/The president 1%
Vaccine hesitancy 1%
Crime or violence 1%
Gun control *
Police reform *
Something else 5%
Don’t know 8%

2. Do you approve or disapprove of how the following is handling their job as an elected official?
[IF ANSWER PROVIDED] Would you say you strongly [approve/disapprove] or somewhat

*Data held for future release

3. Overall, do you approve or disapprove of how Janet Mills is handling the following? [IF ANSWER
PROVIDED] Would you say you strongly [approve/disapprove] or somewhat [approve/disapprove]?

Total Approve Summary (Strongly + Somewhat approve) Total

Crime and public safety* 55%
Plans for sending children back to school 55%
COVID-19 54%
Jobs and the economy* 45%

COVID-19 Total
Strongly approve 33%
Somewhat approve 21%
Somewhat disapprove 12%
Strongly disapprove 31%
Don’t know 3%
Total Approve (net) 54%
Total Disapprove (net) 43%

Jobs and the economy

*Data held for future release

Crime and public safety

*Data held for future release

Plans for sending children back to school Total

Strongly approve 26%
Somewhat approve 29%
Somewhat disapprove 13%
Strongly disapprove 18%
Don’t know 13%
Total Approve (net) 55%
Total Disapprove (net) 32%

4. Overall, do you support or oppose former governor Paul LePage running for governor in 2022?
[IF ANSWER PROVIDED] Would you say you strongly [support/oppose] or somewhat

*Data held for future release


5. Overall, do you support or oppose mask requirements in the following places in Maine?
[IF ANSWER PROVIDED] Would you say you strongly [support/oppose] or somewhat

Total Support Summary Total

Transit hubs, such as airports and train stations 72%
Grocery and retail stores 64%
K-12 schools 63%
Sports stadiums/arenas 62%
Offices or workplaces 59%
Restaurants and bars 58%

Offices or workplaces Total

Strongly support 35%
Somewhat support 24%
Somewhat oppose 11%
Strongly oppose 24%
Don’t know 5%
Total Support (net) 59%
Total Oppose (net) 36%

Restaurants and bars Total

Strongly support 37%
Somewhat support 21%
Somewhat oppose 10%
Strongly oppose 28%
Don’t know 4%
Total Support (net) 58%
Total Oppose (net) 38%

Grocery and retail stores Total

Strongly support 43%
Somewhat support 21%
Somewhat oppose 10%
Strongly oppose 25%
Don’t know 2%
Total Support (net) 64%
Total Oppose (net) 34%

K-12 schools Total

Strongly support 48%
Somewhat support 14%
Somewhat oppose 8%
Strongly oppose 26%
Don’t know 3%
Total Support (net) 63%
Total Oppose (net) 34%

5. Overall, do you support or oppose mask requirements in the following places in Maine? [IF
ANSWER PROVIDED] Would you say you strongly [support/oppose] or somewhat

Transit hubs, such as airports and train

Strongly support 56%
Somewhat support 16%
Somewhat oppose 7%
Strongly oppose 18%
Don’t know 3%
Total Support (net) 72%
Total Oppose (net) 25%

Sports stadiums/arenas Total

Strongly support 44%
Somewhat support 18%
Somewhat oppose 10%
Strongly oppose 24%
Don’t know 4%
Total Support (net) 62%
Total Oppose (net) 34%

6. How much trust do you have in each of the following to provide you with accurate information
about coronavirus or COVID-19?

Total Trust Summary Total

Your personal doctor 85%
The Centers for Disease Control, or CDC 65%
Dr. Nirav Shah 60%
Dr. Anthony Fauci 56%
Janet Mills 52%
Joe Biden 49%

Janet Mills Total

A great deal 28%
A fair amount 24%
Not very much 14%
Not at all 31%
Don’t know 2%
A great deal/ A fair amount (net) 52%
Not very much/Not at all (net) 45%

6. How much trust do you have in each of the following to provide you with accurate information
about coronavirus or COVID-19?

Dr. Anthony Fauci Total

A great deal 40%
A fair amount 16%
Not very much 8%
Not at all 31%
Don’t know 5%
A great deal/ A fair amount (net) 56%
Not very much/Not at all (net) 39%

Dr. Nirav Shah Total

A great deal 43%
A fair amount 17%
Not very much 9%
Not at all 14%
Don’t know 17%
A great deal/ A fair amount (net) 60%
Not very much/Not at all (net) 23%

The Centers for Disease Control, or

A great deal 39%
A fair amount 26%
Not very much 15%
Not at all 18%
Don’t know 2%
A great deal/ A fair amount (net) 65%
Not very much/Not at all (net) 33%

Joe Biden Total

A great deal 26%
A fair amount 23%
Not very much 9%
Not at all 41%
Don’t know 1%
A great deal/ A fair amount (net) 49%
Not very much/Not at all (net) 50%

Your personal doctor Total

A great deal 55%
A fair amount 30%
Not very much 5%
Not at all 3%
Don’t know 8%
A great deal/ A fair amount (net) 85%
Not very much/Not at all (net) 8%

7. Overall, do you support or oppose the following? [IF ANSWER PROVIDED] Would you say
you strongly [support/oppose] or somewhat [support/oppose]?

Total Support Summary Total

Governor Mills´ order to be carbon neutral by 2045* 55%
Employers requiring vaccination for employees 54%
Private businesses requiring vaccination for patrons 52%
Maine´s Climate Action Plan* 39%
CMP Corridor, sometimes called the New England Clean Energy Connect* 34%

Maine´s Climate Action Plan

*Data held for future release

Governor Mills´ order to be carbon neutral by 2045

*Data held for future release

CMP Corridor, sometimes called the New England Clean Energy Connect
*Data held for future release

Employers requiring vaccination for employees Total

Strongly support 37%
Somewhat support 17%
Somewhat oppose 8%
Strongly oppose 35%
I haven’t heard of this *
Don’t know 3%
Total Support (net) 54%
Total Oppose (net) 43%

Private businesses requiring vaccination for

Strongly support 31%
Somewhat support 21%
Somewhat oppose 11%
Strongly oppose 34%
I haven’t heard of this *
Don’t know 3%
Total Support (net) 52%
Total Oppose (net) 45%

8. How concerned, if at all, are you about rising temperatures in the Gulf of Maine? Are you very
concerned, somewhat concerned, not very concerned, or not at all concerned?
*Data held for future release

9. As you may know, Maine used ranked-choice voting in the 2020 general election. Overall, would
you say you support or oppose the use of ranked-choice voting? [IF ANSWER PROVIDED] Would
you say you strongly [support/oppose] or somewhat [support/oppose]?

*Data held for future release

10. Do you consider yourself a Democrat, Republican, Independent, or none of these?

Democrat 27%
Republican 28%
Independent 33%
None of these 11%
Don’t know/Refused 1%

11. Do you think of yourself as closer to the Democratic party or the Republican party?

Base: If Independent or None of these or Don’t Total

know/Refused at Q10 (N=363)
Closer to the Democratic party 37%
Closer to the Republican party 35%
Not close to either 24%
Don’t know/Refused 4%

12. Do you consider yourself to be a strong or moderate Democrat?

Base: If Democrat
Strong Democrat 45%
Moderate Democrat 54%
Don’t know/Refused 1%
Q13. Do you consider yourself to be a strong Republican or a moderate Republican?

Base: If Republican
Strong Republican 45%
Moderate Republican 54%
Don’t know/Refused 1%

Q14. Do you consider yourself to be more progressive/left leaning, generally in line with, or more
centrist or conservative, than the Democratic Party??

Base: If Democrat or closer to Democrat
More progressive/left-leaning than the Democratic Party 37%
Generally in line with the Democratic Party 33%
More centrist or conservative than the Democratic Party 24%
Other 2%
Don't Know/Refused 5%

About the Study

This Spectrum News/Ipsos Maine poll was conducted via telephone on August 31- September 7,
2021.This poll is based on a representative sample of 800 registered voters of Maine, age 18 or
older. Sixty-one percent of respondents were reached on a cell phone, and 39% were reached on a

The study was conducted in English. The data were weighted to adjust for gender, age, and
educational attainment. The demographic benchmarks came from 2019 American Community
Survey (ACS) from the US Census Bureau.

The margin of sampling error is plus or minus 3.5 percentage points at the 95% confidence level, for
results based on the entire sample of adults. In our reporting of the findings, percentage points are
rounded off to the nearest whole number. As a result, percentages in a given table column may total
slightly higher or lower than 100%. In questions that permit multiple responses, columns may total
substantially more than 100%, depending on the number of different responses offered by each

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ISIN code FR0000073298, Reuters ISOS.PA, Bloomberg IPS:FP

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