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mentalism outside the lines.

mentalism outside the lines.

ProMystic Color Match Competition 3


The following are routines taken directly from the ProMystic forum and emailed
submissions for the 2012 Color Match Competition.

Chess Idea by Aaro Sorva ................................................................................................ 4

Untitled 1 by Answers ..................................................................................................... 5
Match a Dress by Florian Franz ....................................................................................... 7
PK(olor) Match by Kam Fanaian ...................................................................................... 9
The Duel! by James Trinity ............................................................................................. 10
Picture This by Richard Blackie ...................................................................................... 13
Criminal Mind Reading by Uwe ..................................................................................... 16
The Wedding Band by Uwe ........................................................................................... 20
Fate by Uwe ................................................................................................................... 23
Meant To Be by Thomas Cooper .................................................................................... 26
The Psychic by Ali Said Jamaleddine .............................................................................. 29
Cell Phone Psychometry by Wayne Rogers ................................................................... 33
Spike by Less Oldham .................................................................................................... 36
Musical Vibrations by Florian Fränz .............................................................................. 38
A Painful Devination by Florian Fränz .......................................................................... 41
Impossible Night by Florian Fränz ................................................................................. 43
Director’s Chair by David Klass ...................................................................................... 45
One Coin, One Hand, One Colour, One Mark by Barry Fazackerley ............................. 49
Magic by Barry Frazacherley .......................................................................................... 52
Final Prediction by Thomas Cooper ............................................................................... 55
Pick Chairs by Barry Frazacherly .................................................................................... 60
Compendium by Colin McLeod ...................................................................................... 68
Colour Reading by Bob Percy ........................................................................................ 72
Easter Egg Hunt by Saysold ........................................................................................... 75
Photo Prediction Effect by Bob Percy ............................................................................ 78
Untitled 2 by Answers ................................................................................................... 80
ProMystic Color Match Competition 4

Chess Idea
by Aaro Sorva

So basically you need a chessboard, and on end rows just place magnets underneath
each square of the board. Then you just purchase enough tags so they send a number
1-5 and there's no need to place magnets under the soldier chess-pieces. Then you ask
some craftsman (or try to DIY) to drill a hole inside chess pieces (from king to tower).
Place the magnet in and that's it. Sounds easy here.

When spectator removes one chess-piece and he puts it inside pocket, then you get
buzzes. Soldier doesn't send buzzes, so you know these also. When he has taken one
piece off, then you instruct to put all other pieces away or just ask him to cover the
whole board with cloth.

You can reveal the chess-piece by your favourite method, or predict by using index-
wallet etc. Just make sure this is not somebody else own idea, I don't know. I just came
up with this.
ProMystic Color Match Competition 5

Untitled 1
by Answers

Invite a young lady on stage and say,

I had a young woman join me on-stage the other night, and after I read her mind and
told her the name of her boyfriend, her secret boyfriend and the guy who brought her
to the show, she wanted to challenge me.

She asked me if I could tell her the color of her panties...

I tried, but told her I wasn't getting anything. She blushed and admitted she wasn't
wearing any!

I'm sure that's not the case with you, but I don't want to invade your sense of privacy
just to have a little fun. So instead, you and I are going to go shopping for "Imaginary
Underwear" how does that sound?

Here is a pad of paper, and with the black marker I would like you to draw an outline of
some... unmentionables - tops and bottoms

(girl draws outline of bra and panties after which you turn your back)

Let's make this interesting, for the top, do you want plain, stripes or polka dots?


OK, pick up a color you like, keep it a secret, and draw some polka dots on the top.
Remember that small dots make the things they are on look bigger.

All done?

Let's move to the bottoms

ProMystic Color Match Competition 6

Pick a pen and color them in. The tops and bottoms do not need to match - we can
pretend that tomorrow is laundry day.

Now that you have colored them in, name the first thing that comes to mind when I say

A bunny

OK, pick another color and draw a little bunny on the bottoms. Not too small, or it
makes the thing they are on look bigger...

Close up all the pens and put them away.

Close your eyes and imagine yourself wearing this ... outfit

I see, I see ... spots before my eyes and they are - pink, pink polka dots on top
and below I see yellow, lots of yellow, but I can't see any bunny? Oh, turn around, good
- YES!

A Purple bunny
Show them

She has colored in pink dots on top, and a purple bunny on the yellow bottoms.

"And these are yours to keep" (as you tear off her drawing, fold it nicely, place it in a
small paper Victoria's Secret bag, and give it to her)

If you are at all concerned about embarrassing a girl on-stage, this is a GREAT routine to
perform for a man. Tonight you are going to design custom under things for your
girlfriend. Which will only be a problem if your wife finds out. And you will create
imaginary under things, which most men agree are the best kind."

Television, recording, broadcast and publishing rights reserved Answers © 2012

ProMystic Color Match Competition 7

Match a Dress
by Florian Franz

Basic effect:

The performer places a box on the table and explains that the content of the box will be
important in a minute. A spectator is chosen and handed 5 different colored marker
pens and a piece of cardboard with a predrawn stick figure. He is then asked to dress
the stick figure by drawing a (yellow) hat, a (green) scarf, a (blue) shirt, (red) trousers
and a (orange) pair of socks.

The performer turns back around and takes a look at the picture:

"Oh, look! The stick-figure wears a blue shirt, so do I! That's a miracle, isn't it?" The
audience is moderately impressed and considers this to be sheer coincidence.

"I knew that this would not impress you. That's why I brought this box with me", the
performer explains. The box is opened and shown to contain a yellow hat and a green
scarf, which are immediately put on by the performer.

The audience starts getting excited. But what about the trousers and the socks?

The performer suddenly rips off his (black) trousers revealing red trousers underneath
and orange socks.

He is now dressed exactly like the stick figure that was drawn by the spectator a minute
ago. The audience goes wild.

The end.


Well, I don't think I need to explain a lot.

ProMystic Color Match Competition 8

The drawing is obviously forced just like in the Picasso routine.

The black pair of trousers that you wear above the red one has either push buttons or
velcro at the side seams, thus enabling you to easily rip it off.

This is a common "Quick Change" item and there are a lot of books that teach you how
to construct one.

Speaking of Quick Change:

You could obviously also perform a complete quick change at the end. However, this
would change the effect from mentalism to magic.

Additional revelations:

There are several slightly different ways how to finish this routine.

1) You could take a picture of yourself standing in front of a mirror in a changing room
and use this as your prediction.

2) You could place all 5 items in a shopping bag and in the end show them as your

3) You could give the shopping bag to another spectator, ask him to go outside and put
the clothes on. After the picture is drawn, he is called back in to reveal an astonishing

4) In a close-up situation you could leave the room and call the spectator inside on his
mobile phone. While giving the necessary instructions, you quickly change your clothes.
Your audience will be shocked to see you re-enter the room dressed exactly like the
stick figure they’ve just drawn.
ProMystic Color Match Competition 9

PK(olor) Match
by Kam Fanaian

You draw a picture of a person as follows:

- head and hair in brown

- lips in red
- nose in orange
- neck and shoulders in green
- arms and hands in blue

All other body parts to complete the person will be drawn in black.

The drawing will be on very thick card stock to render it un-see-through. Your Colour
Match colours will be brown, red, orange, green and blue.

You ask a member of the audience (spec 1) to come up on stage. You introduce your
drawing and the Colour Match colours to another member of the audience (spec 2)
who remains seated in the crowd.

Spec 1 is placed into a trance, asked to close their eyes and hold both arms out like a
stick man.

Spec 2 is asked to pick a pen out, while the performers back is turned, then draw "over"
the part of the body that corresponds to that colour in the drawing in their possession.
As they are drawing over the body part, Spec 1 "feels" something on that body part.

This obviously uses your PK methods as outlined by Banachek and Lior Manor. The dirty
work is done the moment Spec 2 removes the relevant Colour Match pen, however, the
dual reality gives the illusion that it is happening when they are actually drawing over
the relevant body part.

Use the necessary subtleties of language that will sell the effect for your own persona,
and you should be onto a nice variation of the PK touch routines.
ProMystic Color Match Competition 10

The Duel!
by James Trinity

The duel is designed to be an extra kicker at the end of any routine. It is simple, straight
forward, fun and entertaining, parts of it can be used to draw the audience into the
effect creating a moment for the entire room! This is what we all strive for at the end of
the day. Using it after a drawing duplication is especially recommended as the duel in
effect is a “draw” get it? “Draw”? (sigh) Never mind, onto the effect!

You have just finished an effect like Picasso or some other drawing duplicate or any
effect really and you have just proven you can read or predict the spectators mind.
Hopefully the spectator did well…perhaps too well and now you mention that you and
the spectator have developed a true connection and that connection can be tested
where neither of you could know the outcome, for it would be completely random and
left to the fates.

Mentalist: “You have done very well, perhaps too well….But there is only room for one
mentalist on this stage, therefore….I challenge you to a duel!”
Two cups are brought out each containing three bang guns. (Bang guns are small old
time looking pistols that have spring loaded folding barrels. When the trigger or lever is
pulled the barrel unfolds and a small silk flag that says bang drops out)
One cup is set down before the spectator and the other for the Mentalist.

Mentalist: “Choose your weapon!”

The spectator chooses a gun from his or her cup being told not to touch the trigger yet
(Audience control)
then the mentalist chooses his.

During this, there is always room for some by play with comments like “I’m sorry it had
to come to this” and “there can be only one” or “is this your first time? I remember my
first time, it was very scary…I was all alone” (or make up your own) After the weapons
are chosen the mentalist directs the spectator to stand with him front and centre stage
as well as back to back.
ProMystic Color Match Competition 11

Mentalist: “In a moment I will say go and we will each walk three long paces (or
however many the stage may accommodate) well will then turn around and fire our
guns proving once and for all how good our mental connection really is!” This should be
built up as much as you can as well as having the audience count to three as you walk
and then clapping once to simulate the gun fire)

The three paces are slowly walked, “one! Two! Three! *CLAP!* the mentalist and
spectator turn towards each other and both guns are fired. The guns unfold and each
has a small silk that drops down and it is seen that both silks match!
Mentalist “The fates have truly aligned us, look!”
The mentalist immediately walks over to the guns setting them off, proving that they
each had three different colors but he and the spectator happened to choose the same.
Take a bow; thank your spectators and your done!


As you may have already guessed three (the spectators) clown bang guns are
gimmicked using the ProMystic Color match tags. The bang guns can be found at any
joke/magic or dollar store for only a few dollars each, you will need six of them. You will
also need 2 cups; one (the spectators) cup will be gimmicked (pro mystic style) and 6
silks about the same size as the flags (2 of each matching color)

HANDY TIP: make sure the clown bang guns are the ones with a plastic barrel and NOT
the metal barrel as the metal my interrupt any signal from the tag.
ProMystic Color Match Competition 12

The bang flag can be removed (first) and using glue, a silk about the same size can
replace it. Three MAG-tags can be secured to the inside of the solid “stationary” part of
the bang guns so that when the barrel is closed the tag is near the end. (Secure with
tape or the handy man’s secret weapon, duct tape). In some guns you will be able to
hide the tag with the flag (silk) itself.

Gimmick three guns with the tags and three guns without the tags, the three tagged
guns can go into the gimmicked (Pro-Mystic style) cup and the three regular ones in
another similar un-gimmicked cup. The un-gimmicked ones will need a small dot of
paint on each handle ( or a preferred method) corresponding to the color of the flag
inside so that after being notified which color flag the spectator has taken, the
mentalist may take the corresponding one.
ProMystic Color Match Competition 13

Picture This
by Richard Blackie

Talking about visual memory, you mention the developments in observation tests that
show how we interpret words and link them to objects. Ask the participant to look
through names of commonly drawn items (pile A), and ask them to remember one of
them as an image in their mind.

You explain that you are now going to test their observation by quickly showing them a
selection of words, and they should look out for the word they are visualising, but not
give any indication that they may have seen it. Proceed to show them each word in pile
B, reminding them to look out for their word. Once you have shown these, ask them, if
they saw their word to select a coloured marker and draw a big square on the reverse
side of one of your business cards, which you have previously placed in front of them.
They leave this on the table to conceal their response. You have your head turned away
at this point. If they saw their word you will get a signal from the receiver. Remember
this response.

Now, show then the next few words (pile C), again asking them to look out for their
word that they are visualising. Once you have shown them the words in pile C, ask
them, if they saw their word, to select a coloured marker and draw a small circle on the
reverse side of the business card, again leaving it on the table to conceal their response.
You have your head turned away at this point. If they saw their word you will get a
signal from the receiver. Remember this response.

Repeat this for pile D, this time asking them to draw their image if they saw it.

After each pile is shown return the cards to the bottom of the stack. This ensures the
initial setup (figure 1) is retained, ready to go again.

Having remembered the responses you are now able to determine what their image
was, as well as what coloured markers have been used. In table 1 below, any response
from the receiver is represented with a 1 whereas 0 represents no response. An image
seen in pile C and pile B (pile D=0, pile C=1, pile B=1) is binary 011 which equals 3, so
ProMystic Color Match Competition 14

their image is a tree. Likewise an image seen only in pile D (pile D=1, pile C=0, pile B=0)
is binary 100 which equals 4, so their image is a house.

After showing all the cards, you explain that the test was not just an observation test
for them, but also for you, as you were observing their reactions as they looked at each

After some deliberation you can now begin to reveal shapes they may have drawn and
the colours they selected as you rationalise what their chosen image was.

If you don’t receive any signals, then their chosen image is a cat. If this occurs, ask them
to select a marker and on your business card describe their image in one word, as you
turn away. As you appear to consider what their chosen image is, you state how
unusual a blue (or whatever marker is chosen) cat would be.

Figure 1 Initial set up of cards (face up)

Pile A
Pile B
Pile C
Pile D

Pile A contains all the words below

Pile B contains the words flower, tree, cup, stick man (and four other random images)
Pile C contains the words car, tree, smiley face, stick man (and four other random
Pile D contains the words house, cup, smiley face, stick man (and four other random

The words in brackets can be any other images. They are used to ensure eight are in
each pile.

Table 1 Number to word conversion

binary weighting
4(pileD) 2(pileC) 1(pileB) decimal value word(pile A)
0 0 0 0 cat
0 0 1 1 flower
0 1 0 2 car
0 1 1 3 tree
ProMystic Color Match Competition 15

1 0 0 4 house
1 0 1 5 cup
1 1 0 6 smiley face
1 1 1 7 stick man
ProMystic Color Match Competition 16

Criminal Mind Reading

by Uwe

Some Words upfront:

Ever had the dream using your 5 CM tag and be able to identify way more than 5
objects in one routine. No, not talking about 6 - with an "silent signal" and no not
buying additional tags from Craig and using the programming modus. (uupps I guess
Craig will NOT like that idea). But I talk about 25 or 50 items and the possibility of
having a combination more than 3000 or even 100,000 - with just 5 tags... Caught your
interest? Keep on reading ....


You will talk about the situation where someone is the witness of an traffic accident, a
bank hold-up or any other crime and has seen the criminal. In this situation he needs to
describe the person to the police, what kind of haircut, the shirt, pants, .... A Spectator
will handed out a large number of plates each displaying a specific part of a person:
different shoes, different pants, shirts, faces .....(25 or even 50) He is ask to "put
together" a picture of the criminal. All choices are completely free - no forces at all. All
is done completely unseen by the performer. But based on his mental skills he is of
course able to draw a picture which looks like a twin to the person "being created" by
the spectator or he is able to describe the criminal in every detail!

The How aka The Method:

There is NO Force at all involved and yes this routine can done completely blindfolded.
If you are more in the bizarre corner you could have the spectator take the red-hot iron
and burn your eyes....and yes this can be done with your 5 CM you do own already.
Sorry the explanation is a very long, but I tried to outline the method behind as good as

The secret is pretty simple... The plates displaying the parts of the body are not tagged
as you would run out of tags pretty soon. The idea behind is that the tags can be used
ProMystic Color Match Competition 17

several times within this routine without changing anything. Read how this can be

I will describe the solution using 25 pictures and outline the rest (more objects) later
on. Plus I will use for the explanation different part of the person (shoes, pants, shirts,
faces, haircuts). You certainly can create just the face (as known from the police) with
different haircuts, eyes, noses .....

You have 5 different pictures of shoes, 5 different pictures of pants, 5 different shirts, 5
different faces and 5 different haircuts. They can differ in color, style (long pants -
shorts, different design such as dots, one color, stripes ...) 5*5 = 25.

To enable the spectator to put his criminal together he will put his selection on a board.
This board does have 2 guiding bars on the side running from top to the bottom. The
selected plate can be slit into the guiding bars on the top and you can slide the plate to
the bottom (hard to describe). The first plate (shoes) slides all the way to the bottom,
the next one (pants) will slide down but will rest on top of the shoes ... at the end all 5
plates will create together the person.

The board itself contains the CM tags. As you need to put the plate from top to bottom
EACH plate will pass the top section of the board and slides down. And this top section
is the position to put the tags. The tags are place next to each other in a horizontal line
with a distance of about 1,5 - 2 inches. Tag 1, 2,3,4,5 in a horizontal row hidden in the

The plates do contain the magnets. Shoe 1 will have a magnet exactly in the position
that allows to switch on tag 1 as soon a this plate will be put into the guiding bars and
slides down. Shoe 2 will have the magnet in position 2 et.

This enables you to identify which plate number has been put ON the board.
Remember EACH plate needs to slide down and on the way down the plate will pass
the tags and the magnet of the plate will get in contact with the corresponding tag. I
hope you can follow.

The rest is pure presentation. You ask you spectator so "create the picture of the
criminal" and you let him start with the shoes (he has 5 different pictures for his
selection). He decides and slides the plate into position giving you the signal of "Shoe
Number x". Next he person needs some pants, than shirt, the face and the haircut. 5
ProMystic Color Match Competition 18

Time 5pictures = 25 which makes a combination 1 out of 3125

If you prefer to draw the same picture by knowing "pant no 3 = red shorts with green
polka dots" or you describe it with words, this is up to you and your style.

Final Remarks:

Certainly you can extend the number of plate from 5 to 6 (=36) using the "no signal",
but I personally don´t like it not receiving a signal.

That´s it - hope you like it.... but wait a second. Didn´t I mention you can use up to 50
items and up to 100,000 combinations. Ok here is the solution. You have 10 of each: 10
shoes, .... 10 haircuts BUT 5 are for male and 5 for female each (5 male haircuts & 5
female haircuts). Now you have a few option...

1.Be bold and ask him if this was a male or female. For the audience he has "a huge pile
of plates" but it is limited actually to 25

2. Have the plates in different colors or styles on the backside and get a peek but ask
him to decide upfront for male or female

3. use 2 spectators and let them create a really strange person a mix out of male and
female as they like.... give spectator 1 all the male and spectator 2 all the female plates.
Now ask spectator 1 to start with the shoes (you know it male), than spectator 2 put
down the pants/dresses .....etc.

OR you can even mix up the plates Spectator 1 will receive Male-Shoe1, MaleShoe3,
MaleShoe5, Female-Shoe2, Female-Shoe4, Spectator 2 the remaining. Mix up the rest
similar. Now ask Spectator 1 to start with the shoes. Whatever signal you receive you
immediately know what kind of shoes (male/female & style/color) has been chosen.
Ask Spectator 2 to continue with the pants/dresses ... you will know per signal. This
mixing has the advantage that you will not come up with a picture
male/female/male/female/male but a really random funny looking person.
Using 5*10 slates = 50 and 100,000 combinations (I know this is mathematically not
precise) but I hope you got the idea behind.

In addition to that: you are not limited to 5 categories (shoes, pants, shirt, face,
haircut). You can put together a picture with several more categories (shoes, socks,
pants, belts, shirts, faces, haircuts, hats) which increases the number automatically to:
ProMystic Color Match Competition 19

Number of Tag * Categories and you can combine this with the male/female idea

I outlined just one presentation based on that idea. I strongly believe that this idea does
have more potential for further ideas of combined pictures and even other thing.

So feel free to come up with your own plot/presentation using the above explained but
do me a favour ...don´t post it within this contest (guess why).

I hope I could describe it in an understandable way as English is not my native language.

ProMystic Color Match Competition 20

The Wedding Band

by Uwe

Some Words upfront:

Today I will share with you one of my little pets I love to present. As every one of us is
acting differently I will concentrate the description on the What? And How? I will not
outline my detailed script as you would have to adapt this to your personal
presentation style anyhow. I will outline a few option of realisation as an additional
information, the one I do use and other which might be fitting you your preferences
much better. So I will outline the routine and the working in short words … to enable
you coming up with your own version.

This routine is a very emotional one especially for the two persons involved but it will
be an remarkable situation for all persons in the audience. The routine is about “2
people are linked together symbolically via the wedding band” It will not fit to every
kind of show as you need to have at least a bit of atmosphere .. but read yourself and
due to the fact you are doing mentalism you do have enough fantasy to figure out who
this will look like.


A couple is ask to join on an experiment which will leave them with a wonderful mental
souvenir – a promise you give. After talking a bit about people living together, feelings,
marriage and the symbol of the wedding band you ask the wife to take of the wedding
ring and give it to her husband.

He is ask to take one of several little ring boxes open it and put the ring inside and mix
up the boxes the way that even he does not know any more which box contains the
ring. All these action will not be seen by any person (including you). The wife is being
seated on a chair and you put her into a trance …. The husband will take one of the
boxes, open it to have a look inside but will not give any signal and stroke with his
finger across the box.
ProMystic Color Match Competition 21

The wife is ask to stand up as soon as she does have the feeling her husband does
stroke across her wedding band. The husband will continue deciding for a box etc. and
suddenly the wife stands up as she does have the feeling of being touched “via the
wedding band” – she will swear that she did feel the strokes … walks across the stage,
receive her wedding band and kisses her husband…. ahhhhhh

The How - aka The Method:

Ok. As this is the forum for color match from Craig you certainly have guessed a major
part of it ...

There are 5 little ring boxes (available in jewellery stores) which are tagged with the
color match tags. You do have several option depending on your style and the ring box.
You can put the tag within the ring box (underneath the foam) and have the magnets in
a tray (similar to regular color match) or you could put the magnet in the lid of the box
working like: As soon as you open the box the magnet will be taken away from the tag
… but this depends on your little box, but it is worth to do it this way! Having this set
up, you certainly know the box which will be the ring inside and you later will know if
he is opening this box. (See at the end of this paragraph for for one more option)

But how does his wife get the feeling? Pure magic and hypnoses !! -- no just kidding.
Actually you have again several option which I will outline as “additional service for
you” .. and more options are possible, just think about it.

The easiest way would be to hold the wife at her wrist and as soon as you will get the
signal you press her wrist with your fingers. An option into that direction would be the
use of PK Touches …. (yes it is possible).

Much better IMHO would be to be far away of the lady. This can be realised with
several option by the use of products such as “real ghost” or using a thumb tip with an
invisible treat reel, etc. ... Using this last version (my favourite) you can arrange it the
way that she will swear to have the feeling right at her own ring finger exactly at the
moment her husband will touch HER ring. I will NOT go into details as both of these are
dealer items. The one of you having / knowing these items will fully understand ….
I played around to make her feel something “warm”. There is a routine out in the
market where a spectator does feel a different temperature, but this did not work for
myself as I could not create the heat in the right moment (I´m not talking about that
chemical version created ages ago, there is a script using a more or less common item
ProMystic Color Match Competition 22

being used in winter time (pocket warmer).

Very bold ways would be to use something like these electrical chairs or just give her
Craig's receiver directly in her hand (no DON´T do this !!!!! it´s meant as a joke).

You could even make her “hear” a voice in her head (you know how if you are in
Mentalism… you see quite a few options and you will come up with the one you like
most or you will choose the one for which you do have all props already in the shelf.

If you don´t want to fiddle around with the magnets, why not putting a worthless ring
in each of the ring boxes upfront. The husband will take out the one and replace it with
the wife's expensive one. Your "worthless" ring could be one your magic dealer of
choice will deliver - correct: PK Ring.

Final Remarks:

Certainly this routine can be realised with other methods than color match. But first of
all this is the forum for CM and compared to other more “traditional” solutions (e.g.
markings) having CM in place gives you the possibility that all the actions of the
husband can be done secretly, there is no need of looking etc. which can help to make
your routine much more powerful. Don´t underestimate that theme “2 people are
linked via the wedding band” – and don´t get confused if she kisses him; I KNOW it will

Warning: if you are afraid of having emotions on the stage ... don´t give it a try.

Hope you got along with my english as this is not my native language...
ProMystic Color Match Competition 23

by Uwe

Some Words upfront:

Today I will share with you one of my little pets about the theme of fate. It does have
very strong reaction and combines quite a few concepts .. which I will outline in a

As every one of us is acting differently I will concentrate the description on the What?
And How? I will not outline my detailed script as you would have to adapt this to your
personal presentation style anyhow. I will outline a few option of realisation as an
additional information, the one I do use and other which might be fitting you your
preferences much better. So I will outline the routine and the working in short words …
to enable you coming up with your own version.


Within your intro word you outline the meaning of fate …..You show a wooden box
sealed with a Padlock and 5 keys. Only one (!) of the keys does open the padlock. 5
Participants will select each a key unknown by anybody which key ends up at which
participant. Another participant is ask to select (total free choice) one out of 5 color
stones from a little box secretly that no one does know the color he choose. You
present 5 envelopes containing little colored cards (each envelop does have one card),
which get mixed up by the spectator totally free. The envelopes will handed out to the
persons holding the key.

Situation now: 5 participants selected each a key but only one opens the padlock, no
one knows which one will open. The hold in addition an envelope containing a colored
card but the color is unknown so far plus a spectator decided for a color stone and this
color is unknown as well.

The 5 on stage are asked to take out the color cards and the spectator is asked to show
the color stone. The one spectator holding the corresponding color card will be the one
ProMystic Color Match Competition 24

you will ask to try out his key and … exactly his key is the one opening the padlock. You
open the wooden box take out a piece of paper and read it out loud. Within the paper a
full description of the participant who got selected by fate including hair color, kind of
dressing etc.…… is included. Bingo!

The How - aka The Method:

The padlock is certainly well know. There are several models on the market. I myself
does have one where it is not necessary for me to touch the padlock at all (!!!) which
has more advantages compared to the ones you have to touch. Never-the-less you can
manage that the key of your target person will open the padlock independent of the
padlock version.

But how can I assure that the person being described will be selected? CM does half of
the story. The Spectator selecting the stone will chose totally free but due to Craigs
solution you know the color/number (whatever you prefer). The spectator can freely
mix up the envelopes which are certainly secretly marked. Now as you know the color
of the stone and know which person is being described your job is to ensure that this
envelope ends up at “your” target. If you don´t know how to do this in full view secretly
… have a look at “ESPacology “ from David Berglas … but you know how to do this.

How to tag the stone … if you have Color Match you know about the secret. Ok it is not
a real stone. They are home made with magnets inside. You can also use little wooden
blocks or small vases in case you put a little flower for your target person (a lady) next
to the description. Flow and vase go to the target person as a souvenir - and of course a
little magnet within the vase will help controlling the CM tags.

That is all, more or less pure presentation and just a bit of handling of the envelopes as
you just need to ensure that your target person will end up with the right envelope
(right color inside)

You don´t know how to manage to have the description … certainly you know as a
mentalist, you just decide upfront for a target person. (I always take a lady) and
describe her. Having the target person a lady allows me to hand out a little rose at the

But be sure that your selection of the 5 participant looks as random as possible. I walk
down with a class having the keys inside and hand it to a spectator, moving to the next
ProMystic Color Match Competition 25

(my target!!) and after that I hand out the glass “just give the glass around and whoever
would like to have a key takes one”.

Final remarks:

You could do the same kind effect just using the padlock … but having the selection of
the colored stone and the free handling of the envelop including the mixing … this is
more levels of fate.

Here a little idea in case you need an out due to any trouble such as I read the signal
wrong, I mess up the envelops etc. I just leave the description inside the box and I still
have an effect: The selected persons´s key will open the box and inside is a little rose as
a souvenir.

By the way, this routine can be realised by the use of other promystic items instead of
CM … you will figure it out yourself if you have one of these

My experience: I had the request to do a show at a magic association. Most of them

knew about the padlock .. but I got very interesting reactions based on having all 3
layers of deception put together.

I hope I could describe the routine the way you can follow as English is not my native
ProMystic Color Match Competition 26

Meant To Be
by Thomas Cooper

I am aware that I am entering this very late in the competition, and I first want to
explain why. I initially thought that this routine must have been written down first by
someone else, because in terms of method it is very simple. However yesterday at a
Magic Circle meeting we were discussing 'personalised magic' and I suggested this
routine involving Colour Match. Everyone seemed to love the routine and it got a small
round of applause, which prompted me to look into its originality further.

So far I have not been able to find anyone else who has written down or performed this
routine, but perhaps I am wrong. If I am, and this routine already exists on a PDF
somewhere, then please disregard this entry, and please refer only to my first "Finale
Prediction" (which still needs a better name).

The Effect:

The performer is at a wedding venue, and to conclude his act talks about how children
think alike. He then draws a stick figure and asks the bride to colour it in (ala standard
Colour Match plot).

Once this is done he asks the bride if she would be impressed if he could exactly
duplicate her drawing, without ever seeing it. She replies that yes, it would be
impressive. The performer then says that was his original idea, but it seemed a little
stale, rather cold and impersonal - so he did something else. He explains that an hour
ago he approached the groom and had him make a similar drawing...

At this point the performer asks the groom to tell of what happened an hour ago, how
he drew a drawing and coloured it in, and how the performer himself never saw the
groom's drawing. The performer points out the improbability of the two people
drawing exactly the same thing, before getting them both on stage to reveal their
drawings simultaneously Both have drawn exactly the same drawing - in a beautiful
display of two newly-weds thinking alike!
ProMystic Color Match Competition 27

The Method:

The method is very simple, and close to the original Colour Match method. The twist is
simple - instead of making the bride match your prediction, you make her match her
husbands drawing, that you yourself never even saw.

I obviously have not included all the patter above, but I'm sure you can imagine how
personal this can be, and how well it can play. The only hard bit is convincing the groom
that you genuinely had no idea what he drew - as obviously this is the effect that him
and his wife will be talking about for a long time afterwards. He must be utterly
convinced that you have no idea what he colored in, as this will give a strong logical
disconnect to the routine. It means that when he tells his wife about his experience
later, she will be all the more impressed; and it also looks great to the audience too.

After all, which is more impressive, making someone draw a prediction of yours, or
making someone draw an image that you have never even seen?!

To create this is simple, just approach the husband before the show and ask for a
private word. Take him aside so that you two are alone (so that none of the other
audience members know what is coming) and explain to him what you are going to do
later in your show. Hand him a large bit of cardboard, with a stick man drawn on, and
the five colour markers inside their pot. Tell him you want him to focus deeply on each
colour before picking it, and only use it once. Then you stand in the opposite corner of
the room, making sure there is no way he can believe you can see his drawings, and ask
him to remove a colour and start coloring in - this works best if you do NOT force the
image itself, but instead treat it as a peek, so you tell him to colour in the hair BEFORE
he picks his colour, then you tell him to work his way down the body, coloring in each
item of clothing as he goes downward, all the while focusing on each individual colour.
Once his has finished his drawing, he seals it inside an envelope and you instruct him to
show or tell absolutely no one until the end of the show.

The reason you are NOT forcing him to draw a particular image is simple. This way he
will see two slightly different effects, in his drawing he is told where to draw BEFORE he
picks the colour, and in his wife’s you tell her where to draw AFTER. The discrepancy is
small, but in my experience it makes the effect far more fooling. All you need to do is
keep a note on what colour he chose to color in the hair, what colour he chose for the
moustache and so on... Then you simply use the classic Colour Match routine to force
ProMystic Color Match Competition 28

the wife to draw his image.

To me this is perhaps the best use of Colour Match there is, because it seems so
personal and touching. I do hope I am the first to publicise this presentation, but if not
then I apologise for trying to be so - I did come up with it independently.

The combination of the very deceptive Colour Match routine, combined with the fact
that you never even saw the husbands drawing (a fact which he will swear too) makes
this routine a real fooler in my opinion and an amazing way to close your show. It
makes the show entirely about the husband and wife, though of course it does not have
to be at a wedding, but I believe it is best saved for such occasions.
ProMystic Color Match Competition 29

The Psychic
by Ali Said Jamaleddine

This effect works on powerful logical disconnects and method cancellation. I will discuss
the method and I will also offer some variations to one particular aspect. I will also give
some ideas that other may find useful. But the above description is the one I personally
enjoy and feel is well-motivated. Plus, everything looks organic in my opinion.

What you need:

1- Six identical black wallets (or purses if you plan on using ladies for this routine)
2- Color Match installed into five wallets and ‘Impossible Insight’ bag.
3- Clear force bag (CFB) - I will assume you have 4 compartments, but I will give
alternative ideas for 3 compartments which is sold for like $3 online
4- Four sets of store receipts: one set contains different receipts in every way (price,
items, store times, etc….); 2 sets contain receipts with different items but each set has
its distinct total and one set has a set discount (say $5); the last set contains receipts
with the same items and total.
5- Monopoly or other ‘fake’ money
6- Calculator to help the cashier

(I will share two variations that use only 3 sets)

The receipts can be prepared using the computer and printed on thermal paper. This is
a one-time setup. Or if you have the patience, you can wait until you have bought
enough grocery.

And by the way, avoid cents in your totals. Try to keep them whole numbers to make
things easier for you. Assume the totals are 23, 50, and 61.

It is a one-time setup and using the computer will be an afternoon’s work. Then you can
have this ready in no time.

Receipt Maker:
ProMystic Color Match Competition 30

Here are two links to make your own custom receipts:

Disclaimer: I am not responsible for the misuse of the above links. Please use wisely
and for entertainment purposes only.

Mechanics: (note that all ‘money’ in what follows refers to monopoly money)

Have 100, 120, 140, 160, 180, 200 sets of money and put each set into one wallet.

Use the following scheme: the wallet with 100 corresponds to signal 1, the one with
120 is signal 2, and so on. Put the wallets in the II bag.

Load each compartment of the CFB with one set of receipts running from left to right.
Also, mark the left side so you do not make a mistake when offering the receipts for
examination and choosing.

From this point, the working is straight forward. Color Match tells you what each
person has at the beginning. Just remember a 3-digit number corresponding to the
signals. For example, remember 325 (repeat it a few times so you do not forget it). You
will decode each digit to the corresponding money value when needed.

Use the CFB to show the compartment with genuinely different receipts. Have people
examine them thoroughly. Move along the audience handing each one a receipt or two.
This allows you to hold the bag and raises no suspicion.

Then start forcing the receipts in order. Have each one take a receipt and go present it
to the store clerk. Have a calculator handy for the cashier so he does not mess up the

A nice touch is to offer the first two people the chance to change their mind. And they
can. The can do so after you tell them to examine the ITEMS. Say something like, “you
like what you bought, or you want to change it for a different set of items.”

Once everyone returns, you are ready to reveal. But make sure you recap what took
place very well.
ProMystic Color Match Competition 31

First, reveal the change for the first person by writing on a pad. This is simple to do
because you know the total of the first receipt which is fixed (23) and you know that
you got signal 3 which means it is 140. You have PLENTY of time to do the subtraction
as you try to read their mind.

For the second person, do the same but hover between two values which are $5 apart
(the discount you chose). Tell them to concentrate on the receipt total and reveal what
they have along with the discount information.

For the last person, verbally reveal the amount of change they have. Then say you will
attempt something harder and tell them to focus on the actual items they bought.

Draw everything. Let them announce what they bought. Reveal.

As they go back to their seat, in an offbeat manner, ask, “was the red blouse $12.50”.
They will acknowledge. You smile and take your applause.

3-compartment clear force bag:

I am not aware of a 4-compartment CFB but you can either make your own or modify
the one found on online shops.

If you want to use a 3-compartment CFB, there is no problem. You just need 2 force sets
and one genuine.

The difference is that you when the first person takes out the first receipt from the
genuine set, do not make a big deal about hiding it or anything. Tell them as you look
away to ‘take one out and look at it”. As they do so, you are standing next to them and
nonchalantly look at it as it goes out. At that point peek at the total. This is an off-beat
moment. After peek, just look away and say keep it hidden so no one sees it and go pay
at the cashier.

For the next two people, make a BIG deal of not seeing the receipt they take out. And
since you are able to offer the first two people a change in their mind, and because of
time misdirection, the first peek will be misremembered. Plus, you have the upper hand
because of the recap!

If the peek is too bold, simply have three force sets. When the people are examining,
do not mention the total and keep the focus on the items and different prices. You can
ProMystic Color Match Competition 32

also miscall a few totals as you take them back.

Routine Customisation and Tweaks:

You can change the initial amount of money to what you are comfortable with. You can
have 110, 120, 130, 140, and 150. It is an easy matter to remember signal 1 is 110,
signal 2 is 120, and so on. If you are comfortable with math and have a good memory,
use amounts that are not within the same range.

You can also use a crib on your marker or anywhere.

Feel free to alter the force sets in any way you like. If you do not want to have different
items for the first two sets and only the same total, that works.

Remember that this routine allows for so much theatre. Do not be limited!

Final Notes:

I am very happy with this routine and I hope that you also find use for it either as a
whole or the different bits and pieces in it. What I like about it is that Color Match is not
the focus of the routine at all.

In many of the routines I saw, it was using Color Match was part of the items in play
throughout the whole routine.
In here, the wallets are out of play long before the routine ‘officially’ starts.

I cannot stress the power of recap here. The logical disconnects used are very powerful.
Think about it: the receipts are clearly different; the wallets are identical; 3 wallets
remain in the bag hidden; you do not know what change each one has.
With all that, you are able to know very precise details, including discounts and the
items bought. And the final throwaway piece convinces people that you were reading
their mind/body language/etc…

Thank you all for reading and I apologise for making it so long.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any further suggestions or questions.
ProMystic Color Match Competition 33

Cell Phone Psychometry

by Wayne Rogers

(Using “Color match” gimmicked Psychometry bags but no colored markers.)


5 spectators with smart phones are asked to help, and bring their phones with them on
stage. (By asking for smart phones you ensure that all phones are of a similar size and
weight.) They are seated (free choice of seat) in a row.

The specs are each given a gift bag where they place their phone and fold the top of the
bag over. They are also given a business card where they record their phone number.
The cards are collected and mixed by one of the spectators. One card is freely selected
by the spectator and placed number side down on the performer’s table. The remaining
cards are no longer required and may be pocketed by the spectator. He is asked not to
look at them.

The spectators are then given an additional black drawstring bag (free choice of bag) to
place the gift bags and phones. The drawstring bags containing the phones in the gift
bags are all mixed then passed to the end of the line where they are collected by the
performer and placed on a table.

The performer recounts what has happened. The phones have all been double bagged
and mixed by the spectators. The cards with the numbers have been mixed and one
freely selected.

The spectator takes one bag and without opening it gives a character reading based on
impressions he receives from the bag. He then opens the bags and removes the phone
and gives it back to the correct owner.

A second bag is taken and the phone is removed by the performer. He conducts a
experiment in “body language”. He instructs the spectators to keep poker faced as he
passes along the line, examining the faces of the on-stage spectators. The phone is then
ProMystic Color Match Competition 34

returned to the correct owner.

Next is the “lie detector test”. Another phone is removed from the bags and each
spectator is asked “Is this phone yours?” They must all say “No,” yet the performer
correctly identifies the owner of the phone.

Two spectators and two bags remain. The spectators are each handed a bag asked to
stand back to back. The business card with the number written on it is handed to one of
the spectators. He is asked to remove the phone from the bag he is holding and confirm
it is his phone. It is. He is asked to dial the number on the card.

As he does this the performer leads the other spectator to the front of the stage.
Within a few seconds HIS PHONE rings. All 5 phones have been correctly identified. And
by a strange coincidence, the number on the chosen card has matched the final phone.


Each gift bag has a hollow plastic insert placed in the bottom of the bag containing a
Color Match gimmick. The bags are placed in order on the 5 seats.

The business cards are also marked. My marking method uses an idea borrowed, I
believe, from Larry Becker. I lay out one sheet of artwork containing 5 of my business
cards using a graphic editing program on my computer. Each separate card is then
altered slightly so I can tell them apart. My design has ESP signs down the edge. I simply
start each line of symbols, from the bottom up with a different symbol. The sheet of
cards is printed and I cut them out in their sets of five cards. The cards are also handed
out in the correct order matching the CM gimmicks..

The black bags are not gimmicked in any way, neither are the phones, chairs or

I normally wear a magnetic ring to activate the CM transmitters, but you could also
have a magnet under a certain spot on your table.

In performance, when handed the business card with the phone number on it, note the
identity of the phone owner and place the card aside. As you take up each bag in turn,
using the ring or table magnet you identify the owner of the hidden phone as you run
through the initial “tests”. If you accidentally pick up the bag containing the phone that
ProMystic Color Match Competition 35

corresponds with the number on the card, place that bag back and take another one.
When you are down to the last two bags, hand them to the correct owners. As the
phones are still double bagged at this point, only you know they have been given to the
correct owners.

Make sure the last two spectators are separated before the number is dialled
You could have the spectator who is doing the dialling return to their seat first.

Double Psychometry bags using CM can be used in many different ways. Over Christmas
2012 I used them in shopping malls where we hid different colored decorations.
ProMystic Color Match Competition 36

by Less Oldham

Hi my routine requires Spike from and one, three, or five Color
Match tags fitted in Crayola or other markers, but at the opposite end from the cap.
The ink pad can be kept moist by keeping it rolled in Cling film

On the inside of the marker there are some plastic fins that hold the ink pad in place,
these have to be removed to allow the tag to go all the way in. I used a round file.

I will ask a spectator to put the spike in any one of the 3 or 5 wooden bases supplied
with Spike when my back is turned, and then cover each of the bases including the one
with the spike with polystyrene/Styrofoam cups.

I will ask the spectator to put a cross on flat end of each cup with a different colored
marker. I must of course be facing the cups when this is happening just in case the cups
are switched .

I ask for a different color to be used for each cup just in case the spectator wants to use
his or her own pen. Also who would suspect I have five markers with transmitting
devices in each one.

When the spectator marks the cups I will instantly know which one contains the spike
and go into my psychic routine of reading his/her mind before smashing all the cups
except for the one with the spike of course. At no stage do I have contact with the cups
until I smash them.

The perfect sized cup is a 34centlitre/ 12ounce. I get mine from Staples. The top of the
spike will be less than 1/4" from the tip of the marker when contact is made with the
cup so it will send a signal when the cross is drawn and also when the marker is

Have fun but if you’re not 100% sure:

ProMystic Color Match Competition 37


Tips for inking the marker:

1. The marker will last for several months if the cap is replaced after use.

2. To ink the marker, use the cap off another marker with a small length of ink pad in it,
and then switch the caps back when performing, however I leave ink pad in the cap
permanently and it’s never been noticed.

3. Swap the felt tips with another marker of the same color before the performance.
They pull out easily with a small pair of pliers.
ProMystic Color Match Competition 38

Musical Vibrations
by Florian Fränz

Here is yet another routine using the CM tags without the provided marker pens.

The Effect:

The performer displays a collection of 6 different CDs with 50+ different songs in total.
He then turns his back and asks a spectator to do the following:

"Please take any CD you like and take a look at the track list I want you to choose a
song. I'll need you to think of the melody and the lyrics of that song in a moment, so
please choose a song that most people will recognise and whose chorus you know."

"Alright, I have one", the spectator says.

"I want you to sing this song in your mind. Don't say anything out loud. In fact, don't
even move a muscle. Just imagine what your voice would sound like, if you sang this

The performer starts humming the melody and finally announces which song the
spectator is thinking of.


You'll need to do quite a lot of preparation in order to perform this routine. However, I
really believe it's worth it.

There is a strong magnet hidden in each CD.

Most CDs naturally offer a "secret compartment" that is great for hiding the magnet.
Please take a look at the following picture:
ProMystic Color Match Competition 39

I'm referring to the black rectangular shaped thing at the left side of the CD case. If you
take the CD case apart, there's plenty of space to hide a magnet.

Unfortunately, this space is not big enough for the tags.

Furthermore, you'll need to buy or make a suitable holder for the CDs and prepare it by
concealing a tag in or underneath each slot.

I'm currently working on a holder that has the tags incorporated in the bottom. When
it's finished, it's going to look similar to this one: ... 00x300.jpg

However, there are loads of different CD holders on the market. Some are more
suitable than others.

This explains how you know which CD was chosen.

But how do you know which song the spectator is thinking of?

Well, the method is pretty bold. All CDs are albums of so called "one hit wonders".
There is only one famous song on each CD.

Take a look at the following track list:

Artist: The weather girls

Album title: Success

1 "Success"
2 "Hungry For Love"
3 "Dear Santa (Bring Me A Man This Christmas)"
4 "Hope"
5 "It's Raining Men"
6 "I'm Gonna Wash That Man Right Outta My Hair"

If I asked you to choose a song that most people will recognise and whose chorus you
know, you would choose "It's Raining Men", wouldn't you?

Even if the spectator chooses a different song, you'll still get the artist right!
ProMystic Color Match Competition 40

If you happen to play an instrument, you could use this to enhance this routine. Instead
of humming the melody, start playing it on your guitar (or whatever instrument)...

You could also use Photoshop to create a track list, that contains only one popular song
and a couple of song titles, that don't really exist. But I don't think this is necessary.
ProMystic Color Match Competition 41

A Painful Devination
by Florian Fränz

I believe Color Match to be one of the most versatile electronic gadgets available to
mentalists today. There are loads of possibilities with the provided markers and even
more if you consider using other objects, as well.

However, this routine will probably not be everybody's cup of tea as it is quite unusual.

The Effect:

The performer explains:

"Under certain conditions, humans are known to reveal extraordinary abilities. There is
an urban legend about a mother, that was able to lift a car to save her child that was
sandwiched between two cars. The sheer will to save a loved one enabled her to do
what would normally be considered impossible.

Pain, adrenaline and other factors can also affect the abilities of the human body and

What I'm about to attempt is quite painful and I do not recommend you to try this at

A spectator joins him on stage.

The performer is thoroughly blindfolded and seated on a chair, placed in the centre of
the stage.

Behind the performer, there is a small table, displaying a lighter and 6 different colored

The spectator is asked to light any candle and to hold it under the performer's
outstretched hand. After a couple of painful seconds, the performer finally withdraws
ProMystic Color Match Competition 42

his hand and announces the color of the candle: "Yellow! Definitely yellow!"

The performer announces, that he wants to try it one more time. But as the nerves in
the palm of his hands have suffered from the previous attempt, he will this time use a
different part of his body.

The performer asks the spectator to choose a different colored candle, light it and to let
a little bit of hot wax drop on the performer's forearm.

The performer jumps to his feet as soon as the hot wax touches his skin. "RED!" he says
and is of course right...


Pillar candles work best for this effect.

At least where I live, they usually come in cardboard boxes in packs of 4 or 6.

Take a look at the following picture to see how the cardboard boxes I'm referring to
look like: ... n091-g.jpg

In order to perform this routine, you will have to secretly prepare this box by placing a
tag under each candle and finally adding a false bottom above the tags.

After that, implant a suitable magnet in the bottom of each candle. Simply make a small
hole in the candle using a knife, drill or whatever, place the magnet inside and seal the
hole by using some wax and a lighter.

That's basically it.

Could this be performed using a fake blindfold? Sure!

Does using electronics make the whole routine better / more deceptive...? You decide.
ProMystic Color Match Competition 43

Impossible Night
by Florian Fränz

This is one of the routines I regularly perform using the MagTag technology. Color
Match is IMHO one of (if not) the most versatile Promystic product, as it can be used
not only with the provided markers, but with loads of other objects, too.

The Effect:

The mentalist borrows a 100$ bill from the audience and asks the spectator to join him
on stage.

The spectator is handed an envelope and asked to seal the bill in the envelope. The
envelope is then mixed with 4 empty envelopes and the whole stack of envelopes is
placed in an opaque bag. Different members of the audience are then asked to stand
and pick an envelope. All of these actions are performed by the spectator.

The performer explains that he is going to use his intuition to hopefully find the correct

He then asks individual spectators holding an envelope to tear their envelope in half.
When only 2 envelopes are left, the spectator on stage is asked to make the final
decision and to point to either one of the remaining envelopes. The spectator chooses
an envelope, which is then also torn to pieces. The final envelope is brought on stage
and shown to contain the borrowed bill.

This can be followed by a serial number divination.


All you need is one MagTag set to Impossible Insight mode, the II-bag and a couple of
Choosing the correct type of envelopes is very important.
ProMystic Color Match Competition 44

Normal letter envelopes won't work, as the tag is too big to be hidden in there. Air
cushion envelopes on the other hand are great to conceal the tag. However, most air
cushion envelopes are made of pretty sturdy foil which can not be torn. What you're
looking for are foam padded envelopes.

The ones that I use can easily be torn but are at the same time thick enough to conceal
a tag. The routine itself is pretty straight forward.

Once the tag is removed from the bag, you'll get a signal and thus know who picked the
envelope containing the money.

The final phase is a simple magicians choice:

If the spectator points to the envelope containing the envelope, that one is brought on
stage. If the spectator points to the empty envelope, that one is also torn and the other
one brought on stage.

Additional thoughts:

If you want to add a serial divination as a final kicker, you could either peek the serial
number (maybe just the last 3 digits) in the process of borrowing the bill or you could
simply switch the borrowed bill. The routine offers more than enough time misdirection
for both methods.

You could also perform this routine as a demonstration of your ability to read body
language / detect lies. Simply ask the 5 spectators holding an envelope to peek inside
and see, whether they have the envelope containing the money or not.

This routine may not read as much, but trust me, it plays really big and never fails to get
a great reaction. It feels similar to a russian roulette routine, without the risk of actually
hurting yourself or (even worse) your spectator.

Please let me know, if there are parts of my explanation that are rather faulty or make
no sense to you at all.
ProMystic Color Match Competition 45

Director’s Chair
by David Klass

Routine for Color Match/ eWallet & possibly even IQ combined:

Set up:

Wallet has 3 blank business cards in the money compartment.

It also has some credit cards in the live slots.

Slot 1: Mastercard (you will guide them to left pocket)

Slot 2: Visa (you will guide them to right pocket)
Slot 3: American Express (you will guide them to back pocket)

Now you need 3 x large envelopes.

These will be subtly marked 1, 2 & 3 (choose you favourite method)

Now you need to prepare 3 x large cards that will go into the envelopes.

On the back of the card in envelope 1 is a GUN drawn in red

(place this card in the envelope marked 1)
On the reverse of this card write "THE MASTERCARD WILL BE IN YOUR LEFT POCKET"

On the back of the card in envelope 2 is a KANGAROO drawn in green

(place this card in the envelope marked 2)
On the reverse of this card write "THE VISA WILL BE IN YOUR RIGHT POCKET"

On the back of the card in envelope 3 is a CHRISTMAS TREE drawn in blue (place this
card in the envelope marked 3)
On the reverse of this card write "THE AMERICAN EXPRESS WILL BE IN YOUR BACK

Color Match set up:

Red pen has tag number 1.
ProMystic Color Match Competition 46

Green pen has tag number 2.

Blue pen has tag number 3.

Your helper in the audience has this.

3 chairs are on stage


4 specs invited up to stage. Between themselves they must decide on who is going to
be the "controller" overseeing everything that happens and making sure all is fair.

The other 3 specs sit down in the chairs.

The controller is now given the 3 envelopes and told to give them to the 3 spectators
sitting down. He does this.

You now tell the sitting spectators that they can now swap chairs if they like. They do
this. You now tell them that they can swap envelopes if they like.

So now you don't know who is sitting where and who has what envelope. This is

You ask the controller to pick up your wallet and remove the blank cards (in the side
where the money normally goes). He gives each sitting spectator a blank card.

While he is doing this your assistant is using IQ to let you know which envelope the
spectator to the far left has.

While you continue with some patter he will also send you what envelope the person in
the middle has.

You don't need a 3rd signal as by process of elimination you can work out which
envelope the person on the right has.

An alternative to using IQ is that you could peek the 3 envelopes. Again you only need
to see the first 2.
ProMystic Color Match Competition 47

So lets recap. You have 3 spectators sitting in their seats each holding and envelope and
a blank business card. The controller is holding your wallet.

You tell the controller to remove a pen from the pot on the table (get your reading).
He now takes a marker out of the pot and you guide him to the person with the
matching envelope and tell them to draw the matching drawing - which will match the
picture inside the envelope (GUN, KANGAROO or CHRISTMAS TREE).

This is a lot easier than it sounds.

So, if they take the red pen you will get a signal of 1. Guide them to give this pen to the
person who is holding envelope 1 and ask the person sitting to draw a GUN.

Repeat this for numbers 2 and 3.

(number 2 - guide them to envelope number 2 - tell them to draw a
KANGAROO.......number 3 - guide them to envelope number 2 - tell them to draw a

The reason I picked these items to draw is actually to make it easier.

Number 1 rhymes with GUN
Number 2 rhymes with KANGAROO
Number 3 rhymes with CHRISTMAS TREE

While these specs are still busy drawing you ask the controller to now take out 3 credit
cards, one at a time and put them in his pockets (you will be guided by the readings and
tell them to put the cards in the appropriate pocket - see set up above).

You are now all set for the reveals.


Person number 1 shows everyone their drawing of a GUN (you might get some comedy
out of a bad drawing here).

You remind everyone that the specs swapped chairs and envelopes. They were then
each given a different colored pen. This was all done while your back was turned.
Person number 1 now opens their envelope and reveals that not only have you
correctly predicted which picture they would draw, but it also matches in color.
ProMystic Color Match Competition 48

Repeat this procedure above for specs 2 & 3. You ask them to show theirs at the same
time to speed things up. In reality you are asking them to do this as otherwise the third
prediction will be a little anti-climatic.

All going well you should now receive your first round of applause.

You now remind everyone that the controller also removed 3 x credit cards from your
wallet and placed them in pockets of their choice.

You focus attention back to spectator number 1 and ask them to turn their drawing
over. On the reverse side of his card is a credit card prediction.

Spectator number one shows his card to the audience.


You ask the controller to reach into his left pocket - he pulls the Mastercard card out
from his left pocket.

Spectator number two shows his card to the audience.


You ask the controller to reach into his right pocket - he pulls the Visa card out.

Finally, spectator number three shows his card to the audience.


You ask the controller to reach into his back pocket - he pulls the American Express card
out from his back pocket.

Ta Dah!!! Take your thunderous applause.

After Thoughts:

As an alternative the credit card predictions could be on the back of the 3 chairs.
This may in fact be even stronger! Hope you enjoy!
ProMystic Color Match Competition 49

One Coin, One Hand, One Colour, One Mark

by Barry Fazackerley

Full credit must go to Paul Brook for getting me thinking and coming up with this idea in
conjunction with ColorMatch.

Though this routine does not use Paul's method for achieving the desired result there is
one aspect towards the end of the routine that is directly linked to his effect "One in
the Hand" and even though I shall not reveal his subtlety you could easily create your
own method with a bit of thinking for this part of the routine. Although you should just
look into his routine for when you don’t have CM on you.


A participant is asked to select one of five markers sight unseen by the performer.

Once done the performer holds out a clenched fist that remains between himself and
the participant for the rest of the routine.

(the rest of this example is from an English coin point of view but could be applied to
US coinage)

The performer asks the participant to imagine a stack of all the UK coins that we
currently use. However, they are not to imagine the £1 or £2 coin as EVERYONE thinks
of them and that would be too easy.

The participant then makes several fair choices before being whittled down to the 50
pence coin for example.

They are then asked to imagine that you flip the coin and to tell you whether it lands
heads up or tails up. Lets say TAILS. They are to then reach into their pocket and
remove their selected colour marker from earlier and to pretend to draw a large X on
the tails side of the coin.
ProMystic Color Match Competition 50

So they chose the 50pence, they chose tails and they added an imaginary X to the tails
side of the coin in their chosen colour (lets say Green)

The performs fist is still out in front of himself and the participant and has NOT moved

The performer recaps on the above and then proceeds to slowly open his clenched fist
to reveal a 50pence coin that is heads up (for dramatic effect) and the participant is the
asked to turn the coin over herself to find that there is a large GREEN X on the selected
TAILS side of the coin.

A freaking miracle.


Well to be perfectly honest I do not feel that I can go into too much detail on this one as
it is not all my own work and employs several technique from some very clever
thinkers. The material of which is still on the market today and would in any case by
very unfair of me to mention it all here.

Some of the thinking is my own but sadly without the rest does not make this miracle

Therefore I do not expect this routine to be considered for the prize but it would be
awesome if we could find a way to allow it to be turned into a PDF with the permission
of Paul Brook and also Colin McLeod and Joshua Quinn who have all inspired this

For the sake of explanation of what I can tell you is this.

You use CM to discover the Colour.

in your pockets you have 5 of the same coin with the same mark on the same side. for
example, 5x50p with an X on the Heads side of the coin. These are placed into 5
different pockets, one in each.

Once you know the colour of the marker then you know which coin to use. You get this
coin out of the required pocket whilst telling the participant to place the chosen marker
ProMystic Color Match Competition 51

out of sight and into his/her pocket for instance. The rest of the markers can go into
another of their pockets so that everything is out of sight if required.

from here, there is only one coin in the fist and you should strive to ensure that the
MARKED side will be against your palm so that the marked side is not visible when you
open your hand.

it is now a matter of using some fantastic equivoque to whittle it down to the coin and
heads/tails that you want.

Paul Brook's thinking on this is simple yet amazing and Joshua Quinn's thinking which
was brought to me via Colin McLeod's superb DVD's (along with Colin's own thinking) is
truly brilliant.

To equivoque correctly and make this routine work then you need to look into the
works of the aforementioned thinkers.
ProMystic Color Match Competition 52

by Barry Frazacherley

The title for this one is aptly named MAGIC.


The Mentalist has a board to write on and 5 coloured pens and the participant also has
a board to write on and 5 coloured pens.

Ideally, no-one can see what the performer is about to write but everyone can see what
the participant is about to write.

A 5 letter word is selected at random - for the example i have chosen the word MAGIC.

With the audience quite happy that the mentalist cannot see what the participant is
about to write we proceed.

The participant is to chose a colour marker, at the same time (or there-about) the
mentalist does the same.

Both are to then write the letter "M" or the first letter of whatever your word is. They
write this in the colour selected.

This process is again followed for the next letter/colour, and then the 3rd, 4th and
finally 5th.

The finale occurs when the mentalist turns his board around to show that the letters in
the word MAGIC have been wrote in matching colours.

i.e. M-red A-blue G-green I-yellow C-black

ProMystic Color Match Competition 53

I think you've worked this out already but for clarity.

The mentalist simply waits to discover which marker has been selected before then
selecting the same colour for him/herself and then writes his/her letter first BEFORE
then instructing the participant to do the same.

Participant selects - performer selects then writes - performer then instructs participant
to write.

This structure is created to potentially build a false memory in the mind of the
participant and the audience. Over time they will remember that it was the mentalist
who chose and wrote first and then the participant followed. Where in reality the


For the american guys you could even use the word COLOR if that is your theme.

You can potentially have the mentalist CHOOSE first and WRITE first. But only if the
audience cannot see what colours you are choosing too. In this setting it may be
possible to PRETEND to pick a colour and then PRETEND to write on the board and then
wait for the participants choice to become clear and then be in a sort of "one behind"

This only becomes trick end the end when you somehow need to write TWO letters in
two different colours to complete your word.

One technique that leaps out is the old pretending that your pen isn't working ploy. This
in turn will require the performer to have more that one of each pen in his tub of pens.
Use this on the "last" letter (in reality it will be 2nd to last) then under the ruse of
getting another pen to finish the job you actually pick up the last colour required to
complete the word.

The above technique can be sold/justified by a couple of points.

1. The five pens that the participant uses are GIVEN to her by the performer out of his
own pot of numerous pens. No one would then question why the performer has more
pens that the participant as it just appears that you have plenty of pens in case of such
an eventuality.
ProMystic Color Match Competition 54

2. You must go over the last letter of the word several times making it a bit thicker for
instance. To make it look like you had to tidy your writing up after the failing of the pen.
If it looks too clean the people are less likely to believe that you had trouble with the
pen in the first place. you have to make it look like you have covered your original
attempt with the new "working" marker pen.
ProMystic Color Match Competition 55

Final Prediction
by Thomas Cooper

Please note, this effect currently does not have a name, so if anyone can suggest a good
name I'd very much appreciate it. I hope you like the overall effect, because while there
is nothing new here method-wise, I think the combination and overlapping of old
methods creates a rather nice effect.

I should say that below I describe the effect in the first person, as in a diary entry;
because I like to imagine I am someone else, sitting in the audience watching a
presentation. This "make-believe person" helps me a lot when I am looking for new
material to create. His name is Steve and he likes magic.

The Effect:

Hello. I am Steve. I like magic. This is a story about a wonderful magic effect I saw last
Saturday night. The effect was presented by a friend of mine, Thomas Cooper, who
sadly has not yet told me how the trick works. I shall describe it for you if you'd like...

Thomas came out on stage and pointed to a large envelope hanging above the stage, he
told us to keep an eye on it as it would be important later. Then he showed us a small
pot of crayons, four pens in total; red, blue, black and green.

Four women were taken from the audience, selected by throwing a ball around to find
people at random; presumably to rule out stoogery. Thomas then invited each woman
onto the stage, to collect a pen of their choosing (in private, so that no one else knew
her colour) and to come and sit down in a chair. At the end of this, each woman was sat
on one of four chairs across the stage, each with a coloured pen that only she knew.

At this point Thomas asked everyone in the audience to think of a single digit number,
from zero to nine. Thomas then said that each lady was going to do some colouring in.
Each woman was given a blank bit of white cardboard and told to colour in her number
on the board, nice and big so the whole audience could see later, and in her colour -
however they were told not to show anyone their drawings, and not to reveal the
ProMystic Color Match Competition 56

colours at all. All four women then proceeded to write down their numbers with their

Thomas then invited one of the women up to join him by the microphone, and he had
the classic "we didn't set this up did we?" conversation that oh so many mentalists
have. Thomas asked to see her drawing for the first time, and she showed everyone - it
was a large green "3". The performer then asked why she had chosen the colour green,
and she said it was because of her eye colour (she seemed rather chatty), and when she
was asked why she chose the number "3" she replied that it had just been her
grandsons third birthday. She seemed genuine to me and I don't think she was stooged
or set up in any way. I have of course considered the possibility that she was 'instant-
stooged', but given her honest face and relaxed attitude to the whole thing, I doubt
such a ruse was used. I now believe that her choices were truly free, both of the colour
she chose and her number.

Thomas then thanks the old lady and asked her to sit back down on her chair. The
performer then reached up and took down the envelope which had been hanging on
display since the beginning; he then cleanly and openly removed a large folded bit of
rectangular paper from inside (I did not see a switch or a load, though I was looking for
one) and held it between his hands - he then asked each lady to stand up and reveal
her drawing, with its colour and number. The numbers were "3 5 7 2" and each was
coloured in with a different colour, green, red, blue, black. The performer then unrolled
the large scroll and it had not only the colours predicted, but also their exact number. A
perfect match.

The effect is interesting to me, because it seems to be predicting completely free

choices, without the use of swapping or switching the prediction; which to my mind is
what one should look for in a prediction routine.

The Method:

1. As each woman comes on stage on at a time, she goes and collects her chosen pen.
Colour Match tells which pen is being held by who and the performer then sits them
accordingly. He is bringing out each seat for each lady, one by one and she he can
arrange their chairs in any way he likes. This also looks very polite! In the above
example if the first woman selects 'red' then she is sat down centre left stage. If the
second woman selects green then she is sat on far left and so on. This forces NOT the
colours, but the order in which they appear. The fact that the performer is placing the
ProMystic Color Match Competition 57

chairs down for each woman individually means he has completely control - any owners
of Colour Match will be very familiar with this logical disconnect.

2. The audience must be totally convinced that the selection of the women numbers is
free, and the best way to do this is to ask them if it was free! However in reality three of
four numbers are forced, already drawn onto the appropriate carboards in pencil, so
that the audience at large cannot see them, but the women up-close can. These can
also be hidden behind the first (genuinely blank) white board, so that even in smaller
venues there is no worry of someone in the front row spotting the pencil outlines. The
second woman is handed a board with "5" on it in pencil, the third woman in the row is
given "7" and the last is given "2" - HOWEVER the first woman, the one who selects
green, is given a blank board. Remember at this point when they are colouring in, they
are not aware of any dual reality, they are just told "to colour in some numbers and
focus on your colours as you do so". They are not yet aware that their numbers are
meant to appear to be a free choice, they were just told to think of a number (this is in
fact, never brought up). The first woman however can be fully questioned about her
freeness of colour choice and number, which creates the illusion that all four women
must have had a similar free choice. This is the real crux of the method - creating such a
strong sense of 'free choice' around the numbers and colours.

3. Inside the large envelope (the envelope is described as "padded" by the way) there
are in fact ten different scrolls, all indexed and packed flat. We don't know in advance
what number the first "green" woman will chose, but once we know we can simply pull
the needed 'out' from the envelope! There are only 10 different green coloured
numbers she can chose from; and no one will suspect multiple outs inside the envelope
because the odds against the effect are millions to one!


What if the women don't colour in the number that they have on their card?:
You must try and see the situation through their eyes, as they see it. They have simply
been told to select a colour, and keep is secret, and then when the performer says "I'm
going to have each woman here colour in a number" they go along as instructed. At the
vital moment of the colouring they are not aware that you are going to predict said

How will the effect look to the women used, as well as the audience as a whole?:
Well I have just described how clean and impossible the effect will be to ALL but three
ProMystic Color Match Competition 58

members of your audience. And to the first "Green" woman's point of view you really
are predicting her genuinely free choice of number and colour in a very impossible way!
But the other three women on stage are still left with a strong mystery, they will either
be thinking "how did he know where to sit me when he couldn't know my colour?!" or
(if they are unaware of the logical disconnect) they will be thinking "how did he predict
the colour order!" They will also be wondering how the first number was predicted, as
it is made abundantly clean to them (as well as to the audience) that it was a free

Won't the audience notice if you have ten outs inside a single envelope?:
Well if this was close-up then yes, or if we were predicting a 1 in 10 chance they would
suspect something like that. But once again you must see it from the audience's point
of view - they believe it would be impossible to fit all of the millions of needed 'outs'
into there. It is also worth noting that the envelope should be large, and called 'padded'
but NOT actually padded. This excuses any slight bulge. Another subtly is to have
masking tape on the outside of the envelope, helping to create the illusion that it is
hard to open - so that when you are finding the correct index to pull out the needed
paper, the audience merely thinks you are struggling with the tape.

Might the women say something if you claim to have predicted their numbers?:
No, they won't, not with a good bit of audience management. That is partly why I
suggest 'women', as they seem less likely to mention such things. HOWEVER if you are
worried about such a possibility, then you can chose to send all the women back to
their seats in the audience BEFORE revealing your prediction. Simply have them place
their boards face down on their chairs, and then send them back to the stall, once they
are off-stage you turn over each board carefully (and cleanly) to reveal the numbers
and colours; and only THEN do you reveal the prediction.

Why do I have to use four women? Why four?

You don't have too! But that’s my suggestion. In my opinion five would be too many,
and three would be too few. However it all depends on the scale you want. If you are
performing for a thousand people, then performing a small amount of 'dual reality' on
four of them (assuming one uses five women), which only really comes into play once
they are OFF-stage is perfectly fine! The size of the venue dictates the best number to
use in my opinion. If you are performing for 50 people then using three women allows
you to predict a three digit number (a 1 in 1000 chance!) and still you will only be
'duping' two members of the audience! Another factor to consider is the "too perfect"
ProMystic Color Match Competition 59

theory, because if you predict five women's choice of colour and number, then it does
start to go into the region of the "I-think-Derren-should-only-have-predicted-4-lottery-
numbers-not-all-6" thing, and that can be something some performers may like to
avoid. My personal choice would be four women.

Why do you use a fictitious character called Steve?: ... a17e7d.jpg

Isn't this a VERY complicated effect?

No, not at all. In essence all that happens is four people each chose a colour and a
number to draw, and then all their colour and drawings are predicted. The effect is
really rather simple, but strong because the prediction is so fair and because the
choices of colours and numbers seem so free! Plus of course the performer doesn't
need to do much hard work, its a case of:

1. Put the right woman in the right chair

2. Give the right cardboard to the right woman.

3. Get correct paper scroll from envelope.

The whole thing can be performed by one performer, without any real set-up time and
no need for off-stage assistance. Its one of these things that sounds a lot more
complicated than it is (possibly because I'm not very good at describing it), which sort
of helps to keep the mystery hard to crack.

Thank you for reading! Though to be honest its quite a long post, so I doubt many
people will make it to the bottom. In the possible event of this actually being the
winning entry (fingers crossed so hard!) then I suggest someone more brief than me
should write this up in the ebook... because while I love to write, I can go on a bit!
ProMystic Color Match Competition 60

Pick Chairs
by Barry Frazacherly

This submission will no longer be sent privately. This is the blue print of the routine
along with method. Add your own presentation.

The Routine in a nutshell:

3 people select markers sight unseen, mix themselves up, sit on chairs, they then draw
a picture each, the pictures are mixed up, 2 of which are given back to their artist
psychometry style with the 3rd being duplicated by the performer. they then stand
behind their chairs and turn them around to find that the colour on the back of each
chair matches the colour of their drawing/marker selection in classic chair test manner.
Meanwhile a 4th person had placed two objects (one in each pocket sight unseen) into
their pockets and this too is later shown to have been predicted.

The Routine in more depth:

On stage there are 3 chairs. on a table there are 3 coloured markers and a bag
containing 2 other objects. To the side of the Chairs there is a large envelope.

4 participants are invited onto the stage. The first participant will take 1 of the 2 objects
out of the bag and place this into their right trouser/jacket pocket and then take the
remaining item out of the bag and place this into their left trouser/jacket pocket. The
performers' back is turned whilst this happens. Once done this person may then sit
back down for the moment.

With the performers' back still turned the remaining 3 participants are asked to mix
themselves around a bit. The performer then faces the participants and issues each
person with a name/number (1-3)tag. (lets assume a number tag is being used)

The performer once again turns his back and participant number 1 is asked to select
any one of the 3 coloured markers and to place this into their pocket out of sight. This
procedure is then followed for the remaining 2 participants. (although the 3rd person
will have no choice)
ProMystic Color Match Competition 61

They are then instructed to mix themselves into a new order. Once this is done they are
seated in the chairs from left to right.

From here they are each given an A4 sized piece of card and with the performers' back
turned again they are asked to remove their chosen marker from their pocket and to
draw a picture of their choice. The pictures are to be kept secret from everyone but

The completed pictures are then turned face down and are collected by the FOURTH
participant who then proceeds to mix the pictures up into a random order and then
places them face down onto the table.

The performer then shows the audience the first picture (the one on top of the small
pile) and then determines who drew this picture and proceeds to hand it back to the
correct person after a little by-play.

The performer repeats this for the second picture.

As the owner of the last picture will be obvious due to the process of elimination, the
performer will instead try to replicate this drawing despite no-one other than the
makeshift-artist knowing what it is.

needless to say the performer nails it, duplicating the drawing as closely or as vaguely
as he/she likes.

We now have a situation where there are 3 participants sat in 3 chairs holding a picture.
Each one in a different colour.

They are then directed to stand behind their chair and to then turn the chair around
which reveals a coloured piece of paper stuck to the back of each chair.

The person who drew the GREEN drawing is now behind the GREEN chair.
The person who drew the BLUE drawing is now behind the BLUE chair and the person
who did the RED drawing is now behind the RED chair. (despite the fact that they mixed
themselves around TWICE before sitting down)

Attention is then drawn to the fourth participant and the envelope next to the chairs.
The envelope is opened and inside is a simple prediction showing which pocket they
ProMystic Color Match Competition 62

placed which item from the bag right at the beginning of the routine.

Job Done!


Firstly, I do not own CM (as yet) so i am not entirely sure what types of objects the
Magtags can be used with. So for the explanation of the OBJECTS IN THE BAG part of
the routine you will just have to use your imagination or use the balls from impossible
insight, one white, one black. or whatever.

So these 2 objects start off in the impossible insight bag (if it is required, i don’t know as
i don’t own it but lets logically assume that this bag is required seeing as Craig has
designed it). Your participant is asked to reach in and take one.

For the sake of example, object 1 is a white ball and object 2 is a black ball.
Your pre-written prediction within the envelope reads "black ball in right pocket, white
ball in left pocket.

With the performers' back turned, it will be a simple matter of directing the participant
to place whichever ball they pick into the desired pocket. i.e. if you "sense" that they
take the white ball first then tell them to place it into their left trouser or jacket pocket
and vice versa.

This routine relies heavily on the audience and participants NOT knowing an exact
process - this is because THERE ISN'T AN EXACT PROCESS. The process is likely to be
different EVERY TIME but it is very simple to adjust as you go along. People
management is all that is required of you.

So that's one participant sorted. They can sit back down for a bit.

Now comes the matter of the other 3 people up on stage.

As you will have selected them in no given order it is still nice to for the audience to
know that they are in a random order. This, in reality does not matter at this point as it
does NOTHING other than familiarise the audience with seeing the participants mix
themselves up into a random order. It will also serve to create a false memory in the
minds of the audience and the participants later on in the future once the show is over.
ProMystic Color Match Competition 63

So, they've mixed themselves up. At this point you can issue them with a number or
name badge if it helps with memory but this has nothing to do with method. All that
will happen now is that each person will approach the table to select a marker (one
person at a time for obvious reasons) and you then request that they put their selection
in their pocket or somewhere out of sight.

For me, the name/number cards will help me remember the order. i.e. person number
1 picked blue or 1-blue (it just helps in case i lose track of them in the next mixing

Lets say the that colours on the table are (G)REEN,(R)ED,(B)LUE. These are the options
and there are more/less combinations that one might initially think i.e. GRB, GBR, BGR,

This gives us SIX possible outcomes for the chair prediction and basically that is TOO
many for my liking so we need to whittle it down.

It may come as no surprise that for the chair prediction we will be using multiple outs
BUT only TWO which is one third of the above combinations. The combinations used
will be GRB, GBR and there will be two predictions attached to the chairs - one on the
back of the chairs which will simply be a coloured sticker or something similar - so a
green sticker on the back of the chair on the left, a red sticker on the one in the middle
and a blue sticker on the one on the right. 3 chairs 3 stickers in GRB order.

The second "OUT" is in the form of envelopes UNDER the chairs. This time, the chair on
the left is once again allocated with the colour green (envelope with green paper in)
but this time the chair in the middle has BLUE in its envelope and the chair on the end
has RED.
All that is left for us to do is to FORCE the order in a very free looking manner.

Here are the possible combinations of the marker selections which you will be able to
discover thanks to Craig's fantastic receiver.
Person one picks Green (perfect)
Person two picks Red
Person three picks Blue

ProMystic Color Match Competition 64

Person one picks Green (perfect)

Person two picks Blue
Person three picks Red

Those two outcomes would be perfect and do not require the performer to do anything
other than seat the participants from left to right in selection order. These two orders
will set us up for 1 of our 2 multiple outs.

Or this could happen:

person one picks Blue

person two picks Red
person three picks Green


person one picks Red

person Two picks Blue
person three picks Green

You will notice that Green ends up on the end of each of these outcomes. This is NOT a
problem. From here, simply manage your participants closer to the chairs and in doing
so move yourself so that you are stood next to the person with the green marker and
then direct them to their chair first, Middle person 2nd and 3rd person last. Putting
them in the exact order you want. You are literally showing them to their chairs in
reverse order but they are unaware of any order/process anyway so to them and the
audience this is a NON-EVENT. (especially as the marker selection is not know to the
performer or the audience)

Lastly, the selection process could end up with GREEN in the Middle.
person one picks Red
person two picks Green
person three picks Blue


Person one picks Blue

Person two picks Green
ProMystic Color Match Competition 65

Person three picks Red

So how do we get around this scenario? Simple!

As NO-ONE know what the process is then they do not know what to expect. So from
here we merely suggest that now the markers have been selected we are once again
going have the participants mix themselves up into a new order. We do this with one
restriction...they are to mix themselves up so that each person in NOT stood IN THE
SAME POSITION once they have mix themselves up.

You would say something like - "now that you have each selected a marker would you
please,once again, mix yourselves up so that you are in a completely random order so
please don't just stay in your same position."

This will GUARANTEE that the person with the GREEN marker ends up AWAY from the
middle and will finish up on either end of the mixture.

So for example they would go from the starting point of RGB and "mix" themselves to
either the GBR or BRG order.

It is then a simple matter of following the above procedure of seating them in the chairs
using the above method.

It may sound a bit complex but it's not as the are only a few outcomes to deal with and
during the initial marker selection you only have to memorise who has which colour
and to then rearrange them if it is required to.

Your chair prediction is now in place. You should have the order of colours in your head
so that you know which "out" to use.

Next up is explanation of the pictures routine.

Well, you know who has which colour. So you give them some card to draw on and each
creates a simple picture while the performer has his/her back turned. These are then
passed to the 4th participant who selected the objects earlier and he/she gives them a
good face-down mixing.

As you are going to end this phase with a drawing duplication you are going to have to
ProMystic Color Match Competition 66

get a good peek at the bottom drawing of the face down pile. I will not go into every
method of achieving this but the one i had in mind for this routine was a peek that I
saw Andy Nyman use on his fantastic GET NYMAN DVD set. Andy performed the peek
with business cards if my memory serves me right but there is no reason why this
cannot be done using A4 sized card. Although it is a very VERY bold peek. (I’m not sure
if i would be allowed to reveal Andy's Peek here so I will not do so as that would be
unfair without his permission).

Needless to say, you get a peek of the bottom drawing, lets say its a flower. You firstly
go on to do a study of the first TWO pictures in the face down pile and do a kind of
profiling of the drawing and then return the drawing to its rightful owner. This then
leaves you with one face down drawing and it just so happens to be the one that you
peeked a moment earlier.

Because you have already returned two drawings to the correct people returning the
third would be pathetically easy and this is why you opt to try something different and
DUPLICATE the drawing that you have "never seen".

Draw the flower (or whatever it is) and take some well earned applause. All done with
your best showman style of course.

You have nothing left to do other than reveal your chair prediction and then your
envelope prediction for participant number 4. You can do this in any order that you feel
is strongest.


There are ways in which you can be ever so slightly more free with the seating of the
participants but it needs to allow more of the above combinations of colours and thusly
more multiple outs.

You should be able to do this routine fine with 2,3 or 4 multiple outs,with the 3rd and
4th multiple outs also being inside the envelope that contains the prediction for
participant 4th, the objects.

However, this way of doing it would require the use of a colour ambigram and a change
to the combination of colours that are kept in envelopes under the chairs (or on the
back of the chairs).
ProMystic Color Match Competition 67

As such, it requires more memory work and i just don’t see the point in making it
complicated when it already looks so free and random. So i shall not delve into the
complexities of doing this unless required to do so.

Should you choose to use number tags for the participants then it may look a bit
strange if you have to seat the participants WITHOUT mixing them.

For example, if they select markers in RBG order that means that person one has red,
person two blue and person three has green or 123 RBG and if you then use the
technique above to seat the person with Green first then their numerical order would
be 321 from left to right once seated and that would look out of place and a bit weird.
so to combat this you would simply seat your participants from RIGHT to LEFT starting
with the person who picked RED. This will ensure that the person with Green will end
up seated on the left.

It's all about watching the outcomes as they develop and controlling the situation in a
very fluent manner. it's not difficult to see what route(s) you have to take as they
happen. It's actually very easy and actually makes this routine look super fair to anyone
participating or watching.
ProMystic Color Match Competition 68

by Colin McLeod

I wanted to create a routine where anyone could come up on stage and seemingly think
of literally anything and write it on a pad. You would then be able to reveal their exact
thought. There was to be no peeking, no gimmicked pads and no electronic clipboards.
The solution was perfectly suited for the pens. But using them in a way I had never
conceived until I set myself the above challenge.


Every pen is shown to ask you to think of a different topic or idea, for example “think of
any place”, “think of any time”, “think of any word”, “think of any song”, etc...

A spectator is now asked to remove a pen and read what the pen asks them to think of
and they are to write their exact thought really big on a notepad.

Even though you have been facing away this entire time, you’re able to reveal the exact

Set Up:

The beauty of this routine is that you only really need two gimmicked pens. I prefer to
use the pens which are going to give of a higher ‘buzz count’ so you definitely know
when it’s been taken from the mug.

The set up here is pretty straight forward. On each pen, you want to print a label which
you can cut out and stick on the side of the pen. You are going to use ten pens in total
and as I’ve said already, you only need to gimmicked ones. I recommend using all black
pens so no one thinks you can distinguish which pen has been taken based on the
colour of the lid. We want to give them as little to go on as possible. You can buy packs
of all black Crayola on eBay.
The ten labels you’re going to need are the following:
ProMystic Color Match Competition 69

Think of any TIME

Think of any PLACE
Think of any WORD
Think of any NAME
Think of any FILM
Think of any ANIMAL
Think of any COLOUR
Think of any MEMORY

These labels should be big enough to be seen by people without the requirement for
glasses. I would therefore suggest font size 14+ and also have the information which I
have written in capitals, written in bold writing.

The pens which have ‘THE WIZARD OF OZ’ on them are the pens which have the
gimmick in them. It’s when these are removed from the mug you’ll want to know. I will
point this out again later, but the information on your ‘force pens’ can literally be
changed to anything you want to reveal.


You begin with all the pens in the mug lid side down so that the receivers are not
getting drained. I also mark the bottom of the two ‘Wizard of Oz’ pens with a Sharpie
dot so I can spot them when I remove the ten pens.

I make sure that I hide the messages on those specific pens behind the eight others
when I remove them in the beginning of the routine. I now read off the message on the
first pen, lets say it reads “Think of any TIME,” I read it and now show it to someone in
the front to confirm that is what it says. I do this with the next few as well, getting
quicker as I go, when I get to the last three, I just quickly read them off myself as I pop
them in the cup, obviously making up what they say (Usually I opt for “Think of any
FOOD” and “Think of any SMELL” as the made up two for when I drop in the pens
stating “Think of THE WIZARD OF OZ.”
Everyone is now convinced every pen states a different category on them to be thought

I now pick someone at random from the audience whose mind is to be read.
ProMystic Color Match Competition 70

I invite them on to the stage and as they join me, I turn my receiver on.

I turn my back on them and ask them to remove a pen. The odds of it being a force pen
and 1 in 5 and the odds will improve with every pen taken.

Bear in mind, you will know exactly when it has been removed based on receiving a

If it’s the first pen removed, then perfect. Ask them to read it to themselves and write
down on the pad the exact thought it’s making them think of.

If it’s not the first pen removed, then ask them to read the statement on the pen out
loud and drop it on the table. They are then asked to take another one. If it’s the
second one, then ask them to read it and write down the exact thought it asks them to
think of.

Essentially you have them remove pens and read them to themself first, and then if it’s
not the ‘force one’ you ask them to state it aloud. This does two things. From your point
of view, it covers the fact you need them to keep removing pens until they take one of
the two force ones. From the audience point of view it further confirms the fact that all
the pens are different.

When you receiver the buzz simply state “You get the idea ... ALL the pens are different,
so whatever one you’re reading now, that’s the one we’ll go with ... “

Dual Reality:

Who would have thought I’d be using dual reality in a method?! Pffft...

The dual reality here is that to the person on stage, you’re working out what message
of 10 pens they’re thinking of. To the audience at large, they are apparently thinking of
a random thought from a random category.

Think about it. THAT is an absolutely astonishing effect. You have given the person free
reign to think of quite literally ANYTHING and now you are able to reveal it.

As I’ve said already, you can force them to think of anything, a film, word, song ... I
would suggest going for something which does allow for a bit of a dramatic reveal,
ProMystic Color Match Competition 71

rather than just a simple colour or number. You want to reveal something that is
symbolic and has some imagery to it which you can describe.

The Wizard of Oz offers a lot of scope to reveal different bits and pieces. Scenes, songs,
actors, emotions ... But there are many other things which you could force too which
would offer the same scope. I don’t want to offer too many things and limit your
thinking. The beauty of this method is that now using the pens you can create the
perfect illusion of direct mind reading.


My one question about this may be, “why have the labels written on the pens?” Quite
simply, it appears to be a matter of convenience. You are requiring them to pick a
random category to choose something from AND they are going to have to write their
though, so why not have it on the pen.

This actually becomes a positive as it looks so organic. They pick a pen and write a
thought and you reveal it. There is nothing else to it. It is essentially a VERY direct piece
of mind reading.

I believe this takes the pens in yet another different direction as it’s no longer about the
pens being different colours, here they are all the same colour.

This is the routine I have been using the pens most for in the last few years and you
won’t believe the reaction it gets until you start performing it. I can’t think of anything
that looks more like mind reading as the compromise is kept to an absolute minimum.

You decided what you want to have them think of. Print it on the pen. Ask them to
“Write down the exact thought the pen suggests to them” and reveal what they have
written on the pad.

The beauty is that you could have a few more pens in there and they all say different
things and you have a few people remove pens. Again each would just remove and read
some until they hit a force pen. You are now able to read a few people’s minds
incredible cleanly.
ProMystic Color Match Competition 72

Colour Reading
by Bob Percy

This routine was aimed at providing a personal colour reading for three participants –
they each get one of your business card and is great for table work and parlour shows –
personally I would be happy use this on stage as well. There is a very nice moment of
equivoque in this effect


Three spectators each choose a business card – they are each given a coloured pen,
which is chosen by another participant, unseen by the performer. The three spectators
write their names in the coloured pen on the printed side of the card. When they turn
over the card they have a colour reading, which matches the colour with which they
have written their name.


A Pro-mystic colour match set, with pen holder and three pens.

Three marked business cards – each with a different colour reading on the reverse side.
I match the marks – 1,2,3 on my cards with the colour of the single of the same number
– that way there is no confusion in performance about who gets what.

The colour predictions I use are as follows.

Green – ‘you enjoy life. Consider spending more time with nature. The colour green will
enhance your well being and help you feel well and at peace with the world.’

Blue – ‘You have the energy of youth – you will always be young at heart. Blue indicates
that you may have a spiritual side. Truth is important to you. You may like to cultivate
your artistic interests.
Red – You are a person who likes to get things done. Red is the colour of action
confidence courage and vitality. These are qualities you feel you need right now.
ProMystic Color Match Competition 73

(The way these are written has been carefully thought out. I wont go into my thinking
on this in detail here – but the thing to note is that subtly each card now becomes a
symbol for the qualities is suggested they want to have in their life.)

On each prediction I two key words and the colour.

The right colour with the right card…

Have the most central spectator of your group – take a card and keeping it face down
put it on the table in front of them. Table the other two cards, bring out the pens in the
holder. Have the person who picked the card to place the pens behind their back and to
remove one at random from the holder but not to bring it out from behind their back.
You will obviously know which one they remove. If they remove the one that matches
the card they have (you know because of the marks) simply have them lay it on the card
on the table. If they remove a different one have them hand it openly to either of the
other two participants. They now pick another colour – again if they pick their colour
they bring it out and put it on their card. And bring out the holder, still containing the
remaining colour, which you give to the remaining participant. If they choose the colour
that’s not theirs - then they give the one they choose to the remaining spectator and
keep the one that’s left. You need to tell them what to do with the pen smoothly and
confidently as soon as you get a signal and know its not their card tell them to hand it
to either of the participants.

This is very simple in practice. The central spectator merely has to get his or her own
colour. And give the other colours to the other two spectators – it does not matter who
of the other two gets which colour (as we will now force the matching business cards
on them!)

So at the moment – one spectator has a card and a colour and two spectators have
randomly chosen colours.

The right cards with the right colours…

As there are two cards left we have to get the final two cards to meet with the final two
colours. This is my devious ploy! Picking up the remaining two cards and mixing them.
Turn to the spectator on your right and say – ‘we now have to choose a card…’ turn to
the spectator on your left and say ‘point to any one’ two things will happen .
ProMystic Color Match Competition 74

1- if they point to the card which matches the colour of the person on the right say –
‘we have chosen a card for you,( handing the card over) and of course by default you’ve
chosen this card for you self. ( this last line is delivered as a little humorous remark)

2- if the person on the left chooses their own card then the line is – ‘you’ve chosen this
card which means by default we’ve chosen this card for you’

The key to this working is the first line above to the person on the right - ‘we now have
to choose a card…’ turn to the spectator on your left and say ‘point to any one’ – if you
omit this and don’t then turn to the other person to make the choice the whole ruse
will fail. Otherwise this totally flies by. Delivering the last line as a little humorous
remark also directs attention away from the procedure.

You now have them each right their name on the printed side of the card with the pen
they hold – re-interacting that every thing has been chosen completely at random –
have them turn over the cards and read their ‘fortune’ if you don’t want to have a
colour reading on the back of the card you can simply have smiley faces in the matching
colours that say something like ‘happiness guaranteed’ or another appropriate and up
lifting message. These things depend on the values of the performer and the audience
you are performing to. Please use your common sense and have fun!!

I have all the participants turn their cards over one at a time and read them out loud.
You could have them turn them over and read them to themselves as well if you wish –
the first way is more theatrical and everyone is interested in each persons reading. I
would also have them turn them over one at a time if I was using the smiley faces in
this instance I re-iterate the colour the name is written in as they turn them over.
ProMystic Color Match Competition 75

Easter Egg Hunt

by Saysold

Just in time for Easter & the holidays! This could be a fun routine for kids too.

I strained my brain recently trying to think of some new ways of using my favourite PM
effect. Finally, I came up with the following idea this past week using an Easter plot.
Everyone in familiar with bright & colorful decorated Easter eggs, and I feel this could
be a fun alternative routine for the holidays or a kids show. It does require a small
amount of set-up.


FUN! Magician brings out a small Easter basket filled with 5 typical multi-colored plastic
eggs nestled on a bed of soft cotton bedding. Everyone remembers these from
childhood. The Magician also brings out TWO closed pink egg cartons and then asks if
the spectators would like to take part in an Easter Egg Hunt? "Do you remember Easter
egg hunts when you were a kid? Painting brightly colored & decorated eggs and then
your parents hiding them for you to find?" Even the President has an Easter egg hunt on
the White house lawn every year.

Magician states that a very smart bunny hid some colored eggs in ONE of the two egg
cartons - the one that has "BUNNY'S CARTON" written across the top. Bunny's carton is
sealed shut, and it's colorful contents will be revealed later! He opens one of the
cartons (the empty one) and the magician says that "to be extra tricky, bunny
numbered all the dozen compartments in the carton inside." The spectator can see the
numbers 1-12, in random sequence, drawn on the inside bottom of each egg
compartment. The Magician explains that the other carton has the same 5 colored eggs
hidden away, and each colored egg is on a certain number.

"It's up to you to hunt for which colored eggs the Bunny chose, using best sense of
intuition like when you were a kid on an Easter egg hunt." The Magician says not to
worry - that this will be a team effort - the spectator will choose one random colored
egg at a time while the Magician's back is turned and eyes closed. Once the spectator
ProMystic Color Match Competition 76

chooses a color, the Magician will call out a number to place that egg into the empty

Spectator proceeds to take one colored plastic egg at a time. As she does the Magician
then calls out numbers and tells the spectator to place their egg in that numbered
holder. This continues until all 5 eggs are taken out of the basket and placed into the

The Magician turns around and then opens the Bunny's carton and it is found that all of
the colored eggs are in the exact same positions as the spectator's choices! Even more
amazing, the numbers under the Bunny's choices in his carton EXACTLY match the
numbers in the spectator's carton!

Materials Needed:

You will need the following items to perform Easter Egg Hunt:

1) A small Easter or decorative basket with handle - about 7.5 inches diameter across. I
bought mine at Walgreens - they are very common. The ideal basket has a woven
material uses. The weaves at the bottom are ideal for holding the neo magnet in place

2) Cheap plastic colored Easter eggs - the type that open with a hinge.

3) Elmer's glue

4) Some cotton "bedding" or other soft material to fill and line the interior. I used some
stretchy Halloween web type material (what I had in the house) which turned out to be
great. I cut a small portion of the material and lined the inside, but carefully making
room for a "hole or well" in the middle of the basket. In this way, the eggs placed inside
will be forced more upright and also pushed towards the centre so that the neo magnet
can take care of business from the bottom.

5) Two matching Styrofoam egg cartons. I like the pink Easter type available for about
$1 filled with a dozen chocolate marshmallows. Eat the chocolates, and keep the
cartons! Now you will be sugared up and ready to perform!

Set Up:
ProMystic Color Match Competition 77

Get a PAIR of each colored egg - with five different colored pairs - and place eggs aside.

Get the two egg cartons and with a Sharpie marker, number the bottom of each
compartment. The numbers should appear quite random. The number on the 2nd
carton need to obviously duplicate your number sequence from the first carton exactly.

Take the tags out of your pens (carefully) and place them aside in numerical order 1-5.

Cut off a small amount of cotton or material (about 1.5 - 2 inches) and then WRAP the
material all around the tag so that the tag is not visible. Place the tag antennae side
DOWN into the bottom half of 1 plastic egg. Make sure the egg isn't overstuffed with
material - you want enough so the tag is hidden when egg is held to the light and so
that it doesn't move. Place a *very* small amount of glue on the inner edge of the egg
where top and bottom meet and close container - let dry. Repeat this with the other
eggs and tags.

When the plastic eggs are dry, test the set up and make sure that when an individual
egg is removed you get the proper number on your PM receiver. You may need to
slightly adjust the eggs and/or material so that the eggs properly transmit and are also
near enough to the NEO magnet. In the future I may try to order a slightly wider Neo
magnet than the one that Craig supplies for the cup holder, but in initial testing the
magnet supplied works reasonably well.

Note which number tags are in the various colors.

Place the mated colored eggs into the carton (Marked BUNNY'S CARTON) into the
numbered compartment corresponding with the gimmicked eggs. Again, they should
appear to be in a random order.

In performing this routine there is no need to memorise which colors represent certain
numbers. When you get a signal for a number 2 for example (pink lets say) you simply
need to tell the spectator to place the egg they picked up at the number 2 location on
their carton.
ProMystic Color Match Competition 78

Photo Prediction Effect

by Bob Percy

This is an effect inspired by heirloom form the underground collective and Richard
Osterlinds tic tac toe prediction. - its a photo prediction effect.


A spectator randomly places three colored pens in a pen holder You reveal a
photograph in your wallet (or from an envelope – if on stage) of a child holding the
pens in the pen holder in the same order.

( you could also include a drawing of a stick man in a matching colours to that
completed by the participant)


Your Pro-mystic Colour match, ( not set on a continuous signal)

Pocket Index or index wallet. ( on stage envelopes indexed in your brief case)
6 x Photo predictions.

Preparation prepare pictures of a child or your self holding the pen holder (and/or your
force drawing.)

The pictures need to have pictures of an adorable child holding the pen holder
arranged in the following way. ( depending on your choice of colours in the example I
use red, blue and green)

Red, Blue, Green

Red, Green, Blue
Blue, Red, Green
Blue, Green, Red
Green, Blue, Red
Green, Red, Blue
ProMystic Color Match Competition 79

There are only six predictions required. For walk around – place these in an index wallet
– such as a stealth assassin or an outlaw hold out wallet – on make Bryn Reynolds $4
billet index – or if you live in the UK £20 index form his book – safwan papers .

Alternatively you could use a pocket index. You could also index only five pictures and
place on in the back of the pen holder Personally though I find it more convincing to
have a picture of my daughter in my wallet. I can also say where the prediction is at the
start of the effect. - anyway I'm sure everyone has their favourite indexing method.

Very simply have the spectator return the pens to the pen holder in any order they
wish. Explain that they go back in the pen holder from left to right ( this is important
because - as you won't know which is where!) Have them do this whilst your back is
turned. Also show them which way round the pens go in the holder. To ensue this,
simply show them the way you want them to go into the holder. The reason you give is
so that every body can see what colour is where after the pens have been replaced! –

Before you turn around – remove the correct prediction have them place the holder
face down with the colours facing them of have them hold it between there hands.
Needless to say do not have them hold it behind their backs!– as soon as you turn
around place the prediction which is now in your hand face down on the table .

This is an excellent effect to combine with the stick man drawing routine on the colour
match instructions. Instead of having a drawn prediction – you have a photograph of a
child holding a large picture of the stick man in the correct colors and in their other
hand the pen holder with the colors in the same order as the spectator just replaced
them! a rather large series of random events has been predicted ahead of time in
format that can't be altered.
ProMystic Color Match Competition 80

Untitled 2
by Answers


I had a young woman join me onstage the other night, and after I read her mind and
told her the name of her boyfriend, her secret boyfriend and the guy who brought her
to the show, she wanted to challenge me.

She asked me if I could tell her the color of her panties...

I tried, but told her I wasn't getting anything. She blushed and admitted she wasn't
wearing any!

I'm sure that's not the case with you, but I don't want to invade your sense of privacy
just to have a little fun. So instead, you and I are going to go shopping for "Imaginary
Underwear" how does that sound?

Here is a pad of paper, and with the black marker I would like you to draw an outline of
some... unmentionables - tops and bottoms

(girl draws outline of bra and panties after which you turn your back)

Let's make this interesting, for the top, do you want plain, stripes or polka dots?


OK, pick up a color you like, keep it a secret, and draw some polka dots on the top.
Remember that small dots make the things they are on look bigger.

All done?

Let's move to the bottoms

ProMystic Color Match Competition 81

Pick a pen and color them in. The tops and bottoms do not need to match - we can
pretend that tomorrow is laundry day.

Now that you have colored them in, name the first thing that comes to mind when I say

A bunny

OK, pick another color and draw a little bunny on the bottoms. Not too small, or it
makes the thing they are on look bigger...

Close up all the pens and put them away.

Close your eyes and imagine yourself wearing this ... outfit

I see, I see ... spots before my eyes and they are - pink, pink polka dots on top

and below I see yellow, lots of yellow, but I can't see any bunny? Oh, turn around, good
- YES!

A Purple bunny

Show them

She has colored in pink dots on top, and a purple bunny on the yellow bottoms.

"And these are yours to keep" (as you tear off her drawing, fold it nicely, place it in a
small paper Victoria's Secret bag, and give it to her)

If you are at all concerned about embarrassing a girl onstage, this is a GREAT routine to
perform for a man. Tonight you are going to design custom underthings for your
girlfriend. Which will only be a problem if your wife finds out. And you will create
imaginary underthings, which most men agree are the best kind."

Television, recording, broadcast and publishing rights reserved Answers © 2012

ProMystic Color Match Competition 82

© ProMystic 2012 – All routines are the property of their respective authors

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