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As we translate a book, we implement Literary Translation, which consists of

transferring a literary work, be it a novel, theater or any other literary genre, from one
language to another. It is not just about translating words, but about interpreting and
recreating someone else's words and ideas.

Semantic translation: For the translation of the book we use this translation since it
differs from the faithful translation only by taking more into account the aesthetic value
of the translation and that the lexicon of the book was still maintained and the reader
felt the essence of the reader even being translated into another language.

Word by word translation: Preserve the order of the sentence, translate the words one
by one taking their most common meaning even if it is out of context, the words
"cultural" are translated literally. For the translation of this book it was necessary to
translate sometimes word by word in order to give it a meaning where the reader
understood better.

 Adaptation
it consists of replacing a reality in one language with the same reality in another. It is
not done with the same words, but it is done in a way that is more understandable for
whoever is going to read or listen to it. Example: change baseball for soccer in a Spanish

muffled by the rush of the surrounding river

amortiguada por la prisa del río que lo rodea

in this sentence we can see that muffled have diferents meaning but we
(buscamos) one meaning that in spanish were similar an the sentence were
coherens, and the reader understand the sentences.

 Compensation
it can be used where something cannot be translated from source to target
language, and the meaning that is lost in the immediate translation.making
good in one part of the text something that could not be translated in
another". One example is the problem of translating nuances of formality
from languages which use forms such as tu and usted into English which
only has 'you', and expresses degrees of formality in different ways.

being knocked up!

Estar embarazada

As we can see it have diferent meaning we have to (acomodar)

this phrase to in spanish, it said the same but diferent
spealling. Because this expresión or phrasal verb doesn´t exist
in spanish


is a word without modifying it or integrating the naturalized word. Example: Pure borrowing
could be in a Spanish text the word lobby and naturalized loan leader or football. We see the
pure loan as more foreign to the term being introduced without modification or explanation.

the word jacuzzi have the same meaning and same spealling in english and spanish


This method is based on a comparative analysis of the two languages (the source language and
the target language) and consists of replacing one part of the speech with another, without
changing the meaning of the message.

 muffled by the rush of the surrounding river.

 Amortiguada por la prisa del río que lo rodea.
Is this sentences we can see that in english this word use ing but at the
momento to be translated in spanish it is changed and desapear the
gerund, (para que asi) in spanish this sentence have sense

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