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Name: Carl Alexis Saulan Year/Block: BSED Fil-B

Subject: Mathematics in the modern world Instructor: Kat Matociños

The exponential growth model A= 50e⁰.⁰⁷ť describes the population of a city in the Philippines in
thousand, t years after 1997.

A.) What is the population after 20 years?

I think “Growth model A=50e0.07t should read: A=50 * e^(0.07t). If that is correct, then:

A =50 * e^(0.07*20)

A =50 * e^1.4

A =50 * 4.05519997

A ==202.76 * 1000 ==202,760 population of the city 20 years after 1997, or in 2017.

B.) What is the population in 2037?

T= 2037-1997= 40

T=40 and subtitute to formula:

A= 50*e^0.07*40

A= 50*e^2.8

A= 822.2...

Since A is measured in thousands A must be multiplied by 1000 to get a population. 822.2*1000=

822,200 - the population of the philippines in 2037

II. Let fib(n) be the nth term of the fibonacci sequence with fib(1)=1 fib(2)=1 fib(3)=2 and so on.

1. Find Fib (19) = 4181

2. Fib (23) = 2865 If what you say is correct. That is Fib(22) = 17711 and Fib 24 = 46368

And, Given: Fib(n +2) = Fib(n) + Fib(n + 1) .We have : Fib (24) = Fib(22) + Fib(23) => Fib(23) = Fib(24) -
Fib(22) = 46368 - 17711 = 28657
3. Evaluate the following sums:

A.) Fib(1) + Fib(2) = 2

B.) Fib(2) + Fib(3) = Fib(4) = 6

C.) Fib(4) + Fib(5) + Fib(6) = 16

4. Determine the patterns in the successive sums from the previous questions. What will be the sum of
Fib(1) + Fib (2) + ... + Fib (10) ?

Answer -The tenth Fibonacci number is Fib(10) =55 . The sum of its digits is 5+5 or 10 and that is also the
index number of 55 (10-th in the list of Fibonacci numbers).

5. If you have a wooden board that is 0.75 meters wide, how long should you cut it such that the golden
ratio is observed. Use 1.618 as the value of the golden ratio.

Answer: For a rectangle, length/width=golden ratio


Let the length be x.



Length of the rectangle is 1.2135 metres.

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