Public Health Impact: of Disasters

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Public health impact of disasters

Introduction associated with the impact of earthquakes

Each year millions of people are affected By Kimberley I. Shoaf, DrPH & Steven J. on human health, a key factor associated
by natural and manmade disasters around Rottman, MD, FACEP, UCLA Center for
with fatal injuries in earthquakes is
the world. 1999 was an example of the building collapse.
Public Health and Disaster Relief
devastation that natural hazards can have Earthquakes in which a large number
on humanity. Tornados, hurricanes, heavy of buildings collapse result in many more
rains, and earthquakes resulted in tens of deaths than those where there is minimal
thousands of deaths and many more relationships are not linear, however. For collapse. Building collapse is correlated
affected. Close to a million people have example, not all earthquakes result in with the magnitude of the event, its
found themselves homeless, economically large numbers of injuries or deaths and proximity to the building, soil conditions,
impacted, or injured because of these hurricanes can, in fact, result in large and the construction practices utilized
disasters. Indeed, disasters would not be numbers of fatalities. (Bourque 1998). The combination of a
‘disastrous’ if it were not for their effect Tropical storms and hurricanes large earthquake, in close proximity to a
on the human population. While disasters The number of fatalities associated with population center, built upon soft soil,
cause problems that exact a human toll hurricanes in the western hemisphere using construction practices which do not
and are amenable to public health inter- have decreased dramatically with the employ anti-seismic reinforcements, can
ventions, the application of public health advent of improved storm tracking and result in unimaginably large number of
principles to disaster management has the issuance of hurricane warnings. fatalities.
been minimal. This paper explores the Hurricane Mitch, however, provided a The 1999 earthquake in Turkey is an
public health effects of natural disasters stark reminder that hurricanes remain a example of the potential that earthquakes
and some of the public health principles significant threat to life in that region of have for death and destruction. A magni-
which can be applied to disaster manage- the globe. In October 1998, Hurricane tude 7.4 earthquake occurred on the North
ment. Mitch devastated Central America. Even Anatolian Fault, near the town of Gölcük
The impact of natural hazards on the though the hurricane had been tracked, on August 17, 1999. Hundreds of apartment
public’s health can be divided into four warnings were not issued to the popu- buildings, constructed out of reinforced
categories: lation (Corrales 1999). In Honduras alone, concrete collapsed on their sleeping
• direct impact on the health of the 8000 people were killed as a result of occupants. The results were an estimated
population flooding and landslides. The pattern of 17,000 deaths with an additional 10,000
• direct impact on the health care system the injuries and deaths associated with people missing and presumed dead.
• indirect effects on the population’s Hurricane Mitch was also different from Another 24,000 individuals were treated
health other hurricanes. Generally hurricane- for injuries (MMWR1999). An earthquake
• indirect effects on the health care related mortality has principally been of similar magnitude occurred a month
system. associated with drowning from storm later in Taiwan. The 7.6 Mw earthquake
surges (Noji 1997). But a large number of also struck in the middle of the night killing
Direct impact on the health of a
the Hurricane Mitch fatalities were approximately 2400 people. While as many
associated with inland flooding and as 5000 buildings reportedly collapsed in
The most obvious impact on the health
mudflows resulting from 5 days of Taiwan, many of them were non-engi-
of a population affected by a disaster is
torrential storms leaving behind 30 inches neered low-rise buildings as compared to
that of injuries and deaths that can be
of rain (PAHO 1999). The sustained high the reinforced concrete buildings in
attributed directly to the disaster. Each
winds associated with these storms also Turkey which were more deadly (Goltz
year, approximately 300 natural disasters
have the potential of causing blunt trauma 1999).
occur worldwide, exacting a human toll
from flying debris as well as from Even a relatively small earthquake can
of approximately 250,000 lives. In the past
structural collapse of buildings. Several have devastating effects. On January 25,
20 years, natural disasters have claimed
deaths in Hurricane Andrew in South 1999 a magnitude 5.9 earthquake occur-
the lives of close to 3 milliion people and
Florida in 1992 were attributed to the high red in the coffee growing region of
have negatively affected the lives of at least
winds associated with that storm (Noji Colombia. The relatively moderate
800 million more (Noji 1997).
1997). earthquake however struck an area that
Injuries had soil conditions which exacerbated the
Different types of disasters result in Earthquakes shaking experienced in the city of
different patterns of injury and these, in Injuries and the resulting fatalities Armenia. The construction practices
turn, produce variable levels of morbidity associated with earthquakes vary tremen- prevalent in building in the region did
and mortality. Generally it is believed that dously from one event to the next. Both not include any codes for anti-seismic
earthquakes and rapid flooding (i.e. the number and severity of injuries are reinforcement until 1986. As a result of
tsunamis and flash floods) are capable of related to a number of factors including the earthquake, hundreds of reinforced
producing large numbers of deaths. the magnitude of the earthquake, its concrete buildings collapsed, killing
Earthquakes and high wind events (such proximity to a populated area, the soil type, nearly one out of every 250 people in this
as tornados) are capable of producing building construction, time of day and community of 250,000 (Shoaf 2000).
large numbers of severe injuries requiring population characteristics and behaviors. The force of the earthquake is not the
intensive care (Noji 1997). These While there are a large number of factors only cause of death. Secondary hazards

58 Australian Journal of Emergency Management

such as firestorms and tsunamis can also typhoid would occur as a result of the smaller the ability to provide vector
wreak havoc and a high death toll. It is large number of dead bodies. While there control in the region was greater. Sur-
estimated that as many as 10% of the are sporadic cases of typhoid in Turkey it veillance in Colombia demonstrated that
deaths in the Kobe earthquake were a is not a disease that is common there. One there was no increase in either classic or
result of the fires that ignited from individual was treated for typhoid by hemorrhagic dengue fever. Surveillance
ruptured gas lines. Rubble in the narrow emergency medical personnel following in Honduras however, demonstrated a
streets restricted the fire department’s the earthquake, although the case was not Bimodal increase in cases of dengue: a
access to the fire, allowing it to spread confirmed as typhoid and the source of small increase immediately following the
across large sections of the city. contagion was not identified. A single case hurricane and a second increase in
In 1998 a magnitude 7.0 earthquake of typhoid in an area where sporadic cases January, 1999. The destruction of the
struck off the coast of Papua New Guinea. exist is not an outbreak. However, that case transportation and health care sectors
While the quake was felt, it did no damage fueled a great deal of commotion in the from massive flooding made it more
to the small houses in the villages off the media and the public health community. difficult for the health care sector to
coast. However, 15 minutes later three Dr. Claude deVille de Goyet of the Pan- respond to a disaster of such magnitude.
tsunamis struck the coastal villages. It is American Health Organization wrote an While Colombia’s public health infra-
estimated that as many as 3000 of the 8000 op-ed piece for the New York Times, structure was most likely a contributing
inhabitants of the region died as a result which unfortunately was not carried. In factor in the absence of post-earthquake
of the waves, which exceeded 12 meters that piece, Dr. de Goyet talked about the disease outbreaks, a disaster may increase
(USC 1998). Many of these deaths were a myth that disasters result in epidemics of the demands on an already weak public
result of the force of such a large amount infectious diseases and emphasized health infrastructure in developing
of water surging against the body. For instead the need for maintenance and countries. This may result in a shift in
those who survived the force, many quick restoration of sanitary services and priorities away from building com-
drowned, as they were unable to swim. potable water to the affected population, municable disease prevention and control
Non-fatal injuries also vary in severity as well as surveillance of its health status. programs in non-disaster times, to more
and number and are dependent on a Dr. de Goyet also admonished post-diaster urgent efforts to respond to a legitimate
number of variables. Unlike fatalities the efforts aimed both at the quick disposal increase in cases when a disaster occurs
critical factor is not necessarily building of bodies as a public health measure, as (Richman 1993).
collapse or even damage to structures. well as large immunisation campaigns No outbreaks of infectious disease,
Non-fatal injuries can range from very geared to counter epidemics of specific such as dengue, have been reported
minor injuries such as lacerations and infectious diseases that simply do not following similar disasters in the United
injuries to soft tissue to such life- occur following these incidents. States or other developed countries. This
threatening injuries as trauma to internal A more accurate reflection of how well is simply because infectious diseases do
organs. Whereas fatal injuries are usually a community can withstand the adverse not represent major causes of illness or
caused by building damage, these non- health effects caused by a disaster may be death in the United States. While dengue
fatal injuries appear to be more directly found in the strength of the public health fever is a possibility in parts of the United
associated with ground shaking. The system in place prior to the disaster. States, particularly southern Florida,
Northridge earthquake of 1994 provides Consider the occurrence of dengue fever because the occurrence rate is small, any
an example of this. Whereas a majority of following both Hurricane Mitch in outbreak detected by surveillance would
deaths occurred in collapsed buildings, Honduras and the earthquake in Colom- most likely also be small and not expected
most non-fatal injuries (both those who bia. be a large additional burden on a public
were hospitalised and those who sought Honduras has a public health system health system that is trying to provide
treatment elsewhere) were more asso- which is making great strides in im- basic necessities in response to a disaster.
ciated with non-structural responses to proving the health situation for its
ground shaking. The two major causes of population. In the last 10 years, both Acute illnesses
non-fatal injuries were being struck by maternal mortality and infant mortality In contrast to infectious diseases, disas-
objects (or running into them) and falls have decreased steadily in Honduras. ters do have the potential for other types
(Peek-Asa et al. 1998, Shoaf et al. 1998). However, infectious diseases continue to of short-term impact on the population’s
be the principal reason for medical care health. Some disasters have the potential
Communicable diseases and hospital admission and represent six for directly or indirectly causing acute
Many believe that the primary role of of the top ten causes of death in the illnesses in an exposed population.
public health in disasters is to control country (PAHO 1998). In Colombia, the Earthquakes, for example, can cause the
potential communicable disease out- public health situation also has improved, release of soil containing spores, such as
breaks after a disaster. While it is true yet infectious diseases still represent one coccidioides immitis, causing clinical
that the potential for outbreaks and even of the principal reasons for medical care coccidioidomycosis. This occurred
epidemics of infectious disease exists and are one of the top five causes of death following the Northridge, CA earthquake
after any natural disaster, the actual (Shoaf 2000). of 1994 causing a small outbreak of
occurrence of such outbreaks has been Both Colombia and Honduras are coccidioidomycosis in a community in
rare (Noji 1997). In order for the risk of endemic regions for dengue fever; in 1998 Southern Ventura County. Other natural
epidemic to exist, the disease of concern in fact, Armenia, Colombia had an hazards that have the potential of causing
needs to exist in the population prior to epidemic. Both the Colombian earth- acute illness include volcanoes and
the disaster. quake and the Honduran hurricane wildfires which can cause both respira-
Following the earthquake in Turkey in produced conditions that could increase tory and ocular problems as a result of
October1999, there was a great deal of the vector, flies, which carry dengue. Since ash, smoke, and toxic gases.
speculation that outbreaks of cholera and the impacted area in Colombia was Extreme weather conditions are good

Spring 2000 59
examples of natural hazards which have the earthquake. A study of the fatal are other buildings and people in the area
the potential for both direct and indirect coronary events in Los Angeles found that of a disaster. This damage occurs at a most
acute health consequences. In the United indeed there was an increase in the inopportune time, just as the need for
States in the recent past, increases in number of heart attacks on January 17, emergency health care is greatest.
morbidity and mortality as a direct result 1994 however, a decrease of fatal events
from heat waves have been documented. occurred in the following week (Kloner Damage to the physical infrastructure
In Chicago in the summer of 1995, 465 et al. 1997). Thus, it appears that an acute An example of the direct impact of
people died from heat-related illness disaster such as an earthquake may disasters on the health care system was
when record-breaking temperatures were hasten death from heart attack, however, the damage to hospitals as a result of the
recorded for 8 consecutive days (MMWR the net effect is not a significant increase Northridge earthquake. Eighteen hospitals
1995). Those most at risk were those who in fatal heart attacks. suffered varying degrees of structural and/
were elderly and either did not have, or While disasters may not be associated or non-structural damage as a result of
did not turn on, air conditioning in their with a large increase in fatal acute the earthquake. Several hospitals had to
homes. coronary events, they do appear to result evacuate patients already there and others
At the opposite extreme hypothermia in greater morbidity from chronic were unable to treat individuals seeking
is only one potential acute health problem conditions such as heart disease, hyper- emergency care (Cheu 1995).
associated with extreme cold weather. tension and diabetes. Researchers in The earthquake of January 25, 1999 in
Extreme cold weather events are also Japan found that glycemic control was the coffee region of Colombia had similar
accompanied by two secondary hazards impaired in diabetics following the Kobe devastating impacts on the health care
which carry their own adverse health earthquake (Inui et al. 1998). Similarly, system. The one hospital in the com-
effects. Extreme cold events, especially following Hurricane Iniki on the Island munity of Calarca suffered significant
those that result in ice storms, often result of Kuai in Hawaii, the mortality rate from damage to the building, causing the
in electrical power outages. In response diabetes doubled compared to prior to evacuation of the 30 in-patients to a
to the lack of electricity, residents the Hurricane (Hendrickson and Vogt building next door. Although the damage
commonly resort to using candles for light 1996). Therefore, conditions for which did not affect the integrity of the building,
and kerosene heaters and fireplaces for stress is a risk factor and for which stairwells were impassable and significant
heating. This use of open-flame sources ongoing health care is necessary appear damage to walls in the operating suite
has been associated with residential fires, to be affected by disaster situations. made those areas unusable. The hospital
and fire-related mortality. Power failures continued to provide emergency care in
Psychological effects
also result in residents using gasoline or the portion of the building that had been
The health effects of natural disasters are
kerosene powered generators. The misuse constructed after a previous damaging
not purely of a physical nature. A great
of generators in poorly ventilated settings earthquake. This section fared much
deal of literature deals with the emotional
is associated with an increase in carbon better than the older sections of the
or psychological effects of disasters. Just
monoxide poisoning (MMWR 1998). hospital, which had significant portions
like the physical effects, the emotional
built of unreinforced concrete.
effects of disasters vary greatly from
Chronic illnesses A number of clinics in Armenia also
disaster to disaster. They also tend to range
The consequences of a disaster on the suffered major structural damage. Of the
from very minor emotional distress to
health of the population are not limited 12 public health clinics in the city, four
clinically diagnosable psychological
to acute conditions such as physical collapsed in the original earthquake with
pathology. Again there are a number of
injuries or acute illness. For a long time five others having significant damage to
variables that contribute both to the
there has been speculation that disasters the roof, walls, and equipment. One clinic
severity and extent of the psychological
result in an increase in adverse conse- slowly slipped down the hillside behind
effects. Generally, natural disasters result
quences of chronic illness such as heart it, although it had continued to function
in large numbers of individuals suffering
disease. Anecdotal accounts of disasters in the immediate aftermath of the
from minor emotional distress that tends
often include reports of increased heart earthquake.
to be self-limiting in nature (Bravo et al.
attack deaths, especially in the event of The effects on the health care system
1990). Some portion of the population may
acute onset disasters such as earthquakes. are not only a result of structural damage.
suffer from more severe forms of distress,
Certainly heart attack deaths are often A major cause of damage to hospitals in
especially anxiety and depression, depen-
included in the official numbers of the Northridge, Californian earthquake,
ding on their prior psychological state and
fatalities in disasters. In the Northridge, was breakage of water lines and sprinkler
the impact of the disaster on them and
Californian earthquake, the official pipes. Many hospitals, although struc-
their families (Siegel 1999). While it has
coroner’s report of the fatalities directly turally sound were unable to operate
generally been believed that victims of
or indirectly associated with the earth- because of the damage caused by water
natural disasters suffer from Post-
quake was 57. Only 33 of those deaths were pipes rupturing and flooding the facility
Traumatic Stress disorder (PTSD), it does
as a result of physical injuries (Peek-Asa causing a loss of medical records, medical
not appear that this is the case. Symptoms
et al. 1999). The other deaths were supplies, computers and other electronic
of PTSD may be expressed by victims of
attributed to heart attacks or other equipment (Cheu 1995). The Sepulveda
natural disasters but community based
medical causes. These numbers, however, Veteran’s Administration had such exten-
studies do not reflect an increase in
did not include all individuals who died sive damage due to water that they were
diagnosable PTSD (Siegel 2000).
of heart attacks in Los Angeles County on forced to evacuate their patients to other
January 17, 1994, but only those coronary Direct system effects area hospitals in spite of the fact that they
deaths that came to the attention of the Hospitals, clinics, health care centers sustained no structural damage to the
coroner and were determined to be and the personnel that staff them are hospital.
somehow caused or hastened because of subject to the same destructive forces as Other non-structural damage also

60 Australian Journal of Emergency Management

affects the ability of health care agencies 21% of households in the County have at by a cross-section of the population. The
to provide services after disasters. Forces least one member who uses prescription majority of the residents were elderly
from earthquakes, tornados and hurri- medications (Sareen et al. 1998). If individuals and couples. Most had rented
canes can damage both supplies and pharmaceutical services are interrupted their homes prior to the earthquake and
equipment as they fall to the ground or where will these prescriptions be refilled? were waiting for the construction of new
have other things thrown on top of them. apartment buildings so they could return
The destruction of equipment and sup- Loss of normal living conditions to a more normal lifestyle.
plies, especially the loss of laboratory Disasters have the potential to econo-
Role of disaster assistance
functions and pharmaceuticals, places an mically impact both the community as a
The receipt of disaster assistance has
additional burden on a health care agency whole as well as individuals and families.
been tied to long-term health outcomes.
trying to provide services to an increased The Northridge earthquake has been the
Melkonian (1997) found, in a prospective
number of patients. Likewise, the loss of costliest natural disaster in American
study of employees of the Ministry of
medical records can place an additional history. Some estimate that the cost of this
Health who lived in the area of the 1989
burden on the system. earthquake has exceeded 42 billion dollars
Spitak, Armenia earthquake, that receipt
(Eguchi et al. 1998). This estimate does
Loss of personnel of disaster assistance was related to health
not include the potential economic
In addition to the buildings having the care outcomes not normally considered
impact of business failure because of the
potential to be affected by the disaster, as ‘disaster-related’ such as the three
inability to recover from the damages of
the personnel required to keep the health medical conditions mentioned above:
the earthquake. This economic loss is
care system functioning can also be diabetes, cardiovascular heart disease and
borne not only by the government and
victims of the disaster. When a disaster hypertension. He found that while ex-
business, but also by individuals and
strikes a region, those who provide health posure to disaster-related stressors (ie.
families. While research seems to indicate
care can be injured, lose family members, damage to home, injury to self, or injury/
that most victims of disasters in the United
or have significant damage to their death of family member) was only weakly
States eventually recover and return to
residences. Even if they are physically able related to health care outcomes, receipt
their original living conditions it also
to report for duty there may be significant of disaster assistance specified the
indicates that recovery is neither rapid
emotional issues for them to deal with. relationship (Melkonian 1997). In other
nor definite. Some sectors of the popu-
There is a need for them to know that words, those individuals who had high
lation seem to be able to recover more
their family members are alright. They levels of disaster stressors had signi-
quickly and more fully than others (Bolin
will also need time to return their homes ficantly lower levels of disease in the two
1993). Those who have excess resources
to order as well. This need for time off years following the earthquake if they
may be able to invest those resources in
comes just as the need to provide health received disaster assistance. Disaster
care services often exceed the capabilities assistance however had no effect on the
Those who depend on outside assis-
of a fully functioning health care system. level of disease for those who had low
tance may find that the recovery process
levels of earthquake-induced stressors.
is longer and more difficult. In addition,
Indirect impact on the population
those members of society who are mar-
In addition to the direct health impacts Indirect impacts on the health care
ginalised, because of economic status,
that disasters have on a population’s health system
language barriers, age, infirmity, or
there are indirect effects. These effects Disasters also indirectly impact the health
belonging to a minority group, may also
result partly from the loss of routine health care system just as they indirectly affect
find it more difficult to access needed
care as a result of both damage to the the population. The indirect impacts
services to achieve recovery. In the
health care system and the overloading result from increased usage of the system
meantime those who have not yet re-
of the system with trauma-related care. and from impacts on the infrastructure
covered often live in sub-optimal circum-
upon which the health care system relies.
Loss of primary health care stances. An example of this was demon-
Damage to the health care system can strated following the Kobe earthquake of External infrastructure damage
have a significant impact on the health of 1995. A great deal of recovery occurred in ‘Even when they are not impacted directly,
the population in the area of a natural that city very rapidly following a devas- individuals and businesses may be
disaster. In addition to urgent health care tating earthquake. When one of the affected for an extended period through
needs generated by the disaster popu- authors visited Kobe in 1997, many of damage to lifelines such as water supply
lations have baseline conditions which those affected by the earthquake had or roads’ (Cole 1995). Certainly the health
do not end because a disaster has already repaired or rebuilt their homes. care sector, like the business sector, must
occurred. There are primary health care Most of the temporary living quarters were rely on the external infrastructure for
needs which, if not met, will adversely shut down as residents returned to a more normal functioning. On a day to day basis
affect the population. Immunisations, normal lifestyle. However, there were still the health care sector depends upon the
prenatal care, management of chronic a number of people living in temporary utilities to provide electricity, water,
medical conditions such as hypertension, settlements far from their neighborhoods. natural gas, and telecommunications. An
diabetes and cardiac disease, as well as These temporary settlements were com- effective emergency medical system
other primary health care services need munities of prefabricated housing that had (EMS) is dependent upon a transpor-
to be maintained and provided to the one small bedroom, cooking facilities and tation sector that maintains adequate
affected population. a small bath. Laundry facilities were roads and highways.
There are also members of each available on the outside of the units. While All natural disasters have the potential
community who have special health care most Japanese homes are small these for inflicting serious damage on the
needs. In one study of Los Angeles County residences were even smaller than average. lifelines upon which the health care sector
residents it was found that approximately These communities were not inhabited depends. The utilities are at risk for

Spring 2000 61
downed power and telecommunication A public health sector which conducts Calamity Preparedness’, Journal of Contin-
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health system. A Social Accounting Matrix Approach to Vol. 83, No. 11, pp. 1522-24.

62 Australian Journal of Emergency Management

Sareen H.R., Shoaf K.I., & Bourque L.B. Siegel J.M. 1999, ‘Emotional Injury and phone: 310 794-6646
1998, ‘Use and Difficulties Associated with the Northridge, California Earthquake’, fax: 310 794-1805
Prescription Medication and Health Aids Unpublished Manuscript.
after the 1994 Northridge Earthquake’, Siegel J.M., Shoaf K.I., Bourque L.B. 2000, Steven J. Rottman, MD, FACEP
American Public Health Association ‘Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Urban UCLA School of Public Health
924 Westwood Boulevard
Annual Conference, Washington, DC. Earthquakes’, International Journal of Mass Suite 300, University of California at Los Angeles
Shoaf K.I., Sareen H.S., Nguyen L.H. and Emergencies and Disasters (In Press). Los Angeles, CA 90024
Bourque L.B. 1998, ‘Injuries as a Result of University of Southern California 1998, email:
California Earthquakes in the Past Decade’,
Disasters, Vol. 22, No. 3, pp. 218-235 .
Shoaf Kimberley I. 2000, ‘The Health
Authors contact details
Consequences’ in Reconnaisance Report Kimberley I. Shoaf, Dr PH R fereed
on the Quindio, Colombia Earthquake, UCLA Center for Public Health and Disaster Relief
January 25, 1999. Earthquake Engineering Box 951772
Research Institute, Oakland, CA. Los Angeles, CA 90095-1772

Announcement New Books

Proposed sessions of the ‘Disaster World

and Social Crisis Research Network’ Report 2000
for the 5th European Sociological International
Association Conference Federation of
Red Cross and
Red Crescent
The 5th European Sociological Association Conference, Societies
‘Visions and Divisions: Challenges to European Sociology’,
will be held in Helsinki, August 28th –September 1st 2001.

The newly recognized by the ESA, ‘Disaster and Social

Crisis Research Network’, plans to organise five regular
sessions during the Conference. Sociologists and other The World Disasters Report is an annual publication of
Social Scientists who are interested in making a the International Federation of Red Cross and Red
presentation in one of these sessions should submit an Crescent Societies, that analyses trends in natural and
abstract of not more than 250 words, no later than January man-made disasters around the world, and their effects
31, 2001, to the respective session coordinators. on the environment and populations. The Report 2000
concentrates on the devastating consequences of
I. Disasters and Social Crises: Visions and Divisions in disease. While natural disasters like earthquakes attract
American and European Approaches. media attention and donor funds, the so-called silent
disasters such as malaria, HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and
II. Deconstructing Disaster Management: Beyond the many other communicable diseases kill ten times
Command and Control Model. more people. The Report 2000 reveals the following:
in 1999 some 80,000 people were killed in natural
III. The Contributions of Sociology to Disaster Research disaster—on the other hand, infectious diseases killed a
and Vice Versa. staggering 13 million. From AIDS alone 300 people
die every single hour. The Report also explains that,
IV. Global Accumulation of Capital as a Factor in Social while they claim the most lives, infectious diseases
Crises and Complex Disasters. are also the most preventable disasters.
Providing comprehensive, up to date and expert
V. Disaster and Sociocultural Changes: Changes other analysis of disaster and emergency trends, the World
than those in the Organization of Civil Protection. Disasters Report 2000 is an essential tool for all
researchers, aid workers, journalists and academics
A full version of the conference details can interested in aid and humanitarian action.
be found on the Disaster and Social Crisis Price: $ 39.95 plus postage (GST included)
Research Network page: Available from the Australian Red Cross 155 Pelham St Carlton VIC 3053
fax: 03 9348 2513 Attn: Sharon Pimm
(then go to the Helsinki Conference page) email:

Spring 2000 63

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