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E-learning systems or Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) are rapidly becoming an

integral part of the teaching and learning process. VLE is integrated course delivery
systems that provide an environment for the management for delivery and
assessment for the students studying via Web. Furthermore it enables improvements
in communication efficiency, both between student and teacher, as well as among
students. A VLE is a web-based communication platform that allows students,
without limitation of time and space, to access different learning tools, such as
program information, course content, teacher assistance, discussion board,
document sharing systems and learning resources.

Frog Virtual Learning Environment (Frog VLE) is used to enhanced teaching and
learning in Malaysia government public schools since 2012. Frog VLE has become
the main mechanism in supporting on-line education in primary and secondary
schools in Malaysia. Thus, Frog VLE was introduced by Malaysia’s Ministry of
Education (MoE) as a tool to support student’s learning which evolved from the
1Bestari Net Project.

However, the implementation of Frog VLE has yet to meet the expectations of MOE.
A research done by Tham and Tham (2011) showed that the usage of courseware
through Learning Management System in 50 pilot tested schools indicated that only
one school (2%) has the highest usage of more than 100 hours while another two
percent had an average of 25-50 hours. Tham and Tham also discovered that
majority of 44 schools (88%) showed a very low usage between 0-24 hours and four

schools (8%) showed zero usage or had not used LMS at all. This has created
doubts regarding the acceptance of the innovation introduced by the MOE.

While many studies have been conducted on Teachers’ adaptation of Frog VLE, only
few studies were carried out on primary students. Furthermore this research will be
focusing on Tamil learners in primary schools about their understandings and
implementation of Frog VLE.


In order to cope with 21st Century learning, Frog VLE is introduced to teachers
and pupils throughout nation. Although, the government is initiating the
implementation of Frog VLE in education, the implementation of Frog VLE is still
lacking. The teachers are struggling to apply new strategies in classroom. It is
because the teachers are having difficulty in interrogating technology. The pupils are
struggling to accept new strategies in classroom. The study of understanding and the
implementation of Frog VLE in Tamil language for primary students are used to
cultivate the usage of Frog VLE among Tamil school pupils.

However, it is important to study the pupil’s acceptance towards the Frog VLE
application. The pupil’s acceptance will lead to their intention to use, agreement and
enjoyment to use Frog VLE application. If the pupils does not feel enjoy and happy
using the application, they will not use the application. This has limits the
opportunities for students who are interested in using ICT in education. It is a big
loss when the student encouraged to learn but did not have interest on using Frog

Last but not least, the usefulness and ease of use of a certain application is
important to determine. In this study, the usefulness and ease of use of the Frog VLE
application will be determining. This is important because the ease of use of the
application will lead to the intention of using it. If the application is not user-friendly ,
most of the pupils will having difficulty to use it in. This will give result that the pupils
will not use the Frog VLE application. Due to the difficulty in integrating technology
into the regular curriculum and instructions, it is important to investigate the pupil’s

perception towards the Frog VLE application. It will determine the pupil’s readiness,
acceptance and also the usefulness and ease of use of the application which will
leads to the pupil’s intention to use the Frog VLE application.

3. Background / Literature Review

In spite of the initiatives taken, some doubts have surfaced. The Audit-General’s
2013 report has shown that the implementation of virtual learning using Frog VLE
among schools in Malaysia is less than 5%. Furthermore, according to The Sun
Daily reported that teachers are crying foul over the physical and mental pressure
they are subjected to under the 1Bestari Net Project.

The current literature review points to the VLE as being a tool with multifarious
applications in teaching and learning. Hanna (2003) describes the impact of the
Internet and virtual learning on distance education as follows: “The development
and deployment of the Internet has radically altered the technological environment
for distance learning, opening up many new possibilities for connecting learners and
teachers. The Internet has enabled an efficient way of distributing information
and sharing knowledge globally, which has led to virtual interactions among people.

Researchers further believe that the current method of online learning easily
brings participants together as a networked community through the use of the
Internet and multiple technologies, thereby enhancing interaction with course content
and communication with fellow class members. Wilson (1996) described the online
learning environment as a relatively open system that facilitates access to resources
and encounters with other participants. In addition, learners can access content
on their own time and follow different paths to get through the academic materials,
and online learning extends the ability for participants to communicate through
interactions and discussions (Bouhnik & Marcus, 2006).

Amongst the many benefits cited by researchers, a major reason for the growth in
virtual learning has been due to its ability to transcend the boundaries of time and
place. Students have the benefit of retrieving learning materials at their convenience

in terms of when, where, which content, and how much (Bouhnik & Marcus, 2006;
Liaw, 2007). Virtual learning is no longer an individual endeavour as the learner
takes advantage of the widely available network infrastructure to leverage the many-
to-many relations among learners and with instructors (Piccoli, Ahmad & Ives, 2001).
Virtual learning allows students to have more time to reflect on the materials at hand
and collect their thoughts (King, 2002). This makes discussions more succinct and
focused, with opportunities to collaborate and easily share information (Capper,
2001). According to Naidu (2003), students in online learning and other flexible
learning environments often work independently with self-instructional study

In 2014, during second word conference a lot of papers were presented regarding
new methodology in teaching and learning Tamil language. Gobinanth had urged the
educators to demolish the classic teaching styles and replace with E- Learning and
Virtual Learning Environment. He believes that the development of 4G will be
contributing to the success of Virtual Learning Environment among students.
According to Usharani (2014), students love to learn through or using information
technologies. This can provoke their interest towards the subject that he or she
learned. In addition, the understanding levels has increased and provide a better
result In the end.

Besides that, Dr. Calavanisri from Annai Velankanni’s College, India had presented
her studies on Teaching and learning Tamil language using information technologies
as new approach. This study was presented in Word 10th Tamil language Teachers
Conference held in Kuala Lumpur in 2013. She was introduced the usage of E
Learning using variable tools such as E-Book, E-Library and smart board. It was
indicates the interest of pupils towards virtual learning environment and the changes
that occur in education system. She also was added the benefit of new approach in
classroom lesson whereby pupils’ outcome tremendously increased.

4. Research Objectives

Research objectives are the goals which need to be achieved from the
implementation intervention. They are built based on the problem statement of this

research. Besides that, it is also related to the interventions taken during the
teaching and learning session. The following are the research objectives of this
I. To identify the understanding of students on Frog VLE in learning Tamil
II. To identify the student’s perceptions to use Frog VLE as one of the main tool
for learning Tamil language.
III. To identify the level of interest among students to use Frog VLE as a tool for
learning Tamil language.

5. Significant of Research

This research is significant for the following stakeholders:

I. The Ministry of Education (KPM)

Frog VLE is still a new teaching and learning gadget among the teachers and
students. This research will study on the understanding and the implementation of
Frog VLE in teaching Tamil language for primary students. Therefore, the findings of
this study can help the ministry to improve all the difficulties faced by the Tamil


Frog Asia is the developer of the Frog VLE application which will be used for
implementations in this research. If there is no lacking in the Frog VLE application,
they can always maintain their application besides adding more meaningful and
attractive function. From this research, Frog Asia will also know the teachers and the
students’ perception of their application. Frog Asia also can improve their application
if there is any limitation.

III. Teachers
This research will increase the teacher’s awareness in using Frog VLE
application as well as building their confidence to use this new application. The
usage of Frog VLE will also help teachers to save their time and energy.

IV. Students

In Malaysia, usually, the teachers are the individuals that will determine the
method of teaching and learning in class. Hence, when a teacher decides to use
Frog VLE in his or her teaching and learning session, students will be more
interested in the session for Tamil language. Indirectly, this will help student to be
more focus in class and get what the teachers teach in the class.

6. Research Questions

Research questions are the questions related to the research

objectives. It has to be parallel with the research objectives. The research questions
of this research are based on the understanding of Frog VLE. The following are the
research questions of this research:

I. Does the usage of Frog VLE enhance their understanding in learning Tamil
II. What are the student’s perceptions in using Frog VLE as one of the main tool
for learning Tamil language?
III. Did the of usage Frog VLE enhance the level of interest among students in
learning Tamil language?

7. Methodology

Research Design

The quantitative and qualitative research design was adopted for this study to
explore the understandings and implementation of VLE-Frog of primary schools
students in Tamil Language. This descriptive study uses a self-constructed
questionnaire as its instrument, to obtain the understandings and implementation of
VLE-Frog among primary students in Tamil language. Purposive sampling technique
was applied to get the sample from the defined population where the target group is
the students who use VLE-Frog during learning process in their classroom.

Population And Sampling

The population of this study is standard 5 and standard 6 in primary schools,

especially in Tamil language lessons. In this study, 60 students from different
schools will be choose as the respondents. Purposive sampling method was
employed in the study with the intention of determining a specific group that will be
able to provide data and useful information for the study (Battaglia, 2011). As
mentioned by Bhattacherjee (2012), purposive sampling allows researchers to
specify the criteria in selecting the participants for the study. In this case, students
who use Frog VLE in their learning process will be selecting as the participants as
the researcher was interested in investigating VLE-Frog usage among students who
actually use the system in their learning.

Instrument Development

The instrument of this study has four sections which comprise of items on
demographic data, factors of VLE Frog usage, students’ perceptions of VLE Frog
usage by teachers and the purpose of VLE-Frog usage in primary schools students
in Teaching Tamil Language. Five Liker-scales (strongly agree, agree, unsure,
disagree, and strongly disagree) will be using to determine the levels of respondents’
agreement. The demographic data section is to obtain information on the
respondents’ gender, age and frequency of computer usage. This will provide
descriptive information about the respondents. The second section of the instrument
was on the factors of Frog VLE usage among students. The third section
investigated students’ perceptions towards VLE-Frog usage by teachers and the last
section was on the purpose of Frog VLE usage by primary schools in Tamil


Interview session also will be carrying out to obtain the pupils’ understandings and
implementation of Frog VLE. This study will lead to their real perceptions and interest
towards the implementation of Frog VLE as a part of teaching and learning process.
Besides that, this study can pull their interest in using Frog VLE everywhere easily.


 K.A.Pituch, & Y-K Lee, “The influence of the system charasteristics on the
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 Tham, K. O., & Tham, C. K. (2011). Blended learning – A focus study on Asia.
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 L.L. Martins, & F.W. Kellermanns, “A model of business school students’

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ManagementLearning and Education, 3, pp 7-26, 2004.

 I. Mamat, A. S. M. Yusoff, W.S.W. Abdullah, , and F.Z.A Razak, “Factors

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Turkish Online, 14(2), 2015.

 Ministry of Education (MoE). 1BestariNet Kementerian Pendidikan

Malaysia.Retrieved on April28, 2016, from

 National Audit Department, “Audit General’s Report for the year 2013: Series

 The Sun Daily, “Teachers cry foul over the cloud-based learning
platform,”(2015 October 5). The Sun Daily. 2015.

 Qing Li (2007). Student And Teacher Views About Technology : A Tale Of

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 Gobinath. (2014), Minnool, Meinigar katral thalam matrum kirhem lab, Tanung
Malim: UPSI

 Usharani, s. (2014) katral katpiththalil thagaval thodarpu nutpanggalin

panggukal. Kuala Lumpur: UPM

 Calavanisri. Pa. (2013). katral katpiththalil Puthiya anukumuraigalil thagaval

thodarpu nutpap payanpaddu. India: Annai Velankanni College.

8. Gantt Chart

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