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Rene Descartes’ Life and Works about Philosophy

Rene Descartes was born on March 31, 1596 in La Haye Touraine, France.
Descartes is considered "Jack in all industries" and contributes greatly to the fields
of anatomy, cognitive science, optics, mathematics and philosophy. He is known as
the father of contemporary rationalism, wealthy people, scholars, pilgrims,
travelers, and faithful followers of Roman Catholic faith. He received education at
Ange Jesuit University, La Fleche. Several months after college opening in January
1604, he entered college at the age of eight.

Rene Descartes believes knowledge comes from thought. This is an obvious

fact that can be obtained through personal reflection. While seeking true
knowledge, Descartes wrote his six meditations. In these meditations, Descartes
will try to build a solid foundation that can build all knowledge. In the first
meditation, Descartes began to develop this foundation with suspicion. He doubts
all earlier ideas, including "not entirely certain but undoubtedly and what seems
like obvious mistakes.

Rene Descartes changed philosophy, and science, by not believing what

other philosophers said. Before Descartes, most philosophers believed they could
prove things by using reasoning and logic, which means using rules to prove
something is true. The philosophers would ask the question 'Do I exist?'

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