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Lesson Planning Proforma

Subject Music

Year Group Year 6

Lesson Blues: Week 1

NC Target: To explore and identify different processes and musical styles

To improvise and compose in different genres and styles

Learning Objectives To understand where blues originated from and the historical significance.
To be able to describe what the blues sounds like using musical elements.
To understand the lyrical content and structure of the blues.

Lesson Outcomes All will understand where the blues originates from. Be able to describe blues music
heard using basic terminology and to sing a given blues song accurately and

Most will be able to explain why blues songs were sung during the times of african
slavery. Be able to describe blues music using more complex terminology and will be
able to write their own blues lyrics mostly fitting the given structure.

Some will be able to describe, using terminology, key features of blues songs. Some
will be able to write lyrics that successfully fit the given structure and follow the
theme/message of the song.

Time Activity

5 mins LESSON 1: Entrance & Settle

10 mins Think, Pair, Share: Listen to a blues song and attempt to describe what you can hear.
Can differentiate by having talking buddies (EAL).
Get students to write one sentence describing what they can hear.
10 mins Play them a blues song video (Hoe Emma Hoe) and read through the lyrics. Discuss
what they think the lyrics are talking about. When/where do you think this song is
being sung and why?
Explain the association with slavery and why these songs were sung. Then show
students the video of Roll Jordan Roll.

10 mins Sing through the back to school blues.

10 mins Write our own verse as a class and sing through the whole thing.

5 mins LESSON 2: Entrance & Settle

5 mins Think, Pair, Share: What is the blues? Where does it come from? What does it sound

10 mins Listen to the blues song and describe using key terminology what can be heard.

5 mins Sing through our blues song so far.

10 mins Students write their own verses in pairs.

10 mins Perform the song as a class and then each one.

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