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Lesson Planning Proforma

Subject Music

Year Group Year 5

Lesson Folk: Week 1

NC Target: Perform from memory with awareness of others.

Identify and explore musical devices

Learning Objectives To understand what folk music is.

To explore different styles of folk music/dance.
To learn to sing a traditional Irish folk song aurally.
To explore storytelling through lyric writing.

Lesson Outcomes All will be able to describe what folk music is and will recognise the different styles of
dance. All will take part in singing a traditional Irish folk song.

Most will be able to state the different genres of folk music we have looked at. Most
will be able to sing from memory the chorus of an Irish folk song and will contribute to
the creation of lyrics for a new verse.

Some will be able to state features of each specific genre of folk music (i.e. the
instruments). Some will memorise the verse and chorus of an irish folk song and will
lead a group in the creation of lyrics following on the story of the given song.

Time Activity

5 mins LESSON 1: Entrance & Settle

5 mins Listen to a folk song, get students to try and figure out what country it comes from.

5 mins Discuss what folk music is and introduce British Folk Music.

10 mins Scottish Highland Music/Dancing. Learn the moves and perform.

10 mins British Morris Dancing/Music. Learn the moves and perform.

10 mins Irish Folk Music/Dancing. Learn the moves and perform.

5 mins LESSON 2: Entrance & Settle

10 mins Think, Pair, Share: What is folk music? What countries did we explore last lesson?
What were the names of the dances we learnt?
Then pair the instrument picture and the name.

10 mins Learn Molly Malone (Explain the story, the statue and how people change the story
every time).

10 mins To write their own verse in groups

10 mins Sing and perform as a class.

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