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When we say sex that is characterized by the gender that is assigned to you since you are born

depending on the sexual part you have whether it is penis = male or vagina = female. However, it is not
really the entire truth when we talk about sex. Sex also comprises both primary sex traits (those are
linked to the reproductive system and secondary sex traits (those are not linked to the reproductive
system like the breasts and facial hair. Sex is typically divided into male and female however there are
also people born intersex having a variation of sex traits.

While gender characterizes male and female traditional social roles but the person’s sex does not always
correspond with their gender. It is also the concept of social and cultural differences that come with
being male, female, or intersex. Generally, boys (gender) are assigned to babies born with male sex
traits (sex); girls (gender) are assigned to babies born with female sex traits (sex). Many children who are
born intersex are forced designated as either a boy or a girl and even surgically “corrected” to suit a
specific gender since our culture functions on a binary basis when it comes to gender (in other words,
understanding gender as just having two choices).

Lastly, sexuality is the aspect of yourself that manifests itself in your sexual actions and interactions. It
manifests itself in your emotions, behaviors, and sexual preference. The sexuality of a person also refers
to a person's ability to have passionate experiences and responses, as well as their romantic interest and
attraction to others. Thoughts, dreams, wants, beliefs, attitudes, ethics, behaviors, traditions,
responsibilities, and relationships are all examples of how sexuality can be encountered and
represented. These could take the form of biological, physical, emotional, social, or spiritual aspects.

Gender and sex are not similar. Gender encompasses a person's personalities, behaviors, and societal
duties while sex refers to a person's physical characteristics at birth. A person may identify with a gender
other than their natural gender or with no gender at all. "Sexuality" is not the same as "sex." Sexuality is
a much larger phrase that encompasses a wide range of aspects and includes more than just sexual
contact. Every single individual is a sexual being. Sexuality starts at conception and ends with death.
From the moment they are born, people try to understand about sexuality.

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